#was infact shown lol
sockiestupidity · 1 year
Reader having a depressive episode and Miguel helps them out of it 👀👀👀👀
Also can I be 🕸️ anon 👁️👄👁️
Warnings-lowercase intended, bad writing and grammar as usual, depression/depressive episode, ooc miguel?, use of the word mijo, forehead kiss👁️
nonverbal/mute reader again (might decide to make this my thing?? bc nonverbal/mute reader fics do be hard to find)(srry if u wanted reader to talk 😬😬😬)
ALSO MIGUEL AND READER ARE AGAIN IMPLIED TO ALREADY HAVE AN ESTABLISHED PLATONIC/FOUND FAMILY DYNAMIC (sorry for the long intro 🕸️ anon, pls still lob me🥺)(that second part is meant to be funny lol)
it was around 1:00 pm the time you and miguel decided to set up as a designated lunch time as the both of you had not been able to get together because both of your schedules had been busy lately. although you had claimed to have been occupied with missions, he hadn't seen you completing any of those missions. he shrugged it off, thinking that maybe he just was preoccupied with another matter when you had completed your missions. (A/N: miguel i lob u but sometimes ur rlly serving idiot😔)
his oblivious mindset soon turned into worry when it dawned 1:30 and you still had not shown up. "what trouble could that kid possibly have gotten into that made them this late?" he thought to himself. you were usually a punctual person, and often arrived to your lunch meetings with him earlier than he did. as he waited another ten minutes he decided that he needed to take action, it was out of character for you to be this late, especially with your history of punctuality.
miguel headed over to your room at hq housing. in his mind, he thought that it was a possibility that you were just tired and had just layed down for a nap, forgetting about your meet up with him.
as he knocked on your door and patiently waited, he noticed that there was a lack of noise. he knocked on your door, and proceeded to hold his ear up to the door, wanting to confirm the lack of noise. you had naturally always been a quiet person, contrasting with many of the eccentric personalities most spider people had.
miguel felt something odd about the quietness, and decided that he had no choice but to investigate further. surprisingly, the door was locked, despite the fact that you had always locked your door, no matter what. as he entered the room he was met with an unsightly mess.
all of your belongings were strewn across the floor, if he wasnt worried before then he was definitely worried now. your stuffed animals had always been your most prized possessions, he remembered how you always furiously typed about them. hell, he wouldnt be surprised if your stack of communication cards were so thick because you made a special card for each stuffed animal.
as he entered where your bed was located, he noticed an increasing amount of clothing piles, as well as more misplaced stuffed animals, he frowned at this. where could you possibly be? and how could you let your room get this bad? he trudged through the piles of clothes. he looked at your bed, there was nothing there but a lump. he assumed that it was more of your clothes, or maybe your pillows. he was about to back away when he suddenly saw the lump move.
"kid is that you moving right now?" he asked, waiting for a sign of some sort that it was infact you, and not just his imagination. he suddenly heard a tap.
miguel took that as a sign that it was you, "can you please show me that wonderful face of yours?" he asked softly. he wanted to make sure that he wasnt accidentally pressuring you to do anything.
when there was a lack of response he decided to go a slightly different route, "may i flip the sheet over just a bit for you? i want to talk to you face to face." he wasn't really expecting a response, as it seemed like you didn't want to acknowledge him. he was taken aback when you responded with another tap.
he slowly lifted the covers, and was met with your face, but something was off..
you had a dead look in your eyes, they also looked red, as if you had been crying. he gave you a concerned look. if he had known that you were struggling this much he would've visited you sooner.
he ran his fingers through your hair as a form of comfort, attempting to give you some sort of comfort. "im going to try to get you out of this mess, you wont have to worry about being alone anymore, alright?" he watched you as you slowly nodded.
miguel started to get to work on your room. he made sure that all your clean and dirty clothes had been separated accordingly, and had folded all the clean clothes neatly into your drawers, which he had also taken the liberty to organize, he then placed all your stuffed animals in the correct spots that were assigned to each of them, collected your trash, and finally ended with a good scrub. he decided to not only clean your whole bathroom, but also scrubbed down any other hard surfaces that had been covered in grime. (A/n: this might be a bit extreme for just a week but trust me, it doesn't take that long for hard surfaces to get musty)
once every item in your room had been neatly organized and accordingly cleaned he approached you once again. you still had yet to move from your position.
he sat down on your newly cleaned floor, wanting to make sure that he looked less threatening to you, he then spoke up once again, " everything will be fine kid. do you think you could get up?" you slowly nodded.
he helped you slowly stand up and embraced you in a hug. you were caught by surprise, as the only time miguel came in contact with people, it was mostly violent.
after the hug ended he spoke up again, "you're going to take a shower and get dressed, ill wait for you." you slowly nodded once again.
you still felt so much dread, and misery but you wanted to show miguel that you could be strong and that you really did want to get better for him.
you headed to the shower, clothes and towel in hand. you slowly took your clothes off after the water was to your liking and slowly began your shower. you mostly just focused on rinsing your body, the thought of doing your hair seemed as too big of a task for yourself. you finished your shower and dried yourself off, then got dressed.
you then opened the bathroom door, your face meeting miguel's as you gestured to your hair, "you want me to take care of your hair?" you nodded in response to the question.
he knew exactly how to take care of your hair, as he used to take care of gabriellas hair.. he started running the sink, and then grabbed your hair products and a hairbrush. he ran his fingers under the water, "alright, this is going to be weird but i need you to tilt your head, just like you're at the hair salon, it might feel uncomfortable because we don't have a stool but i promise you that you'll feel so much better later." you nodded and placed your head in the sink.
"let me know if it gets too hot." you blinked your eyes in response. he started massaging in your shampoo, after rinsing it out he lightly brushed your hair for a bit, before continuing with conditioner. once he was done with conditioner it was easier for him to brush out your knot's.
once all the knots were properly detangled he turned the sink off and spoke once again, "would you like your hair dried?" you nodded, he grabbed your drier and got to work, making sure every part of your hair dried evenly (if you have curly hair he used the diffuser attachment). after your hair was dried he brushed out your hair once again.
you turned to face him with a soft look in yours eyes. you reminded him of gabby so much that it hurt his heart. he couldn't even imagine his little girl having to go through this by herself. "thank you" you signed.
he felt a pang in his heart, "of course, you know that im always here if you need my help, mijo." he gave you a small forehead kiss.
"we should get some food now, kid." you nodded. he guided you towards the cafeteria that most spider people ate at in the society. you smiled at the miguel themed burger. maybe everything would finally be okay with miguels to support you through your toughest times.
A/N: this might be long and confusing bc im rlly sleep deprived(sorry😔)
ofc theres more to depression but i rlly wanted to at least incorporate some sort of fluff😭
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zeeverseconfession · 2 months
hello. it's me. (no, this is not fantasy au stuff.. i wish it was 🙁)
its just about the serious topics in zeeverse from the top of my head.. some of my stuff here might be wrong
Death & Grief: Seen when Box had died — their death affecting Globe, sending her into a sense of grief. From what we saw (or what i remember), it was like she had lost a piece of herself, and found it difficult to do certain things
Alcoholism: Debit Card. Recently just introduced, but we can see that Debit Card is a heavy drinker, supposedly due to stress? To get away from any memories of her (purse). It's used as a coping mechanism.
Stalking & Obsession: As much as you may like Globe, she's a stalker. Yeah, hate to break it to you — she's got an unhealthy obsession with a married man, and has stalked him.. creepy.
Depression: I think multiple characters have this, but the one that comes to mind in specific is Box (also because it's on their wiki). Depression can lead to things like suicidal tendencies, and that's been seen once before in them (when Azriel had offered for them to sell their soul, they agreed in a heartbeat.)
Along with her backstory, which could be part of the reason why he's depressed. Box is probably one of the.. few? many? characters who have depression.
Anxiety & Panic Attacks: .. not sure, possibly Grenade? When stressed, they seem to feel like their losing control over the situation, along with a tremble (voice or body, can differ). These two examples can be linked as symptoms of a panic attack.
From what we see, they struggle to put their thoughts into words. Making it hard to express what exactly they're feelings at the moment.
Crime: Literally, almost everyone in New County has committed some sort of crime.. I think. Can't think of any from the top of my head, but the only person I can think of who went to jail was Mug.. (pot & globe, almost)
ill do the rest when i FEEL like it
what about dynamite for crime…. :(
i feel personally attacked by grenades, not because it happens to me all the time, but because it never happens to me ever. yeah contrary to popular bwlief i have never had a panic or anxiety attack i think. im just a really nervous guy lol. i tend to exaggerate grenades nervousness a lot, its something i did in the beginning before the roleplay got more serious, and then i realize i didnt exactly characterize grenade right at all. or atleast not to my liking. whatever. :(
i feel personally attacked by the last part tho again not because it doesnt happen to me at all but because it happens to me all the time. okay giys class dismissed /j also anxiety like ACTUAL anxiety rapier i think bcuz it was in his bio…though its kinda puzzling cuz rapiers shown to be very nervous at times and then also really nonchalant and calm at others???? man. idk.
stalking and obsession is obviously globe shes basically the mascot of it all. mollie too but tbh compared to globe you could call mollies just an interest, or something. augh globes just like me fr i hate it
ive said this before but i NEVER ever couldve seen DC as an alcoholic coming. out of every unhealthy coping mechanism ever…drinking? it just doesnt seem so debit card-y. infact DC striked me as the type to be against this kind of stuff. so it just baffles me a lot.
ill tag this later im @ the beach and used my phone too much for this
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yeahmiknight · 19 days
Uhm...Uhhh... Spooky Month Oc :)
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The idea of Moloch possessing people gave me an idea so hear me out
What if other Demons could posses people? Say hello to Mic! Mic lives somewhere down the street, with their mom, dad, older sister and older brother. Mics family is VERY religious...you can imagine how much of a stress it can be living there in those conditions. Under strange unspoken circumstances, Mic was possessed by the demon Beleth. Somehow this went unnoticed by their parents. Ugherrgh....other stuff -Mic is Non-Binary incase you couldnt tell lol -Mic is just a fakename, their real name is Micah. -Mic is infact wearing a mask that is not their real face! functions just like how Skid and Pumps costumes do. -The 'cross' neckpiece Mic has is missing a piece and thats why its not working. -Beleths main inspiration/aspect chosen was the music feature alongside the feline-like appearance shown on the Wiki. -The horn Beleth holds can play any kind of music, which can inflict various effects. -Beleth would be roughly the same size as Moloch if not taller. I know I know simple design
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mqrianos · 1 year
jess/lorelai/logan? who is who? dumbledore comes to rescue?
saw a comparison of lorelai to logan on here and i’ve been mulling this one lil theory in my head for a while now, and i want to put in my two cents. so, obviously people are there from both sides comparing lorelai to jess and also to logan. before i go deep into any of that, i wanna give an analogy that i think fits perfectly here. i will assume everybody here has a basic knowledge of harry potter lore. the main rivalry throughout the story is obviously between harry and voldemort. and one thing that’s hinted throughout it all, is the constant similarities between voldermort and harry. and there are a lot. both of them being highly intelligent, rule-breaking, half-bloods, orphans and i could go on and on. and there is even a specific scene where harry asks dumbledore about all of it, and dumbledore reassures harry saying despite similarities, what makes both voldemort and harry fundamentally different is the choices that they make. harry choosing the greater good everytime, and voldemort choosing to be evil. obviously things are not that serious in gilmore girls, lol. but applying this simple analogy explains a lot, actually. logan and lorelai do have similarities. manipulative parents (emily and mitchum), wealthy background, wanting to escape that lifestyle. i could partially say cheating (but the lorelai/luke situation at the end of s6 was clear on both sides as both lorelai and luke were aware that they crossed a point and that they were not together anymore, while rory was still thinking her and logan were just in a fight, nothing serious. but, let me include that as well for the sake of this argument). but, to me, these similarities are surface-level.i am not going to call harry and voldemort, the same people cause of their surface-level similarities. both logan and lorelai despite having parallels, FUNDAMENTALLY differ at their core. inspite of lorelai growing up in a wealthy background, she despised that lifestyle and everything that was associated with it. the dressing up, the partying, the high society, the people in it, the expectations that comes with it. from what we see in her childhood flashbacks, she doesn’t even have friends from that same society and comes off as annoying to those people. on the other hand, logan thrives in the billionaire setting, he loves the dressing up, the partying, the high society, the people, the friends, he is able to charm everyone in that society unlike lorelai. the only thing he doesn’t want is the expectations that comes with being born in such a society. he still wants all the wealth and luxury his dad has to offer, but he wants to do what he wants instead of following mitchum. that’s the only difference whereas lorelai wanted nothing to do with that world. that is exactly why even when he tries to branch off in s7, he goes back to his dad again cause he ultimately misses that golden cushion of luxury. he can’t live without it, he is weak. lorelai can live without it and is very firm on wanting to be independant. lorelai hates that world and moves away from it, logan doesn’t hate that world (infact proudly admits he is a part of it), only thing he wants is to do things his own way with all that wealth. i used to think before that “logan is who lorelai would have grown up to be, if she lived with her parents”.....but that was until i realized her parent’s world only seemed to drain her and not nurture her in anyway (keep in mind, im referring to the “parents world” in particular, not the “parents” cause logan’s parent’s world nurtured him but his parents didn’t). when we’re shown lorelai’s first proper interaction with emily’s world in the show, she tries to escape through the window. logan’s first interaction with this world, he is pleasing all the adults and winning them over and being charming (at rory’s party set up by emily in s5). if lorelai had grown up in emily’s world, she probably would have only become a stressed out adult constantly trying to escape it, loathing it and beating herself up over not doing anything, basically a fish out of water. by the revival, logan seems more than comfortable with his life, happy even with the way things are except for his love life. this is not me saying logan=voldemort and harry=lorelai, lol. i once again bring the wisdom of dumbledore here, “it’s our choices that show us what we are, far more than our abilities”. despite having surface level parallels, lorelai and logan are very different people at their core, their choices in life prove that. now, there is one other person, harry shared parallels with other than voldemort. they were both highly intelligent, did things for the greater good, were excellent leaders, lived a loner for the most part, amazing magical abilities. it was none other than dumbledore himself. here’s where jess comes into this equation. both harry and dumbledore had different childhoods, dumbledore grew up rich and in the magical world while harry was an orphan in the human world. lorelai and jess don’t have similar backgrounds either, jess grows up abandoned in a poor setting while lorelai has her wealthy background. yet, both are the same people at their core in many other ways. the chip on your shoulder bit (which lorelai herself tells that she had mastered, to none other than jess himself). their sense of humor/sarcasm is so identical, it baffles me. i especially noticed it the first time we see jess at emily’s and him making comments like “i am a carnivore”, “i wanna be buried there (at walmart)” “thanks for the paycheck” etcetera and cut to lorelai everytime at friday night dinners with her quippy comments annoying emily. both her and jess have almost this kind of will to be independant/free and to stand on their own feet. both rebel a lot as teens but end up well-established as adults having done everything on their own. lorelai becomes the owner of dragonfly inn and jess, one of the co-founders of trucheon. they came to where they are, on their own. both are sincere and hardworking if they put their minds to something. cue mia praising lorelai’s dedication as a maid in s2, and jess getting praised by the manager at walmart for being an excellent forklifter. they even lived in crappy places when starting out. jess at his s4 apartment and lorelai at the shed in the inn. both of them think running away is the solution for a problem. jess abandons rory without a word in s3, lorelai abandons max before the wedding without even a discussion of any sort and goes on a roadtrip with rory. jess in s4 asking rory to elope with him and lorelai asking luke to elope with her in s6. both jess and lorelai have no pre-formed ideas to do any of this, after jess is misguided with the advice by luke and lorelai is misguided with the advice by the therapist, they make this rash decision to force their partners to elope with them even though both know enough to understand it’s not a good decision, yet they want to desperately hold onto each one’s failing relationship (in jess’s case, an already broken one). both of them are sarcastic, impulsive and rebellious (in a way diff from logan), run-away-from-problems-type, despise the porsche kids, self-reliant. again mentioning that this is not me comparing logan to voldemort or jess to dumbledore or even harry to lorelai, for the record. the voldemort/harry/dumbledore analogy served as a good template to compare romantically unrelated stand-alone characters, with similarities or parallels. so, from the outside while it does seem like logan is like lorelai, they are very different in their personalities and are not alike beyond surface level and while we don’t see any outright parallels between jess and lorelai, they are the most similar in nature at the core and have very similar tendencies/behaviours. if i start listing actual dialogues and scenes jess and lorelai have in common, i would never stop. so, let me end this long ass essay here. this lil theory seemed more coherent when i was mulling it in my head and now it looks so stupid, lol. ignore it if it does. am i just talking sh*t? probably? am i having fun talking this sh*t? ABSOLUTELY.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
a tiny ramble on luz's character: the symbolism i saw when she just stood there (spoilers obviously, for both season 2 and 3)
so i've been watching fan vids of the ending for toh and in this one reaction vid i was watching the death scene in a sense and i just had to over analyze it
for context, after belos is removed from the heart, he tries to lie again to luz and it starts to rail, the boiling water melting his human disguise. shes still in this titan form, clearly being as strong as ever, probably getting close to the level of the collector imo, and yet she doesnt do anything as he talks to her. she just stands, blank faced and doesnt move a bit (image shown below, low quality since its from the yt vid)
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she just glares him down, not a word. she expresses no emotion other then annoyance, or maybe hate, and thats even just from looking at small details that we get.
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yet here phillp is, giving it one last try, one more chance to trick her again. he shows a fake expressing of concern, later on worry that boils to anger and rage. unlike luz, he shows a ton of expression. hes using emotion, a very human concept, as a way to make her believe that he wasn't in the wrong, that he can be trusted, that he can be forgiven in a sense. he talks a lot, repeating with "better" words parts of sentences to show how good it is that she saved him and that wild magic is bad. however, he wasn't always this expressive. infact, the amount of emotion he shows here plays into how luz has reacted before!
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i found the screenshot of when hes talking to hunter (its eclipse lake btw, around 1:15) and he seems not so smug but rather relaxed and welcoming. looking from hunter's eyes, this is really his uncle, and his uncle has always looked out for him, hasnt he (no he hasnt lol; also so do note that in hollow mind hunter does hesitiate before going through the memory with the portal door, like he'd take the eyeball monster over going through that again??? (i will be analysing him next hes just so ever))?
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now heres an image of when he was talking to the collector in the mind scape. his energy is less familial and cozy but like an adult entertaining a child, he seems so smug and more like someone who you talk trash on others to. the energy he has for the people he surrounds himself with changes with who said people are. however, the amount of emotion he shows isnt excessive like the scenes with luz. even in elsewhere and elsewhen, he's shown more emotion when talking to her then with other characters.
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this is how he knows her, the excitment and high energy, want to save everyone luz is how he has seen her. not to mention, he notices how lilith is getting concerned and starts talking differently. i know i keep jumping around with belos, but ill get back to luz soon!
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another detail of lesser emotion with belos: we've seen him mostly wearing a mask. now, obviously the mask would hide his face and any form of emotion, but the mask noticiably has no mouth. all it shows is eye holes, lines to represent eyelids id presume, and nose holes. the mask cant show any kind of emotion at all due to the lack of detail. as such, we've only been able to tell his emotions through the tone of his voice, the way he speaks, etc. he has no need for emotion here.
from what belos has seen, luz has shown much emotion and empathy, so he plays into what he thinks is her weakness, pulling her heart strings with a fable that he believes surely she'd fall for. belos is good at manipulation because his style of how he does it changes with whoever he talks to, but one unexpected detail has stopped him now: this human has managed to change in such short time.
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however, luz is very expressive even after everything, even in battle, even at the last battle. she always puts her best into whatever she does because she cares (its similar to the papyrus: blink motherfucker post basically, she always puts 110% into whatever she does). shes the main character because shes a very caring person and would never do anything to harm the innocent, making her a very good mc for the show! she speaks out against belos and his evil that one time at the night market because she wants to do the right thing for these people, because she cares for them.
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she could just put him out his misery now. she could just kill belos just out of her hatred. yet she doesnt. because shed be stooping down to his level, killing someone because you simply dont like them. in this scene, belos finds sp,ethomg (ok ik ruining mood with that but the mispelling is just too funny, i meant to say something) he never expected, luz just does not care about him. she doesnt care to listen to him, doesnt care for his fate, and will not care in the end. she knows he doesnt deserve the respect of a response.
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she doesnt even look at him, she doesnt have the care to now. and why should she? hes hurt many people, and tried to put her on his level of awful, comparing them as if theyre remotely similar. another thing by the way, when trying to use sympathy fails, belos switches to blame, saying how horrible shed be if she didn't help him now.
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in this scene, he says "we're human, we're better then this!" with the irony of him being the least human hes ever been. this is pretty noticable, but theres more irony than just this. this is also the least human that luz the HUMAN has ever been. shes constantly been given that title, one example being eda telling luz that her life is great because "shes friends with luz the human"! yet shes harnessing the titan in her, and we see her doing things like eda and king do. and a big human thing we have? emotions and empathy. we sympathize with each other because we care and are run by our emotions, and thats a pretty key part in what makes us human. however, belos uses this against those around him, with promises of things that they desire in a sense. belos has lost any sense of humanity just to fulfill this savior complex (ill be doing more analysing so ill explain this later but no its not like a hero complex) while luz has became more humane with her journey, taking in how what she's done has affected those shes with, understanding them. luz being human is what makes her better then having to stomp him out, needing the last hit. she already did enough and doesnt need to care anymore about defeating him, because even if the rain didnt kick in and he was able to keep his human disguise, he would still lose.
tdlr: luz simply ignoring belos can be very over analysed by my neurodivergent ass, and the reasoning why is simply because when shed care once now she does not.
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osc-confessions · 2 years
I wish that gay relationships were shown more in object shows and it wouldnt keep people on their toes. Whenever people speculate about some characters being in a gay relationship they have to go through wikis and the object show creators accounts just to find a small piece of confirmation that indicate those characters are infact together (or one has a crush on the other). I wish gay relationships were more normalized, not just treated as a small fun fact When it comes to straight relationships, its clear as day that the characters are together. Or atleast it shows that one of them has feelings for the other
yep, I've been complaining about this for a while lol
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puckthedrama · 4 months
i have not added my thoughts on this Adam Larsson cheating on Vera topic, but the constant “Vince Dunn Fan girls” claim is so played out. why on earth would revealing tea on ANY kraken players (including Adam Larsson cheating) mean ur a Vince Dune fan? bro NOOOO one cares about Vince or his toxic racist relationship. Adam is a cheater. yeah, I’ve seen his behavior WITH. MY. OWN. EYES. these men are not gods, these men are known to create a clean image and have a whole different persona on the road and behind closed doors. different cities, different hotels. late nights. attention on them at restaurants..bars…and lounges…look at how many players being exposed for cheating has been infact true WITHOUT pics or videos. If u needed a pic or vid for every submission NONE of these blogs would exists. I work in an industry where you can’t whip out ur phone when u see a client making out with someone you know he shouldn’t be making out with. If ur classmate came to u and said hey girl, your man is cheating, i saw him and multiple ppl have claimed the same, would you say “NO he’s not we have a perfect relationship. i know him best. he’s never shown cheating behavior. ur just jealous. ur a fan. ur trying to make him look bad to make his teammate look good. its not true bc u haven’t shown me proof.this is out of no where bc i never heard him cheat. ALL of u are lying. ”-is that a response grounded in reality, or is it delusions of perfection and grandeur? we know the answer. do not try to defend a man who has countless ppl saying the same thing. are we all crazy GIRLS and need to keep quiet about the not so perfect MAN? goodnight girls.
P.S. the owners of this blog are Victoria Secret Angels and they uploaded a face reveal to prove it. 🩷👯…lol y’all are beyond gorgeous.
this is juicy as fuck omg. he was kissing another girl just out in public like that??? jeeeez!!!
so adam is cheating on vera yikes!! thank you for this anon!!
and yes!! jealousy is always something people use as an excuse when in reality, most of the times it’s not the case at all!
& omg thank you for the last part 😭💝😭💝
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butch-bakugo · 4 years
I wish all the fandom fucks who constantly call obviously bi men gay guys( *cough* kirishima eijiro * cough* souda kazuichi*cough* nagito komeda* cough*) and litterally call normal shippers homophobes for shipping characters with no canoncial orientation a very happy die.
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My Success In one month with Laws of assumption.
This is my first blog post in 95954040 years but here we are…
Manifestation is not new to me, infact I found out about laws of attraction when I first started my healing journey back at 21 years of age. It started with reading Louise Hay- You can heal your life and the rest truly was history. I then discovered the secret and consumed endless laws of attraction content and manifested so much from contact to my SP at the time, getting into my competitive post graduate 👩🏾‍🎓 and more. I’ve always been mindful that we bring about what we think about most. About 5 weeks ago I came across the laws of assumption and it was my first time coming across it but I thought none the less I had nothing to lose. I’ve spent the past 16 months recovering from a breakup, working full time front line in a pandemic and lots of endings.
I committed to persisting, I affirmed endlessly. On my way to work, whilst at work, working out during Pilates, first thing in the morning and before bed. Basically at every given opportunity! I didn’t know if I would get results but I had nothing to lose. My first manifestation results was manifesting two free massages, and a facial ! Even with these 3 big successes I still wasn’t moved lol.
One Saturday morning on my journey to work I kept affirming ‘ I’m so smart, and respected in my role’ and ‘people go out of their way to help me’ ‘ I exude confidence’. When I got to work I bumped into a colleague I had not seen in a long time and she went out of her way to help me, after our shift we stayed and spoke for hours and I kid you fucking not she said to me ‘ you’re so smart you’re literally goals’. THIS was the moment I realised that actually this works and I was SOLD! This was too specific to be a ‘coincidence’. After that I set myself a task for 30 days I would continue affirming and it has been amazing. I’ve manifested extra work, extra e book sales, other streams of income,
Another example where I knew this worked was bumping into an old colleague on the London Underground ( Tube) that morning on my journey I kept affirming I am beautiful, I am confident. She took one look at me and was like omg you’re so beautiful where are you going. We then scheduled a Pilates date ! She told me she went to my old job and was like ‘ omg guys I saw sabrina and she looks amazing, her body is so toned, she’s glowing and radiant’. These are all things that I had affirmed. After Pilates we had brunch and she was like ‘ I can’t stop staring at you I’m in awe of you’ these are ALL things I continued to affirm to myself.
You literally cannot make this stuff up, all the affirmations I had privately been reciting to myself were coming out in the compliments people were giving me. Even some of my patients were complimented me telling me I had great posture. I saw a drastic shift in how I viewed myself in 30 days !!!!!
I’ve noticed when I feel low I don’t wallow, I’m talking to myself more compassionately and giving myself extra care. For e.g. today I got triggered and instead of getting into a low slump, I went to Pilates, came home and made myself a nice brunch, had a 2 hour bath, did a very elaborate skin care routine, asked my sister to oil my scalp, and was soft with myself.
This whole process has shown me where I haven’t been so kind to myself and also others and I’ve noticed a shift in how I am treated.
I’m excited to see where I will be by the end of the year 🙌🏾. I’m committed to this, myself and my personal level up !
Some of the affirmations I’ve been reciting have been :
‘ I’m so beautiful’
‘ I’m so respected and admired’
‘ I treat myself with so much love and compassion’
‘ I am so abundant and wealthy’
‘ I love taking care of my body’
I’ll do another end of year post and document more Laws of assumption success 💕
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mxmentos · 2 years
wish i were aether.
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info !
characters ; gn!reader, childe, aether
genre ; angst, hurt no comfort
word count ; 2386 words
tw ; swearing, please be cautioned.
summary ; you and childe are child(e)hood friends who attend the same school. you are in love with childe, and know that he's destined to be with you. but, the unexpected happens when a certain someone passes you and childe in the hallway.
a/n ; hi this is the first full fic ive posted so excuse my horrible writing lol also i have shown no mercy for y/n here so be warned <3 also quick clarification, i know that i changed the "her" to "me" in "you gave her your sweater, it's just polyester"- i wanted to change it for the sake of the story so sorry for that ehe
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i still remember, the third of december.
“this place is so pretty! thank you for bringing me to snezhnaya, childe.”
“haha, well, i promised you that i’d take you to a trip to morepesok, didn’t i?”
taking a stroll with childe sounded like a far-fetched dream to you. it was definitely a huge privilege to be one of the few who are allowed to call him ‘childe’, let alone being next to him. after all, he was one of the most popular students at school. why would he consider hanging out with someone like you?
you didn’t complain, though. tartaglia was the man of your dreams; he was cute, handsome, stupid (well, in a cute way), caring, clumsy, admirable… you could go on for what seemed like centuries. he was also a bit of an asshole, but that didn’t mean you’d love him any less.
as you walked further into the town of morepesok, you experienced a cold shudder. you felt your lips tremble, but you were already wearing a coat around your body. before you could react, childe stopped in his tracks and turned to you.
“gosh, y/n. i told you to wear another sweater. the weather in snezhnaya is quite unbearable in the winter, especially for visitors.”
you scoffed, darting your eyes away from him. not even the slightest tone of concern could be detected in childe’s voice. it was another reason to conclude that he is, infact, an asshole. you began to move your lips, noticing wisps of breath escaping your mouth as you spoke.
“well, you can never trust a dumbass so i had my reasons. oh well, don’t worry about me, i can manage. wait, what are you-”
me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you.
childe began to take off his sweater and covered your robes with it. you felt heat rising to your cheeks as he made sure that you were completely covered in his blue, polyester sweater. he gave you a warm smile before he started to comment on your looks.
“so, how does it feel? warm, nice and cosy, huh? this is one of my favourite sweaters. it was a christmas gift from my brother, but… i think you deserve it more than me. besides, you look better in it than i do!” 
you thought to yourself. better? you?
you tried to deny it, but when you opened your mouth, nothing seemed to come out of it. to make matters worse, your cheeks grew even redder at his amused, cheeky little smile. 
only if you knew how much i liked you.
“enough chit-chat. would you like to see my favourite spot for ice fishing? well then, we have no time to waste. come on, let’s go!” childe grabbed your hand, without waiting for an answer from you.   
you would give anything to stay in this moment with him, for eternity and beyond. 
sadly, time has its enemies, and you were definitely one of them.
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“trust me when i tell you this, y/n, ‘history of teyvat’ has to be one of the most boring classes in school.”
“well, i seem to think otherwise. teyvat lore is pretty interesting once you get into it. ah, forget it. with your brain, i don’t think you’ll understand anything in the subject.”
“knock it off, y/n. well, i must admit, that was a good one.”
you and childe laughed as you walked in the hallway, throwing insults at each other by the minute. childe stopped when he reached his locker, and gestured to you to wait for him, presumably to get his books for the next class.
“alright, that’s all i'll need. have you got your-”
childe paused for a hot minute. you couldn’t see them, but you bet that his eyes were filled with stars. he grabbed all of his attention to a student walking by, decorated with long, blonde locks of hair tied in a braid, which swayed behind their back as they walked past you.
but i watch your eyes as he walks by, what a sight for sore eyes.
childe seemed mesmerised by this student’s looks. as he was looking at them, the bypasser seemed to have caught tartaglia and gave him a gentle smile before he walked to his class. you nudged childe, hoping to disrupt him.
“oh- sorry, y/n.”
you raised an eyebrow. why was he suddenly so interested in this student?
“spill the beans, childe. who’s got your attention?”
childe felt his cheeks burn. you’ve never seen him like this; flustered and speechless. tartaglia had a way with words, so this was very unlikely of him to do so. he tried to compose himself before he could reply.
“shh, y/n. don’t say that phrase when itto’s nearby. um, anyway, that’s my classmate, aether… we, um, have ‘study of ley lines’ together.”
brighter than the blue sky, he's got you mesmerised while i die.
“...right. anyway, wanna come over to my place this evening? i've got some leftover paimogem toffees from halloween!”
“actually, i was going to go for a stroll with aether. im sorry, y/n. maybe next time?”
you felt your heart sinking six feet under; childe had never denied hanging out with you. he only declined one of your requests once, but that was when he had to take care of a sick teucer.  
your mind flooded with questions and thoughts; who was this hotshot? why is childe so interested in him? judging by the reaction towards aether, was childe in love with him? you felt lightheaded, your vision slowly blacking out. 
before you could succumb to this feeling, childe placed his hand over your shoulder, hoping to make you come back to your senses. 
“y/n? is everything alright?”
no, it was not. 
you didn’t know what to think anymore. all of the moments you and childe had together reeled in your mind. his laughs echoed in your head, as you tried to speak to the man in front of you.
“oh, i’m fine… i don’t think i’ve had enough water today. give me a moment.”
you rushed to the bathroom without another word. what were you thinking, being so selfish to the one you love? you should feel happy for him. childe was popular, yes, but he had finally found someone he can trust, other than you. he felt comfortable and loved with someone, other than you.
he had found someone who lit up his darkest skies, other than you.
you tried to convince yourself that it wasn’t true, but you had to face the bitter truth.
childe, indeed, was in love.
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from that day onwards, childe was closer than ever to aether.
childe assured you that this wouldn’t change anything. he promised that he would stop by for a while and talk to you. that he and you would have occasional talks while walking to classes. he promised that everything would be back to normal. 
did he keep his promise, though?
no, he did not. 
a long time had passed since that ‘attack’ of yours. it was the last day of school, and the atmosphere couldn’t get any brighter. the hallway was filled with chattering, all centred towards what they would do in the summer.
every single day was the same. it was the same old whispers in the hallway, occasional sights of aether and tartaglia holding hands, monotonous lectures… it honestly felt like you were caught in an endless loop. 
you let out a deep sigh, walking out of the campus doors. before you could walk home, you decided to take a moment and gaze at the campus, wondering if the next year would be any better than this. maybe you would make new friends, do well in academics.
or maybe, even, fall in love.
keeping your hopes up high, you began to take a step towards the gate.
before you could go any further, you heard footsteps not very far from you. you turned around, hoping it was a figment of your imagination.
you gasped, recognizing the shadow as childe’s. he looked nervous, and possibly upset. you noticed that this time, childe wasn’t with anyone else. he was alone. this was a rare sight to see. maybe they had some sort of an argument, you though to yourself.
pleased with your assumption, you decided that this was your only chance to confess to childe. maybe you could convince him to change his mind. he belonged with you, after all. you were by his side through his ups and downs. surely he would start thinking straight if you knocked some sense into him, wouldn’t he?
you made your way towards him, calling out his name. he turned towards you, with a surprised look on his face. “oh, hey, y/n! it’s been a while, how are you?” to your surprise, you didn’t feel mad at him anymore. all you knew was this was your chance to finally tell him why your heart has been aching the moment he left you.
“childe… i have something to confess.”
childe raised a brow. you often told him most things and never kept stuff to yourself. he let out a small smile, remembering the one time when you had to admit that you snuck 16 toffees labelled ‘paimogems - emergency food for any time of the day !’ to an examination hall.
your hands trembled, cheeks redder than ever. you tried turning away from him, but you were so mesmerised by his beauty that all you wanted to do was just stay in that moment, your eyes meeting his, forever.
“...you okay?”
“s-sorry, um, i just wanted to say that you are so deserving of love.
you are the sweetest, kindest, caring, delightful and most charming guy i’ve ever met. not even words could describe the beauty of you, inside and out. the day i first laid my eyes upon you, i couldn’t even believe you were human.”
you let out a nervous chuckle, still trying to avoid childe’s expression. you didn’t know what he would say. you felt your stomach tie itself into countless knots. you fiddled with the sleeves of your sweater, trying to find the words to end your confession.
all i'm trying to say is that i… love you. and i will always love you, no matter if you accept my confession or not.
i want to spend the rest of my life with you, not as friends, but as lovers.
w-would you… like to do the same?”
you felt heat rise to your cheeks. this was your moment to finally tell him the truth. your eyes darted away from his, cheeks blushing more than ever. you tried to assure yourself that he would say yes, and tried to keep your hopes up.
you prayed to the archons that he would say yes, but all you got was a big, flat “no.”
why would you ever kiss me,
“...im sorry, y/n.” you could tell that he was at a loss for words. you had to admit that you were, too.  
“you see, i did fall in love with you, but that was before. i've put that behind me. im sorry, again. i hope you understand.”
you felt your heart crumble into a million pieces. you wanted to give him a reply, but you knew that there was nothing else you could say politely. why did he make you feel so loved if it was all for nothing?
im not even half as pretty.
then again, you were probably the reason why he didn’t have feelings for you anymore. ‘i mean, look at me,’ you thought to yourself. ‘i’m no match for aether. he’s got the looks, the brains, and… everything. he’s everything i'm not. no wonder he’s with childe.’
“y/n… it’s not you, it’s me. please don’t be hard on yourself,” childe said, as if he read your mind. you sighed, and locked your eyes on his, which were filled with tears. before childe could say anything, you leaned in closer, his lips touching yours.
he backed away, almost immediately. he did feel pity for you, but he didn’t expect you to act like this. he brushed off his shoulders and moved closer to the gate.
“y/n, how could you? after all we’ve been through? y-you should be happy for me.”
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to… i thought that if i could just-”
“y/n… i mean it when i say that don’t like you back.”
you gave me your sweater, it’s just polyester.
“then why did you drop all the signs? tell me you don’t remember the third of december.” you said, clutching your sweater, which was coincidentally the one which childe gave you.
his eyes widened; he hadn’t noticed that you were wearing it, let alone still keeping it with you. you were running out of words to say, but childe spoke instead.
“that was a long time ago… i'm sorry. it’s not you, i promise, but… i fell out of love with you. i don’t know why, but i've always felt like you were a sibling to me.”
but you like him better,
you heard a soft rumble from the clouds. a couple of drops rained down from the sky, but that didn’t matter to you. you would stay in the rain for hours if it were for childe. speaking of childe, you saw him turn away from you and move outside of the campus.
“childe, before you go, may i ask you a question?” 
“yes, anything.”
“if this confession doesn’t change anything, c-could we still be friends?”
childe stopped for a hot minute. he didn’t know what to do. he didn’t want to leave you, but he knew that it was for the best. you were his closest friend, and he didn’t want to leave you like this.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i can’t.”
you felt like your heart was burning into flames. you tried opening your mouth, but like last time, no sound came out of it. you were in disbelief, staring at childe as his shadow slowly disappeared from your view.
a drop of water slipped down on the swaying grass. 
but this time, it wasn’t because of the rain.
wish i were aether.
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Hey, I'm taking your post and would like you to ask you #8, 24 and 37 for Dottie. I hope that's not too much :) reply when ever you feel comfortable
What a joy seeing you here!! I am SO HAPPY about the questions you have brought, because they gave me reason to think some more (one never truly stop exploring and discovering even one's own oc lol)
Without further ado, allow me to answer your questions for my darling Dorothea! <3
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8-What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child? Even as a child, Dorothea always had a quiet disposition, partially due to her own personality, and very much because her governess was EXTREMELY strict with her, especially in regards of how a lady should behave and she should always to present herself around others, something that she was very conscious about even when she reached womanhood. That being said, Dorothea did have a spirited streak to her that came out especially under the influence of her older cousins, Charlie and Phillip. Infact, when they came to visit her in Dover, those were the times she would most often end up in trouble (like, for example climbing around in one of the three libraries that her ancestral home had in order to reach for a book her father had told her NOT to take, or sneak into her own mother’s room and play around with the perfumes there). I would say that what she was told to stop doing most often when she was a child was to sneak her mother’s dog, Dahlia, in the dining room and feed her what Dorothea herself didn’t like to eat from the table. As sneaky as she tried to be, that wasn’t enough because she was always caught in the act. But Dorothea was stubborn, and would try to come up with different solution as to how to hide Dahlia and feed her.
24-Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? Sex was DEFINITELY not something she was comfortable speaking about, per the historical period she lived in and the cultural conventions of the time. It would have shown a lack of propriety on her part to be found engaging in such discourses, so she often kept all her thoughts, fears, questions and doubts to herself and instead, tried as she always did, to find the answers she sought through her beloved books. However, this situation was relevant and true BEFORE she started engaging in amorous congress with Jacob. After the two of them became one in the flesh, as well as in spirit, she found in him a welcoming haven, and that allowed her to find within herself the courage to be forward with him and ask. Because of the way their relationship was built, and the want they had to be completely honest with one another, this was true even in regards of their sexual life, and they agreed to always ask or discuss any doubt, any need they might have. (let’s be honest. Despite Jacob having more experience than Dorothea, they were both two huge dorks in the beginning! lol).
37-Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? Dorothea had various systems for remembering all that she needed to remember. When it came to inconsequential things that she needed to keep to heart (like, guests that her mother has invited over, her father’s business associates, social events and whatnot etc.etc.), she came up with little melodies that she associated with the people or events she needs to remember. However, when it came to anything related to her business within the Templar Order, both before her father’s death and after that, she had the tendency to write down her information and all that she needed to remember in the form of small, whimsical riddles that, from an outside perspective, were senseless, but that indeed made sense to her. These riddles were, in turn, encoded with the same code she and her cousins used as children, as a sort of double measure to ensure the absolute protection of the secrecy of the information she needs to remember. During her long correspondence with Jacob, and before everything went south per the events of the game, she taught him some of the codings and they used it together in the letters they wrote to one another.
(Referring to this ask game here!)
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wichestergirl666 · 3 years
SHADOW AND BONE (spoilers)
IT IS HERE and I’ve binged it lol
So first off, I’d already decided to treat this show like a fanfic of Grishaverse and nothing more cause well they fucking merged the two series so obviously it’s not gonna be anything like the books and also I have no interest in getting disappointed by book to tv adaptations AGAIN so
Here we go
- My Grishaverse heart I’m so glad it finally got a tv show. I’ve been waiting for years. I loved how they’ve shown the different countries and countrymen. But I do wish it was more fledged out
- The title cards at the beginning of each ep *chef’s kiss*
- The acting was a little awkward but not like cringe. Just awkward here and there. (Excluding Nina and Jesper they literally came to life)
- Ben Barnes??? As Darkling????? It’s that meme Bill Hader meme - Mark me down as scared and horny lmao. My entire feed is people thirsting after Ben Barnes like its 2008 and Prince Caspian just released. And honestly valid
- I hate the Darkling as a person, he may have started as a good person but he did despicable things. One of the things I’ve loved in the books is the nuances of Darkling’s character. And also I like villains lmfao. Anyway the show did not portray it properly. Like the whole thing was rushed. His betrayal did not land, it wasn’t as impactful because we didn’t get a chance to connect with him on screen (if you’ve read the books then y’all have suffered the pain lmao)
- Talking about impact, “Make me your villain” I fucking screamed. That was such a good scene. The way Alina tells him off I was like you tell him girl and then I’m like wait a second is he about to say it and then he DID and I was like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- I like Alina and I like Jessie Mei Li as Alina
- Funnily I liked Show!Mal,, wasn’t a fan of Book!Mal at all so. He’s different from the books so that must be it lmfao
- Malina?? The flashbacks,, “I’ll meet you at the meadow” FUCK. It’s so weird cause I remember I was not into it when I read the books but I’m like rooting for them now
- The thing I HATED was what they did to my girl Zoya. They fucking watered her character down to crumbs. Book!Zoya would eat Show!Zoya for lunch. Actually not even lunch for a quick snack. Fucking fucking terrible characterisation
- Another thing I hated was Darkling-Zoya relationship???? Like what. Ew. Zoya had a crush on him but in the end they had a mentor-mentee bond but like why are shows so obsessed with turning platonic relationships sexual
- Third thing I hated was David’s portrayal. Idk what they were trying to do but that ain’t it.
- Fourth thing- they also watered down Genya. Pls my Grisha Triumvirate deserves better
- Okay now coming to the things I LOVE,, THE CROWS ADSGSHSKKS Like I know the show is about Alina but idgaf my focus was on Crows and I loved them.
- Kaz having Plans A to F mao scheming King
- Kaz is more post Crooked Kingdom Kaz but like it’s still Kaz and I’m whipped so. I like how there was this constant sour expression on his face like yes 10/10 (I did not like that he was beaten so easily by Pekka’s men tho)
- Inej???? Pls thats my knife wife. The scene where she removes 37 knives from her clothes iconic. Also she was more on the emotional and vulnerable side and idk. I would have preferred her to be exactly like the books but alas
- Jesper. Fucking Jesper. I’m. He was the best. I was a little annoyed at the beginning because he was just used as comic relief but then did my mans deliver
- Like just the three of them. Pls. My fucking heart
- Kanej?????? I’m crying. Like all of their scenes. My favorite was when she killed that dude and the bgm just aaaaaahhhhhh
- Kanej had more build up than Darklina which was I mean I’m not complaining I love Kanej but like I wish there was more focus on Darkling and Alina’s relationship with him before the betrayal
- Nina and Matthias were literally exactly how I imagined them. I was straight up quoting the scenes (I recently read SoC lmao) I can’t wait to see more of them
- All in all I liked it. It annoyed me at times but I do like it. And I want season 2 soon.
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kanmom51 · 3 years
I get what you're saying about it not making sense for tae to set himself up for public rejection with jimin if he does infact have feelings. But I don't think the feelings apply to the present. I've had crushes on people that have fizzled out and we can joke about it later.
But idk this would truly be right out of a soap opera if there was infact some kind of love triangle with jimin in the middle.
I also don't agree with another anon who stated they don't think the band could survive a love triangle. I personally don't agree. I think the situation would look much like it does now except there would probably be a bigger rift between tae a d jungkook. That's the one thing that's making me go nah on this whole tae might have been crushing on jimin thing cause there wasn't really any explicit animosity shown between taekook. They still interested in ways that seem completely genuine and idk if I would be able to do that with a person I'm essentially " competing " with.
The thing that perks my ears up though is honestly sweet night. He's telling a story. About himself as he claims. Literally about falling in love with his best friend and being too late to get with said best friend. In the song he says he never imagined he'd wake up one day and be In love with said best friend and I don't know man it just gives me unrequited vmin vibes buuuuuuut who knows??? Certainly not us lol and we more than likely are overanalyzing meaningless things but I don't think this discourse harms anybody so.... to each their own I guess. I'll stay on the fence.
So much has been said about this, but as you said, if there was this 'romantic triangle' going on there would actually be a real rift between Tae and JK, not a 'cooling off' or 'drifting apart' as we see there is between them.
As for Sweet night, well, we will never know. Ships in the night, is how he calls them...but is 'them' him and JM? I guess we will never know.
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avatarstoryofhuang · 3 years
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Here is another cute family portrait but with Huang's family this time. Drawn by @hurricaito Shown in the picture are King Chao, the king of Omashu and father of Avatar Prince Huang, His Wife, Queen Mingyu of Omashu and Avatar prince Huang himself. I know most of you don't know anything about Queen Mingyu or even that she exists lol. Queen Mingyu is Avatar Huang's mother and was a very caring and loving mother and queen, everyone in omashu loved her infact the protests and conflicts in Omashu started after she died. Sadly queen Mingyu died when Huang was 8 years old, she allegedly died from an automobile accident and although the story was always suspicious, there were no further investigations of the incident. 🌟POLL🌟 WHOSE FAMILY PORTRAIT IS CUTER? HUANG'S OR UKI'S. Tags #avatarthelastairbender #avatarroku #avatarmemes #avatarworld #avatarfanart #avatarfandom #explorepage✨ #exploreart #exploring #explore #explore🌟 #art #author #youngartist #youngwriter #avataraang #avatarhuang #avatarstudios #avatarkorra #avatarkyoshi #avataredit #avatarwan #waterbending #firebending #airbending #earthbending #exploreart #avatarstoryofhuang #atla #AvatartheLastAirbender #TheLegendofKorra (at Omashu, Earth Kingdom Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQUQqcFlt3Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vinegarextract · 3 years
twitter is honestly not for artists
prefacing this by saying i've been on twitter since 2015 and I've grown a better following as a content creator rather than an artist.
infact, a lot of my art is marked as sensitive content and not shown to anyone.
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This is a tweet I posted yesterday, because Artists on twitter got "TWITTER CROP IS GONE" trending because the twitter crop is terrible for artists. (they haven't fixed it lol)
I took the opportunity of a trending hashtag to try to get my artwork out there, but was surprised when the tweet received 0 interactions.
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turns out that the images were found as sensitive media and blocked from coverage.
minutes later, the trending tag "TWITTER CROP IS GONE" was taken off the trending page, even though artists I was following were all tweeting about it still.
So like, yeah. If you're an artist, I promise you're better off on Tumblr.
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classybeardbluebird · 4 years
I will say first that krul's memories and thoughts gave us the confirmation...KRUL TESTED YU ..ASKED YU TO PROVE HIS LOYALTY..IF YU DESERVES MIKA'S LOVE...
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Here she says if yu isn't determined enough it will be unfair to mika ....note that this are krul's thoughts..she is a vamp who has lived thousands of yrs and is smart very smart...she trained mika ....teach him to fight...she tells that no Matter how many times mika gets hit he stands up and continues to fight...remember mika did not drink blood for 4 yrs plus he did such a extreme training with a third progenitor whose kicks are too painful to take....than she goes on saying...
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This says that krul understands mika completely his thoughts because mika's face says it all...that mika thoughts is full of yu which drives mika to that insanity....she wanted to find out yuu's feelings as well...for someone who has lived so long her saying this line really hits the spot
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She basically confirmed mika and yuu's feelings to be mutual....but again it's obvious that yu is in love but yu is unaware of that..he hasn't realized his feelings yet bcoz yu doesn't pay attention to himself...he will need time for that...i believe yuu's memories with guren and krul's memories with mika was mainly shown to provide us PARALLELS that how mika and yu distinguish themselves...in this chapter yu says he will get revenge because mika was killed...he didn't mention hyakuya orphans..no i am not saying yu loves those children less but infact mika and yu loves those children to no end but their feelings towards each others were different
Note again that krul's thoughts are in reality kagami's thoughts and dialogues...which he confirms through krul that mikayuu is mutual feelings...kagami accepts that if yu is not determined enough it will b unfair...that means mika's suffering is big deal to kagami as well...mika is not a joke to the author...he build their feelings for this long...this proves kagami's judgment and our judgment are in correspondence that he too sees MIKAYUU'S love as mutual...with this kagami destroys our insecurities about doing injustice to mika...because it is clear in the chapter that mika will get justice..mika's suffering will be rewarded..
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