#was listening to this video and the guy said box plot and my barely awake brain was like “HECK YEAGH BOXPLOT”
whirligiga · 11 months
put in the tags/explain why if you feel like
personally I love me a good box plot
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Mabel’s Worry
Collab with @clownwry! They’ve been super sweet and very nice, and after getting inspired by this post, I decided to write a full on-fic about it... but then it spiraled out of control, so enjoy an angsty story featuring the sweater twins!
Mabel sat up quickly, breathing just as heavy as an Olympic runner. She shook her head to clear it and she hugged her knees in self-embarrassment. It was just a stupid nightmare. Vague, no real plot, but still carried the overall message, the fear, anxiety, and still made Mabel’s blood run cold and sweat sparkle on her forehead. She needed to calm down, get herself together. Milk. Warm milk.
And so she quietly got out of bed and left her shared attic bedroom for downstairs. Despite being gone for nine months, she still knew this dark home by heart. She could walk it blindfolded if needed, but the moonlight leaking in through the triangular windows helped her in her journey. That and a small light coming from the living room. Like a moth to a flame, Mabel sleepily dragged her socked feet to the room and peaked through the doorway, half of her face hidden by wood and shadow.
Grunkle Ford was sitting in the armchair, reading a book in the light of a lamp. Mabel’s spirit was lifted, relieved and happy to see him, but she was hesitant to bother him. He was happy with his book, she really shouldn’t bother him with her own stupid problems. She should probably just go get her drink and go to bed and leave him alone. But then Grunkle Ford’s instincts alerted him of a spy and he looked up and instantly smiled.
“Mabel,” His blissful facial expression dropped suddenly remembering that she went to bed a few hours ago and it wasn’t quite daylight yet. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
This really wasn’t like her, for words to fail leaving her mouth, for her to be silent or non-vocal. But all Mabel could do was barely step into the light, hands behind her back, and shrug with her eyes to the floor. She was silent because she was afraid of what she would say if she dared to give herself the opportunity to talk. Ford grew more concerned, but he knew what to do; he had more practice under his belt now than he did months ago. He smiled softly at his niece, closed his book and sat it on the dino skull, and patted his thigh. “Come here.”
Mabel looked up and bit her lip. The dame broke over her uncle’s kindness. With watering eyes she ran into his lap and clung onto him tightly, burying her face in his chest and whimpering as tears left her eyes. Ford hugged her back tightly and petted her soft long brown hair. The girl might be thirteen, but that doesn’t mean she would stop having nightmares or no longer need comfort. Moses knows, as much as he would deny it, Ford still had nightmares and still needed reassurance. Not to mention it was well-earned after everything he and his family had been through… everything he put his family through…
Mabel was mumbling something into his maroon sweater. Ford thought it was moans, sobs, but as he listened he could actually make out words. “M’sorry… m’sorry…”
“Hey, hey.” Ford said softly. “There’s nothing to be sorry for, my dear.”
“... didn’t mean t’bother you…”
“Oh,” Ford cooed as gentle as a lamb. “Oh, sweetheart, you could never bother me. Never.”
Mabel sniffed. “M’sorry.” Whether she was still sorry for bothering him or sorry for being sorry was a bit unclear, but Ford decided it didn’t matter.
“It’s alright.” Ford eased. “It’s alright, my dear.”
After a few minutes of letting Mabel cry into his chest, Ford could feel Mabel make a sharp shiver in his hold. He got a pretty good idea, and so he gently had Mabel let him go. She whimpered like a puppy denied a treat, but she watched with sparkling eyes as Ford slipped off his maroon sweater, revealing a thin long-sleeved white undershirt, and he sweetly pulled it over Mabel’s head and smiled at her. She helped him by slipping her arms into the correct holes and she grinned as she now wore Ford’s old red sweater. Nearly every day he wore a Mabel Sweater she had made for her, whether she mailed it to the Stan O’ War while they were apart, or she gave it to him in person. Only every so often did he wear his old sweater, but they were both glad he did.
Mabel allowed her head to sink deeper into the worn yarn. Her senses and lungs were drowned in Ford’s scent, which brought along happy memories and good emotions. She hugged Ford again and he happily held her, petting her hair and just being there. 
A few minutes of silence passed, and Ford made a prediction that it was a good time to check on her verbally. “Feeling better? Mabel?” He looked down and Mabel was asleep, one arm still around him, one hand holding onto his undershirt. Ford chuckled warmly in his chest, slowly stood, and carried Mabel to the attic to tuck her in.
“Dipper, they’re ready!” Mabel called.
Dipper hurried up the stairs and ran into his shared bedroom, plopped on the beanbag, and Mabel started the call on the laptop they had on the floor between the two beds. The grunkles answered at once, sitting at the table and grinning.
“Well hey there, gremlins! How was your week?” Stan greeted.
“Pretty good, just the usual school stuff.” Dipper answered.
“Did you get the package?” Mabel asked.
Ford grinned and picked up the large sealed box and placed it on the table. “Yes, perfectly intact! We picked it up in Pevek two days ago.”
“What?! And you haven’t opened it?!”
“Oh, well we thought we should wait until…”
“You two will freeze!” Mabel shook her head and smiled. “Open it and get warm!”
Stan rolled his eyes as he pulled out his pocketknife and cut the tape. “Sweetie, in the last two years we’ve been sailing you’ve sent us three trunks full of blankets, eight pairs of gloves, at least a dozen sweaters for each of us, six scarves…”
“Not that we don’t appreciate it, we always love your packages, my dear.” Ford interrupted. “But you work too hard. We’re never cold thanks to you.”
“Good. Let’s keep it that way.” Mabel said firmly.
“Oh wow! Mabel!” Ford gasped happily as he pulled out a new green sweater-vest with golden diamonds and a long-sleeved salmon button up. “This is beautiful!” Ford also pulled out a regular dark-orange turtleneck.
Stan noticed there had been two stacks of things. Ford had already taken out his stack, so the old conman grinned as he plunged his hand into the box and grabbed his new baby-blue sweater with a sailboat on it. “Sweet! And look here!” Stan pulled out another sweater, this one being a warm cream color with tiny pinetrees on the neck and wrists and waist of the sweater. “Wow, Mabel! Just when I thought your sweaters couldn’t get more impressive… this is so cool!”
Mabel blushed over the compliments. “I’m glad you like them. There’s still…”
“Oh, my dear, this must have taken you ages!” Ford pulled out one last item: a large knitted blanket to go with the others, this one made with very thick yarn that was as soft as the melody of youthful days. It was very large and could easily cover both men, and it resembled the sky perfectly, being dark blue with white specks.
“Thank you, pumpkin, this is amazing!”
Mabel grinned and said, “Just please stay warm.”
Ford smiled and nodded. “Of course we will. We’re always careful, my dear. And thanks to you I think I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be cold.”
Mabel wasn’t sure if she bought it, the number of times she saw their chattering teeth, tight jaws, and rosy cheeks and noses in pictures, but she decided not to fight it and she just smiled.
There are some benefits to living in the glorious year of 2014. Many different forms of communication allow people to keep in contact, no matter how far apart they are. So not only did Ford, Stan, Dipper, and Mabel, text every day and send pictures and emails, they always had their Saturday night/Sunday morning video call. Always. So, of course, Mabel and Dipper were a little concerned when no one responded to their text messages to ask if they were ready for the call.
“Hey guys! Ready?”
“Rise and shine, sleepy heads! Can’t wait to see you guys!”
“Are you guys okay? We understand if you can’t make it this week.”
“Is something wrong? We’re not mad, but could you please text us.”
“Guys, seriously, this isn’t funny…”
“If we don’t hear back from you guys I will call the FBI! The CIA!”
“You guys do know how to use your phones, right?”
“Are you guys hurt?! ARE YOU DEAD?!”
Dipper looked up from his phone and across his bedroom. Mabel was in Sweatertown on her bed, buried in her favorite nightgown. Dipper sighed and moved to sit next to her. “Mabel, it’ll be okay.”
“They’re jerks.” Mabel mumbled from within the maroon yarn.
Dipper smiled and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’ll get payback when they finally answer.”
Mabel lifted her head just enough to peek at his twin. “But what if they never do…” And tears formed.
Dipper rubbed her back and said, “They will. I swear.”
But they didn’t. As time ticked from ten o’clock at night to midnight to even three o’clock in the morning, Dipper and Mabel stayed awake, waiting for a response, both of them knowing any attempt to sleep was futile. And when Mabel’s phone buzzed and rang for a video-call, they both dove and Mabel clicked the green button with a shaking hand.
Stan gave his brother the mug of warm water. “You’re an idiot.”
Ford snorted and sipped the warm drink. “This isn’t coffee.”
“You don’t need coffee, you need to get hydrated.” Stan collapsed into the couch next to his brother. His eyes landed on the wall-clock, and he shot up quickly and ran for the bedroom. “DAMN IT!”
“What? What is it?!” Ford gasped.
“It’s Sunday!”
Ford groaned and slapped his forehead.
Stan grabbed his phone and found a dozen text messages from each kid and some missed phone calls. “Ah jeez, I know you’re wiped out, Sixer, but we gotta talk to these kids.”
“I don’t care if I’m on my deathbed, we’re calling them.” Ford hollered back as he loosened the grip of his blanket and Stan entered the room. His brother sat next to him and called Mabel’s phone.
At once Stan’s phone lit up with two distressed looking kids, both with wide eyes but missing their bedheads. “YOU’RE OKAY!” The two teenagers cried out.
Stan winced. “Kids, we’re really really sorry…”
“What happened?!” Mabel gasped. “Grunkle Ford, are you okay?! You don’t look very good, are you sick?!”
“Mabel, sweetie, I’m okay.” Ford eased. “I… erm, I fell overb-...”
“YOU FELL IN THE OCEAN?!” Mabel yelled in horror.
“Ssh, Mabel!” Dipper hissed, eyeing the door.
“Are you okay?! Are you on your way to a hospital?! Do you need anything? We can hitchhike…”
“Mabel, Mabel, please, I’m alright, Stanley’s been taking excellent care of me.” Ford said firmly. “I’m sorry we scared you, sweetie, but…”
“Well, good!” Mabel snapped, visibly angry and now full-on scolding. Stan and Ford glanced at each other nervously, getting flashbacks of scoldings from their mother. “You should be, knuckleheads! We can’t tell if you’re even still alive unless you tell us! Don’t you ever scare me like that again, you hear?! If something happened to you… I’m glad you’re happy and doing what you love, but PLEASE don’t kill yourselves doing it!” Mabel bit her lip as she realized she was yelling, and she used the long sweater sleeve to wipe at her damp eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…”
“Aw, pumpkin, it’s okay.” Stan replied calmly. “You’ve got every right to be mad at us. I’m sorry, I should have at least texted you. But I honestly didn’t cuz I was busy keeping this dork alive.” Stan teased, elbowing Ford and making him smile. “So, yeah, that was really scary and that wasn’t fair, but he’s gonna be just fine and we’re both okay and you know that now. Right?”
Mabel held her knees and sunk her face into Ford’s old sweater, only her eyes and the top half of her face visible now, but she wasn’t looking at them. “Yeah… Yeah, okay…”
“Mabel,” Ford said firmly. “Mabel, look at me.” He waited until her eyes were on him, and he smiled softly and said, “We’re okay. I promise, we’re both okay.”
Mabel couldn’t help but return the smile. “Okay… okay…” She sniffed and lifted her head a little, but her chin was still happily buried in red yarn. “So, tell us what happened? Was it the Kraken again?”
Stan grinned at the opportunity for a story, and the kids happily sat and listened.
Almost fifteen-years-old. Dipper should know better than to run off into the woods after a dangerous anomaly, but he did it anyway. Mabel stayed home to make sure the monster didn’t come back, and was soon reunited with her boys as they arrived, breathing heavily. Dipper was okay for the most part. His arm was hurt and he had a black eye, but he was okay, and their grunkles were only a little scuffed and there was a leaf or two in Ford’s fluffy hair.
Mabel hurried to Dipper, but instead of hugging him like the three guessed she would, she smacked her brother over the head.
“You KNUCKLEHEAD!” Mabel screamed. “Don’t you EVER do that again, you hear?! Don’t you dare! What were you thinking?! You just HAD to go after it! Couldn’t go inside like a normal person!”
“Good to see you too, sis.” Dipper muttered. “I had it under control.”
“I don’t care! What if you never came back…”
Dipper blinked and interrupted her. “Aw, Mabel, that was never gonna happen.”
Mabel bit her lip, held herself, and looked away.
“M-Mabel, I’m really sorry…”
“Here, let’s get you cleaned up first, and then we’ll talk about this, okay?” Stan eased, sensing that they needed a time-out. “C’mon, kid.”
Dipper sighed and followed Stan to the bathroom where they kept the first aid kit, leaving Ford alone with Mabel, who was well prepared to talk to her.
“Mabel, my dear, you have every right to be upset with him…”
“How could he do that?!” Mabel looked up at her uncle. “How could he think for a second it’s okay to just run off like that?!”
Ford chuckled a little to try to lighten the situation. “You know your brother. He has high ambitions and is extremely curious.”
“That doesn’t matter!” Mabel snapped. “It’s still stupid and selfish! I know he needs to do what he loves, but doesn’t he know how much I need him?! How can he just leave me behind?!”
Ford stared at Mabel. Her voice was cracking, her lip was trembling, and something in her eyes was screaming to be heard. Ford thought for a second, then dared to ask, “A-Are you talking about Stanley and I as well?”
Mabel sobbed. She yelled out in pain and collapsed on the bottom step, burning her face in her hands, and sobbed her heart out. Ford was stunned to hear her cry so hard, in so much emotional pain. She didn’t even cry this hard over any nightmares, and he had dealt with a handful of them. Poor Mabel was crying so hard and violently she gagged and retched occasionally, her body torn if she could cry or not but it was out of her control.
Ford got on his knees before her, but did not touch her. It broke his heart to see her so upset. And he and Stan had done this? Whatever it would take to fix it, he would do it. He was reluctant, but if sailing around the world with his brother was causing this much pain for their girl, then they would both agree to dock for good. “M-Mabel…”
“I understand…” Mabel mumbled through her tears and into her palms. “I understand why you had to go… why you both wanna go… b-b-but what if something happens to you?! How many times have you both gotten sick or hurt or nearly killed?! I miss you all the time and I’m always worried I’ll never see or hear from you again!”
“Oh, Mabel, sweetie…” Ford reached out a hand to put on her shoulder, but Mabel threw herself into Ford’s hold and he hugged her back tightly.
“I get it… I understand why you have to go… so WHY do I still feel this way?!” Mabel sobbed, clinging onto his uncle for dear life. “I’m so angry and scared and hurt! But I don’t want you to stop, I want you to sail cuz I know it makes you happy, but I need you to be okay!”
A lot of things clicked in Ford’s brain. Why Mabel always sent packages full of warm clothes. Why she always asked what they ate. Why she always checked on them. Why she was very observant and asked if they were okay if something was slightly off. Why she easily got worried if she didn’t hear from them. And why she always hugged them like she never wanted to let them go.
 Ford blinked his stiff eyes a few times and forced himself to keep it together. “I’m so sorry, Mabel. You and your brother are everything to us. I love you two more than anything. If… If sailing causes you this much distress we can…”
“NO! No no no!” Mabel screamed in horror, holding on tighter. “No, please don’t stop cuz of me! I don’t- That doesn’t matter!”
“Mabel Pines,” Ford said firmly and readjusted his hold on her so he could look her straight in the eye. “You matter.”
“I-I know. I know.” Mabel breathed. “But… please don’t stop sailing cuz of me. Please. I don’t want you to stop. But… I want you and Grunkle Stan to be okay. I… I can’t lose you…”
A large lump was in Ford’s throat. He tried to swallow it away, but it didn’t work. He compromised and took advantage of the silence. He cupped Mabel’s right cheek with his left hand and wiped some tears away with his thumb. Mabel covered his hand with hers and turned her face into his palm.
“I understand, my dear. I do. And I’m so sorry. I swear, we won’t stop sailing unless we want to. You have my word. But I also swear to you that Stanley and I won’t let anything happen. We;re too scared of losing each other to let anything happen, believe me.” Mabel moved her eyes to his. “We will always come home. I promise.”
Mabel hugged her uncle again and cried into his shoulder, leaving him to rub her back and pray she would be okay. Ford opened his eyes and caught the sight of his twin at the top of the stairs. He must have heard Mabel’s screams and come to investigate, but decided to stay out of it. But a look from Ford told Stan that Mabel needed him too, so Stan climbed down the stairs, sat behind her, and hugged them both.
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tall, blonde and gorgeous • jeon jeongguk
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plot — when jeongguk dyes his hair blonde, it might just be the push you both need to finally talk about the feelings you have for each other.
words — 5.7K
You woke up in the middle of the night, craving some apple juice. You knew there was in the kitchen fridge, because Taehyung always made sure to stock up whenever you come for a weekend visit.
Speaking of your brother, he was passed out next to you, the two of you sharing his King sized bed while you visited. Like you always did. It was mostly just you two, but sometimes Jimin would join you. You don't mind, you known both of them since forever and Jimin is your brother as much as Taehyung is.
Quietly, you got out of bed. You didn't want to wake your brother, he works so hard and needs his rest.
The dorm was silent, which was a little weird because there was usually always someone up. It was only when on tour that all seven of the boys would sometimes be asleep at once, but even that was rare.
Shrugging it off, you padded the rest of the way to the kitchen, only to come to a halt in the doorway, freezing.
Someone with a mop of blond hair stood with his back to you, digging through the fridge.
The digging through the fridge wasn't what surprised you, no, it was the hair because as far as you knew, no one in Bangtan had blonde hair right now.
You knew because your brother was always spamming your phone, whenever he had time, with pictures, videos, voice notes and messages. You and Taehyung have always been close and he always made the effort to keep you up-to-date with his life but also made a point to keep you out of the spotlight, which you appreciate more than you tell him. Come to think of it, more than half your gallery is made up of pictures of Bangtan. The other half is made up of your rare selfies, pictures with your friends, of your dog or your brother's dog.
The point is, if someone colored their hair, you would know within five minutes - with pictures and everything. And Taehyung hasn't spammed your phone since yesterday morning when he and Jimin accidentally got Hobi instead of Jeongguk with a water balloon.
So, the question is, who is the blonde currently rummaging through the fridge?
You looked him up and down, noticing the very nice, very broad and clearly strong shoulders covered with a black t-shirt that hid the rest of the guy's figure. Your gaze went down a nice ass and long legs that was wearing grey sweatpants and finally stopping at bare feet.
Something flashed in your mind.
Wait a minute.
You know that ass. You've looked at it enough over the last seven years to recognize it anywhere in a crowd.
"Jeongguk?" You called, a little satisfied when he jumped upright, turning to you with wide eyes. Your heart decided to double its pace.
"Ah, tiny, you're awake. I thought you were sleeping, trying to grow some more." He teased, his heartbeat slowly calming down from the freight you gave him. His eyes quickly scanned you over, and he had to suppress a smile when he saw the bright orange pajamas. It was ugly as hell - he made sure to tell you many times but you always just roll your eyes at him or if you were feeling particularly moody, you'd flip him a finger.
Now, ordinarily, you'd snap at him for calling you tiny because you aren't (it doesn't matter that Jimin is 12 centimeters taller than you, it doesn't make you tiny, short maybe, but not tiny) but right now, you could only focus on one thing.
"Y-your hair." You stuttered, which was new because you never stutter in Jeongguk's presence. Your heart may race, your legs may turn into jelly, your hands may tremble and your stomach may fill with butterflies but you never stutter. And you never let him know what you're feeling.
He ran a hand through his freshly dyed blonde hair, only a little self-conscious with the intense stare you were giving him. He couldn't tell if it was positive or negative. "Yeah, I just wanted a change, something different."
"Well, it's definitely different. Mission accomplished." You informed him, walking into the kitchen fully, your voice miraculously even as you were internally panicking. This was like that time he dyed his hair pink all over again. Oh god. You hoped you could form coherent sentences this time around instead of just giving him the silent treatment for two weeks.
Like you said, you don't stutter around Jeongguk. Ever.
Jeongguk tilted his head at you curiously. "Bad different?"
"No!" You exclaimed, not wanting him to think that. You shook your head vigorously. "Not all. It looks good actually. Really good." So good, in fact, that your fingers itched to touch, to run your hands through it, play with the dyed locks of hair.
Jeongguk looked at you in pleasant surprise, lips stretching into that familiar bunny smile that made you swoon. He bit his bottom lip before saying. "I think that's the first time you ever paid me a compliment."
You frowned, "That can't be true."
"It is." Jeongguk's tone was matter-of-fact. "In seven years, you've never once given me a compliment. I would have remembered."
You pursed your lips, a sudden surge of guilt rushing through your chest at the look on his face - hurt.
"Well, you get lots of compliments from other people, right?" You said, trying to deflect because you never once thought that by staying quiet around Jeongguk, just to hide your feelings, that you'd hurt him.
"But never from you." Jeongguk said, words low and heavy with something you didn't understand. He stared at you, eyes open and strangely vulnerable. You didn't understand what he was trying to tell you.
You frowned at him again, "What does it matter?"
Something in Jeongguk's eyes shuttered at that, like he let you see something but now he pulled his walls back up. You still didn't understand it and he wasn't volunteering an answer.
Finally, he shrugged, "It doesn't, I guess." and he turned back to the refrigerator.
You had a feeling he was lying but you weren't going to call him out because that wasn't your place and it wasn't the kind of thing you and Jeongguk did. Whenever things seemed to go in a direction where feelings were involved - and not about other people but about each other, like what you think of Jeongguk and what he thinks of you - one of you stops the conversation before it can go deeper.
You tease each other good-naturedly, comfortable with each other because you are the same age, and you've listened to him rant when he was frustrated and even held his hand at times when he cried because the pressure of it all got a little to much.
It struck you, suddenly, how Jeongguk always comes to you first. Whether he's stupidly happy about something, or whether he's sad and wants a shoulder to cry on. You two could talk about anything under the sun or moon but whenever it comes to your feelings for each other, you shut down. You've never even admitted that you are, at the very least, friends and that you do care about each other.
You wondered if maybe it was time to change that.
You looked at Jeongguk's back and wanted to ask if thinks of you as a friend, if nothing else but what came out was, "Can you hand me a juice box please?"
He did so, without a word, and you decided to go back to bed. You stopped in the doorway again, turning back to him. "Jeongguk?"
"Yeah?" His tone, his eyes, was strangely hopeful and it made your heart twist. You looked at him, and somehow fell a little bit more in love with him.
"You know that I care about you, right? I mean, I know we've never talked about it, but I do." Your hands was shaking and you gripped the juice box. Luckily you didn't press the straw in yet or your hands would be full of apple juice right now.
The smile Jeongguk gave you was brilliant and it made your heart feel lighter than ever. He nodded his head, "I know."
"I-" He started, breath catching a bit but forced himself to go on because if you could be brave, then so could he. "I care about you, too."
You grinned at him before turning away and going back to Taehyung's room, a definite skip in your step.
* * *
"So, what do you think?" Taehyung asked eagerly the next morning after breakfast, when everyone cooed and screeched over Jeongguk's hair.
You were back in your brother's room, scrolling through your Twitter feed. You looked at him, not sure what he was talking about. When it comes to Taehyung it can anything from the lines for a song he's working on to his next prank on one of the members.
"Of what?" You asked.
"About Jeonggukie." He said, waving with a hand at his head, so that the meaning was clear.
"Ah, you mean his transformation from tall, dark and handsome to tall, blonde and gorgeous?"
"Yes! What do you think?" Your brother looked at you expectantly.
"I think my previous question is an answer to that question." You smirked at him, snickering when he just scoffed before pouting at you.
"I hate it when you go all smartass on me." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I love you, too." You sing-songed with a lighthearted giggled.
* * *
Later that afternoon, you decided to watch a movie and was joined by Jeongguk, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin.
"Jeongguk-ah." You called from where you were sitting on the two seater couch next to Hoseok. Jimin and Taehyung was laying cuddled on the three seater and Jeongguk was sitting on the floor, against the front of the coffee table. You weren't sure where the rest are right now.
He turned to you, eyes narrowed suspiciously, "What do you want?"
You gaped at him, "What makes you think I want something?"
"Because you only call me 'Jeongguk-ah' when you want something." He was matter-of-fact.
The other three was watching the two of you instead of the movie.
"Like what? I rarely ask you anything." You frowned at him.
"Like getting your phone from Taehyung-hyung's room, making you tea, bringing you a blanket, getting your food." Jeongguk said and you huffed. Okay, so maybe you do that but this time what you want would benefit him too.
"Okay, first of all, you didn't have to do any of what I asked, you know. And second, you'll like this too." You assured him, then added after a moment. "I think."
Jeongguk looked at you warily as Jimin and Taehyung exchanged smirks. "What do you want?"
"I want to play with your hair." You shrugged nonchalantly, not showing a hint of how nervous you are, no showing how it took you the whole morning to pluck enough courage together to ask.
Jeongguk's mouth fell open in surprise, "Seriously?"
"Yeah, I mean I've always liked your hair but this blonde hair is really doing for you." You smiled at him, a little more confident when you saw more confusion than anything else on his face. Satisfaction rolled through you when you noticed his red ears.
"Whatever, fine." He muttered in agreement, looking away from you as he stood up right and came to sit down infront of you.
"Thank you." You grinned, clapping your hands in glee as you crossed your legs on the couch, knees touching Jeongguk's shoulders.
"Just don't tangle it." Jeongguk said, eyes fixed on the TV screen.
"I won't." You promised before reaching out and running your hands through his hair. It was just as soft as you hoped, instead of being dry and rough from the dye - it made you feel giddy.
Jeongguk tensed under the touch for a second but relaxed when you continued your gentle ministrations, nails scraping softly against his scalp. You tuned out the rest of the room, having watched the movie before - you've watched all the Marvel movies with Jeongguk at least three times - and continued playing with the blonde tresses.
Still, something caught your attention and you said, "Jimin-oppa, put away that phone."
"I don't know what you're talking about." He said innocently, hiding his phone behind his back.
"Sure you don't."
It was silent for fifteen seconds before he whined, "But no one will believe me if I don't have proof."
"They'll believe Hobi-oppa." You retorted, nodding to the ray of sunshine sitting besides you.
Jimin huffed indignantly but dutifully put his phone away.
You continued playing with Jeongguk's hair, twirled and braided and separated and bunched it together like a pineapple stem atop his hair. The movie finished and Taehyung picked another one and you still played with Jeongguk's hair.
Twenty minutes into the new movie, Jeongguk's head fell back, onto your legs, eyes closed. You gaped at the blonde.
"Jeongguk." You whispered, not wanting to wake him if he is sleeping but not sure if he's playing either.
"Did he fall asleep?" Your brother asked, laughter in his voice, making his eyes sparkle.
"I think so." You nodded, in a state of bewilderment and disbelief.
"You must have magic hands." Hoseok said before pressing a hand over his mouth to muffle the sounds of his laughter.
Your glared at them. "Not one more word out of the three of you, or I'll change the sugar in your coffee for salt for the indefinite future."
"I didn't say anything." Jimin protested and you just gave him a pointed look.
They thankfully kept quiet after that, but you could see them glancing at you and Jeongguk every now and again. You ignored their gazes as you continued playing with his hair.
Your heart was thumping happily in your chest, glad that Jeongguk enjoy you playing with his hair so much that it lulled him to sleep. It made you feel so content that you didn't want to move again.
You even turned a blind eye when you saw Jimin turning his phone in your direction ten minutes later.
At the end of the movie, you decided to wake Jeongguk up. As much as you like him sleeping on your legs, they were starting to fall asleep and he would get a stiff neck if he keeps sleeping like that.
So, you shooed everyone out of the room before gently shaking his shoulder. "Jeongguk-ah, wake up."
He groaned and you repeated your actions, watching as his eyes fluttered open. You looked into his sleepy eyes, wanting to coo as you watched him blink his way out of sleep. He quickly recognised you, even upside down, and immediately sat upright, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N?" His voice was husky with sleep and it made your cheeks heat up. "What happened?"
"You feel asleep." You explained. You watched as he nodded slowly, processing this and felt the urge to tease him a little, so you added, "On my lap."
Jeongguk's cheeks flushed pink and you couldn't help the fond smile on your lips. He ducked his head shyly and spoke a soft, "Sorry."
"It's okay." You waved him off. You wanted to even the field between you because it felt unbalanced somehow, like you had something over Jeongguk. You didn't like it, you wanted to be right besides him. Not above or below him. (Although many people would say he's way above you, you know that he doesn't care about that and neither do you.) Finally you admitted, "I liked it, it was nice that you felt relaxed enough because of me to fall asleep."
"I liked it, too."
You smiled, a little shy but also feeling bold by his admission. "I'll do it again sometime then."
"Okay." He grinned.
* * *
After that weekend, it took three weeks before you had another free weekend to go and visit your brother. With your bag slung over your shoulder and a bouquet of red tulips in your hand, you opened the door and called a loud hello to anyone inside. You made you way to the kitchen first, wanting to put the flowers in some water.
You found Jeongguk - who was still blonde, and your heart instantly picked up its pace - and Namjoon in the kitchen, the leader busy by the microwave and Jeongguk waiting as far as humanly possible from it. You quickly realised what was happening and supressed a smile. Namjoon must be heating food up for Jeongguk, who is afraid of microwaves.
You exchanged greetings and you quickly started looking through the cupboards for a vase.
"Those are pretty flowers." Namjoon remarked, leaning against the counter.
"I know right."
"Where did you get them?" Jeongguk asked, eyes on the admittedly pretty flowers.
"Oh, some guy gave them to me before asking me out." You answered absentmindedly as you continued your search for a vase.
Behind you, Jeongguk tensed, his hands curling into fists.
"Really?" Namjoon asked, more to see Jeongguk's reaction than anything else.
"Yeah, I almost said yes, too, just for the fact that he gave me flowers." You nodded over your shoulder. "Do you guys have a vase? I swear Jin-oppa had one in the old dorm."
"Under the sink." Namjoon answered, arms crossed over his chest as he looked back and forth between an oblivious-you and a jealous-Jeongguk, a smile on the corners of his lips.
"Thanks." You grinned before walking over to the sink and crouching down. You opened the cupboard and had to dig past the sponges, cloths, windowlene, bleach and dishwashing liquid before spotting the crystal vase. "I love flowers, you know? Not many people know because it's not something I advertise but Taehyung-oppa always gives me flowers for my birthday, every year since I was thirteen." You babbled as you gently pulled out the vase, not wanting to knock it against one of the pipes and crack or shatter it by accident. It was a little dusty, so you rinsed it before filling it halfway with water.
"Do you have a favorite flower?" Namjoon asked, partly to fill the silence because Jeongguk was glaring at the ceiling, tongue in cheek, and partly because he genuinely wants to know.
"Nope," You shook your head, removing the protective plastic around the flowers and putting them in the water. "I like all kinds of flowers. Roses, lillies, forget-me-nots, proteas, tulips, sunflowers - you name it, I love it. And in all colours too. There's just too many to pick a favorite. Although I really like pink lotus flowers. I'd love to grow them when I have my own garden someday. I'll have to install a shallow pond, of course, because they grow in mud but yeah, that's something I'd really like to try." You rambled on. Namjoon watched you fondly and glanced at the maknae, seeing that Jeongguk was still tense.
"Did you say yes?" Jeongguk burst out asking the moment you stopped talking.
"Huh?" You frowned at him, a little lost because you were completely caught up in thoughts of flowers.
"The date." He said, voice taking a sharp edge. "Did you say yes?"
"Oh." Realisation dawned on you and you shook your head. "No, I didn't."
"Then why did you take his flowers? You'll give him the wrong idea." Jeongguk grumbled.
Namjoon thought that right now was the best time to become a missing person and quickly exited the kitchen. He is not playing referee, should this turn into an arguement. No, thank you, he's done it enough between these two.
You rolled your eyes at Jeongguk, "I made myself perfectly clear, Jeongguk. I told him that while I adore the flowers, I don't like him."
"Still, you shouldn't have taken them." Jeongguk insisted, stepping closer to you.
Your temper flared, "Excuse me? Why not?"
"What if someone had seen? What if they start thinking that you two are dating?" Jeongguk's tone was something crossed between horror and panic.
"And so what if they think that?" You frowned at Jeongguk because what does it matter what other people think when you know the truth?
"So you do want people to think you're dating." Jeongguk said, voice cutting and accusing.
"What?" You stepped closer to Jeongguk, getting angrier by the second.
"Do you actually like this guy?" Jeongguk asked, sounding distressed with the thought but you were to angry to pay any attention to that.
You scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous."
"I'm ridiculous?" He pointed to himself, shocked.
"Yes! They're just fucking flowers!" Your voice was raised as you snapped at him, louder and harsher than it's been in a long time towards Jeongguk, of all people.
You didn't have time to feel guilty because his next words matched yours in volume, "That some other guy bought for you!"
"And your point is what exactly?!" Your voice didn't lower.
"My point is that I can buy you flowers!" Jeongguk shouted back.
The words take a second to sink in, and when it does, it catches you completely off guard and you deflate like a popped balloon, you anger evaporating like mist under the sun. You squint up at the blonde, who you finally noticed was a lot closer than when you started this arguement. "What?"
His voice was soft this time around, all the fight having left him, too. "If you want flowers, just ask me. I'll buy you any flowers you want. Just-" He cut himself off with a sigh, closing his eyes. "Don't take someone else's flowers again. Please."
You looked at him, opening your mouth to snap at him but saw the sincere, the utterly vulnerable look in his eyes, and the breath was knocked from your lungs. You looked away, taking a few steps back as your heart twisted and you inhaled deeply to fill your lungs again. You noticed that Namjoon had left the kitchen. You didn't blame him.
A lengthy silence later, you finally looked at Jeongguk again, your hands trembling. "Is it really that important to you?"
"Yes." Jeongguk answered softly but firmly, no question in his voice, even as he looked down at the tiled floor.
"Okay." You nodded.
His eyes snapped to yours, and he echoed, "Okay?"
"Yeah, okay." You gave him a slow smile, then, just to break the heavy tension around you two, you said, "Just know that there is no backing out now and flowers are expensive. You aren't allowed to complain that I'm denting your bank account later."
"Deal." Jeongguk laughed, warmth spreading through his chest as the last of his jealousy faded.
* * *
"You know that one day you are going to have to talk about the feelings between you and Jeongguk, right?" Taehyung asked his sister later that night when they were laying in bed. He heard the story from Jimin, who heard it from Seokjin and Yoongi, who heard it from Hoseok, who heard it from Namjoon.
"What feelings?" You asked innocently.
Taehyung sighed in frustration but wasn't very surprised. The one thing that Taehyung has never been able to get out of his sister is the truth about her feelings for Jeongguk. But even without her saying anything, he knew. The eyes don't lie. "Denying it won't make it go away, Y/N."
You sighed, too, "Yeah, I know."
Taehyung didn't say anything for a few moments. This was the closest his sister ever gotten to admitting her feelings out loud, in seven years. "I'm here for you. Always."
"Thanks." You smiled, as if you didn't know that already.
* * *
Before you went home that Sunday, your brother told you that they were going on vacation as a group and you're invited because according to Taehyung, right after Jimin, you are the one person he can't live without. You rolled your eyes at the dramatics but agree to go with them none the less.
So, you put in a week's leave for two weeks from now and asked your brother where you would be going for this vacation. The answer was a secluded beach house where no one would be able to reach you.
And no phones was allowed.
You laughed a bit at that rule when you arrived at the house and saw that there is WiFi. Your brother was quick to remind everyone of the rule, telling them that the WiFi was only allowed to be used for YouTube and Netflix. Games was added to the list after an objection from Jeongguk and Seokjin.
"This is gonna go great." You laughed as walked up the stairs to pick a room. You get first choice after winning the rock, paper, scissors game in the car.
"Pick us a nice room, sis!" Taehyung shouted up after you.
There was only four rooms because the whole point of this vacation is to spend time together, which means that everyone was doubling up. They decided to pair up by age and it turned out - Seokjin and Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon, Jimin and Jeonguk, and naturally, you and Taehyung were paired up. (You tried not to think about the fact that if you kept to the age pairing that you and Jeongguk would've been sharing a room.) That lead to a lot of pouting from Jimin because he wanted to pair up with his soulmate.
"If your so eager to share a bed with him, why don't you marry him?" You remember teasing Jimin.
"Maybe I will." He shot back without thinking and you weren't sure who was redder once his words set in - Jimin or Taehyung.
You picked a room with a small balcony and a nice view of the ocean. The day passed peacefully, everyone full of energy but after dinner on the beach, everyone quickly retired to bed, the sea air getting to them.
You decided to watch the ocean a little while longer and Jeongguk joined you. Neither of you spoke as you sat on the sand, watching as the waves crashed on the shore, water retreating back into the vast expanse of ocean. It was captivating, in a kind of terrifying way but if there is one thing in your life you've never been scared of, it's water.
"Life is a lot like the ocean." You eventually said, breaking the silence between you.
"How so?"
"You can read about it in so many books, but you still won't know everything about it."
"That's deep." Jeongguk said, voice soft.
You shrugged, feeling a little self-conscious. "Yeah, well, I've never been a shallow person."
"I know." You saw him nodding out of the corner of your eyes. "You're a beautiful person. Inside and out." He said it so matter-of-factly, so sincerely, that your stomach flipped and your cheeks flushed.
"Thanks." You smiled over at him.
It was silent again, but just like the first silence, you didn't mind it. You like the comfortable quiet between you two. Finally, you sighed and pushed to your feet, "Come on, let's go inside."
"Okay." Jeongguk got to his feet and you walked the path home.
You walked on the side of the pool where you all swam earlier that day, and didn't notice the small puddle of water that hasn't dried yet and you slipped. You reached for Jeongguk but his hands missed yours by millimeters, so you just took a breath and resigned yourself to falling into the water. You didn't mind it all that much, nothing some towels couldn't fix.
When you surfaced, you saw a laughing Jeongguk on the side. An idea formed in your mind but you made sure to keep your expression neutral as you reached a hand out to him. "Give a girl a hand, please."
Jeongguk - nice, kind, unsuspecting Jeongguk - reached a helping hand out to you immediately, only realising your true intentions when you gave a forceful yank and pulled him into the pool.
When he surfaced, glaring at you - but there was no heat behind it, so it didn't count - you couldn't help but laugh heartily. "I forget how similar you and Taehyung-hyung really are sometimes."
"Sucks for you." You smirked. The smirk turned into spluttering when Jeongguk splashed water into your face. You looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Oh, you're on."
You splashed at each other like proper five year olds, giggling and everything. Finally you called a ceasefire before you woke up everyone inside.
You looked at Jeongguk, blonde hair dripping wet, droplets of water rolling down his tan skin, that little mole under his bottom lip that you've wanted to kiss so many times you've lost count and suddenly, all of your resolve broke down like a house of cards and your common sense shortcircuited. You surged forward and kissed him firmly, clutching at his shoulders to pull him close.
His lips were a little cold from the water but was still petal soft and you wondered what it would be like to kiss him everyday.
Your common sense returned a second later and you pulled away, almost loosing your footing and slipping. Your whole body was on fire and you couldn't look Jeongguk in the eyes. "Fuck. Shit, Jeongguk, I'm so, so sorry."
You turned away from him, every intention of getting out of this pool and hiding away until you die.
Only you didn't get anywhere before a strong hand circled your wrist in the one second and in the next second you found yourself pushed up against the wall of the swimming pool, barricaded in by a hand on each side of you. You looked up at Jeongguk and your mouth went dry at the sight of those dark eyes that made you shiver. His voice was low when he spoke, "I didn't get to kiss back."
Your eyes widened and that was all you had time to do before he leaned down to capture your lips. Your head told you to pull away. That this is a very bad idea. Your heart told you to kiss him back and make the most of it. You've been listening to your head for seven years, so you decided to listen to your heart for once and kissed Jeongguk back with years of pent up longing and yearning.
The kiss turn turned really hot, really fast.
Jeongguk hoisted you up and you quickly got with the program and wrapped your legs around his waist. Everywhere his hands touched, it left a blazing trail behind, causing you to shiver and erupt into goosebumps. Distantly you wondered how it was possible to feel so heated in cold water.
You kissed and kissed until your lungs burned, your toes curling as you squeezed as close to Jeongguk as possible. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore and you pulled away, both of you heaving lungfuls of air.
"So now what?" You asked him, when you regained some common sense and breathing didn't leave you breathless anymore.
"Well, right now I'd like to kiss you some more, but later on, I'd really like to take you out." Jeongguk told you bluntly and if you were standing, your legs would have given out.
And just like that, gone was confident Jeongguk and back was shy Jeongguk. He ducked his head, adverting his eyes from yours. "If you want."
"Yeah, I want too." You told him, watching as his eyes glittered with happiness. You could relate.
Jeongguk was onto something with the kissing some more right now, though, so you pushed that away and you dived back in. Right now you were more interested in mapping the inside of Jeongguk's mouth and finding out what his skin tastes like than anything else in this world.
* * *
The next morning your brother squinted at you suspiciously from across the breakfast table. You were seated in between Jeongguk and Hoseok, across from Taehyung and Jimin. Namjoon sat next to Hoseok. Yoongi and Jin was busy making breakfast in the kitchen. The six of you were waiting patiently.
Finally you couldn't take the staring anymore. "Is there something on my face, Taehyung-oppa?"
"Something happened." Taehyung said, pointing the pair of chopsticks he was fiddling with at you.
You rose a brow, not surprised at all that your brother picked up on it. That doesn't mean you are going to make it easy for him. You put on an innocent face, "Really?"
"Yeah, Taehyung-ah is right, you're like-" Jimin agreed, waving his hands around as he searched for the right word. "...glowing."
"I am not glowing." You said indignantly. Out of the corner of your eyes, you caught a smirk lifting on Jeongguk's lips. You turned and narrowed your eyes at him, "You, stop looking so smug."
"What does Jeonggukie have to do with-" Taehyung cut himself off and you could see how he put the dots together. The look on his face was hilarious as he turned to Jeongguk with a fierce gaze, "Jeon Jeongguk, what have you done to my baby sister?"
Jeongguk, despite being bigger and stronger, still looked a bit terrified of Taehyung as he squeaked, "Nothing, hyung."
"Nothing, hyung. Hah! Do you take me for an idiot? Something happened. I know it did. What is it?"
You giggled and leaned over to Jeongguk and whispered in his ear, "Don't tell him anything. Watching him squirm and drawing his own conclusions, slowly going insane with curiousity will be much funnier than telling him the truth."
Jeongguk brightened at your suggestion and immediately nodded in agreement.
"What are you two whispering about?" Taehyung demanded, voice higher than normal, despite having the deepest voice of the lot. "Hobi-hyung, tell me what they're saying."
"Sorry, Taehyung-ah, I can't hear." Hoseok said with laughter in his tone.
Yoongi and Jin came in with the food before Taehyung could interrogate you further. Taehyung looked before you and Jeongguk, "This isn't over."
You laughed, looking forward to teasing your brother a bit, when suddenly a hand slipped into yours. You looked at Jeongguk, who was steadfastly avoiding your eyes. You noticed his red ears and smiled softly, twisting your hand so you could lace your fingers through his. As the two of you held hands under the table while eating breakfast, you felt giddy and more excited about the future than you have in a long time.
There was still a lot you and Jeongguk had to talk about, but that was for later. You had enough time to figure it all out. Together.
the end.
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rayadraws · 5 years
Shitty Teen Squad, babies and King suffers
This is the result of a brainstorming session between me, @criscura, @batneko and @zgirlly. Background is that Genos, Garou and Badd form an unlikely trio of friends - the Shitty Teen Squad. We have Genos as the mom friend slash feral gay, Garou as the vodka aunt friend and Badd as the... chaotic friend, slash mom friend slash recliner friend.
We ended up talking about various things including future children and poor King babysitting said children. While this isn’t explicit, there’s talk/jokes with adult themes, so please bear that in mind before diving in!
A vodka aunt is someone who 'takes others kids out for fun and brings them home loaded with sugar, cranky, and with a new noisy toy' - that’s definitely Garou. One time he takes Zenko to an amusement park. They’re gone all day and she comes home exhausted, very happy and with at least a dozen new curse words in her dictionary.
There are also a few honourary members of the Shitty Teen Squad -
Saitama - considered very uncool (except by Genos) but harmless. Tags along sometimes and has no idea what is going on at any given time.
Fubuki - would never admit to being one in the group, but someone needs to keep these idiots from killing themselves, so she sometimes hovers at the edge.
Mumen - When Mumen shows up, everyone is on their best behaviour all day. If Mumen slips up and says a (mild) swear everyone else is immediately like ”Gasp! Mumen Rider, how could you? Such language!”
A few years pass, and everyone is starting to settle down and starting families. As we have both Mumarou and Batarou fans in our discussion group, we intentionally kept things a bit vague - so go with whatever your preferred ship/parent combo is! But Saitama and Genos are first to have a child, with the others following perhaps a couple years or so later.
Badd is a rather... intense father. His baby girl is not only a princess, but the most amazing princess in the world. He’s an expert at doing her hair and picking out outfits and every time he meets up with the shitty squad, he forces them to look through all his latest photos of her. He and Genos take their kids to playdates, in matching outfits. So many photos...
Zenko, having learnt from the best, turns into a world class vodka aunt herself, taking the kids to outings and having lots of fun with them.
Tareo might not have a reputation as a cool kid among his peers, but to Saitama/Genos’ and Badd’s kid, he totally does. He loves to read to them, and help them identify bugs and birds they see.
Genos, being the first in the Shitty Teen Squad to have become a father, finds himself giving the others advice from time to time. As always, he refers to his journals, and before Badd’s baby is born he has a diaper change demonstration with Garou and Badd, who look on in silent horror - no one has seen Garou look that terrified before. There is much yelling and gesturing, until the demonstration is over, at which point they act as if nothing happened.
(They never talk about their new knowledge, but whenever they spot a distressed parent struggling in public, they offer their services)
After Badd’s baby is born, Genos finds himself receiving frantic phone calls at all hours of the day, including the middle of the night, such as Badd calling (yelling) about how you’ll know the bottle is the right temperature?! - a groggy, barely awake Genos just mutters ”just... listen to whatever your HUD says...”.
Badd’s daughter always looks like a princess, whereas Saitama’s and Genos’ child always has tousled hair and scraped knees and if you’re not sure where she is... she’s probably off climbing the tallest tree in the area.
At this point, the Shitty Teen Squad has more or less evolved into the Brooding Dad Squad. It’s not everyone who gets the honour of being allowed to babysit their kids, but one man does, and the kids absolutely love him - King!
At this point, the children are a little older, and they love visiting King not only because to them, his engine makes him sound like a purring cat, but also because he has the BEST video game collection. Having said that, Badd always makes King hide his collection of sexy anime girls before the children are allowed over:
"This is nasty!!" "It's art, the level of skill needed to make her stand like that is--" Badd, taking off the removable top: "SHE'S TOO HORNY MAN SHE'S GOTTA GO" "///////but--" "Listen the first thing kids do around dolls is strip them she's gotta go!”
King is nervous to have the kids over! But he does his best and it turns out putting them in front of a video game and handing them snacks is quite effective at keeping them still and happy.
The girls are also very interested in King’s merch, despite him doing his best to hide it. Sometimes they find the empty boxes the most interesting (a favourite game is putting King, as the princess, in his box castle and then coming to save him), but other times they are determined to find all his toys. It’s his engine that’s the problem, it goes off whenever the girls get closer to his hidden stash, like echolocation.
"Are all the pretty dress-up dolls in here?" "N--no!! There's--" "They have so many pretty dresses!! I like all the kitty ones!!" "NO, NO KITTIES--"
(The King engine also means it’s super fun to play hide and seek with him! You can never win with Genos, and Saitama tends to lose interest and wander off, or fall asleep in his hiding place...)
One day, as they play house, one of the kids asks King where babies come from, and poor King struggles to explain... after first shutting down and then taking so long to collect his thoughts that the child already lost interest and went to get pudding.
"Babies--are--love--when mommies--there's a bird I DON'T KNOW PLEASE THEY'RE JUST THERE ONE DAY" ”But I have two daddies?” ”LISTEN this is already complicated for me to explain ;;;;;”
At this point, King goes full possum and all but shuts down again until one of the girls poke him, with one of his anime girl figurines (as kids do, the first thing they do is always to undress every single doll, so it’s naturally naked).
When picked up to go home, their girl tells Saitama and Genos that ”King shut down, like Papa”. When they ask why, she tells them what they had asked him. Saitama, bless him, actually calls King later to apologize for the trouble.
(Badd on the other hand immediately blamed King (and his anime girls) for this question)
Said trouble is not yet over, it turns out - while playing with all the merch, Badd’s daughter put a figurine in her mouth and swallowed a part of it. It’s with extreme dread that King calls Badd that night...
”I don’t know how to tell you this but I really, really need that limited edition accessory back, Badd.”
(That whole evening is traumatizing for King - the kids have undressed every single figurine he owns and he has to painstakingly put them all together again.)
Another time when the kids visit they find a pair of scissors. King immediately gets up to remove them, but the older child is quick to tell him that they should play hairdresser - she does this lots at home.
”...with Sai?!”
On that note, the kids will happily tell King all sorts of things about their parents, whether he wants to hear it or not, including 'they like to wrestle really loudly when it's past my bedtime' and how Badd needs to buy a new bed every few months because they always break. Saitama’s kid helpfully supplies that ”Daddy smells like hot dog after. It’s a LOT of smoke!”.
Sometimes it's serious though.... Like one kid says that Daddy is in a laying-down mood again, or Pop has been going out and coming back with bloody knuckles... Other times it can be things like "Well papa likes to wear all clothes, and be pretty sometimes, and daddy uh....... doesn't. So. Yeah."
King does his best to listen to the kids like a responsible adult, down to taking their suggestions: ”Papa likes this kind of skirt, Uncle King!! I want to get it for his birthday!”
The child doesn’t mention that it’s really her preference to have lots of glitter and shimmer, not Genos’, but he loves his new sequin glitter unicorn shirt anyway. In fact, they dress up to match more than once, and the child loves to play with Genos’ hair and makeup stuff:
"PAPA WEAR THE PURPLE EYELINER" Genos: "It doesn't really go with-" Kiddo: "IT'S PURPLE." Saitama: "It sure is." :D
Speaking of things that are pretty, the girls end up falling in love with a particular anime girl in King’s collection - she’s got ombre hair, and pretty bows, and the biggest bow is also her hair.
The bad news: she's the hardest-to-win girl from an ecchi game
The good news: they're making an anime which will probably cut out all the sex
Medium news: since she's the hardest-to-win girl she's unlikely to be the main heroine of this adaptation.
Poor King is struggling to find the least thirsty merch of her that the girls can actually play with. Genos is put to the task of editing together a child-friendly edition of the show that the kids can watch. There’s.... not much left when he’s done.
King: "The... the plot is-" Genos: "There was a two-episode arc about the shy girl losing her bra on vacation somehow." King: "In the game, um, that's where you prove you're a nice guy." Genos: "Why did she only bring one bra on vacation, King." King: ....................
King uses his fame and clout to start commissioning SFW works of this character - sweating the entire time.
Despite himself, after spending so much time watching and editing clips from the show, Genos actually gets invested in the (barely there) plot. The next time King visits their apartment, he’s shocked to find a bit of merch with the shy girl. Genos’ argument is that he ”needed to protect her from perverts!”.
Carefully, King offers him:
”.........I do have the game, if you want to try it” ”.....yes.”
(For the record, Genos’ merch is a cast-off figurine, and he made sure to get her the bra variety pack, so she’s never out)
...King has no idea how this all started, he just wants to live and now he has Badd swinging his bat a bit too close for comfort, while Genos doesn’t say anything... for his eyes says it all (and what his eyes says is keep this away from the kids and also where can I find the latest episode?)
Saitama is chill about the whole thing - like, okay, it’s not for kids but he doesn’t think they’re old enough to understand. Ladies in historic paintings are nude too, right? Right. Best to hide it though, especially since it makes Genos upset.
The biggest prude of the group is actually Garou, who has quite possibly never seen a wild boob and was always so focused on his training - weird feelings? Go punch a sandbag. Hormones going wild? Sudden boner? Time to go run seven miles. To him, sex stuff is private and he’s very much a ”protect the children!” guy.
(Garou is not allowed to give any dating advice, seeing him being in a relationship is due entirely to his partner accepting his weirdly aggressive courting. Garou gives off that 'bringing dead animals as a gift like a cat' vibe, or happily showing off his collection of beaten thugs, as the case may be.)
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oddsnendsfanfics · 7 years
Two Strangers : Doubts
Genre: Fan Fiction (Vikings) Pairing: Ivar/Reader Warnings: N/A Rating: G Length: Drabble Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: More Modern!Ivar, because he is clearly a hit ;) 
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Two Strangers Master List
Across the room your iPad dinged, telling you that there was a new video call waiting to be answered. Without looking at the person sending the request, you knew straight away that it would be Ivar. Sure enough, on the other side of the screen his smile met you – making your stomach flutter and your heart grow tight. You hadn’t seen Ivar, in person, in three months but the constant video calls and communication were almost enough to make up for the absence.
“Miss me, yet?” You asked settling in on your couch. You may as well get comfortable now, this was going to take a while. Not that you minded, the marathon video chats with Ivar were the best part of your week.
“Always do, Gorgeous,” Ivar spoke, smiling like a fool. You watched as he shifted around, recognizing the room he was in as the living room. Behind him the soft brown leather couch gave the perfect back drop. “Did you miss me?”
“Of course,” You smile with your reply.
Missing Ivar was the precise reason you had asked him to move this chat to today, instead of later in the week like you had originally planned. You would get to that, all in due time, but for now you simply wanted to enjoy the idle chit chat that came with every video call. They were all the same, you’d tell other how much you’d been missing them, ask about their day, tell about yours, and then whatever else needed to be said would come into play.
“How was your day?” Ivar asked, lifting a blue towel from around his neck and running it over his hair. You hadn’t noticed it before now, but his hair was damp and his bare shoulders were staring you down. He was looking much tighter and better built than you remembered.
Distracted by the innocent, as if, action, you blinked rapidly bringing yourself back to the conversation. Damn Ivar, he was such a tease.
“My day has barely begun,” You speak clearly, glancing up to the window in your living room. The mid-morning sun is streaming through, making the lazy Sunday the almost perfect day.
To be a proper perfect day, Ivar would have to be there in person. For now, this was good enough.
“Did you make it to kick-boxing this morning?” Ivar inquired knowing that you had been talking about going.
Crinkling your nose, you smile sheepishly. “I ended up sleeping in, but it was worth it.” Your alarm had gone off and instead of dragging yourself out of bed and to the gym, you’d been happy to silence the alarm and roll over. One week wouldn’t hurt. “Did you make it to the gym today?”
Ivar slowly nodded, rolling his eyes. “Ubbe had me awake at 5 to go.”
Ivar was content to tag along, after all being active was one of the best things for him, the fact his brother constantly turned their trips to the gym into some sort of competition heightened Ivar’s desire to go. His physio therapist had recently commented on how the frequent trips were paying off in more ways than Ivar could have imagined.
Flexing his left arm on the other side of the screen, he winked and made what you assumed to be a sexy pout.
“Hey babe.” He lowered his voice, mocking the typical American Muscle Head. “Which way to the beach?”
“You’re terrible,” You giggle at the antics. “But seriously, you feel okay? No over doing it I hope?”
“I feel great,” He half lied, after this Ivar was going to have a date with his bed. The physical part of his morning had left him beat. “Hvitserk and Sig came too, we played basketball.” He beamed proudly. Having to play in a wheel chair would give most people a disadvantage, especially when their opponents were all 6 feet and over. Ivar on the other hand had something his brothers didn’t - great aim. “Sig and I won.”
“So, when is the NBA calling?” You engaged.
Ivar rolled his eyes and smirked, “I already turned them away. They’re not ready for all of this.” He teased,
“Well, when they call, don’t forget about us little people?”
Sighing, Ivar smiled softly. “Forget you? Not happening, in fact,” He paused biting his bottom lip. “I was wondering, when are you coming back to see me?”
About to tell Ivar that you had been thinking about your next visit, you paused hearing someone talking in the background on his end. Ubbe was casually yelling for Ivar, his tone softening and Ivar’s attention leaving the screen. Listening to the brothers, you waited for a lull in their conversation – Ubbe was going out and there was a possibility he wouldn’t be back for the night. Ivar was nodding, agreeing, and assuring his brother that things would be fine – before calling out to Ubbe.
Ivar’s video began to spin and you were face to face with Ubbe. “When are you coming back to see me?” He parroted his baby brother’s question. “It’d be nice to have a prettier face than Ivar’s around here.” Ubbe winked.
“Well,” You purse your lips together, “I was thinking that maybe Ivar should come visit me this time?”
Ubbe’s eyebrows shot up, his blue eyes wide, and his beard hiding the smirk on his face. “That’s a great idea, but then I miss out.” He teased.
“You have Margrethe,” You shot back. Remembering the details Ivar had given you on Ubbe’s new girlfriend, the waitress from across town. You had saw photos and she looked very much like the type of girl you would have hand picked for Ubbe. “You don’t need me hanging around.”
“I don’t know,” Ubbe drawled out the words, “Ivar’s not much of a traveler.”
“What? What is she saying? Ubbe!” Ivar was frantic in the background, growling at his brother. Ubbe moved quickly to dodge a slap in the back of the knees. “Ubbe!” He was practically shouting. “Give that back!”
“Do you think you’d even want him? He’s a shit roommate.” Ubbe continued to torment you and his brother. “At least here, if you get bored with him there are three other brothers to pick from.”
“Ubbe you dick,” Ivar continued to rage, annoyed in the background.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ubbe.” You play into his torment, “If I get bored with Ivar, you’d be my last choice.” You laugh and wink.
“You just keep breaking my heart,” Ubbe placed his hand over his chest. “Here, I’ll give you back before Ivar has a tantrum.”
Another blurry screen, a thump, and Ubbe shouting happen before Ivar’s pouting and innocent eyes reappear. Sighing heavily, he settles in and clears his throat. His hair is starting to dry and curl on the ends, you want so much to run your fingers through it. To stroke his cheek and reassure him that you and Ubbe were only teasing him.
“Ivar,” Your voice is even and sweet. You fight the urge to stroke the screen, gently connecting the freckles on his left cheek with your finger tip. “You know we were being dicks.”
“I know.” He grumbled, his eyes a dark blue and his frown making his lips look even more inviting.
Logically, Ivar knew that you would never cast him aside for one of his brothers. At least he hoped you would never cast him aside for one of his brothers. Ivar had always hated having to share, mostly because his brothers would take his things and never let him have them again. Childhood toys were one thing, but a woman was another. Ubbe had crossed a line in his comments and Ivar had gained his revenge. Now Ubbe was heading out on a date, his arm sporting a new bruise, and his shins beat from Ivar’s crutch.
“What I wasn’t teasing about, was you coming to visit me.” You continue to smile at him. “I mean, if you want to.”
You’d love to have another chance at visiting Ivar at home, but this time, having him come to you felt right. You knew his family and his friends, it was time that Ivar got to experience that on your side. You could show him all of your favourite spots and sights, take him around town and show him off.
A vacation from home and his brothers wouldn’t be that bad, getting to spend time with you would be amazing. There were a few tiny details which kept Ivar from jumping on a plane this very moment. His heart clenched and his stomach twisted. He shouldn’t be so nervous.
“A…are…Are you sure?” Ivar’s question was barely above a whisper.
“Of course, I am, silly.” You encourage. “Ivar, I want you to come and see where I’m from. I want you to meet my family and friends, to show you around like you did for me.”
“But what…never mind.” Ivar sighed heavily, a low growl resting in his throat.
“Ivar.” You hardened your gaze. “What’s wrong?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, Ivar idly chewed his bottom lip, trying to find a way to voice his concerns. “What if I come to visit and your family hates me? I mean, do they know?”
“Know what?”
You could understand his concerns, because you’d had the same ones when meeting his family.
“About me.” His eyes locked on your through the screen. A shiver ran through you.
“Of course they do! No, I’ve been seeing you for almost nine months and decided it wasn’t important.” You shook your head in disbelief. “Yes, Ivar. They know about you and I.”
Shaking his head, Ivar spoke. “Not about us, I mean about me. Do your friends and family know that you’re dating a guy whose legs don’t work, who you met on a plane?”
“Ivar!” You loudly scold him. “Don’t be like that, what is this about? Are you mad because Ubbe and I were teasing you? If you are then I’m sorry. If you’re not feeling well, then we can discuss this later.” You huff at him. “I hate when you talk that way, you know it. Ivar, I love you for you. Legs or not.”
“So they don’t know?”
“They know,” You answer with a deadpan stare.
You’d told your best friend about Ivar almost immediately after hanging out together in Paris. When you realized the photos that you’d taken with Ivar were mostly selfies or waist up, you had told her everything. How he had sat by you on the plane. How he’d really managed to make you like him with that stupid wagon joke. Even how he never let crutches and braces slow him down. After meeting Sigurd, you’d even had the odd idea about setting the two of them up. Once Ivar met her, you may go through with it.
Your mother had spoke to Ivar on the phone and briefly on a video call one morning. She had been elated, commenting on his manners and not to mention looks. Knowing that she wanted the best for you, while having dinner one evening you had told her everything about Ivar. About his brothers, his parents, even his legs. Her only reply had been to ask when she got to meet him.
“And you know what, babe, they don’t care.” You continue, not without noticing the doubt on Ivar’s face. “You make me happy. My friends and family will respect that. My mom can’t wait to meet you.” You smile sweetly. “And I can’t wait to have you here.”
@pathybo , @imgoldielikehawn , @sparklemichele , @titty-teetee , @kirah34 , @kduran04 , @capitanostella , @badassbaker ,  @pagan-raider , @cute-freak27 , @bloodyivar , @normanallthewayforever  , @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme , @imyourliquor-youremypoison , @nikky-the-writer  , @seremedyxiii , @rrwilson66 , @alex-ivar-minx , @deleteidentity  , @hoeghfabulous , @ateliefloresdaprimavera  , @mydarlingwhim , @tornupandbored
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sevenmothz · 6 years
my kh3 experience
howdy guys, been a long ass time since i’ve written any of my own posts on this here blog. part of it is because i just haven’t gamed a lot in the last few months, and part of it is i also haven’t used tumblr in a long time too. xD
anyway, i played through the story of kh3 the week it released and while i was doing all that gaming, i pretty much liveblogged on mine and my friend’s discord with all my immediate thoughts/feelings of the game (whether she as awake to lol @ my nonsense or not xD).
so, of course, i went through and typed up most of that shit and am copypasting it here for random strangers’ enjoyment!
naturally, there will be spoilers, so don’t look if you care about that shit.
oh my ggooooodddd the new dearly beloved fuuuuuuck
ooh this place is pretty
oh boy there’s water oh man i bet this white place is gonna be a pain in my ass to get through fucking hollow bastion all over again
sora you’re so beautiful 😭
oh jesus do i really gotta do this stupid tutorial shit again at least now we are finally rid of that awful KH1 Sora model
hey it’s the tsunami from the frist game!
am i playing a diddly dang prequel of 3? are those FUCKIN’ LOADING SCREEN PAGES FUCKING INSTAGRAMS also lol sora got nerfed
aahhhh learning curves i hate have to get used to how this game handles
uh oh sora is worried about what xigbar said to him
eat shit, titan
also i’d like to say sora runs ridiculously fast now
sora’s such a brat “awww what about new clothes for meeeee??”
i can’t computer
stop being a bitch, buzz buzz killyear
oh yeah so when playing olympus hades was all “IVE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR 18 YEARS” it’s been 17 years since KH1 came out 18 since it was in development god kingdom hearts is a junior in high school
gdi rex stay put oh no buzz oh noes i’m in a video game lmao
omg a cactaur
yeah you go woody
oh how i miss timed events/reaction commands. makes dealing with these fuckers you gotta climb on top of a lot easier to deal with
square why don’t you have the gotdamn kh3 soundtrack on itunes i need to be able to listen to this title screen music ALL THE TIME
sully just fuckin’ chuck vanitas through a door like “NOT TODAY BITCH”
of course they’re gonna do let it go.. they really did the whole thing
climb all the way up the mountain and larxene blows us off of it rude
wow are they really gonna do all the songs or wut
keep forgetting i can switch keyblades
annnnd back down the goddamn mountains lmao sora is so done
srsly we’re going up again
damn this boss fight is epic makes the slog through the world worth it unlike the fuckin’ toy box boss hated that fucker oh no marshmallow
fuck off larxene let people be happy
lmao stfu ventus keep volunteering sora to resque aqua
demyx :<
oh hello piercings dude
these pirate nerds little pirate sora is so cute
yeesh that elizabeth voice is terrible
guh it’s always a slog getting through the disney story stuff cuz it’s just worse rehashings of the movies at least fransokyo will be new content never seen big hero 6 xD
o mai assassin’s creed lite
jack you dumb bitch
oh man davy jones voice is bad too
jesus that second luxurd battle fucking terrible
god i never through elizabeth’s speech could sound so terrible how can you let someone butcher one of the most iconic moments from the third movie so bad?
oh thank god the kraken is easy to beat
lmao luxurd taken out by jack’s breath
eat shive, dave
lmao vexen “gdi it’s a real heart organ” “WE NEED A METAPHORICAL HEART YOU ASSHOLES”
damn sora throwing hands i was wondering how sora woudl react to one of his disney pals dying wasn’t expecting bodily assault
oma lea axel* whatever i wanna see his new dudes
ansem gonna talk to ansem oh god kids do’t get killed oh boy what happening now nobodies fightin’ ansem the bad WHO DUN IT GDI oh it was vexen DOUBLE AGENT??? or is he. filTHY LIAR they’re not gonna tell me pricks
“omg a robot :D”
keyblade hero 3 omg sora why
omai visor oh wow chill music
baaah sora showin’ off
holy shit i found me a new fav strength weapon the keyblade from caribbean love it even more than the toybox one xD the fuckin’ formchanges are amaze
THAT AIN’T SEA SALT ICE CREAM <gasp> roxas rude
replica riku~
damn microbot was a pain in the ass
WOT WHAT NOMURAING THIS SHIT ALL UP is this groundhog day i s2g
is that gotdamn terra
yen sid can actually do shit
damn this a long endgame
ah there we go. good ol’ Plot Device Kairi and there i thought she’d be useful lmao man tho i seriously rolled my eyes when xehanort struck an unconscious kairi down i was just like “yeah that seem about right..” storywise, sora has such a stronger connection to riku barely talks to kairi lea talked to kairi more in one game than sora ever did in 9+ i’d ship kairi and lea if there wasn’t such an obvious age gap lmao and WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CHICK THAT DIAPPEARED ON LEA AND ISA? like is that answered in this game or was it answered in a previous game?
Roxas is a REAL BOY now
gotdamn those dudes were tough
fuck man barely gives me time to block stupid goat head lemme guess tho that isn’t the end of course not because kingdom hearts can’t just let us defeat him c’mon man let me reload my potions at least man fuck off with this boss shit motherfucker did you really just force me into rage form “I AM MORE POWERFUL EVEN THO YOU KILLED ME LIKE 2 TIMES”
omg donald and goofy’s voices from the controller speaker
just fucking die already
this bitch really thinking he was the good guy the whole time
jesus the x-blade is bigger than sora
mickey and donald finally get to be hoooome
axel and xion in their new clothes~ EVEN ISA
maleficent is gonna find that fucking box isn’t she and we’re not gonna see what is in it i’m guessing its the box the Master of Masters gave to his apprentice cuz that’s the only notable box in the series i can think of
but yeah this game this game was supposed to bring an end to the Xehanort saga so they fully intent to make moar games so we’ll get a new annoying big bad and more weird dumb lore
ok we’re getting into the dumb credits like PR manager and shit so i think they’re coming close to the end ihope never know until you start seeing the gotdamn logos
that fuckin’ xigbar THE OLD MASTERS fuck it is i knew it I KNEW HE HAD SOMETHING GOING ON i was betting he was master of masters but no it’s luxu
fak FUQ fuck off with your games eraqus
HELLO SORA and Riku THEY”RE IN INSOMNIA no wait verum rex GAH
what if Demyx is Master of Masters
Final Thoughts: me: there were pretty much no FF cameos so 0/10 AzuraSpyte: lol I give it a 5/10 for Axel alone me: lolol minus 1 for making him wear the organization coat the entire game
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