#was looking back at cat of the year discourse and wanted to say this lol
risingsunresistance · 8 months
something truly special about mcyt where people cant just leave it alone. if mcyt gets involved in something that gets attention, no one has the decency to go "ew" and slap the block button, they HAVE to make sure EVERYONE knows they hate it and hate you and want your day to be worse
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mini-jiminie · 3 days
hi! I just found your blog and it is great to see people that are open to talk and engage with other peoples perspectives. I was on 2017 jikook tumblr till the start of 2019, when I deleted my account due to the increasing negativity and I just wasnt vibing with all of it. But I had my twitter acc where I just followed translations and updates accounts of the boys and yeah I was kinda updated on them.
Obviously since used to have a tumblr account I had my thoughts on jungkooks and jimins relationship through those years but I just kept them with myself because I wasnt in any space to share them and I didnt want to be involved on any fandom communities at that time.
Like two weeks ago curiosity got me and I decided to see what was going on on jkk tumblr because I had a my thoughts of them since ays started so I created an account lol. Ive been seeing a lot of peoples reactions but it is great to find people that match with what I was thinking. Like they definitely have a relationship with each other that stands out from other ones. I think there has been a lot of things that point to them having a unique/different bond but there is also some others that obviously do not erase all those others moments but kinda gives us a big slap in the face lol. I was reading some of your posts and something that resonated a lot with me was this
Jkk’s dynamic is so distinct from their dynamics with the other boys. I’m happy to speculate whether they could be in a romantic relationship but, I’m also content with not knowing.
To be honest with everything that has happened these last years I don’t really think they are in a relationship. Ive been here since 2017 and for years I used to believe they had something going on, never could I state it as a fact but I think everyone in the fandom noticed it even the members, they were different. But I also think relationships are so difficult and they both are the only ones that can know every aspect of what was going on between them.
I saw on your pinned that you started to use this tumblr acc again. Was it because ays made you had some thoughts too? I hope no one takes this as negative in any way Im just sharing my thoughts as someone who appreciates jimin and jungkook a lot.
So, I also initially left tumblr around 2019 too because the boys were mainly active on Twitter and so was majority of the fandom. I didn’t use this acc to post and would only lurk so, I didn’t have much of an attachment to it.
Funny story but, I do owe me revisiting my tumblr acc to a jkk writer on Twitter. We’re not personally acquainted but, I am a fan of their writing. One day, I was scrolling through their curious-cat and found that they were having these really thoughtful discussions on jkk. I found that I really resonated with their opinions and was just overall so excited that I found a space to engage in such discussions. Now, maybe it’s just me but I find that the jkk space (and honestly the army space as a whole) on Twitter has become less of a space for discussion and discourse as the years have gone by. I came back to tumblr because I thought well, this is where I’ll be able to read and engage in such thoughtful conversation, especially in light of ays.
It does look like we share similar opinions <3 I’m sure you’ve probably seen me say the same thing a billion times but yea, I love Jikook because they always have me on the edge. There’s something so thrilling about being kept on your toes as you observe two people who have such an interesting dynamic. No matter what they are to one another, the love and adoration is undeniable and that’s all I would ever want from them. I just want them to be happy and I can say with confidence that they make eachother happy. Ays has definitely cemented that for me.
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feline-evil · 8 months
To try and make my memory issues less Annoying i'm going to start cataloguing what i watch and my opinions on said things, i forgot to do it fresh after watching these first few things but in the future ill try and do it more soon after. You can block the tag jay tv time if you wanna filter this out and not see it!
I'd heard vaguely about this way back when on tumblr and hadn't had any interest at the time; this was back when i was more interested in getting involved in discourse than really taking any media recommendations from my peers around me lol, older days on tumblr were a dark time huh. Anyway, watched this with my boyfriend this year because i have an interest in ice dancing, i like the sport, i wanted to see some sports anime drama around it!
So, my opinion and review. The show's opening credits are nothing to write home about, very clean looking yeah but kind of bland in a sort of mid 2010's corporate fashion- the show itself though starts with a boatload of charm and a very likeable main lead! The atmosphere was charming and fun and bubbly, everything felt very cozy; LOVED our main leads internal little monologues with little diagrams, loved his family his mom is like peak platonic ideal of an anime mom, loved the tongue in cheek nature of it! Aaaand then we hit what i would call the lowest point for the show, and one that i fully understand if it would be a complete deal breaker for people. That's right folks, we get fatphobic comedy! Whoo. This isn't the WORST i've ever seen but in those first two episodes or so it was prevalent enough to have me rolling my eyes, feeling uncomfortable and saying yeah, if this continues on we might drop the show. If not for how charming the rest of the show was I'm sure we would have dropped it right then and there! But what i am glad to say is that yeah, it drops off; of course it comes with the caveat that it only drops with the main lead losing the weight he was being mocked for, SIGH, but it at least started to feel less like we were going to have to sit through endless weird attitudes towards NORMAL WEIGHTS FOR A GODDAMN HUMAN BODY TO BE, and more like 'oh yeah these hardcore professionals in these fields have shitty attitudes towards bodies. That makes sense. Wish we didn't have to linger on it still because i dislike it thoroughly.' So anyway. Moving onto the next episodes the show really started to pick up for me and got me invested in the ice dancing; while a lot of characters come and go during the lead up to and the competition itself i found so many of them likeable and charming that i was rooting for them each time they took to the ice! I adored the 'rival' of sorts, fifteen year old yuri (not the titular one, different yuri) and we were cheering him on a lot; he's just a little angry kid that loves cats and wants to be the best!!! We wanted him to do good and have fun!!! And we found we were rooting like this for so many people, really feeling the vibe of watching a sport you enjoy and feeling the love for the art of it all.
Now speaking of art i will say i found myself not always totally in love with the animation during the skate segments; this show is really pretty looking for sure and certainly TONS of hardwork went into it so i don't wish to say anything against that- i don't even know if there IS a better way to animate this but. Well on occasion it felt as if the background slid at the wrong speed or angle or direction and didn't fully match the figures skating, making some of the speed and elegance of ice dance evaporate. A lot of animation also felt a little reused, a lot of the same motion being done with little variance aside from what the commentary dialogue says over top, but again i respect a ton of hardwork no doubt went into this and i'm sure animating competitive ice dancing is a daunting task so i'm not making any statements against effort or skill on part of the animators!! Just stating that i myself wasn't too taken with the animation during these segments.
Of course, at its core, what yuri on ice is really about is a blooming relationship; and oh my god. Okay so i'm kind of used to things tumblr called gay back in the day being....mmmm metaphorical, subtextual. Sometimes even not gay at all. So i wasn't prepared for how openly gay this was! There is clear romantic and sexual intent shown from JUMP, it is not shied away from nor shown as something to be demonized or to bring doom on the characters they are just Gay. Like REALLY gay. And maybe you're going 'well duh of course' but hey. I didn't grow up watching anything with gay characters or people in it, i still am not used to seeing open and happy gay people in media. Its still fresh to me! And it makes me happy! I don't know how they got this show to be SO gay, i would be surprised at something gaining mainstream popularity with 'THEY STRAIGHT UP GET ENGAGEMENT RINGS' level of gay nowadays never mind back then so i'm just sort of taken aback! That's cool!! That's still new to me!!
Now my overall review is: This show is a good fluffy watch, nothing too complex or complicated, might not blow your socks off but if you want something feel-good it's worth a try! Obviously with the understanding that if those first few episodes leave too bad a taste in your mouth i compleeetely understand and would not begrudge anyone switching off at that point, you'd be well within your rights because good lord we didn't need that put in. But yeah! Show's gay! Show's got ice dancing! Someone should take Yuri Plisetsky to the rainforest cafe!!!
Dungeon meshi is something i've known about for ages and known that i'd like, but i also knew it had a plotpoint adjacent to something that (genuinely depending on the day, its like a damn coin toss) can squick me out OR trigger me a bit, SO! I'd never read it, which i know is a damn shame! But my boyfriend really wanted to watch the first episode of the new dunmeshi anime and i really really wanted to watch with him and i'm really glad i did because it is SO good. It is so fun and witty and bursting with charm, every character is so likeable and it feels like you've known them forever from jump they settle so easily within your fondness for them! I adore how much they do not shy away from Laios being a very passionate weirdo, i love that the guy who is pretty much our main lead in our cast is. A PECULIAR MAN WHO YOU JUST REALLY CAN'T HELP BUT HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR. I've been this man before, the guy who's really into something nobody else gets!! I get it Laios i get it! Marcille Chilchuck and Senshi are all absolute delights too and each has their personality show vibrantly different from each other, feeling like individuals all with so much to like about them all; Marcille as the person to constantly be unsure about the CLEARLY PECULIAR THINGS THEY ARE DOING is especially great!! Not only is this show a romp so far but it looks DIVINE, the animation knows exactly when detail and motion is needed and when a minimalist approach is needed to sell a gag; each character is rendered PERFECTLY from manga to anime, they are translated over with an expert touch that loses none of their charm- and according to my boyfriend this anime is a very straight forward adaptation, beat by beat following the way things are laid out in the manga's panels the way they are presented within that medium, and that's SO cool to me that they're managing to make precise things that worked so well on paper work just as well in motion! I can't say too much about this story-wise or plot related just now as again, we've only seen the one episode, but it has left me hungry for more and really excited to watch the rest of it, and that's fantastic!! PONYO
Oh wow this is three for three animated entries for the jay tv time list; not intentional but that's pretty cool co-ordination! Animated January..... ANYWAY!
CAN YOU BELIEVE I HADN'T SEEN PONYO YET! I've seen Spirited away and My Neighbour Totoro, but this was my first time watching Ponyo and ohhhhh my god it's wonderful. Every character is a joy, the world around them looks gorgeous, its all so sweet and nice and aaaaaaa Sometimes small kids can be. Grating in movies, or the plot can be moved along in ways that are annoying to watch a toddler progress through, but not with this movie; the kids are SO cute, Sasuke is such a sweet lil kid and Ponyo is so fun- also the line early on at the daycare where the one lil girl says 'you don't have a job you're FIVE!' KILLS ME! This movie portrays little kids in a way that never crosses into the annoying small child thing that a lot of movies can do; and that's not all it does right! It's conflict never feels contrived or irritating, it always flows nice, it's characters never feel boxed into Bad or Good everyone is just a person trying to do what's right, the world never feels Too hostile or Too cosy it just feels nice and balanced! It's a joy to watch it really is, it's not a complex nor complicated tale but it doesn't need to be, its a movie to watch when you want to have a big happy smile on your face; it makes you want to clap and go yayyy!!!! So often because you love what's happening so much! Sasuke's mom is SO FUCKING GOOD. Spoke about platonic ideal of anime mom earlier but Sasuke's mom takes the award for Coolest mom; she's driving fast and furious, she never once judges Ponyo for being a fishy, she's cool!! Ponyo's dad is equally good, i love a well meaning man who just can't help but come across as a Total Weird Asshole because he is just so much of a tired grumpy mess; and i love that he's not portrayed as evil or mean, just protective and misguided in places but ultimately just as kind as everyone else in this movie! And that's something i really appreciate, so much kindness flows through this movie, so much love for your fellow man (or fish); the community feels like a community because of it, families feel like families because of it. Kindness is so wonderful and the kind of kind, gentle understanding in Ponyo makes it's characters come alive! The final moments when Sasuke accepts Ponyo makes so much sense, he's a sweet lil five year old, he doesn't have any prejudice engrained in him, he likes his fishy friend!! And the world is saved by that!! And isn't that just delightful! Also hey if we may get unprofessional Sasuke and Ponyo's moms had a little something going on between them, i think they could've had a lil something something. I'm just saying. I also love Ponyo's dad SO Much. I couldn't fix him but. well. nay, i shan't say. ANYWAY!!! REALLY GOOD, SWEET MOVIE! Definitely one i'll revisit on days when i want a nice sweet pick me up! It's gorgeous, it's heartwarming; oh my god and the ANIMATION!! THE ANIMATION! Every frame a delight, i appreciate so much of how well done the creatures of the sea are and how much are filled into every scene, making it feel bustling and alive, i appreciate how unafraid to make Ponyo look WEIRD they are it really adds to the charm, and the animation in general is just so perfect, its a work of art... I REALLY ENJOYED THIS MOVIE! AND I THINK THAT'S IT FOR NOW, STAY TUNED FOR UH. MORE THINGS I WATCH I GUESS.
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cherrymoonvol6 · 4 years
absolutely no one asked for this but i will rank every kent parson pairing that i can think about (warning: SUPER subjective, but i tried)
kent/bad bob
i don’t even know what to say except NO. come fucking on. -1000000/10
kent/fry guy
i mean... first of all, LOL. second of all, if we take in account that all the times we see fry guy he’s being annoyed by either jack’s or bitty’s accomplishments/happiness, then i can see them bonding over that and going straight to the hook up. but again, come onnnnn in the best cases this is either a blatant self-insert or pushing the concept of a crack-ship, at worst this is deliberatedly ignoring richer characters in the comic in order to pair kent with the LOL option. 2/10
i feel like this is the one pairing that makes NO sense at all yet i know people are gonna go for it because two conventionally attractive guys together cute. imo a lot of people go into this thinking bitty is morally superior than kent and it’s like an extension of the kent discourse and a form of a “fix-it” for him (and fix WHAT?) (if you don’t, you are so valid and please keep going). like, do you really think kent parson would give a single fuck about eric bittle? i love bitty, but c’mon. this is like the kinda thing bitty would come up with in his own head to make himself feel better about his second-hand feelings of anger and sadness over kent and jack’s history. your only shot at this is to write one or both of them ooc, which, valid i guess. 3/10
same thing with fry guy: holster isn’t very fond of jack, he and kent can bond over that. i can totally see holster being kent’s type, too. maybe holster wants to act some of that steamy jackparse fanfiction with him. 4/10, has potential
bro did you SEE ransom’s face while talking about parse coming to the epikegster on year 3????? and kent remembering ransom on that forbidden update????? after all, ransom was the one holding kent’s body issue on parse ii. nhl guys are ransom’s weakness, 200%: they’d hook up and then they’d spent the rest of the night gushing about how hot tater is. 6/10
kent/tyler seguin
bro this pairing is like, fucking hysterical. whoever came up with this, i love you because is there anything more on brand for kent than pairing him with the irl hockey player he’s based off??? this is a crack ship done right. 6.5/10
listen....... i’d be so up for this. whiskey and kent are essentially the same person. whiskey is literally what kent would’ve been if he had gone to college. they’re SUPER ambitious and competitive, have problems opening up, it’s all about the Fronts(tm), but like. what’s that age difference, again? like, six years? idk. idk, man. if they were to end on the same team, though, they’d vibe so hard with each other... opening up to each other might be pushing it, though. whiskey must have mad respect for him because he’s a great player and same with kent! so like, if i pretend i do not see it, 7/10
am i imagining it or did ngozi describe scraps as someone who sees kent as the smartest one in the room? or something like that. anyways, it’s about time that kent gets someone on his life that he can confide in and then return some of that love. if they’re not higher on the list is because i like them more as the platonic bond kent desperately needs (also i’m not sure about what the age gap is?), but friends to lovers following deep conversations and personal growth in an incredibly toxic environment? good shit. 7/10
i feel like this is either a hit or miss with whether you headcanon kent as gay or bi, but even though i always think of kent as gay i’m so up for this pairing. i feel like they have so many things in common and you could truly portray them in such different settings! and i love to think about them opening up to each other. oh, the softness and tenderness that could come out of these two!!! bonus if we get jackshit as the background couple, plus that damn jackparse reconciliation. 8/10
i love kent parson, which means i’m always up for the idea of him getting himself a boyfriend who can challenge him and drive him to want to become a better person so that he can come out of that self-destruction spiral that his life in the nhl has been. free space, you can quite literally do anything with this. 8/10
i hate to say this but this pairing, though it’s the friends-to-lovers crusade that kent deserves on his nhl life, is kind of a wild card because swoops is just a shell of a character. this pairing is kinda like kent/omc but the omc has actually appeared in canon. but again, FRIENDS TO LOVERS and there’s SO many cute and angsty and wholesome things you could get out of it. 8/10
listen, enemies-to-lovers isn’t my shit, i’ll admit it. but i love tater and i love kent and seeing them clashing looks like so much fun. i feel like once kent shows some of the ugly things he’s hiding inside, these two could click so well. and also that one panel with tater lifting kent off the ground with one hand, out of pure anger at this little shit trying to make jack’s nhl life a living hell, boy oh boy do i love me some of that. with them, and if done right, there could be a great balance between humour and the deep angst we all know and love from kent fics and character studies. plus, it’s going to eventually push a jackparse reconciliation. gimme all that closure baby! 9/10
you 200% expected this if you have seen a single post from my blog. i mean.... this literally has it all. the two characters with the richest backstories and/or development. rivals to friends to “lovers” to enemies to ??? to enemiesANDrivals to eventual lovers??? YOU pick it. you get all the angst, all the conflict surrounding each others’ expectations, the pressure of the hockey world around them, the APOLOGIES and the growing up, the delicious trope of them individually solving their shit and then coming back to each other. all the personality clashes! legends on the ice! kenny and zimms! jack and cat content! absolutely everything you could wish for. hot and steamy? we got it. angry and challenging? hell yeah. soft and forgiving, eventually? just the best of the best. you get the closure that bitty’s pov couldn’t provide, character studies, SO many different types of pining and unrequited and forbidden love... if you’re not on the jackparse life, you are missing out. come join us in hell. 1000000/10
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clovis-enthusiast · 5 years
Little thought about The Tyrant’s Tomb. [SPOILERS!!!!]
oKAY, so I’m gonna start off by saying that, as usual, Rick Riordan’s writing style never fails to impress and draw me in to keep reading and not stop until I’ve devoured every last word. I was DESPERATE to read this book because it took me longer to get it than usual, and I was trying to go into it spoiler free (aside from reading the snippets that Uncle Rick posted on his Twitter every now and then.) I pretty much managed to do so, and it made the experience that much more emotional for me. I went into The Burning Maze KNOWING that Jason was going to die, but I had absolutely no idea what I’d be facing in this book.
Camp Jupiter
I’m just gonna flat out say it; I was never really all that interested in Camp Jupiter in the beginning. I didn’t like the majority of the characters (aside from Dakota who is my legal son) and the camp structure (though accurate to the Romans) seemed too strict and harsh to me. The ranking systems confused me, and it all in all just did not appeal to me the way Camp Half-Blood does. However, the more I read, the more attached I grew, and although I still MUCH prefer Camp Half-Blood and would choose it in a heartbeat when choosing between the two camps, it still became an interesting place to read about. I ADORE the idea of New Rome and the sharp contrast of silly demigods like the fifth cohort vs. the strict rules and upbringing of the camp.
When Jason died in The Burning Maze and the next book was set to take place surrounding Camp Jupiter, I grew excited. I REALLY wanted to meet more of the demigods of the Roman camp and explore them more (mostly Dakota but I digress.) Although I knew reading about everyone’s reactions to Jason’s death would be hard, I fought through it and was somewhat surprised by the lack of grieving that was presented. I mean, the ENTIRE first few chapters were ALL about Jason’s coffin and Lester and Meg grieving and trying their best to get it to camp but when it actually got there there really wasn’t that much of an uproar. At first I thought that was strange but looking back at it the Romans are brought up to be strong and not let emotions take over them, and people like Hazel have to show absolute strength. Besides the camp was already in mourning over DOZENS of other campers at the time.
That was another thing that sort of bugged me. I was absolutely ITCHING to meet some new characters and granted I got a few, but the majority of the ‘newer’ characters had already been killed and served only as the undead army.
THAT WAS SO FUCKED UP. It was one thing that I think Rick did a really good job with in upping the deep and darkness of the Riordanverse series. Can you imagine fighting your undead comrades and friends?? Like holy shit, that was emotional. I was super worried I spoiled something for myself on Istagram bc I read a post someone made about Jason trying to get the undead Romans to follow him instead or direct them away from camp, but I should have known it wasn’t true since he was literally burned.
Speaking of burning, I ACTUALLY thought Rick killed Frank off. Up until this book, I hadn’t really realized how much I loved this man. His character is just so well-written and likable and when he sacrificed the wood, I was like NOOOOOOOOO. I was SO grateful he came back in the end because I was sure Rick would never hear the end of THAT one if he allowed it to really happen. On the bright side, my baby boy can now enjoy his life with a little bit more vigor and less fear now that the stick is gone for good.
New Characters
Lavinia Asimov: Okay, Lavinia is a REALLLLLLLY weird character to me. She reminds me a lot of Lou Ellen to be honest, but for some reason, she doesn’t appeal to me as much as Lou Ellen does. (Maybe it’s just because I tend to prefer minor characters) Her rebelliousness seemed a little too... forced at times?? And her whole thing with the dryads and fauns was kinda weird too, but I guess since she likes Poison Ivy, it makes sense. However, she kinda did grow on me, I suppose, and I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her.
Poison Ivy: I REALLY wished we could have met her even just once. Lavinia would not shut up about her and was CONSTANTLY rebelling against the rules in camp just to see her, so I wanna know just what kind of a character she is. I’m sure she would have been very interesting and sassy to have been Lavinia’s love interest lol
Pranjal: He’s a good boy!!! Not quite sure how to pronounce his name properly, but his appearance is adorable and I LOVE the fact that he’s a son of Aesculapius because he’s one of my favorite gods soooo... I really wish we could have seen more of him!! He’s kinda like Clovis in the way that he has like one important part, gets mentioned like two times afterwards and then never again :^/
Aristophanes: he’s a cat,,, i love him,,, 
Harpocrates: This was SO interesting and out of the blue to me having gone in spoiler free!! He’s earned a new spot up in my favorite gods list because of how interesting and mysterious he is. His concept was great and although i was sad to see him sacrificed, I hope that he and Sibyl are together wherever they are bc that was damn cute and made me so emotional afgkjldg why did Apollo have to be such a dick as a god,,,
New names with little to no info: Carl (Roman demigod,) Reza (Roman demigod,) Reginald (faun,) Felipe (faun,) Harold (faun,) Lotoya (dryad,) Buster (unicorn,) Muffin (unicorn,) Whagadoodle (unicorn,) Shirley (unicorn,) Horatio (unicorn,) One Eye (pegasus,) Small Ears (pegasus,) Boost (pandai,) Ida (Roman demigod,) Caelius (Roman demigod,) Thomas (Roman demigod,) Colum (Roman demigod,) and Terrel (Roman demigod)
MY BOY HAS GROWN!!! He’s so human now, and I’m so proud. He doesn’t even second guess sacrificing himself or humiliating himself to save his friends. I just... I have a lot of feelings over his character development. Rick handles him SO well, and I just,,, I love him,,, i am,,, in love with him,, i would date lester papadopoulos
She’s grown to be such a doll!! I was SUPER annoyed by her in the first books, but now she’s my daughter. I love that she’s actually expressing emotions other than ‘annoying 12 year old’ now. Like I wanna protect her.
She was a pretty good character in this book and her leaving the camp was a HUGE surprise to me. I kinda wish she was still praetor because idk Hazel just doesn’t rlly seem as fit for it as Reyna was, and I like Reyna a lot, but idk i guess it’s coolio. I was also glad Rick cleared up all the romance discourse about her too though the way he did it was kinda weird (she literally was using the word ‘ship’ out loud like wh-- and i don’t remember the venus thing at all so maybe i missed it from a different book? idk it came out of nowhere to me)
Ella and Tyson
I actually like Ella a lot now!! I used to find her quite annoying, and her relationship with Tyson felt forced, but now that I had the time to get used to her and figure out her character a little more, I do like her. She sort of treats Tyson weird, but I think towards the end, I fell for their relationship more. Tyson was literally excellent, show-stopping, breath-taking, amazing,,, like YESSS KING I LOVE YOU AND YOU PEANUT BUTTER-SMELLING SELF (that one scene where he just started dancing and apollo didn’t know if it was for the ritual or just bc he felt like it killed me)
Character Deaths
Don: Don was sort of a comic relief character in SoN, and it was very sad to see him go. He reminded me a lot of Grover, and his death scene with Lavinia ACTUALLY made me tear up. THIS BOOK MADE ME SO EMOTIONAL GOD DAKOTA AND DON WERE LITERAL BABIES RICK GIVE THEM BACK
Bobby: listen,,, we never even met this kid rlly and i was still super sad when lavinia had to kill him again and hannibal is without him and just ughhh whyyy
Julia’s mother, father, AND foster parents: HOLY SHIT RICK WASN’T THAT KIND OF OVERKILL??? I felt so bad for the poor girl, especially cause she’s like six??? But it’s very sweet that Terminus adopted her. I really liked that.
Jacob: AAHHHAHA this one made me sad too!!!! he was such a minor character, but he reminded me of Damien White and Ethan Nakamura (if he were allowed to actually be a kid,) so I think that’s why I was sort of partial to him. The way he died was SUPER horrid too, so I just,,, im big sad for him (on a good hand, he went down F I G H T I N G)
Mentions of anything relating to Hypnos or his children
Yes, i am keeping track, sue me. Somnus was mentioned one time in this book as one of the gods Apollo briefly considered summoning to his aid, and it is presumed he has some sort of tribute at Camp Jupiter had he not before. You’ll make another appearance someday Clovis, I know it :’^D 
Final Thoughts
I literally CANNOT wait for the next book (which I presume is the last one.) From what it seems, we’re returning to New York, so Camp Half-Blood will be present. I can’t wait to see my babes again, and I’m REALLY hoping more minor characters will be allowed to shine (cough clovis cough) but like i KNOW some will die and just,,, im sad,,, dakota’s death has wrecked me,,, but on the side note, the new book is coming out in my last year of school!!! i’m so excited because this series holds emotional value to me like i’ve literally gone through my high school career with trials of apollo like it was with me the whole time and it’s one of the only things that keeps me going. i just,,, i have no words to express how much this series and all the others mean to me...
thank you so much for keeping me going, uncle rick. i can’t wait to see how this all ends :^) <3 
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Get to know me tag!
I was tagged by @hannahs-creations in the original post!!! Thank you, Hannah! sorry im a bit late with it haha
Rules: Answer the questions and tag a few people!
I got a bit long-winded on these answers, so I’ll put them behind a readmore!
1. What made you decide to start writing or arting (assuming you write or do art)?
I can’t say I ever consciously decided to start writing - I’ve just always loved reading, and when I first got a school assignment for a creative story, I decided I never wanted to stop!
In terms of art, though, it was sparked by a similar thing: the Dragonology book. My first story was about a dragon in there, and part of that assignment was to make illustrations to accompany it, and I decided I needed to learn how to draw dragons. From there, I just fell in love with making a blank page into something I could look at and enjoy, and I’ve been drawing ever since!
2. What do you like to do more: photo editing or video editing?
Oh, this is a hard one... Video editing is fun for me, especially because, when I make videos, I tend to do speedpaints with commentary, and cutting my ramblings down to a manageable size is so satisfying. On the other hand, I like taking fairly mundane pictures and making them magical...
I’d say, for satisfaction levels, video editing wins. For the actual process, I think photo editing is my favorite!
3. Which do you prefer: YouTube or TikTok?
YouTube, 100%. The only TikToks I’ve ever seen have been sent to me by friends, and I don’t particularly like short videos like that? If it were Vine, though, Vine would win ;aslkdjf
4. How many books have you read in the last 5 years?
A lot, LOL
My favorite have been Six of Crows, The Stormlight Archive, Red rising, and The Fallen Empire!
5. Do you tend to post more cheery/cutesy things, silly things or more serious things to your blog?
I think silly things are the most common? I like to meme with my WIPs, since I just. love meme culture. And I like making jokes about things - it’s a quick and easy way to get myself to smile!
6. How long have you been on Tumblr? Just ramble for a minute about some changes you’ve noticed about the site.
I made my first Tumblr blog in 2013, and I kept that one up until about April of last year, I think, before I decided to remake. 
The biggest change I’ve seen is the shift from sharing things to consuming things, in terms of like, reblog to like ratios and whatnot. Also, the amount of discourse has stayed about the same, but it’s changed in subject for the most part. But fandom discourse is still pretty much the same, just with different shows, now.
Also, reaction gifs have faded out of use pretty heavily since I started. At least, in the areas I’ve been in.
7. If the staff of tumblr came up to you, genuinely wanting advice on how to improve the site, what advice/request(s) would you give them?
I would tell them to rename likes into bookmarks. Also, lift the nsfw ban, and make it so that in order for 18+ blogs to be viewed, the user has to be 18+. Yes, people lie about their age, but so many sex workers lost their audiences and sources of income because of it, and it legitimately threw away a third of the userbase in one hit. 
Also, no matter the pressures from other social sites, don’t make this site less anonymous. It’s one of the beauties of Tumblr - I’m never going to have a boss find my blog and know for sure that it’s me.
8. What was the most challenging thing about starting your favorite hobby? How did you get past it, if you ever did?
Well, at the time I started drawing, the biggest obstacle was finding a way to learn. The art classes in school were never trying to teach us how to draw something, just showing us that we could. I ended up getting “How to draw manga” books and looking up stuff on YouTube.
9. What do you think other people think of when they think of you? For instance, with me, most people think about either tomatoes, chinchillas or black cats, depending on the person and how long they’ve known me.
Well, I hope they think of my jokes, first of all a;lskdjf;aslkdfj
But in terms of like, objects or animals? Sketchbooks, pride flags, and dinosaurs.
10. If every animal except one specific species went extinct but you got to pick which one didn’t go extinct, which species would you pick?
Hmmmmmmm... probably Komodo Dragons. I really like big lizards :)
11. What do YOU feel makes the world go round?
Laughter! Or, really, anything that makes people smile!
12. What would you say to a person if you heard them talking shit about your best friend?
This has actually happened before, and they were saying it to my face without knowing we were best friends. I sat there, nodded along, and when they were done, just said “You know they’ve been my best friend for like, 7 years, right?”
They went so pale it was kind of funny.
13. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you that has stuck with you?
This was more something they did, but when I was going through a nasty friend break up, I texted them, and within 5 minutes they were at my house, texting that person furiously, and letting me cry on them, even though they’re not a very emotional person themself ;-; I felt so loved in that moment, you have no idea.
14. What was the greatest piece of life advice you’ve ever gotten?
You have the rest of your life to wake up and decide who you’re going to be that day, and you should never feel bad about changing who that is from one day to the next.
It was said in the context of me realizing that I wasn’t genderfluid, I was transmasc, and my ongoing crisis over whether I’m fully a guy, or if I’m a bit more fluid than that. It’s helped me a lot with accepting that I might not have all the answers right now, and I don’t need all the answers all the time.
15. What one or two aspects of your childhood personality would you bring back to your current personality if you could?
Honestly? My willingness to just make things, and not care about how they turned out. I made so much art that I cringe at now, but I was learning, and that’s all that matters, really.
Okay, this was long, but I’m going to tag: @nothingisliteral, @violetcancerian, and @morgan-s-writes! Apologies if you’ve been tagged before, and as always, no pressure, and if you want to hop in, feel free to say I tagged you!!
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thegempage · 5 years
oh shit @adventuresloane​ tagged me in a meme and i just saw it jdasklf thank you my friend
there were rules but i forgot to copy them and i am. embarrassed tagging people so if we’re friends/mutuals feel free to steal this list
which is, of course:
name: ciaran opal! but most people just use opal bcus it’s easier
nickname: cici is one of my favorites, and v close friends can call me oop! also occasionally i get called “opaly quartz” but that’s like, one incredibly specific person lol
zodiac sign: aquarius!
height: a whooping 5′2(.5)
languages: english! i used to have like, a grasp of conversational japanese but lost is over the last two years of high school
nationality: american!
favorite season: so i usually say “winter” bcus my birthday is in winter but i’m also a fan of spring time, including the “fake spring” we tend to get where i live lol (u know, the one right before second winter)
favorite flower: roses! roses and lilies, but specifically tiger lilies. also a dream i had lately has left me with a soft spot for bluebells
favorite scent: idk! probably strawberry or vanilla? or the smell of like, home depot or tire stores
favorite color: i’ve had a lot of answers over the years but probably blue! either that or a tie between reds, pinks, blues, and black
favorite animal: cats with rats as a close second : o!
favorite fictional character: so to be completely honest, the first one who jumped to mind was my oc Evan who i love, but if we’re talking not-my-ocs, probably. idk either taako or hurley!! or both!! i’m a very indecisive person
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: if you can’t enjoy all three what’s the point but probably hot chocolate on a more regular basis, tho circumstances have me drinking more lattes than hot chocolates
average hours of sleep: if left to my own devices? 6-7 probably
cat or dog person: a false dichotomy
aka both, i know i just said cats were my favorite animal but i also love dogs and i genuinely don’t know if i can imagine my future without at least one of each once i’m financially and space-ily capable of supporting them
number of blankets you sleep with: ....five? two comforters with two weighted blankets sandwiched between them and then a little thin blanket on top bcus it’s elmo and handmade and makes me happy
and yes, i sleep under about 51 lbs of blanket
dream trip: oh all over, i want to go to japan one day and tbh if i could go back to costa rica and spend more time there just like. existing. i’d be very happy
blog established: who knows. i could but i’m ballparking 2013 instead of looking
followers: 794!
random fact: this last convention i went to, i ended up cosplaying taako twice bcus i’d planned to cosplay duck that sunday and ended up ditching the idea bcus i was worried people would start talking about the amnesty finale and i wasn’t emotionally ready to handle it, both for Special Interest and Discourse reasons, but my taako cosplay makes me rly happy so i figured that one would be best
bonus fun fact bcus that one was sad: i rly fucking love escape rooms. even if we are only newly friends i will absolutely invite you to do one. i’ve done like. probably fifteen or more by now, some multiple times
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argaliaofficial · 6 years
I want to know all your discourse opinions
is cat hating misogynywhen is it not?? lol
skin care/moisturizeractually very important, but look into what products u use. i dont rly use this stuff much myself, but it doesnt hurt every so often.
fatphobiauhhh?? i rly do think that its not nice to mock ppl for their weight. like ive been guilty of it, and i still slip up, but its does literally nothing constructive. that said i dont think ppl are being discriminated against for being fat politically? i do think they are exploited in our media tho
political lesbiansstupid concept sexuality is innate
separatismhonestly sometimes.... the dream.... i want males to fuck off a lot sometimes especially when im at work i always get the gross 60+ year olds talking bout how fuckable i am and its like “dude i deadass look like i could be 15 what are you doing”. i think it could be nice in theory but theres a lot of unpacking thats gotta be done to make it work 
gold starsnothing against them. im one myself. hetfem vs bifem vs lesfemwe are all sisters trying our best and drama over our sexuality is stupid.sex selective abortion of male fetusesmom has 100% say over what happens to her body and why she chooses to get an abortion. adding any “exceptions” to this is a step to getting abortions banned (again). and frankly its kinda no ones business as to why a mom wants an abortion. how are we gonna know shes aborting because of the child’s sex? thats between her and herself. 
hippie bullshit (herbs, home birth, naturopathy, etc)i do think that there are some natural remedies, and i would love to learn more about them. i feel like with proper education, home births are perfectly fine
do pastel or age regression blogs glorify ddlg/pedophilianot inherently? like if ur looking at a stuffed animal and reading it as something sexual thats like... ur issue and not the blogger whos just posting it cuz they think its cute. fuck man by this logic i glorify ddgl because i like pastels and cute shit. damn 
polyamory/polygamynot for me and tbh i hella side eye men who push for it
veganismits fine but not for everyone.
who is a better lesbian ally: straight women vs gay menin my experience its been kinda 50/50
political celibacyi dont care? if you wanna be celibate go ahead whatever lolare femmes the same as straight womenno???? theyre lesbians????? are there ppl who actually think this sdakfddabelieving in magic, astrology, and crystalsi mean like i believe that the universe is fully of energy that can be tapped into personally. i dont care if someone wanna worship a rose quartz gemstone 
is religion always patriarchalif the god is male i do think think so. why does god have to be referred to as only male? my biggest issue i had w/ Christianity growing up was just how god was defaulted to male even tho he was supposed to represent “”all”” of humanity? 
does biphobia existuhh.... tbh i just think its an extension of homophobia
pee your pantskin
interacting with minorsi mean theres no way to know off the bat if someone is a minor, and being a minor doesnt mean you cant have discussions w/ adults. that said if ur an adult having a sexual conversation w/ a minor, or ur “debate” has just turned into you hounding the minor..... maybe do us a favor and fucking stop.
misogyny in gay menive not personally experienced it (theres not a lot of open gays in my area) but ive seen some tweets and what not so its like... it exists... and its not excusable 
drag queenstheyre fine
fetishes and kinkhonestly this is a very touchy one for me personally because?? porn fucked me up and ive got some Problematique kinks but i dont..... fucking feel like its a big deal rip. i dont feel like im ever really going to get rid of some of the stuff that i like. ive come a long way (i read some stuff i looked at back when i was being abused and like i cannot stomach some of it now lmao) but theres still some lingerings
maybe in time? idk. i like having my wrists bound lightly sometimes, and like ive analyzed this and its just literally because i like being teased. thats it. and i do it to my fiancee because she likes to be teased too. i guess what im saying is that i dont think kinks are inherently harmful? like me and alyss could not be more communicative if we tried. i guess you could argue slippery slope or whatever. 
idk i guess i just dont think its a big fucking issue for me personally because im fortunate to be w/ an amazing woman w/ radfem leaning beliefs too. i could see how for a straight couple it could be more touchy because there is history of men using kinks to hurt their female partners.
IDK what im trying to say. i guess im gonna close this bit with theres a LOT that needs to be unpacked lol
t-sluri dont like people using slurs. radfems who use the t-slur liberally are like automatically unfollowed 
2nd hand penisidek what that is lmao
pivnever had it. never intend to. rly dont think i can talk about it cuz i have no experience with it
do butch/femme couples imitate heterosexualityno they dont 
conditioning your pubeshave never done this
asexualityi think that in the meaning of like little to no sex drive its a thing. that said i dont think asexuals are oppressed by any means and a lot of them are rly annoying
are all europeans whiteno
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loving-jack-kelly · 7 years
Newsies Boyband AU!
Now first of all I would call them the Newsboys but like...that’s a real band that exists so idk what their name would be
But anyway! Boybands! Fun and cute and lots of wiggle room!
lead singer
beloved by his bandmates and by most fans but every once in awhile there’s that one fan
Idk I just think Charlie is overrated....he can’t sing that well, Jack has a nicer voice, and I think he only gets to sing lead because of his leg :/ I’m not ableist or anything, I just don’t like him
Mostly Crutchie ignores things like that but once in awhile he wonders if they’re true
lead guitar/harmonies
very much the Hot Onetm but people tend to overlook his talents
designed the logo and does all of the shirts and album covers but doesn’t make that public knowledge
the Crutchie Bashers usually use Jack as an excuse and Jack is having none of it he’s a master vague tweeter
I love all my bandmates and everyone is perfectly suited to what they do, from lights to vocals!
I feel like people forget Crutch and I have been best friends since fifth grade and I have videos like this cause if they didn’t they’d ask for more [video of Crutchie singing The Wizard and I at a middle school talent show]
he loves singing harmony, and only sings lead if somebody makes him. two songs in their repertoire include him on melody
the drummer
(haha guess who still likes EYDW with all his heart?)
he’s the Wild Onetm but everyone adores him because he’s cute and funny
Racetrack Higgins Highlights:
“So I was like, fuck it-wait shit I can’t swear in interviews-fuck! Dammit, sorry, I-” “Race just stop talking”
he broke a snare during a concert once and put it on his head like a hat
pictures of him kissing everyone in the band, on crew, and even fans on the cheek but it’s because that’s what he does. In Italy. That’s how you greet people. and it just carried over
always wears a necklace with a shark tooth. gazes into the distance when asked where it was from and responds with, “I’ll never forget her.” Actually bought it Wings on a day off in North Carolina
changes hair colors every other week. fans go to two concerts in two days. first one he has bright red hair. next day it’s bright blue.
slowly acquiring more piercing until one day they’re all gone.
“Lmao you though those were real? I cried when I got a single ear piercing.”
then people think his tattoo is fake and it isn’t but it’s ridiculous. like literally the word “THOT” on the back of his neck. Spot dared him to.
so people love him even though he’s wild
designs sound for recordings and live shows
most fans only know him as the one goading Race on
but once in a while somebody recognizes him in the sound booth and is like “ahh, that’s who he is”
also secretly write lyrics sometimes but asks to be credited as “Sam Carlson” so his poetic writing doesn’t ruin his tough guy image
which makes people think of all these crazy theories as to who Sam Carlson is and why he writes songs randomly for the band
is the only reason Race hasn’t gotten lost on tour in a gas station
is the one who set up the Walkie Talkie system that keeps everyone organized
the star of Jack’s snapchat story half the time but never caught doing anything strange? people just know he’s awesome and says funny things
is the one who adopted the cat and resulted in him being named Asshole but it was an accident
Katherine and Sarah
managers and lighting designers
really cool and really gay
every time they’re doing a show around a Pride parade time or during Pride month there are rainbows and other flags everywhere
Sarah is also in charge of PR after the Incident of Race accidentally DMing a fan who’s username included Jack’s name something along the lines of “sup fuckface where are you everyone else is here and you’re the one who said he was bringing the good stuff”
by good stuff he’d simply meant the Purple Doritos but the fan didn’t know that and it took a while for people to let that go
People think Jack and Kat are dating for a long time because they’re always together
it literally took like fifty pictures of Kat and Saz kissing before people stopped denying how gay she was
plays bass but also violin and other related string instruments
sometimes sings a third part but not usually
people don’t give him much credit until there’s a new song
which starts out really slow and is only Jack singing and Davey playing cello but mid song it picks up and Dave changes instruments really fast like in the space of one beat to violin and goes really hard and the song tops the charts for weeks because it’s like crazy good
“yeah I’m a classically trained violinist, I just usually have more fun on bass” “...” “but i like that song a lot, most times I’m on violin it’s slow and boring”
that song is also when most of the Crutchie Bashing started because it was the first really popular one that featured Jack on melody since only Jack sang
Their shows are legendary for being good like the vocals the instrumentals everything is always good
they got their start in college where Crutchie got them into one of the theatres and it was just for fun
but Race, the wild one even in the very beginning, realized that they were actually really good and signed them up for some show like America’s Got Talent or something like that
and while they didn’t win overall, they did get enough attention to get a record deal
and then they just EXPLODED and became the new big thing
which kind of freaked all of them out a little bit because what has started as fun music with friends was suddenly paparazzi and crazy fans and people wanting to know “when is it what is it where is it how are you will you” about their songs
but they mostly acclimated pretty fast
Crutchie had the hardest time because while he’s friendly he’s also a but of an introvert and needs his privacy which was suddenly a lot harder to find
like most boybands, instantly there were Those Fans who shipped people
the most common one became Jack and Race because they seemed like the ones most likely to like each other
really though it was Spot and Race, who balanced each other out, and Jack and Crutchie, who’d been in love for years and only figure it out when people started trying to ship Jack and Race which made Crutchie really jealous, and the people who nobody knew as well like Specs and Romeo, Kat and Saz (at first they became better known later), etc
they get a really good rep with people because they’re always willing to take a selfie or like fanart as long as it isn’t creepy, or answer questions
Jack hosts monthly Q&A sessions on his snapchat and each time it’s somebody new
so like the first one is Crutchie, then Davey, then Race, then Katherine, then Sarah, the Romeo, etc
They don’t come out for a long time but one day they’re performing in a town where there's this big news story about a gay kid getting harassed at school and they know the kid is there because it was the only positive thing they found on his twitter, so they all come out together like the entire band and crew
“So we’ve heard about some of the stuff that’s been going on here, and we want everyone to know that we don’t agree with it, at all. In fact, things like that effect us, too. I’m not the most eloquent speaker, but if you’re hurting today because of who you are, of how you’re born, know that you’ll always have support with us.”
And Jack kisses Crutchie in public for the first time which leads to Race stealing Crutchie’s mic and yelling something about “get up here asshat we can’t let him show us up!” and then suddenly every single couple involved in the band is on stage being proud of who they are
the kid who was getting bullied cried and then they invited him backstage and he cried more and it was really sweet and they stayed in touch
After that the Discoursetm is horrible around them for like, months
“reminder that Jack is dating Crutchie and shipping him with Race is not cool”
“reminder that we can ship whoever we want with whoever we want and it doesn’t cause harm”
“stop calling Jack bi when he’s gay, don’t erase his identity” (jack retweets it with the added caption “I’m bi as heck actually everyone is pretty and it’s not fair :)”
“they’re just faking it for attention!!!1!!1″
after a few years they announce it’s their last tour and people are like “oh no, what happened, did people start fighting?”
and their answer is “no but we’re like twenty eight now and honestly just want to get married and settle down”
except for Spot and Race who plan on going around the world in eighty days and then getting a dog and doing it again with the dog
or at least, that Race’s plan, Spot just honestly wants to stop moving around and settle down a bit, but maybe not get married yet
So the band breaks up and people are kinda sad but every time they’re all in one place, which is pretty often since they’re all best friends, somebody snapchat/instagram/twitter/youtube gets a new video of them messing around
Jack and Davey out out a solo album and it’s really good
Crutchie gets coerced into releasing a Christmas album and it’s funny
and Davey makes a Hanukkah album that’s him playing and singing traditional songs that he sang growing up and it’s gorgeous
Bonus: Red Carpet Tidbits
because I have a lot of feelings about Crutchie’s style
Crutchie gets known for never wearing a normal tux like it’s always custom done and never just black or navy
also his makeup is always On Point like crazy good and people are like “tell us your secrets” and he’s like “lol cvs and years of practice and makeup tutorials from YouTube”
Jack wears normal suites but there’s always a twist
the first was the time he actually just spilled paint on himself in the suit bc he’s an idiot but there wasn’t time for a new one so they ended up just going with it and it looked pretty okay
and after that he get’s suites from like Macy’s modified to look better on him and to add cool things
also his hat game is pretty terrific
he’s also a total hipster and people know it
Davey wears totally normal red carpet men’s attire but lets Crutchie do his makeup and look absolutely gorgeous
Race wears crazy stuff
like you know the Great Comet ensemble costume design? probably things like that. formal wear turned into punk style things and he pulls it off and lets Crutchie do his makeup too
the best picture of the band is from like, the Grammys or some award show like that where Crutchie is in a purple suit, Jack is wearing a beanie and a jackson pollock styled color splashed suit, dave is looking fine in a perfectly normal suit and SUPER Extra but good makeup, and Race is like barely clothed but still obviously supposed to be wearing a suit like thing and like a foot shorter than everyone
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cate-gunn · 7 years
29 lessons I’ve learned in 29 years
((yes I’m aware that Jenna Marbles has done a video like this. It’s kinda where I got the idea))
1.) You are never done growing. You will constantly learn and grow and change. Never think you are done and that this is the end. Never be afraid to question yourself. Never be afraid to reinvent yourself.
2.) Listen to your body. If you use a product and your body reacts poorly, for goodness sake, don’t use it again. I promise it wasn’t a fluke. Feel dehydrated? Drink water? Feel stressed? Take some time just for yourself. Do what you can to take care of yourself. It can make quite a difference.
3.) There isn’t a lot I can do in this world, but with what little weapons I have, I know I can make a difference some day.
4.) Never be afraid to be a dork. Make bad puns. Dance in public. Half those strangers at the department store have no idea who you are and you are never going to see them again.
5.) A balanced life is having a cat AND and dog (if you only like dogs or cats, just get two. Lol.)
6.) I’m 100% certain I have ADHD. I’ve looked up symptoms a while back, and especially after reading about RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria) it sort of explains everything (mood swings, the feeling that everyone actually hates me, etc.)
7.) I prefer almond milk to regular milk.
8.) Just because people don’t comment as often on your fanfiction does not make you a bad writer. Unfortunately, comments are usually few and far between. Even I’ve been bad about not commenting before. I don’t know why we do this. But I know it’s not my fault as a writer. I’m a good writer. Otherwise people wouldn’t want to read my stuff.
9.) However, I know I can always improve. As I grow and learn as a person, as i meet new people and learn of their experiences, I find it important to let it help my writing. Never let yourself think that “this is it. This is best I will ever do.” You will always get better.
10.) I’m in love with Misha Collins. And Kesha.
11.) If someone presents an argument with research to back it up, DO NOT get angry about it. DO NOT brush it off saying “why did you take this so seriously?” No. Take it as a learning experience. Learn from when you are wrong. And be gracious when you are right.
12.) Pick your battles. Some things are worth fighting for and worth discussing. Others are not worth arguing over. (By the latter, I mean fandom discourse and such. Just don’t.)
13.) I don’t want children. For years I thought I did, but it was this year I really took a look at my life, and what I wanted, and realized kids just don’t fit into what I want. And you know what? That’s okay! You don’t need children to have a fulfilling life. You don’t have to have them. Children are actually a choice. Not a requirement.
14.) Even when you’re almost thirty and married, that doesn’t mean you have it all together. Hell, I still leave my clothes on my side of the bed. I do my laundry altogether instead of separating them. I still have all my notebooks from YEARS of writing. I just recently learned how to write a cover letter and change my brake lights. I’m a mess! But…I’m human. Humans are messy.
15.) Outlines are a writers best friend.
16.) You are worth someone treating you decently. You are worthy of respect and love. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.
17.) The United States is a crappy ass country and it needs to get it’s act together. (and before anyone yells at me, I live in the U.S.)
18.) Men’s jeans are the bomb dot com. As are men’s t-shirts. Also the fact that clothes are gendered at all is fucking stupid.
19.) I fucking love writing smut. The stuff I write now would make 19 year old me blush horribly.
20.) It’s not that I don’t like coffee. I only like iced coffee. Dunno why.
21.) Never be afraid to put yourself out there. Never be afraid to give it your all. When I first started the Interstellar Series, I was almost positive it would be completely ignored because of all the OCs. Now I have a (albeit, small) fanbase and people gush over how much they love Midge. What even is this life I’m in?
22.) It’s okay to never outgrow what you love. It’s okay to revisit fandoms you adored when you were 13. It’s okay to hold on to those things. You’re not being immature. You’re just…coming home.
23.) DnD is fucking fun. That is all.
24.) If someone isn’t putting the same effort into a relationship that you are (this goes for romantic, platonic, etc.), then it is not worth your time. If someone is treating you badly, and you can walk away, walk away. Sticking around for a toxic or negligent relationship will only hurt you in the end. I know it can be difficult and scary, but you have to learn to let go.
25.) I can’t drive. I don’t know what that instructor was thinking when she gave me my license, but I am a horrible driver.
26.) That whole thing that by your late 20s you’ll be acne free and you’ll just have to deal with fine lines? Sorry to disappoint you, it’s a lie.
27.) If you have a good relationship with your parents, don’t take them for granted. Several years ago my mom was in the hospital due to an aneurysm. Before that i wasn’t exactly around much, more likely to go hang out with my friends than my mom. Luckily, she pulled through completely fine. I now make an effort to visit her at least once a week.
28.) There is no point to making your bed. There is no point in forcing kids to make their bed. I don’t get it. If you’re ever in my bedroom you know me well enough to know I’m a slob. Who am I trying to impress?
29.)  You are never too old to make new friends. Not saying you should trust everyone you meet, but don’t be afraid to give people at least one chance. Who knows what impact they’ll have on your life.
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tsuki-nii · 7 years
‘Trap’ Discourse and anime
I've seen the fights over Trap being derogatory before and I'm here to give you some different viewpoints on it. It's a doozy, get popcorn TL;DR at the bottom.
Trap can be used offensively or non offensively in various situations IRL. People saying women with too much makeup are a trap, that sexy bystander at the bar is a trap, star wars jokes; hell a person with a bunch of puppies is a trap. Basically anything that's "not what it seems" can be a trap; so yes, any lgbt/queer person can fall into this, but it's not exclusive to them.
Here's how trap is being used in it's anime context. It's similar to the otokonoko(which literally means boy in japanese but it's used in a trap way idk) tag one might find. Males dressing as females. Reverse traps being Females dressing as males. If someone related the term to real life, it would be Transvestite or cross dresser; and even cross-play falls under the category along with Drag Queens/Kings. Virtually all the time this is used in anime, it's a male, who identifies as a male, but dresses like the stereotypical female. Vice Versa for Female traps. Transgender characters and people do not fall into this category. That is the genderbender category. Depending on the site, genderbender includes traps. It's all a mix of random tag names to find shit easier.
Remember, these characters in the stories, yaoi or not (the teacher from utapri is a trap), are not looking to become a different sex or gender. They're just changing clothing. The only exception to this that I've seen is Hourou Musuko (wandering son) that actually focuses on transgender aspects. Unfortunately there isn't a widely used tag for that genre yet. I wish there was, because then there'd be an easier way to find transgender focused fiction or anime
I've had friends from farther up California (i'm socal) tell me that in a certain area, assholes use trap as a slur to many lgbt, transgender or not. This isn't a big thing down here in san diego, in the town I live in in the mountains, or in Denver where I've been multiple times and my family resides. It's rarely used outside the context of anime then aimed specifically at queer people. But there will always be exceptions due to bigoted assholes using whatever they can think of to put someone down. A great way to stop that from happening IRL is to own it. Some one says you're a trap maliciously? Tell them you look damn fine, you're comfortable with yourself and they can go eat shit. My college did that and now queer is not a slur. It's an all inclusive term for people on campus that fall into lgbt categories.I've used it off campus with family and friends with no problems too. I'm not saying that it's a sure-fire or always feasible solution; but it's better than fighting friends in your community about something not intended, or used to offend you.
Trap being a slur for transgender people is pretty recent too. It's always been in the western anime comunity since way back. It was never meant to be derogitory, was never a prominent slur and there's never been a problem with it until now.
You can't dictate an entire community's sorting medium because you take offense to it. I don't take offense to the Japanese 'Yankee', just because I'm an american; and we're technically historical yankees. Same word, completely different contexts and communal origins. Same thing for stereotypes. They can be comedic or bigoted; depends on the situation and fucking CONTEXT.
"lol Italians love wine" vs. "They're italian so they should like wine right?" vs. "Italians are fucking Drunkards!"
See the difference in context???1st is a joke, 2nd might be slightly ignorant, 3rd is straight up hate.
Gay started out as a term for happiness and merry making, and then people started using it as a slur toward "gay" people. They went from homosexuals to "gays". YEARS later, it's now in a sense, just a term for sorting people into queer categories. No malevolent nature to it, unless someone is blatantly using it to hate on you. But no one's going to say gay is offensive now. No one's going to say anything unless it's used in the context of a slur. I'm not going to go smack everyone that utters the word just because that dick Jim from down the street and my small town hates gays and it offends me. I'm not going to hit my grandparents either, because they're old and they still use it in the happy sense. I AM going to smack Jim if he says 'gay' to me. In that instance, in the context of Jim being a bigot directing hate towards me, 'gay' becomes a slur; and I will take offense.and smack him
Not taking offense to, and using Trap as an anime term doesn't discredit anyone IRL. It doesn't invalidate anyone/anygender/anysex/anyorientation digitally or in real life. What does invalidate, and hurt is shitting on someone for using something that has been there since the beginning and never had a bad rep until YOU decided it was the worst thing in the world. All because one asshole called you and you're friends a "Trap" somewhere. Even though nothing changed in the anime community with regards to loving or hating traps. You came in here and attacked everyone for some hate that doesn't apply here.
No one's victim blaming you all either. The one's experiencing this trap slur rise are victims yes. However, everyone being screamed at here, are now victims of that irrationality and anger from outside, when they've done nothing wrong. They didn't call you trap, they didn't sneer at you, they didn't hurt you. They've kept to themselves online, enjoying, appreciating, loving something you claim they're destroying. They never spread hate, ignorance, or resentment, you did by bringing your reality into a non existant plane.
There are safe spaces online and IRL. But you cannot censor the internet, you cannot censor art, and you CANNOT CENSOR CREATIVITY. Plus don't kinkshame, rood.
If you TL;DR'ed, then here's the key points:
Trap is meant for transvestites in anime. It is a western term for an anime genre. It is almost exclusively for transvestites. Anything else would likely fall into the genderbender category. Take your pick.
It's been used positively for said genre all this time with the exception of those that aren't into that specific genre.
You think trap is rude? Talking about 'trans' as an all encompassing group but glossing over or even excluding transvestites is worse.
If you're trans-male, trans-female, or agender/other non-binary trap barely even applies to you. A trans-male, dressing as a male isn't a trap, it's normal. They're male, they wear male clothing. Same goes for anyone. I think anyone should where anything they want, but that's just me
Unless you exist inside of that anime/manga, you cannot be a trap or any of those tags. Doesn't matter what you are at this point, you're not a fictional character. You're a living, breathing human being who isn't bound by words.
You're taking a slur from an entirely different community, throwing it at the other community and then blaming them for it when they're peaceful and accepting of it.You can't give a cartoon shit, they don't exist. That's like having a Japanese person come to America to give me shit for being mixed race. They're pressure on mixed natives doesn't apply to me. I'm in a different country, in a different community where it's fine; we embrace diversity here.
A similar example is the use of 'nigger.' In the African American community, it can be used as a friendly term. Like calling your best friend a bitch in greeting/or whatever. Harsh word, but not malicious in intent or context. Saying it outside the community is usually racist, because it's used harshly, with the intention of insulting. In that sense the african american community is taking back the slur and removing it's power.
It's not right to yell at them for using nigger in their own community; thus, the same goes for any community, like the anime community.
In the end, trap is just another term to help sort through japanese stories and art. The same as horror, cat, slice of life, shounen, or sparkly unicorn farts. Whatever tags one can pull out their ass can apply to anime, but it'll never be intended for real life people.
Fiction can never harm you unless you can't seperate it from reality and act on it, or you have a mental disorder. A story with triggers can't physically follow you around or force you to experience it. A word can't jump out and stab your eyball or anything. It's all there for entertainment, imagination, relaxation, or controlled exploration. TRAP CAN NOT DEPRICATE TRANSGENDER PEOPLE BECAUSE IT'S NOT TALKING ABOUT THEM AND IT'S ABOUT CHARACTERS THAT ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE.
You can tag me as ass, nasty hetero, pansexual alien or whatever the fuck, but it's not going to change my life. It's just words I'll see for 2 seconds and then forget when I'm eating my weeb kibble and enjoying my anime traps with their cute clothing. I LOVE MY CUTE FICTION BABIES and I love my real life trans friends. FUCKING SUE ME
Before any of you try to shit on me and say I don't know what I'm talking about:
I went through training to be a queer ally. TWICE. and guess what? bigger problems lie with queers segregating other queers, as opposed to the rainbow of hateful words we get.
My close family friend is a gay man who's a Professional Drag Queen and is fabulously gorgeous. He takes no offense to trap.
My sibling is currently sorting out zir gender identity, and as of right now is a blossoming trans-male or gender fluid, fucking ANGEL. Loves anime, no offense taken to trap.
I regularly cosplay, play games as, and assume a fictional male persona online. I've dressed as a "guy" on may occasions. I take no offence to the word trap.
Yeah sometimes trap is being used in a bad way, but once again, it exists in two different contexts. Whatever shit people say out in the real world has no value here in anime fun land. If you give someone shit for their tastes in fiction, you might as well throw them in a box and say "you can't be happy with you're cartoon/anime/book because it offends me IRL"
You hating me for liking anime Traps is the same as someone hating you IRL for being a different "trap". I'm not disrespecting you, but you're disrespecting me for some attack on you I never made; just because the same word was used differently.
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ask-veigar · 8 years
Indefinite Hiatus
[[ If it wasn’t already obvious.
Back in September/October of 2013 I made tiny-master-of-evil, which would later evolve into this blog. A few months prior to that, I tried to commit suicide around my 18th birthday. After gaining some confidence, I felt surrounded by friends and a sense of purpose, something I was severely lacking at that time. I owe my art and my friends my life, practically.
Even in and out of hospital, I tried to make everyone embracing the weird and wonderful characters of a free to play game welcome. I doubt anyone is left to remember but, for a long time I used to cap my ask limit sending prompts to people - ooc, ic, headcanon prompts etc.) After a while I ran out of steam, paranoia gripping me that people were using me, which after a massive fall out with another RP community/set of friends which had kept me around for my use rather than for me.
A circle of friends and I made silly little adventures with our muses. Named, we eventually caught discourse in timely online community fashion. Petty jealously and harassment soon soured the “Yordle Jet Plane” and severed our friendship. No one is allowed to have their own thing without copycats and jealously, apparently.
I bounced back okay after that, but after pointing out an issue that concerned me as an artist had me called out for a fairly neutral stance. Apparently my escapades live on as ‘funny community drama things’. I was stalked and harassed, sent death threats. I forged new friendships during this time but I feel like the community has tainted its perception on me since. I don’t care what you think of me from (if you remember) that series of events, people make mistakes. At least I have never made the mistake of being an asshole on anon. Or making a call out post to say call out posts are bad. Or dragging people who weren’t involved in X thing. Seriously some of you people in the community can choke for all I care for some of the BS you’ve pulled.
My style for drawing Veigar fluctuated as I started taking art in general more seriously. When harassment for one thing subsided, my art was attacked directly. I like to think I’m good at handling critique but not the bull shit I was sent. I hope the people who sent me messages about my ‘dog in a trenchcoat’ are happy, you eventually broke me. You were the last thing to shatter a fractured mess. You know tumblr thinks it does a great job of being ‘socially just’ but in the end if someone doesn’t do X how you want Y, it’s harassment worthy.
I just wanted to draw a silly mage cat but people will always find a way to make you feel bad for having fun. From telling me my ship is “pedophilia” (seriously?? two consenting adults wowee problematic) to straight up telling me I should draw X or Y instead. I’ve always felt that a chunk of people didn’t like how I draw/draw yordles but it’s nice to know now for sure. That’s on top of waves of ‘uwu why are art blogs more popular’ on a social media site built for image share. And that time I was accused of not being able to write? Wild.
Moving my blog probably wasn’t the best idea, sure. There were plenty of good times too. I’ve met my closest friends through this site, hell, even my boyfriend was part of this mess. But I cannot run an art blog that relies on user feedback to drive its output when I get nothing. I wasn’t expecting a lot, but I did not expect nothing. Turning off anon removes negative and positive feedback alike.
Even with a Veigar-centric comic written and drafted I cannot bring myself to it right now. Maybe it’s this site in general going from dangerous waters to an acidic bathtub. Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s the lore changes that dump months and years of headcanons down the drain. Maybe it’s the fact I don’t play LoL anymore. Who knows.
Art, comics, animation are my passion, always have been. I will still draw my favourite magical midgets, my dear deathcaps. I just don’t think I can draw for this blog, not until I figure something out with my Lulu. @ask-lulu has the patience of a saint. I owe Color so much and look at all the promises I’ve failed to deliver on.
To my friends, and/or people who enjoy my work, I am sorry. I can’t do this right now. I can’t deal with this hell site, let alone a RP community on said site that stems from a toxic af online community/game. I suffer a lot of grief in real life and now online. My thanks to the people who have supported me over the years, thank you. This is not good bye. This is a new chapter embracing what matters to me most, and my health takes priority over a past-its-use-by-date character blog.
May your Q aim never dull my friends.
[ I still post my art regularly on my deviantART / tumblr and I frequent my Twitter for 140 character rants too. ]
- Lyci
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tellywoodtrash · 8 years
ishqbaaz lb: 2 - 6th january
i thought i’d be all caught up and back on schedule by now, but somehow i find myself behind by more than a week’s worth of episodes again. oh well.
maybe this week’s my week. in the mean time, here’s the second installation of liveblogs.
2nd january
preview: whut the whut???? is shivaay drunk again? is he dreaming this? is anika dreaming this? am *I* dreaming this???? 😯😯😯
lmao these three sisters are rudra's nightmare come alive; the bhaabi he never wanted, HIS FATHER'S MISTRESS, and the cult leader who kidnapped him. 😂😂😂
this bloody house and family is so fucking big, they should implement whatever technology uber implements in its cars, to keep track of what family member is where. 😒😒😒
rudra's denim shirt/trackpants outfit is pushing the limit on "athleisure" methinks. 😕😕😕
they should really get someone else to dub for the dadi actress, coz her voice. lord above. 😬😬😬
oh no shivaay thinks anika's playing. 😟😟😟
dadi looks downright horrified at the thought. dadi, it's ok. it's how billu and biwi do foreplay. stay out of their sex life.  🙄🙄🙄
lololololol the fridge is about to start ringing.  😂😂😂
give it up tia. you're not gonna win.  🙄🙄🙄
lmaooooo "bhaabi fridge main kaisi pohunchi???"  😂😂😂
there's a sentence no one ever plans to say in their life. ever. 😂😂😂
PLEASE NOTICE THE FACE OF THE FRIDGE MOVING DUDE. ZERO REACTION. ALL IN A DAY'S WORK FOR HIM. he must move a lot of rich ppl's fridges with bahus in them. 😐😐😐
i was like "ok she's cold but not THAT cold that you need a bonfire in MUMBAI" before i realised tht this was a prinku scene.  😶😶😶
ok, acp is like... RIGHT UP in their damn group now, and no one's like "who's this weird, fully grown man who's appeared out of nowhere and staring intently at one of our friends? 🤔🤔🤔"
what the hell does he even want??? 😒😒😒
yes priyanka, leave the group and isolate yourself, while you're being stalked. that's the smart thing to do right now. for fucks sake, this chick has the survival instincts of a fucking dodo. 😒😒😒
oh great. three MORE rapey boys. just what the show needed. MORE RAPEY BOYS.  😤😤😤
(lemme save you all the trouble of wondering how this is gonna go - acp is gonna save her, she's gonna be indebted, he's gonna be all conflicted coz omg why did i save her i hate her and they'll angstily marry each other and be the most boring-ass couple ever. 🙄🙄🙄)
i need to know what makeup primer/fixing spray anika uses that's waterproof, crying proof, torture (by shivaay + daksh) proof, freeze proof... like... what sorcery is this????? 😯😯😯
ok rudra, if you think of her as your wife, why don't you just ACCEPT it, and TELL HER? why is this plot still where it was 2 months ago????? 😑😑😑
i want sAumya's jammies. they look comfy af. 😊😊😊
oh look. husband was here all along! 😚😚😚
aaaaand he's yelling. ouff. give a girl a second to wake up properly! 😒😒😒
ok relax my man, you're in mumbai, not the north pole, that a hand outside the blanket will make her get the chills. 🙄🙄🙄
aw, he's "snug as a bug in a rug"d her! 😚😚😚
"akduuuu!" 😂😂😂
honestly boys, you can find better porn on the net, you don't have to get your jollies from watching priyanka change into a nightgown ffs.  🙄🙄🙄
romi's outfit is cute af! i want! 😊😊😊
i don't like this new YELLYYYYY svetlana. 😑😑😑
wow ok yeah that plan sounds CLEAR AF, thanks svetlana, for being so precise and detailed. 🙄🙄🙄
A+ eyeliner though. if only you lent that laser focus on explaining the plan.  👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
oh this... credo, and hand gesture thing is... here to stay? not a one time thing from that reveal scene? 😬😬😬
it's reminding me of a hateful version of the thing the planeteers do to summon captain planet. 😂😂😂
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acp is shocked to learn that someone else is moving in on his "make priyanka feel violated with rapey harkatein" niche. THAT'S HIS CURB, DAMMIT, AND HE'LL BE DAMNED IF ANYONE TAKES IT FROM HIM!!!!!!! 😡😡😡
just once in my life, i want someone to be as excited about me as rudra is about anika. 😪😪😪
"aap fridge mein kyun chupi thi? aap waisi hi itni cool ho!" 😂😂😂
dadi: don't do anything that can get you killed, lololol!
seriously, dadi??? is that how you warn someone??? is the actress playing her wrong, or is she being written weird? either way, i can't fucking stand this character since shivaay and anika got married. 😒😒😒
@ ruMya: can you two just bang and get over it? 🙄🙄🙄
"hum risk sirf tabhi lete hai jab humein yakeen hai humaara prince charming humein bachaane aayega."
the day i risk anything in hope of a MAN coming and saving me is the day i die. of disappointment. 😑😑😑
headline of tomorrow's oberoi times: 30+ year old man gets his kicks from eavesdropping on youth and their discourse on romance; forces wife to participate in chichori harkat as a means to feel her up under the stairs.
why's he hugging her to his chesttttt? like cute af and all, but... lol, why? 😂😂😂
aw rudraaaaaa. 💗💗💗
aaaaaaand, there. you had to ruin it. asshole.  😒😒😒
waah, seediyon ke upar bhi romance, neeche bhi romance. 😏😏😏
where's my boy ommmmmmmmm? why isn't HE feeling up a PYT somewhere in the vicinity of this staircase???????? god knows if anyone deserves it the most, it's him! 😐😐😐
play a romantic song from this decade maybe???? 🤔🤔🤔
ok shivaay, she's your wife. you can seduce her in your room, ya'know. 😶😶😶
ok fine, i won't be such a unromantic grouch. carry on. continue fondling your wife under the staircase, like a horny high school kid. 😌😌😌
what do you mean "roka kisne hai?" YOU WERE ON HER LIKE WHITE ON RICE BRUH. pfffffffft. 🙄🙄🙄
the bad dubbing is ruining this scene for meeeeeeee. i'll have to watch it again on mute to get my kicks. 😫😫😫
wow. so this is what it's like when shivaay is romantic. nice. why couldn't you have just persuaded her to marry you her like this?????? 😐😐😐
shivaay, back in his room, googling "help i think i love my wife" and "how to make my wife love me". 😂😂😂
tia's hereeee, looking extremely becoming.😚😚😚
LMAO that HUGE step back he took when she mentioned the baby. 😂😂😂
oh i think tia's in that phase of her pregnancy when women get super horny. 😶😶😶
lol, i've never heard of the word "rest" as a euphemism for an orgasm, but this show has been so ~~~pathbreaking in so many ways so sure, why not? 😕😕😕
*while being seduced* "... i need to finish my emails!" 😂😂😂
lmao what an ISHQBAAZ. truly amazing. dadi, come take a look! 😂😂😂
anika strolling into that room like, BITCH STEP THE FUCK BACK, THIS WORKAHOLIC ROBOT IS MINE!!!!!! 🙃🙃🙃
3rd january
tiaaaaa was notttttt expecting anika to be so ferocious after being frozen like an bag of peas. 😂😂😂
shivaay's deep resigned sigh + "tia, you brought this on yourself" face lololol 😂😂😂
"nakhre noor jahan ke" hee hee 😂😂😂
"kasam shivaay BABY ki" LMAO 😂😂😂
shivaay's enjoying this smackdown too much lol, he's intervening soooooo reluctantly.  😋😋😋
"ACHAAR KE DAAG KI TARAH DHEET" omfg appropriating this for daily use irl 😂😂😂
might as well hang a sign around shivaay's neck saying "property of anika" 🙃🙃🙃
for that matter, tia's too, coz anika just OWNED HER ASS 😎😎😎
damnnnnnnnnnnnn anika, is this what being cold does to you??? i just get very angry and miserable and eat a lot of carbs. 😐😐😐
lololol the instant disappearance of her giggles. 😋😋😋
patidev is taking full faida of display of haq. 😚😚😚
shivaay's not interested in your dental routine right now anika, he has lurrrrrrrve on his mind! 😚😚😚
(that look he gives her teeth tho, lol) 😂😂😂
it's weird that he's being SO romantic all outta nowhere. with a woman he served divorce papers to THIS MORNING.
(yes, this is the same day. god. i'm exhausted just thinking how long their damn days are. 😫😫😫)
bruh, parde toh bandh kiye hote. the whole house is getting an eyeful of your seduction game. 🙈🙈🙈
which is suddenly A+ btw. looks like googling "how to make my wife love me" gave him some fucking amazing results. 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
such cute how they can't control their silly smiles and giggles at each other. adorable idiots. 💗💗💗
lol she literally jumped out the window to get away. 😂😂😂😂😂
relatable af. i woulda done the same. 😶😶😶
yes shivaay, what's happening to you? your constant smiling and being all romantic and shit is freaking meeeeeeee out. 😬😬😬
ouff, from that cuteness to this rapey nonsense. 😒😒😒
acp toh shivaay ka bhai nikla in phone tod department. 😐😐😐
where the fuck is everyone, did they just leave prinku alone? 😒😒😒
why doesn't the third dude deserve a name? 🤔🤔🤔
TUJHE CHAHTE HAI JAANEMAAANNN. abhishek and sumit have been watching too many b-grade 80's bolly movies. next they'll reply "bhagwan ke liye tujhe chod denge toh hum kya karengee?" 🙄🙄🙄
GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. honestly, i am so fucking done with this acp and prinku track. i could honestly not give less of a fuck about them. 😑😑😑
yes acp, keep watching as they tear her dori and violate her. best. 😒😒😒
anika, pay attn to hunky servant. he just gave you a clueeeeee. 😐😐😐
anika, you need to get a job. 😗😗😗
pft. acp ki herobaazi. mujhe nahi dekhni. fwd. 😒😒😒
can shivaay enroll prinku in some damn self defense classes ffs???? while he's at it, some personality development classes as well. 🙄🙄🙄
lmaoooooooooo TUM MERE HO. 😂😂😂
what the hell is with this show and songssss from the fucking 90s. can they not afford copyrights to anything newer??
such dramatic dupatta odh-ing was unnecessary. hand it over like a normal dude, bro. 🙄🙄🙄
prinku's feeling the angsty lau feelings right on schedule. 😒😒😒
since when is there this giantasss plate glass window in shivaay's room? 🤔🤔🤔
snort. hunky servant's evil smile. lololol. 😂😂😂
lol what the hell is he doing with the pointer toy i use to irritate my cat? 🤔🤔🤔
what in the world is shivaay wearing? 😟😟😟
lmaooooooooo. the cat toy is being used to melt whatever's holding the glass. 😂😂😂
yeah honestly anika, why do you ask? 😐😐😐
tia speaks the truth. get a job, anika. a hobby maybe. 🙄🙄🙄
like, i love anika and all, but god, i love tia so much more. she's a cold hard bitch who gets hers. 💗💗💗💗💗
or tries very hard, at least.
by this time, you could have run back home to save him by now. 🙄🙄🙄
looking at the angle the glass was falling, he was out of the danger zone. but yeah, the flying shards... oh well. 😐😐😐
4th january
preview: idc what these ppl are yelling about all i care about is that OM IS BACK OM IS BACK OH HAPPY DAY OM IS BACK I FEEL LIKE I HAVE REASON TO LIVE AGAIN MY LONG HAIRED ARTIST BOY IS BACK!!!!! 😇😇😇
ouff, move slower shivaay. 😒😒😒
pft. he's fiiiiiine. just has some glass in his hair. nothing that tadi waala hair gesture of his won't fix. 😎😎😎
what's om screaming about? boy stand still and smile so i can drink you innnnnnn. 😐😐😐
what logic. there's just one paraaya, compared to allllll these apne. 🙄🙄🙄
tej, again, he's a self made billionaire. he doesn't need your money. 😑😑😑
ouff. men and their egos. 🙄🙄🙄
shivaay's been shook out of his near death experience stupor thanks to all the yelling. ouff, this fucking family. can't you let a man ponder his mortality in peace????? 😒😒😒
rudra, maybe have less selfish reasons... like, something more compelling than a fucking SANDWICH????? 😒😒😒
anika's brain be like OH BETE KIIIIIIIIII 😂😂😂
this should be a rasm for the new bahu too, witnessing the first bullshit fight that occurs in this family on a near-daily basis. 🙄🙄🙄
for once, shivaay's angry grabbing is justified and not icky. 😶😶😶
god stop being such an angsty emo bunny, om. such a drama queen you are. 🙄🙄🙄
ouff this damn new servant. 😑😑😑
yeah we got that, om. give us the REAL REASON. 😒😒😒
ooooh i think tej's trying to marry om off to some richhhhh heiress??? 🤔🤔🤔
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why's pinky making that self righteous face? it's what she was doing to shivaay too. 😶😶😶
arre bas itni si problem? nothing a little google-fu and facebook and instagram stalking can't solve! such baat ka batangad. 🙄🙄🙄
i mean, i gotta agree with tej here, arranged marriage really isn't a revolutionary concept. why's om getting so hyper like a damn white kid who's never heard of the concept? 😐😐😐
um, that's so not the reason to have kids????? 😒😒😒
he wants lurrrrrrrrrrve, tej. he wants LURVE. 😗😗😗
god this fucking murdery servant dude is getting even more footage than OM and it's pissing me offfffff. 😒😒😒
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, i mean if this argument came from anyone other than shivaay. 😂😂😂
to play devil's advocate though, he was in a relationship with tia and THINKS he knows her though. 😕😕😕
lol tej has the same idea as me. 😙😙😙
lololololol even better the second time. 😂😂😂
bro, someone explain the structure of the oberoi businesses to me. please. i don't get it. what does shivaay do, what does tej do, how does any of this shit even work????? 😕😕😕
they're really modelled on the ambanis, i guess. 😗😗😗
tej, maybe don't disclose your petty so openly? 😬😬😬
ouff, dadi, why do you even bother? just go back to tirupati or whatever. take om with you. live in peace. 🙄🙄🙄
yeah shakti. just shut up. let a mom defend her son. 😑😑😑
what's wrong with this fucking servant, he's just going around the house tampering with everything shivaay touches. 😦😦😦
ouffffffff, jungle waala chutiyapa abhi tak khatam nahi hua. 😒😒😒
lol that weird scream. 😂😂😂
god, that's one determined rapist, going to attack prinku IN THE MIDDLE of getting his ass kicked. finish him offffff, acp. 😑😑😑
um acp??? large knife being aimed at ya girl... 😕😕😕
of course... of course acp is the one who gets slashed. 🙄🙄🙄
i wanted a shivika hurt/comfort scene. ouff, looks like i'll have to settle for this off brand nonsense instead. 😒😒😒
no? prinku's just letting him walk away? cool. 😗😗😗
ouff tej, you're like a dog with a bone, om don't currrr about your damn business. 😑😑😑
god how many times will we have to watch the same fucking argument between om and tej. i'm so bored. 🙄🙄🙄
ouff pinkyyyyyyy, shushhhhhhh.
this episode is so fucking boringgggggggggggg. ouff. 😑😑😑
oh no is svetlana back in tej's life now?????? OH NO. 😬😬😬
thank god at least one sister in the kapoor fam has a strong seduction game. watch and learn from di, tia + romi. 😎😎😎
who is svetlanaaaaa gunning for om to marry????? 😐😐😐
i have this teeny tiny feeling that maybe om may end up marrying the chaddha girl, through some tej + svetlana dhokebaazi, and he's gonna hate her, but she's gonna turn out to be super nice and shit and worm her way into om's heart. #tellywoodtrashKiBhavishwyawaani 😇😇😇
dadi about to keel over from a heart attack. 😐😐😐
i feel zero sympathy tbh, coz dadi kinda deserves a tiny heart attack from the way she handled the shivaay/anika thing. 😒😒😒
the oberoi kid deserving bachpan-waala slapping is behind you, tej. he's less slap-worthy these days but give it a week or two, he's going to do something to deserve it. 😕😕😕
anika be like lord almighty i miss my bua. she was easier to handle than these ppl. 😮😮😮
calling it already, jhanvi is #bestMom2k17 👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽
good riddance. bye tejjjj.👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽
precap: shit, i thought my "bye tej" straight off dispatched him into the afterlife. 😬😬😬 nope. just some rando chick. om's girl? 🤔🤔🤔
oooh, shivaay making anika some mighty big promises. 😚😚😚
5th january
lol @ tej's hissy fit. 😆😆😆
this servant seems to have a damn phd in killing ppl. 😐😐😐
LMAO, pinky is meeeeeee. 5ever interested in the drama, but super side eye-y of it. lolololol. 😂😂😂
anika, honestly, i mean, i get your urgency, but is this the time? 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽
gaaadi hai, underwear nahi, that two people can't use one anothers'. just give him the damn keys, driver. 🙄🙄🙄
oh the plan was to kill tej all along? i have no issues with that. carry on, kapoor sisters. 🙃🙃🙃
also how the f did they send the mms to romi when acp smashed the phone last night???? 😑😑😑
anika, girl. you soundin' cray. 😶😶😶
lol the scenery chewing that this servant actor is doing. amaze. 😆😆😆
i want jhanvi's earrings. 😊😊😊
svetlana's super nonchalant "what?" at tej's impending death, i love it.
i've changed my mind, i think i love svetlana. i'm modeling my 2017 personality after her. 😍😍😍
tia, stop being such a weak bitch.  😐😐😐
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OH NO JUST WHEN I GOT ON #TEAMSVETLANA, she's about to go do some suicidal stunt?!?!!! GODDAMNIT, WHY???? 😩😩😩
tej should have read @phati-sari‘s post on how to deal with failed brakes. 😊😊😊
yeah no one who takes an airbag to the face emerges looking completely fine like that. that shit deploys at like 300 kmph. 😒😒😒
oh shit u ok svetlana???? 😯😯😯
guessing this is svetlana's plan to make her way into the oberoi mansion. please don't let this end up with her marrying om tho. that's just super yucky. 😬😬😬
anika, you need to learn to communicate better. no one would believe what you're saying, the way you're saying it. 🙄🙄🙄
lol “dimaag ki dahi” what an un-shivaay like phrase. 😂😂😂
@ruMya: could you two kids just kiss alreadyyyy? 😐😐😐
ugh acp ka ott filmy dialogue. hope those big words are antiseptic and save you from catching some kinda nasty-ass infection. 🙄🙄🙄
“bohut khoon” my foot. 🙄🙄🙄
"main bura hoon, par gira hua nahi."  
can you two get off my screen already????? 😑😑😑
thank you.
oh boy, om's gonna fuckin' loseeeeee it. 😬😬😬
lol his crossed arms + "both of you shoulda died" expression. 😋😋😋
god tia, TOUGHEN UP. nafratbaaz my ass. 🙄🙄🙄
svetlana doesn't even look thaaat injured tho? like she's just got a few scrapes... 🤔🤔🤔
why is no one (anika even) noticing tia losing her shit while seeing svetlana like this? 😐😐😐
loving jhanvi, pinky and om's #idgaf expressions. 🙃🙃🙃
fwding to when svetlana finally wakes the f up, coz we all know she's gonna. 🙄🙄🙄
om asking all the real questions. 🙃🙃🙃
ok that answer doesn't make sense, tej. 🙄🙄🙄
nothing gets me more heart eyed than when om calls ppl out on their shit. 😍😍😍
what “jaan par khel kar”???? she just happened to be in the way with her car, there were zero allusions that she did it intentionally. 🙄🙄🙄
finally, tej lending some credence to anika's story. 😶😶😶
pft, i only watched today's episode for the shivika scene i was promised in yesterday's precap, and instead i had to watch a whole episode of them bickering and have to wait until the next ep. 😒😒😒
6th january
preview: yay, team's all here and on a mission!!!!!! 😊😊😊
lmao the knife still in the tyre. looks like murder servant isn't that smart after all. 😆😆😆
lmaoooooo no pointtttt calling security, come on shivaay. 🙄🙄🙄
sup khanna? new year, new facial hair! 😏😏😏
lol you know khanna is here only to make fanmixes on his otp. i bet he has a thriving youtube channel filled with footage of you two. 😆😆😆
why's he calling tej when he's just indoors???? 🤔🤔🤔
says the person who whatsapps her mom from the next room about how the cat is chewing on my leg. 😶😶😶
um shivaay, please to notice that your wife is currently having a breakdown? 😶😶😶
this moment is coming across as super fake on anika's part. the whole stumbling around and talking to self thing. 🙄🙄🙄
“aap BHI mujhe chod ke chale gaye toh?” awww. baby. *pats her hair*
god shivaay, why is YELLING your go-to for everything? you didn't even try to reason with her normally, before going to yelling. 😒😒😒
bad writing/shitty editing or shitty acting on nakuul's part? 🤔🤔🤔
"main kahin nahi jaunga. na main khud jaunga, na tumhe jaane dunga."
aw. but also, kinda creepy and dakshy-sounding. depends on what mood you're in while watching. 😕😕😕
HUG!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗
oh come on, you could have totally hugggggggged. why's shivaay having sudden commitment-phobia??? 🙄🙄🙄
lol jhanvi, why so obtuse? how can someone so smart, be so fucking stupid? 😑😑😑
never let it be said that true love doesn't exist in this show. 👭🏽👭🏽👭🏽 offering to murder your sister-friend's husband's mistress is the GREATEST ACT OF LOVE that has ever been displayed in the 170-odd episodes. 💗💗💗 #female relationships mean everything to me
pinky's disappointment at jhanvi not taking her up on the offer = the best. 😂😂😂
"naagin ko full fats creams ka milks pilaao" amazing. 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
also, subtle meta reference at svetlana actress's gig on a naagin show? 🤔🤔🤔
does anika even know the whole deal with svetlana? how????? 🤔🤔🤔
kanji aankhein be shocked at...?
oh. murder servant's game is up. bye boo. it was fun watching ya overact the fuck out of everything for 3 days. 😙😙😙
rudra's brief for this episode: make an exit within 30 seconds of scene and take sumo with him. 😑😑😑
170 episodes too late, but yes, please change the security staff. 🙄🙄🙄
oh god, time for anika to maarofy heavy sanskaari statement about patni protecting pati from blah blah blah. 😑😑😑
my expression, exact same as tia's. 😒😒😒
oh boy, anika's leading tia into a phone throwing type moment. the wily minx. 😬😬😬
ooh, is this the first time tia didn't call shivaay SHIVAAY BABY? 🤔🤔🤔
lol shivaay, not much of a date if she goes alone. 😐😐😐
oh boy shivaay, don't piss tia off. she's gonna ramp up the attempts to murder you. 😬😬😬
i thought she was gonna snap his neck right there and then. 😂😂😂
lololol anika's face. 😂😂😂
methinks the shivaay doth protests too much. 😚😚😚
snorttttttt, idk if she's enjoying this or not, but I CERTAINLY AM ENJOYING THIS. 😂😂😂
nakhra is not a very hard word. neither is noor jahan. are you just stupid, shivaay? 😕😕😕
this is a silly, quite badly written scene, but they're so cute when they're unable to stop grinning around each other. 😘😘😘
tho shivaay is unusally happy for someone who almost got murdered twice today. 😕😕😕
time for oberoi mystery inc. to convene and discuss. 😎😎😎
in the most open, obvious fucking location in the house. amazing. not a single bright crayon in this box. 😒😒😒
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when will my om get a girl to walk with, who loves him the way he deserves to be loved? 😞😞😞
"laser". pfffffffft. IT WAS A CAT TOYYYYY COME ON. 🙄🙄🙄
where did all the furniture in this room go? 🤔🤔🤔
lmao AJAY VERMA. might as well be named john smith. 🙄🙄🙄
also, of course he didn't come from the agency you fucking idiots. 😑😑😑
i'd be downright disappointed with tia if she wasn't eavesdropping rn.
may i remind you all that they were making out like svetlana was almost in a fucking coma. still, not a single person watching over her to find that tia is visiting her and calling her "di". 🙄🙄🙄
lol svetlana's giant hair eclipsing her head bandage tho. 😂😂😂
i'm bored with this scene so here are the oberois as mystery inc. team members:
anika = velma 🤓🤓🤓 (because orange. and she's ultimately gonna be the one who solves everything.)
shivaay = fred 👦🏽👦🏽👦🏽 (requisite cis male eye candy; mileage may vary depending by case.)
sAumya = daphne 👧🏽👧🏽👧🏽 (occasionally does shit, but mostly here to fulfill the cute quota.)
om = shaggy 🙇🏽🙇🏽🙇🏽 (coz i'm sure 87% of his chill personality comes from the fact that he's 420 blazin' it up in that studio of his.)
rudra = scooby 🐶🐶🐶 (self explanatory.)
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ooooooooh anika sleeps in the room now! progress! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
"anika? hi? good morning? 😶😶😶" lol. awwww. 😊😊😊
goddamnit shivaay, why the fuck are you always yelling??? honestly, that too so early in the morning. 😒😒😒
"you sleep like a log." "kaun log?"
snort. 😂😂😂
"dhang ke kapde"? you rather liked this outfit the last time she wore it. couldn't stop feeling her up every two minutes. 😏😏😏
"breakfast banane jaa raha hoon, TUMHARE LIYE."
NOW i'd say my man’s on track to redemption. 😚😚😚
what can i say, i'm a hungry bitch. feed me and i'll be yours forever. i'm very much like a raccoon that way. 😇😇😇
wait, should i be worried? 😟😟😟
coz y'know, the last time he handed her a gift wrapped box, it had divorce papers. 😕😕😕
inaugarate it by dirty facetiming each other. 😏😏😏
sahil is a 7 year old. AT BOARDING SCHOOL. he doesn't need a fucking phone. 🙄🙄🙄
ooooooooh. "pyaar se." girl, watch what you're asking for. you couldn't really handle his pyaar a day back. you jumped out the window coz it was too much. 😋😋😋
goddamnit, this smooth motherf... where's he suddenly getting these moves from???? 😯😯😯
ok it's an iphone. not that there's a lot of variety to CHOOSE from. calm down, shivaay. 😑😑😑
his smiley romantic mood makes me both awwwww, and also be a little freaked out. 😬😬😬
mostly freaked out. i'm really not used to it. i'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. 😕😕😕
"toh yeh pyaar se tha, ya dobara koshish karoon?"
holy shit. i... uh... 🤐🤐🤐😯😯😯
*loses my damn mind for a second*
i nearly jumped out my damn skin just like anika when he came back.  
"phir se blush kar rahi ho."
"yeh blush kya cheez hai???? main kar bhi rahi hoon aur mujhe pata hi nahi hai!" haha awwww 😂😂😂
sAumya looks cuddly af man. i wanttttt a hug from herrrrrr! 🤗🤗🤗
why is she not dancing in her own room tho? 🤔🤔🤔
the fuck is this???? 😒😒😒
ohhhhhhhh, it’s an ad for some shit. fwding. 🙄🙄🙄
also, why is it suddenly night if shivaay just woke anika up? 🤔🤔🤔
bloody hell, what a waste of screen time, this is an extra minute i could have spent staring at om's face. #respectOmkara2k17 😩😩😩😩
15 notes · View notes
survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #1: “Back Into the Groove of Things” - Scott
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The cast was announced and both tribes started calls in their tribe chats.  Some early alliances started based on past relationships.  The first twist was that the tribes had to elect a Tribe Captain.  Regan took charge on Naicha demanding she be captain.  On Jinsei, they strategized about it for hours with Lydia using Sam and Scott to help make her Tribe Captain.  The first challenge was Winterbells and MJ lead Naicha to a hefty win.  After losing, The Alliance of Sam, Scott, and Lydia (The Three Muskequeers) tried to decide whether to vote out Austin or Catherine.  They decided to go with Cat due to her poor challenge performance and her connections on the other tribe. Connah figured it was him who was going home and ultimately self voted.
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Tbh I’m really bored so I’m gonna make a pre-game confessional before the game starts. I really am excited to be back and playing my official last season of Tumblr Survivor (and ORG) ever. I want more than anything for this season to end on a good note, so I plan on giving it my all and hoping for the best. I think the timing for me to come back is especially perfect, mainly because in the past my personal life was mixing in with the ORGs and it got to the point where I had a big mental breakdown in front of the family dinner table. That’s why I took a break; I just had so much going on personally that I had to stop using ORGs as an escape from my problems and actually face them. It’s been about a year and a half since I was involved with ORGS and I’m really happy with the person that I am today and to say that I resolved most of my personal dilemmas that I had. There’s been so many seasons that I was considered for since Ancient Greece, but honestly the timing in my personal life didn’t work out and I would drop out in order to take care of myself (Easter Island, Sri Lanka, Generations [not 100% sure about this one], India, and Solomon Islands). This time the only conflict I may have is that I work night shift some nights, but lately I’ve been scheduled on day shifts so hopefully it stays like that so it doesn’t interfere with challenges and the game itself. But honestly I think I can work around it game wise plus many people talk during the day and late at night so it can benefit me. This season is actually really scary for me going into it mainly because I don’t know who to really expect. It’s an all-host season, so obviously it’s going to be all retuning players but I really haven’t been involved with this community in a long time. I could see a lot of familiar faces, or I could see a lot of newbies from the seasons I didn’t follow. I think I’m honestly going to be such a huge target coming back into the game. I say this mainly because lately I’ve noticed there’s a trend where guys who disappear for a long time and come back will end up winning (Jake B, Simon, Tommy, Stoner, and  Mitchell to name a few). So to be coming back after two years could put me in danger and others may see me as a threat, which is why I need to be extremely cautious. Plus I personally have a huge reputation that I refuse to destroy. Every time I’ve played I’ve never been pre-merge/pre-jury, and I don’t want to know what that feels like. Plus I haven’t played Tumblr Survivor in 2 years, and I know a lot has changed when it comes to the game format. Hopefully I can adapt to it quickly and be conscious the entire time. I’ve only spoken to like maybe 6 people from the community after Malaysia ended. I don’t really have anyone to possibly pregame an alliance with. The only reason why I applied is because Regan convinced me to and I spoke to Trevor about it to make sure it was legit. I know she applied, but if she’s cast I don’t think it would be in my best interest to keep her around (I’m sorry Regan I love you). I just feel like everyone would know how close we are and it would put a huge target on my back, or make it bigger along with everything else. I haven’t spoken to her about possibly being on this season, and I plan on keeping it that way. But other than her, I don’t know anyone who could possibly be on this season which could be a good thing or a bad thing for me. Good thing is that I’m a single person and if there’s a big group/pre-game then I can be a part of a group to go against the pre-game. However, if people are like “let’s go with the pre-game group over the individuals” than I could be screwed early on in the game and possibly be the first boot. Honestly my biggest fear is just being pre-merge and doing worse than ever in my Tumblr survivor career. Idk, maybe things can all work out for the best for me, I’m remaining optimistic about all of this and I really can’t wait to get back into the groove of things.
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i literally wrote the saltiest jury speech ever towards lydia when we were in riau together and now she is on my tribe fjdkafjdskalfjkldjafdfs. we got along well enough in riau and in hindsight i definitely was way too salty towards her but hopefully no bad blood carries over from riau into this game.
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Can't wait to be first boot
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[2017-06-07 8:34:48 PM] Jessy: first impression? josh icon [2017-06-07 8:34:56 PM] Jessy: i feel like he's the only person getting invested in my convo. [2017-06-07 8:34:57 PM] Jessy: SKLJSLSJK [2017-06-07 8:35:17 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Am I gonna have to copy all this into a confessional or will you write one later :p [2017-06-07 8:35:23 PM] Jessy: i'll write one later [2017-06-07 8:36:04 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Thank you !
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HI Trevor. It's your fave mom, Sam McCanada. Look at my son doing his momma proud 
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i am god awful at winterbells.  i am god awful at every single flash game. this will be fun. the first night is always weird because i keep having tons of tiny conversations and they're all just small talk. everyone knows that these conversations are just small talk at the beginning of the game and yet we have these conversations anyway, fully well knowing that they mean almost nothing at this point. i feel like ive been out of the tumblr survivor community for so long that i am so disconnected from everyone here, and that immediately makes me feel like im in trouble. they all know each other so well, and while i know almost everyone here on a very basic level, i'm not particularly close with anyone here. ive played with a few people here before. in riau i essentially yelled at lydia in my jury speech and then proceeded to not vote for her in FTC. the one and only time i played with andrew, i voted him out. i'd like to think that feelings from previous games dont carry over, but i know that they do for some people. i don't know. i dont feel safe. 
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why is connor so impulsive? i love the kid but 5 minutes into the game i'm already in an alliance with him and drew when drew and i haven't even talked yet sjhfsdkjfa. More detailed confessional later~
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[2017-06-07 9:11:49 PM] Jessy: NO ONE IS talking to me. [2017-06-07 9:11:52 PM] Jessy: Can't wait to be on the bottom [2017-06-07 9:43:24 PM] Jessy: i like josh.. [2017-06-07 9:43:30 PM] Jessy: regan rlly tried me.. [2017-06-07 9:43:35 PM] Jessy: mj is a snake... [2017-06-07 9:43:38 PM] Jessy: matt is a snake... [2017-06-07 9:43:52 PM] Jessy: connor seems like a person who's gna be in a good position... [2017-06-07 9:44:08 PM] Jessy: allison and i idk her yet that well [2017-06-07 9:44:18 PM] Jessy: drew idk her yet that well [2017-06-07 9:44:18 PM] Jessy: KLSSJKL [2017-06-07 9:44:20 PM] Jessy: *him. [2017-06-07 9:44:31 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Lol [2017-06-08 1:26:44 PM] Jessy: i just wanna make an alliance that can watch shit on rabbit and have a fun time. [2017-06-08 2:35:32 PM] Jessy: regan wants a girls alliance [2017-06-08 2:35:34 PM] Jessy: BKLMSLKMFSDKLM [2017-06-08 2:38:45 PM] Jessy: its a concept yeah. [2017-06-08 2:57:07 PM] Jessy: im just tryna be utr. [2017-06-08 2:57:14 PM] Jessy: wide the waves. [2017-06-08 2:57:23 PM] Jessy: find my crew and watch tv shows on rabbit. [2017-06-08 2:57:48 PM] Jessy: mi opciones es no grande :/
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Hey I'm back who wants to see me get 12th again??????? Or worse. BUT YEAH. I'M FUCKING BACK IN A MAIN SEASON YA'LL. Third times the charm I guess, but honestly I'm so scared. Pumped, but scared. This is - like I said - third time playing, and my first 2 times I got 12th. So fuck me in the ass amirite? Like, if I get 12th or worse I'll probably casually go into a major depressive episode for a little bit. So I have a LOT riding on these first impressions. First impressions are everything, and I don't really know these people very well? So it is VITAL to me if I even want to have a game in this mess to have a good social game right off the bat. And everyone seems cool at the moment? I'm just nervous about preexisting relationships and all that jazz and mumbo jumbo. I mean, I am the newest person on the tribe I think in terms of how long I've been here? In fact, I think only person younger to the community in this game than me is Connor Wubbenndjfm on the other tribe. Preexisting relationships are just scary. Like, I was on the call tonight with a few of the people. And they were all nice! But I kinda felt like a high schooler volunteering at an old person's home. ASDFGHJK I'm SORRY OKAY it's just that literally everyone was sharing war stories of like 2 plus years ago and I've been here for a year and a half so. Not a lot I could have contributed! But like I said, everyone seems cool. For not at least. And that's what I like. Keep the discourse at a minimum for the time being please! But yeah I guess if I had to give a quick opinion on everyone just from tonight: Scott: Super cool! Very easy to talk to. Bonded over our love for Isaac McDicksucc. I'm hoping he's not just doing some "be this social to everyone thing" and actually found a better-than-average connection with me because if so, I would like to work with him. David Robb: Person I actually know! Hosted me in TAR and shit and I've voted him out of a side. But I'm hoping we can work together? At least for now. I know I'm gonna sound hypocritical, but I feel like this is the only preexisting relationship I might need. I probably know the least amount of people here so gimme a break okay? Bitches... Sam McCanada: Cool girl! Remembered watching her host Transylvania. Know she's done super good and has slayed in CYS which is super threatening because I've heard that's a hard as ORG. If she tries to be the controlling type then it'd be best to be with her as opposed to against her - at least for premerge. Connah: He seems chill. He was on the call but didn't talk much and we kinda talked RRN. I know he's close to Lydia and MJ so I gotta watch out for that. If we go to tribal first I would go for him or Lydia only if someone voiced wanting to break up potential alliances first. Other than that I wanna keep my head down. Lydia: Same alliance type deal word vomit thing I just said above. But she seemed nice even though I only talked to her for a little. I'll try talking to her more tomorrow to feel things out. Austin: GOOD. BYE. I do NOT want to play with Austin Trevino. No sir. Goodbye Spongebob goodbye goodbye. Like he's a damn mess to play with and to watch play. He quit a side premerge the second things weren't going his way. And I know he's gonna try kissing my ass and kiss up to everyone and think he has this AMAZING social game. Like... no... sweety... no. But ya know what? Seemingly easy first boot cannon fodder. If need be. Catherine: Yay! Honestly love Cat. She won my first ever ORG (a side) a year and a half ago and I got 6/24 there so I spent a lot of time with her there. But then she kinda died? But now she's back! Out of herself, Austin, and Lydia - she didn't have an excuse for not being around. Idk how social she'll be but I wanna at least have her for myself. Okay whew. Other than all this nonsensical shit I just typed above, there's the other tribe which I can go more in depth about a little later once I sleep and process everything. Drew? Love him but farewell. Regan? Other tribe's Austin. Matt fucking Summers? I gtg suddenly. MJ? Could kill me but I wanna kill him first. Allison? My mom and one of my best friends but tbh this isn't Pacific Islands and I'll vote her out if I have to. Etc. Etc. There was Conner Wubben who's cool but I don't really know. 2 others I can't remember right now asdfghj oops. Oh we also have a challenge and I suck at desktop Winterbells so there's that too. If we coulda used the mobile app well :~) that woulda been fun. But Trevor apparently hates fun and friendship. Oh yeah and fuck this twist. It's 2:30 am and I'm tired and I'll talk more in a video confessional tomorrow so gnight and wish my flop ass luck because I'll need a little if I wanna get past that 12th placement hehe. *Takes a shot or 4*
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I'm back for my 3rd go, and I feel as though I have a lot to prove not only to myself but to the community as well. It's been well over a year since I last played Tumblr Survivor, and I do think I've grown a lot as a game player. Coming into this season, I felt flattered by the shape and size this cast has been brought about. I'm standing here with castaways from All-Stars, multiple winners, and well-known players all in the same season. To me, this is both a curse and a blessing. A blessing because I'm the unknown of this season. The wildcard if that. I'm here coming off a mess that I played in Bhutan, and a lackluster performance in R&R. Not many people know my gameplay or how I evolved into what has become my playstyle. A lot of these players are "Old School" (characterized by the grouping from Generations), and I'm not well known inside the community. The curse for me this season comes with the realization of outside bonds formed from the casts' older seasons. These people know each other. They know how they play, and in order for me to win with the likes of Summers and MJ playing then I'm going to need to play to the absolute best of my ability. I need to play a game that is true to myself that can only represent why I, Austin Trevino, am the best possible outcome for a winner this season. Something I know I'm weak on is my social gameplay. For me, this season, I need to overhaul my playstyle to focus my strategic game SOLEY on my social gameplay. Play smart, not hard. I need to realize that I'm in this for 39 days, and not just round by round. My physical gameplay is lackluster at that, so I need to be able to make up for it by spreading awareness to my tribemates as to why I am an ideal candidate in benefiting their game. In doing so, I've already worked to the best of my ability to find 1 thing I can use as a reminder that I'm not some "nobody" they've never met before. So far I've reached out to the entire tribe and connected with each of them on the following: Andrew - We played Comoros together. I've also been talking to him about some Solomon reps for Cutthroat, but he is someone I genuinely like. I need to go deeper in getting to know HIM as a person, but I do believe he is someone I would like to work with in the future. Him and I are both pre-merge flops, so I do think we can see eye-to-eye in allowing ourselves that window of opportunity to take over. Scott - Scott is nice, supportive, and relatable. He is someone that is coming back into these ORGs for the first time in a long while, and I do think I can relate to him in the fact that this is something we haven't done in a while. He's going back to school to major in psychology because he wants to become a school psychologist. I've taken AP Psych in high school (LOL), so I do see myself working a friendship over with him through various small talks which could transform into something larger. Lydia - Lydia doesn't remember this all too well, but we played Storybook: Neverland together. She knows how willing I was to give my game for her and be loyal, so I do think she is someone that would gladly look to keep me. I reminded her of all this when I brought up voting out Jordan Pines on Jordan Pines Day. She's smart, and no one can deny that. Her placements are BY FAR the best average placements in this entire cast. It's threatening to see her on this season, but it's comforting to know that I can bring up a fond moment from a past game in order to share my expression of loyalty towards a person. David - David and the entire cast of BBHell2 hated my gameplay. That was 2 years ago, however. David knows and called me out on my horrific social gameplay in jury, so I need to prove to David that my social gameplay isn't an issue anymore. To start, I brought up some things about David's job as a cashier and found a way to relate to his job with mine (I'm a cashier as well). I think it really shows a lot when, after 2 years, you can remember something about someone even when they criticized your social gameplay. (See, I do listen to people >.>). I like David. Connah - Literally he was my host for R&R, so I immediately had something to open up with. I didn't last long in R&R, so the window of opportunity is wide open when it comes to establishing something. Cat - OK LITERALLY I LOVE HER, JOSH, AND CONNOR (who are all in this game and I need to immediately make a mental note that they're a trio in my books), BECAUSE THEY ALL HOSTED ME IN PERU AND THAT SEASON SUCKED BUT THEY WERE LIT. Cat hasn't been around all that much for me to talk to (or maybe I'm being ignored?), but I do hope to connect with her again by bringing up Peru and some friends we do have in common. Sam - Sam I've probably spoken to the most. She's "fresh" off of an Okinawa victory, and I do see myself trusting her. I voted for her as tribe captain and I would definitely like to see her place some level of trust in me. I just find it easier to talk to her over most others. I like Sam. This season I need to prove to myself that I can outlast the 3rd tribal council. Both seasons I've played have seen me voted out then. I can't OVERPLAY. Building relationships is what matters most here. As for the twist(s) of the season, I do think it's bittersweet. Trevor has turned this into a hunger games for Hosts. We created our own Weapons of Murder. I don't see this turning into a Redemption Island season with a cast of 16, so I do think this season is going to be idol heavy in terms of the various idols. Most of these hosts have held their unique idol twists, so when idol searching does come about, I need to be on the lookout for anything and everything imaginable.
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im in a super weird position here because im super close with connor and josh on the other tribe. the thing that makes it an awkward position is that EVERYONE knows how close we are. we started our own survivor platform together and we're currently on the hosting chart for another main season. connor, josh, and i literally hosted austin in a season together. i definitely know that i'm a target because of this. the votes for tribe captain are due in 15 minutes and no one has talked to me about it. im just going to vote for some random person and hope that its with the majority, however i (ONCE AGAIN) dont feel safe.
i'm trying to stay on the down low but i don't know if that's helping me or hurting me. on the one hand, it helps because it keeps me out of the spotlight a bit. but on the other, it might hurt because i might not be bonding with people as much as i could be. fjdksaljfdsaklj i dont know what's happening
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i love jake gyllenhaal
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So, things are going kind of well, I think. First off, Josh and I are together, which is great, but Cat is alone on blue. Frankly, out of the three of us, Cat being alone was worse case scenario. I knew if I was alone that I would have been able to finagle my way into things and build relationships because the game I play is very social. Cat says that talking to people is a chore. So.... rip cat? I know Drew and Josh very well going into this game, MJ fairly well as he hosted me in RnR and Palawan, and Regan was technically in RnR with me and we played a storybook season together. Im also fairly good friends with Matt, so I definitly think there is room for me to pull some strings and get some control over this mess before it turns around too quick and gets me. Regan being tribe leader is good for me I think. She's very easily influenced, or she has been in the past, and I think she will be good for my game as long as she doesn't pull a Regan and do something crazy. And lets be real, we all know she will. Drew, Josh, and I do have an alliance, although there has been little to no talk in that chat. Rip. Also, Drew probably knows that if it were a f2 and it came down to the three of us, Josh and I would choose each other, so I need to do some work there to make him feel more comfortable in that three than he is now. I love Allison. Day 1 there was a tribe call and it ended up just being the two of us, and we watched a performance of Hamilton we did for show choir, and she is SO fun. I like her A LOT. Jessy? I like because she likes my dog. That's really all I have to say about her right now, yikes.
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Me, looking at the wiki for the first time since premiere night: who the FUCK is Jessy???????
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Well I’m really bored right now waiting for a call to happen so I better start one of these. I’m really happy to be back here and I like the tribe. Sam and I spoke on the first minute of the game and reconnected due to previous relationship. I like her and definitely want to work far. I don’t think it’s in my best interest to go all the way with her but I think it’s a smart idea to keep her around for the current moment. She wanted to make an alliance between Lydia and us and I was okay because I find Lydia to be quite comical. We spoke on who could possibly be the tribe captain and Lydia agreed she would. I think working with Sam and Lydia short term is ideal mainly because they both have gone far in multiple seasons and know how to do it, so sticking with them can benefit me significantly. I consider them to be my #1 alliance for now just because I usually respect the first alliance I ever make. I also have a good relationship with Andrew. The two of us talked and agreed we would work together. I want him to do well in this game just because he’s never made merge (and I think hes really cute rip) and I think he would be someone to benefit me as an easy #1 ally. I’m not sure what long term plans are but all I know is I want him around and I will riot to whomever to ensure he stays. David I like as well. We both spoke and agreed we don’t want the other to be the first boot. Sam and Lydia seem to really like him so we know he can be the easy #4 to our alliance. The only people I’m not really aligned with so far are Austin, Catherine, and Connor, and ideally I want one of the three to be the first boot when we lose because MJ is too good at winterbells for us to possibly win. Austin kinda annoys me so far just because he reaches out to me every single day. And like I know hes been doing the same to others just by communicating with them and I find that to be messy. Like its one thing to talk to people once in a while, but to do so every day like that is a bit sketchy. And like he hasn’t even talked game with me, it’s all just personal talk. Which is nice, but I don’t want to be the first to talk game with everyone because it makes me a threat. Catherine I only spoke to once because I messaged her. We talked about her flopping in Galapagos. I know she has a relationship with Josh so she could be an easy boot, but at the same time that connection could help long term. As for Connor, I personally think he shouldn’t be here.  He’s going through a lot personally losing someone close to him and I think he should take time off to grieve and stuff. But I can’t make that decision for him. Other than that, he hasn’t reached out to me so idk how to feel about him. A plus to aligning with Sam and Lydia so early on is that Lydia gave me the idol map for being the captain. I felt obligated to share it with them because I couldn’t lie and be like “Oh Lydia gave me this” early on. So now we’re all hunting for the idol. During this idol hunt I found the Amulet of Abduction. I plan on keeping this for the swap, that way if im in the minority I can get an alliance member over to my side and either screw their game over or regain majority on my tribe. But the Amulet stays to myself for now. And because we lost immunity, I gotta discuss the vote. So far I am loyal to Lydia and Sam, and I can get Andrew to do whatever Lydia, Sam, and I want to do. And they like David so I’m sure I can convince them to vote out one of the three ppl I haven’t spoken to. But yeah, I’ll update this later tonight cause I can’t flop playing for my first time in two years. It’s game on bitches, and I’m ready to play.
literally no one talks in this game and im so annoyed cause we lost the challenge and these people are acting like nothing even happened... oh well, hopefully i dont become the first boot cause my paranoia is getting me. like its really odd that no one is talking. in Ancient Greece no one really spoke to me, and i found out i was in the minority after that season ended. The only reason why i got far was because we ended up not losing challenges until swap and we just lost our first challenge so i hope it isnt me. i can't varner my ass out of this game cause its been 2 years and i just wanna play but no one wants to play which sucks!!!
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So I'm gay and this tribe is a bunch of mutes. Basically I was on a call with Scott that ended up being 2 and a half hours? And now we're supposedly closest allies. Which is fun! Scott is really cool and I really AM hoping I'm his closest ally and he's not just pulling generic social game bullshit. But we also talked about the vote and he said Austin's name first. Not me! So I really want Austin to go home because he's a shady fuck. Like... Okay so he keeps talking about all of this shit that comes off as so fake. He says we have to break our curses and I'm like what's this "we" you heterosexual potato. Like he ain't good at these games and if he stays over me? I riot the streets. So yeah I talked to Sam a bit too and she - like Scott - told me I'm the person she's talking to the most. Which! Might be a lie. But ya know what I'll run with it. I'm also making a point to talk to Cat on the side because I love Cat and if she's not being super social then I wanna make a point to talk to her. My talks with David and Lydia are kinda spotty, and then I don't talk to Connor much. But he is going through some personal things right now and I hope he's okay so I'll obviously let him deal with that. Personal things prioritize these games for sure. TL;DR - I want to kick Austin's ass back to str8 lakes where it belongs. Just as long as I'm not the person bringing up his name first :~)
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[2017-06-08 6:37:55 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: What is happening [2017-06-08 6:38:04 PM] Jessy: LITERALLY NOTHING WHICH IS WHY I'M SHOOK!! [2017-06-08 6:38:21 PM] Jessy: matt and i had a convo and he told me about regan giving him the advantage [2017-06-08 6:38:25 PM] Jessy: and i lied and acted like she didnt give it to me either [2017-06-08 6:38:32 PM] Jessy: and now im scared regan told him i got it too [2017-06-08 6:38:37 PM] Jessy: [6:02:22 PM] Jessy: hi [6:02:25 PM] Jessy: matt told me that [6:02:35 PM] Jessy: you gave him an advantage LKJBLKMASDLFKM and he shared the clue with me [6:02:41 PM] Jessy: i dont think he told anyone else tho so its not a big deal but [6:02:51 PM] Jessy: i want him to propose a f3 to u tonight w us [6:31:05 PM] Regan: Omg [6:31:10 PM] Regan: He said he guessed r [6:31:12 PM] Regan: And got it wrong [6:31:31 PM] Jessy: same [6:31:32 PM] Jessy: KLJSJKLS [6:31:45 PM] Jessy: can we pls f3 tbh [6:32:36 PM] Jessy: he doesnt know that i got the clues too right [6:32:36 PM] Jessy: SKLJSJKL [2017-06-08 6:38:59 PM] Jessy: i saw her go away and online within a min [2017-06-08 6:39:01 PM] Jessy: SO LIKE IM SHOOK SIS REPLY! [2017-06-08 6:39:15 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I love receipts [2017-06-08 6:39:39 PM] Jessy: if nothing is actually happening this is proof of my paranoia [2017-06-08 6:39:40 PM] Jessy: LSKJKLSJ
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they're gonna vote me out first and it's so extremely obvious. how are these people considered all stars of the game when they make it so ridiculously obvious who they're voting for???
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[2017-06-10 1:55:26 AM] Jessy: btw mj will be first boot on this tribe [2017-06-10 1:55:27 AM] Jessy: know tht [2017-06-10 1:55:52 AM] Jessy: im not letting mj connor josh catherine go far. [2017-06-10 1:56:23 AM] Jessy: oh nd lydia [2017-06-10 2:34:50 AM] Jessy: r u gna make an edgic [2017-06-10 2:35:56 AM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: I am, yes [2017-06-10 2:38:14 AM] Jessy: when im ottn>
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Ok, so I think I proved my social game to be effective. This tribe is VERY quiet. No one is talking, and if they are it's very forced. Lydia kind of baited me into giving a name, but with that came no repercussions. Honestly, me name dropping Cat has spiraled into a FAST frenzy of game talk. It seems like Lydia spread it quick, so I do know now that she's taking full advantage of the trust our tribe has in her. David pointed out that he heard a Connah name drop, but I haven't heard that? I don't know if Lydia gave him that name or if someone else did, but I do enjoy knowing that there are 2 people my tribe sees as disposable over me. It's kind of nice not having to work my ass off to keep my name out of others' mouths. The social game isn't all that bad.
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Fuck MJ and winterbells
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So update after the first late night fiasco Lydia, Sam, and I agreed on Catherine as a target. I was okay with this just because she really hasn't approached me (or anyone) and hasn't made an effort to really want to play this game. We only spoke once (I reached out to her) and all we spoke about was how she flopped at Galapagos. Oh well, hopefully she actually goes tonight. As for how this game is going, I think I am in a good position. I think one thing I need to watch out for is how close David and Sam are. I need to keep Andrew close to me, and I think he is going to be a huge help to me. So far he's been trusting in informing me on whats going on. I am worried since Sam and Lydia contemplated sending him home first. Now as awful as this may sound, I think its best for my game to keep Austin close to me too. Even though I see him doing lots of damage since hes kinda on the outs, keeping him close to me and making him think he controls me is ideal for me. Just as long as he doesn't catch on to this all should be good... right? I'm definitely not as worried about the vote, however I think I need to try and get a sub-group going with people that aren't Sam and Lydia so that way if they become a sinking ship I have other lifeboats getting me out of heavy waters. I want to solidify something with David and Andrew, but part of me worries he will tell Sam and she'll think I'm trying to go against (plz say this in her Canadian accent) her. I think I can do well this season, just gotta hope someone's dumb twist doesn't screw me over
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I'm stress eating Dairy Queen and I guess the vote is Cat idk why it wasn't Austin but whatever I just don't want it to be me thank you and goodnight
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Catherine and Connor never spoke to me about the vote and the vibe at camp is really sketchy so if i leave tonght rip me... but i had a good time and it was fun. Hopefully this isn't my last confessional
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[2017-06-10 6:17:56 PM] Jessy: dw im gna send the most iconic conf ever! [2017-06-10 9:11:40 PM] Jessy: oh fuck i need to write it [2017-06-10 9:11:40 PM] Jessy: KLBVKLMSADFMKLDS [2017-06-10 9:11:52 PM] Jessy: if i submit it and someone already left can it still be counted for ep 1 [2017-06-10 9:16:34 PM] Trevor [Host of Hosts]: Submit it quick :|
0 notes
fragiilexa · 8 years
Get To Know The Mun!
1. Who is your hero?
this is so hard i have so many, like it depends on like what type of hero bc like, i got one 4 everyhting ok, like I have so many? So many people who mean so much to me like, jesus?!? ( both literally and in exasperation lol ) no but really there are so many but uhm I think If I had to pick a person it would have toooo… it would have to be my Mom. I know that’s cheesy, or something, probably as cheesy as the jesus thing but literally she keeps the house together and she does so much & I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain to her how much she’s done for me & :/ I just love her. She’s my hero. But, like… I could pick more, I could also easily pick Demi, or Taylor or maybe Stevie Nicks, or fricken Julie Andrews??? Iconic. Hero. Bless. Dolly Parton???? Goals aF. I could go on for hours but those are like the tippy top ones. 
2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Oh well, I mean I really do love Michigan? Like, being able to be by the big lakes is amazing & the views are just?? Incredible. But I think if I had the chance of anywhere without needing to worry about money or the fact I’d be super far from family I’d pick California? or ? I don’t know I just,…. maybe not the ritzy bits of it like it’s a huge state ya’ll have some not so populated places but being close to the ocean & also semi-sort of close to somewhere that is just incredibly alive & fresh would be really cool ( plus bumping into celebs l maO ) I would also say NYC or something but lmao sO much traffic & such little spaces.
3. What is your biggest fear?
lmao uh idk either driving or just people leaving idk 
4. What is your favorite family vacation?
We have only really had one huGE one where we went to Disney World together and it was AMAZING it wasn’t v busy cause we went in their off season and it was literally so fun I’d love to go again tbqh
5. What would you change about yourself if you could?
hmmm I’m tryin’ to love myself more so I feel like I defeat the purpose if I say what I wanna change, but also I’m trying to get healthier this year so maybe just so more strength & also clear skin bc those are what I’m working towards right now.
6. What really makes you angry?
I think what really gets on my nerves is & makes me angry is peoples unwillingness to listen to one another. Like I don’t wanna get political bc i hate ( hate ) politics but like seriously. Treat people as humans. Both sides have wrongs in this and it bothers me that both sides act like they’re ‘holier than thou’ but are both, at times, wrong. No one gets anywhere and we won’t get anywhere if we assume things of one another & also if we don’t stop to realize we are all, in fact, humans who just want to live a happy & healthy life. Unless someone is pointedly a bad person and wants to cause destruction, hate, discourse, ect. then just either try to have a conversation or let it go if there’s none to be had. Being an activist is an amazing thing to do & is mostly always a selfless act but unless you fully accept you’re never actually going to fix everyone & change everyone’s views to your own then you’re just going to be unhappy & bitter for the rest of your life. 
also tumblr callout culture. yall need to get the friCK over yourselves & go like, to church or smthin or at least go to a etiquette class like damn ya’ll make me angry & I’m not??? even an angry person? ?  ? 
( addendum : i hate when people treat others like pos just because they disagree with them it bothers tf out of me. ) 
7. What motivates you to work hard?
Music mostly, it just gives me a good vibe ( depending on the song ) and it just??? It’s like pressing play on a movie or something ‘cause if I have background music ( or not so background music ) then it’s like somethings supposed to be happening so I do more stuff.. but like, I am a super unmotivated person unless I actually have a task that needs to get done, like if it’s a personal motivation to do something it’s ten times harder lmao
8. What is your favorite thing about your career?
since I don’t… really have one I… idk I mean if I made writing a career I guess I’d say my favorite thing is when things click for a muse & you have a lot of muse for writing & it all just pours out & you’re happy.
9. What is your biggest complaint about your job?
I don’t got a job fam…. O.O’’
10. What is your proudest accomplishment?
When I was at camp one little girl in my cabin was just??? adorable??? and she said once when we were talking that I made her want to be a counselor because it looked like fun and it just??? me ??? inspiring a little girl ?? to want to do the funnest job ever??? i was happy. proudest moment. 
11. What is your child’s proudest accomplishment?
m m y  ch il d …. u me an m y cat?? He once swatted at our big dog i was proud of him 4 having the courage tbh.
12. What is your favorite book to read?
I haven’t read a book in forever but I really wanna re-read The Last Song so probably that one.
13. What makes you laugh the most?
Corny jokes. I’m a sucker for em, but also just jokes in general if u can make me laugh u basically have me in the palm of ur hand bc I love laughing but also puppies being clumsy & joe jonas. just fuckijng joe jonas ok he makes me laugh & all he has to do is smile ok.
14. What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
Uh last movie I went to was Underworld: Blood Wars & It was better than I thought it would b tho it was a little awkward I was sitting next to an old bearded man while a girl got eaten out so that was like, O.O but it was good & I really loved one of the girls in it but I can’t remember her name soBS
15. What did you want to be when you were small?
 a dog ( bless the puppy filter ) no but really I don’t know I never really knew what I wanted to be I switched so much I mean I took ballet classes but failed I took art but I’m still meh, I wanted to be a vet but I can’t deal with the death aspect of it at all. I dunno fam I just wanted to be a dog & live a happy pure life as a pupper.
16. What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?
He want’s to be a lion. Rawr.
17. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Cuddling with Cass all day sounds v legit I’d pick that. ( or disney world again…  but with Cassandra, bc yes. )
18. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
I want to get back into sims *side eyes kae* but also I think u mean just sports so I don’t know… I mean football?? It’s interesting to watch tbh but like I don’t really watch any other sport so it’s football as default.
19. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
I’d rather have someone drive a car for me ( sobS ) but also I’ve never ridden a horse so that’d be fun to try 
20. What would you sing at Karaoke night?
Uh, some Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana stuff soBS or.… … ..  Hamilton oH GOD HAMILTON OK Fukc KME UP. H A M I L  T ON .
21. What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
Either 105.3 or 104.5 ‘cause they’re the like, top 100 stations near us? that or we just shuffle all of my dads & moms saved stations which are like, old rock music & like 80′s - 00′s stations which are ok too. 
22. Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
I do all of these in one day sobs but shit Vacuum, cleaning the bathroom is like some kind of level 10 hell spaces nothings ever actually clean & it takes forever even tho it’s the smallest room jfc. I wash dishes allthe time tho so I’d want a break & mowing the lawn is legit not that bad it’s just like, mentally I gotta get UP and then once I do I’m chill. It burns calories so im chilli. 
23. If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
Yard work fam. I love cooking by myself ( or well baking… I don’t cook much I just make cookies  lmAO ) but also & cleaning I’m used to doing alone so it’s chill but outside work is just annoying & needs to be over asap.
24. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
this is super hard but my mom’s bbq chicken with red skin potatoes, it’s like the best thing ever, but this is ridiculous like- food is too good to give up. 
25. Who is your favorite author?
Okay I haven’t read anything is sO LONG so I’m not really sure but just on the premise of knowing a lot of his work I’m going to go with C.S. Lewis because I love the way he explains things & I love Narnia. 
0 notes