#was super happy lol. like life isn’t perfect but it’s better than it ever has
reztruck · 7 months
I turned 30 a few days ago. And I finally had a birthday where I didn’t cry
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eoieopda · 2 months
FINE I'M HERE TO REQUEST PART 3!!! In which Chan better really GET that promotion!!!!!!! Contract signed, payroll amended!!!!!
You can make it angsty if you like, AS LONG AS you promise there will be a happy ending (in this part or........ Another 👀)
the one with chan and the promotion (iii)
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you needed a ride home after getting your wisdom teeth removed. chan just so happened to be free. now, being free is the last thing he wants.
part i. part ii.
pairing: bang chan x reader au: fuck buddies to lovers, hurt/comfort type: drabble (angst, fluff) rating: 18+ | minors do not have my consent to interact with me and/or my content. wc: 3.1k cw: mad!chan makes a brief appearance but otherwise remains the best boy; gn!reader (no gendered language used); reader may or may not show some degree of emotional availability (gasp!); due to the nature of their relationship, sex is referenced but not actually depicted; very briefly/incompletely edited, oops. a/n: i love you completely and am so fucking sorry it took four (4) months for me to finish this 😵‍💫 i have an epilogue i can offer in penance, if you want it! everyone else, please read the first two parts before reading this!
Chan may be an idiot, but at least he’s self-aware.
He knew it was a bad idea to get his hopes up; to expect that things would change quickly between you, if at all. Even though he saw the letdown coming from a kilometer away, he didn’t do a thing to brace himself for it. It’s his fault, he knows, for exaggerating his place in your life — but that doesn’t make the disappointment bruise any less when the week after your wisdom teeth removal flies by in radio silence.
The lack of conversation isn’t for lack of trying. As he scrolls through your half-vacant text thread now, Chan feels all his efforts staring back at him. All those attempted check-ins marked delivered but not well-received. Swings and misses.
Prior to sending each one of them, he spent minutes upon minutes agonizing over the tone — and the use of emojis — and the possible implications of the proposed emojis — and the fear that he’d just come off clingy, not invested. Reading the finished versions back now, he can recall with perfect accuracy the drafts he typed out and immediately, feverishly deleted. Considering the way they litter his brain, there may as well be a trail of crumpled-up notes in all that metadata.
Does it make Chan cringe to look back and watch himself flatline? Absolutely.
Does that stop him from salting his own wounds? Nope. It never has and likely never will.
Maybe, he figures, he’ll spot where he went wrong and find a way to un-dig this ditch he’s seemingly made.
[Sent 2024/7/23, 15:22] Just got home. Have you fallen back asleep already? Lol 
Naver says your swelling might be kind of bad tomorrow. Do you need ice packs? I have the gel kind that you can mold. Might be more comfortable than a bag of ice cubes 🤔 Lmk!
[Sent 2024/7/25, 08:03] Hi, Hamtori 🐹 How are your cheeks?
I made too much gamjaguk again. I can drop some off if
[Sent 2024/7/26, 17:49] Graduate to solid foods yet?
I hope the antibiotics aren’t making your stomach upset
DON’T LAUGH but I made you a super chill Spotify playlist with healing vibes to
Idk if you remember, but I promised to take you out for pork belly next week. If you’re up for it, are you free on
I miss y
[Sent 2024/7/29, 00:16] Hey
Or maybe, he thinks, he’ll just beat his head against his bedroom wall instead; and eventually, he’ll forget what it felt like to be yours for the day, rather than a night.
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Four more days pass without a word from you. Under normal circumstances, one of you would’ve invited the other over at least twice in the eleven days since your dental appointment. No matter how infrequently the two of you chatted outside of your recurrent trysts, neither one of you has ever gone this long without summoning the other.
Something is wrong.
At this point, Chan sees two explanations for the way you’ve fallen completely off the grid: you’ve either succumbed to some tragic, post-op. complication and died, or he’s irreparably fucked something up with you without knowing how or when he misstepped. Neither one of those is an outcome he’s willing to accept. 
The voice in his head nags him so forcefully and consistently that his body eventually gives in. Undeterred by his better judgment, Chan lets it guide him up, out, and onward until he winds up on the sidewalk outside his building.
On the walk to your apartment, he mulls over the foreseeable consequences of the actions he’s already set in motion. It’s certifiably insane to pop in you like this, and once again, he only sees two options: you’ll slam the door in his face, or he’ll confirm once and for all that you’ve left this mortal coil. Bad on all counts, really, but anything is better than nothing.
His timing, as it turns out, couldn’t be better. Right as he lands at the front door, when he needs to think of a way to get in without buzzing you, a neighbor he’s seen once or twice before opens it to leave. Politely, they hold it open for him, likely mistaking him for someone with any right to be there — someone whose primary to you actually makes sense. Chan thanks them with a nod of his head and a sheepish smile before slipping through the opening.
As the elevator ascends, his fingers move of their own accord, anxiously tapping out a rhythm on the stainless steel wall he leans against. Every worst-case scenario flashes through his mind. There’s a flash of something else there, too, though. Something even more nerve-wracking than all his catastrophizing; something that makes his stomach flip.
“Oi, none of that,” he mutters to himself.
It doesn’t work. When Chan approaches the doors in the second before they open, he makes eye contact with his reflection and sees that easy, ill-advised smile creeping up on him.
As he exits that giant metal box, he shakes his head with an anxious laugh. If he’s this embarrassed by himself when he’s alone, the chances of him living through the way you’re about to look at him are…
But that doesn’t stop him from powering his way down the hall towards your door. Coincidentally, neither does the fact that he doesn’t have a plan for what he’ll do when he reaches it.
Figuring knocking is as good a start as any, that’s precisely what Chan does, shifting his weight from one foot to the other to appear more nonchalant. 
Then, he waits.
And then, he waits some more.
After thirty seconds pass without a response, Chan knocks again, carefully balancing the weight of his fist against it so the sound of it isn’t too assertive — or too eager — or too desperate — or —
“Left about an hour ago,” a voice says from a few meters away.
Chan turns towards the sound. Several units down, an old woman’s head pokes out of an open doorway. He can’t tell if she’s intentionally frowning at him or if it’s the weight of her jowls pulling the corners of her mouth down. Either way, it feels bad.
Running an anxious hand over the back of his increasingly warm neck, he coughs, “Oh?”
The ajumma clicks her tongue disapprovingly. “You young people never put those cell phones down and yet you still wind up like this.” She works herself up further; her nostrils flare as she rambles, “In my day, it was rude to show up unannounced. We called ahead, and when we called ahead, people were there to answer the door.”
Chan isn’t above arguing with some personified wrinkle, but he likes to think you would be. Even though you’re not here to witness it, it feels important to be the person you might like him to be. 
So, he bites his tongue. 
He nods yet again with a polite smile.
He turns on his heels.
And when he shuffles back towards the elevator, there’s a hell of a lot less of a spring in his step.
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Two days go by after Chan’s little fieldtrip. Just like the previous several, they slip away quietly. This time, however, he doesn’t check-in — doesn’t type out his thoughts just to immediately erase them; doesn’t stare at his phone and wait to prove it to himself that it won’t chime.
Lesson learned, really.
It was a bad idea to bet the house on maybes. He knew it on the front end and still chose optimism; now, it serves him right. Played stupid games and won stupid prizes, as you like to say. If only he could stop thinking about what you like to say and instead focus on the fact that you haven’t said anything at all.
Chan grits his teeth and tries hard to focus on the game lighting up his monitor. Whatever Yongbok talked him into playing doesn’t make him feel any better about fumbling you — in fact, it’s proving to be yet another thing he’s terrible at — but it’s sufficiently distracting to have his friends swearing each other up and down in their Discord voice channel.
Actually, he stands corrected. This is also terrible, albeit a different flavor of garbage than his hopeless mooning over you.
Maybe radio silence is better.
As soon as that thought crosses his mind, his phone buzzes against the surface of his desk — three long taps bookended by three short ones. 
Before Chan reaches for it, he lets the poetry of it all sink in. SOS, his phone declares whenever you text him. Originally, although he’ll never fucking tell you so, he chose that text tone because hearing from you salvaged his day, every time. Now, it reminds him that he’s in over his head with no life preserver in sight.
Not bad, he thinks. He should write that bit down in the notebook of lyrics he ruminates over but never puts to music, let alone shares.
The lack of action on his part prompts his phone to vibrate again for emphasis. 
Beaming white light bores into his retinas when he finally opens his inbox, and Chan refuses to think about the million times you’ve told him to switch to dark mode or the infinitely-brighter shit he’s been roasting under since he started this game several hours back. All he thinks about instead is the first grey text in an ocean of blue:
[2024/8/04, 23:37] you up?
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You tilt your head to the side, smiling coyly when you crack open the door and find Chan standing on your doorstep with his hood up and hands in his pockets. Outside the windows behind you, the downpour he just trudged through continues to dampen his mood.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you lilt, like nothing has changed at all.
That’s the problem, isn’t it?  
Chan lifts his chin slightly as some half-assed nod to let you know that his ears work, if nothing else. Either missing his stony expression or ignoring it, you simply open the door wider, beckoning him to follow you with a gentle wave of your free hand.
He wants so badly to smile back at you as easily as you smile at him — really, he does, but fuck, he can’t make his face do anything but harden.
Once he toes off his shoes, he expects you to lead him straight to your room — or your couch — or any of the other various services the pair of you have misappropriated along the way. You don’t, though. With your lips pensively pursed, you shuffle a bit closer; and as soon as you can reach him properly, you raise both of your hands. One flattens against his now rain-soaked sweatshirt; the other goes for his zipper, tugging gently until there’s nothing left to hold him together.
Carefully, Chan eyes you; watches while you slip the fabric off his shoulders, as if it isn’t twice as heavy as it was when he put it on. Like it’s easy, you turn away, open the nearby closet, and toss that wet mess into the top-half of your standing washer-dryer.
“I think…” Your tiny, upward curve returns while your sentence peters out. Softly, you reach up and brush a damp curl off his forehead. “An umbrella would be a worthwhile investment.”
He should join in on the bit. He should banter right back. He should smile, too — for fuck’s sake — because you’re finally right here. You’re talking to him within touching distance, radiating warmth he wants to live in, and he should touch you the way you want to be touched — the way you summoned him here to touch you.
He should do a lot of things, none of which include snapping at you, and yet —
“Why the hell am I here?”
It catches you both off-guard. You, because Chan has never once spoken to you any other way but kindly. Him, because you don’t actually look all that surprised by the sentiment, even if the presentation isn’t what you expected.
Somehow, that’s the thing that stings the most; not the way your face falls at his gruffness but the inkling you must have had before you asked him over that things between you aren’t sitting right at all.
Chan doesn’t get a response, so he asks another way: “Did you notice all of those unanswered texts when you sent yours, or did you ignore them all over again?”
It dawns on you — and him too, if he’s being honest — that you’ve still got your hands resting delicately on his chest. You reel your arms back in and cross them, not defiantly but diminutively. You shrink right in front of him; and regret hits him like a fist to the side of his skull.
“I didn’t know what to do with them.” Your head lowers while you do your best to look anywhere else.
That’s —
“Bullshit. I’m sorry, but it’s really not hard to keep up a conversation, especially when someone is just asking how you’re feeling.” Instantly he feels terrible for snapping. Softening his tone slightly, he sighs, “I know you know how.”
You look up at him without tilting your head much at all. Peering over that brick wall of yours, he figures. “That’s the thing, though. I don’t know.”
The face he pulls must convey what he’s thinking: Are you fucking kidding me? But you’re quick to prevent him from jumping to any further-out conclusions, amending, “I don’t know how I feel.”
Chan opens his mouth to respond, then thinks better of it. It’s rare for you to open up to the extent you might be about to; and it’s a miracle that you might be willing to now, given the fact that he’s come at you blindly at 160 kilometers per hour.
“I don’t like needing people.” 
Your attention is drawn to your fidgeting fingers and the drawstring of the sweatpants they occupy themselves with. The overwhelming urge he feels to grab them, to hold them still, goes ignored and makes his own hands tense. He focuses hard on your face instead; the crease between your eyebrows while you plot out your next steps.
“I didn’t want to need you, but then I did need you — and you just… you came, no questions asked.” You laugh, either despite your visible discomfort or because of it. “Held my hand and all that, didn’t just drop me on the curb and say, hit me up when you’re down again.”
Chan feels as if he’s been punched, although it’s not offense he takes from your statement. Judging by that flicker of hurt in your eyes, the expectation you had wasn’t for him, personally. It was history. 
You shift where you stand from one foot to another, like that weight on your shoulders is changing. He doesn’t know if it’s getting heavier or lighter until you finally lift your chin to look at him squarely. 
“It scared the shit out of me, honestly — how easy you are to need — so, I did what I always do: I bailed.” Sighing, you finally seem to register how much anxiety you’re holding in your hands. You drop it, then drop them to your sides. “But I think I’ve figured it out.”
You smile slightly, and suddenly, he feels lighter. “I’ve been conflating them, but they’re completely different things, aren’t they?”
Chan arches an eyebrow. Truly, he’s at a loss. He can’t predict which direction you’re about to turn in. Seeming to sense this, you answer his unasked question, “Wanting to need you and wanting you.”
While this makes his brain pause, his body moves. Cautiously, he steps forward and watches you counter him until your back is flush against the wall behind you. 
“Can I have a definition, then, please?” He pleads, voice low, while his hands gently claim your hips. “Because I thought it was want behind the booty call that brought me here, and I don’t want to find myself on a completely different page again.”
You link your arms around his neck and eye him carefully. “It was,” you acknowledge with a small nod. “Different kind, though — a shallow one.”
Chan finds his mouth curving up at the corner, all on its own. His gaze drops from yours to your lips, then back again. It’d be so easy to kiss you now, but he can’t unless he gets some sort of confirmation. “We’re in the deep end now, then?”
“Moving that way, at least. I spook easily, though…” You’d probably love nothing more than to look away when you admit that bit out loud, but to your credit, you don’t. Instead, you run your fingernails softly through the hair at his nape. “I’m not entitled to any more of your patience, but would you be willing to take it one day at a time?”
Chan wishes that he’d at least pretended to consider this. He doubts you’ve ever had a vision of him as someone nonchalant — in fact, he’s the poster boy for chalance in whichever reality that word exists — but it would’ve been infinitely cooler of him not to respond immediately and wholeheartedly with a rushed sigh, “Fuckin’ right, I am,” before leaning in to kiss you absolutely stupid.
Whatever gratification he can’t find by licking into the mouth you open eagerly for him, he finds in the way you keen when he presses his body more fully against yours. The payoff is even better when he stops short, divorcing your respective lips entirely.
“I’m not gonna fuck you,” he announces, breathless. His grin widens; meanwhile, your eyebrows shoot up your forehead. “No! Not, like, never — I don’t have that kind of resolve — but not tonight.”
The sudden switch makes you dizzy. Thankfully, it makes you laugh, too. 
“Don’t tell me you just want to enjoy my company,” you warn. You attempt to say it earnestly, but a smile cracks you wide open. “I’m still too prone to bolt when I hear cute shit like that.”
Chan shakes his head. “No, I’m telling you to plant yourself on that couch —” He pulls his right hand off your left hip and gestures blindly over his shoulder. “I’m also telling you that I am getting takeout.”
You narrow your eyes in feigned suspicion. “I wonder what you could possibly be ordering.”
“Belated pork belly is better than no pork belly.” He narrows his eyes to mirror hours, then kisses you quickly, murmuring, “One for the road,” against your lips.
Then, he dashes off towards your front door. As he goes, he just barely catches you nagging him through your laughter:
“If you’re not going to wait for your sweatshirt, can you at least take an umbrella?”
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while likes are appreciated, comments/tags/reblogs with your thoughts are really what make my brain go brrrtt.
skz taglist. multi taglist. navigation.
due to tumblr being ass with tags lately, i’m going to be tagging people in the comments for the time being!
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bisluthq · 21 days
you have such a weird approach to taylor and travis’ relationship. it’s so interesting to me that you base their level of knowledge about each other on how much you see them out in public - like if they’re not together, you immediately assume they don’t communicate, therefore they cannot know each other. meanwhile, you were writing borderline fanfiction about joe and taylor, despite them never being seen together. i’m well aware that they spent more time with each other as far as we knew but there was zero indication that joe one year in knew more about taylor than travis does now…
to insinuate that he’s with her for that 8 figure deal but then 2 asks later say that you’re rooting for them is just comical lmao
yes we all know you liked her better with joe but times change, PEOPLE change. idk it’s just super obvious to me that taylor is happy and content in this relationship - to question that and imply that she’s still hung up on her fuckass exes is just very strange. it’s her life, if she truly isn’t happy then we’ll find it eventually but there’s no need to speculate about her being miserable.
can you imagine finally getting to a place where you can enjoy your life, feel like you have your shit figured out only to have your fans be obsessed with the idea that you’re faking your happiness? i’d go absolutely insane - you guys are not better than the gaylor who are convinced that her entire life is just performance art…you’re essentially doing the exact same thing - she says something, you say she’s lying, she seems happy, she must be faking it, she has a man love her, he must be in it for the money like……..just stop
bruv I never ONCE said she’s hung up on an ex and have actively said I don’t think she is. I’ve actively said so when people have implied surprise songs are about an ex because that’s an insane thing to think. I don’t think she’s hung up on any ex and I would judge the absolute fuck out of her if she got back together with either of those guys. That’d be a terrible fucking idea.
but like the cupcakeing here is unreal. “Finally”? My sibling in christ, this woman has been single for like 6-9 weeks over the period of the last ten years. She left Calvin for Hiddles (while also lusting after Joe), she left Hiddles for Joe, she left Joe for Matty (who she’d been fucking when she’d met Calvin lol) and Matty left her. After which she was single for like 7 weeks and then she started dating Travis. She dated Travis for about a month before they went super public together and NEITHER of them have had a chance to fucking breathe because this has been an extremely busy time for them.
this has fuck all to do with Joe lol and it’s reminding me of whenever I’d say her and Joe don’t seem perfectly happy in every way, I’d have people say it’s because I’m a miserable Gaylor. Now apparently because I don’t think her and Travis have EVEN HAD A CHANCE TO DECIDE EITHER WAY, it’s because I’m a widow.
have you thought, just maybe, that I… am just quite realistic and know cognitively that she’s a real person and real people don’t get happily ever afters lmao, they just get more fucking life?? Come on.
I also think it’s fuck naive not to see that they’re both mining this relationship for money and positive publicity. Doesn’t make it fake or bad or mean that they’re miserable but totally utterly delusional to somehow claim they aren’t. Doesn’t mean they’re not happy! In fact it’s probably one of the things that makes them happy like it makes sense and it’s constructive to both of them.
I’m just not into cupcake takes, which this is, and if you want a source that deepthroats whichever guy she’s with rn that’s totally fair - that’s your preference - but then go follow those girls? Block and unfollow?
Come on. I don’t like acting like real people can ever be perfectly perfect in every way, because it’s silly - escapist and perhaps enjoyable for you and that’s SUPER FAIR, but ultimately quite silly.
also no I don’t think she’s lying and I don’t think she was lying the last fifty times she said she’s never been happier only to say that was in fact a miserable time. I think that makes her perfectly imperfect and human 🤷🏻‍♀️😘
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
hiiiii!! I saw your request is open so here I am shooting my shot hehe. I'd love to get a matchup with any male characters, so feel free to go wild with the result ♡
I go by "Angel", she/her, omnisexual, 5'2. I'm not really good at describing how I look, so here 2 pics of me (I don't have any picrew of me, so I hope you are fine with me sending you my real pics 😔👉🏻👈🏻) also, a tmi for today : I'm basically blind on my right eye but I refused to wear glasses on daily basis bcs I think I look better without it 😅
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moving on to my personality, I'm an ENFP and a proud gryffindor! 🦁❤ I LOVE to talk, I can't handle silence really well bcs it makes me feel awkward. people's first impression of me are usually "she's a b" or "she is annoying" but most of em ended up loving me after they got to know me personally (RUDEEE 😭) ; anyway I actually have a lot of insecurity about myself and easily got depressed over em, but I love to act all confident in front of my friendsㅡ gotta fake it until you make it I guess 😩
for interests, I love doing tarots, playing text-based games, and listening to disney / musical songs. I also enjoy watching thriller/horror movies, sometimes I got scared to the bones tho 💀
another thing about me is I have a chronic insomnia, my earliest bedtime is 8 am (I know its very unhealthy 😭😭😭) sometimes I can go a day or two without sleep, it's crazy how I'm still alive tbh 🥲
OMG I OVERSHARED DIDN'T I? I'm really sorryyyy, this also one of my bad traits. I tend to overshare my life with anyone and anytime. I hope you don't mind :(
well I guess this is it??? thank you for opening up your matchup request. can't wait to read the result aaaa. have a good daaay 🌸
First of all I want to say don’t worry about oversharing at all, the more you tell me about yourself the better I can make your match-up so all the information you included was super helpful for me actually! Thank you for sending in a match-up request, and I hope you enjoy your match-up below :>
I’d Match You With: 
Denki Kaminari!
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I did a lot of thinking with this one, there were a couple of characters I was considering but in the end I felt like Denki fit the best with you. He loves your bold personality and you share a lot of interests, and overall he’s just really infatuated with you and would be the perfect boyfriend to go alongside you :D
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- Denki is not a big fan of silence either, it makes him feel awkward so between the two of you you’re pretty much always talking about something, there’s never a moment of silence in your relationship :) He even has a list of dumb quotes you’ve both said to each other in his phone because of how much you both talk whenever you're together lol
- If anyone’s ever rude to you or accuses you of being “annoying” or “bitchy” without getting to know, you Denki will 100% stand up for you! He isn’t letting anybody treat you that way and he will immediately get on them about how you’re an amazing, lovely person, and they’re the ones being rude by judging you without even knowing you personally :)
- Denki knows how it feels to put on a confident face and try to “fake it ‘till you make it”, he has a pretty similar mindset himself actually. So he understands how you feel, and he makes sure you know that when you do need to let down those confident walls and show/talk about your insecurities, he’s more than happy to talk with you, to comfort and reassure you (And he hopes you’d do the same for him in return) <3
- Denki is, like, the #1 fan of Disney songs lol, he loves them just as much as you do and the other students around your dorms kinda hate it lol because they always hear you two blasting Disney music and singing along at like 3am
- Denki’s pretty scared of horror movies honestly, but he can have fun watching them if they’re not too scary, so he’ll watch them with you sometimes because he wants to make you happy :) Plus, even though he's pretty scared, he likes being your big strong boyfriend that can protect you if you do end up getting scared, it helps him ignore his own fears lol
- Denki definitely doesn’t stay up as late as you, but he’s no stranger to pulling all-nighters so usually when the two of you have sleepovers together he doesn’t end up falling asleep until at least 5am because he wants to spend as much time with you as he can :)
- Whenever you two pull all-nighters, though, you always follow it up with lots of naps the next day. Even if you have class, Denki can see you starting to get tired and he wants to make sure that you get some sleep now that you’re actually feeling tired, so the second class ends Denki’s dragging you with him to his dorms and piling blankets on top of the two of you as you cuddle and nap together ^^
- Also, you never have to worry about oversharing when it comes to Denki, nothing is oversharing to him when it comes to you. Like I mentioned earlier, he’s happy to listen to you talk about absolutely anything at any time, so never worry about talking too much or telling him too much about something because he wants to know everything he can about you and your life, he just loves you so much <3
Song For Your Relationship:
Shivers by Ed Sheeran :)
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zuol · 4 months
Being Kind!
I’ve been feeling better these days.
I remember watching Perfect Days in the theater. I sat next to someone even though there were a lot of empty seats in the theater. I cried and laughed watching the film.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the life I’m living. Actually, a lot less than before. I feel myself changing and I think there’s a part of me that cares less about things that don’t matter. I’m practicing to actively choose what matters to me.
It’s a lot of unlearning so that I can “rewire my neural pathways”! I first learned of this back in 2022 when I listened to a talk by a monastic (Sister Dang Nghiem) at Deer Park Monastery.
It’s important for me to reframe certain ways of thinking that are no longer helpful to me, and actively making positive changes to sustain the kind of life that I want for myself.
I’d like to encourage myself more and practice to celebrate my progress. I still don’t really know what it means to “celebrate” my progress but I think right now, it means making space for the feeling of happiness and gratitude for the decisions I’ve made.
Recently, I made four friends at the gym! They’re all men. I’ve joked around with my friend, V (I love her and I am so grateful for her friendship. Knowing her has been really healing for me), that 2 of those guy friends are my “protectors” in case anything ever happens to me! Lol, weird to say but I think it’s a real thing to be cautious of as a woman. They’re really sweet and I feel good casually saying hi to them.
The other 2 guys were people I approached the other day. One of them helped spot me, and and with his help, I realized how desperately I need someone to workout with. This is something I’ve been shy about, even though I’ve been exercising for about 5 years? He helped me with my form and encouraged me with my sets. He was super kind and I’m grateful to have built rapport with him!
The last guy is someone I’ve been noticing, and so I came up to him and had a funny, productive (lol I have no other way to describe it) conversation. I asked to be friends and if he could help me with any workouts in the future, and he agreed.
When I shared what had happened with V, she was really proud of me and my progress. I’ve shared with her that I don’t really interact with men due to past poor experiences and I think it’s important now to change my own ways of thinking and acting.
It’s important to protect myself from harassment but I remember that I know how to advocate for myself in any kind of situation I run into. I also know how to use my discernment and act accordingly when I sense any “red flags”.
Everything just feels easier.
I’ve been through a lot of sh*t in my life, and as I’ve been practicing to acknowledge and take full accountability on my part, I am also learning to practice forgiving myself (and others) and give myself space to make changes that actively support the person I want to be.
It feels really good to change. But I want to say that it isn’t easy, and that I don’t actually like change too.
So knowing that, I’ll invite gentleness and tenderness into my actions, even though I don’t know what that really means right now.
Let me start…
I won’t judge myself for whatever I do. Instead I’ll just be aware and practice nonjudgment.
I’ll practice to look at the good. I have a habit of looking at the “ugly” or whatever is going wrong. I can be aware of what is perceived to be going wrong and shift my focus on what’s going right instead.
Right now, I have a lot of things going right: I have support, I have a good heart and I have a sense of ethics/morals that helps me live a meaningful life, I am in a safe environment, and I have really good friends and family. I am always trying my best, and I’ve always tried my best since I was young.
I have the power to make my life better and I have been doing that, especially since the end of my romantic relationship in 2019, which was actually terrible. I can say I regret everything but it isn’t about that. It hasn’t been about that for a long time. It’s more so that yes, I have a past and it’s not something I feel proud of, but I learned a lot from it, and I’m really grateful that I’m removed from being in a relationship with someone who really wasn’t good for me (to put it simply). And I’ve been able to practice prioritizing myself by centering MYSELF.
I feel myself repeating this act of prioritizing myself in all aspects of my life, and I’m getting a little better at it daily. That’s something to be proud of.
So, Carol, be proud of yourself. You go really hard and pop off, so don’t forget who you are, and never make yourself small. Even if you do that in certain moments (re: making myself small), you can practice to forgive yourself - that’s an act of unconditional love. When you can love yourself unconditionally (it’s a constant practice in the moment), you can offer this gift to others.
I think at my core, I’m a really ambitious, loving individual. I really try my best with the resources I have and it’s important for me to acknowledge that I have my own desires, needs, and wants that are valid in every way possible.
I do a lot for others but I feel more ready to take time to fill my own cup. I’m excited for this ongoing journey of growth, even if it’s weird, messed up sometimes, and uncomfortable. Because it’s rewarding, fun, and actually incredibly humorous!
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katsu28 · 2 years
Please I need a JJ and reader(girlfriend) fic, going on their first vacation together!!
this has also been sitting in my inbox since forever, really sorry for taking so long but enjoy!! <3
winter wonderland
pairing: JJ Maybank x reader 
summary: see prompt! 
warnings: light swearing, mentions of sex (no actual sex tho, poor JJ), hella fluff 
a/n: lil fun fact about me, i’ve never seen snow irl before, so this all just speculation lol 
also i know it’s not winter but something about a snowy, cozy vacation just seems so cute!
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(gif from google, credit to owner)
“Okay, what about this one?” You called distractedly, eyes glued to another Airbnb listening on your laptop. JJ leaned over the back of the sofa from where he was scarfing down cereal at the kitchen table, peering over your shoulder at the bright screen curiously. “It’s within our price range, it’s kinda secluded—” 
Right now, you were planning yours and JJ’s first vacation together, and what better way to spend your time than to head up to the mountains for a few days for some rest and relaxation? Bonus points because it was winter, and neither of you had ever seen snow before, but you’d always wanted to. So now here you were, combing through Airbnb listings to find the perfect place for both your first times. 
“Kinda secluded??? Baby, that’s in the middle of fucking nowhere.” He protested. “Have you learned nothing from horror movies? That’s literally how people get murdered, and I don’t feel like dying a slow painful death anytime soon.” 
You rolled your eyes, shoving his forehead lightly but scrolling down to the next rental nonetheless. “You’re so dramatic.” 
“It’s called being realistic.” 
“Ooh, what about this one?” Your annoyance at him quickly dissipated at the sight of a cute little cabin listing. “J, it’s so perfect!” 
JJ squinted over your shoulder again, eyes skimming the photo and description. It was a small cottage type house, not super secluded but also not in the middle of nowhere, and surprisingly within your price range. He honestly couldn’t care less about the specifics of the place (other than the chance of being brutally murdered), seeing as all he wanted to do was spend some well needed alone time with you, but one look at the excited smile on your face had him sold. 
“I love it. Book it, baby,” He beamed at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek before pushing off the cushions and wandering into the kitchen to put his bowl in the sink. “Alright, I’m off to work. I’ll see you later, okay?” 
You set your laptop off to the side to give him a quick hug, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. “Be safe, I love you.” 
“Love you most, sweetheart.” 
With another kiss (or three), you watched JJ zoom away on his motorcycle, leaving you to spend the rest of your day off from work booking the cabin and planning your upcoming vacation. 
“That’s it, I hate the snow.” JJ huffed, pulling his beanie down tighter around his ears. You snickered from the porch of the cabin, watching amusedly as he slogged through the shin-deep snow, pouting all the way to you. “Why is it so fucking cold?” 
“Sorry, surfer boy, this isn’t the Outer Banks anymore,” You laughed. “I kinda like it, actually. The air smells so fresh here.” 
“Fresh air, my ass, my nose hurts!” He complained, rubbing at his red nose vigorously, but at the sight of your raised eyebrows, stopped and smiled sheepishly. “I’m good, really. Just happy to spend some time with the love of my life.” 
You hummed in acknowledgement, fishing the key to the front door out from under a rock on the porch, swinging the door open, and flicking on the lights with a flourish. “Welcome to our home for the next four days!” 
JJ nudged past you, picking up the mini chalkboard on the table next to the door and letting out a snort of laughter. “Mr. and Mrs. Maybank, huh?” Now it was your turn to offer him a sheepish smile. “I like the sound of it. Really has a nice ring.” 
“Nice ring, huh?” 
“In due time, baby. In due time.” 
“Whatever. Isn’t this place adorable?” You changed the subject instantly upon taking in the interior of the cabin gleefully. It was even better than it looked in the pictures, just the cutest little house you’d ever seen. 
“Yeah, adorable,” JJ echoed, but when you glanced over at him, he wasn’t looking at the house. He was grinning stupidly at you, calling you adorable. “I love you, sweetheart.” 
“I love you more, J.” You beamed, bouncing over to where he was standing and throwing your arms around his neck to pull him in for a kiss. 
“Not possible.” He mumbled against your lips, nudging you backwards until your legs hit the couch and you toppled over, bringing him down on top of you. His fingers fumbled at the buttons of your jacket clumsily. “Let’s christen this couch, yeah?” 
You let out a giggle, pushing JJ away despite the whines he let out. “Later, I wanna go jump into the snow!” 
“You would rather jump into the snow then have sex with me?” He asked incredulously, eyebrows furrowing in completely real offense. “I feel like that’s really saying something about my skills in bed, babe. And not good things either. You wound me. I’m hurt.” 
“Come on, you big baby,” You huffed playfully, dragging JJ off the couch and outside to the bank of fluffy white snow that had blanketed the driveway of the cabin. “I’m gonna push you in.” 
“No you’re fucking not, you little—I’m serious, get away from me! Back, gremlin, back! Y/N, I swear to god—” Whatever he was going to threaten you with was cut short when you all but tackled him face first into the snow, cackling gleefully at the way he spluttered when he resurfaced. “I hate you.” 
“You love me.” 
Being on vacation with JJ was better than you’d ever expected. Since it was just the two of you, you were able to enjoy each other’s company without a care in the world, unplugging from everything going on in your lives and just going with the flow. You’d gone out in the snow almost every day, jumping around like little kids until your noses were raw from the cold and you couldn’t feel your toes anymore, but it was the most fun you’d both had in a really long time. 
Today was the last day of your mini vacation, and to say you were bummed was an understatement. In the short time that you’d been up in the mountains, you’d grown to love everything about this place, from the postcard-esque winter wonderland (you’d taken so many pictures to print and hang on the walls when you got home), to the fresh, crisp smell of something other than saltwater and fish bait. 
You almost didn’t want to leave. 
“C’mon, baby, quit moping around,” JJ sighed, sliding his arms around your waist as you stared out at the falling snow outside from the front window with a steaming mug of hot chocolate clutched in your hands. His chin nestled comfortably in the crook of your neck like it was second nature, lips pressing a soft kiss right under your ear. “We don’t have to leave here til three, there’s still time to take it all in.” 
“I know,” You mumbled, setting your mug down on the windowsill. “It’s just…this has been so nice and relaxing, I’m just a little sad is all.” 
“I’ve had the best time with you too, sweetheart. And if we could stay here forever, just you and me—I would.” He hummed. “Hey, one day when we’re gray and old, we can retire up here. Deal?” 
You turned around in his arms, looping yours around his neck with a hopeful grin. “Really? You’d give up your surfing days for me?” 
“Well, I’ll probably be 70 and have brittle bones, so I don’t see much surfing in my old man days, but yeah sure, we can go with that.” 
“I’m kidding. Yes, I’d do anything for you, Y/N. Anywhere you go, you bet your cute ass I’m coming with you. You get pinched by the cops and end up doing time, I’ll commit grand larceny to come join you.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in thought. “I feel like you’d commit grand larceny anyways.” 
“Y’know I was trying to be sweet, but you make a solid point.” 
“I love you, J.” 
“No, see now you’ve got me thinking about the whole grand larceny thing!” You shot him a pointed look. “I’m kidding. I love you more, baby.” 
“How much more?”
“Enough to commit grand larceny for you.” 
“Will you drop the whole grand larceny thing already and just kiss me?” 
“Baby, I can do more than kiss you.” JJ murmured, lifting you into his arms and starting to make his way towards the couch. “Remember what I said about christening the couch a few days ago?” 
“How could I forget?”
“Let’s do that.”
@milkiane @scenesofobx @unbelievablystillafangirl @eichenhouseproperty @dpaccione @conans-folk @purple-flamingo @fearthewalkingbitch @tenaciousperfectionunknown @like-gabriel-and-castiel
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
was rereading your Izuku meta post, and was reminded of something. Repressing emotion is often like a ship taking on water. Once you let a little bit of repressed emotion escape, the rest of your emotions start to slowly escape, faster and faster as time goes on. This may just be my bias, but this seems to be happening to Izuku. He let a little bit of repressed anger seep through, and increasingly he's struggled to rein his emotions back in. I can't help but feel like we're heading for a moment where his emotions finally come loose in their entirety. I couldn't help but wonder how that would change his character though. For bakugo, once they had that fight his personality began to change. When Katsuki saved Izuku in 285, it paralleled the start of the series where Izuku saved Katsuki. Katsuki pushed Izuku away, only facing him again after the fight. Izuku is currently pushing Katsuki away due to his sacrifice, trying to deal with his problems alone. But it's not working. So, I have to wonder: Katsuki changed slowly after being confronted about his behavior. How do you think Izuku's behavior might change? He's been like this the entire series, and with each season the story has gotten more vocal about calling out his bullshit.
Good question! (Also sorry I took so long, I had hw and school lol)
I think if we’re gonna answer how Izuku’s behavior might change, we have to think about how allmights behavior already changed.
So, when allmight lost one of the most fundamental parts of his identity (his quirk) what did he do? Well he did everything in his power to feel useful again.
But, this mindset changed when two things happened: allmight talked to aizawa about yknow, feeling useless, and then again when he talked to stain.
Stain and aizawa were the key reasons in how allmight managed to help himself. There’s this message that the story is constantly trying to push, and that’s if you want to save someone, they have to want to be saved. The same thing goes for mental health; in order for someone to get better, they have to WANT to get better. Oftentimes when people don’t get help, they usually resort to “romanticizing your sadness”. The feeling that, to be happy isn’t normal, and that you should stay sad forever because it’s what you’re used to. The change itself is the fear.
But just like every other human emotion, it changes moment to moment. You are never truly sad forever just like you are never HAPPY forever. It’s just how life works. When you ask the question, “would you be happy forever” most people would say no. Now there’s nothing wrong with this opinion, I have it too, but the REASON we have this opinion is because to feel happy you have to feel sadness. That’s just how our emotions work. A drug that makes you happy constantly exists, and it’s called literally any addiction ever. It’s unhealthy for us BECAUSE of the trade off between intelligence and blissful ignorance. That’s not me being edgy, that’s just a fact. Intelligence in animals generally makes you a less happy animal.
Why am I talking about this? Well, for Izuku to be happy, for him to not have all of this repressed anger, he has to release it. But he’s SCARED of that outcome, scared of both what that anger will look like and also what comes after.
His repressed emotions aren’t just anger, it’s love, sadness, depression, and even happiness and fulfillment on the other side, but he’s scared of what being healthy will be like.
And I feel like addressing WHY I think he’s scared is super important too. It’s partly due to his conscious act of repressing everything he feels, and also partly due to simple parallels.
Allmight and Katsuki have frequently repressed emotions and have gotten through and dealt with it. For allmight it was an expectation he had for himself and also from the world that he has to be perfect. (And btw, Izuku sets the bar higher than allmight, as he thinks that he should be the idolized version of allmight in his head, instead of the real allmight or even just, yknow, his best) In a way Izuku is kind of following his predecessors damaging way of repressed emotions, even if allmight has worked past that.
For Katsuki, it was about feeling anger over every other emotion in order to not feel vulnerability. Katsuki was also AFRAID of what vulnerability looked like, just as all might was afraid of what honesty looked like for his idolized version.
Izuku experiences both of these. An idolized version of what he should be, making him repress emotions and push the people that cause him his outbursts, (allmight) and also resort to repressed anger when in a situation of vulnerability. (Katsuki)
If Izuku changes these things, he doesn’t know who he will be anymore. Just as all might didn’t know who he was without his idolization, and Katsuki without his immediate anger.
As for his conscious repressing of emotions, that’s the bullying, his worrying mom, and allmight’s fault. He doesn’t want to upset anyone, and I also feel like if he acknowledges how Katsuki hurt him mentally, he thinks it will only end up hurting Katsuki. Let the guilt itself eat him alive; so Izuku stays silent and doesn’t talk to a single soul about how the isolation felt.
He definitely WILL have an outburst at some point, and that’s the scary part. The fact that mid battle, Katsuki is gonna be the only one able to break his spell. Make him accept his love of Katsuki, and possibly make him realize his love too.
Love is an amazingly complicated emotion, especially since it’s not actually an emotion. I’ll probably talk about how love works at some point, (and how some of you kids who follow this account need to learn what love actually IS) just because of how interesting and complicated it is. Human love is so weird and I ADORE talking about it.
EDIT: my dumbass forgot to say how he actually might change which was the entire point of the question dindosndidbdj sorry
I think he’s gonna change in the way that he will outwardly show his emotions. One, ofc, accepting his love of Katsuki and loving Katsuki (or uraraka ig if horikoshi wants to be a bad writer hsudbfkd) two, being angry in a context outside of an emotional situation or battle, and three, god he’ll finally be his own person.
Like the imitation of Katsuki and allmight is cute, yes, but just as URARAKA imitating Izuku was unhealthy and she became her own hero, he will do the same. Outside of Katsuki the person, dynamite the hero, or allmight the sensei, Izuku will be himself. His own hero, his own person; he will be, Deku the human hero. The hero not afraid to show their flaws, just like uravity, the hero for other heroes and the face of 1A, just like Dynamite, the hero not afraid to be himself.
They will ALL represent different things for the public. But win to save and save to win? That’s their thing.
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animeomegas · 3 years
(infertile alpha request) oh, sorry! Preferably Naruto, Death Note or Obey me
(Thank you so much for clarifying! I’ve done Naruto and Death Note 💓 Enjoy!)
Naruto – He is a bit sad when he hears the news. He definitely wanted to adopt at least one child, so he’s not sad about never having children, because he knows he still can easily, but he was kinda really looking forward to being pregnant. He wanted to know what it was like, all the things he’d seen other couples go through (ultrasounds, cravings, birth classes), and it’s a little startling to have that dream suddenly ripped away from him. He’s not comfortable with any other conception methods, so he adopts all his children. But, when he’s cuddled up with his three adopted children, he can’t believe he was ever upset about not having biological children, and the thought that having biological children would have stopped him adopting all of his current children makes him feel sick because he can’t imagine a life without all his precious pups. Where would they be if he didn’t adopt them? Naruto decides that it was better this way, in the end.
Sasuke canon – Sasuke is very conflicted, at first. He had been clinging onto this dream of reviving his clan since he was a child, but now the only person he could ever tolerate having sex with can’t give him that… He’s not getting a donor, no way. There are no orphans from his clan to adopt. He honestly doesn’t know what to do, there seems to be no good answer. In the end, I think he would decide to just never use birth control and see what happens. The chances may be extremely slim, but he’s not comfortable with any other conception method, so it’s this or nothing. It might actually be quite a good experience for Sasuke in the end, because he is finally forced to examine some of the goals he clung to as a child to keep himself from breaking down and see if they are something he ever actually wanted. He might think about what life would have been like with his own pup occasionally, but he’s never been as happy as he is with his alpha and that is more than good enough for him (but not good enough for the council who harass him about having as many children as possible, constantly.)
Sasuke non-massacre AU – He doesn’t think it’s a big deal tbh. He got himself sterilised while he was in his early twenties because he didn’t want to deal with the possibility of getting pregnant, and he had to fight his clan for it! So, he’s glad that you won’t have to do that same, but it’s easier for alphas anyway. If you’re in a relationship with him, then you obviously don’t want pups, so he doesn’t think much about it. He’s like “Oh, okay,” then ends the discussion.
Shikamaru – This might be a problem… His child will be the next clan leader and they have to be of his blood, as is clan tradition. He would probably have to go for a donor to get pregnant, probably some distant clan member he’s never met before, but he feels really weird about it. He doesn’t like it, but he bites his tongue for once and gets on with it. He keeps it a secret from most people. The other biological parent is a clan member, so he just lets people believe that Shikamaru’s Nara genes were super strong, and that’s why there’s none of his alpha in their pup. I don’t think he would ever tell his pup that they weren’t biologically the child of both of their parents, he doesn’t think it matters and he doesn’t want to cause drama or have to involve the other bio parent if his pup asks after them. It’s better left as a family secret.
Shino – His situation is similar to Shikamaru’s. His child will be the next clan leader and in order to have a kikaichu and be trained like his clanmates, they have to be biologically an Aburame. Shino is also not comfortable with other conception methods, but mainly because he’s terrified of his alpha rejecting the pup if they aren’t theirs or reacting badly if Shino is pregnant with someone else. Some alphas have a hard time with those instincts and can’t accept non-biological pups or get violent when their mate is carrying someone else’s offspring. Shino is pretty scared. He also is so humiliated during the invasive insemination procedure. In the end, he had nothing to worry about, as his alpha was the perfect parent to their pup, but for about a year, Shino is constantly stressed that everything is going to change suddenly, and his mate will snap and leave them or something. It’s a tough time for him.
Neji – He’s actually quite relieved. It makes him feel a lot less guilty for his own fertility problems. If you’re both sterile, he’s sad that you’re both lacking something you want, but it makes dealing with his own problems easier. There are many orphans in the clan, so you both adopt from that pool, and Neji couldn’t be happier and prouder of his children.
Kakashi – Thank fuck for that. He got sterilised when he was in ANBU, just in case he had any missions that involved seduction. Kakashi might make a joke about how you’re lucky that you got to avoid the hospital and still be sterile. He wishes lol. Anything that helps him remain childless is good in his book.
Iruka – He makes sure his mate isn’t upset, but Iruka himself is totally fine. He wouldn’t mind not having children at all, and if they both decided to have children, Iruka would want to adopt anyway. He thinks it makes so much more sense to adopt when there are so many pups who need loving homes. He does get a little sad if his mate is sad though, but only out of empathy, not because he himself is sad.
Itachi canon – It is very helpful for him. While Itachi has issues with his heat and his health, he doesn’t have many problems getting pregnant, he just can't carry to term. And birth control is hard as a missing nin, so he’s very glad that he doesn’t have to worry about it. (Miscarriages are not fun, and with a fertile mate he would certainly have suffered through a few). It’s better for him this way, his circumstances prevent him from having children anyway.
Itachi non-massacre AU – He’s devastated. He doesn’t blame his alpha at all, but he’s very upset. His clan will never let him adopt, if they're losing one of their best shinobi to stay at home and raise children, those children better be the new top shinobi, so they have to be his biological children. He using artificial insemination, and he uses the sperm of another Uchiha (one that he's not directly related to). The clan elders are overjoyed that Itachi's pups will be 100% Uchiha blood rather than mixed. But Itachi is very, very firm about making legal protections for his mate as their pups' parent. He doesn't want his clan to pull anything to try and exclude his alpha or claim that his mate doesn't have authority over their own child. He's very firm about those conditions.
Sai – Huh, well, he hadn’t given pups much thought tbh. He’s totally okay with not having children, he genuinely doesn’t care that much. He likes it just being his alpha and him, so why change it?
Gaara – He’s another one who is completely devastated when he hears the news, but he is very stoic about it on the outside because he wants to be a good support for his alpha who might be struggling. He really mourns being able to carry his alpha’s pups. He doesn’t want to adopt because he really wants to carry a pup and breastfeed and everything, but he’s also worried about his alpha feeling betrayed or excluded if he goes for a sperm donor. He’s desperate for his own children, two at least, so he wants to use a sperm donor.
L – He nods and files it away in his brain with all the other information about his beloved, but he doesn’t file it as important. You have already agreed to not have children, so it doesn’t matter either way.
Light – Hmm, this is a problem for his plan. He needs someone to take over the perfect world he’s creating, and he was planning on it being the biological child of him and his mate. Well, it needs to be his child, but it doesn’t matter too much if it’s also his alpha’s biological child. Light isn’t comfortable with artificial insemination, but he’s down for seducing one of his fangirls/fanboys and using them. He wouldn’t tell them that the pup is theirs though because he doesn’t want to be tied down to someone he can’t stand. If they got too suspicious that his pup was theirs, they might find themselves the victims of a mysterious death.
Matsuda – He’s distraught for you and himself. He’s a very traditional person who wants traditional things, a couple of kids, a nice house, a dog, that kind of thing. He would want to try every possible method to conceive naturally, but after two years going back and forth between various fertility clinics, it’s clear that he’s not going to get what he wants. Matsuda goes back and forth between various other methods but eventually decides to adopt an infant. He never really stops hoping that he’ll magically become pregnant, but that doesn’t mean he loves his child any less, because he absolutely dotes on them.
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What are some of your scenarios to fall asleep to? 👀
Ahhhh I’m glad you asked !! Also please feel free to share some of yours they can be specific or vague idc I’m in desperate need
I will be going into heavy detail because I can’t help myself I’m sorry and I will put in both normal ones and Harry Potter ones
Also this is just like one big ramble I’m sorry I got too excited I literally turned into that Tik tok sound where it’s like ‘you’re asking me about my theories? I’ve waited years for someone to ask me about my theories’
Update - I think I’m just going to keep updating this as well when I think of new ones because I keep forgetting some
My most recent one is a royalty one where they’re like royalty but in their really prestigious and royal school they were academic rivals and did not get along and after school they like try to go their separate ways until a couple years later their parents force them into an arranged marriage for like the good of the country or whatever I don’t really care!! You can take it wherever you want from there but in case you were interested in mine he fell for her first and kinda gave up on the enemies thing pretty early on but she still made it clear he wasn’t her favourite person and she despised the situation and there is still constant teasing until she meets his sister or friend or whoever who says that they can’t believe how happy he is with them and she feels so bad because she thinks he deserves better and ends up being much meaner to him because she’s an idiot who can’t express her emotions and he gets angry at her because she’s being super mean after they were just starting to get along and they have a big argument and are forced to talk about their feelings and then I can never decide whether they actually like each other when they get married, I feel like either way is fun
I have a thing for royalty so my other one is literally just princess x stable boy and you can honestly take that wherever you want but I will tell you where I took it for some ✨inspiration✨ so I don’t have my drivers license and get really bad driving anxiety so I self projected and made her terrified of riding horses right (I’m so smart I know) and he is like trying to help her ride the horse and feel comfortable and like obviously they end up in love but I created drama because she sneaks out to his birthday party (!!) but his friends don’t like her because they just think she’ll be a snob but he obviously defends her but like it’s a perfect opportunity for a bit of an innocent princess as well
My personal favourite is the two co stars falling in love and like thinking about doing all those stupid interviews from like buzzfeed and all that and I personally love the trying foods from different places thing (like making them try fairy bread - because I’m from Australia and we aren’t that cultured and being mad when they don’t like it because it is my favourite food) and it’s great because i can make the guy any actor I am currently obsessed with 😭 but also like the red carpet opportunities and interviews and fan reactions and it’s very fun also this keeps my brain very busy because I like making it as realistic as possible and figuring out the actors timeline so I can match the story up with it, it’s always really intense, also if you want inspiration for what moving they’re staring in I always go for the live action version of tangled even if I don’t look anything like rapunzel
Another fun one is where one of them is in a band and you have a friend who is dating one of the other members but you don’t like the band and you’re not shy in letting the other members know that and it turns into an enemies to lovers thing but I haven’t really developed it because halfway through I ended up changing it with the fact that they befriend one of the members and like fall for them but the band member like ‘gets around’ and it makes them jealous until they drunkingly confess it made them jealous this one’s a bit of a mess and is tipping into a 2012 wattpad story but it was how I got back into my 5sos phase two years ago because I felt icky about them but I’m still a slut for Calum 😭
Another one I love is moving abroad to study or whatever (idk I just always need a reason to be in America/Uk because there’s no one here in australia) and you make friends with someone who turns out to be related to someone really famous (insert whoever you want) and you meet them and you think they’re the hottest person you’ve ever seen and you get drunk to gain confidence to talk to them and you’re like unashamedly flirting with them and they think it’s cute and you’re funny but the whole little plot twist is that you don’t know they’re famous (famous people love that, trust me, I have about 10 wattpad stories in my library that can prove this) !! And the don’t believe you don’t know they’re famous !! Anyways I took it in a sugar daddy direction but each to their own!
Specifically for Harry Potter though, you ask?
Currently I am obsessed with Regulus Black and for about the past two weeks I’ve been obsessed with the idea of James potter sibling x regulus black enemies to lovers story and then about a week ago I found an actually good wattpad story about it?!?! (I have recommended it here with warnings but I really encourage you to read it if you’re not a minor) but you can also do your own version because I am still doing my own version and will continue to do my own version tonight even if I am obsessed with the wattpad one !! Currently I am up to post Hogwarts and her and regulus are trying to defeat Voldemort and regulus tells her that Peter is going to betray James and so ofc she tells James but James is like ‘how to do you even know this??’ And he is so afraid and gets angry at her and it’s really dramatic and she tells him she’s dating regulus and then he gets super mad at her because she’s dating like one of the most well known and loyal death eaters (even if regulus is sneakily trying to destroy Voldemort) and because he didn’t tell her and it’s very dramatic
My favourite Sirius black idea is also a James potters sibling one, but I never have any good ideas for it and just end up self projecting so if anyone has any ideas, I am begging you, please tell me !!!
My other Sirius black one is one I’ve been working on for like the last 4 years of my life and I probably should write it but who knows, but basically it’s a 10 things I hate about you x Harry Potter story where reader is about a year or so older than the marauders and she is like Kat Stratford (for people who haven’t watched it the best way to describe her is just an angry early 2000s feminist who is like anti dating and fun (kinda)) but she is Lily Evans sister!! And so Lily gets fed up of James constantly asking her out and makes an offhand comment that she’ll date him when her sister goes on a date with someone and James is like really?!? And Lily is like ‘sure’ because she knows her sister will never date anyone at Hogwarts so James tells the marauders and Remus is like ‘if anyone can take her on a date, it’s Sirius’ and Sirius is like ‘no, I’m stupid but not that stupid’ and James is like ‘please I’ll pay you’ and Sirius is easily bribed so he tries to get her to go on a date with him and like she doesn’t until she does and then finds out he only did it because James paid him but then they fall in love? Basically just 10 things I hate about you lol
My next one is with Draco Malfoy and all it is is that reader comes from a pure blood family and they’ve known each other since they were babies and it’s like basically destined they get married but she gets like really upset when he gets the mark which makes for a good cuddling and crying scene and like idk people are probably more creative than me but I just like reimagining scenes from hp but with this new character so like Poa when she gets angry at him about buckbeak or the bathroom scene (maybe she duels Harry?) and she’s so upset about Draco and comforts him, or helping him in sixth year and comforting him or the quidditch scene in the fifth book (weird note, but I’ve always headcannoned that my original character finds out about dumbledores army but doesn’t say anything and like the da knows she knows but she doesn’t tell Draco or maybe Draco finds out and gets angry at her?)
My other one is another Draco malfoy one where James and Lily live and she’s Harry’s younger sister (and Voldemort isn’t a thing) but like there’s still stereotypes and beliefs and such and like it’s obviously enemies to lovers and maybe they get prefect duties together ? (I am a sucker for this trope in Harry Potter) but then when they do date they try to hide it but Harry finds out but doesn’t say anything until they get into a fight at home and he is like ‘well at least I’m not fucking Draco malfoy behind everyone’s back) (in my head they aren’t fucking because they’re still in Hogwarts but you get the idea) and James and Lily are just like ‘WHAT?!’ Like idk I just think it’s funny imagining James and Lily finding out their kid is dating Draco and Lucius and narcissus finding out Draco is dating a potter - so many possibilities!
Update 6.10.21
I also have one for Charlie Weasley !! And basically you’re friends with the twins and like you go your whole Hogwarts life with the biggest crush on Charlie but like he low key doesn’t even know who you are and you want to become a healer and then after Hogwarts there is a position in Romania and you take it because you know Charlie’s there and at first he is like hmmm I think I know you and you explain you’re friends with the twins and obviously he falls in love with you I also took it in a nsfw direction where it’s like major innocence kink because Charlie is just such a dom to me and he like teaches you everything but he makes sure you’re happy and safe and it’s not really like serious sex you’re both just having fun and he kinda introduces you to dom/sub dynamics but you can do whatever is most comfortable
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siswritesyanderes · 3 years
If it had been Jasper-Sadie or Alice-Sadie as the vampires and finding their third later, how if at all would any of the “prior” story (the Twilght saga proper) have changed?
This turns the timeline inside out, but Meyer was never great at those anyway.
(Hi, if you're from the Twilight fandom stumbling across this post without context, Sadie is my OC in a yandere Alice/yandere Jasper/OC fic that you can read here.)
Ohhh, so much potential there! I can't answer that in full, because doing so would spoil what Sadie's potential vampire ability is. (Super sorry about that. Feel free to ask again after that information has come up in Rule One!)
I can say that both Bella and Edward would take to confiding in her and seeking her counsel with regards to their relationship. Especially if it's a Sadie-Alice duo; Edward would be super close with both Sadie and Alice (like he's close with Alice in canon), and while he sometimes gets frustrated with Alice, he pretty much always respects Sadie. It's like, Alice would be Bella's best friend and Edward's partner in crime (since she's still the one who would agree to kidnap Bella, whereas Sadie would never), and Sadie would be Bella's confidante and Edward's moral compass. Both Bella and Edward would go to Sadie for advice about each other, and Sadie, though startled by their neediness, would always have something valuable to say.
(Picture Bella or Edward bursting into Sadie's room with a question, and Sadie, wide-eyed, putting down whatever she's doing and saying, "Alrighty then, have a seat.)
Edward trusts that Sadie wouldn't lie to him, so the urgency in having Bella run to him in Italy before he sparkles in front of people (lest he read Alice's thoughts and assume she's lying to him) wouldn't be a thing; Sadie just runs Bella to Edward with vampire speed and is subjected to that whole reunion as an awkward third wheel while Alice parks the stolen car.
Also, Sadie would tip every fight slightly more in favor of the Cullens, but she would also have a habit of really wanting to talk to the enemies instead of attacking them. This is good/useful with the Volturi but not so good/useful with Victoria and Riley.
Oh! Also, Sadie would realize that Victoria will probably follow Edward's scent, in Eclipse, and Sadie would accompany him and Bella in sitting the battle out, so that they have more backup against Victoria. Jasper and Alice wouldn't be privy to the fact that Victoria is coming; this is just a realization that Sadie has that Edward hears in her mind. (As far as Jasper and Alice are concerned, Sadie is sitting the battle out just to be safe, and they're happy that she won't be in harm's way.) This is where Sadie's need to talk to enemies would become a problem, because both Victoria and Riley are too far gone to listen to reason, but Sadie really believes in them and wants to convince them they don't have to die today. It still turns out fine, though. Sadie gets a little hurt, but she's fine. Alice and Jasper would be absolutely smothering, after. Victoria is lucky she's already dead, because they would make her suffer.
And Sadie would think to explain things to Irina before Alice realizes that Irina is going to the Volturi, so that whole misunderstanding never happens.
All of that being said, the thought of "Yandere Alice meets Sadie first" and "Yandere Jasper meets Sadie first" got really interesting to me. So I have to talk about those scenarios immediately.
I'm going to place Sadie sometime in the twentieth century in both cases, and I'm going to try to let the time period matter as little as possible, but feel free to imagine them in 50s or 60s attire, lol. (Or 70s or 80s; again, it doesn't matter that much; I'm just placing her in the twentieth century to keep the rough order of events the same, kind of.) I'm approaching this with the assumption that Alice and Jasper still become vampires in the same way/at the same time as they do in canon; they just meet at different times. I'm not dealing with the Confederate thing here, though, because I'll be dealing with it in Rule One.
I'm gonna go ahead and put it all under the cut. (And if your experience of Rule One is more invested in the potential for wholesome romance than the yandere aspect, maybe the rest of this isn't for you, because this is definitely more yandere-leaning, lol.)
Alice knows three things: 1. Her own name. 2. That she is going to join the Cullens. 3. That Sadie, whom she has not yet met, is her soulmate.
Though she slips up every now and then, Alice does her best not to eat humans. She wants to fit in with the Cullens by the time she finds them, so she's accustoming herself to the animal diet. Anyway, she has a mate out there whom she will meet as a human, and she has to get herself under control before she can risk being around her.
The thing is, Alice knows about Sadie before Sadie is actually an option, so she has to kill time so that she doesn't meet Sadie too early. And Alice hates waiting, so she goes ahead and introduces herself to the Cullens before Sadie. She tells them all about how she'll have a soulmate soon, and how it's killing her to keep her distance but she knows things will be way better if she never meets Sadie as a child. She decorates her room with things that Sadie likes, anticipating that one day she'll be sharing the room with Sadie. Honestly, if it weren't for Edward's mind reading, the rest of the Cullens might think Sadie was an imaginary friend or something.
(Rosalie would normally take issue with Alice's plans to intrude on the life of a human she's never met just because of a potential future where they're in love, but she doesn't really take Alice's fantasizing seriously until it's too late.)
One day, Alice just sort of disappears from the Cullen house, and only Edward knows where she's gone.
Sadie is finally at the right age; it's time.
Alice appears in Sadie's life, and everything she says and does is perfect. She rockets from stranger to friend to best friend at an impressive rate, her precognition easily compensating for Sadie's hesitancy (and Sadie would start off more wary than she is in Rule One, due to the time period). Having left the rest of the Cullens, for the time being, there is nothing (read: no one) holding Alice back from being absolutely surgical about making herself important in Sadie's life and subtly isolating her. She gives expensive gifts, and comprehensive compliments, and she always knows what to say to make Sadie like and trust her more.
When Sadie starts to become suspicious about the evolution of their friendship, Alice drops the vampire bomb and the soulmate bomb all at once, showing Sadie her speed and strength and sparkles. There was no better way to do it. Alice checked; this was the absolute best set of circumstances for the reveal.
Sadie asks for time to process the information. She asks for space. Alice graciously allows it; she's practically living with Sadie at this point, anyway. (Not that Sadie knows it. But yeah, she's in Sadie's house pretty much 24/7 (minus her hunting trips), dodging notice with stealth and psychic powers.)
When Sadie is ready to talk again, Alice pours out every reassurance: how she will never stop loving her; how she would never hurt her; how she thinks about her all the time and loves her so much. Sadie isn't fully won over by the whole vampire lover concept, but Alice does convince her to come meet her family.
They go to the Cullen house. Alice shows her off to everyone, and Rosalie is stunned, and Emmett laughs incredulously. Edward and Carlisle make polite introductions, and Esme hugs her, just glad to see Alice so happy. (Esme has been so worried about her newest daughter, so flighty and constantly pining for someone who wasn't there. And then she disappeared, and anything could have happened to her! But now she's back, and she's brought someone lovely, and she looks happier than Esme has ever seen her.) Carlisle and Edward give Sadie a more in-depth explanation of how vampires operate and why the bond between mates is a big deal. Esme cooks her a huge meal. Before they know it, nighttime has come, and Sadie falls asleep in Alice's room.
She wasn't drugged or anything; Alice just perfectly orchestrated a set of circumstances in which she would be tired by this exact time.
When she wakes up, Alice is an utter angel, offering her breakfast and a bath and telling her that there's more to see, around the house. She hasn't seen Rosalie's garage, yet! She hasn't seen Esme's garden. And soon enough she's sleeping over again.
On that third day at the house, Rosalie pulls Sadie aside to say that she'll drive Sadie home, if Sadie needs her to. But Alice has done her job well; Sadie likes Alice, and she likes the Cullens, and most of all, she's so curious about vampires and the world thereof. She's willing to stay and learn, provided she can visit her friends and family, and provided Alice doesn't try to change her. She fills several journals with what she learns about vampires, all in the span of a single year. She learns so much, and she's never satisfied that she's learned enough.
When Alice asks her to let Carlisle change her, she chooses exactly the right conversation, exactly the right approach, and exactly the right time. Sadie agrees and becomes a vampire. (She kind of has to, for this prompt, lol.) Rosalie is annoyed, but she knows that Sadie thought the matter over thoroughly.
When the day comes that Alice sees Jasper in their future, she drags Sadie off to meet him, barely explaining herself beyond "We have another mate!". Sadie goes along with it because she's used to Alice's antics.
They meet this crimson-eyed, roguishly handsome vampire, and Jasper is pretty instantly enthralled with them both. He's curious about their golden eyes, charmed by Alice's forwardness, and amused by Sadie's mix of intrigue and wariness. The emotional flavor of Alice's joy and cheerfulness, and of Sadie's curiosity and uncertainty, are enough to pretty much have him wrapped around their fingers right away.
Sadie's reaction is more "Ohhhh, Alice, this guy eats people..."
Alice just goes, "It's okay. Jasper will be willing to change his diet if we ask him to. Won't you, Jasper?"
And it's so presumptuous, but also he's into it, because Sadie has already made it clear that eating humans is a deal-breaker for her, and he doesn't want this meeting to end.
He joins the family, and it feels like the best thing ever; he has two amazing soulmates, and he belongs to a large coven that will always be safe from strangers. The animal-eating thing is a downside, but there's no help for that.
The dynamic for the next little while is that Alice is already in love with both Jasper and Sadie, Jasper is already in love with Alice and Sadie, and Sadie is in love with Alice and polite to Jasper but isn't quite sure about him. Like, she's in a peculiar place of "We are soulmates, and I do like you and feel an attraction to you, and I understand how our personalities are good together, but I don't know how long it'll take me to become comfortable with your past", and Jasper is just falling over himself to earn her approval, but she's comfortable with allowing it to take time.
(Rosalie is secretly very entertained by the whole thing, and Emmett is not-so-secretly entertained.)
Unlike in canon, Jasper would never suggest eating any human ever again; even once Sadie is comfortable with him, he never wants to risk making her doubt him the way she did in the beginning.
So at this point in his life, Jasper is eating people. His eyes are bright red, and he is ruthless, and Alice isn't around to temper that side of him.
This is absolutely a kidnapping situation.
When he runs into Sadie (entirely by happenstance), he doesn't know immediately that he is in love with her; he just knows that he wants to follow her, so he does. He stalks after her like he has stalked lots of prey in the past. Her blood doesn't sing to him, though; after several hours of just tailing her, he realizes that he just likes to hear her breathe and speak and laugh. He likes to look at her. He likes to taste her emotions on the air. He likes this human.
Then he realizes that he's in love with her, as much as Peter is in love with Charlotte.
He never wants to stop looking at her, listening to her talk...
He manages to get her alone, and he introduces himself in a charismatic, gentlemanly fashion. He kisses the back of her hand (managing to ignore the feel and sound of her pulse so close; he shouldn't take a risk like that again) and says, "Good afternoon, ma'am. My name is Jasper Whitlock. May I ask what your name is?"
She notices the coldness of his skin and the redness of his eyes (and again, time-period-wise, this interaction is very weird), but he is sending her the most powerful waves of comfort and calm that he can. She is dazed and perplexed, but not afraid, as she answers, "I'm Sadie Gilder."
It's the most beautiful name he has ever heard.
He abducts her pretty much then and there; he leads her away with a request that she accompany him and a heavy layer of mood control. Sadie is able to break out of the daze (through sheer overthinking) after they've walked together awhile; by the time she asks, "Wait, where are we?", they've reached the secluded mansion of an old widow.
(Jasper doesn't need a place to sleep, but his Sadie does, so he quickly identified this place as the best option.)
The order in which Jasper eats the occupants of the house and brings Sadie inside the house is up to your imagination, as is whether or not Sadie ends up seeing any bodies or seeing him with blood on his face and clothes. Either way, just the kidnapping itself is enough to have Sadie panicking, and he hates to feel her fear.
He holds her, gives her calming energy, and whispers to her. "Don't be scared. I won't hurt you, Perfect Sadie. I won't eat you. You're too special. Just gonna keep you right here." (He's just eaten a lot of people, so he's okay with breathing right next to her, so that he can keep whispering to her.) She falls asleep in his arms. He doesn't stop holding her, and he doesn't stop whispering. (Also, remember how the first thing he says to Sadie in Rule One is that she's warm and soft? Yeah, he still says that, pretty much verbatim, in this scenario. I'm not putting it in quotes, because it sounds dirty in a kidnapping context, but he for sure says it.)
The next day, since he's keeping up the comforting vibes to keep her from being afraid, Sadie asks Jasper a lot of questions. He tells her everything he knows about vampires. He isn't fully versed in vampire mating, so he isn't able to really inform her that his obsession with her is, to some degree, an inherent vampire trait, but he is very good at conveying to her that he is obsessed.
With no one to tell him to cool it with his power, and with his diet of human blood making his power more potent than it would be on animal blood, Jasper uses it at pretty much full capacity every time, instead of subtle shifts in emotion. So, while Sadie does notice that it's happening, she can't keep herself from the effects of his power by self-awareness alone.
He generally doses her with the same kind of peaceful calm he uses when he meets strange vampires for the first time, instead of the lethargic calm he uses to keep prey docile. He uses the latter when he wants her to sleep, but for the most part he just wants her to be unfearful and communicative.
She eats the food that's in the house. When he's able to convince himself to leave her unattended (usually after he's put her to sleep), he picks up more groceries and abducts some humans for himself. He keeps them in the cellar, far enough away from Sadie that she needn't know they're there but close enough that he can still hear her when he goes down to eat them. It's actually very convenient, not to have to hunt often; he just has to pop down to the cellar and enjoy a few of the already-injured occupants. Having a steady home has its upside. It's a shame someone will eventually notice the widow missing and he'll have to move with Sadie. But there will always be another empty mansion, or a mansion that can be easily made empty.
(When it's time to change homes, Jasper carries Sadie to the new destination while she's sleeping.)
Partially due to the mood control and partially due to the upfront-ness of everything, there's honestly very little tension between them. There's fear, sometimes (The one time Sadie tries to leave the mansion while Jasper is eating, he runs up from the cellar to stop her, and he's still covered in blood, and she's terrified, and it takes him a lot of soothing to get her calm again. It upsets him when she's scared.), but no tension. Sadie would like to leave, but she gathers that she can't, so all there is to do is maneuver within the new situation and learn more about her captor.
And neither of them is inherently a romantic. Jasper loves her, but even he isn't under the impression that they're dating or something. As far as he's concerned, he's keeping her; as far as she's concerned, she's studying him. Jasper is ecstatic with the arrangement, and Sadie is as comfortable as the situation allows.
Peter and Charlotte follow Jasper's scent at some point, wanting to hang out, and Jasper socializes with them outside the mansion, explaining that they can't go in because there's a human inside whom he is invested in keeping alive, and he can't risk them eating her. When they learn that he's in love, they ask if he plans on changing her, but he says that he can't yet. His control isn't good enough.
One day, Alice shows up.
She meets Jasper while he's in town, gathering food for Sadie and himself. They still have the little "You kept me waiting" "My apologies" flirtation, but he's a little more guarded, because he has to get back to Sadie, and as much as he is already beguiled by this weird-eyed stranger, he doesn't want her following him home. She's a vampire, and no vampires are allowed near his Sadie.
Alice really wants to skip the wooing; she's already seen herself with Jasper and Sadie. But she knows that mentioning Sadie too soon could make Jasper defensive, so she has to sprinkle herself slowly into Jasper's life, meeting him when he comes to town and letting his instinctive attraction and fondness for her grow into trust over a span of months (even moving towns when he does). She doesn't say anything about him switching to an animal diet, either; she tells him that she eats animals, but trying to influence him at this stage could alter her chances of seeing Sadie. Better to just let him murder.
Once they're at the right place, trust-wise, she tells him that she is already as in love with Sadie as she is with him, due to her psychic visions, and she asks to meet her. At first, Jasper isn't ready, but after she's asked a few more times, he allows it.
Alice has to be extra careful, because she wants to just run and hug Sadie as soon as she sees her, but if she makes a sudden move, Jasper will react badly. (Especially since the speed that comes with her small frame makes her a genuine threat to Sadie, even with Jasper there.) Not to mention, she has to endear herself to Sadie, whose only experience with vampires has been abduction.
"Sadie Lily Gilder," Alice says, barely restraining her excitement. "I am Alice Cullen. I'm your other soulmate."
Sadie is mostly perplexed and a little exasperated, but Jasper feels suddenly as if the sun has broken through the clouds. (Which means a lot, since he was already happy before.) Alice's joy at finally getting to see Sadie seems to fill the room, and this is his first time hearing Sadie's middle name, and...
"I like seeing you together," he realizes.
For the next few months, Alice is allowed to visit Sadie every now and then, under full supervision from Jasper. He can feel that she loves Sadie as much as he does, but he's still got to be careful. Humans are so fragile, and he's used to only trusting himself. When she comes, Alice brings Sadie little gifts that she never thought to ask Jasper before. She brings a new spritely energy to the house that Sadie comes to enjoy.
The following few months, (and after Jasper has watched her hunt animals) she's allowed to stay over full-time. They watch Sadie sleep, together. She's able to answer more of Sadie's questions.
Alice introduces Jasper to the idea of joining a family she's seen in their future. He doesn't want that many vampires around their Sadie, but as always, Alice says just the right things: they're all animal eaters; she hasn't seen a single future where any of them hurt Sadie; and the eldest of them could change Sadie for them.
(She also has to convince Sadie to want to become immortal with them, since she knows that Carlisle and Edward would be against turning her against her will. It helps that Sadie has been captured by a vampire for a while, now, and being a vampire herself would give her a chance of exerting some control over her future.)
When they meet the Cullens, Alice acts like they're already best friends. Jasper is more formal in asking the patriarch if he can change Sadie for them.
Edward calls them out on kidnapping Sadie, but Sadie points out that, unless things come to blows between the Cullens and Alice and Jasper, the only way for her to no longer be kidnapped is by becoming a vampire.
So Carlisle changes her, and she stays with the Cullens so that she can have someone to help her overcome her thirst during her newborn years without slipping up and hurting someone. Alice and Jasper stay with the Cullens, too (and the Cullens tell Jasper that he has to switch to the animal diet if he wants to stay). Eventually, all three of them are close enough to various members of the Cullen family that they just sort of become part of it.
Having been kidnapped at the start of all this, though, Sadie exerts her autonomy in pretty much every way. In her newborn years, in which she is more temperamental (though that isn't saying much; she's still pretty mellow by newborn vampire standards), she confronts Jasper for what he did, and he pretty much just takes it; things have worked out pretty great for him, so it's only fair to let her get it off her chest. Sadie can feel the bond between her and Alice and Jasper, but she can also feel that he didn't have to do what he did. She goes to visit her human family, once she knows that she won't eat them; she and Rosalie go on lengthy road trips; she and Emmett go to football games; she goes volunteering and home renovating with Esme; she learns languages and musical instruments from Edward; she learns vampire history from Carlisle and even joins him on a trip to Volterra.
She lets Alice buy her clothes but overall gives Jasper a wide berth.
Alice, having gained full trust from Jasper, is able to convince him to allow Sadie her space for a while, as she comes to terms with everything that happened. Jasper agrees, since Sadie isn't so fragile anymore and he knows that Alice is keeping an eye on her. So long as they know where Sadie is at all times, and so long as she is accompanied by at least one of the Cullens, he can bear to spend uninterrupted one-on-one time with his newest mate, especially if doing so will help Sadie to forgive him.
The diet of animal blood makes him less wild (but more tense, as he can feel that he is weaker), and the newness of everything in Sadie's life raises her spirits. Maybe eventually she'll be willing to hang out with him again, but it'll take a few years.
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hamliet · 3 years
Never Have I Ever... Expected to Appreciate a Love Triangle
Never Have I Ever’s season two continues to establish itself as the one love triangle I actually think works. Usually I want to light that trope on fire, but it’s so great here because of the unique (and messy) characters in it. 
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The season offered clarity on what endgame is (Ben) while also establishing Paxton as the character with the most growth from the beginning of the season to the end. Paxton’s journey with his Ojichan, embracing his heritage, learning that he can actually make things happen when he commits to things (studying, Devi) was really emotionally compelling and satisfying. Even if Ben/Devi is endgame, Paxton doesn’t feel like he’s tacked on, but instead a very integral part of the dynamic between the three characters. (More Ben and Paxton moments, please? I want them to be friends; they really need to grow to be like each other!)
I don’t think Ben/Devi could ever be together if Paxton weren’t a part of the picture. The ending where Dvi and Paxton end up together is earned, and we’re rooting for them, cheering for them as they get their happy ending, even as we know Bendevi are endgame. It’s satisfying to see Ben shocked and heartbroken, because he realizes he has been doing exactly what he accused Paxton of doing. Paxton grew and overcame his pride to be with Devi, which is what she deserves: someone who isn’t ashamed of her. Ben now has his marching orders: if he wants to be with Devi, he has to follow Paxton’s lead. 
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Ben also needs to stop dating girls he does not actually like. Aneesa deserves more. Speaking of Aneesa... I loved her character and what she added to the story, but her plotline was the one piece of truly bad writing in NHIE’s repertoire. It was utterly nonsensical. 
No principal gives a damn about who starts rumors unless they are SUPER serious. They aren’t going to suspend someone over it. 
An ED rumor is unlikely to merit a school-wide investigation or to have peers universally react to it with such disgust. 
Devi made an observation from seeing Aneesa not eating; anyone could/would have come to the same conclusion at some point. It was wrong to say it, absolutely, but it just... wasn’t a huge moral failing. 
Please explain to me why "crazy Devi" didn't mitigate consequences but this did. Like, people had been bullying Devi, a girl whose Dad has just died, ALL SEASON, Aneesa participated in it, and even after Aneesa’s subplot was “resolved,” Devi was still being bullied by this so... why did no one give a damn about this? 
NHIE is the only show I can think of where the story holds its main character to a harsher standard than everyone else, lol. Not that Devi was in the right--she was VERY much in the wrong--but it was framed as being Devi’s lowest moral moment, and it objectively was not, and simply did not make sense with the school’s policies on bullying as had already been established. 
I think the same subplot would have worked much better if Devi had said something like “Aneesa is a slut/has an STD/got pregnant” considering the entire reason for her freak out is that she thinks Aneesa is having sex with Ben, which they weren’t. But those are the kind of rumors that can actually ruin someone’s life. An ED rumor did not merit that kind of reaction. 
I also wish that if they were going to ED route, they’d have actually explored it instead of just patching it onto Aneesa’s character. It felt really, really forced and random, didn’t tie in to any themes, and thus does not work. Don’t include triggering content if you don’t plan on exploring it. At least the above rumors actually tied in with the plot and character issues. 
I enjoy that Devi is allowed to spiral and to make horrific mistakes, though. I’ve seen a lot of reviews complaining about her acting like a jerk, but that’s the point. Grief is at the heart of Devi’s character, and grief is seldom two perfect pearlesque teardrops elegantly dripping onto marble floors. Grief is ugly. Grief is terrifying, grief is disorienting, grief seeks comfort and it seeks destruction. It’s unpredictable. 
I really enjoyed what the writers did with Nalini this season, and with Devi’s grandmother. Pati was wonderful, and Nalini made some great strides herself. I enjoyed seeing her dynamic with Mohan fleshed out more (they weren’t perfect), and Nalini and Dr. Jackson were great. They were adult!Ben and Devi in their dynamic, and like Ben and Devi, the timing just isn’t right for them to be together. Learning to grow and realize she was wrong about Dr. Jackson helps Nalini realize she can be wrong, and that doesn’t make her a terrible person for it; thus Nalini can forgive herself and be a better mother for it. 
I also loved Eleanor’s stepmother, and Fabiola’s mom. Actually, one of the things I like about this show is how the parents are all really human, with failings as parents and strengths, and they keep improving themselves too. 
I feel sad for Kamala and Prashant, and get that she needs someone who encourages her to not be passive, but also felt Prashanth deserved a little more than being straight up stood up the night he planned to propose. That said, I appreciated how their relationship evolved--Prashant is a good man, but it does not work for a very human reason. Prashant was not a jerk like Steve last season, but it just meant that their worldviews and what they need from a relationship were not compatible. (Also Kamala’s workplace environment was entirely accurate to what those environments are like. 100%. It wasn’t hyperbolized at all.) Kamala learning to be more like Devi and Devi more like Kamala was fun to see. 
Fabiola and Eleanor’s plotlines were good, too. I love Fab and Eve, and am intrigued by the notion of Eleanor and Trent. If the latter is to be a thing, I hope Trent gets more development/focus (and I actually hope Eve does as well, in terms of conflict/character flaws; she’s great, and I’d love her to be fleshed out more). 
My favorite part of the season, though, was when Mohan appears to speak to Devi in her dream, and what he says to her. Just because you’ve made mistakes doesn’t mean you deserve any less and I call you perfect girl not because I expect you to be perfect, but because you’re already perfect to me, just because she’s Devi. Instead of her name being synonymous with “mistake” as was the running joke throughout the season, she has power through the love her father gives her (even if he’s no longer alive, because love transcends time) to affirm to worth, to continue to develop who she is, to change her legacy.
I am very excited for a season 3. 
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Haikyuu!! Boys as stepdads PT.2
It’s likely i’ll do a part 2 for most of them (some I emotionally, mentally, and spiritually CANNOT), but this one was voted as the most wanted sequel in the poll I did.
**Funny story, this was actually the FIRST Haikyuu!! Boys headcanon I ever did :) So please keep in mind my format, and writing style have changed, so they’re gonna be a bit different🥰**
Warnings: Mentions of stepdad, stepdads, implied divorce, teenage angst, siblings mentioned (ignore if only child)
Characters: Meian, Omimi, Kita, Suna, Ohira, Yamagata, Kunimi, Kindaichi, Yaku, Numai, Sakusa, and Komori
Meian Shugo: A little clumsy at first, but he gets the hang of it
Is better if you guys are little, cause he can work with little kids.
But if you guys are teenagers??
He’s completely lost.
Does his best, he really does! He tries to have normal conversations and ‘dad things’ but man...it’s rough for a good 6 months.
When he does adjust, he’s honestly not bad.
He’s pretty great actually. There’s a lot of perks to having a pro athlete as your stepdad cause *aHeM* money
Omimi Ren: You’re suspicious at first cause he just seems suspicious, but he’s really a pretty nice guy
When your mom first brings him home you’re on guard.
Not cause you necessarily think he’s a bad guy, he just seems intimidating? Quiet? Maybe it’s just cause he’s unknown to you.
But after a few months, you realize he’s a pretty solid guy.
Very responsible, he’ll never be late to pick you up from school or parties, and you’ll always be on time to school.
But he’s also not against spoiling you and your siblings every now and then.
You guys actually have a really good relationship.
He deals with your teenage angst really well, he doesn’t take anything personally and does his best to be understanding.
Kita Shinsuke: s t r i c t. But a good stepdad
Doesn’t care he’s not your biological dad, you are his responsibility and it’s his job to help make you into a functional human.
Isn’t like the military strict, just on certain things like grades and chores. He’s not pretentious about it either, he just expects all of you to do your parts.
He’s honestly a strange mix of strict and laid-back.
Strict when it comes to responsibilities but chill most everywhere else.
Puts a lot of trust in you, he doesn’t question your choices because he trusts you to make good ones. But if you ever breech that trust he’d have no problem going into lock down mode for a bit.
Isn’t very controlling, especially when it comes to boys or friends.
Lets you enjoy your teen years while making sure you’re becoming a functioning adult.
Suna Rintaro: Would let you get away with murder if he could
Very chill, doesn’t yell or argue, just kinda coexists with you/your siblings.
But he’s not a push over, if you do something wrong wrong, yeah he’ll say something or tell your mom but he’s not super strict..
Tells you to just call him by his first name, last name, he doesn’t care.
I can see him being a little caught off guard at first cause...how do you UwU interact with them.
Not too pushy or anything he just kinda...lets you do your own thing.
Ohira Leon: Another one you might as well adopt as your real dad
You could be nothing but sinister to this man and he’d never despise you for it.
He genuinely loves your mom, and by circumstance, he comes to love you and your siblings as his own.
Treats you all really well, but respects any boundaries you guys put up.
Doesn’t pull the ‘listen to your mother’ thing stepdads do, cause he knows he only has so much power y’know?
But he honestly doesn’t need to, you and your siblings are pretty darn happy he’s your stepdad, heck he might as well just be your real dad.
Yamagata Hayato: Pretty solid honestly, you wonder where he’s been your whole life
You weren’t crazy at the idea of having a stepdad, but when you got to know him, you were pretty cool with it.
He’s the perfect mix of responsible with fun, and also parent and friend.
He’s a good hype man, and he encourages you guys to do a lot, like sports and clubs.
He encourages you guys to be active!
Doesn’t force you though, he’s good about trying to understand and appreciate all of your different interest and hobbies!
Doesn’t care about grades as long as you do your best, if you give it your all, he’ll be happy.
Will get you a tutor or help if he sees you struggling, but he’d never stress you out about it.
Kunimi Akira:...wait, he’s a father now?
He wasn’t too concerned when your mom said she had kids.
I mean, they can’t be that difficult right? Just feed them, give them things and a little pat on the head right?
w r o n g
He’s not bad, he does care about you guys but man...the teen years are going to be rough.
Definitely was better when you guys were younger, it’s the teen years he struggles with.
Man was not prepared for the sweet little girls to turn into moody monsters out for blood at the drop of a hat.
He’s doing his best alright..
Kindaichi Yuutarou: He’s more scared of you than you are of him
Had no clue what he was doing.
You were quite amused when you first met him though, he looked like he was a teenage boy meeting his girlfriends parents.
Nonetheless, you found he’s very nice and he treats your mom, and you and your siblings well.
He’s actually a really good stepdad!!
Very supportive, but very good with boundaries. He made sure to have a good relationship with you and your siblings, he’s more like a friend than a father, but that’s perfectly fine with all of you~
If you have an argument with your mom, he’s playing mediator instead of taking sides.
Yaku Morisuke: Is fine...until your teen years
lol it’s not you and your mom arguing, it’s you and HIM.
Pretty strict, and definitely takes on a more parental role in your life.
Which he is good at, you guys are still alive after all.
But especially when you become teens you guys go at each others throats almost every other day.
Never even thinks about making any ‘it’s my house get out’ threats because he genuinely cares about you, but it’s a bad matchup of temper vs hormones.
Things mellow down when you grow up, you guys get along much better when you’re an adult.
Numai Kazuma: Little lost at first, but once he warms up to it he’s a pro
When you guys first meet he’s a little lost cause...he kinda has kids now.
But once it really sinks in and he comes to terms with it, he’s honestly kinda pumped.
Wants to have a good relationship with you and your siblings, and you guys find out he’s a really cool guy!
Tells you stories from his high school days, and will teach you guys to play volleyball.
Treats you as he would his own kids cause he lowkey does love you guys<3
Sakusa Kiyoomi: mutual despising from both parties
Neither one of you are thrilled about having (a) stepdad/stepkids.
It’s not personal so to say but...
it is awkward. The first time you guys had to be in a room alone together was the worst 5 minutes of your life, it was so painfully quiet.
He does...try...he gets you guys Christmas presents, and birthday presents, and he does what you need to survive but...
Good about letting things be, and not fueling the fire when you’re moody or upset.
But he is going to side with your mom, every.single.time.
Komori Motoya: ‘fun’ parent, he’ll turn a blind eye to a n y t h i n g
Sees you doing something irresponsible and he’s like ‘ooh, looks fun’
Would never let you put yourself in danger, just let you do stupid things because he’s genuinely interested to know what happens.
Helps you avoid punishment and makes sure your mom won’t catch you.
It physically hurts him to see you guys upset, so he’s a really good comforter and supporter!
He comes too all of your games, recitals, whatever it is you’re into!
He really just wants you guys to be happy and to like him.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
How ats characters would celebrate their s/o’s Birthday:
Characters include: Angel; Spike; Cordelia; Wesley; Fred; Lorne; Gunn; Doyle; Lindsey; Drusilla and Darla
A/N: Again, totally self-indulgent for my Birthday lol! They’re fluffy !! Hope you guys enjoy them, you can save them for your Birthdays or just enjoy them today !! 🖤💖
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- Money is no object
- Will ask what you wanna do
- Could literally be anything at all
- He has enough disposable income that you feasibly could do anything
- You insist that all you want is him though
- Not his money, just him
- You adore him
- And this assurance absolutely makes him melt
- All he ever wants is for you to be happy
- But he insists that you should mark the occasion
- So you suggest a party
- Just a small gathering with the team and some good music
- He grins, pressing a kiss to your lips
- He’s actually really excited
- He can get awkward at parties (and just in general)
- But he does enjoy them somewhat
- Especially since he began dating you
- Everything’s better with you
- And that’s why he wanted to celebrate your day properly
-  The hotel’s back and functioning
- And completely covered in decorations
- He appeared to have raided the entire party store
- Every occasion seemed to be represented lol
- Literally everything you could imagine stuck to the walls
- There’s even a balloon arch
- He clearly spent a really long time on it so you give him lots of kisses
- Which makes him almost blush
- He really cares and just wants you to feel good
- He would be by your side the entire time
- You would have a lot of fun
- Mostly just enjoys wrapping his arms around you
- And swaying slightly
- Whispering his love and happy birthdays
- The gift he gave you would be very meaningful and super romantic
- You would have melted right then and there
- You have a really great time, drinking and laughing
- You sit on his lap when you’re not being hauled up to dance with Cordy and Wes
- You even convince Angel to dance
- It’s equal parts dorky and adorable
- You definitely dance with him
- She would be so ridiculously excited
- For your birthday
- Like, ordering everyone around
- Making sure they get you the very best gifts
- And nobody is allowed to forget
- Or else
- She’s really pumped for you to be celebrated
- You’ll probably go to a bar the night before with all your friends
- Maybe Caritas if it’s up and running at the time
- (Cordy swings free drinks for you all)
- But the next day was your birthday
- You would wake up beside her
- It would honestly just be the best gift
- Just to have her this way
- You pull her into you
- Snuggling together
- Both of you sleeping off a hangover (Depending on how much/if you drank)
- Today, your actual birthday, was just for you and her
- Intimate in a way that she has always craved
- And with you she has
- Completely
- She has bought a lot of presents
- They can be assigned to two categories:
- Things you want and others that she insists you need
- All very well thought out and incredibly sweet
- She would be very cute and press lots of kisses to your lips
- Soft, sleepy kisses
- You spend a lot of the day in bed
- Just the two of you
- It’s honestly just perfect
- She wanted you to herself and you completely feel the same
- She’ll have rented movies, anything you like and you just spend it on the sofa
- Wrapped in blankets and each other
- Understated (yes, she can do understated)
- And yours
- The grandest plans
- You only deserved the best
- You always felt completely cherished with Lorne
- But he made sure to give you his undivided attention around your Birthday
- He wanted all the attention to be lavished upon you
- He could be so soft and so very insistent too
-He could tell you sometimes felt guilty about it but his nature made it so that he always made sure you were enjoying yourself
-  The most important thing was always that you felt good
- Caritas was basically a shrine to you
- He would source pictures of you growing up, fixing them up everywhere
- There would be themed drinks (from important points in your life)
- Not to mention the list of karaoke songs all evening were exclusively your favourites
- Absolutely no exceptions
- You would be showered in gifts
- Despite you telling him it really wasn’t necessary
- Especially if it’s one of your first birthdays with you both together
- Would go so far past overboard
- But he would be entirely too cute about it
- He would vibrate with excitement
- Waiting for you to open everything
- Just when you thought you were finished
- Another pile of presents would appear from nowhere
- All the affection too
- Through the entire day, would want to be close to you
-  Always does but especially so
- At the end of the day, would wrap you in his arms
- Already planning to outdo himself next year
- The man is near obsessive over your birthday
- Consumes his thoughts the entire month, just like you do all of the time
- Won’t stop thinking about it
- Mentioning it
- He’s definitely more into it than you are
- He wants you to have something normal, human
- You have to have something special - he insists
- Wants to cherish you, the entire day would be yours
- You would make the decisions for the day
-  And then he would have something planned for the evening
- Will decide to take you for drinks
- But at a more high end place than he would usually take you
- Might even take you for a trip away, somewhere you used to go
- will steal Angel’s fanciest car
- he’ll take you somewhere that he knows you like
- maybe somewhere special to the both of you
- The evening will be nice, he’ll make you smile as always
- Might treat you to some human food
- A restaurant too if you like that kind of thing
- You always feel special with him
- But the evening won’t end there
- You’ll make your way back to the car
- But he’ll grab your hand with a smirk
- Dragging you in the opposite direction
- He has it all set up
- He paid off the security guard
- There are blankets and tiny little fairy lights
-  That he would have to turn off in a second, but he knew he would enjoy seeing your smile though
- He had wanted a big gesture
- Something from the movies
- Because that’s what your love was like
- Something more human but still intimate
- Just for you
- He would help you lie back, lying by your side
- Pulling you into him
- You would be stargazing as you nestled into him
- Pointing out constellations that he probably was naming completely wrong
- But you wouldn’t care because he had thought all of this up just for you
- You were happy just as long as you would be together
- He would make you laugh so hard
- And just make you feel so cherished and celebrated 😊
- Would be so bashful about his plans
- Ridiculously anxious that you would be enjoying yourself
- That you would like whatever he came up with
- Absolutely head over heels for you
- Completely and utterly yours
- And so wants his plans to reflect this
- The gift he gives would be understated, but completely fitting
- He would be nervous to give it to you
- But once you begin gushing
- He would smile and chuckle in that way he does
- He wants to take you to a bar
- For drinks because you deserve to be celebrated
- The world’s always threatening to end
- So he wants you to have a day where it can just be you both
- Celebrating his absolute favourite person
- You ask him if he’ll dance with you
- He looks around a little embarrassed
- But he gets a burst of courage
- Takes your hand, leads you to the dancefloor
- You dance wildly, matching his moves and laughing
- A slow song started
- You loop your arms around his neck
- It was just the two of you
- For all you knew
- He whispered something
- Something he hadn’t said yet
-  “I love you”
- The sweetest, most meaningful Birthday gift
- You would press your lips to his
- Telling him just how much you appreciated this
- And he would smile into the kiss
- Chuckling slightly
- So ecstatic that you were enjoying yourself
- But you insist that it would only be with him
- He wraps his arms around you
- Leaning his head against yours
- You dance slowly in the middle of the room
- Eyes closed
- It was pure bliss
- You love each other so much
- She would pull out every stop
- An extravagant event
- In your honour
- Everything would have to be just so
- Or she would start cracking skulls
- Would attempt to make it a sweet surprise
- But would begin to murmur about it one evening
- As she held you close
- You would be very used to interpreting her words
- And so realise
- But not tell her so not to upset her
- Either way it would be beautiful
- just before the day, she brings you a bunch of flowers
- they’re night blooming
- and they look a little dead
- but you of course adore them
- The night of your birthday was so pretty, she says it’s because it belongs to you
- Your night
-The event would be filled with gifts and people you vaguely knew and liked
- She would ensure you were the centre of attention
- As you were already the centre of her world
- She would smile, laying such adoring affections on you
- Her hands entwined with you
- Would be by your side for the entire day
- Soft gestures of physical affection as you both enjoyed the celebration
- Always touching you
- Would definitely have several gifts for you
- Definitely a birthday tarot reading
- You tell her that you don’t need a future reading, you see yourself with her
- For eternity
- She would adore this and get very excited
- Lots and lots of love
- And probably several trinkets
- She probably found these trinkets by purposefully targeting the owners
- And taking them for you
- (A for effort, isn’t she the sweetest? Always thinking of you)
-  He would be a man with a plan
- It may not be pulled off exactly as planned
- But he would have had the idea in advance
- Very caring for a s/o
- Can get wrapped up in a relationship
- Which is lucky for you
- He adores you
- Absolutely worships you
- (just as you do for him ofc)
- He gets up early, ready to set everything up
- But gets instantly interrupted
- You roll over and wake up
- He can’t resist you
- Gets caught out and slides back into bed
- Holds you for a while and you cuddle up to him
- Long story short…
- You spend most of the day in bed
- Long into the afternoon
- Which, he finds a lot better than he could have planned anyway
- He tried to get away at first but by noon he just couldn’t tear himself away
- He holds you close
- Telling you how lucky he feels to have you
- And that he wants everything to be good
- He’ll singlehandedly stop an apocalypse for you
- He insists nothing’s gonna stop celebrating your day
- But you pull him back into bed again
- Pressing kisses against him
- Insisting he’s the only gift you could ever want
- But when he presents his actual gift you of course take it
- He’s very in tune with you, always listens to what you like
- And so the gift is very thoughtful but also useful/something you will use
- Which leads to you peppering him in kisses and gushing
- Which makes him smile
- That one that makes him absolutely glow
- You’re still not quite sure what the plans were
- But they were easily cancelled, he sent a chain text and it was sorted
- he called for takeout instead
- your favourite of course
- it was simple but honestly you wouldn’t want it any other way
- just you and him
- Probably would not have remembered
- Until you mentioned it
- Definitely isn’t used to birthday celebrations
- You had been through so much since then
- But once she realises
- Decides she wishes to dedicate the day to you
- She doesn’t show it often, but she can be so ridiculously soft for you
- The day would be intimate and just for the both of you
- She can be very possessive and wouldn’t want anyone else involved
- Anything you wanted she would get for you
- You name it, literally
- It’s yours
- She can take over entire shopping malls
- Hold up an evil law firm
- Make them do a spell or something for you
- She would lavish so much on you
- You could take your pick of anything and she would take your hand the entire day
- Such obvious affection is rare, but she does adore you
- Presses a single kiss against your temple
- With that sweet, knowing smile
- Her eyes would always be on you
- You would feel loved just by her gaze
- She truly stopped everything just to celebrate you
- Evil plots on pause, won’t even talk to Wolfram and Hart
- If that’s what you wish
- She doesn’t like to admit how much you mean to her
- But because it’s your birthday
- She would
- If she hasn’t already, she would love to sire you
- It would be a very romantic gift for her to offer
- As if she had brought you a dozen roses
- Making your death day and your birthday the same day
- She would see it as the best present she could give you
- Doesn’t mention your birthday
- Always so busy at work
- You presume he’s forgotten
- And you don’t remind him
- You don’t mind
- (or I mean that’s what you tell yourself)
- But when the day rolls around you wake up
- And frown
- His work clothes are still out
- He hasn’t left today
- And someone’s in your kitchen?
- You go and see what’s going on and he’s made your favourite breakfast
- He looks at you as if you just brought the sun into the room
- A heavenly glow that only surrounded you
- You were the light in his life
- He loves so deeply, wants to cling onto this
- Wants you to know just how much he loves you
- By making this day just for you
- He chides you though cos he was trying to make breakfast in bed
- But you had woken up
- But you just wrap your arms around him and hug him close
- He pulls you in for a deep kiss
- Holding onto this moment
- Holding on to you
- He’s got a very rare day off
- And you don’t want to ask how much of his soul was sold off for the luxury
- The day’s completely yours
- You go out and do tourist-y stuff in LA
- You live there but never get a chance to do something just fun and normal
- So you go around and take cheesy pictures
- Try out different hotspots
- You have a really lovely meal at the end of the day too
- He’s comfortable, has money to blow on fancy meals
- But it means more because he appeared to have looked into the local menus and stuff
- Finding suggestions that he knew that you would like
- You go to a few bars that you really enjoy
- but he soon notices you want to go back home
- So you and he can celebrate without any prying eyes
- It was truly one of the best days, you felt so much closer
- She would have forgotten about birthdays
- After Pylea
- But when you mentioned it casually
- She jumped into action
- Not just because it was probably only a few days away
- But because she loved you and wanted you happy
- Wouldn’t want to do anything too lavish
- It’s just not the way you both are together
- It would be something simple, but so very meaningful
- She would be so soft
- (I mean she is anyway, but this is a day celebrating you)
- And she loves you so much
- I think she’d take you for a little day out
-  A kind of adventure
- But one where you could relax plenty
- A day off from demons and one just for you?
- Perfection
- She would present you with a gift while you were out
- I think she would have made it herself I think
- Probably took a while
- But she enjoyed it so much
- Something clever and cute
- Like her
- She would blush if you made a big deal of thanking her
- But ultimately reciprocate any kisses
- She would probably cuddle up to you and ask what you would like to do that evening
- She apologises for not having grander plans but honestly her just being with you is the best
- And you ofc tell her this
- You settle for drinks at a bar you both like
- But you don’t stay long, mostly just wanting to spend time privately
- You grab some takeout on the way home
- And celebrate more intimately
- The glow of the tv, but neither of you will be watching
- Just the two of you
- He’d be buzzing with excitement
- You always treat him so good
- (he swears he doesn’t deserve it)
- So he makes sure that you feel the love
- Especially so because it’s your birthday
- He says you have plans for your birthday
- And you’re like ??
- That’s news to me lol
- But he absolutely won’t tell you
- And teases you about it in the weeks leading up
- His teasing smile is equal parts infuriating
- And cute
- He just wants you to enjoy yourself
- And this is part of it
- He’s sick of everything ruining your time together
- So he tries to bargain with the powers
- He just looks upwards and half-pleads for them not to bother him
- Just for your birthday weekend
- No visions, please
- Nothing he comes up with, in his own mind, will be good enough
- He wants to give you the world
- And he promises one day he will
- Does this through a cute little globe key chain
- Before giving you a few more gifts
- He truly listens to you and things you like
- Buys things through the year
- So that he has them
- Hiding them is hard
- He would have planned it all out, using his connections
- He’s bagged a weekend away for you both
- somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
- Somewhere really nice, super upmarket
- Not something you’re used to after living in LA so long
- You have the best time
- He honestly makes you feel like the only person in the world
- He’s just so sweet
-  Literally would drop anything for his s/o
- To make sure you’re enjoying yourself and happy
- It was just perfect
- You’re already planning to make it a tradition
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shigarakislittlepet · 4 years
Hooooh boy👀 okay so if you have a character limit just do Dabi and Shinsou (my absolute favourite boys) but if you don't have a character limit I'd also like Aizawa and Bakugou with a s/o who's very obedient and good for them (and ofc good to them) and they're afraid that they're boring because they don't really break any rules or misbehave. Everybody's on and on abt brats and my obedient subby lil ass is over here like qwq obedient subbies aren't boring😤😤 take your time and don't feel pressured oke?? 💕💕
oh my god i love you, you are so so sweet 💕💕💕 I hope I did this request justice, the implications are just !!! So sweet QuQ
no character limit, so i will do all the bbys 🥰
TW: NSFW, Dom/sub themes, light quirk use for sexy times (shinsou), Daddy kink (for Aizawa, I’m sorry lol), some name calling... I think that’s it! Let me know if I missed anything!
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•Okay okay so we all know Dabi is a HARD dom, he has a LOT of aggression to work through in a healthy way, and you help make that happen!
•You’d worry that Dabi would prefer a “bad girl”, a brat that talked back sometimes so he could punish them and REALLY let all that frustration out!
•Once you talked to him about it he would laugh at you. He’s just mean like that lol. BUT once he calmed down and realized it was something that was actually bothering you he’d just look at you and be like “...really?”
•Because what you HADN’T considered is that Dabi spent so much of his life with absolutely no control over his environment, he lived in constant fear of uncertainty. The only certainty he EVER had at home was pain.
•You provide him with total control. You never talk back, you never question him. You do as you’re told and then you say “Thank you Sir” in your sweet little voice no matter what depraved things he’s made you do for him. The absolute control he has with you makes him feel like he’s on top of the world! And you THANK him for it??? Way to stroke his massive ego while you’re at it, damn.
•You give him the stability he never thought he’d have, and the unconditional love and adoration and worship that he never thought he deserved. To him, you’re perfect. His perfect little angel. He would kill and die for you. He would get drunk off of your submission.
•He’d get bored of a brat pretty quickly, not as much of a power trip in his opinion. XP
•I feel like he doesn’t really go heavy on the praise, but when it DOES happen, when you’re on your knees worshipping his cock and using your talented mouth for what it’s MEANT to be used for, and he’s certain your mouth was meant for this, and he slides a hand into your hair grabbing a handful and tugging while his other hand grasps at any stable piece of furniture for some stability and groans out unfiltered praises in his deep gravelly voice??? It feels like you’re both on cloud nine, and nothing is ever going to tear you down from it.
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• Shinsou would love his precious little kitty cat and shower you with praise and adoration and gifts to reward you for being so good for him all the time. He is a quiet simp, and will the worship the ground you walk on.
• If you voiced your concern about being boring, he would just smile deviously and then back you up against a wall of your shared apartment and start kissing your neck and saying things like “What do you mean kitty cat, don’t we have fun?” And then he will spend the next few hours reminding you just how much fun you have together~~~
• He would make sure that you never worried about being boring again. He would have a wonderful time making you verbalize all the "fun" things you want him to do to you. The fact that he can make you say all those embarrassing things so easily and make you beg for him without a second thought from you makes him so unbelievably feral. He doesn't even have to use his quirk to make you do anything he wants, which makes him feel like the most powerful man that’s ever lived, although whenever you bat your pretty little eyes at him and beg him to "Pleeeaaaassseeee brainwash me and turn me into your puppet? Pretty please?”. He will melt, and he will HAVE to grant all his perfect little kitten’s wishes.
• The reason he absolutely adores your complete obedience and submission is the undying and unwavering trust you clearly have in him. To do all the things he asks of you, no matter how humiliating, without so much as a single complaint? It makes him lightheaded and he will tell you that there is only one feeling in the world better than that, and thats being in love with you. He’s such a sap.
• It's the trust he gets off on. Even after becoming a pro-hero, the media tends to treat him similarly to Aizawa. They have this sort of “scary vigilanty that barely operates within the law” angle on him, even though he isn’t scary at all, and he’s a wonderful hero. The public tends to like him, but in a wary sort of way. Some people are still afraid to look him in the eyes or respond to him at all. So the trust you openly display is intoxicating to him.
• And of course, as is most important, the fact that you trust him enough that you will use your safe word when you need to, knowing that he will immediately put a stop to whatever is going on and hold you tight and take care of you never fails to warm his heart. He is never disappointed when this happens because it shows just how much you TRUST him to take care of you and not abuse his power.
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• Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
•Okay so Aizawa is a different beast entirely.
•We all know Aizawa is a Daddy, and he expects his sweet little submissive baby to behave at all times. He’s HAD bratty subs before, and honestly, he finds them tiring. He can and WILL correct misbehaving subs with an iron fist, but over time he’s gotten tired of the whiny “make me”’s and the purposeful breaking of his carefully thought out rules.
•He deals with bratty teens all day, what makes you think he has the patience to deal with another brat at HOME? Nah.
•What he enjoys most about your near worshipful levels of obedience and submission is the level of respect you display to him. How much you truly want to please him and impress him. He finds it equally endearing and entertaining.
• You memorized every single one of his rules, every position, every expectation that he had of you, and you never failed to preform beautifully. He would never expect PERFECTION from a partner, per say, he’s perfectly lenient when and if you make an honest mistake, but he tells you all the time how perfect you are for him. He’ll tell you how much he loves the lengths at which you’ll go to please him.
• This man LIVES to tease you about how obedient you are, almost daring you to step out of line. You never take the bait though, you just get adorably embarrassed and pout at him while he teases you more. “Awe, what is it kitten? You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you like it when I tease you.” as he drags his thumb across your lower lip while it trembles, the deep bass of his voice reverebrating through your skull and turning you to mush.
•He layers the praise on THICK when you’ve earned it. Once he’s had his fun tormenting and teasing and edging you, he will fuck you slowly and deeply, agonizingly, and he will tell you what a good little slut you are for his cock and it’s ages before you realize that he’s prolonging your torture by fucking you this way and saying these things to you. He wants to see how far he can push you before you either break down into a pitiful mess of tears and pleas, or if maybe ther IS a needy little brat in there just waiting to come out. It’s always the former though, and he always loves getting you to that point. You’d do anything for him, and he knows it. He gets just a little high on it.
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•Mans wrote the BOOK on hero worship, and he expects you to worship.
•Pro-hero Dynamight expects nothing but perfection, and he expects you to measure up. He can tell a brat from a mile away, and I genuinely think he actively avoids them. He’s enough of a brat to for both of you anyway lmao
•I hope you like pain, because he’s the type to inflict it for fun and not just for punishment. A true sadist for the truest masochist.
•If you ever talked to Bakugou about your fear of being boring to him, I really hope you’re prepared for the consequences. “What??? You think if you were just some boring shitty extra that I’d honestly waste any time on you? Do you really think I’m that stupid???” Its all in an attempt to reassure you, but he will spend the rest of the night punishing you for thinking so lowly of yourself.
•No matter HOW good you seem to be, getting a praise out of this man is damn near IMPOSSIBLE, even when he IS pleased with you. Getting him to verbalize anything he’s happy about is a struggle, so you start to look for the subtle signs. You notice his hands trail lightly down your back when you handle the paddle better than the night before. The way he brushes your hair out of your face when he’s roughly fucking into you after a particularly frustrating day of hero work, and you don’t even bat an eye at his brutality. The soft smile you almost miss when you KNOW he’s had a rough day at work and meet him at the door, already on your knees in one of his favorite outfits and with dinner already cooking away on the stove. Sure, he usually cooks, but when all he has to do is come home and have you... He’s damn near ready to propose every time you do it because you are just. So. Good to him. Good for him. And on those days, when you’re both showered and warm in bed and he’s stroking your hair and half asleep, you can hear faint praises fall from his lips. You know he means them everyday, but it’s on these days when his stress is melted away completely by your touch and your love and he’s so filled with contentment and just by being with you that his heart and mind are relaxed enough to let a little vulnerability show. As a treat.
• He never thought he would feel like this about anyone. Never thought that anyone would ever measure up to his impossible standards, but you take all his gruffness in stride and throw it back at him by being warm and loving, following all of his rules, doing everything you can to make him happy, and treating him like a god. He can’t think of anything better than spending the rest of his life with you.
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nancydfan · 3 years
So I have been a fan of resident evil for a while now and I have to say without a shadow of a doubt Ethan is my favorite protagonist. I feel like the rest of the protagonists in the series are kinda the same, you’ve got the police/army guys (Leon and Chris) who are determined to save the world, and then with the rest of them they’re kinda the same, badass people willing to give their all to get rid of evil and return the world back to normal. And that’s fine, except it’s a kind of story that’s been told over and over again and not just in resident evil.
That’s why I love Ethan so much. He is a breath of fresh air that the series needed. And while yes, you can argue that his type of storyline has also been used a lot, it’s something that has never been explored in resident evil.
With the rest of the protagonists, they choose to fight. They volunteer to put themselves in horrifying scenarios for the greater good.
Ethan isn’t like that.
He’s literally just your typical average dude. He has a normal job, and has a relatively normal life which he was happy to spend with Mia until she went missing.
In RE7 Ethan doesn’t volunteer to deal with the horrors that he faces. He just wanted his wife back, and even after 3 years he still loves her enough to drop everything and rush out to find her.
When I finished RE7, I liked Ethan as a main character, but it was RE8 that made me fall in love with him. In RE7 there were a lot of times when he just didn’t respond or kind of reacts underwhelmingly, but I think this is less of his character and more of Capcom trying to make you feel more like Ethan and having him react too much might take you out of feeling like the main character is you.
Of course his actions are still very reflective of him, like when he first enters the house and has to “kill” Mia the first time, when she reaches out to him he reaches right back, implying that he regrets what just happened and that he still wants her to be okay, no matter what is wrong with her.
I know Jacksepticeye said one of the reasons why he doesn’t like Ethan is because he doesn’t have a character arc, but I disagree. Like I said, Ethan goes from not being very vocal at times/ underwhelming reactions in RE7 to I feel the exact opposite in 8; he talks a lot more with lines that make sense, and you can feel his emotions at times even with just seeing his hands. Now one can argue that Capcom just wrote Ethan differently, which I can see.
But I feel as though Ethan has changed- in the first game, he’s scared and confused, and finally ends on frustration as the game nears its end. In RE8 he is angry, angry that his life keeps getting turned on it’s head because of some stupid mold. He is angry, and fueled by his grief and determination to save the only family (he thinks) he has left. He is 100% done with everything and has honestly given his last fuck a long time ago.
And again, this is what makes him special- he doesn’t necessarily care about the mold, about Miranda or any of the “bigger issue” things- he just wants his family. In 7 he just wants to get his wife and get out of there, and In 8 he just wants to save his daughter. He didn’t sign up to be a hero, to save the world from it’s own creations. He just wants his family.
And honestly that’s what makes him more human and alive to me than the rest of the protagonists- the rest of them kind of just feel like characters with their (almost cheesy) need to take on insurmountable problems to save the world. But Ethan is different, he’s just a man who probably just wants to do his taxes in peace and have a normal, quiet life. The rest of the protagonists, though I’m sure would love to quit, wouldn’t change their jobs or their situations because they know someone has to do it and it might as well be them. But not Ethan. If he had the choice than he’d make it so none of this ever happened, and that he and his family never have to be involved in something like this again.
Which is why I think this is what makes his sacrifice so much more tragic. With any of the other protagonists yes we would be sad but we’d find comfort in knowing that they died doing what they loved (saving people), and wouldn’t have it any other way.
But Ethan is different.
He didn’t want to sacrifice himself- we can see that in the way he struggles with Chris to get out, to stay in one piece for his daughter because he wants to be there for her. He went through hell and he just wants to see his little girl grow up. And when he hears Mia’s alive that want only grows more because he has a chance to have his family back, but I think he knows he can’t. He’s falling apart, his body has dealt with so much and kept him alive but not for much longer. And so even though he desperately wants to go back with Chris, after hearing Mia’s alive he knows he can let go. I think another part of why he was fighting so hard to escape with Chris is because he didn’t want Rose to live without both of her parents, but when he hears Mia’s alive he realizes that Rose will be okay, she will at least have one parent. He is so tired, so tired of fighting that even though he hates the fact that he can’t go back with her (you can physically hear the pain in his voice when he says “Goodbye Rosemary”), he knows that it’s something he has to do.
And he isn’t happy or content with sacrificing himself. In fact this is the last thing he wanted, which again is what makes it so heart wrenching. After all the pain he’s been through he doesn’t even get to see his daughter grow up, doesn’t get to grow old with his wife, his painful adventure to get his family back ends just as painfully as he pulls the trigger to destroy the mold.
This is why Ethan is special to me. Ethan is just a man who wanted to be happy with his family, not some stereotypical stone cold hero who would gladly give up his life for the greater good. He is truly unique and in a way I saw myself in him and his personality, which is what crushed me so much when he died. I wanted him to have a good ending and he got handed a shitty end. I really hope Capcom gives him a good resolution, one where he doesn’t have to be a main character at all but at least give us something where we know he’s okay and reunited with his family.
Sorry for getting weepy and deep lol, it’s just I really love Ethan and have no one to talk about how upset I am at his ending lol. Thanks for listening to my rant!
Oh my dear nonnie you’re always welcome to rant in my inbox. Long or not, thoughts, etc. that’s why my box is always open :)
And just so you know, I’m currently crying in an airport lobby over Ethan Winters 😆
I’m on mobile so I won’t be able to properly respond probably except to say you are absolutely right on all of these things. He really is such a stark contrast to the rest of the RE heroes and that’s what makes him so special to me too. He is just a man. A man who does everything he can for his family. All he wants to do is be left alone to love his wife and raise his daughter. I keep thinking of that scene in re8 where he’s talking to the doc. That is the Ethan Winters Capcom refuses to let us see all that much. Easy, happy, carefree moment. There’s a lightness to his voice. He doesn’t care about the problems of the world. That isn’t his job too. And it’s unbelievably tragic that not only does he get pulled into this twice (with three years of suffering for Mia before Dulvey and then the heartache of her “murder” and Rose’s kidnapping), he then dies in the end???? He doesn’t even get the reward to live with his wife and daughter? WHAT DID ETHAN WINTERS DO TO YOU, CAPCOM!!?
also overcome? Miss me w that bullshit. Y’all blew him to smithereens.
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I swear if Capcom doesn’t bring him back in some way I don’t know how I’ll proceed w this series. I love Leon and Claire and Jill a lot too but nothing like Ethan. And I’m super not interested in getting my heart ripped out every few years. Especially w a new protagonist.
Ethan is just the perfect representation of deserved better. He pays his taxes on time, probably helps that old lady down the street whose husband just died. Tells the same joke we’ve all heard a thousand times to the point only Mia and him are laughing at it. He would be there for every parent teacher conference and up at 130 with a flashlight chasing away the monsters from Rose’s closet. The world may be crazy somewhere but he’s content to just be here with his family.
And Capcom took all of that away. I don’t think I’ll ever not be angry about it.
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hawkland · 3 years
My (mostly) Destiel Recs, Round-up #6
Well, between working like crazy on my DCBB fic and GISH and injuring my neck last month I haven’t kept up with my rec posts, so this one is going to be LONG and have a LOT and I’m going to try to break it up into sections, from oldies but goodies (some things I found on very old rec lists) to smutty delights to just tasty little bits of fluff, hopefully there’s something or everyone here. Most of these are not super-long, largely in the 10-25k range, though there are a few beyond that. With all the stuff I’ve had going on I haven’t wanted to lose sleep diving into 100k epics (especially when I’m writing my own right now, lol.)
“Oldies” but Goodies:  Here are two great fics written some time way back when but that still definitely slap.
Theodicy by manic_intent (11k) - Probably the most brilliant Godstiel fic I’ve read to date. One of Cas’s first acts as the new god is to make a new archangel. Dean isn’t exactly on board with having his soul re-sculpted into wings he hates on sight (especially as they seem magnetically drawn to Cas), but he isn’t exactly given a choice. He, Sam and Bobby struggle with how to handle their former friend suddenly becoming a vindictive deity - trying to make plans to kill him if they must, which is pretty hard when it seems like Cas is always one step ahead of him. Can Dean hold on to enough of his humanity to provide a conscience to Cas and try to steer him toward good acts instead of destruction? This is one that I can’t say has a perfectly happy ending, but it’s a hopeful and imperfect one that’s just right for how the story plays out. 
My Eyes Are An Ocean by entanglednow (10k) - Season 5 AU where Dean averts the apocalypse through a spell that “powers up” all the angels and he sees Cas’s true form - before being rendered blind. Dean tries to adjust to his blindness, Cas tries to deal with his guilt, and it’s just a lovely little read with an ending that’s... *chef’s kiss*
Lots more recs below the cut:
More great reads from some of my favorite authors I’ve recced before:
The Cabin on the Lake by DeanRH (21k) - This may be my new favorite DeanRH fic...at least for the moment. The year is 2152, Sam and Dean are long gone to Heaven, while Cas - stuck somewhere between mortal and angel - remains on Earth keeping vigil, keeping up the hunt, assuming he’ll never see either Winchester ever again. But when he starts hearing things, and imagining Dean visiting him as an angel himself, he starts losing grip on what is and isn’t real, and whether he can trust anything he sees or believes to be the truth. This is one hell of a psychological rollercoaster that kept me guessing right along with Cas until the very end. It also has some super-creepy horror elements, a novel “monster of the week”, and the hot-as-sin smut scenes I always expect from this author.
X Marks the Scot by DeanRH (15.9k) A fun little romp through history in one of this author’s great not-quite-au fics. Crowley sends Dean and Sam back in history to the Scottish Highlands to stop a monster, and while there they meet a blue-eyed clan chief who makes Dean weak in the knees. There’s something familiar about him, too. a very clever au that ties back to canon for an unexpected fix-it. Also, Cas in a kilt. Enough said.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon by DeanRH (12k) - Sweet and slightly angsty AU. What if Dean was a gardener in ancient Babylon when a strange dignitary came to warn that the tower under construction was to be destroyed by angels? Lush, romantic and sexy with some wonderful tie-ins to canon characterizations (of Dean, Sam, John and of course Cas).
sufficient for thee by angelfishofthelord (21k) - This is a beautiful Cas angst-fest and character study that reimagines how angel grace works, particularly in regards to healing others. It covers the whole of Cas’s arc from Season 4 through a post-series fix-it, is absolutely stunning and features some great world-building in regards to the angels. (One important TW: those with cutting/self-harm issues may wish to skip or at least proceed with caution). I love that I can always count on angelfishofthelord when I need a good dose of Cas!whump and pain.
And laugh at gilded butterflies by ireallydidthistomyself (13k) - another great Dadstiel fic from this author featuring one of my favorite angsty subjects! I don’t know how I missed reading this one before. An AU where Cas is raising (baby)Jack on his own until the angels find the two of them and prepare to seal Jack away in the Ma’lak box. Cas begs them to let him go with Jack, so at least Jack won’t be alone for eternity. Meanwhile Dean is frantically trying to find what happened to Cas, and he gets some unexpected help from Crowley.  It’s sad and sweet and all the characterizations are great. A+ Crowley use here, too.
what stays (and what fades away) by dothraki_shieldmaiden (64k) - a fabulous read with some great art, too, that started me reading a bunch of fic from this author. Cas goes missing, and when he’s found he seems deep under a spell. When they finally manage to awaken him, he doesn’t remember anything of this life with Dean, Sam and Cas in the bunker. The last thing he knew he was a nurse living with his wonderful husband, Dean, and their two adopted children, Jack and Claire. What I loved about this one was the clever twist as to who was behind Cas’s curse and also how well-developed his AU world/existence was. I’m not generally keen on mundane aus or the one-dimensional way a lot of djinn dream fics tend to go for them, but this one managed to capture a believable version of Dean and Cas living a “normal” life without monsters without making it sugary/too-sweet. 
before knowing remembers by dothraki_shieldmaiden (14k) Post 15x04, a wonderful fic that plays with some meta topics in a clever way. Dean and Sam are happy - they have free will and they’ve won against Chuck, even if they suffered some big losses along the way (including Jack). But Dean can’t help but think he’s forgetting something...or rather, someone. Yet every time he thinks he remembers, the name and face of that someone slips from his mind. 
weights on my ankles by dothraki_shieldmaiden (9k) Post-15x03 where Cas ends up going back to the Gas ‘n Sip and working with Nora after leaving the bunker. A bitter sweet divorce-arc AU and what I love the most is how it ends - not perfect, not tragic, just very real and believable. 
15x18 and Post-canon fix-it fics:
Orbital Velocity Around a Celestial Body by LeverDrift (26k) - An angsty but lovely fix-it fic, one where it gets worse for a while before it gets better. Dean pulls Cas from the Empty, where he’d been living in a fantasy world with a dream!Dean who was giving him everything real!Dean is certain he can’t. Dean has to struggle with wondering if Cas would have been better off with dream!Dean instead of him. This is one that will break your heart before putting it back together again as Dean struggles with his self-worth issues.
so good at crashing in by Wintertree (36k) - Another post-finale fix-it where Cas is back, the world is saved, and things are still...not as easy as it should be for either Dean nor Cas. Monsters are gone, there’s no more hunting to be done, and Cas wants to move out of the bunker somewhere closer to Claire, to move on with a proper human life. Dean thinks he can move there with Cas and stay as “best friends”, even to the extent that Cas encourages him to go out and have sex with others/women. (And wants to hear about it after the fact!) But can Dean figure out what he really wants, and what Cas wants as well? A refreshingly unique take on what a post-series life could have looked like for them.
Delicious smut:
Empty by squirrelofcelestialintent (43k) - Every day this fandom makes me rethink my previous squicks and DNWs in fanfic. Here I find myself enjoying quite a bit more dom/sub elements than I normally ever would! I think because I was absolutely drawn in by the breathtaking first chapter, capturing beautifully the emotions of Cas returning from the Empty in Season 13 if he and Dean had confessed their feelings right then and there. But Dean’s self-worth is all fucked up, he feels there’s no way he can be good enough for Cas, especially when his sexual desires run a little bit...let’s just say outside the vanilla and he’s struggling with shame over doing sex work when he was younger. This was HOT and POOR SAM really gets stuck in the middle of, well, hearing more about his brother’s sex life than he ever needed to.
He's My Mate by Hatsonhamburgers (22k) - This fic manages the delightful combination of humor and extreme hotness perfectly. Dean and Cas catch each other in some questionable masturbation situations. This leads Cas to decide he needs to buy Dean some proper sex toys. He’s just helping his best friend out, right? Sure. As I said, hysterical AND hot as hell. 
Generals by nanoochka (9k) - Cas/Dean, Cas/Balthazar/Dean, implied past-Cas/Balthazar. An old LJ fic I found on an ancient rec list that is just scorching hot and a brilliant character study of Cas and Dean. Balthazar decides to invite himself in when he catches Dean and Cas engaging in some frisky business, and it turns into a bit of a power-play between the two soldiers of Heaven. Cas gets DP’ed and it’s all...well. It’s fucking good, read it.
The One With The Preening by HolyFuckingHell (5.5k) Can I do a rec post without including some wing!kink/wing!grooming in it? No, I can’t. (I also really enjoyed some of the other fics in this author’s series including The One With Dean's Horny Movies).
A Single Point of Light by Destina (2.4k) - This is a gorgeous Cas/Dean/Benny Purgatory short! A delicious balance of the two each caring for and caring about Dean in their own, protective ways, definitely a delight for any fans of this threesome.
Short and sweet, fluff to angst:
Snugglebird by almaasi (5.3k) - So, so soft and sweet and snuggly, just like the title. Dean’s things are disappearing from the bunker...and so, suddenly, has Cas. What’s going on? I do love my nesting!Cas fics, so...yeah. If you need a smile this is a good one to read :)
And Cleanse Me From My Sin by thisisapaige (1.6k) - another one for my beloveds who also enjoy wing grooming and sweet Dean-taking-care-of-Cas fluff.
Needle and Thread by Misachan (4k) - Season 5 wing!fic hurt/comfort. Cas’s wings are badly injured, Dean doesn’t quite know what he’s doing, but he’s stitched up Sam and himself enough times. He can do this. If you love caretaker!Dean and vulnerable!Cas don’t overlook this little gem.
Deceptive Preludes by sp8ce (2.7k) - One of those stories that delves into some of the difficulties Cas might have after coming back from the Empty a second time, especially in regards to accepting what’s real or not, understanding Dean, and how both of their communication issues can add to their struggles. Painful but hopeful for the future, felt very believable as I read it.
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