#was the fact he could actually take a man’s life a revelation for him or
benispunk · 25 days
Good Company
logan howlett x reader
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hello!!! guess who's back with a new story...I'm actually a bit nervous about it because I haven't (fully) written a reader insert fic in so long and I don't even know if it's a good depiction of the characters😭 anyway keep in mind that it was hard to write that, English is not my first language, and that I also want to write more, but I'm kind of shy around here. Okay enough about me. Enjoy!!
Wade worries that he’s seriously messed up with Logan, thinking he’s done something so bad that Logan might actually want to destroy him. Unsure of what went wrong, he turns to Y/n, Logan’s girlfriend, for advice.
TW: language, and Wade Wilson I guess.
Y/n was enjoying a quiet evening at her apartment, curled up on her couch with a book, when she heard loud knocks on the door. It was so insistent that she couldn’t help but roll her eyes, already suspecting who it was.
She opened the door to find Wade standing there, with a pizza box in one hand and a six-pack of beer in the other.
« Wade? » She raised an eyebrow. « What are you doing here? »
The man in question grinned brightly, shoving the pizza box toward her face as if it were an offering from a royal subject. « Surprise! I come in peace with gifts, for you, your majesty. I know, I know, you’re probably thinking ‘why is my most handsome friend standing at my door on this particular Friday evening, when I could be enjoying some alone time’- but here’s the thing, I was in the neighborhood, and I needed an excuse to come and see you, sunshine. »
Y/n’s skepticism deepened, her eyebrow arching even higher. « You were in the neighborhood? »
He shrugged, unbothered by the disbelief in her voice. « Fine, I was bored and I needed to see you and get away from the apartment. »
She frowned slightly, trying to figure out if there was more to this visit than he was letting on. « Alright, Wade. Come on in. »
Wade didn’t need a second invitation. He strolled into the apartment, setting the pizza and beer on the coffee table before flopping down on the couch with the ease of someone who had done this a thousand times before. Y/n followed, sitting beside him, her curiosity piqued.
« Okay, spill it. What’s going on? » Y/n asked, tilting her head as she studied him.
Wade cracked open a beer, took a long sip, and then let out a dramatic sigh. « First, I did really miss you and I’m so happy to see you »
Y/n softened at that, a small smile playing on her lips. « I’m happy to see you too, Wade. But what is it? »
« Second… » Wade’s usual bravado faltered slightly as he searched for the right words. « You know how Logan’s got that permanent scowl like he’s auditioning for ‘Grumpiest Man Alive’? Lately, though, it feels like he’s been directing all that grumpiness at me. I’m used to him being grumpy—kind of comes with the territory—but now it’s like he’s gone from ‘mildly annoyed’ to ‘seriously, get out of my sight.’ »
He paused, looking down at the beer in his hand, his fingers fidgeting with the label. « And I know I’m an asshole and I annoy him every single minute of his life- like a sugar rush and a headache all rolled into one- but he’s been kind of on the verge of trashing down the place all because of one stupid joke. So I’ve been trying, or at least I think so, to be less…the annoying bitch that I am, but I feel like he’s getting worse with me? I’m trying to laugh it off, but honestly, it’s kind of eating at me, Y/n. You’re pretty much the Logan-whisperer—got any insights? »
Y/n’s expression softened at Wade’s revelation. She reached over and squeezed his arm gently. « Logan’s got a lot on his mind and, as you may know, he doesn’t know how to deal with that. And I think that, because he doesn't know how to express all of those things, and the fact that it takes a lot for him to open up, he might be pushing you away. He did the same thing with me at the beginning of our relationship. It was fuckin’ hard to deal with but I couldn’t let him do that. »
« Yeah, but your his girl. It's different. What if he decides he’s done with me? I mean, who else is gonna put up with my charming personality and endless movie references? » Wade’s attempt at humor fell flat, his unease still evident. 
She chuckled softly, shaking her head.
« Sorry, I just- It’s just that I- ugh. Do I need to pay you at the end of this therapy session, counselor? »
« Go on, Wade. » Y/n urged, her tone gentle but firm.
He sighed, leaning back against the couch. « He’s my buddy. I don’t want to lose him. And I especially don’t want to be the reason he’s leaving me. I would rather have you telling him to stop being friends with me. If he even considers me as a friend…»
Y/n cut him off, her voice firm. « Of course, he does! You’re his friend, Wade. Probably one of the best at that. Never doubt that, trust me. And I’m sorry he has you feeling that way. Those walls he put up around himself, it’s not for his own safety, he truly believes that he’s a danger for others. Whatever he does to you, it’s because he cares too much about you to be a burden in your life. He’s a fucking idiot for that, yes. It hurts even more to know that, yes. And I’m certainly not trying to defend him, but you should know that I had to work hard to break those damn walls. »
Wade stared at her, a mixture of hope and disbelief in his eyes. « You know, for someone who spends so much time with a guy who barely talks, you’re pretty good at this whole talking thing. »
She smiled, her heart warming at the sight of Wade starting to relax. « Takes a lot of practice. »
As they settled into their usual banter, Wade felt a little lighter, knowing that Y/n understood his concerns and had reassured him. Logan might be tough to figure out, but with Y/n in the picture, Wade felt like maybe things would be okay.
He grinned, the familiar mischief returning to his eyes. « I’ll fight for our man »
Y/n laughed, shaking her head in amusement. « You’re ridiculous. »
Wade took another sip of his beer, his grin widening. « Yeah, but you love me for it. »
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the fond smile that tugged at her lips. « Yeah, I guess I do. »
Logan found himself standing outside Y/n’s apartment door, hesitating. He could hear muffled sounds of laughter from inside, recognizing Wade’s loud one. With a heavy sigh, he pushed the door open.
Inside, Y/n and Wade were on the couch, a pizza box and empty beer bottles cluttered on the coffee table. Wade was in the middle of an animated story, and Y/n was smiling at him. The sight made his chest tighten. He’d been so wrapped up in his own head lately that he hadn’t even noticed how much he was distancing himself from all of this. 
Wade spotted him first, grinning from ear to ear. « Hey, Logan. Decided to join the party after all? »
Logan grunted, closing the door a little harsher than he intended, making Y/n jumped at the sound. « Didn’t expect to find you here. »
Y/n smile faded slightly, sensing the tension in the room. She moved on the couch, making space for Logan beside her. « We were just hanging out, figured you might want to join us » she said.
Logan hesitated, his eyes lingering on Wade for a moment before he finally sat down. The silence that followed was thick, the easy banter from earlier replaced by a heavy, unspoken tension. Y/n could feel Logan’s frustration radiating off him, and Wade’s nervous energy was practically palpable.
« So… » Wade started, trying to fill the uncomfortable silence. « You, uh, missed some prime pizza. And I even saved you a slice. It’s in the kitchen, waiting for you, like a good little slice of heaven. »
Logan just grunted again, staring at the coffee table instead of acknowledging the gesture. Y/n felt the tension mounting and knew she had to do something before things got worse.
She gently nudged Logan with her elbow, giving him a small, encouraging smile. « Maybe you should eat something. Might help you feel better. »
Logan glanced at her, his hard exterior softening just a bit under her gaze. But before he could respond, Wade cleared his throat, drawing both of their attention back to him.
« Listen, Logan, » Wade began, his usual bravado faltering as he tried to sound casual. « I know I’m not exactly Mr. Sensitivity, but…have I done something to piss you off more than usual? You’ve been, uh, a little more…murderous lately, and I’m starting to think it’s not just my charming personality. »
Logan frowned. « What are you talking about? You’re always fucking annoying, bub. »
Wade forced a laugh, but there was an edge of vulnerability in his voice that Logan couldn’t ignore. « Yeah, I know, but it feels like I’m more of a target than usual. Like, did I cross some line? Or is it just me being my usual, lovable self? »
Y/n squeezed Logan’s hand gently, trying to ground him.
He looked at her, his frustration battling with the guilt that was slowly taking over. Admitting that something was wrong was never easy for him. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, clearly conflicted.
« It’s not…It’s not you, Wade, » Logan finally muttered, though his tone was still gruff. « I’ve got a lot of stuff on my mind and, uh, I guess I’ve been taking it out on you. »
Wade’s expression shifted, a mixture of relief and concern. « Okay, so…what’s on your mind, then? Maybe I can help. Or, at least, I can try to stop doing whatever it is that’s making you want to claw my face off. »
Logan didn’t answer right away, his eyes darting between Wade and Y/n. He could see the worry in her eyes, the way she was trying to keep the peace between them. It only made him feel worse. He wasn’t used to people caring so much, and it unsettled him.
« It’s nothing you can help with, » Logan said after a long pause, his voice softer now. « Just…shit I’m dealing with. Doesn’t mean I hate you, Wade. Just means I’m not great at dealing with stuff. Also, you’re still a pain in the ass. »
Wade nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing just a little. « Okay, I can get that. I appreciate it. But, you know, I’m not exactly great at feelings and all that, but I’m here if you need to… I don’t know, punch something or whatever. »
Logan managed a small smile at that, finally meeting Wade’s gaze. « Yeah, I know that. Thanks. »
Wade grinned, his usual energy starting to return. “Well, now that we’ve had our little therapy session, how about we crack open another beer and watch a good movie? It’s like the ultimate bonding experience. And what’s the best thing for that? A fucking musical.”
Logan’s expression immediately soured. « You’ve got to be kidding me. »
Wade’s grin only grew. « Oh yeah, peanut! »
Y/n laughed, her eyes twinkling with excitement as Logan let out an exaggerated groan, his shoulders slumping as he reluctantly gave in.
Wade chuckled and patted Logan on the back. « Let’s fucking go. »
As they settled onto the couch, Logan couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement. Despite his grumbling, there was a genuine warmth in his eyes as he looked at Y/n and Wade. He found himself laughing at Wade’s over-the-top dance moves and Y/n’s infectious joy.
Logan glanced at his girlfriend, who was practically glowing with happiness as she sang along to the movie’s songs. It was clear he was enjoying himself, even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud.
Later that night, after Wade had left and they were alone again, Logan stayed behind at Y/n’s apartment. He was still living with Wade but coming back home after tonight wasn’t the best idea. He needed the calm he found in Y/n’s home. They sat together on the couch, the remnants of their evening scattered around them.
« You know, you handled that pretty well. » she said softly.
Logan let out a long breath, leaning back against the couch. « Yeah, well, didn’t feel like it at the time. »
« But you did, and that’s what matters. » she insisted, turning to look at him.
He looked down at her, his gaze softening as he reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. « I don’t know what I’d do without you. »
She smiled, leaning into his touch. « Lucky for you, you won’t have to find out. »
Logan pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on top of her head. For the first time in a while, he felt like things were starting to make sense again.
He tilted his head slightly, brushing his lips against the top of her head. She lifted her head up, catching his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mixture of affection and relief. Logan's eyes softened as he looked at her, the weight of the past few days seeming to lift.
He leaned in, pressing his lips against hers, soft and slow, as if she was made of glass. The most precious thing in his heart. Y/n's hands found their way to the back of his neck, pulling him closer as she deepened the kiss.
When they finally pulled back, their foreheads rested together, both of them breathing a little heavier.
Logan searched her eyes, his voice soft and sincere, a contrast to his usual gruff. « I love you. »
Y/n’s lips curled up. « I love you too, Lo. »
For the first time in a while, he felt a deep sense of peace. And as they sat there, surrounded by the soft glow of the apartment, he knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they’d be okay. They’ll always find a way.
Thank you for reading <3
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elliethefroggy · 14 days
Operation Seduction
One night when Buck is a bit tipsy, he takes one of those online sexuality tests. The internet informs him that he’s bisexual.
After he sobers up, he starts to consider the possibility that he’s not as straight as he’d previously thought. He takes a few weeks to discretely stare at pretty men. Reads through some forums. Wanders into a few gay bars. Has one very messy make-out session with a man in one of those gay bars (it’s for science).
Thanks to his very scientific research, he realises that not everything you read on the internet is a lie, and that yes, he’s bisexual.
But that realisation doesn’t change the fact that he’s looking for a long-term commitment, no longer interested in flings and one night stands. He wants to settle down.
Though thanks to his recent revelation, this does mean that his dating pool has significantly expanded, allowing room for a whole new gender.
Then in waltzes Tommy, here to save the day. Here to fly them into a literal hurricane. Tommy Kinard. Hot pilot extraordinaire with an amazing cleft chin, an even better ass, pecks Buck wants to smother himself with, and attractive amount of confidence to boot.
How could Buck resist?
But before he gets ahead of himself, Buck has to figure out if Tommy is actually attracted to men. This is rendered easy by the fact that Chimney can’t keep a secret to save his life and is always willing to wax poetic about how cool Tommy is. One not-so-subtle interrogation later, Buck is now aware that Tommy is both very gay and very single.
The next obvious step is to see if Tommy is attracted to Buck. Now Buck knows how to pick up woman. He’s very good at it. He imagines it can’t be that much different to pick up men (if his one make-out session with a man was anything to go by).
But Buck is a changed man. He is Buck 4.0. He doesn’t want to hook up with Tommy. He doesn’t want a one-night stand or a messy make out session in a dark corner of a bar. He doesn’t want to start dating Tommy immediately after sleeping with him only for their relationship to fizzle out a few months down the line because of lack of communication and a misunderstanding of each other’s wants and needs.
So he tests the waters first. Starts hanging out with Tommy more. Gets an invite to those pub quizzes. Takes Tommy up on those flying lessons. Invites Tommy out to as many pretentious craft breweries he can find (that’s another hot tip he weaseled out of Chim).
During all this, his shorts get smaller and smaller. His tops get skimpier and more form-fitting. He wears less sleeves. He starts discreetly flexing in Tommy’s company. He rushes to the gym area whenever Tommy visits the fire station, showing off how much he can lift. He also uses any excuse to take his shirt off around Tommy to the point of pretending to spill greek yogurt all over his front on two occasions.
Buck pays close attention to Tommy’s every expression. He notices when Tommy’s eyes linger on the almost indecent amount of skin Buck is showing. Notices Tommy staring at Buck’s biceps whenever Buck forgoes sleeves. Notices Tommy’s gaze slide down to Buck’s lips whenever they’ve had a little too much fancy craft beer.
Operation Seduction is a go.
Buck ever so slowly starts making their hangouts more and more romantic.
At first, it’s just sandwiches on a bench in a nice park after a shared workout session.
Yes, he did stake out the park beforehand.
Yes, he did choose a nice, secluded bench where they wouldn’t bothered by too many people.
Yes, the bench just so happens to be located next to a very nice flower bed.
And yes, he did spend an hour preparing these sandwiches before the gym, and they tasted fucking fantastic. Admittedly, the deliciousness of the sandwiches does become detrimental when Tommy bites into his and moans around his mouthful.
He takes Tommy out to a nice restaurant with low lighting, cosy booths and excellent pasta. No candles on the table yet, though; it’s too soon for candles. But, the tables are small enough that Buck and Tommy’s long legs are pressed together during the whole meal.
He starts carrying around Tommy’s favourite snacks whenever he has a flying lesson.
(Buck’s heard that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and Buck is taking that very seriously).
Buck thinks his plan is going brilliantly, that he’s the height of discretion.
Tommy being Tommy, he notices all of this. From Buck’s outfits losing more and more fabric to the ever-closing distance between their bodies. He lets it play out for while, wanting to see where Buck goes with whatever he’s doing, but all Buck does is shower him in ever more delicious sandwiches.
It’s not until they’re having a not-officially-romantic walk along the beach as the sun is setting that Tommy finally asks the question he’s been puzzling over for a few weeks.
“What exactly is going on here, Evan?” Tommy asks.
“What do you mean?” Buck asks back, knowing exactly what Tommy is referring to, but trying to buy himself a little time. He’s figuratively hitting himself over the head because of course a sunset walk along the beach was too obvious. They should have gone bowling instead; there’s nothing romantic about bowling shoes.
“Come on,” Tommy says, “The fancy dinners, the even fancier sandwiches, the sunset walks,” he says, waving at the beach they were standing on, the gentle orange rays turning everything soft and golden.
“Ah. Right. That.” Buck says, pondering what to say. He settles on honesty because he would have had to admit to his plan eventually though that was meant to be at the end of Part 3 of Operation Seduction, and he’s only half way through Part 2. “Well, I’m attempting to seduce you.”
It takes a moment for the words to truly register in Tommy’s mind. And then hope inches its way in.
Because Tommy had an inkling that Evan was attracted to him. But he hadn’t allowed the hope to grow; he’d been burned one too many times when it came to romance.
Tommy enjoys Evan’s company, enjoys it more than he probably should. Evan was a fun, lovable man with a beautiful personality and the face to match. What’s not to like. But Tommy hadn’t wanted to ruin their growing friendship by testing out if Evan really liked him or not.
And here’s Evan, having the courage to try what Tommy could not.
“If you’re not interested, I’ll stop immediately, of course. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Evan says when Tommy is quiet for too long.
“I never said I wasn’t interested.” Tommy says immediately, and then watches as a gigantic and oh so sincere smile blossoms on Evan’s face. Tommy can’t do anything but smile back.
“That’s good. Because I really like you,” Evan says.
“Yeah?” Tommy asks, trying to not sound as breathless as he feels because that hope that he has been beating down with a broom is rising up tenfold.
“Yeah,” Evan says, “Does this mean I can continue seducing you?”
“Seduce away,” Tommy says, then adds because he wants Evan to understand, “But you do know I don’t need all that?” Tommy is more than willing to start making out with Evan on the spot now that he knows he hasn’t been imagining all the wanting looks Evan’s been sending his way.
“But I want to,” Evan says, “It’s just, well, I’ve been told that I sometimes take things too fast, especially with dating, and I’m trying to be better about that. I want to be better. I want to do this properly. You’re the kind of person who deserves it. You deserve to be properly courted.”
“Courted? I’m being courted now.”
“Yes.” Evan nods. And Evan means every word, and Tommy sees that, and Tommy really wants that.
“Okay,” Tommy says because what else do you say when a hot, sincere, wonderful guy informs you that he wants to court you in the 21st century? You agree.
After that conversation, they are both on the same page. They’re not dancing around each other, they’re actively dancing towards one another. Though it’s less dancing and more Evan sashaying towards Tommy, a peacock strutting about with its tail feathers out on full display. They both know full well where this is going, how this dance ends, and they’re both happy to take their time on the journey there.
(Though Tommy is a bit impatient to get to the kissing part because he thinks he’ll enjoy kissing Evan quite a lot. But the joy on Evan’s face whenever Evan gets to do something even remotely romantic for Tommy makes the wait worthwhile.)
Once Buck has Tommy’s full permission to continue with seducing him, Operation Seduction goes to a whole new level. No longer needing to be subtle with his interest, Buck gleefully skips all the way to Part 5.
He goes on full seductor mode.
And Tommy has no idea what to do with himself. He hadn’t realised how much Evan was holding back until Tommy gave him the ‘go ahead’, but having Evan’s full attention on him is a thing to behold.
There are hikes in the hills surrounding LA accompanied by picnics at the very top with spectacular views and spectacular company (and also sandwiches that somehow get even fancier).
There is even more craft beer in places so obscure that even Tommy’s never heard of.
There are movie nights filled to the brim with some of Tommy’s favourite romcoms.
It’s not until Evan takes them to a drive-in movie of Love Actually that Tommy realises Evan has an informant, but Tommy is having so much fun that he doesn’t give Chim shit for revealing all his secrets to Evan.
Evan opens the door for Tommy at every opportunity he can get. When they drive somewhere together, Evan will ask Tommy to wait so that Evan can rush around the car to open Tommy’s door for him all the while Tommy stares at him bemused, but charmed all the same.
There are candle-lit dinners with rose petals scattered over the tablecloth. Tommy’s being showered in so many amazing home-cooked meals that he considers upping his work-outs just so he can eat more of them.
And flowers. There are so many flowers. The first time Evan offers him a bouquet, Tommy doesn't know what to say; no one has ever given him flowers before. Tommy couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. He’s sure Evan noticed because barely a week later, he gets another bouquet. Tommy had to go and buy himself a vase because he didn’t have anywhere to put them.
Throughout all of this, Evan is constantly asking Tommy if something is ok, checking in to make sure Tommy isn’t uncomfortable.
On their second sunset walk along a beach, Evan asks Tommy if he can hold Tommy’s hand. And of course, Tommy says yes. Evan’s hand is about as big as Tommy’s, and it’s so warm in Tommy’s own.
After that, Evan is always asking to hold Tommy’s hand no matter where they are or what they’re doing. Tommy says yes every single time. Even if it’s during a long hike or just after a gym session together when their hands are both sweaty and disgusting. And despite doing it so often, Evan always has that big smile on his face whenever Tommy agrees. Tommy is just the same.
But after a few weeks, the anxiety starts creeping in.
Because Tommy’s not used to this. Not used to so much effort being put into dating him (Are they even dating yet? Tommy’s not sure; it definitely feels like dating. But when in the courting process is Tommy allowed to call it dating? He should ask Evan for clarification.)
When it comes to romantic relationships, Tommy is usually the one doing all the work, coming up with all the outing ideas. He’s not used to the reverse, and he’s not completely sure how he’s meant to act in this situation.
When he asks Evan if he should be returning the seduction, Evan smiles at him and says, “You ask me that as though you haven’t already inadvertently seduced me. That terrible fake mouth static really did it for me.”
Evan informs him that he’s meant to sit back and enjoy the ride, nothing more. And so Tommy does.
(Tommy does also ask if they’re allowed to call it dating yet, but according to Evan’s clipboard and the very detailed spreadsheet attached to the clipboard, it is still too early call it dating. Tommy nods in agreement when Evan informs him of that, but Tommy still calls it dating in his head.)
(Tommy tries to ignore how hot and bothered it makes him to see Evan with the clipboard because, according to the spreadsheet, what he wants to do to Evan is not in the cards any time soon.)
But then it’s Buck’s turn to be anxious. The last time he took it this slow was with Abby, and that did not end well.
Despite the very detailed plan, despite all the thought he’s put into Operation Seduction, he wonders if maybe he’s taking it too far.
He knows not everyone likes this pedantic side of him, especially when he’s got a clipboard at hand.
When he shares these worries with Tommy, when he suggests that maybe they give up the plan entirely and just admit that they’ve basically already been dating for months, Tommy refuses.
“You made a colour-coded spreadsheet. Of course, we’re finishing the plan.” Tommy is invested now even though he has long since been seduced. Also, fuck knows how much time Evan took to make the spread-sheet. “What’s next?” He asks.
Evan smiles as he looks down at his phone to open said-spreadsheet (constantly carrying around a clipboard can be a hassle, so he also has a digital version on his phone. Tommy would not mind constantly seeing Evan with a clipboard).
“Uh, right. Next up is star-gazing.”
And so they go star-gazing, and they have an amazing time, just like they always do.
One day, Evan hesitantly asks Tommy if he wants to go on a hot air balloon ride. Like every time Evan asks him for something, Tommy says yes.
Even though Tommy is used to these heights, the hot air balloon ride is amazing (though that could have more to do with Evan than anything. Evan who handed him the largest bouquet of flowers yet before they lifted off and who packed them a whole bunch of Tommy’s favourite snacks for the ride.)
As they admire the view, Evan showers him in so many hot air balloon facts that even the person flying them is riveted.
Evan quiets down after a while because even he had to run out of facts eventually.
Instead, they quietly watch the small world beneath them, shoulders pressed against one another, not an inch of room between them. And it’s nice. It’s so wonderfully nice that Tommy’s starting to suspect that that he’s going to want to keep this, to keep Evan for a long, long while.
“So how far along in the plan are we?” Tommy asks instead of asking how much longer before he gets to kiss Evan.
“Actually, funny you should mention that. This is actually the before-last part of the plan.”
“What’s the last?” Tommy asks.
Evan turns to face him, their shoulders no longer pressed together, but their bodies still so close.
“Tommy Kinard,” Evans says, grabbing Tommy’s hand and interlacing his fingers with Tommy’s, “Will you do me the honour of dating me?”
“There is nothing I would love more,” Tommy says, because again, what else can he say?
They lean into each over even further. Tommy lets go of Evan’s hand and instead places two fingers underneath Evan’s chin, tilting Evan’s head up towards him. And finally, after all this time, they kiss.
Operation Seduction is a resounding success, and the infamous spreadsheet will one day be framed and hanging in a place of honour in their future home.
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zoewrites · 1 year
Your Price (Joel Miller x F!Reader) 18+
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Tags/Warnings: no use of y/n, smut, alcohol, prostitution, dirty talk, daddy kink, pet names, rough blowjobs, cumplay, grinding, overstimulation, size kink, creampie, unprotected sex, negative attitude towards sex work, rude grumpy joel
Wordcount: 4k
Even from a distance, you could sense the ever-present air of grumpiness that exuded from Joel Miller’s being. And it made your heart beat faster. He sat alone at the bar, his narrowed eyes fixed on the glass of whiskey in his hand. He only ever raised his head to flag down the bartender for more. 
Since his arrival in the community last month, you’d heard plenty of gossip about the man. That he was a dangerous smuggler, having committed unspeakable acts of violence - and not just for survival-
And that he was cold to even those who had reached out and tried to help him settle in-
 And that he seemed to revel in his reputation as a tough, unapproachable man, only ever softening for that daughter who “wasn’t actually his daughter.”
“Ungrateful son of a bitch,” Your friend had described him in a huff after a particularly unpleasant encounter down at the stables, “He’s damn lucky that Tommy is his brother…”
But all the rumors did was fuel your curiosity and crush. There was an undeniable allure about the mysterious older man. The combination of his rugged looks and the intimidating energy surrounding him made him undeniably attractive to you, drawing you in despite the barriers he put up. On the third fill of his glass, you decided it was your chance to approach him. 
You sauntered over across the busy saloon, taking a seat beside him. Not a shred of acknowledgment upon his face as you cleared your throat, leaning in slightly. 
“Hey cowboy,” You smiled, taking a sip of your drink, letting it fuel your determination.
Joel turned his head to glance at you, his eyebrow raised but his expression remained guarded. 
“Mind if I-”
“M’not interested.” His low voice shut you down and he turned back to his whiskey.
You felt a pang of frustration at his immediate dismissal. But you also felt another kind of pang, one that settled deep down within you as you finally got a close-up look at the man. His features were weathered, with grey patches in his beard and lines of experience framing his eyes. It made you wonder what all he had seen out beyond the walls of Jackson where you’d spent most of your life.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” You maintained your composure, smirking at him.
“I know who y’are, what you do,” He grumbled, still not facing you.
“Do you?” You questioned, curious as to what exactly he knew. It was true you had a bit of an… “arrangement” going on with some of the men in the community. You were a pretty girl who liked attention, and in a town where bartering was the new monetary medium, what was wrong with receiving a little… “compensation” for your time? You had no shame, it was a win-win for all involved.
He didn’t answer. Instead, his jaw clenched even more and his thumb and index finger met the bridge of his nose, sighing in annoyance.
“Long day?” Not one to give up easily, you egged him on.
“Long week. S’Why I’m here. Trying to relax.” He punctuated the end of his sentence by setting the glass down and glaring at you. 
“And how is that working out for you?” He watched as you swiveled your bar stool towards his, stretching your long legs out and crossing one over the other, giving him your full attention. The way his eyes flickered to the exposed skin on your thigh where your dress rode up didn’t go unnoticed. In fact, it ignited something in you.
“Was workin’ real nicely till you interrupted.” You were indeed beginning to understand why he was so disliked.
“Really?” You raised an eyebrow, “Because you were lookin’ real lonely over here to me.”
Joel scoffed.
“But maybe I could help you.”
“Help?” He frowned.
“With relaxing,” You teased, leaning in a little closer, “I’m good at that kind of thing.”
You maintained his eye contact as you slowly wrapped your lips around the straw of your cocktail. You swore you could see redness bloom on the apples of his cheeks when he shook his head. The craving was building, you wanted to see this man come undone.
“Jesus Christ, woman.” He murmured under his breath, almost too quiet for you to hear over the rowdy Friday night crowd.
You shrugged innocently, turning your stool back to face the bar. You began to wonder if he really was as impossible to crack as everyone said. But he was still sitting so close that you could feel his body heat against your right side. And you could smell the leather of his worn jacket. You swallowed hard as the two of you sat in silence. Just as you were about to excuse yourself and give up for the night, he cleared his throat.
“How much?” Joel asked quietly and you felt your eyes narrow in disbelief, surely you’d misheard him.
“Your price.” Oh? Oh. Your heart slammed against the walls of your chest.
“Oh really?” You couldn’t control the teasing grin that spread across your face, you had Joel Miller right where you wanted him, “Now you’re interested?”
“Forget it,” He muttered and went to stand.
“Hey, wait,” You reached for his arm, eyes shining bright with delight, “Yours or mine?”
You passed by Joel’s home most days on your walks to the greenhouse or the stables. You'd always hoped to catch a glimpse of him out on the porch, sometimes talking with Ellie, sometimes strumming a guitar. Though you’d never spoken to either, it always felt like you were being let in on a little secret, getting to see just a glimpse of who Joel was underneath that cold exterior.
And now here you were, standing on that very porch, following him inside. It was tidy aside from a few pairs of boots and some comic books strewn about. Better than you were expecting for a single father and a teenager.
“Your kid out for the night?” You'd asked, letting your fingers dance across the mantle of the fireplace, eyeing a drawing she must’ve done for him. It suddenly felt so intimate, being let into his private world.
Joel shot you a look that said ‘of course she is.' That he was offended you would ever even consider the possibility of him bringing you here if she wasn’t out. He made it clear he didn’t have you over to simply ogle the ornaments on the shelves.
 After locking the door, he stood at the entrance, looking down and fidgeting with his gloved hands. You began to wonder if he was nervous. What a sight, the gruff and tough Joel Miller…. timid in your presence.
“Well…” He began and then trailed off. 
“Well…” You repeated and stood behind the couch, letting your hands rest on the backing as you leaned forward, giving him a full view of your cleavage in the low-cut dress another man had gifted you.
“Dunno how this usually goes…” He admitted, rubbing at the back of his neck and shrugging his jacket off, leaving him in that wrinkly plaid button-up, “D’you uh-”
“We can do whatever you want,” You assured him, giggling at his sudden apprehension, “Come sit.” 
He ambled over, a little confused as to why you were still standing behind him until he felt your hands move over his shoulders, rubbing at the tense muscles. You applied a gentle pressure, digging in with your palms, and he couldn’t help but let his head fall forward as you worked.
“You’re so tense, Joel,” You whispered against his ear, fighting the temptation to bite at it, and all he could do was groan, “Let me help.”
As you progressed, kneading at his flesh through the faded fabric, you could feel his muscles gradually loosen and his breathing become deeper. Slower. You wondered when the last time, if ever, he’d been touched like this. When was the last time he had someone help ease the ache, helped bring him some peace? He made a sudden noise that pulled you out of your thoughts.
“There.” He sighed as your fingers worked in circular motions at the base of his neck.
“Here?” You smiled, pushing harder, and the sound his throat made sent a flood of heat throughout your entire body. His deep moans had you tugging your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to ignore the hot throbbing between your legs. “See I knew you just needed someone to help you relax.”
You could practically feel the pain and frustration leaving his body as his large hand covered your own, pausing your movements.
“Sit with me.” Joel’s voice was husky, the deepest you’d heard it tonight. He let out a heavy exhale when your hands left his body and you rounded the couch to straddle him. His thighs were strong and sturdy beneath you, giving you a nice seat. 
His large hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you in, and you let your own hands trail up his solid chest and into his hair. You ran your fingers through the messy wisps of gray. Finally, they wrapped behind his neck and you pushed your lips to his.
It started slowly, a little hesitant on his part until you reached down to guide one of those large hands on your lower back down to your ass. Then it was more. 
You never enjoyed the taste of whiskey until you tasted it on the tongue he had inside your mouth. He groaned, low in his throat, and it made your head spin. His hands squeezed at you through the fabric of your short dress and you pressed yourself closer, feeling him harden beneath you. You kissed him deeply then, sliding a hand lower as you did. Your tongue dipped into his mouth at the same time you curved your fingers over the shape of his cock, feeling the swell of it under his jeans.
When you pulled away breathlessly, Joel chased you with his mouth until you were too far out of reach, slinking down to your knees. You gazed up at the entirety of him, at the hard rise and fall of his chest, at the way his glossy eyes stared you down as you made quick work of his belt.
“Starting to feel bett-” Your taunt was cut short by the surprise of his thumb in your mouth. One of those large hands slid down his thigh and up the side of your face, pressing his thumb inside, the pad of it resting on your bottom row of teeth. He pushed down and forced your mouth open. You trembled at his sudden dominance and the vulnerability of it, feeling your pussy grow wetter and wetter. You were glad you were already on your knees because your thighs shook and his pupils blew wider.
Joel’s other hand met your face, framing your cheek. He slid the roughness of his fingertips down against the shape of your lips before pressing another thumb inside your drooling mouth. His eyes grew darker and he leaned in like he was inspecting you. He then pushed both thumbs down on your tongue, pushing back until you gagged.
“Gotta make sure there’s enough room in there for me, baby.” 
You whimpered as he pulled your mouth wide.
“But you take cocks all the time in here, don’t you? Bet you’re a pro by now, huh?”
He let you go, giving you a chance to catch your shaky breath. 
“Does that bother you?” You hissed, playing into it, “That this is what I like to do?”
“That you like bein’ a slut?” Your heart pounded at his words. You’d heard it all before but never the way Joel said it.
You answered by eagerly reaching back out for his hands that had gone back to resting on his thighs. You pulled both thumbs back into your mouth and sucked. You swirled your tongue around them, getting nice and sloppy, letting your drool run down onto his wrists, giving him a show of how good it felt to have something big and solid in your mouth. He let you have your fun for a moment until he was pulling them out again and you couldn’t help but whine. 
“Fuckin’ needy girl,” He groaned under his breath as he rubbed your spit over your lips, playing with them until you were absolutely aching to have him down your throat. Your trembling hands traveled to the button of his jeans, dragging the zipper down. The noise he made when you finally got a hand around his thickness was guttural and you wanted to hear more. Fuck, you knew he’d be big. You stroked him slowly, wanting him to ache just as badly for it as you were. It was already so hard, the head wept with pre-cum as you fisted him the way you knew men liked.
You hated to let go but you needed him to use you right fucking now. You rested your hands on your knees and parted your swollen lips, presenting your face for him to take. Joel slapped the tip against your mouth. You tried to lick out at it but he pulled away, smirking when you whined in complaint.
“Please,” Your eyes squeezed shut, your cheeks burned in embarrassment when you realized how quickly he had you beneath him, yearning for a taste of his cock. But god, this was precisely what you’d been craving since the moment you'd seen Tommy going around and introducing him that very first day.
 “You gonna beg for it, sweetheart?” He held what you desperately wanted in his hand, just barely out of reach, teasing you so meanly. Want quickly squashed any embarrassment and you didn’t care how pathetic it made you sound when you mewled out for it.
“Yes,” Your voice was meek, “Daddy, please let me suck your cock.”
His eyebrows raised, “Daddy, huh?” He brought his cock back down your face, smearing pre-cum down your chin, “Ya call ‘em all that?”
You shook your head fervently. And it was the truth. None of your usual encounters had ever had you this strung out before they even started fucking you, none that you would’ve ever even considered calling “daddy.” None of them ever had you on the verge of tears with need like this.
“Say it again,” He ordered and you could actually feel the arousal dripping.
“Daddy,” You moaned sweetly and something in him broke. All hesitancy, all the apprehension within him was gone. He finally rewarded you as he thrust inside your mouth. You heard him hiss above you as your lips wrapped around him. God, he was so big. Bigger than you’d taken before. But as you’d made clear by the events of tonight, you loved a challenge. You moved your hands to curl around the back of his calves, holding yourself steady as he pressed deeper inside. 
"Shit," He cursed, "Fuckin' look at ya, such a pretty little cockslut.” Saliva dripped down your chin and all you could do was take it as he started fucking your face in earnest.
You were gagging but it only made him go faster, his fingers thread through your hair to pull you back and forth. The noises you were making were depraved and you’d be surprised if you weren’t dripping onto the wood floor beneath you with how wet you were. He used you like a toy, barely able to breathe, barely able to keep your eyes open, but you tried your hardest because the sight of him looking down on you in awe as you took all of him, calling you a whore… it was beautiful.
He lost himself in it, throwing his head back, making those delicious noises. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he pulled you in hard one last time, holding you right there, pressed up against his base. You forced yourself to breathe through your nose, to not break, to surrender to him as his cock pulsed against the back of your throat.
Tears were rolling down your cheeks by the time he’d finished ruining you and pulled out. The filthy choking sob you gave when he did set him over the edge, releasing ropes of cum over your tongue and chin. 
“Daddy too big for you, baby?” Joel groaned, sounding wickedly amused as you gasped, attempting to regulate your breathing. He pulled you back up into his lap and you crumpled against him. He brushed stray hair from your tear-soaked cheeks, cooing something about being a good slut. He wiped his cum from your face, holding it to your lips for you to lick from his fingers. His cock twitched again as he watched how desperate you were despite being this wrecked already.
“Y’alright girl?”
“More,” Your throat was burning so your plea came out as a weak, hoarse whisper. Your thighs rubbed together unconsciously, the throbbing was almost unbearable at this point and he knew it. 
“More?” His laugh quickly turned to a groan as you gathered the strength to pull your sopping panties to the side and shifted in his lap, dragging your hot pussy against the length of his shaft. Your clit ached from the friction and you slid an arm around his neck to give yourself the leverage to start rocking your body back and forth on top of him.
“This pussy’s fucking starved baby, thought this whore would be satisfied, taking cock on the regular.” He tutted. “S’fuckin’ crying for it.”
A loud wail tore out of you as you increased the pace, about to cum before he ever even got inside you. But he stopped. Hands at your waist, halting you just before you reach your peak and your pussy clenched hard around nothing.
“Joel, no…” Your head fell in despair, too far gone to care about anything but needing to cum. He lifted and situated you above the head of his thick cock. ‘Yes, yes, yes’ is all you could think as you realized what he was doing.
You both gasped, mouths against each other, stealing each other’s breath as you sank down onto him. You took every last delicious inch, letting it stretch you until you were fully seated on him. 
You couldn’t control the tears that ran down your face from how fucking full, how fucking good it felt having him breach the deepest part of your cunt. Your mind went fuzzy when you looked down to see where you were joined, seeing how his slick cock split you open. 
“Look at you, baby,” Joel mocked you when he saw the way your mouth gaped open, “this what you needed? For me to fuck you stupid?” 
“Daddy,” You babbled, fluttering all around him as he held you down still, molding your insides to his shape, “P-please, please, please.”
“Fuck yourself on me, use it, baby, let daddy see you cum.” He growled, his southern accent so deep, “Show me how pretty you and this pussy are when you cum. Must be good, the way you’ve got all these men lining up to share ya.”
A high-pitched squeak left your mouth when his hands finally released you, letting you move. They went to lift your dress up over your head, exposing your bouncing tits for him. 
With your nails scratching sharply into his neck and shoulder, you raised then lowered yourself again and again and again. The obscene squelching sound and his glazed eyes on your tits brought you right to the edge once again.
“There you go,” his fingers dug hard into your hips to help you move once your thighs started shaking uncontrollably.
“Joelllllll,” You hiccuped, bouncing yourself harder and harder, chasing what you needed.
“Thought I was daddy,” He panted, his hands moved back to your ass and he gripped at you, slamming you down on his cock.
"D-daddy- fuck! Fuck!" You held onto him for dear life, your muscles turned to jelly as he thrust into your weeping pussy, letting him take over fully, just like he did to your mouth. 
Then your cries went silent, mouth went slack, breath ragged. You came hard around his cock, harder than ever before, squeezing him until he was gasping against your lips. You swore you could hear him whimpering before you could only hear your ears ringing. Your entire body shuddered with white-hot pleasure. 
“Cum in me, cum in me, cum in me,” You chanted through the aftershocks as he continued to rut into you, so fucked out of it you couldn’t even hear your own voice, “D-daddy, please, please, please...”
And then he was filling you, hips bucked up and cumming hard until he physically couldn’t anymore. He was at your ear, desperately moaning for you as you twitched around him, squeezing him, “Nghhhhh… hah, fuck, baby.”
His skin was burning, his eyes screwed shut and jaw clenched, pulsing so hard in your cunt, overstimulating you almost to the point of pain. Almost. 
“Jesus fuckin’ christ, this pussy…” He gasped, equally as overwhelmed as you felt when he slid out.
“Oh my god,” You held onto him tight, your bare tits pressed up against his still-clothed chest, just breathing him in as you attempted to calm yourself. 
“Let me see it,” He exhaled heavily.
“Hmm?” You shook, face buried into his neck, feeling his sweat on your cheek. 
“Need to see it leaking out. Show me.” He rasped.
You whimpered at his order when you realized what he wanted. He didn’t give you any time to regain your strength, he simply flipped you over the arm of the couch. He groaned as you bent yourself over the edge, widening your legs to give him a full show of just how good he’d fucked you.
“Spread yourself for me, baby.” He breathed, his chest still heaving.
You did as he said, your hand reached underneath you, spreading your lips apart. You keened at the feeling, so overstimulated that you could barely handle your own delicate touch. His eyes followed the cum dribbling out of you and down your thigh.
“Fuck, that’s it, just like that.” Joel watched as he pulled his pants back up, buckling his belt. He reached out, sliding a hand down your lower back, making sure you stayed just how he wanted. You felt so incredibly naked in front of him like this.
“Fuck… can’t believe I just came in you… fuck,” He groaned as realization dawned on him. The spell broken.
“M’clean,” You moaned, head still fuzzy, “n’safe, I swear.”
He just sighed. 
“Joel, I promise. I never let them do this.” You tried to move but his hand held you in place. You didn’t know if he believed you or not but it was true. It was your rule. You were always safe. Your heart pounded at the thought of how different it had been with Joel, how easy it had been for him to take full control of you. Breaking your rules without him even realizing it. You didn’t regret it one bit though. And you hoped desperately that he didn’t either.
Joel didn’t reply, only asking what he owed you. You almost forgot what the hell he was talking about.
“Don’t worry about it,” You sighed as he let you back up, stretching in exhaustion. There you went breaking another rule. They always paid you. But with Joel, it felt like you should be the one paying him.
“Tell me what I owe you,” His features hardened.
“Joel, I-...” You were taken aback by his quick shift, “It’s fine. I wanted this, you don’t have to-”
“That’s not…,” He ran an exasperated hand through the tousled hair you’d just had your own hands in, “I wouldn’t have done this, otherwise.”
You wiped at your thighs with your discarded panties as you tried to make sense of his frustration, the dizziness still in your brain making it difficult. You wondered if you should feel insulted by his statement.
“Jesus, it’s not a big deal,” You pulled your dress back over yourself before facing him, “Get something from the Outfitters or whatever. I don’t care.”
“You should leave. I’ll get you your payment but you need to go now,” He backed away from you, avoiding your eyes. 
Before you could begin to try to wrap your mind around what had just happened, the sound of the front door being unlocked had both of your heads shooting up in time to see Ellie.
“Joel! I forgot-” The girl stopped hard in her tracks as she took in the scene of you and Joel standing awkwardly in the living room. It was silent between the three of you as she made no attempt to hide the way she was staring you down. Your face warmed again as you mentally thanked whatever God was out there that she hadn’t entered a minute earlier.
“What the fuck is going on?” Ellie turned to Joel, her brow furrowed.
“Ellie,” He scolded her language but failed to attempt any lie about who you were or what was going on. And you took this as your cue to escape because you had nothing to offer.
“Yeah…I’ll, uh, see ya,” You grabbed your bag off the coffee table and it took everything in you to walk and not sprint out the door.
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shadesoflsk · 10 months
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ft. Leon Kennedy.
summary: just some headcanons about watching Leon age!
a/n: This came to me in a revelation. i just noticed that in some scenes, Leon's wrinkles would be even more noticeable. let it be his tough job or the fact that he's indeed "growing old", i wanted to write about Leon realizing the fact that time spares no one. Also, i had in mind re4 Leon turning into id leon ?? I know neither of them are really old, but yeah...
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Can you actually read what's written in there? It all started as simple jokes and innocent teasing. You would often poke fun at your boyfriend for the way he's squinting his eyes while reading. He's still very young – 27 years got nothing on him – yet you found it so endearing to observe him while he pouted. Getting mad as your teasing words started.
He can't, thank you very much. He needs glasses, even though he keeps on denying it. He first noticed his little problem when he was reading a document, too focused on the tiny letters to even acknowledge the real meaning behind those words. Is that an a or an e? Dear God, this can't be happening, he thought. The world wasn't prepared to see him wearing glasses. Nor was he prepared for your endless teasing if he admitted it.
Baby blue eyes, Leon S. Kennedy! Or at least that's what you used to call him in the past. As years went on, some pet names were long forgotten. He has grown more serious and more cold but not less romantic. Yet he wasn't his past self who would blush if you called him baby. He likes reminiscing about the past – how he had a bright future. He still has, right? It is not like life is over.
However, life seemed so ridiculous as you stated that there were some faint wrinkles on his forehead. His hand unconsciously reaching for the skin there, feeling some lines. He just needs to moisturize or buy some serum for his skin. Life as an agent was tough – this was just dry skin you don't understand. Too many excuses for a man who is so sure that those lines are just a product of his exhausting job.
Don't look so mad! you often told him when you found his eyebrows doing the exact same thing during and after a gruesome mission. Being lowered and pulled together. He always had a resting bitch face that didn't match his own personality. He would try and not furrow his eyebrows as soon as you told him that expression would cause even more wrinkles to form.
After a year or so, he reluctantly admitted that yes, those were wrinkles. But that's not something bad. In fact, it was more than okay to age. He once read in a magazine that wrinkles served as a map of every journey and challenge he had faced. No, it isn't sappy. You're just jealous that his faint wrinkles look better on him than you.
But even though you kept on joking, he was grateful for growing old with you. You met him when he was a bright and young cop. Full of life and love to give. Now, you were standing next to him. Kissing his forehead and whispering sweet nothings, you promised him that you would always love him, even though he could barely walk in the future and even though their romantic dates would consist of feeding some pigeons and fighting nurses because you guys don't want to take your meds.
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semischarmed · 1 year
Guess, Part 2
The word still rang in Shane’s head. He felt lightheaded, as if speaking the word brought it into truth. Months. Noah had been like this for months. This wasn’t some clone or copy or illusion. That was the horror in it. This was Noah, for all intents and purposes. His roommate’s actual flesh. 
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“Noah was such a jerk in high school…” Arthur recalled without a hint of pain. In fact, he seemed to revel in it. “Such an asshole- it was only right he was my first”. Arthur leaned over, giving Noah’s cheek a lick. “Wasn’t like I had a lot of choice- the body is one thing, but drilling my strings into someone’s mind takes a lot out of me, leaves me vulnerable.” The nerd snuggled up to Shane’s roommate, running his hands over the man’s musculature. “That’s why I love karma so much.” He let out a moan as he tapped Noah’s forehead. 
“This dumb meathead was the perfect start. I slipped a bit of myself into a fold of his brain. Gave little hints here and there at first. The guy doesn’t question anything at all. Even his own thoughts. I started with little suggestions but eventually just started feeding him my thoughts directly to see how he would resist. Idiot thought they were his thoughts. By the time enough of me wormed in… ” Arthur leaned over, gently prodding Noah’s lips with his tongue. 
Shane felt himself burn with jealousy. Noah’s body let out an involuntary “ah”, as Arthur’s tongue greedily explored. The nerd moaned as he got more and more into it, now slowly rocking back and forth as he hungrily tasted Noah’s mouth. He looked back at Shane, before continuing, “By the time enough of me wormed in… he thought he was the one pumping his dick every night to the thought of sticking my strings inside his own friends and family.” 
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Noah’s face went flush as cracking noises were heard throughout his body. His entire body sagged limp before contorting in unnatural angles. After a few seconds of soft grunting, he began to speak to Shane directly, tears welling despite his vacant expression. “I’m too stupid to be a person. I.. need… Arthur. I need to think his thoughts, to speak his words. I need to be his muscle… his seed”.
Arthur half-pouted, half taunted as he pulled his cheek next to Noah’s, “See?” 
Sure, Noah might have been a bit dumb in high school, but in the years Shane had known him, the guy was not as stupid as Arthur kept implying. Worse still, it sickened Shane to see his best friend be forced to degrade himself. Shane could gag if he wasn’t so terrified. It wasn’t just his thick muscle or his pretty face. Memories, dreams, social life. Anything that could have ever belonged or will ever belong to Noah now bound to Arthur as well. Worst of it all, Noah was forced to feel the perverse pleasure Arthur felt in the loss of his agency. 
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Arthur beamed back. Noah’s did in turn, face dutifully reflecting its master’s feelings. Beyond the disgust with the newfound knowledge, Shane caught a glimpse of mischief in his roommate’s eye. Like there was something else Arthur had been withholding. 
Shane’s dick stirred as he saw Noah pull down his shorts, meaty cock now poking through the opening of his boxers. Fuck he’s hot. Seeing Arthur also begin to strip down promptly brought him back to reality. Escape.
At this, Shane realized there was no hope of resistance. He nervously let out a chuckle before trying to rationalize an escape. He eyed the door, only for the sight to be partially blocked by Noah’s large arms. With a predatory smile, the Noah meatpuppet licked his lips.
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“Dude, look at me. Look at him. You don’t need me…”
Shane gagged as he saw drool escape a euphoric Noah’s mouth. It dropped in strands, nearly viscous as it shone back. Noah’s fingers went to work, greedily violating their owner’s mouth as the coated themselves in the clear liquid. Arthur’s head hung back in pleasure as Noah began to grope his master’s body. 
“-d, do you mind if I speak through Noah here? Just feels right talking to you through this body,” Noah moaned. “Anyways, you’re fine just the way you are… hmmm, could probably use some more muscle but I just need you for Jesse, bro.”
“Jesse?” Shane was puzzled. He didn’t know a J- Wait. 
“Yeah bro, your bro. That Jesse.”
- - -
For a second time, Shane’s stomach dropped. Jesse? Shane barely talked about his older brother. Jesse had been a somewhat absent older brother. He was quite the adventurer, always going on backpacking trips, often braving the harsh wilderness with just the pack on his shoulders. Shane was puzzled, Jesse had only recently been back in town, temporarily staying at their father’s place. Shane hadn’t recalled ever mentioning his older brother. Shane shook his head in disgust, at the thought of Jesse being a puppet for this demon.
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“Don’t worry Shane,” Noah crooned playfully as he brought Arthur up to his body. The gym rat’s meaty arms caressed the nerd, slipping past the hips of smaller man a grabbing Arthur’s body possessively. “We’re giving our bro real special treatment.” At that, Noah’s hands began gently playing with Arthur’s flesh. They drummed across the nerd’s chest with an off-putting tenderness. The jock’s left hand then snaked behind Arthur, cupping the nerd’s ass before worming deeper. Arthur’s mouth opened involuntarily. Shane could see stars in Arthur’s eyes, no doubt from the sensory overload. 
“What- I- Have- in- mind….” Arthur let out in grunts and half-breaths as Noah pulled out sticky fingers and pushed in another piece of himself. Defined hips began gyrating faster and faster “Is -more -than -a puppet…. A privilege” Noah grunted, a high-pitch whine escaped Arthur’s lips. “Oh Jesse!”
Arthur's whimpers increased in pace. “I'm gonna pack myself deep and tight inside that bod. He'll have to fit the full density of all my strings, of all my flesh... but I know that man will hold. Jesse's body has toughened worse. I can't wait to be inlaid inside that meat. Now it's going to do what it was born to do. To be my perfect vessel, thinking his thoughts for him, moving his body for him, jamming our strings inside more bodies. I can't wait for you to see Jesse's full potential, pulling and possessing and controlling other men... Shane, I can't wait to be your brother. “Jesse’ll love this! Once it’s my love pouring out of him. Once I'm tucked nice and safe inside that body of his... we'll be unstoppable.” 
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“He’s gonna be pulling the Chief’s strings, my strings… your strings“ Noah barely spoke, focus and athleticism diverted to speed. The pace was breakneck, whimpers became groans became yelps of raw pleasure.
“And you’re gonna put me in him!” Arthur and Noah roared in unison. The jock arched his back, lifting the squirming nerd. Arthur’s smaller form kicked his feet involuntarily as ropes of hot white shot out of him. The amount geysering out of the perverse union seemed far too much for either man. 
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Noah’s head slumped over Arthur’s clavicle while the nerd sampled the seed now coating his chest and stomach. He closed his eyes, in satisfaction. “You always taste so good when I’m shooting your batter out.” 
Arthur’s eyes focused back on Shane, as he dragged his body to Noah’s side, inching himself closer to Shane. 
Noah sat back up abruptly, head still slung forward. Arthur’s hand collected into a fist, causing Noah’s to follow. At that, the jock’s flush cock stirred back into life. Noah’s head still slung as his hands began grasping at his already glazed, meaty cock. Slight discomfort placed itself on the man’s mouth, as he began to knead it again. 
“I bet Jesse’s batter will taste even better… “
This was by all accounts a nightmare. Shane felt himself petrified. He pieced together some of Arthur’s MO. If Noah was any indication, Arthur had to dominate someone mentally before being able to puppet their bodies. The Chief, then, and the police force?
Noah had still only animated in an eery silence, aside from some slight groaning as his hands continued to stimulate his tired meat. “Seeing his son and I fuck raw in his own bed was enough. I just needed a few strings inside, anyway. Watching my strings come out of Noah, and wiggle before jamming into him. Forcing his body . His mind was easy after that.” Noah licked his lips, as Shane imagined the police chief doing the same. “And what police force wouldn’t listen to their own boss?”
Arthur continued in sinister glee, as he watched Shane piece together his plan. “That’s why I need you, for Jesse”. He moaned. “What man wouldn’t feel mind break at the sight of their own little brother defiled, perverted, mine.” Shane gagged involuntarily. Fuck. 
“W-well you said he was tough. How do you know he won’t resis-“
“My insurance? You think I’m starting with him? No. He’s not going to just be my puppet. He’s going to be me. String by string, neuron by neuron- this is going to be a process. We’ll need all the help we can get- I’ll worm into every person in this town if I have to. And you’re going to be my perfect little puppeteer. We can start with dear old dad.” 
Noah’s head shot up, sticking his tongue out before resuming its empty expression “Oh, and by the way, I lied.“
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Noah cummed again. His body only uttered one word- a word that shook Shane to his core. No pleasure painted Noah’s face this time, as Arthur revealed in the second helping of euphoria. Tired beyond tired, the sweaty jock slumped immediately back into the folds of the sofa.
Years. The word shattered Shane. It violated every emotion of memory of his best friend. Like a dagger twisting in his heart, he felt himself torn at the word. Every single aspect of “Noah”, fabricated. Every emotion, every bond, every secret between the two. It was all some sick facsimile of a friendship, a puppeteer’s twisted play. 
Still reeling from the revelation, Shane could barely process the next words spoken by Arthur. 
“Now for another game… I’m sure you thought it was weird how you liked my precious Noah flesh here all of a sudden… “ Shane felt dick harden by itself as a body deaf to his commands pulled closer to the two and sandwiched the Arthur between his and Noah’s sweaty bodies. This time, Shane felt himself speak ”Guess how long you’ve been mine.”
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- End Part 2 -
Will this have more parts? Who knows if or when, I hate writing haha
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I’ve been thinking lately about how much the ‘curse of Ymir’ really does affect the psyche of each of the nine shifters and how it impacts the ending of the story.
Up until the end of Season 3/Chapter 87-88, the reader and the viewer have no idea that the shifters have a limited amount of time to live. They seem to possess this god-like power and they can rejuvenate and survive almost any injury. They seem unstoppable.
This is what motivates Erwin to create a plan to take one of the nine shifter powers with the serum- having another Titan in your arsenal would make a difference in winning the war.
But what the Paradisians don’t know is how holding the power of the Nine just perpetuates a cycle of violence and cruelty. It’s a curse as much as it is a power. No matter how brilliant or grand your scope is for what you can do with this near limitless power, you have to contend with the fact that you will only have thirteen years to do it.
This revelation to me is the what colors the entire last arc of the story leading into and after the time skip.
For Zeke, it amps up the level of desperation he has for accomplishing the euthanization plan- relying on Eren was still a variable that was largely unpredictable, and he trusted him more than he probably would have if he weren’t running out of time.
Going back further in the story, it retroactively explains why Ymir (of the cadet corps) would go back with Reiner and Bertholdt at all- a seemingly nonsensical choice when it seems she has something to live for in her relationship with Krista/Historia. But Ymir knows she has little time left. She has no future. So she chooses to surrender.
For Annie, it shows her desperation to get back to her father, a man who showed her very little affection, and yet if she could just make it back maybe she could live at least a year or two with him and make at least one happy memory with the man who raised her to kill.
Armin, I honestly feel the most for, because what he and everyone else thought of as his salvation, was actually just saddling him with a curse. And heaps of responsibility to try and be grateful for it. He went from a character with a singular and wholesome conviction, to someone wracked with guilt and forced to solve the world’s problems with limited time and resources.
In Reiner’s case, I actually think the fact that he knows he is going to die is the only thing actually keeping him alive in the tail end of the story. He wants so badly to face retribution for his deeds, and he can only find the strength to keep towing the line because he knows his violent demise is guaranteed.
Characters like Pieck and Bertholdt seem to accept their lot in life- but deal with this internally and develop their own sense of morals despite it- albeit in different ways and in Pieck’s case with a shade of pessimism. Falco and Marcel stand out as a characters who see the farce for what it is- but still want to subject themselves to it in order to prevent someone they love from suffering through it in their place.
Eren, though, it’s easy to see how discovering he has already lived more of his life in powerless ignorance than what he has left is what ultimately causes the collapse in his character. Combine that with the way that he sees ‘future memories’ and doesn’t see any future beyond his own, and suddenly you have a naturally impulsive and violent person living in the most fatalistic reality ever. It makes perfect sense that his fall from grace is near immediate and precipitous.
What difference does all that power make if all it means is that you become a tool for destruction with no future? That you will be forced to curse someone else so that this cruel power will continue to exist? That is the true legacy of Ymir and the Eldian Empire- you can have near limitless power, but you will never have true control over your own life.
And it makes for such interesting discussions and questions about power and mortality and agency- and all the seemingly ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ ways to respond to their dilemma.
Anyway, it is always ‘thinking about the moral quandary of the titan shifters’ hours around here…
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bunji-enthusiast · 8 months
Gentle Lovin’ — Choso Kamo
Holds him very gently 😭🤲
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In any day amongst the other, he never could've imagined the life he had been dealt. Choso was merely under the impression he would always just leave behind a trail of destruction of blood and tears in his wake, never being able to see his brothers again. Close to even killing another of his brothers of whom he recently learned that he held close relations with, he almost injured himself for just almost killing Itadori Yuuji. He was confused, full of uncertainty and was just ready to end it on behalf of all his brothers before him.
But you, you came right along and slapped him with a face full of love he was never accustomed too, let alone actually recognizing it. But it felt.. young, refreshing to feel. Not having to live a reality that felt full of delusions of hope, to some it seemed incomprehensiable but to Choso Kamo alone -- He was here and alive in your arms.
"Choso baby." You murmur softly, threading your fingers through the abyssal black hair you've come to love and recognize just merely upon one look at him. He hummed in response, lacking the proper energy to even want to respond to you. "Are you comfortable? Your neck most be cramping in that position."
You let out a chuckle as he nodded, only nuzzling further to feel the warmth residing in your chest.
"So no then, you sure you don't wanna readjust?" You motion, tracing his clothed musculature. "I might even cramp my own neck." Choso perked up at this, and lifted himself off of your body with a groan. The raven-haired man and gently lifted you up toward the side, rolling you over onto your side. Which had resulted in you being the one cuddling up to him, he nuzzled you closer to the warmth of his body, as possibly close as can be.
"Pfft." You snicker absentmindedly, your hand laying to rest on his bare chest. "You. are. hopeless." These words seemed to be insulting, yet it was fully affectionate, only to you and Choso alone.
"Mmh," Choso readjusted his own head, his windswept hair ending up tickling the forefront of your temple, causing you to chuckle at the ticklish sensation. Though you couldn't see, you could sense his vague smile. In turn, You grinned and looked up at him properly, locking eyes with his own your breath had caught in your throat for a moment--taking the time to revel in the beauty of his eyes.
For some reason, you couldn't help but feel lucky to live for a domestic moment such as this. This was real, and you were here with him.
Safe to say he also has the same sentiment, as he just tightened his grip almost barely. You weren't sure what else to do beside being just held by your cute little man, in all honesty (right now he's just being adorable as hell.)
Suddenly, an urge to touch his face came over you. So you began at his jawline, trailing from there slowly and awaiting his reaction. You were slow and steady to ensure that he can stop you from touching his face any time he wanted to.
In fact, he hadn't made any move to stop you. Rather he had encourage you with a warm hum, leaning into your touch.
Choso closed his eyes, he was enjoying your face-touching. You smiled upon knowing this and went along as he had mention without a word being spoken.
Between you and Choso, no words aren't really needed. Behind closed doors anyway, merely consistent hums and murmurs.
From beyond the long day's hard work, your sociability to actually interact and speak with people is hellishly drained. Choso understands this well, even with being an elder brother it is a harsh job. But it is a job he takes with pride.
"So handsome..." You admired him, just for now. Now tracing his markings that ran across his face diagonally and vertically, he hummed and simply just laid there as to not throw you off, he found amusement in your cute ministrations.
Truthfully, he never wanted this to stop.
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blushweddinggowns · 10 months
Steddie Drunk Dialing Fluff
Steve Harrington-Munson was probably one of the happiest men to be alive in the modern era. He had the perfect life, against all odds. Because apparently having your late teens and early twenties ruined by demons equated to a fantastic adulthood.
He had it all. A loving family, the best friend/surrogate sister he could ever ask for, and he was married to the love of his life. And okay, yes. That had included some extremely embarrassing revelations and internal meltdowns and... a pretty brutal disownment. But he had figured it all out in the end. And here he was, a decade later with a ring on his finger and a nice hyphenated name. Not to mention how he was basically a trophy husband.
Eddie hadn't wasted a moment of the last decade. A symptom of almost dying it would seem. He went for the GED, gathered the band back up, moved across the country to chase his dreams and play in every shitty dive bar he could until they were discovered. All while dragging Steve along for the ride.
As much as Steve had believed in him, neither of them had been prepared for his music career actually taking off. Especially not to the level it did. It was undeniable that his husband was an A-Lister, despite how universally hated he was by half the country. You don't get many out and proud metal front man who loved parading around his high school sweetheart at every social event he could. But Europe loved him, as did the entirety of gay, rebellious youths world wide.
It was so stupid. There Eddie was, painted as an insane freak who was fake-married. With tabloids running story after story about his secret children, his drug addiction, a wife from another country, anything that they could think of. All while Eddie spent every free moment at Steve's side, always opting for a night in with his baby when given the choice. And when he wasn't doing that, he was busy playing surrogate fun uncle to the kids, who were definitly not kids anymore. But that didn't stop them from all getting together for Dungeons and Dragons once a month, hundreds and hundreds of campaign hours on everyone's belts. And that was his life. Spending time with his family, forcing them on hikes and runs, volunteering, working occasionally to help Robin with her translating work, all while coming home to the sweetest thing that ever existed.
God, did Steve love that man. Reminiscing about the love of his life while he was on tour was not helping his fretful sleep. He just... really had given him everything. He loved him so much in fact that he was only slightly pissed when he was woken up at three a.m. from the phone ringing off the hook.
Steve reached for it blindly, still half-asleep when he mumbled, "Mm-Eds?"
"Steeeeeeeeeevie," Eddie's voice slurred back at him, "Baby booooy. How's my baby boy? I miss my baby boy."
Steve smiled despite himself, yawning into the phone. Eddie was lucky he was so cute, considering how the love of his life who could not remember what time zones were, "He misses you too. And he's a little tired right now babe. What's up?"
"Day drunk," Eddie sighed, "Guys, morning show, mimosas, hotel room to sleep it off. Missing you."
"You won't be missing me for long," Steve softly laughed. Though... hearing his voice was quite the reminder of how cold the bed suddenly felt, "Just... one more week. That's not too long right?"
"Too long!" Eddie groaned, dramatic, "I miss you now. Why can't I see you now? Wait-Can I see you now? Cause planes and trains and-"
"And no," Steve interrupted with a chuckle, "You'd only get me for a few hours before you'd have to leave again."
"Worth it," Eddie mumbled out, his voice a little muffled as he tumbled around in his hotel bed, "Want my baby."
The pathetic tilt to his voice was enough to make Steve's heart clench. God he was too precious. Suddenly a red-eye in the middle of the night for a two hour make-out session didn't sound like such a bad idea. But he could be the strong one for tonight, "You have me sweetheart. Want me to stay on until you fall asleep."
"Yes please," Eddie sighed, "Love your voice. It's so... nice. Like... audible perfume. Like poetry or something."
"Oh baby you are wasted," Steve said as he laid back down, nestling the phone to his ear, "Please tell me you drank some water before laying down?"
"... maybe?"
"I knoooow. Keep nagging me though. I missed that too."
"Is my bitching your bed time story?"
He could hear Eddie nodding, rusting against the fabric, "And it's the best. Keep going?"
Steve rolled his eyes, but he did what he was asked. Saying every silly little grievance he could think of. He whined about how cold it was in bed without him, how Eddie had promised to take out the trash before he left and forgot. Again. How he hated how quiet it was without him, how much he missed hearing his voice trailing in and out of every room.
And Eddie listened, mumbling out a few sleepy m'sorrys and I love yous along the way. Until all Steve could hear was the slow, steady sound of his breathing. But he didn't hang up. Not when that was one of his favorite sounds in the world. And the perfect thing to fall asleep to.
Steve smiled to himself as he closed his eyes, a little amazed that Eddie could still make him feel so loved, from hundreds of miles away.
But one thing was for sure. He still had to be the happiest man on earth.
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Bonus Poll!
The winner of the poly ship bracket vs the most popular (and honestly, only) Buggy ship of the duo bracket!
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Propaganda under the cut. [contains some spoilers]
Propaganda for Cross Guild:
Idk there's something about three people who hate each other that just works.
they don't need no propaganda. I could never make propaganda like buggy the clown does in canon
mr. pathetic (buggy) paired with two actual warlords who could (but haven't !) demolished him ? it has to be love
Crocodile and Mihawk are a fucked up rich ass couple and Buggy is the chihuahua in their purse
Its cross guild. you know why (mod: as an anime-only fan, I don't, but I'm looking forward to find out 😂)
Propaganda for Shanks x Buggy:
What if we were childhood friends who gave up our drama for each other then never saw each other again for years
What can I say, I'm a fellow shuggy truther too 🤝
Shanks obviously adores Buggy, and Buggy is so tsundure~! Mr 'I hate Shanks'-but-will-take-every-opportunity-to-talk-about-him-and-be-with-him.
Oden says in his journal that he can't tell if they're friends of enemies, and I just love that. Plus when you add in the revelation about Shanks and Buggy in the recent chapters.
They're childhood friends. They're exes. They've been married for 20 years. They're opposites. They're the same. They're silly goofy guys who make me want to cry my heart out. Red/Blue is always meant to be.
Buggy """""HATES""""" Shanks. This hate is so strong that he WILL yell at this red-haired bastard despite the fact that he is a coward, who is terrified of all the Emperors. Everyone thinks this is strange. However, when you grow up with said Emperor on the same boat, watching him stumble over his feet as he's trying to learn to use a sword, stuck scrubbing the whole deck because he was stupid enough to prank "Dark King" Rayleigh, and make that same stupid pouty face every time his Conqueror's Haki doesn't do anything because he is an itty bitty child, most of that fear gets pretty quelled. Also, that same fucker lost an arm because he's a DUMBASS and he deserves to be made fun of for it (not because Buggy is worried and missed him not at all no no Shanks is just DUMB and needs to be TOLD he is dumb more. But just by Buggy. Because Buggy has known his idiocy forever. He has earned the right to yell at this stupid, stupid Emperor for being a self-sacrificing fool and for giving away that stupid hat and... Wait, hang on, when did this bastard get hot!? WHAT THE FUC-) And Shanks just keeps smiling at Buggy and his antics because he has 100% been in love with him since they were children (his actions while they were on the Roger pirates are the DEFINITION of pigtail-pulling as flirting) and he is just happy to see that he's safe while being exactly the same larger-than-life clown he always knew. He would gladly give up his life of sluttery (that I am convinced this man has. Just look at how he exists) if Buggy would just agree to join his crew, but will not push him if he doesn't want to. He just loves his pretty clown from a distance and waits. TLDR: Buggy is mad that he's in love with Shanks and Shanks just likes existing with and/or annoying Buggy (they come as a pair). GOD I just love childhood friends to lovers bro. Just let the cabin boys kiss.
[Spoiler Warning] Red and Blue gays! Emperor husbands! Childhood friends to enemies to lovers!
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onlinesuzie · 1 month
♡ book exchange with hamzah ♡
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words: 1.5k
genre: fluff
summary: You accidentally leave a book with your address inside at a neighborhood book exchange. Hamzah finds it, and loves the story, and decides to return it.
notes: definitely definitely going to be a part 2 or even a part 3. i have more fics coming just been busy <33
You’d always loved the small, quaint book exchange box nestled at the corner of your street. It was a simple wooden structure, painted a cheerful shade of blue, with a glass door that allowed passersby to peek at the stories inside. The idea was straightforward: leave a book, take a book, and in doing so, share stories with your neighbors in an anonymous, yet oddly intimate, way.
One sunny afternoon, you decided to contribute a book that had been sitting on your shelf for a while. It was a well-loved history book, one that had you telling family and friends random facts that had intrigued you. As you slipped it into the box, you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness at parting with it. There were memories attached to that book, revelations embedded in its pages, but you hoped someone else would find as much interest in it as you had.
What you didn’t realize was that inside the book, tucked between the pages, was a small note you’d written ages ago: ‘Please return to [Your Name].’ It had your address on it—a note meant for a friend who had borrowed the book back in April. You’d completely forgotten about it.
Later that day, Hamzah happened to walk by the book exchange. He was on a bit of a personal mission lately—trying to read more, to step away from the his online life of screens and immerse himself in the kind of stories that didn’t come with thumbnails and clickbait titles. The little book exchange caught his eye, and he found himself slowing down with curiosity.
He opened the box, scanning the titles until one in particular caught his attention. It was your book. The cover was worn, the pages slightly yellowed, but there was a certain charm to it that intrigued him. Without hesitating, he took it with him, eager to dive into something different, something that you could learn from.
Over the next few days, Hamzah found himself completely engrossed in the book. It was exactly what he needed—its knowledge resonated with him in ways he hadn’t expected, offering comfort for his spiralling mind. It was as if the book had been waiting for him, like it was meant to find its way into his hands.
But near the end, just as he was about to finish the final chapter, he discovered the note. ‘Please return to [Your Name]’—along with an address.
He stared at it for a moment, surprised. At first, he wasn’t sure what to do. It felt strange to have this piece of information, like he’d inadvertently stumbled upon something personal. Should he return the book? Or would that be crossing a line? Maybe the note was an accident, and you hadn’t meant for anyone to see it.
Conflicted, he decided to talk about it on his podcast.
“Hey guys, welcome back to the podcast. Wait, actually I’ve got a bit of a weird story for you today,” Hamzah began, leaning back in his chair, the mic positioned just right to catch every nuance of his voice. “Basically, I’ve been trying to read more lately and like, I found this little book box thing in my neighborhood like you know the exchange ones, and I picked up this really cool book. It was like so good like there was so many questions that like I didn’t even have, man like it was good good.”
He paused, gathering his thoughts. “Anyway, so I’m reading this book, really getting into it, and near the end, I find a note tucked inside, and it has someone’s name and address on it. Like, ‘please return to [Your Name].’”
Hamzah laughed, the sound with an edge of uncertainty. “I’ve been sitting here wondering what to do. I mean, part of me thinks I should just take the book back, put it in the box, and forget about it. But the other part of me is like, should I return it? What if this person’s a total freak? Or what if they’re actually cool and I’m missing out on meeting someone who is actually like quite interesting. But then again, maybe it’s just better to let it be.”
He sighed, as if weighing the options in his head. “I don’t know, man. It’s such a random situation. But the book was really good, and I kind of want to thank whoever left it there. It’s like they put something out into the world, and it ended up being exactly what I needed at that moment. But yeah, let me know what you guys think. Should I just drop it? Or should I go knock on their door? Because honestly, I’m kind of leaning towards the like second option, even though it could be super awkward.”
After recording the episode, Hamzah mulled over the decision for a few days. He kept thinking about the book, the connection he felt to it, and, by extension, to you—the person who had unknowingly shared it with him. The more he thought about it, the more he felt compelled to reach out. Not just to return the book, but to express his gratitude and maybe even make a new friend.
Finally, one evening, he decided to go for it. He found himself standing outside your door, book in hand, and his own to share in the other, nerves jangling as he tried to convince himself that this wasn’t a terrible idea. After a deep breath, he swapped the books to under his arm and knocked.
When you opened the door, you were met with the sight of a young man standing there with a book in his hand. You blinked in confusion, wondering why a guy your age would be at your doorstep, especially one who looked a bit nervous and, oddly enough, familiar.
“Hi,” Hamzah began, offering a hesitant smile. As he looked at you, his words caught in his throat for a moment. He hadn’t expected you to be young—or so beautiful. The way you looked at him, with curiosity and a hint of confusion, made him feel a little more self-conscious, but he pushed through. “I, uh, hope this isn’t too strange, but I picked up this book from the exchange box down the street, and I found a note inside with your address. I don’t mean to be creepy or anything, but I just really liked the book, and I wanted to thank you.”
You stared at him for a moment, processing his words, before glancing down at the book in his hand. Recognition flashed across your face as you realized what had happened. “Oh! The note... I totally forgot that was in there,” you said, a small, relieved laugh escaping your lips. “I’m glad you liked the book. It’s one of my favorites.”
Hamzah felt a wave of relief wash over him, your friendly response easing his earlier nerves. “Yeah, it really hit home for me,” he admitted. “I’ve been trying to read more, and this one just... it was exactly what I needed. I guess I also wanted to meet more people in the neighborhood, and this seemed like a good excuse.”
You nodded, still slightly surprised by the whole situation. As much as you would’ve loved to invite him in, you were just about to head out. “I’m actually on my way out right now, but I’d love to talk more sometime,” you said, reaching into your bag and pulling out your phone. “Here, let me give you my number.”
Hamzah’s eyes lit up as he handed you his phone. “That sounds great,” he replied, trying to hide his excitement. You quickly typed in your number, handing the phone back to him with a smile.
"Actually," he added, handing over his own book to you, "I thought I should bring a book to exchange too. This one's a favorite of mine."
You took the book from him, your fingers brushing slightly against his as you did. The cover looked interesting, and you couldn't help but smile at the gesture. "Thanks. I'll definitely check it out, and keep the book if you want, I’m glad it’s made you happy" you said, slipping the book into your bag alongside your phone.
“Feel free to text me, and maybe we can meet up some time,” you offered, still a bit surprised at how quickly things had unfolded.
“Definitely,” Hamzah agreed, his smile widening as he glanced at the contact you’d saved. “I’m really glad I knocked.”
“So am I,” you said, stepping out and locking the door behind you. “I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, for sure,” he nodded, still holding the book as he watched you walk away.
As you headed down the street, you couldn’t help but be confused at how insane the whole situation was. And as Hamzah walked back home, your book now tucked under his arm, he couldn’t stop smiling—excited for a message to come through when you were free.
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 months
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#4: The Bench (1.01)
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gif cred: @arabellas
After Rick expresses some emotional turmoil alone in his apartment there's an instant cut to Rick sitting alone on a bench outside during a nice day, and I really like this shot. Also, knowing he’d have dreams about falling in love with Michonne on a park bench, I like to think that this actual bench is one of the places Rick would go to daydream about her some more. And while right now he can only be with Michonne in his head, a visit from his one friend in this place reinstills Rick's hope that maybe there's another way to reunite with Michonne in reality...
Rick stares at the city across the water and it’s clear that the Civic Republic is not a place of hope to him but of imprisonment. Even if it’s a technical upgrade in lifestyle, it’s still a symbol of him giving up on his cherished life from before. And he is so not ready to do that yet so he’s trying to avoid being brought into that place as best he can. 
As he sits quietly for some time just taking in the day it feels like this is one of the few moments of calm in his otherwise depressing routine, even though he still is clearly so weighed down. Also, it’s funny how even tho he was in his apartment and could have washed up, he instead decides to sit on the bench looking like a madman covered in blood. 🤭
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gif cred: @candiedblue
So then Rick hears a friendly voice as Esteban Garcia approaches - Rick's one friend here.
Esteban immediately wants to talk about the insanity of Rick cutting off his hand. Rick greets him and confirms he did in fact cut off his hand and when Esteban teases asking if he can touch it, for a split second there Rick is not amused as he moves away from him lol.
Esteban confirms he’s just joking around and recalls how Rick didn’t even talk to him or anybody for like two years but Esteban was persistent in continuing to talk to him.
It’s interesting because while many of Rick’s TWD friendships had rocky starts he ultimately built a genuine family with those people. Yet in Philly, Rick never let his guard down enough to build new family ties because everything in him was convinced he’d be with his real family again.
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gif cred: @perryabbott
Esteban says “It took a while but we got something now.” Rick nods and Esteban repeats "We got something" as he talks up the hidden city saying while he knows Rick looks at it and just sees Alcatraz he and others look at it and see “that good life, man.” Hearing that just makes me like the use of 'The Good Life' song in TOWL ep 5 even more. Because it shows being on the road and on the run with Michonne is far more the good life for Rick than the Civic Republic. 
It’s sweet seeing Rick soften up just a tiny bit listening to Esteban’s excitement over finally entering a city with air conditioning. Rick smiles and quietly laughs and it’s interesting because you can tell that most people here know Rick as super quiet and stoic when there’s much more to him, like a super affectionate side, he just of course hasn’t really shown them.
Esteban says he’s gonna be in the city walls as of tomorrow because he finally got an upgraded position. And it’s nice seeing Rick seem happy for Esteban even if he himself is miserable under these same circumstances. 
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gif cred: @perryabbott
Rick says he should have got Esteban a gift. Gift-giving is truly one of Rick’s favorite expressions of care. And Esteban playfully asks, “What the hell you gonna get me? A scowl?” Lol the consignees and CRM really only know Rick’s grumpy little face.
Rick laughs and then, still the kindhearted guy we know, he thanks Esteban for “whatever this is.” While he’s still more reserved in this friendship I know Rick appreciates at least having one genuine friend here.
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gif cred: @richardgrimes
Esteban says “It’s life” and then tries to look on the bright side for Rick that after cutting off his hand Okafor might stop trying to recruit him as a soldier. And then I love the wordless acting Andy does as Rick confirms to Esteban in just facial expressions alone that Okafor still wants him to join the CRM. 
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gif cred: @arabellas
Then Esteban plants the idea for Rick’s next steps when he says Rick might as well join just to get Okafor off his back and then make his next move when he’s out there as a soldier scavenging for twine. Rick hears this and you can see his mind going as he realizes it could be a good play.
I know some wondered why Rick didn’t try this sooner but I honestly think he didn’t want to at all make this place seem like it was his people or his home, especially when he was convinced he'd escape and be home in no time. Plus, joining the CRM likely felt like a betrayal of his family and so even just off principle, he didn’t want to give in at first. But now after struggling to escape without conforming several times, he’s seeing maybe he can use conformity to his advantage.
And then the part I really like but also makes me sad (which is the running theme in this ep for me lol) is when Esteban says one thing he hasn’t told Rick, announcing “I got a girl, man, on the inside.” The way Rick looks at Esteban when he shares this 😭, you know the image of Michonne has vividly popped up right to the front of his mind as he listens.
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I love the way he plays it where you can tell he’s happy for Esteban because he knows exactly how invigorating it is to find the right one - as a romantic Rick has always been happy to see the people he cares about find their love. We've seen it in the positive way he'd respond to relationships like Glenn and Maggie, Carol and Ezekiel, Jerry & Nabila. But there’s also this clear shade of sadness in Rick's expression as Esteban says this because he’s been away from his true love for several years now. 
Esteban keeps talking about this woman he’s excitedly in a relationship with and Rick slightly looks away, his thoughts consumed with the idea of cooking up a new plan to essentially get off the bench and make an updated play to get back to his own girl. The woman he felt so lucky to find all those years ago. 
So then, Rick approaches Okafor in a room full of plants and dog tags. It's a nice shot.
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gif cred: @perryabbott
Also, when Rick enters this room he's wearing all black for the first time, and let me just say Rick in all black is fine on another level 😍.
Now from a metaphorical standpoint, the black clothes have much sadder connotations as the darker apparel shows he’s entering a darker state and losing himself, forced to become more uniform with the CRM...but from a strictly visual standpoint, the man looks great in black. The black fits were always giving. Every single one. 🔥
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gif cred: @clonecaptains
A montage shows Rick getting his black prosthetic fist and training with Pearl and others to improve their fighting skills, as Pearl first easily takes him down. Rick also learns to pilot a helicopter as Okafor talks about millet and how if he can find the right one it can change things - obviously alluding to Rick.
We then see Rick take someone down during the training. Look at our baby getting better at hand-to-hand combat. 👏🏽 We know in TWD that wasn’t his strong suit, even tho he always did find a way to come out on top regardless because he's resilient like that. But now he has new fighting abilities under his belt too. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
The soldiers stand at attention in front of Major General Beale and yell 'Sir, yes, sir' as Rick observes Beale, clearly skeptical of this leader. Even standing in uniform amongst these soldiers, Rick’s A energy is clear.
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gif cred: @theoneswholiveblog
Okafor asks “Is that your choice?” as the concept of 'choices' is big to CRM folk.
Then we see Okafor sitting in a helicopter that Rick is piloting which is hot I mean cool lol. (I mean both 😋). But fr it is cool to see this be a full circle moment from Rick seeing that helicopter in the TWD pilot and being called 'helicopter boy' to now being able to pilot a helicopter himself. 
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Rick looks down at the city while he flies the helicopter and it’s almost like while he’s not yet immersed himself in the Civic Republic/CRM ways, he is at least 'hovering' over it.
Okafor asks, “Is this the end of it and the start of something else?” Rick responds, “It’s the end…and the start” and I think for Rick he very much means this is the end of me being stuck here and the start of my new journey home, which is why he’s even willing to join this military.
The montage ends with Rick in the doctor's office getting aquatinted with his new prosthetic hand and trying out the weapon, showing the new Rick. The Rick who, as Okafor says, has been welcomed into the CRM.
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
However, while this is Rick’s initiation into the CRM, his driving motive still has not changed. It's still all about her. 
And that's made clear when even after joining this army, Rick still retreats in his dreams to a happy place that prominently stars his wife’s beautiful smile and presence. He’s still eager for Michonne. And y’all, his dreams know deep down she’s eager for him too. And I’m very eager to talk about it. 😋👌🏽
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navia3000 · 4 months
f r e s h o u t t h e
s l a m m e r
Includes : Dallas Winston
Genre : Slight angst and fluff
Warnings : Light cursing, mentions of jail, mentions of toxic Dally
Based on : Fresh Out the Slammer by Taylor Swift
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A knock on her window startled her from her sleep. She lay still in her bed, her thought process being if she doesn’t answer, they’ll go away. She couldn’t think of anyone who would be knocking on her window at three in the morning. It certainly wasn’t the Curtis boys, Steve would probably be in some car race, and Dally was in the slammer. Unless…
She shot up from her bed, running to her window. Sure enough, Dallas Winston stood outside her bedroom window in all his glory, bruises only just fading from his beautiful face, a cigarette dangling from his lips. “Open the window,” his voice was muffled from the glass dividing them. She hurried to open her window, stepping back as he climbed into her room.
Hers and Dally’s relationship was complicated. They were together, but, he liked to act like a tough guy around everyone else, a fact which bothered her to no end. It’s no secret she loved him, she just wanted to know the feelings were reciprocated in public. They argued endlessly over this, his gaslighting only angering her more and more, leading her to break up with him. It hadn’t even been a day when Darry Curtis called her up, letting her know he had been arrested for shoplifting. Again.
And now, here he was. Sitting on her bed and smoking a cigarette.
She broke the silence, “what are you doing here, Dal?” She watched as he took a big puff of his cigarette, his eyes fixed on his boots resting on the bed.
“I had to see you,” he said after a minute. His voice was quiet; he was never one to be vulnerable or talk about his feelings. The way he saw it, he didn’t show his affection for anyone, he couldn’t get hurt. Frankly, she was shocked to see him look so vulnerable and utterly defeated.
“We’re not together anymore. You can’t just come running whenever you’re fresh out the slammer,” her voice was small as she shook her head at him. She was hurting all over again.
“I know, just hear me out, will ya?” His eyes met hers, the sassy tone coming back to his voice for only a moment. “I know I haven’t done treated you right. I’ve been a shitty guy to you, and I regret it. I’m not good with this kinda thing, man, I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know how to express what I feel for you or what you mean to me, ya know?” He stopped to take another drag of his cigarette. “And, I was sitting in that damn cell and I finally realized, I don’t wanna lose you. Damn, I love ya. I don’t know how to be without you, it’s- it’s like I can’t breathe, ya know? I am trynna be better for you, I swear. And if you let me, I’ll keep trying. ‘Cause you mean everything to me. I’m just scared of gettin’ hurt.”
Again, she was extremely shocked. He had never once told her he loved her, let alone that he couldn’t breathe without her. Either way, she knew in her heart, that Dallas Winston was the love of her life.
Without saying another word, she walked over to him and engulfed him in a hug. They held each other tight, reveling in each other’s presence.
Pulling back, she said, “I forgive you, but you have to drop the hard ass act. I want you to actually acknowledge that I’m your girlfriend in public. And not just in a possessive way,” her lips were pulling into a smile.
“Ya got it, doll,” he gave her a rare grin of his own. He pulled her back in, inhaling her scent and committing it to memory. “You better not tell anybody about this, ya hear me?” Her laughter could be heard from miles away.
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electronickingdomfox · 5 months
Star Trek TOS slash bits (Season two)
This is my personal rundown of all the slash scenes in TOS season two. I've omitted episodes when I didn't find anything remarkable in them.
-What I count: lingering touches or affectionate looks, clinginess, actions that show a strong concern/familiarity with each other, suggestive scenes...
-What I DON'T count: friendly gestures (like smiling or looking amused when someone says something funny), scenes taken out of context, physical proximity just because there's not enough space...
I'll try to illustrate some scenes when necessary, though screenshots usually don't do justice to it.
For season one analysis go here.
There's no slash per se, but the episode has an underlying theme of love being independent of and transcending the sex of two individuals, or even their species. Spock comes off a bit more narrow-minded than the others, since he only considers the possibility of the Companion being in love with Cochrane once he learns the Companion is female. However, Kirk and McCoy had already reached this conclusion long before they knew the Companion even had a gender. And then there's, of course, Cochrane's indignation about men of the future being so open-minded, and having "no notion of decency and morality". An attitude that Spock defines as "parochial". And McCoy's take on it: "There's nothing disgusting about it. It's just another life form, that's all. You get used to those things." (And may I say, good for him to be used to alien entities entering him, considering the whole katra affair years later...)
It's been pointed out that Kirk's heartfelt speech about the Companion being unable to join "the man", is actually a revelation of his feelings for Spock. Personally, I think that's too much of an extrapolation. Even supposing that Kirk's talking in part about himself here, this may be just because of his inability to have a long-lasting relationship with anyone (not just Spock). Something that the show has already established firmly at this point.
Friday's Child
Spones Spock finds Eleen holding McCoy's hand, and McCoy quickly removes his hand, as if embarrassed for being caught cheating by his boyfriend. Unlike other times, when Spock looks amused by men flirting with women, this time he seems rather disappointed. Besides, this episode was written by D. C. Fontana, the same writer who introduced the concept of hand-touching as a specially intimate act for Vulcans.
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There's also the scene where McCoy tries (unsuccessfully) to teach Spock how to hold a baby, which mirrors the one where he teaches Eleen the same.
Who Mourns for Adonais?
Spirk When Kirk regrets that Spock can't come with the landing party, it seems as if Kirk's mind was wandering in an altogether different place.
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Amok Time
Spirk Many instances. For starters, Spock's hand gets really trembling when Kirk approaches him, and later when he grabs his wrist during a confrontation. Notice that this kind of nervousness happens mainly when Spock is approached by women (potential mates), as when he throws Chapel's soup, or when he hears Uhura's voice through the intercom. Later, Kirk is willing to risk his career to save Spock. And once in Vulcan, Spock breaks through the plak tow to beg for Kirk's life, even if he shouldn't be able to even speak in that state. Then there's, of course, the fight itself, which could be interpreted as a placeholder for sex, considering all the suggestive imagery, and the fact that it resolves magically Spock's pon farr.
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As for the outcome of the fight, Spock refuses to "live long and prosper", after seemingly killing Kirk. His reaction upon finding out that Kirk's alive wouldn't be so noteworthy if Spock was a normal human. However, such an open smile is very, very rare for Spock. McCoy (like any good shipper) notices at once his unusually intense emotions.
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Spones There's another character that elicits a trembling in Spock's hand, while getting physically close for a medical check-up. A clue: it's not Chapel.
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The Changeling
Spirk Kirk grabs Spock very tightly after Nomad's mind assault (and probably accidentally, Shatner squeezes Nimoy's pec so hard, that he hurts him).
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Right after this, Kirk still holds Spock for a very long time, until he's sufficiently recovered.
The Apple
Spirk Spock jumps illogically in front of Kirk to save him from the poisonous flowers, and almost dies as consequence. This earns him a reprimand from Kirk, who points out that he could have just shouted a warning. Apart from this, Kirk compliments Spock's appearance with the flower bracelet.
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Mirror Mirror Spones McCoy risks being left stranded in the mirror universe to save Spock's life. And it's not even HIS Spock! Kirk acknowledges how important this is for the doctor, and grants him those extra minutes. Right after, mirror Spock corners McCoy against a wall, and forces a mind meld on him. While Bones behaves quite submissively. It's both suggestive and disturbing.
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In the end, McCoy says that he liked Spock better with a beard, since it gave him "character". After his similar scene with Kahn, it seems that McCoy just has a thing for "bad boys".
The Deadly Years
Spirk Kirk makes a videocall to Spock while half naked, so his tits are right on his face. Unlike the similar scene in "The Corbomite Manouver", Kirk doesn't have a particular reason to be half naked here, and he's calling Spock specifically.
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And this may be a bit far-fetched, but while flirting with his previous girlfriend, Dr. Wallace, Kirk compares her with his First Officer.
McKirk Kirk is quick to point out that McCoy is growing some white hairs, in a good-natured way. And he's a bit flirtatious while the doctor reprimands and checks him.
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Bread and Circuses
Spones Pretty one-sided on McCoy's part. He's touched by the fact that Spock saved him in the arena, and tries to make amends and open his heart to the Vulcan. However, he fails to get a "genuine, warm, decent feeling" from Spock, and gets very hurt by his indifference (one could say, he feels "scorned"). After this, he lashes out at Spock in a specially vicious way.
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Then the scene transitions to...
McSpirk ...once McCoy and Spock both admit how worried they are about Jim.
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Meanwhile, Jim is in no danger, but fooling around with Drusilla. And later, he seems ashamed to tell them about his affair with her. Of course, there's also the fact that Merik and the Proconsul know immediately that putting Spock and McCoy in danger, would be the best way to blackmail Kirk into cooperating.
Journey to Babel
McKirk It's just a little thing, but Kirk and McCoy seem to be dressing in the same cabin.
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Spones McCoy is eager to learn anything about Spock's childhood from his mom, specially the embarrassing details. And he beams with joy upon finding out that Spock used to have a "teddy bear".
A Private Little War
Spirk At the start of the episode, Kirk is so worried about Spock's injury, that he snaps at the bridge crew in frustration. And he goes back to sickbay to check on Spock's condition, despite having been there a few minutes before, and having just called McCoy about it. His looks at the unconscious Spock say it all:
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McKirk Bones is very caring towards Kirk for most of the episode, specially since the latter is injured several times. And he's also quite worried about the possibility of Kirk being really enslaved by Nona. Apart from this, there's his gentle caressing of Kirk's naked chest...
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Spones McCoy is reluctant to leave Spock and beam down to the planet, after having just said that doctor M'Benga could perfectly take care of him. At the end, McCoy is overjoyed to find out that Spock is alright (it's remarkable that Kirk, instead, doesn't react visibly to Spock's voice). However, the Vulcan dismisses McCoy's reaction, once again embittering him.
On the other hand, what the hell was going on between Kirk and Tyree!?
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All that talk about them being "made brothers", and Tyree's refusal to tell his wife about their past... Nona seems even jealous, and says she's also "his sister" (kind of putting Kirk in the same level as Tyree's wife). McCoy tries to make Kirk reconsider his strategy of arming both sides, by reminding him that Tyree could also die in the war. And during the final fight, Tyree is about to crush Kirk with a rock, but Kirk's intense stare makes him recover his sanity.
The Gamesters of Triskelion
Spones Despite all the bickering going on between Spock and McCoy in this episode, the following exchange reveals that McCoy is actually eager to meet Spock's expectations:
SPOCK: I would welcome a suggestion, Doctor, even an emotional one, as to where to look. MCCOY: First time you've ever asked me for anything, and it has to be an occasion like this.
Spock looks at him surprised, together with comedic music in the background. At the end, McCoy finally smiles, when Spock accepts his help to rescue the others.
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McKirk Very similar scene to the one in "Balance of Terror". McCoy enters Kirk's cabin while he's in bed, and tries to comfort him, saying that he wasn't responsible for the deaths aboard the Farragut. However, the argument gets intense, to the point that Kirk warns the doctor not to push their friendship.
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The Immunity Syndrome
Spones There's a lot to unpack here. At first, Spock and McCoy are competing for the (dubious) honor of entering the amoeba. But then Spock makes McCoy understand how truly dangerous the mission is, when he asks him to wish him luck. McCoy is taken aback, and can only do so, shyly, once Spock can't hear him anymore.
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Later, he seems sorrowful when Spock reminds him that he should have wished him luck. Still, McCoy doesn't want to believe that Spock is dead:
KIRK: What's on your mind? MCCOY: Spock. Is it me, Jim? Am I so sentimental that I just have to keep believing that he's still alive in that mass of protoplasm?
At the end, McCoy is so happy to find Spock alive, that he blurts out an order to rescue him, forgetting he's not the Captain, much to Spock's amusement. The doctor seems a bit embarrassed, and he feels the need to berate Spock afterwards, in true tsundere fashion. Meanwhile, Kirk seems to be having a lot of fun with all this.
By Any Other Name
Spones McCoy holds Spock for a long time, after he's shocked while mind-melding with Kelinda, even when Spock is already up and walking. A bit later, he's still concerned and hovering over him. He also keeps Spock in his arms when the latter induces a trance on himself, and in general, he's very close to him whenever they're in the same scene.
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For his part, Kirk's fight with Rojan is rather suggestive, specially since he gives him a long speech while grabbing him like this:
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After this, he takes him by the shoulders in the typical "Kirk embrace", usually reserved for women he's about to kiss.
Return to Tomorrow
Spirk At the end, Kirk is devastated when he thinks that Spock has died. So much that Sargon, having understood how important Spock was to him, had saved his conscience beforehand, so he could be revived.
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Patterns of Force
Spirk The kinky episode. First we have Kirk's uniform fetish, when he regrets that Spock's uniform isn't as attractive as his. And then, of course, the prison porn scene. A half naked Spock climbs on top of a half naked Kirk, while the latter sweats and screams "Oh my goodness. Beautiful. Oh Spock, Spock!". Has to be seen to be believed.
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I'd be almost tempted to include the bit where the nazi guards catch them all inside a closet, under the pretense that McCoy was drunk, if this wasn't taking things too out of context.
The Ultimate Computer
McKirk McCoy comforts Kirk when the latter is feeling insecure about losing his command to a machine, and assures him he's not being unfair at all. Later, McCoy comes to Kirk's quarters to have a drink together, and makes a toast for him. Then Kirk... recites poetry to McCoy.
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The Omega Glory
Spirk A redshirt is seriously injured and lying on the floor, and yet Kirk quickly forgets about him and is like "Mr. Spock! Are you alright!?"... But Spock is just standing there, looking perfectly FINE.
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Kirk and McCoy's worry is justified later, once Spock is injured for real, but here is kind of hilarious.
Spirk: 9 out of 26 episodes Spones: 9/26 McKirk: 5/26 McSpirk: 1/26
Season one was the Spirk season, but in this season Spones has gained a lot of ground.
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prettyfilmz · 1 year
currently speaking from my heart at 1 am that this song is what hobie plays in his mind everytime he is around you.
when he bumps into you when browsing at a record store and you have a record of sade’s love tucked carefully in your arm, he makes a comment around the lines of “finally I bumped into someone with great taste.” which makes you laugh in return.
once he takes in how beautiful you are…he’s speechless for the first time in his life. from your glowing brown skin that looked so soft from just looking at you, your locs that were held high in a bun with a patterned head scarf, the smile that peeked from your thick glossed lips which made his heart quicken and your outfit…god you knew how to rock a dress and knit cardigan combo.
you both end up spending 45 minutes inside the store chatting about music and which artists you enjoy to listen to. it was genuinely warming to see that you enjoy the almost the same artists. hobie didn’t end up buying any records but he did end up with your number in his phone for when he calls you later.
when you facetime him, your phone is propped up on your nightstand while you show him all the vinyls you’ve collected so far. your locs were now free down your back and you were dressed in a a skimpy tank top and shorts which made him think some very…not so nice thoughts but those were pushed to the back burner once he saw how excited you were to show your records off. it made him happy to see you boast about how hard it was to find certain pressings and how you’re doing your best to keep them in great condition. often times he’ll tease you about selling them to him just to get a playfully flippant response from you.
“how much can I pay for the frank ocean vinyl?”
“your health insurance.”
“fair enough.”
after countless times of hanging out, going on record store trips together and face-timing to show off each other’s growing collections, hobie invites you over to his studio apartment. when you both finish the takeout you’ve ordered from the chinese restaurant near his place, he leads you to his room where his record player sat patiently on top of a small table and a shelf full of records were ready to be chosen from.
he motions for you to pick one to listen to and you eagerly oblige. when pulling out michael jackson’s bad, he remarks “never took you for a bad girl.” and smirks when you glare at him playfully. when the needle drops on the record and ‘liberian girl’ starts to play, you both lay sprawled out on his bed taking in the ambience around you. he has his arm wrapped around you and you have a hand playing with the rings that were displayed on the fingers of his free hand.
“this is my favorite song, y’know?” you say after a few bouts of silence. “word?” he says in a surprised tone. you nodded in response with a ‘mmhm’ and returned your focus to the rings on his hands. he chuckles silently to which brings you out of your zone. “what’s so funny? is the song too ‘unpunk’ for you?” you quirk with a teasing arch of your brow as you look at him for an answer. “actually quite the opposite,” he nudges your shoulder playfully. “it’s quite a coincidence that’s your favorite song though.” you furrowed your brows at this response and silently urged him to continue.
“I say that because whenever I play this song, I think of you.” he admits. “in fact, that song was in my head when we first bumped into each other that day.” if you could look at yourself in the mirror right you, you were 100% sure your jaw was on the verge of hitting the floor. here you were cuddling up in bed with a man who made your heart flutter and soul smile, confessing that he thinks of you whenever he listens to your favorite song.
"just like the song says you are more precious than any pearl, doll." his hand pulls away from your grasp to cup your face, still in awe at his revelation. by now you realize how close you are to each other, lips merely breaths apart.
"can I kiss you?"
"...please do."
you didn’t have to ask him twice and he captured your lips delicately with his own, kissing you with the right amount of softness and hunger that gained sweet little noises from you that made his heart swell. as time progresses, you both live in your own little world of bliss with your hands caressing each other with soft touches and wet kisses and the sounds of michael jackson's harmonies with mix of the cars driving around outside his apartment window added an extra lick of intimacy.
with all the chaos going around in the world, here you both were celebrating your sprouting love being brought together by the one thing that made you meet in the first place...music.
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sapphire-weapon · 6 months
Sort of as a follow-up thought to this post...
I really can't wait for that Operation Javier project -- whether it's a full game or a DLC or whatever it is -- to come out and give us a closer look at what Leon's life was like between RE2make and RE4make. Because I think something that really gets missed in the fandom (likely due to the ridiculous misinformation listed on the wiki that then gets passed around the fandom like fact) is that Leon wasn't trained by the government to kill bioweapons. Leon was trained by the government to kill people. Ashley just got ridiculously lucky that the agent who was sent to retrieve her also happened to have experience fighting against bioweapons due to having been in Raccoon City.
It's subtle, but there's evidence for this in RE4make itself. It's actually baked into Leon's character arc.
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At the Hunter's Lodge, Leon's trained response to encountering a person on the ground during a mission is to reach for his gun. He even starts taking it out of the holster. It isn't until the hunter appears to not be a threat that he puts it back down and tries to talk to him.
But when the hunter does become a threat, Leon doesn't hesitate in killing him. And not only does he not hesitate to kill him, but he even pulls out his gun and doublechecks that the man is really dead.
This happens before anyone knows that there's bioweapons at play. As far as Leon knows, in this moment, he just killed an old man in his home. Just an old man.
His subsequent conversation with Hunnigan is structured as such that the US's intel on the ground is only that Ashley is being held in this village. The statement "Something's happened to the people here" is tacked on as an afterthought, as something unexpected. Leon suspects that there's biological warfare involved after seeing the hunter come after him chittering and with a broken neck, but he doesn't get the chance to voice that to Hunnigan and ask for more information before he's interrupted and has to cut the conversation short.
Later, this happens:
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Prior to Mendez mutating into his boss form, Leon didn't actually suspect that he was infected with las plagas. He was opening fire on and trying to kill a man who he thought, much like the hunter, was just a man. Because that's his job.
The line "I'll do my job" is particularly interesting, because most people think of Leon's "job" in this game as rescuing Ashley -- but that's not how Leon himself seems to see it. His mission objective is to rescue Ashley, but his job -- at least, in the context in which he says it -- is to kill people.
We also know that Leon was part of Operation Javier. This is never stated explicitly, but Krauser tells us this without telling us:
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Krauser had a revelation in the jungle, and Leon was there with him in that jungle two years ago.
So, what was Operation Javier?
Well, we don't really know yet. I'm sure that it did involve bioweapons somehow -- Capcom wouldn't be making it into a separate title release if it didn't -- but that wasn't the original conceit for it set out by the US government in-universe.
This was the official mission statement for Operation Javier:
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Eradicating drug cartels.
Which means going after people. Not BOWs.
And Leon being sent on this mission alongside Krauser and his unit didn't seem to raise any eyebrows or key anyone into the possibility that there could be BOWs involved. They all seemed to have been taken by surprise -- especially Krauser, which shouldn't have happened as Leon's trainer if Krauser knew that the purpose of Leon's training was BOW combat.
This also isn't the first mission that Leon was sent on alongside Krauser and his men. He says as much in the intro with the plural use of "missions" attached to his training.
So... Leon is a killer. He was specifically trained to kill people for the US government. He just happens to also be adept at fighting against BOWs thanks to his experience in Raccoon City. And what's chilling is that, during the intro, he also expresses a strange sort of gratitude for his combat training because it "kept [his] mind off things."
That's how broken Leon is going into RE4make. The kind-hearted guy who just wanted to protect people in RE2make spends the next six years following Raccoon City being turned into a hitman and murdering people for the federal government, and his response to that is "thank you."
That's why Ashley's contribution to his character arc is so important. At a certain point during RE4make, he stops fighting against the villagers and starts fighting for Ashley. She shakes him out of that killer's mindset and reminds him that, once upon a time, he was a boy named Leon Kennedy who wanted to save the world.
And the culmination of this is Leon's realization that both of these parts of him can coexist. He can use his intense combat training and killer instinct to protect people -- just like he protected Ashley. But he's not so naive anymore (like he was in RE2make) to think that he can protect and save everyone. And he was forced to accept, through his training and through killing Krauser, that sometimes some people need to be sacrificed in order for other people to be saved.
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pinguwrites · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 | Day Seven — Robert Oppenheimer + praise kink, ddlg
Pairing -> cillian!robert oppenheimer x reader
Warnings -> smut (minors dni), okay so this wasn't as dd/lg as I intended, affair, cheating, blowjob, kinda bitter and sad, biblical reference to Eve and the apple
Disclaimer: This is not a reflection of Robert Oppenheimer's actual life. This is completely separate and is not intended to insult him or his family in any way. This is about Cillian Murphy's portrayal of him in the movie Oppenheimer. This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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Robert’s place was small, but it was comfortable. There was a couch and some nice wallpaper, and down the hallway was his room, with a bed that fit the two of you like a puzzle piece. It felt like home, a place where you and him could live one day, together and married, like nothing else in the world mattered.
“My wife’s not home,” he said, and you got a little annoyed at the mention of Kitty, even though you knew you shouldn’t. If anything, she should be annoyed at you, at the student who always took up Robert’s office hours, the one who came over every week for dinner to talk about ‘quantum physics’, the one who was fucking her husband.
Said husband wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, leaving kisses down your neck. “My pretty girl,” he murmured. “My pretty, little girl. What did I do to deserve you?”
A feeling of guilt washed over you, but you ignored it, like you did every time he touched you. You wondered if he was doing the same.
Robert picked you up bridal style and carried you to his bedroom. You told him he didn’t have to that, but he insisted. He liked it when you were in his arms, a helpless damsel he could please and love and protect.
Once he was in position, you got down on your knees and pulled out his cock. He was hard, and you wasted no time slipping his length into your warm, wet mouth, just the way he liked it.
Robert moaned softly. “So good,” he praised. “You do it so well. Don’t stop.”
You didn’t, and after about a minute, he wrapped your hair like a ponytail and started pushing your head up and down, making you gag and sputter as he deepthroated you.
He was very gentle about it, despite the fact that he was making you choke on his cock. His pace wasn’t fast or rough, rather generous, like he was trying to drag the moment out for as long as he could.
He pulled out and came on your face, the cum dribbling down your cheeks. He spread it across your lips, revelling in the sight of you looking up at him through fluttering eyelashes.
He kissed your forehead and after taking a breather, he was hard again. He placed you on top of him. “Go slow, okay? We have all night.”
You did as he asked. You sunk onto his cock, letting yourself get used to the size before you started rocking against him, hands on his shoulders, eyes shut. At this pace, you could focus on the way his length pushed in and out of your pussy, the way your walls clenched around him and sucked him in deeper. When you dropped all the way down his pube hairs would brush up against your soft skin, but you didn’t mind it at all. It just made the moment feel all the more real. 
Was it wrong if it felt so good? How could your feelings be a sin? You were only showing your affection to the man you loved. And you did love him. You loved him ever since you walked into his class, ever since he started whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
“You’re mine,” he growled, pulling you closer to him. It was sweaty and warm, skin up against skin, his heartbeat thumping against yours. “My little girl. Mine.”
“Yours,” you whimpered, picking up the pace, desperate for release. “All yours.”
It was at that moment that you had to accept that while you were his, he would never be yours. He was a forbidden fruit, an apple, and you were the foolish girl who decided to take a bite. You and Robert were never going to be together in the way you wanted, you were never going to get married. He had his wife, and you had your future ahead of you. He would never divorce Kitty, and you would never sacrifice your education because of his reluctance.
You continued fucking Robert into the night as he left breathy moans against your ear. You both wouldn’t last, it was certain, but for the time being, you could pretend it would. 
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