#was this an actual tradition or did everyone just collectively go ‘yeah this bitch has ice powers. yk bc nezha has fire powers’
tagapagsalaysay · 2 years
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Knives Out Thoughts (With expected spoilers)
Lol I just wanted to admit that I prefer the first one better but in real neurotic fashion my brain wanted to justify that until settling on to that it's just a personal bias and its not a flaw or at least intended design.
I think I liked the first one better because it was contained in a way I like better. Contradictions like, a funny Clue mansion that visually felt so contained in its own absurdity. Like its big. Fits like 3 generations. Has an entire center area with a big fucking knife throne. But the sets make it look like these guys were suffocating, perhaps under how much they depended on Harlan that they put up with the kooky mansion. So its psychological and physical. And its fun.
The Glass Onion V2 is like, wealth too egregious to really put up with compared to this. The Clue mansion was still a display of wealth within that really compressed environment and I guess I at least prefer spatial modesty. And here's where I say that yeah that shit is on purpose. It's shameless on purpose because that Elon Musk rip off is just supposed to be that way. It's just that it released at a time where everyone is so done with his shit where they either laugh and do nothing or feel no catharsis at all.
So anyways personal preference aside I'm gonna elaborate that train of thought with justifying why I like the other better. But except I use it to point out that it's fine that it's different but mostly the same formula. Knives Out is a murder mystery story about this Southern guy who keeps being mysteriously dragged to solve high profile murders with multiple layers of deceit alongside unfortunate normal ladies who get dragged along with this mess... which usually ends up with rich bozos getting the rug pulled under them. Both stories involve dependence towards a rich dude. Both co-leads tend to be ladies who arent ultra-rich... and they took liberties with it. Such as Elon Musk wanting to victimize himself instead of actually being murdered. Or the self referential bit being that it was a murder mystery party (I know I would suck at those). Or the framework of the mystery, where first one was about filling the gap that solves everything. But the second one is that the nothingness shows itself in plain sight. The lack of a mystery as the transparent screen you look through to see pretentious puzzles waiting to be solved. And its like, that's where theyre different. I like the two movies in their own different ways that theyve set themselves in. The first one is the fun traditional murder in a house that's a homage to traditional murder mysteries, then the second one is just really really funny to me as The Witness guy. I have to view them so differently but that's just how theyre made. And its fine.
Is glass onion predictable? No, because the way the story was laid out is obscuring the larger story on purpose because its honing in to the layers than the transparent bulletproof casing that protects it from being torn the fuck apart because the mystery is garbage By Design. The first one also fucks over rich people, but it's an individual win. Glass onion is like, switched around. Some of the leads are actively worse than others, or even better people, but they get an overall win, kind of. I think it's just a flaw in the framing because you get that cathartic bit of taking the big bad down by collective action but who's to say his wacko lobbyist friends are going to stick to the script. Just reversed the scale, which is simple but enough to switch it up.
One thing I really couldnt personally stand and its uh. The set. its just too big for me. Feels nauseous. I know its on purpose like I said initially to showcase the scale of how big of a prick these guys were but it was just, tying in with more technological buzzwords definitely did not help. Like, I watch knives out to avoid that bs, but its okay I guess. I liked seeing startup bitches burn. Fun.
The bit with mona lisa we caught on way too immediately but I think, with how much they built up to it, it paid off very well. Didnt matter if we picked it up quickly even before the final catalyst because it was very fun to both metaphorically and literally break glass.
Glass Onion is a dream to describe how I feel about the witness and what made it that way. Silicon Valley goons, puzzles on an island, faux resort stuff, layers, puzzles hidden in plain sight stuff, and just... Why I find pretentious stuff compelling is that you see it all in front of you and you play along with cynical delight. Sometimes I'm wrong about the nature of anything that wants to take itself seriously. But sometimes you get shit like that. Is this ironic... I think you'll probably wish it was. It's like obsessive thoughtguy's version of morbid curiosity. I love this bullshit! Rahhhhh!
Also I'm just not a fan of the among us bit. From all the odd marketing for the game this is the line is crossed. Original knives out talks about rejecting a Netflix deal and this one is produced by netflix. Put among us impostor for laughs but come off as the most sinister product placement ever. Focus more on social media + disruption but almost come off as ingenuous coming from the corporation who produced it, but not noticablr enough because hey it's already pretty radical to want the tesla guy dead. Don't look behind the meaningless puzzle of producing content in the streaming age either. People say they didnt promote glass onion enough and wonder why its doing bad and not... realizing its a pattern of behavior. I saw like 3 glass onion billboards, they are not neglecting marketing. They probably spend MORE on marketing than anything else. So like, if you want to look at simple things obscured by some guys wanting it to seem more complicated than it is: poke into that. They'd love that shit. Good night everyone.
If you read all this: wtf?
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wackernagels · 2 years
idk what it is w modern depictions of ao bing and ice powers but i think it’s neat
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7spaceace7 · 4 years
Ego Holiday Headcanons
Haven’t decided if I’ll make more after this, but here’s some festive headcanons for the Septic boys! (tagging as Yuletube for my submission for the past two missed days, hope that’s alright!)
Henrik Von Schneeplestein
-The host of the Septic Ego Holiday Celebration (est. 2017)
-If he wasn’t stressed enough by being a doctor (and parent lmao), HE IS NOW
-Getting all the egos together for the holidays and making sure they DON’T kill each other?? Someone give this man an award
-Everyone keeping their limbs would be his only Christmas wish
-He does not get said Christmas wish (see: Robbie)
-Switches up his black coffee for coffee with peppermint creamer
-Chase eventually hooks him on peppermint tea instead, he knows the Doc needs sleep
-Can be found humming along to the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy as he cooks holiday dinner
-Definitely has a “kiss the cook” apron
-Chase crossed out the “the” on it with “zhe” in sharpie
-Day 5, Schneep still hasn’t noticed
-Loves it, but still wears his doctor coat on top of it
-Gets very cold easily, so the fire is always burning
-Has a nutcracker collection
-It’s getting out of hand
Chase Brody
-Holidays are,,, hard for him
-Still sends his kids cards and presents, never actually knowing if they get them or not
-They do, I promise
-Wasn’t originally keen on celebrating with everyone, he has a tendency to self-isolate
-But once he gets there, he’s glad he did
-IMMEDIATELY tackled in a hug from Jackie
-”YOU’RE HERE!! Couldn’t start without you, dude!”
-Everyone else smiles and gives the appropriate hug
-(Anti does not, but no eye roll this time at least)
-Absolutely loves warm apple cider and has a good recipe to make his own
-Favorite Christmas movie is Elf, no I do not take criticism
-Has a soft spot for Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas though because of his kids
-Holiday puns, you CANNOT get this man to shut up with the puns
- “Where’s Anti?” “Up to SNOW good! There’s SNOW way we can REIN him in now!”
-Once it snows, this boy is sledding down every hill in SIGHT
-Teaches Robbie how to catch snowflakes on his tongue
-Marvin makes him a “World’s Best Dad” sweater
-He totally cries and does not take it off the rest of the season
Jackieboy Man
-Christmas is his favorite holiday
-Good luck getting him to sit still around this time
-Has super strength, so he doesn’t quite have the same “don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself” factor that everyone else does??
-Nearly giving Henrik a heart attack everytime he moves, but make it Festive™
-”Guys it’s snowing!!” “JACKIE GET ZHE FAHK OFF ZHE RAILING”
-Slides down the stairs anyway
-Marvin made him a whole ass “ugly supersuit” instead of just a sweater
-It is a w f u l, but on purpose
-Ofc Jackie adores the shit out of it
-Loves snowball fights!
-Always gets targeted by Anti tho
-Eventually it turns into a snowball war
-Pulls Chase over to tag team him, then discovers Marvin has an alliance with Anti
-They will be here a while
-Time to break out the reindeer-themed boxers
-They go along perfectly with his red and blue sweater-suit
-Eventually able to settle down when it gets dark out, bonus points if there’s hot chocolate involved (courtesy of JJ)
-Don’t forget the marshmallows
-Wants to help everybody out with their plans, always does his best
-Even if his best includes falling off a roof
Marvin the Magnificent
-Made everyone sweaters, even Anti
-Spent too much time on the design parts to make em perfect, so he had to rush getting them all sewn
-Uses his magic to sew like three at once
-December 1st, 12:00am is when the Christmas music starts
-Mariah Carey impressions that slowly get higher as the month goes on
-Performs a “Let It Go” rendition that could rival Idina’s during christmas karaoke night
-Switches his regular mask for his holiday one with snowflakes instead of card suits on it
-The decorating master, with JJ as his apprentice
-Favorite part is designing for the lights outside
-Learned a spell to make it look like it’s snowing inside
-Forgot to learn the spell to make it stop snowing inside
-Ended up just sticking with those paper snowflakes dangling on the ceiling
-Asks Jackie for help with the lights on the roof, not because he can’t easily do it himself, he just knows that Jackie likes to help and this is the one thing he knows he can’t break
-Did not expect Jackie to break himself by falling off the roof instead
-Ends up finishing the lights with his magic anyway (after he untangles his boyfriend from the lights, that is)
-Can and will destroy Jackie during snowball fights just because he can
Jameson Jackson
-THIS BOY oh this boy
-Brings out the classic holiday music and sets it up on the gramophone
-LOVES making up dances to the music
-May be a classic boy, but his guilty pleasure is Michael Buble
-(Robbie calls him bubbles whenever he comes on)
-Goes ALL OUT with the holiday baking
-Cookies of all kinds, homemade gingerbread for the houses, so many pies, even learns how to bake his own bread
-Everyone agrees that his pumpkin bread is the best
-Anti especially loves the cherry pie for “aesthetic purposes”
-Has a whole “Twas the Night Before Christmas” puppet show routine
-His job is making the decorations while Marvin sets them all up, it’s a great dynamic
-Definitely makes those traditional popcorn garlands for the tree
-for some reason puts an orange in his stocking?? The others are confused, but he’s so excited so they just let him do his thing
-Now everyone has oranges in their stockings
-They still don’t know what it means
-Die Hard is a Christmas movie, dammit!
- “Grinch Bitch” is what his sweater from Marvin says
-Secretly likes it, but fuck off
-Wears it to sleep every night in Winter
-You know that thing where cats get under Christmas trees and swat at the ornaments? Yeah that’s him
-Loves the white elephant gift game
-Ends up getting a present and it’s a turtle
-His name is knives
-Fills his snowballs with fake blood so they explode on people
- (at least we hope its fake)
-If it doesn’t snow enough, he is the bitch who throws water balloons instead
-Henrik still has work leading up to Christmas, so Anti listens to him rant when he gets home
-Christmas patients are fuckin crazy and he loves it
-One time fell asleep and woke up with a red nose and antlers
-Chase was never safe after that
-Kept the antlers though, they jingle
-Saved them all from Chase’s puns that day
- “Where’s Anti?” *distant, staticky jingling* “Ah there he is”
Robbie the Zombie
-LIGHTS...pretty lights…
-He loves the lights, and will try to eat them if you’re not careful
-Says they’re static candy
-Doesn’t get cold because he can’t feel it, so he often wanders around in the snow
-One time he came home without his left foot and Schneep nearly had a heart attack
-Turns out it froze in the snow and snapped off his leg
-The Great Foot Search Party of 2020
-Please don’t forget to bundle this boy up before going out
-Anti has knitted him a hat and scarf for just this reason
-Henrik was the Proudest Dad that day
-Totally gets to put the star on the Christmas tree every year
-Marvin levitates him high enough
-Favorite holiday movie is The Polar Express
-One time JJ came out with his signature hot cocoa during the movie scene and Robbie was THRILLED
-Talking almost knocked him over thrilled
-Tries to sing along to holiday music, the lyrics don’t work out much
-Really good at keeping a beat though
-Marvin made him a sweater with bells on it
-Adores the bells, flaps the too long sleeves to make them jingle
Shawn Flynn
-Likes Christmas, but like lowkey
-He’s a toymaker!!! He makes adorable toys for all the egos as their presents from him!!
-Didn’t really have a family to go back to in his days at Joey Drew Studios, so he was used to spending Christmas alone, usually working
-Now he has Too Much Family (but in the good way)
-Absolutely gets nicknamed Scrooge at first, probably because he really likes A Christmas Carol and he’s a grump
-Often can be found being pulled off to dance by the gramophone with JJ
-He’s got two left feet, but JJ doesn’t really care
-If anyone still believes in Santa, even just a little bit, it’s because of him
-Has a giant red sack that he fills up with toys he’s made and/or the ones no one could sell back at the studios and donates them to orphanages
-Usually sticks to his old timey clothes, but when he does wear modern Christmas attire like the sweaters, he has,,,no idea how to match things
-It’s ‘cause he’s red/green colorblind
-once asked why Marvin had “yellow” hair
-JJ makes sure that his decorations have lots of blues so it’s not so much strain on his eyes
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lovelyirony · 4 years
Title: I wish i could forget you
Tony Stark was not supposed to be in the car when Howard and Maria Stark attended a Christmas holiday party for another company. In fact, Hydra had wanted him to stay home. 
Unfortunately, Tony had ticked off Howard a bit too much, and so here he was in a tuxedo that was a bit too big, uncomfortably shiny shoes, and a temper that was close to blowing. 
Thank god they were almost home. 
When a car crashes, one almost can’t believe it. Tony can see the outside blurring, and he can hear glass crunching, and he hears things that he really doesn’t want to hear. He is fairly sure that Maria screamed. 
A metal arm. 
Well, not the most typical. He also doesn’t think that the man knows he’s here. 
Howard and Maria Stark are killed. Tony feels like shit because he couldn’t do anything. His forehead is bleeding and he didn’t want to move out of fear for himself, which seems selfish, but also maybe a survival instinct? 
God, his bow-tie is still constricting air flow. 
Once the man turns, Tony realizes that he wasn’t the target. They probably had no idea he was in the car, whoever “they” were. 
He gets out of the car. The car door creaks, and the man whips around. 
His eyes widen. 
The voice is surprisingly American. 
Surprisingly? He’s not sure why it’s surprising, it’s not like an American can’t kill just look at history, but still, Kind of surprising. 
"What, wasn’t supposed to be here?” Tony rasps out. He realizes now that he’s basically sent himself a death sentence as the man surges forward. 
“What are you doing here?” 
His eyes are piercing. Also very, very familiar with some photographs that Peggy has on her mantle and her desk. 
James “Bucky” Barnes. Son of a bitch. 
“What are you doing alive?” Tony asks. “I thought you were lost in a ravine in Europe somewhere.” 
“Ravine. In Europe. You know who you are, right? Is this some kind of sick...what did they do to you?” 
“I do not know what you are talking about.” 
His eyes get cold again. 
“Who are you?” 
“I am the Asset.” 
It is now that Tony realizes that every single shitty sci-fi book is probably right, and his disdain of “wacky science” and “magic” have all been for nothing, because here is Bucky Barnes, who apparently has no idea who he is. 
Then Tony gets knocked on his ass. His body slams against the icy road, and Barnes is rushing towards a motorcycle. 
And he’s alone. He can’t breathe, all the wind knocked out of his chest. He thinks he broke a couple of ribs. 
No one believes him. At all. SHIELD brushes it aside. 
“There’s no way Barnes could be alive. You were probably just seeing things,” they tell him. “Would you like us to find you a therapist?” 
“No,” Tony says, and they ask why. He laughs, sipping on his water. “SHIELD has so much loyalty to itself, I’m afraid I’d be compromised.” 
“Therapists aren’t supposed to divulge any information,” Nick Fury adds carefully. “And we’re a secret-keeping bunch. Nothing goes out that comes in.” 
“Unless, of course, it’s necessary,” Tony drawls, staring at Fury. God, the leather outfit...that’s weird. “Then I’m out in the open, Nicky. And what fun is that unless I get to show off an outfit in full-coverage?” 
“...I’ll have an agent escort you home. We’ll have guards overnight.” 
“Don’t bother.” 
“And why is that? Think you can handle it by yourself?” 
“Fury, my family has made a career out of thinking a lot of things. You’re not being as detrimental as you think.” 
He finger-waves, grinning and winking at agents on the way out. 
Now comes paranoia. This is welcome, actually, because it’s allowing him to work up new security measures and hack into various security cameras around the world to see if he can find Barnes. 
It’s like he’s a ghost. And fuck, maybe Fury was right. Tony doesn’t like that, but that may be it. 
Merry fucking Christmas. 
Years go by, and Tony keeps a tiny ear to any news about mysterious deaths that can’t be explained. A man that glows in lamp-light, has no identity. He’s not sure if it could be Barnes. God knows he’s no longer seventeen, and Barnes--it if it was Barnes--would be way older. He should’ve been an old man in 1991, but he wasn’t. 
It kind of reminds him of the conspiracy theory that Walt Disney was kept cryogenically frozen, which is just ridiculous, because as far as he’s concerned, you’d need a bit more to you than just regular skin and bones. 
And this is where it hits him. 
Barnes was experimented on when he was captured by Hydra. Peggy told him that Rogers told her that he was repeating his dog tag number over and over, as if someone was trying to take him over. 
Yeah, you’d need a bit more. 
Like a fucking super soldier serum. 
This then delves into Tony realizing that if Barnes is flash-frozen, then...well, could Rogers have survived? He always thought his dad was crazy, but a broken clock is right twice a week or however the hell that saying goes. He never used it, he wasn’t a broken clock. 
(He was broken, but he’s not going to compare himself to a clock. Perhaps  Model-T.) 
They find Rogers. Tony realizes Howard did his math completely wrong for years, and probably never let anyone look at it because he was a World Super Genius. And a Colossal Dick. 
Steve Rogers is one tough cookie to crack. Tony chips off some of the ice and puts it in a glass of scotch. 
“Do you really think that’s the most appropriate thing to do?” Phil Coulson asks. 
He’s shocked, but mainly because Tony has seen his Cap collection, and that man has so many limited edition cards and lunchboxes that it’s a bit crazy. But at least he knows how to decorate with it and not have it look like an absolute nutjob swept into his house and did it all in red-white-and-blue. 
“Phil, my darling, when have I ever done anything the appropriate way?” Tony asks. He stares at the face that’s emerging out of the ice. “Besides, what else are you going to do with this ice, hm? Besides melt it all off?” 
Steve is a miracle. Every scientist on earth wants to poke and prod at him. 
Tony breaks him out of SHIELD in a week, because he swears to shit if one more scientist asks to take blood samples “to see how going under Arctic temperatures affects the bloodstream” (and also take DNA for cloning) he’s going to lose it. 
Fury yells at him for two hours. 
Steve flips Fury off from the couch, where he’s been channel-surfing for the better part of three hours. 
“You’ve already corrupted him,” Fury scowls. “Rogers, we need to talk--” 
“He’s retired,” Tony says. 
(Steve is not, technically. Hasn’t said anything. But Tony is putting him on mandatory retirement for at least a year.) 
“What’s...what the ever-loving fuck is that?” Steve asks. 
An infomercial. For an automated chair. Mostly used for old people. 
Tony grins. 
“You wanna see how fast I can launch you out of one?” 
“I’m going to say yes. Professionally.” 
Ten miles an hour, and Steve goes flying across the room into a pile of pillows. 
It’s not the end-all solution. God knows Steve calls him “Howard” and asks where a lot of nasty food is, and sometimes can’t tell the difference between what his brain is seeing and what is actually there. 
But Tony gets him help. And Steve goes to art school. 
It’s all very funny, actually. Steve rants about “modern art” and how “if he could kill any concept it would be abstract expressionism, what the fuck.” 
Tony buys and then donates a Rothko in his honor. 
Steve fumes, but finds it hilarious. 
Then, there’s the attack on New York. 
Norse god of mischief decides to end New York, blah blah blah. 
Captain America reappears, everyone loses their shit, and Tony almost dies. 
Then he gets four other roomies besides Steve, and he has to make a chore chart. Ugh. 
Barnes reappears in France. Tony gets a fairly good image, and Natasha stills. 
“You know about Winter Soldier?” 
“Barnes? Yeah.” 
“You know who he is?” 
“James Barnes. At least, I think. He tried to kill me, wasn’t very successful at it.” 
Steve overhears. 
This leads to a chain of events that ends in Steve not coming to family dinner because he’d rather sit in his room and listen to Green Day or Glenn Miller or whatever the hell gets him even more upset. 
“Listen, Steve, I’m sorry. But up until this picture? I was only about sixty percent sure I wasn’t full of beans.” 
“Why is that the phrase you use?” 
“What, full of beans? Bruce says I have to work on my cursing. Apparently, children are impressionable. Who knew?” 
It’s not a total success. Steve still doesn’t like that Tony didn’t outright tell him, but Tony isn’t going to tell Steve that he has the mental stability of a single cashew. 
So begins the hunt for Barnes. Which actually isn’t too bad. 
He’s in DC. Not for any political clean-up, unfortunately. He’s trying to kill Fury. Tony doesn’t know why, at least until he looks up Pierce, who’s technically, mostly retired from SHIELD. 
And yet still uses most resources that technically? He needs more than one authorization from multiple people. 
God, people are getting bad at covering their tracks. Used to be harder to catch and see if someone was doing dirty deals. 
(Okay, not like he can talk because Obie was...well, no use in discussing that now. He needs to focus.) 
Nat and Steve are bad at lying. This kind of surprises him, because Steve is usually a successful liar. He’s convinced Clint that it’s not him who keeps eating his peanut-butter-fudge ice cream, but Thor. 
And Natasha used to be Natalie Rushman. Then again, Tony was poisoned during that one, so that might just be on him. 
Helicarriers go in the water. 
Tony’s working on making sure most of the information doesn’t reach the general public, although he can’t stop it all. 
Barnes falls off the face of the earth, and Steve wants to go on another treasure hunt. 
“Let him come to us, or figure himself out.” 
“This isn’t a college kid going backpacking in Europe for a year,” Nat snaps. “He’s...you know who he is, who he was, and what he can do.” 
“Counterpoint: we don’t know if he secretly really wanted to see traditional decoration of Ukrainian Easter eggs,” Tony says. “God knows that I want to learn more about that.” 
“Is everything a joke to you?” 
"Only on federally mandated holidays,” Tony says with a shrug. “But let him be. Steve, it’s one thing that he didn’t kill you. It’s another thing that he hauled you up from the Potomac. I’m not sure I would’ve done that because who goes up alone to a helicarrier?” 
“Historically nobody,” Natasha says. “Most people don’t have any helicarriers.” 
“God, this situation sucks,” Tony says. “What if. We potentially. Ignore all of it and have spinach and artichoke dip? Hm?” 
“With toasted bread?” 
“I’m not an animal, Steve.” 
“Your penchant for four a.m. coffee while you don’t realize you’re singing songs from the seventies says otherwise,” he responds. 
“Well well well, if it isn’t the punishment of you getting the aux taken away for a week,” Tony taunts. 
“Oh, come on!” Steve whines. 
“Nope, just you having to listen to more of Bruce’s questionable tastes.” 
Barnes comes stateside. The only reason Tony knows this is because Jarvis says that he may have spotted Barnes, but he’s not sure. 
“J, you’re the most advanced system in the world, not to mention my son, and you like to hack into the Pentagon for funsies.” 
“All of that could not have prepared me for this.” 
Barnes is wearing a neon green tank top that is advertising Coco Beach in Florida. 
“Can I laugh? Or is that sad?” 
“Multitask, Sir.” 
“Oh, true.” 
Barnes is not in New York. Tony has to near-about put an electric fence around the whole state so that Steve doesn’t go on a road trip. 
Hell, Tony doesn’t even trust him to go to coffee alone, but that’s a bit much. 
“We have to wait,” Tony says. 
Sam Wilson is a godsend. Also the funniest man Tony knows. 
He is also emotionally healthy and very perceptive, so he has been noticing that Tony is nervous. 
Because how do you face the man who killed your parents? Technically? 
“Are you talking to your therapist?” Sam asks. “Just thinking you should.” 
“Sam, we’re working on my issues from 2007. Believe it or not, it will be taking a full year.” 
“I don’t like that I can never tell if you’re serious.” 
“I know you remember the tabloids from 2007, I wrote a mesh vest. Clearly, I need so much help.” 
Sam snorts. 
“Maybe. Hey, I’ll catch you later. Clint and I are gonna go try and find some questionable shirts to crop.” 
“Did his little protege convince you? Bishop, right?” 
“Kate, yeah. She’s convinced our public image will go viral or something. Good luck with helping Steve and Nat with your super-soldier hunt.” 
“Thanks. Let me know if you find a shirt with my face on it. I want it.” 
Sam snorts. 
“Will do.” 
Bucky Barnes comes to New York in early May. The springtime is slowly but surely fading off, sun approaching more and more. Tony is enjoying coffee on a veranda, and then suddenly his waiter is nowhere to be found and he’s not entirely sure if his visitor takes credit or debit. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Maybe. Depends on if you’re gonna kill me or not.” 
“I think Steve would be a bit broken up about it.” 
“Do you care what he thinks?” 
“On this situation? Yes. When it comes to culinary choices? No.” 
There’s a ghost of a smile on his face. Tony’s trying extremely hard not to remember shattered glass and a motorcycle on ice. 
“Can we, uh, table this conversation? For later. Espresso and all that, plus the added bonus of our shared history, so...” 
“Shared history?” 
“You don’t remember?” Tony asks. Bucky shakes his head. “Ah. Then this is truly a comedy of errors. Maybe. Um. Listen, I, uh...I gotta go. You need to talk to Nat or Steve or hell, maybe even Thor. Is Thor a good option?” 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“Barnes, I can’t exactly face you right now.” 
And then he jumps off a balcony. 
A fucking balcony. 
Jesus H. Christ, his therapist is gonna be so excited for their next session. 
The suit wraps itself around him, and he can finally breathe, and he’s thinking about calling Pepper and see if she would like to schedule him a vacation for maybe anywhere but New York and Iowa. 
“Why not Iowa?” Pepper asks. “They have good antique stores. I’ve gotten quite a few good finds for clothes.” 
“I can do shopping retail literally anywhere else, absolutely not.” 
“Spoilsport. Steve know you’re leaving?” 
“I didn’t even really tell Steve what happened with my parents.” 
“Oh, your therapist called. She sounded concerned, but also intrigued.” 
“It’s because Sally almost became an employee of NASA and still has a soft spot for aerodynamics.” 
“What exactly did you do when faced with Barnes?” 
“Check the front tabloid page tomorrow, just tell everyone I’m out of town.” 
“Got it. And Tony?” 
Her voice is soft. 
“Yes, dear?” 
He can feel her rolling her eyes. Affectionately, of course, but rolling all the same. 
“Be safe, and come back. You know Rhodey and I miss you.” 
“I miss you too.” 
A week is spent in Malibu. He really is thinking about selling this place. But for now, it suffices. 
Steve texts him. 
bucky’s back. holy shit 
be back in a week. radio silence. 
got it. no more messages from me. thor tells me to tell you that he broke the sink 
And that’s it. He’s sitting in the house for a week, has already called Sally once and explained how his suit works, and then listened to her talk about how “his reliance on the suit to help him escape unfavorable situations is not exactly the healthiest but also none of my clients have had to face someone who is of weird standing.” 
It’s no secret that Tony doesn’t like Howard Stark. Who would’ve liked that sorry excuse for a father, a man who was so cold-hearted the Arctic looked like a tropical paradise? 
Maria was...Maria was different. 
She wasn’t a good mother. No, she was never a good mother. But she tried, and she didn’t deserve her fate. 
And then there was the question of Bucky Barnes. Who wasn’t Bucky when he was there, but still so damn recognizable. 
It’s kind of like when there’s a movie about a famous person, and another person plays them. Like Tom Hanks, essentially. Bucky played whoever the fuck they get Tom Hanks to play and it’s similar: you see the resemblance, but it’s not it. 
So yeah. 
There’s also the little tidbit that things get complicated when you involve personal feelings and rationality, and really? Tony misses New York. A lot. And he’s not going to let someone else overtake his life just because he’s uncomfortable. 
So he flies back to New York. 
He’s in a bad way, Barnes is. 
“He remembered you,” Steve says. “What he did.” 
“Ah, there’s that.” 
“He doesn’t have to be here,” Natasha says. “I have a couple of SHIELD safe houses to choose from.” 
“None would be adequate to house something like me,” comes the response. 
Barnes looks remarkably shitty, as if he hasn’t slept in eighty years. And maybe he hasn’t. 
“Jail would be more fitting.” 
Tony rolls his eyes. 
“You are literally the most dramatic person ever, and Bruce threatened to take over the government because Thor ate the last croissant. Put those on the grocery list, Steve
“We’re not gonna throw you in jail,” he continues on. “Not because you happened to be used as a goddamned Swiss army knife. I have issues, sure, but I’m not going to be going all Hannibal Lecter or whatever.” 
“Who the hell is that?” 
“Cannibal. I realized that that’s a terrible comparison, please forgive me.” 
“Why a cannibal?” 
“Couldn’t think of anything else but Anthony Hopkins, the actor. My mistake. Point is, we’re gonna have to go through some channels, and I’m introducing you to BARF, as well as a new person who’s gonna rock your world.” 
“I’m pretty much well-acquainted with vomit.” 
“No, not that,” Tony says. “Although we can cover that through my 2005 edition of partying if we really wanna dig up some old magazine interviews. No, I’m introducing you to something that’s going to change your life.” 
After that, Tony doesn’t have much to do with Bucky’s life. 
He serves as a permanent guilt trip, nothing says “well, shit” much like being a permanent guilt trip. 
Sally tells him that they should talk it out. Do all that “and how do you feel?” questioning that makes his skin crawl and his eyes ascend to the ceiling. 
I mean yeah, they share a living space. Tony has seen Bucky laugh and smile with Sam, talk with Bruce about a really interesting article about regeneration of plant cells or whatever, and Bucky enjoys videochatting with Wakandan royalty. 
(It also helps that Shuri is blunt as ever, but so blisteringly smart. He’s reading her paper on regeneration of nanotechnology, and it just...it’s the Pieta of research, that paper.) 
But he never speaks to Bucky. Well, he does. But it’s more along the lines of “hey Barnes” and “how are you?” which aren’t exactly the Most Thought Provoking Statements Ever Made. 
Summer comes swiftly, and about near with a vengeance. Tony’s dealing with a heat wave and trying to figure out if going outside is even worth it, and then he and Bucky are alone in the kitchen. 
Tony was debating getting a couple of popsicles from the freezer. Bucky is considering sabotaging Clint’s smoothie that was supposed to be special for tonight, but that he’ll most likely forget. 
“Hey,” Bucky says. “Um, can we talk?” 
He’s been avoiding this, officially, for a month. Potentially more if you’re going to count a few choice events that have been brought up by his psyche. 
“Sure thing, buttercup. What are we talking about. Economy, world crises, the great debate on financial advice?” 
“Isn’t the third thing just the economy?” 
“We can break it down over coffee.” 
“Mm, maybe another time. No, I’m talking about us. About how I--I kind of ruined your life.” 
Tony blinks. 
“You didn’t ruin my life. If my life was ruined you’d be hit with so many lawsuits that I could make the rest of your life look like the third circle of Hell, or wherever it is that people go nowadays in Dante’s eyes. No, you didn’t ruin my life.” 
“I still killed your parents.” 
“If you hadn’t, someone else would’ve. Believe me, there were about fifteen others in line. Sometimes, myself included.” 
“You can’t not take me seriously,” Bucky stresses. “I still did a terrible thing. I just want to make sure you know that you’re being too kind.” 
“I most certainly am not,” Tony says. “Being too kind would have me feeding you grapes.” 
Bucky’s face blanks. 
“Don’t. I...I don’t wanna take advantage of your hospitality. I don’t want to remind you of what happened.” 
“You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t wanted,” Tony says. “Believe me. And if you want to leave, you’re free to leave. I don’t want to make you feel like you need to stay here.” 
“I...I want to make it up to you.” 
“Then use BARF and review it,” Tony says. “I’m serious. I need user feedback, and you’re the best candidate for it. Also, please try to convince Steve to wear neon yellow. I just want to see if he’ll do it.” 
Steve wears neon yellow. Tony laughs so hard he cries. 
Bucky smiles. 
It’s a nice smile, really. It’s wide and happy and wow. That’s all worth it. 
And then BARF. Bucky just gives user feedback, nothing else. Tony doesn’t want to know anything else, but they start talking more. 
Tony finds out that Bucky’s been doing crosswords to catch up on current events, and he’s bought taped recordings of World Series games. 
He loves antique stores. He visits them and brings home little trinkets that he remembers in his own house, or what he remembered. He watched old commercials from the fifties and sixties, laughed as he remembered the Sears catalogs that would come in the mail. 
“Me an’ my sisters would beg my mom for new clothes from the catalog, and she never would. Always sewed our pants and skirts so damn well, I probably could’ve used them for the next ten years.”  
Tony laughs. 
“Well, I can’t promise I can sew. But I could give you some armor that could last you twenty years, if you want. Steve told me you’re thinking about doing some distance missions.” 
“Just observation, no armor required.” 
“Sometimes it’s the simple missions that get the worst hits,” Tony says. “Believe me, I know how it goes. So, do you want some armor?” 
Bucky smiles. 
“I’ll need feedback.” 
“I’ll give it all I’ve got.” 
Bucky is a goddamned dream to design for. He knows exactly what he needs, what areas are most likely to be pierced, and also has a flair for the dramatic: he requests an Iron Man helmet be embroidered on the back. 
“You’re really just trying to be sweet on me, aren’t you?” Tony teases. 
“My master plan to gain your fortune,” Bucky teases right back. “I’ll waste it all on champagne pools and the worst-looking but most expensive shoes I can find.” 
Tony laughs. 
“Sugar, that’d be incredible if you could spend all of my money on that. I’d commend you.” 
Bucky smiles, and it shouldn’t be as nice of a smile as it is, but here Tony is with his opinions and his concerning thought that maybe he wants to see more of Bucky. 
In the morning, there begins a routine. Tony is always up at eight o’clock. It’s a rare lull in Avenger-morning-routines: Nat, Steve, and Bruce are all done, and Thor and Clint won’t be in until ten o’clock at the earliest. 
(What can he say? Thor’s a god and Clint...well. He needs a lot of beauty sleep.) 
Tony makes coffee, and Bucky makes them both breakfast. Says that officially, it’s to test and make sure that his prosthetic is still performing under optimal conditions. 
(They both know that’s not it.) 
Tony always says he pours too much water, makes enough for two cups. 
Steve calls them out on it. 
“You two are being weird,” he says. “And not like Thor and Bruce trying to reenact that one show about ghosts and unsolved things.” 
“That’s their form of courtship, don’t be fucking rude,” Clint remarks. Natasha snorts. 
“What, us being weird?” Tony asks, pouring a bit more coffee into Bucky’s mug. He always uses too much creamer and then won’t finish his coffee unless there’s more. “Why do you say that?” 
“It’s because you both do couple shit,” Bruce says, breezing into the kitchen. “Also, Steve, lovely to see that you have volunteered to be the next guest on Avengers: Unsolved. We’re planning on using you as a guilt-trip in order to access files about aliens.” 
“Truth will be found!” Thor adds. “But also, yes. Bucky, I thought you were taking him on a date to the art museum on Saturday.” 
Bucky turns red. So does Tony. It really is quite inconvenient. 
“I mean, we could go on a date there,” Tony says. “If you’re okay with that.” 
“You’re doing this in public?” Natasha asks, eyebrows raised. “Hm. Would not have called that.” 
“You owe me fifteen dollars,” Bucky says. “Not you Tony, quit looking at me like that. Yes, it will be a date on Saturday, I’ll wear a nice shirt. Nat said that I couldn’t do anything that surprised her.” 
“Technically, Tony surprised me.” 
“I thought dates were mutual events, hm? Fifteen dollars. I’ll use it to buy the best bouquet in New York.” 
“The best bouquet costs over a thousand dollars,” Thor answers. 
“Not questioning how you know that, but I’m scared of you,” Bucky says. “Then I will get the best fifteen-dollar-bouquet in New York.” 
Tony snorts, smiling. 
“I guess I’ll spray a bit of my perfume on my pillow then, soldier.” 
“I’ll pick you up at noon sharp,” Bucky says, grinning. He finishes his coffee. “We’ll make fun of Steve’s art exhibit together.” 
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dreamiehrs · 4 years
a Christmas miracle ➛ z.cl
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genre: fluff, comedy/crack, bestfriend!chenle, gender neutral reader, hurt/comfort somewhat
pairing: zhong chenle x reader
word count: 2,588 words
warning(s): some swearing
summary: Christmas had been the same old same old holiday for you and your family for plenty of years now, fully embracing the tradition of meeting up with family, exchanging presents, and enjoying each other’s presence on Christmas day. however, this year seemed to feel quite different, with your family quite literally forgetting that Christmas even existed, and with you all stuck in your apartment alone in the snowy city, you weren’t so sure what you were going to do for Christmas this year. unbeknownst to you, though, your sneaky best friend had a trick up his sleeve, and he was determined to make this Christmas one you’ll remember forever.
note: this is a part of mylin’s @suh-insane​ and sunny’s @neocitybynight​ Walking in a Winter Wonderland collab! this is my first time participating in a collab solely for Christmas, so I hope you all enjoy this fic of mine! Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! I hope you all have an amazing and safe Christmas this year, and I just wanted to let you all know that I appreciate and love you guys so so SO much! (and to the people who don’t celebrate it, I still hope you all have a wonderful day nonetheless!)
prompts chosen: “when we finally kiss goodnight how I’ll hate going out in the storm! but if you’ll really hold me tight all the way home I’ll be warm.” + “that’s what Christmas memories are made from. they’re not planned; they’re not scheduled. nobody puts them in their blackberry. they just happen.”
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for the past few months, time seemed to fly by without leaving a trace behind, and before you knew it, it was already Christmas day. if it was any other year, you would’ve woken up earlier, around 6 AM to be precise, and start your trek to your parents house with their gifts in hand. however, since your parents and the rest of your family got caught up in other ordeals, and quite literally forgot that Christmas even existed, you had woken up quite later than 6 AM. 9 AM, if you were being specific.
you had still bought your family presents for Christmas, of course, and took the time to wrap them and spiffy them up yourself with various different kinds of Christmas wrapping paper you’ve collected over the years as a pro wrapper (in actuality, it was just your mother giving you extra wrapping paper when she accidentally bought too much, so you weren’t entirely a pro wrapper, per se). what you were trying to say is that you put a lot of thought into buying and decorating presents for your family, and you were sort of down about how you wouldn’t be able to give them their presents in person this year.
basically, what you were trying to get across is that you quite literally had no plans for Christmas this year, and you were probably going to spend your entire day wailing away in your apartment.
nonetheless, you pulled yourself out of bed after being in deep thought for thirty minutes straight, and decided to actually not wail away in your apartment for the rest of the day. it was time to be festive, you thought to yourself, as you slowly made your way around your room to move your curtains aside to let some sunlight seep in. although you were in a brooding mood, you didn’t entirely want your room to reflect that.
you huff to yourself as you slide your feet against the carpet floor, swinging open your closet doors and glancing over all of your clothes, none of them really catching your attention. you sigh before closing both of your closet doors dramatically, turning around and heading towards your dresser. you can faintly hear your phone buzz on your nightstand as you pull on one of the knobs on one of your dresser drawers that contains your pajama pants. you grab a random pair of snug pajama pants and opt to keep the same pajama shirt you wore to bed last night on before heading to the bathroom to change.
after taking some time to get dressed and brush your teeth, you finally exit your bathroom and toss the pajama shorts you wore last night in your hamper. you snatch your phone and stash it in your pocket before making your way towards your miniature kitchen. you promptly grab your kettle and fill it up with water, waiting for it to reach the third line before placing it on your stove. you move the dial until its exactly on high temperature, and you’re about to start to make yourself breakfast until you feel your phone buzz in your pocket.
fed up with how active your phone had been for the past thirty minutes, you finally fish your phone out of your pocket and lean against the counter next to your stove.
your phone contained the usual notifications, such as Instagram likes, Team Snapchat sending you a Christmas snap, your best friend chenle spamming your phone- wait, your best friend chenle spamming your phone? that was FAR from your usual notifications, and you were honestly quite surprised that he was contacting you on Christmas day this year. he’s usually spending it with his family all day, and never texts you back until he gets back home, which is around eight PM.
without thinking, you unlock your phone and tap on the messages icon, and your jaw almost drops when you see how many messages he sent you within the past few hours. since 6 AM, chenle has sent you over one hundred messages, and for once, you were grateful that you were a heavy sleeper, because if you were a light sleeper and woke up to every single one of his messages, you would’ve lost your mind.
you [9:45 AM]: please chenle what do you WANT FROM ME
lele the dumdum [9:45 AM]: I THOUGHT U WERE NEVER GOING TO WAKE UP
lele the dumdum [9:46 AM]: took u long enough smh
you [9:46 AM]: ...is this really how you’re going to treat me on Christmas day??
lele the dumdum [9:46 AM]: I treat you like this all the time. what makes you think that today’s gonna be any different?
you [9:47 AM]: …
you [9:48 AM]: is this why you’ve been spamming my phone SINCE 6 AM!?!?!
you [9:48 AM]: also why were you awake at 6 am anyways
you [9:49 AM]: did your crush finally text you back or are you still drowning in loneliness like usual
lele the dumdum [9:50 AM]: I don’t even have a crush??? who told you that false information
you [9:50 AM]: the little elves running around my house whispered it in my ear last night
lele the dumdum [9:51 AM]: I think you’re going to delusional
you [9:51 AM]: I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case at this point
lele the dumdum [9:51 AM]: MOVING ON
lele the dumdum [9:52 AM]: WHAT DO U HAVE PLANNED
lele the dumdum [9:52 AM]: I NEED TO KNOW THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT
you [9:53 AM]: me planning to wail in sorrow all day is very important to you??
lele the dumdum [9:53 AM]: ...excuse me what?? UR GOING TO WAIL IN SORROW ALL DAY ON CHRISTMAS DAY!?!?
lele the dumdum [9:54 AM]: this is not acceptable. I am coming over right now to spread some of my FESTIVENESS AND JOLLINESS with you :D
you [9:55 AM]: chenle you really don’t have to-
lele the dumdum [9:55 AM]: TOO BAD IM OMW RN AS WE SPEAK
you [9:56 AM]: at least bring some festivities, games, and snacks with you 🙄
lele the dumdum [9:56 AM]: oh shit you have a point
lele the dumdum [9:57 AM]: BRB ILL BE THERE IN 30
you knew that once chenle had made his mind up about something, he wasn’t going to change it that easily, so it would be futile to try and stop him now. you don't bother replying to his last message, and you shove your phone back in your pocket a few moments before your kettle whistles. you move on from chenle tormenting you for twelve minutes straight and make yourself some tea and breakfast instead.
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it was now around 10:30 AM, and you had just finished digesting your breakfast when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket again. you were lying down on your small, beige couch, with your cold tea sat on the coffee table a few feet away. you were still in your pajamas, with no intent of changing into actual clothes anytime soon.
once again, you fish your phone out of your pocket to see what nonsense chenle was texting you this time.
lele the dumdum [10:31 AM]: open up, bitch
you [10:31 AM]: I thought I gave you a spare key??
lele the dumdum [10:32 AM]: shit I forgot it
lele the dumdum [10:32 AM]: anyways OPEN UP
you lazily lift yourself up from off of your couch, grasping your mug of cold tea on the way to the door. you take your time unlocking your door, halfly because you felt like annoying chenle, and halfly because you were just over today in general.
the first thing that stands out to you once you swing open your front door is how different your outfit looks compared to chenle. he was all bundled up with plenty of layers to keep him warm while adventuring the city, and meanwhile you adorned white and pink striped pajamas with socks on. you also noticed that he had a dark grey bookbag on his back, and was holding two full bags in his hands.
the two of you stare at each other for a few more seconds until chenle breaks the silence with: “I think this is the most I’ve seen you look like a complete old person. there have been other times, but the old person persona is just jumping out at me right now.”
you roll your eyes. “don’t say that when you yourself have dressed up as an old person before.”
“yeah, yeah,” he brushes you off, passing by you to slip his shoes off and to take off his five hundred layers. “it doesn’t matter whether you look like an old person, it mainly matters whether you have the spirit of an old person, you know?”
“I cannot comprehend your words this early in the morning. we can have a conversation about whether I act like an old person later.” you say as you watch him remove his large, dark green jacket and place it onto your coat rack. you can hear him scoff at your remark, and you grin as you see the corners of his mouth lift up slightly.
“early in the morning? y/n it’s only-” he pauses to check his phone “10:32 AM. that’s early for you?”
“I woke up at 9 AM, you dum.”
“oh,” he swivels around to face you after taking his shoes off and removing all of his additional layers. “makes sense, I guess. you’ve only been awake for an hour and a half, so you’re probably not fully awake yet. I mean, I’ve been awake since 6 am, and I’m bursting with energy compared to you.”
you give him a deadpan expression in response to what he said, and he can’t help but burst out laughing at your reaction. he steps up beside you and pats your shoulder gently. “well, besides that, I’m gonna be the one who helps you burst with energy like I am right now! follow me!” he whisper-shouts a few inches away from your ear, and you can feel his hand leave your shoulder and grasp your right hand in a matter of seconds.
he leads you back towards your couch, and even somehow manages to help you set your mug down even though he has bags in his hands. the two of you plop down on your couch, and you almost melt at how soft and comfortable your couch was. you closed your eyes for a few seconds as chenle rustled through his bags beside you, and you don’t know how much time has passed when chenle starts to snap his fingers at you.
“y/n, I am not going to deal with your sleepy ass right now. I spent around forty minutes scurrying around the city to find things to lift your mood, and I am not going to let those forty minutes go to waste just because you’re tired.”
you groan and roll to the other side, facing away from chenle. “just five more minutes…”
surprisingly, you’re met by silence in response to your wish of wanting five more minutes of rest, but that silence doesn’t last when you feel something cold touch your face.
you screech and immediately open your eyes to witness chenle pressing an ice cube onto your forehead. you swat the ice cube off of your forehead as quick as you can, and stare up at chenle like he’s gone completely mad. “what was that for?”
he grins proudly. his plan had worked. “awake now? great. now, help me figure out what we should do first.”
“I think you’ve gone mad. I cannot believe you just woke me up by pressing an ice cube onto my forehead.” you complain, still feeling the coldness of the ice cube on your forehead. when you finally move to face him now, you see that he had brought plenty of things for you two to entertain yourselves.
“I could’ve done worse things, like dip my hand into freezing water and press it against your face, but I was feeling generous today, so I decided to spare you the pain.”
you scoff. “right. anyways, what’d you bring?”
he glances at you excitedly before getting into it. “well, I brought plenty of snacks, some fizzy drinks, some board games, some movies I rented that we could watch together, some candy, etc. I honestly brought everything that I thought you would like with me, so I really hope all of this is enough to make your Christmas day a little bit more festive. I may have also bought you a present, but besides that… let’s get this party started! ...y/n?”
he tears his gaze away from the couch to up to your face, and you don’t entirely register that you’re crying until a few minutes after staring into his eyes. “oh, I’m sorry… I just… I’m just really grateful that you decided to come all this way to cheer me up on Christmas day, and you brought so many things with you as well to make me feel better so… thank you, chenle.”
he beams at you even though he can feel a tear threatening to fall from his left eye, and instead of letting you see him cry as well, he quickly wraps his arms around your figure, bringing you into a tight hug. “of course, y/n. you know I’d do anything for you, right? if you’re down, I’m going to cheer you up in some way, shape, or form, and if you feel like watching the world burn, then I’ll be right by your side.”
“awh, stop it, you’re going to make me cry even more.” you faintly hit his back with your hand, and he giggles as a few tears fall down his face.
the two of you stay like that for a good five more minutes, which is enough time for chenle to regain his composure and act like he didn’t shed a few tears in the process. he slowly leaves your grasp, taking a good look at your face and wiping some tears off of your face with his thumb. “you know what I think will make you feel better?”
you grin. “what?”
he smiles before swiveling around to rustle through his bookbag, and your eyes widen when you finally process what he’s up to.
the next moment happens so quickly you can barely register that it’s happening. chenle swivels around with two nerf guns in his hands, throws you one that lands perfectly in your arms, and declares: “me completely destroying you in a nerf gun battle will make you feel better.” before he releases fire on you.
you shriek as you run across your apartment, trying to avoid the plastic bullets that chenle was littering your apartment with. eventually, he does win the battle, and it does make you feel better in the end, but let’s not mention that or else his ego will run wild, alright?
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awilddreamermain · 3 years
Hi, Chels! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! You deserve every follower and more! That is a threat, I'm holding everyone hostage 🔪
I would love to get a MHA matchup, I wanna see who you'd match me with! Got me so curious! SFW & NSFW if you'd be willing!
My name is Chloe but I prefer May, nicknames include May-May, Maybell or Chlo.
I'm 25, pronouns are she/he, Cancer Moon, Aries Sun and Virgo Rising. Quite the weird mash of zodiacs, huh?
My favorite colors are pink (that soft pastel kinda baby pink), red (especially blood/garnet red) and...can I add pink again? Any shade of pink this time. Bubblegum or hot pink.
Favorite AU's include A/B/O, Mafia, Historical, Fantasy and does Mythical Creatures count?
Oh...oh boy, I gotta look deep for some fun facts that aren't just...facts but I'll do my best!
1) My sneezes are so short and high pitched I go "chu".
2) I have vitiligo, makes me look like a dog because it's mostly around my mouth and my right eye so I have a spot!
3) I have atrocious balance, my knees and shins are always banged up because I cannot for the life of me walk correctly.
4) I have a stutter, on top of speaking so quickly it turns into a jumbled mess. So good luck understanding what I said because I have no idea either.
5) I have a growing unicorn plush collection. My favorite is Cupcake, one that's actually taller than I am. Big chunk.
My likes are pretty simple. Cute & soft sweaters, blankets, warm coffee and strawberry milk, pastries and the cold! Winter is my favorite season. History, particularly the Medieval and Victorian times.
My interests revolve around creativity and you could say they're my hobbies as well. Drawing in particular, I used to do digital but I'm stuck with traditional pencil and paper at the moment. I'm dipping my toes into painting and its very fun! Obviously writing and reading and if I'm not doing of those listed then I'm definitely playing video games.
Personality I might say I'm quite split down the middle. At first, to a complete stranger I might come across as cold, stoic, with a resting bitch face, that just wants to get whatever I'm outside for done so I can leave. I'd create a witty or sarcastic comeback if I was given sass by a Karen but with my speech issues? I'd be lucky to get one coherent word out at her...and spend the rest of the day fantasizing what could've happened. So I'm rather quiet, agoraphobia hits hard in large or crowded places so I'm an anxiety riddled mess on the verge of a panic attack. In private or with people that I'm comfortable with? Complete opposite. Happy, bubbly, cracking puns and jokes so get those groan worthy reactions. I try to be the "mom friend" and get over my issues if someone is having it worse, I'll march up to a counter and ask for ketchup if someone wanted it but was too scared to do it themselves. The shoulder to lean and cry on, I'm highly empathetic and understanding, compassionate at times. But I have to actively try and keep myself positive and say good things about myself because I do fall into the pit of self-loathing and hate.
For appearance I'd say I'm average height, pale with white splotches that are inching larger due to my vitiligo, chubby, ashy blonde, blue eyes, button nose. I'd say I'm decently cute? I don't know if I can rate myself.
Okay I know I said I'd be looking into Zodiac compatibility for this but— I literally just screamed internally "KIRISHIMA" when I was reading this. You two would be perfect omg. This Libra king would do anything for you. For this you're an artist and the daughter of a mafia boss :) I like to think of ship names sometimes so like, yours would either be like Eijmay or Mayjirou or Kiriloe— that last one and first are awful I know so lets go with the second? I can't write a proper stutter for the life of me so I tried to keep your dialogue to the minimum.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀AU: Mafia
⠀Theme Song: You're The One That I Want - Alex & Sierra
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How you meet (his point of view):
⠀⠀The gallery was full of black and white suits, tight, floor length dresses with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses meeting his ears. It was a joyous evening, celebrating the wonderful art work created by the boss's daughter. He had never met her before but he had heard whispers, all good as no one would dare slander the name of their leader's precious little girl. You were the boss's pride and joy, thus he kept you as far away from the darker side of the family business as possible.
⠀⠀Kirishima was still a new hire, a bodyguard of sorts and would consider this his first gig. He had an idea of who he was looking for as he walked further into the mass of people admiring your work but didn't expect what he would eventually come across. You were as far away from the crowd as you possibly could be, guzzling glasses of wine and over all appearing to be a deer in headlights. He couldn't fugure out for the life of him why you seemed so frightened until he watched people approach you to talk, noticing the stutter in your voice when you replied to questions and greetings,your body language telling people to stear clear of you.
⠀⠀So, he did what he was hired to do. "Kindly step away from the lady." He said with a smile, approaching with his large arms crossing over his broad chest as he towered over the guests. They looked at him as if he were a giant shark looking to devour them before scurrying away, leaving the two of you alone. He stood quietly, listening to the voices on the other side of his ear piece as his ruby eyes scanned the area around you. He made sure to not stand so close and avoided in letting his gaze wander.
⠀⠀He couldn't help but admire your skin in quick glances, finding the spot over your eye to be quite adorable. Your silky, ask blonde hair was all dolled up for the event, light make up on your face but not enough to cover the vitiligo. You were stunning and his heart hammered against his chest. So the rumors were true.
⠀⠀You thanked him, voice quiet and careful as you set down your wine glass and clasped your hands together. Out of the corner of his eye he watched you twiddle your thumbs. You didn't want to be here, did you? This obviously wasn't your idea, how could it be? A girl like you, timid as a mouse, didn't want to be surrounded by strangers. "Miss..." He began, thinking carefully because the last thing he wanted to do was piss off the boss and likely get himself killed. But this was his job wasn't it? Making sure you were happy and safe? "Would you like to leave here for a bit? We'll come back of course, but you look like you need some air."
He ended up taking you to a drive thru restaurant and got you whatever you wanted, letting you talk about whatever you wanted or sat quietly if you chose not to talk at all If it was quiet in the suv then that was fine too, he just wanted to help you in any way he could. Eventually the silence becomes small talk and then leads to a rather deep conversation about whatever the hell was going on inside that beautiful brain of yours. Kirishima wasn't the smartest man but he wasn't stupid, he wasn't as clueless as most thought he was. You told him how your father made you do this as an attempt to get you out there, to socialize and possibly find a suitor. This was the mafia after all.
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The Confession:
⠀⠀It was a tradition now, every Sunday you and Eijirou would go to your favorite café to have coffee and enjoy the early day weather before it got too hot. You sit at the same table, in the same chairs with him facing the door. You get the same drinks and food and just overall enjoy each others company. After that night at the gallery you two became fast friends, which your father obviously had to approve of but thankfully he did. Kirishima was a good man, he's trustworthy and puts you before himself.
⠀⠀The day he approached your father and asked to speak in private was the day he knew he was likely to get thrown in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean. He has confessed his feelings for you to your old man, who listened intently with a blank face behind his desk. "Sir, I'm in love with your daughter, and with your blessing I'd like to... court her." He was utterly terrified when your father cleared his throat and sighed, shifting where he sat so he could stand and move around the desk. He reached out for a handshake which Kirishima looked up at him with a questioning look.
⠀⠀Your father gave his blessing and now... He just had to tell you, his best friend, that he loved you. God he loved you so much— "Kiri," you interrupted his thoughts, bringing him crashing back to reality," a-are you alright? You seem nervous." He swallowed hard in response but cleared his throat, taking a sip of his cappuccino.
⠀⠀"Oh yeah— definitely." He breathed with a laugh, moving a hand to the back of his neck to scratch. How was he going to say it? "So, uh—" he licked his lips, adjusting himself in his seat multiple times until he groaned and leaned forward. "Fuck, I'm just gonna say it— Maybell, I love you. I have for a long time now and I talked to your father and he said—"
⠀⠀"Said what, Eijirou?" Your eyes widened at his confession and he felt like a complete idiot. Should he had said something to you first? Was this a mistake? What if you didn't feel the same way? God his mind was going to explode—
⠀⠀"That I could... court you. With your permission." You were quick to nod and smile to his surprise, which prompted a grin if his own.
Kirishima HAS to be facing the door in any public place you go to. I don't make the rules.
He never let's you walk close to the road, he has to be between you and it at all times when you're walking.
He oders your food and drinks for you when you can't but is there for moral support when you do. He wants you comfortable and happy. He wouldn't ever dare get in your way though, you're a lot stronger and braver than most may think you are.
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The Relationship:
⠀⠀On days like this, Kirishima can't help but admire you. He catches himself staring wuite often but he just can't help it. What did he do to deserve such a beautiful partner? He looks at you and all he can think about is how much he loves you and wants to see you smile. He watched you from the kitchen island, leaning against it as you waltz around the kitchen in your pinky fuzzy slippers and one of his shirts that's much, much too big on you. He remembers your surprise when you found his clothing was actually too big on you and how happy you were.
⠀⠀"Maybell?" He hums, adjusting his stance and crossing his arms on the counter. He listened for you to him back in response, a smile on his lips. "You look so cute in my clothes.
⠀⠀You giggled, shaking your head and continued putting the dishes away until Eijirou appeared behind you, arms wrapping around your waist and his forehead coming down on your shoulder. "Need somethin' baby?" You turned your head just slightly, a brow cocked inquisitively. He squeezed you in response, swiftly lifting you and making you squeal. Thankfully you didn't have anything in your hands at the moment. He peppered kisses all over the side of your face, setting you down only to lift you again bridal style.
⠀⠀"I've got all I need right here in my arms." He chuckled and you playfully smacked his chest, letting him carry you to your shared bedroom.
He thinks your sneezes are the cutest thing in the world.
He loves your god awful puns, they crack him up every time.
Adores the fact you're a nurturer, especially with your friends. He thinks you'd make a great mother but if that's something you don't want he respects that.
You take care of everyone, but who takes care of you? Eijirou is always there to be your shoulder to lean and cry on, he's your sound board and is always happy to let you talk about your feelings with him. You're allowed to not be happy and bubbly all the time, he realizes how staying positive all the time can actually do more damage than goof, especially if you bottle everything up.
If on a particular day you're struggling with your speech he's happy to be your voice as well. He understands you better than anyone, even your own father.
Speaking of your father, he can't wait to make Eijirou his son-in-law! He's a good man with a good heart and treats you right, what's not to like?
He has trouble saying no to you and spoils you quite a bit.
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The Fights:
There's nothing, what you say goes and all he can say is "yes dear". He knows better than to argue with you, however when he's right and he knows he is, he finds a way to prove it without making you mad.
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The Sex:
⠀⠀"Fuck baby—" he hissed, hands finding your hips and guiding you as you rub yourself on his cock. Your hands are on his thighs and your head is tossed back, giving him the perfect view of your tits. God he loves them, he loves the plush skin of your stomach and your thighs, your ass too, he loved seeing all of you. He was so happy that you allow him this privilege of seeing you, granted you've been dating a while now but still. Your sounds are music to his ears and all he wants is to make more, make you feel so good you're calling his name and making a mess.
He wanted— no, needed, to feel you, to feel inside your warm and wet cunt, to feel it squeeze him and milk him dry. He was quick to flip the two of you over, careful to not hurt you as he did. You gasped and giggled, reaching up to hold his face as he smiled, leaning down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. He loved your taste, he could go on and on about all the things he loved about you all day if he could. "You want it baby?" You nodded excitedly, lip caught between your teeth. He smirked and reached between the two of you, thick fingers tracing a line between your lips and slipping inside your soaked pussy.
"D-Daddy—" you whine, a slight pout on your lips as your face morphs into one of pleasure. He chuckled, pumping his fingers in and out a few times before removing them and grabbing his cock. He coated it more in your slick, guiding it between tge lips of your cunt before slowly pushing inside, groaning at how tight you are. You squeal of course, gasping for breath because Kirishima is an impressive size, you still struggled to take him sometimes but like a good girl you always managed.
"That's my good girl." He cooed, moving so his forearms were on either side of your head. He gave a couple test thrusts, waiting for you to adjust u til you nodded for him to continue.
Terrified of activating his quirk while he's fucking you, but he keeps himself under control.
He loves his hair pulled and he loves to be bitten, he especially likes it when you scratch his back when he hits that good spot.
Eats you out for his pleasure mostly, but for yours as well. He loves when you grind on his face and moan his name when you do it. Speaking of, please sit on his face, he loves that shit. He knows how to be careful of his teeth!
If you have pets they CANNOT be in the same roon when you're doing the do, it's just weird.
He'd happily bend you over in the kitchen and do you right there. Hell, he'll fuck you anywhere you deem suitable.
He likes to do a mixture if praise and degradation with you, and edging and overstimulation is a big go-to. He just loves seeing you squirm under him, hr loves hearing you beg and say you need him.
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comradelup · 4 years
fuck it. balance youtuber au because i’ve been thinking about it
(modern au with no magic but still elves/dwarves/etc)
the twins have a joint channel but they post things together as often as they make videos on their own. they do vlogs, story times, and challenge videos both together and not, but do stuff with fashion/makeup together. taako does cooking on his own and lup does chemistry experiments that involve fire more often than not. if someone says they like the twins’ videos it’s a wild card as to what they watch them for, but everyone ends up liking all of their content because who can hate the twins? they have a lot of “annoying influencer” energy but are actually really nice to fans/people in general and donate a lot of their Youtube Money to charities and stuff (all of the ipre does this too because fuck rich people except for them)
magnus’ channel is mostly woodworking/construction projects. he does occasional story times and in every one he’s carving and/or painting a wooden duck. he does vlogs too and half of them are him buying more woodworking stuff (idk shit about it so idk what he’d get lol) and the other half have a part where he sees someone walking a dog and him going to meet them. almost every video includes/mentions julia and people make “magnus talking about julia” compilations bc he loves his wife and talks about her all the time. he’s very positive in general and everyone loves how he’s a human golden retriever
merle’s channel is 99% gardening, 1% collating with the others. he made one joke along the lines of plant fucking and it was not serious at all but his subscribers/followers made into such a big joke that he makes at least one joke per video except for when his kids are in the video, which is when he makes it suuuper educational and fun and wholesome. mookie tries to eat the plants and play with the soil and mavis tells her dad about what she’s learned about biology in school. also he puts “(emotional)” and “(not clickbait)” at the end of video titles randomly despite knowing what they mean
barry’s channel is science-centric (yes he collabs with lup frequently) but about more feilds of science. sometimes he goes on rants about theoretical physics like a madman a la bdg’s unraveled series and sometimes he makes videos titled “making the volcano kitchen experiment but the size of a kiddie pool (emotional).” he also has a series about paranormal activity/cryptids, stuff like “why ghosts should be and are real” and “my top five favorite pieces of bigfoot evidence” and like i said this is a no magic au but he once was asked in a q&a about what he’d do if he was a lich and gave a surprisingly detailed response? people were really confused but intrigued?? did barry invent magic???
lucretia 100% has an art channel, but she also writes prose and poetry in her free time and sometimes reads them for videos. she posts speedpaints of her work (digital and traditional) with her telling her process/inspiration or doing story times as the background audio. she had a period of time where she started writing a whole novel in her spare time (basically the balance story but different characters) and all her videos were her making concept art. her fans loved it and boosted it to the point where it actually got published, so now she’s a best selling author with a seven book series. now she keeps making videos of her concept art for other book ideas (the other arcs) with her infodumping about the characters/plot/etc
davenport doesn’t actually have a channel, but has been in the background of all the others’ videos to the point where he’s treated like a cryptid and has a small fanbase of his own. he’s mostly in merle’s videos (because they’re dating) and magnus’ vlogs (because magnus Loves His Friends) but he’s been in at least a handful of everyone’s videos. he makes a twitter and instantly gets thousands of followers. he tweets the most random shit at the most random times and half of them become memes. people find out he’s a professor at the college the rest of them met at and everyone looses it
kravitz is in a similar position as davenport, but he was convinced to start a channel. he mostly does stuff involving antiques because he collects them, so he does haul videos of what he bought or thrifted and videos of him restoring them as he looks up how old they were and what random shit they were used for and stuff. people make compilations of him getting off topic and going on a tangent about taako then realizing he just rambled for ten minutes and getting flustered. he also plays a handful of classical instruments and makes occasional collabs with lup + barry
despite having completely different channels they’re all friends??? people didn’t know at first but they found out through davenport and kravitz “this one guy who i think is dating taako but i’m not sure and idk his name” showing up in everyone’s videos. from then on they started collabing more often and it’s really fun to see them outside of their element. lup once almost burnt down magnus’ workshop while making a chemistry video with him. taako tried to teach kravitz how to make macaroons (keyword: tried) and kravitz talked about this new antique shop he found the whole time. barry went on and on and on about biology while gardening with merle, who tried to follow along but failed and ended up making fun of all the scientific names for plants
they call themselves the red robes after the main characters in lucretia’s novel (they’re not similar to the characters but there’s seven of them and six youtubers + one davenport)
they once did a big group collab where the twins dressed everyone up in high fashion outfits and lucretia painted a big portrait of all of them. it was very wholesome but also had a lot of lup and taako arguing over what accessory fits who and “no this person should do their hair like this!” and at one point magnus and kravitz just dipped to go play cards and talk about dogs
speaking of wholesome angus has a channel of his own which is mostly booktube with him getting halfway through a mystery novel, predicting the ending, and being 100% correct. he’s done videos with the others and is kinda associated with them but not totally, and is often lovingly referred to as the nephew to the rest of them
killian and carey don’t have a channel but are in the bg of magnus’ videos often. they were referred to as “magnus’ lesbian friends” until they got popular on instagram and became an internet power couple. johann has a small channel and a soundcloud he plays violin on and did one (1) collab with lup and it made him blow up overnight. avi has a semi-popular twitter and is mostly known as johann’s bf. sloane and hurley have a channel about drag racing/cars in general and don’t show their faces and go by the raven and ram
i was trying to think of who’d have a gaming channel and it’s 100% graham, who casually mentions that he’s friends with Pro Wrestler Jess The Beheader
lucas has a science focused channel similar to barry’s where he tries to be educational and ends up being annoying/kind of wrong about it. barry has a mini series called “lucas miller is a bitch here’s why” and it’s him disproving lucas’ theories with a deadpan expression and generally being better at science than him
remember when i said taako and lup have influencer energy despite being nice? yeah, lydia and edward are like that but they’re actually annoying. they have a popular makeup/fashion channel and lup and taako have gotten into slight drama with them over how the wonderland twins have been rude to them and the how the red robe twins are “jealous.” the internet is divided over who likes which pair of twins better
lup learns that greg fucking grimauldis (who the twins knew in high school) has a popular twitter/insta platform and tweets the “i am to collect” speech out of nowhere from everyone’s pov. taako tweets the video he took of him telling her and her immediately going “no fucking way that ASSHOLE is getting away with what he did to me” and opening twitter. it becomes a meme and he pays her back and changes his social media handles to “gregfuckinggrimauldis”
i can’t think of anything else because i don’t know enough about youtube but yeah.
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xbaepsae · 4 years
can you blame me | part one
“You feel guilty for many reasons. You’re guilty for making your best friend question your loyalty. You’re guilty for not telling him about your new job. You’re guilty for every thought you’ve had about Taehyung because you know that it would kill Jeongguk if he knew.”
[american football player!taehyung x reader feat. best friend!jeongguk]
genre: slight rivals to lovers!au, high school football!au, angsty-ish
word count: 9.1k
rating: pg-13
a/n: i loved writing the first part of this fic so much! i also really love the whole football player x cheerleader trope (even though i am not athletic at all lol). already can’t wait for you guys to know what happens next. enjoy! xoxo
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This feeling never gets old.
Maybe it’s the crowd, or the stadium lights—or even the brisk late summer air; all you know is, Friday night football is exhilarating. For as long as you can remember, you’ve breathed this sport. Your father had football playing on the television every weekend of your childhood; and when you picked up cheerleading in middle school, the sport became a part of you.
Of course, you still don’t understand every play the team makes, but you don’t need to. Your job is to cheer your players on—especially the one with the tousled, dark hair and bright eyes.
Jeon Jeongguk also picked up football around the same time you did cheer. Your father was ecstatic to know your best friend loved the sport equally as much. You can’t even recall the amount of times your father has pulled the boy aside to talk plays. After all, Jeongguk was the quarterback and team captain of the high school football team, and your father always wanted a breakdown of their plays.
Sometimes, you wonder who the real best friend is. But as you feel his eyes search for yours on the field, your position is secure.
You’ve known Jeongguk since diaper days. Since your mothers grew up best friends, it only seemed natural for the two of you to become close. Also, your birthdays aren’t far apart; so, there were many shared childhood celebrations.
Now that you’re thinking about it, you can’t imagine your life without the boy. Obviously, everyone thinks the two of you should date. It would be something organic since he’s the quarterback and you’re head cheerleader. Actually, it would be kind of perfect—like destiny. However, the thought of being in that kind of relationship with him repulses you. Thankfully, Jeongguk feels the same way.
You continue to feel his gaze penetrate your peripheral. Normally, you would look; but you’re searching for someone too.
On the other side of the field, your heart stutters for half a beat when you see him. Kim Taehyung is turned away from you, but you make out the number on his uniform—and all his glory. You wouldn’t say you like him; after all, you don’t really know Taehyung at all. However, despite this, you can’t deny your fascination with him. Plus, you’ve stalked his Instagram account enough to know he is so your type.
Unfortunately, your mild fantasy falls short when you feel a hand wrap around your arm.
“Earth to my best friend.”
You would know the grip anywhere. “Yes, Jeongguk?”
“You’ve been spacy all day. What’s wrong?” he asks, and you finally turn to face him. His helmet’s off, and sweat’s dripping down his forehead.
“Nothing,” you offer a smile. “Just excited for the rest of game, that’s all.” It was halftime.
He smiles. “Yeah, we’re going to crush the other team. We’re already ahead by a touchdown.”
Looking at Jeongguk, you search his eyes. It was one thing to dislike a team that rivaled your own, but you knew that your best friend’s hatred extended far beyond that. You don’t remember when or where it began, but he and Taehyung couldn’t stand one another. It was kind of funny, considering they both attended the same football summer camp for four summers.
If no one knew it before, it became obvious that they hated one another freshman year. It was Kim Taehyung’s school homecoming, so your team was playing on his turf. Maybe it was the advantage of playing at home, but they won. However, no one ever talks about the win. If anyone asks about that homecoming game, the only thing talked about is the fight between Taehyung and Jeongguk.
No one at your school talks about it though—at least, no one is supposed to. There is speculation as to who started the fight first, and what it was even about, but no one knows. The only people that know are the two who participated. It’s been three years, but Jeongguk still won’t tell you what actually happened.
Although the game was a bust, there was some good that happened. After all, it was the first time you had a good look at Kim Taehyung in person. Prior to that game, you had only heard about him from Jeongguk. And everything he said about Taehyung had been bullshit because when you saw him play, he was amazing.
Like Jeongguk, Taehyung is also the quarterback. In a way, you can understand their hatred. You don’t know what the root of it all is, but you know that it must suck for them to be constantly compared.
“If we win—which we will—party at Hoseok’s house,” Jeongguk continues, which brings you out of your mini daydream.
“Again?” you mock-roll your eyes.
He laughs, “What? His parents are fucking loaded, and they’re out of town again. It’s not like I make him host—he wants to.”
“I’m just teasing. I like Hoseok’s house anyway,” you say. “But the real question is, are you going to get wasted and crash there? Or get wasted and I drive you home?”
“I’ll just crash there,” he says with a shrug, “but thanks for the offer anyway. Why don’t you just sleep over too?”
You stare at him with a raised brow. “Uh, I can’t just sleep over with a bunch of guys?”
“I’m going to be there,” Jeongguk retorts like it’s so simple.
“Yeah, like that excuse is always going to work with my dad.”
“The man practically worships the ground I walk on,” he smiles, and you laugh because it’s basically the truth.
After a few moments, a sigh leaves your mouth. “Well, if you get recruited to play college football…yeah.”
Playing college football is the only thing Jeongguk worries about these days. You know that he’s more than good enough to get recruited, and everyone else knows this too. It’s just the matter of if he truly believes it as well.
As you watch your best friend mull over your words, you feel the sensation of being watched raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Without even thinking, you turn towards the other side of the field. Instantly, your gaze meets Taehyung’s.
By now, you are positive he knows who you are. You’ve never had a conversation with him, much less formally met him. Jeongguk would never allow that to happen. Yet, you feel a strange connection to him—like magnets are pulling you towards him. As if Jeongguk can sense this energy too, he follows your eyes.
You break from the gaze first and turn to your best friend. Within seconds, his eyes harden. “Kim won’t know what hit him.”
Unsurprisingly, your school wins and Jeongguk celebrates by parading you around the field on his shoulders.
This is actually a tradition the two of you have, which started sometime during sophomore year. By that point, the boy was finally a little taller than you and could lift you a little easier. Of course, now, he towers over you.
When he finally puts you down to grab a shower, the other girls on your team pull you over in their little huddle.
“Oh my god, you’re so lucky to have Jeon wrapped around your finger,” Sohee whines. “I would kill to have him treat me how he treats you.”
“Like a rag doll?” you laugh, bending down to collect your pom-poms off the grass.
Sohee rolls her eyes. “You know what I’m talking about.”
“Yeah,” Lou pipes up, “are you sure that the two of you don’t have a thing? I’ve never seen him treat any girl like that—and June dated him.”
“Thanks a lot, bitch,” June teases sarcastically.
You roll your eyes at all of them—they just don’t get it. “Please, the day I start to fall for Jeongguk will be the day hell freezes over. You girls just don’t know; I’ve known him since we were babies. He’s like the brother I never had.”
For a second, the urge to admit that someone else occupies your thoughts sits on the tip of your tongue. But you refrain from saying anything because as much as you love your team, all of these girls have big mouths. If they knew you were interested in the enemy, it would be the scandal of the year. And you’re trying to stay away from drama at all costs.
“Anyway,” you change the subject, “are you all headed to Hoseok’s?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” the all say in unison.
Ten minutes later, changed and makeup freshened up, you make your way towards your car. As you pull out of the parking lot, with all of you cheer girls following behind you, you notice that a few other cars linger in the lot; cars you aren’t familiar with. As you drive by the cars, you slow down and realize that it’s Kim Taehyung and a few of his teammates. But they’re not alone; a few girls surround them as well.
Never have you been more thankful for tinted windows, because you hit the gas the second his posse turn toward you and make your way off school property. As you near Hoseok’s house, you wonder why Taehyung and his friends were still lingering at your school. If anything, you thought they left the second the game ended. But all thoughts of him fade when you pull into a massive driveway.
Even though you’ve been at this house more times than you can remember, it still leaves you shocked that someone you know lives here. Jeongguk wasn’t exaggerating when he said Hoseok’s parents were loaded. They are business tycoons or something, and never take a day off—that’s why they are never home.
After parking your car, you link arms with Sohee and walk inside the party.
“Let’s party motherfucker’s because we fucking won!” Hoseok shouts the second you make your way through his front door. In one hand, he holds a red cup; in the other, a half empty bottle of Don Julio. And without needing to be told twice, everyone cheers. When he notices that it’s you who walked through the door, he holds the red cup out. “Cheers, pom-pom queen!”
Even though you don’t care too much for tequila, you oblige. You can still operate under one shot anyway. Hoseok pours a bit of Don Julio into the cup and you nod, “Cheers.”
After downing the smooth liquor, Sohee and the rest of the girls follow suit. As they take their respective shots, you make your way deeper into the crowd of people. In just a few minutes, you find Jeongguk drinking a beer with Park Jimin.
“Good job tonight, Park,” you say when you’re within hearing distance.
Jimin turns at the sound of your voice, a slow—albeit smug—smile stretching across his face. “Thanks—couldn’t have made all those touchdowns without good ‘ole Jeongguk here though.”
“Nah,” Jeongguk shakes his head, “it was definitely a team effort.”
You watch at they both begin to faux banter about who carries the team, and all you can do is roll your eyes. Boys. You leave them to continue their battle of masculinity and walk through the rest of the house. You’re not surprised that majority of the school is here—everyone loves a good post-game party.
Walking into the backyard, people turn away from their conversations to say a brief hey or what’s up—that’s a perk of the title of head cheerleader you carry. Though, you don’t really care for the attention at all. If anything, you would cheer regardless whether or not popularity came attached with it.
Being a cheerleader isn’t as glamorous as the movies make it out to be. The sport makes you automatically more prone to injuries, and practices are often so intense you don’t have time for anything else. But, you wouldn’t trade the experience for the world.
Someone calls your name; and when you match the voice to the face, you smile instantly. Standing off to the side, with a red solo cup in his hand, Min Yoongi looks like he’d rather be anywhere else but here. And you think it’s absolutely hilarious. “Having fun?”
He huffs before rolling his eyes. “At least there’s free booze.”
“Oh, come on, don’t act like you don’t secretly love these parties.”
“Mmm,” Yoongi takes a sip of whatever is in his cup, “sure.”
If Jeongguk is your longest friend, Yoongi is your second longest friend. You met the boy back in elementary school. Even back then, he was a little punk. He sat behind you in class and threw disgusting spit balls into your hair. When you had finally had enough of his little act, you threw an equally disgusting—though much larger—spit ball right back at him.
You both ended up in detention, your first and only offense in school, and you forced him to become your friend. Well, more like you threatened to make his life a living hell if he didn’t stop annoying you. Somehow, it worked because Yoongi is still in your life. And he hasn’t complained, so that has to mean something. Right?
“At least tell me you were at the game,” you say.
“Wouldn’t miss you and Jeongguk prancing around the field for the world.”
Did you mention that you forced him to be friends with Jeongguk too? The two of them aren’t as close as you are with either of them, but they are amicable and respect one another.
“Even though the other team lost, they were pretty damn good—especially the quarterback,” Yoongi continues and your heart jumps a little at the mention of Taehyung.
“I thought you don’t speak football,” you tease to hide your sudden spiked heartrate.
He shoots you a look, “But I do speak talent.”
You can’t deny that. Yoongi did have a penchant for reading people in that way. There was one time he discovered some random SoundCloud rapper, AugstD, and messaged him saying that his music was great. Not even a week later, the rapper blew up. Maybe it was simply a coincidence, but Yoongi likes to give himself credit for that.
“Well, okay, mister I speak talent—what was so impressive about Kim?” you ask; however, before Yoongi can answer, there is suddenly commotion all around you. Everyone begins running inside like a herd of gazelles being chased by a lion.
“Hmm, wonder what’s got everyone going crazy,” Yoongi sips his drink.
The same thought crosses your mind and you’re about to let it slide, but Lou comes running out the door. She has the strangest expression on her face, and you run to meet her halfway. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh my god, you’ll never believe who just crashed the party,” she says, completely breathless. When you don’t seem to give her the right reaction, she rolls her eyes, “Fuck—it’s Kim Taehyung.”
Your traitorous heart is immediately thrilled with the idea of being in close proximity to Taehyung. And behind you, you feel Yoongi coming closer, “What are they doing here?”
Lou shrugs, “Beats me. But you need to come inside—now!”
That’s when it clicks in your head—why everyone rushed inside, why Lou seems so panicked. For a moment, you let your thoughts drift to only Taehyung that you completely forgot the most important thing.
“Oh no, Jeongguk.”
“Exactly,” Lou sighs before pulling you into the house.
Walking through a packed crowd is surprisingly easier than you thought it would be. Then again, Lou is a force to be reckoned with. And when everyone notices who is trying to push through, and they see you, they give you space. For once, you’re thankful for that.
As you get closer to the front of Hoseok’s house, you can feel tension piercing the air. Everyone is so quiet, and you hear Jeongguk before you see him. The tone of his voice sends chills down your spine; you realize that you’ve never heard him like this before. Gone is the bubbly boy you call your best friend—this is a man out for blood.
Lou leads you straight to the front door where everyone has formed a large circle around Jeongguk and Taehyung. But before you approach them, you look at who else decided to crash the party.
Standing on either side of Taehyung is none other than Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon. They were called the Infamous Kim’s for a reason—Taehyung and his friends had a reputation. And you saw them on the field earlier; they played hard, and you knew they could fight even harder. You just hope it doesn’t come to that.
Where Seokjin and Namjoon flank their quarterback, you notice that Jimin and Hoseok have done the same to Jeongguk. This looks like a scene straight out of a movie.
“Why are you here, Kim?” Jeongguk asks, arms crossed over his chest. “Came to lose again?”
The crowd gets a rush out of that, but Taehyung doesn’t look phased. Actually, he looks more amused than anything. “Maybe we let you guys win—haven’t you ever played chess before? You might’ve knocked a pawn over—or even the knight—but my King’s still intact.”
No one reacts to that statement, but you can tell that your best friends is heated from the way his shoulders are squared. Before Jeongguk can do anything reckless, you walk behind him and touch his arm.
He tenses for a moment before relaxing and turning to face you. “Hey.”
You offer him a quick smile, and then muster up the courage to look straight ahead. First, you meet Namjoon’s hard gaze and then Seokjin’s. Finally, you look at Taehyung and his dark eyes have you drowning. He is so close, yet so far; under his scrutiny, you feel like he can see all of your deepest darkest secrets.
“Didn’t know Jeon needed a girl to fix his problems,” Taehyung smirks.
Why did you have to be so attracted to him? He was such an asshole. “Girl has a name, thank you very much.” Someone yells you just got burned, dude and you try not to crack a smile. “And I think you need to leave.”
“Want me to leave that bad?” He doesn’t look away from you; in fact, he has the audacity to give your body a once over. Unfortunately, Taehyung has a damn good poker face; so, you don’t know what he’s thinking.
“Yes, please—with a cherry on top,” your words are laced with sarcasm and he’s smart enough to catch it.
Finally, he looks away and a slow smirk stretches across his face—tongue sticking out of his mouth and everything. “Don’t stress, we didn’t plan on hanging long anyway.”
“You shouldn’t have come in the first place,” Hoseok pipes up, and you remember that it’s his house after all. “You know, I could have you arrested for trespassing.”
“Under what legal pretense?” Namjoon laughs. “Do you own his house? Oh wait—no, your rich daddy does. And actually, if we’re talking about legality here, we could have you all arrested for underage drinking.”
That comment sends everyone into a frenzy. You know Namjoon isn’t stupid enough to call the cops because they wouldn’t risk themselves getting into any mess; also, you know that they wouldn’t dare jeopardize their potential to play college football. All of these guys wanted a taste of the big leagues.
“Just get the fuck out of here,” Jeongguk says through his teeth. “I don’t have time to deal with your shit.”
“See you on the field, Jeon.” With that last statement, Taehyung, Seokjin, and Namjoon leave—slamming the front door behind them. You release a breath you didn’t even know you were holding as Hoseok announces that the party is over.
Some people whine that the night just begun, but you know that everyone on the football team is tense from what just happened. Even you don’t think that you can enjoy the night after dealing with Taehyung, and you kind of like him for some reason. So, you can’t even begin to imagine how Jeongguk is feeling.
As soon as everyone files out—including all of the girls on your cheer squad and Yoongi—the only people remaining are you and the football team. You don’t even know why you’re still here, but one look from your best friend forces you from leaving. It wasn’t your place to meddle in football rivalry, but you supposed that you were kind of caught between two sides. Though, no one but you knows this.
“Well, that fucking sucked,” Jimin is the first to say anything in the tense atmosphere, and a few of the others nod in agreement.
“Understatement of the century,” Hoseok rolls his eyes and then turns to you. “But who knew you had balls to talk to Kim Taehyung like that.”
You shrug, “How else was I supposed to react? I mean, he had no right to be here in the first place.”
“Remind us to never get on your bad side.”
“You guys have nothing to worry about.”
Silence follows your words, and you realize that everyone is waiting for Jeongguk to say something. All eyes are turned towards their captain. For a moment, you are reminded of how your best friend commands the room—the power he exudes.
“We aren’t playing them for the rest of the season, so I’m not worried about Kim Taehyung and his rat pack,” he finally says, and everyone visibly relaxes.
Until Jimin pipes up with, “Unless they make it to playoffs too.”
A dark shadow is casted on the team again and the look Jeongguk gives him would make anyone wish to dig their own grave. Jimin quickly apologizes and things appear to go back to normal. Well, as normal as things can get right now.
The guys continue talking and everyone agrees that they’ll resume the party tomorrow—somewhere else. They don’t want to risk another run in with Taehyung and his teammates. After everyone helps Hoseok clean his house up a bit, they begin to leave too. Jimin ends up deciding to crash here, and you suspect that Jeongguk will too. However, he surprises you.
“Can you give me a ride home?”
As you drive the short few minutes to his house, he’s awfully quiet. It’s a type of quiet that has you worried, so you ask him what’s on his mind.
“The next time I see him, I’m going to punch him.”
You’re startled by the venom in his words. “Why?”
“Did you not see the way he looked at you?” Jeongguk sounds disgusted. “A fucking prick.”
Was it wrong that you felt strangely giddy at the thought that Taehyung looked at you? You know that Jeongguk hates him, but your potential feelings for the other quarterback are definitely making this rivalry difficult. Why did you have to crush on the enemy?
“I doubt you’ll be seeing him anytime soon,” you say to appease him, but the comment makes you kind of sad. “Their school is in a different town.”
“Still,” he sighs. “I really hate him.”
You wish he didn’t.
The next week at school, everyone pretends that the party at Hoseok’s didn’t happen.
No one dared to bring up the mess that night turned out to be. Everyone pretended that the party hosted the day after, at another player’s house, was the actual winning celebration. And like everyone, you did the same. Or you tried too.
Every now and then, you thought of Kim Taehyung and his imposing presence. You were still angry at yourself for the interest in him. If Jeongguk found out, you’d be so dead. But it wasn’t like anyone knew anyway, and you were going to keep it that way. You would take it to the grave if you have to. Besides, it wasn’t anything more than fascination.
As football season continued, cheer practices weren’t getting any easier. But they were becoming lessened since your team recycled a lot of old routines. Besides, as much as you love cheerleading, but it isn’t your endgame. Cheering on the team is great, but—if you’re being honest—you’ve stuck with the sport for Jeongguk’s sake.
And your dad got free tickets to all the games, which you guess is a perk.
However, even as demanding as cheer practice is, you were already one month deep into the school year. And this mean that you were one month closer to college; because of that, your mom approached you with a suggestion.
“Honey, you know your father and I love you and want to support you in any way we can,” she begins, “but if you want to go to that hotshot university on the other side of the country, you’ll probably want to start looking for a part-time job.”
You understand where your mom is coming from—college really was super expensive. And you did want to get into your first pick school. So, it only made sense to start making some money. You were lucky enough to be an only child, but your parents couldn’t support you forever. The reality was you would probably need a job in college too. Why not start now?
So, to take your mind off school rivalry and a super-hot—but arrogant—boy, you start looking for a part-time job. Realistically speaking, you could only work at most three nights a week. You still had cheer practice every other day and football on Friday nights. Not to mention homework and finishing college apps. It would be a rough next few months, but you knew it’d be worth it.
The only place that ended calling you back was a little diner at the edge of town. And during your interview, you’re sweating bullets from nerves.
“Have you ever waitressed or done anything in the service industry?”
There was no doubt the bald-headed man in front of you was terrifying. He introduced himself as A—you weren’t sure if that was actually his real name or if he was just messing with you. “No, sir, I haven’t.”
“Have you ever had a job?” he asks, raking through your empty resumé.
You shake your head, “No, sir…I’m still in high school and I…and I cheer for my school.”
“Cheer,” A sounds rather unimpressed. “Your schools and your devotion to football. You know what, girly?”
“This diner here is on the edge in-between two towns—I don’t want that damn football rivalry to cause trouble up in here, do you hear me?”
You don’t know what to say. All you can do is nod and offer a smile. “Of course.”
The man mumbles something unintelligible before raising his eyes to yours, “How many days a week can you work?”
“Three, maybe four—mostly weekends.”
He tells you that works, something about only needing a part-timer anyway. You’re completely fine with that. You still needed to balance school and your social life. Would you even have one after this? Hopefully you wouldn’t have to work too many Saturdays.
“When can you start?” he asks.
“Tomorrow?” you offer. Tomorrow would be a Tuesday—you didn’t have practice.
“You best be here by five o’clock on the dot,” he says, beginning to get up from his seat. Did you just get the job? “I don’t tolerate tardiness.”
You begin to get up as well, “Of course, sir—”
“Also, stop calling me sir—makes me feel damn old. Just call me A.”
“Okay…A,” you say rather awkwardly. “I’ll be here at five on the dot.”
Before you head home, A directs you to the manager, Minji, and she runs you through the basics—like what you have to wear and bring, etcetera.
“We’ll go through basic training once you get here at five tomorrow but remember to dress comfortable…and wear things you don’t mind ruining. You’ll be getting dirtier here than you’d like—trust me,” she says, and you must make a face because she laughs. “Don’t sweat it, dear; the tips will make up for it.”
When you get home, you let your parents know you got the job and your mom celebrates by making your favorite dessert. During dinner, they ask you about the interviewing process and the staff. You don’t exactly lie, but you omit the stuff about A—you don’t want your parents to be worried about who was running the diner.
“Your mother and I will have to come see you in action soon,” your father says, and you awkwardly laugh.
“Please—if you’re just going to come and embarrass me, I’d rather not.”
“We would never embarrass you, sweetie,” your mother says, and by the blinking of her eyes you know she’s lying. “Anyway, have you told Jeongguk about the job yet?”
Honestly, you haven’t even him that you were looking for anything. So, no, you definitely haven’t told him about your new job. “Not yet, he’s busy with football so…I haven’t had the chance.”
Utter bullshit. He literally texted you before dinner asking if you wanted to catch a movie tomorrow night—you had to decline. Making up some excuse about having a paper due. You don’t know why you’re scared to tell him about the diner job. Maybe it’s because you know he’s going to want to swing by; and with A’s words swimming in your head, you don’t want to risk anything.
“But I’ll let him know,” you continue.
“Yeah, that boy and football…that final play on Friday was crazy—” your dad begins his daily rant about football, and you tune him out.
For once, you don’t want to think about that.
“You should’ve come to the movie last night.”
Jeongguk blocks your way in the hall, so you have no choice but to give him attention. “Was it good?”
“Surprisingly,” he starts, “it was—though, Hoseok was screaming within the first five minutes.”
“I would’ve come just to see that,” you laugh.
“How was your paper? You never texted me back last night.”
Oh, that. You make up a lie about staying up most of the night. “That’s why I didn’t have time to text you back.”
In reality, you were at the diner until 11 o’clock. You were supposed to get off at nine, but Minji and the other staff needed help closing since someone called out. Besides the exhausting night, you really liked working at the diner. The other workers were nice enough, and the best part was that no one asked you about football or any of that stuff. No one had any preconceived notions about you or the crowd you associated with.
“That sucks. What class was the paper for again?”
“History,” the lie slips easily through your lips.
Jeongguk seems to think about that for a moment. “Really? Because I know you have that class with Jimin and he didn’t mention anything about a paper being due today—I mean, if he did, wouldn’t he have been pulling an all-nighter last night too?”
Shit. You forgot you had that class with Jimin. He sits in the back, so it slipped your mind. “Did I say History? I meant Psychology.”
“I know you lied.”
Your best friend was many things, but he wasn’t stupid. As other students scramble to get to class before the bell rings, you feel frozen on the spot. Jeongguk hits you with a look that fills you with guilt. But before you can offer an explanation, the warning bell rings—meaning, you have a minute to get to class before you get points taken off.
“I’ll explain—meet me after practice later?” you ask him.
“Coach has us doing an extended practice since it’s mid-week. You can come to the field after you get done with cheer,” he offers, and you agree before running off to class.
You slip into History just as the bell rings. With a relieved sigh, you walk to your seat—but not before you catch Jimin’s eyes and send him a scathing look. He visibly shrinks and mouths an I’m sorry as you sit down.
As class goes on, you barely pay attention to what your teacher is talking about. Instead, you think about how you shouldn’t be mad at Jimin. After all, how was he supposed to know you lied to Jeongguk? You two weren’t that close—not close enough for him to cover for you in that way. First and foremost, his loyalty was to Jeongguk.
Your loyalty should be to him as well.
The second class ends, you catch up to Jimin and apologize. “I forgot that we had this class together when I talked to Jeongguk last night.”
“You should just be honest with him, you know? Whatever it is, Jeongguk doesn’t care.”
“I know,” you say. “Sorry for putting you in an awkward position.”
Later, when you walk into Psychology, you settle into your seat beside Yoongi and bang your head against the desk. After a moment, you lift your head up and he sends you a weird look. “Are you good…?”
“No,” you’re honest with him. You never could lie to Yoongi. “I’m in hot water with Jeongguk.”
“What happened?”
You face him, “I got a job.”
Yoongi lifts a brow, clearly surprised by your words. “Really? I didn’t peg you as someone to get a part-time—especially since you are kind of busy.”
“Same,” you reply. “But my parents want me to start making money for college.”
He hums, “Let me guess, you didn’t tell Jeongguk?”
“In my defense, my first day was literally yesterday.”
“But why did you tell me and not him? Not that we aren’t close, but still—he’s your best friend, right?”
“Because I hate letting Jeongguk down,” you admit. “That mixed with the diner I work at; I feel like it would be a mess.”
Yoongi frowns, “Don’t tell me you work at the diner on the edge of town.”
For the first time in his conversation, you narrow your eyes at him. “And what about it?”
“You do realize that since it’s located where it’s at, both towns come and go as they please.”
“Yeah,” you nod, “the owner—A—mentioned not to get football involved there, which is a part of why I haven’t told Jeongguk anything.”
“I get that, and it makes sense—especially with how volatile the dude can be,” Yoongi says just as your teacher walks into the classroom.
However, you frown at his words. “What do you mean by that?”
“What I mean is,” he spares you a glance as the bell rings, “if Jeon Jeongguk rules this town, the other side of that diner you work at—the other town—is ruled by Kim Taehyung.”
To say that practice is rough would be an understatement.
“Where’s your head?”
You turn to Sohee, “Sorry—it’s been an off day.”
“Clearly,” Lou butts in, “and coach is making us pay for it—so stop being distracted so we can leave already.”
“Yeah, I’m already late for my appointment,” June complains as the whole squad gets back into formation.
Sohee smirks, “Your dick appointment?”
“With who?” that snaps you back to reality.
“No one.”
You furrow your brows, “If it’s someone on the football team, don’t bother. Apparently, they have an extended practice today.”
“It will be an extended practice for you girls too if you all don’t stop yapping it up!” your coach practically screeches, and you immediately plaster your fakest smile.
As coach blows her whistle, you tumble into a cartwheel and land perfectly onto your feet. But that isn’t enough to appease her, and she makes you all perform the routine from the top. Luckily, the routine is short; and everyone does their part flawlessly, thank god, so practice officially ends.
The entire squad rushes into the locker room and fights for a shower. Rather than insisting on a shower first, you reach for your phone. At the top of your notifications is a text from Jeongguk.
4:05 PM | Jeongguk: still in practice
You don’t bother responding since you know that he probably doesn’t have his phone on him. Besides, the message was sent forty minutes ago; if anything changed, he would’ve messaged you again. When a shower opens, you sink your body underneath the hot water. You let the water wash away all the pent-up stress you’ve been holding—half of which you didn’t even realize you had.
Once you’re clean, you grab all of your things and make your way towards the football field. Lou catches you on her way out and asks you where you’re going.
“Jeongguk,” you reply. “I have to talk to him about something.”
She wiggles her eyebrows, “Okay.”
You ignore her suggestive expression. “Yeah. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Don’t have too much fun.”
“I doubt watching a bunch of dudes tackle each other will be.”
Lou narrows her eyes playfully, “Oh, come on. There’s nothing hotter than a sweaty football player.” Immediately, your mind flashes to one player in particular. Lou catches the quick shift in your face and laughs. “See.”
“Ha-ha,” you collect yourself. “Get out of here.”
She bids you adieu, and you go out into the sun. For early autumn, it was still pretty warm. You like the warmth, but you also can’t wait for those chilly autumn nights—Friday night football in sweater weather is the best.
As you near the field, you hear the team before you can see them. From afar, they sound like a herd of animals being groomed by a whistle. In a twisted way, you suppose that’s actually the case. Their coach must really be on them today because the whistle keeps going off. You can already picture their exhausted faces in your head—especially Jeongguk’s.
And you’re right.
Walking right into the stadium, you take a seat on one of the lowest bleachers and watch as their coach grills them. Dead center in the middle of the group is your best friend; and not surprisingly, he looks annoyed. However, the second he realizes you’re here, some of the negative energy seems to lift off him.
In fact, he looks like he’s about to walk towards you. The second he takes a step towards the bleachers, you hold up a hand for him to stop. You mouth stay, and thankfully he doesn’t try to come any closer.
A few minutes turns into thirty and thirty turns into an hour. By this point, you’re half asleep and ready to go home. Even though you’re tired, the team is still going hard at drills and throwing balls around. The sun has also started setting, casting the field in gorgeous golden hour. But despite the picturesque scenery, you really have to pee.
Realizing that your bladder comes before your comfort, you get off and catch Jeongguk staring at you. You point to the field bathrooms, near the parking lot, and he seems to get the idea. After you empty your bladder, you’re ready to give their football coach a piece of your mind. You’re tired, hungry, and you bet everyone else on the field is feeling the same way.
You’re close to the field, only behind the bleachers, when a figure comes out from the shadows. Jumping back, you’re about to scream when you realize who it is. “Kim Taehyung?”
He stands about ten feet away from you, hands shoved into his pockets. Dressed in dark jeans and a simple t-shirt, he looks too good to be true. “And you’re Jeon’s girl.”
“Again, I have a name,” you roll your eyes. “Also, what the hell are you doing here?”
“What? I can’t size up the enemy?” Taehyung runs a hand through his hair—which was still damp—and you can’t help but wonder if he just got out of practice too.
“You do know that practices are confidential, right?”
He takes a step closer to you, “If that’s the case, then why are you watching?”
“Because I go to school here,” you say and take a step back. He was beginning to make you dizzy. “And you don’t. So, you should leave before someone catches you.”
When he doesn’t say anything back, you reiterate that he should go. But Taehyung only stands there, staring at you. There’s no doubt your heart rate is escalating; but instead of focusing on that, you ask him what’s his issue is.
“Nothing,” he replies.
“Okay,” you frown, “I think I just heard their coach say practice is over, so you really should go.”
In the distance, a whistle blows three times, so you know you were right. Taehyung briefly turns towards the field before looking back at you. “I don’t want to get Jeon worked up anyway.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You don’t get a reply because he turns around and walks away. Without even saying goodbye. What the hell? Why are you even thinking that? Shaking your head of all thoughts about Taehyung, you make your way around the bleachers and come face-to-face with Jeongguk.
His presence makes you jump. “Shit. You scared me.”
“Sorry,” he steadies you, “didn’t mean to.”
“Are you guys done? Your coach sure seemed like he was grueling you guys,” you say.
“Tell me about it,” he groans. “He really made us bust our asses out there.”
You crack a smile at his agony, “Well, if it helps, I had an awful practice too.”
The two of you laugh for a moment before reality sets back in. You grow quiet under Jeongguk’s scrutiny. A deep sigh leaves his lips before he asks, “What’s really going on with you?”
Well, you see, I am kind of interested in Kim Taehyung—yes, the guy you hate. And he was actually here, like not even five minutes ago. Do I know that he’s an asshole? Yes. Do I know the history you two have? Yes. Do I still want to be around him for some reason? Yes. “Umm…I kind of got a job.”
That truth is easier to admit.
Jeongguk’s eyebrows raise, “How do you kind of get a job?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Okay, fine, I do have a job.”
“So, were you going to tell me?” he asks.
You nod, “Eventually.”
“Why do you have a job?”
“Why is it so hard for everyone to believe?”
“So, you’ve told other people before me.”
You’re exasperated. “Only my parents and Yoongi.”
“Why did you tell Yoongi before me?” Jeongguk’s more upset than you thought he would be. Why is he so upset?
“Jeongguk, I literally just started working yesterday—yesterday! Why are you so angry?”
“Because I thought I was your best friend and we’re supposed to tell each other everything,” he says, and guilt begins to eat you up inside.
You feel guilty for many reasons. You’re guilty for making your best friend question your loyalty. You’re guilty for not telling him about your new job. You’re guilty for every thought you’ve had about Taehyung because you know that it would kill Jeongguk if he knew.
“You are,” you reaffirm him. “I only told Yoongi about the job because I told him I lied to you. And I only lied to you because I didn’t want you to worry about me—because you always worry.”
“What? I can’t worry about you now?”
“I mean, you can; but we aren’t twelve anymore, Jeongguk. I can hold my own.”
He sighs, “I know that. Look, I’m sorry for making you think that you couldn’t tell me, okay?”
“I’m sorry too.”
Jeongguk opens his arms wide for a hug, and even though he’s sweaty—and definitely stinky—you fall into his embrace anyway. For a brief second, you can understand why girls like him so much. His hugs are really great, but it truly feels like you’re hugging your brother more than anything. “Where are you working?”
You pull away from him, “At the diner on the edge of town.”
“Okay,” he says like he still doesn’t believe you have a job. “Why are you working?”
“Because of my mom. Her and dad are helping me with college, at least a little, but she wants me to start earning so I can pay for most of it myself.”
“Wow—your parents sure aren’t letting you get off easy, huh?” he laughs. “Maybe I should start working too.”
You bust out laughing, “Yeah, especially since your parents already put your older brother through college already.”
“I think they’re betting on this football thing to work out.”
Immediately, you sober up and take in the sudden shift of emotion. “You’ve been having recruiters come out to watch you since last season.”
“Still,” he sighs.
“You’re damn good,” you tell him with the hopes that he really understands. “You’ll play in college, so stop worrying so much.”
You don’t know if your words appease him, but your best friend manages to smile—that has to mean something, right? After a moment of silence, he lets you know that he should probably go back to the locker room already. “The team is probably wondering where the hell I went.”
“Thanks for telling me the truth,” Jeongguk says, holding out his right hand. You roll your eyes before extending your own. The two of you do your “secret” handshake—the handshake you both created in middle school.
Doing the handshake results in another eye roll, but you also can’t help the endearing smile that graces your lips. “Why do you always insist on doing this stupid handshake?”
“Because this stupid handshake is epic and a symbol of our everlasting friendship.”
“Ha, okay,” you chuckle. “Whatever you say, Jeongguk.”
“Rumor is you’re a cheerleader at your school.”
Looking up from your notepad, you stick your pencil behind your ear before turning towards the voice. “Yeah, so?”
Behind you stands another waitress—her name is Cara—and you know that she goes to the same school as Taehyung. You only know this because every shift you’ve worked with her, all she does is talk about how hot he and the rest of the players on the team are. You totally agree with her observation, but it still irks you that she seems to know him better than you do.
“So, you must know Jeon Jeongguk well, yeah?” she asks. Oh, that’s what this is all about?
To you, it’s obvious she has no idea how close you actually are to Jeongguk. This was a good thing; if she knew you were his best friend, it would be over for you. “I mean, I guess…yeah. At school, everyone knows him.”
“What is he like?”
Oh god. “I don’t know…he plays football? Every Friday night? I don’t know what you want me to tell you.”
“Like, how is he at school? I’ve heard all the rumors about him, and I just want to compare him to Kim Taehyung,” she bats her eyelashes.
“Umm, you do know that they have this intense rivalry, right?”
Cara laughs, “Duh—that is all anyone ever talks about at school.”
You look around for an excuse to get out of this awkward conversation. Looking over her shoulder, you see her tables. “You know what? How about we talk later…I think they need you over there.”
The second Cara turns around, you make a run for it. You walk behind the counter and send a distress signal to Minji. She gives you a funny look and just laughs. “You’ll get used to Cara.”
“I’m not sure about that,” you say as the diner door chimes. Minji greets them before you can say anything, and lets you know that the person sat down in your section. “I’ll be back.”
Walking over to your section of the diner, you approach the stranger who just sat down in a booth. They’re seated back facing you, so you have a split second to prepare yourself. In your head, you settle for the basic hello-how-can-I-help-you introduction and pray that you don’t make a fool of yourself. Once you reach the booth, you pull the pencil from behind your ear and get your notepad ready.
“Hello, how can I help you?” you ask on cue, flipping your notepad to a clean page.
“You know, it’s not very polite to not look at the customer while you talk to them.”
“Excuse me?” you ask as you look up and meet the person’s gaze. You blink a few times to make sure he’s really in front of you right now.
He smirks, “Hey, Jeon’s girl.”
“Kim Taehyung,” saying his name out loud sends chills down your spine. “And for the thousandth time, I have a name.”
“You know what I realized?” he asks but doesn’t give you a chance to respond. “This is the third time we’ve met, but you haven’t told me your name yet. Some would say that’s a little rude.”
For a second, you don’t even know what to say to him. If you weren’t stupid, you would think that he was flirting with you. Or was he actually flirting with you and you’re just too stupid to realize? Before you can say something you’ll regret, you tell him your name. “Also, how can I help you?”
“How long have you been working here?” he asks, and then slowly adds your name as if it was an afterthought.
“Like a week,” you tell him. “So, not long at all.”
“Interesting. I frequent this place—only when I don’t have practice, of course. I assume you only work nights you don’t have practice as well, right?”
Are you really having another conversation with Kim Taehyung right now? “Yep.”
He picks up your short, clipped answer and frowns, “What? Not happy to see me?”
For some reason, you intrigue me; so obviously, I’m ecstatic. “It’s just a little weird, you know. We just met and I’ve seen you on three separate occasions in the same month—anyone would be weirded by that.”
“Because you’re Jeon’s girl?” Why does he keep referring to you as that?
“What’s with you and calling me that?” you ask, tilting your head to the side and leaning your weight on one side of your body.
Taehyung mimics your movement, a smirk stretching across his lips. “You’re dating him, aren’t you?”
It takes a moment for his words to set in; but when they do, you’re overcome with laughter. The throw-your-head-back-hit-yourself kind of laughter. You laugh so hard you almost fall over from the sheer force of overwhelming humor. Through the tears in your eyes, you see him look at you like you’ve lost your mind. Thank goodness there aren’t too many customers inside the diner at this hour.
“Are you okay?”
Once you finally compose yourself, you take a deep breath and flatten your lips. “Just peachy.”
“You going to tell me why you reacted like that?” he asks.
“Why do you think Jeongguk and I are together?” you ask, crossing your arms. “Why does everyone seem to think that?”
Taehyung narrows his eyes, “You mean you two aren’t together?”
“Jeongguk is my best friend—not my boyfriend. I’ve known him since we were babies. He’s like a brother to me.” You don’t know why you’re over-explaining, but the words just seem to flow out of your mouth. “We don’t like each other like that.”
“Are you sure about that?”
It was your turn to narrow your eyes, “What are you insinuating, Kim Taehyung?”
“I think one would have to be blind not to see the way Jeon is protective over you,” his lips stretch into an almost smile, though you notice it doesn’t reach his eyes. They remain aloof as ever. Why was it so hard to read him?
“I think you’re reading into things,” you retort. “Jeongguk only feels that way because he has this older brother complex—though I’m the older one in our duo.”
Turning your attention away from his unreadable face, you look back at the notepad in your hand and repeat your earlier question. Taehyung replies simply that he’d like a strawberry shake, which surprises you a little. The second you jot down his order, you quickly excuse yourself and practically run back to the counter.
Once you’re behind the safety of the counter, you expel the breath you’ve been holding and sink to the floor. He thought Jeongguk was my boyfriend. The thought swirls through your brain and makes you dizzy. It was both equally hilarious and strange that Taehyung had this notion. But what thrilled you even more was that he knew you were single.
“Why are you on the floor?”
You look up and meet Minji’s concerned gaze. “Huh? Oh—I’m just…” you panic. “…just admiring the…floor.”
“Uh huh…sure,” she says, “so it’s not because of that cute boy over there.”
“What cute boy?” You play dumb, but Minji only raises a brow. “I have no idea what you’re talking about…also, he ordered a strawberry shake.”
“Are you going to make it?”
It was your turn to raise a brow, “Uh…I’m merely a waitress at this establishment, Minji.”
“Come, I’ll teach you,” she practically drags you off the floor. “So, on slow nights like these, you can make them yourself.”
Minji does as she says and teaches you to make the most delicious looking shake you’ve ever seen. It even has the whip cream and cherry on top; it’s perfect. It’s also huge—and you wonder for a moment who in the world could even finish a monstrosity like this.
When you finally bring it over to Taehyung, a brief moment of—what appears to be—joy flashes across his face. The expression takes you aback; it’s weird to see him so unrestricted like that. But as quickly at the emotion comes, it leaves after you blink. And the Taehyung you’ve encountered these last few weeks returns. “What took you so long?”
“Oh, please—I was barely gone five minutes,” you huff, setting the milkshake on the table.
“Five minutes too long.”
You suppress the need to roll your eyes. “Whatever. Enjoy your milkshake.”
For the rest of the night, you don’t speak another word to Kim Taehyung—not even as you watch him finish his milkshake or when you bring him his check, and especially not when he brushes against you to leave the diner. What a werido, you can’t help but think. You have no idea what his problem is, but you just hope that he’ll leave you alone.
However, that little nagging voice in the back of your mind likes to remind you of one issue to that sentiment: you kind of like him, still.
Curse your heart for feelings things.
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magnus is this notorious pirate famous in the caribbean with everyone talking about him because of how successful he is. his quartermaster is definitely raphael (his care for his clan and how he cares for others solidifies this thought process) and their ship has some corny name that raphael pretends to hate but definitely loves. europe thinks that magnus and his crew are demons(racists fucks) meanwhile theyre out here being nerds who enjoys navigating the seas and ruining racists job prospects+
+cat and ragnor live on nassau with magnus bringing back supplies they sell(we love the blackmarket here). the lightwoods are brought into this world bc their parents send them off to nassau to try and expand the family's business and gain profit off of this lawless place which refuses to be governed by anyone. malec meets at like the local inn where maia works at also where izzy meets her and by association The Polycule)and is just attracted to each other right then and there with bad flirting. once they become settled in, alec and izzy becomes like disillusioned with following what their parents expect of them and start to actually do what they wish. because he's dramatic, alec probably asks ragnor who settled down from pirating for more lessons in sword fighting (hes not unexperienced but theres a difference from fighting on land and on water)
eventually magnus hears about this cue them dramatically learning how to fight on like this cliff top with their swords connecting (we love euphemisms for sex) and them bonding over magnus' book collection he has and them no longer doing what their parents expect of them (im imagining asmodeus as this well traveled trader or something who only cares about money rather than having humanity) and even though magnus is this pirate which is a profession that the "civilized world" looks down on, he's like the epitome of actually having morals and caring about people (pirates were known to drastically impact the slave trade as they often freed slaves and let them join their crew or they worked directly with maroons and indigenous people). 
i imagine their first kiss to be when theyre training and someone has a sword pressed against the others neck because theyre horny bastards and they accept only the dramatics. their proposal/matelot is potc levels of dramatic with them fighting an enemy crew alongside The Polycule(the most badass and queer crew out there) and like halfway through alec is just like marry me and then next thing they know it raphael is officiating their marriage around dead people before they go on to have a better and more planned out wedding on shore (had to get some of this out now before i went too deep, The Poycule is definitely something i paid attention to most considering how big and complex the group is)
ugh not to add to an already huge post but
you are totally right about raphael being his quartermaster! raphael is a great leader and he cares so much for his people and he is one of the few people magnus obviously trusts, even as they have their differences. only other person i could imagine as magnus' quartermaster would be cat but like! raphael is perfect for the job! also i love the idea that he pretends to hate the corny name, he has to pretend to hate magnus' puns and jokes on principle but really he loves it
also "meanwhile they are all nerds" accurate, the whole ship is just a whole mess of people having fun and being family we love that for them
and ok not to slut for the polycule but i'm slutting for the polycule i just. aaa want to know so much more about them. i know you said they were already with maia but idk i can see many of them being part of magnus' crew? especially meliorn and tbh clary lmao she seems the type who would love adventure like that (i'm going with fanon clary here mostly) and i can see simon in both but i can also definitely see simon being in the inn with maia (god i have a half baked au that includes that) because being in the sea all day? no thank you. and they are just this nice local couple that helps all the pirates because fuck the racist law
also it's hilarious because they are so warm and welcoming and the lightwoods get there and simon is like "oh-oh. incoming" and maia is all like "what the fUCK do you want"
which lowkey backfires because izzy is just like "oh she's so fierce, i love her" and is already like, halfway in love doing the head tilt and huge grin thing (she's not creepy about it, just like, she likes it, you know? especially because in this AU izzy was raised as a Rich Girl so she's expected to be all that fragile useless white woman ideal and yada yada and she's not here for that so she's attracted to the idea of women like clary and maia)
and just like ghhgggghhh not to slut but i love the idea that they are in the inn and meliorn raphael and possibly clary are always in the sea so like! sweet reunions! not that they are usually going super far lmao mostly just stopping the slave trade and protecting the caribbean and shit, but that's a few months in between visits and i picture that at some point when they are getting to nassau raphael is just like, vibrating (you know, as much as he allows himself to) and magnus just smiles knowingly, happy that his boy has found people he's so happy with
and raphael getting into the inn and being like "simon! maia!" and simon and maia being like "raphael! meliorn!" and just crashing into this big group hug and it's all laughs and meliorn twirls maia and she giggles and simon kisses raphael's cheek and is all worried about them both (plus clary) because god what the fuck kind of shit did they get into this time, are they hurt? if he's broken another leg he's gonna- and raphael laughs and says "no, cariño, i promise all i have with me are gifts" because he's not gonna travel the caribbean and not bring stuff for his partners. so it's him and meliorn showering maia and simon in gifts and pretty and maybe stolen things (maia in particular takes such great joy in learning that her pretty new bracelet belonged to some racist bitch) like spoils you know? lmao, and looking at them it's like they haven't seen each other in years or something but no it's been like a month and it's always like that
and alec and izzy are just watching that, mouths slack, shocked, but highkey yearning for something as free as that, that loving family and that open love and meliorn's genderfuckery and just everything about them! and alec "conceal don't feel" lightwood is kind of frowning and goes "are they always like that?" to which magnus, behind him, answers "yes" and then he turns around and they stare at each other and magnus quickly goes from "happy for my boys" to "hello tall person" in a matter of seconds and is suddenly all seductive and flirty and alec is having the time of his life? especially since here away from the lightwoods he can allow himself just a little bit, and letting a guy flirt with him can't hurt, right? he knows izzy won't tell their parents. so he engages
cue terribly bad flirting, izzy smiling widely as she watches the polycule dynamics, highkey wanting something like that for herself, especially seeing the way that clary talks to maia all like "look at this SWORD" and all the adventures. and maia still doesn't trust her but apparently magnus has already hit it off with her brother so what the hell, they might as well stay
and just!! yes getting to know each other shenanigans. i picture that like the army gets there and tries to get magnus and his crew and alec and izzy are like running to them to warn them (alec not knowing quite why, he shouldn't be taking that big of a risk, he shouldn't be getting attached to a pirate - of whom he's only heard terrible things so far, thinks they are Evil basically - just because something about him is alluring and represents the freedom he doesn't allow himself to want, but... he is getting attached) and the whole gang is all like *very calmly heading to the secret hideout in their room* oh don't worry about that lmao they do this every week
and idk i just want a moment where they are almost found and alec and izzy lowkey save their ass (i mean they would have managed but they make it easier, maybe use the Privilege Card lmao). maybe the guards were closer than they thought so alec ends up just shoving magnus into the hideout and when the guards come in he's all like "WHO is interrupting our sleep" and acts like an entitled brat and they don't even search the room lmao and then alec runs to the hideout all "sorry that i pushed you, are you okay?" and magnus is all like "i'm fine" but a little touched about the care. just to establish that trust, you know? both between them and between izzy and the rest of the polycule
so after that it all kind of flows smoothly because they know they can genuinely trust the lightwoods and so it grows into something more. magnus and alec can bond over having Terrible Parents With Terrible Morals and they open up about their respective traumas with abuse, and alec confesses to magnus for the first time ever that he doesn't want to be like his parents, that he thought if maybe he earned their respect, he could change things from the inside. and magnus looks at him all soft and touched and is like "there's no changing things from the inside" and alec is like "i'm starting to realize that" you know
and yeah alec gets to see how much that crew cares for each other, way more than his "traditional family" ever could (except for him and izzy who are just as devoted to each other as the crew is, but like, it's honestly less the "blood relations" and more how they've always been there for each other as they handled their parents' shittiness) and again he's just yearning because he always believed he wouldn't get something like that. and magnus in particular is just so caring and just wants to make the world a better place, you know? and he admires that and they bond over that, too
and just jdhdaodshad god i love this. and meanwhile izzy is flirting with maia clary and meliorn like crazy and soon they are like this huge messy group with all those dynamics... and i just aaa and alec and izzy end up joining the crew and daiodsaiodjsaio RAPHAEL OFFICIATING THEIR WEDDING i'm genuinely all for that fucking shit, magnus wants his boy to do it for them and aaaaa! also i DEMAND raphael&meliorn fighting sequences because i bet they would make a bomb ass duo fighting back to back and shit, you know? bonus points if they are defending simon and maia who are behind them and just making sure no one touches them?? i live for this shit 
in short i love this and you said “get some out of your chest" so if there's more, then fuck, i can't wait to see it dahsdaijas i'm sorry for talking so much i get too excited
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thtdamfangirl4 · 4 years
thanks @pretend-im-normal for this set of questions!
i shall start with a christmas ask game (yes i know it’s january 28th) created by none other than archie’s husband
1. Their favorite Christmas tradition
I think for Archie it has to be baking christmas cookies. He loves doing it even if it’s just him, but especially doing it with the people he loves. He takes the decorating process way too seriously (this may or may not be inspired by my real life) and all the bois pitch in and reginald’s are always disturbing but annoyingly delicious and dorian’s are always a little goth and octavius’s are fabulous and archie keeps telling him that louboutins are not a christmas item but octavius insists that since he asked for them for christmas they should count, and archie loves him so he lets it slide. Eustace very carefully decorates and does his best and every time you eat one you can tell it’s full of love. Jasper wants everything to be as colorful as possible and he covers them in sprinkles. And nathaniel, lovely nathaniel, can’t decorate for shit but he just has fun with it and laughs the whole time and that makes archie’s chest feel tight for reasons he can’t explain until later. And then Archie and Nate finally start dating and during their first Christmas, aside from the bois cookie night, they do one of their own and Archie shows Nate how to decorate the way he does and Nate can’t quite get there but he’s following each direction with fervor and they look pretty good and he’s so proud of himself and Archie sneaks mistletoe into the kitchen and kisses him and now they do it every year, and every year Nate gets a little better. And eventually they have kids and they join the tradition (even the annual cookie decorating night with the bois), and Cam is fantastic at cookie decorating and Ben eats the dough and Archie swats him teasingly with a wooden spoon every time and Evie mixes icing colors cause she’s great at art and Nate washes dishes and makes a valiant effort and they dance around the kitchen and sing christmas music playing from Archie’s phone and he smiles the whole time and every year, he pulls out the mistletoe and kisses his husband and the kids go from thinking it’s cute to thinking it’s gross and embarrassing and all the way back to thinking it’s adorable when they’re old enough and one year Evie snaps a picture of it and it’s on the Christmas card the next year. Christmas is his favorite time of the year, and cookie days just feel like this magic untouchable place where he’s with his family and doing what he loves and to him, it is Christmas personified.
2. Their favorite Christmas song
It’s very hard to narrow down, so I’ll give a top three: All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey, Last Christmas by Wham!, and Mary Did You Know by Pentatonix.
3. Their least favorite Christmas song
This will not come as a shock, because well... I’m Archie. It’s Michael Buble’s version of Santa Baby. He loves most of Michael’s Christmas music, but in his words, Michael Buble “needs to man up and be willing to fuck Santa or don’t bother singing the song.” He just made it weird by having it be Santa Buddy and Santa Pally. And Archie loves this song. He tweets Michael Buble about it every Christmas, begging him to erase it from existence.
4. Their general feelings about Christmas
Archie goes feral for Christmas. He loves everything about it. Fun, family, love, festivity, good music, good food, an excuse to bake 24/7, baby Jesus, buying presents, getting presents. Archie prides himself on being the Christmas Bitch. He’s especially fantastic at gift-giving.
5. Their favorite Christmas treat
Octavius’s homemade pizelles dipped in spiked hot chocolate.
6. The best gift they ever received
When Evie is like 20, she gives him a scrapbook for Christmas. It’s filled with pictures of Archie, Nathaniel, the kids, and the other bois over the years. Every page has Taylor Swift lyrics that relate to the images and stories, as well as messages she’s written and cute captions. In addition to pictures, there’s little mementos like ticket stubs or receipts or notes she’s collected from her dad and her aunts and uncles and scattered throughout the book are cutout lines from a printed out version of the poem he wrote for his and Nathaniel’s anniversary. Archie cries for like 3 hours.
7. The worst gift they ever received
One year, Jessica gets him in the PTA secret santa, and she gets him a few workout shirts and an expensive bottle of red wine. He’s so offended. To an outsider, this may seem like a nice gift, but it’s very clear that she got him the shirt because she disapproves of his crop tops. And she knows full well that he doesn’t really like red wine. He’s a white wine bitch. She knows. It’s been discussed.
8. The best gift they ever gave
He likes to joke that the best gift he’s ever given is the supplementary bundle of “free sex” coupons he gave to Nathaniel their first Christmas together (he also got him a fluffy bathrobe, a playlist of songs that remind him of nate, an anthology of queer writing and letters from historical figures, and a trip to color me mine, don’t worry). But the real best gift he ever gave was years later, when they’ve been married for 5 years. He surprises Nathaniel with a trip to New York, where he’s also gotten them tickets to a revival of Hamilton, they go on a tour of diner breakfasts, and then have a shopping and spa day. And then he has them get dressed up but Nathaniel doesn’t know why and after they go to a fancy dinner, he takes Nathaniel to the Woolworth building on Broadway (where the ball scene from Enchanted takes place), and the whole place has been rented out there’s the actual singer from the movie and they slow dance in the romantic lighting to So Close (their wedding song) and it’s endlessly romantic and both of them are crying a lot little.
9. The worst gift they ever gave
No. Archie has never given a bad gift in his life.
10. How they decorate their house
dude. DECK THE FUCKING HALLS. There are two trees. One is picture perfect and looks straight out of a hallmark movie, and the other one is covered in popcorn strings and tacky ornaments from movies and shows and homemade ones by the kids and Ben always puts too much tinsel on it and Cam eats the candy canes so it’s a little wonky and that one is not-so-secretly Archie’s favorite. Beautiful wreaths on the doors and windows outside. Beautiful real-looking garland and berries and red ribbon and little bells decorate the banisters and staircases. There are lights everywhere. Christmas paintings. Outside is decked the fuck out in lights of all colors, he loves the icicles, no blow ups, but he does get a moving reindeer made of lights, and it’s a whole winter wonderland. Lots of seasonal scented candles. White lights on the mantle. Always a fire burning in the fireplace. A beautiful handmade and well-lit nativity scene. Cinnamon scented pinecones everywhere. Santa, reindeer, and snowman figures are in a lot of places. He puts mistletoe above every doorway, molding, entryway, high cabinet, or anywhere he can hang it because the man loves love and he wants as many excuses as he can get to kiss his husband.
11. Their favorite Christmas memory
On Evie’s first Christmas, she gets all fussy and cries a lot while they’re at Octavius and Dorian’s for Christmas Eve and so they go home early and they put her to bed but it’s only like 8pm. So they have their own end to the night and it’s just them in their pajamas, watching The Holiday and Love Actually while drinking tea and they just cuddle up under a blanket. Archie gives Nate forehead kisses and they fall asleep curled up on the couch halfway through The Year Without a Santa Claus. And he wakes up and Nate isn’t there anymore and he finds him holding Evie in her rocking chair humming Christmas songs to her and he just watches from the doorway until Nate finally looks up and smiles at him. And then they get everything ready cause everyone they know is coming to their house for Christmas and Evie wears an adorable Christmas onesie and they all open presents but. Those like 12 hours. Cuddling with Nathaniel and watching christmas romcoms and waking up to see his husband rocking their beautiful baby daughter to christmas songs. Yeah. That one’s his favorite.
12. Their least favorite Christmas memory
When he was like 12 (back in the regency days) he got sick on Christmas and couldn’t go to any of the events or parties and he hated it. But other than that,,, there’s a reason Christmas is his favorite time of year. It’s magic for him.
13. if/Where they travel for the holidays
Nah. He always stays home. He’s the Christmas Hostess With The Mostest. Always home for Christmas. He, Nathaniel, and the kids do go to Disney World for the week before/including New Year’s one year though.
14. Who they spend the holidays with
Obviously: Nathaniel, Octavius, Dorian, Reginald, Jasper, Eustace, Tyler, (and eventually) Evie, Ben, and Cam, and Eustace and Tyler’s kids. Gigi, Chloe, Jackie, and Liza, switch off every year whether they’re with family or the bois. Lynn and Suzanne always come to Christmas Eve and stop by on Christmas day before going to see their families. Every once in a while, Reginald brings a Doug who had nowhere else to go.
15. All of their Christmas traditions (not just their favorite XD)
jesus. well some have been listed. Cookies, decorating, hanging mistletoe fucking everywhere. he starts listening to Christmas music on November 1st. Snowball fight with the whole crew. Snowman contest with the whole crew. Getting drunk and watching Hallmark/Netflix Christmas movies. Making cinnamon rolls for christmas morning. wearing an entire christmas wardrobe in the month of december. Christmas treats at the bakery. Looking hot at Nathaniel’s work Christmas party. Wrapping presents for weeks after the kids go to bed. Making the world’s best hot cocoa. Bugging Octavius for his pizelle recipe (he won’t give it up). tweeting one direction and begging them to reunite for a Christmas album. Rewatching all the holiday seasons of the Great British Bake Off. Making roast for Christmas dinner. Making mulled wine at some point. Game day with the crew the day after Christmas. Writing Nate a poem every Christmas they’re usually really bad . eating one candy cane per season out of obligation and then going back to his hatred of mint. buying a million seasonal items at Bath and Body Works. watching It’s a Wonderful Life with Nathaniel on Christmas Eve Eve. Dressing his kids in christmas pajamas. That’s all I can think of for now.
okay i’m finally done this took me almost two hours oh my god. happy frat boi-ing.
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Summer Love: Chapter One
A/N: I’m pretty sure I just woke up this morning with this idea of ‘what if I did a high school AU Gerard x Reader at an artsy summer camp?’ so yeah, here you go. Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader (High school AU) Word count: 2687
After a long and harsh school year you were finally able to go and experience your favorite part of summer: sleep away camp.
Having just wrapped up your sophomore year filled with honors and AP classes amongst electives and extracurriculars which were all art, you were ready as ever to get a break from the hectic schedule of school. And sleep away camp meant just that.  
Camp Peterson was one of the elite camps in Jersey. It specialized in students who excelled in art, and helped them expand their skills greatly. This was perfect for you with your love of painting and sketching.
“Y/N?” You heard a familiar voice behind you.
“Mel?” You asked, whipping around despite the bags you were holding. There was your purple haired, nose pierces, best sleep away camp friend who you had known since sixth grade. She squealed, running up to you and giving you an anxious hug.
“Ugh, I missed you!” She smiled.
“I missed you too.” You hugged back.
“Damn,” She said, looking you up and down and pulling away, “You glew up.” “I did?” You asked. Sure, you had lost a few pounds, and cut and dyed your hair (bleached it just because), but you didn’t think it was a whole glow up situation.
“Are you kidding? I could barely recognize you!” You smiled.
“Thanks.” You said. She helped your carry your bags to cabin 17, the one you had been staying in for all your years. Setting your bags down on your side of the room by your twin bed, you looked around. It hadn’t changed a bit.
Because you and she were frequent campers who came every year the dean let you two keep your cabin and decorate it, promising that after your senior year you would come back and take it all down.
“C’mon, let’s go see the boys.” Mel said, looking at you.
“But I haven’t put my stuff away-” “So, we have another like hour to do that.” You sighed, going along with her to Cabin 18, your next door neighbors. You two ran up the small wooden steps and knocked on the door. Immediately, Mikey answered.
“Y/N? Mel?” He asked, looking at you two, “It’s been so long!” He smiled, giving you each a hug.
“Hey Mikes.” Mel said, “How are you?” “A lot better now that my best friends are here.” “Hey! I though I was your best friend!” You heard Frank walk up to the door, “Oh, hey fuckers.” He smiled at you two.
“Shut up Frank.” Mel fired back, “You’re a bitch.” “Well you’re a whore.” He said, looking at you right after, “Seems like nothing has changed.” But then he looked at you, “Oh, wait, Y/N got hot.” You lightly blushed. “But you’re still so shy and innocent. We’ll fix that, don’t you worry.” The boys let you into their cabin where you each sat down on a bean bag. There room was filled with posters of bands like The Smashing Pumpkins and The Misfits, and included Mikey’s old CD player which you guys would use almost every night.
“Nothing’s changed around here, huh?” You asked.
“You ask that every year and the answer is always no.” Frank responded. You shrugged. “Wait, actually something has changed.” He looked to Mikey to continue. Both you and Mel furrowed your brows.
“Oh yeah, my brother Gerard?” You both nodded knowing Mikey had talked about him before, “He’s here this year. He sobered up and so Mom let him come.” “Oh, cool.” Mel said.
“He’s in Ray’s cabin.” Frank added.
“I thought Bob was in Ray’s cabin?” “He couldn’t come this year.” Mikey explained, “Some sort of family vacation.” “For six weeks?” “Dunno,” Mikey concluded, “That’s what he told me.”
“We should probably go check on them.” Frank added. You all nodded.
The four of you walked out of the cabin and to number 9, Ray’s and now Gerard’s. Frank knocked on the door, no answer. He knocked again, this time harder. “Just a minute!” You heard Ray yell before coming a few seconds later and greeting you all with a smile.
“If you two were fucking in there already-” Frank said and Ray rolled his eyes.
“Grow up.” He told Frank, letting you guys in. You noticed a black haired boy sitting on one of the beds, what looked to be a comic book in hand. He was focused on the pages, while you were focused on his ruffled hair and strong jawline that shaped into a U. His hair went right above his shoulder, ruffled all over the place.
“Hey, Gee.” You heard Mikey greet. So this was Gerard.
“Oh, hey.” He smiled, looking up.
“These are the people we hang out with.” Ray began, going down the line, “Frank, Melanie, or Mel, and Y/N, or Y/N/N.” You nodded and smiled as he looked over all of you. You noticed how his hazel eyes grazed over you a little longer, or maybe you were just hallucinating.
“Wait, Y/N/N.” Ray took your out of your trance.
“Hm?” You asked, looking up at him. “You got-” He couldn’t find the right word.
“Hot?” Frank finished, “Yeah, we all know.” Ray rolled his eyes.
“That wasn’t exactly the word but you look more mature.” Ray concluded.
“Thanks.” You said, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Also you’re hair, it looks awesome.”
“Thanks.” You replied to that too.
“Hi, I’m Gerard.” He reached his hand out which you shook, “But you can call me Gee.” “I’m Y/N,” You smiled, “But you can call me Y/N/N.”
He went around and introduced himself before Mel and you headed back to put your stuff away. You placed all your clothes neatly into the drawers, hanging up some of your Christmas lights around the room. Right as you were finishing up and putting your duffel bag under your bed, you heard a knock at the door before Frank came barging in and ran to your freshly made bed, crashing on it. “Really?” You asked. “I just made that.” “So?” He asked, “I’m just making it more comfy.” “Sure you are.” The other three came in too, Mikey sitting on the edge of Mel’s bed and the Ray sitting on one of the beanbags. You noticed Gerard looking at your filled bookshelf, which was a mixture of classics and comic books. Everyone began talking but you decided to go and greet him.
“Hey, Gee.” You smiled and stood next to him, he looked up at you and smiled.
“Hey, Y/N/N.” He replied.
“What’re you looking at?” You lightly laughed, knowing he was obviously looking at your books.
“The amount of books you have.” He said, “And comics too.” “I do have quite the collection.” He smiled at you.
“You have Watchmen?” He looked at your complete collection on the top shelf. You nodded.
“Yeah, I do.” You said, “You seem surprised.” “No it’s just I um, I-” “You wouldn’t think a girl would read Watchmen?” “Well um,” He said, “I mean, yeah um- that makes me sound like a sexist asshole.” “No, it’s alright.” You assured him. “I don’t know that many girls who read it either.”
“It’s my favorite series. Alan Moore is just so good.” “It is a really good series,” You smiled. “I’ve always preferred V for Vendetta, by him at least. But I have a real soft spot for Black Widow comics.” He nodded. “She’s just a badass, ya know?” “She is.” He smiled.
“Awwww, look at you two.” You heard Frank. Both of you looked back to see everyone in the room smirking and looking at you guys. “If that isn’t love then I don’t know what is.” “Oh, shut up Iero.” You snapped. You wouldn’t consider yourself in love with Gerard considering you two hadn’t spent more than five minutes together, but you had to admit he was pretty attractive. “What time is it?” You asked out loud. Ray looked at his watch.
“5:56.” He replied.
“So dinner starts in four minutes.” Mel said, “We should probably go.” The six of you headed out of your cabin and down a few trails to the cafeteria.
“What’s usually for dinner?” Gerard asked you, walking beside you.
“First night’s usually pizza. It’s halfway decent. The rest of the food is shit but we live.” He nodded.
“But Y/N’s rich parents always ship us snacks.” Frank interrupted. You tensed feeling extremely uncomfortable at the topic that was brought up. Your parents were wealthy and you were extremely lucky and grateful, but you hated being associated with your family’s wealth and everyone in the group knew that.
“C’mon Frank.” Mel stuck up for you, “Just be grateful.”
You all made your way to the crowded hall, which was filled with primarily people who you had seen before, with a few new faces here and there. You all stood in line, grabbing the paper plates you had and grabbing your choice between Coke and water, you went with water. One by one you got two slivers of pizza on your plate, and sat at your traditional table in the corner. “So, let’s go over the groups.” Mel told Gerard. “This is probably the best time to do so.” “Most people here are nice. As long as you’re nice to them they’ll be nice back. The only people you don’t want to be near are the one’s in the center table.” She pointed, “They don’t have a group name because those are stupid, but-” “They’re a group of bitches.” Frank interrupted and Mel shot him a look, “Tell me I’m wrong.” She rolled her eyes.
“They’re just privileged white kids who are absolute pricks.” She sighed, “Just try to stay away from them. If you stay near us there’s a good chance we can help you if they decide to pick on you.”
“But they probably won’t,” Mikey began, “Because last year Y/N exposed their ring leader, Lacey, of getting a boob job in front of the entire camp.” Everyone snickered as I smirked.
“That was worth getting a three day detention.”
“Hell yeah it was.” Frank added on.
“Hello everyone!” You heard Jasper, the camp director shouted. You all sighed.
“Who’s that?” Gerard whispered.
“The director, Jasper. He’s gonna do his stupid yearly speech.” He nodded. You all sat back ready to endure his ongoing words about how great camp was, and all the fun, and responsibilities. Basically the bullshit.
“Basic rules,” He finished up, “No fighting. No drugs or alcohol,” Jasper looked at Frank, “That includes any tobacco products. And no bullying.” He finished up. “Now have fun!” Everyone clapped. The six of you got up, throwing out your plates and heading back to your cabins.
“The spot?” Mikey asked and you all nodded. You and Mel went in, Mel grabbing her backpack.
“Rose all day baby.” She smiled, slipping a few bottles and cups in. You rolled your eyes, “Oh c’mon, ease up a bit.” “I’m just not big on alcohol.” You said. You two got up and walked through the various patches of forest and trails, a flashlight in hand before you reached the spot, a little hangout area you found under an old bridge on the camp ground. You saw the four boys were already there.
“And here comes the ladies.” Frank sighed, lighting a cigarette, “Late as always.” You flipped him off. You took a seat on one of the wood benches next to Gerard, after climbing over a few rocks in the water to get to the area.
“Who wants a drink?” Mel asked. Everyone said yes, besides you and Gerard.
“Buzzkills.” Frank said.
“Hey.” You snapped, “Some people choose not to break rules. It’s a personal choice.” You looked at Gerard who nodded. Everyone began talking about some topic which you didn’t get invested in. You looked at Gerard who you could tell was not into it either. “Here,” You told him, grabbing his hand. He looked up at you. “Follow me.” He got up as you led him hand in hand to the other side of the bridge where you took your shoes off putting them in the water. Gerard followed. “It’s really beautiful here.” You said, looking up at the clear night sky.
“Yeah it is.” He agreed.
“So, why did you decide to come here?” You asked him.
“Well, Mikey would talk about it all the time. He just loves it here. I wanted to go for so long.” He explained, “But I was an alcoholic. So my parents eventually got me sober.” He finished.
“I don’t think your parents did.” You said, “You got yourself sober.” “Well, kinda.” He replied, “They just really pressured me to.” You nodded.
“Are you happier now?” You asked him, “Sorry if that was too much of a personal question.”
“No it’s alright.” He said, “Not too many people talk to me about it, they think it’s kinda weird. But yeah, I am happier now.” “That’s good, right?” He nodded.
“Yeah, it’s nice to be able to remember things.” He lightly laughed. “What about you?” He asked.
“What?” “What’s so fucked up about you?” He said, “And don’t lie and tell me nothing, because we’re all a little fucked up.”
“I don’t know.” You said, “I’m depressed. Which I guess in the grand scheme of things it isn’t the worst thing ever. Everyone in the group knows it, but I’ve been doing pretty alright for a while. Art’s helped me a lot.” “That’s good.” He said, “I’ve suffered with depression, art’s helped me too.”
“So what are you most excited for here?” You changed the subject. “I guess just meeting new people, like you.” He smiled, “So far that’s worked.” You nodded. “What’s something you always look forward to?”
“Basically hanging out.” You smiled, “We do this most nights, and when it rains we all go into Mel’s and my cabin and share stupid scary stories.” “Sounds fun.” “It is.” You said, “You’re obligated to come though, so you should see.” “I’m obligated?” He teased, “And how am I obligated.” “Well you’re apart of the group now,” You began, “And where else do you think you would fit in here?” “Ouch, that kinda hurt.” You both lightly laughed. “But you make a fair point.” “Oh I know I do.” You playfully nudged him.
“C’mon you two, we need to head back before it gets too dark.” Ray turned a corner of one of the pillars. You both got up walking over to where everyone else was.
The crew and you two walked back, you and Gerard trailing behind a bit to start up some small conversation. “What’s your first class tomorrow?” You asked.
“Sketching, I think. 10 am.” “Same.” You smiled. “What’s after that?” “I think I have writing and then cartooning.” “Oh cool,” You said, “I have photography and then painting.”
“That’s cool.” He replied. You two had made your way back to main camp, you and Melanie said bye to everyone and went back to your room.
“So, you and Gerard seem pretty cozy.” Mel smiled, as you crashed on your bed. You rolled your eyes.
“Oh fuck off.” “So you like him?” She smirked.
“I’m fond of him.” You corrected, “But he is attractive.”
“So are you gonna go after him?” “Probably not,” You sighed, “I mean he’s what, going into his senior year? He’s a year older and I’m sure he has a girlfriend.” “Have you asked him?” “No.” You replied honestly.
“Then ask him.” “That would make it so obvious.” “Then ask Mikey.” “Maybe.” You said, “But then Mikey would know.” “I think all of us already know.”
“Plus he’s way out of my league.” “Did you forget that you got hot?” She asked you, “Like really hot?” You huffed.
“I just don’t see it working.” “You haven’t even known him for 24 hours, and now you don’t think a relationship with him would work?” She asked, “You have six weeks to make something work with him and start a summer romance. Might as well do it early on.” “Shut up.” You sighed, “I’m going to bed.”
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wandlores · 4 years
Royal Treatment
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson x Narcissa Black Malfoy  Words: 2,093 You can also read this on AO3.  Warning: This is rated Explicit on AO3 for some smut.  This is for the @hprarepairnet Pansy Parkinson Challenge! I am also dedicating this to all my faves in my rare pair net server. You guys have inspired a lot of this plot based off of our discussions about Narcissa and Pansy. 
The war was over, and they had finally finished their eighth year at Hogwarts. They were officially ready to become adults, and Draco was the last of them to turn eighteen on this very night. Whenever it was Draco's birthday, that meant a sleepover at Malfoy Manor with a lot of firewhiskey. That had become a tradition starting their fifth year. Pansy's first time ever experiencing pure intoxication was at this manor, and she remembered explicitly how Narcissa held her hair back as she threw up. Pansy could not stop staring at her chest even then.
Some things never change. Narcissa Malfoy was as beautiful as ever, and she made Pansy quiver with excitement from her own fantasies. It was never going to happen, Pansy knew that. It was wrong to fuck your best friends mom. Even Pansy had some morals, but she could not stop thinking about it. Some desires that you discover at the age of fifteen never leave.
It was the usual crew. Pansy, Goyle, Draco, Blaise, Daphne, and Theo. They never talked about Crabbe; maybe it was too painful. Pansy wasn't sure, but she knew this group of friends were never the type to become overly vulnerable. They were known to bitch about others, gossip, and drink the night away. It was how Pansy preferred it, though she did have vulnerable relationships with each one of these friends on an individual basis. Particularly Draco. That is how it had always been. So Pansy was surprised when Goyle drunkenly mentioned that they should play truth or dare. To Pansy, that screamed potential vulnerability overload. Vulnerability was not something that ever happened at Malfoy Manor. Especially on Draco's birthday.
"Guys, we seriously need to play truth or date," Goyle pushed, "I want to see some of you squirm out of your skin." He was smirking, and Pansy could feel that he had an alternative agenda. She just wasn't sure what.
Pansy watched as Theo whispered in Daphne's ear and kissed her cheek on the couch, and Blaise rolled his eyes at their public display of affection. Draco pounded another shot.
"This is my eighteenth birthday party, Greg, not my fifteenth," Draco said, "Isn't that a little, juvenile?"
Daphne snorted, and Draco looked up to meet her eye.
"What is that about?"
"We are all a little juvenile when we are drunk, Malfoy. Don't act above that," Daphne replied.
Draco didn't argue back, and Pansy had a smile spread across her face as she brought her shot glass to her lips. The firewhiskey burned the back of her throat as it went down, but she stopped herself from wincing. The pain was nothing.
"So who is going first then?" Blaise perked up, with a smirk playing at his lips.
"Well," Pansy started, "Since you are initiating it, why don't you go first, Blaise?"
His smirk spread wider, "My pleasure, Parkinson."
Pansy leaned back against Daphne's legs and now pulled out a muggle cigarette. She closed her eyes as she lit it and took a drag. She could feel Goyle's eyes on her while he was having a wet dream. They were never going to happen, but that never stopped him from trying.
Blaise noticed Goyle practically drooling over Pansy, and his eyes lit up with an idea. Pansy knew that look. He was about to cause some problems.
"Greg," Blaise asked, "Truth or dare?"
Pansy braced herself for his answer. She knew what it would be. He eyed Pansy as he replied, and she watched as he licked his lips.
"I want you to kiss the person of your choice in this room."
Goyle's eyes sparkled at the prospect. Pansy watched as he cracked his knuckles in preparation to move over towards her. Pansy could feel Theo protectively put his arm around Daphne on the couch. He would never admit it to anyone, but he was territorial over his girlfriend, even if he tried to act constantly nonchalant.
Pansy braced herself mentally. She put her cigarette out knowing what was coming and looked at the red lipstick stain on the end of it. She sighed, at least her lipstick was already ruined.
Greg had scooted himself over to her on the ground. As he faced her, he suddenly looked nervous. He looked like the shy boy who asked her out at fourteen, and suddenly, Pansy felt empathetic towards his nerves and constant rejection.
"Are-are you okay with this?" Greg now asked under her breath. His cocky confidence was gone; she assumed his plan was out the window.
Her breath hitched. She didn't want this, but she didn't want to insult Greg any further. All she did was nod. He leaned forward and kissed her. His tongue didn't even slip into her mouth. He knew. It was just a peck, and he pulled away. She watched as he got up and poured himself another shot.
Draco rolled his eyes as Blaise booed, "That was it? Really Goyle?"
"I'm not the type to kiss a girl that doesn't want to be kissed by me," he told them honestly. He took another shot, "Pansy is my friend, too."
Pansy wanted to thank him, but instead, she turned her attention to Blaise. It was time to get him back.
"Blaise, truth or dare?" She smirked.
His eyes twinkled, "Truth."
She was surprised. He was always the type to take a dare. Maybe he was too nervous she would get him back. Pansy thought for a moment.
"What is up with you and the Weasley girl?"
She watched as Blaise's neck heated up, and Theo stifled a laugh by choking on his shot. Draco smirked from his arm chair, and Goyle took another shot.
Pansy lit another cigarette as she waited for his response.
As soon as the cigarette touched her lips, he replied, "She's a good fuck, actually. If you are wanting me to be honest."
"It is more than that, though," Daphne taunted, "I have seen the way you look at her."
"Yeah, he is completely smitten," Draco teased.
"Just like you are completely enamored by Potter," Blaise shot back.
"You both clearly have a type for heroes," Pansy murmured as she took another drag.
Blaise and Draco bickered back and forth for awhile about their new romantic prospects, until Blaise turned his attention back to Pansy.
"Truth or dare, Parkinson?"
She had embarrassed him. She knew that. She could feel revenge coming, but she was enjoying her cigarette too much to take on a dare.
It was then that she remembered. One drunken night during their sixth year in the Slytherin common room, Pansy admitted to him her crush on Narcissa. He thought it was hot at the time, but now, she had a feeling he would use it against her.
"If you had to fuck any of our parents, whose parents would you fuck?"
Draco rolled his eyes, and Daphne gave him a disgusted look, "Why are we even thinking about that Blaise? Considering that Theo and his dad are not on.."
"It's okay, Daph. We know Pansy would never choose my dad to fuck."
They all laughed at that, but Pansy swallowed the ball in her throat. She knew he knew the truth, but would she answer honestly with Draco there? She wasn't sure, so before answering, she took another shot and a puff off of her cigarette.
She figured she could blame it on the alcohol later, so rather than back down from Blaise, she answered honestly, "Narcissa, obviously. She is the definition of a MILF."
Draco pretended to gag and everyone in the room smirked. Goyle laughed like it was a joke.
"Good answer, Pans," he joked.
Pansy didn't say anything other than take another drag off her cigarette. Daphne started playing with her hair, and that is when Pansy swore she saw Narcissa's shadow walk past the entryway. She figured it was just the alcohol finally taking over, and they all continued on with their little game.
Two hours later, Pansy was exhausted. She stumbled down the hall to her designated bedroom at Malfoy Manor. She practically lived here all summer, so it was even decorated to her liking. She closed her eyes as she opened her bedroom door to try and get a hold of herself, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Narcissa lying on her bed wearing the sexiest black lingerie she had ever seen.
Pansy felt her mouth drop open, and she hoped she wasn't drooling. Knowing her, she probably was. She was shocked. What the fuck was Narcissa doing in her bedroom in the middle of the night in lingerie?
"It took you long enough to get back," Narcissa said nonchalantly, "Can you give me one of those muggle cigarettes? That's what they call them, right? Lucius has never let me try one."
Pansy shut the door behind her and then pulled her pack and muggle lighter out of her pocket. She handed Narcissa a cigarette, and she watched as she put it in-between her lips. Her cherry lipstick had already stained the end.
"Can you give me a light?" Narcissa asked seductively. Pansy gulped and leaned forward with her lighter lit. She watched as it engulfed the end of the cigarette and as Narcissa breathed in. Narcissa smirked as she blew the smoke out directly in Pansy's face.
Pansy had to clench her thighs to stop herself from losing it as she breathed in the smoke.
"I heard your little game earlier," Narcissa remarked. She got up from the bed now, and all Pansy could focus on was her legs in her fishnets and heels as they clicked across her bedroom floor. Pansy attempted to collect herself by sitting on the edge of her bed.
Narcissa took another drag from her cigarette before she continued. She leaned her head back as she blew the smoke out, "Is it true what you said? You would fuck me out of any parent of your choosing?"
Out of anyone of my choosing, Pansy thought. She didn't say anything. Pansy had never been brave, but she nodded. This could not be happening.
Narcissa licked her lips and took the last drag off of her cigarette. She put it out in the ash tray by Pansy's bedside, and then she got down on her knees in front of Pansy.
"Well good," Narcissa told her, "Cause there is something I would like to try."
Before Pansy could respond, Narcissa had spread her legs apart, wetness was already between her legs, and as Narcissa undid her pants, she could see it already through her panties.
"I excite you this much, huh?" Narcissa teased.
Pansy didn't say anything as Narcissa leaned forward. Her tongue was now on her, and Pansy had to stifle a moan.
Before Pansy knew it, her clothes were off, and Narcissa was straddling her on the bed, still in her pesky lingerie.
"Please.. please take it off," Pansy begged.
Narcissa smiled as she started to unzip the back of her lingerie. Her breasts popped out, and Pansy instantly went up to feel them in her hands.
"Better than you imagined?" Narcissa teased. Pansy nodded and her mouth went up to Narcissa's nipple. Narcissa moaned and rubbed up against Pansy. Pansy was in heaven. This was the definition of ecstasy.
But it was over too soon; Narcissa had managed to make Pansy orgasm five times in the past hour. She was out of breath as Narcissa laid next to her on her bed and leaned over to grab one of Pansy's cigarettes. She lit another one and handed it to Pansy to share. Pansy grabbed it and took a drag.
"That was incredible," Pansy told her, "Truly."
Narcissa smiled, "Anything for Draco's best friend."
Narcissa then leaned over and kissed Pansy deeply on the lips. Pansy was leaning in for more when Narcissa pulled away. Pansy watched as Narcissa put a black robe on over her body. She walked to the door and turned back to look at Pansy naked in her bed one last time, with a cigarette in-between her lips that she had given her. Narcissa quivered at the sight, but Pansy could not read Narcissa's mind.
"Until next time," Narcissa whispered. She gazed over Pansy's body one last time, licked her lips, and left.
Pansy was going to ask Draco if she could move in tomorrow, especially if she was going to receive the royal treatment while living there.
That was the night that Pansy's wildest dreams came true and continued on.
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jellyfishdooter · 5 years
Okay so, back when I asked for asks for my Ego DnD AU, @lace-maze sent a really good ask a while back asking about why each of the egos chose the characters they did and their playing styles- and I can’t for the LIFE of me find the original anywhere on my blog. ;3;
But! I finished it and I bet it reads horribly but whatever who cares I’m tired- enjoy!
So to FINALLY answer your question, the way I went about choosing what each of the egos would play more or less boiled down to a combo of trying to pick what I think THEY would want to play, and what I figured they would be in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. (wink wonk)
Marvin- Dragonborn Sorcerer
One of the top veterans of the game, he likes to play something with more of a challenge and a lot more mechanics. And since he’s a magician it’s definitely has to deal with magic of some kind (I mean c’mon, he’s already got the aesthetic wardrobe irl for it so why not?). So he’s currently playing a Sorcerer- a magic caster who has the power naturally within him (which ties in his Race for it’s from his draconic bloodline:)
He could have easily chosen his race to be a Tabaxi (a human-cat like hybrid), but he already got enough shit of being the “furry” of the group as it was so instead he decided to go for a Dragonborn. In the game there are different types of Dragonborn, so specifically he’s Brass- which both deals fire damage breath, and is also resistant to fire.
Being one of the older players, his play style depends on the day. For the most part he is the cool, collected member of the party who doesn’t rush in and thinks things through... Until it’s later in the evening with a few drink in ‘em and then they just say, “Yeah, this might as well happen.” Before taking another shot and round-housing someone poor guy’s ass for mocking his scaly features.
Jackie- Half-Orc Fighter
Always wanting to be the hero, Jackie wants to fight and protect his fellow party members. He only has a few sessions under his belt, but he’s confident in saying that he's comfortable with playing more tanky characters and dealing heavy damage.
Jackie doesn’t have a lot of reasoning for his Race other than Orcs Are Cool so he just rolls with that.
As for his Class he likes having a bunch of different fighting styles to choose from while in combat so he can pick and choose which would work best for the situation (they also get more of a range in picking which Armor Class they want-).
His play style is Protect the Party, but also Rush In Head First Into Danger. He’s always in the front lines of a fight to tank the most damage and provide cover for the more squishy characters. It can get quite frustrating for the healer at times when he runs battleaxe-first into battle, leaving his head behind.
Speaking of healers-
Henrik- High Elf Alchemist
A lot like Anti, Henrik found the idea of playing to be quite silly. But once he got into it, the doctor found it quite enjoyable to get into a fantasy character and forget about the real world for a couple of hours. But wanting to retain some kind of dignity, he decided to play as a High Elf. He was drawn to their grace, wonderlust for adventure, and near perfectionism. To say the least, it's easy for him to slip into character.
Strictly speaking, Alchemist is not the the 5E DnD Handbook, but Jack allowed it and made some homebrew additions to the character so their party would actually have a fucking healer. So in addition to the damage-dealing bombs Henrik’s character uses, he also has a special healing bomb he can yeet at the other players when needed.
Henrik’s play style is serious, but curious. He’s always wanting to explore the world Jack created for them and peacefully interact with the NPCs, enjoying events that unfold naturally. However when it’s time for a proper fight he does not beat around the bush, staying in the back for more long-ranged attacks rather than right on the front lines.
Chase- Human Ranger
The recently-single father needed an outlet other than drinking to try and cope with the loss of his family. So like any good friend, Jack offered Chase a spot in his campaign that he was putting together! He wasn’t too sure at first, Chase said that the game seemed really complex and hard to get into. But Jack waves it off and told his friend, “You honestly have to fully jump into it if you’re gonna get anywhere. There’s not really a small way to start. It’s pretty much all or nothing. But trust me, it’s gonna be great!” And ever since his first session, Chase always looked forward to next week’s game.
Being one of the newer players, Chase doesn’t really play anything too crazy, so he sticks to his guns and runs a Human pc. And he may or may not have based the character on his old life to some degree. Giving himself a stable home, a fulfilling job, and a big loving family and at least 3 dogs. Ya’know, real heavy fantasy stuff.
Jack offered him the newer class/ homebrew of a Gunslinger, but he politely declined ‘cause he didn’t want to have to deal with new rules. So he decided to go with a Ranger for his class, figuring it would make for a cool character to play.
Chase’s play style is pretty average (no pun intended), and not all that spectacular. He gets a few good one-liners in here and there, but for the most part he plays passively. Fights when there’s a fight, and interacts almost only when others interact with him directly. (He’s been trying to get better at being more engaging, but he tends to zone out.)
Jameson- Halfling Bard
This session being JJ’s (and Robbie’s) first ever game, JJ pleasantly surprised Jack when he decided to be a Bard. When asked why, the silent man replied simply, “There’s nothing in the rules saying bards HAVE to sing. At the core of them, they are performers.” Jack beams and asks what’s their instrument of choice then? Jameson smiles and shows him this video, saying he thinks it would be interesting to have this as his musical item. (Also gotta love that good The Bard Seduces Everything trope. He’s keeping that in his back pocket for the right moment.)
As for being a Halfling, Jameson figured it would be fun to play a smaller character. And nobody ever suspects the small man to pack such a whaloop. But really, his love for the hobbits in the Tolkin books had captured his heart and really wanted to try and emulate that in the game! Maybe leaning more towards being a little prankster, but still at the core- in short- Soft Cottage Aesthetic™
Jameson’s play style is bouncy and go-gettem. He’s eager to explore the world and have fun with the NPCs. In battles he’s more comedic relief in the back inspiring the other players (and intimidating enemies by aggressively cranking his music box rapidly). And AT LEAST ONCE he has had Jackie’s character YEET his at the enemy to get the final blow to slay the beast. That was a fun session.
Anti- Changeling Rouge 
Do I really gotta explain this one? 
Naturally Anti always tries to play the edgiest characters he can. Giving them dark, moody personalities but with a slight crazed tick. (Chase naturally calls hypocrisy when Anti says his character is a self-insert to the game.)
I’m almost out of steam here so in short-
Anti loves the idea of having puppets to mess around with irl- so in the game he can somewhat do the same- by changing his figure/ features to mimic those of somebody to manipulate another. He doesn’t care much for the society around him and does his own thing, but can easily blend in and slip into other’s traditions if he needs to. His character has a tendency to pick fights pretending to be someone else before ducking out and watch the fight take place with a smirk on his hidden features. None of the party has ever seen his real face/ form, always changing it subtly so every time someone tries to take a second look something seems different or off.
Rouge: Quick and Stabby. Like the bitch himself.
Robbie- Undead Druid
Jack had to make a special homebrew character for Robbie ‘cause he was set on being an Undead. Apparently Robbie and Marvin talked about character ideas before hand and Robbie got a little overwhelmed with all the options that they had, so Marv suggested something Rob could relate to easier. So after an afternoon of crafting a special stat sheet, Jack allowed their favorite zombie ego to play.. Well, a zombie. (I’m sure someone else has made something similar out there but I might try and make a sheet later.. That could be fun lmao)
As for Druid, I like to see Robbie as being a little more connected to nature than the rest of the egos. Since he.. Yaknow, crawled out of the dirt at one point. (Side story- before the others found him in an old cemetery, he liked to just hang out around the area that was slowly being reclaimed by nature and liked watched the birds and animals). So he was pretty drawn to choosing this class. It’s a little complicated at points, but that’s why Marvin sits between him and JJ, so he can help them out through the whole process. Robbie gets really excited when one of his spells works in combat or just having fun interacting with the NPCs by growing them some flowers to be nice. 
As a whole Robbie’s play style is pretty passive. He gets distracted pretty easily and unless Jack is waving his arms around or using miniatures/ figurines to keep a visual, the zombie will sometimes lose focus and stare off into space for a minute before coming back to the game and raising his hand for something to be repeated.
It’s one big mixing pot of different people and play styles, but at the end of the day, Jack has a lot of fun trying to bounce around and keep up with everyone’s antics and storylines. It’s hard as hell at times and it gets a little frustrating when things get out of hand, but they all try to check each other and keep things rolling. And at the end of the day, all the boys enjoy the game and what Jack has to offer and really fucking enjoy themselves. DnD is a good destresser for most of them and all around a grand fun time!
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(Third movie. The ember incident)
(On the Jolly Roger. Harriet melts out of the shadows. Falls face first on the floor. She gets up. Grabs a fire poker. And immediately starts attacking everything in sight)
(CJ has been patiently watching her sisters tirade, while silently judging her, and is now ready to say her piece)
CJ: drink?
Harriet: port if we have it
CJ: coming right up
Harriet: what’ve you been reading. A brine bloated Bronte?
CJ: a sea soaked Shelley actually
Harriet: the light is terrible in here. You should at least read out on the deck if not at the shadow man’s
CJ: you know I could but I don’t want to.
Harriet: fair is fair.
CJ: so. I take it the little convo didn’t work out?
Harriet: that little witch girl got to me before I could slay the dragon
CJ: and how would that have worked out for you? The king has magic. Then there’s her sister. And the genie. And the kid. And the specky little four eyed weirdo. Who all love her for some reason.
Harriet: because they don’t know what she is.
CJ: the daughter of Maleficent
(Harriet gives her a withering look)
CJ: ohhhh the other thing
Harriet: yes the other thing (she takes a swig of port) if they knew. About the both of them. They would never be welcome. Then the kingdom would be Harry’s for the taking
CJ: we have to tell him first
Harriet: if we ever see him again
CJ: they both knew what would happen if they hypnotised the prince. It’s twue wuv after all
Harriet: uuuurrrrgggghhhh! Gimme a Legume any day.
CJ: why?
Harriet: Deaux is 6”5 and built like a cement lavatory. You do the math
CJ: yeah. Still can’t see it.
Harriet: for that I blame Gothel
CJ: in her day mother Gothel was a very handsome woman
Harriet: if you say so. But now she’s old haggard and constantly whinging about a German lettuce.
CJ: I would also like the German lettuce. Gaddammit. Why are all the good women either too old, straight, prefer my brother or hate my guts.
Harriet: because there’s about fifty mothers here, with as many children on this slag heap there’s bound to be hetero’s, they think they can “fix” him even though he doesn’t need fixing and those people are idiots who will one day be felled by our blades
(A dustished but very old man hobbles down to the galley)
CJ: hey uncle Starkey
Starkey: good afternoon girls. Have you see your father today
Harriet: with luck he swallowed his own tongue during the night
Starkey: Harriet
Harriet: fine. I’ll go check on the bastard
(Meanwhile at the arcade. Hades has arrived just as Mal and the others left
Facillier: and where exactly do you think you are going?
Hades (Jesse L Martin): the barrier. Iris. I have a present for her. Whew. That took a lot out of me
Facillier: if you teleported then you’d not be out of breath like a common mortal
Hades: I need to get this to her before she leaves. Engagement present
(He holds up the ember. Facillier blanches and grabs the gods arm)
Facillier: my daughter is in that limo. And I entrusted her safety to the future queen. Do you honestly think I’d let you endanger my daughter because of your frankly horrendously tardy sentiment
Hades: 🎶it can be her old new borrowed and blue🎶
Facillier: it will not recognise her. Either of them. It could kill them both.
Hades: Hadie said that as well.
Facillier: how drunk was the young one
Hades: something about reed root
Facillier: oh yeah. I gave it to him.
Hades: thank you for that by the way. Now he can argue.
Facillier: you’re welcome
Hades: just wait until you kid starts boozing
(Facillier stops smiling)
Hades: ta ta
(He teleports away in electric blue fire waving goodbye as he does so)
Facillier (hurriedly): no nononononono (sighs deeply and looks upwards) I know I did wrong. And I have more then made up for it. But you are testing me. And it is not appreciated. So please. One break. I have surely earned that much?
Tremaine: FACILLIER!
Facillier (under his breath): evidently not (with a fake smile on his face and faux joviality) Lady Tremaine. To what do I owe the pleasure
Tremaine: is it back yet.
Facillier: who
Tremaine: the flesh mass I pulled out of my daughter 13 years ago
Facillier (looking and sounding rightly horrified): you mean Dizzy
Tremaine: is that it’s name? Huh. I thought we left it unnamed
Facillier: of course. Wouldn’t want to give her the illusion that you care about her would you?
Tremaine: see. You get it.
(Facillier groans inwardly)
Tremaine: so. Where is she. Is she back yet. The salon needs cleaning.
Facillier: she is in Auradon. Where she has been for a year.
Tremaine: I assumed that folly would have fallen through ages ago
Facillier: in case you haven’t noticed there is a distinct lack of unhappy starving neglected and abused children milling about.
Tremaine: I know it’s sickening isn’t it.
Facillier: not really no. There’s only so much hades and myself can do. It’s good that they’re getting out of here. We deserve it.
Tremaine: I don’t believe I deserve this fate
Facillier: and that is exactly why you do. Anyway. Haven’t you got a grandson you torture?
Tremaine: Anastasia took Anthony away. Eight years ago. As far as I know he’s in flagrante with that Hadie person
Facillier: good for him.
Tremaine: people like him should be strung up. You can clean my salon. Won’t that be nice. Your people made a name for themselves working for my kind after all
Facillier: in a single breath you have displayed homophobia and racism. So no. Clean up your own mess you privileged bitch
(He teleports her away)
Vision!Celia: she has such a bad attitude
Facillier: it’s the privilege. Ruins people.
V!Celia: you raised Celia right. Well. Right as you could given circumstances
Facillier: now she’s safe
(From outside there’s a screeching noise)
Facillier: I spoke too soon
(In the limo)
Mal: don’t tell me you brought it with you?
Evie: of course I did
Ben: brought what?
Mal: my dear little sister is belabouring under the impression that she’s my wedding planner. Ben and I have been engaged to less than a day.
Evie: your point being?
Mal: my point being is. How long have you been working on this? Since cotillion?
Evie: no not cotillion. Coronation
Mal: my mistake. Gissa look then
Evie: no! With any luck you won’t have to until the final product
Mal: ahahaha. No. Give it here.
Evie: but Ben
Mal (pitting up a hand to silence her sister): Ben dear. Would you like to know what our wedding is going to look like?
Ben: yes please
Evie (sighing): fine
(She hands the binder to her sister who starts perusing it with Ben)
Mal: let’s see now.
Ben: oh dear oh dear dear dear dear dear
Evie: what now?
Mal: white dress? Really?
Evie: what’s wrong with white? It’s classic traditional pure innocent virg...(sees the “bitch please look at who you’re talking to” expressions bal are giving her and how much Mal is pressed up against Ben’s chest) ok I see where I went wrong. So what do you suggest.
Ben: purple green and black for Mal’s side
Mal: blue and yellow for Ben’s side
Evie: but the dresses
Mal: I have some ideas. Tell me Ben. What’s your favourite dress of mine.
Ben: uhhhh. Hmmmmm. The dress you had at cotillion after you turned into a dragon
Mal: great. We use that one then.
Evie: what about the feathers?
Mal: I’m not that fond of feathers.
Evie: yeah yeah yeah. Everyone’s aware of your stance on doves. What about swans.
Mal: love her. Should’ve killed Regina though. And her daughter in law is more my speed
Ben: so is the son. Well. The season seven one
Mal: why do you think I opened with daughter in law
Evie: how did this turn into a rundown of your collective fictional crushes.
Mal: would you rather we talk about Paul Rudd. Or Mark Ruffalo? Whichever you prefer is fine with us
Evie (going red in the face and squirming in her seat): ummmm.
Mal: I’m kidding sis. Swans are fine. But dye them black blue purple yellow and green. Mkay?
Evie: yeah fine whatever
(Everyone follows his gaze to the back window. A women is running to the archway sending others into a panic. She’s got a glowing jewel in her hand)
Doug: who is that
Vks (except Celia): I don’t know
Celia: it’s hades
Jay: what.
Celia: gods don’t have a fixed form Jay
Mal: c’mon
(They all get out of the limo. Except Celia who’s caught by Mal and given to Carlos who puts her back in the limo)
Celia: what the hell are you doing let me help
Mal: sorry kid. Your dad told me to look after you. And to do that you can’t be here. Carlos can you take her back to the school?
Carlos: sure thing
(He gets into the drivers seat and tears away leaving the others to face the god)
Mal: what do we do.
Evie: oh I think you know
Mal: oh. Heh heh. Right
(Her eyes glow bright emerald gree. Purple smoke surrounds her. When it clears she’s a dragon)
Jay: I’ll cover Mal. Ben and Evie you two go either side. Doug. Call the guys at home. Tell them to stop filming
Doug: why would they still be. Oh ok I heard it as I said. I’ll calm them
(In Auradon Carlos has just burst out of the limo)
Carlos: gran you gotta come with me right now. Gramma could you please take Celia and make sure she doesn’t off?
Elsa: what’s wrong?
Belle: why would Celia run off?
Celia: Hades is trying to escape the barrier.
Carlos: I didn’t want to tell them just yet kid
Celia: well it’s the truth
Belle: why is he trying to escape the barrier
Chad: who’s escaping the barrier
Celia: Don’t you have a girlfriend to disappoint
Chad: she’s at the bar
Celia: then go
Chad: I’d rather stay here
Chad: well then
Belle: chad please
(They all look towards the jumbo screen)
Carlos: oh this is not good
(At the barrier hades is being force choked by Ben, Jay and Evie which is making him flit between all four forms. The ember is blasting Mal in the heart. She’s screaming. Doug’s putting gloves on in case it goes south. It does. Mal manages to fly above the ember blast. Hades accidentally drops it. Once it hits the ground it’s blast concentrates on Ben, Jay and Evie. Mal turns back into a human too weak to maintain dragon form and falls. Doug catches her)
(In Auradon Chad’s still laughing)
Chad: look at your freak of a queen now people. So pathetic she can’t beat a god. One who crossdresses apparently
Leah (hobbling up to them): he is right. That girl will spell destruction for us all
Belle: why are you here Leah?
Elsa: more to the point. Why are you still alive
Audrey (rushing to them): I’m so sorry. I invited her so she can apologise to Mal and oh my god what’s happening
Celia: a god, who FYI is more powerful then a genie, dark fairy, sorceress and hybrid combined numbnuts, is trying to escape the barrier
Audrey: are they ok
Chad: who cares
Carlos, Celia, Belle, Elsa and Audrey: we care
Leah: I agree with chad. Perhaps if she dies my granddaughter can retain her rightful place on the throne then our plans will not have been for naught
Audrey: you know what Grammy? Why don’t you just piss of back to Auroria. Because you are not wanted here. Queen Elsa could you do the honours? Please?
Elsa: it would be my pleasure
(She teleports Leah away in a flurry of snow)
Carlos: where’d Celia go?
(In te gym Celia melts out from the shadow just in time to see dizzy and the twins cheering at Lonnie beating Gil in a sparring match)
Celia: what the hell are you doing. (Pointing to Gil) your brother (pointing to Dizzy) your mother (pointing to Lonnie) and the object of your lust are being targeted by an escaping god.
Lonnie: wait what? How did you I
Celia: I can read people alright. It’s not a. It’s not a good thing. Especially on the island. Anyway. Hades. Escaping. Friends. In trouble. Dizz’s asshole cousin. Running his mouth. Help. Or not
Gil: help. No question. We help however we can.
Celia: good. You two do something about the stench. Dizzy the twins and I will go back outside come on guys
(She melts back into shadow along with the others. At the barrier Doug has set Mal on the ground and turned his attention to hades)
Hades (Sebastian Stan): it won’t stop until it’s back inside the barrier
Doug: argh I hate adults.
(He rubs part Jay and kicks the ember back inside. The momentum of the jewel hits hades square in the forehead and sends him somesaulting backwards. Ben, Jay and Evie collapse on the ground)
Hades (on the verge of tears): I’m so sorry my darlings
(Mal, eyes ablaze with fury, sends thorn vines in his direction. Hades teleports away in blue fire and the vines disintegrate when they hit the barrier. Then Mal collapses again)
Doug (going to each of them in turn): is everyone alright? I’m just gonna roll you over in your sides so you don’t swallow your tongues.
Evie (pulling him into a hug): you saved us
Doug: well my family was in trouble. It’s what we do for each other. Why would that-stone-thing-attack you guys
Mal (breathing heavily): I uh I don’t I dun kn
Ben (rushing to her side): it’s ok. It’s ok. It’s all over
Evie (scoffing): for all you know. It’s hades. He mortalised his nephew because he was jealous.
Doug: that was a bastardisation. Zeus is really the dickhead. It’s not Hades who literally swans about look for human women to prey upon
Jay: you know all this how?
Doug: I read.
Jay: such as?
Doug: tumblr. Mostly. When you manage to find your own niche away from drama you it’s very informative.
Ben: but you’re technologically illiterate.
Doug: I was not so much but that Evie and Carlos helped oh dear
(Mal’s retched and thrown up on the ground)
Mal: that was awful. It was tearing my magic out of me. It felt like last year.
Evie: I felt it too. Like a price of my soul was being ripped out
Jay: we need to get back to the school.
Doug: none of you are in any position to teleport yourselves or me. I’ll call Carlos and ask him to bring the car (he rifles around in his pockets) fucking fuckity fuck fuck shitting hell
Mal: what’s wrong.
Doug: I put my phone on the seat next to me. In the limo.
Jay: so we’re fucked?
Doug: basically yeah
Celia (in the limo): not completely
Ben: what the heck?
Celia: you really should swear more
Mal: what are you doing Celia?
Celia: I’ve come to help. Unless you want to be exposed to the elements
Jay: no thanks
Celia: then get in.
(The teens, with Ben caring Mal bridal style, all pile in the limo and drive off. None of them see the two eels watching them from the water. This is when “wicked always wins” happens)
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Mom plays Keeper of the Sun and Moon
Chapter 1
“Snake woman lunges--OH FUCK NO! I guess I’ll distract this bitch.”
“‘Are you awake?’ Bitch, do I look awake?!”
“I distracted some fucking snake with light or something.”
“Uhhhh, what the fuck is my name? OK, the cat wants me to be named Clara, we’ll go with that.”
“’What am I??’ The fuck are you?!?!? That’s rude as shit. You better not be some fucking snake.”
(about Astrid) “Compel me? Oh, fuck you. Don’t turn your back, bitch.” 
“Maybe if I play dumb, they won’t scramble my brains. I ain’t cooperating, though.”
“You can’t go fuckin’ around not knowing about snake people.”
“What is this, the cool dad agent? Fuck you, too.”
“Well, no shit, I’m not from here! A snake tried to eat me, and now I’m in the middle of this magic shit, and you all suck at it! Even Agent Cool Dad.”
(about Astrid) “I don’t have time for this dramatic-ass bitch. Only got time for one dramatic-ass bitch in my life, and I’m it.”
(About Castella) “‘Leaving no room for argument,’ bitch, there is plenty room to keep you here--Oh, now you gonna charge me tuition, I don’t even fucking think so.”
“You want me to do PAPERWORK?!?! You are out of your goddamn mind, lady!”
(About Cressida) “Anyone who wants that much power doesn’t deserve it.”
“I don’t trust Astrid.”
“Cruel, 53%--YES!” *fist pump*
“What the fuck is Nephilim? I ain’t hangin’ out with no angelic-ass motherfuckers. ‘What species are you?’ This sounds like some racist-ass shit.”
(about Yakov) “Why the fuck are the two newbies here? You got the kid who just learned about this shit and the foreign kid here.”
Chapter 2
“I ain’t eating any tentacle casserole.”
“‘Astrid is indignant on your behalf...’ OK. OK, I guess I’m team Astrid. I’m not going to the meeting. We’re going to play hooky.”
(about Magi in general) “These trick-ass bitches.”
“Ha ha, told y’all bitches I was human.”
“I don’t want to know about these weird-ass bitches--wait, no, tell me about Yakov. A wraith, what the fuck? This guy has shit gossip.”
“Let’s go gothic.”
(about random man in yellow) “Aw, Jesus, it’s a moving fucking migraine.”
Her: I want the cat’s foot shit.
Me: The creepy shit.
Her: Oh, that’s the creepy shit?
“OH, here’s this bitch Cyrus again!”
*cackling* “Bitch, if I had illegal substances, I wouldn’t tell you.”
(about Leon) “Oh, who’s this dick?”
“Oh ho ho, team Astrid on this one. This guy’s a dick.”
(about Thalia) “Her teeth are sharp? Oh, fuck.”
“I guess so. Ignore shit ‘til it goes away.”
Chapter 3
Me: You straight up went from hating Astrid to pissing everyone off on her behalf.
Her: Whatev.
(about paperwork) “Ah, shit. I’m not filling this out.”
*tries to leave campus* “Ah, shit, that crazy old bat caught me?”
“I’m not interested in Yakov. Ghost boy is hella weird.” 
“Only people I like are Thalia and Astrid. And Yakov just a tiny bit.”
“Wait, wtf, did something just attack me again? Kick it in the face.”
“Now the fuckin’ police show up--spectators?? None of you motherfuckers helped a bunch of teenagers getting their asses kicked?”
(on train) “I’ll talk to Thalia. Leon’s a dick and Kol’s weird.”
(about Jaime) “That’s that mofo who showed up after the dogs attacked. Imma do some amateur sleuthing. (Me: he wears sunglasses, like, all the time) So he’s Cory Hart.”
Chapter 4
Me: Please don’t be mean to Kol. He’s an orphan.
Her: Ugh, fine, but this is the only time I let you influence my decision not to tell someone to fuck off. 
(about the professors) “Oh, god.”
(about Ebner) “Oh, this guy sounds like a dick.”
“I’m going to learn magic so I can fuck up those dogs.”
(about Cyrus) “I think he needs to take a shit and calm down.”
“Who the fuck is Altair? (”You’ve ticked him off, like, 3 times already.”) Have I?”
“Haha! I’m human, brand-new, and I have to help the supernatural with his homework!”
“Either be the ass-kicker or the kicked ass.”
Chapter 5
(about starbursts) “Magic disco balls.”
“We’re grouped by suite? Oh, we’re fucked already.”
*sadly* “I just killed a gnome? Why didn’t you tell me this could happen?”
*snorts* “Punch it. *pause* Oh, shit. I got hurt.”
(about Seraphina) “You aren’t allowed to apologize on my behalf. You are on notice to never apologize for my ass because I am not sorry.”
“Care to explain, Leon, you fuckin’ trick-ass bitch.”
(about book thief) “They killed that motherfucker for stealing their Sweet Valley High collection? Was it the vintage cover? Seems like overkill otherwise.”
Chapter 6
“Ahh, snakes!”
(about father) “’You’re late.’ Dude, that’s the first thing you say to me after I disappear mysteriously for months? Seriously? Dad, you’re a douchebag.”
(staying back from fair) “It’s sleuth time.”
“Does this keeper shit have anything to do with the name of the game?”
Chapter 8
“Prepare for the oral presentation, because even if I flunk the exam, I don’t want to look like a dumbass in front of the rest of the class.”
(about Leon) “I’m going to intervene because even if I don’t like him, I don’t want to see him get attacked by some asshole sneaking into his dreams.”
“Nothing’s secure if someone wants it...Except for me in this fucking school.”
“Good sleuthing means lying well.”
“Motherfucker. Another goddamn hellhound.”
Chapter 9
“Got a chocolate egg...fire truffles...and that’s it. LOL.”
(about Cressida) “What a trick-ass bitch.”
“Why would you give Seraphina something on fire on the anniversary of the day her family was killed by fire? How insensitive can you get?”
“Ah man, now I’m hungry.”
“Child murder is wrong. Everything else is relative.”
“Oh, good, Cressida left.”
(about ice skating) “Oh, Leon hates this so much. I’m so glad I made this choice.”
Me: You don’t want to enter the tournament?
Her: I draw pictures, Hannah.
(about Leon) “Aww, poor baby didn’t get what you wanted.”
(about Cyrus) “I think it’s him. He’s the weak link.”
“No way in hell am I going to wear an outfit from Leon.”
“Yeah, be downcast, Kol, you weirdo.”
“I’m just generally unpleasant to everyone.”
(about dragon made of shadows) “Oh, I’m definitely about to punch this in the face.”
Chapter 10
“Oh, Leon, I don’t think anyone in this group actually likes you. We literally had a group laugh at you and decided to make it a tradition.”
(about Jarrod and Thalia) “I’ve found my people.”
“Oh, good, we’re at a seedy motel.”
“My stats still say I’m not cruel. This is a personal failing.”
“Why can’t I see the door? (”It’s Ebner.”) Ah, this motherfucker.”
(about Cressida) “Why am I talking to this bitch? Oh, right, ‘cuz she has the gossip.”
(about Yakov and Seraphina) “Oh, they cut me. I will remember this shit.”
Chapter 11
“Did I get cruelty for the mouse? It was a school activity. Not like I dissected it.”
“Oh, great. Math.”
(upon seeing the name Alexa in the Constellation project) “Imma fuck them up.”
Her: Romantic pursuits?
Me: None of the guys like you anyway. 
Her: *cackling*
Chapter 12
“How does this shit not leak when I work at a media outlet? (”You’d have to leak it.”) And do you know what that would do for my career?”
(about Leon) “Don’t steal fries or pancakes, you’ll get fucked up.”
My brother: What do you teach at a magic college?
Me: Calculus.
Him: I guess you always need calculus. 
Mom: *disgusted face*
“Jaime tried to pull compulsion out on me.”
“I was adopted, what?!”
Her: If I’m half elemental, why don’t I have powers? I should have fucking powers!
Me: You chose not to have any.
Her: Oh, yeah, that’s right.
“We lost Kol. How did that happen? How did nobody notice--we’re walking through a dark scary forest, and nobody noticed this motherfucker just bounced?”
“Anti-magic cuffs? I’m human, bitches. Won’t work on me! Imma draw a picture!”
“Wait, I’m here to do a ritual? Fuck y’all.”
(Jaime dies) *shrugs* “Dude kinda deserved it.”
“Wait, is Kol dead for realsies? (”No.”) Oh, OK.”
Chapter 13
“Seraphina just has these powerful ass artifacts on her bed? Girl, I hope you invested in some good locks!”
(about more hellhounds) “Ohhh shit. Punching time.”
“What are my punching stats?”
“I’m like a test tube baby.”
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frisbee-camp · 5 years
What’s Hidden Can Be Found|Tyrus Summer Camp AU
AO3 link/Wattpad link
Camp Lowland sleepaway camp is an hour drive from Shadyside, where tensions and disagreements have been left for time to mend. But what will Tj and Cyrus do when the past comes chasing after them? Follow the Good Hair Crew and The Good Boys through their annual two-month stay in the wilderness where nature does not care for petty arguments and time has only worsened their situation.
Chapter 2: Downhill
"I knew that would work!" Buffy had yelled in joy at Cyrus. Cyrus thought his lungs were running out of air, or the trees had stopped producing oxygen, or he was just dying in general while hiking back to his temporary home in the Willow cabin. The day hadn't ended, and all the campers were free to explore the different camping activities, but Cyrus just wanted to sit somewhere without bugs threatening his life wherever he stepped and competitions threatening his morals.
After Buffy had won the flag for Willow and Kira had won the flag for Oak (Iris' cabin). The winning teams were given special bandanas and had been awarded an extra 15 points for winning the first CC. This meant that Cyrus had to go around sporting a horrendously yellow bandana around his arm. Buffy and Iris were given the traditional wreaths to put on their cabins doors.  Since Willow's color was yellow, they were given a wealth with yellow flowers and golden colored pinecones. Iris was given one with herbs like dill and mint that would dry and make the Oak cabin smell delicious. It was a nice commencement gesture, a sort of "let the games begin" sort of tradition but Cyrus just wished they had washed the bandanas maybe ten more times before giving them to the campers.
Finally, after having to quickly congratulate Buffy and fidget while watching her place the wreath on the door, Cyrus was alone. It felt like he could breathe for the first time since CC1 began. The other campers weren't too fond of staying indoors during the daytime, but Cyrus liked it because there was never anyone there. The entire day was exhausting, from finding out that he would be the flag to having to talk to TJ while he was glistening in the willow trees fuzzy light...he sighed. Cyrus sat on the rocking chair in the common room and placed his head in his hands. He took a couple of deep breaths and tried to think rationally.
"This is fine," Cyrus whispered to himself as he sat back and lightly breathed out, "You're okay Cyrus." He rocked the chair while looking out the big cabin windows that looked out into the forest, "It's just the woods, no one has been killed in the forest recently so the odds are fine and it's just TJ. It's fine. It's all in the past. Just move-"
"I agree," said Andi.
"Oh," Cyrus said with a start, "Andi don't sneak up on me like that!"
Andi gave a wide laugh, "Cyrus," she said, "this is summer camp. That means you gotta enjoy summer. The outside. Outdoors. Fresh air. Ever heard of it?"
Cyrus pouted. He wanted to stay inside where the worms couldn't get him.
"Come on old man, you can rock in that chair when you're old and wrinkly," Andi said as she grabbed him by the hand. She noticed Cyrus avoiding her eyes, "hey," she said a little softer, "did something happen? We won remember?"
Cyrus gave his signature crumpled furrowed brow look and said, "TJ."
"He didn't do anything to you did he?" Andi immediately looked at Cyrus' face for signs of injury. All she found was his pouty face.
"No, he just-" Cyrus groaned, "he's just around." Cyrus rocked back in his chair and looked into the green unknown of the pine trees. Some days he was fine when he thought about TJ and other times he just annoyed him that he was always thinking about him which would make him think TJ was more annoying than he actually was which also annoyed him which made him think he was being ridiculous which annoyed him even more.
"Yeah yeah pouty boy come on let's get your mind off of him, as if that's even possible," Andi then dragged him up out of his chair and as soon as Cyrus stood up he slumped against her like a ton of rocks, "I seriously cannot carry you, Cy," she laughed, " come on we're getting you out of your weird funk."
Through the years Andi had made the arts and crafts room her bitch, for lack of a better word. She was everywhere in that room. Everywhere. As in she had self-portraits and intricate bracelets and sculptures of something Cyrus thought was deep but couldn't really make out the meaning of yet. Cyrus had tried to find something he was interested in since he started high school but he was really only good at following around his friends with hobbies. Andi had her art and Buffy had her sports, and Cyrus had them. It pained him to think his college resume may be a little sparse but his life had been a little sparse lately.
What Cyrus had found out about following his friends around was that he actually wasn't half bad at making clay pottery. He just didn't know if he was actually good or if everyone else around him was just horrible, but he was actually proud of his little bowls. Plus the spinning clay always calmed him down a bit.
Buffy was off celebrating with the other cabin members so Andi and Cyrus were alone in the arts and crafts room.
After many painted mugs and various necklaces made by Andi, she said without looking up, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Nope," Cyrus said quickly.
The next couple of weeks were painless. Cyrus had found a routine of fiddling in the art room with Andi, watching Buffy play sports with Marty, and avoiding one on one conversation with TJ at all costs. But most of the time he and his friends would go around to the different camp stations and fail at things like archery while Buffy got extra points for their cabin.
Cyrus and his friends were sitting in a circle sharing a bag of skittles they'd gotten from the Camp Store one calm and windy afternoon. Cyrus was finally getting comfortable with always being in contact with dirt. He even laid on it from time to time. He liked looking at the clouds float by but if he looked up for too long he would find himself thinking about Earth and then other planets like Mars and then the galaxy and everything beyond that and time and light and darkness so he'd sit up and tune back into his friend's conversations.
"So," Buffy said, "CC3 is tomorrow and guess what we chose?!" Buffy said sparkling. Cyrus wished he could be this excited about this. He honestly just missed paved roads. He didn't even remember what the last CC was, maybe it was a swimming contest?
"Canoe racing!" Buffy had exclaimed without waiting for her friends to respond.
"Awww!" Andi said, "Amber loves canoe racing. Remember when we all raced together?" Andi had a very wide happy grin on her face, she must've been remembering something that had happened between her and Amber.
"Yeah," Buffy was amused, "and half of us almost drowned," Cyrus said as he popped the last skittle in his mouth.
"Maybe," Buffy said as she mindlessly picked at the grass, "but Redwood doesn't know that we've been practicing."
"Who? You and the basketball team?" Andi said perking up. Andi and Cyrus had been so busy wandering and failing at activities that they hadn't noticed any CC preparations from Buffy. They appreciated that Buffy didn't include them in making strategies, they did last year and it caused more harm than good.
"Yeah, don't tell but we dragged an old canoe into the woods and have been practicing," Buffy said proudly.
"Wow," was all that Andi and Cyrus could tell her.
Early the next day was CC3: Canoe Racing. Cyrus almost cried as he had to put on that ugly yellow bandana around his arm for the third time. He walked over to the lake with his entire cabin. Since the lake was behind Redwood, they usually had first dibs when it came to canoes. The lake was smooth today, with the morning mist just now evaporating and the ducks floating around the sides. It was a good-sized lake with a dock extending north. Redwoods were already huddled and getting a pep talk by TJ. TJ, Cyrus thought and sighed longingly. He forced himself to look away from him. He didn't have his glasses on today and was looking very tall and in charge. He could tell his cabin to do anything he wanted and they would.
"Okay guys," Buffy said to the Willows, "this is it. We know what to do okay? So I'm not going to scare you with an intimidating speech." She had her arms crossed and had her cabin leader bandana lose around her neck. "Just stay focussed and row. And really put your whole weight into it. If you're competing today come on and get ready." Only six of them would row the one Willow canoe while the rest of them cheered from the bleachers.
Cyrus obviously didn't even think about signing up and neither had Andi who said she was too short to keep up with them, so they sat in the bleachers and shared yellow cotton candy. The announcer Counselor Moose, with the red beard that hid way too much of his face, announced the rules over a megaphone while the rowers got into position at the starting line.
It was quiet as Moose said "Get ready," the crowd was sitting on the edge of the hard metal, "Set," everyone inhaled and Cyrus saw TJ turn. Cyrus thought that he was giving some last-minute advice to his team, but he actually turned towards the bleachers and gave Cyrus a very slight smile and wave, Cyrus returned the favor timidly. "GO!" Moose yelled and the entire bleachers erupted into a collective yell. Cyrus sat there in a stunned grin at the thought that TJ remembered him at last minute. The interaction actually put the Redwood cabin an entire two feet behind the rest of the teams. Andi had to yell their cabin cheer at Cyrus to get him out of his dreamlike phase. Cyrus figured that she hadn't noticed the interaction.
TJ's hair rhythmically bobbed with his movements. He had gotten a lot taller since he was getting older and playing basketball so frequently now. Cyrus couldn't help but notice his jawline being reflected in the sunlight, his lean muscle leading his team members, his poise and strength. Cyrus remembered when he had helped him get that muffin from the cafeteria so long ago, that felt like centuries.
TJ had really remembered him. Cyrus chanted the Willow cabin cheer but secretly hoped Redwood would win.
And they did, only by a couple of inches but they won fair and square. Same with Aspen. Cyrus pretended to be sad for Buffy's sake, but he and Andi were basically jumping up and down on the bleachers.
Cyrus spent the next few days in his same routine but now with a smile, he could only attribute to TJ.
On Monday Cyrus was scheduled, yes scheduled to go on a nature hike with campers from all four cabins. Some sort of mandatory bonding activity. Cyrus almost cried when he saw the posting. Every camper had one scheduled camp-wide activity every week, last week it was fire building with Amber. But this? Hiking. Hiking. He would have rather jumped into the tiny fire he had built with Amber last week.
When he got to the meeting spot, the willow tree not far behind his cabin, he found a very strange group of people. They were being led by counselor Luke from Redwood and a couple of other counselors Cyrus didn't know the name of, Andi (thank God), Gus, Walker, some kids from the grade below them and TJ who was laughing with Luke. TJ saw him and gave him a quick smile. Normally Cyrus would have avoided him at all costs, but something was telling him that it wouldn't be that bad. He did acknowledge him before the race and everything.
The hike was on the Air & Water trail, one that went all the way up to the top of the valley and then back down to the river by Aspen. But that was the least of Cyrus' worries. His first was trying not to die from heat exhaustion, hunger, and thirst. He was already trailing behind the others five minutes in. He really did not know if he would survive this Oddessy.
He, Andi, and Walker had formed their own little walking group, talking between stops made by Luke who always felt like pointing out cool trees. Walker and Andi had become friends ever since she started going to art school, and Walker was nice enough to talk to but Cyrus couldn't stop looking at the back of TJ's head. Tj had of course been able to keep up with Luke who Cyrus had a feeling could have gone a lot faster but couldn't risk having Cyrus trail so far behind.
"Now guys look at this tree, you see how..." Luke had stopped to inspect a wide light-colored tree no one else cared about.
"Hey," TJ said as he came up next to him, "fascinating stuff huh?" he joked.
Cyrus laughed a bit. Some other campers turned to look at him. He looked down. "Yeah," he had to lean into TJ so the others wouldn't hear them, "totally man" he mocked Luke. TJ cracked a smile too.
TJ walked next to him while they hiked, they laughed and chatted and poked fun at Luke. It was nice, calming, familiar. He hadn't felt this familiarity in over a year. He missed it but reminded himself of why he had to miss it. Nonetheless, Cyrus allowed himself this moment, this grueling sweaty stinky moment to feel like old times.
"If you die here," Tj said, "Can I have your laptop?"
"If I die here," Cyrus retorted, "and if you carry me back to camp, then you can share my laptop with Andi." He smiled. Actually smiled. Cyrus thought he would float away from happiness at any moment.
Cyrus felt brave as they stood at the top of the valley. He could see camp down below and the surrounding miles of woods. He had gotten to the top without needed someone to carry him. The sky was so blue, so so blue. He hadn't noticed how nice nature could really be.
"Hard part's over," Tj said, "it's all downhill from here."
And as they stood on the top of that mountain, the wind blowing away their teenage smell, Cyrus breathed in and closed his eyes. He thought of all the stresses he'd have to face one day. He thought about everything he was avoiding, the homework, the studying, the tests, college. He breathed out and let it go. He opened his eyes and Tj was looking down at him with a look he was so familiar with, the soft one that was reserved for late-night conversations.
Cyrus looked back at him and quietly asked, "Did you wave at me during CC3?"
"Yeah," Tj said without hesitation.
"Because I was thinking of you," Tj said warmly. He really meant it. Cyrus blushed and looked back over the valley.
TJ was right, it was all downhill from there. The way down was easier than the way up, but Cyrus still found a reason to ask for a piggyback ride from TJ. It must have rained recently because the way downhill was also damp and muddy. Many people slipped in the thick stuff, especially Gus who was covered up to the waist in the brown goop. TJ even slipped as he carried Cyrus on his back, but he never let Cyrus touch the ground. He would be eternally grateful for that.  
Eventually, Cyrus could see the river close to the Aspen cabin. He wondered what Andi and Amber were doing right now, probably frolicking in the flower field by the Willow Tree or something cinematic like that.
Tj's foot slid in the mud a couple more times before the slope finally leveled. Finally, they had reached the river and walked along the bank when Tj's foot slid one more time, this time hurling Cyrus into the river's shallows with a tumble.
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