#wasn’t sure how to explain that in text based so just going ‘sent it’
wsdanon · 9 hours
hello shotgunners fans take another little thing of some of them… (Felps and guaxi, but if you’d like to think about it the absence of Matt speaks volumes. or something…)
fic is based on a moment from the first clip in this little video I posted. Felps does actually die to the centipede a little after and then texts Guaxinim to ask for help retrieving his items
reblogs appreciated, hope you enjoy \o/!!
Felps wakes up in a bed. Which is already a red flag in of itself, but is quickly forgotten in favour of the fact he feels like shit. Cold burrows in his bones while heat lathers his skin, nausea broiling in his stomach with a pounding headache to top things off. 
There’s someone with him. Maybe. In this bed which is definitely not his bed because he doesn’t have a bed yet. 
A low light hovers on the other side of his eyelids—necessary for him to get any answers, but already irritating with the shield that closed eyes offers. 
He shifts, and groans. His body aches. More than aches. The person with him cups his face and gently taps next to his eyes—an obvious request that he doesn’t want to comply with, but probably should. 
He lets his eyes open a slit and sees Guaxinim’s face in front of him. That’s good. Someone familiar—someone he trusts with almost all the important things. 
Another tap to the side of his eyes makes him realise they’ve slipped shut again. He blinks rapidly—trying to keep them open—and Guaxi’s hand disappears from his face to take up his vision instead. 
“Felps—are you okay?” He signs. 
“No.” He groans out, not entirely sure where his hands are and not willing to risk shaking his head. 
“I found you passed out while mining.” Guaxi explains—too much information for right now, really. “You sent me your location asking for help, remember?”
“I think you were poisoned.” 
And whatever else Guaxinim says, Felps misses, as—with another groan—his eyes slip shut again. 
Poison makes sense. He feels poisoned. He remembers something—big, and scary, and painful. It’s a little hazy. He was bitten? 
The blankets are too warm, Guaxinim is too warm… but at the same time Felps tries to burrow closer. Maybe if he overheats enough it’ll stop the shivering in his bones. 
He tries to protest as Guaxinim pulls him away and sits him up, but his limbs are heavier than he can work with, and Guaxi is easily strong enough to move his dead weight. It would almost be attractive if Felps’ skeleton wasn’t trying to shake itself to dust. 
Guaxinim says something and Felps can’t even attempt to lip read. He’s pretty sure Guaxi laughs, though. 
He’s propped up in a corner, Guaxi’s hands gently resting his head back against the walls. 
“You’re so out of it.” Guaxi signs, before signing a small laugh as well. Then he tucks the blanket around Felps again. “I asked Matt to find some milk, so I’m going to go get it from him, okay?”
Why can’t Matt just come here? He doesn’t want Guaxi to leave. And Matt’s warm. Matt’s so warm. Warm in Felps’ chest—with an uncomfortable itching accompanying it, sure, but that must be better than this. Matt could fix this, surely. 
“I didn’t want to leave you alone, you know?” Guaxi pauses his signing to briefly cup Felps’ cheeks and press a kiss to his forehead. “But Meiaum just got back, okay? He’ll keep an eye on you.”
And sure enough, Meiaum walks into his line of sight. Him and Guaxi talk for a moment, then Guaxinim leaves and Meiaum joins him on the bed. 
“Cold.” Felps murmurs out. 
Meiaum frowns, and leans closer. Asks him to repeat himself. 
“I’m cold.”
“Oh! Hm…” 
He looks around—presumably for another blanket—and, finding nothing, decides to tug Felps closer. 
He’s worse than Guaxinim at moving Felps—which is probably less about strength and more about not knowing how to move him—but eventually Felps is tucked against his side, his head resting on Meiaum’s shoulder. Meiaum pulls the blankets around himself as well to get them closer, then wraps an arm around Felps’ shoulders. 
It’s a little better. 
It’s better enough that Felps drifts back to sleep, at least.
When he’s woken up again, a glass of milk is shoved in his face. 
He blinks hazily at it. Not entirely sure what to do.
“Drink?” Guaxinim signs. 
And okay, sure, he can do that. 
The blanket is tugged down, which is not appreciated, but at least his hands are freed. And this time he even feels like he can move them. So, with shaky hands he takes the glass—although he can tell Guaxinim still has a hold of it. 
At the first sip he’s already feeling a little better. Which gives him the motivation to finish it. 
“Feeling better?” Guaxinim asks. 
Felps signs a yes. 
“Nice!” Guaxinim smiles—wide and pretty. “That should take care of the poison, at least. And I already bandaged your wounds, so don’t worry about all that, okay? Now you just need to rest up.”
“Here. Let me help you lie down.”
Guaxinim waits a moment for him to protest, before doing just that. Meiaum—who was asleep? Maybe?—shifts to lie down behind him, while Guaxi cuddles up against his front. 
It’s a bit of a tight fit. At the moment, at least, Guaxinim’s bed is not really made for all that many people. But Felps is too worn out to worry about any discomfort. 
And it is kind of nice, anyway. Comforting. Scary cave creatures—a giant centipede, he can remember it a little better now—can’t hurt him while he’s tucked between these two. 
So, he takes Guaxi’s advice and lets himself drift off to sleep again. 
Hope you enjoyed \o/!! Matt is not allowed in their secret base yet sadly
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al-the-remix · 3 months
TikTok Chef!Buck AU: several sentences sunday (or something like that)
I'm close to finishing the fic I've been working on so I finally felt like I could write a little something based off this headcannon without feeling too guilty about it, lol. 2k of mostly crack, please enjoy.
It all starts when Tommy’s stuck on his couch for a week with a sprained knee. He wishes he could claim it happened doing something heroic–or at the very least badass–but in truth it was the result of letting his ego get the best of him at the squat rack. 
Lucy stops by a few times to keep him company, which really means letting herself in unannounced with her spare key, eating all the leftovers in his fridge, and offering an unsolicited running critique of whatever show he’s watching. Today it was Below Deck reruns. 
“If I ever decide to take a vacation on a boat, tackle me, this shit does not look worth it.”
“You really don’t have to be here you know,” Tommy says, leaning over to grab some chips from the near-empty bag she was cradling before they were all gone. He’d been looking forward to eating those for dinner and feeling sorry for himself. 
Lucy just snorts. “Please, if I wasn’t here you’d already be up to something ill advised. I caught you looking up deck chair patterns earlier, power tools don’t go well with injuries, Tommy, even if it’s only carpentry.”
Well, she had him there. 
At least she had the decency to order them Chinese take out for dinner so he wouldn’t have to Instacart a can of soup or something equally pathetic. 
Before she left she made a grabby hand at him. “Give me your phone.”
“Why?” Tommy asks, already suspicious. 
She met his suspicion with boredom. “Don’t ask stupid questions, just do it.”
Rolling his eyes, he hands it over, giving into her whim, and maybe he should find it a little more unsettling that she already seems to know his password off by heart. 
She clicks around for long enough that Tommy starts getting nervous: what was the last text message he sent? Was it embarrassing? Were all his nudes still in that locked folder? Did she know the password for that too? Just when he was going to start asking questions she tosses his phone back. “Here, this should keep you entertained for a while,” she explains as he scrambles to catch it. “My niece wastes hours of her life on this crap.”
“Such ringing endorsement,” Tomy grumbles, she’s downloaded some kind of video app onto his phone. TikTok. Perfect. He’d heard of that one, apparently it was single handedly ruining a whole generation’s attention span and the Chinese government was using it to spy on the inner lives of teenagers with stupid haircuts and a critical lack of social skills. 
“Are you sure you didn’t just give me some kind of virus?” Tommy asks, clicking around the home page arbitrarily, the UI didn’t make a lick of sense. 
“Har, har. You were always good at picking up new skills, I’m sure you’ll figure this out in no time. I have faith in you,” she says, clapping him hard enough on the shoulder to make him wince. 
He finds his profile page by total mistake. His username reads: benchedcockwrangler.
“How do I change this?” he asks, waving his phone at her as she makes for the door. 
“You don’t,” she says, without looking back. “Don’t stay up on that thing all night, it will ruin your sleep schedule!”
Tommy winces as the front door slams and sighs. He’ll figure out how to change it later. After all, beggars can’t be choosers and three days into his mandatory medical leave he’s already so bored he’s ready to stab his eyes out with hot pokers just to mix it up a bit. 
He scrolls through the app, and based on most of what he sees he finds himself unable to justify its existence in the first place. It feels like every video he watches drags him into a deeper alternate universe where everyone’s wholeheartedly competing for the top of the podium at the Darwin Awards. 
There’s a woman digging tunnels under her apartment that Tommy is positive are not up to code (that’s a call just waiting to happen); and two young ladies mixing cocktails of a concerning hue and variety at random local establishments (not necessarily anything that would warrant a trip to the ER but potentially a health code violation); and what seems like an ungodly number of men hosting podcasts (Tommy is pretty sure that even during his darkest days rotting in the closet he had a better batting average picking up women than any of these bozos.)
Tommy’s eyes start to glaze over as he scrolls past comedians, and political commentators, and people reviewing romance novels, and–how has it already been forty minutes?
He’s about ready to give up and throw his phone across the room and leave it there until Lucy shows up tomorrow and he can make her delete it off his phone, when catchy music, an arm roped with muscle, and a criminally tight shirt sleeve catches his attention. 
It’s some kind of cooking video and his first impression is: how is anyone supposed to understand what’s going on with edits that fast? His second impression is: hot man. Man hot.
Soon his brain is catching up with his eyes, kickstarting like a toddler being exposed to sugar for the first time. 
Cooking might be a generous description for what’s going on here. The man is obviously skilled, but the main focus of the video seems to be how hot he looks in an apron (very) and whether it’s possible to bring half a peach to completion by finger blasting the pit out of it (not like, whether or not you should pre-bake your tart crust to achieve an ideal texture). 
Tommy has to watch it twice just to fully absorb everything that’s going on. He’s making some kind of deconstructed peach crumble topped with an obscene amount of whipped cream and steak with fries that looks fancier than anything Tommy’s ever eaten at a restaurant. 
Half way through the video the man wipes down the worktop shirtless with a cloth sudsy enough to make Tommy’s mouth go instantly dry then suddenly wet enough he’s forced to swallow. 
He clicks through to ChefFirehose’s profile just to, you know, get a better sample size. Tommy’s not above letting himself be manipulated by a man with biceps like melons and a cute smile. 
His profile description reads: LA resident, self-taught, putting out fires and saving lives in my spare time. Just here to give the food the appreciation it deserves. Let me show off for you 😉.
Tommy thinks this guy must be new to town, because living nearly a decade even in a city as sprawling and overcrowded as LA, he doesn’t know how he could miss running into this guy on the job. There was no way he wouldn’t remember a guy this hot even through turnouts, a helmet, and smeared in a thick layer of soot.
He starts working his way back through ChefFirehose’s videos, and some are admittedly a little less chaotic than the rest, but all of them are just tongue-and-cheek enough that Tommy feels confident he’s just one in close to a million people in on a joke and not enabling someone’s very real personality disorder. 
He’s stuck somewhere between disbelief and admiration. He definitely wouldn't have the balls to post this on the internet for everyone to see and so obviously thirst over. He braves the comment section on a few of the videos and it’s just a litany of horned-up men and women trying their best to make ChefFirehose laugh, or get in his pants, or both. He replies to almost all of his comments with either a smirking emoji or acting deliberately oblivious when someone tries to bait him into giving up the bit. Tommy finds him funny and maybe a little more endearing than he should after ten videos. 
Tommy can’t really blame them for trying to shoot their shot so shamelessly. ChefFirehose’s wardrobe consists of polos plastered so tight to his skin that Tommy was mildly concerned about restricted blood circulation, dress shirts buttoned dangerously low, and slacks that wrap snugly around miles of long, toned leg. 
Those weren’t Tommy’s favorite looks though. No, every so often a video would start and he’s be dressed down in soft looking sweatpants, a baseball cap pushed on backwards plastering his auburn curls to his forehead, and a white tank top–or if Tommy was really lucky, no shirt at all (sometimes not even the apron which Tommy had mixed feelings about...), his muscled arms and shoulders on full display. He’s got tattoos decorating his forearms that Tommy can’t quite make out, a collection of fine lines on pale skin like thin ribbons of chocolate drizzled over a crape. 
Those videos are most often breakfast related and ChefFirehose is barefoot in his kitchen, the warm sunlight casting his face in gold. He paints such an enticing tableau it’s all too easy for Tommy’s brain to plop himself right down in that scene, imagination running wild. He can so easily picture what it would be like: in that kitchen, feeling the warm cast of sun on his face and getting to watch built, handsome man make him breakfast with that flirty confidence of his. 
Tommy bookmarks a video of him making an omelet, the way he handles the eggs making Tommy blush like he’s a schoolgirl and not a man pushing forty. He feels less guilty about getting hard over it on the sofa surrounded by takeout containers than he probably should.  
The screen goes suddenly black and Tommy’s faced with his own reflection in the finger smudged screen, chin rolls and all. Fuck. He reaches for his charger. God, his life was depressing at the moment, and apparently he really needs to get laid.
So yeah, by the time his two weeks of recovery are up he’s feeling a little stir crazy in an entirely different way than before. He’s never been more glad to get back to work, put some of this weirdness behind him and get some much needed distance from his phone.
That’s only part of the reason why he doesn’t even think twice when Howie calls him for a favor. A big favor. And that was only the first of many surprises the universe had in store for him, apparently.
Even fully clothed in his LFD uniform Tommy recognises him. Evan. Evan, Evan, Evan, (Tommy repeats over and over in his head until it drowns out every other name Tommy’s assigned him the past few weeks: slutty egg guy, ChefBigDick, totally off limits boyfriend material–just to name a few).
“So you’re the guy who’s gonna fly us into a hurricane.” Evan sounds a little breathless, like maybe he jogged all the way here, and Tommy chalks it up to the high that accompanies stealing government property. “Chim said you were the best pilot he knows and good in a pinch, but I still thought there was no way anyone that good would agree to something this crazy.”
Tommy’s definitely starting to feel a little crazy. Evan’s still shaking his hand. His grip is solid, his fingers long and nimble, surprisingly soft against this palm (he must really lather on the hand lotion) and Tommy can’t stop thinking about all the talented things he knows they can do. 
 “That’s me. Though I’m pretty sure I’m just the only pilot Howie knows who's in town at the moment.” 
“You look good to me–capable, I mean.” Evan gives him a solid smack on the shoulder with his free hand. His mouth does something funny like he's trying to hold back the sheer force of his excitement by his teeth. “Solid.”
His eyes are even bigger and brighter in person, smile softer, even taller than Tommy presumed. Howie’s giving them a weird look from over Evan’s shoulder. The other man with them, Eddie, isn’t paying them any attention, checking out the other helicopters parked on the apron instead, and Tommy forces himself to pull his hand out of Evan’s warm grip. 
Tommy clears his throat. “Good to know. I’ll show you guys the bird we’ll be taking. I've got her all gassed up and ready to go.”
He just met his (internet) celebrity crush and the man of his dreams, and now Tommy was going to get him killed in one of the most spectacular ways imaginable. It seems like they’re all headed for the Darwin Awards this time.
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thedroneranger · 2 years
Sending Vibes
Robert "Bob" Floyd
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Précis: Near or far, Bob will send you vibes wherever you are.
Note: The Bob Fucks agenda is a like a drug. I got one bump and needed another. This is a companion to Vibe Check but can also be read on its own. Enjoy!
Warnings: 18+ only, explicit.
Word count: 1.6k
A frown downturned your lips, and your arms slipped from under the blankets to the pillows above your head. A deep sigh left your body as you thought about how much better your solo session would be if it weren’t solo.
You rarely masturbated alone. Hell, you rarely masturbated at all, because you finally landed the flyboy you had your eyes on all this time: Bob Floyd. 
In the months since Bob stumbled upon you pleasuring yourself in your bunk and decided to help out, you two fucked like rabbits. You had managed to find every nook unseen by a camera on base, and you both knew each others’ homes like the back of your hands. In both houses, there wasn’t a surface you hadn’t fornicated on.
Although you and Bob had yet to define the relationship, it was obvious to the two of you that you were only seeing each other. It was also obvious no one else was going to do it for you quite like each other.
All the sessions between the sheets led you to spending more nights and mornings together. At some point, you’d learned Bob was quite the coffee connoisseur. Part of his morning routine included coffee from his favorite cafe a few blocks from his house. 
At first, he would sneak out of bed for a coffee run, returning to wake you with a freshly brewed cup. Now you would join him, sitting together outside the cafe in the late morning before it was too hot to be outside. You had forewarned Bob your palate hadn’t expanded beyond burnt coffee and sugary lattes from coffee chains. Each time, in earnest, he would explain a feature of coffee: caffeine level, intensity, roast. It made your chest tight to listen to him nerd out.
For the past few weeks, your sexcapades and domestic routine had been on hold. Bob had been summoned to a naval base across the country to help prepare pilots for a classified mission.
So far, Bob’s absence didn’t just make your heart grow fonder, it also made your core ache. One of the reasons you and Bob were compatible is you were both always ready to go. You were perpetually wet, and one look from you had Bob pitching a tent.
Without Bob physically present, you had been spending evenings in your bed or his—someone had to water his plants while he was away—with your favorite toys. Since Bob was on another base across the country and not tucked away on a carrier somewhere in the middle of an ocean, you would trade steamy texts, photos and the occasional after dark video call.
Laying in Bob’s bed, wearing only his Academy t-shirt, you were basking in the glow of your first orgasm. Already gearing up for another, you scrolled through the audio erotica app you loved so much that you bought a subscription. Your toys were bluetooth compatible with the app, which added another trick to your bag to keep you busy.
Of course, an app update became available while you were browsing, so you took a couple minutes to let it complete. A pop-up took over your screen when you reopened the app. As you read it, your lips pulled into a smile.
Bob could now control your vibrator from anywhere.
Your mind was already racing, deciding how you wanted to introduce the new feature to him. Fortunately, you had already sent a few pictures, which led to a promise for him to video call you later. 
The idea of Bob manning your vibrator while you had phone sex had you squeezing your thighs together. Your wand was the perfect choice. Making sure it was connected to the app, you tapped around until you secured the share code. 
Kneeling on the bed, knees wide, you held the wand at your naked apex and snapped a photo. Happy with the result, you added the app code and a message, You're in control, before pressing send.
In less than 15 minutes, Bob’s contact photo of him sporting a cappuccino mustache lit up your phone. You bit your lip as you accepted the call. He didn’t even give you time to greet him. “You’ve been teasing me all day, and you’re giving me control of your vibrator? You’re playing with fire, darlin’.”
A smile crossed your lips. “Burn me, Bobby,” you challenged him. You didn’t even have the chance to vocalize your next thought as the vibrator you’d left in your lap buzzed.
“I don’t have much time before someone comes looking for me,” Bob explained. “Now, I want you to slide your pretty pussy along that wand like you do to me when you’re being a cock tease. Prop up the phone so I can see all of you.” 
Bob moved his phone so you could see him, sitting on the edge of his bunk. His t-shirt off and flight suit pushed around his knees. Free hand fisting his hard-on. Pre-cum already oozing.
You froze for a minute, your mouth slightly open. “Close your mouth, darlin’.” Bob brought you back to the moment, bringing the phone back to his face. “Now, do as I say. I want to see you come before I have to hang up.”
“Yes, Lieutenant,” you responded with a smirk. Bob felt his whole being vibrate at your words. See, Bobby would never admit it, but he absolutely got off on being called lieutenant when he was ordering you around. 
He watched as you set the phone in a place that gave him a wide angle view. Then, you placed yourself in the middle of the bed with your wand between your legs so the head was pressed against you.
“That’s it, darlin’,” Bob cooed as he watched you and pumped his length, swiping his thumb over the head. He positioned his phone so you also had a full view of him.
Without warning, he turned on the vibrator, which made you jump. You glared at him while he threw a smirk at you. Hands on your thighs, you found a rhythm that had your lips parted and barely audible gasps of pleasure spilling out. Bob was showering you with praise, and you noticed his hips falling into pace with yours.
In one smooth motion, you flipped Bob’s shirt over your head, leaving you completely naked. Although you weren’t close enough to see, you knew Bob’s irises were nearly eclipsing his pupils. Hell, neither of you thought it possible, but he was sure he felt his dick stiffen more at the sight of you.
A salacious moan escaped you when Bob changed the vibration pattern. Fortunately, you were able to take it in stride, tilting your head back, closing your eyes and moving your hands to knead your breasts. “Bobby.” His name was long, drawn out as it left your lips.
“C’mon, darlin’. Come for me.” Bob’s voice was low and restrained—he was absolutely holding himself back from finishing. 
“Bobby, I need you.” You paused. “I need your help.” Your voice was whiny, pleading for attention you already had. Your gaze caught his as you leaned toward the phone, still rocking against the vibrator.
Bob picked up his phone, so his face filled the screen. “Lay back, darlin’. I want to see all of you.” Soothed by his voice, you settled into the pillows, awaiting his next instruction. “Now press the wand to yourself.” Again, you followed his direction. “Don’t move it.” Your hips jerked when he upped the speed of the wand without warning. “Don’t move it,” he repeated. “Let me do the work.”
With that, you let your eyes close and your head relax into the pillows. Bob’s voice filled your ears as your entire body began to come to a boil. Your breath shortened and your abdomen tightened. Finally, you peaked. 
Seconds later, you heard Bob’s breathing pattern change as he also finished. You looked at the phone to find him laying back on his bunk with cum pooling on his stomach. “Mhmm, I wish I could clean you up.” You picked up your phone to get a better look at him.
He grabbed his phone and brought it closer to his face. “I wish I could be inside you. So warm, velvety…” he trailed off.
“Bobby.” Warning heavy in your tone. “If you don’t stop, you’re gonna have to find another 15 minutes right now.” His crooked grin appeared. 
For a moment, you just sat in silence, in each other’s virtual presence. Bob was the first to speak. “Well, darlin’, I should get cleaned up.” You looked him in the eyes. “Glad we have a new toy to play with.” His smile reappeared. 
“Me, too,” you added. “I’ll leave it connected so you can keep sending vibes.” You winked at him. Bob’s smile grew impossibly larger. With one final goodbye, you ended the call. 
Sitting in his bed, you were startled when your wand vibrated, and then your phone. On your phone, Bob’s name was there with a new message: Just a quick vibe check. You laughed recalling the first time you had used a vibrator together. 
Hopping out of bed, you replied to Bob. As you shuffled to the kitchen to get a drink and feed yourself, you browsed the web for a welcome back gift. A bluetooth-enabled vibrating cockring seemed like it could be well received. You pondered it for less than a minute before adding it to your cart and purchasing. 
A perfect way to keep the vibes going.
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nobody7102 · 1 year
Learn To Fly: Part 1
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Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Reader ‘Blackbird’ Mitchell/Blackwood
Warnings: None (as far as I’m aware)
A/N: Yeah I know what you're thinking "Its another series" I have a lot of ideas guys. I feel bad for posting so much but I like sharing my ideas so idc
Main Master-List
Series Master-List
Looking around the crowded bar, Maverick sighed to himself seeing Penny working behind the bar like normal. He stared longingly at her before he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Come on Mav” Bradley hummed, leading him over to the bar taking a seat that wasn’t surrounded by a ton of people. He watched as Penny made her way over to the two of them with beers in hand “Penny… Mav’s got something he’s gotta tell you” Pete glanced at the bar as Penny placed the beers down.
“Well hello to you too Lieutenant Bradshaw” she smiled back at him “What’s up?” she leaned over the bar to Pete and raised a brow seeing how nervous the normally cheeky pilot was. 
Maverick looked around before looking back to Penny “Can we talk in the office?” Penny’s face dropped as she looked to Rooster, who just mouthed ‘I’ll watch the bar’, she motioned for Pete to follow, leading him into the back office. 
He entered the office first and as soon as Penny shut the door her hands took his in hers “Okay you’re really scaring me, what’s going on?” 
Maverick looked to the ground once more, contemplating if he really needed to do this before he looked back up to Penny “Do you remember Charlie Blackwood?” Penny nodded “We were together for… a long time… she and I….” he stopped himself thinking over how to say what he needed to say “She got a promotion not long after Goose died, I would visit her in Washington… and at some point we-” he stopped himself again before letting out a long sigh.
“We have a kid… I have a daughter” he finally spat out.
Penny’s eyes widened taking in what Pete had said before she nodded “Okay, keep going” Pete just raised his brow “Oh come on Pete, it’d be a little hypocritical of me to get upset about this” she hummed “So you have a daughter?” she walked over to lean against the office desk
Mav nodded “She’s just like her mother” a small smile came to his lips “She’s absolutely a force of nature… she was the smallest thing but I already knew I would do anything for her, Charlie will tell you she’s a firecracker like me” he chuckled “After she was born, Charlie ended up being able to work remotely… so she moved back here to Miramar while I had my brief stint as an instructor…” his foot bounced as he talked “Charlie and I split when she was ten… we tried to make it work but it just didn't” he explained “Charlie got offered a promotion by the pentagon and she took it, the out she’d been looking for… I knew she’d have been better off going with Charlie so they moved to Washington, that’s when Charlie and I learned we worked better as separate co-parents than we were together” he sat down on the couch Penny had in the office, continuing to stare at the floor. 
“I’d visit whenever I could, weekends, holidays, birthdays” he looked to the ground “When she turned 18 she told me she was joining the Navy… and I-” he stopped himself again, and gulped “I didn’t pull her papers like with Rooster… but I wasn’t exactly happy about it” he started to rock back and forth on his heels as his nails dug into the palms of his hands “She’s 29…. She called me-”
“And she’s gonna be stationed here?” Penny cut him off watching as Maverick gawked “It’s not that hard to see where you were going with it” she hummed “So… what are you gonna do?” 
Mavericks shoulders slumped “It’s been eleven years since I last spoke to her…. Sure we still sent each other cards, maybe a text to check in with each other every other month… but… Charlie basically raised her Penny, I…. I’m just there I don’t… she asked if I knew if there were any good places to stay so she wouldn’t have to be assigned a home by the base” 
Crossing her arms in front of herself, Penny tilted her head slightly to the side “You told her she’s welcome to stay with us right?”
Pete’s eyes went wide and his face paled at the thought “No!” He quickly said “Sorry…. Just… I didn’t really think that her staying with us was a good idea since, I still don’t know where we stand… and since the last she and her mom heard, I was single and living the bachelor life” he sighed “I told her that the place I was assigned when I first got back to Miramar hasn’t been touched so she could stay there if she wanted since I’ve been staying somewhere else” Penny just nodded “She’s gonna be here tomorrow… and I don’t know what I’m gonna do if I see her on the base…”
Penny’s eyes softened seeing how stressed Pete was over this whole thing, she walked over to and sat next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder “What you’re gonna do is start out small… make small talk, if she acknowledges you in strictly professional way then you know where she stands… and if she tries to make small talk back” a small smile came to her lips “Then there might be some hope for you two” she leaned closer to him to kiss his cheek “You can take a few minutes in here if you want but I’ve gotta get back to the bar okay?” he nodded watching as Penny left.
Leaving the office, as she shut the door Penny debated going back in before deciding against it, seeing how Pete needed time to process. Making her way back over to the bar, Penny paused seeing Rooster threaten to ring the bell. Smiling to herself she made her way back behind the counter “I hope you’re not abusing the use of my bell Bradshaw?”
He turned to her pretending to be shocked “I would never” he chuckled moving back to his seat “Is Mav okay” he hummed.
Penny just nodded moving behind the bar “He just doesn't know what to do… So you know his daughter?”
Rooster chuckled once more, raising his beer up to take a sip before he spoke “Oh yeah… We practically grew up together”
Penny hummed for a moment before leaning over the bar top “What’s she like?” Rooster’s eyes widened “I don’t wanna know everything about her, I just wanna know the basics”
The man sighed “First off… if you ever meet her, don’t bring up Maverick” Penny reflected on how Bradley for once used Maverick’s actual name “I’m gonna assume he told you about their fight?”
“Not in detail” she nodded 
“It was bad… like really bad, it happened over the summer when she was supposed to be staying with him… but after the fight happened and she ended up staying with my mom and I till she went back to Charlie” Penny’s heart ached at his words, he paused debating about saying the next part, but in his head he knew he had to tell her, if not for Y/N then to save Penny the trouble later “She used to have Pete’s last name… But when she got back to DC she changed it to Blackwood… she made sure to distance herself from Maverick” 
Penny bit the inside of her cheeks before she spoke “So no talk of Pete at all?”
Rooster nodded “Only talk about him if she brings him up first” Leaning back over the bar to met Penny halfway he lowered his voice “Listen Penny, you’re pretty much my aunt… and you make Mav happy, we both wanna see him happy right” Penny nodded “You can’t tell Mav but I still talk to her… when she comes tomorrow, she’s not on base right away, they gave her two days to settle in… I can suggest coming here tomorrow night so you can met her, test out the waters, okay?”
“Really?” Her voice was hopeful.
Bradley nodded the quickly pointed at Penny “But you can’t tell Mav and you can’t tell her that you’re his girlfriend”
She nodded “Done deal and tomorrow anything the two of you order is one the house” she gave him a soft smile “Thank you Bradley”
“Oh no problem” he hummed “she’s practically my little sister, as much as she wants to hold a grudge like I did… “ he glanced back to the office seeing how Pete was still sitting on the couch “I know he regrets what he did… she and Mav should be in each others lives” Penny smiled at how Bradley thought of the two before she frowned slightly “What is it?” Roost furrowed his brows, seeing Penny’s expression
“I just realized that we’ve been talking about this girl for almost half an hour, and not you nor Pete have mentioned her name once” she leaned back from the bar top.
A small snort came from the lieutenant “Go figures” he laughed “Her name is-”
“Y/N” a sweet voice called out as Y/N layed on her side, the voice pulled her partially out of slumber. “Y/N” the voice called again this time she felt her bed dip before a kiss was placed upon her shoulder “Sweetheart, we should get up” the voice rested it’s head rested on her shoulder “it’s almost 11” 
A groan came from Y/N as she rolled over and snuggled into the embrace of the voice “So?” she hummed as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist “We’ve both got the day off… can’t we just stay here” a laugh followed her suggestion “Jake!’ she whined “please, we hardly ever get to lay around” she opened her eyes and turned her head slightly to catch the glimpse of the pilot who just smiled softly at her.
He dipped his head down to place a kiss along Y/N’s jaw. “You know more than anything how much I wanna do that” he mumbled against her skin “But you said we were gonna move your car and your bike… and your boxes out of my garage…” Jake’s arm leaned against the pillow as he rested his head on his hand, brushing hair from Y/N’s face “Not to mention you said you were gonna call your mom”
Y/N chuckled “Oh how could I forget with you reminding me” she smiled. “Well…” she started, moving to untangle herself from Jake’s grasp “should we start getting ready then?” Jake hummed in agreement before the start left the bed.
It wasn’t long before Y/N was up and moving into the kitchen as Jake poured out a bowl of cereal for Y/N before settling into a chair. Taking her bowl Y/N shoved a spoonful of the sugary cinnamon bites into her mouth before leaning back against Jake’s chest with her phone in one hand as she opened her contacts before hitting the call button on one of them
Placing the phone on the table, Y/N resumed eating as it rang. “What do you think your mom’s doing right now?” Jake hummed, resting his head on Y/N’s shoulder.
“She’s probably in between meetings or something” the phone rang a few more times before the other end picked up
“Charlotte Blackwood, how can I help you?” The other end of the line called out.
“Hi Mom, You’re on speaker and Jake’s with me so behave” Y/N said taking a bite of her cereal as a chuckle came from the phone. 
“Hi Charlie,” Jake called out.
A chuckle followed before Charlie spoke “Hi Jake, are you helping my girlie settle in okay?” 
“Yes Ma’am” He saluted as if she could see him, causing Y/N to lightly nudge his shoulder.
“Thank you again Jake” Charlie paused before continuing “Hey Y/N take me off speaker for a minute” 
Y/N furrowed her brows, setting the bowl of cereal down, following the request. Standing from Jake’s lap, Y/N made her way into the hallway of Jake’s house “okay, you’re off speaker” she leaned against the wall.
“Did you talk to your dad like I asked?” a sigh came from Y/N and before she could respond, Charlie cut her off “I know you don’t like talking to him, but he’s still your father Y/N an-”
“Yes, I talked to him” Y/N cut Charlie off “I can talk to him if its needed, I’m not entirely an asshole” she mumbled and wrapped her arms around herself “He said that I can stay at the house he was assigned” 
There was a pause on Charlie’s end “... Is he staying there with you?” 
Shaking her head Y/N bit the inside of her cheek before speaking “No, he’s been staying somewhere else, but he said the house hasn’t been touched since he’s been here… I’ve gotta pick up the keys from him at some point today”
There was shuffling on Charlie’s end before she spoke “Well that’s good that you found somewhere to stay… You know I saw in a file from Admiral Simpon I was studying for a lesson that your Dad’s working at Top Gun now”
A scoff came from Y/N “Go figures-”
“Y/N.” Charlie started “you are 29, I don’t wanna scold you like a child for acting like this but I will if I have too… Like it or not you’re stationed in Miramar for the next two years and you are going to see your father at some point or another.” her voice commanded “I don’t need any complaints crossing my desk about insubordination for either of you or so help me I will come over there myself to set you both straight. Is that understood?”
“Yes ma’am” Y/N leaned her head back against the wall before a sigh could be heard from Charlie’s end and her voice softened.
“I know what he did was horrendous, and as your mother I am not saying you have to forgive him because that’s entirely your choice… but professionally and as your superior officer this grudge will get you killed… we both know it” Y/N nodded her head as if she could be seen “Your father’s not gonna do or say anything unless he has to… he knows not to overstep, but if he’s concerned it’s because he’s still your dad… just don’t fault him or go ballistic on him for it, to him you’re still his little girl” she paused before continuing “and I can’t imagine that after all these years he still stands by what he said” 
Rubbing her temple Y/N nodded once more, just picturing her mothers concerned look as if she was standing right infront of her “Yeah I got it Mom, listen Jake and I have gotta get my stuff moved out of his place, I gotta go” 
“Okay… I love you” Y/N could feel her mothers slight smile and softener gaze through the phone
“I love you too Mom” Y/N hummed before hanging up. Turning to the wall, Y/N banged her forehead against lightly muttering to herself “He couldn’t have been back in the desert” before making her way back into the kitchen to finish her by-now soggy cereal.
Tagging: @sarahsmi13s @sweetlittlegingy @hangmanapologist @hangmanbrainrot @rhettabbotts @wildbornsiren @notroosterbradshaw @mothdruid @auroralightsthesky @thesluttyarchivist @beachbabey @sebsxphia @fanboygarcia @weakling-grace @writercole @bradshawsbitch @withahappyrefrain @t-nd-rfoot @shawnsthighs @caswinchester2000 @hopefulinlove
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The Spider Chronicles: Steve Rogers
Title: SOS
Word Count: 733
Warnings: Spiders! Language! Fluff!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Steve could feel the tired energy in the room, barely anyone was paying attention and he didn’t blame them, he was exhausted too. But they had to do the debrief of the last mission. Looking out at the rest of the team he could see Nat was barely awake, her feet resting across Clint’s legs. Tony was just fiddling with his iron man gauntlet, Thor was mindlessly throwing Mjolnir up and down. Even Bruce was struggling to focus, his notes now chemical symbols.
Steve looked back at the screen which showed the map of the base they just raided, letting out a long tired sigh. He was trying to get through this as quickly as possible because he too just wanted to get back home to you. It felt nearly impossible to leave the apartment this morning.
He was about to continue on when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Since no one else was paying attention he pulled it out to see who it was. His lips twitch upwards when he says it was you. His smile grew when he saw exactly what the text was.
Y/N: When you get home, there’s a spider trapped in a glass in the bathroom, I kinda half squished it trying to get it into the glass so it might already be dead but I don’t wanna take that chance….
He couldn’t help but let out a small snort of laughter. You were terrified of spiders so the fact that you even managed to trap it was impressive and he understood your hesitance at removing it if you weren’t sure if it was dead or not.
“Right let’s call it a day” Steve announced suddenly making Nat startle awake.
“Are we done?” Bruce asks pointing to the screen.
“No, but none of us are awake enough for this and I have something I need to go deal with” Steve explains turning off the screen and moving to grab his jacket.
“Y/N sent him a sexy text” Tony smirks.
Steve didn’t bother to give Tony a response, he just shrugged on his jacket “See you tomorrow” he called out as he walked out.
Soon enough Steve was on his bike, weaving through the traffic to get back to the Brooklyn apartment he shared with you.
When he walked in he found you freshly showered painting your toenails on the couch. You jumped slightly when you heard the door shut, the surprised look on your face soon turning into a smile when you saw it was him.
“Hey, I didn’t expect you back so soon” You smile as he walks over.
“Well, when you text with an emergency I have to come running” Steve smirks leaning over to kiss you.
You roll your eyes at him “It wasn’t an emergency”
“When it comes to you it is” he grins pecking your lips once more “Is it still in the bathroom?”
Your face falls quickly tucking your limbs in tight “fuck I hope it is” you shudder.
Steve chuckles “I’ll go deal with it now” he smiles kissing the top of your head before making his way to the bathroom.
He spotted the spider immediately, even without the glass on top of it, Steve would have been able to spot it a mile off because it was so large. He was impressed knowing how much you hated spiders to get this close enough to capture it. Taking a closer look Steve could confirm that you had managed to squish it enough to kill it so he grabbed some toilet roll to pick it up and throw it down the toilet.
“Is it dead?” you ask when Steve walks back into the living room.
“Yep and I gave it a sailor's burial” he says as he sits down next to you on the couch.
You snort out a laugh “Thank you Steve, I really didn’t mean for you to come rushing” you smile snuggling into his side.
“It’s alright nobody was paying attention anyway, but I have to say I’m very proud of you, that was a very big spider and you were very brave to deal with it like you did” Steve smiles wrapping his arm around you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head “you’ll be a spider charmer in no time”
You let out a loud snort at that “fuck that”
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Chapter 12
Summary: Rory finds out about Price's plan to attack Barkov's gas plant, and joins the militia in Eastern Georgia
Warnings/Tags: Minors DNI - swearing, smoking, character with trauma, angsty thoughts
Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!OC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 3.5K
A/N: This was meant to be one long chapter including the big battle, however the fight scene is taking me longer to write than I thought so I've decided to break it into two so I can start right into the action next chapter. Also, only 3 chapters left to go after this one
November 2, 2019 06:00 - FOS Poznan, Poland
Rory rubbed at her eyes, yawning as she stretched out her stiff back, the dull ache acting as her alarm clock every morning, the reminder to take her Tylenol and Sertraline. Her hands kneaded slowly down the flesh, easing the muscles below as she sat on the edge of her hard-as-concrete cot.  Hands on her knees, she pushed herself up onto her feet and tidied her bed, redressing it and tucking in the corners, appearing as though no one had used it at all. Still got it, she thought before huffing as she glanced at the ridge in the blanket and swept her hand over top, flattening it out again. She could practically hear Price’s mocking chuff in her ear at her perfectionism. Oh, God… 
Kate would be back by now from the visit with the Captain after taking Hadir into custody. She winced at the thought of how that situation might have gone down. It would explain the silence though. Checking her phone, there were no texts, no missed calls. When she finally did see Price again there would be hell to pay – she was sure of it. Mentally preparing herself for having a strip torn off her up one side and down the other. Insubordination. Refusal to follow direct orders from her superior.
One incredibly stubborn bastard of a boyfriend who had a memory like a steel trap and wouldn’t let her live it down for the rest of her life. Glimmering blue eyes that would observe her with the question lingering in the back of his head if she was really able to keep up with him, and if he wasn’t just better off on his own. Fuck.
She pinched at the pounding point between her eyes and grabbed her prescription bottles from her bag, cracking open the child-proof lids and shaking the required dose into the palm of her hand, rolling the pills around with her thumb before tossing them into her mouth. The bitter, chalky taste was a recurring flavor on her tongue that signaled the start to another new day. With a crack of her neck from side-to-side – the crunch traveling all the way down her spine – and a stretch of her previously dislocated shoulder, she changed into her uniform and breathed a heavy sigh before willing herself to smile (more an awkward smirk, but it was the best she was going to get at this time of the morning) and headed back to the private space her and Laswell had been afforded on base. The automatic door lock clicked open with her keycard, and Rory was surprised to find Laswell already there, at her desk, like she had never left at all. The smell of burnt, cheap coffee filling the enclosed space. “Christ, you’re still at it?” She closed the door behind her, forcing the hydraulic door to shut with a hiss. “Did you get any sleep at all?” Concern marked her features, digging little lines in between her brows – she was sure she would end up with more wrinkles than John at this rate.
“Catnap,” Kate said with a shrug, taking a sip from her mug. “In between waiting on word that tensions with Russia had cooled after the prisoner handoff.” She hummed and leaned against the desk, crossing her arms over her chest. “Sent him off to the Gulag already, eh?”
“Something like that.” Laswell’s hand moved to rest over her phone, shifting it slightly with her thumb. “The Captain finally got in contact.”
Just not with her.
“Did he now?” Her tone was far cooler than she had intended, flexing her jaw as soon as the sound hit her ears, cognizant of the fact Kate certainly heard it as well.  
“Went back to Urzikstan. Has a plan to take down Barkov and the gas plant. Apparently, that’s what Hadir had been aiming to do all along.” “Bloody hell,” she groaned out, raising her brows. She could already deduce the level of difficulty to be expected for such a mission to succeed. “That’s a bit of a longshot, even for John.”
“He’s managed to swing Farah to his cause.” At this point the revelation of what Price was capable of planning shouldn’t have surprised her at all. Brighter than the devil, and twice the schemer. He was never above playing chess with the fate of the world and using every pawn at his disposal. John was that kid on the playground who with every game went and made up his own rules as he went along, all in an effort to maintain the status quo. Defeat was an impossibility, he always had to win. 
He was a bloody sore loser, too. Rory scoffed bitterly, placing her hands on her hips as she sucked her teeth. His plan’s concept unfolding in her head, she could see it clear as day. “For an attack he can blame on AQ.” She shook her head, laughing, pacing slightly. “Fucking hell… that man…” It was as impressive as it was maddening, gaining an understanding into John’s mind. Digging around in there was damn near perilous, and the more caves she explored in her attempts to learn how he thought the more dark corners she found.
Laswell confirmed her suspicions with a nod. “If Barkov is handled it takes the pressure off Urzikstan. We take him out, things settle. At least in theory,” she said with a sigh. “AQ will still remain a problem, but without proper leadership they’ll be weaker, more scattered.”
“Backs to the wall. That makes them more dangerous.”
“More willing to strike,” Kate corrected her. “Which brings them out of hiding. Which gives us more opportunities to take them out before that happens.” “Which means intelligence will be more necessary than ever.” Rory rolled her eyes and smirked. “You’re going to have my hands full at SRR.” “Welcome to my life, Sinclair.”
She huffed out a quiet chuckle, rubbing at her brow. “Right. Well, where is said gas plant?”
“Eastern Georgia.” “Suppose I better go pack then.”
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November 2, 2019 13:56 - Outskirts Militia Camp, Eastern Georgia
Dense forest surrounded her as boots crunched over fallen acorns and twigs. Mountain pines, oak, and beech all standing sturdy as the sharp winds of the Caucasus blew and Rory carefully treaded through the cover of foliage towards the coordinates she’d received for the meetup to make her way to the militia camp. 
Breaking through the treeline, she stopped her forward march and glanced around the clearing, checking for enemies, ensuring this wasn’t a trap. In the distance, she noticed the glint of light off what she assumed was the scope of a sniper rifle. Slipping her two fingers in between her lips, she whistled loud and bright, enough to carry across and alert the scout of her presence – friend, not foe.
Radio crackling, a friendly voice came through the line, “Sinclair, good to see ya again.”
She held her radio, pressing to talk and a little smirk quirked the corner of her lips, surprised by the one given tourist guide duty. “Keller? So you're my welcome party, eh?”
“Hoping for somebody else?”
“You'll do just fine,” she said with a shrug. In the safety of a known ally’s company, they both stepped out of cover from the trees with their weapons stashed. 
Keller met her with a firm, steady handshake. “Seems you and I are the two assigned crackshots.” He nodded his head in the direction of the encampment to have her follow. “Plan had you on standby, last I heard. The Captain wasn't sure you were coming.” 
“I always intended to see this mission through, come hell or high water.” She cleared her throat and began following him along the trail through the forest. “Some lines got crossed is all.”
“Does tend to happen. Know that all too well myself.” A gentle half grin curled the edge of his golden mustache. 
Rory adjusted the bag on her shoulder, shifting the weight. “How goes your new found freedom?”
“Not exactly free when I’m still out there fighting, but at least I know what I’m fighting for.”
Her instincts certainly weren’t wrong about him. How the hell a man like Alex got caught up with the CIA she’d never know – he was too good for it. “Have a good commander looking out for you too.”
His golden boy smile appeared as he tipped his head almost bashfully. “Farah is… impressive.”
“She is,” she agreed with a soft hum. “Very impressive if she won your loyalty that quickly.”
The trek continued through the woods, down a rocky slope, until they came upon another hidden clearing several klicks away where a makeshift camp had been set up – the staging area for the militia’s invasion. Hidden by the canopy of trees above, aerial surveillance wouldn’t be able to catch them in the wilds. 
“Hope you like camping,” Keller said with a little shrug. 
She huffed out a quiet laugh. “I’m a sniper, camping’s what I do best.”
He chuckled along with her and led her towards the command tent where Price and Farah were still designating roles and positions. Standing at the opening of the flaps to the canvas tent, Alex waited for a break in the discussions between the two leaders. When it finally arrived, he spoke up, grabbing their attention. “Captain. Commander. Guess who just showed up?” 
Pulling the flap further back, Rory stood there feeling like the new kid on their first day at school, all eyes on her. The awkward little half-smirk she wore was the absolute worst cover for the trepidation she felt at the prospect of taking orders from the man she’d left high and dry days ago, telling him to ‘fuck off’ in the most passive aggressive way she possibly could have. It was less awkward when he’d been some guy she’d had a romp with in a bathroom stall in her past. 
Despite the grimace, she maintained the airs of professionalism she was known for. She could still be a good soldier, cover his six, follow his command. She just had to swallow the personal problems, push her pride aside for the good of the mission.
“Apologies for not arriving sooner.”
Farah glanced over at Price for a moment, noticing the rigidity that overtook him as he stood up straight, arms crossed over his chest. She offered Rory a brief, welcoming smile. “Welcome back. Good to see you. We’ll need all the help we can get if this plan is to succeed.” “Happy to do my part.”
She caught the quick flinch of Price’s brow, the briefest clench of his jaw as he greeted her with a curt nod. “Sergeant.”
All she had to offer back was a formal salute. “Sir.”
Anyone could see they were both suddenly stiff, acting like they’d been probed by heavy metal rods. The air sucked out of the room as they continued to play the same damn game, waiting for the other to break. Forced silence, neither willing to give in or give up. Treating an argument like they were prisoners of war working to outwit their captor, and to each the other was the enemy. Slipping into defensive shells strained under the force of close proximity with one another.
“I’ll go catch up with Garrick, let you get back to things,” she said with a nod, ducking out of the view of her superior and brushing past Keller, making a quick escape. 
She would rather have been getting shot at, anything was better than facing someone who refused to apologize. Not that they could even air their dirty laundry at this point, face down the giant elephant in the room that stood between them, it wasn’t the right time or place. Their infighting and inevitable cataclysmic argument wasn’t the battleground that mattered currently. Her arms swung by her sides as she moved through the camp like something was hurriedly chasing and snapping at her heels. Tossing her duffel down on the ground under one of the trees, separate from the masses, the shade afforded her some semblance of peace as she lit her cigarette. Stretching out her legs, she pressed her head back against the trunk, the rough texture of the bark abrasive on her scalp but it relieved the twisting sting in her gut along with the shot of nicotine that pricked at her brain, coursing that little drop of pleasure through her body, the dopamine a good friend in times like these. You need to quit. A sentiment her therapist had reminded her of a thousand times. The cigarettes didn’t help, they didn’t make things easier, they didn’t help relax her. They numbed her, forced her brain to dampen what she was really feeling so she could ignore it, bury it. Make herself that much sicker. Didn’t help that it was the army’s go-to quick fix for anything that ailed a soldier’s mind.
The breeze picked up, and the branches swayed and rustled above her, blowing her hair in every direction. Looking out amongst the camp through the haze of smoke that shrouded her, she watched the ULF members complete their duties, preparing for war, living up to the liberation part of their group’s name. Rory had dealt with leaders of regimes in several nations now, seen some of the worst they could do, stood up to it and watched how nations could rise and fall as rulers changed hands. But one thing always held true, the people, the ones who lived under the oppressive grip of those in control, wouldn’t sit quietly and take it. Pride filled her at the sight of people coming together to rebel against the iron fist of a man who had enforced his tyrannical will upon them for long enough. 
Lost in her own thoughts, she didn’t hear the crunch of boots on the grit and rone. The sun desperately trying to break through the clouds and blanket of treetops above completely shut out by the smiling figure that stood above her. “Hey there, stranger.” Rory glanced up at him with a roll of her eyes and smiled. “Hello, Garrick.”
“Didn’t think you’d be coming back after that exit of yours.”
Her heavy sigh was enough of a response as she slipped the cigarette back between her lips and mumbled around it, “I asked to be a part of this fight. I could hardly just stay away, now could I?” 
He sank down beside her and sat in the soil. “He's been on edge since you left, you know.” Garrick tipped his head in the direction of the command tent. “Pretty easy to tell it's not just having to hand over Hadir that's done it either.”
Blowing out a stream of smoke, she scratched at the underside of her jaw. “Price and I are professionals, we can handle some tension between us. Ultimately, we know where each other stands.”
“You two seem thick as thieves, odd seeing things strained like this.”
She turned her head, angling it to look at him from under her brow. “Are you trying to play marriage counselor?”
“No.” He leaned back against the tree and straightened out his back. “Just lending an ear.”
“Good.” Her eyes flickered to the tent before dragging away once more and blowing out smoke. “Because there's nothing going on between him and I.”
“Course not. Never said there was.”
“Merely a disagreement between a superior and his subordinate.” She shrugged, brushing it off as if this entire situation didn’t faze her at all. “A difference of opinion.”
“And that's why you're hiding under a tree.”
“Oi! Watch it,” she said, snapping her head to face him, a nervous chuckle escaping her.
“Listen, for what it's worth, I think what you did was right. Hell, even I questioned it. What you did was brave.”
“Wasn't bravery that made me do it.” Her fingers drifted absentmindedly through the blades of grass below, tearing out pieces, toying with little bits of stone and wood underneath. “Didn't tell him to get stuffed until afterwards. I'm no saint, Kyle. Still did what I was told to, didn't I?”
“You're a good soldier.”
Rory scoffed. “I don't think I want to use ‘I was just following orders’ as my defense. Thanks,” she quipped sarcastically.
“The difference is that you spoke up.”
“What little good that does. This is John we’re talking about after all, he doesn't listen unless he wants to. You'll quickly find that out, if you haven't already.”
“And yet you choose to stick by him.”
She hummed, taking another drag from her cigarette, blowing the smoke out through her nostrils. “I have my reasons.”
“Fair enough, I won’t pry. Come on,” he said, patting her shoulder as he rose back up to his feet. “I’ll help you get your tent set up.” Grabbing her bag, she tossed her cigarette on the ground, stomping it out with her boot and followed. “You’re a good chap, Garrick – like Alex – you’re better than all this. Don’t lose that, eh?” Nudging him with her elbow as she walked beside him. “I’ll remember that, ma’am.” He shot her a sideways glance and a grin that could melt butter. Laughing, Rory fixed the bag on her shoulder. “Nevermind, I take it back. So much for all that good guy palaver.”
“Come on now, I'm not so bad.” His charming smirk caused the scar on his cheek to become more prominent, and his eyes captured the sunlight in just the right way to make him look far more innocent than he was.
“Said the fox before he entered the hen house.”
He shrugged casually and led her towards a quieter corner of the camp to build her temporary abode. 
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November 2, 2019 19:21 - Militia Camp, Eastern Georgia
Plates were cleared after their last supper before the attack, the comfort of a warm meal quickly tempered by the seriousness of what was coming, a fight that had been in the works for the last two decades was finally coming to a head. The clatter of forks and knives silenced as the real reason they were all joined there together began.
Holding a briefing by campfire was a new experience, somehow feeling more clandestine than even those held in military facilities that needed the highest clearance for access. And before the group, cigar in mouth, the cherry glowing bright against the dark background of the dying light, Price stood firm. His barking voice carried in the evening breeze as twilight came and the chill of the mountains settled in, cradling them in the sharp embrace of mid-autumn. 
The rules of engagement had been decided upon. The plan was to level the gas plant and kill Barkov in the process, making sure the chemical weapons were unable to get into the hands of another. Tomorrow they’d be closing the door on one chapter in Urzikstan’s history and opening another, one without fear of retribution from Russia, one where foreign boots would no longer have to march on their soil. The attack was to be a counter strike that would decimate any plans for retaliation, the political fallout from it too much of a headache for any nation to want to handle. 
However, the mission had to go without a hitch or it meant all out war with Russia and the further destruction of Urzikstan under the General’s leadership. It wasn’t a heavy deployment either – no major armaments except for one tank and air support with missiles. Once that was gone they were several dozen people and some ammo. Hardly enough to take on an entire military facility on their own, their force would be little more than an insignificant annoyance, a blip in Barkov’s day. The smoke swirled around Price as he spoke, mingling with that of the fire. The flickering light of the flames illuminating all the peaks of his face, casting the rest into shadow under his boonie hat making him appear damn near malevolent, feral when the sparks shone in his eyes. Her focus remained on his words, on the information being delivered, but there was still that little part of her that flinched when their eyes met and his drifted away. The silence between them was deafening with little room left for idle conversation. Keeping each other at arm’s length, they were disconnected, and the magnitude of the growing distance between them was not lost on her. Anger was a good motivator, but the pangs of regret had begun to find their place, wriggling into her thoughts, the larval stage of her own anxiety that she was in constant battle with. It didn’t matter if she was in the right, if she could take some sort of moral high ground, not when her head told her otherwise, when that broken part of her could make its voice heard the loudest.  They’d have their own war to wage once this was over, their home the battleground. The place that was her one constant, somewhere safe that separated church from state and all the rules and regulations and power dynamics no longer existed. They weren’t Captain and Sergeant there, they were just John and Rory. She realized now just how much the attack on Piccadilly had changed everything. It was the match that struck and had caught fire. She thought she’d been left unscathed, had gotten off lucky. Now, she couldn’t help but feel more wrong. 
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Late Night Check-In
(I was going to make a oneshot based off of the Firefly Fairy AU, but eventually settled on this because I was struggling with it.
This is going to be after my vent oneshot, but you don’t need to have read that for this to make sense since I’m basically going to set the scene again. Bit of a downer because it’s coming down from the tension of the last one in the first half, but not too down I think and I think it’s more fluff? I’m sorry if anyone’s OOC ;-;)
Count: 7382
TW/CW: Soft, safe, non-sexual oral vore, vivid mentions of dream death
Unsurprisingly, when Syn woke up late in the morning and sent a text to everyone that tried contacting them while it was dead… Well, it was a bit of a Merry-Go-Round of people coming over to check on them and berate them, both physically and over text. They had been groggily getting themself a glass of sweet tea and opening some tuna for Grim when their front door was practically slammed open.
Actually, no. It WAS slammed open.
There was a massive crash from the lounge that Syn ran over to investigate with Grim, finding that Kalim and Jamil were sprawled out with the magic flying carpet they rode in on using two corners to push itself back up from the floor. Before they could ask if either was okay, Kalim had leapt to his feet and tackled them, crying while asking what happened. Jamil commented on how unsafe his carpet flying was, peeling the other man off of Syn long enough to check him for injuries while they tried to explain that they only left for a couple days and forgot to leave a note.
Only to reiterate it over and over as more people almost immediately burst into Ramshackle.
Ace and Deuce rushed in, Ace smacking them upside the head as both proceeded to shout about how worried they’d been, getting interrupted by Riddle, Trey, and Cater close behind while they explained.
The only ones that didn’t show up over the course of several hours were the Diasomnia dormmembers (probably because they didn’t have Lilia’s number, they weren’t close with Silver, Sebek hated their guts, and Malleus didn’t know how to operate a phone well), Idia, Azul, and the NRC teachers.
That was more than fine with them because it got really crowded and loud with everyone that came inside.
The afternoon and evening passed in a blur, the students they knew coming and going over the course of the impromptu get together.
A little bit of time was spent with Syn explaining that they forgot to leave a note, a good hour being spent where those present vocalized both their worry, anger, and relief, and then Kalim somehow roping everyone into a celebratory party in their own lounge now that they were back.
It all happened so fast that Syn felt like they blinked and suddenly there was a bunch of food and sweets, and everyone just seemed so surprisingly happy.
They were sure some said some really moving things, but they literally couldn’t recall anything by the time Jamil convinced Kalim that it was too late in the night to continue partying after everyone else had gone home. They just stood on their front porch waving Kalim and Jamil farewell with a smile that dropped as soon as they walked back inside and closed the now bent door.
They’d have to try and figure that one out later since the lock was broken and the wood was cracked, but they’d never seen any strangers around Ramshackle so safety wasn’t their first thought.
Syn spent the next hour or so cleaning after the plethora of guests that had swept through, putting the extra food in the fridge for Grim - who went into a food coma on the couch - and turned in for the night.
The next day was spent just trying to enjoy the calm before they got another round of lectures from the teachers Monday, Grim thankfully not wanting to drag them off anywhere. He was content just sat next to them while they both watched dumb videos on Magicam.
When Monday did come around, they woke up with Grim and felt that bone-deep exhaustion settle again, ignoring the ever growing darkness under their eyes as they trailed after the cat to classes. They smiled and greeted Rook and Ruggie, taking the expected lecture from Professor Crewel before receiving one from Vargas and Trein as well during the day.
Even Crowley, seemingly lazy as he was, came across them in the hall and scolded them for scaring the entire campus into a search frenzy for two days. And then he scolded them for being late to their last period when he talked through the break time in between classes.
Outwardly, they tried to act as normal as they could, smiling and taking the lectures with a serious face. On the inside, they just wanted to waste away and questioned why they came back in the first place if their presence AND absence were just causing problems for everyone else. It was definitely a feat to try and ignore the line of questioning that plagued them.
“You sure you don’t want to go to this Unbirthday Party,” Grim asked, placing his paws on his hips while Ace and Deuce had their arms crossed in front of them. In spite of having no eyebrows, he looked relatively concerned.
“It might help with some normalcy,” Ace suggested, tilting his head slightly, Deuce nodding in agreement.
“We know you said you had needed some time away, but we just don’t want you turning into some kind of shut-in,” the other man said, uncrossing his arms to put a hand to his chin in worried thought. Probably thinking of a particular upperclassman.
Syn rolled their eyes in amusement, replying dramatically, “Oh, what would I do without my Number One and Number Two?”
Snickering, they put a hand on their hip and added, “I’ll be fine! ‘Sides, I don’t think I could become a shut-in with everyone around. I didn’t realize how many people I knew until Ramshackle was flooded with y’all. I’m just a little tired from the party Kalim threw on Saturday. I’ll come to the Unbirthday party next month, kay?”
Ace, Deuce, and Grim shared a look that Syn wasn’t particularly fond of before Ace shrugged and sighed.
“Alright. Don’t want to drag you if ya don’t wanna go. Just, try to get some rest or something,” he said. “Don’t be surprised if Cater or Trey reach out to you.”
“Gotcha covered,” Syn gave the trio a small mock salute. “I’ll probably pass out the second I’m back at Ramshackle, so don’t wait up for me.”
Ace, Deuce and Grim all gave some small farewells, the most enthusiastic being Grim’s “See ya, Syn!” before they walked down the hall.
Syn kept a smile and waved until the three walked around a corner out of sight, sighing deeply and dropping their arm. Grumbling to themself under their breath, they reached up and rubbed the back of their head tiredly with the other arm, turning around with their eyes closed for a moment.
Only to exclaim in surprise when they opened their eyes and saw large red ones right in front of their face, reeling back to avoid walking into the other person with enough force that they fell on their butt.
“You’re back.”
“L-Lilia,” they yelped, their initial surprise and fear fading to tired relief as they breathed a small sigh of relief while the floating upside-down man chuckled at catching them off guard. “Do you always have to do that?”
“Khee hee. Sorry. It’s difficult to resist popping up when you always give reactions like that,” the fae twisted in the air so that he ‘stood’ the right way up before planting his feet on the ground, amused expression quickly turning to a more serious frown. “I understand that you went missing for two days?”
Syn winced at the question, standing up and shoving their hands in their pockets nervously as they replied, “Yeah, I, uh, forgot to leave a note. I’m fine, and I’m sorry for everyone having to make search parties and stuff, and making everyone worried while I was gone. It won’t happen again.”
Lilia hummed in thought for a couple seconds with dark-red eyes narrowed in contemplation, making them shift a bit at the lack of immediate response. They’d been bombarded with both chastising lectures and quick ‘I’m glad you’re okay’s, so the several seconds of silence were a bit anxiety-inducing.
“Well, at least you don’t seem to have come back harmed,” he eventually said with a smile, crossing his arms over his chest. It felt like he was holding back from saying something else, but he added, “Now the Diasomnia dorm won’t be covered in frost anymore, I hope.”
“I- Huh? Why would me being gone cause your dorm to frost,” Syn asked, blinking in confusion. They’d never stepped in Diasomnia’s halls yet.
“Oh, just some cause and effect, khee hee,” Lilia chuckled again, raising a hand to his chin with a smile more knowing than they’d like. “Malleus will be glad of your return. Expect to see him near Ramshackle during his walks at some point these next few days.”
“Mal-? Oh, right, Hornton,” Syn shook their head, completely forgetting that they’d found out the man’s real name a couple weeks ago. At this point, Hornton and Malleus were still different people in their head just out of the sheer habit. And, he’d said he was okay with them using the nickname so they hadn’t really put much effort into calling him by his real one.
The fae in front of them laughed lightly at the nickname.
“Khee hee hee. Yes, dear Hornton.”
“I mean, he’s always welcome to come over,” they said. Before they could stop themself, they smiled politely and suggested, “Grim’s gone to an Unbirthday party tonight, so I don’t know how long that’ll be. Hornton is more than welcome to come over and hang out if he’s able.”
Syn immediately froze in place with their polite smile.
Why did they just invite someone over when they were still struggling with their thoughts and emotions?! This was going to be horrible for the poor fae, but they can’t just retract it! Especially not when Lilia’s eyes widened in surprise before his face lit up, apparently very approving of the idea while they forced themself to continue smiling.
“An intriguing development,” the man smiled, red cat-like eyes closing as he happily told them, “I think Malleus will be more than willing to come over! I’m glad he’s getting along with at least one schoolmate enough to receive such an invitation.”
“I’m glad you think so highly of my invitation, I guess,” Syn replied, internally screaming.
“Why, of course! Any friend of Malleus is a friend of mine,” Lilia put his hands on his hips, the statement just making them feel more obligated to not retract their open invitation. “I shall tell him posthaste. Hopefully he hasn’t wandered far and you’ll be able to see him tonight.”
“No rush if he’s busy,” they kept up the pleasantries while really hoping he had better things to do than visiting them, Lilia disappearing in a shower of sparks similar to when Malleus would disappear at the end of their conversations with him.
Syn groaned a bit at the man’s departure, burying their face in their hands for a second while whining to themself. “God, why did I do that?”
Sighing, they resigned themself to heading back to Ramshackle, hoping beyond hope that Malleus would lose track of time or be too busy for a visit, thoroughly convinced that no one needed to deal with their tumultuous mental state right now. Hence why they declined the Unbirthday Party and had been fully prepared to just sleep when they got back to their dorm.
But, c’est la vie, whatever, all that jazz. They’ve made a commitment and now they gotta stick to it.
Walking through the winding halls down the cliff to Ramshackle, they immediately felt like they needed to clean up. It wasn’t the messiest, but it was ingrained into them to basically deep clean before known visits. Did they like that instinct? No, but it helped kick them into gear and clean after themself and Grim better than they normally would, at least. Made them feel somewhat accomplished.
Because they’d already cleaned after the party on Saturday, it didn’t take as long for the lounge at least, and they cleaned their shared room with Grim. But, the rest of the building went without a maintenance clean as they found themself almost immediately exhausted and flopped on the couch once they were satisfied.
Syn waited nervously for their supposed visitor to come, expecting a knock on the door or a flash of light somewhere to announce the arrival of the horned man. However, hours passed with neither hide nor hair from Malleus, Grim coming home to them scrolling absentmindedly through Magicam.
“I thought you said you were going to go to sleep when you got home,” the cat said, putting his paws on his hips disapprovingly as he walked into the lounge.
“Well, I was,” Syn defended themself, sitting up and placing a hand on their chest. “But then Lilia caught me off guard and, before I knew it, I was inviting Hornton over to hang out! I can’t just RETRACT that, it’s rude.”
“Hornton?” Grim’s eyes widened in brief surprise. Reaching up, he rubbed a pawpad against his forehead as he sighed. “Ugh, I guess you’re right. But, if he’s not here, I’m guessing he hasn’t shown up yet. Pretty lousy way to treat an invitation if you’re asking me.”
“I’m not asking you. Besides, he tends to wander off, so Lilia probably never even got to tell him. That or he doesn’t want to see me yet,” they replied, sitting up and stretching before standing.
“Well, you’re going to go to bed,” he huffed, paws on his hips as Syn quirked an eyebrow at him, torn between questioning him and daring him to do something to make them.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” Grim said firmly despite their amused smile, tail flicking back and forth. “The last thing I need is for you to go off on another multi-day excursion because you’re not taking care of yourself.”
“Ouch,” Syn’s smile turned into a frown, feeling a pang in their chest at being reminded of recent events. They deserved it after worrying everyone for a couple days though. Sighing after a second, they reached up and rubbed the back of their neck. “I was gonna dare you to make me, but I’d rather you not set the building on fire.
“Alriiight, I’ll go to bed,” they whined, starting to walk to the stairs to head upstairs. The sound of soft pawsteps behind them on the wooden floor made them glance and see that Grim was trailing behind them up to the bedroom.
They changed into their pajamas, yawning as their body began to anticipate the potential of sleep. Turning out the light and plugging their phone in, they slipped beneath the sheets and blanket as Grim hopped up onto the bed with them. They had to resist the urge to question it, suspecting that it was to assure himself that they weren’t just going to disappear more than him being sleepy
Still, after a few minutes, Grim was snoring lightly while curled up beside them.
Syn’s body, meanwhile, decided to make them suffer in contradiction as they laid there. Exhausted, their eyelids felt heavy as though they could immediately fall asleep, yet something just refused them sleep. No position offered solace, even those that were the comfiest.
Time passed either staring at the ceiling or the walls. A couple hours of dazed exhaustion as they tried to sleep that was only broken by glancing at the clock on the wall beside the mirror to check the time in the dim light.
Eight o’clock. Nine o’clock. Ten o’clock.
Eventually they were able to sleep, but it was more of a light doze than anything that left them restless and turning every half hour to hour. Thankfully, Grim was a heavy sleeper and just muttered about tuna under his breath despite their moving around.
A distant rumble and crack caught their half-asleep attention, the brief thought of maybe some rain helping before the room lit up with lightning and there was a crash of thunder that rattled the building and destroyed any chance of peaceful sleepiness in an instant.
“M-Myah!” Grim yowled in surprise while Syn bolted upright, adrenaline rushing through them for a few seconds before starting to fade as they got over the shock of a sudden loud noise. Over the sound of a sudden downpour that was making Ramshackle feel chillier than before, they heard the sound of a single, sharp knock on the front door.
“Mrr, who the heck is at the door this late at night,” Grim grumbled, curling back up on the bed grumpily.
Syn glanced at the clock, seeing that it was after midnight and tiredly replied, “Maybe it’s Hornton? He’s the only one I can think of… I’ll go take care of it, you stay here.”
“Mmm.” the cat let out a barely audible acknowledging noise that had Syn snort slightly in amusement.
Getting out of bed, they slipped a binder on beneath their shirt real quick before padding downstairs in their socks, walking up to the front door of the foyer and opening the door to the looming figure beyond. Groggily rubbing an eye with the back of their hand, they greeted, "Hey, Hornton."
"Syn." Illuminated by lightning cracks, the horned man's face was difficult to discern. But, he'd rarely called them by their actual name and the uncommon occurrence was enough to send a shudder of adrenaline down their spine a bit. But, the sense of immediate tension lessened slightly as the downpour lightened the smallest amount.
Still, it was a bit daunting so late in the night.
"Uhh, you're probably wet from the rain, so.. come on in?"
"Rain?" The fae seemed to straighten slightly in surprise, letting out a soft 'ah' as he glanced behind him. There were a couple seconds that went by in quiet contemplation while Syn struggled to remain focused before he commented, "The rain will no longer be an issue."
"Huh?" Syn gave him a look of confusion before realizing the rain had either settled to a drizzle or stopped completely. Given that he had the capacity of instantaneously rebuilding a stadium and calling it easy, it wasn't too far off to guess he had somehow made the rain disappear. "Oh, I mean, it wasn't really an issue but, uh, thanks, I guess? Do you wanna come inside though? Ooooor go on a walk? I’m awake enough that I probably won’t be able to get to sleep for a while.”
“I’d like to ask you what happened for your absence,” Malleus said, frowning slightly. “But I didn’t realize how late it was. Lilia found me only minutes ago with your invitation when I returned to the dormitory.”
“It’s fine. Though, if we’re going to the topic of my ‘excursion’, I’d much rather walk and talk,” they sighed, not really surprised that Malleus also wanted an explanation. They slipped on their spare shoes that were beside the door and stepped out beside the man. Closing the door, they rubbed the back of their neck and said, “Feel free to lead the way. I’ll just… answer questions, I guess.”
Malleus nodded and stepped off the porch with them trailing behind, both of their footsteps the only sound in the night other than crickets. There was no more rain but the air held a cool mist from the downpour, a light fog over everything as they walked through the Ramshackle gate.
Syn decided to get a headstart on the apology.
“Sorry for worrying you and everyone,” they started, their voice feeling too loud in the quiet night. They continued a bit softer, putting their hands in their pajama pockets. “I don’t know if my explanation has circled around everywhere, but I forgot to leave a note. I didn’t mean to cause such a big scare around campus.”
A few seconds passed in silent thought from the man, Syn starting to think that fae really like just drumming up suspense and making their anxiety worse by dragging out responses.
“When I said I’d like to ask you what happened, I meant ‘why did you disappear’?” Malleus asked, neon green gaze falling on them. He was a very difficult person to read, but usually they didn’t mind since, if he didn’t want to talk to them, he could literally teleport away from the conversation. Not that he’d ever done so.
Now though, they didn’t know if he was upset or not when they glanced at him.
“I just needed some time away,” Syn replied automatically. “From the stress and stuff. I just got a bit overwhelmed, but it won’t happen again.”
He let out a brief hum.
“Was there anything specific?”
They frowned, glancing to the side up to the man’s eyes, trying to weigh potential pros and cons. Trying to see if they were too tired to explain further. Or, if they were tired enough TO explain further with lowered walls.
“Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not sure,” Syn glowered to the side as they answered him genuinely. “Everything just sort of got to me suddenly. The multiple overblots, still knowing so little about this world, being back in school life and the talk of the campus, and being eaten practically once a week. I’m surprised I lasted as long as I did without a snap sooner.”
“Eaten?” Malleus’s voice held an intense surprise that overshadowed when he’d been given the nickname ‘Hornton’. He stopped, his reaction startling the human as they also halted and looked up at him as he turned to face them. “What do you mean, Child of Man?”
“Heh?” they weren’t sure if he was joking, their mind lagging as they processed the genuine surprise and mild concern on the fae’s face. Brow furrowing a bit in confusion, they said, “Yeah, eaten… Did… Did you not know? I was called ‘Fish Food’ for weeks before I offhandedly complained to the eel twins about it.. It was flying around with all the other gossip about me.”
“When did this happen? Were you injured?” the man asked quickly and placed a hand on their shoulder, looking them over as though to check for a sign of wounds that would have long since healed if they had been harmed.
Syn was so startled by the sudden contact, the fae having never touched them before, that they instinctively took a step back at the quick change in demeanor while holding their hands up in surprise despite the black gloves covering his hands. “Woah, woah, I’m fine! I’ve never really been hurt by it… or, injured, I should say. I’ve gotten used to it.”
They didn’t mention the occasional nips or scrapes, mostly from an excitable Floyd, or the panic and mental toll at the beginning because they could see his face begin to darken rapidly as a crack of thunder sounded VERY close by with a flash of green lightning.
“Who?” Malleus didn’t yell or exclaim, the question spoken with barely restrained anger that had Syn’s hair standing up slightly. Or maybe that was the magical pressure in the air that threatened to go from merely noticeable to devastating in an instant if his restraint slipped for even a moment.
“I-I mean, does it really matter when I’m okay,” Syn asked nervously, tapping their fingers together at their shoddy attempt to relieve the tension. When he only narrowed his eyes further, they sighed and added, “I’m not gonna tell you because I FEEL like you’re so mad that you’ll pop into their dorms and kill them right now.”
“I am not mad.”
“You’re literally so angry that I can feel buzzing in my bones from electricity,” they raised an eyebrow at the very obviously pissed off fae, his pupils slitted so much that his eyes were almost only glowing irises. Cautiously, they reached a hand out and placed it on his upper arm, gently saying, “I’m fine, Hornton…. Although, I’m very surprised and touched by your reaction.”
Malleus stiffened at their touch and they worried they’d crossed some sort of unspoken line. But, he relaxed after a couple moments, dark expression fading as he closed his eyes and inhaled. “Of course. You’re important to me.”
Relieved to have dodged a very angry fae, Syn was entirely caught off guard by his comment, unable to keep themself from bursting out into laughter after several seconds of startled staring. They didn’t mean to but their laughter rang out sharp and clear, nearby crickets going silent at the sudden loud noise nearby that ruined their singing. Laughing so much, they had to double over with their arms to their stomach.
God, it’d been awhile since they’d laughed that hard.
“Did I… say something amusing?” Malleus asked as their laughter petered out into giggles.
“Hehehe…” Syn straightened with a hand covering their mouth, abdomen and cheeks hurting. Struggling to regain their breath, they replied, “S-Sorry- heheheha! I just… hehe, wasn’t expecting that. Kkh. Hehehaha!”
They spent another few seconds reining in the remnants of their laughter, part of them wanting to relish the happiness that came with laughing that chased away the other negative emotions. Eventually they cleared their throat and hummed a bit, looking up at Malleus and finally giving him a proper response.
“I didn’t mean to metaphorically laugh in your face,” they said, giving him an apologetic smile at his continued confusion. It turned a bit more melancholic as they continued. “I just… well, one of the reasons I left was because I didn’t really expect anyone to mind if I was gone so it felt like I wasn’t harming anybody. I meant to leave a note, but I also didn’t think anyone would be alarmed if I up and vanished one day either given how many times I’ve almost died. It’s.. surprising.”
Malleus stared at them for a few seconds, seemingly a bit alarmed before a serious expression settled on his face. Almost angrily, he spoke from the chest as he firmly stated, “You’re my friend.”
Syn’s smile became a bit more nervous at the almost forceful declaration, going, “I don’t like how you said that. You said it with a-.”
They were alarmed when the fae stepped closer and grabbed their arm, preventing them from backing away instinctively as he said a bit louder, “You’re my friend.”
“Why are you yelling at me ‘you’re my friend’-?”
“You’re my friend,” Malleus exclaimed, practically forehead to forehead with them, his hair drifting in front of their face as he stared intently into their eyes.
“Oh, god!” Syn yelped, thrown entirely for a loop. Not only was this the most contact the two of them have had, but also the most forceful and expressive the man has been in their presence, usually a cool, collected, stoic yet smug guy that seemed like nothing could really irk him. Even his enthusiastic gargoyle talks didn’t surprise them this much.
And then he pulled back as though the whole thing had never happened, a pace away and out of their space.
“I was concerned when you disappeared,” Malleus said adamantly, the closest to pouting they’d ever seen him as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Syn blinked, struggling to process the last several seconds with their tired brain, slowly replying, “I- uh, appreciate it. Y-you’re my friend, too…. If it’s any consolation, I’m never gonna leave like that again.”
He narrowed his eyes at them slightly in suspicion before sighing slightly. “Good. I’d prefer it if you stay safe and out of trouble.”
“Tch. Good luck with that in this school,” they couldn’t help but scoff slightly, not looking forward to waking up in mere hours for classes. The thought made them groan a bit. “Ugh, I wish I could sleep in class like Leona can.”
“If it’s too late in the night, I can escort you back to Ramshackle so you can rest,” Malleus offered, as though he wouldn’t walk with them to the gate anyways.
Syn sighed a bit at his suggestion and rubbed the back of their neck.
“I mean, I probably should head back. I don’t think I’ll be going to sleep anytime soon though… oh well,” they shrugged, starting to head back in the direction the duo had come from towards Ramshackle. Despite knowing they wouldn’t be getting much sleep, the thought of it did cause them to yawn and they stretched their arms out in front of them as they walked.
“Do you struggle with sleep, Child of Man,” Malleus asked in curiosity as he easily matched their tired stride. Whatever tension the duo had started the stroll with was mostly dissipated. “I’m used to Silver, who struggles with wakefulness.”
“Always have,” Syn replied, kicking a rock absentmindedly. “It takes a while for me to fall asleep and very easy for me to be roused when I’m just starting to doze. I sleep like a rock when I am out, but I also wake up every half hour to an hour for some fucking reason. And not even taking THAT or tossing and turning into account, my dreams are rather active, so sometimes I’ll wake up more tired.”
“What do you dream?”
“Well, depends on the night. Sometimes I’m being chased, sometimes someone’s breaking into whatever home my mind conjures up. On the uncommon occasion, I’ll kill someone in my dreams. In self-defense, of course,” they hurriedly added, just in case, and sighed sheepishly. “People that break into my home or someone that tries to assault me kind of deal… On the rarer occasion, I’ll die.”
“ … That sounds. Unpleasant,” the fae commented quietly, surprising them. Then again, fae probably didn’t think about mortality as much.
“I mean, unless I’m waking up in a cold sweat, I don’t really worry about it. There’s really only one instance that gets me, and that’s when I had my neck slit by a box-cutter, ran to the parking lot of the building in my dream and felt myself slowly getting colder… But, it’s fine!”
Syn gave Malleus a reassuring smile, one that wasn’t very reciprocated.
He, instead, looked mildly concerned and a bit curious as he stared at them for a second or two before inquiring, “Do humans usually dream of death?”
“Uh, probably not everyone, but I’m sure it’s a decent chunk. My dreams don’t really bother ME, per se, I just wake up more tired,” they shrugged, having accepted it. A yawn escaped them. “Besides, even if I get a full night of sleep somehow, I’m still exhausted the next day, so not really a point in fussing over it, you know? Do you dream, Hornton?”
“Sometimes. Though, with the years I’ve spent alive, all my dreams tend to blur together vaguely most of the time,” Malleus closed his eyes in thought, raising a hand to his chin. “I have a couple notable ones.”
Syn expected him to recall some dream he wanted to tell them or maybe even start another topic, waiting patiently as they continued walking and yawning a bit. But, one second turned into several and felt more awkward than anything.
“I can help.”
“Huh?” they blinked in surprise at the sudden small statement, looking to the side at him. “Help? Help with what?”
“Your sleep,” Malleus answered, both of them reaching the Ramshackle gate and stopping. They turned to face him and crossed their arms over his chest, tilting their head curiously as he added, “I can enchant your sleep so you may rest easy without interruption for the night.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do anything like that,” Syn said, smiling as they waved him off. Even though it was probably just a drop in the bucket of magical capability he had, they didn’t want to take advantage of it. “I’ve lasted this long just fine.”
“Think of it as a gift in return for your invitation,” he replied, crossing his arms over his chest with a small smile of his own. “I worry for your sleep given that I understand humans need plenty for their well-being.”
“No- I-,” they struggled on how to respond. On one hand, they really didn’t want him wasting his magic on them. On the other hand, they were raised that denying gifts was a rude thing to do and felt like fae had similar customs. Maybe they could sweet-talk their way out of accepting? “Really, you don’t have to. Your company alone is gift enough. I don’t want you to think you have to give me things or do favors in return for just hanging out. We’re friends after all.”
Malleus blinked a bit in surprise at their response, seemingly caught off guard. Likely, not many people had called him a ‘friend’. He seemed almost torn and Syn thought that maybe he was caught off guard enough to not press about his gift, but instead an almost mischievous smile grew on his face.
“Indeed. We ARE friends,” he mused, raising a hand to his chin thoughtfully.
“Uh, yeah,” Syn said slowly, having a feeling that this was going to backfire in some way. “We’re friends… What are you thinking?”
“Well, Child of Man,” Malleus shifted closer to them, making them a bit nervous. It wasn’t until their hip hit the metal of the fence around Ramshackle that they realized he placed himself between them and the gate. “I’m thinking that, as your friend, I must INSIST that you allow me to help you regain lost sleep and energy.”
“Hornton, you really don’t have to do that,” they insisted their own side, “I don’t want you being bothered by me or anything.”
“I don’t have to, but I’d like to. Besides, I’ve grown curious during our walk,” he replied, leaning down to be more towards their level and inhaled before exhaling a green-tinged burst of smoke that hit them square in the face.
“Hornton!” Syn coughed instinctively as the smoke entered their lungs, trying to wave it from their face as they did so. When the smoke cleared enough for them to see, they stiffened at the sight of being only inches tall. Again. Inhaling sharply, they couldn’t help but exclaim, “God, fucking- really?! I’m too tired for this shit.”
“Then let me offer my assistance,” Malleus’s voice from above didn’t surprise them and the man knelt down beside them, deftly scooping them up off the cobblestone path with a hand.
Given the amount of times they’d been scooped up, plucked up and dangled, they just averted their gaze from the drop below to avoid their fear of heights and focused on the face of the man that shrunk them with a light glower, holding onto the fabric of his gloves. Arguably, he had the gentlest hold so far. That still didn’t stop their heart from quickening in their chest.
“Let me guess,” Syn said as he straightened to his full height and held them up to see. “You’re curious about eating me.”
“My, am I that easy to read, Child of Man? Or, have you perhaps endured more than I thought?” a brief flicker of the earlier anger drifted over his face for a moment before it was replaced by amusement. “Regardless, your boldness even in your position is fascinating given all the potential danger.”
“I mean, I haven't really been hurt while being eaten yet, so I’m sure I’m safe with you,” they replied, thinking that if they could survive Floyd, that this would be fine. A walk in the park even.
This close and this small, they could see his pupils dilate a little at their response like Leona’s did sometimes. Though, while the lion’s was almost strictly predatory, Malleus’s gaze held something else that they couldn’t decipher in their tired state coupled WITH predatory intent.
“I see… in that case, allow me to continue,” Malleus hummed slightly, raising his other hand and tapping the top of their head with a finger that crackled with green magic, sending a sharp shudder down their spine.
“Ouugh, what was that,” they asked, sticking their tongue in distaste at the somewhat unfamiliar and powerful feeling. They couldn’t help but hold a hand to their chest as it settled into their bones. It wasn’t unpleasant, more of an internal warmth, but it was still unexpected in the moment.
“A simple protection spell. Though, you’ll find it more potent than the classic potion that goes around,” he said, smirking smugly. They felt like he enjoyed showing off sometimes, but the only time they’d seen him use magic before was the stadium.
“Makes sense then,” Syn murmured, guessing that meant he didn’t possess a secondary stomach like their infamous Octavinelle trio. Their heart skipped a beat when the fingers around them twitched ever so slightly, probably imperceptible even to the fae as he lifted them slightly higher and opened his mouth to speak.
But, despite being far more used to this than anyone else, they still couldn’t help but stop him and try to stall, saying, “W-Wait! Shouldn’t we at least let Grim know? I don’t want him to worry that I’d run off again.”
Malleus paused and blinked in surprise, raising his other hand to his chin in thought.
“I suppose that’s a valid concern given recent events,” he commented, glancing towards Ramshackle before turning his gaze back on them with a small knowing smile. “I’ll inform him afterwards. For now, don’t think that dragging this out further will somehow get you out of this.”
They let out a small yelp when they were brought a bit closer to his face. More specifically, his mouth.
“Hehe… am I that easy to read,” Syn asked nervously, rubbing the back of their neck. Their reaction was just his smile turning into a full smirk. They sighed. “Yeah, that tracks.”
The fae chuckled, pointed fangs showing for a moment in his amusement.
“You’ll have to forgive me if I’m a bit enthusiastic,” Malleus hummed, a glimpse of his tongue swiping across his lips in anticipation catching them off guard. “I don’t think I’ve indulged in a delight like this for decades even if this is considered for your wellbeing.”
Opening his jaws and tilting his head back, he lifted them above his face.
White pointed fangs framed the inside of his mouth as he began to lower them, a forked tongue snaking over his bottom teeth for them to be placed on. Warm, humidity began to dampen the fabric of their pajama pants around the ankles before their feet pressed into the squishy but firm surface of his tongue as more of their weight was placed on top.
Cursing idly under their breath, Syn found themself placed atop the muscle within seconds, letting out a small noise when the two ends of his forked tongue curled over their shoulders and they were quickly drawn inside of his jaws once his fingers let go.
It was definitely a lot warmer than they were used to, but the feeling of saliva immediately drenching their clothes and hair was familiar. They tried not to think about how tasty they must be to have so much of the student body practically drooling over them so much and shifted idly.
Their movements were responded to by the tongue starting to roll them around his mouth as he began tasting them, savoring whatever flavor he could procure from their exposed skin as tastebuds pressed against them. So used to this unorthodox procedure, Syn only pressed back if things were getting a little too restricting while grumbling tiredly. But he was also probably the gentlest at this part as well, surprisingly so, as though each prod or twist would cause them to crumble in his mouth like some delicate confectionery. Still, everything was almost tense like he was very much holding back as well.
The most surprising part, however, was an unexpected rumble that seemed to emanate from the back of his maw.
“What the fuck,” they asked themself, wondering if it was a growl like Leona would emit if he ate them while particularly pissed off. But, no. They realized after a few seconds of tired confusion that he was PURRING, of all things.
Or, at least, that’s the closest thing they could equate it to.
And given all their experiences coupled with the fact that the only things they’d been around that purred were fluffy, huggable cats - sans a usually grumpy Leona who apparently CHUFFED and not purred when they asked him about it - they thought this was the most fucking adorable thing to happen whilst being eaten in their increasingly exhausted state.
So tired, surprised, and startlingly endeared, Syn didn’t realize he had stopped tasting them until the tongue beneath them pressed up for a moment and they found themself swallowed.
Yelping on instinct, they were drawn down his throat, the rumbling getting louder. A light pressure followed them until they slipped past his collarbone, notable by the increased constriction and thundering heartbeat that rivaled strong breaths from powerful lungs.
Purring, heartbeat and breathing faded slightly in the couple seconds it took for them to slip into what they would only guess was his stomach.
“Are you well, Child of Man?” Malleus asked from above, the purring lessening with the concern in his voice. “You were far more still than I expected...”
“Y-Yeah, ‘m fine,” Syn called back up, untangling themself from the bottom of the organ to settle against the stomach wall. They couldn’t help but rub an eye sleepily, feeling like the purring was definitely part of the cause. “Just tired and used to this is all… were you actually PURRING?”
They felt everything around them jolt slightly, surprising them along with a startlingly hesitant question. “I-... Yes, I was. Is that not acceptable in this situation?”
“No, no, you’re fine,” they quickly said, raising their hands despite the man not even being able to see the attempt of a placating gesture. A tiredly amused and mischievous smile wormed its way on their face, adding, “It’s cute! Not even Leona can purr apparently.”
“Kingscholar?” Malleus asked before everything fell into a brief silence that made Syn question if mentioning the lion had hit some sort of sore spot. But, the purring started back up as he said with a surprising amount of smugness. “I see… In that case, I’m glad you’re not bothered by it.”
“Not at all,” Syn replied, though they didn’t tell him that it was helping either. The last thing they needed was to give him reason to eat them again. Crossing their arms over their chest, they reminded him, “Don’t forget to let Grim know about this, okay? You don’t have to say you ate me, you can just say I’m spending the night or whatever.”
“I’ve not forgotten,” he chuckled, everything moving slightly as he presumably began to walk again. “I must ensure your sleep however, so please, listen.”
“Wait, you EATING me wasn’t the whole thing to get me to sleep?”
“No,” Malleus purred louder for a moment, amusement dripping from the one word alone. “It was merely to ensure you wouldn’t try to resist or run away. As much as your fearlessness and tenacity are endearing, it’s not ideal when you refuse my assistance.”
“Ugh, of course,” Syn groaned a bit, crossing their arms over their chest and leaning back into the stomach wall with a slight huff. “I mean, fair, but c’mon man.”
They were met with a purr-laced chuckle before he said once more, “Please, Child of Man, listen.”
“Listening,” they replied grumpily, wondering what he was going to say.
But, he said nothing.
Instead, the purring petered out and he cleared his throat before beginning to hum out a tune. A lullaby from the sound of it. It was a pleasant surprise, the song unable to be escaped from within the man humming it.
“Huh.” Syn found themself tilting their head slightly, finding the tune even more effective at taking hold of the grogginess at the edges of their mind. Before they knew it, they found their eyes struggling to remain open as their body relaxed into the curvature of the shifting wall they laid against.
With the sluggish thought that they should take advantage of the hours until class time, they allowed sleep to overtake them, slipping into dark warmth. Both within and without.
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blackleatherjacketz · 2 years
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Bucky Barnes x Original Female Character
Summary: Desperate for connection, Bucky seeks out an old colleague he barely remembers to make sure his intimate memories of her are real. 
Warnings: ANGST, Memory Issues, Guilt, Stalking, Mentions of Sex, Fear, Exes, Face-Caressing, Bucky almost crying in the middle of a Laundromat, Mentions of Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov and Sam Wilson
Word Count: 1433
Notes: Thanks to the beautiful @skittle479 and @bullet-prooflove for helping me maneuver around this man’s emotions. I couldn’t have done it without y’all! Also, I’m hoping to make this a series.
Read more MARVEL stories!
A sudden blanket of disquiet drapes itself over her shoulders, weighing her down in a way she can’t quite explain as it masks the dull hum of the washing machines in front of her. It sinks its way through her skin and into her muscles, chilling the very marrow of her bones as they begin to shake. The pages of her book turn into one of those paper fans her mother used to keep cool on a hot Sunday morning service, bouncing on her knee. Her stomach tightens before she’s entirely aware of her own visceral reaction, before she gathers enough strength to look up and finally view the source.
A ghost.
One that used to haunt her in a life she’d all but forgotten, a life she chose to leave behind for the everyday monotony that made it easier for her to close her eyes at night. One that had merged with her when the stakes were high and the endorphins were higher, when both of them were in desperate need of a body to inhabit. His heavy presence is a pale reminder of that need she’s been denying herself; his cold stare all it takes to bring her back, to force her eyes wide open before they start to search for the nearest exit.
“You’re a hard woman to find.” His words drift through the air, his physical form phasing in and out of focus as he slowly approaches her. She barely recognizes him at first, his hair now cut short, no longer falling in front of distant eyes as his frame somehow seems smaller, less imposing.
“Am I? You seemed to have managed just fine.” She sets her book down and straightens her posture, tuning her ears to the softened tone of his voice as she stands up from her seat. She counts the amount of steps it will take her to get to each door and window, hoping to give herself an advantage if things happen to go south.
“I had some help.” He shoves his hands into his pockets, his body language just as surprising to her as it is disarming.
“From who?” She turns her head to look through the window and down the street, wondering how many men he brought here with him, or if it’s even worth the fight she’s contemplating putting up. She remembers reading something in the newspaper a few weeks back about him being pardoned by the U.S. government, granted he agree to all their conditions. Her guilty conscience can’t help but wonder if finding her and bringing her in was one of them. “Your bird friend?”
“My bird friend? You mean Sam?” He looks outside along with her for a second before shaking his head of the thought, focusing back on what he originally came here to do. “I’m here alone.”
He can’t exactly blame her for being suspicious, having shown up to her local laundromat in the middle of the night after not speaking to her for over a decade. He could have called, sent a text or an email, but that would run the risk of giving away her location, not to mention the possibility of her saying no. After losing so much with Steve and Natasha, he didn’t think he was capable of handling another heartbreak. He’d even lowered himself to asking his magical colleague to find her based on nothing more than the flashes of his fractured memories. Memories that he wasn’t entirely sure were even real.
“Why’s that?” She steps forward just to see if he’ll take the bait, to see if the man she used to know is still in there somewhere, ready to fight. He doesn’t move a muscle. “What do you want?”
“I just want to talk,” he takes his time to swallow his pride, breathing in deep and shifting his weight before trying again to connect. “I’m not him anymore. I’m not here to hurt you.”
“Really?” She takes another step forward, the filmy residue of detergent sticky beneath her shoes as she crosses the cheap linoleum floor. “I don’t do that kind of work anymore either, but do you honestly expect me to believe that you came all this way ‘just to talk’?”
“And what if I did?” He meets her halfway, tears welling up in his eyes as he gets just close enough for her to see them, reddening across the surface. “What if you’re all I have left?”
It wasn’t like remembering Steve from before, their relationship cloaked behind a locked door in the house that held his memories; one that Hydra had slammed shut every time he found a key and tried to unlock it. He eventually broke the door down from the inside, making Steve a permanent resident in his kitchen, stairwell and living room all before he decided to walk out the front door, never to return again.
She was still there, though; her voice calling to him from inside the walls, shaking the pipes in a pattern that mimicked Morse code as she haunted the halls between rooms he never even considered to link. The smell of her hair would follow him, the taste of her mouth, the warmth of her touch begging to be noticed, to be felt once more. He found himself following that lost spirit into dozens of rooms filled with people and places he’d rather forget, her shadowy figure slipping through his fingers the second he found her. He’d do almost anything to bring her back, to conjure her physical form so she could be free to walk with him from room to room.
She blinks a few times to properly take in his words, her previous suspicions dwindling away as his somber features tell a story of loss and despair she could only try to understand. Out of all the different reunion scenarios she imagined having with The Winter Soldier, this certainly wasn’t one of them.
“Is that true?” Her deeply-rooted trust issues aren't giving up that easily, no matter how distraught he may look.
“I can leave if you want me to.” He spreads his arms out in his jacket, pretending to admit defeat. “I just thought,”
“No,” she stops him, putting a hand on his arm. “Stay.”
She bites her tongue, trying her best to ignore the tingling sensation his close proximity sends through her skin. It brews the same insatiable desire to be touched by the roughened calluses of his hand and the cool metal of his arm. Her lips yearn for his, his harsh tongue always quick to enter between them every time they crossed paths, but things had changed since then. How much is still yet to be determined, but she’s more than willing to find out.
“You remember me,” he stammers, taking his hands out of his pockets and closing the gap between them.
She nods, nearly gasping as he brings his hand up to her face. His warm touch is softer than before, gentle as his metal arm remains down by his side. “You were different back then, but I remember you.”
“I keep having these dreams.” He brushes her cheek with his thumb, tracing the shell of her ear with his fingertips as he searches for the right words. “They feel like memories. They feel real, but I had to come see you in person just to make sure.”
She stands there stunned, silent. How had this monster of a man turned into this complicated, vulnerable creature before her?
“See, there are things that I remember,” he continues, gently nodding his head into hers. “That it was snowing the last time we were together, that we had to wait an entire day and a half for our comms to come back online.” His lips part before they begin to tremble, his voice quickly hushing into a whisper.
“Then there are things that I can’t forget.” His smile looks more like a wince, as if he’s bracing himself for some sort of deep impact before he smooths his hand back over her face and neck, weaving his fingers through her hair. “The way you made me feel, the way you helped me forget what they turned me into, if just for a second.” He rests his forehead against hers, fingers still playing with her hair as his hand rests on her shoulder.
“I remember,” she whispers, taking in a deep breath. She lifts her arm up to hold his face, letting her mind venture back to the nights they’d spent together, all while painting them in a whole new light. “It was real.”
@samcky @genevievedarcygranger​ @jasontoddsmommyissues​
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Hello! It's Winter! I hope you're doing well. This is a fun, little piece.
“You’re in a very good mood today, maman,” Laurence says, knowing the reason for her mom’s permanent smile and upbeat attitude. 
Emmanuel is due back from his 3-day trip in less than 6 hours. The math has already been calculated. If there are no delays, he’ll be walking through the front door at 8:30 PM. And hopefully not a minute later. 
“I’m always in a good mood,” Brigitte points out, trying to cover her giggle.
“I know, but you’re extra giddy this afternoon. There's nothing to be ashamed about. I know how much you’ve missed Manu,” Laurence playfully nudges her mom as the two of them finish setting the dining room table for lunch. 
“And based on the number of times your phone has gone off, I would say he misses you too,” she added before pouring the pink lemonade into 12 small cups. 
As the family sits down for their meal, the constant beeping from someone’s phone causes everyone to look at each other accusingly. 
“Whose phone is that? It’s very annoying,” Sebastien asks, looking at his children to make sure their electronic devices are turned off and away from the table. 
After everyone pulls out their phones to prove their innocence, Brigitte blushes, “It must be mine. I left it on the counter.” 
“Maman, I’ll grab it for you. We all know Manu is going to call if you don’t respond to his 10 text messages,” Tiphaine laughs while rising from her chair. She quickly dashes off to the kitchen where Brigitte’s phone is still beeping. Again. And Again. 
“Could you please tell him we’re eating?” Brigitte shouts from the dining room. “Just explain that it’s you replying and not me,” 
“Yeah, sure! What’s your 4-digit passcode?” 
“2007.” She blushes, realizing she’ll have to change her passcode now that all her kids and grandkids know it. 
“Oh, my God!!! No!!!! NO!!!!” Everyone stops eating when they hear Tiphaine yell from the kitchen, followed closely by a long and stretched-out, “Ewwwwww!” 
Brigitte bolts from her chair, “What’s wrong?”
Tiphaine hands the phone over to her mother, speechless and embarrassed at what she just witnessed…read…discovered about her parent’s relationship (and sex life).  
“I’m sorry, Tiphaine.” Brigitte apologizes to her daughter as she scrolls through her phone, reading every word her husband sent. She allows Tiphaine to go back into the dining room while she types a quick message to Emmanuel: Our youngest read everything. 
“It’s ok, Maman,” she says softly, trying her hardest to forget everything.  
“So, how bad was it?” Laurence asks her sister. "Without going into details, please."
“There were no pictures - thank God. But the texts were dirty. I had no idea Manu spoke like that,” Tiphaine shudders at the thought. “He seems so prim and proper.” 
“You think you know someone,” Sebastien jokes, listening to his two sisters, secretly relieved that it wasn’t he who saw the messages. 
Tiphaine waves her arms in the air, “I am scarred for life.” 
Brigitte enters the room, apologizing profusely to her daughter. “I told Emmanuel that you saw the messages and now he’s embarrassed to face you.” 
“Well, he should be…” 
“Sweetie, you know we love each other, so those messages shouldn’t be a complete surprise,” Brigitte whispers, happy that all the grandchildren are busy eating and not listening to the adults. 
“I know you love each other, I just didn’t need all the filthy proof,” Tiphaine blushes, knowing exactly what her stepfather is going to do to her mother tonight. Something about burying his face between her thighs and... No! She can't think about it anymore. “I will say this, he’s a very descriptive writer. He’ll have a successful writing career once his presidency is over.” 
“You really think so?” Brigitte grinned, happy at the compliment. 
“Definitely… The smut community will love him,”
Helloo Winter! ❤️
Manu, the smut writer. He should definitely come to us 😂
The second Brigitte told Tiphaine the code, my mind “🚨”, I could smell something was going to happen hahaha Tiphaine was left traumatized 😅
2007... reference noted 😛
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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melanielocke · 2 years
You've Reached Alastair
This is the story I was talking about earlier, based around the premise of You've Reached Sam by Dustin Thao. Writing this made me cry and now you will cry too. I don't know why I did this. I don't think I'll be repeating it.
CW: major character death
It had been a week. Thomas knew he was supposed to get out of bed, but he didn’t know where to find the strenght. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be. Everything felt wrong, and Thomas didn’t see any way it could be fixed. It was too late. Alastair was gone. And it was all his fault. If he hadn’t gotten mad… if he’d just insisted they talk about it. If he’d comforted Alastair better. If Alastair hadn’t stormed out of the house… So many things that could have gone different, so many scenarios in which Alastair was still alive.
Thomas forced himself to get up only because there were some things he needed to clean. Alastair would be mortified if he’d let this place get dirty, he’d always been a neat freak. Thomas wasn’t sure he would be able to clean the house to his standards, but he should do something. Cordelia had asked him to gather Alastair’s belongings, so she and her family could look through everything and decide what they wanted to keep. Thomas wasn’t sure yet. His first instinct was to keep everything. There was still some of Alastair’s scent left in his clothes and Thomas didn’t dare wash anything. He might lose it forever.
Still, he went through Alastair’s closet, to see if there was anything he could find that Cordelia might want, or anything Thomas really wanted to keep. Hidden between the clothes, Thomas found a little box. In it, a beautiful ring with a tower on it. The Carstairs ring, Thomas guessed, but why would he have hidden it in the closet? Realization dawned on him. Of course. Alastair had been planning a proposal. He’d waited for the right moment, and the moment had never come.
Thomas’ feet couldn’t hold him up anymore, he collapsed to the floor and burst into tears. He needed Alastair here, with him. They were supposed to get married, have a life together. Alastair wasn’t supposed to be dead because of one stupid mistake. One breakdown, one time running away from home in tears, one time getting run over by a car that had swerved onto the sidewalk.
The driver had been drunk. It was a cruel sort of irony, that Alastair’s life had been made into hell by a drunk and then ended by one. Even when Alastair’s father had been dead for many years now.
Thomas went through his phone. Pictures of him and Alastair. The last text messages they’d sent each other while Thomas was at work, the day it had happened.
Thomas didn’t know why he looked up Alastair in his phone’s contacts and hit the call button. He knew it was pointless, but he just wanted to hear Alastair’s voice. Even if it were just one more time. He’d never gotten to say goodbye, not while Alastair was still there to hear it.
‘Hello? Thomas, is that you?’
Thomas almost dropped the phone in surprise. Was that really Alastair? It sounded so much like him, but Thomas knew it was impossible. He’d been there when they’d taken Alastair to the hospital. He’d been declared dead the moment he’d arrived. Thomas had seen his body. He’d gone to his funeral.
‘It’s me,’ Thomas said. ‘Alastair, is that really you? Am I going crazy?’
‘You’re not going crazy. It is me.’
Thomas hesitated for a moment. ‘Are you… alive?’
It took just one word to shatter Thomas’ world all over again. ‘No.’
‘Then… how am I speaking to you? What is going on?’
‘I’m not completely sure. I don’t think I can explain it. It’s just… you can still call me, and then we can speak. You could have a chance to say goodbye.’
‘So, you can’t stay,’ Thomas said softly. ‘This is not forever.’
‘No. You don’t have to say goodbye now if you’re not ready. You still have time, you can call me more than once. How have you been, Tom? I’ve missed you.’
‘I miss you too,’ Thomas said. ‘I’m not sure I can live without you, that’s how much I miss you. You don’t know what it means to me, to hear your voice again.’
‘I think I do,’ Alastair said. ‘I don’t know why this is possible. But I can hear you again. I’m so sorry for getting upset that day. I don’t know what came over me.’
‘I don’t want to talk about it,’ Thomas said. ‘About that day, I mean.’
Alastair was silent for a moment. ‘Okay. But just so you know, I don’t blame you. No one would. You don’t always know how things are going to turn out and it’s no use going over it in your head once it’s already done. Trust me, I know.’
Thomas didn’t know how to respond. It was exactly what he had been doing. Going back in time, thinking up scenarios where it didn’t happen. Where Thomas had not been mad, where he’d been able to comfort Alastair better.
‘Can you tell me anything about where you are now?’
‘I’m not sure that I can. I don’t think I could describe it if I tried. There’s no way back though, that I’m sure of. I already looked everywhere.’
‘Is it nice, at least?’ Thomas asked. ‘Are you at peace there?’
‘I don’t know,’ Alastair said. ‘I’m not sure being at peace was ever a possibility for me. It’s rather lonely. I miss you and my mother, and Cordelia. I can’t talk to any of them, just you. And you have to call me, I can’t call. Or well, if you don’t pick up a call from me then we would lose the connection forever.’
‘Then you definitely shouldn’t call,’ Thomas said. ‘I’ll call you, as often as you like. I’m so sorry you’re stuck there all alone.’
Something played through his head. Alastair had been rather lonely… ‘Did you meet my sister Barbara by chance?’
‘No. I’m all alone here. I think I could move on and maybe I could find her… but then I’d lose the connection to you. I have to stay here. I’m not ready to lose you just yet.’
‘Me neither,’ Thomas said. ‘How long will the connection last?’
‘I don’t know. Only that it will never be long enough. Are you at home right now, Tom? I need you to search through my clothes. There’s something there I need you to find.’
‘I did. I found the ring. You were meaning to propose, weren’t you?’
‘I’d thought about proposing that night. But you were home so late and then I got so upset… It was unfair of me to be mad at you for that. I hope you’ll keep the ring anyway. To remember me by. It would mean a lot to me if you did. If people ask, you can say I did propose before I died, and you just hadn’t had the chance to tell anyone yet. No one would blame you.’
‘I… thank you,’ Thomas said.
He took the ring out of the box and put it around his finger, wiping the tears from his eyes.
‘It’s gorgeous,’ Thomas said.
‘Thank you. I hope you’ll keep it.’
‘Of course. I mean, I can’t wear it at work, because of hygiene.’
‘Oh,’ Alastair said. ‘Well, maybe you can put it on a necklace. That way you can still remember me. After all, we’re never getting married for real now.’
‘No. I guess not. But it is what I would have wanted,’ Thomas said. ‘It’s how I pictured our future. I don’t know what I’m going to do now.’
‘That’s okay. I think that’s why I’m here, for now. But you’re going to be okay, Tom. Even when we can’t speak to each other anymore.’
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @broodyhawthorne @ikissedsmithparker
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My thoughts on season two of Good omens. 
This season was a ✨nightmare✨ and let me explain why but first…
Also,this essay is very unprofessional so yeah. 
Alright let’s do it. 
To start this off the two lesbians that we meet are so cute, I appreciate how the accurately represented a toxic relationship between two people. It feels good that they’re showing that all relationships can be 100% toxic and that feels so good.  The two gays were called Nina and Maggie, Maggie is in love with Nina but unfortunately she’s in a “relationship” with Lindsey. It is shown that Lindsey is toxic based on the text messages she had sent to Nina which include the following. “If you had any self-respect, you wouldn’t have left this morning. I had a lot more to say. I can not believe how self-centered you are.” , “the front key is by the kettle please don’t try to get in touch with me. If you need me I will be with my sister at least she cares about someone other than herself.” ,   “I am so done with this.” , “I am a real person, I matter. Why don’t you care?” , “you she a good deal of explaining to do.” , “I’v had enough of this Nina.” , “at least on of us takes this relationship seriously.” , “please remember we agreed to mutual respect?” Most things like that.
Lindsay sucks, she is toxic and extremely narcissistic. In this case this is a really toxic situation. Nina is getting blamed onto why the relationship is unsteady and Nina feels like 
Lindsay is right even though in this case it is completely backwards. In no situation should someone (I am talking to whom ever is reading this.) should ever do this, send things like this; if they are. Break up with them. I am (pretty sure) this is a pretty accurate way of how a toxic relationship is for someone. Lindsay was tired that Nina wasn’t giving letting her take full control with her so she broke up with her in hopes that (A) she would beg her not to and give in all control under her or (B) wishes to go of and manipulate someone else. As I just said this is a BAD relationship. 
Now after Lindsay brutally broke up with Nina Aziraphale and Crowley's go off to work on Nina and Maggie. Well to say the least they did not end up getting together officially due to  
Nina becoming single recently which is fair, and Maggie is okay with that. It is confirmed that both of them do have feeling for each other. The difference between that is if that was Lindsay she would be furious that Nina didn’t jump to the opportunity to be in a relationship. Long story short, they are just the CUTEST.  
LORDY LORD Ineffable Bureaucracy is CANNON BABY 
Now I love Ineffable Bureaucracy, and I am delighted that it’s cannon and actually I have no complaints on how they carried out. They showed how they got together I just wish it had a entire episode and instead of giving it all to us at once that there was more of a hunt, but I’m happy we got it at all.  People started shipping this the moment that the show came out and it’s is a fantastic ship. The two higher powers who think it’s wrong to date out of the side they’re on…then date out side the side they’re on…and are proud of it.  THERE SO CUTE AHH—!
I find it so cute and adorable that they are so confident about their relationship. Gabriel knew why he was getting demoted and was okay with it, glad even in a way. I don’t have much to say about it  because of how short it was but, this was great. 
Alright let’s talk about the absolute abomination that is the last seven minutes of the last episode. 
Ineffable husband  just took my heart out and put it on a silver platter just to rip it off 
said platter and stomp on it aggressively.  I was going through a whole fit! This gave me more feelings of joy than pain than the new miraculous ladybug/cat noir movie. I ran around my living room in a happy fit glancing at the T.V then running around again to laying on the floor like the family guy death lay. This last episode hurt me so badly! 
The end of the episode…ends with the Metatron man himself decided to come in and talk to Aziraphale, little did I know this would cause CHAOS! Also Maggie and Nina come and talk to Crowley, basically saying “stop messing with us to live out what you two want from each other.” And well more hell on earth. 
Aziraphale comes in a has a little chat telling Crowley the…gOoD news well Crowley doesn’t LiKe the news and then tells Aziraphale  his NeWs. Well…did it end well? NOPE! NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT.
Crowley says they could have been ‘us’ just us but Aziraphale what’s it to be ‘us’ in a different way. They argue about what life it is the want, life as an angel is or life on earth. Then Crowley try’s to take their leave but before they do. Guyyyysssss!!!! 
✨THEY KISSED✨ SHIRT GRAB AND EVERYTHING but…it didn’t work out. They still disagreed. Aziraphale went off with with Metatron, and Crowley into his car. 
How did I feel about this? Like the world hates me. That I should kill it and burn it with fire. Alas this was probably the smartest way to end of the second season of a love story I have ever seen. This was gut wrenching, and it hurt my soul but this was SO GOOD. It felt horrible seeing the two characters I love to death not get together even if they could. I can not wait for the next season! 
It comes out in 2025 greatttttt.
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goldenxbby · 3 years
cold cuts in the moonlight
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part 2 and part 3
εїз pairing: fezco x f!reader
εїз warnings: not much just blood, slight arousal, and poorly explained art history... BEWARE 
εїз word count:  5669 hehe
εїз summary: fez doesn't know where else to go except outside your window.
εїз a/n: this is like my very first time writing and sharing a fic so pls be nice i don’t know what i’m doing. this is based off everything we’ve seen in the first epi of season two of euphoria about an hour after the big fight (ahhh). i couldn’t decide whether to make the pov lexi or y/n so i just half based it off lexi so it can be used either way. also i plan on making this a series so if literally anybody likes this i shall try and post again.
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She had just finished washing her face using the self-care tactic as a form of distraction since absolutely no one was answering their phones. She thought at least there was some normalcy compared to the commotion from this night's party.
returning to her dark room she flopped onto her bed grabbing her phone connected to its charger. She went straight to her messages for the 5th time tonight to look over Fez’s text. At the party when he put his number in her phone he sent himself a “:))”. It made her giggle when she first looked at it, but his time it sent a pang of worry and nostalgia through her heart. 
She missed the warm fuzzy feelings she had felt on that couch with him almost an hour ago. The moment before she saw Fez’s smirk turn to a tense stare. When his eyes had those little twinkles of light swimming in a pool of deep blue she so badly wanted to dive into, and not a complete shield of darkness blocking out the person who made her cheeks blush and whole body warm from head to toe. She worried where he was, what he was doing, what he was thinking, what he was thinking of her- no shit that was stupid why would she even be in his mind right now? She was a speck in the night he had. He must have had a million more important and interesting things running through his head than her boring self. He probably had already forgotten about her. 
Well, shit. Now her heart had shifted past her stomach and all the way outside her body, probably touching bedrock. She needed another distraction or she knew she would start her self-loathing monologue and that would definitely make this night even worse.
Opening twitter was a mistake. Having to look at the car crash that was her drunk and definitely high east highland peers tweeting about the pummeling and sharing videos of Nate Jacobs being unconsciously dragged out who knows house sent fear down her body. Not because what Fez did scared her she was more shocked than anything. No, she felt fear because seeing how everyone reacted to the fight made her realize her reflex after seeing Fez almost murder Nate in front of everyone was to be concerned about him. A man she barely knew and had shared maybe 6 sentences of conversation with. A conversation that left butterfly’s in her stomach and cheeks hot, a conversation that made her feel desired, listened to, comfortable, excited and seeing feelings she’s not sure she’s felt in a long time… or maybe ever. 
God, how was she falling for a guy who will probably never speak to her again? A guy that she barely knows. Why was the thought of falling make her feel thrilled? 
All those ideas took a pause when Rue's name popped up on her phone with a text notification. 
“rue: you talk to fez?”
Getting a text from Rue that wasn’t a reply was surprising, but getting one about Fez was even more. Staring at her phone with the idea that Fez might have also been thinking about her and even went out of his way to text someone he trusted about it made her bite her lips trying to hold in the joy. 
Oh, fuck those thoughts came back. What if she was totally delusional? Why the fuck would Fez talk about her? I thought we registered that he already forgot about her? He clearly wasn’t asking Rue about her. Rue probably saw them on the couch. Duh, they were at the same party and anybody that saw them together would be asking her the same question. The duo was extremely contrasting from the outside and she knew that but she also knew it felt like one of the rarest connections anybody would be lucky to have on this earth. 
Shit, she needs to reply. Rue can see she’s read the text. Trying to think of something that wouldn’t give a tell of her emotions was hard under the time constraints she gave herself. She landed on “wdym?”. Jesus the fuck was that? She never texts like that she knows Rue knows she has to use urban dictionary to talk to anybody their age. One message and she’s already failing at coming off as normal. 
Oh God is Rue gonna bully her now she must know somethings up? With all her anxiety right now she can not take Rue's teasing. Uneasily opening her phone with her eyes closed and holding her breath she finally takes a peak.
“rue: he asked for your addy?”
 Holy. She felt holy at that moment. Like all her dreams were manifestations like she must be God's favourite like an angel would appear out of nowhere and grant all her deepest wishes. And then it actually happened, it actually fucking happened. Unbeknownst to her at the time though. 
A soft tapping from her window barely took her out of her thoughts. Looking up from the phone she was disassociating into, she saw some of the light from the moon above her had been blocked in her window. Getting up and pulling her curtains to the side with a squint she saw him. 
His expression completely different from the hostile glance he gave her leaving the party earlier. The look he was wearing now staring down at her held innocence in it somehow. He quickly changed his questioning pout into a sincere half smile when she whispered “fez?”. That half tug of his lips and her name leaving them made her almost jump to open her window. 
You know when the Roman Empire fell and everyone was in such deep poverty that they became obsessed with the church? And all the paintings at the time were of saints with those golden halos? 
Well, Fez’s halo was white right now under the moonlight and he was swiftly becoming the saint she’d obsess over to divert from the poverty that was being away from his company. That’s all she could think about as the words “What are you doing here?” left her mouth. 
Fez's face dropped down looking at the ground then back at her the questioning unknowing look coming back to his face. “Ima be honest wit you, I’m acting on my gut rn instead of my head.” he chuckled. Making her smile up at him. She gained a confidence she’s only ever felt around Fez “We’ll does your gut wanna come in?”. All the self doubt she had held minutes ago was completely gone and the only thing filling her head was… just Fez. She could only think of him and trying to keep him with her for as long as possible.
 “…yeah.” he clearly took some time to think over his answer. Like his confidence had dissipated now having to actually go through with the wants that brought him to his current spot. Moving to the side to let Fez in she’s confused when he doesn’t enter. But looking back she noticed Fez taking his shoes off and then handing them to her with a “Not tryna get yo floors dirty ma.” which makes her giggle and whisper “Thanks.” while taking them. Bending down and out of his view, she places them next to her dresser and by the time she’s standing up he’s in her room. 
If Fez could have seen where she had been crouched over he wouldn’t have stood so close. Like there was barely fucking millimeters between them. If he had more room then maybe just maybe the wind wouldn’t be knocked out of him. Feeling her body heat radiate off her, her beautiful big eyes looking into his in the darkness, looking at her lips that must hold magnates in them because he had to force himself to stay right where he was and not smash his against hers.
 All that forcing and not breathing left silence in her room with only her breathing being heard. Since it seemed he wasn’t talking anytime soon she tries to think on her feet to not seem as awkward as she truly was. And all that came out of her mouth was a soft “Hi.”. This made Fez’s lost look change to a small smile. He replied “Hey.”. 
Is she really blushing at that? Jesus, how embarrassing is it that a small word like hey from his lips which were painfully too far away for hers could cause her to blush so fucking hard right now? To try and conceal her cheeks she looked down which probably wasn’t the brightest decision. 
It was so blaring she would have been confused why she was only just now looking at his beaten up hand, but Fez’s face existed so she didn’t question herself. Without think she let the sentence slip “Can I?” and looks back up to his doll like eyes. 
His smile was now gone and she could tell he was biting the inside of his lip but before she could feel like she violated his comfort he nodded his head. Finally stripping his gaze from her and looking to the side.
She went back to surveying his fist and let her hand go to caress his knuckles. Hearing him take a breath in she looked back at him worriedly, but he was already looking down at her. “Fez, are you okay?” she questioned sympathetically. Switching his sight again Fez replied “Life’s been worse ya know?” which immediately caused her to respond with almost an eye roll “That’s not answering my question.”. 
At first, she thought fez was taking his regular time to communicate as it was well known to anybody that had a conversation with Fez that he wasn’t necessarily a fast talker. But then the silence grew and he still wasn’t looking at her, so she opened her mouth with nothing prepared to say just hoping it would come to her in the moment like an idiot. 
She didn’t have to worry about what to say though because Fez finally spoke and looked back into her eyes with a new intensity that caused her to gulp saliva that wasn’t even in her mouth. 
“You know it doesn’t matter how high I get… I can never run away from that feelin of stress in the back of my head and let life slip away…” he paused “and I hate going to those stupid party’s, they’re always filled with annoying kids that either say two words to me buying shit off me or say the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard.” he laughed lowly “…but when you sat next to me… I…” his eyebrows contorted “I felt this comfort… like shit was alright, right now, and when you spoke it was like entertaining like every time you left I was waiting for you to come back and tell me another crazy fucking fact.” he finally smiled again but then looked down to his feet “I just cant be at home rn… you know?” taking a breath in he found her eyes “and I felt like if I’d wanna be anywhere else it be wit you”. 
Five hours, five minutes, five seconds ago she would have never thought she would have heard anything so touching, so romantic from anybody… especially Fezco. That confession left her brain completely blank. It was usually running at 200 mph but she always just chose not to share what was going on in there… since no one would listen anyways or maybe they never heard her? That felt better to believe at least. 
Oh, she should replying now, right? Shit- okay what the fuck do you say to that? Fuck fuck fuck. She was really regretting never putting herself out there with guys before (I mean it’s not they were going for her either so it wasn’t fully her fault). If she had an ounce of experience she’d know what to say to Fez but she really couldn’t think of anything like her brain was literally empty. But she can’t leave him hanging or he’ll think she’s disinterested and she was the complete opposite, so she must speak like now.
“You need water.”
Great, that was really romantic. Really communicating her feelings, isn’t she? Fez replied blinking slowly at her “huh?”. Well, the words have already started spilling out her mouth why stop now right? “When’s the last time you drank water tonight?” she questioned. “I don know?” Fez said back clearly confused about where her detour was going. “Exactly, you need to stay hydrated, stay here and I’ll get you some water.” she spits out at an unnatural speed. 
Running past her bed through her door she leaves Fez alone in the darkness of her room. Smiling at her cute and obvious awkwardness, Fez goes to sit on the end of her bed. Shuffling a little he looks down at her comforter. Sliding his hand on it to feel its softness he laughs to himself at the contrast of his roughed up hand touching her frilly and flower covered blanket. It hit him then, the pang in his heart realizing that steering himself into her perfect life with his mess of shit you could try to call a life, (you know based on the technicalities) would be selfish of him. That his danger vs her innocence would ruin her like the blood that had stained the white long sleeve shirt he was still wearing. 
Looking away to shake the realistic thoughts out of his head, Fez searched her room. Not looking for anything in particular just searching for something to take his emotions away. It landed on a polaroid of her from winter formal on the corner of her mirror. 
God, she was so beautiful he wished he could jump into the picture and transport back to that night. He'd grow a pair of balls and ask her for a dance instead of watching her from the sidelines all night. Maybe even get a kiss. His eyes kept moving around her room watching the decorations she chose to place all over. The clutter covering every surface, like her make-up and hair shit and stuffed animals and books of course she had a healthy selection. 
Then his eyes found it. Something he recognized. The deep green knit was perfectly folded on her dresser. He had forgotten about the clothing item. Not out of disinterest but just from everything else going around him at the moment didn’t leave much space for him to think of it. But she did. And she cared enough to take it with her and neatly fold it in her space. 
Her room was like a window into her brain, her otherworldly brain. everything around him made him feel like he wanted it to become a part of his daily routine, being here physically or through reminders like his clothing. He wanted to become a part of this.
A knock makes his head whip towards the door. It's soft and he can tell it’s coming from her. He walks up and before his hand reaches the knob he hears her voice softly whisper his name. Smiling at the call he opens her door fully and sees her with way more than a water. She smiles sheepishly as he gives her a questioning but humorous look “I couldn't open it with my hands full.”. He lets a laugh slip through his lips “I see dat.”. 
She walks past him into her room as he closes the door and dumps all the content onto her bed except a plate that stays in her hand. They both look down at the pile and she explains “I thought if you hadn’t had any water in awhile you probably haven’t eaten either, so I tried to make a sandwich, but I like never make them so I thought it probably won’t taste too good, so then I put chips so you don’t starve because of my terrible sandwich making skills…” Fez laughs switching his gaze to her “and then I thought your hand must hurt really badly, but we don’t have ice so I grabbed peas to work instead, and I realized that I hadn’t had water in a while either so grabbed one for myself.” she breathes out and smiles at her work while her smiles at her. 
Looking up at him she speaks “Well sit down.” and motions to her bedside. “uh sorry.” Fez murmurs and sits, grabbing the water while she hands him the plate of food “thanks.”. Without replying she reaches for the pillows he rests on shifting and fluffing them to properly support his back. Noticing her putting on the caretaker role Fez chuckles “You know I didn’t come here for you to take care of me?” she retorts back taking her hands from the pillows “I know but you deserve to be taken care of.”. Fez doesn’t want to fight her on what he deserves and doesn’t as he knows she definitely believes he’s a better person than he actually is and is strong minded enough to argue with him over the truth he’s known all his life, so he falls silent looking at his lap. 
A dip in the bed forms as she goes to sit next to him. Handing him the plate and grabbing her water bottle and the frozen peas she sits next to him. The cold of the peas reminded her whose hand they should be in. Without thinking she grabs his and places it on her thigh to properly hold and support it, which causes Fez to place the plate on his lap. She lays the peas on his knuckles as softly as possible and he winces. A “sorry.” escapes her mouth as she looks back at Fez’s face. “It's okay just the adrenaline’s startin to wear off.” he jokes. She nods, thinking “Oh I think I have some ibuprofen in here!” Fez goes to say it’s fine but is cut off before he even begins to speak seeing her turn and bend down searching in her bedside table. “I know it’s in here.” she states. His eyes instantly go to her ass that’s basically on full display at this moment. His eyes widen and to catch his breath he looks away while also trying to adjust the plate on his lap as high as humanly possible.
“Got it!” she exclaims and goes back to her original position while pouring two pills into her hand. She then ushers her hand in front of Fez’s face expecting him to take them out off her palm with his fingers. But her whole body tenses as he connects his lips to the side of her hand using it as a funnel and quickly sipping water. Not to help them go down his throat though, as he’s mastered dry swallowing, but to help the cottonmouth that’s formed from looking into her eyes while connecting his lip to the side of her palm, damning himself for ending the interaction too quickly. 
She tried to act as nonchalant as he appears so she goes back to iceing his hand on her lap. Laughing at herself thinking about how what she was doing wouldn’t be called iceing rather peaing, which helped her slip back into the same comfort she felt sitting next to Fez on the couch earlier that night. 
“So do you wanna talk about what happened or for me to entertain you?” she looked up at him smirking. Fez smirked back replying “Entertain.”. Looking up at the ceiling she took a second to think of what she could possibly entertain Fez with. “Hm, well I know you enjoyed the history shit.” Fez laughed at her almost forgetting where his hand rested “Yeah that pee shit was wild.” his remark made her add teeth to her smile. “Well, something almost as wild as the pee shit was like… well you know about medieval art right?” his smile then grew “Do I look like I know anything about art?” he threw back to her with a quirked eyebrow. She laughed “Well arts easy like that though, you don’t really need to know about it or what it means you can just make up what you think it means.” he looked jokingly judgy towards her. 
“Arts like the OG pick your own adventure story, you know? Everyone can believe what they think it means and it’s all valid and different and even the artists original meaning doesn’t matter, and it’s even better than pick your own adventure stories cause the longer the piece of art is on earth the more meanings it can have it’s like infinite.”. Fez whispers almost under his breath “fearless…” she laughs at his comment adding “Even like something like… a leaf, that can have so many meanings in art like nature or life or death or delicate or weak, it’s never ending.” she contently smiles at him. 
“What do you think it means?” Fez asks, his eyes quickly scan her eyes then lips then eyes again. She looks straight on not being able to handle his intense stare “Uhh well the way it’s captured matters like its context, but if you asked me to just picture a leaf and what the picture I created in my head means I’d say…” she closes her eyes and Fez uses that as an opportunity to taste her sandwich just in case it’s actually bad then she wouldn’t have to see his reaction. “I’d say it means to me humankind… the way it has those lines that look like a skeleton and how they are ever changing, but are resilient through difficult circumstances and flourish after the hardest times in their lives… and all inevitably die.” she opens her eyes looking over to Fez who looks almost starstruck, which she first takes as a huge compliment but then realizes that his reaction was definitely towards the sandwich half hanging out his mouth. It made her giggle “You weren’t even listening were you?”.
She could barely speak through her laughter, but Fez swallows as quickly as possible bringing his eyebrows together “Nah nah I was.” replying “Oh really?” she looked doubtful towards him. This caused Fez to sit up straighter and state “Yeah, but I disagree with the skeleton thing I think they look more like our nerves than our bones.”. She turns away not out of embarrassment more out of trying to hide the smile that had formed from seeing that he listened. Someone actually listened to her. 
Placing the peas back on his knuckles as he continues eating her sandwich “Sorry for doubting you it just looked like you were really into the food.” she looked back at him sharing her smile “I mean yeah it’s a good sandwich.” Fez complimented. “Thanks, I tried to make it like I’ve seen my mom do I just don’t make ‘em cause the cold cuts gross me out.” she shared.
“Why would you touch ‘em if they gross you out?” Fez asked genuinely “Cus I’m not trying to starve you out of my own selfishness Fez.” she joked. “You sure know how to make a guy feel special y/n.” he smiled and took another bite which caused her to blush and look down at her lap to hide from him. 
Looking at her reaction caused Fez’s heart to warm like it was in front of a bonfire. This warmth that grew over his body made him reflex his fingers to hold onto her thigh, fully grabbing it. She went blank feeling the electricity from his touch and dampness in her pajama shorts.
“…The medieval art?” he asked, afraid he made her uncomfortable but not wanting to let go of her. “Oh yeah…” she looked up at him “Um, in a lot of medieval paintings like especially family photos women would carry ferrets.” there, she was back and he relaxed probing her to continue “Ferrets?”. She laughed “Yeah they’re like weasels, like longs furry slinky’s.” Fez almost coughed up the bite of food in his mouth from her remark which cause her to laugh “They always had these ferrets with them cause they were like a good luck charm for fertility.” Fez's eyes widened. She nodded “Yeah, wild and they would even have them in their rooms while fucking. Hoping it would help bring them a baby.” with a suggestive glance Fez asked, “You learn all dis from reading?”. 
God she was praying the absence of light in her room could hide her obvious tomato coloured cheeks. “Yeah it seems weird but at least I know to never get a ferret as a pet.” she laughed. “You ont like kids?” he questioned becoming serious all of the sudden. Blinking at him she replied “Hm? no? … I just- I wouldn’t want one anytime soon…” she said worried she offended Fez with her lame joke, but he moved past it quickly. 
“You know the more time you spend with kids you realize they smarter than adults.” taking in his words she answered with a small “hm”. 
“Like life distracts us and complicates shit and maturity is just stupidity adults hide behind.” Fez claimed. “Well if that’s true then everyone that goes to east highland are extremely mature.” she jokes causing Fez to chuckle but quickly reply “Except you.”. taken aback she lets out a breathy “really?”. She quirked her eyebrows at Fez “Yeah ma you one of the smartest women I’ve ever met.”. 
That would have been a minimal compliment from anybody except Fez, who was raised by his grandmother, one of the only people he’s ever loved, he believed she was the smartest woman in the world and claiming y/n wasn’t far behind was like saying his vows for Fez. With a genuine “thanks fez.” she looked down again shyly. 
“When’s the last time you ate?”
“Hm?” Fez’s question caused her to look back up “You went off on me not starving but what about you?”. Fez’s care made her whole body temperature go up at least 50 degrees “I- I already brushed my teeth.” she stated pointing at her lips. Fez scoffed dramatically “So did I.” which made her smile. “I care about my hygiene y/n.” Fez rolled his eyes to make her laugh even more “Sorry Fez.” she joined in on the joke making her movements more comical. “So have a chip to earn my forgiveness.” He angled the plate towards her “But it’ll make my breath stink.” she argued “And the mustard on that sandwich hasn’t made mine?” he pushed. She looked into Fez’s eyes deeper, confessing “Fez you could smell like literal dog shit and I wouldn’t care.”. he wasn’t sure if that statement was supposed to make his dick twitch but the knowledge that her seemingly sarcastic joke was her way of saying she liked being around him, made blood continue to rush to his groin. 
Fez picked up a chip and silently placed it on her lips which she rolled her eyes at, but took in her mouth. “Mhm that’s good.” she moaned as she grabbed more from his plate. Fez was just trying to make it look like the feeling of her lips on his fingers didn’t make him feel like he could hear angels sing and almost completely forget about the bloody things he had done a couple of hours earlier. 
She went on to explain to Fez how one of Amrita Sher-Gil’s portraits was basically the first diss track, as she felt he enjoyed her ramblings on fertility ferrets in medieval paintings enough to talk about one of her favourite painters. 
Fez could tell she was getting tired since her speech almost started to become as slow as his and seeing that she ate all of the contents on his plate a while ago he thought he’d suggest for her to get some rest. “Ma, I don’t wanna keep you up you should get sum sleep.” Fez turned his head towards her resisting the urge to cup her face. She yawned “Fine, but you have to stay.”. 
Fez looked into her eyes contemplating leaving in case she’d do something she’d regret “…fine.”. She smiled jumping up like she had gained all her energy back. Grabbing his plate and now thawed bag of peas she ran on her tiptoes out of the room. 
With the click of the door, Fez was left in silence. He felt his phone vibrate grabbing to unlock it. 
“ash: where tf u @????”
“fez: im out.”
“ash: u think it a good idea bein' out rn?”
“fez: ill be back in the morn.”
“ash: where r u fez”
“fez: ill be back in the morning.”
“ash: fuck FINE”
Fez was so annoyed with Ashtrays interrogation he didn’t hear her door open. "What are you doing?” Fez jumped a little “I was texting Ashtray” she came closer standing in front of the bed. “No I mean what you’re wearing, I thought only psychopaths wear jeans when they sleep?” now fully in bed, swaddled in her comforter she looked up at him waiting. Fez anxiously chuckled. if she asked him to cut off both his legs right now looking at him like that… he’d do it. 
“Aite close your eyes.” he said standing up. She quickly covered her eyes with her palms. "You have boxers on right?” She felt the bed dip and comforter open “Yes I have boxers on.”.
Taking her hand off her face, she looked into his eyes “I ain’t a man whore y/n.” Fez smirked at her which made her smile. “I know that.” she whispered as their faces were now as close as they were when he first came through her window. they smiled and looked into each other's eyes till Fez said softly “come er.”. She happily scooted into him, holding onto his upper waist and laying her head on his chest trying not to be too loud when sniffing in his scent. Fez held onto her waist and shoulder, keeping her as close to his body as possible looking down at her she said “you know for a non-man whore you sure do give it up fast for the first night.”. Fez laughed at her like her jokes could never get old or stop completely surprising him. She continued “if you wanted to cuddle me so badly you could have just said that at the beginning and we’d be here way faster.”. “am I really giving off that vibe?” Fez laughed. “no I’m just teasing you.” she said scrunching her face. 
He looked into her eyes like he wanted to devour her which made what he then said surprising to y/n “You know this ain’t a date right?”. With her confidence now depleted she felt embarrassed and rejected even though she was joking before and had her legs tangled with his. She scoffed trying to play it cool “Yeah Fez, jeez I’m not a kid.” he looked confused saying “Nah nah I know I mean… if I took you on a date, it be like a real date like to the diner or sum romantic shit.” he ended confidently. “oh.” she looked down now blushing then looked back up at him “Well if you asked me to go on a date to some romantic place like the diner… I’d say yes.”. fez smiled with his teeth “Would you go on a date wit me y/n?” he questioned with audible excitement. “I’d love to… but you can't ghost me, can't leave after tonight with no texts and expect me to wait by the phone for you.”. “Pft like I’d do that?” he played but y/n’s face became humourless “Fez.”. “I promise, I promise!” he said almost lifting his hands up to show defeat “good.” y/n smiled rubbing her cheek into his chest. With her eyes closed, she finally allowed herself to lull to bed. 
Fez felt regret at that moment. He wished he would have lied to y/n. He should have convinced her he wasn’t hungry. Maybe if he didn’t down the sandwich she made him he’d be able to grow some balls and kiss her. But he was too insecure about his breath and wanted the first time he kissed her to be perfect. So he just looked down at her in adoration knowing that if he hadn’t of acted on his gut tonight he wouldn’t be falling asleep with a smile on his face and the girl of his dreams in his arms. 
Then it hit him. How innocent she was compared to him, how cruel he was compared to her delicate nature. Scared that by bringing her into his life he would break her like the leaves she once talked to him about. But he never felt the way he does about her for anyone else, in all honesty, he never thought he would. Fezco always imagined having a girlfriend as something that would do more bad than good. Sure he has had casual sex but he never muttered more than five words at them just wanting to get from point a to b not really caring who with. Dealing with a whole girlfriend on top of all of his other extreme stressors seemed pointless. He'd never thought he would want to open up to someone that deeply or have feelings for someone that was even close to love. But with y/n… he wanted it all. To learn everything about her, to share everything about himself with her, to become a part of her life, to spend more moments wrapped in each other’s arms, to listen to her ramble about her random interests, to laugh with her, to make love with her, to love her and to protect her… He knew if he was going to allow himself to try his wants with her he’d have to promise to himself that’d he would protect her in any way possible.
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Hospitals - Jay Halstead
Summary: kinda loosely based around Jay getting kidnapped (well just the part where he’s in the hospital afterward). 
A/N: Just me practicing writing Jay really. 
One Chicago Masterlist
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Hailey called you after shift, when the fourth call to Jay’s phone went unanswered. Maybe, she reasoned, he was just home. And while she didn’t want to send you into a tailspin, because she knew you knew how stupid your boyfriend could be when he thought he was doing a good thing, she needed to be sure. 
“I haven’t talked to him since this morning,” you replied, holding the phone away from your ear so you could check the time on the last text Jay sent you. Before he left for work, you were already at the hospital after pulling a graveyard shift when the ER got slammed the night before. “I literally just got home…” you mentioned. 
“He got a text from Angela before he left.” Hailey filled you in, simultaneously texting Kim back that she would be at the crime scene they’d just been called out to, “I’ll look into it, alright, get some sleep.” 
“Easier said then done,” you muttered, looking around the empty apartment, “let me know if you hear anything, I’ll do the same.” 
If it wasn’t for the exhaustion of pulling two doubles and sleeping maybe three hours in a break room, you weren’t sure you would’ve been able to follow Hailey’s instruction at all. You fell asleep on the couch, managing a quick shower and a change into pyjamas and one of Jay’s hoodies. When you woke up again your phone alarm was going off, a full six hours that somehow had you feeling more tired that you’d been when you walked through the door. 
There was no word from Hailey yet but you called anyway as you made coffee and got ready for work. 
“Hey, I was just about to call you but something popped off.” Hailey explained quickly, “we don’t know where Jay is yet but…it’s not looking good.” 
“Fuck,” you cursed, “what happened? I mean, what can you tell me?” 
A door closed as you assumed Hailey went into a different room to talk. “It looks like an abduction…Angela got into some trouble, called Jay…whoever took her, took him too.” Hailey explained, “I’m sorry I can’t tell you more.” 
“I know you’re doing everything you can.” 
The very last thing you wanted to do after twelve hours in the ER was meet up for drinks but Will had been bugging you to go out and you wanted him off your back so you finally caved. You’d been in Chicago three months and you hadn’t met a single person outside of work. 
“I hear your reasoning Will but if we’re meeting your brother and his buddies for a drink am I really meeting new people?” You asked, ducking through the door he was holding open for you. 
“They’re new to you,” he reasoned, leading you  into Molly’s. Will had been an immediate friend when you started in the ER and honestly, you were happy to have someone show you Chicago with no expectation outside of friendship. 
Molly’s was crowded with people, most unfamiliar to you, but Will didn’t seem bothered with the volume at all as he led you right back to a table against the wall. You couldn’t help standing back a little as he greeted the few people at the table. At work you were far from shy around people but in a crowded bar in a city that you were still getting used to, you couldn’t help feeling like the new kid in school hoping to make friends. 
“This is my brother Jay,” Will was saying and you realized he was addressing you. Turning to the table, you followed Will’s outstretched hand to see he was pointing at the guy who had greeted him first. 
God, that face. You were gonna spend the rest of the night thinking about the way Will’s brother smiled as you shook his hand. Jay, you repeated in your head, committing his name to memory. 
“Nice to meet you.” 
Will introduced you to the other three people at the table, Adam, Kim, and Hailey, but you were paying such little attention to anything other than Jay that you didn’t learn their names until the next time you saw them out at Molly’s. (Hailey teased you about it to this day.) 
“Yeah you too,” you nodded, catching an expectant look from Adam out of your peripheral, “uh, all of you. It’s nice to meet all of you. I don’t really know anyone in Chicago so Will’s basically become my solitary friend. I suspect he’s getting sick of me.” 
“What?” Will looked incredulous as he tried to hide a smile, “never.” 
“Well,” Jay put his empty beer tumbler on the table with a quiet thud, “I’m gonna grab another beer.” He looked toward you as he stood, “can I get you something?”
“I’ll come with you,” you offered, hands tightening around the strap of your crossbody bag as you followed Jay to the bar.  
“What did you want?” He asked, stepping up to the counter and making room for you to squeeze in next to him. He stood leaning his side against the bar, facing you, as you stood next to him. You scanned the shelves behind the bar while he waved someone down to take the order.  
“Just a beer is fine.” You replied, “I have a shift in the morning anyway...I probably shouldn’t drink too much.”  
Jay nodded, asking the bartender for two beers and then turning his attention back to you, “so, you’re liking Chicago so far?” He asked.  
“I mean, I’ve mostly just seen the inside of the hospital but yeah...it’s pretty nice. And the food truck near the ER isn’t so terrible.” You joked. There was a hint of truth in it though, since moving and starting your residency at Chicago Med you’d spent most of your time at your apartment and the hospital. Aside from discovering a good take away and a Whole Foods that you liked, you hadn’t done much exploring.  
“Ah,” Jay groaned before smiling at you, “we need to take you on a real tour of Chicago then...can’t have you living out of the hospital.”
“Okay, okay...yeah, I’d like that.” You replied, nodding your head.  
You were on the floor when the ambo rolled in, already far enough into your shift that you were in ‘work mode’ as Jay always called it. Too focused at the task on hand to let anything get in. He’d told you before that your ability to compartmentalize like that was impressive, admirable even, and he wished he could check his emotions the way you did when you were working. 
And usually that was true. You clocked in and whatever you might be feeling or however your heart ached for a particular patient, you left that at the door. The ER wasn’t a place for slow paced residents. And you were great at your job and at doing what needed to be done. 
Except that afternoon because you’d gone hours without any real update from Hailey and then all the sudden the glass doors of the ER were sliding open and there she was clutching the side of a gurney as they rolled Jay in. You felt like the white noise of machines tuned in louder, drowning out everything else until it was just a buzz in your ears. Was that Will over your shoulder calling his brother’s name? Your feet were glued in place. Everything felt like it was slowed to a stop, time moving so languidly that you were caught in some bizarre purgatory state where you were tortured with Jay bleeding out on a gurney too far for you to reach out and touch him. 
And then Hailey looked at you and everything clicked back into place and you were grabbing the head of the gurney and shouting orders and dragging your boyfriend’s unconscious body to a room. This was the auto-pilot that Jay teased you for and you were never more grateful for it.  
It was gone the minute you walked out of his room though, walking into the waiting room where Hailey was sitting with Vanessa and falling into a chair beside her, leaning forward until your head was in your hands and your elbows were on your knees. Vanessa reached over to rub your back.  
“How’s it look?” She asked.  
“He’s stable right now...I’m trying to stay positive, just keep reminding myself what a bitch he’s gonna be when he wakes up.” You replied. “What happened?”  
Hailey ran through the events of the day, from what they had gathered at the crime scene and through their investigation and you tried to think of how much you wanted to shoot your boyfriend all over again for getting involved in something he should’ve been far removed from. You loved how much Jay wanted to help every single person he possibly could even if sometimes that meant you (and you didn’t want the help).
“Because I’m telling you that I don’t want you to go.” You huffed, pulling at the sleeves of your jacket as the door slammed shut behind Jay. “Things with me and my mom aren’t great right now and introducing her to my boyfriend after she sprung a visit on me isn’t going to magically fix it.”
“I’m not trying to fix it, I’m just offering you some support.” He reasoned, grabbing the left arm of your coat and pulling it down for you.  
“I don’t need support Jay. And I don’t need you to roll up with the nice guy act and have her thinking what a saint you are and fucking bugging me about you five months down the road when we like break up or something.”  
“Well, that’s news to me,” he replied, “why are we breaking up in five months?”
“Hey, hey, come on,” he moved to stand in front of you, blocking your path into the living room and putting his hands on your arms, tilting his head to look in your eyes when you tried to look away, “what’s really going on?”
“I hate my mom and she’s toxic and I don’t want you to meet her is what’s going on.” You replied, still trying to look anywhere but at him.
“You’ve been acting funny this whole week, since before you knew, she was coming to visit. I'm not a detective for nothing.”
“It’s the mom thing, honest.”
“If it’s not the mom thing-”
“It is.” You replied, cutting him off quickly.
“If it isn’t...you know I’m here for you, I just wanna help....whatever that looks like.” He replied.  
You sighed, pulling away from him and going over to sit on the couch. You buried your face in your hands, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to think of what you wanted to say. You knew that there was really no point in running around the issue. Jay had a way of convincing you to open up to him that you recognized on your first night hanging out, before you’d really started dating. It wasn’t persuasion so much as it was a feeling of safety that you got whenever you were around him.  
“But you were cynical by nature most of the time and while you desperately wanted to believe that you and Jay weren’t changing anytime soon you couldn’t help betting against yourself. “Every time my mom breaks it off with someone, she wants to do these ‘girls' weekends’ where she pops up and tells me how she totally thought this guy was ‘the one’ and how she’s gonna be basically alone forever. And I can’t help thinking like...what if that’s me? What if I’m sitting here thinking that this is it for me and then all the sudden I’m alone and getting drunk on appletinis?”
“I mean, brightside...you drink normal stuff like beer.” Jay joked, smiling when you glared at him. “Do you really think that’s gonna happen for us?”  
“I don’t know.”
“You aren’t your mom. Okay? We aren’t whatever crazy relationship she’s in and whether I go to meet her or not, I’m not about to walk away from this.” Jay replied.  
“You don’t-”
“Don’t say I don’t know that,” Jay cut in, already knowing exactly what you wanted to say. “Look, I’ll stay home, i just wanted to come cause I know you aren’t happy she’s here and it wouldn’t kill you to have someone in your corner.”
“I hate what a good person you are sometimes.” You replied.  
“Only sometimes?”
When Will came around to say that Jay was awake, you were on rounds, checking up on other patients to occupy your mind. “He’s already asking to go home, as if he wasn’t just shot in the shoulder.” Will told you on the walk down to his brother’s room.  
“Of course,” you rolled your eyes, “he’d daredevil it and have me stitch him up in our apartment if he could.”  
Jay was already sitting up when you entered his room, looking mildly annoyed at a machine that wouldn’t stop beeping and the fact that he was in the hospital at all. Though the troubled look in his eyes softened at the sight of you. Will promised to come back later and tapped the door on his way out, leaving the two of you alone in the room together.  
“I just want you to know, despite this injury, I am incredibly mad at you right now.” You mentioned, coming over to the side of the bed and taking a seat, “like...so pissed.”
“Trust me, I know.” Jay huffed out a laugh, holding his side as he did. He’d thought about it the moment he came to in that warehouse, that when the team found him, you were going to be livid that he had done the one thing you cautioned him against doing. “Guess I earned the ‘I told you so’.”
“I don’t really feel like saying it now.” You replied. “I just wanna go home with you.”
“If you can speed the discharge along you’d be my hero,” he said, “but...I didn’t mean to freak you out I just...needed to see this through. I mean, what happened to Marcus-”
“I know. I know.” You agreed, “next time you go over to someone’s house like that though, bring Hailey or something.”  
I promise to bring Hailey next time. Now can you be happy I’m alive and not pissed at me.”  
“You nodded, leaning over to kiss him, “I don’t think anyone on this floor would appreciate me being happy your alive...might involve some ‘not safe for work’ reactions.”  
“I would appreciate it.” Jay said, lips pursed as he tried, and failed, not to smile.  
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harrysgoldenline · 3 years
When In Italy Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
He remembered your order.
It was all you could think about after you sat down, a waitress coming quickly to your table and he gave you a look, asking you if that’s what you wanted. You gave a small nod and you refrained from commenting on it, not wanting to stroke his already enlarged ego you are sure has only gotten big since you have seen him last based on… well everything.
The waitress thanked you both, taking your menus and leaving the two of you alone, giving one another an awkward smile before you looked down at your hands, now regretting pretending to not know what to order in order to hide behind your menu a bit more.
“So…” Harry began, fingers drumming onto the table, “how have you been?”
You let out an airy laugh, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow before leaning back in the woven dining chair, warm Italian sun hitting your face as you looked out at the view and back to him, not even sure what to say. You, obviously, were not doing great and he was.
You open your mouth to start to answer but stop when the waitress comes back, placing the cool, water glasses in front of you and they quickly become interesting as you watch the condensation drop down from the glass onto the table.
“Y/n…” Harry began, looking up at you and sighing when your eyes met, “Can you talk to me? I just want to see what you’ve been up to.”
“What about you?” You counter, heart pounding against your chest, “I feel like you’re the one who needs to check in and share some updates more than anyone else, don’t you think?”
“I guess I deserve that.” He chuckled, taking a sip of water and looking at you over the glass causing you to scoff.
“I’m glad you think it’s funny.” you glare, crossing your arms over your chest, trying to calm your pounding heart, “really makes the whole situation better.”
“Okay, you’re right, I’m sorry,” He nodded, holding his hands up in defense, “but I didn’t know you were going to be there, I would have never brought her if I would have known that, obviously and I’m sorry it happened this way but I’m glad I saw you, I’m glad to see you.”
“Who is she?”
He looked surprised by your question, not expecting you to rip the band-aid off in the way that you did. But, you knew him. Better than anyone you’ve ever known in your life and you couldn’t understand why he was beating around the bush like this so much. You also needed this for yourself, not wanting to fall for his famous charm, looking into those beautiful, jade eyes you knew you would be done for.
It’s the reason your sitting across from at this table at all, not being able to resist his smile, his sot, caring voice as he asked you to see him, having no idea what you would be getting into all, you said yes without any hesitation and you decided in that moment, watching as he went around the clear high priority topic with ease.
“Her name is Olivia.” He sighed, “she’s the director of the movie I’m going to be in and…”
“You’re together?”
He didn’t answer, looking at his hands.
You nodded, taking his silence as the clear answer and you bit your bottom lip hard, tasting blood as your teeth sunk into the flesh, hoping the pain would stop the tears that were stinging your eyes. You could feel your hands shake and you let out a sigh, standing up from the table and running your hands over your skirt, frustrated he didn’t even have the nerve to come out and simply say it.
“I-I’m going to go,” You began to ramble, looking down at the water glass and you dug through your bag, looking for money to pay for your meal and tip the waitress, even though it wasn’t yet served to you, eyes burning as you did your best to keep in your tears.
“Please stay.” He whispered and you shook your head rapidly, pulling out your wallet and looking for a big enough bill, “Okay, let me just drive you back, put your wallet away this is on me.I asked you to come.” He added, pulling out his wallet and laying down a more than generous amount.
“No, please.” You whispered, stepping back as you stepped closer to you, “just, stay. Take my food with you. I’m gonna book a flight home and you guys can have the house to yourselves by tomorrow night.”
“Goodbye, Harry.”
You ignored his calls of your name, walking down the pavestone as you made your way through the quaint town, passing the many boutiques and gelato shops you two went through a dozen times.You also did your best to ignore the longing look of pity as you passed by the strangers, thankful your italian wasn’t as good as his, that way you didn’t have to also hear what they were saying about you.
You wandered your way through the beautiful village, wishing it brought you the same amount of joy as it always did, but not it just left you a bitter taste in your mouth, reaching for your phone and calling for a cab, looking up flights the second the car pulled up.
Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of your alarm, heart wrenching at the realization that all of this was real and you fist rubbed your swollen eyes, sniffling as you sat up and the details all came back to you.
“He found someone else already.” you had sobbed into the phone to your best friend, clutching at your chest as your back was against the front door. “He already moved on, y/bff/n and he brought her here and-and… I-I got a flight home and I just don’t know what to do.”
You were beginning to hyperventilate, mind being unable to wrap around the fact that he had moved on so quickly, the man you thought you were going to marry, being together for years, had already moved on to someone else.
Your best friend had done her best to calm you, begging you to let them fly there to help get your things together, to at least meet you at a connecting flight so you weren’t flying home completely alone, but you didn’t allow it, knowing how much trouble they would get into with their boss.
“I’ll be there to pick you up.” they told you, after a long pause, their heart was breaking at the sound of your cries, “You’re gonna make it through this, y/n. I know you are.”
You weakly stumbled out of bed, walking straight to the closet and, once again, pulling your bags out and throwing them onto the bed, throwing your all clothes into a messy pile and zipping up the bag, pushing it into the hallway after quickly changed into a clean outfit, slipping on a pair of sneakers as you got ready for your flight home.
Forcing yourself to brush your teeth and run a comb through your hair was harder than you had ever imagined, hating to have to look at your reflection as the face of her was being compared side by side in your mind. You hated yourself more for wishing that Harry tried a little harder, wishing that he had ran after you and tried to at least explain more, extend the olive branch so to speak, even though it would never fully heal your wounds.
Your anxious mind wouldn’t stop reliving your morning with Harry and you couldn’t help but have regrets, wondering if you overreacted, wondering what would have happened if you stayed for the rest of the meal.
Could you ever be friends?
Pushing yourself away from the counter you hoped that the thoughts would subside, wishing you knew the answers but knowing you never would. You shuffled your way into the living room, curling up on the couch as you waited for the car to come pick you up and take you to the airport, not having the energy to reach to pick up the remote so you sat in silence.
Although it felt like minutes, an hour soon passed and you heard the knock at the door and you forced yourself up, grabbing your suitcase and wheeling it behind you as you opened the door, being greeted by the driver who took your suitcase from you and loaded it into the car as you followed behind, finding your place in the backseat.
The time went faster than you thought it would, the drive to the airports, the security line, flights, layovers, all of it. The next thing you knew you were walking down the steps of the airport, seeing the face of your best friend and running towards them, dropping your suitcase in the process as they quickly took you in their arms, holding you as tight as they could.
“I got you.” They whispered, rubbing your back as your tears sunk into the fabric of the fabric covering their shoulder, “I’m so, so sorry, sweetheart. You’re gonna be okay, I promise.”
“How do you know?” you horsley whispered, “my heart hurts so much.”
“I know, I know.” They whispered back, pulling back and looking you into the eyes, giving you a smile and wiping away your tears, “It’s going to be okay, I promise. You are an incredible human being, y/n, you are so unbelievably strong andI know that you can do this and I’m going to be there for you every single step of the way, okay?. ”
And they were.
Being there for you every single step of the way for the next two weeks since you got back from your trip and even moved into your apartment with you for a few days at first as you adjusted. Holding you every single time that you cried, always checking in and making sure that you were taking care of yourself and always being there for you to talk about everything, even though you weren’t quite ready yet, they were there for you when you were going to be and you couldn’t have been more thankful for that.
Now, after a couple weeks of healing, after your plummet on your journey of healing post break up, you felt like you were back on your way up. You started leaving your apartment more again and y/bff/n even got you to go out with them and a couple of friends one night.
Actually starting to feel better and even starting to feel a lot more like yourself.
Your phone buzzed and you quickly took a look down at it, seeing a text from y/bff/n
Be there soon! i can't wait to try out this new coffee place!
You smiled and sent back your quick reply, letting her know you were going to head downstairs touching up your makeup quickly as you looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled back at your reflection, seeing the glow and fullness starting to come back to your face, the circles under your eyes slowly disappearing more and more everyday.
Grabbing your purse off the kitchen counter and sliding on your shoes you got ready to leave your apartment, heading out the door and locking the door behind you, jiggling the handle to endure it was locked before turning on your heel to head out. You go to reach for the elevator button, but it dings as it announces its arrival and you step out of the way, allowing whatever neighbor to have a clear path to their apartment. Instead, you're met with a pair of familiar green eyes.
Thanks for reading! Comments/feedback is always encouraged and that way I can let you know when the next part is up!!
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myherowritings · 4 years
Three in the Morning
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— You’ve missed your best friend after not seeing him for over a week. To fix that problem, you show up at his window at three in the morning to fill the Iwaizumi-shaped void in your heart.
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x reader word count: 2.9k genre: college/university au, fluff warnings: intoxication (reader is tipsy hghfjsd), jealous reader at one point, cuddling in bed, tooth-rotting fluff
a/n: written for bnha sanctuary one prompt haikyuu collab! :D a bunch of writers wrote their take on the same prompt “it’s 3am why are you outside my window” and this is the fic i came up with based on it! check out the other amazing fics here u won’t regret it ;) xx sof
「 hq masterlist 」
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Walking around in the middle of the night just the slightest bit tipsy wasn’t the smartest thing you’ve done in your whole college career, but you could safely say it wasn’t the dumbest— Not that it was something you should be proud of.
You and your roommates had just gotten home from a party and, for some odd reason, you had the sudden urge to see one of your best friends, Iwaizumi Hajime, right at that very moment. He had been studying for midterms all week and you weren’t able to hang out with each other like you normally did, causing a Iwaizumi-shaped void that you wanted to fill. (In a strictly platonic way, of course.) 
And when you were half-sleep deprived, half-inebriated, it wasn’t uncommon for you to be rather...impulsive. From ordering too much takeout from any “open 24-hour” restaurant within a five mile radius, to uploading a video of you trying to come up with the perfect pasta recipe, you’ve done a handful of bizarre things during the ungodly hours of the night. But even you weren’t sure what was going on through your mind that convinced you sneaking out of your apartment and heading to Iwaizumi’s nearby was the best course of action while still slightly intoxicated. 
The clock on your phone read that it was only a quarter ‘til three and you quickly shrugged on a jacket and sent Iwaizumi a sloppy “i’m omw iwaaaachann” text before stepping foot outside your door, making sure to shut it silently as to not awaken your roommates who had just fallen asleep. 
As you made your way through your apartment complex, the thought briefly crossed your mind that Iwaizumi might be sleeping at the moment, especially since he had just finished his midterm exams, but you shrugged it off. You would cross that hurdle when you got there. 
And so, when you finally—through some miracle from above—arrived at Iwaizumi’s in one piece, you weren’t sure what else to do other then stare at his half cracked open window. Since he lived on the second floor, it wasn't uncommon for him to leave a window open for air to come through during the hot seasons. 
“Iwaizumi!” you yelled in a quiet whisper, hoping the wind would carry your words into his apartment for you. 
When you received no reply, you pulled our your phone and began to message him. Although Iwaizumi liked to pretend he was an unsentimental guy who didn’t have time to deal with others’ bullshit, it was obvious that was false. He cared a lot about everyone, especially his friends. Maybe even too much. And one of the ways he showed he secretly cared was always having his phone on full ringer in case anyone needed help in the middle of the night— Something that was surprisingly quite common when you were friends with the chaos that was Oikawa.
Would it be mean to use that knowledge to your own advantage and spam Iwaizumi until he replied? 
But in your defense, you were practically having an emergency only he could help with. You desperately needed your Iwaizumi fix after not having seen him in over a week and there was no one better to help you that problem than Iwaizumi himself. 
Besides, texting him until he wakes up would be better than Romeo-and-Julieting this and climbing in through his window. Trying to scale a building while tipsy was too idiotic, even for you.
Y/N: are u awakeee?
Y/N: wakey wakey 
Y/N: i miss u :(
Y/N: i’m outside ur window wink wonk
Y/N: iwaaa >.>
There was a cacophonous sound of loud text chimes ringing one after the other followed by a deep grunt and stretching sound. You pictured Iwaizumi blearily getting out of bed and checking his phone that he kept across the room (to minimize at-night screen time, he claimed) with a heavy-lidded look on his face. 
After a few seconds of unidentifiable shuffles, you heard a strangled cry of, “What the—?!” before you saw the shadow of his head through the window screen. 
“Y/N?” he asked incredulously, voice still rough and scratchy from having just been awakened. 
You waved, beaming wildly. “Iwaizumi!” 
There was a deep sigh as he cracked the glass open even wider. “It’s three in the morning— Why are you outside my window?” He peered down at you almost stumbling on the spot. “And are you drunk?”
“Barely,” you assured, though you still felt a slight buzz in your fingertips. “I missed you so I came here.” 
“I— What? I mean— Huh?” he demanded, visible confusion in his tone. He rubbed his forehead before correcting himself. “I mean I miss you too. But it’s three in the morning! You couldn’t wait to miss me in a few hours instead?” 
You didn’t know whether to pout because he didn’t grow some Rapunzel hair and let you climb it up to the window and fall into his open arms like you’d imagined, or cheer because he said he missed you too. Blissfully, you chose the latter. “You miss me?” 
“Is that really all you heard?” said Iwaizumi with a snort before shaking his head in defeat. “Come up here. I’ll unlock the door for you.” 
Your face lit up instantly as you nodded, bounding up the stairs of his apartment building and meeting with him face-to-face at his doorstep. 
He had his arms folded over his chest as he waited for you at the entrance and, though he had tired circles under his eyes and still seemed half-asleep, was looking as attractive as ever. Not even the white polka dots on his pajama shorts could talk away from that fact. If anything, it made him all the more adorable. 
“Iwa-chan!” you greeted excitedly, but still careful as to make sure you weren’t loud enough to wake up his roommate. You opened your arms out and he begrudgingly accepted your embrace. (Well, he tried to seem begrudging at least. But you saw his hidden smile as you nestled your chin on his shoulder.) “I missed you.”
“You said that already, dumbass,” he said with a tsk. He patted the top of your head before pulling away from your hug promptly. “You’re cold. Have you been standing outside for long?” 
Pursing your lips, you looked up at him in confusion. “I don’t feel cold.” 
“Because you’re too drunk to register it, probably.” With his warm hand on the small of your back, Iwaizumi ushered you inside and shut the door behind you. “Let’s go to my room so we don’t wake up my roommate, yeah?”
Having visited his place so many times before, you knew it like it was your own apartment— Disregard the fact that your apartments had almost the same exact layout since you lived in the same complex. After sliding off your shoes at the entrance, you led the way to his room with Iwaizumi following closely behind you. 
“Did you go to a party tonight?” he asked, eyes trailing down your body that was clad in an oversized t-shirt and fuzzy socks. Iwaizumi took a seat on his bed and patted the spot next to him for you to join. 
Laughing at his puzzled expression, you nodded. “Yeah, but I went to my place to change and get ready for bed,” you explained. “Tried sleeping but I missed you too much and wanted to see your face.”
You climbed onto the mattress with him and wiggled around until you found a comfy spot. The comfy spot happened to be side-by-side with Iwazumi, your back against the wall and cold thigh pressed against his warm one. You rested your head on his shoulder and he lazily drew circles onto your knee with the pad of his thumb. 
Intimacy like this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for the two of you— That’s just how things were. He was warm and comfy and good at cuddling, and you liked that. 
It could maybe be considered just normal friendship things you two did with everyone if it weren’t for the fact that Iwaizumi wasn’t typically comfortable with physical touch from anyone other than you. And maybe if you also ignored that you weren’t too keen on the thought of him one day being this close to anyone else. If truth be told, you didn’t like the thought of that at all. 
With a small huff, you hooked your left arm with Iwaizumi’s right, hugging his bicep to you in an almost clingy manner. 
“You good?” he asked, lightly chuckling as he looked down at you gripping onto his side. “Or something troubling you?”
You hummed unsure how to answer. There wasn’t enough alcohol in your system for you to completely spill your guts with know remorse, though being tipsy did greatly increase your likelihood of being loose-lipped. “I’m just thinking about someone else being with you like this.” 
Iwaizumi stiffened, shoulders tensing ever so slightly before he quickly relaxed his muscles again. He prompted gruffly, throat so tight it came out as a murmur, “And?” 
“I don’t like it.” 
He let out a sharp chuckle. “I see.” 
Out of the corner of your eye you saw a smile on his face and you continued on. “You’ve been studying a lot with Sasaki-san lately.”
“Hmm. Have I?” 
You nodded. “You have your biomechanics class with her, right?” 
“Yeah. I guess we studied for the exam together for a few nights.” 
There was a funny feeling in your stomach at the thought of him spending his nights studying with someone that then spiraled to you picturing them being compatible and falling in love and spending the rest of their lives together. You winced, trying to shake it off. You were one of his best friends; it’s not like you had the right to feel that way.
“She’s really pretty,” you said, hoping it would prompt him to talk more about her. Even if you had no right, you still wanted to know—
By now, the laughter Iwaizumi was struggling to hold in bubbled out of his mouth, cutting you off mid-thought. His shoulders bounced up and down and you reluctantly sat up from your position resting on top of him to give him a look of confusion.
“Why are you laughing at me?” you pouted. Your eyebrows were furrowed and the corners of your lips were quirked down, cheeks slightly puffed. 
He nudged your side gently with his elbow. You nudged him back, but moved away before he could retaliate and start a nudge war. “Because you sound jealous and it’s funny.”
“I didn’t say I was jealous.”
“I didn’t say you said that.” 
“I’m not jealous,” you corrected.
“Now that’s debatable.” 
Your cheeks flooded with heat, grabbing a pillow off the head of Iwaizumi’s bed to hide the embarrassed look on your face, seconds away from throwing it at him if he started to laugh any louder. You huffed. You were not jealous. There was no way. You just didn’t like imagining one of your best friends with another person doing coupley things that you only wanted him to do with you. But that definitely wasn’t jealousy. 
(Okay, fine. You were jealous. But you couldn’t admit that to Iwaizumi.)
“That’s just your lack of sleep talking,” you sulked, lying down on his bed with a pillow still over your face. “Go to sleep now.” 
“I was asleep. Until someone showed up at my window unannounced and woke me up.” 
“They sound annoying.” 
He barked out a laughter and you felt the weight on the bed shift. The compressed springs near your feet where Iwaizumi sat released its tension before you felt a dip beside you. You held your breath, the warmth from Iwaizumi’s body radiating onto yours.
While sleeping in the same bed together wasn’t as common as just cuddling, it wasn’t something that was exactly rare. There were times when you came over to watch movies or a television series with him until you both passed out on his bed. And other times when he was feeling stressed or you were feeling sad and neither of you wanted to sleep alone. You knew if you called, he would invite you in. And it was the same if he came to you. 
But that didn’t make your heart beat any less rapidly as you waited in anticipation for Iwaizumi to get under the sheets with you. No matter how many times you fell asleep together, that didn’t stop the rush of nerves and tense air of awkwardness from flooding the room. However, it took just one touch to break the ice and before you knew it, you were snuggling up next to him in complete contentment.
“They’re not annoying,” he said firmly, large hand resting on the curve of your hip. “Actually, I’m glad they showed up even though it was three in the morning and I was running on two hours of sleep from the previous day.” You winced at his words, the alcohol gone from your system by now and you realized the insensitivity of your actions. Still, your stomach fluttered when he said he was glad to see you. “Because I missed them too.” 
You blinked slowly. “You’re talking about me right?”
Through the moonlight from the window, you saw him roll his eyes with a grin. “Is there anyone else you think I’d let into my bed at this hour?” 
He considered it. “Well, maybe. But it wouldn’t so much be me letting him than him weaseling his way in.” 
You nodded solemnly, as if it made perfect sense. Because it did. “Fair enough. He’s the only other person I’d let into my bed like this too,” you admitted, earning a laugh out of the both of you. “Well, besides Oikawa then, there’s no one else you’d sleep with like this?”
“There hasn’t been since we started college. I doubt there would be anyone to change that. Nor would I want anyone to.” 
For the second time tonight, you felt heat rise to your cheeks and had the sudden urge to turn the other way and stare at the wall instead of Iwaizumi. But he held you tight by the waist so you couldn’t wiggle your way out of his grasp— Which did not, at all, help with the flaming face situation. 
He only wanted you? There was a euphoric feeling in your chest when you realized he felt that way, and you felt the same. 
“Someone’s bold tonight,” you managed to choke out, softly pressing your shaky fingers to the center of Iwaizumi’s chest. You felt the outlines of his toned pectorals beneath your palm and you had to remind yourself to keep on breathing.
“It’s from the lack of sleep. Sorry.” He didn’t sound apologetic. In fact, he seemed the opposite of apologetic when he brought you almost imperceptibly closer to him. If you weren’t so aware of the spatial distance (or lack thereof) between the two of you, there was no way you would have noticed. But you did. And you didn’t mind it. “I don’t have my usual filter.”
“Maybe I like you like this,” you said without missing a beat. Your initial reaction was to be embarrassed about the words that just left your mouth, but when you saw his growing smile, you felt a rush of assurance coursing through you. “I always like you, I suppose.”
“Like me?” he prompted, almost teasingly. “In what way?”
You gulped. Was this Iwaizumi being flirty? 
Sure, it wasn’t uncommon for him to compliment you and occasionally play around— But if you thought your heart would ever be ready for him to actually flirt, you certainly thought wrong. You weren’t ready at all.
“L-Lots of ways,” you stammered out. “But in particular, the ‘I think you’re cute and I maybe want to date you’ way.” 
“Funny.” His voice was a low whisper that rasped in your ear. “I think I like you in that way too.”
“You think?”
“I know.” 
“Huh. Well, if we both like each other in that way…maybe we should…” you trailed off, feelings of timidness suddenly overcoming you. “You know…” 
“Date?” he supplied with a knowing grin. You nodded bashfully. “Tomorrow.” There was an air of promise and sincerity in his tone. “Let’s get some sleep and then when we wake up we can go on our first date.” 
Tranquility spread through your veins as you let out a happy sigh, your muscles growing lax at your calmed state. Although your heart was beating out of your chest at the prospect of actually dating Iwaizumi, his comforting embrace was enough to lull you into sleep. Your senses were flooded with him—his touch, his smell, the quiet sound of his steady breathing—and you realized there was no other place you’d rather be. 
“Are you sure you won’t be too tired from exams?” you said before sleep overtook the both of you. “And from me waking you up in the middle of the night? Which…sorry for that again, by the way.”
“Don’t apologize. It was worth it,” he mumbled, lips brushing against your forehead as your eyelids fluttered shut. “I’ll always be here when you need me. Even if it’s at three in the morning.” 
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queenshelby · 3 years
My Friend’s Father (Part Seven)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap, Smut
Words: 4,498
I have decided to make this into a series.
Alright, no judgment. This was a dream of mine and I felt like I had to write it down. Everyone in this Fic is over the age of 18 and this Fic is in no way based on Cillian’s real family life. It’s pure filth.
Throughout the entire night, you couldn’t help but think about Cillian. You dreamed about the kiss you shared, the touch of his hands on your face and even the scent of his skin.
You knew you shouldn’t think this way about your best friend’s father but it was something you couldn’t control even though you were angry with him.
But there was one person you who you were even more angry with and this was Connor, the man you were actually dating.
You got up early that morning to confront Connor about his behaviour at the art gallery opening and the truth was that you were pretty much done with him. You never had feelings for him in the first place and the truth was that he had simply become a distraction for you. You wanted to distract yourself from having taken a liking in your best friend’s father which, in itself, you knew was wrong.
Connor embarrassed you in front of your friends and Cillian was right when he said that he was acting controlling, even though you didn’t want to hear it, especially not from him.
You knew you had to end it and you knew that it wasn’t going to be a difficult task for you. You had always been a strong woman and you didn’t want to be with someone like that and, just when you arrived at Connor’s house you took a deep breath and did what had to be done.
‘It’s your loss Y/N’ were his words when you eventually left his house after a ten minute conversation but you didn’t feel like you had lost anything. In fact, you’ve gained something and that was experience in standing up for yourself.
Just after you encounter with Connor that morning, you went to have breakfast with Denise and her friends at the G Hotel in Galway.
They were all staying at the five-star hotel, courtesy of Denise’s father who had organised the weekend for Denise for her birthday and as a reward for her achievements after she had worked so hard on her project.
‘Happy Birthday’ you said as you greeted her and the others and Denise immediately told you off for being too loud as her head was pounding. It was obvious to you that she was rather hungover from the night the before.
‘You had too much champaign, huh?’ you giggled before handing her the present you had bought for her.
You usually didn’t spend much money on each other for birthdays but, since she was your best friend, you had spent a few hours’ worth in wages and gotten her something meaningful.
She was collecting vintage tea-cups and you had recently found a beautiful Royal Dalton set in a second-hand shop which you knew she would adore.
‘This is absolutely beautiful, thank you so much’ Denise said as she unwrapped it before hugging you gently.
‘You are welcome. I knew you would like it’ you said with a warm smile and, just as you did and sat down next to her, your mobile phone went off.
You received a text message from a number that was unfamiliar to you and when you opened it, you were none the wiser.
‘It was good to see you’ the message said and you were rather confused by it. You had some job interviews recently and wondered whether this was sent by one of the interviewers. Or perhaps someone from university, you wondered?
‘What is it?” Denise asked as she saw the look of confusion on your face when you glanced at your phone.
‘Someone just send me a message saying that it was good to see me’ you chuckled before explaining to her that you didn’t know the number.
‘Maybe it is this guy from university you were talking about a few weeks back? You know, the lecturer in the science department?’ Denise wondered before suggesting to you that you should text back and ask for a name, but you already knew it wouldn’t be him. There was no way he would have your number and you certainly were no longer interested in getting to know him after you had found out that he was married.
You texted back to the unknown number, enquiring who this was and, within a couple of seconds, your phone went off again and you almost choked on your coffee.
‘Cillian’ the message read and you quickly changed the angle of your phone so that Denise wouldn’t see it.
‘And? Who is it?’ she asked while trying to look at your phone.
‘Uhm…just a guy I met a few weeks ago…I ran into him again yesterday morning and I totally forgot about it…’ you stammered quickly but Denise didn’t buy a word you were saying.
‘You forgot?’ she giggled, winking at you as she did and your cheeks blushed almost instantly. ‘Well, he obviously didn’t and you must have given him your number for a reason. Is he hot? What’s he like? I need to know everything…’ she went on to say as, suddenly, without you haven’t sent anything back to Cillian, you received yet another text message from him.
‘For what its’s worth, you looked beautiful’ the next text read and you couldn’t help but smile as you continued to sip on your cup of coffee and Denise most certainly noticed the look on your face and asked you what he said.
‘Just that I looked nice’ you stammered, feeling awful about lying to her about who texted you but there was no way that you could have told her that it was, in fact, her father who you were texting with.
‘Uh, he likes you’ Denise then giggled before carrying on. ‘Well, since you ditched Connor now, you should go and meet up with him and have some fun. After Connor’s one-off ten-minute performance, I have no doubt that you really need it’ Denise said and, just as she did, the conversation across the breakfast table took a turn. Like so often, it now was all about sex and you realised that dissatisfaction was a common occurrence in women your age.
‘I believe that the whole talk about the female g-spot is load of rubbish. It’s a myth’ Amalie observed eventually after everyone across the table complained about the lovers that they had.
It was at this point that you mentally checked out from the conversation and, whilst you thought about the one pleasurable experience you had in your life when it came to sex, you certainly didn’t want to talk about it in front of Denise. Especially not Denise.
Instead of engaging in talks about vibrators and the male anatomy, you decided to respond to Cillian’s text messages after you had received yet another one, telling you that he was sorry. Clearly, he was desperate to hear from you.
‘I see, you kept my note?’ you responded quickly, ignoring his compliments and apologies, and, just moments after you sent it, you received a response from him.
‘Kept it in my wallet. Can we meet?’ Cillian asked and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes just before you received yet another message from him which read ‘BTW this is not a booty call. I just want to talk with you. Please.’
His message made you laugh but you agreed to meet him nonetheless.
‘I have an apartment at the Docks. Can you come there?’ Cillian asked in his next text message.  
‘Alright. How does 4 o’clock sound? Text me your address’ you texted back and it wasn’t long until Cillian sent you the address of his apartment.
‘And?’ Denise asked as she watched you text with the mysterious stranger and you simply blushed again and responded with a short and somewhat embarrassed ‘nothing’.
‘Oh common, tell me Y/N. I am your best friend’ she then said and you confirmed that you would quickly meet up with him this afternoon before Denise’s birthday dinner.
‘Oh la la, you are having a date’ Denise then said somewhat excitedly.
‘We are just catching up to talk Denise. It’s not a date’ you then said.
‘Sure…whatever you say Y/N’ she then said sarcastically which is when, finally, she backed off and you received yet another text message from Cillian.
‘Looking forward to see you, xx’ it read and your heart skipped a beat pretty much then and there.
After you went home to have a shower and get changed into some nice jeans and a black shirt as well as some nice lingerie (just in case) you made your way to Cillian’s apartment.
You parked around the corner and walked the rest of the way just to be sure that no one would see your car being parked there.
‘Jesus’ you said somewhat surprised when you walked into the lobby of the apartment building and took the elevator to the top floor after Cillian had buzzed you inside. You had never been to a building like this. It was luxurious and right on the harbour.
When you arrived on the top floor, Cillian already waited for you, glancing through the door of his apartment.
‘Wow, these are some good views. Do you own this place?’ you observed as you stepped inside and set your purse on the desk by the door.
‘Yeah, bought it a few years ago’ Cillian said as you began to shrug off your jacket, but Cillian came up from behind you, and caught your hands. You looked down at your hands, noticing that yours dwarfed in his. They were warm and soft.
‘Let me take this for you’ he said like a gentleman and you were somewhat surprised by his gesture. This was not something you were used to but you liked it, a lot.
‘You know, I didn’t expect that you would text me, especially not after last night. So, what is it that you want to talk about?’ you asked nervously and, just as you did, Cillian cut straight to the chase.
‘I wanted to tell you, in person, that I am sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have lectured you about this guy who you are seeing and the truth is that, yes, I was jealous and I know that I had no right to be jealous and for that I am also sorry. I should have acted differently, especially knowing that you are my daughter’s best friend’ he admitted just before you cut him off.
‘Well, for what its worth, I ended it with Connor this morning because I think you were right about him’ you said with a nervous smile, causing Cillian to cock an eyebrow.
‘I can’t say that I am not happy about that’ he said jokingly before continuing on. ‘But, regardless of this, I think that we need to talk about how we move forward from what happened between us for Denise’s sake’ he then said, causing you to nod.
‘Yeah’ you then said somewhat disappointed before building up your strength in order to say something else. ‘The thing is, Cillian, I know what I want. I just think that you don’t’ you said, cheeks blushing.
‘And what is that you want Y/N?’ Cillian asked curiously as if he didn’t already know the answer to his question.
‘You’ you then admitted and, just as you did, Cillian’s hands caressed your face and he pulled you close and kissed you yet again.
The kiss was slow and passionate and, unlike the night before, you allowed yourself to give into it until, eventually, your lips drifted apart.
‘Are you sure Y/N? Because, I am much older than you and you probably have better offers with more assurances that I simply cannot offer you’ Cillian then asked as he was standing directly in front of you and held you against his body.
‘The fact that you are older actually turns me on’ you admitted before pressing your lips onto his again and then pulling away. You adored his wrinkles and greying hair and you were surprised that he had no idea how attractive he actually was.
‘But what is it that you want Cillian?’ you then asked as you felt his firm chest against you while his warm breath fanned against your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
‘Honestly, I don’t know Y/N. I have never been so fucking confused in my life’ he explained reluctantly, not knowing where to place the feelings he had built for you. You were over twenty years younger than him and his daughter’s friend and this clearly bothered him. He knew that this wasn’t something he could easily overcome.
‘Well, I am confused too but I like you, a lot’ you admitted, also unsure about what this was that you were feeling for him but, what you knew was that you wanted to give whatever this was a chance. You were curious and you were filled with desire for this man standing there right in front of you.
‘And I need to know that you feel the same and that this isn’t going to be just another mistake you are making because, if you are going to walk away after we have sex, then I am not up for it’ you then explained, wanting to ensure that he wouldn’t pull away from you this time.
‘No more mistakes Y/N. I like you and I want this’ Cillian whispered as he pressed his lips firmly right under your ear, slowly kissing down your neck.
‘I want you’ he then said as his breath tickled your skin and the firmness of his kiss made your stomach flip.
‘Then that’s good enough for me’ you huffed out in a laboured breath and just, as you did, Cillian used his hands to spin you around, causing you to face away from him.
Then, his hands dropped to your waist where his fingers gently edged themselves under the hem of your shirt, barely touching your skin. His lips moved, and he left a trail of kisses down your shoulder and towards your arm.
‘I knew this was a booty call’ you teased as you couldn't help but move against him.
‘Do you want to stop?’ he asked as your hips rocked and shifted while he gently brushed his fingers against your skin.
‘Hell no’ you giggled before you lifted your arms and he began to pull your shirt up.
You felt like you were performing some secret dance that we both knew, but that you'd never realised you'd known.
Cillian lifted your shirt inch at a time up off you, and let it fall to the floor. He sighed in satisfaction as he looked down at your breasts.
‘Why are you so fucking perfect?’ Cillian asked and you opened your mouth to answer but it came out as a sigh as his hands tightened around your waist.
‘Let’s take this off’ Cillian said determined as one of his hands inched up towards your breast, and he squeezed it gently. Then, his hands came away from you, and unsnapped your bra.
You practically shook it off of you, and then dropped your hands to your jeans. You needed his hands back on you again as soon as possible and turned to watch him as you kicked your shoes off and shoved down your jeans, your underwear coming with them.
‘Eager, are we?’ Cillian chuckled as he quickly began to undress himself as well after you had given him a look full of hunger and anticipation.
‘We are short of time’ you said as you were momentarily distracted by the sight of him unbuttoning his shirt, but you hurried to kick off the fabric wrapped around your ankles.
‘We’ve got at least two and a half hours Y/N’ Cillian then said as you finally stood there in front of him completely naked.
‘Exactly’ you chuckled as Cillian was still fighting with the buttons on his shirt, and you grabbed the fabric of it and pulled him against you, crushing your mouth against his.
Cillian made love to your mouth with his lips and his tongue. He was firm, slow, and demanding.
You breathed together, tasted together. He dragged a soft moan from your mouth with a caress of his lips. He explored you, letting his tongue run along the roof of your mouth. Your teeth crashed. He sucked your tongue into his mouth, and your stomach clenched and you let out an embarrassingly desperate sound.
Before your first night with Cillian, you'd never been kissed like this. The kisses you shared were more intimate and more sensual than anything you'd ever experienced in your life.
As you were kissing, you finally managed to unbutton his shirt and shoved it open. Your hands ran up and down his chest, exploring his toned body all the while he was relentless in his kiss. His arms wrapped around you, one hand pressing into the small of your back, and the other working his fingers into your hair.
With a small tug of your hair, he pulled your face away from him.
‘I could kiss you all day Y/N, but you said that we are short of time so you better get onto the bed’ he winked and you snaked your arms around his neck and kissed him while he walked you back into his bedroom and towards the bed.
As you were moving towards the bed, he fought with his belt and his pants all while his lips never left yours.
You shuffled awkwardly backwards until the backs of your knees hit the bed, forcing you to sit down. You kept your arms behind you to prop yourself up, smiling as you watched him finish undressing. He was just gorgeous and so goddamn perfect.
‘You are so sexy, you know that?’ you said full of desire while you watched as he pushed his pants down, kicking them off his ankles and standing in front of you completely naked, and... Sweet. Baby. Jesus…your mouth watered at the sight of his hard cock.
‘So are you’ he winked and, just as he did, you met his eyes again after having stared at his cock for a little while. That terrifying intense stare was back, and he looked like he was going to eat you alive. For all you knew, he would.
Without breaking eye contact, Cillian bent down and went to his knees at the foot of the bed, grabbed your legs, and pulled you closer to him, spreading your legs wide as he did so.
‘Lay back’ he ordered and you couldn’t help but bite your lip in anticipation.
‘What are you going to do to me?’ you asked as he was still staring at you. A slow smile graced his face.
‘I am going to make love to you with my tongue until you cum’ Cillian smirked and the idea of his face between your legs made your breath catch.
‘Oh, Sweet Jesus’ you moaned as he let go of one of your legs and put a hand on your shoulder. He pushed you back and then he lowered his lips to you.
Sweet bliss washed over you in an instant. You gasped, and moaned, and shivered. Cillian lapped at you like you were the sweetest treasure he'd ever put in his mouth. A slow, deep rumble from his chest travelled straight into your body through his lips, shaking you to your core. His tongue dove inside you, exploring you. He sucked on the lips of your sex, and the circled his tongue around your clit, sending powerful shocks of pleasure straight to your centre.
He was building you up to something big. Something beautiful.
He eased off right before you exploded, and you cried out.
‘Cillian, don't stop, please’ you moaned and, just as you began to plead with him, his fingers began to gently run through your wet slit.
‘Don’t worry, I won’t’ he said as he slowly pushed two of his fingers inside you before his tongue resumed its work on your clit.
Curling his fingers slightly upwards, he reached an unfamiliar spot deep inside you and, as soon as he reached this spot, you cried out in pleasure.
‘Oh god, fuck, Cillian’ you moaned as his fingers began to gently thrust in and out of you while he made love to you with his tongue.
With his skilled tongue and fingers working you, it didn’t take you long to reach an orgasm. Your legs began to shake almost violently as a wave of pleasure erupted through your body and your walls tightened around Cillian’s fingers.
When you finally came down from your high, Cillian stood up, pushed his hands against your hips, and slid you farther onto the bed.
‘You sound so fucking sexy when you cum like this, without having to hold back’ Cillian observed as he climbed onto the bed. He crawled towards you like a wolf stalking his prey.
‘I want you inside me, please…I am aching for your cock’ you moaned, spurring him on and, without losing any time he spread your legs wide and pressed the head against your slit, gently working the tip in and out, teasing you.
‘Oh god, please, stop teasing’ you whimpered, trying to wiggle against him. You wanted to feel all of him so badly.
‘Be patient, we will get there’ he whispered, and leaned forward so his arms were on either side of your face.
You felt him push a little deeper into you.
‘Oh god yes’ you gasped and winced and Cillian tilted his head and took your mouth with his, kissing you slowly as he rocked in and out. His lips and his tongue matched the pace of his thrusts, and you felt overwhelmed with desire as he slid deeper and deeper inside of you.
‘Fuck you feel so good Y/N’ Cillian groaned as he stretched you and pushed you until he was all the way in, and he pulled his mouth away from yours just long enough to let out a string of curses before he took your mouth again.
You couldn't breathe. Everything about him was amazing. The way he felt inside you was just perfect.
He held your head firmly in place as he kissed you, thrusting into you and grinding his hips so that he hit every single spot you didn't even know you had. Right as you were nearing your climax, he pulled all the way out and pushed himself off of you, pausing to catch his breath.
‘No…don’t stop…I was so close’ you whimpered.
‘Don’t worry, I am not done with you yet but I do enjoy teasing you’ he gasped and you could tell that he enjoyed edging you which is something no other man you have been with had ever done to you before. Unlike them, Cillian had amazing self-control which you thought might come with age.
Almost an hour later, after he edged you numerous times and made you change positions on several occasions, you ended up with Cillian on top of you once again. He slid back inside you, resuming his relentless pace. With every thrust, he ground his pelvis against your clit, and with only a few careful movements of his hips, you exploded in pleasure around him. There was no way you could have held back any longer as waves of heat and ice crashed onto you, and you fought to breathe through the intensity of your orgasm.
‘Fuck Y/N’ Cillian groaned shortly thereafter, feeling your walls contract around his shaft. He collapsed forward onto you, and you could feel him pulsing inside you and filling you with rope after rope of his warm cum.
You loved the feeling of him cuming inside you and his breath was hot against your neck, and he kissed your neck and your mouth again as he pulled back and out of you, giving you a chance to breathe.
‘Cillian’ you whispered, barely able to speak even after five minutes had passed since you came down from your high.
‘Yes Beautiful?’ he said, and moved slightly so he could wrap his lips around your nipple. He sucked and tongued at it, and pulled at it with his teeth.
‘Careful’ you laughed, and shifted under him slightly. ‘I’m super sensitive now’ you said.
‘I certainly hope so’ he murmured. ‘Although, I am not done with you yet. We still have an hour before dinner’ he smirked and your eyes widened immediately.
‘Oh really?’ you asked surprised and, when you looked down on him, you noticed that his cock was already hardening again just after a short five minutes of relaxation.
‘Really’ Cillian then chuckled as he rolled you onto your stomach, spreading your legs and crouching behind you.
Without losing any time, he lined himself up with your entrance and pushed back inside of you, eliciting a loud groan.
After doing you from behind for what felt like forever, he'd hauled you up into his lap and made love to you with his arms around you and our foreheads pressed together. You'd watched his eyes widen and roll back in his head as he came inside you again just after you reached your own high as well.
He then kissed you as he slowly pulled out of you, and then carried you in his arms like a bride into the bathroom where he'd showered you, washed your hair and your body, and treated you to another mind-blowing orgasm with his fingers.
‘I am fucking sore Cillian’ you huffed out as you were standing in front of the mirror and retouched your make up with a white towel wrapped around your body. You had only limited supplies with you in your handbag but were somewhat lucky that Denise had kept a few items in one of the bathrooms in the three-bedroom apartment.
‘I am sorry’ he then said as he stepped behind you and applied some more aftershave before kissing your neck.
‘Are you?’ you asked, looking back at him before pressing a gentle kiss on his lips.
‘Not really’ he then smirked before buttoning up his shirt.
You knew that you couldn’t arrive at the dinner together and, after you got ready, you decided to walk to the restaurant first so that Cillian would allow you a ten-minute head start.
But walking was difficult in itself and Cillian had a slight chuckle when he watched you waddle out of his apartment.
Your core was stinging but it was defiantly worth it.
   Tag List:
@lilymurphy03@deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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