#wasn't totally there while writing
there's a moment in lesson 45 of nightbringer where mc falls off a thing (again?? is this foreshadowing?? i'm going to rule-of-three this and wait to see if it happens again) and satan tries and fails to grab their hand to catch them, but now i'm imagining the same thing happening with satan and ik except he does succeed, but it's her right hand and the prosthetic just POP comes straight off
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
This Alenoaheather AU is bringing me an unholy amount of serotonin and I love it- I’m still just now discovering it and I wish I knew about it sooner😭😭 But question if I may!
So, by the time Noah gets eliminated, where would you say his relationship lies with Alejandro and Heather? Like, does he leave the competition like, “You both tried to play each other, but I ended up playing the both of you, L” Like does he just think that Alejandro and Heather only romantically like each other, and he was just their attempt at emotionally manipulating one another, or does he at least have an idea that they potentially may feel romantically towards him? Honestly I’m just curious about how his elimination would play out between the three of them-
I'm glad other people are enjoying this AU as much as I am. Me and Perp are slowly spreading our Alenoaheather propaganda and it's working.
It's been established that Noah's elimination in this AU will take place at some point in the early post-merge game, probably either China or the Serengeti (though Niagara Falls might work too. We haven't exactly touched on how each challenge can/will play out since this whole concept has been put on the backburner), which gives his dynamic with Heather and Alejandro time to blossom from the initial double fake dating ploy into something more genuine.
Well before his elimination, Noah's been caught in his double-crossing ways; or to be more accurate triple-crossing, since Noah initially decided to play along with both Heather and Alejandro's schemes with the intention of throwing them both under the bus (or at least reaping all of the benefits for himself). But, by the time his ploy is figured out, the three of them have developed genuine feelings for each other.
As such, Heather and Alejandro are hesitant to have him eliminated; sure Noah somehow managing to pull the wool over their eyes for as long as he did was infuriating, but it was also impressive. Like recognises like, and the two biggest schemers in the game can appreciate when they've been outplayed, aggravating as it is, especially when the person who bested them essentially used their own trickery against them. Also, though the two of them would never admit it, both Heather and Alejandro know that they'd honestly miss Noah's caustic company.
Of course, at this point in the competition Heather and Alejandro are still deep in their "rivalry" phase, so it takes the two of them a very convoluted and overcomplicated conversation to figure out that they both share the same sentiment concerning a certain cynic- since every encounter they have with each other is practically a game of backhanded compliments and dancing around the true meaning of their words. It takes even longer for them to come to an agreement, given how stubborn the both of them can be, but eventually they manage to co-operate.
Which is what leads to The Confrontation, the point in the story where the two fake dating plots merge into Heather and Alejandro putting aside their differences to rule the game together, utilizing Noah as their shared right hand man since he's shown a knack for strategy and subterfuge. After all, why would they want to get rid of the one person on the jet who's able to go toe-to-toe with them in terms of scheming, when they can instead keep him around as an accomplice?
At least, that's the excuse they both use. But the two of them internally can't deny that, even if it was all pretend, Noah wasn't a bad "boyfriend" by any means, and they genuinely enjoy his company. In turn, Noah's accepted that neither Heather nor Alejandro are as insufferable as he initially assumed, and that playing along with their grand plots is actually really fun. (And maybe he also likes the two of them, but Noah would never admit that.)
But there's a a whole cast's worth of people on the jet who the trio also have to consider in their plans; it would be super suspicious of all three of them if the flirting and Aleheather's animosity suddenly ceased. No matter how oblivious the rest of the competitors are, a sudden public change in their dynamic would be the equivalent of waving a huge red flag and screaming "hey, we're in an alliance, vote us out!" Very counterintuitive to their goal of winning the competition.
So the three of them resolve to act as they have been during challenges, and sneak off to the confessional when it's most convenient/feasible to do so, where they can plot and scheme away from the rest of the cast.
This means that, at least to everyone else in the game, Noah's still in this weird grey area where he's actively flirting with both Heather and Alejandro. Or, well, "flirting", since I imagine most of the advances would be initiated by the other party and Noah would play the part of the blushing damsel- or more accurately the begrudging but highly amused recipient, since I just can't conceptualise snarky, stoic Noah being the type to get flustered easily.
I imagine The Confrontation would happen somewhere around London timeline wise (it just feels like the most appropriate place to have a major shift in the plot happen, for obvious reasons), which would give the initial fake dating aspect of the AU time to run it's course without getting stale, and allow the three of them to establish their dynamic as a trio before the merge hits. It'd give Alenoaheather around five or six episodes worth of time to grow closer as a trio (from Greece's Pieces to Niagara Brawls, at least) and have their feelings grow and develop at a natural pace, to the point where they acknowledge that, perhaps, not all of the romantic tension between them is fake.
And then, of course, the Fake Cheating Arc happens. Noah's elimination is the catalyst for this section of the plot, which Perp and myself touched on pretty heavily in one of our reblog chains, and at this point in the story Alenoaheather are in a sort of vague kind-of-dating situation; the three of them know there's feelings there, but they're all more invested in the competition (and their manipulation of such) than trying to figure out what exactly is going on between them. Plus, World Tour takes place in 2010- concepts like polyamory weren't exactly common knowledge back then, so the three of them wouldn't have any basis of comparison for what their dynamic is/would be.
That, and the three of them are all fairly emotionally closed off, so getting them to admit genuine feelings for each other and show vulnerableness to anyone would be like pulling teeth. As it stands, they're fairly content to continue acting as a Trickster Trio, contented to leave whatever's going on between them unlabelled for the time being in favour of focusing their time and energy on winning the million. There's an unspoken understanding between the three of them; what they have is special, inconceptual and indescribable by mere words... which is mostly just an excuse for the three of them not to breach the subject, since they have the collective emotional intelligence of a spork.
That doesn't mean they don't love each other. Because they do, even if some of them (Heather and Alejandro) aren't exactly familiar with concepts like "unconditional love" and "loyalty/compassion for someone besides yourself" and "lowering your emotional walls and being the most genuine version of yourself in front of the people who care about you". It's a steep learning curve, but they're doing their best.
But that's besides the point; at this point in the plot, the trio are essentially a throuple in all but name at the point of Noah's elimination.
That's why his suggestion of playing off of his "cheating" is initially met with hesitance on Aleheather's part- they don't want the one person on the jet (besides each other) they actually care about to risk his reputation, but they also know that it's a strategically sound idea. There's a conflict of interest between their desire to win the competition by any means necessary, and the budding sense of empathy they've both began to develop as a result of their situationship.
Of course, they eventually agree to his plan, and then the whole Cheating Arc plays out as it's been explored previously.
Which means Noah's actual elimination ceremony is a very tense affair.
He's intentionally playing himself up as kind of a scumbag during it, since he wants both Heather and Alejandro to appear as sympathetic as possible to the remaining competitors, so the three of them stage an altercation during that day's challenge where Noah's caught out in his "cheating", and consequently "admits" that he's been playing the two of them and it's all ingenuine on his part, to direct the majority vote against him. It'd kill two birds with one stone that way; Noah gets himself eliminated without having to do much out of the ordinary, since he's already kind of an asshole so all he really has to do is play up that aspect of himself a little and lie about manipulating his partners, meanwhile Heather and Alejandro can reap the benefits of whatever brownie points they gain from being his "victims" by using their own manipulative prowess to adopt the role of the ex-villains, redeemed by their shared heartbreak. Or something equally melodramatic.
Noah doesn't really care about the specifics of it, he'll be long gone before his partners can start playing up their "betrayal and heartbreak", and then soon enough one of them will win the competition. And spoil him rotten with their money.
So, during the actual ceremony, Noah becomes persona non grata. No one wants to sit anywhere near him on the benches, and the remaining cast members form a protective wall between him and a distraught Heather, who sniffles back quiet tears every time her eyes wander too close to the cynic's slouching, impassive frame, and Alejandro who's sat eerily still and taut with disgraced fury, who's fiery green eyes haven't strayed from the burning glare he's shooting towards the bookworm.
Not that Noah's a stranger to receiving glares; the rest of the cast are also shooting him some downright murderous looks. Though he is impressed by his partners' acting abilities. He's also physically biting back pearls of laughter- the gritting of his teeth only serves to make him look unapologetically indignant, and thus more irredeemable in the eyes of their company- because every time Alejandro knows that no one's focus is on him, he sends his cerebral partner a cheeky wink and a smirk. The smug bastard.
Unsurprisingly, the vote is fairly unanimous. Chris doesn't even bother trying to raise suspense or tension by counting the votes, since the result is inevitable. That, and the atmosphere is already so tense and dramatic, the host is revelling in it. Chris even goes so far as complimenting Noah for outshining Duncan's cheating fiasco, showing the audience "what real relationship drama looks like", and maybe even congratulating Noah on almost being as heartless as he is.
He's escorted to the Drop of Shame, parachute backpack in tow, but before he can take the plunge he glances back at his audience. A raging sea of hostility greets him, but within the depths of animosity two shining beacons of light greet him. Alejandro and Heather shoot him a fleeting wave, the ghosts of smiles flickering across their features before they continue their flawless acts, but it's enough to reassure Noah that everything will be fine.
(Spoiler alert, things don't end up being fine for Noah.)
Of course this is all just an idea I'm spewing out. Nothing in this AU is set in concrete and it's always open to peer review or change. That's the beauty of public AUs; you can do whatever you want with them!
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twpsyn-who · 2 years
Thinking about Steve and Eddie waiting for the right time to propose to each other and they somehow do it at the same time.
And they don't know that the other wants to propose, nor do they tell the same people. Nancy and Jonathan know that Eddie wants to propose to Steve. Robin and Dustin know that Steve wants to propose to Eddie. The reason why Steve hasn't said anything to Nancy and Jonathan was because it felt a little bit weird to talk about it with your ex and her partner. On the other side Eddie KNEW neither Robin nor Dustin could keep a secret from Steve he didn't trust those two with the secret and Eddie really wanted to be special.
They chose the same place to propose, too - the Lover's Lake because that's where everything began and they wanted to give that day a good connotation. Steve and Dustin and Robin has worked hard for a character sheet for Steve ; it was literally Steve if everything they had gone through was part of a DnD campaign but with the difference that he was married to 'Eddie The Banished' (Steve planned to give the sheet to Eddie and wait until he got to the married part until he asked "If you would have me?" and get out the ring). Meanwhile Eddie and Nancy and Jonathan worked on this album full of photos with the party together over the years (the kids through high school + the graduation photos ; the photos from their trips around the state ; Steve with either Robin or Nancy and Jonathan or Eddie or the kids or the Byers or everyone ; little moments and random photos with caption like 'First time trying pineapple on pizza!!!' or 'First date without the kids around') with the last photo being of Steve and Eddie (the very first photo they took together) with the question "Will you marry me?" under it.
They looked over them at the same time. Stopped to fucking process what was going on. Look at each other like two idiots. They took the ring out at the same time and I don't know if they started laughing or crying or arguing over who would propose but I can guarantee the answer was yes from them both.
BONUS : Meanwhile Robin & Dustin meet with Nancy & Jonathan while hiding near the lake and they all do the Spider-Man meme while questioning each other what they were doing there. Everyone fucking face palmed when they came to the conclusion that those two were going to propose at the same time. Pure gold.
2 x BONUS : Somehow Max knew about it and said nothing because she thought it would be funny (and was 100% right)
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thoughts on toa
ok so everyone is doing this so imma do it too.
So when I first started reading toast I was like "lesters funny but he's kinda a drama king and thats annoying me a lil" but then,,, like- he started realizing "oH. I FUCKED UP A LIL AS A GOD" and once he started realizing that and acting on the idea that he needed to start being better, hE ACTUALLY BECAME SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER (not that he wasn't already but yk)
So like it kinda when like this
The hidden Oracle: Lester starts as a drama king and I didn't rlly like him too much at first. Like I would literally cringe every paragraph bc he was still in the "im a God and I'm better than u mortals" mindset which is probably why he annoyed me at first. But then he started realizing stuff like, "oh ya maybe that was my fault" example, Daphne and hyacinth. And then also realizing that everyone didn't love him, they just didn't disrespect him bc he could have smited them when he was a god
The dark prophecy: I liked this one a lot actually. Bc meg came back and it showed how much Lester loved her (as a sister) and also had Lester realize that he was kinda petty as a god and that he could have helped a lot more people. AND,,, THERE WAS A OLD LESBIAN COUPLE WHICH I LOVE (I can't remember their names T^T) NOT TO MENTION LEO CAME BACK!!! and the hunters of Artemis, I love them sm.
Burning maze: ...so- I already had spoilers for this one so everytime Callugulas (?) Or Jason's name came out I started tearing up thinking abt what was gonna happen. And Lester sacrificing himself was everything. Literally I was terrified but at the Sam time iT SHOWED SO MUCH GROWTH!!! But honestly I'm glad Jasper broke up bc it was so forced- AND GROVER!!! I LITERALLY SQUEALED WHEN GROVER SHOWED UP!!! and I love all of the dryads sm. And loved coach hedge as well. But honestly it was a rlly good read!! I mean in my opinion Rick is better at first person than 3rd tbh. And Piper slayed. I love her.
The tyrants tomb: ok, I'mma just be honest here, I cried the most during this book. Between Lester almost dying, all of the mentions of Jason, all of the minor characters that died, and everything else, my eyes literally stung by the time I finished reading- BUT DONS DEATH HAD ME BAWLING. I LITERALLY WAS CRYING MY EYES OUT. AND DAKOTA DIED TOO!! I LOVED HIS CHARACTER!!! oh and Artemis and Apollos reunion was SOOO sweet (yes I cried when that happened too). And frazel <33 AND OH MY GODS DON'T GET ME STARTED ON REYNA!!! I LOVED HER BEFORE TTT BUT SHE JUST GOT BETTER!!! I love her sm. And hazel as well!!! AND OH MY GODS (AGAIN) LAVINA!!! MY LIL PINK HAIRED LESBIAN! I LIVE FOR HER CHARACTER! and lavina x poison oak forever bc I love them. But Don 😭 I literally died inside when he died. And oh Hades, meg and her armed unicorns- that was everything- and Apollo seeing how his actions hurt other people like the silent god and the voice in the jar (I'm terrible at names sorry) was such a character arch as well.
Tower of Nero: I'm just gonna say it,the solangelo in this book gave me life. They were so CUTE. and the ....hat creatures (i can't spell their name) were hilarious ngl. AND RACHEL SAW THE BROOKLYN HOUSE AND ONE OF FELIX'S PENGUINS- I LITERALLY STARTED LAUGHING SO HARD DURING THAT SCENE- oh my gods and don't get me started on how much the python and Apollo scene scared me. I was like holy shit Apollos gonna die! Dues flash, he didn't but yk- and meg and Apollo were the best. AND LOU!!! OH MY GODS I LOVED HER!! and I feel bad for all of neros adopted kids :( but Apollo after he became a god again literally shocked me so much- like- he forgave his father!! That shocked me so so much but I was so proud of him 😭
Anyways overall, I loved this series so much. The characters were amazing,the plot was amazing, Apollos character arch was wonderfully written- and I just loved it.
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best-enemies · 1 year
Sure I have like a thousand wips but instead I just picked up my 2 year old wip that has over 10 chapters and nearly 100 pages worth of fic about Patience narrating how the Doctor was the worst husband she ever had (mind you. She married Rassilon) and picking up on clues that he might have cheated on her with the Master.
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themidnightcircusshow · 4 months
@heartofstanding tagged me in this meme months ago and unfortunately it took me this long to get to it because I had a mild crisis over how long it's been since I've read a novel, let alone one that I loved 😅 so this is nine of my favourite novels (not books, because if I included manga/short stories/comics/etc this would be giant)
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0The Picture of Dorian Gray -- Oscar Wilde// Pyrrhus-- Mark Merlis//The Scarecrow--Ronald Hugh Morrieson//Unnatural History--Kate Osman//Tunnels of Blood--Darren Shan//The Coffin Dancer--Jeffery Deaver//Hero--Perry Moore//Frankenstein--Mary Shelley//One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest-- Ken Kasey
#TPODG I feel like is obvious. But a genuinely hilarious book that is also poignant and tragic and so /so/ compelling#The more work you put into it the more you get out of it and I get so sad every time I see people#not wanting to look deeper than what's beyond the surface#Pyrrhus gets the extremely high honour of Greek Myth Retelling That is Actually Good#it's less about the Trojan War and more about the journey there set in the 1980s gay scene#the cursed spot that gets Philoctetes abandoned is an effective allegory right until the moment it isn't an allegory at all#and you should see the gut punch coming but somehow you don't#The Scarecrow is my Token Kiwi Representation and it's also the one that got me into the genre I now write almost exclusively#reading it feels like watching a cheesy low budget slasher that accidentally says some really interesting things about sexism and misogyny#(I say accidentally because it is the 20s and my tutor very loudly hated this book for being sexist)#(and I both totally agree and disagree because Prue is the prototypical final girl and needs an adaptation that does her justice)#Also the story of this novel's publication is freaking hilarious and why I will only write under a pseudonym because I would be next#Unnatural History is an exact blueprint of what I love about sci-fi done well in the way we've only very recently started to see on screen#and I hate that the show of Doctor Who rarely if ever reaches this level#Tunnels of Blood is my favourite of the Darren Shan Saga but really is just a stand in for the entire series#yes it's a kids series but it's a kid series that got me into horror and surrealism#and delivers the most effective and heartbreaking plot twist that not even Hannibal pulled off as well#The Coffin Dancer is just some damn good crime fiction and I wish Jeffery Deaver wasn't so slept on#(yes I know The Bone Collector got an adaptation but The Bone Collector isn't even in the top ten of the Lincoln Rhyme series)#unfortunately Deaver's strongest point is his use of point of view#but he still manages to get the twist to be shocking (and Coffin Dancer is the best example of it) in a way that other media fails at#Hero is about a gay disabled teen with superpowers and somehow tumblr does not know about it#It is such a fun riff on superheroes while also being genuinely sweet and touching and sad#It was meant to get a tv show but the writer passed so it got stuck in production hell :(#Frankenstein is Frankenstein. It's just good on like every level. Victor is my problematic fave. I will take no criticism.#I am however on my knees hoping the Guillermo Del Toro adaptation finally gets it right#one flew over the cuckoo's nest means so much to me but no one ever talks about it beyond the Ratched and Mcmurphy stuff#who are the least interesting characters to me. And I find the debate about the sexism ignores that the novel is about the structural abuse#of the mentally ill
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renwyvernsims · 1 year
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"Oh, Grian, hey!" Scar smiled at him charmingly. "I see you've been hitting the books here at the archives! You learn anything interesting?"
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Grian sighed. "Yeah, but it's been slow going. I swear, you'd think the library would be better organized than this with how many researchers are going through there. I keep finding multiple copies of the exact same book, but with minor changes. One of them had an article about a guy who lost their cat by the crater before finding it again."
"Oh yeah! That was Jellie!"
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"Yep, that's my cat!" Scar's expression turned nostalgic, clearly thinking back to the incident. "She went missing a few months before the whole explosion happened. Turns out a guy from the lab named Cub found her wandering around and brought her home. The poor girl was clearly traumatized by something over there, cuz she hissed at any plants she saw for weeks afterwards!" He sighed, shaking his head. "I had to get rid of all the plants inside the house, but I didn't really get why until all those glowy things started sprouting around town everywhere."
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"This Cub guy, you said he worked at the lab?" Grian's eyes lit up with the potential new information. "Are you still in contact with him? Is he still around?"
"That's a lot of questions at once! Uhh... Yes, he used to work at the lab, I still speak to him sometimes? But no, he didn't stick around after the explosion happened. He was quick to pack up and leave town after everything went down. I get most of my information from him, though." He smiled sheepishly. "Er, I don't know if he'd want me sharing it with you, though, so don't tell him if you meet him."
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"Your secret's safe with me, Scar." Honestly, Grian didn't intend to tell anyone where his own information was coming from, and he didn't expect to meet this Cub person if he wasn't in town. "But right now, I'm looking for some new information. I don't even know if it's related, but you know the town pretty well, right?"
"Well, certainly! What do you want to know?"
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"I was wondering if you knew anything about angels in Strangerville."
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"Angels?" Scar's expression changed instantly, his smile vanishing. "You mean, like... in the bible or something? I dunno if there's many churches around here, but-"
"Not biblical," Grian interrupted. "At least not as far as I know. I mean angels here, in Strangerville."
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Scar took a moment too long to plaster a smile onto his face, but Grian saw right through it. "Hah, that's a good one! Angels aren't real, you know-"
"I saw them, Scar!" Grian stared directly into Scar's eyes, not letting him break eye contact. "I saw them the other night, directly above the archives! And I know I'm not crazy, you wouldn't be avoiding this so much if you didn't know what I was talking about!"
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Scar was silent for a moment, before heaving a sigh. "Look, Grian, you really shouldn't have seen them in the first place. Most people can't see them at all. I don't know how you saw them-"
"But I did! And you know what they are, don't you? Do they have anything to do with the stuff around town?"
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"They're bad news, is what they are." Scar's expression turned uncharacteristically serious. "Look, nothing good will come from investigating them. If you see them again, just walk away. If they are involved with all... this," he waved his hand in the general direction of one of the plants "then it can't be for any good reasons."
"You really won't tell me anything about them, will you." It was more of a statement than a question.
"No. Look, I'm sorry, Grian, I just don't wanna see you get hurt."
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"Right. Fine." Grian clenched his hands into fists and turned to walk away. "If you won't give me answers, I'll find them myself!"
Scar called after him, but Grian ignored him. Scar was a decent guy, but if he wasn't going to give Grian what he needed to help his sister, he'd look elsewhere for information. Scar had just confirmed for him that those Angels were real, and they might have something to do with all the strangeness. Dangerous or not, maybe he could find information about them that could help Pearl.
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clairelutra · 1 year
#augtickletober2023 - Day 1: Anticipation Harry Potter, Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy, G, 500 words
She should have insisted on taking the notes, fourth year Rose Weasley thought ruefully as she watched the large white plume of her Potions partner's quill wave around. Mommy dearest must have sent it to him in one of his care packages.
Bad enough that she had been stuck with Malfoy all this year, now he got to wave that... thing in her face while she was stuck was handling dangerous ingredients.
(She was handling flobberworm guts and the potion was a mild wetting potion—extra-wet water that never dried out—but those were details.)
She was banking on the fact that Malfoy was even more meticulous about his grades than she was, and wouldn't dare flicking out that plume and brushing it over her ears and neck if it meant she might ruin the potion.
...He wouldn't dare, would he?
Just look at that crooked mouth, sliding into a crooked slice of an evil smirk. Just look at those pale, spidery hands smoothing down his parchment. Just look at the way he was handling that feather quill, deftly flicking back and forth as the delicate, terrible tips swayed in pure menace.
Goosebumps raised on her arms as she contemplated it, her heart pitter-pattering.
Malfoy looked up, seemingly oblivious to Rose's reddening face, and studied their cauldron. "Potion's starting to turn blue."
"Bugger," Rose swore, and lurched to finish measuring the flobberworm guts.
Somehow—though, to her chagrin, it required Malfoy's stupid bloody help—they finished the potion without messing it up.
Rose took out the big ladle and carefully filled a vial for Professor Slughorn's appraisal. Holding it up to the meager light, she admired the clarity of it, only the faintest of blue tinges to suggest that it wasn't water—unlike some of her classmates, whose vials ranged from aquamarine to orange.
She was surprised (not disappointed, surprised) that Malfoy hadn't tickled her with that giant feather of his at any point in class when usually he was all too happy to attack her whenever he bloody well saw her, but—
As soon as her shoulders dropped, something big and soft and far too light caressed her jaw and throat, sending fizzling squiggles through her muscles.
"Ah! Hey!" she yelped; the vial dropped to the ground and shattered. The white plume just started to dance, teasing her sensitive skin. "Ah-ha-ha-hee!"
He was merciless, targeting her neck and collarbones even as she danced and squirmed away, shoes crunching in the glass shards and her hysterical squealing giggles piercing the shuffle of the class as they prepared their own samples.
"Now, now, that's enough," Professor Slughorn boomed jovially, not a moment too soon. "Horse around after class."
The feather withdrew, leaving Rose gasping and fizzling and overwarm. She turned to glower at her evil, evil, treacherous classmate.
Malfoy just sat there, one leg tossed lazily over his other knee, waving the plume of his giant bloody quill mockingly, the grin on his face only a huff of breath away from a snicker.
She puffed her cheeks and stuck out her tongue at him, but he only laughed, the noise warm enough to tickle her bones.
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your superhero AU has broken my heart 💔💔💔 protective Ted is so important to me
thank you!! ive been enjoying playing with it. and yeah!! like. i just. protective, pining ted and trent's like i am NOT a damsel!! (<- in this instance, is, in fact, a damsel. he will make an exception for one (1) person)
and like more seriously just. the trust it's about the trust!!! trent doesn't rely on anyone and he gets himself out of bad situations and he's lowkey terrified of this hero who's got him cornered and he's been in this horrible situation for so long but then it's ted and he immediately relaxes. and ted--you know ted realized they had trent and immediately panicked and was ready to just bust in there and it was only beard holding him back and making him be practical about it that didnt have him just bursting through the walls ten minutes after realizing. and him realizing trent trusts him.... holding him and being like oh. i can protect him this way and i can comfort him this way and it's working... augh
anyway im glad you like it 😩
#listen. im a simple man. sometimes i want to write my blorbo being battered and scared getting rescued#but it doesnt always make sense for whatever fandom it is so. hence. elaborate au#admittedly that wasn't my sole motivation for writing it or anything but it was up there.#ANYWAY can you blame him?#trents like im a reporter and a damn good one villains literally hate kidnapping me because im the worst hostage and heroes hate rescuing m#bc i am no fucking damsel.#and then ted 'tenderly holds him as he rescues him and asks him so so softly if hes okay with big warm brown eyes' lasso comes along#and its like. okay so i can get out on my own or i can let my crush simply cradle me in his beefy arms and carry me home. hmm#(im being silly ofc but it also has a lot more to do with like. the actual circumstances. but i think that if trent got kidnapped in the re#regular way where hes just rolling his eyes bc this is How The Game Goes ted would show up and he'd be like#oh nooooo look ive been tied up.... (glances down then sticks hands back in ropes) oh nooooo#and the villains like what the h--#please actually now a crack version of this au where trent just lets himself get kidnapped so ted can rescue him and they're the world's mo#most obnoxious couple. villains stop kidnapping him entirely bc then that one hero just shows up and they banter--totally ignoring the vill#villain--for like ten whole minutes while beard quietly dismantles the villain's shit behind them#ANYWAY IM SORRY IVE GOTTEN OFF TRACK#askbox#anonymous#superhero au
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seekerstone · 11 months
wrote about 2500 words of a scene that fully sprung out of nowhere. the athena of fic scenes. this wasn't in my outline and now i'm going to have to figure out how to shuffle everything around to accommodate it. it also pushed me well past the 30k word count for my 25k monthly goal. what the Fuck is this fic doing to me
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savefrog · 1 year
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how to explain to people that while we DO need to desperately dismantle AI’s capitalism-driven rise to prominence in many professional areas especially art because of how it will be used to replace artists in exchange for cheap content and on the back of uncredited artists that came before, and how things can be said about supporting the ai platforms that enable this
that simultaneously using Dall-E mini or Bing or whatever once to make a cat at some nebulous point is not like. It is not like. He did not just shoot an artist point blank out in an alleyway 😭
#this was on a post about Hank Green LOL#LIKE WHO THE FUCK KNOWS HIM AS 'the guy who generated a cat picture once'#like thats a COMPLETELY new one to me!!!#but regardless of who#this is like 'bots are a huge problem online...so everyone who made a silly 'a spongebob quote a day' bot must be shamed'#like the former is true...but the latter is not like. a moral offense bc its disconnected from the issue with bots#and if we want to go into the ethics of this#like i have no idea what example theyre even talking about so i have no idea if its even a locally hosted or self-trained ai#in which case training data could be controlled and it wouldn't have an impact on the power consumption issue w common platforms#something could be said about promoting ai art on a platform but. idk when this happened. was it to demonstrate something. etc.#are we talking 'look how tech has progressed lets demonstrate' or 'haha funny cat' or 'ARTISTS ARE OBSOLETE DONT PAY FOR COMMS' shit#the conversation around ai art is complex and has not always looked the same like back when dall-e mini first came out#like EVERYONE was dicking around and making like. JRPG Seinfeld#including people who now have anti ai art icons#and thats because it wasn't a clear threat yet. the conversation was totally different then#if we're writing callouts for everyone who has ever generated an ai picture of a cat we're gonna be here for a while#and we're gonna have to cancel a few people's grandmas too probably#wayneradiotv is on the guillotine for using an ai image generator to Increase Gender#like...idk it's just pointless and is not the way to actually stop issues around AI#but also just impressed someone on tumblr only knows him as 'the guy who ai generated a cat once''#dullblogging
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victorluvsalice · 10 months
Valice Calendar: Happy "Started Thinking Of Fanfic" Anniversary!
Hi everyone! We're back to acknowledging the final few important dates on the Valice( r) Calendar, and today could be seen as a real doozy -- it's the first date I could find in my old LiveJournal entries where I mentioned wanting to write Victor/Alice fanfic! Again, the entry itself is probably fairly incomprehensible if you weren't already familiar with me and my quirks back then (like talking to myself about my day in the guise of chatting with my fifteen million AU versions of Doc Brown -- yes, the whole "how many fucking AUs do you have" thing was well-established even then), but the gist of it was that I'd just completed NaNoWriMo, and was looking for a new writing project! And because I was already considering how to add versions of Victor and Alice to this LJ RP game I was part of at the time ("Beyond The Rift," where people from other worlds were falling into an alternate Chicago full of magic-users and demons and angels via "rifts" that gave them weird superpowers -- it was a bizarre, if fun, game), I found myself thinking a lot of how I might get them to meet in a way that didn't involve chucking them both into another universe. This was BEFORE Alice: Madness Returns was a thing, remember, so I didn't have "Victor getting chucked off to Dr. Bumby" as a crutch! I ended up just skirting the issue for my first few fanfics (such as the very first one, "Suffocating"), and then came up with "maybe Victor and Alice met as kids once" (leading to "By The Riverside"), and then started doing stuff with Alice having an uncle, Charles, who was a solicitor and thus might be involved with the Van Dorts (this is the origin of the Uncle Charles and Aunt Susan who show up in the Secundus Verse, which itself was prompted by me getting into steampunk and having what I thought was a cool mega-crossover idea for NaNoWriMo one year), and then A:MR came out, and I came up with the "hey, what if Victor got sent to Dr. Bumby because his parents didn't believe him about Emily?" idea (leading to the Forgotten Vows Verse) and then --
Um. Well. We can see how far I've come, can't we? ^^; (Though admittedly, the "fanfic" tag on this tumblr also includes non-Valice fanfics from me (generally gift fics for friends), and fanfics from other people, Valice-related (like "Beneath A Broken Sky") and non-Valice-related.) But yeah -- I think I've gotten over whatever mental hurdles I had before regarding finding a way to get them together for fanfic purposes. XD
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whysamwhy123 · 11 months
I feel like absolute shit right now for various reasons so Imma ramble on under the cut about my blorbo DG and some of my unpopular opinions regarding him and his current direction because I want to distract myself from The Pain. You can read it if you want, but like, I wouldn't recommend it, LOL
I feel like I'm in a weird position as a DG fan. Like, I'm with everyone on feeling glad that the Jericho stuff is done because I hate that dude and I only suffered through JAS segments purely for Daniel so thank god that's over. But my opinions get decidedly unpopular now because...I really don't want him to join the BCC? Or join up with Danielson in any way? And it's purely petty on my part because I just don't really like the BCC at all and Danielson's not my guy either (I don't really know anything about him pre-AEW so I don't have the attachment towards him that everyone else seems to have, he's really Just Some Guy to me *shrugs*) Like, I know it would make a ton of people happy, Daniel included, but I'd probably lose all interest in him if that happened? He wouldn't be able to do his dance anymore or show any of the character he's developed over the last year or so. He'd have to go back to being a Generic Tough Guy Technical Wrestler and that would be soooooo boring to me. He'd be going backwards, character-wise. Plus he'd just be in the same butt-monkey position that Yuta's in, does that really sound like fun to y'all??
And if I'm being totally honest...even if he doesn't join the BCC, I'm probably gonna lose all interest in him the second they start seriously pushing him and presenting him as a Big Deal. Like...I like my DG PATHETIC!! What can I say, I was drawn in by his stupid dance and his sad, kicked puppy dog looks and the fact that he's clearly the dumbest fuckboy who ever fuckboyed. I legit LOVE what they're doing with him right now because it appeals so much to my weird, personal taste. He's beaten down, abandoned, everyone around him doesn't get him and they're treating him like shit and telling him he's wrong. He's still doing his stupid dance and the fans love it but he's been pressuring to stop it by his chosen family and that sucks for him and so he pouts about it and makes sad faces. I'm sorry, but this is just Peak Male?! He keeps losing and losing and can't seem to catch a break and he regrets his choices and so he distracts himself by going out to clubs every night, partying with his bros, and trying to bone every woman in a five-mile radius that he can thrust his hips in the general direction of and I AM HERE FOR IT, THIS IS SUCH GOOD FOOD TO ME, GIVE ME MOOOOOOOOOORE.
But I know it ain't gonna last. He's gonna stop doing the dance, he's gonna either fully turn face and lose a lot of his current character or join Don Callis' group and be trapped in the exact same position he was in the JAS, just with a different annoying middle-aged Canadian weighing him down now. And then he'll start actually winning matches and being taken seriously and maybe he'll even win a title somewhere down the line and it'll be great for his career but a sad, sad day for ol' Sammy Sam-Sam. He is currently one of my most precious blorbos...but I know that's gonna change the second he starts *scoffs* succeeding!
Still, at least he'll always be cute.
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Hej I am curious: since you have been deleting all your davenzi fics - would you rather that people who downloaded them before delete them, too? I love your fics and they bring me so much joy and comfort but I don’t want to read / keep them if it’s causing you discomfort.
Hey anon,
I didn't delete them I just archived them (kinda like privated them?) for a while. I think I left some up? And I put a couple more up recently after someone asked. But like when I did it I was aware that there would be downloads out there (hell I'm a serial downloader of fics for this reason). the whole thing was an utterly selfish act really, i couldn't bring myself to delete them because I knew one day I'd want to come back and read them, and look through the comments etc. God, if you'd asked me this like a year ago I would've have said yes make it all disappear, as stupid as I know that is. But a little time and space has eased that discomfort and made me realise it wasn't the fics themselves that were upsetting me. So no don't delete them, read them as much as you want. I'm glad they bring you so much comfort, and I'm so happy to be getting back to a place where they do that for me.
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ao3 wrapped: 7, 9, 10 and 11!
7) i think we all know the answer to this question is taylor swift. however i have also titled things after an ed sheeran song, and once titled every chapter in a fic after a song or lyric from the musical spring awakening!
9) damn, you're really making me choose? i love tarlos and firstprince in equal measure, but i'm going to say tarlos here, because i really enjoyed writing their relationship through andrea's eyes
10) evidence of a life that's been loved, by a long long shot. i wrote this in i think three days? and not like, three days of writing, i was cramming in sentences while waiting for my classes to start and stuff. that one was born out of some not nice feelings, and i needed to, as tswift put it, suck the venom from the snake bite. it sort of worked.
11) mmmm, of my published fics? Not With A Thousand Swords, which is easily my most self-indulgent fic. i just really like The Princess Bride, i have no other reasoning really. also the author's notes are a trip. of my wips (that i intend to finish), it's gotta be one called "forever is the sweetest con" that's like, moments throughout alex and henry's life, told through alternating scenes and instagram posts using taylor swift lyrics. this is another one that's very self-indulgent, but can you blame me for thinking that "swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover" screams alex, and that "i hate accidents / except when we went from friends to this" is basically their love story in a nutshell?
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fennthetalkingdog · 4 months
One of my new friends is trying to get me into K-pop and it's slowly working 😭😭😭 I was restraining myself to a few Stray Kids songs and maybe an NCT-127 song before, but now she's got me listening to Ateez and P1Harmony too! And worse, she drives me back from one of my classes twice a week and I just KNOW she's gonna be showing me a new song every time :')
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