#watch! magazine 2017
courtrecord · 10 months
honestly i hate how that “maybe the curtains are just blue” post has become shorthand for anti-intellectualism and shit bc as someone who has an utter passion for media analysis now, I WAS THAT PERSON IN HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH CLASS.
english class never taught me how to analyze stories, it taught me how to remember what things the teacher said were “symbolism” and how to take quizzes where we had to match a quote to the character who said it. i didn’t give a shit about any of it, bc literally why should i. it was bullshit.
there’s this idea online that people are forgetting or rejecting what they learned in english class when they’re bad at media analysis, and maybe that’s a little bit true, but i think the much bigger problem is they never learned it in the first place. cinemasins & “maybe the curtains are just blue” aren’t convincing people to abandon an intellectualism they already had, they’re filling a void.
when all you learn in high school is to write on the test “blue = depression”, why is it surprising that so many people don’t give a shit about the curtains.
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strangesickness · 3 months
i think richie tozier is really into glam metal. i think as a preteen he was really into rock n' roll because bill was really into rock n' roll, and i think bill would mostly listen to very core rock n' roll, not branch off into sub genres too much, he really appreciates the early stuff i think. but richie, at like 11 years old hears livin' on a prayer on the radio and he's immediately hooked. his parents buy him slippery when wet for his birthday and a bon jovi poster. his parents are pretty clueless about this stuff so wentworth takes him to the store so they get the right one. maggie's pretty sure bon jovi's for girls, but is just excited she isn't going to have to deal with her son playing the same three records over and over again anymore.
when richie's twelve the bon jovi poster gets moved to his door, so that it's hidden when he has it open. he feels guilty when he looks at it. it's his favorite poster though and it gets rotated around his room a lot.
when he's fourteen there's a bon jovi concert in maine and he convinces his parents to let him go so long as his sister goes with him to chaperone. it's a pretty life changing experience for him. his sister ends up really liking the music too, so thats cool. he gets a t-shirt that quickly becomes faded and soft from constant wear.
all the lights and effects and just the energy really flips a switch for him. it's not just bon jovi anymore, he's spending hours in the record store, he gets a job so he can buy a CD player, it takes a ridiculously long time to get to that point.
he also gets big into KISS because of course he does. he probably spends more time looking at the cover of his paul stanley album than he does listening to it. he may spend an unhealthy amount of time gazing longingly into paul stanley's eyes but his favorite is probably ace frehley. he has a ridiculous amount of magazines that he just got for interviews with them. this is the era of glam haircuts for richie. it takes him at least two years to figure out he actually has to style it though, so that's fun.
he tries to make his own music but he's hot garbage at it, he moves on to trying to play his favorite songs on guitar, which he also sucks at, he eventually gets desperate and tries to play on bill's mom's piano. he is swiftly removed from the household. he gets really good at singing his favorite songs though.
i'm not really going anywhere with this. richie tozier likes glam metal. it awakens something gay in him.
you can find some relevant images and some more of my commentary under the cut.
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slippery when wet, the first album richie sought out on his own, and the beginning of the end of his heterosexuality.
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i'm not going to say this is the poster, because i don't know enough about this stuff to confirm if this poster would've been sold around the right time. but you get the picture. ideally it would be this exact poster, but i'm not picky. i think richie comes home from school one day and looks at this poster and has a fucking. biblical experience. like it's just a normal school day, and then he just goes home, closes his bedroom door, turns around to take off his shoes, and stares this man straight in the eye and just thinks "holy shit he's beautiful" i think the poster sleeps in the closet that night.
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this is the paul stanley album i'm talking about. i think this is also richie's main haircut inspiration, but it takes him years to figure out what hairspray is. lucky for him his hair is naturally curly so he didn't look too stupid, but things weren't ideal.
i think he takes a lot of style influence from various musicians, but he's never willing to part with his dear patterned button ups, so his workaround is: obnoxious button up + leather jacket as we saw in the movie.
he really likes cinderella, and feels a little betrayed when they change genre direction in the 90s. i think he sees tom keifer
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wearing a lot of jewellery and decides he also wants to wear a lot of jewellery but ends up either hating it, or forgetting it, he also never convinces his parents to get his ears pierced. if he ever manages it, it's because bev did it herself, she probably screwed it up pretty bad too, and he just ends up with some pretty gnarly scaring on his right ear.
originally posted january 27th. reposted january 29th.
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celebratingwomen · 4 months
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Malin Akerman photographed by Christopher Ross for WATCH magazine, 2017
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familyabolisher · 9 months
I've walked past the Barbie branded selfie booth, sat through the reel of old commercials that precede the previews, and watched Margot Robbie learn to cry, and I’m still not sure what “doing the thing and subverting the thing,” which Greta Gerwig claimed as the achievement of Barbie in a recent New York Times Magazine profile, could possibly mean. This was the second Gerwig profile the magazine has run. I wrote the first one, in 2017, which in hindsight appears like a warning shot in a publicity campaign that has cemented Gerwig’s reputation as so charming and pure of heart that any choice (we used to call them compromises) she makes is justified, a priori, by her innocence. This is a strange position for an adult to occupy, especially when the two-hour piece of branded content she is currently promoting hinges on a character who discovers that her own innocence is the false product of a fallen world. But—spoiler alert!—the point of Barbie’s “hero’s journey” is less to reconcile Barbie to death than to reconcile the viewer to culture in the age of IP.
“Doing the thing and subverting the thing”: I haven’t finished working out the details, but I think the rough translation would be Getting rich and not feeling feel bad about it. (Or, for the viewer: Having a good time and not feeling bad about it.) One must labor under a rather reduced sense of the word “subvert” to be impressed with poking loving fun at product misfires such as Midge (the pregnant Barbie), Tanner (the dog who poops), and the Ken with the earring, especially given that the value of all these collectors’ items has, presumably, not decreased since the film opened. Barbie may feature a sassy tween sternly informing Robbie’s Stereotypical Barbie that the tiny-waisted top-heavy billion-dollar business she represents has made girls “feel bad” about themselves, but if anyone uttered the word “anorexia,” I missed it. (There was a reason Todd Haynes told the story of Karen Carpenter’s life and death with Barbies, and it wasn’t because an uncanny piece of molded plastic has the magical power to resolve the contradictions of girlhood and global capitalism.) There’s a bit about Robbie going back into a box in the Mattel boardroom, but Barbies aren’t made in an executive suite; they come from factories in China. On the one hand, it’s weird for a film about a real-world commodity to unfold wholly in the realm of ideas and feelings, but then again, that’s pretty much the definition of branding. Mattel doesn’t care if we buy Barbie dolls—they’re happy to put the word “Barbie” on sunglasses and T-shirts, or license clips from the movie for an ad for Google. OK, here’s my review: When Gerwig first visited Mattel HQ in October 2019, the company’s stock was trading at less than twelve dollars a share. Today the price is $21.40. 
Christine Smallwood, Who Was Barbie?
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scarletlizzard · 3 months
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Part 1: Get Help
Sessions Series
Pairing: psychiatrist Wanda x female reader
Tags Minors DNI: being stalked, paranoia, therapy, mentions of sex
Fall 2018
It was the same thing every day.
You wake up, make breakfast, and go for a run. You go to work, a normal 9-5 job downtown. After work, you would wind down by making dinner and sometimes taking a bath with a glass of wine. You go to bed around the same time every night, letting the sounds of I Love Lucy lull you to sleep.
Your routine was all but normal, though. You had a shadow.
Your daily jog was filled with turning your head, constantly aware of a presence behind you, one that you could never see. You thought it was over until one night when you were making dinner, you happened to look out the window and saw a person standing across the street. The glass of wine you were holding dropped from your hand onto the floor beneath your feet. You step back onto the glass and wince, tearing your eyes from the shapeless figure.
When you look up again, they've disappeared.
This happened for weeks until you finally gave in and told your friend one night over a bottle of wine.
"Look, this is them. They're back," you say, handing the phone to Natasha. She raises an eyebrow and looks at the blurry picture on the screen. Practically a black dot next to the bus stop a few houses down from yours.
"But why would they wait so long? It's been over a year, and.." she squints, staring at the picture. "That kind of just looks like a blob.." the woman says and sips her wine, a concerned look on her face at your frantic state.
"It's not. It's them! I-I swear I'm being followed, being watched... every where I go, it's like, I can feel them. The police won't do anything about it." You move your shaking hand away from her to gulp down the rest of your wine.
"Look, Y/N.." Natasha sighs and sets down her glass, turning her body to face yours. "I know you've been through a lot, everything that.. happened last summer. I think - maybe you should.. get some help." She tries to soften the blow of calling you crazy by resting a hand on your thigh. You only look to her with betrayed eyes.
"I'm not crazy," you speak calmly, your tone stern, but the crack in your voice only solidifies Natashas' point.
"I don't think you are, Y/N. Here.." She grabs her purse, pulling out a business card from it casually, as if she just happened to have it. You knew her better than that. "This is my friend. She's an amazing psychiatrist. Just talk to her, give it a chance."
You snatch the card away from her hands, not making eye contact with her. Natasha sighs again and stands, watching your leg bounce harder. She leans down to kiss your forehead.
"I'll call you tomorrow. I love you.." She trails off, unsure if you'd even reply.
"Love you." You mumble, pouring yourself another glass.
After she leaves, you stare at the business card in your hand, eyes settled on the name in bold lettering. You crumple the card, ball it up in your hand, and throw it across the room. It bounces off the wall with a small 'thunk'. Then you're left sitting, recalling the events of last summer.
Summer 2017
It was an exceptionally hot night. The air conditioner had been broke all day, leaving you sweating and fanning yourself with a magazine. Also leaving you with no choice but to leave the windows open, letting a cooler breeze flow through your quiet house.
You shot a quick text to Natasha- See you tomorrow, meet at the coffee shop near yours.
With a sigh, you rest your head on the back of the couch, listening to the voices on the TV. You get a strange feeling suddenly, your whole body covered in goosebumps, the small hairs on your arms standing straight up. You slowly open your eyes, staring straight ahead at the characters running around the screen.
"Get a grip, Y/N.." You mumble to yourself, patting your cheeks as if to wake yourself up. Maybe you just needed some sleep. Your anxiety seemed to be kicking up again. Your hands reach for the remote on the table in front of you, and you press the power button, turning the TV off.
It's then you see, in the black screen, reflecting an image not only of you but a person standing directly behind you.
Current Fall 2018
No, I'm NOT doing this right now.
You think to yourself, swallowing down your third glass of wine for the night. Instead, you get up to double -no, triple- check all of the locks in your house. The windows to the backyard, locked. The sliding glass backdoor, locked. The windows to the front of the house, locked. The front door, locked. The side door leading to the garage, locked. Windows in any bedrooms, locked. Your bedroom door and window, locked.
It was exhausting, but it was a routine you had been following for the past year. It kept you safe. You turn on I Love Lucy, drifting off into another nightmare with your mysterious shadow.
The morning after, you awake to your alarm and slap your hand on your loud phone to slide it off. You lay there for a moment, staring at the ceiling. The morning sun shines brightly in the room, the light warm on your skin.
I am NOT crazy...
You repeat to yourself over and over, a mantra easily spoken and believed in your mind. Breakfast was made and eaten, running shoes tied to your feet, laces double knotted, ID and cash in case of emergencies, and headphones settle snug in your ears. The first mile was fine, humming along to your music, and enjoying the cold fall. It was when you were heading back towards your house that you began to have that unsettling feeling.
Your panicked eyes look around as you jog, your head constantly turning from side to side as you look for your shadow. You find yourself reaching into your pocket, letting your hand grab onto the pepper spray you had brought with you. Only a little ways to go. It's fine.
Your pace sped up, but your shadow was creeping up closer to you. Your heart was racing. Sweat was dripping down your forehead. With your thumb gripping the spray, you suddenly turn around, spraying the shadow behind you.
"Ahhh! What the fuck!" A man screams, falling to his knees in front of you. Your heart was beating out of your chest at the sight of him, rubbing his eyes and screaming in pain. But on the sidewalk in front of him you see your emergency clip that held your cash and ID.
"Jason! Oh my god, what did you do to him?" A woman comes running up to his side, sliding her arm around him. "Are you crazy? You dropped this. He was trying to give it back to you!" She screams at you, throwing the clip in your direction. Dollar bills fly to the ground, and you back up.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know, I thought he was - I didn't know.." Your voice trails off as you shake your head, hands shaking. "I didn't know.." You repeat it 4 times.
"Y/N, you're lucky he didn't press charges, I can't believe you actually pepper sprayed him.." Natashas voice sounded from the phone in your hand as you recall the events from the morning.
"I know, I can't believe I did either. I feel so fucking bad about it.." you hold your head in your hand, guilt filling your gut.
"It happened. There's nothing you can do about it now. He'll be fine.. people get pepper sprayed all the time," she tries to joke, attempting to lighten the mood.
You sit up and sigh into the phone, looking around the room. The TV playing, the dusty art supplies sitting on a desk in the corner. Your eyes find and focus on the crumpled business card on the floor by the wall. As you stand, your feet carry you over, picking it up.
"I'll talk to you later, Nat," you say, letting her say goodbye before you hang up. Your hands straighten out the card, and you once again read the name in bold lettering.
The clock on the wall read 5:28 as you sat, one day after work, on a chair in the hallway near the front door. You look around the hallway that leads to a massive house. It seemed the front was used for her practice, a room on either side of the hallway. One you assumed an office, the other a room to meet with patients. The clock ticked to 5:29, and your leg began to bounce.
The door on the wall across from you opens, revealing a brown headed woman with a warm smile on her face. She was taller, a creme colored blouse and brown pants settled on her legs. Her familiar green eyes find yours, and you both let out a small, awkward chuckle.
"Y/N.." Wanda says and holds out her hand to you, watching as you stand in front of her.
Your hand reaches for hers, "Wanda.." Her hand is warm and soft in yours. You know you linger too long in her grip. She leads you into room number two, a medium-sized room with one big, comfortable looking chair and an even more comfortable looking couch. Behind her comfy chair was an extravagant looking fireplace. Bookshelves lined the walls, and as you walked inside, your fingers trail the spines of the books that sat on them. It felt comfortable and safe. The sun was beginning to set, and an orange glow filled the room. Wanda sits in a chair, a notepad, and pen in her lap. You follow suit, sitting across from her on the couch.
"So, are you sure you want to do this? I'd be more than happy to recommend you to some other, highly recommended, co-workers of mine?" Wanda says with a smile, and you can't help but blush. She just had that effect on you.
"As long as you're okay with it, I am. I trust you, and right now, I really need that.." You mumble the last part, sitting back into the couch. Wanda nods, understanding of you.
One of the last times you saw Wanda she was in your bed, giving you what still stands today, the best orgasms of your life. Natasha had thrown a Christmas party where you met. You and Wanda came alone. You both had a lot to drink, and one thing led to another. You spent the night talking and laughing, getting to know each other as you came on her fingers. After that, you saw her from time to time, over a couple of months. She let you eat her out on your couch and fucked you against the counter in your kitchen. It was the best sex you'll probably ever have. You felt more alive with her than you had in years.
But then you had to leave town for work, and by the time you came back, the two of you had lost touch. Then, a few months after, during the summer, when your shadow appeared, you cut practically everyone out of your life.
"Well then, let's get started," Wanda interrupts your train of thoughts with a click of her pen, crossing her legs. "I reviewed the file you sent over from your stay at the Bay Point Medical Center. Do you want to talk about that?" She asks, her voice as smooth as honey.
You let out a shaky sigh, playing with the zipper of the bag you held in your lap. "I've always been.. anxious, since I was a kid. Always had these uh, routines. Tie my shoes until they felt right, flick the lights 4 times before bed."
"Were you ever diagnosed or tested as a kid?"
"No, my mom didn't believe in that sort of thing."
"So you were first diagnosed with OCD and Bipolar Disorder at Bay Point." Wanda makes a note. You tap your leg 4 times.
"So what led you to that moment, to that night?" Her voice is so inviting. You would tell her just about anything at this point.
"I'm sure it says in the file.." You clear your throat, suddenly being unable to look her in the eyes.
"There is a version, but I'd like to hear yours." Her eyebrows raise, pen hovering over the paper of the pad.
"It was a few days after I saw my shadow," you start, Wanda has a curious look on her face.
A pause.
"Your shadow?" She asks, you nod.
"The stalker, person watching me." You reply, she nods for you to continue. "I hadn't slept in days. The police didn't believe me. There was no evidence, they said, that anyone besides me had been in the house that night. So I went to the docks, and I-I bought a gun from some junkie. I'm not proud of what I did," you say, meeting her comforting gaze.
"I'm sure. You hadn't slept in days. You were delusional - sleep deprived. No medication, no diagnosis. Under extreme stress. Given the circumstances, I'm glad no one was hurt." Wanda concurs.
"Well, maybe not physically. But when you wave a gun around at 3 in the morning down the street, maybe a little psychological damage to the family that found me," you groan and put your head in your hands.
"The report said you had left a note at your house. What did it say?" Wanda asks, and you think back to when you scribbled on a piece of paper, what you thought would be, your last words. You're quiet for a moment. Wanda can tell you won't answer that question just yet.
"How about, who did you leave it for?" She asks.
"For my shadow."
The rest of the session you had spilled about your feelings that night and talked about you OCD and Bipolar disorder. You told her about your stay at the mental hospital, and told her about your routines. You spoke to her of almost everything.
"I think this session was really productive, Y/N. You've been very open with me, and I appreciate that." Wanda stood at the front door, smiling down to you. It was dark now, the sun at set completely. "I'll see you at the same time, Thursday?"
You nod and smile back at her. "I'll see you then." You walk to your car, feeling lighter. But you also can't ignore the hair on the back of your neck rising as you drive away.
Summer 2017
You scream loudly as you turn to see a figure behind you. A shadow, dressed in all black. A white faceless mask covered their true face. They stand still as you back away, slowly tilting their head to the side.
"Run." A menacing whisper, a familiar tone.
You run.
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onakomiyaki · 3 days
just a silly crush (not) pt. 1.5
pairing: daniel ricciardo x childhood friend-brabham!reader ; lewis hamilton x reader (implied, platonic relationship)
summary: even after two decade of constant battle with his own silly first love slash crush and manage to almost win the fight, you're still the one who manage to knock the breath out of him. and yet, here you are, still oblivious to his feeling.
this is set in 2021, so papaya daniel :D.
warning: unedited and rushed work (I GOT INSPIRED AFTER TWO CANS OF REDBULL RAAAAAAHHHH), harsh words, childhood trauma (kinda), slowburn.
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and maybe the fact that you are one of high paid supermodel–plus an actress so you don't think about money that much.
consider tonight's meeting (and reconciliation) a huge success, totally worth the money you spent on the party. one of perks of being the daughter of david brabham is that your can splurge on unimportant things; this party, for example, and your father won't even bat an eye.
you turned your body, eyes lit up at the view of the mighty sir lewis hamilton.
"what took you so long?" you asked, hugging the brit as he kiss your temple.
for some people lewis's gesture might be mistaken as love-like affection. but of course you know that it is not like that at all. lewis had always see you as his annoying little sister who he love dearly and you saw him as the big brother you never had. while you do have a younger brother, sam, things with you and lewis are just... different.
"if i say traffic, would you believe me?" he sheepishly said.
and to that you let out a dry–mocking–laugh. "really? traffic? here in monaco?" you said.
"alright alright. i might–i said might–met binotto." he stated, letting out a sigh.
"mattia binotto? that's-"
"ferarri's current principal, yes." he nod, hands snug inside his pockets.
"they want you. interesting." you said, fingers cradling your own jaw.
lewis let out a chuckle, shrugging his shoulder. "maybe."
you rolled your eyes at his attic, shaking your head at his secretiveness. he won't be able to keep any secret from you, you're too smart for that. and lewis is aware.
what is not so smart of you is your inability to figure out about daniel's hints and feeling for the past 10 plus years. maybe more, lewis believe.
he always notice how daniel's eyes always lights up when he saw your instagram posts, or your appearance at the latest fashion magazine. he even rambling non-stop at your first big screen debut in 2017, not only to his teammate max, but to almost all the driver on the grid. almost, because most of the drivers are just confused and was there to humor the aussie. sebastian vettel though–god bless that man–always there for him, sharing the same excitement even cheering him up.
he also remember how dejected he looks when your father visited one of the race in 2015, hoping that you would show up beside your father despite your hatred towards the sport. but instead, he saw sam, your younger brother, calmly walking beside your father.
so it is safe to say he knew it all too well.
"have you talk to him yet?" he asked, averting the conversation from his meeting with binotto.
"that, i have." you simply said, grabbing two glass of champagne passed by the waitress.
lewis gracefully accept the other glass and clinked his glass with yours. "and how it goes?"
you went silent, gnawing your bottom lip nervously. "it went... well." you said, voice unsure.
"he asked me to watch the race. in monza." you stated.
lewis nods, letting out an acknowledgement hum as he sip his champagne.
yeah, bestfriend. he thought.
"you should come, (y/n). its been 10 years since his first f1 race, and yet, you haven't attend any of them in person." he simply stated.
"well i did watch the race from my house in monaco." you muttered. lewis shaking his head to your reaction.
"its not fair for him, you know? you guys are best friend for almost 20 years now, you said it yourself."
you went silence, eyes trailed down to the floor. the expensive marble seems more interesting than lewis now, and he knew.
"i just don't want you to live in regrets in the future, (y/n)" he said, patting your shoulder as he walk away from you–giving you some space to think about what he just said.
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"i know lewis." you whisper to yourself.
"let me join you for awhile, mate." he said.
daniel, who currently enjoying his alone time at the bar, was greeted with a familiar figure walking towards him. he fix his posture, sitting straighter as the figure sat beside him and he watch in silent.
hearing his nickname make daniel chuckle. thanks to you who actually give him that nickname years ago, back when you and him still go karting together, it stuck with him. and honestly he don't mind. because it was given by you.
"no company?" lewis simply asked.
"well, i was dragged by the ferrari duo, little lando, and the lovebird but they are gone now." daniel explain, politely asking the bartender for another refill.
"the lovebird?"
"max and kelly."
"ah, the new couple." lewis nods, flashing his charming smile at the younger driver.
"yeah, i don't want to be the thirdwheel or dancing with dj norris and his two minions so here i am." he said, returning the smile to his senior as he pointed at the dj podium where lando is already getting on. carlos and charles was dancing like a maniac with drinks on their hands.
lewis raised his eyebrows, genuinely shocked and impressed at the young brit secret talent as a dj. "never knew little lando was a party animal." he said.
"i might be the one who responsible for that–to be a party animal i mean." daniel chuckled, shaking his head.
"well, he learn from the best then." and with that both daniel and lewis share a laugh, clinking their glass together.
as daniel enjoy his 3rd? 4th? glass of whiskey that night, lewis give him a small pats on his back. and daniel, confused at the gesture, watch lewis with a small frown.
"you have the patience of a saint, daniel. i won't last that long if i were you," he said, finishing his drink. "i gave up after got rejected for a second date."
lewis's cryptic messages, plus the familiar tipsy feeling, make him confused even more.
"goodluck, mate." he said, flashing him a smile before walking away from him.
"what just happen..." daniel muttered as he finish his glass of whiskey and decided to join dj norris and the minions.
what a night...
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Timeline: Part 8 - November 2017
For earlier timeline posts: click here or here.
The one where Meghan's hustle finally starts paying off.
Also, Meghan's PR loyalties begin changing during this month. By mid-December 2017, she's stopped leaking to her usual sources - Star Magazine, US Weekly, and E News.
And when the engagement is announced, you can watch the official stories of how Meghan and Harry met begin changing in real-time.
11/1/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
11/2/2017: Meghan teases an engagement with adoption of a royal wardrobe.
11/3/2017: Meghan's role on a 2009 TV show resurfaces. Samantha Markle reveals internal family racism towards Doria and Meghan, and William's friends reopen a nightclub that Harry used to party at.
11/4/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
11/5/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
11/6/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
11/7/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
11/8/2017: Soho Farmhouse announces expansion plans. Meghan merches beauty products and calls Kate a fashion copycat.
11/9/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
11/10/2017: A television program searches for a Meghan Markle lookalike.
11/11/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
11/12/2017: Remembrance Sunday for the UK. The press points out that Harry is breaking military code by keeping his beard whilst wearing a military uniform. Doria sells her high school photos to the Daily Mail.
11/13/2017: Meghan papped filming wedding scenes for Suits.
11/14/2017: Meghan papped again on Suits sets. She fuels engagement rumors by hinting she plans to leave the show (but technically she already confirmed it last month).
11/15/2017: Affair rumors about Prince Philip resurface, ahead of The Crown Season 2 release. Promos reveal that the season will focus on tension in Philip and Elizabeth's marriage.
11/16/2017: Meghan lays groundwork for a PR narrative that the royal family is jealous of her popularity by reminding everyone that The Queen and Prince Philip were angry about Diana's popularity.
11/17/2017: Meghan's body-double/Suits stand-in reveals Meghan is moving to London soon. Meghan moves her dogs to the UK and merches her boots.
11/18/2017: Genealogists discover that Meghan's ancestor was beheaded by Henry VIII.
11/19/2017: Meghan owes her celebrity to her father's lottery win. Diana's former lover, Hasnat Khan, announces his engagement.
11/20/2017: The Queen and Prince Philip celebrate 70 years of marriage and Her Majesty appoints Philip Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order. The royals celebrate with a swanky party at Windsor Castle; Meghan is not invited (her absence is confirmed next month). Meanwhile:
Meghan is papped arriving at the UK airport.
Samantha Markle gives an interview declaring desire to be invited to the royal wedding.
Financial reports announce that the Royal Family has contributed 1.8 billion pounds to the UK economy.
A rumor begins that Prince George will make a special guest appearance on Fireman Sam.
11/21/2017: Meghan is papped in London doing her Christmas shopping. She leaks to US Weekly that she has officially moved out of her Toronto house, her furniture was put into storage, and her personal belongings have been shipped to the UK.
The Daily Mail fires a warning to Meghan about how the 'needy' King Edward trapped Wallis Simpson and made it so she couldn't leave him. The implication is that Harry is similarly needy and will trap Meghan in a similar unhappiness.
11/22/2017: Meghan merches her scarf.
11/23/2017: Meghan gets a facial and merches the spa, fueling engagement rumors.
11/24/2017: Revisiting Prince Philip's stag party. Kensington Palace announces William and Kate will attend the Royal Variety Performance. Meghan leaks to E News that she and Harry are "practically" engaged, fueling more engagement rumors.
11/25/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
11/26/2017: Meghan merches her facialist and her treatment. The Daily Mail scoops Buckingham Palace and reveals an announcement is coming. They also recap Harry and Meghan's relationship and reveal that both Doria and Meghan have received RPO security details.
11/27/2017: Kensington Palace announces the engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and:
The Telegraph republishes its "Meghan Markle: The Making of a Hollywood Princess" story.
Meghan merches her coat, shoes, health tips, beauty, skincare, and boots.
They hint at receiving Sussex titles.
Revisiting all of Harry's ex-girlfriends.
Meet Meghan's besties and potential bridesmaids.
The Markle family comments on the royal engagement.
Meghan and Harry will live in Nottingham Cottage.
How Meghan Markle went from seedy LA tenement to the Palace.
How Catholic Meghan Markle survived her parents' LA divorce.
Meghan's life in photos
Meet the Markles
Meghan and Crown Princess Mary (of Denmark) are style sisters.
Mishal Husain was hand-picked by Harry to conduct the engagement interview.
Speculation about the wedding dress begins, with Meghan teasing an Australian designer.
Meghan leaks to US Weekly that she and Harry spent the weekend away before announcing their engagement.
Meghan leaks about her preparation and support from Harry to become royal.
Diana and Meghan would have been best friends.
Meghan retires from acting.
How Meghan tamed Harry
Royal fashion showdown: Meghan, Diana, and Kate
11/28/2017: Engagement coverage continues.
Violet von Wesetenholz is the royal matchmaker.
Doria gives a statement on the engagement.
Meghan's sixth grade school photos are published.
Meghan's sexy online photos resurface.
Quid pro quo: How Meghan supports her friends
Meghan and Harry merch Luckington Manor as a prospective home.
No, it's not Violet. The royal matchmaker is Misha Nonoo.
Harry papped at the gym in Chelsea.
Meghan did the calligraphy for Robin Thicke and Paula Patton's wedding.
Actually, Markus Anderson is the royal matchmaker. (I believe this one; the source is US Weekly, which is a confirmed Meghan ally. The Violet and Misha stories are from the Daily Mail.)
Samantha Markle says Thomas wants to walk Meghan down the aisle.
Meghan leaks that she and Harry secretly visited The Queen after announcing engagement.
See? Meghan can do royal glam too -- 11 times she won the red carpet.
Meghan merches her fashion sense and style.
11/29/2017: Engagement coverage continues.
All about Meghan's genealogy (again)
Meghan reveals Bogart was too old to fly and was left behind in Canada. She also leaks that the BRF is forcing her to stop acting and that the BRF is also making her stop her private charity work.
Meghan the humanitarian
Ninaki Preddy sells pictures to the Daily Mail. The motherlode includes a photograph of Meghan posing outside Buckingham Palace.
Meghan expected to join the royal family at Sandringham for Christmas.
Meghan merches tongue massages.
Aaron Korsh, the creator of Suits, reveals that Meghan was written out of Suits in 2016.
Meghan leaks her expectations to be better than Princess Grace of Monaco.
Meghan merches her beauty routine again.
11/30/2017: New day, same story.
Meghan is on the cover of Elle France.
Meghan merches her nose.
Meghan's soap commercial resurfaces.
Meghan's sorority pictures are published.
Kensington Palace announces wedding will be in May.
Remember when Meghan was a fashion expert/consultant for the Today show?
Northwestern University remembers Meghan.
Meghan has royal ancestors.
How will Meghan become a British citizen?
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pink-evilette · 4 months
Hey girl! Before I ask, I just wanted to say I love your blog-especially your taste in movies! I've watched so many good movies from you! I noticed you kind of gravitate more towards campy, trailer park-esque vibes, which is something I also adore. I was wondering if you could think of any movies that have that specific vibe, that also fit with coquette/faunlet vibes. Thanks! And once again, love your blog!
Hi! Thank you so much for sending me this ask and for supporting my blog, I really appreciate it ♡
I try to watch lots of films that relate to the coquette/faunlet lifestyle and I'm constantly discovering new movies (@coquette-club is currently posting about lots of great films to check out)!
I love campy, trailer park/motel/road trip type films because that sort of lifestyle has always been interesting to me and I have seen many great films over the years that feature these motifs so here's my little list for you ♡
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American Honey (2016)
Star is a young girl living in poverty with her dysfunctional family until she meets a charming stranger in a supermarket. They go on a road trip selling magazines door-to-door and meet many interesting people along the way. It's a beautiful film about growing up, first love, identity and features mainly unknown actors and improvised lines to feel even more gritty and real. Sasha Lane is incredible in this film and I adore her ♡
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Black Snake Moan (2006)
Christina Ricci plays a young woman who is lost in life and suffers from nymphomania and Samuel L Jackson's character Lazarus attempts to cure her by imprisoning her with a chain around her waist. It's a seriously weird film and you've probably seen the clips of Ricci dancing with the chain, but it's also pretty enjoyable and features some really awesome blues music, southern sleaze and skimpy coquette outfits ♡
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Hick (2011)
This one is a classic in the coquette world, Luli has become an icon to us with her dreams of running away to find fun in Las Vegas after being abandoned by her family at 13 years old. She hitches a ride with a cowboy and sleeps in a trailer, does cocaine and robs a convenience store (and that's just the first act). It's a super grimy film and I enjoyed the visuals too ♡
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Ripe (1996)
Two orphaned sisters flee a car wreck and hitch a ride to a dilapidated army camp, where they stay with the grumpy caretaker and cause chaos wherever they go. It's really hard to find but worth the watch if you can, the aesthetics are so sickly sweet and feel just like Video Games by Lana Del Rey mixed with the warmth of a summer day ♡
A few miscellaneous:
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Where the Heart is (2000) // Bones and All (2022)
~ Natalie Portman's character lives in a trailer park and is abandoned pregnant by her boyfriend in a wallmart
~ Road trip love story, our main characters steal and squat in various trailers, farms and other lodgings
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The Florida Project (2017) // Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
~ A single mother lives in a motel in Florida
~ Teen beauty pagent star lives with her mother in a trailer
I really hope this is helpful! There are probably others but this is all I can think of for now, and there are many more similar to this that I haven't yet seen! Thanks again for the ask ♡
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vogueman · 2 years
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Gregg Sulkin photographed by Leslie Alejandro for Bello Magazine #146, March 2017. Gregg wears shirt Alexander Wang and watch Vitaly
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kwisatzworld · 4 months
List of Valentino Rossi books and documentaries:
inspired by @pgaslys list of marc’s docs
📚 Books
What If I Had Never Tried It [English/Italian/Spanish/German/Japanese/Chinese, etc.]: Vale’s only autobiography to date, translated into a lot of languages (so many that it’s hard to keep count). The English edition is notoriously rough - think spelling mistakes and some lost-in-translation moments. Despite this, yellow fans absolutely shouldn’t miss out on this gem. Published in 2006, during Vale’s zenith with five consecutive championships under his belt, the book radiates his happiness and confidence. The narrative is casual, with chapters loosely connected, but you will still find pleasure in reading this book.
MotoGenius: the Valentino Rossi biography by Mat Oxley: Oxley remains my all-time favorite Rossi author! Initially published years ago, the latest edition is available on Kindle. It’s a treasure trove of Vale anecdotes and Oxley’s unique insights, offering a glimpse into how Vale captivated his generation.
The Valentino Rossi Files: Everything I’ve ever written about VR by Mat Oxley: Available on Kindle, this collection (in two parts) encapsulates all the articles Oxley wrote about Vale for magazines and newspapers before joining Motor Sport Magazine.
Valentino Rossi: The Definitive Biography by Stuart Barker: A comprehensive biography of Vale, chronologically organized.
Valentino Rossi: Il Dio del Motociclismo by Fabio Fagnani [Italian]: Not recommended as the author’s fan-like admiration making it read more like a love letter than a biography. The only saving grace is the interview with Aldo Drudi.
Valentino Rossi: All His Races by Mat Oxley [English/German/Japanese/Serbian]: Chronicles every race of Vale’s career, enriched with exclusive interviews.
🎥 Documentaries
When asked about a movie about himself, Vale said, “If it’s a bad movie, I’d rather it didn’t exist.” He holds a similarly cautious stance towards documentaries, and has never personally produced a documentary about himself, though perhaps that might change at some point in the future.
Faster (2003) : Premiered at the Festival de Cannes during MotoGP’s golden era, this documentary intriguingly portrays the rivalry between Vale and Max Biaggi.
The Doctor, the Tornado, and the Kentucky Kid (2006) : Focuses on the 2005 season, especially the US Grand Prix, you can see the beautiful yellow livery of Yamaha’s 50th anniversary.
Fastest (2011) : A sequel to Faster.
Hitting the Apex (2015) : Arguably the best MotoGP documentary out there. Vale and Marco riding into the sunset to ‘Wish you were here’ is a poignant moment.
Valentino Rossi: The Doctor (2016) : Produced by Monster Energy, primarily illustrating how Vale expanded his empire step by step.
Racing Together (2017): MotoGP history isn’t complete without its greatest icon, Vale features for about 15 minutes.
Valentino’s Secret Room: Inside the Doctor’s Hidden Archive (2020) : Produced by Dainese, revealing Vale’s personal collection.
Ruta 46 – Ruta 93: El camino de dos mitos (2021) : Produced by DAZN España, unfortunately I haven’t seen it yet – if you have, let me know how it tells the tale.
Tales of Valentino (2021) : A nine-episode documentary series produced by Dorna, showcasing different aspects of Vale’s career through nine significant races.
RiVale | Valentino Rossi as Told by His Rivals (2021) : Produced by DAZN Italia featuring Vale’s main rivals (except Marc), sharing their stories with him.
Rossi | BT Sport Documentary on the Career of MotoGP Icon, Valentino Rossi (2022) : Produced by BT Sport following Vale’s retirement, highlighted by Suzi Perry’s captivating hosting style.
MotoGP Unlimited (2022) : No need for a lengthy introduction – it’s probably already been watched by everyone by now.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 4 months
I just watched both movies for the first time recently, and I’m appalled at the Spider hate?? Like I genuinely thought for the longest time he had actually done something malicious, but no?? anyway he’s my son, and I love him
For me, I knew he wasn't supposed to be a malicious character long before there was even an Avatar 2 trailer, so here's me breaking down what I've known for years:
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So, I used to have an Entertainment magazine subscription, and when I was in high school, I received one magazine announcing the new cast of Avatar 2, and here was the picture of the article:
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Look at their little baby faces! And even though I couldn't find what year this magazine I received came out (i know i kept it and its in my boxes in storage so if you wanna see it, lemme know and ill look for it), this article online was from back in 2017 so that makes sense to me since I was in high school back then.
I don't remember reading the whole article, but I remember there was another picture, and it was close to this one:
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It was a whole section about Spider and hinting when he meant to Jake and the Sullys. So even before the trailer, I've known for years that he was at the very least a child the Sullys adopted, so imagine my little heart breaking when I watched the movie and learned the terrible truth 😭
Either way, I never understood why the kid got so much hate almost straight away, even before the movie came out like what??? If he was malicious, I'd understand, but he wasn't???
Anyway, we're all adopting him, and we're keeping him well away from Neytiri. No one is hurting our son ever again. Wanna discuss custody arrangement?
(Also, because I was the only one who still read magazines and no one else, nobody my age back in school believed me when I said they were making an Avatar sequel. Look at me now, bitches! They called me crazy, but I sure showed them 🤪)
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firadessa · 7 months
✨Fairies Finds✨: New Early Artwork and Promotional Video from 2005 Disney Fairies Japan Website with Gail Carson Levine- Author of Fairy Dust Trilogy
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Fly with you everyone and happy Friday the 13th! I have been looking into Disney Fairies pre-release stuff ever since some early stuff was posted into Art of Disney Fairies. I have also been interested in media preservation since late 2017 when I found Web Back Then. Truthfully, despite having this interest when trying to find the old Disney Fairies games from my childhood- I never really shared much with the world. I feel like I should remedy that! (this find is relatively recent though I found it yesterday!)
This is a video I found on the Internet Archive from disneyfairies.jp, a promotional page on the Disney Japan website that seems disconnected from the main Disney Fairies page which was a clone of the original website. See here
Through some research the gist of the video is this:
The video starts with an introduction to the original Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, which is interjected with clips from Disney's Peter Pan. Then we see more artwork of Disney Fairies- including unfamilar designs including early Vidia, Rani, Fira etc. According to Part of the Magic, Disney Fairies started development in early 2001- the series was launched fully in 2005. Then Gail (dubbed of course) begins to describe the plot of Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg whilst we see several pictures of this early Disney Fairies art. Interesting pictures as we get to see the very early designs of Disney Fairies characters that I have never seen before.
Interestingly, this video was never embedded on the page, you had to download it and play it through a video player such as Windows Media Player or Real Player, it was 2005 after all.
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Here is the screen you'd see when you'd want to watch this promotional video. I recognize the leaves used in early flash games such as Lightball Challenge, Dragonfly Race etc.
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A page on the website that I found with my decomplier, i couldn't view it normally!
I tried looking for this video in English to no avail, or any version on the internet. It must have only been accessible through this website.
Interestingly, I found this other page whilst doing my page digging thing again and found this, suggesting this was also a Japan exclusive and not for the American market ... and there is more early promotional stuff to be found in relation to Disney Fairies!
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I also looked into one the main book artists on the creative team, Judith Holmes Clarke. She had a website I found on her IMDB page, that was live around 2017-2019. I saw this and wanted to add it as it had one of the stills in this video. It also has a sketch of Rosetta and Tink. This is what I found:
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It is probably a scan of this magazine, Disney Newsreel, mentioned on her IMDB.
Overall, I'm super happy with this find and I'm so happy to share it with you all!! I will be happy to share more now that I'm publicly outing myself not just as this fan of children's fairy media- an archivist. gasp...
Also probably making a website/blog which I will share later and will be in the About Me link with my other socials.
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And believe me, this is just the beginning
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gin-juice-tonic · 7 months
convinced that you were somehow secretly alive in the 60s/70s. what sort of secret historical resources and/or time machines are you using to expand your knowledge of decades past
Ha ha, I dont feel I do a particularly great job, but I always find myself getting into googling sprees when I just wanted to post about something simple. I'm always checking if x thing was invented yet, or popularized yet, and I end up learning a lot of new things... So I would say the best way to expand your knowledge is to ask a question about One thing, and let the research take you around in circles to answers you didnt ask for.
I talked more under here but it got long. Im putting it under a read more and bolding key words like an ace attorney game.
As for specific resources I've looked at... hm... I've gone through a lot of the old sears catalogs. There's websites out there that have ones dating all the way back from 1940 to 2017. That can give you ideas about (some) styles of clothes and furniture popular at the time. There's also websites dedicated to explaining certain decades of american fashion. Sometimes I read old popular science magazines, mainly because google books has every single one of them archived and available to read for free...
Youtube has a lot of videos of old advertisements, those are good ways to both get into some pop culture and see societal attitudes. I've watched a lot of infomercials and employee training videos for stan in particular lol. If you have specific places you want to know about you can search for videos of them. Tourism videos work well if its a famous area, if not some people upload their home movies onto youtube as well.
If you really want to, you can read books (or skim books) that were written, or had been popular to read around the time. Or advice/guide books for specific occupations. Biographies of people of different ages are great as well to learn about what life was like more in a daily way...
This is long, so I'm just going to list some things now. Blogs dedicated to histories of certain things (music, sports, gay history, 5 string banjos, columbo, whatever!), TV shows and Movies from the time period you were interested in, old comics, redditors who want to post old photos of their favorite old hangouts, and lastly, you could also just talk to older people. I've bothered my parents asking about disco, I've bothered asking my grandma about pads in the 1950s. Most people like to reminisce or complain about things from their youth lol...
oh. And I almost forgot. I've used Cassell's Dictionary of Slang a few times. Usually just to check if a phrase that I want to use existed yet. But then in the course of my search I end up finding something I think is funny
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
47 Northwestern faculty
October 27, 2023
This letter is in response to the “Open letter on NU leaders’ responses to war in Palestine and Israel” published in the Oct.16 edition of The Daily.
The Oct.16 letter gave the impression that the reasons civilians were killed by Hamas and by the Israel Defense Forces were the same, but whereas Hamas murdered civilians intentionally, the IDF were defending their citizens and homeland. The original 1988 Hamas charter (Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement) and guidelines to mosque preachers from the Palestinian Authority last week — according to Palestinian Media Watch and Jihad Watch — specifically state that Hamas’ mission is the annihilation of Jews and the complete destruction of Israel and the establishment of a theocratic state based on Islamic law. While Hamas amended its charter in 2017 to remove explicit mention of annihilation of Jews, we believe that mission is still intrinsic to their movement.
In 2005, Israel withdrew all soldiers and civilians from Gaza to reduce friction and enhance security. Two years later, Hamas violently overthrew the Palestinian Authority and took over the territory. Since then, terrorists have fired over tens of thousands of rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilians, according to the Associated Press. This has led to multiple wars, and both Israel and Egypt needed to maintain a blockade to prevent weapons smuggling into Gaza.
On Oct. 7 Hamas members intentionally slaughtered and eviscerated civilian men, women and children — as their 1988 charter and directives to preachers demand — and they raped women, according to the IDF. In the Oct. 16 open letter, the authors say the number of rockets Israel dropped in the first week of the war exceeded how many rockets terrorists had dropped, as if it was disproportionate. Based on a rule of proportionality, which is irrelevant in war, the IDF would be justified in committing as many horrific acts against Gazans as Hamas has against Israeli citizens. This is absurd.
The IDF has said it does everything possible to avoid killing Palestinian civilians, such as forewarning civilians to move out of a particular area by dropping leaflets, putting messages on social media and making phone calls. Yet, a significant number of Palestinian civilians are still killed. Why? The Washington Post has reported Hamas hides and fires its munitions in civilian areas, including hospitals, schools and homes, and uses civilians as human shields. Because of this, the IDF has diverted missiles. The IDF has also said Hamas is responsible for blocking civilians from traveling south to what the IDF said would be a safe zone.
The open letter’s depiction of “the blockade and humanitarian stranglehold on the Gaza strip since 2007” by Israel ignores the IDF’s assertion that a blockade is necessary to prevent terrorists from entering, which occurred prior to the blockade. The blockade is a way for Israel to protect its citizens from harm.
Gaza gets hundreds of millions of dollars each year for humanitarian purposes, but much of this money does not reach the civilian population, the Wall Street Journal reported. Hamas uses it for military purposes, which contributes to poverty among civilians. Hamas was named the third richest terror group in the world by Forbes Magazine in 2018. International aid “was designed to be humanitarian in nature, but money is fungible, and that also allows Hamas to divert money from providing for its people to support the war machine,” Alex Zerden, a former senior U.S. Treasury national security official, said in the Wall Street Journal. If Hamas had used this money to build infrastructure and support businesses, Gaza would be in a much better position.
Although we grieve for the loss of all innocent lives, the loss of life is on the bloodied hands of Hamas. There are not two sides to barbaric behavior. Hamas is displaying unimaginable evil that is unacceptable in any civilized society, and there is no justification for pure evil.
Richard B. Silverman, Departments of Chemistry, Molecular Biosciences, and Pharmacology Morton O. Schapiro, President Emeritus, Northwestern University Henry Bienen, President Emeritus, Northwestern University David N. Seidman, Department of Materials Science and Engineering James A Sauls, Department of Physics and Astronomy Philip Greenland, Department of Preventive Medicine Harris Perlman, Department of Medicine Raymond Glassenberg MD Department of Anesthesiology Jonathan B Ida, Department of Otolaryngology Richard J. Miller, Department of Pharmacology Michael R. Wasielewski, Department of Chemistry Rose Shoshanah Seidman, Selector and Cataloguer J. Samuel Tenenbaum, Pritzker School of Law Thomas Meade, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences Brian M. Hoffman, Department of Chemistry Lewis J. Smith, Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Tobin J. Marks, Department of Chemistry Tamar Seideman, Department of Chemistry Ben Z. Katz, Department of Pediatrics Oren Lakser, Department of Pediatrics Mercouri G Kanatzidis, Department of Chemistry Julio M. Ottino, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering George C. Schatz, Department of Chemistry Lee P. Shulman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology P. Hande Ozdinler, Department of Neurology Neil J. Stone, Department of Cardiology Kenneth Poeppelmeier, Department of Chemistry Chad A. Mirkin, Department of Chemistry Joseph L. Schofer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Joel Shalowitz, Department of Preventive Medicine Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern, Department of History William Klein, Department of Neurobiology Milan Mrksich, Department of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering Gary Saul Morson, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures Mark C. Hersam, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Elie Rekhess, Visiting Professor, Department of History Samuel I. Stupp, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering William P. Halperin, Department of Physics and Astronomy Efraim Benmelech, Kellogg School of Management Joel Mokyr, Department of Economics and History Igor Jerome Koralnik, Department of Neurology Eddie Dekel, Department of Economics Martin Eichenbaum, Department of Economics William A. Muller, Department of Pathology Lauren S. Wakschlag, Department of Medical Social Sciences Irwin Benuck, Department of Pediatrics Benayahu Elbaz-Eilon, Department of Neurology
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henrykathman · 10 months
The Complete Amateur's Guide to Moomin
By popular demand, I have compiled every video in my 'Amateur's Guide to Moomin' into one convenient video, with additional footnotes, corrections, and a newly added section discussing the changes that have occurred with the Moomin series since the publishing of the original videos. Join me as I explore the series' history and its author, Tove Jansson, to discover what we can learn from this peaceful family of trolls.
Special thanks to @marsmombestmom for helping with the Swedish Translation and corrections.
Augsburger Puppenkiste. Die Muminfamilie, ARD, 1959.
Boel Westin. Tove Jansson : Life, Art, Words : The Authorised Biography. London, Sort Of, 2014.
Bosworth, Mark. “Tove Jansson: Love, War and the Moomins.” BBC News, BBC, 13 Mar. 2014, bbc.com/news/magazine-26529309.
Box, Steve, et al. Moominvalley. Yle TV2 / Sky One, 25 Feb. 2019. 13 x 22 minutes.
Dębiński, Lucjan, and Maria Kossakowska. The Moomins, Episode 1-100, Se-Ma-For, 1977.
Gutsy Animation. “Moominvalley Crowdfunding Campaign.” Indiegogo, 8 Mar. 2017, indiegogo.com/projects/moomin#. Accessed 30 May 2023.
Jansson, Tove, and Elizabeth Portch. Comet in Moominland. Puffin Books, 2019.
Jansson, Tove, and Kingsley Hart. Moominpappa at Sea. Puffin Books, 2019.
Jansson, Tove, and Kingsley Hart. Moominvalley in November. Sort Of Books, 2018.
Jansson, Tove, and Thomas Warburton. Moominsummer Madness. Puffin Books, 2019.
Jansson, Tove. Finn Family Moomintroll. Translated by Elizabeth Portch, Puffin Books, 2019.
Jansson, Tove. Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip. Drawn & Quarterly, 2010.
Jansson, Tove. Moominland Midwinter. Paw Prints, 2008.
Jansson, Tove. Tales from Moominvalley. Penguin Books Ltd, 2019.
Jansson, Tove. The Exploits of Moominpappa. Penguin Books Ltd, 2019.
Jansson, Tove. The Moomins and the Great Flood. Drawn & Quarterly, 2018.
Karjalainen, Tuula, and David McDuff. Tove Jansson: Work and Love. Penguin Books, 2016.
Lamppu, Eva. “Big in Japan, but Could America Love Moomin?” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 6 Oct. 2009, reuters.com/article/us-moomins/big-in-japan-but-could-america-love-moomin-idUSTRE59501Z20091006.
Miyazaki, Akira, et al. “Tanoshii Mūmin Ikka.” Tanoshii Mūmin Ikka, season 1, episode 1-78, TV Tokyo, 1990.
“Moomin Characters as Tove's Self-Portraits.” Moomin, 15 May 2019, moomin.com/en/blog/moomin-characters-as-toves-self-portraits.
“Moomin Products in the 1950s.” Moomin, 15 May 2019, moomin.com/en/blog/moomins-in-the-1950s.
Moomintrivia. “Psychology of The Invisible Child.” Moomin Trivia, 10 June 2019, moomintrivia.tumblr.com/post/185491696931/psychology-of-the-invisible-child.
Moyle, Franny. Moominland Tales: The Life of Tove Jansson. Youtube, BBC 4, 2012, youtube.com/watch?v=tYgC0nKyF0g.
“The Story of How Moomintroll Was Born.” Moomin, 12 Jan. 2020, moomin.com/en/blog/the-story-of-how-moomintroll-was-born.
“Who Inspired Tove When Creating Moominmamma?” Moomin, 15 May 2019, moomin.com/en/blog/who-inspired-tove-when-creating-moominmamma.
“Who Inspired Tove When Creating Moominpappa?” Moomin, 15 May 2019, moomin.com/en/blog/who-inspired-tove-when-creating-moominpappa.
Yamazaki, Tadaaki. Moomin, Fuji TV, 1969.
YLE News. “Finland’s Most Expensive TV Show: New Moominvalley Series.” Yleisradio Oy, the Finnish Broadcasting Company, 25 Jan. 2019, yle.fi/a/3-10614150. Accessed 30 May 2023.
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totowlff · 9 months
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chapter thirty-eight — on the cover
➝ check now the new issue of karriere by der standard magazine!
➝ word count: 2,6k
➝ warnings: none
➝ author’s note: well, the hiatus is over. after a few turbulent months in my personal life, with a layoff and a hiring involved, in addition to depressive episodes, i am finally back in front of the keyboard to continue writing my stories. i appreciate the kind messages i received from everyone who still wanted to read more about elisabeth and cassie. they were of paramount importance for me to go ahead. i hope you like this chapter.
A Flower Blooms On The Asphalt 
Toto Wolff and Elisabeth Lauda talk about business, family and the next step in the relationship that rocked the world of Formula 1
By Rosa Winkler-Hermaden
They say that first impressions are lasting impressions, and the first impression one gets when watching Elisabeth Lauda and Toto Wolff together is that they are not your average couple. Both possess a presence that's impossible to ignore, courtesy of his tall stature and her piercing blue eyes, and the sense of poise and seriousness both of them exude, even in a setting as relaxed as this one.
Watching the two settle down on the sofa for the conversation, held in the couple's penthouse located in the Innere Stadt, it's hard not to not get the impression that the two of them are indeed “Austrian motorsport’s royalty”, a nickname given to the couple by the reporter Ted Kravitz, of Sky Sports F1. Considering who we're talking about, it's a very apt way to describe the couple, even though they vehemently deny it.
“It's a definition that I find funny, but I don’t necessarily agree with it. Neither Elisabeth nor I expect things to be done for us, let alone have figurative roles on the team. We are two completely normal people, we work and strive to provide the best working environment for everyone on the team”, Toto says, while holding his partner's hand.
“I think who my father is lends itself to the description, but I don’t really think it’s an accurate view of who Toto and I are as people. Like he said, we are completely normal people. We were just lucky enough to find each other in the middle of all this mess”, Elisabeth tells me, which makes Toto smile, his dark eyes glued to the small diamond sparkling on her left ring finger. The mess she is referring to, of course, is Formula 1, a world that today is the backdrop for, according to magazines and newspapers across Europe, “the greatest love story in sport to date”.
It’s a story that all starts in downtown Vienna.
Mixing business with pleasure
As her surname suggests, Elisabeth Lauda is the youngest daughter of three-time Formula 1 champion Niki Lauda and his wife of over 40 years, Marlene. With her beauty inherited from her mother and the acerbic personality of her father, she grew up between Austria and Ibiza, with a period in Italy in the 1990s when Niki worked for Ferrari. With a life between the Spanish island and her home country, as well as a few years studying at the Lycée Français in Vienna made her a polyglot. In addition to her native German, she speaks Catalan, Italian, French and English. “We're even on this one, we both know five languages apiece”, Toto comments, with a mischievous smile.
With two business degrees and an MBA from the University of Vienna, Liesl, as Toto calls her, was never interested in the world of motorsport. She says that she always preferred to work together with her father in his business outside of racing; the management of airlines and other investments he’d made in the early 2000’s. 
“My father always said that, for matters related to Formula 1, he was in charge. I was never even tempted to delve into that world, that was something he did with my brothers. Things started to change when he received an invitation from Daimler to buy shares in Mercedes-Benz GP, which meant he would take the position of non-executive director of the team. He asked me if I wanted to help him with the project, and so, Formula 1 became another business interest of mine”, Elisabeth says.
Unlike his partner, Toto Wolff fell in love with speed in his late teens. He didn’t grow up watching racing, despite the fact that he does recall watching his father-in-law compete on television. After watching Philipp Peter, a friend of his from Vienna, compete in German Formula 3, the young man became convinced that this was what he wanted to do with his life. However, his reality was quite different.
Growing up in an upper-middle-class neighborhood in Vienna, his life changed drastically when his father, Sven, was diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer. It wasn't long before the business went bankrupt and his parents separated. Joanna, his mother, was left having to care for Toto and his sister, Lili, as a single mother. The dream of being a driver seemed distant, especially with his family’s financial difficulties. However, by pooling the savings from some Christmas and birthday gifts, Toto was able to buy (ironically) a SEAT Ibiza to start racing in Austria. 
However, his fairy tale was short-lived. After a few unpromising seasons in Formula Ford and without the support of his main sponsor, who pulled out after the death of Roland Ratzenberger in 1994, he found himself taking another path.
“I entered university in a Business course, but ended up dropping out after I got an internship at a bank in Warsaw. I thought I would learn more in the real world, so I dove in. It's not something I really recommend, but, at the time, it seemed like a good idea. I learned a lot about investments and how to read the markets there, so that was a good thing” ,Toto says. He built some wealth by making lucky investments in early tech startups, which gave Wolff the chance to fulfill another dream: owning a Formula 1 team. 
He became an investor first in HWA, a motorsport supplier that ran the Mercedes DTM factory team, which eventually led to him investing in the storied Williams F1 team. His work with Williams caught the eye of Wolfgang Bernhard, part of the board of directors of Daimler, the parent company of Mercedes, in the summer of 2012. Mercedes had re-entered Formula 1 in 2010 after taking over the Brawn GP outfit, and struggled in its first two seasons back in the sport. After a meeting with Dieter Zetsche, chairman of the board, he was invited to buy shares, along with Niki Lauda. “The turning point”, according to Wolff.
The couple's first contact was in September 2012, at a dinner at the Edvard restaurant, in downtown Vienna. Elisabeth laughs as she remembers arriving at the place with her father after an unexpected delay, as well as the moment she saw Wolff for the first time.
“My father arrived at the table, started greeting everyone and I started to ask myself why I was there, since I didn't know anyone, I hadn't participated in any meetings, I wasn't directly involved in the operation. Until he”, Elisabeth says, turning her head toward Toto. “He got up to talk to my dad and all I could think about was how beautiful his smile was”.
Wolff is more direct about his first impression of Elisabeth. "I'm a bit of a pessimistic man and particularly skeptical about love. I've been married and divorced once, so I figured the whole “romance” thing wasn't for me. And then she walks into the restaurant and it's like my heart said 'wait, I think we can try again'. And I decided to give it a try".
Although they didn't really talk much during that first dinner, they did get a chance to grow closer over lunch in Singapore. “The way he told me about his life, the details, the twinkle in his eye, that enchanted me. It felt like I was talking to someone I had known forever. There was a feeling of familiarity, of comfort. It was like I had finally found my home”, Elisabeth says, as Toto kisses her on the hand.
However, the couple took a while to get together. There was some hesitation on her part, especially considering her involvement in the team’s operations, given who her father is. “I feared how our involvement might look to others, especially investors. As much as we had a known and public friendship, at the negotiation table it could sound as if we were in collusion, which was not true”, she says.
That hesitation meant that each of them stepped back from their burgeoning relationship. Toto even had an affair with a French model in the meantime, but it didn't last long. “I couldn’t get Elisabeth out of my head,” Wolff explains, a shy smile on his face. Shortly thereafter, the two kicked off their relationship, which was surprisingly well-received by both of their families.
“Everyone’s reaction was something between 'finally' and 'I already knew', so I think we were just postponing something that was going to happen one way or another all this time", Elisabeth says. “You were putting it off”, Toto says, as Elisabeth shakes her head. “I wasn't”, she replies, while Wolff smiles mischievously.
The harmony between them is visible, even when they disagree on something. And that is a key element for the results that this partnership has achieved.
Communication as the key to success
Since 2014, the team commanded by the couple has won the Formula 1 constructors’ title three years in a row. The championship for individual drivers — the World Drivers’ Championship — has been won by a Mercedes driver since 2014 as well. At this point, history is set to repeat itself, though both Elisabeth and Toto deny that it is a certainty at this point.
“The results of the last few years have been incredible, but that doesn't mean we have everything in our hands, this year was proof of that. We weren’t as consistent during the first part of the season as in previous years, which cost us points in several races”, Toto says. "Ferrari did an excellent job this year and we had to fight to recover, especially after what happened in Monaco with Lewis’ car".
When asked if she agrees with her partner's assessment, Elisabeth smiles. “Yes, at this point, I agree. Nothing we have achieved came on a golden platter, it is the result of the effort of more than two thousand people in Brackley and Brixworth. The results belong to everyone, not just to those on the podium with the trophy”, she says. They seem to be mostly in agreement on everything, a picture of teamwork and harmony. I ask about it.
“Definitely not all the time”, he says, stifling a laugh. “Toto likes to say that he fell in love with the most headstrong woman in Austria, which is accurate, I think. Contrary to what many people think, I have firm positions on things. I'm not easily influenced, especially when it comes to business”, Elisabeth explains. Despite sounding like a source of conflict, the two cite their ability to communicate as their major strength together.
“Elisabeth and I had very different lives and paths until we met. It's completely normal and expected that we have different opinions and views on things, but we talk a lot and we always try to reach a middle ground”, Toto says. “Of course, when it comes to Mercedes, given the fact that Elisabeth is a representative of her father and not necessarily a shareholder, sometimes the conversation needs to be with Niki and not with her. But we always work with dialogue, on all fronts”, he completes, while his companion nods positively.
Of course, they can’t avoid all conflict, and Elisabeth confirms this herself. “We are still a normal couple. We argue, we try to understand each other, and we try to put our best vision on the table. But the fact that we managed to make our relationship work both in the workplace and at home is a sign of our maturity, I think”.
When asked if dialogue is the key to the team's success, the couple looks at each other, smiling. “It's difficult to attribute all the success of recent years to a single factor. But, I believe that communication, not just between the two of us, but within the organization, is extremely important”, Toto responds.
At this point, Elisabeth says that she wants a cup of coffee, and offers one to her partner and me. Toto refuses, giving his partner a good-natured jab about her caffeine intake. “I only appreciate the finer things in life”, she replies, planting a kiss on his cheek before getting up and heading to the kitchen.
A bright future
As we enjoy an espresso together, the couple talks about housekeeping and decorating. I ask about the pictures on the mantel above the fireplace. There are pictures of the couple by themselves, pictures of Toto’s two children from his previous marriage, and pictures of the Lauda family. Looking at all of it at once, it is impossible not to admire how the two of them have created a brilliant professional and personal life.
But, what about the future?
“We both intend to stay at Mercedes for a few more years. It's a long-term project, for both of us”, Elisabeth responds. "We renewed our contracts at the beginning of this year, until 2020 at least, then we will remain in the paddock for a few more seasons".
“We're both on the same page in that regard. We both have ambitions and desires in common and we know that, together, we will be able to achieve them”, completes Toto. When asked what those ambitions might be, he smiles. “We want to take Mercedes to the top, make everyone recognize it for the greatness it has. The brand has spent a long time away from Formula 1 and we both want to recover the lost decades. So far, I think we’re succeeding”.
They have more intimate, family-related desires as well. “We want to provide the best environment for them”, Elisabeth says, pointing to one of the photos of her stepchildren. “Have the best experiences and be happy. We make a great effort to have as normal a family life as possible, considering their routine, their mother's and ours. Fortunately, we are also having success”.
However, it is not their only wish. “We're also thinking of expanding the family”, Toto comments quietly, as Elisabeth jabs him with her elbow. Laughing, he explains. “If it were up to me, we'd already have a little boy running around the house, but Liesl is more traditional. First love, then marriage, then the baby”, Toto says, while Elisabeth blushes.
Asked about motherhood, she gives a shy smile. “I have a big family and I already have two nephews, so having kids has always been on my mind. After my stepchildren came into my life, I felt that desire grow even more. But it's not something immediate, especially considering our routine”. “And the fact that we aren’t married”, Toto adds, smiling.
When I ask about the ring on Elisabeth’s finger, she and Toto look at each other with knowing smiles, almost as if they were deciding whether or not to share the news. “Yes, we’ve taken the first step. We are engaged”, Toto finally responds. “Personally, I never imagined that I would be engaged after forty, but life hides some admirable surprises, and one of them was Liesl”.
When I ask her about the proposal, Elisabeth gives me a smile. “It wasn't traditionally romantic, but it was extremely meaningful for both of us”, she says. “I had thought about proposing during the days we spent in Ibiza, but I ended up not getting it. It ended up being here in the penthouse, inside the office, which was still meaningful for us”, Toto says, his thumb stroking the skin of her hand.
They don’t yet have a date or venue in mind, but both of them agree that it will be a small, private affair. “It's something we agreed on regarding the event. No crowds or spotlights. It will be something private, for us to share this moment with the ones we love, nothing more”, Elisabeth explains.
Asked if they feel that is the logical step to be taken in the relationship, Toto is adamant. “Yes. There is no one else I would want to be with in this world”, he replies, before putting his arm around her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. 
It is impossible to doubt him.
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