#watch me now never share anything from this again until it's finished
themcsspot · 2 days
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Chapter 1 - In Motion
Brief Synopsis - Y/N is an American exchange student and an absolute nobody. Mei Mei gives a suggestion to Gojo and Geto, who are "bored" of their lives, that they should compete for a girl to cure their boredom. Can you guess who?
In others words Fratboy!Gojo & Fratboy!Geto x Reader
(Also posting on AO3 - 100yenman)
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OCTOBER 15th, 20xx
The day couldn’t end any sooner. Each minute that has passed felt like hours.
The constant chatter from the students all around her fills her ears, making it hard to focus. She could leave whenever she wanted, but she wanted to feel like she did something for the day. She won’t feel satisfied unless she does. It must be a flaw. Y/N sighed and decided to take a quick mental break from her textbook and closed it shut. The words were making her dizzy.
She looked up and one student caught her eyes, she sighed again. It was Mei Mei, her “best friend”, well it was just Mei Mei being a popular girl claiming the quiet girl as her best friend when no one was around. She was the new exchange student at a Japanese University and it just happened that Mei Mei was the first student she met. And now Y/N can’t shake her off, no matter how closed off she acts. 
“Hey, Mei Mei,” Y/N greeted Mei Mei as she occupied the empty seat next to her. 
“Hello, Y/N,” She greeted back as she took out a large amount of money from her bag and began counting. Every time a bill is accounted for, her smile grows wider.
Y/N has seen Mei Mei count money before, it’s her favorite hobby after all, but there’s something different about her expression today. Even with her white hair covering her face, Y/N can tell. 
“Are you in a good mood or something, Mei Mei?”
“When you have the feeling of money in your beautiful hands you’d be in a good mood too, Y/N.”
Y/N just nodded in response, she’s not wrong. If Y/N didn’t have to worry about money, then she’d have a much easier time. She shook the thought out of her head and decided her mental break had come to an end. She reopened her book and continued from where she left off.
Mei Mei finished counting her money then took out her phone, smiling as she texted whoever was on the other end.
A good chunk of time must’ve passed and out of nowhere, Mei Mei takes a couple of yen from her large stack and places it on top of Y/N’s textbook. She’s shocked. Mei Mei has never given her money before.
“What’s this for?”
“Trust me, Y/N, take this and buy a pack of cigarettes or something. You’re going to need it.”
Y/N took in Mei Mei’s words. ‘What did she mean by that?’ Y/N thought to herself, but before she could ask Mei Mei smiled at her and made her leave. 
‘She’s so odd.’
As she watched Mei Mei make her leave, she scanned the room and somebody was approaching her table. And not just any guy, but Satoru Gojo.
‘What the hell….’
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
October 14th, 20xx
After a day of classes, some of the gang, Shoko, Shoko’s cigarettes, Nanami, and for some reason, Mei Mei,  decided to meet up in Gojo and Geto’s shared, Large and lavish apartment. They grouped up in Geto’s room, and Nanami and Shoko chose their respective spots on the floor. While Geto, Gojo, and Mei Mei were on Geto’s large bed. 
After gossiping and discussing their day it went quiet. Until Gojo let out an obnoxious, dramatic sigh and slumped down, prompting the others to look his way.
“Why’s life so boring,” Gojo sighed dramatically, as he used his hand to cover his eyes, which were already covered by his sunglasses.
Shoko and Nanami just shook their heads at him, Mei Mei just smiled, and Geto nodded in agreement. 
“It’s simply too dull,” Geto agreed with his partner, putting on a matching sad (dramatic) expression as Gojo.
Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, who are complaining about their “boring” lives, go on lavish trips every time they can, host extravagant parties, and buy anything they want in a heartbeat. Their complaints were like a gut punch.
Shoko lit another cigarette, “The audacity. Rich boys shouldn’t complain about life.”
“They just don’t get it,” Gojo said, now facing Geto. “It’s a sinned lifestyle.”
“Being rich isn’t a sin,” Nanami spoke up and Shoko nodded in agreement. “Just live your privileged lives.”
Gojo tried to defend himself and Geto, but a knock at the door interrupted his upcoming rant.
Shoko took one, long drag of her cigarette before putting it out, “The pizza’s here. Thanks for paying.”
And with that, both Shoko and Nanami left the room. Shoko charged Gojo’s card to order pizza and he didn’t even notice. 
Now Mei Mei, Geto, and Gojo were all alone.
Mei Mei, who had been quiet the whole time suddenly perked up. She remembers watching an online series about two rich boys competing over a girl. They built her up with quality time, gifts, and constant attention, But, in the end, when she was going to choose who she’d end up with, they humiliated her PUBLICALLY. 
She loves that series. So, when two rich (asshole) boys are bored, what else is she to suggest?
“Why don’t you guys just place a competition between yourselves, that’d give you both something to do,” Mei Mei suggested, causing both boys to look at her and then at each other. It seems Mei Mei just hatched a dangerous idea.
“Like what,” Geto questioned, putting his attention back on Mei Mei. “It has to be good.” 
She smiled, pulled out her phone, and then pulled up the series clip where they first gave the boys the dare. She handed the phone to Geto, who put it between him and Gojo.
The boys watched intently and then handed the phone back to Mei Mei. They seemed to like what they were hearing. 
“Well, who should be our girl,” Gojo asked curiously.
“I don’t know,” Geto replied. “But it has to be someone who will give us a run for our money.”
“I may have a suggestion on who, but it’s gonna cost you,” Mei Mei stated. “And let’s make the competition more interesting, hmm?"
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
October 15th, 20xx
“Hey, Y/N.”  Gojo’s tone oozes with confidence. “You free soon?”
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cheesybadgers · 2 days
OHDH Deleted Scene
So, there was a line in the latest IWTV episode (spoilers for 2x06 at the link) that reminded of something OHDH related, so I thought I would share a small deleted scene, because despite having not written anything since March, I do miss this ship a hell of a lot 😭 I am still working on my OHDH moodboards as well btw, I'm just taking my sweet time.
Anyway...Louis saying "You can read 'em while I fuck you" got me thinking about chapter 19 of OHDH, when Horacio and Javier are in Madrid.
The final draft only briefly mentions Horacio reading Lorca's poems aloud to Javier. However, there was an earlier draft that, er, expanded on them reading aloud to each other, and now I'm slightly regretting not keeping it in 😂
I'll put it below the cut and give a smut warning for oral sex and cockwarming (and unpolished editing, because deleted scene lol, although some lines did make the final cut):
It was doubtful if many people actually slept during siesta these days. But it did mean some shops and businesses closed for a few hours, and a general hush would fall over the city, just in case anyone was taking a nap.
Sometimes, they would read on the balcony or watch TV. Other times they would lie on the bed next to an oscillating fan, even if they didn’t sleep. But one thing would often lead to another, with the few items of clothing they were wearing soon tossed to the floor. They were already hot and sweaty anyway, might as well fully commit or continue in the shower if the heat was too much.
Not that they had jobs to get back to, but there was something incredibly indulgent about setting aside time in the middle of the day for sex. It couldn’t have been further from their previous lives, where time was something they never had enough of together. But here, they could drag it out as long as they liked, teasing and bringing each other to the edge over and over.
Occasionally, one of them would resume reading whilst the other took him in his mouth and held him there, just like Javier had imagined that night in Laredo, whilst on his knees on the floor of his childhood bedroom.
This time, Javier held the throbbing heat of Horacio’s cock gently between his lips, his hands secured on the meat of Horacio’s thighs and his knees cushioned by a pillow.
Horacio reclined comfortably in an armchair facing away from the open balcony doors. Even if someone was nosing in, which was unlikely, the back of the chair blocked the view of what was happening behind it.
He held his poetry book – the one Javier gifted to him, naturally – in one hand whilst the other stroked through Javier’s hair. They had been like this for 20 minutes or so already, neither keen to end it yet. Both content to stay connected like this for as long as possible, now that they had all the time in the world.
The first couple of times they’d done this, the sensation was too overwhelming to last long. But deep breaths and reading seemed to be the key. Each time Javier adjusted his jaw or made contact with his tongue, Horacio would focus on one verse of a poem. Line by line and word by word until he was more in control.
Now though, Horacio’s mind drifted to last Christmas Eve. To the way Javier watched him read. And the way he asked Horacio to read to him. As he turned the page to a Lorca poem, one of their favourites, an idea came to him.
Horacio began to read aloud in his first language once again. He was no more than a line in when he felt Javier shudder, triggering a chain reaction that made Horacio stutter over his words.
He tightened his fingers in Javier’s hair at the same time as the cold metal of a cross pressed against his inner thigh. Deep breaths were required before he continued, his aim being to at least finish the poem before he gave in. Because it was as relaxing as it was arousing, intimate as much as it was erotic, and the perfect way to spend downtime gifted to them by the city that once kept them apart.
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nettlestingsoup · 1 year
just finished a 3k action scene thanks to ateez’s new song, so as a celebration i’m posting an excerpt of the witch mafia au, which i don’t think i’ve done on here before? suprising, given it’s now over 30k in length and i love posting pieces of my writing, but i’ve been trying to keep this one quite close to my chest so i don’t fall into the trap of ‘i’ve told people about it so now i don’t have to write it’.
but it’s nice to work on it again after such a long time away, so i’m giving in.
cw for mentions of violence and death, because this is still a mafia au even if it’s magic, and i am choosing not to pull my punches too much with that.
The cobbles twist beneath Felix’s feet, and he’s forced to turn just in time to see Hyunjin holding the stranger up by his throat, the air around his face twisted with heat-haze as the structure of his neck just… collapses beneath the burn of Hyunjin’s hand. The corpse falls to the cobblestones as they settle and still without his magic to move them, displaced dust lifting from the ground in fading clouds around the body; and for the briefest moment of quiet, Hyunjin meets Felix’s eyes.
The world moves in slow motion between them. Soot rises and swirls in the heat of Hyunjin’s skin, dark eyes lit golden and red by the embers rising from his mouth as he exhales; his hair has come loose from its tie and it drifts around his head in the breeze created by the flames that still lick at his fingers, wreathed around his bare arms like a lover’s caress. He is beautiful, and terrible, and something beyond human.
Putting entropy in the hands of mortal men… it doesn’t make us gods, Chan had told Felix once, and back then he’d believed it. Back then he’d understood that men with magic in their blood were still men, and could never be anything more, no matter how hard they tried.
Looking at Hyunjin now, Felix isn’t so sure.
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yandere-sins · 10 months
Imagine getting isekai’ed into otome game as a background character, watching the main character going down routes as you live your peaceful, mundane life, but you’ve unknowingly been going down a route as well, a route for a hidden character that you didn’t discover during your time playing the game.
That character being the reason the game has a dark content warning.
Gosh anon, that idea is so good!!!! I didn't know it would tickle all the right places in my brain, but when I started I couldn't stop lol. Love it, thank you for sending it in ♥
If this had one of these super long titles that are tmi it would be:
I got Isekai'ed into an Otome Game as a Background Character and now I Have to Finish It with the Secret Yandere Love Interest!!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
A serene smile spread over your lips as you watched the two lovebirds in the corner of your coffee shop.
Swirling the milk into a cup, it created a little white heart surrounded by foamy coffee, its aroma drifting into your nose. Had someone told you that the little things like a cup of coffee made with love and care were enough to give you the peace of mind you always wanted in your previous life, you would have laughed at them. For you, it had always been the hustle, the making money, finding a partner, and creating a family. Make everyone proud while being successful, whether it costs you nights of sleep or days without proper meals. But looking at yourself now, it all seemed so far away now, and you let out a content sigh before setting down the cup in front of the customer at the bar. 
"You seem happy today," your regular at the counter noted, picking up the cup and taking a moment to appreciate the aroma just like you had. A smile sneaked onto their lips, too, after they took a sip, and you couldn't help but feel your heart swell with pride and happiness when they gave you a satisfied nod. 
"I am! I'm really getting accustomed to my new life here, it's... been a while since I've been so content."
The truth behind everything that happened to you was something you couldn't speak about lightly. Not when it turned the life you knew upside down, leaving you to start over completely. One day you were an employee of a well-known company, responsible for sales and reports and everything stressful. And the next, you were in your favorite, cozy video game, running the coffee shop the main character liked to visit with all the romance options in the game.
Isekai was the genre that came to mind when you thought about your situation. Luckily you were spared the memories of your death in the real world, the circumstances blurry as you barely remembered going home late from work, only to wake up in this very different universe. Perhaps you were just comatose, and this was a dream. Still, by now, you had managed to slip into your role as the barista of the small coffee shop, a barely mentioned background character, just fine.
Your eyes jumped back to the couple in the corner, giggling and teasing each other over a group project, and you felt an immense relief you weren't reincarnated as the main protagonist and had to go through the years of studying and trying to establish connections with the love interests again. You already did that in your old life, and it wasn't as romantic and fun as the game made it out to be. You only played it because it got your mind off things, the art was pretty, and it had the exact amount of cozy time management you needed to relax. But living as the main character in it? No, thank you!
"Jealous?" your regular teased, and you chuckled, shaking your head. They tapped their—now empty—cup, and you took it from them, replacing it with some water until you had the next cup of coffee ready for them.
"I just think it's cute. I never had someone so interested in me they'd take me out for coffee and share their cake with me when I was younger."
Your words tasted a little bitter on your tongue. Still, you genuinely couldn't wish for anything but the main character's happiness. It was just the feeling of being loved, desired, and wanted that you missed, even though your new life was more than satisfactory despite you feeling a little lonely sometimes.
"Well, it's never too late to start," they chuckled, taking up their fork and cutting off the tip of their strawberry shortcake, including the big chunk of strawberry on top, picking it up and holding it out towards you. 
"Oh, I wouldn't dare--"
"I insist! As thanks for the amazing coffee every time I come here."
Nudging your lips with their fork, you let out an awkward chuckle. It was okay, right? They wouldn't sue you for eating the cake they paid for, would they? This was just a silly little game. What could go wrong with you accepting their kindness?
Opening your lips, you let them feed you the cake, taking a moment to let the sweet and fruity notes mix with the fluffy whip cream before you were sent straight to heaven. Not to toot your own horn, but your baking skills had improved so much since you started working at the shop. Who knew you had that in you?
Occupied with the moment of bliss as you let the cake flavor mix in your mouth, you hummed happily before devoting yourself back to making the coffee with a smile on your face. Unaware of your regular fixating on the fork you had just eaten from, staring at it like it was some strange artifact. Your phone dinged softly in its drawer, and you checked it briefly to see the notification pinging up, saying, "Achievement unlocked: Cake-Master - Provide the most delicious cake to your customers."
"Excuse me!" the main character called out to you, stepping up to the counter, and you directed your attention to her, ignoring the little game notification you've been receiving since starting your new life here, the love interest not far away before the two began fighting over who was going to pay the bill this time lovingly. Of course, the love interest won, but you wouldn't have expected it any other way. Seeing the blush on the main character's face after her romance option told her he'd "always take care" of her made you grin like a little fan, and you cheered them on in your head. 
By the time you returned to your regular, their knuckles had gone white with how hard they were gripping the fork in their hand, their eyes following the couple who was about to leave. For a moment, it made you wonder if they had a crush on either of them, their sweet interaction surely uncomfortable if that was the case. But you didn't remember there being a jealousy scene in the game. You'd know, almost playing it 100% before your death. There apparently was a secret route you never got but were trying your hardest to achieve. Now you were left to wonder what it entailed.
But the second you returned, they looked up at you, expression softening and the tension disappearing, and you chalked it up to having witnessed a cringe moment that they had gotten so awkward. "Thank you for the cake, that was really nice of you! Do you want another fork?" you asked and were met with a headshake and a smile. 
They quickly began eating their cake and complimenting your baking skills, stroking your growing ego when they rubbed their belly. 
"I never had a cake that good!" they proclaimed, and you laughed out loud, overjoyed that you had made them so happy. 
"Say..." they suddenly spoke up again, leaning on the counter and watching you with gentle eyes. Your heart set out for a second, tension rising as you didn't know what they were going to ask. Ever since you opened the coffee shop, the main character, love interests, and this regular had come by constantly. If you were honest, you enjoyed their visits more and more. Their presence felt like it belonged here with you, and you were a part of something bigger after all, washing away the small, lonely part of you. 
And maybe... just maybe... this was how your happy end would play out.
"Are you this nice to every customer?"
Halting your movements, you set aside the brew head that you used on the espresso machine, despite having to clean it, thinking about your answer for a moment. It was a strange question to ask someone who worked in customer service. Still, you appreciated your regular, so you didn't want to give them a snarky answer.
"Uhm, well, I am just trying to make everyone feel welcome! But of course, it's a bit different with my regulars! After all, they come here often, like a second family. So I guess I'm a bit nicer because you really get to know and appreciate these people that stay to chat and tell stories."
"I see," they muttered. "Family, huh..."
After that, you suddenly were swamped with sudden orders, excusing yourself to fulfill them, chatting and laughing with even the people that were just passing by. Maybe you really were just nice? Perhaps this new environment had made you more relaxed and gentle than the harsh world you lived in, and it was showing? But their question was shoved into the back of your mind as you kept fulfilling orders and earning your keep.
Once the rush was over, you returned to your regular, only to find their seat empty. Strange, you thought. You could have sworn that you felt their eyes on you the whole time you were away, but luckily, they didn't walk out on their tab, leaving the money and a folded-up napkin beneath their empty cup for you to find. You quickly stored away the bills, trusting your regular with knowing what they had to pay after so many weeks of the same order.
You were about to throw away their napkin when you noticed some red marks on them, unwrapping the paper to find a note scribbled in what you had to assume was ink. 
"You're so beautiful when you laugh."
The surprise wore off quite fast, and you smiled, thinking nothing of it but that it was a nice compliment from your regular. Still, you ended up throwing the napkin away—not knowing if it was dirty, after all—taking the coffee cup and plate to the sink to clean them, overseeing the red tip on the fork that was too dark to be from the strawberry.
The rest of your day was uneventful, and by the time you were closing, you were tired and ready to tug in for the night, wrapping up your business at the shop quickly before walking home. You didn't have a chance to look at your phone since you glanced at the achievement notification, so you took it out, startled when you saw a dozen new messages. 
Achievement unlocked: Happy new life - Be content with your new life
Achievement unlocked: A fork for two! - Share a fork with someone special
Achievement unlocked: Jealousy - Make someone special jealous
Achievement unlocked: Soothing - Calm someone special down with your presence
Achievement unlocked: Family - Have someone be moved by your words
Achievement unlocked: The nicest person in town - Be beloved by all, but especially by someone special
Achievement unlocked: Blood in the cup - Have someone hurt themselves at your coffee shop
Achievement unlocked: Wonder-Barista - Complete twenty orders in less than thirty minutes
Achievement unlocked: Strange compliment - Receive a compliment through unusual means
Achievement unlocked: Blooming infatuation - Have someone special fall in love with you
Achievement unlocked: Shop-Pro! - Close the shop twenty times after making a profit from your work
Achievement unlocked: Tired - Hard workers deserve to relax
You blinked a few times, surprised by what you were reading and a little weirded out by some of these achievements. They gave you some extra coins in your shop till and reputation with the townspeople, so you usually didn't mind them. But to say some of their descriptions were weird was an understatement. You couldn't even remember someone getting hurt at your workplace that day.
By the time you reached your apartment, you decided to ignore the strange notifications and just let the day come to an end with a hot bath and your favorite show. But you were startled when your phone suddenly began ringing loudly, even though you had turned off the sound back at the coffee shop after the first notification. The first messages that appeared before you were more achievements, and you stopped turning the key in your door as you read them.
Achievement unlocked: Follower - Have someone special follow you home
Achievement unlocked: Welcome home! - Arrive at home, not alone
Achievement unlocked: Wherever you go, I'll be watching you - Ɨ ΔΜ ΔŁŴΔ¥Ş ŴΔŦĆĦƗŇǤ ¥ØỮ
Lifting your head, you looked around you, glancing over your shoulder and into the courtyard below. No one was out; everyone was at home eating dinner and occupied with their lives. Confused, you swiped all the notifications away before another pop-up appeared.
ALERT! You're about to enter X's route. Do you want to continue?
> Yes > No
Panicked at this point, you pressed "No," but nothing happened. You kept tapping it repeatedly, not understanding what was happening with your phone. But nothing changed, the notification staying in place. The sound of something breaking inside your apartment tore your focus away from your phone, startling you. 
You must have finally managed to close it, the pop-up disappearing just as you unlocked the door to your apartment, still having held on to the key when you were surprised by the sound. Darkness and silence greeted you from inside, everything seemingly normal.
Majorly confused, you shook your head, slowly entering the hallway leading inside. "Hello?" you called out, reaching for the light switch. The light flickered on, and... there was no one. Holding your breath, no sound reached your ears, and you groaned, realizing you got freaked out about... nothing. 
This wasn't some kind of horror game, and the story never had a murder-solving subplot. True, the ratings for it were kind of strange—it being rated as 18+ on the website—but seriously, what should happen in a cozy little city like the one the game played in? You didn't even think they had a police station here.
Pushing off your shoes as you shrugged off the weird feeling from before, you walked up the hallway to your living room, turning on the light before coming to an abrupt halt. There were broken pieces of glass underneath your living room window, but what really freaked you out came into view only when you lifted your head. You could look into the mirror of your cabinet door from your position, red marker dripping from it as if someone had hastily scribbled on it just seconds ago. You weren't sure it was a pen anymore, judging by its deep red color and the fluidity of it.
"𝘪 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘥 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺"
Your phone pinged.
Achievement unlocked: 
On the Highway to Hell - Unlock the secret route
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lijojo · 11 months
genshin sugar daddies
premise: you have seven sugar daddies: one for every day of the week. a bit overwhelming, right? however, you somehow find ways to make time for each and every one of them, no matter how emotionally and physically demanding they are. it's just that, now they don't seem too keen on sharing, and you don't know what to do. (modern au)
tw: nsfw, dark content - minors dni
mondays are always harder in more ways than one. mondays are diluc's days, and that means that you're spending a good portion of your nights at angel's share.
on mondays, it's happy hour. which means that you're sitting at a booth in the corner looking pretty while diluc is tending to his customers. you're more than happy to sit back and relax while you wait for him to finish with work. when the drinks are on the house, you're willing to wait as long as it'll take.
periodically, when he's not busy, however, he'll walk over to you and engage in conversation. you act as a taste-tester for new drinks so he's always asking you if you like them. you two will talk about your day, any interesting events, and so on until diluc is pulled back into work again.
then you're back to fiddling your fingers and watching him work. over time, you've learned that he preferred that you not do anything while you were supposed to be with him. that instead, you fixated your gaze on him while he moved about. sometimes you'll catch him looking at you to see if your eyes are still on him.
even while he's dealing with a certain tone-deaf bard, there's something about the way he looks at you so intently that reminds you of a predator.
when angel's share closes, you're there to keep him company while he cleans up. when he's done, he'll sweep you away back to his manor.
you'll fall onto the sheets as he grinds against you. his shallow breaths brush against your throat. the look he gives you is nothing short of intense.
"everyone at the tavern was looking at you, you know," he mutters, running his fingers down your chest, sinking into your pants. he pulls them down effortlessly along with your panties. "didn't you feel it, darling? their filthy eyes on you. they want to ruin you. everyone wants to ruin you."
he throws your legs over his shoulders, his fingers crawling up your thighs. you jump when he suddenly inserts two fingers into your cunt, scissoring you. his free arm wraps around your leg to keep you locked against him. his eyes are glued onto you as he presses a kiss against your calf.
"but your eyes were on me all night, weren't they. couldn't take your eyes off me, could you. you're mine, dear. do you hear me? you're mine."
you don't overlook how tight his grip is. tight enough to make you wonder if he'll ever let you go. in the morning, he does, but you're scared for the day he wakes up and decides that it's for the last time.
tuesdays aren't as bad. when you’re sore from the night before, childe is there to take you out to meals, shopping, and sightseeing. he's not always available to spend time with you on tuesdays, because of his equally-demanding job and whatnot, but when he is free, he never wastes a second.
or a dollar.
childe smirks smugly from his sea. his posture is lax, one hand lazily tracing circles on the chair's arm while the other comes up to rest under his chin.
"how about you twirl for me, girlie? you look so beautiful."
you giggle, observing yourself in the mirror. "why thank you."
you bask in the way the soft satin kisses your skin. the way your newly-own earrings sparkle under the dressing room's light. just a couple years ago, you could've only dreamed of being dressed so prettily.
"do your side-bitches ever treat you as well as me?"
"childe!" you chide.
he laughs, getting up from his seat. but you both know better than to believe his little chuckle is genuine.
he approaches you, sliding his hands around your waist. tucking your head under his chin, he stares at you through the mirror's reflection.
you don't say anything, and childe doesn't either. it appears he's more than happy to enjoy just standing there. his gaze is glossed over, far away.
the two of you sway side to side for what seems like forever until he decides to say something.
"do they buy you pretty things like i do?"
of course they do, you think. although you spend one-on-one time with each and every one of them, they are all aware of each other. it's only right that they did. it was the first thing you said when you brought the idea up to them, that it wasn't going to be exclusive.
but when you see the way he looks at you, you can't really tell him the truth. not when his focus is redirected from his thoughts to you.
"the things you buy me are a special kind of pretty," you reply.
it seems like that answer is enough for him, because he doesn't say anything else. instead he hums quietly, letting the vibration ripple in the back of your head. he slides his hands down your hips and before you can say anything else, he whips his head around.
"i'll buy these sets." he motions over to the closest clothes rack to an attendant you hadn't noticed. "and that one. and the dress she's wearing. how many colors does this come in, by the way?"
the attendant doesn't hesitate. "five colors, sir. they come in bla—"
"great." he shuffles through his pocket to pull out a black card. "pack them up, we won't be here any longer," he retorts.
the attendant looks ecstatic, quickly shuffling out of the dressing rooms towards the cash register with newfound glee.
"childe," you whine. "i don't think these will fit in my closet."
his hands crawl lower, his finger hovering over your clit. "then they'll fit in mine. come over any time of the week when you want to wear one of my special pretty things."
your breath hitches as he rubs slow circles on your clit. he pushes the two of you back into the dressing room and closes the curtains.
"what are you doing, she'll be back any second—"
he kisses the corner of your jaw, pressing his lips close to your ear. "no worries. if there's one thing i'm sure about, it's that no one undresses you faster than i do."
wednesday is when usually everything calms down. kazuha will typically invite you to a new park, scenic route, or gallery. together, you'll write haikus, sonnets, and limericks together. some hours you'll just sit in silence, putting pen to paper. and when the sun goes down you'll exchange poetry.
out of the seven men, kazuha probably scares you the most. he was the first person you decided to do this whole ordeal with, after all. and since he's known you the longest, he also knows about your circumstances more than others. maybe that's why he's so focused on treating you as if you were a fragile cherry blossom petal. his touches feel like ghosts, running down your forearm as he presses a kiss to the apple of your cheek.
in exchange for his protection, his money, and his care, you give him honeyed words. you act as his muse for when he's hit a creative block. you're there to listen to him read out verses when the wind can't bear the strength to carry them. you listen to his grief about his best friend, his loneliness when he was forced to leave his home country. as someone many of the locals looked to for wisdom, he too carried the emotional burdens of being someone's rock. emotional burdens that he let onto you (whether purposefully or not, you're unsure). but you listen anyway, hearing him talk about days of poverty, where sometimes he had to worry about things to eat, or how to get proper healthcare.
you can't lie and say you're always stable enough to hear some of the things he has to say, but you try.
even if you sometimes feel like you can't take it, you just smile and squeeze his hand tighter like you're supposed to. sometimes your mind will go on autopilot, and sometimes you'll stand up on the grounds of needing to go to the bathroom. but at the end of the day, this is what you signed up for. this. making men happy so that you yourself won't have to worry about your endless debt.
you peer over your notebook to see kazuha immersed in his own writing. but instead of his usual peaceful expression, he looks somber. his hands won't leave the paper, his eyes glued onto the words that he's drawn onto the pages.
"what's got you so worked up?" you ask curiously. "is it something new?"
it's like your voice snaps him out of his trance. he blinks, looking up at you. there's a smile you know all too well on his lips. "yeah, i suppose you could call it that."
"could i look at it? i want to see what's got you so focused like that."
his lips press into a straight line. "hmmm, maybe later."
his words catch you off-guard. usually he's the one who's eager to share his work, regardless of the quality. "oh? is it something you want to keep secret?"
he doesn't many any hint of an answer. instead, he puts down his pen and stares at the ground in contemplation. he's picking and choosing what words to say.
"i could protect you," he says, shuffling his papers to the side. you turn to him, curious. his expression slowly hardens. "by myself, i mean. i could take care of you."
"i have the means to make a living for the both of us. i could sell more of my poetry, i know they'll sell well—"
"where is this coming from?" you move closer to him, brushing his hair aside. "kazu, are you worried about something?"
there's something that's stopping him from saying anything. his fingers intertwine with yours, his thumb caressing the back of your hand.
he purses his lips, before turning away and sighing. "no, not really."
after that, he doesn't say anything else. the two of you bask in silence once again. even though you're used to the quiet, there's something deep down in you that feels nervous. like something in the atmosphere changed. there's a sudden resolved glint in his eye as he get backs to writing so diligently on a piece of paper he won't let you read.
after all these days spent talking about himself, somehow you're scared for the day he suddenly decides to stop.
on thursdays you're usually at tighnari's greenhouse, watching him take notes of other plants while you twiddle your thumbs. once in a while, he'll begin rambling about the plants—what kind of species they are, how rare, their medicinal properties, and the like.
you're more of a companion, than anything. someone who can make his days a little less lonelier. and you appreciate it. it's much more tranquil with him. you can enjoy his sharp quips, especially when cyno comes to visit.
his sex-drive is relatively normal, if not a little below average. just like wednesday, you also expect thursday to be a typical rest day.
except when spring comes.
when spring comes, your routine get a little wonky. for one week, at least. because that's when tighnari's heat hits him like a fucking monsoon.
you can already tell when it's coming when he begins to hover closer to you. whenever you take your hand out to do anything, even the slightest gesture, he's already taking it and dragging it towards his sensitive ears.
the moment you've made your plans set to 'take the week off' and help him out, he's already on you, face pressed into your neck as if it's his oasis.
as you can tell, he takes this week very seriously.
"i bet—shit—those other fucks don't get to hold you as long as i do," he lets out as he fucks into you like there's no tomorrow. his hands hold onto your waist like he owns it, pressing sloppy kisses down your spine. "looking so pretty for me. i wonder what they'd say if you got pregnant with my babies. you'd be so much more beautiful plump with my kids. is that what you want huh? to make them angry with my cum stuffed in your gorgeous pussy?"
some days you almost can't believe how uncharacteristically aggressive he is. he dicks you down like he's trying to imprint his shape into the core of your body so that none of the others can fit inside.
and when he cums, he'll take whatever unfortunate portions slip out and smear it all over your chest. especially where your heart is.
then the process starts all over again.
when it's over, he'll spoon you. as if he didn't almost fuck you to death. his touch is tender, like a ghost's hovering over your skin.
"why won't you leave them all for me?"
you shift a little to look at him and kiss him softy, sweetly, on the line of his jaw. "oh, nari, you know i can't."
his ears droop at your words. "you can't, or you won't."
his words make you freeze a bit.
you think back to last week, and the week before, and the one before that. you think about why you started selling your services in the first place, the endless debt you used to be in, and the progression of the relationship between all seven of your...contacts. even if you wanted to, you don't think you could back out if you tried. you've dug a hole for yourself. one deep enough to cause some sort of disruption if you ever decided to stop digging.
so you just hum. "you know how much i love routine."
as some sort of apology, you give him and open-mouthed kiss, one he's almost desperate to return. he moans, hands cupping your face to bring you closer to him.
you're well unaware how much your words have an impact him.
at the end of the week, all al-haitham wants to do is unwind. it's the only logical thing to do. no late-night drinks with the colleagues, no stressful trips to some tourist trap. on fridays, al-haitham comes home to a meal made with love.
when al-haitham's at work during the day, you're usually running your actual errands. it's when you have time to make those one-in-a-blue-moon visits to your actual home, although it's getting harder to call it that.
when it gets to the late-afternoon, you'll usually head to al-haitham's place to start cooking. if you didn't know how to cook before, you do now. every ingredient is handled with care, measured meticulously just as you knew he preferred.
and when he gets home, tired and stressed out, you're there to welcome him with a chaste kiss on the cheek.
during dinner, sometimes he'll talk to you about work or the latest research he'd gotten himself immersed with. in return, you tell him about some of your childhood memories. your likes, your dislikes, what used to be your hobbies. you do your best to keep your personal matters out of the conversation, no matter how many times he tries to pry into your private life.
sometimes dinners feel like a full on investigation, the way he keeps greeding for more information about you. he watches you eat with calculating eyes. you pretend to pay no mind to it.
in the beginning, kaveh used to join you for dinners. you always liked the guy, the way he bickered with al-haitham and riled him up. but now you've begun to see less of him, as if he never comes home on fridays at all.
after dinner, there are two different outcomes depending on his mood:
outcome one is that you'll spend the rest of the night curling up on his couch, the both of you immersed in your own books. al-haitham leans on your shoulder as he flips through the pages as if they're nothing. you can't help but feel ticklish whenever his hair brushes against your jaw.
somewhere in the middle, he'll move one hand to start fidgeting with the end of your shirt, sometimes crawling underneath to caress your sides.
outcome two is less quiet. the moment he gets home with that solemn face, you know it's coming. his voice is huskier, his responses shorter. it's usually a result of an impending deadline, colleagues being more peskier than usual.
the moment you two are done with dishes, he gingerly takes your hand and leads you up to the bedroom.
his kisses tastes like green tea and dinner. his hands run up and down your torso, trying to imprint the feel of your skin into every inch of your brain. you whimper when his thumbs press softly into your nipples, rolling them around as they harden.
your hands find purchase on his collar, tugging him impossibly close. he groans at the contact.
you let out a yelp when your back suddenly falls onto the bed. your hands are pressed onto the sheets, al-haitham's fingers encircling your wrists. his knee nudges your legs further apart, rubbing at your clit.
"don't look at the ceiling, dear, look at me," he breathes out, his hands leaving your nipples to gently guide your face towards. "that's it. good girl. just me. just look at me. only me."
he smiles.
"now, let me do god's work on your divine body."
saturdays with ayato can sometimes get hectic. some saturdays you're out getting bubble tea together and enjoying the city, and other saturdays you're hurrying to some publicitiy event hosted by the kamisato clan.
on those type of days, you can expect to wear gowns layered with shiny nylon tulle fabric. it's not as revealing as what you'd try on in dressing rooms with childe. in fact, it's a bit more modest.
today you're wearing a light-blue gown to match with ayato. you turn around to get a good look at the cute bow attached at your waist, your diamond encrusted earrings swaying along with you.
it's as if you've put on another costume. another front to wear for the night.
ayato enters the room just shortly after. in his hands is a diamond necklace to match with your stunning earrings. small smile falls upon his lips when he clasps it on.
"you're beautiful," he mumbles. you giggle when he kisses you square on the lips, licking away the tinted color.
"ayato," you press in-between kisses. you place a hand on his chest to gently push him away. "you're going to ruin my lipstick."
he pulls away with a cheeky smile, taking your wrists to wrap around his neck. "you can always put on some more later."
you pout but kiss him regardless. he tightens his hold on you in reaction, moaning into your mouth.
at these kinds of events, you're there as his plus-one. just so that other officials could stop introducing girls to him when he clearly wasn't interested in them. it'd be arguable to say that you might even be there to make the events a little less intolerable.
somewhere along the lines, you'd sleep with him in addition to being his arm candy at parties. sometimes even before: you two rushing to put on your formal attires and fix your hair minutes before the event started.
but beyond that, you started to get to know him better. he'd whisper into your ear about funny stories relating to the guests as you meet them. sometimes you'd run away in the middle of the party to binge out on the food and talk about your other interests. surprisingly, he doesn't talk about the politics behind his duties as the head of the kamisato family. not as much as you expected, at least.
instead he talks about his dreams for a family. how many kids, what their names would be, how he'd raise them. and as he talked, he'd give you this heavy gaze that you're not sure what to do with. as if he was expecting something from you.
you're beginning to believe that ayato has somehow confused contractual girlfriend with actual girlfriend.
when you had met ayaka months ago, ayato introduced you as his girlfriend. you didn't attempt to correct him—that's ayato's business. not your's. but when you're expecting ayato to come clean to his dearest sister, you're sorely mistaken.
instead, while he kisses your lips so hungrily, he subtly slips a diamond ring onto your finger.
sundays are usually kaeya's days off. although the cavalry captain's duties are seemingly never endless, he takes the day off to take a breather.
in other words, he sees you.
at first, it was just candlelit dinners. he'd walk in with a bouquet of roses, complimenting your dress and staring at you as if he was undressing you with his eyes. he'd take you to somewhere fancy, pull out the chair for you and sweet-talk you all through the night.
conversations were fun with him. you didn't have to think much at all, not about how to pay the bills, the six men in your life who seemingly began to want yours to only revolve around theirs, or being someone your not.
kaeya was probably the only one who you felt you could be comfortable with. he made you laugh, he'd tell all sorts of interesting stories, and he never made the silence feel awkward.
at least, that's how you used to be.
you see, usually after these candlelit dinners you'd both go back to his place, with him ripping off your clothes the moment the door closed. but as of recently, he's been asking to come over to your place instead more often. almost too often.
and that's not the only thing that's changed.
the sex used to be rough. heated. almost as if he was consumed by all of his pent-up sexual frustration and was only focused on getting off. he'd slurp your cunt like a man starved but he'd still rail you as if that's the only thing he cared about.
but as time passed, he's been getting more and more...sensual. the sex is much more slower. personal, almost.
after dinner, he slowly slips off your clothing. one article after another, until your left in your underwear. he first kisses you on the mouth, then your neck, then your chest, then your stomach. slowly, he makes a trail of them down your body, as if no skin deserved to be left untouched.
although you made a rule that no one could leave your marks on you, it doesn't mean he doesn't try. as he kisses your lower lips, sometimes he'll attempt to leave marks close to your clit. if you're not careful, diluc will find it tomorrow.
his thrusts were always deep, but now that he's much more purposeful about it. it's rhythmic, as if he's trying to reach a new spot inside you. somewhere no one's touched.
the pillow-talks are much more longer as well. he holds you tighter now, wrapping his arms around your hips as he tangles his legs with yours.
instead of ranting on about the silly incidents he witnessed on the job earlier in the week, he talks about his feelings. towards you. towards diluc. towards himself. some nights you can handle it, some nights are too much.
but you can't say anything. not when he's holding onto you like you’re his lifeline. not when he helps you pay off your debt. and so you let his raspy voice whisper in your ear as he combs his fingers through your hair. you listen to him mumble sweet-nothings.
you're not sure if you like the adoring look he gives you as you drift off to sleep.
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katiemccabeswife · 2 months
Awkward Conversations Outfits
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader || Alexia overhears a conversation and assumes the worst, leading to a confusing and awkward conversation.
she wrote something! i apologise for the lack of fics but i don't want to give you guys some half-assed writing that i'm not proud of, and i haven't written anything anywhere near my own standards lately (not that i've been able to finish anything) so i hope you enjoy this and that i can get back into the grove of writing and give yous some more fics x
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"And then once I think I've figured it out, I second guess myself and think it's too ugly and that I'm going to be judged and then when I look around, there's just clothes everywhere and all I wanna do is out on my frumpiest sweats and cry into my pillow! I don't understand how you guys do it!" Alexia was stunned to hear you rant so freely about a subject she had never heard you utter a word about.
She walked through the door halting your conversation, "Hola, chicas!" She announced herself and watched you slump back into your chair while Ingrid and Frido shared a glance.
"Hola, Ale," You grumbled out, disheartened.
Ingrid struck up a new conversation between the four of you as the rest of the team began to trickle into the changing room. Alexia remained silent though, trying to come up with a reason as to why you wouldn't come to her about this sort of thing, why it had to be Ingrid and Frido you chose to confide in. While it would definitely be an awkward conversation, Alexia would be more than happy to have that sort of talk with you. After taking you in at a young age, you had both bonded so well your relationship resembled that of mother and daughter.
You noticed Alexia seemed to be a little distanced and quiet so you made a move to check in on her when the team started to head out to the pitch, "Hola, Ale," You greeted, wrapping your arms around her and pressing your cheek to hers.
Her arms came to hold yours but she moved her cheek away from yours to lay a quick peck to it, "Hola, bebé, everything ok?" She rested her cheek on yours once again, relishing in the closeness and comfort it provided.
Your brows furrowed slightly, "Of course, I actually came to check on you," You giggled.
Alexia sighed as she saw this as you deflecting. She pulled away from you wholey before holding your face between her palms, "Well thank you for thinking of me, I'm fine, thank you," She pecked her lips against your forehead, filling your soul with warmth, "You know you can always talk to me, right? About anything. No judgement, sí?" She was looking deep into your eyes for any sign of sadness or lies.
All she could find was confusion, "Sí, you sure you're feeling alright?" You jokingly placed the back of your hand on her forehead.
Alexia responded by shoving your head in the opposite way, "Enough now," The lightness in her tone assured you that she was only joking.
Training went on, as usual, you were paired with Keira for drills meaning that you never got the chance to speak directly to Alexia until you were heading out to her car. You spent the drive home with a furrow in your brow uncanny to the one that rested on Alexia’s face as the older woman remained quiet and seemed lost in thought.
Once you arrived home Alexia haphazardly threw the keys onto the kitchen counter before turning to you who stood awkwardly between her and your bedroom, “You can go shower, Cari, dinner should be ready in an hour,” The small, tight smile she wore forced you to reciprocate but filled your mind with anxiety and guilt that came from an unknown source.
After showering, unpacking and repacking your training bag you shuffled out to the living room stiffly to find Alexia resting on the couch, watching some trashy reality tv. Her head raised from its slumped position, “Hola, Princesa,” She tapped the seat next to her, signalling you to join her which you did instantly.
She wrapped her arms around you and ran her hands through your freshly washed hair, “Are you sure you are feeling alright?” She spoke softly but her tone was heavy with concern.
You shrugged your shoulders, admitting defeat, “I feel like you’re upset with me,” You mumbled into her chest, limbs tense and eyes trained on the tv.
You lowered your head as Alexia manoeuvred the two of you so you were facing one another, “Why would you think that?” She lifted your chin with her fingers.
“You just seem…off, and I can’t help but think that I had something to do with it because you seemed fine in training laughing with ‘Tana and stuff.” You unknowingly jutted out your bottom lip, reminding Alexia of your youth.
She shuffled apprehensively in her seat, “It’s just that I accidentally heard your conversation with Ingrid and Frido and felt a little upset you didn’t come to me about it,” She was shy to admit she had basically eavesdropped on your very private conversation.
“Oh,” Alexia was too busy looking everywhere but your eyes to notice the relief in your tone.
“So,” She shrugged now feeling awkward and uncomfortable, “Is there anything you want to ask me?”
“I guess just how you manage to feel sure of yourself and confident with whatever you’re wearing?” Alexia’s eyes bulged out of their sockets and her mind began to run 100 miles per minute.
She turned pink at the question, her reaction throwing you off significantly, “Wearing!? I didn’t think you- I thought-” She was stumbling over her words and by now you were in a state of total confusion. She managed to get herself together and forced out a string of advice, “Well, everyone looks different but everyone is beautiful and there is no one way to look and if you are truly scared your partner is going to judge you, you shouldn’t be with them, let alone trust them with your body,” She had you in the first half but your brain completely melted by the second.
You cut her off instantly, “Ale, what are you talking about? That whole conversation was about how I never know what to wear before games and going out to dinners, stuff like that. I was frustrated with how you, Ingrid, Frido and the whole team to be fair, always look so cool and confident. What are you thinking it was about?”
“¡Oh, gracias a Dios!” She looked to the ceiling as she fell against the back of the couch, “I thought it was a whole other conversation about something way more uncomfortable,” She laughed to herself.
“Oh, Ale! Gross!” You whacked her while joining in on her laughter.
She took a deep breath before continuing, “You just have to own what you’re wearing, you are gorgeous and will look good in anything! Trust me,” She emphasised when she saw you roll your eyes, “How about after dinner, we go look in your closet and pick out some outfits so this weekend you have options for before the game? Sí?” 
You nodded with a smile on your face, “Gracias, Ale,” You moved over to her and she wrapped you in her arms, laying a kiss on your temple. You stilled for a moment before taking a deep breath, “I think dinner is burning,” You said calmly.
Alexia hummed before taking in what you said, “¿Qué?” She yelled and pulled away, running to the kitchen as you doubled over with laughter.
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improbable-outset · 1 month
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📄 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐫
Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
𝐀𝐎𝟑 | 𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 | 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6.6k (LMAOOO)
𝐓𝐖 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐖: Post-Divorce, shared custody, injury and stitching in the beginning, heavy angst, arguing, Jealous!Miguel, fall out, mentions of infidelity and pregnancy, EVENTUALLY SMUT, PIV unprotected sex, oral sex (m receiving), cum eating (we’re getting nasty nasty), brief breeding kink
𝐀/𝐍: This is inspired by @yougavemeyourheartyouknow baby daddy AU. I didn’t think this one would get this lengthy but here we are I guess.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Divorce was supposed to bring closure, but for Miguel, it only fuelled a lingering ache for the woman he still loved. Convincing himself that ending the marriage was for your benefit, he didn't realise the depth of his mistake until he saw you moving on.
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Miguel hissed when he felt the rubbing alcohol being smeared onto the wound across his abdomen with a cotton pad. A sharp scent of disinfectant wove through the air, tingling his nostrils and it mingled with the faint aroma of coffee you both had earlier.
There he was, perched on the sofa in his ex-wife’s living room, hair damp from sweat as you patch him up after another mission as Spider-Man — an event he never anticipated would happen to him at two in the morning.
“Easy, I’m not going anywhere,” he spattered out as he felt another stinging wave from the alcohol. You gaze up at him from his wound that you were focused on before you spoke.
“Sorry, I thought you had a higher pain tolerance,” you said, dabbing the wound gently.
“I do, but that doesn’t give you license to be rough with me like that,” he mumbled. Despite the divorce, he knew you’d never do anything to hurt him.
You both remained friends as your marriage never worked out between the two of you. You would patch him up whenever he needed it— he would rather have you take care of him just to feel your touch than have a random nurse.
As the blood cleared from the open cut, you could see the gash more visibly now. A villain's blade had slashed across him deep enough to leave a large wound that won’t heal on its own.
“You’re gonna need stitches,” you got up from the seat to go to the bathroom before coming back with your kit. Miguel sank further into the plush cushion of the sofa, feeling the fabric yield under his weight.
His heart twisted with a mix of guilt and gratitude as he watched you tend to his wound. He grimaced slightly at the pinch of the needle on his skin but your hands were delicate, careful not to further damage the delicate area.
He sat still motionless as his eyes were glued to you. It was easy to admire you and how concentrated you were right now. You were always nurturing and wanted the best for people you cared about. Your brows furrowed as you kept working on the cut.
“Jesus Miguel…” you whispered, taking in the sheer size of his cut.
“What?” He asked, tilting his head in mock confusion. “It’s not that bad, you know I’ve had worse. You’ve treated worse than this,”
Even if you were divorced and not together by law, he still cherished these moments with you. You were still the same woman he loved.
Watching you fix him up made him feel like things were almost back to normal again— that he was home and his wife was here to get him back on his feet. Until reality would set in.
“I know. It’s almost like you’re testing your own durability,” there was an obvious worry etched in your voice as you were finishing up stitching his wound. It made his stomach churn with silent longing.
“That cut? You really think that’s a test for durability?” He arched his brow inquisitively. He knew it was a big gash but it was nothing he couldn’t handle.
“That was nothing more than me not paying attention. But this one however…" he pointed to his bruised shoulder, "that was a test for durability. I got smashed through a wall,”
You peered up at him momentarily, a flicker of disturbance in your eyes, before you silently resumed his last stitches.
Silence fell between you as the faint hum of the city filtered through the window, punctured by the occasional sirens and car horns.
“All done,” you announced, leaning back to examine your work.
He sat up from the couch carefully, making sure not to put too much strain on the fresh stitches. “Gracias,”
“Don’t forget to drink your fluids,” you reminded him.
“Sí sí. You sound like an overprotective mother,”
“Well…I just so happen to have a daughter,” you gave a soft smile. Out of everything that had happened in your marriage, he would forever be grateful that you gave him a daughter.
Watching Gabriella grow was a profound blessing that he would never take for granted. Fatherhood had made him learn a lot about himself that he never knew he could harbour, fostering a newfound level of patience and empathy within him.
And now, as Gabriella was approaching her fifteenth birthday, Miguel couldn’t help but reflect on how quickly the years had passed. He would soon be preparing for her quinceañera with you, a milestone that seemed to arrive in a blink of an eye.
“And do you tell her to drink her fluids as much as you tell her papá?” He asked in a slight tease.
“You know I do and I tell her to eat her greens,” you replied, matching his lighthearted tone.
His heart soared at the fond memories. You were always an amazing mother, a role that bloomed naturally from you as soon as you gave birth to your daughter and held her in your arms for the first time.
He didn’t think he could fall for you more until he saw you nurse your baby for the first time with a tender look in your eyes. He hated the fact that he wasn’t there to witness those precious moments of you bonding with your daughter enough when he had the chance to.
“I’m surprised Gabi hasn’t picked up any of your bad habits,”
“Bad habits like what?”
“You know…the irresponsible stuff,” he chuckled, clearly getting a rise out of you. “You should’ve seen her last weekend. She called the guy you’re seeing a ‘cabrón’”
An uneasy tension knotted in chest after he broached the subject of your date, almost like he was dreading to hear what you were going to say.
He was never thrilled about the topic, just as he never was when you spoke about anything to do with other men. However, he didn’t expect to see your face drop, like the topic hit a raw nerve.
“She said that?” You voice was hesitant and he noticed shoulders slump and your brows furrowed.
Either you were uncomfortable with Gabriella’s candid remark towards your date or you didn’t like that she was cursing at her age.
“She did. Look I heard what she said but she’s probably just saying that to sound grown up. She is a teenager and the hormones make them go nuts,”
“Sure I guess,”
“Try not to take it personally,” he reached out to hold your hand and tried to reassure you, even if hearing Gabriella cursing wasn’t the best thing a father should let slide.
“I’m not upset about that,” you droned.
“Your tone says otherwise,”
“There’s something I want to discuss with you,” Your demeanor shifted into something more serious and you were avoiding eye contact with him which made him uneasy. “If I’m going to keep dating him, I can’t patch you up like this anymore,”
Miguel swallowed thickly, processing what you had just told him. “You’re not meaning…”
He felt an uncomfortable pull in his gut and his heart felt like it was about the leap out of his throat. “You can’t be serious,”
“It won’t be fair on him if I’m still friends with the man I was married to,” Miguel couldn’t help but scoff at that, but he couldn’t call it stupid.
A small part of him knew that you were right. How could any man feel safe when his new woman was still close with her ex-husband, her ex who still loved and pined for her? But he wasn’t going to stand for that.
“And since when did I care if it’s fair on him?” He snapped back.
For a split second, Miguel could feel the cool platinum of the wedding band that he still hasn’t removed from his finger. It served him a bitter reminder that he was still not over you. He hoped you wouldn’t bring it up, especially now.
“This isn’t just about you,” there was a sharpness in your tone when you said that, whether it was intentional or not it still cut deep. You continued to pour salt on the wound as you added on, “Don’t act like you didn’t sign those divorce papers too,”
“Stop it, don’t you think I know that. I was naive to think that a divorce was going to solve anything,” Those damn divorce papers. Thinking about it made the knife that was already stabbing his heart twist further.
If there was anything he regretted the most in life, it would be sitting down in the courtroom and signing those papers that finalised your parting.
Now, he had to watch you go on a date with someone else because he pushed you away. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, frustration knotting in his chest.
“You know why we had to file the divorce,” you said.
Miguel’s mind went spiraling and he wanted to sink into the floor. He was fully aware that he was the one to blame for this. The long hours he spent away as Spider-Man, the growing distance between the two of you— it all led to a rift that tore you apart.
He initiated the divorce, convinced it was for the best. Your marriage was standing on its last leg and he didn’t want to waste your time.
Even if there was no bad blood between the two of you and you decided to stick to being friends after, it didn’t make things hurt any less. Miguel still craved more of you and he missed his chance when he had it.
But now the consequences of his decision were biting him in the ass and the prospect of his biggest fear was coming to fruition. He couldn’t stop you from dating again and he hated it.
“Even if we do stick to being friends, we’re going to be more distant than we were before,” you further explained.
Miguel stared silently as you stood up from the couch and kept going. Each word uttered from you was punctuated with agony that was piercing his heart. “You’re not going to be able to have me like you used to Miguel, not the way that you want,”
He knew he was starting to be selfish now and he had no right to be jealous when he failed you as a husband. He was fully aware of the point you were making and the logic behind it but he still refused to let it go.
Finally he spoke after a long while, “I’d rather have a part of you than none of you,”
“Do you truly believe that you’ll be satisfied with that in the long run?”
Realistically, no. But he wasn’t going to admit that to you. He didn’t want to be a bystander in your life and witness you bounce back and love someone again that wasn’t him.
But despite that, he still wanted to stay because there was still a small part of him that was grasping onto straws, hoping that you will take him back and you’ll be his again.
But how long could he accept the scraps of you that you’d throw at him before it got too unbearable? It was ironic— the main cause of his wounds that you just patched up right now, the life of Spider-Man, was the reason why you both drifted apart.
“If it wasn’t for our shared custody that’s tying us down, I would’ve said we should’ve cut off a long time ago,”
Those words hurt more than Miguel let on. He rose from the couch and limped towards you, hissing from the sting of the wounds. “Don’t say that, I’m the father of your child—”
“And that’s all you’ll ever be,” Miguel winced internally.
He didn’t know what hurt more, you interjecting or the fact that you only saw him as a co-parent to your daughter. But the latter was definitely going to have a lasting effect on him.
He was going to reach out for you, but you turned your back to him. He had nothing to say now and this could be the last time you would be this warm and open with him.
Without uttering another word, he tapped on his watch to engage his suit before moving towards the window. A moment before he shot his webs to hoist himself away, you spoke one last time.
“You have Gabi for next weekend.”
He merely nodded at your words before he disappeared into the night, swallowing his frustration and disappointment. His web shooters echoed through the streets.
His mood drastically changed the moment he left your comforting apartment to the chaos of Nueva York— it was almost palpable.
His web shot out, catching onto the building he was aiming for. He landed against the wall with a gentle thud before he turned back to look at your apartment from afar. This was going to be the last time he could swing by your apartment through your window freely and his heart was already aching for you.
Miguel headed up to your apartment and rapped at the door. It didn’t take long before he saw Gabriella answering the door to him.
She had a duffle bag full of her clothes for the weekend and her phone was in one hand. He gave her a warm smile and kissed her forehead.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she replied casually.
Miguel’s line of sight went past Gabi and further into the house. You weren’t anywhere near the door.
He didn’t know what it was but Miguel felt a pull that was coaxing him to go to you. For a moment, he was conflicted whether or not he should see you. But eventually he caved in to his desires and stepped into the house.
“Where’s you mom?” Miguel asked.
“She’s in the bathroom taking a shower, I think,” Gabi replied before her attention was drawn into her phone screen.
“Stay here. I’ll be back,” Miguel padded over to the bathroom with cautious steps. It had been six months since your friendship had broken off, and he didn’t know what to expect when you saw him in your home.
His palms were sweating, and he could feel every pulse in his body. Part of him thrived off the anticipation that was building up to the moment but the other part was screaming at him to turn back and just leave you alone.
The bathroom door was ajar but the shower wasn’t running. He could see from the gap that you definitely weren’t taking a shower.
He found you sitting in the walk in shower with your knees tucked into your chest. You were wearing a tank top and some sweatpants. He pushed open the door further so he could get a better look at you.
Your eyes looked foggy but he could still see the redness around the rim from crying moments earlier. It almost looked like you were in a dissociative state, and for a moment, he thought you didn’t acknowledge him until you spoke.
“Gabi’s stuff is at the front door,” you mumbled. Your voice sounded hoarse and wavering as if it took extra effort for you to speak.
“Yeah, I saw,” he replied, keeping his response short so he wouldn’t overstep any boundaries. The last thing he wanted was to open the door to more problems.
“So why are you here?”
Miguel didn’t know how to respond without eliciting a negative reaction from you. He didn’t want to tell you the full truth, but he also couldn’t think of an excuse for your question either.
He couldn’t leave your question hanging longer than it already has, so he opened his mouth to speak, even if he didn’t know what to say “I…was just checking Gabi got everything,”
The nagging urge to reach out to you, to touch you, was getting harder to ignore with each passing second he was in your presence.
Seeing you this vulnerable in the bathroom was tormenting and it was not something he was expecting to see. He didn’t know how to inquire about your well-being without sounding invasive.
“Are you okay?”
Clearly not. You shook your head mutely. At least you were being honest. Miguel cleared his throat before he asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It’s pathetic,”
“It’s not pathetic if it got you crying like that,”
Seeing you on the bathroom floor like this sent him back fifteen years earlier where you were in the same position, except you didn’t look so ghostly.
Both of you were holding each end of the pregnancy test, nervousness etched in both of your faces as you anticipated for the results.
Miguel gave your hand a reassuring squeeze feeling the clammy warmth of your skin against his. Your eyes remained glued to the test in front of you, time seemingly slowing to a crawl.
The moment you saw the double lines appear, you broke down into tears and sobbed into his chest from pure joy. Miguel’s heart stuttered as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly.
The news that you were going to be parents cremated his love for you even more. You couldn’t stop crying and wouldn’t release him that night— your grip was like titanium.
He didn’t mind carrying you to bed though, the weight of you in his arms grounding him in a sense of euphoria that washed over him now.
Seeing you now, so different yet so achingly familiar, brought a lump to his throat. He heard your voice again and was brought back to the present.
“He…” the word was lodged in your throat. Miguel could feel a tinge of rage brewing in him with a mixture of his protective instincts. He knew you were talking about your current boyfriend the moment the word left your lips.
“He cheated,” you stated. Miguel's anger flared and he balled his fist tightly, struggling to contain the rolling emotions threatening to spill out. Even if he didn’t show his anger outwardly, you still knew him well enough to pick up on the signs.
“Please I’m begging you, don’t do anything rash. I’ll heal from this, but the last thing I want is you getting involved,” he heard your plea, and seeing your upset expression made him push aside his heated thoughts.
He was inadequate when it came to being your devoted husband, so what made him believe that he could be your hero in this situation.
He didn’t want to do anything that would further upset you; he had already overstepped your boundaries by trying to reconnect with you.
But now that you’ve broken things off with your boyfriend, could this be an opportunity to rekindle your friendship? Maybe something more. He didn’t want to get his hopes up.
His heart was trying to root him to stay but his intuition was tugging at him to go. It was clear that you didn’t want to talk about it further with him.
As much as it bothered him, there was nothing he could do. After all, you were a grown woman, and you were free to keep things to yourself.
You didn’t owe him anything even if he was your ex-husband— if anything that was probably more reasons why you shouldn’t share anything with him.
“I think I should be getting going, Gabi’s waiting,” he turned around and reached for the door, trying to conceal his disappointment.
“Wait—” you called out. He halted. “Are you planning to do anything later?”
“Uh…no. Why?”
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” You asked meekly. He mulled it over for a moment. He suspected that you didn’t want to be alone after what you’ve experienced and he was glad that he was the one that could keep you company.
“If it would make you feel better, then of course,” his tone was warmer and his muscles relaxed at the thought of spending an evening with you.
There was still that underlying anger he felt towards you ex who had the galls to betray you like that behind your back.
But that was overshadowed by the newfound seed of hope that was planted in his heart— that things might get better between the two of you.
You rose up from the shower floor and washed your tear stained face before you both got out of the bathroom together.
Miguel felt the rush of wind brushing past him as he swung over from building to building to get to his destination. His movements were fueled by determination and yearning.
It wasn’t long until he could see the soft glow of your bedroom light filtering through the curtains. He paused outside of your apartment, contemplating how things would turn out. What was he doing here? What was he hoping to achieve? All he knew was that he couldn’t stay away no matter how hard he tried.
With a sigh, he slipped into the open window and pushed past the curtains. He found you settled on your bed with the bedside lap on. You glanced at him, showing that you had acknowledged him but you didn’t give him your full attention.
“Gabi’s staying over at my parents’ house,” you said dismissively. Part of him was glad that Gabi wasn’t around— he didn’t want her to witness how vulnerable he was right now and the tension between her parents.
“I’m not here for Gabi,” he replied, his voice steady but his heart racing.
The apartment felt different than normal— almost hollow even though nothing much had changed physically the last time he was here. Maybe the feeling was from the absence of warmth between the two of you
“Do you need me to patch you up again?” You asked incredulously, still not looking at him.
“I’m not here for that either,”
Finally, you look back at him, waiting to see what he had to say.
It took a few seconds before he could trust himself to speak again, but to him it felt like a lifetime. The words he had rehearsed mentally over and over finally spilled.
“I came here to apologise, for everything. I neglected you and wasn’t there for you when you needed me. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I see now how much I’ve hurt you,”
There was an uncomfortable silence that stretched out for a while. Your face was unreadable, blank of any emotion and Miguel couldn’t tell what was going through your head. There wasn’t even a twitch in your expression that he could pick up on.
“Now he says he’s sorry,” your voice carried a bitterness that threw him off. You climbed off your bed and took a few steps away, facing your back to him.
Miguel’s heart sank in disbelief.
“Are you really going to give me the cold shoulder now?” He climbed down the windowsill and stepped further into your room towards you. “Look, I know it’s a late apology, but I need you to understand how much I regret pushing you away. Please just hear me out,”
“Do you have any idea how much you hurt me? You left me alone. You were never there, always busy in another dimension or saving the multiverse while our marriage fell apart.”
“I was trying to protect you!” His voice escalated in volume. “Everything I did, I did it for you and Gabi,”
“Protect me?” You scoffed. “By pushing me away? All you did was made me feel like I wasn’t important enough to fight for,”
Miguel gritted his teeth, feeling his frustration surfacing. “You think I didn’t suffer? Every time I left, it tore me apart. But I thought it was something I had to do,”
“You thought wrong,”
Suddenly all those gloomy memories came rushing to him like a tidal wave. He could see the images of your lonely silhouette sitting at the dining table, waiting for a husband who never came home.
The empty bed that felt colder each night he wasn’t there.
The guilt that had been lingering since the divorce now crashed down like a storm on him, suffocating him.
“I know I made mistakes and I didn’t prioritise our marriage. But I never stopped loving you, not for a second,” He said, his voice softened, almost in a pleading manner.
“Really?” You said, your tone cutting. “Did seeing me move on and go on another date make you suddenly come to your senses?”
Miguel’s jaw clenched at that. He didn’t like that you saw him that way but he couldn’t blame you for coming to that conclusion. “That’s not fair, I was trying to do what’s best for us. I didn’t want to hold you back,”
“You didn’t want to hold me at all, Miguel. Do you really think that you could swing by into my apartment and fix everything with an apology?”
“No…” He shook his head, running a hand through his hair before his voice lowered, “But I would regret it everyday if I didn’t try. Losing you was the biggest mistake of my life,”
His mind was racing, remembering the warmth of you embracing and how you would fit perfectly together. “I miss the way we used to be, I missed the way you would melt in my arms, I miss coming home to you,”
“Kiss me,”
“What?” He gave you a puzzled look. “After everything that I’ve done to you, you want me to kiss you?”
“If you’re really sorry, you would kiss me,”
Miguel hesitated— his mind was conflicted, torn between his guilt and your command. For a moment he didn’t move, studying your face to see if you had an ulterior motive to all of this. Was this a test or a chance at redemption?
But eventually, he caved in and leaned in until his lips met yours. The kiss was soft and gentle at first as he was holding back from overwhelming you.
His lips slowly parted, and he softly whispered into your mouth. “I’m so sorry,”
He heard you moan softly in response and his chest clenched. He couldn’t believe he had that much of an effect on you just from a kiss.
His hands reached over to the back of your head firmly before his lips pressed hard on your lips, not wanting to miss a single moment of you were sharing.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,”
You clung onto him, your kiss hungry and desperate, as if trying to erase all the pain and distance between the two of you.
After everything you’ve been through, you’ve still had a tight grip on him, and it was killing him little by little. But he would happily give himself to you without a second thought.
He pulled away and his lips trailed over your jaw. All the hostility from you melted away as he continued to kiss over your face and neck. He could visibly sense the tension easing from your body as your breath hitched.
He pulled his face away from your neck to look at you in the eyes. “Needy,”
“Says you,”
“Yeah? I’m not the one who asked to be kissed though,”
“You and I both know that you wanted it just as much as I did,”
“Hmm maybe. Do you know what else I want?”
“I might have an idea,” you finished off your sentence by grinding your hips against his own. He let out a stuttered moan at the touch before a smile crept across his face.
So shameless.
He felt the heat creeping to his groin and translating to a growing erection. His dick was painfully hard now and you continued to grind your hips, using his erection to get more friction.
His face heated up when he heard your desperate whines. You were so needy for him right now and that was only stroking his ego.
He pulled away from your embrace and disengaged his suit with his watch to reveal his nude body in its full glory— his throbbing dick was the most prominent view.
He saw you gawking at the precum that was spilling from the tip— an amused smile played on your lips before you looked back up at him. “Look who’s needy now.”
Hearing your smug remark brought him a wave of nostalgia, something he missed when making love to you. But it also ignited something in him— a growing desire to take you and make you eat your words.
He grasped onto the hem of your silky nightgown and pulled them up so he could reach to your undies to pull them down. Swiftly, he lifted your legs up and wrapped them around his waist before effortlessly pinned you against the wall.
He knew he was being desperate and skipping most of the foreplay tonight, but he didn’t care. He needed to feel you clench around him, his body will hate him if he delayed it longer.
Positioning himself against your folds, he could already feel your wetness paint his tip. You were soaked just for him and only him— just how it should be.
He pushed himself in and your mouth hung from the overwhelming stretch from his dick. Feeling the grip you had was almost enough to knock the winds out of him. He halted when he was halfway, gauging the sight of you.
A sense of familiarity washed over him when he saw your face warp while struggling to take him in. Your brows were furrowed and your mouth was agape, slowly drowning in the bliss he was giving you.
You let out a startled moan when he slammed the rest of him in with a lewd slap.
“Go slow…please. I need time to adjust,” you breathed, voice coming out staggered. He kissed the corner of your mouth in acknowledgment. He dragged himself out before rolling his hips in, keeping a steady rhythm so he wouldn’t make you uncomfortable.
It was easier to feel and hear how wet you were with his slow and shallow pace. He had been yearning for this moment for too long and now that he could finally have you like this, everything felt more intense.
You were finally his again and it almost felt too good to be real.
He rested his forehead against you, watching through his hazy eyes how responsive you were to him and picking up every micro expression.
The room filled with your soft moans as he kept thrusting into you. Your labored breaths merged with your lips inches away. He could feel his peak crawling in and he made sure to reach the deepest part of your crevice before he unraveled inside you.
Having his release fill you up again was dizzying. Carefully, he put you back down onto your feet again and you leaned onto his chest for stability until you regained your balance.
He kept holding you close with his body pressing flushed against yours and catching your breaths in silence. A short moment passed before you looked up at him.
“Let me taste you, please.” You said. It wasn’t a question. Hearing the way you requested that in such a sultry way made his cock twitch and he was whipped all over again.
He could feel the heat rush to his cock and his erection forming. “You want a taste? How can I say no?”
He pulled himself away from you and perched on your bed, spreading his thighs to display is dick standing on its end. He let out a sharp exhale as he watched you go down on your knees for him and settled between his legs.
Miguel tensed when he felt your hand clasped around his length, grappling onto the bed sheet to steady himself. The after effect of his previous climax was still tingling and coursing through him.
“Easy…don’t overdo it,” he muttered, his hip stuttered slightly.
You look up at him and he could feel a new string of precum drawing out from the tip. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,”
Your tongue grazed along the tip, and you were collecting your own wetness that coated his dick from earlier along with his precum. You were so eager and yet so gentle, it was overwhelming.
You were too good and it was getting to his head. Everything about you was enticing. You gave the head of his cock a few kitten licks and he let out a groan, his hand reaching over to the back of your head.
It took every fiber of him not to buck his hip and shove him all the way into your mouth. He had to squeeze his eyes shut when he felt the warmth of your mouth around the tip. He let out another pleasurable moan, arching into your touch.
The sensitivity in his body continued to soar through him and the feeling of your mouth was enough to drive him up the walls.
You’re so good. How are you always so good at this.
More precum beaded up from his tip and gently leaked down into your mouth— he heard you hum from the taste. You lowered your head until you had his full length in his mouth.
His eyes fly open from the sudden sensation and he looked down to see you eying up at him. You carried a soft look in you eyes even while doing something lascivious. It was enough to disarm the coldest of souls; he couldn’t help but caress your cheeks right now.
“Eres tan hermosa en este momento,” he mumbled, still in a hazy trance. His nerves were firing and he threw his head back, getting lost in the pleasure you were giving him.
Before he could register it, he was shaking and trembling when his orgasm came crashing down again. Ropes and ropes of his jizz squirted into your mouth. His eyes were unfocused, and it took him several deep breaths before he could find his voice again.
“Ay por dios…”
He still felt sparks from his high and his mind was absolutely buzzed. The lewd sound of you swallowing him down send a shiver crawling down his spine and his stomach fluttering.
His head dropped against the pillows from exhaustion, still panting. He felt the bed shift when you lie besides him and nussled against his chest.
“You’ll be the death of me,” he confessed, kissing the crown of your head.
“I can still taste you,” you teased. He responded lift your chin up to look at him and caught your lips in a gentle kiss. He was insatiable and he didn’t want to stop feeling your touch after having been deprived of it for so long.
He was quick to slip his tongue into your mouth and map out the familiar heat that he loved so much. The taste of himself was barely lingering in your mouth.
His mind was spinning from everything— the taste of your lips, the smell of your arousal and the sound of your low moans as he kissed you deeper.
All the little ways you responded to him was enough to give him the energy to turn you over on your stomach. His straddling on your back and his hard on sat at the base of your rear, between each globe of your cheeks.
“Hard again, eh?,” you quipped, turning your head to look at him.
But your demeanor quickly shifted when he began to push himself in, keeping his pace measured and slow. You started gripping and kneading the sheet from the feeling and muffled your moans into the pillow.
“Don’t hide from me,” he muttered, leaning in before his teeth nipped at your earlobe. You lifted your head from the pillow instinctively, letting out a startled noise.
He continued to slide himself in and out of you while simultaneously kiss along the curse of your neck from behind— each thrust was measured and calculated so you’d feel everything from him.
“Do I make you feel good, amor?” He moaned in your ear before he started to build a faster rhythm. Your noises became more urgent and he could tell you were desperately chase your high.
Each thrust pushed you further into the sheet. A guttural moan ripped from you as you clenched around him and reached your impending climax. He felt your come around him, taking him closer to the edge.
He pulled out momentarily, turning you around so you lied on your back and rested your legs on his shoulders. He didn’t give you a chance to prepare before he bottomed out.
He started thrusting inside you with little to no exit before hand. He didn’t pull his cock all the way but rather dragged himself slightly back before slamming back in relentlessly. The rough pace only milked more moans and sweet noises out of you, encouraging him to keep going.
Your voice was becoming frantic mixed with your moans and he almost missed when you spoke.
“Breed me,”
It took a moment for the words to register in your head and he felt his mind go hazy from your request. It wasn’t a question, but an order. You wanted this more than anything. His thought were filled of you, being bred by him and carrying another child and marking you as his again.
“Make me a mami again,”
This gave him extra motivation now. Each time, his thrusts became more and more sporadic and losing it’s rhythm. The bed creaked in protest from his pace. With one final stroke, he pushed as much of himself inside you and filled you up with your seeds again.
But he wasn’t done. He pulled himself away so he could slip two fingers into your swollen pussy. He gathered the remnants of your shared release onto the pad of his fingers before he held them near your mouth.
Pressing his thumb against your lower lip, he gently lowered it down and watched in awe as you opened your mouth. He pressed his fingers in so you could get a taste and let out a low groan, feeling your mouth suckle on the cum that was clinging onto his fingers.
“Can you taste how good we are together, amor?”
He kept watching you intently until he slipped his fingers out and reached over to kiss your forehead. You look spend and your breathing became laboured.
Miguel perched onto the bed besides you again, gulping to moisture his dry mouth. He had spent so many nights alone, haunted by the nights of his decision that led to your divorce.
Being in bed with you alone, naked and drenched in the afterglow felt surreal. He didn’t think he would ever experience this again.
“Have I told you that I never stopped loving you,” he whispered with raw emotions. Even if he did already tell you, he wanted you to know that he meant every word. It was never about falling out of love but rather about protecting you and his daughter— his family.
Your eyes met his. “I know. But love wasn’t enough to keep us together,”
“I know that now. But I want to make things right, if you let me,” The air that was static with tension was now starting to flourish with new possibilities.
“I don’t know if things will be back to the way they were, but let’s take it a step at a time,” you kissed his mouth.
You pulled away and rose from the bed. “But I want to take a shower first, care to join me?”
He gave you a mischievous look and he was liking where this was going. “Lead the way, cariño,”
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: @maiyart @lazyjellyfish300 @mrsoharaa @truth-dare-spin-bottles @farrowroyale
@amberbalcom14 @blvd-sourz @bluesidez @slushycoookie @prettygirleli
@saintdiior @peachipeachy @xyziiix @mybvalentine @c4rm1son
@annavatar @scaryplanetdestroyer
You know normally in a situation where the character gets back with reader, you’d expect them to get all possessive and primal and whatnot. I didn’t want to showcase that dominant dynamics here. Not my cup of tea ewewew I kinda liked that I got reader to tease Miguel too and they still had their back and forth even after everything
Ayrus xoxo
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anothermansjeans · 1 month
surprise, surprise
s.r x fem!reader
cw: fluff, bau has nooooo idea about reader, food mention
wc: 831
summary: spencer comes home from a case on his birthday and has a surprise waiting for him at the office... turns out it's a surprise for the bau too
a/n: this was a request from @formula1-motogpfan i hope i hit all of the marks with this! let me know what you think!!
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Walking into the BAU after another long case meant so much to the team. It meant they would get their mandatory three day break. It meant they could go home and sleep in their own beds. It meant Spencer got to spend his birthday with Y/N. The team had wished him a happy birthday earlier in the day, asking him if he would like to do something once they got back. Of course, he said no. He didn't tell them his exact plans, but they knew it involved going straight home.
He texted her the moment they touched down; a habit formed after Spencer stayed extra late to finish paperwork, which caused her to worry a lot.
Spencer: I’m back, love. I’ll be leaving as soon as possible.
The team was gathering their stuff to head back to the FBI, and when there was still no response from her as they pulled into the parking garage, he began to worry. She normally responded within five minutes of him sending the text, no matter what time of day it was. Because of dread and anxiety running through him, he wanted to get in and out of the building as fast as humanly possible without the team becoming suspicious of his actions.
As a group, they walked in, and Hotch slowed his pace, causing the rest of them to look over at him. There was a woman standing near Spencer’s desk. “Ma’am, can I help–”
Hotch didn't get to finish his question because when she turned around, Spencer pushed past the rest of the team and quickly walked over to her. A word or two was exchanged and the team watched as they latched their lips together, completely in shock.
“I didn't think he took that ‘kissing has less germs’ fact so seriously,” Emily said, staring at the scene in front of her.
“He doesn't,” Derek started, but whatever he was going to say next was cut off by Penelope.
“I’m so glad you're back safely- Oh!”
Now everyone was standing there, watching Spencer and this strange woman share a kiss and hug. Derek cleared his throat, obviously stunned but not too stunned to speak. “Okay, Pretty Boy, you mind introducing us?”
The two (apparent) lovers split apart, Spencer turning to his team with pink dusted cheeks and bruised lips. He didn't say anything for a good minute, only moving to speak when a soft, “babe,” was heard from beside him.
“Oh! Uh, this is– this is my girlfriend. Y/N.”
She waved to the group with a shy smile.
“Girlfriend!?” Penelope practically shrieked, causing the floor to quiet down for a moment. “Sorry, girlfriend? For how long?”
“One year, eight months, three weeks, and twenty-three days.”
Everyone from Rossi and Hotch to JJ and Penelope was shocked. Emily was the only one who could seem to speak. “You've had a secret girlfriend for over a year– almost two years?”
“Not a secret!” His head whipped over to his girlfriend, “you were never a secret.”
“I know, baby,” she said, placing a hand on his arm, soothingly rubbing it up and down.
“This is insane,” Penelope said as her shocked expression turned into a smile, “like, insanely amazing! Our boy genius found love!”
“Alright,” Hotch cut in, him and Rossi moving from the group, “it’s getting late. Paperwork can wait until we get back into the office. Reid, happy birthday again, and I’m happy for you.” A nod was shared between the two as Hotch went into his office, and Rossi squeezed Spencer’s shoulder as he passed him.
“So what made you show up here suddenly?” JJ’s question caused the attention to go back on Y/N and Spencer.
Y/N cleared her throat and laced her hands down with one of Spencer’s. “Well, I wanted to surprise him for his birthday and I made a cake. I thought everyone here could enjoy it with him.” She moved towards the side to show the box she brought placed on Spencer’s desk. “I could get out of your way if you want to celebrate.”
“Stay!” Penelope again, practically shrieked in the common area, “let’s move it into the conference room. Spencer, you, Emily, JJ, and my chocolate thunder go ahead. Y/N and I will grab some plates and napkins!”
She quickly went up to Y/N and linked their arms together, pulling her away from Spencer and into the kitchen. Y/N looked over her shoulder a couple of seconds after walking away, sending him a smile.
“We’re really happy for you, Spence,” JJ said, walking up to him next to Emily as they started towards the conference room.
“She's pretty. And we can tell she makes you happy,” Emily followed.
When it was just Derek and Spencer, Spencer looked over at the other man as he picked up the cake and ushered them both towards the round table. “You're lucky, Reid.”
“I know.” And he did know. He was really lucky.
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Child of Our Own - Tsu'tey x Omatikaya!Reader
summary: seeing his friends already awaiting their firstborns, tsu'tey begins to yearn for a baby of his own, but he is too shy to tell you about it
warnings: none really, soft and shy tsu'tey, hints at pregnancy, mentions of intercourse
wc: less than 1k
a/n: i'm officially in my tsu'tey worship era (this is your fault btw, @avatarbyamara) ik damn well that man only puts up his tough act in front of the others, but he would actually be a big softie with his mate
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“I’m assuming the mission went well?” you smile, feeling Tsu’tey place another soft kiss on your temple.
His chest presses into your back, hands resting gently on your waist, while you’re occupied with peeling the fruits he likes. He was gone for only a few hours but was acting so needy, you start to wonder if anything happened. 
“Tsu’tey,” you nudge him for an answer, but he only hums in response, now planting small kisses across your cheek and jaw.
“‘Was good,” he mutters, not wanting to bore you with the details.
“Were you safe?” you try to turn around to examine him, but Tsu’tey grunts, holding you in place.
“Just missed you.”
You guess that there’s something weighing on his mind, but you don’t push him. Tsu’tey often has moments, when all he wants to do is to hold you in his arms and listen to your soothing breathing. Eventually, he’ll give you a few hints about it anyway. So, you just pat his arm lightly and return to the task at hand. 
Tsu'tey stands with you in silence for a while longer before finally speaking up.
“Neytiri is showing.”
“I know,” you nod, “It suits her.”
As you struggle to reach for another fruit from the basket, Tsu’tey huffs in annoyance and loosens his grip on you. He takes a step back, hating the distance between your bodies, but decides to allow you to finish your work in peace. You can feel his eyes fixed on you, observing every move you make. 
“You’re very quiet today,” you turn around to face him, abandoning your task.
Tsu’tey only shakes his head, disagreeing to voice his concern. You rest your hand on his shoulder, gently pushing him down, until he gives in and kneels on the ground. You crouch down next to him, resting your hand on his thigh. 
“Talk to me, tìyawn,” you murmur.
Tsu’tey gazes at your hand in silence. But when you lean in to kiss his cheek, he turns his head, catching your lips with his instead. It’s not long before he snakes his arms around your middle again and pulls your body onto his. You giggle, as he sits you down in his lap, enjoying the closeness between you two.
“Right now?” you quirk your eyebrow at him, knowing exactly where he is leading with this.
Tsu'tey's lips find their way to your neck, and you let out a soft sigh as his warm breath tickles your skin. You tilt your head to the side, giving him better access, and he trails a few more kisses before nuzzling his face into your neck.
“‘Aani said that Ti'ung is with a child too,” he whispers, catching your attention.
The two of you have mated before Eywa almost a year ago but Tsu'tey never pressured you into becoming a mother so soon. Just for a while, all he wanted was to have you all to himself. To enjoy restless nights with you without a worry of hurting you or having to share you with anybody else. The first few times you mated, you watched him struggle, as he was holding off the unbearable pleasure, before pulling his member out of you and releasing into his hand instead. Presumably, it became a thing he did every time, and you’ve grown so used to it, that you never once paid a second thought to it.
He was always so respectful and gentle with you, loving every bit of your body, every sound that would escape your lips. And despite his readiness to move into the next stage of your lives, Tsu'tey never allowed himself to impregnate you without earning your permission first. But what he failed to realize is that while you were trembling underneath him, reaching your orgasm, you were never able to think, let alone speak about wanting him to release inside of you. 
“What are you hinting at, Tsu’tey?” you pull slightly back to look into his eyes.
“That it might be nice if, growing up, our child is surrounded by a few good kids,” he answers.
“Well, I’m sure Neytiri’s and Jake’s child is going to be just as good as they are,” you nod, agreeing, “And Aani’s and Ti'ung’s too.”
Tsu’tey hums, grateful that you finish his thoughts for him. That you know him so well, see him through and through. Being a man of a few words, he would often get irritated when others failed to understand his thoughts. But with you, it's different. All he cares about is that you see him for who he is, no one else.
“We need to catch up then, huh?” you grin.
Tsu’tey feels his chest swell with love by the way you look at him. So excited, so desperate to create a life with him. He pulls you in for a kiss, pouring all of his gratitude into it, as his hands reach for the ties of your loincloth. You don’t hesitate to reciprocate his desire, and soon the two of you become lost in each other.
headcanons of tsu'tey reacting to his mate's pregnancy
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slut4thebroken · 3 months
Second Chances
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Emmett x reader
Summary | Emmett takes advantage of your kindness and hospitality.
Warnings | Smut, 18+, non con, emotional manipulation, praise, guilt tripping, very large age gap, painful sex, first time, breeding, crying, bro has hella trauma fr.
Words | 2.5 k
Notes | Direct result of my Emmett brain rot (Also two fics in one day??🫣)
Ao3 link | <3
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“Here you go.” You smiled, handing the steaming mug to him. 
“Thanks.” His voice was quiet as he took it from you and held it in his lap. 
“What’s your name?” You asked, sitting down next to him, hoping you weren’t intruding too much. He paused for a moment, seemingly debating if he actually wanted to make conversation with you and give you “personal” information about himself. 
“Emmett.” He finally said. 
You gave him your name and watched as his eyes dragged down your body, taking in every inch of you. With a blush, you cleared your throat and looked away for a moment to gather your thoughts. “Are you sure you don’t need anything else? Are you warm enough?” He looked over you again with a neutral expression that made you squirm a little. 
“Actually I’m still a little cold. Is there anywhere I could go that’s inside?” 
“Oh- yes! Of course.” You said quickly as you got to your feet. “My parents will be out of the house for another couple of hours so you can use some extra blankets and maybe lay down on the couch for a while.” You smiled. He didn’t return the expression as he stood up and followed you for a couple minutes until you finally walked up a porch to the front door. 
“Okay, let me just grab another blanket and then I’ll start the fire place as well.” You ran off to retrieve a blanket and when you came back, he was sitting on the couch looking around the room. 
He gave you a small “thank you” after you handed him the blanket and you could feel his eyes on you as you walked forward, then kneeled down in front of the fireplace. “You live here with your parents?” He suddenly asked, almost startling you. 
“Yeah. Since there’s three of us, we got our own place. A lot of other people had to share.” He hummed in acknowledgment and you finished up with starting the fire before turning around to face him, finding his eyes already on you. “Can I get you anything else?” 
“This is more than enough.” He said softly. 
“Okay… Well, I’ll let you rest. If you’re hungry I can try to make something?” You offered with a kind smile. 
“Actually I’d rather talk with you.” 
“Oh-” You said, eyes widening in surprise— He didn’t seem like the kind of man who would want to make small talk with a stranger. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes. It’s been a while since I’ve talked to someone like this.” You hesitantly got up and sat down next to him on the couch. 
“Like what?” You asked curiously. 
“So loud… and about things other than survival.” His voice was still quiet, but this time there was a bit of a solemn undertone to it. 
“Oh.” You bit your lip, trying to think of what to say, but not really knowing how to approach this. “You never… had anyone to talk to about normal stuff? Surely it wasn’t all survival.” You can’t even imagine what he must have experienced. When he suddenly looked away and clenched his jaw, you realized that you might’ve over stepped. “I’m sorry, that was— I shouldn't have pried…”
“It’s fine. I had a family, but they’re gone now.” He still wasn’t looking at you. Taking one last sip from the mug, he leaned forward, then placed it on the coffee table. 
“God, I- I’m so sorry.” You said quietly. 
“It’s silly, but… I miss being able to hug them— to hug people.” He finally looked at you again, this time with a sad smile. “I remember the last time I felt someone’s touch… 11 weeks ago.” That must have been when his family died…
“Would you like a hug?” You offered nervously, hoping you weren’t too bold again. He studied you for another moment before nodding. 
“That would be really nice.” Once you had his approval, you moved closer and wrapped your arms around him, letting him do the same even though his wet clothes were starting to dampen yours. He let out a quiet breath and relaxed into the embrace. “Thank you… I’ve been so lonely.” He whispered, making you frown. 
“You won’t have to be anymore. The people here are very kind, you’ll make plenty of friends.” 
“I can tell.” His voice was a little amused now and he pulled back just enough to look at you. “If it’s not too much trouble… could I hug you a little more?” 
“Of course.” You said instantly, then let out a startled sound when he lifted you onto his lap so you were straddling his thighs. You thought he meant more as in for a longer period of time, not.. this…
“Thank you.” He said again, pulling you closer and burying his face in the crook of your neck. You were stiff for a few seconds, still trying to process this new development, but finally you relaxed into him and hugged him a little tighter. “I’ve almost forgotten what it feels like.” He whispered against your neck. 
“To hug?” You wondered, trying to understand. 
“Yes. But also the gentle touch of a woman.” A blush took over your face and you cleared your throat awkwardly. “You know, my wife… I was with her when she passed.” He said quietly. You were already dreading where this was going, not sure you could handle learning about any more of the pain he’s suffered since the start of everything. “I had a really hard time understanding and accepting this… but she said she wanted me to move on. To be happy again.” One of his arms stayed wrapped around your upper body, but the other moved a little lower, pulling you closer so your hips were also flush with his. 
“Emmett…” You said quietly, trying to pull away, but he just tightened his grip and you finally felt the bulge pressed up against your heat. You tried not to gasp at the realization.
“Shh… It’s okay. I just— You look so much like her…” You had no idea what to say. You’ve never been in a position like this before. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly pulled away and you stared down at him in confusion. “I’m sorry. I don’t deserve this. Not after everything I’ve done— everything I didn’t do.” Your lips parted, but no words could come out for a moment.  
“You deserve feeling safe and cared for. Everything you had to do was for the sake of staying alive.” At least you assumed it was. Honestly you have no idea what he’s done. “And it’s not your fault— what happened to your family. You did everything you could.” You said softly and he started shaking his head. “Yes. You can’t blame yourself, Emmett. Maybe that’s why your wife said that to you before she passed… because she knew how much you’d struggle with it.” 
“You remind me of her so much.” He said through a choked sob, making you freeze. You had no idea he’d get so emotional. Not knowing what else to do, you just pulled him back into the hug and held him tightly. “That’s exactly the kind of response she would’ve given.” He croaked. In response, you just hugged him even tighter. 
“It’s okay…” You whispered. “I’m so sorry, Emmett. No one deserves to go through what you have.” 
“It hurts.” He cried, making your heart ache for him. 
“Tell me what you need. How can I help?” You said quickly, not wanting to see him like this any longer. 
“Can I— can I kiss you?”
“What?!” You choked out, making him pull back to look at you. The tear tracks on his cheeks were far less than what you thought they’d be, but maybe they just wiped off on your dress. 
“Please. I miss her so much and… god you look exactly like her.” He whispered, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. 
“I…” You’ve never kissed anyone before. Are you really about to give it away to a stranger you just met less than an hour ago? “Emmett…”
“I know I don’t deserve it— I know. But I just… it hurts so bad, I can’t take it.” He all but whimpered, making your hesitant expression melt into something softer and more sympathetic. 
“…I’ve never kissed anyone before.” You admitted quietly and you swore his eyes darkened, but it was too hard to really tell. 
“I know I’m asking far too much of you— I know I don’t deserve your kindness,” 
“Stop saying things like that.” You frowned. “You deserve kindness, you deserve to feel loved, just like everyone else.” He stared at you for a moment, his eyes still glossy with tears, then he was suddenly leaning forward and capturing your lips in a kiss. You let out a muffled sound of surprise and brought your hands to his chest, trying to push him away. In response, he snaked his hand around your head to grasp your hair, holding you still as he moaned quietly. 
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled against your lips. You let out another startled sound when he suddenly threw you off of him so you were laying on your back on the couch. Before you could move away, he was crawling over you, kissing you again as his hands roamed your body. 
“Emmett-” You tried to say as you continued pushing his chest, but he was too strong. “Stop!” 
“I know.” He panted before snaking his hand down your stomach all the way to the apex of your thighs. He slipped under your dress easily and roughly cupped your sex, making you whimper. 
“Emmett, please stop.” 
“I will. I will— I just need this. I haven’t been with a woman in so long…” He whispered. “I promise I’ll be fast.” 
“Please don’t,” You whimpered, already feeling tears brimming in your eyes. 
“I know. I’m sorry.” His hand suddenly left your body to open his pants and free his cock, then he was pulling your panties to the side and lining up. 
“Please! I- I’m a..” You sobbed, trying anything to get this to stop. 
“I’ll be gentle.” He promised, then faltered and added, “At least… I’ll try to be.” When you felt the head of his cock drag through your folds, your body went completely rigid. 
“Please! Emmett, please don’t,” You cried, still trying to push him away. 
“Shh…” The blunt head of his cock was against your entrance now, pushing as hard as possible, trying to fit inside you. When he finally breached your opening, his hand slapped over your mouth, muffling your shrill scream. “Oh— fuck… I'm not gonna last.” He moaned loudly, letting his head drop down for a moment. The tears in your eyes were finally falling and you sobbed almost violently behind his hand. Your crying only got worse though when he continued pushing in. 
“Almost there.” He whispered and you let out an anguished sob in response. It felt like you were being ripped open as he continued pushing deeper, a lot farther than what you could comfortably take. “Good girl… Just a little more.” Your body was trembling from the pain and you started clawing at him, trying anything to get this to stop. But he was undeterred. When he finally bottomed out, he let out a low groan that was overshadowed by your cry of pain. 
“I know… I’m sorry. Fuck, you feel so good. Just like how she felt.” He whispered. “I think she’d be happy that it’s you.” He gave you a small smile, then slowly pulled out until only the tip was inside before forcing it back in. 
“Please!” You cried, the word coming out muffled from behind his hand. 
“God- your cunt is so good.” He groaned, picking up the pace, making you cry harder. 
“Stop! Please…” You whimpered brokenly. 
“I know, baby. I’m almost done, I promise.” He said breathily. You tried kicking your legs, thrashing under him, pushing him away, but he was too strong. “Just a little longer, you’re doing so good.” He removed his hand, but before you could scream, he was kissing you again. This time, he shoved his tongue passed your parted lips, licking into your mouth in a desperate, almost feral manner. That, along with the fact that you couldn’t focus on this kiss because of how hard you were crying, made it incredibly messy and sloppy and wet. 
He snapped his hips into you, chasing his orgasm as he kissed you like he’d never be able to kiss anyone ever again, making it feel like you could barely breathe. Mostly because of the kiss, but also because of how overwhelming the pain of the stretch was. He continued kissing you and his facial hair felt scratchy against face, only furthering your discomfort. 
“I’m close.” He whispered against your lips. At least it was almost over. “I haven’t filled up a cunt in over a year.” He practically growled, making you stiffen again. 
“N-no… Emmett, please don’t. Please pull out.” You begged desperately, trying to speak coherently through all of the crying. 
“I thought you said I deserve this? That I deserve to finally be happy after everything.” He frowned, making you falter. 
“I didn’t mean… this.” You choked out, not sure what else to say. 
“I know…” He said quietly, letting his eyes flutter shut. “I’ll try to pull out.” 
“Emmett, please. You have to,” He leaned down and cut you off with another kiss as his thrusts became even rougher. 
“You’re such a good girl…” He murmured against your lips, breathing heavily as he neared his release. “So good. I’m gonna make you mine. I’ll take care of you, just like I took care of her. But we’ll be safe this time...” You shook your head, unable to do anything else. “No monsters, no illness— It’s gonna be perfect. We’ll even have some boys, yeah?”
“No,” You sobbed, quickly feeling defeated. You couldn’t stop this no matter how hard you tried. “Please, Emmett… I just turned 18, I- I can’t…” He moaned quietly when you said that. 
“Shh. Yes you can. I’ll help you, baby, we’ll do it together.” You shook your head in disagreement as you continued to cry. “Fuck,” He choked out, eyes closing again. “Ready?” 
“No— no, Emmett… please. Please pull out!” You yelled, making him curse under his breath. With one final groan, he forced his cock all the way in, pushing up against your cervix uncomfortably. 
“Oh, good girl.” He moaned, lazily rutting into you as he rode out his high. “So fucking good. So tight… milking every fucking drop.” He said proudly, making you cry harder at the verbal reminder that he just came inside you. 
“Emmett…” You whimpered, feeling his cock twitch inside you. 
“Thank you.” He said through a breath. “Thank you so much.” He almost sounded like he was about to cry in relief and that made you falter. This man has been alone for weeks, just haunted by the memories of his family with no real outlet or source of comfort. So when someone finally offered him some… he jumped at the chance immediately. You probably would’ve done the same, had you lost your entire family. 
“And I meant what I said. I’m going to keep you safe this time, I promise.” He said quietly, reaching down to feel where his cock was bulging your stomach— where a baby would be growing soon enough. “All of you.” 
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edenesth · 5 months
The Way to His Heart [6]
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Pairing: general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
AU: arranged marriage au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Life has been hell ever since your mother's passing many years ago. Despite being from a prominent family, you've never received the privileges associated with it. It only got worse with the arrival of your stepmother and her daughters. When the intimidating General Park was in search of a wife, your father seized the opportunity to dispose of you, simultaneously securing a connection with the powerful general—killing two birds with one stone.
Part 5 | Fic Masterlist | Part 7
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"Please enjoy your meal, master and mistress. We hope the dishes are to your liking." The servants bowed before leaving the hall after serving dinner for the night.
Sitting up straight, hands folded on your lap, you patiently awaited Seonghwa to begin eating. The enticing aroma of the dishes made your mouth water, and your eyes gleamed as you observed your husband's hands reaching for his chopsticks.
He noticed your gaze, smiled, and rather than taking a piece of meat for himself, he surprised you by placing it in your bowl instead, "Eat up; you must be hungry."
The general sighed as he saw you hesitating to start eating until he had taken the first bite. Amused, he set down his chopsticks and watched as you slumped in your seat, seemingly disappointed that he hadn't begun eating yet.
"Why are you still sitting around? Go ahead and eat," He said, and your eyes widened, "But, my lord, how can I—"
Shaking his head, he picked up his spoon and reached for a tofu dish he had noticed you eyeing for some time, scooping up just enough before holding it to your lips, "Here, you want this, don't you?" Before you could protest, he pushed it closer to you, "Open up before I change my mind," and you couldn't resist, taking a bite.
Eunsook couldn't help snickering into her fist as she witnessed the adorable interaction. You chewed cluelessly on your food, eyes sparkling as you savoured the flavour, while Seonghwa continued to eat with the same spoon, indirectly sharing a kiss with you.
Throughout dinner, your husband focused more on taking care of you, he filled your bowl with a variety of dishes and wiped the corners of your lips whenever your excitement caused a mess. After finishing his own meal, he continued to watch you with admiration as you kept eating.
Concern crept in when he noticed your movements slowing down, and you started breathing rather heavily. It seemed like you were already full but were pushing yourself to eat more, "Hey, slow down. Are you full? You need to stop eating if you are."
You shook your head, reaching for another slice of rolled omelette. Furrowing his brows, he realised you were struggling to swallow. Why were you continuing to eat if you were already so full? It was as if you didn't know when your next meal would be, and you were trying to consume as much as possible for the time being.
"Stop, stop," He repeated firmly, gently holding your wrist and taking the chopsticks from your hand, "Look at me," You took your eyes off the food and finally met his gaze, "Are you afraid you won't get to eat again?" You avoided eye contact and that confirmed his suspicion, it broke his heart to see you still in survival mode.
Feeling like you had done something wrong, you bowed your head and nervously fiddled with your fingers, "I-I'm sorry... I just have never had a proper meal like this before, a-and..."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," He assured, moving to hold your hands and rubbing his thumb over your skin comfortingly, "You're the mistress of this estate now. You can eat anything you want at any time. All you have to do is call for the servants, and they will serve you. As long as I live, you never have to worry about not being able to eat again, you hear me?"
You nodded, moved by the sincerity in his tone and the warmth in his touch and gaze, "I understand. Thank you, my lord."
However, he seemed unsatisfied with something you said, contemplating for a moment before murmuring, "Seonghwa. Just Seonghwa, please."
Your eyes widened, "Wh-what?"
He looked away from your questioning gaze, embarrassed, "You're my wife now, there's no need to be so formal. Just call me Seonghwa from now on."
"Okay... S-Seonghwa." You muttered unsurely, suppressing the blush on your cheeks as he lifted his eyes to stare at you in wonder.
Little did you know, the sound of his name coming from you melted his heart, further deepening the growing affection he had for you. Though it had only been a day or two since he met you, and despite his initial misguided disdain, once he learned the truth about you, an irrational desire to protect you took root within him. For the first time in forever, he found someone worth caring for.
As much as the head maid enjoyed watching the two of you exchange deep gazes all night, the rest of the servants in charge of the dining hall were waiting to clear up and get some rest.
With a loud clearing of her throat, she finally broke you both out of your little staring contest, "Master, mistress, are you finished with dinner? It's getting rather late now, we should probably make haste and clean up the hall before we attract all sorts of insects."
Suddenly remembering that you weren't alone in the hall, the general swiftly collected himself from his slightly flustered state, "Of course, send the maids in. Is the mistress' new quarters prepared?" He checked with Eunsook, moving to help you out of your seat with your hand still in his.
The elderly woman, with a concealed smile, nodded and bowed, "It is, master. I'll leave it to you to show mistress to her room then."
You waved to her as you followed your husband out of the hall, "Thank you for the food, Eunsook. Please tell the kitchen staff they did a wonderful job; every dish was incredibly tasty!"
She nodded with a beam, bowing again, "Yes, mistress. They'll be happy to hear that."
Leading you along, Seonghwa made an effort to appear composed, attempting to hide the joy he felt from walking with your hands intertwined. The passing servants were surprised at the rare sight of their master and mistress walking hand in hand. As they bowed, their smiles widened when you waved at them, and the general's soft chuckle didn't escape their notice.
It amused them how resolute he had initially been about getting rid of you, and now he seemed to have a hard time tearing his eyes away from you for even a moment.
"Come on, you'll love the new quarters," He said, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. You raised your eyebrows, "But what about my previous room? That was fine too."
He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly at the sudden reminder of The Cold Palace, "Well, I may have broken the door, but that's not the point. The point is that you are now officially my wife, and Lady Park deserves nothing but the best, understood?" You nodded, simply feeling grateful for everything.
"We're here. Welcome to the House of Lotus."
Your jaw dropped at the sight of the beautiful private garden surrounding what was to be your new quarters. A pavilion on the right of the main chamber faced a small pond filled with lotus flowers, "You can relax over there, have some tea and read when the weather is good. This is all yours. If you ever need me for anything, I'm just down the path; we're practically neighbours."
The general panicked when he saw your eyes welling up with tears, releasing your hand to grasp your shoulders, "D-do you not like it? We can arrange a different one for you if you want—"
Shaking your head, you sniffled, "N-no, it's not that. I j-just can't believe this is really all mine. Th-thank you so much, Seonghwa..."
He breathed out in relief, pulling you into his arms as you cried into his neck, "What did I say, you silly girl? Only the best for you." He gazed around in satisfaction; he had intentionally requested his maids to arrange the room closest to his private quarters, wanting to be near you.
Aside from that, the abundance of lotus flowers in this specific area earned it the nickname House of Lotus. Known for its connection with purity, rebirth, and divinity, the lotus flower symbolises rising from a dark place into beauty and rebirth, mirroring its growth process. This was precisely what the general had envisioned for you—a metaphorical representation of new beginnings and a fresh start.
"Master, we have come to prepare mistress for bed. Do we have permission to proceed?"
"Of course, I'll leave you to it then." Your husband had no choice but to leave you as the group of servants assigned to you for the night arrived, hands carrying bath supplies, Yunho's prepared ointment for your wounds, and a fresh piece of nightgown.
"Have a good rest tonight, my dear. We're paying the dressmaker a visit tomorrow; we're getting you new clothes." He pressed a firm kiss onto your head and did not leave until he was sure you had entered the room, reluctantly heading towards his study to wait for updates from Jongho.
Reaching for the Jang family records he had hidden from you earlier, he got back to work. With the week off granted by the King for him to celebrate his wedding, Seonghwa was determined to gather as much intel as he could before setting his plans into motion, "Just you wait, minister. Savour the peace while you still can."
Just when the general believed he had prepared himself to learn the extent of the abuse you had endured throughout your life, he managed to keep his rage in check as he listened to the harrowing details. However, nothing could have prepared him for the new revelation that his aide brought to him.
His disgust for the Minister of Military Affairs, already intense, reached new heights with the secret he had just uncovered. The assistant bowed his head as his master broke into a grin of disbelief, "And here, I thought I was labelled the heartless monster. Clearly, the minister is the rightful owner of the title."
Pointing towards the copy of your family records on his desk, Seonghwa inquired, "What about this? Have you been able to confirm the suspicions I have about those three she-devils?"
Jongho shook his head, "Not yet, sir. We'll need evidence to prove your theory; we might have to dig deeper. Just getting someone to talk about it might not be sufficient for your plan to succeed."
The general nodded, "It's alright, Jongho. We still have some time. So long as we have that piece of evidence before I return to work next week, is that doable?"
After a brief moment of contemplation, his aide replied, "Yes, I think that should be enough time. If that is all for now, I'll be taking my leave, sir."
"Thank you, Jongho. You may go."
Left alone with his thoughts, your husband resisted the urge to run to you immediately. He felt so angry for you that he could almost cry. The depth of your suffering was unimaginable to him, and all he wanted was to embrace you, shield you from the harsh and cruel world, and erase the pain and traumatic memories.
Clutching the book with your family crest, he glared at your father's name, imagining all the ways he could take the old man out.
I promise you, my dear. I'll make them pay.
At the same time, he couldn't stop beating himself up for the way he had treated you on your first day here. His heart ached as he recalled you travelling this far all on your own, only to face continuous mistreatment from him. Even if you had already forgiven him—you weren't even angry at him in the first place, you had to be crazy for that—Seonghwa would never forgive himself for his actions. He would be spending the rest of his days trying to make up for it.
That night, he experienced another restless bout of sleep, tossing and turning as the endless imagined scenes of you being tortured, starved, and treated like cattle haunted his mind. At some point during the night, he couldn't resist the impulse and walked over to your quarters, standing by the entrance like a fool, contemplating whether he should knock.
But he quickly realised that you must not have had any decent rest for who knows how long, and here he was, on the verge of disturbing you just because he couldn't sleep. Gosh, how selfish could he be?
He trudged back to his own room, trying to focus on the thought of you being soundly asleep in your new and comfy bed. Thankfully, this image managed to bring a smile to his face, and just like that, he gradually joined you in dreamland.
"Good morning, mistress! We're here to help you get ready. May we please enter?" Your eyes fluttered open as Eunsook's voice reached you, and a yawn escaped your mouth after having what felt like the most amazing sleep for the first time in years.
You were tempted to hop off your bed and rush to open the door for them, but then you remembered you weren't supposed to do so. Clearing your throat, you answered politely, "Yes, you may enter."
The servants bowed, unable to hide their smiles upon seeing you sitting up on your bed, still marvelling at the grand interior of your new room despite having already spent one night there.
Unbeknownst to you, the maids had been competing to be chosen to serve you. In just your third day here, you had become the most precious figure in the entire estate, and everyone wished to work under you. This particular group of maids had been selected, and their excitement was palpable as they enthusiastically bathed, dressed, and fixed your hair and makeup for the day.
On the other hand, the less fortunate few found themselves assigned to prepare the general for the day. Especially now, with Jongho, the only one capable of handling Seonghwa, engaged in special duties elsewhere, they had no choice but to put up with their master, even as their hearts yearned to be in the House of Lotus.
The morning unfolded with remarkable ease, thanks to your presence. Your husband proved more manageable than usual, his typical grogginess dissipating as he witnessed your excitement over breakfast. It made him both happy and sad—happy to see you so easily satisfied but sad at the realisation of the deprivation you had endured. Your genuine appreciation for even the most basic necessities was a testament to your difficult past.
Repeatedly, he had to remind himself that your history was just that—history. There was nothing he could do to alter it. But he was your present and future, and he would do everything to ensure you had nothing but the best moving forward.
Having already provided you with the best quarters on his estate, the next step was to adorn you in the finest clothes in all of Joseon. Whether or not you arrived with clothing from your old home was irrelevant to him; he would have burned every piece of it to the ground regardless. His goal now was to ensure that, at first sight, everyone would recognise you as the esteemed and beloved wife of the terrifying General Park.
Waiting for you by his carriage, he was not disappointed by your reaction to the vehicle as he assisted you inside. Your eyes widened, and your jaw fell in astonishment as you took in the spacious interior. Usually, he kept the carriage's small windows closed, but anticipating your excitement, he left them open. A subtle smile played on his lips as you gazed in awe at the passing scenery.
The dressmaker's shop was situated in the middle of a lively street in town, requiring the two of you to cover the remaining distance on foot while the carriage and its coachmen awaited your return. Accompanied by two servants trailing closely behind, the four of you began making your way through the bustling crowd.
While Seonghwa found himself irritated by the unending stares drawn by both of your extraordinary visuals, your attention was captivated by the surroundings.
This marked your first visit to the town, evident from your childlike fascination, a source of amusement for the observing servants who shared delighted giggles. Throughout the journey, your husband ensured a tight grip on your hand, apprehensive about the possibility of losing you in the busy crowd.
The commoners, oblivious to your identities, continued their activities nonchalantly. Little did they know they were looking at the famous General Park and his new wife. If your true status were known, the street might have cleared within seconds.
Growing weary of the continuous gazes, the general promptly guided you towards the shop he intended to visit.
Upon entering, you were captivated by the array of colourful and elegant hanbok on display. The servants remained close by, engaging in lively discussions about their preferred designs. Typically, Seonghwa would disapprove of his employees being so casual around him, but witnessing the joy on your face as you excitedly joined in on their conversation, he couldn't bring himself to reprimand the two maids. Sighing, he moved further into the establishment, searching for the owner.
Spotting the familiar back hunched over work at the rear of the salon, he couldn't help but roll his eyes before saying, "I still don't understand why you won't hire a helper. You could be robbed in broad daylight, for all we know. You weren't even aware you have a customer, being busy back here."
Turning around with a raised brow, the dressmaker countered, "You're wrong, Park Seonghwa. I didn't bother heading out because I knew it was you. That's how good I am, and that's why I don't need to spend unnecessarily on a helper."
Before the general stood an old friend from his early military days, one who had decided the life of a soldier was not his path and had pursued his passion in fashion, "Yes, yes. It's nice to see you too, Kim Hongjoong. Good to know you haven't changed much."
The shorter man grinned deviously at his friend's sarcastic response, glancing at you, "Aye, I haven't. Unlike you, General Park."
Hongjoong set his tools down and continued, "Heard you finally got married, and I didn't believe it, not until today. That lovely woman over there, that's her, isn't it? She must be quite the special one for you to accompany her all this way. This isn't like you at all. The Seonghwa I know would never waste his time coming here."
If there was one thing your husband did not miss about his friend, it was his relentless teasing. He rolled his eyes again when it went on, "You know, I really thought I'd never get to see you again, but here you are, all because of her."
Seonghwa crossed his arms over his chest, "One more word from you, Hongjoong, and you can kiss this business deal goodbye. Don't come crying to me when I end up employing another dressmaker for all of my wife's clothing."
Jaws falling slack, Hongjoong exclaimed, "Hold on, did I hear that right? All of your wife's clothing?"
The general smirked, "Yes, you heard correctly. I'm hiring you for the long term, enough for you to shut down your shop and work exclusively for my estate."
Hongjoong chuckled, "Closing my shop might be a stretch, but a steady income is tempting. I'm on board. You have good taste, Seonghwa. I assure you won't regret hiring me. I'll make Lady Park the most beautiful woman in all of Joseon, mark my words."
"Excellent. I'm counting on it, Hongjoong."
As pleased as your husband was to have secured a reliable dressmaker for you, there are moments when he regrets such decisions. He experiences a sense of déjà vu as he observes you interacting with his friend, recalling the uneasy feeling he had witnessing your reaction to Yunho.
"My lady, it seems my task is already defined. Your beauty is already exceptional, and I'm afraid I won't have to work too hard to enhance it at all." Hongjoong has always been quite the charmer, and Seonghwa disliked that he was using it on you, his wife, of all people.
The blush on your face, as adorable as it was, irked the general at the moment, as he wasn't the reason for it. He watched, unamused, as the dressmaker smugly took your measurements.
Contrary to your calm and oblivious demeanour, the two maids were keenly aware of their master's internal fury, manifested in the glares he shot at his friend. They trembled at the thought of his wrath, unaware that Hongjoong was the only one audacious enough to tease the general without fearing severe consequences. The two had always shared what people termed a love-hate relationship.
Other than you, your husband and the servants felt a sense of relief once the dressmaker completed noting your measurements, checking your design preferences, and determining which colours suited your skin tone best.
"Alright, it looks like we're done for now. I'll do my best to deliver the first batch of dresses to your estate by next week. Is that okay?" Seonghwa softened as soon as he recognised his friend's serious and professional side, nodding quickly, "That sounds perfect. Thank you, Hongjoong."
The shorter man gave him a sincere smile, "No, thank you, Seonghwa. I mean it in a good way when I say you've changed. Your wife is lovely, by the way. I'll be seeing you soon, my friend."
As the four of you made your way out of the shop, the general's irritation resurfaced as quickly as it had dissipated just moments ago when Hongjoong sent you a flirty wink, "Have a safe journey back. I can't wait to see you again, Lady Park."
Cutting short your innocent wave, Seonghwa swiftly wrapped a strong arm around your back and guided you away, not missing his friend's annoying laughter, "Let's go; the carriage is waiting." He grumbled, jealousy and petty anger flooding his veins.
But those emotions vanished as soon as you both got into the vehicle, the rhythmic rocking motion lulling you into drowsiness. In your sleepy state, your head landed on his shoulder, and you whispered, "Thank you, Seonghwa. I had fun today."
He pulled you closer, ensuring your comfort, and pressed his lips against your hair.
"Anything for you, my wife."
« Preview of Part 7 »
"Can you all believe this? Just a few days into marriage, and the general has already sent word to His Majesty that he has an important agenda to discuss in our next assembly?" The minister guffawed, downing a glass of rice wine in amusement.
His wife grinned slyly, "Do you reckon it has anything to do with her?"
"Oh, I bet it has everything to do with her!" Jinah chortled.
"He must have been so disgusted by the sight of her bare from all that makeup," Jinhee shook her head before panicking, "Wait a damn minute, what if he asks to swap her for one of us?"
Jinjoo whined, "Father, you better not agree to that if it happens!"
"You silly girls, your father would never let any of that happen. Right, honey?" Their mother drawled, curling up to her husband seductively. The mere thought of your potential misery brought them satisfaction.
Minister Jang nodded, "Don't worry, girls. Knowing Park Seonghwa, he most likely would not entertain the idea or ask for anything like that. We'll just have to wait and see what he wishes to talk about. This should be interesting."
"That better be the case." Jinhee muttered, arms crossed.
Jinah smirked, "Or who knows, he's already disposed of her and decided the only right thing to do is to report it."
Cruel laughter echoed through the dining hall of the Jang estate as your family speculated on the possible whereabouts of your remains. None of them noticed the mole within their staff, attentively listening to every word.
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I know you're all probably dying to know Minister Jang's secret but what fun will it be for y'all to find out so soon, am I right?😝 Not to worry though, I promise it'll all be revealed in due time.
Thank you so much for 900+ followers! As always, hope you enjoyed and let me know all your thoughts! <3
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Nena V
Barcelona Femení x Child!Reader
Summary: You're sick
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It started with a little cough.
Ingrid didn't really think anything of it. Sometimes, you just had a cough. It wasn't really a big thing which was why she was so happy to leave you in Mapi's company while she went to do some media things.
Only, the cough seemed to be getting worse.
It started out as a little tickle in the back of your throat at breakfast and then got more and more scratchy as time went on. Your head started to pound too and your arms felt all weird and heavy in a way that you had never really experienced before.
"Hey," Mapi said, shaking you lightly," Are you okay?"
You shook your head, eyes squeezing shut. "My throat don' like me, Mapi," You said, squeezing at your neck as if it would help.
You coughed again. Your eyebrows drew together after it took you a while to stop.
From just outside your field of vision, a hand moved until it was pressed against your forehead.
Your frown deepened as you darted your eyes to the side. The hand belonged to Irene. You looked at her.
She was frowning too. "Does it hurt to swallow, Nena?"
You nodded miserably.
"Say aah."
Irene moved closer so she could look in your mouth, frown deepening for a moment before she drew away and nodded.
"You've got a case of tonsillitis there, Nena."
You don't know that word but you nodded because Irene is a mama and mamas know things like this.
"Tonsillitis?!" Mapi exclaimed, her voice going very squeaky," Shit! Is she going to die? Do we need to call an ambulance?!"
Irene rolled her eyes. "She just needs some medicine and for you to calm down. Once Ingrid's back, you can take her home. It's not that serious."
Mapi certainly looked like this was serious. "Does she need them removed?!"
Irene laughed. "Not right now. If it gets worse or keeps happening then yes, maybe, but what she needs now is medicine and some water. Calm down, Mapi."
Mapi took a deep breath before panic flashed on her face. "I don't have kid's medicine!"
"I do." Irene pulled a little bottle out of her bag and shook it. "I was meant to bring it home for Matteo but I'm sure he can share."
You dutifully took the medicine even though it tasted kind of yucky and drank the water Mapi put in front of you.
Breakfast was easy after that but there was separate training for the defenders so Mapi had to hand you off to someone else to watch.
Tia Alexia sat next to you when she took a break from her gym session.
You felt better than earlier but still a little bad.
Tia Alexia checked your temperature like how Irene did and you leaned into her cold hand. She laughed.
"Careful there, Nena," She said," Don't go falling asleep on me."
"'m not sleepin'," You slurred, forcing your eyes open and squinting at her.
"Sure you're not," Alexia said, pushing the hair out of your eyes," But I need those eyes of yours open. Can I check your throat?"
Everyone had been checking your throat now. Irene did it earlier. Mapi did it a lot before she trained. Even Marta and Caro had looked at it for some reason.
It was routine now so you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue.
Alexia looked inside for a moment, nodding a few times before getting you to drink from your water bottle. She checked your throat again afterwards before she went back to her weights.
She kept looking back at you though, as if to check you hadn't disappeared or anything.
Honestly, you don't think that you have the strength to just up and disappear. You were content to be miserable on the floor with your scratchy throat until your next babysitter came to get you.
You missed Ingrid. You wish she finished her job so she could come and get you. Last year when you had the flu, Ingrid flew all the way back home to make sure you were okay. Mama didn't like that because she thought it was making you co-dependent or something but Ingrid and you didn't care.
Ingrid made the best soup and she had medicine that tasted nice, not like the one that Irene gave you earlier.
"What with the grumpy face, Nena?" Lucy asked as she joined you, poking at your cheek. "Why aren't you smiling?"
"Ingrid's not here," You whined," And I'm sick."
"You're sick? How come?"
"I just am!" As if the punctuate your point, you flew into a big coughing fit.
Lucy looked very worried, flapping her hands about like Mapi did earlier and looking around the room as if someone would save her.
Tia Alexia came back and wedged the straw of your bottle back into your mouth as soon as you finished coughing.
"When is Ingrid done?" She asked as you drank your water," Nena really needs to go home. Some cuddles and a nap would do her wonders."
"She should be done soon," Lucy said," I don't think she knows yet. I can go and check."
"No," Alexia said," I'll send Patri and Pina. You've still got a gym session to get through."
"I can wait with her until Ingrid comes," Lucy insisted, looking down pointedly at you as you began to scratch at your throat again," Do we need to give her more medicine? She looks uncomfortable."
Alexia looked at her watch. "We've still got another two hours before we can give her another dose."
You scratched harder at your throat and Lucy gently took your hand to bring it away. You whined a little, pulling out her grip. She was running warm. You didn't like that. You wish she were cold like Tia Alexia was.
Lucy was like a furnace as she sat next to you and you edged as far away as possible. You tugged at your shirt and kept having to shift around because your clothes were sticking uncomfortably to your skin.
Your throat was getting very scratchy again and you whined.
"Ooh," A new voice said," That doesn't sound very good."
You whined again and raised your arms.
Ingrid picked you up instantly, checking your forehead with the back of her hand and looking down your throat like everyone else had done.
"Irene says there's somethin' wrong with my tonsils," You replied.
Ingrid smiled, pushing your head into her neck. "That's okay," She said," How about we go home? I'll make you some soup and we'll have some cuddles."
"With Bagheera?"
"Yes, with Bagheera."
"Is your Mapi coming?"
"Mapi can come too."
"And I get soup?"
Ingrid laughed. "Yes, you get soup."
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sorrowfulmuse · 9 months
Can I request a OPLA sanji x fem!reader fluffy story please? If you don’t like writing for Sanji, I’d also be fine with OPLA Luffy or OPLA Buggy.
Please and thank you. :)
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♡ :: "opla!sanji x fem!reader." short imagine!
mentions/warnings:: nothing, just two pirates being in love although others had misunderstandings about your relationship but.. watch out for typos and whatnot, i am writing this at 4am TT also this will be a simple imagine as i’m rusty and didn’t know what prompt i should’ve used. 😭
p.s im sorry it took me so long!!! i got caught with a few things and almost finished it last night
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✧ soft secret kisses being shared, longing touches and love affirmations being whispered into each others ears. sanji was floating on cloud9 every time he was near y/n, no other person could amount to her. not even a Goddess could compare to her beauty and light. she was everything to him, his universe.
sanji relished in her presence every time he was near her, his heart drumming to every kiss she left on his lips and ‘i love yous’. she was his own personal paradise. she hung the stars for him and he worshiped her for it.
although, in love and happy.. they never stated in their relationship to others, were they both single? were they long time friends? ex lovers perhaps? sanji being a flirt again? people had only guessed and assumed they both spoken for by other people. today, was very different that from that spotlight cause well,
"my love, you have to keep your eyes closed!" sanji laughed as he tried his best to guide to this ‘gift’ he kept talking about for weeks. "oh cmon handsome! can’t i just take a little peak?" y/n.. trying to use her charms against him was to no avail, sanji wasn’t going to give up and continued to lead her to his gift. "i wanna see your reaction so no peaks!"
y/n's palms were sweating, when questioned? she could only blame it on the summers heat. she was nervous, nervous about what sanji could possibly gift her. were they running away from the culinary life? the overbearing thoughts had consumed her in the worst ways possible until,
"okay, we’re here." he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her back. she almost didn’t want the blindfold off soon as the bright lights were hard to adjust to. "why.." now she was left speechless, a little hidden spot on a island, sanji had decorated the nature around them with beautiful colorful lanterns, bouquets filled with many sweets of her favorite candies and flowers. petals laid on the ground, kissed by more roses after roses.
"sanji.. what is this?" it was unusual for him to be this quiet.
turning to find him down on knee with a small box in his one palm while the other still held hers. "my y/n, we’ve hip to hip since the moment we were both stuck on that rock with zeff. we stuck with each other as we discovered the same passion for food, owing our own restaurant together and many more.. but i want something more than that. no, i need more. i want you and i.. to be happy and healthy forever."
tears flooded against y/n's eyes, "i know it’s just a ring but it’ll symbolize something in the future, anything you want! i just.. i.." now sanji was close to tears himself. "y/n.. will you be my wife?" without a word, the girl before him tackled him to the ground crying her heart out. "of course i will sanji!" they both laid there, crying and kissing each other. "oh! i thought you’ll never ask!" y/n giggled, (she knew) throughout the night they celebrated their engagement, celebrating to spending eternity together.
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simpjaes · 5 months
how about jealousbf!heeseung who takes you to the empty soundproof vocal rooms and stuffs you full with no mercy after you looked at jay a little too much while they were doing their dance practice
tags: front man heeseung, wannabe groupie reader, he's not her bf !! non idol au, they're just in a band !!
wc: 1k
looking at jay was never an issue until heeseung was looking at you.
who would blame you though? it's not your fault Sunghoon always brought you to band practices. it's not your fault that Heeseung never really paid attention to you before they managed to finesse their way onto a label.
then again, it's not like you knew that Heeseung was always looking. You always seemed to share a gaze between him and everyone else too, so it wasn't really a competitive thing until he noticed you consistently looking at jay more and more.
Hah, always the fucking guitar players too. What do they have that he doesn't? Aside from skilled fingers?
Arguably, Heeseung's fingers are quite skilled too. Just because he's the front man doesn't mean he can't fuck like a guitarist.
So, well, it all really started when you didn't show up. It's rare that you don't, honestly, and all the members seem to miss you when you're not there but man.
Jay sure is a fucking asshole.
"I think she wants me." He joked that one day, nudging Sunghoon and watching them both nod in confirmation that yeah, it's probably true.
"I could take her into one of the soundproof rooms, none of you would even know." he said on that same day, giving Heeseung the idea to do it first.
After all, it's not like he hasn't seen you disappear into sticky bathrooms or dingy band van's at several small town shows with other bands and their members. Why would he be any different? Why would Jay be any different?
Exactly. You're a wannabe groupie and Heeseung is far too willing to feed into your fantasy of fucking a rock star now rather than later.
Jay likes the chase. Heeseung likes the hunt.
And so, that next "practice?" Of course you showed up. Bright eyes, slutty outfit, doe eyes blinking in awe at a bunch of guys who haven't even debuted past a burned CD with shit sound quality? Heeseung approaches you.
Being the front man and all, it's not hard to get you alone as the members take their time doing their own work on the new song. Heeseung's vocals were all finished, and Jay was too wrapped up in his guitar solo recording to notice you eye fucking him again.
"Welcome back, we missed you last time." Heeseung starts in a sweet voice, opening his arms out for a hug.
You kind of quirk your brow at him because, well, you've known the dude for like two years by this point but never has he done more than an awkward side hug while covered in sweat and the scent of musk and alcohol after a show or a hard practice session.
"Oh?" You question, surprised by the grip he holds on you.
"Wanna come with me somewhere?" He asks again, even though the question felt more like a demand in the way he immediately starts dragging you away from the recording studio and into the hallway.
You don't really say much, being more of a go-with-the-flow person than anything. You just shrug, following him into what you obviously know is one of the sound proof rooms they've used previously to practice the noise music.
Working out the kinks of a song doesn't always sound so good, yknow? Nobody really wants to hear that shit til it's ready either.
And it's not like you're stupid or anything. You know what this is, when he steps inside and closes the door behind you. In fact, you're entirely down for it despite not really knowing why the band's front man suddenly wants to be alone with you.
"Hah," Heeseung smirks, watching you already start to slip your shirt off. "I knew it."
You just kind of look at him.
"Well, what else would I expect after being dragged in here?" You ask, pausing your movements and allowing your shirt to fall back into place against your waist.
"I don't know?" He laughs back, rolling his eyes at you briefly before boxing you up against the wall. "Jay?"
You smirk.
"Honestly? Yeah. We've been eye fucking each other for ages." You laugh, brushing Jay off entirely. "Didn't expect you to be the one to come after me."
"Well, if you would have stopped staring at his fingers for thirty seconds maybe you would have noticed it."
"What can I say? He moves fast."
"And you think I would? You've seen what I can do with my tongue, right?"
You pause, noting all those instances during shows where he definitely treated his tongue like some sort of mating ritual. Licking up his microphone, flicking it between his fingers, even going as far as flattening it at multiple city girls that seemed to want a bad boy for the night.
"Don't think I have, actually." You roll your eyes playfully, blinking at him innocently. "Care to elaborate?"
Man, he elaborated.
Without another word, actually. Which was a bit of a shock to you, considering he likes to rasp those vocals all night through song and shrieks. Ah, the sounds are so much different vibrating when his tongue is buried into you, moving faster than you'd have expected.
What's worse? You never really noticed how pretty his vocals could sound until he was muttering out words of degradation towards you. He went in raw, explaining that it's his right. That he should be the first to feel your pussy squeeze him dry. Whispers questions of how many other men have been in you like this. Asking if you've always been this breathless for them. Asking why you're not screaming loud enough for Jay to hear, even through the soundproof room.
In reality, your throat is dry from allowing yourself to be loud for him. Rasping and panting confirmations of his filthy words, only to feel him plunge into you harder, harder, harder. Like a mantra of a song he only wishes he could write.
The proof of having you before Jay could, the proof of fucking you better than anyone else could.
By the end of it all, to Heeseung? Doesn't really matter if every other member of his band has a turn with you know. He's only gonna ask what his dick tastes like. He's only gonna ask if they fucked you cross eyed too. Because he knows the answer will be no.
Because you keep coming back for more. Up until Jay takes note, mentioning a month later to Sunghoon, right there in front of everyone,
"What's gotten into her? She practically ignores me."
And of course Heeseung smirked, giving him the answer he probably didn't want to hear.
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JJK- Late Night Calls.
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you get a call from Jungkook at 7am, struck with worry you pick up only to find your adorably tired boyfriend.
Genre: smut, fluff, Jungkook x reader.
Warning: NONE!
A/N: came up with this in 10 minuets thought it was cute enjoy :)
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The familiar tune of your phone ringing broke you from your sleep, your vision was blurry but you could still clearly read the caller ID
Incoming Factime Video call: JK ♥️
It must have been 7am in Korea, Jungkook was never awake this early. You quickly answered, a million scenarios running through your mind as to explain why he was calling at such a time and none of them were good.
He must have seen the panic in your face as he croaked out. “Baby what’s wrong?”
“I thought something happened you’re never awake this early?” You felt a small weight lift off your shoulders as he chuckled.
“I’m fine baby just couldn’t sleep, missed you.” You loved how he sounded when he was sleepy.
You laughed at the way he was laying across his bed, small rolled up pillow underneath him. “You have got to get different pillows.”
“No no I like my pillow.” He laughs, showing you how comfortable it is. “How’s London jagiya?”
You suddenly regretted being in a different country for work, the idea of morning sex seemingly more attractive than anything else. “It’s fine here, I can’t wait to be back home though. The food isn’t as good.”
“The food is the only thing?” He pouted, pulling the blanket further over his face. “What about me and bammie?”
You turned to the side, resting your leg atop the blanket. “Of course I miss you and bam too kook.”
“The bed is cold without you, empty. I think you should quit work and just be a stay at home wife.” He laughed again, although you could tell there was a sliver of hope to his absurd suggestion.
“Never gonna happen, you may be rich but I’m only half way there.” You both laughed, money was never something either of you took seriously you had always shared everything for as long as you could remember. You’d buy him dinner and he would buy dessert. He would buy you designer but he would also be more than happy if you brought him a pack of ramen. “Besides we aren’t even married.”
“Don’t remind me.” He shakes his head, before shifting to rest it upon his arms. “How many days until your back?”
“We should have the contracts finished up in a day or two and then we will have a celebratory dinner and I’ll be on the first flight back.” You explained as you watched him, his tattoos standing out against the white fabric of his sheets, his hair messy. You let your eyes wander, your imagination running wild thinking about how he would look completely naked. “are you wearing pants?”
“Come back and find out jagiya, I’m sure you’re already picturing the ways I’d fuck you.”
The sudden vulgarity of his words left you in a state of shock. “I- when I get home we are definitely doing whatever I’m thinking right now.”
“And what is that doll?” He laughed, fingers drawing circles on the sheet. “What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours?”
“Just thinking about how good your hand would look wrapped around my neck.” You pushed yourself further into the pillow, slightly shy.
“Too bad you’re too far away baby. We should sleep.” He closed his eyes, teasing you.
You groaned, fighting the urge to grind against the sheets. “Kook.”
“Hmm?” He mumbled, lazily.
“You turned me on.” You giggled, closing your eyes.
“I’m hard too beautiful, I’ll go to sleep thinking about good good your mouth will feel around my cock.
“Why couldn’t you call me at 8pm and get all dirty with me? Why does it have to be when I’m too tired to do anything?” You whined, wanting to cry from how much you missed his touch.
“It’s okay princess when you’re home I’ll take care of you. we should still sleep you have a meeting tomorrow morning don’t you?” You opened one eye, just enough to see him staring at you smiling.
“At six am, it’s 11pm right now. I have to wake up at 4am so I can finish the presentation.” You explained, your words slurring as you started to drift off. “Are you working tomorrow?”
“I have a few appointments nothing important, call me anytime tomorrow I’ll be there but for now get some sleep baby, I won’t hang up.”
“Promise?” You whispered, the folds of sleep covering you in a sheet of darkness.
“Always jagiya.”
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Neighbors 🩵 Lovers
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Part Two
She combed through her closet while wearing her favorite grey robe, body glistening from the white peach and orange blossom body oil she put on. She pondered with a crease in her brow over two items before grabbing a pair of cream-colored pants and a cropped brown top. After getting dressed, Fae put on a faux leather jacket and some platform Uggs. She completed the look with a silver chunky chain necklace and silver chandelier earrings.
Grabbing her gifted bag and her keys, Fae left her room. She halted her footsteps in the dimly lit hall. Fae exhaled slowly and walked out into the living room. Cordell had just finished grading papers with a football game on in the background. He looked up and gave Fae a questioning look. She walked over to him and did a little twirl to show off her outfit.
“What do you think?” Fae looked down at herself and back at Cordell.
“Cute. Have fun.” Cordell said with a small smile.
“I will. Hey…I may be out a little late. Just wanted to let you know so you wouldn’t get worried.”
Cordell gave Fae a one shouldered shrug before standing and making his way towards her.
“Just text me so I know you’re alright, Fae. Don’t drink too much.”
“I promise. Don’t forget to feed Deuce.”
Cordell kissed Fae softly on the lips. Fae turned to leave and the minute she shut the door behind her, she let out a shaky breath. She made it perfectly clear to Erik that this wasn’t a date, but she took a lot of time to make sure she looked presentable around him. Fae rode the elevator down to the lobby and left the building, waiting to walk across the street.
Putting up her hand a a thank you to a taxi driver, she jogged across the street, the wind rustling her sleek hair into her face. Fae smoothed her hair behind her ears as best as she could while looking up at the signs to make sure she wouldn’t miss it. She strolled past a bodega, then a barbershop, a small pizza parlor, and finally, Haymaker Bar and Kitchen.
Fae slipped past a couple sharing a cigarette outside and opened the door. Instantly, she was enveloped in warmth. It was an intimate setting with a low ambiance. She removed her jacket and searched with her brown eyes from left to right. The further she made her way into the bar, Fae finally found him sitting in a corner booth with a few empty glasses in front of him. He wore a plaid jacket, a white T-shirt, and black cargo pants. She couldn’t see his feet until she was two booths down from him. He wore a pair of all white Nike blazers.
Fae noticed a minimal amount of jewelry— diamond studs, a gold chain—and he had on those gold-rimmed glasses again. As if he could feel her presence, Erik looked up and smirked. She waved and he stood up to greet her. Erik startled Fae by pulling her into a two-armed hug. She felt so tiny ragainst him. Her cheek pressed against his chest, directly over his heartbeat. She turned her cheek a little, the soft fabric of his T-shirt against her nose now. Fae took a quick whiff of his cologne and it smelled like spicy vanilla.
Erik released her and instantly she felt cold standing there. Fae awkwardly scooted into the booth the same time Erik did. She sat her jacket next to her and folded her arms on the table, looking around the bar. Anywhere but meeting his penetrating gaze. A waiter slipped over; a young Caucasian girl with a blonde Bob and big, doe forest green eyes.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Uhm, a lemon drop martini.”
“Okay. Another rum for you, sir?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
The waiter removed the used glasses and rushed off to the bar, almost knocking into a coworker with a tray of beer.
“It’s busier in here than usual. Must be a special occasion.” Erik said.
Fae noticed a sign on the wall.
“Looks like it’s trivia night.” Fae pointed to the wall.
Erik nodded his head, “Friends trivia. Never watched that show.”
“I did. I prefer Living Single.”
“Yes, I used to love that show,” Erik cracked a smile, “the entire vibe of that sitcom was cool.”
“Do you watch a lot of TV?” Fae asked.
Erik’s eyes looked mahogany beneath the light.
“Not really. Unless it’s sports or a movie. I’m usually reading or listening to music most of the time.”
The waiter returned with their drinks. Fae took a sip of her martini. Erik drank half of his glass of rum down. Erik caught Fae’s eye and they smiled at each other.
“How was work?” Erik asked.
“It was okay. Friday’s are always the slowest for me. I kept looking at that clock ready to go.” Fae giggled.
She drank more of her martini.
“I have two more weeks until it’s time for me to get back to work. Not looking forward to it.” Erik responded.
“Because I made a new friend that I won’t see for a while,” Erik’s lips slowly formed into a handsome, dimpled smile.
“Who? Me?” Fae questioned with faux surprise, a hand to her chest.
“No, Deuce.” Erik’s shoulders bounced with laughter at her scowl, “You’re too pretty. You’re mean faces just make you look adorable.”
Erik licked his lips and Fae rolled her eyes, giving him a dismissive wave of her hand.
“How many of those did you have, Erik?”
Erik chuckled, “Not enough to put me on my ass.”
Fae ran her fingers through her hair, twirling the ends. She looked at Erik out of the corner of her eye.
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
Erik’s shoulders tensed. He leaned forward against the table with his arms and rubbed his hands together in deep thought. That happiness in her was sure to go dark after what he was about to say.
“Maybe you should have one more drink before I say what I have to say.”
Fae chewed on her bottom lip nervously. She gave him a look with confusion.
“Erik, what’s going on?”
The panic in her voice made his chest feel tight. He let out a breath and looked her dead in the eyes. Fae held his gaze, her eyelids fluttering slightly.
“Fae…Cordell is cheating on you.”
Fae cocked her head back, staring at Erik with a scrunch of her brows. He could see her chest moving up and down from her rapid breaths. She looked as if she didn’t believe a word Erik just said. She set her palms down flat on the table like she was trying to steady herself.
He’d been going over and over in his head of how he was going to tell her. He knew telling her in person was the best option, but to witness the hurt in her eyes, he wasn’t prepared for that. What was the next step? All he could do was lay it all out on the table.
“Another drink or…? Are you guys good?”
The waiter startled them. Fae fidgeted in her seat and Erik could feel her foot jiggling beneath the table against his. He’d definitely triggered something. Fae seemed to shrank into her seat like she felt small.
“Another round for the both of us please.” Erik said.
When they were alone again, Fae looked up at Erik through her lashes.
“I saw him with another woman, Fae. The same day we went to the dog park. I was coming back from the gym and I saw him on the elevator all hugged up with another woman. Got off the elevator and something told me to look. They were going inside of your apartment.”
Fae turned away. Erik slouched in his seat.
“Fae?” Erik tried to catch her eye, “Say something.”
Fae shook her head slowly, “I don’t even know where to start,” She looked up at Erik with glossy eyes, “I can’t even believe what I’m hearing right now.”
Fae covered her face with her hands, head shaking and then came the sniffles. Erik was frozen. He looked around the bar and then back at Fae before reaching across the table to rub her arm affectionately. As soon as his fingertips touched her, she quietly weeped.
Erik’s jaw tightened and he shut his eyes. He felt obligated to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. The woman he’d only known for two weeks has him feeling this way. Like he needed to protect her. Like he needed to rearrange Cordell’s face.
“Fae, I’m so sorry,” Erik said with a soothing tone of voice.
“Fae finally uncovered her face, eyes puffy and cheeks wet, “You don’t have to apologize, Erik. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I didn’t want to make you cry, Fae. I feel like a piece of shit.”
Fae grabbed a napkin and dabbed her cheeks, “I’ll be right back.”
She stood up and walked towards the restrooms. The waiter returned with their drinks. Erik ordered some shots—two each—and closed his tab. Fae was gonna need it. She was probably bawling her eyes out. Erik shook his head and blew air out his cheeks. He massaged the back of his neck, looking up to see Fae leaving the restroom and heading towards him.
She slipped into the booth seat with sad eyes. They sat in silence for a while. Fae kept her eyes in her lap while Erik watched her. She finally looked up and over at Erik.
“Is it me?” She said, “Why does this keep happening to me?”
Erik shook his head, “It’s not you, it’s him, Fae. You did nothing wrong.” Erik reassured her.
“Am I not good enough?” She let out a harsh breath, “Why can’t a man just treat me right? Why do I always have to get my heart torn in pieces?”
She rubbed her nose, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Suddenly, Erik reached across the table and wiped her tear away with his knuckle. Fae gasped at his sudden touch but relaxed when she realized what he was doing.
“I guess this is what I should expect.”
“No,” Erik spoke sternly, “Don’t settle for that. You’re better than that. He didn’t deserve you. He should be the one crying. Stop wasting your tears on that nigga. I see a woman who’s too good and too rare to be in these situations.”
Fae’s eyes lingered on Erik for a while. It was as if she were seeing him for the first time. Erik genuinely meant every single word. Would he love a chance with Fae? Absolutely. Would he love to catch Cordell slacking and break every bone in his fucking body? Definitely. He’d give anything to hurt him.
“Thank you,” She said with a soft voice, “You didn’t have to make it your business to let me know about it. I appreciate you for telling me upfront and not turning a blind eye. You’re really one of the good ones, Erik.”
Fae gave him a weak smile before pulling her eyes away, wiping more of her tears.
“You’re welcome, Fae.”
Fae looked at the drinks on the table and let out a tired laugh, “This for me?”
“Figured you wouldn’t mind.”
“Hell no,” Fae picked up one of the shots, “I need a pick-me-up.”
“Well then let’s toast,” Erik raised his shot glass, “To heathy relationships and happiness in the near future.”
Fae put on a forced smile, clinking shot glasses with Erik.
“I think I need to be alone for a while. No man deserves what I have to offer. They gotta prove it to me.”
They threw their shots back at the same time. Erik bobbed his head and tilted it in agreement.
“You are one of a kind.”
Fae giggled.
“One more,”. She picked it up, “I’m feeling it already.”
“Good,” Erik raised his glass.
They knocked it back and in unison they slammed the glasses on the table.
“Shit,” Erik screwed up his face.
“Still have this lemon drop.”
“You got it,” Erik motioned towards the martini.
He watched her drink the martini with a smirk. He could see a flush creeping up her face. She was definitely leaving there drunk.
“I would just love it if he could feel how it feels to be cheated on. If it was me, he would be crying like a big baby.”
“He wouldn’t know how to handle it.” Erik said.
“He already couldn’t handle the way you complimented me that day. He was so pissed off.”
Fae laughed and Erik simply admired her.
“Imagine what he would have done if I took you to dinner myself.”
The corner of her mouth quirked up with a blush.
“I can see him now, making a whole lot of noise,” Fae rolled her eyes.
Fae sat bad into her seat.
“Where am I gonna go? I can’t face him tonight.”
Erik sipped from his glass.
“No friends close by?”
“Sort of. But it’s so last minute. Ugh,” Fae crinkled her nose, “And I’m drunk. I really don’t want to cause a scene. If I see him right now…”
She glared.
Erik sat his drink down and leaned in to speak to her closer from across the table. He had an idea, but would she be down? She would probably think he had ulterior motives. Erik’s eyes bore into hers.
“What if you stayed at my place tonight?”
Fae scrutinized him.
“It’s all up to you. Just…here to help. I promise I’ll behave.”
Fae laughed and Erik cracked a smile.
“Why not?” Fae exhaled a shaky breath, “It’s only next door, right?”
Erik fought to contain his excitement. He gave her a once over before wagging his brows.
“Fine. I guess I’m crashing at your place tonight.”
“I guess so.” Erik said.
“I’m probably so heavy!”
Fae giggled uncontrollably. Erik put her down in the apartment lobby, holding her up by the waist when she started to sway. Tears shone in her eyes from laughing so hard. Erik could do nothing but smile and shake his head. He pressed the button for the elevator while Fae clung to his waist with her arms wrapped around him.
“You’re so strong!” She spoke loudly.
Erik picked her up with one arm around her waist so that she wouldn’t trip over her own feet. He pressed button thirteen and Fae slipped from his arm and stood on wobbly legs. His brows knitted as he watched her adjust her bra.
“Please tell me you have something I can sleep in, Erik.”
“Of course I do,” Erik held out his arm, “Come on.”
Fae took his arm and Erik led the way to his apartment. Fae took one look back at her place with a hardened expression. Erik retrieved his keys and opened the door, quickly guiding Fae inside.
“Wow, so minimalistic.”
Diesel came running out from a back room and he leaped onto Fae, barking excitedly in her face.
“Aww, he remembers me?!” Fae’s face brightened.
“Guess he really likes you.” Erik said.
Diesel wouldn’t leave Fae alone.
“Aye, back up,” Erik ordered Diesel.
He clapped his hands and Diesel sprinted back into the room. Fae chuckled nervously, walking further into Erik’s apartment.
Erik balanced himself against the wall and took off his shoes one by one, “You can keep your shoes here,” Erik pointed to a show rack, “And I’ll take your jacket to hang it up for you.”
Fae took off her boots while Erik approached Fae from behind and helped her slip out of her Jacket. She looked up at him over her shoulder with a small smile. Erik returns the smile and walked away.
“So…where do I sleep?” Fae asked with uncertainty in her voice.
Erik still had his back to her while taking off his jacket to put away. Fae’s brown eyes tracked his every move. The way his back muscles flexed beneath his shirt. His built arms and well-knit torso that she memorized from all of his shirtless gym photos. Erik looked back at her over his shoulder and her eyes darted away to look at the ceiling. The light fixture seemed to catch her interest.
“I have a guest bed. If that’s okay with you?”
Fae bounced back and forth on her toes awkwardly, “That’s fine. Thanks Erik.”
“Any time. Better here than over there with him, right?”
Fae didn’t respond. Erik turned around and caught her wiping away more tears.
“Hey,” Erik walked up to her, “No more crying.”
Fae sniffled, “I’m trying. What if…what if she’s with him right now?”
Erik’s tongue rested on his top lip deep in thought. He shrugged and his eyes met hers.
“Only way to find out is to listen, right?” Fae questioned.
“The walls aren’t that thin, Fae. I can’t hear nothing from neither one of y’all unless you’re screaming at the top of your lungs.” Erik said with a hint of playfulness.
He suddenly had a eureka moment.
“Unless,” He pulled his phone out of his back pocket, “I have a ring surveillance camera outside my door.”
Fae went very still. Her eyes were veiled with intensity. Erik went to the app on his phone for his surveillance and found movement outside of his door almost an hour ago. He clicked on the video and right there, looking guilty, was Cordell with a different woman this time. This one was a Latina with gold hoops in her ears.
“What is it?” Fae made her way over to Erik, “Do you see him?”
Erik just handed the phone to Fae. He stood there, watching her reaction. She stared at the phone intently before passing it back to Erik and walking away.
“Where I lay my fucking head, though?!”
She threw her hands up and paced back and forth angrily.
“I gave this man everything! I thought he loved me!”
Erik just stood there. He let her vent.
“How could you disrespect me like that and bring not one, but two bitches into my apartment to fuck?!”
“Because he doesn’t respect you. No man that loves and respects his woman would do some shit like that. And this is coming from a man. I know.”
Erik followed Fae into his living room. She flopped down on his black leather sofa with defeat. She leaned back into the couch, body slumped and her cropped shirt revealing her stomach more. Erik’s eyes swept over her caramel skin as he took a seat next to her.
“Why do men stick around if they don’t wanna be with the woman?” Fae questioned.
“Because of what it provides for him at the moment. Financial stability, the fact that she’s catering to him, or it could be the convenience of having someone around.”
Fae kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes, “I should know. I’ve been cheated on more than once.”
Erik couldn’t believe it. She had it all. I guess it didn’t matter how much of an amazing woman you are.
“They didn’t deserve you, Fae. For real.”
Fae blushed.
“My problem is, I like them a little rough around the edges. Should I go for a different type?”
“Yeah, a man that will love on you and treat you like a princess. Even when shit gets rough.” Erik said.
“So what about you then?”
Erik looked at Fae. He sat up straighter on the couch, his inner thoughts wondering if she meant what he thought she meant.
“Are you that good guy type? Why are you single?”
Erik’s eyes blinked away.
“I just ain’t find the right one.”
“Hm,” Fae raised a brow.
What Fae didn’t know, was that Erik is most definitely rough. Rougher and tougher than any man she’d ever been with. It’s more than muscles, it’s skill. He’s a trained killing machine. Killmonger. He had the stats to prove it.
“What? You got somebody in mind?”
Erik sized her up.
Fae gave him a once-over, “And if I did, what would you do about it?”
“I’d see what’s up. Show her what I can do.”
Fae observed him with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers. He allowed his eyes to fall to her lips. Fae turned away and stood up, fixing her pants with a wiggle of her hips and a bounce of her booty.
“I need some water.” She spoke with a shaky voice.
“I gotchu,” Erik lifted himself from the couch.
Fae followed him into the kitchen and she peeked into a small room that looked like an office where Diesel was sleeping. Erik opened his fridge and Fae was amazed by how clean and organized it was. He grabbed a bottled water and she accepted it. They stood in the kitchen, drinking water with the only light being that coming from the stove.
“I just want him to know how it feels to be hurt, you know? Like, how would he like it if I was fucking some man behind his back? Lying and saying I’m going out with friends just so I can sneak off with a man who fucks me better and has more money—”
Fae stopped herself and Erik cracked up. She took another sip of water.
“I’m just blowing steam, don’t mind me!”
“Nah, nah, keep going,” Erik motioned for her to continue while propping his arms up on the kitchen island, “So, you were saying? A man that can fuck you better and spoil you?”
“Y-yes,” Fae exhaled a shaky breath, “I mean, this gift ain’t shit to me anymore. I just wanna throw it in his face.”
Fae held up her small Louis Vuitton bag.
Erik scuffed.
“Probably a fake too.”
Fae gawked at him.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Erik said between laughs, “It’s probably not–I mean–why would he give you a fake? psst, forget I said anything. It’s the thought that counts, right?”
Fae blinked at Erik liked she’d been neuralyzed.
“You only worn it twice…doesn’t look light like authentic bags would when you first purchase them…”
Erik looked from the bag to his phone. Fae nibbled on her lip anxiously. They were back in his living room with music on in the background. Fae was sitting Indian-style on the floor and Erik was sitting on the couch. He scrolled through his phone and read the words with his eyes.
“The lettering…the gold stamping does look off…”
“Just tell me it’s fake,” Fae rolled her eyes.
“It’s fake.”
Erik sat the bag down on the table.
“At least I think it is.”
“He had an authentic box.” Fae said.
“You can buy empty designer boxes online, baby girl. That’s probably what he was waiting for. To dress it up and make it look authentic.”
Fae sighs, “I should have known. I guess I just expected him to really show out this time around.”
“Fae and Erik’s eyes slowly connected.
“That was a scream.” Erik said.
Fae laughed. She fell back against Erik’s throw rug and rolled around on the floor laughing.
“What if I just walked right in the door?!”
Fae picked herself up off of the floor and stormed to Erik’s door. Erik shot up from the couch and sprinted over to her, slamming his door shut before she could even get out.
“Move Erik!” Fae shouted.
Fae tried pushing him but it was like pushing a brick wall.
“Do you want to get yourself thrown out of here?! If you go over there it’s gonna be ugly.”
“It already is ugly! He’s cheating on me! Right now!”
Fae couldn’t leave if she wanted to. Erik was 6’3, 225 lbs of muscle. She was trapped.
“You finished? Listen, Just wait until tomorrow morning. You have the receipts, you have my word, he’s done.”
Fae tried to settle her breathing. She smoothed her long hair out of her face and walked away with her hands on her hips. Erik locked his door and kept a close eye on Fae. She sat back down on the floor and covered her face with her hands, crying again.
“I’m so stupid! I’m so stupid!”
“Stop saying that shit,” Erik joined her on the floor. He crawled closer to her, “You’re not stupid, Fae.”
Erik pulled Fae into his lap and wrapped his arms around her.
“I just want him to feel how hurt I feel…”
Erik caressed her arm. Fae tilted her head back to look at Erik. They locked eyes and something seemed to shift between them. Fae’s lips parted slightly and her half-lidded eyes were inviting him to kiss her. Erik took his hand and smoothed it over her hair.
“Erik,” Fae’s eyes dropped, “That feels good…”
She was falling asleep in his lap. Erik reached his hand over his coffee table to check the time. It was 1 AM. When he looked down at again, her eyes were shut.
“Fae,” Erik tapped her, “C’mon, I’m gonna put you to bed.”
“Huh?” Fae’s eyes opened gently.
Erik picked her up bridal-style and walked with her in his arms to his guest room. He placed Fae onto the bed and she immediately sat up. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned.
“I’m sorry, all that crying and shouting got me worn out.”
“I’ll be back with a shirt and some shorts.”
Erik left Fae alone and Diesel walked past the room, following Erik. She stood up from the queen sized bed and walked around the room until she was standing in front of one of the windows. She pressed her hand against the cool glass and looked out across the cityscape.
“I grabbed your bag and your phone…”
Fae turned around and saw Erik sitting her things on a bedside table and a folded white T-shirt with navy blue ball shorts on the bed. Fae wandered over to him and grabbed her sleep clothes. Erik stood with his arms stretched out, bracing himself in the doorway.
“There’s a spare bathroom here in the hall right next door. I keep toothpaste, floss, tongue scrapper, tooth brushes, all of that. If you wanna shower I have some soap and spare wash cloths and towels on the shelf in there.”
Erik smirked at her. Fae walked towards the door and stopped in front of Erik. He tilted her chin up at him and Fae got butterflies.
“Get some sleep. Try not to think about it. Okay?”
“Thank you again.” Fae said.
“No problem. It was the right thing to do.”
They continued to stare at each other.
“Good night, Erik.” Fae twisted her lips to fight a smile.
“Sweet dreams, Fae. I’ll shut this so Diesel doesn’t come in bothering you.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Trust me, you’ll want this shut.”
Erik grabbed the knob and as he was closing the door, he gave Fae one final wave goodbye before shutting it completely.
Fae undressed quickly and went without her bra beneath the shirt. She found a hair tie in her bag and thanked the heavens that Erik had satin pillowcases. She sat back on her phone for a while, the room bathed in darkness, deleting all traces of Cordell from her phone. She could hear Diesel pacing back and forth in front of her door and realized she hadn’t brushed her teeth yet.
Fae climbed out of bed and placed her phone on the charger before opening the door softly. She peered out into the hall, Diesel now in the living room curled up on the floor. She walked out and noticed that Erik’s door was cracked. Probably from Diesel walking out of the room. She found the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After flossing and using mouth rinse, Fae used some of Erik’s Cerave facial lotion and turned off the light.
She went back to her room and cracked the door. She tiptoed to bed and crawled beneath the sheets. Fae couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned for almost an hour. All she kept thinking about was Cordell and what was next between them. Obviously she was going to leave him, but then he would have to move out, and she would have to tell her friends and family.
Frustrated, fae sat up and grabbed her phone again. She went to Twitter to just scroll aimlessly and try to get her mind off of Cordell. Her thoughts drifted to Erik again and she couldn’t be happier that he came into her life and at the right time. Like a guardian Angel. She found herself on his instagram again, looking at his photos, lusting over how fine he is.
The way he blocked her from leaving his apartment turned her on. Fae has a size kink and he was just the right amount of tall and build. There were a few times that evening where she thought they were going to kiss. She would have embraced it to be honest. His tongue down hee throat and his plump lips against hers. Thoughts of Erik led her back to the dark side of Twitter and to his likes.
He had new ones.
Fae scrolled through and found herself wet and horny in his guest bed. Post after post after post.
She couldn’t escape it. Each post was enough to make you get yourself off. Could she do that in his own bed? He was practically sleeping next door. Fae can’t keep quiet when masturbating to save her life. Was doggy his favorite position? Did he ever think about putting her in those positions? How big is it? Could he really eat pussy? Could he talk you through it?
If he was the complete package, imagine how Cordell would feel if Fae ever gave in and let Erik hit. He already hated him. He would probably piss himself if he found out he took his woman. That would be the ultimate lick-back. And he was her neighbor. Getting slutted-out by her neighbor while her cheating ass boyfriend graded papers all night long. While he’s doing his dirt, Fae would be too. She wanted revenge and she wanted to be petty about it. Fuck feelings.
Fae sat up and she could feel the wetness of her panties. She needed some water. There was no way she could sleep in this sweat with rock hard nipples and a dripping-wet pussy. She crept out of the room again and the door creaked slightly when she closed it halfway. Fae found her way back to the kitchen and opened Erik’s fridge, grabbing another water bottle. Without thinking, she shut the refrigerator door harder than she intended to.
Just then, Erik walked out.
He had on a white beater and tight black briefs. He had a durag over his locs.
Fae was transfixed.
“You can’t sleep?” Erik asked while scratching his beard.
“No,” Fae looked at his body, “I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“I couldn’t sleep either.”
Erik admired her in his clothes and chuckled.
“You look cute.”
Fae had a tight grip on her water bottle. Erik looked at her with worry in his eyes. He walked up to her, took the bottle out of her hand, and leaned into her.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me.”
He even smelled amazing. That same vanilla scent.
Erik pulled back slightly and he blinked at her with a perplexed look in his eyes.
“Me?” Erik clarifies.
“Yes. You’re the reason I’m tossing and turning. Not Cordell.”
Fae turned away to face the kitchen island. She grabbed onto it to steady herself.
“…Care to tell me why?”
Fae flicked her eyes towards him, “I was thinking…”
Erik waited but she could tell he was growing impatient.
“If you wouldn’t mind–you know–yeah?”
Erik looked towards the ceiling.
“Fae, ima need you to tell me what’s on your mind.”
His voice held an edge to it she hadn’t heard from him before. It was all or nothing.
Put your big girl panties on, Fae, and just say it.
“Wanna fuck?”
Erik’s eyes went round. Fae didn’t know if that was a good sign or not. Her heart was pounding.
“Uh–yes? No?” Fae asked.
Erik’s eyes became sultry but still he hadn’t said a word.
“I’m attracted to you. I know you’re attracted to me. I really wanna start some shit. And I guess…what better way than to have sex with my neighbor?”
A mischievous smirk slowly formed on his plump lips.
“So, you want me to be your sneaky link?”
Fae pondered.
“Is that what it is?”
Erik nodded his head slowly, “Yeah. Pretty much.”
“It sounds so…I don’t know,” Fae giggled nervously.
Erik smiled with both dimples.
“Wrong,” Fae said, “Wouldn’t it just be better to break up with him instead of this back and forth?”
“Fae,” Erik dragged a hand down his face, “You said so yourself earlier. You want him to feel the same hurt. Stop acting all scary and get yours.”
Fae didn’t take her eyes away from Erik. She dragged her tongue towards the corner of her mouth, fingers drumming on the counter top before suddenly, Erik traps her against the kitchen island.
“I’ll be your sneaky link, Miss Fae.”
Fae smirked naughtily.
“When should we make this official?” She asked.
“Hm,” Erik titled his head towards her face. He used the back of his fingertips to stroke her neck while his eyes roamed her body, “We can start now if you like.”
Erik grabbed Fae by her soft hand and walked her towards his room. He pushed open his door and shut it completely behind them. With her hand still in his, Erik led her over to his bed. He grabbed both of her hands and Fae sat down with her legs on either side of his. She sat back against her hands, causing her chest to thrust forward. Erik turned on one of his lamp lights so he could see her better.
She was so damn sexy. He couldn’t sleep because he knew she was right next door to him. He was not expecting her to ask him that, but he was so glad that she did. He was going to enjoy this. She deserves good dick after finding out about her boyfriend. He was so excited about it that his dick was at its full potential already.
Erik leaned forward with his hands cupping her face and finally, he pressed his lips against hers. It was electric. They tongue kissed right off the back, Erik lowering on top of her. He slipped one hand beneath the base of her head to control her movements. Fae brought her knees up and dragged the sides of her feet along his waist.
They’re heads moved from left to right, tongues reaching every crevice of the others mouth. The sound of their kissing filled the quiet room. It was the longest make-out session Erik ever had. Not once did they come up for air. Fae untied his durag and tossed it onto the bed. She used her fingers with those short acrylic french tips to grip him by his locs.
Erik loved the way she tugged on his hair. Her mouth tasted minty and her lips, although no longer covered in gloss, was soft and buttery-smooth. Fae released Erik’s hair and his locs flopped against his forehead. She molded her body more into his and her hands went over his shoulders and down his arms. She used only her fingertips. That had Erik groaning into her mouth.
Erik finally released his lips with a wet smack to look at her. She touched his face, ran a thumb over his bottom lip revealing gold slugs, and dragged her nails down his throat to gather the neck of his white beater into her fist. Lip between her teeth, she yanked him back down and they were kissing again.
His dick was on brick. The heat from between her legs told him all he needed to know. But first, he wanted to undress her. He needed to see that body in its naked splendor. He already noticed her hard nipples in the kitchen. Erik couldn’t wait to suck on them.
Fae broke the kiss this time. Erik brought his hungry lips to her cheek and now he was ravishing her neck.
“Careful,” Fae whispered, “No love bites.”
“My bad,” Erik made sure to keep from sucking her neck, “You just taste so good.”
“Erik,” Fae moaned with a hushed voice.
Erik sat up to look at her.
“Do I get to spoil you too?”
Fae chuckles, “If you want.”
Erik kissed her lips.
“So I get to fuck you and spoil you?”
Erik sat up to remove his top. To see it in person blew Fae away. She glided her hands from his chest to his abs. Erik loved the way she touched all over him. He worked hard for this body, it always turned him on whenever a woman would admire him.
“Yes,” Fae whimpered.
She sat up, flipping her hair over her shoulder before removing Erik’s T-shirt. Beautiful, round flesh with small areolas and pointed dark nipples blessed his eyes.
“I just wanna eat you up,” Erik latched onto one of her nipples, “Mm…mmmmm…”
Erik went from nipple to nipple, and the way her body shivered, Cordell couldn’t have been doing it like this. He did this thing with his lips where he would leisurely suck all the way to the tip of her nipple before using the pointed end of his thick tongue to flick it. She had the prettiest titties. The way she looked at him with low, wanton eyes had Erik hooked.
“Fuck, that feels so good,” Fae threw her head back.
Erik kissed her sternum and down to her stomach. Fae leaned back on her elbows. He was getting closer. Erik’s anticipation was strong. He hoped she’d seen the pussy eating videos in his likes. He sat up a little to drag his shorts down her body. Before he did the same for her panties, he kissed her hips, thighs, and knees.
“I want you to relax and let me make you feel good…because that’s what you deserve. I’m a show you…”
Erik used his teeth to get her panties past her thighs then he took it off the rest of the way with his hand.
“I’m keeping these,” Erik sniffed the crotch, “Don’t worry, I’ll be thinking of you every time I beat my dick when I go away for work.”
Fae gasped when Erik spread her thighs and pushed her knees into her chest. Her pussy is fat and soaked like he liked. Her clit poked out and the wetness dripping out of her reminding him of honey from a jar had Erik’s taste bubs going crazy.
“Damn…you got a pretty pussy.” Erik said.
“Thank you.” Fae replied.
Erik spread her open with his fingers causing Fae to moan.
“Can you please eat me up, daddy? Like those videos on your Twitter?”
Erik’s dick jumped. So she did see them? Perfect.
He didn’t waste time. Erik put his face in her pussy and licked. Whenever he slurped, he would gather spit and all her juicy goodness in his mouth to suck her pussy. Fae was speechless. She tired to tilt her hips away from his mouth when he found his way back to her clit, but Erik stayed on that pussy.
“Fuuuck! Oh my god,” Fae moaned,” I can’t take it. It feels so good. I don’t want you to stop.”
She was talking nonsense while Erik was too busy feasting on fat pussy. He spread those lips and used all his skills to make Fae cum. When he dragged his tongue up and down between her folds, over her clit, and back down, Fae was whimpering heavily. Like she had no control over her body. Her body seized up and she couldn’t even close her legs because Erik had her locked in place.
“Erikkkkkk!” Fae cried out.
He sat up to take a breath in but all he could smell was her pussy and it was devine.
“I’m not finished. Turn around and sit on my face.”
Fae got up and Erik crawled beneath her. She sat that beautiful pussy on his mouth again and he instructed for her to bounce her pussy in his mouth. The angle and the positon of her pussy created a new sensation she hadn’t felt before. It was like her pussy was being sucked into the tightest vortex and she was afraid to squirt in his face. Her legs grew weak from the sensation and she fell to her knees.
Erik was right on her pussy. Her entire body shook out of her control.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”
She was a broken record. He had a way of taking you to a whole other dimension. Your mind and body are two separate things.
“Erik, wait,” Fae cried, “wait, wait, wait!”
She was too late. With a deep moan she was squirting. He licked it up. Fae climbed off and crashed to the bed convulsing. Erik sat up and he could feel her juices dripping from his chin, down to his chest. Fae curled into a fetal position and Erik watched her ride the wave of orgasmic release. He kissed up her spine as her body shook. Fae finally relaxed and when she flipped over, she spread her legs to see her pussy.
“I couldn’t stop,” Erik kissed her pussy, “I plan to eat this pussy whenever.”
“I wasn’t in control of my body,” Fae said with a tremble in her voice.
He inserted a finger with his eyes on her.
“Didn’t think I was gonna get you right, huh?” He dragged his lip between his teeth before releasing it slowly, “you got one more for me, princess, before I put this dick in your mouth?”
Fae planted her face into the bed and allowed Erik to finger her into another orgasm.
“You grip like that?” Erik pumped slowly.
“Fuck,” Fae hissed, “I’m gonna cum…”
Erik forced her to keep her legs open.
“Keep your eyes on me.” He commanded.
Fae did as she was told. He smirked at her while his fingers thrust in and out, hitting places she didn’t know could feel this good. He proved to her once again that he was a pro in bed. With the look in her eyes, Erik told her how much he couldn’t wait to bury his dick inside of her.
Erik watched her face like he was conducting an experiment on how many times he could make Fae cum. The slight tilt of his head and the crease in his brow had her creaming all over his fingers. Erik sucked her mess off of his digits and slid off of the bed. He took off his one piece of clothing and when Fae came face to face with his dick, she couldn’t believe how big it was. He could tell she wasn’t used to this. But she wasn’t a saint, so at this point, she was going to take it.
He made a come-hither motion with his fingers and Fae was on her knees. She grabbed him and her mouth fell open at how thick it is. It wasn’t too much thickness, but enough to make her feel full. Erik smirked at her when she put him into her mouth. She looked up at him and sucked as much as she could. Erik gathered her hair and shocked her when he forced her head lower. Fae almost gagged.
“I knew this mouth was gon’ feel good, mmm,” Erik licked his lips, “You’re such a pretty dick-sucker, baby.”
Fae closed her eyes and started moaning a little. She popped her lips off and jerked him with a sloppy face. Erik hooked his hands under her arms and sat her on the bed. He gripped her chin with force and kissed her while his other hand squeezed one of her titties. When he stood back up at his full night, Fae continued sucking. She was making spit bubbles with her mouth.
“Mm, stay on that tip…that’s it…good girl…eat that fuckin’ dick up.”
Fae used her hand to stroke while her head bobbed at the same time.
He had her by the hair again and more of his dick made its way past her throat. Tears welled up in her eyes. He released her and she gasped for air. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“That’s my girl. You take me so well down your throat.” Erik praises.
He slapped his dick on her tongue. Fae looked up at him with doe eyes while his dick rubbed across her lips. That look alone could have him busting. He had to stop her before it happened.
“Did I do a good job?” Fae asked.
“Yes. You have the tightest throat.”
“You know what else is tight?” Fae couldn’t keep her hands off his dick. She grabbed a handful of his nuts and licked him all over.
“What’s that, baby?” Erik asked.
“This pussy.”
“You think you can handle it?” Erik questioned.
Fae gave a slight shrug.
“You’re a big girl.” Erik reminded her.
“You’re a big girl, of course you can.”
Fae wasn’t so sure about that. Erik was thick and long. She tried to appear confident, but the harder he is, the more she’d feel him in her stomach. She was already trying to register in her mind that she was doing this with him. Erik moved her towards the center of the bed and he got between her legs. He sat up on his knees and threw Fae’s legs over his shoulders. Erik had slipped on a condom that he grabbed from his bedside table.
“You ready?”
Fae nodded her head.
Erik pushed past her lips. Fae gasped. She watched as Erik spread her legs and held them up and back. He tilted his hips and sank deeper. The entire time he was lowering that big dick inside of her, his eyes were enticing, never looking away for a second. Eventually, his eyelids fluttered and he let out a grunt.
“You fit around me so good…good girl.”
Fae moaned. He was thrusting in and out slowly. Fae grabbed onto his shoulders and squeezed. Erik held her thighs back with his hands.
“Damn, baby.”
Erik’s abs flexed as he picked up speed. Fae was so wet she couldn’t believe how he felt thrusting in and out of her. It was warm and tingly. Erik’s brows furrowed and his lip was between his teeth. He finally released her thighs and drove his fists into the bed, leaning over her even more. His chain dangled on her face and he was looking down at her through his locs.
“You feel so good,” he said through clenched teeth.
Fae’s toes curled. She was hyperventilating. Erik wouldn’t let up. She tried gripping his waist but he was too strong. Her much smaller body curled beneath him while he hunched over her.
“Oooh, yes.” Fae moaned.
“You taking this dick, baby?”
“Mhm,” Fae replied as best as she could.
“Didn’t daddy tell you that you was gon’ take it?”
His words and his strokes combined was too much.
“Didn’t I? Answer me.”
“Yessss,” Fae moaned.
Their panting breaths and moans sounded beautiful. Her wet pussy and their flesh colliding grew louder and louder.
“Give Daddy that squirt, Fae. My little waterfall.”
Fae seized up beneath him. She was squirting again. It only made her wetter. Erik pulled Fae into another kiss. His dick was still inside of her, throbbing and hard.
The condom was still nice and wet when he slipped out. Fae was stretched a new hole. Erik flipped her over and pulled her by the ankles towards the edge of the bed. Fae laughed at his roughness, looking back at him while bouncing her cheeks. Erik spanked her on each cheek and then he pressed his face between and wiggled his tongue over her back door entrance.
She’d never been licked back there before. Not like this at least. He was putting his face in it. He finally came up for air and Fae arched her back from the bed. Erik rubbed his tip between her folds before he found her hole again and sank that meat deep inside again. Fae reached back to grip his thigh.
“Oh!” She shouted.
Erik grabbed her wrists, pushing them out of the way. He began thrusting. Fae could feel it all in her stomach.
“Why is it in my belly?” Fae’s mouth dropped open.
Erik increased speed.
“You know how I like it, Fae. Face down. Ass up.”
Erik smacked his hand across her ass hard.
“Baby, you’re creaming all over this dick.” Erik said, “Of only you could see this…the way my dick goes in and out…fuck…”
Fae shut her eyes and just felt. Her hips snapped forward. Erik was beating that shit up from behind. Fae couldn’t keep still anymore. The pressure on her lower abdomen was a pressure she hadn’t felt. Fae would turn from side to side, look back at Erik with weepy eyes, bring one hand back to push him. Nothing stopped him.
“Take everything I give you,” Erik grunted, “Take all this dick.”
“You’re going deep, daddy!”
“Oh, fuck—”
“Oh my god—”
“Don’t run from me,” Erik commanded.
Erik leaned over her and delivered precise thrusts to her g-spot. He gripped her throat from the front and buried his face into her neck. Loud clapping bounced off of the walls.
“I’m tearing this pussy up…squirt on this dick…there you go…got more for me? You know daddy likes it when you make a mess all over me. Daddy likes it when you give that pussy up…”
Fae did it again. She couldn’t believe it. He had a way with controlling her body. His voice and his touch.
“Spread that ass…dayum…”
He used his thumb to flick her clit from the back. Fae tried to shove his hand away.
“Move my hand again. I dare you. You won’t ever get to use your hands again fucking wit me. I promise you that.”
He spoke so even toned but it was so rough.
“C’mere to daddy…”
Erik turned Fae up on her left side and raised one leg. He entered her from the side and fucked her into the mattress again.
“Now…daddy has to cum…fu-uckkkkkk…”
He looked so damn fine covered in sweat. That big brown dick was digging her out so good. Fae pouted her lip and Erik slipped his thumb into her mouth for her to suck on. Titties bouncing, pussy open, Fae felt like Erik’s personal fuck doll.
“You just fit on my dick…been taking this shit…dammit, Fae…”
His eyes rolled shut and he lowered his head.
“Look what you made me do, bitch—”
That condom was overloaded with his nut. Erik’s hips jerked out of control for a little bit. He was still inside of Fae. She was staring at him like she couldn’t believe what they just did.
He called her a bitch. She didn’t know the effect that would have on her until now. It was the sexiest thing.
“Whew, fuck,” Erik deep breaths slowed down, “Fae…you wore a nigga out.”
Erik withdrew his hips and left to the bathroom to take off his condom and pee. Fae found his T-shirt and went to do the same. She walked as best as she could but her muscles kept spasming. When she returned, Erik was back in his briefs. Fae sat next to him on the bed. She wasn’t there for more than two seconds before he lifted her up over his lap to straddle him.
“I want you to sleep with me tonight.” Erik whispered.
They kissed a few times. Fae stared at him with this look in her eyes that said she’d do whatever he told her to do.
“Okay,” Fae tongue kissed him, breaking the kiss to look at him, “I want you to fuck me again.”
She said this with tired eyes and a pout.
“You’re tired, Fae. I promise I’ll be in that pussy again. “
They stared at each other with a mixture of restlessness and lust before kissing again for a while this time, Erik’s hands cuffing her ass and Fae’s fingers gripping his locs.
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