#watch them perform this tomorrow at the rising sun festival........
babbimetal · 1 year
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baguetteswag · 2 years
A Sorrowful Farewell at the Curtain Call | Chapter 1
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Rui: Yes. I guess it's done.
(FuFu. If these small lights were available, we could do projection mapping anywhere. It's going to expand the range of our production even more than now)
(I wonder what kind of faces they will make when I show it to them tomorrow)
I really wish the sun would rise right now. (Then I can show this to everyone)
(Really, thanks to all of you, I was able to try out different kind of shows)
now on, I wonder if we can perform shows in this way together...
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Nene: Yes, surely, if all of us chase their dreams, someday we might get separated for sure.
When I think about that at the time, I feel very lonely my chest becomes tight.
I'm sure about that, when everyone will start to I think that's when everyone will start taking steps towards their dreams..!
Emu: Nene-chan...
Tsukasa: ...
With all of you, together!
Nene: So until that time comes, I want to treasure the shows we can all do together now......!
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Rui: … ‘Till that time comes, huh?
Yes, I know. Someday that time will come.
If that’s true, then I, too, should do what I can with all my capacities.
……Well, if I make dark circles under my eyes, they'll probably get mad at me, so I think it’s time to go to bed.
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Tsukasa: Hmmm… soon… no, not yet….it’s about time though…
Emu: I’ve finished clearing over here!
Nene: Good job, both of you.
Emu: ..... Huh? What are you nervously doing over there, Tsukasa-kun?
Rui: That’s true, isn’t it? A moment ago you were calm and yet…
……Oh. Maybe it's because Emu-chan's older brothers might be coming soon, aren’t they?
Nene: Oh, I see. You know, they inform us about our advertising performances' whereabouts on our days off.
Emu: Yeah!! I’m looking forward to seeing where the show is going to be performed next…
Tsukasa: Hmmm, if they’re coming, they’re probably coming soon.
However... if that’s the case, it should already be time for them to be here...
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Keisuke: Good Morning. You look energetic today.
Tsukasa: Oh! I’ve been waiting for you!
*he runs towards Emu’s brothers*
Sousuke: Whoa! What's going on? He suddenly started running…
Tsukasa: We couldn't wait to hear about our next publicity performance! Our show at the Shibuya Festival was a great success. We want to make it even more exciting next time!
Shousuke: Oh, is that so? Hmm……
Emu: Oh? What's wrong, brother Shousuke?
Shousuke: Uh, I mean … Hey brother, shouldn't you say that first?
Keisuke: Yes, it sounds good. That's a better procedure to explain it.
Rui: What the hell is going on?
Keisuke: Actually…
It's been decided that the next publicity show will be the final one.
Tsukasa: …………………….oh.
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WHAT ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? !
What do you mean? How did that happen all of a sudden!
Emu: That's right, big bro! Everyone who watched the show was soooo happy Why, why!
Rui: May I ask for more details?
Keisuke: Yes, of course.
Firstly, the end of these performances are not meant to be negative.
The reason we were doing publicity shows in the first place was to attract people from rural parts of the country, who don't often come to our place, and make them watch our shows.
Nene: You said it once that because of the location, customers from around here often come, but not so many from the countryside…
Shousuke: That's what we were trying to do. We were aiming to increase the number of visitors from rural areas… that’s why.
The target was achieved sooner than expected. Well, the performances have helped us a lot to increase the number of local visitors.
Emu: So... thanks to our shows we got a lot of publicity!? Yay!
Tsukasa: I see, so it's over because we've reached our goal!
but …
If it worked, shouldn't we keep going?
Shousuke: Well, yeah. But, you know, more than you might think, the visitors of Phoenix Wonderland want to see your shows, guys.
Rui: I see... so that's how it is.
More and more people are coming to see our shows, but, if we go out for publicity performances, we'd be letting them down…
Keisuke: Yeah, that's right. I want you guys to put on more shows here at the Wonder Stage.
That's an advantage for both the visitors and us.
Nene: Is that so? then, if you believe the audience wants this, well…
Tsukasa: Yes, I do appreciate that. However-
It's a shame that ... is ending, as I learned a lot from the publicity performances.
Emu: Yes... Nene-chan, Rui-kun and Tsukasa-kun were all smiling, and I was also able to learn a lot...
But I'm happy that we're getting a lot of local visitors too!
Nene: Hmm, I agree.
Rui: Yeah. It's worth every creative publicity show we hold.
Tsukasa: ...That's right! From now on, we'll make the show even better for the guests who come to the Wonder Stage!
For this reason, first of all, let's finish the last publicity performance with a bang! !
Emu: ohh~!! Guys, let's do our best!
Keisuke: So, about that last promotional performance, I have a suggestion.
Nene: A suggestion?
Keisuke: Ah. Sorry for the suddenness of this, but …
Would you like to do a show with the cast of “Arkland”?
Emu: Mh? “ARKLAND” is….?
Tsukasa: uhh, that "TOKYO ARKLAND”!?
Nene: Eh? Don't tell me it's that ARKLAND... the one that puts on some of the world's best shows!
Keisuke: Yes, that's right. ARKLAND, which runs theme parks in 10 countries around the world and, like Riley Dream Park, is based around a variety of films.
Rui: ... That's a very interesting suggestion, but why did you bring it up?
Keisuke: A little while ago, ARKLAND made us an offer. In order to raise the level of the show cast. Why don't we have a kind of cultural exchange with other performers?
Nene: Cultural exchange?
Shousuke: Well, at first I wondered what the intention was. Arkland is Riley Dream Park's biggest rival, and I thought they were trying to put a nail in the coffin while we were in partnership but…
Keisuke: When we spoke to them, they seemed genuinely interested in the exchange as a way of raising the level of the show's cast.
Nene: Heh...but they're already popular enough.
Tsukasa: Don't be complacent just because they are some champions, and have a humble attitude and eager to learn…. That's what we are getting.
Keisuke: That's why we'd like the talented and popular Phoenix Stage and Wonder Stage cast to participate.
Shousuke: I think that it would be a good idea to have Seiryuin and the others take care of ARKLAND inspection and the exchange, and you guys do a collaborative performance with the younger members who are coming over here… What do you think?
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Rui: …
(Arkland is a themepark with one of the best stages in the whole country)
(In recent years, I heard that they have been taking on new challenges, such as launching a new show unit with young, talented actors and inviting international directors)
(There will be so much to learn from the actors there, and it's going to benefit everyone's development)
(And...I myself am very interested)
Me, I would love to do it with you. How about you guys?
Emu: I agree! If a lot of people come, it's going to be a much more exciting show!
Nene: I'd be nervous if too many people come... But it's actually true that it's a good way to learn... Well, I guess it's ok....
Tsukasa: Mmh-mmh!
I have no objection! We love the show, we love each other, and when we are all together we can learn from each other!
Keisuke: Well, good. I'll let them know that.
Shousuke: We're sorry that there are so many things to do all of a sudden, but... Good luck with your last publicity performance!
Emu: Yeah!
Nene: …Anyway, how many people will actually come? It's a bit scary if a bunch of people come…
Tsukasa: As a future star would say: get it off your chest, dong!
Emu: That's right, Nene-chan! Ding dong dang
Nene: How… proud are you of that?
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Rui: Oh, by the way, where will the important publicity performance take place?
Keisuke: It's in front of the new 'Museum of the Near Future'. I'll give you a brochure too.
Tsukasa: The upcoming exhibition will also be great publicity for the museum We have to be on top of it!
Emu: woah..! That's a shiny, cool building!
Keisuke: The museum is said to introduce the world's latest technology under the theme of “The Near Future”. They plan to use the square in front of the museum as a stage.
Rui: The near future…?
FuFu, I can imagine a lot of different things.
However it turns out, now, let's put on another great show together.
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lucifer-kane · 3 years
[Cross posted from World Anvil]
Festival of Nalam
The festival of Nalam is held towards the end of the year, preparing to celebrate the renewal of the new year. It is primarily held during the night, with some events held during the day for those who would rather spend time outside when it's light outside, or those who tend to end their days early. The event celebrates the new year and also gives devotees to the Goddess of death, birth, and renewal a more prominent time to pray and speak to her. Unfortunately, she hasn't spoken back in some years, having gone silent many many years before the time where are story takes place. No one knows why, but the tradition of this ritual and worshiping is still in place after all these years. From good food to beautiful home made trinkets and toys, it's Helimire's largest tradition in its history. While it's not held during the entire month of Nalam, there's still smaller celebrations here and there through out the land and the city of Helimire specifically, that all grows into a larger one during the last week of the month.
The twins have mixed feelings about this time of the year, for one it's the month during which they were created, and two, there was always a feeling in the back of their minds that they should be celebrating more for one reason or another. Neither of them knew that their mother, their other creator, was the goddess Nalam, they only knew her as what she told them. She was a Lost goddess, a lesser deity, but she would later tell her children who she is. When the time is right. When she was done playing. 
 Christopher was putting up decorations on the front of his Helimire townhouse, a little ways down from the Council building. Dark colored moons and stars, and things primarily found during the night. He didn't put up many decorations when events and holidays came up, but he always went a little bit wild when it came to the festival for Nalam. Something in the back of his head told him he should, but also he was always drawn towards the darker and different aspect when it came to this festival compared to anything else. How he felt more empowered during these times when it came to his own magic as well. He slips inside his home for a moment to change into something more fitting for the night time festival activities, dark and sheer, comfortable against his skin, paired off with a little more jewelry than he usually shows, just like the outfit shows off a bit more skin than normal. Christopher grins at himself in the mirror and ties his hair back in a loose ponytail with a long piece of crimson fabric before he heads out for the night.  
 The night closes in and the red moon rises over the ocean, full and large. Christopher looks up at it and breaths out a soft, happy sounding sigh, as he finishes paying for some little sun and moon shaped chocolates from one of the stands a few blocks from his home. He's always enjoyed the night in Helimire, the night markets here that have grown since the creation of Helimire are some of his favorite in the world, stalls for just about anything you could think of line the way. He stops at one, running his fingers over a pair of elbow length silk gloves, he also eyes the sign that says they do embroidery for an extra cost. 
 "How much extra would it be for me to get a snake embroidered on both of them?" The woman behind the stall is younger, and her eyes light up when he gives her the idea. It's not too complicated for her, judging from the premade embroidered ones already laid out for viewing. 
 "Not too much! Where would you like them placed?" Christopher picks up the gloves and turns them over in his hands, humming to himself as he thinks of where would be the best place. 
 "How about around the opening? The snake starting and ending at the top?" The woman has a hand on her chin, looking at the gloves. She nods. 
 "Perfect perfect. Any other suggestions?" She has to look up at Christopher to look at him properly. He shakes his head and smiles warmly. 
 "I think that's all, if you'd like to add anything else I would love your creative input into it!" She laughs and nods excitedly. 
 "I can do that! You can come pick them up closer to morning, if I'm not here, just give them your name. Here, first actually." She hands him a small card and a fountain pen so he can fill out his information. After he does that she asks to take some measurements from his arm, just to make any adjustments if needed. Then Christopher pays what she asks before heading off deeper into the festival. 
 It's a few hours later and Christopher has slowed down in his walking around, wanting to enjoy more of the sights as he gets deeper into the festival. He stands watching some street performers, leaning up against a shorter stone wall, enjoying the warmth of the night. 
 "Lovely night, isn't it?" There's a voice to his right and he turns towards it, a smile growing on his face when he sees a dear friend walking through the crowed towards him. 
 "Hello Elijah. And it is a very nice night, a bit cooler than it usually is though." Christopher watches as Elijah stops next to him, their shoulders brushing ever so slightly together. Elijah nods, then pulls a little box from a pocket inside his coat. Christopher narrows his eyes and Elijah leans a bit closer to Christopher to whisper to the man. 
 "A little cat tells me it's your birthday today. Well... tomorrow technically. But it's close enough to tomorrow for me to give this to you." Christopher sighs and rolls his eyes, but not hiding the grin that comes on his face. 
 "Morgan is a little shit sometimes. You didn't have to get me anything." Elijah shrugs. 
 "Felt like it, plus it's fitting, for the festival that is. It's a bit funny to me, how similar you and the supposed Goddess is." Christopher pauses after taking the little box from Elijah, fingers pushing at the ribbon tying it all together. 
 "....Really now?"  
 "Something about the two of you, I can't put it together. But any of the tales of her are so long old, it could be just something similar." 
 "You... wouldn't be the first to say it, and it's not a bad thing. If I were to worship any deity, I think she'd be up there in who I'd pick." Christopher opens the box and sucks in a soft breath at the contents, a thick banded bracelet made of dark metal and stone, lined with bronze. Also etched in bronze, is a small crow, with a red eye. The sign for Nalam. 
 "I can... see why you got this, thinking of myself and Nalam." He chuckles a bit, pulling the bracelet out of the box and sliding it onto his wrist. It doesn't move around much, and fits pretty much perfectly. 
 "I was hoping you'd like it." Elijah smiles a nervous smile. 
 "I do, I very much do." Christopher puts a hand on Elijah's shoulder and leans over, kissing the man softly on the cheek. "I'll treasure it." 
 Later, as the two men are walking around the festival some more, the moon at its highest in the sky, Elijah asks Christopher a question. 
 "Is there anything else you do during these festivals?" 
 "I like to help at the hospitals and such, while Nalam is the goddess of Birth, they're not easier during this time, no matter how much praying. So I help out to the best of my abilities, making sure things go along smoothly if they're looking rough." He runs his thumb over the beak of the raven on his cane. "It gives me something to do anyways. Something I like doing. What about you?" 
 "Taking things where they need to be, if I'm not in the council building, I like to help with transporting goods. Easy work, something simple that helps out here and there." 
 Now the two have walked in a full circle, coming to a slow stop in front of Christopher's home. 
 "Christopher, if you'd like, I'd... Like to treat you to something nice tomorrow, not even just for your birthday, but it's been some time since the both of us have been able to spend time together, and I miss that time." Elijah looks up at Christopher from where the man stands at the top of his stairs, Elijah at the bottom. Christopher smiles softly at the other man and nods. 
 "A celebration of Nalam then. That's what I'd like for us to do." Elijah nods and smiles. 
 "Sounds perfect." 
 The two split for the rest of the night, preparing for the next round of celebration for the next day.
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zebrabaker · 5 years
The Mermaid, A MLB Oneshot
Adrien was bored. He was in yet another lesson, and his father was expecting him to spend time with Princess Chloe later. Better her than Princess Lila, at least. Finally, Madame Mendelieve closed her book, and headed for the door. Adrien sat still until she was gone, before jumping up out of his seat. He stretched his back and ran for the door that lead to the servant’s passages. He ran along the narrow, winding paths, before reaching the small courtyard where his best friend, Nino, was practicing his guitar.
“Hey man! How were lessons?” Nino adjusted his hat and looked up at him, smiling. This was why Adrien liked Nino. He didn’t treat him like a prince, but like a friend. It was refreshing.
“Boring as ever.” Adrien huffed, and joined his friend in the bench.
“Well I have some good news! Captain Theo has brought back something awesome from his latest trip! You’ll never guess what it is.”  Nino smirked and plucked a string.
“What? Another treasure chest?” Adrien scoffed.
“Nope. An actual mermaid!” Adrien froze. A mermaid? No way.
“Be realistic, Nino. Mermaids are just myths.”
“No! I saw this one myself! We can go see it tomorrow morning, I’ll set it up. It’s gonna be so cool!” Nino bounced, excited.
“Alright, alright. For now, let’s head in; it’s almost time for lunch.” Adrien gave Nino a hand up, and the two reentered the palace
Marinette swam back, assessing the glass that held her. She flicked her tail as she thought, before nodding. She angled her shoulders, braced her arms, and slashed her tail down. Her body jetted through the water, and she rammed against the glass and bounced off. With a growl, she watched the glass. Nothing. She had rammed the glass dozens of times and nothing had happened! A weak chuckle came from the outside of her tank, and she glared at the human leaning against the wall across from her enclosure.
“That won’t work, little fish. The glass is bulletproof. No matter how many times you ram into it, it won’t even crack. You may as well rest. The prince will be here to see you in the morning.” He smirked at her before strolling away. She had to get home. She couldn’t stay here! Without her, the sea would die! She swam back, assessed the glass, and readied herself again.
Adrien followed Nino deep into the basement of the palace. They weren’t near the old dungeons, but he still felt uneasy.
“How much further?” He hissed to Nino.
“Just through here. C’mon!” Nino grabbed his wrist and pulled him through the doorway into a dark room. Nino flipped the lights on, and Adrien glanced around. One wall was glass, and looked like an aquarium. The bottom of the tank was coated in sand, with pearls of various sizes and colors scattered about. There were a few strands of seaweed swaying in the water, and the largest clam shell he had ever seen was sitting open in the center. It looked like it could host a mermaid, but that was just it. There was no mermaid. Adrien turned to Nino and sighed.
“I told you, Nino, mermai- “Adrien was cut off when he heard a large thunk from the other side of the glass. He wheeled about, and felt his jaw drop.
Floating on the other side of the glass was an honest to god mermaid. Her hair was black, and her tail a vivid pink, almost red. Her eyes, which glared hatefully at him, were a shimmering blue. Her skin was paler than a pearl, and she had a splattering of freckles. She pounded a fist against the glass, and he realized she had been making odd sounds at them.
“Whoa. She’s…” Adrien trailed off, unsure of what to say. Lovely did not fit, nor did beautiful. She was flawless.
“Creepy? Yeah. I mean, it’s pretty and all that, but something about it just sets me on edge.” Nino shuddered. Adrien glanced at his friend, confused. She was not creepy! She was the most perfect thing he had ever seen. He glanced back at her and sighed. She was swimming away now, tail slashing through the water.
“Where is she going?” He asked Nino.
“It keeps trying to break the glass. It won’t work, though. The glass is bullet proof.” Nino knocked against the glass, smirking. “Just think, the kingdom of Agreste has it’s own personal mermaid. I hear that their singing can convince men to throw themselves overboard. Wanna see if it’ll sing for us?” Nino pulled his guitar from his back, and strummed a cord. Suddenly, the mermaid was there, face and hands pressed up against the glass. She was staring at Nino with her pupils blown wide. He continued to play, a small shanty he had learned from the sailors down by the docks, and the mermaid began to hum.
Marinette would never admit, but she loved human music. They could not sing, not like her people, so they had made things to do it for them. The darker human was using one right now, pulling at strings and watching her. She began to hum, wanting him to play more. When he did not stop, when she began to sing in her mother tongue.
“Oh, the waves roll low
And the waves roll high,
And so, it goes,
Under a bright blue endless sky.
Waves try to measure,
The days that we treasure,
Wave hello and wave goodbye.”
It was an ancient lullaby, one that every merfolk heard from their parents at some point as a baby. The humans were staring at her, wide eyed. The pale one hit the darker one on the arm, and said something she could not hear. The darker one gulped and began to play again. Marinette beamed and quickly thought of another lullaby, one Queen Anarka had taught her the last time she and her children had come to visit.
“Hush now, mo stoirin,
Close your eyes and sleep.
Waltzing the waves,
Diving the deep.
Stars are shining bright,
The wind is on the rise.
Whispering words, of long-lost lullabies.
Oh, won’t you come with me?
Where the moon is made of gold.
And in the morning sun,
We’ll be sailing.
Oh, won’t you come with me?
Where the ocean meets the sky.
And as the clouds roll by,
We’ll sing the song of the sea.”
Marinette held the last note, and sighed when it was done. She loved that song. It sounded better when her friends acted as her chorus, but it was okay on her own. The door opened behind the two humans, and let in the one who had caught her. He was tall and had dark hair, wearing a great deal of dark fabric. The two smaller humans spoke with him, before leaving with him. Marinette sighed. She hated being alone. Merfolk were social creatures, almost always together. Worst of all was that the small space she was kept in was dark, with no lava pockets or glow fish to give her heat and light. She shivered, and swam into the seaweed patch. Her family would get her out of here soon.
They returned the next day, the pale one and the dark one. This, time, neither carried an instrument. Instead, the sat and stared at her. The pale one began to sing, and the dark one reluctantly joined him. Marinette recognized the song. It was a love song! How dare this puny human try to woo her! She glared and sat down inside the large clam shell, turning her back. She was engaged, as any merfolk with eyes could tell. Of course, human’s might not be able to, but she still would not sing with them. She sat with her back turned until they left. She would be out of here soon enough.
Adrien burst into Nino’s room, beaming.
“Whoa, Adrien! Is everything okay, dude?” Nino stood from his bed, setting aside his headphones.
“I just had the best idea, Nino! A festival! We call for the most talented musicians in the land, and we have them perform with her! We can move her cage into the square! It’ll be great!” Adrien was bouncing in place.
“That’s a great idea, dude! We’ll have to ask Captain Theo, since he’s the one who caught it though.” Nino grabbed his headphones and headed for the door. “Let’s go ask!”
He had said yes, and preparations began at once. Adrien commissioned a large tank, big enough that she could swim around. Nino began sending invites to the best musicians in all of Agreste. Soon, the big day came. The tank was placed in the square, and the mermaid had been moved while she slept. She had woken up dazed and confused, swimming about and looking out at the square. She had caught sight of the water on the other end of the square, and had been staring at it ever since.
She knew humans were foolish, but this was extreme. She was within just a few yards of the ocean; she could hear it calling out for her! She hummed, low in the back of her throat, and waited. After just a few minutes, she heard the reply.
“We cannot reach you, princess! You are too far! Try to move closer!” It was Sir Pierre, head of the guard. She looked around, frantic. She was so close! She just had to move this tank! She rammed her shoulder against the side, and growled when nothing happened. She tried, again and again, to move closer, but all she did was slosh water over the edge of her tank.
“I can’t! The cage I am in is too heavy! I will distract the humans while you look for a way to get me out!” Marinette swept around the cage, looking at all the humans staring at her. She saw several in a line, each holding an instrument. The pale one who visited her was standing on a platform, facing the crowd. He began to speak, and one of the humans in line stepped forward. Two others came over and quickly assembled a device next to her tank. Once the machine was all together, he smirked at the crowd before pushing several buttons. The machine began to emit horrible sounds, but the humans seemed to enjoy it. She slammed her hands over her ears, and shook her head, trying to block out the noise. It sounded like the machine was trying to make music, but was failing. Horribly. It was dull and lifeless, lacking soul. After a few seconds of this torture, the pale one spoke again. The one controlling the machine yelled at him, before stomping off. The two humans form before disassembled the machine, and another human stepped forward. This one had vivid hair and dramatic clothes. It strummed at it’s guitar, and began to sing.
“Record scratch; Steve Miller Band, Tattooed necks and tattooed hands. Oh, how don’t you drown in a rain storm? Fresh regrets, vodka sweats, the sun is down and we’re bound to get exhausted and so far from the shore.” Marinette trilled when the human began the song. She knew this one from a few fishing boats playing it while they were working! She gladly joined in, shimmying her tail to the beat.
“You’re never gonna get it, I’m a hazard to myself, I’ll break it to you easy This is hell, this is hell! You’re looking and whispering; you think I’m someone else. This is hell, yes. Literal hell!” She struggled to form the words, as she did not speak the human tongue. “We don’t have to talk, we don’t have to dance, we don’t have to smile, we don’t have to make friends. It’s so nice to meet you, let’s never meet again! We don’t have to talk; we don’t have to dance; we don’t have to dance!” By the end of the song, Marinette was panting, and had almost been distracted from why she was doing this. A few other artists tried to get her to sing, but only one succeeded, a small girl with a violin. After her refusal of another artist, she saw a flash of teal out of the corner of her eye. She twirled in her tank, pretending to be jubilant, but really trying to make sure she hadn’t just imagined what she saw. There he was, hiding in a corner! He winked at her and she couldn’t help but trill.
The pale one was smiling at her, like she was a sea-lion who had just done some cute trick. How ridiculous. Another human came up to him, with long hair the same color as the pale ones. She wore a dress that trailed behind her, and sneered at Marinette. The pale one smiled at her, and the female said something to him. He nodded, and she approached the tank. She snapped her fingers, and a red-haired human approached, carrying a stool. The blonde sat, and began to sing. Marinette slammed her hands over her ear frills and whined. The girl couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket! The blonde snarled, and slammed a hand against the tank, causing ripples in the water that disoriented Marinette. She shook her head, trying to think clearly. The blonde stormed off, and the pale one addressed the crowd before chasing after her.
This was not going how he had planned! The mermaid was supposed to sing with all of the best musicians Agreste had to offer. Instead, she had sung with Jagged Stone and no-one else. He had finally decided to let the commoners try, but only a small girl with a violin managed to get the mermaid to perform. He had panicked, and turned it into a contest. Chloe had then decreed that she could easily make the creature perform, and had begun singing a song from her homeland. The mermaid acted as if she was in physical pain, and Chloe had thrown a fit before storming off. He had told the audience they were going to give the mermaid a break, and chased after her. It had taken half an hour to calm her down and drag her back. By the time he had gotten back onstage, most of the crowd had left, with only a few bored teens still gathered around the tank.
“Your Highness, may I try?” A tall boy with hair that faded to teal at the tips was standing by the stage, gazing up at Adrien hopefully.
“You can try, but there’s no guarantee she’ll respond.” Adrien shrugged. This boy didn’t even have an instrument that he could tell, but it couldn’t hurt. The boy nodded, and headed for the tank, where the mermaid was watching him approach. The boy sat on the stool Chloe had abandoned and smiled at the mermaid.
“Lavender’s blue, dilly, dilly, lavender’s green. When I am King dilly, dilly, you shall be queen.” The mermaid beamed and twisted about as if twirling.
“Who told you so, dilly, dilly, who told you so?” The mermaid sung back, not in the stilted words of before, but flowing and smooth. There was a challenging look in her eye, one that was matched by that in the boys.
“T’was my own heart, dilly, dilly, that told me so.” He shot back, smiling. The two began to sing in unison, and it entrapped Adrien, making him unable to look away.
“Call up your men, dilly, dilly, set them to work. Some to the plow, dilly, dilly, some to the fork. Some to make hay, dilly, dilly, some to cut corn, while you and I, dilly, dilly, keep our selves warm. Lavender’s green, dilly, dilly, lavender’s blue, if you love me, dilly, dilly, I will love you.”
“Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly, and the lambs play. We shall be safe, dilly, dilly, out of harm’s way.” The mermaid took over, placing one of her hands flat against the glass, while the other was fisted over her heart. “I like to dance, dilly, dilly, I like to sing. When I am queen, dilly, dilly, you’ll be my king. Who told me so, dilly, dilly, who told me so? I told myself so, dilly, dilly, I told me so.” She pulled out the last note, and Adrien was shocked to see the usually hateful mermaid, smile tenderly at the blue-haired boy. Then, there was a crash from behind him. Adrien wheeled around, trying to find the source, only to see a broken vase laying in the road.
By the time he turned back around, the blue-haired boy had thrown something into the tank. The mermaid grabbed it, and leapt out of the tank, flinging it about her shoulders. She landed not as a girl with the tail of a fish, but a seal. The boy scooped the seal into his arms, and ran for the water. He tossed the animal in, before turning to face Adrien.
“Take her again and we will sink your nation like we did Atlantis!” He bellowed, before diving into the water. Adrien ran to the edge of the dock, and waited, frantic. The boy was human, he would need to breathe eventually. He stood, frantically searching the water, before he saw them. The two were holding each other tight, wrapped in each-others arms. She was back to being a mermaid, her tail flicking just below the surface. When the young prince finally dragged his gaze to the boy, he was shocked. He now had a tail, longer than hers, that shimmered green and teal. The two were speaking in a language he did not understand, but from the way his hands cupped her cheeks it was a private moment. The mermaid flashed him a furious glare, before diving into the ocean.
“What just happened?” He asked.
“Dude.” Nino muttered. “I think your pet just ran away.
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princess-sengoku · 4 years
Secret Santa Fanfic
@hunny-pp This is for your request in Secret Santa for this year. I hope this is great. Merry Christmas to you and Merry Christmas to everyone else. AAAA My first fanfic to be posted on Tumblr :')
Carnival Competition
Rating: K
Modern AU
Summary: Shingen and Kenshin are going to Osaka carnival to see who can win the most games at the carnival.
The carnival's in town as everyone from all over the land of the rising sun go to one of the most underrated festivals in the land; Osaka Carnival. The fun games, great food, and amazing rides that it had was all in good fun for everyone to enjoy. Once Shingen heard for himself that the carnival was going to be in town tomorrow, he just had to call Kenshin to join him for the carnival. He was disappointed that he didn't show up last year, then again they weren't dating at the time. Maybe this year would go in his favor? He and Kenshin could at least compete in the games, kinda like a battlefield? Shingen was in Osaka for a quick vacation and the carnival would be the top of the cake. With that in mind, Shingen picked up the phone and began to text to Kenshin.
Shingen: My stoic dragon "nemesis", are you still awake?
Kenshin was comfortable on his futon at his Castle, just starting to head off to bed and sending a quick prayer to Bishamonten to thank the god of war for allowing him the pleasures of life. There was wine, business, and finally Shingen. Shingen was probably one of the most worthy friend and business partner he could ask for in this life. Although he didn't show much happiness on his stoic face, his actions show that he cares for him, especially when he accepted to be Shingen’s boyfriend. Speaking of Shingen… 'Bing Bing'. Kenshin heard his phone go off. "It is almost time to go to bed… Who's texting me?" He said, visibly annoyed. He picked up his phone and once he saw the message, he softened a little bit. It was Shingen. 
Kenshin: Tiger of Kai, my "nemesis", I was about to go to bed, but I can talk for a bit.
Shingen gave a good-natured chuckle at Kenshin's message sent a couple of minutes later. Of course he forgot that Kenshin would be getting to bed around this time.
Shingen: Sorry about that, I was hoping maybe this year we can go to the carnival together. Think of it as a date.
"A date?" He mouthed to himself. When was the last time they had a date together? It had been a while. They were both taking it slowly so they wouldn't be discovered and to have it at a carnival, that everyone was going to…
Kenshin: Are you sure you want me to go?
Shingen was not giving up on making him go to the carnival. They were always competitive when it came to the games. A lightbulb went off in his head. He can use the games as an excuse for him to go.
Shingen: I bet I can win a lot more games than you. Don't worry I'll give you some prizes :)
Shingen always knew how to push Kenshin's competitiveness button. They both were like strategists in their own businesses but eventually one must come on top eventually. He really now was interested in this carnival but he would conceal his intentions to him.
Kenshin: It is tempting to go to the festival to have a friendly competition. Go have fun. Good night "nemesis"
Shingen shrugged at his message. At least he tried to convince him to go. At the back of his head, he did feel that Kenshin would come here. He just had that hunch.
Shingen: Good night. Don't have a rough night.
As soon as he got Shingen’s message, Kenshin got dressed again, called his limo driver, and took a blanket. He would now begin to surprise Shingen to the festival date. "Shingen, let's see who wins the most games." he thought with confidence. They always liked competitive plays over each other. He just thought of what kind of games would be there to play as the limo left with him inside, going to Osaka, as he drifted to sleep.
~The next morning- 8 AM~
Shingen saw the shining sun glimmer in the curtains as morning came and he was just starting to wake up from the tiger's slumber. This short bald man yawned as he sat up in the bed, slowly getting his act together. It was also very hot today when the festival and vacation was in the summer. He could only imagine what the south had to deal with like the Shimazu in the summer. After 10 minutes of just sitting there, he finally got up to brighten the room. The curtains opened and Shingen shielded his eyes from the brightness a bit. Once it got adjusted, he finally saw a limo in front of the hotel. It had the Uesugi symbol on the side and the limo was white. He could see Kenshin come out the doors. "Hahaha, I knew Kenshin would be here!" Shingen said to himself. He put on a tiger print t-shirt with some khaki shorts and some sandals.
Kenshin walked out of the limo with a nice short sleeved buttoned white shirt with white pants with some nice black loafers. He was casually sleeping the whole ride so he would be well rested for today. Carnivals are mostly energy sucking. The driver let him know he's here so he doesn't have to rest during the day. "Great Bishamonten, please give me strength to have fun today and beat Shingen in a whole bunch of games." He prayed. They both met in the lobby and gave a hug. "Haha, I knew you would come. So are you ready for the carnival?" Shingen asked. Kenshin gave a small smile and nodded. "I am. Looking at the clock means that it had just started." Said Kenshin as he looked at the clock which read 9:00A.M.
Looking out at the carnival laid out before them, it was full of life and high fun energy. Many games, food stands and other attractions can be seen before them. People were walking around them full of laughter and friendly talk. You can't really hear what they had to say because there were so many people and they were loud. Shingen and Kenshin simply walked side by side together holding pinkies looking out at what games they should play.
The first game they saw was kinda strange with a huge log and there were lines in the ground. Musashi was actually the one hosting that game. "Hey you two! Do you want to try the log toss? 1 yen to try it and the rules are clearly read on the sign." He managed to get Shingen and Kenshin's attention. "You want to have a go Kenshin?" Asked Shingen. "Sure" said Kenshin blatantly. 
They both walk up to the wooden sign. It was well made with no chances that anyone can get a splinter and it looked really smooth for writing on as shown in words that are painted on. It says the following: 
Log toss:
'You throw a log as far as you can. This can be played for competition. If you are solo, you win a prize no matter what. If you are against each other, then the winner gets a prize.'
Shingen was known to do some lifting at the gym sometimes, Kenshin watched him while he worked so he knew as well. They've decided to do the competition version. The prizes included stuffed animals, posters and pins. Shingen went first as he went and picked it up by the sides then he spinned around a few times getting ready for the wind up. He threw it up and away pretty far and it landed with a thud and the ground shaked a bit. Musashi ran to where the log went with a measuring tape and a flag. "150 feet-1st person!" Musashi announced. Kenshin smiled at Shingen’s impressive performance. It was as expected for him as was a worthy challenge for Kenshin to try to beat.
"You're next Kenshin." Shingen said as he stood back with a smirk, a smirk that Kenshin loved a lot. "I have practiced a bit in lifting." Kenshin remarked as he picked up the log. He winded up by standing back a bit then using the force that he gathered to launch the log forward as he stepped forward. It flew not as high as Shingen did but it definitely was going far. There was a thud in the distance and Musashi was running fast with the other marker. "Not bad! It's about… 160 feet. The second person wins!" Musashi announced happily as he went to pick out a prize. Kenshin kissed Shingen on the forehead proud of his own victory. "Well done 'nemesis'." Shingen said, congratulating him. Musashi gave Kenshin a big tiger plush. 'It would be perfect for Shingen.' Kenshin thought.
Many hours go by with more prizes, food, the times they went through a funhouse and a haunted house in a succession while holding many little toys, pins, posters, more stuffed animals. It was a lot to carry for a long time, then again they had played lots of games. Games were ring toss, balloon pop, guess what's approximately in the jar, bumper cars, test your strength, and many other games.
It was the last few minutes of the carnival to be open for the day. There was one more game they wanted to try for a magnificent dragon plush. Shingen was immediately reminded of Kenshin when he saw that plush. "Kenshin! Before we go let's try this game!" They both look at the bucket of water with ducks floating right along. The sign read the following:
Lucky Duck:
'You hook a duck on the hook stick provided to you. Get a star duck (which the star is on the bottom) to win any prize you want.'
"This game sounds simple and quick." Kenshin remarked. "You can do this game." Said Kenshin as he gave the game owner 1 yen to play the game.
Shingen concentrated on the pond itself like a fire trying to get hotter by the minute. Any of those ducks could have a star on the bottom and any number of the ducks could have stars. They all looked the same. All he could do would be to guess which one had the star and which ones didn't. He took the hook stick on the ground and just went for it, eyes closed. When he opened them again, he looked underneath the duck and a gold star was at the bottom. He won the game and the dragon. "This is great!" thought Shingen as he got the dragon in his hands.
As Shingen turned he saw Kenshin take the tiger plush out of the mass of prizes they won and handed it out like it was a gift for him. Shingen saw a slight blush on Kenshin's stoic face. "So umm… this is for you 'nemesis'." Kenshin said in a softer voice than usual. Shingen laughed out of kindness a little, knowing that Kenshin wasn't used to the sometimes sweet moments of their relationship. "Thank you 'nemesis'. In return, I will give you this dragon I just won."  Shingen blushed a little bit as he received the tiger and Kenshin received the dragon. They soon divided all of the prizes in between them. Shingen’s vacation would go on and Kenshin would join in for the last week that Shingen had left.
P.S. as a bonus I give you some headcanons of the pairing on google slides that I made myself. This helped me create the fic lol.
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readablenoise · 5 years
The Pounding Drums and Lightning Rain: Readable Noise reviews Riptide Music Festival Day 2
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Amidst weather chaos, the Fort Lauderdale music festival creates a rumble of their own with a Glastonbury worthy closer to the year
(photo: Stephanie Vento)
Fort Lauderdale- The cold weather is peeking through the smalls of the rolling waves.
On any other given Sunday, the sleepy seaside would rouse it’s head with a small herd of tourists, local at their already warmed stools along the smattering of bar staples, and lemonade in the hands of the beachgoers.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
Today however, there’s a woman in medical garb telling incoming patrons of Riptide that they will be there later to administer intravenous fluids for those wanting to rid themselves of a hangover before going in to work tomorrow.
It’s a peek behind the metaphorical curtain of the city itself, but all taken in stride as Riptide Music Festival winds down another year, with great succession.
While the next day of any festival always brings slightly drowsy eyes and ready ears, today rivals in the previous day’s excitement, and to a deserved gesture.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
Today brings the finale in the form of idkhow, Barns Courtney, Switchfoot, Reel Big Fish and headliners Jimmy Eat World; the legendary alternative legends that have never taken their foot off the pedal in terms of their songwriting craftsmanship.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
But before we get to there, the clouds roll with the waves, flashing back and forth between expected Florida warmth, and English rain, as Alex DiLeo played an impromptu acoustic set opening the Main Stage, filling in for New Politics who were unfortunately unable to attend the fest at the last minute. And it must be said that it’s a tremendous responsibility he handled well, singing to a modest crowd with an acoustic.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
And just a little ways down the sandbar, past the tempting smells of the food alley, Meg Myers is doing the same but with a dizzying power; readying to perform in intense sparklemotion with an already growing audience swaying as a DJ plays pre-show tunes in the form of reggae remixes of classic Alternative tracks such as Red Hot Chili Peppers. Myers deserves the attention; the unique mixture of ironically Kate Bush and Alanis Morrisette angst, as well as a pinch of Fiona Apple-esque honesty, her music is hypnotic as it is raw in the most beautiful of ways.
When the pounding rain finally slowed enough for the tarps draped over the instruments to be unsheathed (though it didn’t hinder the crowd, who were swaying in the drops proudly) the excitement did not abate, opening with “Jealous Sea” before cresting into the powerful “Motel”.
And as the waves crash just beyond, it’s no stretch to say the musician rivals the power of the sea itself.  While Myers came onto the scene with her booming cover of the aforementioned Bush’s “Running Up That Hill”, a track that not only is a classic, but is a sort of unspoken rite of passage for all those who dare attempt to cover it, the discovery shouldn’t stop there. Dive into any track of her catalogue, and you’ll find sounds ranging anywhere from Pixies reminiscent rock with Placebo hues.  
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
Live, Myers is nothing short of stunning, displaying a quiet and ferocious power, with the only unfortunate portion being the in and out sound issues that would hinder some of the performances on the UndergroundLauderdale Stage this day. In this case, the bass drum being turned up to such a volume that it nearly overpowered all other elements of the otherwise tight act.Nevertheless, Myers special blend of songwriting and power makes her a definite act we not only want to see again live, but will remain on our radar; as should it yours. 
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
It’s that same vein of discovery that makes Riptide such a vital festival; not only opening ears to new sounds but even more importantly, new experiences. 
Some of the best examples being idkhow (I Don’t Know How But They Found Me), who are continuing to pave the path, taking up the torches that We Are Scientists, Hot Hot Heat and Prince lit, and making it into one of the strangest, and funkiest flames we have ever heard. Interjecting humor in between their tracks, they too, are a branch we are intrigued to see grow even further. 
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
And from here, we jump into an ambition that is scarcely seen, and even less so stateside: the international festival experience.Away from the normal musical local stylings, and bordering on the wonderfully dangerous, it’s a feeling most notably seen overseas and over the pond, where geography not only shapes but maps your musical stylings. Where the South’s southern most tips relishes in ska and punk, Riptide dared to bring this cultural experience in technicolor, perhaps one of the most incredible being Barns Courtney. 
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
The UK based singer is unlike anything we have seen outside of bootleg footage of Mick Jagger in his prime, proudly flaunting an almost primal energy that had everyone rising to their feet. The 9-song set felt easily like 2 EP’s worth, with a terrific electricity that felt worthy of an area, with tracks such as “Hands” quite literally driving the rainclouds away and bringing in a scorching sun that had long since been hiding; quite literally.
Courtney is the type of artist every person must see once; a human firecracker, lighting up the stage with not only the perfect catalogue of guitars and blues like soul to back a showmanship so large, but bearing a contagious smile that seems to arrive so easily. Proof of this being that there was not a single soul in attendance who didn’t raise off of their beach towels and just start dancing, swaying or flat out jumping to “99” or “Glitter and Gold”.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
It’s a brand of rock you cannot bottle, cannot brand and cannot beat. It’s safe to say that while Barns could make anywhere feel a venue bigger than it is, he deserved a headline set later in the day, when the heat of the day set into a cool.  
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
 And as the sun began to set, an odd situation began to occur in the midst of all the discovery: a sort of towel laying apocalypse. 
Again, with good intentions, the festival handed out free beach towels to all who entered the festival. However, with the entirety of the space being a beach, including that of the Main Stage, created a sort of miniaturized chaotic labyrinth arranged within the boundaries of where the pit might be; prompting cold looks when trying to walk inbetween the small cracks and quite literally try not to kick up sand.
It’s an idea we are by no means against, but hope to say an area strictly for towels and those who wish to lounge, to make the experience easier for those who simply want to absorb all the sounds around, including that of 90’s staples, Switchfoot.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
One of the acts whose tracks speak for themselves, in terms of their legacy. They have crafted a bridge across a generation that still remains sturdy, and quite full. with frontman Jon Foreman going straight  off the stage and into the the crowd, leaning on supported hands and all with a smile as they began “The Sound”, a track that lives up to it’s name, and perhaps even doubly live.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
Truly one of the more underrated live acts, their set was on grand on all levels. And while smooth sailers like iconic “Stars” may have you momentarily swaying, don’t hesitate as the San Diego act covered Beastie Boys legendary “Sabotage” with their own brand of power.
And with this night slowly, and steadily coming to an end on a fluorescent tempo left by all the bands before them; a sun conducting it’s usual Once Upon A Time In The West sunset, one of the best full doses of the aforementioned international festival experience occurs, perhaps most notably by Catfish & The Bottlemen.
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(Photo: Stephanie Vento)
The English act are regular arena and festival darlings performing on the over the seas circuit but still have yet to fully crack the US fully. Due to not only the unfortunate decline of alternative stations to gain airplay from, but moreover the lack of aforementioned festival experiences to truly experience them in, and which the act thrive on.
Opening to a full house on the shore with “Longshot”, it is goosebump inciting. There is a type of inexplicable boom, where the pounding red lights sync in time alongside their Arctic Monkeys-esque riffs.  A quiet explosion occurring during “Conversation”, where the rain once again answers from the sky, that you are watching something you may not see again.
You can feel the Earth shake softly with this type of epic energy and leaving one happily breathless, as this happens so scarcely.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
While US arenas are plenty in number, with a regular line-up of stunners occupying them, the rounds often feel a test of business grit at times; with the question always being always the seats themselves, and not those occupying them.
Near everyelsewhere, the chance is one of mettle. To reach that mantle is a feeling that is chased but only if you have the love to deliver it. The arena gig is not so much numeral based, but a near religious experience of dancing with a thousand other people whose ears are in love with the sound just as much as your own.
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(Photo: Jenelle DeGuzman)
It’s an experience, and risk, that Riptide nailed beautifully, with Catfish concluding “Cocoon” alongside the rain and the sound dutifully ringing out after they exited.
It’s acts like these that prove just how vast the power of great live performances can be, and we’re grateful that the festival included this.
And as the rain finally, seemingly subsides, Jimmy Eat World enter in, and the band are one of the few that do not need introductions.
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(Photos: Stephanie Vento)
Narrating a great part of the 90’s and 00’s rock, they were able to do so in the best of fashions. Much like their compatriots in Deftones and Foo Fighters, they have remained as they took their origins and evolved to something more than one genre could pen in. So too have the Arizonian act grown into something amazing, with every track is just as big in ambition as the next, each bearing their key insignia of chiming guitar riffs and Jim Adkins’ signature vocals.
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(Photo: Stephanie Vento)
Opening with a steady set of their hits, including “Bleed American”, which we can say without shame we were dancing with reckless abandon to, they demonstrate that while the climates may have changed, their power in what they do has most certainly not, weaving together a structured and incredible set in the shape of “Pain” and showing the extent of their creativity in “555”, narrated in a blue wash with relatable lyrics and a digital swirl.
They, like all the acts featured in this year’s line-up, are still alight with the passion they started with. Perhaps one of the best moments expressing this being “23”; a Cure reminiscent slow burn that while delivered with that signature Jimmy Eat World bedroom intimacy, is built-up with intensity. Like watching a skyscraper being built in fast motion before your eyes, this is the breadth of what the act can do. Still craft, write and most importantly, perform these songs with the same beautiful level of delivery; even as a curtain of rain comes falling down.
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(Photos: Stephanie Vento)
It’s a set of the ages, and one that, even alongside the weather, was magical in every sense of the word.
In a world that seems keen on twisting around the wheel, set on trying just how hard gravity can work, it’s these experiences that are so important. Not in just the terms of disappearing inbetween the notes, as the act close their impressive near 20 song set with infamous “The Middle”, but the necessity to keep the sparkle in your eyes and heart alive.
Recharging in the form of these allowances to remind you: you are not alone in the sound, or your fight, but that the crowd is full of people; all dancing to the same tune, dancing through the chaos.
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(Photo: Stephanie Vento)
Whether that is with music, art, or should you really prefer, the intravenous fluid providers who true to their word, were there following the festival with eerie needles in the dark, Riptide reminds you; get caught in the waves every now and again. Some of the best things are found in it’s lit depths. Or, enough to get you through the ride, anyhow.
-Jenelle DeGuzman
See our exclusive live capture of Barns Courtney here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdqR8eLp6-g
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rkjxy · 4 years
────   k.arma june 2020 schedule   ╳   waterbomb festival   ❞
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the humid summer air left a trail of warmth on her body. as they stand under the heat of the sun, she was grateful that this wasn’t a festival unlike any other. 
the promise of cool water being showered on them as they perform didn’t sound appealing at first. joy thought that it might only serve to make performing a difficult challenge for them, not when it’s almost like second nature to the group. she thinks about other factors too such as the possibility of hair and makeup being ruined and the added weight of clothes sticking to their skin. it didn’t really seem like a good idea.
yet as she stands on stage that day, she suddenly cannot wait to be watered down.
the girls start performing as soon as they were introduced. all that dancing around causes a few drops of sweat to fall from her forehead to her chin. she wipes them away immediately, feeling the heat beat down her back. for as much as she claims to be a girl accustomed to warm weather ( born and raised in a country where it’s pretty much the only existing weather ), she never had to endure it whilst dancing and singing at the same time. good thing they were wearing appropriate clothing. the restrictions of their usual costume would have been too much if that is what they went with.
despite the many different thoughts passing through her brain, the roars of the crowd cheers her on. there’s a smile on her lips as she catches sight of them from their vantage point at the stage. seeing them all sing with them was motivating and urges her to keep herself steady. after all, she does not want to disappoint. they’re here to suffer through the summer heat just as much them; their efforts should not go to waste by watching a lacklustre performance. 
she feels the first drop of water on her left shoulder, didn’t exactly see where it came from but as soon as it does, she smiles. 
after that, the downpour was steady that it almost felt like it was raining. the girls were soaked in just mere seconds but they perform as if they weren’t dripping wet. her initial hypothesis proved true; it was much harder to perform when she’s being showered on but she’s enjoying it. she can’t help but laugh during some parts as she wipes her eyes and pushes her hair away from her face. she should worry about how she looks like but it seems that she’s enjoying herself way too much to care about that. soon enough they were wrapping their time on stage with dolls and as the last note was sung, she almost didn’t want to say goodbye.
the rise and fall of her chest came in quickly as she catches her breath. now that they’re no longer performing, joy took a good look around her and laughed cheerily at the sight that greeted her. they all resembled wet chicks with their flat hair and soaked clothes. turning her gazes away, she waves enthusiastically at their audience. saying their goodbyes was always the hardest part about performing live but she’s comforted by the fact that maybe they’ll see them again soon.
even if tomorrow is uncertain, she knows she will always be there for the people that supports them.
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sinceileftyoublog · 5 years
Weekend Picks: 2/21-2/23
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Big Head Todd and the Monsters
There were no live picks for yesterday, but plenty for the weekend!
2/21: Objekt, Smartbar
Here’s what we wrote about Objekt’s Cocoon Crush when we named it our #6 album of 2018:
“An artist solidly known for his bold exploration of techno, Objekt now takes a plunge into a new kind of ethereal beauty on Cocoon Crush. A foray into ambient music, Objekt subverts a lot of what we have come to expect from him. The line between digital and analog is smeared. Tracks are ungrounded, punctuated still by percussion and synthesizers, but in patterns and textures that materialize in mysterious ways. And just as they appear, they stutter and morph in ways unexpected to the listener. The cold machinations of the dancefloor are still present; they are just stretched and masked in exciting and rewarding ways.”
Darwin and Flower Flood open.
2/21: Knuckle Puck, Beat Kitchen
We previewed Knuckle Puck’s set at Durty Nellie’s two years ago:
“Covering last year’s Riot Fest, I found Knuckle Puck the worst set of the festival, though I did remark that the band’s new, unreleased material had the crowd’s attention as much as their released material. As it turns out, the album versions of the songs are pretty good. Shapeshifter, released about a month later in October, was exemplary of what Knuckle Puck do best–write catchy songs with powerful melodies and hooks, enough to showcase the band’s more-than-capable instrumental prowess while avoiding the try-hard singing that plagues so many of today’s emo bands.”
Cleveland power poppers Heart Attack Man and Wilkes Barre hardcore band One Step Closer open.
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Objekt; Photo by Kasia Zacharko
2/21: James McMurtry, Old Town School of Folk Music
We previewed James McMurtry’s show at FitzGerald’s two years ago:
“James McMurtry plays tonight as part of the 37th Annual American Music Festival at Fitzgerald’s, still touring strong off of Complicated Game (one of our favorite albums of 2015) like he was when it first came out. When we caught up with him last November, he said of new songs, 'I’ve jotted them down on my phone as I’ve gone along. That whole record was written on an iPhone3. Unfortunately, I dropped that phone, I don’t have the cool Notes app anymore.' Well, either he’s got a new phone or doesn’t need one, because late last year, he released 'State of the Union', a trademark jab at fascism and racism. It might not be as succinct as him telling us 'There never been a good Nazi a day on this earth dead or alive,' but at least there’s hope for more new material.”
2/21: Raphael Saadiq & Jamila Woods, Vic Theatre
Last year, Raphael Saadiq released his first album in 8 years (since the great Stone Rollin’). Jimmy Lee is named after, inspired by, and partially about his brother who died of heroin overdose after contracting HIV many years ago. As such, whether singing or inhabiting the character of his brother, Saadiq is at times uncharacteristically somber. He’s at the other end of a barrel of a gun on “Sinners Prayer”, reflecting on his wrongs, wondering whether it’s too late: “When a sinner is praying, God, will you hear it?” He wears a heavy burden on the funky, stomping “Something Keeps Calling Me”, the song’s wailing guitar solo in the bridge a mirror to his emotions. Saadiq calls out society, too, just as much as himself. “The people are mad,” he sings on “This World is Drunk”. The one-two punch of anti-mass incarceration jams “Rikers Island” and “Rikers Island Redux” presents the issue as simply as it should be put: “Too many n***as in Rikers Island / Why must it be / Set them free.” The former expresses its anger with upbeat piano and a simple refrain, the latter with spoken word over gentle guitar strums.
Best, though, are the reflections of grace that rise above the despair. On “I’m Feeling Love”, over a slower, more warbling funk, Saadiq, singing as his brother, is thankful for the little that he has. And on the skittering, rolling “Glory To The Veins”, he again distills his brother’s death to what matters: “I lost a brother to AIDS / Still, he laughed every day.” We’re lucky that as he gets older, reflecting on his life, and playing live reflecting on his career in Tony! Toni! Toné! and all the legendary artists like D’Angelo and Solange that he’s produced, Saadiq is willing to impart his wisdom.
Jamila Woods’ LEGACY! LEGACY! was one of our favorite albums of last year:
“Yes, Jamila Woods’ stunning LEGACY! LEGACY! is a tribute to important artists of color. What makes it stand out among other tributes, however, is the remarkable way Woods is able to present how each figure has guided her. Take opener 'BETTY', about funk artist Betty Davis, a woman married to a far more famous jazz trumpeter who gets his own song later on. Woods explores the gender and power dynamic in the relationship and uses it to make a personal and universal plea: 'Let me be, I’m trying to fly.' Fly, she does. On 'ZORA', over a hip hop beat, Woods succinctly declares in an all-time line, 'My weaponry is my energy', the drive and desire the catalyst in the noble goal to make her mark on the world as a black woman as opposed to while being a black woman. In various interviews surrounding the album release, Woods spoke about being inspired by black artists who perform and make art truly for themselves independent and often in spite of the race of the end consumers. 'Motherfuckers won’t shut up,' beings 'MUDDY', referencing Muddy Waters adoption of electric guitar because white audiences would talk over his sets; 'Shut up, motherfucker,' she sings inversely on 'MILES', 'I don’t take requests.' But the percussive, jazzy 'EARTHA' best encapsulates her aims of self-love and ultimate pride. 'I used to be afraid of myself,' Woods admits before stating, 'I don’t wanna compromise.' Ultimately, the refrain of, 'Who’s gonna share my love for me with me?' is the mindset by which Woods approaches relationships throughout the record and then life itself. You can be a part of it, but she comes first.”
DJ Duggz also opens.
2/21: The Wailers, SPACE
We previewed The Wailers’ set at Old Town School of Folk Music last year:
“Bob Marley might not be around, but his original band, containing many of the original members and their children, continues to play his songs. Seeing them in a venue as small as this is rare.”
Tonight at SPACE--an even smaller venue--they play two shows, an early and late one.
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Joe Henry
2/22: Big Head Todd and the Monsters, Vic Theatre
We previewed Big Head Todd & The Monsters’ show at the Vic Theatre two years ago:
“The Colorado jam band that saw mainstream success in the 90′s is touring fresh off of last year’s heavy New World Arisin’. In 2016, as Big Head Blues Club (the band’s project with a wide array of blues legends like Cedric Burnside and Charlie Musselwhite), they released Way Down Inside. But for the full potential of Big Head Todd and the Monsters, go a few years back and try 2014′s Black Beehive, a rawer, more diverse blues record than you’d expect from the band who recorded 'Bittersweet'. What’s for sure is that live, they’ll lean heavily on the new material while not forgoing their more beloved classics.”
They haven’t released a new album since then but have released a new song every month as part of a series. They should play some of these live, including gospel piano ballad “Hard Times Come No More” and the funky, rollicking “Train of Storms”.
Nashville band Los Colognes open.
2/22: Todd Barry, Thalia Hall
We previewed Todd Barry’s sets at SPACE two years ago:
“So, this isn’t exactly music, but deadpan comedian Todd Barry is performing 2 stand-up sets in one night at SPACE. Commemorating his 30 years of being a comedian, he’s going on another crowd work-only tour like the one documented in his 2014 special Todd Barry: The Crowd Work Tour. From watching that and his most recent Netflix special Spicy Honey, Barry’s dry observational humor is effortlessly tailored to specific crowds and cities, making this one of the must-see comedy events of the year.”
Even if tonight isn’t crowd work-only, he should do some of his specialty.
Chicago-based stand-up comic Chelsea Hood opens.
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Hot Snakes
2/22: Joe Henry, Old Town School of Folk Music
Since we last saw Joe Henry five years ago, he’s done quite a bit of production work and released two albums, 2017′s Thrum, and last year’s The Gospel According to Water. In between the two, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer; considering that, the latter takes on weight. It’s, first and foremost, raw, from the guitar playing on “Famine Walk” to the title track. But Gospel sports moments of beauty, too, as on the woodwind of “Mule” and rich vocal harmonies of “In Time For Tomorrow” and “The Fact of Love”.
Americana duo Birds of Chicago open.
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Pissed Jeans; Photo by Ebru Yildiz
2/22: Tim and Eric, Chicago Theatre
Who knows what Tim and Eric will bring to their Chicago stop of their Mandatory Attendance tour, other than their purported "brand new spoofs, goofs and insanity” and “special surprises.” The last time I saw them, Dr. Steve Brule showed up and almost married Jan Skylar!
2/22: Hot Snakes, Pissed Jeans, & HIDE, Empty Bottle
Music Frozen Dancing is upon us again, with suggested donations benefiting the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless! Go and donate!
We last listened to Hot Snakes from the medical tent at September’s Riot Fest. Since then, they’ve released the first two of four seasonal 7-inch singles leading up to the next LP: the burner “Checkmate” and wonderfully plodding laziness anthem “I Shall Be Free”. (The latter’s 7-inch has “A Place in the Sun” as an exclusive.)
Hot Snakes also play Sunday night at the Bottle with an opening set from post punk band Pink Avalanche.
Allentown hardcore band Pissed Jeans haven’t released anything since 2017′s Why Love Now, but they’re thankfully back to warm your pants before Hot Snakes. Maybe they’ll have some new songs to play?
Local industrial duo HIDE (artist Heather Gabel and percussionist Seth Sher) released their second album last year, the raw, disgusting Hell is Here. The drum programming and screaming is just as cringingly visceral as the recorded sounds of vomit hitting a toilet that end opening track “Chainsaw”.
Synth band Crash Course in Science, arty The Hecks, and local punk band Hitter also open.
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kara-dolan · 6 years
Coachella -Day 1 ~Part 1~
A/N ~ hola it be a while since i have posted but whats up hahaha i am so so sorry ive had writers block and ms. vivi aka @notanotherdolantwinsblog was moving during the time she agreed to help with this so once both of our lives calm tf down things will return to normal scheduling.
Word Count~ 4,309
Warnings ~ Soft feels, Fluff, Fun, Flirting?, Possible use of cannabis aka weed 
Summary~ Fun and music festivals with your best friend? What could possibly happen? Oh right running into anyone and everyone you adore looking absolutely devin with sweaty bodies touching and bass booming under your feet. But what adventures are to come when Y/N and Viviana come face to face with Coachella ?
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“Viviana I can’t believe you actually got tickets for Coachella. I can’t believe the house you got for Coachella weekend. I can’t believe that we are here!” I say excitedly gripping her arm.
“Bitch, I can’t believe that we might run into the Dolan Twins!” she says to me smiling.
“Okay yes that is a huge plus but, Day 1 will be the most exciting especially since it’s the first time we’ll be going!” I say releasing her walking up to the house.
She shook her head at me and opened the door revealing the Greek interior architecture. I walk in setting my hand bag on the ground taking everything in.
“Holy shi- is this real life right now?” I questioned looking up and spinning around to view everything.
“If you think this is amazing just wait till you see the backyard and bedrooms, not to mention the bathrooms.” Viviana says.
I looked at her and smiled then found my way to the stairs that spiraled up to the bedroom I was staying in. It was completely white with a sliding door that led out to the balcony that overlooked the backyard. Below me I saw the pool that had a huge baby blue clam bed next to the pool with a pearl shaped pillow that was silver and sparkled in the sun.
“V, I am never leaving.” I say looking away from the pool and up at the view of trees and mountains that were decorated by the sun’s beautiful rays and wind causing them to sway.
“Okay, sure, you say that every time you visit a new place. Watch once we get to Coachella you’ll never want to leave there either. Speaking of which, we have to get unpacked and set up for tomorrow after that we can get pizza and just chill.” Viviana says walking out onto the balcony.
“Ha. Yeah, I fall in love with places too easily. But, have you seen the view and the trees? It’s so beautiful. We should camp outside tonight and just watch the stars.” I say leaning against the railing watching the beautiful scenery.
“You’re fucking crazy. There’s bugs and animals. No way in hell am I sleeping out here, especially the day before Coachella starts. I am not getting dirt in my pores and you shouldn’t either,” she says stepping away to go back inside.
I sigh and look down pushing myself off the railing and going inside to unpack.
It took about an hour to get everything unpacked an organized, I had brought makeup and wigs, so I didn’t have to dye my Y/H/C hair and damage it. I also brought any and all facial cleansers because we were going to be in the desert for 3 days. I had hung all 3 outfits up in the closet and folded extra clothes I brought because no way in hell was I not going to shower and be forced to wear glitter covered outfits for the week that we were going to be staying at the house. Y/F/N and I had gotten walkie talkies set up on a private channel to find each other if we got lost and 3 cases of water so we could take 5 bottles of water with us for each day. After everything was unpacked and organized I made my way down the spiraling stairs and through the living room and into the kitchen where V was sitting at the island scrolling through her phone.
“Hey, you order the pizza yet?” I asked going to the fridge to get a water.
“No, I was waiting on you. I did see some updates on Twitter though, involving the twins and well, the drama is crazy.” she yawned out.
“When is it not though? Like honestly people need to leave them alone. But let’s not get into it. I’ll order a pepperoni and Hawaiian pizza and set up a movie.” I say after taking a drink of water.
“Sounds good. I’m getting blankets and pillows to fort up the living area.” She yelled to me running upstairs.
I smile and pull my phone out of my pocket and order the pizzas.
After the pizza arrived, we watched a random movie as we ate in the fort. Halfway through the movie and one pizza gone we fell asleep surrounded by pillows and blankets. The next thing I knew my phone was going off at 6 am which resulted in Viviana hitting me in the face with a pillow followed by groaning which signaled me to turn it off. I grabbed my phone and stopped the alarm. I made my way to my room and changed into some shorts and a loose tank and pulled on running shoes. I quietly made my way out of the house and into the woods near the park for a morning run.
I found myself at an overlook. The view was impeccable with the sun rising and colors blending together, putting me in a trance. The trance was broken when I notice movement below, a tall broad figure jogging through the hiking trail. The figure belonged to a man, as the sun rose more his golden shoulders glistened with sweat, his hair flopping with each step. It was like the trance from the sunrise was transferred to him. I couldn’t stop watching him until he disappeared deeper into the trail.
“What the hell was that?” I asked myself. I shook it off and ran back towards the house. By time I got back it was 7 am and I was drenched in sweat. I took a shower once I got back. After my shower, I put on my first Coachella outfit. I was wearing a white tank top with strings that tied in front of my chest with high waisted black shorts and a hunter green jacket. I put on black ankle boots and accessorized with a necklace that reached my waist.
Once I was dressed I applied my makeup, natural smokey eye and maroon lips. I put on my pink Ombre white high pony wig and grecian leaf new forehead crown. I went to the kitchen and saw Viviana wearing a black crop top with maroon jean shorts and black knee-high boots that had fishnets underneath. Her hair was loosely curled draping around her shoulders, she had dark smokey eye and a light pink lip.
“Okay, V. I see you.” I squeal out and she looks at me and laughs.
“Stop… we have to get going soon if we want to make it on time.”
“Okay. Okay. I am so ready to see Kyle perform today. Oh my gosh and The Neighborhood, St. Vincent, SZA, and The Weeknd. Just today is going to be crazy.” I say while packing up our bags for Day 1.
“For sure, not to mention how many social media stars and celebrities we will be seeing there.” V says taking her bag. I nod.
“We should get breakfast on the way there. I mean it is only 9 am. Coachella gates don’t open till 11.”
“You just want to go to an acai bowl place to see if you can run into Grayson” She teased.
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
“Maybe it’s a little true but if we run into Grayson we also run into Ethan…” I wink and nudge her.  She laughs and grabs her car keys.
“Fine, you win. Using my love for Ethan against me. That isn’t fair.”
I scrunch my nose at her and smile. After our playful teasing ended we headed out and went to the closest acai place. Once we arrived we saw girls squealing and crying. I looked over at Viviana and raised my eyebrow while smiling.
“No. We are getting the acai bowls and going.” She scolded me.
“Ugh, fine. I won’t go and ask them if they are acting like that ‘cause of the twins. Mainly ‘cause I already know they were here… thank you, Instagram… but fine let’s get the bowls and go.” I replied rolling my eyes.
“You’re entirely something else. In a good way.” She reassured me.
“Thanks, I guess.” I say while laughing.
We were waiting in line to get the acai bowls when I realized everyone was staring at us.
“Well this isn’t awkward or anything.” I mumbled out.
“What?” she questioned.
“We are the only ones dressed like this here. Seriously, everyone is wearing normal clothes. We need to hurry up and get the hell out of here.” I say looking around getting uncomfortable.
“Why? We look hot. Stop trying to cover up. Let them stare it shows them what they can’t have.” She says making me loosen my grip on my jacket and letting it slip down my arms. “Okay. I got this. We got this.” I say smiling and nodding.
We got our acai bowls and left. We were about 5 mins away from Coachella grounds and we had finished our acai bowls. Now we were just blasting music and getting hype as we got closer to the festival. We pulled into the most available parking spot. Once V put the car in park I got out throwing my bag over my shoulder and adjusting my VIP wristbands.
“I can’t believe were actually here...” I say shutting the car door.
“Neither can I. Now let’s go before we miss any performances!” She shouts while pulling my arms and entire body towards the entrance.
“Okay! Okay! I can walk on my own!” I laugh out.
“I know just hurry the hell up!” she shrieked out and took off running. I shook my head and ran after her, I finally caught up at the entrance because we had to scan our wristbands.
We were finally inside, I grabbed at V tapping her like crazy.
“Look, Look, We’re here. Oh my gosh we’re here” I screamed out.
We ran to the Sahara stage until it was time to head to the main stage. When we reached the main stage Los Angeles Azules were performing and we saw Bryant recording some of the performance on his phone. I look over at V who was already looking at me. We walked closer to Bryant but not close enough for him to notice, we stood there enjoying the performance.
“We literally just saw the Yodeling Walmart Boy perform with Whethan and now we see Bryant right here. What is happening?” I whisper to Viviana. She laughed.
“Life. Life is happening and giving us this amazing opportunity.” She whispered back. “Opportunities?” I question at the last minute when she bumped into me causing me to stumble back only to be caught by someone.
“Oh my gosh I am so sorry. My fri-” I stopped once I saw who caught me.
“It’s fine.” He said chuckling. I stood up.
“Sorry, again. Thank you for catching me though.”
I turn my neck to glare at V who was smirking.
“No problem. Not everyday I get to catch a beautiful girl from falling.” He flirted which made me look back to him.
“I think I did fall though… Umm… sorry. Bad attempt and now I am making a bigger fool of myself. Bye.” I say nervously while laughing a bit while turning to walk away.
He grabbed my right hand with his left spinning me around.
“You aren’t making a fool of yourself. I’m Grayson.” He smiled down at me.
“I know, but I’m Y/N and the person behind me is my best friend Viviana.” I say looking up at him through my lashes.
He smiled down at me and I looked away and as soon as I did Bryant came over
“Hey Gray we should go find E and get more photos.”
“For sure. Y/N want to come?” he asked me. I looked at him bewildered.
“You mean like go with you and Bryant to find Ethan?” I questioned. He smiled and nodded “That’s the general idea. You can even bring um... V- Vivi-”
“Viviana.” She interrupted him. “We would love to go with you. Right Y/N?” she nudged me “Oh yeah. Totally, for sure.” I mumbled out.
“Great. Yo, Bry, Y/N and Viviana are going to come with.” He shouted towards Bryant.
Bryant smiled and nodded, we all began walking away from the main stage to find Ethan. We found him by the food trucks drooling over the acai bowls.
“Ethan!” Grayson called out to him pulling his attention from the trucks. He ran over to join us “Yo Gray. Who’s this?” he asked.
“I’m Y/N. Just met Grayson when my friend Viviana “accidently” bumped into me and Grayson caught me” I said smiling a bit while air quoting.
“Oh cool. I’m Ethan.”
“This is Viviana or V. By the way.” I say pulling Viviana’s’ arm.
“Oh. Hi” she waved shyly. I heard everyone near the main stage start chanting Really, Really, Really, Yeah,
“V, we got to go. Kyle is performing now!” I grab at her arm. “Sorry guys. Just been waiting all day to see him.” I yell over my shoulder as we run to the main stage.
We reached the main stage finally.
“Y/N are you stupid you just left Ethan and Grayson. We aren’t going to ever see them again.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Grayson loves SuperDuperKyle.” Ethan whispered between us which made me jump.
“E you can’t just scare them like that.” Grayson said coming from behind me smiling.  I laughed and rolled my eyes.
“Glad you guys could join us” I smiled at him and started jumping and chanting with the rest of the crowd.
“Don’t Wanna Fall in Love” played and I looked at Gray and smiled.
“Yo, you gonna show us some moves, possibly the same ones from the warehouse?” I asked him.
“I remember that I gave him so much shit about it.” Ethan said laughing. I rolled my eyes.
“You did great. Just ignore him.” I looked at him placing my hand on his shoulder.
He grabbed my hand and spun me around in front of him, he gripped my waist and rested his chin on top of my head. We swayed to the rest of the set until iSpy came on and we had to move to avoid a mosh pit. We gave up on finding a new spot, so Grayson offered to go get ice cream for us, I decided to wait with Ethan and Viviana. I was listening to V and E talk about which bands they were excited to see, I left them alone to talk and headed over to the food trucks to see if Grayson needed help. When I saw him, he was talking to a girl.
“Hey, I know you from YouTube. I love your videos and they’re super inspiring.” She said to him awkwardly laughing a little.
“Really? Thank you so much that means a lot.” He replied to her smiling, “Want anything?” He asked her pointing to the menu.
“Oh my god no. Of course not. Thank you” She said sweetly.
“Oh okay.” He said, and she gave him a hug which he returned.
“See you around” he said.  
“Yeah see ya” she called out as she walked off.
I walked over to him and smiled at him.
“Hey, why are you looking at me like that?” He asked.
“Okay, it’s kind of weird…but, I like seeing how you interact with fans.” I explained.
“It’s an amazing experience I appreciate you guys. If I can make you guys happy even just taking a picture or talking to you it is completely worth it.” He says while paying for the ice cream. “Grayson, you literally just looking at us is enough to make us happy” I giggled out. He laughed and handed me the ice cream he got for me
“It’s kind of shocking to hear that. Not entirely used to this still.” I smiled at him.
“I mean majority of your fan base is female which you should know from tour. You’re attractive and athletic and you have a great personality at least from what I can tell from your videos and well now that I’ve met you and hung out with you. I honestly can’t believe that I am here… That I even got to meet you…” I say staring up at him losing my words.
“Yeah… I don’t meet a lot of people who are quite like you though.” He finished looking down at me. I laughed breaking the gaze.
“I bet. Not a lot of girls would walk away from you to go and enjoy a music performance like 4 minutes after meeting you” he grabbed my hand as we walked back over to Ethan and Viviana. “You’re not going to do that, again right?” He asked.
“Hmmmm… I don’t know. If I do what are you going to do about it?” I ask cocking my eyebrow while smiling.
“Guess I have to stay close then.” He let go of my hand and draped his arm carefully around my neck pulling me closer towards him and I wrapped my arm around his waist.
“Yo, Gray. Where we headed now?” Ethan asked him taking note on how close me and Grayson were.
“I don’t know. Where to now, Y/N?” he inquired.
“I kind of want and need to see The Neighborhood.” I say looking up to Grayson licking the ice cream from the cone.
“Alright, The Neighborhood it is. Let’s go.”
We walked back over to the mainstage where Kyle was performing, and The Neighborhood was now setting up.  Bryant met back up with us from taking photos of other YouTubers that were here.
One of the first songs they played was Scary Love which I adored and sang along with every word. Grayson just watched me the entire time and spun me around a couple times. Ethan and Viviana were exchanging numbers which made me think about giving Grayson mine. He noticed my dancing falter and pulled me into him. I stumbled into his chest in which he took the opportunity to hug my waist as I collected myself.
“You okay?” He asked me. I nodded.
“Yeah, why do you ask?” I retorted reaching my arms around his neck. He chuckled.
“No reason…”
I pulled away from him when I heard Daddy Issues come on.
“Hey, Grayson can I borrow y/n for a minute?” V asked pulling my hand. He nodded, and I stumbled trying to keep up with her as she dragged me away
“What is going on?” I questioned her.
“Okay so Ethan and I were talking, and I somehow talked him into coming back to the house later tonight, but he wants to bring Grayson too. I was wondering if you could keep Grayson busy while I try to get closer to Ethan?” she pleaded.
“For sure. Like it’s honestly so weird how close we have gotten in just the past couple hours that we’ve been here, and we haven’t even had a ‘get to know you’ talk it is just a comfortable thing as if we’ve known each other for years. I wouldn’t necessarily call it keeping him busy though as much as just hanging out with him and getting to know him more.” I respond.
“Ahh yay! You’re the best.” She squealed while hugging me then running back to Ethan.
I smiled and rolled my eyes I looked around for a little before making my way back to Grayson, when I got closer to the main stage where The Neighborhood was performing Sweater Weather I noticed Grayson wasn’t there anymore and neither was V or E.
“Okay. Don’t really know what to do. I literally just saw V though.” I thought out loud.
“Yo make sure you get some of those cotton sticks!” I heard Ethan shout from behind me. I turned around so quick.
“Ethan what the hell are cotton sticks?” I yelled to him while laughing noticing the same girl who was talking to Gray earlier laugh.
“Cotton candy.” He said smiling like a 3-year-old getting called adorable.
“Okay then… Where’s Gray and V?” I asked him.
“Ryan met back up with us so Gray is with them by the disco ball trash can. I am on my way back to them. Come on.” He said nodding his head over towards where they all were.
“Ethan wait up!” the girl called after him in which he made a confused face.
“I’ll see you when you get over there.” I say walking away slowly just listening in on the conversation.
“What’s up...?” he asked.
“The sky, pfft… you’re the best youtubers who’ve lived on planet earth.” She said after a small awkward moment. “Oh, oops... That was cringe.”
At this point I was half way out of earshot.
“Are you enjoying ‘Chella’?” he questioned.
“Heck yeah. It’s awesome.”
I stopped listening when I saw Grayson adjusting the part of his ripped jean armband.
“Hey, there you guys are. Kind of wondered off for a while. Sorry.” I say which made Grayson look up from his armband.
“Hey. I was going to look for you, but V said you would find us.” He said pulling me into a hug. “Well okay then someone missed you.” Ethan chuckled wrapping his arm around Viviana’s waist.
“I mean can you blame me?” Gray asked.
“Oh my gosh. No. Stop. Both of you.”  I say pulling away from Gray laughing.
“Oh, by the way this is Ryan. Ryan this is Y/N.” Ethan introduced us.
“Hey. I actually know who Ryan is. You guys have collabed before and it was fucking hilarious I loved it.” I blurt out.
“The amount that Y/N watches your old videos is crazy.” V interjected.
“Hey! They’re funny, leave me alone. You freaking binge watch them with me you have no room to talk.” I defended.
Grayson and Ethan laughed at us
“Oh yeah., you guys want to laugh? Cause I have things I can say that will make you cringe instantly.” A teasing smile played on my lips after I spoke those words. The twins exchanged a worried look.
“Here are your ‘Cotton sticks’ Ethan.” Bryant returned with at least 8 of them and his camera. “Bryant do you want some help with all of that?” I asked, and he nodded.
I took a couple of them and handed one to V.
“Cotton candy yum.” Grayson said taking a bite out of one that was in my hand from over my shoulder.
“Hey! If you wanted one you could have just asked.” I smiled at him holding one out for him to take.
“Nah, I like it when you hold it.” He licked his lips and grinned.
I was going to respond but Ethan came over and took 3 of them from me leaving the one Gray bit from.
“Well okay then…”  I say as Grayson takes another bite. “Damn I might as well just hand feed the cotton candy to you” I joked.
“That’s a fantastic idea.” He said while smiling at me, I shook my head
“Are you serious?” I asked raising my eyebrow.
He nodded while grabbing a piece of cotton candy and holding it against my lips I shook my head no.
“I’m not eating that.” I laughed out
“Yes you are” He grinned now
“No… I’m really not. Grayson, I mean it. Oh my gosh stop.” I backed away from him while laughing.
I ran around our group as he chased me playfully, he ended up grabbing my waist from behind and spinning me around.
“Grayson!” I managed to yell out in the middle of my fits of giggles.
“What?” He asked putting me down, so I could face him. Once I turned around, my eyes immediately made contact with his and I was entranced. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer not breaking eye contact until he looked at my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips gently against his while standing on my tippy toes. He placed his hands on my waist ho
lding me steady and kissed me back.
We were in our own little world, unbothered and carefree smiling into the kiss.
“Grayson!” Ethan screamed which made us break the kiss.
“What E?” He asked annoyed.
“You know we can’t do that. Not here. Fans might see.”  
“He’s right Gray… Look me and Vivi will go and check out some more bands. We can meet back up during the Weeknd’s performance.” I say placing my hand on his shoulder.
“Come on bro.” Ethan said dragging Grayson away letting my hand slide down his arm.
Vi pulled me back to the main stage where Vince Staples was setting up to perform. We were having fun dancing around like no one was watching which they weren’t, after the set we went to use the bathrooms.
“What are we doing after we leave?” Vivi asked.
“Well I know for sure we are going to go home but maybe on the way stop for some In-N-Out.” I answered.
“In-N-Out sounds amazing.” I hear Grayson suddenly say from behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and resting his chin upon my shoulder.
“Grayson, we talked about this.” Ethan warned pulling him off of me.
“Right sorry E.”
“Okay so I guess you guys are coming with us after to get In-N-Out too?” I questioned. We all agreed to it after me and Vivi went to the bathroom and were walking back to the main stage to see SZA perform.
On the way back to the stage I tripped over my own feet and stumbled into a bleach blonde girl wearing a two piece purple bikini.
“Oh my gosh I am so so sorry-” I say going to help her up.
“Wait… you're Tana Mongeau-”
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thevikingsheaux · 6 years
Jól (aka Yule)
Part 3
Note: I’m mixing in some of my own ideas into the mythology that I found on this website and this website! You should definitely check it out if you’re interested in the Yule celebration. Also, I use some gifs of Lagertha in this chapter, but they are meant to show what happens to Y/N and not meant to represent Lagertha in this imagine! Media isn’t mine, gifs & photos are from Google & videos are from YouTube.
Warning: slightly NSFW, animal sacrifice
Pairing: Hvitserk x reader
The solstice celebration was less than a week away and you and Dagmar just finished decorating the Great Hall and setting up the sacrificial altar in the center of Kattegat.
You were incredibly proud of your hard work. The elaborate decorations adorning the Hall were incredible. Not only were there wreaths and fresh strands of garland hung all over, but all the candles had ornate carvings that you and Dagmar had designed, and newly tanned animal pelts hung over all the chairs. You had worked hard over the past couple weeks, tanning all the hides of all the animals slaughtered for the feast.
The wooden altar platform and the ornate wood pillars around the altar had been crafted by Kattegat’s carpenter, Birger. After it had been set up, all the local farmers brought their best goat up to the altar so Aslaug could decide which would be the one to be sacrificed.
You were more than honored that your goat had been selected for the sacrifice that would take place before the solstice festivities. On every winter solstice, the largest goat in Kattegat was sacrificed to Thor, who was believed to protect people and the other gods from the darkness and evil spirits that roamed Midgard and Asgard during the darkness of winter. The solstice marked the rebirth of the Sun goddess who had been swallowed by the wolf Fenrir. And the weeks following the solstice were when she needed Thor’s protection the most.
Two days before the solstice you led your goat down to the pen it would stay until it was time for the ritual, and you thought more about the gods as you walked, praying to Thor, hoping he would be able to protect the Sun as she was reborn from the belly of the wolf. Yule would last until January 12th, when another sacrifice would be made in thanks if the Sun was successfully reborn. You believed in the gods very faithfully and were a very superstitious person because of your father. He loved the gods more than anything and taught you to do the same.
You were still praying to Thor when Ubbe’s voice broke your focus. He was blocking the entrance to the pen and told you that Aslaug was looking for you. “Follow me,” he said. After putting your goat in the pen, Ubbe began to lead you up to the cliff overlooking the fjord. “Where are we going?” you asked. “My mother comes up here sometimes to discern the meanings of her dreams without interruption,” he replied.
By the time you reached Aslaug, your breathing had become heavy. “Y/N. I have had another dream about you.” You were surprised and asked what she saw. “In my dream, you were performing the ritual sacrifice to Thor. Since I am queen, I had planned to do it, but I think it was a sign from the gods. They must want you to carry out the sacrifice.” Your eyes grew wide and you fell to your knees, thanking Aslaug profusely. Since you were so faithful to the gods you could not think of any higher honor.
After Aslaug had dismissed you, you immediately ran to Floki’s cabin. He was basically your uncle and shared the same undying faith in the gods. “Floki!” you screamed, as you approached his cabin. “Floki! FLOKI!” The door to his cabin flew open and he stuck his head out with a startled expression. “Y/N?? What are you doing here?” he questioned.
“Oh, Floki! It’s been so long since I have seen you! Why do you not come into Kattegat anymore?” A mischevious smile crossed his face in response to your question. “Well, I have been busy building a boat that will take me to wherever the gods wish me to go. It will be the perfect size, just small enough for one man to maneuver it, but just big enough to travel the high seas.” 
You wanted to talk more about that boat and what it would mean for the future, but first, you needed to tell him about what you had to do during the solstice celebration. “Floki, Aslaug told me that I will be the one to sacrifice the goat to Thor on the solstice!” His expression became very intense and he stared deeply into your eyes. “Are you serious?! That is wonderful, Y/N!”
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It was the night before the solstice and you couldn’t sleep at all. Torvi lay next to you in your bed, snoring, while you stared at the ceiling. The most important day of your life so far was about to occur tomorrow.
When you heard your neighbor’s haunting kulning calling her livestock down from the hills, you knew it was time to rise and get ready for what was to come. You pulled on a simple white dress that would be worn during the sacrifice, saving your beautiful feathered dress for later in the evening.
“Torvi, wake up,” you said as you nudged your best friend awake. “It’s time to get ready! You need to get dressed and come to the Great Hall with me. I have to make sure all the food is being made correctly.”
Torvi was better at braiding than you were, so you let her style your hair after you had helped her into the dress you had made for her. She braided the sides and piled a bunch on top of your head, but made sure to leave some of your wavy hair hanging down. 
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(Torvi looking gorgeous in the dress and cloak you made for her!)
After she twisted the final strands into place, she squeezed your shoulders and giggled as she asked, “How much do you want to bet that Hvitserk will mess these braids up like Ubbe ruined mine?”
You rolled your eyes and hopped up, eager to begin the day. Though the sacrifice wouldn’t begin until a few hours after the sun disappeared after being up a very short amount of time, you were excited and jumpy.
You were standing on the altar with torches lit all around you, and four carved wooden pillars standing tall behind and to the sides of you. Candles all over the altar illuminated the carvings in the pillars that depicted various scenes like Thor catching the giant sea serpent Jörmungandr.
The crowd parted to reveal Dagmar approaching the altar with the goat in tow. Your heart started beating faster as she got closer, but Floki was standing nearby and when you met his eyes you felt reassured.
Dagmar led the goat up onto the altar and stopped in front of you. Aslaug handed you the traditional knife that was used for all sacrifices and you turned back to the goat.
The Sami, who were visiting for the solstice, flooded the area with the sound of their throaty joik as the sacrificial ritual began. As the Sami joik continued, several Vikings in the crowd began to howl like wolves, begging Fenrir to release his hold on the Sun goddess.
(This is what I imagine the Sami song sounds like but multiplied by like 25 because dozens of Sami had shown up and were all singing in unison!)
After you cut its head completely off, the goat’s blood drained into two large bowls. It took several minutes before there was enough blood to be poured onto you. You closed your eyes and inhaled deeply before dipping 2 fingers in the blood and dragging them down your chin. While you did this, Floki drove the goat’s head onto a stake in the center of the altar.
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You signaled that you were ready for the ritual to continue and Floki and Aslaug, each holding a bowl of the goat’s blood, stepped forth and poured it over you as drums began to beat. You looked over and met Floki’s eyes. They were transfixed on you and he was mesmerized, whispering to Thor, asking him to protect all people in Midgard and the Sun goddess as she is reborn from Fenrir’s belly. Then you looked over at Aslaug who was smiling, knowing she had made the right decision by letting you perform the sacrifice.
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(This next song is what I imagine the chanting and drums sound like! I suggest listening to it while you continue reading because I think it sets the tone really well! And yes - part of this song was used in one of Hvitserk’s fight scenes in season 5!)
The rhythm of drums taking over after the Sami stopped singing drove the Vikings to dance vigorously all around you. They began a primal chant as their bodies moved compulsively with the sounds of the drums.
You were still standing on the altar, covered in goat’s blood, eyes closed and face turned to the sky when you felt someone press their body up against your backside. Hvitserk’s hands snaked around your waist and he splayed his fingers out across your hips, pulling your ass as close to him as possible. His breath was heavy and warm upon your neck. 
You were so overcome by the music, the singing, and the rush you felt after making the sacrifice to Thor that you grinded yourself against Hvitserk, keeping with the rhythm of the drums and chants and not caring at all that everyone could see. You let him crush you against his body and allowed his hands to roam over you, unbothered by the goat’s blood coating your dress. 
You felt how hard he was and gasped as he nipped at your ear. You broke your gaze from the heavens and looked out at the crowd of Vikings dancing uncontrollably. Here and there you saw couples fucking, not caring that everyone could see them, which turned you on even more. All you could think of now was Hvitserk taking you right there, with everyone watching. 
His left hand moved to your breast, squeezing it through your dress and his right slid down your stomach to your womanhood. He quickly found your clit and started rubbing it over the fabric of your dress, causing your eyes to roll back in your head and a moan to escape your lips. 
You noticed Hvitserk catch a disapproving glare from Floki, causing him to abruptly stop touching you and jump down from the altar. He left you breathless and flushed and disappeared into the crowd. Torvi immediately showed up with an impish smirk on her face. “I saw you and Hvitserk,” she muttered. “Let me help get you into the dress you made so you’ll be ready for the feast.” As you left the altar, the chants and drums abruptly stopped and many Vikings dropped to the ground, exhausted.
To be continued...
Fun fact: Joik is a Sami form of very expressive singing. I believe it is supposed to communicate the essence of something rather than be what you would traditionally call a “song” - if I have this wrong please feel free to correct me! The reason I chose to include Leahkit by FRIKAR is because I felt Torgeir Vassvik’s (the joiker, not the dancer) “singing” perfectly fit the scene. If you notice in the caption of the YouTube video, FRIKAR says that it is a wolf joik which makes it all the more fitting since the solstice marks the Sun goddess’ rebirth from Fenrir’s belly.
Tags: @laketaj24 @tephi101 @voodoodollgirl
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nuclearblastuk · 6 years
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FIFTH ANGEL released their first album in nearly thirty years, 'The Third Secret', in autumn 2018. Before the quartet will perform at Germany's Metal Assault Festival (Würzburg) on February 16, they have launched a brand new lyric video for the track 'Stars Are Falling', the opening track of the aforementioned record. Watch now: https://youtu.be/1ssywrl5hgY "'Stars Are Falling' is a song that will probably have different meanings for different people," states Ken Mary. "Lyrically I don't want to get too specific as again, I believe different meanings will be found by different people and I don't want to ruin that for them. But the overall idea is that there is this race of life that we're all in...where we strive, we fight, we struggle, and we depend on the fact that the sun will rise and that tomorrow is going to be here one way or another. There's a time where that may not be the case; whether that's on a global level or on a personal level. So really it's a song to ponder some of the deeper meanings of life, actually. And with that, I believe I've said enough, lol!" But additionally, there's bad news from the band's camp too as guitarist Kendall Bechtel has left the band. In an official statement from FIFTH ANGEL, this change was clarified: "Kendall is a brother and will always be a part of the FIFTH ANGEL legacy. However, if we are going to be honest, he has chosen a path that has left the band, the fans, our label Nuclear Blast, and our promoters in a very difficult situation. He decided that rather than fulfil the commitments that were already in place, he would leave the band with short notice, making it very difficult for the band to find a suitable replacement." 
Further, the band says, "After the success of 'The Third Secret' the timing is again difficult to understand. In an email to the band, Kendall Bechtel stated that the paths of FIFTH ANGEL and he were "incongruent" and that he wished the band well. We feel that Kendall's actions speak for themselves, but nonetheless, the band will be fulfilling its commitments. As a band, we feel we had success and made great albums before Kendall, and we hope to have the opportunity to continue doing so in the future as well."   "In regards to the business at hand, filling in on guitar will be the incredible Ethan Brosh from ANGELS OF BABYLON. Also, we always intended on having an additional singer handle all of the material from the first two albums and a singer that sounds more like original vocalist Ted Pilot. The singer for Metal Assault will be Steven Carlson, another Seattle native now based in Phoenix, who will now cover vocal duties on the three new songs in the set from 'The Third Secret' album as well as the first two albums. It is our sincere desire to play the music of FIFTH ANGEL with as high a level of excellence as possible, as it is our goal to leave the fans with an amazing live experience. We will do our very best to make that a reality, and we look forward to seeing you all very soon!" Sincerely, FIFTH ANGEL
Ed Archer, John Macko, Ken Mary
'The Third Secret' entered the charts in Germany on #48 and in Switzerland on position #51 - which marks the first chart entries for the band ever.
'The Third Secret' also reached the #1 position on soundcheck reviews from Rock Hard, Rock It!, and Powermetal.de, and the #2 position on Deaf Forever and Metal.de.
'The Third Secret' is available in various formats, here: http://nblast.de/FATheThirdSecret
Listen to the songs in the Nuclear Blast Novelties Playlists: http://nblast.de/SpotifyNovelties / http://nblast.de/AppleMusicNovelties
'The Third Secret' - Track Listing:
01. Stars Are Falling
02. We Will Rise
03. Queen Of Thieves
04. Dust To Dust
05. Can You Hear Me
06. This Is War
07. Fatima
08. Third Secret
09. Shame On You
10. Hearts Of Stone
More on 'The Third Secret':
'Can You Hear Me' OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5Nkjoai-GY
'The Third Secret' OFFICIAL VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3119Fnjzgbg
Trailer #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrP5PiQ01BY
Trailer #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrYaDKSZRFk
Trailer #3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCM5cmfupNg
FIFTH ANGEL live 2019:
16.02. D Würzburg - Metal Assault
07. - 09.06. D Gelsenkirchen - Rock Hard Festival
www.fifthangel.com www.facebook.com/fifthangelofficial www.nuclearblast.de/fifthangel
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slave2writing · 6 years
World in Flames (3/?)
Part One
Full Chapters posted at Fanfiction.net and ArchiveofOurOwn
The sun began to set behind the bridge, casting the ocean in a brilliant hue of gold, the color spilling across shadows of skyscrapers looming above the city.
In preparation for the festival, police officers were being dispatched on the corner of every city block where the parade would soon be passing through. The floats were primed and ready, resting in Avatar Korra Park. Banners were strung up and held suspended above the concrete streets, some featuring the Fire Nation insignia, others depicting the solemn faces of popular Fire Lords or grinning Avatars. Families were camped out on rooftops, warming their hands around fire pits, roasting meat and laughing over stories, droplets of alcohol spraying over the sides of residential buildings.
Asami shoved her fists inside her coat pockets, skin prickling in discomfort as she kept bumping into people while trying to make her way back to the apartment, the city streets thickening with activity and tense anticipation.
While Fire Nation immigrants and descendants had never been explicitly forbidden from celebrating their ethnic heritage, their cultural center had previously always passed on the opportunity to publicly celebrate the beloved Fire Days Festival out of fear that any show of pride would come across as insensitive in the wake of the Hundred Year War.
It was a bit disconcerting for some pedestrians traversing the downtown area to see it taken over by street performers juggling fireballs, a chorus of school children being led in a traditional Fire Nation hymn, boisterous athletes racing around with spirit masks, grown men howling in pain while their friends and families keeled over laughing at the sight of them attempting to win a flaming fire flakes contest.
Ducking a bobbing lantern, the beginnings of a parade march about to take place, Asami neared her apartment building and raised her hand in greeting towards the doorman whose eyes always crinkled up when he smiled.
“Hey, Miss Sato!” He seemed excited about something, straightening his uniform with two quick tugs on the ends of his jacket.
“Bao.” She greeted him politely, passing through the door he quickly pushed open for her, taking out her mailbox key and reached in for the stacks of magazines she subscribed to. It was a healthy mix of scientific breakthroughs and revolutionary fashion. Gathering them up in her arms, she was mildly surprised when the doorman abandoned his post to follow her inside, beaming as he got the elevator for her, dragging the gate open and making to step inside with her.
Asami granted him a confused smile. “Ah…?”
“Oh,” Bao paused mid-step, still brimming with some excitement. “I thought you might need someone to help you into your apartment. Open the door?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” Asami arched a dark brow and waited for the doorman to sheepishly step back, closing the gate and the door to the elevator. She shook her head in bemusement, unsure if that was his weird and out of the blue attempt to hit on her, and punched in the penthouse button.
When the elevator rose to the tenth floor of the skyscraper, the light flooded through the windows carved into the box, the top half of the building providing Asami with a view as she continued to rise. Though she still had the mansion on the outskirts of the city, she found the massive estate far too quiet. She preferred her solitude to be accompanied by the hustle and bustle of the sleepless metropolis. She pressed her forehead against the small oval window, the light of a dying sun combing through her raven hair, she could almost feel the heat seeping across her scalp.
The elevator came to a halt, its passenger gently swaying before her body steadied. Balancing the stack of magazines in one arm, Asami drew open the gate and pushed open the elevator door which opened immediately into the penthouse foyer. Her low heels clicked on the small marble steps, and the main door creaked open, more of the dying sunlight spilling into the open suite than the young woman’s eyes could briefly handle. There were spots of shadow though, where her gaze jumped to for relief; the tall bonsai trees placed in almost every corner of the apartment, a human figure partially hidden beneath the shade of a large leaf.
Asami didn’t think to scream, or run away, or even contemplate fear. There was a spark of indignation, and then a full blown avalanche of rage propelling her forward, the stack of magazines slipping from her arms, each page slapping the floor.
The figure turned, startled by the war cry, and Asami barely had time to register the familiar shade of bright blue eyes before a gust of wind was skirting around her body, and she was lurching forward into nothing but solid wall, the bump of her nose brushing against it when suddenly there was a rock hard arm wrapped around her waistline, and heated breath on the nape of her neck.
“Sami, it’s me.”
Her body went to war; muscles loosening, going lax in the Avatar’s arms, while her heart pounded violently against her chest, breath quickening. When the Avatar seemed to trust she wasn’t about to attack, the arms around her waist relented, and Asami turned around.
A blindingly white grin shone on the heiress’ glittering black gaze, like moonlight scraping the night sky. “Hey.”
There was a brief pause, the air between them still. And then they were both colliding in a hug, the shorter Avatar burrowing her face in jasmine scented tresses, inhaling her best friend’s comforting fragrance. Asami’s arms tightened around Korra’s broad shoulders, heart rate accelerating, thudding between her ears and at the base of her throat, she could not imagine Korra would be unable to hear it.
“You’re a lot softer than your statue…” Asami mumbled into her friend’s neck, cheeks immediately tinting pink when her brain registered the admission.
“Nothing!” Asami pulled away, clearing her throat and plastering on a rather watery smile. “It’s so good to see you, I thought we were meeting at Narook’s though.”
Korra followed the young CEO into the kitchen, smiling when Asami gently stepped out of her heels and began to fix them both cups of tea, the height difference between them no longer quite as stark. “Bolin tried to reach you and then asked me to just fly over here, we’re postponing until tomorrow.”
Occupying herself with the kettle, Asami worked to find legitimate excuses around the kitchen to avoid her friend’s eyes. “How disappointing. There’s nothing wrong, I hope.”
“Just official duties got in the way.” Korra waved her hand. “Nothing to worry about.”
“Official like… royal?”
Korra hesitated, leaning against the kitchen archway, watching the tall brunette ruminate on which tea bags they ought to indulge. “Yes.”
The confirmation was deafening. For a moment, Asami was horrified to feel there were tears on her cheeks… only to exhale in relief when she realized it was just steam from the boiling water. “Well,” She said. “That makes sense. I certainly can’t blame you for wanting to spend the festival with a princess of all things.”
Korra released a breath tinged with laughter. “Sami, you’re one of the richest people in the world, and I’m the freakin’ Avatar. Royal titles don’t impress me much.”
“A pretty face does.” Asami muttered.
“Nothing.” The kettle shook, carved into the shape of a dragon, steam shooting out through the nostrils. Asami bent down and blew out the flames.
They relocated deeper into the apartment, where the large windows looked out onto the darkening skyline of Republic City. Each room in the suite was separated by fusuma, the wooden doors sliding open to allow the air to flow. Asami and Korra sat opposite one another on the floor pillows, their side profiles illuminated by the dying sun bleeding into the room.
They fell quiet for a few moments, save for the gentle drill of Asami’s nails against the side of her teacup. She watched the Avatar sip from her own, always averting her gaze when Korra looked up over the rim.
An exaggerated mmmmm-hmmmmm finally broke the silence, Korra draining her tea much too quickly, cheeks puffing out as she filled her face with it. A decidedly unladylike snort exited Asami’s nostrils.
“Whuh?” Korra’s voice was a little muffled, literally trying to talk around the liquid sloshing around her tongue. “S’good!”
“I see that.” Asami hadn’t realized her shoulders were raised so high, until they were relaxing, slumping down to a natural level.
“You make really good tea. I’ve always thought so.”
“I don’t think anyone else appreciates my brew quite as much as you. Consequently, no one is in as much danger of choking.”
“I am not going to choke.” Korra stubbornly took a larger gulp of the slightly bitter concoction.
“What will the gossip rags say when they hear the Avatar found comatose in my apartment, brought down by a lungful of tea. Oh, come here.” Asami set her cup down and crawled forward, green eyes the same shade as the tea leaf clinging to the bottom of her friend’s pouty bottom lip.
Korra’s bright blue eyes caught her own just as Asami’s thumb brushed against the parted mouth, gently wiping the leaf from her friend’s sweet stained lip. “The headlines would read Miss Sato is a hero.”
A tiny shiver ran down Asami’s back at the use of her surname. She’d never been quite sure if Korra understood what hearing that did to her. She thought she hid her reactions quite well. “For having you collapse on my floor?”
“For bringing me back.” Korra’s eye contact was steadfast, like the roll of an ocean wave steadily crawling towards the beach. “You do know how to resuscitate, don’t you?”
It felt like the room was collectively holding its breath. Asami’s lashes fluttered as the Avatar leaned in closer, their noses gently bumping against one another. In the distance, musicians hired for the festival were starting their preliminary notes. Plucked strings and trilling songstresses stretching syllables that haunted the air, lingering in the dying light. It felt like a spell had been cast. Webbed traps binding the city in magic; silk chains wrapped them in music. It spilled into the apartment suite, it splashed against their dark hair and burning bright eyes.
Korra leaned forward, crossed legs unfurling, and made to close that last inch of distance between them. But the weight of small hands gave her pause, Asami pressing against her shoulders and leaning away from her in the space of a silent note.
“What would your princess think?” The heiress cracked a smile, trying to appear playful, but the words were as slightly bitter as the taste of her tea.
Korra fell back on her bottom, the spell broken. “She’s not my - ”
“The festival is almost starting. You ought not be late.” Asami rose from the floor, cheeks tinted pink, like the blush of a rose. “She doesn’t seem like a girl that likes to be kept waiting.”
The Avatar rose with her, raising a hand to try and touch the taller woman’s shoulder. “Asami, she and I - ”
“Korra, it’s fine!” There was a whip of lengthy, ink black locks as the inventor strode towards the balcony, inhaling the air, scented now with the fried delicacies wafting up from the food carts rolling through the darkening streets. Floating lanterns had been set loose throughout the districts, and were bobbing in the air. One of them was rising the length of her apartment building, slowly gliding towards the sky, its amber luminescence catching them in the act.
Asami turned its back to it, biting her lip as she looked upon her friend, blue eyes stricken with a mixture of emotions she couldn’t unpack. “You don’t owe me an explanation.”
Pausing, Korra deliberated on that as she entered the balcony as well, chewing on her own lip. “You’re right,” Her agreement was slow, chin pointing upwards. “You’re the one who ended things, after all.”
“Yes, I did.” Asami’s hands curled around the balcony edge behind her.
Korra sucked in her breath, chest puffing up beneath her tribal garments. “Is that why you’re so bothered? Can’t believe a princess would want to slum around with the likes of me?”
“You know I don’t think that.” She watched Korra grab for her staff which was leaning against the wall.
“Whatever, I have to go.” With a snap of her wrist, the blue wings of her gliding staff were erect. Korra hopped up onto the ledge. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Korra, wait - ” Asami’s fingers brushed against the heavy skin of the tribal trousers, but the Avatar was already diving off the balcony, the elements sweeping her up and pushing her forward. A deep, long dive into the darkness and narrow gaps of the glittering metropolis. A dark silhouette illuminated by flashes of amber lighting, the bobbing lanterns catching her in mid-flight, the roar of the crowd merging into the streets rising and falling depending on where they caught sight of the soaring guardian.
Asami was left alone on the balcony, her fingers still warm from where she’d made contact.
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misstehbyulteh · 7 years
Chanwoo prince!AU
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[ Part 1.0 of the SEVEN KINGDOMS Series. ]
Welcome to the kingdom of the lost sun, Arenvour. It's basically the darkest kingdom among the seven kingdoms because rumor has it, no one saw the sun rise in this country. The country's basically ontop of a snowy mountain, and it's a.) cold, b.) dark c.) hard to go to and from but hey they're one of the richest countries because of their manpower, and wealth from the gold the ancestors got from a cave ontop of the mountains.
It's also the country's main source of income.
So here comes the crown prince Jung Chanwoo.
To be honest, no one knew that he's the prince actually.
He's a fan of acting so you can see him in the kingdom, roaming around, performing from one theater to another.
With bodyguards
In his trench coat and his favorite checkered scarf
But the other reason why no one knows about him being the prince is because of his unprincely actions.
Have you ever seen a prince skip out of his royal duties because he has a PLAY to perform in???
Have you ever seen a prince act so slyly with his staff?
Have you ever seen a prince who blatantly disrespects the king and queen easily as he does?
Yeah, he's pretty much a rebel, and a spoiled brat, but that's just his facade.
The truth is, he's really caring towards his kingdom, to the point that he goes "fuck the duties" just to help out in the kingdom.
Once, he went on a disguise as his actor self and helped out in the mines.
He also learned economics on his own by buying books from the kingdom of lost seas
He also helps out in making fire, hunting for festivals and such
It's the reason why his father allows him to brat out
But his mother hates that he's not royal-ish but does chanwoo care?
"Hell nah, I can do myself, thank you very much." he'd say.
So here's where you come in hehehe
You came from a family of hunters. And since you're the first female-born in the family, the entire family's protective of you
But you learned hunting from them so name a weapon, you can handle it.
And you wanted to try for knighthood but your brothers HATED that idea bc HEY YOU ARE THEIR BABY SISTER
But you reasoned "Shut up, i'm not a baby anymore!"
After 1234567890 years of practically blackmailing your family, you finally convinced them that you'll be a knight.
Oh, males and females are very equal in Arenvour basically because of Chanwoo and his equality agenda, so going to knighthood was fine for you
You're now assigned to Chanwoo as one of his bodyguards because you're a prodigy at fighting, anyway.
On your first day, in front of the king and queen, he gave you his schedule and you went "Oh, he's pretty norm--"
Scratch that normal.
The moment you two got out of the throne room, he pulled the schedule out of your hands and ripped it right in front of you with a cheeky grin.
"What the fuck?!"
You held your hand on your mouth when you realized that you said something rude. His grin turned to a stern look
And you knew you were doomed
"Terrific, you're getting fired on your first day, congrats." you told yourself
"You're funny Y/N, I like you already!" He laughed out loud before heading out first and you, ultimately following him, confused.
"You're not firing me?" you asked as he shook his head.
"Nah, why would I? And I think you'll be fun to be with for a change."
Turns out, his old bodyguard retired so he looked for a new one and you caught his eyes because you're pretty and you're from a family of hunters and he reasoned that he thinks he'll never go hungry as long as you're with him.
And he was brutally honest when he explained this.
Where did the shy chanwoo go?
and so you were flushing to death thanks a lot chanwoo
But you shook this thought off and back to work
After a week, you realized that his prince schedule is a 360 of his actual schedule. In the morning, when he has an ongoing play, he's usually practicing in town. If not, he's either helping out somewhere. In the afternoon, he goes out for lunch while reading economics books in the library (you wondered how he got access to the vip room but you remembered he's a prince, sooo) and in the evening, instead of eating in the royal banquet at that time, he performs or eats with the townspeople. At night, he'll just head back and sleep.
Which totally shocked you.
Actually, when he ripped out the sched, you thought he'd play around and mess around in the country.
"Oh, he's better than I thought."
And then his image in your eyes just went A++ for the next week because he's been treating you nicely.
"Oh, mister, how can you let Y/N carry that?" He grabbed whatever you were carrying and carried it himself.
"Y/N, it's dinnertime, what do you want?"
"Y/N, you're here to guard my body, so just watch me over from somewhere, i'll be fine."
"Y/N, I know you're tired so sleep while I perform"
But that doesn't stop him from bossing you around to be honest.
"Y/N, i'm hungry, get me chicken, but I want it fresh so hunt for one."
"Y/N, I can't shoot the pig, shoot it for me."
"Y/N!!!!!! My clothes won't fit!!! Sew it for me!!!!"
You basically got a manchild. He'd sometimes visit your quarters asking you to hunt something for him or make him tea or milk
Then he would also joke around you, like "OMG what are you WEARING dear knight you look like a FUCKING BROCCOLI"
And in general, he's what you'd call a prince-on-top with the royal family and staff.
But little did you know that the prince tends to be like that with the people he genuinely likes.
And he really adores you! Like he'd think it's fun to joke around and when you whine about it, he'd be even happier.
He began to really like you because of your advices though. Like, your advices makes sense and he likes that so much.
And your love for children!!! Heck, when you two helped out in an orphanage, you didn't hesitate to pick up the paralyzed kid who's thought to be cursed and his heart fluttered in amazement.
So the day for the royal ball held by Arenvour finally came. The night before that night, the prince visited you in his quarters with a wide smile. "Your highness, I'm off-duty right now."
He nods. "I know, I'm off duty right now, too." He said as he raised his arm, revealing that he's not wearing the royal brace. He smiled beautifully. "I came here to tell you that you should dress nicely for tomorrow, no need to be my bodyguard, just be there for me."
"Ok???" ofc you raised a brow at him and nodded in acknowledgement before leaving.
So the next day, you didn't get to act as a bodyguard because he sealed himself in his quarters, but you still guarded his door.
The night came and you dressed nicely into the dress your mom made, chose a nice hairpiece that your younger brother formed with gold and a good pair of shoes that your older brother made for you. (tbh your dad had a hard time sending you off.)
YOur brothers drag you out before your dad starts ranting about everything again.
Ok so now the ball. The palace changed drastically for the ball. Everything's suddenly anti-cold and all. You didn't get to see chanwoo immediately, but you saw some of the other princes from the seven kingdoms. Like Hanbin from the kingdom of the lost grounds, who made it clear from his ring that he's not single and not ready to mingle.
Then the music started to play. Everyone's chattering with someone, and you were with some of your fellow knights, like Mingyu for example. Or Kyulkyung, maybe, who are bodyguards for the royal family, too. And these two didn't hesitate to ask, "Ok we get it you have an affair with the prince"
And you were like "bhItCH what ths fuckkkk????"
Kyulkyung, who's the queen's bodyguard, kept asking "the queen asked me about you, about which family you came from or what lineage you're from because she thinks that her son likes YOU BITCH"
And you went "LOL he LIKES me??? I think it'll pass if you said he likes to annoy me u know"
Mingyu raised a brow. "care to explain the midnight visitations in your quarters and the laughing?"
"You heard that?!"
Mingyu nods. "You guys were LOUD." you mentally rolled your eyes and reminded yourself never to open up your quarters for him next time. "Anyway, I think you'd make a good couple."
"lol says who?"
Mingyu winks "says the guy who's the son of a matchmaker." before glancing somewhere. "looks like someone's mad at me for winking at you."
Before you can say anything you felt someone grabbed you by the wrist.
Surprise, surprise, it's chanwoo looking hot, flustered and slightly upset with a pout on his face as he ultimately pulled you away from your co-knights.
"Your highness, what's with you?" you asked when you finally were left alone on the dance floor.
"Y/N, what did we say about the your highness thingy when we're alone?"
"oh, right, Chanwoo." you raised a brow at him as you two began to slow-dance. "So, care to tell me why you pulled me away from my friends when we were chatting?"
He cutely pouted making you smile a little. "I told you to be here with me, for me, not to chat with them." his pout became longer. "you see each other almost every day!"
"not as much as I see you, though."
He rolled his eyes. "fine, you made your point."
You began to notice his outfit. It's not his usual clothes, it's his prince uniform. You took note of this fact as you remembered that the royal family only wears the royal uniform during ------
The coronation. Holy shit. "The reason you wanted to have me here is because you're going to be crowned tonight?!" OKAY BEETCH YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING
"shh!" he scolded you. "you did your homework, didn't you?" he smiled at you before he did his curtsy. "i also came to get a queen." but before he can explain further, he walked away and headed for the podium, further confusing you.
[ Part 2 here! ]
[other members: hanbin || jinhwan || bobby || yunhyeong || junhoe || donghyuk ]
[other princes: Chanwoo (1)(2) || Jaehyun || Seungcheol]
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wyrmrest-poet · 7 years
Passion in Eversong
Presented by Sophos D’Cathra at the Fire Festival in Uldum on behalf of the Nearly Departed and Succulent Tarts. This is the first half of ‘Passion in Eversong’. The second half will be presented tomorrow at 6:30 Server (Pacific) time.
Hello one and all to the Mid-Summer Fire Festival! I am Sophos D’Cathra; storyteller, poet and your host for the rest of the night. I present to you stories, dance, and music brought forth by the Implicit Collective and Tattered Banners, or you may know us all as: The Nearly Departed! Each of our performers is renowned in their craft and will surely excite and amaze you! Let’s start with a story of my own telling: a tale describing the deepest love born of blazing passion. Where the heated touch of a lover’s embrace defies all odds and obstacles, and through trials and tribulations two souls become one.
We begin in the heart of Eversong Forest, where the blistering heat of the Quel’Thalassian sun bronzes skin, warms hearts and enkindles the fires of passion. At the decadent dinner party of Lord Halsterbrook, visiting Gilnean aristocrat and connoisseur of finest elven wine and women, our two protagonists meet: Altelion and Emalynde. These red-haired youths of Silvermoon embodied many of my kin’s traditional values: propriety, wit, intelligence and a penchant for learning of the world about them.
They encounter one another at the outskirts of the most impressive party of the summer season; exclusive to the nobility of the surrounding lands. Each carries about them an entourage of associates, trusted acquaintances, and confidants, all of whom fall silent as the two meet for the first time. Brows arch, furrow and the subtle curl of lips sends sparks into the sky. Is it uncouth to speak of such a connection fostering from a mere glance? Can curiosity turn into intrigue? And from that a longing for more? Perhaps some of you among the audience could speak of such affection and endearment, although certainly our lovers were in no rush…or so they thought.
Emalynde possesses a splendour spoken of in poems and mythic tales; where Paladins of old would lay down sword and sceptre to offer up hand in marriage. Her fiery tresses are the deepest crimson, shrouding a face of beauty rarely seen among my kin. An emerald gown is resplendent as it shimmers and delights in the waning sun of Quel’thalas. Her lithe, hour-glass figure entrances the eye and speaks to the proud heritage and grace of the Sin’dorei. And yet her eyes affix themselves on the man before her; her head tilting as a coquettish grin streaks across her face.
Altelion reciprocates that lascivious look with a curt bow as his pressed suit and attendant vest speak of fine tailoring and a physique made for war. His red mane is pulled back in an ornate tail that cascades behind him, revealing a handsome and youthful face. Broad shoulders support strong arms that heft sharpened blades in battle as easily as they dip seductive noblewomen in dance. As the young aristocrat gazes upon the woman, his heart inevitably flutters. When he rises from that formal bow, he smiles as warmly as the blush that rouges his cheek.
After the laughter and goading of attending friends, the two take one another in arm and begin to explore the curiosities and fantastic exhibits Lord Halsterbrook has brought to Eversong. From ashen maned lions roaring behind steel cages to the obedient display of training as Gilnean Mastiffs leap through hoops, the visiting nobleman lives up to his eccentric reputation. Each exhibit is more terrifying and intriguing than the last! The two forlorn adolescents enjoy heady conversation and brief glimpses that hint at something more, but soon it is with malice that fate casts its die.
When Lord Halsterbrook himself approaches the two, suspicions of the party becoming more than just fun and games is revealed. After pleasant conversation, the Gilnean noble tips his hat, taps his cane and remarks coyly, ‘Alteltion, my good friend, have you considered showing off your paramour to the crowds? Surely they would enjoy her beauty and shower her with gold.’ The young Sin’dorei male glowered at the man; cheeks flustering in surprise and then anger at the human’s cruel implication. Was Emalndye not what she first appeared to be?
‘You speak of her in such manner!?’ Altelion cried out, his slender fingers falling to the pommel of his rapier. Such an exclamation caused the mastiffs behind the Gilnean Lord to bristle and bark in anger, and within moments their master also had his palm on the hilt of an exquisite longsword. ‘Boy, you know not of what you speak. She is no highborn like you or I. Those below us deserve little more than contempt. They serve us!’ Whether it was aggression and adrenaline of two males butting heads over a female, or simply Elvish decorum in the crosshairs of another culture, Altelion would not tolerate the human’s insults any longer. Steel was drawn and then clashed and clamored with resounding shouts from bewildered onlookers.
The duelists fought their way behind the crowds of the party; weaving to and fro behind cages, carts and crates. Each strike of steel was drowned out by raucous cries and clinking of wine glasses from afar, but it was not long until the party began to gaze upon the fight that was now ascending wooden stairs to the main stage. The gaudy contraption was to host the night’s main events, but it appeared as if his guests would be treated to the most dangerous affair of all: their host’s prowess in battle. For all of Altelion’s house-born training, he realized too late he was no match for the battle-hardened human who exemplified swordsmanship by finally disarming the impetuous youth that stumbled before him. ‘You are defeated Sin’dorei,’ Lord Halsterbrook murmured, casting a triumphant glance across the awe-struck crowd. ‘Now hand her over,’ he whispered with a malicious glare. Emalynde had desperately tracked the fight, although could only watch helplessly as her new companion now lay prone and defenceless. What could she do to save to him?
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balinkadu · 3 years
Celebrity Deaths: 2021's Fallen Stars
The Kennedy Center Honors returned Sunday bestowing rainbow-ribbon threaded medallions on entertainment icons during festivities that aired at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.
Emmy, Grammy and Tony award winner Dick Van Dyke; legendary country artist Garth Brooks; multi-hyphenate Debbie Allen; singer/activist Joan Baez and violinist Midori, were honored late last month in a ceremony reconfigured for pandemic times.
Typically aired in December, the main celebration was filmed over days, sometimes outdoors and in front of smaller audiences across Washington, D.C.'s iconic John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Throughout the two-hour special, hosted by Kennedy Center honoree Gloria Estefan, the year's guests were revered by stars like Bradley Cooper, John Travolta, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Tracee Ellis Ross.
Here are some the evening's best moments, tributes and performances:
Garth Brooks, Dick Van Dyke, more receive Kennedy Center Honors in short, small ceremony
https://sites.google.com/site/toloktok21/rychleazbesile9 https://sites.google.com/site/toloktok21/naskjmfnasjgf https://sites.google.com/site/toloktok21/raskfjmklasfghaos https://halalosiramban9.wordpress.com/2021/06/07/%e2%9c%94%ef%b8%8fhd-videa-halalos-iramban-9-2021-teljes-film-magyarul/ https://halalosiramban9.wordpress.com/2021/06/07/videa-hd-online-halalos-iramban-9-teljes-film-magyarul-letoltes/ https://www.guest-articles.com/news/kennedy-center-honors-an-emotional-garth-brooks-julie-andrews-tribute-to-dick-van-dyke-more-emot-07-06-2021 https://baclingadu.wordpress.com/2021/06/07/ashley-heberts-season-of-the-bachelorette/
If tomorrow never comes, the artists paying tribute to Brooks will know exactly how much he loved them. The high-energy performer couldn't help but let his emotion show in Sunday's special.
Tears formed in Brooks' eyes as Kelly Clarkson began "The Dance," showcasing her powerful voice, initially without the accompaniment of instruments. Her beautiful tone hit Brooks, and he closed his eyes and takes in the performance. When Clarkson wrapped, Brooks leaped from his chair. "Whooo!" he hollered and placed his hand over his mouth in awe of the original "American Idol" winner.
James Taylor's take on "The River" made Brooks toss his head back in disbelief. Again, tears welled, which he wiped as Taylor sang "'Til what we put off until tomorrow, has become yesterday." And when Jimmie Allen treated the audience to "Friends in Low Places," Brooks couldn't help but get up from his seat. He appeared to mouth to his wife, singer Trisha Yearwood, "Oh, I got to" before rising to his feet, causing others to follow suit and clap along.
Garth Brooks places his hands over his heart during the Kennedy Center Honors festivities. Brooks got visibly choked up, once more, when Gladys Knight appeared to close his tribute with "We Shall Be Free." The two exchanged I love yous, and when Brooks wasn't watching hand over mouth, he was up and singing along. Knight said "I love that song!" before Brooks blew kisses to her on stage.
Happy birthday, Gladys Knight! See her life in pictures
Julie Andrews honors her 'endlessly kind' co-star Paying honor to Van Dyke's many talents, the star's tribute packed in singing, dancing and praise from past co-stars.
Van Dyke's "Bye Bye Birdie" castmate Chita Rivera described him as "Pure joy." Lin-Manuel Miranda, who acted with Van Dyke in "Mary Poppins Returns" said: "Spend five minutes with Dick Van Dyke and you're more alive than you were before."
And the lauding by Van Dyke's "Mary Poppins" co-star Julie Andrews provided all of the feels. She described the talent as "endlessly kind, wildly imaginative, insanely talented and hilariously funny."
Julie Andrews pays tribute to her "Mary Poppins" co-star, Kennedy Center Honoree Dick Van Dyke. She reflected on their friendship that began more than 50 years ago, comparing her pal to Mary Poppins: "Although in truth, I think that Dick is as magical as she is."
The "Sound of Music" star added that like his "Mary Poppins" role Bert, Van Dyke is "an artist, a one-man band, a profound philosopher, a high-stepping showman, and spreader of charm." Bringing it home she said, "Every day is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious with you, Dick."
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Sturgill Simpson's 'House of the Rising Sun' Joan Baez, a folk singer known for her protest anthems, enjoyed performances from Rhiannon Giddens and Dirk Powell, along with Emmylou Harris and Mary Chapin Carpenter, who sang a medley of her hits.
Another standout is Sturgill Simpson's performance of "House of the Rising Sun," covered on Baez's debut album.
Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello introduced Simpson and praised Baez as "a tireless and uncompromising advocate for human rights and social justice." Simpson showed off his deep-to-the-point-of-hauntingly beautiful voice in the cover and Baez swayed back and forth while listening to his rendition.
Vivian Nixon, center, and Phylicia Rashad, far right, were on-hand to celebrate their loved one, Debbie Allen. It's a family affair for Debbie Allen Allen's sister, "Cosby Show" star Phylicia Rashad and Allen's daughter, dancer Vivian Nixon, joined the fête that included the flattering words of singer/choreographer Paula Abdul, "Black-ish" star Tracee Ellis Ross and TV producer Shonda Rhimes, as well as musical numbers from "Dreamgirls" actress Anika Noni Rose and "High School Musical" star Vanessa Hudgens.
"I've known Debbie Allen all her life," Rashad, the older sister, began in her tribute, "She is as she has always been: Full of love and joy. She's a dreamer who makes her dreams come true through determination and great work. No mountain is too high to climb, no pebble too small to pay attention to."
Nixon joined a group of dancers, who performed to numbers from the musical "Sweet Charity," for which Allen received a Tony Award nod for actress in a musical in 1986.
Story from Alkermes A veteran discusses his journey from alcohol dependence The consequences of Rob’s drinking were piling up. His wife filed for divorce. Family stopped including him in events. And now, facing a second DUI, his livelihood as a truck driver was slipping away. See More → Bette Midler raves over 'powerhouse' Midori Midler appeared to show support for her friend, whom Midler worked with on the charitable organization Midori & Friends.
"Although the lovely Midori appears dainty and small, make no mistake. She is a giant and a powerhouse," said Midler.
"In the pantheon of musical legends, she stands shoulder-to-shoulder, chin rest to chin rest with the greatest violinists of all time," the "Beaches" star continued, before referencing her time in the play "Fiddler on the Roof." "I'm someone who knows a thing or two about fiddlers on roofs and off," she cracked.
Phylicia Rashad named new dean of Howard College of Fine Arts
If tomorrow never comes, the artists paying tribute to Brooks will know exactly how much he loved them. The high-energy performer couldn't help but let his emotion show in Sunday's special.
Tears formed in Brooks' eyes as Kelly Clarkson began "The Dance," showcasing her powerful voice, initially without the accompaniment of instruments. Her beautiful tone hit Brooks, and he closed his eyes and takes in the performance. When Clarkson wrapped, Brooks leaped from his chair. "Whooo!" he hollered and placed his hand over his mouth in awe of the original "American Idol" winner.
James Taylor's take on "The River" made Brooks toss his head back in disbelief. Again, tears welled, which he wiped as Taylor sang "'Til what we put off until tomorrow, has become yesterday." And when Jimmie Allen treated the audience to "Friends in Low Places," Brooks couldn't help but get up from his seat. He appeared to mouth to his wife, singer Trisha Yearwood, "Oh, I got to" before rising to his feet, causing others to follow suit and clap along.
Brooks got visibly choked up, once more, when Gladys Knight appeared to close his tribute with "We Shall Be Free." The two exchanged I love yous, and when Brooks wasn't watching hand over mouth, he was up and singing along. Knight said "I love that song!" before Brooks blew kisses to her on stage.
Van Dyke's "Bye Bye Birdie" castmate Chita Rivera described him as "Pure joy." Lin-Manuel Miranda, who acted with Van Dyke in "Mary Poppins Returns" said: "Spend five minutes with Dick Van Dyke and you're more alive than you were before."
And the lauding by Van Dyke's "Mary Poppins" co-star Julie Andrews provided all of the feels. She described the talent as "endlessly kind, wildly imaginative, insanely talented and hilariously funny."
She reflected on their friendship that began more than 50 years ago, comparing her pal to Mary Poppins: "Although in truth, I think that Dick is as magical as she is."
The "Sound of Music" star added that like his "Mary Poppins" role Bert, Van Dyke is "an artist, a one-man band, a profound philosopher, a high-stepping showman, and spreader of charm." Bringing it home she said, "Every day is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious with you, Dick."
Joan Baez, a folk singer known for her protest anthems, enjoyed performances from Rhiannon Giddens and Dirk Powell, along with Emmylou Harris and Mary Chapin Carpenter, who sang a medley of her hits.
Another standout is Sturgill Simpson's performance of "House of the Rising Sun," covered on Baez's debut album.
Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello introduced Simpson and praised Baez as "a tireless and uncompromising advocate for human rights and social justice." Simpson showed off his deep-to-the-point-of-hauntingly beautiful voice in the cover and Baez swayed back and forth while listening to his rendition.
Allen's sister, "Cosby Show" star Phylicia Rashad and Allen's daughter, dancer Vivian Nixon, joined the fête that included the flattering words of singer/choreographer Paula Abdul, "Black-ish" star Tracee Ellis Ross and TV producer Shonda Rhimes, as well as musical numbers from "Dreamgirls" actress Anika Noni Rose and "High School Musical" star Vanessa Hudgens.
"I've known Debbie Allen all her life," Rashad, the older sister, began in her tribute, "She is as she has always been: Full of love and joy. She's a dreamer who makes her dreams come true through determination and great work. No mountain is too high to climb, no pebble too small to pay attention to."
Nixon joined a group of dancers, who performed to numbers from the musical "Sweet Charity," for which Allen received a Tony Award nod for actress in a musical in 1986
Midler appeared to show support for her friend, whom Midler worked with on the charitable organization Midori & Friends.
"Although the lovely Midori appears dainty and small, make no mistake. She is a giant and a powerhouse," said Midler.
"In the pantheon of musical legends, she stands shoulder-to-shoulder, chin rest to chin rest with the greatest violinists of all time," the "Beaches" star continued, before referencing her time in the play "Fiddler on the Roof." "I'm someone who knows a thing or two about fiddlers on roofs and off," she cracked.
Phylicia Rashad named new dean of Howard College of Fine Arts
The Kennedy Center Honors returned Sunday bestowing rainbow-ribbon threaded medallions on entertainment icons during festivities that aired at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.
Emmy, Grammy and Tony award winner Dick Van Dyke; legendary country artist Garth Brooks; multi-hyphenate Debbie Allen; singer/activist Joan Baez and violinist Midori, were honored late last month in a ceremony reconfigured for pandemic times.
Typically aired in December, the main celebration was filmed over days, sometimes outdoors and in front of smaller audiences across Washington, D.C.'s iconic John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Throughout the two-hour special, hosted by Kennedy Center honoree Gloria Estefan, the year's guests were revered by stars like Bradley Cooper, John Travolta, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Tracee Ellis Ross.
Here are some the evening's best moments, tributes and performances:
Garth Brooks, Dick Van Dyke, more receive Kennedy Center Honors in short, small ceremony
If tomorrow never comes, the artists paying tribute to Brooks will know exactly how much he loved them. The high-energy performer couldn't help but let his emotion show in Sunday's special.
Tears formed in Brooks' eyes as Kelly Clarkson began "The Dance," showcasing her powerful voice, initially without the accompaniment of instruments. Her beautiful tone hit Brooks, and he closed his eyes and takes in the performance. When Clarkson wrapped, Broo
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3one3 · 7 years
The Sequel - 872
André Schürrle, Juan Mata, other Chelsea/BVB players, and random awesome OC’s (okay they’re less random now but they’re still pretty awesome)
original epic tale
all chapters of The Sequel
“You know what sucks about ending one’s relationship with a major fashion house? No more invitations to parties that warrant ball gowns. I want to wear a dress and go to a party that takes three hours to get ready for. Take me to a party, boyfriend.”
“No parties until this is healed, otherwise you can’t wear a sexy open back dress.”
“Stop picking at it.”
A week after the nasty altercation with the tree branch, Christina’s wound was scabbed over and surrounded by yellowish brown post-bruise skin that didn’t much hurt anymore. The area was healed enough that André could touch it, and trace the crooked mark with his finger, and try to peel away the scabs at the smallest end. She made him lie nearly flat across the long part of the living room couch instead of reclining down the chaise in his usual spot so that she could lie on top of him and still see the TV, on which they watched her downloaded American coverage of the Emmy awards from the night before. She put the smallest throw pillow on his chest and had no problem resting on her cheek to watch the show, but the player didn’t like craning his neck all the way to the left to watch it, and didn’t really care about the dresses and tuxedos and hairdos anyway. He watched the top of her head and her back instead, and felt all over with his palms while she commented on the looks, laughed at the host, and scoffed at the unfunny jokes provided for and badly delivered by the presenters.
“Take me to one anyway. There are tons of amazing, chic gowns in the world that look amazing and chic without showing rib cleavage, waist, or mid-back.”
“Rib cleavage,” André laughed, moving his fingertip to travel over the faint bumps of the ribs in question. “I’m sure Tim can find some charity gala if you want to wear a gown.”
“That might be the most rich-person thing you’ve ever said,” the very large paperweight holding him down chuckled back.
“You told me everyone in New York gives to charity just to go to the galas.”
“They do.”
“Well I think you look nice in this bra thing, and no hairdo.”
“Bralette, and Luke did my hair.”
“You let him use a hot curling iron?”
“No. He braided my hair for me when it was wet. Do you think my boobs would look saggy if I wore a dress with the neckline down to my belly button like that?” Christina squinted at a sparkly red, full frontal gown on the award show stage and wondered if a bustier woman could get away with the same style without falling out.
“No. I think they’d look sexy as hell. Under-boob is so hot. But you’d need a dress that lets them be loose and natural. That dress is squishing her tits flat.” André poked at the side of her right breast, which was definitely also squished, but not because her comfortable bra top was tight. “To be honest, I prefer them just naked, no dress.”
Me too, his girl silently agreed. I don’t notice boobs in clothes but sometimes I think naked ones look nice. And I like when mine are freeeeee, naked or otherwise. I also like the way he looks at them when they’re naked though. And touches them. And kisses them. She thought absently back to the morning before, when her husband was able to stay in bed late because it was a matchday and he still couldn’t play and there was no training at Brackel. The equestrian trainer had no lessons to teach either, and Lukas was sleeping in because he stayed up late Saturday night to go to the Oktoberfest party at the stable next door. They did an in-house horse show during the afternoon and then the lesson riders took part in drill team performances, put on comedy sketches that included their horses, and competed in tandem races, in which three riders tried to do a combination of staying side by side as evenly as possible, even over jumps, and doing perfect mirror image turns and fences while separated. There was grilled food, a bonfire, live music, cornhole, and excessive beer drinking for those not riding or finished in the saddle for the day. Christina was invited to judge the horse show, which she enjoyed very much, and then André brought his mini-me over to enjoy the festivities. He had a great time, and was sure to need the extra sleep in the morning. His parents used the morning to get connected. Breasts and hands were particularly well connected. Christina liked that.
“I don’t know who most of these actors are,” the recovering Bee yawned.
“Me neither. I think we’ve seen all the gowns by now. Do you want to watch something else? Did you want to watch the match, or do you all go over it together during the week?” His girl wanted him to say he wanted to watch Borussia Dortmund vs. Köln again. They watched it together live, in the stadium, but she knew that was different than seeing it on TV, and she knew he would say things on the couch that he couldn’t or wouldn’t say at Signal Iduna Park. She wanted to hear them.
“I’ll get to see plenty of it again in meetings. Are your legs getting hot? My legs are sweating,” he complained. There was a cashmere blanket treating them like burrito filling from the waist down. Christina shifted to get up, and free them from the blanket for some fresh air if she could without disturbing the Toy Fox Terriers also nesting in it. “Where you going?” André questioned with what his wife deemed a hilarious level of urgency. He used both hands to hold her waist too so that she couldn’t move.
“I was just going to ventilate,” she assured him with a smile.
“I can do that without you moving. No moving.” He let go to slide his palms over her butt and collect some of the blanket to open up and drape over the dogs and onto the back cushions. Fresh air felt great. His wife’s body went into thermonuclear runaway at times for various reasons- overtiredness, too much sun, PMS, illness, anger- and even just sitting too close to her could be like lounging in front of a blast furnace. Physical contact could result in melting. As a perpetually cold person, André usually liked the standard, reasonable amount of warmth she provided on, next to, or in a blanket with him, but her overheating could be really uncomfortable. He was fighting his rising temperature to keep her close because she seemed calm, and peaceful, and content, and historically passed those things on to him by proximity. He also liked the weight of her on his body. It was satisfying. Her breathing was a primal comfort. And the extra-quiet voice she used because they were so close was inherently sweeter sounding than her regular conversational volume.
“In exchange for not moving, can you rub my lower back?” Christina lay her head back down on the thin, rectangular pillow and winced at the tugging sensation in her spine. It actually felt good, but good was accompanied by short, sharp pain.
“Have you ever considered acupuncture? For any or all of your ailments?”
“No, not really. I like when you use the word “ailments”.”
“Why don’t you try it? Can’t hurt.”
“Yeah, how could sticking a bunch of needles in my body possibly hurt?”
“It doesn’t! I’ve had many times. The Chelsea doctors use it a lot.”
“I hurt my wrist today too.”
“Doing what?”
“Rub harder.”
André pushed his longish fingertips into either side of her spine, right above the tag sticking up out of her underwear. He made a circular motion with them, like a DJ winding back a very small record. Each hand circled in a different direction but both pushed inward toward the vertebrae. It really wasn’t her actual spine that hurt- just the muscles helping to hold it up. The Olympian had a beautiful seat with silky, fluid softness, and that requires strength and discipline. Christina always had trouble explaining that contradiction to new riders. They often didn’t understand how strength and its connotation of rigidity could help one follow and give with the horse more. Weakness means bracing against movement to stay upright, or to hold an angle. Bracing against movement destroys rhythm, feel, and the ability to use the body to influence the horse. To ride as if her butt and legs were fused with her mount, Christina needed as much core strength as he needed in his topline and hindquarter to perform her asks. But since not every stride is about grace and synchronicity, she needed upper body strength too, through her shoulders, and in her arms, for wrestling their inner demons and their exuberance, and in her calves to moderate her signals precisely, act as a powerful rudder for their momentum, and use pressure to dictate the volume of the energy in every step. She didn’t know any professional riders without chronic pain in at least one of those areas, and occasionally wondered how some of the older top riders put up with it for so long. Forty years of lower back pain seemed exceptionally self-loathing. The frequency of the wondering increased during the period she and everyone close to her identified as her chance to figure out what would come next.
“It’s kind of weird to be pushing so hard on you like this in this position and not also be inside you.”
“Do you want to be?” she yawned, chin on her pillow so she could see her masseur.
“Not really. Last night you couldn’t sleep, you’re black and blue around your joints, you’re achy, you’re wearing a bra when you don’t have to be, and you’re hotter than dragon’s breath. Your period is coming tomorrow or the next day, and that means today you’re the least horny girl in Germany and it would take so long to get you off that it wouldn’t even be enjoyable.”
“My head also hurts. Don’t forget that part.” It’s kinda cute how husbands know all the signs, the sleepy rider reflected. You don’t even have to announce that your period is coming and complain, because they already know. Boyfriends don’t usually know. Well, Juanin does, I think. Anyway, some girls put a hot water bottle or a heating pad on their uterus. I just put my uterus on my husband. Same effect, really.
“Do I need to rub that when I’m done down here?”
“Nah. But since you brought up dragon’s breath, I have some news.”
“Oh god.”
“You know how I joked about changing Dirkmeister’s name to Dracarys? I briefly entertained the idea of changing Dylan’s name instead- like his show name, since I can’t change his registered name and it has to be a Q name anyway. But I like Qué Qualität. Soooo then-“ Christina paused to yawn, and André smiled inside about the way she spoke. It was as if she were just reporting dialogue from inside her head- quickly, unconvincingly, without any persuasive eye contact, etc. He sometimes fantasized about getting some magical chance to be in her head for just a few minutes to see what it was like, and if everything moved even faster in there and less coherently. He wondered if she was as rambling inside as her inner monologue seemed when it spilled out due to excitement and impatience or tiredness. The shortcut was a “careful what you wish for” thing for him though, because organically learning about the contents of her head was his favorite thing. “Then Tom and I debated calling Navarra’s next baby Dracarys, because there aren’t any important naming rules for him if we’re going to register him as a Hanoverian. THEN I was like “Oooooo, I know!” We can call Navarra and Nick’s foal Viserion, which was one of Dany’s dragons- her “White Dragon”. The foal could be a gray. And Nicky’s real name starts with a V too, even though it doesn’t matter. But Tom said to wait until I finish catching up on Thrones and get current, so now I’m afraid Viserion is going to turn some character I like into barbecue or something.”
“I don’t like that name.” The footballer and forced Game of Thrones watcher shook his head and took it upon himself to try to rid his girl of her headache despite her earlier answer. He gently fed his fingers into her hair from the front, around her face, and slid them to the back to massage her scalp. “I think you should wait until you have another Dirk baby and call that one Dracarys, because he’s like your dragon, and the most important thing about a dragon is his fire, and Dirk’s fire will live on in his babies, yeah?”
“D’ya’know’what? Sometimes you’re exactly like Jon Snow,” the mother of horses without dragon names proclaimed very solemnly, sitting up just a little. “You know nothing, but because you’re so good inside you get to the right answer anyway, and you always have this reason for it that sounds deep at first but is actually so simple, and good. I love that about you. So much.”
“I’m not very good with a sword, and you stop having sex with me when my hair gets too long for your liking, Prinzessin.” André winked at her and played it cool on the outside. Inside, he was thrilled to hear that there was still an inherent quality about him that she loved, and not just things he did. Most of her “favorite things” weren’t character traits like that, but consequences of different ones. His intuition was something that could only be his, and which no one could change.
“That’s okay.” Christina put her cheek back on the pillow and sighed. “Jon Snow is always trying to get himself killed, and occasionally succeeding. I prefer my partner safe and sound.”
“And he’s like 5’8”.”
“I don’t mind short heroes.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” Ow, the pretender exclaimed to himself when she deftly, but gently, smacked him in the face without even looking. It really didn’t hurt. There was no need for an “ow”, aloud or otherwise. That response was just instinctive. It was followed with a small chuckle. Christina might not have found his Juan joke funny, but he sure did.  
“I’ve never heard of any of these shows. Do we watch less TV than everyone else, or are we watching the wrong TV?”
“I don’t know. You always say you can’t follow too many series because you’re not home to watch them week after week and they’re not on the same night or same time in the different countries you go. We have like hundreds of shows saved on the box,” André snorted, letting go of her head to feel around on the chaise for the remote control. “Aren’t a lot of the shows that are winning on Netflix and Amazon and things?”
“Yeah. I don’t have time for that. My regular old American network shows are coming back soon, aaaaand I’m gonna be able to watch a lot of them at home this fall instead of on planes and in hotels.”
“How is the charter pilot going to feed his family if you don’t go anywhere?”
“I don’t fly private that often!”
“You’re using it in a couple of days to go to Rome!”
“And it’s the first time in over a month. And I’m only doing it because I have to take the whole squad, including your parents. Plus Spencer and Lucky don’t like having to stay in bags under a seat. They get their own seats on the jet.”
“They had no idea how lucky they were that I decided to take you on a picnic at the horse trial. Imagine the life they’d have if some poor person adopted them instead.”
“They wouldn’t care. As long as the person loved them and took care of them and let them sleep on them then they’d be happy.”
“You used to be the same.”
“Still am.”
“No comment.”
“Heyyyy.” The rider lifted her head again to glare more directly at her contradictory husband. He was smiling at her. That didn’t make her less upset at the insinuation that her happiness was much more complicated than her dogs’. That’s not fair, she complained. All I need is to be loved, looked after, and snuggled. He doesn’t always act like he loves me, and he doesn’t always look after me very well. Sometimes he’s very bad at that.
“Calm down,” he replied dismissively. “You’re going to get even hotter if you get all excited. I’m already melting here.”
“I didn’t mean anything by it. Just playing. Here, why don’t you get rid of this pillow and come up this way.” The Dortmund man wriggled the throw pillow from under her chin and then patted near his shoulder to invite her to rest her head there instead. Christina went without a word, in protest or otherwise, and he let his own head tip over to rest his temple against her. He closed both arms around her upper body too, and gave her a mild, lingering squeeze. One of the black, white, and tan creatures stirred against his leg because Christina’s 6” move northward moved one of her legs away from them. “I’m very happy when I get to love you, take care of you, and have you sleep on me,” he told her, his words slightly muffled by her hair. “I’ll always be happy as long as I have that- doesn’t matter what else isn’t right.”
“You’re sappy tonight.” And lying. Or...romanticizing the situation. He’s always had the ability to love me, take care of me, and let me sleep on him, she thought. He’s not always happy. In fact, he’s rarely that happy lately. Those are nice lines to say, but they’re inauthentic.
“Your hair doesn’t smell very good tonight.”
“It was stuffed in a helmet for 6 hours so I would expect not.”
“What’s tomorrow? Riding and teaching all day?”
“Yeah, and then I have a date with Jon and Dany. I’m finally going to see them bang in context, and then I’ll probably spend the rest of the night fantasizing about being in bed with Jon Snow. He got so hot this season. I just- Ugh,” Christina growled. “The way he looks at her. The way he looks when he’s being all noble and honorable and strong and fucking perfect. Ten out of 10, would smash.”
“Are you sure the period isn’t already here? Are you past Miserable, Suffering, Desert Vagina, No Sex Drive PMS Prinzessin and already into Very Horny, Very Orgasmic But Bleeding Everywhere Prinzessin?”
“Yes, I’m sure. He’s just really sexy. Like you used to be.”
“You’re so old now, and wrinkly.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you know what my favorite part of Thrones is?”
“The dwarf. You identify with him so much,” André sniggered. He was making a short joke, but really he thought the character was the one most like his wife. He was incredibly intelligent and forever trying to compensate for disappointing his family, incredibly clever and forever trying to brain his way out of difficult situations. He was funny and dry, but kind, and big-hearted. The player suspected she liked him best, despite her obsession with Jon Snow and admiration of Daenerys.
“No. The scything electronic sound effect they always use right before Drogon is about to spit fire at someone. It’s so badass. I now hear it in my head every time I’m about to jump something. I keep meaning to see if they got a new music director at some point. I forget where, but some episode, maybe the end of season 6, feels like the first time the music is actually noticeable and significant. I always wondered before that why music wasn’t used more.”
“You have the most obsessive personality of anyone I’ve ever met.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re sure your favorite thing isn’t that all the most powerful and intelligent characters are little tiny people?”
“I suppose you’ll want to be Daenerys for Halloween, yeah?”
“I dunno. It’s not even October yet.”
“Then is it too soon to ask if you’re doing Halloween here or going to London for Eden’s party?”
Christina didn’t answer right away, and that left plenty of time for André to contemplate all the reasons he asked the question. If she decided to go to the annual party back home in London, it would of course be to have fun with Natasha, see other friends, and catch up with Yannis and Leo. But it would of course also be to see Juan, and it would probably involve staying a couple of nights with Juan. The Spaniard was not a frequent topic of conversation over the past week, which was a bit out of the norm for recent times. André was pleased about it, but curious. Juan just didn’t come up. Usually Christina couldn’t help but mention him one way or another, and usually her partner couldn’t help but let his jealousy conjure the Chelsea man in his head all the time even without her bringing him up. He also didn’t “catch” her texting him, or talking to him on the phone all week. He was sure they still communicated plenty, but she was either trying to be considerate about not doing it in front of his face, or they were talking less. André didn’t want to consider that his wife could have consciously hid her communications with Juan because she didn’t want him to know about them for some malicious reason. It was more satisfying to believe he just wasn’t on her mind as much.  
“I dunno,” she shrug-yawned. She turned her head the other way too, to give her neck a break. “I haven’t thought about it. I’m going there for Nat’s birthday right before that.” Thanks to her, the Bee’s electric razor had sharp blades again, and she poked her left pointer into his neatly trimmed beard on his chin. Rather than buying new heads for the device, the industrious girl took care of the problem herself with the help of some Google-sourced DIY instructions. “Do me a favor, okay?” she prompted quite quietly, and with more seriousness than the rest of the conversation warranted. Her change made him anxious.
“Don’t keep pushing me to answer things about the future- even the soon-future. I want to take my time getting there, while I can.”
“I’ll do my best, Prinzessin.”
“You understand what I mean, right?”
“I think so, yes.”
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