#watched 126 Hours the other night
viperixsworld · 2 months
Born to die
━━ Benjicot Blackwood x oc
Chapther two: proposal
Year 126 A.C
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Benjicot Blackwood remembered little of his mother. He remembered slightly wavy, honey-coloured hair, and large, expressive eyes that he himself had inherited. He was six years old when she died. He remembered that she had a good heart, everyone at Raventree Hall adored her. Soldiers, servants, cooks, grooms, stable hands, all charmed by Lady Blackwood.
Ten years had passed since a terrible fever had taken her. Ben's father, Samwell Blackwood, Lord of Raventree Hall, wept by the bedside. It was the first and last time he had seen him cry. He was a good guy, respected by his men and vassals. Not so much by the neighbours, as one might say. The Brackens didn't like him much.
But then, the Brackens don't even respect themselves.
And neither did Ben.
The Well Tavern was a place frequented by men between the Red Fork and the Blue Fork. Both Bracken's and Blackwood's. The owner of this tavern, an old man with one eye and three golden teeth, had forbidden them to fight in his establishment.
There they were that spring night, Ben Blackwood and two of his loyal friends, Corvin and Jon. Both boys from Blackwood's house, both of whom he had known since he was born. His father considered him young to frequent such places, for it was not good for a young lord's reputation. But that did not detract from the fact that he did it anyway.
It was fun, the festive atmosphere and the drunken tales. Ben had had two pints, not enough to get him drunk, but enough to be amused by the nonsense a much drunker Corvin was spewing from his mouth.
"...and then the bloke said "but that's not where to put it" "cackled the young man.
The whole table erupted in laughter and banging. Ben slapped Jon on the back as he nearly choked on his beer. That brought more laughter to the Blackwood men's table. But the revelry ended as soon as the tavern doors burst open.
The place fell silent, the musicians abruptly gave way, and the men at the table turned their gazes to the doors.
Aeron Bracken and six men in golden colours and a red stallion. They seized a table and called the barkeeper, under the watchful eyes of the Blackwoods. The tension could be cut with a dagger, not even the best beer in the Arbor could lighten the mood.
Ben sipped his beer, one hand near his belt where he held a sword and another knife strapped to his back camouflaged in his clothes.
Then one of the Brackens bumped into a drunken Jon. The young stable boy was considerably small compared to the Bracken man, who stood there staring at him.
The two collided forehead to forehead, foot to foot. Ben rose from his seat, in an attempt to separate his friend from the Bracken bouncer.
"That's it! My friend and I go that way and you go this way".
"Are you scared, Blackwood?" teased Aeron.
"I don't feel like smashing your face in a tavern, Bracken," he replied, "We're leaving".
Aeron also stood up and unsheathed his sword, aiming it at Benjicot's back. Blackwood stood still. He had been told to stay away from fighting, to save his strength and momentum for his lessons and important battles to come, and not to waste them in taverns with childish brawls.
He took Jon by the shoulders, to take him to the table with his other friends and leave the dreaded tavern. The hour was late, tomorrow would be a new day and the alcohol was beginning to dampen morale.
"And little Benji comes running back to his mummy's skirts" mocked one of the Bracken boys "Oh wait!, that's right, his bitch of a mother has been in hell for years now, like all the Blackwood heathens".
His father was going to be very angry.
It took a second for the tavern to turn into a pitched battle. Grab what you can and hit the enemy with it. A classic Blackwood versus Bracken as usual since the age of the Heroes.
The offence against the late Lady Blackwood and the ancient gods could not be retaliated against by the lords of Raventree Hall. Jim, the landlord of the tavern, tried to calm the shouting match, trying to move the quarrel out of the establishment at least.
Corvin saw the disadvantage. There were seven of them against the three men from Blackwood House. The boy lifted Jon off the floor, kicking a drunk who had thrown himself on top of him.
"You go get the horses, I'll grab..."
A circle formed where the Brackens were previously seated. Shouts of fighting echoed off the stone walls. Jon looked at Corvin with concern. The latter nudged the former, indicating his previous order, as he reached for the young lord.
Ben was in the middle of the bloody circle. Straddling a Bracken, the one who had dared to speak ill of his mother, brutally beating his face, to the point that Corvin couldn't tell which of them it was.
After that beating, not even the bastard's mother could recognise him.
The boy tried to get Ben's attention, but his young lord seemed possessed by rage. Bracken blood splattered on his face, his gaze unfocused, his tongue between his teeth in an almost satisfied grimace.
"Ben! Oi! Come on, mate!"
Corvin grabbed his master by the shoulders, trying to lift him off the Bracken before he sent him to his false gods. Dodging a blow, Ben seemed to snap out of his reverie.
"Come on, let's get out of here, mate," Corvin pointed, guiding the boy towards the exit.
Outside, Jon was waiting with the horses. Once saddled, the three rode into the night along the road to Raventree Hall. They reached the entrance to the Blackwood ancestral home as the sun rose over the horizon.
The sun was rising in the east and Lucrezcia had not slept a wink all night.
A ringing in her ears, the spring heat made her sweat, and her quarters in Oldtown were ugly to say the least.
Her only solace was the company of Lady Blackwood. Alyssane had accompanied them from Honeyholt to Oldtown on their quest to find a new master for their house. Along the way, she had advised her and told her all about her home.
The stories about the Riverlands had become a moment of peace amidst the relentless search for husbands. Between dates and teas, Aly and Lucrezcia would go out riding to clear their heads.
Her father had finally managed to get his wonderful horse from the island by boat. A dornish stallion with a black coat and white mane, as big as a carriage and as strong as a bull.
Lucrezcia had named him Maegor.
"... I thought all Riverlands practised the faith of the Seven," questioned Lucrezcia.
"The Blackwoods are an ancient house descended of the First Men. Family traditions state they ruled most of the wolfswood in the north before being driven south by the Kings of Winter from House Stark" replied Alyssane "Then Blackwood river kings claimed the mouth of the Blackwater Rush".
Everything she learned fascinated her.
She felt like a little girl, eager for knowledge, full of curiosity. The many septas she had had throughout her life had not focused on teaching her history. The basics, the Age of Heroes, Aegon's conquest, Maegor's wars of faith, Jahaerys's reign.
They never delved into other houses, let alone other kingdoms, or maybe they did, but Lucrezcia was more interested in ignoring them.
"My father says that the First Men were barbarians and do not accept true religion while worshipping false gods".
"That's rich coming from an Andal" said Aly.
"My mother was an Ironborn, actually" Lucrezcia said.
Alyssane listened carefully. It is true that the absence of a mother or lady of the house was noticeable. It was the father who chose the suitor, but it was the mother who instructed the daughters in the way of marriage. And the lack of maternal presence was very clear in Lucrezcia's attitude. Her manner and demeanour, Alyssane wondered if she had mastered a weapon of some kind, as she had with the bow.
"You don't talk about her much," Aly mentioned.
Lucrezcia seemed to tense up, as if she had spoken too much. Just because she thought a lot about her mother did not mean she wanted to talk about her. No one at home did. Her father seemed to have forgotten all trace of her. Livia was already married when she left, Patricia had barely stopped feeding at her mother's breast.
Olga could barely stand Lucrezcia, so she wasn't much of a support.
"She... she's gone" she murmured "Not that she was a very loving person, anyway...".
Alyssane didn't want to stretch the conversation any further, seeing the change in the young woman's attitude.
"She taught me how to ride though," Lucrezcia blurted out to the riverwoman's surprise. "She gave me the first puppy, it was a breed from the crown lands. We trained him together... his name is Vinn, after the vineyards".
"What a ridiculous name," laughed Black Aly.
Lucrezcia nudged her horse.
"I was eight! I thought it was original!"
They both laughed and Alyssane decided it was a good time to put her plan into action.
"You know, my nephew enjoys hunting too, though no more than his sword, damn him."
"You have a nephew?"
"Benjicot Blackwood, heir to Raventree Hall".
"Benjicot? Now that is a ridiculous name".
Now it was Aly who nudge her horse. A little bit stronger.
"I jest! I jest..." laughed Lucrezcia. A spike of curiosity tingled down her spine. "And what is he like?".
"He's just turned six and ten, he's as tall as the weirwood tree, the damn kid, and very strong. He's been in a few little battles, against bloody Brackens, at least," mentioned Aly "But between you and me, he's a nice kid, pretty shy to tell you the truth."
Blackwood could feel the curiosity shooting out of Lucrezcia's eyes.
"I could introduce you to him."
Lucrezcia shook her head, drawing out the little birds.
"And why would you do that?"
They had arrived at the Hightower stables in Oldtown. Alyssane unsaddled her horse and handed it to a groom, while Lucrezcia still watched her from the height Maegor provided.
"Take it as a favour, he's young and you may have more in common with him than with Daryl Florent".
Alyssane winked goodbye and left the young woman speechless. She watched her walk away towards the High Tower gates.
Lucrezcia's mind was soon racing.
Ben's bloody nose was playing tricks on him. They still had no maester and had to make do with the healing wiles of Bessie, the cook and housekeeper.
The hall was tense with silence. Lord Samwell stood at the head of the table, while Ben sat at the other end, with Jon and Corvin on either side of him.
With the pain in his head from the blow, he struggled to distinguish his friends. Bess had given him a cloth with very cold water to bring down the swelling in his nose, the water dripping from which mixed with the blood in his nose. He felt iron in his mouth, and could not help the urge to spit.
Father was lecturing him, as well as his friends, who crestfallenly responded with "yes, my lord" and "sorry, my lord". All this while Ben tried to focus his eyes on his father.
"Tavern brawls, this is where it's come to" the man said "I didn't raise a drunken brawler, I raised a future lord, a warrior!" he slammed his hand on the table, startling Ben "You have responsibilities, and you don't fulfil them by getting into trouble.
"They were Brackens," Ben replied.
Samwell fell silent. His wrinkled eyes narrowed in his son's direction. The feud with the Brackens was centuries old, many barely remember the beginning of it. Each day of the other's life was a threat to the other. Grover Tully, Lord of Riverrun, their overlord, was old and his attempts at peace between the houses were faltering.
Any excuse was a good one for bloodshed.
And as things were going in the capital, war was coming.
And ravens and stallions would not fight for the same side.
Samwell was aware of this. But he knew he had time to prepare himself and his house for a war until the dragons decided to dance. And if he could keep the peace with Stone Hedge until then, so be it. For his son's life was worth more than any battle.
He was not so sure that son was aware of that.
"The winds change fast, my son. Someday you will realise that it pays more to protect your own than to fight with the enemy," said the Lord of Raventree. "We need a strong and secure future".
Corvin and Jon shared a look of intrigue at the direction of the conversation. Benjicot looked straight at his father.
"And you, my son, you shall settle down". Samwell pulled two parchments from his sleeve, one with a crimson seal, his own, and another with a purple seal that Ben did not recognise.
"Lads" the lord pointed to the two boys guarding his son. It was their cue to leave the father and son.
Both boys looked at each other and then saluted their master, to walk out the doors of the great hall.
Once alone, Ben pulled the wet cloth away from his face to listen to his father.
"Your aunt, Alyssane, has agreed with Lord Luther Redwyne on a very interesting proposition," he said. He stretched out the parchment of the unknown seal.
"Lord Luther Redwyne, Lord of the Arbor. One of the richest men in Westeros, offers the hand of his daughter, Lucrezcia Redwyne, with a dowry of six thousand gold dragons, two hundred of his men and a prolific trade agreement with the Isle of the Arbor" read Samwell.
"The hand... of his daughter" Ben repeated.
Ben's mind was faster than a dragon. His daughter's hand in marriage, he read the letter. Marriage. He was getting married. To a complete stranger. From another realm. Another faith. An unknown woman.
"Believe me, my boy" said the lord "This is a new beginning, for you and for..."
" They offer us men, for what purpose?" interrupted Ben.
"Gold and men bring security to a family," Samwell reminded him.
"Security against what? What's coming?".
Samwell put a hand on his son's shoulder, still seated.
"I want to see you happy, son. And I want grandchildren for my house that you won't beget in taverns."
"You think a woman will make me happy?"
"A wife ? Yes".
He patted his son on the back twice, before heading for the door of the great hall.
"You'll thank me one day".
"I have made a decision".
Lucrezcia had entered without warning the temporary office that Lord Ormund had offered her father during his stay in Oldtown.
Luther was going over the trade accounts from the last full moon. He looked up from the numbers to find his third daughter. Lucrezcia looked dishevelled, in her silk dressing gown and Lys nightdress. Her dirty blonde hair was tangled in what had once been a braid.
"And what decision would that be?"
Lucrezcia held her head high. Late at night, the only thing illuminating the dingy office were the candles. The light from the High Tower kept her awake. Alyssane had not visited her since their talk in the gardens, busy with her initial task of finding a maester for her household.
She had reconsidered all her options. Men of the Reach, of the Westerlands, but what appealed to her most, Alyssane's proposal.
A man from the Riverlands, who had no respect for the faith of the Seven.
Would that anger her father enough?
"I will marry Benjicot Blackwood"
tag list: @erysione @asteria33 @shifter-101 @drwho-ess @hotdxdragon @username199945 @nixtape-foryou @saturnssrings
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ironheartwriter · 2 months
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The Trade-Off
After adopting Lizzie the Australian Shepherd, turning their family of three into a family of four, TK and Carlos work out an agreement that Lizzie will go with TK to the firehouse during the day, and when TK has his twenty-fours, Carlos will pick her up to spend the night at home. But the trade off between them isn't always so quick.
Hi, hello, yes. This falls somewhere in the universe that me and @emsprovisions have apparently created post-canon, in which TK and Carlos have adopted an adorable Australian Shepherd named Lizzie. You can also find her here in an earlier drabble that Emily wrote.
Rating: T (mild touchy husband shenanigans, but nothing too explicit). Enjoy!
TK hovers somewhere between falling asleep and staying awake, his eyes closed, but completely aware of the sounds around him, not that there are many sounds to focus on at that point of the night. The 126 Crew, currently working a 24, had called it a night an hour or so earlier, and the room was full of the sounds of the others sleeping; Judd’s chainsaw-like snores, Mateo’s soft mumbles in his sleep, the slow, even breathing of Nancy directly to his left. He knew all of these sounds well, after so many years with his crew.
He was just starting to tip a little further to the side of sleep, when his bed suddenly started shaking, a soft jingling sound coming from the foot of his bed. One eye opens just a slit to see Lizzie the Australian Shepherd scratching at her ear. TK watches her for a moment before patting the bed beside his head, quietly motioning for her to come to him. Without hesitation, Lizzie moves from the foot of the bed, sniffs his face for a moment, before licking him, her tail thumping against his stomach.
“Down, Lizzie,” TK breathes, barely able to stop himself from laughing as the dog continues her attack on his face, knowing that the dog will hear him, but hopefully nobody else in the room will. After a moment, Lizzie obeys, curling up against his stomach with a sigh, as though she too were exhausted from having a very long day, “Good girl.”
Once she settles, TK relaxes again, his fingers brushing over her long, soft fur as his eyes close again. The weight of her pressing up against him was comforting in a way that TK couldn’t actually describe. He’s in a bunk room full of people, but nothing is as comforting as the presence of his dog, the steady sound of her breathing inches from his ears. It feels like only moments later that something by his head starts to vibrate once, twice, thrice….
With a low grunt, TK forces his eyes open once again to see My Soulmate lit up against a background picture of him and Carlos at their wedding. The time at the top of his phone reads just after midnight. Rather than answer the call, TK silences it, Lizzie looking at him in an almost expectant way, before he leans over and presses a kiss to the top of her soft, furry head, and starts to get up.
He swings his legs over the side of his bed, grabbing the hoodie at the foot of his bed that Lizzie had been sleeping on earlier. He pulls it on, leaving the hood up, before clicking his tongue at the dog to get her to follow him, grabbing her leash from the nightstand as they go. Lizzie follows obediently, regardless, having been doing well with her off-leash training the few weeks prior.
Once out of the bunk room, his phone starts buzzing again, and this time TK answers it without even glancing at the screen, “I’m coming, baby,” He says, failing to stifle a yawn as he heads for the stairs down to the main level. “We’ll be there in a sec.”
“No problem,” Carlos responds, sounding much more awake than TK felt in those moments. The sound of Carlos’s voice eases something deep within TK’s core, and has him breathing a little easier as he pads barefoot across the concrete floors, between the fire trucks and ambulance.
A blast of cool air hits TK hard in the face as he opens the side entrance to the firehouse, a low hiss escaping his lips a moment before they’re claimed by a set of warm, soft lips, strong hands winding around his back and pulling him close by the front of his hoodie. For a moment, TK forgets everything; his name, where he is, what day it is, allowing himself to get lost in the feel of the solid body now pressed against his own, his fingers tangling in damp, familiar curls as the scent of his husband fills his lungs. He goes boneless, his knees damn near buckling, as he’s carefully walked back into the firehouse, the door, and the cool air, being firmly shut behind Carlos.
He's damn thankful that the rest of the firehouse is asleep as Lizzie’s tail suddenly thumps hard against his leg, the dog starting to pant excitedly as she too becomes aware of Carlos’s presence in the firehouse, standing up against Carlos’s leg. Too soon for TK’s liking, Carlos pulls back just enough so their foreheads can rest against one another’s for a moment.
“Hey,” TK breathes, his momentarily disconnected mind starting to remember how to function once again, though his fingers remain tangled in Carlos’s hair. He would happily stay lost in this moment with Carlos forever. Who cared that he was technically on the clock? The tones weren’t going off, and with any luck, they wouldn’t for a while.
“Hi,” Carlos’s answering smile has TK’s heart stuttering all over again, a moment before Carlos leans down to greet Lizzie as well, leaving TK alone on his unstable legs, “And hello to you too, sweet girl,” He all but coos to Lizzie as he ruffles her fur. “Have you been taking care of your dad today?”
Lizzie answers with a soft woof, as though she too understood that it was not time to be loud, no matter how rapidly she was shaking her tail, along with the rest of her body. TK feels his heart swell as he watches the two interact. The first few weeks TK had found himself wondering if Carlos would manage to bond with Lizzie as well, and he couldn’t be more overjoyed at the fact that they had. He knew Carlos had claimed that his intention was to get TK a dog, but in TK’s mind, his intention had been to get them a dog. By some miracle, his plan had worked.
Lizzie might spend the days at the firehouse with him, but when they got home, she very much split her time with both of them. And on nights like tonight, when TK was on his twenty-four, and Carlos got off late, Carlos always came by to get her so she could spend the night at home with him. It worked out for both of them, really; TK got to see Carlos, and Carlos got to see him and bring Lizzie home for a few hours.
“She’s been great,” TK nods, drawing Carlos’s attention back to him. Carlos smiles as he stands again, his gaze soft as he looks TK up and down, his gaze lingering for a moment on his bare feet, TK already knowing what Carlos would say as soon as he could, “I’m not sleeping with socks on, babe. Don’t start with me.”
“Last I checked, you were awake,” Carlos quirks a brow at TK, the corners of his lips twitching as he fails to stop himself from smiling. “You were very,” He takes a step towards TK, and TK reflexively takes a step back, TK well aware of the fact that Carlos is now openly smirking at him, the asshole, “Very,” Another step forward, another step back, a low grunt escaping TK as his back comes in contact with the side of the 126 ambulance, “Awake.”
That’s all the warning TK gets before Carlos claims his lips again, licking into his mouth without any further hesitation, a hand against the ambulance on either side of TK, caging him in. TK’s mind snaps off once again in an instant as the taste of his husband dances across his tongue, Carlos’s hands pushing the hood of his sweatshirt down as his hands rest on either of his cheeks. His heart races, the leash dropping out of his hands with a clank as his fingers claw at Carlos’s back, wrenching up the back of his shirt so his fingers could slide against the smooth, burning plains of his husband’s back—
It's Carlos’s turn to hiss, his body shifting beneath the touch as though trying to escape it, but not actually wanting to put distance between the two of them, “And you’re going to tell me that you aren’t cold?” He murmurs against TK’s lips. “Your hands are freezing. I swear, TK, do you want to get sick or something?”
“And you’re warm,” TK points out, taking Carlos’s lower lip between his teeth before resting his fingers flat against Carlos’s back, causing his husband to shift closer to him, pressing him against the ambulance, as TK hoped he would, “More than warm enough to keep me warm too. But also, you know I’m on the clock and that tone can go off any second, right?”
“Oh please,” Carlos shakes his head before he tilts TK’s head to the side, pulls at his hood, and kisses TK’s neck, the paramedic shuddering as he feels Carlos’s teeth graze the sensitive column of his throat. “Like you wouldn’t drag me off to some dark corner or supply closet if I told you I was up for it. And you know I’m never going to apologize for taking a few minutes to remind my husband how much I miss him while I pick up our dog for the night.”
A low whine from Lizzie catches both of their attentions, Carlos lifting his head and TK’s eyes opening once again. Lizzie sits beside them, her tail sweeping across the concrete floor, the leash now in her mouth. A low chuckle escapes Carlos as he turns his attention back to TK, “I think our girl is ready to head home. And you really should try to go get some sleep too.”
“You expect me to go to sleep after you come in here sticking your tongue down my throat like that?” TK breathes, his eyes rolling so hard that they might get stuck at the audacity of Carlos in those moments. “God, you’re evil.”
“You love it,” Carlos winks at TK, giving him one final kiss to the forehead before pulling back. TK couldn’t argue that point with his husband even if he wanted to. He did love when Carlos left him breathless and weak in the knees, even if he didn’t finish the job. TK knows all too well that Carlos will make it up to him once they’re both home. He forces more air into his lungs as he watches Carlos bend for a moment to click Lizzie’s leash onto her collar, “Say good night to your dad, sweet girl. And remind him that he should put some socks on or something”
Lizzie half walks, half runs over to TK, who instantly kneels down and ruffles her fur before kissing the top of her head, “Be good for your other dad, Lizzie. Make sure he gets some sleep.”
Lizzie woofs softly once again in response, as though she understands her task, before she trots back over to Carlos’s side and he takes her leash, winding it around his hand. Carlos is back in his space a moment later for one final kiss, TK’s hands resting lightly on either side of him, “Go,” TK pushes Carlos half-heartedly before either of them can get the idea to move this make out session elsewhere that might lead them to trouble. “Go home, eat something, and go to sleep. Maybe even try to sleep in tomorrow.”
“What’s the fun in sleeping in on my own?” Carlos asks, quirking a brow at the absurdity of it. “And since when do you give me orders?”
“Because,” TK hits Carlos with a smirk of his own, “I fully expect you to finish what you started once I’m off the clock, and you’re gonna need some of your stamina back for that.”
TK swears his heart swells further at the answering laugh from Carlos as he leans against the ambulance, watching the love of his life head home with the dog that brought them both so much joy that they hadn’t realized they needed.
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neon-ghost04 · 2 years
Rise headcanons bc I’m bored at work
-Mikey is a vegetarian. He tried salami once and hated it, has refused to touch meat since
-Leo and Mikey were warriors cats kids (no I will not elaborate)
-Leo was the first out of all of them to speak, his first word was “Papa”. Donnie followed soon after, but he spoke a full sentence like “father, I require the sustenance acquired from chickie nuggie” and it scared the shit out of Splinter
-Donnie and Leo play Rock Paper Scissors every time they’re asked which one is older
-As kids Donnie and Leo were neck and neck for height, but they measured on their 10th birthday and Donnie was taller and has been taller since
-They all picked their birthdays when they were old enough to talk coherently, Raph let Mikey pick his birthday and Leo and Donnie argued over when their birthday was for 2 hours straight until Splinter got fed up and made them each pick a number, one got to pick the month and the other got to pick the day
-Raph adores romance movies, him and April often have movie nights where they watch rom coms and stuff like that together
-Mikey crawled everywhere until he was 5, then randomly got up and just started walking normally one day
-Raph has dyslexia
-Donnie made a PowerPoint presentation about autism and how he had it and showed it to Splinter
-After the events of the movie Leo was afraid to leave Raph alone for weeks, and couldn’t fall asleep unless he was in the presence of at least one of his brothers
-So. Many. Sleep piles
-After the movie Leo developed agoraphobia, a fear of wide open spaces, because of the prison dimension. He’s gotten better about it over time but it still makes him nervous
-Splinter wouldn’t let the turtles leave the lair for weeks after the Krang invasion, especially while they were still injured, and would check on them often just for the peace of mind of knowing they’re safe
-Donnie retrieved the recording of what happened to Leo in the prison dimension, and couldn’t bring himself to let the rest of the family hear it. He lied and told them the recording was lost in the fight
-Mikey is a menace about keeping his coat on in the winter, and multiple times has been carried back to the lair after getting tired from being so cold
-Battle shell attempt #126 was just Donnie strapping Mikey to his back
-Raph can carry all of his family members at the same time (including April, Casey and CJJ) and is very proud of it
-Leo still does Fortnite dances because he knows it pisses Donnie off
-Donnie and Mikey play just dance together, their favorite song to do is Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley and they both dance for their lives to be the winner
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wandering-night19 · 1 year
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So I've been on a little hiatus recently because I was dealing with someone anon hate and real life things...but I'm mostly back! And this is something I've been working on with @whenshereads for a little bit now and it's finally finished and posted! All the credit should go to her for the idea. This was super fun to write and work together on!
i'll be here if you will only come back home
14k . Carlos Reyes/TK Strand . G
TK is determined to give Carlos the homecoming he deserves. As always, life has other plans, and TK and Carlos have each other.
TK is no stranger to the ebbs and flows of grief, but watching Carlos navigate it is particularly challenging. The day-to-day things are always the hardest, where he recognizes the struggle of handling life in between the emotions.
Before, Carlos was an early riser. He had a schedule for when they went to the market and cleaned different areas of the loft. He would tidy up after TK, who tended to leave mail and shoes and jackets in random locations. He and TK would work in tandem to make meals and get them packed and ready for the week. He read his magazines and watched home improvement shows and enjoyed hosting game nights whenever the 126’s schedules aligned.
After, Carlos doesn’t sleep much, only closes his eyes for a few restless hours, usually on the couch. He opts to spend time with his mother or on the computer and forgets about food or cleaning, occasionally snacking on the provisions TK leaves for him. He takes the food to work that TK makes for him when he goes back on part-time desk duty. There is a pile of magazines left forgotten on the coffee table and the TV stays on the VCR setting even though TK took the tape.
Read more on AO3
Tagging anyone that has tagged me in anything lately. @thebumblecee @jesuisici33 @strandnreyes @liminalmemories21 @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-in-glasses @mikibwrites @catanisspicy @rosedavid @heartstringsduet @chaotictarlos
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beautifulhigh · 2 years
she has almost killed me with love for that boy    
Jen’s 4.x04 coda because she is nothing if not late to the party. I promise it is about 4x04, even if it’s not that linear. From 1x01 to 4x04 and somewhere after that in the middle.
I was listening to an episode of the language podcast Something Rhymes With Purple when they were talking about love, and they went through the six different words for love. And my brain went - “Carlos, love, introspection, go”. So I did.
Canon compliant, even the Big Secret of 4x01, but this is about Carlos and all the ways he falls in love. Also brief mentions of the pandemic but in keeping with what we saw in 2x01.
6k, AO3 link.
The Greeks have six different types of love. Carlos may not know where all the love comes from but he has it all in his life. Title is from Sappho’s poem “It’s no use, mother dear”.
It’s no use
Mother dear, I can’t finish my weaving You may blame Aphrodite
soft as she is
she has almost killed me with love for that boy
Eros – a sexual passion
He doesn't know where this feeling has come from but it's not going away. He's pretty sure he doesn't want it to go away: not now, not ever.
He stares at the back of the New York Firefighter Captain's son, trying to work up the courage to do what he had wanted to do ever since he walked into the bar and saw them there.
Well, saw him.
He wasn't blind and he wasn't a complete introvert and don't most people have a bit of a thing for firefighters? There's a reason why they always did a calendar of them in half their turnouts like that was how they hung out around the firehouse when they weren't on a call. Bell rings, put on a shirt, go get a cat out of a tree.
Or a baby.
But him. Him.
He'd spoken more with his father, the imported captain of the phoenix that was the 126, but he could have stood in the rain and talked with him for hours and that was not a feeling he was used to. The wanting to talk to them part. The other things he was thinking about doing were things he was very used to.
He hangs back at the bar, sipping at his drink in the hope that he'll either work up the nerve to go say something or maybe he'll come to get the next round and he can maybe offer to buy him a half-decent beer. Maybe he'll just look like a creep standing all the way back here watching as he talks to his father for the rest of the night. Whatever they're talking about it's clear how much they care for each other.
He doesn't want to think about that so it is shoved back down where he buried it and it is going to stay here thank you very much.
Later he thinks that maybe Michelle saw him, took pity on him, but he doesn't think about that in the moment when she takes Captain Strand out on the dancefloor and he's standing there on his own.
Something hot curls in his stomach, the knowledge and fear that if he doesn't do it now then maybe he never will, maybe someone else will beat him to it. And he's pretty sure it won't be unwelcome attention: he's heard the rumours. Rebuilding the firehouse was one thing. Rebuilding it with a Muslim woman, a trans man, and his pretty-sure-I-heard-he's-gay son? It had taken the attention away from the fact that some New York 9/11 hero was going to come down here and tell a bunch of Texans all the things they were doing wrong.
Not about the father tonight
He puts his half-full glass down and tries to look casual as he walks up next to him. A sideways glance, a small smile. He manages to say "Hey" and gets one in return.
Oh, the gossip is right – he's definitely into men – and it gives him a little bravery to ask if he wants to dance.
Keep reading on AO3
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anewkindofme · 10 months
How would it go and would Tk deal with it if he drops regresses without warning and alone? Like in NY and well his dad is around most of the time but he can't all time? Did he have to wear pull ups when he lived alone or did he not despite needing them and his dad decided he needs them and was he upset about that and tried to argue against it? Does he have daytime accidents when he is big along with when he is little? When he has an accident when big how is it dealt with? Do he have a separate bedroom for when he is big? Is he embarrassed or have some internal issues in regards to being a little? If nobody said anything would they still no he was a little, is it obvious he is a little? What is his age range? Sorry for so many questions, you're an amazing world-builder.
I love all these questions!
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Ask me for headcanons on characters from my fandom list!
TK usually knows that he’s going to drop and is pretty good about communicating it. If he ever dropped while alone and his parents couldn’t get to him right away, he was trained to use the pictures on his phone to call. Then, he’d usually watch TV. It was scary, but he could manage on his own for a bit.
TK was supposed to wear his pull-ups but often forgot. Usually Gwyn or Owen had to text him at night to remind him, if he hadn’t dropped. Sometimes he’d wake up wet and he’d be embarrassed, but at least he was alone so he could handle it. He and Alex didn’t spend the night at each other’s places because of this.
TK occasionally has accidents in both spaces. If he’s very Little, Owen will have him wear pull-ups to prevent that. If he’s wearing underwear, though, and is big, Owen handles it privately. He’ll let TK handle it if he’s feeling big enough, but will stay nearby as needed. If TK is being whiny or is too embarrassed to do it himself, he’ll discreetly do it. The 126 is well versed with Littles so if he had an accident that was on a chair or something, they’d just pretend it didn’t happen and move on. TK is very embarrassed and hides out as much as possible for the rest of the shift, but it’s not blown out of proportion. This also doesn’t happen very often.
Everyone knows he’s a Little. TK doesn’t hide it as he’s not ashamed of being one, he just sometimes gets embarrassed for what comes with it (like the occasional accident or Owen not letting him do certain things).
I’ve already answered the bedroom question. :)
It’s obvious when he’s Little. TK usually falls around 3 years old, so while he’s not baby baby, he’s still more hyper than usual, wanting to play certain games. He usually doesn’t nap when big (unless he’s coming off a 24 hour shift), so if he’s getting super cranky. Plus, he still uses a pacifier (partially for sensory, partially for comfort) and occasionally drinks from a bottle if very tired or sad.
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firetrucks-fastcars · 2 years
Hot Chocolate Weather
For TWP 12 Days of Tarlos @tarlosweeklyprompts
Dec. 12: Enjoying Hot Chocolate Together
TK and Carlos ride out a storm together and test out a Reyes family recipe.
Read on ao3 here
“I’m not liking the way this looks,” Carlos grumbled, stepping away from the window where he’d been peeking out at the storm. The plastic blinds crackled when he released them and TK pushed down the urge to fuss about him bending the pieces. It was a pet peeve he'd never been able to get over after years of being scolded for peering through the blinds of rented apartments in the same fashion. As if sensing his frustration, Carlos gently adjusted the bent piece before drawing the curtains over the window. Out of sight, out of mind. 
“Do you think it’s gonna get bad? Judd was saying something about tornado weather.”
TK really hated storms. They weren’t an anomaly in New York but something about the humidity of the South and the potential for tornadoes made it worse. Plus past experiences with storms, rain, ice, dust, or otherwise, he was understandably wary of weather that wasn’t sunny and blue skies. 
“The news is saying just some bad thunderstorms here, babe. But I’m gonna pull out some candles just in case the power goes out.”
Severe thunderstorms had been brewing in Austin over the last several days with the potential of tornadoes in other parts of the state and it was finally coming to a head. Luckily, TK had just finished his last twenty-four-hour shift for the week and Carlos was finishing up a highly annoying stint on the night shift, so they had a long weekend together to ride out the storm. 
Carlos moved across the loft, digging up their abundance of candles that had been thrown into a random drawer during the moving process. Living in Texas his whole life, Carlos had amassed a collection of mismatched tea lights and taper candles only to be used in the event of a power outage. 
“It looked pretty nasty when we were out on calls today. When do you think the bottom is gonna fall out?”
His answer didn’t come from Carlos but from the loud crack of thunder and the subsequent torrential downpour that began beating the windows of the loft. 
“Never mind, I have my answer. Thank you Mother Nature.”
Carlos chuckled and joined him in his sprawled-out position on the couch. “You wanna watch Grand Designs? We have a couple of episodes to catch up on and nothing else to do for the next few days.”
“Sounds perfect,” TK tucked his feet under him and curled into Carlos’ warmth. “Let’s just pray the power doesn’t go out.”
“Don’t jinx it.”
“Doesn’t this building have backup generators?”
“Only for the lights in the hallway, so we don’t fall and kill ourselves if we have to evacuate.”
“If all else fails we can try and play Catan with two people.”
“I’m not sure how well that would work babe,” Carlos stifled his laugh where his face was buried in TK’s hair. “We do have Scrabble though.”
“Wasn’t it you that said, and I quote ‘In this house we Catan’?”
“You’ve got me there.”
Carlos navigated the TV menu, pulling up Grand Designs and pressing play on an episode they hadn’t seen yet. He relaxed into the couch, glad to have some time just the two of them. The previously scheduled 126 hang had been canceled due to weather, and while Carlos loved their friends, he was bone tired and not feeling in a very host-like mood. He wanted nothing more than to spend the next four days in their current position, and maybe a few others once he caught up on sleep.
TK leaned heavily on this shoulder, occasionally making comments about the choices the builders and owners were making, but otherwise content to just enjoy the show and his company. 
Carlos had barely dozed off when TK tugged on his shirt, “Baby, we should make hot chocolate. It’s the perfect weather for it.”
It took him a minute to process the request, his sleep-addled brain still coming back online.
“That sounds good babe,” he agreed, once his body had gotten with the program. “Let me just make sure we have the ingredients.”
“Ingredients? Don’t we just need milk and the little packets?”
“Have I taught you nothing Tyler? Homemade is much better. Come on, I’m gonna teach you a family recipe.”
Carlos moved into the kitchen muttering to himself as he began pulling things out of the pantry. TK padded in behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist as he watched him pull out more ingredients than TK had ever seen used for hot chocolate. 
“Can you grab me a saucepan and turn the heat on to medium?”
TK rummaged through the lower cabinet as Carlos moved over to a small wooden box and flipped through a handful of index cards until he found what he was looking for. TK emerged victorious with the saucepan and sat it on the stove, then flipped the knob over until the flame lit and adjusted the heat according to Carlos’ directions. 
“Grab the milk from the fridge too please?”
TK once again obeyed his instructions, bringing over the oat milk Carlos always laughed at him for putting in the cart, but had become a staple in their fridge. 
“My Mami would slap me upside the head for using oat milk in this,” he teased, measuring it out and pouring it into the pan anyway. 
“Just don’t let her know I converted you,” TK leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“Measure out these spices,” he handed over a faded index card, ripped around the edges, with various spices and measurements scrawled on it. It wasn’t Carlos’ handwriting and he wasn’t sure that it was Andrea’s either. “Cut the cayenne in half though, since you’re a lightweight.”
“Very funny.”
They worked in amicable silence, moving around each other in a way that had only been perfected by months of running into each other until they learned their partner’s natural orbit. Carlos hummed along to the quiet music he had turned on, never being able to cook in the quiet, stirring the mixture as TK very carefully measured out the spices according to the directions bestowed upon him and handed them over. 
“You said this was a family recipe,” TK said, hopping up on the counter next to the stove, careful to avoid the heat. “How long have you been making this?”
“My whole life,” Carlos reached around him for the chocolate and poured some in without consulting the directions then resumed his stirring. “There’s been a few iterations in my family. My dad’s grandmother made the first one, but it’s had some tweaks and changes over the years. This is a combination of her recipe and my Tia Lucy’s.”
“It looks amazing, I’ve never seen so much go into just hot chocolate.”
“My family does nothing by halves.”
Carlos finally deemed the concoction ready, reaching above TK’s head to pull out mugs. TK couldn’t help but giggle at the choices, Carlos subconsciously grabbing each of their favorite mugs. TK’s was a gag gift from Judd for his birthday, covered in pictures of Buttercup’s big, goofy face. Carlos’ was one that TK had found and bought for him just because, hand painted with the Northern Lights. 
Carlos ladled a healthy amount into both mugs, topping them with marshmallows and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
“Tell me what you think.”
TK took a sip, careful not to burn his tongue. It wasn’t as sweet as what he was used to, and he could taste the heat of the spices but it wasn’t unpleasant. It made him feel warm in the best possible way and he eagerly took another sip.
“This is literally the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had.”
“Good,” Carlos said, finally taking a sip from his own mug and humming contentedly. “My Mami will be glad to know it got your seal of approval.”
“If you make this again, I might just have to marry you,” TK teased, leaning up to kiss him, chasing the taste of bittersweet chocolate on his lips. 
“I guess I’ll just have to make it for the rest of our lives.”
“You’re gonna ruin norma; hot chocolate for our kids,” TK said casually. “They’re gonna think it’s crazy the first time they try Swiss Miss.”
Carlos hid his blush at the mention of their future children behind the rim of his mug, but TK caught the barest hints of a smile in his eyes. 
They were startled from their moment by the flickering of lights just before the apartment was plunged into darkness.
“You had to tempt fate didn’t you.”
Carlos used his phone flashlight to navigate to the living area, lighting enough candles to make things visible, but not enough to be concerned about a five-alarm. Luckily he lived with a firefighter and based on previous experience, had a fire extinguisher in every room. 
TK joined him, looking perfectly cozy in the candlelight, his mug cradled in his hands. They finished their drinks, now warmed from the inside out, and placed their mugs on the coffee table to be taken care of later.
Carlos laid back on the couch, pulling TK on top of him like a finance-shaped weighted blanket.
“You know,” TK mumbled from where his face was buried in Carlos’ neck. “If I get to spend all of them like this, I might actually learn to like storms.”
“There you go tempting fate again,” Carlos groaned, no real annoyance in his voice. “If we get you liking storms the rain may never stop.”
“Yeah whatever,” TK laughed, snuggling impossibly closer. “Blow out those candles so I can take a nap.
The power came back on a few hours later, startling them both out of their slumber when various devices started beeping as they came back online. They threw a frozen pizza in the oven, too lazy to make a real meal, and picked up where they left off on their show. The rain continued on through the night, a soundtrack to their evening as they washed dishes and showered together before turning into bed early. 
Carlos took his position as big spoon, nuzzling his nose into TK’s damp hair. He was once again almost asleep when the other man spoke, “I thought up something you can put in your vows.”
“What is it?”
“I promise to make you hot chocolate every time it rains.”
“I think we can work something out,” he chuckled. “Now go to bed Tyler.”
“Goodnight Carlos.”
“Goodnight babe.”
(If a few months later the line was worked into his vows, that was no one’s business but theirs. And if TK had the recipe memorized by the end of the year, then that was no one’s business either)
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I posted 3,982 times in 2022
That's 3,973 more posts than 2021!
1,833 posts created (46%)
2,149 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,884 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#young royals - 823 posts
#ask - 758 posts
#anon - 457 posts
#young royals netflix - 310 posts
#unhinged zee hours - 290 posts
#netflix - 166 posts
#yr s2 spoilers - 145 posts
#wilmon - 143 posts
#fanfic - 119 posts
#screwed - 107 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#also you’ve taken my thoughts that i haven’t been able to say and put them out there in a beautifully worded post so thank you
My Top Posts in 2022:
The first 20 minutes of Young Royals had us all thinking Wille was gonna be this super tough, rude, bad boy with an attitude problem, just for him to be a little sunshine beam with anxiety. Like
I’m sorry… wot mate?
880 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
You want to know what we don’t talk about enough?
Simon had the balls to go up and sing a solo after every single person in that hall (adults and students alike) had watched his sex tape. Literally all of them have seen it, and know it’s him, and know it’s wille, and know that wille denied Simon. They all know.
And Simon sings a solo.
Say what you will about Simon, but no one can deny that this boy had balls.
897 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
I don't want to see a single damn person laughing about this picture again and I'll tell you why:
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Wilhelm is fighting a panic attack. He is actively battling every ounce of anxiety in his body. He cannot have a panic attack right now. He is on the phone with The Royal Court explaining (albeit not effectively) that he does not want to be King. He does not want to give a speech. He does not want this title. And, yes, this realization and the willingness to call stemmed from stupid teenage bullshit like his ex being out on a date with someone else, but it's a truth nonetheless. Wilhelm is telling the truth. And it makes him anxious.
When you have severe anxiety, it often feels like you are not in control of your body at all. You want to climb out of your skin. We see it with Wilhelm in season 1 when he bangs on his head or picks at his nails. He cannot control it.
In season 2 we see it with his shirt collar, we see it in his inability to keep still, and in the fact that he literally throws up at the thought of talking in front of his classmates. So, yes, getting on the desk was odd and unexpected, but he's actively pushing down years of anxiety. He has been fighting this phone call for years and now he cannot ignore it anymore.
Edvin did a spectacular job with Wilhelm's anxiety this season. He did amazing last season, too, but this is next level. Seeing people laugh at this screenshot makes me physically sick.
2,193 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
There was a Hillerska conspiracy to get Wilmon back together, right? Cuz like…
It was obvious they cheated on the run. No one said a word.
It was obvious Simon’s song was about Wille. No one said a word.
Simon used Wilhelm’s phone at that first party to talk to Sara. No one said a word.
They talked to each other at that party, and talked to people together. No one said a word.
The girls kept trying to figure out the nature of their relationship “was it a one night stand or…?”
They ended up having the last two seat next to each other in class like 4 times. Once makes sense, but FOUR TIMES? People are actively doing that at this point.
Wilhelm på bordet happened, and everyone watched Simon leave upset. No one said a word.
Simon very angrily pelted Wille with a dodge ball after said på bordet scene. No one said a word.
Wilhelm started to come out, and the professional cameras stopped rolling, so every single student pulled out their cellphone to film it instead.
There was a conspiracy there. The Hillerska student body wanted them together.
2,208 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I want the boys at Hillerska to not care about Simon and Wilhelm being “gay” (its in quotes because Wilhelm is unlabeled but perceived rn as gay) but instead I want them to get back after the break and everyone makes them do the “on the table” thing.
“I said it wasn’t me in the video-“
“And you’re a fucking liar. Get on the chair, Wilhelm.”
2,700 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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thedarkivistwrites · 2 years
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I posted 408 times in 2022
That's 408 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (11%)
363 posts reblogged (89%)
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I tagged 119 of my posts in 2022
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#ferdibert - 72 posts
#;;tma - 7 posts
#reblogs appreciated - 7 posts
#fire emblem - 5 posts
#;) - 3 posts
#fe3h - 2 posts
#;;to be erased - 2 posts
#tma oc - 2 posts
#the magnus archives - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#i should make a new header but the truth is i greatly dislike coming to terms with the fact that i have no feeling for visuals
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dangerous Hours 4/6
Read on AO3
“I’ll let it slide this once,” Dorothea assured him with exaggerated magnanimousness, laughing. Then her expression softened: “I get it, heartbreak is rough. First time?”
Ferdinand blinked. “Pardon me?”
14 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Dangerous Hours 3/6
Read on AO3
Hubert blew out the candle.
“Good night,” he said quietly.
A shaky intake of breath. “Wait.” The whisper that fell from Ferdinand’s lips seemed to startle them both. “There’s something on your mind, I can tell.”
15 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Dangerous Hours 6/6
Read on AO3
In which Hubert makes a request.
18 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
A Tolerable Arrangement
Read on AO3
7064 words
humour & angst & pining
rated T
Ferdinand and Hubert are classmates, but they are bound by more than just that. It takes some time navigating a promise made on their behalf, without their input.
The ensuing silence was deafening. Linhardt watched as both men sank back into their seats, regarding each other with mute horror. He had never felt more awake in his entire life.
“I was under the impression we’ve agreed to keep this a secret,” Hubert hissed.
The classroom exploded in questions.
22 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Finer Things in Life
5 + 1 format
5863 words
Ferdibert, angst, humour, and a dash of pining
slowburn but every time Hubert pines it gets faster
Five times Ferdinand von Aegir surprised Hubert and one time they surprised each other.
“Is something the matter with you?” Hubert demanded of the noble, who was busy brushing the horse he had taken for a ride. For a couple of seconds, there was no reaction whatsoever. Then Ferdinand set down the brush and turned his gaze at the mage.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, there is,” he said quietly.
25 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"WHERE ARMED BANDITS TOOK $200," Hamilton Spectator. November 27, 1933. Page 7. --- The above photos show the stores robbed on Saturday night by bandits, who speedily cleared the tills of three stores and disappeared in a stolen taxi. At the top left-hand corner are G. L. Salton and his son, Albert, who were in the stores shown at the top right corner, and lower left. Mr. Salton is a grocer at the corner of Caroline and Charlton avenue, while his son was in the butcher store next door. The lower right picture is that of Carroll's store at the corner of Hunter street east and Wellington street south, where the men held up three girls.
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"BANDITS ROB THREE STORES AND ESCAPE," Hamilton Spectator. November 27, 1933. Page 7 & 20. ---- Elude Police After Daring Hold-ups on Saturday --- Bystander Tried To Stop Fleeing Thieves ---- Two bandits, one armed, escaped the net of local police on Saturday night after raiding the butcher store of Thomas Salton, the grocery store of his his father, G. L. Salton. next door, on Caroline and Charlton avenue west, and Carroll's grocery store at the corner of Hunter street east and Wellington street south. The amount of money taken is estimated at $200. The thugs struck with such swiftness that the whole affair was accomplished within 15 minutes and the men made their get-away in a stolen car owned by the Central Taxi company.
"Keep your hands down!" was the command Albert Salton, brother of Thomas Balton, heard when two poorly clad men with peak caps entered the store about 7.20 o'clock o'clock Saturday night. One of the men displayed a black six-shooter.
Without ado the man kept the sole occupant of the store covered… while the other bandit deftly swept $100-out of the till "Back into there," said the gunman, pointing to the connecting door to a grocery store owned by G. L Salton, the young man's father.
Without argument the butcher walked backwards through the door to where his father was standing waiting for customers, for it was the slack hour of the store on Saturday night. "Stay where you are," the, older Salton was commanded, and the accomplice walked over to the till while his mate held the gun in his shaking hand, covering the two men.
Had To Open Till The thug tugged at the drawer of the till without success. "How does open? he ask Mr Salton, and the owner was obliged to go around the counter and press the safety catch on the cash register. The gunman took $55. There is a door leading out on to Charlton avenue from the grocery store, where a car, stolen earlier in the evening from George H. Granby, 126 King street east, driver for the Central Taxi company, was standing. Apparently the men feared that some person might watch them depart from this exit, so they retraced their steps into the butcher's shop and sought their way out.
It was at this moment that Mrs. A. M. Millard, 100 Chariton avenue west, wife of the janitor or of that building, chose to enter the store to buy her week-end supply of meat. The bandits in their extreme hurry to be clear of the place, swept her aside, knocking the woman off her feet. She was not injured by the fall.
Second Hold-up It was within seven minutes of the first hold-up that three girls employed in Carroll's store at the corner of Wellington street south and Hunter street east, in charge of Miss Eleanor Childs, saw two men answering to the description of the duo who raided Salton's stores, enter the door of the establishment and and shout for them to re- main where they were. With the same unhesitating manner which had marked the first outrage, the one man extracted the money from the till while the other covered the girls. No customer was in the store at the time.
Saw Bandits Depart Del. Anderson, King George hotel, and Bruce Smith, 69 Wellington street south, were walking down Wellington street in the vicinity of the store when the two thugs emerged. The description given by these two pedestrians tallied with those given by the grocer and his son, and confirmed the suspicions that both hold-ups were the work of the same men. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Smith stated that the men drove away in an old sedan and were inst seen heading west on Hunter street.
Brave Act of Citizen An example of quick wittedness on the part of two citizens almost foiled the two gunmen in their effort to make a get-away from the second store they robbed. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stewart, of 134 Ontario avenue, were in the butcher store hext to Carroll's, owned by Thomas Edey, at the time of the hold-up. As the bandits left the store, Mina Childs rushed into the meat shop and shouted, "We've been robbed; there's been a hold-up." Mr. Stew art dropped his parcels and ran to the door. The thugs were just rounding the corner on to Hunter street, where the car was parked with the motor running.
After the hold-up men went Mr. Stewart and reached the aide of the car as it was moving off. Not thinking of the extreme danger of his move, bed this the handle brave rave citizen grab of the door to pull it open. An arm came through the open window and shoved Mr. Stew- art away from the car. "It was not moving very fast, and it was an old make," said the householder yesterday when questioned about his daring act. Two boys in a car followed the men, but they were back in five minutes, having their track." Mrs. Stewart also came out of the store and took the number of the car as it drove slowly away along Hunter street.
Thomas Edey made sure that his day's receipts were not going to suffer the same fate as those next door. The first thing he did was to open his cash register, grab the bills that lay therein and hide them securely in the rear of the building.
Must Have Watched Store Mr. Salton, sen., told the Spectator shortly after the hold-up, that the men must have known the habits of the store. Usually there are seven men employed within the two stores, but at the time the thugs entered there were only himself and his younger son present. All the rest were out having their supper. "I feel sure," said Mr. Salton, "that those men have surveyed this place for some time and knew the advantageous time to strike. He said it was his opinion that the man who carried the gun was doped up with something. "He was awfully shakey with the gun, and I was glad to see the last of them," laughed the owner of the store. In their hurry the bandits dropped several bills on the floor of the grocery. They did not stop to pick them up. "I'll still have enough for the collection plate to- morrow," added Mr. Salton with a smile.
Left Car on Market Street Mr. Grandy, driver of the car which was stolen, told the reporter that he had parked his taxi, license R. 6794, an old Buick, at the corner of Market and MacNab streets, at 6.30 o'clock that evening, and did not know of its disappearance until he returned to look for it at 8 o'clock. It was an old type, he said, and did not have a key in the ignition, nor were the doors locked.
Description of Men The following description of the men was given by the two Saltons, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Smith, who distinctly saw the thugs. They told the police that if they saw the men again they would immediately recognize them. The first was described as being 28 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, fair hair, wearing a grey overcoat and cap. He was slim in build. The second man was about the same age, 5 feet 6 inches tall, wearing a blue overcoat and a cap, and of medium build.
Car Recovered About 1 o'clock Sunday morning Police Constable Brown, while patrolling his beat, found the car which had been used by the bandits in their lightning raids, at the rear of the Imperial building, Main street east. By some queer streak of chance the gunmen had abandoned their automobile in the yard which leads to the main Carroll warehouse. The policeman drove the car to the station, where it was gone over for fingerprints.
Knocked on Floor Interviewed by the Spectator, Mrs. Millard, who was knocked onto the sawdust floor of the butcher's shop which she was entering, stated: "One of the fellows was very short. If I had known they were hold-úp men I would have smashed him on the head with something. The taller of the two came out first and they ran around the corner onto Charlton avenue. I followed and saw them climb into an old car. The motor was running." Mrs. Millard did not see the gun the one man carried, but noticed that he had something in his hand. She thought it was a parcel.
0 notes
spaciousreasoning · 3 months
A Four-Bridge Holiday Drive
To celebrate the nation’s historic—and, we hope, continued—independence, Nancy and I planned a big circuit for Thursday that would allow us to check off four more covered bridges. We put more than 120 miles on the new car in a little more than four hours, and with the heat near 90 degrees in this area, we appreciated the Subaru’s air conditioning.
We began our journey by driving north on OR 99 toward Junction City. Just before reaching the downtown of that small community, we headed west on OR 36. We eventually reached Triangle Lake, a lake that is roughly the shape of its name. The lake has had various names over the years, including Loon Lake, Lake of the Woods, and Echo Lake, but the name Triangle Lake became the official name in the early 1900s.
There were lots of people enjoying the lake and its beaches as we passed by, and even if we had wanted to stop there were few places to do so. But there were ample places to stop and enjoy the Lake Creek Recreation Area which followed the road and Lake Creek. We passed several groups of folks walking along a path with their inner tubes around them, though we were not sure whether they were coming or going.
A few more miles down the road we reach the first bridge of the day. The Lake Creek Covered Bridge, also known as Nelson Mountain Bridge, was originally built in 1928. A renovation in 1984 added new reinforced concrete abutments, new flooring, and other alterations to increase the bridge’s load capacity.
We stopped at the Deadwood Country Market & Tavern to ask for directions to the next stop on our itinerary, the Deadwood Covered Bridge. First constructed in 1932 for Oregon’s secondary road system, it fell into disrepair after a concrete bridge bypass was built in 1970s. The bridge was rehabilitated and reopened to traffic in 1986. During our stop to take pictures, a deer appeared at the other end of the bridge.
We finally reached the junction with OR 126 and turned back eastward, where we soon reached the Wildcat Creek Covered Bridge. Easily accessible near the Austa boat launch on the Siuslaw River, the bridge crosses Wildcat Creek, a tributary of the Siuslaw. It has stood since 1925, when it was part of Stagecoach Road, the original road to the Oregon coast. The shoreline was covered with people enjoying the sunshine and water.
To reach our final destination of the day we continued to Veneta, where the Oregon Country Fair will take place later in July. We turned south on Territorial Highway toward Crow. Just beyond the unincorporated community we found the Coyote Creek Bridge, constructed in 1922 as part of Territorial Road, the state’s secondary road system which was used until larger, truck-friendly roads bypassed it. It is also known as Battle Creek Bridge and Swing Log Bridge.
We were entertained during our evening at home by lots of fireworks around the neighborhood. We did not bother to go out and watch, and the cats were far more disturbed by the noise than ever in Tucson because the explosions were happening in the street right outside our windows.
Thankfully, the celebrating wrapped up around midnight and we were able to get a more or less good night’s sleep.
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jenringwrites · 11 months
WEEKEND ARTINGS: Art in the Park, Halloween block parties and more
This weekend's artful options include a Halloween-themed block pARTy in Pinellas Park; a brand-new art event in Clearwater's Coachman Park; a Halloween Makers Market with festive food, pumpkin carving, and live music in St. Pete; Beetlejuice the Musical at the Straz in Tampa; and more.
Shop-O-Ween - St. Pete
The weekend starts early at Neat, Neat, Neat and Uptown Eats' Shop-O-Ween. This Halloween-themed night market brings artist wares, pumpkin carving, live music, and an especially spooky menu to Uptown eats. Thurs. Oct. 26, 6-9 p.m.
Beetlejuice the Musical - Tampa
Beetlejuice the Musical is at the Straz now through Sun. Oct. 29.
Tampa Bay Art Battle - Tampa
Coppertail hosts the Second Annual Tampa Bay Art Battle, a contest to see which team can paint the best 8x8 wall in only three hours. Sat. Oct. 28, 12-8 p.m.
"The Haunted Flesh" book launch at Marcolina's - Tampa
What do you do when your photography runs a little creepy/gory? You host your photo book release party on Halloween weekend, that's what. Sat. Oct. 28, 5 p.m.
4th Saturday Block pARTy - Pinellas Park
Pinellas Park's 4th Saturday Block pARTy is Halloween-themed this month. Sat. Oct. 28, 4-9 p.m.
Saint Paint Arts Live hosts a black light art show and costume contest where anything glows.
And Urban Dog's pet costume contest and vendor market returns.
Art in the Park - Clearwater
Clearwater hosts its inaugural Art in the Park in Coachman Park this Sunday with a special ArtWalk, Pop Up Art Exhibit, and live painting. Find out more in this feature I wrote for Creative Pinellas. Sun. Oct. 29, 12-5 p.m., ArtWalk starts at 11 a.m.
La Luchaween - St. Pete
La Luchaween returns to The Palladium with live music from La Lucha, scenes from classic silent horror films, and jokes. Sun. Oct. 29, 7 p.m.
WATERLICHT - Water Street Tampa
Last but not least, this weekend is your only chance to see Studio Roosegaarde's WATERLICHT exhibition. It's up from Friday through Sunday, and each night comes with a different musical performance.. Oct. 27-29, 8-11 p.m.
Happy artings!
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unspokenghosts · 1 year
8/5/23 - today's your going-away party
348 days since I sat to the right of you for the first time in the class that I soon would only enjoy because you were in it. 348 days ago we spent our first hour being in the same room together without even knowing each other's name. 303 days since I saw you all dressed up in black with a blue bowtie and shiny blue shoes at the Homecoming football game. 303 days ago I remember thinking I thought you looked really good, and I remember making fun of you in my head for those ridiculous shiny shoes. 284 days since I watched you turn around and mouth "I got yours" to me after having the girl next to you point me out. 284 days ago I had a feeling that you getting my paper would mean trouble. 280 days since I got a notification on my phone saying "ur kinda boring tbh". 280 days ago I smiled at my phone without even realizing it. 275 days since I clicked the button that said "Add" and secretly hoped that I get another notification from you. 275 days ago I made an amazing decision. 252 days since we sent each other screenshots of our playlists during one of our daily "who's music taste is better?" arguments. 252 days ago I'd argue with you for hours if that meant I got to talk to you. 224 days since I'd realized that you'd changed and I wished you "Merry Christmas" anyways. 224 days ago I felt like crying and that feeling lingered for months. 126 days since you'd snap me drunk on Spring Break and make me laugh. 126 days ago I couldn't hide my smile every time you called me "babe". 78 days since I sat in your car for the first time and we talked until our ice cream melted and I never wanted to leave your passenger seat. 78 days ago I started something I never want to stop, no matter what my friends said that night. 38 days since it was about 20 minutes until I needed to be home and we sat in anticipation until we finally closed the space between our lips. 38 days ago that was my first kiss and then and there the hurt and dread I'm feeling today was solidified in fate. 3 days since our latest date, sitting in the same parking lot where we talked until our ice cream melted on that May night, the first time we were ever alone with each other. 3 days ago we were different people than we were that night, and I think that says a lot, 78 days ago we got different ice cream and we talked and talked for hours spilling so much that we never had the time to say to each other before, and 3 days ago we got the same ice cream as each other and we sat in comfortable silence. There's something very special about our last date of the summer being the same as the first. If only going in that building, ordering ice cream, you paying for me, and sitting in your car in the parking lot all over again could take us back in time. If only replaying our footsteps would change August into May. 348 days ago we were completely different people and I think that tells us that our paths crossed to change us and who we are, to make us better people for today and for the future. But, to be honest, I don't care that I'd be that different person again, I don't care that I'd have to relive junior year all over again, I don't care that I'd be hurt again by you, I don't care that you wouldn't even know my name, I would go back to August 22nd, 2022, 348 days ago. I would go back there in heartbeat, and I'd get to know you all over again, I'd fall for you all over again, I'd foolishly take your light-hearted flirting too seriously all over again, I'd watch you get my paper all over again, I'd go to that Powderpuff Volleyball game just to see you all over again, I'd enjoy those 2 whole hours of being in the same room as you every day all over again and I'd never take a minute for granted, I'd take back every single one of the past 348 days to have the potential of all we'll turn out to be and to have something I don't have now, the guarantee of time with you.
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Covet chapters 124-127
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 124
By the time the last light flickers off, I can barely breathe, barely think. All I can do is close my eyes and pray as we spin round and round and round.
Chapter 124 summary: The next week is kind of glossed over. Grace felt certain that the over-crowded system wouldn’t put them through the chamber multiple nights in a row, but she was wrong. By the end of the chapter, Flint, Hudson, and Calder are shells of their former selves. Grace begs Remy to protect somebody other than her for the night, simply so that the other three can rest. But he tells her that his power doesn’t work like that; he’s fucking tried. 
Chapter 125
“I have no fucking idea what happens now. I’ve never even heard of anyone getting the Chamber six days in a row. It just doesn’t happen.” 
“Doesn’t that make you wonder why it’s happening now?” I ask. 
“They must have done something pretty awful and the prison is demanding atonement,” he answers. “How else does it assure people have made up for what they’ve done?”
 “This isn’t atonement!” I shout at him. “This is revenge, pure and simple.” 
“No.” His voice is adamant. “The prison doesn’t feel. It can’t want vengeance.” 
The dude who is on a lifelong revenge mission because he was literally born in prison, and yet he somehow manages to have goddamned SYMPATHY for the fucked-up system that has KEPT HIM IMPRISONED SIMPLY BECAUSE HE WAS BORN. 
Rage rips through me, and with it comes an idea. It’s a long shot, but it’s the only shot I’ve got. So I reach deep inside myself and start looking for one string in particular—the shining blue one that I’ve tried so hard to ignore—that’s blazing as brightly as ever. I grab it and close my eyes before squeezing as hard as I can.
Chapter 125 summary: As Grace sits and listens to the screams of Hudson, Flint, and Calder for the seventh night in a row, she finally snaps. She tells Remy that the entire system is so fucking screwed up that it’s going out of its way to punish them, rather than by the random chance that Remy keeps insisting that the prison is based around. She tells him that Hudson and Flint are the princes of the dragons and vampires, respectively. So of course whoever is in charge of the prison settings is going out of their way to ensure that the two of them are punished to the extreme. 
As Hudson screams out again, Grace decides that enough is enough, and reaches inside of herself for the string that attaches her to Hudson. 
Chapter 126
When I open my eyes, I’m back at Katmere—in Hudson’s room. I can see the big red-and-black bed that I’ve had so many fantasies about, can feel the warmth of the spring sunshine filtering through his windows.
Well, since the narration isn’t going to show Grace’s “hell loop”, we have to jump into Hudson’s, I guess. 
I also realize at the same instant that the real Hudson—the one shaking and pleading on the bed next to me—is so far gone that if he has to spend another hour killing me, even if it is only in his nightmares, it just might shatter him forever.
Chapter 126 summary: As mentioned, Grace is now in Hudson’s hell loop. She gets in there in time to watch as Hudson kills dream!Grace. The loop resets itself, and dream!Grace comes into the room. The two of them start making kissy faces at each other.
Real!Grace meanwhile stands and contemplates this. She knows that Hudson was compelled to help his father commit genocide. He killed a lot of people. The way that the chamber has decided to punish Hudson is to force him to kill his mate. Over and over and over and…
Hudson starts to kill dream!Grace all over again. 
Chapter 127
He doesn’t deserve to suffer like this. He doesn’t deserve to be broken like this. He’s already learned his lesson, has already repented for the things he did. He’s changed, he’s really changed, and this forced atonement is destroying the person he’s working so hard to be. 
And that’s why this sentient prison is bullshit. 
Can you fool your way into parole? Yes you can. 
But this is set to “punish everybody until they die”. Even if they have atoned and have been rehabilitated. 
Drawing as much of that magic into me as I possibly can, I focus on Hudson—who is currently stalking the other Grace across his room—and shout, “Stop!” as loud as I can.
Chapter 127 summary: Real!Grace stands and watches as Hudson hunts down dream!Grace yet again. She tries to yell at Hudson to stop, but he doesn’t seem to be able to stop himself. 
Grace becomes even more upset because Hudson knows that what he’d done to all of those people was fucked up; he’s punished himself and he’s rehabilitating himself. And then this BS system comes in and says “No, fuck you. Daily torture.”
She leaves his mind long enough to drag Remy over there, and the two of them go into Hudson’s mind together. She briefly explains about her gargoyle powers, as locked up as they are. She channels Remy’s power through her and yells at Hudson to stop. 
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xxblossomx · 1 year
𓆩Little Devil𓆪
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Name: Akara Lilith Melania
Nicknames: Satan, Little Devil, or Raven
Human: 20-23
Demon 780
Species: Demon
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: October 13th, 1297
Zodiac: Libra
Powers: The dark arts, Blood arts, and witchcraft
Nationality: Greek, Japanese, and British
Ethnicity: White/Asian
Languages: Greek, Latin, English, and Japanese.
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Height: 5’5”
Weight: 126
Hair Color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Crimson red
Skin Color: Pale
Battle Marks (Scars, missing body parts, etc.): Has a few on her body, but prefers to let them be unknown
Tattoos: Raven wings with a crescent moon on her upper neck, behind her hair.
Clothing Style: Casual Medieval Gothic. Her clothing is close to what Zero wears, but more feminine.
She wears a black tank, that has no sleeves and has a high neck. It is tight against her upper body for battlefield purposes. Akara would have a red crop top like coat over the upper half. She has black shorts with a belt, leggings sat underneath and they were either dark blue or black. For her feminism, she has a red half skirt that laid on her left side. A set of black or red belts lock it in place around her hips.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Overall: Akara personality is the same as Zero’s but with bits that are never seen in him. She can be sassy and very annoyed with others. She
Positive Traits:
Neutral Traits:
Negative Traits:
Greatest Fears: Unknown
First Impression: She can be a bit open when she first meets. She also tends to be very judgmental of others at first.
Default Expression: Akara has resting bitch face or a smirking look.
Habits: Likes to be sassy a lot.
Pet Peeves: Unknown
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Likes: Witchcraft. Black cats, Roses, Blood, Raven's, Night time, reading and gothic themes
Dislikes: Supernatural Hunters, Sexist men, Bright themes, Surprises, Politics, and The bible.
Hobbies: Hunting for herbs, making potions or spells, training, and growing plants.
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Theme for Personality:  Splinter Wolf - Kohta Yamamoto
Theme for their story: 怪物(Monster) - YOASOBI
Social Media, if they had any: Instagram and Tumblr.
Typical Hours of sleeps: Eight to more. Tends to sleep in day time more then night though.
Worst nightmares: Unknown
Best Dream: Unknown
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☽ LIFE ☾
Occupation: traveling Witch/Stationed witch
Thoughts on occupation: She was fine with it since she could help others around, but also hated the lack of battles.
Dream Job: Unknown
Education: She learned bits from her mother, then soon became close friends of her mother.  
Past Relationships: She knew Zero when she was little, including his parents.
Family: Mother: Lilith Eve Melania
Hometown: Sparta, Greece
Current Residence: Athena, Greece
Housemates: Her gang, Sakura and her friends.
Financial Status: Unknown
Source of Money: Jobs for hire and selling herb medicine
Health: Fair, she doesn’t really get into fights nor battles. She does, however; will fight if needed.
Akara was born to her only parent, Lilith. She was born on October 13th, in the year 1296. Her birth was so difficult considering Award was too stubborn to come. When she was born, Akara looked like she was dead due to her pale skin. Zero's mother Ava was there for the delivery and to help Lilith. Zero ended up meeting her when he was three years of age. Akara and her mother would soon be around the Uzumoto's a lot and would let the children get to know each other. By the time Akara turned three, Zero was six. Akara would watch him train with his father on some days and others would be to learn about magic and witchcraft from her mother. Akara showed early signs of her abilities by the age of three.  
During that time, her mother went to make her a demon sword; since it was a custom for demon parents. Akara showed much in her witchcraft abilities and would go on to show the same in swordsmanship, she was able to use some of her witchery with her weapon just like Zero could.  
Her childhood was a bit of the unknown after this point. When she turned a year older than Zero turned eight. Both their worlds came crashing when Kratos came. The night when it happens, Lilith became very worried and ended up leaving her daughter with her friends; that were witches. Akara knew that her mother ran because she would have been next on Kratos killing list since she was a part of the Savior’s. She didn’t mind and just let her leave and seek safely.  Akara would continue her training with the witches in their home between the ages of five to ten years old.  
Pre-teen/Teenage/Young Adult:
When Akara became a pre-teen, her abilities began to show more than when she was younger. She would learn all types of witchcraft skills, including those that she wasn’t able to use herself. Which is good, so she knows what her enemy is using or going to use in a battle against her. She was very good at listening and learning so that it didn’t have to take over five years. When she had time to protect herself from witchcraft, she would train in her swordsmanship. She was able to complete her training by the age of fifteen.  
Akara wanted to leave her mother s fellow witches, to which she would. She became a traveling witch and would make medicine to anyone humans or other. She became known as the witch doctor by those she helped. Beyond her travels, she would soon meet Jace first. Jace was a bit different than she expected him to be at first, but she did like him. He was able to get her to laugh at his jokes, when he joked around. It lightens her mood. Both would travel together for a bit longer, soon meeting the other three.  
Akara views on Riza was a bit oddly, she judges her on how she flirted with everyone around her. Akara ended up calling her a lust manipulator, to which Riza was annoyed about it. Akara viewed Zash as an older, older brother who was a bit of a father figure for her. When she saw that Zero was with them, she was excited due to the fact of not seeing him for a long time. Zero didn’t even remotely remember Akara for a little bit, but soon realized it was her. Akara was very shocked he didn’t remember her, but then again; they both were so young. Akara and Zero would pretty much catch up more than the others, talking about what their lives were after the incident.  
Seeing that he was different from before, she felt bad for him. They all were very agreeable on staying together for a little while and travelling as a group. Akara felt amazing about it since she didn’t have to be alone. They were together for a good while before splitting. The only one that really left was Zero, due to him wanting to be alone. Everyone was a bit fine with it but knew that he left due to no leads knew Kratos.
When Akara turned eighteen, she stopped aging. Making her purely immoral like the others. She was still with Zash, Riza, and Jace, living in a home that was on a temporary basis. This was in part due to Zero since he completely disappeared from then, but only Akara and Zash knew where he was.  
Zero trusted them more, even if the other two were trustable too. Akara felt the same way she did when her mother disappeared, she couldn't jump in against his choice. They all continue to find leads on Kratos afterwards, including traveling to the whereabouts of it's location. Akara was able to quit after the twentieth lead they've found, they were all met with dead ends. It became clear that if they wanted him, they needs to wait and see if Kratos showed up.
Akara and others made the choice to head for a kingdom, where the last lead was know to be. During this, the festival of the blooming blossoms was happening. They were so fascinated by it, that they joined in for the celebration, while Zash went to find leads.
Zash was able to learn a new lead, it immediately made him go to the others. Akara, Jace, and Riza were told; soon that they then went into combat mood. Zash sent out a messenger for Zero, sending him the information. Kratos was after a human and they had to get to her, before he did. Akara and Jace immediately went straight for the princess. But by the time they got there, kratos had attacked the kingdom.
Akara and Jace was able to get to the princess and her group, forcing Kratos from avenging onwards. Akara had to hold him off until Zero got there. Akara told then to escape, but non wanted to. Sky was very problematic as he started asking her "Who the hell are you?". She was pretty annoyed by this human male. Akara and Jace soon were left to protect the princess as she froze in placed due to Kratos.
While this was happening, Zero got the information and immediately headed there. Akara kept straight, waiting for Kratos to either attack or pull a move; to which he would. Before he could even get closer, Zero appeared before them all. Zash and Riza soon meet up afterwards. After the attack, Zero and them choose to stay. Even if Sky protest against it. If they weren't there, they would all be dead.
Afterwards, the tension between everyone became oddly. Zero and Sky hated each other for different reasons, the rest were pulled into the middle of it. Akara noticed that Sakura was starting to get close to Zero or at least be friendly with him. She would soon speak to her about how Zero would push her away, but that didn't stop Sakura. Akara support her with her feelings and started to like her, they both were polar opposites of each other. Sky on the other hand, didn't like it and would try his darn hardest to stop Sakura for feeling that's at towards Zero. It was like a battlefield with a love triangle in the middle.
Akara ended up catching feelings for Sky, but would soon deny it. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Stats (10 of 10)
Confidence: 8/10
Strength: 9/10
kindness: 7/10
Self-Esteem: 10/10
Neatness: 10/10
Agilify: 10/10
Persuasiveness: 4/10
Gullibility: 6/10
Luck: 8/10
Dexterity: 10/10
Constitution: 8/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Temper: 10/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Charisma: 10/10
Weapons: Katana: Night-Blood.
Other weapons: Thin needles, daggers, and spells
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𓆩Demon Abilities𓆪:
Demonic form: Sorceress of the Night.
Form look: Her hair is longer, length is to her legs. A black witches hat covers the top. A medium crescent moon brooch wit a chain rested around the seam.
Blood Magic: The user is able use a form of magic that allows them to cast magical spells related to blood.
The user is able to use Blood Magic in two ways: to gain access to (esoteric/mystic/magical) blood-based powers/abilities (E.g., Blood Manipulation) or to cast spells that require or are related to blood (E.g., an astral projection spell or healing spell).
Limitations: The spell can last on O blood for a hour, AB blood for 30 minutes, B blood for 20 minutes, and A blood for 10 minutes. If the user can gain more blood then the amount of each, can make the spell last longer.
Binding: User is able to use supernatural powers/traits that bind, imprison, paralyze and/or otherwise stop targets moving normally and possibly completely freezing them where they were. It can be achieved using various means including energy-based or physical restrains or mental effects.
Limitations: Binding can break by enemies that knew about to break them. Bindings also will break if one or both that is binded dies.
Abilities: Caging and restraining.
Limitations: Users of Freeing and Unfixed Movement cannot be bound. Depending on the way used to bind the victim, they may be able to overpower/break their bindings. Users of Teleportation/Intangibility can escape. May be unable to generate the ways to bind and be limited to existing material. May have to stay close to the victim or the binding may break.
Freeing: The user can free themselves or others from being bound, chained, shackled, imprisoned, caged, etc. by binding powers whether mental, physical, spiritual, etc., setting oneself/others free from whatever method is being used to bind them, and keep one from being shackled or tethered to something.
Limitations: Some binds may be too strong to break free from. May require concentration. May have to stay close to the bound person to free them.
Abilities: Sealing and Omni-Cleansing
Curse Magic: The user can use magic relating to curses.
Limitations: Anti-Magic and Blessing Magic can be used against it to stop it.
⊱Witch Abilities⊰
Spelling Casting: The act of changing and controlling events through the use of incantations, ritual and more by magical influence.
Limitations: Only can be use close to the person or thing that is close by or a mile away.
Spiritual Sensing: The ability to feel spiritual activity.
Limitations: Can feel her enemies spiritual self-nearby or are close by. But cannot feel it if they placed a sell to block her from sensing them.
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shes-an-oddbird · 2 years
Tales of a 126 Valentine’s Day
Short Valentine's Day snippets featuring members of the 126 and filled with dates, dilemmas and classic candy hearts.
Struck with inspiration and managed to write these all in the past 24 hours. They are short, sweet and poorly edited. Enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 1 - Judd x Grace & New Parents Summary: Judd and Grace's Valentine's Day, shortly after Charlie is born.
“Judd sweetie, put the phone away.”
“Judd.” Grace tries one last time with a sharper tone.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“Sweetheart, I know this is hard for you, being away from her for the first time but it is Valentine’s Day, how about some attention for the other woman in your life.” Grace says more amused than annoyed at her husband who can’t quite tear his eyes away from the baby cam feed on his phone.
“You think she’s okay?”
“I’m certain of it.”
Judd still looks unsure. “We had that call remember, the couple was watching their baby cam from the restaurant and there was a snake in the nursery, babysitter was unconscious in the basement, left the little guy to fend for himself.”
Grace only shakes her head. “She didn’t abandon him Judd and that was a freak accident.”
“We’re sort of prone to freak accidents.”
“Judd, my love, you can see her, she’s just fine and there are no snakes.”
“But – “
“Tommy is there, she literally has Charlie in her arms, nothing’s going to happen to her.” Grace nods at the screen where in the corner of the baby cam’s view are Tommy and Charlie rocking in the rocking chair, fully conscious and no predators in sight. The volume is down but she suspects their best friend is reading their child a story or singing her a lullaby. Not only are the pair safe but they appear fully at peace.
“You’re right, you’re right.”
“I usually am.” She shoots back as Judd grins and hides the phone away in his jacket pocket. He looks around the restaurant as if it’s the first he’s really noticed it and then spots the plate of food in front of him and looks entirely surprised.
“When did?”
“About five minutes ago, you didn’t even acknowledge the waiter.” She laughs at him and he laughs at himself.
“How are you not a bundle of nerves.”
“I am Sweetheart, but this is the first time in four weeks I’ve worn clothes that don’t have an elastic waist band, spit up stains on the shoulders or pockets full of Kleenex.” She explains. “I’ve showered, done my hair and caked on enough make up to masquerade the bags under my eyes, now you go back to work in a few days and then who knows how long it will be before we get another date night, it may actually be next Valentine’s Day, so can we try to focus on us.”
“You’re right,” he looks her over appreciatively. “I feel like this always goes without saying but you look beautiful.”
“Thank you, you’ve cleaned up pretty well yourself.”
These are lies. They both look exhausted and more than a little rumpled. She’s wearing a now oversized maternity dress that hangs oddly on her because her pre-pregnancy ones still don’t quite fit again. His shirt isn’t pressed and he actually does have a stain on his jacket from where Charlie had got him just before Tommy had arrived.
Oh Tommy. She had been so insistent they go out. Their first night away from Charlie had to happen sometime, why not on Valentine’s Day she reasoned. She even made the reservation for them. Still ever the manipulator, even without Charles. Grace thinks maybe that’s part of why Tommy was so insistent on watching Charlie tonight, because it was her first Valentine’s day as a widower. Spending the evening with Charles’ namesake may be as close as she could get to having another Valentine’s Day with him.
With that thought in mind Grace sits up a little straighter, determined to make the most of the night. “Let’s order another appetizer,” she says, “you wanted to try the scallops right?”
“Yeah, thought they sounded good.” Judd confirmed a little taken aback by her suggestion.
“And how about a third dessert, maybe the cheesecake to split?” If its any good they could order a piece for Tommy. Charles made an excellent cheesecake.
“You’ve got an appetite tonight.” He teases but then a thoughtful look crosses his face. “Cheesecake huh?”
“Yeah, and maybe a piece for Tommy too and the girls?” She suggests. He nods already waving down the waiter to place the order. “Absolutely.”  
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