#watching an old webinar
when taking about the judge routenburg center i wish people talk about how “students” there overwhelmingly BIPOC and/or have intellectual disability.
literal majority are BIPOC. depending on sources, 13-18% are white. (x)
don’t have stats on top of head, seen it somewhere, don’t know if people w ID is majority, but people w ID is a targeted population for centers like this.
i suspect a lot of them are nonspeaking, minimally speaking, don’t have functional communication, or high support needs, too.
so i mean it’s true that JRC targets neurodivergent people, but like they target a very specific group of neurodivergent people. i don’t see white speaking lower support needs autistic or otherwise ND advocates talk about this specific group of neurodivergent often.
all autistic and or neurodivergent people need to band together to protest JRC and shock devices, but in doing that we need to talk about who is most likely to be affected. not every one of us is affected the same.
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conservallama · 10 months
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True story. I heard this at a webinar on collections management when you have weapons in your collection. Watch your unexpected visitor donor pull a pin out of an old grenade just to "prove" to you it doesn't work. Who can say museum work is boring?
___ Follow for more memes from the GLAM world 🖼📙🗄🏛
GLAM - 🖼Galleries📙Libraries🗄Archives🏛Museums . . .
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mylittlediarys-stuff · 8 months
Bite Back Part 5
Part 6- https://www.tumblr.com/mylittlediarys-stuff/744448077812940800/bite-back-part-6?source=share
“A car crash?” She said,
“Yes, after you fell asleep there was a car crash that happened right in front of us,” Alfead said as he poured a cup of chamomile tea and gave her some pain killer to Amaka telling her it would help with the headaches. That’s one thing Amaka loved about the old man; he could just look at her and tell something was wrong. Once he found out what was wrong he would do everything in his power to fix it. “I actually almost hit one of the cars and almost hit us too but I was able to maneuver around it at the last second.”
Amaka signed and decided to slouch in the chair a bit. She could only act like this in front of Alfred. She was able to completely relax and it helped that the butler was able to take the hint to be quiet which combined with the tea and painkiller she felt her headache get a little better.
She stayed like that for hours taking a sip of tea even now and then. She watches Alfead leave and enter the kitchen to check up on her rather than leave to do more work. When she had her final sip of tea she wanted to pour a bit more. She put her cup down on the cup just to find out another weird thing was happening.
Her mug was sticking to her hand.
I just love life right now.
The girl kept on shaking her hand to make the mug come off but it didn’t. She was only able to come off when she slammed the mug into the table.
“Yea I love life,” She replied. She went to fetch the nearest boom just to find out that would stick too.
Around 1pm Amaka asked Alfead to drop her at the downtown where she wanted to visit her hairdresser. The old man didn’t really want to drop her but she was able to convince him somehow.
“You think you can dye my hair from red to black?” Amaka asked.
“Yes it would take a few tries but it would work.” The lady hairdresser said. “But that red hair you have looked before is the perfect shade of red.”
Amaka couldn't lie that her hair looks pretty good. If she wasn't Bruce's daughter she probably would have kept it. If Bruce found her walking around with red hair out of nowhere she was afraid if he would judge her or what would the media think?
Actually, I don’t think the news knows I exist?
“Can you also cut it too? Like 5 inches” Amaka asked.
“As a hairdresser who needs money, yes I would cut it but as a fellow black woman living in this world I would like to tell you it takes a long time for you to grow your hair this much.”
She thought about it a bit. “You're right, but just maybe 2 inches instead, and can you also put my hair in a cute hairstyle.”
“Don't worry sweetheart, I’ll make sure you look just like a princess after.”
During the whole process, Amaka was deep in thought. The sudden power? The physical changes? It was something out of a comic book.
Like when a character goes to some lab and some accident happens and they get power, just like-
She went to a lab yesterday. Did she have an accident? Yes, she did! She got bit by something probably a spider. And now she has power.
It’s okay Amaka, nothing bad is going to happen. Everything will be okay.
She was practically lying to herself.
“Sweetheart, what’s with the bump on the back of your neck?” The hairdresser asked.
“A bump?”
“It looks like a spider bite? Just bigger.”
“Hey is it okay if I check it out in the bathroom?”
When Amaka made it to the bathroom her heart was beating too fast for her liking. She went to stand in front of the mirror. She used her hand to feel the bump. It was the same place where she got bitten. Before she could think probably she decided it was a good idea to try to pop it.
She felt something come out. She begins to try to see what it is. So she started pulling slowly on it. It kept going and going, it looked like a spider web. No, it was definitely a webinar. By the time she she made it to the end, she pulled out at least 4 feet of the web. She took notice of how sticky this stuff was and it was thicker than usual.
At this moment she realized that she couldn’t pretend everything was normal anymore.
When she left the salon her red curls turned back to black and got shorter. She decides to walk around the city for a few hours. Just to think about life and her powers.
So I’m I dying or something?
She walked into some random store. It was filled with people and candles. Frankly, she didn’t know why she walked in.
She looked at the candles everyone looked unique and smelt different. It actually made her head hurt a bit more.
May I should buy one for Mr. Alfred?
She started to pay more attention she hoped she would find something the old man would like. She was looking at candles it felt like a beach but she didn’t think it suited the butler. In her preview vision, she saw a pretty light brown one with a house entered into the glass. She reached out her hand a bit.
A web came out and the candle was in her hand.
A web came out?
Okay, I officially lived long enough to see everything. But at least this is a cool superpower, I guess.
Note: So i was think about Amaka having so sort of mentor just like peter in the mcu. Lowkey the reason why I posted this was because it was my birthday.
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wyrddogs · 1 year
Zaku training update:
Finally introduced sit and down at 15 weeks old. XD He's picking it up fast. I was originally going to train a tuck-sit but then I remembered that I don't do competitive obedience so I don't care.
Working on stacking and failing. He is Mr. Wiggle Worm and bites my fingers extremely hard when baiting. It is painful. My friend gave me a stacking webinar so I'll watch that.
He loooooves being groomed. No complaints there.
Decent at yielding to collar pressure but it's hard to train in the backyard. After next week I'll be able to take him out into the world (YAAAAAAAAY) so we can do more then.
Lots and lots and lots and lots of recall practice, in the yard and on offleash walks. He's doing super great. I have recalled him off squirrels, birds, and a rabbit (it was standing still and Zaku was juuust getting to the point of going "huh. what's that?" when I called him and ran like hell in the other direction get him to chase me). We're going to specifically work on greyhound friends hopefully this week.
He has been experimenting with ignoring recalls on walks, so a mysterious magnetic force (the dragline) magically transports him to me anyway and he gets lots of cookies and pets because he did come to me when I called. As of this week he is recalling better.
One of my offleash rules is my dog must give me eye contact before I release them. I just wait them out, so we do a lot of boring standing. This morning we appear to have had a breakthrough because Zaku was consistently offering eye contact within 10 seconds every time I asked. Hopefully that sticks!
More tug switching. I have gotten him to switch from a high value tug to a mid value one and back. It is very hard, so I'm not overdoing it. I also got my ultra super duper tug in the mail so hopefully he likes it. I think I need to try Shade Whitesel's toy skills course again. I've bounced off it twice but now I have an actual malinois.
He got to watch some chickens the other day. We just hung out for like twenty minutes so he got bored of them and started chewing on sticks. We're also working on watching dogs doing agility and being calm about it. I am extremely happy with how he's doing considering he's an infant puppy with low impulse control. Like holy crap boy.
Both dogs training update:
The Goal is to teach both dogs how to fetch, since neither of them offer it naturally (Zaku is extremely possessive of toys and Kermit just does not have the programming). I've been using one of those little plastic planters since it is a neutral object. As of yesterday Zaku is picking it up and bringing it in my direction when I throw it a short distance. Kermit had a major breakthrough and got frustrated enough to bite it when I was not rewarding his offered down and I jackpotted him. I had him bite it twice more to make sure it stuck then ended the session. Excited to see if it carries over; he's very clever and patterns quickly once he understands.
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caluski · 4 months
someone left the dumbest - like factually incorrect - tags on some old post of mine last night, and god it made me realize im way too fucking old to mock every stupid comment i see in my notifications. i should be spending more time watching webinars or planning my intake of vitamin supplements. good morning everyone!
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“ For everyone that was asking for a webinar about trauma informed martial arts, I gotchuuuuuuuu! I'm running a free webinar about trauma informed body awareness in martial arts. Register to come along live or watch the recording: “
Found here via the  The Conscious Combat Community, the actual register link is here.
For more about the concept of ‘trauma informed’ training modalities check out this recent post.
HEMA itself and more generally historical fencing doesn’t tend to have modern self-defense in mind, but it does get practiced amongst people using consensual violence in a variety of contexts, as such trauma of various sorts can come up in a variety of ways that we may not always expect. Learning more about trauma-informed coaching can be useful even if you’re not an instructor yourself but a beginner and trying to find a healthy training space to flourish in.
For anyone who hasn’t yet seen the following links:
Some advice on how to start studying the sources generally can be found in these older posts
Remember to check out  A Guide to Starting a Liberation Martial Arts Gym as it may help with your own club/gym/dojo/school culture and approach.
Check out their curriculum too.
Fear is the Mind Killer: How to Build a Training Culture that Fosters Strength and Resilience by   Kajetan Sadowski   may be relevant as well.
“How We Learn to Move: A Revolution in the Way We Coach & Practice Sports Skills”  by Rob Gray  
Another useful book to check out is  The Theory and Practice of Historical European Martial Arts (while about HEMA, a lot of it is applicable to other historical martial arts clubs dealing with research and recreation of old fighting systems).
Why having a systematic approach to training can be beneficial
Worth checking out are this blogs tags on pedagogy and teaching for other related useful posts.
Consider getting some patches of this sort or these cool rashguards to show support for good causes or a t-shirt like to send a good message while at training.
And stay safe
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stressedlawsecretary · 9 months
Today's Focus
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12.19.23 - It is my last day at the office before the holiday, so I'm an elf! My supervisor loves it lol. You can thank my dad for convincing me to buy it from the thrift store we hung out in waiting for my sister to pick us up from the lab.
Work - I ended up spending a bunch of my day yesterday working on a ToC and a ToA for a motion SJC needed to submit, and I got three physical case files done along with a few efiles. I have one efile left to save (the motions SJC had me working on) and one new case file for JMK to both put into NYM and create a physical file for. Plus I have two (2) hrs of ethics training to attend virtually at 1p.
Background Noise - Well okay I start with 117 on the Watch Later, but that's because I added a lot of short lists when I figured out a presenter I like has been working for another channel. The problem is I'm probably not going to be able to watch anything during the ethics webinar.
I think I watched something like 9 videos yesterday? I'm hoping to do better today.
Study - Well I finished re-organizing news articles just in time for article day so I know what my plans are at least.
FBI report on the murder of Emmett Till - persons of interest
Articles on the cost of living in Australia
Articles related to Moms for Liberty
Pages of the Glass Report
Saved 'good news' articles
Old articles - specifically articles saved from before 2000
News articles from the 2000s
Three of the saved essays/articles in my folders
I'm trying to do as many of the things mentioned here as possible and just...see how far I get.
Yesterday I did do more than just organizing; I read three of the reported persons of interest in the Emmett Till FBI report, and a couple of articles related to the cost of living in Australia. Not much but better than nothing at all!
Extras - All the chores are done; the dinner is an easy beef stir fry. Heck, the frozen veggies I bought for it even came with a sauce! This should allow me to write some more, which I really need to do because I've been feeling savage recently which probably means my brain is looking for dopamine by fighting on the internet. To cope with that, I'm going to focus on drafting & posting more ranting essays.
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alleycatallies · 1 year
6 Ways to Help Kittens This Spring
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April showers are about to bring May flowers—and kittens! When the weather warms up, most kittens are born. That is why the spring and summer months are known as kitten season!
Compassionate people will always feel the pull to protect kittens they see outdoors. However, they don’t always know the best ways to help.
Alley Cat Allies has the information and resources you need to become a kitten hero this spring! These are our top tips:
1. Don’t separate kittens from their mother
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Humans can’t replace the special, instinctive care mother cats give their kittens to help them grow up strong and healthy. And we can’t replace a mother cat in teaching her babies how to, well, be a cat! There is no need to remove kittens if their mother is present, regularly caring for them, and the little family is not sick or injured.
Please know that even if you haven’t seen mom for a couple of hours, it does NOT mean she isn’t caring for her kittens. Mother cats will often leave for stretches of time to find food—and she will return. If you are concerned, watch the kittens from afar over a course of several hours. You can also try spreading a bit of flour or baby powder around where the kittens are to see if you can spot mom’s footprints coming and going.
If you’re really eager to help mom raise her kittens, you can lend a hand by providing her a comfortable and safe outdoor shelter, as well as regular food and water!
Learn more about what to do if you find a kitten outdoors, including more situations in which your help may be needed.
2: Don’t bring young kittens to the shelter
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Many shelters simply do not have the policies, programs, and resources to provide the round-the-clock care neonatal kittens (kittens younger than 4 weeks old) need. As a result, these kittens are often killed.
As a general rule, the more cats we can keep out of shelters through foster networking, spay and neuter, and caring for the cats in their outdoor homes—the better.
3. Learn how to care for kittens who DO need you
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If you’ve carefully watched and waited and the kittens’ mother doesn’t return—or you know for certain that she is gone for other reasons—make sure you’re prepared to care for them! Anyone can be a kitten caretaker with the right tools and know-how.
Keep in mind that neonatal kittens require round-the-clock care with different needs depending on their age. At this vulnerable age, they cannot feed themselves or even go to the bathroom on their own! Replacing mom is no small job, but it’s worth it every step of the way.
Alley Cat Allies has neonatal kitten care information available on our website.
Our Kitten Care Kits have the gear you need to raise kittens up healthy and strong.
How do you know if a kitten needs immediate care or if Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is the best option? That all depends on her age! Our How Old Is That Kitten? Guide will help you find out.
4. Use your kitten care knowledge to volunteer
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Shelters and rescue groups across the country and around the world are always on the lookout for ready and willing bottle baby kitten foster caregivers. You can be that critical resource! If you don’t have experience, train yourself with our information above or pursue training on neonatal kitten care.
We have a webinar that will walk you through the basics of kitten care here.
And once you’ve become a powerhouse kitten foster caregiver, encourage and empower your friends and neighbors to do the same!
5. Do Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)
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TNR is the only effective and humane approach to stabilizing community cat populations—and it is more critical than ever in and around kitten season! In a TNR program, community cats are humanely trapped and brought to a veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and eartipped (the universal symbol that a cat has been neutered and vaccinated) before being returned to their outdoor homes. Learn more about TNR.
Cats as young as four months can have kittens, so it is important to spay and neuter kittens as soon as they are ready. A good rule of thumb is the 2 Months, 2 Pounds: Time 2 Spay and Neuter Rule. Kittens can be safely spayed or neutered at two months of age or as soon as they weigh two pounds.
6. Advocate for programs that protect kittens
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Contact your shelter and local officials and tell them you support lifesaving policies for cats, Trap-Neuter-Return, and Shelter-Neuter-Return (A TNR program in which cats are brought to the shelter for spay and neuter and are then returned to their outdoor homes).
Encourage your local shelter to adopt a Wait Until 8® program! This unique, vital program involves shelter staff encouraging community members who bring in young kittens to care for those kittens themselves. The shelter would provide training, resources, and kitten care kits to facilitate that fostering.
Then, when the kitten is 2 months old and at least 2 pounds, the community member could bring the kitten back in to be spayed or neutered and adopted!
Learn how you can help your local shelter save more cats’ and kittens’ lives.
Visit www.alleycat.org/Kittens for a comprehensive guide to caring for kittens.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Heey! I hope you're having a great day! <3 I saw the pairing thing and I wanted to try it 👉🏻👈🏻 It's my first time doing something like this and I'm soo excited 🥹
I have brown eyes and wavy-brown hair. Aand I have dimples. I smile/laugh all the time so my family and friends play with my cheeks. They say that my skin is soft.
I don't like crowded places. I'm shy and nervous around new people... I won't talk unless they talk with me 🥲 Also, I like making other people happy! I like to give them little things, or writing them letters. I remember every little detail they told me. Ah I almost forgot, I like to share songs with people. If the song reminds me of them, I'll send it! (A little addition: I even made a playlist for someone I secretly loved, but I was too shy to talk with him.. Then I deleted that playlist 😞)
My interests are simple.. Listening to music, reading books, playing video games... My favorite music genre is metal. I'm planning to learn how to play bass guitar 🎸 And for the book, I love detective novels. Also visiting places and taking photos, I forgot them!! Especially I LOVE taking photos of the sky, seeing all the blue sky with white clouds, it's just so beautiful ⛅️
I'm an environmental engineering student, so my future aspiration is improving myself in my major! I'm trying to attend all the webinars about environment and the issues about it. 🍀
I don't have a specific partner type. But trust is a must. If he loves me and makes me happy, I'm ready to give him all my heart ❤️ My previous relationships were bad, I've been cheated 🥲
That's all I guess? I hope I wrote clearly, and I'm sorry if I made mistakes, English is not my first language 😅
Have a great day/night!!! <33
a/n: Thank you anon! Don’t worry it all made perfect sense and I hope you enjoy :)
How you met: Right place, right time was your joke with Alejandro. That had been the case for when you first met. While on a spur of the moment trip to Mexico, you had hiked a cliff to watch the sunrise slowly rise above the horizon. You made it a little before the sky lightened and were relaxing on a bench. You held your knees to your chest as you saw the scarlet and tangerine colors dance in the sky. You loved traveling but you loved seeing the different sunsets even more. Something about the idea that everyone sees the same sunset and sunrise was comforting to you. As you found peace in the quiet, you heard someone approach you. “Buenos dias,” he said and you turned your head to see another hiker. He walked up the trail and pulled up his sunglasses to meet your eyes. He looked about as old as you, probably some other college student. You were a little flustered as you only new conversational Spanish and did not have the charisma of this guy. “Ah buenos dias,” you responded but not nearly as fluently as he had. “Ah so what are you doing here, traveler?” he asked and took a seat on the soft ground. “Just admiring the view,” you replied and looked out to the sky. “It is beautiful,” he agreed with you as you both watched night turn into day. Somehow during the hike down, you and the other hiker, Alejandro, became quick friends. The end of your trip culminated in exchanging numbers and calling constantly. Eventually after many months of friendship, you exchanged addresses to send letters while he was training in the Army.
A peek into your relationship: You were cozied with your boyfriend on the porch. You pulled the blanket tighter around you both as you watched the stars. Alejandro kissed your forehead as you laid on his chest. You could feel the cool late night air of Las Almas as you watched the constellations move and twinkle. “Mi corazon, do you think you could get me a sweater?” Alejandro asked you sweetly. You never understood why he always ran cold but you obliged. As you rummaged through his drawers, you found a small box with a picture of you and him on it. “Ale, what’s this,” you began to call out but let your voice fade out. As you looked, it was a box full of all the letters you wrote him over the years. He kept the ones you wrote him while he was training, ones that contained many song recommendations, and even the small piece of paper that had your number written on it. It made you so emotional seeing this, he really kept everything. Before you rushed out to show him, you noticed a small ring tucked at the bottom. On the inside of the gold medal was his handwriting which said, “Mi amor, mi vida.” When you returned to the porch, you didn’t tell Alejandro what you saw, knowing he would let you know when it was time.
hint hint, it was months later when he took you back to the fateful spot in Mexico and proposed on the cliff side <3
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dropintomanga · 2 years
From Manga to IRL: Found Family
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I got a chance to catch the latest Manga in Libraries webinar on YouTube, which was titled Disability Visibility in Manga. It was a really good discussion about what the manga industry and anyone promoting manga can do better to promote better disability representation and access.
There was one question that host Jillian Rudes asked that prompted an answer from one of her panelists that made me think about how important it is for fans to look for communities that aren’t made up of blood-related family members.
Jillian asked the question “Have you seen your own lived experiences (re: disability) reflected in manga? If so, what manga? If not, what would you like to see?” The panelist in question, Nico Meyering, the Business Administrator of the University of Pennsylvania’s Orphan Disease Center and Gene Therapy Program, chimed in saying that he couldn’t find any manga relating to his experiences as he has a really rare disability. He then goes on to say he experienced a common trope - the “found family” trope.
“But I do solidly identify with a trope that we find a lot in manga and other pop culture that we consume. And that is like, the “found family” trope or really identifying with your friends, identifying with a group of people who might not be related to you genetically, but who form very strong bonds with you based out of shared experience, shared interest, or shared background. And this is something I found true in my own life.”
Nico goes on to say that as a lonely person, he never understood why people have strong attachments to their high school/college/graduate school. Nico then goes on to say he found his place with the disabled community and that he’s really working hard to make sure that his generation’s ceiling will be the next generation’s floor. Nico preaches community-based disability mentorship and coming up with guidelines and best practices to help improve disabled spaces for decades to come. It leads to a short wonderful response from another panelist, Bridget MacCormack (a cosplayer who’s also a mental health and disability advocate), about the “found family” trope being present in manga. She used One Piece and Monkey D. Luffy having a “found family” at his side as an example.
Like Nico, I never had strong attachments to any of the educational institutions I attended in my life. I used to have friends who I thought were great, but they slowly fell out of my life. Yet I didn’t really interact with anyone with the same interests as me until I was in my late ‘20s. Part of my late bloom into fandom was my fault and some of it could be blamed on other people.
With that said, I think it’s important to find people who aren’t blood-related to be around. Some of you may be fortunate to have wonderful parents/siblings/relatives (i.e. I’m one of them), but they aren’t enough. There’s things that they might never get about you. We all have our own idiosyncrasies that don’t necessarily vibe well with others. The beauty of being around similar folks with different backgrounds is that you get to see different ways of how to live life in a meaningful way. We’re often so stuck in our heads to the point of possible rumination. When you’re in a safe space with those with shared experiences, everyone in that setting is able to share knowledge that helps and prevents rumination from happening. 
I do want to stress that it’s important to find a “family” that is NOT rooted in hatred since it’s easy to meet the kinds of people that promote it when one is lonely and full of despair. Those individuals do not genuinely care about their members when they do not serve their best interests.
I asked myself if I found some kind of family just like how it happens in manga. I think back to the early days of reading/watching Gintama, where Gintoki Sakata finds out his then-newfound friends, Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura, were kidnapped by the Harusame space pirates during a Yorozuya mission. His old friend, Katsura Kotaro, tells him that it’s dangerous to rescue them. But Gintoki talks about how he didn’t want to carry the weight of other people in his life after experiencing so much loss during the Amanto War. Yet by bringing in Shinpachi and Kagura into his life, Gintoki unexpectedly wanted to be around people and take on the burden of life again. He says life would be boring if they weren’t around.
I think for me, I’m starting to find some kind of found family in the unlikeliest of places just like in manga. I realize like Gintoki, life wouldn’t be fun if there weren’t people I can form some sort of familial bond with. I hope you guys have/had the same experiences as me. Kabi Nagata once said that to feel a true sense of independence, you have to be able to rely on and trust other people that aren’t your immediate family. Take in as many experiences with those who you find a genuine bond with as you can because not only you may find some kind of family, but you might also find a sense of communal peace and purpose that’s much-needed in a world that doesn’t always seem to care about such things.
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vedangkadia · 21 days
Google’s Major Update—Transitioning from Video Action Campaigns to Demand Gen
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Hi there! Let’s jump into today’s valuable insights.
Google is making a big change to how ads work, and you’ll want to know about it.
By the middle of 2025, Google will replace its current Video Action Campaigns with a new type of campaign called Demand Gen. This new system promises to give advertisers better tools and more options to reach people online.
What’s Changing?
Starting in 2025, Video Action Campaigns will no longer be available. Instead, Google will introduce Demand Gen campaigns. These new campaigns are designed to be more flexible and effective for advertisers, allowing them to reach more people in different ways.
Key Features of Demand Gen Campaigns:
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- Multi-Format Ads:
With Demand Gen, advertisers can use both videos and images in the same campaign. This means they can create more engaging ads that can grab people’s attention in different ways. For example, a company can show a video to introduce a product and then follow up with an image ad to remind people about it.
- Expanded Reach:
Demand Gen campaigns will go beyond just showing ads on YouTube. Ads can also appear on Google’s Discover platform and in Gmail. This means that advertisers can reach people where they spend a lot of their time, whether they’re watching videos, browsing the web, or checking their email.
- Better Targeting:
Demand Gen will introduce new features like lookalike segments, which help advertisers reach people who are similar to their existing customers. This is a powerful tool because it allows companies to find new customers who are likely to be interested in their products or services.
- Improved Performance:
Google has found that using both videos and images together can lead to better results. Early tests show that campaigns using these combined formats can lead to more people clicking on ads and making purchases. This means that Demand Gen could help advertisers get more out of their ad budgets.
The Transition Timeline
Here’s how the switch to Demand Gen will happen:
Early 2025: Google will introduce a tool to help advertisers manually upgrade their existing campaigns to Demand Gen. This will give advertisers time to adjust and test the new system before it fully takes over.
March 2025: After this point, advertisers won’t be able to create new Video Action Campaigns. This is the last chance to start fresh with the old system.
Q2 2025: Any remaining Video Action Campaigns will be automatically switched over to Demand Gen. Advertisers who haven’t made the switch by then will see their campaigns upgraded without any extra work on their part.
How to Prepare?
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Google is encouraging advertisers to start getting ready now:
- Start Testing Demand Gen:
It’s a good idea to begin experimenting with Demand Gen campaigns now. This way, you can see how the new features work and figure out the best ways to use them in your campaigns. The earlier you start, the more prepared you’ll be when the full transition happens.
- Use Google’s Tools:
Google will offer tools to help you copy settings from your old campaigns into the new system. This will make the transition smoother and help you avoid any disruptions in your ad performance. Make sure you’re familiar with these tools so you can use them effectively.
- Learn the New Features:
Take some time to understand the new features that come with Demand Gen. This includes things like how to use lookalike segments and the best ways to mix video and image ads. The more you know, the better your campaigns will perform.
Support and Resources:
Google knows that changes like this can be challenging, so they’re offering plenty of help:
They’ll be hosting a webinar where experts will explain the new system in detail and answer any questions you might have. This will be a great opportunity to learn directly from the people who know the most about it.
Google will also keep updating its Twitter account with the latest news and tips about Demand Gen. Following these updates can help you stay on top of any new developments.
Finally, Google’s Help Center will have detailed guides and a comprehensive FAQ page to help you navigate the transition smoothly.
Change can be tricky, but it also opens up new opportunities. By getting ready for Demand Gen now, you can ensure that your advertising stays effective and that you continue to reach your audience in the best way possible. Start exploring what Demand Gen can do for you, and you’ll be well-prepared for the future.
Looking forward to seeing how you’ll make the most of these new tools!
Follow me for more easy-to-understand tips on SEO, digital marketing, and ways to improve your website 🌐 and grow your online success! 🚀
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cubicdesignzdm · 2 months
SEO Trends to Watch in What Your Agency Needs to Know
Search Intent Will Be King:
Search intent — the true purpose behind a user’s search — will continue to guide organic marketers. Understanding what users are really looking for is crucial. Are they seeking quick answers, transactional information, or in-depth knowledge? Meeting search intent requires finesse and a nuanced understanding of your audience’s needs. Keep an eye on how Google responds to this trend — it’s like following the North Star in the SEO galaxy! 
Increase in Question Keywords and Answers:
Users are increasingly asking questions directly in search engines. Optimize your content to address these queries. Create comprehensive FAQs, guides, and articles that provide valuable answers. It’s like being the wise sage who anticipates every question! 
Creators Will Share More First-Hand Experience:
Authenticity matters. Creators — whether bloggers, influencers, or industry experts — will share their personal experiences. User-generated content and firsthand accounts will resonate with audiences. It’s like adding a dash of truth serum to your content cauldron! 
Building Topical Authority Will Be Important:
Instead of chasing individual keywords, focus on becoming an authority within specific topics. Google values expertise and depth. Dive deep into your niche, create comprehensive resources, and establish your brand as the go-to source. It’s like building a majestic castle atop a hill! 
Topical Maps in Content Strategy Will Be Huge:
Think beyond isolated blog posts. Create interconnected content clusters around core topics. Internal linking within these clusters strengthens topical relevance. It’s like weaving a magical web of interconnected knowledge! 
AI Content Will Be Created at Scale:
AI-generated content is on the rise. Some marketers will use AI to simply pump out drafts, but those who take additional steps to create high-quality content will rise to the top. Quality and relevance will be key. Imagine an AI assistant whispering, “Fear not, noble marketer! I’ve found the perfect long-tail keyword for your enchanted shoe store!” 
Content Will Need to Be Regularly Updated:
The days of “set it and forget it” are over. Google loves fresh content. Regular updates signal that your website is alive, kicking, and relevant. So, dust off those old blog posts, give them a makeover, and let them shine anew! 
Brand Signals Will Grow in Importance:
Google wants to provide the highest-quality search results from trusted, reputable, and authoritative sources. Brand signals — such as mentions, reviews, and social presence — will play a significant role. Cultivate your brand like a rare magical herb! 
Google Will Place More Emphasis on User Interactions and Engagement Metrics:
User experience matters. Google considers how users interact with your content — dwell time, click-through rates, and bounce rates. Engage your audience, create captivating experiences, and keep them spellbound! 
Mobile Page Performance Will Continue to Be a Big Ranking Factor:
Mobile-first indexing isn’t going anywhere. Optimize for mobile speed, responsiveness, and usability. Your users (and Google’s bots) will thank you! 
Businesses Will Need to Make Page Experience Updates:
Google’s Core Web Vitals — metrics related to page loading, interactivity, and visual stability — will influence rankings. Ensure your website provides a delightful user experience. It’s like polishing your magical artifacts! 
SEO Communities Will Be Crucial:
Join SEO communities, attend webinars, and learn from fellow wizards. The digital realm evolves faster than a phoenix reborn. Stay curious and share insights — it’s like passing down ancient scrolls! 
If you’re looking for a partner to elevate your brand online, Cubic Designz might be a great fit!
By following these important 2024 SEO trends, you can make sure your content meets both the quality and authority signals Google will be looking for. So, noble marketer, may your rankings soar like a dragon and your organic traffic multiply like a well-cast spell!
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expansions888 · 2 months
The Human Animal-Mind Explained
Most people do not realize that there is an animal-mind that governs the human body, keeping it forever locked into survival mode of fight or flight. Discover how the Spiritual Mind is designed to govern and elevate consciousness and why it is in constant conflict with your animal-mind. Find out how the global handlers use your Animal-Mind to control you and why they view YOU as nothing more than an animal. Differentiate between “Herd Mentality” and “Pack Mentality”.
Learn Hyperspace tools and techniques to bring resolution between your “Higher Mind” and the “Lower Mind” of your Animal Body. You can’t Spring forward into the new when you Fall back into the old. Your Animal-Mind keeps you tied to your addictions and old habit responses. Find out why and what you can do to stop it.
Watch this webinar on (PPV) here: https://www.expansions.com/product/the-human-animal-mind-explained-webinar/
Members watch for free here: https://www.expansions.com/expansions-webinar-recordings/
Not a member sign up and get access to all our previous webinars and thousands of hours of videos to learn in your own time and so much more.
#animalmind #spiritualmind #breakinghabits #hyperspace
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mrkhan75090 · 2 months
Traffic Alchemist AI Review -  Pulls In 1,943,808 Visitors In 90 Days
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Hey Everyone Welcome To My Traffic Alchemist AI Review and Traffic Alchemist AI OTO Article. If You are looking for a Detail Review of Traffic Alchemist AI then this is the right place for you.
Hey, I am Md Masud Khan, a blogger and Internet Marketer. I am interested in exploring new Online Business Software and Tools every day. I review newly launched software in the online market. So that you won’t face any doubt or Problems & ultimately you can make the right buying decision.
Traffic Alchemist AI Review – Product OverviewVendor:Ram RawatProduct:Traffic Alchemist AILaunch Date:2024-Jul-16Launch Time:10:00 EDTFront-End Price:23Affiliate Network:Click Here
Watch How it works 
Traffic Alchemist AI Review – What is Traffic Alchemist AI?
With the use of this ground-breaking program, Traffic Alchemist AI Ai, you can drive thousands of free traffic to any page. It accomplishes this by turning videos from other people into hundreds of social micro-videos. Every day, this technique just takes fifteen minutes!
How Does Traffic Alchemist AI Work?
Find/Upload A Viral Video In Your Niche Or Add A Link To Your Old Video, Webinar, Demo Video, Explainer Video Or Any Video You Want.
Our A.I. Turns It Into 100s Of Little ATTENTION- GRABBING, HIGHLY ENGAGING Micro Videos – Customise Them, Add Your Link, Etc. All At Once. 
Publish/Schedule It To Any Platform Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok – GO Viral, Skyrocket Your Reach & Generate Free Traffic 24X7.
Watch How it works 
Features and Benefits Of Traffic Alchemist AI
Over 50+ WSOTD Awards & 5+ Years Of Experience In Product Launches.
High Quality, Proven & Fully Featured Product That Your Subscribers Will Love.
Guaranteed Reciprocation For Everyone, I Can Easily Send 50-100 Sales On Your Launch.
We’ve Everything You Need To Make This A Super Profitable Promo For You.
Unique Product & Sales Angle.
Highly Compliment Funnel & Price Points To Give You Those Crazy EPCs Proven & High-Quality Product.
Real Life Results, Real People Already Using The Software.
Over $3,000 In JV Prizes Paid Directly Through W+ Wallet, Payoneer, Stripe.
Who Can Use Traffic Alchemist AI?
1. Digital Marketers
Content Creators: Simplifies the process of creating engaging content by turning single videos into multiple micro-videos.
Social Media Managers: Streamlines social media campaigns across multiple platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
2. Businesses and Brands
Small Business Owners: Helps in creating and posting regular content without needing a large team or budget.
E-commerce Stores: Drives traffic to product pages through engaging video content.
3. Influencers and Personal Brands
YouTubers and Influencers: Maximizes reach and engagement by repurposing content into viral micro-videos.
Personal Brands: Builds a strong online presence by consistently posting attention-grabbing videos.
4. Agencies and Freelancers
Marketing Agencies: Provides a cost-effective solution for creating and managing video content for multiple clients.
Freelancers: Offers a tool for creating high-quality video content for clients, potentially increasing their service offerings.
5. Online Educators and Course Creators
Educators: Converts educational videos into bite-sized content for easier consumption and engagement.
Course Creators: Promotes courses by creating teaser videos and promotional content.
6. Affiliate Marketers
Affiliates: Leverages video content to drive traffic to affiliate links and offers.
JV Partners: Uses the software to create compelling promotional videos for product launches.
7. Anyone Looking to Increase Online Traffic
Bloggers: Attracts more visitors to their blogs through engaging social media content.
Website Owners: Drives traffic to websites or landing pages by creating and sharing viral videos.
Traffic Alchemist AI OTO and My Special Bonuses
Front End ($17)
Turn ANY (Even The Oldest, Lamest) Video On The Web Into Your Own VIRAL Social Micro Videos
Perfect For Video Ads, Viral Videos & Hundreds Of Other Video Content Types
20X Existing Results Of ANY Video 
Advanced Video Editing Technology Perfect For ALL Types Of Videos
Stupid Simple Visual Interface
Set & Forget System
Convert 1 Video Into Multiple (Upto 20) Mico-Videos In 1 Click
Mass Edit All Videos At Once In 1-Click
20 High Converting DONE FOR YOUR Templates
Add Progress Bars
Add Subtitles
Add Image, Text, Video Intros & Outros
Add Texts, Gifs, Images, Music
Resize Video Dimensions 
Resize Canvas Dimensions
Fully Newbie Friendly & Cloud Based Software
COMMERCIAL RIGHTS INCLUDED – Use These Videos For Clients Projects And Charge Them Any Fee
OTO1 ($37)
4x Your Traffic & Income Potential With The Pro Version.
Create & Download UNLIMITED Campaigns
Remove The Limitations & Go UNLIMITED.
Add 10 Instagram Accounts (Instead Of 1)
Custom Size Videos For Other Platforms
Thumbnail Editor
1-Click Subtitles Generate
Save As Template Feature
Get Access To Our PRIVATE Viral Sharing Strategies
COMMERCIAL RIGHTS INCLUDED – Use These Videos For Clients Pro
OTO2 ($47)
Upgrade To TrafficAlchemist AI DFY Upgrade And… LET US DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU Without Lifting A Finger! 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Without Commercial License
OTO3 ($47)
Clone Yourself & Multiply Your Presence for Unlimited Traffic & Sales
Move Your Audience to Take Action With Emotion-Driven Voices.
Upgrade Your Content & Captivate Your Audience With Realistic AI Voices.
Transform Text Into Captivating Audio with Advanced AI Technology & Customization Options.
Effortlessly Turn Your Audio into Beautifully Crafted Videos to Attract More Viewers & Buyers.
Create Persuasive Video Sales Letters or any content In Just 1-Click.
Without Commercial License
OTO4 ($47)
ChatGPT-Powered 3-In-1 Multi Channel Autoresponder For Email, SMS & WhatsApp To 10X Your Reach, Traffic & Sales!
Send UNLIMITED Email, SMS, Whatsapp Messages Every Month!
Upload UNLIMITED Contacts And Broadcast To Them Instantly
Schedule Your Messages & Emails For Any Time In The Future
NEVER SEEN BEOFRE – Capture Leads With Our 3-In-1 Opt-In Auto Tech
Create UNLIMITED Campaigns & Messages
Intelligent AI Chatbot That Writes Unique, High-Converting Messages In Seconds
Automatically REPLY To All Your Messages & Emails Without Any Manual Intervention
Without Commercial License
OTO5 ($47)
​Step-By-Step ChatGPT Video Training
​Proprietary Templates: 40+ Of Our Proprietary
Our Secret ‘Copywriter On Call’ ChatGPT Prompt!
Our ‘Doctor Conversion’ ChatGPT Prompt!
​Create Content 10X Faster & 10X Easier
​Skyrocket Your Productivity & Generate NEW Ideas
​Instantly Boost Your Sales & Conversions!
Without Commercial License
OTO6 ($127-$147)
Your Each Client Will Have Access To Features Of TrafficAlchemist AI
50-250 Accounts
With Our Sales Material For Best Conversions
Create Accounts for your Clients Using your Reseller Dashboard in 1 Click
We’ll Handle Support Of Your All Clients
Low 1-Time Fee During The Launch Period
DOWNSELL ($97-$117)
Without Exclusive Bonuses
Traffic Software That Pulls In 1,943,808 Visitors In 90 Days From YouTube, Facebook, Instagram & TikTok On Complete Autopilot!
Frequently Asked Questions On Traffic Alchemist AI
What is TrafficAlchemist AI?
TrafficAlchemist AI is an innovative software that automates the process of generating social media traffic by converting single videos into multiple engaging micro-videos. It helps users increase their online visibility and drive traffic from platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Is TrafficAlchemist AI easy to use?
Yes, TrafficAlchemist AI is designed to be user-friendly with a straightforward interface. No prior video editing experience is required to use the software effectively.
Can I use TrafficAlchemist AI for client projects?
Yes, most versions of TrafficAlchemist AI include commercial rights, allowing you to use the software for client projects and charge a fee for your services.
What platforms does TrafficAlchemist AI support?
TrafficAlchemist AI supports YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, among other social media platforms.
Are there any downsells available?
Yes, most upsells come with downsell options that offer the core features at a lower price, typically without the commercial license.
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webzininc · 4 months
Content Repurposing Strategies: Maximizing ROI Across Multiple Platforms
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In today’s fast-paced digital world, creating fresh and engaging content across multiple platforms can be a daunting task. But fear not! With the right content repurposing strategies, you can maximize your return on investment and reach a wider audience than ever before. Join us as we explore the top tactics for repurposing your existing content to make a big impact on all of your marketing channels. Get ready to take your content game to the next level and watch your ROI soar!
Introduction To Content Repurposing
Content repurposing is a powerful strategy for maximizing the return on investment (ROI) of your content across multiple platforms. It involves taking existing content and transforming it into different formats to reach new audiences and extend its lifespan.
In today’s digital age, creating high-quality content is crucial for businesses to attract and engage their target audience. However, constantly coming up with fresh ideas and producing new content can be time-consuming and costly. This is where content repurposing comes in as a cost-effective solution that can help you make the most out of your existing content.
So, what exactly is content repurposing? Simply put, it’s the process of taking a piece of existing content, such as a blog post or video, and adapting it into various formats to serve different purposes. For example, you can turn a blog post into an infographic, create social media posts from statistics mentioned in your article, or even transform a podcast episode into a webinar.
Benefits Of Content Repurposing
The concept of content repurposing may seem daunting at first, but the benefits it brings to your content marketing efforts are undeniable. In this section, we will explore the various advantages of repurposing your content and how it can help you maximize your ROI across multiple platforms.
1. Reach a Wider Audience
One of the major benefits of content repurposing is that it allows you to reach a wider audience. By converting your existing content into different formats, such as videos, infographics, or podcasts, you can tap into new audiences who prefer consuming information in these alternative forms. This not only increases your reach but also gives you the opportunity to connect with different segments of your target audience.
2. Cost-Effective Marketing
Creating high-quality content requires time and resources. However, by repurposing your existing content instead of creating new ones from scratch, you can significantly cut down on costs and still maintain a consistent flow of valuable information for your audience. This makes content repurposing a cost-effective strategy for maximizing ROI.
3. Improved SEO Ranking
Republishing or updating old blog posts with fresh information and visuals can improve their search engine ranking. By utilizing keywords and optimizing for SEO in different formats, you increase the chances of getting more visibility and traffic to your website or social media profiles.
4. Reinforce Your Brand Message
Consistency is key when it comes to building brand awareness and trust with your audience. Repurposing old or popular pieces of content helps reinforce your brand message by highlighting important points or ideas in different ways. This creates a cohesive brand image across all platforms and strengthens brand recall among consumers.
5. Time-Saving
As mentioned earlier, creating quality content takes time and effort. With limited resources available, it can be challenging to consistently produce original pieces for every platform or channel separately. Content repurposing saves you time by allowing you to adapt one piece of content into multiple formats, making it easier to maintain an active presence on various platforms.
Content repurposing offers several benefits for businesses looking to maximize their ROI across multiple platforms. From reaching a wider audience and improving SEO ranking to reinforcing brand messaging and saving time, this strategy is a valuable addition to any content marketing plan. With the right repurposing tactics, you can make the most out of your existing content and see significant returns on your investment.
Identifying Your Target Audience And Platforms
Identifying your target audience and the appropriate platforms to reach them is a crucial step in any content repurposing strategy. Without a clear understanding of who your audience is and where they spend their time online, it can be difficult to effectively repurpose your content for maximum ROI.
The first step in identifying your target audience is to conduct thorough market research. This involves analyzing demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns of potential customers. Demographics include age, gender, income level, education level, etc., while psychographics refer to values, interests, attitudes, and lifestyles. Understanding these factors can help you create buyer personas that represent your ideal customers.
Once you have a clear idea of who your target audience is, the next step is to determine which platforms they use regularly. This will vary depending on several factors such as age group, industry sector, and geographic location. For example, if you are targeting young professionals in the tech industry, LinkedIn may be a more effective platform than Facebook or Instagram.
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Understanding Your Existing Content Assets
When it comes to content repurposing, the first step is to take a thorough inventory of your existing content assets. This includes all types of content such as blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, social media posts, and more. By understanding what you already have in your arsenal, you can better plan for how to repurpose and maximize the ROI on each piece.
Start by organizing your existing content into categories based on the topic or theme. This will give you a clear overview of what topics have been covered and which ones may need more attention. It will also help you identify any gaps in your content strategy that can be filled with repurposed material. Next, analyze the performance of each piece of content. Look at metrics such as page views, engagement rates, and social shares to determine which pieces have been the most successful. This will give you an idea of which topics and formats resonate best with your audience.
Once you have a clear understanding of your existing content assets and their performance, it’s time to start brainstorming ways to repurpose them. Here are some ideas to get you started:
1. Create new blog posts or articles by updating and expanding old ones.
Look for older blog posts or articles that can be updated with new information or statistics. You can also expand on a topic by breaking it down into more specific subtopics. This will not only provide value to your readers but also improve the SEO of your website by keeping your content fresh and relevant.
2. Turn blog posts into infographics or videos.
Visual content is highly engaging and can help you reach a wider audience. Take some of your most popular blog posts and turn them into eye-catching infographics or short videos that can be shared on social media platforms.
3. Repurpose presentations into slideshare decks.
If you have given presentations in the past, consider turning them into slide decks that can be shared on Slideshare or other presentation platforms. This will help you reach a new audience and repurpose your content in a visually appealing format.
4. Compile blog posts into an ebook or whitepaper.
If you have a collection of blog posts on a particular topic, consider compiling them into an ebook or whitepaper that can be downloaded from your website. This will not only provide value to your audience but also help establish your brand as an authority on the subject.
5. Turn customer testimonials into social media posts.
Utilize positive customer feedback and testimonials by turning them into social media posts. This is a great way to showcase the success of your products or services and engage with your audience.
6. Create podcasts from written content.
Turn written content such as blog posts or articles into audio format by creating podcasts. This will cater to those who prefer to consume content through audio and expand your reach to a new audience.
7. Repurpose webinars into videos or downloadable resources.
If you have hosted webinars in the past, consider repurposing them into shorter videos or downloadable resources such as checklists or guides. This will allow you to continue providing value to your audience long after the live webinar has ended.
Repurposing Strategies For Different Types Of Content (Blogs, Videos, Infographics, Etc.)
Repurposing content is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy. Not only does it save time and effort in creating new content, but it also helps to reach a wider audience and maximize return on investment (ROI). However, repurposing strategies cannot be applied in a one-size-fits-all manner. Different types of content require different approaches in order to effectively repurpose them across various platforms.
Blogs are one of the most commonly used types of content for businesses. They provide valuable information to readers and can establish a brand as an authority in their industry. When it comes to repurposing blogs, there are several effective strategies that can be utilized. One approach is to turn blog posts into social media posts by breaking them down into bite-sized pieces with attention-grabbing headlines or quotes. This not only increases the reach of the original blog post but also allows for engagement with followers on various social media platforms.
Another way to repurpose blogs is by converting them into video content. This can be done by creating animated videos or using footage accompanied by voiceovers or interviews with experts mentioned in the blog post. Videos tend to perform better on social media, making this an effective strategy for reaching a larger audience and driving more traffic back to the original blog post.
Infographics are another popular type of content that can be repurposed in various ways. One approach is to create a blog post or video using the information from the infographic and providing additional context and analysis. This not only expands on the information presented in the infographic but also provides a different format for those who prefer reading or watching rather than viewing a visual graphic.
Tools And Resources To Help With Content Repurposing
Content repurposing is an essential strategy for any business or brand looking to maximize their return on investment (ROI) across multiple platforms. However, the process of repurposing content can be time-consuming and daunting, especially for those who are new to it. That’s where tools and resources come in – they can help streamline the repurposing process and make it more efficient. In this section, we will discuss some top-notch tools and resources that can assist you in your content repurposing efforts.
1. Canva: Canva is a popular graphic design platform that allows users to create eye-catching visuals easily. It offers a wide range of templates, images, illustrations, fonts, and other design elements that can help elevate your content. With Canva, you can quickly turn your blog post into an infographic or a social media graphic with just a few clicks. This tool is perfect for creating visually appealing content without having any prior design experience.
2. BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo is another excellent tool for content repurposing as it helps identify the most shared and engaging content on various social media channels based on specific keywords or topics. By analyzing what type of content resonates well with your audience, you can gain valuable insights into what type of content to replicate or repurpose for different platforms.
3. Repurpose.io: As the name suggests, Repurpose.io specializes in automating the process of repurposing content across different platforms quickly. It integrates with popular tools like YouTube, Facebook Live, LinkedIn Live, etc., allowing you to automatically convert live videos into podcasts or blog posts without any manual effort.
4. Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a powerful analytics tool that provides detailed data on website traffic and user behavior patterns. By analyzing this data, businesses can see which pieces of their existing content are performing well and use them as inspiration for future repurposed versions.
5.Fiverr: Fiverr is a freelance marketplace that can be a gold mine for content repurposing. Here, you can find talented freelancers who offer services like video editing, graphic design, copywriting, and more at affordable prices. Outsourcing some of your repurposing tasks to these professionals can save you time and effort while also ensuring high-quality content.
These are just some of the many tools and resources available to assist with content repurposing. It’s crucial to remember that each business or brand’s needs may vary, so it’s essential to research and experiment with different options to find what works best for you. With the right tools and resources at your disposal, you can significantly enhance your content repurposing efforts and ultimately increase ROI across multiple platforms.
Tips For Measuring The ROI Of Your Repurposed Content
Repurposing content is a great way to save time and effort while still maximizing the impact of your content marketing strategy. However, it can be difficult to measure the return on investment (ROI) of repurposed content compared to creating new content from scratch. In this section, we will explore some tips for accurately measuring the ROI of your repurposed content.
1. Set specific goals: Before you begin repurposing your content, it’s important to have clear and specific goals in mind. These could include increasing website traffic, generating leads, or improving brand awareness. By setting concrete goals, you will have a benchmark to measure the success of your repurposed content against.
2. Track metrics: To effectively measure ROI, you need to track relevant metrics such as website visits, social media engagement, lead conversion rates, and sales numbers. This will help you determine if your repurposed content is driving the desired results.
3. Use UTM codes: UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) codes are snippets of code that can be added to URLs in order to track where website traffic is coming from. By using unique UTM codes for each piece of repurposed content shared across different platforms, you can easily identify which channels are driving the most traffic and conversions.
4. Monitor social media engagement: Repurposing your written blog posts into visual formats like infographics or videos can often generate higher engagement on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. Keep an eye on likes, shares, comments and other forms of engagement to gauge the success of your repurposed content on social media.
5. Measure SEO performance: Republishing updated versions of old blog posts with new information and keywords can improve their search engine ranking and drive more organic traffic to your website. Keep track of how these revamped pieces perform in terms of search engine visibility over time.
6. Analyze cost savings: One of the main benefits of repurposing content is saving time and resources. Calculate the cost savings by comparing the time, effort, and resources required to create new content versus repurposed content. This will give you a better understanding of how much ROI your repurposed content is generating.
7. Gather feedback: Don’t forget to gather feedback from your audience through surveys or comments on your repurposed content. This can provide valuable insights into how it is being received and if it is fulfilling its intended purpose.
Measuring the ROI of your repurposed content requires a combination of tracking metrics, monitoring engagement, analyzing cost savings, and gathering feedback. By following these tips, you can accurately measure the success of your repurposed content and make informed decisions for future content marketing strategies.
Common Mistakes To Avoid When Repurposed Content
Content repurposing is an effective strategy for maximizing your ROI across multiple platforms. However, like any other marketing technique, there are certain mistakes that need to be avoided in order to get the best results. In this section, we will discuss some common mistakes that businesses make when repurposing their content and how you can avoid them.
1. Lack of Planning: The first and most common mistake businesses make is not having a solid plan in place for repurposing their content. Without a clear strategy, your efforts may become disjointed and ineffective. It is important to identify your goals, target audience, and the platforms where you want to repurpose your content before starting the process.
2. Not Understanding Your Audience: Another mistake to avoid is not understanding your audience. Each platform has its own unique audience with different preferences and behaviors. Repurposing content without considering these differences can result in poor engagement and missed opportunities.
3. Using the Same Format on All Platforms: One size does not fit all when it comes to content repurposing. You cannot use the same format or length of content on all platforms as it may not resonate with the audience or perform well due to platform limitations. It is important to adapt your content according to each platform’s specifications and preferences.
4. Ignoring SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in attracting organic traffic to your website or social media pages. Repurposed content should also be optimized for relevant keywords and phrases in order to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).
5. Forgetting About Quality: While quantity matters when it comes to repurposing content, quality should never be compromised. Simply copying and pasting old content onto new platforms will not yield good results; instead you should focus on improving the quality of your existing content by updating statistics, adding visuals or infographics, etc.
In today’s digital age, it is important for businesses to have a strong online presence and utilize different platforms to reach their target audience. Content repurposing allows companies to maximize their ROI by reaching a wider audience and engaging with them on various platforms. By following these strategies, businesses can make the most out of their content and see an increase in brand awareness, website traffic, and ultimately conversions. Don’t let your valuable content go to waste – start implementing these repurposing techniques today!
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speed-seo · 4 months
B2B Marketing's GA4 Pit Stop: From Brand Buzz to Buyer Action
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Digital marketing's highway has a new curve: the switch from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4). It's not just a tweak—it's a whole new engine. Marketers are finding themselves in unfamiliar territory, with data models and interfaces that demand a fresh approach. GA4: Your High-Octane Upgrade GA4 isn't just a change, it's an upgrade. Here's what it brings to the table:Know Your Drivers: Understand exactly how users move across devices and platforms. This means sharper brand messages and content that truly resonates. Track Every Turn: Cross-device tracking is GA4's superpower. Target your campaigns on mobile, desktop, and tablet with laser precision. Custom Pit Crew: Create events that matter to your race. Track button clicks, video plays, or any interaction you want to measure. Data-Driven Predictions: GA4 uses machine learning to spot patterns you might miss. Optimize your website and campaigns like a seasoned pro. Data Privacy Checkered Flag: GA4 keeps you compliant with data privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA). Race ahead without worries. Marketing Metrics That Win Races: Brand Awareness Fuels Demand GA4 isn't just about numbers—it's about understanding what moves the needle. What content gets people engaged? Which campaigns drive them down the funnel? GA4 gives you the answers you need to justify your efforts and prove your marketing ROI.This aligns perfectly with a brand-to-demand approach. It's about connecting the dots between building brand awareness and generating actual demand. GA4 helps you tell that story, from the first impression to the final sale. Brand-to-Demand in Action: The Industrial Parts Co. Story The Industrial Parts Co. (IPC) wasn't just selling parts, they were selling reliability. But their old website? It was more like a dusty catalog than a sales engine. IPC turned to GA4 to change that.First, they tracked user journeys across devices. Turns out, engineers started their research on phones, but placed orders on desktops. IPC optimized their mobile site, making it easy to find the right part on the go.Next, they set up custom events in GA4. They tracked "Request a Quote" button clicks and whitepaper downloads. This showed them which content truly resonated with potential customers.The result? A 20% increase in qualified leads in just three months. GA4 didn't just give them data, it gave them a map to turn brand awareness into real demand. Predictive Analytics: Your Crystal Ball for Campaigns Predictive Metrics Forget looking in the rearview mirror—GA4 is your crystal ball. It uses predictive metrics (purchase probability, churn probability, and predicted revenue) to forecast the future. This isn't just analysis, it's anticipation. GA4 gives you the edge to fine-tune your campaigns and make every marketing dollar count. Budgeting for GA4: The Smart Marketer's Playbook GA4 is free, but success isn't. Think of GA4 as a high-performance engine. It takes skill to tune it and keep it running smoothly.Factor in staff training. Your team needs to learn a new language. Consider third-party tools for advanced analysis. And if you're serious about squeezing every drop of value from GA4, a consultant might be worth the investment.But don't let costs scare you. Start small. Focus on the metrics that matter most to your business. Master those, then expand your GA4 horizons. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Red Alert: UA Data Disappearing July 1, 2024 Time is running out! Download your UA data into Excel before it vanishes. Grab your Looker Studio reports with year-over-year comparisons while you can. If you're using Google 360, integrate that data with BigQuery. GA4: The Future of B2B Marketing Sales Funnels The B2B sales funnel isn't a straight line anymore. It's more like a winding road with multiple on-ramps and detours. GA4 is your GPS.Imagine this: a prospect reads a blog post on your site, then watches a webinar, then downloads a whitepaper. GA4 tracks every step. It knows which content drives them closer to a purchase.With predictive analytics, GA4 goes even further. It can predict which leads are most likely to convert, which customers might churn, and how much revenue you can expect. This isn't just data, it's foresight. It's the future of B2B sales. GA4: The Road Ahead for B2B Marketers 2024 is the year of GA4. It's about more than just new metrics—it's about a new mindset. Yes, there are challenges in comparing GA4 to UA. But once you've mastered the tools, you'll be in the driver's seat. Create reports in GA4, use Looker Studio, and let your data guide you to victory. Beyond the Dashboard: Actionable GA4 Tips for Busy Marketers Don't drown in data. Set up custom reports to track your key metrics. Use the exploration feature to uncover hidden trends. Integrate GA4 with your CRM. A unified view of customer data is a powerful thing. Test, learn, repeat. GA4 is a tool, not a magic bullet. Experiment and find what works for your business.The Bottom Line: The transition to GA4 may seem daunting, but it's a journey worth taking. Start by mastering the essentials: set up custom reports, explore the data, integrate with your CRM. Then, let GA4's predictive capabilities guide your campaigns and budget allocation. Remember, GA4 is not just about measuring the past, it's about shaping the future of your brand. Read the full article
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