#water polo anime
crystal-mouse · 7 months
archer has definitely made a fancam of shran to Eiffel 65's I'm Blue (da ba dee) in his spare time but using the 22nd centuries' equivalent to windowsXP movie maker
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glorfindelssword · 1 year
I need some sports anime recommendations because I cannot keep rewatching haikyuu
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crehador · 5 months
i forget if it was already explicitly stated in ep1 what sort of accident/injury caused kei's amnesia but if their battery is so hated i'm starting to wonder if someone tonya harding'd his ass
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temporaerthaervaerk · 6 months
Spoilers for Re-Main, 2021, anime
Imagine waking up one day, you're still mentally a child because you've lost three years of memories after a car crash, and everyone is telling you that you were epic at some obscure sport you've never even heard of before, and you find out you bet someone a crazy amount of money that you could become the best in the country, and they are actually holding you to that promise, so you have to learn this whole new game from scratch, only to find out half a year in a coma has made you weak and you SUCK at sports but everyone expects you to be brilliant anyway because you were literally a top athlete before the accident.
Minato is holding it together more than I ever could (Re-Main, 2021)
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knoxprox · 9 months
I have finished both Re-Main and Number24 in the last 3 days.
Loved Num24, the characters, the fan service *chefs kiss* I could talk for too long about Seiichirou specifically 💕 but it made me love all those characters so fast which is all I want really out of a sports anime lolz
Re-Main was… good… but I have a lot of thoughts and while I liked characters I didn’t really love anyone the way I typically do/expect to. Also i think that’s that straightest sports anime I’ve ever seen which is… not a compliment. But all in all ended good so 🤷🏼
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anime-of-the-day · 1 month
Anime of the Day Olympic Sports Edition: Water Polo
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Hantsu x Trash
So, Hantsu X Trash it technically a water polo anime. However, it is also hard to find a picture that isn't suggestive. I also know that water polo isn't the main focus of this anime.
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drysauce · 9 months
surfing anime was so fucking bad i loved hatewatching it as a method of training my patience and reaching enlightenment
akshshs i completely understand, during the pandemic i used to watch quite a lot of those 12 episodes long sports anime that absolutely sucked ass to then talk with my friend about how the new episodes constantly surpass our expectations in terms of how bad they can get
i don't exactly remember what happened but i recall the main blond dude just randomly went and died and everyone moved on after a timeskip, but there was something about his brother and me and my friend decided that since we've never seen both in the same frame it definitely is the same dude jrgdyg
there was also regular disapproval of everything the main dude did as well as coming up with some stupid ass names to call everyone that appeared because those people were too immemorable to actually remembered what they're called. this show was such a waste of time and energy i hope there will never be a second season because i'll definitely watch it if it releases
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nothoward · 1 year
A. It's cruel to the horses.
2. Water polo is a stupid sport!!!
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chaosandmarigolds · 5 months
(slowly sets random sting ray plushie I got for my birthday down) Brain-rot. so I present Dad!Simon and Ollie at the aquarium
Simon! Who was currently two weeks deep into babysitting oliver and it being the middle of summer almost everywhere and everything had been exhausted
"Library time with Miss Rue?"
Ollie frowns from his ice cream,- which you would murder simon for if you found out which is why they were both sworn to secrecy, "MIss Rue is jus reeed-ing Peter Bunny again. No want."
"No want." Simon echoed slowly, leaning against the kitchen counter as he tried to think.
"Big mall?" "No..."
"The zipline park?" (A normal park with a little kid zipline)
"The animals?"
"Nope. Momma said we stinky after animal."
Simon nods again, the local farmer's markets would normally have a little petting zoo- so that had also become a staple. "She did- rightoo laddie. Okay...okay, let Mister Riley think for a minute."
Ollie nods to his babysitters words and takes another hefty bite of the ice cream, "We could....we could see fish? We see fish."
"We go fish, in-in big pool."
Simon who spent ten finding which aquarium within a fifty mile radius had the best reviews because if he is...might as well make it memorable
Simon who made sure Ollie wore is water proof shoes because...well he just knew the kid was going to jump into the little kiddie water pad the aquarium had
Simon who packed a towel and change of clothes for that exact reason too
Simon who so has baby shark stuck in his head
Simon who once the tickets are purchased is already trying to trick the tyke down, basically playing marco polo
Simon who held up Ollie without a second thought to see the Jelly fish, telling him how he was once stung while he was down in Japan, smiling to the childs laughter
Simon who spends the extra fifteen dollars so Ollie could feed the stingrays, keeping an arm looped around him to keep him stable
Simon who of course notices the looks he's getting from the group of moms, he ignores them though
Simon who tried to politely turn down the one who came up to him, nice woman, seemed kind- yet...she wasn't...you
Simon who had to get more firm and did lie when she wouldn't get the message-
"Listen lady- I could kill ya without even blinking 'n you are really testin my patience so ho' bout you leave me 'n my son alone before i get annoyed?" Just how he assumed it would've gone down the woman became flustered and excused herself, meanwhile, Ollie was still being held in the air to look at the catfish.
Ollie looks to Simon as he then lets out a sigh and adjusts his grip on the boy, "Ister Riley?"
"Yeah, lad?"
"Mommy said killing people isn't nice."
Simon clears this throat, "Mum is real smart like that."
Simon who gets Ollie a plushie and teehsirt
Simon who feels really proud of himself when Ollie is fast asleep for the entire car ride home
(annnnyway thats it<333 any feedback and all that jazz means the world to me!!)
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When you finally finish something after months of not finishing any art. I don’t even do animation that much. Just felt inspired after a full day of watching waterpolo matches with friends.
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steddielations · 1 year
ao3 | hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, pre s4
"Hello? Ed, is that you? What's all that noise? What's goin' on?" 
"Wayne, can you come pick me up ... I’m at a party at the Harringtons’ house ... I don't wanna talk about it, man … Can you please just come get me? Please." 
Eddie hangs up the phone and swallows down the lump in his throat. 
He refuses to cry in Steve Harrington's kitchen.
Making his way through all the teenagers crowding this soulless house, he blinks the fog from his eyes. No tears are gonna take him back to half an hour ago, shooting the shit with his dad in the van, happily ignoring years worth of bloody hatchets and skeletons between them. 
While Eddie was desperate for it to be real this time, dear old dad hadn’t changed at all, taking off with Eddie’s van the second he came inside to scope out the party. Sorry to all the manicured girls of Loch Nora that pay pretty pennies for his shitty joints, but his stash is long gone, along with all the cash he made the last few days. 
It’s all in the wind with Al Munson like always.
The muggy air washes over Eddie when he steps outside, rubbing his eyes against the cool sting of wetness brimming in them. He’s not gonna cry in front of Steve Harrington’s pool either, even if he’s alone out here. 
It’s like a different dimension from the crowd inside, but everyone knows the pool is off limits, though no one seems to know why. Everyone just falls in line to the will of the king. Whatever, Eddie doesn’t give a shit he just needs a minute to breathe. He needs a damn cigarette, too, but of course, his smokes were in the van.
“Hey Munson, you sold out already or something?”
Eddie’s hands drop from his face, whipping around to where the voice came from. Caught off guard, embarrassment rises in his cheeks under the gaze of the man himself, Harrington. There’s an almost eerie blue glow casting off the water where he’s sitting poolside in a deck chair, strangely alone out here when he’s got a whole party inside.
Eddie clears his throat, trying to shield his vulnerability from a moment ago, “Nah man, all my shit was stolen.”
“That bites. Do you know who took it?” Harrington sounds oddly… concerned. “I bet it was that dickhead, Hargrove. I kicked him out like 10 minutes ago.”
“What’s it to you?” Eddie shoots back, instinctively distrustful, hackles raised like a cornered animal. He’s already taken a knife to the back tonight.
Harrington holds up a hand as if to ease him, like somehow in all his prim Polo-wearing properness, he’s used to handling wild things. “Just figured maybe I could help you get it back.”
“Why do you care?” Maybe Eddie’s being too defensive, it’s not like Harrington has ever given anyone hell like Hargrove or Hagan, but they’re all one in the same right? Or maybe Harrington really was ousted from the throne like the rumors in the hallways say. Eddie’s got more on his mind right now than the intricacies of Hawkins High pecking order. 
“Uh, because it’s my house and I don’t want some thief around? Jesus you’re prickly, dude.” With an eyeroll, Harrington waves him over to the empty chair next to him. “Here, just sit down and relax for a sec. We’ll see if we can figure it out.”
Eddie hesitates, feeling like it has to be some kind of trap, but there’s no one else around. Harrington’s never done more than stand by while his jock buddies do their damage to whoever or call Eddie a freak under his breath a couple times, but who hasn’t? Eddie encourages it, even. What would Harrington get out of pulling anything now when it’s not for show?
Honestly, Eddie’s just trying to rationalize it because he could really use the beer that’s also up for grabs, offered with an outstretched hand.
So Eddie stalks over to the empty chair, warily sitting down as if it might snap him inside like a snare. His nerves are all frazzled. Between his dad’s little stunt and now the king of the jocks (former king?) is handing Eddie an open beer that he’s taken a sip from himself, give him a break. Eddie mellows out a tad after a couple chugs.
“Do you have any clue who took it?” Harrington asks, way too much concern in the line between his brows than he should be able to fake for Eddie.
“No one here.”
Eddie sort of wishes it was that simple. A stranger would only hurt his pockets, instead of this bone-deep betrayal he should’ve seen coming. He doesn’t even care about the money, or his van, it’s deeper than that. It aches somewhere the booze can’t wash away. He squeezes the cool bottle in his grasp, blaming the contents for what he woefully admits next.
“It was my pops, man. He ran off with my van and everything in it.”
For some reason, it’s embarrassing to say. Either secondhand for his old man pulling something so low-down, or just his own pride for falling for it. He stares at the unnaturally still water in front of him, instead of meeting the gaze beside him.
He can feel Harrington taking in it, questioning it. Maybe he’s wondering how a father could screw over his own son like that, or maybe he’s thinking everyone knows that’s exactly what Al Munson would do, and Eddie— especially Eddie, should’ve known that.
Even Jeff warned him this time too, having been there since the days that Al would bring Eddie a new bike when he won big at the casino, then steal it back the next week to sell when he lost. Seems like Eddie was the only idiot willing to give his dad another chance, even blowing off band practice the last couple days to spend time with him.
“Your van, huh?” Is what Harrington finally says, soft for some reason. “I could give you a ride home. Forest Hills, right?”
That’s… not what Eddie was expecting at all. Just picturing that hotrod that’s all the rage in the school parking lot kicking up gravel in the trailer park rubs him wrong. It’s all off-beat, Eddie feels so far off his center that he’s normally so sure of. All he can do is push back to try and find it again.
“What, you’re gonna ditch your party to slum it on the wrong side of Hawkins with me? Don’t worry about it, I called my uncle.”
Looking over, he sees how Harrington almost looks disappointed by that.
“Yeah okay, but I don’t really care about this party,” he says, not even trying to pass it off in a ‘cool’ way, he just seems put off by it, “Graduation’s coming up, y’know, it was Tommy’s idea. I should’ve said no, I don’t give a shit about it. Or Tommy.”
Again, not what Eddie was expecting. He feels a thud in his stomach at the mention of graduation, yet another failure under his belt. “Well I’m not graduating, so does it count as that kinda party if you’re out here with the super senior freak?” 
“Guess we’re just having a shitty dads party then,” Harrington tries for what Eddie assumes is a reassuring smile, because for whatever reason in this twisted reality, Steve Harrington is trying to comfort him. 
Him, Eddie Munson.
But it ends up striking an already sensitive nerve.
“What do you even know about it?” Eddie scoffs.
Harrington’s smile drops, snapping back, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
A bitter laugh bubbles up in Eddie’s throat. He hates how it sounds as awful as he feels. Gesturing with the beer in his hand, he states the obvious, “Look around, dude.”
Maybe Harrington’s not as popular at school, but he’s still well off at home. A rich, two parent household that he’s never had to worry about scrounging to keep the lights on. The only business he’ll ever have to do is for his Daddy’s fucking letterhead. Eddie will accept his pity to the extent of a free beer, but he won’t sit there and listen to Harrington pretending to know what it’s like for him.
“Yeah, look around,” Harrington retorts, an even more bitter curl on his lip than Eddie’s. “Got everything except parents, don’t I? Like if they buy me enough shit, I won’t notice they’re hardly here.”
The look in his eyes is a little hurt but fierce, grating enough to cut through Eddie’s defenses. Wayne keeps telling him to stop jumping the gun and going off half-cocked. Yet here Eddie is again, assuming he’s got this guy all figured out.
When in reality, all he knows is that despite being the talk of the town, Harrington’s parents are rarely ever seen around. He lost his girl, doesn’t seem to have any real friends to show, and looks about as lonely at school as he does now— while he’s doing nothing but trying to help Eddie.
“I’m sorry, man,” Eddie relents, “You’re just going against everything I thought I knew about you right now. I’m trying to kick the habit of putting people in boxes with the whole anti-conformity thing. Been told I can be a real judgemental asshole.”
“Yeah I wonder why,” Harrington says lightly, his lips curling back into a smile that sort of makes Eddie want to hide his face. It doesn’t feel wrong somehow, like the rare times that a girl spared him a look, more like it shouldn’t be directed at him. Steve Harrington shouldn’t be smiling at him.
“And call me Steve, alright? If we’re gonna be in the shitty dads club together, we should be on a first name basis.”
That actually gets a laugh out of Eddie. Short and pained as it sounds, it’s real.
“Okay then, Steve,” he has to look away after he says it, feeling his chest cave under the weight of that smile for some reason. Must be the state he’s in. Steve made him forget for a second but he’s sinking again, staring out over the pool, trying and failing to see the bottom.
Read the rest on Ao3
for day one of @eddiemonth prompt “Parents”
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metalandmagi · 2 months
Underrated Sports Anime Recommendations!
In honor of the summer Olympics, I wanted to make a rec list for some underappreciated sports anime. Obviously we all know the popular stuff: Blue Lock, Kuroko, Hajime no Ippo, Ace of Diamond, Slam Dunk, Haikyuu, Free, Yuri On Ice, Yowamushi Pedal, Skate the Infinity etc. But there are lots of great sports anime out there that go completely unnoticed. And who knows, you might find a new sport to get into. Just FYI, these are all on the newer side, since most of the older sports anime I’ve seen are the popular ones.
I think a big reason that a lot of these have largely gone ignored is because they focus more on interpersonal drama between characters and what is going on in their home lives, as opposed to a bigger focus on the technicalities of the sport itself. Food for thought. Anyway, let's get started:
Stars Align (Hoshiai no Sora): Stars Align is about a boys high school soft tennis team (not to be confused with regular tennis) who are constantly getting out performed by their girls team. Desperate to get people to take the boys team seriously and get results, team captain Touma tries to get a new transfer student Maki Katsuragi to join. Maki eventually agrees ... .on the condition that Touma pays him and covers any club expenses. From there we discover the messy family drama going on in each boy’s life, and I just love all of them okay? They’re my precious angel babies, and sure I had some problems with the show’s pacing at the end, but I still love them and I want another season!!!! 😭
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Oblivion Battery (Boukyaku Battery): There are a myriad of baseball animes out there, but this one made an impression on me. Catcher Kaname Kei and pitcher Kiyomine Haruka are a badass, ace duo who dominated the field and made a fearsome reputation for themselves all throughout middle school. They seemed to be completely unstoppable…until Kaname (the brains behind the operation) lost his memory, became a total goofball, and the two ended up going to a no name high school with no real baseball team. So of course, we end up getting a rag-tag team together full of ex-baseball players with dramatic backstories who all help train Kaname up again. I love Kaname and Haru’s friendship, and the cast was very well rounded, each with their own interesting attributes to add to the team.
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Re: Main: If I had a nickel for every sports anime where the main character used to be an unstoppable badass until he lost his memory, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. Yeah, it’s exactly the same as Oblivion Battery, but with water polo and the main character isn’t as much of a goofball. I liked the characters, but I wished we focused a little more on the water polo side of things, since it’s not exactly a dime a dozen sport for an anime.
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Mou Ippon: A girls high school judo anime from 2023 that nobody fucking watched! When former judo enthusiast Michi Sonoda enters high school, she wants to put judo behind her so she can focus on finding a boyfriend and enjoying her school life. However, after Michi suffers a particularly humiliating defeat in a match against her the prodigy Towa Hiura, the two end up going to the same high school together. Naturally, Michi can’t just quit now that her rival is going to the same school! Cue the judo team shenanigans. This show is so down to earth and realistic. It’s 100% not a “cute girls doing cute things” anime where the girls are all blobs of moe that talk in annoying voices. They have different body types, different motivations, and different styles of combat. It didn’t blow me out of the water, but I liked it way more than I thought I would.
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And speaking of different body types…
Hinomaru Sumo: That’s right, it’s a high school sumo wrestling anime. AND IT’S HYPE AS FUCK! You know how in Haikyuu, Hinata is short, and it’s a big deal because middle blockers are always tall? Well this is that multiplied by a thousand, because there’s a minimum weight to sumo wrestling, and our main character Hinomaru Ushio is definitely below it. But he’s not going to let that stop him from spreading his passion for sumo and becoming the High School Yokozuna, the strongest wrestler in high school tournaments…because becoming the Yokozuna is his only chance at going pro with his small stature. It’s impossible to watch this anime without feeling fired up!
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Run With The Wind (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru): Kakeru Kurahara, a former track star, is looking for a place to live after losing his apartment deposit at a mahjong parlor. Luckily, he runs into Haiji Kiyose, a boy who goes to his university, who offers him a spot at his apartment. Little does Kakeru know, Haiji’s apartment is full of other university students who are all members of the Kansei University track team! The story follows the quietly devious Haiji as he tries to get the boys to become a nationally recognized team by running the Hakone Ekiden, an extremely long and grueling relay that none of the boys have ever trained for. This is one of my favorite sports anime ever. Don’t get it twisted, I hate running. I don’t like doing it, and I don’t like watching it in real life, but this anime had me in a chokehold. Animation? Amazing. Characters? A+. Music? Perfect. It’s hilarious. It’s relatable. It’s heartwarming. One of the absolute best sports anime out there.
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Welcome To The Ballroom: It’s a motherfucking ballroom dancing anime, and if you didn’t think ballroom dancing could be hype as shit, THINK AGAIN! The animation is great, and I never realized how much actually goes into the world of ballroom dancing. There’s not really much more I can say. High school boy discovers the cutthroat world of competitive ballroom dance. Drama ensues. Just ignore everyone’s oddly long necks.
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And speaking of dancing…
Dance Dance Danseur: Okay, this one isn’t quite in a sports competition setting, but I still consider it a sports anime. All his life, Junpei Murao has suppressed his interest in ballet, choosing to follow his father’s path for him in the more “manly” martial art of Jeet Kune Do instead. But when he realizes the girl he likes is a highly skilled ballerina, he hardly says no when she recruits him to train at her mom’s ballet studio. The show follows Junpei as he must balance these two worlds and become a ballet master while dealing with the divisive image of “masculinity.” My only real critique is that Junpei is kind of annoying, and I was actually much more invested in the other characters. There is a big message about the horrors of the competitive ballet world that I didn't think it would dive into.
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Overtake: Another show from 2023 that was terribly overlooked. In this anime, we follow disgraced photographer Kouya Madoka, who falls in love with the fast paced world of Formula 4 racing after watching high schooler Asahina Haruka. However, Madoka failed to realize that Haruka’s racing crew, Komaki Motors, is drowning in bills and underfunded as hell. So of course when he finds out, Madoka takes it upon himself to support Komaki Motors himself and get Haruka a place on the podium. This was such a great drama! Each character is so fleshed out and completely relatable. Even the antagonists! Hell, especially the antagonists. There is a great balance of drama and humor that make this feel like it could easily be a Hollywood movie. The longer you watch, the more you root for Komaki Motors and want to see everyone succeed. Madoka is best boy!
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And last but certainly not least…
Tsurune: In this anime, we follow Minato Narumiya, a former kyudo (Japanese martial art that involves archery) prodigy who wanted to quit the sport after an incident in a middle school tournament. However, after encountering a mysterious archer one day, Minato ends up joining his high school Kyudo team, despite his fear of failing at the sport again. It’s Free with archery, except there are also girls on the team! It has so many good themes about perseverance and found family and getting in your own head. And there is a massive amount of homosexual undertones. Not to mention it’s made by Kyoto Animation, so you know it’s one of the most beautifully animated shows I’ve ever seen.
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I just wanted to add a few honorable mentions too…
Cheer Danshi: A university boys cheerleading anime. I had problems with the pacing, but I still had fun with it.
Ryman’s Club: An odd blend of office anime with a badminton anime. I really liked this, but it’s sort of half sports anime, half The Office. But it’s the only thing on this list that features actual working adults and not students.
Megalo Box: I don’t know if it counts as “underappreciated” but this was a fantastic show all around. It’s a gritty, down to earth, sort of sci-fi take on the fictional sport of Megalo Boxing (boxing with enhanced mechanical arms). 
Ping Pong the Animation: Look, I’m going to be honest. I didn’t really like this show very much, but apparently I’m the odd one out because this is an underground favorite of the sports anime community, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t include it. It’s one part ping pong, two parts character drama.
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story: I couldn’t leave this out of the list. It’s the wildest golf anime you could ever imagine. There are lesbians. There are snake ladies. There are underground golfing yakuza. No amount of explanation can do it justice. Grab an age appropriate beverage and watch it.
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hottywheeles · 1 year
Some small headcanons I have!
Most of these are unoriginal(i.e. i wasn't the one to think of them) but they've collected in my mind and muddled there. I promise I don't have favourites :)
Knows more about gossip and rumours going around RAD than Asmo, who you'd expect to be at the head of any juicy tea
Keeps a photo of him and Lilith on his desk
Major workaholic
Prefers coffee but specifically the weird Italian kinds of coffee like Corretto or Lungo
Both he and Satan know Morse code so they have heated arguments at the dinner table by just tapping their utensils
Always drives like 20 over the speed limit(Has a stack of unpaid speeding tickets in one of his bedside table drawers
Talks super fast when stressed or when he's getting in trouble
Can play the electric guitar
Has a huge jewelry box specifically for all his rings(which he has tons of)
Knows how to line dance
Prefers getting crossfaded rather than just getting drunk or high on its own
Burns his report cards if he doesn't think they're good enough
Goes for late night drives all the time
Has the world's worst gamer rage and has a collection of broken controllers(you can hear him from the other side of the house it's that bad)
Oddly good at water sports(like water polo, swimming, surfing, etc)
Has naturally black hair but just dyes it
Has a DevilTube channel where he makes gaming content and does reviews on his favourite animes/mangas
Has a section in his closet specifically for his cosplays
His threats are always oddly personal and specific
He knows how to figure skate
He's always correcting people's grammar in texts
Has a sleeper build :eyes:
Calls everyone "babes" or "girlie"
Smells like he was birthed in a Bath and Body Works
Frequents gay clubs in the Devildom and in the human world(He's LOVED at the Abbey)
Will be super physically affectionate with his brothers and people he's close to. Like he'll always have a hand on their shoulder or will lean his head on their arms, just small things like that)
Super good chef
No filter and just says stuff(never does it to be mean though)
Loves edibles
Resting bitch face
Absolutely loves animals
Has a specific pair of sneakers just for the gym
Also has no filter(but he doesn't care if he's being mean)
Very blunt with everyone
Hates when people touch his hair(other than Beel)
Will collapse on the nearest brother if he's tired enough
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kookygranger · 7 months
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Sparks Fly
Ghost!Steve Harrington x Witch!Reader
Series Masterlist
700 words
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You rub the pinched spot in your lower back, waiting for the wheat pack in your microwave to finish heating up as you stare at the half-packed boxes and all the little bits and pieces that still need to be wrapped and boxed up.
“I can help.”
His voice makes you jump, still not used to one outside your head interrupting your space. You turn and watch him over your shoulder, arms crossed and biceps squished under his tight striped polo.
“Go on then.”
His eyes flicker towards you, wavering in his unfounded confidence before he walks to your desk. His hand stretches out, veins that seem to become clearer every day moving under skin that could easily pass for sun-kissed and animated, if anyone else could see him. It flexes for a moment above a ceramic teapot, hesitating before he makes a grabbing motion that passes right through it.
You click the side of your cheek, “Close one,” and move back to the kitchen when you hear the beep of the microwave, missing the way Steve’s shoulders deflate. You can feel his presence behind you as you press the heat into your lower back, sighing with relief.
“So uh, why is it you’re leaving again? This place really…fits you.”
You turn around, watching him take in all the tweaks of personality around your kitchen with a shoulder to the doorframe.
“Some of the coven is parting ways, and I sided with Rhi and her vampire lover. I can’t stay here with a good conscience, besides,” you shrug as you place a kettle over the stove, “it’s just stuff. It can all come with me.”
Steve hums, and you turn back towards him.
“What did that noise mean?”
“Nothin’” he shrugs, “Just I was wondering,” his hazel eyes burrow into your soul, making you squirm under his gaze, “can I come with you?” He shifts at the ill-hidden shock on your face.
“You want to come with me? Shouldn’t you be,” you waved your hand in the air, “moving to the next place? I thought you talked to Rhi?”
“I did. She told me to stop freaking you out and let the light consume me or something.”
“I don’t want to. I wanna stay with you.”
You frown, “Oh.”
“Unless you don’t want me to,” he clears his throat. “I guess I could…go.”
You shake your head, “No, I mean–if you want to stay, you can. It’s your…afterlife.”
“And go with you?”
“If it’s what you want?”
“What do you want?”
You take a deep breath, your chest puffing before exhaling slowly. “I’ve almost gotten used to your…” warmth, “commentary.” He smirks and your eyes drift to the permanent shadow of fuzz that frames his pink lips. You wonder if he regrets not shaving on the day of his death.
“So, I’m coming with you?” You shrug in a non-committal yes, and his face morphs into a frown, “How do I do that?”
You roll your eyes, moving to grab a mug out of the cupboard as the water begins to boil. “Figure it out, ghost boy.” You can feel his smile without needing to see it, a tingle spreading down your spine in its wake every time.
The familiar warmth was the first thing you’d noticed when you’d walked into your new apartment, following a trail through to the living room until you came across his ethereal form, more real than ever, leaning against the wall. Arms and feet casually crossed with that smug smile plastered on his face.
“Found ya.”
It was closer to the city, your new place. An easier route to the nightlife and music scene but entirely lacking in the coating of magic that had been left over the hundreds of years you’d spent in the house situated in the coven’s community. It was a blank canvas, but you’d sprinkle some of that cosmic energy into the space in no time.
You groan as your back clicks, stretching out another day of moving pains and surveying your progress. You’d gotten the kitchen and essentials unpacked in one day, just books, records, frames and crystals left.
“Alright, I’m ordering takeout for dinner.” It was weird. No longer just talking to yourself. Feeling another presence in your space.
His hand reaches out in reflex, motioning to squeeze your arm, and you feel a hot point of contact, flinching at the zap that travels through your arm. Steve frowns, staring at where his hand had touched you, then looks back up at you, mirroring your look of shock.
“What the hell was that?”
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employee41512 · 1 month
dedicated to @redninjaoutfit!
his surname would Actually be spelt "van der Velde", as in Justin van der Velde. he rages when the yearbook spell his name wrong and writes a complaint to Dr Crabblesnitch each time (nonetheless, Miss Danvers trashes the lamentations before they're ever read). he takes pride in his Dutch heritage despite the fact that European culture and traditions are completely lost on his generation. he has mostly Canadian blood but he loves strutting his European knowledge
Before the school pool was shut down, Justin was on the water polo team! …however, there was hardly a full team to begin with.
When he's home in Canada for the summer, he swims in his indoor pool every morning. It's large enough to train an Olympic athlete.
I imagine that almost every prep was given at least One music class when they were younger, and for Justin, I pick violin. He has little time for it nowadays, but he may play it for Derby sometimes
Jezebel and Delilah looove talking to Justin when he visits the tent. yeah he's ableist but he will yap about anything to whomever will listen. The girls think he's so interesting and sophisticated and Jezebel may have a slight crush on him
Egg stuff.
Mayonnaise enjoyer. He has a special mayonnaise bottle and claims the eggs come from chickens of "prestigious status and quality." 
He also has a pet rooster at home and trusts the house-servants to care for it. He demands they frequently mail him pictures of his chicken. Unbeknownst to him, the cock has been long deceased and the Vandervelde house servants have simply been replacing it with similar chickens and taking pictures of those. Justin cannot tell the difference. One time, the house-servants replaced the rooster with a chicken of completely different plumage and they claimed it's because they change colors when they get cold . Justin wholeheartedly believed that lie, among many others
The cock's name is Sir Theodore II, or "Teddy"
He strangely cares about the safety and protection of farm animals. He has considerable knowledge about farm animal abuse and his Sir Theodore II (clone) has its own luxurious, grand quarters. justin likes having his house-servants dress Teddy in outfits and has a picture of Teddy wearing a football jersey in his wallet
ermm thats all 4now… I will rb to add more if I think of any. ^_^
edit: oh ya and he definitely was a biter. he grew out of it at 12 years old
edit 2: i embedded redninja's additional headcanons because i need them in this post forever
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finished the eps so here's some zombies lore and tidbits from the re-animated series:
bonzo and willa have the same shoe size (10 3/4 in men's and 12 3/4 in women's)
bucky loves cool frogs and hates all dogs (except for barky)
willa has been wearing the same boots every day because she became the alpha of their pack while wearing them (they are now destroyed)
bree runs the lost and found department and addison is her secretary
they have a drama department, a marching band, a water polo team, and a clown club
there are zed, addison, and eliza clones living in a neighboring town
there are alien-specific classes led by a computer robot in the mothership
zed has physical cards with drawings of him and eliza that act as "best friend cards"
bonzo was born on january 28th in 2007
zed and addison regularly use whiteboards to plan stuff
zed has a habit of smooth-talking his way out of and into things (including, but not limited to, getting extra food from lunch ladies, convincing eliza and addie to do things with/for him, and convincing a possessed dae to hold off on destroying the world)
there is a sentient blob that attends seabrook high
bonzo works at bree's family diner which is called grammykin's griddle
wyatt's a february pisces and eliza is an virgo
the werewolves celebrate numerous meat-themed holidays like porksgiving, beefapalooza, and vealentine's day
werewolves also have a great meat hunt that involves one werewolf being picked to hunt an unchecked apex predator in the woods and bring it back for the pack to eat
there are now zombie dogs due to another soda incident
principal lee has a sister who is pregnant (or has a very young baby)
wynter has an uncle named uncle wolfchowski
zed's favorite color is decomp green with light saturation
coach used to be best friends with the solstice slasher that haunts the woods
zombie strength can hold back a moving car
there are many pet sitting services in seabrook (some names include waggedy ann's, be on all four seasons, and harry poopins)
eliza created their universe's version of tik tok called shrimp tok
addison can't wink
moonstone necklaces were first created by a werewolf named wilhelmina lykenlolly
werewolves and sasquatches are century long enemies
eliza and wyatt are vegetarian
zed, wyatt, bree, and eliza play dungeons and dragons together and zed runs the campaign (zoey now also plays with them by the end of the episode)
aliens hatch out of spotted eggs and have a hatch-uation
a-spen is mothership's favorite alien
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