bengunesinhayalii · 2 months
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hassanfield · 2 years
i think it’s so funny how my dad started supporting sm random teams just for the fun of it
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rockinjohnny · 2 months
The Rangers Song
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watpinreview · 11 months
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Ep418 – Trash Tuesday w/ Annie & Esther & Khalyla = 50%
Opening theme with drops are funny as always. Not especially fond about that new dial tone sound/music in the opening, though.
Mentioning Chad Zumock (CZ) within first minute is a bad omen for the episode. CZ content is aggressively uninteresting.
Karl improvising a little too much. He isn't a comedian; Karl's strengths are his organization and preparation, and his golden radio voice… not so much his improv and joke-telling skills.
Subject for this week's episode is the podcast "Trash Tuesday," whose hosts are Annie, Esther & Khalyla. These three women are terribly unfunny comedians who make bad sex jokes about incest and abusing the mentally challenged. This veers towards degeneracy, but it is not too in your face like the episodes on bestiality or MAPs. (Still grim all the same, though.)
Hosts accurately identify the poor and awkward humour of this week's podcast. -Co-host this week is Mike from WATS. Whenever WATS comes up, both Karl and Mike name the time and date it airs.
Annie, Esther & Khalyla tell bizarre stories. It's always great when Karl and other hosts pick apart erroneous stories and claims. (Stuttering John (SJ) was notorious for lying.)
Annie, Esther & Khalyla are unlikable to the point of being horrifying, but not really ripe for humour. The Cinemassacre hosts were stupid but laughable; these women are degenerate and sad.
Dynamically inserted ads are noticeably louder than regular than regular podcast, forcing me to turn down volume.
First segment is just under an hour long, then Karl transitions into drama about Ray Devito, but it's short. Karl then begins talking about Patrick Michael, who isn't as interesting as other recurring personalities on the show. That's the case here, too. Case in point, Karl makes jokes about how Patty doesn't understand the difference between transformative and fair use.
At not quite halfway through the show, the CZ segment starts. Great.
Laughing at CZ is not like SJ. SJ is a unique mix of thin-skinnedness, meanness, and ego. CZ is a sad drunk who's sort of in the joke.
"Sadness" is what takes away from this episode and maybe even the episode's theme. CZ is a sad drunk who's an unknown comedian, and the hosts of Trash Tuesday are all terribly unfunny comediennes with minds ruined with trauma like abortion and incest.
Karl laughing through the anecdote about the wrestler drinking himself to death encapsulates the note of sadness permeating the episode.
Regardless, CZ segment goes on for too long. As usual.
Overall, a 50%, going by the rubric. Not great nor worth a re-listen. Chad Zumock goes on for too long as usual and subject of this week's podcast are degenerate, but not the horrifying level of the especially grim episodes, like the ones on MAPs.
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Rangers fc 16 Rangers players facing the AXE in Michael Beale’s promised...
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bozukpisikoloji · 2 years
Hayatına girecek o kişi belkide bizi bekliyor?
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dususbitti · 2 years
burada abuk subuk her şeye depresif yaklaşan bileğimi keserim diyip bunu kullanan ve ayın 22'lerine kafayı takıp duyar kasan daha doğrusu role giren kişileri gördükçe sövüyorum gördüğünüz her kitabın içine girip o karakterlere bürünmeniz ne kadar zavallıca abi küçücükler hem de bi kendinize gelin ya
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ratumiasarah · 4 months
Happy weekend everyone💃🏻
Kemana or watpe harini?
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Reblog & Follow saya ygy☺️
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miszs-stuff · 11 months
Korg tgh watpe tu
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bengunesinhayalii · 2 months
Benim adım neden güneşin hayali biliyormusunuz. Çünkü;
"Her şey benim hayalim. Bende güneşin hayaliyim"
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chiamisaki · 8 months
wskazowki/porady dotyczace diety, ktore mi pomagaja
• rob zbilansowane posilki, ktore sa spore i pozywne, ale maja malo kalorii
• pij wode z dodatkami (np cytryna, imbir, ogorek, mieta, limonka)
• gdy masz ochote cos zjesc kup napoj ZERO ktory lubisz
• najlepiej odpusc sobie sniadanie, ale za to zjedz obiad i kolacje; oczywiscie wszystkie kalorie musisz wyliczyc
• gdy jednego dnia zjesz za duzo, spokojnie nic sie nie stalo. po prostu to spal albo nastepnego dnia zjedz mniej.
• gdy masz ochote zjesc tlumacz sobie ze dzien i tak przeleci, a ty bedziesz chudsza jak nie zjesz oraz ze zjesz nastepnego dnia.
• planuj dokladnie posilki jakie zjesz, jest wtedy latwiej.
• pij herbate zielona.
• zawsze waż sie rano, w ciagu dnia i wieczorem (dokladnie zapisuj i sprawdzaj postepy).
• kup produkty niskokaloryczne z ktorych mozesz przygotowac dobry, pozywny posilek.
• gdy bedziesz sie zle czul/a wypij witaminy i powinno byc lepiej.
• nie watp w siebie i mysl o tym jak inni beda w szoku ze schudles/as i beda ci zazdroscic i pytac jak to zrobiles/as.
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rockinjohnny · 2 months
The Rangers Song
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Ya Çağatay Ulusoyun yeni oynadığı diziye denk geldim iki kere tvde boyle watped kitabı gibi sanki sürekli kiza bağırıyor çağırıyor emirler veriyor tabii tamamini izlemediğim için olayi tam bilmiyorum da
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mobilehorrorcompanion · 6 months
The Karl From WATP Interview (Audio)
We interviewed Karl Hamburger from 'Who Are These Podcasts.'
This is that interview, which we originally aired within an 'Insufferable Bastards' YouTube livestream.
Check out this episode!
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