#wax objects
doppostims · 1 year
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AaAaHhH, Hambaagaa Sandwich to Diet Cocacola!
o / x / x | x / x / x | x / x / o
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Resorting to a larger component to melt the wax in, Bain-marie style as I didn’t want the wax to get so hot that I can’t stand the heat. Gradual heat until the majority of the wax is melting and the rest will melt from the residual heat, ready for dipping to create final multiples.
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marlowe-art · 2 months
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the results of july's still-life club meetups
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the-wayside · 8 months
Pavel made 3 efforts to beat the babygirl allegations and then started to lean into them.
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tomurakii · 5 months
I kind of hate all the comparisons between kipperlily and like. Those fuckass "affirmative action fucks me over I wish I was [minority] so it would be easier" people because none of that. Is what she said. She said the bad kids already had more experience with adventuring before they got to augefort and it meant they had an advantage. Which is true. Yeah Riz was lower-class but his mum was a COP. Riz, Kristen and Fig had parents who were heroes (Sandra-Lynn is an active ranger, Kristen's parents are paladins, Sklonda is a rogue), Adaine's family was super rich and politically influential, Fabian had both. Gorgug's the only one who wasn't actively at an advantage [IN THE CONTEXT OF HAVING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HEROISM] and she didn't have shit to say about him. Kipperlily was the first person in her family to try heroism, the bad kids are largely legacy admissions.
Additionally to the people comparing it to the "anti-affirmative action" crowd: do you know what affirmative action is. The bad kids didn't receive special consideration on their admissions to aguefort or scholarships or additional financial support or extended assessment times or anything. How could she be mad about affirmative action if none of these people received affirmative action. What they DID have was knowledge about their classes that started much earlier than high school, which is what Kipperlily said in her file that she thought grading should be adjusted for because she did not have that.
To me it's less like affirmative action and more like augefort is like an IQ test. They pretend that it's fair and objective, but you can be taught how to do those things from a younger age, and if your parents took the time to teach you pattern recognition and shit then you'll do better on an IQ test than someone who wasn't trained for it and everyone will act like that makes you innately smarter when it doesn't. It just means someone taught you how to do that earlier.
Barring Gorgug, every one of the bad kids had access to information about heroism and their class at a younger age than Kipperlily did, which primed them for success in their classes. Every one of them got additional information about mysteries from their families (and even direct battle-tactics training from Bill), Riz especially with getting classified info out of his mum. Kipperlily does not have hero relatives. She's the first in her family line to attend a hero school. She knew nothing about it before her first day, meanwhile Kristen was already the chosen of Helio, Adaine had already been attending the best wizard school in the country, Fabian had already spent his whole life training with his father, and Riz was already involved in solving mysteries using info and tactics he got from his parents.
They aren't necessarily "privileged" (except Fabian and Adaine), but Kipperlily didn't say they were, she said that in the specific context of attending a hero school they had a prior-knowledge advantage. Saying they didn't is like comparing the grades of a kid who's academic career started with preschool with a kid who didn't attend until middle school and acting like one of them wasn't better prepared.
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canisalbus · 11 months
Your art tastes like aged paper, sugar, and chocolate to me, with a hint of salt every so often
Machete looks like white chocolate, and Vasco's like buttery caramel
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craigzlist · 2 years
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altar, mixed media, 2022. photos by phillip ly
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l3m0nflavoredst1mz · 22 days
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Fireafy Stimboard
🔥 🌋 🔥
🌋 x 🍃
🧩 🍃 🧩
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padawansuggest · 9 months
Obi-Wan, 14, after exactly one explanation of how to shave, in which his eyes were glazed over and he seriously considered a gender change so he could backtrack on this specific puberty and try the other one instead, -he heard Stewjoni periods aren’t that bad and he won’t have to upkeep his face every day, how long does it take to cultivate a beard so he doesn’t have to shave again???- takes the razor from his master, disappears into the bathroom, and then appears in the doorway straight outta Qui-Gon’s worst night terrors -the ones that were real and involved waking up to a Padawan having had a vision while still speaking dead languages and asking for flesh holding JUST SAY HUG YOU LITTLE SHIT- and they stare at each other for like twenty seconds straight without blinking before Qui-Gon’s shoulders sag and he lets out a sigh they’re gonna feel in the force all over this temple for days.
‘Where did your eyebrows go?’
‘They were itchy too.’
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sunburstsbeard · 8 months
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Ubuntu themed stimboard.
X x X | X x X | X x X
Currently sitting here in my desk chair stimming like a madman as I compile the gifs for this. I've figured out an easier way to get and credit gifs since I made that Doc stimboard.
I can bring up a split screen of two Firefox windows and copy links to gifs, then embed them instead of downloading and reuploading them.
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weheartstims · 5 months
Exclamation mark from animatic battle
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Exclamation Mark (Animatic Battle) with various suitable stims!
🟣|❕|🟣 ❕|🟣|❕ 🟣|❕|🟣
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manmilkers · 3 months
We are supposed to believe, Armand, capable of controlling a theatre of +100 people without breaking a sweat or any visible strain, stopping time, mind wiping other vamps, able to withstand sunlight, wasn't capable of stopping Santiago, who is removing what Armand's perceives as his one obstacle to Louis, Claudia, and Madeline, a vampire Armand did not want made? But Lestat, who goes off script to align himself with the accused and speak in the defendants favor and who cannot control a dozen inebriated soldiers without bursting blood vessels and bleeding from the ears and not being able to stand upright after and is +2 centuries younger/less powerful than their leader had the more active role in the orchestrating/controlling the lynch mob- trial? There is an obvious difference in power here that belies the narrative being spun as well as onscreen actions being taken by each of them, that Lestat showed up for vengeance and Armand “could not prevent it” 🙄, as well as a disparity in what we know these characters motivations are. Both of these people have an obvious pattern of taking fairly extreme measures when they perceive Louis as spurning them for someone/thing else or being more taken with another. Only one of them has ever forcibly forbade Claudia from leaving Louis and the other had control of the coven that killed her.
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Wax objects made from continuously dipping my index finger into the wax, same as the soya wax objects from a few posts ago, the plan is to combine both waxes and follow a similar structure for my finals.
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strawberry-s0ap · 2 years
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a stimboard for my favourite pokémon every gen!
gen 6 - goomy!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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junglejim4322 · 6 months
Compassion fatigue or empathy burnout or whatever is a really real tangible thing and it’s extra fun because it makes you feel like a terrible person. I remember first hearing about it when I knew a family friend who was a caretaker for her parents and it was so apparent there were times she was just empty. She ended up dying before her elderly mother from overworking herself. Lookint back I completely get it there’s days where I’m just like there’s nothing left in me I’m sorry I don’t have any emotions left to feel for you. Or for me either. Can’t even think enough to enjoy things. Don’t care enough to take care of myself. I’m talking about wrt caretaking and interpersonal relationships not like caring about political issues and cruelty as a whole don’t even try me bitch
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tracfone · 1 year
Any ship where one or more characters is an object or a robot or whatever is infinitely more interesting to me than a human/human ship, at least nowadays. Idk. I think it is nice to explore the relationships we have with the inanimate, how we express love to them and how that could be reciprocated
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