#wdym brain damage?
karasthoughtss · 1 year
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 6 months
Shannon is a master at crafting the most interesting side characters and then proceeding to give me NOTHING to work with.
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chussy · 4 days
oh! one thing i want to say about skincare people™!
a lot of the "skincare community" is OBSESSED with sunscreen, like full "you should be applying SPF50 even if you're staying indoors on a dark winter day" type statements, and it's honestly crazy. SPF is constantly talked about in the context of anti-aging and wrinkle prevention when it's got a much more important use - preventing fucking SKIN CANCER!
now, as a man who's fighting with my mother and grandmother (gma especially because she's already had skin cancer) to wear sunscreen when out in direct sunlight, at least in the summer, it is true that as long as it gets someone to wear sunscreen it's a bit whatever what argument you use, however. I feel like pushing the "sunscreen = anti-aging product" thing turns a lot of people off of it, because even with beauty standards being the way they are, most people our age aren't obsessed with avoiding fine lines at all costs, and the constant anti age push can be fucking annoying to put it politely
so can we maybe talk about skin cancer prevention? I'd like to talk about skin cancer prevention!
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sun-3-160 · 2 years
if i ever get good at digital art ill make my hannibal season 4 mock up trailer/animatic set to "amnesia was her name" by lemon demon
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honeqq · 22 days
I know this ruins the wholesomeness of the au, but I can’t stop thinking of Ford finding out that Bill has been messing with his memory for YEARS. obviously he still loves Bill, that can’t quite disappear, but just the sprinkle of mistrust that a situation like that might provoke MAKES ME CRAZY!!! like wdym the love of my life, my muse, my sun and center of my galaxy has been doing this to me for so long and I didn’t even notice? And just having to build that trust up again 😞😞it kills me I love them sooo much!!! Like the clear power imbalance between them and how it’s affected their relationship even if neither meant for it to happen, I know bill is jealous and all but it’s like he can’t comprehend the damage being done??? kinda??? like he thinks of it as it being for Ford’s sake, for his own good, but never once thought of asking or had a double take, because he’s just that powerful. he CAN just do it with no repercussions and that’s that and who can tell him otherwise? who can stop him? nobody!! just his own good will but we all know he lacks in that department
Not you guy doomed back the undoomed yaoi 😭 BUT OMG THIS IS SO TRUE , reading you explaining this turn on something on my brain. Yeah I kinda want to make it wholesome but the angst probability is many
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base0h · 6 months
Hiiii. So this is my first time requesting or anything so I’m kinda really nervous??? Anyways, I love your crack fics, I literally giggle non stop and they bring light into my soul.
So, that being said, I have a request. Could you do something with Crocodile and Ace (and whichever other characters) reacting to their s/o having a spider or some type of scary bug on their back? Idk if your can go anywhere with this but hey, it’s worth a shot.
Okay that’s it bye bye have a good day :)))
a/n - omg I’m so glad I can bring light into your life 😭🫶 literally my goal when I’m writing this stuff 💜 oml bro crocodile is afraid of bugs I just know he is 💀 that’s why he had robin, so she could handle them for him
warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, crack, crocodile would leave you with the the bug just to run as far away as possible 💀🫶
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- pls if he sees a single bug in his house he’d move out of his mansion and go to another sea of ocean 💀
- don’t get me wrong he takes you with him of course and makes sure you’re protected from those heinous insects. Get ready for loads of bug spray and pest killing chemicals, because your house is going to smell like that for at least a couple weeks 😃🫶
- so one day, you’re relaxing on the sofa, listening to some ambient music, the lights a bit dimmed, with the shutters open just enough for some light to shine through without being too harsh. It was a weekend, so it was due time for some relaxation!
- crocodile had just gotten finished with his work, and finally he’d get to spend some quality time with you. As he walked over, getting ready to join you on the couch, he froze.
- his eyes were locked onto your back, his breathing completely stopped, his body stiff as a board
- a tiny black speck on your back was… moving. Could that be a- SPIDER? You turned around because you heard footsteps, and you looked confused to see crocodile just- frozen, with wide, disgusted, fearful eyes as if you just committed some heinous crime against humanity
- “….Crocodile? You ok?”
- …
- “Hello???? Earth to crocodile?”
- “Y/n. You know I love you right?“
- “…What?”
- “Then you know why I must do this.”
- “What do you me- hey where’re you going?!”
- to go bag (he has one prepared for this exact situation bruh 💀) materializes out of thin air, then cue crocodile skedaddling out the door without explaining or warning you like a scared selfish asshole
- “..well of course I would’ve sent someone back for you-“
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- see now ace is afraid of bugs too. But he’s not a selfish asshole like crocodile 💀 bro would at least try and protect you while screaming and sobbing
- you two were relaxing, snuggling together and watching the sun set on the deck of the Moby dick. It always never failed to amaze you with how many colors spread across the sky.
- ace absolutely adored these moments with you. It made him feel so- alive but also dead at the same time. Because how could one be this happy and in love with you?
- he looked down at you, and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head, and that’s when he saw… it
- cue the scream of a demon plus a kid who just saw a clown
- ace grabbed his shoe in a panic, and aimed directly at your head. But since he was so afraid, he was closing his eyes.. as he was swinging to kill the bug.. and he ended up slapping the absolute shit out of you instead of the bug
- “Phew, think I got it- Y/N?! WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OK?!”
- “Sorry.. OH SHIT I MISSED-“
- you got hit five times before he actually got it. 💀🫶 I hope your brain isn’t damaged 😭
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- luffy was one of those kids who collected beetles and watched them fight each other like it was the most intense battle he’s ever seen 💀
- so of course he’s not afraid of them. Bro likes them so much that he doesn’t know if the one piece is better or if beetles are better 😭
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- luffy was rambling to you about the various different types of beetles, and which ones were the strongest in fights. He was giving you the WHOLE lowdown, their stats, weaknesses, special skills, traits, etc. 💀 you were surprised luffy had this level of knowledge on- anything really
- “Yeah so the atlas beetle can DEFINITELY take down the rhino beetle because of its really tough shell and- OH MY GOD-“
- “Huh-?! What’s wrong?!”
- “Luffy you better be joking. Is it even April yet?”
- “Nono it’s right here see?”
- he pulled it off your head and put it in front of your face. The way you froze, and the way your heart stopped, dropped down to your feet, and then climbed back up 😭
- you couldn’t even scream, you just got up and hauled ass away from whatever that abomination of a creature was
- “Y/n where are you going?! I have to show you how it fights!”
- “But y/n they really like you! You’ve got a rhino beetle on your back too!”
- “WHAT?!”
- you legit stopped, dropped, and rolled 💀💀💀 poor robin was watching the whole thing transpire from really far away so she couldn’t hear the context of what the hell was happening 😭
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a/n - bro I missed writing these. I’m a bit rusty tho 😂
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fervidflame · 8 months
hey guys im still obsessed w trolls. and @ohposhers floyd design. it gives me brain damage. /pos
silently combined it w my single floyd hc that he's transmasc. [wicked] (this isnt a fictkin mem wdym guys... /silly)
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bibibbon · 8 months
MHA 412 leaks (rant)
Iam not a fan of the leaks I really am not because wtf is going on?!?!?!
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1) THIS !!! THIS WAS ONE OF THE WORST THINGS TO COME OUT OF THE FLIPPING MANGA. What the actual hell like there is no izuku introspection and also I get the idea that's being displayed here but it was done horribly in my opinion. It also doesn't make sense on applying this ideology to shigaraki considering that he literally told shigaraki he could never forgive him because of what he did to Eraserhead.
Look not giving up on the idea of people being able to change could be a good thing and idea that could be explained through midoriyas character and making him a symbol of hope. However, that doesn't excuse the horrible stuff going on between bakugo and izukus dynamic. Izuku has clearly been shown having negative feelings towards bakugo (as he should) and we should of seen those negative feelings explored this to me feels like an utter BS of an excuse to be like no izuku is just naturally a living saint which IS ALSO UTTER BS. We have seen izuku get mad and fight like a lunatic a whole bunch and now Iam supposed to believe that izuku can never feel a bad or negative emotion towards anyone because of this?!?!!?!?! The bakugo redemption fails due to many things but the main thing is the lack of izukus thought. about it.
Here is the thing YOU CAN FEEL NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND HATE SOMEONE BUT STILL HAVE HOPE THAT THEY CAN CHANGE AND BECOME A BETTER PERSON but horikoshi does this to make bakugo look better?!?!? Why?!?!
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2) ALSO THIS?!?!?!!
Wdym izuku has to give up the thing that he had to gain so he can win?!?! How is he gonna win is horikoshi going to make this a vestiges fighting eachother type of bs whole izuku defends himself quirkless somehow ??!?!??!??! Also why is it that he is THE ONLY CHARACTER WHO IS GETTING CONCEQUENCES?!?! Like you have tokoyami and hawks who lost their quirks but gained it back because AFO died so why not ( NO CONCEQUENCES) and then you have bakugo who LITERALLY CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD (no concequences) the only real concequences there were are some injuries then and there but that's it nothing big for the major and fan loved characters happend they're all alive and fighting.
If the point was that izuku could of become a hero with no quirk then shouldn't if he just become a quirkless hero instead of suffering getting a Quirk more suffering more suffering losing a quirk and more suffering!?!?
3) Also don't even get me started on how dirty shigarakis character is being done this guy wants to destroy stuff for fun not because he believes that the only way to rebuild a society suitable for him and his friends is by destruction or another ideology no he is just a psycho who wants revenge against THE WRONG PERSON!!!!!
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4) wasted potential. IZUKUS LACK OF INTROSPECTION AND POV MADE THIS HORRIBLE. like it could of been good but it fell off horribly due to the fact that he didn't have any development and he is just jumping to ideologies. I think this ideology suits him but in theory he hasn't developed enough for him to have it in the first place. Also the lack of pov also makes us DOWNPLAY HIS BATTLE Strategy AND THE THINGS HE IS DOING. LIKE YALL AREN'T DEEPING THAT HE CANT BREATHE THIS GUY MAY DIE OR GET SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE BUT IS STILL FIGHTING LIKE A MADMAN and I don't see people talking about it all Iam seeing is "oh bakugo parallel hehe bs". Horikoshi then goes on to show us panels of izuku training and you can tell there isn't a lot because NO ACADEMIA ARC AND BAD PACING OF STORY. The idea of him destroying society's pain rug could of been cool but again not enough pov or introspection or anything
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5) WHY IS STAR AND STRIPES HERE?!?!?!! Like did shigaraki steal her quirk because I forgot and if he did then why hasn't he killed izuku using her quirk that's so stupid. Horikoshi has told us and shown us that shigaraki wants death and destruction. He ruined shigaraki and is he now downplaying his intelligence or something or is this some plot hole because why is she here and why isn't her quirk being utilised also what happend to shigaraki using danger sense?!?!! Like I swear that stuff was active last chapter so what happend now can the vestiges just deny and not give him access or something but if that's the thing he can freely use ragdolls quirk.
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warpedpuppeteer · 5 months
Life needs to give Chimney a fucking break. Wdym he went through all that hell and found the love of his life and now might possibly suffer permanent brain damage 😭
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mrfartpowered · 19 days
old headcanons by @cunningweiner & yours truly!!!
we don’t necessarily subscribe to all of these anymore — most were written before we even watched the finale — but I can see exactly what we were thinking LOL
below the cut, read about painted nails, braces, Randy’s health, weinerham, and more!!!!
Randy paints his nails real
Usually black but sometimes he gets adventurous (when Howard says the black nails emo)
Whiteout nails & sharpie nails are his fave……..someone save him ✊😔
HE also Does Not take care of them. He lets them chip until they’re either completely gone or he just paints over them again
I just know his hangnails are AWFULLL
On a similar note, Howard has a scheduled monthly mani-pedi
he does NOT shower tho
Never gets them painted, he just like to feel pampered
His hands are DELICATE!!!
Randy is afraid of the dremel tool the artists use so he doesn’t go
Not trans, not a drag queen, but a secret third thing
He just likes to feel pretty ok!!!!! but has has not yet, and honestly may never, wear his dresses/skirts/wigs/heels out of the house
Randy has HELLLLLA scars/bruises/clicky joints cuz he’s reckless and stupid ‼️‼️
Loses ninja powers…keeps brain damage 😍
Howard def needs braces but bullies his dad out of getting them cuz waaah wah it’ll look nerdy wah 😫 and then he has rlly fucked up teeth his entire life but he’s too proud to just get the damn braces
Randy’s like “invisalign™️?….” So naturally Howard can never give him the satisfaction
He would have gotten too if it wasn’t Randy who suggested it
Howard uses twitch slang. Pog, fail, epic, etc
he wants to be a streamer SOOOO bad😫😫
Randy has richass parents but bc of whatever their job is, they’re gone a lot. He keeps it a secret cuz who wants to have S1 Steve Harrington syndrome??
Howard is SOOOOO showy with Randy — especially at events and when he gets jealous
Randy has to play arm candy all the time cause Howard is vain and likes the way he looks with Randy
He’s very possessive
In return, Randy is a GRADE-A SHOWOFF as the ninja if Howard is around <33 at a certain point Howard has to be like “dude u HAVE to tone it down, ppl are starting to think maybe ur not 800 years old” “wdym??” “800 year old divine warriors don’t say WHOS THAT CUTIE PIE IN THE SQUID SHIRT”  
Randy and Howard are SOOOO coupley throughout high school but it takes them foreverrrr to put a label on it
They def practice kissing on each other
But for a while they’re like pshhh that’s just biffer stuff!! Wdym not everyone does that 👬
Howard falls first but Randy falls harder I will die on this hill
Randy is a shower singer. Howard records him secretly (blackmail 4 Deborah 🫶)
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karriethemechtech · 4 months
. . .initializing. . .
Uplink initialized. Enter login:
Login accepted. Welcome, WO DeLacey.
SLDF OS ver. 17.1.4 “Evergreen”
Input command: “2fus.MAF.hpg.cWeb”
. . . . . .
///For Internal Use Only///
///2nd Canopian Fusiliers Class of 41—Welcome///
>[2345] karriethemechtech: Anyone still here? Been a while.
>[2346] karriethemechtech: . . .
>[2350] karriethemechtech: I miss you guys
>[2350] karriethemechtech: I’m sorry I never told you all where I went.
>[2351] karriethemechtech: Not that it matters really anymore
>[2351] karriethemechtech: I’m doing better now though!
>[2353] karriethemechtech: ish
>[2353] karriethemechtech: I have friends though! Bounced around mercenary work, now I’m in with the new SLDF
>[2353] karriethemechtech: yeah I know
>[2359] karriethemechtech: almost there now
>[0000] karriethemechtech: happy anniversary everyone.
>[0007] rach-5-autocannon: wait. DeLacey? Little DeLacey? Am I reading that right?
>[0008] karriethemechtech: Rachel?
>[0008] rach-5-autocannon: Karrie? What the hell are you still doing on this node?
>[0009] karriethemechtech: Could ask you the same thing
>[0009] rach-5-autocannon: Prolly same as you. Memories I guess
>[0009] karriethemechtech: yeah
>[0010] rach-5-autocannon: Karrie wtf
>[0010] rach-5-autocannon: You drop off the face of the Periphery for 6 years and then I find you lurking in our old chatroom
>[0010] rach-5-autocannon: You had me worried you shithead
>[0011] rach-5-autocannon: 6 fucking years
>[0011] rach-5-autocannon: I mean what the hell was I supposed to think? You know how you used to be.
>[0011] rach-5-autocannon: And now you’re with those wolf-ass SLDF idiots?
>[0012] karriethemechtech: Rachel please
>[0015] rach-5-autocannon: We cared about you y’know
>[0015] rach-5-autocannon: You were like the whole unit’s little sister. Second you rolled in fresh out of training, all scrawny with that messy long hair you didn’t know how to take care of
>[0016] karriethemechtech: You think I don’t know that?
>[0016] karriethemechtech: I wouldn’t be the woman I am without you and the squad
>[0017] rach-5-autocannon: but then you ran off
>[0018] rach-5-autocannon: I had to fill out the paperwork to mark you MIA. Does your family even know you’re alive???
>[0018] karriethemechtech: of course they do. I ran back home first
>[0018] rach-5-autocannon: and why aren’t you still there? Instead of working with the literal enemy
>[0023] karriethemechtech: Rachel I tried
>[0023] rach-5-autocannon: wdym?
>[0024] karriethemechtech: turns out this stuff’s pretty much my sole specialty. Fix and pilot ‘Mechs. I love ‘em but the farm didn’t work for me and neither did the MAF
>[0024] rach-5-autocannon: Why am I not surprised
>[0024] karriethemechtech: I did merc work for a while y’know
>[0025] rach-5-autocannon: you? Little DeLacey out there killing for money? Didn’t think you had that in ya.
>[0025] rach-5-autocannon: must be more like your big sis Rachel than I thought
>[0026] karriethemechtech: even ran my own company for a few years. ‘Course I had to after my old CO got me blacklisted from a few of the periphery Merc haunts once he figured me out
>[0028] rach-5-autocannon: Please tell me not like I think you mean
>[0029] karriethemechtech: Most of the Sphere isn’t as accepting as Canopus, Rach
>[0029] rach-5-autocannon: Fuck, Karrie
>[0030] karriethemechtech: Look idk what to tell you. I’m doing better now
>[0030] rach-5-autocannon: Are you???
>[0030] rach-5-autocannon: Next you’re gonna tell me you finally blew your leg off or something
>[0032] karriethemechtech: Well not my leg
>[0032] rach-5-autocannon: Karrie I swear I am going to find and kill you what the hell did you do
>[0033] karriethemechtech: PPC hit fried me through the Neurohelmet. Got some pretty nasty burn scars too
>[0033] rach-5-autocannon: wait so do you have brain damage or something
>[0034] rach-5-autocannon: Karrie you fucking answer me
>[0034] karriethemechtech: I mean
>[0034] karriethemechtech: I don’t know. Not like they checked or anything.
>[0034] karriethemechtech: Medics got too distracted by other things about me, y’know?
>[0036] rach-5-autocannon: So you’re gonna show up sixish years later on a dead private node and now you’re gonna tell me you’re fine even though literally EVERY SINGLE THING you’ve just said is not even close to that definition
>[0036] karriethemechtech: Look things got bad for a little while
>[0045] rach-5-autocannon: So how’d you get tangled up with Sir Lord ilKhan Himself The Allmighty Magnificent Alaric?
>[0045] karriethemechtech: SLDF. Star League. Not Alaric
>[0045] rach-5-autocannon: Same difference and you know it
>[0047] karriethemechtech: I started hawking my services on the chatterweb, made a few friends
>[0047] karriethemechtech: one of them ended up being COMGEN of the SLDF funny enough
>[0047] rach-5-autocannon: what
>[0047] rach-5-autocannon: how
>[0047] karriethemechtech: Does it make it more believable if I tell you she’s one of the people that acted in Tails of Strana Mechty?
>[0048] rach-5-autocannon: wait that clanner show with the totem warriors
>[0048] rach-5-autocannon: this does not get more believable but you’re a bad liar. Go on. Which one?
>[0048] karriethemechtech: Melissa Hazen
>[0048] karriethemechtech: I think her character was called Mysty?
>[0049] rach-5-autocannon: No fucking way
>[0049] karriethemechtech: I didn’t know she was famous! I just knew she was a bird!
>[0049] karriethemechtech: She hired me on for a job then decided to roll me into her force directly
>[0050] karriethemechtech: not like I was gonna say no, the Last Resort was just me by then
>[0050] rach-5-autocannon: so she press-ganged you into service?
>[0050] karriethemechtech: no no no it’s not like that
>[0052] karriethemechtech: she really believes in what she’s doing. I know people say all kinds of shit about the SLDF but I don’t think she deserves that.
>[0052] karriethemechtech: she’s giving me something to hope for. This time it’s gonna be different, I think it really is
>[0053] rach-5-autocannon: well fuck she’s really got you hasn’t she
>[0053] rach-5-autocannon: never thought my little sis here would be huffing idealism but I guess it figures doesn’t it
>[0054] karriethemechtech: I’ve made friends and I’ve got a future to fight for
>[0055] rach-5-autocannon: That is always what you wanted isn’t it.
>[0055] rach-5-autocannon: or what you needed anyway
>[0055] karriethemechtech: how so?
>[0058] rach-5-autocannon: from that first night yeah? Sniffling and crying in your bunk surrounded by a bunch of women. Thinkin’ you’re so different and being all sad and shit
>[0058] rach-5-autocannon: listen idk how the hell you ended up in an active combat unit unless you had absolutely no self-preservation. You must not have now I think about it.
>[0059] rach-5-autocannon: we tried our best to make you feel at home. ‘Course we would. But I think the biggest thing we did for you—other than the obvious lol—is make you realize you could want shit like a future. And I guess it’s taken you this long to figure out what future that is
>[0100] rach-5-autocannon: I get the feeling you probably still haven’t quite figured it out, knowing you. Dumbass.
>[0100] karriethemechtech: oi
>[0100] rach-5-autocannon: but hey. Yeah I’m pissed at you. We’re all still pretty pissed at you. And somehow I feel like I’m talking to a ghost. But we’re all sisters you dumb fuck, not blood but close enough.
>[0101] rach-5-autocannon: Star League or not, I’m happy for ya.
>[0104] karriethemechtech: Thanks. It means a lot Rachel. And I’m sorry I disappeared like that
>[0105] rach-5-autocannon: I understand now, don’t worry. I’ll tell the others you’re ok.
>[0105] rach-5-autocannon: speaking of
>[0105] rach-5-autocannon: if you can say
>[0105] rach-5-autocannon: where do they have you deployed rn?
>[0106] karriethemechtech: oh sure
>[0106] karriethemechtech: I’m on Helios doing some anti-Blakist stuff
>[0106] rach-5-autocannon: wait you’re
>[0106] rach-5-autocannon: WHERE
>[0106] rach-5-autocannon: HOLD ON A SECOND
>[0107] rach-5-autocannon: GOD DAMN IT WHY DIDN’T YOU START WITH THAT
. . .logging off. . .
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intotheelliwoods · 2 years
God I love how much thought you’ve put into this au!! Right as you were sharing the phantom pains comic, I was just watching a few videos on how to “treat” phantom pains and make them a lot less painful!! Like did you know that if you were to use a mirror that is aimed at the real arm and have it move, it could trick the brain into believing that the phantom arm is moving, hence making the pain less?
Also on a completely different note, wouldn’t the surgery to get the port onto Leo be pretty dangerous so there probably were some complications that came up?
OOh yeah I know exactly what you are talking about! God phantom limbs are just,, so cool. Sad yes, but cool. But sad. Honestly now I just want to do more regarding the whole phantom pain half of Leo's recovery~ If I have time and a good idea comes up ill see what I can do!
Complication ideas under the cut meanwhile since this might be a little lengthy ahaa!!
Complications with the port, theres only two issues that I had in mind when designing that may lead to any complications.
The rod making contact with the lungs and/or heart
While yes, if this was a human then 100% worrying about the rod puncturing the lung or heart would be an issue, however luckily enough, turtles actually have a bit of a cavity area in their shells around their shoulders!! Its the area where their head would usually squeeze into when going into their shell, heres the best diagram I could find of it without the imagery being totally gruesome pfft
The rod would sit in the little blue area I circled while still remaining held down by muscle tissue that would heal around it over time, yeah the rod is 5 inches long but its only about 1 inch in diameter, its strong yet thin
+ The lung and heart are actually very out of the way which is nice enough, and even if it were to be in contact with the lung lets say, I dont think it would cause much harm unless Leo decides to do heavy cardio for hours on end where the tiny little bit less of lung space causes a huge difference in stamina/oxygen intake
To be fair though, this is all mutant turtle human biology, wdym it has to make sense this is all fantasy
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2. Issues regarding the nerve connections
Honestly I am way less skilled regarding this half of the functionality of the arm. I can tell you how it connects and where parts go and thats about it, but actually reading signals put out by the brain is beyond me at the moment, and to be honest this is really where I am going to rely the most off fantasy logic whoops.
That being said though, what I can tell you is that if the connections were done improperly there is a good chance that it can damage the nerve cord itself and cause some pretty intense pain in the spine. Most damage of which would be mad hard to fix, spinal damage overall is just mad hard to fix. Aside from just taking meds for the pain every day, it would be hard to do any good fixes long term.
So yeah, the nerve connections being done wrong would probably be the biggest concern with the procedure overall. Though do keep in mind, his surgeon was Hamato Eyebrows Donatello pfft.
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lemonadedino · 5 months
74, 77 for prompts ask! huddling for warmth, and in vino veritas -- wiz
i'm so sorry that this took soo long wiz!! life started kicking my butt and my thoughts wouldn't settle
made this one lestappen for funsies
charles is the owner of an ice cream shop that specializes in making really elaborate ice cream confections. his store lowkey went viral on tiktok because their creations are super impressive looking, but mostly everyone in the comments was thirsting over charles when he appeared in the video to explain how they flavor the ice cream. obviously, his social media guy lando is absolutely thrilled with the heightened engagement.
one day after work, charles brings his puppy leo to the vet. they've been going to dr. vettel for forever and they both adore him. so imagine charles' shock when he checks in the with receptionist, an australian with remarkably swoopy hair who seems to have replaced the middle-aged woman with a perpetually pinched face that charles remembers form his previous visits, and is informed that dr. vettel has retired, moved to the alps to save the bees, and has left his personal phone number to charles in case he ever needs something.
after processing some emotions, charles finally asks the gold ticket question.
"who is leo seeing today, then?"
and then a blond man dressed in navy blue scrubs steps out from behind the door separating the rest of the clinic from the lobby. he doesn't seem to notice charles. charles doesn't mind because he's too busy ogling this gorgeous man who's exactly his type. he's always been a sucker for blue eyes, sue him.
"oscar, do you know if the 6'oclock appointment is coming in? they're already 15 minutes late, and the sooner i can get back to jimmy and sassy the better."
"charles, meet dr. max verstappen. he's taking over the clinic now that dr. vettel has retired," oscar says.
and boom introductions are made. they have a perfectly lovely vet appointment, where charles accidently said that leo is 4 years old instead of 8 months because the way max's mouth moved was just sooo mesmerizing wdym i actually have to have a functioning brain??
the next day, max shows up at the ice cream shop, presumably on his day off. charles is like "omg is he here to see me... but i don't want to read too much into it, yk?"
while paying for his scoop of vanilla ice cream on a waffle cone, max admits that he had no idea that charles owned the place. apparently, oscar had casually suggested the ice cream parlor as the best place in town for dessert. lando, who had been puttering around somewhere next to charles, trying to act like he wasn't listening in on their conversation, knocked over a rack of scrapers as soon at the mention of oscar's name. weird, right? crazyyyy
some time passes. max and charles become closer. leo is suddenly having a lot more vet visits than normal, even though he’s in perfect health so that charles has an excuse to see max. he’s aware that it’s getting borderline pathetic, and he’s pretty sure that oscar agrees, since the aussie has memorized his number due to how frequently charles calls to schedule appointments.
they're mutually pining but the feelings are kept under lock and key because i-dont-want-to-damage-our-friendship-what-if-he-doesn’t-like-me-back-am-I-allowed-to-date-my-dog’s-vet-blahblahblah.
charles’ shop gets nominated for a prestigious award, created to highlight innovators in the gastronomic world internationally. to celebrate, his best friend, pierre, throws him a surprise party at the ice cream store after hours. all of their friends are invited, as well as seb. having listened to charles mope about the hot vet countless times, he pops by the veterinarian office and invites max, telling him to bring a friend if he’d like so that he’s more comfortable.
and that’s how max ends up at charles’ surprise party, cradling a bottle of what he hopes is acceptable wine, oscar in tow.
upon seeing max, charles has a brief moment of “i am actually going to to murder pierre omg how am I supposed to handle being with him outside of a work context without combusting” before realizing “OMG I GET TO BE NEAR MY CRUSH!!!!”
charles notices that oscar and lando seem super awkward and stiff around each other but doesn’t know why and chooses not to press it (so actually landoscar had a one night stand that lando fled at 5AM because commitment is scary and he’s worried because he likes this guy way more than he should for someone he’s met less than 12 hours ago. better leave before it get too real)
The night progresses, more wine is poured and toasts are made. Basically everyone is tipsy by the time the party winds down and people start to trickle out.
max is the last guest to leave, constantly finding himself caught in conversation with charles again and again. just as he steps out the door, charles grabs his arm.
“wait hold on, do you want to try next week’s special edition flavor? you’re special, so you can taste test before the official public release.” charles says and then proceeds to wink horrifically. max agrees and the two of them make their way to the walk in freezer in the back where charles stores flavors to restock.
the door closes behind them and they realize a little too late that charles forgot to unlock the door from the inside so they’re now trapped.
cue immense panic from both of them. thankfully, charles has his phone on him and calls lando, to whom he had given a spare pair of keys to let them out. in the meantime, they ultimately end up cuddling for warmth in an effort to not freeze before lando could get to them.
wrapped up in max’s embrace and lulled by the wine on his tongue, charles confesses to max. mutually reciprocated declarations of love ensue and just and they’re about to kiss, a lock clicks and lando opens the door.
laying in his bed that night, max asleep next to him, charles realizes that the bruises on lando’s throat definitely wasn’t because of the shop’s weird lighting casting shadows. they were most definitely hickeys and charles remembers lando slipping out of the party at much the same time as a certain receptionist.
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chxmera-not-found · 2 years
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Just found out Postal exists about two days ago and now I have Postal 1, Brain Damaged, I read the entire fandom wiki for lore, plus I made this :))
I swear I’m completely sane--
It’s definitely not a hyperfixation, wdym- :,)
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kehannii · 1 year
So. A combination of reading final girl, this one TikTok comic, my love for marichat, and my apparent insomnia has lead to this:
Guardian au where that first day, Fu seeks a holder for the Black Cat Miraculous and, instead of a new holder for the Ladybug, a new guardian to train.
Chat Noir is the sole ‘savior of Paris’
He can’t purify akumas but instead absorbs them, which, according to Fu, will destroy the akuma’s corruption. No “bye bye little butterfly” more like “Die die bitchy moth”(the corruption isn’t fully distorted and has its effects bc the universe hates Adrien agreste)
Fu is strictly against awakening the Ladybug because he doesn’t want to risk loosing it bc he has trauma over loosing the butterfly and peacock already and he absolutely cannot loose Creation.
He’s fine with using the Black Cat because while the miraculous might be a tiny bit *cough cough* unstable, Creation can fix any of the damage done by Destruction and the two miraculous are a pair so if he looses the Cat, the Ladybug will lead him to it or something idk I haven’t thought that one through.
So anyways, after stoneheart and the akuma multiplying is over, Paris is in ruins. Not like big big ruins but like, casualty rates are really high, some people are still statues, and there’s a shit ton of property damage. It’s been days and the popo are still dragging bodies out of the rubble. Ppl are angry at chat noir bc of all the damage left behind and all that yada yada.
Adrien himself is all like oh shot naur I do not wanna do this anymore, oh and he’s like bruised all over from the many, many times he’s been slammed into hard things and fallen from his baton. He’s feeling guilty and in pain and is like, bro I only wanted to go do school not this shit.
He miles around and despairs for a while and after like a week of Paris dealing with the damage, Fu gains a brain cell and does some voodoo shit with the ladybug miraculous so that it doesn’t fully awaken, puts the earrings on and calls for the cure.
Everything goes back to normal; the dead are waking up in morgues, buildings are fixing themselves, injuries are going away, stone monsters are turning back into people, wveything is back to normal. Except, the cure, when it washes over Adrien does…nothing. It doesn’t heal him and cleanup his injuries, just makes him feel weird.
Adrien’s body is rejecting the Miraculous Cure, and that leads to issues but Adrien does not have his priorities straight so instead of going “oh no the magic bandaid isn’t helping me I’m going to get killed by one of these nasty bug thingies help guardian dude!” He’s just like “oh thank god Paris is a-okay I guess I don’t mind being a super hero if people stop dying” he has no self preservation because he’s a looser.
Anyways so that’s that. Chadrien absorbs akumas which makes him weird, fu presses the restart button on the Ladybug whenever Chadrien beats an akuma. Reset does not work for Adrien and leaves him in his bloody bruised state.
Adrien doesn’t really care that he’s not getting healed by the cure, he just patches himself up and for some reason people can’t really see the injuries even though he can feel them very very clearly so it doesn’t interfere with his modeling.
He doesn’t gaf until he starts like having emo symptoms from the corrupt butterflies that he’s eating (no I don’t know what the symltoms are yet probably like fucked up morality, violence, cat like tendencies, more carnivorous diet, sharp teeth… okay so I kind of know the symptoms) and plagg is like this shit is happening because the Ladybug isn’t awake and the two miraculous balance each other out and his magic is off kilter and he’s having side effects.
After a while of this and Adriens symptoms getting worse, and his body rejecting the cure even more, Adrien is fed up with Fu because “wdym you can’t wake up the Ladybug you’re literally using it every time to reset everything, the miraculous is already on the chess board, just use her!” And he’s pissed because Fu is chilling in some cozy apartment not lifting a finger or risking life and limb like he is to keep Paris safe and he gets to just woosh woosh make it all disappear from a safe distance when Adrien is in a state halfway to death since he got the his ring?
So he’s prissy about it and is always bugging Fu abt it but he’s an idiot as we’ve established and doesn’t mention the cure not working on him and instead of seeing it as a cry for help as in “oh no this is so much work I need a partner” and not what adorn actually means which is “oh for fucks sake I’m dying right now I need my partner” and Fu is like oh so you’re lonely right? (Which yes but that’s not the point???) and let’s him give out another miraculous so he has help fighting.
Adrien is so close to just cataclysming this old man it’s not even funny. He takes the miraculous and sure it helps and he’s not getting injured as much but he’s still eating akumas and that’s shitty especially when he’s puking black nasty shit now. Oh ya, as hawkmoth’s akumas get more dangerous, the akumas get more nasty and fuck with Adrien more than usual. And the more dangerous they are the more injured he gets.
One day after a particular rough akuma, Adrien is leaping through the city trying to get soemwhere quiet si he can maybe patch up the hole in his stomach(it’s not a big hole) and he’s excgahsred and he settles onto a particular balcony. He just lays there for a little, accidenoy knocks over a couple plants and just slouches against the wall and closes his eyes with a sigh and wishes he just stayed in that fucking house because he literally just wanted to go to school god damnit
Meanwhile… Marinette comes home from having this weird old guy fill her brain to the brim with new knowledge about magic jewels and powers and gods and guardians and the catman flying about and she wants nothing more than to climb into her bed and go to sleep. But then she hears somebody on her roof and is like wtf???
She grabs her weapon of choice (a paddle don’t ask) and climbs onto her balcony and then she sees the emo cat boy bleeding on her lawn chair.
She’s till tempted to whack him in the face but he’s bleeding and she’s training to be a Gaurdian apparently so it’s her job to like…patch him up right?
(Also the whole time she’s like, why is he still injured?? The cure should’ve healed him and is wondering if she should let Fu know abt this)
She gets him to stay and rushes back down to her room, grabs some fabric and like shoved onto his wound to stanch the bleeding all while muttering abt how expensive this fabric was dammit
And Adrien is just…starstruck… and confused. Like wtf is happening and how?? And as she’s like stopping the bleeding he’s just staring at her and like woah she’s really pretty(as she’s mourning her pretty fabric, scowls at him, and has his blood all over her hands and her shirt at this point) (Chadrien’s ring burns and his heart skips a beat but he’s a bit busy bleeding and ogling his classmate to notice)
At some point he’s like I have to…go? And she’s like bitch u have a whole in ur chest?? Where you gonna go with that?? And he’s like umm…magic?
She convinces him to stay for a sec, runs down, grabs pain killers, remembers that her parents keep a first aid kit down in the bakery, rushes down to grab the gauze, and by the time she makes it back up to the balcony she makes it back to the balcony her arms are filled with day old pastries, painkillers, a cat plushy and a pack of princess themed bandaids.
Chadrien refuses to question anything and takes all of it, says his good byes and thanks yous and leaps(limps) back home, barley managing to not fall on his face.
He feels light, lighter than he has since receiving his ring. He goes home and detransforms, plagg settles on his chest to work the corruption out of his wounds and Adrien contemplates the orange cat plushy on his pillow and thinks. He can’t help feeling like has changed, something big. He goes to sleep with smile tugging at his lips and sapphire eyes his mind.
Marinette stares after him long after he’s disappeared, deep in thought with a frown on her face. Eventually, she goes back down to her room and settles under the covers, a heavy feeling of foreboding twists itself into her chest.
The next morning, Master Fu is surprised to see her at his door before the rises, he wasn’t sure she’d ever comeback on her own accord. Nonetheless, he lets her in and makes them tea before answering all of her questions. If he notices that there are more inquiries than usual about the Miracle Cure, he does not show it.
So that’s that.
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artsysurvivor · 8 months
Mom said it's my turn for the AU making: The One Where it's a Game
Hiya! So I'll try to make this as coherent as I can but it isn't really coherent in my brain so. 🫠 (BONUS: If you click read more you will see another prince!Halt design I have for Halt :3. I'm pretty proud of it tbh).
Ok Basics:
Setting: To be clear, this isn't a cross-over. It's basically stealing from Deltarune and twisting it into a more medieval fashion. It takes place in Hibernia, before a certain prince runs away. There are certain modern-esk aspects to it because idgaf or because I think it's cool. For example, sometimes it takes place in a "public" school for princes and princesses who are "trouble makers."
Characters: Cathan (aka Halt's birth name) can be correlated to Kris as the leader of the group, the one who is the silent protag. Everyone else, though, doesn't really have direct correlations to Susie, Noelle, Birdly, etc etc (at least. Not canon characters). Therefore the relationships/character dynamics among the characters are still pretty close to canon, except that Ferris actually likes Halt at one point.
Control: DR fans might be wondering "well, if Halt correlates to Kris, does that mean he's controlled by a god-like entity in his world?" To that I say: no. Not really, though the main person who is pretty contolling could be considered to have a God Complex. It's more so social pressure to be king. (I know, I know, boring just HOLD ON).
Magic: Hibernia has more magic than Araluen does (so when Halt says something along the lines of most things that seem magic have a logical explanation he is fucking lying). HOWEVER, Halt himself does not have magic, nor does Ferris and Caitlyn. Some people are born with magic; others can create something that seems like magic for the time period (like a giant wooden animatronic type thing that a little girl can control like a puppet while she's inside it).
(WDYM that's suspiciously specific?)
SOULS: Yes, everyone has one, but they still have an actual human heart as well. The human heart keeps the body alive, while the SOUL mostly just shows up in battle, and is where one gets their personality. There is a way to hide SOULS using magic, which is helpful for people trying to hide their true intentions or personality (wink wink nudge nudge).
Since villains (more on them later) tend to be magical, this AU is very much a "bullet-hell game." For those who live under a rock, here's what it is in an excuse to show part of my winning fight with Jevil:
[Video ID: Start up: 1st Chapter's file selection screen; the one on top says "ARTSY 149:56." Below that, I write, "Most of the time here has been used to fight this dude lol." The next screen is the SOUL breaking. Written there is "And I still died 2 times after start up." The "Will you persist?" choice screen shows up: "Anyways," I say. It finally cuts to one of Jevil's attacks: Clubs and Diamonds are shooting at the red soul, Spades are exploding, and Hearts are spinning towards the player quickly. /End ID]
No Dark World Characters, since they never travel there, but they can be attributed to certain characters
I'm ripping a lot of them off, but I am adding Irish Mythology twists to them
Some of them are just regular royalty tbh
(Coughs Halt's birth-father coughs)
Items given to you/dropped by enemies affects the new user. If one EQUIPS one of the items, it will affect their mood and give them a lesser, less powerful version of the enemy's power. For example, the Devilsknife makes the one equipping it manic and gives high yet random damage if used.
Secret Bosses are accessed through different POVs. For example, you can't access someone like Jevil in Halt's POV. In fact, a lot of secret bosses are accessed in his brother's POV...
Religious Aspect: Like in Deltarune, there is references to things like heaven, jesus, apples (adam and eve), angels, etc. One of the villains, for example, thought the royal family had blue blood and wanted to steal Halt’s heart for… some reason ;]
In relation to The Knight: there has been killings around the kingdom of Clonmel; mostly of people who were accused of evil deeds themselves. The killer was efficient and silent, and is said to wear a cape and dull armor, as to not reflect light. They have not been found.
Relationships/Character Dynamics:
Pritchard: Obviously, he eventually becomes Halt's adoptive, supportive dad. Does this even need to be said?
Caitlyn: The O'Carrick Twins™️ love her very much. She also has a decent amount of friends: people tend to like her kind personality. In general, she has a practically non-existent relationship with her parents—as in, she doesn't get into trouble and is mostly ignored.
Halt: Very much the replacement parent for his two younger siblings. He is not perfect in the least and has some toxic behaviors that he passes on, and he doesn't have a lot of friends due to that and how "odd" (autistic) he is. He doesn't get along with his birth parents, and wishes all the castle staff would leave him alone for 2 (two) seconds.
Halt's Personal Body Guard: In the last sentence I'm mostly talking about this guy. Assigned to him after he left into the woods and started fights one too many times, BG (I don't have a name for him yet) sticks to his side like tape. Halt can get away if he tries, and is sneaky enough, which causes a lot of friction with each other. Other than that, their relationship is strictly professional.
Ferris: Obviously, the relationship with Halt is shaky, but in the early, early years they get along quite well. (Aside from him getting annoyed with Halt trying to parent him—"You're only 7 minutes older than me!") He is the golden child, his parents love him. He has a lot of friends, and two people who... are more than that.
Yes, I'm saying he's in a triad. LISTEN. To me, to me, right, he has more vibes of being poly than Halt does. How did I come up with this? I... have no clue.
Anyway, their relationship, despite Ferris being raised in a toxic family, is actually pretty healthy, happy, and wholesome!
That is until his thirst for power kicks in. He leads them into a lot of danger (which is why you can access more secret bosses in his POV).
"Game Mechanics":
Emotions: Like OMORI, certain emotions have good and bad effects. You can check what the current emotion is in the STATUS menu (where your level and what you have on you etc etc is also shown), otherwise it will show in battle sort of like this:
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[Image ID: Sweetheart is in the middle in her signature pose. She is glowing yellow, indicating her happiness or mania. In the 4 corners of the screen are the OMORI protagonists in boxes: Omori, Kel, Aubrey, and Hero. All their facial expressions are visible, and the color of the background is changed depending on their mood. Underneath their pictures is their Heart and Juice bars. /End ID]
"Canon" Route: There is a canon route you can take, and you earn more points for it. The points don’t amount to anything, but if you’re a story-based completionism, it is a good/fun thing for you to do. (Note: canon here is not referring to the book's canon, but the AU's canon).
POVs: They can be switched whenever you so desire. You can even switch to a POV of side characters, like the servant staff, though there are less things to do there. They can be useful in showing the reality of things, because it can get really warped.
Music: Ripped straight from anything I like atm that I think will fit with whatever's going on. (Hey, I'm not making money off of this! It resides in my brain, after all)! Currently obsessed with this:
Ferris’s a little more desperate and mentally unwell in this one because that's fun <3
Pritchard is best dad <3
He’s very much a sort of therapist.
I like to imagine that Hibernia has a more of a plot/vibe as Deltarune, while Araluen is more related to Undertale. They are still in the same timeline, same world, unlike the two games, but there is a less of a focus on control and religion in Araluen
The school is somewhere away from Clonmel, I don’t know exactly where, but it is set up as a castle with multiple guest bedrooms for the princes/princesses, they each get their own rooms. There is a cliffside near by, like there is everywhere in Hibernia.
Halt meets a guy at the school who is high as fuck all the time but he is really chill and breaks the rules when he deems fitting so Halt looks up to him in a way
Sometimes groups of people just battle for fun and to gain more stats
Oh, and while Halt still wears his usual prince clothing, as well as his ranger's apprentice gear when he is able to, wearing this is more common!:
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[Image ID: Three drawings of Halt in knight armor. Two of the drawings are sketches: the first one is a bust shot of Halt looking down at someone, his lips parted, while the second one is him pointing (Like Kris does in the game) to the left of the screen with his eyebrow furrowed, his face in side view. The last drawing has light blue lighting coming from the right, making the armor gleam. At the edge of his torso, before the v-shaped brown belt comes in, there's a swirl pattern; the pattern is repeated at the edges of the tri-layered pauldron. In the center of his chest is the Coat of Arms, which is also shown at the bottom of the page. It's the classic shield shape, with a dull red rim and a blue inner area. The Deltarune symbol is on it, although it has been modified. The circle with the two simple wings are still there, but the triangles have been turned into a three-petaled flower shape with a very short, thin, pointed stem and no inner detail. There is 3 dots towards the end of each of the flower shapes. Two of them have the side with the dots facing upward, while the one in the middle have it facing downward. Besides the dots, which are bright red, the logo is colored gold. In the middle of all the drawings is handwritten words: "Cathan (Halt) O'Carrick" /End ID]
Another Bonus with a shitty sprite I made:
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[Gif ID: In a Deltarune styled text box Halt's head is off to the side. He is raising his eyebrow. Text beside him is saying, * -insert sarcastic comment here- /End ID]
(Make your own text box here.)
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