#UGH i love sadie
karasthoughtss · 1 year
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 1 year
I'm queuing this up for Monday so I can post this without feeling like I HAVE to slap a spoiler tag on it but like.... I am insane about the Shape of Water allusion that has GOT to be intentional:
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Like come ON.
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badaziraphaletakes · 4 months
Thank you answering my ask! I come bearing gifts - plesae forgive my terrible scribbling over the usernames as I'm graphics illiterate :(
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Hopefully you can read this pile of UTTER NONSENSE. Ta! Sadie
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He... he has literally always had the choice to show Aziraphale the door???? If anything he has never had the choice to choose to NOT show Aziraphale the door! Why aren't we talking about the fact that Crowley's never had the chance to openly express his love to his husband and tell him how much he means to him?? That's the real injustice here.
It would be SO MUCH EASIER and infinitely safer for both of them to show each other the door and yet for 6000 years they have chosen again and again (and again and again and again and again and again) not to do that! That's part of what makes their relationship so beautiful!
I mean, yes, there's a kernel of truth in there about how the fandom woobifies Crowley and treats him like some kind of pitiful golden retriever with no mind of his own. That annoys us too here at BAT. (Seriously, we talk about it at least once a week 😂) He's also our good Autistic not-a-boy, and we won't let anyone babify him on our watch. (Is 'babify' a word? Whatever, it is now lol.) But... isn't implying that he doesn't have a choice about staying with Aziraphale an act of woobification in itself?
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Oh and Aziraphale had to be 'talked into trying to save the world' BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY WAY TO DO IT!!! He agreed the moment he heard a viable plan for stopping Armageddon that wouldn't get him or Crowley incinerated.
And... "doing nothing for 6000 years"? Don't even get me started, ugh.
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blackinquisitors · 1 year
Any good rdr2 fic rec?
ooh yes
my current fav one is The Unreliability of Men's Promises by dazednstoned. abigail centric fic. I'm absolutely in love with it. the writing is phenomenal and they just GET abigail and what her likely dynamic with the gang was. ugh chefs kiss
one that has been my biggest source of inspiration is mine is clouds by ssstrychnine. charthur fic. I cannot tell you how much this inspires me. not even the story, just the writing style. I was in a massive creative funk and couldn't figure out this last chapter of bloom, and I read 1.5 chapters and INSTANTLY understood how to write again. like I had to read this in quarter chapter increments so I didn't steal too many ideas, it was that amazing
this night has opened my eyes by my mutual @pinkysberg REALLY love this. john centric and pinky just GETS him. so if you read this and the first fic i mentioned side by side you have a phd level understanding of the worlds most dysfunctional couple. for a time we were writing this at the same time and were at the same place in rdr2s plot so i felt like we were two random cars driving along together on a highway lol
He Was A Friend Of Mine by biiitchofCambridge. charthur fic. SO GOOD. this was another source of inspo, mostly the dynamic between arthur and charles is what was so good. I've read a lot of fics that tend to soften both of these guys, but this fic really has that 1890s masculinity thing going on, and I appreciate that
no law less than ourselves by CatRoofDance. another source of inspo. I fully stole an entire idea and forgot that it wasn't my own and based arthurs entire character around that. oops! woah I just wrote out a whole thing abt how this was popular and well-loved for good reason, and its not number 1? huh? it should be. the top fics of the charthur tag are cliche garbage. this deserves far more love than it has
Luck and Chance by swampslip. charthur fic. I read this a looong time ago and I barely remember it but it has some of the best charles characterization ive seen. his dialogue is so perfect I can only aspire to it
Let Me Down Gently by reddeaddesolation. smutty mary/arthur fic. again its been a whiiile since I've read this but i remember really enjoying it, particularly the characterization the the dynamic between them
Don't Come Knocking by charlock221. sadie/molly fic. no sorry, THE sadie/molly fic, THE ONLY sadie/molly fic. this is canon as far as I'm concerned. not kidding. it's so well written, it's incredible. everything about it makes sense. I adore it a normal amount. even if this isnt your cup of tea, I still think you should read it
I think thats it. puts all of these on a mantel and stares at them lovingly every day
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gaiahypothesims · 2 months
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Evelyn- Sadie for the love of god!
Sadie- I don't believe in god.
Evelyn- Neither do I! Listen, if you pick something I will promise to let you come to whatever it is that they are planning for this whole Harris Lane thing.
Sadie- Harris Lane? From the band?
Evelyn- Yes! Which means you have to look over 18.
Sadie- Will you get me a fake ID?
Evelyn- I will not! We're the ones putting this thing on, I don't need to get you a fake ID.
Sadie- Did you have a fake ID when you were my age?
Evelyn- <sputtering> What I did and didn't have or do at 16 is none of your business! Pick something out, we'll do your hair and makeup and it will be fine.
Sadie- Ugh... are YOU going to do my makeup?
Evelyn- Yes.
Sadie- <pfft> Well then I'll for sure look at least thirty.
Evelyn- Oh come on! I'm not that bad! I don't look that bad!
Sadie- <scoffs> I'm looking aren't I?
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Chapter 6 of These Are Not Our Masks!
“That’s not true! I don’t pick favorites!” Mikey pleads.
“Yes you do! And it’s me! Did you think you weren’t being obvious!? Atlas knows just how much you hate him!”
“How could you say that!?”
“Think, Icarus. Actually use your brain and think! How could I!? Why wouldn’t I!? Just like why wouldn’t Apollo leave this little present on your face?” Leo shifts his hand to grab at the marks covered with the bandaid.
“Let him go!” April shouts.
Leo cocks his head.
“Or what? You and the traitor are going to stop me? Go ahead! Try! It’d be funny!”
Casey gets into a defensive before a portal opens under her and tosses her into a tree where she tumbles down various branches. She lands on the ground with a thud. April screams her name.
Mikey reacts without thinking.
He lowers his head and lifts his foot. The back of his head smashes into Leo’s masked covered face as his foot takes out Leo’s knee cap. Leo releases Mikey and stumbles backwards. Mikey runs away from him and towards April.
“TODD!! We need help!” He yells.
April’s hand gets grabbed by him. She can’t help but look back at Leo while being led away. By far, the most unnerving part is not being able to see anything of his face.
All he has is his body language and tone of voice. Leo loves making facial expressions. He calls himself the face man.
Taking it away is beyond cruel.
Todd charges forward with his army of puppies, putting the cap of his famous lemonade in his teeth before twisting it off and spitting it out.
“This will hurt me more than it hurts you!” He downs the drink and goes into his saiyan mode.
Leo shakes with rage, standing up somewhat off balance because his knee is still recovering from Mikey’s hit.
April looks forward again as Mikey pulls her faster. She knows why. The daylight is starting to wane. They’re going to be trapped in the dark woods soon, with Leo.
They’d be safer with a wild animal.
Someone might argue that he is one right now. What he is, it’s much worse than that. A wild animal bites and scratches and attacks without much coordination.
Leo plans everything.
Mikey rushes over to Casey.
“Please please please don’t be dead!”
Casey groans.
Mikey breathes a sigh in relief and puts her over his shoulder before rushing off with her and April again.
“There’s no way we’re going to outrun him! Todd might be secretly crazy jacked but he won’t buy us too much time.” April urges.
“Then we don’t outrun him! We hide. They say you can run but you can’t hide, so the opposite has to be true!….Right?” Mikey smiles hopefully.
“Oh we are so doomed. We need a real plan!”
“We’re out of the plan guys! All I have is razzmatazz!” He whines.
They can hear the battle becoming more intense.
“Ugh! Fine! I’ll make the plan!“ She grabs Mikey’s phone and throws it as hard as she possibly can away from them before taking Casey’s phone from her pocket.
“Can’t they track that too!?”
“It’s fine, Donnie taught me how to go off grid!” She removes the sim card, turns off the Bluetooth, and turns airplane mode on.
She then dims the brightness completely.
“How are we supposed to make calls!?”
“We’re not! I’ve got something else we’re gonna use it for. Now stop giving away our position!” April whisper shouts.
The three of them search for the best hiding place they can make in this situation, a large enough bush, and stay quiet.
Sunlight finally dies as the moon takes over.
April’s heart nearly beats right out of her chest at every single noise they hear. She curls around Mikey like she’d be able to protect him somehow. Deep down April knows she stands no chance.
Mikey keeps a close eye on Casey. She wasn’t knocked out, but it’s probably better for all of them that she doesn’t move or make a noise anyways. Her pride is as wounded as she is.
The noises of the forest turn more purposeful. Someone, something, is walking nearby. Labored breathing becomes apparent. Listening closely, the steps made made are uneven.
“Ha….ha….Mikeyyyyyy! That was a good hit! It hurt! It really hurt!” Leo growls out so much his voice nearly sounds distorted.
Mikey shakes in April’s arms. She holds him closer and turns the phone on. After tapping through the clock app, she throws it as far as she can.
Leo moves faster towards the noise. He starts digging through bushes in the area. Once an alarm goes off, he dives at it. It’s like the noise itself set him off.
A good enough distraction.
April helps Mikey and Casey start heading back the way they came. They’d be able to find out how to get to the highway again there. There’s also a lot more solid hiding places.
She suddenly feels a hard shove to her back that sends her and Casey sprawling on the ground. April manages to see Mikey get tackled so roughly they roll for a bit.
Leo is pinning Mikey to the ground once they stop. Mikey can see blood that has dropped down from under the mask and down Leo’s neck. Guilt pools in his gut over knowing that it was his doing.
“You got better at that game, Icarus! But it’s over now! I finally got you!” Leo laughs hard, too hard.
April tries to get her body to move to help, but it’s not cooperating.
Mikey turns his head, giving her a weak smile. He’s trying to tell her that it’s going to be alright.
Leo grips his plastron and smacks Mikey into the ground again.
“HEY! You’re paying attention to ME!” He barks.
Mikey grunts from the impact but keeps his smile.
“Leo? Are you okay?”
Leo stills. He’s caught off guard by the question.
“You hit me! You sent Todd after me! You think I’ll say I’m fine to make you feel better!? I’m bleeding because of you! I’ve got bruises!”
April doesn’t miss how Leo actually responded to his name this time.
“I didn’t want to do that to you. You know I didn’t. I love you so much-!”
“NO YOU DON’T! But you will…..we’re going to be perfect!”
Mikey takes his arm out of Leo’s grip and reaches up to try to put his hand under the mask.
“We don’t need to be perfect. We’re us! That’s way better.”
Leo’s breathing starts evening out.
“You….you don’t get it….”
“Then help me so I can.” Mikey gets his hand partially inside, but a tendril wriggles its way to his finger.
Leo pulls away before it can start imbedding itself anywhere. He grabs Mikey by his wrist and stands up, raising him at the same time with viciousness.
Mikey shouts in pain. His shoulder might be dislocated right about now.
April screams for Leo to let him go.
Another voice joins hers.
“B-Blue! Put your brother down!” Splinter stutters out, skidding to a stop once he fully sees what’s happening.
“You’re late to the game, has-been! The soup is cold! If you want him down, I’ll get him down!” Leo opens up a portal and drops Mikey in.
April and Splinter yell and move at the same time. Leo drops in behind Mikey and closes the portal after himself, letting the other two land on the dirt instead.
Mikey lands on his arm and writhes in pain on the ground, tearing up.
“Oh walk it off! You’ve been through worse!” Leo taunts.
Mikey looks at him with wide eyes. How could he have switched back to this so fast? He was getting through to him! Draxum wasn’t even there to stop it from happening! What went wrong?
Was it when put his hand under the mask?
Leo said….
Oh no.
That’s what went wrong.
Mikey wasn’t thinking. Again.
He might have gotten controlled somehow just like them if Leo hadn’t stopped him. How many times are his brothers going to have to pick up the slack because he just can’t seem to make the right decisions!?
If he just keeps blaming himself, he’s not going to be able to help them. Mikey got through to Leo and Leo stopped Mikey from being like him.
It has to mean something.
He can reach him again.
There’s hope. Always.
Leo picks him up again, shaking him around.
“Hello!? Earth to Icarus!? I’m talking to you!”
“I-I’m not-!”
Mikey gets grabbed and lifted up from behind. He reaches back and kicks the air.
“Stop! Let me go!”
“Draxum’s waiting. Stop pissing him off already.” Raph growls slightly.
Mikey’s jaw drops.
“R-Raph, no….”
“He’s the most pathetic of us all. Falling for the same traps over and over again. If it’s not removed, he’ll be a complete failure.” Donnie comments, popping up and grabbing at Mikey’s face way too hard, analyzing.
Mikey tries to pull it away, but Donnie grips it tighter.
“Stop wriggling, brat. Don’t embarrass us.”
Mikey tears up again.
Leo finally pulls him out of all the grips he found himself in.
“It’s too early for any of you to be even touching him! Draxum told me to get him, not either of you!”
Donnie hisses.
Raph snarls.
Leo clicks back.
“Don’t make me show you why I’m his favorite.”
Donnie and Raph stand there, unmoving but staring hard enough for tension to just fill the room.
Eventually, but with great reluctance, the two leave, keeping their stares until the very last moment when they leave line of sight.
“They’ll be back. You’ll be ready for them next time. You don’t have a choice.”
Leo enters another room and tosses Mikey down to the ground near Draxum. The sheep man looks at them with such joy that it makes Mikey even more scared than he already is. How could he look so happy after everything he’s made his brothers do? He took the people who he cared about most and turned them into unwilling monsters.
Mikey’s shoulders shake as his hands grip the ground.
“Y-You can’t do this. D-Don’t make me like them.”
Draxum holds his hand out to his side expectingly. Leo, despite still being in rough shape, gets a mask from the table and gives it to him.
Mikey trembles even more, tears falling and wetting the floor as he looks up at Draxum.
“You shouldn’t be crying. You’re going to complete the set. You’ve been begging for your brothers back, haven’t you? Allow me to start the reunification process.” Draxum starts walking closer.
Mikey’s breathing becomes more panicked. He doesn’t want Draxum to be the last thing he sees in his final bit of sanity. So, his eyes moved to where Leo’s should be if they hadn’t been replaced black voids.
“L-Leo. Please. Help!”
“Your pleas may not go unheard, but they are unanswered.” Draxum leans forward to place the mask.
Mikey shuts his eyes tight.
He hears a few things as once.
A cut, a squish, and a grunt.
Something splashed on his face.
Mikey opens his eyes only to scream.
Leo has stabbed Draxum right through the abdomen. The mask drops from the latter’s hands as he reaches for the blade coming out in front of him.
Leo pushes it further, making Draxum cough up blood and make another pained noise. This one is more of a wheeze. He drops to his knees.
The katana is finally taken out with more sickening noises. Leo slashes it down, tossing blood droplets off. He then opens up a portal and shoves him in. It closes right after.
There was very little time for Mikey to take in a single thing that just happened, let alone all of it.
Leo kneels down and grabs Mikey’s cheek slightly roughly, in a way that would have been comforting in any other situation. His fingers dig into his skin.
“See? I helped.”
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azsazz · 2 months
🪷 - my response to you!
adding your ask here bcs spoilers for the addicted series below cut
Kiss the Sky honestly had me shook. I really loved the book. I love Rose and Connor, they’re such a power couple. He always tries to make her feel confident and safe. And the sex scenes were something I wasn’t expecting. The collar, the bondage, Connor being dominant. Also, his cat Sadie is cute. I hated Scott so much, and what he did to Rose and Connor had me feeling so bad for them. What are your thoughts on Connor and Rose as characters and as a couple?
Ugh. yes, scott was literally the worst. love connor and rose's bedroom times, he was so confident and i found that v attractive of him. she could finally relax and low-key i need my next relationship to carry some of those qualities haha
The next book after Kiss the Sky is Hothouse Flower, I believe, but I skipped that because of the characters/couple so I am completely clueless when it comes to that book. After Hothouse Flower is Thrive and that one focuses on Lily and Loren, and after Thrive is Addicted After All which again focuses on Lily & Lo.
okay, so happy that lo and lily will be back! i'm like 5% in of hothouse flower and all that's happened so far is that lo relapsed off page so i'm v sad about that :(
What were your thoughts on Daisy? I haven’t read the books that focus on her, but for me personally, I don’t like her character. The way she comes off is a little irritating, a little immature, and annoying, and I didn’t like her behavior when she found out about Lily’s addiction. And the sexual innuendos between Daisy and Ryke was not it. I hate how the industry (and to an extent her mother) over-sexualize Daisy, she doesn’t deserve that, but sadly it does happen. So while I don’t like her, I think she doesn’t deserve that kind of treatment. And Ryke I don’t like either. I hate how he treats Lily; it feels rude and mean. At least be more sympathetic. Lily is trying and it’s not easy for her.
daisy is meh to me. she's young, so i guess i felt she acted her age. but the daredevil-ishness might get annoying, only tine will tell. so far ryke's pov is just saying fucking every other word so that's kind of annoying me so far. idrk how to feel about ryke, i liked him at fist but now he's just there. he's the third in my roster for who i like of the 3 haha.
I love the bromance between Connor and Loren! Them calling each other darling and love!
omg me too their banter is so fun and cute!!
I’m glad that you’re enjoying the series so far. Happy reading, Ki!💙 - 🪷
ps, do you plan on reading Hothouse Flower?
thank you for talking about it with me!! if you haven't gathered from above, i am going to read it because i need all the background info haha love yaaaa 💙💙💙
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thestobingirlie · 11 months
The thing I can't forgive the duffer brothers the most is them pressuring sadie sink into an unscripted kiss. She was 14 and they blamed her nervous reaction is what made them filmed it.
ugh yeah it’s gross. to drop it on her on the day when she didn’t even want to do it is so wrong.
like i love lumax, but there never should’ve been a kiss if the actors weren’t comfortable with it.
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🐝 🧩 please
Hi 🥰🥰
🐝- Tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
(Spoiler: it might be one than one thing)
@dreamingofmickeywaffles - You were my first friend in this fandom, the first one who wanted to talk to me about my writing, for twenty something odd chapters you were the only one commenting on my long fic and you read it when it was single spaced (shoutout to the mutual who told me to add spacing- you won’t read my stuff but you did me a solid by telling me more people might read it if it was spaced out evenly) @dreamingofmickeywaffles - back to you- I can’t wait for the new season to start so I can talk about it with you and I don’t think my long fic would have reached over 50 chapters without you 🥰🥰
@sznofthesticks - Rachel- I don’t even think I can adequately put it into words but I shall try- you mean so much to me and I am so grateful for you and you have the most patience in the world to listen to me complain cause I have what should be the easiest job in the world and I am so bad at it - ILYSM and I hope that I can be as good of a friend to you as you are to me ♥️♥️
@anewkindofme - It is not an easy thing to do to find a kindred spirit in fandom and it makes me so happy to be your mutual- I look forward to your comments so much, 🥰🥰🥰 They mean so much to me, and I want tk spoil what is coming up in my long fic for you so badly (I never will unless you ask though lol)
@carlos-in-glasses - You commented on every single chapter of a fifty-plus chapter fic- I cannot get over that 🥰🥰🥰 It was truly the highlight of my day for two months getting those comments at the end of the day- your reblog tags from the Sunday post I just blushed when I read them 😍😍😍
@actualalligator - You are so kind- I was so nervous to reach out and say hi I’ve never written this genre but you’re amazing at it so I wrote a sequel tk your fic here it is and you are amazing about it - I love writing tarlos fics and discussing ideas with you, and I am anxious for when I can be getting back to Judd and TK in the barn
🧩- what will make you click away from fanfiction immediately?
Pretty much if don’t agree with it- like irl I cannot correct people even if I know they’re wrong and I would never leave a comment on a fic telling someone that how they interpreted it isn’t how I saw it but this happens a lot- an example of this is that there are a lot of fics that sound good but write TK as though dealing with his father is a nuisance for him- like “ugh why is my dad calling it’s my day off doesn’t he know to leave me alone” I have seen a variety of this in a number of fics, which confuses me because the in canon time we saw Owen call his son on his day off, TK invited him over unprompted. But in that case, I just back out of it and am like okay something else-
Like with the rewatch recently I saw a number of people commenting how TK was annoyed to find Sadie there because he wanted to spend alone time with Carlos and the audacity of his dad to not realize that- and I was like wow I did not get that at all, my thought was oh TK’s exasperation (which I don’t completely see in that scene) but would be that his dad is taking on another potentially dangerous adversary, tense the fire insurance comment- but I respect everyone sees the show they want, and the tag system does its job, if it’s a kink or something I don’t want to read then I wouldn’t click on it to start- but if the author has made a decision and it isn’t one I vibe with I am always ready to elect to ignore it and back out and find something else.
Thank you for the asks!! 🥰🥰
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vole-mon-amour · 10 months
Arthur comes back to the camp after hunting.
Abigail: "John. Hey, John."
John in a "Leave me alone, you're annoying" tone of voice: "What do you want?"
Abigail: "Is this how you talk to me?"
John: "I guess I am."
Abigail: "You miserable Scotch sack of shit! Ugh!" She walks away.
Is this what you call the perfect couple? Even on my first run it was obvious that they just don't work as a couple. They don't.
So forgive me if I'd rather stick with Arthur/John and Abigail/Sadie. At least they work as couples. Abigail was one of the first ones who comforted Sadie and convinced her to stay at the camp.
Abigail: "Can I talk to you?"
John: "Not again. Not ever. Just... leave me alone."
Abigail, annoyed: "You're pathetic!" Raises her voice: "You're a pathetic man, John Marston!" and walks away.
John, shrugging: "Don't I know it." Immediately after: "Don't bother me, Jack."
??? Dude was so not ready for kids and all those things.
Arthur meanwhile: "Marston."
John: "Arthur?"
Arthur: "You'll be back on your feet in no time."
John: "Sure hope so."
Arthur: "We need you, John."
I'd say that's love.
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autisticlenaluthor · 5 months
Love that we're getting even more Kara & Sadie parallels via Sadie's Broadway playlist and not being able to sit in silence for long AND that glorious dream scenario of going full Supergirl beast mode and taking out that UPS worker!
YES!! the broadway playlist made me so happy, as a former theater kid myself, but it also just added another layer to her character. I feel like we never got to see kara have interests and hobbies beneath the surface but Sadie does!! she likes broadway and podcasts and she doesn't just have a 2d interest in it- she actually has favorite composers and favorite shows and UGH I love her character
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 1 year
me: oh cool a “dora comes back” fic I can be normal about this
fic: “i don’t think i can love you the way i love her” “good i don’t want you to love me the way you love her”
me: 😭 ☠️ 💔 🙏
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since0202 · 2 years
Taking Time—Fifty-Two
Not that easy
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Word count: 11,599 (oops)
There have only been a handful of times where I’ve woken up with a true hangover. Most were spent with Becks and Keye in our high school days after staying out a tad too late at a local house party and drinking the latest concoction of Quileute kid punch. One was after a truly raucous night at Sam and Emily’s a few months after meeting the pack for the first time and Paul opted for us to just sleep at their place rather than drag me home. The only other time I can remember before that though, was the day after the imprint. I had felt groggy, lightheaded, and like I was going to pass out all day. There was never a point where I didn’t feel actively nauseous and at the time, it felt like a warning. Now I know exactly what it was: the universe shifting and locking into place. Destiny taking hold with her vice grip and squeezing me clean of my senses. 
Maya woke up with a splitting headache and nearly naked in her soft bed. She hadn’t bothered to change into proper pajamas, and had unceremoniously stripped off her dress and thrown on a Columbia university t-shirt as she listened to each voicemail from home like they were episodes of a riveting podcast. 
Becks was indeed pregnant again and had called Maya back at the end of April to let her know through a wet, wonderful, tearful voicemail:
“Listen, Maya. Something amazing has happened and I know you’re busy and all, but I just wanted to tell you that…that I’m pregnant again. God….” There was a long pause as Maya heard her sniffling and trying to get her tears under control, “I know it seems like a lot. I mean Ephy isn’t even one yet, but I’m so happy and I just….I just wish you were here. And I get it, I really do. You had to do what you needed to to be happy, just like I did what I did to be happy. But, My…I just…Nevermind… I just love you and I wish you were here, you know? Ugh, sorry it’s probably the hormones.” A deep, sounding voice called out to Becks from way off. Probably Jacob coming home. “I gotta go, but I love you and I hope you’re okay. And I hope…I hope I can see you soon.”
Maya had listened to that one a couple of times, tearing up herself. She had missed so much. Her phone was filled with messages and photos from her family: 
Ephriam’s first birthday. Seth and Sadie’s wedding. Kim’s baby shower and delivery announcement. A bonfire night at Sam and Emily’s. The first Christmas at Jacob and Becks’ with the whole pack crammed into the wide open living room surrounded by piles of gifts. Maya noticed Paul was nowhere in sight in any of the photos and wondered if he had been the one to take them instead or if he was absent altogether. 
Keye was also noticeably absent from most of the photos, save for Seth and Sadie’s wedding. There was a beautiful one of her clutching a champagne glass and smiling to somewhere far off. Maya had opened the last and only text she had received from her when she had first skipped town. If anyone could keep quiet about her reaching out, it would be Keye, Maya thought. So she typed out a message in the early morning as the sun was beginning to break over the New York City skyline that simply said: 
“I miss you.” 
Now, as Maya rubbed her face and glanced toward the long, floor to ceiling windows that spanned an entire wall of her room, looking out over the street below, she considered if last night had been some strange dream. 
Late morning light poured through the windows and she groaned trying to clear her head, but the ache and pounding wouldn’t subside. She felt terrible, wrecked, as hungover as her first time drinking Quileute kid punch at Tommy Sutherland’s 16th birthday party on the beach. 
Maya threw the covers over her head, trying to get a grip. She felt awful. A soft buzzing to her right let her know that her phone was nearby. Maya groaned and slung an arm over her eyes as she pawed for her phone with the other. She had forgotten to plug it in last night and it was currently sitting around 20% battery as a result. Great. Maya squinted at her phone beneath the covers 
5 new messages from Arden
“Fuck,” Maya sighed as a fresh wave of nausea rolled through her body. Her teaching assistant orientation was today anyway, so she knew she’d probably catch him on campus. Dealing with it now via text felt like too much. So, she quickly opened the text thread, glanced at the last two messages that read: I just want to know that you’re alright. He looked like that guy from the art gallery, do you know him?
She shot off a quick “Hey! I’m so, so sorry about last night. I’ll explain everything when I see you today. I’m okay” and closed her phone again with a groan. 
Last night had most assuredly not been a dream. Her muscles felt tight and sore from the sheer tension between the two of them. Her lips felt like they had done battle. But the pain…aside from this cracking headache and the rolling wave of nausea, Maya had no signature hollow ache that she had lived with for the past year. 
When Paul had dropped her off last night with a soft kiss and his gentle goodbye, Maya felt like she had been slammed into a brick wall. She was so sure he would claim her last night and there would be nothing really she would have done to stop it. She had wanted him and the imprint had thrown her into such a state of disorientation that he could have probably gotten her all the way to the airport and on a plane before she would have realized what was happening. 
But he didn’t. 
For all the rage and upset that she knew was boiling inside of him, he had brought her back to her home, kissed her goodnight, and left her on the doorstep. Maya rubbed her forehead and cast the covers off of her before sitting up slowly. She ran a hand across her stomach as if to test for the ache that had accompanied her and sometimes crippled her, but none came. 
Maya glanced at her phone again and then dragged herself out of bed and toward the shower. Despite Paul tentatively re-entering her life, he had not reached out and the space felt monumental between them. Maya couldn’t figure out if that was a good thing or not just yet considering everything. Was this just the calm before the inevitable storm that was Paul Lahote? Or was it something different? 
Whatever it was, Maya knew she’d have to be careful and avoid slipping into the familiar rhythm of the imprint that would lull her right back into her old problems. 
Maya quickened her pace across campus as her navy blue floral mini dress fluttered out around her upper thighs. The thin material clung to her hips and she had thrown on a light wash jean jacket over the delicately tied shoulder straps to prepare for the likely chill of the over air conditioned lecture hall. She had pulled her hair half up and tied a ribbon matching the color of her dress through it and it fluttered gently in the breeze past her shoulder-cropped hair. With the last sweltering days of summer clinging to New York, the less clothes the better, she thought. 
Maya readjusted her leather tote on her shoulder ladened down with notebooks and her laptop. She planned on getting some pre-semester work done after the orientation if she could. Her junior year was vitally important to the networking stage of her degree. She’d be busier than ever attending events and gladhanding. Luckily, she had Arden and now Dr. Bronnard in her corner singing her praises, but still, the thought of securing a high-value internship this year sent a nervous thrill through her. 
“Maya!” a familiar voice shouted across the quad. Maya slowed and turned to see Arden in a light t-shirt and some slacks. The heat was really getting to everyone. She paused and smiled waiting for him to jog up to her. “I thought that was you,” he said a little breathless, “Are you alright?” he readjusted his bag on his shoulder and reached out to gently graze her arm with his other hand. 
“I’m fine,” Maya shook her head, slightly embarrassed and looked down at her feet. “I’m sorry I disappeared on you last night, I—” she looked up to see Arden shaking his head gently. 
“You don’t have to apologize, it’s alright,” he said almost knowingly. Maya heaved a sigh of relief. 
“Really,” his smile was warm and kind as he brought his hand up to cup her cheek. 
And again, Maya wondered how no one had fallen in love with it yet. But maybe that was it, maybe someone had.
“I told you, I see you. I get it,” he promised. Maya nodded and couldn’t help leaning into his hand. “Are you ready?” he nodded over her shoulder toward the lecture hall letting his hand drop. 
Maya looked up at the double doors and then eagerly back toward him with a wide smile, “Absolutely.” Arden nodded his assent and wound his hand down her back and gripped her hip as they walked toward the front doors. He grabbed the door and held it open for her as she slipped through. 
The TA’ship was completely informal. Only Maya and two other undergrads were selected by professors to shadow their grad courses and grade papers. They wouldn’t be teaching anything, but it was a special opportunity to get a head start on some upper level material, work closer with grad students who were starting their research and even have the opportunity to work with their professors on their research. 
Arden of course had selected Maya for the position and she was thrilled to be sandwiched between two studious looking grad students in the lecture hall as head of the TA program droned on about expectations. Being Arden’s unofficial TA meant that she would most likely be spending more time in his office again with him. The thought made her chew her lip in worry and excitement. Without the dull ache present in her belly, Maya was able to consider a life of possibilities without the imprint tugging her attention away. 
But still, she was worried. If the ache was gone, that had to mean that Paul was nearby. But so far, he was keeping his distance. 
After the orientation, Maya laughed as Arden led her down the staircase from the front doors, regaling her with yet another story about a mishap that happened in his lab prep last week that had resulted in several thousands of dollars worth of regent test strips getting ruined. 
Maya leaned into Arden’s side as she held her stomach in laughter, her jean jacket hanging loosely from her hand as the sun washed over the bare skin of her shoulders and neck. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Maya lifted her head and wiped a stray tear that had escaped her eye from laughing so hard and was halted to a stop. 
Arden looked down at her, his hand resting on her lower back confused at her sudden stop and lifted his eyes to where she was staring. 
Standing off to the side against the brick wall of the adjacent building was Paul. His massive arms were folded across his chest clad in a black t-shirt. His face was pulled into a grimace as he watched Maya sway uncertainly. He didn’t move though. 
Maya looked up at Arden, her eyes swimming with confusion and a plea of understanding. He glanced at Paul and then smiled comfortingly down at Maya. “You going to be okay? Or should I wait for you?” 
Maya let out a solid breath and let a small smile break over her face. “Thank you,” she said softly, “I’ll be fine. I’m just going to see what he wants,” Maya said, her voice only slightly wavering. Arden watched her for a moment, not sure about leaving her but ultimately, after another glance in Paul’s direction he conceded and gave a brief nod. He squeezed her arm gently and said “I’ll be in my office. Text me if you need me,” before heading off across the quad toward the science building. 
Maya didn’t move for a moment, her eyes glued to Paul’s across the way. He looked furious, as he most often did now with each of their meetings, but Maya’s lips tingled with the remembrance of his mouth on hers last night. Resolved to not lose her way this time, she swallowed hard and walked purposefully toward Paul. His eyes watched her every movement: the soft sway of her hips, the soft fleshy tremble of her upper thighs that peaked out of from under the flimsy fabric of her dress as she walked, the subtle bounce of her breasts, the swing of her arms, and the curl of her fingers into gently fists. 
What he wouldn’t give to rip that dress off of her and remind her of who he was. 
Maya stopped a few paces away from him, her brain already fogging from his heady scent. She fought the urge to cross her arms over her chest, mirroring his position. 
“Hi,” she said gently, the wind blowing her hair across her shoulders. Paul’s intense gaze held her and he just gave her that wicked smile, one that promised he’d wreak havoc on her heart if she let him. When he didn’t say anything, she rolled her eyes and swore she heard a soft growl come from him in response, “What are you doing here?” she said with more impatience. 
Paul pushed off of the wall and walked a little closer to her. Maya stiffened. 
“I was going to take you to lunch,” he said, his voice a rumble of pure temptation, “If you were hungry.” Maya stayed stock still, worried that any movement would draw that lustful gaze and set her on fire. “Unless, you were busy with…something else,” he said the last part through gritted teeth as he glared pure malice over her shoulder where Arden had disappeared into the science building. 
She didn’t have plans…but, “Just lunch?” she asked tentatively. She desperately wanted her voice to come out stronger and not with that tinny undercurrent of need currently coating it. Paul’s eyes snapped back to her and he fought back a scowl at the distrust he found on her face. 
He gave her one solid nod and Maya relaxed, taking a deep breath. “Fine,” she said. “But I need to be back here by 2:30 for a meeting,” she lied. There was no meeting but at least it gave her a deadlined to adhere to. She worried if she didn’t set an end time for herself, she’d never leave his side with the imprint itching at her brain like this. 
He held out his hand to her in agreement and Maya hesitated only slightly before slipping her hand into his. His warm, reassuring palm sent an electric shock through her and she swallowed the gasp that fought up her throat. They started down the quad together and Paul reached around her to grab the bag off of her shoulder so he could carry it. Thankful for the lack of weight, she stepped closer to him, pressing her side against his arm as they walked toward one of the campus parking lots. 
Though they walked in silence, the tension buzzed through Maya’s body, tightening her nipples into hard peaks and swirled in agonizing lightning between her legs. When they reached the sleek black Mercedes, Maya hesitated again. He opened the passenger door for her and quickly walked around to the drivers side, depositing her bag into the backseat first. Maya bit her lip and hesitated at the open car door. 
“Paul,” she said quickly. He looked at her, that fire still brimming in his eyes. If looks could kill… “Just lunch, right?” she heard herself nearly beg. Paul openly scowled now and rolled his head back. 
“Maya, I’m not going to fucking kidnap you. Just get in the car,” he said harshly. Maya frowned. It was not outside of the realm of possibilities that he would placate her and then steal her away—he’d done it before. When she didn’t move, he placed both of his arms on the top of the car and leaned forward, “You already ran away once, what would be the point of me dragging you back to the rez if I know you’re just going to run from me again the first chance you get?” His voice dripped with anger but there was also regret. Maya pursed her lips and then nodded getting into the car without further protest and quickly snapped on her seatbelt. 
Paul sank into the driver’s seat and when he shut his door, Maya’s senses were once again flooded with the intoxicating scent of him. Immediately, she felt that ache thrum between her thighs and had to stifle a gasp. This was ridiculous—if she was going to have this reaction every time she was close to him, she didn’t stand a chance of maintaining control. When he turned on the car, she rolled down the window and ignored his look of curiosity as he navigated them toward their unknown lunch destination. 
They drove in comfortable silence. Maya leaned on her arm toward the window and tried not to react when she felt Paul’s hand rest gently on her upper thigh. His thumb stroked lazy circles on her skin and Maya ignored that heat that pooled between her legs quickly in response.
After about ten minutes of pure silence, Paul slid the car up to a valet who opened the door for Maya and helped her out. Paul was quick to come around and place his hand gently on her lower back, his fingertips just grazing her hip. The searing heat of his hand seemed to burn through the thin fabric of her dress as he led the way to the elevator. Maya shivered in the air conditioned hotel and slotted her body next to Paul’s to absorb some of his warmth. Paul’s hand slid to her hip and squeezed and Maya couldn’t help but look at their reflection in the mirrored elevator doors as they slid closed in front of them.
Paul was looking down at her as she stared straight ahead. When she leaned her head against his shoulder, he gently kissed the top of her head for a half second before straightening as the doors opened. A gleaming hostess stand stood just outside of the elevator. In a gruff tone, he checked them in for their reservation as if perturbed by their sudden lack of aloneness.
Maya smirked and let him lead her out onto the rooftop, following the hostess. He pulled out her chair and she sank down into it with a soft ‘thank you’. 
When he settled across from her, she trained her eyes on him and with humor said, “So, you were just so sure I would accept your invitation that you made a reservation, huh?” 
Paul raised an eyebrow at her and shook his head with a chuckle as he looked out over the glass partition that gave them a spectacular view of the upper east side. 
“I hoped,” he said before he looked back at her, “I didn’t know if you would accept, but I did hope.” 
“Mmm,” Maya hummed as she sipped some water. After a beat of silence where he just stared at her, she let out a huff and asked teasingly, “Sooo, how are things?”
The side of his mouth quirked up into a heartbreaking grin. His tight, trimmed beard covered that signature dimple she would so often press whenever she had made him laugh particularly hard. But she liked this look on Paul, albeit a bit darker, and more sinister. Before he could respond, the waitress came over and took their drink orders. Maya ordered a white wine to which Paul raised an eyebrow. 
“You sure you don’t want the lavender gin and tonic?” he asked curiously. Maya gave him a tight smile and shook her head, reaffirming to the halted waitress that she’d have the white wine. When she nodded and parted, Maya turned back to Paul and sank back into her chair. 
“You don’t know everything about me anymore,” she shot back quietly. Paul’s jaw ticked tightly and he looked off into the distance again. His knuckles were white as he gripped the arms of his chair and tried to calm himself. “So?” Maya prompted again. Paul let out a frustrated breath and looked back at her before shrugging. 
“Everything is fine. Business is good. I’ve expanded my client base out here and my work has gone over well.” He said everything so matter-of-factly, as if it didn’t please him to have been so successful. His body language was tight and his shoulders visibly tensed. Maya tilted her head to the side as she observed him. 
He was already irritated, maybe not with her, but just in general—she could see it coloring his face. The waitress dropped their drinks off and asked if they’d like to order lunch. Maya opened her mouth to order the seared scallops and risotto but Paul beat her to it. 
“She’ll have the scallops and risotto, side salad with arugula instead of spinach and the raspberry vinaigrette. I’ll take the steak salad,” he smiled at the waitress who glanced at Maya. Maya just nodded and she took off quickly. 
When she turned to level Paul with a look of incredulity, she was met with a teasing smile. One that begged her to say something. 
“Tell me again how I don’t know anything about you anymore?” he prompted after a short beat of silence. Maya brought the wine glass to her lips and took a soft sip, shaking her head and stifling a giggle. His eyes sparkled with amusement and she momentarily lost her breath. There was the Paul she knew, not this angry, sharp version he had been presenting thus far. She decided to take a chance with her next question seeing as she had successfully put him into better spirits. 
“So, how far along is Becks?” she said quickly, holding onto her wine glass. Paul’s face fell back into a grimace and he scoffed angrily. 
“You could just call and ask her, you know,” he said around his whiskey glass. 
“You don’t have to be a dick about it,” Maya shot back, her voice slightly rising. 
“And you don’t have to be this stubborn. For fuck’s sake, Maya. That’s your family, they just want to hear from you,” he kept his voice low but the rage coating his tongue was spitting fire in Maya’s direction.
“You know what,” Maya said abruptly as she set her wine glass down with a little too much force, sloshing wine over the edge, “I don’t have to listen to this,” she pushed away from the table, but Paul rose at the same time to meet her. 
“Wait,” he said, grabbing her arm harshly. Maya looked down at his hand squeezing her arm and frowned. 
“Let go of me,” she said as she tugged, but he wouldn’t. 
“I’m sorry,” he said between gritted teeth, “Please sit down.” Maya glared at him and shook him loose before sitting back down in her chair. 
Paul ran a hand through his black hair that had grown out long enough to curl a little at the ends by his ears. Before he sat back down, he clenched and unclenched his hands into fists a few times. 
“She’s about five months, give or take,” Paul finally said, his voice barely hiding the anger, “She’s doing well. No complications so far and Jacob has chilled out considerably since it’s their second and he feels more prepared.” 
Maya fought back the well of emotion gathering in her throat. She swallowed thickly and followed it with a strong gulp of wine before she said, “Hard to imagine Jacob being chill about anything, let alone his pregnant wife.” 
“How did you know they got married?” Paul asked innocently, genuine confusion on his face. Maya’s mouth suddenly dropped open and the sting of sadness poked at her belly. 
“Wha—” Maya began. 
“Seared scallops and risotto,” The waitress interrupted, “And a steak salad. Anything else I can get for you at the moment?” 
Maya was speechless, tears clearly pricking at the corner of her eyes now. Paul thanked the waitress and dismissed her politely as he leaned forward across the table to take Maya’s hand. Maya pulled in a sharp breath, fighting to steady the sob trying to claw its way out of her throat. 
“Hey, hey,” Paul said gently as he held onto her limp hand on the table. His thumb stroked the back of her hand softly as he said, “It’s okay. No one knew for a while and no one else was there. They just sort of…did it on a whim,” he soothed. Maya looked out over the skyline and nodded. 
“I shouldn’t be upset, I know,” she admitted, surprising herself. Paul shook his head. 
“That’s not…” Paul sighed and let Maya’s hand drop as he leaned back in his chair. “Maya, you can’t expect life on the rez to stop just because you left.” He didn’t mean it as an insult, but it shot Maya right through the heart to hear it. 
“I know that!” she snapped as she turned toward him, “Don’t you think I know that?” The tears were flowing freely now and she hated again how she had dissolved into a teary mess in front of him for the second time. She wiped at her cheeks angrily and took another drink of wine. 
“Let’s talk about something else,” he said firmly as he leaned forward to dig into his salad, “Tell me about your internship.” 
Maya sniffled and nodded, picking up her fork and taking a deep breath. She could talk about that. Anything to get her mind off of what she was missing, what she was sacrificing for a different kind of happiness she was chasing out here. 
For the next two hours, Maya and Paul talked about anything and everything as long as it didn’t touch on home. She forgot how easy it was to be around him, to hear the occasional chuckle (he refused to allow himself to laugh) and feel that warmth spread from her belly to every inch of her. She had missed him. Plain and simple. 
After lunch, he led her to the elevator and when the doors dinged shut, he turned toward her, pulling on her hip to set her flush against him as he leaned down, cradling the side of her neck with his other hand and bringing his lips down softly onto hers. Maya let out a soft whimper at the contact as a sizzling sensation burned pleasantly from her lips and down her spine. She opened her mouth to him and he greedily entered, letting his tongue swipe along her lower lip and into her mouth. 
Maya clutched at his bent shoulders, tugging him down more to bring him impossibly closer as the heat swirled and sank in her belly to her core. His hand moved from the bruising hold on her hip to knead the flesh of ass, slipping under her dress. He groaned into her mouth and when Maya took it as an invitation to bite gently down on his lip, she received a harsh slap to her ass cheek that made her yelp and dampen. 
She was hungry for more, but all too soon, he wrenched his hold off of her just as the elevator doors dinged open into the lobby of the hotel again. Maya was panting, her cheeks flush with heat as she allowed Paul to ferry her to the valet. He gave her ass one more pleasing squeeze before she sank into the passenger seat. 
Maya tucked some hair behind her ear and tried to quell her furiously thumping heart. She couldn’t concentrate on anything else on the car ride back and was thankful for Paul’s silence as she tried to get herself under control. 
When he dropped her off at the main entrance to campus, Maya hastily exited the Mercedes with a quick goodbye. But he rolled down the window and called out to her and she couldn’t bring it in herself to resist. 
She leaned down through the open passenger window, breathless and still flush with desire. 
“Yes?” she breathed. He gave her that teasing smile again before he said gently. 
“Can I see you again?” So innocently, as if she even had a choice. But she appreciated the request, nonetheless. 
“When?” Maya asked, trying to sound cool. Paul grinned and looked away and for a brief moment, she thought he might be onto her. 
“There’s this event I need to go to on Thursday at the Met. A bunch of artists will be there, but it’s mostly a chance to network. These things are usually pretty boring, but the Met is cool and it would probably be more fun if you were there.” He said it all so nonchalantly. Maya rolled her eyes affectionately and echoed:
“Probably,” before nodding and saying with genuine excitement, “I’d love to.” 
“Great, then I’ll see you Thursday,” his voice wavered slightly and Maya wasn’t sure what to make of it. 
“See you Thursday,” she said softly as she backed away from the car and turned on her heel to jog toward the science building. She could still hear the soft rumble of his Mercedes even though she was a bit of distance away, so she called out over her shoulder, “Stop staring at my ass!” 
She heard that achingly wonderful laughter bubble out of him from far off and it made her heart thump wildly in her chest. 
Whatever this was that they were doing at the moment, she had to admit, she really liked it. 
Maya checked her outfit in the golden arched filigree mirror that towered over her in her room. Rosalie was lounging on her bed, flipping through a mechanics magazine with a bored look on her face. 
“I don’t know why you don’t just wear the vintage Valentino. It’s classic Met,” Rosalie said for the umpteenth time. 
Maya smiled and readjusted the thin straps of her deep magenta halter. The material was well made and tailored exactly to her curves. The top acted almost as a bustier and pushed her cleavage up spectacularly. The matching magenta wide-legged, pleated pants billowed out around her legs, giving the look an airy, elegant feel. Maya leaned down to adjust the strap of her strappy black heels. 
“I’m going for a different look. There’s going to be some artist-types there and I don’t want to look too stuffy,” Maya said as she crossed the room to don her gold bangle bracelets from Jeremy. 
“At least wear my teardrop diamond earrings. They’ll class up the place a bit,” she set down her magazine and gracefully slid out of the room before Maya could even protest. 
She fluffed at her black tousled hair that ended just above her shoulders. Maya swallowed hard to help quell that giddy feeling tumbling in her stomach. It felt like a first date with Paul all over again. The uncertainty, the thrill, the hope for his touch. Still, Maya would need to be careful to not let herself get too caught up too quickly in him. With the pull of the imprint, it was easier to get lost in chasing down your feelings and letting it all consume you. This time, Maya would have more going into it and she would try her best to actively manage those feelings so that everything felt like a choice, rather than a reflex. 
About fifteen minutes later, as Maya put on the finishing touches to her look (dark ruby red lipstick, her ring and woven bracelet from Paul, and the diamond earrings Rosalie insisted on), Emmett appeared in her doorway with his hands in his pockets. 
“Someone’s here for you,” he said gently with a teasing smile. Maya felt a rush of butterflies and her heart fluttered unexpectedly. 
She hurried past Emmett and down the darkened hallway to the front door. She grabbed her black leather clutch off the table and pulled open the door to echoes of laughter and “Have fun!” from down the hall. 
When she shut the door behind her, she was more readily able to focus her gaze on the man below. He leaned against the passenger door of the black Mercedes, one leg crossed in front of the other with his hands buried in his pockets. Maya let her eyes slowly take him in: he was dressed in an all black suit, with black leather shoes that shone in the overhead lamplight. His dark black jacket offset the cloth with black silk lapels that glinted subtly in the evening light. Maya finally let her gaze fall on his face. His dark, tight trimmed beard accentuated his sharp jaw and his hair was swept back effortlessly as if he had just run his hand through it. 
Maya hesitated at the top of the steps, stunned into actual silence as she felt the imprint pull at her to close the distance. Paul must have felt it too because he shifted his stance and stood taller, looking up at her and giving her a gentle smile. Maya returned it and slowly descended the stairs, reminding herself of her promise to herself. 
When she landed just in front of him, his warm citrus and spice scent washed over her and she fought to simply keep her balance. Even in her heels, she barely reached his chin, and she gazed up at him with a soft smile. 
“Hi,” she said gently. He let out a small chuckle as he replied, 
“Hi,” and brought his hand up softly to cup her cheek. His eyes were filled with warmth, but Maya could tell he was holding some emotion back, maybe also trying to temper the pull of the imprint to give him the space to just feel what he needed to. 
The hand that cupped her cheek fell away and he tugged lightly at the ends of her hair, “This is shorter,” he said in a gravelly tone. 
Maya shot him a teasing grimace, “I needed a change.”
“A lot of change, apparently,” he said in an even tone, his eyes still lovingly roving her face. 
“What? You don’t like it?” Maya shook her head playfully. 
“I didn’t say that,” he said gently, taking a step toward her. Maya shuffled back a bit and he took it as an opportunity to open the passenger door for her. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”
Maya had been to the Met a few times during her time at Columbia. Sometimes with friends and once for a civil engineering class where they got to tour some of the preservation rooms. But, she had never been here at night for an event of any kind, and the Met at night was something special. 
Maya took Paul’s hand as they ascended the staircase to the grand entrance. Once inside, the air was buzzing with the hushed and hurried voices of artists and socialites alike. Paul didn’t let go of her hand as he pulled her through the crowd, deeper into the museum as if he was in search of something. 
There were new, temporary exhibits erected throughout the main hall and Maya couldn’t help but gawk at the sheer beauty of some of the sculptures. Paul ferried her through them though, not pausing to let her look properly as he nodded to some people he knew. 
“Paul. Where are we going?” Maya said breathlessly as the crowd seemed to thicken. Paul was looking for someone and if Maya was being honest, she didn’t really care who it was as he continued tugging her mercilessly through the crowd. She just wanted to pause and take it all in for a second.
Just as Maya was about to tug her arm back, Paul halted and Maya nearly crashed into him. She steadied herself and glared up at him, but he hardly noticed as he said to the person in front of him. 
“I’m here, showing my face. Happy?” his tone was only somewhat annoyed with the fact that he needed to check in with someone at all. Maya let her gaze sweep down to the culprit and swallowed roughly, suddenly feeling like someone had dumped a bucket of sand down her throat. 
“Thank you, Paul. I never doubted you for a second,” Rachel Black raised her champagne glass in salute, surrounded by elaborately dressed people and then her gaze glanced next to him. Unexpectedly, her jaw went slack and her eyes lit up with shock and amusement, “Maya?!” she nearly screeched. 
“Uuuh,” Maya stuttered out, still clutching Paul’s hand. But a moment later, Rachel had flung her body toward hers in a bone crushing hug. 
“Oh my goodness, it’s so good to see you!” she said, truly elated. Maya let out a small laugh and hugged her back before letting Rachel pull her to arms length to get a good look at her. “My god, you look amazing! How is Columbia? How are things?” 
“Things are..things are…” she glanced up at Paul but he was a stone wall. Very helpful, “Things are good,” she breathed out and Rachel just kept smiling. 
“Good! Well you know this one, so tight lipped. I thought you had fallen off the face of the earth with how secret he was keeping you. We miss you around Seattle!” It didn’t seem like Rachel knew what had happened between them. Was that Paul’s doing? Maya played along, grabbing the champagne glass that Rachel plucked from a passing waiter and handed to her. “But, I mean of course, New York is just such a great transition for Paul’s work. Plus you’re here!” Rachel continued rambling and Maya sipped slowly. Paul had let go of her hand to shake someone else’s hand who had walked up to him. He was now in casual conversation, his hands shoved deep into his pockets and Maya tried her hardest to play it cool. 
Rachel talked Paul up for about ten minutes before he snaked his arm around Maya’s waist and tugged her away, stating that he needed to introduce some people to Maya. Rachel gave her a kiss on the cheek and promised to call her to get together for lunch soon. 
When Maya was whisked away, her head felt like it was spinning. She looked up at Paul, but he still maintained that determined, quiet demeanor that gave nothing away. Maya fought back an eye roll and he squeezed her hip in response as if answering some silent question she had posed to him. 
True to his word, Paul introduced her to some of his artist friends—sculptors, painters, and metalsmiths alike—all of whom were very much a part of the New York City art scene but still managed to be decently down to Earth. They were  polite and asked her thoughtful questions about her degree. One of the painters even wanted her insight on some common bi-products in industrial bioengineering that could be recycled into reusable materials for a piece she was working on. 
Maya was bubbling with excitement as she spoke about her life, her research, everything; but out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Paul had moved away from her and was talking to another group of people in another corner of the room after awhile. 
Strange—the feeling of him not being glued to her side. It was all at once liberating and cold. She craved his warmth, but appreciated the space. Maya carried on talking, nodding, and smiling, trying to parse through the actions of this new Paul. 
Maya was so caught up in conversation as the evening carried on, that she startled when she felt his warm hand press to her lower back and slot back into her side. 
“Do you mind if I take her back? I want her to meet some people,” Paul announced. They all cheers’ed Maya before letting her be steered away by Paul toward another waiting group. 
Maya smiled up at Paul and wrapped her arm around his back as he led her into one of the smaller rooms of the museum, scattered with sculptures. They approached a group of important looking people and before she could even open her mouth to say hello, Paul introduced her: 
“This is Maya,” he paused and glanced down at her uncertainly before carrying on, “She’s my…uh, friend…studying bioengineering at Columbia.” 
Maya internally cringed and felt her arm slip from around his back and hang loosely at her side. They all greeted her happily, and Maya smiled back after a bit of a delay and tried to stay present in the conversation as Paul’s hand sat loosely on her waist as he carried on talking. 
She was introduced to a few more groups as Paul continued to make his rounds and each time, he seemed to hesitate in how to describe her. It bristled her, made her feel something deep in the pit of her belly that reminded her oddly of jealousy. But there was no one to be jealous of. Paul was standing at her side, hand wound around her as his thumb stroked lazily on her hip. 
Yet, here she was simmering with a subtle anger that pulsated with annoying precision in her belly at being called friend.
At a lull in the conversation, Maya excused herself to go to the bathroom to try and get a hold of herself. Her mind was still spinning at the fact that she was here with Paul, but now that he had seemingly distanced himself from her with the moniker of friend, her entire world felt a little upended. And the worst part was, she could hardly blame him. She had shamelessly flirted and kissed Arden while they were apart. Being called his friend was generous considering they’d had almost no contact for the past year. 
So why did Maya’s neck feel ungodly hot as she leaned over the sink and pressed a cold paper towel to her chest to cool down? 
After a few minutes of deep breathing in the bathroom and telling herself to get a grip in the mirror, Maya re-entered the main area. But instead of returning to Paul’s side, she wandered off up the grand staircase and leaned against the marble railing of one of the balconies that jutted out, overlooking the main area below. Maya leaned down and rested her forearms on the wide, cold stone railing and let her eyes sweep across the crowded floor. 
She didn’t know how long she stayed up there, watching and letting the voices rise up to echo around her, but it seemed no time had really passed at all before she felt familiar warmth next to her. Paul handed her a glass of champagne and leaned his back against the railing, looking in the opposite direction as he said, 
“Having any fun?” his tone was neutral, unreadable. She wasn’t sure if it was a genuine question or one that poked at her obvious distraction. Still, Maya couldn’t seem to burst that bubble of anger bouncing around inside of her. She shrugged and took a long sip from her champagne glass before standing upright. 
“Are you asking me as a friend or…?” She gave him an icy sidelong look. His eyebrows knit together in confusion for a moment before realization dawned on him. 
He chuckled looking down at his shoes as he nodded his head momentarily before saying, “So are we not friends?” 
“That’s not what I mean and you know it,” Maya said sharply back while begging herself to calm down. Why was she so upset? Paul stood straighter, squaring his shoulders and facing her with his hands in his pockets. If he was anyone else she might be a bit intimidated, but this was Paul. Nothing about him could scare her at this point. 
“Did that bother you? Me introducing you as just my friend?” Paul asked in a gentler tone. Maya took another sip from her champagne and kept her eyes glued to the throng of people below, unable to answer. Paul looked off to the side for a minute, his jaw ticking tightly as if he was considering something and then he said, “I’m just trying to give you some space. Without pressure. You’ve proven yourself a flight risk and I don’t want to push it.” 
Maya swallowed, still unable to meet his eyes as she said, “I know what I did hurt you. But I did it for me and I don’t regret it. I am sorry that I did hurt you, though. So if all you want to be is my friend from now on then that’s fine, but don’t kiss me in dark alleyways and make me think differently then. That’s not very just-friends-behavior of you.” 
She chanced a glance at him and saw the clear anger wash over his face before she looked away. Was she being silly? Maybe. But the fire erupting in her from the imprint felt oddly like rejection she had never known and it was making her dizzy and impulsive. There was a too long pause from Paul before she turned toward him and he shot back: 
“Last I checked, you had a couple of friends that you didn’t mind hanging on and fucking around with.” 
“Excuse me?” Maya shot back quickly, setting her champagne glass down with too much force. 
“Oh, or is that different? Tell me Maya, what is acceptable friend behavior to you? Because I’m lost,” he was leaning forward with clear aggression on his face and Maya grit her teeth in response. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,��� she said through her teeth. Paul popped his eyes open a little wider. 
“What about whatever the fuck his name is….Arden? Everytime I find you, his fucking hands are all over you. All over what’s mine. So excuse me if I was just treating you with the normal friend behavior I’ve seen other people use with you.” 
“Fuck you,” Maya said loud enough that it echoed quickly around them. She swung around to stomp off but he lunged and grabbed her upper arm, whirling her around and leaning down so his face was level with hers. The fire in her met the fire in him. 
“Try again,” he growled, his hand squeezing her upper arm lightly. Maya recovered quickly from being pulled around and narrowed her gaze to meet his before repeating with the full weight of her anger reddening her cheeks: 
“Fuck….you,” she seethed enunciating each word with venom. A sick smile pulled across Paul’s face for a moment before he yanked her forward and let his lips crash down upon hers, sweeping the breath from her lungs. Maya let out a startled moan, her hands clenched into tight fists as she tried to pull back away from him for a moment. 
But he snaked his arm around her waist and lifted her slightly, moving her across the floor until her back met with a cold marble pillar. Her mouth opened to his as if on instinct and she quickly dissolved into the mind numbing pleasure of his mouth moving across hers, his tongue pressing and tangling with hers. 
Paul’s hand dropped to her ass and squeezed harshly, causing another moan to escape Maya’s throat. He pressed her harder into the pillar, grinding his hips against hers as their kiss deepened and pulled Maya further under in the haze of her imprint’s dominating presence. He caged her in against the wall, but there was nowhere Maya wanted to run to. Her hands loosened from fists into soft open-faced palms that roved around his chest, his shoulders, his waist. She wanted to feel all of him around her. 
His steady, hot heat enveloped her senses, making her body hum with excitement. And her erratic heartbeat matched the excited shuddering of his body. There was nothing else but him in that moment and Maya let herself be momentarily swept away. 
When he tugged her body away from his and held the back of her neck tight in his grip, she almost whimpered at the absence of his mouth on hers. She was deranged, off the rails with desire and she knew there was only one way to wipe her mind clean of it. 
“Let’s get out of here,” he breathed, his voice husky and dark as his eyes held her gaze. Maya nodded without even realizing it and no sooner had she agreed than he was whisking her off down the stairs, tugging her along on the edge of the crowd and making as minimal eye contact as possible so they wouldn't be held up. 
The most excruciating wait was for the valet to bring Paul’s car around. Maya clenched her thighs together and silently willed him to look at her so she could capture his mouth again, but he kept his gaze hard and focused out on the road, his arm tightly gripped around her waist, his own pulse racing wildly. 
When the valet finally arrived with his Mercedes, Paul yanked the passenger door open and Maya climbed inside, suddenly realizing in the quiet of the car that she was still breathing hard. Once in, Paul quickly navigated them with unnerving precision onto the road and raced as reasonably as traffic allowed further down into Manhattan. 
The car ride back was silent, the air between them electrified with tension and the only sound that Maya could hear was her own heartbeat drumming in her ears. Paul kept his eyes on the road, his hands gripping the wheel dangerously tight. 
When Paul whipped the car into the drop off valet of a very fancy hotel, Maya’s eyes widened. She didn’t know exactly where he was taking her, but home was a pretty safe bet. Now she realized the error of her assumption. Before she could say anything, Paul had exited the car and handed the keys to the valet who nodded as if he recognized him. Shortly after, Maya’s door was opened and Paul was taking her hand and gently tugging her from the car. 
There was no conversation between them, and Maya was thankful for it. Conversation would have distracted her from the thrumming between her legs that she was keenly hoping he would take care of once they were locked away behind his hotel door. 
He steered her to the elevator and when the golden doors shut with a pleasing ping, Paul’s mouth found her neck. Maya instantly leaned her body into his, placing her hand on his chest as she leaned her head to the side to provide him more access. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he worked at that familiar spot he knew so well in the crook of her neck and Maya gasped as she felt his fingers ghost beneath her breasts. 
The door pinged open a second later and Maya opened her eyes, clouded with lust. He didn’t meet her gaze before he pulled her along down the hall toward his room. He fished in his pocket for a half second before tapping the card against the reader and the soft beep was like music to Maya’s ears. 
The room within was dark and Maya followed closely behind Paul as he lightly gripped her hand now. The door clicked shut behind them and Maya’s heart raced. The soft intimacy of a darkened room was all at once overwhelming. Maya’s breath shuddered and the haze began to lift as she realized where she was. What she was about to do. Paul turned after a second as if steeling himself to stay in control. 
Maya’s pulse quickened as his gaze landed on her and she shifted in her heels. He took a solid step toward her and she fought back a tremble. His hands raised to rest on either side of her face and pressed his body softly against hers. Maya could feel his hardening excitement pressed against her stomach and she tried to quell the fluttering that responded in her belly. 
He leaned down gently and kissed her gently, once, before leaning back just far enough to make eye contact as he said, “The only thing I need is you.” 
Maya’s breath caught in her throat and in the next second, his mouth was on hers again, feverish and hurried, as his hands settled around the base of her throat and walked her back toward the bed. 
Paul’s hands slipped down again, working quickly to slip the straps off her shoulders and unhooking the magenta, boned, bodice from her body. He groaned as he pulled the top away to reveal her naked underneath and cupped the mounds of her breasts in his hands. 
A sharp gasp spilled from her mouth as he squeezed gently, moving his mouth down her neck, before kissing down her body and dropping to his knees. Maya rested her hands on top of his shoulders and looked down at him. He kissed between her breasts and unfastened her pants, pulling them down her hips and sighing in pure happiness. She couldn’t help but giggle softly as his kisses traced further down her stomach and he hooked his fingers beneath the flimsy white lace of her thong, before tugging them down her body. She stepped out and let him revel in her nakedness in the dark. 
Her breathing came fast and deep as the realization of being touched like this for the first time in a year dawned on her. He gripped her hip and grabbed underneath her left knee, placing it over his shoulder, exalting in the way she dripped for him. Steadying her between both his hands, Paul squeezed the soft curve of her hips before dipping down and licking one long strip along her seam. Maya threw her head back and let her jaw go slack as a moan burst forth from her throat. Paul groaned deeply as he descended upon her like a man starved, lapping at every inch between her thighs. Maya held on for dear life as she rocked her hips forward to meet his mouth and when he sucked her sensitive nub into his mouth, she held back a delighted scream. 
She was over the edge embarrassingly too soon, white pops of light bursting behind her closed eyes as she let herself go in a rush. Paul was eager to drink her down, dipping his tongue into her opening and feeling her pulse into his mouth. When her knees shook violently enough to lose her balance, Paul pushed gently against her hips and she fell back onto the bed with a soft thump. 
Maya focused on finding her breath again as she brought a hand up to her forehead. He’d made her come undone in mere minutes—and now she was terrified of how he’d make her feel once he got inside of her. Maya opened her eyes and leaned up slightly to watch as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off onto the chair. Maya squirmed impatiently on the bed and bit her lip when he smirked at her, taking his time. 
She was fit to explode again and here he was, unbuckling his belt slowly, the soft clink of the metal sending shockwaves through every nerve ending in her body. When he finally shed his pants and briefs, Maya could finally see just how hard he was for her. Her mouth watered and acting on instinct, she lifted herself up onto her knees and shuffled across the bed. Reaching her hands out, she grabbed him by the hips and tugged him closer before dipping her head without hesitation and taking his tip into her mouth, spreading the warm bead of precum across her tongue before hollowing her cheeks and urging him further into her mouth. 
Paul let out a warning growl above her and placed his hand on the back of her head as he pushed his hips forward with controlled care, fucking into her mouth. Maya was lost in the sensations flooding her body, feeling him heavy and warm on her tongue, gliding past her lips as she tried to reach his base. There was no way she could manage all of him, but she tried, swallowing him down enough that his hand tightened into a fist in her hair and his moans blessed her ears with increased frequency. 
The warm, velvety taste of him thrummed a terrifyingly pleasant response in her brain, throwing her into a plane of neediness that had her legs shaking. She squeaked out a small moan around his cock and Paul’s eyes widened as if hearing the answer to a question he’d been asking all his life. 
Paul pulled Maya off of his cock in one swift movement and she gasped, looking up at him in heady confusion. He held her in place for just a moment, staring down at her in awe before leaning down, circling his hand around her waist and tugging her body across the bed quickly. 
Maya yelped in surprise as her head hit the pillow and the controlled weight of Paul sunk onto her and pressed against her form for a moment. His skin sliding across hers felt like reigniting a brand of belonging between them and Paul lowered his face to kiss her with a need she echoed, arching her body between them. 
Paul slid his thick thigh between her legs, urging her apart before sliding his hand down and letting his thumb tease her clit. Maya’s head flew back deeper into the pillow as she let out a whine and Paul took the opportunity to press soft bites and kisses to her neck. 
She was still a wanting, gushing mess for him and heat flamed into her face once more as she rolled her hips against his thumb, grinding down, desperate for more. 
“Paul!” she gasped as he touched just the right tempo against her, causing her to crest again. Paul groaned and bit down against her shoulder. Maya, in the waves of another orgasm, pressed against his shoulders, in an attempt to release the tension in her body that the heat of his body were exacerbating. With his other hand, Paul grabbed both of Maya’s wrists and slammed them down on the bed above her head as she keened and cried out again, her orgasm rinsing through her. 
Just as her release was washing through her, Paul lined himself up to her opening and pushed in swiftly. Her eyes shot wide in surprise and a visceral pulse rocketed through her body, ending in a scream of relief. 
Paul let out a feral groan that sent chills down Maya’s spine and she watched as his face melted into pure bliss as he slid to the hilt. The scream now spent, Maya’s mouth hung open as her breath came out in sharp bursts. Paul’s gaze finally lowered to meet hers and she felt every nerve ending buzz as he grinned that wolfish, possessive smile down at her. 
“You okay?” he whispered breathlessly. Maya felt a quick tear rush down into her hair as she nodded, her mouth still open in shock and relief. Paul stayed buried in her and looked down at the space between them where they connected, letting out another moan that set Maya on edge. She’d never been this wound up before, as if she’d snap and dissolve right into the mattress at any moment. 
Paul still gripped her wrists tightly above her head, keeping her place and Maya was thankful for the anchor. He used his other hand to grab her thigh and pull it up to wrap around his back. Then, with one last dark grin, Paul slid out to the tip and in one long languid stroke, he rushed back into her. Maya arched up in response as he dipped his head low to take her taut nipple into his mouth. 
Every place his mouth touched was like an explosion of firework-like sensation, burning through her and causing her to spiral. He began to pump into her at a quick pace, blinding her with pleasure and squeezing her hip, her ass, her breast. Maya couldn’t move from his ironclad grip if she tried, but it didn’t matter. Every one of her senses was lost in him. Each guttural groan, the slap of his hips against hers, the huff of hard breath across her face as he worked in her sent Maya higher and higher. 
And then, he shifted his angle, brushing against that spot within her that made her arch and whine with a sound she’d never heard come from her lips before. She clamped her lips shut around the sound of relief that erupted out of her throat as she felt her walls clamp down around him and try to pull him in deeper. 
“That’s my girl,” Paul moaned, his eyes glued to where they met, watching as he disappeared into her again and again. “Give me another, baby.” His voice was warm, but commanding. Maya felt another scream come clawing out of her throat as his mouth bit gently around her breasts and he hammered into that sweet, sensitive spot in her again and again. 
She’d die like this, happily. But it was almost too much, the pain of him stretching her open after a year apart without pause and the sweet coaxing of his hand, mouth, and hips pulling sounds and feelings that Maya didn’t think she was capable of. 
His hand slid underneath her waist and lifted her hips up as he sank deeper into her. His thrusts were controlled, precise, and Maya was simply a mess. She rolled her head from side to side, her cheeks bright and flush with warmth as she teetered. Her nipples were hard and sore from Paul’s mouth tugging and nibbling at them, and a thin sheen of sweat covered her whole body making it easier for him to slide her body against him any way he pleased. 
There was nothing Maya could do except take what he was giving her and give what she could back to him. She was babbling at this point: his name, curse words, promises, pleadings. All of it brought her crashing down again, her walls fluttering around him. He groaned in appreciation, kissing up her neck and across her face to her lips as she shuddered with release, her thighs a slick, sticky example of her uncontrollable lust for this man. 
Paul's thrusts began to falter in their control as he slammed into her faster, deeper, angling her for his needs. Neither of them were in control and it didn’t matter anymore. 
Maya’s hands had gone numb as he held her wrists tightly to the bed, but the tingling in her fingertips was nothing compared to the overwhelming drag of him sliding in and out of her at a brutal, finishing pace. 
He leaned his head up to look into her eyes, letting out another moan of pure exaltation as he said in a low voice: “You’re still on birth control, right?” The slapping sounds of his hips almost drowned out the question. 
Maya, lost in her glow, let out a soft laugh that made Paul grunt as she squeezed him. “Like you care,” she got out around a breath. Paul shook his head, letting a laugh roll from him now too as he looked between them again. 
“You’re right. I don’t,” he admitted casually, before wrenching Maya’s body up and spinning her around so she laid on her stomach. He let go of her wrists and Maya felt the soft rush of blood return to her hands. Instead he pulled her hips up and slid into her fast from behind without bothering to spread her. Maya let out a low moan into the pillow and felt his hand land firmly on her shoulder, holding her in place against the mattress. 
His thrusts found every soft, sensitive spot within her and the white lights that burst behind Maya’s eyes as her brain buzzed pleasantly, wiping all thoughts from her head except the feeling of him between her legs, was all that was keeping her present. His hips stuttered again, getting sloppier as he lost control and Maya reveled in the thought that it was her that caused him to lose it like this.
Another few hard pumps and he let out a loud moan, her name on the tail end of it, as he splashed inside of her. Maya screamed into the pillow as she felt him cum, her senses heightened by the shuddering tension wracking his body. 
His grunts became more deliberate as he continued to pump into her after he was spent, slowing down only after his body sank over the top of hers. 
“Fuck,” he breathed out as he pressed a line of kisses across her shoulder blades. Maya couldn’t open her eyes, exhaustion set deep within her, and the relief of her release pulling her under. She was circling the drain of her own contentment. Paul’s searing hot body sandwiched her gently into the mattress and nothing could have felt better in that moment. 
She felt him slowly slide off of her to the side as he pulled out. Immediate warmth pooled between her legs as his load spilled out of her. Maya didn’t care—she couldn’t move, her entire body humming with electricity as if a switch in her had been turned on again after being out for far too long. Paul gently caressed her naked back, leaning to kiss the bite marks against her shoulder and neck he had left in his need to reclaim her. He swept her hair off of her shoulder and massaged the back of her neck tenderly. 
It was all Maya remembered before she was pulled under into blissful darkness. 
Maya woke to sunlight filtering softly through the window. She blinked blearily, her brain not quite catching up with her body just yet as she tried to remember how it was she got home. If she was home, then last night must have been a tortuously delightful dream. Maya rubbed her eyes and leaned up onto her forearms, but a sharp pain pulsed through her, fading into a dull ache. Not a dream. 
A soft shuffling next to her alerted her to the fact that she wasn’t alone. Maya turned her head over on the pillow and found Paul, fully dressed with his oversized leather weekender bag on the bed by Maya’s feet. 
“Good morning,” he said softly, his low voice music to her ears. Maya hummed in acknowledgement as she took in her surroundings. She was still in his hotel room, and she was most definitely naked. Maya sat up no, wincing at the soreness in her lower body. She yawned and saw Paul chuckle. 
“Where are you going?” Maya finally managed, her voice hoarse. “Jesus,” she whispered, holding the soft white linen sheet against her breasts. Paul looked up at her as he packed his iPad and chargers into his bag. 
“I have to head back to La Push today,” he said it as if they did this song and dance all the time—as if she should know where he was headed. Maya blinked a few times, clearing the rest of the sleep from her brain. 
“O-oh,” she stuttered. 
“I arranged a late check out already, so feel free to hang out as long as you need,” he zipped up his bag and the sound of it seemed to ricochet loudly across the room. 
“Okay,” Maya tried to hide the disappointment in her voice. Paul slung his bag over his shoulder and leaned on the bed to kiss her softly. Maya tentatively placed her hand on his jaw, feeling the soft bristle of his beard against her fingertips. When he pulled away, Maya felt the imprint in her wilt with disappointment. 
“I’ll be back in the city in a few weeks,” he said softly, letting his eyes search hers for a moment. But Maya didn’t know what he was looking for in her. After another beat, he stood up abruptly and walked toward the door without another word. “Thanks again for coming with me last night,” he said mischievously as he turned around to look at her, “And for attending the event last night.” He winked at her before pulling open the door. 
Maya heard the soft click of the hotel door close as her mouth hung open in shock. 
“Bye?” she said aloud to no one. Maya placed a hand to her head to steady the dizzying effect of the emotional whiplash she just encountered. 
What the fuck was that? 
Next > >
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misiahasahardname · 1 year
Thoughts on
Katie and Sadie
and Sierra?
katie and sadie -
they have very little screentime so i don’t have much to say about them. i have definetly seen a lot of girls like them, but that was usually when i was primary school age, not as a teenager. at times they can be really annoying, but their friendship can be pretty wholesome at times. reminds me of how attached i was to my friends at… well, not their age. there’s nothing really bad about them, but not much good either? really indifferent about them.
mike -
fresh tv did NOT know how to write a character with a mental disorder… besides the bad representation, i think mike is a pretty nice guy! i love silly-with-a-hint-of-mental-disorder characters like him. he’s one of the better characters from gen 2, and he’s… sweet? that’s how i’m going to word it. also. i‘m going to say it right here. i LOVE svetlana (or swjetłana, as they call her in the Polish dub). my favourite alter (i think that’s the term?) of his. totally not just because she’s slavic and i crave representation, she’s just a very fun character and a very skilled gymnast! i also like vito. he’s cool. very unfortunate what they did with mike in ass stars!
trent -
trent is a very interesting character. i could go on for ages, analysing his behaviours, figuring out his past traumas and what caused him to end up the way he is. there is so much to talk about with trent! that’s why i love trentcourse: it’s just a bunch of people talking about this guy!! he’s a sweetheart. his chill, coolheaded, and a really kind person. he’s not made much real enemies, and. ugh. i love his relationship with gwen. just,,,,, so pure. action kinda fucked him up a little bit, but in a way it gave him a bit of depth? my personal theory on why he kinda just. snapped was that since action started so early after island, he hadn’t gotten the chance to pack enough meds, and anyone who’s needed to take any sort of medication for that kind of thing will probably know that if you’re going to go off of medication/start taking medication, you need to do it gradually, and that’s for a good reason!!!!!! anyways i love trent. he and cody are the traumatised boyfriends.
dakota -
I LOVE LOVE LOVE DAKOTA!!!!!! SHE’S SO FUCKING SILLY. genuinely. she is my favourite character of gen 2 alongside jo. she’s a bit how i used to imagine myself to be in the future! fashionable, famous, rich, successful, and in a healthy relationship!! (samkota is SO WHOLESOME) her turning into dakotazoid was actually really great. i kinda prefer her that way! she could still be confident with her body despite being a twelve foot tall mutant! i don’t fully understand people who draw her as ‘healed’ from that because like. i don’t think you can reverse something that drastic. and also she’s comfortable with it! she doesn’t seem too upset about it (iirc of course. been a while since i’ve rewatched roti). anyways dakota is amazing, i love her and her relationship with sam, and i think she and zoey should be best friends!!
sierra -
ok i don’t know if you’d want to hear it but. i’m sorry. i hate her. like every moment she was on screen i’d get SUPER uncomfortable. her actions towards cody were horrible and i am not going to ignore them even though yeah she’s a fictional character!!!! i don’t know if her actions were meant to come off as jokes or not but either way it’s not funny at all. i like her design, her voice acting is AMAZING, her face is very expressive (and i love that in a cartoon!), paris in the springtime was one of the best songs of the season (but it will never beat her real name isn’t blaineley), but she’s just. not a good character. she had potential! i would’ve loved it if she was a villain, like, you set up alejandro to be the main villain but them BOOM! sierra is actually a manipulative mastermind who will blackmail anyone and get them eliminated!! or something like that. but yeah i don’t like sierra.
i hope this is an ok response!
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screampied · 1 month
hi !! Cowboy liker anon here 🙂‍↕️
so, a while ago I saw that you had said you played video games I think? I’m not really sure I’m sorry I know you said you played dangaropa (sorry if I spelled it wrong) but have you played any other story games or any in general?
I’m a big video game fan myself especially for story games !! I played the last of us part 1 & 2 not that long ago and now I’m playing the red dead redemption series 🙂‍↕️
hence the name cowboy liker because I have a massive crush on Arthur Morgan, Sadie Adler, Molly O’Shea, and John marston lmaoo (if you don’t know them I recommend looking them up they are SO FINE.)
-cowboy liker anon
YESSSSS I LOVE GAMES. hehe yes, danganronpa.
ooooh last of us is so good. one of my favs, the first game was a literal masterpiece. the second scared the shit out of me 🗿 i dunno why i thought it’d be a good idea to play grounded. that fuckass rat king can kiss my ass. what’s your opinion on part two? i love the gameplay but the story was well … interesting !!
i loveee choice based games like until dead, walking dead, dbh, LIFE IS STRANGE i love life is strange badly. i also love horror games 💓 i love fnaf, poppy playtime, left 4 dead, resident evil, little nightmares, ugh silent hill. HONORABLE MENTIONS WOULD BEEEEE red dead redemption, dead by daylight, assassins creed, lol i can go on but you get it 🧍🏽‍♀️im way too busy during the day to play games anymore but those are what i used to play 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ ARTHUR MORGAN IS SO REAL FACKKKKK
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ask-lute · 3 months
*She thinks of an innuendo, but keeps it to herself for now and simply smiles in return.* You bet! *She gives her coworkers half of a wave goodbye, then her and Lute head out. She squeezes Lute’s hand and lets her take the lead.*
Ugh, sorry if that was weird. Some of them are a little unfiltered. *She sips her drink.* I ordered a salted caramel almond milk latte, wanna try?
Did you forget some of the angels I work with? Trust me, they're more filtered than some of them. But yeah I'd love to try it.
[she takes the drink gently from Sadie and gives it a sip.]
That's really good, though I'm not that big of a fan of almond milk. Still that with oat milk and I'd be totally down.
[she laughs a little.]
This is going to be so much fun.-🗡️
[She smiles warmly at Sadie]
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