#wdym haha this is totally real
sirpseudonymphoapish · 9 months
hey solar opposites fans check out this totally real and totally not edited screenshot from that one episode in season 2 remember with the red goobler who tries to hook up with korvo but he pushes him away and stays with terry instead and they get steamy in the hot tub right we all loved that episode huh
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the background is rlly messy i did this right before therapy and. idk what the original background looked like so i cant make it very accurate. all that space was taken up by stupid chris
ngl i kinda liked chris i think it wouldve been funny if he had a fling with both korvo and terry. separately or together.
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darlin-djarin · 4 months
just remembered paz/axe thank god that exists. at least there is some hope in this cruel world.
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cheesecake801 · 2 months
IT IS TIME ! It is finally time to show you my Valentine's day artpiece !! (Wdym it was a month ago ? Nonsense ! I totally did NOT take a month to finish this)
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For those who don't know, this is Volkner, I just HAD to draw him for Valentines day haha ! Have more nice sketches (and me chatting a little) below cut !
First lemme show you those self indulgent Valentine's day sketches
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It's fun thinking Volkner would receive chocolate from random peeps (not surprising, boy slays in pink !) but the true canon stuff in my head would definitely be Volkner staying home or at the gym tinkering with machines and stuff, completely forgetting about Valentine's day haha !
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(gosh I really treated myself with this one alslskd, also yes I'm that ghost leaving the grave)
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I sketched this Pachirisu in a magma session with friends, I think it would follow Volkner around for some reason, much to Volkner's delight, this Pachirisu is a real cutie !
Also I reached 100 followers today !! Thank you everyone, I hope you'll continue enjoying my art ✨️You know so far I always posted submas related stuff but.......THIS GUY ! This guy has been living rent free in my head for more than 2 months you have no idea. He's not nearly as popular as submas around here so I've been content starved lately, it's hard finding art of him and his best bud Flint ! So I got no choice but to make my own food !! It is only the beginning of the Volkner propaganda hehe ! I hope you'll enjoy the Volkner stuff I'll post from now on !
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n0bluev · 3 months
Somehow, im inspired to write that 'revision fic'. === (EDIT : u can skip but heres another snippet for u (3 separate bits that fit together nicely, actually haha) cuz hihi. THE AU: As i said, its a failed "3"rd regression context, where yjh is now in his "4"th round. The last memory he has of kdj is him dying, and to make things worse "In this round, that guy doesn't exist." is a thing, so yjh freaks out a bit but hes totally normal about this whole ordeal & the fact that he doesnt even remembers kdj's face now. Wdym! Hes fiiiiiine!
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sorry lol back to the actual post : (,hope u enjoyed that little treat tho^^)) ===
!!THAT [Somehow, im inspired to write [...]] HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE!!. I always like. do an outline for the overall story and vibe, then flesh out the start or something and cook up a little 500 (probably unsatisfying) words for fun kind of as a bonus. Keep it mostly for my private enjoyment and move on before the story comes to life. And that's okay... Yes, it would be cooler to actually write the AU ideas i get in novel or comic form instead of having them stay at just the 'sketch' & 'idea/brainstorm' phase before i get another idea and leave them to dust up in the pile,,
But yeah, its okay.
In the few years since ive started getting ideas for more elaborate aus/fics, ive noticed that my ideas improved with time. (no shit, i know, but it makes me happy! i grew up!!! i can see it.) My planning methods are better too. So all of that unfinished or abandoned stuff is not at all useless work in my eyes. And who knows, maybe one day i'll bring them back.
--> as a plus, all my fandom brainrot experiences even get transferred into my OC stuff, and frl whenever i read my notes these days (or listen to my voice memos lol) and im just like "HOW DID I THINK OF THIS WOW" or "WHEN DID I PUT THIS LIKE THIS? IT WORKS!" (not to brag or anything but my oc lore goes hard ☝️)
I DID NO PLANNING. I just started writing for orv and its. Lowkey, good ???? Dont get me wrong i only have 1.5k right now and there are clear holes i have to fill and stuff but... CLEAR HOLES! CLEAR HOLES. Sure Im used to being like "something of the sort should go there..." BUT THIS TIME ITS "THIS SHOULD GO THERE, ILL WRITE IT LATER BUT THE IMAGE IS IN MY MIND, CLEAR AS WATER, AND ONCE I START PUTTING IT ON THE PAGE ISTG THOSE WORDS WILL STREAM OUT OF MY FINGERS AS IF IT WAS A NORMAL OCCURENCE FOR ME" ,,- !??? Yo!
Anyways. Point is that somehow theres interesting stuff going on in my gg doc and the more i write the more i know where i want to go, so that's cool, i feel all powerfull for once
idk if that ease is going to stay once im done with the first scenes (ughh!!! theres so much potential!!!!!!!!) but hopefully yes. either way ill probably post it so im not baiting yall with a "um actually im writing smt rn --- *never shares with the class*" --- either 1) things go well and i write a "real fic" (!? wtf that wasnt my plan!) --- or 2) i only post the finished version of what i have now (expect around 5k? (i have no idea actually)) and we wait together to see if i pick up the idea again haha. (i do wish to write it tho! im not a 'writer' writer but i want to be one, u get me?)
! thank u see u byebye
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zhongrin · 3 months
Hi Miss Rin! *excitedly waves at you as I order and pay for a drink*
Usually i pop by here with thoughts on ZhongWrinTh and I am here with more thoughts about you all… no surprise there oh but this time I do have another question not exactly related to ZhongWrinTh.
What’s some interactions you’ve had with the boys close friends? Do you play pranks on Zhongli with Hutao, do you visit Xiao together with Zhongli? Has Kaveh ever visited the teahouse? I get the feeling Kaveh, Cyno, Tighnari and Al-Haitham would play Genius Invokation TCG in the teahouse if you ever opened a Sumeru branch! As for Wriothesley… i like to think Sigewinne’s passed you makeup before, maybe even some in a shade or color Wriothesley likes! Clorinde hm… i can see her stealing you away into the city if Wriothesley’s busy and even introducing you to Navia.
It’s pretty amazing to see how many more people you could meet!
hu tao is my beloved granddaughter (and so is yaoyao and ganyu and nahida and furina and sigewinne and-)!!! she drops by the teahouse every now and then to scout for clients lol let's be real here most of my patrons aside from my friends are probably older people so-
xiao drops by too every now and then, but most of the time you won't see him. HOWEVER, you will be able to spot little trinkets all around the teahouse which emits some adeptal energy. we have a special 'magical' vase which sometimes suddenly 'sprouts' fresh qingxins. definitely not the work of an adeptus, yep!
the only reason why we'd have some wine in the house (aside from my hubbies (read: al haitham) bonding together by drinking glasses of wine sometimes) is because of kaveh! we get along a little too well. wdym that's a sumeru desert fox in our backyard? surely you jest haha haha hah- ahem. anyway. he's like a brother to me. i'm looking for a rich spouse for him. anyone interested- /smacked
the 4ggravate boys playing tcg on the teahouse's sumeru branch i'm shdflksjdlkfjsld dear gods. that's adorable. maybe i can talk to the manager there so they can organize monthly tcg tournament nights for the masses. we can sell 'tea blends that stimulates the mind and makes one's senses sharper' for the players and the spectators.... hmmmmmmmm.
sigewinne making a makeup for me i will cry hsdfusjdklf that sounds like something she would totally do, yes. i'd love to doll her up and send her some cute dresses or onesies ueueue she's so adorable.... clorinde and navia oh my god i don't know if i am considered cool enough to hang out with these two queens. i will just. i will just admire them from afar.... they're so pretty and badass..... adopt me big sisters..........
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wriothesley: you know i can always introduce you to them, ri- mei: NO STOP I AM UNWORTHY I WOULD PERISH wriothesley: ok fine but must you drag me here then-
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random ducktales headcanons in no particular order
you know how some kids make up imaginary friends to blame for their mistakes? that's how phooey was born.
the triplets realize very young that trying to pin the blame on each other will only result in all of them getting grounded, so. it's so sad their secret fourth brother will explode if anyone else besides them looks at him which is why uncle donald can never see them :punch: :pensive: (<- that was dewey's idea ofc)
board games are a relatively easy way to entertain kids and pass the time for free, so donald ended up buying a lot from secondhand stores and garage sales.
huey loves strategy games. he has a junior woodchuck badge in chess playing! when he moves into the mansion he's excited to find similar games like go and shogi (also he's just, really happy to finally have someone give him a run for his money in chess)
dewey likes charades, but only when he's the one acting. he also likes pit! (that's a card game where you have to yell a lot XD)
louie's favorite game is candyland, although that usually turns into "try to catch louie switching out the cards" than actual playing. louie swears up and down that he'd never cheat and it's not his fault dewey never won.
webby's favorite game is something totally obscure you've never heard of. she's also a fan of cluedo :). (it takes like, a week for the kids to realize clue and cluedo are the same thing)
all the kids are trans (source: dude trust me)
donald sitting down at the parent-teacher conference and looking at the list of adhd symptoms the teacher handed him: wdym, these are all normal kid things? i mean, my sister was like this.
(cut to ten years later) della: wow dewey really takes after his mom doesn't he ^_^
donald: haha. hahaha. ha. about that.
SPEAKING OF PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES. donald is a pta mom you can't convince me otherwise. one day he's going to show helen what real homemade brownies taste like. as soon as he doesn't burn them.
louie knows how to pickpocket and is fairly good at it, he just doesn't because the first time he got caught donald looked so upset and he doesn't wanna relive that again.
high school dewey tries to force himself into dating bc he thinks that's a requirement to being a "cool, beloved, popular teen" (it is according to the movies!) Anyways he quickly realizes he's miserable and would rather walk across glass shards than kiss anyone. (then he learns about aromanticism and asexuality.)
huey used to have pretty bad meltdowns on an almost regular basis, until donald signed the boys up for jr woodchucks in kindergarten (mostly just to get them out of the house for a while) and something Clicked. finally, structure! routine! a book of set rules and expectations! (it's not like he magically stopped having meltdowns overnight but it helped him feel less overwhelmed, yk?)
feel free to add on if you have any :3
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mudwingprince · 1 year
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Wdym I can't have two Narrator designs??? YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME RAAAAAAA
(I'll explain under the cut lmao)
I have a headcanon (i know, big shocker/s) that the Narrator has three forms - the voice (the one we get in the game) his real form (the one in this post) and his "disguised" form (the one I normally draw)
I think he's most comfortable with using just his voice because he doesn't have to worry about his facial expressions while narrating (totally not projecting haha what) but after everything went down with the skip button he didn't exactly feel as comfortable being alone in his office booth thingy idk
He doesn't use his real form when entering the parable because he's kind of ashamed of it and doesn't really wanna scare Stanley off cus he's all that he has at the moment, his eyes also glow when he's talking since he doesn't have a mouth unless he needs it
His disguised form can be a little painful for the Narrator though cus in that form he doesn't have any eyes, just his glasses in the form of eyes and that makes his sight kinda crappy and he tends to get headaches from the constant eye strain
Ok I'm probably gonna pass out now I got literally NO SLEEP last night
Oh and thanks for actually reading my headcanons if ya did, it means a lot <3
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rinas4ki · 3 months
K-pop fandom related rant, feel free to keep scrolling (keep reading if you’re nosy 🥸)
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A lot of international K-pop fans are complete and total hypocrites. They have this moral superiority complex against incel K-nets who dunk on idols for dating and living their love lives and wanna advocate for idols being seen as real human beings with their own emotions and thoughts, but when an actual dating rumor pops up related to an idol they’ve formed a deep parasocial relationship with, what kind of “jokes” do we see? “Nooooo my fave is dating someone, I’m gonna jump off a cliff!”, “Wdym they aren’t xyz sexuality, they’re for abc group of people, we’ve got let down 😔”, “What happened to that post where they were clingy to this groupmate of theirs, we got tricked 😭”. They may be haha funny for the first, like, 5 minutes, but not only do they often escalate to being extremely strange and dehumanizing, we need to question the roots of these jokes altogether. Call me unfunny, miserable, a cupcake, a blind defender, tell me to unclench and laugh a little or whatever, but first of all, if you played along with fanservice enough to feel even the slightest bit of disappointment that it’s not reality, what can I say except you’re probably birdbrained enough to hop in a sketchy stranger’s car for an expired lollipop like a 5 year-old? Secondly and more importantly, of course this doesn’t apply if the rumors are also tied to someone disgusting and the idol in question is horrible for dating them (the reactions will be different as well), imagine being so invested in this obviously fake and “ironic” fantasy to the point where your warped perception of them turns so stale you’re deprived from the ability to act normal about the new couple and wishing them well, let alone bearing happiness for them and the fact that they’re cherished and appreciated by someone in real life. K-pop fandoms have always been doomed in that aspect, both Korean and overseas, but you could distinguish between the normal fans and the truly delusional crowd, because due to internet humor being debatably cornier in the past, these comments looked freakish right at first sight. With the current jokes, irony and self-deprecation, the lines between “satire” and reality have become more blurred than ever, and you need to possess a level of reading comprehension and critical thinking to raise an eyebrow at these responses. K-poppies worldwide possess neither! They’ll only consider calling out the comments infringing personal life if they’re laid out caveman style like “my idol dating bad, making fans sad bad, idol no date no club no different gender friend, idol only love fans and make fans happy”. No sense of nuance or depth, no appreciation for these ARTISTS’ artistry and work, only a desire to project their lack of a social circle onto singing and dancing pretty dolls thousands of miles, or rather a screen away. I get it, they couldn’t give a monkey’s about the music, about the talent, about the performances no matter how much they pathetically pretend to. The hell depth of the barrel is checking yourself for your behavior and comments, and either admitting you’re severely unwell and not much different than the K-nets you get a high out of criticizing or fixing that attitude and getting a damn life. It’s clown behavior for us international K-pop fans to yap about the select group of emotionally unstable Korean fans when we’re faced with the exact same problem within our own side of the fandom! Trash vs garbage, coleslaw vs potato salad, Wish vs AliExpress. Get real. 
I can’t believe I’m staying in this hellhole even though I’m very distant from fandoms, for long years every other day has presented me with signals to leave for once and for all, but unfortunately I’m too invested in my faves’ future music projects so I don’t see myself quitting soon.
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
Ooof lemme just touch on my thoughts with American forests? Bc I grew up in the middle of nowhere, and currently I'm living by what's supposed to be a protected forest, but is slowly being chipped away at for more developments. This may sound like a weird breakdown but eh, I'm on anon so like. It be what it be!
But like. The vibes vary? I worked at a nature center for a bit and you could tell the woods fostered a sort of love towards it's visitors, a lot of who were little kids on field trips to learn? I can see these spaces reflecting the memories and emotions of the area, and there was a bunch of laughter and overall fun to be had!
The forest next to me? Being developed very slowly? Dude it's angry or something is. I have to wake up at 3am-ish for work and you can hear things on the way past driving by? Things that sound a bit off. Moving shadows in the corner of your eye, displaced deer and bear and all sorts of critters roaming the streets at night.
I hate that this weird housing market boom is causing these companies to buy up land in an attempt to make failing developments; the amount of abandoned developments that have just bulldozed the forest, paved the roads, made a example house and just. Never went further than that is sad. If anyone moves into that area like good luck. As an extra special edition, there's a giant sinkhole in that area, meaning if they develop it, basically they'd be selling shit homes that'd constantly need repair bc of the shifting earth underneath with a real risk of one day just being sucked into the earth?
I dunno, I've always been drawn to the water more than the forest? Like throw me in the water and my soul feels at home, the forest to me is beautiful! But not my particular jam. But man also fucked up water mythos is also a bigass vibe
hfjdhsj that sounds scary omg - ngl American forests/wildlife legitimately scare me. I was around 19/20ish when I learned that the US is still super wild, for the lack of a better word - and that people die of exposure, get attacked by predators etc. That is absolutely bewildering to me. We have very little virgin forests left iirc. It's either commercially used forests (my family owns some odd hectars of one, actually! and if you think it makes big money... it doesn't 😂 we've just been farmers for eons) or very young forest that is barely recovering (yes there are ancient oaks etc but many conservatory efforts have only been made during the 19th century!). So while we do have nice forests, thick and lush - they pale in comparison to what we had centuries ago. The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest is legendary for a reason, the Romans were fucking going through it in all that muck. I just- listen the last time we had a free bear in Germany, he got a fancy name, was tracked and everyone FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT UNTIL HE GOT SHOT RIP. We called him 'Bruno the problem bear'. Like. We're scared, okay? And Americans go camping and put their food in another container outside of their tents "because there's bears *shrug*" BRO I- WDYM THERE ARE BEARS- GET ME OUT OF HERE
Seriously, the US is unfathomable to my feeble middle-European mind lmao
And yeah, like you said!! Forests are weird places... And I totally get why humans of ye olden times™ had a million tales surrounding them. I hate forests at night, tepid European ones or not 😭 (also.... sinkholes are so dangerous?? holy shit, whatever they're doing at your place, that should be illegal jeez. Never underestimate nature, people die from that)
(Haha if you like water you'd like my home state!! We have lakes everywhere + the Spree Forest. But we've been getting a little 'muddier' in these last couple of years haha) And water-based myths!!! I grew up with creepy water witches and nymphs!! There's one very specific to my region and he's a mean little fucker who kills children by drowning them/clubbing them and putting their souls in pots. He also loves to play cards lol Are there any water-based cryptids etc in America, actually? I don't think I've ever heard of one of those... There probably are, I'm just not aware 🤔
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arcanadotcom · 4 years
𝕄𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝟞 𝕒𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤
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(Hi everyone! I came up with these when me and my sister went out for a quick little drive after feeling sick of staying home 😘✌🏻 my driving skills got rusty. smh!)
(This is my first time writing so i’m sorry if they’re all over the place!)
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☆ Asra
owns an old used car from the 90’s that makes you feel nostalgic
it kinda reeks of weed sometimes...
has random shit laying around the back including a blanket because he totally takes naps in the car between his classes
he’s a pretty slow driver (goes 23mph slower than the rest of traffic)
but as soon as he sees a yellow light he FLOORS IT
this lil shit never uses his blinkers...smh!
giggles when people cuss him out. he don’t give a fuck!
will always give you the aux cord because he vibes with whatever. any tunes you like, he likes too 🥰
often misses freeway exits because he’s too busy chatting with you (“wha..? oh haha...anyways!”)
he easily gets distracted with anything really, so you have to remind him to keep his eyes on the road all the time (it’s cute at first...but after a while it’s just annoying)
always offers to pick you up but never asks for gas money (pretends to forget but he just doesn’t care because it’s you and he care you <3)
overall he’s a cautious driver, he just has very erratic speed patterns and takes really shitty turns
★ Julian
has had the same old black car for about 8 years (hates that it’s a stick shift, but he got over it already)
he’s actually quite a responsible driver. doesn’t break transit rules
never got his license though, but it doesn’t really matter (u gotta do what u gotta do)
he never arrives on time, always late (super apologetic about it)
loses parking tickets and misplaces his keys all. the damn. time. so you usually end up carrying them instead
makes a HUGE fuss over your safety. please wear your seatbelt or else he will go bonkers
but at the same time will not hesitate to be your designated getaway driver (if you need to gtfo of somewhere, he will get you the fuck out of there)
he actually has to use glasses because his vision sucks and can’t read road signs. he looks so cute
his car doesn’t have an aux cord outlet, so he has a bunch of cassettes of different kinds of music ( 70’s rock, jazz, some obscure russian band, etc ) lying around. he can’t drive without music!
has a bit of road rage; if he’s with you he’ll mutter curses under his breath trying to keep composure
but when alone he will absolutely yell at people, but his way of doing it is somewhat.....endearing?
will occasionally bump into things, but has never caused any serious damage
has never been pulled over and only gets tickets due to expired parking meters in downtown (somehow manages to talk his way out of them all the time)
he’s had enough experience around the city so he talks to you about places no one really knows about
he will literally take you a random phone booth that is actually the entrance to a secret undergroung café that looks like a place where academics would hang out and conspire new literary movements
☆ Nadia
doesn’t drive, she has a chauffeur
but if she did, she would own one of those beautiful, modern, pearly off-white cars.
it’s perfectly clean, well kept and smells great
no food or drinks allowed inside. periodt
you’d probably be afraid of ruining the seat when you first get in. she assures you everything is okay
totally drives around wearing a pair of gloves, headscarf, and gorgeous sunglasses to protect herself from the sun. also because she’s so classy <3
she excels at everything in driving
flawless breaking and parking, but thinks that going around looking for a spot is a waste of time so she’d rather just pay extra for valet parking
her only flaw is that she gets super impatient with how long it takes for a red light to turn green
and she almost never stops for pedestrians
would usually call you to see if you’d like to go shopping with her or just accompany her for some errands (pls go with her she adores having you around 🥺)
doesn’t have a problem with giving you rides, but she’s always busy with a tight schedule, so rides from her are very rare
probably feels bad about it so she’ll send you an uber black instead
★ Muriel
hates going out because it means he has to drive ://
he just wants to get from point A to point B without any issues really
you’ll notice that his car always has a layer of dirt on it since he never really uses it (he doesn’t bother to give it a little wipe before hoping in)
would probably own a normal, practical car that gets the job done and doesn’t need much maintenance. nothing too fancy
.......but i really want to see him with a jeep so i’ll make him own a jeep ☺️
highkey anxious and hyperaware of his surrounding drivers
he looks too tense and grips the wheel hard....tell him to relax pls
if someone tries to pass him, he will absolutely give them a Look through the rear mirror
not one to listen to music (will sometimes turn on the radio but slams it off eventually because it’s annoying)
used to be terribly afraid of highways
mumbles and grumbles about how dangerous and stupid it is to carelessly swerve lanes just to go fast and look cool
☆ Portia
drives all the time so she’s definitely the most experienced on the road
owns a cute convertible beetle that she takes care of and loves very much ❤️ (has so many cute ass bumper stickers)
will not hesitate to change the tires on her own if needed
music is always loud and top is down most of the time
she’s got anything you might need in her glove box (hand cream? tissues? sanitizer? pocket knife? she has it yes ma’am)
when she’s by herself, laws simply do not exist
lowkey a threat to society. get her off
she goes so fucking fast like she zooms💨 down the road (mainly because she’s always on a hurry)
basically breaks whatever law she wants but once she spots a cop, citizen of the year
ohh but if you and/or anyone else is with her, it’s a whole different story
she drives carefully and slows down, would hate to put your safety at risk (same as julian)
road trips with her are THE BEST. going on drives with her always feel like a scene from a coming of age film 💕✨🧚‍♀️
★ Lucio
not necessarily an irresponsible driver, he’s just reckless and obnoxious
owns a restored, fancy vintage car that’s either red or white (his license plate is personalized, bedazzled and borderline opulent). genuinely proud of it
revs the engine just to piss people off
is always willing and able to be there for you if you need him
when he’s there to pick you up, he will absolutely make a scene for you to notice him. simply giving you a call is out of the equation!
the backseats are full of white hair...you know he brings his adored babies everywhere he goes
blasts music at an ASTRONOMICAL VOLUME and he just sits there like 🤪✌🏻🎶🕺🏼
but believe it or not, his music taste is actually really good....it slaps. so it’s okay
likes to drive fast (“oh you want to see some speed? i’ll show you some real speed”)
cannot stand traffic and slow drivers make him go batshit crazy
honks at everyone for everything but gets offended if they honk back >:(
you’ll still see him at the red light despite him doing 84 lane changes
tells you he LOVES the attention he gets because of the car, but then feels super self conscious if people stare too much or too long......although he will never admit it
this guy loves to gossip with you and likes to make fun of random pedestrians... you gotta admit he makes you snicker quite a bit. who am i kidding he’s funny as fuck of course you’re gonna laugh
doesn’t slow down for speed bumps, will blow quick kisses at the little fake cameras on top of the traffic lights, and has definitely scratched the lower sides of his car on curves more than once (*frantic wheel stirring* “not my fault not my fault!!”)
this man’s biggest struggle is parking. he cannot park for shit (secretly embarrassed about it)
it takes FOREVER for him to parallel park. might as well snooze while he’s at it
genuinely tries his best, going as far as to do the “arm behind the seat to look back” move (he wants to impress you dammit!!), but gets frustrated and gives up
so most of the time he ends up taking two spots despite trying so hard not to
gets tickets all the time (“now they’re ganging up against me! and for what?? what the fuck did i do!!”)
cannot comprehend street signs (“lucio you will get a $650 fine” “darling wdym?? it costs $650 to park here”)
going on a drive with him can be stressful and a bit crazy, but it’s always entertaining and you get the best stories to tell
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kae-karo · 4 years
How about Aizawa and Shirakumo? If you don't mind, that is!
hi hi hi hello dear!!! sorry for the delay in answering this i had to binge vigilantes so i could respond to this with some accuracy and now i’m crying - send me a bnha character or ship and i’ll give u my thots (x)! check out what i’ve already done (x)
here was my strongest thought about these two: shirakumo, had he lived, would’ve been the mirio to aizawa’s amajiki. where aizawa continued to feel less than competent, like he had no real path forward, shirakumo would’ve been the one encouraging him (and in a way, i guess he did)
shirakumo first of all let me just say ya boi oboro was horny for literally everyone all the time. my fave aspect of him. i still am cackling that our first intro to him as a character was how mic had his hands on aizawa and oboro was like ‘oo can i join?’
anyway i think shirakumo was, for a while, the only person who could actually make aizawa smile? i think he had a level of maturity/calmness that mic didn’t have yet, and he knew not only when and how to make a joke that aizawa would (begrudgingly) appreciate whereas, up until oboro’s death, mic was more likely to just be annoying (not that aizawa disliked him necessarily but he was more easily annoyed by mic)
i think shirakumo would’ve been the one to tie the three of them together, too, after graduating. and u bet ur ass shirakumo would go out of his way to do all kinds of little things that aizawa would appreciate - not the loud and obnoxious kinds of declarations of love or w.e but bringing him his favorite food after a patrol, making sure he’s awake on time (and that he actually takes time off), and the like
where i think mic is a polar opposite of aizawa, making their relationship one of meeting in the middle, i think shirakumo has more tact in how he acts with aizawa? like, giving him gentle nudges ouside his comfort zone until that zone expands
i don’t think aizawa would be the same person he is if shirakumo had lived as shirakumo. not that he wouldn’t be similar, but i think he’d be more inclined to smile. he’d be the UA teacher everyone hopes they’ll get cause he’s tough but undoubtedly the best (and if you’re lucky, they say that the pro hero loud cloud likes to stop by sometimes and take over the class for a day, which is an absolute blast)
i also don’t think shirakumo would be particularly secretive about him and aizawa? he wouldn’t answer questions in interviews about it or anything but he also has no problem with the regular insinuations that he and aizawa are together. he tends to laugh them off without actually answering, which works fine for aizawa. he secretly kind of enjoys the fact that shirakumo is so popular but he leaves aizawa out of the limelight
they have many cats also (both at the agency and home) like ofc they do but it’s never cause aizawa brings them home, it’s always shirakumo and aizawa’s starting to wonder if he really finds them all out on the street/they follow him home/any other excuse oboro’s given him or if they’re just cause he knows how much aizawa loves cats
oh yeah it took aizawa like ten years to figure out shirakumo was flirting and this is how it went down:mic: hey u know oboro likes u rightaizawa: i mean yeah ofc we’re friends?mic: no no. like. he likes youaizawa, confused: yeah, that’s what i said? we’re friends?mic: he wants to kiss you u idiotaizawa, speechless and blushing: ?????mic: have u really not noticed???? damn shoutamic: he literally said the other day that he wanted his hands all over uaizawa: WDYM HE’S JUST LIKE THAT WITH EVERYONEmic: oh my god ur literally hopelessaizawa’s then like HYPERAWARE of every interaction with oboro until oboro calls him out on it and he’s like WHAT HAHA WHAT DO U MEAN I’M ACTING WEIRD HAHA NO I’M NOT and oboro just stares at him with a quirked eyebrow until he caves and is like ‘mic said u were flirting but i know ur just like that with everyone right?’ and oboro’s like slkfjklsdj wait u didn’t realize i was flirting with you???? damn and i thought i was coming on too strong
aizawa then definitely freaks out but oboro’s just like yo look if u don’t like me that way i’ll stop just say the word and aizawa’s like hhhhhhhhhhhh can’t do that cause i actually like you back and oboro’s like OH PERFECT CAN I KISS U NOW which sends aizawa into full amajiki mode. which leaves oboro like ‘oops lmao sorry was that too much? this is the first time i’ve ever really liked someone’ and aizawa’s like U LITERALLY FLIRT WITH ANYTHING THAT HAS LEGS WHAT DO U MEAN and oboro’s like nah that’s just like. joking around. you’re the only one i really actually flirt with
this leads to them taking it completely at aizawa’s pace (with only minimal nudging from oboro as previously mentioned and a LOT of external nudging from mic) and he ends up being the one to kiss oboro first cause he kinda keeps expecting oboro to do it but he doesn’t and aizawa gets impatient and rationalizes it by the fact that they’re dating and that’s what people who are dating do. it takes oboro totally off guard and aizawa’s p sure that’s the first time he’s actually seen oboro blush and oh aizawa’s wondering how much fun he can have with making oboro blush (since he’s usually the one making aizawa blush)
ahem anyway we were robbed of a beautiful aizawa/shirakumo relationship and i cried and that’s all thank u for sending this dear!!!
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sarohara · 4 years
You: hey
Stranger: Yo
You: yoo
Stranger: Did you vige biden
Stranger: Vote* lol
You: actually
You: i'm not even from US ahahah i just put biden...like randomly
You: but did u?
Stranger: OH damn
Stranger: Yes i did!
Stranger: I hope
Stranger: He wins
You: Oh love u then
Stranger: Lmao love you too
You: AHAHAH i hope so as well
Stranger: Aye
Stranger: Where you from
You: Brazil
You: wbu?
Stranger: Usa
Stranger: Lol
You: AAHAHAH i forgot about that
You: alzheimer u know
Stranger: xD
Stranger: Huh?
You: Nah i'm jk, sry
Stranger: Oh
You: so, whats ur name? if u don't mind, sure
Stranger: Dave, hbu
You: Dave, nice name
You: I'm Sarah
Stranger: Oh thats a nice name as well
You: thankss :)
Stranger: Np!
You: well, wyd here Dave?
Stranger: Just asking random ppl if they have voted biden or nah
Stranger: Hbu
You: Ohhh i see
You: Well, i'm just bored..
Stranger: Ohh!
You: so..killing time talking to weirdos
Stranger: Haha
You: freackin weirdos, for real
Stranger: So how is the life in Brazil
Stranger: Is covid going away there?
You: Like, in general? Well, it's good, i love it :) but covid..idk much about the situation now, i hope stable
Stranger: Awesome
You: But not going away yet, sadly
You: Wbu us?
Stranger: Ikr
Stranger: Its getting worse here
Stranger: Sadly
You: Really? That sucks
Stranger: Just waiting for the vaccine
You: Yeaaaa, everybody, trust me lol
Stranger: XD
Stranger: I hope we get soon!
You: Yea dude, it's have been pretty hard to deal, so yea, absolutely
Stranger: Well, for some reason I’m angry on China, they didnt warn us about the covid
You: Wdym warn?
Stranger: Nvm lol
You: like, in the beginning?
Stranger: They didnt warn other countries about the pandemic
Stranger: Ye kinda
You: Yeaaaa, but what can we do, right?
Stranger: Maybe it was their bio weapon haha
Stranger: I’m just guessing.
You: AHAHAHAH funny
You: But
You: i don't think so
You: it's a backfire
Stranger: There has been several videos about it on YouTube, they saying it is
You: Yea?
You: Damn then
Stranger: Ye I remember seeing one video, in which they said the virus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan
You: Yeaaa, ik that, it would make sense tho... but nah, idk...
Stranger: Lol
You: rumors
Stranger: Haha
You: I hope..
You: ahahah
Stranger: Well, why didnt it spread in other parts of china? Why only Wuhan??
Stranger: Whereas, in other countries it has spread almost everywhere lol
Stranger: I guess, it was all planned by chinese ppl lol
You: Do u spend time thinking about it? Seems sick ahahahah
Stranger: XD
You: i'm just messing with u, sure lol
Stranger: I was just doing research why would it spread only in wuhan city in china and why not other parts XD
Stranger: And wave 2 also they didnt get much cases in Wuhan
Stranger: Thats little bit weird
Stranger: They are hiding something from us! XD
You: Little bit? That's completely weird and crazy dude
You: AHAHHAHA sure they're
Stranger: Ik lol
You: lets figure out huh
Stranger: Sure XD
You: ahahhahah yea
Stranger: So sup
You: Nm, just chillin...and listening to music
Stranger: Nice!
You: Boring, i would say lol
You: wbu?
Stranger: I’m bored and hungry xD
You: Let's hang out and eat something then lol
You: I feel u
Stranger: I wish we could
You: It would be funny lol
You: jk jk
Stranger: Why lmao
You: Why what?
You: don't say "nvm"
Stranger: Why would it be funny?
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: I didnt
You: Oh don't u think would be funny?
Stranger: We can go somewhere virtually XD
You: We're now
You: Omegle
Stranger: Oh yeah
Stranger: Thats right!
You: Yea, ikr lol
Stranger: Lol
You: were u typing something?
Stranger: i was but i deleted lol i didnt know what to type
You: Oh gotcha u
You: it's ok
You: well
You: wyd now besides nothing?
Stranger: Chilling on the couch
Stranger: Hbu
You: Comfy?
Stranger: Very!
You: That's good dude...
You: Well, i'm eating now
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: What you eating?
You: Pasta :)
Stranger: Yum
Stranger: I’m hungry now
You: Poor u :(
You: lol
Stranger: How old are you?
You: Ohhh do u wanna guess?
Stranger: 19?
You: Nope
Stranger: 18?
You: Down...
Stranger: 16?
You: Yea!!
You: wbu?
You: lemme guesss
Stranger: Alright lol i was gonna type and then i saw you saying lemme guess
You: I'm glad you didn't say ahahahah
Stranger: Haha
You: Umm, 19?
You: 18
You: 20?
Stranger: Wow you were right on your first guess
Stranger: How did you guess?
You: Ohhh i'm good at thisss!!!
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: I’m bad at guessing
You: Nah...yea maybe, kinda
You: lol
Stranger: Lol
You: So..idk
Stranger: So
Stranger: What if
Stranger: Trump wins?
You: Idk dude...fuck trump!!!
Stranger: Ikr xD
Stranger: Fuck him
Stranger: He is like a clown to me
You: well, u know what, it would be great for my country, bc Bolsonarois his "friend"
Stranger: Oh
You: Bolsonaro is*
You: AHAHHA but fuck Bolsonaro as well
Stranger: Is he president of your country?
You: Yeaa, i'm sry, i forgot to say that
Stranger: Ahh
Stranger: Dont be sorry
Stranger: Np!!
Stranger: You are the first person who I chatted for a pretty long time here lmao
Stranger: Others would just leave
Stranger: 😂
You: Ohh that's rlly cool 😂 i guess
Stranger: Ikr
You: Well, but why would the others just leave?
You: Like ur rly cool
Stranger: Idk lol
Stranger: Haha you are cool too
You: Sometimes 😂
Stranger: Same!
You: Nah shut up😂
Stranger: I’m serious
Stranger: Tho
Stranger: !
You: Really? well, i mean
Stranger: Yesss!!!
You: It doesn't seem like huh
Stranger: I feel like
Stranger: Eatin
Stranger: Pizza
Stranger: Make me
Stranger: Some
You: Nooooo
Stranger: Yessss!
Stranger: You are
Stranger: My super chef
You: Okay, there we go
Stranger: Ik you make pizzas in 2 mins
Stranger: Jk
You: I'm soooo chef 😂 u don't even know
Stranger: You are ik that
Stranger: You make so yummy dishes
Stranger: Yum yum 😋
You: Yea for sure!! 😂
Stranger: Not even kidding!
You: Yeaaa, you bet 😂
Stranger: Yessss!
You: Yaaaasss
Stranger: Yassssss
You: Damn, we're so unoccupied 😂
Stranger: Ikr lol
You: hey, hold on
Stranger: Oh wait
Stranger: I read that wrong!!!
You: i'll show u a song
You: wait what
Stranger: Lmao
Stranger: Okay!! Go ahead and show
Stranger: Oh wait you mean tell?
Stranger: You cant show here
Stranger: Sadly
You: yeaaa, how did u read?
You: No, i can, just hold on
Stranger: Oh well i read by my eyes
Stranger: How?
You: oh no kidding!! by your eyes? damn, really!! wow
You: lmao
Stranger: 😂😂😂
You: Oke brb
Stranger: Sure
Stranger: Tyt
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTTB90p23qo
Stranger: Oh yeah
Stranger: You can
Stranger: Paste the link
Stranger: I totally forgot!
You: Yea i can 😂
Stranger: Yeahhhhh!
Stranger: I’m a noob
You: Yea, ur so noob 😂
You: Poor u
Stranger: Lmao
You: lucky u have me
You: 😂
You: jk
Stranger: Soooooo lucky
Stranger: So damn licky
Stranger: Lucky*
Stranger: Ik
Stranger: That
Stranger: Yassss!
You: So...?
Stranger: So what else
Stranger: Lol
You: the song...
Stranger: I’m gonna listen to it later
You: Oh yea, sure
Stranger: I’ve saved dw
You: oh alright
Stranger: Anyways
Stranger: Wyd now
You: Guess
You: the same as before
Stranger: Listening to music???
You: Yea, genius
Stranger: Eating?????
Stranger: Bored?????
You: Bothhhh
Stranger: Ohhh
Stranger: Fun
Stranger: How did you discover omegle lol
You: Youtube videos 😂
You: How did u?
Stranger: Lmao
Stranger: Well
Stranger: I saw
Stranger: My friend
Stranger: Posting weird ss in some group
Stranger: XD
You: Jeeez 😂
You: hey give me a second
Stranger: Ikr 😂
Stranger: Aight
You: (I went to get a glass of water)
Stranger: Oh nice
You: You were curious and came here huh funny 😂
Stranger: Lol
You: Just messing w/ u
Stranger: Ik
You: Good
You: well, what time is it?
Stranger: 3:43pm
You: Oh really? damn I thought it would be a bit later
Stranger: What time is it there?
You: 6:45
You: pm, sure
Stranger: Ohhhh
Stranger: Almost dinner time!
You: Yea, I wouldn't wake up that early 😂
Stranger: XD
You: Almost? Already dinner
Stranger: Lol i have at 7:30
Stranger: 7:30ish
Stranger: Depends
Stranger: Sometimes little early!
You: I have any time 😂
Stranger: Lmao
Stranger: That’s bad
You: it depends
You: but yea
Stranger: Yeahhh!
You: don't judgeee
Stranger: What grade are you in
Stranger: Sure for what
Stranger: XD
Stranger: I never judge anyone!!!
You: Oh grade, um to be specific, i'll finish last year so..
Stranger: 12th?
You: Yea, exactly
Stranger: Oh nice!!
You: actually idk, the system is different here...but yea i think so
Stranger: Ahh
You: Yeaa
Stranger: I’m
Stranger: Bored
You: No kidding!!
Stranger: Yessss!
You: how does it feel? lol
Stranger: Feels
Stranger: Really
You: Bored
Stranger: Bad lmao
You: Yea ikr
Stranger: And bored lol
Stranger: 🙌🏻
You: Do u use netflix? randomly
Stranger: Nah
Stranger: No time for it
Stranger: Hbu
You: No time for it? I thought u were bored
You: What do u do? Busy guy
Stranger: Tbh
Stranger: I dont watch nay tv show lol
You: (and yes, I use it a lot lol)
Stranger: Oh what do you watch?
You: Movies...Series...
Stranger: Well, i spend my time on YouTube most of the time
Stranger: When I’m bored
Stranger: Or i just play games lol
You: well, u know tv shows burns neurons, it’s good that you don’t even watch lol
Stranger: XD
You: Games? What games? just asking bc i don't play at all lol
Stranger: Call of duty most of the time
Stranger: Cs:go
Stranger: Sometimes
You: Oh that's good, i guess
You: I'll pretend I know what it is
Stranger: Lmao
Stranger: Anyways i gtg nice talking to ya
0 notes
melodicminho · 7 years
bts react ෴ s/o gets hurt
anon asked: could you do bts reaction when there gf is practcing with them and memebers for fun and she broke her (arm, hand, finger or leg) if thats okay with you
im an #asshole for not getting to this sooner. i might change this up a little bc breaking a bone is smth ive never experienced and it might seem a little unrealistic
+ im going to write the next few reactions with bullets and probably in crack form bc im totally lacking in writing spirit bc of school, work and sports and also i haven’t had any fu n in a while so HERE WE GO
⁂ seokjin:
he saw you on the floor clutching your ankle, and immediately he’s on the floor with you, replacing your hands with his to see if it’s swollen
he cried a little inside cause u hurt ur pretty ankle
“i told you it was a bad idea!” he’d say with a frown, thumbing over your ankle bone as jimin came back with an ice pack
“it seemed fun when i was watching” you had grumbled
and jin was like ))): aw honey
he kinda forced the boys to pamper you a little more than usual once you got your injury wrapped
EG: one of the members helping you elevate your foot, changing the ice pack when in need for a new one, aiding you in walking when your crutches are far away
of course jin would do his part
feeding you food, wrapping you up in a blanket, carrying you around on his back
he vowed that spraining ur ankle would never happen ever again since u told him it hurt like a bitch
“the only dance you’ll be doing from now on is the one you’ll be practicing for our wedding”
[ im cringing thts so cheseys AAAAAA ]
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⁂ namjoon:
ok but
kind of expected you to get hurt when you said “im gonna try that twirling kick shin hyesung did in shinhwa’s perfect man choreo!”
did not approve when taehyung and jungkook spurred you on by saying “you can do it!!!!”
winced when u nearly succeeded but still failed, landing on your front with a brutal ‘snap’
your hearing kind of got fuzzy after that bc the pain in your arm was unbearable, but sorta numb ?
but you still (barely) heard hoseok’s shouts of terror as you felt someone’s hands on your shoulders
“ 자기!” namjoon said urgently as he tried snapping his fingers in front of your face
yoongi would be calling the ambulance as your boyfriend tried to keep you awake as they waited for help to arrive
with a frown, he would scold you after you got your cast on
even scolded u on ur cast in neat writing
“i’m relieved it wasn’t something even worse like a terrible concussion” he’d say while petting your hair
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⁂ yoongi:
wasn’t there when it happened
probably in the studio while a few of the other members let you hang out with them in the choreo room
was ?? when he saw tht jungkook was calling him
“thought you guys were practicing?”
“um yeah haha funn y story but um ur s/o is kind of on the floor and they’re huR t pls help 형”
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“WHERE IS SHE” he says once he reaches the dancing studio
feels bad for not being there for u the moment you got hurt </3
holds the ice pack for u once hoseok searches up what to do with a pulled muscle
pats your shoulder affectionately when you thank him
smiles bashfully
but still feels bad bc he wasn’t there to immediately come to your aid /:
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⁂ hoseok:
no doubt panicked
for fucks sake you twisted your ANKLE
how the fuck did it happen in the first place??!? he asks himself
ngl but twisted ankles look disgusting he was screaming on the inside when he had to look at your injury
barely did anything when it came to actually helping you bc he was so shocked
taehyung had to call an ambulance for him lols he couldn’t move
“babe, im fine” you reassured with a grimace
hoseok was like
“u fucking liar”
“how did u even manage doing that just by dancing?? CARE TO EXPLAI N HONEY”
“i got carried away ig, geez ,,,,,” you’d respond with and hoseok would FLIP
“i’m not letting you dance anymore sry it’s the rules”
“now lets take care of that ankle of yours so that i can teach you smth like the waltz next time /: “
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⁂ taehyung:
might be one of the calmest when it came to dealing with your injury
even though on the inside he was a MESS
“ 내 사랑, how are you feeling? are your legs still not doing great?” he’d ask with worry lines on his forehead
he knew how bad your lower limbs’ condition was, and still letting you join their dance practice might have been a bad idea
“i’m fine, taehyung,” you’d say with a fond smile, “it’s normal for me to feel like this; i don’t think it’s a big deal.”
this makes him frown even more bc ?? wdym u don’t think it’s a big deal ?? you can seriously hurt yourself !!!
“for the next few days and maybe even weeks, i wont let you use your legs!! free piggyback rides forever.” he says with a proud smile, wagging his finger at you when you try to protest
the boys give you a pat on the head as your boyfriend begins to massage your legs so that they don’t ache and feel sore now and later
the others suggest that you listen to taehyung and with a sigh, you nod
“thank you for taking care of me, hun.” with a smile, you blew him a kiss in which he responds with a smooch to your knee
“it’s what being a boyfriend is for!”
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⁂ jimin:
kinda wailed when you tripped over yourself and fell face first onto the floor
“i told you the choreography was too hard to do!! see, look! you hurt yourself!” it sounded like he was whining n that amused u a lot how cute
once you got up from the floor, jungkook looked at u; wincing
he motioned to his nose and mouth area as he tried to speak
“u’ve got a little ,, um ... “
curiously, jimin turned his head to look at you and when he did
“ 피! oHGDO”
blood was slowly gushing out of ur nose
and ur lip was split
how did you not notice this before omg?? wow
“jimin, calm down, we just need to clean her face up and do some bandaging and plugging.”
“i should get an ice pack for her nose !!” bolted out of there
kind of let jin take care of you bc he was a little worried he himself would hurt you more
jin let him put a cute bandage on ur cut lip!!
kissed it to make it feel better too <333
also pinched ur nose for you and put the ice pack on the back of your neck !!!
“no more dancing for you okay!!!”
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⁂ jungkook:
totally didn’t expect u to injure ur toes but hey!! u did it
very impressed tbh
“who knew such a thing could happen??”
“ok but for real, are u okay, babe”
stood there for a bit with you wondering what to do
“maybe we should bring her to the ER, bro ...”
he snapped his fingers in agreement and smiled at yoongi
“형! you’re brilliant!” 
put fuzzy slippers on your feet instead of your shoes just in case you felt uncomfortable or in pain bc of them!!
carried you to the group’s minivan bc he will not let u hurt urself even MORE what a sin
held u in his lap on the ride to the hospital ( albeit shyly ) bc he was worried that if your feet touch the floor it would make your toes ouch /:
“i don’t think it’s safe for you to dance for now” he said seriously, watching as the doctor examined your feet to see how minor or major your injury was
with a frown, you nodded in agreement “you’re right, you’re right”
he gave you a smile though and squeezed your hand “i’ll try to think of others ways to have fun without using your feet!”
</3 how precious what a babe
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