#we are back in business babey!!! thanks for the request love!
teetlestansecond · 2 years
yay requests!! can I request the turtles and April with a sick reader? I've been sick the last few days and I'm pretty sure your hcs are as good as medicine!
oh bestie same i feel like my brain has been dripping out from my nose 😭😭 i hope we both start feeling better soon!!
rise turtles + april x sick reader
gn!reader, mild general warning for anyone who doesn't want to read about being sick ♥️
raph! ❤️
mom mode: activated.
you came over to the lab to pick up something you'd left and made the unfortunate mistake of sniffling within earshot of your boyfriend. a fatal mistake, truly.
"are you sick? do you have a fever? you might have a fever come here -"
definitely does the classic "back of the hand to the forehead" to check your temperature, which may not be the most accurate method but he simply couldn't care less.
you're running a temperature anyway, leon confirms it for raph and really that's all he needs. you are swiftly sentenced to staying in bed until you're all better.
raph can be a little overbearing while you're sick, but he means well. he's just worried about you and wants to make sure you're okay.
my boy can't cook, so he convinces mikey to make you soup and definitely feeds it to you.
he also reads to you every time. you let him pick the book because you just like listening to him regardless of what it is he's saying. he makes really solid choices anyway so you trust him to pick something you'll enjoy.
he piles so many blankets and pillows on the bed and you're definitely drowning but you're so so comfy.
raph checks your temperature and makes sure you take your medicine on a tight schedule, and it amuses you to no end - unless you were sleeping and got woken up so you could take your medicine. then you're a little grumpy, but raph will insist that it was necessary and cuddle you back to sleep.
speaking of cuddles, he's the one that cuddles with you the entire time you're sick and ends up catching your cold, but lucky for raph you're more than happy to return the favor and take care of him.
donnie! 💜
donnie is not a fan of dealing with people when they're sick, but he loves you so he's worked out a system.
if he thinks you're sick, he'll make his own assessment and come up with the least likely situation possible.
"yep, as i suspected, brain-eating amoeba. have you been swimming in untreated water lately?"
this is very intentional on his part, because you always huff and roll your eyes and go to leon so he can confirm that you have a simple cold.
donnie knows that he can't make you go see leon, so he always comes up with a wild diagnosis to trick you into going on your own to prove him wrong.
once you get your cold diagnosis, donnie pretty much confines you to the lab before anyone else in the lair catches a cold from you. he's got a very cozy futon in there and he keeps it cool in the lab so it's more comfortable than being in a warmer space.
like raph, donnie is also a stickler about making sure you take your medicine on time, but he won't wake you up if you're sleeping. he figures rest is medicine in its own right.
he pretends to not be hovering but he's hovering. he pretends to work on a project but he's really just watching you throughout the day, making sure you're doing alright and all. it's very sweet but he'll deny it forever if you call him out on it.
in spite of the fact that he made you quarantine to keep everyone from getting sick, he ends up getting sick himself because he stayed with you the whole time and didn't think to wear any sort of protective gear.
leon! 💙
is there a doctor in the house? there is and he's onto you the moment you come into the lair.
leon is the best when it comes to dealing with sick people in general, and he's ten times better with you as his s/o.
immediately takes you to his room and has you settle down for a little while while he gets some medicine and soup for you.
leon can cook thirteen dishes really well and that's it. everything else is a guaranteed disaster. one of those thirteen dishes is egg drop soup, and he'll make you a whole bunch to get you through the next few days.
he makes you a lot of medicinal teas, too. leon especially favors ginger tea to help soothe your throat.
he'll keep you in his room for the day, but he'll walk you home at night in one disguise or another. you complain that he could portal you home, or let you stay the night, but he reasons that movement is good for you.
he'll walk you home at night and show up in the morning to walk you back to the lair throughout the duration of your cold to keep you moving.
while you're in the lair, leon will entertain you with movies or, on at least one occasion, a ten-hour vine compilation he may or may not have made himself. he does not care that it's 2023 he's still living in the golden days of vine.
he just wants to keep your spirits up while you're sick so he's twice as silly as usual.
also gets sick after you because he spent every day of your cold cuddling, but while he handled your cold like a champ he acts like his cold is going to kill him.
mikey! 🧡
as the baby of the family, mikey knows how it can be getting smothered half to death when you're sick. he doesn't want to do the same to you, but he wants to take care of you, so he finds a balance.
when he finds out you're sick, he insists that you stay home and promises to come over in a couple of hours to check on you.
he uses those couple of hours to make you some soup and a few of your favorite snacks and dishes, then forces leon to help him pick the best teas for colds and flus. he grabs a few art supplies and games too, wanting to keep you entertained.
he stays at your place the whole time you're sick, and while he's not really a medic he makes a great caretaker in your opinion.
he trusts you to make decisions about how often you take medicine, and while he suggests things here and there he largely makes your own decisions while you're recovering.
he'll share his games or offer you some of his art supplies, just so you have something to keep your mind busy with.
as much as he wants to give you the space to do your own thing, he's very affectionate when you're sick and will be getting as much cuddle action as he can. this is the one thing he insists upon and he tells you that it'll help you feel better faster. you're not sure about the science behind that but it's not like the cuddles bother you anyway.
mikey will tidy up your room whenever you're sick because he also claims that it'll help you recover. again, you're not sure how true that is, but you think it's very sweet and you can admit that the cleaner space kinda does make you feel better.
mikey takes proper precautions when you're sick and is the only one who doesn't catch a cold from you.
april! 💚
april absolutely hates being around people when they're sick, but she's made an exception for you.
when she finds out you're sick, she comes over with all your favorite junk food, her mother's famous soup, and plenty of medicine.
like mikey, she just stays at your place the whole time, but she keeps her distance and won't actually get on the bed with you.
you guys tend to just do your own things together, but she will keep an eye on you and asks you how you're doing every couple of hours.
she also cleans up when you're sick, but it's a part of her effort to keep herself from getting sick in the process.
april won't give you a lot of affection, but she will bring you one of her favorite stuffed animals to cuddle with and promises to give you plenty of kisses once you're all better.
"consider it an incentive to heal up faster."
does it work? maybe so.
she does keep her promise though, and is super affectionate with you after you get better because she missed it while you were sick.
april doesn't always catch a cold from you, but when she does she's miserable and grumpy about it, but luckily you're there to take care of her.
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agerefandom · 1 year
Hi! I'm so excited that you are back and feeling better! I know I should really be more precise but I absolutely love Twilight and Skulduggery Pleasant agere content but there is barely any. I absolutely adore how you write and the storylines in all of your stories. So if you would like to write some headcannons or anything on either of these fandoms I would be absolutely extatic!!!
Thank you so much!!! I am going to take this as a broad prompt of 'thoughts about age regression in these fandoms' and you have permission to send in a more specific headcanon request if you'd like (even though requests are closed).
I feel like my Twilight thoughts are very unspecific:
I love the Cullen kids as both regressors and caregivers, I prefer to write them in separate universes but both sides are so fun. Carlisle and Esme are 100% caregiver energy, there's no other explanation for them adopting the others. They're only five years apart physically!!
Caregiver!Volturi do have a special place in my heart but that's just because I love the way that Aro shows emotions with his whole body in the movies, I think it is so neat. Also, evil babies club needs evil vampire caregivers!!
I also want to give Bella all of the regression rights, she spent her whole childhood taking care of her mother and she deserves that time back!!! (personally, I favour Charlie, Alice, or Carlisle as her caregiver)
Meanwhile, for Skulduggery Pleasant...
I already wrote out some of my feelings about cg!Skul and regressor!Val in this post but I love it so much.
Regressor Valkyrie is in my heart and soul. It just makes sense.
Caregiver Tanith is also just *chef's kiss* perfection I have no notes she would absolutely scoop up a regressor like no one's business
Clarabelle is 100% a regressor and you cannot tell when she is regressing because she is just That Chaotic. I really like her with the zombie squad just being Babey, I think Thrasher would be an amazing caregiver
On the Dead Men:
Ghastly and Skulduggery 100% caregivers, I love them so much. I would headcanon Anton as a flip, who involuntarily regresses. Saracen 100% regressor, needs sooo much attention. Dexter Vex could go either way for me. Hopeless I personally like as a regressor, I know we don't have much on him but it's just a personal headcanon. I think I'd put Erskine as a regressor just for a little extra drama to some later plot twists.
Finbar Wrong would be the most chaotic caregiver but he absolutely would scoop a regressor in distress off the street and give them some badly burned cookies.
Okay, this one is controversial but hear me out: China Sorrows... age regressor. She had such a traumatic and controlled childhood, and she still holds herself to such an impossibly high standard, I think she should be a little kid and ride horses and maybe even get muddy. I would love to see Skul as her cg because I have a soft spot for the two of them but also I think she'd be okay on her own. Or as a development to her rivalry with Tanith???? Tasty.
There are So Many Skulduggery Pleasant Characters but these are some of my personal favourite headcanons!!
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Begone, Bitch
Prompts: Hi ! I just wanted to say that i love your stories and the way you write the characters ! If you want, could you write about Virgil being comforted by the other sides, or him getting hurt while protecting the others ? - anon
I am beyond grateful for every fic you write, you are so good at pushing all the right emotional buttons to just make my entire day. I don't want to be greedy since you already make so much good content, but in 'Lie to Me' there was that little one off scene in the kitchen where Virgil pushes Janus behind him to 'protect ' him from Roman and I *cannot* stop thinking about it. I would die for a whole fic of Virgil protecting Janus(and the others, but mostly Janus, I like when people are sweet to the snake boy) from danger by physically shielding him with his body. Overprotective Virgil is my favorite. So this is a prompt/request but only if you really really want to <3 And thank you for writing such wonderful fic. - awitchbravestheverge
Ah yes more opportunities to write in Virgil's narration style.
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none, not really. Some creepy shadow shit from the Subconcious and Virgil gets a little hurt but nothing graphic
Pairings: platonic found family babey
Word Count: 4504
The Subconscious is a nasty piece of work. It’s not quite powerful enough to overtake the Mindscape by itself, Roman and Remus do too good of a job holding the barriers in the Imagination, but that doesn’t mean little shits don’t worm their way through every now and then. Guess who gets the fantastic job of being alert to each and every single one of them?
No fucking prizes for guessing who.
The Subconscious is a nasty piece of work. It’s not quite powerful enough to overtake the Mindscape by itself, Roman and Remus do too good of a job holding the barriers in the Imagination, but that doesn’t mean little shits don’t worm their way through every now and then. Guess who gets the fantastic job of being alert to each and every single one of them?
No fucking prizes for guessing who.
For the most part, Virgil’s able to work undetected. Or, well, no, the others will see him doing shit but they don’t know that’s what he’s doing. He just has to stand between them and whatever gross slimy black thing has crawled its way up from the depths of the Subconscious and it’ll get absorbed. Part of Thomas’s background anxiety until he can banish back to the hellhole from whence it came.
That doesn’t always mean it’s…painless.
Some of them are fine. Some of them are like little misty bits that just putter around where they’re not fucking supposed to be and Virgil can just pluck them out of the air and stuff them into the pockets of his hoodie and wait. These ones really like to bother Patton, for some reason.
Patton’s baking today, cinnamon sugar muffins. He’s humming to himself as he bustles about the kitchen with that weird boundless energy of his that makes everyone want to think about nothing but sunshine. Ruins the hell out of Virgil’s gloomy emo image but hey, fresh muffins. Sacrifices must be made somewhere.
“Did you want to help, Virgil, or are you fine with just sitting there?”
Virgil blinks, having zoned out after the third time watching one of the containers almost fall over. “Nah, I’m good.”
Patton shrugs. “If you change your mind…”
“I won’t, Pat, I’m good. You’re doing great.”
“Aw, thanks!”
Virgil opens his mouth to say something else when he sees a little grey thing twisting in the air next to Patton’s head. He suppresses a sigh and reaches out, careful to make sure Patton’s back is turned as he snags the pesky little thing and whips it away. He stuffs his hand in his pocket as soon as Patton turns around.
“What was that?”
“What was what,” Virgil asks, blinking innocently as he squeezes the icy thing in his pocket, “what’re you talking about?”
Ah, it’s the hands-on-the-hips dad pose today. “I saw you reach for something, mister, now what did you do?”
“Don’t worry about it.” The misty little shit shrivels and disappears, leaving an ice-cold sting on his hand out of sight. “It’s fine.”
“Show me your hands.”
“Show me your hands, Virgil.”
Virgil sighs and pulls the unstung hand out of his pocket. “See,” he says, waving it for good measure, “nothing to see here.”
Patton just raises an eyebrow. “And what about the other one?”
“C’mon, Pat—“ he sighs when both of Patton’s eyebrows go up— “fine, here.”
Patton’s eyes widen when he sees the mark on Virgil’s palm. He rushes forward instantly, cradling the injured hand and reaching for a towel. Conveniently, he gets one that was quite near where the misty thing had been floating.
“You could’ve told me you were hurt,” he says softly, tending to the sting with such tenderness that Virgil almost believes it’s something to worry about, “I would’ve helped.”
“But it’s fine, Pat,” Virgil sighs, “I could’ve dealt with it.”
“I know, I know.” Patton gives the hand one last dab with the towel before pronouncing it good enough. “But it’s never a crime to let us help you, kiddo.”
The corner of Virgil’s mouth tugs up. “Thanks, Pat.”
“Oh, of course, kiddo. Now you sit tight, the muffins won’t be another ten minutes.”
“Can’t wait.”
Sometimes the Subconscious decides it’s bored of letting just the little misty bastards out and lets out the fucking ooze.
Have you ever seen Venom? Know how the symbioses move and how weird it is to look at?
Yeah, it kinda looks like that, just without the gay domesticity and mutual pining.
Nah, this ooze is mindless, just wants to—well, it doesn’t want anything, it just gets fucking everywhere. Makes it real hard to think sometimes, messes everything up.
Really likes fucking with Logan. Which first off, is not allowed. Don’t fuck with Logan. Don’t fuck with any of them, Virgil can and will kick your ass, but especially don’t fuck with Logan. Remus will tear you apart and no one will stop him. Except for Logan. Maybe. ‘Cause he’s nice like that.
Anyway, Virgil gets a weird tingle between his shoulders when there’s an oozy bitch up and about. He’s sitting on the couch, minding his own damn business, but then there’s that itch between his shoulders and he perks his head up.
Logan sits in a chair, alternating between scrolling on his laptop and making notes in one of his many notebooks. Virgil frowns, looking around, seeing if there’s any goo to keep track of, only to come up with nothing. Huh.
Logan tilts his head, concerned. “Are you alright? You look worried.”
He shakes his head, still squinting around the room. “Weird feeling, that’s it.”
“Will you let me know if it gets unbearable?” Virgil nods. “Thank you. Well, I’m going to get some more coffee, would you like any?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, L, that’d be great.”
Logan nods and stands, going to the kitchen. Leaving his laptop unattended on the coffee table.
Virgil watches as a truly massive ooze slides out from between the couch cushions and toward the laptop.
Not today you slimy bastard.
Unfortunately, he’s just a second too slow as a tendril from the ooze touches the laptop and yanks, pulling the laptop off the coffee table and sending it hurtling toward the floor. Virgil bites back a curse and lunges. His hand grabs the ooze just as his arm catches the laptop.
“Get back here, you little shit,” he grunts, opening his hand and using his power to suck the frothing fucker into his arm where it can go the fuck back to the Subconscious.
“Virgil, you—“
Virgil looks up, a little guilty, as Logan comes back around the corner holding two coffee mugs. He looks down and raises an eyebrow.
“You…saved my laptop?”
“It was falling,” Virgil mutters, setting the precious cargo back on the coffee table, “didn’t want it to.”
“Ah. Well, thank you. I appreciate it.” Logan sets one of the coffee mugs down and reaches out a hand to help him up. “Though I assure you it is not the first time that laptop has been dropped.”
“What do you do with your stuff, Lo, I swear you make more cryptic remarks about it than J.”
“It’s all part of the experiment.”
“See, there you go again!”
And then, then sometimes the Subconscious decides oh, it wants to get inventive and spawn this horrific little ooze-demons. Goat head, four legs, runs about like a creepy little horror game creature, they’re fucking awful. They don’t all look the same but they’re always running and climbing about like some gross as hellcat gremlins. Their nails are so sharp.
These fuckers really like messing with Janus. He’s got too many fun things to pull on, too many heavy clothes for them to pull and make him trip, and they like scurrying up his staff too much. They’re absolute fucking nightmares.
The good news is they’re by far the most obvious of the obnoxious little shits that manage to slip through the barriers of the Subconscious. Virgil hears a weird skittering in his ears and knows that one of the little monsters is loose again. Given how they all flock to Janus like he’s some fucking homing beacon, it’s easy to find them.
Janus is pacing back and forth, yanking angrily at the end of his clothes like they’re about to snag on something, his staff clutched in his hand. His head is down, muttering to himself as Virgil walks up.
His head whips around. “Oh. Virgil. Certainly expected to see you here.”
“That’s me, always turning up where I’m not wanted.”
“I didn’t say that,” Janus mumbles, resuming his pacing, “though I didn’t mean to summon you. You can go.”
“You didn’t summon me, J,” Virgil says, leaning against the wall and looking around for wherever the bastards are, “I’m here of my own free will.”
“Free will,” Janus scoffs, turning around, “what the hell even is that?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Virgil spots movement.
“It’s not like there’s some master document of humans where free will is written into it.”
Slowly, Virgil raises his hand toward the spot, not tearing his eyes off it.
“And the belief that animals don’t have it! Ha, some of them exhibit characteristics of choice much more than we do.”
The little fucker snaps at his fingers as he makes a grab for it. He snags it by the scruff of the beck and yanks.
“And what is this about it being provable? Show me one scientific theory that has space in it for free will. Do it, I dare you.”
Virgil bites back a curse as he wrests the pesky shit around the middle, ignoring the way it chomps and snarls at him.
“Just because you have or don’t have free will doesn’t make you exempt from the constraints of society. Even if you aren’t making your own choices that doesn’t mean you’re the exception to the consequences.”
The teeth that sink into the sleeve of his hoodie are the last to vanish as Virgil breathes out, watching the last of it fade as Janus turns around.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, tugging his hat and gloves, “haven’t been…”
“S’okay, J,” Virgil waves with the hoodie sleeve that isn’t ripped, “you’re good. Come on, let’s go eat something.”
“Sure thing, danger noodle.”
“Ugh, I take it back.”
“Whatever you say, hazard macaroni.”
“I’m taller than you!”
It makes sense that the Subconscious decides to send the most insidious shit after the twins. They’re the reason the pieces of shit monsters can’t make it up to the rest of them. And for the most part, they know what to look for. They don’t have the same awareness of all the little idiosyncrasies that Virgil does, but they beat back a fair number of them on their own.
Which is why the ones they can’t are tricky.
Remus is Dark Creativity, he lives in the muck with the monsters. Thrives in it. Loves the way the gross and the unwanted and the sickening twist and turn about his realm, thrills in the horrified swoop in his stomach when something truly gruesome rears its ugly fuckin’ head.
What he can’t deal with is the fog.
The first time Virgil saw it, he honestly thought it was smoke. He thought Remus had set something on fire and panicked, reaching through to try and find the blaze, find Remus, find a goddamn fire extinguisher, but it was cold.
Like…really cold.
You know how when the air is really humid it feels like it has a weight to it? Like it hangs over you like a wet rag that you just can’t shake off?
Imagine that but cold.
Virgil shivers and reaches forward, trying to find Remus. He’s still never gotten used to it, even though he’s seen it so many times now. Remus doesn’t make it out of his room when the fog comes. He blames it on creative block but Janus always hisses gently when he says that.
“Remus? Remus,” Virgil calls using his tempest tongue, “where are you, buddy?”
He can’t see Remus yet, but the call did its work. The fog ripples in front of him, almost shying away from the sound waves as he moves. He keeps calling, keeps watching the fog almost flinch as it recedes from him. His voice grows louder, louder. The fog begins to retreat in earnest.
Finally, he sees Remus, curled up on his bed, staring at the wall. Virgil muffles a curse as he strides forward, crooning as softly as he can in tempest tongue while glaring furiously at the fog as it sheepishly retreats. As the last of it fizzles, Remus’s head comes to flop on Virgil’s shoulder.
“Hey, spider-ling,” he mumbles, “when’d you show up?”
“A few minutes ago.” Virgil brushes Remus’s hair off his forehead. “You looked upset, bud, wanted to come check on you.”
“Fucking fine,” comes the slur, signifying that Remus is anything but, “I’m fucking fine, babe.”
“You’re exhausted and cold.” Virgil scoops him up into his arms. “Come on. Let’s go find J. He’ll spoil you.”
Sure enough, as soon as Janus sees Remus lying in Virgil’s arms, he jumps up with a coo and takes the other side from him, lying him down on something warm and promising to get him something warm to drink. No, Remus, not engine fuel. Something safer, at least for right now.
Virgil stands at the door, waiting.
There’s an itch between his shoulders and another chill down his spine.
A cloud of fog emerges from down the hallway. From it, three shadow gremlins canter toward him.
He grits his teeth and braces.
The first one collides with his shoulder and he grabs it, squeezing until the shadow folds in on itself. The second hits his shin and he punts it into a wall, scooping the remnants and absorbing them. The third one vanishes in a quick shout of tempest tongue.
You’re not gonna get them, he thinks as he shouts the fog away, not on my goddamn watch.
The worst part of the Subconscious is the shadows.
Because they all have shadows. They all do. That’s just the nature of being an opaque thing and existing in proximity near light sources. Shadows are a natural by-product of blocking light, that’s it.
Wow, he’s been spending more time with Logan than he thought. Sweet.
But the Subconscious shadows are different. There’s no such thing as dark. Only an absence of light. There is no substance known as ‘dark,’ sure there’s dark energy or dark matter if you go the physics route, but there isn’t a thing ‘dark’ the way there’s a thing ‘light.’
If you looked at the Subconscious shadows, you’d believe otherwise.
They look normal. They look just like normal shadows. Something resting against the wall casts a shadow. Something moving in front of a window casts a shadow. Something sitting on the edge of the desk casts a shadow.
But these shadows move.
You have to pay such close attention to even catch them. You have to know precisely what on your desk is casting what part of the shadow when—hold on, what is that? Is it the water bottle? No, you pick up the water bottle and the cylinder two spaces across move. So you pick up the lamp and no, that’s not it either. You move your hand—your hand’s shadow is easy to track—and you move it to where it should be overlapping with whatever’s casting that shadow. You look closer. But there’s nothing blocking the light where your hand is, nothing between the light and the wall.
You stare at the shadow.
And then it moves.
See? They’re fucking terrifying. Like some Peter Pan gone wrong shit. Creepy, sinister, innocuous-looking, you’ve got to be constantly on guard to catch them. You have to be smart. These ones, out of all the Subconscious monsters, feel the most spiteful. Like they’re doing this on purpose, to terrorize the Mindscape.
That’s probably why they go for Roman.
Roman holds the barriers the most. Remus pushes them to reinforce them, but Roman draws the lines in the sand. Roman is responsible for keeping Thomas safe from the barriers breaking, is largely responsible for Thomas being able to see the Sides at all.
So of course the Subconscious hates him.
Roman is the only one who will summon Virgil when he thinks there’s something wrong. Sure, it’s never been quite as simple as Virgil showing up and Roman telling him he’s scared, he thinks something just moved. They used to just throw barbs at each other until Roman was distracted enough for Virgil to suck up the shadow, or fight until Virgil pointed out where it was and Roman said it was just a test, but they’re better now.
Virgil appears in Roman’s room and immediately looks around. Roman sits on the bed, his hands folded primly over the sword in his lap, polishing the pommel with forced calm.
“There are at least three,” he says, his voice perfectly even, “I can’t keep track of them anymore.”
“It’s okay, Princey,” Virgil says softly, turning and turning to try and catch them, “I’m here now. You did a good thing calling me. Are you alright?”
“I’m here,” Roman says, forcing a little false cheer into it, “not the biggest fan of what’s happening, but I’m here.”
Virgil smiles at him briefly before he sees the flicker.
“Roman,” he says calmly, “I need you to go stand by the window.”
Roman gets up and walks to the window, sitting under the sill and closing his eyes. Virgil grits his teeth and makes his shadow overlap with the one on the wall.
It burns as he starts to absorb it, writhing in protest and screeching silently for the others to come help. Sweat begins to bead on Virgil’s forehead as two move shadows race to enlarge his silhouette. Goddamn, they’re vicious tonight. What the hell would they have done to Roman if he hadn’t called?
Not on my goddamn watch.
He’s panting by the time they’re gone, but he’s alright. He’s good. They’re gone. Roman is safe. He turns and opens his arms, letting Roman come and bury his face in the crook of his neck.
“Thank you,” Roman murmurs quietly, “sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, Princey, this is my job.” He claps Roman on the shoulder. “You did good too.”
Roman huffs. “I sat in the corner. That’s not much.”
“And you did great. Now come on, Pat’s making cookies.”
“Oh, right, is it Remus’s night to help?”
“Hmmm…maybe we should swing by and warn Logan first.”
“Good idea.”
Nothing’s happened in a while and Virgil is getting worried.
Normally the longest they go without an incident is a month, maybe, and then it’s normally back-to-back nonsense for like a week.
But it’s been three months. And nothing. No misty tendrils, no puddles of ooze, no snapping gremlins, no fog, no shadows. Virgil’s just about on the verge of running a round-the-clock patrol of the damn place just to make sure he doesn’t miss anything.
As it turns out, he needn’t have bothered.
Stupid, stupid. Idiot.
He fucking missed it. He fucking missed it.
All the other Sides had monsters that went after them specifically. Why should Virgil get left out?
The Subconscious hadn’t been stopping, or slowing down, no. It had been biding its fucking time.
And now…
Virgil scrambles backward, trying to keep himself between the door to the Imagination and the figure in front of him. They slash at him again and he dodges just in the nick of time. He winces, claps a hand to his chest, and literally feels his heart skip a beat as his hand passes right through.
He’s being absorbed.
The figure raises a dripping, shadowy arm and brings the weapon down again. Virgil can’t stop dodging long enough to get a good look at it. He only knows that it fucking hurts and that it’s draining him. Draining him back into the Subconscious.
If he can just keep it here, if he can just hold off long enough to figure out what to do—
Another slash comes down on his arm and he yells, tempest tongue dying in his throat. That one fucking hurt.
He throws a handful of dirt up just to see if maybe it will blind them or give them a moment’s pause but no. The dirt just sinks into it like some fucking nightmare vacuum. The next strike collides.
“Virgil? Virgil?”
“What the fuck is that thing?”
“It’s draining him, move!”
“Hang on, Virgil, we’re coming!”
“Don’t you fucking dare hit him again!”
The figure turns, only to jump out of the way when Remus’s Morningstar smashes into the ground where they had been standing. Remus growls, ripping it out of the soil and swinging again. The figure parries the blow only to let out an inhuman wail as Roman’s sword slices its arm.
“Get the fuck away from him,” Remus snarls.
“Back!” Roman swings again, driving them away from Virgil. “Back, foul beast!”
“Don’t insult them by comparing the beasts to whatever the fuck this is.”
Logan rushes up before Virgil can open his mouth to ask what the fuck is going on, dropping to his knees and pressing something warm to Virgil’s chest.
“Virge? Virge, stay with me,” he calls softly, “come on, it’s alright, we’re here now.”
“How—“ Virgil gasps as his chest starts to…resolidify? “How did you—what? How?”
“Oh, Virgil,” Logan murmurs, rubbing whatever the miracle thing on his chest is in small circles, “did you really think we never noticed that you were trying to fight them by yourself?”
Oh, fuck.
“Shh,” he soothes, helping Virgil up into a seated position, “it’s okay. We’re not mad. Just worried. You’re hurt.”
“Just stab them, Ro.”
“I’m trying!”
Despite himself, Virgil huffs a laugh as he leans against Logan. “Are they—we should help.”
“You,” Logan says sternly, “will sit here and let me finish making sure you won’t be drained. The twins can handle themselves.”
Still, Virgil’s heart stays in his throat until he spies something else running up the hill. A shadow beast, a massive one.
“Logan, look out—”
Logan turns and—
Who the fuck gave Logan a gun?
The shadow beast has flopped over onto its side and dissipated, Logan already back to tending to Virgil’s wound but the time Virgil’s dizzy, half-drained brain figures out what just happened.
“You…you shot it.”
Logan quirks an eyebrow. “You sound surprised.”
“Get back!”
“What the hell is it doing?”
“It’s growing, shit, Ro, we gotta fall back.”
“Guard Logan, check on Virgil, I’m right behind you!”
The twins rush up and form a guard around Logan and Virgil as the shadow figure swells. Virgil’s eyes widen as it growls, growing larger and larger and larger still until the shadows look strapped at the seams, fit to burst. It grows claws. It grows teeth. It grows more limbs than he can count.
It leers down at them and opens a gaping, black maw.
Roman crouches down to shield him as dirt flies up around them. Logan bends in too as something equally massive soars overhead. Virgil manages to peek between Roman and Remus to see a blur of green tackle the monster.
“Is that…is that Patton?”
“I believe it’s ‘Lily Pad-ton,’” Logan corrects wryly as the twins snicker, “but…yes.”
Judging by the roar of the monster, he’s doing something.
“Where’s Janus,” he hears Roman hiss, “he should’ve been here by now.”
Remus points and Virgil spots a fucking enormous yellow snake unhinging its jaw. The monster howls as it starts to vanish down the snake’s gullet.
“Holy fuck.”
“I think Janny’s hungry.”
“Pissed off, more like.” Roman lays a hand protectively on Virgil’s shoulder, squeezing encouragingly as Virgil gasps at the contact. “Whatever that thing is hurt Virgil.”
Remus growls in assent.
The thing in Virgil’s chest starts to burn hotter. Logan shushes him gently as he whines in pain.
“It’s alright, Virgil, you’re almost done. We’re right here, just breathe.”
“You’re safe, sweetheart,” Roman murmurs as he starts to list side to side, “we’ve got you.”
“Nothing’s gonna fucking touch you,” he hears Remus snarl as he passes out, “promise.”
He comes to an indeterminate amount of time later, laid out on the couch, his head in Patton’s lap. He blinks.
“Hey, kiddo,” Patton murmurs, stroking his hair, “you feel any better?”
“Um, yeah,” he mumbles, turning a little and wincing at the pull in his chest, “what…what happened?”
“We won.” Roman pats his arm. “All safe now. You did great.”
“All I did was lie there.”
“Yeah, and you did great.” He winks.
Virgil’s gaze rolls around to catch Logan setting down a glass of water and crouching by his head.
“You’re all better physically,” Logan says softly, “but it might take some time for you to feel like it. Just take it easy for a while.”
“And that means,” comes Remus’s voice from over the couch, “you gotta let us help defend you too.”
Virgil flushes. “But it’s not your job.”
“Are you insinuating that our job is not to take care of you?” Roman holds his hand to his chest in a mock gasp. “Because that is rude.”
Patton gives his hair a gentle tug. “We’re gonna look after you, kiddo, you deserve it.”
“I—um…” Virgil swallows heavily. “But if I dealt with it properly you wouldn’t have to.”
A soft hiss comes from the chair. Virgil looks and sees Janus sitting there, one leg crossed over the other. He smiles softly.
“You can let us help you, sweetie,” he murmurs, “rest for a little. Don’t try and take on the Subconscious by yourself.”
“…okay.” He squints. “Wait, why are you all the way over there?”
“Digesting,” Janus says, completely dignified.
Virgil snorts. “I’m just sad I missed it.”
“Oh, it was fucking epic.”
“Language, kiddo.”
“Oh, come on, you were great—“
Logan chuckles next to his head as Virgil drifts back off to sleep with a smile on his face.
…he is gonna ask who gave Logan a gun after he wakes up properly.
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antoni-anxiety · 3 years
Tommy is babey, literally tho
Run. Run. Run was all that could go through his mind right now. Dream was chasing Tommy. Tommy just wanted to get away from there. Dream blew up Logstedshire; Tommy had nothing to lose, apart from his life apparently, which was what he was running for right now. After about 15 minutes of a very close chase between Tommy and Dream, Tommy seemed to outrun the elder, which he was ever so thankful for.
After running so far, Tommy was exhausted and rightfully so; he almost just died. He was so, so cold, he was stuck, surrounded by snow. The boy decided to walk north for a bit further, in hopes that he would find rescue, and just as he hoped, he did. In the distance, he saw a small spruce cottage, with smoke erupting from the chimney, signaling that someone lived there; whoever it was, Tommy prayed that it wasn’t Dream. Uh oh. His vision became dotted and he could barely see, that probably wasn’t good. Right as he reached the front door and was about to knock, his legs collapsed and his mind went blank. He had passed out.
Technoblade finally had some time to himself. He’s been busy breeding the hounds and organising all day and he hadn’t had much time to relax in a while, and therefore he was now all cozy next to his fireplace, reading some books on greek mythology. He was pretty relaxed, well, until he heard a thud at his front door that is. He contemplated leaving it however his curiosity got the better of him. As he opened his door, he saw someone laying on the front step, ‘There’s no way that they’re older than 16.’ he thought to himself. Now, Techno is a ‘lone wolf’ as some might call it but he wasn’t gonna let some malnourished kid freeze to death on his front step. The man maneuvered the boy from outside onto his small couch; now that he got a better look at the boy, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
This frail, skinny boy was his younger brother. Worry filled Techno’s eyes, even though he pretended that the younger annoyed him ever so much, he had a soft spot for him, the kid could brighten anyone’s day by just saying hello. He had no idea what happened but that kid who was a ray of sunshine suddenly looked as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks and if anyone were to merely touch him, he’d crumble right then and there on the spot. Techno didn’t really know what to do except make Tommy comfortable until he woke up, and once he did, he’d ask him about everything. Techno couldn’t help but wonder what Tommy had gone through before he was there, ofcourse, he knew about Tommy’s exile but if it was like when he was exiled for the first time, Tommy wouldn’t be like this. Techno scoured his mind for what he knew of Tommy’s latest exile; Dream was to look after him, well clearly he wasn’t doing a good job. Oh fuck. Dream must have been abusing his little brother. With that thought, Techno stood up in rage. He was gonna kill that green bastard. That was until he heard stirring and a small whine from the couch. Whipping his head around, he saw Tommy try to sit up and ran over to him. The second that Tommy saw him he immediately started panicking. Techno being the awkward man he is, hugged Tommy in attempt to calm him down. This was gonna be a long night.
Tommy opened his eyes to be in an unfamiliar place, so of course, his first instinct was to panic. He sat up as quickly as he could and looked around, he saw his older brother approach him. Still in his tired state, his mind was all over the place and all that was going through his mind was ‘POSSIBLE DANGER. RUN’. Before he could process what to do and where to go, Techno had seemingly sensed his anxiety and hugged him tightly. The physical affection seemed to do its job and calm the younger down but it also made him feel loved, something he hadn’t felt in such a long time. The overwhelming emotions made the boy burst into tears, something in his mind seemed to shift, it made him feel younger. However, that was utterly absurd, it must’ve been the stress getting to him. Oh no. Tommy realised what was happening, he almost forgot that he used to do this to cope during all the wars. Of course, nobody knew about it, he’d be caught dead before he let anyone know he regresses; however, his mind was too foggy right now to tell what was happening and therefore reciprocated the hug. Techno was surprisingly a good hugger, and when he finally let go after 5 minutes of a silent hug, only filled with Tommy’s little sniffles, the younger slightly whined at the loss of the calming touch. When Techno looked at Tommy’s eyes, something about them was.. different. They were filled with a somewhat childish innocence which made Techno suddenly feel so protective of him. Tommy seemed to come to his senses and tried to get out of headspace, which he somewhat succeeded at, and immediately apologised to his big brother. ‘I’m s-so sorry Techno- fuck- Imma go, imma go now,’’, Techno was now worried for his baby brother so he couldn’t let him get off the hook so easily. ‘Hey, Toms you’re not going anywhere, you’re clearly ill and I’m worried, tell me what’s going on, hm? You usually wouldn’t burst into tears just like that..’ Techno stated with clear worry in his voice. Tommy was contemplating just lying to Techno but he knew that it wouldn’t work. For someone who barely socialises, Techno is really good at reading people just like open books, so Tommy decided to, reluctantly, tell him about his regression above all of his other issues, seeing as he was already on the verge of regressing again. ‘Uh so about the crying thing.. have you ever heard of fuckin.. Age regression or little space of some sort?’ Tommy just hoped that this wouldn’t go badly. Techno of course, read a lot, so he had the general grasp of what Tommy was talking about, he guessed that his little brother regressed, and he couldn’t lie, just the thought of it was utterly adorable. The piglin hybrid noticed that he hadn’t actually answered Tommy’s question and nodded, ‘So.. you regress? I know a little bit about this stuff, do you wanna be little?’. If he was being completely honest, Tommy had no idea that Techno would be acting this accepting and.. caring? He subconsciously made the choice that Techno was friendly and it was okay to regress around him, and he gave a small nod, on the edge of completely slipping.
Techno sat himself comfortably next to the younger boy, looking at him in awe; the boy was only 16 and he’d gone through multiple wars and several betrayals, he was so very strong, Techno couldn’t even begin to describe how proud he was. ‘Hey buddy how old are you feeling?’, Techno got a reply of Tommy shying away into his hands and raising 3 fingers. ‘Very small then hm? We should get you into something into a bit more warm, you look quite chilly buddy.’, Tommy made grabby hands at Techno and how could he deny such an adorable request? Techno lifted the skinny boy and brought him to his bedroom, placing him on his bed. Techno once again couldn’t help but get upset once again that his former friend hurt his baby brother; Tommy could have gotten frostbite or hypothermia with the tattered, thin clothes he had been wearing in such a cold biome. Techno finally fished out some joggers and a red hoodie he hadn’t worn in a long time. When he turned back from his closet to his bed, the sight he was met with nearly gave him a heart attack with how pure and adorable it was. Tommy was sat on the bed, knees tucked to his chest and played with his fingers softly, a tiny smile painted on his face. Sadly, this is the happiest Techno had seen Tommy in months, or years even. Techno sat on the bed, next to his younger brother, and helped him get dressed, slowly and carefully, making sure that he didn’t startle the baby. Techno picked Tommy back up and placed him back on the sofa; the two were just cuddling, that is until they heard the front door open. Tommy curled himself into a ball, while Techno protectively placed himself in front of him. The older was slightly relieved to see Phil in the doorframe, however he didn’t know how their father would react to Tommy’s regression, or whether Tommy would even want him to know: Techno could tell that Tommy was very shy and secretive about it. ‘Hey Techno, mate, who’s that?’ Phil asked, clueless about the stress that his sons were in because of his presence. Techno was almost physically sweating with the pressure being put on him, he awkwardly replied ‘Oh uh, hey Phil,’ Techno looked to Tommy who looked terrified. ‘Hey Toms? It’s just Phil, you’re okay..’ Techno whispered to the boy in attempt to calm him down; it seemed to work quite a bit. Unfortunately for the boys, Phil heard what Techno said and jumped at the opportunity to talk to his youngest son, ‘Did you say Tommy? Hello Toms, what’s up?’. Tommy froze and slowly looked up at his dad, tears gathering up in his eyes, Techno noticed and went to comfort his little brother. Phil was beyond confused, and did what anyone would do, ask what was going on. Techno looked to Tommy for approval before telling their dad, to which the boy nodded. With the knowledge Techno had gathered, he tried his best to answer Phil’s question; Phil is a nice guy, he helps anyone who needs it, and so he knew of quite a few coping mechanisms, and this was one of them. The eldest seemed to grasp onto the idea surprisingly quickly, and was immediately helping Techno coddle the younger. Neither of them could deny, the baby was adorable, babbling to himself and chewing on his fingers, which wasn’t exactly sanitary but adorable nonetheless. With the three being fully aware that Ghostbur wouldn’t mind this version of Tommy, and would have fun taking care of Tommy, Techno and Phil couldn’t help but hope that their family could grow close once again. Philza was sure to never let his baby boys go again, they would all rekindle their relationship with each other day by day, and soon were a fully functioning family once again.
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milks-writings · 4 years
Could I get Kenma, Kuroo, Oikawa, Suga, and Tadashi with a S/O who's always wanting to play with their hair? I'm a sucker for fluffy shit like that skfjek. Please and thank you💕
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Kenma Kozume x GN!Reader;  Tetsurō Kuroo x GN!Reader;   Tōru Oikawa x GN!Reader;   Kōshi Sugawara x GN!Reader;  Tadashi Yamaguchi x GN!Reader
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕥: playin with the best bois’ hair (●'◡'●)
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕣𝕖: fluff!
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: swearing (I swear 25/8)
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕒/𝕟: The best thing is playing with other hair, change my mind. Ngl, I would love to play with Kenma’s pudding hair bc aldsjfysdf
Thank you really much for this lovely request! I am also sorry for taking so long to do this, I was kinda busy the last days. I hope you didn’t mind waiting 🥰❤
Each character has about 200 words!
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
☆*.:。.✿ Headcanons:
Kozume, Kuroo, Oikawa, Sugawara, and Yamaguchi having an S/O who always wants to play with their hair:
He says he doesn’t really mind
He does fucking love it
Since his hair is long and nice and soft I’m sure playing with his hair is h e a v e n
If you play with his hair while he is playing a game he literally wins every game bc it feels so good omg
He is a cat change my mind
He would sometimes also play with your hair bc he knows how nice it feels uwu
The first time you played with his hair he stopped breathing for a second
Kozume.exe has stopped working
Whenever he is stressed this does really help him to calm down
This phrase is written all over his face whenever you play with his hair
You don’t have to ask, ‘he doesn’t mind’
“Kenma, are you okay?”
“No please play with my hair Yeah”
Yk, if you play with his hair he will fall asleep almost asap bc it’s so calming so you usually do that whenever he can’t sleep and he is so thankful for that dsylfa
Kuroo catches you two once and he teases you about it while Kenma just goes “We can keep talking once you find someone who is willing you play with your hair”
I always say he is a sly mf but let’s be honest HE IS
I still love him
The first time you asked to play with his hair he is like “Why would you do that have you seen my hair”
He thinks is impossible to play with his hair
And he loves the feeling of your fingers going through his hair
Sometimes he would purposely not brush his hair and then he would b like “Oh no my hair isn’t brushed what will I do now”
In other words, he wants you to play with his hair
If you want to tease him about it; it’s a bad idea
If I had to rate this idea I would rate is as a good -39/10
He will tease you back, but much harder
“But you are the one who enjoys it and always starts it” smirk smirk smirk
Ever since then he sometimes playfully puts your hand off his head and will only allow you to play with his hair if you beg for it
You prolly play with his hair while you two are cuddling
He might be a narcissistic bitch BUT I STILL LUV HIM
The first time you ask him he is first a little surprised but then goes “Oh, you like my hair so much, huh?~” flirt flirt flirt
Honestly, he never was really into it? Like no one ever did that so he had no idea that it would be this good
But once you start he won’t let you stop
If you stop for a second he will start whining and annoying you till you finally continue it
The worst idea to start
I mean, it’s worth it to play with his fluffy brown hair
But you once sat there for two hours since he wouldn’t let you stop
He will also start playing with your hair bc he thinks it’s cute that you enjoy it
On his bad days, he always whines and pouts about how bad his day was until you start playing with his hair
Now it’s not you anymore who wants to play with his hair but it’s him now
“If you are tired of doing that just hit his head” - Iwaizumi
Ok but you high-key enjoy it bc Oikawa started to make time for you after that
Probably you play with his hair while you two sit on the couch and he puts his head on your shoulder
He is moma
He asks you first actually
Bc he wants someone to play with his hair :(
I love him ok
He would never get embarrassed and would ask you everywhere to play with his hair
Doesn’t fucking care if he gets teased for it
He is happy, you are happy, we all are happy
He teases you sometimes, but not as often as Kuroo
He will say things like “Had a bad day since you couldn’t play with my hair yet?”
Most likely will let you play with his hair while you are hugging each other, or whenever you two are cuddling
After each game, you play with his hair and he goes all soft and happy
You always do that because he barely gets to play and you can cheer him up with that :(
The boys are really glad you can distract him a little from the fact that he barely plays on the court
Sometimes he will brag about it
“Did anyone ever play with your hair?”
“My s/o-”
“‘My s/o always does that’” -Noya imitating him
Yamagucci bc he is the best from the best
If you ask him he will get pretty embarrassed at first and blush
Awe :(
He feels a little weird at the beginning but the more often you do it the more he loves it
Sometimes leans into your touch bc he loves it so much asfdyd
He is babey
He will prolly have his head on your lap while you are playing with his green hair
Sometimes he will ask you after a bad day and get all embarrassed again
It does really calm him down
While you play with his hair he tells you about his day
He will ask you if he can also play with your hair
Especially wrapping a strand of hair around his finger
Tskukishima somehow found out and always teases you guys for that
But Tadashi will keep on doing that :)
He is always nervous before a game starts so you play with his hair and it calms him so much
He will serve so good after that
If you massage his scalp HE WILL MELT
Change my mind but he will b simpin for you if that means you’ll play with his hair
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damedamedame · 4 years
Can you do a scenarios (or oneshot) w/ Hanako and Kou where their s/o is in danger, maybe kidnapped by one of the school mysteries, what would they be like when they’re taken away? What about when they get them back and they’re slightly injured any crying? Thank you😳😳
- “Precious.”
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You’re kidnapped?? by a school mystery?? W HAT???
Hanako had never been so confused and frustrated in his entire life, as a mystery, of course. We won’t be talking about his traumatic past, yes?
You were supposed to be in the bathroom, doing and minding your own business. He had insisted on coming with you in the most Hanako way possible, which included a simple joke that made you look at him suspiciously before stepping inside with a ‘Come in and I’m not giving you anymore donuts’. Ah, who was he to disobey you? Truthfully, he just wanted to make sure you were safe and with him at all times, secretly knowing that someone among his own was an imposter who could come and harm you at any given moment. If he were to lose you in just a second, he wasn’t sure what he would do.
Look at that.
It’s been around 13 minutes, of which he actually counted, and you still didn’t come out from the bathroom. He decided to sneak inside, just a peek. A peek that included calling your name just to see if you would respond with that angelic voice of yours that he absolutely adored. You didn’t.
Immediately finding out something was so so wrong, Hanako was off. Losing anyone so precious to him was an option he couldn’t even think about considering. For now, he could ask the rest of the ‘School Mysteries’ of your whereabouts. Even if he had to ask that damned President of where you could possibly, he would do it. Just for you.
Meanwhile, you groggily open your eyes. The water on the floor horribly dampened your uniform, since you were flat out squatting on the ground. Wait. ‘Water...?’ Your eyes shot open. Vaguely, you remembered how Hanako mentioned that all boundaries had water on the ground. This only served to increase your worry. Taking a look at yourself and your surroundings, you notice how your arms were littered with tiny scars and scrapes. Where were you? 
“OH! YOU’RE (L/N)!” Your neck snapped up to see Hanako... no, that’s not him. That’s his twin... Tsukasa? Your head hurt too much. “You’re the one dating Amane!” Tsukasa tilts your chin up, cheeky grin plastered on his face. He looked like a bratty rat. 
You shut your eyes, expecting Tsukasa to slap you when he raised his hand. Nothing came though, unless you counted the hand patting the top of your head far too harshly to be a gentle head pat. He asked you questions upon questions despite your head being so lightheaded that you couldn’t register them in your mind to find a coherent answer. “Hey, (Y/N)--” When did he start calling you by your first name? “Will you marry Amane? Will you? Will he kill you like he did to me too?”
“H-Huh?” You finally answer him, making his eyes sparkle brightly. “What do you mean by tha--”
Ignoring you in seconds after he was all on you, Tsukasa ran and wrapped his arms and legs around Hanako in a tight grip. An awkward-looking hug that wasn’t returned in any way, which was fine by the younger Yugi twin who was still screaming ‘Amane! Amane!’. Beside him, you saw a girl, someone with electric yet calming green hair and a stare that could pierce into your soul. She walks over to you, muttering something about ‘Not being able to leave him without a student being harmed’.
Surprisingly, she was gentle when she was helping you up. A direct opposite to Tsukasa, who didn’t help you up at all and just patted you times infinity. “My apologies, (L/N)-san.” How? What? How did this girl know your name? You felt awful not knowing who the strange girl was when she already knew your name. 
“This... might happen again, make sure yours is always with you.” You nod, words not very clear but you understood the gist of it. You’re handed over to Hanako, who greatly accepted your presence instead of his own younger brother with loving arms.
“I’m sorry...” You whimper, being carried in his arms with your arms wrapped around his neck. He would most definitely tease you about your current position right now, but that was for later. His worry for your safety was more important. He sighs, a sad chuckle escaping him.
“You really scared me, (Y/N)..” Hanako mutters under his breath. As he sees you start to fall asleep, he presses a soft kiss on your forehead. “I don’t want to lose you too.”
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Maybe... Maybe you should have stayed in a safer place instead of hanging around Kou, who was looking for this pesky apparition he wanted to help out so they could just stop harassing almost all of the students.
Because now you were gone, away from him and he didn’t like that. No, not one bit.
‘H-How do I do this??’ Kou frets, glaring at the spot where you were in earlier before being absolutely murked by that apparition he was supposed to be helping but now wanted nothing more than to find them and just... hurt them. Just a little bit. ‘Is this what Teru-nii feels like??’
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
You squint your eyes, looking at the apparition that snatched you away from your beloved Kou. Speaking of Kou, you worried for his sanity. You felt guilty that you urged him to take you with him as he hunted down whatever was making the students so afraid. What? You liked seeing him all serious yet caring, you loved it.
Now this was your consequence. The apparition, one with a large and weird mask covering the face underneath, carried you over their shoulder. You couldn’t see it, but their aura felt stiff. Perhaps they were frustrated? “(L/N), I won’t hurt you.”
‘Oh great, great, except you just fuc kin kidnapped me and took me away from my boyfriend.’ You frown, wanting to cross your arms but was unable to do so because of the position you were currently stuck in. The apparition in turn sucked in a sharp breath.
“You’re just bait.” You’re what now? “I’ve been trying to get that Minamoto’s attention for days now! Then he just sends his little weakling brother for me!? Horrible.” You always believed peace was an option for a variety of problems. This, however, was not one of them. You started thrashing, punching his back like you wanted them to throw you off.
Eventually, they threw your body on the ground. Apparently, you just noticed that you two were on the rooftop all along. Sure, your back hurt like hell and you probably had a bruise somewhere but you didn’t acknowledge that as of this moment. All you wanted was that apparition to take their words about Kou being a weakling back.
“Do you disagree with me? Why hide your eyes from the truth?” This one positively sucks. If you could throw hands right now, you would. Except you’ve just been given a huge disadvantage, with him having more strength as a supernatural and with you being a normal student who was given the chance to see supernaturals for some odd reason.
The apparition strided over to you, smirk apparent on their faces as they loomed above your weak stature. Your eye twitches, wanting nothing more than to fistfight and win, even if the sucky supernatural had greater power than a human like yourself.
“I suppose it’s true... weak humans flock together.”
UM??? F UC K YOU???
Just as you were about to stand up, losing your self-control over that one statement, someone beat you to it. White thunder crashed and hit the apparition’s head dead on, just enough for them to wince and look over to the direction it came from.
You blink. Once. Twice. A lot of times, actually. Kou was there, you didn’t see him come up but you were extremely grateful he did before you could possibly get even more hurt. His golden staff, wildly shot out various white lightning strikes which mostly hit the apparition. Just enough for them to become unbalanced and trip on to the ground.
All of a sudden, Teru came out. ‘Seriously, where did they come from...?’ You squinted, looking at the older Minamoto who was angling his katana menacingly right at the apparition’s throat with quite a sadistic glare. It made you shiver, even if it wasn’t directed at you.
“(Y/N)?? Are you okay!??” Kou, such a sweetheart, helped you up from the ground. You hung your arm around him to keep you from falling down on the ground. He looked at you with utmost care and affection, it made your cheeks warmth considerably so. Once he noticed the blush on your cheeks, it was immediately understood as a fever or embarrassment. “I-I’ll take you to the clinic!”
You nod, not before patting his head with a small smile on your face.
“Thank you for saving me, Kou!”
Kou gulps, his face heating up twice more than yours.
“... I’ll.. save you no matter what, (Y/N).”
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turnupbrock · 4 years
Preggers- Colby Brock
Requested by a wonderful anon, “Can you write some fluffy Colby please where y/n and him go out on a date and at the end of the night she reveals she’s pregnant then cute fluffy cuddling stuff, thank you ily💖” I’m so so sorry that it took so long to post but I realy hope you like it because i think that it is so cute. I love you babey!
You were shocked to say the least, but you were beyond happy. You were looking down at the little stick that has two lines on it, the little stick that just changed you and your husband’s lives forever when you heard the front door open, “Baby?” Colby’s voice rang throughout the house. You panicked and tossed the pregnancy test over your head and into the shower behind you, cringing at the sound of it bouncing off the walls and onto the floor. “Everything okay here?” Colby queried when he turned the corner with a small smile on his face. You let out a breathy giggle and nodded your head, “Yeah, yes. Everything is perfect.” your words came out faster than you wanted and you mentally cursed yourself for it. ‘Act natural. Everything is fine.’ You kept trying to tell yourself. ‘But it’s not fine. You’re pregnant and the test is literally two feet away from where you and Colby are both standing.’ Your subconscious decided to step in. 
 “Um, Y/n? You okay?” he waved his hand in front of your face. Finally you snapped out of the mental argument you were having and noticed that Colby looked worried. You relaxed and draped your arms around his waist, hugging him tight. “Everything is fine. I have to shower and get ready. I’m going to lunch with the girls but I’ll be home later.” you informed Colby still holding onto him. Colby furrowed his brows and squeezed you to him more, “Yeah that’s fine. Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked once more. The movement of your head nodding yes made him chuckle. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. You pull back with a sweet smile on your face, you lean up on your tip-toes and press a soft, loving kiss to Colby’s pink lips. You felt him smile into the kiss which made you mirror his actions. 
 “Okay I really need to get in the shower so get out so I won’t be distracted anymore,” You joked pushing Colby away from you. He laughed loudly, “Right, cause you just can't control yourself around me.” He smirked and winked at you. Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help the smile that came to your face, “Can you?” you raised your eyebrow at your husband as your hands traveled down to the hem of your shirt, you started to lift. Colby was quick to throw his hands over his eyes, “Okay, I’m leaving damn. Stop that, I have a meeting to go to you and you have to go to lunch! Stop that.” he mumbled trying to feel his way to the door with one hand while the other still protected his eyes. You laugh when he stubbed his toe on the door frame. You could hear him cussing softly even after he closed the door. You shake your head and turn to the shower, leaning down you pick up the test from the shower floor and quickly stuff it into your makeup bag on the counter. 
“Hey girl, I really need to talk to you and all the other girls too. Do you think that we can invite them to lunch too please?” you asked Kat as you propped your phone on your vanity. Her face creased and concern passed over her face, “Yeah, of-of course. Is everything okay?” A wide smile pulled at your lips when the thought of you and Colby starting a family crossed your mind but you nodded your head, “Everything is perfect. I just need you guys to help me plan something.” Kat nodded again, “Yeah okay. I’ll go call all the girls and we’ll meet you at Chipotle right?” “Yes ma’am.” You answered as you applied mascara. “Okay, cya boo.’ “Bye boo!” and with that, Katrina hung up the phone and you continue putting on mascara. When you were done getting ready, you sent a text to Colby that you finally left the house and was on the way to lunch. You knew he wasn’t going to reply for a while since he was in a meeting with Sam. Grabbing your makeup bag and putting it into your purse, you headed out the door.
 Walking into the restaurant you could already see all your girlfriends sitting at a table in the back. Your heart starts racing the second that you take a step. You don’t know how they are going to react, if they think that you guys are too young but all those thoughts were shoved from your mind because you know that all of them will be happy for you and Colby no matter what. “Hey babe,” Kat greeted when you stopped at the table, “Hey,” you greeted back. After all of the hello’s were said to all of your friend’s you all went and ordered what you wanted. Sitting back at the table Kat spoke, “So are you gonna tell us what’s going on? You sounded pretty excited over the phone.” “Yeah, I really wanna know too.” Tara said. Devyn and Cassie chimed in their agreements too. Taking a deep breath, you look at all of your friends, “Okay, um-” You started but your voice was shaking. Taking another deep breath you started again, “This morning I took a pregnancy test because for the last couple of weeks I haven’t been feeling all too well and I kept getting sick in the mornings so I decided to finally take one just to put my mind at ease. And well, I didn’t expect it but I- I’m pregnant.” You confessed. Each of the girls' faces mirrored each other. The table was silent for a minute and that scared you. “Uh, guys?” You hesitantly asked. “Are you sure?” Tara finally broke the silence. You nodded, “Yeah. I took a test this morning when I first woke up then I took another one before I left the house and both of them turned out positive.”
  “Can- can we see them?” Devyn asked. You nodded again and reached into your bag and pulled out both of the tests and set them on the table. Kat picked one up while Devyn picked up the other one. “Holy shit you’re pregnant!” Katrina suddenly yelled, startling you and the others. The smile on her face was so comforting to see since you have been so nervous to tell anyone. “I’m so so happy for you!” Cassie cried before pulling you into a giant hug. “Really?” “Yes really, girl you’re gonna be a mommy and Colby is gonna be a daddy,” Devyn said hugging you after Cassie let you go. “You’re gonna be a damn good one,” Tara said hugging you after Dev. When Tara let you go, you gazed over at Kat- who was still bouncing on the balls of her feet. She squealed, “ I’m so fucking happy for you guys!” She grabbed you into a tight hug. Your emotions got the better of you and the tears started to prick your eyes. “Thank you guys so much.” You sniffled. Kat pulled away and wiped your eyes for you. “We’re all so happy for you,” She said again. “Does Colby know yet?” Tara asked sitting back down next to Cassie. You shook your head, “No, he doesn’t. That’s what I need your help for.” “You want us to help you find a way to tell him that you're pregnant?” You assured Cassie. “Let’s plan.” 
  After a couple of hours of planning, you guys finally came up with a way. “Hey baby,” you spoke into the phone once Colby picked up. “Hey gorgeous, What’s up?” “Well I was just wondering if you wanted to have a date night tonight? You know, we have both been so busy with work lately and we haven’t really had time to just hang out. You and me.” “Yeah, of course baby. I would love that. What were you thinking?” “Umm maybe we can pick up some take out and eat on the beach like we did when we first started dating?” You smiled when you heard Colby’s deep chuckle from the other side of the phone. “I would absolutely love that. I’ll be home in an hour.” “Okay, perfect. I’m just finishing up with girls so I’ll see you home.” “See you home, beautiful. I love you.” You felt your cheeks heat up, “I love you.” Then the line disconnected. Looking back up at your friends, you giggled at the way that they all were holding their chest. “Shut up,” you mumbled. The girls laughed with you, “Okay, you go home,” Kat said pointing to you. “Go get dressed for your date, nothing too fancy. Don’t want to give anything away. While you do that, we will go get the stuff to set up the house.” You nodded and smiled, grateful to have the friends you did. “Remember nothing that will give it away, just some candles and rose petals.” You told Kat again. She waved her hand in the air, “Yeah, yeah I get it. Now go.” you laughed and got into your car. 
 Colby laid down the blanket onto the sand and grabbed your hand to help you sit. “Why thank you,” you giggle once you settle on the blanket. Colby chuckled and started to get the food from the bags. You moaned lightly at the smell of Tender Greens that is seeping through the air, the light breeze wafting towards you. Colby dramatically widened his eyes at you, “You good?” You laughed, “I’m good but you won’t be if you don’t give me my food.” You playfully threatened. Colby shoved your food container into your lap and quickly raised his hand in defense making you laugh hard. Colby joined with you, the both of you laughing. You fell into his side, where his arm snaked around your waist. You gazed at him from under eyelashes, slowly he leaned down and connected your lips together. “I love you,” he whispered, pulling slightly away. He was still so close that when he spoke, his lips touched yours. “And I love you,” You replied just as quietly. You both smiled when he reconnected your lips into a deeper kiss. 
 “I don’t know about you, but I am so full,” You said falling back onto the blanket. Colby chuckled lightly before falling next to you. “I’m very full too.” Just then your phone vibrated against your leg. Lifting it to your face, you read the message from Kat that told you that everything was set and ready to go. Turning on your side, you laid your head onto Colby's chest. “Wanna go home bubs?”You asked softly, pressing a kiss to the base of his neck. “Yeah,” he replied just as sofly. You threw away all the trash while Colby folded the blanket and made sure that we had everything. Getting back up to the car, you got in with Colby. “Thank you for the amazing night baby. I really enjoyed it.” You complimented. Colby grabbed your hand in his and rested them in his lap, “And thank you for marrying me. I couldn’t think of anyone else that I would want to eat on the beach with or spending my life with.” Colby smiled at you and you swore that you melted right here, in the passenger seat of his old corolla.  
 When you get to the house, you speed walk in front of him so that you can open the door and see if everything is actually ready before Colby can see anything inside. Opening the door just enough for you to poke your head in, you smile and the LED lights are turned on a dusty rose color and the floor sprinkled with pink rose petals. Pulling you head back out you see that Colby is standing behind you looking like a confused puppy. You smiled at him, “Okay bubba, close your eyes.” COlby cracked a grin and covered his eyes with his hands, “Y/n I swear to god if you prank me, I will get you back so hard.” he warned, making you laugh as you led him into the front door. “It’s not a prank baby relax.” When you finally got the door shut behind you, “Okay babe, open” Colby opened his eyes to meet the nicely decorated house. His eyes traveled over the petals on the floor up to the colored lights that were still shining. When his gaze finally met yours, his eyes were filled with love and adoration just for you. 
 “What’s all of this for?” he asked, cupping your cheek in his hand. A soft smile tugged at the sides of your mouth as your eyes glazed over with tears. You were so excited to tell him, you know that he has always wanted kids when he got married. It was just amazing to you that you were going to be the mother to a kid that was his. That this amazing man in front of you, wanted you to have his kids and wanted you to spend the rest of his life with. It was all just amazing. “Remember when we got married? I promised to give you everything that you ever wanted in life because that is how much I love you,” he nodded, still watching you intently. You took a deep breath to try and calm those tears and emotions, “ What’s something that you want more than ever?” Colby thought about it for a minute, “For us to be happy and to one day have kids with this beautiful woman in front of me.” He smiled which just made yours grow so much larger. 
 “We’re gonna be parents,” you said softly. Colby's eyes got wide and his eyes filled with tears. “You’re lying. Y/n, this isn’t funny. If this is a prank please tell me.” he begged. Tears engulfed your vision, making everything blurry. “It’s not a prank baby,” Colby laughed, “Really? Deadass?” He ran up to you and grabbed your shoulders, “Are you telling me that I’m going to be a dad?” he stared into your eyes, you felt like he was looking into your soul. Tears rolled down your cheeks when you shook your head at him. “I’m being serious. The tests are on the table,” You motioned to the greeting table where the two tests lay. Colby picked them up and looked at them but in the next second he had you in his arms, spinning around the room. You swear that you didn’t even see him move. “I’m going to be a daddy. I’m going to be a daddy.” You laughed as Colby continued to spin you around the room. He finally put you down and stared at you again, “You’re going to be a mommy. You’re going to be the mom of my son or daughter.” he laughed again before pulling you into a kiss. You felt all of his emotions in this one kiss and you tried to pour every one that you were feeling into it as well. You pulled away and rested you forehead on his and smiled at him again. You both laughed softly, still in shock of the news. “I’m going to be a daddy.” You nodded, “I’m going to be a mommy.” 
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 // larkspur lane/the whisper box
this post is a double whammy cause they have 2 eps happen in the same day if u can believe it (thats how awful judging timelines in this show is!!)
-"hi josh..." LMAOOOOOOO
-BESS just breaking in lmaooo how many god damn times does bess just shit the bed in this show
-LOVE her frowny face at nancys closet ("my expectations are low" lmfaoooo but this would totally be me)
-"bet she meant it metaphorically" okayyy but then why did lucy say that at all? i feel like theres defo more to this story, combined with josh's cagey behavior (part of which is to get nancy to stop looking into shit d/t him and karen but still)
-"they dont accept visitors unless they're family" .....🙂
-ace "youre really good at that" to bess i fuckin love this friendship with all my heart (also love their talk at the claw mirroring nick & nancys talk in the last ep)
-also PINK AND ORANGE BESS ARE U BLIND (also 1) why tf would nancy own this and 2) where would she wear it??)
-okay wtf is vampire dip
-"boss??" see this is what i meant yesterday about nancy ruining everything for nick/george
-god DAMN she sucks at dealing with this news lmaooo that emotional competency babey + love george literally agrees to help bc she feels bad (AND nicks immediate look of "you just reprimanded me for helping her last ep and i know why youre doing this rn" lmaoooo)
-LOVE george noticing nick "shout out to jean valjean" lmaooo once again nancy would never have noticed/commented on something like that
-"get the hell out of here" was this foreshadowing for an epic dad joke for these two eps? "how do you make holy water? you boil the hell out of it" 😂😂😂😂
-so what i dont get about the whole haunting is the ball + kids' laughter but its all the emphasis on "mr roper" the adult? wtf like what kind of entity is this
-"how did you ever have a solo career??" 😂
-okay amaya's hair is gorgeous here (also "you feel like a snack" ....👀) *ahhh so the reason bess feels so off balance is bc its like a top vs a top scenario
-has anyone who's ever been to prison confirmed this is what it looks like?
-love how ace is the only employee there when they all leave so he had to fucking close the place when he goes
-why does she take the whole file? time constraints? it'd be smarter to take pics + replace it (better sleuthing) but this place is clearly not well run anyway 😂
-so this is a pretty decent cover she invents but theres no way she would get away with it so easily for a real guard
-love how ace recognizes ryan's car (+ is able to find it by driving around)
-"my father wouldnt do anything like that" LMFAOOOOOO SIS WHY ARE U DEFENDING HIM ironically, ace is actually the best person suited to engage w ryan here d/t the car accident + connection with laura being ryans SIL. its a unique set up
-i am fascinated by the concept of priests + holy water being so effective here combined with mcginnis' beliefs and basically nondenominational ghosts/seances etc after that. the show is very clearly big on diversity but definitely steers clear from too much WASP stuff yk? wonder if other stuff from christianity works against the ghosts/demons like taking refuge in a church "holy ground" or using silver etc
-"did this start after the night of sept 10?" *this is where you get the time line for the seance if you didnt know
-this is so fucking funny when u realize that patient sal talks to is actually a ghost so sal really is psycho i guess 😂
-bitchsplain/tall jar of mayonnaise 🙏🏻😌 2gether 4ever
-how did ace get this van? also heart attack when he yells at carson (but then grins at him like a goofball lmaooo)
-"for nancys sake and yours" damn she owes ace big time for all this shit
-"what do we do for 7 minutes?" ...ummm play 7 minutes in heaven lmaooo 👀🥵
-was not expecting ace to look this sexy holding an axe but okay (*ah, its his short sleeve shirt showing his arms. usually hes a sleeves guy)
-"desperate for attention" nancy (from gomber) vs "bc she's starved for attention" patrice --> lucy (and candace also...) we know nancys detective work makes her seem like an attention seeker, but what was lucy doing to make them all think that? she was trying to hide her relationship with ryan, not expose it. unless they just mean the rumors about her?
-so is patrice hiding lucy's "truth" talking about lucy being a whore or lucy being a ghost? what is lucy's secret? did patrice guess she was pregnant or did patrice's somehow garbled mind remember tiffany trying to show patrice the video with lucy on it?
-wonder what captain thom thinks of this stand off w ace lmaooo
-"like you do?" top v top shenanigans
-how awko for carson to talk to karen again like this
-"oh no" ACE 😂
-love how amaya says "be a human" like shes kind of admitting people in rich circles typically arent (^this is an interesting focus in s2 when bess's rich family rejects her, thus making her human again, but nancy embraces her rich fam and experiences subsequent moral struggle which is predicted with the wraith)
-wonder what ryan thinks he could get from the marvins (which he cant get now lmaooo)
-this damn whisper box. so many questions. who named it the whisper box? why are the ropers' old possessions still there? who decided to build a mental hospital on top of it? and patrice! she "hid lucy's secrets" hannah gruen thinks tiffany tried to show patrice video w lucy on it, which patrice then specifically says she hid in the thin mans book. so patrice knows of the thin man? can she see him? does she know he was a ghost/supernatural? she must have a supernatural sense to know about him (unless sal told or some shit) so then when tiffany shows up w/ lucy being supernatural in it patrice hides it to protect her? is this why she is "crazy" kinda like victoria? supernatural elements or ability to sense ghosts makes her unstable? this is why lucy being a ghost/nursery rhyme that she repeats makes patrice worse/"stroke"? how did patrice even get into the whisper box to put the key in the bible and get out without getting trapped? also, her dementia --> lucidity is really fucking off, some people mildly switch like that but usually with dementia they cant even register new shit anymore
-...so did bess take the ride? 👀
-interesting how celia says "your father will be disappointed" but nothing of her own opinion. wonder how much celia truly puts up with to keep everett calm and nonhomicidal
-like george asking nick follow up questions that nancy never really would have asked
-is this bitch just eating a plain pancake with her bare hand?
-"extra case load and excessive volunteering" ugh. nancy's family here are like, gross in how "good" of people they are // unrealistic, trying to paint carson in the best light/ no way ryan could ever compare (but the reality is theyre not that good of people for lying about nancy) **and shes arrogant to think shes better than everyone else ie the only one who truly lives virtuously, thinks she can do no wrong sometimes even tho using sex to cope, breaking and entering, etc is not morally "good" stuff she still thinks she is the only one who doesnt lie and plays fair (like in the pilot she lists everyone else as a suspect but herself- obviously we know she isnt guilty but no one else does. (i mean in theory we really dont, what if nancy was an unreliable narrator and was actually guilty, that would be a hella cool show)its reactions like that where she cant understand why others like the chief suspect her
-ooooh ironic that in the Good Place carson readily agrees to pay her for helping with cases as opposed to s2 in reality
-nick's house has "problems" so why does he need a lawyer? as opposed to an interior designer, plumber, or realtor?
-in the Good Place nick and george realize they are not going to work out after one date. does this failure in the Good Place predict failure in reality, or merely an easier way of figuring out the truth? does this mean that the "opposite" of the Good Place is reality, or only an opinion of what is better? (nancy says "you all like me" as her opinion of them liking her is skewed; does this then only reflect nancys version for what is the "perfect life"?)
-why is bess a hippie??? and love how george curls her hair and wears pink lipstick here
-if this dream is so realistic then why is the one thing it cant conjure smoke? like how random
-love the locket being a key realization bc with things like jewelry you dont notice the weight of them until theyre gone
-"you all like me" in her perfect life nancy means they "like" her objectively/regardless of circumstance even though liking her is still an objective choice (like they "like" her because of other reasons instead of her working at the claw? (like how you make friends with coworkers/people at school every day but after you leave the job/graduate you never speak to them again) and her "thanks for showing up!" as if theyre not doing exactly that in reality 😐like where is she getting this shit? she sort of acknowledges in earlier eps she is hard to like/that she puts mysteries before friends, but also pushing them away to avoid danger like the previous ep "why do u show up" etc
-is it just me or does the inside of nicks "house" look like the drews'?
-nick has a dick scar lmaooooo (or more likely was hit in the balls or smth)
-love how nick + george match their anger in confronting sal 100% on the same level
-so when did ace go back to work after having such a busy day earlier?? lmaooo
-damn father shane is a creep (casting defo hired him for his voice) and how tf did he just poof + escape? and what did he request???
-love bess's white hair bow here 😌+ her jacket, whole outfit on point as usual
-like how bess is right that nancy has to find her way out but thats kind of a nonstarter for a room full of panicked people wanting to help
-in the Good Place theres no bad blood between drews + hudsons bc nancy is really theirs
-"the only one who has the key is you" in the Good Place nancy has the key (smaller picture, to finding out what happened to lucy but bigger picture, post-reveal) but ryan has the clues nancy needs- following the Good Place's mirroring, this just means that in reality ryan will either be completely useless or an active hindrance (but you KNOW this is a dream bc in what universe would ryan remember clues like that 😂)
-so in a perfect universe ryan acknowledges his family's "criminal empire" as opposed to reality where he only makes under cover jabs about disengaging with being an "entitled corrupt legacy criminal" ie finding the bonny scot relics but does nothing about them, etc
-"strippers" 😂
-okay what is nancys obsession w her beanie?? bc her mom made it? "wear beanies do crimes?" idk
-making the call: nancy -unable to make up for lost time/both her mothers had to find out/suffer alone / in the Good Place nancy was able to be with kate while she called, and in reality she had carson; somethig about seeing the mother looking to the daughter for strength in the Good Place instead of the reverse (which is what reality sounded like, kate being strong for nancy through the illness despite the struggle)
-concept: nancy & nick "let's wait out the storm"
-"i believe that you believe it" nick in the Good Place + owen in reality both trust nancy when she says she's seen things (owen's is the teeth) but nick in reality (and not really knowing details) doesnt think much of their "moment" bc it wasnt real (so she had to leave the Good Place to save carson- but if she had known then he wasnt her real dad, would she have stayed to be w nick?)
-stranger - suede james 💙👌🏻
-"really anxious as a kid" v telling bc of her desire to know everything to remain in control of situations like she always does now
-"the medicine or the metaphysics?"/"you cannot beat supernatural with science"
-i love nancy playing with her pinky while saying goodbye 🥺
-"always seek out the truth even if it hurts" this is straight irony bc kate never told nancy anything. like does that include the truth about nancys parentage? they taught her to seek out the truth, but who taught her that the truth is the only thing to live by? ie things dont count anymore like carson and kate straight up raising her is tossed out bc she finds out its not "the truth" like all that work/stress to protect carson + she just drops him? with kate maybe shes just upset thst she spent all that time mourning for someone who lied. and would she do the same to ryan if needed? probably
-bess and ace head tilt 💙
-like how for all the time she spent there nancy only has a subconscious memory of blue curtains
-YESSSSS i LOVEthese beautiful overhead shots of hannah's hands. so out of character for the show lmao but so gorgeous
-i feel like future eps/grand future will be nancy going through the lock boxes to help people who asked hannah for help
-the video is officially dated Aug 22, 2019
-soooooo in the first ep nancy breaks into the hudsons house and finds tiffanys secret drawer w the nail polish and finds the amulet with a note that says "for your protection HG" yet on this video tiffany says she talked to a medium who gave her the amulet sooooo am i just confused? HG is hannah gruen obvi so is the address for the medium what hannah gave her? or was the address on the amulet which nancy dissolved in salt water to see? so how would tiffany know where to go? its chicken and the egg which came first hannah or the medium?
and lastly:
i close these two eps with a thought that everything in this show is sealed in death. all the lies, the imagery, the fake constructs people put up to get by all crumple the second someone dies- all the secrets come clean just like these doors have been unsealed.
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rzngokukyo · 5 years
hi! i love your blog!! sorry if you're busy 👉👈 but could i make a request where mitsuri finds a girl (like 4 years younger when she became a pillar after a few months) and makes her a tsuguko and introduces her to the other pillars, then after a few years they developed feelings and haven't seen each other in so long bc of missions? reader also gets taller than mitsuri bc that would be so cute 🥺 thank you and have a good day!! ❤️❤️
You were absolutely filthy, covered in head to toe with bruises, blood, sweat and dirt. It was late at night as you were on your way home from a mission, a demon had caught you off guard.
“Tch!” you clicked your tonuge and ran, you were in no postion to defend yourself at the moment. You needed an opening.
Wildly looking everywhere you spotted an opening between some trees. ‘ Looks like an open field might be there.’ You thought to yourself. Making a sharp turn, you ran towards it. The demon that was chasing had suddenly sped up, noticing you were looking for a better stance.
Turning your head to gauge where the demon was, you didn’t expect it to be right on top of you. “ Fuck!” You yelled out as the monstrous creature toppled you over. It had one hand on your neck and the other high in the air, about to strike at your throat.
“Breath of Love: First Form!” Your eyes went wide as you spotted a blur of pink above the demon. “Shivers of Love!”
Everything moved in slow motion. You watched as the pink haired woman sliced the demons neck, its head rolling onto the ground a few feet away.
The woman knelt beside you, “Excuse me, are you alright? That demon looked like it could crush you!” You adjusted yourself, taking a good look at the person beside you. She had long pink braids with green tips, an S shaped sword. A light blush crept across your face as you looked her up and down. She was gorgeous.
“Y-yes. Thank you for helping me.” You tried to stand up but your right leg gave out. You yelped in pain and expected to hit the ground, but you opened your eyes as she caught you, letting your weak side rest against her frame.
“Woah now, don’t push yourself. I’ll help you to the nearest safe spot.”
The both of you walked together, wondering down a nearby path.
“Um, I never caught your name, are you with the Corps?”
“Yes!” She turned to look at you, excitment in her eyes. “ I’m Kanroji Mitsuri, the love pillar. Bice to meet you!”
Holy Shit, a pillar
“I’m y/n.. thank you again for taking the time to help.” You muttered, completely embarrassed a pillar of all people came to your rescue.
Once you reached the bottom of the path, you noticed a cabin there. Mitsuri knocked on the door and you were greeted by an older couple. “Don’t worry y/n, this is a safe place for the corps. We can rest here until morning.”
You felt your face get hot and felt a but nervous spending the night with a pillar but you didn’t protest, you were in some serious pain.
The older couple showed you both to a room but pulled you aside first, attending to your wounds. Not noticing her, Mitsuri watched from the doorway, making sure you would be completely okay.
You changed into new sleepwear as your uniforms got washed. Mitsuri laid out some sleeping bags while you two waited for food.
“It must be awkward sharing a room for the night with someone you don’t know.” She said out of nowhere. “I didn’t want to just leave you here after seeing your injuries, it’s always nice to have someone around ya know?”
You nodded in agreement. “It’s not that awkward I promise, it’s just a bit.. weird considering you’re a pillar.” Mitsuri tilted her head. “I-I mean not that it bothers me it’s just, you’re so much better than I am. Wouldn’t you rather just move on to your next place?” You placed a hand on the back of your neck and laughed nervously. Words were not your forte.
“I don’t think ranks mean anything once you’re done fighting for the night.”
The older woman brought in the food. There was a lot, bowls of rice and meat. Some soup sides, drinks. Your eyes widened at all of it. Mitsuri laughed.
“Eat whatever you like, I have a big appetite so there’ll be plenty more coming!” She dug right in and stuffed her face.
You couldn’t help but laugh, she was a messy eater.
Again she tilted her head. “Whsv fubbg?” She asked with her mouth full.
You laughed again and wiped her cheek. “You’ve got soy sauce all over yourself!”
“Mowe dow latef!”
There was a small pause followed by a burst of laughter from the both of you.
After dinner was done and you both settled into your sleeping bags there was another long pause.
“Hey y/n.. earlier you said I was better than you. What did you mean by that? Are you not comfortable in your swordsmanship?”
“Aha..” you turned away from Mitsuri. “I’ve been doubting myself a lot lately, I think I’m uncomfortable with the form I chose and want to switch but that means finding someone who’s willing to teach me.”
“Why don’t you become my tsuguko? I can teach you the Love Breath!”
You laid there stunned. “A-are you sure?”
“Of course! I’ve always wanted to pass down my knowledge!”
From then on, when Mitsuri wasn’t on a long pillar mission. You spent day in and day out training, making your body unlearn everything to make room for something new.
One day she introduced you to the other pillars. There was a huge dinner after a meeting and you got to meet another tsuguko. Her name was Kanao, she was really quiet but super nice.
As time went on the sessions lasted longer but were less frequent. Mitsuri was called out more often and suddenly so were you.
Days turned to weeks turned to a few months before you realized you hadn’t seen her. You could feel your heart hurting as you realized this was a new reality. As another month passed by without much contact with her you realized you had feelings for her. It pained you to be away from her for so long, you didn’t want to forget what she looked like,what she smelled like. You missed everything about her.
Waking up one morning you received a letter Mitsuri would be coming back go rest for a while at her home in the corps headquarters. You practically sprinted back to headquarters after your latest mission was complete. On the way to her home you stopped and picked up some ingredients to cook for her.
Outside her door you could see her crow taking a nap in the windowsill, her clothes were washed and hanging nearby to dry.
Suddenly your heart started to pound, you got nervous, palms starting to sweat. What if she doesn’t feel the same way about you? What if she found someone while out?
Before more questions can race through your mind, the door in front of you opened.
“Y/n!!” Mitsuri jumped onto you, diving face first onto your chest.
“Kanroji-san!” You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her in closer. “I’ve missed you so much.”
She rested her chin on your chest and looked up, causing you to look away blushing. “I’ve missed you too! Let’s go inside and catch up.” She looked you up and down. “It seems I’ve missed a lot seeing how much you’ve grown.”
She took your hand and pulled you inside, taking the ingredients off you and placing them on a nearby table. You walked into her kitchen, already familar with the layout of her home and started to boil water for tea.
Mitsuri placed some pillows and blankets on the floor, making lots of space for the two of you to sit and talk.
You sat down across from her, watching her every move.
“Y/n how tall are you now?” She raised an eyebrow.
“I think I’m 171cm now, it’s been a while since I’ve measured myself.” You laughed softly.
“You grew 4 inches in only a few months! Who’s been feeding you?” She grabbed onto your arm, feeling the upper muscles. “And your arms are so much more defined now! Oh geez I missed out on so much.”
Her voice seemed sad, you tried to look for answers in her eyes but she looked happy.
“I’ve only been taking care of myself, I did everything you’ve taught me. You have yourself to thank for how I turned out.” You patted her head.
A faint blush spread across the pillar’s face and she looked away. “Well I just want to make sure you’re doing okay without me, ya know? I.. care about you, a lot.”
Your body froze, you could feel the nervousness from before climb its way back through your body. Maybe you should tell her how you feel? Is now a good time?
The kettle screeching inturrupted your thoughts. “I’ll get it!” Mitsuri scrambled to get up.
“No no, you rest. I’ve got it.” You also got up, Mitsuri was too stubborn to say no so you both headed into the kitchen.
You both reached for the kettle at the same time, hands brushing against each others.
“U-uh I’ll get the cups.” You managed to squeak out before turning away quickly. You cupped your hands on your face and could feel the heat from your cheeks.
“Y/n? You okay?”
“Mhmm. Fine. I’m totally fine.”
You could feel Mitsuri press her hand on your back, “Why don’t we go sit down again, we’ll be more comfortable that way.” You trailed behind her as she led you back into her living room area.
She gently placed the kettle on a cloth after pouring you both a cup.
“So, meet anyone interesting while gone?” You asked, taking a sip.
“Hmm not really, I couldn’t stop thinking about you most of the time so it was hard meeting new people.”
You nearly spat out your tea.
“Uh huh.” You coughed, eyes watering a little. “Same here I uh guess. I was sad we couldn’t write each other more.”
“Me too! I found it hard having time to write, by the time I had a chance to sit down, I needed to use that time to recover.”
You both laughed a little.
“I missed having our sessions everyday. Even though I’m sure you want to rest, I hope you’ll watch over me the next couple days.” You smiled at her.
“Rest? Maybe a day or two but I want to spend all this time helping the both of us get better! It’ll be fun” she grabes your hands and held them.” I miss spending time with you, y/n. If I’m honest with myself.. I think I just miss you as a whole.”
That’s it, your entire face went red as you sat there speechless. “I-I umm,”
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same! I just felt dishonest not telling you how I felt.” She squeezed your hands.
You looked at her eyes and could telk she wanted to say this for a while now. You pulled her a little closer, “Kanroji-san I feel the same way. Everyday we were apart I thought about only you, I missed the nights we’d train so hard we were too sore to make it back inside so we slept under the stars. I missed cooking with you, I missed you.”
“Oh y/n!!” She lept into your lap unexpectedly causing you to fall backwards. “ I love you!”
You both laughed as you held onto her. “I love you!” You said back, cupping her face and kissing her nose.
You both laid there all afternoon, letting your tea go cold. After a while Mitsuri fell asleep on your chest, one hand around you, the other tangled in your hair.
You kissed the top of her forehead and closed your eyes, waiting for tomorrow to come.
Sorry for any spelling errors, I had to type this on my phone.
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ichirostitties · 5 years
It’s great to see another HypMic imagines blog around!! Can I request some headcanons for how Ichiro, Dice, and Samatoki (desperate ofc) react when they’re attempting to flirt with their crush, but their crush doesn’t understand the flirting and just thinks the guys are being super nice all of a sudden? Hopefully that made sense agsjjfkvkv. Best wishes for you and the blog!!!! ꒰#’ω`#꒱੭
aah thanks also this is a v cute ask they r all babey (yes even mr hardcore)
-POOR BOY he really has no experience with this at all :^( it’s basically canon that his only relationship experience comes from light novels/manga and all that nfdjfhssj
-he was probably SO NERVOUS he’s liked you for so long!! for ages he was trying to drop subtle hints (’subtle’) but you just didn’t understand him. he’s so nervous cause he wants to tell you but he just..can’t
-it’s just..,,this one day in particular you guys are hanging out alone FINALLY (since jiro and saburo are at school, he has the day off and you happened to be free too!), and he’s dropping so many hints (it’s up to you whether or not he uses purposely cheesy pickup lines to no avail lmao) he’s tried EVERYTHING. 
-he asked you to go to the movies sometime (he was like “so uhh..,,,would maybe wanna see this [insert cheesy romantic movie title here because ofc he would pick that to be as obvious as possible] together sometime y/n??”) and u were like “yeah i’d love to!! how did you know i’d love to see that movie you’re so thoughtful! :) is it ok if i bring some other friends too?” and he just internally cries because he MEANT just the two of you because it’s a movie COUPLES see together
-you guys were chillin on his couch probably watching uhhh NARUTO like weebs or something and he even tried the ‘accidental contact’ strategy but you just apologised and moved your hand away (he cries again because he just wants to hold ur hand aw)
-so in the end he’s tried all of the worst flirting strategies ever and not only did none of them work, you didn’t understand aNY of them (although you DID notice he was being a little more touchy than usual) and he’s sitting there wondering what to do because he’s so nervous!!! He’s sure he’ll have to actually confess at this rate and he’s never done it before his poor mc big bro heart is beating so fast!
-you probably notice that he seems to be sweating up a storm and you ask if he’s okay and I think that would do it for him honestly
-he takes a deep breath and is like right.,,ok mr mc big bro u got this in his head and turns to you with the reddest face you’ve seen in a while and blurts out that he really reaaallly likes you and he’s had the biggest crush on you for so long!! and he even tells you how he’d been trying to flirt with you all day (honestly flirting for ichiro is sending the ‘:3′ emoji) but you didn’t notice so he decided to just tell you and he Really hopes you feel the same way
-you’re like “oh…oH” and then it all clicks and you FINALLY understand why he was acting the way he was, and you give him the biggest smile ever because you really like him too!! 
-”I really like you too, Ichiro!” and the moment you tell him all his nerves just drop to 0 and he’s SO HAPPY, he doesn’t even register you apologising for not understanding his advances cause he’s too busy trying to believe that this is real and he really just did that and you actually like him back
-and now u r dating ichiro and u guys went to that cheesy romance movie and maybe u smooched him and maybe he cried himself to sleep that night because of how happy he is
-wow this turned into an entire scenario oOPS BUT ANYWAY basically i think ichiro would just confess out of sheer desperation because he’s never really experienced this before and he has no idea how to best handle the situation
-he’s just a big soft nerd idiot but he’s the best big brother ever and we love him anyway :’) ily ichiro ughhh this made me wanna go on so many dates with him
-angery man
-Samatoki would actually be pretty good at flirting honestly, he’s probably had a lot of positive reactions from people in the past so when you don’t really get what he’s implying he like ???? nani the fuck
-he’d probably repeat himself expecting you to get it but you just. don’t and he doesn’t actually know how to react at first.
-he’s not shy when it comes to this stuff, but he does get embarrassed easily when he has to admit his feelings. flirting was so much easier for him because he can just pass it off as not being that deep
-he probably becomes more aggressive with his flirting, like he starts leaning into you more if ya get what i mean
-he just goes with it the first few times it happens, but when you’re continuously oblivious to him he rapidly gets very frustrated, and he becomes more pouty as time goes on and you still just don’t get it!!
-he has trouble expressing his true feelings. he’s such a tsundere oh dear
-he wouldn’t get mad at you though, he really doesn’t want to hurt you even if he does come across as prickly, he just doesn’t really know what to do other than get angry at himself for not just telling you straight away
-you notice he’s feeling down so you ask him what’s wrong and he just blushes and looks away like the dumbass he is. his heart aches when he hears the concern in your voice and he really just wants to tell you. so he mumbles something but you can’t quite hear him, so you ask him to repeat himself and then he turns to you that’s when he confesses to you because he’s tired of feeling like a coward
-he tells you he’s liked you for a while now, and that it’d be fuckin great if you felt the same way otherwise he’d probably never be able to talk to you again (he probably says it all while looking to the side because he’s a stereotypical tsundere when it comes to this and i love him)
-you sort of take a moment to process it, but when it all clicks you realise how much he’d been dropping hints and you’re sorta like damn ok..he’s really smooth im just a dumbass ok but it’s ok cause you guys can both be dumbasses together!!
-he’s still waiting for your response, so you just lean in and kiss him on the cheek and he goes. very red but once he realises that means you feel the same way (it takes him a full 5 seconds), he has the biggest cheesiest grin on his face and gives you a REAL BIG SMOOCH because he’s secretly a pretty big dork
-soft samatoki makes me go sicko mode oh my god
-he’s literally been like “u look hot” and you’re like “aw thanks dice ur the nicest friend!!!!” he literally had question marks in his eyes the entire day
-he has tried EVERYTHING he even used “ya like jaaazzz???” from the bee movie but you thought he was just making a horrible reference and depending on how u feel u either refused to talk to him for the rest of the day or laughed until you cried because he’s such a clown
-he really doesn’t care that much, he’d LOVE to date you but hanging out with you is fine too so he wouldn’t be in the biggest rush to confess. Honestly he’d probably have a blast finding out just how far he can go before you realise how he feels (in a way it’s kinda like gambling cause he never knows when you’re gonna get it ooooo)
-after a few weeks he probably starts to get pretty desperate tho. he sees ur hand once and goes apeshit cause he wants to hOLD IT SO BAD he just wants 2 give u a big soft hug (dice gives the BEST hugs just saying) and now he realises that maybe he should just tell you
-and Dice has no shame, so he does! he goes up to you and is like “hey so uhh..,,,i’ve literally been dropping hints for weeks that I really like you so would you maybe wanna go on a date sometime??”. 
-He wouldn’t seem like it, but he is actually a little nervous. After all, he’s some hopeless homeless case addicted to gambling, why would you ever like him back? But for as few brain cells as Dice has, he actually has more sense than the others and thinks that hey, you must like him at least a little to have been hanging out with him for as long as you have
-when you say that you like him a lot too, he feels his heart swell!! he’s really happy and gives you one of his big signature grins. You apologise for being so clueless, you really thought he was just trying to be nice or entertaining in general cause that’s how he is with everyone else
-Dice pulls you in for a Big Dice Hug and assures you that it’s fine, he’s just as bad as you seeing as he still believes literally everything that falls from Gentaro’s mouth despite knowing how he is, and that he had a lot of fun trying to flirt with you using literally any tactics he could think of (even the kabedon didnt work smh)
-dice is such a genuine person i really can’t see him not confessing. he’s just a babey please give him lots of love and food
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velvetgons · 6 years
seunghun as your boyfriend;
seunghun x reader
warnings; hm maybe some swearing but nothing else :) 
word count; 3.2k 
requested; yes :) the junkyu one is already done and is under my writing// tag! 
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so what’s seunghun’s vibe i hear u ask? well it’s: ROMANCE
seunghun is the epitome of movie romance boy babey!!
you’d still meet him a very Normal and Generic setting, though
but it would still be super cute and the kind of experience where you think about it later that night and you gotta think ‘did that actually happen??��
i’m thinking a coffee shop because idk i got those chill vibes from seunghun
it’d be this really small niche coffee shop that plays the lo-fi hip-hop radio 24/7 and you only really go there because a. it’s small so there’s not a lot of people and b. the drinks are just so good?? you don’t know what they’re doing to make everything taste five star restaurant worthy but you don’t care!!
and one day you go there just to be chilled out and continue to work your way through the entire menu to test your theory that god himself is making these drinks
but when you’re just sitting and ~chilling~ you hear the door open
n you honestly don’t usually look up because it’ll just be another hipster teenager walking in, which is very valid and you’ve lowkey started to think that hipster fashion is maybe not so bad
(your friends disagree but i mean, who’s actually seeing hipster fashion up close and personal daily??)
but this time ur just like hm wonder who’s coming in today
and oh my god?? you feel like your brain has just short-circuited
there’s this cute ass boy with the softest looking hair wearing an oversized soft jumper walking into the shop with these pretty eyes that are glancing around to observe the space
and your interest is peaked, so you’re paying full attention to him now like godly drink? not important there is the most beautiful man over there and you are about ready to die with how shocked you are  
and then he just. gets his coffee and you think he’s gonna turn and leave so you’re :((
but as he about reached the door he turns his head a little and he sees you and he’s like :O
tbh he’d probably actually gasp like yeah that’s seunghun and he’s shocked!
and he wants to walk over to your table but he doesn’t know if you want company or if you want to be left alone
so he’s 365 so stressed and rushes out of the coffee shop because omg he can’t make someone ((and himself)) nervous that’s too much to do in one day
and so now you’re left wondering like?? was that a good shocked face and run away? because that’s definitely not usually a good sign
but you go back the next day as usual except this time you’re waiting for something ((spoiler: it’s seunghun. you went there to see the Cute Boy.))
and tbh you don’t think he’s gonna come back because i mean who gasps and runs out of a building for a good reason
but he does!! and he’s being ‘sly’ okay seunghun trying to check to see if you’re there that day and when he sees you sat there like yesterday he’s so excited
he’s been getting prepped all throughout yesterday and mostly through the night because he didn’t sleep properly
but now he’s ready to go ask if he can sit with you and make nice polite pleasant conversation
forgive him he’s only on phase one of his long-term plan to marry the cute person he saw at the coffee shop
so he gets his coffee and he walks over to you and says in the uwu small text “hello! does anybody sit here or is this seat free?”
and i mean first of all it’s completely unnecessary for him to sit with you like there’s so many free seats
but lowkey yeah you’ve been thinking about him too so you’d say yes
even if there is the slight worry that he might be a serial killer you decide to Take The Chance this one time
and omg as soon as you said yes seunghun could swear his heart did a keyboard smash and then stopped beating for a whole minute
but he takes his seat! and then completely freezes
he just doesn’t know what to say at first :(( he’s worried he’ll say something weird or not say enough to impress you so he just sits quietly and drinks his coffee
but then he sees that you’re wearing this cute lil necklace so he’s like “wowie!! that necklace is super cute :))”
and of course you’d say “omg!! thank you so much!!”
and like tbh. he gets so much confidence from them on. he just takes that one small comments and creates a whole conversation from
he asks where you got the necklace, if you shop there often, if you shop overall often, what other things you like to shop for, what other things you like in general
when it gets to a time that either one of you have to leave, seunghun genuinely wouldn’t want to, and if he had plans he’d check to see if he could cancel them without feeling guilty to spend time with you
but if you had to leave or if he couldn’t cancel his plans he’s gonna be a sad boy
you honestly just feel like you’ve been on a date tbh
so you’d honestly forget the inhibition and be like “aw :(( well it’s okay just give me your number so we can do this again!”
and you only realise when he does the same face he did yesterday that oh whoops maybe you didn’t fully realise that you were saying that
he just makes you feel really comfortable so you honestly forget about things that would’ve made you nervous with other people
but once he recovers from the shock he’d just be like “:] yeah okay that sounds fine with me”
and he just wants to talk to you 24/7!! but he refrains from texting you all the time because he doesn’t want you to end up finding him annoying :-)
tbh though he’d respond to your texts pretty quickly all the time either way? if he’d been talking to you all day, then his responses would take like ten seconds while he typed them out. but if you hadn’t been talking to him at all, his responses would probably still only take fifteen minutes max unless he was busy with something
on that note, he’d tell you whenever he was busy with things so you didn’t ever think he was purposefully ignoring you
and he’d take you out to different coffee shops in an attempt to prove or disprove your theory about the niche lil one you go to
and if you had hobbies like visiting museums or shopping? he’d totally come along with you!!
brings you along on little trips he takes too!! if he’s going to buy something from a store he doesn’t usually go to? guess who he’s inviting!!
tries to make you push him around in the cart to see how long you can go until a staff member tells him to get out (your current record is an hour and twenty-one minutes)
tbh everyone around you would probably think you were dating?? like your friends just assume you’ve told him that you like him already and now you’re just dating
and seunghun’s probably told his friends that he was In Love with you the day he met you, because he firmly believes in soulmates even if he friends don’t
after being close friends with you for like six months you’d probably think it was time to give him a big speech about how you like him as more than just a friend
so you sit him down and give him this whole lengthy rehearsed statement like “first of all, seunghun, i really don’t want to ruin this friendship…”
and by the time you’re done rambling about how much you think he’s amazing and perfect in every way he’s like
“well, i’m really touched, seriously, i’m tearing up a little…” and you’re like :(( he’s trying to let me down gently at least, but then he just goes, “but i thought we were already dating???”
and, first of all, you’re kinda just like ok damn that was seriously unnecessary then huh. but second of all, that’s definitely not bad news!!
so you kinda just laugh n say, “we never agreed that !”
and he’d say “well you know i kinda just assumed :( my bad”
and then you become the meme (you know the one where the guy’s like “that ain’t no problem, that ain’t no problem!” that one)
but anyway! now you have a big babey as your boyfriend so you struck out there
and like. nothing changes? you’d have thought that at least something would change but now he just gets to kiss you!! and that’s about it
seunghun is a hand holding enthusiast, first of all
he loves making you really do really obscure odd things with him that if anyone else asked you to do you’d be like ‘no wtf’
but with seunghun it’s like: go find the strangest most ugly painting in an art store and take a picture of you imitating them mood it portrays? sure that sounds fun! even more fun when you actually buy it!
or maybe he wants to make a scarecrow entirely out of pictures of himself? and you’re just like, “sure, yeah, that sounds like a fun activity”
idk if this is just an english thing or if it’s world-wide but you know like pub knowledge quizzes? he’d make you go to things like that on subjects neither of you have no idea about at all
but he’d also do really cute things with you or for you sometimes :(
like, he’ll buy cards with pretty art or cute cartoons on the front and write you lil short paragraphs about a different aspect of you that he loves
or he’ll get a collection of different flower bouquets and put them all together for you
and he’s not scared to admit it either!! if you bring it up in front of other people’s he doesn’t get embarrassed because that’s his mfing baby!!
gives you about a thousand kisses every day but his favourite kind of kiss is when you give him lil pecks or pepper his cheeks with kisses :)) they make him feel all warm n cuddly n safe
all of his kisses are very sweet and soft for the most part though
and tbh he doesn’t really kiss you for any other reason than a. he knows you like being kissed omg and b. it’s such a cute lil way of showing affection
he also adores having the classic late night conversations
okay but: seunghun loves going outside late at night, he doesn’t care really whether it’s cold or warm but summer nights after a long day are his favourites, and lying or sitting on a blanket with you and having you both go off on different tangents about a thousand different things you’ve been thinking of or that you have an opinion on
for example, his fixation with soulmates
you ask him one of the many times you’re sat outside looking at the stars with him why he’s so obsessed with the concept of soulmates
and he’d kinda just shrug at you and be like “i just really do think they’re real. i really, really believe in them. that’s about it.” and he’s got these big cute eyes that are reflecting the stars and you’re two seconds away from giving him a smooch
but he’s not done!! he’d go on to be like, “well i mean. i did think they were real, but now i know they’re real because i’ve met mine.”
you might cry a lil bit at that. that’s understandable.
but he’s smiling so softly and his eyes are so starry and pretty and he’s like “can i give you a kiss :-)”
and you’re just like :(( yeah, yes pls
you’d realise a while into your relationship that he’d gotten a necklace that matched the one he’d complimented when he first met you too
and when you’d ask him why he’d tell you it was because he wanted a reminder of you and meeting you with him always
if you came to watch him practice or expressed an overt interest in his debut or anything to do with his passion he’d be so happy!! he’d love to explain things to you, or show you new choreographies and songs he was working on
i feel like seunghun’s the type to wanna have lil conversations before bed
he already knows how your day’s been because if he hasn’t been keeping in regular contact with you throughout the day, he’s definitely asked you the second he sees you
he just wants to have another run-down over it so he can comment on stuff more in depth if he hadn’t had the chance before
tells you about his day and discusses how he’s felt about things so he can hear your opinion on them too
omg but you two would definitely spill tea together i mean, if there’s drama in your day? guess who’s getting a text w a tea emoji so he knows you have something to tell him about when you see him in person
and if he sees some stuff go down? he’d probably straight up call you in a bathroom to start telling you the story before he had to rush off to make sure he didn’t miss anything
you two just gossip. you both know everything about everyone. that one girl from your class who sits in the second row and always has to borrow a pencil from someone and you think it’s because she likes someone in the class? he knows about that. he has a theory on that.
we all also know seunghun’s kinda loud right?
because if he’s hyping you up, he’s Hyping You Up
you go out shopping with him and some friends? they’re like “wow that’s a cute shirt!!” but seunghun’s like “you are the most beautiful human being on this planet” (bass boosted)
has two different reactions when you compliment him:
either it’s “omg not here i’m gonna blush and that will so embarrassing for the both of us!!!”
or it’s “thank you for saying my shoes are nice i would die for you :-*”
either way, you’re just like :] of course any-time buddy
onto another topic, seunghun has a range of different pet-names for you
in private it’s like “my angel !! my baby !! my princess !! my lil love-bug cuddle-bug uwu machine wife !!”
but in public it’s like your full name. or maybe ‘babe’ if he’s feeling bold.
he just doesn’t want his friends to tease him because he Knows they would never let him live it down if they heard his nicknames for you
also seunghun seems like the type to leave you audio messages instead of just texting you? especially if he was gonna say something cute because now there can’t be any screenshots
(if u two have tea to spill and have to be apart, you best believe you’re sending each other audio of you laughing or commenting or at the very least giving a dramatic rendition of how arguments happened)
but his normal audio messages are usually just him telling you that he loves you a lot :) and he hopes you have a good day :) and reminders to eat and drink regularly :) and if you ever show this to anyone he’ll fight you >:)
just so you know, play-fighting doesn’t exist with seunghun because the concept is dumb to him
so either you’re wwe fighting or you’re not qualified to fight him
saying that, if you try and tickle him, it’s over. just don’t do it. he will not accept that sort of treachery in his home
funny how he says that and then would also spend a couple of hours cuddling you while you’re wrapped up in blanket so you can ‘feel like you would on a cloud’
the duality!
still makes you do dumb stuff after you start dating though that’s not going away
you wanna go for a walk as soon as the sun starts to rise so you can see the sky change colours and look really pretty? how can you say no to that offer!
he’d do that but then get genuinely concerned when you say you’re tired before at the very least after 5pm
he just doesn’t like the idea of you not being healthy and happy
on this topic, i really don’t think seunghun’s the type to argue? about anything?
he just. he just doesn’t get angry very often tbh. maybe he’d get annoyed with you occasionally but if he has an issue with something you’re doing he’ll just tell you bro he’s not pressed about it
and he really expects you to do the same if it’s something that you seriously don’t like because he won’t be offended by it
he’s a firm believe that you’re both best friends!! you can tell each other anything and nothing comes with negatives if it’s something you need to address with one another!!
like, getting jealous? yeah, he does!! but he’s rational and he knows he can trust you so what’s there to get seriously mad about
and if you get jealous? that’s fine, as long as you know too that he’s serious about how you two are supposed to be able to fully trust one another so you don’t need to be worried about anything
he doesn’t get snappy when he’s tired, he just wants to take a nap and maybe get a cuddle while he does :))) as long as you’re fine with that, he’s not bothered
he’d get quite upset if you snapped at him though, and he’d make sure to tell you whenever you calmed down from your mood that you can just tell him if you’re not in a good place or if you’re tired and he’ll give you your space
he always seems like a person who’s so quick to bounce back from things? and i think he’d like to be able to just rant at you sometimes about how he’s really feeling before he has to rationalise it just so he isn’t bottling anything up
gives you genuine heart eyes when you remind him that it’s okay for him to have normal human emotional reactions to things like everybody else does
tbh seunghun would give you heart eyes all the time :///
i feel like this one’s been shorter than others but i just. i just honestly think dating seunghun would be a really nice pleasant experience?
he’s just such a genuinely good person and has so much he wants to do with you
(he’d probably make a lil bucket list hhhhh)
would probably conclude that he’s definitely gonna marry you from the very moment he first started talking to you tbh
like he would constantly remind you, he firmly believes that you two are actual soulmates, so no problem is too big for the both of you to face in his eyes :((
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velvetgons · 6 years
hyunsuk as your boyfriend
word count; 3.3k i’m sorry 
warnings; hmm i don’t think anything but possibly swearing i can’t be sure!! 
requested; no uwu i’m a new blog :) 
(also to gif makers; if you don’t want me to use your gif for any reason please just tell me and i’ll remove it!! apologies in advance if that’s the case!!) 
gif credit; bggon on tumblr!! please tell me if you’d like it removed :)
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ok so uh let’s just give it a lil background
you decide to go out n get some new clothes bc u know. u got some extra money to spend why not
and you take some of your friends!! and you’re shopping and having a good time and everything is great
until you see this cute lil blue dress and you’re like ‘that’s The One, i need that dress……very necessary to my daily life’
so you tell your friends that you’re just gonna go find your size and they’re all “yes!! get the cute dress!! we’ll see you at the check-out!!”
so you’re about to grab the dress when you see,, the exact same dress except this time! it’s in red
so now you’re completely torn obviously because :// do you want the blue one or the red one,, they’re both cute,, but what’s gonna look nicer on you,,
and you’re just kinda stood there staring at them both because it turns out both colours have your size and now you don’t know what to do with urself
n just as your about to pout and go find one of your friends to help you pick you hear a Boy VoiceTM  
and it’s just a quiet lil, “you should get the red one!”
but it makes you turn around because whom said that to you
and you see….a cute boy….just kinda smiling at you while he looks at a shirt or something,, and he smiles even bigger when you look at him and just kinda shrugs before saying, “it’s a prettier colour!!”
part of you is like ?? i’m not gonna get the red one just because a random stranger thinks it’s a cool colour
but the other part of you wins because it’s like “:) you’re right red is a rlly cute colour :) i’ll get this one thank u fashion advice stranger”
and he smiles back at you before he turns back to the clothes he’s looking at and you know you’re supposed to just grab the dress and go now
but. you,, want the cute boy stranger to turn around again,, so u grab another random two articles of clothing and tap him on the back to be like “what about out of these two??”
and you just. keep doing it. and he keeps answering,, to the point where he doesn’t even turn around anymore because he’s giving you all his Focus
so now you have an armful of clothes that ur not gonna buy and he’s offering to carry some for u while u get them checked out and ur like “haha! of course! this is a great idea!”
and like. he isn’t dumb he knows what ur doing so he’s like. hyping himself up in his head like ‘come on!!! she’s clearly into you!! you’ve got this!! just…ask her out and if she says no! it’s all good! we’ve got this bro!’
so he takes a deep ass breath (n u think for a second that you’ve done something wrong) n is like “or…u could like idk man just…idk get the cute red dress and wear it…when i pick you up for a date…maybe like…tomorrow or something…” and in his head it sounds really smooth n nonchalant
but in reality it’s just a jumble of incoherence but you heard date and tomorrow so you’re like “yes!!!!!!!!!! yes this is Very Good i am free tomorrow pls do that” n give him your phone to save his number in
and he’d save it as ‘fashion god (a.k.a hyunsuk)’ with like fifty hearts next to it
((also as a side note you’d have to text him ur own name because he wouldn’t even ask for it in the store…… a charismatic king))
and that would be the story you’d have to give to your kids one day about how you met their dad :) very romantic
anyway! with that being said! let’s get into actually dating him
hyunsuk is a Loud Boy and is most of the time a Happy Boy
and he would constantly try and make sure that you’re feeling equally as happy as him because!! he really just hates the idea of you being upset or down
he hates it so much when your upset because of something outside of his control (like school, work, college) because he just doesn’t know how to fix it?? and he’d resort to doing really dumb stuff to get you to smile at him !! because seeing you :( makes his heart physically hurt
honestly he would melt if you did the same thing for him…..like….if you showed clear concern for him or hyped him up in anything he does the babey smile you know the one loll and feels his heart go zooooooom
i don’t think he’d actively go out of his way to show affection in public but it would definitely just happen
like. sometimes he’s just walking and the next thing he knows he’s tangling his hand with yours and giving your knuckles each a lil kiss
or you’re standing in front of him and his arms just kinda outstretch and pull you really close to him and he’s burying his face into the crook of your neck
or you’re just stood next to him minding your business when you’re tugged into his side and feel him leaving lil kisses on your cheeks while he calls you cute
all of his friends are Disgusted and beg him to not do that right in front of them 24/7 but like. he genuinely doesn’t notice until he’s already done it
however! if you initiated affection (in public) he,,,, blushes,,
in private you two are always attached somehow so it’s more unusual for you two not to be touching
his favourite form of affection would be when you were cuddling and you snuggled your face into his chest ! he’d literally go blank for a second before he’d yell something abt u being cute
i also personally see hyunsuk as someone who would wanna talk about so much all the time??? like…his mind is just buzzing with stuff all the time and he’d love having someone to share that with
and you’d have to do this late at night a lot (because of his schedule) but when he’d come to yours and if you were still awake, you’d both kinda just lay facing each other in bed with ur pinkies linked really loosely while you talked about a bunch of different stuff
they’d be long conversations too!!! you wouldn’t need to ask each other what you’d been up to that day because you’d be talking pretty much all day oof
so you’d be talking to each other about random stuff you thought of!! he’ll ask you about your views on stuff like ghosts and aliens and conspiracy theories, and you’ll get to hear his, and he’ll talk to you about his favourite songs and why they’re his favourites and he’ll really want you to explain yours too, he’d also ask dumb stuff like “do u think fish can see water” and would want a genuine answer 
but overall those would go on for hours and you’d only know he was ready to finally sleep when he curled an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him
speaking of cuddling!! hyunsuk would go between being the little spoon or having you lie on his chest to sleep
he loves being the little spoon because,, it’s such a warm experience,, so safe,, and bundled up,, and he’d definitely wrap himself up in a blanket before doing it for Maximum Comfort
but! he also loves having you sleep on his chest because “you’re my baby!! you’re so small it’s where you belong!!” (even if you’re taller than him hyunsuk what) he just,, loves how close you feel to him when he knows you can hear his heartbeat and he can feel how warm you are and he can see you falling asleep and it makes him feel so !! warm inside
he’d definitely introduce you to his friends really quick into dating you lol because?? what if you guys don’t get along?? they literally mean The World to him??
but of course you would i mean. what’s not to like
and they’d tell you embarrassing stories about him (seunghun would go into immense detail of how hyunsuk talked about your first date, including an oscar worthy rendition of hyunsuk talking about your first kiss)
you’d probably tell hyunsuk that you were scared of byounggon and hyunsuk would CACKLE
he’d be like “him?? he?? he’s a Baby! he’s the Sweetest Boy!” and then place all of his efforts into getting you and byounggon to be certified best friends
and like. it would work but more because you and byounggon had to bond over who would take care of him in his chaotic inventive ways to get you and byounggon to talk and communicate (including: accidentally locking you two in the practice room so you’d talk through ‘your issues with one another’ which would literally end up with you showing byounggon dumb pictures you had of hyunsuk on your phone and him giving you music recommendations)
[a/n; using that as a way to talk about something else,, writer of the year :)] we all obviously know that hyunsuk is very music orientated as a person!!! and he wouldn’t hesitate to share that with you through either his performances, his producing, or just music he likes
he’d make multiple playlists for you that would be for different things! (songs he wants to show you, songs that remind him of you, songs he wants to you to listen to and tell him whether performing them would be a good idea etc.)
he’d also love for you to show him your favourite music because he’d personally see music sharing as something very intimate and special!!! and if you ever told him about songs that reminded you of him he might actually have a heart palpitation
but i think in general he’d wanna be involved with something you’re interested in because you supported him so much in his passion!! if you were into art, he’d wanna know all about what you were drawing/painting and he’d find cute museums to go to together! if you were into writing, he’d wanna know what you were writing about and he’d wanna find you cool notebooks and stationary to use for it! he’d just wanna involve himself in any way possible to let u know he cared about it too!!
now onto his other Big Hobby
he…is now your personal stylist…a fashion king…he will not let you change his name in your phone…
he wants to go shopping to find cool clothes all the time! and now he has someone else to take with him! and someone else to try and dress!
i know there’s like the dumb Boyfriend Trope of ‘no :( you can’t wear that because it’s revealing :(‘ but like………hyunsuk wouldn’t care lmao
he sees something he thinks you’d look cute in?? he immediately jumps to get you to try it on for him!! it’s not a weird thing he’s just a fashion king and needs everyone to know that you two are the Best Dressed Couple
speaking of which! dating hyunsuk would be such a healthy thing !
he’d be a lil heavy-handed at first just because he’s not 100% on what he’s actually supposed to be doing
but once he figures out how dating actually works, it’s over for literally everyone else
like, at first, he might get jealous quite a lot because :(( what if u find someone better :(( but then he’d kinda re-evaluate and be like ‘i could…literally talk about this…what’s stopping me…’
and then you’d have a conversation about it where you’d reassure him that he’s your man!! you like Love him and stuff!!
from then on i think dealing with issues that came up in your relationship would just,,, get easy to him??
like, you’re jealous over someone else? that’s okay, you guys can talk about it and work it out!! he’s stressed and tired and just wants alone time? he’ll explain it to you in a calm n rational way without snapping at you!! you snap at him because you’re stressed and tired and just want alone time? he understands, but he tells you to tell him next time!!
he just can’t comprehend that any of the things you two work through are actually genuine problems for other couples because?? he finds them so easy to avoid
that’s not to say you two wouldn’t argue, because like, everyone does. but arguments would just,, end so quickly because
first of all: he hates there being tension between you two, and hates the idea of upsetting you even more
and second of all: he’d calm down quick enough to talk things through calmly and discuss a good way for both of you to fix your problems
and ! the relationship would never ever feel one-sided
you’d support him so much!! you’d remind him to get sleep, and to eat and drink regularly, and to not take the criticisms too harshly because he knows how good he is
((a side note: you’d probably Go Off at some point about yg and how gross he is for being so mean and never complimenting hyunsuk because you knew it upset him and you’d be ranting and gesturing around with your hands and probably yelling a lil bit and hyunsuk would just be looking at you like (✿╹◡╹) because his heart is so warm while you’re talking about burning the yg building down for him))
and he’d support you just as much!! he’d remind you to not overthink things, and to take breaks if you had studying to do, and would call you at least once a day if his schedule was packed just to get a quick run-down on how your day was going
also, on the topic of phone calls, sometimes he’d just call you and leave the call going while he did other stuff
most of the time it’d be while he did writing or producing
but if he wanted you to ‘be there’ during his dance practices he’d facetime and just kinda,,, leave it going while him and everyone else did their routine
and you’d either be doing other stuff or watching but either way you’d hype them all up for how well they were doing
and hyunsuk is( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)because oh boy!! he loves you a whole bunch
onto another topic but he’d really wanna have you meet his family only after he knew it was gonna be serious with you two !
and he’d already know his family would love you so he wasn’t stressed (you definitely were, but he was just like “no!!! they’ll love you because they love me!!!”) and from then he’d really love for you to be close to his family
but oh boy meeting your family. he’d have a heart-attack
what if they didn’t like him?? what if they thought he was a bad influence?? he couldn’t handle that
(you’d go to meet them and you’d be calming him down because “you’re literally the cutest sweetest most charming boy i have ever met?? how could anyone ever hate you??”) and he’d still be super nervous but. two minutes into being through the door he has it! he’s got ur whole family just as whipped for him as you are by the time he leaves
he’s like the meme of ‘your mum asked me to ask if you wanted to come to dinner with us at your house tonight :)’
hyunsuk is also definitely the type to wanna get you guys a couple item!! and he’d try and find something really ugly because he’d think it was funny to see your reactions to the cringy couple shirts and hoodies
but then one day he’d come over n be like “hello i have done it again!!”
and ur like “oh no. why. what did you do. i’m too young to go to prison hyunsuk pls”
and he’s all “:) no silly we finally have a couple item”
and ur immediately like. “no. i won’t have it. take it back! no more micky and minnie mouse matching hoodies!! i won’t do it and you can’t make me!!!”
but he’s like “no i promise it’s a good one this time :( please”
so u allow him one chance…..just one….to prove himself…..
and boy! does he do it!
he gets out a cute lil box n he’s chanting like a lil kid when he gives it to you and he’s like, “open it open it open it!!”
and you do and :(( it’s this cute lil locket and you look up at him like :O
and he’s grinning so big and nodding for you to open it and when you do there’s your favourite picture of him in it and you’re !! so happy that you don’t know what to do with yourself
but then he’s like “wait! that isn’t even the best part!” and he shuffles about for a second and wham! he’s wearing a matching one
and ur like :O this is the cutest thing in the entire whole wide world
but ! he opens it up and he’s grinning at u n he looks like he knows something you don’t and there!! is a picture of you where you’re in a shirt of his and the lighting’s kinda bad because you’re kinda sat up in ur bed and ur grinning real big at something
and ur like “:/ hyunsuk that is the ugliest picture of me”
he would be. genuinely offended. he would pop off ! he would be gesturing around with his hands and rambling about how “that’s so dumb??? u look so happy?? and so cute??? and it’s my favourite picture of you ever???”
from that day obviously you wouldn’t take yours off because uhm that’s so cute
but like you just think he’ll wear his when it fits in with whatever the current days LookTM is
but………he wears it All the time…..(but he does take it off to sleep n shower because he’s scared to damage it!!!)
also i firmly believe hyunsuk isn’t the type to get jealous very easily anyway, but as i said earlier he wouldn’t find talking about it difficult
like,, if there was a situation where someone was being too touchy with you and it made him uncomfortable then he’d wait until later and then tell you kinda like, “hi idk what u think of this but it just made me kinda uncomfy :// can we talk abt it” and you would !! and you’d find something that worked for both of you !!
i mean hyunsuk really is like. that boyfriend
i know this is super long already so i’m gonna go into a quick fire bit;
he would completely and totally buy you chapsticks whenever he saw any !! like now he just buys two of each as a natural reaction to seeing them
leaves u notes if he has to leave early however they’re not like ‘ily see u later mwah’ they’re more like dumb jokes he thinks of or drawings of weird animal combinations he thinks of
totally accidentally steals the covers in the night if you guys move away from each so he buys you the cutest most fluffy blanket he can find as an apology
also!! his kisses would be the best ever?? he loves giving you lil cheek and forehead kisses 24/7
has to give you one (1) kiss every time you have to leave and one (1) kiss every time he sees you  
but he gives you two (2) kisses every single time you compliment him!!!
overall! i think hyunsuk would be one of the most relaxed and easy-going ((and best but you didn’t hear that from me)) boyfriends anyone could ever have
thank you for coming to my ted-talk
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