#we are getting into it!!! hyeah!!!
banamine-bananime · 9 months
one thing that always perplexes me is how often i see takes on tucker where the work positions him as a great dad*, fluent in sangheili language and culture, and most of all, a great diplomat.
i'm not here to yuck anyone's yum and i, too, am absolutely transfixed and enraptured by this man's oscillation between "my one purpose in life is to constantly test the human limits of Annoyingness" and "sudden, shocking extreme competence with no warning" like a little Newton's cradle. like, i just spent 7000 words indulging myself in thinking about a version of tucker that listens a lot more to the "do whatever you gotta to protect the people you love and do what you think is right regardless of what people think" cartoon angel on his shoulder and less to the "that sounds hard i just wanna mouth off, jerk off, fuck off, and negg church" devil. i cannot throw stones and clearly i think that's a fun and valid interpretation of how his character could evolve. but evolve is the keyword there and it baffles me when this gets treated as the fact of how he immediately snapped into being as soon as he had junior, you know?
like. obviously tucker ended up doing some massively impressive shit as an ambassador in sandtrap. but that's because he wasn't being an ambassador, he was being The Final Girl in il/ct's slasher flick. getting trapped in a beseiged temple is, traghilariously, the best thing that could have happened for him in terms of being good at that job. if tucker were a pathfinder character he would have 18s in "dealing with your life suddenly being taken over by ancient alien religion bullshit", "surviving crazy shit through sheer spite and the adrenaline rush of pissing off whatever asshole has made it their life's mission to kill you this time", and "being the only person who knows what fucked up shit is going on while the rest of the bgc ignore you". he would have a 2 in "saying things that make people want to kill you LESS". de-escalation is not in this man's skillset. he cannot even handle being normal about human women. appreciating the intricacies of sangheili culture and politics, human culture and politics, and sangheili-human relations?
Tucker: People learn English all the time, it aren't that hard.
Church: Maybe you should try learning his language.
Tucker: Fuck that, we got here first, and that makes this a colony. Those're the rules, dude. Earth colony, Earth language.
Church: Tucker there's thousands of languages spoken on Earth.
Tucker: Hyeah, but only one that kicks ass. And that's the one we're teaching. English 101, remedial kick-ass.
i know this is pre-junior and doubtlessly, he is more interested in this stuff after junior (because junior's life does depend on sangheili politics and human-alien relations) and MUST be less dense about it after HAVING to do it as a job. like by osmosis at the very least something must have permeated his brain. but the gap between this^ and "knowledgeable enough to be an asset in this career, one people need at least one relevant degree for" is, uh, bigger than a few months between leaving blood gulch and being sent out to the field
sometimes i think about what a fucking trip it would be to be on the UNSC diplomatic team with tucker LMAO can you imagine how unpopular he must have been. a bunch of polisci and IR nerds like fists clenched shaking like leaves trying to restrain the urge to give this guy a swirlie because he cannot stop sounding like a fucking family guy episode while you're trying to, like, convince the warrior queen of some isolated Sangheili heretical sect to ally with the Swords of Sangheilios and the species they've been dead set on annihlating for decades. and also you know he's only an ambassador as like the weirdest most fucked up variation of a nepo baby. nepo forced interspecies religious incubator. the token chestburster virgin mary hire. the simultaneous Hatred for this guy making your job hell, the impotent rage of knowing that it is, actually, important that he be there for Symbolic reasons, and feeling sympathetic to him. you know part of why he's Like This is literally just because he's 20 and should be at the club but has had the year from hell and didn't ask for this. it's easy to forget that because he doesn't complain about any of the actually bad things that happened and just rolls with whatever crazy shit comes his way. complaining is reserved for being an annoying little bitch about petty shit.
ANYWAYS i'm not saying stop having fun with very competent versions of tucker. we're all just here to have fun. i just like what a weird combo of competent and disaster he is, as i interpret him, and i, personally, am incapable of interpreting him as being actually very good at his job as ambassador
*the only two options are not "bad dad" and "great dad". having an alien parasite non-consensually implanted in you by a manipulative fraudster to force his own involvement in a prophecy - oh and also their species is trying to exterminate yours - and going, "well, this baby didn't choose this, they're just a baby, and you know what? my baby. i love this baby unreservedly and unconditionally, fuck you." shows a capacity for love and forgiveness that's frankly fucking insane, both in the good-impressive way and the what-is-going-on-in-your-brain-and-how-did-this-kind-of-decision-making-not-get-you-killed-yet way. and tucker very clearly loves junior a lot and does his best - which, i want to reiterate, is absolutely wild considering the circumstances - but he wasn't ready for a kid, is bad at accepting responsibility especially for others, and the way that Things Never Stop Happening in his life mean he is really not very present. and it's not JUST because of things happening outside of his control - there were periods after season 8 and after season 13 he probably could have permanently reunited with junior and didn't.
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duckymcdoorknob · 10 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 15: 𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽
Closest gif I could get of the two together 😭😭
Happy tkember and almost tkcember, chat!
I am loving one piece so far and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem.
I’m listening to Ado rn :)
I had to throw in a little bit of ler Zoro bc have you seen him.
—This do have tickles below the cut ngl—
Tags: @chrimsss @trrickytickle @trans-ace-lee @giggly-squiggily @switch-writer
“I’m boooooooooored!” Luffy whined, hanging upside down on the bow of the ship. “Someone come play a game with me.”
“Busy,” the long-nosed pirate murmured, tinkering with some kind of device.
“But Usoooooooopp!” The captain moaned in agony.
How was he supposed to survive in these conditions? God gives his toughest battles to his silliest soldiers…
A glint of joy sparkled in his eye in a moment’s notice. “Hey! Wanna have a tickle fight?!”
The gunner visibly tensed, clamping his arms down to his sides. “No way! I’m- I’m working on something!”
“But you’re so fun to play games with! And I have to know if you’re ticklish!!”
Growing more flustered and frustrated, Usopp barked out an absentminded response. “Come over and make me then!”
“Hehe, okay,” Luffy replied with a Cheshire grin. He stretched his arm out to grab the pole next to his crewmate, letting his body cling to said position.
A small squeak left the gunner as his eyes widened. “Uh… h-hi.”
“Hi!” The stretchy boy cooed, “betcha’ forgot I could do that, huh?”
Usopp did not like the menacing look that was glinting in his captain’s eyes. He shifted apprehensively as he slowly tried to step back. He looked for an exit, eyes darting drastically around the ship. He locked onto Sanji serving some kind of snack to Zoro and Nami, opting to break into a full sprint toward the three.
Six concerned eyes snapped to the frantic Usopp, who was running from a sadistically smiling Luffy. The three relaxed, realizing that Usopp wasn’t actually in any real danger.
“Well, what did you do to piss him off?” Zoro asked as the curly-haired male jumped onto him. “H-Hey! What are you-“ Instinctively, his arms closed securely around his shipmate.
“Zoroooo, he’s gonna kill me!” Usopp cried, drastically hugging the burly man holding him.
“NUH UH!” The captain called after them, making his way over, “I told you, I just wanted to have a tickle fight!”
“And I said I was- HYEAH!”
The long-nosed pirate was cut off by sudden, repeated pinches to his hips, jumping a bit in the swordsman’s tight hold. “H-Hey- EEP! S-Stahap Zoro!”
“What? I’m not doin’ nothin’… Jeez…”
“B-Buhut you a-ahare!”
“Hey! No fair! I was supposed to tickle him!!” Luffy whined, pouting with his arms crossed.
“Oh yeah? Well-“ Zoro hooked his arms under the gunner’s biceps, causing the latter to kick his feet in defense. “Go for it, Captain.”
That glint of joy and menace found its way back, with Luffy settling in front of his shipmates and reaching up to wiggle his fingers at their gunner.
“Waitwaitwaitwait! Can’t we talk about this?!?! I’m sure we can make some kind of ar-ahahahangemehehent! Nohohoho!”
The captain giggled along with Usopp as he spidered his fingers along the long-nosed pirate’s sides.
“Luhuhuffyhyhy! Zohohohoro! Stahahap!”
“Stop? Already? But this is supposed to be a tickle fight!” Luffy cooed, squishing the soft torso of their gunner.
“Yohohou’rehehe uhuhunfahahair! Luhuhuhuffyhyhy!”
“Unfair?! You can get me back anytime you want; I’ll even tell you that I’m most ticklish on my ribs! Hey… speaking of which…”
Usopp’s eyes shot open as he felt Luffy’s fingers worm up onto his ribcage. He kicked his feet drastically, accidentally slamming his ankle down on his captain’s shoulder. “LUHUHUFFYHYHY! HYEAHAHAHAHA!”
“Yeowch… No need to get so violent with him, Usopp.” Zoro quipped, clamping his own arms to his sides and trapping the latter’s there. He spidered his fingers under both of the gunner’s arms, cracking an evil smile.
“NGHAHAHAHA! GUHUHUHUYS!” The curly-haired pirate squealed as he threw his head back onto Zoro’s shoulder.
“This tickle fight seems pretty one-sided to me,” Nami quipped, casually chewing on a piece of cheese.
“Just glad it isn’t me,” Sanji retorted quickly, shifting a bit.
The two locked eyes… oh shit.
“MEHEHEHRCYHYHY!! I CAHAHAHANT TAHAHAKE IHIHIHIT! TOO MUHUHUHUCH!!” Usopp cried, head unmoving from Zoro’s shoulder.
Zoro ceased his attack, freeing the long-nosed pirate’s arms.
“Hey, enough kid.” Zoro scooped up the winded Usopp, whisking him away to safety.
“Oh man! I didn’t know that you were so ticklish, Usopp! That was fun!”
“F-for YOU! I thought I was gonna die you motherf-“
Sanji whizzed past the three of them, Nami hot on their heels. “NAMI NO- WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS!”
“You’d think with such long legs that you’d be able to outrun me, Sanji!” The orange-haired girl chimed as she tackled the chef, her fingers finding refuge squeezing at the blonde’s thighs.
“Heh, get his ass Nami!” Zoro called, still absentmindedly cradling Usopp in a safe embrace.
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correctrvbquotes · 3 months
Cut back to the Gulch, where Church and Simmons are dropping off the Reds in front of their base.
Church: Okay, Donut, wait until we're gone, and then you can wake 'em up.
Donut: Well what do I tell them?
Church: I don't care, tell 'em you busted in and rescued them. Get yourself a medal. You deserve it.
Donut: I always did wanna be a hero... and a liar.
Church: Well then, it's your lucky day.
Donut: Don't you want anything?
Church: Like what?
Donut: Well, every time someone surrenders they take somethin'. Like when we took the medic, and you guys took Grif's dignity.
Simmons: Hyeah, like that ever existed. Uhhh, I mean, which one is Grif? Is he the yellow one?
Donut: And this time you guys don't want anything?
Church: Well, technically you're not surrendering. This is what we call in the Military, a "total asskicking." Oh, and also, we're taking your car.
Donut: What? You're leaving us out here, without any transportation? We'll die!
Church: Die of what?
Donut: Exposure! We're stranded! This is murder.
Church: Your base is right there, I can see it.
Donut: You may as well just feed us to the buzzards right now!
Church: You could have walked back to the base in the time we've been discussing this.
Donut: Go. Just sign our death warrants.
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chthonicgodling · 1 month
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starring! EeL, finally back in action! Chal, just here to make faces & serve as transportation in the voids! And Bel, MINDREADER WITH NO PATIENCE, the sole entity able to pierce through aaalll of Loki’s hysterical layers and get immediately to the core of what the FUCKING ISSUE IS IN THE FIRST PLACE—
[you are: one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • nine  •  here • eleven • twelve • thirteen • fourteen (the end!) ]
Before I say literally anything else - Bel & all the EXCEPTIONAL dialogue in his blurple colored bubbles is written by my partner in crime, Elysium’s hiatus'd @fenixethekid — who is so on my same page at all times that we didn’t even have a DISCUSSION about what tf EeL was doing when he fled, she just nailed it through Bel INSTANTLY. HELLO????? HYEAH???? Also of course she’s thusly responsible for my single favorite line in this entire saga, aka the entire reason I stopped to draw 50&counting pictures to contextualize to get to this point : Bel screaming after Loki tO GO TO FUCKING THERAPY, advice that he Uh. Desperately needs to take.
The quick recap: Loki’s been curled up in the bed of Maci & Tory, carrying their baby, all comfortably until for “no reason” Loki blew it all up and ran away. The search has been ongoing with Maci n Tory backing off in tears, for Chal&Bel to try….
And they found him! Time to gently coax him back!
…Or ummmm! Well! I…. guess this works too!
EeL’s vanishing in canon was a split second decision on my end when this happened back in May, and though I’d had ideas for how he’d return, THIS wasn’t even on my radar at all. But once it happened it retrospectively couldn’t have happened any other way. First of all; fucking hilarious. Second of all; A FULL CIRCLE MOMENT, once again mindreader Bel trailing after Loki, God of Lies and - self loathing, doubt, & emotional instability? Loki fine! If you can’t talk about what’s bothering you out loud in words then the God of the Subconscious will CHASE AFTER YOU AND CALL OUT YOUR DEEPEST FEARS OUT LOUD FOR YOU, thanks so much.
Unconventional, but mission accomplished! I am STILL NOT DONE WITH THIS so stay tuned for the continuations of aftermaths. Quick someone tell Tory and Maci he’s back!!
...next updating coming uhhh in a little while cause i still have to like. draw it.
Like I said Bel & the blue belongs to Fenixe ;; EeL & green + Chal & red are all mine! CHAOS ANARCHY DRAMA DRAMA DRAMAAA
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badstargateimagines · 2 years
SG-1 are going on a routine mission to the next planet down the list. The MALP showed nothing but lush green fields as far as the eye could see and they’re all excited. Hopefully this planet will be a nice one, not corrupt with Goa’uld tyranny.
When they get through the gate, they arrive in this beautiful field they’d seen on the MALP. As the begin to walk around, they stop at a bridge per Daniel’s request. He notes that the writing on the walls is unlike anything he’d seen before. Jack looks at his friend sideways, not used to Daniel being puzzled by alien text.
“Well, that’s a new one.” Jack says, his signature O’Neill sarcasm not going unnoticed by Daniel.
“I’m serious, Jack. All the other places we’ve been, I’ve been able to pick out something, at least a symbol or a word! This is…” he gestured vaguely to the wall. “This might as well be gibberish.” He continued.
Jack sighed and rolled his eyes. “Well, figure it out or drop it, will ya? There’s a volcano over there that I can tell Cater’s itchin’ to get at, and there’s a castle in the distance that hopefully has someone in charge. We’re losin’ daylight!” Jack said, harshly. Daniel rolled his eyes and reluctantly turned away from his the runes.
They walked a while longer towards the castle, stopping occasionally for Sam to pick up a sample or for Daniel to video tape a wall. Suddenly, an arrow narrowly missed Teal’c head. The four dropped to the ground instantly and pulled themselves towards a nearby wall for cover. They heard the hooves of a horse and a man yelling to get the horse to go faster. Jack peered out at the man dressed in green on the horse, his bow at the ready and prepared to return fire. The man in green drew back his arrow and shot it off. A nearby growl made SG-1 collectively look back. They saw a monster behind them laying on the ground motionless.
The horse drew nearer and nearer before it stopped just on the other side of the wall they were huddled behind. They all had their weapons at the ready as they heard the man dismount his horse. The man in green rounded the corner, now unarmed. He stared at them for a time, their weapons seemingly meaning nothing to him. His goofy long hat blowing gently in the wind.
Daniel urged everyone to put down their weapons and made his way to the front of the group. He pointed at himself. “I’m Daniel. We’re explorers.” He explained. The man in green again said nothing. Jack grimaced.
“Not much of a talker, huh?” He asked. The man in green continued to stare at them. “Look, buddy, we just wanna know who’s in charge here and we’ll be on our way, alright?” He said. The man in green nodded.
“Sir, I don’t know if he knows English… maybe Daniel should try…” Sam urged.
Before Daniel had a chance to try any greetings in any other languages, the man in green pulled a giant fuck-off ball and chain out of seemingly nowhere and started swinging it around. They took cover again but Daniel was too slow and got hit as the man in green yelled “HYEAH!”. The last thing the others saw was the man putting his ball and chain back into ??? His pants I guess??? And proceeded to converse with his shadow. He then turned into a wolf and disappeared in little pieces up to the sky. This was going to be one hell of a report.
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starboundfae · 2 years
@pastelpixels suggests: > Inspect The Mask
@mindl3ss-kitt3n suggests: > Inspect The Mask (and also your staff)
I cross my legs, and pick up the mask from where it lies on my hip, brushing off the last bit of sand clinging to it. 
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Two pairs of faintly glowing yellow eyes stare up at me, with the set on the damaged side occasionally flickering and going dim before weakly lighting back up. The other side bears a small horn, curved on the inner side as if it wrapped around an actual horn. This mask, with its damage and its one, singular horn, reminds me of a similar one I had before… though that one I had crafted myself as a crude combination of the tech and magic of the world I was on at the time.
Which, perhaps it is the same mask? Just modified for this world in the same fashion my clothes are? The main body of it seems to be petrified wood, though, with the eye holes being made of light magic rather than being holes at all-- the old mask was more heavy on the tech than the magic aspect, with most of it being metal with a digital interface.
I flip the mask over, finding the inside scratched with a few runes in what looks like my own handwriting-- one for durability; for activation; for translation; for better sight; for harmony with technology; and for energy for the mask. Same as before, solidifying the theory that this is (was?), in fact, my old mask. Why it would show up again now of all times, changed so drastically in look, I can't be sure. 
I press my fingers over the activation rune and slide it on, allowing the magic to "click" it into place over my face. I blink, squinting as my field of view is filled with Very Important Information. At least it still gives important info related to what I'm currently focused on. ...Unfortunately, this version of the mask isn't any smarter than mine used to be, and its idea of important info is to tell me that there is sand on the ground.
I guess it isn't wrong, at least?
I sigh and bat away the notifications, turning my attention back to my hip, where my staff sits, waiting. I lift it a bit awkwardly from my belt, flipping it around in my hand until it's in a good position, and examine it. It consists of two portions, really-- the "lamp orb", which is made of milky white glass containing a constantly reforming mass of light, not unlike a lava lamp; and the actual staff bit, which curves around the lamp orb, and is made of dark colored wood with a teal grip. As far as I can tell, it is my exact same staff. 
A notification pops up.
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"MEGABIRD" my mask informs me, helpfully, pointing to the orb of light inside my staff and a few various other sources of light, like the sky and the water reflections, before changing its mind and telling me that those are actually light.
What the fuck is a megabird?
I stare at the notification, puzzled, waiting to see if it changes back-- even jiggling the staff to see if it would catch "megabird" again. It doesn't work, though, much to my disappointment. So, instead, I extend the staff to actual staff length by pressing one of the extension runes on the grip, and then open the storage compartment to see if any of the items in there get labelled weird.
Unfortunately (fortunately??), they do not. All the enhanced space has is some snacks, a container of water, my necklace (how'd that get in there?), and my hairtie. I dig out the hairtie, carelessly warping the opening for a moment while I grab it, and use it to tie most of my hair up and out of the way, before grabbing the necklace and clipping it on as well.
I eye the snacks and water container, contemplating if I'm really that in need of them right now, and close the compartment when I decide I can wait. 
Shoving the staff into the ground, I use it to help lift myself onto my feet and keep steady. Once I'm sure I won't eat shit if I let go of the staff, I dust the sand off of me and take a look around, yoinking the staff back out of its sandy half-grave.
There really isn't much but sand and water around, though. Behind me, there's water, before me, there's sand. Oh, and rocks, I suppose, and what appears to be a good sized one blocking any view of what might be ahead.
I sigh. 
If I'm on a tiny island again I'm not bothering with swimming this time.
Page 2 < Prev // Next > // Tag for scrolling through!
*note: Trick may now get your asks directly as notifications from their mask. They will reply accordingly, and I will attempt to do mini doodles for any that aren't used for the main story.
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stinkrascal · 3 years
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spending time with the family. 🎃🍂
picture one breanna: oh, bonnie—you’re glowing! you look so precious! vladislaus: i do hope lucien’s been feeding you well, yes?
picture two lucien: [ scoffs ] i’m capable of taking care of my own family, old man. you don’t have to patronize me. bonnie: you don’t have to worry about me, sir. lu’s a great cook! we ordered pizza last night, though. :o) vladislaus: ah, pizza. the most balanced of meals. [ sighs ] i didn’t mean to offend you, son. i only wished to help. lucien: not everyone needs your help, you know.
picture three vladislaus: well, sure. perhaps not everyone. :-) breanna: [ snickers ] don’t worry, bonnie—bickering is how they show each other affection.
picture four bonnie: trust me, i know. [ giggles ] you two are sweet, lucien. lucien: [ groans ] aggravating, more like. abigail: they’re so cute, nikolai... [ sighs ] i want a baby, too. nikolai: ...we can get a puppy? abigail: [ groans ]
[ divider ]
picture six ilya: hey genny, what’s the business? gen: what’s the business with you? ilya: i wanna burn things. gen: wow. nice. ilya: hey genny, how do you do that? gen: do what? ilya: you look menacing. [ sighs ] i wish i looked menacing. gen: wear more black. it helps. ilya: hyeah? cool. i’ll think about it. you wanna start a fire? gen: no. ilya: you don’t wanna live dangerously? gen: no. ilya: you don’t like fire? gen: not really. ilya: what do you even do for fun? gen: nothing. ilya: whoa... is that why you’re so menacing? gen: yeah. probably.
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absiinthe · 2 years
send help <3
are we desperate for more close friends than just our romantic partner systems? ...hyeah
anyways, if you wanna be our friend, we are “mercurial ink#4195″ on discord and inkcompendium on almost every popular platform except for snapchat! please tell us you came from tumblr so we don’t get spooked!
why should you be our friend?
- we’re really into writing, tarot, and astrology! we will infodump about them to you if you want!
- we will help you out to the best of our ability!! (just don’t vent w/o permission)
- we will send you as many funni memes as we can!!
- we’re the coolest audhd (autistic + adhd) sys there is /j
- we try our best to respect triggers!!
- you get +1 friend :]
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tangooftears · 3 years
{oh hyeah, we did get all moved in last night! we still have a few things we forgot to bring over but it’s nice to be at the new place.}
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aesthetic-uni · 4 years
But I was rereading the webcomic (mostly to see the outfits again they’re GOREGOUS) and I realized something
We all know the story Minthe, Thetis, and Thanatos told wasn’t the whole truth, but seeing some episodes made me realize not only it wasn’t the whole truth, it probably wasn’t even the whole crime.
One photo in episode 97 showed us a hint of Kore truly in her destructive goddess mode, and it showed MILES of land burning. Hills upon hill fully ablazed while Kore stood above it all. Not one village with a sadistic tree through it, no, full on destruction upon a ton of land.
If that’s the case, why did Minthe, Thetis, and Thanatos lie? What’s the point while not make sure she get the biggest punishment?
Because whatever she truly did, it was justifiable
Whatever she did, as terrible as it was, was not an actual crime. She can’t be punished for what she truly did, so Minthe, Thetis, and Thanatos have to somehow spin it to make sure she is.
Okay....but if it’s not a crime, why did Demeter cover it up? And what even is it?
It’s her power
Persephone is still learning her powers, and this act of destruction was actually whatever new power being unleashed, which is why it spread so much and so far, and why it can’t be considered a crime. Demeter covering it up isn’t so she tries to save her daughter from a nothing punishment, it’s solely about Persephone’s reputation.
Persephone’s power has something to do with the underworld, and Demeter knows what reputation that will bring her daughter. So she’s covering up this power. Probably telling Persephone to never unleash this power so she would have nothing to do with it.
Demeter says it outright to Hermes when she’s bribing him. This is about Persephone’s reputation and if word gets out she’s some ‘dark goddess’ (as if any underworld god is dark) it could ruin her life. Or, at least, the life planned out for her by Demeter and Hestia.
We don’t know what Persephone truly did. She probably did kill a lot of people no doubt, but that frame of her in the finale is not her. It’s something way worse and it’s going to come back and bite the trio’s and Apollo in the ass when the truth does come out.
Tldr: Persephone has some kind of power that links to the underworld and her big “Act of Rage” is actually the power being unleashed, she can’t actually be punished for it so the terrible trio are making it seem smaller but unjustifiable, and Demeter is covering it up to save her daughter’s reputation
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓪𝔂 2: 𝓐𝓬𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵
Ahhhhh my first Double Decker fic !!! I will admit, I still don’t have a great grasp on their characters (16 episodes is too little 😭), so I’m gonna try my best with characterization.
Also please forgive me if this is not accurate, I’ve never touched a drop of anything aside from church wine 💀
—CW: This do have tickles below the cut ngl, alcohol and intoxication!—
Tags for today: @chrimsss
The day went exactly as it usually does: Doug and Kirill work together to save another victim of the current crisis, get caught up in a fight against a crazed Anthem-user, win said fight, then go out to celebrate.
And their usual celebration?
Going out for a few drinks.
Or, in Kirill’s case, getting one drink and losing his mind due to how much of a lightweight he is.
The constable was face-down on the counter, resting his head on his right arm as his left hand spun a barely-touched glass of water.
“You alright, Constable Vrubel?”
Doug always did look out for Kirill, even if he had a weird away of showing it.
“Yeah!” The purple-haired male chirped, head unmoving. “Jus’ godda finish m’wadder s’ I can ged an’udder dr’nk.”
The brunette sighed, “You’re sure that you want another? This would be your second Old-Fashioned… You’ve barely touched your water, and you’re barely upright.”
Kirill narrowed his eyes at his partner. “Tha’s n’t fair! I-I’m good, i c’n handle m- alc’hol.”
Doug couldn’t help the airy chuckle that escaped him. “Constable Vrubel-“
“Stop c’llin’ me th’t ou’side ‘f work.”
“Fine, Kirill,” the detective replied curtly. “Personally, I think you should go home.”
“Nooooooo! ‘M okay!” The constable whined, lifting his head from the bar top, revealing a red mark on his forehead. “I c’n keep g-goin’!”
Doug locked eyes with Derrick, who was placing a second Old-Fashioned on the counter, the man understanding what the detective meant immediately.
“Closing time!” The ex-officer announced, gently drying pint glasses. “Start finishing up, everyone. I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
“Alright, Derrick’s closing up, let’s go, you.” Doug beckoned, rising to his feet and gracing a hand on his partner’s back.
Kirill whined in protest as his second drink was taken from the counter and quickly downed by Deanna, who grimaced in the process.
“You heard him, buzz-cut, get moving.” She barked, tapping the side of his water cup.
The constable wasted zero time and began to chug the water, not realizing how parched he was. After that cup was drank, he got a refill from Derrick.
Soon enough, Kirill was stone-cold sober once more. (WHY DONT WE JUST PRETEND THAT THIS IS ACCURATE) He sat on the stoop of the bar, pouting and glaring at his partner.
“What’s up with you?” The brunette asked with a cocky smile.
“You know what’s up,” Kirill murmured. “You cut me off, bastard…”
“I wouldn’t have gotten you to leave any other way, now would I? You still haven’t even left the bar yet.” Doug replied, gesturing toward the concrete steps.
“And you know what, I don’t think I will leave the bar! Bastard…”
The detective sighed as he stepped closer to his partner. “Kirill-“
“No! Don’t you start with me! I’m staying put, and that’s final!” The purple-haired male upturned his nose and closed his eyes, refusing to look at Doug.
Doug sighed while kneeling down. “Sometimes, it’s like herding cats with you.” He scooped up Kirill and threw him over his shoulder. “If you want to act like a toddler, you will be treated as such. Now come on, I’m taking you home.”
The constable yelped and clung onto the brunette as his partner began walking away. “Doug! Put me down! Can you even hear me? Put me down you- HYEAH!”
The detective paused dead in his tracks, just having previously squeezed at the back of Kirill’s thigh to get him to shut up. “Kirill? Did I hurt you? Are you hiding an injury from m-“
“It’s nothing! Just forget it!” The purple-haired male yelped as he squirmed.
“It’s not nothing. Sit still, I need to look at your leg.” With a stone-cold stoicism, Doug poked and prodded at the thigh in question, eliciting choked giggles from the officer on his shoulder.
“D-Doug i’m- pfff- fine! It’s okay, im alrIGHT-“ Kirill yelped once again as he felt a swipe behind his knee. “Doug st-ahaha-“ he slapped two hands over his mouth, praying his partner had not heard.
“Wait, wait, wait… are you- are you ticklish?” Kirill could practically hear the evil in Doug’s voice as his eyes grew wide. “No! I’m not! Don’t touch me! No no- nohohoho!”
“Oh my god, you are!” The detective gushed as he began to pinch at small section’s of the constable’s thigh. “Ohhh, you’re usually so tough! How ironic is this?”
“Dohohohoug! Wahahahait! Puhuhuhut mehehe dohohohown!” Kirill whined as he gently slapped at the broad back beneath his palm. His hands balled into fists as he felt scribbling behind his knee. “AGH! DohohohoOHOHOUG!”
“I wish I had known about this sooner. You would’ve been much easier to deal with… at least I know how to get you to behave now.” The brunette mused, continuing his assault on the back of his partner’s knee.
It was almost too cruel.
Kirill’s face was contorted into a bashful smile as all of his co-workers started at him fondly— and if you were Deanna, menacingly.
“Dohohohoug! Puhuhuhut mehehe dohohohown!”
“That’s a negative. Until you learn to behave yourself, I have to resort to drastic measures.”
In one swift movement, the detective wrapped both hands around his partner’s hips, squeezing with a ticklish vigor. Kirill squealed and began to pound his fists against Doug’s back.
“Ohhh, did I find a sensitive spot, constable?”
“Please don’t what? Goodness, you need to start acting your age.”
“Ohhhhhh, tickle you! Of course I can. Thank you for using your words, Kirill. Now then, let’s get you home.”
The purple-haired officer whined in agony as he continued to laugh himself hoarse. His mindless pounding against Doug’s back did nothing for him, and he could only writhe in agony until his partner decided to have mercy.
Their coworkers watched in amusement as Doug cracked a rare smile of pure menace. Unfortunately for Kirill, his apartment was a long way home from the bar…
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correctrvbquotes · 1 month
Fade in to Washington standing over North and South
Washington: You're dead now. Remember that.
South: (getting up) I don't understand any of this. And my ears are still ringing from that shot you fired.
Washington: It had to sound good for the radio. One second, I need to talk to somebody.
Delta: Hello, how may I be of assistance?
South: What, is that your A.I.? I thought it killed a-
Washington: Pipe down. We don't have time for explanations. Delta, have you been monitoring the situation?
Delta: I have.
Washington: Are we set here? Is she clean?
Delta: Can I interpret that to mean "is South now off of Command's active register?"
Washington: Yes.
Delta: Affirmative.
South: W-wh- What register?
Washington: Instruction: give me thirty on North's clock. Hold on the log.
Delta: Complying. Completed.
Washington: Now, log to Command and include a similar description of South's termination.
Delta: That would be dishonest.
Washington: Yes. It would.
Delta: Executing. Completed.
South: Wait a minute, w- how did you get him to lie?
Washington: There's a lot you don't know. We're moving. Delta, storage.
Delta: Complying...
Delta's avatar fades.
Washington: Go.
South: No.
Washington: Excuse me?
South: I am not moving an inch until you tell me what the hell is going on.
Washington: Fine. Stay here with your brother then. Everyone thinks you're dead anyway. And in fifteen seconds, that will be true.
Delta: Ten seconds.
Washington: No sweat off my back, just one less lie for me to live.
South: Hh, well... shit.
North's body detonates, and we fade to a view overlooking the water from atop a building with sounds of controlled rifle firings
Delta: I have been monitoring the comm channels.
Washington: Try again. I need you as accurate as possible if you're going to cover me.
Delta: Still no activity to indicate that Command suspects South is still alive.
Washington: Good. That means we're clear.
Delta: As much as you can be. And I would prefer if you did not use the word "we".
Washington: Hyeah, h- okay Delta. I promise to take the fall if we get caught.
Delta: ...
Washington: Right, sorry. If I get caught.
Delta: Thank you.
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hi-dread · 4 years
Mirko x Reader: Chapter 4
The Bunny hero: Mirko
I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what I should do, the lingering thought of her probably being dead just got crushed with the real hero standing right in front of me. “I’ve been holding a low profile for quite some time since the injuries… but the villains will tremble in fear when they hear me coming! I will come back ten times stronger!” she proudly laughed and looked at me with her bright and iconic smile. As a cloud moved its way, the moonlight shone through it, shining upon Mirko, lighting her up and showing more of her that I could barely see in the night’s dark. She wore sweatpants and a tight tank top, and her hair was tied in a ponytail. Her ears slightly flickering in the night’s breeze yet staying a bit calm. As I just stood there, staring at her, the only thing I could think of, was her beautiful figure in the bright moonlight. I could not come up with other words, but just “such beauty..” which I accidentally mumbled and it seems like she heard some of it since her ears flicked towards me.
“Uhm…” I said awkwardly as she kind of smirked “Yeah? Y’know it’s quite impolite not to introduce yourself after someone just did it”. I looked down, smiling at my own stupidity “right, sorry about that. I am (y/n). I am a bit of a fan of yours. Don’t get the wrong idea, I was out for a run tonight as I saw someone doing something similar to a warmup and I was hoping I could have a partner to go for runs with since I am new to this place... And I certainly did not expect the person I saw to be the best hero, Mirko herself” I finished as I looked up, looking at her chin while I am trying to avoid eye contact, mostly because I am bad at it, but also since this is a very awkward situation for me. I was getting a bit restless in the situation and I certainly did not want to waste more of Mirko’s time than I have already done and managed enough courage to say “I am sorry to disturb you, and I don’t want to waste more of your precious time, so I will be continuing my run” while turning around, but before I could even start walking, I was interrupted by Mirko. “Hold yo horses candy boy. You can’t just come here and say that I am both beautiful and the best hero and just leave right after, not letting me give you my gratitude or let me pay back your respect” she scoffed while she also approached me. I managed to turn around, she stood right in front of me, not even 10 centimeters. I could feel her warm breath hitting my neck (she is only 159 cm (5'2⅔") and I am 192 cm (6’3.59”)) as I was looking right down into her eyes. “Who says I’m not interested in joining you in your running, hm?” she said and made some distance, standing a bit farther away, yet a bit too close for me. “W-well, I just assumed you were doing some special training to get back into shape or something and that you weren’t interested in a small run like mine” I replied with a nervous smile and scratching my neck as we just stood there. Mirko laughed, but I was not sure what she was laughing at. She rubbed her eyes, still laughing a bit “well, if you put it that way then you are correct, but when someone actually offers me their time with something, I can’t turn it down. Aaaand I’ve been quite bored training by myself the past few weeks, so I would be happy to have some company, even if it is with a fan”. She gave me her iconic smile and a wink? She finished stretching “hmmm, it’s been a while since I’ve been talking with someone like this.. so, what do you say, candy boy?” she teased and turned around “we’re going this way, right?”. As it seems, I got no say in this, but I don’t really mind it either since I couldn’t have asked for more “Hyeah but try not to fall. I won’t come pick you up” I shot back at her as I ran past her, giving her a smirk. As I was reaching the exit of the park, she had yet to catch up with me. Hell, she didn’t even start running when I ran past her, but as soon as I got out of the park, I heard something similar to a ‘boom’ or a small explosion. Before I knew it, Mirko was right next to me “What was that about falling again?”. I wasn’t as shocked as I was amazed at her speed and power. She easily shortened the distance in just a few jumps, maybe even just one. I just smiled and kept running.
As we were approaching my apartment, I let her know we were about to get to the finish line, but I sprinted past her, giving myself a slight head start. It didn’t last long before she had already taken the lead and reached the goal. Instead of giving up, I just kept sprinting and reaching the goal. “Trying to be cocky ain’t getting you anywhere with me!” she mockingly laughed while I was bent over, having my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. I got back up and smiled, “Yeah, I know, but I couldn’t help but to test your patience and limits. I knew I wouldn’t win from the beginning, but it was fun. But I am sorry for holding you back all the way from the park to here”. I coughed and gave a short and sad grimace, but quickly turned it into a grin “I’m glad I could get the chance to meet you, Miss Mirko. And have this run with you as well”. She looked at me, barely showing any sign of trouble with breathing, smiled and found a piece of paper “Give me your hand”. I hesitantly put my hand forward, she took it and shook it. She had a very firm grip around my hand. The piece of paper she had found was put in my hand in the handshake. “It’s my number, I’ll call you tomorrow for another run. If you aren’t too scared that is” she said calmly. Before I could even reply to what she just had said, she took her iconic fighting pose and jumped away in a flash into the darkness.
I got back up into my apartment, holding a tight grip around the paper with her number on. I took a bath and laid down on my bed, exhausted and beat. Right before I fell asleep, I was awoken by a terrible reminder. I DON’T HAVE A WORKING PHONE!
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iamconstantine · 5 years
RWBY VOL 2 EP 1: It’s been 84 years...
* I was genuinely worried I just witnessed an old man’s death for a second there * Okay so I think this girl is called Emerald, right? Her character design is COOL. Love the color scheme!! * And this guy is Mercury, or as I shall refer to him, Quicksilver. * I’m going to take a guess that these two are together romantically? Or they’re having that kind of flirtatious-but-not-official relationship * So right off the bat there’s a HUGE improvement of the background character designs. No longer all-black silhouettes! Though I guess it does kind of have that “Spot the main character problem” where the main cast get noteworthy and colorful designs but everyone else is in neutral tones and T-shirts...Still a great improvement, though. * I also think they’ve solved the overlay issues and walking animation; they don’t seem to be sliding anymore * So now that she’s said “pickpocket” I’m going to take another guess that this is going to be the Mischief Duo * “Welcome to the Monochrome Book Store, how can I help you today?” * Did this guy pause because he recognized her or because she was pretty? Ill be totally honest and say it’s hard to tell if she’s 16 or 23 and if it’s the former case then 
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* I am....INCREDIBLY off-put by the vibe going on here. Is this man about to die? * Quicksilver how hard you be slamming those books? Geez * Are they going to kill a man for false advertising? * “Promises you can’t keep” Ooooookaaaaay now I’m thinking these two are hitmen with the mafia and this guy didn’t pay back his debt to Uncle Tony * Y’know I thought the Wolverine joke was going to be too easy but he’s...literally wolverine huh? * Also sorry but that “hyeah!” grunt he made wasn’t very convincing; probably could have used a different take * That was...disappointing. Incredibly so.  * IS HE DEAD? * I’ve just noticed Ren’s hair and a few other background characters’ is all shiny now. Was it like that before? * Anyway I’m just happy to see all my babys again but I’m worried about what Blake was looking at * Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. confirmed for RWBY Vol 7 * The collapsing trumpets at that pun...mood... * Honestly I was hoping Yang was just going to...eat the apple. Out of midair. * Okay so after Weiss got hit with the pie I rewound it and Yang’s just pleading with them not to do it. * Have I seen this blue-haired guy before? * Alright we confirm that Sun does, in fact, have a crush on Blake. Cuties * It’s nice that they’re setting up several subplots in the same episode now, instead of just limiting them one-by-one * I saw the food fight coming but what food are they eating that is completely neon in color * HFOWUEG JAUNE NO * what * is * happening * I can buy Nora, Ruby, and maybe Yang being down to go with this but now I’m thinking that some very personal insults must have been hurled for everyone else to go “the food war commences now” * Mkay so this cafeteria was just serving a whole swordfish * oh my f*ng god she f*ng dead * THEY ARE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER * Okay tbh those cans probably took a long time to animate so props for that * ????! COULD RUBY ALWAYS JUST PULL GRAVITY LIKE THAT!? * Ruby Glynda got po’d at you when you were trying to do the right thing and help a poor old man did you think she would kiss your forehead for wrecking the cafeteria?? * This does make me ask...Is Glynda’s semblance a kind of reformation that lets her repair broken things, or is it just straight-up telekinesis? * Glynda should be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY angrier about this * Oz didn’t show up to stop all the madness and tell everyone to calm down he showed up to tell Glynda to let loose and honestly I don’t know what to think of this man * I am a dumb little girl and cannot understand anything so is Roman joking when he says he was married? * mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmit’sher * ooh the little glassy clicks as she walks * they actually did just kill the man. * “sorry cinder my bloodlust just got too strong” * Cinder’s eyes were def glowing there and I’m wondering if that was a threat or if she has a kind of power to let her convince people of things? * I don’t know if I like Emerald and Mercury or not. Like obvious they’re NOT GOOD PEOPLE, but I always have mixed feelings about nah-nah-nah-nah-nah! minions who give lip in every scene. Roman’s not a gentlemen himself but at least he has CLASS * I completely understand that this episode was setting up the upcoming plot with the villains but I’m wondering what the purpose of the food fight was? It showed the team bonding, I suppose. Maybe it was supposed to be a lighthearted moment to balance the horror that is to come? *im scared
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flying-elliska · 5 years
An extreeeeeemely late DLT really sorry, I’m typing this on the verge of sleep. So I was thinking back to additions you’ve made that made me love this story, and I realized a big one was therapy session scene. You do this thing where you take an existing facet of the show or characters, and then you expand upon it and sort of give it your own spin. From the get go, be it lawyer fic or skamfr, Eliott’s mental illness is a part of who he is. But that’s just thing, it’s a PART of him. 1/
It doesn’t become his single-defining characteristic; he’s never reduced to the “bipolar” one. And yet, his having a mental illness is also not something that can or should be ignored. Because we do go through life slightly differently with a MI, right? I like how his MI is never framed as the reason for his actions and this case he pursues. Actually, Eliott quite vocally refutes this twice when it happens in the story. I’ve seen mental illness be used as a cheap way to explain a characters motives and it’s honestly such a tired trope. I could tell that you treat this whole subject with a lot of care, especially while I read that therapy scene. Loved how Linda dispels all the twisted things Eliott has managed to convince himself of, while also reminding him of all the good in his heart (I’m a sucker for a good positivity sesh) . Just enjoyed this scene in general as like a shout-out to how beneficial therapy is and also a reminder that it’s a normal part of Eliott’s life. It’s also a great bonus that therapy just so happens to be a time when the character has a detailed discussion about their mind frame and we get to see him talk feelings and make decisions. It’s like an external monologue? Is that a thing? Lmao wait that’s basically what dialogue is okay I’m gonna leave it here have a good day Ellie
Thank youuuu
 But there’s always this background tension that he can’t ever be 100% sure of his own mind. I’m not bipolar but I know that with MI there’s always this tension of like…what’s me and what’s my illness and the truth is, there is no clear cut answer. It’s always this bargaining with yourself and who you are is shaped by this condition but it’s not also something that determines who you are either. And it can make finding your place in life and figuring out what you want to do and who you want to do it with damn difficult because you’re always second-guessing your ability to do things and to know your own mind. And most importantly, surrounding yourself with the right people. 
And hyeah krjhkhgd external monologue is right therapy can be a greaaat way to explore a character’s mindset, much more interesting than just inner monologues that go on for pages. I’m glad people are liking the fic so far because tbh i was afraid it would just come over as me finding tricks to hide the fact not much plot has happened yet and it’s basically just characters either thinking or exchanging info like basically Info Dump lmaoo
And yeah therapy is !!! good !!! and should be normalized !!!! and so many more people should go to therapy actually !!! and yeah !!!! 
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
I wanted to ask apart from tokusatsu.. which other fandoms are you a fan of? Like Harry Potter, percy Jackson, mcu or dc. Or anything else ?🤔
I wanna say I dabble in everything,,,,like some sh*tty internet ghost
Lemme think,,,
Asian media is probably what I gravitate to (first priority), then Horror, rando shows I discover on netflix (etc. etc.)
I think the reason I love tokusatsu so much is that my two 'guess I'll die haha CRINGE' weaknesses are
1) Vampires
2) Superheroes
And I think the hidden trap card would be like.....ridiculous sh#t. The moment things start to get zany and just off-the-wall insane I'm like
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[enter the clown]
so yeah I'm a fan of the MCU and DC. For DC I spent a literal 72 hrs straight reading Jason Todd fanfiction.....like I'm at the point where I've read everything in that category on AO3 and now I gotta wait for updates ~_~.
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Asian webnovels I also bop around in lmaooo. (MDZS, for exp)
I def read a variety of webtoons,.... there's just something about those isekai female lead 'entering a novel' plot lines that amuse me to no end.
I bought the entire Percy Jackson series.....but I've only finished one book and started the 2nd one, but stopped around halfway? (hnnnnnnn)
My brain is trash fire <33
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HYeah for Harry Potter I got the books for....research reasons....and I watched the first few movies and the last movie (lol)
but uh.....see like....I didn't read sh*t (other than online fanfiction) until college, yo.
Hmmmm I read a lot of manga, occasionally will see some new animes (JJK <33 my beloved) I'm a big fan of youtube gamers (Markiplier lol, Jacksepticeye, etc.......) and I really like plot-based video games
tbh what catches my attention is:
Good Plot
That's all it takes (unless its a book, cause as I said, I generally don't read....anything thats not a webnovel LOL, or visual media like manga or webtoon)
Though last year around October J, Nacho and I started a bookclub (lol just between the three of us), and so my literary knowledge is ever-expanding. (On hiatus rn cause J works a mentally taxing job rn so me and Nacho are just waiting for their greenlight to continue our club insanity)
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I say insanity because we have such varied tastes:
Nacho likes making us read fked up things that make us think and have existential crisis'; J likes Y/A specially romance, and I'm a little freak who has consistently shot all of us in the foot every time my book month comes up,,,,,like damn I did it to be a hooligan and laugh at their misery, but uh...clowned myself because I ended up shooting myself too, asjkdfjslkdfjskdfjn ughh D':.
Ngl I'll probably liveblog that sh*t when it starts up again
1) because i was already doing that (on google docs lmao) and
2) Takes up less space if I post most of it here,,,,and then I won't have to make another email so soon
All I've learned tho ,,, is that they'll really just let you publish anything nowadays lMAOOOOO.
Hmmm,,,,I'm obv in the kpop fandom (LOL),,,,,I'm a fan of the Raven Cycle / Maggie Stievater's (however the heck you spell her name) books.
(one of the few I'll read that isn't a webnovel LOL)
Idk if ur curious about specific fandoms I guess you can just send in an ask about it? Cause when I say "I get around' boi oh boi do I mean it.
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