#we aren’t as loud as twitter is but we can still help!!
anonymous-dentist · 2 months
My heart goes out to every single member of the Quackity Studios team, both former and current, that have had their lives ruined due to the negligent and abusive behavior of their higher-ups. I’m heartbroken for you both as a fellow creative and as a human being with a goddamn moral backbone. The lack of respect I’ve seen accounts of over the past several weeks appalls me, and that’s what this whole thing boils down to. Respect.
Respect has not been given to Quackity Studios employees. No communication, no professionalism. Working conditions that are illegal in several countries. Lack of accountability and action. The employees deserve better than to have their hard work and their passion and love for the project wasted working for people who just don’t seem to give a damn.
If there are any Quackity Studios employees following me who haven’t spoken out of fear or because of that freaky bogus NDA, just know that it will get better. You are all massively talented individuals and you WILL get that big break you’ve been waiting for, I just know it!!
There isn’t much the rest of us can do but support the admins during this time, but I wish you all the best in the world. You are worth so much more than what you have gotten, and your minds are beautiful. Don’t let the burnout and stress get to you. For this, just like everything else, is just a moment in time. It’ll be better soon, and we’ll all be supporting you until soon happens.
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lemonlover1110 · 10 days
can we get Toji reacting to reader's pregnancy
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Warnings: Pure Fluff
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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Ever since finding out that you’re eating for two, you’ve found yourself distressed. Not because this isn’t something that you were planning– Well partially because of that, but mainly because you don’t know what your boyfriend thinks of having more kids. You don’t have the heart to tell him that you’re expecting.
You don’t know how you’ve never had this conversation before, especially since you’ve started to talk about getting married. You know that he has a teenager, and probably he’s done with that part of his life. You also know that you’d be delighted to have kids, but if Toji wouldn’t want to have a child, you’re okay with that too. Your pregnancy changes everything though.
“Aren’t you two here early?” You ask, staring at the front door as Megumi and Toji walk in. Toji has a frown in his face while Megumi walks ahead, not a care in the world. You notice a stain on his school uniform and you tell him, “Put it in the washer, I’ll take care of it, Megs.”
“No, he can deal with the consequences of his actions in his little vacation.” Toji quickly speaks up, making you cock an eyebrow. You look back and forth between Toji and Megumi, hoping someone is going to fill you in. “Go to your room, Megumi. I can’t stand to look at your face anymore.”
“What happened?” You direct your attention to your husband since Megumi listens to his father and goes to his room. Toji sighs, walking over to you and pressing a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t tell me he–”
“Got into a fight. Got called in the middle of work to deal with his ass– Hey, at least he won.” Toji can’t help but chuckle because even though he’s mad, part of him still feels oddly proud. His kid is somewhat of a troublemaker, but hey, at least the kid can fight. He says something that makes the thoughts of worry that you pushed to the back of your mind, come back and even stronger. “Just glad I don’t have to deal with this much longer.”
“Right.” You awkwardly laugh. You follow Toji to your living room, and take a seat beside him on your couch. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, you do this all the time, but Toji immediately knows that something is off. Your face wastes no time in telling on you.
“You okay? You look a little off.” Toji comments, throwing his arm over you and bringing you closer to him. You’re a little far today when you’re usually all over him. The man loves his personal space, but not when it comes to you. 
“Weird day… Weird week.” You mutter the last part, but Toji hears it loud and clear. He kisses the top of your head before asking,
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He proceeds to kiss the top of your head, and you bite down your lip. You have to tell him eventually, and you know that maybe this isn’t the right time to tell him, but he senses something is up.
“What do you think about having kids with me?” You speak a little fast, and if he wasn’t listening closely, he would have to ask you to repeat yourself. Toji takes a moment to think about it, acting perplexed. His silence is killing you and just when you’re about to repeat the question, he speaks up.
“Is this about the pregnancy test I found in the bathroom?” Toji mentions, and your eyes go wide. He’s known? He’s known all this time? He ends up kissing the tip of your nose before pecking your lips, “I’m happy with anything as long as I get to do it with you.”
“What about the comment that you made–” You begin and he interrupts you. 
“Was about Megumi, I’m making sure this one isn’t a troublemaker.” Toji clarifies as his hand goes to your lower abdomen. “I’m excited about this. I was wondering how long it’d take you to share.”
“Next time, speak up, I was scaring myself to death.” You lightly slap his chest, and he chuckles. You’re glaring at him, while he smirks at you. “You’re in so much trouble right now. Why didn’t you tell me immediately?”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
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alwaysonf1 · 7 months
lewis is doing what?
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Pairing: Charles LeClerc x Hamilton!OC
Genre: Slice of Life; Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Warning: Changes in the timeline for the sake of the story.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: This is my first F1 fic, which makes me nervous so why not start with a series.
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Many Drive to Survive haters like to pretend everything that comes from the show and what it’s about are beneath them. That they couldn’t possibly care, and that the only important thing is the race on Sunday. And yet the day after the latest season drops you can find them amongst the chaos trying to figure out what the hell were all those hints about a new form of content that F1 plans to release. 
Interwoven with the usual storylines and mild dramatics there was a lot of talk about how drivers show their families the support they’re given. How they show up for them in their careers and bits of their lives. It was weird at first, but then it sent off alarm bells when an almost fourth wall breaking moment happened where the Netflix team was blatantly dismissed. 
“I think we have this one Netflix, but thanks for the help.” Those were the exact words spoken by the head of marketing as she closed the door to a room where you get a glimpse of team paraphernalia but see no faces. 
Every social platform that you can find an F1 fan on has it trending and the conversations (and screams into the void) are fast paced. But Twitter is where the real unhinged and brain cell losing behavior is happening. 
And the most accurate guessing.
Almost everyone within the community is discussing what that snippet could mean. Is it the end of DTS as they know it? The end of it completely? Are F1 and Netflix severing ties? Will F1 be taking over? Is this some little game they're playing with their viewers to keep them tuned in? Is it something completely different? What the actual fuck is going on?
In the middle of those questions are those who think themselves a genius or are delusional enough that they can’t help but form some wild ideas of what’s to come.
Someone must be retiring. Multiple people are retiring. There’s going to be a reality show ala Keeping Up with the Verstappens, where everyone learns that Max’s little trauma dumpy memories with Jos are just the surface level of how insane that man is. Someone is getting married. Someone is getting married to another driver. A nepo baby is going to become the “voice of the fandom” and host a show about the drivers during race weekends and it’s going to be all the wrong things. A dating show for all the singles. A behind the scenes at the lives of drivers and their families, but like Family Feud. And the penultimate dude bro dream of them getting to spend the season hanging out with drivers and get confirmation that their toxic thoughts that alienate most of the fan base is true.
After about twenty-four hours it all dies down. Everyone is still wondering, but they don’t feel like they’re losing their minds while they try to be the one who can say they were right when they news drops.
As if timed, the second that F1 drops in trends the F1 admin drops a graphic with the faces of six people who are clearly positioned like the thinking face emoji on every platform that they use. In the captions it says: Week in the Life - Sibling Edition.
If Twitter was home to the first wave of screaming, it belongs to Tumblr the second go round. Everyone is so excited for the content that someone must have thrown up from how aggressively happy they feel. Everyone is talking about who they want it to be and what content they’d love to see from which sibling. Those who make gifs are especially excited to get everything they can, though they won’t be outdone by those whose brains and fingers will be entities on their own once they get hold of a singular moment that will inspire the fic of everyone’s dreams.
Those who always have something negative to say are there as usual, but they aren’t as loud or upset as they often are. Being nosy doesn’t stop just because you want to pretend that you only care about the race, as if someone doesn’t have a file of screenshots from all the times, they’ve attacked the character of a driver for something not race related at all.
The reaction to this is the kind that instills faith in what is being done. The kind of thing that tells all the upper management who didn’t like it that it was a good idea, but also puts a certain bit of weight on the content team. They need this to deliver. Need to keep the hype, especially since the first episode doesn’t drop until the start of December and they’ve already recorded half the series so a failure could stop the rest.
So once the Singapore GP ends, Daniel Ricciardo’s face is no longer gray. You get to see that goofy smile and wink. You’d think they told everyone he was getting a permanent seat with a three year contract with the reception to it.
It’s Charles Leclerc for Japan. 
Lance Stroll for Qatar.
Carlos Sainz for COTA.
Alex Albon for Mexico.
And coming off his first P1 of the season, Lewis Hamilton for Brazil.
For the next week or so if a tweet isn’t about excitement, disdain, or shock in regard to this new F1 exclusive content, it has a certain main character at its center.
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wishingicouldfly · 5 months
Why I Believe Larry Is Real
It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of my opinion essays. This week I was asked to justify my belief that Larry is real, and that Harry and Louis are together. It feels like it’s time. 
::cracks knuckles::
I’ve thought about how to reply to the demand, which came from someone on X (formerly Twitter). I cannot compel someone who isn’t inclined to believe in Larry to suddenly change their mind. If someone doesn’t want to interpret the signs the same way I do, that’s their prerogative. But that said, I decided to give some thought about how to answer the question. 
I’ve been inspired by IndiaAlphaWhiskey and her recent reply to a similar question. I loved the way she answered by talking about long term love and how it’s steady and doesn't need to have a lot of fireworks visible from the outside. It’s hard to put that into words that make sense to someone who hasn’t witnessed it. Here’s her original reply:
The reality is we do not have solid proof that they were or - as I believe - still are in a relationship. Nor should we. H&L are closeted celebrities who keep their private life private. They are closeted, so you won’t see them admitting to being in a relationship in interviews; that would defeat the point of being closeted. In fact, you may think you’ve heard them outright deny being together. Again, if you’re not looking at the clues, and you only want to take this at face value, you’re not going to see any other possible narrative. Full stop. If that’s the case, you’re not going to agree with me, and that’s fine.
If you really want to go down a rabbit hole, my friend @bkatie617 keeps a running spreadsheet on perceived coincidences in the current era. 
I can list out a hundred things that, to me, are coded messages H&L have signaled to either us or to each other. You can debunk/deny/laugh-out-loud at all of them, if you want. You might call something coincidence or debunk one or more of these pieces. And yes, there are things out there that aren’t true, that are completely coincidence or debatable – or wildly unbelievable.
I get that. In fact, I have a whole thread of debunks on my Twitter bio. My debunk thread focuses on factual, hard-proof debunks to help veterans and newcomers keep the story straight.
But there are a hundred more things that are real. Or at least open to interpretation. At some point, it becomes really, really unlikely that everything is a coincidence over the last decade, and you have to admit that H&L are in collaboration with their messaging. For me, once you admit they are in collaboration in their messaging, it doesn’t take a huge leap to believe they are together romantically. Why else would their teams coordinate messaging to the media and the masses?
Harry even said, in 2022, “There’s not many [clues and tidbits] that get left behind. Most of the time, they usually pick up on pretty much everything, along with a couple of hilarious coincidences that were never meant to be, never meant to be kind of clues in the first place that happen… end up being clues.”
Source: Harry Styles talks to the Morning Mash Up about his new single, 'As It Was', Coachella, and more (siriusxm.ca)
You don’t have to believe any of it. I’m fine with that. But because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean I’m not completely, unwavering, solidly adamant in my own belief that it’s real. Especially if you’re not providing any evidence to sway my beliefs.
Here’s what I think: I think Harry and Louis met and fell in love during X-Factor in 2010, began dating, and continued to fall while on the X-Factor tour and the recording of the first single and album. I believe they made it official in 2011. Over the years, they went through hard times through career changes, loss of family members, solo career ups and downs, differences in career trajectory, doubts and fears, and then the pandemic. I believe they weathered all that and are together and committed to this day. 
I think they live a private life and have no intention of coming out or going public any time soon. Harry said to Rolling Stone last year that he hasn’t publicly “been with anyone.” I also think, even though they are determined to stay private, they like the idea of some fans knowing and supporting them. Seeing their true, authentic selves. So, they’ve gotten good at messaging their truth to fans who want to see it and support it. 
Due to industry pressure and 'image' clauses in their contract, I think they were encouraged by record execs and management to keep their relationship quiet, but rebelled (as teenagers, young adults, and fools in love will do) by insinuating double meanings in interviews and signaling to those in the know ever since. 
I think the signaling started in One Direction days when fans began to pick up on the signs they gave each other - the secret looks, the thumbs up, their complementary tattoos. 
When they saw fans remaining loyal, despite the idea they might be gay/queer and together, the signals turned more outward and louder, with Harry’s blue bandana, lyrics, the rainbow bears, and more. I think it continues today with graphic t-shirts, even more lyrics, matching merch, intentional mirroring in stage lighting and costumes, and more. 
Evidence Larry are together Now
Understand that there’s no solid “proof” that H&L are together now. So, if that’s what you’re here looking for, you won’t find it. They are closeted still, both portraying a heterosexual narrative in the media.
My lens (admittedly biased) is that they are together and hint to us, but that most of what they do these days is for each other. Little inside jokes from across the world or across the room to show they are together. Despite them being separated for work a lot, I believe these little nods to each other helps keep their connection healthy and strong across the time apart.
What follows is a small sampling of what I think is intentional messaging from H&L, meant to suggest to those following that they are still together. Nothing is a proof. Nothing by itself is anything more than coincidence. But taken together, these along with other examples, show two men who are speaking through their actions, in my humble opinion.
They have strikingly similar patterns in their merch for FITF and HSLOT. 
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Harry’s merch looks like it would be comfortable at Louis’ show.
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Harry drew H and L on his trainers on May 10, 2022 on a pap walk in Italy. 
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Both Harry and Louis used some of the same songs for their pre- and post-show playlists. https://www.tumblr.com/bluewinnerangel/702446259292831744/do-you-see-any-commonalities-between-harry-and
They both had really intentional blue/green stage lights at their shows. For anyone who doesn’t know, blue and green were their respective assigned colors when they were in One Direction. Certainly not a proof on its own but coupled with other things adds to the intentionality.
Complementary stage outfits. See this whole thread by @grete418 on X. It’s tongue in cheek, but it demonstrates what I mean about outfits matching/complementing each other. https://twitter.com/Grete418/status/1536453046611369989
Harry dressed as Danny Zuko at Harryween 2022 (coincidentally, Louis’ one and only lead role in a high school musical). https://twitter.com/UpdateHLD/status/1587297649572585473
Louis namechecked his unreleased song “All Along” in September 2022 (here at about 5:20), which strongly references Harry and a concert they attended together.. https://youtu.be/D9NjoMuz5-s?si=eRB-FwLI9JveMK3N
Louis wearing his 'dancing man' top when the 'dancing Harry' figure is so well known.
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Similar visual themes like this. Same assignment, different execution. (Harry’s House/Silver Tongues):
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Louis’ new tattoos (2023) appear to be images already seen on Harry’s journal cover and eye motif from HSLOT, plus they add to the existing traditional nautical motif they share. 
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T-shirt in Music Video for Music for a Sushi Restaurant reading LT Seniors. 
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Louis used fan images of Harry’s tattoos as Spotify cover art in February 2021.
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Lyrics that seem to respond to each other, and/or have similar themes
Louis wears a rose (like Harry’s tattoo) on his shirt on 6/26/23…next night Harry wears a very phallic shaped rocket ship that looks a lot like Louis’ dagger tattoo. Seems like a call and response.
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Louis singing 7 by Catfish and the Bottlemen, on both his tours. The song begins, “Larry call a load of smoke in…”
Added: (5/29/24). Louis announces his "For Every Question Why" Live Stream event via Veeps on 5/27/24. Two days later (5/29/29), Harry turns up in Florence, Italy, wearing an Elmo shirt with the word Why? via Twitter: (1) Ali ~So Be It! on X: "Just leaving this here. https://t.co/Mdty8DRLDE" / X
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So there you have it. I could obviously go on for quite a bit, with many more examples, but I think this is a pretty good sampling. If you’d like to know more, or talk about it, feel free to DM me here or on X (@Rosann_1986). I don’t do this to try to change anyone’s mind. If you don’t believe they are doing these things intentionally, and aren’t curious or approaching this with an open mind, nothing I say will change that for you. 
If you’re new here and you’d like to learn more, there are a lot of places to find master posts. Understand that you have to take everything with a grain of salt and come to your own conclusions. Here are a few places to start:
(2) Be a lover. Give love. Choose love. on Tumblr
It’s a beautiful war 🌈 (tumblr.com)
Great lyric analysis here: it's subjective - My song analyses Last edited December 22nd 2022,... (tumblr.com)
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
I get that fans are upset with him but sometimes this boy appears so traumatised to me. All these poor PR moves outside of urgency etc as you rightly point out. I am pretty sure also that he and harry both must be pretty annoyed by a large group of the Larry fanbase and their behaviour. It must be quite challenging to navigate this environment when closeted, under various pressures and wanting to grow your own career.
Oh boy. Yep. That boy has been through so damn much. Let’s talk about Larry coding, and fan demographics/reactions. I think i can kinda hit all of your points in here with that. Anon, welcome to the show.
So, i can totally understand and agree with you about a small amount of larries who… take it too far isn’t really the right phrase, but just… reach? Massively? And are awfully loud about how Louis and Harry are always doing something that relates to each other? And.. that can be frustrating.
Navigating a closet in an environment where a huge amount of your demographic are larries, is no easy task. I don’t envy him whatsoever, and yea, he has absolutely been traumatised by Simon, previous PR managers, the 1d mgmt team… it’s just awful. He can’t be himself, and he’s trying to express himself however he can, but… everything is related back to Larry. And i actually don’t see these reaches on tumblr. We actively analyse and of course we talk about blue greening and stuff, but my god some of the theories on twitter are actuallly delusional. It makes Louis have to think 400 times before he does anything, because these “famous” larrie accounts are analysing it to an insane degree and a lot of other larries are eating that shit up. The analysis of the most simple things he does, being taken into a wild and ridiculous theory, is not helping him. I’d wager that that’s the bloody conspiracies he’s talking about.
And no, im not shitting on other larries. We are all fighting for the same thing. Freedom. But my god some of these twitter folk genuinely don’t give it a rest. Every. Single. Little. Thing. And yes, people reach because we aren’t getting any clear content at the moment. I get it. But sometimes this shit is actually pushing it, and Louis and his team would be seeing that.
They are seeing his career, every step he makes, being analysed and almost unsupported by some larries because they’re immediately making it out to be about Harry. I’m not saying neither of them Larrybait, but not everything is Larry coding. And i can imagine how frustrated that would make him. He’s trying to go out on his own, and of course Harry would support that and of course they do still wanna communicate with us, but damn. I hope they see tumblr shit, or at least see the good side of larrie twitter, because genuinely it’s too easy to lump us in with the folk who are truly taking it too far.
Yeah, anyway, he is 100% traumatised by being forcibly closeted and truly exhausted by this all, and throughout the continuous stunts and fame and threats and contracts and NDAs, still trying to do what you love can be hard.
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i-like-turkey · 28 days
Twitter Trending Explainer
Why do we want to trend?
Visibility. If we reach the trend page, anyone who gets curious and clicks on our trend will learn about our fight for NCIS: Hawaii. Maybe they do nothing with that knowledge. But maybe they get a bit annoyed on our behalf and decide not to watch CBS’s programing. Maybe they see the link to the petition and put their name down. Maybe a journalist sees the trend and gets curious and wants to write about us. All of those outcomes are vital wins.
Strength and Unity. Trending also shows our strength and unity as a fandom. If we can come together to consistently trend, it will let CBS know that we aren’t going away and that we will continue to annoy the hell out of them until make this right. And what will happen if they don't make it right (Loss of viewership, canceled Paramount+ subscriptions, etc.)
Media Coverage. Trends are also important as we solicit media coverage. We can point to each trend as an accomplishment worthy of writing about in addition to all of our other efforts. Media coverage is one of our biggest weapons in this fight. We’re getting some coverage, but we’ve yet to get coverage from the places that matter (trades, magazines, big newspapers). We can get that coverage if we yell loud enough.
Catharsis. Trending is also just a damn good way to release our feelings. We can vent our grief or anger or come together to celebrate the good times we’ve had a fandom and the characters and show that we love.
How do we trend?
By tweeting a lot within a short amount of time. Twitter’s algorithm prioritizes emerging conversations. That’s why we always want to have a fresh tag alongside #SaveNCISHawaii. The fresh tag is our best chance to trend. #SaveNCISHawaii is there because it is the home for the campaign and what people can click on for more context about our tweets.
What counts as success?
Getting on the worldwide or country specific trend pages is the best possible outcome. If we make it there, we’re getting our message out to more people. Making the Entertainment trend page is a very good outcome. We might not reach as many people as the worldwide/country trends, but it’s still more visible than the For You trends which are selected based on user behavior.
What should I write in my tweets?
Each tweet should include #SaveNCISHawaii plus the daily tag and whatever words and emojis you want that are related to the show and/or the daily tag. DON’T use hateful speech or anything else that will get you banned from Twitter or lead to law enforcement knocking on your door. We can be angry, but not that angry.
Do retweets help?
NO. Use a quote tweet instead of a retweet. Add both tags and a couple words.
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artificialqueens · 11 months
🏳️‍🌈 WeHo Trans Nights: Chapter 1 (Bianca Del Rio / Kylie Sonique Love ; Multi) - Imafuckinglibra
A/N : Happy fucking pride, that’s it. I don’t care if the month’s almost over, this mini-series is my pride gift to you all and ngl myself. This was pure, unapologetic, self-indulgent smut that I wanted to exist and you know what, I am really proud of it. And yes, I pinky promise there will be art that follows for this next queue, k bye.
“…then this dumb bitch had the audacity to say, get this, people were killed at Stonewall.” 
The small room filled with a loud uproar of oohs, aahs and a few laughs, none of which came from Roy. He was far too busy reposting some snide comeback he tweeted at a heckler to his Instagram, his Instagram story, Facebook, and once again on Twitter, just for good measure.
“Did you hear that?” Darienne asked, slapping Roy roughly on the back. 
“Yeah bitch dumb something stonewall, so funny…” Roy drawled absentmindedly, still typing away on his phone.
Never one to shy from a good excuse to celebrate something, his best friend Shane threw an annual party to kick off pride. Always a different stupid theme and always a hotbed for degenerates. 
This being the 8th year in a row, Roy had had enough. All night, he’d fulfilled his best-friend duties and helped keep everything running smoothly, as usual, but nearing the end of the party he was not in the mood for any more mindless small-talk. Even with Darienne.
Darienne, still standing beside him, sighed deeply, “Will you lighten up please?”
“Ugh, why?” he grumbled. “You know I hate pride.”
“Now, Roy…” 
He felt someone’s hands on his shoulders. 
“My love.” It was Shane, cooing in his ear, taking the phone out of his hand just as he hit the last post. “Can we please put the phone away for one night and engage in polite society?”
Roy blinked at him slowly, emphasizing the stupidity in his statement with a loud smack of his lips.
“Look around you,” he gestured with his open palms, “NONE of these people are polite society.”
“Willam sucked off a guy while he watched dog porn, I know Australians have different worldviews but we regular folk see that as…what’s the word?” Shane shifted from one foot to the other, crossing his arms in annoyance as Roy kept pretending to think. “Nasty ass shit!”
“I hate you,” Shane broke out into a laugh, hitting Roy on the arm with his bedazzled rainbow fan, a little roughly at first but then a few more times, playfully, till Roy stopped frowning. 
“Okay, okay.” Roy snatched his fan from him. 
“But thank you for coming to my party, even if we have so many degenerates.”
“Of course, I get my best material at your little shindigs.” 
And that really was the God’s honest truth. As much as Roy loathed Shane’s parties and having to engage with so many people who he tolerated at best, it did make for some top-tier stand-up material. Material the budding comic desperately needed.
“Oh I know,” Shane nodded. “I intend to get royalties any day now.”
“Is that how it is?” He raised an eyebrow. “So this is a business affair?”
“Oh pussyface, at this point I’d settle for any affair.”
“Only if you ask nicely,” Roy shot back with a shit-eating grin, his hand sliding down from Shane’s shoulders to the small of his back.
“Don’t tempt me, I have guests to entertain,” Shane sighed, turning away from Roy and towards the room of people. “Like that one!” 
Shane waved at Adore, running off to go catch up.
Roy gave the room another scan, checking for any out of place cups or spills to clean up, even sort of hoping there would be a stain on the carpet to scrub so he’d have something to cure his boredom.
Then, like a godsend, he saw her walking towards him.
“My my, aren’t you just cuter than a box of kittens on a Sunday afternoon?” Kylie whistled when she saw Roy’s outfit.
“Haven’t seen you all night, I was wondering why this party was so quiet,” Roy teased. 
“Careful, one of these days I might take it personally,” Kylie smiled. She finally turned around, arms open for a welcoming hug. “Well hey there, Sugar!”
“How are you, Sugartits?” He squeezed her tight, getting a good whiff of her deliciously sweet perfume. 
Roy loved getting to hang out with Kylie, rare as it was. There wasn’t a specific reason, she was just that one friend he never really got to work with regularly and thus never spent time with. But it did make reuniting so much sweeter. 
They both looked at each other and gave a good exhale, neither sure what to say except the usual, “you look good” or “I’ve missed you”. 
Instead they quietly made their way to the bar where the poor twink bartender Shane found on Grindr was panicking while pouring drinks, clearly out of his depth. Roy’s sympathetic smile seemed like the only comfort he’d received all night and for a second he almost felt bad for him, till he decided to note it down in his phone for later material instead.
“Well,” Kylie broke the silence first, turning towards where Willam was still telling his story. “He’s doing the Derrick bit again…never gets new material, does he?”
“Nope.” Roy popped the p for emphasis. 
It seemed like every year, Willam would tell this same story, Roy would get drunk on the same cocktails and, if he played his cards right, Shane would ask him to stay over at the end of the night for a wild evening of sinfully good sex. The latter he wasn’t too mad at.
And Kylie. Every year they’d flirt a little over the same shots of tequila, catch up on what was new in their lives, and then part ways yet again. Same old same old, and this year she was right on cue again.
“I’m pretty surprised we’re dressed the same. I mean I look better but we knew,” she teased while they waited for their drinks from the struggling bartender. “I didn’t think anyone else would come as a slutty witch, let alone you.”
“Ouch,” Roy pretended to flinch, pressing his hand to his wounded chest. “Say what the fuck you really think, cunt.”
“Oh please, you can take it.” 
“You like that?” Roy asked, lifting a brow. “You should see how I give it.”
Even without looking Roy could feel her hand moving slowly closer to his on the countertop. He tried to decipher if it was just his mind playing tricks on him or if she was trying to do a little more than flirt this time around. 
Not that he would mind. She was gorgeous; she’d always been gorgeous but tonight, she was a downright smoke show. It was obvious how much work she put into her body just from her Instagram posts but seeing it in person was something else.
Well, that or just the obvious; the costume she wore was so small and tightly fitted it was damn near indecent.
When Shane had given the theme for the year as ‘Gay Christmas,’ the West Hollywood way of saying Halloween, he didn’t expect anyone else to even bother thinking of a witch; it was too mundane.
And yet, here Kylie stood in nothing but a corset, a lace bustle that showed off her black panties, leather opera-length gloves and boots that went all the way to her thighs. An oversized witch hat and teeny, tiny broom as accessories as if they were an afterthought to make the witch part fit.
“So um, can I ask you something?” Her fingers crawled towards him, running them over the back of his hand. 
“Yeah, sure.” He casually took a sip from his cocktail as if the butterflies in his stomach weren’t going berserk. 
“I need you to promise me if anyone brings out their guitar or starts singing again this year…”
“Oh god!” Roy burst out into hysterical cackling. The visions of last year’s fiasco and the horrors of 20 queers trying to sing over each other replayed in his mind.
“We are out of here!” She slapped his shoulder, joining in his laughter. “Member when uh, what’s her name?” She snapped her fingers, “the little one with the baby face and the sad songs?”
“Blair,” Roy shuddered. 
“Blair!” Kylie pulled her face in confusion. “I always expect some big gal with like some unseasoned potato salad in hand when someone says Blair St. Clair, don’t you?��
“If that ain’t the honest truth, bitch.”
They clinked their glasses and each took a sip, smiling cordially at each other before they returned their focus to where Willam was starting a new story about how drunk Derrick had gotten at a comedy special they did together. 
Not quite as old a story as his Stonewall tale, but once you got him going he didn’t relent on any chance to diss good ol’ Derrick Berry, especially when he was in attendance, practically blowing smoke out of his ears with rage. 
“So, how’d Shane talk you into this?” Kylie asked, dragging Roy’s focus back from his phone, yet again replying to snarky comments left on his posts.
“Do you mean the party or the get-up?” He didn’t even bother looking up, too distracted in his mission to get the last word in. 
“You do look fantastic in that shirt though,” she teased, fingering the little piece of loose thread around his shoulder.
Maybe he’d gone for a predictable look, a black mesh crop top that barely came up to his chest, the same leather harness every respectable queer person owned, black denim shorts, some knee length black boots (which Shane had happily provided) and a witch’s hat. 
“I know,” he nodded, finally putting the phone away. “Black’s my color. Have to admit, you don’t look half bad yourself.”
“Oh I know, sugar. You don’t have to tell me.”
“I always forget just how country you are until you talk.” He smiled, a sense of homesickness tugging at his chest. “Sugah.”
“Are you tickled, bitch?” 
“I am very tickled…especially by that outfit,” he whistled, making her spin around while holding her hand over her head. “You really—“
“Fill it out well?” Clearly she’d gotten this note before.
“No.” He grabbed her by the arm, pulling her roughly back against him so she’d be facing the same direction as him. “Look.”
“What?” She stopped, looking down at where he held her bicep.
“Better grab your shit…and quick.” He failed to hide an amused smile as he pointed over to where Trixie and Jinkx were setting up their chairs and a guitar.
“Oh, sweet baby Jesus…” Kylie’s eyes went wide in horror when Trixie began strumming the intro to Jolene by Dolly Parton. She quickly grabbed her drink, trying to chug the rest.
“Forget the goddamn drink, run!” Roy laughed, pushing her towards the front door with his hand on the small of her back.
“Is this your first time seeing my place?” she asked politely when they walked into her apartment. 
“Uh, yeah.” Roy nodded. “Pretty sure, but it’s nice. Good view.” 
God it was awkward.
“We don’t have to make small talk, do we?” she asked with a hesitant tone while putting down her stolen glass down on a countertop. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to talk to Roy and continue their banter from earlier, but she did have more pressing issues to take care of first.
Roy crossed his arms, his brows furrowed as if he was thinking something through, asking, “No chit chat? You sure?”
“If you are.” Kylie shrugged. 
Faster than she could say flash Roy closed the distance, crashing their lips together in a feverish rush. His hands were already desperately clinging to whatever fabric he could find to rip it off of her. 
“God you just got even sexier,” she breathed into his mouth. 
Kylie could feel the corners of his lips twisting into a smile, presumably at the relief that he didn’t have to wait around anymore. 
“Back, uh, back room, on the right,” she instructed between breathy moans, following Roy’s lead and removing the thin piece of fabric he dared call a shirt as he pushed her into her bedroom.
Their costumes flew left and right in a haphazard rush to undress till Kylie was finally down to just her corset, and Roy had to let go of her to focus. 
“Lord have mercy.” He stopped in his tracks, admiring her tits when they escaped the top loosened laces of her corset.
“You like em, baby?” Obviously Kylie knew the answer, given the way his mouth practically salivated at the sight of them. 
“You have no idea,” he moaned, taking one of her nipples in his mouth, causing her head to tilt back in gorgeous ecstasy as Roy’s tongue swirled around it, soothing where his teeth had grazed it. 
He let the now over-sensitive bud go with a loud pop, satisfied at his handiwork, and reached for the second one, repeating every step, every bite and every lick, making Kylie practically vibrate with desire.
“Now don’t make me beg.” 
Kylie’s long fake nails latched onto Roy’s ass in a desperate attempt to guide his thigh between her legs for any kind of friction as he kept worshiping her breasts. 
“I can’t help it,” he murmured into her neck, latching onto her pulse point with his teeth. 
“Dammit, why did I wear this stupid thing?” Kylie whined.
She hadn’t expected Roy, ever the hardass, to be so attentive or teasing, letting her get embarrassingly wet and needy before he even made an effort to remove her corset any further. 
“Don’t worry baby, I got you,” he soothed, at long last pulling the laces apart. 
His gentle tone was a stark contrast to the way his teeth tore into her flesh, nipping at freshly exposed skin lower and lower at a snail’s pace till his knees hit the floor.
“Boy, if you don’t-“ Kylie exhaled impatiently when he paused right at her clit, so close she could feel his breath against her wetness.
She grabbed a fistful of Roy’s hair, the fingers of her other hand spreading herself open so he couldn’t miss what she was asking. Practically offering herself up on a silver platter for him to indulge in.
Roy smirked at her, probably ready to quip something stupid back at her but she pulled his head between her legs, trapping him with a flat palm behind his head before he could even dare.
Finally obeying, his tongue flattened out against her with his eyes pointed up at her, carefully watching her every reaction to every drag of his tongue.
“Baby, please,” she moaned a little more forcefully this time, rolling her hips against him. She didn’t have the patience for teasing licks anymore. She tried angling her hips up so he’d get the message but her legs faltered. 
“Woah there.” Roy grabbed onto her with both arms, steading her so she wouldn’t tip over. “Maybe we should…” He tilted his head towards the bed.
“Might be for the best,” she admitted, letting go of Roy so he could stand up. 
Face to face again, Roy slipped his tongue into her mouth, letting her taste herself on him as he walked her till the back of her knees hit the bed and she finally laid down.
With his hands on each thigh and a good forceful push, he shoved her further on the bed, her head against the headboard so he’d have enough space to lay down between her thighs on the edge of the matress. 
“Baby,” Kylie gasped when Roy’s thumb replaced his tongue on her clit, swiping quick circles around and around till she was breathless. Her hips thrust sporadically onto his pointed tongue, white knuckles gripping the sheets the only thing grounding her. 
Ungodly good. Her whole body was alight, lightheadedness set in, her belly warm with anticipation, her cheeks flushed bright glowing red; all the warning signs that she was about to snap.
“You’re so-“ he tried humming against her but a firm tug at his hair shut him up again.
“Don’t speak!”
It was all too much, even the way Roy was moaning into her while his hips rolled against the edge of the bed. 
“Just a little more…oh god…” She sucked in a deep breath, bracing herself as waves of overwhelming pleasure crashed down on her, knocking the wind out of her till she was a softly cursing mess.
The way Roy was still trying to toy with her by tentatively licking slow strokes around her clit even after she stopped shaking, although appreciated, had left her overstimulated.
“I need a minute.” Kylie tapped Roy’s shoulder. 
“You okay?” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Well, I’m definitely kicking myself for not doing this sooner.” Roy flashed a cheeky grin, wiping his wet chin off on her thigh. 
“Oh, sweetheart.” She caressed his face, slipping her thumb into his mouth for him to suck on instead, dragging his bottom lip out. “I knew that big mouth of yours would have a good use one day.”
“Bitch.” Roy bit down. 
“Why you son of a!” she hissed.
“What? Little ol’ me with the big mouth?
“If you don’t get your ass up here,” she snarled, sitting up and leaning forward enough that she could brush her lips against his, tempting him with a kiss just out of reach, “so help me…”
Roy eagerly obeyed and not particularly in the mood to mince words, Kylie pushed him down into the bed and straddled his back effortlessly in one swift motion. 
“Knew those redneck Olympics would have a good use one day.” 
“No more talking,” Kylie ordered into his ear, pinning him down with her body weight. 
“Yes, ma’am.” If it wasn’t so cute the way he said it so earnestly she might’ve corrected him again.
She started at his shoulders, digging her thumbs into the sore muscles as her hips subtly rolled down onto him, mimicking the way he pleased himself before she stopped him. 
Her hands moved lower, exploring the taught muscles flexing under her nails. Kneading his ass through his briefs till he tried to reach a hand into his underwear.
“Now you’re just being a cunt,” Roy huffed when she slapped it away. 
She wanted to be generous and let him get off, sure, but not before she could have at least a little bit of fun with him as payback.
“Uh uh,” Kylie tutted. “I’m being a lady, and I’ll take my sweet time if I feel like it.”
Roy dropped his head into the pillow clutched between his fists, a deep annoyed sigh making its way through the fabric. 
“What was that?” she asked, tongue in cheek, but he simply repeated the sigh, louder this time. 
Kylie could tell by the tight black shirts he wore so often on stage in his Instagram reels that Roy, at the very least, kept an eye on his physique after top surgery.
She’d never seen him this naked or this up close, obviously, but she had to admit; she agreed with Roy on his stance about not doing this sooner. 
He’d always been pretty thin but lately his shoulders and back had filled out quite noticeably while his waist and hips stayed as petite as ever, maybe even some new definition in his faint abs if anything.
His tight little ass, however—in his skimpy shorts, she knew it would be irresistible, imagining it as a cute little bubble butt just enough for a fist full each.
Curiosity was getting the better of her and Roy’s sighs had turned to muffled moans by now. She slid off of him and hooked her fingers into his waistband, ready to whip off his underwear in one go till she remembered he had his packer in. 
“Can I take this off too?” Kylie gave his underwear’s waistband a little tug, revealing a faint hint of a tan line above his ass crack. She bit her lip, trying to hide how enticing this little detail was to her.
“Yes! For the love of God!” 
“Just checking,” she lilted innocently, smiling at his impatience. She yanked off his underwear. “Oh!”
“What?” Roy shot up onto his elbows, looking over his shoulder with panic in his eyes.
“I just knew you’d have the cutest little fanny!” Kylie squealed in delight, grabbing a perfect fistful, just as she anticipated, of each cheek, earning an eye roll from Roy. 
At this angle on all fours, ass up with his cheeks and legs spread open, she could see just how practically dripping wet he was. 
“Poor honey bun,” she fawned over him, nails running up and down his sticky inner thighs. “You really are such a mess, huh.”
Roy bit into the pillow, refusing to give her the satisfaction she was looking for, but his legs bending to get closer to her fingers said more than any words ever could. 
Kylie finally showed some compassion and gave his slit a drawn-out lick, all the way from his dick to his hole.
Roy surprised them both when he let out a loud high pitched whimper, quickly throwing his hand over his face, “Oh my god, I am SO sorry.”
“What was that?” Kylie laughed loudly, she leaned on her side to get a good look at where he was hiding his face in the pillow again.
“I don’t know!” Roy admitted, joining in on the laughter. “Nobody’s tongue’s been that far back in a while! I guess it-it took me by surprise maybe?”
“That’s okay, sugar,” she teased in a low voice against his skin, already hovering over the same spot, ready and waiting. “Do you want me to do it again?” 
“Fuck…please,” Roy sighed pushing his hips back against her tongue. 
He reached for his dick again, jerking himself off in the same rhythm Kylie’s tongue had set for them. Desperation palpable with every stroke or every time he’d bounce back against her. 
Maybe if Roy’s muffled groans weren’t so distracting, either one of them would have heard the front door of her apartment opening.
“Hey, Kylie! Have you seen my blue work shirt?” her roommate shouted, clearly shuffling through the apartment. “I need to switch clothes, but I can’t find it-” 
“Fuck!” Kylie jumped off the bed, already throwing on a robe that was sitting on top of a hamper pile nearby. 
“What is she doing here?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know, but I’ll be right back,” she whispered, quickly wiping her mouth off with Roy’s discarded crop top. 
“Hey, that’s—whatever.” He gave up the fight about his shirt being a makeshift cumrag before he could even start. 
While she was dealing with that mess, Roy figured he’d make himself at home. He rolled himself over onto his back and tried to get comfortable, but his erection was by now downright painful.
Just to ease some tension his fingers, lazily slid up and down around his growth till he found a rhythm he liked. Four loud buzzes from his phone on the floor pulled him back to the present. He reached down to pull it from the pocket of his shorts.
Shane J:
Shane J:
What are you up to?
“Ah fuck,” he sighed. He forgot to say goodbye to Shane before he left and now, clearly bored and/or drunk, he needed some company.
Shane J:
I need you to come over 
Shane J:
I’ve got something to show you
He bit his freshly painted nails, debating what he should do or if he should say something since this situation, as fun as it was, seemed to be over. 
“She’s gone.” 
Maybe not. 
Kylie finally came back in before Roy had time to open the messages, her untied robe already on the floor, ready to get straight to business again. 
“Great.” Roy shoved the phone behind him like a child who’d been caught with it after bedtime. 
“Now,” Kylie purred, climbing over the bed towards him, a huntress on the prowl. She spread his thighs open, threw her left leg over his and with a little repositioning managed to get them pressed together at just the right angle. “Where were we?”
The pressure of her body weight resting on his dick was electrifying, making his hips inadvertently thrust up against her. Finally, he could let go of that breath he’d been holding in.
“That good, baby?” she asked, leaning down to suck on his bottom lip, their hips grinding together in unison.
“I want to fuck you,” Roy whispered into her mouth, his voice practically hoarse with want. 
“Then put it in.” Kylie stilled her hips and leaned back, pulling him with her till their positions were switched. Now with Roy on top and in control. 
His eyes flicked between hers trying to work out what she was planning.
“What?” She slipped her fingers into her mouth, pulling them back out with a thick trail of spit. “Do you need a map?”
She took his dick between the top of her slippery index and middle finger, guiding it just a little lower towards her entrance, and he gasped at the contact. 
“Fu-uck.” His eyes fluttered closed as she pushed his dick into her. He had to pace his breathing to avoid coming right then and there.
It wasn’t particularly deep, but god what he could manage inside felt fan-fucking-tastic. She was tight and wet and absolutely stunning. Especially when she grabbed his ass and wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him tightly while pushing up against his thrusts. 
“You never tried this?” she asked softly, her fingers dancing along his well-sculpted chest and around his scarred nipples. 
“Not exactly…” he admitted, looking down between them, slightly embarrassed for not thinking of it sooner. “But better late than never right?”
“Uh-huh,” she nodded, progressively struggling to form words as he fucked her harder, needier.  
He could feel the pressure in his stomach building, the possibility of finally getting to come so close, but seeing her fall apart like this a second time was too tempting to pass up. Almost worth edging himself one last time.
His thumb was already rubbing her clit in quick figure eights again in the same way she responded to so well last time, earning louder and more full-throated moans as opposed to her cute little whimpers.
“Oh fuck…” Kylie gasped, throwing her head back onto the bed, her legs trembling as she clung to him for dear life.  “Don’t stop…don’t stop…”
He could feel her tensing from deep in her core, every pulse, every flex around his growth pushing him further into oblivion. Unable to process any coherent thoughts. His hips frantically jerked into her even after her limbs went liquid.
“Keep going,” Kylie whispered, her nails deep into Roy’s ass. 
“Fuck I’m gonna come!” he growled, gritting his teeth, steadying himself on her shoulders. “Are you-“
“Keep going…” she repeated.
“I’m gonna…I-”  He finally came. Unabashedly moaning out any last praises in her name as his whole body ignited, like a high he hadn’t felt before and he wasn’t sure if he could come down from. 
His head full of lights and tingling, his body overheated and overstimulated but he knew he needed more, he needed to come again and fast.
“A little more left in you, Sugar?” Kylie asked sweetly, wiping some sweat from his brow. 
“Yeah,” he panted, desperately fumbling, struggling to find the right spot he had inside her again after he accidentally slipped out. “I just need to, shit, get this right.”
“Do you need help?”
“Fuck this.” 
“C’mere, it’ll be easier,” Roy quickly scooted up to hover over her chest where Kylie waited, resting on her elbows so she’d be the perfect height.
“Jesus…Christ.” He let out another shocked high pitched whimper when her tongue circled his dick. He grabbed her head on either side, guiding it where he wanted her to suck a little harder instead. 
“Don’t bother being gentle,” she purred against him, sending delicious shivers straight through his whole body, fogging up his already oxygen deprived mind even more.
“God, where have you been hiding all my life?” he joked in an effort to regain some control, fucking her face till he turned to jelly.
Legs weak, oversensitive and spent, he finally fell back, laying down opposite her; the both of them giggling at the absurdity of the night’s events that lead them here and the scattered bites and bruises they each showed for it. 
“Boy, that was a blast wasn’t it?” Kylie was the first to speak, again, patting Roy’s sweat-drenched thigh.
“Fuck,” was all he managed, still a chuckle in his voice. “We should do that again sometime.”
“Yeah, some time…” she lulled, feeling around the bed for where her phone had dropped when they walked in earlier. “I mean, it’s only about midnight now, what time do you have to leave?”
“Seriously?” Roy shot up like an overzealous meerkat, looking at her in disbelief. 
“Well?” She shrugged, hooking a leg over his so they were in a perfect scissor position again. “Might need a minute to catch my breath, but you tell me,” she teased, scooting her hips closer so they were touching again.
Both holding onto the other’s hips, they happily melted together again, laying back down to lazily enjoy another round as Roy sighed, “God, I love pride.”
Pride Challenge Points: 7685
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hoobins · 2 years
Ok so I finally have some time to actually make the post I’ve been trying to make I had to make the impulse choice of coming back in the middle of the exams because I have no self control what so ever 
Strap in, it’s going to be a long-sh ride post
So yeah I am back here :D not even because of the twitter mess (but can’t lie that I am there as well), hi hi and hello kiddos So, where have I been?
As some of you may know I had a major burnout, meltdown and depressive episode, I literally shutted down for years because I couldn’t do anything, my drawings were terrible, my mind was worse, I was falling into downwards spirals, thankfully I didn’t do anything bad, but I was scared and worst of all I tought that the best way to deal with it was to isolate myself. 
And it helped, sorta, but not really, I wasn’t even talking to irl friends, barrely spoke to familiar faces, friendly people becuase I had this (and still am sorting this idea out) that I had to deal with all my problems alone, that I couldn’t rely on even talking to people about the stuff I was dealing with, because, well, bad habit I had most of my life. I was always pretty dumb when it came to that... Am trying to do better
In that time I didn’t drew, didn’t create anything at all, was scared to even take a pen and try and make a silly little doodle, too afraid I was going to go back and ... be happy? The brain is wierd when it comes to this.
This changed around a year ago, when I maneged to get out of the house, am now living in a new place away from my family, that, while aren’t bad people, they are pretty toxic to me, we are just too different in principle, I still talk to them and go visit on vacations, but even they know that my mental health is better when I am away, and that’s coming from parents that would NEVER admit that out loud (mother in special) I am still mostly closed off to them, but the space helped me, and I slowly was trying to take a step at the time, still afraid to hold a pencil and do what really makes me the happiest, still, I was at least trying to see stuff, trying to watch things I like, trying to dare a little more, but I was too closed off to those around me, never knowing what to do, say, interact, awkward but hey, I was never around people like me in real life, literally didn’t knew anyone.
Slowly but surely I was going to thing, having my fun again, working on AUs of fandoms, making ocs for said fandom, still too scared to drawing, but that was the first drop, still too scared to come back, too scared of making it official.
It was a small ride on that, maybe half a year, when things really happened was because of one small morbid thing that made me realise that I wanted to draw, and I took the step to that, scared but at that point, I had nothing to loose anymore, I was taking more risks with it, at the time I was talkig to a friend that also gave me the advice to be a little more reckless.
And so I did, and was a rush for me, to come back to everything, to remember the joy, I was overhelmed and then I kept going and well
I am here now, making stuff, and will post stuff right after too, because I missed this, I missed here and I missed being a part of me, even if it hurts again, is what I know I love to do, and to know that people still remember me and open their arms to welcome me back I just ... It’s unbelievable to me on a certain way, I can’t even begin to describe the joy that is to see you all and to be here again.
I hope things go well, I hope things go better, and I hope that I don’t leave this time, even if I am sad, angry, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, and every other emotion that comes with it.
Thank you all for everything and I can only hope I will do the same to you guys
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solalunar-eclipse · 1 year
Strings Neither Green Nor Red
Chapter title: Blue Mending (Magson I. Addison)
AO3 Link
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Spamton belongs to Toby Fox, all other characters belong to @brightgoat on Tumblr and Twitter.
“Thank you all for meeting here on such short notice.” Mags said tersely, surveying the other three members of his department from his seat. Pay was sitting in the chair next to him, his back ramrod straight and his hands folded tightly in his lap. Click was lounging in a chair across the table, inspecting the tips of his fingers in a clear show of boredom, while Video was leaning back precariously in his own seat next to Click, keeping himself balanced with only one hand.
“Now then, I would like to ask you two specifically, Video and Click, about your…strange behavior lately.”
Vid rocked his chair back into all four legs with a loud slam, making Pay jump. The yellow Addison rested his elbows on the table casually, seemingly unperturbed.
“What’re you talking about? I’d say we’ve been more normal than ever!” Video said lightly.
“Yes,” Mags replied through gritted teeth, “but there is absolutely no reason for this to have happened. It doesn’t make sense, is what I’m getting at.”
“Makes perfect sense to me!” Vid chirped annoyingly. “Didn’t you ever think I just finally got used to things as they are, instead of how I wanted them to be?”
“Well, see, I don’t buy that. But even if you’re telling the truth, this sudden of a change—that has zero explanation—would really only happen if you know something I don’t, right?” Mags said, refusing to dance around the topic for even one second. 
At that, Click stepped in, putting a hand on Video’s arm carefully. “But you’re the one who takes care of all the things like files and information these days, correct?” he asked, his voice saccharinely sweet. “If that’s the case, and you’re in control of everything, how could we know something you don’t?”
The blue Addison’s hands curled into fists on the table, trembling. “Information doesn’t just come in files, you know. It can come through words, actions…or people…”
Mags could see that they both knew that he might know. It showed in Vid’s expression of poorly-masked fear and Click’s determination. “Well then, if you’re so interested in our supposed sources, why don’t you just say what you’re getting at?” the latter said, his voice eerily calm. “Be honest here, don’t hide behind little wordplay games.”
“Have you been talking to Spamton?” Mags snapped.
Video’s grip tightened on the table to the point where its surface began to splinter. “You don’t get to say that name anymore.” he snarled, his eyes flaring with yellow electricity.
Mags felt a shock run through him as his suspicions were confirmed.
“Vid, please, wait just a moment—!” Pay cried, but it was Click who stopped him before he could charge at the blue Addi. 
“Don’t.” he said quietly. “This isn’t how you gain the upper hand.”
“Since when do liars have the upper hand at all?” Mags cried, his expression furious. “How long have you been hiding this from me?!”
Click looked over at him. “I don’t think that’s the question you should be asking. The real question is, why didn’t we tell you about this?”
“Fine. Whatever. I’ll play along. Why didn’t you tell me about this?” the blue Addison asked, rolling his eyes.
“Vid?” Click said, turning the answer over to him.
Video looked Mags in the eye, but aside from that, he was completely, uncharacteristically still. “Because I don’t trust you to watch out for us anymore.” he said, his voice broken and tired.
Mags reeled backwards, stunned. “What? But all I’ve ever been doing is—”
“Watching out for yourself.” Video said firmly, his fury returning in full force. “You told me you didn’t care if I left, you threw away Spamton like he was nothing, all because you were so scared of someone on the other end of a phone! Aren’t blue Addis supposed to help the people in their departments? Is that really what you’ve been doing all this time, Mags?”
The blue Addison found himself unable to speak, shaken by Vid’s words. That…wasn’t what he’d expected to hear.
“All I’ve ever been trying to do was keep everyone safe! I was fighting for our jobs—for our lives—and that meant I needed to do what had to be done!” he shot back, but his voice sounded weak even to his own ears.
“What had to be done?” Vid exploded, pained tears welling up in his eyes. “Are we all really that expendable to you?! That…that unimportant??”
Up until this very moment, Mags had thought he knew what his role was in life. Blue Addisons were always supposed to help ease any interpersonal difficulties in their personal workplace. Whether it was an overly uptight Orange, a hyperactive Yellow, or a truly messed-up Pink, Blues were there to smooth out the rough patches and get everyone working together. It was their purpose (aside from sales), their reason for being.
They weren’t supposed to be the catalyst for fights. The fact that Click and Vid had formed an alliance opposed to him and Pay with the sole purpose of doing what they probably thought was defending Spamton from him rocked him to his very core. 
Whether or not he had actually been in the wrong, his attempts to salvage this department seemed to have—driven them apart further, but—
He was a blue Addison! He couldn’t be a danger to his own department!
…except…Vid and Click thought he already was……
Mags had never felt so alone in his life.
“Oh, God.” he breathed, pressing a hand to his mouth. “Oh my god, you—you really feel that way? But I…all I ever wanted was…”
“Whoa, hey, easy there!” Vid cried, his rage melting away at the sight of the blue Addi’s face. He dashed around the table and hovered around Mags nervously. “Geez, man, you look like you’re gonna pass out!”
“I...” he whispered. “I…I don’t…I just…”
“Uh, guys?” Video said nervously, his voice sounding far away and muffled. “I think he’s, like, going into shock or something.”
The next thing Mags became aware of was a mug of his favorite tea being pressed into his hands. A blanket was draped around his shoulders, and he was somehow sitting in the living room, even though last he remembered, he’d definitely been at his dinner table.
“What…?” he murmured. “How did I….”
“Hey, hey, can you hear us?” Vid said, leaning into his field of vision. “You back with us now, Mags?”
“What do you mean, ‘back with you’?” he asked, confused.
Pay sat down on his other side, his smile pained. “It’s a phenomenon that isn’t very well-documented, but I’ve heard about it before. Essentially, you tried to process too much at once and then shut down because of it. You were completely unresponsive to anything we said or did for—” he checked the time— “approximately fifteen minutes. However, you were still physically mobile, as evidenced by the fact that we were able to bring you over here without having to forcibly move you.”
“It was really creepy.” Click said, from his position on the other couch. “You were just staring off into space without moving or blinking or anything.”
Mags shuddered. “The last thing I remember is Video talking to me in the dining room…and then nothing.”
Pay frowned. “Well, it might be best if you exercise caution when thinking about…whatever it was you were thinking about before it happened. We don’t want you to experience a second shutdown—that doesn’t seem healthy.”
“What was I…?” Mags tried to recall what had caused it—and then paled. 
“What did I just say?!” Pay cried. “Don’t think too hard about it!”
“But I—I—” he stammered, his hands shaking enough that some tea spilled over the brim of his mug.
“Hey, look at me, okay, Mags?” Video said gently. “Just look at me.”
The blue Addison could barely bring himself to do it, fear of what he might see weighing him down. But when he looked up, all he saw was concern and kindness in Vid’s eyes.
“How did you do it?” Mags said weakly. “How did you keep caring about him and keep going, even after losing him?”
Video blinked, surprised. “It hurt. A lot. Especially since it felt like I was the only one for so long. And I’m not gonna say I did it well—you saw my sales drop! But not caring would’ve felt worse, because for me it would’ve meant abandoning someone who meant the world to me.”
Mags sighed. “I felt like…I either could keep caring or make sure everybody was safe. So I tried to do both, kind of—care about the people I could protect and not worry about those I couldn’t. But…I think I hurt you all because I was so scared of being hurt again. He was…someone I cared about. So much. And when he was gone, I knew I had to make sure it’d never happen again, no matter what it took. That way we and our livelihoods would be safe.
“I didn’t know I was doing it wrong. I didn’t know…I was making the problem worse. Because if you’d been Called, either of you…” He looked up at Video and Click. “You wouldn’t have told me, would you? You’d have listened to the person on the other end.”
Neither of them could meet his eyes.
Mags shuddered, cold terror creeping through his whole body. “I thought I was saving us…doing what was right despite everyone fighting me…but we were so close to ruin, weren’t we? We were so close to losing it all.” 
“But we haven’t lost it yet.” Vid said, putting an arm around Mags’s shoulders. “It’d be pretty tough and really awkward, but I think we can fix this.”
“How?” the blue Addison asked weakly.
“Look at us now!” Video gestured around the room. “We all put everything aside and helped you when you needed it, right?”
“You…you did.” Mags said, sitting up a little straighter. “Thank you.”
“But right now, I think there’s someone out there who needs all four of us to help him.” Video continued, their eyes flashing with determination.
“He needs us?” Pay said, his voice quiet and small.
“Pay, I don’t know exactly what he’s been through, but I know it’s been rough.” Video said emphatically. “And he spent all that time thinking every last one of us never wanted to see his face again.”
Mags jolted in his seat. “I want to see him again.” he said, the words flying out of his mouth before he had time to register them.
“You really were missing him all this time too, huh?” Click said, sounding surprised.
“It’s more complicated…” Mags confessed. “I couldn’t let myself miss him, or else I would’ve been as distressed as Vid. And I felt like I needed to take charge…but apparently it’s not all that good for me to be in a leadership position.” He laughed humorlessly.
“Hey. Remember, we’re gonna fix this. All of it.” Video repeated insistently.
“Does that start with talking to Spam?” Mags asked shakily.
Vid started in surprise at that, recognizing what Mags was doing—surrendering control.
“Yeah.” they said, smiling reassuringly. “Yeah, it does.”
After that, Video had stepped outside to make a brief call to Spamton, leaving the other three alone in the room.
Pay looked very nervous at being left with Click and Mags, especially when the former spoke up after a moment of silence.
“So what are you gonna do when you see him?” Click said, looking intently over at the blue Addison.
Mags tightened his grip on his mug slightly. “Does he know…about us? What happened after he disappeared?”
“Yeah.” Click replied simply, but that single word held a lot of weight.
“But,” he added, “I don’t know how it happened, but he seems like he’s in a pretty forgiving mood these days. I mean, he accepted my apology really fast, and we were never as close as you and he were…so you’ll probably be fine.”
“I wonder why he’s so prepared to take us all back?” Pay said quietly. “None of us treated him very well—except for Video and maybe Mags, of course.”
“Perhaps it had something to do with those Lightners that came through recently.” the blue Addison said. “They helped unite everyone else throughout the city very easily, and they all got along quite well. Maybe they had an effect on him, too?”
Click blinked. “Yeah, now that you mention it—he seemed to know who all of them were whenever Vid or I mentioned them. But he’s never said anything about them on his own…actually, I think he’s been keeping a lot from us.”
Just then, Video came back into the room. “Oof, that was…intense.”
Mags winced. “Is he mad?”
“Not mad, just more…stunned? That we failed to keep his secret this badly. I think he’s actually kind of relieved that he’ll be able to stop hiding and just get this over with, so he finally knows how you two feel.”
“So, what did he say?” Click asked.
Video gave them a half-smile. “He says he’ll meet with all of us tomorrow, but only in the alley by my store.”
“Why in an alleyway?” Pay wondered, bewildered.
Vid shrugged. “I dunno. My guess is, as much as Click and I have been hanging out with him, it’s still four of us going to meet with only one of him, so he wants to be on his own ground when it happens.”
Mags’s face fell. “You mean he’s scared of us.”
“Wouldn’t you be scared too?” Click asked, looking a little pained. “After everything we said to him, and everything that’s happened?”
Video sighed. “Yeah, I know. Hopefully that’ll start changing tomorrow!” he added, pushing himself to perk up a little.
Mags gave him a smile in return, but secretly, he felt a sense of dread beginning to build inside him.
The next day, exactly at noon, the four Addisons gathered together at the entrance to the alleyway. Vid and Click walked in with confidence, while Pay and Mags trailed after, one more visibly nervous than the other.
Despite his expertise at externally tamping down his feelings, however, the blue Addison was just as nervous as Pay, if not more so. Pay had simply been a willing participant in the plans he’d laid out. He feared that if there was anyone Spamton might reject now, it would be him.
Once the group had gone about two-thirds of the way in, they heard footsteps behind them, making Mags’s spine stiffen and Pay let out a small scream.
“Hey!!” Video cried, looking back the way he’d come. He dashed past the other three, sliding to his knees and hugging the person who had appeared suddenly in the entrance to the alley.
When he stepped back, the person was revealed to be none other (as Mags had suspected) than Spamton himself.
“HEYA, VID!” he said, seeming genuinely pleased to see the yellow Addison. That joy faded considerably, however, when he faced the other three. He still managed to greet Click with a modicum of friendliness, but was notably wary when it came to the other two.
“SO, UH, ARE WE JUST GONNA [Stay Right Here!] IN [[Awkward Silence]], OR…?” he prompted, when neither Mags nor Pay moved.
Slowly, carefully, the blue Addi walked forward and knelt down in front of Spam. “I’m so glad to know that you’re alive.” he said softly. “And I’m sorry for everything I did that made you think I wouldn’t be. But I am, truly.”
Pay smiled nervously. “Seconded from here.” he added, a bit awkwardly. “Things haven’t been the same without you—specifically, they’ve been a lot worse. And I’m also sorry for the part I played in driving you away from us.”
Click dragged a hand down his face furiously. “Why couldn’t my apology have been like that?!?” he cried.
Spamton snickered. “YOU’VE ALWAYS BEEN A [[Man of the theater]], CLICK.”
“It’s true, you really have.” Video said, smirking. 
“Shut up. Shut up right now, Vid, or else I will skewer you. I mean it.” Click grumbled.
“OH YEAH! THAT REMINDS ME, [[Clickbait]], I BROUGHT YOU A [Free Gifts]!”
The pink Addison hesitated. “….what’s that supposed to mean?”
Spam tossed something at Click, who caught it—and then jolted slightly once he realized it was a pipis. He managed to grit his teeth and hold onto it, luckily enough. Spamton snickered at the sight of his face, twisted with something like determination and disgust blended together into one strange mix.
Its shell began to crack slowly, bit by bit…and then a little angel-Spam leapt out, patting him on the head before disappearing.
The pink Addi smiled wryly. “Better than a bunch of goddamn heads biting me, that’s for sure.” he muttered.
“Spamton, I should explain—” Mags began, his hands shaking. But the former Addison cut him off quickly.
“[Video player] ALREADY TOLD ME [[The Whole Story]] OVER THE [Touch-Tone Telephone]. THEY SAID YOU WERE [just trying to protect the rest of us, really] AND [he was scared of telephones for ages afterwards, you know] AND [he still misses you a lot, he just didn’t know how to handle it, none of us did, honestly].”
Vid’s eyes widened at hearing their own voice spill out of Spamton’s mouth. “Geez, that’s wild!” they exclaimed, a little shocked.
“…do you believe him?” Mags asked nervously.
“YEAH, I THINK SO. YOU WERE [[Always And Forever]] [The Mom Friend], YOU KNOW.” Spamton said, but he still didn’t look fully pleased with everything.
“I came to your room.” Mags said abruptly, unable to stop himself from speaking. “The day you were…evicted. I wanted to check on you, invite you back. But…you were gone, and I heard the strange noises on the other end of the phone…I feared the worst.
“So that’s why I did what I did. I didn’t want anyone else to vanish, or for us to be deemed unfit to continue on because we had lost you. I don’t know if that makes any of it justifiable now that I know you didn’t…you weren’t gone forever…but that’s what I did.”
After a minute of thinking, Spam beckoned Mags closer. He obliged, kneeling down right in front of his old friend, bracing himself for some kind of yelling—maybe even a physical attack.
Instead, small arms wrapped around his shoulders as Spamton pulled him into the most awkward yet welcome hug he’d ever had.
Silently, Mags began to weep into his shoulder, his whole body shaking. “I never thought I’d see you again…” he breathed.
“Me either.” Spam said quietly, his own voice a little choked up as well.
Once he withdrew and they’d both made themselves presentable once again, Mags clasped his hands together, going over something in his head. Cautiously, he looked at Spamton and asked, “Would you like to come home with us tonight?”
“HUH? I MEAN…ARE YOU [[100% Guaranteed]] SURE?”
The blue Addison gave him a reassuring smile. “Absolutely. If it makes it easier, you can consider it like a…seven-day free trial?” he offered.
Spamton looked up at him, clearly back on steadier ground with that kind of terminology. “IS THERE AN [Auto-renewal] FOR MY [[Subscription]]?”
“If you decide you like it? Of course.” Mags said.
“Wait, really?! You’re gonna come back?!?” Vid exclaimed, nearly vibrating in place with excitement.
“I CAN TRY.” Spam said, still seeming a little wary, yet also willing.
Even Click was smiling at that, clearly relieved and maybe even happy at that prospect
Suddenly, Video dragged everyone into a group hug. “Agh—Vid, what are you doing?” Pay cried.
“Affection! None of you can escape it!” the yellow Addi cried, pulling them all even closer.
Mags accepted it wholeheartedly, as did Spam. Pay resigned himself to the hug with a weary smile, while Click refused to play nice and squirmed in embarrassment until it was over.
“Spoilsport.” Video huffed.
“Sugar addict.” Click shot back.
“TALK ABOUT [[The pot and the kettle]], CLICK!” Spam said, his voice light yet accusatory.
“Alright, that’s it. I’m going back to work now.” he scoffed, stalking out of the alleyway. “See you later, I guess.” He shot a semi-genuine smile at Spamton, though, to which the latter grinned right back.
Pay checked the time, his eyes widening. “Oh, it’s late! I’ll have to hurry and get lunch now before my next shift starts.”
Spam looked over at Mags. “I’VE MADE A [[Daily Workout Routine]] OF CRASHING AT LEAST ONE SHIFT A [Workday]. MIND IF I COME WITH YOU TODAY?”
The blue Addison smiled warmly. “I’d love that, actually.”
Video squeezed Spamton’s shoulder affectionately as they walked by. “Guess I’ll see you tonight, then!” they said, clearly still excited.
“I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.” Spam replied, and for the first time, it seemed like he might mean it.
And with that, the three of them left the alleyway, heading out to face the rest of the day together.
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"What does Louis even do to Harry?" We have Larries to thank for that. Harries don't REALLY hate Louis, I suspect that if Larry wasn't a thing, Louis would be treated like Niall is - a non-threatening ex-coworker, I think most of them would like him or be indifferent. Larries are very loud and very annoying and they point out a lot of things Harries don't like. Also, if Louis was some hunky guy with abs, Harries would probably be easier on him, as they are very shallow people.
Larries are annoying people, but they aren’t completely to blame for Harries’ psychopathy.
Harries have my Tumblr posts on notification and read every single post, screenshot it and have sent me hate-filled anons (filled with misogyny, homophobia, self-harm, ageism, racism, you name it) via VPN every single day that I’ve had anon on, for the past four years (got one today, one yesterday, one the day before that etc.). They have created Twitter accounts to screenshot my posts, call me names, direct hate to me here.
They don’t do that to the big Larries who support Harry, because they know Larries ARE Harries. Only to solo Louies.
It’s outright cyber harassment, and it’s sociopathic, profound mental illness. Many Louies leave rather than deal with that.
But why? Harry Styles has 56 million monthly listeners — Louis barely has 5. Harry has done 120+ stadium and arena tours. He has three albums to Louis’ two. He has a gazillion music videos, magazines, photoshoots, interviews. There are TWO FULL MOVIES with Harry in a prominent role. He has cosmetics to sell, merch they can buy.
Isn’t there a lot of solo Harry content to engage with? I have never watched more than three minutes of Harry’s concerts post 2018, and I don’t want to. I still watch AFHF 2021 and still love the London livestream. I smile every time I open a Louis music video.
Larries annoy me, but I don’t dislike Harry Styles because of them. “Larry” content is simply outdated, confused, a bit hysterical and overreaching.
Harry Styles is unlikable because of his actions and ethics, not because of Larries.
Harries are sociopaths and their behavior is on them.
And Larries really help Harries in driving Louis’ fans away. More solo Louies have stopped posting because of Larries than Harries.
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lucyandthepen · 9 months
hi it’s me 🍭again !
I am a fan of Zelda !!! I only played BOTW and TOTK so I don’t know if I can call myself a fan but I really enjoyed both ! I actually didn’t finished TOTK because I waited for my nephew to comeback from vacation so he can watch me beating Ganondorf (I also waited because I just don’t want to finish the game 🥸).
For age of calamity, I really enjoyed watching the cinematic hehehe. I actually don’t know very much about Koei game but I’ll look more into it later !
I can’t wait to see Zelda reference in one of the next fic !!
omgg who do you think it’s most likely to be jealous in dream ? Personally my top 3 will be : mark, jeno and maybe jaemin or haechan idkkkk
don’t worry !! it’s not a hassle for me to come everyday !! That’s okay, the wait between fics aren’t that long + I haven’t read all your works so it gives me time to read all of them 🫶🏼🫶🏼. I also enjoy reading your little update about the queuing (am I weird for that ? but I actually think that’s sweet that you’re telling us what you’re about to update next and everything ☹️).
for the beyond live, I actually haven’t watched it lol I just watched some clips on twitter but let me tell you. My biases in dream are Jaemin and Haechan but because of this concert… I feel like Jeno is also becoming my bias (he’s actually my bias wrecker since forever haha).
And the performance I enjoyed the most was Boom, because dream is my fav unit and they wore SUITS 😭🙏🏼 I am a sucker for men in suits, I don’t why but whenever I see one I’m like 🤩🤩🤩 so yeah
I also really enjoy talking with you💕
hello my lovely anon! looks like i might've accidentally missed this!! sorry for the late reply. :(
i totally get what you mean! i am also just relatively new in the sense that i only played AoC, BOTW, and TOTK, but that still makes us fans, i think! as long as we have experienced the content and feel positively towards it, that definitely makes us fans, regardless of what era we came into the 'fandom' during (i think that applies for all things). has your nephew not yet come back from vacation? i've also only finished the four villages again, but i'm now wasting time collecting bubbul gems and avoiding ganondorf because I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT MF! but if you ever beat ganondorf, let me know how it goes!! i'm curious to know if the fight is hard or similar to the phantom ones!
that's totally okay! koei games are rather old but i love how simple and mindless they usually are! when i was younger, i had a ps2, and that's when i first started playing dynasty warriors 4: empires. from then on, i was totally obsessed! some of their other games are samurai warriors (4 was great, but 5 is a super good story too!), atelier (e.g. atelier ryza), and i think they have tie-ins with other franchises like one piece warriors, fire emblem warriors, and super smash bros. ultimate to name a few!
for jealousy, i feel like my top three list is very odd, but i've rationalized it in my head enough to feel like i can defend it SOMEHOW (to myself): haechan, then mark, then renjun! haechan definitely feels like he'd be loud about being jealous too so that's why i put him on top! i can definitely also see jeno and jaemin have possessive streaks too!
it is absolutely not weird at all for you to be reading the queue updates! i'm super bad at keeping to plans because i'm a bit all over the place as a person and because i actually suffer from ocd, i have a tendency to fixate on something even if i know there's something else waiting for me and i feel compelled to do it to the point that i can't sit still at all until i get it done. hence, why i had no choice but to bang out salted caramel very quickly! i'm glad that the queue updates help you, and i really hope that in the future i won't have to confuse you or anyone else with my messy behavior :(
oh man... anon, i know exactly what you mean. jeno popped off a little too hard that day and i fear the worst for EVERYONE'S bias list (except the jeno ults, of course!). maybe he's intentionally coming for all our necks????????????? that seems like a jeno thing to do....................... how awful n inconsiderate of that sexy yummy man.................................... JSIFJSIDFJSIJFSIDJF
I GET WHAT YOU MEAN!!!!!!!!! we always love boom (jaemin's 2023 'ice cream' still POPPED OFF!) and the suit look is a classic we can't every get sick of. YOU ARE VALID IN YOUR THIRST, MY LOVE!
i'm always here for you! have a great day/night wherever you are, and remember to do something that makes you happy!
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lizseyi · 2 years
5 Things Brides Should Avoid Posting On Social Media In The Run-Up To Their Wedding
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The emergence of social media in the last few decades (yes, decades – MySpace was founded almost 20 years ago now!) has certainly opened up many opportunities in our lives that we might have never expected in the old days. The chances are that today, you have friends you know or first met through a social network like Facebook or Twitter; it has truly helped bring many of us together. 
And as we have previously written about here at Sweet Gibraltar Weddings, you might be particularly looking forward to posting content on your social media profiles when you will be getting married in Gibraltar. 
But as we all know (or at least, most of us should know) by now, social media can have a problematic side. Specifically, we need to be careful about what we publish on such platforms, perhaps even more so when a particular important event, such as a wedding, is looming in our lives. 
So, partly for fun and partly as sincere advice, let’s look at some of the things you shouldn’t be posting on your Instagram, TikTok or other social media pages if you are a bride preparing to tie the knot with your sweetheart. 
Pictures of the wedding dress 
Yes, we know. You’re excited – in fact, more than a little excited – about your choice of dress. But you’ll make a so much more spectacular and memorable entrance on your special day, if everyone else doesn’t get to see the gown days or weeks in advance. Keep it under wraps until then – the wait will be worth it for everyone. 
Daily countdowns to the wedding and honeymoon 
Again, your wedding date is something that you will understandably be extremely hyped-up about. In fact, you should be. This doesn’t mean, however, that everyone else wants to have their face constantly rubbed in it. An update to your ‘countdown’ once every two days should be just fine. 
Rants about the bridesmaids or mother-in-law 
It’s understandable, too, that you might get into disagreements during your wedding planning with people who are helping you to organise it all, or who will be present on the day. 
But whatever it is you’re in conflict about – the cost of the dress, what the hen do will look like, one person’s “nagging”, or basically anything else – you will almost certainly make the situation worse, or at least a lot more awkward, if you vent about it in a Facebook update or tweet. 
What’s being planned for the day… unless it’s finalised 
You might be sure in the weeks and days immediately preceding your nuptials that you will be getting married in Gibraltar… but there may still be some details you aren’t absolutely certain about yet. 
You may still be trying to get a certain band to commit to performing on the day, for instance, or you might be wondering whether to make any other surprise announcement at the wedding reception. 
Regardless, it’s best to avoid using your public social media profiles to “think out loud” on these subjects. Instead, keep working quietly in the background on making your wedding as special as it deserves to be, so that the only surprises the attendees get on the day are pleasant ones. 
Money concerns 
They say money makes the world go round, but it doesn’t have to be a subject that drives your social media followers to distraction. 
Sure, you might be finding it hard to keep to your wedding budget, or you may be thrilled that your parents have put forward funds to make that dream wedding dress, location or venue possible. But advertising your personal money situation in front of everyone on social media is a bit… unseemly, and best avoided. 
There you go – five social media ‘faux pas’ we would urge you to steer well clear of as your wedding nears! For a detailed discussion of the many ways our capable and seasoned team of planners can help you keep on the ‘straight and narrow’ with your wedding preparations (and away from the unhealthier distractions of social media!), please do not hesitate to enquire to Sweet Gibraltar Weddings today. 
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iwadori · 3 years
Haikyu Boys when they make you insecure PT 2(Atsumu,Suna)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6
word count: 1.6K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You have been dating the great setter of the MSBY Jackals since your third year in highschool 
You’ve always been okay with his profession 
Even when it comes with the adoring fans he has (the ones that don’t necessarily like you..)
And the away games he goes to, that you can’t always go to because of your job.
You and Atsumu got to spend all of quarantine together, which was challenging at times. As you and Atsumu sometimes did have conflicting personalities but you loved being together for 8months + altogether. 
But now with the restrictions being lifted, Atsumu got to go back to practice and playing some games although you still got to work from home. Over lockdown, you do feel like you gained a bit of weight (which you didn’t pay much attention to since didn’t everyone gain some weight?) 
However, today you were scrolling through twitter, smiling fondly at the recent tweet ‘tsumu made about you;
@ ThebetterMiya: ‘Remember this @ *Insert your twitter handle here* ‘ 
It was a picture of the two of you in high school in your second year, with you giving Atsumu a hug just after his game against Karasuno. The memory made you smile, but your positive thoughts stopped after seeing a particular comment... “Y/N has definitely let herself go” it read.
 To your surprise Atsumu even liked the comment, you didn’t want to overthink things as you know that Atsumu just unconsciously likes comments and tweets without thinking all the time. But you can’t lie and say you didn’t agree with the comment. 
For the rest of the day, you spent your time googling and searching personal trainers and gyms that were open for you to go to and new healthy diet plans to try
.Atsumu came home a while later, tired and grumpy claiming that coach worked him extra hard in practice. Because of your newfound idea to start eating and being more healthy, you decided to have one last day of ‘letting go’ so your ordered yours and ‘tsumu’s favourite take out.
Whilst eating dinner, you were going INNN as you should  because this is basically your ‘last meal’ you were going to have. ‘tsumu caught onto your cavemen-like way of eating which made him chuckle a bit. “Hey babe, woahh you’re really hungry aren’t ya?” 
His comment threw you off, even though you know that he probably didn’t mean anything by it but from the comment on his twitter earlier and how you already feel about yourself it just didn’t help.
“Well what do you mean about that?” you say a little agressively “you think i’m getting bigger right?”
Your question threw him off guard since he didn’t mean that “well Y/N I know you’ve kinda let youself go a bit and you’re obviously not the weight you were when we 16 but-” before he could finish you get up out of your seat and rushed to your room with tears in your eyes, missing the end of his sentence which was “but I still think you’re beautiful” he murmurs.
He decided to give you some space for a bit, and before approaching he see’s your phone ringing (lets just say you and Atsumu have ultimate trust so you can answer eachothers phones :3) “Hello is this Y/N L/N” the person on the otherside of the phone asked 
“No, this is Miya Atsumu” your boyfriend replied 
“Oh! Miya-san i’m a big fan of you!” he started making Atsumu chuckle “I was just calling Y/N to say i’m available next week saturday to start training”
‘Training?’ Atsumu thought “Can I ask what training you’re preparing for with Y/N” he asks
“Oh I am a personal trainer.” he replied “ Well that’s all I can say, can you please tell Y/N-san to call me again so we can work out times.” he ended the call.
Atsumu goes into your shared-bedroom where he finds you on your laptop looking at ‘weight loss’ tips. He goes over to you and closes your laptop lid and pulls your hand to lead you to the mirror in the room. He stands you in front of it and puts his arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder.
“You’re beautiful Y/N” he says, sparking more tears in your eyes “I think you misunderstood what I said earlier, you. are. goregous. babe” he says punctuating every single word. “Even, if you feel like you gained weight, or lost weight or whatever I will always think your beautiful. If you feel like you want or need to change I will definitely support you along the way, but I think you’re amazing Y/N.”
“Thank you ‘tsumu” you start “ I do feel a bit insecure about the way I look right now, and I’m sorry for my abrupt leave at dinner but I do feel like my body is gross but I do want to try to see myself the way you see me.”
After many efforts from Atsumu, you definitely fell back in love with your body wether you were bigger or small you didn’t care cause you knew you were beautiful either way and so did Atsumu which he reminded you of that every single day.
AN: Can someone give me a synonym for beautfiul lmao cause that’s the only word I can think to use lol.
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You and Suna have always surprised people when they find out that you’re together.
Since your loud and talkative personality mixed with his quiet and nonchalantness is that a word? seems to not work well for other people
But opposites attract right?
You just finished the last episode of Kakegurui and were excited for your boyfriend to come home so you can tell him about it. You and Suna have been dating for a few years, after you confessed to him in front of all the boys in the gym in your 3rd year.
Suna enters the house mumbling a soft “Hi Y/N” to which you responded back with “Hi suna” rushing towards your boyfriend with a big hug. 
He slightly recoiled back out of your hug making you frown, to which he used the excuse of ‘I smell bad from practice let me take a shower.’ Whilst he was in the shower you decided to make some dinner for you both since it seems that Suna is a bit ‘grumpy’ today.
Once he exits the shower, and gets changed, he sees the table set out with the delicious food you made. You exit the bathroom to see him sat down already eating his plate. “How do you like it ?” you ask him wanting to know his opinion on your food.
“It’s good” he mumbles, continuing to shove food in his mouth. A bit bothered by the lack of response, you decide to talk about the newest episode in the hopes of lighting the mood. “Last episode of Kakegurui was great Rin, you should’ve seen it I really love mary. She’s great, I am a Mary Saotome simp through and through I still didn’t get the game they played but who cares? I can’t wait for season 3 to come out, I’ve already ordered the first 3 volumes of the Kakegurui twin manga, do you think it’s as good as the manga since I do think it’ll probably be better since it is Mary-centric and who hates mary since she-” You ramble on not taking notice of the bubbling annoyance that Suna seemed to have.
“Can you just shut up Y/N” he shouted making you flinch “ You’re so fucking talktative gosh” he got up and left the house slamming the door shut making you jump again. 
Instead of wallowing in your bed you decide on going out the library to go and read a good book (something that always makes you feel better) forgetting the harsh tone that Suna used with you. You were only trying to lighten the mood...
You got too engrossed with your books to notice how the sun is now gone and it was pitch black outside, the librarian notified you that it was time to go, you figure that if Suna was back at home he would’ve cooled down now so you can have a proper conversation which to be honest, you didn’t really want one.
Once you enter your house, Suna rushes towards you enveloping you in a big hug murmuring a “Oh thank god I was so worried” he tried to give you a kiss on the forehead but you recoil out of it, just as he did to you earlier. 
“I think i’m going to go to bed Rin” you say quietly trudging towards your bedroom and getting immediately in your bed. Suna stood there in the spot you left him in feeling bad for what he said to you at dinner. He goes into you bedroom and see you on your bed and silently gets into it next to you.
“Y/N I know you probably don’t want to hear me right now, but I am sorry” You don’t respond but slowly move closer to him letting him put his arm around you. Because of your silence Suna continues to speak “Umm...I watched the last episode earlier and you were right Mary Saotome is the goat but.... yumeko is better” he said teasingly 
This made you smile, as this is what you wanted a nice moment with your boyfriend talking about the last episode of your favourite show. You spend the rest of the night arguing over which character is better and decide to start Demon Slayer together, with Suna enjoying your after episode talks that you have.
AUTHOR NOTE: I was really excited to write for Suna and Atsumu but I have a fat migraine so i’m so sorry for it not being thattt gooood today :// but I hope you enjoy it regardless 
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feysandfeels · 2 years
I mean...
Here is the thing: I have been in this fandom for a long time, I have seen ships go up, ships go down, discourse over narrative and character meta. I have seen blogs become friends and I have seen disagreements on opinions about the books. Quite literally I have seen courts rise and fall, and people turn against characters because of story developments. But I have never fucking seen the abhorrent behaviour that a solid part of this fandom employs as I have seen in the last year. I remember another low moment in the fandom pitting two characters and their supporters against each other, we still feel the ripples today, but let me tell you it was never as bad as it is now.
Before I go any further I will say that thankfully this is not representative of everyone in the fandom that I have seen first hand the kindness that a lot of you offer, the smiles, jokes and support. Thankfully the ones who have been at the core of the fandom know that this is how it looks like.
Nonetheless, lately the hate and nastiness is so much louder than the kindness. Do you know why a lot of people don’t engage with the books? It’s because it is wildly known that this fandom is insane. I will reiterate that it has been my general experience that a lot of people are kind, smart, eloquent, friendly, even when in disagreement. I have had the utter luck to be surrounded by those. My fandom experience has been incredible and yes #NotAllOfYou behave like this, but can you imagine how fucking loud is the disrespect in this fandom is that it deters others from joining and nourishing this amazing stories with interesting takes? Like can you imagine how inhospitable this fandom looks from the outside that people think it three times before joining?
Regarding this ship I will admit that there is ground to be explored, that aesthetically it can make sense, I get you feel there are clues: yes that’s how shipping works and that’s great. Explore those mfs clues to your hearts content. But listen to me, we don’t all follow your logic even if you colour coded it for us, and that is OKAY THAT IS FINE THAT IS NORMAL, so in your exploration and “analysis” stop bringing real people into it. You don’t see the rest of the fandom dragging you all and being abusive to the level that this particular portion of the fandom does. If you don’t agree then scroll past or offer respectful counter arguments to enhance debate. It’s not that hard.
We all have our preferences but who are you in your twitter account to come screenshoting messages and tumblr posts to talk shit about someone else behind their back in such a public way? Do you know how pathetic you look doing that? Monitoring Instagram accounts so you can drag them and call them names in your precious accounts? Insulting people and getting personal just because they don’t see the logic behind your plot stretching arguments? People I know, good people, kind people, smart people, have been driven out of this fandom because of coward nasty ass immature behaviour over a fucking ship that isn’t even confirmed! The author won’t look at your immature “calling out posts” and go you know what? yes this is how it will go, here is your confirmation [insert generic thing about flowers, the colour pink and how it contrast with the colour black] thank you @/genericshippingurl. If you aren’t grown up enough to hold mature discourse and share theories, compare them, receive feedback and maybe a bit of “academic banter”, THEN YOU AREN’T GROWN ENOUGH TO READ THESE BOOKS.
There are many people that actively ship that ship and they do so in such a respectful manner, many of my mutuals are firmly on that ship and I am on mine and we don’t engage when it comes to that because we know we will disagree. Still I can’t help but wonder why the fuck is kindness not the law in that subgroup of the fandom? There are nasty people everywhere that is true but the pattern is loud enough for anyone, even outsider, to see it. Respect that other people don’t see your ship happening and have the arguments to back their views up. And no having screenshots of posts from other non shipping your ship blogs and mocking them is not RESPECTFUL. Like wtf are you going to do if the next book comes around and the ship doesn’t happen? Because whether you admit it or not, this is still a possibility! You would have been ass for literally nothing. 
Also for the love of fuck stop making everything about them. CC is not about them and trust me if this ship will sail you will not get confirmation of them as a side detail in another book FROM ANOTHER SERIES. 
So shut up if you don’t have anything good to say, stay in you lane and try to be fucking nice for once.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Hi! I know you're one of the older fans on Tumblr & I wanted to ask you about the anti movement. I'm 19 & when I see people talking about the ages of anti fans, they're often within the 14-25 age range & I have no idea why. I also feel it's a little unfair to say that younger fans tend to be antis, though it is understandable since I've also made mistakes when I didn't know things. Why do you think most antis are younger fans? What should younger fans who aren't antis do to be more involved?
Hee! I’m 40, which, tbh, actually isn’t that old for Tumblr (though it’s certainly old compared to the common perception of tumblr), so sure, I can probably answer this. I guess there are two questions here: 1. Is it true and 2. why, if so?
1. Experience suggests that antis do tend to be young... but it does not follow that young people tend to be antis. (You’d have to know the proportion of antis relative to the overall population of fandom, which we don’t. I think the majority of people of any age tend to want to read fic in peace and not be roped into endless wank.) I definitely see some ringleaders who are older and good at manipulating fandom trends for their own ends too.
2. Why would this be the case?
When I was in college, we used to joke about all the freshman year Marxists. It’s an eternal phenomenon: people who don’t have much experience learn a new thing and are on fire to change the world using the one tool in their toolbox. (To a man with a hammer, yadda yadda.) There’s no passion like the passion of the newly converted, and young people tend to have a lot more energy and often a lot more free time to yell on social media. Antis may be one expression of this among people currently in that age bracket. It’s not like people my age didn’t do other annoying-ass things when we were that age. You just don’t see it because it was 20 years ago, a lot of it was never online, and all the websites/platforms from then have been systematically destroyed. (Often by yahoo. Fuck yahoo.)
The other half of the reason, in my opinion, is that there have been concerted efforts to sway lefty/socially liberal people in specific--often TERFy--ways. It’s somewhat reminiscent of the right wing radicalization of gamer guys.
People are susceptible to it because their lives suck and because they don’t know enough history or have enough confidence to form their own opinions and stand up for them. Sure, some people are going to go hardcore for anti views no matter how much they know, but a lot of people are just being swept along with the tide because something sounds superficially pro-gay or pro-protecting kids or whatever.
I cannot emphasize enough that the things that make someone ripe for the alt right are the same things that make them ripe for cults and for various kinds of toxic fandom shit: it’s usually the smart, sensitive overthinkers who don’t have enough close actual friends and who aren’t in a good place in their lives.
So what can you do?
You can try to make fewer more significant friendships and make sure your support system isn’t people you only know because you currently share a fandom. Most of my offline friends are people I found through fandom meetups, don’t get me wrong. I’m all for making fandom your life and only hanging out with fandom people, but we’re just regular friends who have dinner parties and shit (well, when it’s not the plaguetimes). Most of the time, we don’t share specific ships or fandoms. It’s vitally important to have a real support network that can’t be ripped away by social media wank.
The next thing we can all do is publicly stand up for what we believe in and not cave to pressure just because someone yelled “think of the children”. It’s important to be clear about the real history and logic behind these things, whether it’s the history of censorship that inspires people to support AO3′s extremely permissive policies or the fact that ‘queer’ was a fully reclaimed umbrella term in the 90s.
It’s okay if we don’t all agree. What’s not okay is appeals to emotion and ignoring science. A lot of anti bullshit is like “Rape fantasies are an abnormal red flag”, and this goes against every damn thing we know about human sexuality.
Part of this is examining our own stances for illogic and hypocrisy. If thought crimes aren’t real, then all of them aren’t real. I see way too many “Okay, but that one gross kink though!” comments from people who claim to be on my side, and this is very silly.
Possibly the biggest thing, though, is that we as a planet need to start being savvier about shitty social media and how it’s destroying our mental health. I don’t have a good overall solution, and obviously, I’m still on tumblr, but we all really need to cut down the amount of time we’re on sites like Facebook and Twitter and probably tumblr too. The more it has an algorithm and the less it has moderation, the more it’s a problem. Individual discords and spaces that can have moderation are better. It’s fine if some of them are 100% antis. The point is to have multiple spaces with rules that suit different groups.
A thing you can do is make your own spaces: be the owner of a discord for your ship, not just a passive participant at the mercy of shitty mods in an existing one. Run a fic exchange with rules you think are sensible and be firm when people try to scream about problematique things you don’t agree are a problem. One of the most pernicious anti problems is mods breaking the rules of their own spaces (usually a “no kinkshaming” one) to cave to social pressure from the loudest, most assholish set of people in the server. They don’t know how many people quietly disapprove and quietly leave their fandoms because they only fear the loud harassers, not the silent toll of caving to them.
Honestly, the climate of fear is the big issue more than a bit of yelling: I routinely meet 20-somethings who live in fear of being canceled and shunned. You can help this by... not being like that with your friends. If they’re friends with a canceled person, don’t ask them to drop the canceled person or face the same fate. If you disagree about some fandom hot take, talk about it calmly and don’t act like the friendship will be over in 5 seconds and you’ll use all your knowledge of them against them in a public callout because they didn’t instantly agree.
Basically, have some self confidence and don’t be fucking terrified all the time... which can be a tall order and probably explains the age thing also.
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puredivinity · 3 years
untitled.avi | eren jaeger
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hi, hope you enjoy <3
warnings: nsfw (18+), sex on camera/camera sex, ever so slight degradation, unprotected sex, semi-public sex (photographer’s studio), creampies, spitting, cumplay, snowballing (don’t look at me), college au. there’s a threesome hidden in here somewhere, look for it and you’ll see. Eren is also a tease. <3 
word count: 2.6k
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It was your idea. Your idea.
Your silly, stupid, and offhanded suggestion while eating lunch with him.
‘Perhaps we should make one of those,’ you laughed with him, referring to an OnlyFans post you’d seen earlier in the sitting while scrolling through Twitter. Eren had only snorted in response, which was more of a reaction that you thought he’d give you—he didn’t like when people touched his stuff. His property—whether it be his girlfriend or his headphones—wasn’t allowed to be touched, and especially not seen. Not like that.
He never shot down the idea, though. Instead, he drank in the idea, flipping it through his mind like one would flip a coin absentmindedly. Mulling over it, smoothing out the idea and potential execution in his mind. He’d heard about it plenty of times, and not once in his careful deliberation did he seriously consider the fact that you might’ve been joking because he wasn’t.
He connected the dots a week later when he met up with you at your home. You were studying, reviewing some problems in Calculus—that he honestly couldn’t care less about—when he clicked his pen and caught your attention. “You remember what you said the other week?” Eren drummed his fingertips on the table, green eyes staring right into yours with an expression you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
You raised an eyebrow in confusion. “To be fair,” you put down your textbook on the wooden table, “I said a lot of things last week. Do you mean when we were at lunch?” He nodded. “Then okay, enlighten me, because I’m still confused.”
“You brought up something about that website, OnlyFans,” your eyes widened slightly at his words, “Said somethin’ about making an account. I’ve been thinking about it and—“
“Yeah, yeah, I remember,” you scratched your cheek with your nail, “but I was just kidding, I didn’t think you’d take it seriously.”
“Well I did, and I’ve been thinking about it since you asked me. Though I didn’t think you were joking, so there’s that.” Of course, he didn’t. “So, is that a no?”
“It’s not a no or a yes,” you mumbled and averted your gaze away from Eren’s intense one. Sure you had considered doing that, but not seriously. You had said it as a joke and had fully intended for it to be that and only that, but you can’t sit here and honestly say that no part of you doesn’t want in; the idea of camera sex is enticing, tempting even, but there are risks of people finding out. “Say we do this,” you folded your hands in your lap, eyes focused on the way your thumbs twiddled in nervousness, “there are too many risks, aren’t there? What if someone sees or recognizes me? Or you?”
“I’m fine with being recognized. I don’t care if anyone sees, or doesn’t see, so it’s no issue for me,” he nudges your foot underneath the table to get you to look at him, “it’s only a suggestion, babe. We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He’s right, and you know it; he wouldn’t press the matter any further if you gave a sign that you were uncomfortable and that you didn’t want to do it. The only reason you hadn’t outright refused the proposal is that there’s a part of you that did. A part of you that wanted to be on camera, fucking your boyfriend even just to watch it back on your own. The mere idea had heat rising between your legs. Although reluctantly, and with knowing the risks you faced, you agree.
“Sure,” you murmured, speaking low to hide your shame in admitting this out loud, even though the two of you were alone in your dorm room.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you?” There was a hint of teasing in his voice, and a twinge of happiness in his eyes. Asshole.
“I said sure,” you huffed and lightly kicked his shin with your foot, “get back to work before I change my mind.” He made you roll your eyes with a wide grin and picked up his pencil.
Your idea, to which he happily agreed.
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creamy pussy.avi
PLAY: 05:07
“Look at the viewfinder,” he murmured to you, tilting your head up with three fingers, “You’re so wet and we’ve barely even done anything.���
The red light on the expensive camera is blinking, an indication that it’s recording. It has about five minutes to the tape, and Eren’s been absolutely nothing but a tease in that time—teasing you with his fingers, slipping his cock through your slick folds—it’s unfair.
He has you kneeling above him, legs parted and your entire body is bare, save for your panties that hang just between your thigh and your calf. They’re soaked—so much so that the camera picks up on it—and you’re dripping down your thighs. Two fingers plug you from below—Eren is right beneath you, legs outstretched and pants pulled down to his mid-thighs, and his cock stands free. You’re leaking onto him, which he relentlessly teases you for, and you think that if you could see your face, you would be embarrassed. It’s nearly enough to make you close your eyes, but you don’t; you want to see what he’s doing to you.
Eren retrieves his middle and ring fingers from your cunt, shiny and coated with your slick. “Look,” he coos, feigning awe, and you cannot help but follow his words, “you’re drenched, princess. You see that?” You nod and receive a light tap on the ass. “They can’t hear you.”
‘Mhm,’ comes the quick, high-pitched reply that he was looking for. He’s really glad he chose the zoom lens for this video, because it gives the audience (and you) a perfect view of your drooling pussy and puffy clit, pushing out from beneath your hood. His favorite is the way you clench around him when he sinks his fingers back in, and practically beg him for more when he removes them; it’s music to his ears.
He brings his fingers up to your mouth, pushing the soaked tips against your lips, and you open; wide, wrapping your pretty lips around his large fingers, resting on your tongue. Swirling your tongue up and over the digits—one, two, three times—and he heartily praises you, calling you a ‘good girl’.
Eren curls an arm around your hips, holding you firmly, tightly in place, and the head of his cock bumps your swollen clit, making you gasp in response; “Sink,” he commands and you obey, not wasting a second to angle your hips just right, and cock slips through that first ring of muscle, and you can feel his stare burn you from behind.
Removing his fingers from your obedient mouth, his hands fall to your thighs and hold your legs in a tight grip, prying them open so your pussy is on full display for the camera; stuffed full of his cock and creaming around him. “Look at that, guys,” he pushes his hips upward and spreads around some of the cream gathered at the base, “isn’t that just sinful?”
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PLAY: 15:29
The light on the camera blinks again, and you’re fifteen and a half minutes into the video. The room you’re in is lit red, and it’s dark, but there’s just enough light for the viewer to tell exactly what you’re doing.
Eren’s fingers dig into the soft flesh of your inner thighs, leaving nail-shaped marks deep enough to stay for a while as he drapes them right over his shoulders. He’s sucking shamelessly at your clit and curling his fingers just right inside of you, tongue lapping up the white liquid he stuffed you full of just moments prior.
You’d just finished a lingerie shoot for his magazine, and he took liberties on being the last one in the studio, not even bothering to be sure that he locked the door before he ravished you on the pink couch they lent him for his shoot. It was clear on camera that something had already been done both to and on that couch, seeing as there were wet spots directly above your head and below you.
“Oh—oh, please,” you tangled your fingers in his hair and your toes curled, “I can’t—I can’t take anymore.”
“You can take whatever I give you, princess,” He murmured to you in reply, a thin line of saliva leading from his open mouth to where he detached from you, “you know that.”
You don’t have time or the words in your muddled brain to form a coherent sentence before he makes you cum and squirt all over his fingers, delivering two light ‘slaps’ to your pussy. He rises up and out of frame, kneeling on the cushion beside you and pressing a kiss to your shoulder while grinning at the camera.
He uses his index and ring fingers to spread your pussy lips and dips his middle finger in your hole. The pressure forces some cum to leak out and start pooling below you, and Eren lets out a very pleased chuckle.
“See? How pretty.”
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Video 1 of 2 - double.avi
PLAY: 11:04
This time, it’s a multi-perspective shot. The main camera in front of you and the second one is positioned right below your spread legs. The angle obscures most of your face, showing from your lips downward, zoomed in on you and your position. Bare for the camera, save for a thin red collar loosely secured around your neck and a dress that's been bunched up to your waist and since forgotten.
Only the two of them can see it, but the sight of you is one to behold; you look amazing with your makeup smeared and running down your cheeks, so much so that both of them took a picture. The cameras on their phones flash and you blink away the thought of someone seeing you on your knees like this.
You’re finally more in the frame after four videos, and Eren is quick to tell you to wave and you waste no time in obeying. “Say hello and be good.” He groans when you take him fully, “N’ pay attention to him, too.” Eren lets out a loud moan mingled with a swear, pushing your head down to shoot his cum down your throat, “Don’t ignore him.”
You pull away from him, making eye-contact through glossy and hazy eyes. You stick your tongue out for him, showing him the way his cum sits on it, not swallowing for him like the good girl you are.
“Good,” he approves, jerking his head forward. “Don’t swallow until he tells you.”
You take Eren in your right hand and turn your attention to the man on your left. His eyes rest on the sight before him, drinking it in. He lifts a hand from his side and cups your jaw, tilting your head down so he can get a better look. “Open wider,” Armin tells you and you comply, batting your eyelashes and opening as wide as you could. He makes a noise of approval and doesn’t break eye contact as he spits in your mouth, mirroring Eren’s satisfied smirk.
“Good enough?” Eren asks, watching the two of you with hooded eyes.
“Mm,” Armin hums and nods his head, “For now. Swallow.”
You waste no time following the orders that you were given.
“Good girl.”
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Video 2 of 2 - penetration.avi
PLAY: 10:02
Your head is pushed down into the mattress by one of Armin's hands, and the other rests on your hip, digging into it to keep you firmly in place. Eyes rolling back in your head, all you can do is sit there and moan, squeezing your eyes shut and gripping the sheets beneath you for some sort of support. Armin’s said almost nothing the entire time he’s been fucking you, letting the sounds of your moans and the squelching sound of your pussy do all the talking for him. He’s made you cum with his fingers and his cock repeatedly, and Eren’s praised you both.
You, for taking him so well, and Armin for fucking you so well.
“Look at the camera,” Armin says in a tone that sounds like he’s hissing at you, and loosens his grip enough that you can. “Look at yourself, you see that? How you’re fuckin’ losing yourself right now? You see that?” He gives a particularly harsh thrust of his hips when you make no move to answer him, “I asked you a question, didn’t I, princess?”
“What? Pretty girl can’t take it?” Eren coos and takes on a teasing tone of voice. He comes to sit beside Armin, zooming the camera in on your pleased expression. He knows he’ll have to blur it later, for safety purposes (and because you’ll probably kill him if he doesn’t) but he cannot help but enjoy your fucked-out look. You’re losing it — having been built up and brought back down by both of them several times, after hours and hours of this. You’ve been so good, letting them hear your pretty mewls and moans, your cute little pleas for more. It’s especially delightful when your toes curl as Armin’s cock twitches inside and he fills you for the nth time, alongside Eren.
“I don’t think she can,” Armin huffs, blue eyes filled with something you’ve only seen in Eren. His nails dig in the flesh of your hips, leaving searing hot marks in their wake. “Mm,” he hums, “Do you think we should stop? Give her a break?”
Eren pretends to think while looking at you, and his eyes fall from your glossed over and half-lidded eyes to where Armin plugged your hole. It takes him longer than just a few seconds to answer, but he finally does.
“I suppose so,” Eren drawls, seemingly unsatisfied.
Armin uses his thumbs to pry your pussy open and slips himself out of you with ease. “Look at that,” Armin sighs, almost dreamily. “What a delight,” he purrs, and carefully flips you over on your back.
But just as carefully as he turned you, he was not so careful when throwing your legs over his shoulder and lapping at your cunt with his tongue, never mind the fact that you were still sensitive. His tongue flicked over your clit, and three times was all you could count to before he had your vision going blank again.
A few seconds later, Armin was pressing his lips to yours, pushing something between your lips and it settled on your tongue. It’s quite thick and heavy, not bitter, but you realize what it is. He pulls back from you, leaving behind a thin string of saliva from his lips to yours. “Don’t swallow,” he tells you, turning your head toward Eren holding the camera.
Without him telling you, you stick your tongue out, and the camera gets an amazing view of the white liquid on your pink tongue, some dribbling out of the corners of your mouth.
The star of the show.
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“Well?” Eren asks and presses the spacebar on his laptop, turning to face you. “You still wanna go through with your idea?”
You ponder for a moment, but the answer was at the tip of your tongue before he’d even finished the question. “Yeah.”
Eren snorts at your lack of hesitation. “You sure, princess?”
You nod. “Absolutely.”
Eren turns back to his laptop and presses the button to upload the videos.
Upload [untitled.avi]?
[Yes] No
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tagging: @levilaughlove69, @proseofpandemonium, @starstruckkittensweets, @rainteslerrrr, @alrightberries, @redhairedace, @jean-does-not-have-a-horseface, @jaegerbrat, @asterroidd, @imonmylastthreadofsanity, @hexbestfriend, @thethyri, @gojosweets, @namrekcaivel
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