#we autistic in this bitch
flimsy-spine · 5 months
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my favorite madney scenes: [1/?] ⇢ Dosed, 2.06
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moonpool-system · 23 days
Your disability is real even if it's not causing you suffering 100% of the time. Your disability is real even if you don't bare your suffering constantly to the masses to gain acceptance. Your disability is real even if you wouldn't trade it for being abled. People on the outside cannot see you, and cannot see how the intricacies of your disabilities affect your daily life. They can't see all the details of what makes your disability real because, quite frankly, they don't want to. You needn't debase yourself at the altar of public opinion in order to treat your disability as real. You know your body and your mind best, and your experiences are real. You are allowed to understand and accommodate your bodies and minds for yourselves.
We don't need to be their suffering idol in order to be disabled.
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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the softer side of things
(aka i feel like i always make jamil so pissed at azul in my art that i just wanted them to have some silly cutesy moments LOL)
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protagonist-art · 2 years
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i started rise... it was bound 2 happen </3
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some random ronal headcanons~
for u starved ronal bitches; Oel ngati kameie 🤭
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• is a big eye-roller; she seems like more of a starer but the energy is that if something goes down, ronal's rolling her eyes and letting out a little 'tssk'
• smiles, but rarely. she'll hum in approval and give a half-smile usually, but if something genuinely makes her happy, she'll full-on eye smile; like, crow's feet, widened grin, apple cheeks, eyebrows scrunched up in happiness
• likes the feeling of sand in between her toes; often goes for walks in the middle of the night, big bright blue eyes taking in the star-littered sky, as she takes steady steps through the damp sand
• gives little slaps to her partner. like, if they say something especially silly, brash or funny (or all 3), ronal's definitely one for using the back of her hand to lightly *thwap!* your head or arm. all in jest of course, as she's equally very big on personal space
• ronal's a clan-leader, so the concept of her personal bubble is especially important to her; therefore she'd never disrespect others by invading their area (although this definitely means she'll go all out on hissing, snarling and hand gestures to intimidate others if necessary)
• is a night owl. stays up late every night, usually to complete any tasks or spend time with her loved ones. her favorite thing is to finally retire to her pod, seeing her family and partner curled up, in deep sleep. ronal may plant some gentle forehead kisses to them, or trace patterns on her partner's skin as she drifts off to sleep
• likewise, ronal's not an early worm by any means. nothing pisses this warrior off more than the sunlight getting in her eyes, loud noises waking her up, and uninvited individuals intruding on her beauty sleep and this def extends to her partner. kids may get a grumble and her rolling over, but if her bby wakes her up? unless for fucking she's not down
• she will 100% bare fangs in a vicious snarl the moment someone touches her sleeping form. she's a deep sleeper, but still very much trained in combat, and has a heightened instinct to protect her family
• sits cross-legged when no one sees. ronal highly values respect and authority, and being the tsahìk of an entire community necessitates a level of maturity and dominance. therefore, she only goes criss-cross-applesauce when she's sure no one of high ranking (other than her partner or children) will catch a glimpse
• doesn't like spicy food, or crazy texture clashes. luckily, there's little of it for the metkayina clan due to location; but when venturing further afield, many a welcome meal is provided to them, spanning all forms of slimy, crunchy, sticky, spicy and the worst blobby. she'll do everything in her power to avoid eating bits of foreign meals, ngl
• and lowkey, it's gotten to the point where her second in command will give her that look, and she then knows not to touch the lightly glowing red, leafy tendrils next to the purple fruit in fear of destroying her tastebuds, or to *accidentally* miss the third greeting meal of the day due to 'unknown' reasons
• although if she does happen to ingest something spicy, her whole face contorts into one of the most displeasing grimaces you'll ever see; she may or may not also stick out her tongue in disgust, too
• was very insecure about breastfeeding initially. the sitting, the time taken up to eat more, the interruptions to daily work, and the soreness all made her very hesitant to do so; but after exploring alternatives she decided to persevere because, "no. who else's milk would they drink, tonowari? mine is the only one..they come from me, they drink my milk."
• will straight-up leave when she wants to. she'll stand, give a curt nod to whoever she may be with, and walk away. no bitterness, or sass, or rude intent. it's more a matter of straightforwardness 'well, i'm finished here. we're done with this conversation, yes? yes."
• doesn't like excessive noise or disruption. ronal's a relatively quiet, reserved individual, so the idea that another person would disrespect the comfort of the many for themselves would bother her a lot. any especially noisy tasks are often done underwater
• speaking of underwater, ronal loves to collect herbs, corals, shells and scales; due to her interests, she's also a notoriously excellent deep-sea diver. if not in detailed discussions with others about the community, or seeing to her children, it's not uncommon to catch ronal swimming deep into the ocean, exploring old coral reefs and swimming through the seaweed (she loves the texture on her skin)
• she's not the primary healer of the clan, but collecting little objects of special note was always a passion of hers since she was a child; ronal likes to claim that it's due to her role within the clan that she finds such delicate and beautiful deep-see gifts, sent to her by the all-mother eywa herself she'll often give them to others too, in celebration of a pregnancy, mated pair or birthday 🥹
• additionally, ronal'll assert that the ornate, sparkly shells and shimmering scales are for a new elixir, or some form of healing broth, but in reality she enjoys grinding them up and sprinkling them in her hair.
• ronal's secretly a very girly girl, but doesn't enjoy the attention-seeking element, so anything subtle yet impressive is her go-to - therefore shining, almost starlike locks that leave every other clan member in both awe and intrigue does a lot to boost her confidence
• hums to herself when she's fixing things. only when she's fixing things she knows she can fix though. for something especially tricky, ronal goes dead silent
• eyebrows furrowed, lips in a tight line, eyes squinted in focus. but if it's something like a rogue strap, a broken handle, or one of her children's toys, ronal won't hesitate to softly sing or hum a song from her youth
hope u enjoyed lovelies <3
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bonefall · 9 months
Oh I ADORE the idea of a Bumble/Star Flower dynamic. I always imagine Star Flower to have this sweet and soft exterior to her that allows her to manipulate Clear Sky, but is in actuality a cold, solemn, purpose-minded cat who takes no shit. Her geniunely taking interest in this sweetheart kitty who's full of confidence (and probably hates Clear Sky's guts as much as she does LMFAO) is so intriguing pleaaaaase tell me more ❤️
At the moment it's just sort of indulgence because I think their dynamic is interesting, so I haven't completely leaned onto it yet. I probably will though.
What I like a lot about them is that they're so different, yet so alike. They're both victims of their canon's misogyny, in opposite ways. It killed Bumble and prevented Star Flower from being what she could fully be.
In BB, Star Flower was the high priestess of One Eye, in one way, a daughter in others. He was violent and controlling. She was charming and capable. She did exactly what he wanted from her, and she enjoyed being his devotee. They loved each other like a parent and child, and for him, she would stay blind to the pain in the world.
Because she KNOWS that what she does hurts and kills people. Clear Sky isn't the first cat she's skilfully bled out slowly. But when her God is involved, this is not a terrified, screaming person on an altar. It's meat to be prepared for her beloved father.
And as long as she has One Eye to serve, she doesn't have to think about the humanity that is part of her new form. In a way, she's the same extinct medicinal flowers she used to be, before she took a shape as a mortal. She's his treatment. His bouquet. The flowers at a funeral.
And that's a kind of toxic dynamic, too, yknow. To love someone who merely offers you the simplicity of being their butcher.
How could she ever have prepared for his DEATH? To be SEPARATED from him? She is like an angel separated from her lord, whose one purpose has been destroyed.
And then she seduces Clear Sky, the treacherous beast who betrayed them. She'll bleed him like a goat, and be reunited with her father. And even more--
She'll offer it to Thunderstar, too! He understands her anger! Skystar is a snake who's bitten him as well. He will be grateful. There will be more who worship the warmth of the God of Summer, just like her.
But he rejects it, and you know why?Because he's had a toxic dad too.
Not one he loved like she did her own, but it gave him the clarity to realize that sacrificing Skystar HERE, after being backstabbed at his lowest point and suffering for hours, to bring a MONSTER back into the world, would just be revenge.
...and revenge is what Star Flower wants, too. She's hurt, but doesn't recognize that emotion.
(Still working out the climax of Thunderstar's Justice. I'm thinking that One Eye pops up, half-ressurected, and turns on Star Flower for his last sacrifice and Thunderstar saves her from that)
And after that, she can't go back to SkyClan. Of course.
When she speaks to Bumble for the first times, Star Flower is still threatening betrayals. Insisting, chuckling, that she's done Terrible Things and will do them again.
And Bumbs clocks immediately, "You're doing that to get a rise out of me and it won't work because no one would tease their secret evil scheme."
Bumble is going through a lot right now, actually. Thunderstar is getting good at speaking Parkmew on his own, now. Sparrow Heart, her daughter, betrayed her to join SkyClan in the pursuit of power. Her son Pebble Heart goes by Owl Eyes these days, and he's a big strong warrior who doesn't need her. It seems like no one needs her.
She talks a big game about her self-worth, but a lot of it is bluster and self-assurance. She'll insist she's the BEST AND COOLEST CAT THIS SIDE OF THE EVERYWHERE but she's hiding a LOT of guilt, none of it deserved.
I feel like Star Flower is fascinated by this. The dishonesty here. How Bumble presents herself as boisterous and over-confident, but hides a great sadness within it.
Ahh, Bumble wants a God to serve too, doesn't she? Everyone does. Is a Clan a sort of God to serve? ...yes, this is making sense.
For Bumble to Star Flower... she's brand new, an outsider just like she was once. A very strange one with strange humor, who exists at a time when her life is undergoing a lot of changes. She likes the way Star Flower is so interested in her. She enjoys showing her around the territory.
God, sometimes it just... it reminds her of Turtle Heart, you know? Before Tom came. When it was just them, and they were young and they were learning all these wonderful things together.
It never got better, really, losing her lover and her best friend. She's just been GO GO GOing for years, GO out of this Clan, GO get your kittens, GO open negotiations. It wasn't until NOW that she's really had time to process the loss of Turtle Heart.
And that's sort of where they are, now. There's not really an end in sight, they're just very involved and interested in each other. Not quite courting, but not NOT courting either. Sappho and her acquaintance lmao.
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robinsteves · 1 month
nancy wheeler against god
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tournamentpollsinc · 3 months
Round Three
Me and the Bad Bitch I Pulled by Being Autistic
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stackyshenanigans · 6 months
Aren't Draluc's suits like, canonically custom-tailored? Why tf does he wear sleeve garters when he's not cooking?
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Just for the drama???
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kzmr · 3 months
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oh dear god hes real
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You may think I curate my content and only post about science and mad science for branding reasons, but no. I'm just like that in real life.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
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boss lady doodle that i started during cringetober but didnt finish (i rewatched way of the househusband yet again.) nya
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phoenixwrites · 1 month
There is a CANON romance in my book (OUT OCTOBER 8TH, 2024!).
But I will be SEVERELY disappointed if people aren't swapping my characters around and pairing them in weird rare pairs I never considered.
And there better be LOTS of kinky fic.
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sweethangman · 4 months
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Anybody wanna guess what he said to her.
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honestsister · 4 months
Why .... The FUCK is neuvillette so cute???? Who gave him the right?????
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