#shes just perfect for so many songs I Think like out of all my autistic connections to music with st characters
robinsteves · 5 months
nancy wheeler against god
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Thought i'd share my experience with suicidal thoughts and self harm so here it goes. A lot of triggers probably so you may wanna step out.
When i was 10 years old, i was really stuck on school stuff. like, they put a lot of pressure on us, and i'm a real procrastinator. i waited till the last moment to do all that stuff, and honestly it's my fault. the thing is, i had to stay up till kinda late, wich i used to NEVER do. plus, on the next day we had to present that stuff to our parents, plus dance for everyone else's parents too, and play a song, and i have social anxiety. This got me so stressed for the longest time, bc it was like a huge thing and it was worth a lot of my grades. to top it all off, that annoying ex friend who kept pressuring us didnt even show up.
The next year, i started hating school for it. It felt useless, and i felt no motivation. The worst part was: that year, i made two friends, but they ended up pretty fake, one in specific. she thouht she was better than me, and made sure i knew it. She made fun of using medicine, was pretty ableist and was a complete narcissist. During that time, i started thinking i was autistic. i related way too much with stuff i read about it, but when i told her i thought that she went "haha aren't we all" and just kept on with her life. She didnt try to underestand me, and i think i felt a need to be validated by her. I started feeling the pressure of school, the dependence i felt towards my friends and my self hate, always being fed by both media i came across and my toxic relationship with my own feelings.
Soon, i started feeling extremely depressed, trying to figure out if i truly was autistic or if there was something wrong with me. To complement all that, i started finding out about my queerness, which was important, but it actually only made me feel more stressed.
I had to go with my parents on their business trip on October, and it felt great to escape for a while. The problem was that, by the time, i already felt incredibly depressed. I wasnt exited about anything, had no motivation, and to be honest the only thing that kept me from killing myself was the thought of how my friends would feel, specially one of my best friends, who nowadays i am proud to call my brother, was also suffering with his own mental health.
On that trip, i had many valuable conversations with my friends, them helping me go through this even with the distance, even if every time i saw a window i begged myself to jump. They helped me figure out my sexuality, which also gave me courage to both come out to my mom and come clean about my depressing thoughts.
After i came back home, i started having to wear an orthopedic vest or whatever, idk how to say that in english. Of course that didnt help much my situation, but at least i started going to therapy. I went back into school and saw my friends, including that one girl i mentioned earlier.
While that happened, i had some serious anger issues. I was pretty rude to her, while she was ableist to me. After I told her and my other friends I'm a lesbian, they all were supportive of me, except for her. It kept on for the whole year, until i finally changed schools together with a friend of mine.
I could see other friends on my new school, but the change was weird. The new school was farther from my house so i had to wake up earlier, but at least i got rid of seeing that girl. The thing is, i kept lying to my therapist, and felt like i couldnt tell anyone my thoughts and feelings. I started having kinda murderous thoughts about me killing my homophobic classmates and then myself. I continued procrastinating my arts project, and i thought i'd get a failing grade. Not long after, i started cutting myself. I liked the pain. Its like I had always felt. By the time, i found out a way of fooling the medicine, kind of stopping it from working. I thought I deserved to feel like this. I started planning on killing myself.
I had the perfect plan of every step i'd take. I'd take a cup of coffee on the middle of the night, wearing my favourite PJ's, steal a bunch of ginger biscuits from the kitchen and go to the little empty house on our yard. I'd grab a knife with me. I was going to send my goodbyes via whatsapp, eat all the biscuits and cut my palm with the knife, to use the blood to write on the walls. After that, i'd slit my throat. But i didnt do any of these. Because of my ex brother-in-law.
I started planning my goodbyes, sending myself the texts i'd send them that night, just so i could copy and paste. Then, i'd send their friends texts for them to comfort my friends. On that, i sent my ex brother-in-law a message asking him to comfort my brother the next day. I thought he wouldnt see it immediatly, but he did. He asked why, and i answered i was going to kill myself. He started lecturing me, and i admit that his speech wasnt what kept me alive, but the fact it lasted 10 minutes and made me forget to drink the coffee to keep me up.
I slept tightly that night, the night i had been planning to be my last.
After that hell of a night, i started using my medicine correctly, which helped a lot on my recovery. Today, a fuck ton of time later, I'm telling you about it, because a few days ago i cut myself again. I dont want anyone to go through that, to think their feelings arent valid because there are people who suffer more, who think life is nothing but the limited time of working of the brain and the heart.
Life means, you get to change. Life means, you get to thrive. Life literally means whatever the fuck you want it to mean. So live. It's your only chance.
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rothjuje · 1 year
Justin is about to leave for 10 days. This is the longest he’s ever been away. Ugh.
His work trip is in Dallas. I’m insanely jealous. He gets to see our friends and old neighbors, and he gets to eat at our favorite spots. He wanted us to join, I just thought it would be too much with G&G, who don’t sleep in hotels or travel well. But dang, we should have gone just for the weekend. Regrets.
So many changes are taking place. The school year is wrapping up, Alyssa’s Celebration of Growth is tomorrow. The weather is heating up. I’m hanging out more with my kindergarten mom squad friends. I don’t know. I have big feelings about our first real summer here. Maybe I have some mild PTSD from last summer? I don’t know. The stress of it still makes me nauseous when I think about it. Ha! Maybe the move will be a traumaversary in my life now. Is that possible? Maybe, since the move from CA to TX broke my heart into a million little pieces and MA, while a definite upgrade, was still a small echo of that. Leaving friends and loved ones and places that felt like home and venturing into the great unknown. Sigh. It’s been crazy and fun and exciting and new and great but there have been times where I’ve felt alone, like I’ll never truly fit in here. But there are a bunch of transplants in my kindergarten mom squad and that has helped.
I’ve also met several moms with autistic kiddos. It’s nice to have a support system of people who get it. I used to have so much anxiety about his milestones and meeting kids older than him who eventually developed meaningful speech has been so nice. George has started to say some more meaningful words and phrases (“cracker” for Graham cracker, he refers to himself as “Georgie”, and he tells us “no” now when he doesn’t want to do something). He still says tickle and peekaboo when he wants to play and cheese when you take his picture. He’s getting there. He’ll get there. He’s the cuddliest, sweetest guy with the best disposition out of every kid I’ve ever met. I wouldn’t change him for one second, I just hope I get to hear about his interests some day.
Alyssa still wants to be both JoJo Siwa and a chef. Her favorite songs are Party in the USA and Shake it Off, she dances to them on repeat. I bet she would love Hannah Montana. She has poses now that she practices in the mirror and I honestly think she is perfect in every way. And very entertaining.
Gen is Gen. She is The Boss. Preschool two days a week next year will do her some good I think. The FCC classes are so great but they require parent participation and she rather be with me than her classmates, so her participation level is low. It will be so good for her to be with peers when mom isn’t there. She is so smart, she watches everything and everyone. She talks so much, and most of it sounds like a little grownup, she is very articulate. She is also fascinated by babies and batteries.
That’s pretty much it. Girls will do swim lessons, gardening class, and gymnastics this summer. George will have his IEP program for 3 hours M-Th. We’ll pack a picnic lunch, pick him up from school, and either head to the lake or playground for the afternoon. I’d love to wear them out every day and have early bedtimes. And it’s so much easier to parent outdoors. Weather is perfect here, TX you could really only enjoy the outdoors in the morning or evening, it will be nice to have all day to be outside.
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Jaz sent me a TikTokTM
This particular TikTokTM is a cover of "I'm On Fire", by Bruce Springsteen, which cover is performed by a 22yo with the thesis "dad rock and lesbian indie are essentially the same thing".
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As is typical, I said something about the vibes which made perfect sense to me but was impenetrable to my conversational partner. This, uh, caused me to wax poetical about what I meant, which is ALSO very typical, specifically for when I am talking about Bruce Springsteen songs.
To wit: "Springsteen's sheets are soaking wet because of the sort of desire that bubbles up against the stifling heat of the waning summer; the restless kind that would drive someone out to the hills on the off chance that SOMETHING could happen tonight. Thea's sheets are soaking wet because of the febrile tossing and turning that one does in the first week the boiler is switched on for one's apartment; it's a desire that turns in tightening gyre and doesn't want to move but laments the lack of movement anyway."
Thinking this hard about something I'm already autistic about triggered the dreaded hyperfixation, and so of course I immediately started listening to all the covers I could get my gay little hands on via Spotify, and assigning them months.
Soccer Mommy is April: I'm not sure for what their desire burns, but maybe they aren't either Electrelane is late July: The mumbled drudgery of summer gains steam over the course of the song; by the end the energy that's been building slowly the whole time has bloomed in a revelry in the joy of desire, much like the heat that's been building over the course of the month & season. Bat For Lashes changed the lyrics to make it straight, and embodies December. There's an arcane quality to how she sings this song, like the plodding dark of the solstice. Her desire is to feel worthy of inclusion in winter, despite being so early in the meteorological season. Chromatics is February: The desire here is buffeted about between thaw and freeze; these sheets are soaking wet from sleety rain and the hope for what could come after. Gus Dapperton is FAITHFUL to the original, putting them solidly in September. Where it differs from Springsteen's song, it is with an eager energy that hopes for reinvention. Shakey Graves has the most inventive cover so far, netting June. I heard he killed a guy. The Staves is the band that Thea Grace was shouting out, but they're distinctly March. Their sheets are soaking wet with the meltwater of the very end of the month; their desire is cooled, but by the runoff of the love they already have - no need to chase after the unobtainable. Cassandra Violet's version sure is for a motion picture (Pig???!?); the energy here is all montage. I wanna say October? AWOLNATION is January; their desire throbs like the first tension headache one gets from a truly cold day. I'm starting to have trouble focusing (blame it on my ADD) and we're running out of months, so I don't know that there will be many more. Low is late October: The Halloween spirit thrums through this song like holding hands with a girl while you both watch your first R-rated scary movie. Town Mountain has August energy…it's finally another novel take on this song, though it's distinctly "bluegrass band booked some studio recording time and sounds nothing like they did at the house concert you saw them at" so I hesitate to call it inventive. OKAY LAST ONE BECAUSE THERE ARE LIKE FIFTY OF THESE: CLAVVS is May. No I didn't pick that just because it's the only month left. No I will not elaborate on my reasons.
Here they are in chronological order according to the Hebrew calendar, ya sluts. Thanks for reading this whole thing.
P.S.: Jaz sent me the video in the first place because of my literary analysis of Springsteen's work as transfeminine and sapphic (specifically butch); there's just something about the way he says "hey little girl is your d*ddy home" that feels less like male territoriality and more like the conspiratorial wink of a dyke hoping to see you in your own right. Too, the way the narrator's class fundamentally alienates him from the (married, wealthy) object of affection and (wealthy, WASPy) masculinity mirrors the fundamental alienation that a butch woman might feel from her (presumed straight, at the very least femme) object of affection and (wealthy, male) masculine aesthetics. Look at the music video! The narrator hopes for a moment of understanding even across these gulfs!! The object of affection longs just as much, just as impossibly!!! This too is yuri!!!!!!!
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calsvoid · 3 months
i wanna hear your blaine takes!! and also uhhhhh for a kinda random one how bout tina
send me a character and i’ll break their ass down
blaine anderson
how i feel about this character m
my other son!! my beautiful depressed autistic son, i love him he’s my baby fr i wanna hold him and tell him everything will be okay i just love him so much
all the people i ship romantically with this character
once again seblaine is my favorite ship of all time that will never change im obsessed with them. honestly i’ve come around to klaine too though, i used to really hate them because most seblaine fics portray him as an antagonist which is fair but honestly i like them more now and i think they are victims of bad writing. they had a lot of good moments and if i was a gleek when it was airing i probably would’ve been a die hard fan of them. i also am a tiny bit of a blam shipper, not too much because i think they’re better off as friends but they are cute
my non-romantic otp for this character
urghhh this is so hard i love so many of blaine’s friendships so much. i think it does have to be blamtina though because they’re my favorite trio in the show and some of their songs go so fucking hard
my unpopular opinion about this character
i like his silliness in the later seasons yeah he got intense and it was kinda overdone but it was fun yknow and i like the idea of blaine coming out of his shell more once he got used to his new school
one thing i wish would happened/had happened with this character in canon
other than the obvious answer of seblaine, i wish we got more details with his background and his life than just some one off lines like blaine had SO much potential, but this was kind of a recurring problem with a lot of the characters so he was meant to be cursed i guess
tina cohen-chang
how i feel about this character
honestly i love her. i love all the new directions so like it’s a given but i just love my dramatic over the top emotional teenage girl she’s awful she’s perfect she’s one of the og members she’s a queen
all the people i ship romantically with this character
tike should’ve been endgame they were so cute together i miss them. honestly im not a serious fan of any other tina ships but the nds is a polycule to me so she was def involved in that mess
my non-romantic otp for this character
blamtina, naturally. like i said favorite trio. just a gay and his hag and the guy they both had a crush on, true besties.
my unpopular opinion about this character
i don’t think i have any actually. if i do im unaware that people would disagree with me. the closest i can think of is that i just like her in general cause i know there are probably people who think she’s shitty, but like i agree that her taking advantage of blaine was terrible and disgusting, so like none really
one thing i wish would happened/had happened with this character in canon
i wish they had kept her fashion style more alternative (i don’t know the difference between styles and i don’t know if the costume department knew either, so if im wrong im wrong) i really liked a lot of her old outfits. she looks awesome in the later seasons too and i know people change, but i just miss it
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moonlarked · 2 years
So I just wanted to talk a little bit about the Songs post I made and the responses!
First of all: thank you @soryasongsaa @cogaytes @dizzythegreat @thebestbookshelf for responding! It means a lot to me that people are being so nice and willing to explain stuff!! ❤️❤️
My personal thoughts reading: I think it’s pretty messy. There’s no excuse for the stereotyping; it just seems lazy and unresearched. As someone who wants to get into writing myself, I would research for hours before even considering writing about a culture that isn’t my own. And, yeah, they’re elves, they don’t have human ethnicities, so it would be kinda weird to specify them as a specific nationality while not doing the same for the white coded characters, but Shannon should’ve put more into their characters.
Anyway, I still love the Songs. I feel like they’ve been fleshed our more, but it’s been pretty rocky. And now I’m gonna stop bc I don’t want to say more about a subject that I don’t really have a say in.
Thanks for giving me your perspective!
(below the cut is more of a personal vent, so you can stop here if you want. ❤️)
I’m gonna talk about my OCD now and how it connects to this situation.
It’s hard to explain, but basically I’ve discovered that I need my special interest (I’m autistic) to be perfect. If I find something that’s problematic about it - like a social media post - I’m gonna take the whole day to ruminate to try to get rid of that awful panic. Which sucks, because I have a life beyond fandom.
This started with Wanda Maximoff. The movie version. Basically the first character I ever really connected with due to her mental struggles and anxiety and coping mechanisms. I saw a lot of myself in WandaVision.
Now, this is Tumblr, and a lot of this discourse is on Tumblr, but in case you aren’t caught up: basically: Wanda Maximoff is a Jewish-Romani woman. The comic version, that is. The movie version is a white woman from a made up country called Sokovia. And many posts have called out the way that the mcu translation has been… less than accurate. They’ve added stereotyping and outdated tropes while not even letting her be her original ethnicity. And the actress playing her hasn’t exactly been well researched on the situation - she’s pretty ignorant and has said some problematic stuff.
“Whiteness” is a controversial subject and many people have argued over the race of Romani and Jewish people. Not to mention her representation in the comics is less than progressive in some areas. But having Wanda being played by a white woman takes away meaningful rep from historically persecuted minority groups.
Is any of this my fault? No. Did I still have a mental breakdown frequently about this? Yes.
You have to understand - I ADORED this character. In many ways I still do. This doesn’t excuse the problematic parts, but it caused me to be in constant self-loathing. I convinced myself I was horrible because I related to to this character. This caused me to look up posts about this subject in hopes of something that would fix this, something to prove all these people wrong.
It was a cycle. I wanted to die frequently. It may seem like I was overreacting, but my mind was in constant panic mode and to me this seemed incredibly important.
You know what saved me? Well, talking to my parents of course, and learning about ocd, and getting counseling.
But also: Keeper.
Returning to a series that genuinely gave me joy. Letting myself escape.
That’s where the Song twin controversy comes in.
You’ll probably guess I was pretty panicked when I found out about this controversy. It felt like Wanda all over again. I feel like I’m falling into this cycle again.
But I’m deciding I’m not gonna let myself do that.
I’m gonna accept the bad. I’m gonna like what I like. And I’m gonna talk about my feelings instead of bottling them up.
The Song twins are problematic. People have a right to call them out.
And I still love Kotlc. I will continue to love it and talk to others who love it.
I’m not going to fall into that misery again. I’m going to tell my ocd to fuck off. I’m going to go to therapy. I’m going to get better.
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ultimaid · 2 years
Kirumi (obv) and/or kaito for the ask game?
(under the cut; this got quite long.)
favorite thing about them: the utter dedication to making life easier for everybody around her. she acts out of love for others. she always tries to serve what she believes to be the greater good.
least favorite thing about them: sigh. this is a writing issue, but i desperately wish the game didn’t present so many interesting thing about her and then just… never address them. her sense of self-worth is utterly abysmal. she is desperate for love and connection and care. she feels like she needs to be perfect at everything she does or she’ll never be worthy of love. those are very interesting things! and the game never brings them up! even in her graduation event, it’s treated like a good and positive thing that she is choosing to carry on living in subservience to others. just… talk about these issues, please!
(yes, yes, i know about the love hotel event. i do not like the love hotel event and i hate that it’s the closest thing we have to an actual exploration of kirumi’s deep-seated fears and desires.)
favorite line: “no matter the situation, no matter what happens, i am here to serve everyone.”
brotp: i love most platonic kirumi content, but i especially love seeing her as friends with kaede, ryoma, kokichi, miu, and korekiyo.
otp: do i even need to say it? i will anyway. it’s amatojo. they are absolutely everything to me. i have written essays on why they work so well together. i have an ask about rantaro waiting in the inbox, so i’ll link the Big amatojo explanation i wrote when i answer that.
notp: this is going to seem petty, but i dislike seeing her romantically with anyone that’s not rantaro. ^^;; i have no problem with most of these ships conceptually, but i’m happy in my amatojo room. i have… a lot of kirumi ship tags blacklisted.
a random headcanon: i’ve seen kirumi as autistic ever since i first played v3. repetitive tasks like cleaning and fast-paced, involved tasks like cooking are incredible stims. she hates being idle and her maid work really helps with that. she also tends to speak in a monotone and has a somewhat dry sense of humor (though she does still laugh at rantaro’s sillier jokes).
i also think she does embroidery as a hobby in the rare event that she has free time! she likes to add little details to clothes, pillowcases, tablecloths, and things like that. she’s very particular about her aesthetic.
unpopular opinion: holding kirumi haters by their shoulders. kirumi is not boring nor is she a bad character. okay? i agree that her motive was stupid. i agree that the game does not write her very well most of the time. that does not make her a bad character nor does it make her boring, and even if you dislike her, please don’t tell her fans to their faces that she’s the worst part of the game.
a song i associate with them: i have a lot… but i’ll go with “rabbit heart (raise it up)” by florence + the machine.
favorite picture: so… i am not allowed to google kirumi images. i do, however, have some sprites saved to my phone, so i will send my favorite kirumi sprite. she is very happy to have fulfilled your request.
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favorite thing about them: he is so, so full of love for the world and the universe. even when he’s being headstrong and stubborn, his priority is always making sure the people around him are safe and that they’re not worrying about him. kaito consistently puts everybody else’s needs in front of his own in a way that’s both endearing and frustrating—please let yourself be cared about, boy!
least favorite thing about them: sigh. i do not like his free time events with shuichi very much. i absolutely adore kaito, but his free time events are… just listening to him talk and not really engaging much or getting much from it. i think that’s an issue with nearly all of shuichi’s free time events, though. i love shuichi a lot, but he does not take a very active role in his free time events the same way kaede and hajime do.
favorite line: the classic “the impossible is possible! all you’ve gotta do is make it so!”
brotp: i like platonic saimota and akamota a lot! kaito will see a protagonist, say “is anyone gonna make best friends with that”, and not wait for an answer. i’ve also seen platonic content of him with tenko that i actually really like! i think they could have a funny sibling dynamic.
otp: sighs deeply. momoharu, my loves. i think about him and maki all the time. they’re so sweet together and good for each other. she keeps his head on straight and reminds him that he doesn’t have to carry the world on his shoulders while he helps her open up and become more confident and learn to love herself… augh. ;-;
notp: …okay. i am going to be crucified for this opinion, but… i really, really don’t like oumota. i understand why people like it and i don’t begrudge them that, but it is not my cup of tea in the slightest.
a random headcanon: i think being fluent in three languages has given kaito VERY eclectic taste in music. he likes to listen to just about any genre, but he has a special fondness for 80s new wave.
unpopular opinion: i genuinely cannot think of any off the top of my head. i suppose that’s a good thing.
a song i associate with them: “if i ever leave this world alive”, flogging molly.
favorite picture: hmm, i have a real fondness for this cg. his expression here is so funny.
(…the cg appears to have not uploaded properly. it’s the chapter 3 one where he’s hugging maki and screaming.)
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goofygooberton · 1 year
Oh I’m def doing this one ur a will wood enjoyer 👨🏻‍🎨📚 and 📣 if ur doin multiple
oooooh well boy oh boy there's alot of will wood to talk about with these ones
🧑‍🎨 A musical artist where you drop everything to hear their latest work
Well, pretty much anyone I listen to regularly, which of course includes Will Wood back before he went on his much deserved hiatus. The lead up to in case i make it was one of the most fun experiences with music I've had. It was nice to have something to look forward to, and go bonkers when each single got dropped. I even made it to the stream for Cicada Days, which ended up being one of my fav songs on the album.
I'd also drop everything for Marina, I think she's working on her 6th album right now so that's very exciting. And Hannah Grae, she;s super cool, does punk rock stuff. I'd recommend y'all check out Time of Your Life and her cover of What's Up if that interested you.
📚 A song or album you could write a term paper on
The Normal Album!!! The Normal Album does such a great job taking advantage of the album format, it's nice and cohesive, and all the songs add something that builds up to the main theme that was introduced in Suburbia Overture. I love the way that opening sequence has snippets of the musical/textual themes from later songs, it's a great way to set things up. And the whole thing builds and builds to Love, Me Normally and then ends with memento mori right after, which is a fitting song to be at the end of an album and has a really different tone than the rest of it but it works. A lil post show act.
Every single song on that album is a banger that could be analyzed for days.
📣 A lyric that feels like it is specifically calling you out
"See, I myself have been stepped on so many times It's started to feel like my place I've failed to fit in into those nests that scrape the sky Is there room for me in your cage?"
It was really hard for me to pick just one line from Willard! because that whole damn song is me. It's such a perfect description of my experiences growing up, particularly being autistic. Also rats <3
tysm for the ask!
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anadrenalineslut · 2 years
An interesting but probably inaccurate reading of seven is that the "you" she is referring to is her past self because taylor has spoken many times about "not be able to recognize yourself" in many songs- esp break up songs where she is moving on and growing from the experience.
She started music lessons at age 8, so the last time she was truly free would be age 7 if we are talking about freedom from her desire to be famous-and all that entails. I think you can read the lyrics as this kind of mourning for the last time you felt you could truly be yourself and that's kind of really sad honestly.
At some point in time, taylor wanted to go back to when she was seven and just make a different choice maybe. One that would lead her down a different path where she could be "free" to not "hide in the closet." Probably 2016 after the canceling, and that's probably why she wrote this is my trying and that's why it comes after August.
It's her way of making sense of her fame related trauma and all that entails, I think. Like I've already talked about mirrorball into seven into August and how that is a sad run about her feelings on why she lost karlie but you can actually continuing piecing the narrative together since
This is me trying -> I think this song is about learning how to be okay with being queer, being famous, accepting what being famous actually is and learning to be okay with that
Illicit Affairs -> learning to be okay with your worst decisions and learning how to see a dead relationship for what it is, letting all of that go in order to move onto bigger and better things
Invisible String -> looking back at her journey into fame and realizing that the one good thing to come out of all of that was ending up at the met gala in 2016 to meet Joe, the love of her life for real this time.
Mad Woman -> this is about her anger at the masters situation. But also it can be specifically about how angry she is that her ex girlfriend betrayed her and sold her out to her worst enemy. This is lover era grief.
Epiphany -> this is about covid forcing her into lockdown and forcing her to not think about music or her career and just making music for the fun of it helped "get the poison out" of her. But I also think this is about her realizing how her actions during kissgate etc lead to the demise of their relationship. I think covid really helped taylor process trauma but also learn how to take accountability for her past mistakes without being afraid of being labeled as "bad" for it.
Betty -> the reason I say this is because Betty is about James (taylor James) apologizing to karlie "Betty" kloss for doing "the worst thing" she ever did to her. I think this is a reference to her forcing karlie in the closet and that is why karlie sold her out/told taylor not to mention her in her coming out promo (therefore forcing her in the closet so that she knows how it feels.... vindictive speculation on my end but ouch if it doesn't make for a good story). This is Taylor learning how to accept her own role to play in her closet in and learning how to shift the blame to the proper things (her label, her decisions, homophobia in the industry) instead of pointing the finger outward all the time.
Peace -> this feels like a declaration of acceptance of things she cannot change. She feels like her fame causes her relationships to die, but here is asking if it alright if you never have peace because of me? We know the answer is yes, so this is like a song I think she wrote to remind herself that her fears about fame getting in the way of her current relationship are in her head. They're not reality, and that internal turmoil is like the perfect representation of how mental illness can affect a relationship.
Hoax -> this is the hardest song for me to interpret because it is shrouded in metaphors and I am autistic 🤪 but I think this was given to us out of order on purpose as an easter egg for like "I have more to say about this actually." Because I think hoax into evermore is an interesting bridge piece. We know she is in a good place currently but hoax is about returning us back to turmoil and leaving us there for 5 months before giving us an even clearer look into the kaylor relationship.
The lakes -> I think that's why she talks about this being the real ending to folklore because this song is a really poetic representation of learning to leave things behind that don't matter. It gives me "the secret to holding on was all that letting go" vibes and I think it's on purpose. Like, she left us on hoax but that's not where she is mentally so she gave us the lakes to close out folklore fully.
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djnusagi · 1 year
11, 25, 29 for the music asks!
ok so I wound up having a LOT to say for these
11. a popular song you think is Good, Actually
this is hard cuz I actually do love pop music and admire pop songwriting as an art form. call me maybe is definitely a song I would consider to be great, like the whole thing is brilliantly written and arranged. I love Avril Lavigne’s early work. I also love all the big singles from the black eyed peas’ “electro era”, I gotta feeling, dirty bit, imma be etc. I also like most of katy perry’s early hits but her output hit a brick wall for me when she switched from dumb but well made party anthems like tgif and california gurls and started making faux inspirational empowerment anthems like roar and firework. thank u next by ariana grande was brilliantly produced even though the lyrics are oversimplistic in a way that hurts the vibe and the lyrical gimmick gets old imo.
25. a music artist you like(d) but don’t tell people you do
I was a huge deadmau5 fan for many years and even saw him live in 2017. I don’t really listen to him anymore mostly because his music doesn’t appeal to me as much anymore, his recent output is kind of trash, and I’ve also come to loathe him as a person. obviously there’s the transphobia but beyond that there’s two main things I kind of hate about deadmau5 as a person. the first is his approach to and perspective on music. he seems to view music production and the creation of electronic music generally in terms of a meticulous, rigid set of rules that you have to follow, and the closer you follow them the better your music is. this can manifest positively in his music. his track are incredibly detailed and precisely controlled and every SOUND in his tracks is gorgeously crafted. however, this (combined with his fetishistic obsession with analog purity and large, expensive hardware) also wound up leading to his creative stagnation and the increasing blandness of his music. it also plays a role in my second big issue with deadmau5, which is that he’s a juvenile egotistical jackass. aside from just generally being a noxious shitbag he holds every piece of music to his arbitrary standard of technical perfection, ignoring that a track may be using it’s mixing and mastering for creative aesthetic purposes or that it may be prioritizing sonic experimentation/songwriting/literally anything else over “being perfectly suited to a big club system or an expensive hi-fi”. his view of music and the world is fantastically narrow. I think Joel’s noxious personality is best exemplified in a livestream clip where he “reacts” to the song love u need u by slushii, and just keeps calling the song “aids” and “seriously autistic shit”.
29. what do you look for in a song or artist?
this is really hard to answer but I guess anything that really grabs me and stands out as unique and special. but I also have a lot of appreciation for songwriting, production, sound design and lyricism as “crafts” on their own. even if it’s not terribly unique I can still appreciate it if it’s “well made” if that makes sense.
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A luke warm review of the live action monster high movie
I pirated the monster high movie last night so i'm going to review it.
Allow me to start this review off with a few quick notes.
1. I am well aware of the controversies surrounding this movie, the racist director, the colorism, ect. with that being said, i wanna judge this movie based on how it actually is rather than the controversy surrounding it. This does not give anyone the excuse to ignore these issues, i just think these points have been said many many times by people who are much better at explaining this than somebody like me, who is so white i am practically marble.
2. I'm the kinda person who's incredibly forgiving to movies, i like liking things, i go into some of the most garbage movies with positive vibes. I also have garbage taste in everything. Try to take my review with an optimistic grain of salt. I'm also not a professional movie critic so alot of my critiques are shallow and not very detailed.
3. This is all just my opinion, you will most likely feel differently and that's okay, no pressure, i will not force you to like this movie be unique be urself be a monster or whatever. I will have some opinions in this post you are bound to disagree with and that's fine.
-Something i think is really underrated about this movie that people never talk about is the set design, it actually looks like monster high, like the actual playset. They could of easily made it look like knock off hogwarts or just painted a normal school purple but they actually tried.
-I know everyone was dunking on the clothes and the wigs and the fact they don't look like monsters enough but i actually loved most of the outfits in this movie. Granted i'm not a huge fashionista and i was always in monster high for the stories than tje clothes but i think they did a good job. I mean they're on a tv budget and they had to make multiple outfits for multiple characters. This movie probably already costed alot with the make up, clothes, and VFX already. I specifically really like frankies clothes.
-The music is pretty nice! I mean it's no classic musical theatre or as iconic as steal the show or the fright song... buuut, i think the music is all pretty good. Coming out of the dark and its reprise is especially sweet, the only song i don't really like is the three of us, i just can't get the groove tbh. I also really like how in monster heart komos has christian youth pastor vibes and how in i can trust you they mixed in the snake sounds. Just be me also is very cute but i swear i've heard it that chorus before. I'm glad they got kids who can actually sing tbh.
-I thought the humor was all around very solid! Frankie was pretty funny at times, speaking of which...
-this version of frankie is very sweet and very very autistically coded, i think cici balgot is perfect for this version of frankie ngl, i'd love to he friends with this frankie irl.
-by herself and not compared to the og i think this version of clawdeen is also quite sweet. obviously she is nothing like her og cartoon counterpart but for what she is in this movie i think she's very cute. Also keep in mind i didn't care much for clawdeen in the og anyways, i found her voice really cringe and like i said, i was never a fashionista so i was always more into frankie or draculaura. If i actually loved clawdeen or wasn't basically a sentient sheet of paper i would probably be alot angrier.
-the acting is all around solid, that's all i have to say tbh.
-the opening scene is very cute.
-i also like the ending where they all float.
-i'm just happy the kids all had a fun time filming this, i know that doesn't actually affect the quality of the movie but child stars are hardly ever treated well and they all got alot of hate during the production of this movie.
-i do like the allegory of racial prejudice against biracial people, just judging it by itself it was a cool take on it that i think it was handled actually better than freaky fusion. Freaky fusion was a mess tbh tho so that isnt saying much.
-the climax lasted like 4 minutes, i get its a short movie but COME ON, AT LEAST BUILD UP A LITTLE MORE.
-I don't like deuce and clawdeen being a couple, i wish they were just good friends tbh and just vaugely hinted at it. I do like what they did with their relationship tho.
-Cleos development was weird, i feel like they made her such a weird character in this movie, although it is sweet that she learned to accept that clawdeen loved deuce.
-i don't like this new draculaura, i don't care that she's taiwanese now, she just doesn't seem all that interesting. She's by far the most forgettable ghoul in the trio.
-Lagoona, Ghoulia, abbey, and heath did NOTHING in this movie. I understand time restraints but seriously, why even have em in there if you already have a limited budget and you aren't going to do anything with them. People might be pissed but at least the plot wouldn't be all bloated.
-This is a problem in the og but i think its weird that frankie was presumabley made by humans and made out of humans but she doesn't seem to care about the human stigma. Cleo also doesn't give a shit yet she used to be human. It's weird that a narcissist like cleo wouldn't be at least a little offended.
-Deuce is so so bland in this movie, he's sweet at sometimes but fuuuuck, he is so bland.
-Clawdeens mom is dead, listen i love the dead mom trope and it kinda makes sense for the story but it feels weird. Idk how you would fix it but just... it's weird.
-The writing at times was a real mess and alot of things made no sense. Why would clawdeen lie about her dads name being pierre? That's a way more human name than fuckin apollo. Why did draculaura say she hates sun when she was wearing a hoodie? Just flip up the hood!
-as much as i like the humor in this movie, the PA announcer is annoying, they used her too much.
-the plot twist about the hand lock thing was so dumb, especially because frankie could of opened it from the beggining.
-ghoulia talks, on one hand i understand if you wanna give her lines because it would work better for the movie, on the other hand, she didn't do anything in the movie so why change it?
-SPOILER!........... Komos is revealed to be hydes son, cool i guess. I'll miss jackson/holt.
.... that's it.
Overall probably would pirate it again. 4.9/10. Wouldn't even mind if they made a sequel, as long as they change directors. I mean whatever you think about this movie i think we can all agree that no matter what, at least it's better than the bratz movie, the winx saga, power puff girls cw, and jem and the holograms.
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zo1nkss · 2 years
Hi! What are your headcanons for Wilhelm from young Royals and Eleanor from the good place? Bye!
Sorry this took so long, I have this weird thing about answering asks "in order" but then it ends up taking me six years to answer them, anyway I'm trying to kick that weird personal rule so hopefully it sticks.
Wille HCs
Absolutely adores The Sound of Music
He doesn't have the same technical or curated talent as Simon, but he's a decent enough singer. However; he only ever sings to properly belt out the chorus to really emotional breakup songs and he doesn't know how to belt correctly so it just sounds really forced and throaty rather than powerful and guttural and Simon knows he's probably hurting his voice but he can't bring himself to tell him to stop because Fuck that's so cute???
Autistic Wille truthers, find me, love me, speak to me plz I know you're out there and I need more autistic Wille ppl in my life
I guarantee that if you handed Wille any puzzle that is solvable by hand, he could do it. He'd figure it out somehow. My man thinks, and he thinks Hard. And he thinks best when he's using his hands if you've noticed, so I think in another life he could be one of those champion Rubix cube or cup stacking competitors.
He had a cup song phase and he's very ashamed to admit it
He's secretly obsessed with the Pitch Perfect series, why do you think the first thing he did at Hillerska was fall for a coir boy?
As a fellow Repressed Queer I believe he has the potential to do a complete aesthetic make-over, but I also would really love to just....see him stay the way he is. I love little gay dramas where the main character is just Gay and they don't really do much about it. (I'm a loud gay but I feel media neglects the subtle gays far too much)
He also watches Stranger Things but is honestly a little scared of the fandom
(actually, he just doesn't really like fandoms, there are so many people with so many opinions and he just wants to watch his silly little shows)
Eleanor HCs
Pre Death, she liked the feeling of living like a bachelor so she lifted the toilet seat after she used it so it looked like a cis guy who didn't care about anyone else lived there
During at least one of Michael's Bad Place attempts, he had to have told her that her soul mate was a drag queen and she had to have accepted it so completely that it genuinely devastated her when she realized it was fake. My reasoning is it would be so easy to torture her simply by making her drag queen soul mate generally unavailable at all times. It would truly be hell, and THATS how she figures out it's the bad place in that attempt. I don't think she would even need Chidi if I'm being honest. She's just so gay, she would be so madly in love with the concept of dating a drag queen, and being robbed of that would be like an instant tell that she's not where they said she should be.
That was so many words for "Eleanor loves drag queens" wow.
Anyway she's an extremely competitive beer pong player and she's also extremely bad at it. But drunk Eleanor thinks she's good at literally everything, so it doesn't really stop her.
She doesn't actually like shrimp, she only stole all that from the cokctail bar because it she was drunk and sad.
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thegreatgaygay · 2 years
Roxy's IRL Friends and Their Les Mis Experiences
right so the context is that i have been hyperfixated on les mis for two months and am insufferable and talk about it all the time with my friends, including my really specific in-jokes with myself (javert's 46 upsetting hats that he makes himself, javer'ts hat being huge/trying to eat him, a lot of hat related stuff actually, at this point it's just to make myself laugh), all the seperate canons i maintain (1-2rp canons, 3-5 fic canons, the one where javert personally knows and really hates shadow the hedgehog) and weird fandom bullshit (the one time i saw a piece of fan art that just absolutely snatched montparnasse's waist. good art btw. but just. he was so snatched and it stuck with me). and they just put up with it. so here's the post.
i have this one friend and she saw les mis on the west end in 2017 and remembers almost none of it but the things she DOES remember include: "two different blonde ladies" and at first i was like there are only three women in this show so it narrows it down but it took some prying to discover that these were, in fact, fantine and cosette.
master of the house is only song she recalls. the only song. out of all of the songs. (it objectively slaps but yall know how i feel about stars and she does too, she's read my stars essay). she said that "those guys [the thenardiers] got another song later on for no reason" which like is technically true i guess.
also, according her, "a guy died on a barricade". yes bestie many guys died on a barricade that's like half the fucking story
and she also got a nosebleed halfway through and spend half the show with her head tilted up so she wouldn't bleed everywhere so she didn't see anything. after she told me about this i explained the full plot of Les Miserables (1978) to her because i a, autistic.
but that's it that's all she remembers from the musical. she also insisted on pronouncing javert JAV-ERT for a month just to piss me off. including while i was dressed as him for halloween. i also have a running joke of people mis pronouncing his name but it used to specifically really get to me for some reason. but like i said my friends put up with so much bullshit from me and i get to hear about fallout 4 and sonic in return, neurodivergent people are so powerful.
my OTHER friend knows the plot of les mis and the songs well enough to torment me still further. he has invented a character named Maurice who does not exist at all ever and he brings Maurice up everytime I bring up les mis at the dinner table (which is often, some would say every single day with few excpetions). he says that his "favorite part of les mis is when maurice goes in the sewer and says 'it's mauricin' time' then her maurices all over the sewer" because we decided that's where maurice lives. i hate my friends so much. love those guys.
my OTHER OTHER friend who i know irl and talk to online said to me recently that they "forgot javert wasn't a real guy" which is hilarious and also reminds me that this person has never listened to les mis or consumed any les mis related media and must have such a fucked up idea of the plot at this point oh my god. they have seen all my memes and all my weird fic stuff but just...they do not know the plot. i wonder what they think happens in les mis???????????
and furthermore, some of my friends and i have discovered that like five of us all have special interests/hyperfixations set in France or that are France related in some way, so i have made a handy graph to hekp us keep track. it's not perfect but i love graphs so much. this is what i get for meeting every single one of my friends at the special move-in day for disability services or at special ed high school. only one of us is straight and only one of us is neurotypical, but it's the same guy and we like him anyways. here's the graph, with names removed but anyways the point is i love my friends but we're all terrible autism people. i'm The Crusades, FORMERLY Hamilton and Les Miserables, if you couldn't guess.
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rainbowgod666 · 8 months
The perfect DC/Marvel comic is like this
Its a batman book, the joker is killed off in the first panel and that has no meaning or repercussions over the timeline
The watchmen are a thing and Dr. Manhattan figured out a way to get rid of the whole "every moment is the present" thing. This makes it easier for the writer to write its dialogues. He is still earth-shatteringly autistic and everyone loves him for this
Also he and deadpool accidentally bond over "seeing the 4th wall". Deadpool is also buddies with moon knight. Guess what my favourite charachter is?
Good ol IRL me is there and its canon that the one time when i tried to help constantine every demon/spirit/whatever that has a stake on him was SCREAMING to him "get tf away from him not even death's gonna save you". Which i mean, rude
Welcome to the multiverse. Batman has small dick energy and superman is such a pacifist some people have trouble seeing him as anything other than "alien übermensch thats just a really nice guy and thats eat". He may be white bread but here in italy we say "buono come il pane" or "good as bread" so yeah hes a Certified Good Boy
I cannot stress enough how much unimportant is the death of the joker. He basically might as well have never existed.
Wonder Woman comes to the realization (after i confronted her about it because FFS WHY DO I HAVE TO BE THE MULTIVERSE'S BABYSITTER) that MAYBE reducing her entire power assortment to "r/TwoXChromosomes" is a bad thing both for boys AND girls alike. I know the song goes "forget your balls and grow a pair of tits" but i would instead put programs so that boys feel safe about their masculinity and girls wont have to worry about Bad People In Dimly Lit Alleys.
SCP and MONUMENTMYTHOS are referenced really tangentially. Only the wikis (official or not) aknowlegde this fully
There are at least three scenes where tony stark reads about elongated muskrat on the news. In all of them hes disappointed
He also references him appearing on big bang theory, which in THIS universe is ran by the charachters of the series as a fun class B science program that has way more audience than it should have. Sheldon met Dr. Manhattan, who described our multi-knocking boy as just like him but "less knowledgeable and more arrogant" (no fr shelly is one /gamemode 1 from becoming dr. pasadiña or whatever)
Considering this is "DC and Marvel, but Alex did his bullshit", expect dumb shit
I am introduced with a MadCom reference that is also a Courage the cowardly dog reference. KeK
The Owlman is revealed to have had a massive brain tumor that straight up removed his ability to think rationally while making him speak like his cigars are made of dictionaries
So many events from so many storylines happen all at once lol
Spidey disapproves of O'Hara. Like everyone else.
Multiple references are everywhere
There is SERIOUS PROOF that thanos accidentally something important when he was testing the infinity gauntlet, whoops!
Gamora tries to kill me after i try to roast her for how she is. She is shocked to find out that me getting Kakyoin'd did nothing but "ow"
@moringmark is referenced in a 4 panel scene in the toh universe
A cover story reveals that, on the moon, a portal opens. The portal is traversed by a shiny deoxys and many little among us crewmates. The impostors are all black (literally) (if you see racism in this, fuck you not everyone is an american cop) (on that note, watch southland) and act as guards for the group. Deoxys is in its base form
The valve universe is a thing so welcome BLU, RED, aperture and black mesa!
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buffporcupine · 1 year
I just wanted to ask are there any songs in particular that remind you of your ocs?
Im always eager to hear new music
so I’ll probably give a listen to all of them
YAYAYA TYSM FOR THIS ASK!! i love it!!!! okay so why tf did i take 5 eternities to answer this
“O Sol e a Lua” by Pequeno Cidadão
This song reminds me of my OCs so hard!! Specifically the OCs I created from a universe of the same name, O Sol e a Lua. That translates to “The Sun and The Moon” in Portugese. The song is also in Portugese, and holy crap it slaps so much. Anyway. The OCs in question are this cute little pairing of a boy named Victor and a girl named 013. I created them as best friends who met as kids (when they were around 12-14) while living in an institution in England for intellectually gifted orphans.
They met around the beginning of October, long before present day (I’d say around 1910-1911). Victor was a talented inventor, and 013 knew everything there was to know about the night sky. They spent a good while as friends, formed crushes on each other that they never acted on, the works. The song is actually quite sad. The lyrics describe how the sun confessed his love for the moon, asking the moon to marry him, but the moon was too internally conflicted to make a decision and the sun gave up on love.
During the mid spring of the next year, Victor began to fall harder and harder in love with 013, then attempted to drop hints and the like. One particular day, he gets tired of 013 not realizing and frankly, her stupidity, and so he lashed out at her in anger and they have a long argument that eventually leads to them not speaking with each other for a few days. Little did Victor know, those were the days leading up to 013’s untimely death on April 6th. Anyway, the song actually ends on a more positive note (the sun is told that he will eventually find someone who loves him very much), but the story doesn’t. Victor isn’t able to cope with 013’s death and so he falls into a deep depression, blaming himself for the events. He ended up dying five years later while fighting in WW1.
I’m not sure about specific lyrics, but parts that remind me of them the most would probably be the first verse and the bridge, but like the whole song just gives me vibes of their story.
“Yellow” by Coldplay
Again, this is also a song that reminds me of Victor and 013. When Victor first met 013, he had many doubts as to why she would be in the institution. To him, she was not conventionally smart and he thought that she was “simple”, as they would call it, when they first met. 013 had so much going on in her head, just no way to express it. (Yes, 013 is hella autistic coded in case you couldn’t tell. In that way, I sort of project onto her.) I think “Yellow” is just a really sweet song and the lyrics show the devotion the speaker has for the subject. And the lyrics about the stars, I think it’s very fitting for 013 and her love of the stars. After 013’s death, Victor goes to one of the caretakers at the institution, Caroline, who tells him that 013 is watching him from above now. Victor goes stargazing and finds a newfound appreciation for it, it’s just… ag, I love them!! The lyrics are just perfect for them and it shows their devotion to each other yet their inability to be together and it’s so.. I love it.
Actually, songs that remind me of Victor and 013 is a pretty long list so here are some more: “Fairytale” by Alexander Rybak, “You Know What I Mean” by Cults, “Gilded Lily” by Cults, “Cupid” by Jack Stauber, and “I Hear a Symphony” by Cody Fry. I will probably think of more at another time lol.
“Midnight, the Stars, and You” performed by Al Bowlly and Ray Noble’s Mayfair Dance Orchestra
This song reminds me of some of my other OCs, Aurelia Scott and Akira Itō. Aurelia was an up-and-coming model, and Akira was a professional boxer. They met in high school while playing for the same band, fell in love, and dated for many years. When they were in their late twenties, Aurelia was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative neurological disease that would permanently impair her ability to carry out most tasks independently, and she would eventually die. One major symptom of the disease is memory loss, and due to this song both having the recurring lyric “I’ll be remembering you, whatever else I do,” and also being featured in Everywhere in the Beginning of Nowhere, it just made me think that this song really fit them.
“I Love You So” by The Walters
This song reminds me of my OC Kiyomi, who was created for a Stranger Things roleplay I did with my friend once. I shipped her with Mike and their rocky relationship fits the lyrics of the song, mostly. I have a full length post about Kiyomi a mile long, and she’s one of the OCs I’ve had for a super, super long time.
Literally Any Nickelback Song
Nickelback, whenever I hear it, just reminds me of my OC Avetis, who listens to an excessive, excessive amount of Nickelback literally all the time. The reason why is really wholesome though, being that his service dog, Rin, can only fall asleep to Nickelback.
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All Along There Was Some Invisible String (Tying You To Me)
“A tear fell from oceanic steel eyes. No one was there to see it.
If everyone else could have a brother, why couldn’t he? He would make himself a brother, a baby boy that would play with him, love him, make him feel anything besides the loneliness that permeated his entire existence.”
Mycroft is alone. He decides to make himself a brother. Out of wood.
All Along There Was Some Invisible String (Tying You To Me)
Mycroft was alone. He had a big house, marble floors and even a few servants that attended to his needs. Even when his parents were gone, the house bustled with life. And there Mycroft sat, on his four-poster bed, Molly sweeping his room, utterly alone.
Mycroft was just seven years old. He had no friends.
There were multiple words for what he was.
Autistic, the doctors called it.
Freakish, everyone else called it.
He spent his days reading books of politics and government, books far too advanced for him. He drew pictures of pirates, knights, and baby brothers. He filled sketchbook after sketchbook. He played piano, composing lullabies for when he couldn’t sleep. He carved wood from his family’s trees.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t carve himself a wooden heart to fill the gaping hole in his chest.
He watched every other boy in London have a brother. He watched them play together. He watched them never be alone.
He asked the family driver, Charles, to take him to the store with his doll. He would talk to the doll, which he’d named Sherlock, and even drag him around in a depressing mockery of brotherhood.
A tear fell from oceanic steel eyes. No one was there to see it.
If everyone else could have a brother, why couldn’t he? He would make himself a brother, a baby boy that would play with him, love him, make him feel anything besides the loneliness that permeated his entire existence.
Mycroft made his way to the woodworking table. He let the radio fill his ears as he started to draw up his plans for his new baby brother.
Green was the color of the grass
Where I used to read at Centennial Park
I used to think I would meet somebody there
First, he penciled in blue-grey-green eyes. An ever-changing pool of ocean.
He told his parents what he was doing. They rolled their eyes at him.
Teal was the color of your shirt
When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop
You used to work at to make a little money
Inky Byronic curls, so different from his own auburn locks. Just a small shock of them. He was a baby, after all.
He told Molly what he was doing. She smiled at him patronizingly.
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
Knife-point cheekbones, cupid’s bow lips. Mycroft was finished with the face. It looked rather strange, a little alien. After all, you could hardly expect a seven-year-old to create a perfect baby. His brother didn’t have to be perfect, after all.
He told Charles what he was doing. He frowned at him and told him not to get his hopes up.
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
Next was the body. It took Mycroft many times, many trips to the city, sitting in a café in Times Square and watching babies around him, chipping away at his baby brother.
Charles always had pity in his eyes.
Bad was the blood of the song in the cab
On your first trip to L.A.
You ate at my favorite spot for dinner
Ten tiny fingers. Those took the longest. Who knew joints were next to impossible to get right?
He didn’t bother telling his classmates what he was doing. He didn’t need to give them any more reasons to call him a freak.
Bold was the waitress on our three year trip
Getting lunch down by the Lakes
She said I looked like an American singer
Mother and Father (That’s what he called them, they weren’t around nearly enough to be deserving of the titles Mom and Dad) told him that he was ridiculous. You can’t make a baby out of wood. If he was so lonely, he should just make some friends.
Oh, if only they knew.
Freakish, they whispered.
Mycroft’s parents took away his wood.
For his own good, they told him.
He snuck into their room immediately to get it back.
Time, mystical time
Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine
Were there clues I didn't see?
Left a space open on the right side of the chest. That’s where he’ll add the heart.
He heard Charles and Molly talking in the background about the poor lonely boy.
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
Two tiny legs, ten tiny toes. Everything was complete. Except for the heart and the soul.
Now came the hardest part.
His teacher patiently sat him down and told him that he should stop this.
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you
The heart. Painted red, filled with sawdust and a little bit of Mycroft himself. Tomorrow he would add the soul and breathe life into his brother.
He caught his parents seconds before they burned his brother in the fireplace.
Cold was the steel of my axe to grind
For the boys who broke my heart
Now I send their babies presents
That night, Mycroft dreamt of a boy with inky curls and blue-grey-green eyes.
Running around with Mycroft and a blond boy, playing pirates.
Coming home from school crying. The other kids called him freakish too.
Laying limp as a ragdoll in a London alleyway, cocaine flowing through his wooden veins, watching the city roll by.
Finding someone who truly loves him.
Getting married, kissing his husband like they were the only people in the room.
Wooden heart full.
Not quite human, always a bit different, but, somehow, human, nonetheless.
It was the worst dream Mycroft ever had. It was the best dream Mycroft ever had.
He would do it in spite of them all.
Gold was the color of the leaves
When I showed you around Centennial Park
Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
The soul. At last, Mycroft held the wooden form of his baby brother in his arms, and slowly pressed a kiss to his forehead. He sent love, joy, and, most importantly, life, all throughout his body.
There was a cry.
The skin, hair, eyes, filled in with color.
Beautiful. Brilliant. Alive.
Nobody thought he could do it.
Well, won’t they be so disappointed?
Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies
And it's cool, baby, with me
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
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