#we both follow a European lifestyle
evaglass · 7 months
Four men, four countries
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So I'm just posting and speculating for fun. This is a small theory, but I think it would be interesting if each of the four men were from each country in the British Isles.
So we already know that Fowler is from Ireland, but we don't know about Violet's, Skeffington's, and Routley's origins aside from the fact that they're most likely from the British Isles. Usually, you can tell where someone is from by their surnames, not always, but usually; however, I don't think that will help us in this case. The reason why I don't think the mens' surnames will give clues on where they're from is because I don't think they're using their real names.
The reason I think those names are aliases rather than their actual names is due to the timeframe and historical context. There is no way around the late 16th century to early 17th century would an Irish child be named Abijah Fowler; he would have most likely been named after his paternal grandfather if he was the oldest son, and it would be an Irish Gaelic name, along with his surname also being Irish Gaelic.
It also makes sense that the men are not using their birth names as they are participating in the black market.
However, I think I can at least make an educated guess on where each the men could be from.
Violet - I think he's English, I also think he was somewhat of the leader in that group. Violet was referred to as "old Violet," which could mean he's an old friend or he was possibly very elderly, maybe the eldest out of the four men.
It would make sense if he was the eldest, considering in the flashback he seemed very easy to kill. I also want to bring up that Fowler genuinely seemed upset about Violet's death and looked like he was genuinely going to kill Mizu for it. I believe each of the four men came from harsh upbringings, like Fowler, and I think Violet was likely the first to go into that sort of black market lifestyle and took the other three men under his wing. It's likely Violet took Fowler in after he lost his sister and thought him everything he knew.
It's a bit tricky to figure out Skeffington and Routley, especially if the surnames do turn out to just be aliases. So, let's look at the names from a more metaphorical lense instead.
Skeffington - so when I do a quick Google search of the name Skeffington, its meaning has roots in the words 'sheep' and 'farmstead', which you'll find a lot of both in Wales. A bit on the nose, to be honest.
Routley - looking into the meaning of the surname, Routley was a bit more difficult as apparently to some sources, the meaning is lost, but according to ancestry, the surnames can be associated with the term 'cliff', and Scotland makes 60% of cliffs in Britain. RIP Welsh Routley theory, you will be missed
Another thing is that I believe that Skeffington will be the most sadistic, as someone on another post pointed out that Skeffington can also be referred to as Skevington, which is also the name of a torture device know as Skevington's daughter. His last name having ties to the term sheep can also be used to foreshadow his personality as a wolf in steep clothing, someone who's a mindless sheep (a blind follower), or even a sheep in wolves clothing because deep down he's a coward.
As for Routley, I can assume he's probably the youngest out of the four. Also, let's be honest, many of us believe he's either Mizu's father, or if you believe in the European mother theory, then most would believe he's at least her uncle because of the 'pretty eyes' comment. It's very likely that Routley will be the most significant target to Mizu, and he'll play a big part in season 2. Which might mean Mizu be half of
In all seriousness, it could be possible that each for four are from one of each country in the British Isles as during that time frame it could be beneficial for the group for one person to know Welsh, another to know Irish Gaelic, and another to know Scottish Gaelic. I also want to point out that, apparently, the surname Violet comes from the term 'pathway', I guess Violet painted the pathway for the other three men to join him.
Take this with a huge grain of salt as this is just a theory for fun.
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sunnysam-my · 7 months
Dark Academia is a subculture and it isn't problematic, just misunderstood.
I am so tired of people that aren't a part of this community shitting on dark academia literally any time it gains popularity again, claiming that it's pretentious, elitist and racist. It's not problematic, at least not in a way most people criticise it for.
What all of those people don't seems to understand is that there's the dark academia aesthetic and there is the dark academia the subculture. Even when they do understand they still put people who are only interested in the fashion and overall vibe together with people who are dark academia.
Why is dark academia a subculture?
First let's start with what even subculture is?
It's a cultural group within a larger culture, often sharing a collection of values, beliefs, rituals and traditions. Despite what many believes, it doesn't have to have any connection to music, like Star Trek and Star Wars fans, but there's no need for having a shared fandom at all, like the gays, bikers and youth.
Participation in the dark academia subculture is not limited to following a specific set of fashion. It suggest preferred activities, hobbies, philosophies and lifestyles. The focus is on reading and expanding one’s horizons, on becaming the best version of oneself no matter the cost, especially by engaging in classical literature, history, foreign languages, mythology, art and philosophy. On top of that DA is actually connected to certain music (classical and neoclassical) and fandoms.
The (incorrect) criticisms:
1. One of the more common criticisms of dark academia is that of its superficiality and pretentiousness – that it is more a fetishisation of intellectual life than real intellectual life. "Instead of being a reading society, it's a Dead Poets Society cosplay." This is just simply untrue. Yes, there are people who are purely here for the aesthetic and vibes, but they aren't part of the subculture. People who are genuinely part of this community do read all those books, write poetry, journal e.t.c regularly and try to be well educated.
2. The money issue. Now this is where it gets funny. Dark academia is often called classist and racist because of it's "idealised vision of the academic lifestyle in which the money is simply there". Obviously in places where higher education is strictly financially driven studying is a bitch. Nowadays there are even a lot of doctors who are homeless, especially in US. But DA is mainly a European thing, and in a lot of EU countries studying isn't that expensive, it's not cheap either (books costs a lot and not working doesn't help), but you don't need to pay for a good education, you need to study hard and compete with others to get good education.
This however is not a dark academia problem. It's a harsh reality. One that we need to fight with. Getting higher education shouldn't make you get into a debt. It shouldn't make you sacrifice social life for studying all your life only to end on the streets.
3. "Eurocentric obsession". This is so dumb I don't even know to say. How can you possibly call people, mostly from Europe, problematic for being fascinated by Europe's history, it's past culture, Greek mythology, mostly European philosophers (but American too), Latin that is still fucking taught at many schools here, etc. All of things are taught in schools here. There is nothing wrong with you being obsessed with Asian royalty and making it part of your personality, but God forbid, you, a white person, are obsessed with the best parts of your history and culture 🙄.
4. Another criticism of dark academia is that it encourages unhealthy behaviour, both physically (caffeine overconsumption, smoking, drugs) and mentally (perfectionist, constant competition). The pursuit of perfection comes at a price. The entire idea of DA is to study as hard as possible so you can reach enlighten. It's workaholism, except it's school, not work. Now this is why I think dark academia isn't problematic in a way people think, but is misunderstood.
A melancholic comforting dream
It's easy to understand why people think DA is unhealthy or fake. Nights spent studying, writing essays for hours on end, drowning in books and writing excessive notes. For many this sounds like a nightmare, but dark academia romanticise it. It see it as the true joy of university life. At the same time there's taking joy in reflecting on what is irretrievably lost, pessimistic and melancholic.
In reality most people in this community are overworked neurodivergent, usually twice exceptional, youth who struggles mentally. So many people are twice exceptional and it's very obvious. The hyperfixetions, the love for linguistics and humanities, the hate of math.
For many Dark Academia is a coping method.
Staples of dark academia fiction explore intellectualism, classic literature and self-discovery, but also the struggle of fighting for your identity, the way humans are shaped by their trauma, the way they destroy themselves to be better. The word "dark" in Dark Academia is primarily about those dark sides of the human nature, not just the dark colours of the DA aesthetic.
If you think that Dead Poets Society romanticised suicide or Kill Your Darlings academicly motivated drug use then you're the crazy one here. People loved those movies, because of how relatable they were, even the suffering.
Studying is a bitch. If you make it fun then you are less depressed about the fact that you don't have the choice to not study all night. It's not just nostalgia for what you haven't experienced, but what you have to endure all your youth. Some people are forced to study to be the very best and sacrifice their (social) lives, because the system is so broken, but if you can make it into your own, comforting, time - it's better. Sure, the movies and books have lots of harmful copying mechanism, but irl (or in this case online) this community encourages healthy methods like reading, making art, journaling, acting etc.
I do think there's a lot of to talk about when it comes to, for example, sexism, and I do agree DA needs more diversity than just white cis man, but like I said, it's not problematic in a way most people criticise it for.
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brujitaadinbo · 7 months
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I'm going to continue with this "enemies then lovers" segment because I only have a few last pieces left to show and I want to follow up on other DinBo/BokaDin elements that I want to share with you.
This gem, this beautiful piece that came out on Netflix months ago; "blue eyed samurai" is the perfect example of enemies then lovers.
It is a treasure that you must see. But getting into the characters.
In feudal Japan where life is more than complicated; Mizu is a woman exiled and rejected since she was little because of her eye color, since her father is a European man, to protect herself she has to hide her identity and disguise herself as a boy, she grows up and has to adapt, experiencing harassment from other children, now As adults, she has to survive and continue disguised as a man to avoid further persecution.
Taigen is that boy who harassed Mizu when she was little in the village, he never knew that Mizu was a girl, he only noticed the color of her eyes and mortified her all the time. He grows up and becomes a detestable person with an immense ego and plans that obviously will not be fulfilled.
And this is when fate works its magic and brings Mizu and Taigen together. He never realizes that he is Mizu and that Mizu is a woman. She teaches him a lesson that causes him to lose everything, even his honor. In a tremendous duel of battle and powers, Mizu always takes the lead. But on this long and meaningless road, they begin to share moments, fight the same enemies, little by little become allies, learn from each other, about honor, respect and camaraderie.
That's when, in the season finale, they give us that closeness between them, that "accidental" romantic interaction where Taigen finally; He realizes that Mizu was always a woman, a strong girl with blue eyes.
She separates from him because she is still full of revenge and has another path to follow, we only have to know that her path changes completely. And they leave us with this, that they will see each other again in the second season and obviously their interaction will change a lot.
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and you may wonder What is the parallel between Din and Bo katan with these characters?
Well of course I'm going to tell you. 1.- the chemistry between them was always so strong; like Din and Bo in season 2. Even if they fought or it was to provoke each other, the looks, the poses, the way they spoke, it is more than clear the enemies then lovers. Even though Taigen doesn't know that Mizu is a woman, their connection is strong just like Bo and Din's.
2.- Din and Bo have dark pasts, dark ancient paths that they lived and that when they met, both of them rubbed it against each other, in the form of conflict and as a way of fighting. 3.- Both couples walk the path of redemption, they meet, they live together, they adapt, an alliance, a bond is created and suddenly the interaction begins that gives more signs of romance and that door is left open for something more. ..something strong.
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and 3.- The paths of both couples separate but do not say goodbye, because they are destined to cross again. The samurai (ronin) had their own codes, they continued moving even if they had a partner or family or a lover, they were nomads even if they had a home because that was their lifestyle. The Mandalorians have something similar; their own code of survival, they were nomadic, despite settling down, they did not stay still. And if you have read even a little of the Mandalorians, even the wikis YOU KNOW that distance and lifestyle are not impediments to romance, love, family or establishing bonds.
This is the way….
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
I sometimes will come across paintings of Acropolis and Athens in general from the 19th-20th century and i noticed it had in Acropolis painted a medieval tower which now is not there. What was the purpose of the tower and what happened to it?
Also were there rivers and other demolished monuments in Athens before like in the paintings?
You must mean the Frankish Tower, which was built during the Frankish Occupation around the 13th-14th centuries. After the Crusades, most of the Byzantine Empire was dismantled and many regions became Frankish or Venetian protectorates. Athens was one of them and became the Duchy of Athens. The dukes converted the Propylaea (the ancient gates to Acropolis) into their personal palace and that tower was built as part of that palace. During the Ottoman rule that followed, the Ottomans used this tower as salt store rooms and as prison. In 1874, the Greeks demolished this tower from the ancient site, so the paintings you have seen must be from the 18-19th centuries and not the 20th.
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Here is a picture taken in 1870.
Some buildings around the Acropolis in the center of Athens were indeed demolished. When King Otto chose to switch the capital from Nafplio to Athens, Athens was but a tiny muddy village. Otto envisioned bringing Athens back to its former glory and he formed a plan to rebuild it as a neoclassical European capital. Therefore, buildings that did not agree with the Classical aesthetics were removed, mostly peasant houses, some Ottoman buildings and even a few Byzantine Greek churches (not all, some ruins / monuments of both styles remain). On the other hand, Ancient Greek and Roman monuments were preserved.
The river thing is going to be painful. This was something about which I was keeping a post in my drafts but I was getting mad about it every time and never completed it. Prepare for a shitstorm of painful facts. Athens is built on the Attican basin where many streams flow from the hills of the area and from the big mountains of Boeotia and Phocis in the west. In fact, Athens “used to” have 3 main rivers (Kifissós, Ilissós and Irithanós) and 700 (!) streams and creeks (i.e. Elásson and Kyklovóros, mentioning them for no reason other than that I like their names 😅). The former village come metropolis has been the target of an excessive urbanisation in various times in its recent history, most notably in the 60s to 80s time period. As the industries and economy developed, huge numbers of people started abandoning the harsh conditions in remote islands and big mountains for a more comfortable lifestyle in Athens. This caused urgent need for quick mass constructions. Especially during the military junta (1967-1974) uncountable architectural crimes were committed. The urgent need for fast and mass constructions, as well as the lack of scientific research, led to the filling and blockage of most of these rivers. Today only parts of the main rivers and only a handful of the streams are left to flow freely (around 50). Ilissós, the former sacred river of Athens, has been entirely covered and is running underground. We are not talking about Danube or Amazon but we are still talking about an overall waterway blockage worth of 800 km (~500 miles). This is also the reason even a moderate rain can make Athens flood all the time. This waterway blockage has also ruined the flora and fauna of the region. Many Athenians ask that the rivers are uncovered to run free again but the damage done is so excessive that it is too hard to undo at this point. There were “official plans” announced in 2019 about intending to free Ilissós but, you know, I am laughing. 
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Edward Dodwell, The waterfalls of Ilissos, Athens 1801-1806. 
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Ilissos river in 1955. 
However the war against the river had already started in the ‘30s.
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Covering Ilissos, 1937.
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Covering MORE Ilissos river, 1963. 
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Once upon a time in verdant Athens (1910).
See more photos here.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
But in Clerval I saw the image of my former self; he was inquisitive, and anxious to gain experience and instruction. The difference of manners which he observed was to him an inexhaustible source of instruction and amusement. He was for ever busy; and the only check to his enjoyments was my sorrowful and dejected mien.
But in Clerval I saw the image of my former self; he was inquisitive, and anxious to gain experience and instruction. The difference of manners which he observed was to him an inexhaustible source of instruction and amusement. He was also pursuing an object he had long had in view. His design was to visit India, in the belief that he had in his knowledge of its various languages, and in the views he had taken of its society, the means of materially assisting the progress of European colonisation and trade. In Britain only could he further the execution of his plan. He was for ever busy; and the only check to his enjoyments was my sorrowful and dejected mien.
Especially at the beginning, I wasn't collecting every difference between the two editions, so I don't remember if I have commented on this before or not. But Henry's more mercantile aspirations are something that has been happening throughout the 1831 edition, for example when he talked about why he wanted to go to school. And it was only in this passage that I made the connection to another altered career path: Ernest Frankenstein.
In 1818, Elizabeth advocates for Ernest to become a farmer, contrary to Alphonse suggesting he become an advocate/eventually a judge. In 1831, on the other hand, Ernest himself insists on being a soldier against the wishes of his father, but Elizabeth supports him since she thinks he'd just become an idler if his wishes weren't granted:
My uncle and I conversed a long time last night about what profession Ernest should follow. His constant illness when young has deprived him of the habits of application; and now that he enjoys good health, he is continually in the open air, climbing the hills, or rowing on the lake. I therefore proposed that he should be a farmer; which you know, Cousin, is a favourite scheme of mine. A farmer's is a very healthy happy life; and the least hurtful, or rather the most beneficial profession of any. My uncle had an idea of his being educated as an advocate, that through his interest he might become a judge. But, besides that he is not at all fitted for such an occupation, it is certainly more creditable to cultivate the earth for the sustenance of man, than to be the confidant, and sometimes the accomplice, of his vices; which is the profession of a lawyer. I said, that the employments of a prosperous farmer, if they were not a more honourable, they were at least a happier species of occupation than that of a judge, whose misfortune it was always to meddle with the dark side of human nature. My uncle smiled, and said, that I ought to be an advocate myself, which put an end to the conversation on that subject.
How pleased you would be to mark the improvement of our Ernest! He is now sixteen, and full of activity and spirit. He is desirous to be a true Swiss, and to enter into foreign service; but we cannot part with him, at least until his elder brother return to us. My uncle is not pleased with the idea of a military career in a distant country; but Ernest never had your powers of application. He looks upon study as an odious fetter;—his time is spent in the open air, climbing the hills or rowing on the lake. I fear that he will become an idler, unless we yield the point, and permit him to enter on the profession which he has selected.
There are a couple of ways this plays into existing themes, in both editions. In 1818, Ernest's future being debated between farmer and judge positions him as undecided between two options. First, the idealized smaller family lifestyle as viewed by Creature when he talks about the De Laceys farming their own food (despite them not being 'farmers' beyond necessity) or just in general the idea of harmony with the earth and not doing harm as Elizabeth says. Second, the arbiter or human conflicts, the embodiment of the justice system. We've seen how flawed that system is every time it's brought up, and Elizabeth seems to consider it almost a corrupting influence, to have to concern oneself with the dark side of human nature. More importantly though I think is the contrast between farming being presented as some individual bond with the land, versus advocate/judge being about human society. Setting aside how it's unlikely Ernest's station in life would ever allow him to be that particular kind of farmer (and also farming as a profession is hardly some idealized simple joy of nature), the contrast between outdoor/indoor, nature/civilization, physical labor/mental labor and so on are what's being played with here. Another notable detail is that Ernest isn't involved in this conversation at all; it's just two older relatives discussing his future and what they each think would suit him best (which happens to line up with their values).
In 1831, the options presented are more soldier or layabout (his father's ideal career for him is hinted at in the line about Ernest not liking to study, but not really expounded on). It's not about society/nature, it's about activity/indolence. And Ernest himself is more driven and more involved, contrasting the other version. Of course, he's still only 16, so it could well be that his eagerness to run off and join the army, while more outspoken, is no more mature than the lack of career planning we hear directly from him in the original, but just like 1831 Victor is more take-charge, so too is 1831 Ernest.
To bring it all back to this chapter and my original point... I find it quite interesting how 1818 Henry isn't described as being especially ambitious, more just wanting to learn because he enjoys it. He knows he is going to take over his father's business and is okay with that, but is more interested personally in poetry, romances, literature, society of great minds, etc. In 1831, Henry is not only expecting to inherit the business, but is actively making plans to expand and to use his learning to further his mercantile success.
Both Henry Clerval and Ernest Frankenstein follow a much more colonial career path in 1831. They seem to be representing something of the 'march of progress': they want to travel and leave their homeland with the specific aim of either fighting or trading to 'civilize' those foreign lands. As such, they want to serve Society on a larger scale, more institutionally than individually. This is in marked contrast to the singular Creature and the link to nature he represents... as well as in some ways Victor, who is often characterized by profound isolation (mental, emotional, physical...). It's interesting especially because in the original, both Henry and Ernest seem to be drawn more to the individual side of things, or at least not so interested in serving as cogs in any great machine. And then you could maybe even get into them both (and Victor) already having places ready for them within larger society and not caring as much about it, contrasting Creature's exclusion and his desperate desire to join humanity. Just a lot of interesting thoughts.
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more-than-a-princess · 2 months
🔦 Connect the dots between you and your muse. Ways that you're the same, different, last time you thought about them, etc.
🎀 What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp? !!!!
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Mun Communication meme - No Longer Accepting as Munday is almost over for the week!
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🔦 Connect the dots between you and your muse. Ways that you're the same, different, last time you thought about them, etc.
I think about Sonia at some point, for some duration, every day. I usually have at least 1 reply to write at any given time and if I don't, I'm generally getting thread ideas or headcanons through all the other media I tend to consume (I get to watch some TV as part of my job. This helps!).
But beyond that...
Sonia and I both enjoy horror movies, documentaries about cults and unsolved mysteries, and anime. I don't watch as much Japanese and Korean dramas as I used to, mostly because I dislike reading subtitles: I like having the TV on while I write and I can't write and read at the same time. We also prefer tea to coffee, but she's much more of a snob about chocolate than I am. We share some clothing preferences and styles and while my family isn't quite as dysfunctional as hers, we both come from at least one side of an extended family that belongs in the upper middle to upper class. I sometimes use anecdotes from my family for various character traits of hers, but not too much.
A few fun facts:
One of my aunts was briefly married to a European aristocrat. He was a jerk who divorced her pretty quickly and refused to see his kids after.
Another one of my aunts cannot understand why I don't quit my terribly paying job and disappear to England, France, and/or Italy for an extended period of time and set up my own business, unable to understand that her mother financed her entire lifestyle after she went into deep debt several times. My parents do not do this, and I enjoy having a steady paycheck and health insurance (this is your cue to understand I'm American and over the age of 26!).
My grandmother from the rich side of the family threw a fit and refused to speak to me for most of my teenage years because I refused to have a debutante ball and I wasn't conventionally attractive. I was overweight (still am), shy (yup!), and nerdy (this too!). Geek conventions and cosplay were not suitable interests for a debut into high society. In turn, she was one of the first debutantes in her social circle in her city and believed I, as the eldest granddaughter, should follow in her footsteps. I was the least favorite grandchild until the day she died.
And that touches upon some of our differences. Sonia is conventionally beautiful/attractive, outgoing, an extrovert, smiles easily, and makes friends easily. All things I am decidedly not (I'm excellent at resting bitch face, however). She's also much better at math, science, and memorizing many languages than I am: I feel like I've forgotten so much of my French. That I studied between the ages of 8 to 22. Another reason to go back to France!
I also am obsessed with fictional royals/wealthy people and royal documentaries/dramatizations. I've most recently finished the new season of Bridgerton and My Lady Jane, and once I get through a few more romantasy selections on my Kindle I have the new Kevin Kwan book to read (I'm trying to make it last! I also want the Crazy Rich Asians TV series like, now). Sonia dislikes any media about fictional royals and dramatizations and would prefer not to watch them.
🎀 What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp? !!!!
The last nice thing I saw is all the lovely asks that @yukikorogashi is getting! She's on hiatus mostly right now but her mutuals are being so kind/sweet/understanding about it and that they wish her well, and it's wonderful to see.
I also hope Beckowsky comes back soon for RP on both her blogs and to share her Munday OOTDs! But until then, I'll cheer her on from here.
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age-of-greta · 2 years
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The Lovers
The Lovers represent relationships and choices. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners. Often an aspect of the querent's life will have to be sacrificed; a bachelor's lifestyle may be sacrificed and a relationship gaine, or one potential partner may be chosen while another is turned down. Whatever the choice, it should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting.
Pairing: Jake x reader & Sam x reader
Warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, angst, adult content, all the sexual content, minors DNI
Word count: 5.4k
Author’s note: hi!! the LAST chapter is here I cannot believe it! This fic has truly been so fun to write and I cannot thank you enough for following along. With that being said, I am happy to announce I have a new story in the works and will start posting in January! As always, this fic has two parts then and today. I proofread, but typos happen. Epilogue will be out next Wednesday at midnight. Buckle up and enjoy!!!
PART 13:
“Listen, I think you could fit in my suitcase.” Jake says, throwing shirts around in his bag.
You laugh at him. “After the spaghetti you made, I’m not so sure.”
Jake looks up at you and huffs a little. “Are you sure you can’t come?”
“Jake” you sigh. “As much as I would like to, I can’t just fly to Europe and abandon all responsibilities. I have an important case coming up next week.”
You had driven to Nashville for the weekend. The boys were starting their European summer tour in a few days and you volunteered to drive them to the airport. You were saddened by the idea of not seeing them for over a month, but in a strange way you thought it would help distance your feelings for Jake. Whenever you were away from him for an extended period of time, you felt it made your feelings easier to push to the side. You had a hunch Jake knew this and that’s why he was especially reluctant to go.
Jake lets out a long breath before responding. “Okay, fine. But we need to figure out a schedule where we can at least FaceTime or something.”
You smile a little at that. “I think that could probably be arranged.”
He walks over to you and puts his hands on your arms. “God, how am I going to go a month without touching you?”
“Technically over a month.” You add.
“That’s it. You’re getting in my suitcase.” Jake says, as he lightly picks you up and takes you towards the bed.
You start giggling your head off. Jake sets you down on the bed and looks down at you. His eyes are soft and gentle, but his gaze is intense. You both stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, then Jake leans in and softly kisses your lips. You feel an aching burn for him in your heart. The next month was going to suck. The kissing turns into a passionate almost make out before you’re interrupted.
“Jake, do you have my backpack in here? Ah fuck.” Josh says, barging into the room.
Jake rolls off of you and sighs. “Josh, remember how we knock before we enter rooms?”
“Yes Jake, I’m aware. However you’re supposed to be packing, not canoodling all over your tour clothes. Also you have a lock” Josh says.
“I wouldn’t need a lock if you knocked. Your goddamn backpack is in the studio behind the amps I think. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a month's worth of canoodling to do, so off you go.” Jake says, getting up and shuffling Josh out of the room.
Josh laughs at his boldness and mumbles some comparison of you two being like bunnies on his way out.
Jake locks the door and turns around back to you. “Where were we? Ah yes, canoodling.”
You burst out laughing at that. “You need to finish packing. You’re going to be so tired in the morning.”
“It’s true I do need to finish packing. It’s also true that we’re going to both be tired tomorrow. I apologize lover, but it’s my last night with you for the foreseeable future and I need to give you plenty of memories to think about when you miss me.”
You try to remain unphased at Jake’s words, but they definitely have you worked up. “Well then you better get to packing and then get over here.”
Jake smirks at you. “Yes ma’am.”
The next morning was chaotic. Everyone was running around trying to pack last minute things and making sure they had everything they needed for their trip. You tried your best to help, but when the arguing started you took yourself out of the equation. It was always like this, frantic, excited, and unprepared when the tour started. But this was a little different, Jake was in a mood to say the least. He has been biting off everyone’s head, but yours. Finally you got everyone in your car and the tour company sent over a truck for the instruments and everything else that wouldn’t fit. You looked over at Jake as you pulled out of the driveway. It seemed like there was a permanent scowl on his face. He lightened it when he met your eyes, attempted a small smile, and placed his hand on your leg.
“Everyone ready?” You asked.
Everyone answered almost in unison. Then you were off. The drive wasn’t too long until you reached the airport. You tried to mellow the vibes as you played John Denver in the background. There wasn’t much talking, everyone was tired and stressed. You could tell Jake was on edge too. You pulled up to the drop off lane and everyone gathered their things. You opened your door and got out while the guys unloaded their suitcases.
“Thanks for driving us! We’ll miss you.” Danny says, as he pulls you into a hug.
“Bye mama.” Josh says, kissing your cheek. “Tell Jake to get his ass off his shoulders please.”
You laugh at him and Jake rolls his eyes.
“Bye Sammy, safe travels.” You say hugging him, he hugs you tightly. He looks down at you and gives you a smile. “Try not to get too bored without me.”
Jake steps in front of you and lets out a sigh while pulling you into his chest. “Fuck.” Is all he says.
“I know.” You say back, softly.
Jake holds you for a minute before you start to pull away.
“You better be off. You’re going to miss your flight.” You say with as much courage as you can muster.
Jake looks down at you with sad eyes. “I’ll text you when we land.”
“Be safe.” You say.
“I will. There’s someone I have to get back to.” Jake says as he smiles at you. “Be good.”
You laugh a little. “Always.”
Jake pulls you into a final hug and grabs your cheek before planting a soft and slow kiss on your lips.
“Jake, I know this is a hallmark moment and all but we really have to go.” Josh says.
Jake lets out a breath and looks at you. “See you soon lover.”
You nod at him and watch him walk away. They all wave as you get in your car. You can’t even tell that your eyes are teary until you’re back on the interstate. This break is going to be good, you tell yourself. It’s going to allow you to bottle these feelings up. When they come back you’ll be detached enough, you’re pretty sure Jake knows that.
“Hi there.” You say, as you answer your FaceTime.
It had been two weeks since they had left for tour and it had gotten easier everyday. You mainly focused on work and spending time with Lana.
“Hey lover. Did you receive something in the mail today?”
Jake asks.
“I did. It smells really nice, thank you.” You say picking up the bottle of perfume and showing him.
Jake smiles. “We were in a small apothecary shop in Paris and I found it. It was so unique, you had to have it.”
“I really do like it. I have a question for you.” You pitch.
Jake hums at you. “Ask away.”
“The first weekend you get back. Are you busy?” You ask.
Jake chuckles. “Yes, very busy actually.��
You frown a little. “Oh.”
“With you lover. I need you to clear your schedule.” He says wearing a smirk.
You huff. “Well there is a music festival in my hometown that weekend. I thought maybe we could go the first day?”
Jake beams a smile at you. “I suppose that could be arranged, but after can you come to Nashville for the weekend?”
You smile back at him. “I suppose that could also be arranged.”
“Hi…” Jake said standing in your doorway.
“Oh hi.” You say quietly.
“May I come in?” Jake says.
You stare at him for a moment before taking a step back and opening the door wider for him to enter. Jake walks in and sits on your couch. You turn the TV off and stand there across from him up against the wall. It’s silent for a minute before Jake begins.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you.” Jake says, running his fingers through his hair. “I just don’t know what to say.”
You sigh a little. “Jake, if you came here to break up with me I have clearly already gotten the message. This is unnecessary.” You say.
Jake looks up at you with a scowl. “No actually that’s not why I’m fucking here. I’m trying to find a way to fucking forgive you- I don’t know get past all the shit.”
You scoff a little and look at the floor. “Seems like you have already moved on.”
“Are you serious? You’re going to say that to me after fucking my brother? You know I saw the picture you two took that night. That dress you were wearing? No wonder you two fucked. You were sober and consciously wanted him to see you like that.”
“You fucking ghosted me Jake! You left me and Sam was there. That’s all. It didn’t take me leaving you for you to find your way with someone else.” You reply with spite.
“Because I brought Jessica last night?” He says standing up.
“Yeah well of course it had to be her Jake. I just don’t know why it couldn’t have been someone else.” You say cowering a little because you know how it sounds.
Jake laughs a little. “You are really not the one to talk here.”
“Then why show up with her last night and then kiss me? What sense does that fucking make Jake?” You say.
Jake sighs. “I only invited her because I knew it would piss you off. I didn’t fucking lay a finger on her like that.”
You’re quiet for a few seconds.
“But you know I could have.” He says taking a step forward. “I absolutely could have fucked her. I thought about it, many times actually. I could have texted her when I was home for Christmas and she would have been eager to come right over. I could have taken her back to my hotel last night and fucked her raw on the desk. In fact I could be fucking her right now.”
You feel like you’re going to vomit hearing Jake say that. Your stomach is twisting in knots and you want to scream and cry simultaneously.
“Okay I fucking get it Jake. Congratulations. Why don’t you fucking go ahead and do it. Go fuck her. You act like you’re so innocent. I was going through it and you said oh well! Fuck it! Deal with it on your own.” You say with rage.
Jake seems to soften for a moment before speaking again. “I know and I’m sorry. I already apologized for that. I think about what would be different if I would have fucking acted differently, but we can’t go back in time can we sweetheart?”
The edge in his voice is back. You want to roll your eyes, but refrain.
“But I didn’t fuck her. I couldn’t. You know why?” Jake pauses and looks at you with intentful eyes. “She wasn’t you. As much as I tried to stop thinking about you I couldn’t. When I saw you last night I was almost brought to my knees. You looked so beautiful in that dress, you changed your hair, you were wearing the perfume I got you. You looked like you were thriving without me and that stung. So fucking bad. The thought of not being your New Year's Kiss burned me up inside. So I kissed you, and I felt better in those three seconds than I had in weeks. At that moment I knew I would never be over you.”
A wave of hope washes over you. You can feel your heart swelling, aching for Jake.
“I tried to call you. Multiple times.” You say meekly.
“I know. I’ve been working through some shit. You did fuck my brother you know.” Jake sighs before continuing. “I can’t even begin to explain to you how that feels. I always knew Sam had a crush on you, it was obvious from the start. Then he flat out told me he had feelings for you. Of course, this was in the beginning when you and I were fucking around. I didn’t stop, because I obviously cared about you too. Then they all found out about us. It was pathetic the way he continued to pine over you, even with my fucking arm wrapped around you. I let it go for the most part, that seemed to have been a mistake.”
You’re quiet. Unsure of what to say, unsure of what to think.
Jake steps forward. “Did you enjoy fucking my little brother?”
You shoot him a glare before looking at the ground.
Jake takes another step closer to you. “Did he make you cum?”
You look at him almost bewildered. “What?”
“You heard me. Did. He. Make. You. Cum.” Jake says, stepping right up to you.
You swallow hard. “Jake don’t-“
“Answer.” He says.
Your heart is pounding in your chest. “Yes.”
He breathes in before he continues. “Was he better?”
“No. Of course not. You know that.” You say making a face at him.
“Do you love him?” He says, almost in a desperate way, pain behind those words.
“No Jake. Not like I love you. I love no one like I love you.” You choke out, as your heart sinks.
Jake stares at you for a moment before moving closer, only inches away from you. His eyes are searing down at you, he looks hurt but also like he wants to fuck you until you can’t move. You don’t hesitate to look up at him, you have hot tears formed in your eyes and your throat has a lump in it that burns profusely. Jake wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug. Once the initial shock wears off, you hug him back tighter. You’re both breathing shakily and you don’t know what this means for you, but it feels good. Hot tears stream down your face and collect onto Jake’s flannel. He holds you for a few minutes before releasing you and kissing you softly. His lips are warm and electric and fuck have you missed them. You kiss him back gingerly, but then Jake deepens it. His hands start to roam around you, and you’re putty in his hands. You think you’re about to have passionate and needy sex, but that dissipates when Jake puts you up against the wall. His soft kisses soon turn aggressive, and he’s digging his hands into you now. Jake bites your bottom lip before stopping for a second.
“I love you angel, but tonight I’m going to fuck you like the slut you’ve been. Remember your safe word?” Jake asks, wiping the tears off of your cheeks.
You nod your head wide-eyed. He still loves you. “Yes.” You squeak out.
“Say it.” Jake growls.
“Lavender.” You half whisper.
Then his lips are back on you. He’s being so rough, but fuck do you love it. His hands find the hem of your shirt and he pulls it over your head. You aren’t wearing a bra and his hands are instantly on your breasts. Jake kisses down your neck and slides your shorts off leaving you just in your black panties and fluffy socks. His hands find the swell of your ass and he grabs it hard, biting down on your collarbone simultaneously. You moan out a bit and start to get exceptionally worked up. You try to unbutton Jake’s flannel, but he knocks your hands away.
“Nope.” He says.
Jake then kisses you more, guiding you off the wall into your bedroom. Jake sits you down on the bed and steps back from you.
“Look at you. So fucking pretty.” Jake taunts and he unbuttons and removes his shirt. “Such a shame that you’re such a slut. Sluts get punished. Sluts don’t get to cum until I say so. Understood?”
You nod.
“Words.” Jake spits out.
“Yes Jake.” You say.
“Remember your safe word?” He asks.
“Yes.” You reply.
“Good girl.” Jake praises.
He is down to his boxers now, you can see how hard he is. You knew tonight wouldn’t be easy. Jake was going to push you. That excited you and terrified you, but you knew you could take it. More so, you wanted it. Jake is kneeling down before you kissing your thighs, his fingers teasing your pantyline. You’re more than turned on. He pulls your panties around your ankles and starts kissing around your center. Jake dips his fingers into you and you gasp out.
“Mhm. So sweet.” Jake says, almost inaudible between your legs.
You try to sit still, but when Jake plunges two fingers in deeper you tilt your head back and like muscle memory your hand is wrapped in his hair. Jake lets it slide for a few minutes before he feels you start to shake.
“Not so fast angel.” Jake says coming up.
You whimper slightly at the loss of contact. Jake flips you over so your ass is up in the air.
“Gotta do something about those hands.” Jake says walking into your bathroom before returning with your black silk robe tie.
Jake pulls your arms back and ties your hands together behind your back. You won’t be able to touch yourself. Jake runs his hand all over your ass. Lightly smacking. Then he smacks your ass harder, and harder until your skin stings and you’re sure there will be a welp. It hurts, but it also feels so good.
“Fucking whore. Goddamn.” Jake spits out, moaning that last word a little.
It’s probably wrong but that turned you on even more. You can sense that he is removing his boxers now and you are dripping with anticipation. He rubs his member all down your slit as you lightly moan out. Jake doesn’t go slow, he plunges straight into you. You let out a half whimper, half moan, and your whole core is burning. You haven’t been fucked like this in a while and goddamn did you love it.
“Fuck Jake- please.” You whine out hoping he will untie you so you can touch yourself.
“Shut the fuck up and take it, sorority girl.” Jake seethes, annunciating the nickname while thrusting into you.
Hearing that formed a lump in your throat, not of sadness… but excitement? Holy shit. Jake continues to pound into you and he laces his fingers in your hair. He lightly tugs before wrapping that hand around your throat and pulling you up to him. He doesn’t get too aggressive here, you know he would never actually hurt you. He lightly squeezes at your throat causing you to spiral in your pleasure.
“Who fucks you like this?” Jake says in your ear.
You moan out. “Fuck. No one Jake. No one but you. No one could ever make me feel like this but you. No one could ever fuck me like this but you.”
Jake inhales sharply at this; but continues to fuck you. His fingers on his freehand slip down below your navel, swirling around your clit. He’s rewarding you. When you’re close yet again, Jake removes his fingers. You have tears pooling in your eyes from the constant edging. Jake drops you back down to the bed and pulls at the silk around your hands until you’re free. He pulls out of you and flips you back around. He climbs on you and takes your hands holding them both above your head. He dives in and sucks and bites at your neck while entering you again.
“Jake.” You shutter. “Please let me touch you baby.” You whine.
Jake looks at you and then kisses your lips before letting go of your hands. You immediately pull Jake closer and run your hands all up and down his back. It seems that his aggressive edge has softened and he’s close. You lace your fingers in his hair and tug while he slips his tongue in your mouth.
“Fuck. Touch yourself angel I’m about to cum.” Jake says in between kisses.
You don’t have to be told twice. You keep one hand in Jake’s hair and send the other down to your clit. You swirl your fingers and it’s not long until you're throbbing around him.
“Oh fuck.” Jake moans out clamping his eyes shut and his mouth is hanging agape.
He cums right after you start, and you both ride out your orgasms. You’re both a sweaty mess of curse words, praises, and moans. The next few minutes you both just lay there breathing. Jake pressed his forehead to yours and left it there for a minute. When he finally rolls off of you he looks over and quietly asks, “Did I go too far?”
“No, not at all.” You reply still sweaty and fucked out.
“Are you sure?” He asks, furrowing his brows slightly.
“I’m positive.” You say lightly smiling.
“I love you.” Jake says, lowly.
Your heart melts at that. “I love you too.” You say back.
Jake jumps up and tells you not to move while he gets a washcloth to clean you up.
You and Jake had spent the rest of the night talking, crying, and apologizing. You woke up the next morning in his arms. It was January 2nd now and you and Jake had spent all day together in your apartment. You ordered takeout, drank wine, fucked, joked, watched movies, and cuddled. It seemed like things were returning to somewhat normalcy? Jake told you that he wanted things to go back to how they were, before the beach trip. He didn’t want to harp or discuss the incidents. You had agreed, but somewhere in your stomach you felt guilt. Guilt for Sam.
Had you really been stringing him along? You loved Sam, and perhaps if you hadn't met Jake you could see something there. You would never dare say that out loud. But you did meet Jake. You loved Jake. You couldn’t imagine it being anyone else, but Jake. But you wanted Sam to be okay, you wanted your friendship back.
On the 3rd of January you were sitting on your kitchen island in only Jake’s flannel sipping coffee and watching Jake cook breakfast. You still hadn’t replied to Sam’s text, it was eating you up. You and Jake had a blissful almost 48 hours, but it was time to face the music.
“Jake?” You started sipping from your mug.
He looked over at you with a spatula in hand. “Yes lover?”
“What time are you leaving tomorrow?” You ask cautiously.
Jake furrows his brows at you. “I’m not leaving tomorrow. What do you mean?”
Fuck. He didn’t tell you that. Sam did. You had just assumed.
“Oh. Sam texted me telling me he was leaving on the 4th, so I just assumed you all were. He wanted to grab lunch before he left.” You say as your stomach churns.
Jake huffs and stays quiet for a little bit. “Yeah, we were supposed to. But I’m staying here for a few more days if that’s okay.”
You nod your head.
“As far as Sam goes, you should talk with him. As fucked up as all of this is I love you both. This shit should all just be put to bed. Though I don’t mean literally.” Jake says shooting you a look.
You can’t help, but slightly laugh at that. “I just don’t know what to say to him. I feel like I have fucked up royally.”
Jake wipes his hands on your towel hanging on the oven handle. “Yeah well you have. But that doesn’t erase the year plus of friendship between you two. I know you love Sam. I know he loves you too, maybe a little too much. At the end of the day neither one of you are going anywhere. You might as well try and patch things up.”
Jake has a sour tone towards the end, but you know he’s being genuine.
“You’re right. I can see if he wants to meet up tomorrow before the flight?” You question.
“No need. We should all just go to dinner tonight. I need to apologize to Jessica as well. She has been blowing my phone up. I know you’re not her biggest fan, neither am I, but it was wrong for me to use her to make you jealous.”
You huff out at that name. If Jake can let it go, then so can you. “I suppose it’s damage control night then. Have you told your brothers that we are back together?”
“Nope. I haven’t talked to them other than to text them that I’m safe. I’m sure they think I’m out on a bender wallowing in self-pity about seeing you.”
You laugh at that. “Oh you’re not?” You say jokingly.
Jake smirks at you. “Shut up and come eat your french toast.”
You had texted Sam and asked him to dinner, but to invite everyone so you could say bye. You told him that you two could talk at the bar and grab drinks before dinner. You neglected to mention that Jake was coming with you. Josh had texted Jake inviting him to dinner, of course Jake agreed. You were nervous about tonight, but it made you happier that Jake would be there with you.
You had on a black long sleeve bodysuit that dips down a little, with light wash mom jeans with ripped knees. You put beach’s waves in your hair and did a full face as it was night, but also Jessica would be there, so. You wore taupe heeled boots with a gold necklace with your initial and chunky gold hoops. You put on your black and white plaid peacoat, spritzed perfume and you were ready. Jake wore his regular light washed jeans with his chelsea boots. He had on a halfway buttoned black shirt with a flannel jacket over it and his normal necklace.
Jake grabbed your purse for you. “You ready?”
You sigh a little. “Yeah let’s go.”
When you both arrived at the restaurant your confidence was waning. Jake held your hand and gave you an assuring squeeze sensing your hesitation. You had all decided on a casual pub that had decent food, a good bar, and old arcade games.
Jake opened the door for you and you both entered. Jake never let go of your hand. The place wasn’t super big, so you could see everyone and eyes were on you when you entered.
Sam was sitting at the bar. His eyes were on you and he looked incredibly solemn. He had a beer in his hand but paused on sipping when he saw you and Jake enter. Josh was sitting next to him, turned now to look at you two.
You swear you saw Josh’s lips say, “Well I guess we know where Jake was at.”
You flick your eyes over and Danny is at the pinball machine with Jessica. Her arms are crossed and she’s giving you a death stare. Jake kisses your cheek and sends you off to the bar while he heads for the pinball machine. You take a deep breath and smile as you approach Sam and Josh. Josh jumps up and pats Sam on the back before giving you a smile and walking to Danny, who has also been sent away. You take your coat off and sit it on the back of the chair before sitting down.
“Hi.” You say as you get situated.
Sam sighs a little. “Hi.”
“What are you drinki-“ you start but get cut off.
“So you and Jake are back together huh.” Sam says, a statement rather than a question.
You feel your heart sink for Sam. “Yes.”
Sam lets out a small laugh and takes a drink. “Damn. That’s a bummer. I guess when I didn’t see you two together at Daniel’s party, and Jake dragging Jessica around gave me hope. But none of us are dumb. We all knew why Jake decided to out of the blue invite Jessica to Atlanta.”
You bite your lip trying to find the best words to say.
“I still held out hope for us, all this time. I feel like a fucking idiot. I guess it just wasn’t in the cards for you and me.” Sam says, taking a sip of his beer and looking off at the distance.
“Sam” you start trying to take his hand but he pulls away.
“No. It’s okay. I’m not a child and you don’t owe me anything.” He says.
You huff. “Sam, please listen to me. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that I let this happen. I’m so fucking sorry if I have dragged you along or given you hope. I’m sorry.” You start to get choked up.
Sam looks like he might cry too. “Hey please don’t cry. You have nothing to apologize for. I’m sorry. I’m just as complacent in this. I should have told you how I felt sooner. This just sucks.”
“I know, but Sam I want you to know how much I love you. You mean so much to me and I don’t want to lose you in my life. You’re my best friend.” You say actually grabbing his hands this time.
Sam sniffles. “I love you too, and more than in the way that you’re inferring. I just want you to know that.”
You look up at him and give him a pity smile.
“But I also love my brother.” Sam clears his throat and continues. “And no matter how much it hurts, I want him to be happy. I want you to be happy. You’re my best friend. Although I can’t be in your life how I want to, I would rather be in your life as a friend than not in it at all.” Sam sniffles. “Plus you need me as a cornhole partner.”
You laugh at that and Sam wipes a tear from your cheek then wipes one from his own.
“Are we going to be okay?” You ask.
“Of course we are, it’s you and me sorority girl. Time heals all wounds- well that and alcohol.” He says raising his beer up to you.
You giggle at that. “I will drink to that. Hey bartender! Can I have what he’s having?”
The rest of the dinner had gone surprisingly well. Jessica left after Jake told her there was no chance he would ever leave you. She was livid, and called you a whore- Jake put her in her place quickly. Danny and Josh tried their best to pretend like everything was normal, but before long it started to feel normal. Drinks kept on flowing, you all shared appetizers, and played the arcade games until the place shut down. When it was time to leave you had given everyone hugs.
“I’ll call you soon?” You say to Sam mid hug.
“You better.” He smirks down at you.
You return to Jake’s side and he puts his arm around you.
“Yeah I’ll be back in Nashville in a week or so for the label meeting.” Jake says to them.
They wish you both well and you part ways. When you get back to your apartment you feel like a massive weight has been lifted from your chest. You and Jake both discussed the conversations you had tonight, and decided that the past was the past. You were ready for your future together. The night ended with you two in between the sheets. You didn’t fuck, you made love.
You laid awake that night while Jake softly snored next to you. You observed his beautiful features as his arm laid across your chest.
All you could think about was the tarot card you pulled on Halloween night. It didn’t matter the true meaning of it or what changed since you drew it. What mattered is that you interpreted how you wanted, how it fit in your life. That interpretation was Jake. It has always been Jake, since the first time you met him in that bar. The way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, the way he touched you. He captivated you in a way that no one else could. He was who you saw yourself being with forever, through sickness and health.
It has always been Jake.
And it always will be.
• wow can’t believe we made it to the end! Thank you so much for reading, your comments & feedback brighten my day. Make sure to stick around for the epilogue next week :)
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Meghan Markle's employer saved from Chapter 11
May 11, 2021 Paper Source Acquired by Elliott
Elliott investment supports Paper Source for a bright future of its own and in teaming with Barnes & Noble
CHICAGO & NEW YORK & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Elliott Investment Management L.P. (“Elliott”) announces today that funds it advises have entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the assets and business operations of Paper Source Inc.
The acquisition of Paper Source by Elliott allows the stationery and gift retailer to emerge from Chapter 11 with the support of a well-capitalized owner committed to the development and growth of the business. Following the Chapter 11 process, Paper Source will benefit from significantly less debt on its balance sheet. It will operate from approximately 130 stores across the US, from Papersource.com, as well as its wholesale division, Waste Not Paper by Paper Source.
Elliott is also the owner of Barnes & Noble, the leading bookseller in the US with bookstores in every state. The businesses are highly complementary, with shared product ranges and a common commitment to excellent customer service. While the businesses will continue to operate independently, considerable opportunities exist for mutually beneficial retail partnerships.
Barnes & Noble has enjoyed a strong performance since its acquisition by Elliott in September 2019, overcoming a number of pandemic-imposed challenges. Elliott now looks forward to the continued progress of both retailers. James Daunt, CEO of Barnes & Noble, will have oversight responsibilities for both companies.
James Daunt, CEO of Barnes & Noble said: “I look forward to working closely with everyone at Paper Source. This is a wonderful brand, with a unique culture and community. With Paper Source’s management team, we will support and accelerate the brand’s strategic growth initiatives. Alongside this, the opportunities for Paper Source to work with Barnes & Noble are tremendously exciting for both businesses.”
Winnie Park, CEO of Paper Source said: “All of us at Paper Source are delighted with Elliott’s investment in the brand and look forward to working with them, and with James and the team at Barnes & Noble. I am so grateful for the community who have supported Paper Source through both the pandemic and the Chapter 11 process – our amazing teams, our incredibly loyal customers, landlords, and our partner and vendor community.”
Paul Best, Portfolio Manager and Head of European Private Equity at Elliott said: “As the country’s leading specialty retailer of stationery, cards and gifts, we see tremendous future potential in Paper Source’s business. We look forward to working closely with the management team to position the brand for continued growth coming out of the pandemic.”
About Paper Source
Founded in 1983, Paper Source is a premier lifestyle brand that offers a curated selection of fine papers, gifts, crafts, party supplies, wrap, greeting cards and an exclusive collection of envelopes and cards. With a mission to inspire people to Do Something Creative Every Day, Paper Source offers a creative aesthetic with a unique color palette and proprietary designs that are hand-illustrated by an in-house art and design team, as well as over 1000 artists and makers around the world. Paper Source is an iconic brand with approximately 130 stores across the U.S., a direct-to-consumer eCommerce business, and a robust wholesale network. For more information, please visit www.papersource.com.
About Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble, Inc. is the largest retail bookseller in the United States, and a leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products. The Company has over 600 Barnes & Noble bookstores in 50 states, as well as the Nook Digital business and one of the Web’s premier e-commerce sites, BN.com. General information on Barnes & Noble, Inc. can be found on the Company's website at www.bn.com.
About Elliott
Elliott Investment Management L.P. manages more than $42 billion of assets. Its flagship fund, Elliott Associates, L.P., was founded in 1977, making it one of the oldest funds under continuous management. The Elliott funds' investors include pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, foundations, funds-of-funds, high net worth individuals and families, and employees of the firm. Elliott Advisors (UK) Limited is an affiliate of Elliott Investment Management L.P.
Media Contacts
Paper Source (Chicago)
Noreen Heron
Heron Agency
Elizabeth Owens
Paper Source
Barnes & Noble (New York)
Amelia Mulinder
Barnes & Noble
Elliott (London)
Sarah Rajani CFA
Elliott Advisors (UK) Limited
T: +44 (0)20 3009 1475
© 2024 Business Wire
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chenqing9 · 1 year
Another essay. Subject: Queerness in Yiddish Writing.
I just read a story by Isaac Bashevis Singer (1902-1991, Warsaw-New York City) with a Gay/Trans character. Singer is well-known for writing Yentl (1983) one of the most classic Jewish gender-bending tales, and has always been a wild card in many ways. But something about this undeniably queer story hits different and nothing in the world could make me feel better as a person who awkwardly bridges those worlds.
The story (called ‘Disguised’ in English) is a little questionable by today’s standards and what’s been written about it has not always been gentle. From a modern secular perspective it may be hard to understand the ways in which it’s radical. Some people have felt that it’s meant to be funny and is even homophobic. But I really, really don’t think so. Hear me out. If you want.
Singer was very aware of variations from gender and sexual norms within the societies he moved through. He lived much of his life in New York City but sets this story in a shtetl like the one he grew up in, where the characters follow a religious/cultural code and have very limited options outside of that (again, this is similar to Yentl.) After the main character (Temerl’s) husband Pinchosl vanishes without a trace, she goes in search of him either to determine what happened (if he died) or to ask for a divorce (yes, only the husband can grant a divorce, sigh…) When she does find Pinchosl, (he) has become the wife of a man in another town, (his) lover from the yeshiva (religious school.)
Here’s naturally where it gets interesting. Singer never changes Pinchosl’s pronouns, despite the fact that (he) lives full-time as a woman. I wonder if this were written now whether that would change and honestly I think it would which is why Pinchosl’s pronouns are female from here on entirely based on my opinion. To be honest, as Pinchosl couldn’t live as an openly gay man in this society, this may have been the only alternative for the two lovers. So here I go making assumptions on the work of a dead author. (I’m sorry Isaac if I misgender your character when you aren’t here to let us know your intentions.)
The author’s sympathetic treatment of the character is what gets me. Pinchosl admits to 1) Being in love with Elkonah since before their marriage but being unable to tell anyone, 2) Removing (herself) and Elkonah from their community based on Talmudic law, 3) Knowing that (she) risks both excommunication and death for living this lifestyle in this time and place, and finally 4) Believing that (she) and Elkonah are bound for Gehenna (the concept of Hell popularized in Eastern European Judaism. This really sucks to read honestly but becomes important I think- especially to readers in the communities he is writing to.)
I kind of live for Temerl and Pinchosl having tea:
“This was no longer the modest, bashful Pinchosl she remembered… (she) even joked and smiled - something (she) had never done in former times.” I mean…?
“They were sitting and drinking like two sisters.” …??! Love this?
Temerl gets the divorce papers and swears to Pinchosl never to tell the truth during her lifetime. It’s only on her deathbed that she can tell it, which is supposedly how we as the readers know the tale. And just as we’re thinking the story is over Singer does what he does best- throws us a line. Temerl is dying, and she opens her eyes, smiles, and says, “Perhaps I will meet this madman once again in Gehenna.” And I’m going to be 100%, that tore my heart out because what does she mean?? That… could be so many things. Acknowledgement of her own deviations? Solidarity? Or just irony?
All I know is I think about it now all the time.
All. The time.
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mysticalspiders · 2 years
Voyage of the Nautilus: The Nautilus
Contrived at the rear of the dining room, a double door opened, and I entered a room whose dimensions equaled the one I had just left.
It was a library.
Aronnax has one of those hidden door libraries!? This library really sounds beautiful though. Truly the dream. 
“Captain Nemo,” I told my host, who had just stretched out on a couch
I can’t decide if this is giving me ‘Dracula who just picked up the Bradshaw’s guide upside down” energy or ‘casually sits down in sensual manner in front of your infatuated marine biologist.”
You own 6,000 or 7,000 volumes here . . .”
“12,000, Professor Aronnax.
Aronnax having 12 libraries worth of books in his submarine ... 
This flirting via the most beautiful library you’ve ever seen really has ace energy.
all of humanity’s finest achievements in history, poetry, fiction, and science, from Homer to Victor Hugo, from Xenophon to Michelet, from Rabelais to Madame George Sand 
There I saw the complete works of Humboldt, the complete Arago, as well as works by Foucault, Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, Chasles, Milne-Edwards, Quatrefages, John Tyndall, Faraday, Berthelot, Father Secchi, Petermann, Commander Maury, Louis Agassiz, etc., plus the transactions of France’s Academy of Sciences, bulletins from the various geographical societies, etc., and in a prime location, those two volumes on the great ocean depths that had perhaps earned me this comparatively charitable welcome from Captain Nemo. Among the works of Joseph Bertrand, his book entitled The Founders of Astronomy ...
Someone needs to make a Captain Nemo reading list. 
It’s a kind of nicotine-rich seaweed that the ocean supplies me, albeit sparingly.
Most of Nemo’s ocean lifestyle is semi believable to me but for some reason I draw the line at nicotine-rich seaweed.
There I saw canvases of the highest value, the likes of which I had marveled at in private European collections and art exhibitions. 
Wait are we to believe that all these canvass are originals!? Damn I am also in a state of stunned amazement. 
They’re my last mementos of those shores that are now dead for me. 
Wait didn’t Nemo just say this about the books!? I feel like Nemo has more love for humanity than he says he does. 
There I saw a collection of incalculable value that I haven’t time to describe completely.
Spends the next extremely long paragraph describing it in immense detail. I would actually like to go through these lists of art and specimens and find pictures of all of them for some sort of Nemo museum and library moodboard.
But I confess that my curiosity is aroused to the limit by this Nautilus 
I followed Captain Nemo, who, via one of the doors cut into the lounge’s canted corners, led me back down the ship’s gangways.
It’s so interesting how the Nautilus really feels like a space ship the way I am imagining and the way that it is described. And that makes so much sense; the sea and space are both impenetrable depths in a way. For some reason I can’t get the Serenity from Firefly out of my head even though I know that the Nautilus is much more refined than that. 
“Your stateroom adjoins mine,” he told me, opening a door, “and mine leads into that lounge we’ve just left.”
Seriously this dynamic is so much gayer than I expected!? Like we we’re doing homoerotic readings of Dracula and Jonathan but this is like that times a thousand. 
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complaintreviews · 2 years
Supercars To Super Scammers, Dubai Has Everything To Offer
Supercars, mega-yachts, and the luxurious lifestyle of Downtown, Dubai has everything to offer. This attracted many wealthy individuals to Dubai. Streets full of fashionistas, exclusive luxury brand showrooms, and fine dining restaurants are always glamoured with tall, beautiful, and mesmerizing models wearing Gucci, Armani, Louis Vuitton, and Michael Kors high heels, wrist watches, and backless red and black dresses. Of course, Dubai is a luxury at its peak that attracts millions of visitors, business people, and wealthy individuals around the globe. This is what creates a haven for scammers and fraudsters who hide in these flashy night parties where wealthy individuals and businessmen come to devour some good time of their day.
Crypto and FOREX scammers, gangsters, fraudsters, and sometimes terrorists find a peaceful resort in these alluring streets of Dubai Downtown.
Two very clever and notorious individuals of the Adler family; Kerry Adler and Josh Adler land in Dubai with some ulterior motives of scamming businesses and investors in the Emirates. The same enticed Kerry and his son Josh.
Who is Kerry Adler?
According to Adler family shady company SkyPower Global, Since 2003, Kerry has served as SkyPower’s global President and Chief Executive Officer. As a visionary leader, Kerry Adler has been instrumental in building SkyPower into a major force in renewable energy, making it one of the most advanced and influential companies in the field.
We never found any evidence to support their claim of being an influential energy-producing firm in the world. As they claim they generate millions of megawatts of electricity but where it’s a mystery.
Who is Josh Adler?
“Josh Adler is a Visionary and leading business architect. Helped over 300 startups launch in 3 years, Founder of ConvrtX”, self-proclaimed on the matchmaker.fm website, a podcast company. It further says that Josh is the founder and CEO of ConvrtX, a venture ecosystem that is now one of the largest and most innovative startup ecosystems in the world. 
Isn’t it impressive?
Both Adlers; Kerry Adler and Josh Adler (who is a son of Kerry Adler) claim to be billionaires in their introduction which was published in the “19th Anniversary Ritossa Family Office Investment Summit“. This summit was organized by the Ritossa Family, headed by Sir Anthony Ritossa.
Who is Sir Anthony Ritossa?
Sir Anthony Ritossa, the head of the Ritossa Family, according to a Vanity Fair magazine article titled ‘Inside Wealth-Conference Con Man Anthony Ritossa’s Wild Web of Lies’ is “a self-styled knight and purported Nobel Prize nominee is actually a Wall Street washout, a deadbeat dad, and a con artist, repeatedly jailed by European authorities.”
The Role of Media and Press
Willingly or unwillingly media outlets publish unwetted stories of individuals with a history of scams, frauds, scandals, and whatnot. If media outlets do due diligence before publishing any content in their respective newspapers or news websites; the public can be saved from the venomous effects of these individuals. And then many scams and frauds can be prevented as well.
The Weekly Blitz newspaper came forward and exposed the shady business of SkyPower Global as well as the truth behind the billionaire story of Kerry Adler and Josh Adler. Blitz wrote, “We have reasons to believe, Joshua Adler alias Josh Adler is another grand scammer as Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the fraudulent crypto venture FTX. While Sam Bankman-Fried has cheated hundreds of thousands of innocent people through his fraudulent FTX and Alameda Research, most possibly Joshua Adler alias Josh Adler is cheating innocent investors from around the world as well as the Gulf countries through false claims. Authorities in the United Arab Emirates need to initiate an immediate investigation into the suspicious activities of Joshua Adler alias Josh Adler.”
On January 29, 2023, following the publication of an investigative report in the Weekly Blitz newspaper exposing Joshua Adler, alias Josh Adler, son of a notorious fraudster and terrorist Kerry Adler, the New York Weekly retracted their June 15, 2022 article titled “Josh Adler is a disruptive force in the realm of tech startups “. This came after the two Adler family members were found to have arrived in Dubai with plans to scam innocent businessmen and investors in the Emirates.
It has also been widely noticed that many dubious PR agencies find good business in promoting these scammers in the local media. Talking to a representative of a PR agency in Dubai: “This is a matter of great surprise that a globally known swindler Anthony Ritossa has also landed in the UAE and he has collected hundreds of thousands of Dirham by organizing a fraudulent event, where he charged AED 5,000 as entry fees and there were more than 300 people who bought tickets to attend that program. Anyone searching the internet would find full details about Anthony’s past record of fraud.”
He further said, “We are also a PR agency but we never take any suspicious or dubious individual as our client.”
Meanwhile, according to a tweet by Anthony Fenton, Kerry Adler, who has been exposed as engaging in terrorist activities has a financial relationship with Anthony Ritossa, while Adler is holding an important position in the Canada Arab Business Council and Canada-UAE Business Council.
It is a matter of great astonishment to know that a dangerous individual like Kerry Adler is holding important posts in two of the business councils in the UAE, which would create an opportunity for him to target and cheat Arabs.
It was reported in the EU Reporter that Kerry Adler has connections with a transnational drug trafficking racket operated by the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, Afghan drug lords, and Ukrainian mafias.
0 notes
Lipan Apache vs. Other Apache Groups Differences
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The Lipan Apache: Guardians of Tradition and Resilience
Imagine standing in the vast expanses of the Texas plains, the sun dipping low on the horizon, casting an amber glow over the rugged terrain. As the shadows stretch and the air cools, the whispers of ancient stories seem to echo through the wind, tales of a people who have thrived in this land for centuries. Among these stories are those of the Lipan Apache, a subgroup of the Apache peoples whose rich cultural heritage and unique traditions set them apart from their kin. But who are the Lipan Apache, and what makes their journey so compelling in the tapestry of Native American history?
A Legacy of Connection to the Land
The Lipan Apache's story begins long before the arrival of Europeans, in the arid landscapes of present-day Texas and northern Mexico. Unlike some of their Apache cousins, who gravitated toward more settled lifestyles, the Lipan embraced a nomadic way of life, relying on their profound understanding of the land. They moved with the seasons, following the rhythms of nature, hunting game and foraging for plants—a lifestyle that fostered not only survival but a deep spiritual connection to the earth.
In the words of a Lipan elder, “In seeking harmony with nature, we find strength.” This philosophy encapsulates the essence of the Lipan Apache, whose cultural practices and spiritual beliefs are intricately woven into the fabric of their environment. Each sunrise and sunset, each rustle of leaves, represents a chapter in their ongoing narrative, a testament to their resilience and adaptability.
Cultural Distinctions and Historical Context
While many Apache groups adapted to their environments in distinct ways, the Lipan Apache's history is marked by strategic alliances and innovative trade networks. As European contact began in the 16th century, they faced immense challenges, yet they thrived through their specialized skills and relationships with neighboring tribes. Historically, the Lipan formed alliances with both Spanish and Mexican governments, navigating the complexities of colonialism with a blend of diplomacy and resilience.
In stark contrast to the more settled Mescalero and Chihuahua Apache, the Lipan's nomadic lifestyle shaped their worldviews and community dynamics. Their culture is rich with stories that highlight moral values and survival strategies, passed down through generations in vibrant oral traditions. Storytelling serves as a bridge between the past and present, a means of preserving history while instilling the wisdom needed to navigate the future.
The Heart of the Lipan Apache: Spiritual Practices
At the core of Lipan Apache culture lies a profound respect for nature, viewed as a living entity deserving reverence. Their hunting and gathering practices are not merely survival strategies; they are spiritual acts that honor the earth and its gifts. This perspective contrasts strikingly with the ecological practices of other Apache groups, who have adapted to their unique environments in different ways.
The Lipan Apache's spiritual life is marked by ceremony, music, and dance, elements that invoke blessings and strengthen community bonds. Kinship networks are paramount, fostering strong familial ties that enhance communal resilience. These practices serve not only to celebrate life events but also to reinforce cultural identity amid the challenges of modernity.
An Apache Story: The Unity of Diversity
One powerful narrative that illustrates the tensions and potential for unity among Apache groups is the story of Biddy and Best-be-zhik. In this tale, Biddy advocates for the importance of mutual respect and understanding, emphasizing that while traditions may differ, the heart of the Apache experience is rooted in shared values. This story serves as a metaphor for a broader truth: embracing diversity can lead to stronger communal ties.
As Biddy navigates her relationship with Best-be-zhik, she embodies the delicate balance between honoring individual traditions and fostering communal harmony. This narrative resonates deeply within the Apache experience, reminding us that while cultures may diverge, the threads of respect and understanding can weave them together.
Unique Practices and Expert Insights
The Lipan Apache's distinctive practices extend beyond their spiritual beliefs. They have engaged in trade with neighboring tribes, contrasting with the more isolated trading methods of Western Apache groups. Their social structure often included matrilineal aspects, diverging from the patriarchal systems found in other tribes.
Experts like anthropologist Dr. David A. Roberts and historian Prof. Susan Takata emphasize the significance of recognizing these distinctions. Their research uncovers the layers of complexity within Apache culture, revealing how each tribe's unique historical and environmental context shapes its identity and practices.
Practical Applications for Cultural Preservation
Understanding the nuances between the Lipan Apache and other Apache groups is not merely an academic exercise; it has practical applications for education, cultural preservation, and community engagement. By integrating diverse Apache histories into educational curricula and promoting storytelling initiatives, communities can foster unity and respect for Indigenous cultures.
Technology plays a vital role in this endeavor, providing platforms to archive and share cultural narratives, thus broadening access to Apache heritage. Workshops, community gatherings, and educational programs can serve as conduits for the Lipan Apache to showcase their traditions, ensuring that their stories continue to resonate with future generations.
The Modern Relevance of Lipan Apache Traditions
In today's rapidly changing world, the Lipan Apache's adaptability and resilience offer valuable lessons for contemporary challenges. Their practices reflect deep environmental stewardship, emphasizing sustainable living and traditional ecological knowledge that can inform modern conservation efforts.
The art of storytelling remains a key tool for cultural preservation, providing a rich tapestry of experiences and wisdom that can guide future generations. Through community gatherings and shared narratives, the Lipan Apache reinforce their cultural identity, ensuring that their traditions thrive in the face of modernization.
Conclusion: Embracing Diversity Within Apache Culture
The exploration of the Lipan Apache in relation to other Apache groups reveals a rich diversity within the Apache culture itself. Each tribe possesses unique traditions shaped by their historical and environmental contexts, highlighting the importance of preserving these identities.
As we engage with and support Apache communities, we foster understanding and respect for their distinct cultural narratives. The Lipan Apache’s story invites us to honor the past, protect the present, and inspire the future. By embracing the unique characteristics of the Lipan Apache alongside the broader Apache narrative, we strengthen communal ties and promote a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity.
In a world that often seeks to homogenize experiences, let us remember the wisdom embedded within the stories of the Lipan Apache—a reminder that it is our differences that enrich the human experience, weaving a vibrant tapestry of culture, resilience, and hope.
About Black Hawk Visions
Black Hawk Visions preserves and shares timeless Apache wisdom through digital media. Inspired by Tahoma Whispering Wind, we offer eBooks, online courses, and newsletters that blend traditional knowledge with modern learning. Explore nature connection, survival skills, and inner growth at Black Hawk Visions.
AI Disclosure: AI was used for content ideation, spelling and grammar checks, and some modification of this article.
About Black Hawk Visions: We preserve and share timeless Apache wisdom through digital media. Explore nature connection, survival skills, and inner growth at Black Hawk Visions.
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evolvecolving · 2 months
Lesser-known European Digital Nomad Hotspots
In recent blog posts we have looked at various digital nomad hotspots around the globe. 
These are places in Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa that have gained a reputation and popularity amongst the digital nomad community. 
This time we will be looking at some of the lesser-known own or up-and-coming destinations in Europe that are slowly beginning to make waves. 
These destinations aren’t typically oversaturated yet. They should be a good bet for those who don’t want to follow the crowd but want to find a place to stay that suits their needs. 
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
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A historic city in Bulgaria, Plovdiv is gaining traction with the digital nomad community due to the low cost of living, fast internet speeds and great food on offer.
Many people have heard of Bansko, which has become the main Bulgarian digital nomad hotspot but Plovdiv is definitely a worthy contender.
Around two hours on the bus from Sofia, Plovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria. There are many beautiful parks situated throughout the city, and it is a very green place to stay.
The city has so many ancient Roman ruins including an amphitheatre If you are a fan of history then this is the place for you. 
Plovdiv is the oldest living city in Europe and dates back to somewhere near 4000 BC. It also has the longest shopping street in Europe. There are definitely many reasons why you should visit Plovdiv and it is a great place to spend time in.
It is a very hipster-friendly city and there are so many excellent food and entertainment options.
There are many coworking places to choose from, though there aren’t as many coliving places yet, but as it gains in popularity, we are sure this will change.
MouseHouse Coliving is attached to the Cat and Mouse Coworking space in the creative district of Kapana.
Niš, Serbia
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Places that hold Nomad Festivals tend to garner fans and this is one of the things that has helped to popularise Bansko as a destination.
Nis will be holding its first Nomad Festival from 9th-12th August 2024 and is set to benefit from the influx of international remote workers.
Nis is a tiny and very walkable city that is a creativity hub in Serbia. It has its own science and technology park that can be hired out for events.
The city is already popular with creatives and digital marketers from Serbia, but now it is being given a larger stage for the international digital nomad community. 
The climate in Nis is very warm in the Summer months, sometimes climbing over 30 C, which is not surprising due to its location in the Balkans. It can still reach highs of 19 in October.
Serbia isn’t part of Schengen or the European Union, which means it is perfect for nomads who need to leave the Schengen area for a while. 
There are coworking spaces aplenty in Nis, including at Think Innovation, Deli Space and The Hood Community Hub.
There are no coworking locations at present but there are very affordable hotel and apartment options that can be found online. 
Tirana, Albania
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The capital city of Albania, Tirana is located in the heart of the country and sits between several mountains.
The Mediterranean climate means that it has a temperate climate for most of the year, though it gets quite cold in the winter.
Tirana encompasses both the old and the new, and this combination of ancient and modern is a captivating experience. It is a modern city in so many ways, with many young people embracing the opportunities that technology presents to them.
Yet, the architecture harks back to another time and is heavily influenced by the Ottomans.
There is a thriving creative scene in Tirana and Albania more generally and it is easy to see why this beautiful location is gaining in popularity with those who can live a location-independent lifestyle.
There are many cafes that allow remote working and there are 5-10 coworking locations that can be used for a reasonable fee. 
In terms of Coliving, Nomad Island offers a beautiful 1920s villa that is centrally located and has been designed to allow for a comfortable experience for digital nomads.
They have a large focus on community building, in the same way that Evolve Coliving has in Malta, and have several different room options depending on preference and budget.
Kotor, Montenegro
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Situated on the Adriatic Coast, Kotor offers digital nomads the chance to ensconce themselves in a location that has all the amenities they need while being small enough to get to know local people.
At just 13,000 people, Kotor is a friendly and intimate base for exploring this beautiful country. 
Kotor is a place to spend some time relaxing and slowing life right down. Appreciating this beautiful place to the maximum for its stunning scenery and chilled-out way of life is a must.
There are many cafes, bars and restaurants to work from, though there aren’t any coworking spaces to date. 
The digital nomad community here is quite small for now but it is somewhere that will almost certainly gain in popularity.
Montenegro, like Serbia, is outside both the EU and Schengen, which makes it an ideal place to spend your 90 days outside Europe if you have hit your limit.
The internet in Kotor is both reliable and fast and the cuisine on offer is an eclectic mix of different European and Balkan dishes.
There aren’t any coliving spaces, but accommodation is very reasonably priced and the incredible location more than makes up for the relatively small digital nomad community at present.
Tarifa, Spain
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Located only 14km from Africa and opening onto the Strait of Gibraltar, Tarifa is a paradise for those who love nature.
There are whales, dolphins and sealife galore, just off the coastline of this small seaside town.
Tarifa has ancient walls and an old Arab fortress, which showcases its rich history as a place where civilisations and continents met each other, in trade and in war.
Home to white sandy beaches, clear blue waters and high winds, Tarifa is a paradise for those who enjoy wind or kite surfing. 
Though not as temperate as the climate in some other Spanish locations, due to its location and the crosswinds, Tarifa is nonetheless an excellent destination.
It recently played host to Nomadbase Live, which saw hundreds of digital nomads descend on the town. 
There are several decent coworking options in Tarifa, including TAF Coworking Tarifa and Tarifa Garage.
There is a Coliving hostel called La Cocotera, and this appears to be an excellent option, given the different rooms and price points available. 
Original Source: https://evolvecoliving.io/blog/lesser-known-european-digital-nomad-hotspots/
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arjaysingh · 5 months
MBBS full form in medical is Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery. MBBS course is a 5.5-year UG degree awarded to students who have completed the necessary medical curriculum and training. The MBBS courses equip students with the foundational knowledge and skills required to become medical doctors. During the MBBS course, students receive practical training in clinical settings, where they learn how to diagnose, treat, and manage patients under the supervision of experienced physicians and surgeons. The MBBS course curriculum spans nine semesters, followed by a compulsory six-month internship period. After obtaining the MBBS course with NEET UG, candidates will be qualified as medical practitioners or doctors.
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Quality Education
Romanian medical universities adhere to European standards, offering rigorous academic training and modern infrastructure. The curriculum is designed to provide a holistic understanding of medical sciences, preparing students for a successful career in healthcare.
Global Recognition
Degrees obtained from accredited Romanian medical universities are recognized worldwide, facilitating career opportunities both within and outside the European Union. Graduates of Romanian MBBS programs are eligible to pursue further studies or practice medicine in various countries, enhancing their professional mobility.
Compared to other European countries and popular study destinations for medical education, Romania offers relatively affordable tuition fees and living expenses. This makes it an attractive option for students seeking quality education at a reasonable cost
Cultural Diversity
Studying MBBS in Romania provides students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse cultural environment. Interacting with peers from different backgrounds fosters cross-cultural understanding and enriches the overall learning experience.
Clinical Exposure
Romanian medical universities emphasise practical clinical training, providing students with hands-on experience in hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities. This exposure enables students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-life scenarios, enhancing their clinical skills and competence.
Language Barrier
While some Romanian medical universities offer MBBS in Abroad programs in English, proficiency in the Romanian language is often required for effective communication with patients and healthcare professionals. Non-Romanian speaking students may face challenges in adapting to the language and may require additional language support.
Admission Requirements
Admission to Romanian medical universities is competitive, with stringent entrance exams and eligibility criteria. Prospective students must demonstrate academic excellence, undergo entrance examinations, and fulfill specific requirements, including language proficiency tests.
Cultural Adjustment
Moving to a new country entails cultural adjustment and integration, which can be challenging for some students. Adapting to a new cultural environment, social norms, and educational practices may require time and effort, impacting the initial transition period.
Financial Considerations
While studying MBBS in Romania may be more affordable compared to other countries, international students still need to consider tuition fees, living expenses, accommodation, and other miscellaneous costs. Financial planning and budgeting are essential to ensure a comfortable and sustainable lifestyle during the course of study.
Legal and Administrative Procedures
International students are required to fulfil various legal and administrative procedures, including visa applications, residence permits, and healthcare registrations. Navigating through bureaucratic processes and adhering to regulatory requirements can be time-consuming and complex.
Studying MBBS in Romania offers a unique opportunity for students to receive quality medical education in a vibrant and culturally rich environment. While the journey presents numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth, it is essential for prospective students to be mindful of the challenges and complexities involved. By understanding and addressing these opportunities and challenges effectively, students can embark on a fulfilling educational journey and prepare themselves for a successful career in medicine.
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canadian-car-shipping · 6 months
Get Behind The Wheel: Exploring The Thrilling World Of Import Cars In The US
Buckle up and get ready to rev your engines as we dive into the exhilarating world of import cars in the US! From sleek European luxury vehicles to agile Japanese sports cars, imported automobiles have captured the hearts of car enthusiasts nationwide. Join us on a thrilling journey as we explore the history, benefits, maintenance tips, and where to find these coveted imports. So grab your keys, and let's hit the road to discover why Import Cars Us  are more than just modes of transportation—they're a lifestyle statement!
History of Import Cars in the US
The history of imported cars in the US is a tale of innovation, style, and cultural influence. It all began after World War II when American soldiers returned home with a newfound appreciation for European sports cars like the iconic MGs and Jaguars.
As international trade expanded, so did the variety of imported vehicles available to American consumers. The 1960s saw an influx of Japanese imports such as Datsun (now Nissan) and Toyota, quickly gaining popularity for their reliability and fuel efficiency.
In the following decades, German luxury brands like BMW and Mercedes-Benz made their mark on US soil, appealing to drivers seeking performance coupled with sophistication. Today, imported cars from around the globe continue to shape the American automotive landscape, and cutting-edge technology and design aesthetics set them apart from domestic models.
Popular Brands And Models Of Import Cars
When importing cars in the US, many famous brands and models have captured enthusiasts' hearts. Brands like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and Subaru are known for their reliability and performance. The Toyota Camry and Honda Accord are top choices for those seeking a dependable sedan with excellent fuel efficiency.
For those craving luxury and prestige, European brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Porsche offer a range of sophisticated options. The BMW 3 Series and Mercedes-Benz C-Class are iconic choices for luxury sedan lovers.
If speed is your game, look only as far as Japanese imports, such as the Nissan GT-R or Subaru WRX STI. These high-performance machines deliver exhilarating driving experiences on both the track and the road.
For compact versatility without compromising style, models like the Mazda CX-5 or Honda CR-V offer practicality and sleek design elements. No matter your preference or budget, there's an import car to suit your needs and desires.
The Benefits of Owning an Import Car
Owning an imported car in the US has numerous benefits that make these vehicles stand out. Import cars often boast innovative technology, sleek designs, and superior performance compared to domestic models. A foreign-made car can elevate your driving experience with advanced features and handling.
Import cars retain their value better over time, making them a wise investment for reselling or trade-in later. Additionally, many imported brands offer unique customization options, allowing owners to personalize their vehicles to suit their preferences and style.
Furthermore, owning an imported car opens up a world of opportunity for experiencing different cultures through automotive design and engineering. Whether you prefer German precision, Japanese reliability, or Italian flair - there is an import car out there that perfectly suits your taste and lifestyle.
Maintenance And Repairs For Import Cars
When owning an imported car in the US, maintenance and repairs are crucial in keeping your vehicle running smoothly. Import cars are known for their performance and reliability but still require regular upkeep to maintain their top-notch condition.
Finding a skilled mechanic specializing in import cars is essential to ensure your vehicle receives the proper care it needs. These professionals are trained to work on specific brands and models, ensuring that maintenance or repair issues are addressed correctly.
Regular servicing, such as oil changes, brake checks, and tire rotations, is vital for the longevity of your imported car. Following the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule will help prevent costly repairs.
Access to genuine parts for your imported car is crucial in case of unexpected issues or malfunctions. Genuine parts guarantee optimal performance and compatibility with your vehicle, giving you peace of mind while driving.
By staying proactive with maintenance and repairs for your imported car, you can enjoy all the benefits of owning a high-quality vehicle without worrying about unexpected breakdowns or issues affecting its performance.
Where To Find Imported Cars In The US
When it comes to finding imported cars in the US, there are several avenues you can explore. One option is to visit specialized import car dealerships that focus on bringing unique and high-quality foreign vehicles to the American market. These dealers often have a wide selection of popular brands and models from countries like Japan, Germany, Italy, and more.
Another way to find imported cars is through online platforms and auctions. Websites dedicated to importing vehicles allow you to browse through a diverse range of options from all over the world. You can also consider attending car shows and expos that feature imported vehicles, where you can get up close and personal with different makes and models.
If you're looking for a specific imported car that's harder to find in traditional channels, networking within enthusiast communities or forums could be beneficial. Connecting with fellow import car enthusiasts might lead you to hidden gems or exclusive deals on sought-after imports.
The Future Of Import Cars In The US Market
As we look ahead to the future of imported cars in the US market, it's clear that they will continue to play a significant role in shaping the automotive industry. With advancements in technology and a growing demand for more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles, imported cars are likely to remain popular among American consumers.
Manufacturers are constantly innovating and introducing new models with cutting-edge features, making imported cars even more appealing. As electric and hybrid options become increasingly prevalent, import car brands are at the forefront of these developments.
Furthermore, as globalization continues to connect markets around the world, we can expect a wider variety of imported vehicles to enter the US market. This diversity will provide consumers with an extensive selection of high-quality cars from different regions.
Import cars have undoubtedly made a lasting impression on American roads and are poised to maintain their position as sought-after vehicles for years to come. Whether you're drawn to European luxury brands or Japanese reliability, there's no shortage of exciting options available when it comes to exploring the thrilling world of imported cars in the US.
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kpedm360 · 7 months
Navigating the Journey of Adopting European Doberman Puppies
Embarking on the journey of adopting European Doberman puppies is an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it requires careful consideration and preparation to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your new furry friend. In this article, we provide valuable tips and insights to help you navigate the adoption process and find the perfect European Doberman puppy to join your family.
When beginning your search for European Doberman puppies for sale, start by researching reputable breeders who adhere to responsible breeding practices. Look for breeders who prioritize health screenings, genetic testing, and proper socialization for their puppies. Avoid purchasing from puppy mills or backyard breeders, as they may prioritize profit over the welfare of the dogs.
Once you've identified potential breeders, take the time to visit their facilities and meet the puppies in person. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the environment, the behavior of the puppies, and the interaction between the puppies and their mother. A reputable breeder will be transparent about their breeding program and provide you with information about the health history of the puppies' parents.
When evaluating European Doberman puppies for adoption, consider factors such as temperament, personality, and energy level. Look for puppies that are curious, outgoing, and friendly, as these traits are indicative of a well-socialized and confident puppy. Additionally, consider how the puppy's personality aligns with your lifestyle and preferences to ensure a good match.
Before finalizing the adoption, ask the breeder for information about the puppy's health history, vaccinations, and any health guarantees provided. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the adoption process, including any required paperwork, fees, and timelines.
By following these tips and taking the time to research and prepare, you can navigate the journey of adopting a European Doberman puppy with confidence and peace of mind. With proper care, training, and love, your new European Doberman puppy will become a cherished member of your family, bringing joy and companionship into your life for years to come.
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