#we both went flying that time but my horse got up much faster
sharkpupsblog · 1 year
😨 Lost Horse! 🐎 PART 2 Deliveries.
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A Sabine x GN! Reader fanfic!
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Hi guys omg 😭😭😭 this was supposed to have been out yesterday but I took a nap and woke up way too late and didn’t do any editing 😭💔 I finished editing today though!!! Very late but still finished! 🙏🙏🙏😎😎😎 I wrote a lot again for this part 😔 trying to write as much as my silly brain wants to but also putting some restrictions on myself so I don’t get burnt out again 😭 I love writing so I have to be real careful 😔😔💔💔 anyways ty guys for ur patience! Enjoy! :D
Summary: You and Khaan make a delivery and he sees someone he recognizes.
Warnings: Foul language and an animal acting aggressively.
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You groaned as you felt your blanket be taken from you. It was 6 in the morning you were in bed trying to sleep. It was way too early to get up, and it was a Saturday you really wanted more time in bed. “Come on!” You heard your dad whisper yell “we have a lot to do today and the earlier we do it the faster we get it done.” Your dad was always up early, and he always made you get up early too. What did druids do that required them to get up so darn early? To make getting you up easier your father opened your window. Outside your window waited Khaan, and once your father opened it he put his head through. Your horse was already up before your father and he was ready to go. He was used to being up early due to the schedule the Dark Riders had. The Friesian felt around trying to find you. He couldn’t see due to his forelock covering his eyes. When he found you he sniffed you, nipping at your shirt trying to get you to get up. When you didn’t move Khaan grabbed a mouthful of your shirt, and he pulled you up. Being taken out of bed roughly completely woke you up. You went wide eyed “okay! Okay! I’m up!” You gasped when Khaan let go of your shirt, and you face-planted onto your pillow. Your father pat Khaan thanking him for waking you up. Two months had passed since you found him. His wounds healed, and you managed to keep his eyes a secret from everyone. The rangers never found his owner, and they stopped their search after a month had passed. You kept looking for a few weeks after the search was called off. You looked all around Jorvik for Khaan’s owner, but you never found anyone so Khaan belonged to you now. You didn’t know much about riding, but you slowly learned with Khaan. “Farah has some deliveries she needs help with” you sat up as your father spoke “I told her you would help her.” You now understood why your father woke you up so early “she’s awake and waiting for you now.” The man walked out of your room, and as he walked he said “get dressed and come grab breakfast.” You shook your head trying to shake off any leftover sleepiness. Khaan neighed backing away from your window. He was going to finish the rest of his breakfast before you both got to work.
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“Alright our first delivery is in… Starshine ranch” Starshine was about 10 or so minutes away from Valedale. You tightened Khaan’s girth, and then you lowered the stirrups. You had to buy a new saddle and pad, but you got to keep the bridle Khaan had when you found him. The bridle had minor cuts it was easily fixed by Farah. You were really happy when she told you it could be fixed. The design on the bridle was really cool, and you really wanted to keep it. You were glad you were able to, because now you rode with a cool gold and black, snake design bridle. Khaan let out a snort watching you get his fly mask. The mask didn’t allow anyone to see Khaan’s eyes, but it allowed him to see. “Ready?” You asked the Friesian. He responded with a whinny. Khaan stood still as you put the mask on him. Once the mask was on, you walked to his side checking the girth again before mounting. The Friesian was tall so getting on was sometimes a bit of a challenge. Today was thankfully easy for you. You clicked your tongue, and Khaan began walking. You rode through Valedale in a walk. When you were out of Valedale and in Hollow Woods you asked Khaan for a gallop. Galloping wasn’t super fun for you. Khaan ran very fast and the possibility of falling at this speed kept you on edge. Fear didn’t allow you to enjoy the ride. You only rode this fast for work though. The speed was great for deliveries which is why Farah continued to ask for you. You wondered if maybe Khaan was a race horse before you found him. He must have won a lot of races if he was. As he galloped through the woods you checked the list of deliveries you had for today. You had one for Starshine which you were going to now, one for Silverglade, and one for your dad. Your dad ordered incense which you dropped off first because you couldn't stand the smell and because you were already in Valedale. Your dad could stink up the house with the incense while you were gone. The scent he always ordered wasn’t your favorite. It was really strong it burned your nose. You tried to convince him to buy another scent like vanilla or lavender, but he always stuck with the same stinky one. Khaan neighed, and you looked up from your list seeing that you were near Firgrove now. Birds flew by and sunlight passed through gaps in leaves as you passed the trees. You felt like you were having a movie moment. A magical movie moment on a magical red-eyed horse. Maybe you already were in a movie without knowing. You could definitely write a book about your adventures with Khaan. You would make it fiction of course so no one would go crazy over your red-eyed horse. You and Khaan got to Starshine Ranch in 8 minutes. You were really early for the delivery. As you rode into the ranch you spoke to Khaan “we’re really early… I hope Josh is awake.” Josh was the guy you had to deliver the stuff to. “Maybe he’ll pay me more for being quick” Khaan huffed throwing his head back. You smiled patting his shoulder “sorry!” You began to correct yourself “maybe he’ll pay me more for how quick you were.” Khaan neighed again it was nice to receive credit where it was due “I’ll buy you as many fruit cups as you want for-.“ You paused when you saw that the person you were supposed to deliver to wasn’t in the spot he said he would be in. Shit… Now what? Should you just leave it on the floor and go? Or should you wait? You couldn’t wait you had to make the next delivery. You got off Khaan, and you looked around “hello?” You walked around the ranch with Khaan following close behind you. “Anyone awake?” You weren’t being very loud since you didn’t want to disturb anyone. “I have a delivery for this place!” You frowned when it looked like no one was going to answer your calls. You continued looking around the ranch. You had real bad luck with deliveries. First with the flyers Rowan had you make and now with this. While you looked around you spotted a house, its lights were on. You walked over to the home, and Khaan lowered his head sniffing the grass around it. You walked up the steps of the home going straight for the door.
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You gently knocked on it “hello? Is josh in there? I have a delivery for him!” The house was quiet for a few seconds and then you heard messy footsteps come your way. It sounded like whoever was inside was hopping on a pogo stick. The door opened and a red haired girl with an odd marking on her cheek and a boot in hand which you hoped wasn’t for throwing at you smiled at you “how can I help you?” She looked like she had just woken up. You quickly apologized “I’m so sorry for waking you” you felt bad. She definitely had all right to throw that boot at you for being annoying and waking her up. “Is Josh here? I have a delivery for him.” The girl balanced on one foot putting her boot on the other while she talked to you “he must be asleep right now but I’m his friend I can take it for him.” You smiled and thanked the girl for accepting the delivery. You were really glad you didn’t have to stay and wait for Josh. “I’ll get it its in my saddlebag” You walked down the steps of the home and to your horse. The Friesian was busy eating the grass around the home while you talked. When you came up to him he looked up wanting to see who was coming. In the blink of an eye everything went to shit. Khaan suddenly became aggressive. His aggression wasn’t directed towards you but to the girl who answered the door. He stormed past you knocking you down. You fell on your side gasping as pain rushed through one side of your body. Khaan rushed to the door of the home destroying the steps leading to it as he stomped his way to the girl. The girl quickly reacted, and she shut the door. Instead of slamming into her Khaan slammed into the door of her home. You quickly stood up horrified by how Khaan was acting. Your side was killing you, but you couldn’t stop to rest. You had to stop Khaan before he hurt himself or the girl. The Friesian continued to angrily slam against the door as you ran over to him. Who was the girl on the other side of the door? Why did Khaan react this way upon seeing her? You ran up what was left of the steps of the home, and you reached out for Khaan’s bridle. Your horse let out an angry neigh as you led him away from the door. You guided him down the ruined steps holding his reins tightly, so he wouldn’t rush to the door again. “I’m so sorry!” You yelled so the girl could hear you over Khaan’s angry neighing. “I will pay for the damages I am really, really sorry!” You were definitely going broke after this. The girl cracked open the door staring at you with wide eyes. “It’s fine!” She yelled back at you trying to push the fear in her voice back, so she could speak with a friendly tone. You were relieved that she didn’t want to kill you. At least it seemed like she didn’t want to. Khaan bucked, and he began trying to snap at the girl over your head. “The delivery is free! Please tell Josh not to worry about paying!” You managed to get it from your saddlebag before Khaan knocked you down. You also managed to keep it safe from the fall and from your angry horse. You set the delivery down on the ruined steps of the home. “Once again I am so, so sorry about Khaan!” The girl’s eyes got wider when you said the Friesian’s name. “I’ll come back later with my father to pay for the damages!” You hoped the girl would trust you enough to let you go. She just nodded not having anything to say to you. You quickly got on Khaan thanking Aideen when he listened to what you asked of him. He galloped out of the ranch throwing his head back and neighing loudly. As Khaan angrily galloped you sat in your saddle in shock. What the hell happened back there?! And how were you going to pay for it?
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The girl stood outside her home on her porch. She was looking at the destruction caused by the Friesian. She stood with her jaw open and her eyes wide. The steps of her home were completely ruined. Her door was barely hanging onto its hinges. A white horse with a blue mane rushed to her. She could see him from the corner of her eye. The horse spoke to her in a hushed voice “Lisa? What happened?” The girl looked to her horse trying to get rid of her look of shock. “A horse did this…” she narrowed her eyes “Khaan did this.” How did you have Khaan? Who were you? “Khaan?” The horse spoke his ears going back. “Sabine was here?” Lisa answered the question with a shake of her head “it was… It was Farah’s delivery person?” Lisa was extremely confused she needed answers. She turned looking inside her home seeing her father on the phone. The man was just as shaken up as she was. Lisa looked to her back pocket seeing her phone poking out “I need to call the others.”
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laxyaklovesloz · 3 months
The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage 2: Dark Mirror | Chapter Thirteen: A Race
Lila ate her breakfast in the dining hall. She was tired of being in her small room all the time. Admittedly, she didn’t spend much time in there anyway, but it was too much. The dining hall was much better.
She still got looks and praise wherever she went. She figured all of the attention would eventually die down. At least, she hoped it did. She wasn’t used to receiving accolades from everyone around her. All growing up, she had been like a pariah, someone looked down on. It was because she grew up among the Gerudo, where everyone else was stronger than her, a Hylian. Now, she was looked to as the strong one.
Link joined her while she was still eating. Zelda wasn’t with him. A couple of servants standing at the ready were the only others in the room.
“Are you here to take my sword?” Lila accused.
Link held up a hand. “No, no. Not this time. I actually want to make a peace offering. How would you like to meet my Loftwing?”
“Your what?”
“Loftwing. It’s a rare bird large enough to fly on. Zelda mentioned that she told you about the ocarina. Loftwings come from a time long ago.”
Lila glanced at the servants but could read no reaction. She was worried that Link was too loose with his words. Out loud, she said, “Yeah, I guess that sounds like fun. Maybe we can race. You on your Loftwing and me on a horse.”
“Great idea!” Link said.
He waited for her to finish eating and then they went to the stables together. Lila picked out a horse and guided him to Hyrule Field. In the field, Link pulled out a whistle and blew. Then they waited until a large, bright red bird landed next to him.
“This is Crimson,” Link said, stroking the bird’s head and beak. “He has been my faithful companion throughout my journey.”
“He’s beautiful,” Lila said in awe. Her horse brayed as though feeling left out. “You’re beautiful, too,” Lila said.
“Shall we get going?” Link asked.
Lila nodded. “Let’s see what you’ve got!” She mounted her horse and waited for Link to do the same. Once he did, she pointed out Lon Lon Ranch. “We’ll race to the ranch,” she said. “Ready?”
“Go!” Link shouted and took off.
Lila spurred her horse forward. “Hey, that’s cheating!”
All she could hear was Link’s laughter fading away as he climbed into the sky. She concentrated on riding as fast as she could. He swooped down and glided next to her, taunting.
“Looks like I’m going to win,” he goaded.
Lila pushed her horse, willing him to go faster, but it just wasn’t enough. Link landed his Loftwing easily while Lila skidded to a stop. He was the clear winner. Both riders were panting fiercely when they dismounted.
Lila stomped over to Link and got in his face. “You cheated by starting early!”
Link laughed and backed away. “I didn’t need to cheat. I was way ahead of you.”
Lila had no real response to that, but she was still angry. “Why you–”
She heard a scream and all of her anger evaporated.
“Someone’s in trouble,” she said, looking around.
“Yeah, so?” Link said, frowning.
“We have to help them!” Lila ran off to the entrance of the ranch. Link shrugged and followed her. The Loftwing flew off, and the horse ran away in fear.
Within the ranch gates, the ranch keeper and his daughter were cowering from deformed black figures. The figures had big, flat heads, and walked on two legs. They had two arms and a number of whip-like tendrils sprouting from their heads. There were nine of the creatures.
“Help me defeat those things,” Lila said to Link and then rushed to attack the nearest one. Link grunted in acceptance and attacked another one. As soon as they were within range of the monsters, a translucent fence fell out of the sky to trap them. Lila didn’t care. She wasn’t planning to leave until they were gone.
Because there were so many creatures, Lila tried to lure them all close to one spot. It wasn’t hard. Five of them had their attention on her. The other four were surrounding Link. Once she deemed her five were in a tight enough circle, she raised her sword to the sky. Her sword glowed with blue light, and she spun on her toes, hitting each monster. They fell to the ground and didn’t get back up. She checked one to make sure it wouldn’t fight anymore and then went to help Link.
He was holding his own, but since he didn’t have the Master Sword, he couldn’t use the spin attack like Lila. She slashed at one of the monsters, drawing it away from the others and Link. After that one was defeated, she drew a second one away. Then only two remained.
“Wait!” Link warned. “You can’t leave one still standing or it’ll awaken the others!”
“Trust me!”
“We’ll kill them together, then,” Lila said. She squared up beside Link, ready for the final kill.
“Together. One, two, three!” Link said.
On three, the two of them attacked the remaining monsters, both of which fell at the same time. With the battle over, the monsters burst into black squares. The squares rose into the air and into a portal that Lila hadn’t noticed before. Then the fence also disappeared.
“What were those?” Lila wondered, looking at the portal. It shrunk until it also vanished.
“Shadow Beasts,” Link answered. “But it doesn’t make sense.”
“What doesn’t make sense?”
Before Link could answer, the ranch keeper and his daughter came up to them with smiles on their faces.
“Thank you!” said the ranch keeper.
“You saved us!” said the daughter.
Link looked uncomfortable, but Lila said, “It’s all in a day’s work. I’m used to fighting monsters.”
“Wow,” the daughter said.
Then they heard clapping from near the barn. They turned around to see a tall Gerudo woman with green skin walking toward them. Her two-toned hair was pulled up into pigtails to emphasize the red and blue portions. Something about her gold eyes made Lila’s skin crawl.
“Rova, what are you doing here?” Link asked. Lila saw that he stiffened, but didn’t seem ready to attack. So he knew the mysterious person. Things seemed tense between them, but she obviously wasn’t an enemy.
“Those monsters chase me here,” Rova answered, drawing near. “Thank goodness you arrived when you did.”
“So, those monsters weren’t your doing?” Link asked.
“Good heavens, no,” Rova responded. “I don’t know how they got into this realm.”
“Excuse me,” Lila said, “can someone tell me what those monsters were?”
“They were from the Twilight Realm,” Rova explained.
Link added, “Which was supposed to be sealed off.”
“What’s the Twilight Realm?” Lila asked.
“Long story,” Link said.
“Yes, it is,” Rova said dramatically. “I’ve had such a hard day. Maybe we can go someplace to get a bite to eat.”
“You can eat with us,” offered the ranch keeper.
“No, no,” said Rova. “Let’s go to Castle Town. Link, lead the way.”
Link shared a look with Lila and shrugged. Then he did as he was told.
“Thank you for the offer, but we really do need to go,” Lila said before following Link and Rova. The ranch keeper tipped his hat as she hurried away.
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tearlessrain · 2 years
oh my god I just failed a perfectly successful stagecoach robbery because “Sean got injured.”
Sean got injured because as we were getting on our horses to split up and leave with the money, he wheeled around and slammed his little standardbred headfirst into my shire and went flying.
which is not out of character honestly but come on.
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opie-nixx · 2 years
Camp Interactions (Filler CHAP.)
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Javier: "Y/n!" He pulls back the reigns on his horse coming to a skidding halt, whipping his head to see your horse tripped over a branch sending you flying into dirt, rolling to a stop. The law hot on your tail, Javier goes to turn around. Pushing yourself up and glancing between the law who was inching closer and Javier hauling ass to you. You wave him off.
Y/n: "Get the hell out of here!" Javier immediately stops.
Javier: "Amor, I'll come back to get you!" He says taking off back to camp.
Javier: "Arthur's gonna kill me.." He mumbles to himself.
Lawman: "Well, look who got left behind." He says dismounting his horse as his 2 other deputies keep there guns on me. I push myself off the ground and put my hands up.
Lawman: "You're such a pretty thing to be robbin."
Y/n: "Yeah yeah. Let's just go." The Sheriff was a middle aged man, not to bad to look at. I didn't throw too much of a fuss since I knew Arthur or someone in the gang would come for me, The Lawman tied my hands behind my back and helped me up on the back of his horse, his 2 deputies keeping a gun on me the whole ride back into Strawberry. Once we arrive the Sheriff dismounts and holds his hands out for me to slide in. I roll my eyes as I let him help me down, he keeps a grim on my arm as he leads me into the Jailhouse and in a cell. The door slamming closed and the lock clicking resonates in my head as I groan.
'God damn horse!' I pinch the bridge of my nose and sit on the bed and wait for time to go by.
Arthur: "What do you mean things went south!?" He stands up taking a few threatening steps towards Javier who had nothing but fear in his eyes.
Javier: "The plan was fine we had the money, but some person saw us and reported us, and then we had a good distance between us and the law and then for some reason her horse tripped." He throws his hands up in fear as Charles comes into earshot.
Arthur: "So you left her!?"
Javier: "I was going to go back for her, but she wouldn't let me! I tried, but the law caught up to her faster than I could get to her."
Charles: "What?"
Arthur: "Javier let Y/n get arrested." He grumbles as he paces around. Charles goes to grab his sawed off and bandanna.
Charles: "Let's go."
Javier: "I'll come with."
Arthur: "The hell you are. Stay here, wouldn't want to fall off my horse and you to leave me behind." He mocks grabbing his hat and following Charles. Javier sighs and throws his hands up before going to his tent.
Once I hear the door click I immediately perk up. 1 of the deputies went home for the night and the Sheriff went to assist with a house call. Leaving me with a deputy all alone. I lean against the cell bars.
Y/n: "You're pretty handsome."
Deputy: "Shut up."
Y/n: "Aww why?"
Deputy: "I ain't interested in whatever you're trying to do."
Y/n: "No?" I ask with a small pout, my hands untying the lace to my corset, catching the deputies attention.
Y/n: "Come here." I say alluringly, my hands groping my breasts, the deputy swallows thickly before standing up, glancing between the blinds then back to me. He cautiously walks over to me. 
Y/n: "How are we supposed to do anything through a cell?" I giggle. The deputy unhooks the keys that were on his gunbelt and fiddles with them before finding the right 1 for the lock. I swallow thickly as my heart beats harder into my chest, freedom inching closer from some horny deputy. Once I saw the door swing open, I waste no time inching my face closer to his as he goes to grope my breasts. I quickly take his hand and twist it behind his back, pulling his hair back and slamming into the cell bars.
I go to the office desk and grab my revolver from the drawer. That's when I see the door get kicked open and Arthur and Charles walk in with guns pointing around the jailhouse. I leaned over the desk my cleavage in much more display than usual. They glance towards the deputy and then towards me.
Y/n: "You both are so cute." I acknowledge earning a blush from Arthur and poor Charles coughing as he tries to look away.
Arthur: "Did you-?" His voice sounded like it was gonna crack.
Y/n: "Oh god no. Only you, love. I just needed to get him close so I can get out." I say fixing my cleavage and tightening the string. Charles looking away and clearing his throat.
Arthur: "We should really go."
Charles: "Where's the Sheriff?"
Y/n: "House call." I say as I fast walk over to the deputy and grab his navy revolver.
Arthur: "Let's go woman!" I quickly run through the door, pushing past them.
Y/n: "Where's my horse?"
Arthur: "Shit!"
Y/n: "You forgot my horse!?"
Charles: "This isn't the time to be arguing!" He whisper shouts.
Arthur: "Just get on mine!"
??: "Hey!" 
Y/n and Arthur: "Shit!" I quickly throw my foot in Arthur's saddle stirrups and climb on as Arthur mounts behind me. He keeps a hand on my waist as I nudge his horse to kick off into a gallop and Charles close behind us.
Charles, Arthur, Javier, Uncle, Bill and I are gathered around the campfire, eating the unflavored stew Pearson prepared. I sat in between Arthur and Charles mostly because I feel the most comfortable. 
Javier: "God, my boot is more tender than this."
Charles: "Yeah, 1 of your boots would." He comments earning a small chuckle from all of us, causing Reverend to stir. He shoots up from his bed roll and leans over to the side to puke.
Y/n: "Nasty." I scoff, taking a few bites of the stew.
Bill: "If you're wondering what that unholy smell is, Reverend. I am responsible." He laughs to himself, some of us shaking our heads.
Reverend: "I thought it was some animal, and I was right." He slurs, I begin to snort and choke on the stew before breaking out in laughter, Charles and Arthur both patting my back.
(Back in Clemen's Point.)
Arthur: "You're such a good girl, taking me all in like that." He whispers seductively, his low voice sending my mind through hoops as he grips my thigh with 1 hand and rubs circles on my clit with his free hand. Him gently thrusting into me while I'm propped up on his end table and a bandana tied around my mouth, to keep me from moaning too loudly since everyone was sleeping, my bare breasts bouncing with every thrust. I move my legs so they rest on both sides of his hips, my head lolls back from all the pleasure. I feel his hand grip my neck, giving it a squeeze to grab my attention.
Arthur: "Be a good girl and keep lookin at me."
Y/n: "Mmph." My breath becoming labored from how much my pussy was beginning to convulse. My eye's starting to roll back no matter how much I tried to fight it. His eyes filled with nothing but lust and admiration as his mouth was adorned with a cocky grin. That knot coming back, I grip his shirt to pull him close. He picks up his pace, leaning closer; towering over me, his hands gripping my hips as a warm clear liquid oozes out of my pussy coating his dick. That doesn't stop him, his voice giving me praise as he begins to roughly pound into me...
Bill: "Morgan, you ever get that pom-!" Bill says opening the tent flap and stepping in not paying attention or even waiting for a response. So, he's greeted with Arthur mid thrust almost balls deep, a bandana around my mouth, bare breasted and my pussy almost in full display. He begins to stutter as he stares in shock.
Arthur: "Get the HELL out of here, Bill!" He shouts, throwing the book I've been reading at Bill who scurries out of the tent, his face as red as a tomato. 
Javier and I were sitting at a table mostly in silence as I read and he fiddled with his knife, when Bill in his drunken antics decides to approach us.
Bill: "Hey Greaser, whatchu doing?" Javier and I snap out of what we were doing and exchange looks before looking to Bill.
Javier: "Excuse me?"
Bill: "I said, whatchu doing Greaser?" He enunciates in a drunken manner. Javier stands up and grab's Bill arm forcing him to his knees as he holds a knife up to his throat. I close the book and watch the interaction.
Javier: "I'm just playing with my knife..Sheep Fucker."
Javier: "Just playing with my knife." He puts the knife away and helps Bill up before pushing him away.
Javier: "Get outta here you drunken fool." Bill glances between both of us before walking off.
Javier: "Sorry."
Y/n: "You're fine, Javier."
Charles purchased a book on plants and there benefits for me instead of reading the silly romance all the time. So I was leaned over the back of the Medical wagon with a mortar and pestle grinding together some plants trying to make a numbing agent for cuts. I sent him to grab something from Arthur and I's tent. On his way back over to me I head Micah say something to him. I stand up straight and look over to Charles who's whole face contorted to something angry.
Micah: "Hey Redskin, fetch me something to eat."
Charles: "Excuse me?" He pauses, Micah stands from the table he was sitting at.
Micah: "I said, Fetch me somethin to eat." Taking a few steps to Charles and shoving his shoulder. Charles grabs the collars of his shirt and throws him into the ground. Micah dares not to move.
Charles: "Eat that." He threatens pointing at Micah before making his way back to me.
Micah: "You wanna watch that temper of yours, boy." I begin to stomp over to Micah's direction, but get stopped once Charles picks me up by my waist and drags me back to the wagon.
Y/n: "I'm going to kick your ass, Micah!" I thrash around.
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
You Can Rest Now
Levi Ackerman Oneshot
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Summary: People often wonder why Levi’s so cold. For a man that’s lost everything, it’s not so hard to see
Pairings: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Warnings: Ansgt, gore, death
Authors Note: I got this idea suddenly and decided to break my heart
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there was speculation. there was always speculation, but none more about levi ackerman.
the short man had a notorious reputation. he was cruel, nonchalant and just generally didn’t seem to care.
he was different. cold. so cold in fact, that death didn’t even seem to faze him. he could watch someone die and be fine the next minute.
but was he? it seemed so.
all the recruits admired his bravery and strength, but they feared his attitude.
what had made him so cold, exactly? so...closed up? who or what had turned his heart into stone, causing him to shut out the world around him so easily?
how did he do it?
why did he do it?
what had caused him to snap?
it was simple, really. levi had made a mistake. long ago, when he was foolish enough to still believe in love and happiness in this retched world. long ago before he realized that love made you weak, he make the mistake of loving someone in this cruel, cruel, world.
flashback —
“shit! y/n, they’re gaining on us!”
after three years in the survey corps, you could safely say that those words were anything but a good sign. scratch that, those words were the worst thing to hear out in the field. an omen of death, if you will, but you tried not to think about that as you furrowed your eyebrows and gripped your horse’s reigns tightly.
“how close?” you made the mistake of asking your comrade. a lump grew in your throat as you guys trekked across empty land. no trees, no buildings, absolutely nowhere to even think about using your 3dmg gear.
“i...,” he was at a loss of words. neither of you dared to look back, so he had to go off of the thumping footsteps that were getting closer and closer. “i reckon in the next minute or so they’ll be...”
“got it,” you pursed your lips together, not wanting him to finish that sentence. you knew what was coming. you both did. the very ground beneath you shook due to the titan’s footsteps. the monsters that you had been battling your whole damn life. “you ready to kick some ass, then?”
“always.” his voice was weak, his hands trembling as he reached for his swords. but his spirit had not yet been broken. neither had yours.
the footsteps were getting closer.
“i say we stay in rank but finish this thing off. then we’ll speed up and catch the others in case some more come,” you told him
anxiety pooled in your stomach as you thought about the rest of the soldiers. wrong place, wrong time, you knew that. but you couldn’t help it — your mind flashed images of him and you couldn’t help but feel scared for him, wondering if he had made it back to the wall safe or if he was still stuck on the ground, like you.
levi was a much better fighter than you. he was fast, efficient, and a valuable fighter. humanity needed him, and he had to be kept safe to fight another day.
that was the only reason you guys had been split up. he was on the special forces team, you weren’t. a damn good soldier you were but you were needed on the outer side of the formation, you were needed to protect levi.
after two years, he still hated the idea of you risking your life to protect him. he had fought tooth and nail with you and just about everybody else to keep you safe, to keep you next to him at all times. but commander erwin wouldn’t allow it. he couldn’t, levi was needed to save humanity. you weren’t.
you guys had had this argument time and time again. and time after time, you had reassured him that you would make it back. that he would always find your tired but yet still smiling face waiting for him on top of the walls.
why should this time be any different?
“let’s move!”
before you could even think, you had a ten meter titan lunging at you causing you to yelp and yank your horse out of the way. the beast whined in terror, it’s fear possibly rivaling your own. unfortunately though, that didn’t cause it to go any faster. you were gonna be forced to take it down yourself — you wouldn’t be able to outrun it all the way back to the wall.
“y/n!” your comrade yelled as you were swiped at again. this time though, you stood up on your horse and launched yourself at the titan, your gear lodging itself in it’s shoulders.
“keep moving! i’ll take care of this!” you yelled out to him.
letting out an angry cry, you whipped around the creature at astonishing speeds and aimed straight at the back of it’s neck.
a routine kill, that’s all this was.
fire danced behind your eyes while the creature moaned and swatted it’s hands at you. 36, that was your number of solo kills. and soon, it was 37.
“take that you fat bastard,” you yelled and sliced it right in the weak spot, never missing a beat as you carved up the flesh. blood splattered everywhere from the fatal wound and steamed as it got on your face and clothes. the titan went limp, and soon you propelled yourself back to the ground and back on your horse.
“well, looks like petra and me are tied. can’t wait to tell her,” you grinned as you carried on riding, your partner sighing in relief.
“you really are one of the best, you know that? you totally just saved our asses,” he grinned back at you.
“yeah, and you’d do well not to forget it,” you chuckled. “next time there’s cake, i want-”
there was a scream, and then there was a sudden pressure as an abnormal came leaping out of nowhere and hit you dead on.
you didn’t have time to react. you barely even had time to scream before everything went to shit, your horse flying away from you and you — oh god. your comrade screamed as you flew through the air, and appeared again only as you were clutched in the titan’s mouth.
“w-what?” you couldn’t move. your vision was blurry from the hit but what you could feel was it’s breath. blindingly hot, and rancid. you had a first row seat as you hung from the monster’s jaws, everything from your waist and below clutched tightly in it’s teeth.
“y/n, no!” the strangled cry of your fellow comrade was all too familiar. it was a helpless cry, one you had heard many times from many different people. it was a cry of death, a cry of sorrow if you will. it was the type of sound people made when they were face to face with death.
“son of bitch,” you moaned as you lifted your head up, your (e/c) eyes meeting the bright blue ones of the titan. “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
of all the ways to die, of all the times and situations, this just had to be it. with your luck, you were gonna be split in half by the ugliest goddamn titan you had ever seen.
“fuck me.”
dread pooled in your stomach.
as you stared down your killer, as you stared down death itself, only one thought crossed your mind.
“c-comrade,” you glared as the titan opened it’s mouth to devour you. “g-get out of here! you don’t need to see this!”
“y/n no! i’m coming!” he desperately clung to his gear, standing on his horse and preparing to take down the monster that was gonna kill his teammate. he couldn’t let that happen. he wouldn’t.
but you weren’t gonna let him die either. not whilst you were still alive.
“comrade! i said go! i’m the leader of this team so that’s an order!” you screamed at the solider causing him to freeze in place.
“no,” he whispered, watching as the monster’s jaws came down.
it was as if it were in slow motion. the universe dragging it out just so he could witness every detail. the moment you screamed profanities at the titan, promising that you’d see it in hell one day. the moment you ripped off your cape, letting one last piece of you remain on this earth. the moment you screamed for levi, yelling one last time how much you loved him.
the moment the titan’s jaws finally came down, cutting you in half.
everything stood still after that. time stopped completely, and your comrade couldn’t even scream, couldn’t even cry out for you as your eyes finally fluttered closed and your body went limp.
you were gone.
levi paced anxiously as he stood on top of wall maria. he had his hands behind his back, but his eyes were on full alert, searching the terrain in front of him for any signs of life.
for any signs of you.
levi didn’t understand. it had been well past an hour, and everyone had made it back except for your squad.
it wasn’t even a squad, really. just two people — so how could two people possibly be taking this long?
“captain, you should calm down. i’m sure y/n is gonna be fine,” petra placed a gentle hand on his shoulder but it did nothing to sooth levi.
“if they were fine they’d be back by now,” he snapped, his eyes darkening.
he didn’t want to admit it but levi was starting to lose hope. being gone for this long usually only meant one thing — but he refused to think about that. he refused to even let the thought cross his mind, shoving it so far back it was practically non existent. levi couldn’t think like that. he wouldn’t.
because it was no question whether you were okay or not. you had to be, there were no other options. no other scenarios other than you coming back alive and safe.
levi strained his ears as he heard hooves in the distance. he perked up.
it was the sound of a horse, most definitely. in fact, it was the sound of two horses, and in the distance he could see them galloping towards the wall, a titan right behind them and the lone rider.
levi’s heart swelled with hope.
he was breathless as he ran towards the edge of the wall, igorning his fellow soldiers protests. extracting his swords, he quickly cascaded down the wall towards the person, hoping beyond hope that it was you.
commander erwin held out a hand to stop anyone from following him.
“don’t,” he warned, seeing how levi’s squad was gearing up. “this one’s for him.”
levi had never felt more eager in his life to escape into titan territory. quickly, he flew towards the rider and practically tackled them as he reached them.
“y/n, you—”
levi stopped dead in his tracks. confused, he tilted his head as he saw the grief-stricken face of your partner, but not you. in fact, you were nowhere in sight as the titan’s footsteps got louder.
“soldier, you had someone with you, yes? where is y/n?” levi demanded, completely ignoring the haunted and agonized expression of the solider.
“c-captain...i...,” how did he get the words out? how did your comrade look his captain in the eyes and tell him that you were gone — lost to the titan on a simple mission.
“well? we don’t have all pissant. spit it out,” levi snapped, becoming irritated at the lack of response.
where were you? if you hadn’t come back with your partner, then where the hell where you?
the soilder’s mouth moved but levi barely heard anything he said.
perhaps it was because he wasn’t standing close enough. or perhaps the titan’s thunderous footsteps drowned it out. or perhaps...it was because levi heard something he didn’t want to hear.
“dead?” levi tilted his head as if it were a foreign word. as if he had never heard the word before, when in reality it was probably the most used word in his vocabulary. “what do you mean y/n is...dead?”
the pieces didn’t fit. the word ‘dead’ and ‘you’ were apart of two completely different puzzles; they didn’t fit together. it was too wrong, too confusing for levi’s brain to pick up.
“t-they’re gone, sir,” the solider spit out painfully, letting out a wail. “w-we were on flat ground...the titan came out of nowhere...the abnormal...”
“shut up,” levi held his hand up as the pieces began to mold themselves. slowly, they transformed to fit each other.
“i-i’m sorry sir,” the soldier stammered, “t-they’re gone. they left this behind...but their body—”
“I SAID SHUT UP!” levi growled as anger began to flow through him, his fists twitching. the solider flinched back as levi’s death glare settled on him, burning holes through his skull.
“where do you get off on this? HUH?” levi yelled as he grabbed the man roughly, yanking him off of is horse. the beast whined in fear as the titan approached, but levi ignored it. instead, he focused on the red spots in his vision, pushing away the pain. pushing away the imagery that followed the solider’s words. all that was left of you was a cape...
“i’ll have you executed for this you bastard! you lying piece of shit—”
“CAPTAIN LEVI!” levi’s attention was diverted as commander erwin yelled out his name. briefly, he turned his attention to the wall where his fellow comrades and commander stood, horrified, “YOU HAVE A SITUATION!”
levi tore his gaze away from erwin and glanced over his shoulder. fast approaching was the titan that had followed the solider to the wall. an abnormal by the looks of it, with blood splattered all over it’s mouth.
levi felt his heart stop.
in the moment, it suddenly became real. he glanced at the solider’s terrified face, the cape in his arms that had your initials printed on it, and then back at the titan.
everything hit him at once.
and levi snapped.
he retracted his blades, squared his shoulders, and then zoomed off to battle the titan that that had murdered you. the love of his life.
levi saw red as an animalistic scream left him, his entire vision clouded with crimson as he made his target and slashed. levi slashed until there was nothing more to slash, the titan long dead and already dissolving by the time he was done.
“CAPTAIN! soldier, you need to restrain him and get back over the wall, NOW!” commander erwin shouted.
more titan’s were approaching. too many people were standing by the walls. too much prey.
but levi didn’t care. he was angry, hurt, and beyond the levels of revenge. his blades were stained with the blood of your murderer. he wouldn’t be able to rest if he didn’t end them all, right then and there.
levi ignored the solider’s plea and stood his ground, hatred burning behind his eyes. he’d kill them, he’d kill every last one of them for what they did to you. his life be damned.
in that moment, it didn’t matter that humanity needed him.
he needed to avenge you.
levi braced himself for the attack. he was running on pure hatred now.
he was dangerous when he was calm. but he was unstoppable when he was deadset on getting revenge for the one person he had left to care about.
“holy shit—”
“no way—”
“did he just?—”
all around levi was blood. crimson red soaked him to the bone, pouring over every inch of his body. it rained on him, like a sadistic waterfall carved out by levi’s sword.
but it wasn’t his.
none of it, not a single drop of the blood was his.
levi sheathed his now broken swords and leaned down to retrieve the only thing not soaked with titan blood. the only thing that wasn’t stained or reminded him of their treacherous, godforsaken existence.
“i did it,” he whispered, clutching your cape tightly. he held the fabric in his trembling hands, holding it over his heart as a way to hold you close— one last time.
“i killed that thing. you can rest now.”
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Into The Unknown, Part 1
... I have no self-control do not perceive me
Marinette stared at the pile of bright red, yellow, and green clothes on the ground. It was all she’d done in the five-ish minutes since she’d portaled onto the scene. Just… stared.
It wasn’t like there was much else to do, anyways. Red Robin was currently beating the absolute fuck out of the person that had the audacity to disintegrate his brother right in front of him. It wasn’t like she could even fix it because the witch had been out cold before she had been able to pull Red Robin off to get a hit in so she could use her lucky charm.
So, she stared.
It was weird. She could almost feel a person inside the clothes but… maybe that was the residue or the ashes or whatever gets left behind when you zap a person out of existence? She didn’t really want to check, to be honest. Gross.
Eventually, though, she hesitantly leaned down and brushed her hand over it, trying to find the energy and get rid of it because it was really uncomfortable --.
… oh hell no that pile of clothes did not just fucking giggle at her.
She narrowed her eyes and carefully lifted up the bottom of the shirt, only to yelp and fall back. She scrabbled on the gross Gotham alley ground until her back hit Red Robin’s arm and he was forced to pause or risk hitting a meta (which would not have been good for his health).
“What?” He hissed.
She swallowed thickly. “That’s a child.”
“... what?” Red asked, all the anger bleeding from his tone in his confusion.
“We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby,” she whispered… then, it sunk in more. “We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby.”
He straightened on top of the thing that was really more bloody pulp than person at this point. “What do you mean ‘we let Batman’s kid turn into a baby’?”
But she didn’t really get a chance to answer because the baby chose that exact moment to be sick of being suffocated under all the armor and pushed it off.
Red Robin gulped. Because, yep, that was Robin as a baby. Batman was going to kill them.
Except he wasn’t going to kill them. Because Batman doesn't kill. No, Batman would find something even worse and that would suck.
The baby -- Robin? Should she still call him that mentally? -- giggled at their pain. Like an asshole.
They were so fucked.
He’d let B’s favorite kid get turned into a baby. Was there a way to get unadopted? Because if there was it was totally going to happen. Or maybe his dad would just cut him off because he was 19 now and could just get kicked out.
No. Nope! Not going to happen. No. He could fix this.
“Okay. Okay okay okay. We need a plan,” he heard himself saying.
Ladybug scoffed. “We? I was barely even here, this is on you.”
“Leave me alone to deal with this and I swear to god I will tell B that you did it.”
She paled. “You wouldn’t. No way.”
“Yes way. So, help me think of something.”
The baby giggled and started crawling over and both of them averted their eyes because, unfortunately, the child did not get baby clothes to go with his random transformation. Baby Damian didn't seem to care as he reached them and started climbing on Ladybug since she was closest. At least it wasn’t him. He did not want to see his adoptive brother’s… ew.
Ladybug made a gagging sound and then quickly summoned a lucky charm. She kept her face turned away as much as her neck would physically allow as she fumbled her way through swaddling the child in a polka-dotted blanket.
And then her shoulders slumped a little. “Great. Great. This is… great,” she muttered, picking up the bundle o’ baby.
He let himself look down now that it was safe.
“Alright, we need to go to another dimension where time moves faster,” Ladybug said after a few seconds. “And then we wait for him to age… fifteen-ish years. Best way to not make Batman notice.”
“... what about us? We also age.”
“Huh…? Oh. Right. You’re human.” She pulled off the glasses she was wearing and blinked a few times before handing it over. “Congrats on your upgrade. The tiny horse god is named Kaalki. She likes cake.”
“The tiny --?” He let out the world’s manliest screech as his eyes landed on the floating bug horse hybrid thing holy shit no no no no no the sci fi movies didn’t prepare him for this shit.
Kaalki looked a little offended but then her eyes landed on the baby and she gasped. “Aw, baby humans are always so cute.”
“Great, Kaalki, you take it,” said Ladybug.
Kaalki did try, to her credit. It just so happened that the approximately one-year-old baby was a lot bigger than the… whatever she was. Tim was refusing to believe that this was a god. Too many implications. He already had something to have a breakdown over, he didn’t need another thing right now, thank you very much.
Tim rested his head in his hands but he had more things to worry about than the blood that he was accidentally streaking through his hair.
“Okay. Okay. We can go to another dimension and try and raise him. Maybe we can make it have a ratio of one month here for every year there so any differences could be blamed on that.”
“Ya!” Said baby Damian. He probably didn’t actually know what was going on but he sure seemed excited so that was cool.
Ladybug sighed and nodded. “Great. You get food and money and clothes and I’ll take this lady to the cops… and I guess I’ll watch the kid until you get back because your dad cannot know.”
They shook on it.
This may be the dumbest idea that she’d ever had, and that was saying something. She didn’t know if she could trust Red Robin on this one, they hardly ever worked together. What if he just left her alone with this kid and let her try and figure this out on her own?
No. He wouldn’t do that. He was the last person known to be with Robin. Robin going missing would be bad for him, too. And, besides, she was pretty sure that he was a duty-driven person based on what she’d heard, she just had to hope that he saw this as his duty, too.
She turned the baby in her arms to get more comfortable as she waited for him to (hopefully) come back.
Part of her wanted to try and find someone from this world to reverse this but she didn’t know any outside of her, Adrien, Alix, and (now) Red Robin. Not on a personal level. Not enough that she knew for sure that they wouldn’t blab to Batman about it.
So, no, this is what she was doing.
But she had things to do. So, she pulled out her yoyo-phone-hybrid-thingy and wedged it against her ear.
“Chaton,” she said the moment he picked up. “You’re alone, right?”
“Uh… yeah?”
“Great. I, Ladybug, relinquish the Miracle Box and name Chat Noir the new guardian.”
“WHAT --?!” He didn’t get to finish as a box dropped on his lap and knocked the wind out of him.
“Just for, like, a year and a half. Sorry. Bye!”
She hung up and closed the yoyo, hooking it back to her belt and ignoring it when it started buzzing again.
She looked down at Robin, who was squinting up at her. She returned the squint. Why was this baby so quiet? She didn’t get it. Surely, he should have been crying at this point.
“Do you still… remember things?” She asked, hoping against all hope that maybe he had retained his memories at the very least.
Robin smiled at her, but it was the blank-eyed baby smile that meant he wasn’t really understanding her. She bit down a curse.
Great. So, she’d not only gotten a baby but she’d gotten a fucking weird one. Great.
Tim left a note for his family saying that he, Damian, and Ladybug were bored and were going dimension hopping. His family would probably be suspicious but, hey, at least it wouldn’t be his problem for a good fifteen years on his end.
And, yeah, he knew this was probably one of his dumber plans but… it wasn’t the dumbest. And he was always one to commit when it came down to it. One time he had faked being shot and dealt with crutches for an entire year just to convince Vicki Vale that he wasn’t Red Robin. He had no fears that he couldn’t see this through.
Ladybug, though? A total mystery. She did nearly everything on a whim as far as he knew. She hopped from city to city fighting crime for absolutely no reason outside of boredom and made up all of her plans on the fly. No, he was a bit concerned about her ability to keep doing it.
So, he went as quickly as he possibly could. There was no rhyme or reason to what he was grabbing. He was just… putting stuff in there. There was money and three watches to help them move between dimensions, yes, but there was also a fanta orange and a copy of Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy and exactly seven pairs of socks.
… yeah, he had the necessities. Probably.
He nearly got out the door before he realized he was still in his crime-fighting gear and he quickly shucked it all off and tossed it into the tub so the blood wouldn’t track any more than it already had. He did not need to avoid Batman’s wrath only to end up on the receiving end of Alfred’s.
He pulled on the first hoodie and jeans he could grab and looked around to make sure he hadn’t left anything of importance.
Okay. Now he was ready to go.
Marinette was awkwardly bouncing the baby when Red Robin finally showed up.
… not that she would have recognized him if she hadn’t felt Kaalki hovering in his pocket. In her eyes, he was just a random white guy wearing shades in the middle of the night.
She glanced up at him and gave him an awkward smile.
He smiled back and held out two watches. Neither fit baby Robin so she prepared herself to choke out a literal baby holy fuck what even was her life.
“Which dimension should we go to?”
“Preferably one without miraculi,” Marinette said. “I don’t want to know what happens if there’s two of the same god in a dimension.”
He nodded slowly. “Probably best if Batman doesn’t exist, either, he’d probably notice my existence.”
“... so… no heroes at all?”
“Looks like we’re going cold turkey,” Red Robin said in a tone that was probably supposed to be joking but just came out flat.
She pushed herself to her feet and waited as he scrolled through the millions of dimensions.
Finally, he came upon one and she added the coordinates to her and Robin’s watches.
She readied Robin’s watch against his neck and tried to ignore the kid’s sudden squirminess.
“3… 2… 1…”
They were gone in a whirl of blue light.
@nathleigh @peachmuses
164 notes · View notes
luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Miss Americana (Part 3)
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Summary: The reader recovers from her second dose of Compound V and explores her stronger abilities with Dean. But the events of a fun night out might give Miss Americana and Soldier Boy an unlikely ally...
Pairing: Soldier Boy!Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,900ish
Warnings: language, implied past torture/assault/killings
A/N: Enjoy this final part! This contains very minor spoilers for The Boys...
“Let me hide this stuff and I’ll be back in five, okay?” he asked. You nodded, Dean cupping your cheek before he was gone. It was barely a minute before he was returning, wearing sweats and a henley, a box under his arm. “Brownies from the bakery down the block.”
“I thought you liked pie.”
“I do. But you like brownies,” he said. “Something to look forward to after you spend the night shaking and sweating.”
“Lovely,” you said. He sat down beside you, urging you to lean into him. He tucked a blanket over your legs, watching the fire crackle. “I don’t think I mind if you’re a monster.”
“I can be pretty horrible.”
“You’re not horrible to me. You’ve never been that way. Even if your first instinct was to try to manipulate me you decided not to.”
“I hate most people. Think they’re worthless. Only care about myself.”
“So? I told you when we met...I’m the nice bad guy. I frankly don’t give a fuck anymore about being the pushover, the one that gets hurt. I just want to never be afraid again.”
“We never have to be afraid after tonight. Never,” he said. “You’ll be stronger than Homelander. Stronger than me. You’ll be safe.”
“For a bad guy, you were awfully nice giving me that dose with no strings attached.”
“There’s no strings,” he said. He stroked your arm when you shivered. 
“Partners?” you asked. He leaned down, kissing you more gently than he ever had. No need behind it.
“I like partners,” he said. He was warm as you started to feel cool, Dean drawing shapes on your bare skin. “I had a little brother.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“He got sick right after I shipped out. Died the morning I got my first dose of Compound V. Only reason I volunteered for the shot. They said volunteers got special benefits. I wanted my brother to get to a good hospital and proper care and he was already dead by the time I got my shot. Then uh, then some of us started dying cause they didn’t know dosages or shit. I thought at least Sam’s gonna be okay. Then I spent three days wishing it would kill me so I could be with him instead of having been away for the last year of his life. But I didn’t die. I was the only one. Then they gave me more and...I guess I enjoyed becoming the super soldier over grieving. Then it goes to your head and changes you and...Sammy wouldn’t even recognize me now. At least I know I’m not going to the same place he wound up so he won’t have to see.”
“What was that like, being honest just now,” you asked, goosebumps covering your skin. You bundled into him more, Dean pulling up the blanket.
“I miss Sammy. I haven’t thought about him in years. I hope the kid’s happy wherever he is.”
“Maybe you’ll see him again someday,” you said. You shook, sweat forming all over you, muscles aching. You turned, unable to get comfortable. “How long does this last?”
“About six hours. Then I passed out and when I woke up it was over.”
“Awesome.” You gripped the blanket tight, Dean massaging your tense shoulders. “Tell me more about Sammy. Please.”
“He absolutely hated being called Samuel,” said Dean with a chuckle. “So naturally I did it all the time when we were kids.”
“Keep going,” you said, stomach churning briefly. “Distract me.”
“Let me tell you about the time we jumped off the shed roof.”
You were in sweaty clothes when you woke, lifting your head off Dean’s chest to find him passed out and snoring lightly. You sat up, shaking out your head. Something was different. You stood, deciding to test out flying first. You yelped when you nearly hit the ceiling, freezing and plopping straight down onto the couch and Dean.
He groaned awake, peeling open his eyes to find you hovering above him.
“Sweetheart I’m all for a little rough in the bedroom but not a full body tackle awake,” he said. You moved to the side, the motion second nature quickly but it required much less effort than before. You looked around, nothing in the room heavy enough to test your strength. Dean sat up, smirking as he looked at you. “Wanna arm wrestle?”
“Yes!” you said, Dean chuckling, groggily taking a seat at the counter. You stood on the other side of the island, Dean clasping your hand.
“Let’s go,” he said. You squeezed, Dean keeping up with you for a good few seconds before he started to go down fast. You heard the counter creek and then it was breaking, Dean backing up. 
“Uh,” you said. 
“Don’t worry about it. What do you expect when you got supes in the place? But you, you’re stronger. Stronger than me,” he said. “How do you feel?”
“Good. Very good. I um, I’d like to go fly. I think I might be faster.”
“Go for it. I’ll call someone to get this fixed. Just be careful. Try not to fly into any planes.”
“I’ll do my best, Soldier Boy.”
“Again?” asked Dean that night. You flew up high and smiled, Dean letting go of you, free falling a few seconds before you dove down and caught him. He giggled and you flew higher, Dean jumping off. You could heard him laughing and went down, something hitting you on the way. You threw a punch and arms released you, Dean holding on tight when you finally caught up with him. You both looked up and glared, a cape and pair of red eyes looking down. “You do realize the fall won’t kill me.”
“Probably not. But it’d be fun to try,” said Homelander. He floated down to your level, your arm tight around Dean’s waist. “Oh relax. I won’t touch your boy toy again.”
“I thought I said to stay the fuck away from us,” you growled.
“I just thought you’d like to know that Soldier Boy’s internal file will be released to the major news outlets tomorrow. Did you know-”
You grabbed his neck with your free hand, squeezing hard, Homelander pawing at your wrist.
“Any good reasons why I shouldn’t kill him?” you asked Dean.
“None come to mind,” said Dean, Homelander’s eyes red but fading as he choked for air.
“Feel free to speak up,” you said, gripping his neck even tighter. 
“Stop,” said a voice, the three of you turning towards a small drone hovering close by. “Let him go.”
“He tried to kill Soldier Boy,” you said, holding on tight. You didn’t even see the drone shoot out the darts, the three of you hit. You instantly dropped Homelander, flying down to the roof of Vought as soon as you could, Dean out cold already and you quickly joining him.
You woke up on the couch in Edgar’s office, no sign of Dean or Homelander. Everything felt off still as you sat up, Mr. Edgar suddenly sitting on the edge of the coffee table.
“Are you alright?”
“No,” you groaned, stretching out. “What the hell was that?”
“If you’re going to act like children, we’ll treat you like them.”
“Dean and I were having fun, minding our own business-”
“Dean and you stole Compound V for your own benefit. I thought you were going to be more understanding of this arrangement.”
“I have to be stronger than Homelander and now I am. We didn’t hurt anybody to get it. You people let him do whatever the fuck he wanted so get off your high horse.”
“We understand. But you can’t kill him.”
“Why the fuck not.”
“He brings value in, even not as part of the Seven. Miss Americana and Soldier Boy can take over the leadership roles and Homelander is to be left alone.”
“He wants to kill-”
“I said to leave it be.” You stood, glaring down at him. “If an incident like this occurs again, there will be consequences. Dismissed.”
“Gonna throw us back in a hole? That’s kinda your thing isn’t it.”
“We know how to deal with problem children, even supe ones,” he said, standing up. “Back off before all three of you are worth more dead than alive. Don’t make me dismiss you again.”
You stormed out, slamming the door after you, not bothering to look back when you heard the wood splinter. You went straight to Dean’s apartment, Dean unscathed inside. But Homelander standing there, neither of them actively trying to kill the other, that was more than enough to forget your anger for the moment.
“You okay?” asked Dean, stepping over to grab your hand. You hummed, looking Homelander up and down. “You got the same message we did I’m guessing.”
“Behave or we’re all fucked. Yeah. Why the hell is he here?”
“We were spoken to at the same time. While he’s still a psycho and has some major fucked up issues, he has a different idea,” said Dean. 
“Said the mass murderer.” Homelander rolled his eyes. “We all want to be in charge of the Seven. Be the best.”
“You shoved your hand down my pants,” you growled.
“True. But enemies can work together when they have a larger, common enemy, hm?”
“Edgar,” said Dean. “He wants to wipe out Edgar. Ashley is the next logical choice and we can control her. She wouldn’t do jack shit to us.”
“Remove Edgar from the equation and we can all get along. Maybe form a little, trio, best of the best. Still part of the Seven but top dogs. Vought would eat that shit up. Behind the scenes you two fuck or whatever it is you do. Publicly, we’re the strongest go America team there ever was. The soldier from a simpler time, the soldier who fought the terrorists and defend her country, and the everyday man who protects his fellow citizens. All walks of life, all the basis covered. Between the three of us our numbers are sky high in every single demographic.”
“What’s to stop us from killing each other after Edgar is out of the picture,” you said.
“You’re strong enough to kill me. But your little boyfriend can’t fly. You come after me, I’ll drop him in the ocean. Leave me alone, I leave you two alone and we all win,” said Homelander. “Deal?”
“What do you think?” you asked Dean. 
“Lesser of two evils. I think,” said Dean. “I say we give it a chance to see if we can get Edgar out.”
“Fine. We can discuss this more tomorrow. Oh and Homelander. I ever catch you in my or Dean’s apartment again, I’ll snap your neck. Deal or no deal.”
“If you were only a little more twisted we could have had something,” he said. He nodded and left, Dean letting out a deep breath when he was gone. 
“Y/N,” said Dean. You hummed, wrapping your arms around him. “Thanks. For catching me earlier.”
“I’m sure you would have been fine.”
“Probably but I don’t want to test that theory out. If he dropped me in the ocean...I still need to breathe. We have to play nice.”
“We will. Until we don’t have to,” you said. He smirked, kissing your lips. “He tried to kill you. Now I hate him even more. As soon as we can, he’s gone.”
“That’s my girl,” he grinned.
“Yes I am and you, you’re my Soldier Boy. We’re going to own this place, very, very soon.”
“Damn straight we are sweetheart. Just a little bit longer and then we can do whatever we want to. Promise.”
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strangerivy · 4 years
The First Night
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Summary: Y/N sits on the roof reflecting on the events of the day working her way through her grief of loosing two people she thought of as family. Levi goes up to comfort her and bring her back from the darkness that threatened to consume her. Rating: 18+ Warnings: Death | Violent Depictions | Swearing | Grief | Loss  Word Count: 1.8k Author’s Note: This is so sad, I cried a little writing it. I promise my next story will be a bit happier 💜 
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Year 844 - Summer
It was a clear night sky, not a single cloud anywhere, but it shouldn’t be this beautiful out on a night like this. On a night where you cursed the world and wished you could turn the clock. It shouldn’t be this beautiful out when they aren’t here to see it. It should be storming out just like it did earlier, the sky should match how you felt. Anger, hurt, heartache and pain. So much pain and not just physically.
You looked up into the sky watching all the stars shine lighting up the world in a soft glow with the moon. It was beautiful, something not too long ago you only got to see through a hole in the ground. Now you would give anything to have that again if it meant you all would be together right now.
A sob racked through your chest as you looked to your left and right to see the spots that once held your two dear friends were now empty. Your bandaged and broken body protest with each movement but you couldn’t stop the tears of your grief. The medic protested to you getting out of the bed, but you ignored it spitting a string of curses and insults at them, not able to lay in that damn room for another minute, you needed air, somewhere to cry alone which is how you ended up here. You wiped the tears that had escaped with the back of your hand letting out a broken laugh, wincing from your wounds.
“Shit, I thought we were done with this,” You grumbled to yourself looking back up at the sky giving up on drying your tears and letting them fall freely now as your friend's voices from the previous night echoed throughout your mind.
You should be dead. There was no doubt in your mind that you also should have joined your two friends in death. If it wasn’t for Lev- you sighed heavily another sob ripping through your chest as you stopped that thought before it dragged you down further than you had already fallen. You folded, head in your hands as you cried to yourself, elbows propped on your thighs as your legs dangled off the edge.
The images of what happened played through your mind almost as if you were torturing yourself with it.
The day seemed to be going as planned until the rain that is. Where did this storm even come from? It was clear just a moment ago and now it was pouring down rain and the wind was blowing with a force and to make it even worse a fog has rolled in with it making it so you couldn’t even see five feet in front of you. You had lost part of your squad already from the poor visibility caused by the weather. Levi had pushed ahead to use the rain as cover to locate Erwin Smith in the center of the formation.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” You worried turning your horse to follow Furlan and Isabel.
“Of course he will!” Isabel responded brightly, always the ray of sunshine in any situation.
You, Isabel, and Furlan went back in the direction you thought you heard the sound grenade go off hoping it was your squad that had sounded it, the rain started to come down harder and you had to hold onto your hood to keep it from blowing off, your arm also helping keep the rain out of your face.
You heard the hooves of more horses and looked over to see two cloaks, Flagon looking behind at the three of you.
“You guys are okay,” Flagon seemed relieved at seeing the three of you, but he then looked confused noticing there was a missing member from our group.
“Where is Levi?” He questioned and you tensed a little but kept a blank face as you all kept moving forward.
“We got separated in the fog,” Furlan lied, Flagon seem to accept the answer though which is what mattered. You looked out ahead of you wiping your face of the rain and that’s when it happened. It was quick, you didn’t even see it coming. Your horse veered to the right almost knocking you off it from the sudden movement. You looked up your eyes widening with fear. An abnormal had your squadmate, Sairam, dangling in its mouth blood dripping out of its mouth. It didn’t stand upright like most titans using all four of its limbs allowing it to move faster than most titans as well. Flagon yelled for Sairam to hang on charging at the beast. It was quick to finish of Sairam before grabbing Flagon who yelled at you three to run.
You trembled with fear as you watched it clamp down on Flagon’s body cutting him in half with its teeth and empty stare in its eyes while it stared at the three of you chewing. You should move, you should run but the shock of the scene in front of you had you frozen.
Isabel was the first to move and then Furlan going after her. You quickly regained your composer joining them. You and Furlan trying to distract the beast as Isabel went for the kill. The titan was quick though snatching her quickly by her head, lowering her kicking body down before severing her head from her body you and Furlan watching helplessly tears streaming down both your faces when Isabel’s screams ceased.
Furlan in a blind rage went for a kill but the titan was too quick, you tried to save him, but it grabbed hold of your cables slamming you to the ground hearing something crack from the impact, you let out a strangled cough feeling pain shoot throughout your body at the movement. You heard something hit the ground next to you, you tremble afraid of what you would see but you still turned your head a scream leaving your lips when the top half of Furlan laid right beside you. You looked up at his face holding back sobs as Furlan’s face stared back at you with an empty gaze.
You rolled over flinching when that same pain shot through you again. You ignored it pushing yourself further, standing up gripping your blades. You stared at Titan with a dark glare, if you were going to die you were going to do it fighting. You gripped on to your blades tightly shooting your cables moving quickly, using more gas than you should be dragging your blades deep up its arm and it let out a howl of pain before moving to grab you, you were quick to dodge but this titan was also quick to snagging your foot before you could react to its movement again. Another crack had you let out a scream as your ankle throbbed in the titan's grip feeling like it was crushing it.
When you looked up at the face of the titan, tears streaming down your face, it almost looked as it had a sickening smirk on its face as if it were mocking you knowing that it had won. That it would have killed you all after eating you. With a final burst of energy, you swung your sword up slicing the knuckles of the hand that held you. It dropped you and you hit the ground once again with a loud smack another round of coughs racking through your body a trail of blood dripping out of the side of your mouth.
It was hard to breathe as you laid there, staring up at the dark clouds overhead, you wish you could see the sky one more time. You wished you could see snow in the winter and the flowers in the spring. You weren’t done yet but that wasn’t up to you now. The sky disappeared as the hand of the titan blocked your view. You let out a shaky breath the tears flowing freely as you braced for the end. You silently wished Levi goodbye, praying he wouldn’t beat himself up over this. You closed your eyes waiting for the grip of the titan an odd sense of peace washing over you, but the hand never came.
You opened your eyes to see a flash of green sliced through the Titan pulling its attention from you and towards its attacker. You let out a gasp spotting the raven-haired man. You watched as Levi screamed in agony after each twist and pull of his gear slicing the titan repeatedly until its body didn’t have a spot on it that didn’t have a deep slash. Another blow had its head flying clear off till he finished it off with the final blow to the nape its body finally slamming to the ground steam coming off its decomposing corpse.
Levi landed on his feet his ebony hair hanging in his face almost hiding the tears that fell from his cheeks.
“Levi…” You whispered wincing in pain as you pushed your way up to stand. Levi’s head snapped up his eyes wide as they landed on your broken body. His strides were quick as he made his way to you pulling you to him as you collapsed causing you to let out a small groan in pain. His body shaking with tears for your fallen friends.
“You’re alive,” He said almost like he was confirming it for himself. That at least one of you survived.
Your cries were too loud for you to hear the footsteps behind you, the man behind you with an unreadable face as he watched your broken form. He reached out gently touching your shoulder making you jump at the sudden contact. You flinched at the sudden movement gripping your chest where your broken ribs were. You looked over your shoulder to see Levi standing there with broken eyes as he watched you fall apart quietly. You sniffled wiping the tears once again you slowly turned grabbing a hold of the crutch next to you. Levi reached down helping you wobble your way to standing on your good foot getting the crutch ready for you to lean on.
You both stood there in silence staring at one another, he slowly raised his hand touching your cheek wiping a stray tear away. You let out a small sniffle as you felt your eyes begin to water once again. His hand slowly snaked to the back of your head weaving into your hair before pulling you into him as your sniffles turned to whimpers. You buried your face into his chest staining his white-uniformed shirt with your tears. He moved his other hand around your waist holding you even closer to him.
“I-I-I’m s-s-so-rry,” you cried into his chest your body trembling, you felt his hands grip you tighter “I- I should-I should have been able to stop it.” He grabbed ahold of your upper arms pushing you back enough to look at you. He was angry now.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Y/N” He gritted his teeth “You’re not going to blame yourself for this,” he pulled you close once again, you stood still your tears starting to slow down now as he held you rubbing soft circles into your back.
“I miss them,” you whispered after a few moments of silence, he let out a small sigh his breath tickling your neck.
“Me too,”
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iamdarkness · 3 years
To Feed A Tiger. Forces Of Will.
Alfonse x Summoner, Lif x Summoner, Alfonse x Summoner xLif
Chapter 4
Triggers for talk about mental health. It is Feral Dimitri after all. Mentions of death and depressive thoughts.
Sexual Harassment and maybe more than that.
Incest. (Freyr and mentions of Freya). Rater R for a little graphic scenes of battle and character death. Nothing we have not seen in the game itself.
-DOOR TO THE FUTURE!!!- You see your arm come up and twirl your sacred gun, the way he had taught you. A bean of light comes out of it as you squeeze the trigger and it is so bright it blinds you for a minute…or maybe it is the tears now running down your cheek.
The powerful strike did not hit Death Knight full on. He had reared his horse and the beam hit it on the upper half that was in the air. It went through it and hit ground near where Xander was situated with a very shocked Edelgard. Only then did the bean caused a small explosion that sent dirt and pieces of grass and stones flying in the air like projectiles.
Xander gave the order to retreat not much after that, but you did not hear it. You were too busy falling down with exhaustion. The attack had drained you of all force. You feel strong arms enveloping you as you fall down. Dimitri carries you bridal style to your post up the hill.
-He…he said not to use it…not unless it was as a last resort…I …I didn’t even had time to use it back then…-Dimitri looks down at your face with a puzzled expression and places his cheek on your forehead. It is then you notice it feels cold and you are shivering. A healer was called by a frantic K S Dimitri. You feel tingling all over when the healer passes the staff over you to asses the state of your health.
-She feels feverish…- Says Dimitri.
-That was a lot of power passing through and from her body. She also has been drained of her energy. I can give her a potion but she will need to rest and… a lot more. You need to take her to the base or the keep. Soon.
-Thank you.- Dimitri says and starts walking towards the base. It is hidden in the basement of the town’s Temple.
-Hand her over. It will be quicker this way.- Says Valter who was the first to get there. Dimitri is reluctant but he sees Hrid’s horse coming over and growling agrees to it.
- Know that if you hurt her I will make sure you live long enough to regret it.
- Wounded prey is not fun to hunt, but I would look forward to hunting boars another time.
- As you wish, just make sure she is safe…and keep her away from…
-The ice prince? With my life.- Dimitri hands you over to Valter and he takes off before anyone else gets there. -Come my precious prey! You must live so I can hunt you down one day.
Meanwhile on the battlefield; the Emblian soldiers are retreating. The blast had knocked out Death Knight and Ferdinand and farther back, Edelgard is on the ground as well as Xander and a big part of the Emblian Soldiers who were near by.
-Alfonse! ______ collapsed. She was taken to the infirmary at the base! Go! We can take care of the rest!- Came the voice of one King Claude Von Riegan followed closely by Beruka.
-What!? _____?- He looks back to Dimitri who is just getting up after being thrown off by the blast. - Dimitri!Let’s go!-F Dimitri looks back to Edelgard and then then to Alfonse. Edelgard forgotten he nods to Alfonse and they both take off to get to the base. Dimitri takes it upon himself to make a way for Alfonse to get there faster without having to stop to fight off soldiers or heroes on his way. He was mowing down everyone on his way and the technique and fury used were scary to watch. Still Alfonse did not pay much attention to that. His mind was set on getting to you. He had heard your yell just before he was about to get hit by Death Knight. He knew what that meant. He himself does not use that attack and there was no way for you to know how to do it unless, Lif had taught it to you.
When he got to the lookout you were using, he found Robin talking to Hrid, who was asking if you were alright. S K Dimitri and F Dimitri were looking at each other in a kind of stand off.
-Was she taken to the base? Asks Alfonse. S K Dimitri nods at him.
-Yes your highness. Valter took her, to get her there faster and to get her away…-He looks sideways at Hrid. Alfonse thanks him and takes a spare horse.- You and I will be talking later.- S K Dimitri says to F Dimitri. He gets a grunt in response.
-Dimitri are you coming?- Asks Alfonse before taking off. Dimitri grabs a horse as well and they both leave. He was not aware Hrid and Fjorm were following behind.
When they get to the base there are tents in the courtyard of the abbey.
-Your Majesty! Come The Summoner has been asking for you. She is…very distressed.- A healer informs Alfonse when he arrives. He hurries to the nearest tent where he was told you were. Behind him and Dimitri arrived, followed by Hrid and Fjorm on the same horse.
-Alfonse! Oh God Alfonse ! You are alright!- You see him walking towards you but it could not be true. You saw her strike him down! He was dead!- I saw her behead you Alfonse! She killed you and I could do nothing but watch and leave!- His eyes widen in horror at your remark and he stiffens, rooted to the spot, unable to move, by the implications of your words.- Oh Alfonse please forgive me! I …I left you and I could do nothing about it!-He feels your arms surround him and your head burrow in his chest while you sob loudly.- Forgive me. I love you…
Hrid is perplexed and visibly confused. He steps closer but feels a hand hold him back. He looks sideways to find Fjorm looking sadly at him.
-She is not talking to him. - He looks at her questioningly- It is a long story and not mine to tell. Come brother. Let her be.- She takes his hand and leads him away. Dimitri also steps away. He wants to be near, but the moment is too intimate to intrude. There is something he understands after listening to the princess. If you were not talking to Alfonse, then you were talking to Lif. He still could not understand the whole situation yet, but he was going to find the truth.
-I…I’m fine…I am alive _____. I am sure he will forgive you…it was not really your fault you left. I needed you here with me. Remember?- Alfonse says and circle your back and head. He feels you stop crying and turn your face upwards to look at him.
-Alfonse? ….You really think he will forgive me?… would you?
-I do not think there is something to forgive… I am sure he would understand it was not your fault.
- I am sorry Alfonse… I lost it when Death Knight almost hit you and I saw these visions…I couldn’t stop them. I was so confused…I feel so…weak…
-Come. You better lie down.
He takes you inside and helps you into a cot with blankets. You still have a fever and he tells you he is going to get you some water. He sees the healer in charge of you. It is Lord Pent.
- Your Majesty. I have never seen her so distressed. I think it is better for her to sleep it off. She must be working too much and going through something very stressful to have gotten this bad. Or is there something else?
-I agree. Give her something for sleep and then I will explain…everything.- Alfonse says sighing. Healers have rules they abide by and keeping secrets is on of them. Alfonse needs advice and perhaps he decides to tell the man everything, because he himself needs to vent.
Lord Pent being the lead healer of the base camp, leaves to give orders for when the wave of wounded arrive. For him all lives are equal, but in this war, leaders with the power Alfonse and the Summoner have, can not be replaced. He passes his duties to the next healer in line of the chain of command and takes a sleeping draught to give you. He then goes to sit by your side and Alfonse’s.
After Alfonse told him everything he knew from his engagement, to your visions and what he suspected about them; Lord Pent stayed silent a while, prepossessing the information. He was not the wisest when it came to time lines and much less the after life and souls, but he would help as much as he could. At the very least with the mind and body. The sentimental part was also another matter entirely.
- That indeed is a lot of strain for the mind. For the both of you. She may be suffering from the flashbacks; but I can see how they affect you as well. The situation does seem very complicated, but as with any knot it can be detangled if we do it carefully enough. It seems to me that the situation with your engagement caused her mind enough strain for it to be triggered by the situation and the memories to come back in such a violent way. I did noticed her change of mood around the prince of Nifl and yours as well. You are strong minded, but you also need rest. You can not afford to misstep in a war.
- With my father gone and the threat of another war coming…I can not afford to rest. Indeed I have taken too much time talking. I need to help with the wounded and talk to the officers.
-About this threat of war…Do you not think you need more information? It seems to me that there is too much speculation and not enough information. Would it not be in our best interest to send a team to find out more?
-That is a good idea. I will talk to Commander Anna and the Officers and we can agree on who to send to gather intelligence.
-I don’t think you need to think too much on who to send. -Alfonse looked at Pent puzzled.- Why don’t you take her to gather intelligence and get her and yourself away for some days. It will be in our best interest and it will also be a distraction…and if I may be so bold as to suggest quality time.- He smiles at Alfonse. There is a look almost like fatherly or brotherly affection in his eyes. When he saw Alfonse hesitate and blush he added.- You two are the perfect team and no one would think badly of you if you did go by yourselves. You are a honorable man and she is a virtuous woman, who take your duties seriously. This would be a task as any other. You could also send other teams of two around the kingdom to cover more land in less time.
-I will tell Commander Anna. When _____ wakes up, I will talk to her. She can form the other teams. Thank you Lord Pent. This…-He wanted to express his gratitude, but his words came short of what he felt.
-Alfonse, I will help you both with everything I can.
-Thank you Lord Pent.
-Think nothing of it. Oh and Alfonse. She needs someone to stay with her tonight. I can appoint someone to watch over her, but it would be better for her to be with someone she trust and much better if it is yourself, since you are the source of her worry. It can be you and someone else. You can use this time to rest as well.- Alfonse thought about it for a second and nodded.
-I will stay with Sharena. My sister also has been worried and stressed.
He went out to meet with Anna. He was met with a number of Heroes wanting to know about you. He told them all you were sleeping and recovering from a fever. Dimitri was there waiting for him.
-Alfonse… Your Highness…. May I have a minute?
-Of course.
-I…I need to apologize to you and ______. It was all my fault. I lost it again and ….you almost got killed out there, when it is my job to keep you alive. Thank you for saving my life. If you had not been there by my side; I would not be here right now. I am unworthy of your efforts.
-No. You are…my friend. I could not let you fall and … do not apologize. It is my fault as well. Today I was careless. I was fighting in anger and hate, and it clouded my mind. I should learn to rein in my feelings better or use them as a drive instead of letting them distract me. Besides…we knew you could have regressions and you have only been here a short time. You are not yet totally cured. Come, we need to see the site. I need to access the extent of the damage _____ did with that attack.
-Alfonse…is she having hallucinations?
-No. Death Knight reminded her of Hel. She was… having flashbacks. She has some repressed memories from when she faced Hel and they came back today. She will be alright with some rest.- He sounded unsure and Dimitri knew there was something else he was not telling him. He had not missed the “She faced” instead of “we faced” neither.
- She has amnesia? Why did she see Hel behead you?
-I think she lost some memories but we are not sure and… She …did not see me be beheaded. Dimitri…please do not tell anyone about what she said to me. I don not need anyone thinking her mind is not as sharp as ever.
-On my honor, I will keep it to myself; but what about the king of Nifl and princess Fjorm?
-Fjorm knows exactly what was going on and I am sure she will ask her brother to keep quiet about it.- Dimitri looked at him sideways and said nothing.- You saw Lif did you not?
-Yes. I have seen him coming and going. I apologize for not saying anything, but at first I was not even sure he was real. I always made sure he was not up to some mischief and he never did anything but watch.
-Yes. He came for her and Sharena…It was Lif she saw being beheaded. -Dimitri’s eye widened as an idea came to him. - We are not sure how that works, but she has been getting memories from Lif’s summoner. Please do not tell anyone about it…and much less Lif. I am not sure how he would react if he thought ______ was his summoner revived. We really do not know what is happening to her. That attack you saw her use, is Lif’s. The only way for her to know how to use it, is if he taught it to her himself.
Dimitri nodded in acknowledgement but his mind was reeling. What it meant for you to have seen Lif’s death. Now he understood your love for Lif even if you did not know him, your heart did. And yet your heart fell in love again with Alfonse a different one but the same in a sense. Why wouldn’t you. Alfonse was what a perfect prince should be. Skilled, compassionate, smart, wise, strong willed and strong minded, kindhearted and handsome. Dimitri’s brows furrowed again at that though. What did it matter if he was handsome or not? Why had he thought about that? Then the image of Alfonse straddling his waist and protecting him with his shield and body came to his mind and the feel of his hand keeping him down while he took the blunt of the lance’s blow. The authority in his voice when Alfonse told him to follow him. It all came back and for a second he felt like he could not breathe. His face felt heated and he knew it was red. His stomach felt like it was churning butter and he felt light headed as well. He thanked the Goddess, Alfonse was distracted with his thoughts and his hair was so long it hid most of his features. He felt so confused and though it better to think of something else.
They came to the battle site and saw the crater the attack had caused. It was not as big as Alfonse had thought it would be. There were at least a dozen Emblan soldiers dead on the grown in pieces just like Ferdinand’s horse. There were people taking the dead away from both sides.
-It is a very powerful attack.- Comments Dimitri.
-It takes a lot of energy to do it. She does not know how to regulate it and control it.- Says Alfonse thoughtfully.
-She was also scared for you.
-Yes. We better not tell her now about the casualties. She already has enough to worry about.- Says Alfonse turning to Dimitri.
-I agree. Although these deaths are more accidental than murder, she will surely suffer because of them.- Dimitri turned at the sound of soft footsteps on the dirt ground. He was ready to attack least it be an enemy. He was met with the face of a frightened Askran Soldier.
-Your highness? There is someone here who wants to talk to you. It is prince Xander, commander of the Emblan Army. - Alfonse motions for the guard to let Xander approach.
-Prince Xander. I am glad you are unharmed. - Alfonse greeted him graciously. He understood Xander’s position as well as you and had no ill will towards him, except that he had an idea of why he had approached him.
-Prince Alfonse, so am I to see you unharmed as well. I have to apologize. Death Knight is difficult to control even with a contract.
-That is what happens when you ally your self with filth like that.- Says Dimitri almost growling. Alfonse touches his arm in a calming motion. This seems to awaken Dimitri out of his rage, but his icy blue eye still looks at Xander in anger.
-Perhaps you are right. Prince Alfonse, may I inquire about your Summoner’s health. I am afraid I passed out during the blast, but I was told she collapsed. I would like to know if she is alright and if I may, perhaps help in any way or see her.- Xander was the picture of polite diplomacy, but even so Alfonse could see it was taking the blond a lot out of him to say it, with such a composed face. He heard Dimitri growl to his side and although he felt the same way, he could not express his distaste and annoyance.
- She has a fever and is doing better. She is resting as of now. The healers think it is better for her to sleep for a while.
-I see. It will take some time to get back to Embla. We will be leaving tomorrow if you do not mind. Perhaps I will be able to…-He sighs. Who was he kidding. It was a war not a visit to friends.- I will take my leave now.
-You may come visit if you like, Prince Xander. I am sure she will be happy to see you are unharmed.- Alfonse says because he knows you would be worried about her hurting him. Xander’s face lightens for a second.
-Thank you Prince Alfonse. I will be seeing you tomorrow then.- Xander bowed graciously and left. Dimitri turned to Alfonse brows still knitted.
- It is complicated…like everything in this absurd war. Xander is…keeping this war clean and leveled.  It is something in our favor If I can be honest. He also protects Princess Veronica and although it may not look this way to you, it also is something in our favor. The power play in the Emblian Empire is savage at best. Princess veronica is being possessed and Xander keeps her human. We owe him that at least. ______ knows this and they had had chances to talk. She thinks if there was no war they would be able to be friends…I think Xander would want more than that. Come Dimitri. We better return.
-Why would you invite him to our camp then? Someone who allies himself with that filth could be nothing but filth himself.
- He does not choose who to ally himself to. It is all up to Princess Veronica; and in this war, we can’t really be too picky in who we work with as long as we reach or goal. At least that is Princess Veronica’s view. I would think otherwise if I could; but my people deserve to be protected and I can not let my personal views and pride get in the way. I have to save them Dimitri; even if I have to work with someone I dislike or don’t approve of. I am sure _____ thinks the same way. It is true we have limits to this, but we can not afford to say no to a person who wants to help us out and the heroes being on contract do help to ease my mind a little, as to who we have ere.When it comes to Xander…I think _____saw the trajectory of the attack and would probably be worried about him, so it is to ease her worries more than to ease his.
- I see. -Dimitri said and after a thoughtful moment he added.- If Edelgard was to be summoned…
- Dimitri. You matter to us, and although _____ can not really control whoever she summons, I have heard her worries over this. It is possible for her to be summoned yes, but we can not worry about this now. I can see how this affects you… I wish I could say I understand, but I think Lif would be in a better position to do so…although… I suppose he would also be worst on his counsel.
- Lif has suffered much more than I. it is natural for him to act the way he does…I am surprised he is not more damaged. The way I must have looked when I first arrived…I can see why my other selves are ashamed of me…and to have lost my mind today the way I did…I do not deserve your forgiveness…
-Relapses are to be expected during your healing process I am told; and it is why stress and triggers are to be avoided. Unluckily for us, war time does not leave much room for that commodity and when you return it will be even more stressing…
-Is this the reason _______ keeps me on defence and watch duty more often than the battlefield?
-Yes, but as time goes by we were supposed to place you more often on the battlefield… I am afraid that with the situation as it is, we will be needing your strength and skill much more often, and faster than ______ wanted.
-If it had been another day I would had taken offence to that, but taking today’s mistakes into account; I understand the sentiment. I am a liability.- Dimitri said lowering his gaze to the grassy ground. Alfonse stopped walking and looked almost shocked by the change of mood and the statement. The tall vision of brutality and strength is gone and a defeated man stood beside him.
-No! Never think that Dimitri! We really value your presence here. If we thought this of you; we would have sent you back. We are just trying to help you. I hope you understand this.- Alfonse’s voice sounded almost alarmed.
-I… I understand. I will always be in your debt.- Dimitri said in a heartfelt tone. He was touched by this revelation.
-It is the least we can do for helping us protect our people. I hope all of these experiences can help you in your own war.
They both walked back in a comfortable silence. When they arrived both King Dimitri were waiting for them. They wanted to speak to F Dimitri. Alfonse took them aside first and after some time they came back to speak to F Dimitri. Dimitri knew what he was going to hear. He knew he had messed up big time and felt he deserved whatever they were going to tell him. Yes they were very angry and worried too, but it was a huge surprise when the talk did not go as he expected.
- We are upset of course and very angry. What happened out there today is something that should never happen again.- Said King Dimitri.- Not only because it would have ended in tragedy, but because this would be a tragedy you would have never recovered from. The Royal siblings and the summoner are our top priority, our charges and our dear friends. In your case I can see they are much more than that and it would have been a great loss to you in particular.- He watches F Dimitri redden.
-I know…I do not de…
-Wait until we finish talking.- Says Savior Dimitri. F Dimitri closes his mouth and looking sideways he spies a mop of blue hair. It is G Marth. He looks on worriedly at him.
- Prince Alfonse has asked us to be lenient with you. He said it was not your fault. If given the chance _____ would say the same and probably have our heads if we tried to scold you. But you have to understand that we do not do this only for hem, but for you as well. We know how you would feel if this had escalated. - F Dimitri felt his eye sting just thinking about the possibilities. Head lowered he could only nod in agreement. Weeks ago he would not have cared about his actions, but it was another matter now.
- This is why we want to apologize.- Says Savior King. F Dimitri had to do a double take. His face rose to meet Savior King and then King Dimitri. Both of them wore solemn faces but they were not faces of judgement.
-Today was a wake up call for us as well. We have not been as involved in your recovery as we should. -Said King Dimitri.
-There is no one better than us to know full well what you are going through and how it was that we recovered from this. We had been so self centered that we have not understood; until today that there are no better sources of information better than our own past. It is our fault for being negligent. We should have acted sooner.-Savior Dimitri said with a softer gaze.
- So from now on. We will be helping you and your healers with your recovery. This way they will not be going in blind looking for ways to help. - King Dimitri said and after a thoughtful second he added.- This will also lessen stress on _____ and Prince Alfonse. They already have enough on their plates now.
-I…I don’t know what to say…
- Say nothing of this. It will help us as well. It is time we forgave ourselves. Helping you will, help us all heal. -Added Savior Dimitri thinking of the self loathing he knew he and King Dimitri suffered from.
-If I may be so bold to interrupt, I would like to help out as well if I am permitted.- The request came from G Marth. F Dimitri nodded in ascent.- Also. I would like to inform you, the Fell Dragon Grima is very angry and you better not get n his way, just in case. We already told him what happened and that it was not your fault but he is very protective of _____ and Alfonse. I think in a way he views them as parents.
==It is going to be hard on him when he learns Alfonse will marry Fjorm.== Marth though.
That night Alfonse, Sharena and Fae slept in your tent while The Fell Dragon Grima paced around outside the tent keeping watch. No one or nothing will harm you or his dear ones.
“Child of my blood hear me…”
A voice awakens you at night. It was calling someone’s name… but…who was she calling? You look around and see a pile of people sleeping next to you. You make out Fae,between you and Sharena and when you turn the other way, you see Alfonse asleep half sitting, half leaning on some pillows.
In the half light of the tent that was getting light form the outside torches you could see half his face. The other half was covered by darkness. Even then you could see dark circles on his eyes. He looked so tired. He must have felt you staring, because he opened his eyes and looked at you. He smiled drowsily that sweet shy smile of his. You signal him to lay by your side. He sighs and slides himself off of his half sitting position and lays by your side. He is now taller than you and the way he is laying sideways; your head is next to his chest. You turn to him and touch his chest with your forehead and feel his chin on the to of your head when he circles you with his arm. You hug him back and sigh in contentment. You can almost hear his heart beating in his chest and his breathing started to turn slower while he gave a quiet low humming noise of contentment.
This moment of sweet peace and happiness had been worth the ordeal. You knew right there and then, that he was not only the happiness people look for in a partner. He was your peace and your safe heaven. He was the only person who effortlessly could make you feel this way without having to do anything special. He did not made you happy because he was trying to do so. He made you feel this, because he was himself. There was nothing in him you would ever consider changing about him. Sure he had defects and sometimes he could be so frustrating, but it was nothing you could not tolerate and after you considered why he was acting so, you always ended up agreeing with his reasons as to why he was doing it. He was not perfect and you loved him for it. You could not imagine being without him, not only for you but for his people. If he were to disappear, his people would miss a great leader... And then you realize that indeed he had been the one to ignite that fierce protectiveness you felt towards the people of Askr. It was his love for them that had inspired yours. And now this is the time you realize while listening to his breathing that, if you had to die to protect him, you would and if given the chance you would do it a thousand times until you saw him happy and Askr saved.
And then you remember Lif…==This is how I felt about you…how did it end this way?==
You feel the wetness of tears roll to the side of your face to fall on your pillow. How could you have failed him so…
You look up to see Alfonse’s face in the shadows and swear to your self that, you would do whatever it took to save him from that fate and this time… you would not fail.
You are awaken next morning by the sounds of Grima shouting and someone who sounded a lot like Marth and Alfonse talking.
-NO! He will not be getting close to her.
- I do not understand why you would let him come see her either. I understand she is not in bad terms with him, but you Alfonse? -Asks Marth.
-I told him he could come, yesterday. I am sure it will ease ______’s mind to see he is alright.
-What is going on outside?- You ask no one in particular.
-I think Mr. Xander wants to see you but Mr. Grima do not want him near you or Fjorm’s brother. He has been chasing them away and told me to care for you while he was outside. Do you need something? Are you feeling better?Are you hungry? I can tell them to bring you something! Tiki said to tell her when you were awake too. She’s outside with Grima and Mar-Mar.- Said Fae happily. -Can I tell them you are awake?
-Umm…Yes tell them I am awake but give me some moments to…- yawn -actually wake up. Have you eaten yet?
-Yes I ate breakfast with Tiki, Grima and Prince Alfonse. -She winces when another shout comes from outside.
- I understand but…the sooner this is done the faster he will leave.- Comes Alfonse’s comment while he peeks inside the tent and see you sitting up.- We woke you up… My apologies.
-She’s awake?- You hear Grima ask. Alfonse nods at him. Grima comes inside and sit by your legs.  Alfonse motions for Fae to follow him and they both leave you alone. -What happened to you Worm? You were planing on leaving me?
-And go where? There is no better place for me but here with you. Come here!- Grima does as if he was reluctant to be touched but leans in on your touch and rests his head on your shoulder. -Who’s the greatest most awesome dragon ever? Who has the most beautiful red eyes in the worlds?
-Corrin I suppose….But I AM the greatest and most awesome AND powerful.
-Grima! I was talking about your eyes! They do have pretty eyes don’t they tho?
-Shut up! Don’t tell them I said that Worm!
-Fine! I won’t tell anyone you have a crush on Corrin.- You feel him elbow you.- Fine, fine I was joking. Any way why were you fighting with Alfonse.- You ask gently rubbing his hair you hear him grumble something.
- He told that fool he could come and visit. He is an enemy! I don’t like him… or that insect brother of the ice princess. They look at you funny… Alfonse should kill them, before they try to steal you away from us.
-Pfff! I won’t let them steal me away from you. Sorry Grima but you are stuck with me. Like this!- You say and hug him tight and laugh. Then you kiss his head.
-Ugg! Let go Worm I’m not a baby!- He makes a face and starts swatting at you gently.
- Awww Why not! Fine, I’ll let go but you will sleep tonight next to me. OK? You can bring Fae and Tiki if you want to.
-Ok. - He looks sideways at you and adds softly.- She is lonely too…She did not tell Marth, but he is dead in her time. He thinks she comes from a time when he is still alive.- It was the first time Grima referred to any one besides Alfonse and Sharena by name and it being Marth of all people, was a great surprise, but it only accentuated the seriousness of his statement.
-Oh. That explains the way she looks at him and why she is always hugging him. It must have hurt her a lot. That is probably why she approached you and Fae.- == You know how it feels to be lonely.==
- Can we keep her?
-It is up to her to decide. Any way. Let that fool come in…I mean Xander…See what you make me do? - You hear him snicker- The sooner he comes the sooner he leaves. Remember he is doing us a favor as well. He is our enemy, but…
-Fine. I’ll let the fool in, but the icicle can stay out of the way or I’ll eat him for Dinner.- He gets up and walks out of the door laughing “evilly”.
Alfonse comes in followed by Xander. He let’s you know someone will be coming with your breakfast later and he will be outside with Commander Anna and some of the Heroes.
Xander sat on the carpet by your cot and is about to talk when a servant comes in with a pot of tea and asks you and Xander if you are going to have breakfast. Xander declines breakfast, but takes the tea. You tell her you will take tea but wait on the breakfast.
-You …You should eat well after what happened. The healers told…Told me you were feeling weak. I am g..glad you are better now.- He says gravely and then his cheeks turned a little pink.
- Thank you. I do feel much better now. Prince Xander. I am glad you are okay. I…
-You did hit us with with a very powerful attack. You have been going easy on us Summoner.- He says to make you smile when he sees your smile falter.- I will be more weary of you…but I ask you not to use it unless it is as a last resort.
“Listen. Do not use it lightly. If possible only use it as a last resort…a killing blow. “ Alfonse is holding your hands. You had managed to cast the attack successfully without passing out. He is worriedly looking at you with those beautiful deep blue eyes you love so much.
You feel dizzy… the tea cup almost falls from your hands, but you feel someone take it. Those same hands take yours.
-I…I’m sorry…I did not even have the chance to use it on her…I could have saved you…
-I am sure your friend Dimitri is unharmed. There is no need to harm Lady Edelgard I can assure you she means no harm to him now that she is no longer under contract. - There had been a moment of confusion on his part while watching your unseeing eyes. You were looking at him with such emotion but at the same time if felt like you were not looking at him at all. He wondered who you ere talking about and concluded it was Edelgard who he knew had killed Prince Dimitri in her world.
-What? - You look up to his eyes; they are a deep violet color and his dark hair is gone and pale blonde hair frames his worried face. It is Xander holding your hands.= It was a memory…again…he said that…my Alfonse…=- I was… I am sorry I had a nightmare and I am still a little shaky.
- I apologize. It was a mistake to come bother you so soon after your accident. I should go and let you rest.- He lets go of your hands.
-No, no…Please I am fine. I will be having …memories of that nightmare with or without your presence. I am glad you are here and that you are fine. How is Princess Veronica doing? Besides …you know. Any news on her brother?
-She is not doing any better, but thankfully no worse. We had, had messages from Prince Bruno. He is still traveling but no news on his search. She treasure every message he sends…
-God I hope he is doing better than us…He has been gone for so long and has hold on by himself all this time…I know Alfonse worries and I may not know him as much, but he has saved my life and I hold him dear as well.
- I hope so as well. Summoner, before I forget, I need to give this to you. It is a letter written by Lady Edelgard. We have been talking about you and prince Dimitri. She wanted to know how he was able to come out of his rage to come to your aid. She inquired and was told the efforts you are taking to cure him. I assume he is dear to you and you are dear to him.
-Yes he is very dear to me, like most of my heroes but I must confess I do care for him even more. He needs help and care of friends.- You take the letter. The envelope holds two sheets of paper. Both of them in perfect script, but made by two different hands.
“Summoner  ________
I thank you and the Kingdom of Askr for freeing us from the contracts that bind us to The Emblan Kingdom.
I have inquired about you and I have learned a lot of great things. Indeed you remind me of my dear teacher and as I learned of the Kingdom of Askr and the people, my desire to know more about you and the kingdom grows. I desire to learn how a kingdom can become such a place, for I want to be a good ruler to my people as well and for my Empire to prosper.
I understand this may be inconvenient to you regarding Prince Dimitri, but I assure you I mean him no harm. I know you must know by now what transpired during my battle against him. I can assure you that I found no other way to deal with him in the state that he was in. The man I fought was just a little more than a wild beast, no one could reason with. I wish he had had you by his side then, just like you are by his side right now. Perhaps then we could have found a way to end the war sooner and in other terms. I see he has changed for the better and even if you do not believe my words, I want to thank you for this.
I wish I could tell you this in person, but my presence would be only an inconvenience to you at this time and that is not my intent.
If my axe can be of assistance to you, you may have it. Call upon me and I will answer readily. I am in your debt and I always pay my debts.
Emperor Edelgard Von Hresvelg .”
The other one read simply.
“ Summoner of Askr,
I offer you my most humble of apologies for whatever Death Knight might have caused. I mean you or your people no harm and I thank you for freeing us from the contract that held us to this world and to Embla. I understand it is in no way a good excuse for what he does and what he tried to do today.
I learned he was about to strike the prince and that he is an honorable and just man. My shame is greater for this. For this reason I want to make amends.I hear you can summon heroes to help you in this war, given the choice. Death Knight and I are in now way heroes but if you can, call on us. I would stay, but Death Night would not be controlled. These days he follows no one and only by your contract will he be controlled.Call us and we will answer.
Jeritza Von Hrym.”
-One at a time. Thank you Xander. It was a good call not to bring the heroes here. Dimitri is not yet healed and he is having some relapses and anxiety attacks. It is natural.
-Summoner. He is dangerous. If he is something like Prince Takumi when he was afflicted…Just be careful.
- He only reacts badly to things that bring him distress and I stay away from those subjects and memories. Would you have left Corrin alone during that time…
-No. You are right.- Xander looks down to his cut of tea a second.- He is dear to you.- He smiles sadly.- You are wiser than I was with my Corrin… Dimitri is very lucky indeed.
-A crown is a very heavy burden to have. There are always priorities and responsibilities. I am sure you did your best as possible. Your Corrin is healed is she not?
-Yes. I am thankful for that. This is why I am trying my best with Princess Veronica…I have not been a good brother and much less a good father. I want to make amends in a way I suppose.
- Xander. I am not here to judge or to presume I understand how you feel, but I do know this. Sigbert told me he loves his father a lot and he thinks he did the best he could have done in the circumstances they were in. He is thankful he is alive and he is thankful he is loved. His father’s story is almost like yours Xander, so I think your son thinks the same thing about you. Now I do have issues with stuff I feel guilty about…things I…understand I could do nothing about, but can’t help but still feel like I let people I love down…even when it was not my fault. Convincing our mind about the truth is difficult when it feels like it is your own mind that is your worst enemy.
-And how do you get rid of that feeling of gilt?
- Well. You already went through a few good steps in my opinion. You understand what you think you are guilty of and are trying to make amends. Have you asked your son to forgive you for not being there when he was growing up as much as you would have wanted?
-Yes. He was very gracious about it and forgave me instantly.
-Good. Did you try making amends to him after the war?
-Yes-He smiles reminiscing about his time with his son.- We spent a lot of time training and talking. Not merely preparing him for the crown but just spending time together.
-See? Now you need to forgive yourself. Think or those circumstances in a new light. Save some compassion for yourself.
- That is the difficult part is it not?
- Yes. As easy as it sounds it is difficult to forgive oneself sometimes.
-Did it work for you?
-I don’t know…. I just found the issue yesterday. I have yet to…think hard about it and to be honest…I am afraid of doing that.
- Well. I can tell you that talking about it helps to lessen the burden. Maybe you should try that Summoner. If ..if I… I can be of help. I may not be the…the greatest giving advise about this, but I …c…can listen to you.
-Thank you Xander. I am sure it will lift a lot of weight off to talk about it and I appreciate your offer, but I do not think we have enough time and you seriously have enough problems to deal with. Maybe when we see each other again, we will have more time and be in less hostile circumstances. By then I would have had time to think about it so I can explain better. Deal?- You extend your hand to him. He blushes, but smiles a little and takes it.
- Deal.
Some time after he left, you hear him talking to Alfonse. You knew he would come and tell you later. Hrid had wanted to come in but Nino and her two boys came in along with Chad and had breakfast with you. It was strange but cute in a way for them to know each other and bond like the children they were. They looked like siblings to the people who did not know them. It was hard on her getting to know her kids and learning they had grown up in an orphanage. For the kids; it had been a balm. One took it as a blessing to get to know his mother. Raigh had took it as closure in a way. Chad who was not related to them had took her in as a sister almost right away.
Heroes visit you most of the morning and as much as you loved them all…well mostly…It was tiresome to be talking to them one by one so you decided that as soon as you could, you would go out and address them all at the same time. You also told Commander Anna that if she wanted to return you were ready. She talked to Alfonse and the both of them agreed to go, as long as you traveled on horseback all the time or better yet, on a carriage like the other wounded.
You decide to leave with the wounded as soon as Hrid volunteered to take you himself on the his horse.
-Thank you Hrid. I think it is better form me to travel with the other wounded.- He nodded and you got on the carriage with a set of seven more people who could not walk or ride on horses, but good enough to sit.
The first hours you were mostly trying to read some of the reports but you got dizzy with the movement and decided to leave it for when you get home. You try looking out since the others inside the carriage are very quiet, but Hrid is riding very close and you do not want to get his attention.
==Yeah…it is very quiet here. The others in the other carriages are talking why not them?==
You figure it may be because of you. Most of them may not know you very well since you mostly work with the heroes who are about the hundreds right now.
-So… Is there a reason we are being quiet? I don’t want to bother Y’all…- They all look at one another and then one of them answer.
- We thought you may want some quiet.
-Me? Heh,heh,heh. Have you heard my heroes? There is no quiet for me. I am used to it and… now that I think about it…Why is none of them coming to visit?- You wonder aloud and notice the soldier nearest you point with his finger at something behind you. It is Hrid.
-Oh yeah…- The others try to take a look but when they can’t, the one nearest you lets them know what he means. They all share a look and nod.
==Wow so we all in the same page then?==
-Any way. Do not be afraid to talk around me. Hey don’t even be afraid of talking about people around me. You can even talk about the commander. - You say eyeing Anna riding next to Hrid. Hell I can even start! Like can you believe she has not paid me this month! Ouch!- You exclaim when she lands a hit on your head with her hand. It makes you and the others laugh.
-Keep that up Summoner and I won’t pay you the whole year.- She says laughing.
- She really has not pay you?- Asks a quiet woman at the back.
-It’s only a joke. I do not get paid.- They all look around to each other.- I mean I am well cared for and when I do need money, I ask for it and if it is for a good cause they provide. Of course if it is for something dumb they will refuse.
They all looked like they could not believe it. The truth is that they had told you they would pay you but after seeing how much they spent on some of the heroes and the army and to provide for all of them you decided to decline the payment. They gave you everything you needed any ways.
-You want to see? I will ask the Prince for money and he will give it to me unless I tell him it is for something dumb.- You turn around to face the entrance of the carriage and shout.- Hey your Highness! -About ten heroes look at you questioningly. Except Alfonse since he is not used to you calling him “ Your Highness”.- Oh yeah I forgot a lot of heroes are royalty...-You start laughing and hear quiet laughter from the others.
-Yes Summoner? Do you need my help?- Asks Hrid from his horse.
- Oh . I meant to ask Alfonse for something.
-Whatever it is I am sure I can help.
-No…I meant to ask him for some money.
-How much do you need?- He asks taking a bag from his saddle. You feel your face heat up.
-No! No! That is not necessary! I swear, I really do not need it! I just wanted to play with Alfonse.
-Are you sure? I can give you what you need. You just need to say it.- He says very seriously.
-Thank you Hrid. I appreciate it, but I swear to you I was just playing.- He nods and after looking inside the carriage at the others questioningly he leaves to his previous place. You hear a lot of snickering from the others. You cover your red face with your hands.
-Oh My Lord! That did not go as planned.
-Well Summoner. He does look like he could give you everything you wanted happily. -Man next to you said. The man got elbowed by an older man next to him.
-And if he feels that way, we are very sure our dear prince would too, so we believe you.
-Oh but our prince would do better.- Quiet woman at the back.
-Of course he would! He is the Crowned Prince of Askr. He will do us all proud!- Loud guy across from you.
They all start talking loudly, one after another.
-Especially for someone with such a good heart! Doing all the work for free Summoner! We know all you do for the Kingdom and the Order! It is no easy task!
-And how powerful you are too! The scare you gave the Emblians! They were running for their life!
-Yes Summoner, but do not do that again! You almost died out there!- Youngest woman next to loud guy.
- I mean unless it is an emergency…- Loud guy says and gets hit on the head.
-Shut up you fool.- Woman next to him, who hit him on the head.
-Hey lets hear it for the Summoner and the Prince.
A while later Alfonse is left wondering what is going on inside the carriage with all the shouting. When he pays attention he can hear cheers on his honor. You can see him blushing from where you are sitting.
The day felt shorter thanks to your companions. They talked to you about their lives and where they came from. You were curious about their lives and would ask them questions and for you could see how happy they felt talking about their homes and their families. Once in a while a hero would come and brave the Ice prince’s displeasure to talk to you. Claude being the one to visit more often and bringing F Dimitri and Lord Freyr who had been walking on his beast form. Some of the kids would take turns riding next to you. You also felt a little bad and actually talked to Hrid for a while a couple of times too. He did not go back to the castle.
Laegjarn and Hrid took a fork in the road to go back to their kingdoms. There had been a pause to see them off and thank them for their help in battle. Hrid had promised to come visit more often and even dared find a way to gilt you into visiting with Fjorm and Ylgr. He promised a feast and himself as a personal guide to his kingdom. You knew as a King it was a luxury to take the time to do such a thing and promised to find the time to go one of these weekends. You would be sending him a letter beforehand. He left with a sincere smile and you could not help but notice he was not even trying to be manipulative on purpose. It must come with being a good negotiator and diplomat.
At last the coast was clear enough to be able to talk freely with the heroes and most importantly with Alfonse. He was angry. You noticed he was avoiding you, but you had not had time to properly talk to him in an personal way. On one of the rest stops you decide to talk to the other person who seemed to be avoiding you as well.
-Dimitri. Can I talk to you?- You had found Fallen Dimitri caring for the horses alongside Leif and Groom Marth. He silently nodded without meeting your eyes and started walking away from the other two heroes. You notice Leif placing a comforting hand on Dimitri’s arm when he was walking away.
- I want to apologize for not talking to you earlier.- Dimitri who was looking down in a dejected manner raised his head to look at you. His eye was widen in surprise. He also looked speechless and the only thing that came out was quiet word.
-No.- You looked at him in question. You searched for a hint that he was angry at you for not talking to him earlier, but he only looked sand and embarrassed. -I should be the one apologizing. I was the one who almost got Alfonse killed! You were hurt because of my actions. Please do not apologize to me.
- Dimitri. That was not your fault. I can not account for Alfonse’s actions, but I was not hurt because of you.. I was very worried about you and Alfonse; it is true, but…there other reasons I had that …accident. I had that coming for a long time… Did Alfonse talk to you
-What did he say to you?
- He told me about you visions…flashbacks…- You nod- He said you saw Lif’s death…But still my imprudence started these visions and Alfonse…he saved my life.
-I saw him. He had been fighting so unlike himself and then. You are our friend Dimitri. We care about you. We knew this may happen, and that was the other reason I needed to apologize as well. I should have waited…
-No! Please do not leave me…I… I need to fight. I will be more careful next time. The other have talked to me. They told me they will help with my recovery. You could not see it but …I was able to come out of the fog…I…
- Dimitri do not worry. I will not leave you grounded. If you think fighting helps you, I will let you do it. I heard about you taking control of the situation. I am very proud of you!- You tell him smiling. He blushes fusiously.- I am glad the others have decided to help you as well. They have not told me about it. I was ready to pull their ears if they had scolded you.
-I…thank you Summoner. You are too kind to me. I needed the scolding…but they apologized to me and promised to help me. I was very surprised. Thank you… I know I would not be healing if it was not for you. How could I ever repay you?
-By living Dimitri. - He feels his hand being taken by your smaller ones .-I want you to live, not merely survive. I want you to be happy. You deserve it, and I want you to believe that you deserve it…because it is true.
Dimitri stands there tall and straight and his eye water. He feels a warmth wash over and inside him. He feels like he did when he was little and he came home to be hugged by the only mother he ever knew. He has no words to express his feelings and even thought in his heart he believes he is yet not worthy of such sentiment and forgiveness he nods in assent. If that was what you had asked of him he will find it in his heart to find a reason to live and be happy and then with time to forgive himself and make amends.
-I will not waste this opportunity you have given me. I swear I will do better.-
- I know you will, but remember it is not a chore or an order and there will be setbacks and you can’t be this hard on your self. Come let us get back to work… I still need to find out where Alfonse is.
-He seems different today.
-I think he is angry with me, but he has not let me talk to him yet.
Indeed you had no time to talk to him until that night after his watch. You had offered to go with him but he had argued ,“busily” looking through some papers, that you still needed to rest. There really was no argument there, you still felt weak, but were too worried to rest easily. The hour you two passed during the watch and taking reports from the sentinels was silent and tense. You let him broach the subject not asking or commenting on his mad mood.
-You promised him you would visit.- He says with a serious tone, after the watch.
-To be fair…The more time I spend with him, the less I like him. I don’t see how a weekend in Nifl will change that. Besides. You did asked me to be more diplomatic with him. It seemed rude to say no to him all the time.
-I do not like it…although I can not stop you from going…- He looks away from you.
-Alfonse…you gave up your freedom for mine. I will never forget it…nor would I let him forget it neither. I am taking Grima with me andDimitri.- You touch his fingers with yours and he takes them in his this time smiling. He knew it only took Grima to keep Hrid away from you.
-Come. You better go to sleep. You still need rest and Grima is waiting for you with Fae and Tiki.
- Are you coming ?
-Who do you think is going to shield you from Sharena’s death grip hugs?- You all knew Sharena was a clingy sleeper.
-Alfonse you don not like people hugging you.
-I don’t mind when she does it…or you…- He says looking down and you can see his blush dusting his cheeks.
-I will make a mental note of that. Do not think I will forget it.- He laughs quietly.
-I know you won’t. - He makes a pause and then asks.- ______?I have been meaning to talk to you about something important.- Alfonse says, sitting by the fire, by your side. You two are taking some tea before going to sleep.
-Go ahead.
-Remember I told you we do not have enough information about the situation with the rumors?- You nod.- Well. I talked to Commander Anna and she thought it was a great idea to send some group of people around Askr, especially the borders to see what information they can gather.
-That is a great idea.- You say.
- You need to make a list of about some fifteen teams of two. Whoever you think will work well together.
- Sure! I will be thinking about it and make the list as soon as possible. When do you need it?
-As soon as possible. We are leaving as soon as we figure out the teams, what we will need to take and the routes.
-Oh that is very soon! Do not worry I will have it by the time we get home…wait..you are going?- For a second there is fear in you. Who would go with him. Who had he chosen? How long would he be gone? Would Fjorm be his partner?
-Yes! I…I volunteered myself… and you…If you would take me as a partner.- This makes you look at his face. Fear gone and elation taking its place. He looks you in the eyes with an intense look that speaks of hope and longing. You know it is a mission, but right now, it feels like a marriage proposal and you feel your stomach flutter with mischievous butterflies. You are speechless for a second, and when you recover you can’t help but smile in happiness at him.
-Yes! Of course! There is no one else here that I would want as a partner! -You blush at how fast you had answered, but his sweet smile and the rosy color adorning his cheeks make the embarrassment fade.
-Then it is settled. We will also need to pack for a two weeks trip by horse.
There was a lot of planing to do and here by the fire with your most precious person in Askr, it was so easy to forget about the past days and their gloomy shadow. That night, you slept the whole night and had no nightmares, but the voice in your dreams that kept calling her daughter made you wonder. Who was it?
“Child of my blood! Awaken!”
You resolve to make yourself remember after awakening, yet the light of day made the memory fade like dew in sunlight.
The trip back had taken longer with the carrying of the wounded. It took you three days instead of two, by the end of the third day you reached the castle.
By now you know who the voice is and who she is calling for.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Could you do something with 3rd Life Joel?
Harley I saw your reply on my 2AM post last night and YES the weird Joel thing IS from your ask. XD I had no idea what to do with this originally because Joel has a lot of good moments but I really wasn't in the mood to do much angsty with him (Joel kind of... exudes anti-angst. He's just so factual about everything and the sarcasm is Off The Charts. I love it.)
But I was getting ready to sleep and randomly scrolled past a post about the myth of Black Shuck and the Wild Hunt and my brain was suddenly possessed by a wild spirit of fanfiction so.... Here. Have this Very Odd piece.
(It works best if you read it in a messy Irish accent, lol.)
(also this may be a lead-up to my Trickster God Scar and Archangel Grian thing someday. We'll see.)
The Wild Hunt
Listen here, child, and I’ll tell ya a tale: the tale of the Wolf King, and a Wild Hunt.
What? Ya know the story? Sit down and hush—you ain’t heard it the way I’ll tell it. And I should know: I seen him myself.
Would ya call yer old granny a liar? For shame. Sit down, you. Eat yer cookie. Listen.
(don’t pinch yer brother, ya nugget, or no more cookies for you.)
He were born out of flames and fire and smoke, y’see. Born when he died, t’be fair, but born in fire all the same. ‘Twas the Grave Maiden what set his roof aflame, she an’ her undead hoard, and of course the Trickster was there as well—fat lot o’ good that did the Wolf King. But he chose his bed, and he laid in it, and we all reap his dreams thereafter.
So there he were, all newly grey and smoulderin’ and his eyes a’burnt like coals and fire and his belly growlin’ for revenge. But he weren’t the Wolf King, not yet—he were then only a lowly red, with naught but one life—like you or me.
(how’d he start with more than one? Well he were a god, weren’t he? Or he were meant to be. No, I don’t know who choses them things—prob’ly the Archangel but don’t tell the cleric you heard that from me. He don’t like me puttin’ the Angel over the Trickster or the Red King. Clerics don’t have much imagination, y’see.)
So what did he do with his one life? With his one, bloody, beatin’ red heart? “Well,” he says, he says to himself, “I need me an army, if I’m gonna take down the Grave Maiden.”
(Shush, child, don’t spoil the story. Yer brother don’t know how it ends.)
“I need me an army,” says he. “But no one will ally with me, and if they did: I’d kill them anyway—” y’see, he had taste for blood, woke with it in his teeth, like any good wolf. “—I’d kill them anyway, the whole world is my enemy.”
So instead of allies, he went to the wolves. And he went to the great da wolf and the great mam wolf, and he says to them, he says: “Give me some of yer children, to fight in my wars.”
And of course the wolves said that was crazy, they weren’t gonna send their children off with some grey-faced red-lifer on a quest to fight the gods. But the Wolf King—
(No, he weren’t the Wolf King yet. No, I don’t know what he were called before. He didn’t matter before.)
The Wolf King—who wasn’t the Wolf King yet—bared his bloody teeth at them wolves and growled at them and said in the words of wolves that they could send their children with him, or he could take ‘em on his own.
Now, wolves is wise—remember that, nugget—wolves is wise, and wolves is knowing. And they looked at this red in front of them and they were knowing that he weren’t lying. And they looked at this red and they were wise and said “Fine, alright, you can take any of ourn that’ll go with ye.”
“Fair enough,” says he. And wolf pups ain’t so wise and so knowing as their parents—remember that, nugget, parents know more’n you give ‘em grief for—so he left with his army: a passel o’ young, foolish wolves.
(Well. Some might say they was foolish. Some might say they was grand and brave and the best wolves to be born on this earth. Some might say that they can be both. Don’t ya go askin’ the cleric though.)
So there he be, this Wolf King and his pack. His army: his teeth and his claws. And now, on moonless nights, ye can hear ‘em: forever huntin’ for the Grave Maiden and her Fallen One and her hordes—she’s his sworn enemy, ya know. But that don’t stop him fightin’ with the other gods too.
He loves to chase the Red King over the mountains—sometimes ya can hear them in the night, howlin’ back and forth at each other, the wolves runnin’ the King and his Hand over the peaks and into the desert dunes. And sometimes the Red King comes after him and the pack too, o’course, but that’s a story for another night and older ears. It’s a bit too sad for cookies by the fire.
(No, love—yer mum’d kill me if I sang the Fall of the Wolf King with yer brother here. He’s too young for that tale.)
He’ll never defeat the Grave Maiden, and he’ll never catch the Red King, and he’ll never burn down all the Flower Kingdom no matter how many times he tries: that’s the nature o’ the gods, y’see, and it’s what makes us happier creatures. ‘Cause they can never finish their stories—they’re trapped in a forever dance of give and take, alliance and war, love and hate. But it’s all real, an’ it’s all true.
And believe me or not but cross my one bleedin’ heart and hope to die (that’s another thing not to repeat in front o’ the cleric, ya hear me, child?): I seen him.
I seen the Wolf King. Just once, but that were enough.
I seen him under the moonlight, racin’ across the moors with his bayin’ army at his back an’ at his front an’ all around him: a sea of white fur, frothin’ about like foam on the surf. All their eyes were burnin’ in the moonlight—I swear it on the Dragon herself. Burnin’ red, they was, like the very flames the Grave Maiden lit. They looked right at me, and I knew—I knew I were his next kill.
(The Wolf King ain’t nice, child. Of course he ain’t nice. He’s mad is what he is. And madmen don’t make for good people to meet when you’re crossing the moors alone of a night, on yer way home from a dance in Crastleton.)
(What do ya mean ya don’t want a sad story? The sad part’s over, child—clearly I didn’t get gobbled up by the Wolf King’s pack, or else who’d be here tellin’ ya this story now, I ask ya? Sit back down with yer sister and listen.)
So I seen him over the crest of the hill, with the moon a silver ha’penny in the sky above and the stars all a-glimmer and a-shinin’ like the lights of the Widow’s crown. And they came down the hill and they swept over me—all them wolves, all glory and soft and fang and hot breath on me face and I closed me eyes—I did!—and just waited for them to gobble me up.
But ya know what happened instead? ‘Course you don’t, that’s why I’m tellin’ ya. Instead o’ teeth and claws and my one life bleedin’ out on the moor… I hears a voice.
No, he didn’t say nothin’, it weren’t words. The Wolf King don’t use human words no more.
But he were laughin’.
Imagine that! Imagine me, not so much older than you, love, alone out on the moor and ringed about by the Wolf King’s army all a’swirlin’ and boundin’ around me: and the Wolf King laughs.
I couldn't help meself, though I'll never know why: but I laughed too.
And then he grabbed me by me arm and we ran.
Oh, my children. If I live to be a thousand I’ll never forget that night.
(Don’t you repeat this to the cleric. Or yer mother. They both think I’m dotty as a bat as it is.)
The Wolf King and his pack run faster than birds can fly—faster than horses, faster than hounds. Faster than I could run, even then: but it didn’t matter. They carried me along, light as a feather and more nimble than a hare. Over the mountain, down the vale, through the ruins of the Flower Kingdom—yes, I’ve seen the Flower Kingdom, but only by moonlight and we didn’t stop, but I heard later that there was fires again so he must have gotten his bite at the Widow and the Soldier when I weren’t lookin’.
And all the while, the whole pack was howlin’. Howlin’ like the front gale of a nor’easter comin’ up the coast: the wolves was howlin’, and the King was howlin’, and Void take me if I weren’t howlin’ too, just like this—
(Oh hush, child, that weren’t even so loud. End’s all, if you ain’t a skittish little creature—get back here and eat another cookie.)
We ran all night, runnin’ and howlin’ and leavin’ fire and fang in our wake. But it couldn’t last forever, as the Wolf King only wanted me runnin’ with him as long as it was sportin’, and even with the wolves carryin’ me along I did get tired. More tired than I’ve ever been before or since, I don’t mind tellin’ ya.
So come mornin’, come dawnin’ of the next day’s sun, I find myself back on the road to Crastleton. My dress were in tatters and my feet were a bleedin’ mess of cuts and blisters that never did hurt, my hair tangled with wind knots and wolf hair, and my throat hoarse from howlin’.
And just before he left, him swirlin’ about with a millin’ mess of wolves around his feet, the Wolf King looked at me—looked at me, I tell ya—and gave me a grin that were full of as many teeth as there are leaves in a tree. He tossed me this, and then he were gone—sweeping up and away off the moor like nothing more than a ghost in a dream.
(Here, look at it. What do you think it is? I’ve always said it’s a claw, but what kinda creature has silver claws, I ask you? Give that back to me now, child—it hasn’t left me side in six times so long as you’ve been alive, and it’ll be buried with me if I can get someone other than the cleric to do the job.)
So of course the Wolf King is real! And so the Trickster and the Archangel and the Grave Maiden and the Widow and the Soldier and the Red King and the Hand and all the rest of them. If ye’re very, very good, and very, very lucky, mayhap you’ll even see them one day.
Because of course, they might be gods, child. But in one way, they’re just like you and me: they’ve got but one life—red and bloodied and barin’ their teeth.
And the Wolf King runs forever, chasing after the Grave Maiden and her Fallen One and even the Traitor when the mood strikes him. He’ll never catch her, but she’ll never outrun him either. The Wolf King hunts forever.
Now—you finish up that cookie and run outside. I hear your mama callin’ for you. And remember: we don’t tell Mama anything Granny says about the cleric, alrighty?
Goodnight, children—sleep tight; don’t let the phantoms bite.
And just maybe—if you’re real, real quiet—you might hear the howling.
Howl back.
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youarejesting · 3 years
Royal Pain (MYG x Reader)
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Prompt: Whistle @castlebangtan​ Pairing: Ranger!Yoongi x reader Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance Words: 1.9k Summary: Feeling out of place in the Kingdom, you can only imagine a life outside the castle and your overbearing parents. With more than whispers on the winds your attention is captured by a bandit ranger. He goes by the name whistle, for his handcrafted arrows that let out a high pitched sound as the fly through the air.
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You were a princess. Crown, servants, dresses, knights and all. Your daily itinerary included waking up early, getting dressed, tutoring, then you were to graciously listen to the civilians' problems and try to fix them. After all that, you would have the afternoon to yourself strolling around the gardens where you would take tea. When the evening came you would retire to the boudoir with your so called ‘friends’. It was just a title for the noble women you were obliged to entertain and solidify connections between their families and the royal family of Dawsbury. 
Watching the sunset, and enjoying the cool breeze, as the soft sky was eaten away by the darkness. Namjoon had his arms full of books as he crossed the courtyard, he seemed to be surprised to see you still seated at your tea table outside. Trailing behind the scholar was the newest guard Jungkook; he had been an aspiring squire for many years, finally passing the exam and being knighted.
“My lady, it must be getting cold, you should retire inside before you fall ill.” Namjoon advised gently, you looked up to see him eyeing the courtyard.
“There have been a few attacks from Whistle lately as well,” Jungkook muttered, receiving a jab to the side from the lanky scholar. “I mean you have nothing to worry about my lady, please allow us to escort you inside.”
You nodded, walking inside. The walls adorned with portraits of relatives long passed, you hated every picture in the castle. The Dawsbury family, — your family — for generations were all uniform, each with the same features, but why were you different? Why did your hair have to be strikingly different in color, your eyes too? You didn’t fit in and it made you try harder in your studies just to appease your family.
You were to marry Lee Heejun, the handsome Prince who had been staying with your family since before you can remember. He was treated more like a family member than you were. “My lady, shall we escort you to the dining hall this evening?” Namjoon smiled
“No, I think I would like to take my dinner alone, I am quite drained from today.” You quickly excused yourself. Not ready to face another night at the dinner table, where your mother and father tried to strong arm you into marriage.
“Of course, we will let the king and queen know.” Namjoon smiled, shutting the door behind you. Sighing, you were finally alone, heading towards the candles to illuminate the area. There was a loud whistle piercing through the air. It’s him! You raced out onto the balcony. Trying to spot the famous bandit behind the signature whistling arrows.
Guards scurried around firing at a shadow on the roof. Alarmed by the approaching figure you ducked inside but heard something land on the balcony. There was almost inaudible panting as the intruder let out a soft profanity.
He snuck inside and you paused holding your breath, he was dripping blood over the plush carpet. His feet not making a sound, “looks empty, no one will be here for the evening.” he whispered touching the small items on the vanity. He sat behind the desk and hissed as he pulled out the arrow stuck in his side a groan slipping past his parted lips quietly. Your eyes had adjusted to the night faster than his. Footsteps were coming down the hall stopping at the door, as the man brandished a small knife.
Knock knock.
“Princess I brought your food,” The maid spoke, you called, the figure behind the desk froze and you hoped he wouldn’t attack you or your maid.
“I am not hungry, please come back later,” You said cheery, “I am just resting, I am sorry to bother you”
“Of course my lady,” the maid scurried off. He knew you were there so there was no reason to hide any longer.
“Are you hurt, sir?” You lit a candle and carried it over kneeling beside him, “Please let me see your side,”
“I am fine.” He wrapped his wound and stood up, you frowned standing and looking at him, “Do you know who I am?”
“You are Whistle right, the famous bandit,” you said hopeful, you thought he was pretty cool. Your father wasn’t a nice man stealing land and taxing everyone immensely, and you thought Whistle was doing good things for the community.
Even if you thought he was a bad guy and wouldn’t trust him with your life, the mystery and the things he did made you admire his abilities.
“Could I have some water?” he asked and you poured some from the nearby jug and he took it, swivelling it in his hand and sniffing it, “drink some first.”
“I didn’t poison it.” You scoffed drinking some and he smiled sadly. Flashing his ring which had a secret compartment open with residual powder.
“I know but I did.” you felt your body go limp and he threw you over his shoulder, wasting no time before taking off in the shadows of the night.
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When you woke you were in a carriage racing through the forest, “My lady you have awoken,” it was Whistle he was sitting across from you the carriage surrounded by men on horses.
“Where are you taking me?” you demanded, embarrassed and angered that you were sound asleep whilst being kidnapped. “You take me back right now or my father will hurt you!”
“Sir we are being followed?” A voice called from outside the carriage.
“Ha! See they are already coming to rescue me and you lowlives will be killed.” You hissed at him, arms folding over your chest with a triumphant expression.
“We ditch the carriage. My lady?” Whistle held out his hand but you didn’t accept it. With a sigh he grabbed you by the waist, throwing you over his shoulder.
“You put me down!” You screeched, “put me down, you sleaze!” 
“I could but you would be trampled,” He had climbed up the side of the carriage to the driver's seat. Once you were placed upright you slapped him in the face. He gritted his teeth holding back some choice words he continued, “After you, my lady.”
His voice was clipped and when you didn’t move he picked you up, dropping you on the horse. Whistle sat behind you as he and the carriage driver, both cutting the horses free and rode off. 
“After all this, I never want to see you again,” you were pushed back into the bandits chest and the group moved quickly through the forest.
“Trust me my lady,” His body was tense. He seemed rather pissed and you were starting to get concerned, “After I deliver you, I will be out of your sight.”
They rode all night. To the point the exhaustion had taken over your form, but they didn’t stop. Almost falling off the horse, the bandits arms wrapped more firmly around your waist pulling you pressed against him. “Find us somewhere to sleep.” They nodded and before long you were speeding into a small clearing.
Sliding off the horse you almost collapsed caught by Whistle who took your chin looking into your tired eyes. The pinto butted his head against your shoulder and you turned patting him. 
“Alright boy, I am taking the saddle off, have patience.” You were handed a small bucket with water from one of the men who smiled gesturing to the horse. Holding the bucket out the horse began drinking happily.
“Here is my bedroll, go to sleep,” He said, sounding exhausted.
“I cannot sleep on the ground!” He gave you an incredulous look making you wilt and sink onto the bed roll. Even if it was on the ground, the bedroll smelt like him. It was too dark to run away without getting yourself killed. 
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This became a routine of riding all day and making camp every night, you tried many times to slow them down but Yoongi always called your bluff. You had said you needed to go to the bathroom and he told you he would slow but he would have to come with as there were dangerous animals in the woods.
After that you started to comply, not trying to annoy him any more, he was losing his patience. Not wanting to complain, something about these men made it feel like they didn’t want to hurt you. He wasn’t the most talkative guy but something about him was caring he knew what you needed before you spoke. His hands outstretched with some food and a water skin.
Filling up on breakfast may not have been the best idea as the furious horse riding made you feel ill, holding it down the feeling soon went away. The men would sometimes talk as they rode and you had noticed among the men was the scholar Namjoon and the newest knight Jungkook.
Why were they here? Were they a part of this? You looked at them confused and assumed they had been undercover this whole time. What you didn't expect was the castle in the distance, perhaps you were just passing through town. However you were escorted directly towards the towering castle.
The closer you got the more your head grew dizzy, a pain behind your temples. Doubling over in pain almost resulted in falling off the horse. If it wasn’t for Whistle you would be becoming well acquainted with the ground. 
“Hang in their princess,” His voice breathed in your ear, arriving in the innermost courtyard, you were assisted off the tall pinto and led into the castle. Upon entering you saw something that almost frightened you, on the wall was your portrait with the king and queen of Matlock. 
You looked the same, the same hair color, eye color. There was a familiarity of the whole place. “I have returned the princess.” Whistle said “Thank you so much Yoongi,” The king laid his hand on the young man’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you for bringing our daughter home.
“I will take my rest now,” he bowed low to you and your parents. How could you forget them?
You were escorted to your room and more memories came back, your mother and father apologized and tried to hold back but you were quick to hug them and tell them you were remembering where you truly belonged.
It was the next morning you were heading through the corridors you knew every turn and path through the castle. Arriving at the dining hall.
“I wish Yoongi could stay with us,” your mother said, “He just got you back and was eager to catch up with you,”
“You two were betrothed, before you were kidnapped and well he thought it was his fault. So he has been trying to find you for a few years now wanting to bring you home,” your father sighed, “He seemed exhausted, I only hoped he would stay another night or two.”
“He was told by the princess that she never wanted to see him again,” Namjoon smirked down the table, “I guess he is taking it seriously.”
Without excusing yourself you ran from the dining hall through the kitchens and out to the stables where you saw him saddling his pinto.
“Yoongi!” you called, panting heavily from the frantic run through half the castle. “Where are you going?”
“I am following your orders, my princess,” he said softly facing the horse and you grabbed his hand and pulled it to your chest.
“I remember.” You breathed, wondering if he could hear how hard your heart was beating against your chest, “Not everything, but I remember somethings, and I think I need you to help me remember.”
“How am I supposed to help you my lady?”
“Never leave my side,” You muttered eyes misting with the idea of him leaving.
“And what if that doesn’t help you remember,” he took your chin in his hand and lifted your gaze to meet his, “What can I do to help you remember?”
You were about to answer when the pinto nudged Yoongi in the back, pushing him into you. A gasp left your parted lips and he leaned in kissing you softly, your hands buried into his hair. Mind flooding with memories of stolen kisses in the music room as he played your favourite tunes. Afternoons at the range sitting and watching Yoongi fire arrows into targets at obscene distances. The whistle piercing through the air.
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Captain Bucheon 02
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader (Lee Nari)
Genre: policeman AU; enemies to lovers AU
Warnings:  langauge, mentions of drugs
story masterlist masterlist
<-- first -- next -->
tags: @wooya1224 (if you want to be un/tagged let me know! I forgot to ask last time lol)
Second: Fears and Desires
Rushing out of the building, you made a quick run for the closest bus stop, trying to supress every urge to look back in case someone could be following you. With their identity being unknown and the box being successfully delivered on your behalf meant huge trouble for you and it left you incredibly nervous to stay in the same place as that anonymous. For whatever reason someone decided to deliver the box. Who could it be?
With your heart racing all the way in your throat, you thought that this situation would be the worst. Turning a sharp corner that led to the main road, you collided harshly with a sturdy chest, the person's arms flying out to catch your falling figure. Hands slid around your waist and steadied you up carefully.
Realizing your eyes were squeezed shut, you opened your eyes to be met with familiar ones. You slowly died inside.
“Careful,” he murmured as he took in your scared expression.
Stepping away from him, you tried to brush off the feeling of pining. You'd been working way too hard to avoid him for you to meet him exactly when you were running away red-handed. “What are you doing here?”
He shook his head gently as his gaze slowly took in your features. It made you shudder. “My workplace is not far away, remember?”
Gulping, you nodded, letting out a breathy snort as you looked down on the pavement. “Right. Silly of me to ask.”
“Are you okay?”
“I missed you,” you blurted at the same time and looked up at him. “Oppa.”
Baekhyun was frozen just for a moment before he stepped closer to you with the gentlest of smiles. Slowly, he reached up with his hand and cradled your cheek. “I missed you too, pretty.”
Pretty. Ah, how you missed that nickname.
“Then kiss me,” you let out boldly and you expected him to be surprised or even scold you for being so demanding but he surprised you.
“Oh, yeah,” he murmured, leaning in. “I will, now that you're finally here.” You helped him out by standing on your tip-toes while you let your arms circle around his neck, and his hands slid back to your waist. His lips touched yours gently, carefully, before you hummed and pushed yourself more into him, urging him to deepen the kiss.
He growled when he felt your chest press up to his and his grip tightened while one of his hands came up to your neck, tilting your head so he could have better access. With a simple lick of his tongue, he was inside and you were whimpering, gasping, panting. So, so needy for him. You groaned, feeling the strong attraction you both shared. It seemed that no matter how much you hated him, it was always present. You would always be bewitched by Byun Baekhyun.
He was still hungrily claiming your lips when he reached up for your arms and brought them down until he had your hands in his. He fumbled with them for a while and you smiled, expecting him to intertwine your hands. Just the feeling of his smooth hands on yours made the butterflies in your tummy flutter their wings.
Then you heard a click.
Baekhyun kissed you one last time, his lips puckering, before slowly leaning back and taking in your scared eyes when you felt cold metal around your wrists.
“Lee Nari,” he breathed, the puffs of hot air on your wet lips, “I arrest you for illegal drug distribution.”
Gasping loudly, you sat straight up in your bed, the aftermath of your nightmare still present and fresh in front of your eyes while you tried to shake off the dread and the terrible pull in your lower tummy. Why the hell were you sexually frustrated when he arrested you again?
“What is it?” you heard from beside you, a confused and sleepy Yuyeon. “Nari? Are you okay?” she was next to you within a second, the early morning sun lighting up the room softly through the light curtains. She saw you touching your lips while tears were rolling down your cheeks. “Goodness, was the dream that bad?” she asked again carefully and sat on your bed.
You whimpered, still shocked, and reached out for your best friend, wrapping your arms around her to get a feel of reality. “Just… it was ridiculous. So ridiculous, Yuyeonah,” you muttered, sniffing, flashes of Baekhyun's face ever-present and lively. That was certainly not how you imagined the first meeting with him to go. 
“It was just a bad dream,” consoled Yuyeon gently, rubbing your back in circles. “None if it is real, Nari.”
You nodded and pressed your lips together. 
Just a bad dream.
“Are you okay?” Someone muttered to your ear, successfully scaring the living daylights out of you.
You heard that sentence in your dream.
Turning around abruptly with wide eyes, you spot Chul who was smiling at you cheekily.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. You just look a little absent-minded,” he explained, scratching his neck as he looked at the ground.
You sighed. “I’m fine. But thanks for worrying.”
He nodded and wanted to say something before hesitating. You raised a questioning eyebrow, silently asking him what was up.
“Was everything fine after I left?”
Oh. You completely forgot to let him know the mission was successful since you were so freaked out by the unexplainable events. “Yes!” you squeaked. “It went perfectly!”
“Great! I received the confirmation text but you never followed up with an update.” He laughed. “Then we can focus on your run in the festival!”
You groaned and started stomping towards your classroom. “I really, really like REALLY don’t wanna do it.”
He followed you, snickering. “You’re our ace, Nari.” He hugged your shoulders with his arm and pressed you to his side. “If you won’t attend, nobody will come and watch!”
Puffing your hair out of your face, you silently fumed. “I already said okay to the darn MCing with that bitc- singer.”
“Were you just about to call her a bitch?” asked Chul, shocked as he maneuvered you through the crowded corridors. Students were giving you looks, some whispering when they spotted Chul, the famous boy.
“Ah, no, not at all,” you grumbled, not bothering to hide your sarcasm.
Chul chuckled and you stopped in front of your class. “You can be so feisty. Either way, bring this spirit to the running track. We are starting from today!”
“But-but I want to go out to the bar-“
Chul clicked his tongue. “I will gladly take you to a bar if you come to the practice.”
Not even stopping to think it over, you quickly complied: “You’ll buy me a drink, right? Oppa?” you added with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
He observed you for a moment, an amused smile splayed on his face. “Sure, Nari. A drink it is.”
“Faster, Lee!” shouted coach Lim when you finished the second round, heaving loudly like a horse. “If you want to win an award for us you will have to do better than that!”
With bitter realization, you noticed how he reminded you of your beloved math teacher back in high school. Unfortunately, you weren’t that good at sports but you were still better than math.
“Okay, got it,” you exhaled harshly, coming to a full stop.
You saw the sun already setting, the cold air turning your hot breaths into condensation. You could practically feel your nose turning red.
“Hey, Rudolf!” Chul.
You snapped your head at him, glaring. “Do not mock me. You’ve dragged me into this yet you seem very unaffected.”
He laughed, walking over to you. “You already forgot why I am the president of the student council?” He quirked an eyebrow at you. “I’m good at everything.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay then you win the award for us.”
“Nuh-uh. It’s gotta be you,” he winked at you.
Too tired to bother fighting with him, you quickly went to change into your clothes, deciding you would take a shower once you got back from the smelly bar. Surely you stinking wouldn’t bother people too much. Plus, it wasn’t like you were trying to impress Chul anyway.
Meeting the senior outside, you headed for the closest bar, bickering on the way. Once inside he bought you a drink just as promised and you were fast to gulp down half of the cocktail.
“So, I’ve been wanting to discuss some matters with you,” started Chul, looking at you in amusement when you took another big gulp. “Just some other stuff that has to be taken care of about the festival.”
You whined and leaned your forehead into your palm. “Why now? We should do that at the student council.”
“You’re my right hand, Lee,” reasoned smoothly Chul and took a sip of his beer. The frothy foam left a small white mustache and it made you giggle. You motioned for him to get rid of it and he quickly licked it off. “Anyway,” he started with a laugh, “you’ll take care of the security team of the festival. Make sure to book the bodyguards and police guards around. We will have famous artists there so security should be our number one priority at all costs.”
You hummed, faking thinking. You ignored your rapid heartbeat at the mention of police, some flashbacks of your dream quickly chasing you down. Nodding, you hid your face behind the cup as you took another sip and looked around the place as if expecting to see the familiar face in the crowd just like you did on the night you met him.
“I kind of want to pass on this one,” you finally replied as you put down your glass.
“Why is that?”
Sighing, you pursed your lips not wanting to elaborate on your actual thinking pattern. “Just feels weird to talk to the police and blah blah blah,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m already doing so much for the festival, Chul, don’t you think?”
Chul observed you for a moment. “I’m sorry. I feel like a total jerk for always throwing all the responsibilities at you but I really am only giving you those tasks that require the most able person.”
“Oh.” You didn’t think about that. After all, Chul was right. You were kind of like a right hand to him, doing a lot of jobs in the behind the scenes whenever there were events happening at the school.
“And I heard that you might have connections at the police so I thought we could use that to our advantage,” he continued, hesitating when he noticed your sour expression. “Am I wrong?”
Your slight scowl turned into a frown. “Who the hell told you that?”
He blinked a couple of times. “Well, she told me it’s a secret so…”
“Yeah,” he looked at your hard expression, prompting him to answer you. You swore you would kill Oh Sehun, you were sure it was him.
“Yuyeon. It was Yuyeon.”
Your mouth opened in shock. You thought you heard wrong. “What? What did she tell you though?” And why would Yuyeon talk to a person she didn't like? You knew her well and she voiced, or at least showed, how she didn't like Chul. In her opinion, he was too friendly with everyone.
Chul laughed unsurely, a little perplexed at the change of your behavior. “Nothing! I mean... she mentioned a boyfriend-“
“I never had a boyfriend at the police station,” you declared quickly. “I hardly know anyone there so I don’t think I can help you in this matter.”
Chul nodded, immediately complying while his hands played with the cup in his hands. “Right, sorry. Maybe I’ve heard wrong. You’d be too young to date a police officer anyway.” He took note of your sudden unreadable expression and when you didn’t reply, he added: “Then I don’t see a problem why you can’t take care of the matters! Since you don’t have a boyfriend at the station.”
You sucked your lips in, mulling over his words. It wouldn’t hurt if you’d ask for favors from Yuyeon or Sehun, right? They could call in with your name and that way you wouldn’t have to worry about the possibility of accidentally talking to Byun Baekhyun. Either way, it was hard to win an exclusive chat with the big captain himself, so eventually, you didn’t see that much of a problem with it. And, it was a must that nobody could find out about any kind of connection with him. People would know you were underaged or could think you were too easy and had a beneficial relationship with him. That could totally ruin your image — because you didn’t care about his for sure!
“Okay,” you agreed with a timid nod, avoiding Chul’s eyes. “I’ll do it.” Managing to fake a strained smile you finally looked up to catch him studying you.
“If it makes you uncomfortable—“
“No, it’s absolutely fine,” you chirped in and threw the remaining cocktail into your mouth. If you pretended it was hard alcohol maybe you could slowly start swimming in nothingness and forget about him.
It was unfair that he’d been chasing you in your dream. It felt so real. Even the kissing was so believable it made chills run down your spine. “I’m gonna order another one,” you decided, already standing up. “I need it.”
Chul nodded slowly, hesitantly, and shook his head when you asked him whether he wanted another one.
Walking over to the busy bar, you caught the waiter and ordered yourself another cocktail when a tall figure appeared next to you.
“Is this your fourth already?” He asked nonchalantly, looking around. He was one head taller than you so it wasn’t like you were obscuring his view. “Jez, woman, when was the last time you took a shower?”
Rolling your eyes, you waved your hand to finally bring his attention to you. “You don't even pay attention to me but dare to comment on my hygiene.” You clicked your tongue disappointedly. “I’m right here, Sehun, and no it isn’t my fourth. But I’m getting there,” you rumbled and tapped your fingers impatiently on the worn-down surface of the wooden bar table.
“Why are you here with Chul?”
“Cause you didn’t ask me to hang out,” you pouted and innocently blinked a few times.
Sehun elbowed you gently. “I was meeting someone else today. And anyways, you’ve been always busy during a weekday - you don’t have work tonight, right?”
Making a grimace at the mention of your work, you turned back to the barista, watching him mix your cocktail. “No, tonight I’m free. And I had my first training, Sehun. I will die if I have to continue preparing for that damn race,” you whined, turning abruptly to him.
“I’ll help you with the training. I promise I’m more fun than coach Lim! I hear he is rather hot-headed,” he said with a glint in his eyes. “You know I won’t scold you.”
You frowned like a kid. “Run the race for me then.”
Sehun sighed and when the barista brought you your cocktail he quickly ordered two whiskeys.
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline. “You’re going hard tonight.” Immediately you took a sip of your drink and felt an instant relief. While still playing with the straw, you looked up at your friend. “Who’re you here with anyway?”
Sehun gave you a look. “Uh, just a friend.” He shrugged. He was thankful for the crowded bar tonight. “We are just catching up.”
“Great!” You smiled brightly and put your cocktail down. “Do I know him? Or her?” you winked.
“Eh—“ Sehun hesitated and his eyes fell on someone behind you, following the person with his eyes for a moment. He then quickly took your cocktail and pushed it into your hand. “Nari, you shouldn’t have Chul wait for you. I’ll see you at school.”
You pouted, frowning. “Yah, are you trying to get rid of me?!”
“No, I'm really not but just go. I’m doing you a favor here.”
You were about to scoff and retort to him something ugly for daring to kick you out like that, when another figure appeared next to Sehun. “I have an urgent phone call. I’ll be back soon, Sehun.”
You stared at Byun Baekhyun with your mouth hanging slightly open. His hair was pushed from his forehead, leaving space to admire his handsome features and the wrinkle-free forehead. His jawline was sharp and you zoomed in on those lips and the way they showed his lower teeth whenever he opened his mouth. He was absolutely breath-taking and he kissed you last night in your dream. He arrested you, too.
Baekhyun finally looked at the person Sehun had been chatting with, intending to acknowledge their presence but maybe he shouldn’t have. Having Lee Nari staring at him that way still pulled on his insides.
It was exactly three seconds and you sensed Sehun nodding to himself awkwardly, obviously thinking well, I told you to leave, but he didn't have to speak indirectly no more. You dashed. You literally dashed along with your cocktail, not bothering about spilling it all over yourself in the process, not bothering to say bye to Sehun, let alone acknowledging Baekhyun's presence. You swore you wouldn't do it. So you didn't.
Your heart was wild and scarily loud as you hastily approached Chul and slid down into your chair, bringing breeze along with you. He locked his phone he’d been playing with while you were away but when he saw your disheveled state, he blurted: “Nari? What happened? Are you okay?”
You were staring at him, desperately trying not to look where Sehun and Baekhyun were.
“It’s fine.”
“Did someone try to do something?” He looked back over his shoulder and he directly spotted Sehun and he must have seen Baekhyun, too. They had their heads connected now, an intense talk going on. “Hey, that’s Oh Sehun with someone.”
“Yeah, I chatted with him for a moment. Anyway, I’m here now. Let’s continue the talk.”
Chul took a moment longer before he finally turned around and faced you. He caught you gulping down half of the cocktail and sighed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I am.” Your eyes wandered on their own accord and you caught eyes with Baekhyun as he was leaving the bar. He was carefully making his way through the crowd, his phone in his hands, most probably tending to that urgent phone call he mentioned. He must have still been a workaholic.
To your utter horror, he wasn’t a coward. You should have known better than to follow him with your stare, for Baekhyun kept his look on you, observing you expressionlessly until he couldn’t do so anymore and until he was out of the bar.
He would hunt you all the time.
And you, as mature and as confident you acted a year ago when you told him there might be a chance of you two starting over again, you realized you probably matured backwards during that time. Anger, hatred, passion - they were all burning up inside of you and all the unwanted memories came flooding back.
Biting down hard on your lip, you willed away the tears. Lee Nari was not someone who would cry just over anyone and she wouldn't get fooled twice.
It was just the realization that you would never be able to build your bridges up with him again that made you want to weep. Even though you wanted to, you found it almost impossible in that moment.
A/N: Whew. I had a little bit of a rough time with this one because it is so slow-paced and already a little complex (in my head). What did you think? I got you fooled there in the beginning heheh It was just a dream in case you are still not sure! Though you never know with Captain Bucheon, hm?
Please let me know your thoughts!! :) 
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poppywrites41 · 4 years
Captured. Eren X Reader
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Relationship: Aggressive! Eren Jeager x Fem! Reader
Summary: Eren escaped his cell and left to rejoin Floch and the Jeagerists. Left shocked and confused, the remaining members the Survey Corps plan a meeting to find Eren and bring him back.
Warnings: Manga spoilers for Season 4!! Cursing and Smut in the end.
Do not read if you have not read the manga! This has nothing to do with my other fic, Why? Lmao. I just felt like this part in the manga, would be a perfect opportunity for some  r u d e  Eren.
“How did he escape?!” Jean yelled, slamming his fist on the table.
“He made a hole in the wall and sealed it with his titan’s hardening,” Hange said, hands clenching in anger, “If only we had taken more precautions...if only we had restrained him more…”
“Well what happened happened,” Levi said, sipping his tea, “Mistakes were made. Now the brat is out meeting up with those psychopaths. I swear, whenever I see him I will give him the fight of his life.”
“Well now we need to make up and plan,” Armin said, looking at a map of Paradis, “We need to figure out where Eren might be as well as Zeke. We need to keep those two separated.”
“Maybe if we meet up with-” Mikasa was cut off when the doors were slammed open, revealing a seething h/c girl.
“Where. Is. Eren?” Y/N seethed. Everyone was too scared to respond. It is not often Y/N gets mad, but when she does, she’s scary. “Where is that son of a bitch?! I will kill him!!”
“Y/N calm down!!” Armin said, “We are trying to figure that out now. We cannot go around charging after people. We need to make a plan on how to best approach Eren.”
Instead of calming down, Y/N threw a chair across the room which then prompted humanities strongest soldier to tackle her to the ground. “Armin,” Levi said holding down a feral Y/N, “We need a plan by tonight. Eren will be on the move so we need to be fast. I will take this brat out and give you some peace.” Armin nodded and begun devising a plan with Hange, Mikasa, Jean and Connie.
Levi dragged Y/N to another room and threw her inside. “What the fuck Levi,” Y/N growled, “You and I both know we need to leave now to catch up to Eren.”
“Not without a plan brat.” Levi said, “Eren is too powerful and he has somewhat of an army. We need to wait. Now if you aren’t going to cooperate like a normal human being, I will have to lock you in this room for a time out.”
“You wouldn’t dare…” Y/N glared at him.
Levi smirked and pulled out some keys from his pocket, “I will always be stronger and smarter than you brat. Take some time, cool your head and I will come get you before we leave.” With that, the captain swiftly exited the room and locked the door. 
It has been a couple of hours. At least, that’s what Y/N thinks. “What the fuck is taking them so long?” she mumbles as she paces the room, “We need to leave now or else we won’t be able to catch up to him.” 
After pacing the room for some time, she sat down and poured some water into a glass and brought it to her lips. Even though the water was cool, it did not soothe her temper. “UGH WHY AM I STILL HERE?!” she yells and throws the cup, coincidently into the widow, making a crack in the glass.
Y/N stares at the window and looks outside. She looks down and sees the stables and weapons storage across the courtyard. “Fourth floor huh?” she mumbles to herself, “Oh Levi...You underestimate me little man.” Y/N opens the window and climbs out onto the roof. To her left, she sees a ladder descending to the ground. She makes a run for it, not realizing she ran past the window of the room where the gang were making the plan.
While Armin was talking, Levi noticed something blur past the window. He looked outside and saw Y/N running across the roof. Quickly springing into action, while catching everyone inside off-guard, he climbed out the window after Y/N. 
“L/N!!” He yelled, stopping her in her tracks, “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m leaving to beat that bastard’s ass, Captain,” Y/N said, “And you will not be stopping me!”
With that, she jumped off the roof and braced herself to hit the ground. She tucked herself into a ball and rolled forward to lessen the impact of the rough earth against her fall, allowing her to get up easily and start running towards the weapons storage. She new she had a small window of time to pick her weapon before Levi hits the ground. She new he wouldn’t throw himself off the roof like her. Y/N looks at the weapons in-front of her. “I don't have enough time to put on my ODM gear….” She said. Then she noticed some ODM blades with their handles attached with some polisher next to them. “That’ll have to do.” she sighed and grabbed two, quickly wrapping them. As she was making her way to the stables, she noticed a revolver on a table. She grabbed it, stuffed it in her belt and went to her horse. When she was about to grab the saddle to put it on, She noticed Levi running across the courtyard towards her. “I guess I’m riding bareback!” She exclaimed as she jumped onto her horse, hands tight on the reigns, kicking its sides, flying out of the camp. “Let’s go!” she called to the horse as she steered it towards the open gate of Wall Maria, running full speed. The open gate was within view, however, she heard the bell tolling. Y/N whipped her head back and saw the bell tolling. “Damn you Levi!!” She howled, “Hya!! Come on boy. Let’s go!” She urged her horse faster, aiming to exit right before the gate closed. As she got closer, she saw her opening closing. “Come on! Come on!” The gate was almost closed. Y/N flattened herself to her horse back as they went underneath the lowering gate, her horse pushing itself faster. Y/N closed her eyes waiting to feel the immense pressure crush her and her steed. But it never came. She could still feel her horses muscles flexing under her as well as its heartbeat. Y/N opened her eyes and looked around her. The wall was getting smaller and smaller. She smiled, “We made it!!” she cheered, patting the horse. “Now,” she smirked looking into the woods, “Let’s go find that bastard.”
Night had fallen, and after several hours of searching for Eren, Y/N decided to take a break. She stopped at an old village near the woods that was left alone for a while. Y/N put her horse in the stables and gave it food and water, bidding her friend goodnight.
While walking to a house that she was planning on staying in, she heard a crash. Y/N jumped behind some rubble and waited. 
“Damn,” a voice said, “Why would people just leave their village without supplies?”
“I dont know man,” another voice said, “But Mr. Jaeger said that this village still had some and that we need it.”
‘Eren!’ Y/N’s eyes widened, ‘They know where he is!’ 
She looked out from her hiding spot and saw two men carrying sacks and throwing them onto a wagon. “Alrighty,” one of them said, “I think we are good to go.” One of them climbed in the back and the other took hold of the reigns, urging the horses pulling the wagon to move.
“I need to follow them!” 
Y/N grabbed her blades and gun and ran after the wagon, making sure to keep her distance.
The place they stopped, Eren’s camp, wasn’t that far away from the village. She watched the wagon pull up next to others while some men approached it to unload the supplies. The two men got off the wagon and were taken by two soldier to a figure who faced the fire. Y/N couldn’t make it out who it was for their back was facing her.
“Where you followed?” the figure asked.
“No sir,” one of the men said, “The village was empty. Like you said, Mr. Jeager.”
‘Eren…” Y/N slowly unwrapped her ODM blades and slowly crept up on the men and Eren, using the shadows to her advantage.
“What did you find?” Eren asked.
“Grain, eggs, pork and potatoes.” the other man said proudly.
“Oh I believe you also brought me a gift.” Eren said smirking.
“A-A...gift? Sir?” they asked.
“Of course,” Eren said standing up to face them, “You both brought me a gift. You didn’t realize it?”
The men shook their heads in confusion, making Eren smirk. 
“Come on out, Y/N.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. ‘How did he know I was here?!’
“Come on Y/N~” Eren said in a sing song voice, “Or else these men die.”
“Don’t kill them!” She said stepping into Eren’s vision, dropping the blades, “They didn’t know I was there!”
“Oh Y/N…” Eren sighs and snaps his fingers. Two gunshots follow and the two men’s bodies soon follow after that.
“What did they do?!” she growled.
“Nothing,” Eren said shrugging, “they were unaware of their surroundings and just plain stupid. I can’t surround myself with stupid people.”
“But they were innocent!” She cried.
“Mr. Jaeger!” some soldiers called as they ran toward them to protect him.
“It’s alright,” Eren said to his men, “She can’t do much. You all go get some rest.”
“I can’t do much?” Y/N growled, “I can’t do much?!” She pulled out her gun and aimed it at Eren, “I can fuck you up so bad you bastard!!” shooting him multiple times until her gun ran out of bullets.
Eren groaned and fell to the ground.
“Just die already,” Y/N said turning around and walking away, “We will defeat Zeke and save humanity. We trusted you, Eren. And you broke our trust. You stupid son of a bi-”
A scorching hot hand wrapped around her throat cut her off, causing her to choke.
“Are you dumb? Or did you forget that you need to slice my nape to kill me?” Eren chuckled in her ear, his breath fanning over her skin, making her get goosebumps.
“Y-You...b-bastard…” Y/N gasps, gulping for air. She tried scratching his skin with her nails, hoping for him to release her, but it wouldn’t work.
“How about we take a walk hm?” Eren said smirking, “That always used to calm you down.”
“How- d-dare you…” she growled. Eren released her throat, allowing her to gasp and gulp down the oxygen her body so desperately needed, and grabbed both of her arms, steering her deeper into the woods.
“Everyone get some rest,” Eren called out to his men, “I will return in a while.”
Once they were out of sight and hearing of his camp, Eren let go of Y/N, throwing her way from him onto the ground. Y/N grunted in pain as she stood up. “You piece of shit!” she yelled as she threw her fist towards his face. Eren sighed out of annoyance as he grabbed her by the wrist and tossed her body a few feet away from him. “Why are you here?” He asked as he walked over to her and pulled her up by her shoulder, “Where are the others?”
“Not *cough* here.”
Eren’s eyes widened with confusion, “So they don’t know where you are?”
“No,” She said as she harshly pushed him away from her, “I came here to either kill you are take you back to everyone.”
“You intend to bring me back?” He laughed, “I believe you have it wrong, sweetheart.” He grabbed Y/N by her hair and brought her face close to his and licks his lips, “It is I who have captured you.”
“Let me go you bastard!” Y/N yells as she swings her legs at him hoping to kick him off of her to allow her time to escape. But Eren is a step ahead of her. He swung his leg under her, kicking her legs out from underneath, having her land square on her back. The sudden pain sent her into a bit of a frozen shock, giving Eren enough time to straddle her legs between his and tie her hands above her head.
“Eren…” Y/N looked up at the brunette with furious eyes, “let...me...go.”
Eren smirked. He liked it when she got all riled up, it was a big turn on for him. He lowered his head to her ear and nibbled on her lobe, causing the girl to stiffen, “Sorry sweetheart,” he deep husky voice said into her ear, “I cannot pass this opportunity up. It’s not often you are rendered immobile.”
“W-What do you m-mean?” Y/N grunts as she squirms underneath him in an attempts to escape his hold and the ropes. She suddenly stopped with a sharp intake of breath when she felt something poke her thigh. Eren gave a low groan of pleasure and began to swivel his hips against Y/N’s. 
“You know,” he said as he pulled her legs out from under him, spreading them open, “I have had my eye on you for a while, Y/N.”
He looked at the h/c haired girl’s face and smirked. Her eyes were looking back at him with fear. He chuckled when she flinched as he reached for the buttons on her shirt.
“Relax. I’m not gonna hurt you.” He said as he unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her sports bra (y’all rlly think girl scouts would be wearin normal bras?lol). Eren placed light kisses onto her neck as he pulled her bra up, revealing her chest.
“P-Please Eren. Don’t!” Y/N said with a shaky voice. 
“Calm down,” He said as he began to knead her left breast, “It’ll feel better if you’re relaxed.”
‘Just stay quiet,’ she said to herself, ‘If I don’t react, he will get bored.’ So that’s what she did. She stayed quiet and looked up at the sky through the trees to distract herself. Only she didn’t notice that Eren had rid her of her pants. She was suddenly brought back to reality when she felt something invade her core. She gasped in pain and looked down to see Eren moving his fingers in and out of her core.
“Welcome back,” he smirked at her, “I knew what you were doing, Y/N. I let you have your little moment of peace, now it ends!” Y/N squealed when his fingers began to move faster within her, rubbing all of her sensitive spots. Her breathing became labored and her hips began to buck into Eren’s hand on their own, chasing her release. Eren stroked her walls with is fingers a few more times before removing his hand before she could, resulting in Y/N yelling in anger and frustration.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” Eren asked, sounding like a husband worrying about his wife, “Did you need something?”
“E-Eren…” Y/N groaned as she felt her thighs rubbing against each other, trying to create friction to help her reach her high.
“Oh look!” Eren laughed, “the little slut wants to cum.” He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes as his fingers went back to her pussy. Y/N whimpered as she felt his fingers enter her slowly, her hips moving to hurry him. “Do you want to cum?” he asks. Y/N didn’t answer and only glared at him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of her giving in.
Eren then sighed and took his fingers out, earning a sharp exhale from the girl. He stood up and moved Y/N to stand up against a tree. He made sure to tie her legs apart so that she doesn’t move them together and retied her hands above her. “If you don’t want to cum, then I hope you don’t mind if I just leave you like this.” He smirked, “It’ll help making the need to cum go away.” He took a good look at her, but noticed that she wasn’t reacting and that pissed him off. He bent down to where his mouth was against her pussy and began to lick her clit, causing Y/N to shiver. Eren continued to lick and suck on Y/N’s pussy until she was a trembling mess. He could feel her walls tighten. “E-E-Eren!” Y/N cried as soon as Eren stepped back. “I will kill you!!” she screams.
“I will ask you again, slut,” Eren said, “Do you want to cum?”
Y/N breathing was erratic, her mind was in jumbles and she was upset. She couldn’t think straight.
“P-please…” she said in defeat, looking up at him, “let me cum…”
All of a sudden, she could no longer feel any ropes on her. Eren held her in his arms against the tree, “I can’t hold back sweetheart.” Before Y/N could comprehend his words, she felt something spread her walls so much it hurt. Eren grunted while he pushed his cock into her pussy. When he finally got himself in all the way, he felt Y/N tense up and shudder. She was a sweaty, panting mess in his arms. “Did you just cum from me putting my dick in you?” he smirked. He put her on the ground and began to move inside her. He noticed she was holding back her moans so he pinched her side, causing her to gasp. “Don’t hold back your moans,” he grunted as he thrusted into her, “No one can hear you except me.”
Y/N tried to keep it together, but all of a sudden she could feel another orgasm coming. She could not longer hide her noises. “Eren! Eren I’m close!” She moaned into his ear. Eren brought a hand down to her clit and rubbed her pearl, causing her to moan, as he pounded into her hips harder. “Ah! Eren please! Please I’m so close! Eren! I-Mmf!” Eren silenced her with his lips as he continued his assault on her pussy, Y/N greedily returning the kiss. He could feel her tightening around him, bringing him close to his high. He detached his lips from hers and placed them on her neck, giving her hickies and love bites. “Eren!” Y/N says hazily after her second orgasm, “Inside...do it inside please!!” Her arms wrapped around his neck, looking into his eye with her big sparkly e/c ones. Seeing her looking so fucked out, brought Eren over the edge. He gave one final thrust as he held Y/N close to him while he spilled everything he had into her womb.
After a few minutes of them laying together in each others arms, too tired to move, Y/N brings a hand to Eren’s face, turning his attention to her. “Eren…” she said with tears in her eyes, “Let’s go home. Please.”
Eren smiled, making Y/N think he would agree, but that smile turned into a smirk and what he said next broke her heart in a million pieces:
“Oh sweetheart, you’ve been captured. I cannot let you go.”
Welp. There’s another Eren fic. Hope y’all enjoy! Sorry for any mistakes!
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19. Denki Kaminari
          Theme: Haunted house
          Kinks: Public sex, slight fear play (if you squint), praise kink
All underaged characters are aged up. Denki is 18+. Don’t come at me unless I send for you.
                                      Play Time at the Haunted House
The ten people ahead of you and Denki waited impatiently for the staff to let them through the festooned tunnel. You gripped Denki's hand tight as you heard the other guests screaming and running out the exit on the other side. Creepy music and sound effects echoed from the tunnel on top of the screaming. Gurgling, groaning, and howling costumed actors terrified the guests already inside. 
"You sure you want to go in, Y/N? We don't have to if you don't want to."
You shake your head. "I'm good, I'm good. Just don't leave me behind."
"Don't worry, babe. I'm not gonna lose you. I'll protect you from the big bad monsters."
Haunted house staff let in a few more people until you and Denki were the next in line. Between the carnival colors of streamers splattered in fake blood, you made out the strobe lights bouncing around the black-painted walls. Clowns with creepy laughter echoed down the plywood walls. Screams followed both before and after. Above it all, eerie organ music twisted the playful themes of a circus into bone-chilling tunes played throughout. You looped both hands around Denki's arms, which made him chuckle.
A moment later, you were admitted. The smell of plastic and chemical fog hit you. Glow in the dark spirals, shapes, and fake blood greeted you as you passed under the tattered streamers. You and Denki rounded a corner where an actor greeted you with a scream and a demonic mask. You were the only one who screamed. The two of you passed into the red, and white corridor past the display of bloodied crates marked PROPS and TNT. Shredded and splattered plastic created a maze where every turn hid a hideous clown, each more terrifying than the last. 
Denki yelled once in a while, but you were the only screaming the most. You didn't care if your nails dug too tightly into his arm; you were scared. The maze gave way to a nurse tent, but proper health care would have been a jarring exhibit in a haunted house. Actors dressed as part-nurses and part-clowns wore white uniforms painted in fake gore. They tore into plastic bodies that shuddered and flailed while guts were being pulled out with glee. You squeezed your eyes shut for the next scene. 
A black-painted hallway painted with glow-in-the-dark symbols and signs telling visitors to TURN BACK and RUN in bold, startling letters. You heard the other guests' screams passing in front of you and the maniacal laughter of actors. Crates and barrels hid the clowns so they could easily jump out and scare you. Chainsaws out on the other side whirred into life, followed by more screaming.
Man-made fog covered the ground as you entered yet another scene. Tombstones, coffins and a mausoleum were painted in those same neon colors alongside black and red streaks. If there was something worse than nurse-clowns, it was clown-zombies. Their plastic and grease-painted faces flashed before your eyes in the strobe lights. The fog hid their movements while the music and screams hid their footsteps.
"I got you, Y/N. Nothing bad is gonna happen to you, I promise." Denki pecked your cheek.
Denki snaked his arm around you and pulled you close to his body. His smirk belied more confidence than he should have. You had the sneaking suspicion he was hiding something.
Even more, fog blinded you in the next scene, which was also the last before the chainsaw-chasers ran you out of the exit. You barely made out which figures were props and which were actors. In the dense fog in the middle, you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. You felt Denki's hand pull you close. You thought he was preparing you to go through the exit. Instead, he pulled you off to the side. You ducked behind a fake tree. The actors were too preoccupied with the oncoming guests to notice your disappearance. A moment later, Denki pulled you inside an unoccupied shed. From the outside, it looked like a prop. Inside, it looked more like a rough break room for the scare actors to cool off and drink water.
“Denki, what are we doin—”
He didn't give you a chance to finish your sentence before pining you to the nearest wall and kissing you. Denki's hands rubbed your sides up and down before sliding under your shirt. His deft fingers made quick work of the belt on your skirt and pulled it up to your waist.
Your yelps and moans couldn't be overheard by the music and screaming going on outside the shed. Even if they did, nobody would really think about it in a haunted house.
"You're so pretty when you look so helpless." Denki moaned in your ear. His fingers slid into your panties, pulled them aside by the hem, and plunged two fingers inside.
Your inner thighs were already coated with sweat. Your legs clamped around his hand as Denki slid further up into your body. You moaned louder when his thumb grazed against your clit. Your heart was still pounding in your chest from the frightful scenes walking through the haunted house. The thrill of getting caught in the middle of one made your mind go hazy. Your cheeks darkened. The shed held little light except for the strobes that pierced through the smallest cracks. Denki's golden eyes looked into your face as it slowly caved to his advances. You two alone could hear the soft noise of his fingers, reducing you to a puddle.
"You take my fingers so well, baby." Denki licked his lips. "I wonder how well you're going to take my cock?"
"Denki," you sighed as his fingers plunged deeper and rubbed your inner walls faster. You felt warmth spreading in your lower belly and something wet dripping down your thigh. "W-We can't do that here! What if somebody catches us!"
"Just leave that to me."
Denki's words gave you little assurance as he rammed his fingers in and out of your sensitive cunt. You leaned your head into his shoulder and bit down on his jacket. Your muffled groans went unnoticed by the guests outside. You spasmed around his fingers, your hips jutting forward to meet him. Slowly, Denki removed himself. He brought his glistening fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. You panted for breath.
Meanwhile, Denki worked his belt-buckle, unzipped his fly, and pulled out his turgid member. Denki pulled your panties to the side and aligned himself with your sopping folds. The intrusion was slow as if he was savoring the moment. Denki bottomed out with all of him inside you.
"You feel so good," Denki murmured against the skin of your collar bone and gave it a little nip. "I'm gonna you feel good too."
With that, Denki pulled out slightly then pushed back inside, all the way in. You clapped your hand over your mouth, though the effort was fruitless. Denki repeated the motion, faster and rougher this time. He clamped your legs around his waist, your arms on his shoulders, and braced his own hands against the wall. You moved your hips in tandem with his.
"Just like that, Y/N. Squeeze me just like that." Denki whispered other sweet nothings into your ear as he fucked you against the wall amid the sounds of creepy clown music and screaming.
The fake-horror going on outside the shed made things more tantalizing. You were safe in Denki's embrace, even riding him. Nobody could hear you scream his name or moan when he hit that sweet spot inside you. Denki snapped his hips into you over and over and over again. Your legs clamped around him tighter, and your nails dug into the back of his neck. Sweat began to coat both of you while Denki drove himself as hard as he could.
Sweat wasn't the only thing that made you slick between your legs. You were gushing around him before you officially reached your orgasm. He was stretching you wide like your lives depended on it. You tugged on his hair like spurring a horse to go faster. You could almost taste it.
Denki was happy to oblige you in this matter. He pulled out. Naturally, you whined at his absence, only to be turned around, have your hands forced against the wall, and your legs kicked open. Denki slammed back into you without hesitation. It wasn't like he needed the prep work considering how wet you were right now. You had to keep your hands braced against the wall or collapse from Denki's forceful thrusts. You couldn't clamp your teeth on his shirt or swallow your moans behind your hand in this position.
Denki gripped your hips tight as he plowed into you. The cramped space didn't allow him much room, but it seemed to make you tighter. Your moans spurred him on.
"Good girl, such a good girl for…letting me do this to you. Do, do you think anybody else can hear you moan for me?" Denki slammed his hips moan with a punishing thrust.
You clawed at the walls and bit your lip.
Denki slammed his hips into yours and going at a furious pace. He was determined to see you get off as soon as possible and to have his cum soaking your panties all night. At least until you got home so he'd have an excuse to fill you up again.
"You feel good, Y/N? You're getting tight," said Denki against your ear.
"Y-Yeah." You moaned back.
"Good." He kissed the side of your neck with an open-mouthed kiss. His teeth sank a little into your flesh.
This, this is what sets you off. Denki thrust faster into your body and his teeth on your throat. You clench around him, moaning loudly as you come. Denki follows after. Your inner walls milk him for whatever he's worth. You're in such a haze that you hardly notice when he resets all of your clothing and his. The dense fog hides your tracks as you make it out of the haunted house. You didn't even mind the chainsaw-chasers greeting you at the exit.
Denki sets you down at a picnic table to collect yourself. He leaves a moment to grab a couple of drinks. As you sit there, squirming on the bench, you can still feel Denki inside you, pouring his cum deep into your womb. Your panties are soaked through with the stuff. Out of the corner of your eye, you spy on Denki, chatting with Hitoshi dressed in all stag blacks. Denki passes him a couple bills. As if knowing that you're watching them, the two young men look back. Denki winks and returns with a couple of extra-large Cokes.
"What was that all about?" You ask.
"Who do you think to set up our little rendezvous?" Mischief twinkled in his eyes.
It took you a moment to realize just what exactly Hitoshi arranged for you guys and the risks of helping Denki with one favor.
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Satisfied, Part 53
Marinette took in the weird strap on Joker’s hand and raised her eyebrows. Whatever it was, it had to be bad, because Damian wasn’t even trying to struggle out of his grip. It looked like one of those hand buzzers that people sometimes use to shock their friends, but it had to be deadly. Did it electrocute? Was it poisoned? She hoped she wouldn’t find out.
Whatever it was, none of them could do anything before Joker showed them what it did.
“Nice of you to drop in,” said Joker, motioning to the window they’d crashed through. “Now, if I could just glass-k you to drop your weapons and step back.”
She glanced at Jason.
He reluctantly began digging into his pockets and dropping weapon after weapon on the ground. When he got to his guns his hands hovered over his waist for a good few seconds. A confused expression passed over his face, only to quickly be replaced by vague annoyance. He must have dropped one while fighting Dick. He sighed and dropped the one he still had.
Marinette looked at her utility belt and bit the inside of her cheek. She reminded herself that Joker didn’t actually know that the miraculi were in there, so as long as he didn’t go through her pockets it would be fine. She carefully set it on the ground (she didn’t want a smoke bomb to go off and startle Joker when she didn’t know what his weapon did) and then set down her yoyo as well.
They took a few steps back.
Joker smiled, though that wasn’t new.
“So… wanna monologue?” Tried Marinette. Jason sent her a look and all she could do was shrug. They needed time to think out a plan.
Joker paused to think, then nodded. “I’ll have to do something while we wait for Bats to fly on over, I suppose.”
“Batman is coming?” Asked Marinette, raising an eyebrow.
“Yep! Because you’re going to make a distress call! Right now!”
Jason winced and brought a hand to his ear. “Hey, uh, Bats… good news and bad news. Good news is: we found Joker! Bad news is: we found Joker!” He said their location and then let his hand fall to his side.
Marinette tried not to let it show on her face that anything was amiss. Jason hadn’t actually transmitted anything; she hadn’t heard double like she usually did, which meant that he hadn’t actually pressed on his comm. Hopefully Joker wouldn’t kill anyone until Batman showed up, because it would likely be a few hours before he checked up on all their locations and realized something was amiss. That was good, maybe they’d have a plan or something by then.
Joker gave a cold laugh and then launched into his monologue: “I’ll be honest, I would’ve never dreamed that you would have managed to betray me like that.”
What? He’d never met Ladybug before, and why had he said dreamed like that --?
Marinette’s shoulders tensed. “You knew?”
“Oh, yeah. Figured you were bugged the day you came in. You never had that ‘one bad day’ that usually turns criminals, I can always tell, and your appearance in Gotham was too soon after Ladybug’s to be coincidence.”
Her eyebrows furrowed together and she glanced at Jason, who looked just as shocked and confused. “Why didn’t you kill me?”
“I considered it, but where’s the pun in that?”
He pressed his hand closer to Damian’s neck. Damian went completely rigid (save for the rise and fall of his chest, which was getting faster and faster with each breath).
“Besides,” continued Joker, as if he hadn’t just threatened him, “I figured that I could mess with you a bit, break you a little, see how that affected Bats. I really didn’t expect you to kill that clerk, but it was very convenience that you did.”
Everyone in the room frowned confusedly.
“You know, convenience? Like a convenience store? Instead of convenient?”
“Ooooooh,” mumbled Jason.
“Anyways, all I was trying to do was get you to go against your morals. You were already on your last little piece of sanity, I figured that robbing a store would be enough. But then you killed someone! Cut them in half, even!”
“Can we stop talking about it?” Marinette hissed, her voice high. She could feel tears forming in her eyes at the memory and she was not about to cry in front of Joker.
Joker gave a humorless laugh. “Sure, sure, of horse. I was hoping that I could break you down enough to kill Bats like I tried with Red Robin, but this time it was supposed to work.” He gave what he must have thought was a pitiful sigh, but it sounded more like an asthmatic’s wheeze. “Tragic, though. You hardly ever came and it was only four months, not nearly enough to work with. I had to change my plans.”
“To…?” Prompted Jason, who was shifting around anxiously.
She met Jason’s eyes. Where was Cass? The only two allies they could possibly have were her and Dick but, apparently, neither of them were in any position to fight. Dick was barely stirring now, groaning from his place on the floor, and Cass was apparently still incapacitated somewhere.
Joker thrummed his foot on the floor impatiently. “The plan is murdering all of you in front of your father, but where is he?”
“Getting here takes time,” assured Marinette, sweat beading on the back of her neck.
They weren’t going to be getting any help. She couldn’t do anything without Damian getting hurt and letting him die was the last resort… but did she have any other options...?
“Yes, yes, I suppose that’s true…” Joker sighed. “Where’s the rest of you? I heard more people fighting earlier, are they still around? Thanks for wearing each other out, by the way, really makes my job easier.”
Marinette winced. “Why would we tell you anything? You’re going to try and kill us anyways.”
“Because you’re deciding whether everyone dies quickly or slowly,” said Joker, pulling a gun from his pocket and pressing it to the side of Damian’s head. “So, Joker venom or gun? Which one?”
So that’s what that hand thing was. It was even worse than she thought.
Tears finally spilled over her mask and she hugged her jacket around herself. She had no clue what to do. What was right in this type of situation?
She looked at Jason anxiously. He looked just as lost as she was.
Joker’s smile dropped and she felt her skin crawl. He hadn’t made any bad puns or jokes for a while now, and now he had even stopped smiling? They were screwed.
“I’ll give you five seconds before I get to decide! 5…”
Marinette bit her cheek so hard she tasted blood. If he was going after everyone then should they take the longer route so Duke, Cass, and Tim could get away --?
Jason was looking at his gun. Would he be fast enough? Not enough to make sure Damian didn’t get hurt but maybe he could get a shot off before Joker could hurt anyone else --.
She met Damian’s eyes and he gave her a weak smile and looked at her yoyo. ‘Fix this’. She really wished he wouldn’t rely on her ability so much, she didn’t know if she could win --.
No! She needed more time! All she wanted was more --!
She opened her mouth to speak and Jason made a mad grab for his gun --.
A gunshot rang out.
Blood splattered over Damian and Joker slumped on top of him. He gave a strangled yelp and pushed the body off of him, quickly scrambling away.
She looked at Jason and frowned. His hands were a good few inches away from his gun, so who…?
Then she realized Jason was looking at something, his face slack with shock.
She followed his gaze to Dick, who was still pointing one of Jason’s guns at where Joker’s head had been.
“You are not taking another brother away from me.”
Dick let the gun clatter to the floor and took a few shaky breaths, burying his head in his hands.
Marinette’s eyes flickered between Dick and Damian. They both were obviously not doing well. Dick had done something against his morals. Damian had almost died again. Really, it was no surprise that they were both freaking out.
Jason ran to Dick’s side. Good, then he would be taken care of.
She pulled off her leather jacket and handed it to Damian. He frowned as he took it.
“It’ll… cover the blood,” she mumbled, motioning to the red coating his back. “Bats can’t find out.”
He nodded and pulled it on. She pulled the hood over his head and pressed a tiny kiss to his cheek.
“Jason was right, it really is always you two. I’m starting to think that maybe it’s more that you’re both idiots that jump into dumb situations than luck, though.”
He gave her something between a smile and a wince.
“Yeah, you’re the one with all the bad luck,” he said, giving her shoulder a small shove.
“And I throw myself into dumb situations. It’s the worst of both worlds.”
That earned a laugh. Yay!
Their eyes fell onto Joker’s body. Ah. Not yay. She swallowed thickly and looked away.
“Cataclysm,” whispered Damian, leaning down to press his hand to the corpse.
It disintegrated until all that was left of Joker was a red puddle and the memories of his horrors.
She glanced at where Jason was slowly pulling Dick to his feet, an arm over his shoulders. It seemed that Dick had gone into shock. She sighed softly.
“Dami, go help? I’m going to grab everything.”
Damian looked like he wanted to argue, but then he nodded and ducked under Dick’s other arm.
Marinette went to work grabbing her things. She reattached her utility belt and tucked away her yoyo, then she worked at attaching everything she could to her waist. Whatever she couldn’t get to stick she ended up scooping into her arms.
She walked over to the door and held it open for the others.
The four left the warehouse in silence.
A few buildings away she stopped. She took off her miraculi and heard a curse from a nearby rooftop as Duke and Tim’s cage disappeared. After a few seconds she saw two heads hesitantly peek over the edge. Relief washed over their faces when they saw they were okay, only to quickly be replaced by anxiety when Joker was nowhere to be found. The two hopped down and joined their walk.
She pulled her earrings back on and transformed. She didn’t need to get spotted and have Marinette Dupain Cheng to go trending on twitter again.
She felt Tim’s arm wrap around her waist and blinked. She hadn’t even realized she was shaking until he was pulling her close to his side to hold her steady.
About a block later, Damian pointed his finger down an alley. After a few seconds, Cass emerged. She seemed mostly fine, with only a few scratches on her face and clothes and messy hair. She reached behind herself and pulled until a cat let go of her outfit and she dropped the stray. She sent Damian a glare so harsh that Marinette felt a bit intimidated even though it wasn’t aimed at her.
For a while all that could be heard was their footsteps.
“So... is he…?” Began Duke.
Marinette gave him a nod.
“Who did it?” Asked Tim, his grip tightening somewhat on her waist.
The four who had been there tensed up and looked at each other. What were they supposed to say? The truth? Dick was already looking dead inside, she doubted he could deal with everyone looking at him like he was a murderer --.
Jason grinned. “Me. Who else? I’m not letting any of you guys have something like that on your consciences.”
Dick gave his brother a grateful smile, tiny as it was.
Marinette glanced at Cass, who looked somewhat stunned. But she didn’t call anyone out on the lie, just continued walking.
“Can you fix it?” Asked Tim.
“Nope, I used my lucky charm for my fight with you and Duke. Even if it hadn’t disappeared when I took off my earrings it wouldn’t have revived Joker.” She actually didn’t know if she was lying. There was a reason why she hadn’t said miraculous ladybug despite them all being hurt: she hadn’t wanted to test it. Now, though, all the lucky charms she had used that night were all gone. It was definitely irreversible “He can’t come back.”
Silence stretched over them again as it sunk in.
Marinette was the one to break it: “So it’s really over...”
“Not really, there’s still a lot of organized crime for us to go after. It’s Gotham, there’s always something going on,” said Duke.
“Bane’s still out there,” said Tim.
“And Mr. Freeze,” muttered Damian.
Jason sighed. “Don’t forget Two-Face.”
Damian grimaced. “Or Ra’s Al Ghul.”
“Clayface,” said Duke.
“Magpie,” offered Cass.
Even Dick joined in with a whispered: “Man-bat.”
Marinette held up her hands to quiet them. “Okay, okay, now you’re making people up.”
“Nope!” Said Jason, giving a small smile.
“Oh! Forgot one: Red Hood counts as a Rogue, depending on who you ask,” Damian piped up.
Jason’s smile dropped into a scowl. “Shut up,” he complained, leaning around Dick to swat his younger brother in the back of the head.
Damian clicked his tongue and gave him a hit back.
Big mistake.
Everyone came to a stop as Damian and Jason began running around a very annoyed and very tired Dick. The oldest tried, and failed, to bring order by grabbing them and pushing them apart, but he was easily the most drained by the night and just ended up getting a few stray punches thrown at him.
Duke and Cass started placing bets on who would kill who first.
She felt a smile rise to her face despite everything that had just happened.
“It’s okay now. It’s over,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper.
Tim pulled her closer and rested his chin on top of her head.
“It is.”
For the person who asked,  Damian cheated while fighting Cass and set some stray cats on her. She couldn’t bring herself to hurt them
Epilogue timeeeeee
@comet-kun @thatonecroc @trippingovermyfeet @swiftie-miraculer13 @nickristus-dreamer @moongoddesskiana @i-am-ironic @indecisive-mess-named-me @thebooki3h @insane-fangirl-of-everything @deepestobservationwombat @theymakeupfairies @fatimaabbasrizvi @clumsy-owl-4178 @fanofalittletoomuch @iamablinkmarvelarmy @nathleigh @lilkymilky @silvergold-swirl @dino-lovingreen-angel @thestressmademedoit @kissa-chan @ladybug-182 @alysrose-starchild @t1dwarrior-of-earth @spyofthenightcourt @rowanrouge @nik-nak-3 @momothefemur @aestheticnpoetic @labschaos @our-preciousss @mochinek0 @eliza-bich @mythogaychic @severelyenchantedwonderland @sashakoi @smolplantmum @bluesimani @tropestropestropes @kitsunebell @keepingupwiththemalfoys @sassakitty @2confused-2doanything @too0bsessedformyowngood @all-mights-asscheeks @demonicbusiness @meg-an-ace @fantasiame @qualitypeacepainter @multplelifes @kokotaru @spicybelladonna @ultimatetornshipper @cute-angi
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mrvdocks · 4 years
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Things get real. Can you totally hide your feelings for Steve any longer? 
smut warning
(chapter four) @mochminnie @wolfish-willow
You’re in the bathroom trying not to freak out or let it show just how much your mind was reeling from earlier. It couldn’t be happening, right? There’s no way you were falling for Steve Harrington. 
No, no way. He was so different from you. 
But opposites attract right? 
You grimaced, thinking back to the way his eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips. The way he too seemed unsure of going for it.
This would change your entire dynamic. Were you even ready to open up to someone else?
Steve knew you, sure, but just the things at surface level. Things you wanted him to know. You were afraid to even tell him about everything else back home, thinking maybe he would freak at the first sight of a parent gushing over how perfect he seemed. 
If there’s anything a person never is, it’s perfect. 
In many ways, Steve just didn’t seem like an ideal candidate. He never put his things away, snores too loudly, had the romantic personality of a ninth-grader, was obsessed with his hair way more than you were, and he looked for superficial things. 
He knew it too deep down, it was better to ignore the flaws for the love we think we deserved instead of feeling contrite when the ugly truth was out there.
That’s where you differed. You needed honesty, it was the only way to live.
“Hey, you okay?” Steve’s voice echoed from behind the door. 
You squeezed your eyes shut. He just had to be here right now, didn’t he?
You think of something gross enough to keep him on the other side.
“I think the food’s not agreeing with me right now.” 
“Oh okay, do you need anything?” Damn it, leave!
“No! I mean - no. It’s alright. I’ll be right out.” 
You count down from ten, trying to ease your anxious nerves. You take deep breaths and exhale once you get to the primary numbers. At one, you stand straight and march out of the bathroom as if nothing happened. Steve sits on the edge of the bed in his dress shirt now, his blazer discarded onto the chair next to him. 
He’s watching the tv blankly, a rerun of a show you both had seen back home fills out the room. You grab your night clothes and return to the bathroom, changing as fast as you can to slide into bed and call it a night. When you return, Steve’s still where he was before, only now fidgeting with the cuff links on his wrist.
You should be paid for how much you’re able to get out of him. 
“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to cry or something.”
“My dad’s getting married.”
It takes you by surprise. Steve’s never talked about his dad before, not even to Robin.
“Oh,” You say simply. “Like renewing his vows or something?” 
He shakes his head. 
“My mom moved away a while ago. My dad, he uh…..met this woman half his age after her. She’s got kids from another marriage.” He flicks the cuff link. 
“Before I moved to New York with Robin, I would just see and hear them all the time at home. He was nicer to them, do things with them that I had to beg him to do with me when I was a kid.”
You sit next to him, bringing your hand to rest atop his own. 
“The night before I left, I just told him off. I told him it wasn’t fair that he got to start over with another family just because he messed ours up. He called me before we got here saying he wanted me to be his best man.”
He falls silent, his lip quivers but he purses his lips into a straight line to keep himself from letting it out. You can’t say much that will help him, but you understand his disdain and avoidance of weddings thus far.
“What’d you tell him?”
He shrugs. “I told him I’d think about it. He expects an answer when we go home.”
“Well, at least he’s happy.” You sigh.
“Yeah, for now. And then it’s onto the next one.”
You don’t want to do it, but since you’re just letting the skeletons out of the closet, you might as well. 
“You know my parents are still together?” you start. “My mom’s always been this, overbearing cross that my dad carries around. She yells at him all the time but I think he’s checked out already. They didn’t want to divorce because they thought it would damn them or mess me up. But I think it did anyway.”
Steve’s entranced by you, you were opening up. 
“They’ve stuck it out since they had me. And it’s just sad now. I think about them sometimes, just sitting in that house, eating their dinner and sleeping together, not saying a word to each other.”
Steve opens his mouth like he’s about to apologize for even bringing the parent topic up.
“Sure your parents split up, but at least they’re not miserable. I can tell you from experience you would’ve liked that a lot less.” You conclude, removing your hand from his and leaving to go to bed. 
It’s been a weird night.
Steve stops you though, his fingers snaking onto your wrist. You turn back, thinking he’s going to talk more about his family or dive deeper into some other trauma. Imagine your surprise when he stands and bends to your level to pull you into his arms, bringing you in tight and firm. You’re taken aback, arms flying up but eventually settling on his broad back. Your fingers clutch his shirt in fistfuls, taking in the smell of him. 
“Hey, Steve?”
He hums.
“I’m totally reading your boner right now.”
“And the moment’s over.” He says, pulling away. You almost frown at the loss of his body pressing against yours. 
“I’m kidding!” You huff, pushing him back onto the bed. 
You settle in after he changes, pulling the covers up to your chest and putting your arms above them in thought. Steve sees you staring at the ceiling.
“Have you gone catatonic on me?”
“No, it’s just….this is the most I’ve gotten out of you in two years.”
“You’ve known me for two years.” He crawls in, getting comfortable. 
“Yeah but, you know, are these really things you’ve told Robin before?”
“Not really.”
“Why not?”
“She never asked.”
Truthfully, it wasn’t that. While Robin felt comfortable revealing the truth about herself that Fourth of July, Steve had learned to keep things to himself. It’s how he was raised. But you and Robin changed that, especially with the way you tended to overshare things sometimes. 
You turn onto your side, facing him. He’s thinking about something, and he looks so magnificent doing it. The way his hair rests on his forehead, the way his fingers curl around the blanket... 
Oh no. Is this how it starts? Admiring him? Craving his touch like earlier? Wanting his attention fully on you and not all these other women? It was so juvenile, feeling like this was your first love again. The strong feeling hitting you just like the waves did earlier.
It was no secret you were touch starved, but there was something in the way his touch relaxed you. It made you think sometimes. Whatever this feeling was, it was different from what you felt with Danny. You jumped the shark with him, you didn’t really know him. 
But with Steve, you were starting to. He was bare bones with you. 
“Goodnight.” He whispers, turning the bedside lamp off.
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“Are you telling me you don’t know how to ride a bike?” You ask Steve, watching him shift uncomfortably and unevenly on the beach cruiser.
It was your last day being in Virginia, and you didn’t want to sit in the hotel and gorge on food until you passed out. That’s what home was reserved for. 
Joyce had spoken of how lovely the horses and horseback riding was here, but that was closed so you settled for the next best thing. Riding bikes at the beach.
“No I - I do know, I’m just saying this is a hard seat.” 
He’s been adamant about this for five minutes now. Every now and then a girl will pass by and he’ll try to sit, only to fall on his side. You’ve taken so many snapshots of this, each time bellowing with ridiculous laughter.
“When we go home I’m developing this and hanging it on the fridge.”
“Erase this footage!” He gestures to the camera, losing balance again.
“Make me, Harrington!” You can’t help but shoot back.
Passersby found it funny the way you two were bickering. Even more so when you lent over to show Steve how to keep his arms and legs on the bike, him reassuring you he knew where everything went.
“I can do it.” 
“Okay, let’s see then.” You cross your arms and stand aside waiting. 
He mutters to himself and puts both his feet on the pedals, not falling to either side this time. He grips the handlebars and pedals forward, passing you with an excitement lighting up his face that a child would have when they were first learning. 
He can’t manage the turn and falters, sticking a foot and hand out to cushion his fall. You catch up to him, ready to help but he lays down onto the grass and accepts his failure. 
“Come on, you’ll get the hang of it. You just need more practice.” 
You hold out your hand, waiting for him to take it. 
“I know this keeps you healthy, but at what cost?” He grabs on, using you to balance him when he gets to his feet again. He’s too tall and heavy for you, prompting you to waver slightly and hold onto him. 
You pull away when you realize your hands rested on his chest, his other arm holding onto your lower back. He scratches the back of his head nervously uttering an apology.
Feeling the blush creep to your cheeks, you return to your ride, mounting and waiting for him to do the same. 
“Try to catch up.” You smirk, racing off down the hill and squealing. 
“What are you, Evel Knievel?!” He yells after you, wobbling and gritting his teeth as he follows after you. 
You have the upper hand on him the entire time, often hiding behind shops and emerging from behind him when he thinks he’s faster. You ride until the sun sets, enjoying the breeze and the little bit of sun before stopping at an ice cream shop. Steve thinks he’s something of an ice cream connoisseur when you look at flavors. You two end up fighting on flavors before settling on two different ones and eating outside in a garden the shop owner called a hidden gem.
“No way, cookies ‘n cream is the best one.” He remarks, finishing off the cone. 
“Mint chocolate is actually superior and I won’t hear another word about it.” You took your time, enjoying the sensation your mouth was on. 
He shakes his head. “It’s basically gum! It’s disgusting!” 
“But it tastes so good!” You take another bite teeth first and moan in delight. 
He groans in disgust but nonetheless is amused when you try to get him to eat a bit of it. He avoids your hand, moving his head out of the way every time it’s shoved in his face. You wait, plotting. 
“You have some on your lip.” You say, pointing toward his top lip. He licks at it, tasting nothing.
“There’s noth -”
He’s muffled by a mouthful mint chocolate. You can’t help it when the corners of your lips lift into a smug smirk. 
“Funny, huh?” He says, wiping it off with his hand. 
He takes the rest of the cone and dips his fingertips in it, turning his attention to painting your cheeks and lips with as much as he can. You recoil and gasp as the cold sensation, trying to get it off but he keeps attacking. 
“Okay! Okay! Truce!” You wave a figurative white flag. He stops, proud of his work, and tops it off by rustling your hair. 
“I’m so gonna get you,” You promise, wiping at your cheeks and going to get him with the residue when you turn to face him and find your faces are closer than ever. 
You fall silent, the trouble maker in you declining to come back for an encore. 
“What, no smartass remark this time?” He teases. 
As cliche as it might sound, you’re lost in his smugness. His smile falters, his brows furrowing as he realizes what he’s doing, the gap between your faces closing. You close your eyes first, testing the waters and pressing your lips against his softly. He pauses for a moment, suddenly aware of the gravity of what you were doing, bringing his hand up for your cheek to rest on. His eyes flutter shut soon after, diving into your lips and tasting the mixture of sweets. 
He kisses you feverishly and desperately, sighing as he relaxes into you. Your fingers tug at his hair and the back collar of his shirt. He leads you down onto the grass, flowers decorate your head in a red halo. He settles in between your legs and holds himself up by his forearms, his fingers entangling themselves in your hair as he cocks his head to the side to get more of you.
It’s been a while but both of you are antsy and eager. You kick off your shoes and immediately make quick work of his belted pants. He catches your drift and helps you with your skirt, pulling the long pleated material up to snag both ends of your panties. 
“Sorry.” He whispers.
“No, it’s okay, just - here,” You grunt as you try to help him from where you’re laying, lifting your hips up to let the fabric slide off. The cool air of the night makes you shiver. 
Steve peppers you with kisses as you reach for the belt and unbuckle it. Hearing it come undone makes you even more aroused. 
“Hold on.” He says in a breathy voice, reaching between your bodies and lining himself in. You tease him by wrapping a leg around his torso and pushing him in slowly with the heel of your foot against his butt.
The feeling overwhelms him, letting out a sharp exhale. He glances back to your smug face and glares at you momentarily. 
You move in sync, your hand grasping onto his broad shoulders and the other on his bicep to keep the pace. He grunts into your shoulder, lost in the lust. His hand comes to rest under your head to support it while also gripping it with each thrust he bucked into you. 
Each thrust was different, pleasurable, and enticing. It fulfilled the need for him you had that night at the beach. You catch yourself smiling, knowing none of the bridesmaids or guests he tried flirting with got this far. Not even Sissy.
He hits a spot in you that rouses you out of your thoughts and leaves you mewling wantonly. You know he won’t last, not at the rate his thrusts are going. He’s crying out, bucking against you in fervor, gripping your hair harder, and groaning louder into your neck. You made him this way. 
Ever since the first wedding, seeing you out of your element made him reconsider some things. Sure if he’d gotten a girlfriend out of this, it would be good for him. But something about you made him feel the way he thought he felt for Nancy. 
He felt seventeen all over again, giddy and in love and a little horny. He just didn’t know if you felt the same. But after the beach incident and the way you took the lead first, all doubts went away.
Thinking about you, he slides his thumb into his mouth and lubricates it, snaking it down to the neglected pearl in between your legs. Your eyes shut in ecstasy at the added sensation, your back arching into him. You feel your legs shake and your feet writhe against his ass trying to amplify the feeling. His heavy breaths, needy kisses, and raunchy whispers in your ear are absolute heaven to you. 
You come before him, muffling your lewd moans into his shoulder and milking him for everything he’s got. He comes with a final sloppy thrust and collapses onto you, knocking the wind out of you and leaving you catching your breath.
He pants, breath hot and heavy against your collarbone. Your legs unwrap from their previous position, now shaky and limp. 
Once you two catch your breath after about a minute or two, Steve lifts his head to rest his forehead against yours. You both chuckle, finally acknowledging the broken tension.
Steve kisses you again, this time without fear or doubt. Just pure adoration. 
You don’t really feel yourself fall asleep, neither does he. But you’re definitely mortified in the morning when you hear voices that wake you up with a start.
“Cooter’s out.” The old gardener points out.
The statement wakes you up, and when you realize you just flashed your privates you stand up quickly and shake Steve awake. He groans, but opens his eyes, his smile dropping once he notices the man in front of you two. 
“Cooter’s out.” The old man repeats.
You pull the skirt all the way down and grab your shoes quickly while Steve tucks himself back in and apologizes profusely. You grab his hand and race out of the garden, red as a tomato and grab the bikes to go back to the hotel. 
The car ride to the airport is quiet. You thank yourself for bringing something to read to avoid mentioning the embarrassing aftermath. Steve didn’t bring anything to distract him like you did, but he glances at you every so often. When your eyes meet, you both turn away quickly. But the smile on both your faces betrays you both. 
Steve doesn’t even bother flirting with the flight attendant this time, his eyes are completely on you. It feels odd. You can’t even find a smart-ass thing to say, it’s like you’re short-circuiting. You didn’t know what he was thinking, but if the constant staring and easy smiles and looks of adoration he gave you were any indications, he was whipped.
You sigh in relief as you plop onto the couch, letting all your things fall after Steve gets in. He takes the initiative to break the ice when he collapses onto your chest. 
You’re winded again. “Whoa, someone ate too much shrimp at the wedding.”
Steve suppresses a chuckle, taking you in. You had some type of glow he’d never noticed before.
“So…” He begins.
“About last night,” he starts but you cut him off.
“We don’t need to talk about it, you know if you don’t want to.” 
“I do.” He murmurs into your chest. He hugs your body, his head resting on your chest the same way Mickey would do it. 
Damn it, you actually liked this. 
“Great sex.” You blurt, shutting your eyes in disbelief at how awkward he suddenly made you.
His dimples peeked out as he felt himself chuckling. “Yeah, great sex.”
“I’m sorry,” you jittered. “I’m never usually like this.”
“Oh, I know. But it’s okay. I had fun.” 
You haven’t felt this excited for something to potentially happen since you met Danny. But even now you were hopeful.
“Do you want me to go with you to your dad’s wedding?”
He must’ve remembered he had to answer that best man question because he’s unmoving.
How bad can it be? He thinks. Now that I have you.
“Yes please.”
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