#we can all buy a house and it can be so inexpensive and good
canisonicscrewyou · 29 days
Friends & mutuals alike how can I convince at least some of you to move to [REDACTED] Massachusetts I am starting to go really insane in my enclosure. My loneliness is killing me. And I must confess. So are my knees.
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20dollarlolita · 4 months
The process of how I bought my wheelchairs.
Someone's asked for help on this, and I've written a couple of really thorough posts that I never published, but here's the short I intended this to be short, but it's not version.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advice. I cannot provide medical advice. I am sharing my own experience, and it should not be used as your only research for this issue. Any time I am saying, "you," please note that it is a style choice to use the second person, and not an indication of giving advice.
Quick note: if your doctor prescribed you a chair, make sure you know what kind of chair was prescribed, and why. The best chair in the world is still awful if it doesn't do what you need.
Also if your insurance will cover a wheelchair then, once you've made sure that your insurance will cover the chair you need, make the smart choice about where you'll buy these things.
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The first time that I was using a wheelchair full time, I was borrowing this one from a friend. This chair is about $500, so when I was buying my first chair for myself, I was looking at that price point. If a chair I was considering was notably more than $500, I knew I could just get my own copy of this chair that I was already comfortable with. The chair that I was borrowing was three years old and had been heavily used, so I was confident in this model's lifespan.
The other big advantage of this is that it ships free with Prime, which meant that it was easy to send to a friend when I was tired of watching her use a inexpensive chair to get around the Disney parks.
But then I went on ebay and learned about the magical world of secondhand wheelchairs. The short version of the story is that a wheelchair can outlive someone's need for it, and so it's not super uncommon to see someone selling an older wheelchair for much less than the chair is new. A lot of the time, these are custom or modular chairs. Instead of a basic chair that's set up to one-size-fits-probably-most, modular and custom chairs have 10+ pages of options to select from in their order form. When you're buying a new custom chair, you pick every option to make sure it's perfect for you. When your goal to buying a used chair is to just get one that's better for you than a Drive Super Sport one-size-fits-hopefully-you chair, the secret to buying on ebay is to find out what features you absolutely need, and then to check the other elements of the chair and see if they will work for you.
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Quick note, at the time that I was buying my wheelchair, I actually already owned a wheelchair, and had decided it wasn't going to work for me to use full-time. This is an Invacare Tracer and it was, according to the tag, stolen from a wheelchair rental place in 2010, and according to my mom, stolen from my neighbor's to-be-burned pile in 2019. So if we don't count alleged crime as a cost, this wheelchair was free. This is a great example of a chair that's set up to be one-size-fits-no-one-perfectly.
This wheelchair would be better than nothing, but it's heavy, the wheels are really far back, and it doesn't really fit in my car. The tires have no tread and are pretty worn, so they don't do great for outdoor offroading. All detachable parts of this (armrests, foot rests) had been lost a decade ago, and they're not cheap to replace. I already knew what kind of budget I was willing to spend, and I felt that just using this as my main mode of movement wasn't going to be worth the saving of the $500.
I do still use this wheelchair a LOT in my house, because it's a pain to get my real wheelchair out of my car and into my house (because stairs), but I wouldn't feel confident taking it out on the town unless I have someone to push me.
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So the secret to buying a wheelchair on ebay is a three step process:
Determine how much money you're able to spend. The best wheelchair in the world isn't going to do you any good if you can't actually get it.
Determine what main features you want in a chair, and look for those.
When you find a chair that has those features at that price, check to see if everything else in the chair works for you.
(Secret step 4: be lucky enough to have someone listing the chair you need).
So I picked this chair (Which is a Quickie 2 Lite) mostly because the Medwarm wheelchair had been a bit too wide for me. This chair was narrower and had a lot of the traits of the Medwarm chair that I'd liked. It folded, had 24" wheels with tread, had feet plates that didn't stick way out in front. I didn't actually know how any of that felt until I had it, because I didn't have experience with multiple wheelchairs. My inexperience gave me a superpower, which was that I didn't need to get so critical of certain traits, because I had no idea what any of that meant.
Shipped and with tax, this was $400. At the time, I just went, "hey, this is like the wheelchair that I want, but without the negative trait of being as wide, and it's $100 less."
The main this about this chair that I learned that I love is that the center of gravity is farther forward than on the Medwarm chair (I believe it's set to +1"). This gave me a lot more power pushing myself. When I was using the Medwarm chair, it wasn't uncommon for me to ask friends to push me long distances. I very rarely needed that in the Quickie2.
But I did have to replace it.
Short version of a long story was that when I went to being a most-time wheelchair user, the seat of my chair got smaller relative to my body. I'd picked a narrower chair because it was easier to navigate the world, but I'd actually picked a chair that was becoming too small for me to fit my Kitten Holding Legs into. I looked into getting a new chair.
So let's talk about the wheelchair that I bought and couldn't use. We learn from our wins and our misses.
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This is a 19" Catalyst 5. There's a few problems with this one for me, but they all sum up to (for me personally) that it had more negative (to me) traits than the Medwarm one, but also was more expensive. I'd picked this one because it looked like it'd be more like my Quickie2 than like the Medwarm, but it just wasn't good for me.
My Quickie2's narrow, so I could put my feet right next to each other. This was the most comfortable way for me to sit. The way that KI measures a Catalyst frame and the way Quickie measures a Quickie 2 frame are different. My 15" frame Quickie 2 had a 14" wide seat, and this 19" Catalyst 5 had a 22" wide frame. The first time that I unfolded it, I knew that it was just too big for me to use comfortably. In addition, I didn't like the solid low-profile tires. I didn't like how far away the wheels were. It also had a really nice quality back, but the back had to be removed to fold the chair, so it was another step to take in and out of my car. It was also about 2" shorter at the seat than my old chair, and I already deal with being too short for my store's counters, so I didn't like losing that height.
So this was a case where I looked for traits that I thought I wanted: folding, wider seat. Then, instead of checking to see if the rest of the traits of the chair were things that I wanted, I just assumed it'd be okay. Personally, it just wasn't the chair for me.
I ended up learning that selling a used wheelchair on ebay is actually pretty easy as well, so the money I lost on this purchase summed up to the cost of a roll of bubble wrap to pack it up to send it to someone who would benefit from it.
When I was looking for my next wheelchair, I had changed what I wanted out of a chair. I knew that I wanted tires with actual tread on them, instead of solid poly smooth tires. I knew that I wanted a wider seat, but not too wide. If it didn't come with a little bit of camber on the wheels (that's where they slant towards the top of the chair), I wanted to be able to add it. I also wanted it to be a minimum of 17" high seat. But the biggest change was that I'd decided that I didn't really need it to be folding.
I drive a hatchback with back seats that can fold down, and I pretty much never have passengers. I decided fuck it, if I'm not driving people, I don't need to keep the seats up, so I could get a non-folding chair and just shove the whole thing in the back without breaking down. Without breaking down the chair. I could still break down. Life is tough sometimes.
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So this is a Quickie GT, which is an old, discontinued model. According to the serial number lookup, it was made in 2009. The good news is that it immediately passed the Cat Test.
When I was looking at this chair, I saw that it was designed for people who push themselves, and would probably be less good for someone who needed other people to push them. This wasn't an issue for me, because I hate being pushed.
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(same chair plus two cans of spray paint)
This chair was over the $500 budget (it was $670 with shipping and tax), but this time I'd done enough research to be confident that it'd be a lot better for me than the Medwarm chair. I stuck with Quickie as a brand because I felt like I better understood how they size their seats. The serial number lookup said that this chair was 17" wide, so I was ready to get a 16" seat, and that's what I got. It's got pneumatic tires, which don't just have tread but also roll along the ground like bicycle tires. I love this chair. Instead of two separate foot rests, there's just the one, so I'm a lot more comfortable with how I sit.
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It does have the downside of this is the smallest it gets without taking off the wheels. The wheels come off easily and so it's not a big problem, but it's more steps to get it into the car if I don't want to fold back my seats. Also, the front plate doesn't flip up or go away, so if I want to propel myself with my foot I'm a lot more limited.
Once I don't need this anymore, I'm also going to need to either sell it or figure out where to store it. I can keep a folding wheelchair in the back of my closet in case I need it again, but this one will be taking up some space.
For all of the chairs that I got, I was really only searching ebay for a couple of days before the right one at the right price showed up. This is somewhat slanted based on what I need, because certain things do show up more often than others, and at different prices. Wider chairs tend to have less selection and be more expensive, while 12-14" wide chairs are really plentiful.
Let's get together and look at some ebay chairs. We're going to search "wheelchair" and set condition to "used". If you plop the sort system into "price+shipping: lowest first" and then start scrolling until you get past all the wheelchair parts and all the "free local pickup: <location that is in another country>" and into the actual wheelchairs that can ship, you can start checking out the market.
I immediately eliminate anything that doesn't have all the parts, that is too expensive, that is only available for pickup, that doesn't have foot rests, or a few other things. The first one that I saw that I didn't elminate was this.
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The most important thing from this listing is where they post the serial number.
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And that's because KI, Sunrise, and Permobil all keep databases of all the serial numbers of all the chairs they have sold.
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You can now go onto a site that sells that chair and look up what all those things mean. Spinlife sells the Catalyst 5Vx, and if you click "help me choose" on an item listing, it'll usually give you pictures of the different options. For me personally, the draw of this one would be that it's a really good price, and it's roughly set up the same as my default Medwarm chair. I don't like the tires but I do like the side guards and arm rest combo.
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This was on a listing for a chair where the serial number wouldn't pull up. I wouldn't consider this one since I can't tell the width or depth when the seller won't list it and Sunrise doesn't have it. I'm just dropping this screenshot because "SELLER NOTE TO SELF" and "BUTT PAD NOT INCLUDED" both made me laugh.
As a quick final note, this is not going to be cheaper than getting a really basic wheelchair off Amazon. However, as someone who has used really basic wheelchairs, getting something upgraded has a whole lot of value. One of the reasons why I really like lolita fashion is that we treasure used things that still have use, and so it's also got some value to me to see if I can get something used that still has use. In my experience, things got better when I tried to get something used. If you do want a really basic chair, it might still be worth it to check if they're available for nearby pickup. Plopping my location into "free local pickup within 30 miles" offers me a basic Drive chair for $20. It's reusing something instead of having to throw it away, and it's also $20. Can't argue with $20.
Anyway, that's half diary entry and half possible advice.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 10 months
Grocery shopping/Food
Inflation is a huge thing right now and people keep asking how to lower your grocery budget. I grew up poor. Here are some tips I learned over the years. Just my opinions/tips:
There are alot of things a person can do to build food stability- IF you have the space and resources.
First one is gardening. An herb garden, a patio pot garden or a yard garden. I also did little stints of guerilla gardening, which is basically planting veggies in weird places. You can Google victory gardens to see how they used to do it back in the 40's.
Also, if you have a house with a yard, consider planting a fruit tree and some fruit bushes.
But as far as grocery shopping goes, if you have a limited budget & are on a weight loss journey, the first thing you should do is stop (or severely limit) shopping from the inside grocery aisles.
Because these foods might seem inexpensive, but it is really common to overeat those foods. They are designed to be hyperpalatable.
I recently saw an episode of Heavy where the person was cooking 3 boxes of some meal.... and eating them all.
If you buy these foods at all, you need to practice portion control with them. Check the box for the serving size and then divide it into individual servings before you start eating it.
It is really important that you don't beat yourself up for wanting this food. It is designed that way. Your body is a biological machine of sorts and it has evolved to *want* foods that have certain levels of fat, salt & carbs. It is because these are the foods that helped us survive.
When shopping the perimeter, I normally take a walk around to see what foods have volume so a low price. Some suggestions are potatoes, collard greens, radishes. But really, I will try anything that is low cost. Give it a shot and see if you like it.
That is how I starting eating collard greens. Walmart had huge bags of them for like $2. I bought a bag and threw in some greens with every meal. Why not?
You don't need designer greens that are $10 a pound.
So yesterday, the thing I would have bought for cheap and tried was fresh bunches of turnips greens for $1.29, and mustard greens for about the same (I am traveling tomorrow so I won't have time so cook it).
Be curious and explore. You may be able to find ways to stretch your budget using unpopular foods. Unfortunately, the internet has popularized some previously staple foods - eggs, cottage cheese, cauliflower etc. But do what you can with what you have, and use portion control so that you are making things last.
Sometimes you can find frozen foods for good prices- I found pags of peas at Walmart for $.84. Peas! Hell yeah! I added Pease to everything. Peas have some protein and a good nutrient profile.
In contrast, a box of weight watchers protein candy bars were $5 for 4 bars. ON SALE. Ugg. That is a treat option... but those food products are so freaking expensive per serving I am trying to limit those.
Other things I did was watch videos on how people got by in the depression...and try some of those meals. Read older books and see what they were eating.
Our food acquisition has changed dramatically in the last 100 years. People used to do alot more foraging, hunting, & fishing. We don't have access to some of those things anymore. And if you do have access, definitely try those things as well. If you have access to buy food from a farmer/rancher, do it.
Now we have food deserts. But that is a post for a different time.
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kabillieu · 3 months
One of the consequences of my own "age-gap" marriage (lol) is that I entered into a relationship with someone who had been an adult manager of his own life for nearly ten years, whereas I had never managed my own life.
As a child and college-aged adult, I was pretty sheltered by my parents in ways that were both helpful and not. Through a combination of attending an inexpensive small state school, having lots of scholarships, and my parents' paying for what the scholarships didn't cover, I didn't have to manage my own finances for rent or food or insurance. My parents gave me a car, so that wasn't an issue. I didn't have any significant bills when I met Dominic, and any bills I did have (like car insurance and my college meal plan) my parents covered. I'm capable of budgeting, but it gives me a lot of anxiety, and because Dominic has always been by far (by leaps and bounds!) the top earner in our marriage, and because he'd already been in charge of his own finances for a decade before I met him, he just became, very early on, the default manager of finances in our relationship.
I have had a lot of shame about this over the years! I've had money shame my whole life, actually. It's especially weird because I've always had enough money! And strangely I feel shame about that too! It does seem like I skipped a crucial young adult stage of struggling to figure my finances out and to provide for myself. Dominic and I were college-poor for a year, and then poor-poor for like one summer, and then his Lieutenant pay kicked in.
The ease of enough-money is worthwhile. It's something I wish for everyone. But I worry about money all the time anyway. And I'm married to someone who spends money differently than I would if it were just my money. But I also recognize that my conservative approach to spending would have hurt me over the years. There are risks I would have never taken on my own that Dominic did, and they paid off for us.
This house we're buying is actually a big compromise because it's far less than Dominic had budgeted for. I think--in this instance--I'm right. But I wasn't right about other things in the past, and he was. I can see that clearly now.
Anyway, these thoughts are brought to you by reading that ridiculous essay yesterday, and talking to the man who is putting together the paperwork for our new mortgage today. Even though I've bought two houses--and am buying a third and am selling one concurrently--I have never done any of the admin legwork because Dominic handles it all. He basically just briefs me throughout the process. I know what's going on, but I don't have to do it myself.
You might be reading this and thinking this is bad. It means I trust that Dominic is being above board about every single financial decision he makes. Because he could easily do things that I would never be aware of. This works for me and it works for our marriage, because I do trust that he will run major financial decisions by me first*, but I don't think it's a generally good plan for most people. And maybe not even for me.
*One time he did not do this, and we had a BIG conversation about why that was not okay.
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toxicsquad · 6 months
Christmas special: Some gift ideas
Hello, Athe here!
I've been thinking a lot about some small gifts that I think would be perfect for the characters. Sort of like Christmas ideas for small budgets. I've tried to find some visual references and give some context for those who don't know the characters that well. It would be interesting to see what you guys would come up with, especially, for your own OCs… I'm going to leave a blank template below for anyone who wants to add some more or create their own OC version. We will reblog all your suggestions, you can also leave them in our ask which is always open. Happy holidays!
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Protective console case or gaming case: You can't go wrong with anything related to video games, especially if it's something with a cute aesthetic. Arael can't resist that kind of thing.
Ice cream maker: No more endless queues in the canteen. Arael will be able to make his own personalised ice cream with one of these machines.
Kigurumi: A warm pyjama to spend their hours in front of the computer playing or in your company.
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Fire extinguisher: It goes without saying why it's a good idea for Zihel to have a fire extinguisher on hand.
Some new clothes: The truth is that his clothes are outdated and quite torn. You would do him a favour by buying him something even if he won't thank you directly. Besides, he will accept any style you want to put on him without putting up too much of a fuss.
Survival kit: Zihel has always been interested in everything related to hunting and survival. He'll surely appreciate a kit with everything he needs for an adventurous weekend (or another kind of weekend…).
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Original teapot or tea set: Kyeran really enjoys drinking hot tea, so he would love a tea set. If you take the opportunity to give it a personalised touch in keeping with his style of decoration, you will make him very happy.
Portable hammock: You never know when you'll want to rest during a desert trek. A portable hammock can be ideal for him, but also for you to share a romantic moment.
Emotional support dolls: Anything you've made by hand will be highly valued, but these cute little dolls with motivational phrases will lift anyone's spirits.
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Portable charger: Don't ever catch Joe without a charge on one of her many devices. Without them Joe could go crazy and you will probably be her target.
Pyjamas or satin pillowcase: Inexpensive options to recreate a luxurious experience. Either is a good choice. Joe loves to feel pampered.
Massage oil: It's likely that with this you can both participate.
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Handmade candles: Since Opal discovered that he has a good sense of smell, he has also found that the smells of scented candles relax him a lot. It is easy for him to get stressed or irritable, but candles help him to calm his nerves.
Watchmaking tools: Opal has started a new trade and is comfortable repairing and making wind-up watches. But he often loses his tools or they break. A new kit is always welcome.
Work apron: Another thing he has recently discovered is that he enjoys working with the soil and could do with a work apron to keep all his gardening tools in.
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Poker cards with famous musicians: He likes to play card games, especially if gambling is involved. If you buy him some personalised cards like these, you can be sure he'll always have them with him.
Special edition vinyls: Any music fan would love something like this. You can't go wrong with an original edition of one of your favourite bands.
Skull-shaped ice bucket or whiskey set: There are quite a few objects in this shape in Ariel's house. We thought he might like something to do with alcohol.
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Pizza oven: Akane is a ramen and pizza fanatic. This time, we thought it might be nice to have a mini oven so that her pizzas are always perfect.
Car bin: Everyone knows that Akane loves driving, but not so much tidiness and cleanliness. Help her to keep it all tidy with this mini-trash bin for the car.
Exercise dice: She loves sport. We suggest you give her something more original than a pair of trainers or a bottle of water with a dice to help him choose her daily exercises.
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Ultrasonic cleaner: Anyone who owns glasses will understand Hasi's problems with keeping his glasses clean. You'd be doing him a big favour by buying him a little machine like this.
Writers' Socks: Although he wouldn't usually wear colourful, flashy clothes, socks are perfect for letting his imagination run wild. Especially if they are about a subject that interests you as much as books do.
Diorama bookmarks: Another Christmas classic are bookmarks, but I have found some that recreate mythical scenes from classic books. They are available for many works and can be a perfect complement to special editions of books.
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Pencil holder: I couldn't resist making this little inside joke. A little reminder won't hurt either.
Snack advent calendar: Why ask for one gift when you can have 24? He would love any advent calendar, but a snack calendar seems appropriate for him.
Projector: With a small projector he can watch films and series in his sorority room or invite you to join him.
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Fingerprint padlock: A secure padlock for a person who hides a lot of secrets. Maske loves tech gadgets and keeping their privacy safe.
Cup warmer: For someone who drinks a lot of coffee and has insomnia, this cup warmer will keep your cups at the perfect temperature.
Spice collection: It's no secret that Maske likes to cook, so they have a lot of utensils, so the smartest thing I could think of is to give them some kind of exotic spice kit so they can innovate in their kitchen and get out of their comfort zone a bit.
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Gothic picnic basket: A perfect basket for two to have a romantic meal in the forest with Opal.
Couples' keepsake wheel: Important dates and memories can be engraved on it. A romantic and personalised gift.
Sewing scissors: A nice pair of scissors is a must in the sewing basket of a seamstress.
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¡Hola, aquí Athe!
He estado pensando mucho en algunos pequeños regalos que creo que serían perfectos para los personajes. Algo así como ideas de navidad para presupuestos pequeños. He intentado buscar algunas referencias visuales y darle algo de contexto para aquellos que no conozcan tan bien a los personajes. Sería interesante ver qué es lo que se os ocurriría a vosotros, especialmente, sobre vuestros propios OCs... Voy a dejar abajo una plantilla en blanco para aquel que le apetezca añadir alguno más o crear su versión OC. Rebloguearemos todas vuestras propuestas, también podéis dejarlas en nuestro ask que siempre está abierto. ¡Felices fiestas!
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Carcasa protectora para consola o funda para juegos: No se puede fallar con cualquier cosa relacionada con videojuegos, especialmente, si es algo con una estética cuqui. Arael no se puede resistir a esa clase de cosas.
Heladera: Se acabaron las colas interminables en el comedor. Arael podrá hacer sus propios helados personalizados con una máquina de éstas.
Kigurumi: Un pijama calentito para pasar sus horas delante del ordenador jugando o en tu compañía.
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Extintor: Sobra decir por qué es buena idea que Zihel tenga un extintor a mano.
Algo de ropa nueva: Lo cierto es que su ropa está anticuada y bastante rota. Le harías un favor comprándole algo aunque no vaya agradecértelo directamente. Además, aceptará cualquier estilo que quieras ponerle sin poner demasiadas pegas.
Kit de supervivencia: A Zihel siempre le ha llamado la atención todo lo relacionado con la caza y la supervivencia. Seguro agradecerá un kit con todo lo necesario para un finde de aventuras (o un finde otro tipo...).
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Tetera o juego de té original: Kyeran disfruta mucho de tomar un té calentito, así que un juego de té le encantaría. Si aprovechas para que tenga algún toque personalizado a su estilo de decoración le harás muy feliz.
Hamaca portable: Nunca se sabe cuando vas a querer descansar durante una ruta por el desierto. Una hamaca portátil puede ser ideal para él, pero también para que compartáis un momento romántico.
Muñecos de soporte emocional: Cualquier cosa que hayas hecho a mano la valorará muchísimo, pero estos tiernos muñequitos con frases motivacionales levantan el ánimo a cualquiera.
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Cargador portátil: Que nunca le pille a Joe sin carga en alguno de sus muchos dispositivos. Sin ellos Joe podría volverse loca y, seguramente, su diana seas tú.
Pijama o funda de almohada de satén: Opciones económicas para recrear una experiencia lujosa. Cualquiera de las dos es una buena opción. A Joe le encanta sentirse consentida.
Aceite para masajes: Es probable que con esto podáis participar los dos.
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Velas hechas a mano: Desde que Opal descubrió que tiene buen olfato, también se ha dado cuenta que los olores de las velas aromáticas le relajan mucho. Es fácil que se estrese o esté irritado pero las velas le ayudan a calmar sus nervios.
Herramientas de relojería: Opal ha comenzado un nuevo oficio y se siente cómodo reparando y fabricando relojes de cuerda. Pero a menudo pierde sus herramientas o se rompen. Un nuevo kit siempre será bienvenido.
Delantal de trabajo: Otra cosa que ha descubierto recientemente, es que le agrada mucho trabajar con la tierra y no le vendría mal un delantal de trabajo donde guardar todas sus herramientas de jardinería.
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Cartas de póker con músicos famosos: Le gusta jugar a juegos de cartas, sobre todo, si hay apuestas de por medio. Si le compras unas cartas personalizadas como éstas, te aseguramos que siempre las llevará encima.
Vinilos de edición especial: Cualquier fanático de la música le gustaría algo así. No se puede fallar con una edición original de una de sus bandas favoritas.
Cubitera o set de whiskey en forma de calavera: No son pocos los objetos con esta forma en su casa. Hemos pensado que le podría agradar algo relacionado con el alcohol.
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Horno de pizza: Akane es una fanática del ramen y las pizzas. Esta vez, se nos ha ocurrido que podría estar bien un mini horno para que sus pizzas queden siempre perfectas.
Basura para el coche: Todo el mundo sabe que Akane ama conducir, pero no tanto el orden, ni la limpieza. Ayúdala a que lo mantenga todo recogido con esta mini-papelera para el coche.
Dado de ejercicio: Le encanta el deporte. Te proponemos darle algo más original que unas zapatillas o una botella de agua con un dado que le ayude a elegir sus ejercicios diarios.
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Limpiador ultrasónico: Todos los que tienen gafas comprenderán bien los problemas de Hasi para mantener sus gafas limpias. Le harías un gran favor comprándole una pequeña máquina como estas.
Calcetines de Escritores: Aunque por lo general no usaría prendas coloridas, ni muy llamativas, los calcetines son perfectos para dejarse llevar por la imaginación. Sobre todo, si son de un tema que le interesa tanto como lo son los libros.
Marcapáginas en forma de diorama: Otro clásico navideño son los marcapáginas, pero he encontrado unos que recrean escenas míticas de libros clásicos. Los hay de muchas obras y pueden ser un complemento perfecto para ediciones especiales de libros.
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Portalápices: No me he podido resistir a hacer esta pequeña broma interna. Un pequeño recordatorio tampoco le vendrá mal.
Calendario de adviento de snacks: Para que pedir un regalo cuando puedes tener 24... Cualquier calendario de adviento le gustaría, pero uno de snaks parece apropiado para él.
Proyector: Con un pequeño proyector podrá ver películas y series en su cuarto de la hermandad o invitarte a acompañarle.
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Candado con huella dactilar: Un candado seguro, para una persona que oculta muchos secretos. A Maske le encantan los gadget tecnológicos y tener su intimidad a buen recaudo.
Portavasos calentador: Para alguien que toma mucho café y tiene insomnio este calentador mantendrá sus tazas a la temperatura perfecta.
Colección de especias: No es ningún secreto que a Maske le gusta cocinar, por eso tiene gran cantidad de utensilios, por eso, lo más inteligente que se me ha ocurrido es regalarle algún tipo de kit de especias exóticas para que innove en su cocina y salga un poco de su zona de confort.
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Cesta de picnic gótica: Una cesta perfecta para dos, con la que poder tener una comida romántica en el bosque acompañada de Opal.
Rueda de recuerdos para parejas: Se pueden grabar fechas importantes y recuerdos en ella. Un regalo romántico y personalizado.
Tijeras de costura: Unas bonitas tijeras nunca sobran en el cesto de arreglos de una costurera.
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charlesandmiranda · 5 months
1/31: Shinjuku morning and Akihabara afternoon
After our first night in Shinjuku, we spent the earlier part of the day wandering around the Kabukicho area before we had to check out of Hotel Gracery. It was kind of interesting, because the area is primarily known for its nightlife, as I mentioned before, but it's still very busy during the day, with people seemingly just passing through, or folks cleaning and getting ready to open up at night. It's definitely a different vibe. We walked through some more game centers and arcades, just to kind of leisurely pass the time, before around 2 pm(ish) we hit Shinjuku station and started heading towards our next place to stay. Here's Charles playing easy mode on a drumming game, playing along to the opening theme of Spy x Family, which is a very cute, popular anime we both like.
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I also had to stop at a Japanese Krispy Kreme because they're exceptionally tasty, and they have a super classy vibe that is definitely not part of the marketing in the US
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Before Shinjuku station, we stopped by a department store that houses the Godzilla store, called Marui. They definitely had some cool Godzilla stuff to see.
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Lastly, before we left Shinjuku, we went to a guitar store, where Charles bought a guitar pedal (this was very much a precursor to what was to come, haha)
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The next place we headed to was Chiyoda, where we stayed in the Manga Art Hotel! It was a capsule hotel, comprising two floors -- one for men and one for women. If you're not familiar with a capsule hotel, they're like...private bunks or tiny rooms fitting a single person, and they often have dorm-like shared facilities for showers, bathrooms, sinks, etc. A lot of them are very simple, but you can find some super cool themed ones like this one, too. And best of all, they're typically very inexpensive, which we definitely took no issue with! haha.
The big draw for the Manga Art Hotel, for me, is that it essentially also functioned as a manga library (manga are Japanese comics!) The capsules are built kind of like walled in bunk beds and they're all decked out with tons of manga, in both English and Japanese, and you're free to borrow and read as much as you like for the duration of your stay! I also really loved the design or the whole thing, it had a sort of funky, clean and modern look and there was a really beautiful balcony on the women's floor. I only wish it had been a little warmer, or I would have loved to spend time out there!! Sadly we were still a bit too jet lagged to get much reading in, but I read the first two volumes of Tokyo Tarareba Girls and Charles read Give My Regards To Black Jack. I'll do a separate photo dump for Manga Art Hotel after this post!
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The whole building we stayed in was actually quite cool, the ground floor appeared to be some kind of pop up music venue, and on the third floor right below where I stayed, there was an extremely tasty and charming coffee shop called Social Good Roasters!!! There is soooo much really good coffee here in Japan, even from vending machines and convenience stores (called "conbinis" here!) that even fast and cheap coffee is fun to try.
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After dropping off our luggage, we went to spend the afternoon roaming around Akihabara, which is also known as Electric Town. It started off back in the day as a hub for folks to buy and sell new and used electronics and computer parts, but now it's best known as an otaku (geek) hub, that also boasts an impressive number of arcades and shops where you can buy anime goods like statues and figures, plushes, buttons, keychains, all kinds of stuff. There are also some cool stores for famous brands like Tamashii Nations, Kotobukiya, and one of my favorites, the Mandarake Complex -- Mandarake is a secondhand goods shop that sells a huge variety of manga, doujinshi (fan comics), cards, figures, etc. They occasionally have really old and rare stuff so it's almost like visiting a museum!
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I will say, maybe it's the time of year or maybe it's just us, but the variety of stuff at Akihabara this time around was not as exciting as times we've gone in the past; just not as much of the cool old/vintage stuff and wide variety as we've seen before. Neither one of us are really into the most popular anime and manga right now, so most of the stuff on display was
We wandered around til well past dark, but at this point the jet-lag was setting in. We stopped for a snack break at the popular chain Mister Donut (which is, as you'd expect, a donut shop -- they're much like....chewier and less sweet than American donuts) we hit a few other places before we decided to head back to Manga Art Hotel and turn in early.
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Keep you all posted with more soon! M.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Secret Symbol
I have to admit I've been putting off this post for a long time, in an attempt to actually figure out what the secret symbol IS before posting this.
Sadly, I am no closer to the answer than I was when I first received these figs, so I'm just going to go ahead and hope someone out there knows and can enlighten me.
The other confession I have is that I really underrated this set for a long time. I didn't buy it when it originally launched, and at the time I'm not entirely sure I would have. Back then I was doing my level best to restrict my fig purchases to some level of some basic sanity (and not really succeeding, but that's a different story), and I can tell you this set would not have immediately triggered any "must buy now" impulses in me. I considered it fairly plain, and not linked to any particular moment that I wanted to memorialize [note, maybe if I had known the secret symbol, I would have bought it!].
Later, I would see this set (inexpensively) on Xianyu and just zoom past it on my way to figs that I had missed or had really wanted. One day, some enterprising jiejie that knows the value of good marketing photography put up a great series of sales pictures, along with a great price, and I thought, why not.
So before we get into the figs, here's the inspiration for each of their outfits:
First, we have Zhehan's ultra cute Lanvin advertisement, where he's wearing the heart hoodie and shorts outfit we see on the fig.
Junjun's outfit is none other than his BEAST Panda Poo-Poo logo shirt and bag from the famous Pandagate photos:
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A great start, isn't it??
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When this arrived at my house I was struck by just how sweet this set actually is. Their faces with their little wiggly smiles are adorable. Junjun is looking like he's focusing hard on getting his hands just right, and Zhehan has a big bright smile.
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You can see Gong Jun has a very pronounced lean in his pose - yes, the gravitational pull that Zhehan has is pretty significant indeed! That being said, like many people out there, Junjun's fig has one foot shorter than the other, so he's a bit off balance. Surprisingly so, he continues to balance just fine.
This is also the best angle to see Zhehan's silver crown earring, so check that out! I love how the fig maker included his ear mole and just worked around it.
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More of Gong Jun's lean in pose! Zhehan's stance here is tall and straight, per usual with his impeccable posture.
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What was that I said a couple posts ago on the sheer amount of time fig makers have spent carefully crafting Zhehan's butt? This fig maker was no slouch - she definitely contributed her fair share to the hourly total. That's a perky posterior, alright.
The other tush, however...well, Junjun, at least you make it easy and efficient for folks to model you!
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The fig maker also took a lot of care and time to make a Junzhe version of both shirt logos!
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Here's the best angle yet for showing fig Gong Jun's shorter foot, as well as the heart patches on the hoodie and the shorts.
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Here's a good comparison of the heights, even with Junjun's pronounced lean forward.
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I swapped the fig's places in case you wanted to see a set with them positioned differently. I really like Zhehan's shoes, they seem very fancy and designer. Junjun's sneakers are a little more casual, but they look good!
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The paint on their feet were a little rubbed off in places, but that's not very noticable when they are standing at all.
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Nothing too exciting for the top-down angle.
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These box cards are sure cute. We have Love Heart Zhe and [Panda] Poo-Poo Jun.
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Material: PVC
Fig Count: 270
Scene Count: 20
Rating: This is a VERY secret symbol!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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untamedabyss · 2 years
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Winterizing Your Home
Old man winter has reared his head as we are now headed for cold weather. After concentrating on hurricanes and rainstorms, we now have the chore of prepping our homes and investment properties from cold weather related problems. Here’s a few suggestions to make the winter a little easier for us all.
First, make sure that the insulation in your attic is sufficient for your area. If it seems lacking in depth or amount, a cheap fix is blown in insulation. This covers well, keeps in the heat and is done very fast. Many companies that do this are listed in the yellow pages or business section of the phone book. Also, the pink stuff (in rolls) is equally effective for your attic. All exterior walls should have insulation, so when you are doing rehabs or adding to a house, make sure you insulate any outer walls.
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Next is caulking. Use a good quality latex and silicone combo caulk such as White Lightning brand or Dap Alex. These are 25 to 40 year caulks with low price and water clean up. Check all areas around the house for a good and proper caulking job. Anywhere that has damaged caulk or is in need of some is one of the most common areas we lose heat and a/c and our bills skyrocket. You will want to caulk around all doors, windows, cornerboards, siding, vents and such. Cracks in siding should be done as well as entry areas on the house such as water spigots and where electrical wires come into the house. Exhaust vents for fans and clothes dryers too. Its also a good idea to get those Styrofoam covers that connect on to your outside water spigots to protect from freezing temps leading to busted water pipes. For just pennies per foot, you can buy foam insulation for your exposed water pipes in your basement or garage (the most common places for busted water pipes from freezing). 
Weather stripping around doors and windows can rob you from heat as well. Most hardware stores can sell you rolls of weatherstripping and it’s easily installed by any “do it yourselfer”. As far as this area goes, don’t forget the part under your doors on the threshold. This area is almost always forgotten and usually needs replacing the most. Open all your entrance doors and check the threshold for wear and tear. You’ll be glad you did. For those pesky drafts that get through the window sills and under doorways, you can buy or make what we call a draft snake, These are just round fabrics filled with whatever you want and made to the size of the bottoms of doors and window sill. This keeps the wind from coming in under the doors or sills. Use these anywhere that drafts give you a chill. 
A furnace check will insure that all will fire up ok. A clean filter and a newly serviced unit will be far more efficient than one that needs checking. This is also inexpensive and insures a safe, warm season. You may also want to have your airducts cleaned. This removes debris as well as allergens that can be carried throughout the house. In addition, a chimney sweep can come and service your fireplace to make possible some great cozy nights in front of the fire.
Make sure that your garage doors seat well on the ground when closed. You may need to put some rubber stripping on the bottom to seal any open spots. You can also use storm windows and doors to greatly improve keeping the cold outside. Cover your attic vents to keep cold from entering the roof area and if the temp falls below freezing, let your faucets drip. If you have a propane tank for heating or cooking or water heaters, make sure to have it filled.
Last, if you are going to use space heaters, make sure they are in properly vented areas and away from furniture and curtains as fire may be caused. Electric heaters are my recommendation because there are no harmful fumes to deal with. Well, I hope these tips will make your winter better, warmer and less expensive….see you next issue.   Mr. Rehab….Pete Youngs
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nancypullen · 2 years
I don’t put much stock in astrology, when I was a teen I’d read my horoscope and embrace it if it was positive or scoff if it was a dire warning or required any soul searching.  Same with fortune cookies.  I believe the ones that say something wonderful is about to happen but toss the slips that offered an omen of any type. Nonsense. BUT, read any description of a Libra (that’s me) and it will drive home the fact that people born under that star sign crave beauty.  We want our world to be pretty.  We want our homes, our gardens, our meals, our lives to be pretty.  It’s true.  “They thrive on making things orderly and aesthetically pleasing. They also crave balance, and they can be equally as self-indulgent as they are generous.”    Is it true? Who knows? I do know that it applies to me - and whether that has anything to do with how the planets and stars were aligned when I was born, I can’t confirm.  I was born under a libra sun with a bad moon rising (if you get that joke-hello, boomer!) and I want everything from my fingernails to my bath mats to be pretty.  It’s almost an obsession.  Here’s the thing, it won’t bother me one bit if your home is filled with mismatched, purple and orange corduroy furniture paired with black velvet paintings of dolphins and unicorns.  It doesn’t affect me, it’s not my space. Don’t care.  But an ugly corner of my home will eat away at my soul.  Isn’t that silly?  I know it is, but I still give the stink eye to a patch of grass that won’t fill in or a throw pillow that isn’t quite the right color or shape that I wanted.  There’s so much in my life about which I shrug and say, “Eh, close enough”, but a napkin that doesn’t compliment the plate at dinner will bother me. Not at your house, only at mine.  I should probably take a pill for that. Anyway, because I have no self-control when it comes to trying to beautify things and that trait battles with my inner cheapskate, I buy stuff like this.
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You guys...for less than $10 I turned the grandgirl’s vanity into a scene fit for a Disney princess.
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Because it was inexpensive it left a bit to be desired.  I think it’s meant to be snug up to a ceiling, so some of those branches end abruptly.  No big deal, I slapped a bird or a butterfly over the most obvious spots.  We’ll just pretend a storm snapped off the rest.  The decals came on a big sheet without instructions, but they were easy to apply.  The trickiest part was just figuring out what went where.  I stuck all the pieces up with Scotch tape and made sure that it looked right before I peeled the backing off and smoothed it onto the wall.  Easy peasy.  They’re also easy to remove without ruining the paint - you can rearrange if needed.  If you look very closely you can see the edges, but it’s not noticeable on the wall.
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The grandgirl will like it, and when she outgrows it I’ll be glad that I didn’t invest a fortune.  And it makes one more corner of my world pretty (deep, satisfied sigh).
Know what’s not pretty?  Parts of the landscaping that I worked so hard on - my double bout with COVID happened to coincide with some scorching weather. Some things were neglected. The hanging basket that I’d been watering every day bit the dust. My beautiful, blue hydrangea, which is also a thirsty plant, looks weak.  The tomatoes are absolutely out of control (bumper crop, but I haven’t done any pruning!).  One tomato plant broke in a storm.  I mourned it and moved on - my main concern right now is my pumpkin plants which are thriving.  Luckily, we’re just a couple of days from August and my attitude is that it is what it is. I snapped this a couple of days ago with my dried up hanging basket front and center and empty planters hanging on the porch railings.
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  It kills my Libra vibe, but that’s okay. I’m already imaging those planters filled with autumn kale, mums, and mini pumpkins.  I’m over this summer and won’t waste another minute worrying about summer blooms.  We did pretty good considering we started from scratch. See that front door?  We’re going to replace it.  It’s pretty, but it’s really, really cheap and feels like a toddler in a bad temper could bust through it.  Not that we live in fear of home invasions or FBI raids, but it would be nice to go on vacation knowing that a strong wind won’t blow your door in.  So, what color should we choose? I’d love a pink door, mostly because it would delight the grandgirl, but also as an homage to my Grandma Ethel who had a sweet, pink house.  I’m not sure pink is the best choice for a front door though.  Red?  Charcoal, like the shutters?  A nice, crisp black?  I lean toward black - it would look good in every season, whether the porch in jewel tones for autumn or bright with a Christmas wreath and icicle lights.  Am I putting way too much thought into a front door? Yes.  You don’t even want to know the mental and emotional gymnastics I’m suffering over kitchen cabinet colors.  Oh my gosh, what if it’s not pretty?!? Okay, I’m shutting up. I’m going to go fold some towels the wrong way and stick a gray hanger in the middle of all of my pink hangers in the closet. Isn’t that how allergy shots work? Introduce a little bit of what makes you sick and let the body learn to resist it?  Yep, I’m on it. Just as soon as I straighten that basket and fluff a pillow... Stay safe, stay well, stay wacky. XOXO, Nancy
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What to Have at Home That Can Help You With Sports
Sports at Home: Your Guide to Working Out in a Sports-Themed Home
Are you a sports fanatic? Do you really enjoy watching your favorite teams play? If so, then you might be wondering how best to incorporate sports into your home environment, not just as a training regime for yourself but also for ambience and decor. If you want your home to be your ultimate sports-themed sanctuary, complete with memorabilia from your favorite teams and a home workout gym, then read on.
 Your Home Gym
Why spend hundreds of dollars a year on a gym membership? Except for specialized training, most people can exercise at home. With a few adjustments to your schedule, you can make working out at home easy. Some studies suggest that most people may find gym memberships to be a waste of money, as the majority of those who sign up for new gym memberships only use them for the first month or two before discontinuing their visits. This is primarily due to busy lifestyles and the inconvenience of having to drive to a separate location to work out. But at home, with a few pieces of inexpensive equipment, you can work out just as well.
Cardio training typically does not require specialized equipment aside from good workout shoes. You can watch a variety of free workout channels on YouTube in your living room, many of which cater to beginners.
 Yoga and stretching
Again, several YouTube channels will guide you through stretching and yoga routines, but you may want to buy some good gear. A high-quality yoga mat can help you avoid brush burns from the carpet, while some stretching bands and elastic can help you execute certain stretching routines.
You don’t need the variety of heavy weights at the gym for conditioning and strengthening exercises. Use a backpack filled with cans or other weights for resistance, and simply elevate your point of contact to add more resistance to your regular workout. If not, you can easily purchase a cheap set of simple weights from Walmart or Academy Sports.
You might miss the gym's bikes and elliptical machines, but you can still perform many conditioning exercises without them. Wall sits, planks, burpees, and jogging around your neighborhood are all acceptable conditioning routines that require minimal equipment, if any. The best part about conditioning training is that it can really be done almost anywhere and you know what they say practice makes perfect.
 Sports-Themed Ambience 
What better way to get into the mood for working out than to decorate your workout room, or even your whole house, with a sports theme? Check out Pinterest and other sites for ideas on how to decorate your home with a sports motif. Frame your favorite players' jerseys and hang them on the wall, along with any sports pennants or banners from your favorite teams. In your workout room, paint the walls in your team's favorite colors and throw a football field rug on the floor.
Many professional sports teams and college teams offer online merchandise, including workout equipment such as water bottles, towels, and other exercise gear. You might also find other home items, such as bedspreads, throw pillows, kitchen accessories, and bathroom towels. If this is not available, you might consider making your own from a generic set of items and painting them with your favorite logo.
Be creative with what you have or can buy at the craft store for a generic look. Find fabric prints of team-themed logos and make some curtains, or look for some inexpensive wall art featuring your favorite team. Make useful items out of recycled sports gear, such as a baseball bat coat holder or door hanger. Recycle some lockers for bedroom storage, or find some used furniture at a garage sale and paint it in your team’s colors.
Doctors are always saying that we, as a society, need to work out more. There are numerous ways to maintain our health and fitness while working out at home, especially when our favorite sports team decorates our walls. If you want to incorporate more sports into your home life, encourage your family to jump on board with their own workout and decoration ideas to make your home truly a sports sanctuary. Take a Saturday to surf the local garage sales for sports-themed items, or anything that might be easily repurposed. Creativity knows no bounds and, when properly applied, creates a truly unique environment that encourages staying in shape while also cheering for your favorite teams.
 Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Quantum Performance
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
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This is actually a new Grand Am design they had and our son wants to make it and we do too and we know it was there and we knew he would love it I can have it without the whale tail and it looks intense still there's different color schemes and he would buy one
Frank Castle hardcastle
It's a little smaller is zippy but we would make the shell hard end of decent metal and it is fast and he would like it cuz he consume around and go from place to place and not fool around and it looks nice it's really inexpensive it's probably around 22,000 to 17,000 because it's a small car with a smaller motor it is hyped up
Frank Castle hardcastle
When are you guys going to have this and yes that's Trudy and sister and we were at the sakarella's house and where those two girls you don't like who bother you but help you terribella and Isabella could be us and he said why don't you back the idea of having to make something prototype like this and we can start it up in a pilot factory and this would be probably the model and your men would take it from you and you'd hate them I need to go around and ruin their day and have them pee in each other's coffee and they love it they have to do stuff and it gets rid of fungus.. well he says the last three sentences so I'm going to try and do that
Trudy and sister I have a name and I can't get it out there maybe I can't remember it true it's Lori and the other sister still not me
We're going to go on this if we get some support and it might be even from the weirdo billionaire LOL
Frank Castle hardcastle
This is great this car is great I help design it and you can tell it's kind of square that's funny it is funny I like it that way yeah Chevy looks like that okay but anyways I think this would be nice and they're talking about a pilot factory and with a lot of women because of women are bored and yeah we probably have some make us lunch like hot cakes and it can be part of us like a the bubble gum rally and something like this this is a fun idea he says to pick a Pontiac plant and we can set it up and make a bunch of them and see how it goes and make an agreement contingent upon sales and things in that area and if it fails it fails but it would be like nice to have an area that's not like that hard to work in and he says that part and I think it's correct it's a great idea and Trudy is her name and yet you got the first one again oh yeah that's right
We're going to go ahead and try this I'm going to try and propose it we know what you mean it has to be kind of a neutral area where other people could be there last week and we know are fighting like hell we have a few areas like that California is not that bad he says some areas we don't go in but it's an idea and it'll keep us thinking of what we should be doing he's just writing a letter to request it and any lawyer to write a letter to request the same thing it is because they're not telling you what he needs to do to verify identity if they say that which they probably all will and he'll write a second letter what do you need to verify identity and we get that too so notarization usually works it's not really all you need but notarization actually helps so it's better than nothing and yet even mowing the lawn you know
Trudy yeah my sister Lori no that's the other name and we know people like the car and then a friend had something to do with it worth
I'm going to go ahead and put this in the pipe and it's because people seem interested in he wants to have Hera trying to investigate the possibility and she's going to look at it
Thor Freya
Yeah I might go see what that is good and I mean short with you hey yeah it's kind of my car and your car was really their car our car it's our people they like it though it's a good idea and they can help spearhead it no they want to do that but I want to go there and see and try and help
I think we're going to get behind this and try and get it going
Yeah I'm going to help too
Yeah it's kind of us but they're going to help yeah they were saying it and we were saying it mostly us no but now we are and we get this so we want to see and this is a great vehicle to start with it's really hot looking you should see the other colors
I'm going to help get this going it's a nice vehicle it's a good idea it's a great start and pilot projects like this could happen all over the world after and done Lord might figure out he needs it even if his time is not going to be long perhaps his kids could live on
Frank Castle
It's kind of an idea and I just see what you're saying
0 notes
What to Have at Home That Can Help You With Sports
Sports at Home: Your Guide to Working Out in a Sports-Themed Home
Are you a sports fanatic? Do you really enjoy watching your favorite teams play? If so, then you might be wondering how best to incorporate sports into your home environment, not just as a training regime for yourself but also for ambience and decor. If you want your home to be your ultimate sports-themed sanctuary, complete with memorabilia from your favorite teams and a home workout gym, then read on.
 Your Home Gym
Why spend hundreds of dollars a year on a gym membership? Except for specialized training, most people can exercise at home. With a few adjustments to your schedule, you can make working out at home easy. Some studies suggest that most people may find gym memberships to be a waste of money, as the majority of those who sign up for new gym memberships only use them for the first month or two before discontinuing their visits. This is primarily due to busy lifestyles and the inconvenience of having to drive to a separate location to work out. But at home, with a few pieces of inexpensive equipment, you can work out just as well.
Cardio training typically does not require specialized equipment aside from good workout shoes. You can watch a variety of free workout channels on YouTube in your living room, many of which cater to beginners.
 Yoga and stretching
Again, several YouTube channels will guide you through stretching and yoga routines, but you may want to buy some good gear. A high-quality yoga mat can help you avoid brush burns from the carpet, while some stretching bands and elastic can help you execute certain stretching routines.
You don’t need the variety of heavy weights at the gym for conditioning and strengthening exercises. Use a backpack filled with cans or other weights for resistance, and simply elevate your point of contact to add more resistance to your regular workout. If not, you can easily purchase a cheap set of simple weights from Walmart or Academy Sports.
You might miss the gym's bikes and elliptical machines, but you can still perform many conditioning exercises without them. Wall sits, planks, burpees, and jogging around your neighborhood are all acceptable conditioning routines that require minimal equipment, if any. The best part about conditioning training is that it can really be done almost anywhere and you know what they say practice makes perfect.
 Sports-Themed Ambience 
What better way to get into the mood for working out than to decorate your workout room, or even your whole house, with a sports theme? Check out Pinterest and other sites for ideas on how to decorate your home with a sports motif. Frame your favorite players' jerseys and hang them on the wall, along with any sports pennants or banners from your favorite teams. In your workout room, paint the walls in your team's favorite colors and throw a football field rug on the floor.
Many professional sports teams and college teams offer online merchandise, including workout equipment such as water bottles, towels, and other exercise gear. You might also find other home items, such as bedspreads, throw pillows, kitchen accessories, and bathroom towels. If this is not available, you might consider making your own from a generic set of items and painting them with your favorite logo.
Be creative with what you have or can buy at the craft store for a generic look. Find fabric prints of team-themed logos and make some curtains, or look for some inexpensive wall art featuring your favorite team. Make useful items out of recycled sports gear, such as a baseball bat coat holder or door hanger. Recycle some lockers for bedroom storage, or find some used furniture at a garage sale and paint it in your team’s colors.
Doctors are always saying that we, as a society, need to work out more. There are numerous ways to maintain our health and fitness while working out at home, especially when our favorite sports team decorates our walls. If you want to incorporate more sports into your home life, encourage your family to jump on board with their own workout and decoration ideas to make your home truly a sports sanctuary. Take a Saturday to surf the local garage sales for sports-themed items, or anything that might be easily repurposed. Creativity knows no bounds and, when properly applied, creates a truly unique environment that encourages staying in shape while also cheering for your favorite teams.
 Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Quantum Performance
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modifyeddigital11 · 5 months
7 Ways To Use Digital Marketing Agency For Real Estate To Boost Sales
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Digital marketing is the real estate industry's future. The outcomes are frequently revolutionary. While it is true that a person won't make a final choice until they have seen the property in person, investors will thoroughly investigate the property beforehand. For this reason, digital marketing agency for real estate is huge right now and is only expected to get bigger. 
Everything has been revolutionised by the internet. The world of real estate is not any different. Flyers sent, billboards hired, or adverts placed in the neighbourhood newspaper are no longer used just to generate interest in your home. Using just these antiquated strategies won't help you at all.
7 Proven Ways for Realtors to Boost Sales with Digital Marketing
1. Create a User-friendly Website
Your company frequently loses customers as a result of a website that loads slowly, is difficult to use, or isn't compatible with mobile devices. With so many connections and images, real estate websites may be disorganised and more work than they're worth.
For this reason, having an effective SEO strategy is essential to your company's ability to build a website with pertinent content that draws in new customers. 
94% of first impressions relate to your site’s web design
Making a good first impression is crucial when someone is discovering your company for the first time. This might have a long-term impact on how people see and understand your business. To ensure that visitors have the greatest experience possible and to create the correct tone, a successful website design is essential. You may contact us to find out how we can assist you in developing a real estate website that is optimised for conversions.
Make sure you present all of your homes for sale in an understandable manner. It would be great to include a list of services, including cleaners, movers, and house inspectors, to demonstrate to them that you're in it for the long run. 
2. Spend Time On Search Engine Optimization For Real Estate
Since the majority of people use Google to find properties to buy, rent, or sell, SEO is the foundation of any marketing agency for real estate plan. The only method to raise your website's position in natural search results is through SEO.
Since many people search for "houses for sale in {city}," the main focus of your material should be local SEO. Since 70% of consumers look for a specific place when making a purchase, if your website and social media aren't SEO-based, you can lose out on a lot of revenue. 
91.74% of the search traffic drives from Google alone
It goes without saying that getting the proper people to view your website is essential to your business, but it can be challenging to know where to begin or how to begin your SEO journey. For more than ten years, Think Modifyed Digital has assisted schools and institutions in increasing targeted search traffic. With our experience and knowledge, we can increase traffic and leads to your website while lowering expenses by ensuring that the proper people see it.
3. Utilize Google Ads For Quick Results
Personalised adverts from Google AdWords are an inexpensive source of fresh leads. Its simplicity makes it effective. When someone clicks on your advertisement's carefully crafted content and visuals, you get paid. With this approach, you may test a variety of ads, evaluate their efficacy, and only pay for the ones that generate revenue.
Paid Searches enable you to launch a marketing agency for real estate plan quickly since they operate far more quickly than SEO. 
4. Craft A Social Media Marketing Strategy
Social media has revolutionised the real estate industry by offering firms limitless opportunities to engage with prospective clients and expand their clientele. With social media, you may establish a brand, offer insightful content, and establish a personal connection with followers to advance a good perception. 
The National Association of Realtors demonstrated in a recent survey that the majority of realtors use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to interact with their real estate firms. An additional benefit is that you may showcase your accomplishments and provide evidence of your superior services. Buffer is a notable tool that may guide you through the social media maze.
5. Create an Email Marketing Campaign for Real Estate Business
In digital marketing, email marketing is the underdog. It is incredibly effective and yields a remarkable return on investment. Email drip campaigns are still a tried-and-true method for guiding prospects down the sales funnel. The majority of real estate agents concentrate on lead creation but, once they have a lead, don't pursue it. You can easily nurture those leads and remain at the forefront of prospective buyers' and sellers' minds using email drip campaigns. If you want to start your email campaign off well, think about employing services like MailChimp. 
6. Make Use Of Video Content
Pictures don't do the property justice, which might turn off prospective tenants or purchasers. Pictures can't capture a feeling, neighbourhood, light quality, or atmosphere. Real estate is being revolutionised by video. A lot of brokers say that their marketing agency for real estate approach now wouldn't be the same without real estate video marketing. Realtors benefit from videos in the following ways:
Give a clear explanation of everything.
They can schedule additional meetings as a result.
Since a single video can be shared with prospective customers and on all social media sites, it saves time.
It strengthens a personal connection and expedites transactions. 
Realtors are using Vidyard, a prominent website, to display their properties through videos. 
7. Manage Online Reputation Through Reviews
Your constantly updated real-world résumé is your internet presence. Every review you receive, whether from Google, Zillow, Instagram, or Facebook, might serve as the basis for your company. Many customers research products on their own without using an agent. Your internet reputation is the means to becoming the name that immediately comes to mind when someone is looking for someone who is genuine and unique. 
Wrapping Up…
The effectiveness of your campaign's implementation is what matters most in marketing agency for real estate. Since every realtor and broker uses digital marketing campaigns as part of their marketing plan, it pays off to put in a little more work to stand out from the crowd. Not only is expanding your audience important, but the quality of those conversions is where you will find your true success.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
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There are a couple things here they're messing with the controls of the phone still constantly okay it's a huge assignment we need a big army that's for all cell phones we need all the methods in we need to stop them here and it has a system that just tries to stop them.
And we are back on the subject of Bane and here it is that kind of cargo pants took a sweat suit by the I do know what it is it is a cheap sweat suit the pants are too. And Tommy f says that's what you're going to wear and he says are you serious you want me to wear a sweat suit I'm going to be sweating any losses we have air conditioning on the way up and back it says maybe I should wear a Camelback as part of the costume it started to laugh and it said that's actually not a bad idea you can reload it at the concession stand good he says and I've seen people do it and that was Tommy f the interesting part is that it's not very much money and they sell it all over the place and you might need something like it even to work out in to hide his legs and to hide part of his body and t-shirts are hard to work out and you mentioned it too when you're bigger so it's not bad it'll be a workout outfit and the roosting would continue the roots the attempted thing of Tommy f. And the utility belts they're really kind of cheap. But this one is a special one and it is made to be the main formula Bane formula and has a red button there and it is a control center and it does other stuff too so he might try and find that online the rest of the costume is simple and he has to find a different mask according to Tommy f and a couple
It's not a bad idea and we're thinking of doing it and Justin would probably be up for it having a cookout out there would be a good idea this is a pain in the ass and we need information we get it that way it's a good idea to do this there is a mask that does not cover your face fully and it is pain and Bane and you will see it's not that bad and it's kind of remembering one and it is one of those it's a breathable mask and it's good for Comic-Con
Tommy f
That's what I like it the common costume would be very inexpensive and you'd have to pay the entrance fee so he still would need extra money and he'd like to pay off his credit card and people say they can't do it and won't do it and so he's going to sit here and you might go to it but really it takes gas money and food money you need about $500 so you probably won't have that
Thor Freya
Goes back to our idea cuz if we do this it might help and things would change a little bit and people would say we're in trouble and it's Tommy after did it or it's this guy and it will cause interest when we need it
I want to use it to try and put it back in the house
Tommy f
Yeah but the entrance fee is money sent 30 bucks then you need like 50 60 bucks for food pitching gas 10 bucks costume 70 to 100 bucks and that's 200 bucks there
Zues Hera
Yeah that's a lot of money for him to spend it's probably a week of food so we are going to have to think about it
Tommy f
It's got a big credit card bill is trying to spend down they can't buy any more big ticket stuff and he's going to be stuck here and you know we're getting ready and stuff
Thor Freya
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hoverboardstore · 6 months
Best Top Ten Reasons why everyone needs a Hoverboard Kart
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Hoverboards have come a long way; once a fictional good portrayed in popular video games and used by your favorite cartoon characters to explore all across their town is now a real-life thing. Hoverboard or HoverKarts, the essence of the two products is based on the same principles. The functionalities may differ, but the story and the coolness associated with them are connected. The hoverboard has initially been mentioned in fiction novels, and the word was penned down in 1967 by MK Joseph in a science fiction novel; and since then, technology experts have worked day and night to make this an actuality.
The popularity of Hoverboards typically peaked after 2010, when then the rumors around the product faded that they might be a dangerous thing to possess, and the users were at risk of accidents. The planned rumors were ultimately proven false, and now we see advancements and newer products now and then. Kids and teenagers loved hoverboards, but for increased functionality, more stability, and to cater to a broader audience, the concept of Hoverkarts was introduced, and the Hoverboard user community very well received it.
Why do you need a hoverkart, and what are the benefits associated?
Hoverkarts are loved by everyone in the family and not only the youngsters of the house. Hoverkarts are an excellent alternative for people who want to skip the balancing part of the hoverboards. So if you own a hoverboard and love riding it on two feet around your neighborhood you will enjoy a laid back ride using a hoverboard too.
You have to attach a hoverkart with it for that purpose. Hoverkarts are designed for all hoverboards of every size available in the market ranging from 6.5 inches to 10 inches, and are available in bundles and sold separately too. Hoverkarts allow advanced drifting and extended overall performance. They are easy to fit and can be easily customized. Hoverkarts can open a whole new world of fun and excitement for all of you.
The benefits of owning one are immense including more speed and stability to your daily rides. Continue reading the next few bullets for some classic fun facts about hover karts and an insight into why you need to have a hoverkart at home.
Hoverkarts Are Inexpensive:
The rising transportation ticket charges for short routes, the increasing fuel prices, and the hefty licensing fee associated with cars and motorcycles, let alone their original prices, have made traveling quite expensive. Not everyone can afford these luxuries, and an affordable alternative was inevitable. With technological advancements and self-balancing vehicles becoming more stable and secure that works on electric rechargeable batteries have introduced a budget-friendly alternative in the form of hoverkarts and hoverboards.
Hoverboards combined with a suitable size hoverkart is an extraordinary transportation form these days, be it going for some groceries or a quick ride to your college library. They do not require separate savings and a large budget to buy it and can be arranged within a restricted budget. In a nutshell, it's the least expensive, fully functional chic item to own and very valuable too.
HoverKarts are safe for kids:
No one can stop kids from being adventurous, and it's quite difficult to keep them restricted from using their dad's hoverboard as it looks like an exciting and enjoyable thing to ride. You seriously cannot say no to a kid more than a few times a day. Hoverkarts are there to rescue you in such situations. Hoverkarts are excellent extensions to these automatic boards to ensure your kid's safety all the time.
Younger kids usually lack the coordination to ride a hoverboard, so buy a hoverkart and attach it to the board. The kids are able to go for a lively ride instantly usually, hoverkarts arrive with an age restriction of three years. Kids younger than this age are prohibited from using them, and adult supervision is recommended. Overall, Hoverkarts are proven safe for kids and youngsters.
●    Hoverkarts offer flexibility:
Hoverboarding without a kart can be a different kind of fun, but sometimes you aren't in a mood to ride it with care and want to enjoy your neighborhood swamp by sitting in a kart. You can always extend your hoverboard by attaching a hoverkart according to your needs, and they are able to provide flexible transport when combined. If you are in the process of learning hoverboarding and consider yourself a beginner, do not hesitate to ride it with a hoverkart until you overcome your fears. Your mobility isn't compromised at all, even if you are a timid rider. Hoverkarts do not discriminate. They are for everyone.
●    Hoverkarts require low maintenance:
When owning a hoverkart, you don't have to worry much about the maintenance cost. Hoverboarding doesn't come with gas emissions, so gas eruptions checking isn't a requirement. More limited moving parts are used in the boards except for the wheels, so the wear and tear is inconsiderable. The construction is stable and durable, so maintenance would not be required very soon. Hoverkarts are perfect for riders who desire more comfortable, safe rides, which do not cost a hundred bucks every month for maintenance. Most hoverboard and karts manufacturers offer 24/7 affordable or sometimes free support too. The trouble would be much less if you buy a bundle offer from the market. The warranty will cover your products together for a year.
●    Hoverkarts are for everyone:
Do you think hoverboarding is only for kids and adults are too big for it? You are mistaken here. The notion that hoverboarding is only for youngsters and teens or adults can’t use it is completely junk. Why do elders have to abstain from having a fun ride? They don't have to. A hoverboard is a vital investment of a family, and by attaching a hoverkart to it, everyone in the house can enjoy it. Believe me; you'll totally get addicted to the comfortability of it and never want to stop riding it.
●    Hoverkarts are eco-friendly:
Hoverboards infused with hoverkarts are no less than a scooter, but they don't use any fuels to work. Instead, they work on rechargeable batteries that are very friendly for the environment. The world is running out of fossil fuels, and alternative energy options are generally becoming popular. Hoverboarding doesn't require any such fuels and totally avoids the hazards that it brings. Here I am talking about the poisonous gas vehicles release that consumes fuels as source of energy .You are having fun and saving the environment, what an extraordinary combination and a great reason to get you a hoverkart today.
●    Hoverkarts are convenient:
Are you scared of driving lessons? And trying to avoid the hefty costs of it? Everyone wishes to have a vehicle they could use with their own convenience without worrying about the public transport schedules. Cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles require special training to ride and not to forget about the expensive licenses you must acquire before you are fit to ride them. You can ride a Hoverboard with a hoverkart absolutely after taking them out of the packaging. You can conveniently use it for a quick ride to your friend's house; use it for a daily commute to your University, and leisure purposes too. It's designed for flexible performance and is suitable for people of all ages.
●    Hoverkarts can help you with delivery Jobs:
Before starting a delivery job, you need to have a vehicle. Most delivery riders use bicycles because of the affordability, but it is tiring to ride a bicycle for prolonged hours. You can invest in a hoverkart and a hoverboard to make the job more manageable. You can get more deliveries done in significantly less time, and you'll not be tired at all. Your functionality increases, delivery time decreases, and you'll deliver in outlying areas in less time. Customers will be more satisfied, and you might get excellent tips.
●    Hoverkarts are compact:
Not everyone has access to a garage or an ample parking space. People living in apartments are mostly worried about parking spaces and the costs associated with it. In this case Hoverkart is a great option to move around your residence. They are compact and can easily fit in a small space and help you in saving a lot of effort and money that you might have to pay if you own a licensed vehicle.
●    Hoverkarts are fun:
What's that amazing thing that you can’t do with a hoverboard alone? Tricks like popping a wheelie and racing competitions are only possible when you attach a hoverboard with a hoverkart. What else is more motivating for having a hoverkart than entertainment? Get yourself one as soon as possible.
The benefits of keeping a hoverkart are quite convincing, and there are tons of options available in the market. The vibrant colors, the sturdy materials, various sizes, and all different kinds of features are available in the hoverkarts. Hoverkarts are available individually as well as in bundles offered on websites. The choices are great, and if you are in the UK, you can check some incredible bundles at attractive prices on our online hoverboard store.
Buy Now.
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