#going o have to actually go tag things later sometime
20dollarlolita · 7 months
The process of how I bought my wheelchairs.
Someone's asked for help on this, and I've written a couple of really thorough posts that I never published, but here's the short I intended this to be short, but it's not version.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advice. I cannot provide medical advice. I am sharing my own experience, and it should not be used as your only research for this issue. Any time I am saying, "you," please note that it is a style choice to use the second person, and not an indication of giving advice.
Quick note: if your doctor prescribed you a chair, make sure you know what kind of chair was prescribed, and why. The best chair in the world is still awful if it doesn't do what you need.
Also if your insurance will cover a wheelchair then, once you've made sure that your insurance will cover the chair you need, make the smart choice about where you'll buy these things.
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The first time that I was using a wheelchair full time, I was borrowing this one from a friend. This chair is about $500, so when I was buying my first chair for myself, I was looking at that price point. If a chair I was considering was notably more than $500, I knew I could just get my own copy of this chair that I was already comfortable with. The chair that I was borrowing was three years old and had been heavily used, so I was confident in this model's lifespan.
The other big advantage of this is that it ships free with Prime, which meant that it was easy to send to a friend when I was tired of watching her use a inexpensive chair to get around the Disney parks.
But then I went on ebay and learned about the magical world of secondhand wheelchairs. The short version of the story is that a wheelchair can outlive someone's need for it, and so it's not super uncommon to see someone selling an older wheelchair for much less than the chair is new. A lot of the time, these are custom or modular chairs. Instead of a basic chair that's set up to one-size-fits-probably-most, modular and custom chairs have 10+ pages of options to select from in their order form. When you're buying a new custom chair, you pick every option to make sure it's perfect for you. When your goal to buying a used chair is to just get one that's better for you than a Drive Super Sport one-size-fits-hopefully-you chair, the secret to buying on ebay is to find out what features you absolutely need, and then to check the other elements of the chair and see if they will work for you.
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Quick note, at the time that I was buying my wheelchair, I actually already owned a wheelchair, and had decided it wasn't going to work for me to use full-time. This is an Invacare Tracer and it was, according to the tag, stolen from a wheelchair rental place in 2010, and according to my mom, stolen from my neighbor's to-be-burned pile in 2019. So if we don't count alleged crime as a cost, this wheelchair was free. This is a great example of a chair that's set up to be one-size-fits-no-one-perfectly.
This wheelchair would be better than nothing, but it's heavy, the wheels are really far back, and it doesn't really fit in my car. The tires have no tread and are pretty worn, so they don't do great for outdoor offroading. All detachable parts of this (armrests, foot rests) had been lost a decade ago, and they're not cheap to replace. I already knew what kind of budget I was willing to spend, and I felt that just using this as my main mode of movement wasn't going to be worth the saving of the $500.
I do still use this wheelchair a LOT in my house, because it's a pain to get my real wheelchair out of my car and into my house (because stairs), but I wouldn't feel confident taking it out on the town unless I have someone to push me.
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So the secret to buying a wheelchair on ebay is a three step process:
Determine how much money you're able to spend. The best wheelchair in the world isn't going to do you any good if you can't actually get it.
Determine what main features you want in a chair, and look for those.
When you find a chair that has those features at that price, check to see if everything else in the chair works for you.
(Secret step 4: be lucky enough to have someone listing the chair you need).
So I picked this chair (Which is a Quickie 2 Lite) mostly because the Medwarm wheelchair had been a bit too wide for me. This chair was narrower and had a lot of the traits of the Medwarm chair that I'd liked. It folded, had 24" wheels with tread, had feet plates that didn't stick way out in front. I didn't actually know how any of that felt until I had it, because I didn't have experience with multiple wheelchairs. My inexperience gave me a superpower, which was that I didn't need to get so critical of certain traits, because I had no idea what any of that meant.
Shipped and with tax, this was $400. At the time, I just went, "hey, this is like the wheelchair that I want, but without the negative trait of being as wide, and it's $100 less."
The main this about this chair that I learned that I love is that the center of gravity is farther forward than on the Medwarm chair (I believe it's set to +1"). This gave me a lot more power pushing myself. When I was using the Medwarm chair, it wasn't uncommon for me to ask friends to push me long distances. I very rarely needed that in the Quickie2.
But I did have to replace it.
Short version of a long story was that when I went to being a most-time wheelchair user, the seat of my chair got smaller relative to my body. I'd picked a narrower chair because it was easier to navigate the world, but I'd actually picked a chair that was becoming too small for me to fit my Kitten Holding Legs into. I looked into getting a new chair.
So let's talk about the wheelchair that I bought and couldn't use. We learn from our wins and our misses.
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This is a 19" Catalyst 5. There's a few problems with this one for me, but they all sum up to (for me personally) that it had more negative (to me) traits than the Medwarm one, but also was more expensive. I'd picked this one because it looked like it'd be more like my Quickie2 than like the Medwarm, but it just wasn't good for me.
My Quickie2's narrow, so I could put my feet right next to each other. This was the most comfortable way for me to sit. The way that KI measures a Catalyst frame and the way Quickie measures a Quickie 2 frame are different. My 15" frame Quickie 2 had a 14" wide seat, and this 19" Catalyst 5 had a 22" wide frame. The first time that I unfolded it, I knew that it was just too big for me to use comfortably. In addition, I didn't like the solid low-profile tires. I didn't like how far away the wheels were. It also had a really nice quality back, but the back had to be removed to fold the chair, so it was another step to take in and out of my car. It was also about 2" shorter at the seat than my old chair, and I already deal with being too short for my store's counters, so I didn't like losing that height.
So this was a case where I looked for traits that I thought I wanted: folding, wider seat. Then, instead of checking to see if the rest of the traits of the chair were things that I wanted, I just assumed it'd be okay. Personally, it just wasn't the chair for me.
I ended up learning that selling a used wheelchair on ebay is actually pretty easy as well, so the money I lost on this purchase summed up to the cost of a roll of bubble wrap to pack it up to send it to someone who would benefit from it.
When I was looking for my next wheelchair, I had changed what I wanted out of a chair. I knew that I wanted tires with actual tread on them, instead of solid poly smooth tires. I knew that I wanted a wider seat, but not too wide. If it didn't come with a little bit of camber on the wheels (that's where they slant towards the top of the chair), I wanted to be able to add it. I also wanted it to be a minimum of 17" high seat. But the biggest change was that I'd decided that I didn't really need it to be folding.
I drive a hatchback with back seats that can fold down, and I pretty much never have passengers. I decided fuck it, if I'm not driving people, I don't need to keep the seats up, so I could get a non-folding chair and just shove the whole thing in the back without breaking down. Without breaking down the chair. I could still break down. Life is tough sometimes.
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So this is a Quickie GT, which is an old, discontinued model. According to the serial number lookup, it was made in 2009. The good news is that it immediately passed the Cat Test.
When I was looking at this chair, I saw that it was designed for people who push themselves, and would probably be less good for someone who needed other people to push them. This wasn't an issue for me, because I hate being pushed.
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(same chair plus two cans of spray paint)
This chair was over the $500 budget (it was $670 with shipping and tax), but this time I'd done enough research to be confident that it'd be a lot better for me than the Medwarm chair. I stuck with Quickie as a brand because I felt like I better understood how they size their seats. The serial number lookup said that this chair was 17" wide, so I was ready to get a 16" seat, and that's what I got. It's got pneumatic tires, which don't just have tread but also roll along the ground like bicycle tires. I love this chair. Instead of two separate foot rests, there's just the one, so I'm a lot more comfortable with how I sit.
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It does have the downside of this is the smallest it gets without taking off the wheels. The wheels come off easily and so it's not a big problem, but it's more steps to get it into the car if I don't want to fold back my seats. Also, the front plate doesn't flip up or go away, so if I want to propel myself with my foot I'm a lot more limited.
Once I don't need this anymore, I'm also going to need to either sell it or figure out where to store it. I can keep a folding wheelchair in the back of my closet in case I need it again, but this one will be taking up some space.
For all of the chairs that I got, I was really only searching ebay for a couple of days before the right one at the right price showed up. This is somewhat slanted based on what I need, because certain things do show up more often than others, and at different prices. Wider chairs tend to have less selection and be more expensive, while 12-14" wide chairs are really plentiful.
Let's get together and look at some ebay chairs. We're going to search "wheelchair" and set condition to "used". If you plop the sort system into "price+shipping: lowest first" and then start scrolling until you get past all the wheelchair parts and all the "free local pickup: <location that is in another country>" and into the actual wheelchairs that can ship, you can start checking out the market.
I immediately eliminate anything that doesn't have all the parts, that is too expensive, that is only available for pickup, that doesn't have foot rests, or a few other things. The first one that I saw that I didn't elminate was this.
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The most important thing from this listing is where they post the serial number.
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And that's because KI, Sunrise, and Permobil all keep databases of all the serial numbers of all the chairs they have sold.
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You can now go onto a site that sells that chair and look up what all those things mean. Spinlife sells the Catalyst 5Vx, and if you click "help me choose" on an item listing, it'll usually give you pictures of the different options. For me personally, the draw of this one would be that it's a really good price, and it's roughly set up the same as my default Medwarm chair. I don't like the tires but I do like the side guards and arm rest combo.
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This was on a listing for a chair where the serial number wouldn't pull up. I wouldn't consider this one since I can't tell the width or depth when the seller won't list it and Sunrise doesn't have it. I'm just dropping this screenshot because "SELLER NOTE TO SELF" and "BUTT PAD NOT INCLUDED" both made me laugh.
As a quick final note, this is not going to be cheaper than getting a really basic wheelchair off Amazon. However, as someone who has used really basic wheelchairs, getting something upgraded has a whole lot of value. One of the reasons why I really like lolita fashion is that we treasure used things that still have use, and so it's also got some value to me to see if I can get something used that still has use. In my experience, things got better when I tried to get something used. If you do want a really basic chair, it might still be worth it to check if they're available for nearby pickup. Plopping my location into "free local pickup within 30 miles" offers me a basic Drive chair for $20. It's reusing something instead of having to throw it away, and it's also $20. Can't argue with $20.
Anyway, that's half diary entry and half possible advice.
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grimm-writings · 5 months
Hey! Can I request a falin x reader where reader is a lone researcher in the dungeon and stumbles into chimera falin and the two fall in love?
Maybe Like a 5 times the reader has met chimera falin and 1 time the two get to meet after she’s turned back type story?
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…ft! falin x gn! reader
…tags! 5+1 format, reader is like slightly unhinged, fluff with moments of angst, slight suggestiveness
…wc! 2789
…notes! grimm tries not to come off as a monsterkisser for nearly 2.7k words, the fic,,,, hope you enjoy!!!! i love chimera falin so bad… 
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You can’t say you didn’t ask for this.
It’s a death sentence to traverse into a dungeon on your own, especially with your lack of combat skills.  If you were sane, you’d have hired a bodyguard to help take down monsters you couldn’t handle.  Fortunately, you are not, and decided instead you could very well handle monsters in a pacifistic way.
Any companion you told this to chose to stare at you like you admitted to dark magic.
So, you’ll simply prove the nay-sayers wrong!  After all, how hard can it be to tame some monsters?
Very hard, actually.  Like… incredibly.
You had to pride yourself in how you managed to sweet-talk some petty thieves for advice on monsters in the floor you’re currently on, even how to avoid orcs!  At least that much is out of the way.
As for fighting, well, sometimes a very sharp slap to the head with a book, or even the sharp tip of a pen can subdue anyone, if just to give you enough time to run.
Besides, blood makes for some extra ink if you just happened to come by a dead body!
Going purely on efficiency alone, you’re doing tremendous work!  When it comes to your study?  Not so much.
The purpose of coming all the way down here is that you have a very specific urge.  That being, to tame a beast.  Some researchers gained the will to try and do the same to elemental spirits, why not other monsters?
One of the most common rebuttals you receive is that monsters are animals, they can’t be tamed at all, and you shouldn’t even try lest you want your head bitten off.  Considering thus far you only got bitten by a walking mushroom, you think you’re doing rather well!  (You did take an hour to contemplate to yourself how a walking mushroom seemingly has teeth, though.)
That brings you now later to the fourth floor, trying to shield your notes from the water as you lament losing more ink.  Sure, you might write a little bit more than should be necessary, but you surely can’t be out already!
So, delight fills you as you peer past a doorway to see the top half of a woman face down on the floor.  Haha, you can likely drain her pretty easily for some ink!  Looks fresh enough, and some patches of her are already damp with red!
You skip over, humming as you do so, when all at once the woman jerks and looks up at you.  Her golden eyes pierce your own, making you freeze in place.  You wonder if something had gotten mixed up and a succubus ended up making its way to an upper floor, when the walls of the small tower the woman is inhabiting collapses.
A chimera screeches at you, as if telling you to leave it alone.  If you weren’t so awestruck, you would have tried to shush it, lure it towards you and petted its oddly human head.  Alas, you let the chicken-legged thing go, finding a safe haven for itself.
Day 1: I have found a beast in its purest form. I must pursue it. I must tame it.
‘Obsession’ would be putting your experience lightly.
You had never wanted to gaze upon a monster as much as you wished to see the chimera again.  Unique is its proportions, the lower body of a dragon and the torso and head of an adult tallwoman.
To anyone else, its face must be more of a lure.  With the prettiest face and… great assets to boot, like a fish drawn to an angler fish's light, a blindsided adventurer comes near.
You had tried to navigate where the beast has gone, observing the damages of certain areas to lead you closer to it.
Thoughts course through your mind like speckles of a daydream as you walk and walk and walk, trying to sneak past other enemies and adventurers as you do so.  What would its feathers feel like?  Is it different from the mop of blonde hair on its head?  You didn’t get the chance to observe its eyes – are they human or monster?  What of its body heat?  What is its diet?
Ah.  Diet.
Your own body stops walking in realisation.  By all means, comparing their mouth to the rest of their body, it’s ultimately impossible for the chimera to have a stable diet in this dungeon, correct?
Perhaps… you need to make a lure of your own.
Even after days of navigating the dungeon, you still have plenty of rations from the surface remaining in your bag.  Hopefully the chimera likes the most noble meal one can fit inside a lunchbox — meats and pasta with the richest sauce.  One could say your taste in meals is unique, eliciting a morbid curiosity.  If the beast is more in tune with its human side, it will react the same.
You don’t know what tempted you to arrange a table with two chairs on either side.  It’s not like the chimera could fit, but it was only suitable for your first formal meeting with it!  Oh, how you can’t wait to observe it eating, and so close…!
If you’re lucky, it may even attempt to taste you.
You promptly shake off the thought.
What you focus on now is to draw the chimera near.  It seems to favour secluded areas, but has been seemingly chased around.  Aw, is it scared of humans?  That’s just adorable!  Or, maybe, it’s resting before setting off on a search…  Now that’d be some juicy stuff!  Who’s the chimera’s prey?  Another monster, or humans?
Oh, of course you’ll use yourself as bait.  You’re not a coward!
You know basic enough spells that you won’t be entirely drained of mana upon use, lighting up a route to catch the chimera’s attention upon spotting it.  Down you lead it, making yourself look as bright and delectable as possible, before sitting in your seat, your meal readily prepared for the chimera.
You smile up at her as she pokes at the food you prepared, and she begins to eat.
Day 3: The beast was very hungry upon encounter.  Even when she finished the meal, she insisted on having something more.  I complied, and soon I had emptied my entire share of rations.  The chimera eats food made for humans easily. This elicits curiosity – it might be proof enough that the chimera’s existence in this dungeon is unnatural.  Even now, it looks too… human.  I feel uncomfortable now referring to the beast as such – an ‘it’. Thus, I will refer to the chimera as ‘she’ from here on.  It suits her.  She truly is magnificent.   All signs point to her being an attempt at creating a ‘beast-kin’, but instead of using the soul of a monster and body of a human, it’s as if it’s a mesh of both.  A disgustingly beautiful transformation.  To compare, it is not dissimilar to the breeding of a pug.  Deliberately done to appease someone, something.  A selfish birth. Someone must be wanting to do the same as I to the chimera – tame her to their whims. …I’ll have to look further into this.
You feel less in control of your studies these days.
The more you hang around the dungeon, scavenging for food and following your muse, the more insane you feel.  But, for the sake of research, you power through.
The chimera, she has been opening herself up to you.  When she gets anxious, her feathers ruffle, and you shush her with pets.  She calms down occasionally.  Once, you had encountered her, blood on her body and under her fingernails.  You cleaned her using the mana-infused water.  She had never looked so calm.
She doesn’t feel like a monster you have tamed, but a friend.
This scares you.
Sure, there’s the possibility that the chimera is an unnatural phenomenon, and isn’t even a monster.
But that also means you’re losing your resolve.
The chimera sits with you, as you scrub her red-scaled talons free of dirt and blood.  Her upper body leans on you, resting.  You can even hear little chirps slipping from her lips.
She’s so cute.
Even as her golden eyes soften, the small slits in them dilating to exhibit relaxation, she smiles at you.  You don’t flinch when her hands take your face to look at you.  She’s a bird after all – she might be trying to memorise you, how you look, so she knows not to hurt you in the future.
You were nearly about to reminisce on your further embarrassment when the chimera speaks.
Four words.  She spoke four words in the common language, leaving you staring at her.  You’re speechless.  She must know that she’s caught you off guard as she slowly tucks your hair behind your ear and moves away.
The moment is quickly ruined.  “Dragon!”  A boyish voice calls.  “There you are.  You’ve been leaving my side so frequently.  There’s no time to–”
An elf in a cloak freezes upon noticing you.  His heavy eye bags rival your own as he glares down at your sitting position.
You don’t do anything, merely looking up at your friend in confusion.  She is back to being silent again, reaching her arms out to the elf, as if about to pick him up.  He swats at her, before pointing at you.
“Kill them,” he demands her.
She hesitates.  You also find yourself unable to move.  So the chimera is under someone’s control after all.  This elf, forcing you apart from your friend.
You hardly process your friend lifting you off the floor, her fingers closing in around your throat.  Tighter and tighter.  Your eyes can barely make out her empty expression as she squeezes the life out of your lungs.
You fall onto the floor, and the mad mage leaves with his dragon in tow.
Day ??: “My name is Falin.” The chimera told me this last time we encountered one another.  She has a name.  A beautiful name that belongs just to her.  Falin. …I would say ‘my Falin’, but she is not.  She is under the control of that elf.  I wouldn’t want her to be my Falin anyway. She shouldn’t belong to anyone. I was revived by a kindly Eastern woman, who is accompanying a group of retainers following their lord.  They are joined by another party, also recently revived. Apparently, in my revival, I had uttered her name, “Falin,” and captured the attention of the malnourished lord. He is looking for her. …I was informed she is his love. Pushing personal feelings aside, I asked to come along.  I neglected to mention Falin’s current state.  I couldn’t do that to him right now.  Maybe once he sleeps, or eats… but not now. Falin, I wish to save you.  That is my goal now. You are not a monster to be tamed.
Today, you met Laios Touden.
He is Falin’s older brother, you learn.
You met a lot of people, actually.  You met Falin’s party, an elf who Falin went to school with, as well as Laios Touden.
“You’ve seen Falin?”  He asks you, brow creased.  He had leaned forward in interest.  Lord Toshiro, Kabru, and Asebi were also listening to you with intrigue.
You nod.  “Yes, but I fear the situation might be a little more than you have bargained for,” you vaguely inform.
Your words would be interrupted by Laios’ request to talk privately with Toshiro, to which you comply.  You do already have a feeling of what's being said, something Kabru seems to pick up on as he glances over at you.
“Falin… isn’t faring well, is she?”
“Not in the traditional sense,” you reply.  Kabru grimaces, clearly not appreciating your rather… erratic way of conversing.  You add before he could talk back, “she’ll come back for me.”
Kabru furrows his brow.  “Excuse me?”
His question remains unanswered until you are swept up in a heated battle.  Looks of horror cross everyone’s faces at the bloody acts committed by the chimera.
You merely smile.
“Hello beauty,” you whisper when she turns to you.  Falin steps forward, cornering you.  You welcome her with open arms – and the world becomes dark again.
Day ??: Scorned though I may be by Lord Toshiro, I know myself not to be mad, but in love. Yes, I am in love.  I know this now for certain. I know that he, too, is in love.  I do not see his wishes badly.  In fact, from a sane man’s mouth, it is perfectly understandable.  Dark magic is dangerous.  As is love.  He’s risking his own reputation for it, even if others don’t appear to see things the way he does. But when push comes to shove, I am not that sane man.  I am joining Laios Touden’s party in the retrieval of Falin. The aftermath of the battle consisted of a hearty meal.  Who knew monsters could taste so nice?  Keep this in mind for the next adventure. I had figured this all came from the result of black magic.  Marcille Donato is a much more interesting woman than I thought.  I’m sure I could learn a lot from her. Hence, we march forward.  I know you aren’t in your right mind, Falin, but trust that I am. I will risk it all for you, beauty.
The ice is cold underneath your fingertips.  The woman encased inside is relaxed, as if she’s merely asleep.  To see her completely separated from the lower half of the chimera body was something uncanny to you, so used to seeing her towering over you, able to squash you like a bug.
You turn to Marcille as she approaches.  “You had the right mind, keeping her fresh like this.  Deep down, you really did want to follow through with the plan!”
The blonde elf is sheepish.  “I did end up causing a right mess in the end.  It… It was selfish of me.”
“It was love,” you reply.
“Not the love Falin needs, though,” she finishes.
You both stare up at her in silence.  If you were delusional enough, you could swear you could see Falin breathing.
“I love her,” you admit, quieter than you have ever been.  “Is that alright with you?”
Marcille turns to you, her eyes wide.  For such a gossip, she really hasn’t picked up on it?
“I…”  She hesitates.  Her hands reach her trousers, and she scrunches up the fabric in her hands.  “It’s not my choice what – or who – Falin chooses.  I don’t think I have the right to decide anything for her.”
You nod, graciously taking Marcille’s word to heart.
You feel you’ve also changed throughout your journey.  Volatile as you may be, you appreciate Falin as she is.  An untamed beauty.  Not for anyone to claim or put their ideals onto.
She’s simply Falin.
“Come on,” Marcille takes your hand.  She has the kind of look on her face where you know she accepts you readily.  “Let’s go eat, okay?  For Falin.”
You smile back.  “For Falin.”
I don’t care about the day anymore. Falin is being revived today.  Soon, I’ll have a chance to meet the real her.  The beauty behind the beast. Ha.  I haven’t called her that for a while. Maybe I’ll follow Toshiro’s way and propose immediately too?  No, Marcille may accept me, but that might result in another need for revival. I can’t wait to get to know you.
the first time
Falin opens the door with a dazed expression, not expecting the crowd waiting around the door.  Of course, this resulted in quite the hoo-ha.  People running around, celebrating the successful revival of Falin Touden.  You wait patiently for you to be welcomed once more.
The woman is sitting calmly at her bed.  Some of her features are still feathered, but you’ve always liked how they felt underneath your fingertips.
She glances up at you, examining your form.
You’re taller than she thought.
“Hi,” you say, handing over a random blade of grass you picked.
Falin takes it.  Her fingers brush against your own.  She starts twirling the natural green between her fingers.  She smiles warmly.  “Hello,” her soft, tired voice returns.  It’s so sweet that you might melt.  “My name is Falin.  It’s nice to meet you.”
You know from the way she glances up at you that she already remembers you quite well.
Feeling the happiest you’ve ever been, you fall into Falin, pulling her into the tightest of hugs.
“It’s so wonderful to meet you too, beauty.”
Today, she asked me if she could belong to me. I said yes, but only if she belonged to herself first. She accepted.
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stuffeddeer · 25 days
HEAR ME OUT PLZPLZ imagine dazai with an s/o thats just ALWAYS stresses about something and it really bothers them but dazai just knows EXACTLY what to say to give them some peace of mind🙏
Dazai with a stressed reader | Bungo Stray Dogs | Dazai x reader
dazai gets a little annoyed at first
he's a smart man but i think he'd assume you're overplaying it at the beginning just to be silly like he sometimes does
which bothers him because there are so many things to be actually stressed about!!!! but you're nervous over deciding dinner!!!!
but pretty quickly he realizes that omg you actually just get stressed super easily! oops
he turns into gentle and quiet reassurances, mentioning that he's hungry for something specific and asking if you wanna tag along so you aren't worried about deciding what's for dinner
mentioning that he's bored and wants to tag along for your mission because he knows you'll feel less stressed knowing he's there to back you up
and once you two start dating, he's more up front about it!!! wants to help you stop feeling so stressed all the time :)
so he helps with bettering your responses to stress and working out better coping mechanisms!
taking deep breaths, hiding in his chest to be away from everything for a few moments (definitely not an excuse to hold you close!! dazai would neverr use your stress to his benefit!!..... most of the time!)
dazai makes sure you have time to actually relax and focus on things for yourself!!! knitting or crocheting can help or just having something to focus on with your hands 🙂‍↕️ write this down anon
he himself doesn't practice healthy eating or sleeping habits but they do help with stress so suddenly he's Mr. Pinnacle of Health and ushering you to bed at 9pm every night 💀
dazai is more for actions than words, but whenever you need it he's there to help logically explain why everything will be alright or lend an ear when you just need to vent about it all!!!!
he'll definitely offer more nsfw services to help you relax too . feel free to just hit him he'll get the message 👍🏻
if that doesn't work and you prefer more vocal methods, he'd definitely piece together the most perfect speech to help you relax, like how he's always the voice in atsushi's head telling him what needs to be done and stay calm (except out loud and to you) but that's more of a last resort
^^ unless you're on a mission and obviously don't have time for the rest!!!! then it's temporary solve now with a few words and permanent solutions later (meditation/deep breathing/etc)
dazai smells and he's the worst (affectionate) so i think he'd rather avoid directly talking about the issues at hand, but that doesn't mean he'd be bad at keeping you company and soothing your troubles!!! he just has a different way to go about it :)
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cottoncandyafterdark · 5 months
Senku SFW Alphabet
Tags: SFW, alphabet meme, fluff, headcanons
Warnings: None
Notes: Originally posted on ao3 here
A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
He's not a very touchy person, so not very. Not physically, at least. He's a little more likely to express affection through his words.
B: Breath (What can their s/o do to take their breath away)
He appreciates the hell out of it if you take interest in what he does and what he's interested in, and likewise, he loves seeing you flex what you know and what you're good at.
C: Cuddle (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Again, not really. Physical touch is a "sometimes" thing for Senku. When you're falling asleep together, he'll hold you, and when he's in the right mood, he can appreciate a good cuddle, but most of the time he'd rather not.
D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Saving the world, obviously. That's all he's ever wanted to do, right? What exactly that entails might change, but he wants to do it all by your side.
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
So much. You're definitely his first partner, so early on, he's straight up doing research to figure out how to make this relationship work as well as possible... And then it's a whole other deal making what he learned actually work with his personality and style of showing love. He is putting WORK into this. Please be patient with him. Later on, the basic stuff comes a bit more naturally, but he's still putting his all into making sure you feel loved and happy with him, regardless of how distant he might sometimes come off.
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
If it's some kind of actual physical threat scaring you, unfortunately he's not going to be the most helpful. Like, he'll do his best to get you out of harm's way, but dude isn't exactly a knight in shining armor. Otherwise, he'd do his best to calm you down, maybe talk you through a breathing exercise or just talk to you to distract you or something. If it's a case of an irrational phobia, he'd probably try to tell you the facts about whatever it is you're scared of, i.e. telling you that a spider isn't venomous, and there's no way it could hurt you.
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Senku's gifts are usually given in the neurodivergent style of "I found a cool rock I thought you'd like while I was out today" and that's all he wants in return, really. For bigger gifts, he'd both give and want to receive something practical, something actually useful.
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
He'll accept hugs from you, and might even reciprocate them. However, he'll rarely be the first to hug you, and it's not his preferred way of showing affection.
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Senku isn't romantic in the traditional sense. He might try at first, but it just isn't how he works. But if you're willing to meet him on his level, and accept how he does show his love, you'll find he's more romantic than most would give him credit for.
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
He'll tell you he doesn't get jealous, but that isn't quite true. He only gets jealous if you flirt with or show attraction to someone else, not the other way around, and he just gets a little irritated and tries to redirect your attention. It's pretty subtle, he might not even realize he's acting jealous at all.
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
So, Senku doesn't mind kissing, but he won't usually be the one to initiate it. At first, he's... Not the best kisser- he just doesn't have any experience, but he'll get better at it with time. As he gets used to it and to being in a relationship in general, he'll also kiss you more often.
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say it or show it?)
He doesn't say it much, he prefers to show it; and he shows it every time he kisses you, every time lets you casually touch him, every time he just hangs out with you and wants you to be near him.
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
He'd be happy to get married eventually. He'd prefer a low-key ceremony and reception, not a lot of pomp and circumstance, just your close friends in attendance- if even that, he'd be perfectly happy to just elope- and not letting it get too sappy.
N: Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Does hanging out in the lab count as a date? If it were before the petrification, he'd probably take you to a museum, or maybe a library, if you wanted to go out. Otherwise, he'd be content to just hang out at home with you, and that's probably what you'll end up doing most of the time.
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do for/with their s/o?)
I think I've established by now that he's not a fan of physical affection. Don't expect a lot of hugs and cuddles.
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Nothing worse than anyone else gets from him. He has a dry sense of humor, so it's not always clear when he's joking, but he does joke around a fair bit. He likes to tease you a bit as well. Just some lighthearted ribbing.
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
He asks for your opinion if it's about something that affects you or is in your area of expertise, and expects you to do the same for him. He's definitely not shy about sharing his opinion if you don't ask, though.
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
He'd definitely prefer to plan things ahead. He's just not a super spontaneous person when he can help it, he likes to have things planned out. He wouldn't turn you down if you wanted to do something on the spot, though.
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
While you're falling asleep together is one of the few contexts in which he's okay with a bit of cuddling. Admittedly, he'll probably wriggle out of your grasp once you fall asleep, but the warmth and pressure can be kinda nice when he's tired.
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
Completely. End of sentence.
U: Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)
His intelligence, his immense kindness (whether or not he wants to admit it's there) add a little something to your relationship that you couldn't get with pretty much anyone else. His brain goes a mile a minute and it can be hard to keep up, but his brilliance and compassion are what make him so endearing.
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
After you've been together for a while, you'll start to see cracks in the facade sometimes when you're alone with him. What he does is exhausting. He believes in his cause wholeheartedly, but it's not always as easy as he makes it look, and it gets to him sometimes. When he's alone with you, he starts to feel comfortable enough to show that.
W: Wild Card (Random domestic headcanon)
Senku is a surprisingly good cook- or maybe it's not such a surprise. I mean, he managed to make some decent ramen out of foxtail millet, with the proper ingredients and a good recipe, his food will be great.
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
First, of course, he'd administer first aid. He's not a medical expert, exactly, but there's a good chance he's the person present with the most medical knowledge, so he might even be the person taking care of you throughout your recovery... And even if there was a more experienced medic around, he might just insist on helping. He wants to make sure you're okay.
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
I think Senku doesn't really fuck with religion or mystical/unscientific stuff so while he probably wouldn't outright say anything derogatory or argue about it if you're a believer (unless your beliefs are really anti-science), it might still cause some conflict if that's something that's important to you.
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
A lot of things you'd associate with a "passionate" relationship just aren't going to be there with Senku- he doesn't like most forms of physical touch, he doesn't outwardly emote a lot or express his feelings very well- but when he cares about something, he puts everything he has into it. You are no exception. The question isn't if Senku is passionate in your relationship, but if you'll recognize his passion.
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remuswriting · 1 year
Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata, and Sakusa are invited to Buzzfeed to read thirst tweets, and they recognize a certain user. (plus the aftermath)
TAGS: Thirst Tweets (sexual); Not Beta-read; OOC probably; Male! Reader
WORD COUNT: 2,247 words
NOTES: This a part two to this post. This part is a mixture of writing and smau. I will say there is slight Atsuhina in this, but it's Atsumu pining essentially.
Translation for something Hinata says "Desde o primeiro momento que te vi, não consigo parar de pensar em você." From the moment I saw you, I can’t stop thinking of you. (I got this from a website, so please tell me if this is incorrect)
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If Atsumu is going to be completely honest, he’s excited to read these thirst tweets.  He knows some people (Sakusa) find that weird, but he finds thirst tweets to be more funny than anything else.  Sometimes, the more deranged the better.  He and Osamu read thirst tweets while drunk at Onigiri Miya, so it’s not like he’s going to be wide eyed and stuttering about them today.  That’s probably why Kousaka, MSBY Black Jackal’s PR manager, put him in this; Buzzfeed Thirst Tweets.
“Have any of you watched these before?” Kousaka asks as people put light makeup on Atsumu.
“I have!” Shoyo says with a bright smile. “Kenma and I watched some after hearing about this.”
“Sakusa-san?” Kousaka asks, and Sakusa slowly nods.
“Yeah.  I’ve seen clips on TikTok,” Sakusa says, which it’s news to Atsumu that Sakusa even has TikTok.
“I’m not even going to ask you, Atsumu-san,” Kousaka says, not even looking at him. “Bokuto-san?”
“Nope!” Bokuto says, and his smile is just as vibrant as always, just like his volume being just a little too loud. “I know what thirst tweets are, though.”
Kousaka nods. “Alright, good.” He reaches over and picks up a bucket off of a stool. “This bucket has all the thirst tweets.  You’ll all take turns reading them, which means you may not read ones for yourself.” He hands it to Sakusa, who places it to be on the edge of his knee. “Do not start until after they’ve started filming and you’ve introduced yourselves.”
“Got it, Kousaka-san!” Shoyo says, and Kousaka smiles a little before taking a deep breath and gently releasing it.
“Let’s hope this goes well.”
Only 10 minutes later, everyone is situated and ready for filming.  Atsumu loves PR, which Kousaka knows and drags him around just about everywhere.  He’s not great with people, but he can be charming enough that it works out for him.  Kousaka doesn’t understand it, but he uses it whenever they need some PR.
“Behave,” Kousaka says, and then they’re filming.
“Hello, I’m Miya Atsumu.  Setter for MSBY Black Jackal,” Atsumu says with a smirk, and he’s not sure if he’s supposed to introduce himself like that.  It seems like a fun way, though.
“I’m Bokuto Koutaro! Wing spiker for MSBY Black Jackal!” Bokuto says, a little too loudly from excitement.  Kousaka puts a finger to his lips behind the camera to remind Bokuto to calm down a little.
“I’m Sakusa Kiyoomi.  Wing spiker for MSBY Black Jackal,” Sakusa says in a monotone voice.  He’s said he doesn’t want to be there, but Atsumu knows that Kousaka doesn’t force people to do things they don’t want to.  If Sakusa told him no, he wouldn’t be here.
“And I’m Hinata Shoyo!  Wing spiker for the MSBY Black Jackal!” Shoyo says with a bright smile.  He’s also someone Kousaka drags around for PR since he actually is good with people.  Atsumu is also always better when Shoyo is there as well. “And we’re here at BuzzFeed to read your thirst tweets!”
“Do you ever see thirst tweets online?” someone behind the camera asks.  Kousaka covers his face with a hand, which makes Atsumu and Shoyo laugh a little.
“Course,” Atsumu says, laughter still in his voice a little. “It’s what happens when you’re this attractive.”
“More like what happens when you look up your name to see if anyone is talking about you,” Sakusa says, and Atsumu rolls his eyes.  Sure, that’s exactly what he does, but he’s not going to admit to that.
“Do not.”
Sakusa narrows his eyes at him, and he’s not wearing a mask, making it easy to see his frown.  He’s just about always frowning, so Atsumu doesn’t take it to heart. “Then show us the last thing you looked up on Twitter then.”
Atsumu’s eyes go wide. “I don’t have to do that.”
“So you’re admitting you do it?” Sakusa asks, and he sounds so smug.
Atsumu opens his mouth, but Shoyo grabs the bucket from Sakusa’s knee and pulls a piece of paper out. “Please @bokutomsby I am but a hole for your using.”
“A hole?” Bokuto asks, processing what he just heard.  His eyes widen. “Oh! Thank you, but that doesn’t sound very enjoyable.”
 Atsumu rolls his eyes as he chuckles a little.
“How many tweets do you think will mention them being a hole?” Shoyo asks casually before looking up at Kousaka. “Where do I put this paper?” Someone quickly puts a trash can near them. “Thank you.”
“Too many,” Sakusa says.  He leans away from Shoyo—away from the bucket more like it.  If he’s acting like that now, then how will he act when the tweets start actually getting dirty?
“My turn,” Bokuto says, and Shoyo hands him the bucket.  Bokuto pulls a piece of paper out. “User sakukiyo says: I’d let Sakusa Kiyoomi fuck me on every surface possible and spit in my mouth if it meant I got to see those thighs up close and personal just so I could thank him.”
Sakusa cringes. “No thank you.  I think I’ll pass.”
“Sakusa-san,” Kousaka says, and Sakusa rolls his eyes.  Atsumu has seen this interaction a hundred times before.  Kousaka gets onto Sakusa and then Sakusa stops being such a stick in the mud. “Also, Bokuto-san, you don’t need to read out the username.”
“Oh, sorry,” Bokuto says, looking a little guilty, but a simple smile from Kousaka erases the expression.
“I want to read another,” Shoyo says, and Bokuto hands over the container to him. “Miya Atsumu needs to rail me disrespectfully. Please, I know how to beg,” Shoyo reads out, but it doesn’t sound like he’s just reading it.  It sounds like he’s saying it with his own words.  Atsumu’s heart is in his throat.  He cannot get horny during an interview.  Kousaka will murder him.
“Good thing I know how to be disrespectful,” Atsumu says, trying to sound seductive.  Shoyo laughs beside him. “Hope all of these are that good.”
“Well dailyln only gives the best thirst tweets,” Shoyo says, and Atsumu wonders if they’re going to bleep out the username.  A lot of Y/N’s followers will already know which tweets are his, even though Atsumu doesn’t.  He’s seen the tweets, but he doesn’t remember who tweets what. “I wonder how many of his tweets will be in here.”
“Hopefully only one,” Sakusa says. “Atsumu’s already cocky enough.”
Atsumu rolls his eyes as he takes the bucket from Shoyo. “I want Hinata Shoyo to smash my skull between his thighs like a watermelon,” Atsumu reads.  All of them look at Shoyo’s thighs.
Shoyo flexes his thighs, and Atsumu has to remind himself that he’s not allowed to get horny in an interview. “I don’t know if my thighs are that strong,” Shoyo says, and he tilts his head. “I’ve never even tried to smash a watermelon before.”
“You should try!” Bokuto says, and Atsumu can’t wait to hear the end of this. “Last New Year’s I did it because Akaashi dared me.”
Atsumu doesn’t know Akaashi super well.  Osamu knows Akaashi far better than he does, but Atsumu knows Akaashi is just a little weird.  Bokuto either doesn’t know it or ignores it.  What Atsumu is getting at is that it’s so believable that happened.
“Did you take videos or pictures?” Shoyo asks, looking at Bokuto with wide eyes over Atsumu’s shoulder.
“Yeah!  I’ll have to show you them later!”
“Boys,” Kousaka says.  He always has to remind them to stay on task when Bokuto comes along.  Atsumu looks at Sakusa, who grumbles slightly as he takes the container and gets a piece of paper out.
“I never know what Hinata Shoyo is saying when he speaks Portuguese, but fuck does he sound good,” Sakusa reads off, not sounding entirely monotone but not putting his all into it.  Atsumu feels like he could’ve ghost written that.
Shoyo grins at the camera, but it’s a little feral.  It’s one of Atsumu’s favorite smiles on Shoyo.  It’s the one he has after a really good spike. “Really?” Shoyo asks, and Atsumu knows he’s about to be fucked. “Desde o primeiro momento que te vi, não consigo parar de pensar em você.”
Shoyo’s voice deepens slightly when speaking Portuguese, and Atsumu grips the side of his chair.  He’s so gay.  Fuck.  He is so gay.  Gay panicking in public should be something he’s used to by now, but he’s not God’s strongest soldier.
“That one was also Y/N,” Sakusa says as he leans over to throw the piece of paper away. “Just in case you wanted to know.”
Sakusa leans over Shoyo to hand Atsumu the bucket to hand to Bokuto.  Shoyo leans back a little, and it’s a simple exchange.  Bokuto takes the bucket from Atsumu with a smile as he pulls out a piece of paper. “Oh, to taste tsumu’s thighs as they’re wrapped around my head like earmuffs. Finally, some good fucking food,” Bokuto reads, and Atsumu’s thirst tweets seem to rival Sakusa’s in being slightly cruder.
“Glad I’m being appreciated for the meal I am,” Atsumu says with a grin, and he’s trying to ignore the way Shoyo is staring at him.  It’s his hungry stare, and Atsumu can only handle so much before he has a gay breakdown.
“I feel so bad for those who have terrible taste,” Sakusa says with a soft sigh, as if to make it more sympathetic. “Hopefully, their taste buds are fixed soon.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Atsumu says, but there’s no real bite in it.  Honestly, he finds it a little funny with how Sakusa said it.  He should be upset, but part of him can’t be from the comedy of it.
Sakusa simply rolls his eyes before extending a hand for them to give him the bucket.  He’s quick with pulling out the paper.  Atsumu only saw two left when he briefly looked as he passed it on.
“My ideal weight is Bokuto on top of me,” Sakusa reads out, and he looks over at Bokuto, who is laughing.
“If I lay on you, then I may crush you,” Bokuto says, which Atsumu can believe.  Bokuto is mainly made of muscle and weighs the most out of the four of them.  He’s just built thick.
“I think that’s what they want Bokuto-san,” Shoyo says, and Bokuto nods.
“Then I guess I should lay on them, shouldn’t I?” he asks, and Atsumu watches Kousaka close his eyes and let out a deep breath.  He should’ve expected this when he brought Bokuto to this.
“I think they’d love that,” Shoyo says, and Bokuto grins.  Shoyo turns to Atsumu. “Atsumu-san gets to read the last one!”
Atsumu takes the bucket when it’s passed to him.  He hopes it’s something filthy.  That’s probably a strange want, but he’s having a little fun.  He’s having gay panic, but also having fun.
“I need to see what Sakusa Kiyoomi’s wrists are capable of. Please I’ll be so good, just give me a chance,” Atsumu reads aloud, and Sakusa rolls his eyes.
“What are your wrists capable of, Omi-san?” Shoyo asks, and some would think he’d ask it innocently, but he doesn’t.  Atsumu hears the plotting in it.  Sakusa and Shoyo share a look before Sakusa is bending his wrists to where his fingers comfortably press against the skin of his wrist.
“I guess they’re capable of this,” Sakusa says, and it always amazed Atsumu that Sakusa’s wrists are that flexible.  He’s watched him stretch them every day at practice, but still.  It’s unnatural.
Shoyo turns to the crew. “Isn’t there another one?” he asks with excitement. “One that’s just awful?  You gave one to Dylan O’Brien.”
Apparently, Shoyo hadn’t been lying when he said he watched some of these with Kenma.
Kousaka shakes his head a little. “I don’t know if that’s the best idea, Hinata-san.”
Shoyo pouts. “Please,” he says, dragging out the word. “If it’s too bad, I won’t read it aloud.”
Kousaka nods, and someone gives Shoyo a piece of paper.  He holds it close to himself so Atsumu can’t read it.  His concentrated expression melts, and he’s laughing.  He’s full on cackling, and none of them know why.
“Definitely can’t read that one aloud,” he says as he crumbles it and throws it in the trash. “But it was good.”
They say their goodbyes and are back in the car.  Curiosity keeps eating at Atsumu over what the last one was that made Shoyo laugh like that.  He’s not sure he’s ever seen him laugh like that before.
“What was so funny about the last tweet?” Bokuto asks for Atsumu.
Shoyo looks up from his phone at Bokuto. “I don’t know if I’d say it was funny.  It was more like laughing was the only way to respond to it,” Shoyo says with a shrug. “But it was basically about an orgy between that person and us.”
If Atsumu had been drinking something, he would’ve spit it out all over Sakusa’s face. “They included something like that?” Atsumu asks, bewildered.
“Well, I had to ask for it, so it wasn’t really included,” Shoyo says with a small laugh. “It was detailed, though.  I didn’t know someone would think that hard about something like that.”
Atsumu nods, trying to get his mind around someone tweeting that.  The tweets they read aloud weren’t terrible, but that one is something else.  Eventually they’re talking about the upcoming game against the EJP Raijin.  Everyone has people they want to beat, and Atsumu is ready to take down Suna.  He imagines Suna is thinking the same thing about him (hopefully).
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fallingdownhell · 7 months
Hi, I really enjoy your writing! Since you're taking requests may I ask for headcanons about what would cyno be like as a lover?
Have a wonderful day.
Of course!! I love Cyno so much! Relationship: Cyno as your lover Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; mostly just fluff; not proofread yet Word count: 890 words Enjoy<3
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first of, I think Cyno would be a really good boyfriend
he's attentive towards your needs and wants, he listens to you and though he's not the best at communicating his feelings, he tries his best for you
I imagine he likes to do little things for you throughout your day. Making you breakfast is almost always a given with him. He prepares things for you he knows your going to need, either later or maybe for work the next day
he notices you had an exhausting day? He's preparing a nice bath for you to relax and calm down. If you want him to, he'll stay with you and either talk or listen, whatever you prefer. But if you want some alone time, he's fine with that, too
I think that his love language would either be Acts of Service or Quality Time. Since he sometimes has to go away on longer missions for his job, he likes to spend as much time with you as possible
for him, it's not about what you do together, just that it's the two of you doing it and spending one on one time
as much as he likes to be alone with you, he likes it just as much when you're spending time with him and his friends. He'd be especially overjoyed if you get along well with Tighnari and Collei
invites you along whenever he goes to the Avidiya Forest, and more often than not, you tag along with him, excited to see the Forest Ranger again
when you spend time alone at home with him and are not out and about with some activity, he likes to teach you the ropes of TCG
he wouldn't be too over the top with it, but he'd really like it if his s/o could play the game and do a few rounds with him
he wouldn't force you if you really didn't like the game at all, but he'd still like it if you'd at least watch the matches he has against other players
however, if you do let yourself get roped into it and let him explain the basics to you, he'd be excited like a little kid, helping you create your own deck and challenging you to a match to test your newfound skills
he'd go easy on you the first few rounds, but after that, he wouldn't evne hold back for you anymore. He's that serious about the game and the matches he plays
while playing, no matter against you or someone else, he'd try to fit in a few of his jokes
like, let's be real. If you want to be in a relationship with Cyno, you either have to have similiar humor like him to actually find his jokes funny, or you have to at least be able to tolerate them. Because you will never get Cyno without his jokes. It's a package deal
whenever he comes up with new jokes, he always comes to you first and tells them to you. It's gotten to a point where he has so many jokes that he has trouble remembering all of them. At that point, you have gifted him a little notebook for him to write them all down, so he'll be able to remember them. He carries that book with him whereever he goes
when you're not playing TCG with him, Cyno actually really likes to cuddle with you. He wasn't the greatest fan of it at the beginning, but once you've done it a few times, he's got to see how great it can feel
most the time, he's the big spoon, holding you close against his chest, his arms protectively around your body to shield you from the world. Only you and him matter right now, nothing else
but there are also times where Cyno would want the roles to be reveresed, where he takes the role of the little spoon
his job sometimes weighs heavy on Cyno. From time to time, he comes home with a dejected look on his face. He wouldn't be able to tell you about the things that had happened, but he doesn't need to
you understand what he needs just by looking at him. You open your arms wide for him and he falls into you, cuddling up against you. He enjoys the way your arms wrap around him now, the feeling of being shielded and protected. It's not something he usually feels, so he soaks it up like a sponge, basking in it every second it lasts
he's not too big on PDA. The most he'd do in public is hold your hand or place a kiss on your cheek. Everything else happens in private, where no prying eyes are on you two
his kisses are slow, delicate. He likes to enjoy the moment and not rush it thanks to emotions. Would place a hand to your cheek while kissing you. He just likes to touch you whereever he gets the chance to
overall a really great boyfriend if you can live with the fact that he's not present 24/7 due to his job and responsibilities. But he definitely tries his best to always make it up to you. And he appreciates you all the more for understanding and sticking around for him
he really, truly loves you
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vcnillazelda · 1 year
Hey Zelda , I love your writing and I was wondering if I could request tf 141 x gn!reader who was kept away from society so when 141 find them, they know nothing about the outside world. I’m thinking soap says something like “let’s have pizza for dinner” and reader is like “what is a pizza ?“ lmao 🤣 only if you don’t mind. Cheers 👋-👽
141 with an isolated s/o!
tags: can be read as established relationship but it’s not actually stated, fluff, days out
characters: johnny, ghost, alejandro, rudy, price, gaz
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a/n: tysm for the kind words and i hope this is okay 😭 (and i’m so sorry this took so long!!)
loves teaching you things, no matter how big or little it is
but sometimes he does forget you’re not as experienced as him
“pass me some of the salt, please?”
“the white stuff”
you handed him a dishrag- it was blue (“is this it?”)
loves taking you out to places so you can learn about certain things
his favourite place to take you is the shops because everything is labelled (and he likes to spoil you)
if you’re not scottish, you probably end up pronouncing things like him despite your original accent- you get so confused when people laugh at you
gets you some books, albeit they look kind of childish- yet they help you a lot
he’s trying his best- yet sometimes he doesn’t know what you’re trying to explain to him and you’re sat for 10 minutes playing a charades trying to figure out what you saw today
when you two first met, he didn’t realise how severe your isolation was
takes you to a professional straight away considering he’s not very well equipped
sits with you when you’re anxious with your new surrounding, sometimes reads to you or just talks about things
doesn’t mind your questions at all, yet doesn’t give very detailed answers
“what’s that?”
“a tv”
he doesn’t mean to, he just forgets you don’t know as much as he does
if someone tries harassing or laughing at you he gives them the biggest death glare- like if looks could kill that person would be in their casket already- he’s super protective
likes watching your eyes light up when you learn something new
there’s something so innocent about you, so he silently vows to keep you safe no matter what <3
adores teaching you things
takes you on little trips out to museums, aquariums and zoos
over-explains absolutely everything
cooks you all types of food to learn your preferences
keeps you close when you’re out and about so you don’t get lost
gets little flash cards to teach you things more effectively
documentary nights are a must, makes your favourite foods and lets you curl up next to him on the couch
no question is a stupid one in his eyes, so ask him anything you want to
he even teaches you mexican-spanish to use in las almas so you can communicate with people other than him and rudy :)
loves seeing you get along with rudy too
takes you to cafe’s so you can test certain foods
much like alejandro he takes you out to places so you can learn things there
buys you all the books he can with his spare money to help you :)
asks alejandro for help a lot too, he doesn’t want to mess up anything
keeps any and all dangerous things away from you
if you like spicy food like he does he’ll literally order as much variety as he can just to watch your eyes light up when you like something
teaches you little mexican-spanish phrases, but not a lot of it like alejandro does
writes stuff down with the definition of it in a journal so you can read it later on
at the end of every month he does a little recap test to see how much you remember :)
doesn’t mind your little quirks, but does correct you if you use something wrong
loves your fascination with his phone, he downloads a few games for you too <3
if there’s something you want to know but he’s forgot the word for in english you both have to go to alejandro (help this man)
rudy wants the best for you and does his absolute hardest to give the world to you :)
protective mode activated
i hc that his second choice in occupation was actually going to be a history teacher (because he’s a history nerd) but he decided on being in the military to follow in his father’s footsteps
you are in the safest hands
like simon he takes you to a professional and to a few doctors too just to make sure you’re completely healthy
loves sitting down and talking about anything you want to
teaches you how to cook so you can be a little more independent for when he’s not around
also buys you a phone just in case there’s an emergency and you need to contact him
he doesn’t necessarily go on days out, he’s a stay-in kind of guy, but he does sometimes plan little day trips to landmarks or just little places he thinks are nice
you end up learning basic things but also a lot of in depth history because price loves talking about it
if you find any interests he will spoil you rotten with everything he can find in that interest
never acts like you’re dumb either, he’s super supportive
“i found this today! :)” shows him a rock you picked up in his garden
“that’s amazing!”
instead of shielding you from them, he teaches you about dangerous things to just to prevent any accidents
similar to johnny, he’s enthusiastic to teach you about things; especially all the little facts he picks up from price and kate <3
unlike johnny, he’s so gentle with teaching you
doesn’t want to overwhelm you at all
he tries to shield you, but also tries to let you learn some cautions naturally i.e when the showers too hot/cold
you’re very precious to him, he adores watching you watch documentaries that he’s already seen
never gets bored of answering your questions :)
adores going out with you no matter if it’s walking, to cafés, to parks, people watching, ect
loves lending you kate’s books (with or without permission we’ll never know)
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fallow-hollow · 5 months
Aaa! Your Kabru x reader was really nice! May I request a Holm x Reader where the reader helps him when he freezes up in rapid situations?
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…ft! holm kranom x gn! reader
…tags! pre-relationship, fluff, a little banter, reader knows some magic, some magic lore i may or may not have made up
…word count! 1167
…notes! people who are madly in love with side characters are truly god’s strongest soldiers. i hope i characterized your man correctly!!
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As close as you and Holm were, neither of you really seemed to idealize one another too much. Being in the dungeon, you had to be aware of all your teammates’ strengths and flaws, regardless of personal opinion. When it came to the gnome you called your closest friend, even he didn’t deny it — he did not operate well under pressure.
Considering that you were in a place where foes could ambush you at any moment, anybody could see why this wasn’t a great quality to have. From being unable to save your friends to even being unable to save yourself, there were a lot of potential consequences to locking in place during the middle of combat. Something had to be done about it sooner rather than later, and if he had to ask someone, he’d rather it be you than anybody else.
The plan was formulated during some downtime the party had — something to stop Holm from going stock still whenever he felt overwhelmed. Luckily, your companion already had an idea for you.
“I figure the easiest way to deal with this’ll be using magic.”
You nodded. Not much of an obstacle, since you already had at least a few spells under your belt.
“As long as you have a rudimentary understanding of magic, it’s not gonna be too hard to get down.” For a moment, the gnome deliberated, wondering how to explain the concept to you. “You know how healing magic can hurt sometimes?”
With a grimace, you shook your head in understanding. Rin and Holm were pretty good about that sort of thing, but there had been more than a few occasions in past parties where healing and injury hurt even more than obtaining it. Seeing that you were familiar with what he was saying, the man continued.
“Well, that’s actually how healing magic is by default. When it doesn’t hurt, that’s because the caster is using a separate spell to numb your sensations.” As you listened, your mouth formed a little ‘o’ shape to show your interest. “Naturally, you can alter people’s sensations with magic in other ways, too.”
“Oh,” you would interject, “so I could use magic to make you more….focused?”
“Not quite, but yes.” At your approximation, he held up his index finger. “I was thinking you could use just a little bit of mana to sort of perk me up, almost like a spike of adrenaline to set me back in motion again.” His hand then lowered, turning over so his palm faced upward. “It’s pretty simple, just transferring mana through touch like you would with a healing spell.”
“I can do that, no problem!”
Ah, he was still looking at you, even after you said that… was there still more he wanted to share? When your eyes wandered down to the hand he held out, embarrassment that you hadn’t realized sooner quickly washed over you.
“Ah, you wanted to practice?” At first, you feared that your slow uptake had caused Holm some annoyance, but the relaxed smile on his face didn’t give way in the slightest. He seemed almost amused, really.
“Guess I should have been more clear about that, huh?”
The smirk on his face let you know that the question was most certainly rhetorical. Answering it would have been a moot point anyway, so instead you pouted and mumbled, “You’re always so snarky with me… not fair.”
Transferring mana was something you were fairly familiar with doing, so you were able to take the gnome’s hand into two of your own with little hesitation. Back when you’d just joined the party, the act of touching him made your cheeks heat up, but exposure to it over time had made the experience far from unfamiliar.
Just remember to envision the flow of the mana, you reminded yourself. Truly feel it, from your head to your toes, through your veins and bones, and out the tips of your fingers. Feel the current connecting you to him…
With your eyes trained on your joined hands, half lidded while you chanted the spell as instructed, you hardly noticed the way your companion’s ears actually twitched and perked up when the incantation was completed. Only when his whole body jolted did you shoot up in turn, concern pooling in your irises.
Said concern seemed to be unneeded, judging from the pleased look on his face. It was one that brought you relief, not just from the knowledge that you’d done well, but from the sight of him alone.
“That’s good, I think you’ve got it.” Even his voice seemed cheerier than before, and you weren’t quite sure if it was from the magic, your success, or both. Nonetheless, it was kind of nice to see his usually laid back demeanor become more enthusiastic from time to time. “So remember, the next time I get stunned in an overwhelming situation, use that if you’re near.”
“Of course!” You grinned, knowing you’d always be neat if you could help it.
That little practice session with Holm had been a few days ago by now. It took quite a while for a situation to actually arise that called for your little backup plan, but you most certainly kept your word.
Perhaps if it was just one stray suit of living armor, Rin or even Daya would’ve been able to dispatch it just fine. But in a whole hallway full of them with no way around, you could only tiptoe past them in hopes that maybe they’d ignore you, or even end up just being normal suits of armor. You should’ve known, of course, that the dungeon is no place for wishful thinking.
When the intimidating armored figures inevitably sprung to life, the first thing you did was look to Holm. Unsurprisingly, he was completely still by your side, eyes blown wide and mouth hanging open while he didn’t even shake or quiver.
Just do what you talked about. Transfer the mana as quickly as you can. You may have taken the latter half of that a bit too seriously judging by how, instead of taking his hand like you had during practice, you immediately reached for his face instead.
Only halfway through chanting the spell did you notice the slight tint on his cheeks, likely from embarrassment, and it took everything you had in you to continue the spell without stuttering from your own flustered state. After all, restarting the spell would take even longer, and that was pretty much the exact opposite of what was needed right now.
The second the spell had been completed, the both of you pulled away from one another, invigorated by both magic and embarrassment respectively. You heard Holm utter a quick thanks to you, but you were too busy feeling completely mortified by the way Kabru had just glanced at the two of you, seemingly more entranced by your interaction than the imminent peril you were dealing with.
You’d never hear the end of this, would you?
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 10 months
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the summer moon was born from the waves to be loved (gojo x reader) pt 2
or, you got pregnant and the ghost of university days past finds out five years later.
tags: 18+, afab!reader (she/her), baby daddy gojou au pt 2: electric boogaloo
AO3 || pt 1
TAGLIST: (bold couldn't be tagged) @cafedanslanuit @ainescribe @chiyoso @wishing--butterfly @hash-slinging-slasher-trash @sweet-evie @korrynn-nadine @strawberrycrash @juzestellium @theabbies @evalynanne @mghostsworld @syynnaaah @cupidezlyia @princessrow12 @lindascosmos @hydraafk @moosey
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o. buoy
If Satoru was forced to use some sort of ocean-related terminology to describe you, he’d say you’re a buoy.
You were the marine biology major. (What was the difference between that and oceanography? Satoru had no idea. You explained it to him at least twice though). Because of that, Satoru heard his fair share of marine terminology from you.
Buoys were those floating things at sea, the ones from Finding Nemo that had all the seagulls on it. You said they were guiding posts, gave heads up for reefs or they could be warnings for hazardous zones.
To Satoru, you were like an anchorless buoy that ー no matter how far he sailed ー he could never reach.
i. halocline
You’ve never felt permanent; not to Satoru.
You sooner felt like one of those quickly formed friendships you thought would last forever only for it to dwindle out as fast as it started. Then that person was just a forgotten name in your contacts list until you’re scrolling down and going ‘Who the hell is this? Delete’ without a second thought.
It was strange.
An oxymoron of the highest degree.
How did someone who was such a constant in his life from the moment you set foot in it simultaneously feel as impermanent as foam on the waves? One minute you were there, the next you weren’t. Satoru wasn’t sure when the fear of you disappearing entirely crept in.
When those looks started appearing on your face.
All he knew was that it started long before he started sleeping with you and it started long before you left.
One moment you’re hanging out ー undoubtedly doing something stupid. Singing the wrong lyrics to a song on the radio, putting Suguru’s hair in pigtails, watching María la del Barrio with Utahime who took one Spanish class and made telenovelas her entire personality for a month ー then you’d grow quiet and this far away look would be in your eyes. Satoru never knew where you went in those moments, but it wasn’t there.
So he’d do something to anchor you back to land. It didn’t have to be much.
A poke to the cheek,
a tickle to your side, 
calling out to you,
sometimes he’d even play with your fingers.
It didn’t matter what he did as long as you’d blink and grin and go “what’s up?” and everything would feel right in the world.
It never would feel right long enough though; the look always came back and the feeling would persist.
When you sang songs in the car.
(“I can do it fast or slow, it really doesn't matter, though. 'Cause I'm a pro, what you say? You wanna take me toe to toe? Uh no, dude, I think so,” you’d rap Kel’s verse flawlessly like you’d rehearsed it for hours. “My style is phat and Immature’s got my back on this funky trackー” you pointed at Satoru enthusiastically.
“You want fries with that?” Satoru would point back with way too much passion for a line that went way too hard for what he was actually saying. “Coo coo ca-choo whatcha gonna do?”
Shoko would roll her eyes but she’d still be smiling when Suguru softly brought in the chorus with rhythmic bumps of his head, “watch me do my thing, I like to do my thing, watch me do my thing, everybody sayー”
Your head continued to bump along but you stopped singing along and looked out the window. Satoru remembered he threw his arm around your shoulders loudly belting the rest of the lyrics until you laughed and joined back in.)
When you indulged Utahime’s telenovela personality change.
(“[First], quit zoning out. I’m bored.”
“Hey, unlike you, I’m actually paying attention.”
“Oh yeah, then what’s been going on?”
“Soraya Montenegro is gasping in Spanish right now.”
“Can you both shut u- OH MY GODー”
And at parties.
(Satoru always knew you were about to leave when you made that face. Things could start perfectly at the beginning of the night. You’d finally skulk out of your cave like you were Gollum from Lord of the Rings and wave him over. The next moment? You were in deep thought while your friends made joke after joke, rip after rip.
“Sorry gang, but my lips don’t touch anything but Don Equis and Asahi,” you’d say with an air of regality not suited for a party of college students. “Maybe Corona if there’s nothing else. I’m not drinking... whatever this is. So I’m gonna head out, there’s a 24 hour liquor store around here somewhere.”
“You coming back?” Satoru didn’t know why he asked, he already knew what your answer would be.
“Nah, I think I’m done for the night. I’ll catch you guys later though.”
“I’ll walk you back to your place then.”)
He doesn’t know why he looked at your lips that night at the park. 
You were friends, he liked being your friend. That’s all there was to it. It had always annoyed him up until that point when Suguru and Shoko joked the two of you were more like a couple than anything else. That he chased after you like a lovesick puppy, the pathetic but funny kind. He wasn’t sure why it annoyed him so much.
Maybe it was because it felt like it reduced everything about his friendship with you into that shit take that the opposite sex couldn’t just be friends.
Maybe it was something else entirely. He doesn't know.
You weren’t permanent.
Not while you sat beside him in a park at who knows when in the morning and not even when you reassured him his life would work out the way he wanted and you touched him like he was something precious to you.
“Be careful I don’t disappear for months, spirited away by the sea folk on my Children of the Sea shit. I’ll come back to shore occasionally, mysterious as the sea itself.” You already were as mysterious as the sea itself.
“Even if you got spirited away, I’d just go and bring you right back.” Satoru meant it. Even if, more than anything, it felt more like he was making that promise to reassure himself. It didn’t matter how far off to the sea you went as long as Satoru could bring you back to the shore. “You’ve doomed yourself.” More specifically you said that to him. Maybe he should have taken it more of a warning than a light-hearted nudge.
“You said it first, remember?” You did. He remembered it as clear as day. He’d stumbled onto an unstable boat and you were a buoy far off in the distance.
“There’s no ditching me now, not even at sea.” So stay. That’s all Satoru needed you to do.
The sprinklers that decided to join in on the moment must have been a sign that he was in the middle of a prophecy that was going to be fulfilled whether he wanted it to or not. That’s why he kissed you first in the doorway of your bathroom when you just came to ask if he wanted tea.
Buoys are supposed to have anchors, right? 
Maybe he could be yours.
When Satoru woke up the day after the first time you slept together, he woke up alone.
It wasn't until he reached out an arm lazily to your side of the bed and he patted the mattress several times that he realized no one was there. The bed had long since gone cold so you had to have been gone for a while. Yes, you called five minutes later from McDonald’s cheerily going “Yooo, Satoru, I’m at Mickey D’s, what do you want?” Still it cemented your impermanence and that was only the first of many times he woke up by himself.
You could be out the house or in; Satoru preferred when you were in. Sometimes you’d be in the kitchen humming some unknown tune, other times you’d be watching TV on the couch. Either way, he could drape himself over you with a tired ‘morning’ and hold you close.
(“What are you wa- is that the new episode of Love is Blind?”
“Um… I only just started it two minutes ago?”
“[First], what the hell!? While I was asleep?!”)
From then on when Satoru saw those far away looks, he’d kiss you since it was on the table now. Satoru put everything into those kisses and you’d kiss him back just as hard.
Don’t go anywhere. He’d thread one hand into your hair and the other would pull your waist closer to his. Satoru didn’t want or need anything else. Stay.
You kissed him like you would.
It’s crazy how easily you could just slip away from everything like a ghost that hadn’t been there at all. It was shockingly apparent that impromptu trip you took to the beach in the middle of the semester.
Everyone had been together in awe of the bioluminescent dots in the sea and it donned on him you hadn’t said anything in a while. You were gone.
He’d painted his panic in his usual bravadoー nonchalant and grinning, claiming he was gonna go bother you for a bit.
It was a relief when he found you.
It was dreadful when he found you.
Satoru couldn’t see your face clearly but he could tell your look was intent on the sea and how it shined with the glow of a billion bright lights. If there was a ghost ship calling you out to the depths, Satoru knew you’d leave in a heartbeat.
You slowly became more noticeably distant from your group of mutual friends after that trip. It didn’t start immediately, you’d acted the same as usual at first. You still sang songs in the car, Utahime had grown out of her novela phase in favor of all of you losing your shit at the editing of Indian serial dramas and in between those moments Satoru found himself in your bed again.
It was around that time you started kissing his forehead; when the kisses started, that’s when you started drifting away from his orbit. You said it was homework, your profs telepathically communicating to increase your workload.
You alright?
What kind of sadists are your professors if you’re this busy?
Just let me know if you need me to come over some kind of distraction. Sorry for coming over earlier unannounced, I shouldn’t have assumed. Just wanted to make sure you were okay.
“Do you think she thinks I’m being clingy?” Satoru mumbled as he stared at your text that you were fine just dying from homework. You definitely thought he’s being clingy. He’d always been a bit clingy with his friends. He was probably more overbearing than usual though.
“Yes,” Kenjaku replied without missing a beat. “You’re gonna get dumped if you keep this up.”
God what does Suguru see in this guy? He’s like a fucking parasite. “I wasn’t asking you,” Satoru glared. “And she isn’t my girlfriend.”
Suguru snorted, running his hands through his boyfriend’s hair, “play nice both of you,” he said lightly and Satoru rolled his eyes. “But if [First] is saying she’s fine, then just trust that she’s fine. She’ll come back around when her workload decreases.”
Satoru glared with a pout, “you’re worried too, don’t act like it’s just me.”
“I never said it was, it’s just that between the two of us I’m handling it better. I sent her a surprise uber eats delivery yesterday.” Asshole, that was a brilliant idea. Satoru wished he thought of it first. Instead he asked Shoko to check on you; maybe you’d be more receptive if it wasn’t him bothering you for the tenth text in a row.
Shoko went to check on you. Apparently you were fine and Satoru was worrying for nothing. She even said that you would come and hang out with them soon. Some people might say it’s a bit petty to celebrate the failures of others. In another universe, Satoru might even agree with them. But in this universe, Satoru was a hater first and foremost. So if he and his friends wanted to go out to eat to celebrate the fact Zenin Naoya was bitching about a failing grade on an essay, he and his friends were going to go out and eat to celebrate Zenin Naoya failing his essay.
Apparently, you were all haters.
It was also just nice seeing you again. If Satoru was more poetic, he’d probably add a bunch of other things to that statement. It was just nice to have you back.
“Karma is probably gonna come back to clap us in the ass for celebrating someone getting a bad grade,” you snickered.
“Sounds like a problem for future us,” Suguru grinned with a twinkle in his eyes.
“We go to school with the Japanese version of Ben Shapiro,” Satoru choked on his strawberry smoothie when Shoko said that. “I think we’re covered on karma.”
“Y’all are terrible people,” Satoru clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disbelief and shame.
“Hey, good neighbor, this dinner was your idea,” you nudged him with a dry tone and a smile.
Satoru nudged back with a grin of his own.
Dinner was fun, lots of drinks and jokes. It was a non-alcoholic beverage sort of night. Shoko said it was because they’d clearly been drinking too much if Satoru of all people had gotten better with holding his liquor. Her point was fair but rude nonetheless yet when Satoru turned to whine for you to come to his defense, the distant glaze was over your eyes and your smile was smaller than it had been the last time he looked at it.
“[First],” your motion to close your apartment door stopped and you hummed with a raised eyebrow. Satoru felt more dread than usual that night. Something about the air had been different. The face you made felt different than it normally did. It was always distant, you were always far away, but tonight was the worst it had ever been. “We’re good, right?”
You look at him like he grew an extra four eyes. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
Satoru couldn’t meet your eyes as he shrugged wordlessly. You’d probably say he was being ridiculous and clingy if he mentioned anything but he couldn’t find anything else to say to make himself seem unbothered either.
You rolled your eyes with a grin before stretching your arms out wide. “You’re being overdramatic, you big baby. Come here, big guy,” Satoru pulled you in close, burying his nose in the corner of his neck. Despite welcoming your embrace, it did nothing to soothe Satoru’s anxieties.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?” Satoru asked without pulling away from you completely.
The way you smiled at him was warm but it still somehow felt unreadable. Satoru knew all of your smiles. Your happy ones,
the sad ones, 
the one you made when Sora finally got into Smash. 
The ones you made when you were mad that he was successfully charming his way out of you being mad at him. 
Satoru didn’t know this one.
Despite that fact, Satoru let you cup his face in your hands and he let you stand on the tip of your toes to place a kiss on his forehead. “See you, Satoru."
ii. undertow
Sleep didn’t come to Satoru after he laid in bed.
His head was too full as he kept running back through what you told him after he took you home.
You didn’t say you’d see him later.
You’re just being overdramatic, Satoru forced his eyes to close. You’re always overdramatic. It’s my best trait 30% of the time.
No one else said anything that night, it was just him who felt like this, right? It was always just him. If everyone else felt like something was off all night, someone would have mentioned it by now. With that, Satoru forced his eyes closed for all of five minutes before he decided to send, at the very least, a dumb meme. Something that’d make you laugh when you saw it and would make you reply “I’m wheezing” or “that’s so us!”
A quick stroll through his photos was all it took to find something suitable. He can’t remember exactly what it was, only that it was stupid.
It was stupid and didn’t go through to your phone.
A disconnect and reconnect dance to his wifi later and it still didn’t go through.
Satoru’s feet was on the pavement before not even a heartbeat after he calmly made sure his apartment was locked.
He just had to be sure you were okay. It was just him being an overdramatic, big baby. Your phone died or something and that’s why nothing was going through. Or maybe this was like the time you put your phone in airplane mode to narrowly avoid sending Shoko the wrong meme and then forgot to switch it back off.
You don’t answer the door when he knocks and he goes back and forth between knocking and trying to reach you on your other socials.
Twitter? Blocked.
He can’t find you anywhere else.
It’s like you were never there, gone from all the group chats and servers you once shared.
Satoru stayed outside of your apartment for the better part of an hour before one of your neighbors opened her door tired and annoyed.
“Dude, do you know what time it is?” Your neighbor asked groggily. She’s a nice girl, the reason rent was low enough in the area you could afford an apartment on your own. Apparently she wrecked shit in the neighborhood on the low to keep the rent down. Even better was the fact she was the landlord’s daughter. Not all heroes wore capes. 
“Sorry,” Satoru knew he must look like a maniac with his messy hair and wide eyes. “have you seen [First]? I’m having a hard time reaching her.”
The neighbor gave him a funny look, “she moved out tonight,” she told him like that was the fifth time she told him that her favorite color was orange. “I thought it was weird you didn’t help with moving her stuff out a few days ago. She gave me the key to give it to my dad tomorrow. Didn’t she tell you she was leaving?”
iii. la niña
Satoru didn’t know which was worse sometimesー the fact Shoko kept the fact he had a daughter a secret for five years or how he found out.
It wasn’t like Shoko approached him one gloomy night when memories of the most prominent ghost in his life began bubbling to the surface. She didn’t grimly say that she needed to tell him something and he should sit down for it. She didn’t start off with apologies, saying she felt she had no choice or that if things had gone different she would have told him.
None of that happened.
Satoru found out by accident.
All because Shoko didn’t hear him approach her when she was on her phone scrolling through instagram. She was so focused on whatever she was looking at, she didn’t even notice how Satoru quietly snickered to himself and snuck behind her to give her spook. He was just about to say something, ready for swears and ‘you’re so annoying, what are you 12?!’s when he took an instinctual glance at her phone and he saw you.
Thoughts of scaring Shoko went out the window in a matter of milliseconds. He didn’t even feel his body move when he snatched her phone out of her hand.
“Heyー” Shoko started with an offended hiss but when she looked over her shoulder, she looked like she saw an impending storm and her jaw clamped shut.
Satoru took in the photo like it was the last thing he’d ever see. You were dressed in a blue t-shirt and cream colored shorts, some aquarium’s logo stitched into your clothes. You were holding a kid, hugging her tightly and kissing her cheek while the girl was caught mid-giggle. And when Satoru looked at the little girl in your arms, it was his eyes that looked back.
“I- she told me not to say anything,” Shoko murmured, brown eyes looking anywhere but at him. Then the secrets came rolling out one after the other.
“If I didn’t see this picture,” Satoru’s grip tightened on Shoko’s phone to ground himself to the present. “Were you still going to keep this a secret from me?”
Her answer was silence.
iv. el niño
“I have to be honest,” from the corner of your eye, you see Satoru chasing after Itsuki, Nanako and Mimiko. Suguru is watching next to you on the bench, your respective care bags for accidents and playground injuries at the ready between you. “I thought I’d be more surprised you’re a dad now. But it kinda just makes sense. You always had ‘single mom’ energy in school.”
Brown eyes flash with recognition, “you had a dream about me adopting kids once, right?”
“No, I had a dream where you were off a perk and calling people without powers ‘monkeys’,” you correct your old friend petulantly. As if he should have remembered after all these years without contact. “You just happened to adopt children in the process of all that.”
Suguru snorts, “my apologies for getting the details wrong. So you had a dream that I adopted kids once and that I was off a perk."
"Exactly, thank you."
A silence somewhere between comfortable and awkward settles over the two of you, save for the squeals of little girls and Satoru’s manic laughter as the evil sorcerer king.
Suguru looks nice. 
He’s still rocking the man bun but he’s opted to let some of his hair hang loose and he’s a couple hundred pounds down a shitty, parasitic boyfriend. Suguru and Kenjaku broke up halfway through the semester after you transferred. “Before you ask, yes, we had dinner to celebrate,” Suguru told you when you saw him for the first time in years a few days ago.
You’ve had your fair share of private updates on the lives of your old friends you didn’t keep in contact with. Shoko kept you up to date on everything. A surprising number of your old friends had gone into the field of educationー Utahime, Suguru and Satoru. You wonder how Satoru’s parents reacted to that information. You have yet to ask; it seemed like too much of a mood killer when Satoru happily recounted stories about his students a few weeks ago.
When Itsuki almost trips you make to stand but Satoru catches her before you can blink. 
“He’s pretty good with her,” Suguru says like he’s a mind reader. “There was this kid we used to babysit, Riko, when we were younger. He said he hated it but he’s always been pretty good with kids.”
You can believe it. There’s plenty of things you remember Satoru complaining about despite his inherent talents in them. It makes you want to cry sometimes seeing how good he is with Itsuki. Your daughter is smart enough to play neutral when he asks but you’re pretty sure your daughter has a favorite parent. Adorable little traitor, you laugh softly to yourself. You’d think five years would give someone an edge.
Five years.
“Are you… mad?” You look at your old friend from the corner of your eye.
Suguru takes his time answering, mulling over unknown thoughts in his head. Playful as you remember Suguru being, he’s always been introspective. He thinks before he acts, lets things slowly come to a boil before turning off the stovetop. “I was more worried than mad to start,” he finally speaks. “It’s not everyday an entire group of people gets ghosted. I’m a little mad you didn’t open up though.”
Your smile is small and your eyebrows knit apologetically. 
“But at the end of the day, this is nothing compared to what went down between Satoru and me in high school. So I guess I can forgive you.” You never did get the story about Satoru and Suguru’s mysterious high school turning point. The itch to know all the details is minor compared to the way your shoulders relax when Suguru shoots you a familiar smile. I missed you too. “Just don’t do anymore disappearing acts.” Smooth as they come, Suguru raises a closed fist just above your care bags. 
Smile a bit more grand, you bump the side of your fist to his. “I can happily vouch that it won’t be happening again.”
“Good. It’s nice to have you back.”
“It’s nice being back.”
v. sea state
“Did you get an undercut?”
“Yeah, a while ago,” Satoru grins. “I look nice, right?”
“Please accept the compliment normally so your arrogance doesn’t rub off on our daughter,” you shake your head but a good-natured grin is plastered on your face. “Itsuki, make sure Daddy behaves. You’re in charge as the honorary aquarist.”
Itsuki’s eyes fill with delight at the duty bestowed upon her. “I will,” she promises, chest puffed with as much pride as a five year old can produce. It’s a rare day off in the middle of the week for Satoru. Normally he’s confined to his school during these hours, but thanks to some school holiday you scheduled in advance for him to take Itsuki around your aquarium. It isn’t the first time Itsuki’s been, you’d taken her there before she could even walk. It might as well be her first visit though from how she’s beaming. “Daddy, you have to be good so Mommy doesn't get mad.”
“As you command, general,” Satoru salutes playfully, picking Itsuki up in his arms. “Now then, if you excuse us, this father-daughter duo is gonna enjoy the aquarium while you work.” 
“Bup bup bup,” you tut before the man can take off. “At least let me get my goodbye kiss before you run off to have fun without me,” you peck Itsuki’s cheek once, twice before blowing a raspberry and she squeals. “Alright,” you place your hands on your hips. “You two go have fun. Tell Daddy all the names you gave the whale sharks, okay?”
You think that’s that until Itsuki innocently asks, “where’s Daddy’s kiss, Mommy?” You blink once. Maybe you misheard- “You’re supposed to give both of us goodbye kisses, aren’t you?” Apparently you haven’t.
“I think Daddy’s too old for goodbye kisses, Itsuki.”
Itsuki squints, unsatisfied with your answer, “but Grandma always kisses Granny and they’re ancient.”
Why do your parents have to have a long lasting and fulfilling love life?
You and Satoru share an awkward smile as you both wonder what either of you can do to get out of this situation. Kissing Satoru used to be as easy as breathing. He’s always been the more affectionate of the two of you and it rubbed off on you some time during your university days. But you’re not in university anymore and your relationship has most definitely changed since then.
Still with bated breath, you gesture for Satoru to bring his head low enough for you to kiss his forehead, “there. Now both of you go have fun.”
If you think you see Satoru’s expression dim, he’s all smiles the moment you blink. “Try not to be jealous when you see us feeding the stingrays, [First].” He’s gone before you can tease you’re the one of the employees that help with that.
Once a maelstrom, always a maelstrom.
You love your place of work, it always has a familiar noisy sort of peaceful bathed in the light of blue decorated in corals, pinks and purples. Aquariums have a special magic to them. You fell in love with the sea when you were young and never fell out. The magic somehow is renewed every time you clock in, even on the most trying days.
How can you not when you see the dozens of people that stop by with the same love?
How can you not when you see dozens of people that stop by and fall in love with it for the first time?
“Hi, Mommy!” You hear Itsuki call from a distance. You wonder how she can even see you when you look up and see she’s on Satoru’s shoulders. It’s so natural, the two of them together. She’s wearing his sunglasses, if you can really say that. They keep sliding off her face but she holds onto them resolutely and Satoru is smiling widely in front of the tank full of black tip reef sharks, whale sharks and dozens of other fish in between.
You don’t know how your heart can fill with even more affection than you thought possible but it does. “Hi, baby,” you wave back. “I love you!”
“I love you too!” I have to enjoy that before she gets old enough to start thinking she’s too cool to tell her mom I love you. You know Satoru should too when you see her lean over to plant her father an awkward kiss on his head. You can’t hear what she tells him but you can guess she must be saying she loves him. Even from his profile, you can tell Satoru is saying he loves her back from how adoringly he looks up at her.
You see Itsuki giggling and saying something else you can’t hear, looking down at her father in earnest.
Whatever it is she says, Satoru looks over at you with eyes that are wide and somehow reflect all of the blue from tank lights. Despite how it makes your heart twist, you give him another small wave. When he doesn’t wave back, you wonder what it is your daughter could have said that had him in such a stupor.
Whatever he says to Itsuki, his eyes stay on you while he says it.
vi. nearshore
“Do you still like the same brand of honey or no?” You call over your shoulder from the kitchen.
It’s unusually quiet in your apartment since Itsuki is at your parents’ house for the weekend. You only realized you’d forgotten to tell your co-parent when he showed up at your house with sweets in hand. “What Itsuki doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” you told him with a snicker when you invited him inside to eat them. 
“Satoru?” You call out again.
No response.
You turn off the eye your kettle is on and look out into the living room. He’s right where you left him. “Hey,” you sit on the ottoman in front of him. He blinks in surprise when he sees your hand waving in front of face. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Satoru smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Let me rephrase that question,” you start anew. “What’s wrong? Come on now,” you grin crookedly. “You’ve always sucked at pretending to be okay in front of me.”
Satoru’s smile falters for a heartbeat, “yeah?”
“Yes, Mr. Bravado,” Satoru might have been an expert at fooling others, but you know him. He was the guy who never took notes but passed every test because he worked his ass off in the background. The type who’d act oblivious but you realize halfway through a meal that the reason he took you is because he noticed you’d been feeling down lately. It’s one of the things you love about him. “So come out with it, fess up.”
One, two, three seconds pass before Satoru finally cracks.
“I’m mad. More at myself than anything.” Before you can reply, Satoru opens his mouth again but it feels more like he's talking to himself. “I shouldn’t be upset anymore, right? We made up.” Satoru runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. “We made up,” he says again. “I shouldn’t still be mad about anything. Things have been going great.”
Satoru finally falls silent and he looks tired. You hate you’re the reason for it. “It’s okay to still be mad about Itsuki. I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I… I’d take it back if I could. I know that doesn’t mean anything after five years but I mean it. Even if I was scared I should have told you. I just- I don’t know, it had gotten into me. I was thinking how you couldn’t commitー”
“You thought I was non-committal?” Satoru raises an eyebrow and he looks hurt by your revelation.
“Satoru, you have never been in a relationship with anyone throughout the time I’ve known you,” you rub your finger and thumb together nervously. Five years later is as good as any time to have a conversation you should have had long ago. “You were scared when I asked what our relationship was, remember?”
“I didn’t know what the right answer was,” Satoru argues with his hands raised. “I thought you were tired of our friends always talking about us being a couple.”
“You were relieved when I said that-” you stammer over your words thoughts going much faster than your mouth could. You remember the tormented days of unrequited affection quite clearly. If there was someone who avoided romantic relationships like the plague, it was Satoru. He was a flirt, relished in the attention he received for his well-known good looks. Regardless, he’d never committed to anyone. “You said fucking someone else was a non-issue! For all I knew you were sleeping with someone else, it wasn’t like we were-”
“It was a non-issue if it meant you weren’t going to take off and start avoiding me!” Satoru snaps like you’ve grown a second head. Maybe you did judging by how he looks at you incredulously. Your mouth closes, unsure what to say next and Satoru looks away with a scoff. “It’s the other way around,” he mutters so soft you almost didn’t catch it. “you were the non-committal one.”
“Excuse me?” It’s your turn to look at Satoru like his body has magically sprung additional body parts. When he doesn’t immediately say anything, you double down. “Satoru, you don’t get to say that and then turn around and not elaborate on it.”
“You know, the first day we met, Suguru told me that I acted like the sun shined out of your ass,” Satoru says much to your confusion. But he went on, lost in his memories, “it might as well have, I thought you were so cool. I wanted you in my life so bad from pretty much the moment you said I doomed myself. I didn’t care what happened next in my life as long as you were there for it.
“But you left me,” Satoru croaks with a smile, crystal blue eyes dark and empty. “You left me.” The way he says it breaks your heart. “I’m so gone for you. I’ve always been gone for you. I just didn’t want to see it. Somehow I always knew you’d leave.” He laughs, cold and humorless and completely lost. “And you did.
“You could be right there with me and then suddenly be so far away. It always felt like you would just up and leave one day. You and Utahime always talked about intuition and trusting it. I guess mine was saying from early on ‘this girl is gonna break your heart one day, don’t fall in love with her.’”
“I knew it when you got those far away looks in your eyes. I knew it when I woke up that first morning alone. I knew it when you didn’t say you’d see me later. And just like that you were gone on that ghost ship. You left and didn’t even tell me you were going. Do you know how much that fucking hurt? I wait outside for hours and your neighbor’s the one who tells me you’re gone. I may have purposely lied to myself about how I felt but I never slept with anyone else. I didn’t want anyone else. I was the one who kept reaching out, you never reached back.
Itsuki’s the second tier on the cake and the rest of the frosting. You’ve been gone on that ghost ship for five years and when I finally catch up, I still feel like I’m drowning.”
“... I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I didn’t know.”
“I know. That’s almost the worst part. Guess I didn't wear my heart on my sleeve as much as you thought.”
“It was the week after our second year midterms,” you recall when you were six years younger and the biggest problem you had in life was a professor was out to get you. Midterms had finally passed and you were on a victorious emotional high after finishing your last exam. At least until some asshole who should have covered their mouth coughed and you were coughing by the end of the day. “I got a cold and just so I could breathe better when I slept, you let me lay on you on the couch the whole time even though you ended up getting sick afterwards.” 
You’d felt so bad, coughing all the while but Satoru hadn’t let you budge an inch, proudly claiming ‘I don’t get sick, I’m built different so cough away.’ When he got sick days later, he said over coughs, ‘This has nothing to do with when you were sick. This is from Suguru.’ “That was when I realized that I’d been stupidly in love with you ever since I met you.”
Gojou Satoru has been called many things throughout your years of knowing him. But for you, the fall child has always been easy to love. He was made for it. “You were a pain in the ass but you were my pain in the ass. I never wanted it any other way.”
“Stop being mean to me,” Satoru leans forward to rest his head on your shoulder just as you wrap your arms around his back. “Don’t you know who you’re being mean to when you’re being an ass?”
You laugh weakly, “the guy I’m still gone for?” When you hear a sniffle in the corner of your neck, you tighten your grip.
"Don't go away this time," Satoru hugs back.
vii. ocean deep, seafoam soft
Satoru finds himself in your bed again for the first time in years.
“I confess my love to you and you try to kill me, I'm hurt.”
“Oh don’t be such a baby, I didn’t even know it was there,” you chuckle fondly after the two of you stumble into your bed after nearly tripping on a stray toy on your floor. Satoru loves that laugh. He loves how you look up at him with all the adoration in the world. “Remember that time we forgot that textbook was on your bed?”
“Please don’t remind me, my back hurts just remembering it,” Satoru whines but laughter escapes him despite his apparent trauma. It wasn’t one of your best moments during your shared years of sexual escapades in college. You pull him down kiss his lips tenderly and he practically moans, relishing the feeling. No more forehead kisses, he wants to tell you. You did that a lot before you left. 
"I love you," Satoru whispers in awe at the words falling out of his own mouth. In awe at the fact you’re even there with him at that moment. “I love you.”
Your hands cup his face like he's something precious and you thumbs away the tears pooling in his eyes despite the ones in your own, "I love you too.”
Satoru’s had sex with you more times than he can count. 
He memorized everything, refused to forget a single detail. It feels like the first time all over again.
The way one set of your fingernails dig into his back while he envelopes your other hand with one of his own. How your fingers intertwined tightly. How amazing you feel squeezing around him tightly. The speed of your pulse as he peppers your throat with kisses and soft nips. The ache between his legs as he rolls his hips into you gently yet persistently, chasing his high but wanting it to last long beyond the confines of this singular moment. 
It’s not just this one moment anymore though. “[First],” Satoru squeezes your hand tighter. “[First].”
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Don’t leave me this time, Satoru gasps like a man starved for air before kissing you again desperately. Stay.
(When Satoru wakes up the next morning to you in his arms and playing with his hair at the base of his neck, he feels like could cry. He nestles into your chest with a tired grin, “morning.”)
viii. anchor
Gojou Itsuki, that’s the name staring back at him.
Satoru loves when it’s his birthday. Until Itsuki was born it was arguably the best day in the universe. The importance of birthdays tends to titter on the rope of priorities, but it’s the one day of the year when the people important to him would pop up to say ‘hi’. Even people from the past. An old teacher he used to drive crazy but always said he thought Satoru had a lot of potential.
His mom still sent him a birthday text even if most of their exchanges are dry the rest of the year.
Even his students will tip in to get him a card and some sort of celebratory gift on December 7th.
December 7th lost a bit of its shine when you exited from his life. With you and Itsuki both in it, it shines tenfold.
It’s just the light is too blinding when Satoru takes out his last present of a plain envelope and he sees Gojou Itsuki written in bold and clear text.
Gojou Itsuki
Father: Gojou Satoru
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v. sea state private ver.
"Daddy, do you love Mommy too?"
"Yeah. Daddy loves Mommy."
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luffy-addict-author · 2 years
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FT: luffy, zoro, sanji (no warnings)
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You and him couldn't be more different💀 I mean where luffy is more outgoing and energetic, you however didn't like to be so open which confused him in the beginning.
He doesn't notice it at first, ignoring it while thinking you just don't like to talk to anyone but when he grew fond of you later on, he kind of sort of started pushing you towards things but he didn't meant to overwhelm you, he just thought it will be so fun with you there.
Sometimes when you deny or try to make some sense into him, he would grow so confused. "What? That's dumb. Why don't you wanna play with us?"
He never really understood Why you dont speak much but after conformation from sanji and robin, he tried to understand that you are uncomfortable sometimes and he tried. I swear he did but luffy can't help but drag you immediately after spotting a island.
The more robin and sanji tries to get it through His head, the more he grows to roll his eyes, tagging you along and later on, you don't seem to mind a lot and you figured he had difficulty understanding that stuff.
He still does it though but lesser since he wants to spend time with you more alone with your fingers running through his hair and face, just one of those few moments he feels in calm and peace.
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He really was annoyed with you in the beginning, looking at your weird form silently becuase he thought he was pointless and just a little weak that you couldn't even stand up for yourself properly.
But later on, he started talking to you and the both of you didn't have a lot of conversation which made him fall in love with the comfortable silence the both of you woukd fall in.
He doesn't like to admit that he feels such obsessed over that but we know zoro. We know. Sometimes, he forgets about how different the two of you are and is more than happy to assit you or provide you help if someone starts saying shit. Actually, he just can't stand someone saying bad things about you that he has to interrupt.
Depending on how he is feeling, he will either start talking shit about someone *ahem* sanji with you  where you just listen with a smile, finding it so amusing how these two are friends but always bickering.
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It doesn't really matter, especially if you are a women. *ahem* of course he respects your privacy and the Times you are uncomfortable but you grow on him so fast that he can't help but get defensive sometimes.
Especially if luffy starts pulling you into plays where you are hesitatingly trying to say no thank you, he immediately scoops in, hitting his captain in the head and telling him to let you go.
You are grateful for the interruption but feel bad for luffy since he only wanted to play with you.
Everything about you Is so precious to him. I mean you do anything and he is swooning head over heels. When you start conversations, rare times but he is extra kind and respectful, trying to be as light as you are but the attempt of him containing himself is so funny that you chuckle a lot with him around.
If you want to speak or get someone's attention, he is there to be with you, gladly doing to for you or when he knows you want to handle it so he just silently watches the crew to see if anyone bisbehaves when you are talking.
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all right reserved. do not repost or copy my work but relogging, comments or feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you.
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yelow-heart · 7 months
Welcome twt immigrants or just newcomers o///
Every week a new wave of twt refugees arrive and so I decided to put together a tumblr 101 to keep ur experience the most stress free and safe as possible
So here it goes:
You can delete comments or plain out disable comments from your posts! So much control.
You can also edit your posts. It even was a meme back on the olden days where a post would go viral and then the op (original poster) would change the post to something silly and the reblogers would look like wierdos or dumdums lol
You can disable your asks or make a rule so people can't ask as anonymous
Report spams!! You can even get rewarded for it. But, even so, report it, they get immediately taken down temporarily
The report system work and the tumblr team is very responsible when investigating an account/post. It's not nuance and easy to make. No one will judge you for it, in fact, it's common culture to do so. It's how we battle pornbots, spams, hate blogs etc.
You have full control of your blog! What people can see, what it can show, block hashtags and the whole shbang.
The algorithm works! Only the things that YOU search for and like will be recommended to you. And if something u no longer has interest in shows up? Just click that u don't want anymore and immediately everything u don't want goes away.
There are many famous blogs that are fun to follow, specifically as newcomer, to really get u on the tumblr experience such as: heritageposts, thebootydiaries, hotboyproblems, showerthoughtsofficial, fartgallery, haikubotofficial and many others. These are just the ones I followed when first arrived back in 2016;
Yes, there are celebrities among us but they're just... here. Vibing, chilling. The most famous ones being Neil Gaiman and Taylor Swift. Here they are just people;
You might have noticed a lot of blogs with blue verification badges. Some with 20 of them. Some are rainbow! That's because Tumblr made a parody of the verification mark from twt and it was fcking hilarius. We loved it so much that it's a thing now. U too can feel very important if u want!
It's worth going the trending tags. Sometimes they are broken, but it's mostly memes or important world news stuff that are actually relevant and helpful. It's safe and you'll have a fun time lurking on other people's fandoms. That's actually how I got into some of my fandoms to begin with;
And there we have it! I might have forgotten something, but I not too worried as I know that people might add it later on. 😉
Welcome welcome!! You'll be safe here. No matter who you are you find a community for you here
It's a hellsite, but it's our hellsite
Remembered something:
It's important to have a profile picture and header image. An reblog a few things before following anyone. Or you will be reported because people will think you're a spam bot kkkkkkkkk so do nurture your blog a little bit before venturing into the unknown.
100 notes · View notes
cookie-crumblr · 1 year
Hype Train!
F! Streamer Reader x M!Yandere Streamer OC
Part 1~
His Info: 📹✨
Part: 1 2
CW: lots of boring tech talk(sorry i nerd out sometimes and i wanted to show his thought process for his intro) yandere, f!reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, stalking, internet stalking, lewd comments not from ML, edit: sorry! i forgot to tag NONCON EXHIBITION!!! omg that’s probably huge. i am so sorry!!!
He is always looking for smaller streamers to raid, to bring in his moderately sized and very active audience to someone who may often only get about 5-10 people.
Today, he picked you. Your cute little VTuber model already having captivated him. He looks up your sinsta first, and sees your selfies. You somehow look just like your tuber!
You’re so cute.
He clicks “raid now”, and says to shower you in love!
As soon as the alert goes off for the raid, so does a long line of follower alerts. “Wh-what?! OMG! Thank you so much!!! Welcome to my stream! how was yours? if you have to raid and run, go eat and sleep pleasantly!”
Oh goodness, you sound cute. You even cared about him without knowing him, sure he knows it’s just polite for streamers to say those things. But coming to him in your adorably sugary voice, he instantly believes you really care.
While he’s watching the swaying of your adorable little avatar on screen, he’s imagining the movements in your actual face behind the camera.
“Oh my! im so sorry, uh-” Your mic picks up your ferocious typing, and your sudden shock snap him back to the moment,“I forgot to shout you out, Jasper!”
His name rolling off your tongue sounds so perfect, as if he’s been waiting to hear it that way his entire life.
He springs into action, realizing you have no mods, lithe fingers dancing across keys swiftly and with new purpose, “No worries! Tysm for the SO!! also, i can mod for you, if you want!😊”
You beam behind your screen, “Oh! i could never ask that of you! maybe if you’re here again next time!”
Of course he will be. You don’t know that though.
“O-m-gee! Thank you all soooo much for the hype train!!! level 5?! i’ve never even had a level three!! this is crazy!”
God you’re cute when you’re so excited.
He has your selfies from sinsta pulled up in front of him as he listens deeply to you speak.
You’re so thankful, and so, so sweet…
You must be so innocent.
You’re at the very least naive, and he’d hate to just leave you to be eaten up by this cruel, cruel world…
He must get to you first.
Your stream ends a few hours later, his followers stayed the whole time to shower you in love.
He knows he’s got a lot of simps… They’d do anything he tells them to.
You though, you’ve had the most fun streaming that you’ve ever had so far! And that payout this month is really gonna help, they gave so much!
On your dipcord you see a new friend request, it’s him! You add him without a second thought, always looking for more streamer friends.
within seconds you receive a dm from him, “Want to VC?”
“Sure!” you respond, full of excitement. Something in your gut roils, you feel so nervous but your excitement overrules your body’s initial warning.
When you shouted him out you saw his own Vtuber, and heard his melodic voice, your face warms at the thought.
He calls and you answer after long seconds that feel like minutes of deep breathing, and hyping yourself up.
“How are you feeling, Y/Username, you had a pretty productive stream,” Jasper’s voice is even softer than in his clip, your stomach turns to a fluttering tangle of knots.
“Oh! haha,” you giggle, “only thanks to you!”
His heart melts in response.
“You were why the viewers stayed, don’t sell yourself short,” as he speaks he’s sifting through your public scocials.
He has noticed one older woman with her real name as her username that follows you on every single account. He continues down this path through the web. She has pictures with you, confirming that she’s your mother in the descriptions. she has her state tagged on flapbook.
That narrows it down as long as you didn’t move too far.
On your own socials you often have pictures of flowering trees near red bricks. And in one Selfie a street sign is reflected in your dark shades…
He floogle maps it, then goes into street veiw, there’s a couple red brick houses, but there’s also a red brick apartment complex right around the corner with magnolia trees…
He smiles as his fingers find his lips idly zoning out slightly.
You’re only a few hours flight away from him there…
“Jasper?” Your timid voice pulls him back.
“Yes, pretty,” He says in a low groan, “Can I follow your private?”
You blush fiercely, “Ye-Yeah! o-of course,” you’re so glad he can’t see you right now, your face completely buried in your hands.
You open your phone and go to sinstagram, he sent you a follow request and already followed your public streaming account.
You smile to yourself bashfully, tucking stray strands behind your warming ears.
He sees there are a few live cameras connected in the apartment buildings.
“Hey, this is a random question, but do you have a cat cam? i do, and i saw you have a cat on your public…” He asks, hoping to sound inconspicuous.
“Y-yeah! i do, wanna exchange kitten pics?” you laugh feeling more comfortable, he’s got a cat too! You can’t help but love cat dads…
“Always! and do you have protection on it?” he can already see that only a couple of the cameras don’t have any sort of blocker on them in these buildings. He’s almost disappointed.
There… “How cute…” He finds the one with live footage of your cat just as pictured sleeping on it’s giant plant shaped cat tree across the room.
“You mean like the warranty? Y-yeah! I paid for the 2 year…” You try to keep calm…
He sees a few creeps are already connected to your cam.
He easily follows their trail, typing away on his loud mechanical keyboard. The sound of it soothes you, you end up closing your eyes for a second.
“Oh no- You paid?” he sighs in frustration, not at you though. At whatever store took advantage of you. “This brand comes with a free two year when you buy it…” Shit. he misspoke. He isn’t supposed to know the brand.
You don’t consciously notice.
“For real?! I had no idea!!” You’re almost as frustrated. That was like thirty bucks you didn’t even have to spend.
He can’t help the small enamored smile that creeps across his face.
“Next time you want to buy something techy lemme know. I’ll make sure you get the most for what ya pay an all that… But, back to my question- I meant what kind of firewalls do you have on your router, do you use two-factor authentication on the camera?” He knows you don’t have either, but he’ll tell you what to do to start protecting yourself from these animals.
One of the connected IPs is a live cam website that nobody signs up to be on…
The comments on you from just walking in front of it sometimes are lewd and disgust him.
“I hope she walks by today, sigh…”
“She’s so hot… I wish she’d take those panties off more often though…”
“I saw the side of her ass again yesterday. looks so good, god i want to taste her…”
“I’d fuck her so good, better than whoever that ugly fucker is that comes over sometimes…”
“That guy’s so lucky…”
His face is twists in a deeper and deeper disgusted scowl the more he reads, he almost ignored the comments about a guy visiting you.
His blood boils.
“I-I didn’t know you need stuff like that… I mean it just faces my cat’s tree anyway! hah…” You giggle more nervously again, feeling a little creeped out by the thought of someone accessing it. Do you walk by sometimes? You realize you do…
“Lemme help you.” He says almost too eagerly. Save it, he thinks quickly. “I-, I like to make sure the people around me are safe at least.”
“That’s so nice of you!! but, I don’t want to ask too much of you, I’m sure i could floogle how to myself!” You sound determined, it’s adorable, and his face softens immediately.
“Nah, it’s seriously no problem, we’re already talkin’ righ’now, an it’ll just take one sec. Promise.” You can hear the smile in his soft voice and feel more at ease again.
“Okay! if you say so, thanks so much, Jasper!”
“Mm,” He can’t help the quiet groan from hearing his name exit your lips, “‘course” He begins the process with you, and makes sure you check the “log out of all other locations” box. of course his doesn’t disconnect though.“I’ll keep you safe from now on.” His words carry a weight that you can feel. Your heart pounds.
“Thank you. I feel better already knowing my cat’s safe!”
You’re more worried about your cat than yourself.
You’re so pure
“Like i said, ‘s no problem. Come to me for whatever you need technologically.” God he hopes you do. He continues typing, working on sending his homemade virus to all these sickos that have gotten to see more of you than they deserve. “I’ll protect you from now on…”
“You-uh- S-sound like you work a lot!” You try and change the topic, your heart flipping over inside you.
“Hmm?” His rumbling voice keeps sending chills throughout your body.
“Oh! sorry, I can hear you typing on your keyboard, what are those? lubed yellows? They sound so nice…” Your face warms, a little embarrassed.
“Mhmm,” He practically moans again, you shiver, “glad you know your switches. They’re my favorite.”
“Could you show me how to lube mine sometime?”
Now it’s his turn with a warm, reddening face, hearing your voice say lube is making him think of anything but keyboards. He idly plays with his lip again, tugging it up with his teeth.
“how ‘bought I do it with you,” You shudder, not knowing, but directly feeling his hidden implications.
You sigh through your nose hoping he doesn’t hear.
He does.
He smiles, ecstatic with the knowledge that you got what he meant.
“Hey, Y/username, I have a little bit of work to do righ’now, can I call you t’morrow?”
“Of course! and it’s Y/N”
He beams, “have a nice evening, Y/N” His voice smooths even more than it already was. He’s barelyy above a whisper speaking into his mic, and straight into your ears.
The effect it has is… A little bit maddening.
“You too,” you speak up with a soft and shaky voice, “see ya later, Jasper” he can tell you’re at least a little aroused by him.
He bites his lip, feeling the tug on his snake bites.
After you hang up, he doesn’t have to wait even a second before the next call is answered:
“Sup Jazzy,” he’s used to hearing his own voice, but it’s always weird coming from another “person”.
“Sup Devvy, how’re you an Issac?”
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outlandish-dreamer · 10 months
hai ^u^ um i was wondering if you had any toddler / baby regressor vanessa headcanons from the fnaf movie ? :00 or anything about her hehe , i'm an introject of her and i've been looking for some stuff :33
I do actually!! She's been on my mind a lot recently, so here's what I have for her :D
(I'm probably going to include some of my other headcanons just because I feel like they fit here as well if that's okay!)
Baby Regressor! Vanessa
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She's not quite sure what her age range is, though she does know it's pretty small. Mainly because it's before she can remember all the things that happened with her family, so with being pretty young at that state, it's between 0-3.
Very independent, "I can do it myself !!" I feel like she wouldn't really care about having a caregiver, like it's not something she thinks she needs, but won't say no if it happens.
Because of that, she has trouble letting her guard down around others when she's regressed (mainly Mike). Feeling that vulnerable around someone else reminds her of when she was a kid, so it's hard for her to trust that he won't do anything to her.
Dealing with the trauma of everything is hard on someone that's as small as she is. Her brain doesn't know how to process it all and it takes a toll on her both mentally and emotionally. Sometimes she just cries and doesn't know why, but aside from that, she's not really an explosive or overly emotional kid. Mainly a little bit more sensitive than anything.
Is a little nervous when it comes to him acting like a sort of parental/brother figure towards her. She hasn't experienced that in a long time and ever since she's worried it would turn out just like her relationship with her father. That she'll be rejected, taken advantage of, or forced to "grow up."
Mike, being the ever-patient guy he is, wishes he could get rid of those feelings for her. He'd never hurt Vanessa and despite how much she questions it, he still reassures her that he won't.
Will tag along with him anytime she can. He's pretty much the one person she trusts with this and will take up any chance to be around him. Since she's content to pretty much sit and sleep or watch, he doesn't mind.
He also gets much more protective over her when she's little. It could be something as small as seeing a bug in the house or crossing the street, but whatever it is, he's making sure she's alright. That's his baby and though he's still figuring it out, he'll do anything for her.
Very tired kiddo, but hates sleeping alone. She spends most nights (if they aren't with each other) on the phone with Mike or falling asleep together (which happens more often than the former.) And he, having a similar problem, is cool with it either way.
Has a plush bunny (and later on, all the other animatronics) that she keeps with her at all times. It's small enough to fit in her pocket, so she can bring it in to work whenever she's having a rough day.
While her skills aren't as good as they normally are, she still loves to draw with Abby when she feels old enough to. Most of the time they're just scribbles and she's proud of it either way.
S O many forts. It's not even funny. They're her favorite spot to be in and there's no stopping her and Abby from building them.
Speaking of which, it was difficult in the first place to tell Mike about her regression, and it was even more so when it came to Abby. She was a kid and Vanessa didn't expect her to understand it, plus she worried that it would freak her out. They didn't exactly say it was that, but they pretty much put in a way that made sense to Abby. And she didn't mind, she was actually happy to have someone to play with, even if it wasn't someone exactly her age.
She never had a ton of pet names growing up, so Mike takes advantage of that. Mainly variations of her name like "Nessa", and he calls her ones he finds silly or funny. Like "Peanut" or "Munchkin." He does have a favorite though and ends up calling her "Little Lady" most often.
Much more comfortable with PDA/touching in general when she's little. Even if it's just small, subtle things like holding each other's pinkies or holding hands. It helps her feel safer to know that someone else is there like "Hey, I got you." And it helps both her and Mike open up more to each other by doing it.
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the DNI banner credit goes to @geekgirl-33, I hope it's okay that I used it!
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cottoncandyafterdark · 5 months
Hyoga SFW Alphabet
Tags: SFW, fluff, headcanons, alphabet meme
Warnings: None
Notes: Originally posted on ao3 here
A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Not very, at least when it comes to physical affection. He's particularly against public displays of affection, but you might be able to get a little more out of him in private. Normally the most you'll get from him is an arm around your shoulders, or a similar possessive gesture just so everyone around knows you're taken.
B: Breath (What can their s/o do to take their breath away)
Show off what you're good at. He's particularly impressed by combat abilities, but he'll appreciate any talents you have that could be useful.
C: Cuddle (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
It depends heavily on his mood. He won't shove you away or anything, but a lot of the time trying to cuddle Hyoga is like trying to cuddle a brick wall. However, sometimes, while falling asleep, or after sex, or if he's just alone with you in a really good mood, he'll put an arm around you and hold you close to him.
D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
When you became an important part of his life, he essentially inserted you into the dreams he already had. He wants to lead a new world where only the worthy will have the privilege of surviving, and he thinks you not only deserve to be part of that world, he wants you to stay by his side, rule with him, and experience all the perks that come with being the lover of the man in charge.
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
More than you notice or realize. He doesn't call attention to the effort he puts into the relationship so it can easily be overlooked.
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
Are you scared because a person or some other living thing is threatening you? He'll kill it. He's not as good at helping you deal with more abstract or irrational fears. He'll help get you away from whatever's scaring you or distract you from it, but he'll be a little disappointed that you'd let something scare you that can't actually hurt you.
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Hyoga isn't too big on gift-giving, but he will give you gifts on special occasions, like if it's your birthday or something. He goes for practical gifts, things you can actually use and might need, like winter clothes or some kind of tool that would help make your hobby or job a little easier. He doesn't see any point to gifts with purely aesthetic value like flowers or gemstones.
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
He tolerates being hugged by you, and you alone. Anyone else who tries would be lucky to leave with both their arms intact, but you're special to him so you get to hug him. That doesn't guarantee that he'll hug you back, though.
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He's not romantic in the traditional sense. The closest he'll get to that is when he kisses you. His kisses aren't loving, exactly, but they are deep, and passionate.
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Don't try to make Hyoga jealous if you want the other person/people involved to leave alive. He's very possessive and doesn't take kindly in the least bit to the idea of someone trying to take you from him. He might also remind you of who you belong to in a more, intimate manner later on, but this is an SFW chapter we can't go into that here.
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
His kisses are rare, but surprisingly passionate when they do happen. I think his petrification scars would also add a unique twist, they'd definitely affect the way his lips feel against yours.
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say it or show it?)
He never says "I love you" out loud. And I don't mean rarely, I mean never. He does show it in his own way, though you kind of have to read between the lines- any time he acts jealous or protective of you, or when he lets you hug him, or even the way he just wants to be near you sometimes- in his head, those little things do more to tell you how he feels than any words ever could.
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
He's not opposed to marriage, but you'll have to be the one to bring it up. He's not really interested in a ceremony or reception though, he'd far prefer whatever the stone world equivalent of a courthouse wedding would be. Either that, or he'll just start calling you his spouse. I mean, who's going to argue with him?
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do for/with their s/o?)
If you can't tell by now, he's not too keen on acting overly affectionate, or doing anything that would make him seem soft or vulnerable, especially in front of other people. He shows his love for you in his own ways that don't involve any of those things, and he just needs you to accept that.
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Hyoga will joke around with you some, but his sense of humor is dark enough that you may or may not always recognize them as jokes. If your sense of humor is dark enough to match his, though, oh boy, he will be happy to joke with you more than anyone else even thought he was capable of.
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
If it's relevant to some field of expertise of yours, sure, he'll ask your opinion on something. Otherwise you'll need to speak for yourself without him prompting you. I can't say he'll always take your thoughts into consideration, but he will appreciate you being willing to stand up for yourself.
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
He actually plans pretty far ahead for most things- he wants to do everything properly, after all, he needs time to prepare. Not that you'd know that. He doesn't tell you about his plans ahead of time so it ends up feeling very spontaneous.
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
It takes him a while to be comfortable sleeping next to you, though not as long as you might expect (he's pretty confident that even if you did try to attack him in his sleep or something, he'd wake up in time to stop you doing any lasting harm). Once he is, though, he'll sometimes put an arm around you and hold you while you both fall asleep. He also thinks it's cute if you lay your head on his chest like you're using him as a pillow.
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
His trust is as hard to gain as it is easy to lose. He's going to need to be really convinced that you don't have any ulterior motives or conflicting loyalties before he can really put his trust in you, and he's definitely still got a plan for if you ever do decide to betray him.
U: Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)
His possessiveness towards you and willingness to use violence against other people (but not you- he'll never hurt you) is a rather unique combo. One that could potentially lead to people getting hurt, but certainly a Unique combo.
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
Hyoga? Vulnerable? Yeah that's gonna be a hard no. You'll see him vulnerable when he's dead.
W: Wild Card (Random domestic headcanon)
He's very protective of you, and hates the idea of you getting hurt. But for that very reason, if you don't already have any combat skills, he's going to want to teach you to fight at some point. He doesn't want you to throw yourself into fights you don't need to, but he knows he can't always be around to protect you so he wants you to be able to defend yourself.
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
If you were injured by another person, that person would have to die immediately. He would take care of you while you recovered, too, and it would really shine through how much he cares about you while he does; for all he tries to play it cool, it's easy to tell he cannot stand the thought of losing you.
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
Hyoga likes for things to be done properly. So, if you're sloppy or unhygienic he will be very annoyed. You might get annoyed with him if you're particularly opposed to violence or something like that.
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
He often outwardly acts cold in his relationships, but he has a lot more passion for you than he shows. If he's openly accepted you as his romantic partner, then chances are his feelings run deep- deeper than he'd like to admit. He might not always show it, but he'd do just about anything to keep from losing you. I think that counts as passion.
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thelikesoffinn · 9 months
been thinking about it lately and Ascended Astarion = Dead Dove content and I'm not sure that's really understood, even by the writers. when I finally got around to the character I decided to ascend him with, I was SUPREMELY disappointed by the conversations options following it. it seemed like the dialogue choices were trying to push the narrative on my character that they made this choice w/o considering the consequences and they are bound to regret it. the closest I could get to answering his question of "why did u let me go thru w it?" was "I wanted u to be powerful".
but with that character? my accept Bhaal durge? that isn't the reasoning. at all. (related: "what do u want as a reward?" "ur body" was the closest answer my character could give. otherwise I'd've answered "murder :))")
for context, this run was born of a conversation w my friend discussing supposed content no one had seen bc "no one's that evil". we thought, what's more evil than killing literally every npc? I failed the conceit of the challenge immediately bc I can't handle senseless animal cruelty in my games. killing children? fine (u need a mod to do this in BG3, but I am thankfully plenty delighted to use mods), killing a neutral animal npc? no can do.
so I started this durge (they are the only character that can come close to "killing" Gale with that first interaction) run with the intention of killing everyone except Shadowheart (only a cleric of Shar can truly kill Aylin) and Astarion (bc I need to smooch him). (and there is a mod for playing an origin character as durge, which would have meant playing as Shadowheart, but I MUST smooch Astarion and I don't tend to do het or female romances, unless I'm forced to (*sighs dreamily* oh, Garrus Vakarian). I'm just not interested in that set of equipment in that way, so may as well just make a durge dude.) somehow something went wonky and Halsin ended up joining us and I was so perplexed I just allowed him to stay. (he's meant to attack if u destroy the grove but free him anyway, but instead he just showed up that night and went straight into his Moonrise spiel. is it bc the wolf Silver never aggro'd me and thus survived???) so I fixed the Shadow Curse all while killing every single humanoid and hostile animal in acts 1 & 2. including Thaniel, which makes Halsin's talks later in act 3 of getting news from Thaniel and the Grove hysterical. idk what I did but I sure as hell broke this poor man.
(on a related note, Halsin will give out to u when u accept Bhaal, but will still give u the "u have exceeding my expectations, also we should bang" in the same conversation. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID BUT IT'S DARKLY FUNNY.)
in the conversation when Astarion is expressing surprise that u let him go thru w it, my durge is just like, yes my motivation is that I like to kill ppl :))). it's not a sex thing for him (that is separate from the murder!), but he's still fine w the outcome. yes, Astarion looks down on him, but that's fine! he's allowed to be wrong about that, durge doesn't care. so long as Astarion lets him kill ppl he genuinely just does not give a shit.
(I actually had the idea that if Halsin were to ever rediscover his morals and tried to leave he'd ask Astarion to turn him so Halsin would not have a choice. as I said, this durge *does not fucking care*.)
this is probably the only character I will play that would let Astarion ascend bc I enjoy dead dove SOMETIMES, but not always or in large doses, but I get so few dialogue options that convey that in an rp sense! I don't think the writers/devs REALLY took that into consideration, sometimes. like, yeah, there are going to be ppl making fucked up choices but surely no one would go THIS far! for THIS reason! honey, u need to look up the Dead Dove tag on AO3, there are absolutely ppl making choices for those fucked up reasons.
(and I understand the whole "this confirms to Astarion about sex yadda yadda". even if that's not Tav/Durge motivation, that's how ASTARION would *interpret* it.)
(oh yes, and also, don't let Orin abduct Yenna. it doesn't matter whether u find out in camp or the sewers, Grub will not survive. I was devastated. if I'd known, I would have made sure Halsin was available for her, but she won't abduct a party member or someone ur romancing.)
long story short, I want to play a durge that even ascended Astarion finds unsettling. that's the dream.
Hello there, duck!
Your run sounds delightfully evil! I wish I could play one of those, haha, but I'm too soft hearted. My one evil run with my durge Salira was ended before even entering the grove because I felt horrible after getting rid of Gales hand! Seriously, I can barely take killing the squirrel as durge, and I always save Alfira because I feel horrendous otherwise!
(Fun fact, on all five runs I've done Yenna just vanished at some point and grubs was left standing in my camp, which was like...eh?)
And yes, Halsin is always somewhat of an issue, isn't he? He's just running around, causing mayhem in peoples games because he seems slightly bugged out, haha. I had one run, where he wouldn't go to the spot where we save Thaniel because he joined the fight against Marcus at Last Light and somehow got stuck, for some reason. Same run, none of his vocals would play, which was also very interesting. Everybody would make noise when they climbed or got hurt but Halsin was always silent and just there! And in another run the dude really straight up hated me - he was so mean and snappy, I swear to god he wanted my Durge dead - and then he suddenly went: "Hey you're super cool and strong and I just want to gently fuck you beneath the moonlight if you'll let me" and I was like: Say what.
Regarding the dead Dove: I've talked to people of Discord before, and some of them mentioned something similar a couple of times, but personally, I do think the writers actually knew what they were doing here!
Of course, I do agree that it relies heavily on the regret notion and that it somewhat shoehorns you into a certain narrative corner, I noticed that too when I was ascending him for research - I hated doing that, but all for the asks, haha - but I thought it was really fitting for what it is!
The bad ending, that is. I know we all somewhat forget that because of how people view him as a character, but ascension is the bad ending. Even on an evil run, where your character may have considered all options, it is very likely that Tav hasn't accounted for one very important part of being a true vampire.
The obsession.
It's still somewhat mild in the game, though definitely there, but it will only get stronger as time goes on, and it will probably get to the point that the only escape is death. Either his or Tav's. So, in the end, ascension will come with an armload of regret and the writers were making sure we know that.
And, on top of that, even if we let him ascend in a pursuit for power - or in in your durge's special case: murder :) - we still cast spawn Astarion aside because he doesn't fit our needs, thus making it very clear to him that who he is isn't enough and his behaviour is the price we now pay.
It's pretty much the same with all the other companions as well - justiciar Shadowheart and ascended Lae'zel, for example. However, it doesn't bother us as much, because we have different expectations towards ascended Astarion than, for example, dark justiciar Shadowheart. We don't expect a positive narrative here, a narrative where becoming shady-shar's loyal subject isn't an objectively dumb decision to make, so we don't mind the dead dove as much. It's exactly what we've been expecting - and Aylin even warned us how Shadowheart would change upon becoming a dark justiciar - so yepp. This went exactly how we thought it would and this is what we wanted.
Astarion, however, is a somewhat special case, because his bad ending is, by far, the one that gets the most romanticised. He's so heavily romanticised by so many, that the bad parts nearly start to fade, even with those who don't like the ascended ending. It becomes just 'the other ending', if you will.
And yet, it's still the bad ending.
Ascension is the bad ending for a character that we've somewhat given up on. That we misunderstood so deeply, mayhaps, that we traded his entire being for power and, quite frankly, beauty. We showed him that he isn't enough, we let the boy run and hide the only way he knew how and now we're faced with the consequences and yes, it's really dead dove but...what did we expect?
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lexosaurus · 10 months
Twelve Hours: Chapter 4
Part 4 of 5 of my fic for Ecto Implosion, the DP reverse mini-bang (artists go first, writers go second)
read on: [ao3]
[see all chapters]
Characters: Danny Fenton, Harriet Chin, GIW (mentioned a lot) Tags: Identity Reveal, Flashbacks, Runaway Danny Fenton, Angst Chapter WC: 3961 Summary: When the GIW revealed Danny to the world, the only thing he could do was run. Run and run and run until he escaped to Chicago, trying desperately to disappear. Too bad it didn’t work.
“Although many operatives work within the Ghost Investigation Ward, you’ve been especially outspoken about one in particular. The same man we saw in the interview, actually,” Harriet said, weaving the conversation into a new topic.
He’d been expecting this, of course. Though he never connected the dots so blatantly to the public before, he’d made quite enough digs online and underhanded comments to the press that now any search related to the GIW was sure to result in at least one speculative title theorizing about Phantom’s relationship with one operative.
“Operative O,” Danny stated. “We have a history. Operative K too, even if I don’t talk about him as much.”
“And who was he to you, exactly?”
That really was the question, wasn’t it?
As much as he wanted to dodge the question just as he had done so many times before, he knew he had to metaphorically plant his feet and head straight into the incoming media shitstorm with his head held high.
At least he knew Jazz was backstage. She’d flown out for this, leaving her husband and two kids to fend for themselves in the meantime. And while he should have felt guilty for asking her to do this, overwhelmingly, he only felt relief knowing he had someone here. Danny wasn’t alone; he had someone to hold him and ward away all the darkness that was fighting to grab him with its acid-drenched claws and poison every vein in his body. Darkness that would certainly make its appearance later tonight while he was laying in bed second guessing every life decision that had led him to agree to do this interview at all. And when nightfall would come and Danny would be scrambling to call the station, begging them to please don’t air this episode, I’ll pay you whatever you want, this was a mistake, please don’t air it, Jazz would rip his phone from his fingers—smash it against the wall if she had to—and reassure him that everything was going to be okay. He just had to be brave.
He inhaled. Held. Exhaled.
Okay. He was ready.
“Operatives O and K were partners, and the main two operatives assigned to my case. They both seemed similar to the other operatives at first. Clean-cut, sticklers for the rules, dedicated to their jobs. But as time wore on…you know.” He tried not to squirm in his chair, and he failed. “I thought I knew what would happen if they caught me. I was just so sure I would never get caught that I didn’t think about it. And while I knew deep down that what they were showing me in public was just pretense, I wasn’t prepared for how—how—there’s no other way to say it, but how sadistic they truly were.”
“Both of them?” she asked.
“Sure, but O most of all. When they would punish me in the facility, he was usually the one to do it. Or he would order someone else to do it.”
“Did Operative K punish you at all?”
“Sure, they all did, but none as much as O. It was almost like…” He recalled how his lawyer directed him to phrase the next part. Stick to what happened. Stick to what the courts already know. “I could hear him laughing sometimes when he would punish me. He’d make comments, and he’d be smiling.”
“Do you feel as though he took pleasure from seeing you in pain?”
Yes, Danny wanted to shout. But he couldn’t. Legally. 
Harriet must have known he couldn’t say yes, though. She wasn’t stupid, and neither were the other writers or producers for this program.
Realization dawned on him all at once. They were offering a conclusion without Danny having to say it.
“I can’t say whether he enjoyed it or not,” Danny answered professionally. “I can only tell you what I experienced.”
Smartly, Harriet moved forward. “Do you think the experiences you’ve had with Operative O and K have impacted your relationships with people moving forward?”
“Of course,” Danny said as if it were obvious, because it was. “The abuse I received from them has affected every aspect of every relationship, no matter if it’s family, friends, potential love interests—everyone.”
“Is it hard for you to form new connections now, would you say?”
Forming them was hard, but maintaining them was even more so the impossible challenge that he and his therapist were still working through unpacking.
But who could blame him, really? Not with the very real paranoia that crept up his spine every time he picked up his phone to send a text. Even though Tucker reassured him over and over that the app they were using was encrypted, Danny, it’s okay to talk in here, how could they be sure?
Especially after what happened before?
Danny stumbled off the train. He’d spent so long hopping from station to station he’d all but forgotten where he’d been heading in the first place.
Which the answer to that was…nowhere in particular. He didn’t know where most homeless people slept in Chicago, and even so, he still hadn’t decided if it would be a good idea to join them. If just one person got too good of a look at him, he’d be dead.
And in the modern day, even the homeless had cell phones.
But this neighborhood looked safer. Or, at least, less populated. The houses and apartments were run down, and Danny was sure there were more than a few unsavory characters close by, but it was dark, quiet, and therefore, a good place to try to hide.
Or, at least, he hoped so. He’d never exactly tried to sleep anywhere other than in his or his friends’ houses before.
He glanced up at the sky. Though it was dark, when he put a bit of ectoplasm into his eyes, he could see the rolling clouds layering on top of each other.
Unlucky, of course. Since when did luck ever try to be on his side? His first day sleeping outside, and it was going to rain.
He tasted the air, and while the acrid humidity had increased into the evening, it still wasn’t strong enough for Danny to be worried. It would rain, but not yet. He still had time to find a shelter.
Or, whatever shelter he could scrounge up. 
His eyes, still alight with ectoplasm, shifted back in front of him, landing on a telephone pole some feet away. Ever unmistakable on the wood was that damn green sticker with the bird so neon it almost glowed back at him.
“Can’t fucking escape them,” Danny growled, whipping around to walk in the other direction. If that street was going to show its hostility so openly, then fine, he’d just go away.
Just like he always did.
He turned a corner, walking by a brick house that would have been lovely if not for the set of caved-in steps leading up to the door, or the window that looked like it had been shattered by a brick. Danny wondered if anyone was squatting there. Maybe he could hide in there, just for now.
But…what if someone else had the idea first? And then that person called the GIW on him? He could check invisibly, but what if people in Chicago were just as adept at feeling when a ghost entered their room as people in Amity were? It was too risky. He couldn’t do something so bold as go inside an abandoned house.
If not there, though, then where else? Where could he go? Was he forever barred from ever getting shelter, getting safety? Was he only destined to continue searching and searching, coming close but never finding a place to be like some sort of twisted version of Sisyphus? And if so, would the Guys in White be constantly at his heel laughing at him as they watched him get so close only to fail, over and over again?
Was this a game to them? 
No, yes, oh Ancients, maybe. Maybe Operative O was so cruel, so sick in the head that he would relish the opportunity to toy with Danny’s mental sanity like this.
Danny’s hands flew up to knot his hair, yanking if only to quiet the shallow breaths and dull the spots that were beginning to dance over his eyes.
He stumbled on. He needed help. He needed Sam and Tucker. God, he couldn’t do this on his own. He’d never been without a home before—he didn’t know what to do! He couldn’t, couldn’t, couldn’t do this.
His whole body stiffened, and cold dread splashed down his spine as he realized one of his hands had unwoven itself from his hair to free his phone from his pocket.
No, no, no. He couldn’t. He had turned it off almost as soon as he’d left the border of Amity Park. Well, actually, he tried to smash it against the pavement but failed. He wasn’t strong enough to completely cut himself off from his loved ones. Not physically, but…the other thing.
He was weak.
Too weak. 
His hand trembled as it slid the phone back in his pocket and clutched a cold, metal bar before him. If he turned his cell on, then he could risk everything. He didn’t know if the GIW had the clearance to track his cell, but he wasn’t about to chance it.
He exhaled. He was okay. He took his fears, anxieties, and every twisted creature taunting him from the corners of his mind and shoved them back into their infinitely deep cage.
He couldn’t afford to break down. Not right now.
Unfortunately, in his distraction, he hadn’t noticed the footsteps closing the distance to him till it was too late.
“What are you doing? Get off my fucking gate,” a voice snapped.
Ice froze his sneakers to the ground, and he was slow, too slow to react.
Gate? He looked down, then up, then around. He’d somehow moved to stand in front of a different apartment, this one not abandoned. Sure, the front steps had caved on the sides, and a broken chair sat out front, but the house itself probably had a resident. And this resident, he guessed, was right behind him.
But…he was still on the sidewalk. Okay, maybe his arms were over a front entrance gate, and maybe in his panic it looked like he was trying to look into the house, but he wasn’t trespassing anywhere.
Were they even talking to him?
“Yeah, you, kid! I know you hear me!” The voice was closer now. “The fuck, are you deaf?”
Now, Danny turned as if he was fighting against a pool of syrup. Sure enough, the disembodied voice belonged to someone, though Danny wasn’t sure who because there were multiple guys in front of him. They were all at least several years his senior, and the shortest of the trio probably had at least five inches on him.
Oh. Fuck. 
Danny made eye contact with the man in the middle wearing a baggy, unzipped orange and black jacket over an equally baggy hoodie with the hood up over his buzzed hair. He stared down Danny as if he were Satan himself sent here to personally deliver his reckoning, and wouldn’t that just be the ultimate irony of the century?
“Hi,” Danny said meekly.
“What’s good?” the guy in the orange jacket said, eyeing Danny up and down. “The fuck are you doing in front of my place?”
Danny’s eyes darted between the apartment and the clearly hostile dude before him. “I—I wasn’t—” whatever modicum of confidence he’d ever possessed today was clearly so gone that Danny wasn’t sure it had ever existed.
“You casing my fucking house, bro?” the man asked, stepping forward.
Danny wasn’t typically one to feel physically threatened by a human. Hell no, not when he’d faced ghosts ten times more dangerous every week. But for some reason, as he surveyed the three guys who all very much looked a second away from swinging at him, he felt like a little kid standing before Dash and his cronies without any ghost powers to call on.
He couldn’t afford to risk using ghost powers in front of these guys, and the bigger man to the right—the one in the pale blue beanie—was looking at Danny like he was trying to figure out where he’d seen his face before. Maybe that was why he felt so spooked. Or perhaps it was the way Danny knew that these guys weren’t Dash, they were strangers to Danny, they were three guys who’d clearly grown up on the streets of Chicago. 
And as much as he understood the hierarchy of ghosts, he sure as shit didn’t understand the human social hierarchy. 
He was scared, he realized. He was fucking terrified. He’d been terrified all day and now facing his first night on the streets alone, he was scared even more.
He stepped back and raised his hands, but the trio only advanced further on him.
“Casing my motherfucking house,” the guy repeated, though not to Danny.
Danny had no idea what the guy was talking about. Casing? What?
“What block you from, kid?” the big guy on the right asked. “I swear I seen you before.”
“You haven’t,” Danny said weakly, his voice cracking. “I’ve never met you.”
The skinny guy to the left sneered. “You gonna meet us now, bro.” 
Danny’s back hit the gate, and his heart stuttered. “I wasn’t doing anything, I swear. I was just trying—trying to—”
His breath stopped. Trying to...what, exactly? Find shelter? Keep his sanity together? Not get discovered and kidnapped by the government? 
All three?
“Shut the fuck up,” the leader said. “You know how many times I’ve heard that talk? Bullshit, man. You gonna get it in. Casing my fucking house? You gonna get it in.” 
“Slap his stupidass, bro. Kid’s all doped out anyway. Look at him! Can’t do shit,” the skinny guy said. 
“Where your homies at?” the bigger guy asked.
Danny could barely understand what was happening anymore, and he couldn’t stop the anxiety from rising in his throat like bile, spitting out in a flurry of, “I don’t have any! I’m alone. I just want to leave.”
Then, time slowed desperately and painfully. Danny saw the hand coming, in theory, but denial was too powerful of a drug, and no, this wasn’t happening right now. Except it was.
The fist connected with his cheek in a sickening crack. Pain erupted in his bones, and Danny’s head jerked to the side, his body falling onto the gate. He bobbed, clutching the metal bars for stability as he blinked stars out of his vision.
Oh, Ancients, he was doomed. He was going to get jumped by these guys, and there was nothing he could do in self-defense because the only things he knew involved using his powers.
The man closed the distance, landing his next fist in Danny’s stomach. He doubled over, fighting for air that seemed to have little intention of returning to him.
“Fucking kid,” the guy towering over him taunted. “You don’t fucking go in my fucking house.”
“I wasn’t trying to,” Danny whispered.
He didn’t know if the man heard him, but Danny didn’t think it would matter. His friends were whooping behind him, and the rush exuding from his skin told a tale of how little he intended to halt his quest to ruin Danny’s body tonight.
Danny tried to dart to the side, but without his intangibility, the man’s fist caught his jaw, snapping his neck back and sending a cry of pain into the sky. Not that anyone was listening, of course. The spikes from the gate jabbed painfully into his back, and all Danny could think about was how he was cornered, alone, defenseless.
The man took a step back, but Danny knew that meant fuck all. He was just giving himself space to wind up and sock Danny again, or maybe knee him this time, all while his two friends laughed and jeered, and Danny was fucked, he was so fucked. 
Panic rushed through him, and he turned to the three men with eyes glazed in what he could be sure pure, unfiltered fear.
He wanted to turn intangible so badly and run, but he couldn’t. If anyone saw, if anyone noticed—
There was no incoming blow.
Danny ripped through the veil of dread clouding his mind, and that’s when he saw it. The big guy pointing to him, and the other two frozen beside him.
“What the fuck is wrong with his eyes, bro?” the skinny guy asked. “Ah shit, don’t tell me he’s possessed.”
“That’s the kid!” the big guy shouted, ignoring his friend. “The Phantom kid! That’s him!”
The skinnier guy rounded on his friend with a, “Who the fuck?”
“No fucking way,” the leader stepped back, falling in line with his friends.
“I ain’t playing, bro, that’s him.”
Danny blinked, and the simmering green disappeared from the edges of his vision.
He didn’t wait for them to debate his existence in front of them. Three seconds and his decision was set. Invisibility cloaked him, then intangibility, and then he was past the men, running down the street like his fucking life depended on it, which wasn’t far from the truth.
His sneakers pounded on the pavement, his heart pumping in his ears as a slew of curses overtook his brain.
That was it. He was finished. He was done.
He turned a corner and darted down the sidewalk, not caring who heard him or whatever the fuck else people could be thinking at the sounds of someone sprinting with no body to match. Those guys had figured him out—they’d figured him out! 
He was so fucking stupid for thinking he could blend in with anyone. He was a halfa. A freak. He couldn’t do this he couldn’t be here he COULDN’T.
His cell phone rattled in his pocket, and he sidestepped down an alley, accidentally knocking a trash bin over as he made for the back. There was a dumpster there, of course, and he jammed himself into the brick wall beside it, making sure he wasn’t visible to the street before dropping his invisibility and swiping his phone from his pocket.
It was slow—too slow—to turn on. Please, turn on turn on turn on! 
He could feel the fringes of reality slipping from his mental hold like threads on a frayed blanket, and he didn’t stop them from leaving. It didn’t matter anymore. Any second, white vans would be surrounding this whole neighborhood and one sweep of an ecto-scanner later and Danny would be fucked. 
The phone finally finished loading, and Danny’s shaking fingers only failed at entering his password once before he was past the locked screen and jabbing open his messages.
He had several missed calls, but he couldn’t bother himself with those right now, swiping the notifications away. Not when there was so little time and he was breaking, quickly, so quickly.
The phone hardly rang before a worried voice crackled to life on the other line. “Danny?” Then, the voice turned into alarm. “Danny!”
“Tucker,” Danny gagged. Not on bile, but on tears.
Was he crying?
The other number picked up as well with a barely restrained, “Danny!”
“Sam,” he croaked, clutching his phone like the fucking lifeline that it was.
“Wait, Danny.” Tucker’s tone was suddenly serious. “Listen, you shouldn’t—”
 Sam’s voice overtook Tucker’s. “What happened? Are you okay? Please, where are you?”
“No!” Tucker said. “Don’t tell us. Listen, Danny—”
Danny closed his eyes, letting Tucker’s voice turn into a calming drone because so tired of fighting himself and running and it had only been a day, he couldn’t do this, guys, he couldn’t do this alone. 
“—and don’t be an asshole, Tuck,” Sam was saying when Danny had the know-how to tune back in. 
He didn’t know how long he’d been spacing out. Hopefully, only a few seconds.
“Danny, please, are you safe?” Sam pleaded.
“I—” His voice cracked. “I don’t know.”
“What happened?” Sam asked, her voice rushed. “All we know is that they ambushed you at the school, and then you escaped. We’ve both been getting nonstop questioned by investigators and the police since, but we keep telling them we don’t know where you are. Please tell us you’re somewhere safe, Danny. Please.” 
He couldn’t.
Oh, god. How do you tell someone goodbye?
The words slipped out of him. “I was seen.”
There was a pause. Then, Tucker. “By who?”
“Some guys. They jumped me. Didn’t know who I was, and then my eyes…” Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. God, he was so fucking tired. 
“You were jumped?!” Sam cried out.
“Okay, wait, listen. If they jumped you, then it might not be so bad. They probably won’t report you.”
“Yeah, violent people don’t tend to like talking to the cops,” Sam said. “You should still be okay.”
Danny’s incoming sob turned into a laugh, because of course! How could he have been so stupid? No Chicago resident trusted law enforcement.
His life wasn’t doomed. He was going to be okay, at least for today. Tomorrow was a different story, but they wouldn’t tattle, he was going to be fine. 
“You should still leave wherever you are, just in case,” Tucker said. “You can’t tell us where you’re going, though. I mean it, Danny. We’re getting questioned too much. The less we know, the better.”
“I know,” Danny muttered, wiping his cheeks.
“You need to hang up and turn off your phone. We have no idea if they’re tracking your number. We could be sending off a beacon to them right now for all we know.”
“Yeah, okay,” Danny said, though he was still reveling in his bliss to feel any urgency from Tucker’s voice. “I’ll leave here when I’m done calling you.”
“Please do,” Tucker said.
“Danny, please be safe,” Sam interjected. “You know we love you. All of us, your parents included.” 
His stomach jolted, and suddenly he felt like crying all over again. 
They said that? Really? His parents?
Was that all they said? 
He had so many questions swirling in his head, but there was no time to ask. Tucker was giving his sign-off, and despite the sudden lightness lifting his spirit from the depths of hell, he still felt the sudden urgency to say something. 
“Wait!” He cut their goodbyes off. “I—I—you guys. I need you to know…” He swallowed, his vision blurring once more. “Thanks for always being there. You know, as my friends. Seriously, I don’t think I could have survived this long without you.”
There was a second of pause. Then two.
“Jeez, Danny, you don’t have to be so morbid—”
Sam cut Tucker off. “You’ll always be my friend, Danny. Seriously, always. I’m here for you.”
“Ditto,” Tucker added quietly.
Danny pressed the end call button, not trusting himself to break down sobbing with his friends on the other line. Thankfully, his tears waited until his phone was off and back in his pocket before they began to fall. Wretched and uncontrollably, tears spilled on his cheeks, down his chin, and onto the rancid alleyway pavement below as sobs ripped his throat raw.
It wasn’t a goodbye forever, Danny tried to remind himself. They’d talk again. Soon. They’d talk again, and they’d tell him about Jazz, his parents, his parents.
Soon, this would be all over, and Danny would be back in Amity Park in his warm home playing video games and laughing with his best friends.
But if that wasn’t their final goodbye, why did it feel like one?
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