#we didn’t really see enough of Peggy for that to feel obtrusive
daydreamerdrew · 7 months
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #94
3 notes · View notes
pleasefindmyart · 7 years
Professor Carter
word count: 1735
request: could you write a fic where Peggy Carter goes to Hogwarts? by @mariagvogel
warnings: mentions of war, my english
A/N: I loved this request and I hope this is what you imagined. This is actually rather without much content since I didn’t really know what to write about but if you have any other requests with Peggy going to Hogwarts, please tell me.
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The professors at Hogwarts were usually well respected. Sure, there were one or two who didn't have as much a authority as others and the students seemed to not always be at one about who those professors were. There was one thing, though, all the students seemed to agree on.
Professor Minerva McGonagall had the utmost respect of all teachers and students, even more so than Dumbledore.
A lot of those young wizards and witched that roamed the halls of the old castle had her as their idol for her talent and confidence was something everyone would have liked to have.
But who did McGonagall have as an idol when she had been just a student?
Well, that would be a lady the Hogwarts' residents would soon get to know as their new DADA professor...
“Albus, I got a reply”, Minerva said as she walked into the headmaster's office. It was still summer break, which meant that the wizarding school was unusually quiet. However, Dumbledore and McGonagall were already planning the next school year and enjoying the last weeks that the halls wouldn't be filled with noisy teens.
“I thought I had told you that Mister Scroop would be the next years DADA professor”, Dumbledore said without even looking up from the papers he was currently reading.
“I don't think that's a wise idea, Albus. That man's way too old to be teaching the students anything, let alone powerful curses and counter curses!” McGonagall wrinkled her nose at that thought.
“Why not employ someone competent who would successfully prepare the kids?”
She emphasized the word prepare to make sure that Dumbledore knew exactly what she was talking about.
Dumbledore just sighed.
“I would feel better if we didn't have to prepare them for anything...”
“Oh Merlin, Albus that is not our choice! There is a upcoming war and half if not all of those kids will be fighting it! We have to prepare them as best as we possibly can and you cannot tell me that there is any better choice than her! Except, of course, you teaching them how to defend themselves!”
“You flatter me Minerva”
“There is no time for flattery. This is a school and a school ought to teach its students accordingly, especially in times like this! Since you didn't follow my advice, I took matters in my own hands and wrote her. I just got the reply that she is willing to be the new Defense against the Dark Arts professor. Are you really willing to let such an opportunity slip away? Because of what, Albus?”
Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and put the papers aside. He took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead.
In times like this he looked rather like an old, tired man, than like the powerful wizard that he actually was.
“I am afraid, Minerva. What if employing her will only intensify the children's' wish to fight?”
“It is not in our power to protect them forever, but it is our duty to prepare them as best as possible for the world and right now that means for war. And, Albus, I'm sure that she won't tell the children fairy tales about a romanticized war.”
“You are right, of course. You seem to always be right”, Dumbledore smiled at the witch, “I will  inform Mister Scroop of the change of plans and trust you to write our new professor that we would
be honored to welcome her to the first day of the coming school year.”
McGonagall nodded and turned to leave but before she exited she turned around again,
“Thank you”, and then left the office.
The great hall was buzzing with noises. The sorting was over, and the tables had filled with food which means that the feast was in full swing.
After a while Dumbledore stood up and clapped his hands, making the food disappear and getting everyone's attention.
“Welcome dear students for another, hopefully informative but also merry year at Hogwarts. There has been a few changes regarding the staff. As you see...”
Most of the students didn't listen to a word the headmaster said, as they were too full to or simply too bored since most year's speeches were rather similar to each other.
One point, however, got everyone's attention:
“... As for the new Defense against the Dark Arts professor, we are happy to welcome Professor Carter into our ranks...”
He wasn't able to say anymore, since a loud and excited uproar erupted. Of course every student knew the infamous Margaret Carter, one of the most successful aurors of all time and founder of the IWR, the International Wizarding Relations and the DIS, the Department of International Security. The thought that they would be taught by someone as powerful and experiences as her was enough to spread excitement through the whole castle; even the portraits and ghosts started gossiping.
Dumbledore was able, however, to get the students quiet enough to finish his speech.
“As I was saying, we are welcoming Professor Carter, who is unfortunately unable to join the feast today but will be here to her first lesson tomorrow morning. Now off to bed and have a good night!”
The Gryffindor common room was quiet, only a few fires lit the cozy, red and golden room. Every Gryffindor was already in a deep slumber, too exhausted from the return to Hogwarts. Well, everyone except four boys, who were lying wide awake in their dormitory, discussing their new professor.
“Imagine what things she could teach us!” James exclaimed, jumping from his bed, closely followed by his best friend Sirius.
“No, imagine what things she has seen!”
“Guys! I'm sure someone like her has seen a lot but let's be real, even someone like Peggy Carter needs to follow the curriculum! She won't teach us extraordinaire curses...”
“Come on Remus, you're such a killjoy!”
Remus rolled his eyes but couldn't keep himself from laughing as he watched Sirius and James chasing each other, pretending to be in a dangerous battle to against some dark force.
“Come on over, Peter”, Remus laughed as Sirius jumped on the younger boy's bed to escape some wicked curse, James had aimed at him, “We can share my bed until they've finished their battle”
The little, chubby boy climbed out of his own and into Peters bed, a relieved expression prominent on his face.
“Thanks, Rem”
The laughter of the four friend could be heard for a while as they chased and tickled each other.
“Good Morning class”, a strong and authoritative voice echoed through the loud classroom.
“Mister Black, if you would be so kind to return to your seat and take Mister Potter with you, I think Miss Evans should have a break from his obtrusive and ridiculous behavior, thank you”
In an instant the classroom was so quiet, you could've heard an needle fall to the ground. All eyes were set on a middle-aged woman, dressed in elegant black robes: Professor Margaret Carter.
“I am Professor Carter, your new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. I favour a teaching concept  after the saying 'learning by doing' but that doesn't mean that there won't be any theoretical units. For those I have brought my own books”, books started to fly through the room, so that each student had one exemplar, “in there you'll find theoretical background info and practical instructions. I will structure my lesson so that you'll learn the theoretical parts mostly as homework – I am sorry Mister Potter will that be a problem for you?- so that we'll be able to do the practical part during the lessons, where I can instruct and help you to improve your abilities. If there are any questions don't be shy to ask. And one other thing: Some people take longer to work out a spell than others, that is not a problem! As long as I see that you try your best and that you work hard, I will count your efforts. Are there any questions so far?”
The lesson went on smoothly with only a few interruptions. Professor Carter answered a lot of questions about her past, her years at Hogwarts and her work but still managed to get through the first chapter of the school book.
It was late in the evening when Minerva heard a knock on the door that led to her office. She sighed and stood up from her large wooden desk. She rubbed her tired eyes and opened the door, expecting  Filch to tell her that some kids had been found outside their dormitories despite the late hour. What she did not expect was an old friend smiling warmly at her.
“Well, hello Minerva. I was wondering if you'd still be up and thought you might like to share a cup of tea with a friend?”
“Peggy, come in, come in!”
The new DADA professor followed Minerva into her office and sat down opposite from her at the wooden table. Minerva charmed a teapot to fill itself and produced some biscuits from a closet.
“So, how was you first day?” She asked Peggy
“Oh, it was surprisingly good, even though I already encountered the infamous Marauders you told me about.”
“What did they do this time?” Minerva asked while rolling her eyes exasperatedly.
“Nothing, they all seem to be very talented and bright boys, although I have to say they make an interesting group. I mean a Black as a Gryffindor, a twelve year old who already knows who he wants to marry – my sympathy to that Evans girl – and a werewolf...”
Minerva nodded in agreement but rose her eyebrows in confusion at the last statement.
“How do you...”
“...know that Remus Lupin is a werewolf?” Peggy finished Minerva's question.
“I worked in the Ministry quite some time and believe me, his case caused quite the uproar back then... and Minnie, I do recognize a werewolf if I see one! Sure he is young, but the scars are unmistakably werewolf ones”
Minerva smiled at her friend, “Of course you do, I shouldn't be surprised by now, should I?”
Both women laughed and continued to reminiscent old times well into the night.
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plsdontfindmehere · 7 years
Professor Carter
word count: 1735
request: could you write a fic where Peggy Carter goes to Hogwarts? by @mariagvogel
warnings: mentions of war, my english
A/N: I loved this request and I hope this is what you imagined. This is actually rather without much content since I didn’t really know what to write about but if you have any other requests with Peggy going to Hogwarts, please tell me.
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The professors at Hogwarts were usually well respected. Sure, there were one or two who didn't have as much a authority as others and the students seemed to not always be at one about who those professors were. There was one thing, though, all the students seemed to agree on.
Professor Minerva McGonagall had the utmost respect of all teachers and students, even more so than Dumbledore.
A lot of those young wizards and witched that roamed the halls of the old castle had her as their idol for her talent and confidence was something everyone would have liked to have.
But who did McGonagall have as an idol when she had been just a student?
Well, that would be a lady the Hogwarts' residents would soon get to know as their new DADA professor...
“Albus, I got a reply”, Minerva said as she walked into the headmaster's office. It was still summer break, which meant that the wizarding school was unusually quiet. However, Dumbledore and McGonagall were already planning the next school year and enjoying the last weeks that the halls wouldn't be filled with noisy teens.
“I thought I had told you that Mister Scroop would be the next years DADA professor”, Dumbledore said without even looking up from the papers he was currently reading.
“I don't think that's a wise idea, Albus. That man's way too old to be teaching the students anything, let alone powerful curses and counter curses!” McGonagall wrinkled her nose at that thought.
“Why not employ someone competent who would successfully prepare the kids?”
She emphasized the word prepare to make sure that Dumbledore knew exactly what she was talking about.
Dumbledore just sighed.
“I would feel better if we didn't have to prepare them for anything...”
“Oh Merlin, Albus that is not our choice! There is a upcoming war and half if not all of those kids will be fighting it! We have to prepare them as best as we possibly can and you cannot tell me that there is any better choice than her! Except, of course, you teaching them how to defend themselves!”
“You flatter me Minerva”
“There is no time for flattery. This is a school and a school ought to teach its students accordingly, especially in times like this! Since you didn't follow my advice, I took matters in my own hands and wrote her. I just got the reply that she is willing to be the new Defense against the Dark Arts professor. Are you really willing to let such an opportunity slip away? Because of what, Albus?”
Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and put the papers aside. He took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead.
In times like this he looked rather like an old, tired man, than like the powerful wizard that he actually was.
“I am afraid, Minerva. What if employing her will only intensify the children's' wish to fight?”
“It is not in our power to protect them forever, but it is our duty to prepare them as best as possible for the world and right now that means for war. And, Albus, I'm sure that she won't tell the children fairy tales about a romanticized war.”
“You are right, of course. You seem to always be right”, Dumbledore smiled at the witch, “I will  inform Mister Scroop of the change of plans and trust you to write our new professor that we would
be honored to welcome her to the first day of the coming school year.”
McGonagall nodded and turned to leave but before she exited she turned around again,
“Thank you”, and then left the office.
The great hall was buzzing with noises. The sorting was over, and the tables had filled with food which means that the feast was in full swing.
After a while Dumbledore stood up and clapped his hands, making the food disappear and getting everyone's attention.
“Welcome dear students for another, hopefully informative but also merry year at Hogwarts. There has been a few changes regarding the staff. As you see...”
Most of the students didn't listen to a word the headmaster said, as they were too full to or simply too bored since most year's speeches were rather similar to each other.
One point, however, got everyone's attention:
“... As for the new Defense against the Dark Arts professor, we are happy to welcome Professor Carter into our ranks...”
He wasn't able to say anymore, since a loud and excited uproar erupted. Of course every student knew the infamous Margaret Carter, one of the most successful aurors of all time and founder of the IWR, the International Wizarding Relations and the DIS, the Department of International Security. The thought that they would be taught by someone as powerful and experiences as her was enough to spread excitement through the whole castle; even the portraits and ghosts started gossiping.
Dumbledore was able, however, to get the students quiet enough to finish his speech.
“As I was saying, we are welcoming Professor Carter, who is unfortunately unable to join the feast today but will be here to her first lesson tomorrow morning. Now off to bed and have a good night!”
The Gryffindor common room was quiet, only a few fires lit the cozy, red and golden room. Every Gryffindor was already in a deep slumber, too exhausted from the return to Hogwarts. Well, everyone except four boys, who were lying wide awake in their dormitory, discussing their new professor.
“Imagine what things she could teach us!” James exclaimed, jumping from his bed, closely followed by his best friend Sirius.
“No, imagine what things she has seen!”
“Guys! I'm sure someone like her has seen a lot but let's be real, even someone like Peggy Carter needs to follow the curriculum! She won't teach us extraordinaire curses...”
“Come on Remus, you're such a killjoy!”
Remus rolled his eyes but couldn't keep himself from laughing as he watched Sirius and James chasing each other, pretending to be in a dangerous battle to against some dark force.
“Come on over, Peter”, Remus laughed as Sirius jumped on the younger boy's bed to escape some wicked curse, James had aimed at him, “We can share my bed until they've finished their battle”
The little, chubby boy climbed out of his own and into Peters bed, a relieved expression prominent on his face.
“Thanks, Rem”
The laughter of the four friend could be heard for a while as they chased and tickled each other.
“Good Morning class”, a strong and authoritative voice echoed through the loud classroom.
“Mister Black, if you would be so kind to return to your seat and take Mister Potter with you, I think Miss Evans should have a break from his obtrusive and ridiculous behavior, thank you”
In an instant the classroom was so quiet, you could've heard an needle fall to the ground. All eyes were set on a middle-aged woman, dressed in elegant black robes: Professor Margaret Carter.
“I am Professor Carter, your new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. I favour a teaching concept  after the saying 'learning by doing' but that doesn't mean that there won't be any theoretical units. For those I have brought my own books”, books started to fly through the room, so that each student had one exemplar, “in there you'll find theoretical background info and practical instructions. I will structure my lesson so that you'll learn the theoretical parts mostly as homework – I am sorry Mister Potter will that be a problem for you?- so that we'll be able to do the practical part during the lessons, where I can instruct and help you to improve your abilities. If there are any questions don't be shy to ask. And one other thing: Some people take longer to work out a spell than others, that is not a problem! As long as I see that you try your best and that you work hard, I will count your efforts. Are there any questions so far?”
The lesson went on smoothly with only a few interruptions. Professor Carter answered a lot of questions about her past, her years at Hogwarts and her work but still managed to get through the first chapter of the school book.
It was late in the evening when Minerva heard a knock on the door that led to her office. She sighed and stood up from her large wooden desk. She rubbed her tired eyes and opened the door, expecting  Filch to tell her that some kids had been found outside their dormitories despite the late hour. What she did not expect was an old friend smiling warmly at her.
“Well, hello Minerva. I was wondering if you'd still be up and thought you might like to share a cup of tea with a friend?”
“Peggy, come in, come in!”
The new DADA professor followed Minerva into her office and sat down opposite from her at the wooden table. Minerva charmed a teapot to fill itself and produced some biscuits from a closet.
“So, how was you first day?” She asked Peggy
“Oh, it was surprisingly good, even though I already encountered the infamous Marauders you told me about.”
“What did they do this time?” Minerva asked while rolling her eyes exasperatedly.
“Nothing, they all seem to be very talented and bright boys, although I have to say they make an interesting group. I mean a Black as a Gryffindor, a twelve year old who already knows who he wants to marry – my sympathy to that Evans girl – and a werewolf...”
Minerva nodded in agreement but rose her eyebrows in confusion at the last statement.
“How do you...”
“...know that Remus Lupin is a werewolf?” Peggy finished Minerva's question.
“I worked in the Ministry quite some time and believe me, his case caused quite the uproar back then... and Minnie, I do recognize a werewolf if I see one! Sure he is young, but the scars are unmistakably werewolf ones”
Minerva smiled at her friend, “Of course you do, I shouldn't be surprised by now, should I?”
Both women laughed and continued to reminiscent old times well into the night.
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