#we dot stand with nazi
boostcmg · 2 years
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batboyblog · 2 months
I legit just saw an honest-to-god "Joe biden is an incestious pedophile who has built his life on decades of the suffering of others" by a self-proclaimed leftist on tumblr dot hell. What the fuck is going on with these psyops. This is shit I would expect from a foaming-at-the-mouth alt-righter. And there were like 5 people in the chain agreeing with them! What is happening!
I mean speaking reductively, what's going on? is Russia.
clearly its a goal of theirs to undermine and divide western democratic societies, so attacking our democracy, leaders we have who stand up to them etc.
But Russia is also fueled by a hard right, anti-feminism, anti-LGBT, nationalist, fascist, world view so its also in their interest to try to bring leftists over to that view, which I think you see in posts like this
The old Soviets loved LOVED calling people Nazis, even when they weren't Nazis, you saw that again in 2022 the whole "Ukraine is Nazi!" Nazi is a very emotional word, effectively the worst thing you can be is a Nazi. The Soviets and later Russians used Nazi to me "person who disagrees with Russia" rather that its real meaning. You're seeing that with pedo, its also the worst thing imaginable, and again you see alt-rightists, general weirdos like Musk, and even people who seem to be lefties using it to mean "person I don't like"
and again this dovetails to the Russian world view of the west being run by Satanic sexual deviants, which Russia must aggressively defend against because they're out to do the same to Russia.
also, what a fucking weird thing to say right? these people are really fucking weird.
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angrycartoonsquirrel · 7 months
So, I went on a deep dive into our favorite radio announcer, Alastor.
I have a thought, not going where you may think:
Alastor died in 1933, the year Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, and for those not in the know, Nazism was fairly popular in the US, especially in the south.
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Bear with me...
So, Alastor being mixed race can't stand the American Nazi movement, sees them as scum. His wiki has him labeled as a prolific serial killer, sort of like Dexter in that he doesn't choose just anyone. In the midst of war, shit happens, and Alastor knows this.
Around this same time, he has found a book of ancient Voodoo rituals, the stronger of which requires human sacrifice. His targets? If you haven't connected the dots, American Nazis and KKK members.
We sort of see his methods in Mimzy's story of him, where he gets them alone in an alley and then incapacitates them before bringing them back to his "studio."
One day, while burying a body in a bayou, he gets attacked by the dog of a Nazi/KKK member whose family member "went missing" thanks to Alastor. After being brought down by the dog, he's shot in the head and left in the bayou to be eaten by whatever, manifesting in Hell with the power to take down demonic Overlords thanks to his rituals while alive.
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they-them-that · 1 year
(spoilers for Zero Calcare's "The World Can't Tear Me Down")
I just finished binging "The World Can't Tear Me Down" on Netflix. It's a heavy watch that tackles white supremacy and xenophobia but it was well done imo and a great follow up to "Tear Along The Dotted Line". A lot of adult comedies can be flimsy (and outright problematic) about how it represents social issues and I was worried this series would toe that line but it was able to represent how people get coaxed into supporting the wrong side without excusing them either. It isn't black and white although I do think it's still important to hold individuals' responsible for the way they hurt others.
Cesare and Sara are Italian born citizens who despite being disenfranchised in their own ways, do end up threatening stability for the refugees which is an abuse of their privilege. Although I can understand that Sara's plight is both due to her own struggles and being misled to believe the school shut down is due to the refugee shelter, I couldn't really sympathize when her motivations felt ultimately selfish and at the expense of the refugees' safety. At the same time, I can understand how Zero was conflicted as a cishet white male who's also a famous cartoonist. Zero obliviously tells Sara they're "still young" and Sara had to point out that a woman nearing her 40's is seen as socially useless, something Zero failed to consider when a man in his late 30's isn't looked down on in the same way (and he's someone who's already gained a stable job where he doesn't have to job hunt at his age unlike Sara). Zero was also confronted with his own privilege that challenged his right to judge others with Cesare who was victim to the social stigma and government neglect against addicts and impoverished people. All of this while Zero is conflicted on whether or not he should speak about the xenophobia on TV because of the way it could affect his career. The fact he was considering being quiet himself but lectured Sara and Cesare for their complacency/participation in the issue was a deliberate point of hypocrisy and we'll never know what Zero would've done in the end.
Zero spends the series reckoning with the complexities of moral righteousness that isn't as simple as doing the right thing when there are complicated circumstances behind making poor decisions that aren't just pure bigotry (but still deserves to be called out). At the same time, we get Selco who also grew up disenfranchised but still understood what side he's meant to support. He calls out Zero for essentially turning a social issue into a personal plight of virtue when what really mattered was standing up against Nazis. We end up seeing Sara own up to her mistake and join the protestors (although she condemns the violence in a way that treats it like both sides are equally at fault when it isn't) and Cesare also opens up about what really mattered to him, turning his back on the Nazis (but not exactly looking out for the refugees).
Among our main cast, there isn't actually a role model for us to project onto as the ideal moral pillar, something that the series purposely deconstructs for us with Sara's character. It reminds us that we're all people and we're not always going to make the right decisions nor the people we care about will either. We just have to keep doing our best and help those near us to stay on the right path. We have to grapple with our own privileges, complacency, and hypocrisy to be activists. We have to understand the humanness that comes from veering off that path in order to help those who do and to be able to diagnose the problem. That it's not just an individual decision but a systemic problem.
The only big complaint I have is that the refugees felt like a backdrop to the story of Zero's philosophizing despite the creator criticizing himself for doing the same thing, which may be the humanness I brought up earlier. Understandably, Zero didn't get to interact with any of the refugees until the end of the series and he clearly empathizes with what they go through but having the one refugee wax poetic to shed perspective on our White Italian male protagonist wasn't as moving as maybe it was meant to be.
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krastbannert · 4 months
The Day of Days: Eighty Years After
It was a brisk summer night, almost like any other June night in England.
The terror of the Blitz was long over. Four years ago, the Battle of Britain long had been won. Two years ago in the Pacific the Americans had shocked the world with impossible victories at Midway and Guadalcanal.  A year ago, the last German forces had surrendered in North Africa, and the Communists of the Soviet Union had done the impossible and stopped the German war machine in its tracks at the gates of Stalingrad and Moscow before, finally, turning the tide at Kursk. A month early the British Army in India had stopped the Imperial Japanese Army in its tracks at Kohima Ridge, and for the first time in three years the Japanese were on the run. Just a day before, the American Fifth Army had liberated Rome, freeing the "Eternal City" from fascism after twenty years.
They were winning - just. The war was still going on, ever-present in their minds, but they could sleep soundly under a quiet, friendly sky.
But in the dark, in army camps and airfields and naval bases and offices across the southwest of England, the scene was very different. Men whispered to each other, prayers and jokes, trying to lighten the tension in the air, so thick they could cut it with a knife. John Ford - the famed Hollywood director turned Navy Field Photographic unit captain - supposedly told his wife he was going off for a little local skirmish. And in his private office, Dwight D. Eisenhower - Commander, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force - typed the resignation he hoped he'd never have to give. If the unthinkable happened, if this gamble failed...they might never get another chance.
All at once, all across the southwest of England, just before midnight, the quiet was shattered by the roar of thousands upon thousands of piston engines, and thousands of men, some barely out of high school, clambered aboard planes and landing craft for a journey into the dark.
Eisenhower penned a short note, and ensured that a copy was given to every single one of the men under his command. It read, very simply:
"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world."
It was June 6th, 1944, and after three years of begging by Josef Stalin, and a year of intense planning, brutal training, unparalleled deception, and massive buildup, the time had come to do the impossible.
The Allies were going to break the Atlantic Wall, or die trying.
It was a herculean task. The Germans had spent four years preparing for just this day, filling every beach from Cherbourg to Amsterdam with every kind of mine imaginable, dotting Czech hedgehogs and wooden posts tipped with high explosives along the shallow coastlines, and building bunkers with encased machine guns and artillery, pre-sighting mortars and artillery, digging trenches and building tens of thousands of pillboxes, and digging enough anti-aircraft positions to turn night into day. In command was Erwin Rommel, the famed "Desert Fox", a veteran of the brutal World War I Italian front, and one of the best tank commanders in the world who had fought across France and North Africa. Under his command were almost half a million German troops, including battle hardened veterans of France, Africa, and Russia.
Standing against them, over a thousand planes and gliders carrying over 23,000 paratroopers from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Behind them, thousands of fighters and bombers and almost seven thousand landing craft and ships carrying more than 160,000 men from thirteen nations.
The Day of Days began just after midnight.
At 00:48 on June 6th, 1944, the men of the 101st Airborne became the first of to make a terrifying jump into the dark.
It was the beginning of the single largest amphibious invasion ever attempted. Six hours after the paratroopers took the plunge, at 06:30 local time, the first men stumbled onto shore, and into the jaws of death.
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Almost immediately, the entire plan fell apart. Fog, cloud cover, a lack of navigators, and brutal anti-aircraft fire forced many pilots to signal the paratroopers to drop outside their assigned zones, mixing units and men and causing absolute chaos on the ground. The weather in the channel was not much better: high seas swamped many of the landing craft and amphibious tanks, and strong currents pushed entire regiments out of their landing zones.
When the men finally made it to the beach, they faced a desperate run across the dreaded shingle: a nearly half-mile expanse of open sand and rock, with no protection at all from the waiting German defenders. Their fire support - the naval vessels waiting offshore, bristling with guns of all calibers - was of little help; the captains refused to close any farther than the extreme ranges for fear of counter fire. And the bad weather in the skies above prevented pilots from accurate close air support.
Over ten thousand men from both sides would have their lives ripped apart on beaches in just that first day.
On Omaha Beach alone, almost two thousand men were killed. Some didn't even get a chance to face the enemy - instead, they simply drowned, their heavy equipment weighing them down into the cold waters of the North Atlantic. The beaches themselves, its said, turned red with blood as men were killed by the dozen. At Gold, Juno, and Sword Beaches, the Canadians and British managed to make it off the beach, only to be forced into fortified towns, where they endured the brutality and chaos of house-to-house urban warfare. At Pointe du Hoc, between Omaha and Utah Beach, the U.S. 2nd Ranger Battalion were forced to scale a one hundred foot cliff under withering enemy fire, only to become totally cut off. When they were finally relieved after two days, only 65 of the original 200 men were left standing, and they were forced to use captured German weapons as theirs ran out of ammunition, resulting in some of their number being killed due to friendly fire.
The paratroopers faired even worse - of the more than 20,000 American paratroopers and aircrew who made the desperate flight across the Channel, it's estimated that more than twelve thousand were killed.
The carnage was unlike anything anyone in the Allied forces had seen before, unlike Operation Torch or El Alamein in North Africa, unlike the Miracle of Dunkirk or the Battle of Britain, unlike Guadalcanal and New Guinea, unlike Salerno, Anzio, and Sicily.
For this untold sacrifice, this bloody hell that almost two hundred thousand men endured, they had only managed to capture a few square miles, only two of five beaches were connected, and they had failed to capture a single major city or port. The Allies failed to achieve even one of their major objectives - save one.
After five years of war, the Allies had a foothold.
The mother of all Hail Mary's had worked.
By the end of D-Day, almost 160,000 men had crossed the Channel into Fortress Europe.
On D+6, the beaches were finally connected.
On D+7, the city of Carentan was freed by the 101st Airborne, the first major French town to be liberated.
By D+20, the port city of Cherbourg was taken, and the Cotentin Peninsula was free after four long years.
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On D+50, the city of Caen was freed, and the objectives of D-Day had finally been completed. By this time, more than 1.5 million men from 15 nations had landed in Europe.
On D+70, the Allies landed on the beaches of Côte d'Azur, and in only four weeks broke the southern German front line, and liberated the entire south of France.
On D+76, the Falaise Pocket collapsed, and the Battle of Normandy was finally declared over in a resounding Allied victory.
Then, at long last, on D+80, General der Infanterie Dietrich von Cholitz, at 3:30 PM local time, surrended the city of Paris to General Phillipe Leclerc. After four years of occupation, the first Allied capital was free. The footage of that day has been called some of the most thrilling and ecstatic footage in history.
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The march continued, and on D+89, the Welsh Guards marched into the Belgian capital of Brussels.
But the war was far from over - on D+193, the Wehrmacht launched Operation Nordwind; the Battle of the Bulge had begun. It would be Germany's last offensive, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives.
On D+274, the Allies crossed the Rhine, and liberated the Netherlands, and then finally entered Germany.
On D+303, the U.S. 4th Armored Division stumbled upon a scene of unimaginable cruelty: it was a camp named Ohrdruf, part of the Buchenwald complex, the first concentration camp to be liberated by the United States. Allied intelligence services had long suspected what was going on, that their were camps across Europe for Hitler's "undesirables", and the Allies had even signed a declaration making public and condemning the killing of Jews in Poland, but no one was prepared to see the true scale of the atrocities. Eisenhower demanded that every single piece of the camp be photographed, videotaped, and documented, that everyone possible be brought to see it to impress upon them the reality of what the Germans had done. Hollywood director George Stevens was given the task of making movies describing the horrors of the Holocaust, movies that were later shown to the world at the Nuremberg Trials. The movies were said to be the moment that changed the course of the Nuremberg Trials.
Then, on April 30th, 1945 - three-hundred and twenty eight days after the 'Longest Day' - Adolf Hitler, the man who had been the head of so much destruction, who had started the most destructive war in human history and presided over the worst genocide mankind has ever perpetrated, commits suicide in a bunker in Berlin.
Three days later, on May 2nd, 1945, the surrender of German Army Group C goes into effect, and the Gothic Line that had long since stymied the Allied advance in Italy finally collapses.
And on D+336, eleven months after landing on the beaches of France, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel would sign the German Instrument of Surrender, and the German Wehrmacht laid down its arms.
The Reich that Adolf Hitler had once boasted would last for a thousand years had fallen after just twelve.
The War in Europe was over.
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Eleven months after he wrote it, the promise Eisenhower made to his men - the destruction of the German Army, the end of Nazi tyranny in Europe - had finally come true.
It had been five and a half long, blood-soaked years since the war in Europe began, but at long last, Europe was free. It would takes years, even decades, to rebuild from the destruction, but finally, there was a tomorrow to live for.
Eighty years on, we still grapple with their sacrifice, and the choices they made afterwards in the world they built. But because of them, we were given a tomorrow to argue in - and a tomorrow to live for. All because thousands from across the world stepped onto a small, windswept beach, and seared the name of Normandy into history.
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tell me about stellaris in the most autistic way imaginable (i wanna learn by infodump and infodump only)
(Srry this took me so long to answer I wanted to answer once I got home and promptly forgot about it lmao)
So! Stellaris. The 4x game where you genocide in space or something.
I'll start from the top, you will be designing a space-faring empire to play as, staring with...
SPECIES/HOME SYSTEM: This is where your gonna decide what your founding species looks like and what traits they have, as well as what their home planet/star are named. Not to mention you can write a short biography on your empires pre-ftl history here! Role-play wise this will affect your game greatly, but in terms of gameplay its only a big deal early on as barring some exceptions you will like end up with quite the melting pot, and any individual species traits will be of little consequence. The next part will be much more influential, however.
GOVERNMENT: Now we get into the real meat of your empire. Who are they? What do they stand for? What makes them stand out? How do they decide on their leaders? Do they decide on their leaders? You can be militaristic xenophiles who will fight tooth and nail to protect the galaxies people, or a curious hive mind that wants to hoard as much knowledge as it can without coming to blows with its neighbors, and yes, space nazis. Here you can also decide the past of your species, they could be fairly normal, simply reaching out into the stars after a few decades of booming economy, or they could've never lived on a planet at all, being born on floating habitats in the void.
MISC: Just some other details, your first leaders name/gender, what your ships look like, what your advisor sounds like, that kinda stuff.
GAMEPLAY: I'm sorry but I have that committed to muscle memory I would have a stroke if I tried to explain it. Montu and other stellaris youtubers are the best for that.
MODS: For when you've spent 200$ on dlc but want 600$ worth instead. This can be anything from simple tweaks to complete overhauls of the gameplay. My favorite are "gigastructural engineering and more" which expand on the megastructure system (just really big things that make the economy go brrrrrr) and adds lots of post endgame content. (Wanna rearrange entire star systems into mobile weapons platforms and pit them against space cats that consume millions of galaxies to outlive entropy?)
Then there's stellaris evolved, which changes literally every aspect of the game in some way we would be here all day so just know it's amazing.
Alright we've been through a few paragraphs of this so I think it's time to talk about one of my own empires!
THE EMPIRE OF SILDORIA: A long time ago, humans sent out colony ships into a wormhole found at the edge of the solar system, most were destroyed, but one of the surviving ones wound up in a random part of the galaxy, and went a-looking for a new home. But they couldn't find one, supplies were dwindling and systems were failing, so they took a gamble and took up residence in the upper atmosphere of an unusually stable gas giant. It was still a brutal task, where people were worked to death out of necessity rather than greed, but they pulled it off. Floating cities dot the gas planet of sildoria, and after scrounging up enough materials, they have made their way onto the galactic stage. It did not come without cost, however, as the humans, or rather, sildorians, have been fundamental changed by their experiences. Their psyche is unbreakable on a biological level, and their bodies are quite tough as well. They are instinctively inclined to reduce waste, and have a reduced birthrate as a result of cramped conditions. The sildorian government is an interesting one, while it is extremely focused on material gain and expansion of industry, they make sure to take as good care of their people as they can. A sildorian laborer will be expected to give everything they can spare in the workplace, and in exchange they will want for nothing at home. In the future the sildorian empire is likely to take forays into robotics and cybernetics to maximize productivity and comfort. OK that's all I have to say :D
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tdciago · 8 months
Fargo: Operation Eagle's Nest
Theory in collaboration with @thefutureiswhat. SPOILERS ahead. We're down to the wire, so let's talk about this fictional Ronald Reagan movie, introduced in season 2. Young Molly Solverson watches it on TV; Peggy watches it in the cabin; and Ronald Reagan talks about it to Lou. A French couple, Marie and Pierre, hide from a Nazi in a basement. The Nazi starts a fire to smoke them out. Pierre is going to act as a shield for Marie, but Reagan's character arrives to save the day, shooting the Nazi and apparently killing him.
PIERRE: If we stay here, we burn in our own little hell. As Reagan and the couple escape, the Nazi wakes up and follows them. We are left to wonder about the outcome. Even Reagan himself doesn't recall. "I remember back in '42, America just joined the war. I was working on, uh... 'Operation Eagle's Nest' for Paramount. I got dropped behind enemy lines trying to rescue Jimmy Whitmore and Laraine Day from this SS commando. Bob Stack was on loan from Selznick. That Nazi bastard had us cornered. We were done for, but in the end, with a little American ingenuity, we managed to, uh...Oh, no. No, no, wait a minute. Um... Come to think of it, I don't think we made it out of that one. Or did we? Oh, shit, I can't remember. Well, either way, it was a fine picture." In season 5, as Wayne enters his home after Dot has been kidnapped, we hear on the TV that "Operation Eagle's Nest" will be starting. In "The Tender Trap," Vivian Dugger and his pals leave the strip club talking about France. "You're gonna get in trouble, man. Then move to France. The French, buddy? No. You're, like... The French would like me better than you." Later in the episode, Lorraine mentions Vivian's son starting at Notre Dame, which is French for "Our Lady." Does the uncertain outcome of "Operation Eagle's Nest" foreshadow a similar scenario in "Bisquik"? Will we see Roy apparently killed, only to have him appear alive in prison? Will Reagan's uncertainty about the ending of the film parallel our uncertainty about the ending of season 5, calling into question "the true truth"? We've had references to "Rashomon" in "Linda," and to the short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" In episode 5.5. Both have ambiguous endings. We've also had Nazi references, with Odin questioning whether Roy is Hitler at the Reichstag or Hitler in the bunker, where he committed suicide. Erwin Rommel, another Nazi mentioned this season, also committed suicide, and it was coerced. He was given a choice. Stand trial for being complicit in trying to kill Hitler, which would drag his family through the mud and end in certain conviction and death; or commit suicide, being hailed as a war hero and leaving his family untouched. He chose suicide. So I wonder if Lorraine will offer Roy a similar deal, writing a check to ensure that Roy's children will not be "futureless," if he agrees to eat Munch's sins, perhaps in the form of biscuits so laden with 500 years' worth of sins that they are toxic. And maybe, somehow, the story will be that Roy died a hero, a martyr to his right-wing cause. A Rommel deal. LORRAINE: You tuck your kids in at night, never telling them that they're-they're in the cage, too, because, when you die, your debts become theirs. "Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down..."
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Just a Security Guard Part II
Pairing: Eventual Frank Castle x GN!Reader x Matt Murdock
Warnings: Talk of Readers past, being experimented on
Words: 1.2k
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It took The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen two weeks to find you. Which you were actually expecting one of them sooner than that since your public records with the security company wasn’t that hard to get in to.  
So, you were not all that surprised when after you got off of working a day shift at 8 at night, that Daredevil was sitting in your living room.  
You sighed as you opened the door to your apartment and throwing your keys on the side table. Putting your jacket and vest up on the coat hanger, you then bent down to until your steel toe boots and kicking them off under the bench along the wall.  
Walking further into the loft apartment, you turned on the living room light and blinked at the sight of Daredevil standing next to balcony doors. His head was tilted down and had one of his ears turned towards you, his helmet on and his hands to his sides.  
“You took a lot longer than expected.” You stated as if you were talking about the weather. You watched the Devil’s head twitch to the side as you crossed your arms. Leaning one of your hips against your couch, facing him.  
“You were expecting me?” He asked shocked. You couldn’t tell but his brow was frowned as if he thought you were a little weird.  
“I figured you and that other guy would show up sooner or later. This address isn’t exactly super-secret.” You shrugged and watched him intently. He wasn’t looking at you head on like most people... He also had his eyes covered.... Blind maybe.
He was silent for a moment. “While that is true... Y/N Y/L/N apparently didn’t exist till sometime after the New York Invasion. It’s like you just-”
“Showed up out of nowhere? Yeah, that’s what happens when you’ve been experimented on by a Nazi organization since before you were born.” Your voice hardened. You sighed and turned to your kitchen to grab a beer. “If we are going to talk about my shitty life, might as well have a drink. You want one?” You asked from your spot at the fridge.  
He shook his head as he took a hesitant step forward into the living room more. His hand subtly went out to feel for a chair or couch, with you watching his movements with sharp eyes that took in his body language. He found a chair and sat in it with his elbows on his knees. “You worked for SHEILD.” he stated.  
You sighed as you popped open the top of the bottle. Taking a sip, you walked over to plop down onto the couch with your legs open in a comfy position and your upper body leaned back against the back of the couch. “Somewhat... I was on file as an intern but I technically worked as an Avenger.” You scoffed.  
He sat up straight in shock and his jaw had fallen open. “You’re [Alias]” He whispered.  
You snorted. This guy was smart to connect the dots. “Yeah, until I retired a couple of months ago cause of the Accords. I had to leave... My supposed friends were at each other's throats and I had to get out of that environment. Of course, the government is giving me an allowance for being under Hydra’s thumb and then saving the world a few times.” You stated sarcastically. “I was tired of being under someone's control. And I was fine till you and Asshole show up at my job.” You looked at him pointedly, although knowing he can’t see you but he got your point.
He gave a scoffing laugh. “We didn’t mean to bust in at the time. It just happened. Frank and I don’t exactly get along”
“Frank?” You asked with a smirk. You took a slow sip as he clenched his jaw. You smirked. “It’s alright, I already know the Punisher is Frank Castle. I got a lot of friends that know shit.”  
There was a moment of silence as he processed what you said. Before changing the subject again. “You just have super strength?” He asked with a soft head tilt.  
You sighed and looked down at the beer bottle in your hand. “No... I have something similar to sixth sense, not a lot surprises me anymore since I can usually tell something is going to happen. Although, I was paying attention to you two instead of my surroundings. I was also trained by Hydra at hand-to-hand combat and became a weapons expert. I was an experiment trying to recreate the Super Solider Serum...It was pretty successful... except my brain is hard to control. They tried to brainwash me like Winter but it wouldn’t take.” You gave a hefty sigh as you took another sip of your beer. “Apparently I was too smart,” You sneered through the sarcastic comment.  
Devil licked his lips before asking, “How... How did you escape?” He asked softly. His tone was soft and he felt a pinching in his chest at the sound of your story. He felt the pain inside you from all the years of being controlled and not being allowed to do anything you wanted and his fingers twitched as if to reach for you.  
You licked at your top lip before sucking in your cheeks at the memories. “Captain America found me.” You stated simply, with a small truth in the statement. Of course, you weren’t saying everything that happened to you... just a CliffsNotes version.  
He clenched his jaw but nodded at your answer. He then spoke slowly his next question, “Are you safe here?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Well, no one really knows who I am except for the government. Otherwise, my identity is safe here.” You smiled. “I appreciate the concern though.” You said through soft chuckle.  
The tension in his shoulders was relieved some as he internally sighed in relief.
“Why did you come here anyway?” You asked with a tilted head.  
He didn’t answer for a moment. “I was curious... you took down those men easily... well, took them down easier than Frank and I. They had threatened to shoot you if we didn’t cooperate.” Devil leaned back against the chair he was in with his hands on his thighs. “It’s why we let them chain us down like that. We both knew you were innocent.” He tilted his head and gave a soft grin. “Which I appreciate. I actually want to repay you somehow.”  
You smiled crookedly and shook your head. “You don’t have to. I don’t help people to get repaid. Plus, it looked like you weren’t exactly in a good spot to get out of that situation.” You gave him a small tease.  
He let out a soft scoff like laugh. “I wasn’t, was I...”  
There was a small silence. Which you took the opportunity to examine Daredevil. He was extremely attractive, making you smirk to yourself. Licking your lips, you took in his top part of his suit which was like a second skin against him, showing off the shapes of his stomach and chest. His thighs were filling out his pants wonderfully.  
You were knocked out of your thoughts as he stood up, giving you an even better picture to file for later. “I have to go... there is... something going on a few streets away.”
You grinned and sipped your beer. “Go ahead... I’ll see you later then.”  
He licked his lips and smiled. “Talk to you later, Y/N”  
Devil walked over to your balcony and jumped down from your second story apartment.  
You shook your head to yourself. ‘Him and Castle are gonna give me a heart attack...’
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lubotomies · 2 years
I'm collecting those pointers for future reference cause I know I have been guilty of it in the past, so like any more you can give, even the most minute things is greatly, greatly appreciate and I thank you for those you've given already
of course! and i totally understand. when a community doesnt have space for minorities to voice their concerns these kinds of designs get tossed around and spread like a disease, and while thats not to say its a minorities responsibility to talk about it, of course not, a community that was made up completely of 13 year olds in 2018 when this design choice was most popular is just simply not going to know better. now those people are adults, still using those designs because its almost just. normalized. its everywhere, why should they alone be held accountable and be the one to stop using the design? its never been a problem before, theyve drawn it like this for years, etc etc. it becomes ingrained in the community and people have a hard time changing unless given explicit advice on what theyre doing wrong and im happy to help with that.
with that out of the way, lets talk about colors! tord is often associated with the colors red and black. unfortunately, so are the nazis. does this mean you cant use red and black for your red army designs? no. you just have to be careful with your design choice.
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think of it as a scale, itll help you memorize it. the more realistic and militant your army design is, the less red and black you should use. the more abstract (think sci-fi, post apocalypse, fantasy, casual or whatever) your design is, so long as it doesnt resemble traditional military gear, the more red and black you can use. the militant design on this graph is still very iffy in the way it looks, as you can tell - because its still some what of a fascist design (note: this is why you avoid the caps regardless of color bc its still a symbol). essentially the less your tord looks like the leader of an army and the less he resembles a fascist figure, the more things usually associated with totalitarianism you can put to use (in this case being the color palette).
we can even take eddsworld itself as an example with this screenshot:
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although tord is standing at a pedestal, giving a speech, evil smirk and all with the victory symbol raised up on both sides - you still cant recognize it as totalitarianism symbolism because of numerous factors. 1. he lacks a traditional militant uniform, instead dawning his casual hoodie. hes just tord presumably taking over the world. 2. despite the real hammer and sickle being on the flag, it doesnt feel like it given that the colors are wrong. communism isnt associated with red and blue, but red and yellow. 3. the stage itself is modest. theres no giant symbol behind him, no giant flags by the sides of him, just a small communist symbol on a weird red and blue background. it looks like hes giving this speech in the school gymnasium. it doesnt look political.
nazi imagery comes in layers. when you think of nazism youll think of things you might not even notice despite it being pictured in your thoughts. youll think of black and red, youll think of pride and giant symbols of a political party hung around every corner - ingrained into stone and sewn into clothing. you think of order and organization, everyone stands in perfect lines, specific salutes, a leader looking down at the soldiers at his command. you think of two symmetrical flags at either sides of a pedestal, a color coded army, executions, military officals keeping their hands behind their backs, etc etc. because it comes in all these layers, you can strip them down. the more and more you remove, the less it becomes a specific vision of a nazi army, and the more it becomes just abstract concepts. descriptions and definitions. its important to limit yourself with how much of these you utilize for your portrayal because when you start using too many, people start to connect the dots.
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kippykasey · 2 years
Grace - Chapter 10: The Train
Pairing: Howard Stark x F!Reader , Bucky x Reader [Eventually]
Word Count: 1600
Series Summary: A young nurse is recruited by Dr. Abraham Erskine to join the SSR to assist on Project Rebirth. Following her work with the SSR she is drafted into the US Army Nurse Corps in the war against the Nazis…and HYDRA.
Chapter Warnings: its the train scene of CATFA
Author’s Note: This chapter is about half the size of a normal chapter? But I am honestly so emotionally drain from writing it. Next chapter will be longer and we will only have 2 chapters left before moving on from CATFA.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs they are either found on google or under the gif tag provided by tumblr. Any language other than English was translated using Google Translator, and translations will be posted in bolden italics after. I am not a nurse or in the medical field although I may do some research medical treatment written may not be correct.
Grace Masterlist | Snowdrop Masterlist | Masterlist
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The camp was tense on the cold, snowy morning of the last mission. More specifically Grace was tense. She had been ranting in German about her worries. If she wasn’t ranting in German she was repeatedly humming ‘Amazing Grace’ as she did anything and everything she could to distract herself. She reorganized her medical backpack three times; completely unpacking and repacking the bag. Taking apart and reassembling both her pistol and rifle while cleaning each to perfection only seen in an unused firearm. 
Charlie and Maxine watched from a distance. Charlie biting at her bottom lip in worry for her friend who has been off all morning. Maxine puffed at a cigarette to deal with the second hand stress and anxiety she was feeling from being around the head nurse. Monty walked up to stand behind the two nurses observing the head nurse as she packed away her personal items into her crate. 
“Is she still rambling in German?” He asked the two. Charlie looked up at him before nodding. “Gracie’s been humming Amazing Grace for twenty minutes now.”
“Scheisse.” Shit. 
The German curse leaving the nurse’s mouth drew the three over to her and down at the spilled box of hair pins. Grace lowered to her knees to pick up as many of the pins she could salvage from the snow. The three watching took notice of the Sergeant that approached her. Bucky rested his hand on the nurse’s shoulder but in her tense state she didn’t fully connect the dots that he wasn’t there to hurt her as she used her body weight to pull him from behind her and onto the ground in front of her with nothing but her small hand to protect her.
“Whoa! Easy, Sugar! It’s me, it’s just me!” Bucky quickly holds his hands up to block any attempt of attack from her. It was the shimmer of his blue eyes that alerted her mind that he was friendly that she lowered her raised hand. Her head dropped, shoulders sagging as she seemed to curl inward. It was a position Bucky had seen her in before, back when they were held captive by Hydra. Buck sat up, his hair falling from the combed back position to in front of his face. 
“Come here,” He spoke gently, it was calming. His arms moved slowly, as if approaching a wounded animal, as he drew her in closer. She leaned into his arms, the tension and stress that took over her body moments ago quickly leaving her. It was blocked out as if being in Bucky’s arms was a shield. His arms had brought her comfort so many times that they had become a place of safety. “Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it.” She muttered against his shoulder where her head was resting against.
“Nothing is going to go wrong, sugar.” His hand caressed the back of her neck, his thumb rubbing gently at the nape of her neck so he didn’t mess up her hair. “You’re okay. You’ve been speaking German all morning.” Her head lifted from his shoulder, her eyes glazed over, was she really talking in German all morning? Why couldn’t she remember that?
“It’s okay, you’re worried and scared it’s okay.” His voice stayed so soft and it was like a wave of reassurance. She nods her head slowly. The crunching of the snow was purposeful to gain the pair’s attention. They looked up at Steve dressed in his Captain America suit, without the head covering. “We’re getting ready to head out. Charlie and Maxine are ready for any injuries. I guessed you would be coming with us?” Steve explained his eyes glancing at the nurse. “You would be stupid if you think I’m letting you boys go with out a medic on standby that far away from base.”
Steve sighed hoping she would have changed her mind but nodded his head. Bucky stood first before offering his hand to help up the nurse. The three went to gather the remainder of their items before they left on their hike up the mountain to the lookout point where they would wait for the train.
Jim set up a radio which Gabe and him listened to. The others sitting or standing around waiting. Bucky stood next to Steve looking down at the train tracks, the zip line just above them. Grace, staying behind the two, leaned up on her toes to look down towards the tracks that seemed to double for a second as she took in the drop.
“Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?” Bucky’s voice seemed to carry slightly in the open air despide the quiet tone.
“Yeah, and I threw up?” Steve added remembering the moment his best friend was talking about clearly.
“This isn’t payback is it?” Bucky’s question made the nurse huff out a laugh. “If this was payback for that, you got it with interest.” She let out a small laugh patting Bucky’s shoulder just below where his rifle was resting. Barnes turns his head to look down at her. She noticed a smile in his eyes, a lightness to them, even if he wasn’t physically smiling.
“Now why would I do that?” Rogers comments turning to look up at where the zip line was secured. 
Gabe spoke up, catching everyone’s attention. “You were right. Dr. Zola’s on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle.” The three stepped away from the edge and over towards where Jim and Jones sat with the radio. “Wherever he’s going, they must need him bad.”
Steve looked over at Bucky and Grace. He turned away, putting his helmet on as everyone began to prepare for the train. Monty keeps watch through a pair of binoculars. Grace tightened the straps on her bag. Bucky grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Be careful.” She smiled up at him, “Don’t worry soldier boy. I’m staying towards the back.”
“Let’s get going, because they’re moving like the devil.” Monty instructs seeing the train speeding into sight.
Steve moved to the front attaching the first zip line handle bar to the line. He looks over his shoulder to give instructions. Jacques hand raised ready to signal his descent. “We only got about a 10 second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield.”
“And I may be good but I’m not an angel.” The nurse adds shifting from where she was standing behind Dugan.
“Better get moving bugs!” Dugan yelled over the sudden gust of wind.
On Jacques French exclamation and drop of hand Steve was off the mountain ledge. Bucky followed behind within a second. After Bucky one other person went then it was supposed to be Grace’s turn but as she stepped forward she didn’t bother to even swing the handlebar up. She had missed the window. In frustration she tossed the handlebar down before going over to Monty to take the binoculars and try to watch from afar. 
Dugan stepped up behind the nurse afraid she might act erratically if something goes wrong. He wrapped his hand around the straps of her bag as she took a step too close to the edge for his comfort. “They have those crazy powered guns.” She comments on seeing the blast.
The train was moving out of sight and Grace hurried to move around the mountain so she could keep watch. She stumbled in the snow and when she raised the binoculars again the only thing she could see was the back of the Captain America uniform hanging out of a whole in the train reaching for a plummeting person. A small yell left her mouth as she dropped the binoculars in shock. Her knees gave out and she fell to the snow ground below. That was how Dugan found her when he caught up. Together they headed back to camp where Charlie and Maxine instantly were able to tell by how Grace was acting that something went wrong. 
Charlie stepped forward as Maxine took the bag off of the head medic. As if the bag was holding her together the moment it was off the dam brook and sobs took over. Charlie pulled her into a hug. “You’re okay.” The nurse shook her head. “No. No. He’s gone. Why him?” She sobbed into Charlie’s shoulder. 
Dr. Zola was successfully captured at the end of the mission. He was transferred to a SSR prison where he would be interrogated by Philips. Meanwhile Steve and Grace had found themselves in their own grief ridden states. The nurse had been taken to the lodgings given to Howard, who upon seeing her so distraught awkwardly did his best to comfort the woman but ultimately ended up leaving to give her space. 
The nurse spent hours in her thoughts just wondering if she had made it down if she could have saved Bucky from the fall. It was torture but she finally decided she needed to let it out. So she did, into the first pages of leather bound journal Bucky got her for her birthday. Her hand danced across the page and the ink was sometimes smudged by the occasional tear drop.
What started as the ‘what if’s her brain kept going through slowly drifted into a new burning passion to end Hydra. With her new goal in mind she stood from her seat and hurried out of the room on her way to find the one person who would understand her the most at the moment, Steve.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
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Rambling thoughts on Episode 4x08 Control Freak
I knew the tux scene would be in the beginning – it was too perfect of an introduction to the full extent of Owen’s Dadzillaness – and Rob played it well (I feel sorry for his sons when they get married – I also love how they roast him all the time)
I love how Mateo has NEVER been afraid or shy of showing his emotions – going all the way back to when the 126 found out about Owen’s cancer in Season 1
So, if they are wearing the tuxes at Owen’s house – that means they already bought them – Dude – they aren’t cheap – let them wear the traditional stuff if that is what they picked out.
“I don’t have words” then continue to spew a lot of words.
I love the build up that we see in both TK and Carlos – How they are trying to humor Owen – even though it is making them both miserable.
The Grant guy kinda reminds me of Matthew Lillard from Scream.
That is some perfect lipstick on Marj.
Trying to figure out when the girl put the note on Marj’s bike
This was exactly what driving with my mother was like – I made it a whole entire block before refusing to drive with her in the car. This dad is so much like my mom.
When my mom was pregnant with me, my father drove up the guidewire of a power pole. He was 16 and dumb as fuck. He did it on purpose and didn’t make it that far up, but the whole car was on the wire. – Fortunately for my mom (and me) she refused to be in the car when he tried it. He is a fucking moron.
So much of this call is terrifying. The kid does an awesome job.
When do they have time to play operation? Do they have it in the firehouse game cabinet?
This reminds me of having to evacuate people from Roller Coasters on the lift hills when I worked at Cedar Point. It was kinda terrifying at times for the people (and depending on which coaster – for me too) and the security of it felt about the same as this rescue.
I am loving Paul – I love how he is so blunt when trying to rescue people – it can really help to get them out of their heads – this time he just needed an assist from the kid in the car. “Just shut up and let me help you.” Wesley.
I honestly thought we were going to get the first death of the season (outside of the nazi storyline) – I really liked the high risk of this rescue
TK is so used to control freaks that this dad doesn’t even faze him – just push the dad in the back of the rig and move on
Ahh the lunch scene is so cute
50% of wedding guests leave after the cake is served & toasts/first dances are done – this is my experience from the literal 100’s of weddings I have been a part of. If you have a cash bar – you lose another 20% with in an hour of the cake/dances.
I love the looks that each person gives Mateo when he corrects Carlos on the monk fruit.
Somebody has to stand up to him – so you call Mom.
I am on team Tarlos with not wanting their parents planning their wedding – sorry – but it is their day.
I find it absolutely fucking hilarious that Carlos “control freak & pushy bastard” Reyes called Owen a control freak. He wasn’t wrong – but it was a little bit funny.
I have had some pretty decent gluten & vegan free cakes.
Coach Beiste – I love seeing Dot-Marie Jones on anything – I love her
I love PI Marj
“Better you a kook then her dead.” That is actually a really powerful line. Doing/saying something in the face of domestic violence can be scary, but is so fucking necessary. I have no regrets for the times that I have stepped in, none. I can’t imagine the regrets I would have if I hadn’t done anything.
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The centerpieces he was doing were no where near as dramatic as I had imagined. (the pic above was my idea of Owen’s wedding moodboard.) The ones in the floral shop looked vastly different & were much more dramatic.
Carlos’ “Really?” when Owen said that his feelings wouldn’t be hurt if Andrea picked the other cake makes me laugh – like he is so so very doubtful.
They are so cocky coming in – the grins, the smirks, the looks.
I love silent communication – my husband and I are very similar and it is so convenient.
They are so mad that they liked that cake – like regretting so many things right now.
Carlos is trying so fucking hard to remind his mom that she is on team Tarlos not team Dadzilla.
Orchids are fucking expensive & fragile as fuck
The dawning of the awareness that Andrea turned zilla was so well done. Ronen and Rafa always have such amazing facial expressions.
I had a feeling the girl wouldn’t leave in the semi – it seemed like it was too easy and clean of a conclusion to their story – curious on if she is in the next ep or if it is just him.
Those are insane for each table – totally overwhelming
Fuck the flower arches too
I do like that they are not just forgetting that Carlos was married – like that we aren’t expected to forget about it.
“There’s a flower arch now?” the rise in TK’s voice is the beginning of him getting ready to go off and I fucking loved it
I love him.
That scene was amazing and everything I needed from them – the wedding is about the couple and what they want/feel – I loved that TK was the one to snap
This dude is fucking nuts – maybe
I love the talk between Owen and Andrea – I love how she admits to him what her biggest regret was.
I love how she tricked Owen while eating cake.
“Their ideas were just dull” – “At least they were their dull ideas”
They were mostly coming from a good and/or understandable place – but, I am glad that they realized that TK and Carlos need to be the ones to make the decisions on their wedding.
I kinda thought Marjan was going to be in the motorhome – but tied up in the back (before it was revealed that she was riding behind them)
Nice use of the fire extinguisher Marj – I was wondering if that would come back into play when she told them to keep it
I am hoping that the woman stays away from the guy in the next ep – like I hope that she doesn’t go back to him when he gets out of jail – I didn’t see her in the promo, but they love to hide shit with editing on those.
“Slightly overboard?” – slight exaggeration.
I wonder when Owen’s mom passed (really I am assuming she did, but who knows) for him to think that TK wouldn’t still need his dad after he got married.
Like I have been married for over 10 years and I still need my mom.
I think TK will leave tea bags in all mugs forever around Owen now.
I was actually worried that I wouldn’t like the talk between TK & Owen – this show likes to make TK blame himself for things & I was worried that they were going to go in that direction – so I was so fucking happy with the talk that they had.
This was a talk that felt more like them, like father and son instead of coworkers & sarcastic quips at work.
Owen did something with TK that he has a VERY hard time doing – he showed his vulnerability to him, his fear of not being needed in TK’s life.
I am looking forward to next ep – how much shit does Marj go through? She looked really messed up & I wonder if Paul or Paul and Judd (from the stills we got before the season starts) find her when they all go out looking for her & happen to be the ones that save her from the abusive guy.
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felidaefatigue · 1 year
if i see one more thing about canadian parliament applauding a nazi veteran that isnt simply acknowledging the speaker fucked up im going to scream.
should most of the people in that room known their history well enough to at least be skeptical or confused when asked to stand? sure.
but do i think 99% of people would have clapped? like how many people are immediate dots connected between world wars, dates, each countries stance and alliances at specific times, etc. Like surely a higher percentage of that room than most rooms, but id think most ppl are just vaguely well read enough to connect the dots only hesitantly? And then at that point youde likely think; SURELY these top gov people in charge of making big gestures of political alliance would know better than I. like were social animals and parliament is highly regimented social decorum if everyone is standing and clapping; unless you have a predetermined clear reason to make a statement against it, youre going to stand and clap, and assume you just missed something if you dont know the full reason youre clapping.
Do i think that excuses the speaker whose job it was to choose and vet the people they brought in? absofuckinlutely not. im glad he had to step down. cause that was fucked up on multiple levels. Do I blame anyone for clapping? Not really. Do I wish they would have known better with more confidence to stand against it? fucking yea buddy. But its not like our parliament was like WOO YEA NAZI WAR CRIMINALS! they just went WOO YEA A WAR CRIMINAL! (this is bias hes wouldnt have been specifically a criminal if not the nazi thing but i still think any vet getting that big of a recognition is stupid war is gross; they deserve respect and care but not that.) and being too dumb to make the connection. Which sucks. But not as hard. Hell maybe some of em will brush up on the holocaust now; which would be very nice because we could use some more awareness of that fall in society right now.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
Chugging the bottle, the guide drunkenly looks at her fellow human.
"Jesus. Fycking-"
"How dare-"
"fwuark off you soppy cunt. I don't give two fwa-"
The woman proceeded to puke down a drain, the smell of stomach acid curling stomachs as she wiped her mouth.
"Where was I? Right. Fucking cunts like you-"
"I have-"
"A dildo for a genital. Lovely, great. That's awesome. Uhh, here comes the headache."
Blinking, the woman shakes her head. Hair smacking into the woman.
"What was I saying? Ah right. You're a cunt. I don't care if that's accurate, because you're a cunt. As in, you're some slut who calls patriarchy and other words I don't care about. To justify you. Being a cunt-"
"Mate. I'm Aussie, and if ya wanna squnit. I'm Malaysian I guess. Like yeah, I'm Chinese. But I'm more Aussie. So fuck you racist-"
The woman belched in her face, fists curling as she throws a punch. Yelping came out the younger woman.
"Kids these days, I swear. You lot have no fucking. What's it called? Balls? Fuck I'm hungover. Jesus-"
Her leg caught another punch, sweeping the woman and resting her foot on the girl as she takes another swig of alcohol.
"You dare-"
Leaning down, the force in her face increases until tears stream out the black girl's face.
"Listen here you little shit. I'm a veteran of several wars, I've lived through eight seperate revolutions and I don't care if you're black, white, polka dot, alien, gay, bi, intersex, autistic, fuck Nazis, uhh. Jewish, Swahili, Swedish and other words used to describe people."
She rose, belching into the air as she takes another swig, the girl at her boot struggling to stand or talk.
"You're a cunt. Using the patriarchy as an excuse to push forward in relationships, be a cunt versus me. Who's just a cunt with manners. The only reason why your head isn't exploded is because you're my friend's daughter. Now. Lizzy, go cry to your mother or call the police. I dare you."
Coughing, blood covering the floor as she threw the bottle into a recycling bin.
Pausing, belching some more before she coughed out more blood.
"Urgh. Bleh. Iron. Disgusting. Where was I? Ah right. I don't give a flying fuck. Is shut the fuck up you insolent child, or I'm afraid I'll break your mother's heart. And your skull."
Rising off the girl, punching a woman before he could cry out his protest, kicking the cunt's cunt as she stumbled off. Muttering and mumbling as she crossed the road, jumped the fence, flipped the small crowd and then drove off. Backing into the crowd to disperse the crowd before revving the engine. Harmless smoke flying out the vehicle as she opened the door.
"OI. DELE-oh you're there. Uhh. Hi, sorry. Just had to DISCIPLINE A STUPID CHILD because YOUR MOTHER IS SUFFERING FROM GETTING HIT BY A TRUCK. VISIT HER YOU LUMP OF FUCK! Anyways, get in. I'll explain as we drive to the. Uhhh, you seen the Freo pris?"
The Terran didn't seem fazed, switching between tones constantly as she stared at the green tinted alien.
"YO. Mr, Quazar? You ever seen Freo prison?"
"... No?"
"Get in, I'll show you some history. OI. YOU CUNT. HANDS OFF THE VEHICLE OR ILL BREAK YOUR ARM!"
Shouting at the crowd, whipped into a frenzy as she fired a cap gun.
The crowd grumbled, dispersing as the girl spitefully glared at her.
Grumbling to herself, she got into a friend's car. The woman looking at the alien.
"You gonna get in or-"
"Hold on. How. How did you do that?"
"do what?"
"you went angry at her. And dispersed. Are you-"
"I'm not a leader. I'm a moron who's very good at picking up skills and knowledge."
"... But how-"
"Listen. I could either sit here-"
"And run out of battery, or you can get in and we can converse. Inside a more appropriate facility you sweaty lanky Porpan."
"... So. You've got a strange way of showing you care?"
"no, most certainly absolutely not. Now get in."
The car door beeped, pulling the alien closer. The thin tree based lizard making noises similar to laughing as he stepped into the vehicle.
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akajustmerry · 3 years
hello fellow hater here 👀 wondering your reasons for disliking jodie’s doctor 👁
hello! my bestie deah and i have a whole podcast ep where we discuss this in-depth for an hour and 40 minutes. it was recorded last year but my critiques remain the same so pls go listen to that here at this link for more detail other than the angry dot points i am about to smash out:
Jodie admitted on David Tennant's podcast that she doesn't watch doctor who, has never watched it and doesn't intend to. that lack of knowledge shows in the way 13 has zero personality beyond surface-level reactions. you can tell jodie has no specific grasp on who the character she's playing is and isn't even familiar with her character's history enough to have meaningful interactions with characters (see: jack harkness). its unprofessional and disrespectful to take on a role with almost 60 years of canon and refuse to engage with any of it.
but really if you want a concrete unforgivably repugnant reason to join the prayer circle for this era to end, look no further than jodie's 2nd season where chibnall wrote a scene where the Doctor used her white privilege to hand the master, who was brown at the time, over to the fucking nazis and jodie played it as a gotchya heroic moment. lord knows, rtd and moffat were racist and littered this show with their racism and anti-blackness but at least neither of them ever wrote a scene where the Doctor became willingly complicit in one of history's most brutal white supremacist regimes to one-up a person of colour and frame it as a win.
chris chibnall doesn't give a shit about the mythology, lore or history of this series, and even if he did he's not a consistent or clever enough writer to do anything worthwhile with it. chibnall's prior work on dw was filler eps. unlike moffat, who at least had written beloved iconic episodes with ongoing archs, chibnall's work was all childish filler because the dude may like this show but he doesn't have the ambition or vision to write it and it shows. chibnall rewrote the Doctor's entire personal history just because he didn't want to meaningfully engage with the Doctor's gender-fluidity, and still hasn't even delivered on how the Doctor being the timeless child actually means anything significant for her other than so he can be like "actually the doctor has been a woman before so i don't have to write anything about this character struggling in a marginalised body/dealing with dysphoria except for as a joke occasionally haha".
even the way chibnall brings back monsters/characters from the show's past, its never in a significant or interesting way, but almost like he wants brownie points for making a basic reference without considering the implication of what he's doing.
please also see this post where i discuss how Chibnall constantly making 13 uninformed not only makes him terrible at writing a mystery show but also is a blatant display of his unconscious misogyny.
also, the homophobia/misogyny of chibnall completely desexualising the Doctor now she's presenting as a woman is fucking gross but its also so fucking boring. let the Doctor be horny. its weird they're not given their horny history
chris chibnall has no idea how to write companions. none of them even pass the lamp test most of the time i.e. if you replace these characters with a lamp, how much would change? we don't get to see how these ppl form a significant relationship with the Doctor because it apparently happens off-screen so there's zero character building. their characterisations are inconsistent if they're remembered at all. yaz is a brown Muslim woman yet her race/religion has only been significant maybe twice in 3 seasons as if a time-travelling brown (likely queer) Muslim woman would only experience marginalisation in very specific contexts and not constantly. this goes for ryan and the Doctor too.
this whole flux concept is so fucking nauseating it's like a hallucinogenic nightmare of everything i can't stand about chibnall's "style" if you can call directionless reference mongering a "style"
genuinely don't think any of these hoes can act or have chemistry!! in the past even when i maybe wasn't a fan of the writing/direction of doctor who, i would still enjoy the performances of incredible talents like David tenant, alex Kingston, Michelle gomez, matt smith, etc. but the casting now is shithouse in the way that u can tell chibs is just hiring his mates. with the exception of sacha's master, there isn't a single moment of memorable performance from anyone on this show for the whole time chibs has been in charge. fucking tragic
but yeah in case its unambiguous. i can't stand this racist, toothless, misogynistic, soulless era of doctor who. it literally breaks my heart to see an era characterised by so much historic diversity on the surface be so offensively meaningless. i mean its so bad that rtd, who famously never wanted to run this show ever again, is literally coming back voluntarily.
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Uneasy Listening: Angry Women March 5, 2022
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Photo by Keith Holmes
stream on Mixcloud
Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night Ama-Dots - Hit Girls
DJ speaks over Sort Sol with Lydia Lunch - As She Weeps
Go_A - Жальменiна Alice Bag - Aviéntate Ya Marilyn - So Disgraceful
DJ speaks over Kathy Lynn and the Playboys - Rock City
The Plasmatics - Butcher Baby Vulpess - Anarkia en TV A-Gen 53 - Unsere Körper Machen Uns Sorgen Börn - Böðull The Beach Bullies - My Turn to Win Witchknot - Floozie's Song T.N.T. - Subway Scene Les Paul & Mary Ford - The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise
DJ speaks over Holly Golightly - Grandstand
Słowa We Krwi - Nigdy Twelve Cubic Feet - Tuesday Afternoon Sinéad O'Connor - Mandinka Joy Ryder and Avis Davis - Nasty Secretary
The Rats - Defiance Diamanda Galás - Baby's Insane (Live) Revu - Bex Adres Tyranna - Back Off Baby The Primitives - Crash X-Ray Spex - The Day the World Turned Day-Glo BAM BAM - Stress
Bikini Kill - New Radio The Soundcarriers - Falling Back Rakketax - What's for Dinner Chumbawamba - Georgina Non Band - Wild Child (Can't Stand It) F-Systems - People
Nina Simone - Pirate Jenny (Live at Carnegie Hall, New York/1964) Househunters - Don't Look Back Fega Påhopp - Hålla Masken
Book of Love - Still Angry
Burning Kitchen - Female Today The Linda Lindas - Oh! Dogma Probe - A Word of Warning Sick Fix - Boudica Defectors - You Only Laughed Tacocat - Men Explain Things to Me The Comes - Medium Plastix - Die Deutsche Bank The Spurtz - Boyfriends or Your Money Back
Pinch Points - Reasons to Be Anxious Bazookas - Cattle in a Barn Chit Chat - News Holly and the Italians - Tell That Girl to Shut Up Jungle Nausea - Turn Off ESG - Erase You
Sort Sol & Lydia Lunch - Boy / Girl The Ettes - A Conversation Lene Lovich - Home Glorious Strangers - This Is the USA Devil's Dykes - Plastic Flowers Max and the Makeups - Zerox
Chumbawamba - The Day the Nazi Died
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its-tortle · 3 years
It’s not as if this hasn’t been done before but man could I go for some Wakanda Bucky, Nomad Steve, and cute ass goats. 😩 Just some cute recovering gays amiright 🥺
here you go, my love!! sorry it took me so long <3
read on ao3
The sun is painting golden stripes on the wooden floorboards. Dust dances around in the beams. The curtains are drawn, but the light comes in through the seams of the fabric in little orange dots.
Outside, a city is waking up. The birds are calling through the slow morning air. Children are walking to school in groups, kicking balls between them and chasing after those on bikes. The stores are drawing up their blinds and carrying their stands out onto the street. Bucky knows that Aviwe will be unloading the crates of fruit from the trucks, and Nceba will insist on helping him even when he says she doesn’t need to. Olwethu will drink her morning coffee, watching them with a fond roll of her eyes, and complain to Bucky later about how oblivious they both are. Birnin Zana is coming alive under the morning sun, bustling and busy.
Inside Bucky’s hut though, there’s no hurry at all.
In fact, both residents are still in bed, sharing a big mattress under the orange curtains. Their limbs are so tangled under the sheets that an onlooker couldn’t tell where one begins and the other ends.
They’re both awake, but neither are out of that sleepy state of warmth that accompanies a lazy morning. They’re sated and warm and, for once, not worried about their next fight.
Steve stretches lazily under Bucky’s arm, and Bucky smiles into his hair, tightening his hold on Steve’s waist for just a beat before he raises his own arm out of the sheets and into the stripes of light. He stretches, and then lets it fall back onto Steve’s skin. He absent-mindedly traces a few circles over the constellation of freckles.
“Morning,” he hums.
He hears Steve smile. “Morning.”
Steve tilts his head back from Bucky’s collarbone and gazes up at him. Bucky drops a kiss down to Steve’s lips, just because he can.
Their mouths are both that icky morning kind and Steve’s breath smells like death, but it doesn’t matter. It still lights Bucky up from the inside out.
Bucky nuzzles his nose against Steve’s as they pull back, and revels in the way it makes Steve smile.
“I love you,” Steve tells him.
Bucky dips down for another press of lips. “And I love you.”
Steve’s face ends up back in the crook of Bucky’s neck, and Bucky winds his arm around his big shoulders. They lay there like that for another few minutes, just drifting in and out of sleepiness.
Bucky can’t believe he gets to have this.
“Wha’d’we havta do today?” Steve mumbles into his skin.
Bucky thinks for a moment. “We need eggs. And you need to help me replace that bit of the fence Gladys knocked down the other day.”
Steve groans exaggeratedly and pulls back just a little. “Gladys is gonna knock me down,” he pouts.
Bucky laughs. “Yeah, maybe. But don’t take it personally, she’s just a demon.”
Steve grumbles something unintelligible but undoubtedly dramatic, and Bucky laughs again.
After fighting Nazis and aliens and androids, Bucky finds it adorable that the goats are where Steve draws the line, though, to be fair, they are menaces some (a lot) of the time. But they’re all his own, so Bucky loves them.
Just as he does the big dramatic lug tucked into his side.
The day continues as it began, slow, warm, kind. The days with Steve in Wakanda all feel that way. It’s serenity, as if they’re encased in a bubble, a perfect little world where everything feels molten and dipped in sunlight.
It’s the kindness of the people here, and the long stretches of conversations he has with his neighbors about meaningless gossip. It’s the dramatic bleating of his goats when he goes out to feed them and they way he knows that they depend on him, that he’s their caretaker. The skies are a bright blue most days, and when they aren’t, the clouds roll over the landscape in a quick and breathtaking hour or two, drenching the landscape in crisp rain and prompting thousands of flowers out of the dry ground. The clear water twinkles golden when the sun sets. The stars come out every night.
And Steve.  
Steve might be his favorite bit, as he always is. Here, in this bubble, he puts the weight of the world aside for a moment. It waits, brooding in the corner, knowing it will be taken back up when Steve steps on another jet, but for the days here, it’s ignored. Steve let’s himself just be, and he shines. His cheeks are always rosy and sunburnt, and his hair shines golden in the sunlight. He sleeps in and cooks hearty meals, and complains about how mean the goats are. He tells long stories about Brooklyn, and about Nat and Sam and Wanda. He draws dozens of sketches of the landscape and of Bucky, and learns enough Xhosa to go on a market run on his own.
They don’t have to hide their love here, not from anyone. They get to just exist.
For the first time in decades, Bucky let’s the warmth of it all wash over him and settle beneath his skin. He’s not under any illusions that the bubble will last forever, and he’s forever haunted by triggers and nightmares, but he recognizes that right now, right here, with Steve, they don’t matter.
What matters is that they’re out of eggs, and that the pole that Gladys knocked over needs to be repaired, so he focuses on that.
The market is bright and colorful, with handmade fabrics and sparkling jewelry and so many foods that Bucky had never seen before he came here. It’s always bustling with energy, but today, Saturday, Bucky realizes, is especially busy.
They wander around the area, holding hands for all to see, and point out different stands to each other. Bucky greets the Wakandans he knows and gets roped into a quick conversation with his neighbor Lulama about her aunt that’s coming to visit next week
At her advice, Steve and Bucky get some of the mangoes that are marked way down and then find themselves with a bag full of other sunshine fruits as well. Bucky buys the bread he knows he likes and lets Steve marvel at the display of paintings for longer than is probably appropriate.
Steve buys Wanda a beautiful bright red scarf he thinks she would like, since her birthday is coming up. He resolves to make Sam try some of the jollof when he comes to visit. Bucky watches his eyes light up as he talks about his friends and finds himself so happy that Steve has them, that he made himself a little family.
And that he chooses to spend his time with Bucky, with the mess that he is, despite them, means everything.
They buy eggs at long last, and make their way back to the hut in the afternoon.
-- continue on ao3!
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