#we fell in love but had to break it off against both of our wishes
co-captens · 2 years
Biggest inaccuracy in OFMD is actually the relationship timeline. Have you met queer people?? Gay saps?? In close quarters?? Trauma only slows us down so much, they would have made out in 2 weeks hands down
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
i love you enough
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'roadtrip/vacation' rated m wc: 995 cw: nightmare, implied sexual content tags: friends to lovers, getting together, love confessions, first kiss, loosest way to reference vacation is staying in a hotel
His eyes opened wide as Eddie's hands shook him awake.
"Jesus Christ, man. I thought I'd have to push you off the bed," Eddie sighed, his hold on Steve's shoulders loosening but not going away.
"Sorry," Steve gasped, his breath caught in his chest like he was about to have a panic attack.
This nightmare had been different.
Instead of Robin dying under the mall, it was Eddie. Instead of Steve being able to convince the Russians that he should be taken, Eddie convinced them he knew all they needed to know.
It was the exact type of falling on the sword Eddie would do.
Steve's eyes landed on Eddie, who was watching him silently, looking like he was doing his best not to cry.
"Eds? You okay?" Steve's voice cracked.
"Shit, are you?" Eddie asked back, letting out a disbelieving laugh.
"Yeah, sorry I woke you up."
"You're kidding, right?"
Eddie looked mad. He sounded mad.
"No, I'm really sorry. I know you don't sleep so great, either, so," Steve shrugged. "I wouldn't blame you if you wanna go down the hall to the girls' room."
Eddie blinked at him, silence making the air feel thick with an awkwardness they hadn't had between them in months.
And then Eddie's hands were cupping his face, almost lovingly.
"Do you ever think about how other people care about you?" Eddie asked, barely more than a whisper. "Or how seeing you suffer and then apologize for it breaks our hearts?"
Steve's mouth was opening and closing like a fish, searching Eddie's eyes for the answer he wanted.
"You have no idea how much people love you, do you?" Eddie's forehead rested against Steve's.
"Stevie. I need you to listen to me." Eddie breathed out slowly. "I can't imagine how much you've seen. I know you've told me, and I've seen some of it myself, but half of the shit you've done? Just to keep everyone safe? And you keep seeing it in nightmares all the time. It never goes away. You're so strong. You get up every day and go to work, and cart the kids around, and bring me to appointments, and cook dinner for me and Wayne, and help Robin with her girl problems, and then you go to bed and have to worry about what monsters will be waiting for you. And then you wake up the next day and pretend it didn't happen, but we all know it did. I know it did."
Steve sniffled.
"And here I am, shaking in the corner of my bed because I think I hear a noise outside my window one time." They both let out a laugh, but Eddie continued before Steve could interrupt. "I was scared. I tried waking you up when you first started making noises. You sounded like you were hurt. And then you said Dustin's name and I could feel you shaking. And then-"
"And then I said your name."
Eddie nodded.
Steve placed his hands at Eddie's neck, almost mirroring Eddie.
"You died. But it was the Russians. You convinced them you knew something to distract them from me and the kids, but you didn't so they just kept...they-" He let out a sob as tears fell down his cheeks. "They did to you what they were gonna do to me."
"Oh, sweetheart."
Eddie's lips were on his.
It shouldn't be happening like this, a part of Steve thought.
It should be romantic and sweet, maybe after a date where Steve used all the charm he's been saving just for Eddie, maybe when the reason for the wetness against their cheeks was because of rain instead of tears.
But in a way, it was always going to be like this: admitting too much at the wrong time, saving each other from pain.
Regardless of all the ways it should be and all the ways he wished for it to be, it was perfect.
When Eddie pulled away, he let out a small laugh.
"Robin said this would happen as soon as I said I was staying in your room."
"She said I would have a nightmare that left us both crying and kissing in a bed that is definitely big enough for us to not be cuddling, but we definitely were?" Steve asked with a smirk. "She's good, but I don't think she's that good."
"Oh, shut up," Eddie lightly smacked his shoulder. "You know what I meant."
He did. She'd said the same to him.
"Well, maybe if you hold my hand, I'll be able to fall back asleep?" Steve suggested.
"Yeah, I could do that. Or..."
"Or I could..."
"You could?"
Eddie nipped his bottom lip.
"I could kiss you in...other places..."
"Eds, just say what you wanna do," Steve giggled.
"Fine! I could suck you off so you can sleep!" Eddie laughed.
"You could do that, yeah," Steve nodded, pretending that wasn't enough to rile him up.
"I could. If you want."
"Is it just to help me fall asleep?" Steve asked, suddenly nervous that this wasn't anything more than helping out a friend.
"If I wasn't completely clear before: I love you. I love you enough to sacrifice myself in your nightmares, I love you enough to do stupid physical therapy sessions that I hate because you get sad when I don't go, I love you enough to make Robin take a room with Nancy and Jonathan so I could stay right here with you, and I love you enough to suck your dick to help you sleep."
Steve snorted.
"Be my guest, then," he gestured down at his lap, watching Eddie literally lick his lips.
Just when Eddie was breathing against his stomach, ready to move further down, Steve stopped him.
"Wait!" Eddie looked up at him, eyes wide. "I love you, too. Need you to know that."
Fondness poured from Eddie as he pressed a kiss to Steve's stomach.
"I know, sweetheart."
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
Awkwardness Aside I Care About You
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Request from @loxleys-blog I’m thinking about either being joey’s sister or a relative one of the other friends and growing up and falling for chandler and chandler not realising me until I moved down the hall/in with monica.
Entering Monica’s apartment I flopped down on the long couch throwing my hair across it. I had been tired from work all day trying to come up with a new book idea. I had dropped out of college to become an author while my sisters Phoebe and Ursula decided to find work with only a high school degree. The apartment door opened and closed. “Did Monica band you from the couch so now you’re letting nobody else use it?”
“No Chandler. It’s just my job…it’s been stressful these past few weeks.” Covering my face with my hands I huffed under my breath.
Chandler rounds the couch sitting down when I rolled over making room for him. “Stressful how?”
“I have been wracking my brain about what my next book should be but I’ve got nothing. It’s like I am stuck in this place where I have no inspiration even though I love writing.” I sat upright against the back of the couch with my hands in my lap.
He sent me a smile draping his arm over the couch. “Well then I could help you with getting inspiration.”
“Oh really how so?” I chuckled, curious to see what he had in mind.
Chandler got to his feet standing in front of me climbing up on the table in the center of the apartment. “Picture these two guys watching tv until ... .a dinosaur breaks into the apartment. He tears through the tv and the guys try to fight him off like ah!”
“Chandler!” I gasped when he did a high kick in the air falling off the table and knocked all the stuff off the table.
The apartment door opened and Monica gasped rushing over to him. “What is wrong with you? I just got all the magazines organized.”
“Sorry Monica. I was trying to give Y/n ideas and then fell.” He admitted getting to his feet flopping down by my side.
The door swung opened revealing Rachel and Phoebe who were both excited about something. Turning around on the couch I laid my arms across the couch tilting my head. “Hey guys, what’s going on?”
“I need to go out for drinks tonight.” Rachel huffed sitting down at the kitchen table.
Nodding my head that was that conversation. The four of us girls ended up going out of the apartment building and to the bar where they sold some not so expensive wine. Taking a long drink Phebe started up a conversation I wish she hadn't. “So I know that Rachel doesn't want to talk about her love life but do you have anyone in mind?”
“Oh I don’t think so.” I shake my head no.
Monica had finished half her drink. “You're avoiding the question why?”
“I am not!” I snapped avoiding their gazes on purpose this time.
Rachel tilted her head figuring it out before they did. “I get it now. You do like somebody you just won't fess up to it. Is it somebody we know?”
“Does he live in our building?” She pressed on.
I grabbed the bottle of wine and started to finish the rest off by myself until Phoebe took it from my hands. “Phoebe! Okay fine, yes I like somebody but it would totally ruin our friendship if he ever found out.”
“Is it Joey?’ Monica leaned forward with curiosity.
Rachel and Phoebe stared at me when I shook my head no in response. I swore that my blonde friend was about to jump over the table and tackle me in a huge hug over this. “Oh my gosh it's Chandler. It has to be Chandler!”
“Okay, okay. Yes mystery solved. But news flash is never going to happen between us.” Throwing my hands up in the air I wished it could happen but I knew in my heart we would probably never get together. He has to only see me as a friend. “So let's just forget about it.”
Rachel got an idea in her mind. “If you're so afraid then let's do it as a dare that you would never back down from.”
“If you’re daring me to do anything I'll need more wine.” I said snatching the bottle back across the table. The next morning had come where I didn't feel like getting up from Monica’s couch since I had passed out in her apartment. Phebe fell asleep in her corner chair with Rachel and Monica in their bedrooms.
The apartment door got kicked open causing me and Phebe to jump awake seeing Joey stammering around. “Y/n, how could you not tell Chandler the truth?”
“Hub, what are you talking about?” Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I was confused at what he meant.
Chandler came through the door leaning over the couch where we were so close to having our noses together. “Why did you leave me a drunk message on our answering machine?”
“Um…how would you feel if I said it was a dare?” I nervously asked him, remembering that I basically had declared that I had feelings for him.
Chandler steps backwards, throwing his hands up into his hair still stunned that he didn't see that I had feelings for him before he heard the message that morning. “We swallow our feelings, even if it means we're unhappy forever. Sound good?”
“Chandler, I….I don't think I can accept that if you feel the same way.” Getting to my feet I leaned my body against the back of the couch.
He blinked nervously, chuckling. “Why wouldn't I want to be with you. I mean I've always had feelings for you.”
“You have?” I questioned him covering my mouth with my hands.
Joey and Phoebe silently watched the interaction between their friends. Neither of them was sure what would happen next. Meaning they couldn't look away. Chandler stared at me silently walking up to me and cupping my face in his hands kissing me. “Ohhh he kissed her!”
I gasped not expecting him to do something like that. I was so afraid he wouldn't feel the same but it didn't matter now. “I guess I was worried for nothing. It isn’t awkward at all that they are watching us.” I chuckled, kissing him back until we needed air to breathe.
“It doesn’t matter if they're watching us. I'm just happy I didn't just embarrass myself in front of the girl I apparently have been crushing on my whole life.” He declared before I wrapped my arms around his neck shushing his concerns with a kiss.
Rachel opened her door the same time as Monica, seeing what was happening in front of them. “What did we miss here?” Chandler and I separated sending them each a bright smile of relief.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tags @lover-of-books-and-tea @rosie-posie08
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sparrowrye · 6 months
Demi Demo || Alastor x Reader, A2 part 19
Synopsis: It’s been over a year since we were brought under Alastor’s watchful eye. We’ve unlocked our Demonic powers, discovered our own talents, and began building the Safe Haven with Charlie and co. Alastor seems increasingly interested in the power we hold as one and intends to use it properly.
Previous part
Part 19: magic or not
I was left alone.
No amount of screaming or silence got anyone's attention. The pain contorted my body, my veins pulsing like needles, and spine spasming. I slammed the back of my back against the wall to get the headband off but it did nothing. There was nothing vital on that side to make it break or fall off. It only made my head hurt more.
Tears streamed down my cheeks until I had no energy left, slumping to one side against my arm. My body twitched and convulsed, but I had no energy left to do anything about it. My vision darkened as my lungs lacked precious oxygen.
Something stirred inside me. It felt like a thread being unwrapped. It was magic related, I could tell, but I didn't know what exactly was happening to me. I worried what would happen next but there was nothing to do except wait.
The feeling happened again. It was in the back of my mind, as if it wasn't actually part of me. I wondered if it was supposed to be freeing but it didn't quite have that effect. It tickled the inside of my mind and body, nothing else.
I thought back to Alastor. I might end up killing us both. Why was I always failing? I had been successful my entire life up until I met him. I had defeated all my opponents yet now I barely managed to kill a single powerful Demon. It took so much effort just to kill Striker and he wasn't even a true Overlord.
I thought to when I first tasted his blood in the kitchen. I could almost feel his hands in my hair again, gently tugging on it to get me to stop. I remembered dancing with him in the living room. He had held true to his promise and hadn't made fun of me. He had finally revealed parts of himself and his past.
I remembered when he kissed me. I remembered how warm I had felt. His lips had been oddly soft and his earthy scent made me feel like I was supposed to be there, supposed to be next to him.
Guilt gnawed at me. He had probably been honest. He was probably telling me the truth when we were talking after the fact. Had he actually fallen in love with me? When had that happened?
I remembered his hand on my shoulder as we argued with the Vees. I had felt confident with him there. Even when Vox taunted him, I still felt somewhat confident. The two of us. Together. If people feared me as much as they feared him, I would never find myself in this kind of situation again. People would never come near us or the haven.
Yet here I was, trapped and helpless. All from my own doing. And now I would lose Reagan because of it.
As much as I hated needing him, I wished Alastor was here to help.
As if hearing my plea, he melted out of my shadow and came to stand in front of me. I felt his cold claws lift my face as the headband broke into pieces. It clattered to the floor and my magic gradually came back. Alcine finally came out of my normal shadow.
"Blood," I murmured. An instant later his black blood touched my lips. I lazily ran my tongue along the cut on his palm and tried to bite down, but failed. My physical energy was still gone. My jaw was weak from clenching it so tight for so long, making it next to impossible to press my teeth further into the wound.
He attempted to make it deeper, the blood falling faster, but even my tongue and lips couldn't move very fast. My arms suddenly dropped from the chains and I let out a cry of pain. I fell back against the wall, foot claws sliding out from underneath, still shackled to the floor.
My head lolled to the side and if it wasn't for his hand I would've fallen over on my side. I tried calling on the shadow souls for energy but it was as slow as my physical movements. Just breathing hurt.
"My apologies dear." His other hand lifted my chin as his presence went straight through my shields and filled my entire mind with him. Green filled my vision as his hot magic seeped into my veins. His magic blended with mine, twisting and melding it into something else.
I didn't realize until I felt his blood soothing my aching throat that he was kissing me. His own blood pressed through his teeth and straight into my mouth. My body lurched forward as the combination of all kinds of magic took hold of me. My body buzzed with our shared energy as a magenta color spun around us.
He broke the kiss and I snapped the chains off my feet. I pushed off the wall with newfound energy. Anger coursed through me as Blackwater opened the door, his shadow stretching across the floor to sit at my feet.
Alastor's shadow suddenly disappeared and half my energy went with it. What just happened? I leaned on Alastor for support as he bristled at the new threat.
"Nice to finally meet you, Alastor." He closed the door behind him but didn't come any closer. Something was wrong. My magic was gone as quickly as it had been gifted back. I could feel Alastor's magic just out of reach, too.
"Blackwater, I presume." Alastor spoke as if nothing had happened, as if his magic wasn't just striped from his fingers. His glaring eyes paired perfectly with his smile.
"You'd be correct. Like my new invention?" He raised his hands to the ceiling. "Why be restricted to just a headband when I can turn it into a whole room? Now, we're just two equal men."
"I'm afraid magic isn't what puts you on the same level as someone," Alastor answered. "You have yet to prove yourself as my equal, and I'll have you know, no one has gotten there."
"Not even your precious soulmate?" He nodded his head to me, hands back in his pockets.
Alastor's grip on my shoulder tightened. "You have my attention, Blackwater. So what would you like to do with it?"
The man let out a chuckle. "Keep you out of my way." He threw his hand out of his pocket and sent a blaze of fire at us. We both pushed the other away as the fire split us, the flames nearly reaching the ceiling. Alastor used his cane to stand up and face Blackwater.
I ran at the man first but he casted wind to throw me back against the wall. A small crack popped in back as I slid to the floor. How was he using magic but ours was gone? How was he even using magic at all? He wore no metal backpack.
Alastor's form was entirely black through the flames, smile wicked and wide open as Blackwater casted again. I stayed on all fours and ran along the edges of the room. It caught Blackwater's attention long enough for Alastor to move. The man threw me head first into the wall before Alastor managed to impale the back of his shoulder with his claws.
Blackwater cried out and casted water over Alastor's head. He wrenched his claws out of Blackwater's body and tried to bat the water away. It stayed wrapped around his head, preventing him from breathing.
World spinning, I pushed off the wall and threw my body into his legs. He fell backwards over me and slammed his head into the floor. I closed my eyes to keep myself from getting sick, grabbed at his coat, and buried my claws in his leg.
He screamed and casted fire at my face. Alastor just barely managed to pull me back by my collar. The heat grazed my face as I fell back on top of him. I shook my head, world orienting itself right, and watched Blackwater struggle to his one good foot.
I got back on all fours and zig zagged. I jumped over the casts of fire and went his wind, using its momentum to move faster along the edge of the room. Alastor grabbed his cane before moving towards Blackwater. His main concern was obviously Alastor as he ignored me to cast at him.
I jumped for his feet again, sliding across the floor and knocking him down a second time. I stood up against the door, barely avoiding the wave of fire he casted up. He rolled onto his feet, hands up again.
Alastor pointed his cane at Blackwater but did nothing. They stared at each other, both breathing heavily from the fight. I looked to the door that was partially melting away. I took one step back and threw my body into the lower half.
It folded against my weight and I slipped out the hole. My magic immediately came back to me like fresh air. I quickly casted an illusion on Blackwater to allow Alastor time to snake out of the room.
Something cold wrapped around my throat and hoisted me to my feet. Alastor froze in place as he eyed the person restraining me.
"Don't come any closer!" Finn yelled in my ear. He took several steps back then held a knife right over my heart. "It'll end you both. Don't test me!"
I noticed Alastor's shadow on his wrist before he did. The shadow pulled his hand away from my heart and threw him over the railing. His yell was cut short when he landed on something that splintered apart.
Alastor raised his hands and the sound of large metal screeching echoed through the warehouse. I could feel exactly what he was doing with his magic. The earth opened its mouth and was slowly swallowing the entire building. He punctured gas pipes and lit them aflame, casting everything in a huge, hot orange fire.
"Reagan. Reagan!" I looked around the warehouse. Where did he take her? Where was he? We both turned to see the room empty save for puddles of blood.
Then I heard Reagan. I heard her yelling my name and pounding on a door. I followed the sound, avoiding the collapsing metal beams and blowtorched gas lines. My entire body was sweating and muscles aching.
I found the door she was hitting on. I bent the metal door handle and yanked it open. She immediately wrapped her arms around me, nearly sending us over the railing like Finn. I enclosed her in my own arms and accepted Alastor's hand.
He took us through the shadows far away from the warehouse. Reagan refused to let go of me even once we touched the ground. Alastor looked through the trees and bent the building further into the chasm he had created, the earth successfully swallowing it whole.
Then all was silent.
Alastor kept his gaze on where the building had been. Reagan kept her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I kept my eyes on Alastor's back and my hand on her shoulder.
"Alastor," I breathed. His ear twitched and he turned his head just slightly to look at me over his shoulder. "Thank you."
He glanced at the now empty clearing. "A thank you is in order for you, as well." He finally turned to face us, eyes briefly looking at Reagan's crying form. "I will send you two back. I must stay here a while longer."
I nodded, understanding perfectly why he needed to do that. He reached over to push a collection of hair out of my face, knuckles gently grazing my cheek. A moment later, we were back in the center of the Haven.
Blackwater pushed everything he had into the latch. It groaned open, weeds snapping and dirt crumbling into the manhole. He put a knee up on the surface and leaned into his shoulder to open the latch the rest of the way. He fell forward, cheek hitting the soft grass.
He laid like that for a while, pain radiating through his chest and shoulders. His team of six were all nursing their own injuries back to health.
"You alright, sir?" Finn knelt beside him. He accepted the help to sit up, groaning as he did. "What do we do now?" He helped Blackwater shed his bloodied coat. The sacks of blood taped on the inside were empty now, one of them with claw sized holes. Finn carefully took the tubes out of the back of Blackwater's arms and tossed the mess to the side.
"We recover and try again." Blackwater held a hand over his heart despite the pain being in the back of his shoulder. How close had Alastor been to impaling his heart from behind?
"I need a scout," Finn ordered, looking to see who was the least injured. One of his arms was completely immobile and he was holding himself up at a funny angle, probably from the fall.
Blackwater wasn't one for accepting help, let alone working as a team rather than as a command. Yet he was grateful to have Finn with him. The man had joined him when he was just a teenager and has never come back from a job empty handed or unsuccessful in some way.
Finn ordered the scout to run to the nearest village to get contact. The nearest Blackwater asset would send a team with magic to come get them. They just had to last until then.
It was well into the afternoon by the time their team arrived. He had lost two men in the meantime. The healer fixed Blackwater first before moving to the others who were still alive.
He stood up and snatched a phone from the nearest person, tossing it into Finn's lap so he wouldn't fumble it like he did with Python's blood.
"Get the damn doctor on the phone," he ordered, turning to look at the injured group. "Tell him his timeframe just got shorter."
Author's Note:
@wendigonamecaller @saccharine-nectarine
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beomboomboom · 6 months
I Love You Thrice
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genre: fluff, angst, drunken confession, childhood best friends to lovers
pairing: Seungkwan x reader
summary: The three times Seungkwan has fell in love with you and the one time it lasted forever.
warnings: alcohol, drinking activities
note: This fic is much longer than I anticipated it to be 😭😭 I hope you enjoy reading it though <33
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They say that we fall in love 3 times in our lifetimes. The first is the love that feels right, the second is the love that hurts, and the third is the love that lasts forever.
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The first time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when he was 10. Of course, he didn't know much about love at the time; only that it meant kissing on the lips and getting married so that you would be with that person forever.
But Seungkwan felt that spending forever with you didn't seem all that bad, and if it meant he had to kiss you on the lips in the process, he didn't mind that too much.
He was your best friend after all, and he would do anything if it would mean being with you forever. Playing with you every day was something he would never want to stop doing, even when he grew old like his grandparents.
"Seungkwannie~" you call from the playground. "Are you coming to play? We're waiting for you to start our game of tag!!"
Seungkwan brightens up at the prospect and yells back, "yes! wait for me!"
As he runs toward you he can't help but feel that when he's with you everything just feels so right.
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The second time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when you both were in high school.
Seungkwan didn't want you to know at first, too scared of the possibility of ruining your friendship with him.
But every time he hung out with you, he couldn't help but wish you were more than just friends. He wished he didn't have to hide his desire to kiss you every time you leaned in closer to hear what he had to say. He wished he could just say "be my girlfriend" whenever you complained about a unrequited boy crush you were having at the moment.
But everything changed when your parents announced that you would leave Seungkwan's hometown in Jeju for a life in Seoul.
Seungkwan was heartbroken to say the least.
When you came to his house to break the bad news, tears flowed down your face, "I'm moving away Seungkwan...I-I can't bear the thought of leaving you."
Seungkwan simply hugged you as tight as he could, as if it could be tight enough to make you stay with him. "It's okay, you'll always be in my heart," Seungkwan says with a bittersweet laugh as tears begin to flow down his face as well.
In that moment, all those months of Seungkwan repressing his feelings seem to release. He doesn't know exactly why he decides to share his feelings for you right then and there. Maybe it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. Maybe it was because he simply couldn't hide his feelings anymore, not when you were pressed against his chest. Whatever the case, he took a great leap of faith and uttered the words he would never imagine he'd have the courage to say.
"I like you. I have for awhile. I know it's a terrible time to tell you but-"
You cut him off with a peck to his lips, "I like you too idiot, I should've told you earlier, but it's too late now." A bittersweet smile passes across your face as you cup your hands around Seungkwan's soft face.
Leaning into your touch, Seungkwan bursts into tears again at the reminder of your move. "I'm really going to miss you, you know?"
You let out a soft smile and hide your face in Seungkwan's shirt, breathing in his scent for what feels like the last time. "I know, just don't forget me okay?"
"Never," Seungkwan promises while running his fingers through your soft hair, something he thinks he won't ever be able to feel again.
In just a week, most of the people in his class wouldn't even acknowledge your missing presence. But Seungkwan will never forget you. He could never forget you.
No matter how much it hurt to live life and constantly be reminded of your missing presence, he couldn't ever let himself forget someone as special as you.
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The third time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when he was preoccupied with everything but love.
He had worked his butt off for years to finally get a stable job in Seoul, and at the time he was working his way up the corporate ladder, hoping to get a bit more money into his wallet. This meant practically overworking himself and putting in long hours at work, all for his boss to hopefully notice his hard work.
But, everything changed when you popped into his life once again.
It was a random Sunday afternoon and Seungkwan was just browsing the grocery store shelves, focused on what foods to get for dinner that night. As he was deciding between penne or fettuccine pasta, he felt a person brush past him. Curious, he turned to look to see who exactly bumped into him, only to be met with the back of a girl who felt way to familiar to be just a stranger.
It took Seungkwan exactly 5 seconds to realize who exactly you were. But when he did realize, he felt his lips unconsciously turn up in a smile. "Y/N!!"
When you turned to the sound of your name being called, Seungkwan felt all the air leave his lungs. You were beautiful. The features he had once associated with his childhood best friend had now grown to be more mature.
"Boo Seungkwan? Is that really you?" You ask with a laugh of pure joy and disbelief the minute you lay your eyes on your old friend.
"Of course it's me you dummy. Come on, let me take you to my apartment. We need to catch up on all this lost time," Seungkwan says as he practically drags you out of the grocery store, both your faces reflecting pure happiness.
You and Seungkwan indeed did catch up on lost time. That day, you and Seungkwan spent the whole rest of the day talking about anything and everything at the same time. From what careers you guys were partaking in to reminiscing memories from your childhoods.
In only a few days, you had once again had became part of Seungkwan's daily life. The second Seungkwan got off work you were always there to pick him up, ready to go get some BBQ and Soju where you would proceed to catch up on years of not seeing one another. Then, in the morning after waking up hungover for the 29334 time, Seungkwan would be awoken with a cute "good morning" text from you and some anti-hangover pills on his bedside table.
It was only a matter of time before old feelings began to resurface, and sure enough in only a few weeks of being with you again, it began to occur to Seungkwan how much he really did love you.
He just couldn't help but notice how much brighter his life had become since you re-entered it. No longer was he exhausted at the end of every work day, now he was excited for the work day to end so that he could be with you. No longer did he dread waking up each day to go to work, now he was excited to wake up because that meant he could see you. Frankly speaking, you made his life have motivation.
That motivation being you.
Then it was as if Seungkwan were back in high school again, in denial and hiding his true feelings for you, scared as to what might happen to your guys friendship if he were to confess.
But who knew it would only take one night of Soju to break the cycle.
That night, you had opted out of the daily night drinking after Seungkwan got off work. Mainly because you were fighting a cold, but you didn't get the chance to tell Seungkwan that.
You were only able to let out the words, "sorry I can't go today becau-", when Seungkwan unexpectedly hung up on you.
Truthfully, Seungkwan was disappointed and angry. Yes, he probably shouldn't have hung up so fast and instead heard what you had to say. But Seungkwan felt as if you were blowing him off. So, in response he decided to drink by himself.
In hindsight, this was a terrible and unreasonable choice. One drink led to two, which eventually led him to finish a whole bottle, then another bottle.
And before he knew it, he was suddenly standing in front of your front door at precisely 1 AM. He didn't know exactly how he got there, his mind wasn't exactly processing what was going on, but his feet apparently had a mind of their own and walked to your house.
"Seungkwan? What are you doing here?" Confusion etched all over your half-asleep face after waking up to the continuous beeping of your doorbell.
"I-I-I likee youu. I like you so much, I lovee youu," Seungkwan mutters, his words slurring together, as he leaned forward to try and give you a wet, sloppy kiss.
"UH- Sorry- But, how about we have this conversation when you're not drunk?" You say after pushing Seungkwan's face away from your own.
"whyy~ do you not like me? are you rejecting me? we'll still be friends right? Cuz if not-" Seungkwan rambles drunkly as his face gets pink.
You let out a sigh before saying "Come on" as you lead Seungkwan into your house where he then collapses onto your bed and starts to snore. You silently let out a laugh as you tuck the drunk Seungkwan under the blanket .
"I like you too idiot," you whisper with a smile into the quiet room as you give Seungkwan's puffy cheeks a peck.
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When Seungkwan wakes up he thinks he's dreaming.
Across from him, is your sleeping figure, sleeping peacefully as he simply stares at you in shock.
No way.
Tracing your features lightly with his hand, he lets out a fond smile. He decides that if he's dreaming, he's at least going to enjoy this time with you.
You're so pretty in the morning.
As he contiues to trace your features with feather-light touches, it dawns to Seungkwan that this might not be a dream the second your eyes begin to flutter open.
"Seungkwan?" You mutter, your voice still sleepy-sounding,"I like you too, you know," You say with a teasing smile.
"WHAT- HOW DID YOU KNOW I- WHHAT?" Seungkwan yells as his mind gets thrown for a loop. Suddenly he pauses as all his memories from last night come back to him. The soju. The confession. The response.
No. He did not-
But he did.
"Oh my gosh...I-I'm sorry-" Seungkwan starts to say before pausing. "Wait. Did you just say you liked me back?"
You let out a silent nod as you scooch closer to Seungkwan on the bed and whisper into his ear. "I love you Boo Seungkwan."
"Forever?" Seungkwan questions with a teasing but fond smile plastered on his face.
"Forever," you answer as you lean down to give Seungkwan a chaste kiss on his lips.
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spookymystery67 · 5 months
I Wish I Could Walk In Heels
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AN: Long time no see. This took way longer than I had hoped. I guess life is really kicking my ass right now, so apologies. I really appreciate all the support from everyone who reads/comments/likes my story. It really helps with motivation when I feel like my writing is awful. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I'm hoping that now that we're moving on to the actual game story line that it will be easier to get chapters out now that I don't have to rely fully on my imagination. It's lacking right now lol. Enjoy!
Chapter 19:
“You'd think you and I would have learned our lesson by now.” 
“Just help me get down, you lunatic.” You grumbled once you could look at her properly, as you were finally done spinning in uncontrollable circles.
Ada couldn't keep her composure any longer and let out an amused laugh at your predicament. She tried a few times to stop and regain her breathing, successfully doing so before she looked back up at you, only to begin laughing harder once more when she caught your unamused glare. 
She couldn't take you seriously when you were hanging upside down by your left leg from a beam, struggling to get yourself free from the tangle of wire as you growled at yourself over your failure. Your growling was turned to aim at her when she had made no move to help you down and her laughter showed no sign of slowing down.
“Ada, my love. Please stop laughing and get me down from here.” You said as sweetly as possible through your irritation. You were becoming more and more lightheaded the longer you were stuck up there and your leg was going numb from holding all your weight.
Ada had to brace her hands against her knees to stop herself from falling over due to her laughter throwing her off balance. She stood to full height as her laughter slowed down to a stop, looking at you with fondness and love in her expression.
“Of course, my love.” She moves to help carefully untangle you. “You know, maybe it's time you give up on the grappling hook. It's only ever caused you pain and embarrassment.”
“True, but it also brings you amusement.” You pointed out. Ada nodded in agreement.
“Definitely. But I don't want to see you get hurt, dear. Plus, it's been six years. It's just not meant to be if you haven't got the hang of it by now.” Ada said as she finally untangled you. She quickly caught you as you fell, placing you gently on the ground and holding you steady as you tried to get over the dizziness that nearly made you tumble to the floor of the abandoned warehouse building you both chose to practice in.
You huffed in disappointment. “But I don't want to give it up. It's cool.”
Ada smirked. “Only when you can actually use it correctly.” You playfully shoved her away from you in response to her teasing.
“Well, apparently not everyone can be as cool as you.”
Ada shook her head in amusement as she wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you in close. “Oh hush. You are cool. Just in your own, unique, way that others may not fully understand.” She cooed.
You raised a brow, unimpressed with her teasing attempt to “comfort” your bruised ego. But, you couldn't resist her soft smile and beautiful brown eyes for long. 
Your face broke into a smile and you gave up on being fake angry with her. “Fine. I give up. Clearly the only people that can use grappling hooks are you and Batman.”
“Does Batman use grappling hooks?” Ada questioned, having no knowledge on comic book superheroes.
You shrugged. “How else does he get on top of those tall ass buildings to stare out into Gotham City and brood?”
“The elevator?” Ada sassed.
The mental image you conjured up of Bruce Wayne dressed up as Batman trying to ride an elevator to the top without being seen by civilians makes you let out a cackle. Ada looked as proud as she always did to get that reaction out of you from her stupid jokes.
“So, I was thinking.” Ada started, still holding you in her embrace. “Maybe we can take a break from work for a while. Have a little vacation for a few weeks and just enjoy each other's company.”
You looked back up at her with surprise. “Ada Wong, the most workaholic person I have ever known, wants to take a break from work?” 
Ada raised a brow and squeezed your waist tighter with a smirk. “Is that not what I just said? Do we need to get your hearing checked?” She said as she lightly flicked your ear.
You swatted her hand away with a fake glare. “Well excuse me for being skeptical. Any breaks that we've had over the last six years were the result of me whining and begging you to submit due to sheer annoyance.”
“I was never annoyed with you. I just like to play hard to get.” 
You looked at her in mock confusion. “Hmm, you weren't that hard for me to get.”
“But if anyone asks, I was. I have a reputation to uphold here.” Ada teased. She playfully booped your nose just to see it scrunch up in reaction. Her smile widened as your brows furrowed in slight irritation from the gesture. “So… is that vacation a no?”
You quickly shake your head. “No! Not a no. I wouldn't mind taking a breather. Any place you have in mind?”
Ada shrugged with a smug smirk. “I have an idea or two. But it's a surprise.” 
You had a love/hate relationship with surprises. Under normal circumstances, you hated not knowing what “surprise” someone thought up involving you. But with Ada, you tend to love whatever surprise she had for you. She never did anything that would make you uncomfortable and always took note of whatever interested you and kept them in mind for said surprises in the future. 
“Hmm, alright. Knowing you, I wouldn't hate it.” You accepted.
Ada goes to respond when a voice from behind you interrupted, making her freeze for a moment as she looked over your shoulder.
“So this is what you have been up to these last six years, Ada. Playing house.”
You quickly turned to face the intruder as Ada moved to subtly stand slightly between you and the unknown man. He looked vaguely familiar. But you couldn't quite put a finger on it.
Though judging by the way Ada was immediately on guard, you could easily assume the stranger was bad news.
“I quite honestly never pegged you as the type to settle down. You always seemed to prefer to be constantly on the move.” The man said.
You observed him as he walked closer to the two of you. His demeanor screamed professional and dangerous. The type of guy with a no nonsense and straight to business attitude. He seemed completely unbothered by your presence, or by the gun in your hand that you took out and had pointed at him as you moved to stand by Ada. So she wouldn't be in the crossfire.
The man had blonde, slicked back hair and pale skin. His age seemed to be around his thirties or forties from what you could tell. He wore dark, professional clothing and donned a pair of sunglasses that covered the color of his eyes. 
The sunglasses kind of reminded you of when Ada had worn hers back in Raccoon City, as they were completely pointless in the dimmed lighting of the warehouse you and Ada had deemed appropriate for training.
“Yeah, well, I'm full of surprises.” Ada purred dryly. Her guard was up. Her mask on. Unbothered. Toeing the line between professional and flirty. She nudged you slightly, her way of telling you to put your gun down. You listened, trusting her to know how best to handle the situation.
“I'm fully aware. Don't think I have forgotten that you had backed out of our deal, Ada. You're lucky I have more important things to concern myself with other than wanting you and your little girlfriend dead.” The man said. 
You should have known.
This was Albert Wesker. That's why he looked familiar. You had seen a picture of him six years ago when you were snooping through files just before Raccoon city fell. You also, very clearly, remembered that this man had wanted you dead and for Ada to do the job. You wondered if that was still the case, but decided to keep your mouth shut for the time being.
“Why are you here?” Ada questioned, wanting nothing more than to get you away from the man. But, she had to engage in conversation with him. She already knew that fighting your way out of this would be pointless and needlessly dangerous for the both of you. 
She could handle this without endangering you.
“Business. I have a job for you. One that requires your particular skill set. Despite your previous failure,” Even with his sunglasses on, you could tell from his tone alone that he was giving you the side eye. “I am willing to give you another chance. And you will be paid, of course.”
Ada raised a brow as she swayed closer to shield you once more. 
“That doesn't sound like you. Giving people second chances.” She skeptically stated. Though, it sounded almost like playful teasing with her mask on. You saw right through it.
“You're not the only one who is full of surprises.” Wesker deadpanned. He seemed bored of the entire conversation.
She smirked. “And if I refuse?” Ada seemed to already know the answer to this question, but asked it anyway.
“Simple. I will kill your little girlfriend here.” He pointed toward you, before turning back to Ada. “And then I will kill you. But you already knew this. Don't waste my time with idiotic questions. Now, what will it be?”
You didn't really like being so casually threatened. But you stayed silent.
Ada glanced back at you, who was quiet throughout the conversation, debating. While you felt you both could take him in a fight, you still had to consider the alternative. 
Umbrella wasn't at all as powerful or influential as it was six years ago. Both you and Ada had a part in that downfall. You had a feeling Wesker knew this. Was he even a part of Umbrella still? Neither of you knew for sure.
But you had to assume that he still has some influence in whatever he was a part of. Meaning he had numbers. Meaning he had back up. Of course he has back up, he's not an idiot. You likely wouldn't make it out alive if Ada refused and tried to fight him off. 
All the more reason to accept his threat/offer.
You gave her a single nod, knowing she had a similar thought process as you. She knew the best way out of this situation. She knew him better. Yet she still paused for your input, making a warm feeling pool in your chest at the fact she cared about how you felt in the situation. You forced yourself to brush it off.
Now is not the time to get distracted by the love of your girlfriend.
Ada turned to face Wesker. “We're a package deal. I won't go anywhere without her.” She said, referring to you.
Wesker looked unimpressed, but accepted nonetheless. “Very well. The payment I have in mind is more than enough for two. But if she interferes with the missions in any way, you both will regret it.”
You didn't appreciate being bad-mouthed like you weren't even there in the room to listen. You spoke up for the first time since Wesker had made his presence known.
“Don't worry, I won't sabotage the mission.” You affirmed. You had a lot more unpleasant words you wanted to say in mind, but chose to not risk the situation turning into more of a problem.
Ada nodded in agreement. “I trust her more than anyone to help me get things done.” Her sincerity shone brightly through the mask she donned for Wesker. You weren't sure he even noticed, or cared to.
“Wonderful.” Wesker deadpanned. “Shall we discuss the details.”
You and Ada had to endure hours of debrief from Wesker. To sum it up, the mission was to take place in a village in Spain called Los Iluminados, where you were both to obtain an object called the Amber by someone named Luis. 
You've also both figured out that Wesker is part of the Organization Ada works for. And, by extension, you. The fact that for the last six years, Wesker knowingly and purposely spent the entire time staying out of your radar left you uneasy. If he wanted you dead before, why didn't he just kill you himself? He had the power.
Not knowing exactly what he was planning left you both feeling extremely uneasy. You only had educated guesses based on his past actions to go off of.
“Hey, you know everything is going to be fine, my love.” Ada voiced after you both searched the hotel room for hidden wire taps or anything that Wesker could use to spy on you with. It was clear. You could speak freely.
Her mask was off. The true Ada you know and love returned. Sincere and loving as always, worried about you and how you felt. She could sense your unease from a mile away and wanted nothing more than to comfort you.
You took off your jacket and tossed it on a lounge chair, before facing her fully. “I don't like it, Ada. I really don't.”
She nodded in agreement. “Believe me, I'm not a fan either.” 
“The fact that this entire time we have been together, Wesker knew and did nothing? It worries me.” You said.
“Well, we both suspected he was fully aware of everything. Why is it so surprising?”
“Suspecting and knowing for sure are two, very different, things. I had a small peace of mind when I was oblivious. Now I want to know what the hell he is planning.”
“The only person who knows Wesker is Wesker. Not even his closest 'friends’ know him well.” Ada said. She walked over to the loveseat placed in the very large hotel space. She sat down and encouraged you to sit right next to her.
“Still, six years and not a peep. No threats. Then suddenly he needs you.” You ranted as you sat beside her, on her right side.
“It could be a test. To see if I can be trustworthy.” Ada stated a possibility.
You paused, thinking for a moment. “He sees you as a means to an end. This mission is dangerous. It's very similar to Raccoon City. If you fail, if you die, he'll just send another.” 
Ada smirked, knowing you were right. It does seem like Wesker. “Sounds spot on, my love. He was saving all of his threats until we were needed for a suicide mission. He is sending all of his untrustworthy people first. If we die, which he could think is likely, then his problem will be solved.” She said to you as she placed an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to her.
You lay your head upon her shoulder with a sigh. “What if we don't die and we succeed in getting the Amber? Will he actually pay us or will he kill us?”
Ada paused. “I'm not entirely sure. Though, I am willing to bet that he won't just let us go without issue.”
“So, we won't hand it over?”
“We'll decide that when the time is right.” She shrugged.
“I don't know how I feel about going to this village. From what Wesker said, it's a little too similar to Raccoon City for my tastes.”
“I agree. But we won't be there for very long. Plus, we'll be right by each other's side throughout the whole thing. You have my back, I got yours, right?”
You nodded sincerely. “Of course. I've got you.”
Ada smiled, “And I've got you.” She pulled you even closer to her, if that was even possible. While you always felt safe in Ada's arms, she always felt the same way in your own. It was a mutual comfort.
You turned into a more comfortable position to return the hug properly as you both sat there in a comfortable silence.
“Guess that vacation will have to wait, huh?” You muttered quietly into her shoulder. She hummed with laughter as she held you tightly.
“Seems like it. Don't worry, I'll make it to you eventually.”
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toasttt11 · 8 months
new roommate
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February 5, 2024
The Chicago Blackhawks had just finshed their first practice back after break and was getting their equipment off in the locker room when their coach came in.
Luke closed the door behind him, “Alright that was a very good practice back and let’s keep it going into the next game, good job today guys.” Luke smiled at his team before looking serious, “We will be having a new player joining us soon, he won’t be playing with us for a little bit as he is still recovering from an injury but he is coming out in the next few days.” The team all looked around the room knowing the trade deadline is coming up and we’re hopping none of their team was leaving for this trade.
“Who’s leaving?” Seth Jones questioned stoically looking towards his coach.
Luke shook his head, “No one. We traded for two first round picks for the 2025 and 2026 draft to the ducks.” Maddox looked up from where he was taking his skates off hearing the Ducks being said. “Trevor Zegras is gonna be joining us.” Maddox eyes widen slightly and Alex and Connor both couldn’t help themselves and their eyes looked over towards Maddox.
“So let’s be welcoming to him as he joins our team.” Luke looked around at his team.
“Where’s he staying?” Nick asked in concern knowing how hard it is to get an apartment in Chicago and the Blackhawks only have so many apartments for their players.
“We’re trying to figure that out.” Luke nodded knowing worse case Trevor would stay in the hotel that’s connected with the Blackhawks but it’s not the most comfortable living in a hotel.
“He can stay with me.” Maddox shrugged nonchalantly looking back down at his skates continuing to untying them.
“Are you sure?” Luke doubled checked knowing Maddox loves his own space but he also couldn’t help and feel pride that Maddox was offering even though he loves to live alone.
“My brother would murder me if i didn’t let his best friend stay with me.” Maddox smirked slighty knowing the second the trade gets out Jack will be calling him to tell him to take care of Trevor. Maddox’s comment got a bunch of chuckles especially since most people knew Jack and Trevor are best friend and they all know how dramatic Jack can be.
“Alright we will let him. Thank you Maddox.” Luke sent a smile to the player who will soon be their captain, before leaving the locker room.
February 10, 2024
Maddox leaning against his car waiting for Trevor to come out of the airport.
Maddox saw Trevor eventually come out, walking out with two big suitcases and a backpack and still in his walking boot.
Trevor smiled seeing Maddox and walked over to him, he dropped his suitcases and wrapped his arms around Maddox in a hug, “I’m injured hug me back.” Trevor whispered feeling Maddox just patting his back.
Maddox rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Trevor slighty hugging him before letting go and gently pushing Trevor off of him, Maddox grabbed his two suitcases and gave Trevor a look to stop him from grabbing them.
Maddox put the suitcases in the back of the car and walked to the drivers seat seeing Trevor getting into the passenger seat.
Maddox picked up the Aux cord and handed it to Trevor, knowing how much Trevor loves playing music. Trevor widely grinned taking the cord not seeing the slight soft glance coming from Maddox.
“Are you sure you don’t mind me staying with you?” Trevor questioned broke the silence of the car ride as they just pulled into the parking garage of Maddox’s apartment building.
“It’s not big deal i have the space.” Maddox nonchalantly shrugged running a hair through his hair not seeing Trevor frown wishing he could run a hand through Maddox’s hair, “Besides Jack will kill me if i don’t take care of his best friend.” Trevor’s face fell slight covering it quickly before Maddox noticed.
“Right.” Trevor nodded in disappointment knowing Maddox didn’t care for him anymore than being his brother’s best friend and Trevor had to accept that eventually.
Trevor leaned his head on the window looking around the city that he would not be living in, he didn’t love having to live in the cold again but he was pretty happy to play with Maddox again.
Maddox pulled into the parking garage of his apartment building and parked the car. He hoped out of the car and grabbed the two suitcases as Trevor got his backpack, Maddox slowed down walking so Trevor can keep up with him.
Trevor was looking all around the apartment building as they got into the elevator to go up to Maddox’s floor.
Maddox unlocked his door and opened it letting Trevor walk in, Trevor looked around noticing a lot of very tall windows giving a great view of the Chicago Skyline, the apartment was very modern and a lot of darker colors but Trevor thought it fit Maddox perfectly.
Trevor looked down hearing a meow and saw Mouse, Trevor smiled and petted the cat, the only cat he has ever liked.
Maddox lips turned up slightly seeing Trevor with Mouse, “Come on i’ll show you room.” Maddox headed down the hallway to the one of his guest rooms and opened the door to the one he picked out for Trevor, “If you want to change anything let me know.” Maddox awkwardly scratched his head.
Trevor felt his eyes soften in fondness as he looked at Maddox, “It’s perfect.” Trevor looked around his room seeing the awesome view from his windows. Trevor saw all the boxes he had sent a few days ago and was surprised they were already here.
“Well i’ll let you unpack.” Maddox nodded shoving his hands in his pockets and turning around heading to the door.
“Theo?” Trevor called out, making Maddox turn to him, “Thank you.” Trevor smiled at him, Maddox gave him a tight smile and nodded before leaving the room.
Trevor walked over sitting on his new bed and let out a sigh as he looked around his new home.
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drunkewok · 6 months
Tiger Inside Chapter Thirty-Three
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Likes, reblogs and feedback always greatly appreciated
WC: 3k
Pairing: Lee Know x reader
Genre: Series, Enemies to lovers, non-idol AU, Mafia AU
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, drinking, swearing, violence, weapons
Please do not copy or repost my work
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“I just don’t get it.” My eyes focused on every subtle dip and bump of Changbin's ceiling, my head resting back on his thigh as my hands waved frustratingly through the air. “I didn’t see any sign of Ateez anywhere.”
Changbin hummed as he mindlessly stared at the wall, body propped up against his headboard with his hands tucked behind his head.
“You said they mentioned the peppermint? How would they have known about that?”
“Fuck I don’t know.” I rubbed my hands across my face, my brain enveloped by a hazy fog, fighting off the sleep deprivation. My mind had been running eighty miles an hour the entire night, unable to catch a single moment of shut-eye in the pursuit of sleep. “They must have been close enough to see that I had the peppermint sticking out of my cup, or near us when we ordered them or something.”
“And you asked both Felix and Jeongin about this?”
“Of course! I told you, they didn’t see anything. It’s just not making any sense.” Contemplative silence fell back over the room as we thought of every possibility, the same questions replaying over and over and over in my head as I struggled to break the pattern of thought. I bolted upright, turning around to face Changbin as he stared back with startled wide eyes as I nudged him in the arm.
“What if my phone was bugged!? Maybe they weren’t even near us at all! They could have just been listening in and this is nothing more than a scare tactic!” 
“As much as I’d love to believe that’s the case, it feels a little bit like wishful thinking.” He readjusted his position, sitting up a bit more straight. “I still think you need to talk to Chan about this, I know you don’t want to but he needs to know if there’s a possibility that Ateez was trailing you guys. Like how did they know you were even there in the first place?”
“It'd make sense they'd know if I was bugged.” I turned back mumbling, draping my legs over the edge of the bed, and focused on my feet dangling. “It's not like they're staked out in front of the house, and they definitely can't be everywhere at once.”
“Please, just go talk to him. He might have a further idea that we aren’t thinking of”
I knew he was right. I hadn’t slept for a single moment. Of course there would be details that I could be overlooking. Focus pinned on the wrong things and running me around in circles without any conclusion. I hadn’t wanted to wind up here, but I had found myself pacing my room endlessly repeating the conversation with Changbin in my mind trying to hype myself up for what was to come.
I found myself anxiously standing before Chan’s office door, biting my lip as I tried to plan out our conversation in my head. We had still yet to truly speak since the incident at Blossom, and the thought of standing before him rubbed salt deep into the wound that was inflicted that night, that I was trying so hard to ignore. I finally knocked on the door, Chan’s muffled come in behind the wood ushering me inside. 
“What's up?” His nose was buried deep in the papers he was flipping through, not looking up as he scribbled something onto one of the corners. 
“Chan.” I don't know why my voice could barely speak above a whisper, mentally smacking myself because of my timid state. 
His head shot up from his papers, dropping them onto his desk as the smallest of smiles tried to creep its way onto the corners of his mouth.
“Y/n…” He stood, quickly rounding his desk and approaching me. But stopping short to not get too close and seem too eager, as if I were an animal he was scared of startling. 
“What-” he cleared his throat, trying to center himself and settling his shirt down as he picked up on my more solemn state. “What can I do for you?” 
I pulled my phone from my pocket, clicking on the unknown sender's messages, and handed it over to him. He stared down at the screen, face slowly contorting into confusion as his gaze returned to me.
“What's this?” 
“Last night.” My voice dropped, almost embarrassed to admit what happened. “I think we were followed when we went to the market.” 
“Followed?” He shook his head in an attempt to clear it, turning back towards his desk and motioning to one of the seats in front of it. “Go ahead and sit.” 
I followed behind him, quietly settling into the seat and tucking my hands into my lap, my stomach feeling as though it was doing somersaults.
“So I think the obvious question to ask here is, do you know who?” I shook my head sheepishly, already regretting that I was unable to bring him more information. 
“I've been stewing over it all night, I don't think it was Ateez though. I feel like I would have noticed them.” 
“And I'm assuming there was no one that stood out to you as suspicious?”
“No… I'm so sorry I can't give you more, I've seriously been tossing and turning all night. Felix and Jeongin don't recall anything either.” 
“No no, it's okay.” He waved off my apology before rubbing his fingers into his eyes. “The peppermint, what is that referring to?”
“I had a peppermint hot chocolate, that has to be what that's about and….” Chan stared at me confused as my eyes grew wide and I leaned forward, placing my face in my hands. “Oh my god the hot chocolate, Chan I'm such an idiot.”
“Okay no, you're not an idiot, I just need you to catch me up to wherever you just jumped to.”
“The fucking hot chocolate! A woman came up to me and Jeongin while we were watching Felix play a game! She asked where we got the hot chocolate and I told her to try the peppermint!” With a huff of frustration, I leaned back into the chair, letting my head fall back as I stared at the ceiling. “How did I only just now realize this!?”
“A woman? What did she look like?” 
I closed my eyes, desperately trying to reimagine her face.
“I can't remember much, it was such a brief interaction. Long, black hair? Bangs? I'd say probably like… Mid-twenties?” 
“Well, that sure narrows it down.”
“It was just so quick. She was there, then she was gone.” I sat up, my hands falling back into my lap. “It was such a mundane interaction, it’s not like I immediately thought to start taking notes on her appearance.”
I watched as Chan settled his elbow on his armrest, his hand supporting his chin as his face contorted into deep contemplation. Neither of us spoke, both falling into thought as we started to put together the pieces we had.
“So… Do we tell Jiho?” I slightly adjusted in my seat as I broke the silence, the realization that there might be an uncomfortable conversation to follow just now hitting me.
“Considering this is probably linked to Ateez, I don't think we should.” He rubbed his fingers against his chin. “As far as he knows, we've abandoned looking into them. And he’s not happy about what happened at Blossom, I’ve been on the wrong end of his anger during a few phone calls.”
“Oh, he knows?”
“Of course he knows.” Chan let out a humored scoff, “I hate to say it bluntly, but a building burned down and he had to work with the police to cover up a death. We put a lot on his plate that night.” 
“Right… I guess I hadn’t thought about that.” I hung my head slightly as the thought of that night flashed through my mind, gripping Seongho being permanently etched deep into my brain.
“Y/n-” I looked up to Chan. He was now leaning forward toward me, a solemn expression painted on his face. “I know this feels like an empty apology, because there's no forgiving what I did, but if I could change what happened that night I would in a heartbeat and-”
Taking a slow deep breath, I centered myself. Settling my racing heart as it was finally time to address the elephant in the room.
“I spent ages locked in my room, and it gave me more than enough time to think.” I cut him off, by this point feeling like he had no reason to apologize for his actions. “Deep down I knew you had to. I know how deaths have to be handled. I just didn't want to accept it. Does it make it easier? Of course not. But if Seongho saw me continuing to let this put my life on pause, and prevent me from figuring this shit out he'd kick my ass.” 
I let out a chuckle, giving a pained smile as I looked down at my hands fumbling in my lap. Taking another deep breath, I looked back up to him, trying to muster up the strength to continue. 
“It had to happen this way. At least this makes it so his family got to know, They got closure. If we brought him with us they would think he vanished into thin air. This was for the better.” 
A robbery gone painfully awry. The articles had been posted shortly after Jiho slipped bribe money into the hands of the police, our Father's connections with authority benefitting us even long after his death.
At least Seongho was able to return to his family one last time before they properly honored him in his final resting place below a marked grave.
Chan looked as though he was fighting off his emotions as we held a painful stare before he stood and rounded his desk, opening his arms wide to me. 
I stood, letting him wrap me in a tight embrace that felt like he may never let go. His chest rose and lowered with each slow, deep breath, holding me close.
We let ourselves stand there in comfortable silence, his grip on me tightening as tears unknowingly made their way down my cheeks. 
“I'm so, so sorry y/n.” He spoke up barely above a whisper.
“You stop that.” I pulled back from him, composing myself and wiping the moisture from my face, giving him a gentle pat on the chest. “I forgive you, so how about you forgive yourself now.”
“And Minho?”
“What about him?” I let out a scoff with a forced, fake smile, turning to the windows in an unconscious attempt to avoid looking him in the eyes at the sudden topic change.
“Do you forgive him?” Chan’s voice was gentle, his words feeling more like a suggestion than a question.
“There's no reason to. I'm not mad at him.” I shrugged, trying to play off the comment nonchalantly. Chan let out a humored puff of air, the smallest disbelieving, fake smile on his face.
“That didn’t seem to be the case when you stomped in here demanding to work separately from him.”
“He was holding me back.” I turned around, retrieving my phone from Chan’s desk. “It had nothing to do with that night.” I crossed to the door, trying to make a quick exit away from the diverting topic.  
“You know, I think the two of you still have a lot to learn from each other. ” I turned back to see Chan rounding his desk, hand grazing across the top before sinking into his seat. “Perhaps you could give you and him another chance?”
“I’ll let you know if any more texts come through.” My voice was flat as I turned to pull the door open, hardly giving Chan a nod, and slipping into the hall.
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Click click
Everything had happened so quickly, blinded by the market lights and muffled by the sounds of the crowd.
“I’m so sorry to ask, but where did you get those?”My eyes narrowed, vision unfocused as I tried to recall my memory of the woman’s face as she had stood before me. No features stood out, a passerby that could have blended into the crowd with no attention brought to her.
Click click
She had wanted me to see her, to know of her presence. Why else would she have stepped forward and spoken to us? I had been too oblivious to her trailing us as I let myself get carried away in the night, so she had felt the need to approach. And when I was still too clueless, she continued with the texts. But how did she even have my number in the first place?
Click click
Time had started to vanish from me as I sat planted on the couch, eyes glazed over as my vision of the wall blurred. There was clearly something I was missing, some hint, some clue that would have been right under my nose the entire night.
Click click
A hand wrapped tightly around my fist, pulling me from my thoughts as my eyes came into focus on the feet before me. Slowly glancing up, I look at my hand held in place, then up to the irritated eyes of Minho standing above and staring me down.
“Quit it.” His other hand reached across, pulling the pen from the grip of my restrained hand and pocketing it, before turning on his heels and returning to the kitchen.
So deep into my thoughts, I hadn't even realized his presence on the other side of the room, or the consistent clicking that my thumb had been causing on the tip of my pen with each racing thought.
“Excuse me! I was using that!” I hopped up from my seat, promptly following behind him in protest.
He blissfully ignored me, eyes focused on the pot of ramen before him as he stirred its contents.
“Minho!” I tried to reach around to slip my hand into the pocket of his hoodie in an attempt to retrieve the pen, his hand quickly swatting me away.
“Stop that.” His snap was sharp, like he was scolding a disobedient cat for clawing at the furniture. Still refusing to look at me. 
“Stop being a prick and give me my damn pen.”
He quickly turned on his heels, our faces just inches apart and his stoic expression unreadable. I sucked in a breath of air, promptly holding it in my lungs as his eyes bore into mine within a tense silence that felt hours long. 
“You're in the way.” He spoke monotonically, head slightly cocking to the side as his arm reached up right beside my head. He grabbed a seasoning from the open shelf, turning back to the pot unphased.
I watched as he silently grabbed his bowl from the side, filling it until he was content, and turned to fish utensils from the drawer.
“I made too much. Eat it.” His head slightly turned in my direction. “You get cranky when you're hungry.” Without another glance, he started his way toward the hall.
“I don’t have to do as you say, you know.”
“Suit yourself.” He shrugged, stopping in his tracks and turning back to me. “Then it goes to waste.”
“Hey! Don't leave until you give my pen back!” 
He froze for a moment, brows furrowing like he was deep in thought. His head slowly rose with a smirk, giving another nonchalant shrug.
“Ask nicely.” 
“Oh fuck off.” I spit back. 
“That's what I've been trying to do, Dear!” He called out in a sing-song tune as he left, the softest giggle coming from the distance. 
With a huff and a mental foot stomp to the floor, I turned back to the unattended pot on the stove, just enough ramen for a secondary serving.
“You get cranky when you’re hungry” I mocked in a mumble, but still reluctantly grabbing myself a bowl from the cabinet. 
What an absolute twat. Once again thinking he’s so high and mighty, confiscating my pen from me. He’s lucky that I am just now realizing that I had indeed not fed myself today, or this would surely go to waste out of pure spite. 
I settled myself back onto the couch in silence, letting my mindless focus now go into my bowl of noodles instead of the incessant clicking of a pen. With a sip of broth, I hummed, the realization of hunger promptly hitting me with the first bite.
He’s also lucky that I missed his cooking.
I quickly scolded myself at the immediate thought. This is spite ramen, no matter how good his cooking is. 
It hadn’t taken me long to devour the bowl, the warm broth causing the drowsiness to finally hit me. I set the bowl on the coffee table, grabbing the remote, and deciding to watch just one episode before heading to bed. My head fell on a decorative pillow as I stretched out on the couch, not taking in much of the show as it began to play. 
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I slowly started to stir, one eye-opening while the other stayed squeezed firmly shut to fight off the morning light. Feeling a bit disoriented as I sat up, I realized I must have fallen asleep on the couch last night. Dozing off before I had the chance to pull myself to bed. 
I attempted to stretch my arms and back, feeling tense from the night's sleep on the cushions. The TV had been shut off during the night, leaving the room silent. As I swung my legs over the side, settling my feet on the floor, I realized I'd been kept warm by an unfamiliar blanket. One that I most definitely hadn't fetched for myself and I made the safe assumption one of the boys had probably laid it across me in my sleep. 
I reached for my phone to check the time, quickly seeing that it had died during the night and was of no use. My bowl from dinner had vanished, but my eyes focused on my journal sitting where it once was, and the pen that was being returned to me sitting atop it, Chan’s voice softly replaying in my mind. 
“You know, I think the two of you still have a lot to learn from each other. ” 
“Perhaps you could give you and him another chance?”
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Next Chapter
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Imagine breaking up with San but he can’t get over you...because he’s not supposed to
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You and San had dated for a year and 6 months and in that time you'd obviously gotten to know one another's members. Your girls loved San because he was so caring and sweet. Ateez liked you because you were boisterous and matched their energy but when you and San broke up of course that all went away. Despite being in the same company there was an unspoken agreement between you and San to leave one another's members alone and you typically stuck to it...until some random man old enough to be your father began trying to chat you up.
You were at a company event, something you rarely went to but your leader couldn't come and as the next eldest it fell to you. So you were at the bar trying to look happy to be here when a man came and stood next to you but far too close. He clearly did it on purpose and began talking to you seconds later and then wouldn't shut up. You were polite at first because this was a company event and you had no idea who this man was, but when he wouldn't leave you alone you started getting angry. Luckily you had an angel watching you. You were just about to lecture this man on the gross age difference in couples these days when a hand appeared around your shoulder. "There you are honey!" Wooyoung said "I've been looking all over you..." when he pretended to spot the man. "Ahh so it's you who stole my girlfriend?" he asked with a big smile "the name's Wooyoung and this is my partner Y/n". The man shook Wooyoung's hand and once Wooyoung started asking some prying questions he left. Wooyoung dropped his arm as soon as he was gone and you smiled at him "thank you". "No problem" he said "I remember what your temper was like and figured I should step in before you tackled the guy". You smiled "you know me well" before realising so much time had passed you probably didn't know each other anymore. Wooyoung saw your expression and even though it went against the code he smiled at you. "How are you? We haven't spoken in ages, fancy a catch-up?". You nodded and sat together at an empty table. 30 minutes later you were still chatting and it was so nice. You forgot just how much you missed the Ateez boys and wished everything could always be like this...until you realised why they couldn't be. San arrived at the event.
San saw you and his smile momentarily dropped. He'd just got here and was looking for his members when he found one, with you. You and Wooyoung looked up and spotted him making his stomach lurch. Wooyoung looked down as if he was caught doing something bad, but your eyes were glued to San. Trying to see if he was okay. San quickly put a smile on his face and walked in the opposite direction. You watched San walk away and then swore "I didn't want him to see me". Wooyoung shook his head "Y/n it's okay. We're part of the same company, you're allowed to be here". "Yeah but we both stick to our floors and avoid some another. That's the unspoken rule ever since I broke his heart". Wooyoung frowned. He never got why the two of you couldn't make it work. You were the love of San's life and he could tell you still loved San. Just the way you said his name or looked at him showed that. But apparently, you'd thought the two of you were too different so you ended it. "I should go find him" Wooyoung said and you nodded "make sure he's okay". Wooyoung nodded and set off to find San. He knew where he'd be and sure enough, San was on the outside balcony overlooking the city. "I'm fine" San said hearing footsteps and correctly guessing it was Wooyoung. "You don't need to come running after me every time I see her" San said turning around. Wooyoung nodded "I know". San clearly wanted to speak but didn't have the words. Wooyoung waited knowing he'd say it eventually. "I still get surprised every time I see her but it's not as bad anymore". "Yeah?" Wooyoung asked trying to sound like he believed him. San nodded "it hurts but it's more controllable. Only took a year huh?". Wooyoung smiled sadly "I'm pleased things are getting better and Y/n would be too". San nodded "in some ways it'd be easier if she was meaner. If she wasn't so sorry and didn't pity me so much". "She doesn't pity you" Wooyoung said and San shook his head "yes she does, I see it in the way she looks at me. How she feels bad she couldn't love me". Wooyoung shook his head "that's not what happened" but San just smiled sadly "wasn't it? Wasn't it what it came down to really? She wanted to love me but she just couldn't". "No you just had different ways of expressing it and didn't match up well" Wooyoung said reciting what you'd said thousands of times. He didn't believe it. He thought if the two of you just communicate better and compromised more then it would've all been fine. It was something San and Wooyoung could never agree on but Wooyoung knew not to push too much and so he left it. They got through the event and even though San claimed it didn't affect him it clearly had. 2 weeks later he had a date and was so excited. It was with a nice dancer he'd met and she was super sweet. The guys were all sure she wouldn't hurt San and so were all for it. They all wished him luck as he left and anxiously waited for his return...however the second San walked through the door they knew it wasn't good. "Sannie! Come tell us how it went!" Hongjoong called as the front door opened but San didn't appear. If it had gone well San would've bounded in but he didn't come in until the third call. He stepped through the door and tried a smile "hi everyone". "So how was it?" Yeosang asked cautiously. San nodded "it was nice". "Nice?" Seonghwa asked and San nodded before his face crumbled. "No it wasn't...I couldn't relax the whole time and it just felt wrong! The whole time I just wanted...her" he said and all his members knew he meant you. "I'm pathetic" San cried "she even kissed me and all I could think about was Y/n". The guys went to comfort him when San continued "I'm such a loser! She doesn't want me, why do I still want her? Why can't I move on?". "You're not pathetic or a loser!" Yunho cried and Hongjoong nodded "San this was your first date since your breakup. It's normal to freak out or compare them to your ex". "But is it normal to wish she was your ex? To want the person who doesn't want you even after months?". The others all paused and San groaned. "No, we weren't agreeing" Wooyoung said and Seonghwa nodded "there's no such thing as normal but things will get better". "When?" He asked "seriously, when?". Nobody had an answer for him. After that disastrous date San really closed in on himself. He'd lost hope that he'd ever get over you and the guys hated seeing him so down. He hardly smiled and even his performance seemed half-hearted. It broke their hearts and part of them couldn't help but blame you. So when Wooyoung saw you a few weeks later in the car park he did pause before smiling back at you. You asked how Wooyoung was and he said he was fine before returning the question. You admitted you were just tired because you had a comeback soon but were well. Wooyoung nodded and silence fell giving you the chance to ask what you really wanted to ask. "So how's San?" you asked and for once Wooyoung didn't have the energy to lie. "Not great" he admitted and you froze "why? what’s wrong?". "He's physically fine but mentally he's been losing it lately. He's struggling to move on from you and he had a horrible date". "What was she mean to him?" you asked and Wooyoung shook his head "nope, she was perfect but he couldn't feel anything for her. Not like he does for..." and he trailed off. You blushed and looked down "I'm really sorry San is struggling but breaking up was a good thing. There was no point in us being together when it wasn't going to work". "See you've said that a million times but I don't get why it wouldn't work. San was happy and you were happy. What was the problem?". You shook your head "San wasn't happy". "Why? Did he ever say that because he looked pretty happy". "Well no he never said it...". "Then how did you know?" Wooyoung asked and you shrugged "well I used common sense! San was so loving and physical with his care and I wasn't. How could he be happy with that? He was settling for me and my behaviour and would eventually get bored so I ended it!" you explained and Wooyoing froze. "Are you serious? Was this what you meant by you were too different" Wooyoung asked. You nodded and Wooyoung shook his head "Y/n all of that isn't true! San never felt like he was settling and your differences made you stronger! You taught San a new life and you were so loving! He'd get so excited and tell us anytime you hugged him in your sleep or if you'd grab his hand in the cinema. Or the time you got him a rabbit cupcake just because it reminded you of him. He never felt let down or like he was missing out on something. He loves you Y/n! He still does! Exactly as you are". You froze processing everything Wooyoung said and managed to stutter "but he...how? How could he be happy with it? I don't get it?". "You never asked him so he never explained it" Wooyoung said "Y/n..." when you got it. "shit! Shit! Shit" you cried and you crumpled. You sat on the floor and put your knees up to your stomach. "I ruined everything! I thought I was being smart but the anxiety won again! Again! I'm such an idiot" and the tears started to fall. Wooyoung hugged and comforted you and stayed with you until you stopped crying. "It's not all ruined yet Y/n, I think we can still save this". "Really?" you asked hopeful and Wooyoung nodded "I have an idea" Wooyoung agreed to speak to Sam first and to test the waters but rather than testing then Wooyoung just basically jumped right in. He came home to find San and Jongho eating and stood in front of them. "So I spoke to Y/n" he said and Jongho shot him a look. San looked at him before nodding "ow...". "Yeah" Wooyoung nodded and hesitated, "she told me she thinks she made a mistake". As soon as he said those words a heavy silence descended. "A mistake?" San asked and Wooyoung nodded "breaking up with you". Jongho shook his head "no shit!" but San shushed him "why? What did she say?". "She thought you weren't happy and that you needed more from her. She broke up with you because she thought you were bound to break up with her. That's what she meant by too different". San froze and didn't speak. Jongho and Wooyoung exchanged a nervous look. "San?" Wooyoung asked but he couldn't see his face. Jongho went to touch his arm when San looked up "what the fuck?" he asked. "She broke up with me because she thought I was angry but she never thought to check? She threw it all away because she suspected something? Something that wasn't even true! What's the hell!". Jongho nodded "let it out". "She caused me all that pain and heartache thinking she was helping me? She broke my heart for nothing and now she wants me back? To just forget what happened?". Wooyoung shook his head "no of course she'll acknowledge all she put you through but she never meant to San. She thought she was helping you..." which was the wrong thing to say. "So that makes it okay?" San cried and Wooyoung shook his head "not at all just she never meant to hurt you. She didn't do it on purpose and that does change it slightly". San sighed and Wooyoung could see he was close to tears. "I...I don't even know what to think". "Well you don't have to decide now" Wooyoung said and Jongho nodded "sleep on it". San nodded but they all knew there was no way San was getting any sleep tonight. Wooyoung texted you early the next day telling you he'd told San and he'd...been surprised and emotional. That was fair and you felt awful for upsetting San again after all this time. The only reason you'd agreed to it was that Wooyoung said he thought San wanted you and would take you back but if San rejected you, you'd just hurt him again for nothing. Wooyoung was apparently a magician however because he texted you the next day saying San was willing to meet with you to discuss it and you immediately felt so nervous. Wooyoung asked if there was any chance you could do today because the sooner the better and you agreed. You'd been planning on exercising and doing some chores but San was more important. So you agreed to come over to the Ateez house at 3 and talk with San. You walked up the driveway feeling oddly empty-handed. In the movies, they always brought a bouquet of roses or a boom box or a ticket stub from their first date but that wasn't you and you knew San would see its insincerity. So you approached and knocked on the door before fiddling with your empty hands. The door opened almost immediately and Wooyoung smiled at you "hi Y/n thanks for coming". "Of course" you replied and stepped inside. "San's in the garden, we figured it'd be private and away from the house". You nodded but began to worry because you knew how much San loved the garden and if you couldn't convince San to take you back then it might ruin that place for him forever. It was a beautiful garden too and as you walked down the steps you tried to admire the flowers but all you could see was the man waiting at the bottom. San looked up as you approached and made eye contact with you. Neither of you knew what to do. To look away, to smile, to glare...none of it seemed right so you just watched one another until you were right in front of each other. "Thank you for seeing me" you said in greeting and San nodded "I'm not sure what's going to come out of this if anything, but I knew I had to do this". You nodded "that's fair, should we sit down?" and San nodded leading you to a bench. The air was so so awkward and you knew it wouldn't get any better so you started. "I messed up" you said figuring stating the obvious was a good place to start. "At the time I thought I was being logical and forward-thinking. I thought there was no way you'd be happy with me forever and that our incompatibility would cause a problem. Now looking back on it and thinking about the facts I know I was self-sabotaging. I was ruining our relationship based on no evidence that you were unhappy. I imagined it to save myself the heartache I was so sure I'd face later. I also realise how selfish that was, I hurt you just because I was scared of getting hurt myself and that's not fair or right. I'm so sorry San" you said your voice shaking and San looked away. San was emotional so he bit his lip in what you recognised as an effort not to cry. He took a breath and nodded "we broke up ages ago, you put me through hell so why have you come back now?". "I didn't realise it was all so stupid until I spoke to Wooyoung. This time last week I still thought I'd been smart and had made the right decision but speaking to him...it was like a screen had been lifted and everything I ever thought came crashing down. I didn't want to bother you again, to dredge all this up but then again I acted selfishly. I thought if there's any small chance I can save this, that you would take me back...that I had to take it. I had to try". San nodded but didn't say anything so you carried on. "You don't have to decide today and I understand if you say no. I know I've hurt you really badly and apologising doesn't mean I deserve forgiveness". San sat up straight "I have a question if we got back together then what's to stop this all from happening again? I know mental health isn't something you can control and I'm not saying I wouldn't stand by you through any crisis but I can't handle you turning it against me. Not again". You nodded your hands shaking and mulled over everything you'd been thinking. "This question scares me the most because I can't promise you it will never happen again. As much as I promise to try my best to make it never happen there's no guaranteeing I won't hurt you...". You saw San's shoulder slump and quickly continued. "But I have some ideas of how I can reduce the likelihood". San's head shot back up and he looked at you "how?". "Well firstly I realised I have some insecurities and rejection issues so I want to go to therapy. I know there's still a stigma around it but I don’t care what those idiots think, I lost you because of my issues so I know I need help". San smiled softly "I think that sounds really sensible". You nodded "I also want to improve my communication and I had an idea. I was wondering if once a month or so we could just talk about how we're feeling. I can get out if I'm nervous about anything and you can tell me if there's anything I'm doing or not doing that you'd like. Do you think that would work?". San nodded "I love it but Y/n you realise you can do that any time right? We can totally schedule a specific day but you can tell me how you're feeling any day of the week. You don't have to bottle that up, you can vent anytime". "Really? What if it's about us?". "Especially about us!" San said "honest and open communication is how relationships thrive Y/n and I think they will be the making of ours". 
You paused as said that and blinked "wait so does that mean...". "I'm willing to give this a second go" he said and your face lit up in surprise and happiness. "Oh San that's amazing!" you cried and burst into tears. San had never seen you cry before and that, of course, set him off and then you were both sobbing hugging one another. "I have so many more things I 'm going to do, I'm going to start journaling and I've got a meditation app on my phone and I'm going to ask my friends to discuss their feelings with me..." you listed off and San laughed as you just kept going. The only way he could get you to stop was by gently putting a finger to your lips. "Y/n they all sound great but breathe, you don't have to do anything right now". "I don't?" you asked feeling as if you had to correct everything right now. San chuckled "no...but you can kiss me if you need something to do. I haven't had one for a while". You smiled and nodded "I've missed you" and kissed him. From the house, you heard distant cheering. The two of you got back together and you were grateful every day for San...and for Wooyoung. The boy always bragged that he was the reason the two of you got back together but you both admitted it was true. He did and deserved bragging rights. You did all you'd said and more and were proud to say day by day you were getting better. Anytime you had an intrusive thought about San not loving you or being happy you tested it by simply asking San and he reassured you every time. You felt truly loved by him and wanted to show San he was loved too. You knew he liked cuddles so gave him cuddles as much as you could. You also verbalised how much you liked him and told him you loved him every night before going to sleep. Even if you'd argued or weren't together, you'd text him it. San thought his heart would burst from happiness and all his members were thrilled you were back together. They watched you and San playfully bicker from the kitchen. San was mocking your height and you were arguing back with some colourful words. San clearly found it hilarious and kept saying how cute you were until you started blushing, your angry face gone. San was clearly thrilled with the result and you pushed him before burying your head in his chest. San happily wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to your head. He held you before looking up and realising you had an audience. "What?" he asked his members who all shook their heads. "Nothing" Jongho said and Seonghwa smiled "you two make a great couple that's all". Now it was San's turn to blush and he did before nodding "I know" and went right back to teasing you. "I hope this is it for them now?" Hongjoong said "no more problems". Yunho shrugged "every couple has problems but there's no way they'll lose each other again. Neither of them will let that happen" and they all nodded. The two of you were together for the long haul and nothing could stop that. _______
I obviously hope that none of Ateez get their hearts broken but especially San! He’s just so loving and emotional I feel like he’d take it so hard which is where this came from. 
San is just the sweetest and deserved all the love :) 
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mxargo · 1 year
cold - spencer reid
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summary: spencer is ready to give love another chance, but after maeve he might not be able to.
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
word count: idk
warnings: mentions of past death.
bold italics are you singing to spencer.
based on the song: cold by novo amor.
p.s, i made this so long ago, just clearing out my drafts.
I miss her. i still think about the different futures we could of had, and I didn't even get to touch her.
for some reason, maeve was all I could think about when I'd see y/n.
maybe cause I was falling again.
y/n was perfect. she really was. her laugh, her smile, the way she'd pick out flowers or hand out soft pastries when someone was upset. her warmth and her happiness was contagious.
I couldn't get her out of my mind since I had met her. but when I thought of y/n, I thought of maeve. I felt so guilty and I didn't even know why. it's been four years. I should have gotten over this by now.
maeves gone. I thought I'd accepted that a long time ago. maybe I didn't and just pushed those feelings down, derek always mentioned I did that way too often, but I didn't mind it then.
y/n is here. she's alive, and she's always been there for me. which was only a couple of years but it always counted. I confined to her in so much. more so than the rest of the team, I trust her with my life.
when I got sent to prison she sat on the other side of the glass, looking at me with those beautiful eyes I fell in love with. I didn't want to fall in love again, but I did.
it's not like y/n and I are together, we're not. but, she deserves better. better than someone whose going to think of another girl whose already a ghost. I want to make myself a good enough person for y/n. she deserves that.
more than anyone.
y/n can sing. she sings to me when I'm sad. she sings to me when I practically break into her apartment and fall into her arms. she knows right away how to make me feel better. the same thing over and over again and I love it.
she takes her hand and and plays with my hair while the other rubs my shoulder. it's perfect, like a routine. I'm sad, and I need y/n. she's always here for me, even when I've managed to piss her off sometimes.
but here I am again, in y/n arms as she plays with my hair and rubs little hearts on my skin. her hands are so soft and soothing, which is probably why I end up falling asleep, either to that or her singing. maybe both.
"Heal your frays, just to know you'll wear them thin again. Peel off the name, that i gave and I knew you were within. Forget our nave, the summer spent within"
listening to her washes away everything.
"For all that its worth now you were worth it in the end. For all off your worth I would lapse and fall again. For all that its worth I would have loved you until the end"
I wish I could give her the everything she deserves.
"But i'm cold in your heart and you're branded into mine"
I want to be better. I want to be hers.
Bruise the hope, our endeavour would ever see the light"
I loved maeve. I did, but she's gone now.
"Choose your own, i'll face the world knowing that you've grown"
I love y/n, with everything in me.
"And i'll leave your curls and move past alone"
I want a future with someone, I always have. a wife, kids, a family. I want that.
"For all that its worth now you were worth it in the end. For all off your worth I would lapse and fall again"
I want to protect y/n, I can't lose her too.
"For all that its worth I would have loved you until the end. But i'm cold in your heart and you're branded into mine"
all I can do is look up at her and smile, curling back up against her letting the darkness take over.
she's everything now. hopefully forever.
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ncsdlr · 10 months
Pick and Choose - Blossoming Love
Warnings: cheating (I do not encourage this), CHONI, hints of depression, talks of past trauma.
Pairings: Cheryl Blossom x fem!reader
Word Count: 1566
AN: Well, I finished this way faster than I thought I would, so here we are. I hope this isn't as shit as I think it is. 😃
A month. A whole ass month's worth of all this chatting, dating, and being clingy. You were so tired. You wanted a break, at least for a few minutes. In complete honesty, it wasn't all bad. You appreciated the gifts, the words of affirmation, and the romantic dates. All you wished for was a little distance. Everything was getting so serious so fast, and the fact that Cheryl made you feel so good about yourself didn't sit right with you.
Vulnerability wasn't your strong suit. It made you feel small. It made you feel like you were weak. So, to have someone act so close to you, made you feel things you didn't want to feel. "My love, what is on your mind?"
You tore your eyes away from the invisible speck on the ground and focused on your lover. You shook your head, "Nothing."
"I fear I don't believe that. Something else on your mind must have stolen your attention away from my gorgeous frame."
You internally cringed, not knowing whether to make an excuse or tell her exactly what was on your mind. "I'm just thinking of... things."
"Anything I can assist you with?"
You wrapped your arm around yourself and rubbed it on the bicep it landed on. Cheryl eyed your hand and squinted at it. "Not really. They're pretty mundane things."
Cheryl let you slide and opened her phone as it pinged. She grinned but rolled her eyes at the message she received. It read, "Fine, you win." Cheryl intended to ignore the message entirely, but then she got curious about how things would turn out. So, Cheryl being Cheryl, she let herself fall into the moment. "Meet me on our spot at Pop's."
"Dear, Y/N, I apologize, but I must leave. Something very important has come up. But do expect that once I get back to you, I will have very exciting news." Cheryl gave you a smile before she stood up and left, seemingly in a hurry. You didn't even get a word in, not that you minded.
Finally, peace and quiet. 
On second thought, your book gently fell back against the table as your mind wandered off somewhere no one would ever find. What could it have been? Cheryl would stay with you the whole day, and when she would tell you that she had to leave earlier, she'd let you give out a response before changing her mind and staying instead. You were so curious, it was, honestly, killing you. 
It took every fiber in you to take your book seriously. It was a good book. You didn't want to miss out. 
Toni sat there in all her glory waiting for Cheryl's striking entry, wearing her serpent jacket. She had made sure to dress up the way Cheryl wanted her to, knowing that if she did, their chances of getting back together would be higher. When the bell attached to the diner's door jingled, she turned her head to it, visibly lighting up as she spotted her favorite redhead strutting up to her. 
"I knew you couldn't live without me, I am, simply, the best thing anyone could ever ask for. So, dear Tee-Tee, I hope you've prepared a speech to move me enough to take you back." Cheryl sat on the stool to Toni's right and faced her ex. 
"Cheryl, I know we both can't live without each other. I can feel it. it's like we're bound together by some invisible string that makes us tied to each other. Cher, we complete each other, and this past month without you has been painful as hell." The way Toni spoke was gentle and soft. Cheryl loved this about her Toni. Her Tee-Tee could match the sensitivity of a situation with her words, and that made Cheryl feel safe. Toni handled her with so much care and patience, and she fell in love with that. She fell for Toni so hard and so fast. 
Toni meant everything to Cheryl, and losing her might as well be the world's end. With Toni, it was all or nothing for Cheryl. It was either commit or don't commit. She wanted to commit. They both did, but for Cheryl, something came up. Sure, she still wanted Toni, but not as much as before. Now, she only wanted Toni at a certain level.
They love each other dearly. They cared for each other. But there was this large strain in their bond that made it seem like fixing things or talking it out would not suffice as a fix. They felt compelled to hear the three words they dedicated to each other again, but Cheryl had restraints now.
Then in the heat of the moment, Cheryl found herself leaning back against the counter while Toni pressed her body against her's for a big kiss. It was slow and passionate, something they'd been yearning to experience from each other again. Now that Cheryl had Toni again, everything else just didn't matter, or in Cheryl's mind, fuck it.
They found themselves in Cheryl's bedroom at the Thistle house, making out against her door like they would die if they stopped. It just felt so good. Their hips gyrated against each other, the moment proving to grow hotter by the second. As Cheryl's back hit the soft mattress of her bed all the while keeping her lips locked onto Toni's, it sealed their fate for the night.
When they awoke the next morning, they did their morning routine. They shower together while making no effort to keep their hands to themselves, cooking breakfast, and holding onto each other on their way to school. They were both still reeling off from their midnight escapades the previous night, so the world was pretty much blurred around them. Their focus remained on each other, not even bothering to hide their very couple-ly PDA.
You noticed, of course. I mean, they were everywhere and they were the talk of the school. Most students murmured about Choni being back together, while the smaller half muttered sick comments saying how Cheryl used you to get Toni back.
You weren't going to lie and say you weren't hurt. You were, but not as much as you should be. Were you hurt? It wasn't like you cared about Cheryl at all. It's not like you weren't just starting to get comfortable enough to open up to her. Funny enough, you were, actually, planning on telling Cheryl everything tonight. Oh, well. It didn't matter anymore. She finally had what she wanted.
You proceeded with your day like normal. I mean, nothing really changed, it wasn't a big loss. That's what you told yourself at least. As the day dragged on, you forced yourself together, squeezing your eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them again to relieve some of the drowsiness you felt. When all of your classes for the day finished, you headed to the library and sat down on the floor between two aisles of bookshelves, resting your head in the palm of your hands as you curled your knees up to your chest.
Life, for you now, is uneventful, other than the whole Cheryl thing. Your life before coming to the North side of Riverdale was hell, but it was perfect nonetheless. Your parents were there, your family, your grandmother, your home, your serpent family. It was all you knew, so when you had to move due to Hiram's work, it really crushed your soul. Then came the day of your family slowly being ripped away from you. It was like your heart was being gripped very tightly, thus causing you to feel as if it had stopped beating entirely. But it still was. It just took you a while to realize it. 
After those traumatically tragic events, you opted to just go with the flow, sitting alone and keeping to yourself. You still hung out with the Serpents, of course, they are your only family left after all. But even if that is the case, you still felt like you were the only one who was left in the moment of grief. It looked, to you, like you were stuck in a ditch with no chance of getting out any time soon. It took something that shined as bright as the sun to find a way out, but even then, time was at a standstill for you.  
Along with that came the emptiness you felt. It was like you had something to do, but you didn't know exactly what that thing was. You were in a very complicated ditch, and there wasn't anything to grab onto around you. But there was one, only it was all the way on the other side, and you didn't have enough energy to get up and get to it. You wanted help, yet you were too tired to seek it. For you, it was exhausting to even think about, getting up to help yourself and all that. 
In this ditch, it was dark and cold. It felt like there was this big storm coming and it was nighttime, and there was no safe place around for you to nestle yourself in for, at least, the shortest amount of time. It was like, wandering around the desert, stressed, tired, and cold. It was pressuring. The world was pressuring. It motivated you yet diminished your confidence in conquering its trials. It tested your patience greatly.
And you aren't the most patient person to ever exist.
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awkwardchick87 · 2 years
Hi queen ok ummm if you write for kisaki could you please do headcanons on sleeping with him it could be nsfw or sfw anyone you choose but if you don’t wanna do it that’s ok too I hope you have a nice day thank youuu
Oh I have not written for Kisaki before, but I'll give it a shot!
I'm going with last chapter Kisaki.
Tokyo Revengers spoilers under the cut!
c/w - afab reader, soft Kisaki but also dom Kisaki, smut, rough sex, forced orgasm, use of pet names (baby, pretty girl, slut) aftercare.
Sleeping with Kisaki
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He loves holding your hands when you sleep.
He has to be as close as he can to you.
Rubs your back for as long as you want.
Especially likes it when you lay your head on his chest and he has his arm wrapped around you.
He needs to be up early most mornings, but before he leaves the bed, he pulls you closer and kisses the side of your head.
The sun was peeking through the curtains, casting a bright strip of light across his face. Kisaki's eyes fluttered open as he turned his head towards you. Your eyes were still closed. He squeezed your hand before letting go to pull you towards his body. You shuffled back, molding your body against his, "Mmmm, good morning" your groggy voice made him smile.
He lifted his head, bringing you closer so he could plant a kiss on your temple, "Good morning my love" he mumbled beside your ear. "Wish I could stay in bed all day with you, but I have work today."
Turning over, you snuggled closer into Kisaki, draping your arms across his chest, "You should call Koko and tell him you're staying home today"
Kisaki chuckled, "Baby, you know I can't. Koko would be so pissed. Besides, we have our date tonight. I can't wait to see you in your new dress."
Propping yourself up on your elbow, you looked down at Kisaki, "Hmm, yeah, that's right. I'll be waiting for you to pick me up then."
Kisaki sat up, kissing you before shuffling out of bed, grabbing his glasses off the side table and standing to get ready for his day. You smiled at him as you laid back down in bed, stretching out in the warmth of the blankets.
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A pleasure dom.
Fucks you like he hates you.
Not afraid to use toys.
He will be soft if you ask for it or if you have had a rough day.
Loves when you ride him.
The squelch of your cunt made you blush. Kisaki had you under him, your thighs spread as he pounded into you. The buzz of the vibrator he had against your clit was quickly sending you to another orgasm. You could feel how sticky your thighs were. You had lost count of how many times Kisaki had made you cum. "Come on pretty girl, I can feel your cunt clenching. Cum for me"
His hair was sticking to his forehead as he thrust harder, sending you tumbling over the edge again. Squeezing your eyes shut, your body spasmed under him. You could faintly hear him praising you, "There you go beautiful. Thats it. My good little slut" as he pulled out, finally pulling the vibrator off your soaked pussy.
Taking the chance to catch your breath, you looked up at Kisaki through your lashes as he smirked down at you, "Please, Kisaki, I need a break." he couldn't help but notice the lack of a safe word as he flipped you both over so you were straddling him.
"Oh baby, we're not done yet." He lifted you by the hips, positioning you above his cock, "You have at least one more in there for me, yeah?"
Slowly, you sake down on to his cock, whimpering as he filled you. Tears dotting your lash line, "Yeah, oh f-fuck, yeah I do"
Kisaki hissed through his teeth, his thumb going to your clit to rub harsh circles. You threw your head back as you started grinding on his cock, your next orgasm building quickly. Kisaki bucked his hips up into yours. He could feel the knot in his stomach tightening. "Come on baby, bounce on my cock, Be my good girl and make me cum."
Whining, you lifted your hips and dropped them down. Kisaki groaned, as you fell forward, catching yourself and digging your nails into his chest. "Fuck, Ki, I'm gonna--So fuckin close"
"Yeah baby, go ahead, let go. Cum with me" Rubbing your clit harder, he planted his feet on the mattress and thrust up in time with your bouncing. Your body trembled on top of his as you felt your orgasm wash over you. Kisaki groaned, feeling your cunt clench and flutter around his length, sending him over the edge with you. Hot spurts of cum painted your insides as you gushed around him.
Kisaki pulled you down, on to his chest, kissing your neck and rubbing your back, "Did so good for me baby. Lets get you cleaned up, ok?"
You hummed in response. Your body felt heavy and tired as he shuffled you off of his chest, leaving to get a towel and some water. You watched his back as he left the room, your arms felt like lead as you brought them up to rub your eyes, feeling sleepy.
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Kayce Dutton request: reader has a crush on Kayce but won’t act on it due to who his dad & sister are. She’s also heard rumors about bad things happening at the Yellowstone. Kayce convinces her to give him a chance
I'm Worth a Shot
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You think when you have a crush on someone everything would be so easy. Not my case when it comes to liking Kayce Dutton. I was a bartender at the bar he would visit and we instantly fell for one another in the short time of me serving him drinks after a long days work. Don’t get me wrong he is really caring and loyal but it’s where his loyalty lies that slightly worries me. I hear the rumors of his father and his family just like everyone else and some aren’t good. Today was a slow day where I was wiping down the bar until the door opened and he walked up to me. “Y/n, we need to talk now.”
"What do we need to talk about this time. The work day harder than normal today?" I asked him leaning on my elbows with some of my hair falling over my shoulders.
He shook his head no leaning down being in the same position at me so I was forced to look into his soft brown eyes. "No. Our relationship is what we need to talk about."
"Our relationship. What am I missing here. I am your bartender and you are my customer." I raised a brow at him and what he was saying.
The young Dutton leans closer where some of his curly brown hair fell in front of his eyes. I could tell that he had been drinking some before he had come in here. His natural curly hair was an even bigger mess and I could smell alcohol on his breath. Plus his brown eyes were filling with some tears the next time he spoke to me. “Y/n, listen to me. I have been trying to wrap my head around what I felt for you. The second that I did I knew I needed to find you. Because I am absolutely falling in love with you.”
“Kayce…I don’t know what to say.” I trailed off not sure what to say back to him. Of course I adored the cowboy but my fears were always getting the better of me.
Scanning over his face I imagined a thousand times over what it would be like to kiss him. What it would be like to see our kids running around the yard in the morning. Where we woke up together in bed and got to ride off into the sunset. Moving my hands together in front of me I avoided his gaze briefly. “Look I want you to know that I am almost completely in love with you. And I just want to know why. I want to know why you won’t give me a chance…because I want to call you my girlfriend. I want you to give me a chance where we can be together.”
“Kayce, I…I wish that I could accept my feelings for you. But I have heard the rumors of your family and what you’ve father does to fight for his ranch and the land that he wants to keep. I care about you…it’s just I can’t open my heart cause I am letting my fear control me.” I declare to him walking away from him beginning to clean the bar once more.
He suddenly climbed over the bar grabbing my wrists and holding me in place where I gasped seeing that our faces were so close together that it we leaned in we would certainly kiss. “Then let me prove to you that the rumor isn’t true. Cause I am loyal to my family but I will be completely loyal to you. You would be my whole heart and soul if you say yes.”
"Kayce-" He cuts me off where I gasped suddenly with his hands cradling my face in his hands. Wrapping my arms around his neck instantly I leaned up on my toes suprisingly kissing him back instantly hearing him moan against my lips.
He wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me closer into his embrace. My fingers ran into his curls where he moaned breaking our heated kiss we were both panting. "Please just give me a chance, darling. I want to prove to you that I deserve a shot at being worthy of you."
"Okay...I'll give a shot." I mumbled throwing my arms around his neck laying my head against his chest. He rested his chin on top of my head kissing the crown of it smiling knowing that he had a chance and he wouldn't waste it.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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silversainz · 2 years
I need you to stay
Pierre gasly x reader
Summary: since becoming friends with benefits, Pierre finally realizes one night spent together under the streets that he needs you to stay and not for the night, but forever.
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warnings: suggestive smut, friends with benefits to lovers, lots of angst, light fluff, crappy ending.
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the softness of his hands lingered against your skin as he placed light kisses to your neck going down to your bare shoulder, before locking his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him making you feel his bare warm stomach that made you your stomach twist with emotions of wanting to stay right there in his arms forever but knew you couldn't.
"you awake darling" his morning voice was rusty and something you had gotten quite used to waking up beside. you turned around in his arms to face him, "of course I am. you should know I would be" you gave him a kiss to the cheek before taking his arm off your waist and turning away from him, throwing your legs over the edge of the bed while throwing on his shirt. you felt the palm of his hand against your back pulling on the shirt trying to get you to come back to bed.
"I can't stay Pierre you know the rules" you sighed softly and got up from his bed to look over at him to see him still looking at you. "about just for the day you stay here" you rolled your eyes at him, your mind telling you to stay but your heart knowing his little games he liked to play with you. "can't Pierre" you walked away from his bed into the bathroom, turning on the shower before hopping in it.
as you stood there under the running water, images of last night replayed in your head, the images of of you under him as he thrusted into you in such a soft-loving pace careful to not hurt you after your bad day at work while he hold onto your hands, kissing away all your aches and pain you felt that night, kissing you in such a way that you've ever had kissed before. it was a night to remember, for sure, but a night you knew wouldn't happen again.
as you sat there washing away all his touches from last night, you heard the bathroom door open and close.
"you okay love?" his now soft voice sounded out in the bathroom, god you could cry if you wanted to from frustration and embarrassment of falling for a man who only wanted you for one thing and on thing only.
"Yeah fine" your voice was shaky, you knew he heard it too, by the sounds of the glass door opening and him stepping inside the shower with you. he pulled you closer to him, his hand running everywhere on your body and stopping at your hands, locking his hand in yours, holding it against your chest.
"Pierre..." You started but he hushed you, "stay for the day love" he gently kissed the back of your neck. "I can't and you know that Pierre" you felt your knees go weak at his voice and the gentle touches he gave you, so weak you almost gave in but your heart told you other wise. he slowly turned you around in his arms, resting his forehead against yours, as the water fell on the both of you.
"I know you don't want to, but I want you to stay here, with me for the day or forever" he mumbled the last word thinking you wouldn't hear it but you did, and that caused your heart to break.
"Pierre come on you don't mean that" you unlocked your hands and hopped out the shower, wrapping a towel around your body. Going back into the bedroom to find your clothes from last night.
you heard the shower turn off and the sounds from Pierre angrily storming into the room, "why, why can't you stay" he asked as he watched you throw on your shirt, angrily buttoning up the shirt.
"Because of our deal Pierre, we have sex and then go on with our lives" you reminded him, even though it hurt to say those words out loud, wishing you both hadn't made that stupid deal in the first place.
"okay...but I'm asking you to stay here with me. why can't you do that" you looked at him tears welling up in your eyes "damnit Pierre you know why" you wiped the tears away and looked around for your pants.
"Because you're still in love with me right" you froze in place at that, back facing him as you stared at the wall in front of you. "That's why you don't wanna stay" you felt him behind you. "y/n if you stopped for a second and think, there's a big reason I made this deal with you in the first place" you slowly turned around to face him
"if you knew how I felt about you, why didn't you say something instead of making a stupid ass deal with me to become friends with benefits" you walked up to him, heart screaming at you to leave, but your mind telling you to stay with him. he stood there, fumbling with his hands thinking of the right words to say. "If you knew how I felt about you, why did you make me make that stupid ass deal" you repeated your question louder this time causing him to close his eyes.
"I don't know" he mumbled so quiet that you almost missed the words, but oh you heard them and that made your heart break even more, regret filling up your body as the seconds passed.
"what do you mean, you don't know?" you asked, and watched as he slowly walked up to you looking down at you, while he placed his hands on your cheek, cupping your face. "yesterday I felt something I hadn't felt in awhile with you, and I don't know, but something in the way you whispered I love you, made me realize something.
you blinked in shocked your mind racing with so many thoughts, but the main one was the fact he actually heard you last night saying you loved him, thinking he wouldn't hear it too caught up in the moment of pleasure, to even notice it.
"You heard that" you asked, voice sounding small in front of him now, your heart failing you by the second, as it slowly gave in to his light touches and words.
"yes I did. I shouldn't have made this deal with you. I regret not telling you how I felt sooner. I came up with this stupid ideal as a way to ignore the feelings I held for you for so long" he closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against yours.
"so please stay here with me, and let me prove myself to you that I actually love you and want you to stay here forever"
you stood there quiet the words were stuck on your tongue like glue. you knew what you wanted to say, but couldn't find yourself to say them out loud as you stood there in front of him. Pierre sensed your unsureness and backed away from you, but still looking at you.
"If you want to go that's fine love. but I am sorry for any pain I caused you for making this deal"
you looked down, your heart still yelling at you to stay, but that little thought lingered in the back of your head, it was nervousness and worry that you would regret your decision.
"god please don't make me regret this" you said before running up to him and crashing your lips on his, you choose to ignore those thoughts in the back of your head and listened to you heart instead, that screamed at you to stay with him.
"I would never love" he muttered out against your lips, feeling a smile spread across his face. as he gently picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist while he brought you over to the bed.
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wooniy · 2 years
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PAIRING: ot7 enha × reader
GENRE: fluff, angst if you squint
WARNING: mentions of past toxic relationships ( lmk if you find something else! )
RIA'S NOTE: this is my first time writing something like this, I'd very much appreciate if you could tell me what you think and if you'd like me posting more stuff like this !! l hope you enjoy it while waiting for my prefect crush haha
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– l. heeseung ഽ you're a newly debuted soloist under hybe and, one day, you bumped into heeseung and stained his shirt with your latte. you felt very sorry and embarrassed, which heeseung found cute and as an attempt to spend more time with you, he said you had to buy him a new shirt, but when you guys entered the mall he told you he just wanted to have some fun with you. from that moment you started hanging out while hiding from dispatch and, finally, fell in love, but you were very scared of people finding out and your fans being against it, so the both of you agreed on being in a secret relationship.
I, I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us. So, baby, can we dance, oh, through an avalanche?
dancing with our hands tied (reputation album)
– p. jongseong ഽ you were burnt out with school work and had barely time to sleep, your relationship with jay didn't seem to mean so much to you anymore, you thought that breaking up with him would give you more time and freedom, so one December day you called him over and told him that you thought you both had to break up, at first he tried to talk it out, but then gave up and left, heartbroken. Breaking up with him did give you more freedom and time, but it wasn't the same... months after the break up you still regret everything you said and wish you could take him back.
If we loved again I swear I'd love you right. I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't, so if the chain is on your door, I understand. But this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night, and I'd go back to December all the time.
back to december (speak now album)
– s. jaeyun ഽ you met him in high school when your teacher assigned you together for a project, after that you guys started hanging out and after a couple of months fell in love. He took some time to gain the courage to ask you out, and when he did on a hot summer night, you had no other words than calling him "my lover" and giving him a sweet kiss. Since then you've guys had a healthy and full of love relationship that'll last forever.
I've loved you three summers now honey, but I want 'em all. Can I go were you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home, you're my, my, my, my lover
lover (lover album)
– p. sunghoon ഽ when you guys where dating everyone told you how bad your relationship was: your parents didn't like him and every night ended with fights, screams and, lastly, make ups. One night, while you guys were fighting over something stupid, he said you'd be better off without him, and since you were mad you agreed and kicked him out of your house. You didn't know he was serious until the morning, when you tried to phone him but he didn't respond, neither did he to your messages. A couple of months latter you met a boy and your mother somewhat made you date him, and eventhough you're now with someone "better" who gets along your parents and treats you as if you were made of glass, you can't get over sunghoon neither forget him.
He opens up my door and I get into his car and he says, "You look beautiful tonight" And i feel perfectly fine, but I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain and it's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name, so in love that you act insane, and that's the way I loved you. Breaking down and coming undone it's a roller coaster kind of rush, and I never knew I could feel that much, and that's the way I loved you
the way I loved you (fearless album)
– k. sunoo ഽ your relationship with your ex was extremely toxic: he mistreated you, screamed at you, he even tried to hit you once! when you finally were brave enough to break up with that douchebag you vowed yourself to never be in a relationship ever again. that until sunoo came along, the sweetest, loveliest, caretaking boy you've ever met. Slowly, he teached you how to trust in love again and showed you what true love was like.
And I can still see it all (In my mind) all of you, all of me (Intertwined) I once believed love would be (Black and white), but it's golden (Golden), and I can still see it all (In my head) back and forth from New York (Singing in your bed). I once believed love would be (Burning red), but it's golden like daylight
daylight (lover album)
– y. jungwon ഽ he's the neighbour you've been head over heels in love with for years, but he has only eyes for suli, one of the most popular girls at school and part of the cheering team. When Jungwon confessed and she said "yes", you accepted that you'd be just a casual acquaintance for him forever, watching how happy he is with suli from afar. But not long after they started dating, jungwon came up to you and started talking about how many fights he has had with suli and how tired he is from all that drama. after some months of hanging out you both spoke about thousends of things you two had in common and he started calling you his "best friend", but for you that time with him only made you realize that he really was your soulmate, and now you wish he could see that too.
Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night, I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry, and I know your favorite songs, and you tell me 'bout your dreams. Think I know where you belong, Think I know it's with me. Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you? Been here all along, so, why can't you see? You belong with me
you belong with me (fearless album)
– n. riki ഽ ever since you were little you wanted to know what being in love feels like; you dreamt of meeting your own "prince charming" and imagined the feeling of butterlies in your stomach you got told about, but throughout your middle and high school years that feeling never came. When your last high school year began a new boy named niki was introduced to your class, you both became friends very easily since you had similar tastes. Some months later you started to feel the so called "butterlies in your stomach" feeling everytime you were with niki. You couldn't hide your excitement to finally say that you were in love, so you told your best friend about it, not noticing that the boy you had been dreaming of for the past weeks was behind you. When your friend turned you around and you faced him your heart was beating fast with a mixture of excitement for being close to him and fear if he would reject you, but to your surprise his cheeks turned red as he said "I like you too". You wanted to hug him, but he ran before you could even reach his height. Later, he texted you saying that he really, really likes you, but he's scared because he had never felt this way before and you responded "Your laugh is the best sound I've ever heard, I can't keep my focus when you're around, I think we should be together, and if you fall I'll catch you, if you cry I'll hold you through the night until you smile. don't be afraid please, jump then fall into me"
I like the way I can't keep my focus, I watch you talk, you didn't notice I hear the words but all I can think is we should be together. Every time you smile, I smile and every time you shine, I'll shine for you. Whoa, oh, I'm feeling you, baby don't be afraid to jump then fall, jump then fall into me
jump then fall (fearless album)
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likecastle · 2 years
Ronance Femslash February - “do you really have to go?”
Thank you so much to the lovely anon who sent in the prompt “do you really have to go?”  I’m so delighted that some of you have sent prompts my way! Please keep them coming! (Anon asks are totally fine! You’re welcome to send more than one, if you want! And, for the record, I’m pretty open about subject matter. If a prompt isn’t something that works for me I may give it a miss, but chances are I won’t be offended. Don’t be shy!) You can find previous prompts I’ve filled here.
“Do you really have to go?” Nancy murmurs into Robin’s hair, and all at once, for the first time in a long time, she’s reminded of the day she stood in Jonathan’s empty bedroom, wishing he could camp out in her parents’ basement. She’s always felt that the Byers family moving to California was the beginning of the end for her and Jonathan, though it took a long time to recognize what should have been obvious to both of them. If she’s being honest with herself, which she tries to do these days, the fault lines were there long before Jonathan left—in her insistence that he always put her first, in the idea he had of her that reality could never quite live up to, in all the things they couldn’t say to one another—but even though she knows it’s more complicated than that, some part of her still believes the distance was to blame for the rift that grew up between them.
It worried her, when she and Robin decided to give the thing that was blossoming between them a shot. Nancy worried that their relationship would never have a fighting chance if they only saw each other once every couple of months, if they only talked over the phone. Some part of her is still worried, every time Robin gets on the bus heading back to Bloomington, every time she glances at Robin waving goodbye in her rear-view mirror. Because the thing is, she really wants this to work—even more than she realized when she first kissed Robin over Thanksgiving break of their sophomore year. She wants to make a life with Robin, and she doesn’t want to fall prey to the same mistakes she’s made before.
“Don’t tell me you fell asleep on me,” Robin is saying, and Nancy realizes that she’s been talking this whole time. Robin prods Nancy in the ribs—gently, but her elbows are perilously sharp. “I’m over here whispering sweet nothings to you on our last night together until winter break, and you’re catching up on your beauty sleep? Seriously, Wheeler?”
Nancy groans, and pulls Robin closer against her chest, as much to forestall any further attempted elbowing as to bask in the scent of Robin’s skin, sweat and the ghost of incense and her herbal shampoo. “I wasn’t asleep,” she says against the knob of Robin’s spine. “Just thinking.”
Robin nestles closer, a luxurious cat-like stretch against her. “Oh, yeah?” she asks, and her voice is still teasing, but soft, so very soft. “What about?”
“You,” Nancy admits. She’s tempted to say something provocative, to distract Robin by sliding her hands from her waist down to her hips, but she doesn’t let herself. “D’you ever wish one of us had changed our plans? That I’d transferred to IU, maybe? Or taken some time off to figure things out together?”
She can feel the change in Robin’s body, the way the languid ease disperses from her limbs. “Honestly?” she asks, sounding serious.
This is what Nancy gets for asking, she tells herself. It might not be an answer she likes, but that’s the risk of being honest with each other, of trying, at least, to really talk to each other. “Always.”
“I like how things are right now.” She feels one of Robin’s hands settle over hers, her thumb rubbing slow circles across the backs of her knuckles. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am very much looking forward to living together some day, and sleeping in the same bed with you every night and having, like, so many arguments about whose turn it is to do the laundry or whatever. But we’re good like this. I’m glad we both have the space to be stupid college students, and I also I love getting letters from you that I have to wait to read until I’m alone. You’re a really good writer, by the way, have I ever mentioned that?”
“Maybe once or twice,” Nancy says, smothering her smile against Robin’s skin.
“I guess what I’m saying is, I like that we can be apart, but no matter where we go, or how long we go without seeing each other, I always want to come back to you.” Robin lifts one of Nancy’s hands to her lips and kisses it gently. “OK?”
“OK,” Nancy whispers, blinking against the sudden sting in the corners of her eyes. And that’s enough, Nancy decides—more than enough.
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