#we get it already you hate the show boo hoo
unfunnyandunoriginal · 2 months
“Haha Viv and Hazbin’s writing is all swears it’s so unfunny lel lmao, __ if it were written by Vivzie-“
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mixterglacia · 11 hours
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I don't like this show, and I don't pretend to. Full transparency, I'm meaner in this then any before now. This is also slightly more disjointed than normal because I was directly reacting to the episode it's self.
"I'll hear him and not the voice that says I'm not enough" Oh boo hoo bitch. You've seriously done nothing to convince me to feel bad for this stupid fucking asshole. His writing is full of holes and contradictions. It makes him feel like two different people.
"I'll set us free!" Are you quite sure that means what you think it means you stupid fucking ass.
Framed adoption certificate is a nice touch. Very cute.
Blitz is immediately not coming off how they want. I think they're -trying- to imply he has some deeply buried feelings too, but it comes off as "i didn't want this and i still don't want this, why can't it just be normal hookup shit."
"I'll die alone if this goes wrong!!" You have the emotional depth of a teaspoon and are about as interesting as one. Boo fucking hoo. BAD.
NGL this really made their wealth difference hit home. Why the flying fuck is blitz still bordering on abject poverty dude? You should be able to help him advertise send something IDK man, if you really gave a shit, why aren't you trying to actually help him in a genuine way? I'm sure he wouldn't say no if you slipped a hundred bucks or so into the book every so often. I fucking hate it here.
"Would he want me if he was free?" No. Next question. (You've done very little if anything to prove Blitz actually wants strings attached in this.)
"If he's only here as a prisoner what kind of monster does that make me?" Little late to have this realization but I'll take it. Also can we seriously stop downplaying how awful this is for BLITZ to go through? Stolas is severely over represented in Blitz's own fucking show. Why is Blitz so underdeveloped??? Why, dude? The episodes that mainly focus on him are pretty okay, but once Stolas shows up it's all fucking stupid.
If Blitz rejects him (which he should. Look how fucking anxious he is just THINKING about this.) he could lose his entire way of life. No more apartment, probably gonna get Loona taken away. Probably has to resort to prostitution or return to clowning. Stolas just gets to go about his life of luxury.
Why is Blitz's emotional well being such an after thought in this duet? THIS IS NOT STOLAS' SHOW.
"He showed me that I could choose" ...Dude. You have given no weight to swing that line at us. This isn't much of a choice in the grand scheme of things. Stolas and Stella already had the kid. The marriage never had to last. Not from the impression you've given us. He's a toddler deciding he wants chocolate milk instead of regular. We have never been shown he's actually going to lose anything of real value. He's still a prince. He's still got his money. Like are they trying to have him killed, sure but lets be real he's A PRINCE OF HELL. Assassination attempts are like...Tuesday for him.
GOD THIS SONG IS ASS. I will not allow Blitz to be painted as the bad guy here. Fuck Stolas, and fuck the team for trying to make it seem like we should feel bad for him. They both suck. BUT STOLAS IS OBJECTIVELY IN THE WRONG.
Ah yes, The Helluverse special of "let's yeet a stupid ass joke in the middle of plot, completely derailing anything." it has only been a few seconds and it's already going on for too long. Go learn from Bojack or RvB.
...........This cherub bit is throwing your entire lore off. If these idiots are having to do this shit to get by, why are they acting like heaven bound can do whatever they want in Hazbin? If all you meant by that line is the human souls in heaven, you totally screwed up the message there. Your points are murky at best, and you're contradicting yourself at every turn.
...............Are the cherubs mortal now? Like they're flying and glowing but they have to eat???? Huh? I don't think I've ever realized you're showing they eat a lot, but surely you don't actually have to eat as an angel or demon? Surely it's just a choice???? That's genuinely so fucking stupid???? WHY IS THAT EVEN A THING?
Honestly the stuff with these five would have been a fun standalone minisode. NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF ONE OF YOUR SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT EPISODES.
Bloody alleyway was a phenomenal cutaway gag. Points.
You really are not making it sound like Blitz likes this at ALL.
"If someone wants to see you less and less? Big red flag." NOT IN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, DUH. He's literally a prince of hell in an affair with a """childhood friend""" who was literally PURCHASED for him. The whole thing is a red flag. Not just this!
You are making it exceedingly clear Blitz's just in it because he think's he'll lose the book. I don't give a rats ass about what micro-development you're going for. You take away time needed for showing that Blitz is conflicted on more than one level to do stupid ass tertiary character shit. YOUR CAST IS OVER BLOATED. BAD.
If you wanted me to feel bad for Stolas, maybe don't show that Blitz has an Angel-esque box of sex toys because he thinks he has to impress him. Stolas should have made it very clear AGES ago that he just wants Blitz. If Blitz is this hung up on needing to impress the damned bird, something very VERY wrong is happening in the bedroom.
If you seriously want us to think Blitz has feelings/cares about Stolas (Not that he HAS to), this sex candle shop would have been a perfect place to do it. "Well, he really likes it when I do this-" "This is his favorite colour." "This is his favorite scent." Blitz clearly knows nothing about Stolas, and both of them are to blame. This relationship is never EVER going to work if they know this little about each other when they've been regularly boning for ages. He should know more about what he likes. "What's the mood!?" "I don't know!" Woof. Full stop. This is never going to work in a real scenario. Womp Womp Move on.
Like he seems to MILDLY know what Stolas likes but this should be WAY clearer. Especially if you want us to think Blitz secretly cares too.
Love Fizz's new outfit. Very cute.
Gonna be real, Fizz and Blitz are seriously adorable. Can Ozzie pick him up too and actually show Blitz what being sexually valued is like? Because clearly he pulled it off with Fizz. Because he clearly enjoys sex and it feels like Stolas is just...using him. Not enjoying him. It's gross and SHOULD feel gross, because it FUCKING IS.
This whole bit with the cherubs makes it feel like we aren't supposed to give a damn about the main plot. That it's just a silly background to TERTIARY CHARACTER NONSENSE. BAD.
So far this confrontation is good as far as the pit of dread it opened in my stomach. I still really don't feel bad for Stolas. I feel bad for blitz. Him begging tore my soul out. It's so obvious how bad this power imbalance has gotten. I refuse to entertain these two any longer. This show needs to GROW UP and get over them, leave it here and I will forgive it.
Stolas should have 100% consulted Blitz before OFFICIALLY PUTTING HIM UNDER OZZIE'S JURISDICTION THAT'S NOT OKAY. Even if he leaves him alone, that can absolutely be weaponized.
"Am I not fucking you good enough?" Doesn't come off as him wanting more. Blitz feels like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop. For the love of the gods stop stringing this POORLY WRITTEN. BADLY RETCONNED. PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT A WELL DONE TOXIC RELATIONSHIP ALONG. BAD. MOVE. THE FUCK. ON.
"I care very deeply and have for a long time" You sure as shit never showed it.
To Those in The Back. ONE GRAND GESTURE DOES NOT FIX A TERRIBLE RELATIONSHIP. This is Mr. Peanutbutter with the library thing. This is Not ROMANTIC. This IS EMBARRASSING.
If he really cared, Blitz would not be living in poverty. If he really cared, he'd make an effort to engage beyond sex. IF HE REALLY CARED HE WOULD HAVE DIVORCED HIS WIFE THE PROPER WAY AND NOT TRAUMATIZED HIS FUCKING DAUGHTER OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Stolas is a godsawful woobified piece of shit that doesn't have the decency to acknowledge he's the problem, and when he does, has the fucking AUDACITY to behave like a pathetic child. This I was wrong speech is DOGSHIT and has no punch to it because more than half of the episode was TERTIARY CHARACTER BULLSHIT.
Blitz has EVERY RIGHT to see this as a joke. I immediately burst out laughing because YEAH. WHEN HAVE YOU GIVEN HIM ANY IMPRESSION YOU CARED BEYOND GETTING YOUR FREAK ON?
"Thank you for being here for a little while." Oh boo fucking hoo. Get over yourself. "It's just about sex" BECAUSE YOU NEVER MADE IT ANYTHING ELSE YOU FUCKING BOZO.
I am immediately cheering Blitz on in his retort. He's fucking earned it. You're not going to make me feel bad by making them show up in the room from their childhood. Blitz is completely in the right here.
If Stolas really thought so highly of him, he'd be putting in more of an effort. Stolas treats Blitz the way he treats Octavia. Like they're dolls from his childhood. If he wanted to do right by them, he would. He is FUCKING ROYALTY. There is NO reason he can't put in more effort for the people he supposedly loves. You don't love them. You love the idea of them. You can't accept that they aren't the idea in your head. This isn't love. It's abuse.
Fuck you. Blitz has NOTHING to apologize for.
It's like Stolas doesn't seem to think he's the problem. No shit, of course Blitz isn't going to react the way you thought he would. Why are you just THROWING HIM OUT RATHER THAN TALKING TO HIM? BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO ACTUALLY WORK FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIPS YOU STUPID ASS OWL. YOU WANT EVERYTHING TO BE HANDED TO YOU ON A PLATE YOU RICH DUMBASS.
Fuck everyone trying to paint Blitz as the bad guy.
He's just trying to survive! He has a fucking daughter! A found family! EVERYTHING to lose!
Stolas just gets his fucking feelings hurt. He is the architect of his own undoing. Suck my entire ass. This was easily the worst episode bar none.
The tone was ALL OVER the place, and not in an effective way. The plot moved at a halt and go pace and all the fun bits were BOGGED DOWN by the supposed point of the episode! You can't tell me this shit took all that time, unless you were constantly saying "OOOO YOU KNOW WHAT'D BE COOL/FUNNY?" and shooting your production scheduled in the foot!
The rest of the portraiture being covered up is a very nice touch.
I can't believe you've gotten me to defend BLITZO of all people. But here we are. I guess I'm on his team. (He's an abusive dick, but NO ONE deserves this.)
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
OK so first of all i am not a nate-needs-to-mortify-his-flesh-to-be-redeemed girlie so fucking jot that down. i don't think he needs to grovel, i don't even think we need an extended boo hoo apology scene for anyone involved. nate's story is about reconciliation with himself and others through real self-esteem and contentment, not about whatever christian penance brainrot ppl are coming up with.
but i am fucking baffled by that opening scene with isaac, colin and will visiting nate at work and how -- yet again -- really essential character beats are just happening off screen and we're supposed to be super chill and emotionally swept along by it all?
(long ass v critical post under the cut)
"we want you to come back to richmond" uhhhhhhhhhh "the whole team talked about it and it was unanimous" …….?????????????? like besides the fact that there is literally no established tactical reason why the team feels that they need nate to come back considering they're pretty fucking successful at the moment, the show has given us no reason to believe that would be a decision made by a team that is and needs to be protective of its current interpersonal dynamic!
now again, i want to be very fucking clear as i go through the following that i don't think that nate is homophobic and i'm not accusing him of that, and again i'm not here like 'oh colin needs an uwu special apology'. but lay out the facts as far as the players know (because that's all that's been on screen): nate tore up the sign and ~~someone~~ exposed information about ted's panic attacks to the press - they're himbos but i mean come on. the last interactions between nate and the team - and especially colin - were pretty targeted cruelty and belittlement laced with misogynistic language (that yes, has been used pretty casually throughout the dressing room - not just a nate thing), and then nate goes to work for a club owned by the man who fostered the toxic swamp richmond was to begin with? bro. bro.
literally my first thought was -- how is colin eager to invite someone back who - as far as he knows - clearly very personally hates him, and has leaked information about someone he supposedly liked and respected that he was told in confidence to cause targeted harm to that person… when he just came out within a trusted organization with no intention of coming out publicly??? like no matter how this show tries to shorthand that everything is OK now, because they put no work into reestablishing trust… there is no way colin would take his safety as 100% guaranteed in this situation, and him being the person to insist on talking to nate doesn't shorthand that away!!!
like for me, this mismatch stands out as some fucking straight nonsense again bc you cannot use the horrifically queerphobic atmosphere in and around professional men's football irl for your very special episode and then just never address the personal vindictiveness involved in the character dynamic that was created between nate and colin previously, especially in the face of seeding the idea that someone would be afraid to come out to their trusted best friend because of the 1% chance the casual homophobia they tossed around was indicative of their actual beliefs.
and like ok the tendency of this show to just use experiences that reflect stuff of incredible real life consequence without considering the context or implications is already established. i get it. but like this is just another example of how by not actually engaging with the full consequences of the experiences they're capitalizing on, they've not done justice to any of the characters or representative stories involved.
the reconciliation between nate and the team had such great potential to bring out everyone's issues and have a real chewy resolution! nate getting tossed back into the rupertsphere and seeing the manipulative bullying inherent to rupert's concept of power, and consequently really understanding how that created the environment mirrored in the team's treatment of him, and how he held on to that concept of power and mirrored it back in vindictiveness.
maybe if they brought forward the bex and ms. kakes story to play out earlier (during one of these insanely bloated episodes), and if nate is tied in with letting them both know what was happening with rupert, the two women going to rebecca for advice could have been something that one of the players found out about (idk overhearing rebecca asking keeley for press/legal advice while passing her office or smth). that could have precipitated a conversation among the team that we were actually privy to about how nate stood up to rupert, put whole ass career on the line to protect people being deeply wronged instead of cozy up to power, and did it without publicly Exposing Their Business in order to get public kudos.
that conversation could have been the perfect way to get the team to understand nate's growth from what he did to ted by revealing and having them work through the implications of nates willingness to put protecting people from being harmed above his own need for power and validation, while also protecting their privacy and not seeking public validation at their expense! colin could have had a part in that conversation that both brought his queerness back into the story as something of actual consequence and not just a token feel-good moment, and it could have showed why the team would trust nate enough to hold a vote to ask him to come back to richmond while also showing the audience that the team has truly grown from its unhinged emotional reaction during the west ham match, and not just because they lost a game bc of it!
like idk man this just isn't good enough for me. this whole thing just isn't good enough for me, especially because they've made the implications and the stakes so fucking high by bringing in the incredibly consequential social issues they have. nothing feels earned, and everything feels cheap and flimsy because of it! everything from the journey we deserved to go on with all of these characters, to the seriousness and respect with which the show has treated the experiences they've profited off of, to the patronizing chintz of the last minute emotion-bombs being tossed to us as good enough wallpaper over the structural cracks we're meant to ignore.
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seaweedbraens · 7 months
Saw a recent ask of yours about percabeth was sidelined during BoO and totally agree. I've read all of WCWSTHWAS and I think you did a better job than rick at giving the new AND old characters their time to shine. What's your opinion on the new and old characters and their "screentime" through the series?
VERY interesting question - and thank you for the compliments! personally, i am struggling in my own fic to give every character their Moment. i think jason and piper got theirs, and hazel, leo, and frank will get theirs next chapter. i feel like percabeth's getting all the attention overall ahahaha, but i can't stop myself. i JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH-
hoo is an interesting series. it's very hard to balance a story like that because the way rick did it, he introduced a new cast of characters while keeping the older fan faves (percy & annabeth) still VERY pivotal to the main plot. with this structure, he had the hard task of keeping the new characters fresh and interesting, while also having to make sure that he doesn't do a complete disservice to percy and annabeth, who are already well-known and incredibly loved within the fandom.
it's HARD. i am struggling with it right now, and i have a lot of respect for rick for accomplishing it (partially). i know i criticize rick a lot, but he hit a perfect balance with the first three books of hoo. tlh gave us good stuff from jason, leo, and piper with the PERFECT sprinkling of percy mentions and annabeth acting as a support. the son of neptune gave us all the percy content we were missing + 2 new characters with GREAT origin stories. the mark of athena gave us annabeth. and percabeth. need i say more?
the next two books are FUCKED. rick tried to give hazel her moment, but she is completely overshadowed by percabeth in tartarus. frank gets magicked hot and loses me entirely. leo went from being my favorite new character to my least favorite with the addition of calypso. idk what piper does, and jason is just a vehicle to show off the new favorite - nico. and then rick adds in the nico reveal, which, okay?? i personally was never THAT invested in nico, and his coming out (which is incredible for the lgbtqia+ community, not denying that) came out of left field, didn't align with what we saw of him in pjo, and his coming out itself was forced. literally. which left me feeling...super off about it. if he was gonna come out, it should have at least been his choice.
my point is: the house of hades has SEVEN POVs, a HUGE step up from the usual three, which is...a choice. percabeth (and to some extent hazel) gets the spotlight. the lost hero trio doesn't really get too much screentime other than leo meeting calypso, so why did we get ALL OF THEIR povs? and then...nico is thrust into the spotlight?? why???? we already have 7 characters to focus on. why did we need another? a mess.
and then, in the blood of olympus, we get...five povs. jason, leo, and piper, and...reyna and nico?? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. i did not give ONE FUCK about the journey back to camp with the athena parthenos, and even if it was necessary, why did we need BOTH reyna and nico's povs? at the MOST we just needed one. i HATED leo's new lovestruck ramblings. and the characters that we had grown up with, percy and annabeth, were shafted on a whole new level. i don't remember frank and hazel getting much time to shine either. it's offensive. it's genuinely offensive.
with those last two books, rick completely shatters the balance he spent the first three books doing VERY well. with the last two books, i lose complete sight of who the fuck to care about within the new cast of characters, and so the only ones i DID end up caring about were the ones i cared about all along: percy and annabeth! and what happens to them? they are completely wasted in the final book. after tartarus, we needed one of their povs to know that they were okay, and we got none of that. yeah, NO.
i know i went the fuck off on this and i didn't mean to, i swear! it just gets me so angry, because rick just...was not making good choices towards the latter half of the series. his choice to include percy and annabeth in an important role in the new series was to keep the old audience hooked while still attracting a new one, and he completely botched it. if he was going to make them lynchpin characters, he should have given them the respect they deserve in the final book. if he wasn't going to use them, he should have just left them in supporting roles, the way he did in toa. you can't get both, and i think hoo proves that.
in the end, none of the characters got a satisfying ending (imo), other than maybe nico (LOL), and the audience isn't fuckin happy. or maybe they are, and i'm just an old bitter grandma in her rocking chair screaming about things long forgotten.
(a very late disclaimer: this is all just my opinion. you can disagree with me, and that's cool!)
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mdhwrites · 1 year
To be fair the excuse of Disneymeddling to excuse quality was also aimed at the first season of "boo hoo Dana was forced to make it episodic to appease Disney so SECOND season will be all her ☆ " as an excuse for anyone who didn't dig it at all s1. which i took seriously for like half a second before giving up on the show mid way s2 [sorry I know you like s1 but I found it so boring and s2 as an all her! season did not inspire faith that with or without meddling she could make a solid base for herself at all] Disney however should always be on the hotplate for atrocities against their cartoon creators in general
What sucks is that you apologize... But I also don't blame you. S1's biggest sin is being boring. There are stand out episodes but the majority of the fandom either hates or forgets about half of the episodes in S1. Even of the ones they do remember, how many people are talking about King's stage fright or his plushie boot camp?
But at the same time... Those episodic episodes are some of the most charismatic of the series. The 'version Disney forced on her' is frankly when a lot of the characters are at their best. It's when Willow and Gus are more prominent, it's when Eda is a real criminal, including more often how she's treated by the world, it's while Amity is still trying to figure out who she is. There are GREAT episodes still in S1A despite any Disney meddling.
But admittedly, it's also the introduction to things. They haven't established enough stuff to contradict it and that just highlights that it's really easy to present ideas with possibilities but it's a lot harder to execute on them. When TOH is introducing an element, it does it very charismatically and with a lot of strength honestly. Even a late addition like Vee is given a great introduction to the audience with plenty of wiggle room. Executing on ANY of it though... TOH almost always fails. Eda's curse in S1 is the ONE element TOH introduces, keeps consistent and sticks the landing for and even that then gets much shakier with the redefining of effectively how the curse is ENTIRELY for Eda by the end of S2A. The next closest is Lumity which only doesn't feel rushed because they butchered Amity's potential and character and then only has one episode that takes any real advantage of them being in a relationship. Everything else is half assed or done in some of the worst ways when effort is put into them that don't fit with the tone, story, setting etc.
And again, that's probably part of why S3 nuked the fandom as hard as it did. S3 is a VERY unsatisfying payoff to almost everything in the show. It had to wrap things up and so showed that the writers simply don't know how to do that. Not well at least. Hence why they're STILL introducing elements like the Wittebane Lore and Stringbean so that they can still have the higher points even though some of those elements will NEVER get a real payoff to them. Did we REALLY need to meet the Hexide resistance besides the fact that we could reintroduce characters who hadn't been part of the show for effectively half a season, minimum?
Eventually, you have to work with what you have already. At least in a serialized work. S2A doesn't do that though because it would mean having to follow through on its narrative elements and TOH just can't do that, not for the most part at least, despite always knocking down the episodic payoffs that other shows would go for.
It's in a deadman's land between two identities even in its narrative styling and while Disney is evil, don't get me wrong, it's also still just a company and I doubt they wanted to spend the time or money it would have taken to fight with one of their content creators to make them permanently decide one way or another.
So it never did. About anything.
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thesungod · 1 year
No you're 100% right though literally what WAS the initial appeal of Solangelo if not the fact that Will isn't intimidated by/uncomfortable around Nico. It was his connection to the Underworld that made everyone else wary of him but Will didn't care. BoO even implied that it has NEVER been the case for Will to the extent that he can't really glean why everyone ELSE is so weird about Nico.
i used to have very negative feelings (kinda still do) about Will in BoO being like “nah nico you’re making up the fact that everyone treats you like dirt” after three books of the seven’s pov being like “nico was scary and creepy and he sucked”, but recently i’ve started to think it would make sense for will to say that and mean it, if he’s so genuinely un-scared and awestruck by Nico that he doesn’t get why others wouldn’t be.
not to mention that Nico has been burned so many times that it’s not too unrealistic for him to get mean and defensive to people who try to be his friends. He’s always polite and helpful to the Seven in HoO except for two moments: in the first one Jason asks him if they could be friends after the Cupid mess and Nico’s like L+ratio+mind your own business, in the other Percy tries to honestly thank him for getting Bob on their side and Nico tells him to fuck off.
all of this also adds layers to the idea that Will was never scared of Nico. Based on his HoO characterization, we can make the educated guess that Nico must have gotten nasty and attacked-first-as-a-defense-mechanism pretty often in the early stage of their tentative friendship, and he still decided to stick around.
he’s not even shown to be particularly impressed by nico’s powers in BoO. he’s like sure grandpa let’s get you to bed🙄 when Nico boasts that he will raise the dead to beat Will’s ass if he doesn’t get off or whatever, and it was surely an act, but it also indicated something important: Will was strong willed (lol) enough and liked Nico enough to not be deterred by Underworld stuff.
you’re telling me that a year and a half later, having won the hard battle for Nico’s heart, he suddenly would be not only terrified of everything Underworld, but even more so than we could have imagined?
i’ll admit that ToN was already setting this up by having Will be so disapproving of the Trogs, but i thought the main takeaway had been “okay, Will doesn’t always understand Nico, but he still thinks his boyfriend is supercool for what he does.” Will does end up learning they are pretty okay and shows a lot of bravery in the book.
i also feel like there’s an acceptable difference between will being personally not a fan of going underground and making friends with monsters and will thinking his boyfriend is the best🌈❤️ and so cool🤪💅🏻 for doing so. they can coexist. i personally hate doing sports but you know who i think is super great and wow? men and women who have those big biceps and go to the gym every day. marry me.
and i’m not even against him being a mean little bitch and going like “wow this place sucks🤨” (honestly apollo energy) in the Underworld, nor do i have problems with him being smart enough to be scared of Tartarus (if anything, it’s crazy that Nico is so chill) because it’s refreshing for fantasy heroes to be scared and losers, nor do i deny he’s been shown to be very anxious in ToA already.
i do however have a problem with him “not accepting Nico’s darkness” or shit because ? ? ? the idea could have worked, but i just can’t buy that they’ve been together for a year atp. how do you not know your boyfriend is part of The Horrors™️
i can’t believe i’m the one defending will solace of all people but give my man his balls back❗️
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my thoughts on “my life with the walter boys”
i do not like cole as a love interest
alex reminds me of the awae gilbert blythe
i know they are a sophmore and a junior but it feels freshman/senior
this feels like it came out in 2017
is alex my favorite character? yes, yes he is
see i thought “i don’t hate cole as a person, just as a love interest” but i was wrong i just think i don’t like him at all
i am obsessed with alex
i will be pissed if she ends up with cole
why are you avoiding him? why would she avoid him?
erin deserves better
okay finally it’s already been five episodes
and the sunshine
oh cry about boo hoo
oh wait they’re like together together this will not end well
do i really like them together or do i just really like alex
why is she going to end up with cole? because i can tell she will and i hate this story line
okay maybe i hate the storyline because i don’t like cole
i also hate the jealousy fighty thing
im consistently will less
also just episode six in general
he’s so gilberty, he needs to act less PDA ish personally
okay that was your redemption alex, thanks
why isn’t kiley a lesbian, i thought she was a lesbian. plot twist another person is in love with main character (i wish)
even though she is not my favorite
i will live in denial that she has not feelings for him
a song is too intense but that is so mean
“don’t do that” i love her she’s right. will sucks
i should have realized they were twins
do the parents know they’re dating? like they’re living the the same house? is that weird?
okay so they are just now learning about jackie and alex
yes i did just remember the main character name after forgetting for a bit
sometimes a height difference is cute, but cole and jackie? that feels creepy
why would you say that alex? no stop your backtracking sounds fake
also why is his hair always wet? i get it, he’s cute but that feels a bit much for how often they do it
never mind i don’t even care he’s just
kiley in the background :( we do not need more people in this triangle
oooh should she date the other twin?
“why are you even with him?” “you’re with him because he’s safe” wah wah. these two don’t have chemistry, shut up
this trope works in certain cases, this however is not a belly/conrad situation
this feels like an okay redemption, i still don’t like them together
if he just said he would never hurt his little brother why would you almost kiss him
yes it took me until episode nine to know all of their names
yeah i think i just like them all less as the show goes on
i got distracted and do not know if i plan on finishing this
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
MIRAGE - The Most Beautiful Mirror in the World 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofers: Bella & feesh
"I’ll be seriously depressed if our popularity drops drastically the moment the “younger of the brothers” appears, though."
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Hall 2nd Floor Passage
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Flashback: A couple days ago, in the Starmony Dorm Hallway
Hinata: Hellooo~, Yuuta-kun, you here~…?
Please open your door! Don’tcha wanna talk with Onii-chan? If not, then I’ll be the little brother today! How’s that sound?
Onii-chan, Onii-chan! If you don’t come out soon, I’ll hate you~! ♪
…No reply! No cracking down on my wisecracking! It’s a cruel concrete jungle in here!
Sob sob sob… Somebody help~... My cute brother has become a shut-in~… Boo-hoo-hoo… (crying noises)
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Yuuta: …Could you not make strange noises in front of other people’s rooms?[1]
Hinata: Ah! Yuuta-kun! I missed you…☆
Yuuta: I didn’t want to see you. Whenever I see your face, Aniki, I just think about people such as the Aoi Yuuta who showed their ugly side during the SS, and get depressed.[2]
Hinata: Just what was ugly about it? Like, true, we duped our way into the main competition… It’s not like anyone actually expected us to get there in the first place, right~?
That’s the general gist of things if you poke around online too! Y’know, stuff like “Against all odds!” and “Defying the competition!”
Of course, our long-time fans are genuinely psyched for us, yeah?
And don’tcha think it was quite the surprise for the fans of other units too?
The line-up for the preliminaries was a total stage from hell, jam-packed with powerful units, you know?
Yuuta: How could you look at something like the internet right after the disaster that was the SS, Aniki? Some nerve you’ve got.
Hinata: Our nerves are the same through and through~. How many times have I said it already~, the SS wasn’t a complete disaster! We put up a nice fight!
In fact, a new job came in, likely because of our performance! Check it out! A proposal!
Yuuta: New work…? I’m really not in the mood, though…
Hinata: Professionals don’t work based on their mood!
Yuuta: Right. …Hmm? I haven’t opened HoldHands yet, so this is the first time I’m seein’ this…
What is this? A request to perform on Volcano Island?
Hinata: That’s right! It really surprised me, y’know~, I didn’t expect to get a request to appear on that program again! I thought maybe they sent the email to the wrong person, so I gave them a call just to check!
Yuuta: Volcano Island… That’s the stupid show that asked only one of us to perform despite our selling point being twins, wasn’t it?
Hinata: That’s a harsh way to put it! It was a very complicated situation! It’s a super famous program where having just one of us perform was enough for us to gain prestige, wasn’t it~?!
We gained a whole slew of fans after our appearance on that show, and that’s part of the reason we were able to get the results we did during the SS.
And I have to thank you for letting me perform, Yuuta-kun.
On that program, we performed all by ourselves—at least from the public’s point of view. And it went pretty well to boot!
We’ve always made being twins our biggest selling point—but right then, we were seen as being worthy as idols even on our lonesomes.
This means that we’ve been recognized for our genuine ability, without our rarity buff of being twins.
Personally speaking, I think it was a massive accomplishment—one of the greatest in the otherwise ordinary history of 2wink!
Yuuta: Yup… Although, it feels like you just earned your fame by sneaking in that head start,[3] Aniki, given that, technically, only the “big brother, Hinata” performed.
Welp, at least it was you. I’d rather have that than someone else taking your spot.
It’ll be bad if one twin is way more popular than the other, though, so let me perform as the “little brother, Yuuta” this time to keep the balance.
I’ll be seriously depressed if our popularity drops drastically the moment the “younger of the brothers” appears, though.
Hinata: If that ever happens, we’ll just pretend that Yuuta-kun is Hinata from then on!
Yuuta: Could you not offer up your entire existence so casually, Aniki? Like you’re doing right now?
Hinata: Hehehe, but alsooo, this time it won’t just be either me or you, because it says that they want “both of the brothers” to perform!
They even included what seems to be an apology letter expressing regret for only having allowed one of us to appear last time? Tacked on at the end here?
Yuuta: It’s too late for them to apologize now. It always is. Every single time, for every last one of them.
And what’s more, they’ve been completely snubbing us up to this point, even though it’s because of us the program went well. It pisses me off that they’re asking us to perform the moment we achieve results in the SS.
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Yuuta: An apology letter? Do they actually feel sorry about it? Aren’t they only saying that for some mindless PR?
Like they’re just giving an upset child a lollipop!
Hinata: A complete rejection… Usually we decline the request if we don’t feel up to it or don’t like it, sooo… Whatcha wanna do?
I’ll always put your wishes first, Yuuta-kun. Well, I’d like to, as I always have.
Yuuta: You’ve been so rebellious lately, though, Aniki… You put yourself first during the SDS, too.
Either way, as much as I personally hate it, Volcano Island is a super famous show. Not performing isn’t really an option, y’know?
Hinata: That’s true, isn’t it~. And the show’s producer looks to be a big shot that’s well-liked by some of the bigger names in the industry.
Do you think our job offers would dry up if we end up offending them?
Yuuta: It’s just not worth the risk… Man, what a hassle.
But it’d just piss me off to put on a glittering smile and say, “It’d be such an honor to perform!” like a good li’l kid.
I wanna do something that’ll knock them speechless. Every last one of them.
Hinata: Oooh. Now that you’re in your teens, Yuuta-kun, you’re just like a knife slicing everything up.
But don’t worry, ‘cuz Onii-chan will become your sheath, ‘kay?
Yuuta: I don’t want that. I need this sharpness right now.
…Oh, I just got a great idea! ♪
Hey Aniki, how ‘bout we do this? It’ll seem like one of our pranks, but in reality…
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His hair appears way shorter here despite it only being a couple days ago, but I’m fairly certain that it simply means his hair is down in his regular style, and his “Aoi Byakuya” disguise is just him putting his hair up differently. There’s no comments suggesting that his hair is longer “while in disguise”, so I think this is just a case of Enstars not wanting to make an additional sprite to show yet another hairstyle for Yuuta.
This refers to the Sandstorm story from the SS arc, where Yuuta plans and follows through a plot to deceive UNDEAD in order to prevent them from moving into the finals. Hinata betrays this plan last second, allowing UNDEAD to move into the finals alongside them, however.
In the story Twin Peaks, the twins hold a carefully planned “competition” where the winner gets to perform on Volcano Island. During the final chapters, after Anzu’s attempts to persuade Volcano Island to allow them both to perform failed, Yuuta is about to strike an agreement with Hinata to end the competition in a tie. However, Hinata disagrees and suddenly runs off to win the competition, and the right to appear on Volcano Island.
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deviantartdramanow · 2 years
Proof over Trigonal's b.s lies
Ok, getting abit fed up this loser is talking out her buttcrack so here, I did some digging and found these: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/690254207509544960/proof-triagonal-is-a-creep-and-was-banned-from THIS comment thread in particular. We dont see no 'it's kid friendly and platonic' excuse here do we? https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2617047/4886760940 https://archive.ph/LN9jX (archived it, so you aint getting out of hiding this one or the others) https://www.deviantart.com/comments/18/2612773/4879845792 https://archive.ph/HYzuo (This was already archived lmfao, seems we aint the only ones keeping tabs on your ass) Again, where is the 'kid friendly and platonic' statement dear? Also date? You know what that means right? Or are you stupid? Nah you just in denial and lying out your ass as per usual. You seem very keen on requesting 'date fics' with this kid too. Sus. https://archive.ph/mc93s Also this juicer tid bit, WITH UNHIDDEN COMMENTS. (tried to cover her tracks it seems lmao.) https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/872067015/4905954617 Also the 'little brother' excuse while also saying you want to go on dates with them? I myself have brothers from other mothers I see as kin, but do you see me fucking going 'i want to make date fics uwu' with them? FUCK NO. No we just goof off and send memes around, we dont fantasize about going on weird double dates and being determined to get a fic made of said fantasy like you do Triangle head. Also yes they are over 18, but still point stands, if you see someone as kin, dont make yourself look like a cringe anime incest fan, it's how you get the FBI called on you hella fast, especially since this kid was underage it appears from the comments of the others. Cuz guess what? Incest AND pedophilia are illegal clown. =D
Tri lying ass off about her banning here:
Of course she runs to Tall AGAIN and cries she was ‘tricked’ https://youtube.com/shorts/PVg8twXOMn0?feature=share And on the Reddit post, she bawls and says a different story. https://www.reddit.com/r/polls/comments/vn5m9l/comment/ie5b13r/ Here’s the uncensored thread right here gang (Feel free reddit lurkers to send it into the chat to show what a lying bitch she is.) https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/920457771/4993534621 https://archive.ph/gs0aT How can you BE TRICKED when the user did NOT edit their comment where they said “I am blocking you for awhile.” here’s the post itself: I’m going to block you WHEN (not if, but WHEN) you reply (because you cannot resist). HOWEVER, it’s just a mute—I will unblock you sometime in the next few days or so (likely with my next upload). I’ve done this before—just tired of seeing your messages in my feed (you repeat the same things causing me to repeat the same things; it’s tiresome and I’m wanting to wind down from the day). HOW pray tell is that 'tricking’ you Triagonal? They were flat out honest with you about the block, the only one shown 'editing’ their comments was libra, not this user. No I aint defending them, but at the end of the day, you block evaded, DEAL WITH IT. Why not wait out the time when they would unblock you? Why tf send libra (your alt, quit lying it aint your friend.) in right after the block happened? Also dont give us that BULLSHIT excuse of “That was a curious friend boo hoo.” Yea no, not all friends have their noses up their friends asses and follow their chats around, try again ya fucking liar. You block evaded so suck our collective asses you lying pos. Also you ban evaded with the square name too, so why should we fucking believe you? Cope that you are banned, end of story. ---- So with all that being shown, let's see the loser lie her ass off at this one, or make another fake will to gain pity points. She did let slip to a few who now hate her how this blog and the forum regulars 'effects' her. Good, throw your guts up in fear that others know your dirty fucking secrets you pile of trash. Stay away from kids and sane people and go check into a mental ward, you really need help, otherwise you'll hurt an unknowing kid who's going to grow up to despise what you did to them mentally.
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gvmrot · 2 years
Idk why osa women complain abt men x1000 all day on tumblr but then talk abt their bf in 1000 posts. Their "misandry" is a flirting ritual 💀 & is fake. Several dudes already said thats why theh dont take misandrist women srsly bc those same women would be the ones approaching them to ask them out but osa women gor mad when they heard those dudes say that like cmon where's the common sense? Ofcourse thos men wouldnt take u srsly when u complain abt men x1000 but give them what they want
tbh i wouldn't really care, if they didn't call themselves radical feminists. the more i read the more i find radical feminism is very specific, and just because someone calls themselves a radical feminist doesn't make them one/or make them a good one.
i truly, honestly, 100% believe you cannot be radical, meaning to the ROOT, and sleep with/date men. they are literally the ROOT of our oppression. it becomes more clear that these women aren't radical in their feminism once the topic of separation comes up, they get angry and spiteful bc 'how dare you women separate from me while i'm FORCED to be with MEN'... like, no one is forcing you to be with men. no one is forcing you to be in partnerships with them. if you hate them so much/fear them, why. do. you. keep. going. back?????
but again, i only really give a shit if the woman is calling herself a radical feminist. women can do whatever they want, i mean you can't change your sexuality. crazy tho how there ARE straight women (and bi women) who give up men, live their lives single and child free, and are much happier than those partnered. I mean, we have studies to show it, it gets passed around here a bit. That's still not enough to convince these women that life would be better if they just dropped the men.
Instead it'll always come back to us, we're evil and mean for suggesting these poor women should have to live alone. boo fucking hoo. i think that shit is really weak tbh :/
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zaine-m · 2 years
Back for round 2, we still have a good 9 days until Nini's screen time in the show drops and only 3 more days of fun Gina. So prepare yourself.
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Hsmtmts season 1 episode 2 thoughts under the cut:
So the old music teacher was supportive of Nini, and was either the reason Nini got into musical theater or Nini didn't even fucking audition despite her wanting a role in the musical. Either way there is no reason for us to feel bad for her, god, she's so infuriating
And then she was in the ensemble once so boo hoo, let's get out the tiniest violin for Nini
Ricky is such a classic teenage boy, and big red's just going along with it
This is what I'm confused about, why does EJ have so many followers. Yeah some kids at my school have a lot of followers but that's from people they know. EJ is acting like an influencer, is this a thing that happens in America?
Ashlyn has already improved
I think EJ has some right to be concerned considering her ex, who she didn't break up with before starting to date EJ is actively trying to date her
Like just be like "Yo, I'm worried you're going to get back with Ricky, cause he's doing all this stuff to try to get bac with you" and she can be like "yo, valid concern, however, I'm over him" IDK, just talk about our issues
Why does Seb need glasses while he's milking but now when he's reading
"Where are the sparks from the audition" if you had looked into the drama you would've know this is a terrible idea
✨️✨️✨️Gina eaves dropping✨️✨️✨️
I never realised they're talking about Zack Roy
Miss Jenn, wtf are you doing making kids come in early so you can force them to kiss despite the fact that it isn't in the movie and one doesn't want to. If Carlos wasn't there it would be straight up weird
As much as I hate Nini, she is completely in the right with this, bring this up to the principal girl, he'll probably take your side since he seems to hate Miss Jenn
Also fake kissing, exists
I love the Caswell cousins
I love that after Ashlyn is like "you don't need to see her texts" he immediately asks her to steal her phone for him. Like what have they been through that would make him think she would do that for him. I never realized how much I miss this dynamic
"She's not like other girls" fuck off
"She makes me better" EJ, you're about to steal something and you poisoned someone. I don't know what you consider better or what spell she has you under to think that.
I love the way Carlos giggles as he explains curtain calls to Ricky
It just occasionally cutting to Gina watching, like yes girl, give us shady 🥰
They're all just like wtf did Gina just do. She has no fear and I love that
Nini, you're so fucking rude. Talk to Ricky. Get over yourself, if you want to be the lead, you're going to have to be more mature
Deal with this outside of rehearsal
Maybe you're the one wasting everyone's time with your immaturity
Carlos is so fucking stressed over this
Why do you expect someone who you have shown time and time again to not care about, to care about you?
The entire world doesn't revolve around you, he got the part, fair and square. Either ignore the issue, or deal with it outside of rehearsal. Stop making it Carlos' problem
She's like I'm not going to talk about it, then starts an argument every chance she gets
Rickyyy, you're not just taking up space. Nini, look at what you did to our baby. When he already had all this stress at home
The cogs in Gina's head turning
Big red just getting left behind 🥲
Wait was she lying about her neighbour's kid
Gina acting all scary, cause she's afraid inside. This is why she's my favourite character
Why are insulting Carlos 🥲
Mike just watching everything go down in Ricky's life
I miss all the background characters
Why wouldn't Ricky just go up to Carlos
I never realised how many scenes Ricky and Carlos had together
I still hate how the song Ashlyn wrote is just to further Nini's character development
They're acting so shady about EJ lol
"It doesn't matter who texted you it's no one's business"
And he starts a long journey of Miss Jenn being mean to Seb
I fucking love Gina
Gina's starting to come into the story more so that's nice. I think tomorrow is really when she shines so can't wait for that. I'm hoping the worst of Nini is over, there still the everyone doing huge favours for he and her never thanking any of them which will be annoying, but I think I can manage.
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pashterlengkap · 9 months
Christians shout hate speech & block buses as students leave school
A group of Christian “street preachers” shouted anti-LGBTQ+ hate speech at teens leaving a Texas high school earlier this week. On Tuesday at around 4 p.m., eight demonstrators, apparently with the group Lift Up Thy Voice, gathered outside McCallum High School in Austin, Texas, as students were leaving for the day. The group carried anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ signs and used a megaphone to shout hate speech and tell students they were “the devil.” --- Related Stories Parents’ rights protestors tells LGBTQ+ advocates to go hang themselves “You should have died in the f**king closet!” --- According to the Los Angeles Blade, a spokesperson for the Austin Independent School District said that the protesters initially blocked buses that students were trying to board. The Austin Chronicle reports that school staff asked the protesters to move away, but they refused. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. “Austin ISD Police officers were on-site to ensure everyone’s safety, and the protesters left after about an hour,” the school spokesperson said. “If you had an abortion, you’re going to hell because you are evil,” one demonstrator reportedly shouted. Another yelled that Jesus will “judge the living and the dead,” according to the Chronicle. “That’s what he’s gonna do. I’ve already seen some transvestite out here boo-hooing and crying. … God’s people will never comply with the Devil’s lies.” Video posted to Lift Up Thy Voice’s YouTube channel shows a chaotic scene, with students lingering to shout down the demonstrators as staff and Austin ISD Police try to manage the situation. One adult can be seen angrily telling them to “leave the kids alone,” while later in the video, a student appears to spit at the demonstrators. The video’s caption notes that “The creators of this content do not encourage violence or hatred against any individual or group.” Lift Up Thy Voice describes its mission as showcasing and documenting “protests against ‘SIN’ also commonly know as ‘street preaching.’” On its website, the group describes its approach as “confrontational, unorthodox…raw, offensive…hardcore, radical, extreme.” In its “Statement of Faith,” the group states that “We do not go preach to fight with sinners but we will defend ourselves,” and “We must be willing to preach the truth and use controversial words, even if that truth will be offensive to others.” Other videos on the group’s YouTube channel show similar protests at Pride events in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Santa Ana, California; at comic book conventions and anime expos; RuPaul’s Drag Con; and even a stop on Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour. Notably, the majority of the group’s video from the McCallum demonstration is overlaid with raucous music so that viewers can’t hear what the so-called “preachers” are yelling at the kids. “I want to emphasize that these hateful messages are in direct opposition to our values here at McCallum and to the values of our district,” McCallum Principal Andy Baxa wrote in a letter to parents following the event. “Austin ISD is committed to creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students and staff.” Baxa added that the school’s counseling team would be available to students who need support after being “exposed to this hateful demonstration.” One parent told the Austin Chronicle that the event had been “very upsetting” and the school’s community had been left “wondering what to do.” “Should we respond? Should we ignore? Just very unsettling that something like this could happen so close to a school,” they said. http://dlvr.it/SvGCYP
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(dabi) t.todoroki / reader
genre: prohero!touya, fluff
warning(s)!!: cursing ofc, dabi's atittude/snark, he's still dabi- just not a villain lol, he doesn't have his burns just his piercings, bloody piercings/lip
synposis: touya comes home with a bloody lip and three missing nose piercings, you get the honor of cleaning him up and getting him to bed for a well-deserved rest
w.count: 2.4k (probably the shortest thing i've written in years and no that's not a joke)
“Shit, that stings,” Touya hissed to himself as he felt around the bloody and bruised right nostril of his nose where three small piercings should have been. He hissed as he quickly took his fingers away from the small holes missing their jewelry. “I can’t wear nothing around here, damn.”
The commotion around him was hardly his focus when his nose stung so much, not even his split lip bothered him when he licked over it- too focused on his poor nose. It was pitiful really, getting into a scrap with a low-level thug trying to run off with a duffel full of loose bills from some random convenient store. He was fine overall, not being too unfamiliar with fistfights without having to use his quirk, but the thug sure did a number on him when he grabbed at his face- probably aiming to yank on his hair, but falling short- and somehow ripping all three of his studs from his nose.
Blood dripped in small drops off the side of his nostril and from inside his nose, creating a slow stream to his top lip which entered his mouth- filling it with the metallic taste of his blood. His pierced tongue’s metal bar tasted nothing like the iron of blood and he shook his head in distaste.
He sniffed and palmed gently at his minor wound before the cops showed up and wrapped up the situation. They offered to have his injuries cleaned up at the station- but he was so close to being finished with patrol and heading back home he didn’t bother. It wasn’t like he was in any sort of critical pain, he just wanted to rip his nose off.
His patrolling went smoothly after that, the small scuffle being the highlight of his evening and as he walked, bored back to the agency he was working at with his father (begrudgingly), he changed and slung his duffel with his gear and suit inside over his shoulder. He’d leave all this stuff in the changing room locker with his name on it and a secure lock- but you had insisted he bring it home tonight so it all could be tuned up and cleaned properly. You were a stickler about that.
Touya damn near broke into a run, mad-dashing it to the door, when he heard his father behind him call out his name when he was so, so close to the agency doors. As far as he was concerned, he was done for the day.
D o n e.
Endeavor could suck it.
He wasn’t sure how far he ran before he deemed it safe enough to slow his strides, but then the chills set it. He wasn’t cold- even if it was the middle of winter- all thanks to the cold resistance he inherited from his mother winter wasn't really ever that cold to him. If anything the sweater and joggers he wore were almost too warm with his swift escape from work.
He stopped at the corner of the sidewalk, waiting for the traffic lights to signal he could safely cross the road and have the right to sue if someone were to hit him, and looked up at the grey clouds. It looked like it was due to snow again and he chuckled to himself at mentally picturing you shiver just at the mere thought of more snow. Lowing his chin back down to look ahead, his pace quickened, already more than ready to be home.
“Hey, babe! I’m back!” Touya called into the house. The difference in temperature made him shiver- even if again, he wasn’t truly cold in the first place. Heeling off his shoes and setting them on the shoe rack, he walked inside.
“I’m in the kitchen!” You called back. He chuckled to himself as he walked into the living room first, dropping off his hero-filled duffle on the couch, and then swiveled on his heel to head into the kitchen. As he passed under the doorway, he grabbed the bottom of his sweater, pulling it up over his head and completely off as it rested on his forearms- shaking out his white hair.
You looked over your shoulder at the movement and immediately went back to whatever it was you were doing. Shaking your head in small shakes with a quiet sigh.
“Do you really need to undress in the kitchen?”
“What?” He smirked, tossing the sweater on a barstool as he basically pranced his way to your side, slinging one arm around your waist loosely with the other coming to mess with the soapy water you were currently washing dishes in. He picked up a finger-load of suds and flicked them at you, making you try and crush his toes under your heels- to which you failed. “It’s hot in here.”
“That is probably the lamest excuse you've ever used to strip,” you teased as you kept doing your thing. Looking around the counter, he saw take-out containers. Before he could question them, you started talking again. “I really didn’t want to cook today, so I ordered in. I hope that's fine.” Touya shrugged.
He wouldn't want to come home after a day of work and cook either, so it worked for him.
Detaching from you, he danced over to the containers he knew were his and took them to the island where he slid into the barstool his sweater was on and sat down on it. As you finished up, you turned to finally take a proper look at your boyfriend after his day. Your eyebrows furrowed as your eyes narrowed.
Was that dried blood under his nose? And was his lip split?
“Whuat,” he muttered with a trail of noodles hanging from his lips between chopsticks, muffling his voice. Ever the mannerless fool.
“Do we wanna talk about the blood on your face?”
He swallowed his bite as he started scrapping around for more noodles and fewer vegetables in his container. “No, not really.”
You rolled your eyes as you left the kitchen and him to his food. Digging around in the bathroom, you tossed a few things in a small basket and went back to the kitchen where he had successfully separated all his greens from his food and set them aside. You sat on the stool next to him as he finished.
“You know it’s not good for you if you don’t eat your vegetables.”
“Oh, boo-hoo. I ain’t eatin’ ‘em.” You spun to face him as you grabbed his knee and spun his stool to face you in turn. In your basket of bathroom items were things to clean up his face.
You took his chin in your hand and twisted his jaw back and forth to look for any other injuries. “I ain’t all that banged up. Just this,” he told you with a huff. Looking at his chest and shoulders and stomach- it seemed he was telling the truth. There were no other injuries.
You would hate to see the poor guy he got into it with if all Touya had was a split lip and... all three missing piercings? You hadn't actually noticed his piercings were completely gone.
“How in the world did you lose your piercings?”
“Some prick tore them out. Got pretty into it with ‘em over it.”
“Of course you did,” you rolled your eyes again as you emptied your basket and grabbed a cotton ball between the prongs of a pair of tweezers, and coated it in saline. “Look down,” you told him as his chin dipped to your instruction and you began to clean his piercing holes. You saw his lips twitch in a silent hiss as you cleaned them as gently as possible.
Touya didn’t move from your touch at all aside from a wince here or there. When you pulled back to clean the blood on his lip and skin, he kept as still as he could as he just looked down at you. Watching you work with your eyes focused and brows pulled in concentration always made him want to laugh at how cute you looked. You were a wonder to him.
A wonder on how he managed to snag you as his own.
When you finished, you were throwing your stuff back into the basket to take back into the bathroom when you felt a weight on your shoulder. Glancing without moving your head, you caught in the corner of your vision Touya’s nest of white hair brushing your cheek and chin. His forehead rested on your shoulder as you relaxed, your boney shoulder couldn’t be comfortable to lay on.
“You’ll want to leave any new piercing out of your nose for a bit.”
“Hmm,” he gave you a small hum, but you weren’t sure if he actually heard you or was just responding to respond. He had a bad habit of hearing but not exactly listening.
Moving your head as slowly as possible to not disturb whatever moment he was trying to create with you, you saw the digital numbers on the stove showing close to midnight. While it was rare to get a quiet and soft moment with Touya, you knew he couldn’t sit with his ass on a barstool and his head on your shoulder all night. He had to shower and get changed for bed where he can sleep on a comfortable mattress.
You rotated your arm causing his forehead to push further into you, sliding to where it rested against your neck, and his cheek pushed into your shoulder instead. You reached around and rubbed his back to which he hummed at- pleased with the touch. His skin was always so warm, it almost made you envious with each shiver you would get from the chilled winter air.
“Touya,” you softly called to not drill a nail into the peace of the kitchen. He said nothing. He didn’t even hum at you, but you knew he was listening. “We have to get up. You need a shower and sleep.”
“Can’t we stay like this a while longer?” You almost gave in but looked at the clock again. As far as you knew, he had to go back to work tomorrow so he needed to get into bed asap. It pulled at your heart, but you couldn't let him stay up any later than necessary.
“No, we can’t,” you let him down easily with a soft voice and with your hand still trailing up and down along his spine. “Come on,” you shrug, “up.”
He groaned as he sat up and slid from his stool, you doing the same as you grabbed your basket of things to put back in the bathroom. Touya followed you as he rubbed at his neck and silently let out a yawn he tried hiding from you just so he couldn’t avoid admitting you were right and that he needed to go to sleep.
As you were putting things back where they belonged, Dabi had opened the door of the wide, standing, glass shower and turned the water on- waiting for the temperature to be perfect. He looked over his shoulder, seeing you putting back the saline behind the mirror in the medicine cabinet. He took the chance when the mirror was away from him and you to sneak up behind you, the running shower water masking his footsteps.
He slowly reached around your head, shutting the cabinet as the mirror swung back to face you, Touya behind you. He dropped his arm over your shoulder and lowered his head to kiss the back of yours, his other arm wrapping lazily over your chest.
“Shower with me,” he cooed, dying his voice in honey to get you to join him without a fight. When you agreed, the shit-eating grin he had on his stupid face made you want to pull on his bottom lip and reopen the split in it or maybe force open his mouth and rip out the bar in his tongue.
He always got what he wanted and it was so not fair.
After promising no funny business in the shower, getting out, drying off, and getting ready for bed, Touya was insistent that the thermostat be turned down to 68F which was absolutely not going to happen. That was way too cold for the middle of the night in the middle of winter! He may be a walking space heater, but you weren’t.
Except, when you crawled into bed, you puffed and pouted because of course he always got his way. The temperature in the dark house was a chilly 68F and you were bundled in blankets- sulking.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” he laughed as he yanked the blanket that was tucked around you away to slither his way beside you instead. As he tangled his legs with yours he was immediately pulling you closer to him by the back of your knees. One of his arms under your head to curl his wrist inward to scratch the back of your head and the other around your side to rub your back. You suddenly understood.
He just wanted to lay as close as possible to you and not verbally say it. You tried containing your small laughter at his attempt at being coy.
“What?” He groaned as he shut his eyes, trying to get sleep to come to him. You dug your face into his neck, which he happily accepted as he pushed his cheek against your forehead in return.
“Nothing,” you told him.
“Just go to sleep.”
When the next morning rolled around and Touya’s phone had begun to ring for the fourth time, you had pried his arm off you and looked over his shoulder. The screen was showing his father calling him and as you rubbed your eyes and reached over to answer it for him- since he slept like a log- your wrist was caught and you were shoved back down into his chest.
Touya, who had been awake for some time now, was well aware he was exceptionally late to the agency and no he was in no rush to get there any time soon. The old man can call all he wants- he wasn’t going in just yet. There was a reason the old man was the only member of his family to not know his address.
Endeavor can still suck it.
a/n: for some reason the image of prohero touya coming home to just coze with his partner after another day just popped in my brain and has been relentlessly curb-stomping me into an early grave
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cheeeerie · 2 years
Hey! What the fuck!
Wheel of Time Book AND Show spoilers ahead.
So. Perrin/Egwene/Rand. That… happened. I sure do wish it hadn’t.
I have to say that I didn’t see it coming, despite the fact that other people told me they thought this was going to happen. And… yeah. Okay. I get where they’re coming from. I can see it too if I look back, and I was one of those who definitely picked up on something between the two of them in the first book, but it’s just one of Jordan’s abandoned plots. They’re all over book 1.
Which is why I EXPECTED them to do nothing with it in the show, but, hey, here we are. So here’s the issue with Perrin having feelings for Egwene: it makes Perrin so, *so* utterly unlikable. Listen, Perrin was already a little unlikable in the show, but I put up with it because book Perrin is my favorite character and the show was doing a good job of making me like characters I hadn’t liked in the books, so I trusted them to make me love Perrin by the end of the season. Well, the clock is ticking mother fuckers, and I still hate him.
So the fact that he married a woman without loving her and spent apparently the entire marriage pining after his best friend’s girlfriend is, como se dice, not good. Not only that, but this show is making you route for Egwene and Rand’s relationship in a way the books never did. In the books their relationship was pretty casual and innocent, and they gave both of them alternative options—Elayne for Rand and Aram for Egwene— pretty early on, so when they break up in book 4 you’re more relieved than upset. I understand that making them more serious will make the stakes higher, and therefore make the break up more emotional. In the books, we wanted them to break up. In the show, we want them to be together.
Not only does show Perrin still basically have the personality of soggy bread, he’s now an obstacle in a relationship we’re routing for. Or is he??? It’s made pretty clear that his feelings are one sided, so why are they even there if not to strain the relationship? Is it to give him something to hate himself about? Because that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Why can’t he just hate himself for MURDERING HIS WIFE!
Okay. Deep breaths. Here’s how they can not ruin the show with this dumb as fuck character dynamic.
Firstly, make it to where Perrin no longer loves Egwene. Make it clear that he married Laila in a spur of the moment decision after his bestie hooked up with his crush. It was a dumb stupid 18 year old move, make him regret it.
After he regrets it, have him do a little self-loathing over the fact that he never loved Laila OR Egwene. Boo-hoo, I’m a horrible violent wolf boy incapable of love, yada yada you get the gist.
Faile swoops in, also believing herself to be a horrible violent person incapable of love, except she doesn’t hate herself for it. She teaches Perrin to accept this “fact” about himself. They are both horrible violent people who pretend that they’re incapable of love even as they fall in love with each other.
Send Faile to Malden to do some good development while Perrin does some bad development, Faile comes back and says “oh shit I was wrong about that whole nihilism thing” and has to uncorrupt Perrin.
I don’t LOVE it, but it’s something I can like, and I did what I could with what I have. Would love to heat y’all’s ideas.
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robinrequiems · 3 years
ok ig cashier damian is my latest hyper fixiation, so let’s add
• Ight so, on fridays, jon cannot come in all the time, very rarely can he. and when he does. he sees a very cute sleepy damian who also wants to punch him:)
• damian is just a mess. he didn’t have time to fix his appearance because as soon as he got out of school, he had to change in a shitty unsanitary grocery store bathroom.
• it was not fucking fun. it never is. damian is so over it. jon normally sees Damian working on homework quickly before putting it away when Jon or other customers show
• damian cannot be asked to look like a normal human being when he just finished 7 sad hours of school in ANOTHER shitty uniform. he hates uniforms
Jon: you look like you’re gonna fall asleep
Damian: ugh, look who it is, the good boy from metropolis who doesn’t look like a creep at all when he comes here just to talk to me. woo hoo!
Jon: nice to see you too
• jon normally sucked on lollipops when he didn’t want to chew on gum, plus sometimes he chews on gum really aggressively and it hurts his jaw
• but let’s talk abt jonny: star athlete ( I’m a simp for athletes jon, please kill me. he’s a basketball player in this though. he got the height for it anyway ), himbo-vibes, and overall sweetheart.
• at least that’s what everyone else thinks. his life is a cycle. A very miserable cycle. It’s honestly tiring and hurts his head and generally takes his mood down
• but then he drove to bludhaven in his new car and brand new license. and he saw him.
• sure he’s seen moody teenagers working at stores before, but this boy; Damian, by his name tag, was different. He SENSED IT
• jon found that he liked different
• damian.. just didn’t easily talk with Jon like so many did at home. he liked a challenge
• and Damian was his challenge
• so he wasted so much gas and time and money to visit him.
• he was so whipped
• he was attracted to him. just the way he did things. like goddamn. ok.
• then his friends and him took a trip there. it was Saturday, they were gonna leave on Sunday. it was for Kathy’s birthday. He had no idea why she wanted to go here.
• oh. yeah. The idiots taken in for underaged drinking. Jon didn’t drink. ( he was a good boy and designated driver ) so he was just there trying to get the officers to let his friends off the hook
Damian: oh look, guess the good boy isn’t really a good boy.
Jon: Damian—? No! I’m here to get my friends out!
Damian: figures, you’re too innocent to do bad things.
Jon: what did you do then?
Damian: well wouldnt my you like to know
Dick: Damian! There you are! Sorry, I was calling up some parents- who is this?
Damian: Good boy.
Dick: ah.
Jon: Jon Kent.. nice to meet you
Dick: wait. As in Clark Kent?
Jon: yeah? that’s my dad
Dick: aw your dad used to babysit me
Damian: can we go now
Dick: hush Damian, I’m feeling nostalgic
• so Damian learned jons name. And jon got to see Damian in regular clothes, so that was cool
• he also got in trouble and couldn’t see Damian for a month because his parents were upset about what happened.. understandable, but jon was still upset
Tai: soo, that was him?:)
Jon: shut up
• tai accidentally found out about cashier boy, it was very funny for tai. not Jon. he teased jon for being whipped.
• sure jon liked damian for his looks at first. then he liked him for him.
Jon: dad, some guy named dick said hi
Clark: jon it isn’t— wait-
Jon: he said you babysat him
Clark: really? You saw him, how did he look? I haven’t seen him since he was a kid!
Jon: um. good?
Clark: where did you see him?
Jon: ..the police place
• his parents put a tracker on jons phone. now they were so confused why their son kept going to Giant Beagle in bludhaven. it was. weird.
• they just- was he meeting someone?? why was he doing this? WAS HE GETTING DRUGS? wait. no. it’s jon. jon couldn’t even stand the smell of cigarettes
Lois: jon.. honey.
Jon: yeah?
Lois: why do you keep driving to bludhaven? I’m worried about you and want to make sure you aren’t doing anything.. bad. Or dangerous.
• granted, it was very dangerous going out there, but he liked it. he liked the thrill of when he got to walk damian back sometimes! HE WAS GETTING CLOSER TO DAMIAN!
• oh also. it turns out damian gave him a fake number
• rude.
• damian always warned him though. and tried to make jon not walk far. jon was.. jon was a good boy. he would never survive in bludhaven frequently, jt worried humored damian.
• sometimes jon came by during the day. Damian’s Sunday shift was in the evening while his Saturday one was in the morning. jon got to go get lunch with him sometimes if Damian felt like there were enough people around that would know if he got kidnapped or not
Damian: why do you bother talking to me? most get bored of me and my attitude.
Jon: I find it charming. you’re fun to talk to. you feel so real. almost everyone in my life feels artificial and like I’m living in a disney Chanel movie.
Damian: *he laughed* oh?
Jon, loving Damians laugh rn: yeah! it’s like they’re.. androids or somethin’.
Damian: why don’t you just find someone snarky from metropolis?
Jon: it wouldn’t be as fun then.
Jon: i like a challenge.
• getting to know damian was like trying to beat the hardest level in his game. it was mind blowing how many times he basically had to restart. Damian was also like a Rubix cube, but jon will get there. He already has 1 side done on it.
Jon: so you live with your brother?
Damian: yes.
Jon: nice
• jon didn’t pry. Damian and dick had became forgotten after bruces death, a lot of the kids did. they just all disappeared from the media like ghosts.
• so jon didn’t know that dick wasn’t his blood relative, or that Damian was Bruce’s child. no one really did
• it wasn’t like it mattered though anyways
Damian: basketball is lame.
Jon: have you ever played?
Damian: yes. it sucked ass
• jon has helped Damian restocked late at night sometimes. Damian doesn’t like him touching things, but the faster he does it, faster he can go home to get his pets, alfred, and his idiot brother
Damian: you waste a lot of gas coming to see me.
Jon: it’s worth it.
• jon had to get a job. boo. he worked on days he didn’t have practice and sadly, on sundays.
• he was a worker at a small cafe, he was just a waiter there
• and then one day, on a Sunday, Damian came in with a few people. WAIT DAMIAN CAME IN
Damian, clearly startled: what the fuck, jon!
Jon: why’re you here! how long are you staying! ARE TOU REALLY HERE!
Maya: is this who you were talking about?
Damian: shut up.. but calm down, idiot.
Damian: .. you got a haircut.
Jon: you- you noticed? sorry I couldn’t come this week. was busy this week and needed to catch up on sleep.
Damian:’it’s fine. I guess I really should give you my number now.
Colin: that was smooth
Jon: really?
Damian: mhm. after you seat us, dumbass.
Jon: oh right
• and Damian did give jon his number
• a real one dw
Maps: he was cute.. he single?
Maya: he wouldn’t be single if Damian just manned up
Colin: they practically just stared at each other the whole time when they thought the other wasn’t looking
Damian: wait he was looking at me?
Maya: oh damians so whipped.
• oh how the cashier is falling for the waiter
• sounds like a hallmark film.
• next week jon did end up visiting him in ‘haven, and drove him home.
• damians feet were hurting and he was tired so he didn’t even bother to argue.
• jon couldn’t come to visit his favorite cashier during winters a lot, he may of liked his new “dangerous” life, but he heard how bad the roses could get from Damian
• damian was a bit sad and moody because of that. but shut up. you don’t know anything dick
Dick: you know.. you should invite him inside
Damian: so you can embarrass me? no thank you.
Dick: me? embarrass you? never. but come on, you have never shown interested in anyone before! I wanna meet him!
Damian: you already did. At the police station. you forget or something?
Dick: .. that wasn’t really the best first meeting. come on. please?
Damian: no.
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sewercentipede · 2 years
omfg my bf’s mom is delusional ...
I saw these texts to him from her that were each literally like an essay in length !! she will not leave him alone or respect any of his wishes (which his wishes basically are “if you can tell me you know what you did wrong and why it was wrong, ill have a relationship with you.” she can’t do it, it’s astonishing.) ... she’s made up this concept that my bf has a ‘new family’ now and that she is his ‘old family’. when that’s never been said ever... it’s just me and my bf there’s nobody else. if anything ive distanced myself from my parents. and she claims the things he said (which actually r things she made up) are ‘coming from a place of entitlement’ HAHA.. it’s such massive projection. and it’s such manipulative language trying to guilt trip him going “your old family” like shut up, ur so insincere. have you really no shame lol
i just hate the type of crazy she’s on!!! it’s one thing to be delusional n cut ppl off bc of it but it’s another to be delusional and keep trying to wedge ur way back into another persons life against their wishes thru these methods. it’s insulting as hell. she is like a fucking parasite that won’t die. i despise ppl like her who r incapable of holding themselves accountable for things they’ve done to the point where they have to go and build a whole new narrative that supports what they wish to be true (themselves as a martyr, a victim, the star of the show i suppose they imagine they’re in) instead of what is really the truth, bc the truth is ugly. in the true story they are a liar, a coward, a manipulator... a really lonely person who is needy, insecure, and desperate for attention. who can’t even admit that they made promises they never intended to keep and put people in danger bc of it and treated those ppl like shit for not wanting to be in danger. etc etc., either way i wish she would fuck off!!!!! just fuck off forever.
​i was told by my sister there’s no reasoning w people like her and she was right.... but I wish I could just be like: look lady, we were homeless because of you. and you did not give a fuck the whole time. not one single fuck. you didn’t offer one penny. all you did was say in passing that we could take groceries out of the fridge when we were there getting our stuff. we already had paid for a third of those groceries lmao. all the shit we were going through, you didn’t even ask, but you made sure we knew that you found a way to make it about yourself. how hard it was for you! oh poor you! how you couldn’t take it anymore! oh boo hoo! you couldn’t take sleeping in ur own bed in ur air conditioned house? lol. if someone did that to you and, while you were stressed out looking for a home and trying to take exams at the same time, expected you to coddle them and say they didn’t do anything, it was all your fault, you hurt them so much,, how the hell would you respond? if someone was guilt tripping tf out of you for making them sad while you’re begging strangers for money to have shelter, would you just take it? if you had any self respect you wouldn’t! you’d absolutely never trust that person again because when it really mattered, the only time it mattered, their feeling sorry for themself took precedence over your material conditions! over your safety!
but anyway I know she’d have some fake garbage answer like I WOULD LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY UwU! I WOULD BE SO UNDERSTANDING AND COMPASSIONATE! because to her that’s the answer that’d make her seem wise and perfect make how we responded seem wrong/bad, and let her avoid actually having to put herself in our shoes. and that’s all she’s interested in... seeming empathetic without actually having to be. she knows the “right answer” to every question. fuck, it’s so narcissistic it’s disgusting
actions speak louder than words and your actions have spoken very clearly and repeatedly that you do not give a fuck about us, that you are untrustworthy (if not actively destructive and YEAH, MALICIOUS, the word you HATE and claim u never are — I think you are but ur too fucking dumb to realize it lol), and that you do not intend to change. so STOP talking. I know you can’t live with yourself (and it’s clear why) but you’re gonna have to so start self reflecting or getting counseling or doing drugs or coping in any way you like but don’t involve us in it ever. do it far away from us
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