#we got to leave and go to any of the fast food restaurants near by at lunch and we usually had our backpacks with us
mvltisstuff · 11 months
Hi hun!!! can I do a request for Evan Buckley where reader is getting really stressed at work (she works in fast food or a restaurant, yes I'm projecting lol) and he visits her at work and helps home her down and get her less stressed? just a really fluffy comfort fic, I've had such a terrible day at work I need comfort lol 🫶🫶
this love - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
gif from @housewifebuck
a/n: i’m so sorry about your day at work ml. i wanted to prioritize this so hopefully it makes your day a little better. <33 sending you the best wishes
y/n could already tell the day wasn’t going to be kind to her. working at a restaurant where the customers think they own the place can be hell, especially when the managers do nothing about it. she tried to walk in with a smile on her face, but some days it was near impossible.
it didn’t help that buck had to leave for work early today, her not being able to spend time with him before. it killed her not being able to see him or just talk to him. he always made her worries disappear and he was the reason good days were good. he knew all she dealt with, almost being grateful that he ran into fires and didn’t deal with snobby people.
y/n just tried to force herself through her long shift thinking about buck waiting for her when she got home. she so badly just wanted him to be there with her. but, he wasn’t there. so, she dealt with it like always and pushed through people complaining.
it wasn’t until one family walked in, four loud kids and parents who pretended they weren’t there. y/n was, of course, blessed with being their waitress for the night. she could visibly see the discomfort of the people around that table, their faces scrunching up after one of the children yelled once again. it came time for them to order drinks, and the smile plastered on y/n’s face was close to breaking.
“hi guys!” she said sweetly. “i’m gonna be helping you today, any drinks i can get you started with?” the kids didn’t even notice her existence, the dad ordering a large beer and the mother trying to order a drink. y/n could barely hear her over her children speaking way too loud. “and for the kids?”
“oh, yeah,” the mom turned to look at her kids. “hey! tell her what you want.”
“uh…” the boy looked at the menu, trying to pick something to drink as y/n tried to be patient with all of them. she should be in the back right now, getting them their beverages but she’s waiting on people who she can’t even hear. “dr. pepper, please.”
“no,” the mom spoke next. “we didn’t come her for soda, get something else.”
the kid rolled his eyes, giving y/n the same stare like it was her fault. she didn’t blame the kid, clearly the parents didn’t teach their children proper manners in a restaurant. “why?” he complained.
“listen to your mother, cameron,” the dad chimed in, snapping back into reality. “he’ll have a water.”
“alright,” y/n replied, keeping her cool still. she painfully takes the rest of the orders. “i’ll be back with those.”
she lines up all the drinks on the tray, walking back out and passing them to the family. she takes an order for any appetizers, and the kids dig in instantly when they come out. when y/n starts walking away, this old woman pulls her away to her table.
“hello, darling,” she begins, and y/n can already sense what she’s saying. “i’m sorry to bother you, i know you’ve got a lot on your plate, but could you maybe ask them to quiet down?” she questions, motioning to the family.
y/n wants to say yes, appreciating the kindness from the woman. however, the thing holding her back is that the family doesn’t look willing to lower their volume. “i’ll try, ma’am. i’m very sorry about all this.”
“no worries,” she smiles and y/n walks away. she figures she has time to form her question to the family incase they twist her words. when she comes back out to get their dinner orders, she decides to ask them.
“ok, are we ready for entrees?”
“yes, finally,” the mom says, adjusting herself in the seat and beginning. “i’ll do just a chicken breast, like, just the breast, and then a side of avocado.”
y/n looks at her confused, knowing that’s not an option on the menu but attempting to continue anyway. “i’m not sure that’s on the menu, is there anything specifically on there that interests you?”
“well, you have chicken and avocado because it’s in the other dishes,” she sighs. “so i can’t just do that?”
“most of our dishes are prepared ahead of time, so the ingredients are for those spec-“
“alright, can’t you just ask the chef?”
“i have had similar requests, and he’s not allowed to switch things up like that,” y/n starts to get more irritated, wishing she could just order a simple thing on the menu and be done with it.
“fine, whatever,” she rolls her eyes just like her child did. “come back to me.”
“ok, and for you?” she moves to the kids, asking them despite their lack of attention to her. the father is still gandering at the menu, neither of them focusing on their kids. her social battery is running out quickly, being physically drained from this family. she desperately looked at the clock, seeing that the time she was done wasn’t any where near. she sighed, looking back at the kids, hoping maybe they’d notice her now. maybe it was just her, but y/n felt like the kids were getting louder and louder by the second, acting like animals in the middle of the restaurant. their voices were ringing in her ears, completely overwhelming her as she said something to the parents. “i’m sorry, can you guys just get your kids to settle down? we’ve had more complaints from other tables and i just need to take your order to get the food for you.”
“i’m sorry,” y/n could tell by the tone in her voice that it was nothing but sarcasm. “isn’t this a family friendly restaurant? i mean, seriously, first it takes forever to order, and once we do, it’s not allowed to be made! like, who is in charge here?”
“miss, i’m sorry it’s been slow, but i’m just trying to make things as smooth as possible,” y/n says. “and family friendly does not mean this is somewhere to shout and mess around.”
“i’m just,” she chuckles, keeping the scrutinizing tone. “i cant believe the treatment we’ve gotten today, it’s completely ridiculous. how you have a job here still is beyond me. this whole place i’m surprised us still in business.”
y/n can feel the anger bubbling up, watching this woman degrade her and her job in front of everyone. it’s part humiliation, trying to figure out why she’s screaming at y/n in front of the other tables. “alright, listen,” y/n breaks. “i cant stop you from being upset, but if you let me try and help you, maybe we can fix it?”
“this is completely unacceptable,” the woman places her napkin on the table. “get me the person who’s running this.”
y/n turns away, going to find her incompetent boss to deal with them. once she looks all over for her, finding her at the entrance, she starts to talk. “hey, i’m sorry, i have a family here, the one with the super loud kids, the mom wants to talk to you. she’s not happy with me because i told her-“
“i don’t need the story, y/n,” her boss groans, looking at her. “i thought you could handle this.”
“she’s refusing to listen, i don’t know what to tell you,” y/n tells as if it’s not completely different as to how both of them are acting.
“go work downstairs at the bar if you can’t handle doing this,” her boss moves out of the way, just making y/n feel even more embarrassed and exhausted. she feels the families eyes burning into the back of her, trying to cover up the burning in her own eyes. the tears sizzle up on her waterline, but refusing to let them fall. she moves downstairs, hoping the people at the bar are more compliant down there. really, she just wants to go home and see buck.
he knows how hard it is. he’s had his fair share of difficult people, and he always knows how to bring y/n down. she imagines he’s here now, but he only is in her head.
she painstakingly takes drink orders from old dudes who think she’s cute, and orders from people who barely look 21. she pushes through anyway, the clock moving slow as ever. someone must be punishing her, screwing up the time and making it turn distinctly sluggish.
the next time the bell on the door rings, she just turns away, not wanting to handle another person today. she just wants her paycheck and to be done with the day, going home to lay with buck and feel his hands on her skin. some angel from above must’ve heard her, because she saw buck and his team walking into the bar. he normally goes to the other bars, but something told him be bad to see y/n.
normally, she answers a few texts in between waiting, sending him a sweet text or replying to one of his. he’s sent her several, apologizing for leaving so early and how excited he is to see her. no response or anything, just a quick read receipt alarmed him.
she looks at him and makes eye contact, letting her shoulders droop at he sits in front of her. “hi, baby.”
“hey,” she replies. “how was work?”
“it was pretty good, you?” he looks into her eyes, small and tired and he can immediately feel somethings wrong. the rest of the team turns away like they’re not listening, but secretly worried for their friends. “what’s wrong?”
“nothing,” she shakes her head. “what do you guys want tonight?”
“club soda for bobby, old fashioned for me,” she starts to turn away before getting the rest of the drinks, but buck won’t let her. “hey, you ok?”
“i’m fine,” she fake grins. “just let me get started with those.”
“there’s no rush, y/n, don’t worry about it,” buck tries to put his hand on hers, as she just looks down at it. he can see the light sparkling in her eyes, the certain one he never wants to see. “alright, come here.” he leads her behind the counter, pulling her away into the single bathrooms. when the door is finally locked behind them, the tears break in her eyes and they start flowing out. “no, baby, hey,” he swipes a few away, grabbing her hand and pulling her into his chest. “what happened?”
“i’m just doing the best i can and it’s not enough,” she says quietly, muffled by bucks jacket. his heart breaks to hear her sad voice, but he lets her continue. “i’m just trying to pay for my place and for school and it feels impossible right now. like there’s no purpose for me besides letting people get pissed at me at work.”
“listen to me, y/n,” bucks gentle voice starts. he picks his hands up and placed them on the sides of her face. “look at me. you’re always enough. those people aren’t worth any of these tears. i know it’s hard, but i’m here with you no matter what. your best right now is enough. those people are so blind that they can’t see that, and they don’t deserve you one bit.”
his words honestly just make her cry more, relieved to hear his sweet voice and loveliness. “no,” he smiles a bit. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you cry more.”
“no, no, thank you,” she looks back up at him and his beautiful face, and he looks at hers. even when she cries and looks broken, her beauty isn’t concealed and he’s here to save her. “i really needed you tonight.”
“if you ever, ever need me,” he gets closer to make sure she gets every word. “im here. always.”
“i love you,” she smiles, and he lands his lips on hers. the sweet taste of him on her lips brings her back down, letting herself relax into his hold. she brings down all her senses, allowing it to just be her and buck for now. all of her thoughts from earlier fade away, just knowing that buck thinks she’s enough.
“so fuck whoever made you feel this way,” he jokes, but not really joking. “say it, c’mon!”
“fuck them,” she smiles.
“there’s that smile,” he grins. “you ready? everyone really wanted to see you.”
“just a minute, tell them i’ll be out.” he nods, moving out of the bathroom to let her collect herself.
“she doing ok?” hen asks, curling her lips with a bit of pity.
“she’ll be ok,” he sits. “people just suck.”
“we’re all here for her,” bobby adds. buck nods, seeing her come out of the corner and going behind the counter.
“y/n!” chim excitedly says. buck loves to see the alluring smile on her face as she greets everyone, happy to make her day shine a little more.
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vyloy · 1 year
╰┈➤ tw: non-con, rough Xiao, semi-drunk
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'The temperature today is killing me...!', you think to yourself, already sweating while walking to your morning class, "Hey Y/n! I'm surprised you're not riding your motorcycle to class today", an energetic voice says to you as they caught up with you, "Venti?! I'm shocked you're this early!", you were taken aback upon seeing the short man, "Hey that stings! I can be early when i want to you know", he pouts, crossing his arms and looking away for a second before turning back to you, "Anyways, how about we party tonight at your place?", he smiles brightly, acting as if that would convince you, "My place? why!?", "you're the only one who has a house, not to mention it's big enough for at least 8 people to stay in!", he reasons with you, you sigh in defeat, "Who's going?", "our friends of course! Zhongli, Xiao, Aether, Lumine, Jean, Lisa, Ei, Diluc, Kaeya, Ayaka, Ayato...", Venti continues to list all the people, the more names he lists out, the more your eyes widen in horror.
You place your bag on the table, taking a seat near the edge, making sure it's easier to access the bathroom if you ever need to go really fast, just then, Xiao, someone in your friendgroup, sits next to you, the both of you, despite being friends, never really talked a lot, mostly because whenever you would talk to him, he would shy away which is very uncharacteristic of him seeing as he's cold and distant to others, never breaking his cold facade, at least infront of others it doesn't but you were a different case.
"Um-", just as the short male was about to talk, class had started, making Xiao look away from you and closed his mouth.
As the bell rings, your mood brightens, it's the holidays, what a relief!
You got up to leave, forgetting Xiao was even there in the first place due to his very quiet nature.
"Y/n!", you heard a familiar voice calling out, "Aether?", you turn around to be face to face with the blonde, "I was afraid i wouldn't be able to catch up to you..!", he pants, out of breath from all the running he did just to see you, "Let's get lunch, there's this place i've been longing to visit", "sure why not, let me check if i have enough mo-", "no need, consider this a treat!", he smiles, making your heart melt, he has always been such a sweetheart, "Thank you so much", "no problem, now let's go, i'll drive you there as i heard from Venti you walked here!".
The two walks out of the restaurant with full stomachs, feeling like they could throw up any minute now, "That was dangerously delicious but i am stuffed!", you hold your stomach, looking like you're in pain from all that food consumption, "tell me about it..!", Aether's state wasn't any better, the two of you were more than satisfied with the food.
When you finished taking a shower, you plopped down on the couch and opened a groupchat full of your friends
Yoyoyoo i've gotten a list of what each of you will bring to the party
Of course Diluc will be bringing the wine, don't give us the cheap kind
Aether and Lumine bring plastic cups and utensils
Thoma bring your home cooked meals please :⁠-⁠)
You close your phone, the party's tonight, you were excited yeah but afraid of what the house will look like in the morning, you couldn't even imagine.
Deciding to prepare a few stuff for the party, you head over to a convenience store down the block, grabbing a few snacks and drinks aswell as restocking your food at home.
Night arrives, you wore your usual pajamas in order to be more comfortable. As soon as it hit 7pm, there was a knock on your door, you went to open it and greet them
"Am i too early?", Xiao asks with a poker face, he was wearing a very comfortable outfit, not too extra or too shaby, "you're actually right on time, come on in!".
The two of you sat on the couch for what feels like hours as you waited for the others to arrive, "Y/n, there's something i've been wanting to-", a sudden knock on the door freezes him and his words in place, "I'll get it", you get up to open the door, seeing as it was the rest of your friends, "sorry we're a bit late!", "no worries, it's just a few minutes late, not a big deal".
It had been a couple hours since they first arrived, all of you had already gotten a drink or two, that includid both you and Xiao. "Hey, let's play truth or dare", Venti suggested, "that's a kids game", "what? you scared?", he mocked while smirking, "fine then, let's play".
"Hey! It finally landed on Xiao", Venti exclaims, his face covered in scribbles due to Lumine being dared to draw on his face, "Xiao, truth or dare?", "Dare", "oh getting bold are we?~", Venti teases while thinking of a dare to give the short male, "oh i got one, I dare you to dress up as a maid and serve us", "Venti! That's ridiculous, he wouldn't-", "what, are you afraid you'll be too into it?", he visibly smirks, leaving you speechless, "I don't have a maid outfit anyways, it's impossible", Venti then gets up, rummages through his bag to find a maid outfit, "How the fuck did you know we'll be needing it??", Diluc asks, shocked by the sudden appearance of a maid dress, "Intuition, now put this on", Venti throws it at Xiao and he manages to catch it, "Change in Y/n's room or something".
Xiao walks in, dressed in a maid outfit, complete with a tray that Venti handed him, he was glaring dagger at Venti, you blurted out something along the lines of "You look so pretty and submissive..", it was when the room became silent that you realized what you had just said out loud, "Oh uh-", before you could explain yourself, the room burst out into laughter, Venti laughed until tears fell out of his eyes, "i- can't breathe..!", Venti said, laughing hysterically.
Xiao sat down hesitantly, still affected by what you had just commented about him, "okay let's move on", you said, changing the focus from Xiao to the game.
It is now 2am, almost all your guests were either passed out drunk of have gone to sleep in the guest rooms, you were grabbing some snacks from your cupboard and going back to your room for some alone time, it was then that Xiao came out of nowhere, scaring you due to how quiet he was, "Xiao! I thought you were a ghost..", you held your hand to your chest, letting a breath of relief, "Y/n, there's something i need to tell you", "can you tell me upstairs? I have to set up a few things, in the meantime you can tell me whatever you want", you say, walking upstairs to your room with Xiao following behind you.
You sat on your bed as Xiao stood in your room awkwardly, "well Y/n", you just nodded as you weren't paying attention, not even noticing the shorter male walking towards you. Just as you notice the silence, you look up to see Xiao face to face with you, "Oh...! Xiao?", "Y/n, i like you", a blush covered his face, he was very flustered, "Xiao, i'm sorry but i d-", before you could finish, he was already closing the distance between the two of you, "mm!", you tried struggling but he was too strong even with such a small stature, before you knew it, your hands were pinned on the headboard, leaving you vulnerable to his attacks. His other hand pulled down your pants and underwear, you were now exposed to him, he grabbed your cock and went up and down, stimulating it, "Xiao stop!", you yelled but were shut up by Xiao's lips on yours, keeping you quiet, no matter how much you thrashed, he wouldnt budge, his strength was unbelievable.
Your moans went unheard by the others as Xiao fingered you, adding more and more fingers by the minute, making sure to edge you to your limit, "Ahhn~!", you cried out, he now had three fingers in you, you tried covering your mouth to not alert the others about what was happening to you in your own room, Xiao then lets out a "m" sound before letting go of the lacey underwear he had and grabbing the lube he had found in one of your "secret" drawers, he rubbed it all over his cock before lining up against your hole and thrusting into you, you moaned loudly, no fucking way nobody heard you, Xiao took the chance and pounded you over and over again, "Xiao~", you blurted out, lost in the pleasure, even if you didn't want this, you couldn't deny how good it felt to be pounded by your friend, he was so rough with you, pounding mercilessly into you, your hole sucked him in, making your insides clam around him, "Tight..!", he said in between grunts and moans.
"Look who's pretty and submissive now", he smirks, glad he finally proved to you that he was far from submissive, you were the one who is submissive, not him.
At long last he cums inside of you, painting your insides white, "the others haven't awaken yet, let's continue", he makes the decision all by himself, lifting up one of your leg over his shoulder and giving your thigh a hickey, he went on for hours on end.
Taglist: @secretivemessenger @devilswhore-emrys
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maddiehu7 · 5 months
Honorable | Elijah Mikaelson
Chapter 1
I hear my alarm ringing turning over groaning
"Ugh" I huff out smacking my alarm shutting it up, after a minute of procrastinating I finally get up brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day
"Outfit time" I sigh out looking at my closet flipping through some options I decide on a black cropped tank top some black skinny jeans and a dark green flannel open overtop
I go over to the door sliding my black combat boots on and I'm ready to go i grab some of my files and head out the door getting into my Chevy impala I was never a big car fan but when I saw this baby I had to have it, I'm heading to a bar/restaurant called mystic grill see if any locals seen anything out of the ordinary.
I walk in looking around at the place
"Hm nice" I say to myself heading to the bar i order a sprite and sit down, when I get my drink I sip it looking around at some of the people in here normal nice looking folk maybe there's no vamps here after all
"Hey your a new face" I hear someone say sitting down next to me I look over to see a pale black haired blue eyed tall man looking at me I'm on guard immediately getting a bad vibe
"Um yeah just passing through" I say smiling fakely hoping he leaves but he just smirks looking at me weirdly, I decide to pull my famous trick
"Hey want a drink" I say smiling at him
"How could I say no to that face" he says smiling back leaning on the counter
"Let me guess, bourbon?" I question
"How'd you know" he says looking a little confused
"You just have that vibe I guess" I say laughing
"Hey one bourbon please" I tell the bartender he nods making it fast handing it to to the man well he's not looking a pull out a little bottle of vervain slipping it in my sleeve
"I never got your name" I say licking my lips pretending to flirt
"Damon-damon Salvatore" he says reaching his hand out discarding his drink
"I'm more of a hugger" I say leaning over wrapping my arm around him as my other pours the vervain in his drink he hugs me back hands a little low for my liking, I back away
"Well cheers to new friends Damon" I say raising my drink he smirks raising his I drink mine slowly looking in his eyes he try's to do the same but when he drinks it he spits it out yelping in pain, Well there's definitely a case I think to myself
"Hey you ok?!" I feign innocence but he looks up at me in realization
"Who are you" he demands
"Me? Nobody" I say smiling he grabs my arm
"Come with me and I won't kill you right here" he says smiling back trying to not make a scene
"I'm calling your bluff" I say as I wretch my hand away from his hold getting up walking out of the bar I knew he'd follow so I pull my wooden dagger out hiding it in the waist of my jeans when I'm almost to my car I feel a strong wind behind me and suddenly I'm forced against my car Damon holding me by the shoulders
"I'll ask again nicely, who are you" he demands
"Vampire hunter but I guess you could've assumed that" i say smirking up at him he just scoffs going to say something when we hear a voice coming near us
"Damon?" A girl questions coming closer at this Damon let's go of me backing up
"Elena what are you doing here?" He questions annoyed he was interrupted
"Just getting some food what are you doing" she says looking at me confused
"Vampire hunter meet Elena" he says sarcastically
"What-what" Elena says confused and a little scared I could tell she was human
"Yep our very own Buffy the vampire slayer in town" he says with fake enthusiasm Elena looks deep in thought for a second
"Damon could I talk to you for a second" Elena says pulling him aside they talk and bicker for a moment before coming back to me
"Um so what's your name?" Elena asks politely I look at her in question but go along with it
"Scarlett" I say shortly she nods playing with her hands
"Scarlett, so your in town cause of vampires right?" She says I nod back at her looking at Damon which makes him put his hands up theatrically
"Ok well maybe you can help us then" I look over at her at that and laugh
"Me...help you....and your vampire" I say through laughs she just looks at me confused
"Told you it wouldn't work" Damon looks at Elena victoriously she rolls her eyes stepping closer to me I back away on guard even if she's human
"We're not gonna hurt you I promise" she says holding her hands up I look at Damon which makes him nod reluctantly in agreement
"What would you even need my help with?" I say curiously Elena smiles
"Have you ever heard of an original vampire?" She questions
"Yeah but those don't actually exist" I say factually which makes her look at me seriously I squint at her....no way
"Tell me everything" I say more intrigued than ever
( to be continued ) Elijah will come in soon I promise lol
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thetomorrowshow · 1 year
fighting back
Empires Superpowers au masterlist
this takes place about 4 months after the end of ‘poisoned rats’.
cw: food, flashbacks/panic attacks in a public place
“Here’s your menus, can I get you both something to drink?”
“Diet Pepsi, please,” Scott says, raising an eyebrow at Jimmy, who manages a stuttered, “Water, thank you.”
Scott nudges him after the waiter leaves. “Boring.” “Caffeine used to really screw with my powers,” Jimmy admits. “I haven’t had any in a long while, but I used to drink a bunch of Mountain Dew, and coffee every morning. Stopped when I was around twenty-three, I think.”
Scott leaves it at that, instead asking, “So you’ve never been to a restaurant before?”
“When I was a kid my parents would take Lizzie and me to, like, buffet places,” Jimmy shrugs. “But then my mom got really sick at one, and going out as a family to someplace nice was too expensive. So we got fast food drive-throughs on road trips or for celebrations, but not much else.”
“Criminal. What do you want to order?”
Jimmy thumbs through the plastic menu, biting his lip. “Um. Not sure. Do I have to get from—”
“Here are your drinks,” the waiter interrupts, placing a tall glass of soda in front of Scott and a matching one in front of Jimmy. “I’ll be back in a few minutes for your order!”
“Thanks so much,” Scott says, Jimmy echoing him. He takes a sip of the water, ice clacking against his teeth.
It’s not a fancy restaurant, by any means. It’s a diner in a cheap part of town, a place that Scott had said has the best fries and milkshakes and had gotten very excited when Jimmy had said he’d never really been out to eat before. Jimmy’s fairly sure that Scott’s made a list of places to eat, to go along with all the sights Jimmy’s never seen and the foods Jimmy’s never tried.
There’s a decent crowd of people here, too, which is why Jimmy’s more put-out than anything else when he feels a hand run through his hair.
He jumps a little, glances around to make sure nobody is near him. Scott glances up at him, then back to the menu.
“I’m gonna get the roast beef sliders. Anything sound good to you?”
No flashbacks sounds good to him, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen, phantom fingers curling around his hair. He turns his eyes back to the menu, stares at it uncomprehendingly for a few moments. “Um, you pick,” he says, pushing the menu to Scott. “What’s good here?”
“Ooh, definitely the reuben if you like rye, but the turkey and swiss is always a safe choice. Good?”
“Mhm, sounds fine,” Jimmy mumbles. He tries to grab hold onto anything Scott had told him about the food here through the brain fog of flashbacks. “Uh, you said the fries are good?”
“Ooh yes, I’ll get us both fries and milkshakes. What flavor of milkshake?”
Jimmy can’t remember any ice cream flavor ever, suddenly. He checks the menu, picks the first thing he sees. “Vanilla?”
“Sure! I’ll match.”
As casually as he can manage, Jimmy slips an ice cube out of his glass, cradles it in the palm of his hand. It’s supposed to ground him, remind his body that he’s in the present. The hand in his hair stubbornly remains.
He holds onto the ice cube until it melts, dribbling water in a small pool on the table. It doesn’t do anything but make his hand burn with the cold.
He blinks rapidly, twitches his head several times to try and shake the hand away. His trained instincts are starting to settle in, his body going still. If he moves his head, he might get slapped.
“Everything okay?”
Jimmy smiles easily, brightly, in Scott’s direction. His boyfriend is giving him a concerned look, hand out for Jimmy to take. Jimmy takes it.
“I’m fine, babe. Just got a little lost in thought!”
The acting skills from that one role as Cod Number 3 in Empires South Middle School’s production of The Little Mermaid Jr are really paying off.
Scott’s face eases, just as he looks up to see the waiter approaching them. Jimmy orders with no issue, watches the very pretty way Scott’s eyes scrunch up as he pretends to examine the menu one last time before ordering.
That doesn’t get the hand out of his hair, though. Maybe he should buzz it. Shave his head. Nothing for phantom hands to touch.
The hand trails down to rub his shoulders and Jimmy knows that wouldn’t solve the problem.
The food arrives and Jimmy releases Scott’s hand to watch him for cues, not trusting his unstable mind to do things in the right order. Scott unwraps his silverware so Jimmy does so as well; Scott places his napkin on his lap and Jimmy follows suit.
Scott seems to enjoy his food, and Jimmy understands that his tastes good as well but it’s hard to process. Everything is hard to process. It’s too bright in here, too loud. A family with three shouting kids passes by and Jimmy can’t help but flinch away, a movement that he tries to suavely change into wrapping his arm around Scott’s shoulders.
Scott scoffs at him, wriggles out from under and gives him a quick peck on the lips. “How’s your food?”
“Good,” Jimmy responds automatically, taking another bite. The hand pulls hard enough on his hair that his head jerks back and he freezes, biting his lip. He’s not going to cry here. He just wants to enjoy a nice meal with his boyfriend. Why can’t he just have a good time?
“Scott, love?” Jimmy manages, the slightest tremble making its way into his voice. He gathers his courage before he’s too anxious to ask. “Could—could you touch my hair?”
Scott goes still. After a moment, he slowly turns to give him a concerned look. “Jimmy, your hair is off-limits. We set that boundary in place ages ago.”
Great, now Scott probably thinks something ridiculous, like he misses the feeling of horrible hands touching his hair. He doesn’t, he doesn’t at all—in fact, he’s so nervous about Scott touching him that he can feel himself begin to shake. He just needs a little push.
“I just—I—” he takes a calming breath, places his clenched hands on the table, “there’s—there’s a hand. In my hair. And I—I want a real one. So I can tell the difference.”
Scott’s eyes flick up, and Jimmy watches as his face morphs from confusion to understanding, then sorrow. “Oh, Jimmy. I’m sorry that’s happening.”
“Yeah, me too,” Jimmy grits out as the ghost hand yanks again. “The ice trick didn’t work, eating didn’t help, it started almost as soon as we got here and it just won’t go—”
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay,” Scott says, glancing around as Jimmy pulls at his face. He’s fine, he’s not freaking out. It’s just a flashback, just a stupid flashback, and he’s fine. He’s not—he’s not—
“We can get to-go boxes, eat later,” Scott offers, already looking to wave down a waiter. “Really, it’s fine—”
“No, I want—” he wants to have a good time with Scott, he wants to eat, he wants Xornoth to stop touching him— “I want to be here, can you—can we at least try?” he begs, peeking at Scott through his fingers. “Can you try touching my hair?”
Scott glances around again, frowning. “Jimmy, I—” he sighs, bites his lip— “Jimmy, we set up months ago that if you’re clearly distressed and want me to touch your hair, I’m supposed to say no. And baby, you’re crying.”
And now he’s crying. Great. He grinds the heels of his hands into his eyes, takes in a shuddering breath. “I didn’t want—I wanted it to be good—”
He can hear the panic in Scott’s voice when he speaks. “Jimmy, do you know where you are right now?”
“The diner, with you, and so many people watching—” he cuts himself off, buries his face in his arms. There’s so many people here, all staring at him as he has a breakdown over a stupid flashback that he knows isn’t actually happening but just can’t shake.
“I’ll get some to-go boxes, okay? We’ll go home—”
“But I want to stay,” Jimmy insists, and he just knows he sounds like a petulant child. “I want to eat out with you, I want you to not have to worry about me freaking out over nothing! I love you so much, I just wanted today to be normal. . . .”
Scott’s silent for a while as Jimmy sniffles into his sleeves. At some point a waiter approaches, asks Scott lowly if everything’s all right.
“We’re fine . . . no, he’s got PTSD . . . thank you for your service too. . . .”
Scott waits until the waiter leaves, lays his head down on the table beside Jimmy. “Hey,” he says quietly. Jimmy blinks at him through the tears.
“I won’t be upset if we have to leave. I just want you to be safe and happy. You’re not a burden to me—I want to spend time with you, and it doesn’t matter where.”
Jimmy closes his eyes briefly as the phantom hand falls again to his back, rubbing lightly. “Can—can you rub my back?” he asks, voice small.
Scott immediately complies, and the feeling of something real—someone real—touching him where the hand was makes the phantom sensation drift away, off into the air like it had never happened. He relaxes into Scott’s arm as his breathing begins to even out, tension seeping out of him.
“Told you,” he grumbles, pressing his head into Scott’s chest. Scott being there, his head up against Scott’s firm and real body, makes all the difference. “‘S gone now. Just needed you.”
Scott’s hand, still rubbing his back, pauses. “I—oh,” he says softly, resuming the backrub. “I’m really . . . I’m really happy you trust me in that way. I’m really happy I can help you.”
“Sorry for making a scene.”
“You don’t need to apologize for a thing, love. Flashbacks are nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Jimmy’s embarrassed anyway, certain that there are still eyes on him. He sighs, rubs his eyes before reaching for his plate. “Can we still stay? I want to.”
Scott gives him a once over, frowns. “Okay, but on one condition: if another flashback starts at any time, we’re leaving. All right?”
It’s the right choice to make, and Jimmy nods his agreement.
He’s still not used to luck being in his favor, but he doesn’t have another flashback, and he finds he can push through the exhaustion and enjoy dinner with his boyfriend.
There may be flashbacks, and panic attacks, but really? Everything . . . everything’s okay. For the moment, he’s happy, and he knows that a flashback is a minor setback.
He leans against Scott’s shoulder, sucking on his milkshake, and lets out a contented sigh. Everything’s okay.
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beggingwolf · 9 months
29 for the fic asks :)
ah... yes... here's the opening scene from the geno/oksana geno/sid infidelity homewrecker!sid fic that wasn't working so I abandoned it like 30k in lol
Sid slams his stick into the boards so hard that it cracks.
Geno’s pulled away from his talk with the new assistant coach—Granato, he thinks the guy’s called—to glance across the rink. Sid’s mood is as dark as his jersey, and he stands at a bizarre angle near the net, pucks scattered across from him, the net empty. He’d missed the same angle in the dying seconds of the scrimmage, and though he’d given Geno a congratulatory whack on the arm in the handshake line, he’d spent the last four minutes hovering at that tight angle near the net, trying to chip the puck up high.
Sid skates to the bench, his bent stick clasped tight in his glove as he barrels down the hallway. He’s left a long, black streak over the big logo on the boards. Geno wonders if they’ll even bother fixing it. The Igloo—much like the Iceoplex, which they’ve been kicked out of for the week due to the roof leaking—has been falling apart for years. They’re so close to finishing the new arena and it seems like everyone, Sid included, is ready to let the Igloo go. 
“Damn, think Crosby wants to get started on the demolition early?” Granato asks Geno. 
Geno squints at the man. He doesn’t care for him much. Granato squirrels guys away to talk with them like it’s some kind of secret, always yanking players over to the boards or to a corner to murmur at them. He’s been trying to talk to Geno for five minutes already, and the sweat is starting to cool on Geno’s back. Geno twitches impatiently; while Sid is always happy to stay after practice and shoot pucks at imaginary goaltenders, Geno is most content when he’s first in and out of the showers. 
Mercifully, Sergei waves at Geno from the bench, and Geno spares a curt nod at Granato before skating off of the ice. 
“Are we getting food after this or not?” Sergei asks, following Geno as he lumbers to the locker room. Geno smirks down at Sergei’s balding head, enjoying the extra few inches his skates offer. “Ksenia only got the sitter until six.”
“Calm down,” Geno says as he heads for his stall, tugging his helmet off and dumping it onto its shelf. “We’ll have plenty of time. I shower fast.”
“You had better,” Sergei tells him. “She forgot her badge again. Security wouldn’t let her through until Ksenia got here.”
Geno lets out a soft curse as he tugs his white practice jersey over his head. He chucks it at the hamper Dana’s put out and misses it by a foot.
“Do you have any alcohol you can give her?” he tries to joke. Sergei just stands there, his expression flat. 
“Hurry, and then maybe we can ply her with drinks at the restaurant,” he says before abandoning Geno to wrestle with his chest protector. 
As Geno pulls off his equipment, he can’t help but look across the room to see where Pascal is speaking with Sid.
Sid sits back in his stall, his arms limply falling into his lap. Geno can see the dramatic rise and fall of his chest as he breathes; the stretchy undershirt he wears is falling to pieces and slivers of his pale skin peek through the dark fabric. His hat is tugged on low over his face and Geno watches the absent pattern he scratches onto his hockey pants. He can’t hear what Pascal is saying to Sid, but Pascal seems serious, his enormous eyebrows furrowed as he looks down at Sid’s shadowed face. 
Sid has never been loud in the locker room, but lately his eyes have been doing more talking than his mouth. After they rolled in for training camp, Geno feels like every time he looks up, Sid is watching. Observing. In his own head. 
Geno divests himself of his gear quickly, leaving most of it in a pile around his locker. He’s just in his compression pants when he skirts the logo rug in the center of the room and heads for Sid. 
Pascal turns his head just a fraction. His eyes meet Geno’s and widen, his mouth twisting down in a clear signal that tells Geno to stay away. 
Geno steps up next to Pascal and looks down at Sid.
“Hey,” he says.
“Hey, G,” Sid murmurs. He tilts his head up. It’s not enough for Geno to see his eyes under the brim of his hat, but Geno ignores both Pascal’s weighty gaze and Sid’s soft voice. 
“Can’t score with broken stick,” he tells Sid. 
Sid’s lips don’t even twitch. They stay stern, barely pursed, a silly little moue that makes him look petulant. 
“Tomorrow at game, if you get point, I’m owe you drink next time team goes out,” Geno tries to coax him. 
“Next time the team goes out?” Sid murmurs. 
“Yes, and if I’m get point, then you owe me,” Geno tells him. “Maybe we both score.”
Geno watches the corner of Sid’s mouth tic up in a barely-there smile.
“What happens then?” Sid asks. 
“Pascal buy us drink.”
Pascal lets out a sigh, and Sid turns his head to the side like he wants to hide the reluctant smile that tugs up his lips and exposes his pointy canines. 
“Geno,” Pascal mutters. 
“Deal?” Geno says with a grin, and he knocks against Pascal’s shoulder before he takes a step back.
Pascal’s watching him with a bemused expression, and his gaze flickers behind Geno towards the door for a second before he turns back to Sid. 
Geno leaves them, heading for the showers where he does his best to wash the stink of practice off as fast as possible. Sid’s still in his stall by the time Geno emerges, but that’s nothing strange. He sits around and marinates in his hockey equipment for longer than is healthy. Geno’s mama would make him eat soup for a day straight if he sat in damp, sweaty clothes as often as Sid does. 
“Zhenya!” Sergei demands, halfway through the locker room door. 
“I’m on my way, old man!” Geno calls back, but the door’s already been shut. 
Geno slips into his dark pants and a button-down shirt quickly, scrubbing his hair once more with the towel before he grabs his wallet and leaves the mess for the equipment staff to clean up. Dana owes him one after letting a chipped blade wind up on Geno’s skates at training camp, and the other guys have left worse messes anyway.
As soon as he’s through the locker room door, he’s wrapped up in the scent of her fruity perfume. Her arms follow moments later, and Geno catches her as she lets herself slump against him. 
“Oksana,” he grunts.
“Zhenya,” Oksana murmurs quietly, for his ears only, “they wouldn’t let me in.”
“You forgot your pass again?” he asks, and her manicured nails scratch sharply through his shirt, right up against his spine. 
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bee-ina-boat · 11 months
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hey fnaf people remember when we were all making security breach ocs? heres one i never posted (her art is old but i still love the shit out of her)
uhhhhh big rant with character details under the cut!
My idea is that shes the waitress in a restaurant wing called "the hive". a place that serves more substantial meals rather than fast food.
It's got these little hexagon eating nooks up high. Imagine a ferris wheel room that's enclosed and shaped like a hexagon, it can hold about 3 people on each side in the booth chairs, and there's a glass window for a wall that's facing the rest of the hive. except it doesnt work like a ferris wheel. Each room is called like an elevator. It comes out of its space and then goes downward. And this happens every time you want to talk to the waitress.
Rooms move about to make room so one can come out, and they're slowly mooooving around the main floor of the hive. (its kind of an eccentric idea but i think its cool and just impractical enough for it to be something faz entertainment would do lol)
Her name is honey, and she has a built in detector when someone leaves or enters a table, or when messes are made. She can also alert security bots for cleaning on certain areas when she's busy. She also has magnetic hands to connect to the trays so she doesn't spill anything
Your goal is to get that control from her chest, and use it to call security bots away from locations.
Basically the way you get honeys device is to get her arms stuck on the rooms docking station by removing pieces of the protective walls. This will reveal the iron bars and stuff behind. You make a mess there. She goes and gets her hand stuck on the metal pipe. And then you turn off the safety features on the rooms. While honeys stuck, a room will come down on her and slowly crush her. The room will go back up and honeys chest and front is destroyed to bits, you can get the device. But she lunges at you and you both go through the rest of the wall that was covered.
the thing is, i dont think she'd be hostile initially. if she found you in the hive, she would just remove you from the hive and then alert any near by animatronics like a staff bot would. but i think the hive would be an excellent safe place without any other threats, (minus moon) with some important items or something, so you would feel enticed to keep going in. getting her device would be pretty optional, but in turn the hive would no longer be safe and honey would turn hostile :(
as for personality, i think shed be really sweet and kinda air headed. and also a HUGE rule follower. very big on rules. shes not allowed out of the hive (unless she needs maintenance) and no one is allowed in when they shouldnt be. i think shed constantly be shooing chica away in particular. and also moon (but much more unsuccessfully)
i think she probably wouldnt be friends with the other animatronics tbh. not because she dislikes them, but because she's not SUPPOSED to talk to them. shes probably tried talking with the staff bots but. they arent exactly that responsive.
moon and chica would likely be the only 2 that would actually get her out of her shell. moon because he's kind of tasked with security duty, so honey lets him do his thing. which leads to talking and then friendship :D! and chica because she alllllways ends up in her kitchen and that just leads to more conversation and honey trying to get chica cleaned up. ;w; theyre cute
her and sun would probably also get along too if they ever met. both of them being lonely, all confined to their own set area and never leaving but seeing so many people come and go. they would relate to each other
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nella09archive · 9 months
Marriage. 110
Chapter 110: Collar and Pins
When I got home, I noticed Goten wasn’t home. I asked Chichi where he was. She said that he was off to Trunks for the weekend. I was going to complain, and make my way to pick him up. But she grabbed my arm, and tried telling me to not go. “But Chichi.”
“But Chichi, nothing. Mister, I’m sad Gohan is gone too. But I would also like my husband to pay attention to me, too. I miss my baby, and it’s like you’re completely ignoring me.” She started crying. She isn’t wrong about that. I have been avoiding her; trying to fill all my free time with our second son. “Goku! Look at me! Am I not important anymore? Have you forgotten I’m hurting, too?” She’s now banging on my chest, while she cries. I messed up big.
“Chichi.” I hug her, and kiss her forehead. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” I keep kissing her forehead. “Could you ever forgive me?” While she still sob, she told me I have to make it up to her. “How? What would you want me to do?” That’s when she smiled up at me, before dragging me upstairs. When we got to our room, I saw a suit on the bed. “Dinner?” She smiled, and that made me smile. “What are you going to wear?” She was blushing when she pointed to the black dress, that was on the chair. Oh, not that one, anything by that. “You can’t be serious?”
“Goku, go freshen up in the downstairs bathroom. And stop pouting.” I took the suit and boxers, and left the room. After a quick shower, and getting dress, I waited on the couch. When she finally came down my mouth dropped. The last time I saw in that I was more angry at the fact other men seeing her. But seeing her before we leave, got me drooling. Did her breasts get bigger? I always knew my wife had big breasts, but they look bigger in that. Before I could say anything, there was a noise outside our home. “Guess that’s our ride. I’m glad Bulma is helping out.” I was still stun in place till she grabbed my hand. As we rode, she kept telling me to be on my best behavior. It didn’t help that she was rubbing my leg, and I could see down her dress.
When we got to the restaurant, I made sure no male was near my Chichi. And any one that looked her way, I gave a death glare to. This time we wasn’t in a private room, so I was on edge. Even while we order, the waiters had to be careful. If I see anyone of them look at certain spots of my wife, they’re dead. When the food finally showed up, it calm my anger, somewhat. After we paid, left a tip, we waited outside for our ride home. Even though I could get us home faster! On top of that, she won’t even take my jacket, and cover up. Even on the trip back I was angry. The moment we got into our home I just lost it.
“Why is the world did you choose to wear that?” And all she did was smile at me, while taking off her heels. “CHICHI! I asked a question!” Still no answer, and my anger is raising. She then skipped her way up the stairs. I almost stormed after her. But if I did that, I’ll break something and she’ll get mad at me. The moment I got to our room, there stood my wife, trying to be cute. I felt my blood just boiling, and my face twitching. “Chichi!” She said yes. But before I could say a word, she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Are you trying to get me angry?”
“Whatever do you mean, my dear husband?” She had an innocent face. But she can’t fool me. What made matters worse, was that she was starting to unbutton my shirt. “You must so uncomfortable with this on. Let your loving wife help you.” She’s trying to change the subject. I won’t let it happen. I held her hands in place.
“Chichi. Why. Did. You. Choose. To. Wear. That. Dress?” Every word felt strain and coming close to growling the question.
“I want my husband’s attention. Now can I finish helping you out this uncomfortable suit?”
“Turn around.” She had a big smile when she did. Dear Dende, please tell me she wore panties underneath. And to my great horror, she was wearing NOTHING!!! “CHICHI!”
I spun her around so fast it shock her. “WHY AREN’T YOU WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR?” She started giggling, and all I saw was red.
“My husband looks like a delinquent!” She started giggling more, as she tried to continue taking my buttons off. “Delinquent! Delinquent! My husband is a delinquent!” She kept chanting that, and my skin was bursting with heat. Her smile kept growing the lower her hands went. The moment I felt my pants were loose I ripped that damn cloth off of her.
“You’re never getting anything like that again!” She jumped and wrapped her legs around me. “DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” Smiling, she nod.
“DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” I couldn’t stop smiling as I nod. With that he practically dropped me on the bed, and got rid of the rest of his clothes. The way he’s looking at me was just so exciting. I know my anger always affect my Goku. And I find it funny that his anger has the same effect on me. Especially when he’s being very possessive. The moment he was naked I jumped him. Well, I tried to, till he had me back on the bed. “If I ever, EVER, find out you wasn’t wearing any underwear outside, you’ll have a lot to answer to. Now.” He pulled my legs, and had me at the edge. He then went pass super sayian 2 into 3, and that’s when I started to wonder if I went overboard.
The moment I felt him thrust into me, I was screaming. In each form he feels bigger, but this one he was beyond huge. It hurt, but it feels so good. As he rams into me, I’m not able to think straight. All I could do is feel. Feel him stretching me. Feel his hands threatening to crush my hips. My throat getting dry from screaming his name. If I say his sayian name I get rewarded with harder thrust. Whenever he gets like this, I always feel the most loved. It’s the few times gentle is long forgotten, and he just rams his love into every inch of me. With one more thrust, I’m left screaming as I came. I then felt him lift my head, as he pulled out of me. Now he was ramming my mouth.
As he roars his release, it’s too much, but he’s not allowing me to move. I tried my best to drink every drop. When he release my mouth, he flips me and takes me from the back. I feel him slapping my ass, and clawing me back. That’s before I feel him shrove his fingers into my other hole. I can’t stop the screams coming out of my mouth, as he ramming both holes. I feel so stuffed. I love it. He didn’t even let up as I finished coming a third time. He kept going and going. I don’t even know how I’m still going. Then he pulls out, and I feel his hot seed over my back. He then flips me on my back, and he has this evil smile. “I’m not done with you yet.”
That sent a shrive up my spine. He was now hovering over me, and nibbling my neck. I tried to hug him, only to have my arms pinned down. Same went for my legs. He went from neck to my ear, and he growled how dare I anger him. And how he’s going to make me pay. Then he nibble his way passed my neck to my breasts. He aggressively massage them, while he nibble between them. He then lick his way to my right nipple. He suck, pinching, and bite. Before I noticed he had moved to my other one. I was between complete bliss and in pain. I tried to hold his head, only to have my arms pinned down. Was I really not allowed to hold him? That was making me even more excited. I then felt him go lower. When he was a kiss away from my core he stopped, and he looked up at me. “Start apologizing.” Uh? “Apologize!” OH!
“Sorry.” At that he began to devour me. Every time I said sorry, he became more aggressive. “AH! I’m sorry for wearing that dress!” I felt him starting to use his teeth. “MM! Sorry for not wearing panties!” Then I felt him shove his fingers in me, while his thumb play with my clit. And him kissing the inside my thigh. “I’ll never do that again. Please forgive me. I love you.”
While his hand continue working me, he rises and has his face over mine. “I forgive you. I love you so much. You didn’t have to go that far, to get my attention. You know that, right?” I nod my head. He then kissed my nose, before purring in my ear. “Come for me.” With that I came all over his hands. He slowly powered down to his base state, and is kissing my neck. “Did I hurt you?” I shook my head. “Chichi.”
“Maybe you were holding my hips a little too hard. But otherwise I’m fine. Don’t give me that look. It felt good to feel your strength.” I finally was able to wrap my arms around his neck. “You make me happy when I feel your strength in everything you do to me. It feels like I get all of my Goku. Strength that used to destroy your enemies, is used to love me. It feels really good.” He was smiling.
“Well, in that case.” He smirked at me, before flipping me on top of him. “Want to break the bed?” I was completely shock that he would suggest that. “Fine. But you’re not leaving this bed, unless I say so.”
“Oh my. Am I still on punishment?” He nod his head. “What if I have to use the bathroom?” He smirked at me.
“You’ll be able to use it; just know we’ll go a couple of rounds in there too.” I felt my face burning up at that. “Correction. You can’t leave our room unless I say so.” I then felt my whole-body burn. That’s when he left me a bit, and he stuffed me. “Ah.” As I rode him, he kept saying how much he loves me. The rest of the night I was left begging, and feeling on the verge of my limit, only to find I still had stamina to do more. Goku was really not letting up, and I just loved it. Come morning I tried to get out of Goku’s arms, only to be held tighter. “If you have the energy to get out of bed, you have the energy for another round.”
“Goku, nothing. You wanted your husband. You’re going to get him. Now open to me.” With that, we didn’t leave the bed the rest of the day. When it came to dinner time was when I finally allowed out our room. This is when Goten came home. But that didn’t stop him, when bed time came. Only difference was I couldn’t scream. Then when Monday came, it took everything to be able to walk out of bed. That, and a certain husband cuddling me. I kept trying to get out his hold, but he held me tighter. “How about a quick good morning round before breakfast.”
“Goku! Goten needs to get ready to go back to school.” He made an annoyed noise, and nuzzled my neck.
“But Chichi. Just one more round. You smell so good.” I then felt his hand move south between my legs, and started to work me. “And you’re so wet. Just one more round.”
If I didn’t feel so exhausted it would have been easier to get him off. “Goku, please. Once Goten goes to school, then maybe, a round or two.” He annoyingly let me go, and said he wanted pancakes.
I’m not even a half year into college, and already I finished all the assignments. Plus, I start new classes next week. A full semester that was supposed to last 6 months, ended being three for me. It even got to the point my teachers asked for my help, in setting up their lesson plans. I was even asked to be a tutor. It was actually fun, since it gave me something to do on my off days. My class schedule was always 3 classes for 2 days. Then I would work on assignments for at least a full day, sometimes pull over to a half day. And on my free time, Bulma would ask if I could cover her for at least 30 minutes. Usually because of a conference call. I didn’t mind, since I wasn’t busy. But when my free days did become busy, like being Saiyaman or tutoring, it was very rewarding. Now on the weekends, those are the days I actually looked forward to.
Sometimes Videl would sleep over, even though she also slept over on weekdays. Weekends I hanged with friends, and even visit my parents and Goten. Whenever I did Goten didn’t let me go. Mom kept trying to stuff my face. No matter how much I tell her I’m eating fine, she’ll still complain that I’ve gotten skinny. Dad also didn’t light up. I was feeling stuffocated with love and it felt amazing. I just didn’t admit to them that I was kind of having trouble keeping my apartment clean. If I said that, mom would flip and make me take her over. I can’t have that. Definitely nowhere near the bedroom. Not saying, my place a mess, just it doesn’t have mom’s touch.
Like during the first two weeks I was a panic mess, just trying to do everything mom does. I knew mom did a lot to keep the house it working order, but I never realized how much. Even doing my own laundry didn’t have her magic touch. Definitely when came to ironing my clothes. I almost broke down and was going to call her for help. But I just can’t. She’ll just take over and I’ll learn nothing. And when Videl came to visit, after class once, she was even surprised. After that day, every time she came over somehow, she transfer into a cleaning machine. Even when I told her not to. I’m glad we were able to work together on that. And when it came to meals, I learned the real cost of the food bill. Wow, and mom had to get enough to full 3 bottomless pits. I don’t give mom enough credit. Then Videl became my savor again, when she stated she was learning to cook better. During the times she visited, or slept over, she became my hero.
When Videl’s 18th birthday came, I was so happy I had a free schedule. Even she had a free schedule. Best part, she had slept over the night before. I was just admiring her sleeping, till she mumbled a good morning. “Good morning to you, too, birthday girl.” She smiled, and mumbled for me to shut up. She then turned around and had her back against me. “Does this beautiful, mammalian, voluptuous female like to fornicate from behind, on her birthday?”
She started to giggle. “If this intelligential, hulking, homo sapiens hybrid so desires.”
I couldn’t help snicker at that, as I kissed her neck, and rose her leg over my hip. “You definitely know how to speck my parlance.” I licked my mark on her, before thrusting into her welcoming tight canal. As I thrusted into her our lips fought to stay together, and my hands couldn’t get enough of her skin. The moment she reached her third climax I finally let myself fill her. I kept kissing her. “I’ll make breakfast. Do you want the princess treatment, and get breakfast in bed?” She giggle before saying she would love that. When I got out bed, she slapped my behind. “You’ll get that later.” She started giggling behind her hand, as I walked away. When I came back with her breakfast, she almost attacked me. “Hey! I am currently not on the menu, you wonderful cannibal. Eat you’re frugivore breakfast first. Then you can have some meat later.” She giggled as she started eating her breakfast. With that, I went and made mine. When I came back, I was attacked again. I looked to her plate, and it was empty. Guess it’s time to give someone her morning dose of protein.
As I’m thrust her from behind, she moaning every part of the human brain, starting at the medulla oblongata around to the cerebellum. She said all that in the time frame of coming four times. Boy was it hard not to join her, especially after limbic lobe. When she came a fifth time, I finally climax. That felt really good. After she clasp, she turned on her back. “What type of particles make up the human body?”
At that I almost rammed into her. “99% hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen. Ah. And oxygen. You really like playing with my tail stub, don’t you?” I kissed her wonderful lips. Years I forgot that I even had a tail. But we found out that part of me is still sensitive, she took full advantage every time. The rest of her birthday we barely left the bed. When I gave her, her 18th orgasm of the day is when we finally left the room. We took a quick shoulder, and headed into town. Since her dad also wanted to spend time with her on her birthday. “Even though I would rather keep you all to myself.” She giggled at that.
I can’t believe him! How dare he yell at me! All I was doing was trying to help. But no. No one could touch his precious books. For goodness sake! They were a complete mess. What order was that anyway? Clearly not alphabetical. Whatever system that was, it’s clearly wrong. “Um, Ms. Videl, is something that matter?” I didn’t even realize I flew all the way to the lookout. I guess I was just so mad.
“Sorry, Dende. It’s really nothing. I’m just clearly angry at someone with a brain so small, that it’s smaller than a subatomic.” I just continued working back and forth. No way am I going to apologize to that jerk. If anything, he should apologize to me for yelling at me for no reason. All I was doing was trying to help. So ungrateful. “I’m sorry to ask this. But I can stay help for the night. I just want to be as far away from that no-good boyfriend of mine.” That’s when I started to feel the tears falling. All I was trying to do was help, and he yelled at me.
“Oh, please don’t cry Ms. Videl. Mr. Piccolo what are we going to do?”
“Nothing. This is their first fight. They should figure it out.” Then there was a long pause, before he said. “Guess they’re going to finish it now, or never.” I hope he doesn’t mean that… He did. Because just then Gohan landed at the lookout. I didn’t even want to look at him. I turned around and walked away.
“Videl wait.” I just kept ignoring him, and I continued walking. I was just about to touch the steps, when I felt his hand on my shoulder. “Videl.” I turned around and kicked him. How dare he! He was scrambling to get up. “Videl, please. Listen.” I didn’t want to hear it. So, I tried to fly away. He got in my way so fast, that I bumped into him. He was holding my shoulders. “Look at me Videl.” I didn’t want to. “Videl!” Did he just raise his voice at me, AGAIN! I got ready to punched him, till I say his face. He was crying. “Videl I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please forgive me.” How could I ever stay mad when he looks so hurt?
I opened my arms for a hug, and he hugged me tightly. “There, there. I forgive you.”
“Even when I compulsively burst into anger?” I rubbed his back, and told him it’s ok. “I’m a jerk, aren’t I?”
“The biggest.” He stopped hugging me, and was wiping his tears. “Can you show me how you organize your books? So, next time I know.” He gave me a smile and nodded. We then said bye to the other 3 and was off.
It was officially my 18th birthday, when I heard the doorbell rang. Videl was still sleeping. How often she slept over you, would think we already lived together. Then the door decided to remind me I had visitors. Who would come so earlier in the morning? So exhausted. The moment I open the door, I automatic regret it. I slammed it, and ran to the bedroom. CRAP! They should learn to call before stopping by. Not only did I get dress, but also wake up a naked Videl. The moment I opened the door again, they looked confused. Well, it’s not my fault I didn’t know they were coming.
I finally invited them in, and already mom was pointing out everything wrong with the apartment. Goten was smiling at first, till he started sniffing, and then gave me a weird look. Dad was snickering behind his hand. Why didn’t you guys call before coming here? “Your mom wanted to surprise you. Hope we didn’t interrupt anything important.” Dad then started laughing as he walked over to mom. And that’s when Videl finally stepped out of the room. Thank goodness she was dressed. But dad’s laughing still didn’t make the situation better. Especially when Videl face turned red, and close the door to the bedroom, with her inside. “Chichi. I told you, we should have came in the afternoon.”
The rest of the morning was kind of embarrassing. Especially trying to keep Goten from asking about the smell. And dad’s laughing was just the icing on the cake. Once they left, it was the best moment ever. Especially with a certain someone between my legs. Even more that I was sandwich between her breast, while her tongue worked my tip. By the time I came I wanted more. To my great disappointment, she ran to the room. But I was quickly impressed when she came back out. She was wearing a maid outfit, and not the one that covers up well. I’m definitely going to enjoy my birthday.
After what happened on Gohan’s birthday, Chichi now calls before heading to see our son. Boy was that funny. Especially how he looked; as if we caught him just in the middle of it. Poor boy. Thank goodness Chichi asked that we drove to him, instead of just popping in. That’s might have really horrified Gohan. Good to see my son is doing well. It also felt good how peaceful life has been. Man, if I was still dead, I would have missed all these wonderful moments.
Even though, I make sure to work on the field, I do slack off a bit to train. Maybe if I make enough by November, Chichi would allow me to go training at King Kai’s for a bit. I need a serious work out. Starting to feel a bit rusty, and weak.
Or maybe I could ask Chichi let me take a few days off. Not much, just maybe a day or two. That way I could get a good training session in. Even I could tell I need to work out. Even loving my wife seems different. Like I’m off my game in some way. I definitely need to get some training in, somehow. Chichi’s going to kill me. Heck, if I’m as weak as I feel she’ll definitely be able to kill me.
I been in university for a year, and I’m already halfway through the bachelor part of the course. Plus, thanks to a few teachers, I’m going to be a paid tutor, starting next year. From there my schedule has become a little busier, but I still made time for a lot of other things. Especially if I didn’t want my parents showing up at the university. I was also able to figure a way to still do some form of training. I just wore weighted clothes, and carry weights in my bookbag. Plus, the books, of course. And I gave plenty of attention to my Videl every night, even when she didn’t sleep over.
Only downside, my eye sight has changed. I could see fine, from far away. But I come to need reading glasses. I found that to be funny. And when mom and dad found out, I couldn’t help laugh at their expressions. They were completely shock. Even dad looked a bit sad. Well, I guess these would be one of the downsides to being half human.
Once I started the tutoring job, Bulma slowly started to stop paying for things for me. She mostly paid the rent, and I took care of everything. Well, we split the food bill for now. I even work through my 19th birthday. But I made sure that during Videl’s birthday she got a wonderful morning, and night. Classes was becoming more of a joke each semester. To the point, I became a substitute teacher, for the classes I’m supposed to be a student for. But hey, it paid, and I was saving up for a special surprise.
Before long, I was working on my Masters, while working as a full-time teacher, at the same university. Tomorrow is Videl’s 20th birthday, and I made reservations at a restaurant. I really hope she loves my little birthday gift. The fact she went to the same university, made it easier to catch each other. I told her about how I was taking her to dinner, and that I’ll pick her up by 7. With that I went home, and got ready. I even made sure that box was nicely tuck in my pocket. I was still nervous, but I know I could do this. I was even happy that I asked Erasa to help me pick the perfect one.
While we waited on the first course, we made small talk. Mostly about classes, and how funny our relationship started. It was such a wonderful moment. After dinner, we went on a walk-through a nearby park. When we reached a bench, I decided now would be the perfect time for her surprise. “Videl, you’re the most wonderful thing that ever happened in my life. And I hope you’ll forever be in mine, as I forever in yours.” She asked what was I talking about. At that moment I got on one knee and asked the magic question. “Videl, will you marry me?”
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Day 1 - We arrive in Paris
Monday, November 7, 2022
I’ve been accused of being too organized and anal about our plans, so I’ve been trying to “live more in the moment.” This resulted in me saying, last night, we’ll leave about 8:30/8:45 tomorrow morning, and then waking up to an email from Eurostar reminding me that we needed to be at St Pancras 90 mins before our 10:22am train. I woke up at 7 and proceeded to hustle everyone, including Sasha, who kept on saying, “but we’re not leaving until 8:45, right?” Fast forward, we were at St Pancras by 8:45.
My morning started with my very loud mother moving about the Airbnb at an ungodly hour, waking me up about an hour before my alarm went off. After lounging around in bed for a bit, trying to get that last hour in, I decided to get up and get ahead of schedule to make my mother happy, only to find out that she had changed the time we were leaving by half an hour. I still had a good amount of time to get read, in my opinion, so I didn’t rush myself, although my mother had no issue trying to make me go even faster when we had time and did not need to rush, which was evident once we got to St. Pancras and had plenty of time before the train. We had a nice, quiet train ride and then an only slightly stressful journey to the Airbnb in Paris (due to not knowing where the Uber would pick us up and a closed road).
The apartment is very cute. The owner(?) Jean Pierre met us and showed us around. It is so complicated to get in and out of this apartment, with multiple codes, fobs, and keys, that he forgot to tell us how to actually get out through the front door, and we had to call him in a panic. Let’s hope there’s not a fire while we’re here because we’re toast if there is.
Once we got to the Airbnb, there was a bit of confusion as to where the actual place was, but after the owner came to get us, we were delighted to see a wonderful apartment with slightly less than wonderful beds (hard mattresses, they’re not for me) and disappointingly (I think only to me) no bidets  (I’m curious). After a short cooldown, we attempted to leave the apartment only to be stuck at a prison gate (really just a gate, but it looks like it would be in a prison), so my mom had to call the owner, who told us all we had to do was flip a switch. So simple.
I had bought a Paris Pass plus a museum pass, so we needed to go and pick up the latter before doing anything else. The office where we needed to get it was near the Louvre, which allowed for a nice pre-dinner drink through the Marais to the Louvre. It’s hard to believe that I haven’t been back to Paris for about 6 years. I love this city so much; it just doesn’t feel that long.
Today I was a little overwhelmed after not eating much and traveling to a different country, so for the first couple of hours in Paris, I might’ve been a little short with my mom, but after a nice walk along the Seine and a delicious cocktail, my spirits were revived. Just in time, too, because we made our way to a small restaurant for dinner.
After a little pre-dinner aperitif, we turned up at the local Marais restaurant recommended by Jean Pierre. This turned out to be one of the many Parisian gems that are unfussy, not fancy, just excellent food. Sasha had escargot and duck confit for the first time and said that this was the best meal of her life. Even if this was hyperbole, it was a good meal.
The restaurant was a cute little place where you could see the chef cooking everything and the other guy on the wood-burning grill cooking the meat. I decided a while ago that I would try escargot on this trip; today was the perfect day. It was amazing and might’ve been one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. Honestly, everything I ate tonight was truly amazing, and I don’t see how the food could get any better, but I’m ready to see what happens.
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tinydestinybear · 2 years
Hey if you can.....could you do a headcannon of Harry being a dad to teenagers and maybe he's really affectionate or something like that please?
thank you for sending in the request!! feedback is appreciated! <3
w/c: 650 words 
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i feel like harry would raise a strong, independent kid. they’d have a good relationship wherein they don’t feel afraid to approach him for anything
museum dates and visits to local concerts, of course. they’d bond so much over art work and music, it just feels like they’re bound to explore that stuff together
he’s the kind of dad to store your family pictures in his wallet. imagine <3
he’s that dad who still loves leaving kisses on their forehead 
i think they’d make a fun, chaotic duo/trio because they’d try out well planned pranks on you which is why i feel they would be the best of friends altogether
oh he loves spoiling them with food from restaurants, will probably sneak in donuts or ice cream for them and when you spot them, the kids are quick to defend him too, “we bought this! on your own!”... yeah, you definitely don’t end up believing that.
when you have a little baby girl, he ends up learning a lot over the years whether it’s about periods or any other changes from you. a little extra but when they’re younger, he enjoyed watching movies/shows with them from disney’s jasmine to barbie’s life in the dream house, he absolutely loved them all
harry with daughters in general would love to bake cupcakes or cakes. like it’d be so much fun and they would be all around, spreading the dough on his face and just a fun day at the styles’ residence. they would definitely be a daddy’s girl and would be lost without him and his guidance. 
harry with sons is a very competitive scenario. video games and what not, rather any activity they all play - it’s a competition.
i don’t see the kids hiding stuff from him, i think he’s a super chill parent who initially used to worry a lot whenever they’d go out for long hours but i think he got more comfortable with it when they kept him in touch of their well being throughout and plus he knows a few rule breaks are allowed because he was a teen once too
at first maybe he’s the kind of dad to intimate his kid’s partner but then eventually it’s all fun. he never forgets to threaten them slightly behind their back <3 might also embarrass his kids by showing their baby photos and telling their most embarrassing stories to their partner 
i feel like if his daughter specifically gets a partner, he’d be so taken aback wondering how she’s grown up this fast and of course if you hear a loud cough near her room when her partner’s home, it’s definitely not harry. jokes apart, he’d definitely support them a 100% if he sees them share those genuine feelings. and he definitely gives a lecture on consensual, safe sex and what he feels like he should have been told when he was a teenager himself. 
i also feel like he’d be the best at giving advice to his son for their relationship and the best tease when he spots his son all blushed up while speaking of his crush, “you’re so in love!’’ he says with a chuckle as he remembers the very first time he was like this with you. maybe he’ll take the chance and go down the memory lane and narrate how you both fell in love gradually and his kid will probably have a smile on his face while listening to his parents’ story. 
naturally, arguments are occasionally happening and it feels too long whenever they have one because by the end of the day, they don’t even remember why they stood by their points so much without trying to understand each other. they’ll probably act upset but it’s never gonna stretch for more than a few hours before either harry or the kid is finding their way back to each other. 
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landhoesnorris · 3 years
Keep Quiet - Lando Norris
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Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+
Request: “18. “you need to keep quiet baby” 20. “you look so good with my hand around your neck” Lando's best friend max is over few months at our place and lando went with you on a date to celebrate the 1 anniversary. When he came back home he heard max is live on twitch and you both has sex and max heard you moans and was very embarrassing and end his stream!” -Anon.
I changed it from the request slightly but hope you still like it.
A/N: Let me know if you want me to write a part 2 of this I have ideas. 
You and Lando had been dating for a year and decided you’d celebrate your anniversary by going out to a fancy restaurant. Since it was a special occasion you decided to get properly dressed up. You decided to wear a satin red dress which had a high slit up the left leg, the dress however was tight around your curves meaning that wearing underwear wouldn’t be an option. You matched your dress with a red lipstick and light makeup and curled your hair.
Once you finished getting ready you made your way downstairs to find Lando waiting there. He was dressed in a white button up and black suit trousers. Lando rarely got dressed up, so everytime he did you were mesmerised and also at least a little turned on. Lando looked up from his phone as he heard you making your way down the stairs and his breathe caught in his throat when he saw how amazing you looked. “Wow” was all he could get out and he made his way over you and pulling you close to him when he reached you. A blush creeped up on your cheeks. “Don’t look too bad yourself Norris.” You told him as your hand came up to cup his face feeling his light stubble under your palm, yet another turn on for you. At this rate you wanted the night to be over, so you could act on your desire, before it had even started.
Lando’s phone went off alerting you both that your taxi was outside waiting for you. Lando grabbed your hand and led you outside letting you get into the taxi first before slipping in beside you. The taxi ride was quick and you were at the restaurant before you knew it. You’d been given a small cosy booth meaning that you and Lando could sit next to each other on the rounded bench as appose to opposite each other.
The whole evening was absolutely lovely, you and Lando both reminiscing on the past year together whilst enjoying amazing food and cocktails. You hadn’t even realised how long you’d been in the restaurant until the waiter came over to tell you both that the kitchen was about to close and if you wanted a dessert you’d need to order it now. You decided that you’d share a slice of chocolate cake and ice cream not wanting to leave quite yet. The waiter brought over your dessert and left you both to enjoy it. Throughout the evening you and Lando had managed to get closer and closer on your shared bench without realising it. You only noticed how close you both were when you crossed your left leg over your right and realised you were practically on top of your boyfriend. He brought his hand down to caress your now exposed thigh running his fingertips up and down before coming to an abrupt stop as his fingers were slightly under the fabric of your dress near your hip. You’d completely forgotten about the fact you weren’t wearing any underwear until now and it was clear from Landos face he’d realised too. His eyes suddenly darkened filling with lust. He needed to have you. He quickly glanced at the waiter signalling that you were both ready for the bill and the waiter brought it over quickly. Lando pulled out his wallet paying in cash and leaving a very generous tip as he just wanted to be able to leave.
Once you both made your way outside he quickly pulled out his phone ordering an uber to take you home. “I hope you know you’re getting punished when we get home. You sat the whole way through dinner completely bare without my knowledge. Do you really think that’s acceptable?” All you could do was giggle and fake an innocence in response much to his annoyance. However the uber pulled up before he could say anything more on the matter. Once again the journey was quick and you thanked god Lando didn’t decide to book a restaurant in London as he’d originally planned.
The sexual tension was building the entirety of the taxi ride with both yours and Lando’s hands slyly exploring the others body as much as possible without alerting the taxi driver. When you arrived home all you both wanted was to devour each other as soon as you got through the door. However Lando’s best friend Max was currently staying with you both so you knew you’d have to make it to your room before you could do anything. You made your way to your shared bedroom making sure you weren’t too loud as you didn’t want to wake Max.
As soon as you got to your room Lando had you pinned up against the wall and joint together in a rough make out session. Him making quick work of removing your dress and you his shirt and trousers. After he’d removed your dress he took a step back admiring the sight of your naked body in front of him before dragging you over to the bed. He lay down and pulled you on top of him straddling his hips. Neither of you in the mood for any foreplay. Both just wanting to be connected to each other in the most intimate way possible. You reached down aligning his member with your entrance before he roughly thrusted up into you. A loud moan escaped your lips as he did so. His eyes went wide knowing that you both needed to keep quiet not wanting Max to hear you both. “You need to keep quiet baby, wouldn’t want Max hearing” Lando told you as he stilled his movements momentarily. You pouted in response wanting to be able to bask in the pleasure in full. “He’s your friend, so you better think of a way to keep me quiet” you said in response. Getting annoyed with the lack of movement from Lando you started riding him, placing your hands on his chest and bouncing up and down at a fast pace. Moans and expletives along with Lando’s name were continuously slipping from your mouth. Lando had to act fast to get you to keep the noise down flipping you both over so that he was now on top. He brought one of his hands up to your neck before squeezing gently. Your eyes rolled back as he did so and your breath caught in your throat. In the year since you and Lando had been dating choking was never something you’d done and at this moment you were both wondering why. “You look so good with my hand around your neck, and it’s got you to shut up.” He said as he continued to thrust in and out of you knowing he could go as hard and fast as he desired in your new position since you were unable to make a sound. He was fully filling you with every thrust causing you to feel so much pleasure. It didn’t take either of you much longer to reach your high. However Lando removed his hand from your throat too early and you were once again screaming his name this time even louder. Lando being to caught up in his own state of bliss was unable to do anything to stop you his moans almost matching yours for volume. Your walls clenched around Lando as you felt his cum filling you and you came around him, both looking into each other’s eyes. “I think we might have woken Max” You told him with a giggle. He rolled of you with a grin on his face not able to be annoyed after the amount of pleasure he’d just received.
Little did either of you know Max wasn’t actually down the hall sleeping but in the room next to yours live on Twitch. At first when chat was asking about noises he thought they were playing a prank on him since they knew he was in the house alone and he couldn’t hear any noises through his headphones. However a short while later he heard noises that couldn’t be mistaken, it was your voice screaming Lando’s name so loud and in a tone that even chat knew exactly what was going on. A blush quickly rose to Max’s cheeks realising that his best friend was in the next room over having sex and he just made that public knowledge to the world live on Twitch. He quickly shut off his livestream without even saying ‘goodbye’ to his viewers. He leant back in his chair running his hand through his hair “Fuck” he mumbled to himself as he realised what just happened.
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 3 years
Pancakes for Dinner - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You have dated Bucky for a couple of years and Bucky is ready to pop the question. But does everything go according to plan?
Word Count: 4,285
Warnings: Fluff, a hint of anxiety, car sex, biting, cream pie, Smut
Author's Note: This was supposed to be fluffy but hey I'm glad it took the turn it did.
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Nude Lipstick? Check.
Cute Heals? Already wearing them.
Wearing a dress that hugged your curves perfectly? Yes.
When you and Bucky got together, he promised you that he would take you out on a date at least once a month. It didn’t matter if you were both tired. He always wanted to take you out.
This time it was a bit different. Bucky was taking you to somewhere fancy. When you would ask him about the restaurant, he would simply try to ignore the question.
You were finishing up getting ready when Bucky was leaning on the doorframe staring at how beautiful you looked. He loved seeing you wearing your pajamas with ketchup stains, but whenever you would get ready, his mind would go wild. He had a smile on his face as his eyes were roaming all over your body. You were wearing a beautiful long black velvet dress that was a deep cut on the chest area. Bucky always thought that he was lucky to have you by his side. He was always grateful that you were.
Ring…. Ring…Ring…
Bucky’s phone started to ring. “I’ll be back, Doll. Steve is calling me.”
He goes to the bathroom downstairs and locks himself in it. He wanted to make sure that you were unable to hear his conversation with Steve. Luckily, you were playing music as you were getting ready.
“Buck, are you ready to do this?”
“Yes, I’m ready to ask her” he pauses as he places his hands on his pockets, holding an item. “I have everything planned out. She is going to love it” a small chuckle escapes his mouth as he starts pacing back and forth. “I’m a bit nervous about doing this.”
Steve takes a big breath, loud enough that Bucky was able to hear it through the phone. “There is nothing to be nervous about, Buck. You love her. Just remember all those things that you have told me, that you can’t wait to build a family with her, that you wouldn’t trade anything in this world for her”
Bucky started to breathe heavily as his steps were getting heavier. He knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but he wasn’t sure If you wanted to do the same. The thought that your answer was going to be no, scared him.
He completely ignored everything that Steve was telling him. It’s white noise to him. He takes a couple of deep breaths. “I can do this. I have to go, Steve thanks for the pep talk. I’ll let you know when we leave so you and the rest can come to the house.”
Turning on the faucet, he throws cold water towards his face. “you got this, you can do it,” he whispered to himself.
Whenever you would get ready, Bucky would usually stay and watch you. He would compliment you and tell you sweet things to boost up your confidence. He didn’t care if he got a call. He would stay and let you listen in. So, it was odd that he left to talk to Steve about something.
Walking down the stairs, you notice that Bucky was at the bottom with his hand on the railing. Bucky’s eyes were digesting as he looked at you from head to toe. He was speechless. His eyes were sparkly, his mouth was hanging open slightly as he took in your appearance. To him, you were walking in slow motion. You looked so beautiful, he didn’t want to forget this moment.
Once you were at the last few steps of the staircase, Bucky extends his hand towards you. Without a second thought, you place your hand on his hand. “You look so beautiful, Doll.” He had a smile on his face.
Bucky was wearing a tailored black suit with a white shirt underneath, the two first buttons were unbuttoned, and his hair slicked back. Fuck, he looked good. “Babe, are you sure we can’t just stay in tonight and order pizza?” you knit your eyebrows together and push your bottom lip forward, making a pouty face.
“We have to go. The reservation is at 8pm” Bucky rolls his eyes as he gives a brief chuckle. He gets near you and places his metal hand on your waist meanwhile his other hand goes behind your head. He wanted to look at you up close. He wanted to see every little detail on your face. He mainly wanted to admire what was his. “Wait here. I have something to give you before we head out” He leans in to give you a forehead kiss.
Bucky heads to the kitchen to grab your gift. Your mind wonders what he could be talking to Steve about. Before your thoughts could continue, on the corner of your eye, you can see Bucky walking towards you with roses and a sunflower bouquet. Those were your favorite combination of flowers. “Bucky, you didn’t have too” your eyes start to water. You were so grateful to have him in your life.
Placing the bouquet on your arms, “I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. This is the first time we ever go out to a fancy place, and I want you to remember this” You get on your toes to give Bucky a kiss on his lips before you both head out.
Bucky held on the side of your dress. He didn’t want the tail of the dress to get dirty. When he opened the car door for you, he helped you by lifting the dress, making sure that it didn’t get trapped on the door.
Hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
On your drive to the restaurant, you shared laughs with stupid jokes you both would make. Every time your favorite song played, you and Bucky would sing your hearts out. You would dance. Meanwhile, Bucky would try to as he was driving.
A couple of minutes later, you were sitting across from Bucky at a very fancy restaurant. It was well decorated, and the ceilings were very tall with so many beautiful chandeliers. The place was dimly lit with a lot of candles.
You watched him look over the menu, and your mind wandered away from the food. You started to wonder when he had time to plan all of this and what was Steve’s call about. He was always with you, and if he wasn’t with you, he was with Steve and Sam. Your eyes were roaming all over him, from his steel-blue eyes to his metal hand. It brought you joy that he finally felt comfortable showing his metal arm in public.
“What is that beautiful mind thinking about?” Bucky asked you, breaking your inner monologue. Most of the time, he can tell what was going on in your mind. But due to him being nervous about what he is going to do later tonight, he couldn’t figure out what was going through your head.
Looking back down to the menu, “Oh, it’s nothing. Just wondering what I should get to eat.” You shrugged. With your index finger, you randomly pointed to something on it “hmm, chicken parmesan sounds good.”
Bucky shakes his head, and a lopsided grin forms on his face. “Ever since the day that I met you, you have never been a good liar,” he winks at you as he takes a drink from his cup of wine. “especially when it comes to lying to me.”
You take a big breath as you sighed “I’m just grateful” you didn’t want to throw any clues that you were suspicious of him. “that you are in my life, Buck.”
Bucky nodded, indicating that he felt the same way towards you. “I am too, doll. I have a feeling that you are a bit confused about why I brought you here. I just thought that it was time for us to go to a real fancy place” He looks up at you with wide eyes and places his hand on top of yours.
He was always thoughtful about the locations he took you. He always wanted to make sure you were comfortable and that you would enjoy being there. “It’s perfect, honey” you turn your hand so you can hold his hand.
He takes a big breath as he relieved his tense shoulders when he heard that you loved being here. “I should have brought you here sooner.”
“yes, you should of,” you said in a teasing voice.
Bucky sets down the menu and stares at you. “Mmm… you should be careful with that teasing,” He prompted you, leaning in towards you from across the table.
You grinned mischievously and leaned in as well, so you were closer to him “or what am I going to get punished later if I continue?��� you asked in a low voice.
He had the same look you did as he nodded.
You gently bit your lower lip “oh, you wouldn’t dare,” you said slowly and seductively.
Placing his metal hand on your cheek, “Yeah, let’s see about that,” slowly moving it towards your neck, gently wrapping his metal fingers around it. He winked at you.
You both leaned back as the waiter came back to take your orders.
Throughout dinner with Bucky, there were shared laughs between the two of you. He would tell you stories about how he and Steve were as kids. How he was tall meanwhile, Steve was short that would always put newspapers on the insides of his shoes to seem taller. You always loved hearing his stories.
"Bucky, I love you" you placed your hand on top of his.
Bucky always had a surprised look on his face whenever he heard you say 'I love you' to him. He never thought that at some point, he would hear those words from another person. His eyes were slowly filling up with tears. "I love you too. I-"
His phone started to ring. It was Steve again. Bucky takes a big breath. "I'll be right back, baby."
Bucky got up as fast as he could. He was heading to the restroom. Watching him walk away in such a hurry made you more suspicious of what he could be doing. You started to overthink about the things that he could be doing. He never acted like this. Your first instinct was to text Wanda and let her know about concerns
8:37 pm Wanda, Bucky has been acting a bit weird all day.
Minutes pass by, Wanda hasn't responded, and Bucky was still on the call with Steve.
8:54 pm Sorry, love, my phone has been acting up. Why do you think he is acting weird?
This was odd. Usually, Wanda would respond to your messages rapidly, but this time it took her time. Why was everyone acting weird?
Bucky was walking back and forth in the restroom. He was lucky that the restroom was only one stall. If not, people would think that he was going crazy. "Steve, is everything ready?" he started to heavily breathe at the thought that things might have to be moved to tomorrow. "Please, just tell me."
“Everything is just fine, give us- Peter, stop throwing rose petals everywhere and just place them on a line on the staircase- yes, Bucky, everything is fine” Steve wanted to sound confident, but everything wasn’t okay. He didn’t want Bucky to panic even more.
Wanda rushed to get Steve’s phone out of his hands. “Bucky, she is suspicious that something might be going on” there was a bit of silence. “Go out there and tell her nothing is going on.”
The fact that you were suspicious of the actions that he was doing threw him off his balance. Bucky’s mind went blank unsure what he needed to do next. He froze into place.
Meanwhile, Bucky was spaced out. Steve was on speaker.
“Peter and Sam put down the fucking rose petals. Stop making a mess. Please, you two can tackle or attack each other later.”
“Bucky, are you still there?”
“See what you guys did. Bucky froze, and he is probably panicking” Steve sounded annoyed with what was going on.
“Cyborg, do you need me to Amazon Prime you a charger for that brain of yours to compute again” Sam yelled loud enough Bucky was able to hear him.
“Can you all just shut up? I should have brought the girls instead of you three bird brains” Wanda sounded frustrated and just wanted the decorating done.
“excuse me, I am-“
Bucky hung up the phone. He couldn’t handle hearing them argue anymore. He needed to calm down before heading back to you. He takes out the box that he had been holding on to for months. He didn’t want to open it. He was just looking at it.
You were scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, any social media platform to distract your brain as you were waiting for Bucky to come back.
“Hey, let’s get out of here” he grabs your hand and pulls you out of your seat. He placed money on the table to pay for both meals and tip the waiter.
You both were speed walking towards the entrance. Every 5 seconds, he would look back at you to see your reaction. You were looking at the ceiling at how beautiful it was. Every chandelier was different. None of them were the same.
“So, where are we going now?” you tilted your head as you gave him a brief smile. With what has been happening all day, nothing can’t surprise you anymore.
“We aren’t going anywhere. We are going for a drive around town.”
As Bucky was driving, you would occasionally lay your head on his shoulder. It was a quiet ride. Every time there would be a red light, he would gently tilt your head towards his direction so he can give you a kiss on the lips.
Looking through the car window’s you notice that Bucky was driving further away from the city. You wondered why, but you didn’t want to ask him questions. You knew that whatever place he was going to take you, it was going to be meaningful.
Turning around to see how far away you both were, you weren’t able to notice the city anymore. There was an occasional light through the drive but not often. Bucky pulls over to a random empty parking lot. He leans in forwards and takes off his jacket, wrapping you around it, so you weren’t cold.
Bucky presses the button to open the sunroof and turns off the car. You started to recline your seat, so you have a better view of the sky. Bucky did the same. He lifts up with his arm so you can lay your head on his chest.
Staring at the night sky. You weren’t able to see nor count the stars due to light pollution. But it didn’t matter to you. All you cared about was spending time with Bucky.
Placing your hand on one of the jacket’s pockets, you felt a rectangular-shaped box. “aha, I found what you have been hi-“ you take the box out of the pocket. Bucky widens his eyes, thinking that you have taken out that one specific box. “oh, it’s just your phone” there was a sound of disappointment in your voice.
“You think I’m hiding something don’t you” he laughs a little.
“You’ve been acting all weird today. Of course, I think you are hiding something” you push your lower lip forward and knit your eyebrows together. You wanted to see if making that face would make Bucky talk.
Bucky places his left hand on your chin tilting your head upwards, so you can see him more clearly. He gently takes a bite of your lip and pulls it towards his direction, closing your lips and his lips together. He pulls away for a moment. “I’m not hiding anything, Doll. I promise.” Slamming his lips back to yours, not giving you a chance to respond back. He slips his tongue into your mouth in a demanding way.
He takes your hair and moves it behind your shoulders. Moving his lips to your cheeks down to your neck. He tilts your head slightly, having full access to your neck as he continues to nibble on it. “Let’s go to the backseat, Bunny,” he whispers into your ear seductively.
You have always liked Bucky’s car, since the backseats had a ton of room. He was quick to help you move to the back seats, and he followed you. The moment you both were in the backseats, his lips were pressed against yours. Meanwhile, his hands were working on the zipper at the back of your dress. The hastiness making it clear that he wanted it off of you as soon as possible.
As soon as the straps were falling off your shoulders, Bucky cups your breast massaging them. You sneak your hands to unbutton his shirt. You started to move your lips towards his neck and grab his shirt pressing your lips against it, leaving lipstick all over the shirt's collar. You gave him a smirk as your hands traveled down to his pants, unbuckling his belt and zipper. Earning a gasp from him when your hand slightly rubbed against his hard length.
Bucky notices that you were struggling, so he moves his hand from your breast to push his pants and underwear lower. He places his hands underneath your dress, pulling it downward, exposing your breasts and your torso to him. Cupping his hands on your ass and massaging them. You took your arms around his neck as you climbed to sit on his lap. "All night, I've been craving to do this to you, Bunny" Bucky smirks as he sneaks his fingers down to your heat, pushing your panties aside. He rubs his fingers against your lips, circling them around your clit a few times before gently taking two of his fingers into you.
You leaned in forwards, placing your lips against Bucky's shoulder, biting his skin as you moaned, trying to be quiet. "fuck, Bucky."
Thrusting his fingers inside of you, he smirked to himself, knowing that he can make you into such a needy mess. He nibbled your earlobe as he slowly pulls his fingers out of you and proceeds to lick them as he stares deep into your eyes.
You stroke his cock a couple of times before moving it to your entrance. You let it go in slowly, letting out a quiet moan as you did. You rolled your hips and bounced on his lap in a matter of seconds.
Bucky groaned, his hands moved to your hips, digging his fingers on your skin. Occasionally he would move your hips to control your movements. He threw his head back, closing his eyes. He wanted to feel your walls clenching around his cock and hear your voice moan and occasionally whimper.
When you released a very loud moan, he had known that he had just hit your spot. Causing him to press his lips onto yours, slipping your tongue into his mouth as you tried to control how loud you were being. Bucky swifts your body so that you were now lying down. Your legs were wrapped around his waist as he continues to thrust inside of you.
You could hardly stay quiet. Placing your hand on the back of his head, you pull him down for a kiss, moaning into his mouth. Moving his metal thumb playing with your clit. Breaking the kiss, Bucky places his other hand on your mouth, attempting you to be quiet. "Bunny, are you close?" he grunted into your ear. You nodded rapidly as you threw your head backward. "okay, wait for me. I want to cum at the same time as you do." he mumbled against your collarbone. He started to thrust into you sharply, and his fingers this circling against your clit. You moaned loudly against his shoulder, your legs tightening around his waist and your walls clenching down around his cock. Causing you to bit down on your lower lip as you got closer to your climax. With every thrust that he went in deeper, hitting your spot. After a couple more thrusts, you both reach your climax at the same time.
You both knitted your eyebrows as you both moaned together. You two had to catch your breaths and come down from your high. Bucky pulled out of you and immediately went over to grab the tissues to help you clean yourself.
The window of the car was fogged up, and your makeup was running down your face. “Look at my messy bunny” Bucky takes a tissue and tries to help you clean up your makeup.
Driving home, Bucky completely forgot about the surprise he had for you.
Walking into your house, you see a trail of rose petals from the entrance to the staircase. "Bucky?" you had a confused look on your face.
"Let's go upstairs and take a bath" he forms a smile on his face.
Heading to the bedroom, the trial of roses continued. You simply ignored it but deep down, it made you happy that Bucky planned this when we got home. You grab your pj's and his. Meanwhile, Bucky was preparing a bath. You stared at yourself in front of the mirror. Wow, you were such a mess.
Bucky was lighting up the candles that were in the bathroom and placing them around. When preparing the bath, he makes sure it's at the temperature you like and filled with bubbles. He places the box next to the bathtub making sure that he could reach it when he needed to get it.
As you were heading to the bathroom, that same trail of roses lead to it. Opening the bathroom door, you notice the path ended. You see Bucky surrounded with lit candles and with the scent of roses. You walk up to Bucky, getting on your toes to give him a brief kiss on the lips "was this something you were trying to hide all day?" he nods in agreement "ha, I knew it" you lean on to give him a kiss on his cheek "I love it Bucky."
"I knew you would, Doll. Now turn around. I want to help you put up your hair," turning around, agreeing on letting him put your hair in a ponytail or in a bun. He was always so gentle he didn't want to hurt you, not tug your hair too hard whenever he would do that.
You start to undress, and Bucky does the same. He lowers his body into the bathtub. He takes your hand, helping you lower your body onto the tub.
He wraps his arms around you as you lean onto him. He nibbles on your ear and kisses the back of your head.
You grab a handful of bubbles and try to throw them in his direction. "Hey, you got bubbles on my eye," he complained as he grabs a couple of bubbles and rubs them on your face. You both were uncontrollably laughing.
"Doll, we should play a game" he gently pushes you forwards, exposing your back to him. "You need to guess what I'm trying to say, okay."
You give him a brief nod agreeing that you wanted to play with him.
Bucky takes a big breath as he knows that he is about to ask you, and no matter what your answer was going to be, there is no turning back.
With the fingertips from his right hand, he starts to spell out 'Marry Me.'
"wait, wait, Bucky, spell it again. I'm not sure what that word is"
Once again, he spells out 'Marry Me' against your skin.
You were still unsure of what it was, you shifting your body now being able to face him. "I know this is cheating, but I have to know what you spelled out" you chuckled a little.
"yes, that is cheating, doll" he takes a big breath as a big smile on his face forms. "Will you Marry Me?"
You froze into place, trying to process what he just said. "Do you mean that?" your eyebrows rose, and you had a smile on your face.
"Of course, I mean it" he takes a big gulp before saying anything else, "I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to make pancakes at 2 in the morning with you. I- I just want you."
"I-"you lean in forwarding, closing in the gap between you and him. Wrapping your arms around him, you stare at his beautiful ocean blue eyes. You get on top of him, sitting on his lap.
He places his hands around your waist. He was searching all over your face for any hints of you saying yes or no. "so is this is a yes?" his voice got small and a bit shaky.
Leaning in forward to give him a brief kiss, "yes, Bucky. I do want to marry you."
Bucky sighs in relief "you have no idea how relieved I am now" he chucked a little bit.
Placing your hand on his cheek, "you have no idea how happy I am, and I can't wait to have little munchkins with you," you scrunched your nose as you smiled.
He grabs the box that he placed outside of the tub and opens it revealing a stunning heart-shaped diamond with a silver band. Bucky grabs your hand, placing the ring on the fourth finger of your left hand. "I can't wait either, Mrs. Barnes."
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
can i request a fic where sapnap takes the reader to his hometown? like the classic going to places he went to when he was younger. maybe playgrounds and ice cream shops idk
places i used to go
warnings: language of course, an allusion to virginap, my uneducated guess of what sapnap was like in highschool, tiny detail of long haired!sapnap, singular canon detail of underage drinking, jokish about marriage
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
words: 2191
A/N: you are a god, anon. i love comfy and nostalgic fics like these and it was so fun to write. if you hate it dont tell me but if you like it lemme know akskdjd
inbox/requests: open
The wind whips fast on your bare fingers, cool and quick and raising goosebumps in its wake. You blink in the haze of the early sunset, head lolled to the side of the headrest. It feels good.
“That’s where I went to high school.” Sapnap interrupts your thoughts and points a finger at a collection of tall brick buildings down a side street. The silver of the lettering is dull, but you can still feel the nostalgia.
“And you’re about to see the park that me and my friends used to hang out at after work and—actually, nevermind.” His arm drops to the middle console and he looks straight ahead with slightly pinker cheeks.
“Do what?” You ask, voice all sweet, and a grin grows on your face. You turn towards him and wiggle your eyebrows.
“Nothing. Homework.” He avoids your eye contact and hikes his hand up higher on the steering wheel. “Anyways— Do you want to get some food before we head out? I know a great place.”
You two were just coming to a close on your little trip to visit his family; it was his step-mom’s birthday and you decided to make a week of it. It was your first long-term trip with Sapnap, and also your first time meeting his dad’s side of the family. You were proud to say she loved you. His little sister took a little more effort to talk to you of her own volition, but soon enough she was on your side.
You have a couple hours to kill before making your flight back home, so Sapnap has taken it upon himself to give you a quick tour of his hometown.
“Yeah,” you decide, bottom lip popped out. “Can we get ice cream after?”
“Uh, duh.” The Neighbourhood’s Stargazing starts through the speakers and he reaches to turn it down. “I’m so ready to get home and sleep.” He stretches his neck in his seat, letting out an uncharacteristically inappropriate grunt when his bones pop. You make a disgusted face, nose wrinkling, but stretch your own back, slumping down in the seat. The day had been full of packing up and this horrible hike his dad liked to do early in the mornings, so you two were pretty beat.
“Okay, we’re here,” he announces three sleepy minutes later in his best attempt at a whisper. Lifting your head off of the corner of your seat, you blink in the setting sunlight as a yawn splits your face. “You’re so cute.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, and struggle to get your seatbelt off in that post-nap haze. You’d barely been asleep for thirty seconds, damn it. The air is a swampy heat when you step out of the car onto rocky gravel and nearly twist your ankle climbing over the curb. Sapnap catches you by the lower back, trying to hide his laugh but failing miserably. You slide him a dirty look, smacking his shoulder as hard as you can manage while limping towards the front entrance.
The door jingles when you two breach the doorway, alerting a bored-looking hostess that the circus has arrived. She looks at Sapnap a second longer than she should, eyebrows screwed together in silent confusion. But she leads the two of you to a booth near a large window, handing you sticky menus and promptly fucking right off to the host station. She nearly runs.
“Do you know her?” You ask, inconspicuously hiding your face in the search for their 24/7 breakfast menu. You feel his eyes on you.
“Don’t think so.” He leans on one elbow and slides his phone out of his jeans’ pocket. In the 25 seconds it takes for you to find their french toast and sides menu, he has browsed and closed his phone with an animatedly shocked look on his face.
“What?” You give him a weird look and put down the menu.
“I totally went to homecoming with that girl.” He eyes the hostess. You glance over at her again, meeting her gaze, and offer a polite smile. She turns away quickly, eyes wide.
“She’s cute,” you say, voice high and fake, and he drums his fingers on the tabletop as an amused look makes its way onto his face.
“Are you—?”
“What?” You reply right back.
Thank God the server comes up to your table then and starts asking for drink orders, or else you’d have to admit (sheepishly) you were a tiny eensy-weensy bit annoyed. Only a tad. But after requesting a Dr. Pepper and a water the conversation surrounding the nervous-looking hostess dies.
“I’m so hungry I think I feel my stomach shrinking.” You flop your head onto your arm on the table top and make a whiny noise into the stack of napkins your server left at the table. Sapnap rubs his thumb into the side of your forearm, touch warm and nearly dissolving the pangs of hunger and jealousy.
“You weren’t hungry an hour ago.” He lifts your hand to his face and plants a kiss on the back of it. Oh, pulling out the big guns, huh? “I would have made you something.”
You tilt onto your chin, pouting, and stare up at his cute face. His cute, scruffy, perfectly-kissable face.
“I think I got hungry staring at you for half an hour.” A mischievous grin grows on your previously-petulant face and he just shakes his head.
“I do have that effect,” he admits with cockiness in his tone, lifting his eyebrows and leaning back into the booth with his lips pursed.
The server returns with two glasses and takes your food orders onto their little yellow notepad. You chug the water down when they leave for the kitchen, getting your lap and chin thoroughly wet in the process. Sapnap just snorts at you and shoves the napkins your way.
“So,” you start, patting dry your jeans. “tell me what you were like in high school.” You cross your arms and settle into the booth, smirk on your lips.
“What I was like?” He parrots, sipping at his soda, looking thoughtful. “Firstly, a virgin.” You make a noise. Duh. Dude had a buzz cut his junior year. (You’ve seen the pictures. His step-mom particularly likes them.) “Secondly, I was actually— well, I wasn’t popular, but I had a lot of friends. We were all semi-athletic lonely band kids but we had fun. Had one girlfriend senior year but she went to Cal Tech in the fall and I didn’t. I, um, worked at a Dairy Queen in the summers and gained so much weight I had to lose all over again for Unified Track.”
“Relatable,” you comment, drinking noisily at your water. He fiddles with the paper straw wrapper and crunches it up into a ball. It goes soaring into your drink with a quiet “Kobe” and you just give him a look. He smiles toothily right back at you. “Stop being cute, I’m trying to listen to your story.”
“Oh, my bad,” he mocks. “Anyways. That’s what I was like in highschool.” You fish the paper ball out of your water and flick it wetly at his arm. It sticks and you choke on a laugh, cheeks puffed.
Two plates of warm food are set down loudly onto the table and you thank the server with a surprised smile, Sapnap mirroring you.
Two minutes of wordless chewing passes, minds occupied just by “food, me eat” instead of anything related to your previous conversation. You realize that Sapnap is one of the loudest chewers ever, and he realizes that you fail to notice the streak of maple syrup in your hair.
“C’mere,” he mumbles through a mouthful of omelet and hash browns and beckons you with his hand. You lean closer, chewing slowly, as he pats a napkin at the strands of hair trapped in syrup.
“Thanks, baby.” You take the napkin from him and pause your assault of the warm french toast before you to clean the sticky sugar out of your hair. He just watches you, half of a smile on his lips.
You two finish your food in record time. It’s borderline vacuum-like. There’s a short grace period where you just sit like two lazy cats, slumped down in the booth and holding your full stomachs. But the check comes soon after, and you both pay your way and are out of the restaurant without any mad dashes for the bathroom. A miracle, really, because of the American-like amount of butter you both consume.
“I’m a much more functional person now,” you mutter into the cotton of his shoulder, swinging your hand in his. He just hums in agreement.
“I guess we’re not getting ice cream, then,” he teases, and you just groan in response.
“I don’t feel like having diarrhea on a plane, unfortunately.” You sigh heavily when you have to split and get into your respective sides of the rental car.
The entire trip (somewhat roundabout because of the amount of side quests to show you things from his childhood) to the airport Sapnap is a chatterbox. He’s like this when he has sugar: either bouncing off the walls with energy or talking your ear off.
“That’s where my dad proposed to my step-mom. I was kinda young but I remember being surprised at how big the ring was— dude broke the bank for her.” It’s a little gazebo you catch a glimpse of through the trees in a park. It probably was an incredibly picturesque moment, and you can sense how much she must have loved it. With just meeting them this weekend, you can already see how much love those two have for each other.
You hope people can see how much you love Sapnap.
“Oh my God, it’s still there.” He points out the side of your window to what looks like a Dairy Queen that has been through World War 3. “My buddy Eric and I once spilled a gallon of that liquid ice-cream-shit all over the men’s bathroom.”
You shoot him a horrified look. “Why was it in the bathroom?”
He just smirks.
“—And that’s my Uncle Ron’s house. Had my first beer there.”
“And last, hopefully,” you add, pulling a disgusted face. The two story bungalow is cute, and one of your favorite colors: olive green. “That shit is nasty.”
He just shrugs and continues down the side street.
“Is this the park you were talking about?”
He pulls into the gravelly parking lot of a small clearing of tall trees, a picnic table and campfire sat squat in the middle. But he doesn’t respond, just turning the car off and climbing out. He reaches the passenger door without speaking, and opens it for you. You climb carefully out, confused.
“Come on.” He takes your hand and starts for a small path to the left of the picnic table. The mid-sunset shade envelopes the both of you.
“I hope this isn’t where you kill me.”
“No,” he snorts. “I just wanted to show you something.”
It’s just a few moments of stumbling through the damp underbrush before you’re coming face to face with a small, mossy pond that sits right underneath an incredibly old willow tree. He stops right on the edge of the rocky path and turns toward you.
“This your make out spot?” You ask between a grin as he snakes an arm around your waist and tugs you flush to him. Your innocent smile fades when you feel the press of his lips to the side of your neck, light and ticklish. Oh.
“No,” he murmurs, and just breathes you in. “I came here once—the night before I graduated highschool. And I told myself when I really really loved someone I’d take them here with me.” He sways with you in his grasp, a gentle and song-less dance.
You grip his shoulder tighter in your hand and lean into him.
“That’s— awfully romantic, huh?” Your voice is quiet. Almost nervous. He just makes a noise of agreement.
“So here we are.” His voice is the opposite of yours, all strong and confident.
You two just move together for a moment. The sun breaks through the tree canopy, shining bright orange down onto the glassy surface of the pond. Crickets and frogs chirp back and forth as the willow vines swing in a cool evening breeze. You watch nature come alive around you, suddenly grateful for the man in your arms.
“Don’t propose,” you whisper, breaking the gentle tension. A laugh breaks the silence and he’s pulling away to look at you. Maybe in disbelief. A strand of hair falls into his eyes and you brush it away, fingers stilling on his temple and sliding down onto his cheek. Stubble scrapes against the skin of your palm and he stares at you through those meadow eyes.
You realize in that moment that he is exactly himself. Of course he is. He’s Sapnap, and everything that encompasses that. Dark and light and fiery and cool. He always has been, and always will be.
You realize you wouldn’t mind if he proposed.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. let me know what you think
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floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song vii (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher, never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago, and you’re unable to remember the last time you dated. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire. 
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader   au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, smut; includes jacuzzi (oral) sex, outdoor sex, the angst/drama comes knocking!  words; 8,336
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue (+ drabbles)
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A few days after Arin’s birthday party school started back, and just as you’d known you got incredibly busy, incredibly fast. With admin and getting to know your new students you found that you were too distracted to dwell on all the things that had been worrying you. Yes, it was strange not being able to see Seokjin practically whenever you wanted, and yes, you missed him – and the summer, but with work so hectic it cushioned the blow. You didn’t have time to live inside your own head or get sad about stupid, tiny things. 
Letting the school know about your relationship wasn’t mandatory now that you weren’t Arin’s teacher, but you felt better for it, meeting with Hoseok one morning to inform him. Eunbi already knew, being quite a close a friend to you, and slowly, over the next few days you let some of the other teachers you were friendly with know too. You found it quite exciting. You’d been single for such a long time so finding yourself in conversations about your boyfriend filled you with a happiness you weren’t quite used to. You liked talking about Seokjin, bigging him up, some could call it bragging… He’d even very kindly donated money for a new playground to be built in the kindergarten area. He wanted to help Primrose Hill any which way he could. It meant a lot to you and his daughter. 
It only took around three weeks to get yourself into a routine. For both of you to find a rhythm and make it work well. Your lunch break wasn’t long enough for you to zip to Seokjin’s office and join him so he always made an effort to come to you. Sometimes you’d eat in his car, sometimes yours, or sometimes you’d meet in a small café near the school. You cherished that short time together because sometimes that’s all you could have. Depending on how busy you both were you often couldn’t spend time together in the evenings. You tried to at least once in the week, but weekends were reserved for things like spending the night. 
It was Tuesday today and you somehow had a night free from lesson planning which meant you could join Seokjin and Arin for dinner. You were glad really, because Seokjin had been stressed since yesterday and you hadn’t had a chance to see him properly. He had to go away on last minute business this weekend but it coincided with Misook’s family vacation. He’d asked Nana if Arin could stay with her this weekend but she was busy too. He didn’t know what to do, other than try and postpone the trip. Key word: try. 
Misook had left for the day just as you were arriving, Arin in her room, too busy playing on the Nintendo Switch she’d gotten from Nana for her birthday, so it gave you some brief time alone with Seokjin. You were shocked to see him still in his suit, sat in contemplation alone in the family room. Oh, boy. You hated seeing him so stressed. He was never one to mope or even show his mood. You knew him well enough by now to be able to tell when he was drained, but he still didn’t let it affect him too much, always smiling, always joking around. This evening was different. He’d barely said a few sentences, mostly it involved apologising for his bad mood. He felt selfish, not being much company, yet still needing yours. He had nothing to be sorry for, you reassured, resting your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you, holding you close. You reached for his hand, and there you stayed like that for a little while, fingers laced together. 
Arin made her way in soon enough, stomach rumbling, a hopeful lilt to her voice as she walked over to you both, hands behind her back. “Can we have pizza for dinner?”
Seokjin shifted, unlacing your fingers and dropping his arm from your shoulders as you both sat up straighter. “Didn’t we have that yesterday, Arin?”
Arin didn’t miss. She was a professional. “But Y/N wasn’t here yesterday. She missed out.” 
Her comeback even managed to draw a quiet chuckle out of her dad. “We’re not having pizza, sweetie.” 
She sighed softly, crossing her arms around her chest as she looked your way. “Daddy is moody today.” 
You raised an eyebrow, your mouth unable to stop quirking up in amusement. “He is?”
“Why do you say that?” Seokjin asked. His tone was light, but you could tell by his frown lines her casual words had him worrying. 
“I heard you on the phone this morning to mommy. There’s no one to look after me when you go away this weekend and she can’t do it.” 
Seokjin faltered, not expecting such a frank answer. He composed himself quickly. “She’s just really busy, Arin. She wanted to look after you, she just couldn’t this time.” 
“I know,” she replied simply, nodding her head. 
There was a beat of silence and then Seokjin reached for her, kissing her cheek, his voice quiet with apology. “I’m sorry. Was I really moody today?” He looked unsurely your way too. 
“Uh huh. You hardly smiled, and when I tried telling you about the field trip I’m going on next week you weren’t even listening properly.” Arin’s small voice filled with such attitude was comical. 
Seokjin chuckled. “Daddy’s really sorry. I’m smiling now, though, right?” Arin nodded. “And if you’re kind enough, you can tell me about your trip again over dinner. Is that okay?” 
“Hmm.” She thought allowed. “So can we get pizza?”
Seokjin snorted. “Nice try, young lady. It’s still a no.” 
Seokjin ordered from one of his favourite restaurants, helping you set the table as Arin went to check on her rabbits. You ate together, listening as Arin spoke all about her upcoming field trip, finally having her father’s undivided (and interested) attention. However, halfway in, she completely changed the topic, throwing you both. 
“Can’t I stay with Y/N this weekend?” 
“Hm?” Seokjin looked over at her, visibly surprised. 
You swallowed what was left in your mouth just as Arin’s eyes found yours.  “I can just stay with you while daddy has to go away.” Your lips parted, trying to think of something to say, your years of teacher training falling short. 
Seokjin beat you to it. “No, no, sweetie,” he shook his head, sounded a little flustered, taken by surprise. “Y/N will probably be busy on the weekend. That’s her only free time, she can’t look after you.” 
With a small shrug, she put her fork to her mouth. “It was just a thought.” 
Seokjin looked over at you, expression apologetic as he mouthed sorry. 
Hey, listen…” You began, feeling oddly nervous as you looked up at your boyfriend. It was a couple of hours later, Arin was in bed, time was getting on, you had to leave soon, but cuddled up against him, both curled up on the sofa as you watched mindless television, you really didn’t want to go anywhere. Seokjin had relaxed a little by now (the wonders of food), but you could still tell his mind was exhausted as his gaze fell on yours. You took a breath, deeper than intended, psyching yourself up. “I really don’t mind looking after Arin this weekend.” 
You didn’t miss the way his eyes widened a tad, obviously taken by surprise, but then his mouth lifted at the side, his head shaking from side to side lightly as he let out a breathy chuckle. “Y/N, don’t feel like you have to just because she brought it up.” 
You found yourself relaxing. He didn’t want you to feel obligated. You’d thought so, but the teeniest tiniest most worrisome part of your brain had thought he might now have wanted, or trusted you, to look after Arin. That wasn’t the case. You could tell by the look on his face. He didn’t want to put you out, ask too much of you. 
You moved and straightened your back, eye to eye now. “No, I honestly don’t mind at all, Seokjin.” You reassured, talking faster as you noticed him open his mouth. “Seeing as Arin was the one who suggested it, I guess she’s fine with the idea. I…” Hesitating, you added something else. “I wanted to suggest it myself but… If she’s comfortable with it, I’d love to.” 
It was the truth. Ever since Seokjin had called you at lunch time, telling you Nana couldn’t manage this weekend, you’d wanted to tell him you were up for it but something had stopped you. Even as he’d tried to think of options this evening – maybe his mom could stay for the weekend, his aunt – you’d held back and bitten your tongue. What if you were pushing boundaries? Inserting yourself into situations that didn’t concern you? Arin liked you, yes,   but being entirely in your care for 48 hours was different. She might not want to, she might feel uncomfortable. However knowing that it wasn’t the case, suggesting it herself so casually over dinner had given you the confidence to push through. Seokjin needn’t be worried about asking too much of you. 
Regarding you silently, he considered your words. Lovingly, you glided your hand up his arm, reaching out for his cheek. He pressed into your touch automatically. “I want to help you out.” At that, he smiled gently, lips turning up in a way that rounded his cheeks, making him appear at least a decade younger. It was wholly unfair. 
Turning slightly, his lips grazed your palm. “I’ll ask her about it in the morning.” You grinned, visibly pleased, and Seokjin took your hand to tug you gently to his chest. This time he placed a kiss on your mouth, humming happily. “Thank you.” 
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Arin was more than happy about it. Seokjin suggested you stay at his home for the weekend, seeing as that would be easier for the both of you, but she was pretty adamant she wanted to stay at your place. You understood, kid’s curiosity and all. She wanted to know what your home looked like, she wanted to meet your “pretty best friend” she liked to ask about sometimes. Honestly, you felt touched that she wanted to learn more about your life. It was just another reminder of her acceptance when it came to you, and you’d be forever touched by how easily she’d let you into her life. She was more than welcome to come stay at your place, but of course you’d run it by Soojung first. She’d agreed quite easily, even after you informed her you’d be sharing her bed all weekend, Arin of course using yours. 
On Thursday night Seokjin’s guilt was getting the better of him. He had you on the phone, making sure you were 100% okay with looking after Arin. He didn’t want you to feel as if you were trapped just because you felt compelled to help him. He could cancel his trip. You told him how stupid he was being. Cancelling would put so many people out, including himself. Besides, you not only wanted to help him out, you wanted to take care of Arin. You felt as though you were capable, and if you were being even more honest with him, you felt really happy it was happening. Knowing Arin trusted you this much was a great feeling. Knowing he trusted you enough… 
“Why wouldn’t I trust you?” He scoffed in disbelief. “You’re great with her. She loves you.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you laughed. 
“How come?” He was hellbent on proving you wrong, voice softening as he continued. “You’re so easy to love.”  
You felt your heart skip a beat. He’d said it so casually, so easily, you felt dumb searching too much into his words. It was far too early to think of things like that – for confessions like that. Right? Still, he sounded genuine enough. He meant it, even if it wasn’t in that way. Not that you were expecting anything. You were perfectly happy with how things were, your feelings growing stronger each day. You weren’t in a rush, neither was he. That’s what made your relationship so great. But your heart still felt all fuzzy regardless. You found yourself smiling down the line, your thanks obvious in your tone. “I’m going to miss you.” 
“I’ll miss you more.” He ignored your noises of complaint. “I’ll video call you a lot – and Arin of course.” Then he laughed. “Although, I’ll have a feeling she won’t miss me at all this weekend.” 
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The next day you finished up work early, it was a Friday anyway, so you never made a habit of sticking around too long, but this time you were packed and ready to go the same time as the kids. Arin would be waiting in her classroom, ready to go home with you for the weekend. Seokjin had dropped off her things early this morning before his flight, indulging you in a few sleepy kisses before he had to go, a promise of ‘I’ll see you Sunday night,” slipping from his slightly downturned lips, hands reluctant to let you go. 
Arin was visibly excited when she saw you, seconds away from jumping up and down on the spot, your first name rushing out of her mouth without realising. It was no big deal of course, but her reaction was cute, eyes widening as her lips parted into a circle, a noise of realisation leaving her. She looked very much like her father, which made it even funnier. You took her hand, saying your goodbyes to Mr. Moon, her second grade teacher, and left the building for your car. 
“This is a really nice car, Y/N,” she complimented as you made sure she was strapped in properly. You weren’t nervous, but you were slightly on edge, cautious, being a better word, to make sure everything was okay. You needed all bases covered. Arin was in your care for 48 hours after all. You told yourself to calm down, if Seokjin knew you were being this antsy he’d be highly amused. You wouldn’t stop hearing about it for a week. 
“I’ve always wanted to ride in it,” Arin continued. 
You smiled down at her. “Thank you.” She was one of the sweetest kids you knew. Your car was average. Not that she knew anything about makes and prices and whatever else there was. You didn’t either. As long as it drove you from point A to B you didn’t care what it looked like. 
“Will your best friend be home when we arrive?” She asked as you got inside the driver’s seat, sticking the key in the ignition. 
“Soojung? She’ll be still in work. Remember I told she works at a department store?” It was adorable how excited she was to meet Soo. Your best friend’s head would be double the size soon, ego inflated. 
“Mhmm,” Arin hummed responsively.  
“She won’t be done until around 6.” You turned back to look at her, knowing your next sentence would make her day. “I think she wanted to get pizza for dinner. Would you like that?” 
“YES!” Arin exclaimed immediately, eyes lighting up. “Soojung likes pizza too?” 
With a chuckle, you started the vehicle up and started backing out of your spot, replying as you did so. “She does.” But in truth, the pizza tonight was Seokjin’s idea. He’d given you one of his bank cards to spend on the food bill with strict instructions to only feed her the doughy delicacy once this weekend. He knew what she was like – you both did. She’d eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could. If you suggested it tonight, then that was it. She’d be eating your menu come Saturday and Sunday. 
“How far away is your house from the school?” 
You’d lost count of how many questions she’d already asked you since you’d arrived to collect her. It was comical. Seokjin had not warned you about that, but your years of experience had told you to expect it. What was a kid without questions? You’d be worried if she was silent. 
“Not too long.” You replied, glancing in the rear view mirror to see her happily looking out of the window. “When we get in, I’ll text daddy and see if he’s free to videocall.” 
You tried to stop the smile that wanted to break across your face at her nonchalance. “Do you miss him yet?” 
With a brief shake of her head, still staring at the whizzing scenery outside she answered pretty simply. “Not really.” 
This time you burst out laughing, unable to stop. She looked over at the noise, meeting your eyes in the mirror as you took a right turn, giggling along. “Don’t tell him though, Y/N. It might make him sad.” 
“I won’t, Arin.” You reassured with another chuckle. “It can be our little secret.” 
She settled in well that night, immediately warming to Soojung (who despite her lifelong insistence, was great with children). You thought perhaps Arin would begin to get homesick once it was time for bed, but after watching a movie you tucked her in and said goodnight. You thought she’d have trouble sleeping because she was in a strange bed but checking in on her twenty minutes later you found her fast asleep, hugging her rabbit plushie. You on the other hand got ready to share a bed with Soojung – the bed cover hogger… 
The next day Arin had you awake at 6am. You already knew about her liveliness in the mornings, so it was no surprise. You’d been woken up countless times over the summer by a knock at Seokjin’s door, Arin’s voice calling out for him. On days you weren’t there she’d even barge in and jump on the bed. Where she got her energy from so early in the morning was a mystery. This morning however, she caught you on the way out of the bathroom. You’d been tossing and turning all night, wresting the covers from Soo. You’d thought about maybe taking a blanket and having an hours nap on the sofa, but there Arin was creeping out of your room, a smile on her face as she saw it was you. 
There was no tempting her back to bed, so you sat her down at the table and made her some breakfast, snapping a picture to send to her father. (Captioned: Guess who had me up at 6am 😴) You had a few things planned today. Seokjin always made sure Arin was busy on the weekends, it was the only time he got to spend with her fully unless she was with her mom, especially now that she was back in school. Even if it was just something as simple as going to the park, he always made plans. So, to do your part and to keep her entertained, you were going to run by her house to make sure the rabbits were fine (fed and watered), then go to the mall. It was simple, yes, but you needed to get a few things anyway, and you promised after all that walking around you’d stop by the food court. Then she had to accompany you to the grocery store to get ingredients for tonight’s dinner. 
She was pretty damn excited regardless. “I like going to the mall with mommy because daddy finds it boring,” she informed you as she picked out her clothes that you’d helped her unpack yesterday. That definitely sounded like Seokjin, you thought to yourself, laughing along with her. “Mommy told me that next weekend she’s going to take me shopping and buy me anyyy-thing I want.” 
“That sounds like great fun,” you smiled, telling yourself you’d pretend you never heard that… Seokjin was keen not to spoil Arin so you didn’t think he’d be best pleased to find this out. “What do you want to buy?”
“Hmm. Something for Olive and Ariel, I think.” 
You smiled again, admiring her caring nature. Her rabbits were the most well looked after in this entire country. She adored them. “I think they’ll really appreciate that.” 
You continued helping Arin get ready first, and thankfully by the time you were done Soojung had risen. You left them watching cartoons together while you showered, eager to leave by 10am. 
Arin you found out, didn’t just like the mall, she loved it very much. She was practically skipping around the place as she held your hand, helping you pick out the things you needed for your craft session with the students on Monday. While she was recommending paint colours to you, she surprised you with a confession. “I wish you were still my teacher, Y/N.” 
“How come?” You asked gently. 
She gave a tiny shrug. “I’d get to see you every day.” 
Oh. You didn’t know what to say to that, touched at her matter-of-fact revelation. Instead you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a loving squeeze. 
“But actually, maybe I wouldn’t like it.” She added as an afterthought. You waited, curious as to why she’d changed her mind so suddenly. “I’d have to call you Miss Y/L/N. I’d get too confused.” 
You laughed, this child was far too funny for her own good. “Me too, Arin. It’s better this way, right?”
“Right,” she agreed with a nod. 
“Y/N, this is pretty,” Arin cooed, calling your attention as you rounded the stand. You’d gotten everything you needed and were now browsing around some other stores. You’d let Arin pick a couple out, worrying she might be getting bored, and one of her choices had been Claire’s. She was holding up a charm bracelet. 
“Very pretty,” you agreed. 
And then she struck. “Can I have it?” She didn’t give you time to answer, eyes widening as she began to beg, voice soft and hopeful. “Please. Pretty please.” 
You chuckled. You were practically immune to cute kids, so that wouldn’t work on you. However, she had been really well-behaved all morning, in your eyes she deserved a small treat. “You can. But just this one thing, okay?” 
“Thank you, Y/N!” She squealed, rushing up to you. She gave your arm a squeeze. “I like you much better than daddy.” 
“That will hurt his feelings,” you burst out laughing. She didn’t have to butter you up, you’d already said yes. 
As you were paying the cashier, she wondered off to a stand of keychains, her eyes catching something instantly. “Oooh, pretty,” she purred and the cashier, a woman no more than a few years older than you, laughed. 
“Best escape before she wants something else,” you joked, handing over some cash. 
“My daughter is just the same. Kids, who’d have them, right? We’re glutton for punishment.” She joked. 
“Oh, no, I’m –” You stopped yourself dead, unsure what to say. Had this woman just mistaken you for Arin’s mother? It definitely sounded that way. But just how could you correct her? 
“Don’t get me wrong,” the cashier said, shaking her head. “They’re definitely worth it.” 
You forced yourself to smile, feeling a little wooden, but the chuckle you got out sounded better. “Yeah, yeah they are.” You glanced over at Arin, thankfully she was too distracted by the abundance of cute animal keychains. You turned back and took your bag from the woman, trying to shake off how awkward you felt. “Thank you. Bye.” 
Walking over to Arin you took her hand. “Hope to see you again soon,” the cashier called behind you and you gave a wave, telling Arin to do the same.
“Thank you,” she sang sweetly as she did so. 
“So, something weird happened today,” you told Soojung as you prepared food, careful to keep your voice low even though Arin was well and truly distracted inside the living room. Taehyung was a master with children. The guy needed a career change immediately. You’d never heard Arin laugh so hard. She’d been in stitches for the last hour. You were worried she’d be way to hyperactive for bedtime once it came. 
Soojung looked up from where she was chopping onion, interested as her eyebrow raised. 
“The woman at Claire’s mistook me for Arin’s mother.” 
Soojung scoffed, lifting her shoulders in a casual shrug. “I’m not surprised. It was bound to happen. It’s normal.” She added, reassuring you as she saw the look on your face. “People just naturally assume.” 
“I guess…” 
“What did you tell her?”
Your expression turned sheepish. “I just went along with it,” you confessed, placing spaghetti in a pan of bubbling water. You caught the look she gave you. “I didn’t know what to say!” It was the truth. “I’m her father’s girlfriend seemed too… I don’t know…” Too impersonal? 
“That’s what you are though,” Soo snorted.
You gave up, knowing you were probably making a huge deal out of this. Was it that serious? Probably not. “I just felt awkward.” 
“Because you hate correcting people, or because you didn’t like someone mistaking you for Arin’s mother,” your best friend pried. 
“It’s definitely not that. It’s just…” You sighed. “How would Arin feel about it? What if she’d heard?”
Soojung shrugged. “She loves you. You’re great with her.” 
That wasn’t the point you were trying to make. “It still might have upset her though. She adores her mom.” You weren’t trying to take Nana’s place and you didn’t want her to ever think that. 
It was Soo’s turn to sigh, dropping the chopped onions into a fry pan. “Do you want my opinion?” 
“Please,” you requested meekly. 
“I think you’re looking way too much into it.” Obviously. “It’s not a big deal at all, and Arin didn’t hear anything so nothing to worry about.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, telling yourself to shake it off. 
“Of course I am,” she quipped, rooting around in a cupboard now. She turned back, a can of tomatoes in her hand. “I’m sure Seokjin will be able to ease your mind with his sexy Dilf powers or whatever he calls them.” 
“Shut up,” you groaned. You weren’t even sure if you were going to tell him. Like she kept saying, it wasn’t a big deal, right? It was an easy mistake to make. Probably happened all the time. 
From inside the living room you heard Taehyung roar loudly, mimicking a lion (possibly) and Arin shrieked out his name, laughter exploding from her. “Quick, let’s get dinner ready as soon as possible.” Soojung begged, dramatic as always. “I’m scared Tae might be getting ideas. I’m too young for kids!”
The rest of the weekend went by smoothly. Despite the excitement levels that Saturday night brought, Arin was knocked out by 9pm. You, Soojung and Taehyung stayed up for another hour before he had to leave and then Soo made her way to bed, needing to wake up early tomorrow for work. That left you on the couch, awaiting Seokjin’s video call. He’d already called once today, but Arin was so hyped, talking a mile a minute about her day, you couldn’t get a word in edgeways. (Neither could he.) You were thankful for some alone time. You were missing him. He’d gone away on business trips a couple of times in the summer but it didn’t mean you’d get used to it. You both talked about your day, and you decided there and then not to tell him about the Claire’s “incident.” Soojung was right, it was no big deal. It was a common misunderstanding, one you’d probably made unknowingly before too. After you’d said your goodbyes you went to bed, already strategizing how you were going to steal the covers back from Soojung. As much as you’d enjoyed looking after Arin, you couldn’t wait to have your own bed back. Sharing with your bestie was torture. Taehyung was an admirable man. 
Sunday was a chillout day, although Arin still had you awake at 6am. You made her breakfast, watched some cartoons and shared turns on her Switch before you both got ready for the day. You checked in on Olive and Ariel briefly before driving back to your place. There was a park nearby and you promised you’d take her. The weather was still warm despite September trickling by. It was crazy how fast this year had gone, autumn already nearly here. For the rest of the day you both relaxed in front of the TV, waiting until Soojung was home to watch a movie, and then you made dinner. Seokjin was due back around 7pm, so you made sure all of Arin’s things were packed up ready to go. It was just gone eight when he turned up at your door. Arin had already passed out on the sofa after her hot chocolate so he couldn’t stay long. You thought with how entertaining this weekend had been it had finally all caught up with her. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to spend the night?” He asked, careful to keep his voice down as he strapped Arin inside his car. (Still sleeping.) You’d followed him out as he carried her towards the vehicle, wanting to say your goodbyes. 
He straightened up, closing the car door as he stepped closer to you. You rubbed his arm. “You must be exhausted.” 
“Don’t baby me.” Reaching forward, he wrapped his arms around you, squishing your arms to your side. “I missed you.” 
You hummed, pressing your lips to his, careful to keep your voice a whisper. “Your dick missed me.” 
He scoffed in disbelief but couldn’t argue. “That’s…not a lie. My heart missed you too though.” 
“How sweet,” you joked, but couldn’t keep your charade up for much longer. “I missed you too.” This time the press of your mouth was much firmer. He matched it, letting you slip your arms around his sides, holding him too. 
“Tomorrow, then?” He asked hopefully, tip of his tongue wetting his bottom lip slightly as he pulled away. “I know it’s a school night but I swear I only get a good night’s sleep lying next to you.” 
Laughing, you nodded your head. “Tomorrow.” You agreed wholeheartedly. Sleeping alone was no fun anymore. 
He captured your mouth again, humming happily. “Can’t wait.” 
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The following weekend Arin was with her mom so you and Seokjin had the entire weekend to yourselves. Saturday was busy, you’d both probably been a little too ambitious when you’d decided to cram as many different activities as you could into the day, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You didn’t get many days to spend together likes this; walking hand in hand as you explored the local market, having brunch together, checking out a new museum exhibit, watching a movie at the theatre… You treasured days like these. And what better way to end one with? Jacuzzi time! 
Seokjin’s jacuzzi was fast becoming one of life’s staples lately. Who were you? A changed woman, that’s who. This was your favourite space in Seokjin’s garden(s). An area of decking, solar lights draped over the sleek fencing. In the middle was the jacuzzi, set into the wood. Now that the nights were drawing in, it was especially cosy out here, summer holding on for just a little bit longer as the weather stayed quite warm. It wouldn’t be like this for long so you had to make the most of it right now. 
You were sat inside the jacuzzi, water gently bubbling around you as you gazed up at the stars that had just started to appear when you heard Seokjin emerging from the house. His footsteps sounded against the wooden steps as he made his way towards you. You didn’t bother looking but when he didn’t join you straight away, you glanced over curiously. To be met with a rather naked boyfriend. 
“What are you doing?!” You exclaimed, eyes bugging out. 
He grinned. It was hardly innocent. “Jacuzzi’s are much more enjoyable naked, didn’t you know?” 
You tsked, watching him climb into the tub and make his way over to you. His mouth was immediately on yours, arms around your waist as he tugged for you to stand up. This wasn’t just any type of kiss. Like you’d said before, you knew Seokjin very well by now, and besides, you’d already noticed his dick was half aroused as he stood above you… He had a plan. 
On cue, he broke away, corners of his plump lips tugging upwards with a suggestion. 
“Join me?” 
“Seokjin…” You warned, voice low, hands grazing the tops of his arms. He couldn’t be serious. 
“No one can see us,” he reassured you with a wider smile. 
You mean, he was correct. This time you let your hands make their way to his shoulders, massaging them lightly. “You’re crazy.” 
“Yeah, crazy for you,” he smirked, leaning in to kiss you once again. His lips were slow, coaxing. Even more so as they made their way down your jaw and to your neck. You keened into his touch, his hands grazing down your sides, fingers toying with the sides of your bikini bottoms. “C’mon…” He sunk his teeth into your skin gently and you whined. “I know you want to.” You did indeed. Very much so. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you confirmed, voice suddenly hoarse. You cleared your throat just as his fingers began to untie the strings of your bra, mouth still peppering your neck with kisses. Until that was your chest was bare, and then his lips were wrapped around one nipple, water rippling with the sudden movement. You moaned as quietly as you could, wanting to encourage him because it felt good, but also nervous as hell because you were outside. You didn’t care if there was no one around for a good mile, you were still out in the open. 
Cupping your breasts in his palms he gazed down at them, sighing dreamily. “Have I ever told you how much I love your tits?”
You raised an eyebrow. “One. Don’t be so crude.” (Not that you didn’t like it.) “And two. Yes, yes you have.” You broke off with a laugh, reaching for him to mesh your mouths together. He couldn’t help but chuckle too, but elsewhere he had a hand down your bikini to grab your ass. 
“What’s gotten – Seokjin!” You practically roared, cutting yourself off as he suddenly dived down into the water, fully submerged, hands attempting to tear your bottoms off. “What are you doing,” you giggled, clinging to his back as you tried to stay upright. He had one of your ankles in his hand, wrestling with the fabric. 
A few moments later he arose successful, flicking his head back to stop his wet hair from dripping in his eyes. He pushed it back further with his hands, forehead now devastating, skin glistening with water droplets. You heart stilled, he looked gorgeous – and naughty. Behind him your bikini bottoms floated to the surface. A smirk spread across his face as he finally replied. “Getting you naked.” And then he was on you. 
He kissed you hungrily, his erection pressed up against you, hot and eager now, just like his tongue. Your fingers threaded through his wet locks, letting him push his body weight into you until the backs of your legs hit the seat. 
“Up here for me,” he pulled away briefly, command light, tapping his hand against the deck behind you. You let him slip his hands around your hips and lift you up, legs spread to accommodate his body, feet still in the water atop of the seat. 
“You’re not too cold?” He made sure to ask, concerned despite being ravenous. You shook your head, desire for him enough despite the night air cooling the water against your skin. Satisfied he immediately dove in, leaning forward to place a kiss against your wetness. You pulsed against the touch, moving back on your elbows to get comfier just as his tongue came out and flicked against your clit. Suddenly you didn’t care that you were outside. 
From up here you had a great view of the expanse of his broad, wet back, muscles rippling as he ate you out. You moaned softly, running a hand through his hair, gaze falling to his face. His eyes were closed, water droplets caught in his dark eyebrows and as if he could feel your eyes watching him, he looked up, smirking against you before he sucked the sensitive bud into his mouth, actions growing more eager as he heard you go crazy for it. 
He knew your body well, which is why he cruelly held off slipping a finger inside of you. Actually, on second thought, he knew damn well that the second he did so, your orgasm would soon follow. It wasn’t hard to tease your body, to control it how he wanted. As soon as you felt his middle digit push inside, you clenched around it, hips bucking into Seokjin’s face as a stifled cry forced its way out of your mouth. He grunted, inserting another finger, curling and uncurling them as his other hand gripped your hip, trying his best to keep you still. It was no use, you were a woman possessed, pleasure beginning to hurtle through your body at an alarming rate. You stretched out, fingers of one hand sliding along the wood beneath you, desperately trying to cling onto something as you moaned uncontrollably. Seokjin hummed along, encouraging you, coaxing the orgasm through your body. With each wave your breath shuddered harder. 
You only started coming to when you felt his fingers slip out of you, his tongue ceasing, mouth now at your inner thigh, kissing you wetly, passionately. Your hands reached for him, wanting him close, but he was already on it, straightening up to meet your mouth. “I need you,” he breathed. You could taste yourself, it was intoxicating. “Here.” 
“Here?!” You exclaimed weakly, unfocused eyes trying to concentrate on his face. 
He kissed you once more, moaning a little. “Yeah.” His hands wrapped around your hips, lifting you further up the decking before he climbed out of the water and crawled over your body, reaching for something behind you. “Look – let’s use this.” He had a beach towel in his hand, the one you’d left draped over one of the wicker chairs, and he hurriedly laid it out, pressing you into it to kiss you again. His cock was hard and wet, bobbing against your inner thighs. 
“Are you sure you’re not cold?” He asked, wet hair now having fallen in his eyes. 
You cupped his face, nodding your head as you leaned up. You were still thrumming from your high. “Yes.” Your tongue curled against his open mouth, slipping in to meet his own. The kiss was messy, distracted, as he spread your legs, hooking one up under your thigh. 
Breaking away from your mouth, he straightened his back and aligned himself at your entrance, needing no hands he was so erect. You clung to his shoulders, waiting for the first thrust. His skin was still dotted with water droplets. “I’m too impatient, baby,” he told you simply, and then he pushed inside. 
Slowly, savouring the feeling of your walls stretching around him, both of you gasping as he bottomed out. With a slow thrust he groaned. “You feel like heaven.” As he leaned in to kiss you, he noticed you trying to hold back a giggle. “What?” 
You burst. “That was so cheesy.” 
Chuckling, he kissed you again, tips of his ears turning red. “Don’t laugh at me.” You snorted, unable to help it, reaching for him in silent apology, despite laughter still escaping you. “Seriously, stoppp,” he whined, dropping his head. 
You grinned. “Or what?” 
That got his attention. Looking up, his top lip twitched. His hand cupped your face, thumb brushing over your lips. “I’ll have to teach you a lesson,” he murmured, voice an octave lower. You opened up, sucking the digit into your mouth, looking up at him knowingly. He knew what you were thinking. That didn’t sound so bad. 
“My mistake.” He smiled, gaze intense as he pulled away, his thumb leaving you with a silent pop. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” 
You were seconds away from agreeing but became distracted, watching him lift both legs up by the back of your thighs now, hiking them above his shoulders. He dick slipped so deep you choked, feeling so full you didn’t know what to do. 
“S-seokjin,” you panicked, your hands clutching his arms. 
He cocked his head to the side, voice soft. “Trust me?”  
You nodded, something already so addicting about feeling him inside you like this. You felt beyond sensitive, beginning to tremble as he slowly thrust in and out of you, bringing the tip of his cock almost all the way out before sinking back into your warmth. You moaned out, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes with a pleasure so overwhelming. He sped up, going harder now that he was certain you were enjoying yourself, wet squelches sounding along with your moans and his grunts. You loved watching him fuck you like this, towering down over you, the wet spikes of hair falling down around his face, fucking you with his entire body weight, your ass sliding back and forth against the towel. 
However, you also loved kissing him. Holding him as he thrust inside, keeping him to you. 
“Seokjin,” you breathed, voice tight, hands reaching for him. He got the message, easing your legs to the ground carefully as he took one of your hands and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it tenderly, your name slipping from his lips, breathless and husky. 
He moved closer, capturing your lips eagerly and you hooked your legs around his waist, clinging to the back of his neck in the process as your hips jutted up to meet each roll of his own. You were both panting by now, grunts of exertion slipping from your mouths as you continued to make out. His movements were messier, wet bodies pressed up close, enough to provide enough friction for a second orgasm. 
“Ah… I’m close,” he panted, mouth grazing down your throat as he attempted to keep the same momentum. 
“M-me too.” 
That spurred him on, hips snapping into yours with a cry, newfound determination, lips pressing into yours once more. You came together, out of breath and quite sweaty, but mouths unrelenting. You’d never get enough of kissing him. It was addictive – especially like this. 
Spent, he slid out of your dampness naturally, having grown flaccid, kissing you slowly now, indulgently, until he was moving south, capturing your left breast in his mouth, tongue encircling your nipple. You shuddered as he pulled back, one of his hands cupping the right breast to give that a parting kiss too. It wouldn’t be long before you started growing cold, but you were so content here you didn’t care. 
Seokjin lifted his head up, gazing straight into your eyes. His were warm and soft, drunk on your beauty (or so he would say). “I want to give you the world,” he breathed, sealing his confession with a press of his mouth. 
Your heart swelled, heat prickling your skin and you clung to him. But despite that, you felt the need to joke around. Call it a defence mechanism, who knew. “Men are so weak,” you chuckled, running your fingers through his hair to pull it back, revealing his face again. The tips had already started to dry. “Let them cum inside you and they’re like putty in your hands.” 
He laughed too, genuinely amused, but his eyes were still soft and he leaned into your touch, content with the way you held his face now. “I mean it though,” he whispered. “Tell me what you want. Anything. I’ll make it happen.” 
You raised an eyebrow. He was being ridiculous, acting drunk. Still, you were pretty simple. You didn’t have many wishes, many dreams. “I want to travel on a plane.” 
It was his turn to lift an eyebrow, intrigued. “Like a private jet or?”
“No,” you giggled, “just a plane in general.” You kissed his nose. “You know I’ve never been out of the country before.” 
“You want me to take you on vacation?” He hummed, turning suggestive pretty quickly. “A sexcation?”
“Seokjinn,” you whined, dropping your hands from his face. 
He nudged his nose against yours playfully. “Well, of course there’ll be sex involved, but,” he grew serious, genuinely interested, “where do you want to go?” 
“Hm, anywhere?”
“Anywhere,” he confirmed, adding, “unless it’s another planet, or the moon.” 
You smiled, amused, yet deeply preoccupied now. Where did you want to go? What was your dream destination? You’d had one place in mind since you were a child. Running a hand down his bare chest you suddenly felt coy. “I want to visit Paris.” 
He grinned. “France, Mademoiselle?” 
You matched it. “Oui.” 
“Done.” He kissed you, sealing the deal. “Let’s go there tonight.” 
You burst out laughing at his idiocy. “I have school. You have work – a daughter!”
He laughed too, but he was distracted, gazing at you tenderly once more. He opened his mouth, about to say something but hesitated. Instead he smiled, nodding his head resolutely. “Okay, soon. Very soon.” He laughed when you squealed in excitement, bringing one of your hands to his lips. “I’m going to take you to the most romantic city on earth, baby.” 
It was Sunday the next day, which meant only one thing. Lazy morning sex. It was his favourite, his time to indulge in all things beautiful and pleasurable he told you. (i.e. You). You’d grown used to his lame lines, he couldn’t help it, and deep down you secretly loved them. A man so shameless with his desire, his devotion. You really had hit the jackpot. 
Sundays were also your excuse to just be lazy in general. You usually skipped breakfast in choice of an early lunch, but today you wanted to picnic outside. You knew in a week or so the weather would begin to change more drastically so this was your last chance. You made a reluctant Seokjin get out of bed and shower with you, ignoring his advances as you did so. He was like a dog in heat. Not that you usually complained, but today you really wanted to hit the grocery store before rush hour. Sundays were always busy. 
A few hours later you had everything ready, outside in the spot that saw the most sun. It bleated down on you as you kneeled, arranging all the dishes across the blanket you’d placed down across the lawn. 
“Oh, shoot. I forgot the salad.” Seokjin realised by the side of you. “I’ll be one sec, honey.” He kissed your cheek as he stood, smacking your ass playfully in the process. “Don’t start without me.”
“What will you do about it?” You called out to him, unable to help it. 
“If you’re feeling brave, I guess you’ll find out.” He called back with a laugh, retreating into the house. 
A good girl, you waited patiently, but then time started to tick on. One minute, then five… At ten you stood up with a sigh. Where was he? You had visions of the salad bowl on the floor smashed to smithereens. You made your way through the doors that led inside the back of the house. You past his study, calling his name. “Seokjin? Did you get lost?”
You were met with silence, which wasn’t surprising, his home was big after all. Down the corridor, closer to the kitchen you began to hear voices. Seokjin’s familiar rumble, although you couldn’t make it out, and then a louder, unfamiliar voice – female. You followed the sound, realising it was coming from the living room nearest the front door. A sick feeling was slowly creeping its way up your throat, but you didn’t understand why. As you got closer your heart began to race, blood rushing through your ears. There was this sudden feeling of dread. It was so strong you could practically taste it, and you were so frazzled you couldn’t concentrate on the words you were hearing as you rounded the corner of the open door, although you did acknowledge them. 
Immediately as you came into view you heard them loud and clear though. Directed at you. 
“Oh, and this is her, right?” 
They were coming from a woman, her dark eyes piercing into yours. She was beautiful, was your first thought. Tall and slim, with long black hair, so silky she could have come straight from a shampoo commercial. It reminded you of someone. Her hair just as dark and shiny. Arin. 
At the thought of the child’s name, you looked down, spotting her beside the stranger, clinging to her hand, eyes wide and shiny with worried tears. Everything clicked into place then. Confusion clearing, yet the sick feeling got stronger. This wasn’t a stranger. It was Arin’s mother. Seokjin’s ex-wife. Nana. And she looked angry. 
You glanced around, spotting Seokjin who was looking your way with apologetic eyes. His face looked torn. He murmured your name, stepping towards you, a protective hand reaching for your own. He held it tight, giving you a comforting squeeze. His palm was clammy. 
“Yes, here she is!” Nana laughed harshly, needing no reply. It made you wince. Beside you Seokjin groaned quietly, rubbing his free hand across his face before he took a deep breath. As if he was gearing himself up. 
You looked at Nana, chest a little tight, something heavy in your stomach. When your eyes locked the corners of her mouth curled upwards. 
“The stepmom!” She sneered. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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lonelyl00n · 3 years
Je T'aime | Yandere! Joy
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Summary: When your childhood bully won't let go of you.
Warning: manipulation, abuse of power, controlling relationship, jealousy, mention of killing
wc: 1.5K
This is was inspired by my favorite song Je T'aime by Hey. When I found out that Joy did a cover of that song, I got the creativity to create this. I wanted to get all of this out of my head, so it may feel a bit rushed in some areas.
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You were in the library when you felt someone put their hands over your eyes. “Guess Who?”
“Hmmm.” You joked as you tapped your finger on your chin. “Is it…Namjoon?”
Your eyes were uncovered the second you said that. You laughed at Joy’s angry expression. “I told you not to mention him.”
“Sorry, sorry. What brings you here.”
“What do you mean what brings me here? It’s our night out.” Joy gasps.
“I’m sorry Joy, I don’t think I can do it tonight. Namjoon was supposed to be tutoring me, but I’ve been waiting for like thirty minutes.”
“I’m one of the smartest kids in the school. I’m in the Top 10 you know. Why didn’t you ask me?” Joy pouted.
You laughed at her outburst. “First of all, your parents would sue the school if you weren’t in Top 10, so that doesn’t really mean much.”
Joy's father was the CEO of a famous luxury brand, while her mom is a retired actress who was popular in the late 80's and 90's. Her parents had more money than you and your family could ever dream of. Growing up bouncing around from different relative’s basements made a lot of the kids at school growing up, make fun of you.
Especially Joy.
In 4th grade, is when she would begin to make your life a living hell. She would steal your lunch money and give you foods that she knew you were allergic to. She would constantly call you fat and make rude comments about you to her friends.
It got worse in 10th grade, when she made an announcement over the PA system that whoever talked, touched, or even looked at you would get beat up. She bought you and her matching rings at cost more than $1000, and would make you wear it all the time. She bought you clothes, gave you money, and even managed to convince her parents to buy your family an apartment with three bedrooms and a balcony.
 She basically owned you. You weren’t allowed to go out on the weekends because of her security guards guarding your apartment door. When you did try to leave the apartment, which you never succeeded, you would be taken by the guards to the Park Mansion and have to sit on Joy’s lap as you two watched a movie, as punishment.
You hated the power she had, you always did, she even forced you to go to the same college that she was going to, by threatening to hurt your Aunt Irene.
You reluctantly agreed to her ‘idea’, not wanting to hurt your family members that helped your family so much.
So now you followed Joy around the campus like a little puppy, while everyone else thought that you guys were just close friends who liked being near each other.
“And second of all.” you continued. “We are supposed to be working on a project together.”
Joy furrowed her eyebrows while thinking. A project? With a boy?! She thought she had already told all of your professors to not give you any partners at all. Especially a boy.
“I know what your thinking.” Y/N claimed, seeing the looked on Joy’s face. “But we went to London for a whole month, and this was a month-long project. I can’t do it alone.”
“Fine, then I’ll help you.” Joy suggested.
“But Namjoon has to get this grade too.”
“Why do you worry about other people so much, come on let’s just start this.”
You and Joy spent all night, researching, printing, and decorating your poster board. By the time you guys were finished it was 2 a.m.
“Well, that was quicker than I expected. I guess I’ll have to make a new reservation for tomorrow.” Joy sighed. “Let’s go home.” She said as she intertwined your hands and walke out the library.
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As part of the deal, Joy had you move into a luxury 2-bedroom apartment that was about an hour away from campus. Joy demanded insisted that you shouldn’t use public transportation anymore because now, with the help of her money, you were worth a lot. Throughout your high school experience, Joy never let you get a driver’s license, so she has the pleasure of driving you to and from campus, always knowing your whereabouts.
You looked out the car window without having anything to do. As punishment for talking to a boy, Joy had taken your phone claiming that the only person you needed to talk to was always right beside you. “What do you want to eat.” She asked you.
“McDonald’s.” You say robotically. McDonald’s was the only fast food place that Joy allowed you to eat. It was the place she found your family at in 10th grade.
It was on a rainy day that your Aunt Irene had kicked you, your parents, and your little brother out of her basement for being a burden, which you didn’t understand because just a week ago your Aunt had said you all staying there was the best thing to happen for her since her illness was starting to worsen.
So, with no where to go and barely any money, your parents took you all to McDonald’s to split one box of 20 piece chicken nuggets, and 4 small drinks for each member of the family.
As you were told by Joy, her family's trailer had broken down on the way back home from the airport, so Joy offered to walk to the nearest building while her parents berated the driver. The nearest place just so happened to be the McDonald’s you and your family were at.
You instantly recognized Joy when she walked through the door, just like how Joy instantly recognized you. She sat a table across from the booth your family was at, and pulled out her phone. Gosh, were you so amazed. You had never had a phone before. Your parents only had one that they shared, and you didn’t have friends (because of Joy’s rules) to let you use theirs. Joy smiled at you awe-filled eyes and continued talking on the phone.
You didn’t even realize that you were staring at her until your mom slapped your wrist and told you to stop. When the phone call ended, Joy stood up and walked towards your table. You looked at the ground, afraid that she too would scold you. “Hello L/N’s. I’m Park Sooyoung.” She started. You heard a gasp in front of you and looked at your parents, who were looking at the entrance doors. A tall man wearing a suit, and a woman carrying a Chanel bag. Walked through the door.
Joy looked back and laughed. “Oh, those are my parents.” They came up to your booth, both shoke hands your parents and stood behind Joy. ”We wanted to give your family a place to stay, would you let us.” You mother, being the biggest fan of Joy’s mother growing up instantly nodded, while your father thought about it for a few seconds before evening his Wife’s beautiful smile. A smile he hadn’t seen since their wedding day. He agreed as well.
That night was significant to you because not only did your family get a place to reside, but it was also the first time that Joy was nice to you. Since that day she started treated you better, still not letting you talk to anyone else, but she was nice.
Although Joy would never tell you this, it was that night that she fell in love with you, completely.
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After eating. You and Joy got into the bed that you two shared. Yes there were two bedrooms in your apartment, but you couldn’t sleep in a room by yourself.
You had slept in a room with somebody your whole life, it felt uncomfortable. So on the first week of living here, you asked Joy if you could sleep with her, even okay with sleeping on the ground. Joy let you into her bed, and sang you to sleep.
That became your routine every night after that. However tonight was different, you feel asleep the minute you got into bed. Joy snuck out of the bed and turned you alarm off. You didn’t need to go to school tomorrow, you wouldn’t have time anyways. Her makeup crew that were going to come today were rescheduled to come tomorrow. The day she had been waiting for since that night was going to happen.
 All of you and her family members were going to be at that restaurant and would watch as she would get down on one knee, just like in the romance movies, and propose to you. Just thinking about tomorrow made her heart flutter. Yes, she was furious about the change of plans today, but she would never take it out on you. Instead, she took it out on that Namjoon guy behind the library. Ugh! Just thinking about him getting close to you was sickening. She had her men take care of his body for her.
She kissed your cheek and whispers in your ear, “I love you.”
Everything was set in her plan. She loved you, and you…would have no choice but to love her. You were hers after all. Hers to love.
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timbertumbr · 3 years
Zoo Date (Underfell X Reader)
Underfell Sans- 
You had dragged Sans to the zoo to show you the wonders of the zoo. He was, of course, hesitant at first. But when all you did was just look at animals and even learn something about em, he was content. You then made it to the reptiles and Sans found the alligator enclosure.
He stopped in his tracks and literally stared at the giant reptile. It stared back and they had a staring contest. You notice San’s absence and see that he’s looking at the alligator. You giggle as you approach him.
“Did you find an animal you like?” Sans smirks and nods.
“Yup, we’re giving each other death glares,” You snicker.
“Yeah, If you were to turn into an animal, it’d definitely be an alligator, they’re smart, cunning, fast, insanely strong, and they care for their family! Have you SEEN a picture of an alligator mom carrying her babies?!” Sans shakes his head. You quickly pull your phone out and bring up a video of a mom alligator carrying her babies in her mouth.
“Aww, that’s cute. Ya know, for a carnivorous beast-” He pauses when you lose your grip on your phone and it lands in the enclosure. You both stare at it, not sure what to do.
“Whoops, my bad,” You mutter, Sans bursts out laughing.
“Hahahaha! Holy shit, that was amazing… Don’t worry sweetie, I got i-” The alligator zipped across the enclosure and grabbed the phone with its teeth just as Sans was about to use his magic to get it. 
“Oh you little- GIVE IT!” He growled, trying to use his magic to pull the phone out of the alligator's grip. It only bit down on the phone harder. Eventually Sans’s magic does get the phone back… but it’s absolutely destroyed.
“. . . Shit. I’ll get you a new one,” Sans mutters, rubbing the back of his skull awkwardly. You quickly wave your hands in protest.
“No, no! I was the one that dropped it. I’ll just get a new phone when I have the chance… The SD card is okay at least so that’s good,” You say as you examine the remains of your poor phone. Sans hums in thought before gently grabbing your hand and leading you towards the gift shop.
“Well, then let me at least get you something from the gift shop, as an apology,” You sigh.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Sans,” He flashes you a grin.
“Then consider a gift,” You narrow your eyes playfully.
“Oh, you sly son of a b-”
You soon started browsing the many products in the shop, Sans casually following you and offering suggestions towards your interests which was sweet of him. And then you found the perfect thing, alligator plushies. You pick out two, and approach the cashier while Sans raises a brow.
“Why two if you don’t mind me asking?” You smile sweetly, paying for one of the alligators and handing it to him.
“A gift, to remember the absolute hilarity of this trip,” Sans smiles as he pays for your alligator and looks at his.
“I’m going to name mine ‘lil shit,’” You laugh out loud.
“Then I’m naming mine ‘phone destroyer,’” Sans smirks as you both leave the giftshop and out of the zoo.
“What if we made a lil story for em?” You gasp dramatically and hug your plushie.
“That’s a great idea! So, what if-” So the two of you begin making lore for your alligator plushies because you could and it’s fun damn it. Least to say, you enjoyed your trip to the Zoo. :)
Underfell Papyrus-
Papyrus was actually the one to bring you to the zoo, all because of an event being hosted near the African wild dogs exhibit. And that event would be learning a lot more about them! To say you were stoked was an understatement, especially since you were going with your favorite skeleton! Papyrus pays for the tickets and the two of you approach the event.
“Hey Paps, what made you want to go to the event anyway?” You ask out of curiosity, Papyrus glances at you.
“Yeah, that sounds like something you’d do. And while we're here, I can teach you about my favorite animals if you’d like!” Papyrus smiles softly. 
“Oh my goodness yes! We’ll be able to eat AND look at animals at the same time!” His smile grows.
“PRECISELY! THE PERFECT DATE FOR MY AMAZING DATEMATE! COME ALONG, THE EVENT IS STARTING SOON,” He gently grabs your hand and leads you through the zoo to the event where a little stage was set up by the African wild dogs exhibit. You and Papyrus watch and listen with interest, especially when they fed the wild dogs, Papyrus was very entertained by it. When the event was over, Papyrus brought you to the Zoo Restaurant which had a good view of various animals.
You watched them in awe while Papyrus looked over the menu. When the waitress came by, he ordered for himself and got you your favorite since you were so engrossed with the animals. The food arrived quickly and you both ate and chatted while observing the nearby animals. 
Papyrus pays for the food and off the two of you went to look at the other animals at the zoo before going home. While looking at the hippos, you suddenly turn to Papyrus.
“Wait here!” You exclaim before running off, he raises a brow but does what he’s told. You soon return with a gift shop bag and hand him an African wild dog plushie. He looks at it curiously.
“WHAT’S THIS FOR?” He asks a little confused but is grateful for the gift, you smile widely. 
“Well, you said that they’re family dogs so I got a bunch of plushies to give to everyone so we can make our own little African wild dog pack!” Papyrus stares at you before tears of happiness well up in his eyes, holy shit, you’re so fucking precious. He gently hugs you.
“YOU’RE TOO GOOD FOR US… FOR ME…” He mutters, you pat his back.
“And you’re the best skeleton in the world. Now that we’re done stating facts, wanna go home and surprise the others?” He smiles as he pulls back from the hug.
Want to request? Please read this before doing so!
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xtinyaurora · 3 years
hi can I request a reaction with ateez? how would they back hug their s/o? can you please make it detailed and super fluffy 🥺 thank you
Ateez reaction: Back hugs with Y/N
➼ requested?: yes
➼ genre: fluff
➼ pairing: Ateez x neutral!reader
➼ Word-count: 2,2k+
➼ Warnings: none? Maybe pet names, neck / cheek kisses and playing with your tummy, idk. 💀 If there are any more, please let me know!
➼ Note: This is not based on their real behavior or meant to represent real life. This is simply a fan fiction and is only for the purposes of fun, it’s a hobby. Read at your own risk!
➼ A/N note: Sorry for not posting in a longer time, my metal state gets worse from day to day but I will try and give my best to update more often now. Please motivate me by giving me some feedback! 🥴 Let me know if any of you wants to be in or excluded to my taglist!
➼ Taglist: @teeztheflag @darkstarlights
Park Seonghwa
You two were out for a date. After finishing your dinner, both of you went out to the balcony of the noble restaurant you were eating at. You had a perfect view of the city, all the shining lights adding a magical feeling to it. Seonghwa was hugging you from behind, taking in the smell of your shampoo. „It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” A smile creeped on your face. „It is. Thank you for bringing me here, Hwa.” Now he was the one smiling. „Of course, honey.” He now placed a few kisses on your cheek. It felt so good, you didn’t wanted this moment to end. „Thank you, Y/N.” You slightly turned your head in his direction, wondering what he could be thankful for. „For what?” He chuckled, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. „Thank you for being here with me. I’ve never been this happy before.” Your face lit up within a second, eyes shining bright. He’s so cute! „You have no idea how much I love you, Hwa.” Another smile creeped on his face. He was about to kiss you but got interrupted by one of the waiters. „Sir, I will leave the bill on the front desk at the entrance, if that’s ok?” Both of you turned around to face him, then quacking out into a laugher. The waiter seemed confused, so Seonghwa was fast to speak. „Yes, that’s totally fine, thank you.” The waiter gave you a quick nod and left. You looked at each other again, grinning. „He really ruined the moment, ha?” You nodded. „I thought this only happens in movies.”
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Kim Hongjoong
A slow song was silently playing in the background. Hongjoong and you lightly swung from side to side, him pressing your back against his chest. It was late at night and you two were finally having a romantic date together. The atmosphere was so relaxing, neither of you wanting this moment to end. Hongjoongs head rested in the crook of your neck, him placing a few kisses on your soft skin every now and then. Now, an hour has passed yet you two didn’t move nor said anything. Honestly, you didn’t had to. You don’t know how but you two communicated through out your minds. Slowly, both of you got tiered. Hongjoong raised his head up and took your hand in his to pull you into your shared bedroom. You two laid down and stared at each other in the eyes. Oh, how you got lost in this this men’s eyes. But it was not only you, Joong felt the same way. He loved your eyes, it was one of his favorite things about you. Reaching up his hand to stroke your cheek, a smile appearing on your face, signaling him that you were thankful for that. Well, you were grateful for everything he has done for you, most importantly for having him in your live. Yet another time at this lovely evening, none of you had to open your mouths to let the other know how much you loved and appreciated each other.
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Jeong Yunho
You felt how two arms clung around your waist, while you were washing the dishes. The person behind you then placed a kiss on top of your head and pulled you closer on his body, a smile taking place on your face. „What’s wrong puppy?” You knew that the tall male behind you blushed at that, this happening a lot of times now. „Nothing, I just missed your touch.” You pulled one of your eyebrows up. „Oh? We had a whole cuddle session just a few minutes ago.” Now a laugh left your mouth, Yunho joining you in the process. „That wasn’t enough, I need some more. Now please beautiful human creature, hurry up so I can cage you in my arms for the rest of our lives.” You felt how a bright smile was still plastered on his face, even after speaking. Shaking your head, you cleaned the last few dishes, before turning around and looking straight into the eyes of the smiling boy. Honestly, every time you were with Yunho, you were too happy. Of course you sometimes were scared for loving him so much but you knew that he would never hurt you. Yunho is some that makes sure to show his loved ones, how much he cares for them. He slowly got near your face, making you close your eyes and wait for the kiss to finally appear. When you didn’t felt his lips, you opened your eyes again and started to pout, knowing it was one of Yunhos weaknesses. So, the tall male couldn’t hold back and gave in. Taking your head in his hands, he gave you a long and loving kiss.
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Kang Yeosang
After a long and exhausting day, you entered your shared apartment and made your way straight into the living room. Yeosang was laying on the couch, watching TV and eating some snacks. Both of you stared at each other without saying a word. Short after, Yeosang broke the silence. „Hey. Rough day?” You nodded your head. When he opened his arms, you jumped strait in them. Finally getting comfy, you asked if you two could watch a movie. You didn’t had to ask twice, Yeosang immediately opened Netflix and searched for a movie to watch. Once he found one, he got up to get some food. Once he returned, he pressed play and went back to his spot. He tucked you in between his arms and legs, your back pressing against his muscular body. He randomly started to play with the hem of your shirt, now a finger tracing up and down your belly. You lead yourself further into Yeosang and closed your eyes right after, not really caring about the movie anymore. It felt extremely comfortable to lay in his arms that you drifted off to sleep almost immediately. A low chuckle left him when he realized what has happened. „You are really too cute for you own good, Y/N.”
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Choi San
You were running as fast as you could, your boyfriend not that far behind. All nine of you kept on shooting each other with water. It was Mingi who suggested to play this game. It was a hot summer day, so why not play around with water guns outside? „Hey, that’s not fair! You can’t protect each other!” Yelled Wooyoung, pointing at you two. „Leave us alone!” Did you yell back, while trying to splash him. He was mad because you escaped from everyone. San made a hand sign to the annoyed boy, no one really getting it except him of course. I guess it’s a Woosan thing... Anyways, Wooyoung seemed happy with whatever San was signaling him and kept on playing. At some point, your protector was nowhere to be found. You tried to look for him while you run away from the rest but then realized that not only he was missing but Woo too. „Oh no, this can’t mean something good...” You whisper to yourself. Out of nowhere, your boyfriend tightly grabbed you from behind. „Got you! Wooyoung, now!” You didn’t really made out on what was happening, you only saw how Wooyoung appeared from behind a tree next to you and aimed his water gun on you. „Goodbye, Y/N-ah.” With a grin, he splashed all of the water at you. Once he was done, San let go of you and gave his accomplices a high five. „San! What are you doing, I thought we are a team?!” You were kinda annoyed, both of them bursting out into laugher. You stormed off to the rest of the group, who seemed to have given up already. „What’s wrong Y/N?” Hongjoong noticed that your mood has fallen. „San ditched me for that brat.” Everyone busted out into laugher, you included. When the other two approached, you immediately stopped. Wooyoung stuck out his tongue, while San sat behind you and gave you a tight hug. „Don’t touch me cheater!” Again, everyone started laughing. „Come on, don’t be mad at me, baby. I will buy you some ice cream, okay?” A smirked appeared on your face. Revenge is sweet Sanie... „Guys! Free ice cream for everyone!”
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Song Mingi
„Mingi, I can’t breathe.” You squeaked out while he tightly hugged you from behind. „I can’t help it, I just missed you so much!” You chuckled while rolling your eyes. „It’s been two hours since we last saw each other.” The boy looked at you with his cute googly eyes, mouth lightly agape. „So what? That’s two hours too much! This is absolutely not okay, so let me hug you please!” You gave in, knowing that he will either put on more pressure or start to cry and since you wanted neither of these things to happen, you kept quiet. You don’t really know how long it has been since you two stood outside the garden of your shared home but it was getting dark and the air started to cool off. „Mingi, can you let go now, please? I think that’s enough for today.” He snuggled himself closer on you, not letting go. „Just five more minutes, okay? I wanna enjoy sunset with you. Look, it’s so pretty!” A laugh left your mouth. He’s just too cute and pure for this world. You did watch, until the sun completely disappeared. When it was completely dark outsides, you forced the giant boy into your house, him still clinging on you. Once you reached your kitchen, you asked him to leave you alone so you could prepare dinner. „I don’t want to let go, Y/N. Please keep cuddling me! You’re so comfy!” You finally turned around and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. „I promise I will cuddle you as much as you want once I finished cooking, okay? Now go and search for a movie that we can watch while eating, puppy.” You noticed the light tint of pink on his cheeks. Another one that gets flustered when being called pet names. Mingi obediently nodded his head and turned around to complete the task you gave him, patiently waiting for you to finish.
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Jung Wooyoung
He was trying to teach you how to play a game on his ps4 and to his surprise, you were extremely good. „Whoa! How are you so good at this, Y/N?!” He asked surprised, raising his time a bit in the process. You turned your head around to wink at him, a smirk forming on your lips. You then payed your attention back on the TV and kept on playing. For the whole time, your boyfriend cheered for you. His arms were still tightly around you tho. At some point he leaned back, since you didn’t wanted to stop playing. Of course he pulled you down with him, you now laying on top him but still having a good view at the game. He started to get bored so he closed his eyes while softly stroking your belly. When he stopped, you looked back at him, finding him sleeping. You couldn’t help but smile at him. You finished the last round of the game and turned the TV off. Since you didn’t wanted to wake him up, you just snuggled yourself on Woo and pulled the blanket on your lap higher. Closing your eyes, you tried to sleep but opened them again when you felt his hand caressed your head. You tried to look at him but he stopped you by pressing you head on his chest. „Sleep. It’s late and you promised that we will go to the amusement park tomorrow.” You scoffed with a smile on your face and gave him an okay. It didn’t take long until both of you fell asleep.
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Choi Jongho
„I mean, I’ve putted so much effort in this! I really don’t know why it didn’t work out. This is so unfair, like I-“ „Pshh I know Y/N, I know. Clam down. It’s not worth it to get upset about this, things like that can happen but still you can be proud of yourself because it’s such a big step to even get it done so far. It might doesn’t look like the one you wanted to creat but it’s still extremely pretty. It’s just the left arm side that’s a bit messed up but nothing too tragic, so chill. You can only do a good job when you’re relaxed and free, so take a break, okay?” You nodded your head in agreement, thank him by smiling. He then moved closer to you and hugged you from behind, the dress you were working on standing in front of you two. You worked so many hours on that dress, it costed you so much effort and yet you still messed up. It was only one damn cut. Jongho pulled you out of your working room, you still between his strong arms. „Put your shoes on. I think it’s better to go out for a walk, to get some fresh air.” You actually didn’t wanted to but I guess you have to because he sure won’t let go of you anytime soon. „Can you let go till I put them on then?” He smirkingly shook his head. „Nope, I won’t let go of you.” You rolled your eyes, trying to put your shoes on. Once you were done, the male grabbed your waist and legs, now carrying you out of your shared apartment. Oh this boy...
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