#we have some sort of telepathic connection for sure
niadotcom · 1 year
hii i had a little cri moment and went and deleted my whole ass tumblr like a month ago (much regret)
but i missed it so i came back lol do u remember me T-T
how are u doing??
of course i rmeember you what kind of a question-
anyway im very very happy now that you're here. hope you're doing much better now <33
5 notes · View notes
felixora · 11 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List by @paarthursass 
Please check their List here, it's literally a top tier list
(contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Had to redo this, but finally I'm satisfied with the result. Here's my drow Soulknife Rogue (please oh please adapt this subclass for the game) Arnafein Rilynghym.
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1.Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
He can be recruited not too far away from the Blighted Village area, in the forest outcropping.
He’ll be there with a pair of poorly equipped young tieflings and a group of goblins, trying to cool things down between the two and convince the goblins to leave the tieflings only to him. The player/party members might catch on some details in his facial expression that would be giving away a lie, as well as his attempts to place himself between tieflings and goblins.
As the player’s group comes closer, the player (and other companions, which is important) and Arno are connected through their tadpoles, though much more painfully than in other cases (the narrator might even comment on that). Arno would recognize in you another survivor that escaped the nautiloid and through pain would telepathically ask you to play along. After that with more demand addressing the goblins as “another True Soul came to look for them, so would they finally let them do their fucking job?” The player might choose the Deception/Persuasion route to play along with Arno, to simply attack the goblins (in which case both tieflings and Arno would help out) or attack Arno and tieflings under the guise of him “being the survivor, that Absolute cultists are looking for” (in this case tieflings would die and Arno will be captured and interrogated by Minthara).
2.Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
Gale – A friendly drow! That’s a rarity in this place, as far as I can tell. Let’s hope this won’t be a double-crossing situation though.
Shadowheart – Arno seems well versed in dealing of these cultists. I just hope he won’t stick his nose in other’s thoughts – we have more than enough mind-probing as it is.
Astarion – Well that was a spectacle. I hope our newest addition won’t stop to help any stray or poor thing in need.
Wyll – It takes a lot of inner strength to stand by those in need, especially under the weight of your own troubles. Arno would be a good addition to our group.
Karlach – Well Arno seems to know some shit around here. Now we don’t need to blindly walk around in search of the bad guys place.
Lae’zel – The elf’s knowledge of this place seems useful. Can’t say the same of his handling of tadpole’s effects. We ought to be careful.
3.Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
Gale – Having a wizard around should improve our chances of survival. Though I’m sure as hell won’t be asking him about any teleportation.
Shadowheart – It’s good to have a helping cleric’s hand with us. However, the choice of name does bring a bit of ominous feel to this acquaintance.
Astarion – The whole knife play was a bit too on the nose for be, but I can understand his reaction. Let’s hope his bloody tendencies will be the problem of our enemies, and not ours.
Wyll – The Blade of Frontiers… Well, the name does sound grand, though cannot say I heard of it before.
Karlach – Karlach’s spirit sure will brighten up our company. I just hope we won’t wake up to the actual hellfire.
Lae’zel – The gith looks like a tough fighter. But don’t expect me to go on errands for her.
4. What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Empathy and Compassion towards weaker or struggling.
Supporting freedom, autonomy and choices that align with his desire to break free from societal expectations.
Sharing a sarcastic sense of humor can lead to a bond with him, as he appreciates this attitude. Engaging in witty banter and humor is a plus.
Illegal activities aimed at helping others.
Disregarding or belittling others' struggles or doubts, particularly in moments of their vulnerability, resonating with his own past of self-doubt and anxiety.
Yielding to controlling individuals or behaving subserviently in the face of authority.
Aggression towards the weak.
5. Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
The first instance is tied to letting Minthara join a party (murdering of tieflings would significantly lower Arno’s approval, but letting Minthara join the party would be the point of conflict, in which Arno will go a separate path).
The second instance would be tied to possible betrayal, around end of Act 2 – a group of drow agents, which would represent the house Rilynghym (Arno’s family), will ambush the party. They are tasked with bringing Arno back home, as well as extracting Githyanki prism.
Depending on the level of approval, the player can persuade Arno to go about this peacefully (understand that there was more at stake and they needed the Gith’s prism), persuade Arno to attack the spies or Arno will turn his back on the group altogether.
6. Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
The Player would find out in Camp that Arno has partial amnesia, and remembers some parts of his childhood and his family, but not the last 3 months since he left home. As the adventure progresses, he’ll start to remember more and more, as well as start having a repeating blurry dream of his mother calling out to him, but he would understand any of her words. 
As the game progresses, he would remember that his house (a drow house Rilynghym, that settled on the surface, in Neverwinter), that specializes in espionage and infiltration, sent their agents to infiltrate the cult of the Absolut and acquired information about some sort of artefact.  The spies disappeared in Baldur's Gate, and as Nathiira received the news, Arno (who wanted to finally prove to his mother that he is worthy of her trust and can help the house on an equal footing with everyone else) suggested that he could investigate the matter. This provoked the conflict between mother and son, which ended in Arno being put in a cell. He escaped the imprisonment and ventured to Baldur’s Gate on his own.
In Baldur's Gate, Arno found out that the spies were supposed to steal a specific artefact for their house, but they were discovered by the cultists and taken as prisoners. All but one.
The spy, named Tsabran, a loyal servant of Matron Nathiira, managed to avoid the cultists and got in touch with Arno, telling him everything that happened. He explained that the spies, were trying to steal an artefact of incredible power created by the cultists. However, their hideout was discovered, and the cultists caught all the spies except Tsabran.
The artefact was supposed to have a power of a mini-version Elderbrain, allowing its wielder to enhance telepathic influence on intelligent creatures, and even subdue large groups of creatures to their will. It had to work in the hands of those who have psionic abilities, enhancing them tenfold. (Note: the artefact can unlock the ending, where instead of someone becoming an illithid, Arno will use the artefact and his own psychic skills to suppress Elderbrain) Together, Tsabran and Arno devised a plan to steal the artefact and bring it back to Matron Nathiira. They managed to get to the room with the artefact through secret tunnels. However, before Arno could check the artefact for traps, Tsabran lifted it off the pedestal and thus activated the alarm. The two had to flee, but Arno was wounded during the escape. He hoped for help from Tsabran, but the latter left him behind, running away with the artefact. That's how the cultists captured Arno.
7. Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
Arno’s personal quest would be focused on him slowly regaining his memories of past months, and in the process fighting the memories of emotional abuse and neglect from his mother, that led to his anxiety and feeling of never being enough. As he would regain memories he would have more and more doubts, if chasing after mother’s approval is really what he wants from life, especially if it goes against his moral code.
Player can help him find confidence in himself, support his attempts to make his own decisions in spite of what was drilled into his head for decades (and became part of his sub-conscious behavior; for example him having a sweet tooth but denying himself any sweet food due to previous prohibitions from his mother)
Alternatively, Player can insist on the notion, that Arno’s mother was right, that he wasn’t ready for any sort of adventure like this, and specifically his lack of skills, patience and knowledge were the reason of his troubles. That Arno’s mother only tried to protect him and their house, to give them a better life.
Toward the end of Act 2, MC with Arno is ambushed by members of House Rilynghym, who were sent by Nathiira to bring Arno home, as well as retrieve Gith's prism with him (when asked, the spies would answer that Nathiira found out about the prism and its influence through telepathic connection with Arno).
At that moment, Arno will remember the captured spies in Baldur's Gate and tell the newcomers that the situation has become much more important and dangerous than possessing some artefacts and gaining more power for their house.
Depending on the Player's actions and the level of approval with Arno, the situation will go in different directions:
Arno confidently tells the spies to go back home, because the existence of the cult threatens their house as well.
Arno and the Player fight the spies to keep the prism. Arno does not approve of this, but is persuaded by the Player to fight on their side.
Arno joins the spies, having more faith in his mother's judgment. He and the spies will die in the battle.
In 3rd act, as the group reaches the Baldur's Gate, during one of the nights, Arno’s mother will get in touch with him via telepathic projection – all of the companions infected with the tadpole will see and hear her as well, as part of their shared connection. She will say that she is very disappointed that he did not return with the spies when he had the opportunity.
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Nathiira says “I've been very patient, considering your completely stupid and irresponsible behavior. Go back home, now.” Аrno exhaled, nervously gesturing towards his mother “Can't you listen to me for once? I'm trying to explain, that what's happening in Baldur's Gate is a threat to the entire region. And our family, too.” There is a tense pause. As Nathiira looks at him with her familiar calculating look, Arno looks down, slightly lowering his head as well “Just, listen. I can't just leave, not with this... thing in my head. So I can look for Tsabran and the artifact. Show you that I can do this.” Nathiira is silent for a few moments, closely looking at her son before finally exhaling: “You won't just drop this, would you? Fine. This is your task now. The last time Tsabran sent us a message, he mentioned that he was hiding somewhere deep and wet.” Arno breathes a sigh of relief and Nathiira speaks again: “Arnafein” there is a long pause, where she considers what to say before finally settling on her choice “Don't let me down.”
The group will go in search of Tsabran in the underground part of the city.
When the group finds Tsabran, it turns out that the artifact has begun to negatively affect his mind, making him more neurotic, full of paranoia and hallucinations. Because he was not a psionist himself, the artifact could not find enough power in his mind and his brain literally began to melt from it.
At that moment, Tsabran was obsessed only with the idea that he was the one who had to deliver the artifact to Matrona and receive her recognition and gratitude. The group had fight to get the artifact. In battle with Tsabran, he’ll have control over some civilians and creatures from sewers, all while screaming about how he will prove the Matron his loyalty and usefulness. Arno will recognize some of the civilians from the 1st day they entered Baldur’s Gate.
As Arno defeats Tsabran and takes the artifact, the telepathic projection of Nathiira appears, noting that she felt the artifact’s power through their connection.
The projection of Nathiira comes closer, with fascination looking at the artifact “Incredible isn’t it? Imagine how much influence we might gain with this in our hands. No-one will ever dare to even think of harming our house ever again.” Arno shakes his head “Mother this artifact won’t bring us any good. It breaks people, strips them of their will, it’s not-” Nathiira interrupts him “It’s exactly what we need to survive, Arnafein. This will finally give us the protection we needed. Any politician, any noble, any rival of ours now can be brought under our control. They won’t be harmed, they just won’t think about harming us” Arno exclaims “It will harm them, mother, this is exactly what taking away freedom of their mind is!” Nathiira huffs and waving him away with a hand “Oh, don’t be such a child, they will be fine! It’s better than getting rid of them all-together.” After a moment, she adds, more steel in her voice “You wanted to prove yourself to me. This is your chance. Do as I say - bring us the artifact.”
Depending on Players choice, Arnafein either will agree to bring the artefact home or will say that he’ll give the artifact to the Harpers for protection.
Choice “Arnafein agreed to bring the artefact home”
Arno closed his eyes, battling with his own doubts in his head. But moments later his shoulder sagged down, and he bows his head and finally said “As you say, Matron.” Nathiira looks pleased, relaxed. “Good. I’m glad you saw reason. Now, our agents should be nearby...” Arnafein raises his head slightly, looking at his mother with confusion “What? I... I thought you sent only me.” Nathiira patiently sighs “They were here just in case, to assure that the mission was successful. Don’t think too much about it - it was still all you. And our people will know it as such.” After a pause she continues “Now, I won’t take anymore of your time, the faster the artifact will be brought here, the better. Go.” With a slight pause, Arnafein bows, and Nathiira calls for him one last time. “And Arnafein. I’m proud of you, son.” As the group exits the chamber where they battled Tsabran, the spies meet them right at the exit. One of the agents steps forward “Sir, we’ve just received the message from Matron - we’re at your service. If you’ll need our assistance in upcoming battle, you can count on us ” Arno absentmindedly nods “Good. Make sure that the artifact is delivered as fast as possible to Neverwinter” and he gives the artifact to the agents before adding with more presence “As for everything else - I will call if you are needed.”
Choice “Arnafein refused to bring the artefact back home”
Arno closed his eyes, frowning, battling with his own doubts in his head. But moments later he takes a deep breath and looks up at his mother. “I’m sorry, I won’t do this. This is not our way. I will give the artifact to Harpers and they’ll make sure no-one gets harmed anymore because of it” Nathiira looks at him for a long moment, her jaws clenched, her eyes hard and cold. “Just as I thought. You would pass on a golden opportunity to put our house out danger forever, just so you can play a hero.” She steps forward, her telepathic projection getting right in the face of Arno, before she sneers. “You are not a hero. You’re just an arrogant, naive child, who thinks he knows better than everyone else.” She continues looking at him, as Arno meets her stare with his own sudden resolution. Nathiira spits out “Well you don’t.” She takes a step back, turning away from Arnafein and adding, “We'll have a long talk about it when you get home” Arnafein let’s a moment pass, before, with deep sadness saying “No. I don’t think we will” As Nathiira stops and turns back to him, Arno raises his hand and her eyes widen in understanding and shock. Arno sliced the air with his hand and permanently severed their family telepathic connection. As the group exits the chamber where they battled Tsabran, the spies meet them right at the exit. Arno, not expecting to see them, will take a step back before asking “What- What are you doing here?” One of the agents steps forward, slightly bowing his head. “Sir. The Matron ordered us to keep an eye on you and intervene in case of imminent danger to your life” Arno dumbly looks at him, repeating his words “Keep an eye? Aha. Hahaha” He bitterly laughs, rubbing his hand over his face “she didn’t even... Of course she didn’t.” As Arno says with utter betrayal and disappointment he once again turns to bewildered agent, and says “Well, as you see I’m fine and dandy, so you can return home and report as such” The agents exchange glances, before with a doubt in a voice one of them says “Sir, we were also told to retrieve the artifact” Player can choose what to do - “Let Arno handle this” - (Deception) The artifact was destroyed by Tsabran in the battle. - (Intimidation) The artifact stays with us, want it or not. In case of failure or letting Arno handle this, Arno will say: “There was... a change of plans. Matron knows of this, so you’re in the clear. Return home, agents”
8. What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
Stay in camp – “You sure? I might hear the danger coming from miles away. Well, the thoughts of danger, more precise.” And after confirmation “Well, suit yourself.”
Come adventuring again – “Knew you’d come around”
9. Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
10. Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
In act 3 in Elfsong Tavern the group can meet Arno’s older sister Maliara, which would be trying to draw as little attention as possible. She’ll tell Arno that she and their uncle went behind mothers back and their uncle made a deal with Lorroakan to open a portal from Neverwinter to Baldur’s Gate and allow Maliara passage to the city. Maliara will try to persuade Arno to return home with her (depending on the previous encounter with the spies Arno’s reaction to this would differ, but he will say that he can’t return yet – not with the danger of Absolute cult behind their backs). Maliara would be gentle with her words, but also vocal about her worries for her brother, even going as far as offering her help in this whole quest, despite Arno’s own worry for her. If the Player invites her to join Camp, she’ll become a permanent addition to it, as an Artificer (trading different alchemical supplies). 
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11. Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner)
In Moonrise Towers, while looking at some of the battle and floor plans of Shadowcursed lands, Arno will recognize them. “We’ve had this floor plans for months before the spies went missing...” “My house knew about the inner dealing of the cult. And told no-one. How many people we could have saved if we just warned, I don’t know, the Harpers or the city governments. Instead we were chasing after some stupid artifacts.”
In act 2, when meeting gnolls and other creatures mind-controlled by the other cultists, Arno will express his genuine disgust for this, saying that no-one should go through such violation of autonomy. He might recall going through the same thing, when he was still little and some slavers tried to abduct him and his sister, and how terrified he was over losing control of his body.
Story Specific
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1.How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
“I can see the advantage we’ll have with these powers, but you always have to pay the piper. And our friend does sound like a skilled musician. Let’s just be careful with the help they are providing.”
2. How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
“One blink – and there goes your freedom in those clawed hands. Not even one story has a happy-ending when it comes to deals with the devil. I don’t think we’ll be the exception to the rule, so let’s not gamble with our lives more than we already do.”
3. How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
“Huh, well that explains all those thought-wishing about having a taste…” “I have no problem with him staying, as long as he remembers his manners”
4. How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
“That’s um… An interesting… View. Right”
5. How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
“You know, when I said “be careful but curious” I really had more emphasis on the careful part. Although, you seem alright… at least for now. Just give me some heads up next time, I might prepare the knife just in case.”
6. Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
Arno will stay with Player if they side with Goblins, but he’ll strongly disapprove of this.
7. What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
On tiefling’s party: He’ll be staying near Mol, bouncing back and forth with her ideas regarding how to get the most profit from drunk adults (“They leave a lot of their belongings unattended, who’s to say you won’t be the one to find them and be oh-so-kind to return them for a small price for such lost-and-found services.”). The reason for that is partially due Arno wanting to be a bit far away from so many drunk people, as his head starts to be in huge pain from all of their thoughts.
On goblin’s party: He’ll be staying very far away from any possible party participants, possibly in the shade of the trees, closed off and gloomy. When approached, he’ll say that he hopes the lives of all those innocents were worth this “blast of a party” and that this arrangement better pay off with finding the cure. If questioned by the Player further, Arno would admit that there is someone back home who came up in his memories – two small tiefling kids with dark skin, his sister’s kids. He’ll lament that he can’t stop imagining all those slayed kids in the grove as his nephews.
8. Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
Gale – I see you have your hands full of our local wizard. I’m sure you’ll sleep soundly after his lectures.
Shadowheart – Hopefully we won’t find your cold and lifeless body somewhere in the ditch tomorrow. Jokes aside – do have a wonderful night, I’m sure Shadowheart will leave her poisons for more desirable targets.
Astarion – Astarion is… A spicy choice. I honestly hope I will be far enough to enjoy a quiet night without playing a witness to any… lewd thoughts. Or bloody ones, pick your poison.
Wyll – Seems like our local monster hunter already took your attention.
Karlach – Well someone’s in for a warm night. I just hope you’ll be responsible and all of that stuff and won’t burn our camp in flames of accidental passion.
Lae’zel – You sure do have interesting taste in company. Hopefully, we’ll see you in one piece tomorrow – otherwise, don’t expect me trying to avenge you.
9. Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
10. How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
1st time. No. No-no-no, stop thinking that, stop.
2nd time. Oh for gods sake… Is it only the “Underdark knowledge” to not lick the damn spiders?
11. What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
1st time “Ha-ha, what a wonderful idea (telepathically “don’t you fucking dare”)”
2nd time “Right, on stage. Dreamed of this all my life (telepathically “you better sleep with your eyes open from now on”)”
12. Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?
13. How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
Astarion ascends – “So… He did it. Looks quite pleased too. I don’t know why, but it makes so … angry. He did break from his Masters control, found his ultimate freedom but it all feels so wrong… I just hope this finally brought him the life he desired”
Astarion remains a spawn and spares the 7000 spawn – “I don’t think I saw Astarion that sincerely happy and relaxed, like, ever. It suits him. Do you think he would appreciate congratulations? Or am I “biting off” too much with it? Oh yes, that one is perfect for teasing.”
14. How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced?
If not romanced – Arno would be saddened, but thankful towards the Player, accepting this as a necessary sacrifice.
If romanced – still saddened, but determined that he’ll stay by your side no matter what, as you were there for him, and he’ll do the same for you.
He will not offer to become a mindflayer.
15. How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
“Huh. Well I can calm you down a bit, as amnesia seems to be something the two of us share. Can’t say the same about a bit of… murder? Anyway, I’m sure there will be plenty of enemies to release your murderous tendencies on.”
16. How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
“Now. I don’t even need to be a mind reader to figure out what happened. Another question is why? And you better start explaining now.”
After explanation.
“Well. Let’s pretend we’re friends again – but from further distance.”
17. If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
When woken up – “Hm? Someone’s in mood for a cuddle?” “Although I do sense a bit more tension in you, than usual, love. Are you alright?”
After confessing to what’s happening – “Oh dear, I knew we should have tried reading your memories… Hey, look at me, it will be alright. Whatever it is, you’re so much stronger”
Trying to help the bounded Player “Focus, dear, listen to my voice – (telepathically) “you can overcome this. I won’t let you fall””
“Save the gratitude and focus. I’ll have your back no matter what.”
1.Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
2. Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
Arno needs to be flirted with to start a romance.
3. Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
Can go Poly
4. Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
Yes (note: romance scene would be only on tiefling party). Arno would ask the Player to join him after party for “little rendezvous”. After everyone goes to sleep, they’ll meet on deserted part of the river shore, where Arno prepared a small place for them with blanket, wine remains and some light food. As Player comes closer to Arno, who is using his much more controlled than before telekinesis to skipping stones across the water, Arno would turn to them:
“Much quieter here, isn’t it?”. He’ll throw another stone without his telekinesis.
Player either can
Try throwing a stone themselves (success / fail) – “You’re full of hidden talents / Not as easy as fighting, yeah?”
Comment that they preferred the lively atmosphere of the party – “Oh nooo, we have a party-goer among us. Horrific.”
Simply agree with Arno. – “A kindred spirit”
Afterwards Arno invites them to sit. As they sit, Arno starts talking:
“I “borrowed” some wine from Mol – thought I’d indulge myself, but then thought better of it. Don’t want to create another telepathic mess with so many drunk bodies around.”
Player could try to persuade Arno to share a drink with them, drink themselves or ask about him if that was his reason to stay away from the party (“Well yes and no. It’s good to be part of celebration, but I generally enjoy not being in the spotlight”)
Arno’ll continue:
“When I found this place, I remembered how when I would be overwhelmed I would leave our family house and spend some time near water, just skipping stones. Helped me focus quite a bit. Silly, but I thought I’d help me remember something from past months. Some name, or a place or… something. But there is nothing”
Player can
Ask them about what they actually remember - (and Arno will suggest to share images from his past, where he stays in large room, near a table covered in maps and plans, listening to some women (his mother) giving orders regarding something), and afterwards comment - “Huh. Not as painful this time”
Reassure them it will come back with time - “Perhaps. Never been good with waiting, but I suppose I don’t have a choice”
Say they might never come back. - “True. Can’t say it brings me any comfort”  
“I don’t know what will awaits us in the future. But right now, I’m glad to have “this” in my memories.” And then he would hastily add “I mean, this, your general company. And others of course”
Player say to shut up and enjoy the moment, or that the sentiment is mutual, in which case Arno will nervously laugh, saying “Yup, ok, good, I’m shutting up”
After which they’ll spent the quiet night observing the river water. 
5. Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
There are a few different paths, depending on how his personal quest will progress.
6. How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
He’ll let a small “Oh” and take a step back, as if slapped, lost for words for a couple of seconds. After which, he’ll try to start talking, with a bit of cheer to his tone at the beginning “Well that was…expected. Though I thought we had more time.” After a pause “Can I ask if there was any specific reason?”
As Player confirms, Arno will say “Well. I will cherish our memories together all the same. Thank you, for giving it to me”.
7. What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
What brings Arno the most comfort?
What future does he see for himself?
What brings his heart the most pain?
8. If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
“Well that’s definitely one of the times when I’m glad I wasn’t snooping around in someone’s thoughts.” He’ll laugh, but with some discomfort and turn his sight downwards. “I mean, if this is really something you’re interested in…  Halsin is definitely a catch, with all that gigantic wall of muscle and natures passion. Can’t judge you for desiring that.” And after a pause. “Although I must ask – does it have anything to do with us?... with me, more specifically? Did I do… or didn’t do something?” After assurance from Player that everything was alright. “Ok, ok, good to hear” “Well, in that case go right ahead. Just please return to me in one piece after all that throwing around and riding and … Ok I’m shutting up.”
9. How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep?
Mizora – carefully curious, might ask to share the memories with him via link.
The Emperor – disgusted, when he tries to connect with you telepathically he winces and says “let’s just never speak of it. Never”
Haarlep – Arno would check up on Player, ask is they are alright and if they just need silent company and support – he’ll be there for them.
10. Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no?
No. Arno will be feeling very uncomfortable in the brothel, due to remembering that his mother had to work in a brothel in Amn in the past just to provide him and his sister with some roof over their heads, and was treated poorly by the customers.
11. What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
Depending on how his personal quest developed, Arno would:
Travel back to Neverwinter to become a spy on a permanent basis, always under his mother's control (no matter how many unacceptable things he had to do), helping her take direct control of minds of the nobility and small gangs of the Neverwinter region.
Travel back to Neverwinter and agree with his mother’s plan for him to settle down for a quiet, though unhappy, aristocratic life. He’ll become the public face of the house Rilynghym, but will always feel out of place.
Travel the world and build his own name by helping those in need and captivity.
Stay in Baldur's Gate, help rebuild the city and become the city's protector.
Organize his own web of spies that investigated and sabotaged authoritarian regimes and tyrants.
12. Free space! Share anything from your companion!Tav au!
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Arno has nearly perfect visual memory, that helped him memories many maps and images (such as his family tattoos, that he tattooed his skin with after leaving home)
He’ll occasionally would lose control of his psychic powers (that are going sideways due to tadpoles influence) when heavily focusing on something which would lead to him extending his telepathy on others and accidentally sharing his thought with them, or start telekinetically levitate things or even small/medium creatures around him.
In 2nd scene of the romance he’ll suggest to the Player to use their psychic connection and would strengthen it to the point, where they both would clearly feel each other’s emotions and touches as if they were their own.
He would joke to hide his nervousness or uncertainty. 
During conversation with MC, Arno will recall good moments from his childhood. How he was raised most of the time by his older sister Maliara and sometimes by his uncle (a psychic wizard). He will recall how, as a child, when all the adults would leave them and go out to find them food/any money, Arno and Malia would sit on the roofs of houses together, watching the sunrise or sunset and getting used to the burning sensation it left on their eyes.
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If questioned, Arno will tell about his family, how all of them are psionists, with special gifts in telepathy and telekinesis.  He’ll tell about his uncle, a Neverwinter wizard who could raise a whole house with only his thought. His sister, who is a talented artificer, working on different kinds of living blobs and explosive concoctions. And about his mother, who learned how to influence others and even bend them to her will, though temporarily.
Arno tells there were very little privacy in their house, as their mother wanted to know everything that was going on. If the MC says that’s messed up, he’ll say “Yeah? I never really thought about it that way, I mean - it was typical for us. We kinda were used to it.” He’ll apologize for snooping in others thoughts, as it comes easier to him than to others. Growing up in a household where your every thought was scrutinized and corrected by his mother did give him an impression, that it was alright with everyone else.
If questioned, Arno will tell that he actually has a sweet tooth, but he was forbidden to eat any sweets or sweet fruits at home. He’ll jokingly recall one scene from his childhood:
"I was really upset over some argument with my mom and as always, when I was like this, my sister Malia, came around and brought a whole basket of peaches. I have no idea where she found them, but we spent the whole evening munching on them until we were sick. Then mom returned home, and we kinda missed that. So when we heard her going upstairs to our room, we panicked and hid al peach pits in the plant pot we had in the room.” He laughs. “It took my mom years, before she noticed a peach tree in the room. She was really pissed.”
Despite his difficult and emotionally charged relationships with mother, he really cares for her and genuinely loves her, his older sister and uncle, feeling deep connection to them, that extends even over their telepathic abilities. Arno often finds it difficult to go directly against someone's opinion and generally tries to please others (unless it is in strong conflict with his moral principles of freedom and helping others). He often doubts if his own decisions, but is sincerely grateful when asked about his opinion or help.
The final scene for their personal quest, depending on the outcomes:
If Arno declined to bring artefact home:
Arnafein is sitting on the roof of the inn. The sky is slowly brightening, preparing for the dawn. MC comes closer behind him, and Arno slightly turns his head to their side, nodding his head towards free space near him with a small smile. MC sits; there is a moment of silence.
*Stay silent.* - Arno sighs "I thought this would be easier..."
"Are you alright?" - Arno "Yes. Just been thinking."
"Cozy place" - Arno smiles "Good for clearing head after messy day"
Arno continues "I breathe more freely than I did in decades. Actually feel like I can go anywhere and there won't be even a fleeting feeling of a leash around my throat. I'm happy." He pauses, his smile turning sour. "I just hoped mom would be happy for me too."
"Maybe she'll come around" - Arno "You sound like Malia. Maybe you both are right."
"She made her choice, you made yours" - Arno "True. I suppose I wasn't expecting the consequences of my choice to sting so much."
"Seems like she only wanted to control you" - Arno "I think there was love too. Just, her own version of it."
"It's just. We had bad days. But we had good too. I hoped... that good ones mattered more. That deep down she trusted me and was happy for me to find my own path. But she never planned to, has she?"
"I'm sorry" - Arno "Don't be. You showed me there is more to life than chasing after someone's approval."
*Hug him* - Arno let’s himself be embraces "Thank you. For everything."
"She might have want to, but was too afraid to lose you" - Arno "Perhaps. But I can't sit and wait for her understanding anymore"
"I found my path. With my choices. And my damned consequences."
(If romanced)
He turns to MC, laying hand on their hand.
"There will be bad days. But there will be good days too. And I hope I'll meet them with you - with all of the terrible choices and consequences that entails."
"Terrible choices, huh?" - Arno smiles "Absolutely wicked"
"Likewise" - Arno smiles "Good to hear we're on the same page"
He kisses the MC, laying hand on their cheek. Kiss will be meek at first, turning more passionate by the second, before they break from each other, grasping for air. Both brightly smiling, and gently grasping each others hand.
"Maybe that's a bit too early to say" - Arno "Well, we have all the time in the world to think on it. And make our own, considered choices."
And as so, the sun starts to rise, basking them in the dawn light.
If Arno agreed to give artefact to agents and bring to mother:
Arno sits on the bench in the outdoor alcove, shielded from the night and people. As MC comes closer they can see, that Arno uses his psionic powers to fully control rats before him.
Arno absentmindedly says "These ones easy to control. It won't be as easy with smarter creatures..."
"With more time you’ll get a hand of it." - Arno wryly smiled "Yeah, practice is the base of mastery."
"You ok with bending creatures to your will now?" - Arno "My mother wants me to. She thinks it will be useful, back at home."
"You seem troubled." - Arno "This... Is not the most pleasant thing for me. But I’ll get used to it."
"We have a saying back at home... Ilharess zhaun alurl. Matron knows best. For so long I've been trying to get her approval, to make her see me as an adult, not a child. Yet I continued to behave like one."
He makes the rats stand still, in attention. "But I know better now. I know to trust in my mother's judgment."
"And you'll be content with that?" - Arno "I have to. I will be."
"She seems to know what she's doing" - Arno "She always did, I was just too stubborn to see that myself."
"And what if she'll be wrong?" - Arno "No-one is perfect. But to survive, one needs to trust and obey their leader."
"Ahh look at me, overthinking stuff again."
He let's go of the rats, making then scatter around. "I didn't actually want to... burden you with my stupid troubles."
"It wasn't an issue at all." - Arno "But it was. It wasn't your problem to solve."
"Yeah, too late for that." - Arno laughs "True, and yet..."
"You were quite whiny sometimes." - Arno "And I apologize for that, as I’ve said it wasn’t your troubles to deal with, so I’ve been unfair."
"What I'm trying to say is... Thank you. To be of use to my house and mother. To be worthy of being her son. I have it - all thanks to you."
(if romanced) He'll lean his head against the MC, trying to kiss them but then will flinch and nervously laugh.
"Well, ok, she, uh... Seems like that will have to wait for later times."
"Is your mother still in connection with you?" - Arno "Comes with growing up in family of telepaths."
"Wait, what, who?" - Arno "My mother. Still checking in on me and not really approving something... intimate. Ruins the mood a bit."
"Well that's awkward..." - Arno nervously laughs "Yeah, you tell me"
"We can just. Stay here then. Together."
And they stay sitting there in the night.
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ttlurking · 23 days
While I keep working on the design for the Cipher twins AU here's some more things i thought to add!
They both have Ford's 6 fingers hands, since they're mostly made of his genetic material it was a high probsbilty that it'd be passed down.
I'm not sure about Canon but in this au the twins are partially responsible for their parents divorce, not for a fault of their own but because their parents think they're too freaky and contributed greatly to the cracks already existing in their marriage. So they've been sent to who they think is their actual father/creator, not knowing its Stanley.
They have shared dreams/dreamscape (this is actually inspired by real life because when me and my brother slept in the same room as kids we'd sometimes have conjoined dreams? It's a story for another time anyways) plus the fact that Bill is technically on of their fathers means they can always lucid dream and have a pretty good control on their dreams. They have their own separate dream areas, almost like they "split" their rooms, especially as they grew. This is to give eachother privacy in their dreams and also because their tastes in dreams are vastly different.
They can talk telepathically, being linked through the dreamscape has their consciousnesses closely linked. They keep it as radio sort of situation, as neither is keen to look in the other's thoughts. It could be a completely open channel. It used to be when they were younger, which greatly contributed to their freakishness as they used to talk together, as if they were one being.
Dipper and Mabel have personalities that stick pretty close to canon, with Dipper taking more after Ford and Mabel after Stan. Tho as they're Ford's kids I'd say they've both inherited his genius in different ways, Dipper is smart and logical, a bit too calculating and probably on the spectrum. He likes to study things because he wants to know more and likes feeling in control. He has a quick mind, good for puzzles, equations and observation. Very fast learner. Mabel is creative and a tinkerer, while she still loves to make sweaters (and bedazzled eyepatches) her inventiveness is cranked up. She's made some pretty complex sweaters, some that could light up, so it's not even too much of a reach. She likes to make useful machines to help around the house, and while they do work, they're usually weird looking and usually made for unnecessary tasks: like glitter dispensers, disco toilets, rainbow colored shower water etc.. although she's good at making things on request, like Stan's beloved automatic backscratcher.
Stan started wearing the eyepatch as his Man of Mystery persona to make the kids feel more welcomed. He says that it's so they can sell the while "Mystery Family" deal and make more money but he always thinks of his brother and how it was for him as a child to be a "freak"
Dipper's constellation glows when he's sleeping.
The twins don't know they're not completely human. They just think they've inherited the "Family weirdness" that they've heard about.
They still think Stan is their Grunkle. Things start to click after they first meet Bill. They have an easier time in this Au, since they're used to their own dreamscape, they're much more of a threat to Bill, who retreats after he realises just what the twins are.
Their realisation about Bill is complex, along the lines of "We're connected but I don't know how."
They have heavily suspected that the author is related to them since the first season because what are the chances of a 6 fingers handprint on a diary.
When they meet Ford they're like "oh ok- Stan has a twin? So we have two great uncles, makes sense, we must have the 6 fingers mutation in our genetic makeup, a family thing. He's our dad. He's our dad???"
Granda and Candy are still awesome best friends and they never make Mabel feel bad for being different. To them, she's just as weird as they are.
Dipper doesn't have a crush on Wendy. He thinks he does, because he has no experience with this sort of things, but it's actually a mix of admiration and envy, he'd like to be more like her.
And that's it for now cause I'm really sleepy, sorry for the rant~
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This may be an entirely speculative question, but could there be infectious diseases on Gallifrey that are passed telepathically? If there could be, would they also be treated telepathically in a way that prevents transmission to a medical professional?
Could there be infectious diseases on Gallifrey that would transmit telepathically?
For absolute sure, there are a whole plethora of nasties out there just waiting to infect your psychic Gallifreyan. We don't know that much about transmission patterns, though we can definitely explore the area.
🦠 Types of Infections
These could come in several forms, all of which might thrive in particular areas and have a different presentation of symptoms.
Viral: Psionic viruses that hijack telepathic signals, spreading through mental links and causing disruptions in neural pathways.nSome common symptoms may include:
High fever
Intense headaches
Telepathic noise (unwanted mental chatter)
Bacterial: Psionic bacteria thriving in psionic energy fields, spreading through shared mental and physical spaces. Some common symptoms may include:
Inflammation of neural tissues
Difficulty focusing telepathic abilities
Severe migraines
Parasitic: Mind parasites that feed on psionic energy, spreading through telepathic contact. Some common symptoms may include:
Draining of telepathic strength
Distorted perception of reality
Telepathic Link: Gallifreyans have telepathic connections to others, and Time Lords are part of an intricate network. Those mental links could theoretically transmit infectious agents.
Biological Proximity: Somebody with particularly strong telepathic powers might generate a kind of field around them, which could be infectious.
Residual Imprints: Visiting areas or objects with strong psionic imprints left by infected individuals could also be a transmission method.
🩺 Treatment and Prevention
You can bet your bottom dollar Gallifreyan doctors have some standard ways to handle them:
Mental Barriers: Infected Gallifreyans might be encouraged to build mental walls to contain the disease and stop the spread as a form of - dare I say - self-isolation.
Isolation Fields: Hospitals would have special isolation fields and other tech to block telepathic signals, keeping the disease from jumping to other patients or medical staff.
Psionic Cleansing: Highly-trained 'psycho-healers' might dive into the patient’s mind to locate and neutralise the infection, sort of like a mental deep-clean.
Mental Shields: Both patient and healer would use strong mental shields during treatment to avoid spreading the disease.
Symbiotic Assistance: Time Lords with a strong connection to their TARDIS might be able to utilise it for help.
Psionic Medical Machines: These gadgets might emit controlled psionic waves to disrupt the infectious agent in the mind, but they'd have to be flawlessly calibrated to avoid damaging the patient.
Neural Realignment: Fancy neurotech could realign neural pathways, flushing out the disease and fixing any mental messes it caused.
Offworld Aids: There are plenty of races that are far more versed in psionics than Gallifreyans who might be able to help.
🏫 So ...
While telepathic disease transmission on Gallifrey is pretty speculative, it fits right into the unique quirks of Gallifreyan life. Advanced telepathic and tech treatments would probably be key to handling such diseases, keeping Gallifreyans healthy and their minds clear.
Factoid: How do Gallifreyans form intimate telepathic relationships?
What's the full extent of a Gallifreyan's psychic powers?: The uses and limitations of Gallifreyan psychic abilities.
Gallifreyan Psionics: An Overview: A brief overview of abilities [to be replaced]
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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hello :) how are you ? i saw that you followed me, thank you by the way ! may i request a adhd!reader x thomas fanfic please ? They have a telepatic link together. She is mejack. Being in the glade wasn't easy for her because of the works, she needed to focus and being fast and it exhausted her also some gladers wasn't very nice to her so one day she has a ouburst and yell across the glade. Thomas her boyfriend was the first to comfort her.
sorry for my english im french
Hey! I'm doing pretty well, ty for asking
Yeah I looked at your page and saw maze runner, teen wolf, and taylor, so I absolutely had to follow ❤
Thanks for the request, I hadn't gotten to explore the telepathy thing from the books in my fics yet, so that was fun to write. Hope you enjoy!
Calm and Storm
Thomas x adhd!fem!reader
Set during tmr (movieverse)
Notes: I am not personally close with anyone with ADHD, so representation of ADHD in this fic is completely research-based, like my fic Tides which had an autistic reader. Let me know if anything should be changed.
More notes: I also added an emotional empathy-type bond on top of the telepathy thing. Canon divergence where Thomas is in the Glade for at least a few more weeks before everything happens i.e. Teresa coming, the Grievers attacking, all the stuff. it happens later.
Warnings: language, minor injuries, some asshole men and suggestive comments, I feel like it's not written that well :( hopefully it's ok
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You remember the first time you met Thomas.
"And in here, we've got the Medjacks." Newt's voice floated in from the entrance.
You'd missed seeing the Box come up, cause one of the Gladers was sick and needed to be watched.
You turned and smiled at the new boy. "Hey, I'm Y/n."
You're a girl, you heard.
"You've got some stellar observation skills there," you said, smirking.
Thomas had looked surprised, and Newt looked between the two of you, confused.
"Uh- Y/n, what?"
...did Newt not hear what the Greenie said?
"Um... anyway, you here for a crash course on Medjacks?" You decided to just continue and skip over that weird exchange.
Little did you know that was the first of many telepathic conversations to come.
You found out about your mental link with Thomas the next night.
When he was stuck in the Maze with Minho, you'd called out to him in your mind, and been stunned when he responded.
After confusedly realising that you clearly had some sort of mental connection, you stayed up all night talking to him and supporting him.
Holy shit, I just killed a Griever
What the shuck? How is that even possible?
I ran and baited it until it was crushed between the walls.
You must've looked pretty strange that night, alone in the Medjack hut making hand gestures and facial expressions to nobody, and pacing around the room restlessly.
What're you doing now?
I'm with Minho, we need to get back to Alby.
Okay. Stay with me, alright? Just keep updating me.
Sure, oh- ohhhh shit!
What? What happened?
I just heard another Griever, I don't think I can kill another one, holy shit, what do we do-
Thomas! Calm down. Breathe. Focus on my voice.
Minho- Minho's saying something.
Okay, good, just follow him.
You realise you can feel emotions through the bond too, and Thomas' fear is spiralling straight into you.
Yeah, I'm here. Just say anything. Tell me about anything, just distract me.
Okay, you keep following Minho alright?
Yeah yeah, just talk to me so I don't hear the Grievers as much.
You got it.
You try to channel your own emotions too.
Hey, when you get back, I can ask Frypan to make pancakes.
There's pancakes in this place?
Only for special occasions. We put the good fruits on them and everything.
You mentally push as much comfort as you can through the bond. It feels weird, and you don't know if it works, until-
Hey, Y/n, is that you?
I can feel like... calmness, or something. Are you doing that?
Shucking hell, it actually worked.
You just keep talking all through the night.
When he gets back, the two of you sort through how the bond works.
Basically, you can talk to each other through telepathy, and also send emotions through sometimes.
Usually, the emotions won't go if you don't push them across on purpose.
But, if it's strong enough, like Thomas' fear from that night, it'll be felt by the other person.
Having that bond brings you closer to Thomas, and before you know it you're practically attached at the hip.
You trade little jokes with each other during meetings and meals, and sometimes you chat while you're working.
It's a few weeks after Thomas arrives in the Glade that you start dating.
Boys had always tried to hit on you, cause you know, you're shuckin' pretty (and also hot, obviously), but you were never interested in any of them.
Until Thomas.
You started crushing on him when you became friends and got to know him better.
He makes you laugh, and his smile is intoxicating, and he has an insane knack for remembering the little things you mention in conversation.
Things you'd only mention once, for half a second, like bringing up the little flower garden by the lake.
But he still remembers.
And that's how he confessed his feelings to you.
You can still feel the nervousness coursing through the bond from him as he handed you a bundle of white flowers, smiling shyly.
Then you felt joy, both his and yours when you told him you liked him too, and you had your first kiss.
Aside from casual conversation and sharing emotions, the connection also helps you a lot, cause Thomas can feel when your frustration seeps through the bond, and he can come over to look after you.
As a Medjack, the work isn't always the best - sometimes it feels like you're fighting your own brain to do your job.
Most of your work includes sitting at a table in the Medjack hut and repetitively making cures for various ailments and injuries.
You often feel restless sitting at that desk, finding it hard to force yourself to stay seated and focus on the task.
That's not to say you're bad at your job.
You make the most effective hangover cures the Glade has ever seen, and you can bandage a wound faster than both Jeff and Clint.
You just hate doing one thing for too long.
Oftentimes you'll impulsively switch to rolling bandages halfway through mixing fever medicine, or you'll be constantly fidgeting during the Medjack segment of council meetings.
Essentially, being a Medjack can be a lot sometimes.
Like today.
Most of the Gladers are good guys, but there's still a few that you loathe to treat.
There's a Builder, Derek, a grade-A asshole who can never stop sending you that smarmy, suggestive grin and making obscene comments about you and Thomas, as well as outright insulting your work.
Unfortunately, Derek is clumsy as klunk, and is always getting cut up on sharp pieces of wood.
He thinks being littered with scars is cool, and wears his stupid shirt with the sleeves obnoxiously cut off, because apparently having scratched up arms from being unable to stay on a ladder is a good look that must be shared with the world. (or just wear a singlet bro, you didn't have to cut up a t-shirt).
Anyways, Derek is once again injured, and is yelling at the Medjack hut from where he and another Builder are working on the council hall.
"Oi! Can we get some help over here? People are injured!" His grating voice cuts through the peace of the hut.
Clint looks up in concern. "Shuck, must be bad. Y/n, let's go take a look."
You take a breath to steady yourself. You've had a rough day already, dealing with some difficult Gladers, and having to treat Derek might just push you off the edge.
Plus, you only got like, two hours of sleep last night, so you're pretty exhausted.
You gather some supplies and rush out of the hut to where Derek is waiting.
He's sitting calmly on a rock, legs visibly uninjured.
Even Clint's annoyed at this point. "Couldn't've even walked to the hut?" he mutters.
There's blood dripping from Derek's shoulder, which; how do you even get injured there.
Medjacks treat all patients with care, you tell yourself, gritting your teeth.
"I'll take Derek, you take care of John," says Clint, clapping a hand on your shoulder. He leaves to grab a needle for stitches.
You nod gratefully; Clint's probably remembering your many rants about Derek in the huts.
You carefully examine John's sprained wrist, grabbing supplies to make a brace before bandaging the injury.
"Hey Y/n," calls Derek. "Any chance you can hurry up with that? I need some help here."
Clint must be stuck in the hut with something.
"Just. Wait." you say stiffly, through clenched teeth.
At this point, you're about one more comment away from taking a swing at Derek.
You feel your anger start to build as Derek steps closer.
Shuck, you're mad enough to alert Thomas.
It's fine, you send back.
"Seriously?" Derek's leaning over John's wrist right now, inspecting your brace. "It's just a sprain. How is this taking so long?"
"Dude, back off," says John.
You ignore Derek despite being ready to punch him. "You should ask Frypan for ice later," you tell John. "Don't work for at least the rest of the day okay? I'm gonna bandage it now."
"That's how you're leaving the brace?" Derek stares down at your work.
"Look, do you wanna do it?" you huff, before berating yourself for giving in and speaking to him.
"I guess your hands are busy doing other things for Thomas to practice doing actual medical work."
You stand abruptly, hands clenched furiously.
"What is your problem?" you exclaim. "Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone!"
"Woah there," says Derek, laughing a little. "Chill out girly."
You're actually seething by now, and-
Hey, you're okay. What's wrong?
Nothing. It's fine.
You can almost hear him sigh half-fondly and half-exasperatedly through the bond. I'm comin' out of the Maze now. I'll be at the hut in two minutes.
"Uh- hello?" Derek waves his hand in your face.
You shove his hand away before bending to bandage John's wrist.
"Finally," says Derek when you're done. "Can you do my shoulder now?"
"No," you say flatly. "It's a minor cut. You can wait for Clint."
"Hey, I'm pretty sure it's your responsibility. I'd prefer to wait for Clint, too, but I-"
"Shucking hell, enough!" you shout, voice rising quickly. "Can't you just leave me alone, you piece of klunk! God, you're always looking for someone to bother, finding some way to annoy someone. What, do you just want attention? Please just get out of my face."
The Glade seems frozen, with people looking up from their work to watch.
Then a soft voice breaks the silence. "Hey," says Thomas. He comes up behind you and gives you that signature grin.
"Derek, a pleasure as always." He flips him off with one hand, using the other to take your hand, and you let him lead you into the Medjack hut.
"Clint," says Thomas. "There's a dickhead outside who needs stitches. Is it okay if you..."
"Oh shuck, sorry." Clint grabs the needle and thread he'd initially come in from. "Got distracted," he explains.
You snort. "I get that."
Clint leaves, leaving you and Thomas alone.
You take a seat on one of the beds, and he sits facing you in a stool.
He gently kicks out a leg, nudging you in the shin.
"You alright?" he asks.
"Yeah," you say. "Just- you know."
"Just what?"
You sigh, scrubbing your face with a hand. "That was embarrassing."
Thomas looks at you incredulously. "Are you kidding? Everything you said was more than valid. Derek's just a horrible person, don't let him make you feel embarrassed."
"Yeah... but everyone was watching."
"I'd watch too. I'd watch the strongest, coolest, prettiest person in the Glade ripping into this sorry excuse for a human."
You huff out a laugh at his dramatics. "Thanks."
"Hey, c'mon." Thomas pulls you into a hug, before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Wanna have dinner in the flower field today?"
"I'd love that," you reply, grinning.
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Heyy I'm loving the diversity of readers in my asks lately. Thanks for sending this one ❤❤
Also, I know my tense is messed up in this one. I usually write in present but idk this one's just funky. Hope it was alright.
In general I'm a little unsure about how this fic turned out, I feel like the writing wasn't really good. This weekend was pretty hectic and I didn't get in the flow of writing :((( idk I hope it was still an enjoyable fic.
Anyway, is asshole Derek based on someone I know? nope just an oddly specific OC. in other news I have a family friend I always have to see at get togethers who loves making his furniture from scratch and can never stay safe while making his fucking chairs and lets us know proudly every time he has to go to the ER. he's a douche not a misunderstood hot guy trust me on that
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terrence-silver · 10 months
which do you think is the most unusual or surprising kink for each TIG character?
― To me, Terry McCain always seemed like he actually, deep down, liked subbing. Or rather, someone else taking charge and relieving some of his tensions and all the stresses that come with his particular line of work --- which are many. There's a lot of stresses in being a Detective --- in being in Law Enforcement --- trust and believe. Guy's immensely dedicated to his profession, his badge, his colleagues, his duties, those he puts behind bars and does he doesn't even more so; he works too hard, he kicks, he fights, he's a bit unhinged and very impassioned by nature and needs to blow off some steam lest he blows a fuse. These are just facts. Not to mention, it's hard to explain, but something about a very temperamental man like him being so full of perverted innuendos, being so cocky, hotheaded, naturally volatile and conventionally Catholic (with a tinge of guilt that might come with unconventional desires) yields itself to be the belief that he'd enjoy being reigned in and topped and letting loose through that, even if he doesn't realize it and nobody else realizes it either, because he has all the supposed markers of someone who takes charge, right? Right!? Wrong. In my humblest of opinions, it's usually the people who are full of bravado and excessive excessiveness that enjoy being put in their place once in a while and silenced; Terry McCain is one such person, I feel.
― Gus Travis has a thing for domesticity. I think he likes aprons, housewives, someone devotedly waiting on him and he likes homes in general, or rather, homeliness and its overall setting and atmosphere; could sound unusual, but when you live a criminal lifestyle, robbing, stealing, being on the run, spending time in compounds, harbors, boats, ships and on living the life of a felon, the concept of domesticity becomes rare and attractive irregardless of the fact that Gus always just dreamed of sailing out and never coming back. One doesn't cancel out the other. He enjoys fucking someone bent over a counter. Over furniture. While they make him dinner. While they draw him a bath. He wants to approach them from behind while they iron clothes or lounge at them and get handsy while they're carrying in groceries they picked up at the supermarket as he angrily demands to know where were they and what took them so long. He might just enjoy spicing up his kink for domesticity by playing the role of a jealous husband, which is everything but a role. He really is like that. But, as for the rest? He wants to be everything he's not; A man who's happily settled down in a sleepy suburbia; the big bad criminal fucking and despoiling his person on every surface ordered from some glossy catalogue like a man on dry land should.
― Just going off of sheer logic, you know what a Vampire who's been bereft of the sun undoubtedly want most? Just making love somewhere out in the open. Unfettered. In nature. Under God's sky. Maybe a summery, abandoned beach somewhere, absolutely uninhibited and unburdened, as naked and free as Adam and Eve in the garden before the fall. That feels like Jan Valek. Profoundly so. Because, lets face it, he's for sure tried everything --- he's had six centuries to try everything, not limited by stamina, exhaustion or basic human needs. Blood play and being telepathically connected with his whole coven, feeling everything they feel, copulating with them, copulating and seducing his victims too, eating them and drinking them and all sorts of unimaginables that we could reasonably subscribe to the Father of the Damned himself, but the one thing Jan couldn't have is, say, sex under the sun. Just simply basking out there, feeling someone's skin warmed by the rays from above next to his; a fantasy so prevalent, out of reach and overidealized in his mind that it turned into a dream as well as a sexual desire. Proof his soul has been regained. That he's whole. Liberated. He's wanted this all his life and couldn't have it. Maybe it's precisely why he aches for it.
― You asked for surprising and unusual kinks these characters have, but would anyone really be surprised if I said Jack Blaylock has a fixation for lust murder as a concept? Would anyone really be surprised by that? That he's an Erotophonophiliac and Autoassasinophiliac in equal measure? That he likes death? Fetishizes it, rather. Putting someone in potentially mortal danger and bringing them back from the edge before actual harm can come to them? That he finds it to be an artistic craft? Killing in a lovely way? Killing gruesomely? Killing neatly and killing chaotically? Pretending to kill and making it look and feel real? That he finds it erotic? Like an artist painting a canvas for commission? That his sexual fixations are just as fatal as his profession? That the fact he terminates targets for hire bled into what he wants in sex? That he finds the dead beautiful? Alluring? That he could very well verge into flat out Necrophilia? Thing is, he wants to wrap his hands around your windpipes and press down enough to make you lose consciousness, or dig the tip of a sword to a jugular just precisely enough to where if he moved a mere centimeter, he'd bleed you dry. Maybe have you lay down perfectly still, pretending not to be alive anymore, while he trails his hands across your arms, legs. Yeah. There's a thought.
― Being a dirty cop who likes making his profit on the side through extortion, abductions, embezzling and kidnapping, having his professional (and unprofessional) criminal career leanings possibly blend in with his kinks, I think Cash has a deep abiding relish for when his hostages actually...get a load of this...manage to escape. Or rather, to be more precise provide good sport and offer him the opportunity of a good chase. Not so much to where they actually endanger and sabotage the mission, but certainly enough to where he can intercept them, capture them, subdue them, threaten them up close and personal and retrieve them back. He doesn't mind a good fight. A good kick. Some spitting. Some blood. Doesn't mind meekness and surrender either, so long as there was some unexpected spice to the whole issue at hand. Something to quell the often repetitive catch and grab home invasion tactic that makes him his profit and the long, tense, tedious hours and days of negotiation actually needed to earn him that ransom money. And even though he's all strictness and he might tell a hostage to sit down, stay put, be quiet and obey, Cash actually wants them to misbehave and show some spunk and teeth in spite of what he says. It's exhilarating, it's lively, it pumps up the blood, and most importantly --- it's hot.
― I think Terry Silver's tried every type of sex, fetish and kinkery under the sun throughout his life, so if one thing that could be surprising or unusual in the bedroom with him is that he's actually a sucker for plain old intimacy and someone just taking care of him. Someone he can put his guard down with. Be 'weak' with, considering he's someone who places immense value into strength and supremacy as an ideal and this is precisely why this desire for someone's dedication is so oddly transgressive for him in the first place. He wants someone he can be vulnerable with behind closed doors, as much as Terry can be vulnerable in the classical sense. A kink for someone being his savior, even, considering trauma, personhood and sexuality correlate and intermingle very deeply with him, and the many times, and that one particular crucial instance he was saved during the war quite literally set up the trajectory of his whole life from there on out. As such, on some guilty, immensely hidden and pathological level Terry gets a kick for someone standing up for him to the degree it actually turns him on because he correlates it with love. He doesn't need anyone to do it. He's stronger, more capable and cunning than anyone he goes toe to toe with, but it's the act of devotion itself --- oh, the act of devotion that works as a potent aphrodisiac when Terry sees you speaking up for him, defending him, championing him that just does something to his brain that makes him want to excuse himself to go and fuck you that very instant.
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Okay! Nosferatu lore
Nosferatu 1922 is based on Dracula the book and all tha,t so the basic plot is the same, but it has some differences that make it its own thing.
Firstly, Count Orlok. He's some sort of a demon, a manifestation of human sin, created as punishment for mankind, who feeds on blood and whose "spell" can cause someone to "lust after blood without reason" (we'll talk about that later). He also shares many characteristics with a rat and has a bunch of rats, who he uses to spread the plague (we will also discuss the plague, maybe). I've had a previous theory, based on two lines which may or may not have been a slight mistranslation, about him being a human who died during the Black Death and reborn as a vampire. But, not sure if that is quite it. Maybe some mix of the two. The script also mentions portraits of his ancestors, which, I don't think demons really have those. What matters is, by the start of the story he poses as a Transylvanian Count, who wishes to purchase property in Wisborg (made up place) in Germany (real place).
In doing so, he reaches out via a very cryptic letter full of unintelligible symbols to a house agent. People call him Knock. What is going on with Knock is unclear - one thing we know for sure, he has some sort of a connection with Orlok. He and Orlok have known eachother before we were introduced to them, since Knock knows how to read that weird mess of letters. Later, Knock becomes the renfieldddddd. Goes mad, starts eating bugs, establishes a psychic connection with Orlok and senses his approach, all that shit, you know how it is. Thing about Knock; Orlok can't really turn people into vampires unlike Dracula, so Knock probably doesn't inherit the other guy's motivation of becoming a vampire. That's where the "spell" line from before comes in. Many have theorized that Knock has been brainwashed into serving Orlok, that seems like a viable explanation to me. Knock is much more devoted, I'd say, even if he's not that useful. He stays loyal until the very end, and either dies or becomes sad when Orlok dies. It's possible that he has been brainwashed and turned into a servant, very likely in fact. I choose to ignore it, excuse the "spell" as love or some shit, and Knock going mad and eating bugs is just how gay people get sometimes when separated by a long distance. We've all been there.
Back to the beginning; Knock hands the task of selling the house over to Thomas Hutter, his employee, a man whom I shall not call a twink but still have the urge to. Thomas Hutter is a very unsuspecting man, probably numbed to it all by the long-term effects of working for someone like Knock, a giggling lunatic (i say this lovingly). Oh. Did I mention that the Hutters are shown to not have the most wealthy lifestyle, and Knock is described as "paying his employees well", and he also tells Hutter that he might get quite a lot of money from the deal (at the cost of just a bit of blood)? I think you can see the themes here. Well, Hutter takes up the journey. Instantly regrets it (I mean, not really instantly. It took him long enough. As I said, a very unsuspecting man). Enough about him let's talk about his wife. He loves his wife, that's what he would have wanted, trust me.
Ellen Hutter! Introduced as Thomas Hutter's wife, indeed, she is. She is a kind woman, I'd say, extremely so - the first line we hear from her is her "Why did you kill those beautiful flowers?" in response to Hutter bringing her a boquet. Normal reaction, don't worry about it. The two are shown to have quite a happy life, they love eachother; that is, until Orlok sees Ellen's portrait, compliments her neck and decides to go to Wisborg to get the blood. When he tries to drink from Hutter, we see that Ellen also has some sort of a telepathic connection, either with Hutter or Orlok, who knows, thing is, she calls out to Hutter and wards Orlok off. So, we've got two telepaths tied to some men. We'll come back to that later. Both Hutter and Orlok arrive to Wisborg; Hutter has a book from which he learned about Orlok (also called Nosferatu), but refuses to let Ellen read it. Not sure why, maybe he thinks that everything he saw was just a hallucination created by the book after all? Anyway, the Plague from Orlok's rats sets in. Ellen has no choice but to investigate; in doing so, she finds out that to destroy Orlok and earn redemption, a willing sinless maiden must sacrifice herself and let Orlok drink her blood until sunrise, until Sun gets him. Ellen, unlike Hutter, instantly knows what she must do. And she does.
ooo :3
i mixed up the names but i’m somewhat sure orlok is the … ratty looking one ??? i think knock is the sorta round fella
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Thank you for all of your responses to these questions! Here’s another if you don’t mind: how do you envision the dynamic between the four (Louis, Lestat, Daniel, Armand) next season? They of course are going to pull from the book to guide and show the season but from new material they will include because there are creative differences, what do you see? Jacob has said that he believes that Louis sees Daniel as his little brother of sorts. Do you see Daniel worrying about Louis and wondering where he is? Telepathically or trying to find him other ways? How do you envision Armand post season 2 in relation to Louis especially? Does he feel guilt about how the chain of events (revaluations) unfolded? Or does he remain unaffected? What about how he sees rockstar Lestat? And Daniel? What about how Lestat could potentially interact with Armand if he sees him , now knowing that Louis knows that it was Lestat who saved him. You’ve discussed how Lestat and Daniel could interact already so I’ve left it out
That... depends what time frame we are actually in when the show comes back on. Did really 4 years pass? Did the documentary happen already? Was Daniel still mortal when he interviewed Lestat? (Despite the book, Louis could still have an unopened advanced copy months later after all). Did the chase happen? Did Daniel try to find Lestat (as in the book) and got chased down by Armand? Did the reunion really happen?
You know :) A lot of questions before this can be answered I think.^^
As per Armand... I... am not sure where he is in his personal development. That also depends on where we are in the story. What kind of heartbreak did he experience with Daniel at this point? How did it change him? I am not sure if Armand actually regrets what he did to Louis, at least canonically he... does not seem to. He feels vague... pain/embarrassment wrt Claudia, but re Louis... no. Not really. And so I think that depends, a lot, on where we are in the story. But I do think he stays away from Louis for the time being.
I do think Daniel and Louis look out for each other a bit, at least I hope they do. They both deserve that, don't they?^^
As per Armand wrt rockstar Lestat - I go with Assad here, who said that Armand likely listens to that "double album" obsessively, trying to figure out which songs are about him :) I mean, we will get to see some of that obsession re Lestat in (the flashbacks of) season three... :)))
Lestat and Armand... I think if any of the tower scene was built on some kind of truth, then Lestat is going to do what he did in Memnoch, namely go "I hear Armand and I see him and I ignore him" :))) I mean... they kinda have some beef ongoing then still, right^^ Then again, it probably depends on whether he knows what Armand actually did.
Because... Lestat canonically is not after revenge - at all.
I know that seems a bit different in the tale we got so far, but Lestat is actually very forgiving. He is not out for vengeance. And as such... he would probably be happy to see Armand, despite there being some... well, grudges.
But when they meet again Lestat is very far from a fledgling himself. He knows how their life can be. By the time Louis accepts a few things about himself he as well will have come to terms with a few things.
This awareness of what their life is, namely dark and lonely, shapes them and their interactions.
I think if Lestat would interact with Armand it would be with a certain suppressed anger mixed with understanding, and both their emotional connection and their past would make them bleed, easily.
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paradoxcase · 10 months
Chapter 3 of Nona the Ninth
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Huh, so:
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I guess this is definition 7, then. I've never heard that word used to refer to a person before, but it's not marked as being regional
So Nona looks old enough that people are fine with hitting on her, but not old enough that anyone thinks she's graduated from middle school. This is not a fun fact
Also, this school has "almost 20 children", this is like a one-room schoolhouse from the 19th century except it's in the middle of New York City for some reason, what even
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I mean, is it really that hard to pimp out Augustine? If she'd said "I'd have had better luck pimping out Mercy" that would have been something, but maybe it actually is easier to pimp out Nona and Camilla than it is to pimp out Mercy
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Can Camilla and Palamedes have regular conversations with each other? Very curious as to how that might work
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Quasi-telepathic abilities sounding more and more likely
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There's been descriptions of it being hot, and I'm not sure if a) it's just summer, and that's what summer is like wherever New Rho happens to be, or b) this planet is just hotter than Earth by virtue of being closer to the sun or having a naturally thicker atmosphere, or c) some kind of climate change is happening here
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It sounds like she has some still-repressed memories of learning this stuff?
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So they live in basically a cop building, and Pyrrha did say that one of their neighbors is a cop and another one has militia connections, so I'm guessing they are probably being specifically kept there by BOE or some other entity because of their Nine Houses connection, and Camilla doesn't want Nona telling people where they live because people might infer that based on the building?
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Given that a lot of people here don't speak each other's languages, I wonder how much of this is just another culture's kinship system being mistranslated into whatever language the kids are using. Like, Brother Father and Younger Brother Father sound like they're probably uncles, Eldest Father could be a grandfather, and New Father could possibly be a step-father
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I mean, first of all, Palamedes has been living here for a while, I think he should be used to BOE (or whatever you want to call this culture) names by now, but also, Honesty is a perfectly fine name. Like, Wake's name was silly, Hot Sauce is a silly name, We Suffer And We Suffer and Crown Him With Many Crowns are at least fairly odd from an English-language naming standpoint, and many of our common names are borrowed from ancient languages and don't mean anything in regular conversation, but we totally 100% also name people things like Grace and Faith and Hope and Joy and Harmony and Prudence and Felicity and Constance and I'm sure there's plenty of cultures where boys are named this way too and Honesty is a perfectly fine and reasonable name. While we're at it, Beautiful Ruby and Born in the Morning are also pretty good names? The only thing odd about these names is that we're not used to seeing them
Anyway, possibly the kids are speaking some non-House language (or are at least named in non-House languages) and Nona is translating their names into House for this conversation? It's a little odd in that case that she's not translating "Kevin" at least in the narrative text, since Kevin is just an anglicization of Irish Caoimhín which means "of noble birth" in Irish. But if Nona's language abilities are based on some sort of telepathic sense, she might fail to translate Kevin's name because Kevin doesn't know Irish? Irish seems unlikely to have survived the apocalypse, at any rate
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She definitely can lie, though, she successfully lied and told the teachers at the school that Camilla was her sister and Pyrrha was a friend of her father's and that she had been through many resettlements, didn't she? She just doesn't seem to know on her own when she should be lying and when she shouldn't be
There are some implications for how language is being processed for someone who really can't lie, basically the science fiction premise of Embassytown by China Miéville, and in that book the aliens who could not lie also had an empathetic aspect to how they understood language. But I don't think Muir knows enough about linguistics to write that kind of linguistics science fiction
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Is this why Nona's legs are sore, she is running around with these young kids all day and having trouble keeping up?
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Very curious if this is actually some kind of possibly war-related movement of things through the underground tunnels, or if this is just a vernacular name for something else
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So BOE is recruiting children on this planet to join their militia, and they are also executing necromancers here by burning them to death
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It's kind of funny that Honesty is calling her stupid here - he knows there are spies who are necromancers and/or zombies, and Nona is in fact a necromancer (or used to be one at one time) and she also lives with Palamedes for that matter, but it doesn't occur to Honesty that there is actually a chance that Nona or someone she lives with could be one of the spies
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So this is what they call the resurrection beast? Except we know that resurrection beasts don't come for regular necromancers, or else they would be all over the Nine Houses, they only come for Lyctors. I guess it's entirely possible that this one could be here for any of Nona, Pyrrha, or Camilla/Palamedes, or it could just be here to eat a living planet because that's what they do. I wonder if the mythology of these people is that the resurrection beasts are like God's punishment for necromancy or something, it seems like Hot Sauce believes that to be the case, at least. Possibly it's not completely wrong, depending on what the relationship was between the deaths of the nine planets and the occurrence of necromancy
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eos-writes · 3 months
The Captain
We fell into Sublight speeds, the enemy troops hailing us with hundreds of thousands of voices. Our Weapons don’t stand a chance, no way to even activate them before an emp hits our shields. We are lucky, it doesn’t kill our most important systems, but it does kill our weapons and shields. They know we are now sitting ducks. We can’t speed up away from them, the forcefields keeping us in shooting distance.  
I look at captain Dartel. He is the first human Captain I’d seen and served under. Slightly biting at his thumb while all the transmissions are coming in at my station, me being the communications officer. The Cretiruna from the Battle stations are silently looking toward the captain too, knowing them they are already running all sorts of tactical scenarios in their head in which we are getting boarded. I connect to the telepathic network of the others of my species on board. We are almost sure that the highest possibility we still have for a successful mission is to send the message from here. 72% Chance of failing if we send now, 95% if we don’t send anything right now. 
“Captain.” I try to get Captain Dartels attention, ”Captain Dartel, if we send our message right now, we have the approximately highest chance that it gets through, shall I prepare the message?” I already start pulling out the message from the telepathic part of my mind. “No, don’t send it.” The strength and sincerity in the captains voice startles me. 
“Not?” I carefully ask, sending a telepathic question on how to notice if a human has gone haywire. His gaze, strong as I’ve never seen before, locked into one of mine. “No do not send it, I think I may have a plan.” With that said he turned around into his own little comms console. He activated the direct connection with engineering, asking loud enough for the entire bridge to hear, “Engineering? How much sublight power can you get me?” 
Engineering is also headed by a human. He isn’t quite as wise as our captain yet, so his voce is somewhat shaky as he answers, “Well I can get you up to light captain, if I guess correctly what you plan, but please don’t.” I don’t understand what he’s hinting at, and looking around I can clearly tell no one else knows what the humans are talking about. Captain Dartels slowly closes his eyes for but a second. “Don’t try to talk me out of it. Now begin charging the engines, I want a firework.” He turns to me “Ship wide, please.” I nod, opening the official telepathic paths as well as the technological paths for ship wide transmission of what the captain has to say now. 
“This is my last action as your captain, this is an order to abandon ship and to not give up any information to the enemy, even if there is a chance to finish the mission. Board the escape pods, force fields are going to let them through. All controls are now relayed to my station.” With that he quickly taps on his consoles, apparently entering coordinates leading to the approximate middle of the enemy forces, “I know many of you may not understand my plan, but trust in me one last time. I’ll see you all on the other side.” As he says these last words he has a weird glint in his eyes. I can’t discern whether it is just the lighting that shimmers weird in his eyes or what. 
I close the transmissions again, before asking “But the weapons are down, the ship is unarmed there is nothing you could do anymore!” He has a seemingly sad emotion in his gaze as he turns towards me, “Yes that is also what they will believe, but I recently read some old stories from the cradle of humanity. This scenario reminded me that no spaceship is ever unarmed and that a captain goes down with his ship. Now I believe I have given the order to abandon ship.” 
I have problems keeping up with the others from the bridge, my mind in telepathic connection with the other octoids, sharing what I just heard. Some Cretiruna see me struggling and help me. I thank them as they help me to the octoid escape pod. Unlike the other races we just need one, so as I cram myself inside, I notice I’m the last and hit the launch confirm button. It is nice and comforting to the others minds this close, but I am worried as to the actions of captain Dartel. Why did he order us to not send the message? Why is he ordering to abandon ship? These questions and more race through us as we start flying. 
We decide to watch the ship. We see it starting to speed up, flying straight into the middle of the enemy ships, accelerating until it hits light speed. Then the light flash hits us before we can comprehend the clash of space grade metals against another. We were just about to cross the force field holding the ship in, but it disappeared signaling that most of the enemy ships must have at least lost power. The energy released by our ship crashing into the enemy at light speed was enough to immediately obliterate it, the mid-size battle cruiser of Tanik class it crashed into as well as a good hundred other ships that were to close by. The rest of the enemy forces doesn’t look much better, with many, many destroyed or seriously damaged and out of power. 
Not long after we were caught by rescue ships and were able to deliver our message. The mission that we all thought was lost turned into a success. After destruction counts came in, we noticed that our captains move took care of a good 83% of the enemy forces and he was postmortem ranked up to admiral. The enemy, now seriously low on forces decided to enter peace talks. After asking around a bit our little octoid group got to know that the move admiral Dartel did was known as “Kamikaze-flight”. We weren’t assigned to another human captain since. I am unsure whether that is a good thing or not. 
Felt like writing so here have this little short story around a ship that may never be named... also I joined the queue for an ao3 account...so I will eventually start posting there
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ninthprime · 2 years
was thinking about gurlence today so courtesy of the transcriptions have some gurlence moments that make me completely out of my mind
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[description: transcript from partizan 19. text reads: "You’re not really a hundred percent sure, but in the room with you is Gur Sevraq, and the two of you are now looking at the same footage that you both saw in your brain, uh, last session. And, uh, he says to you,
AUSTIN: (as Gur Sevraq) They are called the Pact of Necessary Venture, Wolf. And, they are only the latest limb of the terrible body of the Divine Principality. I hope you are well.
DRE: (as Valence) Uhm… actually, I’m more well to see a face that I recognize now."]
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[description: "transcript from partizan 23. text reads: "DRE [as Valence]: When are you gonna tell me more about Perennial?
AUSTIN [as Gur Sevraq]: What would you like to know about her? She’s…magnificent and terrifying. (Sigh) I can’t tell if she’s indifferent to us or…monitoring everything we say. (Pause) I’ll tell you more after the election. How about that? (Playfully) If you win, you’ll have executive privilege."]
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[description: transcript from partizan 40. text reads: "AUSTIN: (continued) It really feels like Valence, you know, like there's a sort of, a uh, a systematic, step-by-step process of this, that you feel Valence shaping. And in fact, I think that goes against some of Gur’s natural instincts. Gur is, uh, tends to jump from topic to topic. Gur tends to, um, you know, very like lines of flight, very like, stream of consciousness, right?
Guided from one space to another one and, and, you know, notes all over the place. Valance’s presence. If you feel Valence’s presence on this interaction, because what it does is shape all of that chaos into like order. Valence is the one who's constantly. Okay. Let's slow down. Slow down, let's stay on topic here. Let's talk about this. Or, Hey, remember that connects us back, the topic we were talking about."]
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[description: transcript from partizan 30. text reads: "Austin: So even if you believe that it's Gur Sevraq but Gur Sevraq is lying, it still hurts to know that he would lie, even under duress, right? Dre: Yeah. Can I throw a fun monkey wrench in here? Austin: Yeah. Dre: Because I think this is a combination of Valence’s Haunted and Righteous. Austin: Yeah. Dre: I think without even really thinking, this upsets Valence so much that they attempt to send like a— like to reconnect telepathically with Gur Sevraq. Austin: Yes. Dre: Something they have just never thought to do since they watched him die. But they are so emotional and so, like, jarred by this— Austin: [throughout] Uh-huh. Mhm Dre: —it accidentally comes out in the kind of, with the Tesla move where I think a lot of people in the crowd hear a message of 'Where are you?'"]
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wellthatschaotic · 9 months
hi! i'm going to Sleep but are there any like. environments/biomes (idk if that's the right word) that don't exist irl? (ik its not the same thing but in my wip there's like. enchanted forests where a bunch of fucked up shit happens and i kinda want to learn abt other things people have??) (this is abt your parascom (?? spelling) in case its' not answered right away)
hope taht wording makes sense, i've taken my melatinin already and its Kicking IN
kdljsklfs hope you have a Good Sleep!!! and YES
we also do have Fucked Up Forests(TM) AND in multiple flavors!! you got the. "fucking annoying pixie forests" (<- direct quote from alisha) (i think theyre actually called sparkling forests). the whispering forest. the dead forest.
sparkling forest: as you can tell from alisha's. quaint description. that's where pixies live. they're very colorful and bubbly and. well. children's fantasy esque. do not be fooled because "the pixies are SO fucking annoying you think it'd be a nice place for a picnic but NO you turn away for ONE SECOND and your sandwich is GONE and theres a little pink PEST fuckin GIGGLING at you" (pulls alisha away from the keyboard). there are also creatures that are Very Cute but . Very Sharp. so uhhh be careful
whispering forest: one of my favorites tbh. it's like. Far Away from other societies? on the border of The Worlds- okay so imagine a venn diagram right. one circle is earth one circle is etheria one circle is asteria etc (those are our 3 main dimensions(?) so theyre the example). the whispering forest is like right on one of the the borders of etheria/asteria but technically in etheria but also like at a point nemo super far from Everything place (not an island but you get it right) (also i could go in more depth about the world connections if you want!!)
ANYWAY back to the forest. it's Dark and Spooky and...telepathic. it's where spirit elves & spirit foxes live (theres other wildlife but not like. sentient ones) who are both telepathic species. they speak different telepathic languages(?) though but can learn each other's. they can't really. speak out loud? their vocal chords and mouth structure just aren't made for that. the trees are also telepathic-y but in like a plant way so it's not like full thoughts its telepathic Vibes. and if you're not used to telepathy and you go there hearing the wind whistle through the trees combined with the Vibe Of Telepathy sounds very eerily like people whispering bc your brain is trying to make sense of what it's. Vibing. which is why it's called the whispering forest. and also why no one outside of it really goes in
the dead forest: it's. uh. dead. but alive? i don't think anyone truly remembers what happened to it but some sort of Magic Nuclear Fallout left everything dead-looking but just barely alive And Wants You Dead. as in look that tree's just sticks Oh Fuck Them Branches Are Coming For Me. there are even zombie/skeleton creatures held together mostly by magic that also Want To Get You. so.
oh also asteria is Mostly Forest (yknow how this world is Mostly Ocean?) and it's just. alien. like forests here can have big trees right? okay so like triple that. them trees BIG. and almost all the wildlife have white spots on them that can appear to glow in the dark (to human eyes). the plants too can generate light for human eyes but the normal light sources (sun, fire) generate light that humans can't pick up or generate very very little. so humans and (moon) elves evolved to see different light spectrums. which is pretty cool
hmm what other fucked up biomes do we have. well there's living islands. they're actually Creatures that float along and like. yknow how some turtles and stuff grow moss on their back? that but so big that it's like a whole ass island. not sure if that really counts as a biome? thankfully they're not usually predatory but if you hurt it. well. earthquake + raising sharp spines. it will not go well. so usually just leave them alone just in case
those are off the top of my head that aren't like. Earth Biomes But With Fantasy Creatures. ig weird shit also happens where the world borders are thin/collide but i wouldn't really count that as a biome.
might make another post about the worlds and how they interact if anyone is interested-
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deludedfantasy · 1 year
Trimax Vol 14 Ch 6-8
Well, here it is. My last post for book club. I can’t believe we’re actually here! I’m a little emotional. This has been such a fun ride and the highlight of my day for the past few months. It’s weird that it’s basically over.
I still have a few things I’d like to talk about so this isn’t quite the end for me, but for now, onto the post! I hope it makes sense as I wrote this either on a train or while sick.
Ch 6
Once again, I ask, does Vash have some sort of telepathic/mind reading ability? Because Meryl doesn’t say that part about being scared out loud, but he responds to her anyway. Is it just in really emotionally charged moments that he can hear it or does it have something to do with how he’s connected to the Plants and they way all their memories are being projected? 
At least Vash knows how terrified Meryl once was of Plants and himself (but I still wish they’d actually talked about it rather than Vash running away, but whatever, they don’t have time for that right now). 
I wish Meryl didn’t think that about herself either. She’s allowed to feel things! Including fear. It shouldn’t be about never being that scared again, but about feeling that fear and not being overcome by it. 
Ohhh, Vash did succeed in connecting with the Plants and what happened is their protective shells cracked and their memories started raining down on humanity. 
Here are Vash’s beliefs again coming out in full force. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen and he’s not going to try and control the outcome. People and Plants should have the autonomy to make their own decisions. All he can do is make sure they see and try to understand each other, and he says it beautifully. 
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I remember this part really well and I still find it one of the most beautiful and moving parts of the manga. The feathers of memory falling on humanity, them experiencing all the good and bad of what Plants experience and suddenly being overcome by it all. 
I love that the Plants call him Red Brother. He’s the familiar guy in a red coat who’s always there to help them. 
And humanity is getting a full look at him too! Finally, they get to know him as more than an outlaw and the destroyer of July. They get to see him for who he truly is. 
At this moment the Plants say, “What would Vash do?” Will he give up or will he keep going? The conclusion they come to makes me wanna cry. “Let there be love and peace in this world.”
That’s all Vash has ever wanted, all he’s fought for, and now the whole world is finally getting the chance to see it. The depths of his belief and everything he’s done to achieve it.
Something that has bothered me for most of the story is how much Vash is about understanding, but how little he lets other people understand him. It’s how he ends up being the boogeyman and the bad guy all the time. He doesn’t let people in. Although this is done through supernatural means, finally, the world is coming to understand him a little. He’s getting some of that same grace he offers to others. Though again, I wish he’d been able to do it with his words and of his own will at some point. 
Even Knives is getting hit by the Plant memories. He’s trying to hold on to his connection with the Plants, but it looks like they’re falling further and further out of reach.
Also, this page looks a bit like Michaelangelo’s Creation of Adam but with very different connotations. 
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Did Knives lose control of the Ark and cause it to crash? I’m not sure how we got from point A to point B. I feel like I missed something. 
This entire sequence makes me so emotional. After seeing all of the Plant’s experiences, the people of the ground immediately rush to help them. They aren’t scared! They understand how much the Plants have been through and are determined to do better.
The Plant scientists, not even knowing what the feather will do to him, uses it to communicate with them. The Plants are crying and in pain, in danger of dying without support, and it would be so easy to be scared and overwhelmed, instead they do everything they can to save them. Not because they need Plants to survive but because they care about them and they can’t survive without each other. 
And the scientist reaches out to touch the Plant without fear. It’s a very tender, intimate, and comforting touch. He strokes her hair. That’s not how you treat an alien entity, that’s how to treat a child, someone you care about deeply. I’m feel like I’m chewing on glass!!! 
The Plant is still crying, but now she’s smiling too. They’re truly working together and understanding each other for the first time. 
God, Vash. Never, not once in his whole life, has he ever promised to survive or come back. Something has changed though. He still wants to live and he wants to do it with his friends because he promises he’ll return to Meryl and Milly. 
Then like a badass, he just jumps right off the ship. What a guy.
Ch 7
At the end, Vash turns back to the beginning, where this whole mess started for him: the day of the Big Fall. What were Rem’s final words to him and his brother? What final words of wisdom has been trying to recall/reconstruct over the years as he fought and chased Knives? 
Knives can’t admit he was wrong even when he’s very obviously lost. He had to reconstruct his entire body and use up most of his power to do it. He doesn’t have the Plants anymore and he just watched humans fight to help Plants. Everything he’s known to be true has been proven wrong to him but he still won’t back down because he’s scared of the truth. He can’t face it and he’d rather fight Vash to the death. Much like his brother, Knives is too stubborn to give up on his ideals so easily. 
It’s more than that though, as Knives himself admits. Also just like Vash, he doesn’t see a future for himself anymore and he wants Vash to be the one to kill him. 
Amidst all the carnage on this page, the simple image of the twins as boys really stands out, along with the text on it. They can’t go back to the way things were. They can’t regain their lost innocence. They’ve come too far together to turn back now. The fight for humanity’s future might be over now that Knives has lost control of the Plants but the last fight, the more personal one between the two of them, still has to be fought. 
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For the second time in this volume, Vash points his gun at someone with the intent to kill. But the moment he does, he finally remembers what Rem told him. “Don’t leave Knives on his own.” It’s why he stayed with him for 80 years after the Big Fall even though a rift had already developed between them. It’s why no matter how many times he faced him over the next 70 years, no matter how much he said he would kill Knives and get his revenge for what he did to Rem, he never did, why he hesitated every time he pointed a gun at his brother’s head. 
I truly believe Vash still loves Knives. That love is complicated after everything they’ve been through and the terrible things Knives has done to him and to the world. But it’s there. It’s one of the many things that has stayed his hand every time he’s confronted Knives and why he kept begging him to find a different path when most other people would’ve given up. He loves his brother. In the beginning, Knives was all he had. In some ways, Knives is the only person in the world who can truly understand everything Vash has experienced. It’s no wonder, then, that when Chronica points her guns at Knives, Vash uses his powers to save him. 
I’m 90% sure that Vash also used his body to shield Knives and took the brunt of the blast wave. (Edit: Whoops, I read that wrong. Vash doesn't take the blast, he takes Knives's blades in order to shoot a gate bullet at Chronica's attack. But my point still stands.) He’s never been so protective of Knives. The look on Knives’s face when he sees Vash to do this is so unlike him. It’s shocked and surprised and suddenly very vulnerable. I think it’s Knives realizing Vash actually cares about him. There’s also something about being on the receiving end of the mercy Knives has mocked for years that probably breaks something in him because he didn’t think he deserved it or that Vash would ever offer it. Maybe this is the moment he realizes how wrong he was about everything.
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There’s something really poetic about Knives then using the last of his own powers to also manifest wings and fly away to save his brother. Knives has claimed from the start that everything he was doing was to save Vash from himself, but really, he was doing anything but that. This time, though, he does save him. 
Livio, being so polite and welcoming even when he’s threatening someone. He’s amazing, I love him. 
Wolfwood’s ghost has been haunting the story physically and metaphorically for four volumes now. This scene in particular makes me wonder if the ghost of Wolfwood thing wasn’t a literary device but an actual ghost watching over Vash and Livio to make sure they made it through the final battle. Now that it’s over though, now that Livio has survived his first conflict as a new man with his new ideals, Wolfwood’s watch is over. He disappears and goes to his final peace. 
His final words give Livio hope for the future, that he has one at all, where he can keep learning and doing better and being the person he wants to be. There’s more to come, indeed. The thing that makes me really sad though is Wolfwood never got to do the same. In the end, he proved himself to be more than a killer, but he didn’t get the chance to keep learning and improving. He didn’t truly get to live a life as a man who was more than a killer. He was forgiven, but didn’t survive to see the fruits of his own labors or the bright future they might lead him to. There will never be more to come for Wolfwood and that breaks my heart.
Ch 8
So here it is. The last chapter. It’s bittersweet to be here at the end after all these months because I don’t want the story to be over. I don’t want to let Vash go. But here we are. 
It’s never stopped pissing me off that the Earth Federation put out another bounty for Vash. It’s not made clear for what exactly, but after this read, I have a feeling it has something to do with how he let Knives get away. He’s been branded an accomplice. The Earth Federation is trying to find a scapegoat for why their rescue efforts failed so fantastically and Vash was conveniently on hand. It’s so unfair, especially because he was the one who saved them. 
Personally, I believe many, many people saw what he really did in Octovern or experienced who he was through the Plants memories. Most people would probably be more like the doctor and be willing to hide or help him. I don’t know, I just don’t like the thought of Vash constantly being forced to live on the run and never have peace now that the big threat that’s been hanging over him his whole life is gone. 
Knives desperately begging humans to save his brother is such an about face for his character. Right at the end, something happened to him. Something broke in him after seeing all the Plants’ memories and Vash ultimately being unable to kill him. I wouldn’t say he believes in humanity, but he understands now. Especially he understands how important humanity is to Vash and how important Vash is to humanity. Vash is the bridge between the two and it’s only through his conviction in their ability to communicate that allowed any of this to happen. He’s part of humanity’s future. He has to be if they want to survive and Knives saw that. 
Oh…did Knives use his powers to heal Vash? I mean, from what we know about Vash, the wound could have closed on its own because that’s just how his body works, but there’s something to Knives being the one to do it that makes my heart twist. Just like Vash, Knives couldn’t kill his brother, despite the many times he said the opposite. He couldn’t let him die. He used up most of his power healing him and when he started to run out, he asked humans for help. I’ve already said it, but I can’t help stressing how unlike Knives this is, at least, the one we’ve come to know. It feels like a different Knives, the younger one we briefly met. Who could he have been if he hadn’t seen Tesla in that tank and gotten so twisted up on the inside?
The fact that Knives’s final act is one of creation rather than destruction says a lot. He makes an apple tree that will provide sustenance and be helpful for the family that’s helping Vash. Sure, it’s to help keep his brother alive, but it’s also a small gift to the humans who took him in. It’s an astoundingly kind action for someone who has been hellbent on the destruction of humanity for 150 years. 
Vash’s face after being told he should go live a quiet, peaceful life somewhere and that he’s done more than enough is peak Vash fake smile. It says, “I will never do enough to deserve a peaceful life.” I want to shake him like a rag doll, he’s so stupid. Yes!! Yes, you have done more than enough. He himself once said that there’s nothing wrong with a normal life. I frankly believe that’s what he wants deep down. But he doesn’t think he deserves it and he has a mission and an ideal he’s devoted to that supersedes his own wants. Sometimes, I wish Vash could learn to be a little selfish, just a bit. After everything he’s been through, he’s more than entitled to a little peace and quiet. 
The silly tone is very reminiscent of early Trigun and it’s so nostalgic. It’s a return to that old world, a sort of reset and coming full circle. This is Vash’s life after all. It’s equal parts tragic and silly and ridiculous and it all comes in cycles. 
The push and pull between being Vash the Stampede and just living a normal life fascinates me. Vash dons the red coat again to help the people who saved him. He says it’s just this once, but we know it’s a lie. Every time someone needs help, he’ll put that coat on again. But, and this may be my own biases talking, I’ll say it again: I think Vash does want that peaceful life, deep down. He wouldn’t keep bringing it up if he didn’t. A life where he isn’t the famed outlaw, Vash the Stampede and can just exist. But he also doesn’t know a life without his mission, so he keeps falling back into it. 
Yay, insurance girls! Or more accurately, reporter girls!
Vash, you do not deserve the reporter girls. They spent six months looking for him! He promised them he would return, one way or another. But he never kept that promise. The girls could’ve assumed he was dead like everyone else, but they didn’t. To then find him alive and well and up to his old tricks…I think he deserves a little more than a light scolding from Meryl. At any point during those six months, he could’ve tried to send them a message or something to let them know he was alive. Vash, king of avoiding all important human relationships. Ah, well, some things never change. 
Vash has suddenly discovered something more terrifying than insurance girls, reporter girls, with cameras and microphones and what I personally believe is a mission to clear his name. They are stubborn and will follow him everywhere. It’s his worst nightmare (I say this affectionately). 
Oh my god, Meryl and Milly gave him a little theme song. That’s so cute. 
“Stay tuned for wardrobe malfunctions too.” Meryl and Milly are giving the fans what they want: Vash the Stampede fan service. 
These last few pages are beautiful. We get to see some old faces we haven’t seen in a while as they find out that Vash is still alive and doing his thing. The panels we’ve been getting throughout this chapter, of an empty horizon, are repeated over and over again as Vash starts to run. And then there’s Vash laughing. Because this is his life and he gets to live it, however he wants for as long as he wants it. To me, it feels like he’s realizing that he has a future. It’s compounded by the focus on him running into the bright, empty desert, a mob at his heels. But it doesn’t feel like he’s running away from them so much as he’s running towards that empty horizon. It might be optimistic of me, but I think that’s what Vash would want. 
The last page took me out. We’ve come full circle. This is how Trigun started, with that same song of humanity still singing. At times, that song was cruel and devastating, but also full of love and hope against all odds. Things aren’t perfect. They never will be. This ending is, after all, bittersweet. Vash has lost so much and still hasn’t truly found peace. In some ways, he sees a future for himself, but even then, it’s just a continuation of the life he’s always lived rather than something new. He has a bounty on his head, but he has his friends by his side. He’s helped people and had a deep impact on them along the way. But still, humanity continues, the world keeps turning, and in the end, that’s all we can hope for. To be there to experience life in all its glory, both good and bad. It truly is a never ending song.
Thanks for following along! It’s been a blast sharing my thoughts here weekly and reading everyone’s amazing takes. A big thank you goes out to @revenantghost for organizing this whole thing. Trigun kinda took over my life in the past four months and book club has been a great place to channel all that obsession. Fun fact: the Google doc where I prewrite all my posts is 100 pages long. Honestly, this is the most fun I’ve ever had in a fandom. I don’t really know how to close this all out and I’m full of a lot of emotions about this coming to an end so uhhhh thanks again for reading all my thoughts and see you around Tumblr. Love and peace!
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flowercos · 1 year
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Late Nights (Peter max fem reader) pt 2
It was around 10am when you decided to start your day. The same thing was playing in your head the rest of the night. Peter's soft lips on yours as his rough hands hold your body close. You put on your high-waisted jeans and f/c spaghetti strap tank top, brushed your teeth and did your make-up in the mirror. You laced up your converse and pulled your h/l hair into a ponytail with your favorite scrunchie. 
 Not sure what to do with your day yet, you settle on seeing what your friends are up to. Walking into the common area to find your friends, Jean, Scott, Kurt, Jubilee, and Peter. Jean, Scott and Jubilee are sitting on the couch talking and joking with Kurt on the floor propped up against it watching the television. Peter is laid out across the love seat opposite to them with half a twinkie in is mouth completely focused on whatever he was playing on his game boy.
"Hey Y/n!" Jean waves you over. Peter looks up from his game and directly at you. You glance at him for a split second to see that stupid smirk. You walk over to Jean and sit next to her. "Are you serious?" Jean says a little too loudly. "Jean get out of my head!" You whisper shout at her. "𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳?" Jean says telepathically to you. "𝘐𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥." You respond in your head. "𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘱 𝘪𝘵 𝘑𝘦𝘢𝘯?" She nods with a sly smile. Peter looks back up from his game again and winks at you having some sort of understanding of what just happened. You ignore him and look back at Jean. "So, what are we doing today guys?" Jubilee asks. "We could go to the roller rink?" You say with a smile. "Yes! That would be so much fun!" Jubilee responds. Scott looks at you both "I'm down" Kurt nods without looking away from the TV. "What about you Peter?" Jean asks him. You feel a gust of wind and in a second Peter is wearing his silver jacket and his goggles are on his head. "I'm just waiting on you guys." He says with a playful grin. "Let me just get my bag from my room." You run back to your room, grab your bag and run back downstairs. "Ready!" You say with a smile. You all head out the door and get in Scott's convertible.
It's about a forty-five-minute drive to the roller rink. Scott, Jean, and Jubilee sat in the front while Kurt, Peter, and you sat in the back. You lean your head out the window to look at the scenery but last night keeps relaying in your head over and over again. The way Peter's hands felt on your back. That look in is eyes. The way he kissed you. That same man was sitting next to you. Peter was listening to music on his Walkman with his clip on headphones. You could feel his eyes on the back of your head. He places a hand on your thigh. You look down at it. "Whatcha thinking about?" He asks knowing full well what he's doing. You look up at his face, and he has a huge smirk across it. "Shut up Peter." You say trying to hide your red face. "We're here!" Jean says excitedly. Everyone gets out of the car and starts to head inside but Peter grabs your wrist stopping you from following the group. "What are you doing?" You ask him as your face starts to heat up. "So are we just gonna pretend last night never happened?" He says putting his hand around your lower back and pulling you in by the waist making you look up at him. "Look Peter, I'm not just some woman you can just make out with whenever you want." "You're right. You are far from just some woman.  You're Y/n. The most incredible, caring and sexy women I've ever met." He gives you a genuine smile. "Do you really mean that?" You ask him.
"Y/n, I've had feelings for you for a long time." He continues. "Then why do you constantly go out of your way to mess with me?" You tilt your head still looking up at him. "Who knows why anyone does anything?" He says still smiling. "What are we, in the first grade?" You laugh. He puts his hand on your cheek looking you in the eyes, then connecting his lips to yours. "I guess I have cooties now, huh?" He gives you another cheeky smile. You can't help but laugh. "What do you say you and I go on a real date?" He asks "I'd say yes." Your face has a big grin spread out across it. "Yes!" Peter says a little louder than he expected, pumping his fist. "Let's go." He takes your hand. "Right now?" You ask confused. "We're at a roller rink that has an arcade. It's a perfect first date." He goes on. You finally give in. He takes your hand as you follow him inside.
You walk through the door revealing the bright neon colors inside. "There you guys are!" Jean says. "We thought you guys left us to have a little one on one." Jubilee says nudging your arm and winking. "Oh please. Maximoff with a girlfriend? In his dreams." Scott says looking directly at Peter. Peter looks down at your still held together hands and lifts them up in the air as if he was showing his victory after a battle. "Really Peter?" You say rolling your eyes. "What were you saying Scott?" Peter asks sarcastically. Scott takes Jean's hand and walks away. Jubilee and Kurt head over towards the arcade machines. "So m'lady, how about we get this date started?" Peter and you walk over to the skate booth and pick up your skates. 
After you both finish lacing up your roller skates you skate over to the rink. Peter offers you his hand as you step down onto the rink with him. You take it and glide alongside him. 𝙒𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙒𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚 by Pink Floyd starts to play over the speakers and Peter's face immediately lights up. He starts to move with the music guiding you along. After the song ends another plays. This time it's 𝘾𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙈𝙮 𝙀𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙔𝙤𝙪 by Frankie Valli. He has the goofiest grin on his face. He sings along to the music serenading you. "You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you." He sings. You laugh as you dance with him. You can't believe this is really happening. Not only that, but you're on a date with the same guy who just up until last night you wanted to punch in the face almost every rime he spoke. You've always had a small crush on him, you couldn't help but like his charming remarks and cocky altitude, but you managed to convince yourself it was nothing more than that. Just a dumb crush. In this moment, as you watched Peter sing and dance next to you with that big smile you realize it's not just a crush. You love him. You're fully in love with this man.
You must have zoned out because Peter is now looking at you with a confused expression. "You alright Y/n?" He asks. "She just realized she's in love with you." Jean says quickly skating past you. "Jean, stay out of my head!" You yell after her, now completely embarrassed.  Peter is staring at you trying to process what just happened. "Is she telling the truth?" He asks you with a serious expression. You're visibly nervous and panicked. "Hey it's ok." Peter takes your hand again and guides you off the rink and over to a table to sit. "Peter I-" He cuts you off and cups your cheeks. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. Just know, I do love you Y/n."  You look up at him eyes beaming with happiness, but it feels too good to be true. "Peter don't joke about that." "I'm not joking." He takes both your hands. "I promise." He leans closer until your lips meet once again, only this time you feel so much more than lust. You can feel love and passion. You pull away and look him in the eyes. " I love you Peter Maximoff."  "I Love you too Y/n L/n." He pulls you in for one more kiss then stands up and looks over at Scott across the rink. "Hear that Scott! My girlfriend loves me!" Scott completely ignores him. "Girlfriend, huh?" You say with a smirk. "You don't want to be my girlfriend?" Peter says confused. "I never said that!" You quickly respond. "That's what I thought." He looks back at you with that stupid smirk. "Shut up." You smile and kiss him again, running your fingers through his silver hair.
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hi! i’ve been wondering, do gallifreyans have menstrual cycles? if so, how is it similar/different to what humans experience?
Do Gallifreyans have menstrual cycles?
There's really not that much on Gallifreyan reproductive systems to start working from, but we can make some really good assumptions based on what we know about Gallifreyans and humans.
🌍👽 Humans vs. Gallifreyans: A Comparative Study
Let's face it, speaking from an evolutionary and biological viewpoint, human menstruation is stupid. As if it wasn't weird enough that your fertilisation windows and ova are limited in a body whose only real evolutionary purpose is to procreate until you die, you've also gotta brook the burden of bleeding everywhere to make the perfect trail for predators. Add on top of that a shift in cognitive and emotional processing with severe pain alongside the risk of anaemia, and you've got a really badly designed system.
Gallifreyans, on the other hand, have a more mechanical relationship with their reproductive systems. It's suggested that they transitioned from natural reproduction to "looming" their offspring due to various reasons, including a sterility curse and/or societal changes and/or eugenics. In more recent times, with the "curse" lifted (or never actually in effect), Gallifreyans have shown the ability to reproduce naturally, even with humans. This means that they have sort-of the same organs in sort-of the same places doing sort-of the same jobs.
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🌺 Alternative Solutions to Menstruation
Given the advanced nature of Gallifreyan physiology, it's plausible they've developed more efficient reproductive mechanisms that avoid menstruation, or at least make it 'invisible'.
Leading Theory: Selective Ovum Production Gallifreyans have a lot of control over their bodies, including hormone regulation. It's entirely possible that ova are only created when they actually tell their bodies to do it. This bypasses the need for any form of menstrual cycle.
Sub-theory 1: Feline-Like Induced Ovulation Taking a cue from feline species, Gallifreyans might have induced ovulation, where the ovum is only released in response to specific stimuli, such as sex or maybe a telepathic connection. This method again would eliminate the need for a regular menstrual cycle, with ovulation occurring only when physically or mentally intimate.
Sub-theory 3: Permanent Ovum Retention In an alternative approach, the ovum could remain perpetually in the womb, never shedding unless fertilisation occurs. This would eliminate not only the need for menstruation but also the cyclical preparation and degradation of the endometrial lining, streamlining the reproductive process to an 'on-demand' system.
Followed By ... Tissue Reabsorption Why shed the lining when you can reabsorb it? Gallifreyans might have the capability to reabsorb the endometrial tissue back into the body. This process would be seamless, with no physical manifestation akin to menstruation, ensuring that the reproductive system remains prepared without cyclic shedding.
🌟The Perks of Being Gallifreyan
These speculated mechanisms would offer several advantages:
Efficiency: By eliminating the menstrual cycle, Gallifreyans conserve energy and resources that would otherwise be expended monthly.
Control: Induced ovulation and tissue reabsorption allow for greater control over the reproductive process, enabling Gallifreyans to decide if and when reproduction occurs.
Convenience: Without the physical and emotional discomforts associated with menstruation, Gallifreyans can maintain their activities without interruption.
🏫 So ...
We can't be entirely sure until some info comes along that goes to great lengths to explain more about Gallifreyan reproductive organs, but we can say that Gallifreyans, with their penchant for efficiency and control, have likely refined their reproductive systems to a level of sophistication that renders menstruation unnecessary or invisible.
What would a Human/Gallifreyan pregnancy look like?: Details on the possible gestational aspects of a hybrid pregnancy.
How do natural Gallifreyan pregnancies work?: Details on the possible gestational aspects of a Gallifreyan+Gallifreyan pregnancy.
Factoid: Can Gallifreyans have interspecies children?
Hope that helped! 😃
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livingwiththedrums · 8 months
I tried speaking to the TARDIS out loud, but she didn’t respond. Then I remembered that Time Lords can telepathically communicate with each other. I tried establishing a link with the TARDIS, and it… sort of worked? I got really frustrated after trying for almost an hour and was about to give up when she gave me a nonverbal instruction: just place my hands on the console and she’ll do the rest. So, I did.
We had a conversation not with words, but with… something I can only describe as music. None of it was out loud. I don’t know how I knew to think those sounds, but once I connected with her, it felt like a piece of my mind was returned to me. I asked her to help me translate some texts in the library and she activated something that allows me to read any language as if I was fluent in it. Any language except Circular Gallifreyan… I’m sure I’ll figure out how to read that eventually.
I asked if she could tell me anything about myself, how I got here, why my watch is broken… She said she couldn’t. Apparently we don’t have a very strong telepathic link compared to that of most Time Lords and their TARDISes.
I looked through the library again, but I don’t think any of the books in here explain anything about paradoxes. I asked the TARDIS if she knew anything but she refused to answer… Did I do something wrong?…
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