#we just met in a video game but i think i already knew i'd make so much meaningful memories w strangers turned into friends across the world
In-character Q&A - AdVenture (1)
Just a crosspost from patreon!
How did you all meet?
Shauna and I went to the same high school. I met Grant through Shauna; he stopped to greet her while we were hanging out. Prii and I met at a game store, as we both enjoy tabletop RPGs. They also introduced me to [MC], though since we subsequently became coworkers, we actually would have met independently of them.
We all met together at the same time at a birthday party for Shauna.
Who's your favorite of the group?
(for everyone, assume that this flips to MC under any circumstances where they're dating/best friends)
It depends. I'm fond of Shauna, but she can be frustrating. Prii's very charming, but could stand to get their head out of the clouds every so often
Did you have hopes to make it big as urban explorers or was this just a hobby?
The notion of making it big with any kind of video-making seemed farfetched, particularly with five of us involved. Honestly, I was surprised at how popular Urban AdVenture became.
Did you ever think you would have run into anything parahuman-related?
No. Our hometown has a small, low-profile parahuman population, and we had only travelled further afield for videos on a handful of occasions. Encountering any parahumans seemed rather unlikely.
What was your first job/video in AdVenture? (Prii's fielding this, cause the answer is the same for everyone)
There's this old mall in our hometown that everyone just calls 'the mall'. There's this whole thing with a new development and they were super insistent that the new place is the mall so everyone started insisting on calling the old one—I'm getting off topic.
Basically, we went to the old mall. It's actually somewhere Grant and I snuck into a couple times before and part of how I got the urbex bug in the first place. If you're from the same place as us I don't think it's really that exciting but it made a decent video to an outsider. Though nowadays I see a lot of holes in it.
How did you all meet?
So my older brother is friends with Grant's older sister, and we crossed paths when we were like, preteens, and started hanging out too. I know Beth from our local game shop. Grant knew Shauna from... somewhere, and I met her through him. As for [MC] and I, uh. Well.
We were kind of, both in the ER? They'd been knocked off their bike and I'd done... something dumb, and we wound up sitting next to each other for a few hours in the waiting room.
Who's your favorite of the group? 
Everyone there is a special kind of person to me. Uh, not to sound bigheaded or anything, but I make friends pretty easily, and there's still pretty much nobody else I'd pick to do the AdVenture stuff with. I guess if you twisted my arm for an answer, Grant has tenure, so I'll give it to him.
Did you have hopes to make it big as urban explorers or was this just a hobby? 
I kept it to myself, but I always felt like we could maybe take off. I was starting to get pretty excited at watching the numbers go up, and a couple of our more recent videos were getting noticeably more attention. So yeah, I was hoping.
Did you ever think you would have run into anything parahuman-related?
I figured we might if we kept doing the videos long enough. Always a chance of running into something strange; we'd already had our share of weird stuff. Always thought it'd just be like... signs of past presence or something, though.
How did you all meet?
I went to high school with Beth! Couldn't really tell you how we became friends, it just happened at some point. She's coworkers with [MC] and I went by the coffee shop a lot, so I was gonna meet them sooner or later. I met Prii through Grant at a small get together.
And Grant, I met playing pickup.
I kinda smoked him.
Who's your favorite of the group?
Aw, do I gotta pick? That's hard.
Um, I do really appreciate Beth's friendship. She can be harsh but I know she doesn't mean it in a bad way. Prii's really nice and encouraging and just generally comfy to be around. 
Did you have hopes to make it big as urban explorers or was this just a hobby? 
I never really think most things I do are gonna make it big...
Um, urban exploration is fun, but I never feel like the face of it or anything.
Did you ever think you would have run into anything parahuman-related?
Yes, absolutely.
Creepy abandoned places are perfect for evil lairs and hideouts.
How did you all meet?
Oh, I've known Prii since we were kids. They were in the car one time when their parents came to pick up their brother from my place and I guess their brother mentioned my sister had a sibling their age, and they wanted to see who I was, and the rest is history. Beth happened to just like, be around one time when I said hi to Shauna, and Shauna I knew from a couple basketball games. Oh, and Beth introduced me to [MC].
I think as a distraction, 'cause I was annoying her.
Who's your favorite of the group?
Not Beth!
I guess, Prii? Like I said, we go back. [MC] takes a joke pretty well and doesn't put up with my shit, so points to them.
Did you have hopes to make it big as urban explorers or was this just a hobby?
It was fun, but I didn't really have any aspirations for it. Like... c'mon, be realistic.
Did you ever think you would have run into anything parahuman-related?
Pff, no way.
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ladadee195 · 3 months
Ladadee meets Legends of Avantris at Too Many Games 2024 (LONG POST read at your discretion)
I'm not one to write up a trip report cause I'm firmly in the "no one gives a shit." camp but for this I feel like people will get a kick out of my anxious distress over the past two days and I know those that couldn't make it would also appreciate it.
I knew a few months ago that when LOA said they were gonna be at TMG that I could go, its only an hour away from me. I'd gone to TMG back in 2019 to meet Brandon Rogers of Youtube and Helluva Boss fame and even then I didn't get HALF as nervous as I did the past two days. I was a shaking hyperventilating mess. Embarrassing, truly.
Friday was worse then Saturday.
First off, we'd barely parked in the parking lot when we see Andy casually strolling across the parking lot and get into his very nice red mustang, nice to see where the car vlogs happen!
By the time we got to the booth I could barely breath but I wanted to grab my free pin and say hi first. I want to disclaimer this by stating that I realize LOA tries really hard to make it perfectly clear that the Party and fam are regular people that work hard to produce their content and be successful at what they do without being celebrities or influencers. Logically, I know this and I respect the hell out of it. However my hyperfixated brain and general anxiety made it incredibly hard for me to remain CALM. Its really hard to remain calm when you've been watching them by yourself alone in your room hours upon hours and then suddenly there they are in real life before you, talking to YOU! How am I meant to be remain calm?
Anyway, I met Andy and Nikkie. Talked briefly with Andy and just generally embarrassed myself but he's so cool ya know and is probably used to it all things considered. I asked them both to sign my Cake Chad shirt, both we're happy to do so and I got a great hug from Nikkie. After that I cut my losses and decided to move on. Their meet and greet wasn't for a few hours and we were hungry. When the meet and greet came, I jumped in line to get a picture. It went really quick and I got no chance to really talk to them but they were super awesome and I love the picture! I knew they were TALL but god I felt like a hobbit.
The live show wasn't until 7:30 so we left the con to check into our hotel and relax for a few hours. It was a nice break and I finally got to breath. We returned to the con and got seats for the live show.
if you haven't already seen other's overviews or the whole video I wont spoil anything but it was SO good. I was so curious about what they could possibly do for a one shot but holy shit was that amazing. Its always interesting and fun to attend live shows with cheering and laughter and suggestive whistles. Gives one a sense of community you only ever get a taste of on here or discord.
Afterwards we went back to our hotel and rewatched the whole show on the live stream LOL
Saturday I was much calmer because I had a goal. Get the whole parties signatures and not be embarrassing.
We did a lot of waiting cause the con opened at 11 and again their meet and greet was at 3 but we managed to pass the time well enough and then we got back in line. An readers when I tell you how amazing it went!?? I was very proud of myself even though I was still nervous and shaky I did much better.
They all were super cool and signed my Hootise shirt. I still geek out thinking about it! But the best thing happened. Richie saw my Gideon/Kremy candy bead bracelet I'd made myself and legit forgot I'd worn for this exact reason. This is how that went. Richie: is that a Kremy and Gideon candy bracelet?
Me: YES!I forgot I had that on!
Richie: thats the best I gotta get a picture and show Mace.
I was DYING omfg. The two behind the ship SAW my ship bracelet??? still freaking out. I decided that I should have made ones for them. I convinced myself they wouldn't like them, I know better now for next time.
After they'd all signed my shirt I gave them my thanks and MAYBE acted a little embarrassing when I told them name and that I was already in the discord but as I said earlier they're so cool and awesome I doubt they noticed me being like that.
i felt like even though it was short I had a really good moment with them which is all I really wanted.
I regret a lot of things. Like the fact that I had plans on making them gifts but ran out of time due to me being sick like right up until Friday and being so nervous and scared and I acted only a little crazy. I know next time (PAXUnpluged in Dec?) I'll be much better prepared.
I hope those that cared to read this very long post enjoyed my little overview. Just remember even though you may be scared and nervous to do something, you still should cause you never know how great it might be at the end.
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unbornwhiskeyy · 1 year
my friend died today. his name is dan. a lot of my friends here knew him and loved him. love him. i hate using the past tense about these things because even before this i lived in a more-or-less constant state of denial but also i don't feel like he's gone, it's like we've just picked this particular day in history to talk about how much we love him, which makes him feel more present than ever. he was such a generous and supportive friend, and generosity and support are good qualities on their own but it meant even more from him because he didn't bullshit and he didn't suffer fools. the first time i met him was at my friend andrew's monthly media party; he came along with my best friend maura, and he seemed a little exasperated about being there, and at first i was like, "why is this guy not having a good time," but i was only a few years away from walking into media parties and immediately getting exasperated myself. eventually we would go to maryland deathfest together and spend three days on a houseboat with our friends swifty and nick laughing our asses off at country music videos (because zuus country was the only tv channel the boat could access) in between increasingly brutal metal sets. i also remember, a few years later, dan asking me to join him for a beat shazam audition (he was insanely good at trivia, including music trivia, and had appeared on game shows before; i think he recognized my ability to identify any given song playing in a room, whether loudly at karaoke or faintly through bar speakers), so i jumped on it; i have to assume they only didn't pick us because we both blanked on ed sheeran's "thinking out loud" when they played a part of it that wasn't the chorus. i'll have these memories of him forever, and he'll always be there, in them, being dan, being that effortlessly smart guy i knew, the guy who could invite me out for a night with his pool team that i'd never met before and i'd instantly feel at home with them. i wish i had been able to see him more these past few years. there were a lot of extenuating circumstances that did not permit us to see each other very often before he died. but the conditions of material reality do not seem to matter when you are yearning for something beyond its reach. i wasn't even going to write anything about this, i already wrote a whole thing in the wrestling discord we're both on and i felt like i'd centered myself enough, but then tonight i was thinking it's fucked up i will never get to talk to dan about the kraftwerkian splendor of the 12-inch mix of madonna's "burning up" ever again, and i miss my friend and i wish he were here.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Maybe that question was somewhere already, but, how your selfinsert and eggman met? What was the first Impression on each other?
Btw i ship you two because i can name no one who would understand him better than you! :D and im always happy to see you on my dash.
Omg thank you so much, it really means a lot to me that you think so, that's a huge compliment with the effort I put into understanding his character and it makes me so happy that you ship us! I'm glad you enjoy my posts and I hope I can continue to deliver 😊💜
I have a lot of different first meeting scenarios that I like to daydream up and write, so I have multiple first encounter ideas of different times and ways it takes place (like depending around/during what game's events I imagine it taking place for example) so I don't set a single solid timeline or plot in stone overall. All the what ifs are endlessly fun to explore!
But there's always the same basis at least which I've talked about a bit throughout my blog but it's been a while and it could've been told better, so I'll happily share again. I like to make my s/i as accurate to me as possible, so I base it on how I came to love him in real life, biggest difference is I'm in the universe the beautiful man exists in for real!
So here we go:
I lived in a small place with a simple life that I found boring and eventful, I longed for adventure and to see more of the world but didn't have the means nor the confidence to get out there if I could. So instead I'd learn about the outside world, admire it from afar, dream of a more exciting life and just hope that it would somehow come one day.
When I was old enough to understand, I'd hear stories about Eggman and his past crimes and the latest news through my desire to learn about the world. But for as long as I'd been alive, he hadn't targeted the place I lived because it was small and insignificant, and it hadn't been caught in the crosshairs of him targeting anywhere nearby either.
But the things I heard from others with experiences before I was born and stuff he was still doing in the present and how common he was in the news caught my interest. I started keeping track and learning of his terrible crimes and atrocities in the past. I knew I should be horrified and disturbed but instead I was moreso curious and fascinated.
The way he'd seemed to have been everywhere and done everything and made such an impact on the world, as negative as it was, was impressive to me. He was the exact opposite of myself living in the middle of nowhere, never doing anything that interesting in my life, and nobody ever knowing who I was and being an outcast and it pulled me in.
I started collecting news coverage that existed and closely following all new stuff. My favorites were photos and footage, whether photos of him during his schemes or videos from when he'd broadcast himself onto devices while making threats or just to mess with people- which isn't something he'd done on a global scale since I'd been alive.
When exactly this took place and what it specifically entailed varies in my multiple concepts but at some point, I do finally get to see him on TV live when he hijacks it! I know I should be scared, it certainly is startling to see him suddenly pop up, make demands and threats, and talk about a world under his control. I know it's very bad and dangerous.
But I couldn't help but be excited to finally get to see him live and finally feel like a part of what's happening to the rest of the world too after years of just hearing about it! While I don't fully acknowledge and admit it to myself, my heart isn't just racing from fear, it's uncontrollable excitement too and I'm mesmerized watching him do his thing.
There are things I can't help but find fascinating and impressive, admirable even. Such as his theatrics, confidence, and crazy desires. Even though he was terrible, dangerous, egotistical, and greedy with it, he did it in such a unique and fun way. He was entertaining to watch and everything he was capable of was as impressive and exciting as scary.
His determination to keep trying and following his dreams and his enjoyment in his terrible crimes shows passionate devotion. The way he builds robots with awesome crazy designs and theme parks, carnivals, circuses, casinos, etc is so fun and cool despite how malicious it is. It's charming how he'll be himself and follow his dreams no matter what!
While I don't admit it to myself, I find him very handsome too. I subconsciously have a big crush on him and I'm admiring him more by the days. I know he's bad all along but he's so charming and entertaining about it, I can't help but be hooked and he makes me feel dizzy! He lives such a crazy, fun, eventful life and I wish I had that too.
Eventually after the broadcast hijacking, Eggman visits multiple locations and deploys his robots to scour areas for useful resources. I live in a place with lots of land and woodland in universe too and I go there a lot for walks and to just wander around and think and dream of traveling the world far beyond this, since I don't have much else to do.
When walking through the woods I hear the sound of a motor and mechanical noises. I peer through trees and bushes and see a Motobug driving along the grass! It's looking for animals and trying to round them up for Eggman to use because he needs a very big army for his new plan. I'm so delighted to finally see some of his tech in person!
Despite the danger, I get as close as I can for a better look and admire how well designed, creative, and fun it is, and how well made it is with such high quality. It's clear that he's very smart and imaginative and I see it for that instead of just "stupid silly toys" like others do. It's cute for a dangerous killing machine and that's part of the charm to me!
I enjoy it a lot for it being the closest I've ever gotten to him a sense, as it's something that he's created and I've finally been lucky enough to see it in person. And after getting to witness him on TV live too, dreams of mine are coming true. I'm finally a part of something he's doing and it's bringing so much more excitement to my life!
And knowing how unpredictable he is, one can never know what he might do next! And that's thrilling to me, though I should be afraid with the terrible things he's capable of, I'm instead always eager to find out because this is huge, finally being one of the locations on his radar for the first time since I've been alive. I finally get to experience it!
I'm very pleased with that encounter with a robot of his. I don't report it even though I should, I just let it go and do its thing. Nobody else finds out his robots were scouring the area to report on it and I like keeping the secret, knowing something about Eggman the rest of the public doesn't. And I didn't want them ruining it before it's truly began.
At a later date, news breaks that Eggman is attacking the city that I live just on the outskirts of and I'm in disbelief! Before I can even properly hear all the details of the report, for the first time I don't wait to hear every precious detail like I usually do and instead rush out because it could be a once in a lifetime thing and I can't miss this!
I don't even worry about the danger nor not having confidence to go out when there's probably a lot of people despite usually being uncomfortable, I just need to get there and see what's happening, that's all that matters to me. I manage to approach the scene as closely as possible while still keeping distance from the danger and heart of the chaos.
I climb a building and hide behind a tower on the roof and can see there's fire and shooting and explosions in the distance as robots are attacking, the action is gripping and gets my adrenaline up. But what makes my heart race faster is when I hear something in the sky and look up to see the man himself in his Egg Mobile watching it all!
I barely get to see much of his face as his back is to me watching it from a distance himself too, but closer than I am. But I can see enough of him to see that he has a big smile on his face, looking very smug and laughing. Just that and the fact that he's really here has my jaw drop in awe and then smile uncontrollably at his infectious joy!
After standing there watching, I don't expect him to look over his shoulder, he must've been looking for the best area of escape when he was done and he looked into my direction! He actually sees me and just as he notices and perks up in curiosity to why I'm there on my own, I run. He puts it down to me being scared and I didn't look to be enemy forces coming to stop him in my casual wear.
That moment was so small and brief but it stuck with me for weeks after. I keep replaying the sight of him admiring his robots wreaking havoc and the sound of his laughter. It was deeply precious to me to finally get to see him in person and be so close to him, albeit still many feet away but we were really there together in the same place!
I start to imagine how things could've gone differently if I'd stayed. Would he have questioned me? Would he have attacked thinking I was going to try to stop/report him or just for fun and to make sure nobody goes unscathed? I would've found all of those potential scenarios cool! But unfortunately I ran because I felt I had to. Still, I treasure it.
For a while I think that's the last of being lucky enough to get to catch. I mean getting witness a broadcast hijacking, then seeing a robot in person, then the man himself? That's way too much luck! I'm appreciative of what I got to see and will treasure it forever. Things seem quiet for a while after all the chaos and it looks like he's done with the place.
It's been a while since I last went to that certain woodland area for a walk and decide to go again and at night because it's been hot and because I'd like late night peace and privacy in my quiet place. Part of me hopes to see a robot or something even though it's unlikely they'd still be around when he's seemingly done with his work here.
I'm walking, listening to music, entertaining myself with my thoughts to avoid disappointing myself and- suddenly I bump into something and fall back. Never in million years would I ever expect to look up and see none other than Eggman! My glasses fell off when I fell and when I put them on and see him clearly, I still can't believe it!
We both didn't notice each other in the dark, with me looking down and Eggman's shaded glasses making it even harder to see in it. He squints and looks down at me through the darkness and teasingly says "What are you doing out here this late, little boy?" He has a playful approach and smirks because I look stunned and he's amused.
He thinks I might be scared but I'm actually just frozen in awe that he's really right there in the flesh in front of me. I finally pull myself up but still feel stuck in place, unsure of whether I should run or not. I also don't know how to answer his question and just manage to mumble that I was out walking and my breaths sound shaky.
He strokes his chin in wonder with a "hmm". Something about me is familiar. It quickly clicks with him as he connects the dots, not only did he catch me watching during his attack on the city, he also saw me in a Motobug camera when reviewing the footage to see if it saw good land to build on and that's how he knew this was a good place for it.
He points this out to me and says we finally meet at last, then asks if there's any reason he keeps seeing me around. I don't want him to get the wrong idea and think I was trying to spy on him and gather information to try to stop him so despite the shyness, blush in my cheeks, and small smile, I say I'm a big fan and have admired from afar for a while.
He's smart enough to still be wary in case it is a trick but at the same time he can't help but smile at that as he says "I'm pleased that you recognize my brilliance." His confidence and happiness from the ego boost he gets from that is precious to me. There's a funny warm feeling in my chest seeing the pleased grin that slightly tugs at his cheeks.
He's just as handsome in person as the videos and pictures. He has a gleaming white smile, cute big pink nose, and big magnificent fluffy mustache with soft round cheeks hidden behind it. He's so big and tall with his big round belly that looks soft and cuddly, big bear paw sized hands and feet, and long sleek legs. He looks like a big bear of these woods!
He looks stunning and I can't help but admire it. Eggman can certainly tell that my admiration is genuine by the way I look at him as I get lost in his beauty and don't realize how obviously I'm gawking. And there's no way I would've known of the hidden camera in the Motobug but I looked so happy and fascinated while trying to get close to it to admire it.
He can't let me roam around after all that I've seen in the past few encounters of him and his creations. Sure I didn't report it before but he'd rather assure the chances of it happening are zero. So he asks me to come back with him and says that if I enjoy his work so much then I should come serve him. I can't believe my ears and accept immediately!
He's surprised that it was that easy and is used to having to make demands and threats, so he's happy to see such enthusiasm. While I know I should be afraid to go away with such a dangerous infamous man, it would be a dream come true! I'm instantly ready to go away with him and don't need any prep. I get in his Egg Mobile and away we go.
The idea is that I stay with him while he works on the land by the woods that he took an interest in after seeing it in the Motobug footage. It's a good place to find animals for his robots and build a new base as it would be well hidden. I'm useful to keep around because I know when people are unlikely to be around to potentially stumble upon the site.
His first impression of me is that I'm a funny fan of his and that my admiration is pathetically cute and most importantly useful and ego stroking. He finds my eagerness to help him, keep him safe, and make sure he doesn't get caught very valuable for him, and how I become a servant in happily bringing him things he needs whenever he asks.
My feelings on him don't just remain the same as when when I first started to take an interest in him, they get stronger. Getting to know him for real and finding he really is as charming and admirable as I saw him is a delight. And it gets harder for me to escape the fact that I find him very attractive for his strong personality and beauty.
He still keeps a lot of secrets from me he can't have me knowing just in case but getting to learn anything and seeing around his base and his creations is a great joy. Especially when the man himself is proudly showing them off to me. He likes how I share multiple of his interests, love to listen to him talk, and gush over it and praise it all highly.
Eggman was ready to entertain any delusions that made me a fan but is pleased when he finds I know exactly who he is, what he wants, and how terrible he is but specifically admire and support it. I love him as he is, want him to succeed in his selfish goals, and get everything he wants. It feels good to be understood and loved for the real him.
My loyalty and enthusiasm making me useful to him and boosting his ego makes him consider keeping me around for longer, after he was initially planning on letting me go eventually. It would also be best to make sure I never have the chance to tell anyone else about him after going to know him on this level. And I don't want to leave anyway!
I have to keep proving my worth so he knows he made the right choice and that my admiration is real for sure and not just a really convincing agent, though there's no way it could be faked to this degree. Despite his caution we get along well and get closer and he's more certain and likes having me around to serve him and stroke his ego.
Things progress from there and I start faller for him harder and he enjoys having me as his assistant and servant more over time. It eventually leads to point where we first become intimate, when he takes the last step in assuring that I'm definitely not an agent and 100% real in my love for him- by asking for me to kiss him hehe 🥰💜
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angelofthepage · 2 months
I don't know if this has already been answered but what got you interested in bendy
Hey there Anon, hope you're doing well! Thanks for the question! I love getting to tell this story. So, I have told this story before, it's actually most of the first chunk of this video here, but I'd like to tell it again.
I got into Bendy in part because of the nerdcore community. Fan songs were something I'd never really been exposed to, and hearing Can't Be Erased for the first time over a discord call with some friends is what initially piqued my interest. When I found the original music video for it and saw Sammy for the first time, I was so curious as to what his deal was based on design alone. Everything else in this world looked like a cartoon made monstrous, but he looked human at his core, and that was interesting in a really odd contrasted way. It was enough to get me to watch the first two chapters in a friend's Let's Play. Little did I know I would end up utterly obsessed with this thing for the next seven years. XD The art style, the world, it was unlike anything I'd ever seen before in a game. It was magical.
I often say that Bendy is a story that came into my life right when I needed it. I was a struggling college student that just broke out of the longest relationship I'd ever held, and I didn't have a lot of friends. I felt worthless, used up like a tissue, utterly alone. My art was struggling, I didn't think I'd ever make it anywhere, that I could ever be a good artist. And then this story comes along and shows me a cast of characters that suffered, so much. The whole story is about how Joey hurt so many people, and there was something that clicked for me, especially with Sammy, Susie, and Henry, that made me say "I don't want this for myself." I saw myself in these characters, I saw people that were destroyed, taken advantage of, driven to madness to the point of no return. And I just wanted to hug and comfort them. I wanted to reach out and tell them that it wasn't true. Susie, you are beautiful, you always have been. And Joey is a fool not to see it. Sammy, it's not worth suffering for a monster that doesn't care about you. There's got to be a better way. Henry...this isn't your fault. You stood up for yourself, you don't deserve to suffer because you set a boundary and took care of you. This didn't happen because of you, this would've happened regardless because Joey has no care for others. Who could've known he'd go this far?
And I think...a big part of what hooked me and why I have such sympathetic takes on this cast is we had a really passionate fanbase that wrote that way. Henry blaming himself for all of this is absolutely a fanon thing, and it hurt me. Seeing fans explore these characters and be unafraid to experiment made me feel like maybe I had a place here. My previous experiences were all in the Sonic fandom, with a small hint of Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts. People I knew were gatekeepy, rude when you tried to deviate from the canon, and trashed every game before they even came out. It was exhausting to be amongst people that were so miserable (and that's not to say the entire fandom is, I've since met way better people over in the Sonic world). I was tired of not being allowed to be experimental. I was tired of having to hold back my excitement because it made me a "trash fan". Bendy wasn't like that to start, our fandom was so excited to vibe and have a good time with a whole slew of concepts. And it didn't matter how canon or not the stuff you played with was, all that mattered was that we were having a good time telling stories. That's what attracted me to it. That's why I continue to write a fanfiction that very much has the vibes of the early Bendy fandom. People were having fun with this thing I liked, and I very cautiously wanted to try again and join in. And over the years, there's been an ebb and flow where I've had some really great communities, and some friends that I'm so grateful to know.
Anon, I don't know what compelled you to send your ask in, but thank you, I'm really glad you did. I think you just helped me answer something that's been plaguing me for a bit. I want to get back to the fun of just vibing with Bendy.
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Post Breakup Rant Incoming
I went through a break up late march and suddenly all of TS's songs make a terrible sense to me. I feel like this is my first true heart break, like he's the one that got away. I listen to Lizzy McAlpine music and it's not for fanfic inspo anymore.
I miss very simple things, like recognizing a show he might like and talk to him about it. I miss spending the weekend together in bed with his or my cats. I miss his two chubby cats. I miss his friends, they were all super nice to me and I felt like if we had more time we could become friends as well.
I miss seeing small things and trinkets that he would love. I miss telling him about my D&D sessions, planning games with him. I miss telling him about video games I liked and finding new ones we might play together.
This feels like friendship breakup on top of the regular breakup.
I'm currently changing my summer wardrobe and thinking how we were supposed to be moving in together around this time. I had to wait to see if we break up because my matress got too old and lumpy to sleep on. I told myself that if we move in I won't have to buy a new one.
Now I'm going to IKEA with my mom to look for a cheap option.
I'm buying my cat a new cat tree knowing she won't be sharing it with two older sisters. That she'll probably stay my only fur baby for a while.
I met him at a mutual friend hangout yesterday. I saw him but decided I'm too hurt to say Hi. I ignored him and felt good talking to different people. And then he came up to me and said hi himself. I don't know why he did that, why he thought it would be okay. He broke my facking adult lady heart and I made sure he knew it. I coldly replied and moved along. I texted him after I left that if he ever sees me at a geek event he shouldn't approach me. I was dying to see if he replies and what he'd say. A small part of me hoped he'd be angry or sad. But nope. Just texted me back a thumbs up emoji. I hate that I feel this way about so many small things. I feel like a teenager with a crush on a boy at school that didn't work out.
He broke up with me two times before, so this is just... I feel like I'm actively dealing with the clearest end of a relationship. This is a person that I could never go back to. We can never become friends. He's just going to turn into a stranger I never acknowledge, this person who at one time knew almost every small thing about me, and I knew about him.
All the jerky poetry and Jane Austen novels make sense, but this one is not getting back into my good graces with a well written letter. We already did that before. And I let him back in for almost a year. And the worst of it is, I feel like I don't know what would be worse - If he tries to get back despite promising me he wouldn't, or if he never wants to again. If he truly moves on from me and I won't really move on, just along.
I was so angry yesterday, partly because seeing him reminded me how broad and soft his shoulders are. How the last time we were at the park with his friends I'd constantly lean on him. How kind his eyes are. How great it was to kiss him casually, lightly. How at home that feeling was.
I really hope you get more than one 'soulmate' type love in your life. Because honestly, that feeling of comforting, homely love was the best while it lasted. Nothing less than that will be enough.
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yakool-foolio · 8 months
this is just a loser finding ways to partially vent but my story it's cringe, undeniably funny, and related to Danganronpa in ways So, uh yeah, if you want to read that'd be nice but if not I understand. When I say Danganronpa is the most impactful media I've ever consumed in my entire life I'm not joking.
I got into Danganronpa after GameGrumps played the first game in 2020, when they finished it I loved it so much I went on to watch someone else play Danganronpa 2. At the time my life was pretty awful, I was sort of becoming numb emotionally everything felt the same day after day, and it's stupid, but when Nagito Komaeda made me feel something after feeling so numb during that time I kind of got obsessed. It was so bad not only did I make myself so much lonelier, but I had to research hyper fixations to know I wasn't insane. So you could say Nagito caused me learning and acknowledging i'm autistic! Which sounds like a big impact until you hear the biggest one.
It was 2021 now, I was still obsessing over Nagito Komaeda and the fixation was so bad that I joined the fandom early before playing v3, Danganronpa on the Nintendo Switch was announced and I was eager and excited so I looked up a ton of reactions on Youtube. A day later Youtube recommended me a live stream, two guys were just joking and playing Danganronpa. My humor was changing but I knew that I laughed at their streams and videos so I stayed, I watched every stream I could and every video uploaded. Eventually I joined their Discord Server, I edit videos so after a while I asked the main owner of the channel for advice on videos and such, and then we bonded over some videos and songs like the v3 hated by life itself animation. After that I always thought of something to text to him every day, as a matter of fact we talked so much that I became behind on School because I'd be talking to him instead. After a while we started calling every day, and then we started face timing, and after that he had confessed to me. At the time I wasn't sure about my sexuality and I had repressed any attraction I felt for anyone out of "respect" So when he confessed to me I was able to think about it finally. It took me 3 days to think about my life and myself and I said yes and we started dating. We met in person 2 times, and dated for 2 years before he broke up with me a few months ago just because life has been hectic I suppose. The channel doesn't have any of its videos public anymore, the server is somehow barely alive for now despite one of the owners already leaving and the other just not talking much, and basically anything that came from all of it no one will know about other than the small group of mutuals that keep in touch and me making these. Most of those mutuals still don't even know that we ever dated. The channel is Emigc btw I think the only thing ever left public is someone reacting to a video he made on Danganronpa S.
anyway boohoo story sad ending but yeah that's how Nagito Komaeda helped me experience my first romantic love and know that i'm autistic, that's it. he's still funnily enough one of my favorite characters of all time i'm normal about him now at the very least Lmao. I finally got into Rain Code after the breakup since I got it for Christmas and it's stupid but it really does feel like the next step? if that makes sense? Danganronpa was the impact to my life, Rain Code is what I'm loving in the aftermath of what Danganronpa has done to my life. I honestly have loved Rain Code somehow even more than I loved Danganronpa, maybe not to the insane extent of Nagito though Lmao. Oh yeah, I also completely skipped over how Danganronpa helped me bond even more with my best friend who feels like a brother to me now but this is already long enough! I've just been making messages about what happened because those were the happiest years of my life and I miss it.
thanks for reading if you did
Goes to show that media really does have a grand effect on our daily lives. From my personal experience, I wouldn't have met any of my friend group, aptly named Ding Dong Bing Bong, without Danganronpa. Long story short, I started playing the first game after watching Game Grumps' playthrough of the 2nd game (and proceeded to spoil myself about the entire trilogy), and I did so in a Discord server. Someone ended up joining me during the start of the prologue, and we shared in voicing the characters. After a few days, another person joined, then another, then another. And now we're a tight huddle of ten after more than a year of playing games together!
It's interesting to hear how the Dangan series, Rain Code, and other media has affected other people as well. Meeting new people, discovering new things about ourselves, and watering our creative roots! Looking back on the moments can boost our spirits, too! I hope the future bodes well for you as you continue to enjoy your interests!
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kalcifers-blog · 1 year
MAG 114209: The IRIS of The Eye
A JSE Ego x TMA Crossover fanfic
Content Warning!! Discussions of violence, self inflicted injury and insinuation of suicidal behaviour. Nothing is in graphic detail, but please stay safe while reading!!
[Tape Recorder clicks]
The Archivist: (sighs) Alright, let's try this again shall we-
Chase Brody: oh for fu- is that really necessary? Why do you people all insist on recording people??
The Archivist: oh- sorry this is just- procedure. It's kind of my job to make sure statements are recorded properly- unless you don't- want- to make a statement?
Chase: (interrupted the last sentence) No- no. I'm sorry- I just- I need to do this I think. I'm not exactly sure what this place is but... I think- somethin' tells me that this is the place to get this out there somehow
The Archivist: I see.. well. Whenever you're ready, we can begin
Chase: (deep breath) okay. Yeah I'm ready.
The Archivist: Alright. Statement of Chase Brody regarding the entity referred to as ALTR 114209. Statement taken directly from sub- from Mr. Brody himself. Statement overseen and recorded by Jonathan Sims. The Archivist. Statement begins:
Chase: [statement]
I feel like I can't really talk about this without some context first? I grew up in Ireland- you- you probably already guessed that because of the accent- but yeah. I'm from Ireland. My life there was miserable. I grew up in a small town. One of those classic "everyone knows everyone" schticks. Mostly because my Ma insisted on going to the local church to do all her socialising- I went there too consistently 'til she passed. I was 15 at the time.
Before she did I was convinced I wanted her out of my life, we never got along- I'm not saying that I completely change my mind now it's just- when someone like that leaves your life forever you start thinking about "what could have been" far more often. When she did pass I knew I wanted out- I needed to get away so I saved up my scraps of money to go to college in Britain. Maybe I wanted to get away or run from my feelings- I just. The way everyone would look at me, knowing what I was going through, giving me these- disgusting looks of pity- I needed out. I needed a get away.
So I moved. My Father didn't care too much, the man was out half the time for work and when he wasn't his hand was glued to his ale. I told myself I wouldn't end up like that- miserable sack of shit but- (chuckles sadly) I- I guess things don't always go to plan, huh?
Anyway- My life did start turnin' around when I got to the UK. The college I went too was pretty mediocre but the people I met were some of the most incredible- the person who changed my life forever in ways I couldn't have ever imagined was Jack.
Jack was my first friend- after realising we where both Irish and kinda had a really uncanny similarity to us, everyone always joked that we had to be twins because of how similar we looked. Despite the fact I'm nearly four years older than him- anyway uh- he got me into gaming.
I'd played games before of course but, this was the first time I played proper video games, especially the horror games, my Ma tried convincin me anything to do with horror was born out of evil and well- actually playing them for the first time was really eye opening as to how stupid that idea was.
I know this all sounds like useless information but I promise it's important- what you need to know is that Jack was my best friend. He introduced me to things that would be some of my favourite things ever, he was there when I got with and broke up with my first boyfriend and through everything, all of those disgusting sides of how bad my mental health got, Jack was one of the only ones who stuck by my side. So when he asked me to be his editor when his YouTube career took off I didn't think twice about saying yes.
I don't think I need to tell you about the successful YouTuber Jacksepticeye- and how he's the largest ever YouTuber from Ireland- how he managed to accumulate millions of subscribers before his disappearance on Halloween of 2016.
Of course, now I know that video that was put up on his channel that wasn't uploaded by me or him and definitely wasn't edited by myself wasn't actually a fake.
No one knew what to make of "Say Goodbye" when it first released. For me I was confused- Jack obviously can edit videos on his own, in fact its pretty common for him to do so- but he always lets me know if he does. There's never been an occasion in which he didn't in the entire time I was working for him. So when that video dropped with no warning I immediately felt off about it.
I won't tell you what happened in that video. You don't need to hear the details of Jack seemingly hurting himself to the point that he was placed in a medically induced coma- I was watching the video itself when I got the call- his doctor- German if I had to guess from his accent, calling me to let me know and to ask me some questions, due to the nature of his injury.
I don't care who comes in to tell you. Jack did not try to kill himself. I refuse to believe he ever would. Jack like I mentioned, was more than my boss, he was my closest friend and we told each other everything. There was just. Nothing. Not a single thing to indicate in his life that he would ever want to hurt himself like that.
I ended up staying in contact with the German doctor, his name's Henrik Schneeplestien- really nice actually. And it was talking to him that I got an email from Jack's account. Not his business "Jacksepticeye" account- his personal one, the one I knew he used exclusively for things that where for his personal life.
When I got that email my blood froze over. It was a video. It was that video. But it was longer. There was more to it. Instead of Jack's body lying there- lifeless and bleeding out. It jerked. It jerked upwards- like his muscles and joints where all connected to strings and being hoisted up against his will, like a fucking puppet.
The thing wearing Jacks dying body laughed. It laughed tormenting us- Henrik started believeing me after watching it with me the first time.
I'll spare you the details of how my life derailed after that. The months of waiting for Jack to wake up. Of Henrik losing his mind trying to understand what's going on. The disappearance of both Jack's body and Henrik himself. Me finding the most beautiful woman on the planet and finally feeling like a person again with her. Only for her and our child to be ripped away from me by that fucking thing that insisted on destroying everything in my life that gave living meaning.
Every time something bad happened it was there, still wearing Jack's face. Puppeting him around with this wicked smirk it had some crude inside joke I wasn't apart of.
I lost everything. My friend was gone, my wife and child where dead, the only person who ever cared to hear me out was missing and to top it all off I had some demon wannabe kicking my skull into rock bottom. Just so I knew that my misery wasn't over.
I had enough. I drove myself to a forest, it was our favourite place to go to as a family in the short 3 years we got to be a family. I wasn't planning on leaving that day. I decided then and there that I wasn't having it anymore. I was done. That thing won. I gave in and I just wanted it to be over.
I still can't tell you what happened to me. But I was in the forest one second and the next I was on top of a parking garage miles away. Whatever happened to me, I knew it was the only weird thing that wasn't brought to me because of that fucking monster. I still don't know what- but I just. I just KNOW alright. I just. Know.
Anyway, not long after that I'm detained by IRIS. Your institute already have all the information you need on that fucking place. I was there for questioning about what happened to me that day. And my experiences with the thing thats been destroying my life. There wasn't anything more to say other than what I've already told you.
They where about to put me under "special containment" dragging me against my will further in the building. The whole building felt like it was screaming at me to leave- that something bad was going to happen- I wished I was wrong.
That thing came back. It was still wearing my friends face and it killed any and all workers that came close to it. All it said to me was "hello, Chase" before I blacked out. I don't remember how I somehow managed to wake up in London- or how this nagging voice in my brain told me to come here. I don't know what "ALTR 114209" is, why it decided I was going to be it's plaything or what it even is. I just....
I just need someone to know that this thing is out there and more people will die if IRIS continues the way it has done for years now.
[Statement Ends]
Chase: (deep sigh) Jesus- I- How'd you- how did you get me to do that-
The Archivist: trust me, that's a long story- I just. I'm sorry are you insinuating that IRIS is somehow- responsible? For the actions of this entity?
Chase: yeah I thought I made that pretty fucking obvious man. IRIS has done nothing but hide the truth from me, borderline torture me and do absolute jack shit when something bad happens to anyone- including their own workers mind you.
The Archivist: Okay well... Fair enough. But please be cautious, if IRIS is behind all of this. You don't want to talk about it here, not in a place like this
Chase: oh just because your boss is watching doesn't mean I have to worry about him snitching to the SCP ripoff
The Archivist: wait- what did you jus- how did you- do you. (Whispering) Do you know that Elias Bouchard is listening and can see everyone in the building- there's no way for you to of....
The Archivist: Oh..... I see.. Chase I- I think I know why you might be a target-
Chase: (quietly) wh.. what- what do you mean by that..?
The Archivist: let me get you a drink. This will take a long time to explain.
[Tape Recorder clicks off]
That's all!! Thank you SM if you read through this, I'm very new to writing fanfic so I hope that this is alright!! A lot of people really liked the idea of a crossover between JSE lore and TMA so of course I had to write up how I imagine Chase Brody's Statement.
Again thank you SM for all the support and I hope to get some more drawing/writing done soon!! <333
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mcrmadness · 1 year
Really wondering if it's an ADHD or ND thing, RSD or just something completely else - the way I easily see human relations. Or, the way they make me feel.
Usually it's said that ND friendships are the type where you can be without talking to the other person for months and then when you do talk again, you continue like there never was any pause as if you spoke just yesterday. I do have friendships like these, and they are my favorite type of a friendship. Mostly because they feel stable and something that even the time (passing) cannot kill. I suspect that these are also often friendships that have already existed for a longer period of time, and people I'm quite close with and can talk about almost anything with. People whom I consider IRL friends too even if I have never met them irl - people whose real name I know and whose real face (or the face that belongs to the body they live in currently) I have seen either in photos or in a video call (or irl if I've met them).
Then the rest of the people I know. I just have the constant feeling of one day growing apart. I don't know when, I just feel like it will happen one day, and this feeling can be triggered by not talking with them for a day or two, or only after months of not interacting. And it can be that I've been talking with someone a lot and then not for a few days and I'm already wondering whether this is The Day we start to grow apart. Especially when we weren't even that close, or didn't even know each other for that long that there would even really be anything to grow apart from. I'd say that I even barely know But I definitely feel that this is more common when I don't have that long history with someone yet. This person can be an irl friend, a classmate, an online friend or an online acquaintance.
The latter version is quite exhausting, to say the least. I think I'm not the only one it's exhausting to, I think it's also exhausting to other people who have to interact with me. Like, sometimes I feel like I just lost a friend just because an online acquaintance has changed a bit, and we never even were friends. Literally just spoke online sometimes, and then I randomly have again the "oh we're growing apart :o" mood when there literally never was anything to grow apart from! I barely even knew the other person!
I don't really know how my brain defines the people I interact with. It seems to be completely random. There probably is something my brain sees in those people that I don't see. Maybe I like someone as a person so much that I'm constantly afraid of losing them. But that still doesn't explain it, because shouldn't I then be afraid of losing my best friends too? But I am not afraid of that, cos the friendships feel so stable. Sure one huge thing probably is whether I have talked about this issue with a friend of not. But even that alone doesn't mean this fear/sensation would go away. I often talk about this with people and while talking, it might feel very secure and that with this person I'll be friends forever and we're super close friends and whatnot. Then I'm alone and suddenly I feel like the cake is a lie. I don't feel secure anymore, I am no longer sure that I'm gonna be friends forever with someone and that the "friendship level" will remain stable no matter how much time would pass.
I feel like I'm kinda hovering somewhere between the neurotypical and neurodivergent view over friendships. I'm never sure about whether someone likes me as strongly as I like them, and for some reason it's always very embarrassing to me if I like someone more than they like me. And I'm also very confused if someone seems to like me more than I like them. I'm kinda constantly looking for this 50-50 type of liking ratio. I always compare it to how friendships are in The Sims games - everyone always likes each other mutually as much and it can't be that X like Y 80/100 and Y likes X only 50/100. It's always 80/100 or 50/100 for both. And IRL it always confuses me when people can like each other in uneven amounts.
The same way this "growing apart" thing is for me like the friendship notifications in The Sims games. I have talked about this before too, but I really feel like my frienships work as TS friendships do - after not interacting for a while, you get this notification "Sim X haven't called sim Y in a while and they're no longer friends." This is literally how this whole growing apart thing feels like to me, and it's so confusing because I might think I no longer have ANYTHING in common with someone. Until they start talking to me again and it's like there never was any pause. And it confuses me even more because I do not know where we're at. Friends or not? And I don't feel comfortable about asking in case I misunderstood everything because I have ADHD and emotional dysregulation.
But yeah, it's very exhausting. Maybe it's also related to my generalized anxiety. But it'd be nice if I could just not worry about friendships "possibly ending soon" cos these stable friendships you can put on hold are just so much nicer so why can't I view every friendship like this? Or is that because so many of my past friendships have ended, and I'm trying to protect myself with this so when/if a friendship ends, it's not that big of a shock because I was already prepared for it ending one day... idk.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
emotional over shadowbringers hours again yes
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animatedrapture · 4 years
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"𝖐𝖎𝖘𝖘 𝖒𝖊 𝖘𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖞" — suna rintarou ;
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𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: suna rintarō is so much more than his bored eyes, the blunt between his lips, and his tendency to slack off—luckily, you're one of the very few people who know this; especially after he comes home to you sullen after finding out he didn't make it to the olympic players.
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘: female reader. fluff—established relationship. angst if you squint. comfort. mention of drug use. like, one swear word.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 2k
𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊: in lieu of the influx of toxic stoner!suna content, i offer you a piece of appreciation towards him and all that he is. i was meaning to post this in my new blog but i thought there's so much of you here who would appreciate and need this more. written on a whim at 1AM and didn't proofread so for any errors, gomen. repost because tumblr tagging hates me. cross posted on ao3 under the same username. original post here. this was written before we got information that he actually made it to the olympic team. furudate really told me to stfu, huh?
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It's you who find out first that there is truly so much more to Suna Rintarō than his expressionless exterior, sleepy eyes, and bored gaze towards even the most ridiculous situations. It's when his self assured stance dwindled as he walked towards you once upon a time, introducing himself first before asking you for your number.
"My number?" You echoed his request, trying your best not to gawk at his attractive features and six foot two stature towering over you so easily; making you feel oh so small. (Which is funny, given that you were already standing straight on your heels.)
"If you don't mind, 's cool if you say no," he replies, tearing his gaze from you as if he was actually anxious you'd say no.
It's funny, really. It's not every day a famous pro-athlete known for both his good looks and skills walk up to you, asking for your number and actually considering you'd say no to him and his pretty features—in fact, nevermind that he was pretty, it was more the fact that he wasn't so full of himself to actually think you wouldn't say no.
That's what makes you nod your head; your heart already beating right out of your chest as he gives you a lazy grin and his phone to press your number in. When you're done, you hand it back to him and you mentally pat yourself at the back for not visibly trembling.
"Y/N?" He reads your name from the contact information, and good God, did your name sound so beautiful coming out of his mouth. He doesn't wait for your reply anymore, looking back at you from his phone, the lazy smile still across his lips as if he knew it was a heart killer.
"Thanks, I'll text you later," is the last thing he said before he walked away from you.
It didn't take long for you to fall in love with someone like Suna Rintarō—underneath his detached personality also lied someone who was truly passionate with the things he set his mind to, gave his time to. Like you or volleyball or the video game he's been waiting to release for a whole month—it only had to be something or someone who was special enough, then, he would give it his all.
The smoke that filled his lungs occasionally did nothing to lessen your own intoxication of Suna Rintarō and his passions—because every exhale, his dark green eyes would meet yours and oh so easily, he offers you that same lazy smile yet one that was dripping with affection.
"Should you even be smoking that, Rintarō?" You had questioned him before, about the second time you've seen him put the rolled blunt in between his soft lips, inhaling it.
"It's a once in a while kinda thing, you don't actually think I'd sacrifice my career for this don'tcha?" He grins at you, amusement flooding his usually bored eyes — now glazed over with the effects of the weed—from the way he gazes at you with an eyebrow raised.
It's when you realize that Suna Rintarō was independent and knew what he was doing—did what he did with full awareness, full control, full flexibility. It's as if who he was in court was who he was in person as well.
"You're really interesting, y'know that Rin?" You had mumbled against his chest once before, it was at the first few months of dating—he had one of his arms around you with you cuddled on his side, watching a movie from his couch.
"I mean—you've always been so good at what you do, huh? But you still work for it."
"What makes you say that?" You can feel him looking down on face against his chest.
"C'mon, don't be silly. You were scouted at middle school and you only got better as you grew up!" You say, finally moving your head to meet his gaze.
But all you get is a flick on your forehead and his low chuckle, "'s not that deep, y/n," he answers.
But you already knew better.
Suna isn't one for words, and no matter how much you insist that he was beyond the description of words, he only rolls his narrowed eyes at you. You find out Suna Rintarō, your boyfriend, was a huge inspiration during your sixth month together when you finally met his little sister.
It's hard to say it wasn't amusing how snarky she was, just as he was to his friends whom you've met a few times before—Atsumu and Osamu Miya, you remember. She's quick with her tongue, easily retorting back to her brother's comments.
"Are you sure you didn't just pay Y/N-san to be your girlfriend, nii-san?"
"Nah, you still jealous I came out prettier than you?" Suna bites back, a teasing grin plastered across his face. His sister only scoffs, looking back at you.
"You can tell me if he blackmailed you to come here!" She attempts to whisper. You're not sure whether you should be worried or continue to laugh, but you do neither as you choke on the drink you were sipping on right as she told you this.
"Shit, Y/N," Suna curses as you cough, your throat burning at the drink's intrusion, but Suna's quick to rub soothingly against your back as he offers you his water, his eyes glazed over in panic.
"You okay?" He asks when you stopped coughing, and you nod in response—throat remaining slightly sore. Suna lets out an aggravated groan, "Be careful next time," he manages to scold you, but oddly enough, his words remain saccharine.
There's something about the way that his little sister doesn't seem the least bit surprised with his reaction that somehow lets you know that perhaps, Suna Rintarō might just be quite the caring brother behind closed doors.
After that, it was when Suna excused himself to take a call from his manager, leaving you with his sister.
"Hey, nee-san, promise you'll take care of Rin-nii? You won't break his heart, will you?" His sister asks, eyes gleaming with something akin to hope, expectation, wonder. It easily takes you by surprise.
"Don't you worry, I'll promise I'll take care of him, promise I won't break his heart," your voice easily softens, nodding. His little sister's gaze remains on you, as if she's assessing you and as if she would easily tell whether or not you meant the words that came out of your mouth.
It makes you hold a breath until she nods slowly, smiling at you lightly just as Suna comes walking back, eyebrows raised, knowing he must've missed something.
"Whatcha girls talkin' bout?" He asked as he slipped back on his seat beside you.
"None of your business, obviously," his sister quickly answers.
They're truly quite similar, it's enough to make you smile and get through meeting his little sister until both of you dropped her off back to the train station.
"What'd she tell you?" Suna nudged you after seeing her train leave.
"Nothing, Rin," you answered with a wide smile, leaning up to place a chaste kiss against his lips—yet just as you pull away, one of his hands has found its way behind your neck, pulling you back to him.
You never thought a kiss could feel so loving before—but it really seemed as if Suna Rintarō had a knack for proving you wrong, over and over again.
It was the day that the Olympic team was announced when you see so much more of Suna Rintarō. Quick like the blink of an eye, or lightning that leaves the thunder chasing it; Suna felt the exhaustion, the pressure, the burnt-out feeling that's been repressed in the back of his head. It comes to him, crashing down like boulders not just on his shoulders but weighing down every part of his body.
Did he lack somewhere? He wonders. Where did that lacking end and start? What could have he done? Was it training, where he spent most of his time now? Suna had end up seeing you less and less since the drafting of olympic players started and you've been nothing but patient.
What was he supposed to tell you? After all the time it has stolen away from you—that he didn't make it?
When he opened the door to your shared apartment, he doesn't look up at you with a relieved sigh as he usually would—he avoids you gaze entirely, he avoids your observing eyes from the couch you sat on, watching him slowly shrug his shoes off.
"I'm just gonn—" he started, about to make an excuse to avoid looking at you.
"Prepared your bath, Rin. C'mon," Suna hears you say but it doesn't sink in his head, watching you take his hand, leading him to the bathroom.
Suna remains silent as he looks down on the bath you prepared for him, warm and inviting.
"Meet me in the kitchen when you're done, okay?" He hears you say, followed by the echo of your footsteps walking away.
You easily understand that Suna Rintarō was more than his talents, his efforts, and every little thing about him when you feel his large arms wrapped around you, his broad chest pressed against your back and his face buried on the crook of your neck. His fresh scent right out of the shower engulfing you and invading your senses, flooding you with him.
"'m sorry, bunny," he mumbles.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, Ri—"
"It's odd, thought I'd pull it off, thought it'd be nothin' if I didn't make it. Don't know why I'm so upset right now," he continues, cutting you off, "Been so patient for me too, bunny. Thought I'd be nice to make you proud, ya know?"
Your sigh comes out sharp from the heavy feeling from your chest, not knowing what to do to make him feel better—like he did with you, always knowing his way around your low moments.
You wriggle out of his arms, making him grumble until you fully face him. He looks back at you with a small frown, eyebrows furrowed, watching your expression.
"I'm always proud of you, Rin. Olympic player or not, you make me so proud," you speak softly, your hands cupping each side of his face.
"Don't even get why it matters to me this much, it's just—" it was your turn to cut him off, tipping your toes to press a lingering kiss against his lips. Suna smiles against your lips, carrying you to sit on the kitchen counter like he always did—knowing you always would have to tip on your toes to reach him.
Soon, the lingering kiss turns slow and passionate—lips softly grazing the other, and it feels more like pouring the heavy weight of love out of your chest and into the other. A kiss so loving, so reassuring, so passionate—the kind that easily takes your breath away and makes your mind go blank. When Suna pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. You smile at him because it's all you can do when your heart feels like it's going to leap out of your throat just to offer itself to him entirely—and Suna smiles back at you, pecking your lips before wrapping his arms around you again, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You run your fingers through his hair, hoping it would help soothe him, and then you say, "I promise that you'll make it next year, Rin. I'll be with you now, and I'll still be with you then."
It only makes him hold you tighter, closer to him, "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Rintarō. You deserve the world and all the stars in the galaxy."
"'s too bad there's nothin' more I need than you, then."
That's what Suna tells you—Suna, who was smoke in his lungs, dumb videos of the twins to blackmail them with, little mistakes, bored eyes, and lazy attitude. The same Suna who was slow kisses, passion, and genuine smiles reserved for you—the same Suna who gave his passions his all, the same Suna who held you securely in his arms every night, the same Suna his little sister admired. Most of all, the same Suna Rintarō you loved with every beat of your heart, every fibre of your being.
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📞 violet is calling... all content featured belongs to ©️ animatedrapture. do not plagiarize, repost, or modify.
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime — Ten // Wanda Maximoff
chapter nine | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter eleven
author’s note: okay so this was supposed to be published yesterday but (if anyone cares lol), basically, i finished my last year of uni two days ago and so yesterday was the first official day i had that i didn’t have to do work, so i spent the whole day playing video games 😂 but it’s here now, so i hope you liked it!
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Approaching Y/B/N's study, my annoyance returned when I remembered how he acted only an hour before. I didn't bother knocking as I let myself in, seeing him loosening his bow tie and looking out the window.
"What the hell was that?" I snapped instantly.
He sighed, yanking his bow tie off and throwing it to his desk. "What was what?"
I crossed my arms to contain my frustration. "You know what, Y/B/N." He continued to play dumb, so I watched him with a frown. "Why are you so against me getting published? I thought– I thought you'd be proud of me. It's all I've ever wanted."
With a scowl, he looked the other way. "I'm the writer, Y/N, not you."
His words created an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. Jealousy was a disgusting look on him, one I never wanted to see.
"No," I said, uncrossing my arms and staring daggers at him. "You're not the writer. I am. You only got noticed because of me!"
"Shut up!" he shouted, finally meeting my eyes. "You don't get to do this! It's not about you!"
"Yes, it is!" I shouted right back. "For once, it is about me, Y/B/N! Because this is my chance to do something I love."
He rolled his eyes, getting riled up all over again. "And that's another thing. Why the hell are you putting silly ideas into my fiancé's head about making money? Are you trying to make me a fool in front of my in-laws?"
I squeezed my fists together, narrowing my eyes. "They aren't your in-laws."
"Oh, you know what I mean!"
He didn't deserve Wanda. He couldn't. She was too good for him.
"Sorry that your masculinity is so fragile that you can't let your fiancé do something she's passionate about," I said through gritted teeth.
He glowered down at me. "You need to butt out."
I smiled bitterly. "Maybe if you didn't start on Pietro for no reason, I would."
He scoffed. "Please. That man is only trying to get into your pants."
I don't think I'd ever wanted to strangle my brother as much as I did right now. Did he really not believe in me? He couldn't accept that maybe I'd earned this on my own accord? Thankfully, unlike him, I could contain my emotions and managed to swallow down my anger.
"You know that's not the case," I said with a dangerously calm voice. "You should talk about your soon-to-be brother-in-law with some respect."
Y/B/N sighed, moving to sit at his desk. I followed him with my eyes, unable to recognise who he was. I hadn't dubbed him for the insecure type, but I was being proven wrong many times tonight.
"I don't want to do this right now," he said quietly, sinking his head into his hands.
I uncurled my fists, fed up. "It's already been done."
He looked up, but I didn't wait to see his face. Maybe he wasn't the brother I thought he was.
"Honest opinion," Wanda said, before revealing herself from behind the curtain. "Nice or ugly?"
She smiled brightly, twirling around in the dress she was trying on, before going back behind the curtain to change into another one. She'd invited me over to hers to hang out, which meant watching her try on a bunch of new dresses and getting excited over each one. I wasn't complaining.
"So, that first book," she picked up from our previous conversation as she changed. She was referring to Y/B/N's first published book. "That was really you?"
"Yep." I pulled my legs up onto the lounge sofa and leaned on my hand, elbow propped on the back of the seat. "I mean, it got edited of course, but the initial manuscript was mine."
"Wow," she commented. "That must have really sucked to hear everybody praise it when it was actually yours."
"It did indeed."
She came out from the curtain wearing a dress that wasn't particularly nice looking. It had a baggy torso and slim legs, making Wanda look very unflattering. And that was saying something – she could pull off anything.
"Nice or ugly?" she asked, hands on her hips.
I squinted, tilting my head and trying to think if I should lie or not. Her blue eyes peered down at me intimidatingly and I knew I couldn't find it in myself to lie to her.
After a moment, I released a breath. "I'm sorry, love, but it's kind of ugly."
She chuckled, giving me a knowing smile. "Good. This was a test. Means you're paying attention."
"Wow. You think I'm just sat here for fun?"
She didn't respond, but an amused smile was on her lips as she headed behind the curtain to change yet again. It was quiet as she was changing, before she spoke up again.
"You know when we first met? And you showed me around your room?"
"How can I forget? You thought I was jealous of my brother," I quipped with a smile.
I could imagine the eye roll she was giving me. "That was before I knew you wrote half his stuff."
Stifling a laugh, I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Okay, go on."
She sighed. "I told you how I fell in love with that first book. How I fell in love with the words. And the person who wrote those words.”
"I remember."
She reappeared from behind the curtain, this time wearing a stunning floral blue sundress. It fell off her shoulders, revealing cream-coloured skin and a well-defined collarbone. I smiled softly, overwhelmed with admiration for the beautiful woman before me.
"I'm glad it was you," she said, and I suddenly remembered we were in the middle of a conversation.
Her eyes sparkled brightly as she smiled my way, and then her words sank in and my heart fluttered with adoration.
"Me, too," I breathed out.
She held my gaze for a second longer before looking down at her dress, pressing her hands over it. "So. What do you think? Nice or ugly?"
I raised my eyebrows with astonishment. "Wanda, you look absolutely beautiful."
Her shoulders relaxed as her eyes flickered to mine. "So, I should keep it?"
I spluttered, "Duh!"
She laughed, before approaching me and sitting beside me. Leaning her head on my shoulder, she pulled her legs onto the sofa and sighed contently. I wrapped an arm around her, resting my cheek on her head.
"I'm glad you'll finally get the recognition you deserve, milaya (darling)," she said, lifting her hand to intertwine it with mine over her shoulder.
With an entertained smile, I held her hand firmly. "Maybe, love. I haven't said yes."
"Oh, you'll say yes."
I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, revelling in the warmth her body created as it pressed to mine. We had no concerns that somebody would catch us since nobody was home and the servants knew not to bother us.
"So, what was the book actually about?" she asked, playing with my fingers.
"The book," she repeated. "I've heard Y/B/N's take on it, but what about yours?"
At the mention of my brother, I rolled my eyes. We still hadn't spoken since our argument and I wasn't exactly in the best place with him right now.
"It doesn't matter," I mumbled into her hair.
She used her elbow to nudge me gently in the stomach before grabbing my other hand and wrapping it around her waist.
"I like hearing you speak," she said softly. "And I love the way your mind works."
My cheeks flushed at the compliment, but I appreciated her words. She always had such an effect on me and I'd come to only care about one opinion nowadays – hers.
"Okay, I guess..." I sighed, subconsciously pressing my fingertips to hers. "The book is about a man who loses his wife to his own ignorance, right?" She hummed in agreement, so I continued. "Y/B/N always talks about how it's about a man failing to appreciate his wife, but that's not how I intended for it to be perceived."
Interest piqued, she sat up straight and turned around to face me, leaning her head on my chest and looking up with curious eyes. I smiled down at her, pressing a kiss to her nose, making her scrunch it up adorably.
"It's supposed to be about the wife discovering that she's her own woman and that she doesn't need her husband to be okay," I continued, holding her gaze. "It was her own self-discovery that pushed them apart, as well her husband's stupidity."
Wanda's lips curved into a gentle smile. "I like that interpretation a lot better than his."
Licking my lips, I breathed out through a smile. "You're biased, dear."
Her eyes flickered to my lips. "Maybe."
I chuckled before closing the gap between us, connecting our lips in a short, sweet kiss. She relaxed against me before smiling as we pulled away.
"Ya lyublyu vas (I love you)," she whispered.
I always loved when she spoke in her native tongue. She sounded so at peace when she did and it warmed my insides.
"I love you, too," I whispered right back.
She grinned, carefree, before turning to lean on my shoulder again. I held her, enjoying the silence that formed between us. Her presence was always enough and I never wanted anything more. But I knew Wanda and I knew that she couldn't stay quiet for too long, so something was definitely up.
"What are you thinking?" I asked quietly, not wanting to startle her in case she was too deep into her thoughts.
She sighed. "It's stupid."
I smiled. "I doubt that."
It went quiet and I assumed she didn't want to share, but then she played with my fingers again as she spoke.
"I was wondering what it would be like if we were able to get married," she murmured. "With the dresses and walking down the aisle and the rings."
I laced my fingers through hers, the thoughts having crossed my mind at times, too. It was nice to think 'what if', but it was also a dangerous game.
"The wedding cake would have to be chocolate," I played along, not wanting her to think she couldn't talk about it.
She snickered, loosening up in my arms. "Of course. And the colour scheme would have to be red."
"Definitely," I agreed, knowing she wouldn't have it any other way, "...it could be somewhere small but comfortable. Surrounded by nature, maybe."
"Yes. With flowers all around us and the sound of birds tweeting in the trees."
A comforting smile crept on my lips as I closed my eyes, imagining it in my mind. What a beautiful day it would be.
"I'd force Pietro to be the ring bearer," she added as an afterthought, and I laughed, chest moving up and down with her on it.
"He'd hate that," I pointed out.
"Exactly," she said with a mischievous hum.
I rolled my eyes playfully. "What about afterwards? Where would you want to live?"
She scrunched her face up before settling with, "Somewhere remote. Away from people. Maybe a nice cottage somewhere."
Nodding in agreement, I said, "We could have a beautiful garden in the back. I'd do my very best to make it perfect for you. And you could paint whatever you wanted there."
A considerate smile tugged at her lips at the thought. "Yes! And we could get a pet. I've always wanted a pet."
"I guess we could... what pet do you want?"
With no hesitation, she said, "Chickens."
I looked down at her, quirking a brow. "Chickens?"
Looking up at me, she stared like it was self-explanatory. "They're cute and they lay eggs. Think about it. Fresh eggs for breakfast every morning."
God, she was so cute. I smiled, squeezing her hand. "Chickens it is, love."
She got excited as she tugged on my hand. "You can finally get a study of your own!"
"And you can get your own studio," I added, making her grin.
"And I'd keep it sparkling clean."
I laughed, shaking my head. "Don't lie, Wanda."
She rolled her eyes, though wore a humoured expression. "Okay, maybe not..."
"You can keep it as messy as you want," I promised her, as if it was actually going to happen and we'd get what we wanted.
The dream was so vivid in my mind that it could have been a memory. Wanda and I living together, peacefully and without hiding... if only we weren't in the wrong lifetime.
"I like to pretend that you gave this to me," she said after an unsettling silence fell upon us, raising her left hand for me to see. She wiggled her ring finger, the silver band and emerald gem glinting in the light. "It makes me feel better."
I swallowed hard and forced a smile, intertwining my fingers in hers and bringing them to my lips to kiss gently.
"Technically I picked it," I reminded her to lighten the mood, but it didn't work.
A sad smile appeared on her face. "Maybe in another lifetime, we could have met in a world that allowed this."
My smile faded into a frown at her words. Like I said, considering the 'what if's' was a dangerous game, and we'd already played too much of it.
"You're going to marry my brother soon," I said quietly, the realisation hitting me. "This– us, will have to stop."
She sat up and turned to face me, eyes looking between mine as she shook her head. "It doesn't have to."
I rested a hand on her cheek and she leaned into it, kissing my palm. I savoured the feeling of her lips against my skin.
"What we're doing isn't fair on either of us," I said reluctantly, afraid to say what we'd avoided for as long as our relationship lasted.
She frowned. "I'd rather have you like this than not at all."
My heart ached because I knew she was being genuine, and the truth is, I felt the same. But that brought me to our next dilemma.
"It's not fair on Y/B/N either."
She tensed her jaw. "The world doesn't want us together, Y/N. They're the ones who forced us to be like this."
"Like what?" I asked with knowing eyes. "Cheaters?"
Her eyes glossed over and it broke me to see her so hurt.
"Is it really cheating if I never wanted to be with him?" she asked with a shaky voice. "If I'm only acting out of duty? If I never loved him?"
Realising I'd saddened her, I moved forward and pulled her in for a hug, running my hand down her hair and to her back. "Sorry... I didn't mean to make you upset."
She sniffled and I felt her tears soaking my shirt. "Don't talk like that... I don't want to lose you."
I swallowed hard, nodding into her shoulder. "I don't want to lose you either, Wanda."
But I knew that deep down, we couldn't hold onto everything we wanted to in life. Deep down, she must have known that, too.
"...and this is where we write up the contracts. It's where we'd write up yours if you say yes."
Pietro grinned cheekily as I gave him a knowing look. He was showing me around the publishing house – a proper tour, not just me lurking around on the few visits I'd been here for Y/B/N – with hopes of convincing me to sign a contract with him.
"Pietro, you said you wouldn't be biased," Wanda warned, and I gave her a grateful smile as Pietro chuckled.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it," he apologised, though he definitely didn't mean it. "I just really think you'd be a great fit here, Y/N. I already have editors willing to work with you based on the few pages they've seen of your work."
I raised my eyebrows, startled. "Wow, seriously?"
He nodded. "Most definitely. As I told you the other night, you're talented. And with my help, you can be successful, too."
A smile fell on my lips uncontrollably. A real editor wanted to work with me. Woah.
"I'm gonna get some coffee," Wanda said, squeezing my shoulder. "I'll get you both some, too." She wagged a finger towards her brother. "Don't pressure her whilst I'm gone."
He raised his hands in defence. "Okay, calm down, sestra (sister). I'll be fair."
She lowered her finger, shot him a final look, then smiled at me before leaving for the café next door. I chuckled at how cute she was and how much she cared before returning my attention to Pietro.
"I won't pressure you," he said to me, perching on the edge of an empty desk. "I just want you to know that you'd be well looked after here. I wouldn't let anyone talk down to you, nor treat you with disrespect because you're a woman. I don't condone that here."
I relaxed at his words, offering him a grateful smile. "Thank you, Pietro. That really means a lot."
He returned the smile before his gaze moved over my shoulder. Smile fading, he cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away. I turned around, curious to what had caught his attention, and then I saw Y/B/N standing in the doorway, looking around for something. His eyes eventually fell on me and he perked up before heading our way.
I hadn't spoken to him since two nights ago after dinner. He'd actively avoided me, too and I wasn't complaining, having still harboured an unexplainable anger for him. What was he doing here?
"Y/N, hey," he said awkwardly, stopping before Pietro and I. His eyes flickered to Pietro before he asked me, "Can I speak with you?"
Instinctively, my jaw clenched and he seemed to notice as he shook his head quickly.
"Not to argue," he clarified. "Just to talk."
His eyes were pleading and I couldn't find it in myself to deny him. He was my brother after all, we couldn't argue forever. Nodding wordlessly, I smiled apologetically to Pietro before following Y/B/N to a quiet side of the room. My eyes ran along the many employees working away at their desks before falling to my brother before me.
"What is it?" I asked, maybe a little too harshly, but there was no going back now.
He frowned, eyes flittering around nervously. "I want to apologise for my behaviour the other night. I shouldn't have acted how I did."
I hugged myself as I shifted my weight between my feet. "Okay."
"You were right," he continued, finally meeting my eyes. "You deserve this. You've always been there for me, helping me with my writing when I needed it. I should have reacted better, but I let my jealousy get the better of me."
My mouth opened, surprised at his apology.
He offered me a sad smile. "The truth is, Y/N, we both know you'll be the more successful of us both. And you'll be so preoccupied with your own writing that you won't be able to help me anymore. And it was selfish of me to think that first, but I did. And I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I'm your big brother and I should've been better."
Chewing on my lip, I let go of waist and straightened up, nodding slightly. "I– thanks. Thank you. For telling me that."
His shoulders relaxed as he nodded. "Also, you were right about what you said about Wanda. And I'm going to apologise to her first thing."
My expression softened at the mention of the girl who'd only ever been good to us. "She's seriously talented, Y/B/N."
"I know."
I nodded, stepping forward and resting a hand on his shoulder. Looking between his eyes, I only saw regret and I knew he was being genuine with his apology.
"You're forgiven," I told him with a small smile, before pulling him in for a quick hug.
He returned it and I felt relieved to know he was supportive. I didn't see a reason to not accept Pietro's deal now... everybody I cared about was okay with it.
"Wanda is here by the way," I told Y/B/N when we pulled apart. "She's just getting some coffee for us."
He nodded and we returned to Pietro, who gave me a concerned look. I smiled reassuringly and he relaxed before looking to my brother with a smile.
"Hey, Pietro, sorry for what I said last night," Y/B/N was quick to say. "It wasn't cool. I know you're not like that and I shouldn't have even thought it, let alone said it."
Pietro was one of the chillest people I'd met as he offered his hand out to my brother. "No worries, mate. Bygones."
They exchanged a handshake before my brother glanced to me.
"She's really good," he said to Pietro. "You'd be lucky to have her here."
My face heated up as Pietro nodded in agreement. The two of them looked to me with proud smiles and as uncomfortable as I felt with the attention, I was grateful to have their support.
"I know," Pietro said. "All she's got to do is say yes."
"You haven't said yes yet?" my brother asked with disbelief, before slapping me on the arm playfully. "Y/N! This is your chance!"
"And it's a big decision!" I reminded him.
He looked like he wanted to say something, but then I caught sight of Wanda over his shoulder and perked up. She smiled my way but then noticed Y/B/N's presence and proceeded with caution.
"Hey, I got you both a coffee," she said, giving Pietro his and handing me mine, but her eyes were searching mine with worry.
My hand brushed hers as I accepted my coffee and I squeezed it reassuringly. She seemed to believe me as her lips twitched into a small smile before looking to Y/B/N.
"Hey," she said to him quietly, biting her lip.
He glanced to me for encouragement and I gave him a subtle thumbs up. This seemed to help as he wiped his hands on his trousers before looking to Wanda hopefully.
"Hey," he finally spoke. "Please can we talk in private for a moment?"
She nodded, humming in response, and followed him to talk.
"Match made in heaven those two," Pietro said sarcastically, and I tried not to laugh, but damn was it funny.
"Look, I think I've made a decision," I said after a moment, feeling my heart speed up at the realisation of my next words.
"Oh? And what is it? Will you let me publish you?" Pietro asked, quirking a brow and watching me with an excited smile.
Well, there was only the future to look forward to now.
I grinned. "Yes."
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stylistiquements · 3 years
Day 1 : Soap Bubbles.
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𐐪𐑂 Pairing : Sapnap x fem!reader {Playlist}
𐐪𐑂 Summary : You're being introduce to the internet in a peculiar way, it's up to you to decide what you're going to do with it.
𐐪𐑂 Word count : 1.4k | W: written part underneath
𐐪𐑂 Warning : very few swears
Masterlist | Previous | Next
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The coffee that sinks inside your stomach brings out a grimace and a click of your tongue where the taste stains; too bitter, too acidic but you’ll drink it anyway and to the last drop; there is something about the idea of spending time with three best friends that is so made of spring and honey that you wish to miss none of it.
“Someone is lurking,” George contemplates out loud, and the call goes silent for a second as if to look for the intruder. And it would so easy to flinch, to hit the back pedal, because you almost feel like one being exposed front stage like that. But today- today is not that day.
It's not that you don't want to join the discussion, it's that it takes a second to warm up, to absorb the energy and become one with it.
And sometimes, all it takes is Sapnap to exclaim, “Panini head, my beloved!” for your smile synchronizes with his chuckles. Somehow, once noticed by the right person, life flows back naturally.
George and Dream greets you in trailing unison, like two kids forced to greet their unwelcomed aunt on a sunday afternoon.
“H-hey troublemakers,” you finally say. Your voice is still quiet, not reluctant, but rather uncertain. It doesn't bother anyone.
“I’m beating Dream’s ass at chess and he’s bitter,” Sap explains, and you silently nod, as if they were able to see you.
A long silence follows along, rythmed by clicks of mouses and keyboards and it falls in your ears like high droplets. It's comfortable. It's intimate, shared with friends only.
"We haven't heard from you in a while," Dream says. "I mean ... before the clout fiasco."
You wouldn't exactly call it a fiasco, even though you don't really like the idea of being perceived a little too closely from the eyes of twitter.com, but you do agree anyway, "I've been caught up on college essays lately."
"That sucks," George probably adds.
“Good thing you’re here, then,” Dream notes, simple as a breath. “This is a worry-free zone.”
It hovers for a second, carried by George’s approval hum.
You squint suspiciously, detective mode, at the profile pictures that light on and off before your eyes, “Thanks, dream.”
He scoffs a “sure” and you’re not sure why you sense a bit of irony stuck on the back of his teeth. You're so tempted to call him out, but you don't. Instead, you write a mental note of this odd moment.
“It’s because I told him about your three brothers and now he’s scared they’re gonna find him and kick his ass,” Sap explains as if he just read your mind.
Sometimes, there’s this thing in the air, though you’re miles away. Something like a connection. There’s this thing when you don’t need to talk for Sap to understand. Sharing one brain cell, you dismiss ironically. Probably coincidences and predictability, but it always sounds a little special, a little like something you’d wish to be out of this world, like morning dew and fairy circles. And it makes you feel safe, at home, just like snuggling up in the sheets during a stormy night. Your smile washes up the sleeve of your hoodie, covered palm carefully hiding your chuckles.
“Three older brothers,” George muses, and there’s no telling if it’s something meant for you to hear. “That’s kinda scary.”
“You better be scared, one of them is probably your FBI agent,” you tease mindlessly, though there's nothing scary about those three grown men.
“I’m British, Bunny,” he points out. Whether the exasperation in his tone is fake or genuine, that, you can’t tell, but you play it cool, grin carved so deep it almost hurts. Dream’s wheezes rise and fall in the background.
“Say that to his face then,” you outbid smirkingly after a second of silence, heels growing into the carpet to make your chair spin slowly left and right, so breezily.
“I’d praise you for the rest of my life if you-Oooooooh your ass is wacked. Your ass is so wacked, dude. You fucked up so bad,” Sapnap chokes out between strings of giggles.
“Oh no, my streamer is losing his game?” You theatrically pout. “My streamer Dreamwastaken, have you met him? Guess you don’t need any of my brothers to kick your ass.”
“Okay yeah- no- it’s not my fault if your- they’re distracting me, okay?” Dream defends.
Slowly, the energy lowers again and the call remembers peace as Dream admits defeat.
“I’m not playing against you anymore,” he mumbles through greeted teeth, your hoodie shelters a muffled giggle. “Let’s talk about y/n’s twitter fame instead.”
“Let’s just not-” you mutter, both because seeing Dream lose at something is a miracle that has to be witnessed once and because you’re somewhat reluctant. “Let’s just not talk about that.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. I had no idea it would draw this much attention to you,” Sap admits.
“Well, you talk about her all the time it was only a matter of time before twitter finds out,” George taunts and you secretly smile, listening to the way your best friend tries to defend himself, mind flooded with the last memories you have of when you were able to see those chuckles for real.
“Yeah, Quackity already told me you guys talk behind my back,” you fakely muse. “That’s totally fine, I don’t wanna know what you guys are talking about at all.” It’s a lie, obviously, the idea creeps upon your mind with assumptions you can’t quite get a grip of nor let go.
“You and Quackity talk?’ Sapnap asks, hint of surprise, and you hum.
“Or rather, he talks to me. He keeps calling-.” Shit. The forsaken word traps itself into your mouth. It’s too silly anyway.
“Come on, just say it,” Dream pushes as if he knew too much, more than you even do, and your cheeks flush mindlessly. You don’t notice.
“Dream, quit it!” You demand.
“Quit what?”
“You talk as if you knew more than anyone did.”
“Maybe I just do,” he coos, so dream-like.
Oblivious or careless, Sapnap asks, “Is Quackity bothering you or something?”
“He-" you begin but stop to look for the right way to put it, "He triggers my flight or fight response.”
"I mean, duh," Sapnap probably rolls his eyes.
"But I like him. He's funny."
After a second of silence, George says, “Well that was unexpected.”
“Not so much, I think we’re both chaotic neutral people.”
“What is that neutral chaotic thing anyway?” Dream is confused.
Roll up your sleeve girl boss because now is your time to shine! You offer your best dream smp alignment chart to the classroom. They're speechless, but they listen carefully.
"Then you're more chaotic good than neutral. You're too sweet anyway," Sap says.
"I'd even say lawful good," George debates.
"That's because you haven't seen Bunny during her crazy cat hour."
"True," you note.
"She'll go absolutely batshit."
“What?" George burst between confusion and surprise. "We've never seen you like that."
"A lady never reveal her secrets," you retort. No one answer.
It leaves a second for your mind to enjoy peace. For your eyes to lay on c!tubbo on lawful good and think true, then on c!dream on chaotic evil and think also very true. You huff and it's like a wave; as sarcasm leaves your breath, an idea comes in.
"Sap, check your DMs," you request.
Surrounded by the evening lull, Sapnap’s laugh pops like soap bubbles, "God, you’re so stupid. Why can't you just marry me?"
“So, is it Sapnap approved?” You chuckle lightly to prevent Sapnap’s morning fresh laugh to fill your chest and leak everywhere.
“Just press ‘send tweet’ please,” he confirms with leftovers of a smile in his voice.
"George, get me out of here. They're doing it again," Dream whines.
"Doing what?" He asks, unbothered.
"Act like they're alone in the convo. Just get a room." And you don't get to stand up for yourself that you and your best friend are actually sent to another room.
"Well this one is chaotic evil confirmed," you mumble as you roll your eyes but the vibes are much peaceful, much more comfortable in here. "So ... hi."
"Hi," he chuckles in return.
Maybe that's for the best; a moment that needs to stay a little timeless, secretive and special. It hasn't happened in so long, you don't even remember the last time it did.
"I'm glad you're here. I miss you, you know?" He says, and it's hard to not feel so bittersweet about it. It's hard when longing involves a craved touch, a real smile and an eye contact. Your shoulder sinks in the chair a little harder.
"I miss you too. I'll be here soon," you promise. And soon couldn't come any sooner.
But the conversation, soft and free, will wash up any worries, as always, and you'll end up talking about everything and nothing, about streams and planned videos and college and god knows what. As long as it makes the two of you happy and smiling. Just like the old days, you'll both think and it's fair to say until the evening turns into night and night turns into fatigue.
"Are you sure you're okay about that clout?" He asks once again. "I know you don't like being exposed like that."
"Yeah, yeah don't worry too much about it. I'll try to make good use of it."
"I'm sure you will," he murmurs, but oh boy did he not know what was about to come until you two meet.
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.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・   .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・
Taglist : @open-minded-chip-101 ; @itsoakaa ; @gaysludge
A/N : so first of all it has come to my attention that 129 days from now on is actually my birthday so that's a weird coincidence lol. Hi how are you guys?? welcome to the first part I hope you liked it. I'm fairly new to the mcyt community and that's the first time I write for them, so bear with me. Feedbacks are always appreciated. Until next time (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
alright since my brain is going weird again, can i request real world s/o with hops this time? baby boi needs some love. also it's hops that goes into the real world this time.
forgive my mess of an idea ���💃 - nosey anon
Ah yes...smol child that has childhood trauma of living in his older brother's shadow.....LOVELY! Poor boy need some tlc.
Tossed Into Another World! (Hop x Reader)
- You knew that damn dating dlc was a bad idea....
- What you didn't expect was to be woken up in the middle of the night by Hop, the Galar region's Pokémon professor, and your "boyfriend" from the Pokémon dating dlc
- "Y/N?" "WHAT THE-" "Calm down it's just me." "I know it's you! Wtf are you doing here?!" "To be honest...I'm not sure where here is..." "Hop, we need to talk about a few things first. Sadly I'm too tired, seeing as you seemed to appear at 3 am in the morning. Just get into bed, and get some sleep. I'll tell you everything tomorrow."
- Let's just say, that talk did not go so well...he ended up crying
- "Everything I've done up this point wasn't even real...." "Hop please don't be upset, it also means that Leon's accomplishments weren't real either, so you don't have to stand in his shadow at all." "AH I FORGOT ABOUT MY BROTHER! He must be so worried about me right now...." "I'm sure he'll make it without you until we can get you back into the game." "Back into the game? I finally become real and you want to get rid of me already?!" "No no no! I just thought you'd want to go home!"
"But if I go back I can't be with you..." "True." "Unless you come back with me?" "Hop, I have a life here. As much as I would love to join the world of Pokémon, people here depend on me." "Then...let's just bring the world of Pokémon to the real world!" "Hop...you have no idea just how much chaos that would create." "Huh?" "I'm too afraid of the Pokémon being hunted for sport, and you and the others being locked up in some mental hospital somewhere." ".....Your world is harsh Y/N." "Tell me about it..."
- You had to teach Hop a crash course on all the things he'd need to know while waiting for some kind of solution to present itself
- "I had no idea you had so much work to do...How did you even find the time to talk to me and go on virtual dates?" "I'd stay up to 2am talking to you Hop. You gave me that kind of comfort I needed to get up the next day." "Y/N....Come here."
- This boy is a hugger, the type that doesn't want to let go, have fun carrying him around
- "I'm glad you don't weight that much Hop." "I'm glad you didn't pry me off of you yet." "Why would I? It's not like you're doing anything lewd, you just want hugs." "I wouldn't mind a kiss though." "In a bit." "Awe..."
- You have to constantly make up excuses to people who see him with you in public
- "Y/N, who's this?" "Ah this is Hop, he's my boyfriend." "Boyfriend? How come we're just hearing about this now?" "Well, we met online so..." "Oh, so you didn't know if it'd work out, so you didn't want to get all hyped up." "Yeah basically." "Is he wearing eye contacts?" "Yeah, they are like colored prescription lenses so he has to wear them all the time."
"Are you going to be dyeing your hair like he has Y/N?" "I might, maybe we could match then. You'd like that right babe?" "Mm I'd have to think about it for a little while before I could give you a good answer." "What's you're boyfriend do for a job?" "He streams gameplays of video games online." "Oh really? Huh..."
"Y/N, how long are you going to have to lie for me?" "I don't know. But I'll keep doing it until we can have some kind of happy life together. I don't want anyone questioning you." "......Alright dear. I still think you should reconsider, and leave this world with me." "I've been considering it more and more the longer you're here."
"So you actually want to go home with me?!" "I don't want to go back to living without you here Hop. If I have to be tossed into another world for us to stay together, then so be it."
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butt-watch · 3 years
Deltarune Chapter 2 Theory
I'll put under a read more, but just in case it doesn't work. Here's your warning to block "#delatrune spoilers" or scroll really fast.
Spoilers for end game and bonus boss, and a long ass dump of all the ideas I have in my head before I forget them. So, sorry if I got anything wrong or it's a mess.
I've seen a lot of theories flying around, but haven't seen this one yet. (Sorry if it is already out there and I just haven't seen it, I'm sure somebody will already have put it together better than me.) This is just some funky ideas I've been throwing around, because I'll be honest here, I love the main 3 so much, and would be sad to see any of them turn out to be evil like so many theories are suggesting.
Maybe I'm just trying to be optimistic, maybe it's the weird nb kid deep inside me latching onto a kindred spirit, maybe I'm on to something.
So here's the thing. I don't believe Kris is the knight.
I know, I know, but stay with me here.
There's no denying that at the end of the chapter, Kris created a new fountain, and with it, likely a new dark world. But I'd like to argue, this is the first one they've created. My evidence is shaky, but I think there's something there that could blossom.
I'll start off with the simple fact that multiple characters who have met the knight, Spades King especially, didn't recognise Kris at all, and you would have thought they'd recognise the person who's been feeding them so much information. You do also have a couple of dialogue options with the king this time, and definitely with the Queen, so it seems strange that neither of them recognise the voice of their Knight in shining armour.
This is where stuff starts to get a bit flaky, but also, a lot more intriguing.
At the end of the chapter Kris opened a fountain, and the night before, we saw Kris remove the soul inside them and brandish their knife. Assuming that Kris spent that time without the soul creating a fountain is a fair assumption to make, and I think it's possible that was Kris's intention, perhaps they have some connection to the knight, and knew how the fountains could be opened. But, they were missing one important ingredient.
In Chapter 2 we get an explanation from the Queen about how dark fountains are created, and with it a word that has largely been missing from Deltarune.
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That's right, good old Determination.
Fountains are created when a determined Lightner plunges a sharp object into the ground. And here's where the theory comes in. I believe prior to the end of chapter 2, Kris didn't have Determination. Throughout the game, they've been filled with various sources of power, from Fluffy Boys and Mean Girls, to Cat signs. But at every save point we've been missing the signature Determination.
The closest we get is at the end of Chapter 2, just before the fight against the queen, when "a certain power" is alluded to.
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And that lack of Determination, would have made opening the fountain impossible for them, after all, Queen spent the whole game building Noelle's determination high enough to open a new fountain. A smidge of determination doesn't seem to cut it.
So how did Kris get the determination?
Through the good old power of Friendship. Through the trials with their new friends, Kris has gained determination, even without the soul inhabiting them. And even though that started as half a joke (only half), whilst writing this post and trying to find screencaps, for the next section, I realised it's actually more likely than I suspected.
And that brings me to everyone's new favourite:
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Spamton. During his dialogue and initial boss fight he offers a deal, rewarding Kris with [[Hyperlink Blocked]] if they accept. As far as I'm aware you're forced to accept the deal. (If anyone else tolerated more than a few minutes of smashing no deal like I did and managed to get a different outcome, kudos to your perseverance.)
What is [[Hyperlink Blocked]]? Well I'm sure you can guess where I'm going with this. I believe it may well be Determination or something similar.
During the initial confrontation, Spamton refers to the players Soul as [[HeartShapedObject]].
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But prior to the boss fight against Spamton NEO, he has no qualms about saying SOUL.
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I've seen a lot of people theorising Spamton is being censored, and I agree that definitely seems to be the case. From a meta standpoint though I think it's interesting that the [[Hyperlink Blocked]] he mentioned so much in his first encounter doesn't seem to be mentioned at all, now the he has slightly more freedom of speech. I personally believe it's because revealing whatever Spamton was offering would have given too much away.
So how does this come back to the power of friendship? Well, upon defeating Spamton, whether through ACTing or beating the crap out of him, he realises the real treasure was the friends we made along the way.
He suggests that together, the three of them could "break their own strings"
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Following the fight, there's a moment, where Susie notices that Kris is acting out of sorts. Whichever option you choose, it's obvious that Kris is shaken by the event, even going as far as to yell the answer if you let them admit how they're feeling.
The similarity to Kris's own situation, being puppeted by the player is a valid reason for the response. Whatever shook them did so with enough effect that the fear showed despite the players control. Either that, or Kris has something they didn't have, more control. More... Determination to overcome the soul.
That last part is reaching a little, which is saying something, given the amount of shaky evidence presented in this post, so I want to wrap this up mostly with something slightly unrelated, but still a Kris theory.
Why do they open the fountain?
There are a lot of theories, about being a pawn for Gaster, being an asshole, etc.
I'd like to think Kris is just a weird kid who's gotten caught up in a mess they don't really understand. They created a scenario where Susie would be forced to stay the night, and opened up a new dark world, that Susie, their friend, expressed a want for before they left the dark world.
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A place where they could get away from their lives for a little while and have more adventures together. And I can understand the reasoning, opening a new fountain isn't bad, I mean, as long as they close it at the end, nobody gets hurt and they have more memories. Where's the harm in that? Right?
As much as Kris obviously wishes to be free of the soul's control, that very soul has helped them make real friends. It's taken them on adventures and well.
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Somebody had to let it out before the morning.
So to summarise, the strongest power known to man is a group of lonely teenagers, if you run through a peaceful game murdering everything and then blame a video game character for the decision you made, I'll kick your ass, and I guess I'm a Kris stan now, oh god.
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theduosetter · 3 years
── 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠 ──
Pairing: Daichi Sawamura x f!reader
Summary: Two strangers laid their eyes upon one another and were captivated at first sight. All they were itching to know was their name yet who knew they were closer to each other than they realized.
Warning(s): cursing, fluff, adorable all around!!
A|N: I hope you enjoy this mini series! Any heart or reblog would be appreciated thank you! Feedback too :D
Links: m.list | writing commissions ✏️ || tip the writer ✍️ ||
Part: 3
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"Hurry up, Y/n!" Hinata yelled as he grew impatient.
"I'm coming, Shoyo! You're literally outside of my door." you hung up and grabbed your bag along with your phone.
Opening your bedroom door you saw your best friend standing there tapping his foot. "Was it really necesarry for you to call me when you were already here?"
"Yes!" he exclaimed "I don't want you changing plans last minute."
"I'm not going to bail on you guys." you chuckled "Relax, we are going to hangout together today."
"Alright. Come on we still need to get to the gym to warm up." he grabbed your hand and ran downstairs.
"Shoyo!" you exclaimed "Where's Tobio anyway?"
When you got to the bottom of the stairs you saw the black haired friend sitting down at the kitchen table. A sigh escaped your lips knowing he wouldn't pass up the chance of some milk with your mom's pastries. "I can't quite say that I'm surprised."
"Do you wnt...s-sum?" he muffled as he chewed down on the bread making his cheeks chubbier.
"I'll be fine." you answered unlike the orange hair who stuffed a plastic bag filled with pastries while your mom laughed.
"Why don't I just give you guys some extra ones?" your mom said as she filled another bag with individual wrapped bakery goods.
"We'd appreciate it!" the duo spoke.
"We gotta go or else you'll be late for the game!" you exclaimed pulling each one away from the counter covered in sweets.
"Let me get one more!" Hinata whined, "One more-"
"You'll both end up getting stomach aches if you don't stop!" you retorted.
What seemed like eternity you managed to get them out the door despite the begs. "Please make sure to come back soon boys!" your mom said.
"We'll be back Mrs. (last name)! Thank you for the sweets!" they both yelled in unison.
"I will see you before closing, mom." you kissed her cheek and grabbed the four bentos. "Thank you for the food!"
"Be careful okay?" she waved goodbye at you then chuckled to herself, "I'm glad my baby has her friends."
"Seriously you guys barely have enough time to get to the gym!" you yelled out as you three ran towards the school's grounds. "I told you we had to go!"
"Yeah but your mom's bread was so good!" Hinata jumped "It tasted like a fluffy cloud Y/n!"
"She definitely needs to bring her food to the next school's festival." Kageyama added "Imagine how much attention your mom's bakery would get."
You bit your lip "You're not wrong about that..."
Hinata looked at his watch, his eyes widened. "We only have 15 minutes to practice before the other school get's here Kageyama!"
"You idiot! I told you we had to go!" he moved closer to kick his butt but Hinata managed to dodge his hit.
"Oh shut up! You were stuffying your face too!"
"Why am I friends with these two again?" you muttered.
"Come on pick up the pace y/n!" Hinata and Kageyama grabbed your hands and ran faster than your legs could move.
"G-guys!" you exclaimed "I-I'll end up falling─ slow down!" they were too focused on getting to practice than hear about your objections "If I break a bone I'm telling my mom to ban you from the shop!"
After a five minute run that was supposed to be ten, you finally arrived. Your legs felt like jelly and your sweater was long gone as your body was too sweaty. 'This was worse than a summer day...' you thought, 'I showered and got dressed so nicely only for it to be ruined by those two. Ugh they owe me big time.'
You slowly treaded towards the stairs of the gym, their teammates were too busy preparing to notice you. A sigh escaped your lips upon feeling the cool air coming from the a/c. "This... this is nice." you mumbled. "It feels like a cold freezer..."
"Um... hi." a voice spoke coming from behind you.
"You two are so banned..." you muttered under your breath. Slowly you turned around to come face with two guys. 'They must be their teammates.'
"Are you going to keep blocking the door or can we get through?" the tall guy with the glasses spoke.
"Tsuki." the shorter one mumbled.
"Well?" he stared you down, "We don't have all day."
'He must be the guy that Shoyo and Tobio went up against.' you thought.
"R-right... but you don't have to be so rude you know." you answered.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes walking passed you meanwhile his friend gave you an apologetic smile. "He's usually not mean." he chuckled slightly "Do you need help with something?"
"No... I came to see some friends. But they left me out on the front steps to get ready for your match today."
"Wait... are you really their friend?" he asked.
"If you're talking about the tall one and the ginger then yes." you chuckled, "They said it was fine for me to come today."
"Don't take this the wrong way but..." he scratched his cheek looking away from you, "I'm surprised they have a friend that's a girl, given the way that they are."
"No worries. I understand what you mean especially since we met in very different times." You two walked inside "I'm still surprised they are friends."
"Y/n!" looking to the left you saw Yachi jogging over to you. "Oh hey, Tadashi!"
"I should go warm up, it was nice meeting you!"
"You too Tadashi!"
She then spoke again, "What happened to you? Did you run all the way here?"
"Hinata and Kageyama were too busy stuffing their faces with my mom's pastries. By the time they actually listened to me it was too late and we had to run all the way here." you whined "Now I'm all covered in sweat and I feel disgusting."
"I told them not to get distracted." she sighed "Do you want to freshen up? I have an extra shirt in the club room."
"Really? Id really appreciate that."
"Come on we still have a few minutes before the whole team gets here."
Your feet were too tired to walk yet somehow you managed to go upstairs to the room. "I swear one day those two will be the death of me." you complained.
"Can you blame them? Your mom's sweets are too good." Yachi chuckled.
Shaking your head you went inside and washed your face along with your arms and back. "How are the two doing with their quick attack by the way?" you asked.
"They're getting there, although they still want to make sure it comes out perfect. Coach Ukai said they need to upgrade it or else it won't be enough to get past the blocker's hands."
You nodded, "There's no doubt in my mind they will make it work. From the videos you've sent me those two can work a miracle even if they end up fighting... their goals are the same."
"Oh right I was going to ask you..." Yachi continued "... how did it go with your guy by the way? Did he end up messaging you?"
Biting your lip, you put on the white clean shirt. "He did, he was so nervous and sweet. I apologized to him about what my mom did yet he said he didn't mind because he was nervous about talking to me." you giggled.
"Wait so your mom really did give him your phone number?!"
"She did! I wasn't expecting her to go that far." you answered "But it is kinda embarrasing how she had to do it for me though..."
"Nonesense!" she exclaimed "You just needed that little push well you both did. I'm sure he knows that especially since he took the time to message you."
It was difficult to hide the smile that kept creeping up on your face. "As cliche as it sounds... it really feels like a movie Yachi."
"You're barely at the talking stage but what if he asks you out on a date then to become something more. Are you ready to go that far?"
Closing the locker you turned to face her, "Not going to lie with everything that has happened... I feel scared to say yes. After what happened I never really thought someone would take an interest in me and that I'd feel the same way."
Yachi placed her hand on your shoulder, "It's been at least 4 four years I think it is time to enjoy a new adventure in your life. You may never know what might happen."
"Yeah, I know."
There was a knock on the door, "Hey! Yachi are you almost ready? Kiyoko said she needs your help setting up."
"Yeah! We'll be right there Sugawara!" she yelled back.
"Who's Sugawara?" you asked.
"Come on let's go meet the rest of the team that way it'll be easier." she chuckled taking your hand and walking back to the gym.
There were sudden butterflies in your stomach, although you knew your friends were part of the team, you couldn't but wonder if it was okay for you to come. All you wanted was to make a good impression for the team that gave your friends the opportunity to play.
As soon as she opened the door everyone turned their heads to look at you. Two memebers then ran over to you both making you jump back.
"A new girl!" they yelled in unison.
"She's so cute!" the shorter one exclaimed.
"You didn't tell us you had such a pretty friend Yachi!" the taller one added.
Yachi became flustered, "Ah! T-this is m-my friend! She came to w-watch the game today. Y/n this is Tanaka and Nishinoya."
Feeling embarrassed you gave them a nod, "It's nice to meet you guys."
"She's so adorable!" Tanaka exclaimed "I hope we get to see you around here more often."
"Oh... um sure, if you guys don't mind." you said.
"Where have you been all my life?!" Nishinoya's eyes widened not being able to handle how cute you looked.
"Oh Y/n!" Hinata then jogged over to you guys "Can you help us toss some balls?"
"Yeah let's go-" you went to follow Hinata only to be taken away in the opposite direction.
"You need to meet the whole team." Nishinoya held your hand dragging you over to what seemed to be the third years along with other members.
"Guys! This is Yachi's friend, Y/n! Y/n, this is Suga or Sugawara for short, Asahi, Tsukishima, Tadashi, and Ennoshita!"
You tried to hide your nervousness, "Hello! It's nice to meet you guys, thank you for letting my friends play."
Tsukishima stared at you with an uninterested look, while Tadashi smiled softly.
"How did you manage for Hinata and Kageyama to get along? They were at each other's throats." Sugawara chuckled.
"Well... let's just say it's still hasn't changed much." you rubbed the back of your head. "But we make it work."
"Are you also a first year?" Ennoshita asked.
"Mhm I had to change school's during the second semester." you answered. "Karasuno is my second school."
"Well welcome to the team, I apologize in advance if things get out of control." Sugawara said "They're usually..." he tried to put into words but you understood.
"No worries if I can handle those two I'm sure it won't bother me." you chuckled. "Is this the whole team?"
"We're only missing our captain." Asahi answered, "Where is he anyways?"
Tskushima shrugged "He said something about needing to find his knee pads."
"Anyway we should go get ready before the school shows up. Let's start to warm up." Sugawara said and everyone went off to do their own things. "If you want you can sit down besides Coach Ukai and Mr. Takeda."
"Oh okay." you then looked around "Do you need help with anything?"
"I think we should be good, can you help with picking up the volleyballs and putting them in that basket when the other team gets here?"
"Sure." you were about to grab the cart when you heard the door open again.
"Oh! Daichi come over here!" he yelled.
Your feet froze, the numbness you felt earlier in your legs returned. 'Please... don't be who I think it is...' you thought lowering your head, 'Oh my god what if he gets dissappointed?'
You tried to subtly fix your hair and tuck in the club room shirt. Sugawara noticed, "Are you okay─"
"What is it Suga?" Daichi asked as he walked over to where you both were.
"This is the friend that they were talking about, this is Y/n." he said smiling softly at you. "Daichi?"
You slowly lifted your head to come face to face with those loving brown eyes. Daichi was in the same state as you, shocked yet happy to finally see you.
"Are you alright?" Sugawara asked looking at him.
"Y-yeah..." he chuckled awkwardly "It should have been obvious right?"
Your face was hot, "Y-yeah, I shouldn't have been so dumb."
"You two know each other-"
"This is y/n... the one I've been telling you about." Daichi said.
"Oh...." Suga mumbled "So you're the one he can't stop rambling about." a smirked then formed on his lips.
You blushed, "W-what, really?"
"Suga!" Daichi exclaimed.
"I can't believe after all this time you two would end up meeting each other at school." he said.
"Yeah..." you chuckled lightly "I knew you played a sport but never thought you were my friend's captain."
"I didn't know if it sounded cool─" he admitted.
"Are you kidding?!" you exclaimed "It's amazing! Volleyball isn't an easy sport. The amount of people that depend on you to lead them, yet you still have their backs and know what to say" you smiled looking up at him. "It's admirable really."
Daichi rubbed the back of his head, shyly smiling "Thank you I try my best to keep them under control... but sometimes they don't bother to listen."
"I know how that feels."
Sugawara stood quiet watching you two converse as if you were the only ones. He wanted to say something to get Daichi all flustered but didn't have the heart to do so. 'I am sooo going to have fun with this.' he thought.
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