#we know he was with eryn
wakes up in a cold sweat If Phil talked about possibly doing c!SBI prequel streams then that meant there were ideas for canon backstories for c!SBI
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tjodity · 1 year
Scrapped lore bits from the Dream SMP I'm still mad we never got:
-Whatever lore Nihachu had planned for the day Doomsday happened
-The Egg finale scheduled for immediately after the Red Banquet
-Jschlatt's Las Nevadas resurrection (heavily implied by Quackity trying to get the Revival Book after gambling with Glatt and cc!Schlatt saying he'd be coming back to the SMP)
-Any further development of Puffychu
-Ranboo getting resurrected (cc!Ran saying he was meant to be revived two weeks after the prison break)
-Hitting on 16 in livestream format. Like I know we still got the lore but cc!Wilbur simply could not fit what the format brings into written form. The long periods of characters just talking to each other, body language, random impromptu moments, etc.
-The Manhunt Arc (slight speculation but the streams where Tommy reinforced Tubbo's old house and convinced Eryn, Sam Nook, and Phil to help him track and kill Dream after the prison break felt like it was setting up something)
-Cyberknife lore (cc!Techno planned on having his character leave and acting as an antagonist for the syndicate)
-Ranboo's ARG (never properly finished)
-Ranboo and Slime in the multiverse (I have no context but I swear cc!Ranboo said something about this and if I had to guess tftsmp!Ran and O!Ranboo could've had something to do with it)
-whatever Connor had going on (I know his SMPLive stuff I'm referring to him knowing Karl could time travel)
-Tubbo's ending of growing old and raising Michael (planned but cut for the nuclear ending)
-Tommy's soft ending which would apparently resemble Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. (this is secondhand information but I've seen people talk about it. I assume this to mean he would escape the SMP and we wouldn't see what happened to him. Cut for the nuclear ending)
-Captain Puffy being the main antagonist of Season 2 (as seen by her being the vessel for the fully powered Egg in the finale and having a skin ready for season 2)
Feel free to add your own!
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elfy-elf-imagines · 10 months
To Meet Under the Stars | Thranduil
▹ Pairing: Thranduil x Elf!Reader
▹ Genre: Fluff
▹ Words: ~3k
▹ Summary: In light of the stars, Thranduil finds himself entirely enchanted by a mysterious masked woman.
▹ Notes: I love masquerade balls, that is all. Unedited because we die as men.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
The light of starlight was something sacred to the elves. 
In the times of old, before the moon and sun had been created, Varda placed the stars in the sky, illuminating the world for the elves to see. For all other races, stars were just light that guided their way at night, but they were so much more for the elves. They held the promise of life unsullied by the evil of Morgoth. A beautiful display of glistening diamonds that held the light of creation. To honor the stars was to honor Varda herself.
Under the canopy of stars, the wood elves of Eryn Galen celebrated the first night of the autumn equinox. The moon was full and high in the sky as lords, ladies, and commoners alike gathered for the party. The echo of minstrels ensured there would be no corner of the kingdom not lit with joy. Dragonflies darted across ponds, and crickets hid in the forest, chirping to the beat of the lute. There were festivities all throughout the kingdom, but the main attraction was the masquerade ball held within the palace of King Thranduil. Only guests of high esteem were invited to dance under the lush canopy in the company of the royal family. 
And there you were, with summer in your hair and winter in your eyes. Dancing through the crowd, illuminated in the silver light of the moon, you were the vision of a goddess. A soft halo shone upon your silver-gold hair, pinned in an updo with stray pieces that cascaded down your back. Flowers in purple, blue, and silver hues were placed upon your head like a crown, creating the silhouette of a queen. A silver mask encrusted with enough jewels that it glittered under the light concealed the top half of your face, two holes allowing your eyes to glow in the dark. A grin born of pure ecstasy was outlined by the lipstick on your lips. 
No one could recall who you were nor when you’d arrived at the celebration. It was as if you were always there, lying in wait and dancing with the ghosts of the open-roof ballroom. A laugh rivaling the minstrels' songs hung in the air where you stood and followed your every sweeping move. 
From the high table, with a glass of wine precariously hanging in his hand, Thranduil watched you. He couldn’t help it. It was as if you were weaving some sort of spell, casting it upon all who watched, paralyzed by your song and enraptured by your dance. You were beautiful, quick as a whip, and light as a feather. Each step seemed calculated and purposeful, yet so loose it could only be natural.
Thranduil couldn’t recall ever meeting you, so certain he’d know your laugh even if he couldn’t see your face. His advisors tried to make idle conversation as Legolas spent his time with the other members of the guard, drinking and laughing. Thranduil couldn’t be bothered to even pretend to listen, intently focused on the way your summer blue dress flowed like water around you. It nearly felt sacrilegious to directly look at something so beautiful, like staring at the face of Varda herself. 
“It is a beautiful--” his advisor beside him began to speak, talking so slowly it made Thranduil’s lips curl in slight irritation that was hidden by the goblet he held. He watched as you threw your head back in laughter, finding amusement in whatever the elf lord you were speaking with said. It took all his willpower not to roll his eyes as he drank more sweet wine. 
The elf lord offered you his hand, which you gracefully accepted. Instead of dancing through the crowds alone, you twirled in the arms of another man. It made Thranduil’s stomach turn in a way it hadn’t for centuries. 
You and the elf lord you danced with would flit in and out of his vision, yet the merriment never left your expression, and when the face of your dance partner would face Thranduil, he could see just how enchanted the man was by you. His grip on the goblet tightened, knuckles turning white. 
The song seemed endless, drawing out the end of it for as long as possible. Part of Thranduil was tempted to bark at the minstrels to begin a new one in hopes you would once again be left alone, but he didn’t. A king needed to maintain his composure, even if everything inside was screaming not to. It seemed silly to be so taken by a woman whose face he couldn’t even see. 
“Have you tried one of these cakes yet? They’re quite--” 
“Galion.” Thranduil interrupted the man previously speaking, gaining the attention of his butler. The advisor that had been interrupted scowled yet said nothing else as Galion stepped closer to Thranduil. 
“Yes, my king.”
Thranduil pointed at you, Galion’s eyes following his finger. “Who is that?”
His eyes narrowed as Galion leaned closer to try and get a better look at you. Yet not a glint of recognition twinkled in his eyes. Did anyone here know who you were?
“I’m afraid I am unfamiliar with who she is. Would you like me to fetch her, my king?” Galion asked, his attention returned to Thranduil, whose eyes furrowed in mild annoyance. 
“That will not be necessary, Galion.” He waved his hand, and Galion returned to his previous seat. It would be easy to bring you to him, he was the king, after all, but he didn’t want your meeting with him to seem forced upon you. He already had enough of a reputation as a cold, unfeeling man; it wouldn’t do any good to give you a reason to believe them. 
The song ended, and you stepped away from your partner, lowering into a curtsey that he returned with a bow. Thranduil stood, the legs of his chair scraping on the floor; he didn’t bother giving a weak excuse for his exit. If he doesn't act soon, you might slip from his fingers. Thranduil took long strides down the platform and disappeared into the sea of elves. 
He pushed his way through the crowd, most too lost in the magic of the music to pay their king any mind. He could see you, dancing alone with your eyes shut. The grin on your face was wide, never wavering in the slightest. The distance separating him from you was dwindling, the anticipation making his palm sweaty. The crowd parted, and he could’ve pulled you into his arms if he wanted to. 
But as he opened his mouth, you disappeared into the crowd, so preoccupied you never saw him coming. Thranduil’s eyes narrowed, his misty eyes searching the crowd for you, but you were nowhere to be seen. Had you merely been a figment of his imagination conjured by the trickster spirits rumored to hide in his forest? Perhaps you had been, but Thranduil was determined to comb through the crowd hoping to see you again.
Then, a flit of blue brightened the corner of his eye. He turned, seeing you dart from dance partner to dance partner, now on the other end of the room. A cat-like grin appeared on the edges of his mouth; he’d found you. Once more, he pushed through the crowd, not moving his eyes from you for one second, afraid you’d disappear without a trace if he did.
The crowd would pulse, and you would get closer to him before suddenly spreading out towards the treeline. Thranduil would get close enough to smell your floral perfume, but you'd dart in another direction before he could take your delicate hands in his. He wasn’t entirely sure if it was on purpose; you probably hadn’t even noticed him. Your eyes never locked with his that never strayed from you.
But the gods seemed to smile upon him that night, and as the crowd came closer, Thranduil snatched your hand. Your body twisted to face him, the grin on your face never faltering. The perfume you wore was distinctly jasmine, vanilla, and something sweeter, tantalizing enough to bring him closer to you. His hand was rough in comparison to yours, much larger too. 
“May I have this dance, my lady?” His voice was velvet smooth. Thranduil stood out like a sore thumb as the only one in the crowd without a mask. 
“You may, my king,” you curtsied before placing your other hand on his shoulder as his hand found its place on your waist. Wasting no time, the two of you twisted and spun through the crowd in an airy waltz. You had the grace of a swan, maintaining a poised elegance with a child-like grin. Thranduil felt himself falling deeper into whatever spell you had cast. 
A witch, that’s what you had to be. There was no other explanation for the hammering of his heart or the delight your touch elicited. 
One step back, one step forward, one to the side, and repeat. Another spin, extra flourish added for flavor, and the movements continued. Neither of you spoke, eye to eye, unable to look away from one another. Thranduil found himself counting the flecks in your eyes, convinced they held a thousand little stars in them. 
Perhaps you hadn’t been an illusion placed to taunt him but a gift from the Valar themselves. 
All too soon, the song ended, and the dance was finished. As he watched you do before, you stepped back from Thranduil and lowered into a sweeping curtsey. He wanted to ask you to stay with him, not only for the night but the rest of eternity, but he found himself tongue-tied.
“It was an honor to dance with you, my king.” Your voice was soft and warm, like the spiced tea he would drink before bed. He wanted your name, to lift the mask you wore and lay his eyes upon your face entirely. He needed to see the face of the woman that would surely haunt his every dream. 
Thranduil blinked, and in the brief time, his eyes weren’t on you, you’d disappeared. He half expected for there to be stardust left where your feet had been, but the only proof you’d existed was the imprint of your heels in the grass. His eyes scanned the crowd, twisting his body and craning his head, yet you were nowhere to be seen. But this time, instead of seeing flashes of your dress or silver hair, you were nowhere to be seen. You’d disappeared entirely.
Thranduil stood in the crowd a moment longer, hoping for a glimpse of you before deciding to return to his seat at the table. Perhaps from the high crowd, he could ascertain where you were. Thranduil returned to his seat, acting as if he hadn’t suddenly rushed from the table to dance with you, ignoring the questioning glances from his advisors. His goblet of wine in hand, eyes on the crowd, Thranduil sunk into the music and lost himself in thought. All of them were plagued by you. 
And there he stayed as the hours ticked by, seemingly in a trance. No one at the table bothered to strike up a conversation with Thranduil anymore; it was like trying to converse with a brick wall. So they settled in silence, occasionally remarking about the party with the other guests. 
“My king,” Galion returned to his side. “The lady you danced with has stepped away to the gardens.” Galion’s tone was even as if he were merely commenting on the weather. Thranduil side-eyed him, noticing the tinge of mirth on Galion’s smile. Thranduil tilted his head to the side, then slowly nodded. 
“Perhaps I should ensure our guest is enjoying the festivities.” 
Thranduil stepped away from the table and followed the path toward the garden’s you just slipped into. He took long strides to reunite with you sooner. This time he was determined to get your name and to peek beneath the mask you wore. 
When he finally stepped into the garden, he saw your back turned to him, fingers dipped in the fountain's water. Your posture was relaxed, hair loose and flowing, no longer pinned in the updo it once was. It flowed like liquid silver, furthering his conspiracy that you were a celestial being born of the gods. Precariously hanging in your hand was the mask you’d been wearing, thumbs rubbing against the ribbon that tied it in your hair. The minstrels were now a distant hum, the flowing water, and the chirp of crickets the only song in the gardens.
He stopped a few steps from you, trying to find the words to say. It’d been so long since he’d been made to feel like a shy elfling, nervous about approaching his first crush. A king should be dignified and confident, but he felt all of that crumble in your presence. 
Your ears twitched as Thranduil shifted in his spot, head raising at the sudden intrusion. Slowly, you turned, unsure who to expect would intrude upon your solitude. But of all the people you imagined stepping into the garden, you never anticipated it would be the king. He nearly seemed awkward and unsure in his place, fingers smoothing wrinkles on his robes that weren’t there. 
Immediately you lowered into a curtsey, but the king didn’t acknowledge the movement. His eyes were wide and mouth slightly agape as he stared at you. As he looked upon your face, this must’ve been how the first elf to gaze upon the stars felt. The curves and lines of your face were soft and delicate, the vision of beauty. Your eyes seemed even brighter in the dim lighting, an unsure, shy smile curling on your lips.
“My king.”
He remained silent, too wonderstruck to speak. 
“If you require to be alone, I can--” You began to walk towards the exit, but as you passed Thranduil, his hand reached out and caught your arm. You turned to face him, uncertain. Thranduil’s hand trailed down your arm and intertwined with yours, a soft smile on his lips.
“Of all the people who desire my presence, yours is the one I desire most.”
You swallowed thickly, your mouth suddenly dry. You’d been close to the king only hours ago, sharing a dance with him. Yet the privacy of the gardens and the sweetness of his words, it all felt much more intimate. 
“Then I shall stay.”
Thranduil’s grin widened as he guided you further into the gardens. The flowers were vibrant and lush, a true testament to the skills of the elves. A canopy of trees diffused the moon's light, reflecting off the fountain and casting a spotlight on you. 
“I have a confession.” Thranduil suddenly stopped, eyes intently watching your face, noticing how your lips slightly parted and your eyes glowed with curiosity. “I have found myself quite enchanted with you, my lady. It seems foolish, not knowing your face until this moment and not having your name.”
“It’s Y/N, my king.” You interrupted, a charming smile curling your lips. The hammer of your heart matched the tempo with Thranduil’s. 
“Y/N.” He muttered your name quietly, your name on his lips making your stomach curl. Of all the ways you anticipated this night's end, strolling the garden with the king was not what you could’ve predicted in your wildest dreams.
“Y/N. If I may be so bold, I would like for this to not be the last time we meet. I desire more of your company.” 
Thranduil stepped closer, the heat he radiated warming your chilled skin. Gossebumnps followed where his hands touched, a shiver rushing down your spine. Subtly you pinched the back of your leg, convinced this was nothing more than a dream. Yet you didn’t wake; this moment was real. 
“If I may speak freely, my king?”
Thranduil nodded his head. “Please, you may call me Thranduil. No need for such formalities.”
You tipped your head at him as the smile on your face brightened. 
“If I may speak freely, Thranduil.” You corrected, with an almost mischievous lilt to your voice. “I would much desire more of your company as well. I have heard many rumors of your cold and detached demeanor. I’ve heard of how harsh you can be, yet I have seen nothing of that.”
“I’m glad the whispers of the court haven’t scared you away, my lady.” 
The smile on your face curled into a teasing smirk, eyes illuminating. “You’ll find it’ll take more than malicious rumors to scare me away.”
Thranduil's finger twirled around a lock of hair that framed your face. He seemed relaxed and more at ease than you'd have imagined. 
"A strong will and a fair face, Varda herself must've crafted you."  
His words made your face flush red, so deep it was seen in the dim lighting of the garden. 
"Pretty words you speak, my king; I'm eager to learn if your words match your heart." 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Tags: @jmablurry | @lunatichaotiche | @aearonnin | @emiliessketches | @vibratingbones | @moony-artnstuff | @ranhanabi777 | @kenobiguacamole | @ceinelee | @thranduil | @samnblack | @abbiesthings | @Strangebananabatranch | @bitter--fruit | @keijibum | @lifestylesleep | @themerriweathermage | @im-a-muggleborn | @sweetheart-syndrome | @boyruins | @AwkwardBecomesYou | @delyeceamaitare
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elmhat · 6 months
Dreblr Survey Results!
First of all, thanks to everyone who took part in this survey. There were 152 responses in total! This post just covers the statistical side of things; there will be more posts later for the long response questions.
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Most popular characters
Dream (95.4% of voters)
Technoblade (84.9% of voters)
DreamXD (46.1% of voters)
Yeah, of course Dream was going to win this one, it's literally dreblr. But Techno landslided second place. No one else is even close. You've got to love that Lil Nas X got as many votes as Aimsey, Boomer, Eryn, Lazar and Vikkstar combined, and he wasn't even one of the options.
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Most unpopular characters
Tommy (45.9% of voters)
Quackity (34.1% of voters)
Jack (28.1% of voters)
Quackity. My poor Quackity. This is so sad (<- unbiased). These results weren't quite as unanimous though, and a few characters avoided any hatred! I find it interesting that Techno got zero votes after doing so well in the last question. People just really like Techno.
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Most popular arcs
Prison (72.7% of voters)
Doomsday & Disc War Finale (66.0% of voters)
Post-Prison (48.7% of voters)
Not really surprising that the prison arc won, since we apparently all thrive on suffering. But it's always nice to see the MCC prison roleplay making an appearance.
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Most popular ships
Drunz (60.4% of voters)
Dreamnoblade (58.3% of voters)
DNF (54.9% of voters)
Let it be known that dreamnoblade was winning up until the last second. Alas, you were not powerful enough. And neither were awesamdreamers? I thought y'all ran this town? There were a lot of other suggestions for ships: some DNN, some fundywastaken, some Dream/XD, some awesamdreamity. My personal favourites are "c!DreamxRest&Relaxation" and "Dream/a good night's sleep," you guys were onto something.
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Most popular duos
Dream & Technoblade (94.7% of voters)
Dream & Punz (63.2% of voters)
Dream & Sapnap (45.4% of voters)
I really can't adequately express how insane it is to me that Dream & Techno got that much of the vote. Like. Look at it. Only 8 people in this whole survey didn't put them as a favourite duo. That's absurd. And again, Dream & Sam missing top 3 by one vote.
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Most popular factions
Syndicate (76.5% of voters)
Greater Dream SMP (51.0% of voters)
Eggpire (32.9% of voters)
Again. Look at the difference between first and second! If this isn't proof that Technoblade never dies, I don't know what is. Shoutout to the people who put the Antarctic Empire, 2b2t, and "Dream and all the traitors he pulled out of nowhere."
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Most popular places
Arctic Commune (64.9% of voters)
Pandora's Vault (63.6% of voters)
Community House (58.3% of voters)
Listen, you don't have to tell me, I already know I forgot to put Church Prime. I'm very aware of my stupidity. But these results—do you even know how strong you have to be to overpower Pandora's Vault? In dreblr? Damn. That was also a last-minute thing, Pandora's Vault was winning.
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Fandom behaviors
I'll admit, I didn't give the best options for this question, so thanks to everyone who wrote their own response. Apparently we're all big readers, so that's nice for us! We're also more likely to be a writer than an artist, but far fewer of us are writing meta. All in all, this looks like a pretty good spread!
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Joining the fandom
The most popular time to start watching the dsmp was between New L'Manberg and the Disc War Finale, but honestly, it's split into fairly even quarters between the main "seasons" the server was active. To those who joined after the finale streams, hi! I hope you're enjoying your stay!
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Thoughts on the finale streams
I'm actually a little blown away that no one rated the finale streams a 1. Not a single person. There's nothing more I can say other than this response is overwhelmingly positive.
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Is the fandom dying?
It looks like the answer is no! 82.9% of us are still moderately interested in the dsmp or more, and for almost a third of us, it's consuming every part of our brain. I don't know about you, but for me, this is actually something I really needed to see.
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That's all for this post, but there will be more results soon for the questions with longer responses. I'd strongly recommend sticking around for that, some of them are hilarious. Well done for making it through the stats!
As an aside, well done to the 35 people brave enough to put their name to what they said in this survey. Because some of what they said was *ahem* very interesting.
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miyuhpapayuh · 5 months
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As soon as Leon walked through the door of Brandon's apartment, nostalgia hit him like a Mack truck.
The air still felt familiar. Every memory of their friendship within these walls came flooding back to him.
“You turned this into a bachelor pad, huh?” Leon cracks.
Brandon laughs. “Ah, had to upgrade the futon and card table at some point, right?”
Leon joined in the laughter, shaking his head. “We lived a lil rough, I won't lie.”
“We made do, though.”
“Please, our mamas woulda killed us if we didn't.”
“You right about that.” Brandon nods, as they move into the living room and take a seat.
The first conversation they've had in five years.
“So, what's up?” Leon asks.
“I wanna start by apologizing to you. I know I was a hothead and I blew you off, a lot. I said some fucked up shit to you and I can't take it back. It took me a long time to realize that you were just looking out for me, cause I just wanted to have fun with my dawg. I wasn't thinking about later in life or the consequences that would come. You were like a brother to me and it's been hell out here without friends like you in my corner.”
Leon nods, knowing it took a lot for them to get to this point, and he knew it was a genuine apology.
“It's all good, man. I said some fucked up shit to you too. I was mad for a while. A long time. Cause we was into it over crazy shit. Petty shit. Yeah, you blew me off a whole lot and I used to take up for yo ass at every stop, cause you was my boy. But I couldn't stick around for the disrespect. But, we can't go through the rest of our lives holdin’ onto that shit.”
“I understand that. I understood it then, it just pissed me off cause fuck you mean we ain't cool no more?” He laughs, Leon joining in. “I'm just glad that I could get you here and sincerely say that. I didn't know what to say for a long time. Sorry just didn't seem good enough. I'm sorry for that, too.”
“It's all good, seriously. I'm sorry, too.” Leon says.
“For what?” Brandon’s brows scrunch.
“I harbored some hatred for you when you and my sister started… whatever y'all got goin’ on. Did the usual overbearing brother thing, but she was hellbent on you becoming a stand-up dude, and I can see that she wasn't lying. It was just so weird to me.”
“I get it, honestly. I mean, that's your little sister. I would never disrespect either of you, things just sorta happened. We knew how it looked and I knew that you and I needed to talk.”
“Well again, I appreciate that man. And just as long as I ain't gotta knock your head between the stove and refrigerator, I'm cool with you and Eryn doing what y'all doing.”
“I know that came straight from the heart.” Brandon nods before laughing.
“I'm glad you know,” Leon says, laughing as well.
“Now that all of that is out the way, what's new with you? Cause I did hear about a girlfriend.”
“Man, ima marry that woman.” Leon shakes his head, a smirk appearing on his lips.
“Word??” Brandon asks, cocking his head to the side.
“No doubt about it.”
“Damn, what's that like?”
And boy, did Leon spend the next almost hour filling his old friend in on everything he'd experienced with Zora thus far.
“Am I invited to the wedding, at least?”
“Come on man, of course!”
They slapped hands and hugged like the brothers they've always been.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Returning back to his apartment, Leon was immediately greeted by his yawning girlfriend, as she decided to stay up and wait for him.
“Hey baby,” he says, placing a kiss on her forehead as she wraps her arms around him, swaying in their hug as usual.
“Hey, how'd everything go?”
“It went well, actually. We both apologized to each other, caught up like old friends and he's invited to our wedding now, whenever that is.” He snorts, making her join in with her own laughter.
“I'm glad y'all made up, that puts me at so much ease, cause now you're at ease.” She says, rubbing his back.
He smiles, kissing her nose. “Me too, baby. Is that why you're still up?”
“Yeah, I thought something happened. I contemplated on calling you, but then I heard the door unlock.” She smiles.
“You still sleepy?” He asks.
“Eh, not so much anymore. We can still jump back in the bed though. I'm freezing.”
“I'll say,” he steps back to look over her attire, which consists of one of his sweatshirts pulled over her nightgown and fuzzy socks.
“What?” She laughs, playfully smacking his cheek as he shakes his head, his eyes landing back on her face.
“You look beautiful.” He says before scooping her up in his arms and carrying her back into his room.
Back under the covers and in each others arms, the couple flip through the channels to find something to watch.
“Nah. Half & Half is on tv??” Zora squints, making Leon snicker.
“Did you forget your contacts again?”
“No, I just didn't wanna put them back in yet cause I might fall asleep again soon. I brought my glasses, I just need to get them out of my bag.”
Without another word, he hands her the remote and slides out the bed to retrieve them for her.
“Thank you,” she giggles, putting them on.
“No problem, is that what you wanted to watch?”
“Mmm… nah, let's see what else is on. It's just interesting that it's accessible like that. It's hard finding what you used to watch all the time.”
“Yeah, you right. I remember how hype I was when they brought Jamie back into the rotation.”
“See, he's better than Martin!”
“Yeah, I have to agree.”
“He was way too sexual for me, personally.”
“Yeah, what you be saying? Men are gross? I agree.”
“Good. Plus, you're not a man, you're an angel.” She kisses his face, making him laugh.
“And you're not a woman, you're a goddess.” He pulls her closer to him, continuing to flip through the channels.
“Ooh, my girls!” She all but yells as Living Single pops up.
“There we go.” He chuckles, sitting the remote down.
“Oh, it's one of my favorite ones too!”
“This the one where they were in a singing group?”
“The flavorettes, yes!”
“O had that nasty ass piece on his head, man.” He snickers.
“That was so ugly, I agree. It was so cute how he was still smitten by Synclaire and she was being so mean!” Zora laughs.
“We like that shit.”
“We know,” she responds, still laughing.
After watching Max fall of the stage and get hit with roses, she dozed off again, this time more comfortably since Leon was back underneath her.
“I love you.” He whispers, kissing her forehead.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“I don't wanna work here anymore.” Zora mumbles to herself as she leans on the bar.
“Then quit!”
“Not that simple,” she sighs, tapping her nails against the freshly disinfected countertop.
As if on cue, the restaurant phone rings.
“Thank you for calling the pub, what can I get you?”
“Yeah, let me get the Wednesday special and a side of Zora Jean!” Nique says before cracking up into the phone.
“Girl!” Zora laughs, covering her mouth and looking around her area.
“What do you want, man?”
“What time do you get off?”
“Six, why?”
“You'll see when we get there. I'll meet you at your place.”
“Do I need to dress up or something?”
“Nope. No more questions! See ya later, love you, bye!”
After work, freshly showered and dressed down in her comfy sweatsuit and uggs, she trudges towards her best friend's car as the wind picks up.
“Hey, lover!” Nique greets once Zora’s situated inside.
“Hey! Where’re we going?”
“You'll see,” she sings, before pulling out of the lot and to their destination.
“So, how was your day?”
“Tiring. I think I'm kinda ready to let it go, friend.” Zora sighs, sticking her finger in the middle of her curly bun to scratch.
“Really?” Nique smirks. “Why what happened?”
“Nothing happened,” she laughs. “I'm just kinda over being there. And I know, we talk about it all the time and I continue to stick it out and I've made it work for me, so it's been extra great.. but I'm not feeling it anymore. The money isn't even worth it.”
“It's okay to feel burnt out. That's why I've always been pro-fuck that job. And no, I'm not gonna insist that you come work with me, I know we're past that. But this could be a good thing for you. You wanna find a new job?”
“No, I need a revamp on my career, as a whole. I wanna… I wanna be the artist of my dreams, again.” She somberly smiles, looking toward the window as her emotions slowly take hold of her.
Nique looks in her direction for a split second, unable to hide her smile.
“I was hoping you'd say that.”
Looking back in her direction, Zora begins to ask what she meant, but then she begins to recognize her surroundings.
“The Mint?”
“The one and only, babe.” She cheeses, just as Zora covers her face, unable to hold her tears in any longer.
“Oh my god,” she sobs.
“Oh, Jean. Don't cry on me!”
Coming to a red light, she consoles her best friend, rubbing her back with her free hand.
“It's okay, I've been feeling like crying for weeks now. You know how I hold shit in— but, seriously this is so surreal. You just know what I'm thinking and how to execute it every single time. Who are you!” She hysterically asks, making them both laugh as the light turns back green.
“The greatest friend in the world— at least that's what my badge says.” She shrugs.
“Jesus,” Zora playfully scoffs, wiping her wet face.
“Seriously, though. Thank you.”
“Come on, you know you deserve this. It's been in the works for almost six years!”
“Ugh, that's so depressing. Isn't it?”
“Nah. It would be depressing if you still wanted to come home covered in grease after six years. You've had your epiphany and now it's time to plan!”
“You said it! I'm ready.”
“That's all I need to hear!”
Moving inside the spacious museum, the two look around and begin formulating their ideas.
“Wow, I haven't been out here in so long.” Zora looks around in awe.
“Yeah, they rightfully changed some shit around! It was starting to get stale in here.”
“Hm, what pieces could I put in here?”
“All of them?” Nique looks at her like she'd just grown a second head.
“Stop looking at me like that! I'm just asking. I also need to create so much more.”
“Mmhm, get that portfolio together and fast. You know we gotta start making ourselves real familiar with these people. “
“Yes, mom. I'm on it.” 
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It feels good to be back.
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jolieterestrial · 28 days
Sorry for my prolonged ABSENCE - i will provide more soon!!! I’m not absolutely in love with this but it’s something… part 3 I’m guessing to whatever the past held. Thranduil x fem!reader Enjoy!
I live to serve, but I didn’t know what I was serving @katt-grek-kytalizia
Previous part »»»
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“What is it leggy?”
“What did you do to ada? He’s more sulky than usual…I think he isn’t obsessed with your gift… that much?!”
“Really…? And you thought I couldn’t tell” you answered clearly frustrated at yourself that you didn’t have your perfect gift already figured out. Thranduil made sure to make every Valentines special and so did you. You had even made a promise under your favorite willow tree to never stop the tradition and never become one of those people who exchange gifts just out of obligation. You hate yourself for becoming exactly that- your work had clearly out done you.
“I’m sorry my boy, i don’t know how to make this better, I already gave him the silly watch and watched his face go completely flat.” You sighed while removing your work attire.
“But I thought you knew exactly what ada wanted like on Christmas”
“This is different leggy. I’m not keeping up with adas hobbies anymore… what does he like these days. Besides you my leaf?!”
“ why don’t you ask the person i think he loves most…”
“What- he doesn’t love anyone more than you my boy”
“Yeah…tell feren that”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Legolas’ jealousy. “Ara da’isenatha, [my little dragon] Feren is one of his oldest companions, they’re like… you and tauriel or-“
“Like you and Lindir nana?”
“Not really, Lindir probably hates me” you cringe at the latest antics you and your right hand man Lindir pulled. “Thinking of Feren…can you summon him from your father, he could know just what I can do to undo my damage”
“Nana, the only thing salvaging you gifting an elf a watch is probably hiding until the next valentines?”
“Leggy, do as i asked”
You were inspired now. Whatever Thranduil had going on in his pretty head… you’d find out through his chief lieutenant…”sounds like a solid plan, your grace”
“Oh, Feren did i say that out loud?!”
“We haven’t talked since Galion last disappeared”
“Well that wasn’t that long ago”
“Yes, he keeps entertaining the thought of taking my place as chief…”
“That’s no threat to you now is it? We’ll all be long settled in valinor before he quits emptying the barrels” you humor yourself.
“Your grace, what makes you confident I can clear up the mess lindir was so-“
“Don’t start- this rivalry between you two needs so seize. Just answer my questions Feren… So, what does thran do in his free time these days?”
“Free time?” Feren turns into a laughing mess. “Your grace, Forgive me but there’s no free time for us as of late… although…”
“Great. What is it”
“Although, the king hasn’t stopped rambling to me about this pretender from your kin.”
“You mean an actor?”
“No my lady, I mean this man pretends to know the ways of our kin and of our dare i say…magic”
“Do you mean to tell me my husband is rambling to you about Houdini?” Confused as ever, you couldn’t wait to ask where he learned about the stunt man you also admired but didn’t really care for beyond the general understanding.
“Yes that’s the title! Well, your grace, what have you in mind?”
You had so many questions but this meant…you could reenact one of the tricks. It wouldn’t be so hard. you had the solution to Redeem Lindir’s perfect gift…
“You’ll see.”
“ ‘you’ll see?!’ That’s what I get for betraying my friend.”
“You didn’t betray anyone Feren… in fact you made his day so. Much. Better.”
“No it is a betrayal on my part your grace, forget what i said… i was never summoned here.” Feren bolts off nervously to the gates. He wasn’t keen on your appearance in eryn gallen but over time he grew to like you- but as time passed he distanced himself- around the time when whispers came about on his secret fondness of the queen. You. But you never considered it a threat… (like the threat it was for queen catherine of aragon and lord stafford lol) everyone admires the consort?
“Lindir we have a solution”
Lindir unimpressed as ever, waited for your next order.
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
“one who moves among hearts” being a possible translation of Astarion’s name is brutal.
If we take this translation as intentionally chosen opposed to real world names where meaning is usually not thought of beyond cultural background. like being named “Michael” because it means “gift from god” (one translation) vs. the name was just in the Bible so it was used
If his parent CHOSE “Astarion” with that intent, they probably meant it as “we want you to be somebody who experiences so much love in your life”
But another interpretation of the phrase “one who moves among hearts” could be somebody who plays with people’s emotions. The heartbreaker.
Which is what Cazador forced him to be. Cazador sent him and the other spawn to catch prey, and unless the most recent patch removed it, there’s basically a Kama Sutra in the room Astarion says he brought victims to. Meaning the seduction ploy was, more likely than not, Cazador’s idea.
Also “tar/taér” being the equivalent of a diminutive and common for an elf’s childhood/first name, something they use until they reach 100 when they get to pick their own and are seen as a full adult in elven society… you think Astarion had to specifically avoid elves?
By a multi species society’s standard he’d be treated as an adult, but an elf hears that diminutive and they’re 100+? They’d probably recoil like when somebody in their 20s realizes a teenager is flirting with them.
Like, could they go with Astarion? Yes, but it would probably get the same sort of side eye as like a 24yr getting with an 18yr. It’s technically okay, but it’s so close to Not Okay that people keep an eye out.
Do you think after endgame that’s something he thinks about? He’s been “Astarion” for twice as long as he should’ve, but it’s also something from his life that Cazador couldn’t take away. He doesn’t remember what he looks like, he doesn’t remember his own eye color.
We don’t know what his relationship with his family was like before, he doesn’t mention them. Which I take to mean he was a transplant to Baldur’s Gate. Maybe he had a good relationship with them but they didn’t live at the Gate, maybe he didn’t and moved to get away. Either way, his name is one of the last and most tangible things from before Cazador that I think he’d have a hard time picking a new one, if he wants to at all.
That's a very interesting point! Thank you for sharing! I actually think Astarion isn't a baby name. Elven baby names are short: Arya, Bryn, Del, Eryn. Tav sounds like an Elven baby name as well. Meanwhile adult Elven names sound like that: Ivellios, Laucian, Quarion, Soveliss etc. Astarion is definetely an adult name in form. Why did he have it though, since he was a child according to Elven standarts?
I have two theories 1) People know the difference between baby Elven names and adult Elven names. So, Astarion just chose an adult name prematurily upon starting his career. I think a lot of Elves start using adult names early in life to look older. Plus they definetely fantasize about what names they are going to take once they hit 100 years. 2) This is a weird theory, but bear with me. There are almost no Elves in Baldur's Gate. Especially, Elven nobility. But there is plenty of Half-Elves. Almost everyone with pointy ears is a person with mixed ancestry. Also, Elves are very delicate and short. Astarion doesn't look like one. He has a human male body structure and if it wasn't for his ears, no one would think he is a pure Half-Elf.
Now let's remember the lessons on genetics, especially Mendelian inheritance. If you have the whole population of Half-Elves (mixed descendants of Elves and Humans), you can get children who inherit only one combination of ancestral features. Two Half-Elves will probably conceive a Half-Elven child but there is a chance the kid inherit Human features from both parents or ... Elven features, getting the same set of genes from Elven grandparents.
So, what if Astarion is like that? He was born in Baldur or its area to the Half-Elven family. Despite being a High Elf, he still has some Human features (ambitions and the body type). And because his folks had little to no idea what Elven society looks like, they gave him an Elven name not knowing it's an adult one. And that would explain why Astarion doesn't have a family to come back to. Half-Elfs live up to 200 years. His parents are dead, people he grew up with are dead. And he is just this "stray" High Elf who wo't be accepted by Elves because he is descendants to Humand and Half-Elves.
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spooky4u · 2 years
Spooky Month Lore! AGAIN!
Oh yeah, we're doing this again. For those not in the know, last year I did a basic summary of an ARG that was taking place last spooky month. And this year? I'm doing it again! So, strap in folks, because it's more complicated than last time. And like last time, spoilers for Spooky Month 5.
Alright, so at 3:48 on the last Spooky Month, the TV static hid a familiar looking pattern.
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Here we go again. Scanning this code brings you to this image.
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Now this image is blurry as all hell, so to change that you got to look at the URL and see that it's a '.webp' image. changing the URL so that it ends in '.jpg' gives us a clearer view.
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Aright, we got three links to go to and one incomplete imgur link. For now, let's focus on the patient file. Typing that URL in gives us this.
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Now, if you look back at the TV image you see 'Patient #__'. So, it seems that the patient is '#RN'. But then what's the deal with '5f6-7s2'? Well, here's the thing. If you google 'RN 5f6 7s2', the first few results show that it's connected to the chemical 'Plutonium' or the abbreviated version 'Pu', giving us our current answer 'Patient #Pu'.
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But that isn't the final answer. I'll explain in a bit, but for now let's go back to the tv image and type in the imgur link for the picture frame.
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Now as it turns out, SrPelo tweeted out that the font for the image was a bit confusing and led to people not being able to get into the image. He corrected it on twitter, but incase that tweet gets deleted, here is the link.
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Amazin. Now when I first saw and messed around with this image, I think I got the wrong message out of it. Changing the light values of this image took out some letters in a peculiar way.
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Now, I was on the right track, but I thought that this was like, a name reveal for Skid, with his name being Eryn. Maybe that was intentional, but that wasn't the main thing I was supposed to take out of this. Changing the values in a different way gave me this.
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As you see, the letters that disappeared: E, V, T, H, I, G. They all had a different color compared to the rest of the text. But even within the disappeared letters, the letter V stands out as being a slightly different color. But where does that take us? Let's go back to the TV image and focus on the picture frame.
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"#_lowcase". This implies that we are looking for a number and a lowercase letter. Taking the letters and rearranging them gives us:
'E, I, G, H, T, V". The number 8, and the letter V.
And putting that in the format that the phrase is demanding, we get '8v'. So, the solution to the picture frame imgur is '8v'.
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One more link, and it's a YouTube link. punching that in gives us a security cam video.
Security_Camera_VIDEO_131518190503150405 - YouTube
Now if you watch the video, the security light in the bottom right goes bonkers around halfway thru. This is morse code. I'm not going to show you the beeps and bops as I don't have it off the top of my head, but all you need to know is that it translated to something like this.
"B . U P C A S E C . Y "
There was more that it translated to, but it was kind of random compared to what we have here. Assuming that the periods indicate a new letter, turning that phrase into a three-digit input gives us this.
'bCy' And that's what we take away from that video. Back to the TV image!
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We are now going to try and construct that imgur link on the red book. Seeing that # sign on the 6th digit gives us a clue that '8v' are the last two digits, as 8 is the only number that can fill that numbered slot. But where does that put 'Pu' and 'bCy'? Well, to figure that out, let's look one more time at the patient file.
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See that undercase p at the very beginning of 'pATIENT', a seven letter word? Seven letters... Seven needed imgur digits... That lowercase p not only indicates that 'Pu' goes first, but it also says that the P needs to be lowercase. And that only leaves one place where 'bCy' can go.
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Plugging this link in gives us this.
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Oh god,
Don't worry, you don't need to translate it, we're only working with individual letters. Though, to be completely honest, I'm not sure how well I'm going to be able to explain this. But I'm going to try my damned hardest!
okay, so...
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I circled 9 different looking red symbols. The bottom right one is hard to see, but if you zoom in enough, you'll see. Some symbols have just dots, one of them has just a line, and some of them have dots and a line.
This is a numbering system.
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Maya numerals to be exact. Basically, if you have a horizontal line, add 5 to the number of dots that are above it. We have numbers 1 - 9 here. The exact number of digits that are missing from the YouTube URL at the top of the image. So, presumably, if we had each digit that each numeral related to, we could fill in the YouTube URL in the numeral's order! But what does each numeral correspond to? Let's get the easier ones out of the way.
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We have 4 numerals that are directly correlated with a digit. 5 is right underneath an uppercase K. 6 is underneath an uppercase V that was edited to make it an uppercase W instead. Same with 9 but lowercase. And 7 is correlated with a lowercase z. So right now, we have this for our YouTube URL.
Great start!
...But now what? The rest of the numerals are floating in dead space with no obvious correlation to a specific letter, and it would take forever to try and brute force it. So, what do we do? I now take your attention to the key to this entire puzzle.
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A melting candle. Looking into the melting wax, do you see what seems to be drops of red surrounding what appears to be a red circle? Here's what you have to do. By taking a low opacity version of this pic and overlaying it so that each of the remaining numerals sit inside the red circle, we would see that at least one of the drops of red overlays on top of certain letters, correlating a letter to its numeral value. 5 red drops, 5 remaining numerals. Here's what it would look like when it's done.
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(Btw, I was in a spooky month ARG discord server when I was trying to figure this out, and it turned out I was the first person to get the URL correctly! This is the image that I shared with the people there. We wouldn't have been able to do it if we weren't all in the same server sharing our different strategies for this puzzle, so shout out to all of them!)
Reconstructing the URL with the values that we got, with the numerals giving us order, gave us this video.
Spooky. Taking that audio and putting through a spectrogram gives you this.
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However, if you listen closer to the audio, there is more morse code. Translating that code into words, and thus the final answer to this ARG gives you this.
And that's the end of the ARG! The last ARG had a result similar to this, with a rhyming passage to finish it off. So, it's safe to assume that at the end of all the Spooky Month ARGs we will have a completed poem through all the rhyming passages.
That'll be cool to figure out, but until next time. Stay spooky!
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trashnotfound · 2 months
✨My opinion of ep 6-10 of dr season 2✨
This is probably not gonna go down well but I do not like Geo- he’s annoying and I don’t like how he’s trying to imply that if you aren’t all together your not a family- cole can have 2 family’s at the same time and still love them both dearly. He’s a ninja it’s his duty to serve. Geo can’t be selfish and want him around all the time. Also I wish they’d give him more of a personality?? He’s so lack lustre…. Moving on
Cole calling the lostlings his family and zane going 🤨 YEAH THATS RIGHT ZANE CALL HIS ASS OUT. Boy they aren’t your only family- that’s so insulting to the ninja did you just forget the past 10 years of your life. Is this supposed to be the same cole who was the only one of the ninja (aside zane) to stay in seabound because he loved them all so much and didn’t want to see them fall apart ?! What are they trying to do with his character this makes no sense. Do they know what their even writing for him :/
Wyldfyre and Kai moments my beloved daughter and farther, they are the best things to come from dr so far
Nya and Kai’s flashbacks made me cry
Eryn bby pls don’t listen to the mean old dragon 😭
Wyldfyre having trauma from her family dying from an illness :(((
Zane is so pookie coded this season idk how to explain it I love him
Sorceress I love you, we are one in the same (new kinnie just dropped)
Bonzile and their mama 🫶🏻
Cole as a puppy is something I didn’t know I needed
Cinder is once again really hot
Sora helpjg eryn, I feel like this may be what they fights over and I’m dreading it!
Nya and wyldfyre hugging healed something in me
Bonzile and Kai my pookies together 😌☝🏻
Jay, pls just give me jay, stop teasing him
And once again…. WHERE THE FUCK IS PIXEL!????
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sotwk · 5 months
Not to give you two asks in the one day but I always find it interesting to consider which elves stayed or went to the Undying Lands but sadly most of my 'real life' friends do not have any opinions on Thranduil staying or going. I find the idea of him leaving really interesting (how long does he stay? how easy/hard is it for him to leave? what makes him finally decide to go? how does the rest of middle earth/his people respond?). I think it really makes sense in your au for him to go (not that I know much about it) to be reunited with Maereth and his sons. For me, I've always thought that he would stay because I think he wouldn't necessarily mind living on in a different Middle Earth the way other elves might and also stubbornness. (Also I subscribe to the theory that Legolas's mother is alive and well, which very much changes things).
This is a very long and rambling way of saying that I'm glad to hear your take on Thranduil leaving/staying in Middle Earth because it's a topic that has always interested me and also would you ever write him and Maereth reuniting in the Undying Lands?
SotWK AU Headcanon: Thranduil's Fate in the Undying Lands
A Thranduil headcanon I feel very passionate about yet I feel does not get enough mention in fan writings, is the depth of his suffering and the true extent of his losses during the Third Age.
Certainly, Mirkwood gets a happy ending when it survives the fall of Dol Guldur and is reinvigorated into the new kingdom of Eryn Lasgalen. But it took Thranduil nearly everything he had to get his people there.
Putting aside the deaths of his most beloved wife (grievous enough to cause lesser elves to fade) and two of his sons, the Elvenking battled against Sauron and his minions from TA 1000 to 3019. In the SotWK AU, the death of his wife in TA 2793 meant at that point, he had already lost half of his family, and been forced into underground halls, his once proud people turned into refugees on their own lands.
Yet he always picked himself back up and continued to protect just not Mirkwood, but also their allies in Dale during The Battle of Five Armies. Then, he sent his last remaining son to The Council AND thwarted Sauron's invasions into Mirkwood during the War of the Ring.
Yes, Thranduil is perhaps the most enduring elf in Middle-earth, but centuries of holding fast against corrupting darkness and suffering would be enough to take a toll on anyone. We Thranduil stans like to point out that he did not have the advantage of a Ring of Power. So what powers did he lean on? His own!
By the time the "happy ending" is achieved, Thranduil is just as badly beaten and bruised in spirit as the ringbearer Frodo. Look at it this way: Frodo carried the One Ring for about 18 years (the last year being the Quest) and suffered unspeakable pain as a result, and was never fully-healed again.
Thranduil, whose spirit was tied to Greenwood the Great, used his inner strength and innate "magic" powers to guard it as best as his could and prevent Sauron himself from overwhelming that entire forest for 2,000 years. In my mind, Thranduil turned his very self into a shield to protect the Elves of Mirkwood against the Darkness, to prevent every last one of them from being hauled off to Dol Guldur where they would be corrupted into an orc army. (Which isn't to say this did not happen to some unfortunate Silvans throughout the Third Age.) The point is, the Elves of Mirkwood still had enough quality of life to hold merry feasts in a Valar-forsaken forest, and Thranduil had to have paid a steep price for that. He HAD to have been SO TIRED. But he carried on.
At the start of his rule, young Elvenking Thranduil might have declared he was prepared to live in and rule the Woodland Realm forever. But that was not his destiny.
As that quote we love so well goes:
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Thranduil needed to retire to the Blessed Realm to achieve healing and rest, just as much as Frodo and Bilbo did. And of course, to reunite with his beloved wife and sons. THAT is his happy ending--in my mind and AU, at least.
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How long does he stay?
Thranduil sails on the Last Ship with Celeborn, Círdan and (pardon the spoiler) Gelir, the last of his sons to leave Middle-earth. The date this last ship sails is unidentified in Tolkien canon, but takes place at least after FA 171. Why?
A neat SotWK timeline event for you: In honor of his wife Maereth's love for the Durins and his family's friendship with the Dwarves of Erebor, Thranduil led an army to assist Durin VII in the Retaking of Khazad-dûm. Thranduil and Maereth shared special memories of Khazad-dûm, and Thranduil was actually moved to tears to see those halls finally cleansed of orcs once more.
How easy/hard is it for him to leave? What makes him finally decide to go?
200 or so years was more than enough time for Thranduil to ensure that Eryn Lasgalen was properly re-established under the kingship of his heir, Aranion, son of Mirion. His granddaughter, Anariel, had committed to staying with her brother in Middle-earth and helping him in his rule. The Silvan people were in excellent hands.
Thranduil's daughter-in-law, Itarildë (eager to reunite with Mirion), and his son Turhir, had already sailed to the Undying Lands in FA 61, on the same ship as Samwise Gamgee. Legolas left with Gimli in FA 120.
By the time the Last Ship sailed, Thranduil was more than ready to go and join the rest of his family in Aman.
How does the rest of Middle-earth/his people respond?
The people of Eryn Lasgalen deeply loved Thranduil, and were of course sad to see him leave. But they also knew their King had suffered long enough and missed this wife terribly, and they wished only joy and healing for him, especially after everything he had endured for their sake.
Farewell feasts were certainly held, to allow friends and allies from across Middle-earth--Gondor, Dale, Rohan, the Shire and Khazad-dûm--to pay their respects to the great Elvenking.
I have no specifics, but I know that his departure from Middle-earth was forevermore commemorated in a great annual feast in Eryn Lasgalen.
Would you ever write him and Maereth reuniting in the Undying Lands?
Well, seeing as writing just this headcanon post got me all misty-eyed and punched in the feels, I suppose I could write that reunion story once I'm able to gather the emotional strength for it. XD
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Thank you as always for this superb Ask, Ace Reporter @hobbitwrangler! <3
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kquil · 6 months
PAIR. : Remus L. x Eryn (moot)
SUM. : the silent pining between eryn and remus doesn't go unnoticed by their students and they soon grow a fanclub of little stalker cupids pairing them together
TAGS : silent pining ; passing notes ; modern au ; teachers au ; remus wears a suit and tie to school ; christmas decorating in the classroom ; cute lunch dates ; a classroom full of little stalkers and cupids ; the students shipping their teachers together ; fluff ; just fluff ; just admit you like each other already!
LENGTH : 1.9k
DEDICATED TO @diputy (1k cake request)
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“Oh! Remus?” you call out softly, reaching towards the tall brunette, who stops in his tracks to look at you fondly. 
“Yes, Eryn?” he asks, voice smooth and deliciously rich as his lips tug up into a charming smile. You won’t tell him but his warm gaze has your heart melting into the floor. 
“May I?” your hands reach up towards his collar and tie, waiting for his permission – a soft, accepting nod – before you proceed to adjust his mini-floral print tie. Working in a primary school with young children doesn’t entail very strict uniform or attire for the teachers, however, Remus continually insists on wearing a debonair suit and tie. He looks incredibly handsome in it so you have no room for complaints, it’s just that your choices of attire never seem to stack up well compared to his. 
Unbeknownst to you, Remus adores your choice of clothes because you look gorgeous no matter what you wear. You could wear a bin bag and he’d still be drawn to you, admiring your cute face, sweet lips and pretty eyes. He still fondly remembers when he first met you in university, where the two of you were working towards the same teaching degree. It was only his luck that the two of you managed to end up working together in the same school. 
“Thanks Eryn,” Remus’ chocolate brown eyes stare lovingly at you, “I bet I’d look like a mess without you, regardless of the suit,”
“You’re welcome,” as you happily chirp the comment, the two of you share a moment of soft serenity, comfortably close and exchanging sweet smiles. You don’t know how long the two of you would have stayed like that if it weren’t for a round of giggles breaking through the atmosphere. Synchronously, you and Remus turn to face a group of your students, all girls, huddled together with their little hands over their smiling lips as they giggle up a storm. They stare up at you and Remus with most deviously sparkling doe eyes. 
“Miss Eryn, is Mr Lupin your boyfriend?” one of them asks, earning a laugh from the tall brunette and leaves you to hurry the girls along as classes were about to start soon, never giving them an answer. 
“You weren’t much help, Rem,” 
“We work with children, you should expect fun questions like that,” he pokes your cheek playfully, “now stop being grumpy,” with a hand on the small of your back, he walks with you to your first lesson of the day. 
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It was lunch time and since you and Remus had been close friends since university, you’ve gotten into the habit of packing and sharing lunches to eat together in your classroom. Today, it was your turn to cook lunch and you had gone with a simple spaghetti and meatballs with a side of cheesy garlic bread. To thank you for cooking, Remus went to heat up the spaghetti and garlic bread in the staffroom microwave before rejoining you in the classroom, where you were decluttering your desk. 
“This is delicious Eryn,” Remus compliments as you laugh. 
“You haven’t even tried the spaghetti and meatballs yet, dummy,” 
With a gentle touch, he reaches up and wipes some sauce away with a napkin, fond eyes staring at your lips as his fingertips tickle from the brief feel of their softness, “well…” he hums thoughtfully around his bite of cheesy garlic bread, “you know how much I love my garlic bread,”
“What can I say?” you start jokingly, “I know the way to a man’s heart,”
He laughs with his head thrown back and meets your eyes again with a spark of mischief in his chocolate orbs, “that you do,” his light-hearted comment makes your heart race and you barely miss him transferring one of his meatballs onto your serving of spaghetti. When you look down and smile happily at the extra serving, you also miss the look of hopeless admiration Remus stares at you with. 
“Lady and the Tramp!” snapping your head to the side, you observe another group of mischievous eyes peeking in through the glass portions of your door and have to keep yourself from rolling your eyes and grinning at the impish children who’ve made a habit of stalking you and your colleague, “That happened in Lady and the Tramp!”
“That means they’re in love!” a smouldering heat explodes over the apples of your cheeks and any attempt you make of quashing their chattering falls on deaf ears. Rather than children, they more so adopted the habits of a flock of sheep and a moshpit of ‘love’ and ‘they love each other’ and  ‘they’re boyfriend and girlfriend!’ echoes through the hallway as they make their escape back to their lunch break.
Again, Remus was of no help to you and laughed with his full body from the encounter, hands clutching at his stomach as his chin tips his head back. Unable to help yourself, you soon join in his laughter, eyes catching a brief glimpse of pink on his cheeks. 
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Another day at school and it’s break time. You have just half an hour to put up Christmas decorations before the kids come back and you’re hurrying to put up the tinsel with a staple gun on a board. The only problem was that you were far too short to be putting up decorations without the aid of a stool. Huffy, you succumb to putting up the lower decorations first and leave the tinsel on the desks close by. 
To get into the Christmas-y mood, you have some faint festive songs playing in the background. Filling the air with a light and merry mood, you begin to sway to the music and hum along, happy to decorate despite being too short to put up the tinsel. Lost in your bubble of Christmas decoration and music, you barely hear a tuneful knock at your door. 
Turning with a jump, you face Remus, who wears a look of polite amusement, “I was wondering where you were,” he chuckles softly under his breath and slowly approaches, eyes briefly sweeping down to the abandoned tinsel. 
“What do you think Rem? Is it any good?” hands on your hips and eyes surveying your work, you move back for the wider-shot view. 
“Impressive,” he comments and pats your shoulder in approval, “But what about the tinsel?” the two of you stare down at the sorry pile of glittering garland. 
“I’m too short,” 
He laughs and picks up the decor, “well, good thing, I’m tall,” with a grin, you begin directing him through what coloured tinsel should go where and how to arrange it before stapling it into place with the staple gun. 
“Thank you so much Rem,” his heart flutters at the delighted smile you send his way. 
“No problem,” he approaches and pulls you close, his arm around your waist as he press a kiss to your temple and mutters into your skin, “anything for my favourite girl,”
The moment was lovely, warm and sweet. Your heart was racing, ready to jump out of your chest when—
“I told you they were boyfriend and girlfriend!”
“Yeah! They’re in love!”
“But they’re too old to be boyfriend and girlfriend,”
“Huh? Wha’s that mean?”
“They ‘r supposed to be married by now!”
Turning to Remus, you both wear a matching pair of amused grins, “They’ve really grown a habit of spying on us don’t they?” you hum observantly. 
“It’s quite funny, actually,” 
It was never said between the two of you but you’re both in silent agreement that you don’t mind if the kids continue sticking their little button noses into yours and Remus’ business. They’re too adorable to refuse and you both secretly love it. 
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The classroom was bustling with the usual energy of young minds engaged in their learning, the air filled with the sounds of pencils scratching against paper and soft murmurs of concentration. Happy to see your children making good progress on their worksheet, you focus your attention onto marking the previous lesson’s work. Unbeknownst to you, a piece of paper was being stealthily passed from one small hand to another under their short desks. 
It was a simple note, but one that held a lot of weight in the hearts and minds of your little devilish matchmakers.
'Draw a heart if you think Miss Eryn and Mr Lupin should get married,' it read. By the time the note had made its rounds through the class, it was adorned with a collage of little hearts, each one drawn with the innocent hope of your students. Some were scribbled on, some were neatly coloured in and some were scratchy but still conveyed the unanimous agreement spread throughout the whole classroom of students.
Having finished the previous round of marking, you walked around the classroom and offered your usual help and guidance. As sneaky as they were, you eventually spotted the note and politely asked for it to be surrendered. 
A warm smile tugged at your lips as you read the note and observed the many little hearts drawn over the scrap of paper, touched by the sentiment and overwhelming support. With a gentle reminder for the class to focus back on their worksheets, you discreetly folded the note and slipped it into your pocket, deciding to keep it as a sweet memento. 
Your kids could be so adorable when they really wanted to. 
Later, during lunch, Remus entered your classroom with his usual charming smile and warm eyes. It was his turn to bring lunch and he eagerly presented you with tofu stir fry and egg fried rice. It was an explosion of flavour and you couldn’t stop raving about how delicious it was. 
“I had to impress after that unbeatable spaghetti and meatballs,” 
He winked playfully as you happily chimed in, “and garlic bread~”
“And garlic bread,” he repeats with a laugh
Enjoying your meal together, you share a light conversation as Remus’ eyes wander about your desk and eventually land on the note, which you had set aside on your desk. Curiosity piqued, he unfolds it and reads the message, on his handsome face, his lips broaden into a smile at the collection of the countless hearts. Without a word, he rounds the table to where you’re sitting, recounting the story of the note in a futile attempt to ignore the rising heat on your cheeks. 
“They thought they were being so sneaky but not too sneaky for me; they’re really too sweet–”
Gently, Remus pulls you out of your chair and into a warm embrace, pressing a tender kiss to your temple, "seems like we have quite the fan club," he whispers, his voice tinged with affection and amusement.
Leaning back, you meet his gaze and a knowing look is shared between you. It was a moment filled with unspoken words and deep understanding. The innocent wishes of your students had only echoed what was silently growing in your hearts. But no further words were spoken about the matter. As goes the little game the two of you silently insist on playing. 
As your day continued, there was a new lightness in your steps, a secret thrill in your hearts. The note, a simple piece of paper, had somehow managed to capture the essence of the budding romance between you and Remus, a romance that was as natural and beautiful as the love your students had for their teachers.
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A/N : darling, im so sorry for being so behind on schedule! but i am here now and i hope you enjoyed your request! im sorry it took so long but omg! yours was so cute and domestic, i also hope you didn't mind that i kept it in the pining stage and never established anything official, i wanted to keep it cute and sweet and stuck to your favourite trope!
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phatcatphergus · 3 months
moments like that late night chat are so interesting like these people could not be more differnet and its insteresting to see how they think
its so fucking parasocial too but im extremely cynical and that keeps it in check as well (also kinda ruins my enjoyment of some stuff). I think as long as we approach all of this thinking we know only a tiny amount that htey are willing to tell us then its fine.
And like never go and let them see my thoughts thats just cringe
I always love when Tubbo has late night chats with friends. One of my favorite vods is where he, Eryn, and Tom are all just talking about whatever crosses their mind. Its such a comfort vod for me.
its very parasocial, but its hard not to be sometimes lmao. Especially with stuff like this. Its so cool to see different perspectives on topics and remind yourself that the world isn’t always terrible, I fall into that mindset entirely too often.
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TH fic idea No. 2 (yes I have a weakness for MGiME sue me):
OFC used to pray to the Valar during her life (not believing in them at all but using them like a kind of spoken diary, reasoning that everyone is allowed to pick their own gods & they are just as likely to be real as the Christian one for example).
Then she dies.
And wakes up in Valinor meeting those of the Valar She has prayed to the most.
And they're like "well no idea what to do with you tbh guess you're one of ours now do you want cookies or sth?"
And she is like "bro are you for real this is brilliant I want to learn this and that and also..... "
And she hangs out with Yavannah and Oröme and Vana but mainly Aulë cus, yk, dwarves.
And he is like "sooo do you wanna join the halls of waiting?"
And she's like "idk lemme take a look" and there is Fili/Kili/Thorin whoever you prefer, hammering away at an anvil, and she's like NOOOOO fuck they already ded? Boooooh!"
And Mahal's like "yeah he's got trouble settling, feeling like he did not accomplish what he was supposed to" and she's like "well MAYBE that's because thats the TRUTH?!?!"
And the dwarves cannot really see her, she's more like a spectre with a distorted face merging with her background and a voice, but Fili/Kili/Thorin noticed her when she at one point breaks something in his forge while arguing with Mahal about how they deserve a second chance and while Fili/Kili/Thorin listen to how Mahal goes on about "we cannot disturb the music" she shouts "this music sucks anyway atm! Wouldn't hurt to change it! It's CLEAR some tunes are missing!"
And Mahal's like"wdym you HEAR the music?"
And she's like "well, yeah? And lemme tell you it can give ya a real headache at times."
Then she leaves saying that she's gonna bully Eru to give the Durins a second chance and Fili/Kili/Thorin, Who has been listening to that conversation, are like "ehem, Mahal, dear creator, am I high?" And he shortly explains about who the other voice was.
Well after some time OFC gets Eru to agree, and they take weeks to argue about the particularities and Option A is they end up with Fili/Kili/Thorin, Who has listened and therefor knows about what she's up to, to keep his memories of the quest while being sent back, but CANNOT disclose what he knows or how. Or something something bad will happen.
And OFC is like on the one hand "nice, hot dwarves and heroics" but then there are also orcs, the ring, no plumbing.... But whatever she'll make the best out of it.
So OFC argues that that's kinda harsh and convinces Dru to let her join them.
Option B and Eru's growing tired of her and is like "you know what? You can hear if the music starts to fuck up. You go down there as well! Be their personal Gandalf or whatever!" And the chosen Durin remembers os doesn't, or maybe just some vague stuff in dreams, I don't really care. But with this option there is nothing stopping them from sharing their knowledge.
She arrives quite literally at Gandalf's feet, explains stuff to him, and their first order of business is meeting up with Galadriel, Elrond and Glorfindel (she refuses to explain yet while she does NOT want Saruman involved, unsure if he ends up joining anyway no matter what she wants) and insists on freeing Thrain from Dol Goldur ASAP (using mostly book canon for this fic obv) so she has someone that can prove her story and give her some connections & shit.
OFC, with her fighting experience being drunk arm wrestling and nothing more, remains behind in Eryn Lasgalen while Legolas joins the aforementioned group in driving out Sauron.
Thrain is first treated in the Woodland Realm for the worst injuries, and during that time talks Some Shit through with Thranduil because, yk, they'll need him and his army later on.
Then they move to Rivendell, where Thrain heals and OFC gets SOME training (no, NOT Mary-Sue-ish, it takes YEARS to become properly adept at fighting, she has a few WEEKS, meaning she manages not to drop her sword any longer and shoot in the planned direction but THAT'S IT), then she has some kind of fight with Someone and leaves with some rangers for Ered Luin, Gandalf promising to deliver Thrain to his family as soon as he's fully healed.
OFC has been turned into a dwarf btw, INCLUDING the beard! In Ered Luin she finds a job at a tavern for starters and waits for either Thrain's arrival or Fili/Kili/Thorin to 'remember' (meaning his consciousness being sent back in time), because OFC herself arrived about a year before the start of the quest.
At one point, Fili/Kili/Thorin being regulars at her tavern, she recognises a change in their demeanor and introduces herself as *****(whatever name she had in Valinor) and they get to talking, F/K/T being SO glad to FINALLY having someone to talk about what happened.
They start hashing out the beginnings of a plan, but have to be careful for now so as to no one else picks up on their knowledge. OFC promises that *someone* (she totally is mysterious on purpose) will soon show up and help in that department.
One night, Gandalf arrives with Thrain, Thorin cries, Dìs faints, Fili & Kili get drinks ( and someone of course gets OFC) and joined by Balin & Dwalin the family celebrates and learns about Thrain & OFC's knowledge and they begin to form A Plan TM.
And then, there is plot I have no idea for.
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miyuhpapayuh · 9 months
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“Oh my god, I know it's been a week but where the hell have you been??” Nique asks Zora, right before jumping damn near on top of her outside of her apartment.
“Nique!” She laughs, catching her before they both hit the ground, all the while Leon's coming up with her suitcase, staring between the two like they were crazy.
“Lank!” Nique squeals, smacking him up for all the days she wasn't able to. Just like a sister. He chuckles and swats at her, ultimately pulling her into a bear hug.
“Missed you short stuff!”
“Yeah, y'all just left us behind out here!” She laughs, following them into the apartment.
“It was only a week! You didn't miss us that much!” Zora laughs, leaning on her kitchen counter, while Leon plops down on the sofa.
“I did, too! Darnell missed Leon so damn much, he's been tearing my ear up about all the shit they used to get into in college— getting on my nerves, man!” She laughs, making them join in.
“Ah, he done told you about some wild ass shit ain't he?”
“Has he! What's up with y'all and streaking?!”
“I'm not even surprised,” Zora laughs, moving to take her suitcase into her room.
“Man, we was proud of them track bodies, girl! They was gon see us!” He animatedly yells.
“Oh my god,” Nique laughs, rolling her eyes. “How can I save Zora from the madness??”
“It's already too late!” She yells from her bedroom, making them snicker up a storm.
“Stop laughing Nique! It's too late for you, too!”
“Nah for real, y'all treatin’ each other nice?” Leon asks, first time he's asked about their relationship.
“Yeah, he's really a sweetheart. Might like his ass too much,” she laughs, “but that's my baby.”
“Aw, that's cute! I'm happy for y'all.”
“Nique, I need assistance right quick!” Zora hollers again, making Nique disappear down the hallway.
“Are we having a sleepover tonight?”
“Uh, duh! I need to be caught up, cause Neoma told me some things about some things, and I gotta hear it from you to piece it all together.”
“Oh lord. This finna be a mess.”
“My favorite!”
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“Okay, spill!”
“So, before we went on this nice lil vacation, we ran into a little more bullshit. I'm assuming you heard about Craig and Eryn?”
“Have I? Eryn is ready to sink her teeth into that boy! I'm ready to do it for her, cause he knows he's wrong.”
“I agree! He definitely shoulda let them work that out, cause Eryn isn't a child anymore. I think that might've influenced his decision cause they've known her for so long— no excuse. She's grown now.”
“Yeah?? And I don't know how well the conversation between them went, but she still seems kinda sad about it all.”
“Really? I haven't talked to her since we left. But that's another thing! After Leon finds out about everything from Craig, he starts telling me about it, and I already kinda knew about it cause she sat down and told me, like a day or so before.”
“Oh no,” Nique says, shaking her head. “She got you all caught up in it, huh?”
“Yeah, but I'm not mad at her. She just needed advice. Leon did kinda blow up on me, though.”
“Huh??” Nique asks, damn near breaking her neck to look over at her.
“Yeah, he was feelin’ it that day, I don't know.” She shrugs.
“Zora, what do you mean he blew up on you? He yelled at you?”
“No, no. He cut me off while I was trying to talk to him about everything. He asked me if she ran it by me and I told him the truth cause I didn't wanna be in the middle, and he like hopped off the couch and I'm still telling him that I didn't wanna be in the middle cause now he's upset and he's saying that he ain't mad at me, but he also just pacing back and forth and I was kinda nervous, I ain't gon lie. And I'm just tryna reason with him and his fuse is really short, so he cut me off and shut the conversation down.” She sighs, eating another handful of popcorn.
“And then what happened??”
“Oh, he was definitely asking for forgiveness before leaving the crib, but I wasn't up for talking anymore. You don't cut me off and expect a conversation after that. Kissed his ass goodbye and he came to my job the next day with flowers and another apology. I think he almost cried tryna talk to me. Hell, I know I cried enough.” She laughs, while Nique is still staring at her.
“Do I need to kill him?”
“No,” she laughs again, reaching out to grab the hand that's closest to her. “He apologized. Several times. Took me home and made it up to me real nice. He's a good man, just has a temper problem.”
“Hm. I'll keep my guns near, just in case.”
“Lord. He knows not to test it. Trust.”
“Why? You tie him up when y'all got out to that cabin?”
“You're so nasty, no. I definitely taught him what patience is, cause he was killing my nerves.”
“How I'm nasty? I'm talking about straight torture shit! Shoulda muzzled his ass.” She huffs, but Zora shakes her head.
“You know I use my powers for good and not evil… anymore. He understood I wasn't playing. I promise you, he don't want whatever ill fate awaits him if he even thinks about it.”
“Okay, I'll let it go. This time.”
“Good, I'd hate for shorty and lank to call it quits!” She frowns, making Nique smile and shake her head.
“He better be glad I like him a lil bit, cause I'll still kill him. It just won't be as harsh as normal.” She shrugs.
“Girl, anyway. Back to Eryn. I hope she's okay. Maybe I'll call her in a few days.”
“Yeah, poor baby. I had to get your sister together a lil bit, too.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes. Done found a lil rockheaded boy to ride and now she lost her mind. Cause why was she bucking up at me cause I told her that she was wrong for giving him the okay to say shit to Leon?! Like I ain't wrong for saying that! Am I?”
“No. Absolutely not, she shouldn't have said anything to him but, “mind your business”, but you know how she is. Lovita is the same way. That older sister complex be havin’ them telling other people's kids what to do. Like how you giving him the go ahead??”
“That's what I tried to get her to make sense to me! Eryn wasn't mad at her, but I told her that she should be. Cause it's too many hands in this situation and she just an extra one that don't belong. Be a girlfriend, nothing more.”
“This really made you mad, huh?”
“Yes. Eryn is twenty five years old. She don't need nobody hovering over her back, snitching on her or whatever other stupid overstepping bullshit has been going on. We had a long heart to heart, cause I just feel like she's just been ridiculed by so many, she just needs some love.”
Zora nods, sighing deeply. “Yeah, I know that feeling. I feel for her, I do. But she did speak up for herself. Leon said she was not happy with him yelling at her, ‘cause she is fragile right now, and that's not the way you get your point across anyway.”
“Good for her! Lank and his friends need to get it together. Neoma needs to get it together before I knock her out.”
“Y'all still beefin’??”
“Nah, I'm just saying. I mean, she was mad as hell when I left but so the fuck what? I shoulda sat in her face while she was mad, but I had a nail appointment.” She raps, while Zora shakes her head, staring at her imaginary audience. “But she got over herself after a day or so. The three of us had lunch and shit like usual, she was fine.”
“Y'all are gonna give me gray hair.”
“Please, if all you have to do is hear about it, I think you'll be okay. Besides, you've been living your carefree life since that boy came into it, so I don't wanna hear it.”
Zora can't help but smile, knowing it was the truth. Besides the minor bump in the road, the last almost year of her life has been absolutely wonderful.
“It's about time, I say.”
“Here, here!” Nique faux toasts with a handful of popcorn.
“Stupid,” Zora laughs.
“And, you know this!”
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“Wow, I forgot how good you looked in your uniform.” Zora says, shamelessly gawking at Leon as he walks around his room to tidy up, before heading off to work.
He chuckles, feeling his face grow hot. “Alright now.”
“For real. I need to come watch you work out now, cause the way them arms are filling out that sweater..” she trails off, shaking her head.
He stops in front of her, beginning to put on a show and flex for her. She giggles, eating it up.
“You like that, huh?”
“Oh, please. Don't start!” She warns, laughing it off as best as she can.
“Don't be shy, baby!” He laughs, bringing his arms down anyway.
“Stop, before I keep you here.” She half jokes, and he can see the seriousness in her deep brown eyes.
“Hm.. I might just have to be a lil late today.” He replied, leaning in to kiss her, unbuttoning her nightshirt.
“Just a lil,” he repeats, laughing at himself.
She squeals in excitement, rushing to unbutton his jeans and yank them down with his briefs, moaning at the sight of his dick already hard and ready to go.
“See? This happens every day.” He stresses, stepping closer between her legs to rub against her, his hands at either side of her head.
Reaching between them, she wraps her hand around him, guiding him inside of her, looking up to see his mouth open, eyes stuck on her in pure lust.
“So fucking wet,” he mumbles, languidly stroking just to hear the way her slick smacked through the air. His head dipped down to give wet kisses to her breasts.
“That happens every day, too,” she softly laughs.
His thrusts turn curt, poking right at her gut, making her claw at his arms and chest through the thick material, her wild moans bouncing off the walls of his room.
“Unh! Fuck me, just like that!”
“Mhm, it feels good don't it?”
“Yes! Please don't stop! Please!”
“Shit… I ain't stoppin’ baby… make you cum right on this dick.”
Her fingers ball up the material of his shirt, quickly losing her sanity as he drives right into her spot, bringing them both closer to their peaks.
“You like that, huh?”
“Yes,” she whines, “fuckin’ hitting that spot, babyy!”
“Right here?”
“Yes, I'm so c-close!” She whines, pulling his face closer to hers as he cages her in, his scent evading her senses and vice versa.
“Cum with me,” he moans against her lips, gripping her hips tighter as she squeezes around him, giving him no choice but to give in to the sweet feeling.
“That was amazing,” she breathily laughs, smothering his lips with her own, much to his liking as he groans all into their liplock.
“I wanna be so much later now,” he chuckles, hissing as he slides out of her, still covered in her essence. Their breathing still ragged.
Zora licks her lips and gets on her knees on the bed, bending down to lick him clean. If he didn't have hearts for eyes already, they were definitely there now.
After sending him to work on a high he'd be on for a while, she went back to sleep for a few hours, woke back up and decided to channel her inner Leon and chef it up in his kitchen.
Her omelet was a success.
After a nice long hot shower and hygiene routine, she decided to get her mani/pedi redone. The color is orange.
Zora soon headed through the lounge with Leon's lunch in hand like always, loving the look on his face as he digs through the bag to see what she'd brought.
Today was a Cuban sandwich with fries, and he was more than delighted. “I've been craving one of these!”
“Yeah? I had one on my lunch break the other day, and it was so good! Had to get you one.”
“Thank you, baby.” He says with a kiss to her lips, as she sits down beside him.
“Welcome. How's your day been?”
“Great, actually. We got through most of our pallets already, so I might just get outta here early today.”
“Oh, I always love the sound of getting off work early! I hope you do make it home before six, today.”
"This morning gave me a lil extra motivation.” He nudges her with a smirk on his face, as she hides her own.
“Shut up,” she laughs as he wraps an arm around, pulling her closer to him. “But also, you're welcome.”
“Thank you sweet stuff. How's your day off been?” He asks, humming as he bites into his sandwich.
“Well, this morning was great,” she winks, making him chuckle. “But, I took a nap, got up and ate breakfast, then I went and got my toes done— they're orange like my nails, but my feet got cold so I had to put my socks back on. I'll show you later.” She smiles. “I've been laying around, other than that. It's too cold outside to be out there for too long.”
“What did you make?”
“An omelet. It was so good!” She smiles, making him mirror her in no time.
“Mhm. I gotta make you one. Use my secret ingredient.”
“Word? Let me find out you were a chef this whole time, Z.”
She laughs. “Oh come on, I'd never steal your lane. It's like a family secret but I add a lil sumn to mine. You'll love it, I promise.”
“I can't wait,” he fondly shakes his head, kissing her lips.
“Can't wait to see these cute ass toes either. Love ‘em.”
“You got a foot fetish?” She squints, to which he laughs.
“Zora, I've got a you fetish.”
“Oh my god,” she laughs to cover up the way she's just melted inside.
“Act like you ain't know,” he shakes his head, taking another couple bites of his sandwich.
“I don't wanna go back out in the cold. It's so bitter out there.” She says, looking out the big window in front of them.
“You ain't lying, babe. It's cold as fuck in the room we work in too. Metal insulation should've been installed a long time ago.”
“You need me to say something?” She asks, raising her brow.
“No, mama, I got it.” He snickers, kissing her forehead. 
“It better be in there by my next visit.” She firms, before leaning on him.
“They like yo pretty ass, ima tell ‘em so they can speed the process up.” He laughs.
“Whatever works, right?” She responds with a laugh of her own.
“Mmhm…whatchu feelin’ on me for, Jean?” He asks with a grin, already knowing what she was up to, rubbing on his knee, her hand casually sliding up.
“Ya know, just the sight of a hardworking man gets me going.”
“Yeah? Where's this hand of yours going?”
The way she licks her bottom lip, biting down on it before it escapes has him ready for whatever.
“I'll be waiting in the bathroom.” She says with a smile, before getting up from the table, leaving him dumbstruck.
She giggles before slipping into the employee bathroom, not having to wait long as he finally makes his way inside, locking the door behind himself.
“Hey.” She says, smirking as he walks them backwards into the counter, her body becoming flush with his, much to her liking.
“What's gotten into you, lately?” He playfully asks, rubbing her hips.
“I don't know, you said to ask for it any time I want it, but I think it's more fun this way.”
He chuckles, before spinning her backwards, her ass now pressed up against his crotch. She smirks at him through the mirror.
“How much time do we have?”
“Mm,” he shrugs. “A good ten minutes.”
“More than enough time.”
Her sweats and panties are pulled down, and he can't help but run his fingers through her slick folds, feeling how unbelievably wet she is.
“Fuck,” he mumbles before squatting down, stuffing his face in between her cheeks, burying his tongue in her.
Her hands find the countertop as she bites back her moans, rolling her hips against his face. He wildly licks her slit, before suckling her clit into his mouth.
“Please… that feels so good!” She quietly whines, reaching back to rub her fingers through his curls.
Her legs begin to shake as he wags his tongue against her, her grip on his hair tightening. Her soft panting is making him strain against his jeans.
“I'm g-gonna cum!” She whimpers, arching and gripping the back of his neck as she does just that, wetting up his nose and mouth with her juices.
He happily licked it up, standing up to yank his own bottoms down, groaning all in her ear as he stuffs himself inside of her, bottoming out. Her lips are pursed together tightly, thankfully muffling her gasp.
“Good ass pussy,” he lewdly moans.
Her eyes stay glued on their reflection, her mouth now agape as he taps that spot over and over again. The way she's squeezing around him feels heavenly.
“Fffuck,” she quietly moans, “hittin’ that fucking spot so good!”
“Yeah? This spot right here?” He taunts, smirking at the way her eyes rolled back, her lips sputtering out a yes.
One hand comes up to grip her neck, “say it again” spilling out of his mouth with a grunt.
“Yeah!— fuck, I'm c-cummin’!” She moans a bit louder than she meant to, quickly biting into her lip to muffle herself as her orgasm rushes through her. His strokes never cease.
“Mmhm, gimme that pussy,” he grunts, nearing his own peak as he gyrates into her, kissing the back of her neck.
“H-holy shit, babe,” she grits, biting down on her lip.
“So fucking close,” he grunts into her ear, digging a bit deeper inside.
She damn near draws blood from her lip by the time he's releasing inside of her, fingers bearing down on her hips, leaving bruises for her to admire later.
“You… are fucking incredible.” He rasps, as they laugh and catch their breaths.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Eryn’s busy shuffling through the small crowd of people at the mall, when she bumps into a familiar face. Just the person she was hunting for, too.
“And, so we meet again.” Craig says, trying to hide the fact that he might have been laying low, afraid to face her.
She scoffs. “At least we see each other this time.”
“Baby E—”
“Nope.” She cuts him off. “That's the issue, right there. I'm not a baby, Craig. You can't keep doing this shit like I'm that same little girl you knew way back when!”
“Okay, okay, I hear you,” he holds his hands up in surrender. “I was in your business and I'm sorry.”
Eryn rolls her eyes before stepping around him, having no time for his tired apology. But he wasn't gonna stop, now that he'd started.
“Eryn, come on.” He says, walking after her.
“Nah, I'm cool. I don't have time for this.”
“For real? I'm tryna apologize to you—”
“Are you?” She stops and turns in his direction.
“Quit cuttin’ me off.”
“Stop saying stupid shit and maybe I'll refrain.” She spat, crossing her arms over her chest, making her many bracelets clink together.
He stares at her, holding his tongue because she was rightfully upset and now was not the time for banter.
“Look, I'm really sorry. I instantly regretted it after I said it. I even told him to relax on you cause maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought. I know I shouldn't have done it, regardless. It's not my business.”
“No. It's not your business.” She frowns. “Had that man yelling at me like he'd lost his mind. I should kick your ass.”
“I know, I ain't mean to unleash all of that.”
She sucks her teeth. “Yeah, whatever. You wanted him to yell at me like he always does. That shit funny to you or something?”
“Hm. Well, are we done here?” She asks.
“Uh yeah.. I guess? I don't think ima say anything to make you not mad at me.”
“No, you're not. Thanks for the apology, though. Just stay out of my business. I'm not your little sister.” She reminds him, before walking away.
“Damn.” Craig sadly mumbles before walking away with a hung head.
Her phone rings and she answers it with a bright smile. “Hey B, wassup?”
“I know you just left, but damn I miss you girl.” 
“Is that right? Maybe I'll swing back that way.”
“Yeah, why don't you do that. I got sumn for you when you get here.”
“If it's dick, you can keep it Brandon.” She laughs, and so does he.
“Come on, it's not like that. I actually got you something.”
“Mmhm, I'm on my way.”
Right after her heart to heart with Leon, she had a separate one with Brandon, in which she admitted her feelings and told him that they would unfortunately have to go their separate ways, to which he did not agree.
He had also developed a crush on her, in the time they had reconnected, and he wasn't gonna deny it just because his ex-best friend happened to be her brother.
He assured her that they would just have to talk it out. Said he was going to reach out to him personally, which she agreed and suggested that he should've done that in the first place, to which he agreed and apologized.
She was ready to face the music a second time, when the time came of course. But for right now, she was going to enjoy herself.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“I haven't been home before six in so long,” Leon groans into the pillow, while Zora is perched on his lower back as she rubs her hands up and down his sore muscles.
“Getting off early is the best feeling, ain't it!” She laughs, moving up to his shoulder, rubbing his tense spots.
“Why are you so tense, baby?”
“I think I pulled something earlier,” he shrugs, instantly regretting it. Zora shakes her head like he can see her.
“Okay, relax..” she moves off of him, “sit up so I can get that knot out.”
“Yes ma'am.”
Moving behind his seated body, the natural heat between her thighs is warming his bare back. Her fingers relocate the knot in his left shoulder, working to relieve pressure.
His head lolls forward, his hands rubbing the sides of her thighs as she works her magic.
“Damn, that feels good.” He mumbles, eyes closed.
She smiles, dipping down to kiss the back of his neck. He was in pure bliss as her other hand reached for his other shoulder, kneading his skin like precious dough.
“What's the real reason why you're tense, Avery.” Zora asks again.
He sighs. “I don't know, I just feel like something’s going on.”
Her brows furrow. “With what or who?”
“I know she's not a baby and she makes her own decisions. I just feel like… I don't know, I just don't like it.” He sighs again.
“Listen, baby. I know she's your sister and this isn't the ideal situation for either of you I'm sure, but she's gonna have to learn some things on her own. You can only guide her so much. You're only gonna give yourself a headache, worrying about that. I'm sure that if anything is going on, she'll tell you about it, just like she was about to the last time. Let her.”
“I hear you.”
“I'm serious, Avery.”
“I'll let her come to me. I hear you.” He repeats, turning his head to look back at her.
“Don't make me fight you.” She half jokes, mushing his head back in the other direction.
“Fight me naked?”
“That's our type of fight ain't it?” She snickers.
“Huh, you right.” He nods.
“Duh!” She replies without missing a beat, making him suck his teeth and laugh.
“Alright, you're kink free up here now. Please be more careful at work!” She scolds, still rubbing his left shoulder.
“I will, I promise. Now come lay with me.” He says, moving onto his back, and pulling her right down on top of him.
The covers fall over them as they snuggle up and rub their feet together. The heat was blasting through the vents, warming their cold bones right up.
“You think I need a space heater?” He asks, flipping through the channels.
“You be that cold at night?” She asks, drawing imaginary patterns on his right arm, already dozing off.
“Sometimes, yeah. I sleep with socks on like an old man, babe.” He stresses, making her tiredly laugh at him.
“Yeah, I'll get you one, then.”
“Oh, you don't have to do that.” He assures her.
“I want to. Don't fight me on it.” She playfully smacks his cheek, before sliding up to stuff her face into his neck, sighing contentedly.
“You comfy?” He asks, arms draped around her waist, rubbing circles into her hips as he begins to doze off, himself.
“So comfy.” She responds, before going super quiet, and ultimately falling asleep to his scent and the lull of his heartbeat.
Sometime later, after coming back from the bathroom, Leon slides back under the covers and kisses Zora’s forehead, softly laughing at her still being asleep.
Mindlessly scrolling through his phone, his eyes dart up to read the incoming message from Instagram. It was Brandon and he was ready to talk.
Tapping the message before it disappears, he taps across the screen and sends a message back, letting him know he was on his way.
“Z, baby,” he leans over to press kisses to her face, watching her stir slightly and reach out for him with her eyes still closed.
“I gotta head out real quick, baby.”
“Hm,” she stretches, rubbing her face, “where you goin’?”
“Gonna go chat with Brandon.” He simply says, making her eyes finally pop open.
“Before you start scolding me,” he continues, “I'm not gonna beat him up or yell or any of that. I'm going to hear him out, for real.”
She stares at him for a few seconds, before nodding and rubbing her eyes again. She was adorable when she'd just woken up from a nap.
“Okay, be careful. Where are you meeting him?” She asks.
“His crib.” He answers, still hovered over her.
“Okay. Call me when you get there.”
“Yes ma'am. I love you.”
“I love you more.”
It's finna get juicy!
@ghostfacekill-monger @thegifstories @blackerthings @harmshake @brentfaiyazwhore @honestpreference @sheabuttahwrites @essaysbyciara @starcrossedxwriter @blowmymbackout @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @abeautifulmindexposed @henneseyhoe
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vacantgodling · 7 days
I don't remember the actual term for what OOMs do but tell me what weddings/wedding equivalents are like in tcol?
haha no worries! unfortunately this wip has a Lot of acronyms 💀💀 but Ooms are short for "Oracle of MUINENS" and that's exactly what it sounds like; its pronounced "oo-mh" lol. Not to be confused with Oomis, which are short for "Oracle of MIRANKA" the "mi" is the important part lol, and that's pronounced "oo-me" :)
when it comes to weddings... they're called bonding ceremonies. now, overall, bonding ceremonies don't have to be only romantic; the tl;dr version is that in terrae theres 3 types of 'bonds': kinship bonds (so biological, blended or adoptive family), bonds generally (what we would consider romantic ties, marriage, qprs, friendships--literally anything non family can be in this category), and pleasure (which is sex lol. basically to have a bond doesn't mean you have to have sex, and pleasure seeking is pretty fluid even among bonded pairs; its not considering cheating really. unless you're in eros. but that's a convo for another day).
anyway--there's a difference between a capital B Bonding ceremony (aka before the god MIRANKA) or little b bonding ceremonies in front of legal authorities, Oomi, or peers.
for a little b bonding ceremony its kind of no different than a courthouse wedding situation. people will go to their local government entity and register themselves as together, and have an Oomi sanction the bond and then you're on your way. by sanctioning the bond i mean, basically the Oomi gives the go ahead unless they get some divine intervention that says the union shouldn't be allowed for some reason. but that doesn't happen too much At least not with little b bonds. then most people will hold banquets with their families and celebrate in some way; the cultural traditions are something i'm still developing so i don't know all the nuances... YET.
however, when it comes to BIG B BONDS that's different. why? big b bonds have a magical binding component to them. if your Bond is granted before MIRANKA, you are bound for the rest of your life to it except in exonerating circumstances (ie: your partner or friend or kid dies or something happens idk man) and there is a chance that MIRANKA will refuse it. but should he grant it, that means that you are tied for life and will be killed or tormented with misfortune if you break your oath.
Big B Bonds also again aren't restricted to just romance. anyone can bond with anyone for any reason but i would YKNOW STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU NOT or at least think about it a lot bc if you fuck up like.... yikes for you.
there's actually a bonded group of friends in tcol--contingent 5 or the "what could've been" foil for the main characters -> moira, jagoda, kiba, eryn, and karenza. even though moira and jagoda are dating and will eventually have a bonding ceremony/kids/etc, they'll get little b bonded to each other because they're already Big B bonded as a group.
The reason big b bonds have magical components is because when you go to an Oomi and say that you want this, they'll usually assess you to ensure its something all parties want, and then they'll help you draft your prayer to MIRANKA, which states why you want this and the history of the relationship with this person. if MIRANKA accepts your oath, the Oomi will fall into a trance and they will provide you with your Bonded Script (or something i gotta think of what to call it). its basically a prophecy thing stating the rules of your bond, what benefits you get, and any draw backs. the bond for contingent 5 looks like this ->
“your strength is my strength your weakness is my weakness any pain unto you i share your triumphs, your victories your defeats, your shame i will reach my hand out and help you bear it nothing will separate us but the hands of fate for when Cerullius calls one home we all as one will join it”
and saying it as one to the Oomi will cement it in stone before MIRANKA. and it comes with magical benefits! one of the reasons team 5 is so formidable is because of the magical benefits they got from this bond.
so i hope that kind of makes sense? bonds are a newer idea in this world so i don't have all the kinks fully hammered out and with how fist my mind has been whirrling about this lately, i'd say that this could be subject to change.
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modelbus · 2 years
o3o May I request c!Tommy x protective!reader who uses she/they pronouns? (Platonic, please!)
Reader arrives at the same time as Eryn and finds out how badly Tommy has been treated for the past few years, decides that she's going to make sure he doesn't have to go through that again. - 🍜
My first C!Tommy writing! You'll have to tell me if it's horrible and if I should give up on writing C!Tommy :D I did some digging on the timeline and Eryn joined before Dream's escape, so keep that in mind.
Pairing: C!Tommy x She/They!Reader (platonic)
Just a Kid
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Most people told you to leave Tommy alone.
You had seen him around a few times, building random towers and collecting materials. He never seemed very happy about whatever he was doing though.
Before joining, you had only heard rumors about everyone. Technoblade, the ruthless warrior. Philza, the man who survived hardcore and earned wings. Tommyinnit, the kid who was so full of energy that it was infectious. If those rumors were true, then Tommy had changed. Gone was a kid full of energy, replaced by an empty shell of a person.
In a way, it was scarier than anything you've ever seen. What makes a person look like that? He would check over his shoulder, a white-knuckled grip on his sword. Always gripping a sword. His clothes were constantly dirty, and his eyes were practically gray. Under his eyes were eyebags that were miles deep, a dark purple against his pale skin tone.
"What happened to Tommy?" You decide to ask Ranboo. Although Ranboo didn't seem to remember much, he was always willing to help.
"Tommy? He's... he's changed. I think. There was this stuff with Dream? Sorry, I- you might want to ask someone else."
Dream. That was a name you knew hardly anything about. The very owner of the server, missing from it. Someone had told you that he was in prison, but that didn't make sense. How did the owner of the server end up in jail?
Eret was the next person you ask. He seemed pretty levelheaded, so he had to have some answers.
"What happened before I joined? With Tommy and Dream and all that?"
He pauses in his building to turn his head towards you. His glasses are too dark for you to see past, but you assume he's looking at you.
"It's a long story. Tommy and Wilbur tried to create a nation called L'manberg and Dream didn't like that. There was a war. Tommy ended up losing in a duel, losing the war. But Dream still gave L'manberg their freedom. There was an election, Wilbur and Tommy lost which turned L'manberg into Manberg. There was another war."
"A lot of war." You huff.
Eret smiles. "There is. Tommy lost a cow and started a war somewhere in there I think. But he didn't lose the war against Manberg. Instead, Tubbo became president. Tommy got exiled. Nobody really knows what happened to him, but he came back... different. Changed."
"Nobody?" You push. That didn't seem right.
"Nobody apart from Dream and Ghostbur. But Ghostbur is long dead, and Dream's in prison. Anyways, there was a war in which L'manberg was destroyed. Completely. They tried to rebuild it a little. Wilbur died and got revived, it's... it's a long story. Complicated. But Tommy died too and got revived after getting stuck in the prison."
"Holy shit." You wouldn't want to get stuck in that prison. Just looking at it was scary enough.
"Kid's been through a lot. Lost a lot. Seen a lot. We all have."
"Like him?"
Eret's look turns more thoughtful. "Not like him. Not as much as he has."
Right then. It was decided. Nobody was going to hurt Tommy ever again. Grief and loss were something you were familiar with, but he was just a kid. A kid with a haunted look in his eyes, an exile nobody knew anything about.
"Thank you."
"Of course. I'm making a history museum, after all." As you leave, you can hear him talking to himself. "She's digging up skeletons meant to be buried."
If skeletons were meant to be buried, then why were two revived people walking around on the server? You might not know much but messing with life and death sure couldn't be good. If you were here, you might as well try your best and bring some peace to the server.
So, you go against the advice given to you. You talk to Tommy.
“Hey! Tommy, right? What’re you doing?”
He doesn’t trust you, but he has no reason to. With a suspicious look he angles himself away from you but still responds. That’s something, right?
“Getting supplies.”
“I can help! What are we gathering?”
“I don’t need help.”
“I didn’t say you needed anyones help. I’m just offering.” Your grin never wavers. “Bored and willing to help out.”
“…wood.” He reluctantly answers. “To rebuild my house. Oak wood.”
“Great!” You grab out your netherite axe, only to spin it around and offer Tommy the handle. His axe was iron and you had a diamond one you could use. “Here, I’ll use my spare diamond one.”
His face twists, and you realize your mistake. The gift could be seen as pity. Sure, you might be becoming protective over Tommy but it wasn’t out of pity.
“It’ll be faster.” You add on.
He takes it slowly, but takes it nonetheless. Progress.
Your next move is to talk to Jack Manifold. The guy seemed a little odd but not too bad. No matter what your personal opinion of him was though, you had seen the billboard. The hotel. Big Manifold’s Hotel sign was very obviously painted over Big Innit’s Hotel.
“Speak of the devil! There they are!” Jack calls out to you, waving. He was talking with Niki, another member you need to talk to. Two bats with one arrow, right?
“Jack! Niki!” You exclaim. “Just the people I was looking for!”
“What can we help you with?” Jack asks, smiling. Unlike Eret his glasses were see-through.
“I was actually wondering about your hotel. It used to be Tommy’s, right?”
“Oh, yeah. But then he died so it went to me.” He shrugs, seeming unconcerned by it. There’s just one little flaw in his logic.
“But Tommy’s alive.”
“Listen, you joined at a really nice time. Tommy’s chilled out and it’s better this way. Just leave things be.” Niki suggests.
“He’s chilled out because he fucking died! He’s a kid!” You exclaim.
“You don’t get it, he terrorized the server! It’s better off this way. He deserved everything that happened to him.”
You stare at Niki, jaw dropped. She couldn’t be serious, could she?
“You’re- maybe I’m wrong here, but he’s been through multiple wars. He’s died. He’s seen his country blown apart. He was exiled. And he’s still a kid. You’re telling me he deserved all that?”
“He brought it upon himself.” Niki answers.
“Heh, maybe we should just calm down?” Jack suggests.
“I’m calm.” You break eye contact with Niki to look between the duo. “Honestly, the hotel is none of my business. I just wanted to warn you both to leave Tommy alone. You might be okay with what’s been going on, but I’m not. In my books you’re both just as bad as Dream.”
Rumors on the server often turned out to be correct, as you were quickly learning. But now they've been dealt with. You weren't going to let anything else happen to Tommy even if it took all three of your lives, you swear by it.
There was one last person you had to threaten, but he happened to be unreachable. The very man who perhaps hurt Tommy the most. Dream.
As it turns out, Pandora was pretty good at keeping people both in and out. No matter how many times you begged Sam, he never let you in. Always claiming it was a liability, especially after how Tommy got stuck in there, which led to a whole new conversation.
"How the fuck do you lock a child in with a monster? He died, didn't he?" You ask, already furious at Sam's constant denial of letting you visit Dream.
"It was an accident. He signed a waiver-" "HE DIED! Aren't you meant to protect people? Isn't that what being the Warden is all about?"
Sam's expression crumples, and you suddenly realize you might be yelling at the wrong person here. So far you seemed to be the only one actively helping Tommy, but that didn't mean he was alone. Maybe there were people still in his corner, people who just fucked up a little. (or, in this case, a lot)
"Threaten Dream for me, would you?" You ask, backing off. "I think we can both agree that we'd kill him if he ever hurt Tommy again."
"Yeah." Sam nods. "That I can do."
With a smile, you set off a friend richer.
Tommy did still have people out there who cared for him, he just didn't know it. Maybe one day he'd see that, but only after a shit ton of healing.
For now, all you could do was give him a safe place and get him in some goddamn therapy.
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