#we literally have: blue hair guy purple hair girl pink hair guy (me) cherry hair girl black dyed hair girl icy blond guy shavedundercut guy
I love hanging out with my out of work friend group because everyone is queer and has dyed hair and everyone on the street turns to look at us hot bitches(gender neutral) and we can be as gay as we want and no one is gonna judge and be shocked in the group
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honeypirate · 4 years
Made of Sunlight
Tokoyami x Fem!Reader with Similar Quirk!
quirk is she has a quirk partner that is almost identical to her but she is made out of the light of the sun, her quirk is almost like the opposite of Dark Shadow. The idea for this quirk I got from this post
Tokoyami x Y/N
Dark Shadow X OC Kira (quirk partner)
Warning: only lightly edited
“Kira I know. I see them. You know you’re not supposed make so much noise” your quirk and partner huffs before blending into the light around you. Your eyes follow the boy with the beautiful feathers and his shadow partner as he finds his seat in the class, you stand by the door, waiting for the teacher to crawl out of his sleeping bag before you enter the room. 
“Who’s that?” Dark Shadow whispered into his ear when you finally walked inside, “she must be new. There’s something about her. I like her” Tokoyami watches as you talk to Mr. Aizawa, your kind eyes and smile making his heart race. He senses something, something is different about you, he has to know. 
“There is an open seat next to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, don't make too much noise. I’ll give you the first day tests after your classes, meet me at the training field outside at 3” you nod and then look over at the boy you had eyed before, the one Kira had made a fuss over. You felt her stir, fluttering about and making your back tingle. You willed her to calm down and keep her emotions in check. 
“Hi” Dark Shadow whispered as he popped his head over next to you, making you chuckle, and Kira swoon against you. You tried to keep your expression calm but you were really annoyed she couldn't relax just because she thought the shadow was cute. “Hi” you respond, Kira echoing it in your head ‘hi hi hi hi hi’ you lean around Dark shadow and make eye contact with the boy “Hi” you say to him and he clears his throat “Hi, I’m Tokoyami, welcome to our class” “I’m Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you Tokoyami.” you reach out your hand and when he takes it you both feel electricity run down your spines  “I hope I can sit next to you this whole time.” you add and his eyes widen for a second before Aizawa starts the class. 
“This is Y/n L/n. she will be joining our class from today on. She just moved here from America and against my judgement she has been placed with us in the middle of the year. Everyone be nice to her.” and with that he launched into his lesson. 
At the end of class  you found yourself surrounded by new faces, you learned their names and immediately connected to them all. “Are you moving into the 1A dorms?” a nice girl named Mina asks and you nod “my stuff should be getting moved over now. I’m on the fifth floor, room three” the nice frog girl with the green hair, Asui, smiles “that’s next to my room, Yaoyorozu is also on that floor” you grin “perfect! I hope we can be good friends!”
Tokoyami watches you as you talk to the girls, the other guys around him talking about how cute you were and speculating what your quirk was. He couldn't help the way his heart would race every time you would look around the room until your eyes fell on him, he wasn’t always glad he had a bird head but he was in that moment, because you couldn't make him blush on the outside, you only affect his heart. 
“So your quirk is similar to Tokoyami’s except your’s is with the light and not the shadow.” you nod as you use your quirk to blend the light around Kira, making her visible to everyone now and not just you. She flicks her hair and it glitters with fractured light “yet she makes me hide away” she says dramatically with a huff, hoping she could get some sympathy from the teacher but she was dreadfully mistaken. “We’re going to run through these tests and if you fail you’re out of my class” you gulp, but nod once, getting into the right mindset as Kira sighs, rolling her eyes, before nodding and squaring her shoulders. 
“You passed, barely. You’re free to go. I’ll have make-up tests for you from what we covered at the beginning of the semester, they won't be due until the end of the semester but you will have to do them” you nod once and then he turns and walks away, rubbing his eyes. 
“I dont keep you hidden on purpose. It just takes a lot out of me to hold your form” you say through pants as Kira fades back into the light, blending into invisibility. “I know. I know. I’m you so i know everything. I just like to give you a hard time” she pats your head and you chuckle before walking out towards the new dorms. 
“So that’s why she was different” He says from his spot at the window “she is beautiful” Dark Shadow adds beside him “the light hurts you if you don't remember” Dark Shadow sighs, sounding like a lovesick creature “it doesn't hurt me per say, it just makes me weak, which she already does” he drones and Tokoyami rolls his eyes. “Don’t act like i don't know how the human girl makes you feel, i know your thoughts” Tokoyami just ignores Dark Shadow as he gathers his things up from his studies, maybe he’d offer to show you around the dorms or something, either way, he’d talk to you somehow. Probably. If he could get the guts up for it. 
After getting back to the dorms, Mina and Asui take your hands and show you around, giving you the grand tour. When they get to your room you find a collage of decorations that spelled out your name on your door “aww that’s so cute guys!” you say and Mina squeals, “just wait!” she says and then she opens the door. 
Inside is all the other girls and a few of the guys, one you think is called Deku and the other was the boy with many arms, he must have moved the furniture around. He looked sheepish and sweet. You look at all of their smiling faces before you realize that your boxes were unpacked and your bed was made. You gasp and look around the room with wonder, they had even decorated. “Guys” you whisper and blink away tears “this is so nice. This means so much to me you have no idea” your eyes land back on the group of kids and Mina steps forward “we’re glad you like it, we thought you might be mad but we wanted to do something to welcome you. We left your clothes packed though” you laugh “okay. Thank you. Really. I wasn’t looking forward to unpacking. And you decorated!” Yaoyorozu steps forward “I hope you dont mind, but we added a few things from our rooms as well” she points out the wall behind you and you turn, gasping again and going over to it, a collage of different things from them, little pieces of their personalities, pictures and posters form their rooms and a few from the others here.
One poster in the middle catches your eye “this is AMAZING! Is this the rare all might poster from the-” Deku cuts you off and steps forward “yes!  From issue 234 of the” you finish the sentance with him “heroes of the world magazine!” you laugh with him “thank you! They dont sell that magaizine in america, i only read about it online.” he scratches the back of his neck “it’s no problem, i have two” you gasp “You have TWO OF THEM?” Mina laughs “he has more than that you should see his room” she gasps and grabs Ochakos hand “we should show her our rooms too!” “wait!” you shout and they look at you, you grin “did you guys find my star stickers?”
Every room you saw you rated, extremely generously because it was fun, and gave their door a colored star sticker. 
Mina- “12/10 and a gold star. I LOVE the pink! 3 red stars for that because I don’t have pink” 
 Ochako- “12/10 and a gold star. I feel really comforatble here. Very Homey. 4 blue stars because blue makes me feel like home for some reason”
Yaoyorozu - “100/10 because omg girl your bed is a dream. Three gold stars for that bed alone” she blushed, she was a little embarrassed about it before but now she feels glad. 
Jirou- “19823429347/10 are you KIDDING ME? You’re so badass Jirou! Maybe if you have some time we can jam out sometime, i’m decent at the guitar. Let me know” you smile and place every color of star on her bedroom door as she blushes in the corner
Hagakure- “I love the cherries! And the stars! This is so cute! 11/10!” she claps when you place gold stars on her door
You go through the boys rooms, fangrling over Deku’s and placing red, blue, silver, and gold stars on his door. 
When you get to the last room on the list, Tokoyami, they all make excuses and try to bypass it, saying it was too dark and scary to see again, but on your way back to your room you shake your head, what could be so bad? Kira whispered to you and you nodded, sneaking back and knocking on his door. 
“Hi” you say when he opens it a crack. “I was wondering, could I see your room? Everyone else showed me theirs and i was curious what made yours so creepy” he looked you over once, before Dark Shadow pulls the door open the rest of the way “come on in! Hey where's your friend?” you furrow your bows as you’re herded in the room by dark shadow “he means your quirk partner” Tokoyami says as he faces away from you, embarrassed that everyone thinks his room is scary.
“Im right here!” Kira says but she doesnt show up, the darkness drowning out any powers she may have had alone. You chuckle and concentrate the last of your energy, pulling light from the open doorway and his purple lamps to build her form better, “it’s not that i hide her, her form is just made out of the light, so it’s harder to keep her visible. Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, this is Kira.” as Dark Shadow and Kira talk about their lives being attached to someone, you look around Tokoyami’s room as he just stands awkwardly. 
“Your room is SO cool” you say softly as you gawk at his decorations, you’d keep your room like this if it wasn't so hard on Kira “look at this!” you exclaim as you hold up his skull decoration with glowing red eyes and he chuckles in shock, you were so cute, so bright and bubbly, literally made out of sunlight, and you liked his room? He was so intrigued by you. “This is the skull of Yorick, the king's jester” you say in a dramatic voice and then giggle as you set down the skull and look at his other things. His heart was beating out of his chest, how were you so perfect? And WHY WASN'T HE SAYING ANYTHING?! 
You make your way slowly around his room, your hand running along the edge of a cape that was on the back of his desk chair, you point to a poster in the middle of his collage, a band that you listen to often “is that from their last tour? Did you go?” He pops out of his head band takes a step towards you “no I couldn’t go, unfortunately. They’re my favorite band” you beam at him and he feels his heart pop out more butterflies that flood his veins “they my favorite too! We should go to a concert sometime together, if you’d like” yes. You have killed the resident bird boy. “I/ I - uh - I - *Tokoyami brain go:@•#[*“ Dark Shadow and Kira move closer to you guys “he's trying to say he would really like that” Dark Shadow says, patting Tokoyami on his back as Kira giggles. Tokoyami brushes Dark Shadow away 
You feel a little dizzy and Kira flickers for a moment before fading “sorry I’m just at my limit. Mr Aizawa goes hard” you laugh and Kira sighs dramatically. “Are you okay? The dark probably doesn’t help. Maybe you should go” Tokoyami forgot about his nerves and shyness, just for a moment, now worried for you.
You laugh “the darkness makes it harder for Kira but I’m okay with it. But I should go I don’t want to impose” when you get to his door Kira says goodbye to Dark Shadow, and he hands her a small piece of paper and you turn to Tokoyami, who’s watching the exchange a little confused “it’s for our collage in our room, Mina and the others gave us some things to make it feel like home, posters and pictures. Thank you for showing me your room,” you place your hand on his arm gently “no matter what anyone says it’s a freaking amazing room, not scary at all” you smile warmly and he feels his tongue get thick in his mouth, his palms start to sweat, “th-thank you” he nods and then panic flashes through his eyes “wait!” He says before you turn and he walks back into his room, grabbing the poster you commented on and handing it to you “for-“ he clears his throat “for your collage” you beam up at him, excitement on your face and on your voice “really? You don’t have to! It’s your favorite! I couldn’t-“ he chuckles, and a surge of confidence finds him, finally, as he says boldly, albeit a bit shaky from his nerves  “I insist. I’ll get another when we go to a show together” a soft sound of elated shock escapes your throat, one that he really liked hearing, as you gaze up at him “thank you, Tokoyami” 
After his door closes you place a gold sticker on it before walking away “What did he give you?” You ask Kira “this drawing!” She shows you a small piece of paper with a quick pen drawing Dark Shadow made of him and Kira. It was adorable honestly. You chuckled softly as she sighed like she was love sick.The next day you find the picture hung up by your mirror, on its own special place Kira chose. 
The next few weeks flew by, you spent all your free time studying and having Yaomomo tutor you so you could turn in all your make up work in the first month, hoping to make your way on Aizawa’s good side, which by the nod he gave you you’re pretty sure it worked. To celebrate Mina suggests a movie night at the dorms and everyone, even Bakugou who you haven’t even spoken to once, agreed, which honestly shocked you. 
You put on a pair of cotton shorts and a big sweatshirt before grabbing a soft blanket and heading downstairs, the smell of popcorn hitting you before the elevator doors opened. “Hey y/n! Do you like scary movies?!” Mina asks as you enter the kitchen area. “Yeah I do! Are we going to watch one?” Half of the kitchen sighs and Mina laughs “it was a tie that you just decided!” You laugh “sorry guys” you scratch the back of your neck before Mina grabs your hand, dragging you to the couches and pulling you down next to her. 
“So do you like anyone yet? It’s been a month, do you have any eyes on any of the boys?!” She asks excitedly and you chuckle as a few other girls come over “Don’t get me started!” Kira exclaims, making the girls laugh as you structure her form “Dark Shadow is just dreamy” she swoons as Dark Shadow waves at her from across the room.
“And how about you y/n? Do you like Tokoyami  maybeeee?” Hagakure’s singsong voice makes you laugh “yeah, he’s really kind, and very interesting. But my plan is just to wait and see if anyone likes me, before i make up my mind” “ARE WE GOING TO START THIS OR WHAT?” Bakugou shouts as he walks into the room, making everyone chuckle and Mina pop to her feet “OKay guys buckle up! It’s a scary one tonight!” Mina gets it set up and then takes her place on the floor on her stomach, the place to your right staying empty. 
“Dark Shadow wants to sit next to Kira” Tokoyami says while avoiding your eye contact shyly and you smile “of course!” you pat the seat and he sits beside you stiffly, nervously “but Kira is too bright for the movie so if you want i can make her like a shadow in the dark, the opposite of light.” Kira is one step ahead of you as she pulls a little power from you to phase herself as someone puts out the lights “now SHUT IT” Bakugou shouts again as the movie begins, ominous music filling the room. 
“No no no” you whispered under your breath as the guy in the movie ran straight down the same path the murderer was on, you put your hands in front of your face, looking through your fingers as the music gets even more intense. The moment you see the knife moving your body is turning of its own volition, into the shoulder of the boy on your right, a scared gasp leaving your mouth. 
“Are you okay?” he asks quietly and you nod into him “is it over?” you whisper back, and he nods “yeah” you chuckle and move your head up to meet his eye “sorry, Tokoyami” you go back to watching the movie but the action is repeated every time someone dies, soon your hand finds his under your blanket that had got tossed over you both and Hagakure to your left. He’d squeeze it every time the scene ended to let you know it was over, you felt your heart race every time. 
When the movie ended you stayed there, holding his hand under your blanket as your friends crawled around the couch to discuss the craziness of that movie,  “i did not expect that the killer was actually the aunt of the boy’s friend he lived with in college, total TWIST”Mina talking absolute nonsense as you chuckled, Hagakure leaning against you “but that fireman was so handsome, i need to look that actor up online.” 
Tokoyami was talking to Todoroki on the other side of the couch, where he was sitting on a table chair, Tokoyami explaining the strange twist that Todoroki didn’t understand, absentmindedly squeezinng you hand every once in a while as he spoke. Your thumb brushes against his and he remembers that he’s holding your hand. My god, he’s holding your hand. How did he get so lucky. 
Kira had a form again, comforting Dark Shadow about him being scared when the house was on fire. your heart felt warm, you felt truly at home in this small, second family, you had made at school, you were truly lucky to be having these experiences. 
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Miraculous escape - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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I wasn’t planning to post this yet, but it’s Lukadrien June and today prompt is ‘escape’ and, even if it’s only Lukadrien friendship (bc it’s Lukanette & Adrigami endgame), it fit so well that I couldn’t stop myself from posting this. Chapter 1 and the final chapter have been finished for months, but I don’t know when I’m going to continue with the rest... 
This fic is based / inspired by Marilyn Monroe’s ‘Some like it hot’ film.
Thank you @alittleshycat for the header and wanted posters pic! ( I hope you’re doing well... I miss you... 🥺💙 )
Thank you @brickercupmasterx3​ for proofreading! 💙
Luka helps Adrien escape from his prison-like house and his strict father but Gabriel Agreste is not planning to let them go away easily. They become fugitives and ask Juleka for help, who offers them a very unconventional escape plan: joining a girl band/orchestra to flee the country.
Easier said than done, especially when they find something unexpected in that band: the two most beautiful women they've ever seen.
Warning: includes art
Chapter 1: Fugitives
"My father is going to kill me."
"Your father is going to kill us."
One carrying a guitar on his back, and the other a piano keyboard case on his hand, two musicians were being chased by multiple cars around Paris. Turning corners, going up and downstairs, hiding behind trash containers and cars, the chase seemed far from an end anytime soon. Panting for air, the pair continued running after they turned the corner, just in time not to be seen-  a close call. The loud sirens never seemed to stop, coming from all directions.
"I can't believe I finally escaped from home!", the young blond man exclaimed excitedly. "Thanks, Luka. I wouldn't have made it without your help. You're a real friend."
"Don't mention it, Adrien. That's what friends are for, right?", the blue haired man laughed and patted his back. "It would have been perfect if we hadn't broken half of your father's statue collection while escaping your bodyguards, though. Now he's gonna kill us for sure. We can't let them catch us!"
"We need to run away from Paris. And fast! My father is the devil itself! You don't want to know..."
"I don't!"
Jumping down a wall, and turning another corner, the two friends hid in the back of a funeral car and waited until the police sirens got further away. They had been scolded for being disrespectful with the dead, but it was worth it: they were safe- at least for now.
"We need to leave the city and find a place to stay. Knowing your father, he must have all stations, roads and airports under his control." Luka said, stopping Adrien from crossing the street to firstly check their surroundings.
"How are we going to do it? Our car became 'inoperative' during the chase and our friends and family must be monitored!"
Adrien's panic made Luka grab his shoulders to reassure him of their plans.
"No, look. They know you, but they don't know much about me. Not many people know I have a sister who lives here, in Paris."
"You do?"
"Yes. We need to make it to her apartment and then we’ll figure out how to proceed. Are you ready to run again?"
"More than ready. I'm excited!" Adrien grinned back at Luka, feeling an adrenaline rush.
"Let's go!"
When Juleka opened the door of her apartment, she wasn't expecting to meet her dumbass older brother and Adrien Agreste, the young man who had been on the news non-stop for the last two hours. She raised one eyebrow and Luka knew she was looking for a reason not to shut the door on their faces.
"Juleka! We need your help! We have to get out of the city. Could you lend us your car?"
"What the heck is wrong with you!? It's been two years and that's all you have to say? What kind of trouble are you involved in now? This flower boy has been in the news for hours! They are even offering a reward for whoever finds him! And one for you! A dead or alive one in your case! They're saying you kidnapped him! So you better have a good explanation or I'm kicking you out."
"I do, I do! Listen: remember dad? I know you were little, but do you remember what being trapped is? That's this man's, Adrien's, everyday life for you. I couldn't bear to see my friend like that anymore so I offered to help him escape" Juleka's eyebrow sank deeper towards her nose, meaning Luka knew that wasn't good news. "I had to help him get his freedom! Can you believe he has never had a burger? Or been to a drive through? He can't even drive a car! He literally crashed my car at a streetlight after mistaking the gas and brake pedals! Have some compassion and help us escape Paris. Please?" he finished, pleadingly.
Juleka's eyes moved to analyze Adrien before answering: blond rich guy, well dressed and innocent looking. The way he was trying to figure out her front door and how his green eyes curiously examined his surroundings made him look like a playful cat, and Juleka had no doubt that he was as dumb, or probably dumber, than her older brother. Which meant Jukeka wanted them out, but also that she couldn't refuse to help- otherwise they would surely not make it out alive.
"Fine. What do you need?" She resigned.
"A car or anything that takes us away from Paris! No, better! Out of the country!"
Adrien was still examining Juleka's old and untidy room when she noticed his eyes paused on a paper on the table. She knew that paper: a girl band/orchestra called "Miraculous" was looking to recruit experienced musicians to perform around Italy for three weeks. Suddenly, she knew what to do.
"Join that girl band, the one in the pamphlet", Juleka suggested, pointing at said paper.
"What? A girl band? We're men, Jules! We can't join a girl band!"
"Luka is right!" Adrien quickly agreed.
"No, it can be done. I'm good with makeup and I'm tall enough for my clothes to fit Adrien. We can use some of Mom's clothes for you. ‘Old style’. Oh, and I have some wigs too.” Juleka continued. "Can this blondie play any instrument?"
"Well, yes. He's a pianist," Luka answered.
"Perfect! I'll find a way for you to cover for the pianist and the guitarist of the band: Chloe and Lila. Nobody likes them anyway, and the band members probably don't even remember their faces well, since they joined recently. Nobody will miss them. And it's perfect that you're blond, just like Chloe. I have the perfect wig for you"
Juleka disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a pair of scissors, two wigs and a box of makeup- oh, and wax. The two male friends could feel cold sweat down their backs.
"Wow, you have such a pretty face!" Juleka exclaimed, taking a closer look at Adrien's facial features. "I'll cut your bangs a bit so they don't show under your wig. Luka: do yourself a favor and go shave meanwhile."
"Are you serious about this, Jules?" Luka asked, moving towards the bathroom sink.
"Of course I am", she glared confidently at him. "Do you want to flee the country or not? I'm getting you out, but you need to trust me."
"Is this really necessary…?" Adrien asked in a trembling voice, seeing how Juleka's scissors were close to his eyes as she was cutting his long bangs.
"It definitely is! The band orchestra is leaving midday tomorrow and we have a lot to do!" Juleka ordered. "I can't wait to wax those hairy legs of yours" she murmured. Adrien could only gasp in fear.
When Juleka finished, she was proud of her results. The disguises were perfect: a long blond wig on Adrien, tied as a long braid, his big green eyes standing out with the mascara on his lashes, and he had pink colored cheeks and cherry lips. His face and hair were perfectly complemented by a white dress to his knees and a short jacket over his shoulders, covering his strong forearms. He also used some pads to simulate not very large breasts. The final touch was a pair of elegant high-heels with diamond looking glass studs on them. He looked beautiful, prettier than many women. So pretty the Couffaine siblings blushed a little at the sight.
As for Luka… well, he was tall, big and manly, and with sharp features: definitely not easy to pass him as a woman. But Juleka was almost a professional and she did an incredible job. He had his hair cut short so his blue hair didn't show under the long dark haired wig - good for covering his wide muscular back. He was advised to wear a hat and sunglasses most of the time, but he was also wearing lots of makeup. Using a full palette of skin tones, Juleka managed to hide his strong jawline and make his cheekbones, chin and nose look smaller and rounder. He wore black eyeshadow and mascara, brownish red lipstick and natural blush. He looked like an unfeminine lady but that could pass as genetics, right? People would maybe look away, but they would understand. As for his clothes: he wore a long wide purple dress tied with a belt and some brown pirate-like high boots (the only ones that would fit him because they belonged to himself). The bottom half of his outfit was complemented by a grey knit poncho. His fake breasts were bigger than Adrien's and he wore a wine red scarf to cover his neck- especially his pronounced adam's apple. He looked… pretty good, considering the base product. And that alone was an amazing accomplishment.
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"You're perfect. Ready to go. I've packed a pair of party dresses too. You'll need them for your performances" Juleka said, admiring her amazing work. "Oh, and just so you know. I'm also part of the band, so I'm coming too."
Later that night, just before sunrise, Juleka sneaked to Chloe and Lila's apartment to steal their accreditations and sent them fake cards about the train being delayed so they wouldn't appear at the last moment and ruin everything. Juleka smirked victoriously for having at last taken her revenge on the two women she hated the most.
After nervously passing the first frontier of the train station- the ticket man, Luka and Adrien, who were disguised as women, moved towards the platform, happy for not having been recognized after the first control. Adrien had trouble walking in heels, so Luka lent him his arm to help him keep his balance.
"Remember: your name is Chloe now, and my name is Lila", Luka reminded his friend as they walked towards the train platform.
"I don't like those names", Adrien complained.
"I don't like them either, but it’s better that we don't stand out". Luka sighed.
Grabbing their baggage and instruments, the two men approached the train car written on the ticket. They were stopped before they could get on the train- just next to one of their 'wanted' posters. The two men didn't notice it, but Juleka did and rushed them to get on the train fast.
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"Hey, who are you?" Asked a middle aged woman, the one in charge of the band, they assumed. "I've never seen you before. Are you new?"
"I- I'm Adri- My name is Noirette”, Adrien said, receiving equally surprised and annoyed glares from both Luka and Juleka. Before Luka could speak, Adrien continued. “And she's Lucia. We're the new pianist and guitarist of the band".
‘What. the. heck?’ Luka couldn’t believe his friend as he stared at him in annoyance and shock. His high pitched voice acting was hurting Luka's ears too. 'We're dead', he thought.
The middle aged woman showed orchestra at Adrien’s words: she clearly didn’t like last minute changes. Scanning them under her glasses, she questioned them again. "What happened to Miss Chloe Bourgeois and Miss Lila Rossi?"
While the two men were taking too much to come up with an excuse, Juleka, who was sick of their bad acting, stepped into the conversation.
"The talent agency sent them somewhere else. These two are here to fill in for them."
Still unconvinced, she raised her glasses. "Hmmm... you know them, Juleka?"
"They come from the same talent agency as me", Luka’s sister confidently said.
"Hmmm... that should be enough then..." It seemed like she was convinced at last and the two men could finally breathe. “I'm the band's director. You can call me Madam Mendeleiev. And that man over there is Mister Damocles, the manager. You can introduce yourselves later. Go to your seats now.” Before they could take a first step, the middle aged woman stopped them again and called for someone. "Yves! Come here and carry these ladies’ instruments to the train! Be useful for once!"
Luka and Adrien exchanged looks when a young blond man approached them quickly. "Yes, Madam!" He shouted, approaching the disguised men to get their instruments. He stopped in front of them, intensely staring at Luka’s pupils before trying to complete his job.
"Oh. Hello, there. XY at your service! Can I help you, beautiful? Fancy a drink sometime?" He raised his eyebrows twice, shamelessly flirting.
Luka's face went white in disgust. Juleka's chuckle and Adrien's big eyes made him snap out of it.
"Oh, Just carry this, thank you!" Luka answered, annoyed, as he shoved his and Adrien’s instruments and suitcases into XY’s arms, making the blond man lose balance from the pile of weight on his arms. “And take good care of them because they’re… fragile”
"A- As you wish, beauti- Ah!…" He stumbled, losing his balance and almost falling down. “But later that drink-”
"Yves!! Stop the crap and do your job!" Mendeleiev scolded him.
"Yes, Madam!" He straightened his back. "See you around", he winked at Luka before leaving, having trouble walking properly. The guitarist could feel shivers all over his body, while Juleka snorted, having real trouble trying to hold her laugh in.
"C'mon, hurry up!" Juleka pressured them, adding in a whisper "you better not expose yourselves before leaving."
"Thank you for saving us, Juleka." Luka whispered to her ear while getting on the train.
"You better stop acting stupid if you don't want to get caught!" Her response showed her annoyance and the men gulped in response.
The seats were arranged in pairs, so the two fugitives could sit together and relax a bit. They were also grateful for the lack of contact needed with the rest of the band.
The ‘Miraculous band’ was a dancing orchestra. Similar to a big band, but with vocals, a spectacular stage and completely fine for all ages to enjoy. In this case, its main particularity was how it was formed only by women. The band formation included: a rhythmic section (electric bass, electric guitar, drums and electronic piano), a wind section (saxophones, trumpets and trombones) and two singers. Many of the members were usually multi-disciplined in those bands, which meant they could play more than one instrument, just like Luka with the Lyre. Some of the side instruments were the violin, the flute, the maracas or the tambourine. Another particularity of these kinds of bands was the big range of styles in their repertoire: from rock and popular national or international hits to swings, waltz, salsa- anything that could be danced to.  
If it weren't for the all girls' rule, Adrien and Luka wouldn't have minded joining them for real. But they had something more important to think about now- running for their lives.
"Is everyone here?", Mendeleiev asked, standing at the train car passage.
"Marinette and Kagami are not here yet, Madam" A dark skinned, red haired lady pointed out.
"Those two again… if they weren't so talented and popular I would have fired them already!"
"There they come!' A small blond short-haired lady screamed, startling Juleka in the process. "Sorry! I didn't want to startle you. My name is Rose" she introduced herself.
"Juleka…" and that's all she could say as she lost herself in that petit woman's eyes.
"What do you play?", the little woman innocently asked. "I play the trombone!"
"The electric bass…" she answered, hiding her blush. ‘Cute, sweet and with lungs of steel?’ Juleka gulped. ‘I’m screwed’.
"Finally!" Madam Mendeleiev said, as the ladies arrived, panting from their run there. "You're late! Go to your seats quickly!"
The two ladies who got in the train, bowed their heads in apology for their tardiness, as they walked to the empty seats of the back of the car. And when their faces looked up for a moment, it was the exact moment Adrien and Luka reached heaven. Their eyes couldn't stop staring at the most beautiful ladies they had ever seen, following them with their eyes and faces as they passed just beside them, moving to sit a few rows to the back. They couldn't take their eyes off them until Juleka called for their attention, warning for their discretion. But it was too late: the boys had lovestruck grins on their faces that didn't plan to go away anytime soon.
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The two ladies had black hair and asian features. The short haired one was taller, had brown eyes and wore a beautiful white blazer with a red skirt. She looked elegant and confident, while the other woman looked cute, clumsy and innocent, and was shorter. She had blue eyes and dressed in a pink coat. Her hair was long and tied in two curly twin-tails. Their beauty stood out even more when they were together.
When the train started moving, Madam Mendeleiev gave the girl band some instructions- something Luka and Adrien would ask Juleka what it was about later. Later, Rose suggested an introduction game for the new members after the explanation had ended. The ladies excitedly agreed.
"I start!" said the same blond girl. "My name is Rose Lavillant and I play the trombone! I studied at a conservatoire in Paris for 3 years before joining this band recently. I like pink and unicorns and my favorite food is strawberry shortcake. Nice to meet you!"
After a round of applause, Rose signaled Juleka to continue, and she passively proceeded. "I'm Juleka. Bassist. Nice to meet you"
Next to continue was the red-haired woman from earlier, Alya, flautist and trumpeter; the drummer, Mylene; another trumpeter, Alix; and one of the saxophonists, Sabrina. It was Adrien's turn next.
"Hello!" He started, with his high-pitched voice. "My name is Ad-" he paused for a second at Juleka's deathly glare, gulping once before continuing. "My name is Noirette. I play the piano! I'm from Paris Classical School and I'm very pleased to meet you all!" He squealed, moving his arms along.
Adrien's excitement for freedom and new experiences was contagious to the rest of the ladies who energetically (almost hysterically) responded "Nice to meet you too, Noirette!".
It was Luka's turn next. He gulped, nervous, and with his fake high pitched voice and under Juleka's death stare, he started.
"Hi... My name is Lu- Lucia". 'I'm killing Adrien for giving me that name' he thought. "I play the guitar. Nice to meet you"
With their introductions over, Juleka finally relaxed. The rest of the ladies' introductions followed but, to be honest, neither Luka nor Adrien were listening: they were just patiently waiting to know more about the ladies that captivated their hearts. Their turn finally arrived, and the short haired one started:
"Hello. My name is Kagami. I sing and play the violin. I've been in the band for a few weeks. My favorite color is red and my favorite food is katsudon. Nice to meet you" a silence followed Kagami's introduction, so she called for her partner's attention with her elbow. "Marinette, your turn!"
"Oh-! Sorry… I was distracted… He-ello… My name is Ma- Ma- Marinette! I'm a singer but I can also play side instruments like the tambourine, the maracas or the castanets. I've been in this band for a few weeks and I studied in Paris Music School. My favorite color is pink and my favorite food is macarons. It's nice to meet you-", she ended with a nervous high-pitched voice.
Luka and Adrien exchanged excited lovestruck grins: the ladies' names and voices were just as beautiful as their faces. They were going to enjoy their outing with the band better than they could have expected.
When the car got loud from the ladies chit-chat, Luka and Adrien found their moment of peace to share their thoughts.
“Luka, did you see that?” Adrien started, signaling at the end of the car, towards the singers of the band.
“Yes…I saw.” Luka answered, with a lovestruck grin on his face.
“That beautiful face…”, Adrien continued.
“Sweet voice…”, Luka added.
“Asian features…”, their mumbles continued.
“Dazzling eyes…”
“Dark shiny silky hair…”
The two men reacted at their exchanged words and looked at each other, surprised and nervous. Adrien gulped, worried.
“Wait- who are you talking about?”
“Who are YOU talking about?” Luka threw his question back at him, slightly aggressively.
“That girl, Kagami, of course!” Adrien exclaimed as if it was the most obvious response.
“Oh, that's good. I was talking about Marinette.” Luka sighed and showed him a relieved smile.
“Oh...” Adrien blinked, sighing and smiling in relief too. “I'm glad we weren't talking about the same girl. I wouldn't have liked to steal a girl from you.”
“What makes you think I wouldn't win her over you?”, Luka confidently grinned.
“Oh- anyway- It's better this way.”
The two men laughed together, trying not to be too loud for their manly voices to destroy their cover-ups.
“Will you help me with Kagami?” Adrien asked his friend.
“Only if you help me with Marinette.” said Luka, offering him a handshake he excitedly returned.
“Count on it, my friend!”
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ohoshi · 3 years
get to know me tag ♥
tagged by @soonhoonsol (thank you chey<33 i enjoyed doing it adghhs)
tagging: @njaems @kdongyoung @hoshisms @soonshuas @wonwoosjeon @soonwnu @shuaway @jonghan @xuseokgyu @hwiyoungies (and yk if you did this... ignore<3)
What day is your birthday?
may 1st international worker's day following chey's patterns ajdhgajsdhgash
What is your favorite color?
blue and purple and pink and yellow ajgshdahgsdjahgsdjh idk i like all the colors especially pastels!!!
What’s your lucky number?
Do you have any pets?
2 dogs!!!
How tall are you?
159cm, 5.2ft i'm actually short af for where i live lol i was the shortest person in hs and everyone was mocking me for it?????
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
5 without heels djashgahsgdh
Favorite song?
i don't have a favorite song<3 i can never choose just one :p
Favorite movie?
i don't have a fav movie akjdsgahgds
Who would be your ideal partner?
male lead from weightlifting fairy kim bokjoo,,,, yes,,,, literally jung joonhyung ajsgdashh :/ sigh 😔
Do you want children?
yes sometimes in the future kjadkjadsh
Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Baths or showers?
What color socks are you wearing?
grey rn ahdgsajdshg they're usually black/grey/white lol
What type of music do you like?
everything,,,, no joke i listen to a bit of everything
How many pillows do you sleep with?
2 pillows and a lot of plushies ajdhgajhdgash
What position do you usually sleep in?
What you don’t like when you are sleeping?
bright lights and noise <- just like chey ajdghasjdh
What do you typically have for breakfast?
coffeeeeee 🤟🏼 <- SAME AJDSHGAJHG
Have you ever tried archery?
omg no i have never BUT I ALWAYS WANTED TO JAGDSAGD young cora wanted to try it out, she liked it so much but the only archery club was too far from my town so 🤪
Favorite fruit?
omg i love all the fruits!!!! so it always changes depending on the season (yk early summer/late spring it's cherries, fall is for apples and grapes, winter for clementine!!!) currently nectarines<3
Favorite swear word?
f*ck? but i usually only swear in my native language (cause english sucks when it comes to swear words tbh) and only when i'm furious ajdgasjhdgas
Do you have any scars?
i have one ajshdgha i had a surgery when i was younger bc i danced too much on a daily basis ?????? wtf
Are you a good liar?
no<3 i can't lie
What is your personality type
What is your favorite type of girls?
all the girls<3 !!!!!!!!!!!
Are you an innie or an outie?
akhDGKHGADFKHAGF scream,,,, innie
Left or right handed
Favorite food?
italian <3
Favorite foreign food?
well..... i'm not italian so italian food is technically foreign to me so,,,,,,, italian<3
Are you a clean or messy person?
Most used phrase?
'ahsdgahs' and for the past few days 'i hate him' (him = hoshi btw)
How long does it take for you to get ready?
30 minutes? i don't do much lol
Do you talk to yourself?
all the time
Do you sing to yourself?
all the time
Are you a good singer?
i think i'm decent???? i mean i was in a choir for 5 years so i guess,,,,, i'm decent???
Biggest Fear?
Are you a gossip?
Do you like long or short hair?
on me? long, on other people? both
Favorite school subject?
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i used to love history the most
Extrovert or Introvert?
What makes you nervous?
thoughts about the future 🤪
Who was your first real crush?
dude i don't remember??? i think it was this guy in middle school,,, he's a 98 liner and he was a basketball player??? we were in drama club together lmao edit: i just remembered we were preparing this play bc greek ambassador was visiting and he played homer the blind poet?? and i was his muse???? LMAO
How many piercings do you have?
just 2 on my ears
How fast can you run?
omg idk?? i haven't done these since high school
What color is your hair?
lighter brown with red highlights lmao
What color are your eyes?
light brown/dark yellow, just yellow on the sun
What makes you angry?
liars, hypocrites, <- just like chey and i'd add ignorant and close minded people
Do you like your own name?
OMG I USED TO HATE IT AJSDGASJH when i was younger nobody was allowed to call me by my name ajshdgajdsh now i don't hate it so much since the meaning fits me perfectly lol
Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
What are you strengths?
my positivity and ability to cheer anyone up!!!!!!
What are your weaknesses?
weaknesses??????? what are those
Color of your bedspread?
pink 😳
Color of your room?
pastel maroon
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mercieshana · 5 years
Thursday nights
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Smut (daddy kink, oral, fingering, orgasm, dirty talk...), fluff 
Word Count: 6.2k
Summary: You meet Jimin at the club, then end up at his house party and later he ends up between your legs. 
Writer’s note: Hope y’all enjoy. This one’s a lil longer and it takes a bit to get to the smut part. Lemme know what y’all think and have a blessed (sinful ;-P) Sunday. 
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There you were, on a Thursday night, marching up the sidewalk with your best friend, Elaine, beside you. Both of you had a red solo cup in hand and were already quite lit off of the vodka that was in your cups and the whiskey shots, you had prior to the departure for the your journey to the club that you were currently still on. The giggling that originated from you and Elaine and the sound of loud American muscle cars that were also heading to the club zooming by you two filled the silence of the night. You loved carefree nights like these, the cold air that was hitting your face, the liquor that was setting your body on fire and your best friend right by your side that was feeding positive energy to your soul - it didn’t get much better than that.
“Yo, chug the rest of the vodka in your cup before we go in,” your girl said, ripping you out of your thoughts and disposing of her empty red solo cup in the trash right beside her. You didn’t even realize that you two were already right in front of the club.
“Right,” you replied, downing the rest of the vodka in your plastic cup and making a face when it made its way down your throat, burning. You couldn’t help, but notice a tall group of guys pass by you. They were young, attractive and confident. One of them stood out to you though. He was wearing a pair of black air one Jordan’s, blue ripped jeans and a tighter white shirt that definitely showed off his toned body, especially his arms.
Oh the things I’d do to that body, you thought, a smirk appearing on your face.
“Eye candy,” you heard Elaine’s voice beside you, a knowing smile tugging on each corner of her red lips that perfectly accentuated her dark hair that was tied up in a sleek high ponytail on top of her head.
“Dang right,” you grabbed her hand and made your way into the dark club. There was a line and of course both of you got ID’d immediately, but both of y’all were already 18, so it wasn’t a problem at all. You were behind the guy that you thought was handsome and had another chance to scan him up and down, before he disappeared into the crowd, while you and E were giving your jackets to the people at the wardrobe; so they could hang them up and you wouldn’t have to drag them around with you the whole time. 
“Let’s go to the restroom,” E stated, heading through the crowd, going through a doorway and entering a room that had a huge bar right in the center of it that was attended to by two to three capable bartenders, dressed in white and black, that didn’t seem to be overwhelmed by the large amount of people that were standing at the bar, waiting for them to give them the overpriced beverage they had ordered. You carefully skimmed the impatient people that were waiting, but - sigh - your eye candy was nowhere to be seen. A slight frown appeared on your face.
“Come on,” E caught your attention, before making a right and entering the female restroom with you close behind her. Thank God none of you had to use the restroom, because, of course, there was a line of females, in overly high heels and nearly no clothing on, waiting to relieve themselves, before heading back to the dance floor or the bar, in hope of finding a piece of meat to take home. The two of you had merely come in to touch up on your makeup and make sure your outfit was still sitting pretty - and it was. Elaine spun around, checking out her crop top and nicely fitted black jeans out in the mirror, before polishing up her lipstick and tightening her ponytail.
You on the other hand just reapplied your cherry lipgloss and re-adjusted your tight top that made your tits look good and tightened the gold belt on your dark jeans that hugged the curve of your behind exceptionally well. Both E and you were wearing black and white converse - it was kind of your own “squad wear” and wearing converse every time the squad went out was a given that did not have to be spoken on, it was simply expected.
“Dang you sexyyyyy biatch,” E hyped you up while you were posing in the mirror, making a duck face and twirling your index finger in your dark hair, while your other hand was resting steadily on your dark purple Michael Kors purse.
The two of you burst out into a string of laughter, before making your way out of the restroom and heading to the hip-hop room, which meant making a right after exiting the ladies room, pushing past a bunch of bodies, heading towards the huge bar in the center of the one room and then making a left and going straight into the large hip-hop room. The description definitely sounded waaaaaay more confusing than it actually was.
There were of course a bunch of bodies jerking around on the dance floor to the loud music that was coming from the speakers and the DJ that were positioned close to the stage, which was toward the back of the room. E and you were being eyed by a bunch of guys, as you made your towards one of the DJ’s, cause E wanted to request “Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd. As you casually leaned against the wall, waiting for E to hurry up and request the song, you spotted the handsome stranger from before. He was dancing in the middle of a dance circle, dance-battling one of his friends you were assuming. The way his body moved to the beat so smoothly and swiftly, turned you on for some reason.
Wow, he can move like that, you hungrily eyed him, that’s hot. You weren’t usually like this though. You weren’t a predator on the lookout for prey. This was most definitely the alcohol that was coursing through your body, making you feel especially wild tonight.
“Hey, that’s that guy,” E pointed out the obvious and you nodded.
“You should go talk to him!”
“What,” you asked, your head snapping in her direction, so you could look at her face. You weren’t really the type of person to approach people, you liked being approached and plus, you weren’t really too familiar or comfortable with the club scene yet. You were a “noob” when it came to clubbing, probably cause you had turned 18 not too long ago and were now allowed in clubs.
“I said go talk to him,” E repeated and you nervously shook your head.
“Nahhhhhh, I don’t really know what to say. He’s hot, but he’s probably not into girls like me,” you answered.
“What! You are one of the hottest girls at this club and all the guys are eyeing you, in case you haven’t noticed,” she shouted, her voice nearly disappearing under the loud music that was booming through the room.
“I think I’m just going to watch him,” you turned your body to completely face Elaine and thus, turned your back to the hottie that was dancing his heart out.
“I think you’re going to talk to him,” E smiled, her eyes shifting from yours to something behind you. Your brows furrowed and before you could utter a word or turn around, her semi-large hands gave you a powerful shove and you stumbled backwards, nearly losing your footing, but thankfully a pair of strong, large hands came to your aid, steadying your fragile body.
You shifted to look at your hero and made eye contact with that hot guy you’d been secretly eyeing all night - fuck, was all that was filling your mind.
Your eyes went wide and he was staring up down at you intensely.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! SAY SOMETHING!
You managed to choke out an almost inaudible “T-thank you,” before you regained control of your wobbly body that nearly melted into his touch and started to head for E that had the biggest shit-eating grin on her face that you’d ever seen in your whole life.
You mouthed the words “I hate you” at her.
“Wait, what’s your name,” heard his manly voice ring from behind you and it literally sent shivers up and down your spine and halted your movement.
You turned around nervously and stiff as a board, before forcing out the word, “(Y/N)”.
“(Y/N) ,” his face lit up immediately and dang did that toothy smile suit him “beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
He thought I was beautiful?, your heart pounded against your chest and you feared he might hear the loud thumping sound that rang through your ears.
“I’m Jimin,” he smirked, his tongue darting out to wet his pink lips and fuckkkk did you want to put that tongue to work.
“H-hi,”you said nervously, toying with your fingers and looking up at him with big doe eyes.
It seemed as though he was about to say something else, but before he was able to, his friend appeared from behind him, letting him know that they were having shots at the bar.
“I’ll be right back,” he said reassuringly, before disappearing into the crowd and you were positive you wouldn’t see him again. The club was big and there were a bunch of pretty girls he could get distracted by, so there really wasn’t any chance that he’d come back to search for you, but part of you still hoped he would.
You had been so nervous that you didn’t even realize your whole body had been shaking. Elaine quickly approached you and nudged you in the side with her elbow.
“That worked out nicely, didn’t it?” she asked and you could clearly hear the grin in her voice.
“Fuck you! I almost had a heart attack,” you complained, simultaneously letting out a sigh of relief.
“Sooooo what’s his name,” she smiled.
“Jimin,” you swooned.
“(Y/N) and Jimin! That sounds good to me,” E patted you on the back, “Where did he go though?”
“He said he was going to be right back after taking some shots or something, but we will see about that. The club is big and there are a lot of pretty girls out here-,” before you could even finish your sentence, E popped the back of your head and you let out an inaudible yelp.
“Fuck that noise,” your bestie shouted, “Let’s go dance!”
After what seemed like hours of dancing and getting hit on, you started to feel a little tired. You glanced over at Elaine who had secured herself a boy-toy for the night and you sighed in disappointment.
Where had Jimin gone? You didn’t really want to think of him, but you couldn’t help it. There was so much you didn’t know about him. He was nothing but a beautiful stranger - a sexy and dangerous looking stranger if you might add.
You didn’t want to be a party-pooper and tell E you wanted to leave, cause she seemed as though she was still having the time of her life, so you just tried your best to keep an eye on them, in case Elaine needed any kind of assistance.
Suddenly, two hands covered your eyes and your heart began to pound like crazy.
“Guess who,” a manly voice sounded from right beside your ear and it ran shivers up and down your spine.
Your mind was racing. Who could it be? Well, the only person that you’d hoped it’d be was Jimin, so that’s the name that escaped your lips.
“Bingo,” he spun you around by your hips and rested his hands there.
“I thought you’d never show,” you smiled up at him, taking in his smooth skin and his kissable looking lips, as well as his black hair that you just wanted to tug on while he ate you like a strawberry cupcake - but you couldn’t say all of that.... at least not right now.
“I couldn’t leave here without getting a second look at you and getting your number,” he pulled out his phone, handing it to you.
You gladly obliged, typing in your number and giving the phone back to him.
He did not hesitate to call you right away and the phone in your pocket buzzed as you checked it, a number that you had never seen before illuminating the screen.
“Had to make sure you weren’t tricking me,” he winked at you and grinned. Boy, he looked so handsome, his eyes forming crescent moons as he wore the wide grin on his face.
You guys began having a long and deep conversation about your lives, your goals and your families, while E and her boy-toy were making out on the dance floor. The fact that this man actually had goals and dreams was arousing in itself. A hot guy with a brain?! What! You were literally dripping at this point, but he didn’t have to know that while he was explaining his business plans your panties got wetter with every syllable that slipped past his delicious looking lips. You were so wrapped up in the conversation and before you knew it, the clock struck 4am and the time to leave had come. You sighed disappointedly when you saw the time on your phone screen, having no choice but to cut the good conversation you were having with this attractive male short.
“It’s getting really late or well early,” you brought up hesitantly “and, sadly, it’s time for me to collect my friend and go,” you stated, nervously tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Leaving me so soon, beautiful?”
Your eyes immediately shot up to meet his manly gaze that was fixed on you and his appearance made you want to melt.
You managed to choke out a nearly inaudible “Y-yes,” his dark eyes staring you down, making your heart race.
“At least allow me the pleasure of escorting you out, so I can spend a few more moments with you.”
His sudden gentlemanly reply caught you off guard and appealed to the little Disney princess fan you had tucked away deep inside of you - your hopeless romantic side.
His hand found the small of your back as he walked with you through the club in search of E, whom the two of you found making out in a corner.
His touch on your back made you feel warm and protected, but also added fuel to the fire that was burning between your legs.
You two quickly collected E and a few minutes later the three of you were standing at the exit with your jackets in hand.
“Be safe out there, princess,” he ran his hand through your hair and then guided his fingers along your jawline, before brushing his thumb across your bottom lip. It seemed as though he was about to kiss you and - YES - that’s exactly what your heart and body desired.
A knowing smirk appeared on his face, as if he knew precisely what was crossing your one track mind at the moment, before he turned to casually strut away, purposely leaving you unsatisfied and riled up, but also interested and wanting more.
Your eyes followed his muscular and virile frame, until it could no longer be seen.
“I don’t even want to leave,” E sighed when you were dragging her out of the club.
“Oh well, it’s like 4:15 am,” you retorted.
Your phone buzzed and you reached into your back pocket, pulling it out to check it.
Let me know when you make it home safely
Your face immediately lit up and you were eager to get back to your place, so you could text him back.
Home safe
You texted him back, as soon as you got through the door, guiding E to her room and putting her to bed.
Lol. I know it’s you, silly and good, now I can go to sleep.
His reply made your phone buzz and you swiftly read it, your fingers typing up a reply within seconds.
Oh, did you wait up for me?
You smirked at his reply.
Of course I did, princess.
Oh, there he goes again with the name calling, you rolled your eyes feigning annoyance, but actually you were quite amused by it. You dropped down onto the bed in your own room and let out an exhausted sigh. You didn’t even notice that you were that tired, the sleepiness had just kind of snuck up on you. The night has been great, but also suuuper long. You were so worn out that you didn’t even realize that your eyes had fallen shut and you were dozing off, completely forgetting to reply.
Your phone buzzed loudly at 11am, waking you from your rather light slumber. You groaned, rolling over with your hand searching for your phone. After retrieving it, you glanced at the screen, wincing when you realized the brightness was turned up way too high for your sensitive eyes.
Good morning, princess. What are you doing later today?
Your eyes skimmed the text that you had gotten from Jimin about a minute ago and you smiled. He texted me again, you thought happily.
I was planning on hanging out with Elaine.
You replied, not wanting to seem too available. Your phone buzzed yet again. He was quite the speedy texter.
Perfect. I wanted to know if you and her would like to come over to my place and have fun at this little party my boys and I are throwing tonight?
You sent back, as if you were thinking about it, but let’s be honest here, the answer was yes from the get-go.
It would really make my night to see you again.
The phone vibrated yet again.
Plus, we’re ordering pizza for tonight too. Now if that doesn’t convince you, then I don’t know what will.
You laughed, he was definitely a funny guy.
Alright, alright.
You replied, acting convinced and “defeated”.
Great! Then I’ll see E and you, princess, tonight @ 675 palm tree avenue #2. It’s the big yellow house, you can’t miss it. I’ll expect you at 8.
Your fingers quickly typed up a reply, asking about the attire you should come in for the party.
Wait, what’s the dress-code?
Just wear something you’d want me to see you in.
8:40pm rolled around and you and E were just getting into the Uber. Turns out that Jimin’s place was about 30 minutes away, but that didn’t really matter - the stars of the party are always late.
The Uber pulled up to house #2 around 9:15pm and boy, were the two of you surprised. This was no house, it was a freaking villa and this was also not just a small little get-together, but a huge ass house party. You stepped out of the Uber in a tight and very short black dress, a pair of red, tall Louboutins and a brown, small, Michael Kors purse. Your hair was tied up into a tight, but high ponytail and your facial features were complimented by the makeup you had put on about an hour ago. Your neck and ears were also blinged out by a pair of golden hoops and a necklace that made your dark eyes pop. E of course looked stunning as well with her long dark brown hair cascading down her back, her tight snakeskin looking dress and her LV heels that went well with her LV purse and bracelet. The two of you made your way up the stairs and into the house, the front door being open, due to the huge amount of people that were in the front yard, smoking, drinking, but also dancing to the loud music that could be heard coming from the inside. The villa was insanely spacious, so although there were 100+ people there, it never felt too crowded or uncomfortable, because everyone was sort of distributed and spaced out all throughout the home.You passed by people that were playing beer-pong, never-have-I-ever and twister on your search for Jimin, but also the bar. You found the bar which was located towards the back of a huge room with huge glass windows to the left of it, but no Jimin.
Maybe he was upstairs or something, you thought to yourself. There was even a bartender at this party, holding down the fort and supplying you and E with a pair of Caipirinhas and a few vodka shots. After downing the shots and taking a few sips of your drink you turned to the left and realized that there was an outside party area with a pool and a dj. Maybe Jimin is out there, you thought, taking E outside with you. And surely, there he was in all his glory, but shirtless this time and only in a pair of swimming trunks. You watched him splash in the water with who seemed to be his friends, chucking a football around. His body looked amazing, so toned and fit and his blue trunks that were wrapped around his lower body complimented his creamy white skin and his dark hair. You were so caught in a trance that you didn’t realize the football had been tossed over Jimin’s head and was heading straight for you.
“Look out,” one of the guys shouted, snapping you out of your daze, but it was too late, you tried to dodge the ball, but you ended up losing your balance, falling and getting hit by the ball anyway.
God, please just come get me, I’m dying of embarrassment, you pleaded, laying on the ground with your arm covering your face. You wanted to cry that’s how embarrassed you were. You completely tuned out the sounds around you and we’re so focused on your embarrassment that you didn’t even register that hardly anyone had noticed other than E, the boys that were playing the game, Jimin and a few spectators. Everyone else was far too stoned, or buzzed off of the liquor.
“Are you okay? (Y/N),” E asked nervously, genuinely concerned about your well being, her hand touching yours and her voice soft.
Before you answered her question, you heard a quick succession of footsteps coming closer.
“Oh my gosh! Is she okay,” you heard a manly voice ring in your ears and you uncovered your eyes to see a handsome blond male standing over you and next to E.
“I-I am,” you tried to sit up.
“I’m so sorry! That was my fault I-,“before he could finish his apology Jimin came running from behind him, smacking the back of his head playfully and muttering an “Idiot” to him.
He immediately kneeled down beside you, concern and worry taking over his playful expression. His eyes moving from your face to your knee, his brows furrowing. The way his dark wet hair was dangling in his face with his skin glistening in the light had you mesmerized.
“Your knee,” you felt his fingers brush over the skin of your knee, drawing your attention from his body down to yours.
“Oh, I didn’t even realize,” you took a look at your scraped knee.
“Let’s go get you cleaned up,” you heard Jimin say and before you could even manage to push yourself off of the ground, Jimin’s strong arms swooped you up and he held you in his arms the way a prince holds a princess.
Jimin turned to face Elaine, his drenched body, but also his words making you drip, “Mind if I borrow her for a while?”
“Not at all,” E replied, peeking at you and giving you a quick thumbs up.
Jimin swiftly made his way inside the huge villa and then upstairs with a cocky smile on his face. Your small hands were gripping onto his muscular arms, you being scared of falling and nearly dying of embarrassment yet again.
He carried you into what seemed to be his bedroom and carefully placed you on the huge king-size bed that was covered in creamy white covers and sheets which were decorated with golden tassels. Your mouth was agape as you eyed the room that looked like it belonged to some kind of royal bloodline, with the whole space being decorated with the colors white and gold, plus a tiny bit of red.
“Wait here. I’ll be right back”, Jimin headed through a wooden door to the left that probably led to a fancy bathroom. His absence gave you a moment to breathe and you laid down on the soft covers, the alcohol slowly getting to you as you felt a bit more tipsy.
Who would’ve thought that you’d end up on this “stranger’s” amazing bed like this.
Before you could collect your thoughts, Jimin returned with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a cue tip in his hands. He smiled before kneeling down before you and extending his hand to gently hold your leg and disinfect the small would with the cue tip that he had dipped into the disinfectant. You winced at the small, but sharp pain.
“Does it hurt?” he asked, his focus still on your wound.
“Yeah, a little,” you replied, looking down at him.
“Do you want to take a shower?” he motioned at your dress that reeked of the alcohol you had spilled on yourself during the fall.
“Umm, yes please,” you gladly took him up on that offer as you were dying to get out of the sticky and nasty dress.
“Alright, the bathroom is right over there,” he pointed in the direction of the restroom and you immediately sat up, maybe a little too quickly and nearly fell a second time, but thank the Lord for Jimin’s strong arms that came to your aid.
“Woah there,” he chuckled and you blushed, swiftly disappearing into the bathroom with a nearly inaudible “thanks.”
(Y/N), you’re so dumb,” you stared at your reflection in the mirror. Your dress that you had worn for Jimin was completely ruined. Frustrated, you began to strip off your dress and let it fall to the ground, exposing your matching black and pink lacy bra and thong. Well, at least your underwear still looked good. You undid your now messy ponytail and let your hair loose.
“Wow,” you heard from behind you, causing you to freeze up instantly. Your eyes met with Jimin’s in the mirror.
“J-Jimin,” his name nervously escaped your mouth as you spun around, your hands flying up to cover you. Your face was as red as a tomato and your body grew hot under Jimin’s watchful gaze. He was casually leaning against the doorframe with a huge smirk on his face. He was also holding a towel and a change of clothes in his hand that were probably for you.
“So this is what you wanted me to see, huh?” 
You remembered that Jimin had told you to wear whatever you wanted him to see you in and deep down he was right, you did want him to see you in this. He slowly began to approach you, like a predator that was cornering its prey. He backed you all the way into the marble counter and trapped you between himself and the counter, his hands resting on either side of you. You were so nervous that you couldn’t even look at his face. You jumped when his hand tilted your chin up and your eyes met his dark, mysterious and wanting brown orbs. He was eyeing you from top to bottom and it seemed as though he was ready to devour every inch you. Before you could even utter a word, his lips crashed into yours. His candy lips were soft, but the kiss was somehow rough and needy. You moaned when his large hand that had been fisting your hair began to grope your left breast, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues danced a fiery tango and his wet muscle was of course dominating yours. He broke the kiss to take a look at your breathless body that seemed as though it wanted more. Your nipples had hardened and your panties were literally stuck to your hot, wet center. Your appearance and the feeling of your velvety lips made Jimin grow hard, his member pressing aggressively against the fabric of his swim trunks.
“You’re so sexy, (Y/N),” he bent down and his lips encountered yours yet again. This time he deepened the kiss and wrapped one of his hands around your throat, choking you a bit. He was making you crazy and you started to rub your thighs together, hoping to get some kind of friction to relive the aching wetness between your two limbs. Jimin moved from your lips to your jaw, peppering kisses there until he reached your neck which he assaulted for quite sometime, leaving red marks that served as evidence of his presence behind. He attacked your chest next, after he had ridden you of your bra. He licked the area around your nipple, before sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. You moaned loudly, your hands tugging at his hair.
“You like that?” he asked, but you couldn’t find the words to answer him and he stopped. Disappointed you met his gaze and he chuckled.
“Princess, when Daddy asks you a question you have to answer. Preferably with a “Yes Daddy”,” a huge smirk appeared on his face, when he saw the shiver that ran down your spine as soon as the word “Daddy” slipped past his lips.
“Yes, Daddy,” you obliged, desiring nothing more than for him to continue and continue he did, until he had finally reached the area between your legs - the area you needed him the most at.
“Turn around for me, princess,” he commanded and turn around you did. He bent your upper body down and began to rub your ass.
“What do you want me to do, princess?” he asked, toying with your thong, making you even more wet. You squirmed and he chuckled yet again.
“Use your words, princess or else Daddy can’t help you.”
“Please take off my thong, Daddy,” you said with your head resting on the cold marble counter. He didn’t hesitate to hook his finger in your thong and pull them down the curve of your ass and your legs painfully slow. You saw an accomplished smile in his reflection as soon as he saw how drenched you were. You blushed and hid your face.
“Hide your face from me again and I will spank you,” he stated and you instantaneously uncovered your, still red, face.
“Y-Yes, Daddy,” you answered.
“What a good girl,” he smiled triumphantly, his finger rubbing along your slit, making you bite your lip.
“What do you want Daddy to do now?” he questioned and you didn’t understand how him asking these questions and calling himself “Daddy” was having such an effect on you. You were so horny and all your nervousness had long been replaced by lust.
“Daddy, please make me feel good,”you begged, wiggling your ass to gain some kind of friction. He smiled amused and pushed his index finger inside of you while staring at the lewd facial expression you were wearing in the mirror.
“More Daddy,” you requested and he obliged, feeling generous, so he pressed more fingers into you, fingering your roughly while earning squirms and louder moans from you. You loved the way his fingers were making you feel, stretching you out with a bit, but also giving you pleasure at the same time - but they weren’t enough. You were still famished and Jimin could tell. He as well seemed to still be wanting more, his erection in his trunks still standing strong and proud. He fingered you, until your wetness seemed to overflow and run all the way down your thighs to the back of your knees. You were slowly, but surely approaching your climax and Jimin sensed this. He pulled his fingers out before you could reach it though, warming a cry of protest in return.
“Wait, princess. Daddy will satisfy you.”
You heard him rummaging around a drawer before pulling out a golden condom wrapper. He ripped it with his teeth and tugged down his trunks. You caught a glimpse of the monster he had been hiding and your jaw nearly dropped. He had a huge, angry and veiny cock and the tip of it was decorated by a bead of his lust.
“Daddy that’s too big!” you stared at it with wide eyes. He grinned proudly.
“It’s not,” he pumped himself a few times, before rolling on the condom.
“Daddy, it won’t fit,” you began to get nervous again. You had never taken a cock that big before, let alone seen one that size.
“It will,” you felt him run the head of his cock through your folds and you whined. He felt so good and you wanted him so bad.
“Princess, you’re so wet. Let Daddy taste you,” you felt the tip of his dick disappear and his wet muscle darted out from between his lips and tongue kissed your pussy. Your legs began to shake lightly and your teeth sunk down into your bottom lip hard. His tongue felt absolutely amazing.
“You taste delicious and sweet,” he said, emerging from behind you while licking his lips that were covered in your sweet nectar.
“Now, let Daddy feel you,” you heard him say before the tip of his cock once again returned to your folds. He wrapped one of his hands around your hair and pulled back a little, making you push back a little and onto his big dick. You whined and he smiled.
“So you can’t run from me,” he slightly tugged on your hair with his eyes meeting your wide ones. Before you had the chance to add anything to what he had said he pushed into you in one swift motion and you cried out, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. You wanted to run from it, but there was nowhere to go. It hurt. You let out a few painful squirms as he pulled back and then pushed back into you more softly.
“Shhhhh, Princess. It’ll be fine,” he consoled you, kissing down your spine. He was right, after a short time you began to adjust to his size and the pain you had been receiving turned into pleasure. Within a few minutes you were begging and moaning for more which Jimin gladly gave you. He began bucking his hips into you more roughly, bruising your hips that were pushed against the counter. You felt everything, every vein and motion from his member, every kiss he pressed onto your back and every stretch he made you go through as he pulled out and pressed back into your tight pussy. Jimin was letting you experience a mixture or pain and pleasure you had never experienced before and you were loving it. The rapture you were receiving started to overwhelm you and before you knew it you were very close to receiving your first orgasm.
“Daddy, I’m going to cum!” you shouted, some of your hair sticking to your sweaty forehead.
“Yes, Princess, cum for Daddy,” he commanded and you came on the spot, your walls tightening around him and nearly making him reach his high as well, but Jimin persevered and continued to aggressively fuck into you, causing you to experience a second and a third orgasm. When your fourth one was strongly approaching you could feel that Jimin must have been close as well. His thrusts were beginning to become erratic and he began to let out louder grunts and moans. You pushed back into him even more, wanting him to come with you.
“Fuck, Princess, you’re going to make Daddy cum,” he said with his brows furrowed. Your high hit you hard, with euphoria immediately taking over you and causing your muscle to tighten around him. He could no longer withstand the pleasure and shot his hot seed into the restraints of the condom with a loud, deep grunt. For a short moment both of you were just breathing heavily, trying to regain your breath. Jimin soon pulled out of you, ridding himself of the condom and tossing it in the trash.
“Well, now we are both wet and sweaty,” he laughed out loud, looking at his and your glistening skin in the mirror, his dominant side that had just been present a few moments ago disappearing.
“Looks like there is only one thing left to do,” you said with a huge smirk as you stepped into the shower. As Jimin was staring at you, you winked at him and said playfully, “You could join me and we could like save some water and help the environment. Plus, I kinda have this dripping hole and I wanted to know if you had something to plug it with.”
Jimin chuckled, before following you into the shower.
“I swear I’m going to make you mine,” were the last words that could be heard before the loud sound of hot, rushing water filled the air.
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lillaxtrigger · 5 years
Young Hope: Chapter 28
“Motherfucker!” The spice queen’s angry roar echoing beyond the Spicer abode, Cayenne takes her seething frustration out on Kingsley’s broken bedroom wall; punching yet another hole that gives a wider view of the twilight sky outside. “Why couldn’t get to him in time!” Behind the furious spice queen, Kingsley sits completely unconscious at his desk; his head nestled above dozens of documents and reports. Lying at his side weeps the orange haired demon, Alex’s wailing echoing outside as he sobs for his crush with: “No! My beloved Kingsley, taken from this mortal coil against his will! Why do the good always die young!?” Passing by the sad display, the blue angel strolls over to the massive hole that was recently Kingsley’s bedroom wall; kneeling along the edge to gauge a closer inspection. Tore runs his hand along the jagged cracked edges of the hole, his fingertips scrapping against the burnt wood. He fancies a look down outside to see any evidence of any tools or parts left behind by the potential culprit; finding almost nothing of the sort outside of a few pieces of wall and glass along the walkway. “I’ve seen and caused a fair share of blast all through my life. One’s that I shoot out leave holes scarily similar to this one. This was definitely somebody shooting their way inside.” “Looks like the doors seen better days too.” they hear the orange skater claims. Glancing towards the boy genius’s bedroom door, all of them find Mally taking a careful look at the side of the wooden door; running her finger through the burnt remains of the doorknob. “Whoever did this sure wanted Kingsley outta the picture badly.” the orange skater reviews. “You think that the perp we’re looking for might be onto us?” her blue brother questions. “I’d say so.”
“It’s unforgivable...” they hear Alex whisper. All of them turn back towards the orange demon lying beside the comatose genius’s side; watching as he slowly rises from the desks side. “Uh, Alex?” Mally worries. “So long as my fiery red blood courses through my demonic being, I will hunt down whoever harvested my beloved’s precious soul and rip their flesh to nothing bloody chunky pieces!” the demon swears, growing more monstrous and demonic the further he rants. “Definitely loving the enthusiasm there, pal, but we still don’t got us any reliable culprit to speak of.” the blue angel reminds him. “Yeah, we only got a few minor clues to work off. Nothing really case breaking here.” Mally adds. “Not until now.” they hear Cayenne correct.
Upon hearing such, everyone in the room glances back to the spice queen along the side of the broken bedroom wall, Mally wondering: “You found some evidence?” “Un- Yeah. Paid some of my little cousins a visit and one of them was just all over this damn case; cooking up weird conspiracies and made up bullshit about the government being involve. Just the usual.” “And?” Alex asks. “Short version is that Ty wound up snagging a good pic of the culprit leaving the crime scene.” “Could you tell who it was?” Tore asks. The spice queen hesitates to answer the blue angels question, too afraid to give the answer as she looks away with a mix of disappointment and shame on her face. Her silence is all that both Tore and Mally need to process who their friend has in mind, the orange skaters pupils shrinking as her blue brother questions: “So it really is Chloe then?” “But...why? I know we had are suspicions, but...God, why would she be going around doing all this now; especially to her own family!?” the skater frets aloud. “She wouldn’t be doing this?” they hear the spice queen add. “What sort of brain damage induced nonsense are you on about? You said you saw photographic proof yourself.” Alex rudely counter. “I mean not by herself, asshole! Don’t you think its kind of an ass pull how she suddenly has the power to take souls from people in just one night? I guarantee you that whatever she’s doing in all this, she ain’t working alone.” “You think that she might have a partner?” Tore wonders. “More like a kidnapper. Someone has to be forcing her to nab souls in the dead of night.”
Before any of them could attempt to process their Spicy partners theory, all of them soon hear a familiar voice sounding off from the other side of the bedroom door; claiming to all of them that: “You got the right idea there.” All of them glance back towards the door to witness a lone arm breach through its mahogany wood; the entire door soon being ripped out of its frame by the purple merc himself as he finishes his statement with: “But that’s only half the picture.” “So who else you might think be the player 2 in this soul reapin game?” his blue brother asks; their sister wandering over to the desk where Kingsley lies. Pushing the unconscious boy genius aside, Mally riffles through the dozens of witness reports littered on the desk; her eyes shifting between the two she grasps in her hands. “Whoever they are, they might’ve been doing this long before Chloe came in their picture. Reports here talk about someone with a rainbow trail leaving the scenes of the crime a couple nights back.” “So were lookin for somebody who has a rainbow aura, eh. Wonder who that could be?” the blue boy wonders. Upon questioning such does everyone’s eyes stare right at the blue boy himself; Tore flustered by the sudden stare down as he defends with: “What...I just had that a couple times. What would I even want with a bunch of souls anyway?” “For Hera’s sake, it ain’t him. Not even closer.” Roy corrects. “How the hell can your sorry violet asshole be so sure?” Cayenne questions. “Doesn’t all this feel a little familiar to you? The rainbows, all the magic ass bullshit, the kidnappings; or guess soulnappings if you wanna be a nitpicky asshole? Plus, who else would have enough foresight or petty anger to go after Chloe and Kingsley like this?” “So it’s somebody who definitely knew we would be onto them and is trying to cover their tracks.” Mally reviews. “But who do we know that’s still alive that know which people to go after?” Tore further asks. “Hears a little hint. Which witchy bitch did we wind up screwing over a couple months back?” The merc’s apt description makes almost everyone in the room freeze up in but an instant; a strong, dreaded silence crashing throughout the entire room. The blue angel is the first to break through the horror inducing quiet, uttering the name of who his purple brother suggest be their culprit. “Circe.”
“Wait, which bitch may we be referring to here exactly? I normally don’t humble myself to mingle with any of you peons willingly at least, so most of your personal lives are a bit foreign to me.” the orange haired demon questions. “You seriously don’t fuckin remember that witch who you and the rest of our friends and family and almost killed you guys for their powers?” Cayenne wonders. “Hmm...the events you refer to do strike me as rather familiar...Though the rest of it seems rather as a blur.” “It was literally a month ago.” “Why the hell would Chloe of all people be so willing to help her with all this!? She was scared stiff the last time we went up against her.” Mally questions. “Your cherry coke crush might not be as willing as you think.” his purple brother corrects. “You suggesting that Kingsley’s sister might be under the influence of mind control?” Alex claims. “A+ on the upkeep here, my shape shifting student. That self absorbed, “Goddess” got some strange ass magic up her tight, rainbow spewing coochie; mind control would probably be a pretty standard spell for her. And who better to take advantage of for that kind of mental fuckery then an emotionally insecure teenage girl?” “Phrasing dammit!” the orange skater warns. “Mal, you said something a while back about her tryin to nab the red heads little pink trinket off her neck?” her purple brother mentions. “Uh, yeah. As soon as that witch grabbed hold of it, sparks of pink lightning just went flying out from her necklace; almost like some kind of defense mechanism. She mentioned something about it being sealed onto Chloe.” “So if that mystic cunt can’t use that trinkets for herself, why not use it through its owner instead? Swear to fuckin god, I’m gonna slug that witch bitch’s jaw clean off her damn skull! Beat her head in to a bloody pile of pulsating brains and bone!” the spice queen swears.
“So, we have our culprit. But we still don’t got a place in mind. Somewhere she could stash and conceal her horde of gathered souls from the feverish public eye while manipulating the body of her newfound pink puppet.” Tore describes, all the while Alex glances back to the desk that Kingsley lays upon. The demon gently pushes his crush aside to reach for his closed laptop, soon opening the computer and informing the rest of them that: “It seems my beloved Kingsley might’ve been onto that very fact moments before he was tragically robbed of his own soul.” This baiting the entire rooms attention, all of them look to the boy genius’s laptop to discover an entire map of Townsville laid out on screen; several lines and markers tracing themselves along a certain point of the east side of town. “So, if we ask around for where Chloe’s been constantly flying to last night, we’ll find where she’s been packing everyone’s souls. Maybe even the which bitch herself.” Mally claims. “Sounds like a plan to me.” her brother adds. After each of them take a quick pic of the marked part of the map on their phones, they quickly race out through the hole in the bedroom wall. The last of them to take off, the purple merc stops moments before he could glide off alongside his comrades when hearing a phone go off behind him. Glancing back, he notices Kingsley’s cell vibrating along the side of his desk; snatching the comatose boys phone and checking the message that he had received. “Tracking potion is ready. Bring something of Chloe’s to put in it.”
Once reaching the part of Townsville marked on Kingsley’s map, the rest of the gang descend down from the dark city skyline; landing within the bad part of the eastern side. Just from taking a simple glance ahead could all of them tell of the neighborhoods less than grandiose upkeep, reflected by the cracked asphalt roads and unkempt homes and buildings nestled along the side. “Dear hell almighty. Just look at this horrid dumpster fire of city block, it’s absolutely disgusting. What sort of depressing life wasting urchins could possibly spawn from such a filth ridden hole like this?” the orange demon repulses. After giving the demonic brat a swift smack to the back of his head, the spice queen moves in front of the entire team and relays to them: “Alright, bitches. We got us a missing red head to search for and some souls to set free. We don’t got a lot of time on our hands, so I need you all to get the dry shit outta yer ears and listen. Since the witch bitch we’re lookin is using Chloe to harvest a shit ton of souls, the people around here might’ve seen her going back and forth through here last night. I’d imagine a bright pink flyin teenage girl would be pretty eye catching to people around here, so they might’ve seen which way our little red head was going. The plan were cookin up here involves all of us split up and ask around the neighborhood; maybe figure out which direction Chloe’s been gliding back and forth from. Any of you dig up anything worthwhile outta anyone, give everyone a quick text and we’ll rendezvous to where that mystic cunt is cowering at. Everyone clear?” “Yep.” Mally confirms. “Of course.” Alex adds. “So were gonna bother people in the middle of the night to ask them straight faced if they’ve seen a pink little girl flying around?” Tore restates. “That’s the plan.” Cayenne reinforces. “Does it also involve them asking if they’re on any expired meds?” “Right then, lets fuckin move people!” Upon the spice queen’s orders, all four of them split off towards different directions of the district; Tore and Cayenne taking towards the north while Alex and Mally head out south. While skating off alongside her demonic partner, the orange roller blader pulls out her phone; aiming to text her brother to question him if: “You know where Roy wound up taking off to?” A few moments later, the blue boy had responded back with: “No. I didn’t notice he was gone until we landed.” Its in with her blue brothers lack of an answer does she decide to text her purple sibling herself with: “We’ve landed in the neighborhood. Where the hell are you?”
“Can’t join you right now. Little busy with the other half of our mission here.” After texting his little sister such, the violet merc puts his phone away as he stands in Serena’s basement potion brewery; turning back to the potion witch herself. The merc witnesses the young brewer carefully place a small glass veil on the desk set before him; its violet glow illuminating the entire brewery in a shade of deep purple. “And here we go. One veil full of Extra strength tracking potion. Took almost all day to make a single an ounce of this magical concoction.” As the potion witch slides the brew to her purple guest, she further state how: “I’m guessing I don’t need to warn you not to ingest any of this, do I?” “Eh he he. Nope. And I’m guessing I don’t need to ask you if we could make some steamy magic of our own later, do I?” the merc responds with a devious grin. “I’d gouge our eyes out with my spoon if you tried. Now you’re going to need to be absolutely careful with this particular batch of tracking brew, the ingredients I used to mix it are a lot stronger than the standard; so I need you to-” “Yeah, I know. I read the text. Gimme a sec.” Saying such does the purple angel pulls out from the depths his pants pocket a lone diamond earring; tossing the accessory in the brew as he review how he should: “Just plunk something with Chloe’s aura on in the mix and it’ll show the way to red head herself.” “No!” Upon the witch’s exclamation, Serena attempts to catch the small diamond earring before it could be dunked into the mix; her grip failing to grasp the accessory in time before it falls into the brew. “What!? What’s the problem!?” Roy wonders. “You were supposed to wait until we got outside to drop it in!” “Geez. Scared the shit outta me. You’re acting like its gonna violently explode and turn out faces into thick chunky meat soup.” Claiming such, both of them soon discover the potion sitting on the table starting to tremble and bubble before them; the brewing witch reinforcing that: “That’s because it is.”
“Duck.” “What?” “Duck now!” the merc demands, charging a beam in the palm of his only hand. Once Serena ducks underneath the table, Roy fires down onto the basement window behind her; blasting open a sizable hole leading out into the nightly neighborhood. Almost immediately does the purple angel grab hold of the rumbling brew shaking along the table; swiftly chucking the potion through the freshly blasted open hole. Once tossing the mixture outside; both of them soon then hear a booming explosion of shattering glass and metal sound off through the entire block. After the young witch lets out a relieved breath, her and her violet guest scuttle to the blasted side of her basement to take a peek outside. From looking out into the darkened neighborhood, the two find a bright pink aura trailing our from underneath the cracks of the scorched wreckage of someones car; the automobile left reduced to nothing smoking scrap. Beyond the destroyed ride, the purple angel watches the pink trail gliding out towards downtown; its bright pink glow contrasting with the jet blue night sky. “Might be biased here, but you really should warn about shit like this before you hand your potions over to them. Thanks for the help, Serena the teenage witch!” Once thanking the brewer for her aid, the violet merc takes off to follow the fleeting pink trail out towards downtown Townsville; leaving the witch doctors totaled basement behind. Seeing her guest glide away, a frustrated sigh leaves the young witch’s lips; wondering aloud how: “How am I going to explain this to my parents? No really, some purple asshole just waltzed in and blasted a huge hole through our basement.”
Knocking his black coated hand upon the one of the run down neighborhood residence, the orange demon is soon greeted by the site of a man who’s condition reflects his estate; disgusting, poorly dressed, not looking like he’s had a decent shower in literal months. Hell’s sake man, a stained tank top and unkempt facial hair is all that really anybody needs to tell how low your life has sunk. Best just get this over with then. “Greetings, my less than hygienic host. For once in your seemingly miserable life, you’ve been graciously lucky to be visited by such a powerful and distinguished demon such as I; humbly gracing you with my immeasurable superiority and intelligence. Its in arriving in your worthless hovel that you so unfortunately call a home that I may harbor from you a couple of needed questions from the drugged and alcohol ridden body part that you so unfortunately call a brain. May you be as so polite as to invite me in?”
Hearing the demons less than welcoming greeting, the less then fortunate man slams the door right in Alex’s face; turning away from the door and hobbling over towards his stain littered couch. A painful groan escapes from his mouth before he falls face first onto its cushions; the filthy dweller attempting to drift off to sleep on his couch. The man is jolted out from his drifting slumber when the sharp sound of breaking wood reaches his ears; jumping out from his makeshift bed and taking another glance to the door. He discovers a pitch black blade piercing through his front door, the sword roughly sawing through the aged wood until its splits right in half; the demon he shut out turning his arms back to normal as he lets himself in. The orange demon creeping ever closer, the junkie grovels right in the corner of his living room; small incoherent whimpers leaking from his lungs as cowers in fear. “I was really hoping that maybe the residence of this rat infested hole would be at the very least nice enough to cooperate; but I guess we’re all proven wrong from time to time. No matter.” The cowering man peeks out from his covering arms as the young demons shadow consumes his figure; Alex transforming his arm into a whip as he finishes his statement with: “I promise to make you talk one way or another.”
Descending towards the front of another home, Cayenne approaches the door and prepares to knock; her hand reeling back from the front when she catches the sound of insanely loud screaming and crying coming from inside. When finally deciding to knock, she punches the door as loud as she can in hopes of grabbing the attention of those living inside; her pounding soon drawing out a lone woman that looks just so fed up with life's shit. And who could really blame her, the woman’s got 5 to 6 screaming kids just racing around and jumping all over the place like fucking animals; just breaking shit constantly. “Eh, sooo...I was hoping that-” Despite the spice queens best efforts to talk, her words are ultimately drowned by the horrid chaos going on inside. “Maybe I could ask y-” Her words still fail to reach beyond her lips, the constant cries of rowdy children swallowing her voice. “A couple of questions about last night-” Even when shouting at the top of her lungs, her words are unable to reach the mothers ears; the spice queen soon met with the door. A small scoff is all that comes out from Cayenne in that brief interaction, the Spice queen walking from the home as she claims aloud how: “Hot damn there. Fuckin brats are worse then my little cousins.”
On the opposite end of the block, the blue angel gently knocks on the door of another abode; one of which sadly displays far more degradation and decay than the rest. Smells something hella bad in there too. Like somebody’s having a plastic bonfire from inside. Almost a little too much to handle. Even with the horrendous nasty ass stank coming from inside, the blue boy fails to hear anything coming from inside; no footsteps, no voices, nothing. Maybe they just didn’t hear the door. Attempting to bait the attention of those inside, Tore once again knocks on the wood of the door; this time being far harder enough for the pounding to echo across the street. Once done beating on the door, the blue angel’s ears catch the noise of panicked footsteps and shifting metal echoing from within; glancing to the window and taking a peek inside only to find not a soul in site. Rather than moving on to the next home, Tore attempts to investigate further; grasping the door knob and slowly letting himself in. “Hello...Anyone in here?...Don’t worry, I’m not some kind of crazed hobo; I’m just wanting to ask a couple questions here” Looking through the worn torn living room, the blue boy then runs face first into the wrong end of a shotgun barrel; the firearms blasting the boy right in the face.
The surprise headshot causes Tore to fall right on the coffee table, his body breaking the table straight in half upon impact. With the young man lying on the remains of the shoddy piece of tableware, a handful of shaggy, suspicious people come crawling out from dark corners of the run down home; all of them gather to gaze upon their intruders body. “Aw, dammit! It’s just some kid.” one of them curses out. “Guess we got worried about the fuzz for nothing.” “Fuckin dumbass! They’ll probably be snoopin around here more tryin to look for this blue dipshit.” “How bout we hide the body somewhere they won’t find it. Got a landfill a couple blocks back we could dump the kid in.”
Just as all of them approach the thought to be finished intruder in hopes of hiding him somewhere, the blue boy arises from the splintered remains of their coffee table; much to their shock and dismay. All of them swiftly back away as the young man stands before then; Tore rubbing the parts of his face that got shot and exclaims that: “Ah jeez! The hell is wrong with you people? Just sneaking up and shooting me right in the face. You know how painful a point blank shotgun blast is?” Just from the site of the unharmed blue boy, everyone else scrambles to the back of the room; pulling out their various firearms as one of the orders them all to: “Everyone, open fire!” Hearing those demands does the entire room unload everything they have onto their blue intruder, firing out a hailstorm of led bullets upon the young man. Tore himself is left absolutely unfazed by the barrage of bullets battering his entire body; so much so in fact that the blue angel opts to pull out his phone while waiting for all of them to run out of ammo; protecting his device with nothing but his bare hand. Soon enough though, the entire squad finally run out of ammunition; all of them horrified when realizing their assault having done fuck all to their intruder. Discovering this horrible realization, the only course of action left for them all left is to retreat, the entire room scrambling throughout to run down abode while one of them screams out: “Grab the stash! Grab the fuckin stash, man!” “I’m going! God, why did we get busted so fast!?” Figuring how he ain’t gonna be getting any answers of these loons anytime soon, the blue boy decides to simply take his leave; wandering out through the front door as the panicked chaos behind him continues. “Maybe I should ask around in another block.”
Skating away from block on the other side of the district, Mally rolls through the crumbling neighborhood as she ponders on where to look for answers next. That witch could be hiding out anywhere in this mess of a neighborhood; gleefully watching all of us wander around for answers to no avail as she sits on her harvested batch of stolen souls. The chance of finding somebody willing to take the time in this hour of the night to help out some random kids knockin on their doors are pretty much slim already; add the fact of asking them about a pink flying girl gliding back and forth through these parts of town and you’ll be hopeful at best laugh and mocked at. Hell, some people might even take a step further and shoot yo sorry ass for wastin their time too; god knows that people have been probably gunned down here for way, way less than that. Its getting kind of worrying if there’s any answers that could be gathered from this cracked asshole of the city. In pondering all this does a particular site grab the young skaters attention, a glimmer of light coming from a tower standing a little further in the district; though far too high above to gauge whatever could be shining out such a colorful glow. Could it be…
Hoping to garter a better view, the young lass takes off towards the tower in question; taking out her trusty grapple yo and casting it up to the brick wall of an upcoming building. As soon as the yoyo attaches itself to the buildings surface, its string retracts and pulls Mally up from the cracked concrete roads; flinging herself up to the upcoming buildings rooftop. Landing on top of an apartment complex, the orange skater speeds across the rooftop as she races towards the tower; soon finding a massive gap in between the complex and the next rooftop before her. Closing in towards the gap ahead, the skater gathers as much speed as she could muster; picturing the gap between as the crevice back at in the woods. Reaching the very end of the rooftop, Mally takes one giant leap out towards the building across the street; gliding above the poorly kept road above. Her jump this time proves to be a success as she lands right on the edge of the rooftop, letting out a loud cheer as she skates across the top of the buildings. “I did it! I actually did it! That whole gap just jumped over on the first try! Yeah!” In her premature celebration, she winds up tripping on the opposite end of the roof; tumbling down towards the alleyway below. Moments before she could hit the hard asphalt, the falling skater throws her grapple yo up towards the roof of the neighboring building; her gadget sticking itself to the very edge of the rooftop and stopping herself before crashing down. After dodging that nasty fall, the skater climbs up the hard brick wall of the alley, pulling herself up towards the edge of the rooftop.
Once standing safely on the rooftop, Mally manages to finds herself closer to the tower in question; gazing up to its top where she found the glimmering light. Despite the distance she had travels, the orange skater could not tell what shines such a rainbow glow; the windows making up its crown boarded up with countless planks of wood, leaving only a few glints of light to creep through. Yet despite failing to see what lies within, light coming from within proves all too well what may lies beyond its walls; no doubt the perfect hiding spot to horde a mountain of harvested souls.
Dwelling within the dark insides of the tower itself, a slim, feminine figure glares down to the buildings below her; her eyes locked upon the little teenage girl standing atop one of their roof’s. A sinister snicker passing through her devious smile, the figure raises her finger out towards the streets below; the tip of her fingernail illuminating a bright rainbow glow.
Gliding along the other side of Townsville, the purple angel speeds through the night skyline while tracking the youngest of the Spicers through her own bright pink aura trail; all the while the goddess echoing in his head: “So, might I wonder what you plan is once you find her?” “Don’t know. Trying to figure out the same thing. I still ain’t 100% sure if our little red head here is being mind jacked by the witch bitch or if she’s doing all this shit on her own.” “I certainly hope that she isn’t. If that’s the case, then we might have to try and talk her down. Poor baby.” Hera’s last comment throws the purple merc off a tad, her words stirring a hint of curiosity within his head. “Hey, Hera. Mind if I ask ya somethin?” “If its about how much people worship, in your own perverted words “My poppin lockin sweet bouncy bootay”, I will smite you where you stand.” “Nah, nah. Something else.” “Oh.” Just before the angel could ask the goddess his question, the trail he follows baits back his attention; discovering the neon pink aura he follows growing ever brighter. Gazing out ahead of himself, the merc soon catches a faint pink light glimmering in the distance; no doubt it being the red head herself.
Rather than rushing off towards the fleeing teenage girl head on, Roy instead decides to intercept her from the front; ascending up to the rooftops and continue his pursuit from above. While concealing himself from those below, the merc glides over the rooftops neighboring the fleeting pink glow; Roy speeding across the tops and towards the edge to attempt and get a peek of his pink pursuit. Just moments before he could however, the pink light takes a sharp turn away from the purple angel; the merc coming to a skidding halt before making an aerial u turn. Leaping out to the neighboring buildings, Roy lands atop the roof and flies out to the other side; gazing ahead for any sign of neon pink; the trail glowing bright despite not seeing a single glint of the girl herself. “Th-...The fuck...The fuck did she go?” In the midst of wondering such, an illuminating pink light begins to shine from the merc’s backside; Roy himself noticing the glow from the light on his hands alongside the sound of charging power. “Shit!” Seeing the readying attack behind him, the purple angel swiftly turns back and blocks his front with his only arm; such defense nowhere near enough to soften the blast. Facing the full front of the assault, the neon pink beam sends Roy careening across the darkened city block; the neon ray lighting up the night as both it and the merc streak across the skyline.
The purple angel’s trip across the nightly neighborhood ends with him smashing right in the face of a tall office building; the slam down leaving him lodged to the surface as crumbling stone and glass rain above him. Recovering from the crashing pink blast, Roy opens his eyes to come face to face with the one who shot him halfway across the street; beholding Kingsley’s younger sister staring the merc down with her bright pink eyes. Trapped within a translucent pink bubble behind Chloe be a myriad of colorful souls, moaning and wailing like frightened apparitions; all of it confirming the young red head to be the soul harvesting reaper dressed in glowing pink. “Oh Chloe...How could you?” the goddess questions in horrible shock. “I doubt its really Kingsley’s sister behind all that bright pink flare.” Hearing the purple angel’s accusation makes the red head raise a single eyebrow to her foe, a small smile forming between his cheeks as Roy presses further with: “That’s right, bitch. You really think I’m that stupid enough to not figure it all out? All the little things that were going on were more than enough to piece it all together. Getting a shit ton of power in just one night and not having my senses be enough to trace all of it right to the red head. It typically wouldn’t be hard for me to keep a good track on power that intense, but you very well knew that, didn’t you? You had the foresight and magic to mask the red head from my life sense so that you could prolong us finding the poor girl; and that is exactly what gave you away. Who else would have that kind of magic at their disposal and know to cast it ahead of time to throw us all off, but the witch bitch whose rainbowlicious asshole we kicked in a month ago. So quit the bullshit and show yourself Circe!”
Taking in the violet angels accusation in full, the red head can’t help but let a sinister smile gradually crack between her cheeks; a small giggle leaking out from her smirk. The young girls giggle eventually transforms into full blown cackling; her snide laughter ringing across the entire darkened block. Once the teenage red head laughter dies down, her bright pink eyes gaze back to the lodged merc; her voice resembling that of a full grown woman as she admits how: “I was honestly beginning to wonder which of you mortals would catch on next. I was starting to think that all of you worthless fools were basically braindead; well, except for that damn Spicer boy. Oh how he was so close to busting up my little soul harvesting operation and ruining everything; but I’ve learn from my mistakes from last time. I anticipated him be a potential thorn in my side and swiftly plucked him out of the picture before he could squeal. The rest of your pathetic group might be onto what part of this horrid city I’m hiding in; but by the time they figure out where, it’ll be far too late. Once that tank of souls I’ve been harvesting fills with the lives of this bustling metropolis, I shall devour them all and move on to the next town; and then to next, and the next after that. All the while I keep this cute little rose by my side, using her to harvest the souls of countless others; up until I garter enough of them to finally break that accursed seal put under placed on her Amazon crystal. With the crystal in my rightful possession and my magic at its peak, I’ll have attained enough power to trump anybody who dares stand in my away. Even against you...Hera.” Hearing the possessed teenager call to the goddess in his head takes both Roy and Hera herself completely off guard, the witch letting out a prideful snicker from the merc’s astonished gaze and continuing with: “That’s right, my goddess. I can hear you speaking inside that purple pricks head. I may never come to understand what drove you to take someone so undignified and crass as your messenger; but it really doesn’t even take a simple minded peon to understand how mine has the clear advantage.”
“You wanna bet?” Roy growls aloud. Its in asking this does the merc pull himself out of the mess of crumbled and cracked stone and glass; lunging out towards the hovering pink girl before her as he reaches his only hand out for the pink trinket tied around the young girls neck. Mere moments before the violet angel could grasp the possessed red heads smooth pink stone, a wall of translucent pink suddenly forms between him and Chloe; a smug smile cracking upon the girls face the witch asks: “Tell me something, mortal...What part of just rushing at me did you think was going to be effective?” Its in that moment that the shield blocking the merc’s grasp begin to expand around his entire body; the translucent energy quickly trapping the angel within a bubble of solid pink. Held captive within the bubble, Roy does whatever he can to attempt and escape from the prison of bright pink; punching and shooting the inner layer of bubble with as much strength as he can muster. Even when hitting his prison with all that he’s got, the inside of the bubble proves to hold not a single scratch; the self proclaimed goddess letting out a mocking laughter as she rises right above her caught purple pest. With but a single stomp, the possessed red head sends her violet foe rapidly plunging down to the nightly streets below; all while charging up a bright pink blast in the palm of her hands. Tossing the bright ball of pink down with the falling angel, the manipulative witch watches as both her foe and her blast slam down upon the concrete roads in a mess of smoke; the explosion ringing across the entire block. Gazing down upon the erupting cloud of smoke underneath, the goddess calls out to her unfortunate violet adversary; advising him with: “If I may humbly share a smidgen of godly wisdom, its that I suggest you take your losses and quit while your still breathing. Lest you desire for me to relieve you of your other arm.”
Out from the bottom of the smoke cloud, the purple angel flies out from behind the peering self proclaimed goddess; tossing out a ball of darkness out to the possessed red heads backside. As the sphere of shadows closes in towards the bewitched Chloe, a bright pink light shines in front of the young girl; turning back to the approaching blast with a huge pink hammer. With only a single swing, the mind controlled red head bats the ball of shadows aside; the sphere of shadows exploding upon the buildings beside her. After deflecting the purple angels darkness, the possessed red head uses the momentum of her swing to spin in place, quickly picking up breakneck speeds while keeping a tight grip on her pink hammer. Once gaining enough velocity, the bewitched teenager flings her bright pink hammer down the darkened streets; speeding towards the purple merc like a descending meteor. The streaking mallet proving far too fast to reliably dodge in time, Roy reaches his only arm out to the approaching pink weapon; hoping to stop the hammer with his only hand. Though he indeed manages to catch the head of the massive mallet with just the palm of his hand, the intense force behind it sends the purple angel skidding across the neighborhood; the asphalt breaking beneath his feet as he slides. His skidding trip comes to a very hard stop when crashing straight into a hard stone wall; the blow causing the entire building to collapse onto the violet angel.
The possessed teenage girl slowly descends down towards what remained of the destroyed buildings, her bright pink glare watching as her purple prick of a foe digs himself out of the resulting rubble. “What...the...fuck...is happening right now!?” Roy wonders aloud as he stands up from the crumbled stone. Hearing a devious cackle echo from above, the purple merc glances up witnesses the glowing pink young girl floating overhead; the self proclaimed goddess answering him by declaring that: “Tis divine justice, you barbaric darkling; Retribution for the heretics that have wronged me in the past. I dare say there may never be a more satisfying and sweet feeling than personally hand out rightful punishment; especially when using one of the guilty’s own companions to deliver it. Perhaps once I’m done toying with you, I’ll indulge in serving my holy wrath on the rest of your friends; reveling in the looks as my young puppets very site spurs betrayal, confusion, anger and hopelessness on their faces once ending each of their very pathetic lives. Oh, I can’t wait to see them all suffer in sorrow.”
Taking in the goddess’s condescending threats to kill his loved ones, a raw, intense rage stirs within the purple angel’s being; Circe’s maniacal laughter further fueling his unbridled fury. Focused by his anger, the merc charges out towards the cackling bewitched red head; a coat of black and violet darkness enveloping his armless side as he dashes forth. Distracted by her self indulgent glee, the bright pink teenager is caught off guard when Roy rams straight into her; the unholy assault sending the self proclaimed goddess towards the tall building down the road. Hurtling towards the buildings brick face, the enchanted red head starts slowing her flight down; decelerating herself the closer she reaches the wall. The manipulated Chloe manages to land on her feet when reaching the brickwork; her hands illuminating a bright pink glow as she rises from the buildings face. Soon after recovering from the unholy tackle, the possessed red head leaps back towards the angel who dares strike her; casting from the tips of her fingers a barrage of bright pink. The bewitched teens swarm of pink swiftly forms into a whole bouquet of blooming sharp roses, their razor thorn stems aimed at the approaching purple merc.
Seeing the barrage of razor roses incoming, the violet flies out to the side to evade their throny cuts; gliding inches above the stone face of the building. Witnessing more of them closing in fast, the merc kicks off from the buildings surface to dodge them in time; diving down to the dimly lit streets below. Once landing on the asphalt, the merc leaps back towards the possessed red head in front of him; all while the puppet herself stands without so much as flinching from his approach. As the purple angel charges towards the red head, he fail to notice the roses that he had evaded turning back towards him, their pointed stems darting towards his backside. Just moments before Roy could ram the self proclaimed goddess out, the roses dig their stems in the purple angels back; the surprise flowery backstabs throwing the merc off his charge. While easily evading her stunned foes unholy tackle, a bright glimmering glow shines out from the palms of Chloe’s hands; the light soon constructing itself into a sharp neon pink sword. Her newly made blade in hand, the brainwashed young girl swings her sword towards the merc; aiming the sharp end right at his exposed neck. Moments before the blade could swipe at his tendons, the lethal edge is caught just in time by the merc’s only hand; his palm bleeding on the sharp end as he halts the sword. Despite stopping the bewitched girls assault, the grin on her face fails to waver; the possessed Chloe gliding her glowing hand right to the merc’s stomach. In a flash of bright pink, the young red head shoots the purple angel square in the stomach with a powerful blast; the blow strong enough to send Roy rocketing through the sky in a trail of pink. Watching as the black angel careen through the darkened sky, the magical goddess can’t help but indulge in having warded her purple pest away; letting out a menacing cackle as the witch flies off into the distance.
Wiping off the stains of ruby red crimson from the black of his hands, Alex ventures further through the nightly backwater streets; the streetlamps he passes under reflecting off the bits of blood the orange demon wipes off. “Well, that was a rather unfortunate waste of time. Barely got any answers from that urchins frightened mumbling and wailing. Ugh, the absolute audacity of that man. A higher demon such as I took the time to stop at his worthless, dirt ridden abode in this run down, rat infested street hole, and he doesn’t even have the basic courtesy to even greet me, much less kneel at my very presence. I honestly wonder what this world has come to sometimes.”
On the cusp of this rant does the orange demon hear a faint sound of footsteps echoing nearby; the combined noise of kicking gravel urging Alex to transform his arms into lethal blades as warns whoever may be near that: “I dare warn you. My blades are sharp enough to slice through the very air you breathe. Think carefully before you rush into your doom.” Despite his brave words, the orange demon can’t stop his legs from trembling beneath him; his eyes constantly darting across the surrounding nightly streets in hopes of finding who may be stalking him. While the frightened demon gazes out to the streets ahead, a single tap to his backside causes him to jump; swiftly turning back and slashing out at whoever may be behind him. His arms lethal edge is blocked by the neck of a hockey stick, the demon calming himself when he hears a familiar voice urging him to: “Chill out here, Alex. It’s just me.” The reassuring tone makes the young demon open his eyes, finding Roy’s younger sister blocking his blade swing; Alex transforming into a girl as she turns her arms back to normal. “You!? D-don’t sneak up on me like that again! I could have sliced your head off your shoulders for satans sake!” “Aw, guessin you do care?” “Perish the thought. Killing an ally by accident would be seen as rather foolish in any case. And didn’t my brash older cousin split us all off to gather information on finding the witch that captured my Kingsley soul? If you have nothing significant to report, then I suggest you stop wasting our precious time and get back to your duty.” “And if I in fact do got something important to say?” “Well then, the night is fleeting. Spit it out already.”
“I got a pretty good idea where all the souls might be stowed away at. Saw some rainbow lights shining from the top of that tower over there.” the skater explains, her finger pointing out towards the towering building set to the north. “Hmph, your certain?” “As absolute as your horns be black.” “...Right. If that is the case, then there’s no time to lose. We best head out at once.” Hearing her demonic partners eager determination, the orange skater pulls out her phone and states how she’s: “Right there with ya, my black horned bud; just gimme a minute to text the others.” Just before Mally could get to her texts messages, Alex lowers the phone down from her face and claims how: “Oh please, we don’t need those brutes. I’d wager that the two of us are perfectly capable of freeing all those souls ourselves.” “Might I remind your sweet demon girl ass of the insanely powerful witch that’s probably lurking inside; ya know, the one that nearly killed us all. It’d be better for all four of us to go in at once to even the odds.” the skater informs. “Well then, if you insist on indulging in the notion, they you could at least come up with a halfway decent plan while your at it.” “Oh, and like you can come up with one on the spot?” “I in fact can. Clearly, the best strategy going in this is to coordinate a pinching assault; with your moronic brother and my brutish cousin coming in at the top while the both of us sneak in through the bottom. Even if that horrid witch dares to attempt and escape, she would have to handle wasting time dealing with us. Once we corner and finish her off, we free all the souls trapped within.” “Hmm...Since it sound like your coming up with all the idea’s, you got a way for us to sneak inside?” The young skaters question causes a sinister smile to form upon the demons face, a devious snicker escaping from Alex’s mouth.
Out along the green pasture of the Townsville park, a lone couple stands upon the stone bridge above the small river; both the girls staring upon to the darkened sky as one of the complains on how: “Aw, I can’t see even a single star out tonight. Wish this cloudy weather would just let up.” The other girl of the two glances back up at the sky as her lover eyes drift down, reassuring her partner on how: “Hey, I’m sure it’ll clear up soon. I bet we’ll even see something magical tonight.” Her eyes glued to the sky, the woman discovers a bright pink light high among the clouds; its glow urging her to grab the attention of her love and mention how: “Babe look! A shooting star!” The other girl pulls her gaze back up above to witness the trailing light drift across the sky, amazed by the site as she awes: “Whoa, I’ve never seen one so...pink before.” “It looks beautiful.” Its in admiring the star do they realize the bright pink glow growing in size; it’s luminescence beginning to blanket their bodies. “It look’s like its getting closer.” “Uh, yeah…How bout we take this date somewhere else?” Stating this do both ladies race off as the comet closes in; the couple running off as the bright neon pink light crashes straight into the stone bridge.
The resulting dust eventually settles, unveiling the park bridge reduced to nothing but crumbled and cracked stone; the water from the river leaking our from the cracks of the rubble. Out from the mess of rubble, a lone arm punches itself out from the pile of stone bridge pieces; the arms purple owner soon pulling the rest of himself out of the rock. “What...the...fuck...” Once taking in the biggest breath his lungs could possibly hold; Roy screams aloud: “What the fuck was that Sailor moon hentai bullshit about!?” “Roy, calm down.” the goddess in his head insists. “How in the...Why...What the hell was all that about!? I could barely land a hit on her! Nothing I threw at her worked! How the hell is she doing all this?” “Circe has been utilizing the full potential of the Amazon crystal through Chloe’s body; she  obviously knows how to bring out its full power.” “Even so, nothing I did even slowed her down. She just scoffed it all off like it was nothing.” “Well that’s not much a surprise. The crystals were designed to counter and combat against the forces of darkness. I’m afraid your shadowy powers can do little against her.” “Agh, fuckin plot armor. Hate that shit. Wonder how it would stand against a slice to the jugular.” “Roy, your honestly not thinking about killing the young girl, are you?” “Hate the thought of it. Almost makes me shiver thinking about it. But if things get that bad, I might just have to.”
The purple angel’s regretful response draws out a surge of pink energy to course through the merc’s entire body; the flowing power causing the merc to let out a painful cry. “You will do no such thing!” Hera forcefully demands. “Dozens of lives are riding on all this. Kingsley and his parents, Tore and Mally’s mom. What other choice do I have?” Asking such causes another wave of pink to painfully course through the merc’s entire body; the shock proving intense enough to make Roy kneel on ground. “If you think of so much as hurting her, Roy. I swear that I will send forth a powerful shock straight to your brains.” “Why the hell do you care so much about that red head? You barely batted an eye when I wound up snuffing out a dozen others; what makes her so special to you?” “I...I can’t tell you. You’ll just have to trust me.” “Don’t you fuckin gimme that “blind faith” bullshit to be, dammit. I ain’t the kind of complacent dipshit that just believe whatever people say to me. Either you tell me why, or just shut the hell up.” “I can’t. If I did, it would potentially open old wounds that are just too painful to bear.” “And you think that’s any worse than what’s happening now?” the merc questions, arising from the wet dirt. The purple angel hears not a single answer from the goddess; not even a single word could be heard ringing in Roy’s head. “What urges you to prioritize one mortal over a dozen others!? Why demand me to spar one over the hundred other’s I’ve taken. Hypocrisy? Faith? Goals and end? Prophecy? Blood? Answer me, Hera!” “Because Chloe is my granddaughter!” Having finally drawn out an answer from the goddess, her words cause the merc’s pupils to gradually shrink; the only response that could escape from him being: “What?”
Strolling through the cracked, dirty sidewalk of the run down neighborhood, the blue angel can’t help but ponder upon where his purple brother might be. Mally did text something about him saying that he was taking care of the other half of the mission; meaning that he’s probably trying to find Chloe in all this chaos. If what he might have been talking about her being possessed is true, then we might be in some trouble if she winds up coming here.
In the midst of thinking of the potential consequences of going against their red headed friend, the faint sound of growling catches the blue boy’s hears; Tore stopping dead in his tracks and glancing around to try and find where he might’ve heard it. Was that a bear? Seriously, that sounded like a bear growling back there. Why is there one out this far in the city? Despite these questions, the boy finds next to no sign of any ursa in site; eventually shrugging off the bizarre occurrence. Eh, might’ve just been someone’s TV cranked up way too loud.
Once the blue boy turns his back away, a massive shadow emerges from around the corner; the shadow letting out soft, heavy breaths from its drooling maw. Once close enough to the boy’s backside, the shadow stands as tall as it can; towering over the blue angel as it begins to descend its claws towards his head. Moments before the beasts claws could dig into his flesh, Tore turns right around and catches its giant maws with his bare hands. The blue boy is caught off guard on discovering what stands against him, gazing upon the fuzzy underside of a huge ass bear; the ursa letting out a maddening roar as it attempts to push the boy down. In the midst of its roar, the blue angel headbutts the bear right in its muzzle; the blow sending the fuzzy beast reeling back. Tore takes the moment to follow up his head butt by charges straight towards the stunned ursa, driving his fist straight into the beast stomach and sending him flying into a brick wall. The unexpected ursa collapsing onto the sidewalk, the blue boy starts to carefully approach the downed bear; poking at its fuzzy hide while it remains unconscious. Just what the hell is a giant ass bear like this doing roaming the streets at night? The zoo’s on the other side of town. In the middle of inspecting the beast, the blue boys ears catch the sounds of a dozen animals worth of enraged growls; turning back to discover himself surrounded by an entire cavalcade of predatory animals; all ranging from tigers, buffalo, hyena, lion, eagles, bears, and pumas. As all of them encroach closer towards the indigo teenager, only a single thought rings in his head. “How the hell did this happen?”
“Seriously, how the hell did this happen?” Cayenne wonders as well, holding back a screaming wild baboon inches from her face. Before the simian could have the chance to tear into its foe’s face, the spice queen socks the ape right off her; sending the animal slamming right into a set of garbage cans that topple over on impact. After smacking the ravenous baboon off her, her ears catch the growl of a predator approaching from behind; turning back to discover a huge lion on the verge of pouncing right on her. With only just a single kick, the Spice queen plants her boot right in the lethal felines face; the blow causing the oversized cat to careen straight into the side of a buildings. Checking her side, Cayenne witnesses a speeding hyena lunging towards her; its bared fangs aiming at the side of her stomach. Right when the dog was ready to bite down upon the girls side, the spice queen grasps its neck moments before it could sink its teeth into her stomach; soon tossing the hyena down the neighborhood.
As she watches the wild dog scamper off into the darkness of the streets, her ears catch the sound of panicked children screaming from nearby; glancing behind her to witness a set of familiar looking kids racing across the street. “Help!” “Mommy! Mommy!” “Somebody, help!” “Ah, no, stop!” All of them cry out for somebody to come to their aid as they race away from the roaring wrath of a fearsome leopard; the feline claws coming out as it closes in on its feverish pursuit. Cayenne acts fasts and zips out towards the fearsome leapord, tackling the beast away from the children and pinning it to a nearby brick wall; the spice queen evading its constant claw swipes as she holds the feline down. “All of you get somewhere safe and hide, now!” she demands from the kids. “Mommy, no!” one of the cries. “Don’t worry, I’ll find your mom...Just beat it already!” “Stop it please, your hurting her!” another of them pleads. Hearing one of the kids mention such at first confuses the Spice queen, wondering what the hell they mean by it; glancing towards them all to find them staring upon her with pleading eyes.
As she looks away, one of the leopards back legs slashes its claws onto its captors stomach; the unexpected and sudden swipe causing Cayenne’s grip to loosen. This gives the wild beast the chance to turn the tables on its foe, shaking out of Cayenne hold and falling right onto her; the beast attempting to tear into her as the spice queen holds the feline back. “Mommy, please! Stop hurting her!” one of the children beg out loud. Its in hearing this that Cayenne finally realizes why these kids all look familiar, its the kids of that mom she could barely get a damn word out to; the pieces all quickly connecting for the spice queen. This giant fucking cat is their mom! “How...how the hell did this happen!? She just have enough of yer shit and thought you’d be better of as sirloins than kids?” Cayenne questions the children while holding their transformed mother off her. “We were all just having fun running around and playing tag, when she saw a bright rainbow light surrounding our mom and turn her into a giant cat. After that, she started chasing us all through the streets. We begged her to stop, but she wouldn’t listen.” Rainbow light?...Circe. That witch bitch has to be onto us, tryin to slow us down with this shit. The feline beast swiping its claws inches from her face, the spice queen finally tosses the transformed mother off her; Cayenne kicking the ravenous leopard crashing straight into a set of trash cans. While the feral feline starts to pick itself up, Cayenne takes the opportunity to lunge forth towards the predator; grabbing one of the trash cans in her rush. The spice queen scoops the transformed mom into the garbage can and shuts it in, trapping the beast in the can as she holds the lid down; Cayenne struggling to keep her grip as the can jerks and shakes under her. Having caught the feral leopard, she turns her gaze over towards the set of children; demanding that they: “Don’t you little ankle biters just fuckin stand there; help me find something to tie this can down!”
“What the fuck do you mean she’s your granddaughter!? You really sittin here expecting me to buy that Kingsley and Chloe are from line of demigods!” Roy exclaims. “Well, no. My daughter was born far before I became a goddess. I had perished in battle making sure that she and my grandchildren would have a future to live for, but left my little princess all alone in this world. I can’t imagine what any of them may think of me.” “And this has something to do with our situation because-” “Believe me when I say I can’t bear seeing my granddaughter reduced to a puppet for Circe’s plot, but I will not let that be an excuse to have her executed.” Hera proclaims. “Alright, alright, fine; I won’t touch your precious baby girl. But we still need to do something. If taking her head on and stealth killing is out; what the hell else you expect me to do?” the purple angel wonders.
“Hmm...there may be perhaps be one thing that we could try, but I’m afraid you may not live through the process.” “What do ya got in mind?” “Its rather in your mind, really. There is a tiny smidgen of the crystals power dwelling within you; specifically trapped inside your brain. It’s how I’ve been communicating with you all this time. That tiny bit of power might be enough to undo the seal placed on the Amazon crystal; effectively rendering Chloe completely harmless.” “Fan fuckin tastic. Mind telling me how I can use this power trapped in me head?” “I afraid that you can’t. Such raw goddess energy can only be wielded by those with the body and or mind of a woman.” “Why exactly is this called a plan again?” “Its because I can remotely control that power without you. I can essentially use it to project myself through you and lend you a fighting chance.” “I guessing this is where the “but” comes in.” Roy claims. “If we’re wanting it to be that effective, then we’ll need that energy coursing through your entire body.” “Sounds simple enough. Just get it outta my head and run it through.” “I’m afraid its anything but. Not only do I have to carefully navigate the energy out of your delicate brain; but also to make some adjustments to your insides so that there won’t be any complications afterwards. All of which will no doubt be incredibly suffering. I’m not sure you’ll make it through such a painful process.” “Bitch, have you seen how much shit I took this past few months? Beaten, blasted, frozen, set on fire, and stabbed through multiple vital organs. I got enough in me to take years worth of torturous abuse and come out of it sticking the middle finger outta my torturers asshole.” “I can’t exactly stop once we start. Are you sure your ready to endure such constant agony?” “I ain’t like we got a lot of choices or time on our hands. So we best get this shit show on the road.” “Well, if you insist. I suppose I should get started.” the goddess mentions. “Right...So just a heads up here, how painful is this going to be exactly? Will it just be a small numbing sensation or will it be a frothing agony so insanly torturous that’ll be like shoving an entire bramble branch entwined with barbed wire so far up yer ass that the thorns’ll be pokin out yer mouth. Or maybe could be that-” Interrupting his wondrous rantings, the purple angel’s entire body starts to glow a brilliant shading pink; Roy convulsing as he screams in utter pain that: “Aaaggghh! It’s worse! I didn’t think it was possible, but its so much worse than I thought!”
Set along the bottom of the dilapidated tower, a large grate stands dislodged right next to an open air vent; the midnight air blowing through its steel insides. Alongside the cold night winds, the sound of foot steps could be heard ringing through the tunnel; the breeze reaching the vertical tunnels and climbing up the shaft. Spreading itself through the tunnels, a bit of the wind reach out to both the orange haired demon and skater crawling through the sheet steel vents; Mally slightly shivering from the breeze as she checks her phone. While they traverse through the dust ridden vents, Alex swats away the dozens of cobwebs littering the path ahead of him; letting out a disturbed shiver as she glances back to her human partner to question: “Have either Cayenne or your blue dumbass of a brother called back yet?” “I’ve been sending both of them dozens of texts and voice mails, but I haven’t heard back from any of them yet.” Mally explains. “And what of your purple prick of your other brother?” “Busy.” “Gah, If none of them have even bothered to review my strategy, then I’m afraid the two of us will need to switch tactics. What else could I have expected from those incompetent fools; their lack of proper attention spans will surly spell our demise.” “Oh, don’t gimme that. Neither of us know what’s even going on out there. Maybe if you’d stop constantly putting other people down; you’d see that they aren’t as terrible as your constantly making them out to be.”
“Well, I’m so sorry that I’ve grown to have such low expectations of everyone; as if the occasional mockery and social exclusion hasn’t already painted a good picture for me already.” “I’m guessing having black horns and hands haven’t exactly given you that great of a social start; hasn’t it?” “I’m beginning to wonder what your first guess might’ve been. All the way back in kindergarten and stretching to this very day, everyone can’t help but give suspicious glares and wondering stares; as if questioning whether I’m nothing but a freak under these horns. Each and every one of steer clear of me whenever I walk by, not even bothering to talk to me when they bump by.” “...Not everyone does.” “Well of course. I’m certain that my family members have a sort of obligation to stand by me. But they’re no different in the end, glaring at me all the same.” the orange demon explains while gazing ahead. “While I’d argue otherwise, they’re not who I meant.” “Ah. Kingsley, of course. The only diamond in this hellish rough. Out of all of the people that I have encountered in my 13 year old life, he was the only one to have actually bothered to care; even stand up for me while I was being hounded by my older cousin. Quite the notable exception to this world filled with judgmental cowards.”
“What about Roy?” Hearing the purple angels name causes the demon to stop crawling in his tracks, Alex glancing back to the young girl behind him and questions: “What about him?” “He didn’t see some kind of loud mouth, pompous demon like everyone else. He saw somebody who wanted to be as amazing as they say. He could have just scoffed at you and continued with his life like every other arrogant asshat; but instead, he took the time and patients to try and change you into something better. Roy harnessed your spite, anger, and hatred to try and turn you from just another bragging and whining brat, into the demon that proves to be everything they say they are.” Hearing this sentiment coming from her masters own sister draws out nothing but silence from the demon; Alex’s eyes drifting to the sheet metal both her and her partner crawl upon. “So, now that your not bragging anymore. Can ya think of what else the two of us can do to free all the souls?”
Beyond the towers foreboding streets, the sound of screeching and roaring animals ring throughout the neighborhood; the blue angels wings lighting up the darkened streets as he glides across the skyline. In his flight through the run down neighborhood, Tore glances back to find himself being pursued by a flock of deadly birds; their talons aimed right at the boy as they close in. “Come on. Leave me alone already!” he pleads while casting forth ball after ball of light towards the chasing flock. The birds of prey evades the blue boys barrage of pale light energy, the flock dispersing in all directions while evading their pursuits shots; one of the hawks ascends high above the skyline to soon dive bomb straight down towards its target. Once close to the unsuspecting blue angel, the hawk draws forth its sharp talons as it prepares to strike; gliding across its pursuits side and slashing through his clothes. Upon the hawks sudden swipe, Tore hisses out in pain as he grasps the side of his stomach; the warm wet crimson of his blood staining his white blazer. Before the blue boy could heal the new wound, an eagle flies in from below; feeling its sharp talons swipe through his face and clip his eye. The two back to back assault cause the angel to plummet back down towards the darkened streets below; crashing straight into the asphalt road. After taking the hard fall onto the concrete roads, the indigo teenager rises from the pavement as the palms of his hands emit a bright glow upon the side of his stomach and face; uncovering them as the light fades to reveal both completely. “Agh! A slash to the stomach I can take, but the eyes...god, I never knew how much that hurts.” In that moment do his ears catch the sound of a cry for help sounding off alongside loud squealing; the blue angel gazing in the noise to discover an elderly lady being chased down the street by a charging wild boar.
“Help! Somebody please!” the old woman pleads aloud while fleeing from the mad pig behind her; the tusks of the pursuing boar closing in on her backside. Just when it was ready to ram right into her back, a pair of hands grabs hold of its tusks and stops the charging boar right in its track; the woman hearing the pig scream and gazes back to discover a blue haired angel holding the wild pig back. “Don’t worry, lady! I got this!” the boy reassures the lady; holding the boar in place as it struggles to escape from his grasp. Trapping the animal in his grasp, Tore heaves the boar off its four hooves; lifting it overhead to toss its hairy pigskin right into a brick wall. Watching the boar slam hard into the wall causes the old lady to let out a horrified gasp; her eyes gazing back to the young blue boy when she notices a bright light beside her. “I wonder if I can make bacon like this?” he ponders, charging a powerful energy the palm of his hand. “No!” the old lady shouts.
Just when the blue angel was about to fire out towards the stunned, Tore soon feels something tackle him straight to the concrete ground; his beam misfiring and speeding through the night sky. Tackled to the pavement below, the blue boy soon discovers the spice queen right on top of him; Tore questioning her with: “Cayenne!? What’s the matter with you!? I was just about to make egg sandwiches with a side of bacon bits outta one of them.” “Quit trying to blast the brain outta the animals around here, you blue dumbass! We can’t afford to kill any of them!” “Why!? They could seriously hurt people!” “Because they are people, Dammit!” Her Spicy comrades answer throws the angel back a bit; the boy proving confused as all hell as he letting out a preplex: “...Huh?” “It’s true.” he hears somebody confirm.
Glancing to their side, both of them find the old woman that the angel had just saved look down upon them, continuing to support Cayenne’s claim by recalling that: “That wild boar you just threw over there happens to be my husband.” “How...how’s that even possible?” “I don’t know. All I saw was a bright rainbow light that woke me up beside my husband; looked over and saw him transform before my very eyes. Once he turned into a pig, he chased me outta the house and across the streets. No matter how much I beg him to stop, he just wouldn’t listen.” After hearing the old woman’s story, Cayanne lets the blue boy stand back up from the cold concrete; Tore asking the spice queen: “So what’s our next move, captain? It’s not like we can just stuff them all in one building somewhere; all of them would just tear each other apart either trying to get out or just natural instinct telling them to go fuck them all up.”
To the blue angels question, the spice queen takes a moment to ponder what exactly they could do to combat this unorthodox situation; soon coming up with something and ordering the angel before her that: “What you’re gonna do is round up any people you see on the streets that haven’t turned and take them somewhere safe. While your taken care of all that, I’ll go around and keep the entire zoo’s worth of rabid animal people from getting further out into the city. God knows that if all of them start stampeding through town, all of Townsville would turn into a massive shitshow. That clear, bitch?” “Aye aye, captain!” Hearing the blue angel confirm her orders, the spice queen glides over to the wild hog and heaves it onto her shoulders; soon flying off into the night sky with the pig. Tore meanwhile sweeps the old woman off her feet; the elderly lady lets out a worrying yelp as she’s carried off, all while the blue angel warns her to: “Hold on tight.” As the blue angel flies off with the old woman in her arms, he takes a quick birds eye view of the rest of the district; discovering hundreds of wild, untamed predators roaming the entire neighborhood. This realizing site makes Tore let out a worrying breath; the blue boy can’t help but wonder how both Cayenne and him can sort out this giant mess on their own.
Sorry about this. This finale is taking a little longer to develop then I had hoped. But I swear the next chapter will be the last this season. I want to thank you all so much for stick by this long and hope that you've been enjoying the stories that I've been writing.
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rosywaifu · 5 years
Home {A Percy Jackson Oneshot}
Hi Everyone! This is for @coldheartedgay ‘s AU: 
“Can I ask a small request from a PJ AU I made? The general premise is that Half Bloods are born with certain hair color depending on their Godly Parent. Percy - Aqua Annabeth - Silverish blonde Grover - Deep Green Etc.” 
I read this request at one in the morning, so I may have gone a little off-book so if this isn’t what you had in mind, LMK and I will redo it to what you actually wanted! But, when I reread it this morning, I thought what I wrote was actually kind of cute so here you go! Please, enjoy and keep requesting, I love it!! 
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Percy brushed the hair from his forehead, trying different hairstyles by pushing and pulling the strands in different positions. He made faces at his reflection; pouted lips, smoldering eyes, sucked in cheeks for the haute couture look. Finally, he let his aquamarine locks flop against his forehead framing the deep green eyes staring back at him. He was worried about today. If all went well, he’d be engaged. He gave his appearance a last once-over and walked out of his cabin. The air was warm but he was able to stay cool from the breeze coming in from the ocean. He brushed the invisible dirt from his dark blue dress shirt, not being able to keep from fidgeting from his nerves. He tucked and smoothed and picked at his entire shirt to keep his nerves smothered. Once he reached the door of the Athena Cabin, he was sure his shirt was worse than when he started. After a deep breath of the May evening air, he rapped his knuckles three times sharply against the dark oak wood. He took a step back to let the air take hold in the space between him and the door. Hardly a second passes before the door swings open to reveal the silver haired beauty that was Annabeth. Percy drank in her appearance appreciatively; soft, silvery hair curled like a princesses draping down her shoulders with just the slightest bounce. Her tanned skin sporting a bright smile. Her dark grey sweater dress contrasted nicely against her hair and complimented her skin tone. Her camp necklace adorned on her neck. Percy thought she was incredibly beautiful and could hardly keep himself from proposing right there in the door way in front of all her siblings. “Wow, Seaweed Brain, you look great! Very dashing.” She smiled as she teased slightly with her words, but meaning every one. “Not so bad your self, Wise Girl. Took my breath away.” He said smoothly making her smile as she clasped his hand tightly into her own as she closed the door behind her. “Ah, I thought Piper got a little crazy with all the primping but seeing how smart you’re dressed, i’m glad she made me look so nice- even for just a casual date.” She sighed as she talked, half because she was so content with walking with Percy right then and half because she was frustrated he never gets any of the hints she’s dropping to have him propose. Annabeth wasn’t normally one to beat around the bush, but she had let Piper and Hazel convince her that proposing was a delicate matter. She had to use subtlety, they said. It had been 3 months now and Annabeth was about ready to shove that subtlety right in its—
“So, I thought we’d have a picnic near the strawberry fields and the water.” Percy’s voice musing out his plan for the evening kept her from finishing her derailed train of thought. “Sounds lovely, Percy.” They walked in step to the place where Percy was sure he pulled off the most romantic picnic area that ever was. A deep blue and grey plush rug, mechanical candles (as to not start and forest fires), fresh strawberries, cherries, macaroons, and sparkling lemonade. He wanted to get champagne to toast to like they do in the movies, but Chiron, as happy as he was that Percy was proposing the Annabeth, would not bend the rules of no alcohol on camp; even to those of legal drinking age. So, sparkling lemonade it was. Annabeth gasped at all the effort, Percy went through- all the food and drink with the candles glowing in the fading blue sky, even lily pads with little pink and purple flowers floated atop to the water in the little inlet. The whole area looked like a magic forest. She gave Percy a big smile who looked a little sheepish at her happiness. He wanted to make this their most memorable date yet. Sure it was happening at camp, and not a fancy french restaurant but camp was home and their favorite place to be, especially with each other. They sat down and talked about random things and nearly anything that popped into her head. Annabeth talked about the new building design she came up with, explaining all the intricate and delicate ideas and designs she came up for it. Percy half listened to Annabeth, truly trying to listen no matter how hard it was for him to pay attention when she talked about stuff like architecture. He wasn’t super into it but that didn’t mean he didn’t try to pay attention and ask quality questions. The other half fretted about the right time to pop the question without cutting her off too soon or waiting until the end of the date. Soon, Annabeth started asking questions for Percy; how his day went, what he had done since the last time they saw each other (which was only since breakfast that morning). Percy’s tensed shoulders relaxed at talking about the sea animal he got to save that day; a large sea dragon of sorts, about the size of a baby calf, got caught in flurry of fisherman’s hook, fishing poles and netting. He got pretty banged up and his dad sent word to him, via hippocampi, that the mythical creature needed his help. And Percy truly animated when he told the tale of his daring rescue, diving under the ocean waves, swimming as far as the English docks to rescue the incredible creature. Annabeth smiled as she could literally feel the love he had for animals. Eventually, the evening began winding down as Percy felt the anticipation buzzing his every nerve. Annabeth began to clean up but Percy stopped her quickly. “Hold off on that a second. I-i have to talk to you..” his voice was jilted and stiff. Annabeth had a gut instant fear that he was breaking up with her. Would Percy really be the type of guy who would give her a great last date before breaking her heart, like how you give your dog the best last day before having to put him down just so they have one last good memory? Percy, with how completely endearing he is, and idiotic, would probably think a great last date would ease the blow of a breakup, unknowing how wrong he was. Annabeth’s moment of doubt was quickly scrubbed away as she remembered how amazing her relationship was with her boyfriend. Things started to ease as they left their teen years behind; calm and soothing. They spent a great deal of time with one another but still had their own friends and lives as to not smother one another. In fact, it was her relationship being so great that led her to wanting to get married in the first place. She stood up and grasped Percy’s hand gently as he led her a tad closer to the water, wanting to feel the comfortable rock of the waves; encouraging him. He knelt down and grasped both her hands tightly in his grasp. “Annabeth, I love you so much, I would probably, no actually i know i would have died without you back when we were twelve on our first quest together. You have saved my butt so many times over the last ten years, I know i’ve saved yours at least half as many. Without you, my life would be less interesting. I wouldn’t know any of the differences of buildings, I wouldn’t understand what it means to be a hero at all without you teaching me your resolve, confidence, determination and power. You are the most incredible, smart, beautiful, infuriating and talented person i’ve ever met. I love getting lost in our discussions on the lives of the greeks might going on, I love getting lost in ADHD and caffeine fueled ramblings. I love to being in the same room as you. I have been building to this moment for years now.” He pulled out a ring box and exposed the small and dainty silver ring, with the most intricate engraving of wave designs and olive branches interchanging curling up to wrap around the small and modest ocean colored jewel. The jewel seemed to change color with the light passing through it giving it the appearance as if the jewel contained a part of the Mediterranean sea within it. “Annabeth “Wise Girl” Chase, will you do me the absolute pleasure of becoming your husband, your meddling partner, for good?” His eyes twinkled with hope and promise, a smile tearing his face apart as he stared adoringly at her deep storming grey eyes pool with love and excitement. Annabeth fell to her knees, a large smile unable to be constrained on her face. “Yes! Gods, yes seaweed brain! I love you!” And before Percy could slip the dainty ring on her finger, she pulled him into a kiss, embracing him fully, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. His own arms pulling her closer into him, wrapping his own arms tightly around her waist. Seconds later, they pulled apart and Percy was able to pull the ring from the box and slide it softly onto her ring finger. As he did so, Annabeth reveled in the fact that some times when the light danced perfectly on the sparkling jewel, it looked like it was colored as vibrantly aqua as Percy’s hair. Percy watched her face smile at her new rings as she admired it. “I got the jewel straight from the ocean. I went deep sea diving for months looking for the perfect one. When I saw it, the filtered light from the sun streaking through the ocean made it look silvery blue and it reminded me of you; your eyes and your hair. Plus I had Leo and Tyson design the actual ring part, giving my two-sense about the design here and there of course but they built it. However i did make sure they included a specific point.” He smiled conspiratorially, making her arch her eyebrow in piqued curiosity. He gently grabbed her wrist and gently pushed the jewel deeper into the ring. It turned into a half shield, covering her wrist to her elbow and about her arms width above and below. She marveled at the beautiful shield; deep silver with the etched designs of ocean waves and olive branches seemingly moving in wave patterns across the shield. “I named it stavroménoi erastés, meaning Star Crossed Lovers, as a reminder I guess that even though our parents hated each other, our friendship and love can survive and conquer anything. To always protect you and to have a little piece of me when we’re apart.” He winked with the boyish grin adorning his features. Out of the corner of her eye, Annabeth saw something move near the bushes. And thanks to the nearby ocean, Percy had the same quick instinct. With incredible precision from years of battle reflexes, that and living this close to a forest packed with monsters and Clarisse, Percy drew his sword Riptide from his pocking, dislodging the cap as he pulled it out, ready for use just as Annabeth shielded part of her face with her shiny new sword as she drew the dagger that had previously been strapped to the outside of her upper thigh. They pointed their weapons to the noise, poised to attack at the slightly motion of an ambush. “Show yourself!” Annabeth called with incredible strength, almost making Percy want to drop his weapon at her mercy. He thanked all the gods on his good list that he never had to be on the business end of her dagger like that. Suddenly a large tuft of forest green hair appeared above some of the bushes, sporting rather silly looking branches, that Annabeth quickly deciphered as horns. Soon a glimpse of pink hair, flaming red hair, sky blue hair, dark black hair, dark, oil slicked-looking red hair, bright gold hair and blood red hair peaked over the top. Percy And Annabeth shared amused looks before lowering their weapons. The spots of colored hair soon officially identified themselves as Grover, Piper, Clarisse, Jason, Nico, Leo, Hazel and Frank. They all shared a slight look of embarrassment but it was more or less overshadowed by their excitement. “S-s-sorry, guys! We couldn’t help but watch! We would never want to miss the proposal of Percabeth!” Grover bleated. He ran and gave Percy the manliest embrace he could muster. Suddenly, the whole gang was surrounding them, cheering him for finally being able to muster the courage to do it, admiring the ring, and celebrating their engagement between the favorite couple of camp half-blood. As much as Percy wanted to be mad and embarrassed that they had all heard him pour his heart out and let it gush all over the place, he was actually very glad to have his own little cheer squad, cheering him on and lending their support to this anticipated moment. Annabeth was a little more angry than Percy but her anger quickly subsided as her friends gushed over the idea of a wedding making her insides feel all giddy and excited. The stole a glance at one another over the roar of love and support from their friends, no- family and admired each others glow of love making their hair glitter silver and aqua in the bright, sparkling moon. He was so glad he proposed, knowing right there, right then, the wedding would most definitely take place here at camp; at home.
Word Count: 2,261
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sawyersick · 5 years
1 through 69 because you gotta twin with me
aight here goes bitchez
1. are you religious?
nahh but my parents sent me to church camp when I was in elementary school??? For the cheap childcare I guess???
2. what animal do you think you’re most like?
I haven’t thought about this much but I think a field mouse!!
3. how do you take your coffee?
never……………………… I hate coffee
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
my mom’s bosses son forced himself on me when we were 6 lol so I don’t count that……….. so 15 i guess (according to my friend, if there’s no hormones it doesn’t count lol)
5. museum date or aquarium date?
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more?
Just my ears are pierced and I have a whale (badly) tattooed on my hip I’ll post pix if you want but its pretty uggo
I want another whale on the other side so I’ll be symmetrical and a triangle hand tat….. maybe an eyeball tat (a tattoo of an eyeball…. not one on my eye lol)? I’m not really interested in anymore piercings tho
7. favorite fruits?
8. favorite vegetables?
when I was 12 I ate so many carrots my skin turned orange and my mom thought I had jaundice
also I heckin love mushrooms
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
I’ll only date you if you treat me with respect :(
10. do you cry a lot?
yeah lol at least twice a month minimum
11. who are your closest friends?
I don’t really have any? I’ve felt distant from my irl friends lately so idk probably just demo
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
I did the walk out for gun violence
13. do you play any video games?
helllllls yeah but I usually only play 3/ds
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase?
yes and I think I’m still in it rip
15. what color is most of your wardrobe?
I think I wear a lot of blue! and black and white too i guess…… I’m trying to add more reds tho
16. what do you like to do for fun?
I bake and sew and draw! and listen to music
17. what is your biggest fear?
body horror tw for this one rip
being abandoned, being forced to do horrifically gross/unclean stuff, getting my eyes gouged out, getting the bones in my hands broken, getting acid poured on my face, the people around me dying, being forced to eat live slugs, getting my skin peeled off with a knife
18. name a subject you know a lot about.
whales/the ocean in general and baking!! and the band Liily
19. favorite fictional characters?
hm idk? Link and Zelda from LoZ, Clover and Snake and Aoi from 999, rhyme from TWEWY, Maka and Soul from Soul Eater, Storm from the Xmen, Ariel from the Little Mermaid, Chun Li, the Kagamines, Rilakkuma
idk I just thought about characters I have merch for
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books?
I used to??? Haven’t had the time for it in a while though and I’ve been reading a lot of how-to books as of late….. I really liked the Legend trilogy though
21. how would you describe your style?
art style and fashion style would both be classified as “cute but tries to be edgy” I think
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it?
Yes!! a pastel elephant with a rattle in it named Elephant (very creative I know) He’s in my stuff somewhere now and this question reminded me to go find him again
23. what’s something most people love that you hate?
hmmm…. sports? mustard? airpods???? idk
24. do you think you’re a good singer?
actually yes? I wanna be in a band but I’m lowkey afraid of singing in front of people I know but have no problem doing it in front of an audience of strangers hmu if you’re in the SF bay area I’ve written 6 punk songs
25. who do you live with?
my parents and cat
26. favorite desserts?
ice cream, anything with chocolate or whipped cream, creme brulee, lemon tarts
I’m not too picky though lol
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
realizing that I can actually do mostly whatever I want and most things have fewer consequences than I think
also cutting people out of my life that emotionally exhaust me
28. favorite makeup brands?
uhhhh whatever’s cheap and doesn’t make my eyes burn ig urban decay is good when I can afford it
29. favorite clothing stores/brands?
Goodwill??? I used to shop at f21 but I try not to anymore
30. what was your first job?
working at a lake teaching windsurfing and sailing and I still work there
31. do you take a lot of naps?
n o  I absolutely  h a t e  taking naps and try to avoid them
32. what is your favorite part about your body?
hmm I have pretty good hair i think and sometimes my eyes? I have huge (genetic) eyebags tho which gets me down
33. are you more dominant or more submissive?
In day to day life I guess I’m more dominant??? like I make decisions when nobody else wants to :0 also idk intimately since iM aN aDuLt vIrGiN and pretty sex repulsed but probably sub 
34. are you more outgoing or more shy?
outgoing but sometimes it makes me annoying
35. how tall are you?
short…………………………. 4′8/143 cm
36. what is your body type?
uhh hourglass????? maybe pear I got them Thunder Thighs according to the guy who got kicked out of drama club for peeping in the girls changing room
37. favorite flower?
calendula, sunflowers, lavender and dianthus!!
38. favorite planet?
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year?
I wanna be the bride of frankentstein but in a shiro lolita coordinate to make her look ~fancy~ or the Nancy part of Sid and Nancy if I’m in a relationship by that time
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
Ideally the same age and I’m wary of dating anyone more than 2 years younger or older than me but I’m more willing to date older than younger
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
yall know who it is already but
in a band, dark hair, kinda tall, very fashionable, coincidentally happens to be the same racial mix as me, good at art, very humble, really sweet, lives in SoCal, has a hand tattoo of milk and “aye yah” on his arm, paints his nails orange, wears a lot of rings, gets freckles in the summer, prefers vanilla over chocolate, ties his shoes the cool way
42. who is your biggest inspiration?
idk at the moment? I like to draw from many inspirations
43. do you have any kinks?
44. do you own any pets?
one (1) very loving cat
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like?
……………………….. myself
I literally had to google mixed race celebrities and STILL none look like me lol
46. do you like sports?
not really except I weirdly like baseball
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
Yes!! I won tickets to On Your Feet and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
I also won Hamilton tickets but saw it in SF yall should download the app
48. what is your favorite kind of food?
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid?
MERMAID actually I have a mermaid tail too so
50. what is your instagram?
@wishwhale :)
51. glossy lips or matte lips?
glossy by default because I have chronically dry skin/lips so matte lips are sooooooooooooooo uncomfy but it looks good on other people lol
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best?
grape because im weird
53. what are your best personality traits?
I’d like to think that I’m kind and sometimes funny
54. what is your ethnicity?
55. what different hair colors have you had?
brown and brown with pink that was supposed to be purple
56. favorite disney princess?
Ariel! bc mermaid
57. favorite album of 2017?
Humanz by Gorillaz  or Deep Dream by Daddy Issues I guess
I was weirdly obsessed with Feel Your Feelings Fool when it came out but I’m not really into it anymore though
58. have you ever had braces?
59. favorite holiday?
Halloween! Because dressing up is fun
60. post a selfie.
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how do I make this smaller anyways I don’t normally wear this much makeup but I’m going to a small show tonight
61. are you a good swimmer?
Yes!! I swim once a week at my local pool
62. do you wear jewelry?
I used to wear a lot………. like multiple necklaces and bracelets and rings daily but now I wear my ring every day and a necklace/earrings if I remember
63. can you play any instruments?
I’m learning guitar!!
64. do you have any siblings?
short answer is no but you can dm me for the long answer
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they?
just my maternal grandmother and she is almost 90! My paternal grandmother lived to 102 so I’m hoping for those good genes though (I think she would have lived longer because my family suspects elder abuse by my weird aunt)
66. who knows the most about you?
hmm probably Demo or Emily
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot?
I! Never! Shut! Up!
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self?
shut the fuck up you stupid bitch you arent cool
69. how many pillows do you sleep on?
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beccas-a-cipher · 5 years
Originally posted: 4 June 2018
I believe that right after I posted this, the first canon appearance of the Everston garden showed up and I was very sad
"Okay class, today we're visiting the school garden. As many of you probably know, Everston has many facilities to accommodate for all types of magic and special powers. However, unless you're special ability or interest has to do with many of the facilities, you're not likely to know about them." Mister Foley explained while glancing at Ivy. The girl with the flower crown had almost literally lit up at the first mention of the garden.
"You seem excited," Melissa commented knowingly. Ivy had an elated look on her face.
"Are you kidding?! The school garden is like, my favorite place in the entire school! I love that we get to visit it in class!" She exclaimed.
Melissa rolled her eyes. "Well now ill know where to find you when you mysteriously disappear twice a week."
Mister Foley ushered the class up and out into the hallway.
"G-guess you'll be in y-your e-element, huh I-Ivy?" Chase questioned with a hint of hesitation.
Ivy nodded as she skipped along. "Mhm!" Her eyes widened and she spun on Quinston. "No using either of your powers near my plants! I don't want to see any leaf crisped or frosted!"
The boy's green eyes widened and he raised his hands in a mock surrender. "No plant-harming intended, m'lady," he promised.
Ivy nodded approvingly. "Just making sure."
Mister Foley led the class out the front doors, then went around the side of the school to the back. They went under an arch made out of a bush, and they were suddenly transported to an alternate universe.
The sun shone brightly on the open planters. Butterflies and bees buzzed and fluttered about, making a few students freak out and dance as they dodged the black-and-yellow pollinators. There was a grid of planters about four-by-four feet each, with all sorts of colorful plants growing. Some had vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce, while others had rose bushes and tulips, hydrangeas and dahlias. Along the edges of the secluded area surrounded by shrubbery and a few planted in pots were medium-sized trees, a few with fruit like apples or cherries or lemons dangling from the branches.
Ivy was grinning like an idiot. "Welcome to the Everston gardens!" She announced for Mister Foley. He frowned but let it pass as the rest of the class gasped in awe.
"This place is awesome!" LuLu exclaimed. Jin said something excitedly in Korean and started bouncing between the planters. Ivy waved to her friends.
"I can give you guys the grand tour! C'mon!" She grabbed Melissa's hand and pulled the laughing bluenette along. Chase and Quinston followed. As they passed by the dinosaur Magiclica, Ivy paused before smiling at Kaya and grabbing her hand too. Kaya was surprised and she made a sound of protest, but Ivy dragged her into her "grand tour" as well. The boys shared a confused look, but said nothing.
Ivy started pointing out signs and marking on the large grow beds. She basically knew this place by heart, as she spent a lot of her lunches here before Mel came and befriended her. Many of the beds were from students with similar powers as the purple-haired girl; or maybe just had an interest in gardening; from previous years, as there weren't many students that had those traits this year. Ivy cared for all the plants when they needed it.
"These plants are my babies," she had said in a dead serious tone when Quinston asked about it.
Kaya giggled. "Like my fanfics!" She and Ivy high-fived. Melissa looked puzzled while Quinston immediately started blushing.
Ivy led them over to a planter in the far corner. "And this," she did a wide wave over the plants as she stepped out of the way to give a clear view. "Is my garden."
For a small area, it was like a miniature paradise. The leaves seemed to be almost a radioactive green, they where so vibrant. The flowers almost seemed to glow their red, oranges, pinks, purples, whites, blacks, and blues. There was a wooden arch with morning glory winding around it, completely covering it in slender, heart-shaped leaves and flowers of purple rings. There were curved poles with hooks on the end, and hanging from those were baskets with draped wisteria and fuchsia hanging just below head level. There was also a small tree growing in the center, with strings of fake flowers connecting it's branches to the hanging planters.
"You've got quite the green thumb, m'lady." Quinston remarked while everyone looked impressed.
Meanwhile Ivy's expression was one of sheer horror.
"NO! This cannot be happening! My poor plants!" She bawled and started swiftly looking between all sorts of leaves.
Melissa glanced at Kaya in confusion. Ivy had one fist curled at her side while she made a upward motion with her other hand, and immediately plants started growing upwards. The problem was revealed as Kaya made a gagging sound.
Dozens of slugs were all over the plants. Munching on the leaves, sliding up or down the stems. Ivy looked furious.
"How dare they! No slugs are going to ruin my garden!" She threatened.
Melissa frowned. "Quinston, couldn't you like, crisp them with your fire power, or freeze them with your ice power-"
"I would, except that Ivy told me specifically not to do that, and although you were dealing with the Spero at the time, I saw her mad and I'd really not rather have that fury turned completely towards me." Quinston interrupted, getting a laugh out of everyone.
"Good call, Q!" Ivy called. "I know what we need," she decided firmly.
"W-what's up?" Chase questioned with a tilt of his head.
Ivy had a glint in her eye. "We need salt."
"Okay listen up everyone!" The girl with the flower crown looked like a ferocious military officer as she marched up and down the row of her fellow classmates.
While she was freaking out and acting like this was an FBI mission, Quinston and Melissa had actually gone to Mister Foley to ask if their plan was okay. He decided that since he honestly didn't have much else planned other than coming here to the garden, that this worked as a good team-building exercise for the class (and it made the gardening crew's work a little easier.)
Ivy pointed to the boxes of salt that were in the edge of one of the grow beds that Mister Foley had warped to the kitchen to borrow. "In all these planters around you, full of exquisite nature, are evil menaces that destroy, just out of sight!"
"Do you think she's taking this just a bit too far?" Kaya whispered to Melissa.
The sound manipulation Magiclica tilted her head from side to side. "It's honestly debatable. This is Ivy we're talking about." Kaya couldn't deny it as Ivy continued her speech.
"This enemy, slugs, are vulnerable to salt. We're going to go through all the planters around here, and salt any and every icky, slimy, flower-destroying slug we find!"
Onii whined. "But what did the slugs ever do to you? Aren't they kind of cute?" She asked. All eyes turned to look at her. The Aussie rolled her eyes. "Yeesh, just kidding."
With that, everyone got to work. Jin used his special power to fly over the planters and sprinkle handfuls of salt. Everyone else had a handful of the rock substance and if they found a slug, they would sprinkle it with a pinch of salt and leave it without a second thought. Ivy was checking on each planter, making sure there wasn't so much salt that it was going to affect the actual health of the plants any more than the slugs had been.
All was well and done as the class finished up. Mister Foley gathered everyone at the entrance to the garden.
"Well class, I hope that everyone has learned something today. Whether it be the location of the school garden whenever you're in need of a place to enjoy nature, or that there is always a balance between life." The lunch bell was going to be ringing any minute now.
Ivy felt something on her leg. She looked down, thinking it was a leaf, but then screeched.
She nearly toppled her friends as she jumped and tried to get the rather large, ugly brown slug off of her bare leg.
Always wondered if this was a little too extreme, but idk? It was based off something that happened to my family’s garden at the time actually so...?
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batwynn · 6 years
I want to get to know you better! When you get this post 10 random facts about yourself and pass it on to 10 lovely people you want to know better too.
1: I’m a lucid dreamer, so when something I don’t like happens in my dream, I can rewind it and start it over again to try to fix it. Only, there’s these very specific dreams with a very specific thing in them that I can’t control at all. Luckily I don’t have them too often, but I have been having them since as long as I can remember.
2: When I was a kid, my grandfather and I found a dead moose in the woods. We tried to keep the dogs away from it but they kept coming back bloody every day. One night, one of them didn’t come back. We waited and called. Didn’t come back. In the morning we found the decomposing moose head in front of the steps and a very proud dog sleeping under the porch.
3. One time, when I was five, my great uncle bought me a stuffed owl. I loved it—so much that I took it to bed with me that night and snuggled right up to it. Later that evening, I woke up and sleepily looked at the stuffed animal in my arms. I immediately screamed my head off because the eyes were glowing in the dark.
4. I grew up with a weird mix of ADD and OCD that meant I either couldn’t focus on anything for longer than a minute or I hyper focused on things to the point of annoying everyone around me and myself. (Luckily I’ve mostly got this stuff under my control now. Mostly.) I also tended to repeat things I liked, like bird sounds and interesting words. At one point, when I was seven, I learned the phrase ‘hasta manana’ and was so pleased with how it sounded and what It meant I decided to say it to every kid in school when we all lined up to go home. For several weeks. Finally, a teacher had to tell me to stop annoying the other kids and I felt so badly about it I could barely talk to anyone at that school for the rest of the time we lived in the area.
5. I used to chew on pens until someone threw a marker at me and it hit me in the eye. I ended up with ink in my eye and I got so scared of ink poisoning for a while that I stopped chewing on pens just in case.
6. I dyed my hair moss green in 3rd grade, dark purple in 6th grade, hot pink in 8th grade, and lots of different blues as an adult.
7. (Warning: choking) I was eating a cherry popsicle once and the entire thing slid off the stick into my throat. I tried to just swallow it all down, but it was stuck right in front of the epiglottis and was just sitting right where my airway started. Since my gag reflex doesn’t work for this kind of nonsense, I was stuck trying to squish it up my throat with my hand around my neck all while I was starting to see spots and lose balance and that wasn’t working and I panic but for some reason I didn’t go in the other room where my grandfather’s wife was ( a literal friggen DOCTOR) and finally I just swallowed as hard as I could and oh man did it hurt but I finally got it past that little flap there and could breathe again. I couldn’t talk for days after that, and I’ve never eaten one of those popsicles again.
8. In 8th grade I had pizza shoved into my face and got punched in the head several times because I stood up to a girl who was bullying my friends. (All guys at the time) My friends started acting really weird not long after that, and started making mean jokes about me for no reason at all. They were just generally treating me like crap. I warned them I would stop talking to them and sit somewhere else at lunch if they kept it up. They did, so I got up one day and ate my lunch at the goth kid table. We never spoke again.
9. When I was eight I ate an entire mango all on my own. About an hour later my entire face and lips were covered in a rash that lasted over a week. That’s how I found out I was pretty damn allergic to them.
10. I can twist my tongue all the way around.
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the-theater · 4 years
Story Two: Fucks High; School for Furries and Drug Lords (Pt. 3)
The Finale to the Kronicals of Rebecca Swansin. It ends as it began; making absolutely no sense whatso ever.
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chapter 24 the new villain
Asahi: You’re adding a third villain before you solve any of your other villain problems?
AN: I did some artwurk for rebecca enjoi it! tel me wat u think abut it!
Briar: I am thankful that we don’t see the artwork. I know nothing of your art skill, but I don’t want the mental image I have of Rebecca to be shattered.
I got the estate which I looked at. It was a freaking beautiful shade of blue which reminded me of a cloudless summers day [AN: REBECCA IS SMART SHE READ SHAKESPEARE].
Cherry: Cloudless summers day has nothin’ to do with intelligence, literally anyone can relate a shade of blue to a time of year.
Asahi: Is she trying to reference A Midsummers Night Dream? Not really my favorite when it comes to Shakespeare.
I smiled on the side contordedly. I stood agast because the sight was so great to see!
Briar: I don’t think “Aghast” is the right word to use in this context, unless you really are horrified by the house.
The walls of the estate were red because the Collins love blood and really tall to ward off Mexicans.
Asahi: Racism. Nice.
Cherry: Didn’t ya just say that it was a “beautiful shade of blue”?
Finally we entered the compownd through the gates and we saw the house. It was at least 10 times bigger than my own house (before it burned down). I felt a ping of sadness growing expectantly in my heart from the void where I lost my house. But I had to go on and do good things to make up for my past sins.
Briar: At least you’re trying to do good.
Asahi: Trust me, that ‘I must do good things’ bit will stop as soon as Bella shows up.
I saw a homeless person on my right as we enterd. Determined to do good I have him money so that he could start a new life. It was a lot of money. Trust me.
Cherry: Thought their house was s’possed to be secluded. Ya know? Give em the privacy to be who they are an away from prying eyes. So why’s a homeless dude all the way over there?
Anyways then we went into the hose but then we went right back out to see Edowerd's gazeebo.
"This is the Gazebo" edowrd said pointing at the gazebo.
Asahi: And this is the Department of Redundancy Department.
It was a huge gazeebo outside near the beyutiful flowers. It was cloudy and sunny through the parts of the sky that weren't cloudy.
Cherry: So is it cloudy or not?
A single beam of light appeard and glinted down on me. It was simbolic of me being a gud person deep down [AN: STOP HATING ON REBEKA SHES NOT A BAD PURSON SHES ACSHUALLY MISUNDERSTUD!].
Briar: Ah, no. No, she’s not a good person.
Asahi: That’s just God focusing in on her so that he doesn’t miss when he brings down the meteor.
"It is a nice Gazebo!" I said happily but falsely. What edowerd didn't know is that I was starting to forgive him for his trespasses against me.
Cherry: Edward did nothin’ wrong!
Then we went inside the gazebo. It had beautiful Roman and Greek arcitecture which assured me of the Collin's wealth.
Briar: I’m noticing that she really likes to use the word ‘Assured’.
Asahi: Huh, now that you mention it, it is overused a lot.
"Now let's see the house" Alicica said. We walked past the drug lab were Alicia made her gods when she wasn't at school.
Cherry: Why struggle to find a God when ya can make one in your own basement?
Ever since she invented a cure for aids she was richer than anyone could ever imagine.
Asahi: She cured AIDS? Huh, that’s actually a really good thing. I’m glad. Though I’m worried she’s overcharging for it like America does for EpiPens.
Briar: Kind of…specific.
Asahi: Just a jarring example of American greed. An EpiPen costs over six-hundred dollars over in Cherry’s country. Here in Japan? Eight-thousand yen—er, that’s about… seventy-four dollars or so.
Cherry: Yeah… kind of a big price gap.
We went inside the Collins hose. It was HUGE. It had a TV and a kitchen and a table and everything.
Briar: As opposed to houses that don’t have a table or kitchen.
Then Alice took me up to her bedroom and gave me new clothes as she prepared her rum for having 2 people.
Asahi: Except she shares her room with Jasper, her boyfriend/husband. So really, we’re looking at her preparing her room to have three people.
Edowerd and jakub couldn't cum up because their boys and boys shouldn't be in girls rums [AN: you here that you sickos].
Briar: But Jasper, her husband, is an exception.
Anyways Alicia gave me a pink turtleneck with sleeves to the hands and a red catholic schoolgirl miniskirt and black pantyhose. It looked so god with my purple raven hare with golden streaks.
Cherry: She got to mention the rabbit every time?
Asahi: I feel bad for it, Rebecca dyed it’s fur and then painted a gold streak through it.
Tanishashanqua also equips something like that she had a white dress shirt with blue kaki jeans with shoes. Alicia stilt kept on her drug dealer uniform. After that we all made fiendship bracelets so that we would know that we would never abandoned one another ever agin.
Briar: Give it a few chapters.
Asahi: I find it amusing that Tanishashanqua and Alicia got a single sentence each for their clothes.
"Yo homie this shit be gold" tanishashanqua seed happily.
"Okay guys let's see the rest of the house" I said. If it weren't for me reminding everyone of everything we would never get places on time.
Cherry: Actin’ like yer friends are dumb, that aint a ‘good person’ thing.
Then Alice showed us the Bathroom on the basement floor. There was also a winery and a gym and a basketball curt.
Briar: That’s a big basement.
Cherry: Ya get drunk out of your mind, an then ya play some basketball.
Then on the middle basement floor there was a secret passage to the Armory. Then Alice showed us the dungeon.
Asahi: They have an armory and a dungeon? This is Sims level of basement design.
"Guys don't let Esme know that I showed you this" Alice said qualitly. We all shook our heads in assumption so she would know that we wouldn't betray.
Briar: ‘Assumption’ isn’t quite the word you’re looking for.
Asahi: I think you’re trying for ‘assured’ again.
Then we saw the videoguming rum. It was nice and big. Then I saw EDowerd's piano. Rossey's room had lots of guns and ammo and grenades. Alicia's room had lots of pink.
Cherry: Ya coulda just used the wiki to know what the house was like instead of makin’ up shit.
Cherry: Though, Rosalie’s room sounds awesome.
"This doth be Emmets Roometh" Edowerd sed as we entered Emmet's rum. It was dark with pink stripes. Emmet was listening to Lady Gage's "Born this way". I would have moshed with him to the music but only fucking stupid Goths and emo shits mosh. So instead we all danced normally.
Asahi: Ah, insulting goths and emos. Still proving that you’re not a good person.
But suddenly there was a HUGE FUCKING NOISE from the front of the house!
"OPEN UP MOTHERFUCKERS" said the door!
Briar: “How about we don’t!” the wall retorted.
"SHIT! THE COPS!" Alicia said as she got her gun out.
"No wait let me talk to them" Jacobo said. Then he took off his shirt and opened the door. There were two more cops.
Cherry: Shirtless Jacob, surefire way to get rid of all cops.
"Hello Rebecca. We are here to say sorry. We couldn't find Chadley's murderer. We thought that there might be evidence in the murder sene but now the Murder Scene has been burned down! Do you know who did it?" They asked.
Asahi: The culprit for both is Rebecca.
Jakub nodded towards me. I remember that before he said it was okay to do bad things but only if they were for good reasons. So I lied.
"It was esme." I said. Edowerd and Tanishashanqua and Alicia and Jacob all nodded chalantly.
Briar: You know I don’t quite understand why Esme is getting such hate. It’s nothing compared to the hate Bella gets, but Esme was a genuinely nice person for the most part.
"Bitch please" Someone who looked like Esme said as she went into the room. Then she took out a knife and stabbed the two cops and then ate them. It was... ESME!
Cherry: So the chick who looked like Esme and ate the cops really was Esme. Shocker.
Esme was standing there all eviliy and everything. She was dressed in a business women's suit and was easily taller than jakub. She had a black dress on too.
Asahi: Is she wearing a dress or a business suit?
Briar: She’s wearing the dress over the suit, maybe?
She had dark golden hair which went down to her back and also had leopard highlights. Her front tooth was missing but we didn't bring it up. Not even Rosalie because even Rosalie was afrade of that mega fuckking egotistical biotch Esme.
Cherry: Seriously, what did Esme do wrong here? She’s a nice person.
"By the way you bitches all need to go back to school tommorrow." Esme sed.
"What!? Why!?" Alice asked
"Shit's fucked up yo. People be dead and shit." Tanishashanqua sed.
Asahi: And whose fault is that?
"Too bad you bitches. I'm the new prinsipul and I say that school goes back tomorrow. And I hired new teechors too." She sed, pointing at ME! "ALL TO GET YOU, REBECCA! MY ENEMY! I WILL KILL YOU BEFORE THE WEEK ENDS!" she warned super evily.
Asahi: Are we ever going to get a reason for this want to kill Rebecca? Of course not.
Briar: I just assumed it was for revenge because of all the things Rebecca has done. To protect her family.
"FUCK YOU BITCH" I sed. I almost attacked her with my katana but I stopped myself because we wuld need Rosalie to take down Esme and this wasn't a good time.
Cherry: Also, Esme is a vampire an would fuck you up.
"HAHAHA! YOU WISH BITCH!" she said! "BY THE WAY I HAVE HIRD THE VULTURE TO TEACH CLASSES!" she screamed! Then she jumped out the window and left!
Briar: …Because the Volturi would happily stop their own work, their very important work as being the strongest and largest coven, and leave Italy to teach high school… all because you asked?
Asahi: Makes absolutely no sense.
"Who the fuck are the vulture" Jakub.
Cherry: Vultures are a type of food who eat dead animals.
I knew the answer becausemy friend Claritee had gotten away from them as a kid. But i deicded to let Edowerd have a moment of intelligence before he acted like a stupid fucking bitch again.
Asahi: And insulting Edward again. Really racking up those “Nice Girl” points.
"They are the vampiores who have superpowers" Edowerd send as he came.
Briar: …A lot of vampires have powers.
Briar: Actually, now that I think about it. What happened to the Cullens powers? I don’t remember any mention of Edwards mindreading powers, or Alice’s future vision.
He was now in the room. "Do not worry Rebecca weeth caneth defeateth them." He salon said cleanly.
Then Jakub left but tanishashanqua didn't because she was sleeping over with us too. I deeply but silently wondered just what that fucking bitch esme meant when she said that she would kill me.
Asahi: She means she will kill you. It’s not that deep.
But then i stopped thinking and went to bed for the night.
Cherry: You were thinkin’ in the first place?
chapter 25 - Religin class
Briar: Oh boy. Religion. Not a good sign.
Today it was tiem to go to scool unce agin. I got out my new bead in alicias rum. I luked out the window were I saw that it was snowing outsied. Wich was werd because normally in furks it doesnt snow onlee rain.
Asahi: That’s a fair point.
I mean I caem to furks for the rain in the first place so why the fuock didn't it rain more often.
Cherry: Not a fan of rain myself. I like it sunny and dry.
Briar: Agreed. Rain can be tedious. And it can make work all the harder.
I shuke my hand at Judah in the sky before gettin dresed in my new outfit for scool. I equipd my anti raep catana and my shotgun in case I had to kil esme or jessie or vitorio or james.
Asahi: At least Meowth is safe.
Wen I got to the dur with Tanishashanqua and alice I saw edowerd and Jacob. Even tho it was snowing jakub didn't hav a shirt on so I got to see his fucking sexy hot indian abs. Judah fucking dammit I wanted to do him right here but it was fucking cold out so I didnt.
Briar: And not because of your supposed vow of abstinence.
"hi jakub" I sed to him sexily as I culd.
"hi Rebecca. You luk good today." He told me. then Jakub caem.
Asahi: Gross.
We then huged in front of everyune. He was so warm so I hung on ti hum as he ran to scool. Becuz hes a werewolf he has super speed he can just taek me places. Alicia and edowerd and tansishanqua had to taek the car tho but it was oaky they sped along the road next to us. I waved to Alicia as she drove.
Briar: Vampires have superspeed, too. Or did you just forget all the vampires having any power besides immortality and blood-drinking?
Jakub droped me on the ice wen we got to scool. Hes a werewolf so he goes to scool in an indian restarant.
Asahi: I think him going to school on the reservation has more to do with him being Native American and less with him being a werewolf.
Asahi: Though that begs the question of why you keep having them go to school at Fucks High when you say they go to school at a “Resturant”.
He left but onlee after litly kissing me goodbi. Wen I luked up he was gone. I frowned. Then I saw edowerd Alicia and Tanishashanqua all cum over together. Claritee was there too.
Briar: Didn’t expect to see her again.
"yo homie wats that" Tanishashanqua sed as she ponted her ring finger over at the scool bilding. The building was still smoky and brokin from when cops jumprfd though the windows and shot at everything.
Cherry: Rude! Couldn’t even clean up first?
There was stil blud on some of the walls and edowerd and Alicia started getting off on it. Tasnishashanqua and me both thought it was fucking weird.
Briar: It’s extremely weird.
Then Edowerd and me both luked shrewdlee at wat was happening. First there was a bunch of new students. One of them was a gai the other one was a gurl. both of them were obviuslee new. They were walking right towards us at fast speds.
Asahi: If we’re lucky, they’ll run her over. But we’re not lucky.
"hi my names Rebecca whtas yours" I asked the boy.
Briar: The girl isn’t nearly as important.
The boy was a mega ultra fucking hottie but I didn't get to see his abes so I didn't no if he was actualee hotter han jakub.
Cherry: Sexualizing high schoolers. What a great thing to do.
He was realy pail but not like that foucking sick transecual caspor.
Briar: Barely into this and we’re back at it with the transphobia.
He also had gorjus blue lipstick on. He was angry then shoked and finaly calm as he spuked up.
"I am zAlec" he sed. "this is my sistor she is Kane" he sed waving his arms arund at his sister. She was just liek him onlee with bubs and a vajayjay and no you-know-what.
Asahi: Hello, Zalec and Kane.
Briar: You could have just said she looked like a feminine version of him.
She had a pink corset on with a matching dress. she luked like mary antwonet except without the wig and without looking ugly.
Cherry: Rude. I’m sure she was very beautiful.
"well okay that's niec" I sed as edowerd tasniahsshanqua Alicia and me all went to religion class wich was the first class of the dayu. But then Zalec caem too becuz it turned out that he was aslo in the clas with us.
Asahi: Run, Zalec, run while you still can.
We weer going to religion class which was taught by Carliel who is a paster of the romin orthodoks crutch.
Briar: Because Carlisle gave up a very well paying and noble job as a doctor to become a pastor and teacher.
Briar: At least Rosalie is still bringing in plenty of money to support a family of seven.
Claritee kept looking at Alec the entire time and nobuddy paid any attenshin to that hag Jane.
"hello I am fathor carlye and this is religion class" sed carlyse the fucking gorjus fathor of the collins. Calisle was even older than edowerd and alicai combined wich was really fuocking old.
Cherry: Fun fact. Jasper’s technically the second oldest. While Carlisle turned in the 1600’s, Jasper became a vamp in the 1860’s. An Edward only became a vampire in the early 1900’s.
Cherry: Long after the ‘doth’ an ‘thy’ went outta fashion
Im not sure why but he didn't have an aksent and instead just spouke ina normal fucking sexy british accent. He also was pail. Wen calyse found god he become a fathor to spred the wurd of jesus crist to everybody.
Briar: Can’t blame him for that. Perfectly normal.
Normily scool wuldnt allows him to teech becuz of the amendment but becuz hes esmes husbando he can teech religion now.
Asahi: A Religions class is not the same as religious teachings. An educational religions class tells you about religions from an academical point of view, not a spiritual one.
Asahi: So long as he isn’t trying to convert anyone and is objective, there’s no problem with a Religions class.
I thught this was fuocking STUPID BECUZ RELIGION SHOULD BE FREE and I wantd to follo Judah and not the propped up fals god befor me.
Cherry: I’m still just assumin’ Judah is who she thinks is the God of Judaism. An in that case, Judaism has the same God as Christianity.
"Here verybudy taek a free bibul for class" he sed.
"NO FUOCK YOU YOU MOTHERFUOCKER" I SCREEMD as I tuk my anti raep catana and cut the bibul in haf. Then Carlyle gaev me a new bibul becuz he sed the lord had spaers so wen calyse told us to use the bibles I said no and riped mine in half and chuckd it out the window.
Asahi: Destruction of a religious text. Another point for being a terrible person.
"who can explain this verse" he asked politly. Then he pickd on Tanishashanqua becuz hes a rasist. "tell me tasnishashanqua why guns cant make noise in this verse" he pointed at the sun and got down and prayd as he asked the question.
Briar: What has race to do with the question? And what do guns have to do with religion?
Asahi: Nothing at all.
"gun cant sound motherfucker" Tanishashanqua began. "but neither can peace." She finished.
Cherry: So deep. So beautiful.
Asahi: Red Arrow or Green Arrow? It’s very important.
Chapter 25 - the betrayal
Briar: Okay, who admitted they wanted to sleep with Rebecca when she asks them this chapter?
IT WAS ARROW! Arrow was a new teecher here at furks high ever sinc eseme becaem the new scool psinsipul becuz i had the kil the old one becuz he wuz evil and a vampior slayar.
Cherry: Yet he didn’t do anything evil. He just stood up an ya murdered him.
But then i stoped and luked out the window away from hi mand carlisle becuz i thought i saw something in the grass outsied.
Asahi: Such an alert attention span.
But it was just a boyd. Watever then i luked back and arrow had ogtten up n the table wich fathor carlisle was supposed to be on. He kickd all the bibuls off becuz he realizes that criteenity is fuocking stupid and that judah is the way to go i hopped.
Briar: Look. I’m not religious. I don’t believe in Gods, I think they’re just stories made up to bring comfort and help guide their morality. But I do believe in respecting what others believe in.
Briar: So in short, it’s very distasteful what’s going on right now.
"what the fuck is he doing motherfuocker" tanishahsnqua asked me. Then clarity cum to us and told us something.
"im not sure but hes the new lootenant of the scool polise" she sed.
Asahi: Do schools in America have police?
Cherry: We have resource officers, but they’re not a mini military.
I noded caerfuly. Clarity had fund out about my secret lately. She new that i kiled chadley but she also new that i didnt really meen it and that he understood me and that i was atoneing for my actions now.
Briar: She just has a very loose definition of atonement.
Asahi: How do you not ‘mean it’? You went all out in killing him.
i luked into her cristel like eys and new that i had a feind forever with her.
"WHAT THE FUOCK" cristal shouted when she saw arro who is a meember of the vulture.
Cherry: Don’t scream, he’ll notice you!
The vulture killed her parents when she was yung. Now she is a vampire becuz of them. I wuld fele bad but clarity just wont get over it so wtf am i suposed to say to someone whos complaing abut their deed parents for the millinth time for yeers.
Asahi: Being an insensitive friend. Another point for you.
Cherry: Ya don’t just ‘get over’ your parents being murdered and you being turned into a vampire.
I meen my parents lucked me in a basement for yeers but u dont see me telling peepul.
Briar: Ah, the obligatory bad childhood. Wondered when we’d get to that.
Anyways arrow opene his muth and out caem words.
"I AM HEER TO ANUNCE THAT dERE WILL BE A DANSE THIS CUMING FRIDAY NITE AND UR ALL INVITED!" arrow sed from the ceeling wich he had climbed up to sins hes a volture!
Cherry: Weird power move, but okay.
"BUT IF U DUNT CUM ULL FAIL RELIGION!" he sed evilly! "AND IF U DONT HAV A DAET U CANT CUM EETHER! AHAHAHAHA!" He sed before he turend into a bat and left the classrum.
Briar: Way to keep your vampirism a secret.
Cherry: Damn, now we’re required to attend school dances? That sucks!
Then class was over becuz father calisly had to give bat the chase becuz it actualee was arrow. Clarity Edoward Alicai Tanishashanqua Salec me and the hag Jane all waked down the hals togethur.
Asahi: Is Jane the new Bella? Because I feel bad for her.
"hey rebeca hu won the elecshin" asked alicai. "i voted for u even tho rosalies my sis dont tell her or ill fuck u up" she sed quietlee. I noded my hed.
Briar: What have you done, Alicia? You’ve doomed us all.
"um i no" sed Alex hu was a quite small boy hu was beyutiful. "it wil be anunced at the danse" he sed
"how do you no that" tanishashanqua sed
"arrow is... MY FATHOR!" he reveeled and then grabed that fuocking bitch ane's arm and ran down the hal.
Cherry: Yes, but no.
Asahi: I guess if he turned Jane and Alec, he could be considered a father.
But when he was running jane let go and aciduntly steped in rosey's peth wich rosey didn't liek. But rossey thinks shes go grate she let hur of with a warning.
"bitch dunt do that agin" she sed and dicked her gun.
Asahi: That sounds uncomfortable.
"wtf rebecca u hav a posse now u miseryabull cunt" i luked it and it was bella hu luked haf emo and haf skanc. She had white fishnte stalkings and a black waste belt and upsieddown hipster glaosses. She had a blacke and gray flannel top on too wich was why she was so emo.
Cherry: Bella, no. No, please, you don’t want to be here.
Then al of a suden ALEC CAEM BACK!
"wtf do u want ho" i asked but then remebered to be gud to repeent "im sorry, i mean wat is it". Claritee and alicai saw how hurd it was for me to be niace to that fuocking biotch so they smieled at me.
Asahi: Wow, she actually apologized to Bella. I am impressed.
Asahi: I will take one, just one point from your bad behavior tally.
"i jsut want to tell u that you suck. And stink. And can go fuock an elephent." Then she turned and walked away. This is the fuocking thanks i get for hepling to protekt her from angela yesterday god fuocking dammit.
Briar: Protect? You tried to frame her for the murder of her father, the murder you did, you tied her up in a bathroom stall,
Briar: When you thought Angela was after you, you said, and I quote; "NO GETBELLA SHES TYED UP". Then you were glad when Angela went after Bella instead of you.
I waentd to cry becuz angela hadnt kiled her but then i stoped and went insied my mind and smacked my inner biotch and told her to stop being suoch a biotch.
Asahi: That doesn’t work. Trust me, I’ve tried.
"who is that gurl" alec sed starrily.
"shes bella shes a biotch" i sed.
"shes beyutiful" he sed dreemilee.
Asahi: Thank you. Yes, she is. Thank you for noticing.
I culdnt staend the thught of him lusting ofter such a fuocking hore so i decided to set him strate.
"no u don't want to get involved with her. Right edowerd?" i asked.
"yes milday doth not wanteth toeth get involvedeth with that ho" he concluded poste hayste. But then in the moment jane saw everyting going on.
Cherry: Guys, just let him be with Bella. Stop involvin’ yourselves with other peoples lives.
"WHATS RONG WITH U AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH ?!" she asked wile crying. It was disgusting becuz snot and teers wer runingn down her faec. Then she ran off into the girls bathrum so alicai claritee me and tanishashanqua folowed her wile edowerd went to go beet up dalec for being such a doosh.
Briar: But he didn’t do anything wrong but say Bella is beautiful? What? Do they want him to romanticize his own sister?
"girl dont worry ur beyutiful" alicai pated jahne on the back caerfully.
"yeah if he cant see your beyuty then hes not good enuff for you in the first place" i told her.
Asahi: …He’s her brother.
I felt good. Then i realized. Being good feels good. Maybe this was something i culd do afterall.
Cherry: You can be good. But will you? Probs not.
I was goign to be a better persun and leaf the lief of sin ive been folowing behind me. I went over to the last stal and there was a homeless person in it. I gave them som money. Then i gav him a poptart. It felt good!
Briar: …Why is there a homeless person just hiding in the school bathroom?
But then it was tiem for gim so we al had to go to class. We were playging dodjhal wich is a fun game were you hav to dodje shit that peepul are throwgin at you. Becuz of all my combat experiunce it was easy for me.
Asahi: Your combat experience is boiled down to you being saved by everyone and stabbing people for no reason.
That whore bella was on the other team along with clairy. When she wuznt looking clarity pushed her and she fell down and got hit 15 tiems by everune on our ttem.
Briar: Rude.
Asahi: And that point I took away for apologizing to Bella? It’s back and doubled.
Then the other teem god angry and throo shit at bela. I laughed so hard that i though i wuld pee myself but i wuldnt in public so fuock u.
Asahi: Tripled.
Cherry: She’s gonna have a few dozen points when its over.
As the gaem was almost ovar edowerd was hit so hard that he went thru the wall... It was CASPOR i meen CASMINE the transeccual boy! [AN: NASPER WENTS TO BE CALD JASMIN BECUS HE FELS MORE FEMINEN]
Briar: More power to her.
Cherry: Jasmine’s a pretty name. She’ll be a beautiful woman.
he hade thrown a hal so fast it broke eodwrds spien twice.
Asahi: Nice. Good job, Jasmine.
But then anya the bold stud up and cawt the ball! She was so beyutiful and fast and gud at editing. [AN: ANYA THIS IS U!]
Briar: Aaah, she has a new editor.
Briar: I wonder how long she will last.
she thrw a keyboard at bella and bella went ot the hospitul.
Cherry: A keyboard?! The hell?
Then i saw emmet. I went up to him and asked him how the gay thing was. It must be haerd not being with the une u luv becuz if he was with seth then saths family of wolves wuld exile the too and familee is all sath has sins his fathor dyed yesterdae.
Asahi: If you love someone enough, and if your family can’t approve of your love, then you’re better off without your family. Emmett and Seth would be better together if they are truly in love, and they shouldn’t care what the people around them think.
Anywasy then we won the gaem but lost the match becuz they trid to make us go outsied and sins most of our teem is vampiors they culdnt play. So it was me and anya. We tried but there wer too many. 16 acshually.
Briar: I’m just imagining that Rebecca got hit with so many balls she’s a walking bruise.
Cherry: I love that image.
Anyways then we went to our next class but first i waented lunch so i skiped and evryon caem with me...
Asahi: Considering the principle wants you dead, you shouldn’t be skipping.
I wuz going to the bathrum were i hade fught angela to a draw and then helped to beet her when suddenly edowerd apperd!
Briar: We read the story, Rebecca. We know that’s not what happened.
"EDOWERD WHAT THE FUOCK" i asked! this was the WOMINS bathrum!
"doth engaegeth in sex" he sed forsing himsefl on me! OH NO! WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO!?
Asahi: Wow. Edward that’s a bit forward.
Cherry: Yikes. Big yikes.
chapter 27 - the hospital bathroom
Asahi: It is mildly triggering every time she brings up how this school doubles as the town hospital.
Asahi: And now we have to specify that she’s not in the school-half’s bathroom, but in the hospital-halfs bathroom.
Cherry: This school had best be havin’ some damn good biology classes an pre-med electives.
Oh no! wat was i gunna do edowerd wuz cuming to me to moleest me?
"no stop edowerd i dun get ti" i sed crying.
Briar: Her crying is actually completely justified.
Briar: It feels weird validating what she says and does, though.
Why was edowerd tryign to do this to me? This was so fukced up!
Asahi: Maybe he’s coming to rape you for the same reasons Seth did to Bella? By your logic, what he does is absolutely justified then, after all.
Cherry: I don’t wanna see ya acting like a whiny bitch about this after how ya treated Bella when she went through this.
Teers wer runign down my face so quitlee and i wuz jsut so shoked. Edowerd tuk my rist and then throo me at the grund.
Briar: Break her spine. Break her spine.
"doth beeth a bitcheth" he sed and then smackd me.
Asahi: Sorry, she’s incapable of not being one.
Then he riped my shirt off.
"why are you doing this!?" i screemed at him. "STOP! WHY!?" He hit me agin, this time with his cleets [AN: EDOWERD IS ON THE SOCCUR TEEM].
Cherry: He hit her with his cleats? Not kicked her? What’d he do? Tear his shoes off an start smacking her in the face with em?
Then i felt sumthing red sleeping down my forehed. It was BLUD! he must have brike skin when he hit! "shit" i sed.
Asahi: It’s just a flesh wound.
Edowerds eies turned all red andshit and then hey got huded. He luged after me but i got up and dodgd his atac.
Briar: Because it’s easy dodging a vampire who has super speed and heightened reflexes.
He culdnt be resened with in his stayte and i was scrayd. I tride to run for the dur but then he apered and slamed it. Then he punched me and i flew back into the mirors. As i hit them they explouded into a bilion trilion shrads and they went everwere. Sum of it hit my faec and i culd tel i wuld get a scar.
Asahi: This is oddly cathartic. Seeing her actually get the crap beaten out of her. Not something you see often in these kinds of stories.
Cherry: I’m soakin’ as much of this as I can before she inevitably somehow beats him.
"AAAAAAAAAH" i screemed!
Briar: Alas, the bathroom was completely soundproof, and thus no one passing by in the halls could hear her screams and cries for help or the sounds of someone being beaten.
He hit me so hrad i went thru the sink too! Then before i culd reakt he had thrown me thru eech bathrum stal one bai one. There were five in tottal.
Asahi: I’m impressed she’s not broken her spine yet.
Finaly tho he tripped up and so i ran up to him with my katana and smaked him with it. I didnt want to hurt him he wuz my frend at one point so insted i just taped him withit.
Cherry: Emphasis on smacked. It’s not like you’d wanna cut the person beatin’ you up and tryin’ ta’ rape ya. No, that’d just be rude.
He lost his frenzie and then luked at wat he did to the bathromo.
"doth fucketh" he sed and then before i new it he had sped out of the rum.
Asahi: So, the cure for a frenzied vampire on a rampage is to tap them with a sword.
Asahi: As Edward said; the fuck?
I new that i had to run and find alicai and tel her wat hapened. It was hard to run tho becuz blud was gushing down thru my foreheed and it wuz gettin in my eies.
Briar: It has nothing to do with being thrown into a mirror, five bathroom stalls, and a sink resulting in broken bones and numerous bruises.
As i ran down the hal i culdtn figur owt why edowerd did that to me. I meen i no ive dun bad things in the past but this wuz just out of cacater for edowerd.
Cherry: Eeeeh… Maybe not the rape part, but ya definitely deserved the beatdown.
But then i shruged it off until i fund tanishashanqua and alicia and Jacob who was there for lunch break
Asahi: And Jacob is at their school and not the Indian restaurant he attends because…?
"what the FUCK gurl are you okay!?" Tanishashanqua asked. she tuk a cleen rag [AN" CLEEN TO PREVENT INFECSHINS] owt of her purs and then wiped my forehed with it.
Cherry: She’s honestly the most competent person here.
"alicia get out of heer u wont be able to resist the blud" Jacob sed to her. She noded her hed smoothlee and then jumped up the roof and out of scool grunds.
Briar: As you do when you’re leaving someplace.
Jacob picked me up with tanisahshanquas help and they tuk me to the hospitul wing of the scool. Then i blaked out.
When i woke up jacub was there with me. I had a yellow bandij on my hed were my wund was. Tanishashanqua was there to, but she wuz sleepign becuz sh ewas tired.
Asahi: Now be quiet, we don’t want to wake Tanishashanqua up.
"rebecca u need to tell me what is the matter" jakub sed. "who did this to you. I want to help" he sed as he culd see me.
"it was edowedr he tried to raep me" I sed cheerliee
Asahi: Weird thing to be cheerful about.
but no then sadlee becuz i had the shit beetin out of my.
Cherry: Ah, ya forgot ya ought to be sad bout that. Happens all the time.
"itll be okay i'll go take caer of him" jakub sed as he got his axe out of his pockit.
Asahi: Are you tired of your belts constantly breaking when you hang your axes on them? How about the axe hitting people or the walls whenever you try to squeeze by people?
Cherry: Well, now ya don’t got to worry about any of that anymore! We’re here introducing the newest innovation in yer axeman lifestyle! The pocket-axe!
Asahi: When you’re tired of cutting down trees and killing vampires, you just fold it up and slip it right into your pocket. No more axe-idents.
Cherry: No more problems!
Asahi & Cherry: Buy yours today!
Then he howled and turned into a fury and then juped out the window of the hospitul rum.
Briar: Was he still carrying his axe?
Cherry: Aw the widdle wofly cawwied the axe in his widdle mouthy.
I wuz glad that he wuz ther to support me. I wuld support him in my own speshal way in the futor.
Asahi: “By stabbing him in the dick.”
"fuck yu you cunt" i herd. I luked up. It was BELLA! She wuz the one in the hospitul bed to the side of mine! God fuocking dammit i thught to myself slylee.
Briar: Bella, my favorite person, you’re okay!
"what!? What the fuck doyou want bella!? Cant u just leev me alone!? JUDAH FUOCKING DAMMIT U WEER ALWAS SUCH A FUCKING BITCH TO ME I HATE YOU" i screemd in fuory. Uh oh. I was supoed to be gud.
Cherry: Ya never been good.
"thas hard to do when u do shit like KILL MY FUOCKING DAD YOU CUNT" she screemed even loudlier.
Asahi: She has a very valid point.
Briar: Can’t argue with her reasoning.
I gasped loudlee so that she culd understand my shouck.
"ur just jelus that chardly always luved me mora than you" i sed furiouslee!
Cherry: An you repaid that love by killin’ him.
She was so shucked that she culdnt even say anyting to that. Then she luked down an troddin. Wich ment that she new i was rite. Wich ment that i weon.
Briar: Doesn’t justify the murder.
Asahi: We all know Charlie really loved Bella best, she’s just full of herself.
I got up out of my bead and went to the hospitul rum bathrum. Y didnt this victoree feel gud tho?...
Cherry: Oh, God!
Cherry: Are ya learning empathy?
As i steped into the bathrum to go tinkle my combat sens tingld.
Asahi: “Look mom, I can rhyme! Are you proud of me, now?”
Sudenly i dodj roled out of the atac in the smal bachrum onlee to see... ANGELA THE VAMPIOR! She was back!
Briar: Why do all these vampires love attacking girls in the bathroom? Edward did it once, and this is Angela’s third Bathroom Strike.
And she had a new BLAK CATANA! And she had triedto kill ME WITH IT! I ran out of the bathroom at my ful potenshil and assumd fightign pose in frunt of bella.
Asahi: Wait, are you attacking Bella? Defending Bella? Using Bella as a human shield?
"shit motherfucker!" tanishashanqua screemed!
Cherry: Oh, ya woke up to the fight, but not to Bella and Rebecca screamin at each other?
She got out her gun and poiynted it at the biotch angela. We wer gonna protekt bellas lief and also my life. I new that it was heer that i wuld maek up for my sins and devowlee folo judahs plan.
Briar: I can’t believe it.
Briar: They’re actually protecting Bella? Bella? Did someone replace Rebecca with a clone? A good clone?
Asahi: I don’t believe this is going to last, but I want it to.
As angela the vampiore stuck out the bathroom we prepard!
"u evaded me twise so now yuo both shall DIE" angela screemed! Then she LUGED!
Cherry: Oh, no! She luged! How will anyone survive?
okay i no i sed that i wuld reply to ny reviows but srsly
Jason Bartholomu 12/4/12 . chapter 16
Do you even lift?
lift what i dunt get it what the fuock is rung with u pepul
Cherry: Ya don’t get the most iconic an basic of memes? Disappointin’.
chapter 28 - Rebecca & Bella vs Angela
Then she LUGED! I gasped wile tryign to deflekt angelas atack with my catana. She was very skiled but i think that i was more thern a match for her wile we were in the hospital rum.
Asahi: No. No you’re not.
"SHIT HOMIE GEDOWN" tanishashanqua SCREEMD as she usd her gun at angela. I was fsat enuf to dodge the bullits but if i hadnt bene then i wuld be ded.
Cherry: Considerin’ how fast bullets move… that’s physically impossible.
Angela didnt tho and she got shotted at leest 4 times in the neck. But she didnt say anything like i expected her to so it was werd. She jsut tryed to stab me and tanishashanqua and bella sum more so u no wat? Angelas a fuocking bitch.
Asahi: Takes one to know one.
Suddenly anya the bold ran in wile eeting cheetos and poptarts and luked at us but she was so scray by wat she saw that she ran out. [AN: ANYA GET UR AKT TOGETHUR UR SUPOSED TO BE EDITING NOT EATING CHEETOS U FATTI]
Briar: That’s one way to chase away your editors.
Asahi: I’m surprised it took this long before she lashed at her. I can assume that after this chapter she won’t be editing for you anymore.
but then angela threw her sword like a boomeragn and it cut off anya the bolds arm so TAEK THAT U CAN GET UR ARM BAECK WHEN U START WURKING AGAIN!
Cherry: Yeah, no one in their right mind’s gonna deal with you when ya do shit like that.
"Bella u need to get out of here we caent hold her off for loung!" i sed wile trying to be a gud person. It was hard to prove it tho becuz there wer no homeliss pepul to give poptards to but whatevr.
Asahi: I think you need to understand that doing good deeds because you want to be seen as ‘good’ isn’t the same as doing good deeds because it’s the right thing to do.
Anyways then angela smacked tanishashanqua on the hed but she didnt stop THERE! then tanishashanqua luged at bella but i blocked the atack. Tasniahsnqua then tuk out a nife and went for Angela!
Briar: Tanishashanqua, you’re having some trouble remembering who your enemy is, aren’t you?
"YOU WILL NOT STOP ME!" Angela screemed but then tanishashqnau stabed her in the gut with her getto nife and then i pushed her owt the window of the hospitul rum. Luckilee the rum is fiev storys up so angela had a long fal to deel with.
Cherry: It’s rather quick when ya take into account the speed ya fall at.
"we need to escape befor she climsb back up here" i sed serverlee. I luked ovar at Bella and Bella was just fuocked up becuz of this drama and shit.
"WHAT THE FUOCK IS GOIGN ON!?" she screemed.
Briar: Very valid response.
"luk motherfuocker that bitch is gonna kill you too if we dont run so u can eether stay here or run with us to be abel to survive" tanishashanqua sed.
"she wuz the one who atacked us in the bathrum stal" i sed to clarifye the situation.
Asahi: So long as you avoid going into any bathrooms, you’ll be safe.
Bella thught for a secund and then nodded her head.
"okay, ur right." She sed.
"we need to get away and fast" i sed as i locked the windows so that when angela tries any spiderman shit to get back into heer it wuldnt wurk.
Briar: You could always break the glass.
"how are we going to do that!? Shes so strong a powerful!" bella sed wile starting to cry a litle bit.
"Theres only 1 persun strong enuf to take on angela for shure" tasniahshanqua begined. "Rosey." I nodded my hed becuz this was a relly good idea. Thank gudness tasniahsnqua is such a gud friend with gud ideas.
Asahi: Thank God Tanishashanqua has the one brain cell this group shares.
"does anybody have a car that we can use to get to the collins house?" i askd the too.
"i do!" bella sed and then we all went to the parkign lot to get into beds fuocking uglee truck. Even tho it was uglee and i haet it with all my pashin it was savign my lief now so i maed sure to remember to fix it when this was all ovar.
Cherry: This is so weird. She’s… growin’? As a person?
Cherry: Am I dreamin’?
I culd start to append for my sins by treeting the things in my life better. As we were gettign into the truck, we herd a fucking obnoxshis screech.
"GET BACK HERE BITCHES!" It was ANGELA! She was on a moturcycle! She tuk out a pistol and started to shoot bullits at us so we got into the truck fastlee.
Briar: Motorcycles… are like metal horses… that’s kind of cool.
Cherry: Motorcycles are awesome, I defs’ want one.
Tasniahsnqa and I got into the back bed [AN: THATS WERE U PUT THE KARGO AND SHIT IN A PIKUP TRUCK]
Asahi: I’m pretty sure most everyone knows what the truck bed is.
and asumed fihgting posishin. I tuk out my shotgun and shotted it at angela wile tanishahsnaqua tuk out her getto pistol and also shotted it.
"GO GO GO GO!" i screemed and then bella tuk off out of scool grounds and around the town while angela followed us. Agenla tried to shoot at the car but tanishashanqua shot back and i deflekted bullits with my anti-raep catana wile shooting with my shotgun.
Cherry: I never did like the ‘deflects bullets with a sword’ trope people love doin’ in anime.
It was hard, to sto pthe bullits, but i had to protekt bella, the driver of this vehicol. but then Angela activated her turbo button and then she was speeding up so fast that theer wouldnt be a chanse for us to escape! It was as if she had a jet in that fucking moturcycle!
Cherry: That’s pretty cool, actually.
"Bella!" i screemed! "Speed up! We arent lusing her!"
"IM TRYING DONT DISTRAKT ME" bella screemed. I meen i understand her srtress but hello tanishashanqua and i wuldnt let anything happen to her. But whatever she desruves the beenfit of the doubt.
Asahi: This is so weird.
Asahi: I’m not complaining, though.
We sped up rally fast and then Bella tuk the truck out of the town and into the windign roads behind the town. There were lots of trees everywhere and it began to raen liek crazee so i felt at home.
Cherry: There’s this magical barrier that kept the rain out of the town.
Suddenlee a coip car starded to get in on the chase too! We were tryign our best to deflekt bullits but then the fuockign cops tried to drive US off the road insted of angela!
"Tanishashanqua the cops are alyed with Angela!" i sed! We were doomed unless we culd get those biotches off our backs!
Briar: Maybe it’s because you killed one of their own?
"i got this motherfucker" tanisahsnqua sed and then she shot the cop driving the car in the hed and he died and his car went off a cliff and exploded.
Asahi: Ah, another murder. Good job.
Then we went back to doign what we were doign before.
"YOU WONT ESCAPE EASILEE!" angela screemed and then she tuk her gun and aymed it at the tire of the truck and SHOT THE BULLIT! IT HIT! THEN IT MADE A NOISE! Tanishashanqua and me almost fell out but before i new it Angela had use d the swurve to JUMP INTO THE TRUCK WITH US! FUCK!
Briar: This is equally unexciting and exciting. It’s kind of scary how she managed that.
"FUCK YOU" i screemed and engayged her in one on one swordfightign. It wuz her black catana versis my anti rape catana and it luked liek i was losing!
Cherry: Surprisin’ absolutely no one.
I just culdnt keep up with her enhansed vamprie powers! FUCK! She then pujnched me in the boob and smacked me!
Cherry: Ouch, boob punch. Low blow.
Then she luged for tanishansqua! NOOOO!
"FUUUUUUUUCK" tanishahsnqua screemed as angela cut off her pistol hand with her evil black catana! Then she picked up one of my onlee friends and threw her out the back of the truck wile bella was driving it at 120 miles per hours!
Asahi: Ah, man. You killed off one of the few interesting characters.
It was tramatic taek my wurd for it.
Briar: I’ll have to.
"Bitch please this is still my fucking turf ur on" someone sed. IT WAS ALICIA! She was drivign a sports car and had caght tanisahsnaqua's bodee with the hood of her car.
Cherry: That’s actually gonna be pretty painful.
Asahi: At least Alicia is here. Now they stand a chance of survival.
Tanishashanqua got into the car wile alicai shot at angela frum the sports car. I new then that this wuz my chase to get a hit in on angela so i struck and almost nocked her off the speedign truck! Btu then she hung on and overpowerd me.
Cherry: Surprisin’ no one.
"No matter how many of u weeklings show up I will still rain supreme!" she sed evilee! Alicia used her vampire strength to shoot many bullits at angela but angela also was a vampiore so she dodged them like a profesional. But no! some of the bullits that missed angela wuz going to hit bella! I tried to dodge into the atac but i onlee tuk too bullits!
Briar: It’s so jarring that she’s throwing herself into danger to protect Bella. Is this the same Rebecca?
"SHIT" i screemed. I had faild and culdnt protekt bella. Even tho i akt like i hate her shes secretely always been my role model and i shuldve been nicer to her.
Asahi: Know what that is? Growth.
A singul teer drop fell frum me faec as i relized wat was goign to hapen. I herd a screem from bella, and suddenlee the car went off the side of the roed and into the wuds. Angela and i went flyign over 70 feet in the aeir along with the truck. As we wer in midair bella fell from the truck and angela stabed me in the stomick, but not before i shoved my antiraep catana into her nee!
Cherry: so we got three deaths?
Cherry: At least one from the 70 feet fall.
She kickedd me and i went flying even furthor. But then as i hit a tree on the way down, i herd an exploshin. Then everything went blaeck as i fell...
Briar: That was the sound of your insides turning to mush.
Chapter 30: woods
Cherry: The less successful knockoff of “Into the Woods”.
I woke up in the fucking awful rain becuz seriously people I dont love it THAT much I mean geeze.
Briar: With how much you were saying you love it, now you don’t?
Anyways my head really fucking hurt because i had been sent through a fall. I didnt know where Angela was because she had gone flal too but I knew that if I honed myself that I could find bella.
Asahi: If Bella’s dead, we riot.
I found my shotgun and katana and put then in the ground int he forest I was in. It was almost dark. I could tell ecause the sun was setting. Time had passed. I cliped my hands together and prayed to Judah that something would guide me way. Then I opened my eyes and saw the Elf Grandfather who was pointing at the car wreck with Bella underneeth it!
Briar: Suddenly there are elves?
Cherry: That’s not the weirdest thing, oddly enough.
I ran to the reck and saw that Bellas hand was the only thing not under her fucking trashed truck. It was burning and smoke and shit and the trees were going to burn down soon.
Asahi: Save her or perish.
"Bella dont worry I'll save you!" I screemed because I was a good person and shoved the truck with all my mite. It was no use those I couldn't gain ground against the truck because of Newton's laws against moving objects! [AN: FUCK YOU NEWTON]
Cherry: Newton had nothing to do with this.
"rebeeca you goddamn it fucking ugly stupid whore help me goddamn you and fuck this" she whinied at me which was totally unhelpful right now I mean c'mon I'm trying to concentrate at the moment.
Briar: I’ll admit, Bella, not the best time to complain.
"GODDAMNIT IM TRYING" I screamed at her. I mean if she didn't have such a fucking huge truck this wouldnt be tough the thing ways like 15 tons. But then my combat sense tingled and I looked behind me and suddenly ANGELA APPEARED in the sky and and she started to use her sword in me!
Asahi: Phrasing.
Cherry: She said what she meant. The swords in her.
"I'll kill you! HIYAH" She screened as she luged over and over again. I tried to fight back but it was hard because bella was there nad she was the targit and I was trying to protect Bella but Angela used and I couldn't truck!
Briar: She couldn’t truck?
Briar: Is that some modern age slang?
"WHAT YOU SAY TO ME!?" I screamed as I punched Angela's breasts in the fight.
Cherry: Another boob punch!
It was a ground blow but it was all I could do to stay in front. "You're a monster Angela and I won't let you harm people!" I screemed harder this time! But then Angela jumped into the air with her Katana and cut my shotgun in half! Oh shit! I was so fucked!
Asahi: Well, it was nice knowing you, Rebecca.
Asahi: Not really. But, hey, good riddance.
Cherry: Ya might not be the first monster, but ya might be the first monster coach.
Then she stopped flying right on top of me. As bella was getting her face burned and crushed by the Car Angela just kept stabbing me and stabbing me with her Katana of death until She picked me up with it and impaled me.
Briar: I’ll be fine with Bella dying if it means Rebecca dies as well, just saying.
Briar: That gives me some ideas.
She was just to strong. This was the final line for me and bella. None of my friends were around to save me. Jacob was after Edoward who was running away from Fucks and Alicia was with Tanishashanqua wherever the fuck they were and And nerd Clarity was actually in that the school.
Asahi: I forgot Clarity existed.
Cherry: Same.
I tried to take a breath but it was hard because Angela was using a sord to mvoe me.
Then all of a sudden a gunshot went off and Angela threw me off to the sword with great power! She cut the bullet in half and we both looked up! It WAS CHOCOLOVE!
Briar: Never mess with a stripper.
"Angela stop" he said while looking like a teachor.
"Why the fuck shuld I?" She asked as I was there and on the ground almost dead and Bella was almost dead to. She was about to snap my neck so it was good that Chocolove arrived to stop her!
Cherry: I’d be more concerned bout all the holes you got.
"Because" he said wile pointing at Angela the Vampire! "When you were alive, I WAS YOUR FATHER ANGELA!" She then started to cry becuz she was just confused by touching it all. Then she got fucking angry!
Asahi: What a twist!
Briar: I’d be crying tears of confusion, too. This is pretty nonsensical.
"YOU LYING FUCKER" she screemed and then tried to stab him but Chocolove's forcefeld stopped her from comign close to him. "AAAAAA" she screemd as she went flying backwards into an other grandfather elf tree.
Briar: The poor elf-tree.
"ITS TRUE" he screemed! "YOUR MOTHER IS NONE OTHER THAN RENNY!" Everybody at the sene gasped because of the revelatin! If angela was renny's dohter then that meant that... "YES!" Chocolvoe screemed! "THAT MAKES ANGELA BELLA'S SISTER!"
Asahi: Clearly Renée had the true harem.
And then Angela started swearing so much that I'm not even gonna fucking write it becuz seriously it would take up like 5 pages of text.
"you bitch" Angeal screamed and then broke down on the ground.
"Its true their insides are made of the same blood..." he said. "My daddy blood".
Asahi: Ugh, I hate the word ‘Daddy’.
Cherry: Wouldn’t they be sharin’ Renée mommy blood?
Asahi: Don’t say ‘mommy’, either.
And then all of a sudden my pain wouldn't release because Angela had still stabbed me. But then something amazing happened that saved my life that I will never forget!
"HOMING MISSLE BOMB STRIKE" sed a voice! The voice belonged to Alec!
Asahi: You’re still here?
All of a Sudden Angela went missiling up into the air like some sort of flying projectile and left the atmosfear. Jane was there too but she was a had so it didn't matter.
Cherry: Wow, rude.
"What are you doing here you fools?" Chocolove asked
"I am here to save Bellanita and Rebeccadora [AN: THOSE ARE THEIR FULL NAMES]
Briar: I don’t know about Rebecca, but Bella’s full name is Isabella Marie Swan.
from sertin death" Alec said. "They are too close to the collin compound and you know what lies in there! We must not let Esme see them!" And then Jane nodded and made a incantation to say "HOLY" and then the truck got up and rolled over and away from Bella so that we culd save her.
"Don't worry" Alec said to me. "My powers sent her to the MOON" he screamed.
Briar: Well, we know she’ll be back on earth in an hour, tops.
"I won't let you ruin my plans!" Chocolove said with anger and blood dripping from his voice and then his forsefield grew to ten times the original amount! "Esme will hear about this blatant betrayl of our plans and then you will suffer the consequences!"
Asahi: I’m sorry? What?
Briar: The stripper is evil, what a shocker.
"what are you saying Chocolove!?" I managed to ask wile bleeping out onto the forest ground.
Cherry: I’ll give ya props for being awake after all that blood loss.
"I wont asnwer that because it would spoil my plans" he said. And then he made to summon a Lance and equiped it to do battle with.
"Well too bad they are our friends and we will save them" jane sed finally speaking up! Then she made a ninjutsu sign and then screamed "TELEPORT" and the four of us (Me, Bella, Jane, and Alec) teleported away from Mr. Chocolove!
Asahi: What? This is Naruto now?
Chapter 31: Return to School
Suddenly like as if were teleported we were in the school. I was there with my wounds and Bella was there with her face and shit all burned and alec and Jane were there to.
"We will take Bella to the facility" said Alec. He puked up Bella with amazing speed and pushed everyone out of his way to the hospital. Jane cried like the hag she is and then teleported away.
Cherry: This fic is makin’ me ship Alec/Bella.
So then I had to go to class to find claritee because she was the only one who could be my friend since Jacub was in the pursuit and Tanishashanqua and Laicia wer .
Briar: I’m impressed she is able to spell Tanishashanqua the same every time.
Then I looked up at the clock and there was enough time left in the day to go to my next class wich was a math class. I hate math because I'm not very good at it because of Newton [AN: FUCK YOU AGAIN NEWTON].
Cherry: Newton’s got nothin to do with ya sucking.
Asahi: I think you skipping the rest of your classes would be justified at this point.
"I'm sorry I'm late sir I was busy fiting angela" I said to the teachor who was suppled to be Mr Clearwater but I acted a gasp when it wasn't! It was Hasmes the man whose arm was missing after he consumed Clear water!
Briar: Hasmes is still alive? Wow.
"PAY ATTENTION TO THE BOARD REBECCA" screemed Hames the Vampire teacher of my Calculus class as I perfectly sat to my seat. We were learning things like how to divide funktions and trickonometry. "YOU ARE THIEVING KNOWLEDGE FROM THE OTHER STUDENTS" he screamed wile waving chalk and shit around the class. I don't get why I even try its not like I'm asian or anything so fuck this shit.
Asahi: Wow. Racist.
Cherry: Everyone’s gotta learn math, deal with it.
"Psst Rebecca want to buy some weed" sad the boy to the left of my seet! IT WAS SERKADES! [AN: SERKADES IS ONE OF THE SNERKERS].
Briar: Who from the what?
Asahi: No idea.
He was a sit there and selling drugs to me and everything! I went all D: and then he Took out the dope and waved it in my fucking face. "I need it to pay for my props" he tried to say slidely.
"Mr Hames serkades is selling drugs!" I told the teechor but he was so busy reducing Clitoria that he didn't notice.
Cherry: Ouch, clit reduction in a classrooms gonna be painful.
"No I don't want any of your fucking drugs so stop before alicai sees you beside I am too far above the inner fluence" I told him. I was trying to help I mean if Alica saw this shit she would fuckign kill him for being on her turd.
Briar: Fair point.
"Your strong so I can not do anything to encourage you" sad Serkades because he just kept on trying to sell. "I'll call you when I'm selling cheap" he sed and swiped me his phone number for texting because nobody calls anymore.
Cherry: That’s a lie.
I riped it up because I was done being a bad person and I didn't even try to stab him so I felt good about myself just like it should be. In fact I was going to tell on him and do the right thing so he could sort his life out. Judah would want that.
Asahi: It’s so weird seeing Rebecca be somewhat good.
"Bye mr Hames I am going to the School police" I told Hames as I got up and left and he just stuck his middle finger up at my because she was busy kussing his lady bitch's face to notise his job. I walked down the fucking empty halls and located Arrow's room since his is a liutenant [AN: THE SCHOOL POLICE ARE IN ARROWS ROOM].
Briar: So this school has a hospital and police.
Briar: All it needs is a bank and it’s a town of its own.
But I heard mouning going on inside so I quickly opened the door to investigate!
"WHAT THE FUCK" I SCREAMED because I was scared. My old fiend Clarity Etude Symphonia was on the desk laying there and Arrow was on top of her as a Bat masticating on her body! He just kept going and going it was fuckign sick. There was blood everywhere like a volcano in Italy.
Asahi: Disgusting.
Cherry: Repulsive.
Briar: Revolting.
"Get off of her what the fuck are you doing!?" I screemed and took out my Katana and threw it across the room but the Bat dodged and I tried to get but I could because bats and its wings kept fapping.
Briar: How the heck is it still jerking off while it’s flying?
Asahi: I don’t think we want to know.
"You disgusting shit I will kill you" the bat said using Ekolocation to translate thoughts into me! "I have killed this worthless hunam and drained her of all of her blood" he translated loudly!
Cherry: That’s not how echolocation works.
"You sick fucker your wrong I am a vampire too!" Clarity screemed as she got up to kill Bat but he stopped her and went through her breasts to get inside her body! "FUUUCK" Clarity screemed!
Cherry: I’m scared but what’s goin’ on?
"I am now inside her body it is warm like a volcano's bakemeat. I shall nest in here" he said and then closed the entrance to her body so that he would be safe.
Asahi: By the looks of it, we’re in Alien now.
"Arrow stop trying to live inside of Clarity!" I screemed to protect my friend! I wanted to kill him but I couldn't not without killing clarity too.
"There is no use Rebecca" Clarity said now crying a lot not as much as Bella when Chadley had died but more than when Bella cried over Mikes dead body.
Briar: Bella is a good gauge of how sad you are. Are you “My dad died” sad or “This kinda-friend who won’t take a hint died” sad?
"He will nest in me and you cannot harm him without killing me first" she sed.
Asahi: Time to take one for the team, Clarity.
"Clarity you are my friend we will solve this predicament" I sad. "Esme will pay for this!" I also sad this time waving my fists towards the sun.
Briar: What does Esme have to do with this?
Cherry: She’s just a mom who wants to raise kids.
"No Rebecca you must know what I found out before…" She sad as she drew her gun from her bra. She was shaking because she was losing control of her body to the parasite Arrow inside.
Cherry: Aren’t most men parasites?
Asahi: Hey!
Briar: Rude.
Cherry: Bad joke. M’bad.
"The volutre are a diversion… Esme hired them to kill anyone on Cocolove's trail…" She was puking blood now because Arrow was eating her from the inside. She took out a jar of holy water. I was crying it was so traumetric.
Briar: Probably should see some therapy.
"He is the masterind behind everyting and he is connected to everything… You were not always supposed to…" she stopped and then her eyes rolled back like some weird chuky shit.
Asahi: Chocolove is the beginning and end, he is everything and nothing, knows all, sees all.
Cherry: Chocolove the secret main villain?
Briar: Exaggerating a bit there.
"URGHGHGH GOODBYE" Clarity barfed and then she chugged the entire jar of holy water. Then her entire insides caught the fire and everything except for her bones and muscles and skin burned up she no longer had orgins to donate in case someone was going to dye.
Asahi: A vampire probably can’t donate their organs, either.
"AHAHAHAHA NOW I CONTROL HER!" Arrow said from inside Claritee as he piloted her like a giant mecha like in one of those animees. "IT IS I THAT CAN GRASP THE GERATEST MONSTER BY BEING THE GREATEST MONSTER OF THEM ALL!" But the clarity I knew was dead inside arrow had masticated into her and then she had commited to suicide by drinking water and now she was hollow. "THANK YOU REBECCA YOU MADE ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE" He screemd and then using Clarity he ran out of the Office.
Cherry: So Rebecca is the final villain.
Cherry: That makes more sense.
I ran out of the office too but I was crying because today had been really bad. Then Alicia and Tanishashanqua and Jacub and Edowerd all came to me. Except edowerd couldn't talk because he was typed up and his mouth was closed with duck tapes.
Asahi: Ah. Jacob caught him.
Asahi: Good doggy.
"What is wrong Rebecca?" Said Jacub. He helped me close very sexily I could even felt his nipples through his shirt.
Briar: Stop sexualizing him.
"Clarity just died" I sad.
"Aww that stinks" Said Alicia which reminded me of smoking da Mary J.
"By the way that fucker Serkades is trying to steal your turf where were yoy anyways!?" I questioned while flapping my raven hair with golden streaks in the dramatic sexy wind.
Cherry: Ah, was wonderin’ when we’d get the hair in the wind.
Asahi: The sexy wind, mind you.
"I was getting a new hand" sad Tanishashanqua who now had a robot hand sort of like Luke Skywinkers from Revenge of the Jedis. "The surger was difficult but I pulled it through" she said.
Briar: Oh, cool.
Cherry: That’s badass!
"THAT FUCKER" Alicai said and took off into the school with a gun equipped to use on SErkades that turd. Alicai would settle him straite.
"But anyways Rebecca why are you so beat up" Jacub asked.
"Because wile you were away Angela attacked me Bella and Tanisha and then Bellas truck fell and Chocolove stopped the killings!" I told him. He nodded very quickly at first but then stopped and did it slowly. Suddenly it became raining and thundering outsied so I felt at home.
Asahi: I’m surprised she didn’t yell at him for not being there.
Cherry: That sounds like something Rebecca would have done.
"We need to investighat Chocolove" Jacub said. Tanishashanqua wasn't sure at first since this was her dad and this meant that he was a lying cheator on her mother because shes a year older than angela (Tanishashanqua is 18) so now she had a reason to rebel.
Briar: Yikes, I feel bad for Tanishashanqua, in this case.
Briar: Her dad cheated on her mom.
"Jacob you go find Alicia and do that." Tanishashanqua said while taking control of the situation.
Asahi: Tanishashanqua is the true boss here.
She was preparing to distance, I could really tell. Jacub ran off and then Edowerd Tanishashanqua and me were left. "We need to go find Alec and Jane, some is telling me that they are more into this than we think." Tanishashanqua said and with that we were off to go an interrogate the two.
Cherry: Well, they are part of the Volturi.
AN: I have decided on what I will do after kronicals I will write a prequel telling of how angela became the vampire bitch that she is today I hope you all red it when it comes out BUT THIS ISNT ADVETISING SO DON'T TAKE IT THAT WAY GEEEZE
Briar: Why would you insert it in the middle of the story?
Briar: Why not at the end?
Cherry: Why ya think we want to know how she became a vamp?
But Tanishashanqua and jacub couldn't do it so they caem back. Then we were the 5 crusdaers again because clarity was a robot for arrow who was piloting her quickly. The 5 of us were there to crusade against esme and shit so we went out to buy dresses and suits for the guys for the upcoming school dance.
Briar: That’s nice of them, their buying the guys dresses and suits.
I had a feel that esme would attack then because she is a mega fucking bitch who ruins everything he touches.
Asahi: Esme just wants to be a mom and have a family.
Briar: Thanks for emphasizing.
to buy fresses for the dance. I saw one that was fucking beautiful with maching pink laces on the gown and Alicai told me to buy it. But at first I didn't have any money but then I remembered that when I killed Chardly I stole his wallt too so I opened that up and took the money from it.
Asahi: Wow.
Asahi: You kill the man and steal from him. That’s low.
I felt bad for about a second I mean it was his fault he dyed the stupid fucker
Cherry: Rude.
so I took the money and began to use it to pay for the dress when then I saw who the casher was!
"CHADLEY WHAT THE FUOCK" I scremed! Jacub Edowedr Alicai and Tanishahsnqua all looked amazed and then scared and then worried. "I thought you died" I sed crying because this was so emenstionul for me.
Briar: Wait? Charley is alive?
"actuall you killed me swine" he sed.
Asahi: She is swine. That is true.
I looked at him and he was a vampire just like Edowerd and Alicai and Esme and Angela and all the others.
"WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKER YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT" I screemed! I mean geeze he didn't have to go do that if he was alive all along.
Cherry: Your logic astounds me.
"But wait we flamed the house" edowerd spoke to say. "how can you be?!"
"Esme saved me fool she took my body and vamped it out" he sed and then he stuck his arm out at me and graped my throat. It really fucking hurt but not as much as the payne in my heart from having to have to put down chadley again for being an abomeration.
Briar: For starters, this is justified, you killed him. It’s called revenge.
Briar: Second. Abomination? Wow, that means Alicia and Edwards are abominations, too.
I cut off his hand with my Katana and then engaged him in combat.
"fuck you" I said and then cut his head off. His body fell.
Asahi: Can’t you just let the man live?
"Yay way to go" Jacub chwrd and me but then he got all scared all of a sudden! "Rebecca look at the scene!" he said trying to warn me! I looked back and there was the head! It was floating and being!
Cherry: Don’t you hate it when heads start floatin?
"you did not kill me hard enough fool" he sed and then tore my dress in half with his zombie toeth. "Besides before I die I have to tell you the secret of what Esme is going to kill you with!" he scremed so then I stopped trying to kill him to listen. If he had disciplined earlier none of this would have ever happened it was all fucking chadley's fault!
Asahi: She is a pro at shifting the blame.
Briar: It’s amazing, really.
"what" I sed huffing expectantly
"Esme is going to mutate the town using radio waves from the radio station! And if you do not stop her than she is going to nuke everything!"
Briar: Mutate and then nuke? What point is there in the mutations, then?
then he finished and opened a portal and flew his head in and then the portal closed as I called him a fucker because right now hes being one goddamit.
"We have to fight aggrsively Esme will mutate the entire town if we do not stop the radio from spreading! She has the nuke and she will use it if we lose!" Alicai said taking out her gun. Tanishashanqua also took out her gun Jacub took out his ax and Edowerd his nales as the Crusdaer Crew got ready for battle.
Cherry: Why’s Edward all in the clear now? Did we miss an apology or explanation?
Briar: I don’t think we did.
We left the store but before that I all got my dance dress on because the chaser was dead wich meant free clothes!
Cherry: That’s not how that works.
When we got to the outside Esme was flying in the air. The sky was green from the radio's waves. Rose was flying too because she can be a fucking bitch.
Asahi: Volcan… Bakemeat…?
Asahi: What the Hell?
That's when her army of zombies appeared and shit went residint evil on us the zombies were under esme's control so when she told them to attack they listened.
Cherry: She’s gonna make me hate RE, ain’t she?
Anya the bold and serkades were there too. But you know what fuck this shit I'm tired of these fuockers.
"FUCK YOU" I said as I took out my katana and cut off anyas head because guess what IM TRIED OF YOU RUNNING MY STORY WITH YOUR BAD INFLICTS ON EVERTHING GO BACK TO TH WHOLE YOU CLIMBED FROM!
Briar: Because that is mature.
Briar: Real mature.
Then I saw serkades but it was fine because Edowedr chopped his dick off with a chainsad they got from alicai.
"that is is Esme, Rebecca, we cannot die" I was told but there was too much fighting I culdnt tell who sed it. Whoever they are they were right. I took a gun from serkades because drug dealers have guns and shot it at Esme but her shield pooped up and she burned the shot to the ground! I fell distressed and dazzled because what the fuock can I even do in this situation.
Asahi: You can die.
"REBECCA!" Jacub shouted from afar "I BELIEVE IN YOU!" and with that I was better. Alicai my friend came running towards me wile Jacub and Tanishahsanqua fought zombies and shit.
"To defeat her you need to rock the fuck out" alicai told me as she handed me a rocking electic gitar made out of diamond from mars all for an awesome solo wile she took out an expensiv blood-ruby encrusted gold fiddle and got ready to fuck the rock out of me.
Cherry: I’m sorry? What?
Asahi: Did this turn into a fiddle contest with the Devil?
"take this… it is… a jew!"
Briar: A…Jew?
I looked at esme in the sky and punked the fuck out. We busted into a song that pursed the heavens of everything it had and bellowed to hell itself and then the core of the planet causing the molten iron in it to rush out like a Vulcan and bake the fucking shit off of esme's face which it did. The earth shattered in half braking apokalypticly because of my beautiful lyrics.
Briar: I don’t think destroying the world is a good thing.
Asahi: It’s definitely not a good thing.
"YES!?" I screemed to esme who was being fired and burned by the firey hot magma of my sin
Cherry: Ya admit it’s a sin, at least.
"FUCK YOU" she screemd and then teleported away but Rose didn't she got caught in the flames of ym torture and then the olten iron became a hand which dragged her down into hell.
"REBECCA SAVE ME" she screemed so I stopped my solo but it was too late Rossey was sicked into a molten spicy hellish land that is pretty bad but not as bad as what goes on in my heart mot of the time. Fuck you if you don't thnk Rebecca is deep.
Asahi: I guess fuck me.
Cherry: She’s bout as deep as a puddle.
Anyways after that we went home because seriously I was fucking done with everything today my dress was burned clarty was a piloted and angela was on the moon and now rossey's in fuckign hell which is just bad but I secretly thinks that she deserves it.
Asahi: Really racking up those ‘good person’ points.
Cherry: Ah, it’s Hell. Practically vacation.
chapter 32 - prom
It was the nite of the prom Anya Serkades and Chardley were all dead, angela was on the moon and rossey was in hell so for now all my problems wer solved.
Asahi: Well, Esme is still around.
Jacub showed up to the dor in a fucking sexy Indian outfit with only his you know what covered because that's what the indiens wore before we cockenered them.
Cherry: This sounds kind of racist.
Alice was also wearing something
Briar: I would hope she’s wearing something.
Edward had a suit on becauses hes an old school boy and jasmine was earing and Tanishashanqua was there too wearing stuff but not sa mine nice because she's a poor fucker.
Asahi: Can you not be a rude friend for one chapter?
We also had our instruments so that we could make a band at the dance because were going to play when we get there for the entire school.
"Wait Rebecca was what about esme?" Jacob opened his mouth and said.
Cherry: As opposed to when he talks with his mouth shut.
"do not worry I have a plan" I told him winking but no blinking because blinking is for emus.
Briar: …Everyone…blinks.
Asahi: She’s just dumb.
Anyways I rode Jacob all the way there and then got off when we got there. I also brought all of the instruments for our band its called "Opposite feelings give double abstinency" and its about how Judah rocks and how we will speed his world to the word.
Cherry: Ah, so basically Christian Rock.
When we got ther the dance was full all of the surviving students wer there.
Asahi: After everything they’ve been through, they deserve a dance to forget.
Jacub was my date so I was going to paes religion class like Aro wanted
Cherry: I forgot about that rule.
and esme was there too she was standing on top of the tower loking down evily at everyone and thigns.
The everything was dancing like a whore with pneumonoultramicroscopicsili covolcanokoniosis and jetengining and shit.
Briar: …Your diseases are fucking weird.
Cherry: I can promise ya that aint a real disease.
I saw bella she was an emo shit so I smacked her on the way in. Everybody laufhged at that fucking whore so we went back to dancing.
Asahi: I see we’re back to being horrible to Bella.
Asahi: The good could not last.
It was a slow song called my heart will travel on and Jacub and I dancd and made out during the dance it was so cuuute.
Briar I’ll take your word for it.
The we stated playing our band for the prom so those shitty emo fucks could mosh the fuckers.
Bullet given by bets boys
Given by all bet boys can do
Luzel try to prize up you
Willow tasted everything
Asahi: Well that song sounds like shit. Maybe it’s because it’s in English? Maybe it’s just a shit song.
Cherry: It’s a bad song.
I could see satan in my mind trying to stop me from playing but I kept going on because THAT WEAK FUCKER CAN SUCK MY TAINT!
Briar: Well, Satan just sucks.
 Bawu go away to ERROR TRANSLATION CODE fc at 405e
Asahi: …What?
Cherry: Ah, I love singing “fc at 405e,” “[] [] [] [],” and “Jmlite’swid yie cr”
The cowd rared as I busted out my epic gitar solo which also shok the foundations of the school and the earth
Cherry: Can ya not summon Hell this time?
. It didn't purse the heavens but it did cause the fucking obnockshis decorations to fall onto the prom comity which I thought was funny. But then something happened as I played the gitar began to grow and growand got fucking big and green and throbbing.
Asahi: That is uncomfortable imagery.
It throbbed so hard that heaven blew up I could see it from here. Then Hell too because half the planet was already gone it was weak from prevous strikes.
"REBEBCCA THANK YOU" people screemed astheir souls were saved by me, THE GERATEST PERSON IN AL LTHE WORLD
Briar: I’m sorry, but you’re not.
Asahi: Not even close to being a good person.
"YOU ARE WELCOME" I said to world walking the rabid truble that lay in my way.
Then the president of the school Esme came to satge to announce the winners of the election.
"hello dear children. Rossey is in hell so there will be no competition but before lthat lies we will talk about the prom king and queen!" she said and everybody cheered except me and my friends becuz we no fucking whore that esme.
Asahi: I don’t know how American schools work. Can someone who’s not a student win prom king?
Cherry: As far as I know, no?
she screemd and jacub jumped into the stage and accepted his reward. He was shirtless and shit and he was so so fucking hot I mean fuck I wanted to have sex right there I even got a bit wet.
Briar: For someone who’s so angry when people say they want to have sex with you, you sure are a hypocrite.
"HOLY SHIT BELLA WON PROM QUEEN" she screemd with her middle finger up at me.
Cherry: You earned it!
Briar: Good job, Bella! I voted for you.
Asahi: Same, she had my vote.
But then wen bella got up on stag to accept her prom award we duped a bucket of blood onto her to humiliate her in the eys of the world. The world got up and cheerd because every fucking person hates that shitty bitch.
Cherry: Didn’t you ever watch Carrie?
Cherry: That’s a bad thing ta do!
Asahi: Well, time for everyone to die.
She cried and cryed and then Mark dragged her off the stage like a cow. But for some reason I felt a ping of badness in my hart. Why did this feel wrong? She deserted it!
Briar: No one deserves that!
Briar: What is wrong with you?
Asahi: Why you do us dirty like that?
and I got up to take my crown as my prize. I had on a beatufil fucking gorgeous dress and everybody thought I was the hottest girl in the rom everyone wanted to fuock me but I was saving myself for Jacob later tonight.
Briar: What happened to waiting until marriage?
Asahi: Knew that wasn’t going to last.
"yo motherfucker good job." I turned my head to see who the fuck called ME a motherfucker and It was Obomba he was here to give me my reward!
Cherry: Look, I’m sure Obomba’s got plenty more important stuff ta do than be here.
Obomba is the president of the country! He was wering a swhil traditional dress and shit.
Asahi: I’m sure he’s rocking his dress.
Asahi: But this honestly is starting to sound like that R/ThatHappened.
Cherry: We just need peeps to start clappin.
"you are an example for us all" Obomba sad and he put the crown on me because I was the president and empress of the danse! Everybody clapped their hands for me and even gave me a bouget of flowers they were fucking orange daisys.
Cherry: There’s the clappin.
"HELL FOOL YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" I looked oer and it was Chocolove he was stating down Obomba!
Asahi: “How dare you give her flowers when it’s our anniversary! You know orange daisies are my favorite!”
"FUCK YOU BITCH YOU ANSWER TO ME" Obamba screemed and took out a breedsword and treated Chocoloev with me.
"NO OBOMBA DON'T DO IT HE IS UMMINE TO SORDS WITHOUT BLADE UNLIKE YOURS" I screemd but it was no use because Chocolove used his energy barier to atomic ombo's ass.
Briar: Sword immunity? I could use something like that.
As he died he outstretched his arms to Judah and said "god save me, my body!" but then he passed to the other side but then didn't because I had pursed heaven and freed all souls so he just lay their soules.
Cherry: Right, cause making sure there’s no spiritual afterlife’s so great.
Asahi: Kind of sucks.
But then chocolate love appeared and summond his Mick his jaarga and then became a lance to use against me! Chocolove took the lance and threw it at me
Asahi: Is anyone else following this fight? Because I’m still not sure what’s going on and why it’s going on.
Cherry: Don’t look at me. I’m just pretendin’ it makes sense.
Asahi: Kinky.
and then I dodged so it hit that fucking atrocious hag jane instead. She started grolowing and shit and then exploded into a booldy mess all over my fucking gorgeous dress. I WAS FUCKING ANGRY.
Briar: I get the feeling she hates all the canon female characters except Alice and possible Rosalie.
Asahi: That’s probably an accurate assumption.
But before I could do anything the moon started to crash into the planet! I looked up and it was ANGELA! SHE WAS PILOTING THE MOON INTO THE SCHOOL!
Cherry: While that sounds freakin’ awesome, it’s completely implausible an I’ll use some science an facts to show why.
Cherry: It’s generally accepted that an asteroids gotta be at least nine miles ta do some extensive damage to Earth on impact. Hell, the Cicxulub impactor is estimated t’be be at least seven miles in diameter—though to be more precise, it’s from seven to fifty miles in diameter. No one really knows for sure cause no one was there to measure it when it picked a fight with the earth.
Cherry: That’s the asteroid that wiped out the dinos.
Cherry: The moon? The moons over a thousand miles in diameter. You can imagine what’d happen.
Cherry: Though speed of impact is a factor. Even if yer goin’ at a snails pace, you’re gonna do some massive damage.
Cherry:…What the Hell, can I keep this random facts thing after I leave the theater? I’d ace every test!
"YOU FUCKER YOU THINK YOU KILL CAN ME THAT EASILY" she SCREAMED. She made a cross with her moon and then attacked chocolove with it and he tried to deflect with his hands! He was fast but she drove the moon like a fucking professional.
Asahi: Not to mention it’s… well… the moon.
"NO HOMIE DON'T KILL MY DAD HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT" Tanishashanqua screemed as she got between Chocolove and the moon.
Briar: Wait, if Chocolove is Tanishashanqua and Angela’s dad, they’re sisters, right?
Asahi: Yep. Gonna be a fun family reunion between those three, Bella and Renée.
The entire dance stopped to look at the scene it was so beautiful and we could touch it.
Cherry: You’d think they’d be freakin’ out because someone’s bringing the moon to the Earth.
Angela stopped and stared crying because all she evr wanted was to be runited with her long last dad after he mom dyed of AIDS when agela was only 5
Cherry: Aww… I feel bad for her. Losing your mom sucks, specially that young.
I also lafed when that happen the fucking whore.
Cherry: What the fuck?
Asahi: Yeah, whatever good points she’s acquired for saving Bella, she’s losing all of them this chapter.
Then something ajazing happened! Tanishahsnaqua's word touched angela and she stoped her rampage. She hot off the moon to go and hug cocolove and then the three embraced each other. They were a famil yagain it was a beautiful site to see!
Briar: And then they directed their murderous rage at Rebecca.
Then Jane came back from the beyond because I blew up heaven and hell with my music so she then told as "WE HAVE TO GO" quickly because the moon was coming.
Cherry: Thank ya! Thank ya for noticing the freaking moon is goin’ to collide with the Earth!
"but why" I screemed
Asahi: Because the moon!
"Because Cocolove is going to try to kill you bitch" she screemed and then made magic with her fingers and screemed "METEOR". Then the moon got up and started attacking again and Chocolove took out his lance to stop it.
Briar: …I’m just imagining that the moon sprouted some arms to fight with.
Asahi: Heh. That’s a funny mental image. Only way ‘the moon started attacking again’ makes sense.
"WILD MOTHERFUCKER YOU AINT GOT NOTHING ON ME" Chocoloe scremed as he fought off the moon from the dance. Angela helped too "I will protect my daddy!" she screemed. But then piloted Clarity [AN: ARROW]
Cherry: As if we forgot Green Arrow’s in her.
and Mark and Cayus all appeared! They were the Volture!
Asahi: Oh, no! They are?
Asahi: Who would have known!
"IT IS THE TIME TO BATTLE YOU AND KILL YOU REBECCA!" Esme screemd "VOLTURE! ROLL THE FUCK OUT AND FUCK HER UP!" and with that we engaged them in a epic battle.
Briar: We will have to take your word for it.
Edward took out his nales and fought Cayus wile Alice took out her gun and stated to fight the robot Clarity while Jacub fought Mark with his axe.
"Tanishahsnqa help me figh esme!" I screemed as I pushed a student out fo the way of an e nergy beam. I took out a grenade and threw it as esme flew around the room shooting of kamehamehas and shit but it didn't' stop her!
Cherry: What? We’re in Dragon Ball now?
Cherry: If I don’t see Vegeta showing up an’ curbstompin’ all of em, Imma revolt.
"FUCK I CANT HIT HER!" I screemed!
"she is not immoral" Tanishahsnqua sad wile shooting her getto gun. It was a sene to see! Tanishashqnau's mech arm turned into a gatling gun and started machine gunning that fucking bitch
Asahi: Yang?!
"TAKE THISSSSSSS" she screemed! But then the fucking sluts sulpichia and nympho appeared and thired to use magic on Tanishashanqua.
Cherry: The who the what now?
"FIRAGA" bympho screemed
"BLIZARGA" Sulpy screened
Asahi: Oh. Now we’re in Kingdom Hearts. Yay…
"NOOOO NOT MY SISTER" and with that Angela took the hit for Tanishahsnqua. Jane took the other one that hag and disintegrated so tht her soul could never return to her fucking ugly ass boody.
Briar: Can you stop being rude? Please? Just for once?
Cherry: Honestly I liked Jane? She was actually pretty cool in the books?
But angela was okay wich was polished good because Tanishahsnqua cant afford the operation to save angela if she died.
Asahi: Polished good?
Asahi: What is with American slang?
Asahi: What does it mean? What does it mean!?
"Angela you are my sis put aside your differences and work with me to fight evil" Tanishashanqua said and esme was killing motherfuckering normal students with her kamehamehame's.
Cherry: And you suddenly care?
"I WILL TRY" angela said redeemed for all of her actions as she began to.
Asahi: That’s the laziest redemption arc I’ve ever seen
Cherry: It makes me cringe.
But then esme flew onto me and pushed me really fuckign far away but it didn't last because "TELEPORT" I heard.
Suddenly me Edowerd and Bella were all in a dark house.
Asahi: For the love of—!
Asahi: Let Bella be out of this story so she can be safe and at peace!
"were we go to?" Bella say. Then I thought as I recognized the house! It was… THE COLLINS MANOR!
Briar: Because they live in a manor, the best way to avoid suspicion.
"ITS EDOWERD'S HOUSE!" I screemed. "But who teleported us!?" I asked edowerd. "The Hag is dead!" Edowerd nodded and turned is back to me.
Asahi: Can you maybe be respectful to people for once in your life?
Cherry: She’d die if she did.
"I know who" EDowerd said. Suddenly…. CHOCOLOVE STEPPED OUT INTO THE FOYAY.
" Chocolove what are you-" bella began but then Chocolove took out a gun that was fucking huge and aimed it at us.
Briar: Hey, Edward. Right now would be a good time to use that vampiric speed to save them.
"The plan commences" he said and then blew bella's entire fucking head straight off and all of the blood got on me again.
Asahi: That’s it!
Asahi: I’m rioting!
Asahi: Screw this! You killed the only person I actually care about in this story. How dare you?
Everythign stopped.
AN: this chapter was edited by Kurshee aka Yammama who is the only one who fucking hels with this shit.
Briar: How is it that people keep agreeing to edit?
But I leaned from before that you can trust these fuockers so after this he's fird to. FUCK YOU YAMAMA
Cherry: Well, that’s not very professional.
Cherry: Yamama was just tryin’ t’be nice by helping you with this awful fic.
In that moment, things suddenly became clear. There wasn't anymore confusion in my mind. No, that's not true. I was paralyzed in shock still.
Briar: How is it that the death of someone you hate and constantly abuse is what shocks you, but everyone else dying doesn’t even bother you?
The blood from what used to be Bella's head was splattered all over me.
Asahi: Screw you!
This wasn't like when Alice used those non lethal bullets.
Cherry: Hah. Yeah. Non-lethal.
Bella's entire head was gone. Spread out over the foyer floor, never to be reassembled.
Briar: Until she remembers there is no heaven and so her soul returns like Janes did when she was killed the first time.
Cherry: Consistence? TwilightRova don’t know her.
Before I could even turn to look at her killer, another gunshot went off. It took a moment to register. A warm red liquid was seeping out of my abdomen. He got me, too. I tried to cover the wound with my shaky hands.
Asahi: Hey, guys?
Asahi: Is it just me, or is this chapter actually… good?
Cherry: Yeah… there’s not been any spelling mistakes, at least outside the authors note. The story is plausible so far…
Cherry: Why the Hell would ya fire Yamama if this is the kind of quality we get with them editin’?!
"W-why?.." I manage to mutter. Blood is seeping out of my mouth. I might have been able to take this had Angela not done so much damage to me yesterday. I don't have much time.
Briar: By the Gods, acknowledging the beatdowns that Rebecca has gotten in the previous chapters and it’s ill-effects it will have on her health?
Briar: I’m without words!
"You should've played along when you had the chance, girl." My assailant caustically berated me from his position at the top of the staircase.
Asahi: “Caustically”! I never thought I’d see that word used in this kind of story!
Asahi: And mentioning his position! The angle and distance that’s implied!
Cherry: Shit, this chapter is good!
"Now, vampire. Finish her." I glanced at Edward as he was ordered around. His hooded eyes had turned a crimson red.
Briar: Edwards working with Chocolove?
Briar: Wait, this explains why he attacked her earlier!
Asahi: Damn. That’s actually good.
"Don't do it Edward!"
"Why shouldn't he?"
Cherry: Honestly, I want Edward to kill her.
Asahi: Yeah, regardless of the jump in quality, and boy is it a jump, I still hate Rebecca. She can die.
"Because... Because if for just one moment I don't keep up this facade of fake-perfection, you'll realize how empty I am on the inside. Yeah, empty would be the best word to describe it. You see Bella over there? She's empty too. She's dead. Chocolove killed her."
Briar: And you suddenly care? You constantly abuse her, you tried to kill her on multiple occasions, you stabbed and shot her. Honestly, if it wasn’t Chocolove, it would have been you who killed her.
I stumble to the ground as I finish, blood and flesh searing from my wound. "I bet you he always planned it to, just like he and my mother did for me!" I was laughing maniacally now.
Asahi: Oh? He’s connected to her mother? There’s more to her tragic backstory than what we know?
The walls were beginning to pulsate in and out, blending and bending the fabric of the room together and apart. I'm being pulled apart.
Cherry: I like this line.
Cherry: I actually like this line!
"They hid me from the world for years so that when I was finally released, I would be a tyrant." Chocolove steadies his aim on me as he descends the stairwell; his face says it all. Stop speaking at once or I will end you here and now.
But you know what?
Things are clear for the very first time for me. Something locked away has finally surfaced.
Fuck him.
Briar: Damn.
Asahi: *Whistles*
Cherry: This chapter is makin’ me hate this story less and less.
Cherry: For once Rebecca is a good narrator. Not a good character, but damn this is good narration.
"Don't listen to this girl, Edward," Chocolove says with a certain smoothness to his voice. He extends his hand towards Edward while keeping the gun aimed at my head. In this moment, I don't even know where I am anymore. Things are wobbly, and I can barely see Edward. He's leaning closer and closer to Chocolove, considering which of the two of us to try and go after.
Briar: The detail! The description! The way you can feel and see what’s going on!
Briar: This editor was a Godssend.
I can't let Chocolove convince him to gut me. I can't let it end here. Anywhere but here.
"NO! Don't you get it by now Edward!? I act the way I do because if I don't, then people will realize that I'm nothing!"
Asahi: We knew you were nothing even with you acting that way.
Every piece of my body screams out in a putrid agony, begging for relief. I can't stop though; if I stop for a moment then I lose my only chance at survival. I have to bring Edward back to his senses. "Deep down, I'm hollow inside. I was made to be hollow. I was engineered to be hated from the very beginning, to give all of humanity something to hate together; to unite them under one common cause."
Cherry: I don’t like how meta this is gettin.
Cherry: It scares me.
As Edward backs away from Chocolove, my tears litter the messy floor of the foyer. I'm failing. I have to keep convincing him that I'm not worth preying on. "My death." I couldn't stop myself from breaking out into laughter, interrupted only by sobs and blood I would cough up. I was cracking. I couldn't even tell if it's from the pain or from the despair.
Asahi: Both.
Asahi: Now you know what we felt these past thirty-some chapters.
Everything I had done in my life, it all hit me. Poor, poor Bella. Charlie. Jane. I've mistreated everybody around me. I deserve this fate. I deserve to die, alone and afraid.
Cherry: Yes, you do.
All I can do was collapse and cry.
"Edward, what I have done here is for the greater good. A monster such as Rebecca has no place in society. She is to be feared, not loved; despised, not pitied." The man preached with a twisted sense of conviction.
Briar: I want to agree with you, I really do.
Briar: But you’re not entirely likable either, Chocolove.
Asahi: You’re just making us feel pity for her, now.
Like a rubber band that had been stretched too far, something inside of me broke. The recoil echoed through my body, sending my slumped figure into a spasm. A burning sensation began to grow in my chest, and in a moment of clarity I grasped at my abdomen. The searing pain got worse and worse, and I was back on my side, screeching in agony. The realization that I was not simply shot had dawned on me. There was a hole through my body, as big as my first, running all the way through. I'm already dead.
Asahi: Damn, the quality.
Asahi: I can’t get over how good it is.
In an instant, the walls of reality came crumbling down upon me. Each breath in this world took years to finish, while every thought was over in an instant. Just as suddenly as I entered this trance, I left it with a conviction. There was not a thing holding me back anymore. I rose to my feet, gripping my Katana with both hands. Before he even had a chance to react, I charged Chocolove and ran him through with my sword. I kicked Edward with all my might, sending him flying back through a wall. This was the strength I was given by my creator.
Cherry: Ah! The fourth wall! She kicked Edward through it!
The strength to choose my own destiny.
"Up until this point, I have had the displeasure of trying to comprehend life here. Now I see that I was never meant to understand life as it is in the first place; this is because I was constructed to be a hollow being." I run him through again, pinning the scientist to a wall of the manor using his own daughter's sword.
Briar: Oh, yeah. The katana was given to her by Angela. I actually forgot because it never got mentioned again.
Briar: A good throwback.
"What you perhaps do not understand, Chocolove, is how genius your plans were. In fact, part of me wishes to commend you for them. Hiding me from the world for years so that when I was finally released, I would be a tyrant? Priceless. Literally engineering a child which would grow into a being that would be despised and ridiculed for its apparent mental illness? Utter brilliance. Revealing this all to me, however? I would say that I'm disappointed, but that would require me to be able to feel. Something which, according to you, I've never been capable of doing."
Asahi: She’s right. She really does lack any feelings that aren’t self-centered vanity.
He struggles to reply as I talk to him, locked to the wall by my blade.
"Throughout all your planning and deviancy, you failed to remember one important detail about what you were doing. You were making me unique, Chocolove. A Rarity. Something truly special. In your quest to create something that people would strive to exterminate, you developed a being unlike any other. A being made entirely out of weaknesses and flaws."
"You see Chocolove, even with the discord that would run through my head, I learned something important. No matter what, people can get by and change despite their flaws. It's one of the most humanistic traits I can think of. And yet, I had been just beginning to display those kinds of traits myself- Shedding that coat of superiority and stupor to connect with people who I never dreamed were so interesting! Does that make me human, Mr. Judah Chocolove?" His eyes flare as he hears that name.
Cherry: Holy shit!
Cherry: Chocolove is Judah!?
Asahi: Things make sense. Things are making sense at it is so disorientating.
The name of the man who raised me. The name of the man who I had been conditioned to forget since day one. The name of the man who brought me into this world.
"No, it doesn't. Because according to you, a monster can never change. A monster has no potential to love, to learn, or even to live. Its only defining characteristic is that it is the antithesis to humanity." I twist the Katana ever so slightly. He bears the pain, only wincing.
"Somehow though, you created a person capable of experiencing every feeling across the spectrum, something that directly contradicts with your definition of what a monster is! You tortured them and broke them and finally molded them into a being so heinous, so vile, that people would band together just to erase it and every trace of it from this world."
"If you had only given me a chance, Judah! All I ever wanted to just to be loved- Nowhere was it written that I had to walk into that school every day of my life honestly believing that my actions had no consequences, that I had the power to murder people because I was some perfect sparkling princess. I didn't have to be that psychotic, foolish, selfish, ridiculously weak bitch- A twisted girl who only was warranted interest when she did something murderous!"
"Forget, for just a moment, about how you destroyed the life I never had, and try to consider the lives of all the people I've killed because you made me into this. Take a couple of moments. Good. What could you possibly say to make that better? I killed Charlie- the only adult who ever tried to help me. You've killed Bella."
"It is nothing but one road bump in an otherwise flawless-" Chocolove began. I twist the Katana further. He lets out a small shriek.
"What am I going to do about this, you ask? I'll tell you what. I'm going to throw a wrench in your plan right now and end it." This is it. I want to see the fear in his eyes.
"You fool."
"Do not take me for a weakling due to my profession, dearest Rebecca."
Where's the fear? I have him pinned. There's no escape!
Briar: This is getting so good.
Briar: I don’t even know what to say.
"There's no way to unite people without the common enemy, is there?"
"What are you-?" My sentence is cut off. He frees himself in an instant. He's fast, faster than anything I have ever seen. In less than a moment, we have traded places. I'm pinned up against the wall by a lance through my mid section.
"I'm starting anew, Rebecca. You are not my only experiment. It's time to clean up loose ends." He smirks, taking the lance out.
Asahi: Oooh! This is good!
Briar: The dialogue, the suspense! The emotion!
Cherry: Are we even still readin’ the Kronicals of Rebecca Swansin? This is too good.
This is my only chance.
I gathered up every ounce of might I had left in my frail body and tried to move out of the way. I wasn't fast enough. He drove the lance through my skull.
Darkness took over.
Briar: Can we just end it here?
Briar: Please?
Briar: This was so good.
AN: okay so frum now on this is the break in Kornicals. I will be trying a new story it will be better then this one you guys.
Asahi: Not hard to surpass all the other chapters. But this one? This one is going to be hard to beat.
It will start angela on her journey and then maybe when ie writen a bit of that i wil come back to Kornicals and continue witing it (i have idea of how to countie it but withu editor it will be betrayd SO REED IT wHEN IT COMES OUT BUT THIS ISNT ADVETISING JUST KINDA SO THINKS FOR REEDING! 333
Briar: Okay, a lot of that didn’t make sense. Only that this isn’t advertisement and that the rest of the chapters won’t be edited.
Cherry: I’m scared.
Chapter 34 – ALIVE AGIN
"what fuck" I sed as I got up shakily.
Asahi: Ah, damn.
Asahi: Back to this crap.
Briar: I miss the beautifully written chapter.
"wate what how the fuck!? I kill you but you survive that? mtoherfucker" chcolove sed to me.
Cherry: I want the other Chocolove back, the one who was written like a suave villain and not a bitch.
"I don't know gtfo you just killed me" You! I say and then do! Cocolove got his lance out and looked mega fuocking confused.
Briar: We’re all confused.
And then vamporized and dispeared into the darkness. I was in a graveyard and so was bella to. We were both fucing fuocking confused because last I remember I was killed by lance and bella was bullet by shot.
Cherry: By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense.
"just kidding, lol" bella say getting up now alive and better.
Asahi: Thank God.
She lauhs and smiles and says "I just pretended to die I can do that you know"
Briar: Useful skill. Getting your head shot off and surviving, very useful.
and then we hi 5 becaused this was a plan we had emergiencially planend out every since the beginning of the last chapter. Bella would fake dye and I would faek dye to make motherfucoker Chocolove reveel just how evil he was that raggot.
Asahi: Yeah, that’s a lie.
Cherry: Smells like a liar.
"Rebecca wtf your body it has changed!" bella say looking to me. I standed back and looked at myself and then I realized I was not me!
Briar: Ah, those out of body experiences where you realize you’re not you.
"it was my soul even though my body dyed my soul didn't go to heaven or hell so it found a new body!" I say. And then I realized!
Asahi: Big yikes.
Cherry: Bella kick her out of your body!
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I scream becuz Bella and Bella I was had to share the femae genitalia that is my body!
Briar: Technically it is Bella’s body.
Briar: You have to share her genitals.
"we have to fix this fucking fast you shitbitch" Bella say now no longer friend since mutual enemy in Chocolive was defeated.
Asahi: Was he really defeated? Was he?
"damn fast" I say. So then we went home to Cullen manner and I went to the bathroom and I started my moisturizing treatment because bella's face is filled with goddamn motherfucking acne and shit because she never fucking takes care of it.
Briar: Bella is pretty stop making things up.
Or was it my face now. Or was it Bella's? Who was even thinking this I no one don't even know at this uppity point somebody fucking put me back in my own body!
Cherry: Or just exorcise your soul and let you die.
"Rebecca's soul now lungers inside of Bella's" Jacob explained to Alicia, Tanishashanqua, Edowerd, Alec, and everybuddy else who didn't try to fucking MURDUR me earlier
Briar: When did they get here?
[I explained, you do not want to kill me rite now trust me] after I explicated it towards him. But Jacob didn't expantiate it right and it was like he was trying to place some of the blame on me!
Asahi: “Rebecca’s soul now lingers inside of Bellas” How is that placing the blame on you? It’s stating the facts.
Asahi: Your soul is in Bella’s body.
Like it was my fault that my soul piloted into Bella's body afterwards and her fatass soul didn't get the fuck out of my way. Maybe if her soul stopped eating so many fucking pillbugs on the playground then she wouldn't be so fucking ugly that motherfucker.
Cherry: Can you not be rude to her? You have to share a body.
Edowerd said: "hello friend I will stick with you from now as a simple form of Rebella!"
"Yes Rebella is an excellent name for the organism" Carlisle the father Collin came in and said.
Cherry: I mean, if it fits.
Briar: Becca would have been better, personally. Bella, Rebecca. Becca.
"I love her she's even cuter than the real Bella!" Jacob squirted. Right then Bella's soul popped right out of her body and went into the doll on her desk.
Briar: Of course it did.
Asahi: I hate this so much.
Now I had Bella's body because mine dyed and now Bella was in an old doll because let's face it she has all the charisma and grace of a goddamn fucking dead ass doll.
Asahi: Uuuurgh.
Asahi: all the character development of the last chapter. Gone.
But this meant I had bellas fucing stupid ass brain that failed psychics class two years in a row so im fuocked inn school now.
Cherry: Good.
"You are so cute, Rebecca" Jacob said to me, because I'm not fucing bella anymore. I had taken bella's body in the ethereal struggle for life and that meant I was rightfully at the top of the fucking food chain.
Asahi: Actually, it means you’re a body thief and deserve to be killed for stealing another’s body.
Briar: I’ve handled cases like these before. The remedy is surprisingly simple, the right herbs crushed and mixed together in an elixir, let the fumes fill the room with the subject in it for a few hours and the invading soul with be dragged out.
Briar: Otherwise, the more painful method involves words, magic, and a lot of stabbing.
Briar: since Bella’s soul in a doll and won’t be harmed, I would personally go with the stabbing option.
"But my sword! It was broke in the fight!" I say. Then Angela step forward and tell me something.
"However to beat it, here is something! When I summoned the moon I made a new Katana. Take my Black Katane and use it's super power to fight the force" she say and then gtfo because Nobody wanted to fucking deal with the that shit of her and Tasnishashqna's dad being evil and crap.
Cherry: Rude.
"So Cocolove is evil we must kill that fucker" I said.
Asahi: We kind of knew he was messed up, but I honestly didn’t expect him to be the final boss.
But then angela came "Chocolove you do not need to kill that bastard, we would are evil through blood?"
Briar: Well, you at least are evil.
Briar: You did murder a bunch of people.
"No we must try to save daddy he is just confused!" Tanishashanqua say. She is so kind but I don't take that shit from no one so I smacked her getto ass face and she was all like "did u just fucing do that whore" and I was all like "fuck yeah you wanna go!?" and she pussied out. The ho.
Asahi: Uuuuurgh.
Asahi: This hurts me as a reader, this really, really hurts me.
"we are not worried you shouldn't worried about that" Edowerd say and we did not know why yet. He could tell us. He would tell us.
Briar: Have to emphasize that bit, he could and he would.
"we must now fight esme, the wolves, and now chocolate love. These are three many [AN" see!? Instead of 2many I have 3many!] enemies to fight of!"
Asahi: That’s just… stupid.
Cherry: Why are you fighting the wolves now? I can understand Chocolove, and Esme, but the werewolves? I thought you were cool with them.
"Do not worry about him what we must worry about is the wolves. They are cuming to start the final battle vs the Collins" Jacub say. "But you can change life's tide like the waters of a waterfall can change the course of a farm" he also say.
Briar: The wolves fighting the Cullens is the only thing that makes any sense.
Briar: Even his inspirational line made no sense.
"So if I direct the course of the farms I will be able to turn tide?" I say!? This was a chance!
Asahi: Yes. If you go and change the way the farms are facing, you can change the battle.
"yes I believe so" bells say.
"bella I am sorry this happned we will find a way to get u back in ur uglyass body" I say and then she cryed a teardrop of joy becuz someone was nice to her in her fucking life.
Cherry: I’d be freakin’ delighted if someone finally treated me like a human being.
Cherry: Especially when I’m in this predicament because of the people around me.
"we will deal with this nonsense hell tomorrow" edoweord say and we break the group of me, bella, Alicia, tanishahsnqua, alec, jacub, edowerd, and angela [but not really she will probably turn evil later don't spoil it though].
Asahi: You just spoiled it, though.
Asahi: I mean it’s a crappy spoiler and no one would have been surprised.
Asahi: But you’ve only yourself to blame for this spoiler.
It was time to eat and shit and go to bed though. So I did. Bella went to slep in alicia's dollhose.
Cherry: Ah, yes. Bathroom time for everyone, even the vampires who don’t use the bathroom.
"Tomorrow I will fucking handle this bullshit" I say and go to bed.
Briar: Tomorrow you will likely make it all worse.
Chapter 35 – Working at McDonalds
Cherry: Now that’s a weird change in story.
Cherry: Went from Vampiric-Werewolf war to Fast Food.
Asahi: Yet it’s not farfetched for this story.
Today I woke up from my bed furiously.
Briar: Waking up angry, happens all the time.
I used spellcheck on my paper so that when people like my teechors tried to make fun of it they would b wrong. And they are. And so it shall be!
Asahi: Good, now can you use spellcheck on your story?
Asahi: Please?
"good morning Rebecca" doll bella not human bella said to me nicely. She is so nice ever sins she lost her boody bdecause she knows that I am trying hard to get it back!
Cherry: If you’re tryin’ hard, you’d evict yer soul from her body an let her take it over again.
Thenshe made me EGGS
Asahi: A doll… made you eggs?
Asahi: What is this? Disney?
"work harder you bitch" I say to her and she do. She is like the wicked stepmother.
Briar: You really don’t understand what ‘nice’ means, do you?
Briar: Or wicked?
Cherry: She’s makin’ ya eggs when just openin’ the fridge must be hard as fuck, an your being a bitch to her!
Com to think of it yes that is exactly what she is aftr what she did to me.
Asahi: Bella. Did. Nothing. Wrong.
Asahi: If anything, you’re the wicked stepsister.
Asahi: Actually, scratch that. You’re literal Satan.
But that is another story. It was soething too terribul to write down or say out loud.
Cherry: Probably cause ya can’t think of a justifiable reason for why you’re this terrible to her.
I didn't want to think abut how she sent chardly to kill me. Charly was my friend until became my fiend due to bells's influx.
Briar: No? She didn’t?
Asahi: Charlie didn’t want to kill you. You wanted to take his keys and decided murder was the best way to get them! Bella had nothing to do with it!
Then I realized I was so silly!
Cherry: Everythin’ bout this is silly.
We didn't have school today I laughed and sighed. It was Saturday which is a weekend day! Tomorrow would be Sunday! Then would come Monday the day we went back to school to graduate and enter the worl das adults. I am ready to be an adult.
Briar: Oh, it’s that close to graduation already?
Cherry: I get the feelin’ she doesn’t know how the adult world works.
Because it was not the weekstart I went to dairy queen to get siome ice creem because fuck u mainstream shits if you think ice cream is only eating at night.
Asahi: Ice cream is a food you can eat at any time of the day.
But no! I culdnt eat as much I wanted because bel;la's body was fucking fatass. Oh wait it was fat ass. Boys like fat ass so my ass aint gonna not stay fat you fuckers!
Briar: So… your ass is going to stay fat?
Asahi: I guess some guys like asses? I’m not really one of them, I guess.
Cherry: Oh? You’re tits man, then?
Asahi: Ah, no. I guess I just… don’t really care how they look too much?
"Yo homie what's up?" sed Tanishahsqnua who works hard at derry queen when she is not at school or fighting evil with me. "what can I get for you?"
"I want a fucking mcflurry"
Cherry: McFlurry?
Cherry: You’re at Dairy Queen ya pleb! Go to McDonalds if ya want that trash.
"okay just one moment that will be $600" she say.
Asahi: Yikes. That much? Well, I guess considering they have to go to McDonalds and buy a McFlurry so they can sell it to her, makes sense.
"too bad bitch were in a recession" she sed to me but no! I took the mcflurry out of that whore Tanishashanqua's hands and left the store. What a bitch trying to steal my hjard earned cash. This was the money from chadley's life insurance how DARE she try to steal it from me! What did she who think she be!?
Briar: So that justifies you stealing from a store?
Briar: Your logic is nonsense.
Cherry: I want to go back to the good chapter this is too painful.
Then I saw Alicia drug deeling behind DQ so I went over to her to talk to her and show her light of god [AN: Rebecca stil worshops Judah from the bible not Judah chocolove you sick fuockers].
Asahi: As far as I care, they’re one in the same.
"hey becca what's good" she say. She looked fuckign gorgeous in her red lipstick red cocktail dress. She say that it helps her to get all of the boys like Serkades before I fucing killed him for being dead earlier last arc.
Briar: You killed him for being dead? Didn’t know dying was such a heinous crime that deserved execution.
"not much" I sed sexily slurping my mcflurry. Unf I was so hot.
"Rebecca you don't do much. You should find a job. Try McDonalds down the street I think they are hiring!" she said fluently!
Asahi: Thanks, Alicia, for pointing that out. Rebecca does absolutely nothing of value.
I went to McDonalds to go an get a job. "I NEED WORK" I said to the bartenders and they were all like "okay you are overkwalified but okay"
Briar: McDonalds isn’t a bar. It’s fast food.
and so now I was behind counters! I waited for my fiorst customer when I saw him I culdnt believe who it was!
"bella why are you working at Mickey D's?" asked Rosally! She had escapd from Hell! BUT HOW!?
Cherry: Cause it’s Rosalie. As if Hell could keep her down.
"how be!?" I screemed at the top of my lungs! "I saw the molten sin drag you to hell, you cannot be!" I flummoxed!
Cherry: Cause it’s Rosalie.
"if you think that will stop me you have a lot of think to still do" she sad. "give me a goddamn double cheeseburger" say.
"that is money" I say.
Asahi: No. That’s a double cheeseburger.
"how about I fucing kill everyone here!?" she escalated!
Briar: That is quite the escalation.
"oh fuck that bullshit" I say and took my katan out and cut her gun in half but then she and I got into a martial arts routine and shit was flying everywhere the cops came to try and stop us but we wer moving at the speed of sound not quite light!
Asahi: That’s one way to lose your job in one day.
"THIS MOON POWERED KATAN BRINGS DEATH!" I screem and chop Rosalie's gun into half!
Briar: Okay, very excessive and rididculous.
Cherry: Sounds like anime BS.
"you fool I am not even using one tent of my power" she say and then her eyes turned red! Sort of like she was vamping out except not! We fught some more, and I dodged her bullits so they blew up the cash registurd!
"goddamit you have to pay for that" I say!
Briar: Or you can, considering you started this.
"fuck you I'm bringing the cash to Esme!" she say and then enacted her assasinial duties and shot my manager. The bitch. I get my $$$ from him!
Cherry: Yer gonna end up fired, anyways.
"Idiot, I did not even use my strength" she say. Her strengthened bullits were no match for me though! But then they wer!
Asahi: And no one is surprised.
Cherry: She’s just so overconfident, and then she realizes that she’s screwed.
Oh no what do now!? Then rose left with the cash and McDonalds was fucing ruined.
"Rebecca you are fired for not stoping her it is your civic duty to protect people" my manager say in deathly breath.
"wait how the fuock do u know I am rebecac and not bella" I ask.
Briar: Because you have to introduce yourself when you get a job and you probably introduced yourself as Rebecca.
Asahi: Of course she’s going to try blaming Bella for this.
"oshit" he say and dyied in my arms, a lover I never got to have.
Briar: You don’t even know his name you’re a rather bad lover.
"Okay seriously fuck this shit" I angrily shoke and I left Mickey D's and went to find a new job becuz this one sucked donkey balls. Maybe I could teach at the indiend restraint where Jacub worked because at this rate forks is a crime zone that nobody shuld have to live in.
Asahi: You’re still a student, you need a teaching degree and I think a license to teach in America. You wouldn’t be accepted.
Cherry: Do you even know anythin’ to teach at a Indian school?
Then it hit me like a semi! It was a semi actually but I am fine don't worry. As I flipped the biord to that fucing semi driver I had a thought and this thought was a good one!
Briar: Unfortunately you survived being hit by a semitruck.
I SHOULD BECOME A COP LIKE CHARDLEY BEFORE ME! I would take his mantle like the prodigigy I am and protect and serve all kinds!
Cherry: I mean, it’s not a bad—
Asahi: Wait for it.
Except Mexicans I don't fucing like them.
Asahi: There it is.
I ran off to the polise station with Jacub! THIS WAS MY CHANCE!
Briar: Your chance to make a bigger fool of yourself? Yes, yes it is.
AN: I m now repoening this sextion to commints.\
Asahi: Oh, goodie. My favorite part.
"OMFG I can't believe Your writing skills! I like a good story Whether it's making fun of Bella or not I mean come on you are probably in 3rd or 4th grade I mean people like you shouldn't even be on this damn site.
Cherry: They’re not wrong. Ya need to be thirteen at least to make an account.
I know 4th graders that sound like Albert Einstein Compared to you. Get some brains and grow up. -TheTruthDetecter"
Asahi: Speaking the truth, oh TheTruthDetector,
Im soree, how did the operashin to remove that flagpole from your ass go you shitbrick?
Briar: And another stunning example of maturity from TwilightRova. How can someone so mature withstand the people around her?
AN: hahaha u fuckers srsly thugt that the old chaptr 35 was REEL u dumb shits!
Asahi: Ah, yes, calling your readers dumb shits. Such a good move as an author, it’s a wonder why none of the bestselling authors insult their readers more often.
It was may fools like april fools only more secret! Stupid shits.
Cherry: Says the one makin’ up holidays to justify a terrible chapter.
Chapter 35 – Saving Bella
Asahi: Finally we’re going to save Bella!
Asahi: The girl deserves the world and more after all she has been put through.
Today I woke up from my bed furiously. I used spellcheck on my paper so that when people like my teechors tried to make fun of it they would b wrong. And they are.
Cherry: I don’t think teachers criticizing’ your work for its awful spelling are wrong.
Cherry: I’d have gotten F’s in all my classes if I handed in papers like this.
Otherwise I wuldnt have straight a's on all of my report cards you dumb shits!
Asahi: Chances are she’s sleeping with the teachers to get those A’s.
Asahi: Nothing we’ve seen so far would justify any intelligence beyond getting a D at best.
"good morning Rebecca" doll bella [AN: not human bella] said to me nicely. She is so nice ever sins she lost her boody bdecause she knows that I am trying hard to get it back!
Briar: If you were trying, really trying, you’d put your own soul in the doll and let her have her body back.
Briar: So, no. You’re not trying at all.
Thenshe made me EGGS! Eggs are my fucking favorite breakfast fud. But then she burned them so you know what? Fuck that whore.
Asahi: You are in the negatives in terms of “I’m A Good Person” point. I didn’t think it was possible to score so low, but you’ve surpassed my expectations.
"work harder you bitch" I say to her and she do. She is like the wicked stepmother. Com to think of it yes that is exactly what she is aftr what she did to me. But that is another story. It was soething too terribul to write down or say out loud. I didn't want to think abut how she sent chardly to kill me. Charly was my friend until became my fiend due to bells's influx.
Cherry: We’ve already been through this. Is she just rehashing the same things she said last chapter with minimal difference?
Asahi: Talk about lazy.
[AN: see!? It is really bella who is the problem, not Rebecca! Rebecca is so nice to even consider helping that ritzy biotch!]
Briar: As people who have been reading this trainwreck of a story, that is far from the truth. In actuality, Rebecca is just the worst person in this story.
Briar: With the exception of Seth, a rapist.
Then I realized I was so silly! We didn't have school today I laughed and sighed. It was Saturday which is a weekend day! Tomorrow would be Sunday! Then would come Monday the day we went back to school to graduate and enter the worl das adults. I am ready to be an adult.
Asahi: Trust me, you’re not.
Asahi: Can you do taxes? Can you change oil in a car? Do you know how to pay bills? Do you have a job that will let you pay bills?
Asahi: Do you have the mental maturity to be an adult?
Cherry: An the answer to all of that is a big, fat, no.
Because it was not the weekstart I went to dairy queen to get siome ice creem because fuck u mainstream shits if you think ice cream is only eating at night. But no! I culdnt eat as much I wanted because bel;la's body was fucking fatass. Oh wait it was fat ass. Boys like fat ass so my ass aint gonna not stay fat you fuckers!
Briar: Please, oh please change the story. This is the exact same thing from the last chapter.
Anyways I brought the doll bella with me because if she druve a car it wuld be some fucing weird ass chucky shit
Asahi: Finally some difference.
Cherry: Bella wouldn’t even be able to reach the steerin’ wheel or the pedals.
Cherry: Not unless you, like, tape sticks to her limps so she can actually drive.
"Rebecca you look sexy" sed jacub
Briar: Since Rebecca is in Bella’s body, he’s technically saying Bella looks sexy.
Asahi: I approve of this. Bella is beautiful and wonderful.
Briar: I feel like you’re only saying it at this point out of spite towards Rebecca.
Asahi: And because it’s like after watching a puppy get kicked you want to give it affection so it feels better.
as he came over to me. Jacub was looking even hotter than normal he was weering a soot. Soots are so fucing hot on men aren't they.
Cherry: Ah, yes. It really brings out the “Chimney Sweeper” appeal when ya cover yerself in soot.
I just wantd to fuck him on the table in the dairy queen but im in public so wtf I wouldn't ever do that! Fuck u if you don't think girls get hornly too!
Cherry: Girls have sex drives too.
Cherry: But at the same time, why the fuck would you write it an then complain about it?
"thanks stud I think you are smexy" I say and curdled with him lovinglee. We went to the park to go and find a bench to make the fuck out on when I saw something! It was Alicia selling her new drug. It was ten time better than pot so good that it stopped being pot, it became bowl.
Asahi: If it doesn’t come in bowl shapes, I will riot.
Briar: Did she just abandon Bella at Dairy Queen?
Asahi: She had better have left her card, too, so Bella can charge it to the max.
"Yo girl u wanna buy some bowl" Alicia offered. She is a function economy is this regard.
Cherry: Alicia is basically God of the local drug trade at this point.
Cherry: No one’s gonna try musclin’ in on her turf.
"No Alicia. You are wrong to pick this path in life" I say praying to my god Judah. She was so misled mayb I culd convert her back to normal one day.
Briar: Don’t. Alicia is so much more interesting than you are.
Briar: And the economy will collapse if she stops.
"I need to afrod rent" she say because ever sins esme tried to kill every fuckign person at prom I burned the cullins hose down to kill esme but it didn't wrok. Even since the house was burned down we have all been living in an apartment. Tht was what we wer in last chapter you shit.
Cherry: An ya didn’t think ta mention that last chapter?
Cherry: It would have maybe been interestin’ seeing ya come to the conclusion that ya need to burn down their house.
Suddenly an earthquick haped and Rossey climed up out of the crack in the ground! FUCK!
Asahi: Hell still can’t contain the raw power that is Rosalie.
"you goddamn motherfucing cunt Imma fucing kill Rebecca" she say! Her hare was longer and her boobs bunced wildly because she had to eat her bra to not strave to deth in hell!
Briar: As you do when you need to survive.
"wate she does not know that I am not bells!" jacub quiced silently to me! He was right!
"she is in Armenia" I say quckly and then rosalee come to me.
Asahi: Hopefully she will stay there.
"I will protect you from that sitch, do no worry" she villanously say and then started to summon something! "because esme is too fucing week I WILL KILL REBECCA MYSELF!"
Briar: Please do!
Cherry: We’re puttin’ all our hopes on ya, Rosalie.
then a satantic pentagram appeared on her fourhead and she glowed all evil and red and shit and summoned shit! It was 2 guys and French fucker!
"this is talsy, Hawko, and troy" she exposed wildly. Her hare went from blonde to beautiful fire red and her guns culd shoot fire I culd tell! "they will kill people Rebecca knows until she is ded!" then fuck rose because she flew off with satan's powers to Armena!
Asahi: Good.
Asahi: Good.
Cherry: This might be getting’ good finally. Rebecca’s days are numbered.
"sest un farse" the frenchy one sed! He had fucking nasty ass gross green skin he wasn't fucking hot at all. His skin was that way becuz he fuckign vomits all over himself the frunken shit.
Briar: Okay, that’s gross.
"por hitler nous allons twoer tous les dos" and then jacub stabed that mothafucker in the face and talsy took out a baguette and fucked with it and hacub stopped that frenchy.
Asahi: Okay, so maybe it’s not getting good.
Cherry: Time for more bullshit. Yay.
"REBECCA GET DOWN" Alicia said and shot troy one two three for five six seven ayt nine tims and it was fucing gory. Then a tree fell on him! BUT HE GOT UP!
"we are imbucked with satan's blood you cannot defeat us!" they say except the freech one!
Briar: Good. Now kill Rebecca.
"NOOOO" I screamed! I was horrored by this situation! Then Edowerd appeared! And Tanishashqnua! And Angela too!
"I prithee protect thou life" EDowerd say! "BECAUSE I STILL LOVE THEE" and then edowerd went all claws and clawed the fucing shit out of Talsys bagette and destroyed her beray [AN: it's a Fench hat].
Cherry: Ah. Fuck. The Edward/Jacob love rivalry in here, too?
Cherry: Fuck that shit.
But troy stepped forward from his tree and it used vine whip to grab angela sort of like in hentai with the tentacles [AN: porn is wrong].
Cherry: Porn is fine. So long as it aint incest, child, or rape porn.
She yelled like a cat in heat! A female one!
"HELP ME!" she say!
"this is satan's wood it will fill you with his evil" Hawked say. "feel the evil overtake your daddy's blood girl". He was so evil! What a fucker you shuld go to his profile and spam hate messages. He is worse thana fucer he is a diseased excuse for an abortion!
Briar: Ah, so this is a real person.
Asahi: Probably one of the people who pointed out how this story was utter trash.
"EVIL" angela say and then she was once again!
Asahi: Surprising no one.
"fuck this shit" I waddled and then I took my new katana and slit troy's neck. His blood got all over my catholic schoolgirl miniskirt so I took off the miniskirt part and ran to my audi and got in it.
Cherry: Runnin about with no pants. Now that’s just obscene.
Jacub and Alicia and tasnishashanqua did to. But not edowerd. He wuld have to fucing dye right here if he ever wanted judahs forgiveness or salvashing.
Briar: Rude.
Briar: But I mean, justified, too. He never did apologize for assaulting you.
Tumblr media
The lights slowly flickered on. At long last the story, the madness, the nightmare itself that was the Kronicals of Rebecca Swansin was over. It had felt like days, weeks even since the story had begun, though it had likely been only a couple of hours at best. The three participants simultaneously breathed sighs of relief, tired, but grateful that their strenuous task was finally finished.
“So…” Asahi spoke slowly, looking at his two companions carefully. “Final thoughts?”
Cherry looked at him, her expression like that of a woman who had just climbed out of Hell. “Asahi, Asahi, Asahi,” she shook her head at him. “We’ll be here for months if we tried to list every crime an sin this story committed.”
He frowned, still feeling his skin crawl from having to read something so… so terrible. “Let’s just say it was garbage and go home. I still can’t get over how she needlessly abused Bella,” his frown turned into a scowl. “This fanfic has turned me into a Bella fanboy. I hate it.”
“For what it’s worth,” Briar began, speaking carefully as she ran a hand through her hair. “As awful as it was, it was funny with the absurdity. And it was obviously intentionally written to be awful. Take a look at Chapters Thirty-Three, for instance. The sudden improvement in everything. Either her editor, Yamama, is an actual God for being able to take something so terrible and make into art, or, the more likely scenario, the atrocity of the story before and after was intentional. Further proof being Tanishashanqua, majority of the time the mouthful of a name was spelt right. It’s hard to believe someone who can’t spell Edward right once can spell Tanishashanqua right ninety-nine percent of the time.”
“Ugh. You raise a fair point,” Asahi confirmed and sighed. “Which, brings up a good point, something that ought to be said.”
Cherry blinked, “Oh?”
With that, Asahi slowly stood up, staring at the screen where they could assume a camera was hidden.
“Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone between. Allow me to tell you about trolls. A troll is someone who intentionally does things to aggravate and anger those around them. They will do anything and everything to get a negative reaction out of you, to get you mad and frothing at the mouth because they get a sick twist out of upsetting others. Trollfics are just another kind of it. Writers purposely writing something horrible or terrible, while denying knowing what a troll is. They know what they’re writing is bad, that their spelling and grammar is worse than a kindergartener. It’s because they’re doing it on purpose.
“The best way to handle a troll is to ignore them. Don’t give them a reaction, eventually they’ll give up and try somewhere else. We did the opposite, but I suppose we wouldn’t really be the entertainment you are apparently looking for if we ignored the bait. But, it’s best to just ignore trolls and trollstories, trying to rage against them is a losing battle.”
Cherry sighed, shrugging, “You’re right about that. We’re just givin’ the trolls exactly what they want when we yell at them. They’re weird like that.”
Standing up, Briar shook her head once more. “Anyway. See you guys next time.” With that, the Huntsman gathered the remnants of their wrappers and cups from the concession stand, tossing it on her way out, muttering about “McFlurries”, “Judah,” and “Unjustified Murders” as she left the theater.
Asahi grabbed his pile of books, tucking them under an arm as he gave Cherry a nod, making his way for the stairs and exit.
“Hey, Asahi?”
He stopped and turned, looking to Cherry who had a strange, pitying smile on her face. “Yeah?” he asked.
“I’m guessin’ this is probably a lot more painful for you than for Briar an I, right?” Cherry asked, but the way she poised it, it sounded more like a statement. “Yer the reader of the three of us, always with those books.”
Asahi was quiet for a moment, staring at her, trying to figure out some kind of double meaning, some kind of hidden intention. He found none. “Right,” he answered slowly. “I’m an avid reader, so these… poor attempts at writing are a rather serious affront in my perspective.”
“Thought as much,” Cherry nodded her head, her smile didn’t get any less sympathetic. “Don’t push yourself too much, okay? If ya can’t stand how offensive these stories get, don’t feel like ya got to force yourself to keep coming back.”
This felt like a bizarre conversation to him, and Asahi briefly wondered if Cherry’s brain got fried during that last story. “I’m well aware of that. I’m just as free to come and go as you are,” he reminded her carefully. “So, the same should be said to you. Don’t force yourself to come here if you don’t want to.”
Cherry laughed, grabbed her bag and her skateboard, “Right, right. Anyway, see you later, Asahi!”
He frowned as she bounded past him, pushing past the door with a hearty laugh. If he really tried, Asahi swore he could even hear the sound of her throwing her skateboard to the ground and taking off on it once she was on the otherside of the door. Though, it must have just been his imagination trying to compensate.
Briar and Cherry, they really were an odd bunch. Hell, the three of them were an odd combination for sure. But, Asahi figured that they made the stories bearable. No matter how awful the fics got, Asahi felt like he’d be able to stomach the crimes against literature if he had them around to help soften the blows.
But, for now, there really wasn’t any point loitering around in the now empty theater. He quietly ascended the stairs, stopping only to look at the empty seats one more time. Try as he might, he couldn’t really understand why this was happening, this experiment, this convergence in realities. Why them.
Did it even matter?
Maybe not, Asahi decided. Maybe it was best to not think about it too much.
0 notes
sheepydraws · 7 years
I’ll Kick Your Ass, I’ll Kick My Fiancee’s Ass, I’ll Kick My Own Ass! (2/11)
Also on Ao3
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Part 2: Orientation
A slim black notebook with gilded pages. The cover is leather(ish) except for a shiny rectangle where the words “Diary” once were. However, on the inside cover is a nameplate that says, “This Diary Belongs To:” and is signed, “Akane Tendo”:
Why do I bother keeping this thing? All I do is read the entries where I’m happy and excited and figure everything will work out, and then I feel even more upset about what actually happened.
So, yeah. Dad went through with his threat-I mean, “frugality”, and made Nabiki drive down here with me and Kasumi. Nabiki was a total bitch about it so we didn’t get here till two. It’s a good thing Kasumi doesn’t look like a parent, cause she was supposed to be gone by five, but she couldn’t get out till six.
Once she was gone Nabiki went to the dining hall with me, probably just so I could ask, “Why is it so empty in here?” and she could say, “They’re probably all at their first assembly.” with a nonchalant sip of milk.
Her fucking soy milk that she isn’t even supposed to bring into the dining room.
So I scarfed my food and ran to the big arts hall, and I burst into the auditorium just in time for the sexual health and gender lecture.
They had just gotten to the part about gender identity.
I wanted to back out of the auditorium and punch myself in the face.
But I didn’t. Cause that would be even weirder than busting into an auditorium like it was prom night in an eighties movie.
So. Whatever. Great. A great way to start.
Technically nothing starts till tomorrow. Tomorrow will be better. I’ll actually meet people tomorrow, and we’ll do reading and stuff, and there won’t be any more awkward lectures about consent where everyone wants to laugh, or, at least, I want to laugh, but not laugh, but there’s a part of me that just wants to giggle every time they say sex.
It’s okay. Already it’s better than last year because everyone here is going to know me as Akane Tendo, and Ranma Fucking Saotome is two hundred miles away.
Now that is a good way to start the year.
Last Five Posts on okonomiyakimeansiloveyou.tumblr.com:
5. A big ole gooey slab of okonomiyaki spread with special sauce and mayonnaise, marbled so as to resemble the pattern usually seen on mille-feuille.
4. Fanart for Elementary.
3. Beyoncé on feminism, gif set.
2. A photo of a dorm room. Thin white curtains hang from the open window, grazing a bookcase (doubling as a bedside table) scattered with perfume, contact lens case, note book, colored pens, and an orientation flier face down. #already a mess #of course #makes it feel more like home
1. A picture of two girls sitting cross legged on a bed together. One is chubby, with her hair done up in two big buns. It’s so dark it is almost purple (or is that a trick of the light, or a botched dye job?) She’s smiling and making a peace sign with one hand, the other wrapped around the neck of a bottle of grape soda. The girl next to her looks like she was doing the same thing, but she jostled her can of ginger ale, and the photo catches her mid-jerk, hair whipping out behind her as she turns, trying to steady herself.
The next photo is the chubbier girl laughing as the other slumps against the wall, a hand over her face.
She’s smiling, though.
Dude, bro, man, pal,  
I’ve got a tournament, so I won’t actually be at school till orientation’s over (I didn’t know orientation was a thing, but whatever, the dean cleared me, so it’s fine) so do whatever you want to the room. I’ll deal. Should be there sometime Sunday.
See ya!
Ranma Saotome
——Bitches ain’t shit!
Dear Akari,
it’s almost midnight, but I really wanted to tell you that I got here okay, and it’s actually a lot nicer than you thought it would be. It’s not Oxford, but I like the view out my window. Our dorm is kind of built into a hill, so my room is on the ground floor, but there’s a story high drop right out my window, then a hill, then the woods. They’re the kind of thin, scraggly woods you get a lot in America, but I bet it’ll be amazing in a few months when all the leaves start changing color.
That’s really all there is to talk about. I haven’t even met my roommate yet because he has a martial arts tournament and won’t be here for orientation. I looked him up and he’s apparently some martial arts prodigy—if that’s a thing??? Maybe I’ll have something more interesting to write about when he does show up, but for now I just wanted to tell you I’m doing well, and I miss you, and I hope you’re okay, too.
Love, Ryoga
A fluffy pink volume with a tiny heart shaped lock you could break by jamming a switch blade in it. Although why would you want to, since Kodachi would probably repurpose it as an overwrought metaphor, thusly:
The sun rises
But the black veil of my loneliness
Will not be pierced.
I walk the balance beam with purpose
But tears slide aimless down my cheeks.
My misery fills me up. Roots my feet to the beam.
I break from gravity
Yet I cannot fly.
If twirling upside down can not change my perspective—-
How can college ever hope to manage it?
Your receipt for transaction #34092:
1 Carton Bailey’s Farm Fresh Milk:Whole Fat
4 packs of erasers
2 Canisters Smirnoff Whipped Cream
3 Jars Bacardi Maraschino Cherries (1 without flavoring, 2 with watermelon)
Total: 167.55USD
Your receipt for transaction #39475:
5 Cartons Snappy Ice Cream (peppermint, peach, cinnamon bun)
6 loaves of bread, Blue Ribbon Artisanal.
4 packs Dom P’s dogs
2 cartons Altoid’s Mints
Total: 443.46USD
Facebook messenger:
Shampoo: Psssst—You didn’t hear it from me, but there’s a party this weekend.
Ukyo: Who’d you hear that from?
Shampoo: Dude in my discussion group mentioned it. Said it’s a freshman only thing.
Ukyo: Sounds lame.
Shampoo: Nah, he said it would be in that four person room, in the basement of the guys dorm? It’s big and the closest TA is a floor away so…
Ukyo: What do you think freshman can even get up to?
Shampoo: Ukyo, we’re college freshman now. What can’t we get up to? ;3
Shampoo:  Also dude was bragging that there would be enough booze to drown in.
Ukyo: I guess I can’t say no to bathing in bacardi ;)
Shampoo’s phone ——> Mousse’s phone
Could you tell gran that I can’t come home
this weekend?
                                                                                              Why don’t you do it?
You know she’s bad with texting.
                                                                                              She has more social    .                                                                                             media accounts than  .                                                                                             you do.
Restaurant stuff doesn’t count.
                                                                                              You could tell her if      .                                                                                              you wanted.
She’ll just talk me out of it. Ask
me, ‘why can’t you come see
your poor ailing grandmother?’
                                                                                              Fine. Only because   .                                                                                             you still fall for that      .                                                                                             when I am literally        .                                                                                             watching her haul a    .                                                                                             dead pig out of the      .                                                                                             car and gut it like a     .                                                                                             fish.
Dear Ryoga,
I miss you so much!!!! At least once the term starts I’ll have classes to keep me busy, but for now all I do is think about you and hope America hasn’t roughed you up too much. I know it’s a small college, you wanted to be closer to your mom, etc. but I’m still a little worried about how a year abroad is going to treat you.
At least I’ll get you for Christmas. It seems so far off (121 days, if you’re bored enough to count) but I know it’ll be here in a second; some years it’s like I get out of the pool and slide right into a jumper and waffle treads.
I hope your orientation thing is going well. Are you actually doing any work, or are they just making sure you know where the washing machines are? Did I tell you that when my Aunt Jackie was doing her first term she slept in the washing machine room for a week because her roommate always had her boyfriend over? I’ve heard so many college horror stories now that I’m going there. It reminds me of my first cooking competition. It’s only after you’ve been accepted and can’t back out that everyone starts talking about that time their oven exploded or their creme fresh was trés rotten. But I’m sure we can tackle this together. <3
All my love,
——killin’ me softly/and I’m still fallin’/Still the one I need/I will always be with you
Kodachi’s Journal:
That I were like the sparrow!
Free to leave come the winter
And return to any nest I chose.
Trapped in this prison.
And behind my smile
I wonder
Who here can not bear the pain of the ambiguity of their emphembral ephmenral limited existence?
Am I alone in my pain?
Perhaps I could relive myself
If only I had a true grand experience
A truly life defining moment
To write about
For this stupid assignment
Which torments my dreams.
Akane’s Diary:
He’s here.
I was in the boys dorm because Betty, (this girl I’ve been hanging out with, Bio major) wanted to grab her boyfriend for dinner. Like in the girl’s dorm, everyone’s room has a little paper square with their name on it on the door, and there it was. In smeary comic sans on door 1C: Ranma Saotome.
Why did I think I could ever just go somewhere and be Akane Tendo?
All I wanted was a school no one from my high school was going to. Somewhere really liberal and maybe on the small side. Somewhere where no one would know me as the guy who’s now a girl who got engaged and then threw down with his/her fiancé in the fucking parking lot.
It’s almost funny. I should have expected this out of my bad sitcom of a life. I should have realized that Ranma’s complete lack of drive, combined with his inability to let down his father, and my father’s apparent desire to ruin my life by associating me with them, would cause this to happen.
Of course he would be enrolled here.
Of course.
Why do I ever hope things will change?
No, no, no pity party. I can change this. I can set Ranma straight. I could get him expelled if I wanted. Fuck him! I am not the one who doesn’t belong here, I shouldn’t be the one to leave.
                                  Final Orientation Assignment  
Please write a narrative essay describing a life changing event. The event chosen may be big or small, but the essay must fully describe an experience that changed the way you view the world, how you choose to live your life, etc. The experience may be as personal in nature as you like. You will not have to read in front of your group, though you will be invited to.  
Requirements:1,000-2,500 words in length.
Must be narrative in structure. Remember, scene not summary!
Must be an event that affected you. You may not write about another’s experience.
NOTE: Due to issues in previous years, please do not write about losing your virginity, or other sexual experiences. Coming out has been a common topic among these essays, but we ask that you refrain from explicitly sexual material.  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ukyo Kuonji                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Orientation Group 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         August 18th
                                           How I Learned the Truth
Your best friend should always tell you the truth. I told my best friend that, and he told me the truth: that he had always been a boy. A few years later he told me another truth: That he liked me. Then I came out, and I believed that the truth will set your free, and every other platitude, besides. Love is friendship that has caught fire. The world is your oyster. Tuna is good for your health.
Then my boyfriend told me another truth: He was engaged.
I, the person, who would believe anything, said, “Yeah, right.” I was stupid enough to wonder if what he had said was the start of a proposal.
He stared at me, toying with the scarf around his neck. We were standing at the front gate of our high school. He’d been waiting for me there, early for once, even though it was November and was already cold enough that most people were scurrying inside as fast as they could.
The front yard was fairly empty, so Ranma’s boots scuffling on the cement became the loudest sound.
“I’m engaged to this guy.” He said.
“You don’t even like guys.” I said, forgetting that the rest of the world doesn’t know my boyfriend. Doesn’t always think of him as a boy.
“My dad, he wants me to marry this guy. He’s got this idea, you know, cause I’m going to take over the dojo.” “There isn’t a dojo to take over.” I said, forgetting that Ranma would dive into a pit of hungry cats if his father asked him to. Would gladly take over an imaginary dojo.
“His family has one. A real dojo. It’s really nice. They’re that family dad and I have dinner with on Sundays. You met them once, remember? That’s why I was so weird that day. Our dads were already talking about this.” Under his breath he added, “Making shitty innuendos, even.”
I had already forgotten the faces of the huge family who all rushed past me on their way out of Ranma’s house, but I remembered vividly how good they had smelled, one of them holding a stack of tupperware, steam condensing on the lids. Ranma had been a little weird after that, but I thought it was because we had sex for the first time about a week ago and it was that sort of, pass-me-a-chip-will-you-person-I-lost-my-virginity-to? awkwardness. Not Oh-and-by-the-way-I’m-engaged-to-someone-else-because-I-constantly-crave-my-father’s-approval awkwardness.
I didn’t even know they made that kind.
“But you love me.” I said, and that was the truth. I took Ranma’s hand and pressed it to my chest, except I was a bit overzealous and slammed it into the soft spot between my collarbone and breasts. It bruised. “If your parents are going to suggest a child marriage, why-why don’t you and I get married?”
The second worst truth I learned that day was that I would have done that. I would have skipped school, stolen my father’s car, and found a court house. I would have married Ranma. I could see him and I bursting into my house, red cheeked from the wind and happiness, clutching the marriage license between us, smiling and laughing and invulnerable.
Ranma’s hand slid from mine. Our marriage license fluttered to the ground.
“One, we’re not eighteen. Two…” Ranma held my eyes for a moment, and it was the worst moment of my life because I saw the truth: All those emotions I thought were love, they could be boxed up and pushed aside. Perhaps not without some angst, but it could be done. The truth was that love can not climb mountains. It can’t cure illness. It can’t even argue with your father.
Love is friendship that has caught fire, sure, but then it goes out and the friendship has all burned up. No love lasts. Not the love between a child and their parent, not the love between friends, not the love between lovers. Eventually all you have is a hope of love as you do everything in your power to hold on to the person who used to embody it.
The late bell rang and we both headed inside. We were walking next to each other, but not together. That was when I decided that if Ranma didn’t have to care about this, I didn’t have to either. I wasn’t going to become like him, chasing down love and trying to corner it in dark alleys. I boxed up all my feelings and tossed them down the back stairs. Along with all the shit he had ever given me or left at my house over the years. My dad watched from his chair in the living room as I found every single book, sock, and stupid trinket that I knew was his.
“I thought you two were going to prom together.” My dad said while I was rummaging under the couch. Before my mother left she told me all sorts of important things, like that I should go to therapy and that my parents lost their virginity to each other at prom. I have a feeling my father suspected that Ranma and I were going to keep up the tradition, sans ditching our real dates by the punch bowl.
“Prom’s not till next year.” I emerged from under the couch covered in dust bunnies.
“Still. I thought you two had plans.”
“We do.” They just aren’t the same ones.
My father leaned forward in his chair and put his hands on his knees. “Ukyo, I just want to know what Ranma did to upset you, and if it warrants me going down there with a gun.”
“You don’t have a gun, dad.” I kicked up the rug to see if anything had been swept under it.  “And even if you did, you wouldn’t threaten a kid with it.”
“I don’t think you’re kids anymore. You can certainly hurt each other like adults.”
“He didn’t hurt me. He just doesn’t love me anymore.” Of course that was the fact that made my gut burn like there was a hot knife in it, but it was a fact. Ranma hadn’t hurt me. He told me the truth.
Genma’s phone——-> Ranma’s phone
Did you go to get the food? I want two breasts and coleslaw.
Either you’re dead in a ditch or you’re going to be.
                                                                                               August 20th              .                                                                                           Orientation group 4     .                                                                                            Ryoga Hibiki
                                 An Experience That Changed My Life.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
I’m in love.
Okay, okay, wait, here’s the punchline: She’s not my girlfriend. Or a friend. Or even my mom.
I just found out that I’ve never been in love before, not with any of those people. I fell in love two nights ago, when I woke up to someone screaming my roommate’s name.
It took me a second to wake up all the way, and for my brain to turn the sounds I was hearing into words, but then it was clear as day.
“Ranma Saotome! Ranma Saotome, I know you’re in there!”
I cranked the window open even further and stuck my head out to scream back, but then I saw her and I just…
She’s so beautiful. She was on the ledge where the hill behind my dorm starts. She stood straight, her fists clenched, shaking with anger. Her hair was cut sharp and short, and her eyes were huge in the strange light. Half blue moonlight, half disturbingly orange street lamp. The glow was unearthly. She was awesome—The old meaning of the word, beautiful and terrible and probably not to be touched, but magnetic all the same.
She paused for a second, then screamed
with her whole heart, and all her breath besides.
“He’s not here!” I yelled back.
“Shut up!” She took another breath, ready to scream all night for retribution, so I continued,
“I’m serious, he had a tournament. He won’t be here till orientation ends. He sent me an email about it. I’m his roommate.” It was probably a little garbled, because I don’t have the lung capacity that Akane does, but she understood me. She was quiet for a moment.
“Come in!” I yelled, “We can talk about it.”
“Shut up!” Someone screamed from a different floor.
“Okay!” She said, and she took off running. She was barefoot under her skirt and her legs were so long when she ran they shortened the ground beneath her.
I was watching her run when I remembered that I was in my boxers. I jumped back from the window, put on a light, turned on some pants, and hoped my room didn’t already reek of b.o.
Then she was in my room, and she was just as ethereal under the fluorescents as she had been outside. Her eyes slid from the bare mattress on one side of the room to my half. Not that there was much difference. White sheets, my yellow flannel pillow case that I’ve had since I was  ten, half of my key chain collection hanging over my desk and the tiny plastic replicas of the crown jewels. There were also a few postcards and the rest of my keychain collection piled on top of my desk, waiting to be hung up properly.
“I’m Ryoga Hibki,” I said, extending my hand to shake.
“Akane Tendo.” She said, and I found out that her hands had thick calluses on them. It was surprising when I had expected soft skin, but given the smoothness when she ran maybe I shouldn’t have.
“What do you need with Ranma?” I asked. I managed to lean casually against my desk and not slip and crack my head on a varnished corner and kill myself.
“He…” She paused, choosing her words carefully. “He and I have some history we need to sort out.”
My heart plummeted, then rose so quickly I felt dizzy. What did that mean? Was it good? For me? All I knew was that I had to say something similar if she asked about Akari. Lets say she somehow intuited that I currently had a girlfriend. Let’s say. But I won’t very very soon.
“So he put a tournament over orientation and got away with it.” She muttered. “Of course.”
“Well, it’s not like it takes much orienting.” I said, “Y’know, the dorms are here, the classrooms are over there, and the vending machine is down the hall. I figured it all out on my first day.” I puffed my chest up like that was an accomplishment, and she laughed, which actually was one.
“I know. All he’s really missing out on is having to write this dumb essay thing.” (I’m sorry if that offends you, but you said we should all be as honest as possible in these essays. Actually, if that’s true, I wonder if you’re going to have a stack of essays about how stupid these essays are. Not that I think they’re stupid, but that’s just the sort of smart-ass thing a bunch of college freshman would try to get away with).
Anyway, I’ll have to skim a bit, because she said some really personal things about her, and this guy, and the not-relationship they have, even though their parents seem to be bent on getting them together, and you said we weren’t supposed to write about someone else’s experience, so I’ll let Akane write about that in her essay if she wants.
But, even if I can’t tell you exactly what she said, I think I can tell you how she said it. How she enunciates the important words very clearly, how she wiggles her hips a little bit when she’s excited, and how we talked and talked and talked for so long I almost didn’t have the time to sit down and write an entirely new essay. Not that the original one was any good(it was about coming here, and how I’m really excited to be in one place for a whole four years, but that is an experience I hope to have, not one I already did, so I knew it was bullshit from the start), and maybe this one isn’t much better. I mean, it’s just about me falling in love. I’m sure this whole thing has been done to death, but goddamn.
I never got it, you know, the endless poems, and songs, and books about love. I suppose that’s proof right there that I was never in love. I didn’t see it that way at the time. I thought, ‘Sure, love’s great, but does everyone really need to be going on about it all the time?’, but now that I’m in it, I mean sunk so deep I feel weightless, I’ve found out that love is more than worth going on and on about. I mean, I don’t know how I can keep myself from just getting up in the middle of class and saying, “Hey, this Sandra Cisneros poem is great and all, but who wants to talk about how perfect Akane’s laugh is? Like, is there a scientifically provable better sound out there? And, if so, is it even worth tracking down?”
All those cheesy things they say about love, they’re true. And when you feel them down to your bones you find that they fill you up until everything you know about love just comes pouring out.
Face book, Ranma Saotme, Latest post:
A picture of a slushie larger and more red than anything humans were ever meant to ingest in one sitting, jammed into a car cupholder.
The caption above reads: Road trip=cheat day, right? ;p
Ranma’s phone——> Genma’s phone
Just got to school. Figured I might
as well head out.
                                                                        Glad you were so excited to see            
                                                                        Akane. But how am I supposed
                                                                        to get my car back?
Seen ✓
                                                                        What the fuck does that mean?
                                                                        Ranma, I want my car back.
Ryoga’s phone——-> Ranma’s phone
I dunno when you’re done with
the dean or whatever
But some guys are having a
party in our dorm. You know
the basement room?
                                                                    No, but I’m ready to party
A video clearly taken on a smart phone and simply thrown onto youtube, given the huge black margins. The footage is grainy, but not badly lit.
It’s hard to tell if the room is a basement or a living room, given the concrete floors. It sure looks like a house party, though, young people milling around with red cups, someone laughing obnoxiously loud just off camera.
The music that was playing unobtrusively in the background suddenly blares into the foreground as the camera is trained on a desk covered in half eaten junk food.
“Oh shit!” Someone screams, “I know this one!”
Heads turn in the direction of the voice. The camera doesn’t.
A guy lands on the cluttered table. You don’t see him leap, just land. He’s debatably handsome, and clearly drunk, though he still manages to get down with considerable skill. A bit off balance, perhaps with more booty wiggles than a sober person would allow themselves, but the boy can dance.
People are starting to crowd around the makeshift stage, and the camera is hiked higher.
“Hey!” The guy yells, breaking out of his dancing reverie to single out someone not visible from this far back. “Come on, dance with me!” He slides out of view, but a second later he jumps back onto the table, carrying a girl princess-style. She’s wearing a conservatively cut red velvet dress, like she’s at her cousin’s Christmas recital or something, but she looks appropriately confused at this sudden turn of events.
The guy sets her down on the table and starts dancing around her. Not like a bird doing a mating dance, but more like she’s a pole. A pole he finds very attractive. Hoots and whistles emanate from the crowd. The camera is jostled, and for a second whoever is holding it turns and we can see someone with a long brown ponytail and a grin taking up their entire face.
“Send me a copy of this!” They yell. “That asshole’s my ex!”
“Oh, okay,” Says our cameraman. They focus on this person for another second as they laugh, before remembering what they were supposed to be doing and the camera swings back to the main attraction.
The girl on the table has gone bright red, and seems to be trying to distract herself from the fact that half of her class is watching a guy grind on her when she yells, “So what’s your name?”
He kisses her cheek and spins her around, before dropping to one knee, “Ranma Saotome!” He says, before taking her hand and kissing it, as though this is a proper introduction from another era.
“Kodachi!” Someone screams from the back of the room. This time when heads turn the camera follows. A man stands in the open door. He’s sober and wearing a nice button up, so he’s probably not a freshman. He marches toward the table, parting his underclassman like a green sea.
“Ranma Saotome!” He yells in Ranma’s face.
Ranma is still bent over Kodachi’s hand.
“That’s me!” He replies, with a shit eating grin.
The other man seethes for a moment. You can almost see steam rising off of him like a giant boar.
“Ranma Saotome, for besmirching my sisters honor, I, Tatewaki Kuno, shall duel you.”
“What, like, at dawn?”
Tatewaki reaches up and sweeps the girl, who, now that he mentions it, does share his dark, thick hair and elegant nose, down from the table. “At dawn it shall be. I look forward to seeing you on your knees.”
“I don’t swing that way, man.” Ranma says, smacking Tatewaki good naturedly on the back from his perch.
Tatewaki bristles. “You will be begging for mercy!” He goes back the way he came, stopping at the door to adjust his sister’s weight in his arms and announce, “You and I, at dawn, on the hill behind the science compound.”
“Can it be more like six am?” Someone in the crowd yells, and after a general murmur of agreement both men decide that six will be a better time.
“Six on the dot!” Tatewaki says, probably just so he has something to yell before sweeping out dramatically.
“See ya!” Ranma calls back with a cheery wave, ruining the effect.
The video cuts out.
A flimsy, spiral bound note book, with a little tulip on the front, and the words, “MY DIARY” in a faux-childish scrawl. It spends most nights under Kuno’s pillow. Not that he’s scared of his roommate-a brother in kendo-reading it, but he believes that if he sleeps with his transcribed thoughts near him someday his body and his mind and his heart may all line up and stop vexing him with different desires. It hasn’t worked yet, but it hasn’t messed his neck up either, so he keeps at it.
Okay. Alright. I will remain calm. While this is not an auspicious start to this year, I am sure that all this can be cleared up before the end of the semester. Perhaps before September is out.
You recall, of course, how that vile creature, Ranma Saotome, assaulted my sister’s honor. So I challenged him to a duel in order to best defend it. A few students got into trouble for this sort of thing last year, but they were arguing over the Star Wars prequels, and I believe they had guns besides.
At any rate.
There we were, he and I, (and the expected crowd of onlookers) standing on the field that slopes down toward the science building, the mist rolling in, dawn greying the sky above us. It was quite a romantic setting, rather like the rolling moors of Scotland or Ireland—Wherever it is that they have rolling moors and mist in great abundance.
Nabiki Tendo was strutting around as though she had organized the event. Anything for money or attention, I suppose. That she never wishes to be an actress is a great blow to the industry (and likely robs many fine directors of one).
At any rate, there we were, my opponent and I, and he had come unarmed. Also, he was swaying rather strangely. There was no music, and he did not seem to have any headphones. It occurred to me that he may be suffering from over intoxication, but he had agreed to this duel, so it was entirely his problem if he was ill.
Still, I had not expected him to bring a weapon, so I tossed him my back up wood.
“My back up wood.” I explained as he stared quizzically at the sword he had just caught.
He turned his confused gaze to me. “As in, like, back up onto it?”
I wanted to spit at his crudity, but I am not an eye for an eye sort of man, so I managed to restrain myself.
“Draw your weapon!” I said.
He held his sword out as though he were far sighted and needed a better look at it.
“Alright!” Nabiki Tendo yelled. I shudder to recall how her voice rolled across the hill. She makes my skin crawl, and I’m sure she knows it. She winked at me. I wonder if she chalked my shivering up to the mist.
“Gentlemen, you will stand with your backs pressed against each other,” Saotome made a remark related to his earlier statement about my sword that does not bear repeating, “Walk five paces, turn, and draw.” She damned me with her smile once again. “Just to keep things equal. Alright, boys?”
It was not equal, I will say that right now. I knew that my opponent was not classically trained, but I had not expected him to throw his sword at me! I deflected it, of course, but then it was his whole body that was hurtling toward me. I was shocked that I was immediately on the defensive, but I did not intend to remain there. I not only dodged, but managed to spin him with a slight blow which knocked him much further off balance than it might a sober opponent.
He retaliated and almost wrenched the sword from my hands by bouncing off of it, but I got in an uppercut that must have bruised one of his thighs, and I would have done much worse… Oh, he should tremble at night at the thought of what I may have done to him!
But that was when I heard screaming, and the crowd watching us dispersed. It took me a moment to understand just what was happening, but then I caught sight of the back of Nabiki Tendo’s head, and, though I am not a sailor, I too understand what it means when rats flee a ship.
Now, I am a man of honor, but I am also a man who doesn’t want an expulsion on my record. I ran into the green house that adjoins the science building, wiggled through the doggy door that would get me into the science building proper, and hid in the room where they’ve been doing laser experiments. A perfectly honorable way to flee, I assure you.
At any rate, though I wish I had given Saotome an real injury to consider rather than merely the threat of one, I feel safe that my sister’s honor was as protected as it could be under the circumstances.
Kodachi’s Journal:
My darling.
Forgive me
The vile things done in the name of my honor,
I assure you my honor was not bruised, nor even beset.
The purity my brother imagines of me is not of my design.
I admit.
Never before your hands
and thighs
and rock hard ass
has another man’s touched me as yours did.
I know you will understand when I explain it to you.
I hear you did admirably in my name
Perhaps you have grasped my feelings already
We share a link unbound by the laws of time and space.
In fact, as I fell asleep last night,
I could hear your name in my chest rather than a beat.
Now my life begins.
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553butterfly553 · 5 years
Lightning Dragon Slayer Love - Laxus x OC 20
The Big Day
The following morning, Adryn woke up from a peaceful sleep. She sat up in bed and stretched. She had no headache or any other pains from the night of drinking and she felt completely relaxed. However, that all came crashing down when she remembered the one detail that slipped her mind. “HOLY FUCK I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!” Adryn burst out loudly, causing Eclipse next to her to jolt so hard she fell out of bed. “Why are you yelling!?” Eclipse snapped as she got up from the ground. She was about to yell more, but the panic-stricken face that Adryn was now wearing answered her question. “I'm getting married today! What time is it? How late did we sleep in?!” Adryn was in full-blown panic mode. “Don't worry, it can't be too late in the day, besides, you're getting married later in the day. So everything will be alright.” Eclipse reassured the panicking girl. That moment, Mirajane and Nova entered the room. “We heard screaming? Is everything okay?” Mirajane questioned as she looked at the two girls in the room. “Why do you look so scared, Adryn?” Nova questioned as she looked to her friend. “We... I... ready?” Adryn's sentence was so broken up and missing a few words, making it so that no one could understand her. “Calm down, and try that again.” Eclipse stated as she climbed back into bed and patted Adryn's back. “We need to get ready, right? I need to get my dress. We all need our dresses. We need to get my child.” “Mira, you go get Serenity and Evergreen and then return here so we all can get ready together.” Eclipse took control and Mirajane nodded her head to her orders. She was out the door as soon as she found her shoes. “Nova, you go find the makeup that I have in the bathroom. All of it. We'll need to doll ourselves up in time.” “Okay, got it!” Nova was then off to collect all the makeup she could find. “Now Adryn, you need to calm down. This all will go well and you need to remain as calm as possible.” “I don't think I can do that,” Adryn muttered as she put her face in her hands. She was breathing heavily and beginning to cry as well. It was clear she was on the verge of a panic attack. “You need to remain calm!” “Yelling at me won't help!” Adryn snapped back at Eclipse. Eclipse sighed and nodded her head. “Sorry, but listen, you're getting married to the man you love today, there's nothing to be worried or nervous over.” “I get that, I just am freaking out! I don't know why!” “You've been through so much in your life, this is nothing compared to all of that.” Eclipse put her hands on Adryn's shoulders and put her forehead against hers. “This is nothing, but everything at the same time. You can get through this. Just try to calm down a bit. It won't do you any good to freak out now.” Adryn stared into Eclipse's eyes and sighed to herself. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths before opening them back up. “Okay, I think... I think I'm good. I'm still nervous, but I'm not going to panic anymore.” Adryn finally responded after a minute of being in silence. “Alright, good. Now, let's get you all ready to get ready. Go now. Shoo, shoo.” Eclipse very literally pulled Adryn out of bed and pushed her towards the bathroom to clean up and get ready to get ready. Nova had already set up all the makeup in the kitchen on the table. So, Eclipse went over to her sister and began to sort through the makeup to see which ones would work for which person. Eventually, Mirajane returned with Serenity and Evergreen in tow. Both girls were ready and eager to get ready for the wedding. Adryn however, remained in the bathroom dwelling on her fears. “Where's my mother?” Serenity questioned with a yawn. She was sleeping peacefully before Mirajane arrived and woke her up. “Your mother is in the bathroom panicking,” Eclipse responded as she checked the makeup containers to make sure there was enough of everything she wanted to use for herself. “Should I go and try to get her out?” The little girl asked innocently. However, Eclipse just shook her head. “I think Mira needs to go and help. I tried already, but I think you could help her calm down.” So with that, Mirajane was the one who was chosen to be the next to try to help Adryn. So, the woman walked over to the door and took a breath before speaking. She wanted to think about what she was going to say before she tried. “Adryn? Are you alright in there?” Mirajane's kind voice reached through the door, startling Adryn. She'd been just staring at the mirror, wondering if Laxus would even be there to get married to her. “No... I don't think I am.” Adryn responded simply as she opened the door. Mirajane led her to the couch and sat down with her. “What's wrong?” “What if Laxus changed his mind? What if he doesn't want to marry me anymore? What if he decided that marriage isn't for him?” Adryn was wide-eyed and staring at the floor as she poured out her worries to her friend. “I saw Laxus this morning before Mira came to get me. Don't worry, he still wants to marry you.” Evergreen stated from her place at the makeup filled table. Adryn's head snapped up to look at the other girl. “How did he seem?” “He was calm. Completely calm.” “See, he's just fine.” Mirajane smiled at Adryn, hoping it would reassure her. “Well, I mean, he doesn't even seem like he's nervous or excited. It just seems like just another day to him.” “See! What if he doesn't even care about it at all!? I knew something was wro-” “Adryn, it's alright!” Eclipse yelled from her spot at the makeup table, as she interrupted Adryn's panicked cries. Adryn stopped talking but was breathing heavily. She just stared blankly at Eclipse. “Now listen to me. Laxus loves you, very much. He wouldn't go this far if he was just going to abandon you. So, let's get you calmed down and ready before we're late to the wedding.” “Yeah... Alright... You're right...” Adryn was still a little hesitant to believe her, but the redhead was slowly understanding that her thoughts were crazy and irrational. So, with that, the group of women and one little girl began to get ready. They had their dresses there and were all ready to get ready. Eclipse and Mirajane's dresses were the same. They were a purple color, specifically a wisteria purple dress. The tops of the dresses were lace and had no sleeves. The neckline was right to their neck, so there was no chest showing. The back of the top cut down as a deep V to a little higher than where the top meets the bottom. The dresses bottom was to the ground and quite flowy with a slit off to the left from the bottom to about the thighs. Both girls had fallen in love with the dress as soon as they saw it. Nova and Evergreen's dresses were also the same. They were the same color as Eclipse and Mirajane's dresses; a wisteria purple color. However, the tops of their dresses had a sweetheart neckline with two straps. The straps were about an inch at the base and at the top of the shoulder they were a few inches. The back of the top created a heart shape showing their backs. The bottom of their dresses was flowy with no slit. It was a rather simple yet beautiful dress that both girls grew to love. Serenity also got a special new dress for the wedding. Her flower girl dress was pink, specifically cherry blossom pink. The top of her dress was similar to that of Eclipse and Mirajane's. It was lace with no sleeves and right up to her neck. The back was the same as the front and showed no back. The bottom of the dress was puffy and was made of tulle, which reached the ground. It had a little pink belt where the top met the bottom. Adryn's dress, the most important one of all, was powder blue. Her top was a sweetheart neckline and was strapless. The back of the top cut down in a V shape. The bottom was made of tulle and reached the ground. There was also a belt, starting at the right of the dress, it had little flowers and sparkles, with the flowers growing larger as they reached the left side of the front of the dress, and at the left side of the dress, ending the flowers was one large flower with sparkles around it. The flowers themselves were the same color as the dress. She had a train flowing behind her that was about 2 feet long. ~ Meanwhile, Laxus and Freed were getting worried. Bickslow had yet to show up and they were about to start searching for him. Thankfully though, the man burst through the door right before they decided to look for him. “Hey guys, sorry I'm late!” Bickslow stated as he tried to catch his breath. For once, he didn't have his babies with him, which instantly worried Freed. “Where are your 'babies'? Why aren't they with you?” Freed questioned as he walked over to Bickslow. “I decided to leave them at my place. I figured I wouldn't need them for the day.” As shocking as that was, the other men just decided to go with it. “How was your night?” Laxus asked from his place on the couch. He was still wearing his clothes from the previous night and didn't look like he was even close to getting ready. “It was good,” Bickslow smirked as he spoke, but then frowned. “Why aren't you getting ready?” “We have plenty of time?” Laxus stated as more of a question. Freed just sighed and turned to Bickslow. “We should at least start getting ready.” Freed told the other man, who nodded in return before smirking at Freed. “Yeah, you take just as long as a girl does anyway.” “I have a lot of hair to deal with! It isn't my fault!” Freed and Bickslow then disappeared into the bedroom, which was where the tuxedos were laid out, waiting for the men to put them on. “Laxus, I know you think you have enough time to just lounge around, but you need to start getting ready as well.” “Fine,” Laxus grumbled before getting up from his seat. He entered the bedroom and grabbed his tuxedo before heading out of the room to the bathroom
to get ready for the day and then change. Laxus' tuxedo was pure white on the outside and powder blue on the inside with a black tie. The powder blue was to match Adryn's dress, not that Laxus ever saw it. Freed picked out what Laxus would wear since he knew what Adryn's dress looked like. Freed and Bickslow decided to match for the occasion. Both their tuxedos were wisteria purple with black ties. Freed didn't want Bickslow to feel left out or like he wasn't as important, so that is the reason as to why they matched. Laxus didn't mind anyway, so it was alright. It took Laxus longer than he thought to get ready and put on his tuxedo. After he was done, he left the bathroom and was met by Freed examining him. Freed then frowned and approached Laxus and began to fix his clothing. Laxus was confused but let Freed do what he needed to do. Once that was done, Freed stood back and looked him over again. “Your hair is all wrong.” Freed finally spoke up causing Laxus to frown. “Sit down, let me fix it.” Laxus' hair was standing up like he'd been shocked or something by his own lightning. As much as it looked cool, Freed knew it needed to be under control for that day. So, Freed got out his styling gel and went to work. After a few minutes of styling and fixing, Freed stood back again and smiled. “Whoa, you look good Laxus.” Bickslow chuckled as he exited the bedroom wearing his tuxedo finally. Freed was the last one to get ready. Even though they all knew it would take him forever. However, with Laxus now finished and Bickslow also done, Freed was able to focus on getting himself ready. He decided to manage his hair by putting it up in a ponytail. Then he continued to get ready for the day before finally putting on his tuxedo. He hoped it looked alright with his hair color, but it was irrelevant now as he had no choice but to wear the tuxedo. “That took you a long time, Freed. What were you doing?” Bickslow laughed as he turned around to see Freed. He paused and then smirked at the man. “You know, Adryn might want to marry you today with how cute you look.” “Do not tease me, Bickslow,” Freed spoke as he walked past the man to sit down. “She better not want to marry anyone else, that'd be bad, right, Laxus?” “It would be bad,” Laxus responded after a moment, but then he continued speaking. “But I don't think she'd want that. No matter how 'cute' they looked.” “You are way too calm. I bet Adryn is having a panic attack because of how calm you are. She got all your worries.” Bickslow was trying to tease the man, but he had no idea how right he was. ~ A couple of hours and some more panic later, everyone was there in the guildhall. Adryn and the girls were all there hiding in a room while Laxus and the other boys were standing around waiting for everyone to arrive. Mostly everyone had gotten there already, but there were a few more people who needed to show up. That was giving Adryn even more time to worry. “Is Laxus out there? Is he ready? He isn't running away, right?” Adryn was pacing back and forth panicking once more. “Just don't ruin your make up.” Eclipse commented simply from her seat as she finished touch-ups on Nova. “Yes, Laxus is out there and he is ready and not running away,” Evergreen reassured the scared girl, ignoring the comment from Eclipse. “How is he feeling?” Adryn asked as she turned to her friend. “He is calm. No change there.” “He should be emotional!” Adryn snapped back, but that just caused Evergreen to chuckle. “When has Laxus ever been emotional?” That question stopped Adryn in her tracks. She spun around to Evergreen and laughed. “You right.” That caused the others in the room to chuckle at the girl's words. “Mother, it's time for us to get ready to go.” Serenity had been outside of the room, waiting for the signal for the girls to start the ceremony. “Oh god, I'm going to throw up...” Adryn instantly leaned against a chair and held her mouth. She was pale and shaking now. It hit her all at once. “I can't do this...” “Oh fuck yes you can!” Eclipse snapped, causing Adryn to turn to her best friend. Adryn had a look of shock and confusion on her face, so Eclipse continued speaking. “You can do this! You know that you can! Besides, it isn't like you could really run away now, none of us would let you, and Laxus would probably be devastated. You don't want to upset him do you?” “Of course not! I'd never intentionally do anything to hurt him!” Adryn instantly replied as she stood up straighter. “Okay... I think I can do this! Let's go before I change my mind!” “Serenity, do tell them we're ready!” Eclipse called out to the young girl. She nodded her head in return and hurried off to notify the others. Meanwhile, Eclipse did some touch-ups to Adryn's face to hide the fact that she had panicked yet again. “Okay, we have to go in front of you, but make sure you come when it's your cue, alright? Don't make us worry and especially don't make me come after you.” “Yes. Alright. I understand.” Adryn responded in a complete monotone voice. “Is Adryn even hearing you?” Evergreen questioned in a worried tone as she collected Adryn's bouquet of flowers. The flowers were tulips of different shades of red and blue. The ribbon holding them together was white. “I'm listening and hearing, I swear. I'm just... hoping I don't trip and fall in front of everyone...” Adryn replied to Evergreen's question herself. “Now that is your worst fear?” Eclipse asked with a laugh. “Hey! It's possible! I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of Laxus!” “I doubt he'd care. Honestly Adryn, you're making a big deal out of nothing.” Hearing that from Eclipse caused Adryn to frown deeply. “Get out. I'm done with this conversation. I'm sure Serenity is ready to walk down the aisle and she's probably waiting for you.” Adryn's nerves turned to anger in an instant. Eclipse went to open her mouth, but Adryn wasn't having it. “Go, shoo.” Adryn shooed away the girls and followed after them, now holding the bouquet of flowers that Evergreen had been holding. The girls made their way to where Serenity and their wedding planner was waiting. They had to get a wedding planner after realizing how difficult it was to plan a wedding. “Okay, now Serenity, you will walk down first, and once she is done, Eclipse will go first, followed by Mirajane, then Evergreen and then Nova. Once they have reached where they need to stand, then you will walk, alright Adryn?” The wedding planner lady spoke up, telling them once again how they needed to do this. “I understand. Let's just get this over with, before I begin to panic again.” Adryn muttered as she looked down at her hands and the flowers. “Got it. Serenity, go.” The little girl nodded her head and picked up her basket. She had tulip petals in the basket and they were pure white. “Good luck, mother. I'm sure everything will go alright.” Serenity smiled at her mother before heading around the corner and starting her walk down the aisle. Once she was done, the girls began their walk in their order. Just with the time ticking by, Adryn could feel her heart begin to race once again as she felt the panic beginning to set in once more. However, this time, before she could have a panic attack, it was her time to walk. “Go Adryn. You'll do great.” With that, Adryn made her first moves. She slowly turned the corner and began to walk down the aisle of flower petals. Her eyes were on the ground for a moment, before she lifted her head to meet Laxus' eyes. At first, he showed nothing but calmness in his eyes, but the moment their eyes met, everything changed for both of them. Laxus' calm demeanor broke and the emotions of the day hit him hard. He felt a smile creep onto his face and he nearly looked away from Adryn due to the growing feelings. He was now feeling pride and happiness like he'd never experienced before. He was so proud that this woman was about to be his, and with that came happiness. If it was anyone but him, he would have been moved to tears, but he kept that part of him under control. However, Adryn could not. She was now tearing up at seeing Laxus all dressed up like he was and realizing what was about to happen. It was like it wasn't real until that moment in time. It affected her, even more, to see such emotions in his eyes directed at her. Usually, Laxus didn't show such emotions out in the open, so it was causing even more emotions in Adryn. So, Adryn walked down the aisle and tried her hardest to not cry and ruin her makeup. Soon, she reached Laxus and he held out a hand to her. Adryn couldn't help but smile brightly at him and put her hand in his. The two smiled at each other and listened to Master Makarov speaking the usual wedding stuff. The man then smiled at Laxus and Adryn, bringing their attention to him. “I am truly happy for the two of you, and I wish you the best. Now, I believe the two of you have things to say to each other?” Master Makarov spoke up, causing Adryn to panic yet again. She had a piece of paper in the top of her dress, and she was the one who was supposed to start. “Adryn?” The redhead nodded her head and pulled out the paper before unfolding it. With that, she looked to Laxus one more time before reading what she wrote. “Laxus, you are one of my best friends and I couldn't think about a world without you in it. I am so thankful for meeting you and becoming so close to you. Even though we've faced a lot of problems, I wouldn't trade them for the world, as it has made us stronger together. You are everything I've ever wanted and everything that I have ever needed. I know we will have a great life together, no matter what this world throws at us. I know you will remain by my side, just as I will remain by your side. Nothing will tear me away from you, not now and not ever. I love you, with every part of my body, mind, and soul. Thank you for making my dreams come true, even the ones that I never even knew about. Thank you for being you.” Adryn read what she wrote and kept her cool the entire time. Her voice only cracked a few times, but the tears were held back. That was until Laxus pulled out his piece of paper and began to read. “You know how I feel about you, but Freed told me that you need to hear this from me, especially today... Adryn, I never thought that I would ever want to settle down and get married to anybody. That was until I fell in love with you. It came as a surprise, but a welcome one. You have been a change in my life and have brought with you many new things, but I wouldn't change any of that for anything else. You have brought me a daughter, who I adore just as much as I adore you. You've given me a family, one that I never thought I wanted or needed, but now that I have it, I would be torn apart should I ever lose you or Serenity. I love you, Adryn, with all that I am and all that I will ever be. Thank you for being in my life and for staying by my side.” By the end of Laxus' speech, Adryn was in full-blown tears. She was carefully wiping away her tears as she tried to regain control of herself. Laxus, himself, had become slightly emotional during his speech. He kept his voice even but in his eyes, there was so much emotion. Adryn could see the love and adoration in his eyes. Unbeknownst to Adryn and Laxus, the others watching and listening to the two speak were feeling their emotions as well, especially those with significant others. They all were either crying or at the very least, feeling emotional. Nova was having a hard time keeping it together as she was feeling intense pain from hearing the two speaking about each other. However, the girl chose to not show it on her face, as she didn't want to ruin anything. The ceremony continued with Master Makarov continuing his long speech about marriage and other things that you say during a wedding. Laxus and Adryn were in their own little world as he spoke to them and everyone else. Laxus had reached over and wiped away tears that still fell from Adryn's eyes. She'd calmed down considerably, but she was still slightly crying. “Alright, Laxus,” Master Makarov spoke up, bringing the two's attention back to the ceremony. “Do you take Adryn, as your wife, for the rest of your lives, no matter what this world throws your way?” “I do,” Laxus spoke as he looked Adryn directly in her eyes, causing more tears to come forth. “Adryn, do you take Laxus, as your husband, for the rest of your lives, no matter what this world throws your way?” “Of course I do,” Adryn responded through her tears. Despite that, Adryn was smiling brighter than she'd ever smiled in a long time. “Now, does anyone have any objections or reasons these two should not be married?” Everyone looked around at each other, and for once, no one dared to make a joke or a disruption. “Good. Then, I now pronounce you two, husband and wife. You are now Mr. and Mrs. Dreyar. Congratulations you two. Laxus, you may now kiss your bride.” “About time,” Laxus spoke with a smirk as he reached out, grabbed Adryn and pulled her close before leaning over and pressing his lips against hers. Adryn instantly reciprocated and kissed him back as everyone in the guildhall cheered and yelled out various happy things. After a few moments of kissing, Laxus and Adryn parted and smiled at each other. “Alright! Now let's party!” Master Makarov yelled out, causing everyone to cheer in return. Laxus and Adryn couldn't help but just smile at each other as everyone around them began to jump up and head for the alcohol. The two of them were content to just stand there and enjoy their moment before partying. They just wanted to bask in the happiness they felt at that moment in time.
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