#we literally just want harmony and for people to understand
sun-pluto · 11 months
The Ascendant
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It’s funny how I made a post about the 7th house first before a rising sign post, but to be honest I wanted to flesh out how every house can be relatable before going to the heart and drive of it all. And what better example than the 7th house which is supposedly your opposite? Well now we know it’s not and can actually be what you show and how you interact on a regular basis.
Now though, I want to talk about your motivations, which is the first house, or namely ascendant. I understand that the ascendant rules first impressions and appearance, also your personality. But I also think the first house drives you, it’s your heart, the reason why you continue to trudge forward in life. To make this more fun, I’m adding what the signs represent in tarot cards to add that extra depth, since a lot of stereotypes make all the signs seem a lot shallower than they are. So anyway let’s get started!
*side note, if the majority of your first house falls in a sign other than your ascendant, feel free to read that sign’s description too. Placidus housing adds nuance to your expression of the ascendant I find.
Aries Ascendant
If someone has to go first, I understand it will be me. ~ The Emperor
Fiery? Yes. Driven and direct? Also yes. Or at least it is a natural part of them to find a goal and immediately work towards it with no fuss or beating about the bush. Although known as the “youngest” of the zodiac as they signify spring, I’ve found many of these risings possess a very mature, headstrong attitude. They’re usually cheerful and actually pretty easygoing rather than just their short-tempered stereotype, although they certainly can be. What I have found cool about this placement though, is it easily makes people experienced in a lot of situations. Their life has set them up for them to lead and be the first to do something, and whatever placement they have, they experience it to the fullest via trial and error. Hence, it is both a burden and a source for excitement— it makes sense for them to be wise and discerning, and to recognise value in each aspect of their lives over time. To have your chart ruled by The Emperor in tarot, and having Mars as your chart ruler, makes for pretty chaotic and extreme life experiences. People often like to show only the extreme and violent aspects of Mars, because it’s dramatic and flashy. It’s proven here when Aries risings go out of their way to show off their power and hide their insecurities, as they can embody both the healthy and unhealthy masculine ego. They can also be surprisingly pessimistic, thinking their dreams are only a fantasy and yet are also angered by this (Pisces 12th house). When mature however, they make incredibly wise and capable leaders. The Emperor is known for being masculine, go-getting and authoritative while knowing his power is used to uplift and protect those around him, and Aries risings can be a prime example of that. Literally fire and cardinal modality packs an extreme punch and they’re often noticed wherever they go, purely because of the way they carry themselves. They’re often steadfast in their pursuit of things and even when they’re fast, they’re consistent, hence debunking the stereotype that they can be flaky. Lots of extreme experiences develop them into very skilled beings, and they often possess a lot of insight and depth that few can reach in subjects and topics they take an interest in, because to them, it’s go big or go home. Extremely passionate and unstoppable, over time they learn to control this fire within them to go for the things they want, because in the end, they do not need limits, only direction. 
The people I know who are Aries Risings are sure footed, determined people. You just have to look at the way they treat others (Libra 7th house) to realise they do want harmony in their environment, even when some do like  drama and chaos as air signs do. They are extremely loyal and loving to their family and friends (Cancer IC) even to their detriment, especially if mars, saturn, uranus or pluto is in their 4th house. They are always trying to look at the bigger picture, the higher perspective in order to make the best decision for themselves and others. They are a bit hypocritical in worrying and nagging their loved ones to take care of themselves, while neglecting their own health in the process. The ones I know can also be deathly afraid of vulnerability and highly controlling, because they know how sensitive and soft they actually are. You guys need to take care of yourselves more, and not just do things in extremes. Some who I know with Aries Risings can easily sleep all day, and then stay up for the next 24 hours. They do crave and try to incorporate balance in their life, and when they actually do, not a lot of things can stand in their way. They are ultimately very determined people holding the fort for everyone, and people really need to see this side of them more.
Taurus Ascendant
Here’s why we need to think and set a foundation first. ~ The Hierophant
The bull of the zodiac, they are powerful people, and we’re fortunate they normally choose peace. They can be stubborn, sure, but it means they can be unstoppable in achieving whatever they set their minds to. They are about setting traditions and foundations, and it doesn’t have to be outdated. They can be real trendsetters and pioneers on things that can outlive them (Aquarius 10th House). They represent the raw, earthy side of beauty and abundance, and they often know how to treat themselves well and can have tailored tastes and preferences. I know for a fact that they are very loving and loyal to their loved ones and family, and the way they move through the world can be surprisingly fast and very efficient. In tarot, they are represented by the Hierophant, which is all about setting down stable foundations, rules, beliefs and following through with them. They can be extremely driven to help those suffering (Scorpio Descendant), and the structure they create can really bring progression and healing. However, this level of abundance and stability can unfortunately also bring hubris, arrogance, ignorance and stagnation if they do not keep themselves in check. Their tendency to hold their emotions in an iron fist could also make for a violent, explosive temper. When they do not possess direction, they can easily succumb to indulging their senses and material world to fill up emptiness. At the same time, as said previously, they have the most potential to be abundant internally and externally. The Hierophant knows who he is and sets the rules for people to follow, and Taurus Risings embody that. They have the ability to subvert tradition and set down new rules that benefit others, because they have the groundedness and practicality, as well as an intuitive and resourceful mind. This inner fire makes them extremely devoted to their loved ones, their own ideas, and their causes. They can be extremely empathetic and generous to those in need, and can really lead others with grace and inner knowledge that draws admiration from others. Besides being beautiful, they are pioneers with no label, because once they know what they want, not a lot of things can change their mind, and success? It’s almost guaranteed with Venus as their chart ruler. 
The ones I know with this rising are so, so caring. They definitely know some things about love that others can’t seem to grasp, such as devotion, responsibility, and respect. And it doesn’t have to be romantic love, these people don’t discriminate with their friends, family, or even colleagues at work. Although I know some people with this rising who can be ignorant, apathetic and  self-serving, I can safely say even these same people care a lot about setting a stable foundation for themselves and their loved ones to grow on. With Scorpio in the 7th house, I’ve already already talked about their craving for intensity and stimulation— they are very easily adrenaline junkies— but this could be done in extremes and they could end up with unhealthy coping mechanisms. However, they’re also incredibly savvy and almost slick with their words, and with Scorpio in the 7th house, they can be incredibly mesmerising. Overall, most I know are just really powerful and passionate people, devoted to their own people and causes. They know what it takes to get the wheels rolling, and their level of determination is solid and awe-inspiring.
Gemini Ascendant
There’s always the other side of the coin. ~ The Lovers
Highly intelligent and insanely insightful are the first things I’ll say about people with this rising. They are extremely perceptive and incredibly nuanced in their ability to observe behaviour and mannerisms. The first of the air signs to make their appearance, they are ultimately concerned about figuring out the truth in situations, and in a way setting the foundation for the other air signs to come in. Represented by The Lovers in tarot, they understand duality in people and have the exceptional ability to accept all sides to an individual. And guess what, this makes them incredible friends and lovers. They understand flaws make people human, and they themselves are very intimate with their own perceived weaknesses and shortcomings. Depending on how they express this, they’re either extremely accepting and authentic with themselves and others, or they can be strict and sometimes judgemental. Most though, have the discernment to use both depending on the situation. However I will say these people can be pretty erudite and snobbish if they are unaware of their pride and ego. Additionally, the flighty air sign stereotype is shown the easiest with this rising, because they see options and opportunities, but they may not have security in themselves to follow through. A lot of their perceived stability and self-esteem can come from their loved ones, but in general, they’re just very caring and observant towards the people they love. Ruled by Mercury, they are playful but can surprisingly be wild and even rough with their play. To be honest, they often surprise others with how they can turn soft to aggressive in a snap, but when you understand complexity in a person, as they do, it is an obvious route. They love exploring both sides to a situation, as they themselves embody duality and two sides of a coin. At their depths they would like to find completion in themselves, to not feel so scattered or fragmented, but instead understood and seen as a whole. I would go so far to say they wish to be seen and accepted just as how they see and accept others so easily. Ambitious and often holding higher ideals, I’ve noticed they hold principles dear to them that they follow groundedly (Cancer 2nd house, Virgo 4th house). They are logical, adaptable people who, in the end, care very much about what impact they make on others. The ability to make the most out of any situation is their ace card, and boy can they give anyone a run for their money.
People I know with this are so sweet they make my teeth ache. Like YES, can kill you with their words. YES, incredibly talented and resourceful. Also yes, they are hardworking and can often find a niche they top the field in. But damn they are so caring. Very funny people with sometimes a sly or darker sense of humour, but honestly they’re just multifaceted. They make amazing detectives or people to go with to an escape room. They really try their best for their loved ones, I cannot emphasise this enough. They can jump between impulses and indecision, but ultimately what comes through is how it will affect their inner circle. Which is why it’s incredibly important that these people carefully select the people they allow into their home or their found family. I have not met people with this rising who are irresponsible, although there is potential (as with everyone). Instead, I know people with this who worry a lot and overthink about their decisions, their career, their life etc. which is why it’s extremely important for them to ground themselves (Virgo 4th house, Taurus 12th house). That is how they can heal and feel whole. Overall, their ability to think out of any situation and tease out the truth is a gift, and they shine with how much intelligence they hold that benefits themselves and their loved ones.
Cancer Ascendant
I’m here to follow my passion. ~ The Chariot
Firstly, they’re normally extremely good at putting themselves in other people’s shoes. Much like Gemini in the way they easily perceive people’s dual nature and complexity, but unlike Gemini, others perceive Cancer Risings to be softer and more forgiving, which is often a rushed assumption. Rather than just studying and probing a person’s nature, Cancer Risings intend to wield this to protect and serve their loved ones and themselves. This is why they’re often underestimated, because they’re soft and caring while still wielding resourcefulness and strategy to keep them and their loved ones safe— even thriving in their environment. You do not really know a Cancer Rising unless they allow you to. They’re elusive yet empathetic, firm yet graceful with their manners and boundaries. They are surprisingly bold with their style and can come across as very direct with Aries in the 10th and Leo in the 2nd. They are aware of how they want their environment to be like and they’re really good at setting up a foundation for themselves by literally tranquilising/eliminating anything jarring or disharmonious to them. These people are built to understand social structure and navigate through them (Capricorn DSC) while also sometimes exhibiting a rougher, wilder quality as you get to know them (Aries Midheaven). Symbolised by The Chariot in tarot, if there’s one thing a Cancer Rising knows in their soul, it is what they want. They are extremely connected to their heart space and can be very passionate and bull-headed with their goals. They are ruled by the Moon after all. These are the people whose intuition is like a compass— it points them to the right direction and signals to them when something/someone is awry. However, I have also observed some chasing their goals recklessly, going after the things they want or siding a group without thought if that helps with their agenda. In a distorted viewpoint, they can actually become selfish and cutthroat, seeing people in hierarchies/categories and coldly putting people down under the guise of protecting their circle and resources when it is mainly to serve their ego. However, at their best, they work through their Capricorn Descendant, and they’re extremely strong, regal, empathetic, and caring, and a light to those around them. They wish to bring understanding and insight into the world (Gemini 12th house) and so they often pursue passions that bring unique insights and perspectives as well as aligning with their own heart. Overall, they take charge and follow their heart, much like a shooting star, and it is a great gift they bring for others as well.
Guys. We’re all sleeping on Cancer Risings. They’re literally one of the most secretly successful rising signs out there. They build their base shaped best to their individual needs down to its core and then silently help those around them. Why do you think they are overly simplified as the mom friend? They’re literally guardians in every sense of the word, they hold their own down strong enough to help others struggling. If there’s one thing about them it’s that they’re always abundant in the space they’ve built for themselves. You would be lucky to experience that abundance if they decide to share it with you. I’ve once called them the captain of their own pirate ship and I stick by that, they are ambitious people who follow where their heart goes. At the truth of it, they are extremely wise for being connected to their heart, their intuitive compass, and their feelings. They like people who are strong and structured while still being open to change (Saturn-ruled 7th and 8th houses) and depending on their placements, they embody this too. Their Gemini in the 12th house actually makes them really likely to create/invent something useful in their lifetime, and why wouldn’t they, with the way they lead with passion? They illuminate the path ahead for others to follow, and they’re most likely to find a safe space for all.
Leo Ascendant
Someone has to bear the weight of the rule. ~ Strength
Being surrounded by Leo placements all my life, I’ve had the honour of knowing a few Leo Risings. Firstly, like the walking sunshine they are, they attract attention wherever they go. Their chart is literally built that way. Their Midheaven is ruled by Venus, they know how to make a good first impression with Virgo in the 2nd house and their Aquarius 7th house speaks for itself.  However, I’ve noticed a lot of them do not like being put on a pedestal, because more than ever, they wish to connect with the people around them and feel their warmth. What is underrated is their love for learning. They absolutely love acquiring knowledge about different people and cultures or any topic really (Aries 9th house), and to do so they connect with others easily and charismatically. Additionally, they bring warmth and the spotlight, and they are often incredibly generous people. They hide a super soft heart that they shield with a lion exterior— they’re not exactly cold or closed-off, but they do show off their power, skill and confidence. Ruling the Strength card in tarot, they have the capability of retaining their warm loving nature and generosity in the face of hardship and difficulties. Leo Risings often portray a softness and kind nature that was absent in their childhood (Cancer 12th house). I’ve known many who grew up in violent homes, dangerous neighbourhoods and/or in financial difficulty (Scorpio 4th house). But because they’ve constantly shifted and transformed themselves to their own top standard and beat the odds, a lot of them have this aura of majesty and yet, this lightheartedness as well. I will say though they do let their emotions get the best of them at times and may have the tendency to wallow and stay stagnant in the hole they’ve dug themselves in or their coping mechanisms or both. I also know that at their worst they tend to hide their wounds, vulnerabilities and softness, and project their confidence to extremes while throwing their weight around. This can ultimately lead to them pushing others away or being the new bully they so hated. However, much like Strength, they have the capability of taming a lion without deadening their feelings and emotions. And much like Strength, they are able to attain their goals and win the admiration of many without closing themselves off to their inner child and softness.
Leo Risings have the greatest potential to show the world how strong and magnificent they are without feeling ashamed of their wounds. Cancer in the 12th house does pack a punch, the 12th house talks of loss and the subconscious while Cancer is the protective nurturing energy we all need, especially as children. They may feel like they missed this energy in childhood, and many have learnt to stay quiet and work their way through life, while repressing their need to be cared for and paid attention to, when really, that’s all they want. They are incredibly intelligent and resourceful people who work hard and have high standards for themselves, while also retaining the bright curiosity and initiative needed to attain success. They definitely can be great leaders, however to fully be themselves without feeling drained or suffocated by people (who definitely will ask something of them), they have to learn to listen to their feelings and know to set boundaries and care for themselves. The RIGHT way, not just by suddenly pushing others away or taking more control. I feel they can benefit a lot from sitting or walking in nature and finding ways to connect to their big heart again, because honestly that’s what their loved ones love them for. Having a heart of gold is the main descriptor for this rising sign.
Virgo Ascendant
What can we improve? ~ The Hermit
I think one thing about Virgo Risings is they’re incredibly conscientious. Conscious of themselves too, they know the energetic space they take up (aka they can tell they’re the shit). They embody the saying where in order to succeed you need to know thyself. And work hard of course, which they also got in the bag. They’re incredibly generous people but they show, not tell. Which makes their craft and actions extremely valuable, they can bring incredible gifts and abilities to the table because of their astute ability to perfect and sharpen whatever skill/ability they set their minds to. Ruling the Hermit card in tarot, they are often great self-reflectors and can really piece together lessons from the past to make invaluable judgements and decisions. Although known for being perfectionistic, nitpicky or judgemental, they’re often also unfairly idolised and idealised to live up to a standard created by other people. They are expected to gruel and go through tense/difficulties in life and not complain, and when they do, their accomplishments and character get swept under the rug. Over time though, they can find the people and places who acknowledge them for who they are, because whatever they’re perfecting now, they will be noticed eventually. They almost remind me of a soldier going up the ranks, and they do this with a whole lot of strategy and intelligence. The cons with this is a kind of nihilistic, sometimes “dog-eat-dog” mindset that they have to manage, because it can overtake them and contribute to feeling depressed or hopeless in this ever changing world. They can be mysterious, but they’re usually just extremely compassionate and giving people who guard their hearts. Their minds and way of thinking is incredibly unique and is often the first thing people spot about them, because they’re often deep thinkers who can provide unique, efficient and just sharp solutions to problems others cannot solve. Also can I just say, they’re incredibly sensual people. They’re attuned to detail as well which contributes to this, but generally I’ve noticed they have a very alluring, ‘come hither’ energy that can turn very passionate and fiery quickly. But back to that, their Rising gives them the ability to reflect on issues and sharpen their skills most of all, they can go through fire and come out skilled and wiser. 
The people I know with this Rising are incredibly humourous. People don’t talk about their Sagittarius IC or Gemini Midheaven enough. They KNOW how to bargain and strategise their way through life. They often build connections and hone in on stability/security incredibly fast. Because they’re a mutable sign, they’re very flexible and adaptable to people and are normally very witty and astute in their observations. Depending on how much air they have in their chart, they’re also sometimes very straightforward and blunt, but “one man’s meat is another man’s poison,”, people who they surround themselves with will treasure that astuteness and honesty and use it to improve their lives. They can get pretty indecisive on what they want to do in life I’ve noticed, but I think it’s because they often like things that deviate from mainstream careers. Once they realise they have a gift in an area though, expect them to top that field. Nobody I know with this Rising comes out of life defeated, that’s what I will say. They always find a way out of darkness, it’s very similar to Scorpio Risings except these people just outsmart or outskill situations in the end. 
Libra Ascendant
There needs to be justice. ~ Justice
Lots of misunderstandings and conflict with this Rising. When you have your whole chart flipped and signs in opposite houses, you’re going to have a life as extreme as an Aries Rising, except this time you are meant to oppose The Emperor. This time, you’re journeying through the other side of the wall — you clearly see the other perspective, and now the responsibility of seeking justice is thrust into your hands. What do you do with it? That is the question Libra Risings will ask and answer throughout their life. These people are met with opposition at every twist and turn with Aries in the 7th house (or they create the opposition by arguing), and from a young age they are exposed to the neverending opinions and expectations of others they have to sort through. It’s almost like they sprung out of the womb as an adult, because these people are exposed to harsh reality pretty quickly, or some form of duty or obligation. Hence these Risings try to form judgements and make the best decision for everyone very early on. They are very giving and for people. Ruling the Justice card in tarot, they best embody being the judge and jury because they have a lot of extreme experiences that they can sharpen into principles, ideals, and morals. They can be very stubborn with their ideals and can hold a lot of resentment and anger if it’s not dispersed productively. Venus was, very early on, the planet of war, and this air cardinal sign embodies that with strategy, tact and grace. Their perspective is cutting and they have this uncanny ability to see the truth into things and be direct with it. And people do not often see this side of them, because they’ve learnt to show the charming, peaceful sides of their personality while working behind the scenes to bring a safer, more nurturing environment that they crave and want their loved ones to have. They understand the value of harmony/peace and this Rising is best known to have a magnetising appeal to the masses, because they understand what people want/need. However, the obvious flaws of this are that they act too much the harmoniser and balancer, that they erase their personality altogether. We all know people-pleasing or being superficial are the weaknesses of this air sign, and it can really culminate to that if these people do not set boundaries and heal from the rough start they were in (Scorpio 2nd house, Capricorn 4th house). They are in the best position to stand up for the underdog, not be a doormat. Much like how a judge's verdict is final, Libra Risings know the power they hold and can be scared of it, but once they hone this power, they hold a lot of rule and say in everything, and their judgement is invaluable.
I’m a Libra Rising, and I also know two others who have the same Rising sign. What I personally feel is people give too much credit to how emotional and charming this Rising sign is, and end up belittling or disrespecting this sign. Although they can be just as empathetic and human as others, they hold a lot of capacity to be very cerebral and impartial, sometimes to the extreme without considering the emotions of others and coming across harsh and blunt. They, like Gemini and Pisces Risings, let people see what they want to see while offering no clue to what they’re doing behind the scenes, for better or worse. At their worst, Libra Risings can be pretty amoral and bitter, leaning to the unfairness they’ve experienced rather than finding justice for themselves or others (“It’s just how the world is”). However, at their best, they embody a weapon themselves in how they deal out justice, and they can be extremely ruthless with it. They need to be able to find balance, or they will create it. Seek justice for yourself, and soon you’ll seek it for others as well. They can really be revered and adored by others for their beauty, inside and out. They care about people, their friends and loved ones, full stop. And they’re the most likely to bring change in pursuit of it.
Scorpio Ascendant
I understand the underbelly, which is why I know how to deal with it. ~ Death
Much like how Death shows up commandingly clad in armour on a horse in tarot, these people very much remind me of soldiers or generals of the zodiac. Scorpio Risings have the ability to weather through any storm, grit their teeth and emerge victorious and wiser. These people have often witnessed a lot of unfair/disadvantaged situations or been in one, and had to work their way around that. They advocate for peace and are often extremely stable and giving in relationships, and they are often loyal to a fault and honest with their dealings is what I’ve noticed. They are opportunistic in any business they’re in with Sagittarius in the 2nd house, and are optimistic people who value simplistic enjoyment in things. But much like Death in tarot, their signature is in their ability to bring change to their environment, and upend foundations and what’s not working anymore. Opposite from Taurus, who sets rules and foundations, Scorpio Rising’s 4th house in Aquarius gives them this innate ability to figure out what’s wrong with any foundational structure, and strike it down. This could be anything, from worldly issues to relationships to even why their computer isn’t working, they take the truth and wield it to something that serves them. This is why most people either become inspired by them or fear/hate them, because they have this innate ability to transmute and are known for it (Leo 10th house). Their perseverance is admirable and also terrifying because once they decide to continue towards their goals, it’s over. Just like Death, it is inevitable that they get what they commit to. However, these Risings really go through it, their life is marked by erratic changes and tower moments after all, and that’s why they can be insecure or doubtful of their abilities, or distrustful and despairing about their life’s direction. These Risings however, should know that this ability to transform and persevere through tough life situations makes them extremely powerful and wise, almost like a “once I’ve gotten through this, I can get through anything”. Death in tarot is after all, freeing of all limitations and restrictions, and these Risings have the capability to build themselves a haven after everything they’ve been through.
The people I know with this Rising just really need sleep. And lots of hugs, they need to have a good support system they can rely on when the going gets tough. These people have such an amazing gift at creativity and the arts that they themselves could underestimate, but it is definitely healing for them should they choose to practice their craft. That Libra in the 12th house? Devastating. Early on they might’ve thought peace or harmony in their lives is unreachable in some way, or they might’ve seen unhealthy conflicts or fights happen a lot in their inner circles, which is why they seek to bring it into the world somehow, subconsciously. Paradoxically, this is why they’re so good at unearthing the truth and bringing even more peace and resolution to anything they touch after destabilising it. They may be a dark horse or feel ‘other’ in some way, but in the end, they are the architects and re-constructors of our world. They match Taurus Risings with their raw level of power, and their insane level of insight into situations and people is what spurs them to do what they do best— transform. 
Sagittarius Ascendant
There’s hope! Let everyone know! ~ Temperance
I think one thing I’ve noticed about Sagittarius Risings is their zest for life. Not a lot of things get them down, even when in the Sagittarius Pluto generation, Pluto is in their first house. The ones I know are enthusiastic and driven, rambunctious and joyful. However, one thing I see but hasn’t been said is how stubborn and willing to bite the bullet they can be. They are mutable fire, and they can dither from decision to decision, however once they’ve committed to the bit, they can really pull through. The most dynamic and free-spirited of the fire signs, they are symbolised by the Temperance card in tarot. After Justice and Death, there’s a need to regain sense of oneself, to come home and regain balance and find multitudes internally and externally. With their Gemini in the 7th house, they love to communicate, explore new topics and share them with people, and are excellent debaters. They have an innate drive to pursue multiple talents and create, and who’s to stop them? Ruled by Jupiter, they embody the wise, knowledgeable and skilled traits of Jupiter, and expanding outwards as a whole. However, the downsides to this are obvious, such as biting more than one can chew or overexerting oneself, and they can share the same erudite arrogance as Gemini. These people are the ones who despair when they realise they can’t master all the skills they want to pursue. They hold a secret love to life’s mysteries and wonders, and so it’s not surprising they wish to investigate and travel in their lifetime. They can be known to relocate or at least explore often, and they have the potential to be incredibly savvy and resourceful (Saturn-ruled 2nd and 3rd houses). Just like the Temperance card, they have the potential to find true abundance and knowledge not just through exploring, but via their own intuition and inner selves. They carry their abundance and multitudes with them that inspires and awes others, and they only need to see that within. Honest and forthright, they wish to spread whatever they’ve learnt to inspire people and make an impact, and can be known as whistleblowers (in the good way). At their worst, they are fickle and yet harsh with others, insecure in themselves and critical of everyone else. Like all fire signs, they hold a temper that can lash out at those around them, sometimes at unpredictable times as well. At their best, they are the inspiring teachers in class, the passionate explorers and researchers, and/or the wise gurus. They represent joy in multitudes, and they won’t let you forget it.
Sagittarius Risings I know could be anything under the sun, and they know this. Which is why it’s so hard for them to settle and find a niche where they can continue to explore and share their ideas and, well, expand. They can really believe in the weirdest, newest, most unique topics and skills out there, and they’re willing to let others know it. That Scorpio in the 12th house doesn’t really let them rest, they wish to explore and investigate and it’s not uncommon to find them in detective work, forensic science or even as paranormal investigators. However, with their Pisces in the 4th house, what they really wish for is understanding, inside and out, and it is beneficial for them to rest and self-reflect from all these ventures and solidify what they’ve learnt so they can share (Virgo in the 10th house). Remember not to give so much, let others share their own resources, ideas, skills and care to you. You’re ruled by Jupiter, not the giving tree. Sometimes dipping fingers in too many pots disrupts both your inner stability and others. But overall, you hold a lot of inspiration and warmth, so never be afraid to share that. 
Capricorn Ascendant
Let’s build this from the ground up to make it stronger than ever. ~ The Devil
These people are surprisingly active and take initiative all the time. Their Aries in the 4th House makes them feel like they have a constantly running generator powering up their energy, and they’re the most quick on their feet out of all the earth risings in my opinion (or maybe Taurus risings are on par). Headstrong, cordial and resilient, they are the “oldest” earth sign in the zodiac and these risings showcase that the most. They are extremely knowing and skilled in working a crowd (Libra 10th house/MC), have an extremely strong and adaptable work ethic (Aquarius 2nd house and Gemini 6th house), while also having the ambition and dreams to go far in life (Pisces 3rd house). The reason why they’re symbolised by The Devil in tarot then, is a culmination of all these reasons. They take initiative, and they keep going despite obstacles, and they can rinse and repeat to the point of exhaustion. These people run the risk of obsessing on something, be it their work, their family, or just a stable income, and they can be incredibly attached to things easily (Cancer DSC, Taurus 5th house, the list goes on). They are also incredibly forgiving people who are aware of how tough life can get, and often experience a pretty tumultuous and erratic home life. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of karma, restrictions and duty, this can be a blessing in disguise for them as they are too kindhearted or stubborn to let go of things that may not serve them anymore. As stereotypes can portray, they indeed may have control issues or over worrying about the worst possible outcome. However, they do not realise how much of a blessing they are to others, how their ability to get their hands dirty and grind has pulled them out of extremely tough situations not many could have continued. They are strong people, with a depth not known to many, and they have retained their kindness and generosity through it all. These people are blessed by the phrase “you reap what you sow”, because they can reap incredible abundance from their intuitive way of going about work. Legacies? These risings can definitely leave them. In other meanings of The Devil, their focus, precision and loyalty is incredibly attractive to many, and their ability to power through and hone any skill is a raw power. That Leo 8th house? Hot. They know how to work their finances and these risings are powerhouses in their own right while still having the adaptability to cruise through life. Saturnian children may get their blessings later, but when they arrive, they last and stay for a very long time.
These people can actually be quite idealistic if their placements allow, they’re situated right in between their Sagittarius 12th house and Aquarius 2nd house, and they have a very soft, parental quality they like to perpetuate in their environment and with loved ones (Cancer DSC). Much like how hope and optimism can actually convince them to stay in unhealthy cycles, they normally learn their lessons on cutting cords and finding out consequences earlier, only to find it easier in adult life where they slowly start to get the hang of things and thrive. People easily have faith in them and their reliability, and they can normally climb their career ranks very quickly. Their cardinal earth quality remind me of earthquakes, they are successful because of their ability to stay grounded and yet adapt. They’re able to build anything from the ground up, just give them time. Rest up, because it’s part of being productive, and once these Risings learn how to nurture themselves properly, all they can do now is succeed.
Aquarius Ascendant
If we were headed in a direction, where would we go? I want to know. ~ The Star
A beacon of hope. One thing about these Risings is they are undoubtedly authentic, and if they choose, they wear their hearts on their sleeve to showcase their individuality. This strength they have to inspire the masses by just being themselves is extremely powerful, and raw. Opposing Leo Risings or the symbolic Strength card, these rising signs bring massive change and upheaval by showcasing what may not be palatable, might be weird, might be taboo, but is needed. Why they’re named the rebel, the humanitarian, the water bearer, is because deep down they are deeply generous and abundant (Taurus IC) and when they notice something amiss, when there isn’t justice or space for freedom, they fight for themselves and others. With water signs in the earth houses, especially the Pisces 2nd house, they dream of an idyllic reality where people are not shunned, or hurt, or damned. Ruled by Saturn and Uranus, these Risings are not as contradictory as you might think. They deeply crave order and structure that benefits everybody; they think about the collective. Hence they are rebels with a cause, all their signs in the specific houses are built for causing change that can benefit them and those around them. However, as all of us have, their weaknesses can range from being too trigger-happy to having insurmountable expectations with reality (Aries 3rd house, Virgo 8th house, etc. you get the idea). They can easily feel down or bogged by expectations or feeling invisible. Because they have felt shunned or rejected for who they are, they can easily go the other way and turn selfish or narcissistic, expecting others and the environment to fit around them instead. They can also be prone to emotional outbursts (Scorpio 10th house), although this can be turned into emotional awareness and insight. When they give themselves space to shine, they can bring that spark and fire to any group and allow others to shine with them. Symbolised by The Star, the reason why hope is so powerful and needed is because it finds us when we are at our rock bottom, when we are weak, and when we are bone tired from fighting. These people bring everything to the surface and address them, they are the canaries in the mine, they’re the reminders that better things can come if only we address what’s wrong. Because to them, everything is exposed and raw, including themselves, they have the capability of accepting themselves and the reality for what it is and are able to work with it. These people are excellent channels for the new, the exciting, and even the genius. They can be excellent at any chosen art form to express themselves, but most of all, they are excellent guiding lights, especially for themselves, if they choose to believe in it.
My younger sister is this Rising, and I’m an Aquarius, so I guess this rising sign holds a little special place in my heart. I think the deep root of Aquarius Risings is the need to feel seen and to be understood (Leo 7th House). They could have been treated as the scapegoat very commonly by others (Scorpio 10th house) while still bringing much needed insight and troubleshooting into their communities and circles, and this could lead to bitterness and resentment very often. They’re incredibly emotionally attuned individuals that felt shunned for not having needs met, and so a lot of things, they do it to vindicate themselves and hence others who have felt the same way they did. Not all of what they do is rebelling obviously, they want to recreate structure as we know it and empower others very deeply, so they will act this out in their unique way. Obviously being very intelligent, they can often tinker and experiment with their own self-expression or whatever they’re interested in and hold vast amounts of energy and focus for whatever they set their mind to. Although sometimes distractible, reactive and maybe drama queens in their own way, they hold the key to a way out in any darkness, and it would be wise to listen and have faith in them.
Pisces Ascendant
We need to understand everything is connected to make this work. ~ The Moon
The Moon card in tarot is as soft as it sounds, and yet it encompasses an enormous depth to its meaning. It shows the distance between our internal worlds and the external one, how far/illusionary perceptions can be, and how close can we get these worlds to collide and be one whole. Pisces Risings adopt this energy straight off with their Aries 2nd house and Scorpio 9th house. Stubborn, determined energy with their values, ideals and beliefs, they seek to reflect back what their inner world has to offer in comparison to reality. Opposing The Hermit card in tarot, Pisces risings have had enough with inward isolation, now they want to experiment how far their perception and beliefs can hold by acting it out practically (Virgo 7th house). Extremely perceptive and insightful, they are the known psychics or intuitive beings simply because they know how to adapt, copy, mirror, reflect, and feel the world around them (Gemini IC). They are often extremely effective in bringing solutions and ideas into reality, because they are both dreamers and hard workers. They wish to bring their dreams to life, and in doing so they symbolise The Moon card best by unveiling illusions and harnessing a deep wisdom in themselves to match their internal world with their external one. However, just like how The Moon can unveil illusions or create them, these risings are the most prone to self-delusion when their reality simply doesn’t match up, or results take longer to arrive. They can be impatient and irritable, and could have a pension for arrogance and hubris if not brought down to earth (Leo-Aquarius in 6th-12th house axis). Often very ambitious and idealistic, they could have the power to bring creativity and inspiration into any interest and hone it down into a fine skill (Virgo DSC, Taurus and Cancer 3rd and 5th house). Deep down, they crave unity for themselves and others, and they often seek fairness and understanding in every interaction. They are the best at researching and understanding what it means to be a part of a larger whole, and hence how to act on it. They are really good at empathising and seeking justice with/for others due to this ability to recognise a simple concept: the human experience is universal. Often extremely generous and helpful as well, they seek to nurture and hence purify their space and their close circles. Pisces risings showcase themselves through their life’s work and dutiful application of their values (Leo 6th house), in hopes to inspire others and bring people together. Just like The Moon, they symbolise power through deep inner knowing and hence illumination of the self.
I wonder if you guys ever get tired of being called dreamy. It could be accurate, because in the end you hope for something, but with that Aquarius in the 12th house, you wish to reconstruct and redefine what you know as reality. It could be that change either doesn’t come easy and you tend to be stuck in places/relationships that are stagnant, or there is too much fluctuation which also calls for improvement. Unlike a lot of people, Pisces risings wish for change, and so a lot of them become it. I think they really embody the word ‘manifestor’, and this time not in a traditionally dreamy sense, but rather they set their sights on something and can transform themselves and their surroundings to attain their goals, which is extremely admirable and inspiring. The drawbacks are never really getting to know who you are, at a base level, and only constantly pursuing something you want or lack. Pisces risings are capable of illumination in the highest sense of being aligned with themselves, and hence leading others along with you, so never lose sight of the inner you. They bring the extraordinary into daily life, in their own unique way, and at their best they recognise the innate value they have in themselves and others, which is an extremely life-changing thing to have and wield.
Thank you for reading! I hope this brought you some clarity c: Feel free to leave feedback in the comments or reblogs.
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vidavalor · 8 months
The Blitz, Part 3 Theory: The clues that suggest what it might be about & how it's affected what's come after it
I rewatched 2.04/The Blitz, Part 2 last night and a moment stood out to me that made me think I have an idea of what might happen in the flashback we all seem to have collectively agreed is almost certainly in S3-- The Blitz, Part 3.
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When Crowley & Aziraphale are in the magic shop and Glozier is there in the background, the camera jumps to a pretty significant reaction shot for Glozier when Aziraphale tells Crowley that he has a Derringer hidden in a hollowed-out book in the bookshop. I think everyone sees that bit as important-- it's a literal Chekhov's gun sitting out there for the future story, after all-- but I was thinking about why it matters that one of the Zombie Nazis overheard this when they're... ya know... zombies. Their methods of murder tend to be a little more direct, yeah? lol What do they need a gun for when they eat people to death? But then it hit me why it will matter that Glozier heard this... it's not about the Zombie Nazis, exactly. It's about Furfur.
When we leave Furfur in 1941, he's just been embarrassed in front of The Dark Council by Aziraphale, who has swapped out the picture of him and Crowley for a flyer for the Ladies of Camelot, right? They literally laugh in Furfur's face. Furfur's entire plot in 1941 is about how he's been stuck in processing for millennia and he's trying to get out of it-- about how he's jealous of Crowley and the few others who get to go to Earth. He's dealt slight after slight after slight during this night in 1941. He fails to get proof against Crowley, who doesn't even remember him. He gets shamed and embarrassed in front of the higher-ups and his peers. His fledging... whatever it is exactly lol... with Shax-- who is the closest thing he has to a friend-- is damaged as she's gone out on a limb for him and he hasn't delivered. Most terrible, he's sure he's never going to get out of his miserable eternity of grunt work. He's *very, very, very* unhappy and boxed into a corner, right? So what does Furfur want, now that he's stuck in Hell forever and all of it is laughing at him?
Revenge. He wants revenge.
In the short term, he also wants someone to scream at, so he goes back up to Earth and finds the Zombie Nazis, who are roaming around London eating people. They can't go very quickly so they haven't gotten far and aren't hard to find lol. Furfur knows it's not exactly their fault that he was tricked by the angel as, technically, they completed the tasks they were given, but he's furious and he needs to vent it, so he starts yelling that he's going to revoke their zombie-life-on-earth clauses. (Even *the Nazi zombies* get to be on Earth and Furfur does not? Yeah, he's not going to be able to handle that...)
The Zombie Nazis, understandably after seeing that video he showed them in Part 2, start freaking out because they don't want that whole fly fate for all of eternity and they don't know how to reach anyone beyond Furfur so they'll do anything to keep Furfur from taking out his humiliation on them. Upon hearing that this is all about how Aziraphale tricked Furfur and got him humiliated by Hell, the Zombie Nazis start desperately suggesting that it's not too late! They can help Furfur still get Crowley and Aziraphale! Even if Hell thinks Furfur is a joke and won't listen to him about the angel and demon being involved, they can still help Furfur get revenge!
They bring Furfur to outside the bookshop to find Crowley and Aziraphale because that's where the Zombie Nazis say they saw them together earlier & they know Aziraphale lives there. Furfur's in a rage because through a side window, he's observing Crowley and Aziraphale drinking wine together by candlelight in what is the "I know you'd come through for me" scene from Part 2-- and Aziraphale even has the photo Furfur took of them earlier in his hand. (Insert here more of the recurring gag about Harmony lip-reading as now he's also looking through the window and probably gets a line like "he is saying it again! 'banana fish go-RILL-ah...'").
So Furfur is in a fur-furious rage here and is ready to murder these two but... there's just one *slight* problem...
He's a demon.
He can't get into the bookshop.
Aziraphale would have to invite him in and he's certainly not going to after their meeting earlier. But! This is when Furfur and the Nazis realize that there is someone in their group who *can* get in the bookshop...
....our fave fascist, Fraulein Greta Klauschmidt.
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As "Rose", Greta recruited Aziraphale-- entering his bookshop when she was a human, invited in by Aziraphale. She can still get into the bookshop. (It's also a parallel to Shax tricking Aziraphale into letting her into The Bentley in S2.)
Once Furfur and the Nazis realize this, the question then becomes: okay, so if Greta can get into the shop, how is she then going to kill Aziraphale and Crowley? (*Especially* Aziraphale, whom Furfur really, really, really loathes at this point lol.)
This is when we go back to the scene that triggered this meta, which is that this is when Glozier then volunteers the information he overheard in the magic shop-- that there's a Chekhov's gun in the bookshop.
The Derringer works as a weapon here to do that because, as Furfur himself pointed out during the magic show earlier, if Crowley had shot Aziraphale in the face, it wouldn't just be paperwork but it might not be possible for them to "put him back together again"-- indicating that there are some things that can happen to angels and demons that are irreversible and can effectively kill them, more or less-- and a gunshot to the head is one of them.
(I'm also realizing as I'm writing this that that Glozier's *ear* falling off in the magic shop is another nod to him having *heard* important information and so far, we've only seen half of what he heard pay off-- the time and location of Aziraphale's performance in the West End. We're still awaiting pay off of the gun bit.)
My bet is that Aziraphale's Derringer in a hollowed out book is something he actually *showed "Rose" like the cinnamon roll idiot that he is* lol... so once Glozier brings it up, Greta remembers and she knows what book it's in and exactly where it is in the shop.
So Furfur still cannot get in but Greta can get in... which means Greta is now the most powerful character here. If Furfur wants Aziraphale dead, Greta can make that happen... *if* they cut a deal. What kind of deal? Well, the only thing Greta is going to want that she thinks that Furfur could give her is to not be a zombie, right? To be alive again? Reverse the clause in the paperwork and give her her life back. Whether or not Furfur can actually do this (and I'm not sure if he can or not, really, but I'd wager probably not), Furfur tells Greta that he can and she and the other Nazis believe him.
The plan is that the four of them go to the bookshop, where Furfur activates a miracle blocker card for a few hours surrounding the shop in an effort to limit Crowley and Aziraphale's powers and give the Zombie Nazis the advantage. Once the miracle blocker is in place, Greta goes inside while Harmony and Glozier make noise outside, in an effort to separate Crowley and Aziraphale to make it easier to kill them by attempting to lure one of them outside. Greta is to kill the one that stays inside the bookshop while Harmony and Glozier are supposed to kill the one that goes outside. (This will not happen according to plan at all, whatsoever, but it does seem like the most likely plan these four characters could form where they all have a role in it.)
So because Greta is the only one who can get inside, she has go to into the bookshop and be the one who can kill, most likely in their mind, Aziraphale. She'll still be a staggering zombie when the extremely bright Furfur sends her in there to obtain and fire a gun at a pair of supernatural beings lol but she manages to sneak in the back door without Crowley and Aziraphale really hearing the breaking & entering... or whatever noises the other two are making outside... as Crowley and Aziraphale are a little busy gazing at one another.
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It would actually be a really funny, very Good Omens-y gag IMHO, if Greta is colossally unsubtle in entering the other side of the shop from where Crowley & Aziraphale are and is banging into stuff while Harmony and Glozier keep coming up with more and more insane noises outside... but Crowley and Aziraphale are too busy making heart eyes at one another to care or do anything about it. A very "did you... hear that?"/"oh, must be the war, let's go back to gazing" type of attitude with a steadily increasing series of sounds that are harder and harder to dismiss but they are trying, ok? lol. (This would also parallel Aziraphale ignoring the demons outside for as long as he could during The Ball in S2, until the bookshop begins literally breaking around them.)
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So while we watch scenes of Furfur and The Zombie Nazis Hatch A Plot, the relationship tension between Crowley & Aziraphale is building as much as the plot tension. They intercut Furfur & the Nazis scenes with Crowley & Aziraphale having quiet, romantic, candlelit glasses of wine after their very intense and illuminating evening together. Each time we go back to Crowley & Aziraphale... they seem to be getting increasingly cozier. They sit a little closer, they get a little looser around one another. Crowley's glasses might come off. We get the sense that this is all Going Somewhere and it's somewhere they've never let themselves go before but after the events of Blitz 1 & 2 tonight? It's becoming increasingly clear to them that they will. There's virtual certainty that if *nothing else happens* to these two tonight and they're just left alone for once, they're at least going to kiss and what we're watching is them slowly enjoying the path there and them enjoying silently knowing that they're going to.
At some point, we hop from the Nazis back over to Aziraphale asking Crowley if he'd like a little music... Aziraphale might even have something *modern* kicking around, he's excited to tell Crowley (like he might have been totally not at all fantasizing about this exact Crowley-dashing-in-his-suit-with-a-glass-of-wine-smoldering-in-the-bookshop scenario when he bought this record from Maggie's grandfather recently lol)... and he goes over to the gramophone to put it on and now we've got Crowley and Aziraphale with candlelight and wine and music and they're each just taking step after slow little step that slowly acknowledges the romance at play here. Aziraphale's record is probably Glenn Miller. We know he likes big band and The Bentley played him "Moonlight Serenade" in S2 and Glenn Miller also recorded "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square", so it's one record where "Moonlight" could play and then, eventually, so too could "Nightingale" without Aziraphale getting up and moving away from Crowley... and you better believe that when we get to "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" playing that Crowley and Aziraphale are a literal breath away from kissing.
It'd be completely perfect to them, right? Very romantic. They're there together, alone, they've survived the Nazis and Mrs. H and threats of Hell and have spent the night gazing at one another and now they're here and it's quiet and there's candlelight and it's the familiar, comforting bookshop that is home for both of them... the same place, ironically, that they will drink wine together and make eyes at one another *for decades* after this night-- without Aziraphale putting on The Song, of course-- and you know they will think about 1941 every. single. time. while never actually recreating it.
(It's also why, when they're both wasted in the bookshop in S1's "Eleven Years Ago", Crowley is rambling on about bananas and gorillas and bouillabaisse/fish stew-- ya know, "banana fish gorilla..."-- and they're both so drunk and thinking about how they're almost out of time... and so they're both thinking of 1941 and wind up making those hilarious kissy faces at one another because they both obviously still want to actually kiss some 80 years after the night they almost did. Crowley also calls Aziraphale "baby" in the middle of his ramble. He might have called Aziraphale that in 1941, when they weren't drunk and were on their way to kissing. He also might have just wanted to, so it turned up in "Eleven Years Later" and might come up again later on in the present of S3, whenever they inevitably get to finally have a decent, uninterrupted, not painful kiss.)
Back in 1941, as we flip between Furfur/The Nazis and our heroes, maybe Crowley's even gotten comfortable enough to lose the glasses (though he can leave them on if he still has the hat on when they go to kiss so that he can take the hat off like a gentleman to kiss Aziraphale *swoon* and actually that's how Aziraphale died everyone surprise twist he's been dead since 1941 an a ghost this whole time lol)... and there's romantic big band on the record player and there was magic in the air and angels were dining at the Ritz when a nightingale sang in Bahhhrrrrk. Leeeeee. Square... and they're *almost* there, right? They're basically kissing. There is no way for either of them to ever legitimately pretend that was not was going to happen (even if they will try in the future lol) as their lips were a millimeter away and both of them want it and just like this and it's been six thousand years of pining and so, of course, that is when...
...Greta zombie-crashes into the room with Aziraphale's once-hidden Derringer aimed at them.
(Aziraphale's probably furiously muttering "oh good Lord" under his breath with a very different tone than in 1793 lol. That is his attitude, at least, if not the dialogue.)
So then they have to try to protect one another right and it's mild chaos for a moment as like Crowley starts looking out the window at Furfur and the rest of the Zombie Nazi Trio (paralleling his demons-outside-the-bookshop paranoia in S2) and realizes they were the noise while Greta is all "pity you both must die" again with a little smirk and Aziraphale is trying to calm her down and reason with her while also subtly trying to get close enough to get the gun and she probably fires but she's a zombie so she misses lol and he's like glancing over for Crowley and Crowley seems to disappear for a moment while Aziraphale stalls Greta and just when we think where the hell did Crowley go?! Aziraphale is about to be shot in the face!...
...Greta is shot in the face instead.
By Crowley.
With The Bullet Catcher.
And the bullet that was in Aziraphale's teeth a couple of hours ago.
Crowley has not so much has blown the fluff off a dandelion since he arrived on Earth six thousand years ago but you interrupt his first kiss with the angel and you. are. dead, you Nazi bitch...
I don't have a theory as to what happens after this beyond that we already know that Furfur is in Requisitions in the present now so he's going places lol. Also worth mentioning that Crowley or Aziraphale (I'd lean towards Crowley) could get shot by Greta's wild aim when they are trying to protect one another but it would be more of a graze that one could write a hundred h/c fics over than anything worth actually worrying about lol. It could be something like Crowley gets nicked but goes down as dramatically as he does in the paintball scene in S1 and Aziraphale is horrified but also fighting for his own life so he winds up focused on Greta and neither of them see Crowley slip away to come back with The Bullet Catcher... something like that. I'm just pretty sure that the fact that there are really *two* Chekhov's guns in the bookshop and that Greta is the only 1941 antagonist who can get inside it maths out to Crowley-- shooting her with The Bullet Catcher.
I'm not sure what happens to Harmony and Glozier. Aziraphale says in S1 that he's never killed anything so he can't kill anyone here and while I'm fine with Crowley mowing down Nazis with every Chekhov's gun left in the plot lol, I don't know that that's what happened or if, honestly, the two of them and Furfur just see Greta die through the window and run off. Maybe Aziraphale miracles the Nazis to Siberia. Who knows. But the main gist of it, I think, is that Crowley kills Greta when the Zombie Nazis and Furfur try to exact revenge on Crowley & Aziraphale and, in doing so, interrupt what would have been their first kiss and it's while "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" is on in the background so that every time the song comes up in the future, it's a reference to this near-kiss in 1941, adding layers to scenes from Soho 1967 to the end of S1 to the end of S2, etc...
Kind of makes Crowley desperately kissing Aziraphale in the middle of the bookshop while a vengeful Heaven, this time, is trying to separate them, even more aldkjlkfjlewje, yeah?
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I'd also like to just throw in here that it's actually possible that all of this is the same but they *did* kiss... that they were kissing when Greta burst in. Part of me really wants that to be the case. That maybe they did get to have this kiss, if only because even if only a tenth of what I've said above is anywhere close to right, it's still pretty romantic and it would be nice if they got to have that, especially then, even if it was ultimately interrupted. It's Soho 1967, though, that convinced me that they came *very* close but ultimately didn't (and honestly, the only way they don't in 1941 if they get that close is if they're interrupted and an armed Zombie Nazi crashing through the bookshop feels about right lol.) It's this bit from Aziraphale to me that says they almost kissed but didn't:
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The picnic was likely Crowley's 1827 date in Edinburgh. The Gabriel statue was there for amusement but you know Crowley had a picnic set up nearby. (It's not that weird-- people used to picnic in graveyards in the 1800s & the only time Crowley & Aziraphale would be able to together would be under the cover of darkness.) Then, they ran into Elspeth and the night took a turn. (Elspeth was also digging up bodies from graves, which is a parallel to zombies, hooking 1827 to 1941.) Dining at the Ritz-- literally going to The Ritz and eating together, which they do twice in S1-- is something Aziraphale would literally like to go do as a date as but it's also code in the 1967 scene for "perhaps, one day, we could finish 1941." He's telling Crowley in 1967 that he would still very much like to kiss him one day.
The near-kiss in 1941 would then also be what gives Aziraphale the motivation to eventually give Crowley the holy water in 1967. Back in 1863, Aziraphale didn't totally see that Crowley wanted holy water to protect them. By 1941, when they're staring at the corpse of a once-Zombie Nazi on the floor of the bookshop that Crowley just killed with the gun that's in his hands, it's a different sort of proof. 1941 becomes the era of 'here is proof that Crowley will literally kill to protect Aziraphale' and maybe it freaks Aziraphale out a little (as well as also turning him on a lot lol). Maybe that's why they spend the next years after that until the '60s together but not really together. Maybe that's why they don't have another chance at the kiss after 1941-- why they don't just try again-- because Aziraphale slows down a bit after it, afraid that Crowley could get hurt and that this is too dangerous, but he also understands now that Crowley is in love with him and when he hears in 1967 that Crowley is going after Holy Water, Aziraphale just gives him some, as a way of saying that he knows they're in love but this is impossible and they need to not pursue this in a way that will get them killed because he can't lose him.
A near-kiss in 1941 adds layers to 1967 Soho by adding an additional meaning of 'physical intimacy' to "dining at the Ritz". It adds even more weight to the end of S2 and the kiss and the "no nightingales" through to the Tori Amos angsty cover of "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" in The Bentley. There are other scenes (the end of S1 and others) that it touches as well, if indirectly, but maybe my favorite is this scene, which has already been given extra layers of meaning since The Blitz, Part 2 and The Bullet Catcher plot but lol now add in the idea that the rest of the story is that Crowley and Aziraphale were going to kiss and they were interrupted in the moment, shot at with at least one of them probably getting nicked, and then Crowley killed someone with The Bullet Catcher and tell me it doesn't make this already amazing sequence even more amazing:
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enamouredfae · 7 months
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little astro observations i've made based on my little chart collection and experience 🎀
honestly i've observed this only in myself but you have a natural pull to people who's sun is the same sign as your 5th house, mine is in pisces and my bf, my best friend and my cat are all pisces, not to mention that 90% of my crushes have been pisces as well.
there is something about pisces and bunnies, they will either love bunnies (have tattoos of them, make art about them, be their favourite animal), own or have owned a bunny or they look like one, (my bf is all of the above).
in synastry a north node over a person's mars may indicate the north node person taking the mars person's virginity.
in synastry a person's moon in your 9th house may indicate they understand/feel/empathize with emotions in a different way from you due to where they come from and how they were culturally socialized, i have this with my bf and he comes from a north american individualist country where your emotions are your responsibility and other's are theirs and i come from a post communist country where you are responsible for everyone's emotions, and ppl live for other people.
in vedic astrology i am a hasta moon, claire nakti made a video on hasta nakshatra and describes hasta natives as "fairy pretty" and i have a pair of dragonfly fairy wings tattooed on my back, plus ive been told (before my tattoo) that i give off fairy vibes.
saturn ruled 3rd house makes you have to spend a lot of time in public transportation, for example you might live far from where you need to go, for me it used to take me 1 hour at least to get to some places, sometimes i'd have to wait an hour just to then spend on hour on the bus. just overall imposes patience for transportation
a lot of astro observation posts say that an aquarius 4th house makes you feel like u dont belong in your family or that you're the black sheep of the family, but i dont find that accurate at all, i feel like it makes the native the one to challenge family values, they may be the one to make their family change for humanitarian reasons
idk if this is a real technique already used by astrologers but i have a wholesign MC theory. in wholesign the midheaven can fall in the 9th/10th or 11th house. my theory is that wherever it falls is the way you get ahead in life, the way through which u become publicly known or get your career. If it falls in the 9th your career is owed to ur studies/travel, 10th your hard work/experience/reputation, 11th your connections/social media/friends.
i think i have the most literal astrological placements being passed down from your parents example. obviously placements dont always get passed down, my sister has none of their placements, but perhaps being the first child may have contributed to this since the first child is when parents still have their personality not yet influenced by parenthood. so my moon and my sun, which we know symbolize the parents amongst other things, are at the same degree and they sextile eachother exactly, which I think is an indicator that my parents are very harmonious together; they are still together and in love even now. furthermore, my moon and sun are the same signs of my parents' stelliums, i have a libra moon and my mom has a libra stellium, and my sun is in leo and my dad has a leo stellium.
sibling's ceres in your first is feeling like a parent to them, i constantly tell my sister she's my daughter, we even have an inside joke that i gave birth to her at 5, and my ceres is in her fourth, the house of motherhood so she definitely sees me as a parental figure.
me and my bf have eachother's jupiter in our 7th houses, besides being in a serious committed relationship, we want to start a business together. so i feel this is a great indicator for great partnership in both regards.
i feel like this is also a technique but i haven't really heard much about it, generational planets affect us through societal conditions/problems whereas personal planets affect us through personal problems. for example: let's go with two malefics, i have pluto in the first house which i feel would be very different from having let's say mars in the first house. the first house is amongst many things our appearance which i am insecure about. i have never in my life been told i am ugly, i am actually constantly told i am beautiful, and yet it does not click. it isn't through personal experiences that i have problems with my appearance but through consumption of society ideals. this is of course an oversimplification but you get what i mean.
chiron retrograde in natal changes our perception on trauma. me and my bf have the same chiron, his is retrograde while mine is not. he constantly says he is not traumatized, whereas i can tell i am. he 100% has traumas, the thing is that it's like he's left them behind? he just says it happened a long time ago so it's done. my observation is that retrogrades in your natal may make u leave things in the past or have a "it happened a long time ago it doesn't matter" attitude towards trauma. the thing is he acts like a non-traumatized person which is crazy to me.
i have a skin condition called dermatographia, also overall very dry itchy acne prone skin, i also have scars. here are a few placements that i have that i feel may be an indicator for skin conditions: mars ruled first house (traditional rulership) mars is inflamation and scarring, saturn in seventh saturn is dry and some people consider that libra(7th house) rules the skin, saturn opposite ascendant, saturn square venus i see venus as clear skin due to its aesthetical perfection.
saturn in 1st, especially conjunct ascendant indicates identity issues. borrowing elements of identity from people you admire, not feeling like you identify with the gender assigned at birth, not identifying with your birth name, etc.
having a libra 12th house can indicate traumatic female friendship. the 12th house is the house of hidden enemies, so you perceive these people as your friends, sometimes even best friends, so when they betray you it is very jarring and traumatic. having female friends that are jealous of you, female friends that pretend to like you, female friends that talk shit about you and even sometimes lie about u, friends that purposefully hide information from you, that want what you have, sometimes sabotaging what you have or trying to make u lose the thing they want, etc. this is a very difficult placement, because you love these people so much that you would've given up things, changed things or shared things with them if only they were honest with you. in the best of cases the friendship is real and full of love but you grow apart, and this is also painful because you can't control it.
venus square ascendant is people telling you they love you and you not believing them. just overall hardships around love and seeing yourself as loveable. double points when it also squares saturn making u think that if u are loved it's hard work or that people had to convince themselves to, that you're hard to love.
people with venus conjunct mars in first are stunning and have an androgynous vibe to them. sometimes this is visual, strong muscular body with graceful posture, but it can reflect in their personality, just strength imbued with vulnerability, people that surprise you, that are balanced.
taurus 6th house can indicate finding romantic partners in the workplace.
having a stellium in the 4th and no planets in the 10th, can indicate a strong connection to your mom and a disconnect from your dad, especially when the sun is in the opposite sign of your tenth house(in your 4th) feeling like your dad is not the way he should be.
please let me know what you think, im very curious how they hold up in other people's charts, critiques are welcome and invited.
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raisedbythetv89 · 5 days
The writers I think mostly completely by accident with the assistance of James charming his way into becoming a main character created the perfect storm to ensure people who love spike would reach absolute peak levels of being completely obsessively deranged about him forever
Season 2:
He’s a punk rock villain with killer cheekbones, enchanting eyes, and an absolutely DEVILISH smile - who’s an incredibly dedicated and dangerous fighter who specifically seeks out challenging fights he’s not guaranteed to win (brave and reckless - normally traits seen in heroes) hates everyone except his mentally ill physically sick wife (the statistics of men who leave their wives when they get sick in the US is horrifying like nurses literally have to warn married women who get sick it happens so often) who he’s hopelessly devoted to and unbelievably soft with and always listens to her while also exuding a psychotic amount of sex appeal and is just F U N he loves being a vampire and he loves fighting and it makes it so much fun for the audience. While still showing how much he respects and admires his enemy for her skill, strength, resourcefulness, and intelligence - NEVER underestimating her just because she’s a tiny blonde girl - and instead of destroying the world for love he SAVES the world for love - a villain doing good to get the love of his life back who essentially dumped him for her ex????????? D E V O T E D and shockingly extremely trustworthy??? And has amazing chemistry with our heroine and is there for a pivotal moment in her life and is the only one there for her when she has no one else????? *enemies to lovers girlies ENTER THE CHAT*
Season 3:
He shows he fucking MEANS IT when he says Dru is the love of his life when he shows up in Sunnydale because he blames Angel not Buffy or Drusilla but the man actually responsible for all their problems and he is the most pathetic mess we’ve ever SEEN!!!! He’s crying and drunk all the time and he’s so sad he goes to Buffy’s mom TO TALK 💀😭 our pathetic sensitive little self admitted lover boy who KNOWS he’s love’s bitch and he won’t be pretending he’s anything otherwise who shows how clearly he sees and understands other people and the depths of his emotional intelligence so much so Buffy herself admits she can’t fool Spike she can fool her friends BUT NOT SPIKE OR HERSELF EXCUSE ME MA’AM WHAT???????
AND Spike doesn’t just uselessly MOPE forever he gets some perspective and is like I know what I’m gonna do to her back and I’m gonna go do that now! 😁👍🏻 showing he never stays down for long and is always gonna get back up to keep fighting for his love while BOTH he and Buffy still honor the truce even though he’s broken it by coming back??? While Buffy’s all “I violently dislike you” YEAH OK GIRL WHATEVER YOU SAY *enemies to lovers girlies chomping at the bit intensifies*
Season 4:
CLEARLY heartbroken about Drusilla (DEVOTED!!!) but it’s turned into anger and resentment directed at Harmony who how bizarre looks nothing like Drusilla but A LOT like Buffy…… hmmmmmmmmmmmmm HOW INTERESTING *enemies to lovers girlies are vibrating with anticipation that turns into a full blown combustion when something blue happens*
Spike doesn’t pretend to love Harmony in order to get what he wants from her (shown in direct contrast to Parker) he’s ironically very honest despite being a villain - he’s showing he’s STILL loyal to Drusilla in ONLY loving her even after she’s dumped him... again!
We see Spike treat Buffy the EXACT same way he treated Drusilla during something blue reaffirming THIS IS HOW THIS MAN LOVES WHEN HE LOVES YOU. He’s extremely affectionate, helpful, protective, caring - D E V O T E D - and is truly just the most certified lover boy we’ve ever fucking seen
Season 5:
*all of us screaming, crying, throwing up, climbing the walls and generally just losing our minds*
Season 6:
No soul, his love is so great for Buffy as is his loyalty and devotion to her, he now helps all of his dead love’s friends fight evil and is raising her sister and dreams of saving her every night for 148 nights 🤚🏻😭 don’t even fucking talk to me I can’t take it
Forgive the absolute 180 in tone change here:
Dick game is FIRE - his touch is the only thing that makes Buffy feel alive AND SHE WAS IN HEAVEN BRO SHE KNOWS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE IN HEAVEN AND SPIKE IS THE ONLY THING KEEPING HER GOING like damn girl yes YOU FUCK THAT HOUSE DOWN!!! Also he is now just naked 50% of the time just to drive us all even FURTHER out of our minds and somehow has just gotten even hotter as the seasons have gone on like this is what’s been hiding under the leather jacket all this time! Enjoy!
And THE MOST unintended consequence of jw’s vindictive writing:
He clearly didn’t want us to love Spike and tried to manipulate us into hating him in such a blatant and clumsy ooc attempt all that did was weed out the weakest amongst the Spuffy/Spike fans until all that remained were us:
The most devoted and stubborn fans who REFUSED to have the thing they loved ruined or taken away from us and were smart enough to see through his bullshit manipulation attempt in the first place.
Genuinely they created the equivalent of supersoilder strength level fans with this absolutely lethal combination of events 💀
AND THEN as if all that wasn't enough he goes and gets his soul on purpose for Buffy so he can be the man she deserves and she can love him without hating herself for loving him despite the immense pain it will cause him which is the most selfless thing we have ever seen anyone do for Buffy only to be topped when he sacrifices himself to destroy the hellmouth, save the world and free her from Sunnydale!!! Plus ya know once he gets the soul even though he did it for her he never tries to use that as leverage to get anything from her like he truly expects nothing from her at all but still wants to help her and James delivers the most devastating performances we've ever fucking seen, finally tells her friends off which has needed to happen for 5 seasons, the "you're the one speech" him being a dad to all the potentials with Buffy giving us supernatural parent core who made it through their rough patch with their first kid in season 6 with Dawn and now are just the beautiful team with their found family and Buffy finally has someone who can truly carry her burdens with her and just all the tenderness and devotion they both deserve after so many years of pain and fighting. Basically giving the audience the message that even if you have a metric ton of pain and trauma there are people out there who see you and understand you and there is a chance for you to heal both together and separately to build your own version of a more normal and stable life. It's a message of such hope and I personally know several people, including myself who watched what Spike and Buffy have and it inspired us to look at the relationships we were in and realize we deserved SO MUCH MORE than what we were getting and in my case it turned out I was being emotionally abused and manipulated that entire time!! Much like Buffy was by both Riley and Angel. So it isn't an exaggeration to say Spuffy saved my life in a lot of ways both in being there for me at such a dark time and helping me draw a map of how to get out. Not to mention loving them in fandom spaces has helped me connect with so many people just like me who share very similar experiences and have helped me feel so much less alone and has helped me heal in so many ways 🖤
Spuffies get "hOw cAn yOu liKe sPiKe aFtEr wHaT hE dId" all the fucking time and truly the better question is how can you NOT like Spike???? HAVE YOU BEEN PAYING ATTENTION AT ALL??? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT GOOD RELATIONSHIPS NEED TO WORK?? BECAUSE AT THEIR CORE SPUFFY HAS THEM ALL!
It's jw writing so NOTHING will escape his toxic bullshit but Spike - because he was hated by jw for so long - so much of the time when he tried to make Spike less popular he just kept making him better and more complex and more and more targeted to the female gaze which is exactly why he snapped and made the choices he literally forced everyone else to go along with despite their protests with that scene to make it the most traumatizing scene in all of Buffy history not just for the audience but for the actors as well because yes it is incredibly horrific and upsetting to watch (which is why I skip it on rewatches) but I still am able to see if for what it is which is a narcissist lashing out at people he hates because he hasn't been able to control them and too bad for him I refuse to be manipulated by his bullshit so it failed completely and made so many of us that much more stubbornly protective of Spike and his and Buffy's relationship not just from other fans but from the creator himself 🙃🖕🏻like he basically just trauma bonded us to Spike and Buffy which has led to the creation of one of the most devoted, loyal, intelligent fanbases who is absolutely unhinged (affectionate) with their love of this character and his relationship which is why we are all still creating and writing about this character 25 year later and show absolutely zero signs of slowing down or stopping 💀
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jjwho · 1 month
What You Need To Hear RN.
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Pile 1
Cards pulled out: Seven of cups, Nine of cups, The highpriestess and Five of cups
You have a lot of options laid in front of you or are coming in, but it may have not been the thing or option you have been seeking, but it could be something that's taking you on the right path, but I see you being upset or more focused on this other option you'd like have instead of looking at these many options being given to you. The way you may be looking at your situation right now might be you only seeing yourself having to take this path step by step in your way, but you may not understand that these other options will lead you to your future dreams or your future career path ect ect where you're actually happy doing what you're doing. Be okay with not knowing what's coming towards you and learn to not be so upset and stuck on the last because you weren't able to take the path "that was right for you", because there's a reason why you weren't able to take that path and that's why you have many options coming in now or are in front of you now, because your path is taking you to a different place which will still keep you happy in the end with your true dreams coming true in the end.
Signs: white butterflies, red wine, stars, Aries, virgo, pisces and Sagittarius. Green vines, 777, 333
Pile 2
Cards pulled out: Five of cups, five of swords, hermit and four of wands
Omg, I literally wrote this whole bitch ass thing out and it didn't save. Idk maybe that'd how you've been feeling lately pile 2. Anyways so let me try to retype everything exactly as how I remembered it if I can remember. You may have been going through some unexpected changed or something unexpected might have been stoned upon you so that had you really depressed and not feeling good at all causing you to want to surrender and give up to your circumstances that are put on you and you just feel so destroyed. It's time for you to really look back at this and really think is this is the right decision and just give time to yourself to reflect and think things through as you should know that you hold so much power and it might seem that you don't but you do, take pride in your achievements and take back what's yours from the people whether it's fake friends, or bitchass family members, take back what's yours. Honestly. Likeee. Better your self esteem girl you need it and celebrate what you've gone through and achieved with some real friends and family and their support will give you enough courage to take back what's yours with sass.
Signs:Violet blue, green eyes, green apples, parachute song.
Pile 3
Cards pulled out: Four of swords, seven of pentacles, five of pentacles and the lovers
Pile 3 you need to rest-
You've been working really hard and you should take a break, you could be working off financial debts or student loan debts and we get that but that can cause you to go off balance, you should learn to work and also give yourself time to rest cause you gave yourself a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights and are disturbing your studying or just your normal life routine. Learn how to ask people for help if you need, don't assume you can handle everything at once. If a person truly cares about you they'd help without a second thought. But mainly learn how to be in harmony with your body, mind and soul and self care is essential for you to step up girlie.
That's all that's coming through so the reading is super short
Signs: cereal, white wans, documentaries, student in university, medical field.
Pile 4
Cards pulled out:six of cups, queen of cups, lovers and ace of pentacles
Pile 4 it seems like love and stability is coming in for you. With love to come in you may need to emotionally heal yourself and reflect on your childhood and childhood trauma and maybe connect with your inner child or you next partner may be someone who reminds you of your childhood and that's why spirits wants you to heal on your last as you may try to run away from this lover or get triggered by this person. Be more gentle with yourself and be aware of your own emotional needs and don't shame yourself for having needs. I see you needing stability when it comes to these things before your next partner can come in. But that's all im getting pile 4
Signs: Aries, blue moon, riviera, ocean, water, blue glass, dark roses
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holywizardheart · 1 year
💭My thoughts about synastry aspects💭
This is my personal experience in relationship and friendship with people!
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🎵12th house synastry is a karmic placement. At first, you will spend a lot of time with each other and then this person just disappears from your life. Like it never happened. Also, it can mean that you often see them in your dreams. For me, it feels like this person understands you and you can show your true self without expecting criticism from them. It just feels like heaven and a dream that doesn't last long forever. But guys don't forget that the 12th house can represent your hidden enemies. Just be super careful when sharing your deep feelings and secrets.
💋Mars/Moon negative aspects can be really good, especially in sexual life but not in a relationship. You'll definitely argue a lot. Hurting each other's feelings and there may be a little jealousy :)
Mars person hurts Moon person's feelings. Sometimes Moon person may be scared of the Mars person. It also can mean physical violence. I'm sure that Mars person wants to have sex with Moon ;)
💦Moon opposite Moon aspect is such a good synastry in my opinion. Like there is a quick understanding of each other. I know that it's not perfect for EVERYONE but in my opinion, it works if you're determined to adapt or change. I'm a Pisces Moon and I like Virgo moon and other Virgo placements. For me, they're the most beautiful and kind people I've met in my life. Sending my love to Virgo placements.
💌Venus opposite Mars aspect I was Venus person and the other person is Mars. Honestly, I was so scared of this person because they were so aggressive and argumentative. I just didn't want to have a bad relationship with this person. Like never ever. I felt that I have to be more careful and mindful when it comes to this person. Because the aggression of this person is so terrifying and threatening to me. But maybe the reason is that they have moon mars opposition. Because it literally means emotionally expressive and violent. But right now our relationship is going well and I don't find them life-threatening. We sometimes talk to each other but it's on a very superficial level.
🔥5th house synastry is just about having fun with each other. Like it's so entertaining and awesome being together. Dancing and singing and having a great time. It's funny and enjoyable being with them because you are never bored when you're with them. And dating this person is like being in an adventurous fantasy book. You can try new things together but when something doesn't work out you'll just laugh at each other. Sex is gonna be fascinating and unforgettable.
💕Venus conjunct Descendant is a great placement in my opinion. You'll feel attracted to this person because this person has the same traits that you want in your partner. It means their personality and their looks are literally a perfect match for you. It gives me a lovely couple vibe. From my experience, I was just attracted to them but we couldn't have a relationship with each other. Because I always had bad aspects with Moon and Mars. Yeah, it's killed the connection and we said bye to each other. It was really hard to deal with it and left without any words. But if you have other good and harmonious placements then it's gonna be an amazing romantic love story.
🍀Mars/Saturn negative aspects in this synastry I was Saturn and he's Mars. You know this guy was so annoying and irritating like I just want to throw myself away. His behavior and actions were irrational and chaotic. Like Jesus Christ please save me from this person. I just can't stand near him and I always want to be away from this person. Like, don't touch me keep your hands away from me. It reminds me of being with a child who is constantly crying and annoying me.
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eatingfireflies · 26 days
I want to talk about this thing
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And I have a proposal:
The name of Dr Ratio's warp event is connected to this and, incidentally, Aventurine
Disclaimer: 1) I'm not normal or rational about Dr Ratio. 2) The conclusion is supported only by the English translation as far as I know. 3) Maybe the conclusion is a bit of a leap but I'm serious about everything else.
Let's go!
The conversation Aventurine and Acheron had towards the end is probably up there with End of Evangelion for me in terms of comforting. There's something comforting about Acheron's Nihility because there's still a drop of colour in there and she thinks it's enough. It's the kind of emptiness that accepts anything and don't we all need a little black hole to chuck all our worries into? 🥲
Before the 'grand finale', Aventurine says that sleep is a rehearsal of death. After his death, Acheron agrees and adds that we sleep in order to prepare for the real thing.
And then Aventurine asks her a question:
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And Acheron's answer is: this isn't true and Aventurine knows this himself. We don't get born to die. There's no reason for being born, just like there is no meaning in life.
(There's only chance. In stories, things happen for a reason but life isn't story-shaped.)
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So: there is no meaning in life. But the way we live our lives gives meaning to our deaths.
Then she tells him to look at his pocket because his friend has already given him the answer.
And I was like 'Finally !! I've been waiting for this reveal!' because what can be said at this moment that could help Aventurine?
There are 2 phases in his plan:
1) Prove that death is possible in the dreamland. Since all the visitors in Penacony are protected by Harmony, this is pretty hard to do but not impossible. We know other people have done it before. Aventurine uses Acheron the emanator of Nihility to cut through the Harmony protection and finish him off.
And Aventurine wins his wager! But the plan doesn’t end there.
2) Move forward to the Real Penacony somehow and investigate the truth about the Watchmaker. And then figure out how to come back. Which honestly sounds like a tall order, but what else can Aventurine do?
Well, he can stop at phase 1.
Acheron says that the conclusion of phase 1 is a win-win situation for the IPC, which is true. Aventurine's death will give the IPC a reason to investigate Penacony and the Family. We know Jade and the others aren't even allowed to go into the dreamscape, but with the death of the IPC envoy, they'll have the right to make some demands from the Family.
If Aventurine stops here, he still would have won.
We know from his conversation with his future self that he's tired and ready to stop. He wants to come home and be with his family.
Aventurine is pretty much a mess: he's a child blessed by Gaiathra Triclops, which gives him godly luck. This luck has prevented him from dying countless times before (even the times when he was actually fine with it). He wants to die but also he's terrified of... dying?
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Truly embodying the 'Why is it so hard to die, so impossible to live?'* vibe.
(*From Tanith Lee's The Secret Books of Paradys 1, if you're interested)
Or maybe more accurately, he's terrified of losing everything just like he did in Sigonia. You can look at it in 2 ways: without Mama Fenge's blessing, Kakavasha would have died with the rest of the Avgin. Or Kakavasha's luck came at the expense of literally everything he holds dear.
With Acheron's help, he has finally achieved the death his own luck has been protecting him from. So why should he move forward?
Well, let's see what Acheron meant when she said Aventurine's friend has the answer.
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And I... have no idea.
The underlying message here is easy enough to understand: Acheron has already answered Aventurine's question. He can move forward and keep living because that's what will give his eventual death more meaning. But hearing this from Acheron is a bit of a cold comfort: she accepts everything and also views everything impartially.
Ratio's note is a reminder to Aventurine that someone in the waking world is personally invested in Aventurine's well-being. Not because of what Aventurine can do for the IPC (as a consultant, I assume Ratio gets paid whether Aventurine succeeds or not, but also Aventurine has already succeeded with Phase 1).
And not because Ratio gets anything out of it... well, the Stellaron files maybe? But he already has that. Or whatever it is he went to Penacony for, because the two of them are being cagey about it.
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Whatever it is, Ratio has already gotten what he wanted. This note is an extra then, something that he gave Aventurine because he wanted to.
I'll come back to what I think he meant, but I need to talk about the Jp translation (sorry I know I should check the original Cn instead but I don't know Cn at all 😭 it's hard enough for me to catch the nuance in Jp let alone a language I can't parse at all), because the word used is different and this is why I'm unsure.
Post by a Jp user about Ratio's note. I can't post a screencap because there's no more space 🥹 But here's the text:
夢の中で不可能なのは「死」ぬことではなく、「熟睡」することだ。 生きろ。幸運を祈る。
In this note, Ratio uses 熟睡 (jukusui), which means deep sleep. This is deep uninterrupted sleep, the kind that you wake up from feeling refreshed. Or the kind that you have when you take sleep meds. Or the kind that you have when you're contented with your life and not burdened with ambition or anxieties or curiosity.
I don't know.
We know that it's possible to sleep in the dreamscape because Ratio wakes Aventurine up in the beginning of the quest. At the very least, he seemed to be dreaming so I assume he was asleep? And they seem to be in the dreamscape because there's an origami bird tail behind him... except Dr Blues also appears in reality so maybe we can't rule anything out just yet.
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I'm not 100% sure what Ratio means about 熟睡. But what about 'Dormancy'?
This is easier. The disclaimer here is I'm not a big fan of the English translation in general (especially the way Dr Ratio was translated in English) but I'll let myself have this.
Dormancy is (thank you wiki) a period in an organism's life cycle when growth, development, and (in animals) physical activity are temporarily stopped. It's also connected to 'deep sleep'. Hey, we're getting somewhere!
Basically, hibernation. Ratio seems to be confirming what we already know: the dream is falling apart because everything in the universe will succumb to Nihility in the end. Maybe the dream was created to preserve a memory (just like how the IPC was preserving Chadwick's memory in Penacony), but the dream is also starting to crumble.
Maybe this isn't the most comforting thing to tell Aventurine, but it does confirm what he probably already suspected (about the truth behind Penacony) and it also tells him that change is constant. Moving forward means he could potentially get out of a situation he doesn't like.
And he does move forward. He tells his past self that there will come a time in the future when he'll come home to his family, but not now. For now he can keep changing and making his own meaning.
Dr Ratio's warp banner is called Panta rhei. 'Everything flows', which says that things are always in a state of flux (change). For example, you can't step into the same river twice because the water is moving and is constantly getting replaced (thanks again, wiki). This is the same about humans: we are always changing both physically and mentally. We both are and are not (wiki again).
Doesn’t it sound like what he said in his doctor's prescription?
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starillusion13 · 9 months
All About You
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Pairing: Bike racer! Yeosang x f! reader
Genre: Racer Au, Yandere, Fluff, Angst.
W.C: 5.3k+
Warnings: Contains Yandere Themes (stalking, gaslighting, restraining acts, obsession, forced kiss, hints of kidnapping) illegal racing and using of sleeping pills. Jaemin is an asshole here but don’t hate him, I will gatekeep him after this.
Request from: @harmonie-writes
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @yeoobin @anyamaris @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames
(This is perma taglist: if you want to be in then send me an ask ♡)
Note: Thanks for joining the event and loving my works. Reblogs and Reviews are highly appreciated ✌︎. I know I’m posting very slowly but If you had came across my other post and ask, I’m really in a messed up situation.
*under the cut*
“Dude, give me a quick ride to home please.”
“Get the hell out of my way!” Adjusting the helmet on his head, the annoyed face got hidden and the eyes visibly glaring at the opposite pleading boy.
“You never let anyone ride your bike but atleast you can have an exception for me as we are bestfriends for 8 years.”
The grinning boy blocking the way of the biker in every way possible and the accelerating sound was increasing in each turn of the grip. The biker’s gloved hand gripping the handle tightly with the anger building up in him for the annoying boy in front of him.
“Wooyoung, move aside. I told you to stay at home today but still you came here and now you get yourself something to get back home.”
“You are literally on your way back home which is apparently mine too but look at you abandoning a poor child like me on the streets in late night.”
“Stop with your cringey acts.”
“Yaaa please.”
Before the situation could make him lose his mind, he took a swift turn with his bike towards the left. He sped up which didn’t let the other boy a chance to prevent him from leaving.
The biker with some skilled techniques moved past the after-show crowd and the racing zone leaving behind a sulky boy. People who recognized him as the show champion had an admiring look on their face to which Wooyoung just rolled his eyes.
“I will see how long you will not let anyone to ride with you.”
With a growl of an engine, the bike swiftly zoomed out into the darkness of the highway.
“Jaemin, please go away.”
“Not until you are accepting my offer.”
The said man had blocked your way with his two friends and the narrow alley with no other escape way was not helping your situation.
You gaze shifted to his two friends where one was leaning against his bike, eyes bored into his phone with bright light from the screen making him look like under a spotlight and the other one with a dirty smirk already staring at you. You shot him a glare and with the same expression, your attention turned towards the man in front of you.
“I don’t want to.”
“Why? We are best friends and we understand each other the most then why not? I love you Y/N.”
“Jaemin…Its so easy for you to say you love me and to say the same to others. We are no more friends and I don’t want to involve myself again in your life when you are just going to be an asshole like before.”
Jaemin’s jaw became tensed and he gripped the seat of his bike, nails digging into the leather before turning to his heels to go near to your form. You are feeling alarmed with his dark expression and thinking about all the worst possibilities of the current situation. His presence was only one foot away and his hands moved upward to grip your shoulders tightly to gain your attention on him. You didn’t let yourself to feel scared and entertain him so you returned him a daring look.
“I have left her for you and this time I will get you back no matter what.”
“No, you are not going to do anything stupid.”
He darkly chuckled and gripped your jaw. You were mentally wishing the ground to break apart and swallow him that instance so that you didn’t have to hear his nonsense anymore.
“Why are you not interested on me like other girls? If only I have showed a little bit of affection to any girl from your workplace, they would have been on their knees right now.”
The harshness in his tone was giving you an acute feeling that he was near to lose his mind.
“Then go to those girls. Why are you wasting your time on me?”
“I don’t want them but I want you.”
“Leave my way. Please go away from here. I don’t want to see you.”
You were wiggling in his hold and shouting at him and hoping anyone to hear you, atleast a stray dog should help you.
To your unfortune, not a single living being was there except some abandoned building and towering large trees. You were mentally scolding yourself to take that shortcut for home that late evening but you just wanted to get back home early as it’s not usual to get an early off from your work.
Now, who knew you would stumble on that stupid’s path who was chilling out with his friends after the illegal racing show.
“YA!!!!” A bike suddenly fell down and you could hear Heachan shouting at the person who caused the commotion while putting his phone back in the pocket which was his distraction all these times.
“What the fuck! Who are you and why did you hit his bike?”
You could hear Jeno’s angry voice but not able to see because of Jaemin’s muscular frame towering over you and blocking your way of vision. He was hawking at you for a pleasant reply from you.
“Jaemin, move aside and let me go.”
“No. Let them handle that. I will not let you go until you are accepting me.”
“She is telling you to go away then why are you being so persistent?”
OMG! The voice is so deep and attractive. Jaemin poked his tongue to the side and closed his eyes, clearly pissed off with this new guest. You tried to move away from him when his grip loosened on you but he quickly took a strong grip on your wrist and rolling his eyes, he turned around. You were standing beside him glaring on his hold and then boring your eyes to his side.
“Who are you?”
The centre of all attention was still on the bike and when you looked around, you could see Haechan’s bike lying on the floor, he was glaring towards this new biker and Jeno was looking between his friend and the new comer.
Mockingly, the new biker accelerated his engine and pointed his headlight towards Jaemin to which he shielded his eyes with his other hand. You wiggled under his hold but he held you tighter.
“Let her go.”
“Why will I listen to you? Who the fuck are you?”
The biker turned off the engine and parked the bike and dismounted from it. He took off his helmet and the leather gloved hand raised up to back brush his fluffy black long hairs. He casted a glance towards the other two near the fallen bike and then when he smirked towards them and returned his gaze towards both of you. His eyes travelled towards the grip on your wrist and with slow steps, he approached you.
AND GIRL! Being in such a terrible situation, you are fangirling over this new boy. His full outfit is in leathers and the well fitted attire was complimenting his body structure and you were sure that he had well built muscles under them. The moment he came near to you and then you could see how an angel looking being he is. His eyes were fixed on your hand and when you tried to pull it, he shot a glare towards Jaemin.
“Well, now you know me Jaemin.”
“You? What are you doing here? This is not your area and as far as I know, you had a competition today so just get the hell out of here.”
Letting out a chuckle, he looked around, “I cant see your name anywhere so as of public right I can be here right now.”
Turning towards both of you, he tilted his head with folded hands on his chest, waiting for the asked boy’s reply.
“Shut up. Just leave and let me solve her problem.”
“Her problem is you.”
“You don’t know anything.”
“Please help me….”
Your pleading voice halted his argument with Jaemin and he casted you a glace, his eyes searching for emotions in your face and when a tear rolled down your eyes. His jaw clenched and he punched Jaemin to which he stumbled back and the grip on your wrist was gone.
Both Jeno and Haechan ran towards their friend where the biker was maniacally laughing towards them. He signalled you to run behind him but when he saw your hesitation, he quickly pulled you towards him and hid you behind his frame. You were peeking to see how the other three were ready to jump on him.
“What the fuck dude? Are you out of your mind that you just punched him? You might have lost the competition and now you are showing off your frustration on us. You know you are already done when you hit Haechan’s bike.”
Jaemin wiped off his mouth when his other two friends ran beside him and shot the smirking boy a dangerous glare towards his way but he was just smiling in return.
“Jeno….” The way he called the name in a mocking way made you look towards his face as to examine him what he was upto and why he was helping you.
I guess he might be a true angel that he is helping you in that situation! Atleast now you can escape that asshole.
He added, “You know that I never lose anything. Whatever I set my eyes on, I get it no matter how difficult it would. I have my own ways. So, I want to help this girl here and it would be better if you just leave us here.”
“No way. Give her back to me.”
“Nah! She doesn’t want you and she asked me to help her and now I have to.”
“Jaimin, stop. Let’s go. Taeyong is calling us back to the mansion right now. We can’t piss him off and even tell him what we were actually doing, he will ban you from coming here.”
 Yeosang titled his head on hearing Jeno’s explanation to his bestfriend and he sent a tight fake smile to them. All three of them glared towards him but he didn’t even pay attention to their deathly glares but he was holding your two hands and softly smiling down to you.
You could hear Haechan’s voice in the background whining for his bike and the others made him quiet and they started their bike and Jaemin was trying to get your attention when he accelerated the engine. You casted a glance towards him and then when he spoke up.
“I will get back to you someday again.”
Your heart was pounding inside on hearing his words but with a squeeze on your hand, you felt assured that this boy might help you again.
Is that even possible?
The three of them moved past you and quickly left the scene.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Of course for helping me. I don’t know how to escape him but thanks to you for approaching on time otherwise he could have taken me with himself.”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
“Its okay. You needed help and to save a pretty girl like you is my duty.” He was staring to your hands which he was firmly holding in his palms.
“Excuse me. I need to leave now as it’s already getting so dark.”
“Do you have a ride to go to your home?”
“Umm….. no …. But I can manage by myself.”
Shaking his head, he started walking towards his bike and mounted it with a swift move. You were in awe with how his movements were like a professional racer. He might be also from illegal racing like Jaemin and his friends because they know each other.
“Please come here and let me take you to your place. I don’t want to leave a pretty one like you to wander around the streets alone at night.”
“Its okay. You don’t have to worry anymore.”
“I insist or I will feel guilty if anything happens to you today. Your day is already going bad on how you met him when you didn’t want to.”
You remained quiet while you looked around the empty and somewhat dark and lonely street to find any excuse but the way that boy was sweetly inviting you for a ride, you couldn’t help but to accept it as he was already so helpful and kind to lend a ride to a stranger.
The ride to your home was quite comfortable as he was trying to not speed up too much to make you scared of the speed of a racing bike and also, he was picking up new interesting topics like about pets, your hobbies and all. Only you were the one who was mentioning about your parts but when you were asking his, the only reply you were given was ‘nothing’. But you got to know one thing that he loves chicken a lot and has a bestfriend with whom he lives.
You told him to drop you off at the turning of your colony but he asked for water so you hesitantly agreed to tell him the exact location as you were not comfortable sharing your address with this stranger. Arriving to your place, you quickly went inside and locked the door to bring a bottle of water along with you to go and meet him at your main gate.
“Here, you can take this.”
“Are you scared of me?”
“Huh? Oh no, its just I don’t know you so….like I cant invite you inside. I’m sorry to treat you like this after you helped me today but-“
“I know. A pretty girl like you should feel like this and you should always be cautious of your surroundings. Anyways, thanks for this Y/N.” he waved the bottle to you.
“ah its okay. This is nothing.��� You both laughed lightly but then it hit you how did he know your name. “You know my name?”
“I heard him that time. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
His face became a bit worried so you just gave him a smile for assurance that he did nothing wrong.
The street in front of your place is quite bright compared to where you both met so when he took off his helmet to drink the water, you noticed how he had a birthmark beside his left eye but still that was not enough to ruin his perfect angelic look with starry eyes.
“No no It’s fine. Just I don’t know your name.”
“Yeosang. Kang Yeosang. Remember my name, you will need to scream it in future.”
“If you ever go to my shows then for cheering for me, you gotta need it.”
You chuckled on his explanation of the last sentence but quickly smiled hearing that the angel like human had a nice name.
“Thank you yeosang. I owe you for this ride.”
“Can I ask you for one thing?’
You didn’t expect him to reply so fast but you just nodded.
“Can we exchange numbers to become friends?”
“But Yeosang, I don’t know you.”
“You didn’t even know your colleagues before joining the office but you gradually know everything about them.”
“That’s different.”
“We will be same like them but our friendship will be different. Please.”
You hesitated for a moment before casting a glance to him and agreed on his request. You didn’t even know why you were entertaining all his requests but his presence and his attitude towards you was very promising.
You both did your goodbyes to each other and went away in your own way.
After that you never met jaemin or even if you came across any of his friend’s way then instead of them smirking at you or giving you dirty looks. They avoided your gaze and pretended as if they don’t know you or your presence was not there. Weird. Maybe they have given up on you and Jaemin would not continue his dirty games to get you or make you his friend again.
One day, You got a call from yeosang and invited you on his racing show but you had never been to such shows so you tried to decline his offer but he didn’t let his request to go in vain. He even sent you two tickets for the show to bring a friend along with you if you were feeling uncomfortable going alone. Wow! He is such a thoughtful person.
“Hello! Y/N. So are we going to meet today?”
“Yes, I will reach there on time.”
“I’m looking forward to our first meet.”
You both joked with each other over the call before ending it.
When you reached the show on the day, you could see Yeosang was leaning against a car and his focus was on the phone in his hand. When he looked up, his eyes sparkled to see you but the expression changed a bit on noticing the person beside you, who was your schoolfriend and you requested him to tag along with you as he was also interested in such shows.
The show went pretty much nice. You wished him best of his luck for the race to which he replied, “ I always win what I want.”
After his round, he was sitting beside you and putting up different topics and also explaining you about the show. He didn’t even bother to introduce himself to your friend.
When returning back home, Yeosang again offered you a ride so your friend had to go alone.
Many weeks had passed after the day of the show. You again went to many of his shows where you didn’t anymore need to tag along a friend and Yeosang was also does not like to see your other friends.
He often told you, “I want our friendship to be private. I don’t like when your other friends try to intervene our meets.”
Seeing his cute little pout everytime whenever he complained, so you agreed to go there alone. As you had already became so close friends so you kinda started to feel safe around him.
He started to ask everyday whether you need something or not. He often called you out for friendship dates. Whenever you gave him any excuses to let down his invitation. You would find him from your balcony down waving at you from the side of the street.
So, either two of you end up having movie night at your place or after having dinner to any fancy restaurant, he would take you to his place.
He never tried to cross his boundaries or do something which could offend you. You were quite enjoying his company every day. You never had any close friends like this but you had Jaemin as your bestfriend who suddenly became a dick after you both passed out high school and since then he is no more your old best friend.
You started to share everything with yeosang. He was always there waiting with a soft smile on his face to hear your ramblings.
You sometimes felt bizarre that he liked your miserable conditions when you were disappointed on others and show your weakness towards him. But you brushed off the feeling when you thought he was the only one who would listen to you without any judgements.
With passing days, you were becoming more reliable on yeosang. He always waited outside of your office to pick you and give you a long ride before dropping you at your home. He sometimes stayed at your place when you offered a delicious recipe for the dinner. He even started to come early mornings to take you to your workplace. He sometimes popped out of nowhere if you are hanging out with your friends or you are just wandering around the cities alone.
Sometimes you were feeling of being always watched and him always appearing in front of you started to make you a feel aware that he was always invading your privacy. And maybe that was what he wanted.
Maybe, he was waiting for a perfect chance to show his actual self to you, his actual motive to you. To get you for himself.
“Yeosang, where is this route going? This is neither to your apartment nor mine.”
He was humming a song and paused on hearing your question. Giving you five seconds of silence, he again started to hum that song which you had recommended him on the first day of your meet. He sped up and to the impact you clutched his leather jacket tightly.
You always loved riding his bike. The cool breeze hit your face and your hairs flow with the wind. The speed make your all worry fly away and you feel like an independent bird wandering around the sky on her own melody.
But this speed was not giving you the but anxiety.
“Please slow down. You are too fast.”
“You don’t know how fast I can be in some other ways.”
“What are you even saying? Slow down.”
You were closing your eyes tightly due to the impact of speed and your grip on his jacket was turning your knuckles white.
Today. Yeosang was a bit too energetic and was treating you too well. He offered you breakfast to your favourite place before reaching your workplace then he invited you to your favourite lunch place during break and after picking you up from the office, you both had your dinner at a luxury restaurant. When you both were returning home, he took a different route and then when you started feel anxious.
Suddenly, he stopped on his track and you bumped to his back. You quickly got down and eyes busy observing the surrounding. The place was quite dark and silent. In front of you was a white mansion and to your surroundings, you could see only bushes and dark voids.
“Yeosang where are we?”
He gripped your hand and pulled you towards the entrance. Your hesitance self and confused mind not getting the hold of the situation properly.
“Where are we going? What is this this place?”
“Hold on Y/N. You will get your answer.”
Reaching the door, he sent you an admiring smile to your way and his eyes sparkling with stars in it. The soft look on his face and his deep voice were just contrasting each other. Similarly, his sweet smile and his tight grip on your wrist contrasted in action.
When he pushed the door open, he quickly closed your eyes with his hands.
“Step forward Y/N. Welcome to my home.”
Your hands moved upward to place it on top of his and your heart beating furiously in the anticipation of danger.
“Yes pretty?”
He let go of his hand and your eyes took a moment to get adjusted to the new environment and then when you noticed the whole living area of the mansion was decorated with your favorite flowers, your pictures and the aroma in the air was your favorite too. In the middle of the room, there was a hanging rolling poster with something written on it. Your slow steps took you close to it while eyes busy observing the surroundings and then you could read.
Your eyes went wide and you turned on your heels to face him. In return, he was smiling at you with admiration and amusement in his eyes.
“What is this yeosang?”
“What? Don’t you like it?”
“I love you Y/N.”
“But I don’t.”
Yeosang’s admiring eyes turned dark and his soft smiling face froze into a serious look. You got scared on his sudden change. His black boots hitting the marble floor echoed around the big silent room decorated with only you.
‘Everything was your favorite. Everything had you in it. Everything was reflecting you. Everything was all about you. Everything was you.’
Now it was his turn asking you for a reply.
“Look this so pretty-“
“Just like you.”
“I liked it-”
“I like you.”
“But I don’t want this-“
“And I want you.”
“Yes, my pretty Y/N?”
His eyes were lost in admiring you and flicking his gaze between your lips and eyes. His grip on your shoulder moved down to hold your hands and he brought them near his lips to give them soft kiss on the knuckles. You tried to retreat your hands but he gave you a dangerous look.
“Let me speak Yeosang. Don’t cut me off. Listen to me.”
“I’m always listening to you.”
“Why are you doing this? To get me? Please don’t get your hopes high like this but am really not interested on these stuffs.”
“Not interested?”
“I never thought about you like this. I always treated you like my close friend whom I considered as my new family. But this. I didn’t expect this from you.”
“I treated you more than that. I treated you as my only one.”
“Yeosang. Everything does not work like that. You have to know other’s feeling as well before confessing something like this. Give them time to know each other. It takes time to develop feelings for others. Maybe sometimes others can’t return you the same feelings in the end.”
His demeanor was unreadable when he frustratedly shuffled his thick black hairs. You could see tears pooling in his eyes. You never saw him crying but he did. You were always so vulnerable some days and then his comfort and sweet talk had made you voice out your weariness after having an overwhelming day. Your heart ached on seeing him like that.
“Am I not the one for you? Y-you don’t love me back…. You don’t care about me…Why?”
“Yeosang. Calm down please. Take deep breaths.”
He was hiccupping and choking on his own tears. He was acting weirdly. You were scared with his appearance but still you were trying to ease him. Maybe he cant take rejections well. You would try your best to make him understand and comfort him in such situation.
“I love you Y/N.”
“Yes you love me. I appreciate that you love me but I cant accept your love. I love you too Yeosang but just as a friend. Please try to understand we have nothing in between us.”
You both were sitting on the sofa and your body turned towards him, one hand patting his back and other resting on top of his hand placed on his knee.
“If you really appreciate it then why cant you accept it?”
“I did not mean that.”
“Then what? Was it all lie? You liked everything I did for you. You said I am the only one in your life and No one compares to me. Then why? Where am I lacking behind?”
“I didn’t mean like that.”
He suddenly twisted to your side and cupped your face between his soft hands. Your tears were threating to fall down while seeing him so broken but you had to make him understand that what he was thinking was not appropriate. His teary eyes looking down at you and he gave you a sad smile. You mimicked his action. His thumb brushed your lower lip. Your hands moved upward to grip his wrist softly.
“Please love me Y/N. Please let me show you how much I love you.”
“You have done enough for me. Yeosang, I really loved every moment I had spent with you but this is something I cant accept. Please try to understand.”
“No no you are saying this because I haven’t done enough or you are thinking am not capable of.”
“No. I didn’t-“
“You think I’m only a bike racer and not capable enough for your desires but let me clear you. I’m one of the top 10 wealthiest businessman of this state. I can give you everything. You are special to me. You know one more thing?”
You were shocked to know that he was a businessman. Its not like you were going to accept him on hearing he was hella rich but you just didn’t expect. Maybe you did a little when you were on your dates with him to various luxury places. But You always accepted him as a best friend in your life but never more than that.
“I even let you ride my bike. Not even once or twice but every time, we went somewhere I took you on a long ride and even today. I never let anyone to ride it as it is my precious last gift from my mother.”
“why me?”
“I knew that day when I saw you, jaemin harassing you on the streets. The way, pleads rolled out from your mouth. Your whimpers when you were wiggling yourself out of his hold and your teary eyes looking at me begging for help. I knew it that you were the one for me and I always need you to be like that to me and under me.”
“What are you saying Yeosang?”
“I am saying that please let me show you how much I love you.”
Before you could speak any further, he smashed his lips against yours. His one hand moved from your jaw to back of your head and other holding your hands down. You are trying everything possible to get out of it but your fighting back was nothing against his muscular strong grip. His lips were crashing against you, there was a desperation in the kiss as if he had to prove anything. Well, he had to. He had to prove how much he loves you. But you don’t want it then why?
He bit your lower lip and you gasped when his tongue entered the new space and explored your mouth as if he would suck everything from your inside . His lips shining with mixture of yours and his saliva moved from the lips to jaw and was leaving trailing wet kisses down to your exposed neck due the thin strip a-line dress.
He halted and retreat himself to look at you. Your smudge lipstick to the side of your lips ending on your cheeks. His thumb brushed over the lining of your closed eyes to wipe off the tears.
“Why are you crying?”
“Please…I don’t want this…”
“I don’t want this too. I want us to be happy but not crying like this. I want a family where it will be only you and me and maybe our future little one running around here.”
“No. It cant be possible.”
“Everything is possible if you let it happen.”
Your crying state was suddenly engulfed in a warm hug. You wanted to push him away but his hug had the same comfort like other times. He was soothing your back and kissing on your head. You clutched his jacket and was sobbing. Maybe this could melt his heart and then he would let you go.
“Its okay Y/N. We can do this together.”
“No! There is no you and me together in this world.”
“let me bring you some water and then you can relax and think properly. You are not on your right mind right now.”
“I am thinking everything properly. I’m in my right mind. The only one who is not trying to understand is you.”
Your words were ignored by him when he went into the kitchen to bring you water. You looked around to see your pictures and all the times you both had spent together.
Every smile on the pictures seemed like were mocking at your situation. If only you knew back then the times you were spending with that demon inside an angel, which you were thinking as the most memorable one would turn out as the nightmares of your life.
“here drink this.”
You were drinking the water while looking at some particular pictures.
You didn’t meet him those days.
You never wore that dress outside.
You didn’t go to that place with him.
Then how?
You chugged down the water and placed the glass on the table. With quick steps, you rushed to see every picture on that wall. How come these pictures are here?
“how do you got these pictures?”
“Aren’t you looking pretty? I get what I want.”
“I need to go.”
When you turned on your heels, you felt dizzy. Your vision was getting blurred. You realized someone took a hold of your weak frame and as if you were floating.
“take some rest. It was too much for you. We can continue later.”
“I..want to…go…Yeosang..”
Your eyes closed and with your lips parted you seemed like you had so much to say, so much to explain but you couldn’t.
“If you go away. I will be lonely again. You will be lonely again.”
He kissed your lips and temple while holding you in bridal style.
“My life is all about you Y/N.”
My Yeosang and Jaemin are really innocent. Please don’t hate them. My two precious angels.😭
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ponett · 9 months
Got a spoilery ask about SLARPG regarding Melody's character arc and, to a lesser extent, the ending, so I'll put this below a read more!
Anonymous asked:
Heya! I adore adore adore SLARPG, and have latched pretty hard onto Melody and Harmony's dichotomy for a while... I was wondering whether you saw Harmony more as an obstacle to Melody's growth, or something to be worked on and reconciled with more like Madeline and Badeline from Celeste? Unless it's spoilers of course. It's one of the few threads left open after the game, and as a plural woman myself I was just curious. X3
I'll say up front that I've generally avoided stepping in and telling people what The One Correct Interpretation is for a lot of things in SLARPG. I didn't intend for Melody to be read as plural, since in the story Harmony is a parasitic outside force, but I also understand where that interpretation comes from and won't tell folks they're wrong for relating to her like that. That's just the beauty of art. We can relate to things however we want. I just wanna make sure my personal framing is clear before I talk about the thought behind Melody and Harmony's relationship
Harmony is more of a literary device than a character. While she's not an alternate personality for Melody, she's also not really a full person in her own right. I don't think about Harmony having her own arc. She's a magical force that occasionally externalizes Melody's darker, more self-critical thoughts for the audience, where normally she would keep them to herself. She has her own design and name to make the dialogue boxes easier to follow. I also keep it intentionally vague whether or not other people would be able to see Harmony because I find that understated uncertainty more fun.
On a literal level, Harmony is a magical parasite, and therefore an obstacle to be overcome. She's not supposed to be there, straight up. But because she's just the embodiment of dark thoughts that Melody is already having, there isn't really much point in "defeating" Harmony to me - which is why things play out the way they do.
Even if Melody got rid of Harmony, she would still have to deal with those feelings. It would be a purely symbolic victory. And symbolic victories like that are often satisfying as hell in fiction, but in real life you can't defeat your shadow self to stop those 3am "what if my friends are only pretending to like me" thoughts. So instead, Harmony is something Melody needs to cope with and minimize. It's not about getting rid of bad thoughts forever, but rather learning how to deal with them better. And that's an active, life-long process. And so Harmony remains, but Melody is working on having healthier relationships with both her loved ones and herself.
I'll also say that, while I love Celeste, Madeline and Badeline's arc is mostly irrelevant to the way I write Melody and Harmony. (I don't think this ask is accusing me of plagiarizing Maddy Thorson or anything, to be clear. I'm just on a tangent since the comparison was brought up.) SLARPG began development in 2015, so the Harmony scenes, and Melody's arc as a whole, were already planned before Celeste came out. While I worried about getting compared to a much more popular game, I stuck to my guns, knowing that my story was different enough to stand on its own. If anything, I just avoided specific phrases like "reflection" or "I'm a part of you" to try and keep people from just pointing and going "Celeste reference!"
Unfortunately the "wow this is just like Celeste" comments were unavoidable, as were the newfound generalizations about what all indie games about trans girls with anxiety must be like because there are two (2) whole games that share some common story tropes, and it seems like the ending may have thrown some people off because of expectations created by Celeste. But what are you gonna do? I at least avoided my absolute nightmare scenario of Deltarune Ch.2 doing glitch aesthetics or giving Susie and Noelle a kiss mechanic lmao
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Random thoughts about the Jedi Code.
(Reminder that I am no expert, so what I'm going to write at are just that : thoughts and opinions)
I guess what irks me is that, in my opinion, those who said that the Jedi Code/mantra is wrong take it way too literally.
People sees sentence like :
There is no emotion, there is peace
There is no passion, there is serenety
And immediately thinks "oh, the Jedi aren't allowed to have or express emotions. How unhealthy !"
Now, I'm not religious but my mother is and so when I was younger I sometimes went to the church with her. And of course, I know the jedi order and christianism isn't the same thing at all, but what I realised is that religious writing have deeper meaning than it seems. And sometimes this meaning isn't quite obvious at the first read. Otherwise, there wouldn't be someone willing to spends minutes explaining one single sentences.
And even if we don't talk about religion, there's also philosophy. I don't know about other countries but where I'm from philosophy exams consisted in reading a complex text (sometimes long, sometimes short), difficult to understand and then "rewrite" in our own words and making it easier too understand. And sometimes I will actually spend an hour trying to understand it, because often the meaning of the text wasn't obvious. Because I had to study it and actually make an effort trying to understand it.
What am I trying to say ? Each field of knowledge has it's own vocabulary, it's way of expressing itself. Same words don't always have the same meaning depending in which field it's used (like attachment in psychology vs attachment in Buddhism). And knowledge, especially the philosophycal kind, is usually expressed in a more complex way than we would like.
I don't think I'm doing a good job at explaining this. Ironically, I'm not very good with words.
Basically, when I see "There is no emotion, there is peace", or there is no passion, there is harmony", I don't immediately think "the Jedi can't have emotion". I think about how none of the Jedi are emotionless, I think about Obi-wan joking with Anakin. I think about Obi-wan laughing in the elevator scene. I think about how kind Plo Koon is. I think about looking so broken as he hold his dying Master. I think about obi-wan getting angry at Anakin before the fight with Dooku. (I realise of course, that obi-wan is my main exemple, but since this is mostly based on the movies it's either he or Anakin). Anyway, if Jedi were forbidden to have emotion, he would have been expulsed a long time ago. But I also think about how Yoda said that "fear lead to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate lead to suffering". And so, all of that considered, when I read "there is no emotion, there is peace" what I understand is that one shouldn't allow their emotion to control them. One can feel emotion and acknowledge them, but should always have a clear head, be balanced, before acting. Because instantly acting on emotions, mean acting on impluse. And acting on impulse when lives are on the line isn't the best decision, in my opinion.
Anyway, I'm not sure if most of you will be able to understand what i tried to say since I am, I repeat, bad with words (and English isn'tmy first language, I only use it on social media), but I wanted to share anyway.
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aberrymilk · 7 months
No, but like, WHY do people care so much about other people ship preferences?
I get it, I don't ship the obvious ones or the "right" or what was given to me by the author, but IS JUST A SHIP.
Look, don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at other preferences when it comes to this. What I get annoyed at is that when there is an illustration, an edit, a fucking fic, any kind of media, that shows that romantic dynamic between the characters they will be like
"siblings 🩷" "omg no how could ship that? They aren't like that." "Have you read the books ?" "Omg, people actually ship them?" "The author said..." "omg but this (name of other ship), it's so much better," and so on.
My beautiful person who comments in every edit of (some examples, but I'm sure that there's more) harmony, lunami, zutara, sasusaku .... do you really think that they/we don't know or care about this ? Do you know what you look like when u comment stuff like that? An idiot who can't let others have a different opinion on literally fiction character's romance life, like that one kid in kindergarten who saw another kid getting a toy and go's on about how that toy is lame compared to theirs, a spoiled brat.
You have so many things to be arguing about in the actual plot, but you can't cus you think that the idea of nami and luffy together is so wrong that you go around in every media of them "oda said..." But with other members of the crew, oda said absolutely nothing... not only that, but are we really discussing this ? Can we be talking about I don't know... how racist and hypocrites are some people in this famdon? Really give your disappointment and disgust to that(what is actually important).
Harry and Hermione are another great example of "I know they aren't like that but I like the idea of it" WE KNOW THEY AREN'T LIKE THAT but we think is cute it could HAVE BEING cute, sometimes people just grow up shipping and seeing they as a possible couple, like people who grow hating sakura and now simply can't have a actually good argument of why she should be hated on... that was an ironic comment by the way but also not, ( no, her not liking the main character the same way shouldn't be one, or the author not giving her screen time either much less cus of the fact the the anime did her dirty with so much disconnect things from the manga, like her relationship with sasuke <his perspective of it > or naruto himself for that matter, hate on a literally 12 years old for saying shit that every fucking person in the village grew up thinking, funny, why not hate on the thirdkage then? The person who could have actually stopped the hate on a little kid) [Sorry that got out of the main point]
Or zutara, my God, people get personal with just as harmony, relax, just cus I like them doesn't mean I hate kataang, surprise or not I do think they are indeed very cute, I'm pretty sure some other people who ship zutara too... we just see the potential, what could have happened, once again, enemies to friends to loves, the plot, you know ? There is no need to get offended by the IDEA of it. We love the drama and the fic, the illustrations, the edits are just a format that represents and shows it, share if people who likes it, you don't like it ? Oh well, let me tell you a secret, ignore it, you probably ignore so much more important things, why not a fucking edit of ship you don't even like ?, oh you can't ? You can't see other people "toy" and shut about your disappointment on it, is it that hard ?, oh well, have you actually not known that there's an amazing thing within social media, when you hold/press or simply click on the 3 dots on the top of the post, there's a option there, that's right, BLOCK IT the algorithm will understand if you continue blocking it, unlike some people.
I'm just rambling about this because I'm sick and tired of people being such a killjoy, I just want to enjoy "my ship" and see the comments of people who actually likes it to, not yours "siblings 🩷" in post which is definitely not about that, or "oda said..." when i didn't ask what he said, you know people have different things that brings them a scape from reality that brings them a funny giggle (no killing others people joy, when it's such a basic no harmful thing), wave of emotion for those who don't get to feel much in the day-to-day life or simple just cus.
It just petty of you, be better.
Ps.. There is no offense for those who ship other characters within these plots(or different ones), original, popular, or unpopular. Do your thing. Be happy. Just don't spoil others.
Ps2... NO I'm not defending incest that's no it at fucking all ( sorry if I didn't make it clear). I said "siblings" when it came to lunami and Harry x Hermione (cus people like to comment that on posts that aren't even about it < the platonic soul mates comment>), they AREN'T related or grown up at such. Point is you hating the idea of it and going on every post about the ship and hating there. hate all you want, but not on ,obviously, posts that are for the fans of the ship.
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anncanta · 6 months
Tumblr media
There is one more thing in the ending of ‘Dracula’, which probably seemed so obvious to me that I almost never said it. The point is that the final scene, the moment with sex, represents not only the expression of Dracula's feelings but – perhaps most of all – Agatha's own desire.
It's hard to explain. We saw those understandable coincidences (which are never coincidences, especially in Moffat's writing) in other episodes where Dracula drinks someone's blood. Just drinking blood is one thing, especially in order to satisfy physical hunger. Here we are not talking about hunger at all, and not about the process of drinking blood as such. We see two people between whom a very specific dialogue is going on. Very precisely and openly spoken one. A dialogue in which the words are so carefully chosen that no one is left in doubt about what we are witnessing.
Someone has already noted that of all Dracula's victims, only Agatha sees him in her dream, and more than openly in the finale. And we, I hope, will talk about this again. But it is important to remember that Dracula ‘gets’ out of his victims their secret thoughts and desires, something that they may not always admit to themselves.
Remember the conversation between Agatha and Jonathan? Jonathan is obviously ashamed of his dreams about Mina. This is clear from Agatha's words. If Jonathan had been ashamed to talk about these dreams, she would have said so, ‘There is no shame in sharing this with us. It is not only what you did in Dracula's castle that is important, but also everything you thought about and what you felt, right down to your fantasies and dreams.’ She literally says this when they return to her question about whether he had sexual intercourse with the Count. And then she suddenly drops her usual pragmatic tone and begins to talk about dreams as heaven in which we can sin without fear of being punished.
I think this is the same pragmatism, only in relation to something else – ‘stop being ashamed of your dreams and tell me about them.’ Agatha sees perfectly well who Jonathan is, and she understands perfectly well that if he decides that talking about something is wrong or ‘undignified’, he will never tell – even if she threatens to cut him into pieces. Therefore, she, like a smart investigator, uses reasonable tactics that will help her counterpart talk.
Jonathan's dream and its meaning are clear to Agatha precisely because she is looking from the outside. She doesn't notice her own infatuation with the Count – until she stumbles upon Mina's shocked look in response to the words that ‘Dracula is the best among vampires,’ and immediately corrects herself – ‘the most successful one.’ She can see a situation, though: Dracula gives the victim what he wants. And Moffat and Gatiss want us to remember this. Then this will be repeated several times, but not as clearly as with Jonathan.
In this context, by the way, Zoe's reaction is interesting. Dracula, just like with Agatha, is quite frank with her and, unlike other victims, drags Zoe ‘to his home.’ But there she reacts like everyone else – immediately manifesting her desires. ‘You are killing me?’ And, just like with the others, Dracula gives her what she wants, ‘It doesn't have to hurt.’
But let's return to Agatha. From what we've seen, it's clear that the ending is a gift for her because that's what she wanted. Whether she realized it or not, whether she thought it was normal or unacceptable, she wanted to make love to him. And he wanted it too.
That's why the ending is so harmonious. And so even those who don't like it conceptually often can't stop rewatching this part.
Such is the power of art.
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As a Christian, I was utterly disappointed by the way the show challenged the religion. If you want to challenge a person's faith, at least challenge properly. The lyrics of You Didn't Know show this very well. God is loving, kind, forgiving to all his children, we are all equal to him. And God wants us all to be with him in peace and harmony forever and ever.
Sadly, there are people out there who reject God's love and glory, and proudly commit their sins everyday. Because God is loving and kind, he will honor their decision, and he'll separate them from him, this separation is called Hell. Which is the absence of God and his presence.
In Hell, you are free to commit your sins as you want. Now, committing sin is naturally not a good thing, and God knows it, and he can't bear the sight of his children committing sin. He was filled with so much pain when he witnessed humanity committing sin left and right, so much so he had to start all over again, and in the end, he promised to never do it again.
That's why one day, God will send out all his glory to everyone, including the people committing sin freely in Hell, and when the sinners witness all the pureness of God, since they chose to be separated from God, they cannot feel the warmth of God's love and glory, and they'll slowly but surely feel bad. They'll feel hellfire and anguish inside of themselves, because they have seen the warmth of God, and yet still filled with sin. They'll soon feel regret and shame, and that's when God will offer them back to their true home with him. That's what's meant by the Lake of Fire. And where God spreads all his glory and forgives you comes from Isaiah 6:1-7.
A loving god will never bear the sight of his children in such a place like the lake of fire, creates by him himself, especially one who forgives. The Book of Revelation is very symbolic, and so is the rest of the Bible, so it's understandable why some may get confused and take things too literally. Even then, Hazbin Hotel should've seen the logic behind those kinds of things. It slanders Adam by the way, but I don't know what to say about that. From a writer's view, he's not a good character eitherway.
Again these people who grew up Christian actually don't really understand the faith they left. They project their feelings onto self-righteous Christians then call it a day. They also nary look into theology and all that stuff. They just see names and use them to criticize without real thought. And again everything you said is right. A lot of times hell is the result of our actions and everything in life is do what you can to prevent ourselves from being consumed by sins. If a show in hell understood that it would actually understand redemption and criticizing Christianity, but alas no. They barely understand anything and end ironically saying stuff people in Christianity already know.
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polyamorousmood · 5 months
you don't know how much i love your blog for CELEBRATING polyamory. it's exactly what i've missed all those days.
🐟i hope "fish anon" isn't taken yet
i started my poly relationship almost a year ago, it is hard sometimes, but wonderful. i have never seriously considered it before, even though my relationship was open already. both me and my spouse fell in love with our best friend and it turned out he fell for us too. harmony achieved, a triad in which everyone loves each other.
i looked up websites where i could share my joy and tried reddit. it was a mistake. i found no joyful stories to read, only complaints and expressions of fear, and my story was not met well either. it was devastating. i wanted to hear happy poly people to understand that we are not alone.
turns out we aren't. i should've searched tumblr first.
thank you again for your blog and all the people that write you asks for giving me faith in love❤️
Hi 🐟!!
That's exactly why I started this blog! Forums talking about hardships are important and all, but I was getting a little depressed with them 😅
For me, monogamy was the bad thing. Relationships that looked so good kept crashing and burning. I felt trapped. I felt like I fell out of love with people because, through no real fault of theirs, i felt trapped. And then I felt trapped in that feeling. Because what else was I supposed to do? Devastation. And then all these things saying "polyamory doesn't work" and a four-page essay about how it ruined their love life and just. Fuck dude.
But then I did it. And literally like, 80% of all my relationship problems were solved (and it only created like 10% new ones). We do this, because for us, its perfect. This has genuinely completed my life.💟 There were growing pains, but polyamory is literally the happiness I thought was always out of reach.
And what a joy it is to be able to give that to others!💗The community that has come up has overwhelmed me, and each ask I am reminded I am not a freak, I am not alone, I am not incapable of a lasting love! And neither are any of us!❣️!
Now, you and your little school of fishies better keep loving each other!
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thebest-medicine · 7 months
Day 8: Truth
Tickletober 2023 - Critical Role - C2 Mighty Nein - lee!Caleb
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
A/N: (based on the idea from this post that I'm going to find and link at some point) The Nein are drinking late one night at a tavern when Caleb drunkenly admits to Yasha that he doesn’t mind when the others tickle him and that it’s kind of fun and nice to laugh and smile openly and be close to people. Yasha isn't the only one who hears.
[read on AO3]
Words: 1.2k
“Ah, ich weiß nicht, it’s-” Caleb slurs a bit between languages. “You all- there’s, you have a way about you all, or- or we, maybe, have it- and it.. It always pushes, challenges… subverts what I am expecting.” 
Yasha watches him, listening intently and nodding along. “I get that..”
“Sometimes it’s- frightening or, not comfortable right away but-” Caleb’s mouth twists at the corner, his brow furrowing. “But- but good, too.” 
“Yeah? Like what?” Yasha tilts her head curiously, smiling gently in a tipsy haze. (She is much bigger than Caleb, and she was already starting to feel something. So. She tries to do the math. Caleb’s probably pretty drunk.)
“Like, how um.. I guess..” Caleb trails off, a blush coming to his cheeks as he reminisces. “I’m not used to this much…” He pauses, eyes and mind searching for the right word. “Kindness, lightness. It’s, it’s nice being around people who go out of their way to make you happier.” His smile quirks up to one side, and he glances over at the tieflings. “Sometimes literally.. by force.”
Yasha chuckles at that. She understands exactly what he means having spent as much time as she has around Mollymauk, and now Jester too.
“They’re quite persistent, aren’t they.” Yasha acknowledges, talking in her hushed tone to the wizard. He nods, and she laughs, bumping shoulders with him and clinking her drink to his. She’s smiling when she reaches out and tweaks gently once or twice at his side. Caleb’s resulting laugh blends in harmoniously with the happy, amused noise coming from every seat at the table. His elbow twitches downward on instinct, a little delayed by the alcohol.
When she pulls her arm back, she runs her fingers over his neck. He lets out a sweet little giggle, scrunching up a bit. Unbeknownst to Caleb, this picks up the admiration and attention of more than just Yasha.
“Aww, that’s pretty cute.” She grins. “I can see how Jester and Molly get carried away. But, it’s kind of fun, huh?” 
“Oh, ja it’s- ha, it’s- it’s really not that bad, but- it also kind of makes me want to teleport away sometimes.” Caleb sits back in his chair a moment, laughing. He takes another swig of his drink. “It’s not so bad - well, it was the first couple of times,” he laughs again, “but I think I’ve started to grow… more tolerant.” He shakes his head. “It’s- it’s kind of nice… Light, you know? It’s also terrible. But it is- it’s fun.” Caleb smiles sheepishly, ducking his head as he takes another drink. 
“You don’t mind it?”
“Ah, no, like I said, it’s not so bad.” He pauses for a second to think, hiccups, and laughs a little. “It’s kind of fun to put up a bit of a fight though, a ruse. Heh, regardless, it’s- it’s new and.. nice to feel so light afterwards.” 
Caleb startles at the feeling of warm breath near his ear opposite Yasha. “Is that so?” 
Caleb turns, and in a drunken daze makes as though he’s going to just answer honestly. He starts to reply. “Ja, heh- there’s a lot I- um.” He stops. Molly is grinning at him. “Uh..” A shiver runs up his spine as his heart works double time to pump blood to his flushed cheeks. His eyes flicker between other members of the group, and he spots Jester and Beau looking his way with silly grins as well. “Um. I’m-” Caleb nearly leaps out of his seat, knees hitting the table as he bolts to a stand. “I’m- uh, I have to- I’m going to bed.” He spins on his heels as the sound of reassurance and protest breaks out behind him. 
“Caleb, wait!” He hears Yasha call out, but he’s already halfway across the tavern room, the stairs up are in sight. He speed walks past and makes his way up the stairs, only stumbling a little in his drunken stupor. 
Finally, he gets up to the bedroom he and Nott are sharing for the evening. He drops his face into his hands, sliding down the back of the door after having hurried it shut. 
He takes a few deep breaths, tries to remember what he said, who heard him, how long they were listening. While at the same time, he tries to ignore just how embarrassed he feels. What was he thinking, talking to Yasha about something like that- and right next to everyone - exposing secrets, however mundane or silly. He sighs, letting out a weak groan. “Scheiße..” 
Caleb jumps when there’s a quiet knock on his door. It’s quiet for a few long moments before Jester’s voice, soft and quiet, comes through the door “Hey, Caleb…” 
Caleb groans into his hands again. “…Ja?” 
“…Can I come in?” She asks, and her voice is gentle, hesitant. 
It’s quiet for a long moment. “…Is it just-”
“Just me.” She adds quickly.
Caleb sighs, wipes a hand over his face, and gets up to open the door. 
“Ja, what is it?” He tries to banish the heat from his cheeks as he runs a hand through his hair.
Jester looks kind of wilted, and it makes his heart ache just a little bit. 
“I-” She bites her lip. “Look, I don’t want you to come up here and be all sad and alone. - we weren’t trying to eavesdrop. And like, I get it- I looooove being tickled. So, I- we don’t think it’s embarrassing or anything so don’t worry, okay?” She perks up and watches him anxiously like a nervous cat. 
He fails to stop the blush from growing on his cheeks as she speaks. He tears his eyes away to look at the floor. “Um.” He swallows. “Okay.” He says slowly, a bit dizzy from the drinks. He moves out of the doorway and gestures, inviting her into the room. Jester leads him over to sit down on the bed and takes his hands in hers. 
“Will you come back downstairs with me?” She asks after they sit for a little while. “I’ll buy you a drink, and we can get some water?” She giggles, rubbing her thumb over his hands. 
Caleb groans out a bit of a whine, letting his head fall back. “Verdammt- I don’t think I should..” He sighs. 
“Come onnnnnnn.” Jester sing-songs, trying her best to tease but encourage. “Or I can try convincing you some other way, hmm?” 
Caleb pulls his hands out of her grasp and wraps them around himself. “Heh, nooo-” 
Jester wiggles her fingers at him and Caleb lets out a crackle of a laugh. “Come on, Caleb. Come with me.” She says as dramatically as possible. She starts poking at a few spots along his middle that he tries to protect but keeps up with very poorly. They’re both giggling within a few seconds. 
“Okay, okahay. Fine.” Caleb pushes at her shoulder. “Let’s go.” 
“Yay!” Jester claps her hands together and stands with a little jump. Then, she leads him back out of the room and down to their friends. 
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t-0ne25 · 1 year
(5) kitchen counter
The kitchen counter it is. There’s no going back now anyway, Minho is almost done with counting down the numbers and will most definitely look in the kitchen for you. Of course, looking for you and the others but some insecurities inside you tell you he’s searching especially for you.
Once you’re behind the huge, modern furniture, the cookie scent lingers in your nose again due to the closeness to the oven. They look so delicious, different shapes and toppings are making them look even tastier and you would go in for a bite, if it didn’t make such a noise.
The sound startles you, making you look to your right. His freckles look so pretty in the dim moonlight that’s shining through the kitchen window and you want to count them, compare them to the sprinkles on the cookies.
Calm the fuck down, YN.
“Why didn’t you bake them with me, Lixie?”
Where’s this sudden outburst of jealousy coming from? You’re obviously not jealous of Minho but you would be lying if you didn’t say you felt a bit betrayed when your roommate decided to bake the cookies with your enemy by his side instead.
“I wanted to bake the cookies with you, you know?”
“Yeah, just a small problem– Minho was there.”
“I know I know. He can be a lot. I’m sorry.”
His apology is sincere. But Felix has never been someone to pick sides, always wanting the group to live in harmony.
“It’s just,” you begin again, “I was hoping to spend more time with you which is ridiculous since we literally live together but since due to my job I wasn’t able to fit in the baking session we had planned and I still feel awful about it and–“
“Hey, hey, Y/N. Slow down,” your roommate stops your rambling now, “I understand. But we can always just do it another time? Maybe later when the others are asleep so we don’t disturb anyone?”
Is he asking to get some time with you alone or are you reading too much into it? It’s definitely the latter, you’re sure.
“Won’t you be tired around that time?”
Felix shakes his head, “I’m not tired, are you?”
“Me neither.”
A new noise startles you, revealing another face.
“Try talking a bit louder next time so I don’t find you,” Minho sarcastically says, waiting around the corner of the kitchen counter.
A few hours later, having some more wine swimming around in your veins and more sweets filling your tummy, you meet up with Felix, glad most of the other’s are either asleep or playing some video games in the living room.
“You declined an offer to play video games with the others?”
Felix is currently placing a sheet of parchment paper on a baking tray, as you’re mixing together the ingredients. Since Seungmin’s kitchen doesn’t offer a rolling pin, you decide to use a wine bottle for spreading out the dough.
“I’d always choose you, Y/N,” your friend says, trying to keep eye contact with you but your gaze is fixated on the cookie cutters in your hand.
“I don’t believe you,” you half jokingly say, unsure if you really mean it. After all, he has known Minho and his other friends before you and Felix probably doesn’t see more in you than a roommate he happens to get along with.
“Why did you think I was cuddling with you when watching the movie?
Oh. The flashback. You’ve almost forgotten about that. He was dangerously close to you a few hours ago.
“Because you’re a touchy person?”
Once the cookie shapes are placed in the oven, Felix scoots a bit closer to you, taking your chin between his fingers and you wonder if you should start counting his freckles now.
“I am touchy but exclusively with people I like.”
Oh. The plot twist.
“Y-You like me?”
He nods, placing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Hm, I have for a while. But you were with Hyunjin and all– I gave up after some time.”
It’s a bit overwhelming and surprising, though in retrospect you could have seen it coming.
“I don’t know what to say, Lixie. I like you too, though. I just don’t want to rush things.” You’re honest for once and you hope it doesn’t scare him away. You’re willing to give it a try, after all.
“We don’t have to rush things. Don’t worry about me. We can just see where things will lead to, in case you want to accept my offer.”
He approaches you even further now, cageing you between the counter and his body. You catch his gaze flickering down to your mouth from time to time.
“Which offer?”
“My offer to kiss you.”
And that’s when you’re the one to take initiative now, closing the distance between the both of you, when your lips are laying on Felix’s. It’s just a matter of time, when he places you on top of the furniture instead, his already grown bulge pressing against your soaking heat.
Even though Felix wants to take his time with you, you’re pretty much aware there’s a slight chance you could be caught by the others who are still busy in the living room. But that’s the last thing on your mind, especially when his hand wanders under your sweatshirt and starts groping your breasts.
“I have wanted this for so long,” he whispers into your mouth.
“Me too, Lixie.”
The kiss deepens further, by now evolving into a steamy make out session and in an instant you bring your fingers around his covered crotch, palming his firm erection through the material of his sweatpants.
“Do you…?” He asks, looking at you.
“Hm, Lixie. I want to. Do you want to, though?”
He kisses you once again, already tugging at the hem of his pants.
“God, yes. There’s nothing I want more than to fuck you, baby.”
The fact that your sunshine boy is able to use such rough words with you lets a tingling sensation run down your lower stomach, the eagerness of your body and soul growing with every second.
You slide your jeans down as well, letting them meet the floor as you spread your legs for him. One of your hands disappears between your wet folds, collecting some of your arousal, and you bring two fingers to his mouth.
“Taste,” you order. Felix would be a fool to decline. So, since one of his hands is already busy stroking his cock, he uses the other one to seize his tongue around your digits.
“Even sweeter than any of those cookies, baby.”
You chuckle at the compliment, getting in a comfortable decision as you watch Felix lean closer to you. One centimetre at a time, he pushes his length inside you, feeling you walls quivering around him at the sensation.
“Feels so good, Lix– filling me up so well,” you praise him again and that’s when he starts thrusting into you. Your roommate doesn’t bother starting with a slow pace since neither of you will be able to keep doing this for a long time. Especially, when you look at him with big doll eyes, sneaking your fingers between your legs again to help yourself a little.
They’re replaced by Felix’s in an instant, as he keeps massaging your clit so sensually, driving you over the edge of your orgasm a few minutes later.
“Fuck– just like that Lixie, right there,” you chant out as you cum all over him. Your roommate pulls his cock out of you, climaxing all over your thighs. Once you’ve come down from your highs, you help clean and dress each other.
The post-nut clarity hits you, when a stinging scent enters your nose. “Is it just me or does it smell burnt in here?”
“Shit– the cookies.”
© j-0ne25 2022 | copying, translating or stealing my work is prohibited
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