#we love foreshadowing here!
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Dog Meshi.
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citylighten · 3 months
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cosmiado · 9 months
hey so like. i know the chances of it happening are INFINITESIMAL. but could you even fucking imagine if the teens find a way to get past Willie's barrier and break into heaven and, lo and behold, there's Hermie performing a one-man version of A Midsummer Night's Dream to an audience of one. could you even IMAGINE
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dawnsbreaking · 7 months
Transcription: Zayne's ST "Beginning"
i transcribed Zayne's ST story for meta purposes and thought I would put the transcription here for others to have it if they haven't unlocked it yet/to have it more accessible than it is in game
everything with "Foreseer:" is Zayne speaking directly, anything not attributed is the poem. i did it this way to make it easier to read the poem on its own, since that's what i hope to analyze in the future <3
Foreseer: Shift your gaze elsewhere. Foreseer: Your expression shall not even earn an ounce of my pity. Foreseer: Though it seems a night in the throne room was not enough. Foreseer: Perhaps you desire to be frozen with the wall as your paltry confessional? [Ice SFX] Foreseer: Better to yield now than later. [Page turning SFX] Foreseer: Could you still be interested in what I’m currently reading? Foreseer: …Certainly, ’tis a poem related to Astra. Its descriptions suit you. Foreseer: Would you like to hear it? - A great distance beyond, …. north of ice and snow, Atop the Divine Mountain, When Light pierces through howling blizzards, The divine sing of Destiny’s crest My Emissary devout, Will thou be lost in these celestial halls? Will thou have the courage to wait for Mine words? To unveil thy fate predetermined. - Foreseer: You appear to be fascinated. Foreseer: [Laugh?] Hmph, then don’t speak. - With the frozen kingdom awakened, Greedy ants fall into eternal slumber. The divine rest upon their thrones, Yet hidden daggers lie beneath their robes. Brazen trespasser, Arcticyons sing of thy requiem. Dost thou know where thy stands, Upon white, gleaming bones? - Foreseer: I don’t mind repeating this verse. Consider it a prophesy of your future. Foreseer: Are you frightened? Foreseer: If this is all your courage is capable of, you best forget about the Creatio Protocore. [Page turning SFX] - Traces of destiny like shimmering starlight, Bind people who have never met… - Foreseer: I’ll stop here. The last verse is rather strange. Foreseer: Do you truly wish to strike a deal? Foreseer: You ask far too many questions. [Ice SFX] Foreseer: Must your wild curiosity be satiated? - Celestial Savior, Is thou prepared? To save him from darkness? To be his sanctuary amidst rime and gale, To allow the descent… of miracles once again? - [END] here is the poem in its entirety without interjections just to make it easier to read:
A great distance beyond, …. north of ice and snow, Atop the Divine Mountain, When Light pierces through howling blizzards, The divine sing of Destiny’s crest My Emissary devout, Will thou be lost in these celestial halls? Will thou have the courage to wait for Mine words? To unveil thy fate predetermined. With the frozen kingdom awakened, Greedy ants fall into eternal slumber. The divine rest upon their thrones, Yet hidden daggers lie beneath their robes. Brazen trespasser, Arcticyons sing of thy requiem. Dost thou know where thy stands, Upon white, gleaming bones? Traces of destiny like shimmering starlight, Bind people who have never met… Celestial Savior, Is thou prepared? To save him from darkness? To be his sanctuary amidst rime and gale, To allow the descent… of miracles once again?
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toddhewitt · 1 year
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4.06 / 4.10
"and we will be your partners, in the fight to free [the new world]?"
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purplepixel · 6 months
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I read issue 44 of idw.
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krytus · 2 years
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he was a witch, caravaggio. did you know that?
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pink-november · 9 months
was thinking bout this post ever since i first saw the tags cuz i didn't know the shifting mound can actually give you the resist option in the tower route if you did the adversary to fury route beforehand... needless to say i tried to do the thing and proceeded to try it with the other merging chapters just to see something new and ummm...
how curious that only hero seemingly hears the shifting mound's comment to you. not even the other voice present or the narrator acknowledges it.
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xyoonx · 5 months
Yoon are you alive because i'm barely standing after , gestures wildly at the entire alkaid summer story
*flops down* I'm okay.
Okay, so, MC's mom??? Alkaid's inner turmoil??? Awakening bomb??? Some foreshadowing that Alkaid pushed his limits by the end to discover something and bro keeps being very inconvenient about it??? I'm not-
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lordgrimwing · 9 months
Friends And Family #06
Rain drummed against the roof in a steady rumble. Outside the old and wavy glass of the window panes, a summer storm drenched the land in sheets of rain. Grasses and brush not flattened by the downpour danced in the wind. The creaking of the trees couldn’t be heard over the wind and rain, and the heavy clouds forced the day into a premature dusk so forest was hardly visible beyond the yard.
Elros sat cross-legged on the rug next to Elrond and Celebrimbor, elbow on his knees and chin propped up on his hands. He disliked storms like this. He no longer had nightmares about the storm that swallowed his parents when storms raged outside, possibly because he couldn’t fall asleep with all the noise. At least the rain and wind were bad enough today to keep most everyone else inside too. 
Elrond leaned his head against his shoulder and yawned. “I’m bored,” He murmured.
Celegorm sat in a chair next to the fire, taking advantage of the light it cast to whittle away at a block of hardwood that was starting to look like an animal. He nudged Amrod with his bare foot.
The redhead looked up from the peas he was shelling into a wide bowl. “No,” He said, knowing exactly what his older brother was conveying. “I’m doing the peas. If Mae and Pa survive this and make it back home, I’m not going to be the one he accuses of having idle hands, again.”
“Yeah, we’re busy.” Amras agreed after swallowing a mouthful of peas.
Celebrimbor elbowed Elrond. “Sheesh, not so loud next time. Are you trying to get us put to work? This is the longest I’ve sat down all week! Pa’s had me digging out a spot for the new kiln so much I think he’s decided I’m some kind of mole. I didn’t think that’s what Papaw meant when he said I could start working with him at the forge.”
He glanced furtively toward the kitchen where his father was sharpening and cleaning an assortment of knives, from heavy ones used to butcher animals to the tiny, curved blade Nerdanel used to unpick stitches (usually when it was time to unhem clothes as the three children grew up into their uncles’ hand-me-downs). He sent him scouring the house for an hour to find any lost knives that somebody forgot to return to their proper places. Luckily, Curufin gave no indication that he was listening to them.
Maglor walked out of his and Maedhros’ bedroom. His braids, done in two loose lines down either side of his head, were still damp from his dash to and from the barn to tie the doors and window shutters closed to prevent the wind from blowing them open. He'd changed to dry clothes that gave every indication that he planned to spend the rest of the day relaxing. He had the soaked shirt and pants draped over an arm. Dragging a chair over from the table, he joined his brothers by the fire. 
“Ma wants those for supper.” He reminded Amras as he laid the clothes over the back of the chair to dry.
The redheads looked at each other.
“Shell faster.” Said the younger twin.
“Eat slower.” Suggested the other. 
Maglor shook his head and took his fiddle and bow down from the mantle above the hearth. He looked down at the children on the rug, “What are you three doing?”
Elros shrugged.
“Nothing,” Elrond said.
Celebrimbor groaned. “You’re the worst,” He muttered, standing and mentally preparing to be put to work around the house.
“Well then,” Maglor continued. “Brimby, since you’re up, bring the music box out here. This kind of weather calls for some entertainment.”
Finding this task far less onerous than what he expected, Celebrimbor hurried off to do as bidden. Maglor leaned against the wall and began testing the tune of the old instrument. Elrond and Elros moved over to sit by his feet. 
“Can I play the dulcimer?” Elros asked, perking up from the slump he’s been in since the clouds rolled in.
“Certainly,” The musician began sawing out a simple tune to warm up the fiddle and the audience. 
Celebrimbor returned then with the box Maglor kept his collection of instruments in to avoid them getting lost or broken in the often boisterous home. He’d already claimed the pair of joined wooden spoons Curufin carved a few years ago to replace the pair ruined by one of Celegorm’s half-feral dogs after someone—Celebrimbor—forgot the instrument outside. He left the box in the middle of the half circle around the fireplace. 
Elrond and Elros came over to claim their favorite instruments. While they were distracted, the youngest child stole Elrond’s spot closest to the warm bricks around the fire.
The kitchen door banged open and a sopping-wet Maedhros and Fëanor came in with an angry wail of rain-soaked wind. The eldest son’s thick hair was plastered to his face and back as though he’d gone swimming fully clothed. Their father didn’t look any better, summer linen shirt clinging to his arms and chest and clutching the satchel of tools in a white-knuckled grip. 
Celegorm looked up from his whittling as they entered. Amrod and Amras kept their intense focus on the shrinking pile of peapods. Curufin paused sharpening long enough to glance over at the pair. Maglor lifted his bow in greeting, letting his young accompaniment take over for a few moments.
“How was it?” He asked.
“Wet,” His father answered laconically, dripping all the way to Nerdanel's and his room. The door closed with a bang behind him.
“That bad?” Maglor asked his older brother.
Maedhros nodded. “You know Pa.”
They were not prepared for this degree of downpour when they left to check the charms and sigils placed at important locations around the homestead and other areas and trails the family frequented. Nerdanel warned they could expect rain in the afternoon, but Fëanor was confident they would return well before that. 
They had not. Several charms needed to be repaired, the feathers and string worn away by the weather and small, nibbling animals. Then Maedhros’ large gelding became oddly spooked by something hidden in a dark thicket. After investigating the spot and finding nothing out of the ordinary, Fëanor insisted on building a basic sign to keep foul presences away until he could craft a proper charm to block the beast from its newest foothold on the mountain. The rain came as Maedhros hung the twine and bone charm high in a tree. The horses made their displeasure with the turn of events clear on the ride back to the barn, the patriarch muttering with them.
Fëanor did not like getting wet.
His hair leaving a thin stream of water behind him, Maedhros sloshed across the main room to his bedroom to change. “I like how that’s sounding,” He added over his shoulder, nodding to the fiddle as he disappeared to get dry clothes. 
“There’s more where it came from!” Maglor called after him before turning his attention back to the song. He tapped his foot to help the children keep time with him.
Amrod drummed his fingers on the bowl. Amras shelled peas in rhythm. Celegorm murmured his version of the lyrics as the wooden dog took shape in his hands.  
Maedhros came back wearing only his damp underpants, wet boots held tightly in his hand and dripping clothes thrown over his other arm. Clearly having the same idea as Maglor, he tossed the clothes over the back of a chair and then carried the chair over to the fire by slipping his arm between the slats in the back. Celebrimbor scrambled aside to make room for him and almost dropped the musical spoons. The boots went on the hot bricks, though not so near the flames as to risk damage. In no hurry to leave the warmth of the fire or the companionship, he sat between Elros and Celegorm, long legs filling up the space as he crossed them.
The music picked up as they settled down. Celebrimbor caught the rhythm again after giving a few spoon taps at the wrong time. Elros leaned his shoulder against Maedhros’s side as he strummed the dulcimer’s strings and picked out an occasionally offkey accompaniment to the fiddle. The large elf smiled and wrapped an arm around him, careful not to bump the instrument with the end of his arm. He combed out small tangles from his hair with his fingers.
The music bounced along.
“Curu,” Celegorm called, having run out of his crude version of the song. He tossed the block of wood at his younger brother after he didn’t look up when called. 
Curufin rubbed his head and shot the blond a mildly peeved expression.
“Get over here.” 
Celegorm skillfully caught the rag his brother balled up and threw before leaving the knife sharpening behind. Tucking his knife into his breast pocket, he unfolded the oily fabric and laid it out on his knee. Smirking, he patted the knee and looked up at Curufin, inviting him to take a seat. Uninterested, Curufin slapped the back of his head where he kept his hair shorn close to the skin and leaned against the way instead, arms folded across his chest.
Celegorm put on a hurt look. Curufin threw the wooden dog at him. Amrod and Amras snorted. Celegorm ducked. The dog bounced across the floor, the noise the closest thing it would ever make to an actual bark.
To his eternal relief, Celebrimbor was too busy tapping his spoons on Elrond’s toes to see his uncle blow a kiss at his father. He finally stopped when Elrond kicked his hand and he dropped the spoons onto the bearskin rug.
“Ow,” He complained.
Elrond raised his eyebrows to question why the nine-year-old was surprised by the consequences of his actions. He might have said something too, but his mouth was occupied with his tin whistle. 
 He retrieved the musical spoons and settled down again into the rhythm. Soon, the uncles were all singing along to the song. 
Suddenly, Amras jumped to his feet. He grabbed his twin’s hands and hauled him up to his feet too, pushing the bowls of peas out of the way with the tip of one shoe. 
“Come on!” He exclaimed and tugged his brother into a dance. The hard soles of their shoes stomped and tapped against the floorboards, keeping beat with the music and adding their own flare to it. 
Celegorm whistled at them and began to clap in rhythm.
After a few seconds, the cellar doors slammed open (Fëanor added an entrance down into the cellar from the kitchen during one of his episodes of nearly unstoppable energy and questionable late-night decision-making). Caranthir’s head and shoulders appeared as he climbed up the ladder. 
“Land-o’-goshen!” He shouted at the ruckus. “What is going on up here?” 
He and Nerdanel went down into the cellar to take stock of her supply of dried plants and fruits for making salves and teas. Judging from the half-forgotten mushroom he had in one hand and the dirt sprinkled across his hair and shoulders, he’d been checking the light-sensitive mushroom log just below them when the twins began dancing.
Nerdanel came up after him, equally as dusty. 
Caranthir looked like he was trying to stay annoyed at his siblings, despite the levity brightening up the gloomy day. He scowled and shook his head, dirt tumbling down from his loose hair. He tried, but when Amrod waved at him to join the dance, he came after only a moment’s hesitation, discarding the mushroom cap on the table.
Nerdanel smiled to see all her children and grandchildren gathered around the fire, healthy and laughing and happy. There had been years where she feared she might lose one or more of them to the dangers of the mountain. There had been some very hard times, times she couldn’t even talk to her husband or find support from him, so intent was he in the childish belief that everything would be fine, that his sons just needed to rest, and that there was nothing, no injury, she could not heal. Somehow, though, they managed to survive year after year—not untouched or unchanged by what happened but alive and together.
Speaking of her husband, she soon noticed Fëanor’s absence. No doubt he’d tucked himself away in their bedroom to work on something and hadn’t even noticed the noise from the main room. Maedhros would not be so relaxed if anything happened while they were in the trees.
Shaking her head a little, she walked to their room and slipped inside.
As she suspected, she found Fëanor at his desk, scribbling in one of his many notebooks. The clothes he’d dressed in that morning were discarded near the door and he sat wrapped in a blanket made from the wool of their oldest sheep (the ewe was a decrepit thing now, her teeth worn down to nubs, her fleece patchy and thin over her bony body. She’d be gone before winter, either on her own or because they would not let her suffer the cold given the state she was in. Nerdanel was surprised he hadn’t taken care of her months ago; Fëanor did not usually allow the animals to linger, fading from life for this long. Celegorm’s dogs met a swift end if they became too ill—they rarely grew old—and the others were no different. She could not guess why he kept putting it off this time).
“Fëanor,” She began.
He raised a hand to stall her. “I’m busy.” He said, hunching over his notes. His hair left a damp spot on the blanket.
“They are singing and dancing. Come and join us.”
“I need to write this down. Things are changing. I need to make sense of it, of what and why.” His voice tremored with the beginning of agitation. “It’s changing.”
She walked to his side and laid a hand on his shoulder. Quickly, before she could see the pages, he closed the notebook and hid it under his hands. No one in the house could make sense of the code he devised for recording these particular thoughts, but he disliked them looking anyway, even for a moment. She brought her other hand to his cheek and slowly he looked up at her. His lips were a thin line across his face, his expression nervous. 
“My dear,” She began again. “We have a brief time before life carries on and takes our sons out again on their journeys. Come with me. Worries and storms will be here when we are done, but for now, there is joy and family, and together we are safe.”
She took one of his narrow hands. He let her guide him to his feet. The blanket slipped down his shoulders, and she adjusted it, tucking in a corner to keep it in place. His free hand, wrapped inside the blanket, clutched at the fabric under his chin. She let her hand linger on his cool cheek for a few moments longer, then pulled it back. They left the room like that, his hand in hers.
Maglor was watching the door when his parents reappeared, the others still caught up in the revelry. His fingers stuttered on the strings and the fiddle squealed as his bow arm jolted. He would have stopped playing, concerned by his father’s drawn face and short stride, but Nerdanel smiled and nodded for him to continue. He did, raising the others’ excitement by jumping into another tune and seeing how long it took the children to catch up to him again. Celebrimbor stumbled along until Elrond helpfully tapped the beat out on his thigh with his foot.
Maedhors rose and grabbed a chair, bringing it back to the group and placing it between Celegorm and Curufin, leaving enough room for a second chair. Nerdanel brought Fëanor to the seat and he sat down without prompting, the tension around his eyes softening. Maedhros brought a chair for her and she settled down to laugh and clap along with her children. This was just as much fun as some of the town hall dances she went to during her youth wandering from town to town with her family. 
She cheered when Amrod grabbed Curufin’s hand and dragged him into the dancing. Broad-shouldered and heavy-footed, he lacked the speed and grace of the twins and Caranthir, but he clonked along slightly offbeat with them with a grin. Soon, he pulled his son up to join him. Celebrimbor muttered something about never getting to just sit around but started dancing, clacking the spoons together on his hip or an upraised palm.
They continued on in that manner until the last of the light faded and the storm blew itself down to a whisper.
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
back in my car again :) don’t you think it’s funny??? don’t you think it’s interesting???? don’t you think it’s fascinating how the song after Luck Runs Out is talking about how you “never really know who you can trust” and also “sometimes killing is a must”????
don’t you think that’s interesting????? i think that’s an interesting decision for Jorge to make
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pixel-axel · 2 months
one last thing about the inheritance games for now, and i’m not gonna tag this with the inheritance games tag cause i feel like people are gonna get mad at me. but i just scrolled through the tag and like. why is everyone talking about the romance. why. why is everyone talking about grayson and jameson and avery. and which team they’re on. and how much they want grayson and/or jameson to be their boyfriend. why is no one talking about the actual plot of the book. or the characters beyond the romances. why isn’t there actual discussion of the book besides romance. in this essay i will
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syrupyyyart · 1 year
The main reason the main Motley comic has gone on hiatus is just so I can build a better backlog of chapters, and I'm already feeling much more secure about it overall lol. It's weird to be working on it the same amount I was before but never posting about it!!! Maybe I'll start posting the chapters as I finish them to Patreon lol.
Im glad the askblog is helping fill the gap between now and the next chapter. Working on both of them has been so fun, aaa I love my ocs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lunaetis · 8 months
@apocryphis asked :
" ... what would it take to convince you to show me?" aventurine asks, gleaming eyes attentively observing delicate features where nothing but utmost honesty ever seems to shine (how does she survive like this, he wonders, before remembering that honesty is always best served when one has an uncanny talent for differentiating truth from lies). "this ability of yours you mentioned. i'd never heard of anything like it before - i'm afraid i'm getting terribly curious." about this ability, about her (this might become a problem. he files it under his list of potential issues to keep an eye on). gloved fingers reach, and twine around a lock of raven hair, a pensive hum resonating in his chest. "and i have yet to decide if that is a good thing or not."
inbox call. || always accepting
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─「银月」─  the ROVER didn't personally go out of her way to keep her ability a secret. perhaps, if it had been normal circumstances, she wouldn't be averse to have anyone witness that she was the vessel of sound and how much she was able to take in subject of absorbing the echoes left behind. however, the current circumstances she had found herself in was the furthest away from normal, if she would describe it personally. that was probably why she even had to consider keeping it a secret despite how she normally would not. and to him, of all people ? she could hear a certain lady telling her to say never. ( oh, how topaz would be so disappointed that she even consider telling him if she knew. )
                his question was warranted. yinyue lifted her head, AUREATE meeting his unique colored hues as she blinked up at him. his curiosity shone brightly within those eyes, laced within each syllable he had uttered. a quiet blink as she STARED, allowing the wave of his voice to weave through the air. the rover had begun to get used to his wavelength, noting how she was able to discern the characteristic of his voice from others even among the unfiltered noises.
                was it due to the fact that he had thrown many challenges her way in regards to what truth and lies she could tell apart ? the DECEPTIVE TRUTH and honest lies she humored him and this curiosity of his. the focus that shifted to the POWER she had lying underneath her veins. the golden energy hummed quietly as she kept her gaze locked to his. no traces of lies, this time. it wasn't even half-truth. he was being honest. she didn't flinch away as his hand reached out to play with her dark locks. her head canted slightly.
                " you're not sure if it's a good thing or not ? do you mean my ability or the fact that you're curious about it ? " perhaps both, but she wasn't too pressed to know the ANSWER to that question. curiosity was, after all, a double-edged sword, but given his personality and his penchant for TAKING RISKS, she couldn't really blame him. back to his original inquiry, and yinyue actually took a moment to ponder it. she made no effort to HIDE the fact that she was considering what would be a good compensation to it. the true extent of being a VESSEL OF SOUND was still unknown, but there were areas she could potentially show him. she knew he had seen her absorb a small echo before, and her brief mention of the term vessel of sound must've piqued his interest. after a moment of silence, she finally spoke.
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                " tell me something about you. " the words hung in the air for a moment longer, before she intercepted his train of thoughts. " before you say anything — no, i do not mean a secret that would be considered useful in a transaction or business sense, nor a kind of information that is useful during negotiation. " she knew how his mind works when it comes to measurement of value or the PRICE of things. lies, leverages, advantages, manipulations, they were all fair games in his mind. that wasn't what she wanted, however.
                " i know you deem an information or a secret to be valuable depending on what you could get out of it. but those type of secret would be worthless to me as i don't plan to use it against you. " which she didn't. what he viewed as priceless to him could be worth nothing to her. amber orbs were kept locked to his dual-colored hues all throughout her explanation. she said it so matter-of-factly like she was speaking about something so obvious. as usual, no hint of lies. she had no reasons to, after all. why would she plan to use anything against him ?
                " i don't need a leverage on you, i want one truth about you that'd be useless in deal striking but useful if i want to know about the person i'm looking at. " she was going to give him a secret that could very well be used against her, while requesting something that could not be used against him. one would deem her mad. naïve, perhaps ? but that wasn't it. that was indeed something she considered valuable. a truth about a person.
                " how about a memory ? " as someone who was searching for her own memory, a piece of his would be a treasure while being utterly useless for business. so he had nothing to worry about.
                " it's a fair trade, don't you think ? "
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huffle-dork · 2 years
Alt’s Transition (SwapBoys JSE AU: Impulse/Villain Arc)
Masterpost | Last Chapter | AO3 Link
(AN: hey guys I finally got to the story y’all voted for me to work on after almost a month! Stuff has been crazy for me but it’s so nice to get this story done!
Things to keep in mind though! As much as I did research and checked with my trans friends, this is still a magical transition Alt undertakes. If you’re okay with that please enjoy! If you don’t, this might be a story you need to skip. While the relationship between Alt and Mag is important in this chapter, his transition can be supplemented with whatever you’d like to imagine 💚 I completely understand this kind of transition narrative isn’t for everyone! Overall though I did my best to keep this respectful and it’s gonna be a wholesome story exploring Mag and alts partnership and alt’s transition. With that being said please enjoy!)
Magnificent stretched much like a cat as he exited his study den from his latest magic session. Hm… he hadn’t heard from his cub today… nor his actual panthers. Where could they be?
The masked magician strode through the catwalk of his latest hideout, cape billowing behind him as he observed his base from on high. Everything seemed in order.
Finally, he came across the large former loading dock. And there he found what he was looking for.
Alt seemed to be practicing his sparring with Mag’s panthers. Magnificent felt the edges of his lips curve up into a private smile. How quaint… His apprentice seemed to be bonding well with his pets… that could prove useful in the future.
The pickpocket skid back as one of the panthers threw him by his arm. He grinned and landed on his feet with practiced agility. His arms buzzed with electricity and he sprung forward, using his momentum to glitch in and out in a zig zag before he barrelled into an unsuspecting panther and sent it skidding across the floor. Said panther gets to their feet and shakes themselves off before licking their paw like a housecat.
Alt, a bit out of breath, rolls his eyes, “C’mon Glitches! If you wanna practice you gotta act like the other guys! Right Lucky?” The panther with the pink spotted nose chuffed slightly then pressed her head against Alt’s side. The glitch flinched a bit at this.
Glitches let out a very cat like meow, very much giving away that she’s just a cat in a big panther body. Alt sighs and shakes his head. “At least say focused girl, alright?”
He shakes out his hands then holds out his fists in front of him, smiling at the other panthers. “Alright, Rogue, Circut, Koda and Siri! Come at me and show Glitches how it’s done!”
All the other panthers roared at Alt before diving at him. Alt stayed still until the first one, Circut, seemed about to grab him with his claws. He glitched out of the way and managed to slide under one of the others, Siri, pushing a charged hand against her stomach and sending her flying. Rogue tried to attack his back while he was turned but Alt glitched away. He was breathing rather heavily now and gripped slightly at his side.
Magnificent narrowed his eyes down, trying to figure out if one of the panthers managed to hit him. But… there was no blood or visible tears in his clothes.
Alt doesn’t let this keep him down for too much longer though as he rushes to try to throw Koda back, using his magic to try to boost his strength just enough to toss the panther away.
This appeared to be too much for Alt as after the throw, he cries out and grips at his chest, sinking to his knees as he gasps in breath after ragged breath.
The panthers pause their pursuit of him and Glitches is quick to bound over to his side and sniff at him, mewling in concern.
Alt tries to push her off, but he’s breathing too hard to actually tell her so. Lucky also slinks up under his other arm and tries to hold it up on her back. Her ears flatten back, trying to rub up against him more.
Magnificent has seen enough. In a wave of static he appears in front of Alt with a disapproving frown.
Alt looks up and then tries to stand to attention, “M-Mag!” He then groans and holds his side again, nearly falling back down but Lucky and Glitches keep him doing so. “I… I’m fine I.. I swear-”
“How long have you been training with your binder on?” Magnificent asks with a cool voice.
The younger boy looks up at Mag with wide, slightly scared eyes. “W-What? How… how did you-?!”
Magnificent waves him off, “Please, pet. You expect me to not notice such a critical detail about my apprentice?” His expression falls flatter as he nods his head towards Alt. “Take it off. Now.”
Alt stammers and tries to stand straighter, despite how it seems to pain him. “N-No! It’s okay, it's fine- I'm just fine! I.. I can keep going!”
“Do not make me repeat myself, Alt.”
Alt’s eyes glow slightly as he bares his teeth and backs up, covering his chest with one arm. “No! Not…” He mumbles the last part, turning his face away so Mag won’t completely hear, “Not in front of you…”
Magnificent sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose before striding forward, making Alt back up with slight fear in his eyes. “Go take it off now, or I will rip it off myself!” His clawed hands glow slightly with his magic and Alt flinches even more. Magnificent's intense expression softens. He then adds a softer, “…Please, Alt.” Though it comes out a bit strained, like he’s not used to sounding so gentle.
He looks down and then finally bites out a defeated, “Fine.” And he glitches away.
A few minutes later, Alt glitches back in, out of his impulse uniform and into a large hoodie. He curls up against one of the warehouse’s walls and starts to sulk.
Magnificent looks up from where he was checking over his panthers. Glitches mewls and is about to bound over to Alt to jump on him, so Mag acts quickly to break her other spell so by the time she climbs up on him she’s in her kitten form again. Alt hardly pays her any mind, even as the kitten tries to lick at his face.
The magician studies Alt quietly before he sighs and walks over. He leans up against the wall next to Alt and they sit there in silence for a little bit.
“...you hardly look different, you know,” Magnificent starts quietly, briefly looking down at the sulking apprentice.
Alt bares his teeth and then hides his face behind his arms, “But I feel different. I hate it… I hate that- that I’m not made right! That I can't even train or exercise or… just be without feeling wrong.” He sighs miserably and presses his head against his arms.
“...binding is the closest I can get but… it’s not enough…” He looks up and very gently presses a hand against his chest. “... T has helped enough to at least make me pass… and… I-I know I’m hurting myself but… It’s better than feeling wrong.” He grabs at his hair and angrily looks away. “I’m so fucking close but i-... I can’t get what I want… not yet.”
Magnificent is quiet while Alt rants, but he does nod to him to let him know he understands. Eventually, the dark magician pushes himself off the wall and waves a glowing hand. Alt’s backpack flies over and lands in front of him.
“... our plans are canceled for tonight. Go home and get some rest, kitten.”
Alt jumps and then looks up at Magnificent in protest. “What? But wait i-!”
Mag looks down at him with a harsh expression. “No buts, I’m not risking you getting more injured by that bumbling hero on top of this. Any plans we have can wait a night. Go home, Alt.”
Alt stares up at Mag then looks at his bag. Glitches walks over and mewls before rubbing up against him, purring quietly. Alt finds himself smiling. Okay… maybe a night in wouldn’t be so bad.
A few days later, Alt is feeling better, having gone to the Dooms to get some advice. It was hard admitting to them and exposing himself but… they weren’t judgy. And Alt… actually felt safe with them. I mean- he did get an earful from that Dr. Google. But… it was… almost nice.
He walks into the warehouse, Glitches perched on his shoulder like a parrot. She sees the panthers and bounds off his shoulder and over to them, mewling excitedly and butting her head against their legs. The panthers were always so gentle with her, giving tiny licks to her head and lightly bapping her around. Alt smiles and pets a few of them, calling them all by the names he gave them. Why Mag never named them he’ll never know… or maybe he just didn’t care enough. They were probably just tools to him… like he was.
Alt frowns and quickly tries to push that thought from his head. It wouldn’t matter later… this was all to reach his goal.
As he starts to walk forward to set his stuff down he’s suddenly met with a glowing bottle being thrust into his face.
He blinks at it then looks up to see Magnificent is holding out the bottle to him.
Alt tilts his head and squints at it, “Uh… what’s this?”
Magnificent shrugs and presses the bottle into his hands. It’s warm, a swirling mass of white, with flecks of blue and pink floating inside. “It’ll solve your problem.” Magnificent says simply. “It will give you the body you want.”
Alt feels his heart leap up into his throat as he looks back up in surprise. “R-Really?!”
Magnificent just barely smiles as he nods. “With some consequence, of course. It will leave some magical scarring.”
“I mean… so does top surgery-” Alt mumbles, inspecting the potion.
Magnificent shrugs again and sticks his hands in his pants pockets. “It’s also technically illegal.” He waves one of his hands, “That is- if you use it without a witch’s circle or magical professional. It takes a massive amount of energy… and is usually done with light magic. However, mine will work just fine. I guarantee.”
Alt thinks on this and then laughs slightly, “Isn’t everything we’re doing illegal right now?”
Mag grins, showing off his canines. “Touche~!” He lets his expression fall again and gives a bit more a serious face. “Just be weary… It’ll be a very big drain on both of us. So, give yourself the proper time to recover.”
The pick pocket looks ready to explode with excitement. His form can hardly stay together as it fizzles and pops with random pixels and glitches.
Letting out an amused chuckle, Magnificent nods his head towards the door, signaling Alt can leave.
Alt still looks up at him with confusion and hesitation. Mag rolls his eyes and then jerks his head to the side. Purple surrounds Alt for a second before it turns him around and nudges him towards the door. Alt yelps in surprise but he stays still for one more second looking at Mag.
Magnificent sighs and walks back up to him, “Don’t worry, Alt. I can’t have my apprentice continuing to injure himself like this. So, this will get you back into top condition.” He lightly shoves Alt forward again. “But, it’s not just out of the kindness of my lack-of-heart, this is to both of our interests.” He nods towards the door again. “So, go. Or I’ll have the panthers chase you out.”
Alt’s face breaks out into a giddy smile. He nods then whistles for Glitches, who looks up from the gaggle of panthers around her then runs over to scale Alt’s arm and perch back on his shoulder. Alt hesitates for half a second more before he looks back at Magnificent. He smiles gently and mouths, ‘Thank you’ before he glitches away.
Back at his apartment, Alt sits on his mattress and reads the label on the potion in the dim light. Mag says to take it before going to sleep… and that’s it. That’s it?? That seems… too easy.
Then, again- he said it was supposed to be done with a magical professional. Alt didn't even know those existed! Then again, Mag had told him magical communities are very small and hidden. So, that’s probably why he’s never even heard that magical transitioning was even a thing.
Alt is too excited to wait for the evening. He’ll go to sleep now! He can hardly wait. So, he changes out of his street clothes and binder, puts on a comfy hoodie and shorts and settles back on his mattress. He looks to make sure Glitches is taken care of before he studies the potion again. He swallows, nerves making his heart beat fast. But… he wants this. God he wants this.
So, he braces himself and uncorks the bottle, going to knock the potion back as quickly as he can. The potion is sweet, almost like candy mixed with the fresh taste of rainwater. Then, it leaves a sour taste in his mouth. Alt almost instantly starts to feel the effects as the potion starts to drag him under into sleep. He falls back just as his eyes shut.
The rest happens in a blur that he’s hardly conscious for. He feels- heat… intense heat. Sweat all along his forehead, dripping as he feels like a fever is coursing through his veins. His blood feels like a live wire. It hurts for a bit, a dull ache that in one moment flashes into white hot pain. But, it doesn’t last long before Alt feels his entire body relax… and he fades completely into deep sleep.
Alt isn’t sure how much time has passed when he next opens his eyes. Except…. It’s dark. He did fall asleep during the day so… that makes sense. He groans, his body feeling weak and shaky. God, he was starving.
He rolls over to his side and hides his face in his pillow. But, then he realizes… there’s not that usual… padding he was used to. No it’s… it’s flat.
Alt quickly glitches to his feet, startling his cat to her feet as she hisses slightly at him. Alt doesn’t pay her any mind as he breathes heavily, hovering hands over his chest. Then, when he presses down against his chest… it’s true. It’s flat… completely flat. His breath hitches as he laughs, feeling wetness in his eyes.
He checks farther and uh… oh yeah that’s- that’s new. Gonna… take a while to get used to that. But, regardless, this was amazing! He’s… he’s a guy. 100% completely a guy.
He glitches around his room to try to find a mirror. When he can’t find one, he glitches down stairs to the shared restroom for the tenets on the floor below him. Luckily, it was the middle of the night so no one was down here.
He staggers to the mirror, god walking was really really weird like this. He almost falls but manages to stay upright by bracing himself against the marble countertop. He studies himself in the mirror and immediately notices his face. It doesn’t look too different, being on T meant he had gone through a lot of changes since he was a teen. So, he didn’t have that pudgy baby face. But, now… it’s not just the fat that changed. His bones have changed. He presses fingers to the new structure in awe. He still looks like himself just… male. A bit more angular in his jaw and nose and eyes.
Alt turns to try to look at his chest but his large hoodie is in the way. He desperately chucks it off and throws it to the floor. He feels his breath get taken away as he looks at himself fully in the mirror.
Now, he can see that it's true. A flat chest… breasts gone. Left behind are faintly glowing scars that show how the flesh disappeared. They kinda looked like tiger stripes.
“How fitting for a potion from Mag.” Alt chuckles to himself.
There’s not just marks around his chest, but on his arms and leading down his waist. His sides no longer had that feminine curve- they fell down straight and boxy at his hips. Alt can’t help but place hands on the skin, expecting it to feel foreign but… it just feels right. This is how he always imagined himself but now…. It’s real. It’s outside, a part of him, instead of stuck inside.
Alt feels tears in his eyes again but this time he lets them fall. He hiccups, stuck between laughing and crying, marveling at his new body. This felt too good to be true…
But it is- it is true. And Alt is stuck staring and crying and laughing for a while. Until he hears the door to the bathroom start to open. He panics and grabs his hoodie before glitching back upstairs.
Oof okay- that made him dizzy. He’s probably over-doing it. He tries to walk to his bed but he feels off balance- was that because of the changes too? He wobbles, trying to right himself and reorient himself. Doesn’t help with his vertigo though and soon he stumbles to flop backwards onto his bed.
He stares dazedly at the ceiling and then breaks back out into delirious giggles that come with more happy tears.
Finally, he feels… complete.
Glitches crawls over to inspect him. Alt almost expects her to not recognize his scent. But, she seems just fine as she purrs and goes to curl up against Alt’s side. Her steady breathing and warm body helps Alt’s heart start to calm down. He sighs happily and curls up with the kitten, being lulled back into a restful and happy sleep.
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uozlulu · 1 year
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