#i enjoyed it more than awakening honestly
xyoonx · 5 months
Yoon are you alive because i'm barely standing after , gestures wildly at the entire alkaid summer story
*flops down* I'm okay.
Okay, so, MC's mom??? Alkaid's inner turmoil??? Awakening bomb??? Some foreshadowing that Alkaid pushed his limits by the end to discover something and bro keeps being very inconvenient about it??? I'm not-
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junichxl · 8 months
I love how silly and goofy everyone is in FE Engage, I played it on a whim and fell in love with Fire Emblem again, idc what other people say, Alear is a sweetheart and they’re just a lil’ fella like just a tiny critter who wants their friends to be happy and I love her so much she’s just so huggable and squishable she might be one of my favorite protags, if not my favorite FE protag at the least
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suddenyearning · 6 months
i really am in my galex era man they have bewitched me
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asunflowerana · 1 month
07:15 AM — Miya Atsumu
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summary: you have plans with your family, but your clingy husband thinks otherwise.
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The chip of birds visiting the orange trees outside gently awakens you. With your eyelids half open, you can see them through the bedroom window, the sun’s rays helping to clear the vision. You smile as you spot two brown ones with yellow bellies, chirping at each other as if in casual conversation.
You have been waiting for this Saturday. With your sister-in-law’s help, you finally set up a family picnic in the cherry tree square for today, accompanied by your husbands. It’s been a while since you last saw them, and now that you and Atsumu have returned from a vacation trip, it’s the ideal time to rejoin.
Tsumu tried to pretend he didn’t miss his brother, but everybody knows he’s the neediest twin. You even had to cook an onigiri in the middle of the Bahamas, just to quit his whines about the spicy food.
Now thinking of food, you remember you still need to pack the picnic basket. Knowing Osamu, he’ll bring a lot of homemade food — you’re already salivating with the thought —, but you still want to contribute with some snacks and drinks. Maybe bring a cool lemonade and mini croissants from the bakery across the street. Tsumu loves the bread there, especially those stuffed with cream cheese and ham.
You slowly lift your torso, supported by your elbows as you try to check out the time on the nightstand's clock. 07:00 AM. Alright, you now have fifty minutes to pack things, take a shower, get ready, and wake up your sleepyhead husband.
 Let's do this.
“No.” A pair of strong, familiar arms tighten around your middle, preventing you from leaving further.“Go back to sleep.”
There he is. Looking like a sleepy child, your husband snuggles into you, pressing his nose on the back of your neck. You can feel his calm breathing hitting your shoulder, and by the constancy, he’ll end up falling asleep soon again.
It’s amuzing how, even unconscious, he misses your presence.
His bear hold at least allows you to turn your body in his direction, facing the man you grow to love each day that passes by. You adore every single detail of him: his chubby cheeks pressed again the pillow, his disheveled blond hair, his thick eyebrows that look adorable when he frowns or raises in awe, and even his half-open mouth, a gap for the drool that slowly comes out of it.
Honestly, you could admire him for the rest of the day. 
But you need to go.
“Tsumu…” You murmur, pressing a kiss on his nose. “We need to get up, baby.”
He whines, tucking his head into the valley of your neck without breaking his grip on your body. You chuckle in response, preparing yourself to deal with his childish side. 
Sof lips are pressed into your skin. “No, we don’t.”
You sigh, hands making a path toward his scalp, and you start kneading his locks. “Yes, we do. We have a picnic with Samu and his wife today, remember?”
“Let’s ditch.”
You giggle at his proposal, and he raises his head to face you with a lazy smirk. Atsumu loves to make you giggle.
“G'mornin .” He mumbles flirty, getting closer to join your lips in a slow kiss, his warm hands caressing around the length of your back. There’s nothing better than a good morning kiss to start the day, that’s what he always says.
“Mornin’ baby.” You peck his lips one more time before parting, and he gazes at you with so much love, that you wonder if you’ve ever seen someone look like that to their partner. You lower your hand to caress his face, making him close his eyes in delight, leaning into your touch to enjoy the most of this heavenly feeling.
But his pleasure doesn't last long.
“Now, how about we get ready for the day?”
“Why do we have to go?” He complains with a frown paired with a small pout, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Because we haven’t seen them in a long time, baby. Don’t you wanna see your brother?”
“We’ve seen each other before, one more day won’t hurt anyone.” He protests, holding you closer and catching your lips in a stolen peck. “I want to be with you.”
“But we already spend every day together.” You counter.
“And that’s why I married ya. Now, can ya please let me enjoy my wife in peace?”
You can't hold back your laughter, not believing the husband you got, but accepting your defeat nonetheless, there’s no way you can beat Atsumu when he's like that.
And it's not that bad. Your original plan may be ruined, but in the end, you definitely won’t regret spending more time in your husband’s arms.
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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morgana-ren · 1 year
Just about Astarion sitting in his throne of sorts, in the palace, with tav sitting in his lap. He’s bored, tav sits there- dissociating and wishing they were anywhere else. He asks them if they’d like to do something fun and they say something like “Only if you do my lord” and he saddens some, expecting them to come up with something fun like they used to but they can’t think of anything that he would approve of them doing after so many years of breaking them down and he realizes it’s gotten so dull because tav was the person that brightened his life
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"Awfully dull today, hmm? How would you like to do something fun, my love?"
It's an oh-so rare quiet day in the Crimson Palace, and his favorite source of amusement sits placidly on his lap, silent as the grave and still atop him. Content as he is in the peaceful quiet with solely her company, he'd spend the day with her doing– well, something, surely. It’s been a while since they’ve had any time to themselves to truly enjoy each other’s company alone. In fact, he cannot recall the last time with any distinct accuracy.
It seems so terribly long since they've had any time to themselves. Being a Lord keeps you awfully busy.
In a tender moment, he reaches forward to brush a stray strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear with a long, pale finger. She doesn’t react save a slight instinctual flicker of her lashes. Not a hint of expression on her face. He expects her to lean into his touch as she used to and is almost shocked when she does not.
Odd, he thinks. She hardly even seems to notice anything at all.
It’s almost like she isn’t entirely present.
Still, before he can chastise her, she responds to his bid for her attention.
"If that is your wish, my lord,” She responds to his question, lifeless and monotone. Perfectly obedient, just as befits her, and yet—
He frowns, just a little. It irks him, but now that he thinks about it, he cannot recall the last time he saw enthusiasm on her face– or much of anything at all aside from the blank, hollow mask she has now. Completely impassive and unresponsive in a cruel sort of practiced indifference. 
He studies her for a moment and comes to the conclusion that it reminds him of the robots they found in that strange tower in the Underdark so long ago. Programmed to respond to the right things and make the right moves, but utterly incapable of acting on her own whims. Eternally awaiting instruction. 
Empty. Robotic. Precise and yet disingenuous somehow. Eerily so.
Has she been like this before? Has he simply not noticed?
Perhaps she just needs to awaken a little more. It was such a long night, and he had kept her remarkably busy. She must be exhausted, but surely, she will perk up. She always does. 
Doesn’t she?
“Come, darling. What would you like to do?” He jostles his knees, dandling her on his legs like one might a small, particularly grumpy child. She bumps up and down, only reaching to steady herself on the sides of his throne. 
“Whatever would please you would please me, my lord.”
He groans, rolling his red eyes, a very sudden burst of irritation bubbling in his gut. Always with the My lord, My lord, scraping and bowing like some sort of indentured serf. Proper respect is important, of course, but for the first time in a while— longer than he can honestly think back on, to be honest— they are entirely alone. He is her Lord, yes, but she knew him by another name once– did know him by another name. She knows better than to tease him in front of his vassals but surely—
He can’t remember the last time she said his name. 
His real name. 
How long since he has truly sat by her side and talked with her? Spent time with her? He's been so busy, laying plans and waste, conquering and shedding blood of those who oppose him. The Lord Tyrant, come to rule over his dominion of Eternal Night. She is always by his side, never straying and yet— 
(“I love you, Little Star,” She’d laugh, planting a chaste kiss on the tip of his nose, which would promptly crinkle in annoyance. 
“I’m not ‘Little Star,’ and I’ll never understand why you insist on calling me that.” 
“That’s what your name means, doesn’t it? Little Star? Or perhaps Little Starlight– I don’t really remember.”
“Then why make that my pet name?" He rolls his eyes, annoyed at the use of his own childish moniker that follows him like a shadow to anyone who speaks even a lick of his native language. "Of all the things your brilliant little mind can concoct, you give me a child’s handle? I’m strong, dashing, capable, handsome, fearsome– but instead you choose that absurdity” 
“Because you’re my little star!” And she would smile so brightly that it seemed impossible in the darkness, and he could not help but smile himself. “My light in the darkness. My Astarion, for as long as you want to be. And I love you.” 
His expression would soften once again and he would simply sigh, pulling her close to kiss her temple. The night was cold, but she was so impossibly warm against him, somehow fitting perfectly in his lap and into his heart, where she’d wormed her way in against his own will. The dim firelight reflects in her eyes as she tells him again that she loves him forever if he’ll have her, and he can think of nothing he’d desire more than to ride out the endless night of eternity with her here on his lap, cradled close.)
Something gnaws at him. Something raw and edged with a vicious sort of misery he’d done so well to avoid in ages. He cannot place it but as he looks at her, his stomach is as a dark, abyssal pit, circling and swelling like a maelstrom. 
Something is wrong.
He cannot place the negative emotion, and so he does as he always does now, making the strange yearning her responsibility to soothe. 
He lashes out at her. 
“I’m growing bored,” He says with a cold, cruel edge to his voice. “You know how much I dislike boredom, don't you, darling?"
What he seeks is a reaction. A sudden spark of life from within her. For her to grab his hand and take him to do— to do something. Surely—
And yet, with a motion so fluid that it implies an aged and practiced skill, she slides from his lap down to her knees before him, reaching towards the laces of his breeches. There is nothing behind her eyes as she extends her hand forward to unlace him, hardly even seeing him. Nothing at all. 
“What are you doing?” He slaps her hands away, scowling down at her, taken back by her brashness. 
“You said you were bored, my Lord.”
“And why would you think–” 
Because that is what he’d taught her. 
That her body was built for his amusement; his temple to defile at will. Because of the cold nights in the castle after so many years where he would reach for her, and she would quiver and shake her head with eyes rimmed red and puffy and beg to be left untouched and yet he would speak the words without thinking and she would bend for him any way he wished. 
Because even as she would obey, she would cry and turn away, and he would give it little thought until one night the crying and protesting simply stopped. He thought she had learned. Made peace with her duties and loyalty to him and what it entailed. Mayhaps she had come to realize that her theatrics had little impact on him and surely, he wasn’t so wretched to her now that these waterworks were necessary. His touch could not repulse her so that her weeping was remotely acceptable. She loves him, surely she—
Because he would command her until she would kneel, and so now, she kneels without command.
He sighs, breathing the fire from his lungs, reaching down to pull her back up into his lap. She does not respond, only obeys in kind to his guiding instruction as he settles her back down on his legs. He finds a semblance of patience from within himself which is a strange and unusual feeling, mustering it up to once again ask:
“My dear, what is it that you would like to do?” 
Her head cocks. She does not understand. 
"What would you enjoy? If you had the freedom to do anything, what might it be?"
It takes a moment, but for the first time, a reaction: Confusion. It is slow to take hold but becomes blaringly apparent as it does. It is not as if she doesn’t know the answer, but almost as if she doesn’t understand the question. 
“Whatever you would like to do, my Lo–”
“No, no, darling. What is it you would like to do?” He impresses, harsher this time, and she flinches, recoiling from… something. 
From him.  
If her heart was still capable of beating, he'd be able to hear the way it pumps into overdrive. As it stands, he cannot, but he is aware no less. Her scent changes entirely around him to something that has his brows furrowing. Shortness of breath, dilating pupils, hands beginning to quake— Adrenaline. Steel-edged anxiety. As if this is not a question at all, but rather a test and she does not know the answer, and failure means his displeasure and his displeasure means–
"I— What would you—" She hard-swallows, harrowed by the open-endedness of the question. "—I want what—"
("Come to the meadow with me, Asto," She would grab his hand with a mischievous smile when their compatriots were fast asleep, tugging him up from the comfort of his bedroll. "I want you to come with me."
"It's late, darling. Wouldn't you rather come here and lie with me?" He would try to tug her back down playfully, but would fall against her aggressive temerity, being pulled to his feet through her sheer will. She would stifle her giggling with a hand as she guided him past their slumbering companions, through the tree line and deep into the forest. 
"Come on, lazy boy, come! Come with me!"
"Well, I'm trying to—"
She would hush him and yank him by the wrist, out into the field where he'd first had her, down once more into a bed of wildflowers and long grass. Her melodic laugh like a strange song as she yanks him to the ground despite his weak protests until she would lie her head on his chest and trace gentle patterns on his white shirt against his flexed chest. 
"We don't have to come all the way out here to make love, darling—" He would move to try to kiss her, but she would adamantly press her head against his torso, insisting he stay down in the dirt with her. 
"I'm not trying to seduce you," She would giggle, pointing at the star-spangled sky. "I want to lie under the stars with you." 
"But… why?"
"Because I know we'll have eternity to do it, but it's my favorite moon tonight and it reminded me of you."
He squints, struggling to find anything different about it at all. "I don't notice anything, darling. It looks very much like the moon we see every night." 
"It's so full and bright! Look at the rays!" She holds her hand out as if to cradle a silvery moonbeam in her palm. "It reminds me of the color of your hair." 
She reaches over him to delicately pluck something from the grass, tucking it gingerly behind his ear after she does so. "These poppies are the same beautiful deep red of your eyes in the moonlight. I feel safe here; home, with you. I just wanted to enjoy it for a moment. Just the two of us."
He would wrap his arms around her waist, squeezing so tightly that she would gasp and worm about, trying to return the favor, and yet he would not relent. 
"I want you to feel safe with me," he would whisper into her hair, desperately trying to memorize the scent of it, as if expecting Bhaal himself to come and steal her from his frantic embrace. "Now and forever, I want to feel home in your arms, with you.")
He thinks, for a moment, to return to that meadow, and that perhaps his love— the one he remembers— will return to him. As if her ghost still lingers there, trapped and waiting to be rescued. 
He can’t. 
It is not a meadow any longer, but a battlefield, not unlike the vile destruction left in Ketheric's wake at Raithewait; another one in a million places sacrificed in his conquest for glory, littered with bodies and bones. A graveyard tribute to his power, scorched soil and dead grass. No flowers bloom there anymore— there is nowhere for them to bloom between the suffocating aura of death. 
All that is left is a beautiful memory buried beneath a river of dried blood, and you cannot water flowers with dried blood or wean them on bone dust. That meadow is one moment suspended in time as trapped in amber, impossible to claw free from its temporal prison. He cannot remember the last time he saw that jovial smile she had saved just for him in that damned meadow. 
He cannot recall the last time she said the words "I love you" and cried his name as a preternaturally beautiful siren song without being commanded. 
He frowns, feeling something strange and haunting in his chest. Something viciously clawing up his throat as he looks at her: at her empty red eyes that were once the most beautiful color, full of love and life when she looked upon him; at her contorted expression that used to be as radiant as the sun and he could have sworn that her light could have sustained him through the dark, miserable nights of his eternal curse if only she was by his side; at the frailty of her body that almost seems to creak and break beneath his weight. 
"My love, look at me."
And she does, if not by command, then by instinct. 
"Smile for me, will you? Can you do that for me?" 
And she does, her lips turning upward and raising to reveal two sharp teeth— and nothing more. It's uncanny and revolting and wrong. There is nothing behind her eyes, nothing at all. No light, no life, and certainly no love. 
He used to be able to see himself in her eyes. How her heart sang for him, cheeks blossoming with blood at the sight of him. He could hear her heart rabbit behind her ribs, her hands quaking with excitement to touch him even in the most innocent of ways. Through her eyes, he found his own value— his own worth— and finally began to understand that he deserved love; he deserved happiness. She had healed him, giving almost all of herself to do it, selflessly and without asking for anything in return even as he despised himself and refused his own agency—
And she stares at him now with soulless eyes, he is left to wonder if he has taken too much from her in his quest to take everything. Wonders if she will ever be that lovestruck, moon-eyed girl again, wanting nothing more than to lie under the moonlit meadow with him. If she will ever kiss his eyelids as a delicate butterfly and whisper eternity in his ear. If she will ever feel safe and home and loved around him again in his embrace–
Save she is no longer quaking with anticipation at his touch, but trembling from fear, lost and terrified at the posing of a simple question. Her scent is foreign even as it is familiar and he cannot recall when it began to change. There is something in her eyes that haunts him, and though he can see himself within him, what stares back is not him. A terrible realization rakes knives down his soul, a gaping maw threatening to swallow him whole. A tightening in his lungs, and even as he does not breathe, he does not believe he could even if he tried. 
“Yes, my Lord?” 
Her face is impassive once more. Perfect porcelain expression. Not a crack in the mask. Not a wrinkle in the facade. Practiced day in and day out until it becomes real. He remembers it well.
How long has it been? How long since he has looked at her? Truly looked at her? Spoken to her? Told her he loved her? 
Showed her he loves her?
When was the last day he did not command from her that which she begged not to willingly give?
He cannot remember. He cannot recall. 
He demanded and she had no choice but to give. More and more and more. He drained her dry and now where was once his sacred oasis, there is nothing at all. No matter how long he looks, there is never a flicker of anything in her glassy eyes. 
He wonders if even as he has gotten everything he has ever wanted, he lost the one thing he needed. 
It paralyzes him. For the first time in an ageless eternity, he feels something: Panic. 
Even his endless power cannot bring her back. His beloved is dead, and he has killed her. Upon him sits a pretty corpse, empty and devoid of all that made her her. A doll with her face. A doll with barely even that. 
Her laugh, her smile. Her passion and desire and love. The tenderness inside of her and the warmth she once held. Everything that pulled him from his shell and showed him how to love once more. He bloomed in her light– and then snuffed it out entirely. 
How long has it been? How long has she been gone?
Though she may be undying, he realizes with horror akin to a dawning sun that she is gone– and has been for some time. 
“You seem stressed, my Lord? How can I make you happy again?”
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Second part of the story HERE
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coralhoneyrose · 7 months
Why Chrom Fire Emblem is The Husband of All Time: An Essay
SO. There was a screenshot going around of a reddit thread asking about how Chrom has managed to maintain such lasting popularity as a Fire Emblem husband even 6 years after Awakening came out. Given how beloved he still is another 5+ years later, I could not resist taking the opportunity to talk about just what I think makes him so great and endears him to players.
Character Introduction:
Let’s start out the same way Awakening does—with Chrom’s in-game introduction. This is one of the immediate ways Chrom sets himself apart. The game boots up and before anything else happens, Chrom is there expressing his unshakable faith in the player character. You take down the Bad Guy™ together, he turns and gives you this wide, puppy-ish smile and then you push him out of the way to take the hit from an oncoming spell in his stead. Right away you know this is someone your player character cares about deeply—and clearly that care is returned, because he’s immediately running over to make sure Robin’s alright.
Of course, as we all know, things go south very quickly after that. But as the cinematic plays out, and you proceed to watch yourself stab him in the chest, the *first* thing he does, the very first words out of his mouth are: “this is not your fault”. Chrom has just been completely blind-sided and arguably betrayed by his best friend, possibly his spouse, and his immediate instinct is to absolve Robin of guilt. He is literally more concerned about Robin blaming themselves for what happened than about his own imminent death. That alone tells you so, SO much about the depth of their relationship. It tells you both how deeply Chrom cares and how well Chrom knows Robin too. And not only that, but his final request, the ONE and only thing he asks of Robin before dying is that they will promise him they will escape from this place. In his last moments, his single “selfish” wish is for Robin to assure him that they will do what they can to survive. Chrom’s final request is for Robin to give him the comfort and peace of mind he can only obtain through the assurance that even though he won’t get out of there himself, Robin will. He just wants to be able to die believing they’ll take care of themselves and be alright—and knows them well enough to realize that unless he makes them promise, they likely won’t.
AND THEN. And then!!!! You jump cut to Robin waking up in the field with all the sunshine and Chrom’s smiling down with the softest expression and his ridiculously blue eyes. He lifts Robin up by the hand and pulls them right up to his face (because he has no concept of personal space, apparently) and OUUuuggh.
Those scenes in direct sequence make me so insane. You get Chrom’s life ending with Robin immediately followed by Robin’s life starting anew with Chrom. Chrom’s unwavering faith in them and his eagerness to extend his hand and bridge the gap between them from the moment they meet until his last breath. The warmth and kindness and love that Chrom treats Robin with is communicated so effectively in the first few MINUTES of the game it honestly makes me feel unwell. Showing how profoundly Chrom cares for Robin immediately endears him to the player. And he only gives you more reasons to love him as the game goes on.
There can be a tendency in some corners of fandom to simplify Chrom to just being either a generic prince charming type character or a lovable himbo. I’m not here to police how other people enjoy him, but I will say that those characterizations fail to get at some of the aspects of his personality I find most compelling.
Chrom is deceptively nuanced. While there are certainly ways in which he aligns very closely with the standard jrpg protagonist, I suspect that a lot of his enduring popularity is the result of the ways he deviates from it too. He is brave and loyal and cares deeply for his friends, yes. He has profound conviction in his ideals and strives to do the right thing, as is typical for that archetype…but what makes Chrom so lovable is his determination to keep trying to be good in spite of the ways it does not come easily to him.
We see this in the Valm arc, when he’s struggling to reconcile his own beliefs about justice with his sister’s ideals for peace. We hear echoes of it when he talks about the horrors the Ylissean people endured at his father’s hand and how despite that, he has never been able to understand how Emmeryn forgave them for the cruelty they once directed her way. He has so much admiration for his older sister’s ideals despite the fact that peace is not his first instinct. 
When Emmeryn first sacrifices herself, Chrom is consumed with grief and rage, and it takes some time for him to understand why she made the decision she did. “Peace above all else” is just not how he’s programmed to operate…yet he wants it to be. If you count the drama CDs as canon, then that serves as another excellent example as well—where the message of his sister’s sacrifice is so lost on him that his first instinct is to respond to it with violence and prejudice and hatred directed at the very people she sought to reach out to. For a moment there, we see him veer from the person he wants to be towards what we as the player can only assume is the person his father left him afraid that he would become.
And yet he finds his way back. He stumbles, he lashes out, but his love for his friends and fear of losing more of those he holds dear is able to help him course correct.
I love that tug-of-war in him. I love that we get glimpses of the darker paths he could have gone down and that there are tangible consequences for his mistakes. Early in the game, we see Chrom lose control of his temper and how Gangrel and Aversa are able to take advantage of that to officially declare war on Ylisse. Chrom later tells Gangrel that were he alone, he can imagine losing himself in that need for vengeance but reiterates that it’s love that is able to keep him from succumbing to that.
And it’s not only that he’s able to stop himself from being horrible—his losses are the catalyst for him coming into his own as a leader. He’s able to pick himself up and hold himself together to see their troops through the rest of the war. And he manages that despite the fact that in the course of mere days, he lost both his home and his most important person and has been freshly saddled with the duty of ruling an entire country. That’s…a lot. And really goes a long way in demonstrating Chrom’s incredible strength of character and conviction. We get some wonderful moments of vulnerability where he confesses to being riddled with doubts about his own capabilities and worthiness, but in spite of that, he is still determined to try to be the person that Ylisse needs him to be.
All of this leads me right into another wonderful aspect of Chrom’s personality, which is that he is just…so driven by emotion. He feels DEEPLY, and while the narrative definitely uses that as a way to hurt him and force him to grow at times, something that really stands out to me about Chrom is how the story isn’t here to send a message that it’s wrong for him to be that way. Chrom’s big feelings are one of his greatest strengths in addition to his greatest weakness—they’re what saves his life and ultimately Robin’s too, if you go the sacrifice ending route.
And ya know what? I honestly think that’s such a breath of fresh air. I love how much he does NOT embody the emotional disconnectedness that you see pushed a lot of times with stereotypical masculinity. I love that he is the hero, and he's gallant, and very traditionally "manly" in a lot of senses…AND that he's also very emotional and guided by his heart. If you’re playing with f!Robin then you wind up with a really refreshing inversion of gender stereotypes from that: in which Chrom is the emotional decision maker and Robin is the more calculating and logic driven of the two.
Beyond his big heart, I can’t talk about what’s so charming about Chrom’s personality without touching on the ways he embodies a certain level of gap moe as well. Chrom is so stern and serious, as well as quite charismatic when he’s speaking from a place of passion. But on the flip side of that, we get to see him as an absolute bumbling mess when he’s out of his element. He’s easily embarrassed / flustered, self-conscious about his appearance, and often socially awkward where romance is involved. While these traits may seem of minor importance compared to the whole rant above, I think they’re really important for humanizing and rounding him out.
There are lots of other nuances to his characterization that go a long way in fleshing him out too. Despite being a prince, Chrom is blunt and completely unmindful of formalities. That, along with his impulsivity, definitely gets him into trouble sometimes. He’s melodramatic and blisteringly sincere. He’s a little bit clumsy and doesn’t know his own strength. He has a dry sense of humor and can be surprisingly funny. He’s optimistic and trusting—not due to naivete or stupidity but because he has decided that giving people chances and believing the best of them is an important value to him and one that is worth embodying in how he lives his life. 
Lucina’s presence in the story and his immediate and complete acceptance of her is an extremely effective way of demonstrating what an incredible father he is too. Honestly, he just has really wonderful relationships and deep admiration for a lot of the women in his life and that absolutely earns him points in my book (and I suspect in many others’ as well). When you look at all of that together, I don’t think it’s hard to understand why he’s so beloved.
Slightly less serious note here, but I think it warrants discussion regardless because character design absolutely contributes to player’s feelings about and interpretation of a game’s cast members.
And Chrom is…well, he’s eye candy, honestly. He’s got the nice, exposed arm, the messy blue hair, the completely nonsensical outfit he somehow manages to look handsome in anyway (his questionable sense of fashion is a charm point, okay?). Add in the square jaw and the surprisingly long eyelashes and he’s just. He’s very pretty. Idk what to tell you. Bonus points for the summer scramble cg where he has the most inexplicably flat butt of all time. And I really do believe that some of the oddities of Chrom’s design lend memorability to him and go a long way in setting him apart from other lords in the series with similar design concepts. The insistent asymmetry across many of his outfits, the fact he’s showing a little skin, idk it just WORKS. Chrom is hot, I don’t make the rules.
Relationship with Robin / the Player Character:
Last but not least, I want to talk about Chrom’s relationship with Robin.
I touched on some of this in his character introduction already, but Chrom is just…the biggest Robin stan. If Robin has only one fan then that is Chrom. If Robin has no fans it’s because Chrom is bleeding out on the floor with lightning in his gut. 
He just has such deep respect and admiration for them. He values Robin’s opinion and insight and thinks so highly of them and their ideas, often serving as an enabler in many cases (setting the boats on fire, the volcano, etc.). Chrom’s faith in Robin is SO unshakable that when his daughter tells him that Robin is going to be magically controlled and forced to murder him, his response is, “That won’t happen because Robin and I love each other so much that everything will somehow be okay. No, I will not elaborate.” And ya know what? He was RIGHT. Their bond DOES wind up being so strong that it’s able to change fate. The narrative is quite literally validating his slightly ridiculous insistence that him and Robin just care about each other The Most of Anyone Ever. He is Robin’s biggest advocate from the moment they meet when he defends them from Frederick’s suspicions all the way to the game’s close when he either assures Robin that their life was worth preserving or, as in the case of the sacrifice ending, that he will spend the rest of his own life searching for them until they return.
Honestly the fact that Chrom was willing to potentially risk dooming the whole world to the fell dragon’s awakening 1,000 years down the line just so he doesn’t have to lose his comfort tactician is WILD. For the game’s hero to literally say “we don’t have to defeat this evil for good, the people of the future can figure it out” JUST so he can keep Robin is absolutely unhinged behavior and I love it. I think it’s incredibly humanizing that he’s a little bit selfish about the people who are most important to him…that despite his willingness to sacrifice himself or run headfirst into danger, he draws the line at losing Robin because he’s already lost his most important person once and he’s not going to let it happen again. Chrom and Robin absolutely come across as a little codependent and a lot obsessed with each other and personally I wouldn’t have it any other way.
And then there’s his love confession to Robin. GOd...
I think that’s the most flustered Chrom appears in any content in the entire game…and it’s because he treasures their friendship so deeply that he is petrified about messing it up or saying the wrong thing. I love that he goes into their S support dead set on NOT telling Robin what is going on but the second he realizes that Robin is under the impression he doesn’t care about them or like spending time with them anymore he is so horrified and desperate to correct that line of thinking that he blurts out the full love confession on the spot.
He’s SO earnest throughout the whole thing, but then at the end he hits you with the whole “this is the best day of my life”, and the “You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side. Together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world, just you and me” (thank you Matt Mercer for your services), and the cg image of him staring right at Robin with what are basically heart eyes and. I just. There were no survivors.
That’s not even their only proposal / love confession scene either! The fact that the game gives us an entirely separate alternate proposal that’s more serious in tone is the icing on the cake. How many ships out there can say that they get not one but TWO canon proposals that are both that good? Truly no one is doing it like chrobin.
Closing Remarks:
Chrom is a well written and nuanced character who struggles and grows over the course of the story while always remaining true to himself and his ideals. His intense and unending trust, admiration, and love of Robin endears him to the player from the moment the game begins all the way to its conclusion. He is kind and good while still being fundamentally flawed (and it doesn’t hurt that he’s very handsome to boot). Bearing all that in mind, while the message of Awakening may be that nothing is inevitable, Chrom’s conceit and execution were always going to lead to MANY of those who play the game coming to love him and pick him as Robin’s husband…and there may be no greater evidence of that then the fact I’m out here writing all of this eleven years after the game’s release.
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kaisacobra · 8 months
A Step Into the Future - Sam Carpenter
Summary: A cuddly morning with your girlfriend Sam turns into a conversation about your future.
Warnings: None, just pure fluff.
Word Count: 1.8k
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You were never particularly religious, but in moments like these, when everything was calm and you were in the arms of the person you loved most in the world, you truly felt like you were in heaven.
Soft snores reaching your ears and a warm, slow breath on your neck had become your favorite alarm clock. It was worth waking up earlier just to have the sight of your girlfriend peacefully sleeping beside you, in one of those rare moments when her expression wasn't burdened with worries and a sense of alertness.
Moving slowly to avoid waking her up, you raised your arm to her sculpted face and brushed some strands of hair aside, wanting to get a complete view of Sam's face. The way the sunlight seeped through a crack in the curtain illuminated Sam perfectly, giving you a breathtaking sight.
Samantha Carpenter was the greatest work of art you had ever seen. A face like a Botticelli painting, a body like a Michelangelo sculpture, a voice like a siren's song, and a heart kept like a precious jewel.
Your thoughts spoke louder, and you allowed yourself to gently slide a finger over the soft skin of the bridge of the woman's nose, finding it adorable when she involuntarily wrinkled her nose in response. You enjoyed being able to take pride in recognizing Sam's subtle signs, having carefully studied her reactions throughout the early stages of your relationship. This allowed you to notice certain things, like the change in the rhythm of her breathing, even if she pretended to still be asleep.
"Darling?" You whispered as softly as you could, just in case you had misread your analysis and your girlfriend was actually asleep.
But soon your theory was proven correct when Sam let out a husky grunt and hugged your torso with both arms, trapping you in a grip that honestly didn't bother you at all. She shifted in bed until she rested her head on your chest, releasing a sigh of contentment when satisfied with the proximity.
You gave a small smile and began playing with her hair without thinking too much. Some time ago, at the beginning of the relationship, you used to wonder if Sam would ever let you get close for real. Now, you knew that no one who knew her would believe you if you said the older Carpenter was like a cuddly kitten that complained if she wasn't touching you at every possible minute.
The peaceful silence was interrupted for a moment by a loud complaint from Sam's stomach, who quickly moved to bury her face in the crook of your neck. "No," she spoke firmly but with a voice laden with playfulness and drowsiness.
"No, what?" You laughed, letting her get more comfortable beside you, even if it meant she was two steps away from being on top of you.
Sam lifted her head just enough for her voice not to be muffled. You couldn't see her face clearly due to the position, but you could identify her still-closed eyes. "You were going to suggest getting up for breakfast. My answer is no."
"But, darling..." You laughed again, amused at how a just-awakened Sam was practically a stubborn child. "You're hungry, aren't you? I can go make a quick breakfast and come back to be with you."
Your girlfriend made a protesting noise and held you tighter in her arms, as if you were planning to escape at any moment. Of course, you weren't going to complain, after all, there was no more perfect place in the world than Sam's arms. She shook her head slightly. "You're forbidden to leave. We'll cook something later, together."
"Forbidden?" You chuckled. "By whom, exactly?"
"By me, your amazing girlfriend."
You laughed a bit more and decided to gently stroke Sam's scalp, feeling the woman slowly soften under your touch again. That had to be one of your greatest achievements—the fact that Sam trusted you so much to allow herself to be vulnerable, even if it didn't come naturally to her anymore.
She shifted a bit more, this time wrapping her legs around yours. "I could do this for the rest of my life, you know?"
Vulnerability and even a hint of embarrassment shone through Sam's voice, and although you couldn't see her face completely, you could see a part of her cheek starting to turn red. Adorable, you would say.
"Hold onto me like a koala?" You teased, feeling her lightly pinch your arm in retaliation. She muttered a curse in Spanish, and the warm breath from her mouth hit a sensitive area of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
Fortunately (or unfortunately), Sam seemed too sleepy to notice your reactions and tease you back. Instead, she spoke again slowly, as if sharing a huge secret. "No, idiot. This. Waking up with you by my side, every day."
"Oh." You responded with great eloquence, feeling your entire body heat up and butterflies flutter in your stomach as if you were the protagonist of a teenage romance. Sam wasn't one to express love with words much, but when she did, you could barely contain yourself from looking like a smitten fool. "I could do that forever too. Truly become your family."
Your trembling voice betrayed how much you had wanted to have this kind of conversation for a while, even if you were leaving the actual meaning implicit. Still, you knew Sam would understand what you were trying to say.
"You already are family. We don't need to get married for that." She spoke, but soon realizing how her words sounded a bit harsh, she moved back a bit and locked eyes with you, your faces just a few inches apart. "Not that I don't want to get married! I do. Someday. But you don't have to wait until then to feel like part of the family."
Once again, a small party seemed to settle inside you with Sam's words and the sight of her in front of you, her face flushed with shyness and the admission that she envisions a future with you. Taking advantage of the closeness, you cupped her face with one hand. "Thank you. It means a lot to me."
You're welcome. The words hung implicitly in the air as she turned her face just enough to kiss the palm of your hand. Sam's brown eyes were still small due to sleepiness, but they already sparkled like the most beautiful jewel you had ever seen. You felt very lucky.
Seizing the opportunity, you decided to delve a bit further into the subject. "Would you like to expand this family with me? In the future, of course."
Sam squirmed a bit, and you knew she was reluctant to think about that answer. You started to gently stroke her jaw with your thumb, trying to calm her and convey the message that you would be okay with whatever answer she gave.
"I kinda already have three kids, you know?" She said with humor, and you opened a smile in response. It was true that Sam was very protective of her sister, Tara, and the two twins, Mindy and Chad. You could see how much she cared for them and how hard she worked to make sure she could provide some of the things they liked.
"Oh yes, how could I forget?" You replied still humorously, and you were ready to let the subject drop there, not wanting to pressure your girlfriend into anything. However, Sam seemed not to have finished her train of thought.
She bit her lip, looking hesitant. "It's just that... I don't have the best history with my parents, as you know. And I don't have the best overall history, damn, I don't even have a degree, and..."
"Hey, hey. One step at a time, okay?" You reassured her, placing a kiss on her forehead that made her release a relieved sigh. "Firstly, you're not like your parents, no matter what you think. Secondly, it's not too late to start college if that's what you want."
"No, it's not possible." Sam shook her head, looking away to your collarbone with some shame. "I have to work to pay for the apartment rent and also support me and Tara. I don't have time for that."
You frowned and held the Carpenter's chin, making her look at you. Even embarrassed, Sam could still be intimidating enough, and her gaze gave you the same feeling of being struck by lightning, as if electricity ran through your veins every time your eyes met. "I could help you if you wanted."
"No. It's not your obli-"
"I'm not being forced to do anything." You cut her off, shaking your head and smiling to show that you were serious. "You know I have a well-paying internship. I could move here, share the bills and a room with you. It would be less burdensome, and you could work just one job and use the rest of the time to study. What do you think?"
Sam seemed to be in an internal battle, looking at you with admiration and trying to fight back the tears that were on the brink of her eyes. She reached out to caress your face. "You don't have to do this."
"I would like to." You reassured her, pulling her closer to envelop her waist in a hug. "Besides, I'd finally get rid of that small dorm and my weird roommate."
Sam scowled, her voice laden with jealousy. "You mean that flirt who's always hitting on you? You know, I'm starting to think it really is a good idea for you to move in, maybe now that bitch will understand that you're taken."
You laughed at Sam's indignation but didn't say anything to disagree. She was right, after all. At the end of the day, you were very well taken, and you were perfectly fine with that. The sunlight streaming into the room through the curtains seemed a bit brighter now, and although you didn't want to burst your bubble of happiness with Sam, you really needed to start preparing for the day ahead.
She seemed to read your mind, as she always did, given the connection between you two, and just nodded in agreement, a sign that she also agreed to get up and shake off the laziness.
In a last moment of calm, Sam approached you and spread small kisses over your chin, cheeks, and forehead, finally stopping at your mouth and kissing you with true love and affection, creating not only a physical connection but also a connection of souls. You embraced the contact, responding to the kiss with the same passion, forgetting about anything else but Sam's lips.
As she pulled away, Sam smiled contentedly. Her hair messy because of the bed, red puffy lips, and eyes with sleep residue didn't prevent you from seeing her as the most beautiful woman you had ever seen on Earth. "I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too." You whispered back, your voice laden with emotion.
You didn't know what to expect from the future, but one thing was certain. Whatever it was, you would have Sam Carpenter, and Sam Carpenter would have you.
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allthelovehes · 1 year
Summary: You follow a course through your job and the teacher who's giving the course is everything you've ever dreamed of.
Pairing: teacher!harry x reader
Word count: 6.2K
Warnings: Pussy eating, protective sex, squirting, p in v.
A/N:  This is partially based on a true story. Nearly everything but the smut is what actually happened and I just had to write it.
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Ever since starting your new job, you must attend an internal program at headquarters for three-ish months, completely designed to train you for all the ins and outs of your position. It’s not like you have to go there every single week. But you have a perfect little schedule; you go to headquarters two weeks in a row, two days a week followed by a week where you practice all you’ve learned. Then two weeks of your training, two days a week and you repeat it over and over again for 11 weeks total. 
Since headquarters is an hour and fifteen-minute drive from your home, they offer you to stay the night at a hotel near them so you don’t have to keep on driving back and forth. They also pay for your dinner in the restaurant of the hotel and since you’re not the only student taking the course who lives relatively far away, you made some friends and all eat together. After dinner, you all hang out, down a few more glasses of chardonnay, and have a great night. 
The course itself is presented by two men, Chris and Harry. Chris is a couple of years older than you are and Harry is roughly the same age. Both of them are a treat to look at so whether you like the course or not, there’s always something interesting to occupy your brain with. Although if you’re truly honest, you do have a favorite and it gets worse when the end of the three months is in sight.
It’s the second to last week of your program. Normally you travel by train, read a book while you’re at it, and enjoy the peaceful start of your day. But today was different, you’re a bit in a hurry and decide to take your car and make the long ride yourself. Putting up some music and singing along at the top of your lungs.
Traffic isn’t as bad as you expected and instead of being stuck in your car for over two hours, it only took one and half hours. Normally the route is packed with traffic, causing a lot of slow-riding cars and traffic jams. But again, today was different.
Being 55 minutes early before the start of your training, you’re left with some more time to yourself. The book you normally would read on the train is in your bag anyway. So you grab a cup of coffee, pull the book out of your bag, and start reading to somehow still get a bit of the quiet morning you’re used to. 
You just finished reading your chapter when the door of the room swings open. You look up and your eyes meet the pretty green eyes you’ve grown to adore. You never imagined you’d still crush as hard at 26 as you did at 16. It’s like the teen inside you is awakened by Harry’s chocolate curls, green eyes, and puffy lips. 
“Good morning!” You greet him.
“Good morning. You’re early!” He chirps with a warm smile on his face. He always seems cheerful, just happy to be here. It makes you feel so welcome in this company. “How long have you been here for?” He adds.
“Not more than 15 minutes I think, honestly didn’t really track time.” You answer.
“Did the elevator work when you got here? I just had to climb the stairs.” He continues, there’s not even a shortness of breath even though he just climbed all 17 flights of stairs to reach the level on which the company is located. 
“You’re kidding! How are you still breathing?” You joke, but you’re actually not kidding. If you had to walk all those stairs, you’d be out of breath by the time you reach the 5th floor. Harry however just laughs at your statement before he puts down his backpack behind his desk. 
He made up this little routine of settling down for the day. First, he places down his backpack and takes out his laptop. Then he opens his laptop to boot it before he pulls his sweater over his head. This man doesn’t like to wear coats, he just puts a sweater on top of his outfit and uses that to keep himself warm. 
You thought you sort of removed him from your mind after not seeing him for a couple of weeks. Harry went on a well-deserved vacation and Chris took over during that time. So the last time you actually saw Harry was 5 weeks ago. But the second he pulled that sweater of his over his head, pulling his shirt a tiny bit upwards in the process had you melting right in front of him. The waistband of his boxers peeks out from his pants. You immediately recognize the brand he’s wearing by the colorful print on them. And let’s not even get started about his delicious happy trail. It’s a good thing his view is blocked by the fabric of his sweater because you for sure are struggling to keep your eyes to yourself.
“So, would you like some coffee?” He suggests as he folds his sweater over the back of his chair. You’re quick to agree on his offer. “Cappuccino right?” 
“Yes, please! I’m surprised you remember how I like my coffee.” You giggle, feeling a blush creep upon your cheeks. 
Throughout the entire day, you can’t help but notice how Harry’s eyes meet yours a lot more often than he does with your classmates. Whenever you look at him, his eyes are already on yours. He compliments you when you’re working on assignments and you just feel like there’s a mutual connection there. 
His distance to headquarters is even bigger than yours, so they offered him a similar deal as they did you. If he has to work multiple days in a row, he can stay the night in between in the same hotel as you all do. He gladly took upon the offer, for him it’s at least a two-hour ride home and that’s if he doesn’t include traffic. And since he works 5 days a week, it’ll save him a lot of time.
During the lunch break, you and your friends are making plans for the evening. Many of your nights in the hotel are spent drinking some wine and just catching up with each other. And today’s plans are like no other. Harry can’t help but overhear you guys talking about the hotel and starts bragging about the room they gave him. 
“I slept in room 405 last week. Apparently, all rooms on the fourth floor are deluxe rooms with a bathtub, double bed instead of a twin bed, and a filled mini fridge.” He joins your conversation, immediately planting the idea of asking for room 405 when you check into the hotel later today.
“I never had a bathtub during any of my stays. But all six times I slept in that hotel, I never slept on the fourth floor.” You reply.
“Don’t worry, you’re not missing out. The tubs are too small anyways.” He reassures.
“Your legs are just too long to properly fit into any tub.” You pointed out. 
All of you enjoy your dinner together. Harry is always left at work for a bit longer after you’re done with the class so he can prepare for the next day or finish up some other leftover work. And to the question of whether he will join you all at the dining table, his answer is always the same. “If I make it in time, I’ll happily join.” 
And today was one of the days he made it in time. He sits next to you in the only chair that’s unoccupied. Your friend shoots a glance at you, and that’s when you realize she made sure you sat next to the empty spot.
All of you welcome him to the table before starting small talk.
“Oh, by the way, Harry, I meant to thank you for your advice.” You start causing a confused look on the man’s face.
“My advice?” He asks. “What did I tell you?”
“When I was checking in I asked for room 405 and now I ended up in a deluxe room just like you told us about earlier today.” You giggle.
“Hold on, what room are you in??” He asks, clearly even more confused than he was at the beginning of this conversation.
“Ah, right! You got me confused for a second as I am booked in room 405 again.” He explains. “So, we’re practically neighbors!” 
Your brain spins a bit at how coincidentally it is of you asking for the exact room Harry is in. And on top of that, you are indeed practically neighbors. Suddenly you feel glad that you aren’t actual neighbors for the night, cause the rooms are very noisy and there’s a dividing door between every other room, allowing them to connect two rooms if needed. You’re not sure what your nighttime activities will turn into, once you’re left alone in your hotel room with just your unholy thoughts of the man next to you. 
Your food gets served, you and Harry both choose a different dish. He chose the tilapia filet and you went for a steak. Both are served with some veggies and fries. 
“That steak looks good.” He says as he puts a bit of fish into his mouth. 
“Would you like to try some?” You ask him to which he agrees. His fork is all covered in the sauce that comes with the fish. So, you cut off a piece of steak and hold your fork out for him to take it. He hums softly as the taste of the steak hits his tastebuds, sending vibrations through your fork. 
Harry insists on you trying some of his fish too. So he cuts a piece of, similar as to how you did it and holds his fork out for you to try it. 
You’re not much of a fish eater but you can see how people like this particular dish. It’s good as far as how good fish get. 
After hanging out with your friends on the terras, drinking some wine. All of you decide to call it a night. It’s nearly 11 p.m., and all of you need to be up bright and early the next day for your course. 
You hop into the elevator together, all of you pressing different buttons for different floors. Soon enough you’re the last one standing as you’re the only one whose hotel room is located on the top floor, and Harry’s of course.
Your pace slows down when you reach room 405. A deep voice is heard on the other side of the door. This confirms your suspicions, Harry is still up. It seems like he is currently on the phone with someone as a one-sided conversation is heard from his room. You decide not to snoop around, for all you know he’ll walk out the door any second and see you lingering around his door. That’d be weird.
Once you reach your door, you open it with the card and enter the room. You were smart enough to turn on the air conditioning before heading down for dinner so the room was cooled perfectly. 
You let yourself fall backward on your bed with a deep sigh. This massive crush on what essentially is your teacher was unexpected. And now you’re full of nerves, jitter, and a lot of unholy thoughts to think about.
You open up your book and try to set your mind in another direction. You have to face the man you’re thinking about tomorrow and above all you need to be able to concentrate. 
After 45 minutes of reading your mind is still on the one topic it was before. So the plan to distract yourself failed miserably. The only other option you can consider is taking a cold shower, cause there’s no way in hell you can masturbate to the thought of him and look him in the eye tomorrow.
You hop into the shower. You start at your regular temperature and decrease the temperature with small steps to end with a cold shower. Your hands travel over your body and you notice how sensitive your skin is. You take some soap and spread it all over your skin. Once your hands reach your breasts you give some extra attention to your achy nipples, pinching them between your fingers. You moan softly, god that feels good.
You realize what you’re doing and stop immediately, turning the water ever colder causing you to nearly squeal at the temperature. You step out of the shower and wrap a towel around your body. 
As soon as you’re all dried up, you crawl back into your bed and grab your phone to scroll mindlessly through TikTok. First, you clear your notifications but you notice one particular Instagram notification that catches your eye.
harrystyles liked your story 8m ago
It’s fucking past midnight, what is this man liking your Instagram story for?? As if you weren’t thinking about him enough already. 
You decide to get out of bed and go outside for a little midnight stroll. The cool and fresh air will do you good. You take your AirPods out of your bag so you can listen to some music while you're at it. 
You’ve been walking for about 25 minutes when you step back into the elevator and press the button to the fourth floor. Harry has finally disappeared from your mind, I mean, he’s still there but just less present. You are tired and just need your sleep.
Room 407 is two-thirds down the hall, luckily the floor is covered with carpet so your feet don’t make as much sound. You don’t want to wake anyone up at this ungodly hour. Nerves kick back in the closer you get to room 405. What if he’s still awake, or what if you woke him up when your door fell closed on your way out?
The sound of a door opening is heard and you’re too afraid to take your eyes off the floor. It takes every bit of strength in you to lift your head up, but when you finally do, your eyes are met with the ones you’ve been thinking about all night. He’s changed out of his dress pants and blouse and into a plain white shirt and some grey sweatpants.
“Oh, hi.” You mumble. Fuck, you think. You did wake him up on your way out. And now he’s here to complain about it.
“Hi.” He replies in a whisper. Harry heard you walk through the hallway, at least he was hoping it was you. But now that he’s standing eye to eye with you, he suddenly becomes nervous and doesn’t know what to say.
“I hope I didn’t wake you up when I left my room.” You apologize. 
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve been struggling to fall asleep anyway.” “Yeah, me too. I’m gonna go give it another try though.” You point to your door, gesturing for you to leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Wait!” Harry whisper-yells. “I- uhm. Do yo- uh.” He stumbles over his words. You turn your body back to him, looking at him with your big eyes.
“Do you wanna come with me to my room?” He finally asks and he holds out his hand for you to grab. You’re taken by surprise but after looking at him for a bit too long you grab his hand with a little nod and let him lead the way. 
He closes his fingers around yours and takes a couple of steps back to his room, opening the door with his room key. He steps inside the room, holds the door open, and pulls you in by your hand. The door is slammed closed right after you’re through the opening and Harry's strong arms push you against the door. 
“Hi.” He says giddy when looking at your lips, earning a smile from you.
“Oh fuck, just kiss me already.” You demand, and he is eager to please. 
His lips crash onto yours and his tongue slips inside your mouth. He’s gentle but demanding, it’s nothing like you ever thought it would be. This kiss makes you realize what people mean by melting when they’re being kissed. It’s like every inch of your body becomes one with his.
Your fingers graze his hair, pulling him closer as his hands find their place on your hips. He pushes his body flush against yours, earning a moan from your lips. The fingers of his right hand sneak under the hem of your shirt to dig into your skin. 
He pulls away after what feels like minutes of making out, panting slightly. His fingers play with the hem of your shirt and he looks down.
“Can I?” He asks to which you agree. Your shirt is pulled over your head in a swift motion, revealing your peach-coloured bra. Suddenly you feel glad you decided to put on a bra when you went for a walk because you nearly decided to not wear one.
“Fuck.” He moans at the sight of you. His hand comes up to cup your left breast through the padding of your bra. “You’re so beautiful.” He kisses your neck, up to your ear. You gain confidence from his words and let your hands travel over his chest, down his sides all the way to the hem of his own shirt. You look him in the eyes for permission. 
“Do it.” He whispers in your ear while he keeps on kissing every inch of your ear, neck, and jawline. You pull the shirt over his head revealing his perfect abs. You can’t help but put one hand flat on his stomach to feel his muscles and moan softly. Your eyes meet his and he has a beautiful smile plastered across his lips. 
His lips are back on yours and his fingers hook in the waistband of your jeans. He’s greedy to get you out of your clothes as soon as possible. He opens the button. His left hand grabs your face and he kisses you passionately on your lips as he puts his right hand in the back of your jeans to squeeze your bum. 
“Hmm, you feel so good.” He squeezes your flesh one more time before he pushes the fabric over your ass. You step out of your jeans and push him further into the room. Your lips reconnect. 
Harry leads you to the chair in the corner of the room and pushes you down in the chair. Your eyes fall down his body and stay glued to the tent starting to form in his sweatpants. His fingers wrap underneath your chin to pull your face up. 
“Eyes up here, baby.” He says. He spreads your legs to stand in between them and strokes his hand over your inner thighs, to your stomach, and up to your lips. He puts his thumb against your lips with his fingers resting on your cheek. You open your lips and softly suck on his thumb getting it slightly moist. 
He takes his finger back out of your mouth and his hands explore down to your chest. Both hands grab one boob each and massage your skin through your bra. He makes sure to flick his thumbs over your hardening nipples every now and then. 
You sink further down into the chair, practically laying on your back with your bum on the edge of the seat. Your feet are tucked around his waist and your legs are spread open to reveal your clothed crotch. Harry is standing right in front of the chair, causing his crotch to gaze over your most sensitive spot when he moves close enough. 
You moan at the pressure he’s applying to your chest. His big hands fit perfectly around your tits and it’s all you’ve been thinking about. Well, not all, but you get the point.
He pulls down the cups of your bra, to expose your breasts. Your nipples are hard and needy. His lips attach to your right nipple to suck on them before he lets go and gently strokes his fingers down your stomach, back towards your inner thighs. The soft touch of his fingertips tickles, sending a buzzing feeling straight to your clit.
He kneels in front of the chair you’re sitting on and wraps his hands around your waist. He places a couple of kisses on your thighs, right next to your core. But never touching where you need it most. He’s making you all needy, drawing moan after moan. 
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Harry asks. But the view in front of him already gives him the answer he is looking for. You’re dripping through your panties, completely ruining them and every touch is rewarded with another moan coming from your lips.
“Mhm, fuck yes.” You half moan.
Harry finally places a kiss on the wet spot forming on your panties. You immediately put your hand in his hair. After a few more open-mouthed kisses on top of the fabric, he finally pulls them to the side. He lets out a low moan at the sight and smell in front of him. 
He attaches his lips to your core, leaving another open-mouthed kiss on your labia before he sucks the juices into his mouth. Another loud moan escapes his lips, you’re sure anyone who’d walk by would be able to hear the both of you.
“You taste so fucking good, baby.” Harry moans. He pushes your panties further to the side and you help him hold them there, giving him full access to taste every single inch of you. He licks up from your bottom all the way to your clit and you can’t help but whine. He continues to gently lick around your clitoris, making sure not to apply too much pressure at once. It feels like pure ecstasy. 
His hands stroke the insides of your thighs again while they travel to your core. With two hands, he spreads you open to allow him to stick his tongue inside of you. He pushes in and out of you a few times before his tongue travels back to your clit. Licking and sucking softly, building up the pressure. He for sure is taking his time with you. His eyes are locked on yours to gauge what you like and don’t like. But so far you seem to have entered another world. With your left hand locked in his hair and your head thrown back.
Harry starts to put more pressure on your clit with his tongue making you all squirmish. Your soft moans go up in loudness. His lips leave your clit but his finger is quick to stroke circles around it before he inserts his finger into your pussy hitting you right on that spongy part. His finger pushes in and out of you and his tongue gently swipes from left to right. 
He applies even more pressure to your clit, sucking on the sensitive bud every now and then. His one finger inside of you pumps in and out, building up a faster pace. More juices start to spill from your pussy so he licks from down all the way up to your clit again to collect your wetness and slurp it all up. It’s a sign you’re coming close to your orgasm. Your legs start shaking around his shoulders and he continues his work, going faster and sucking harder.
Soon you can’t contain your moans and your orgasm hits you harder than it has ever done before. Harry’s fingers don’t seem to slow down though, and his tongue is still attached to your sensitive clit. Your moans turn into high-pitched whines mixed with curse words falling from your lips.
“Fucking hell, please” You moan, trying to push his face away from your cunt. His finger falls from your pussy and he softly caresses your mount with a flat hand, his lips are still attached to your clit but he stopped sucking as he moans loudly. The vibrations of the sounds he’s making shoot right through your body. He completely removes his face from you and wipes the wetness from his chin. 
“God, I wanna do that again. You sound so fucking pretty.” He tells you before he connects his lips to yours. The tangy taste of yourself is all you can focus on, making you feel dizzy. 
Harry looks you up and down. He gets up off his knees so he can finally drop his sweats to the floor. The erection in his loose-fit boxers makes you curious, but it gives you a good idea of how big he is. 
He holds out his hand for you to help you get up from the chair. His arms wrap around your body once you’re on your feet and he kisses you deeply. His hands take hold underneath your bum. 
“Jump.” He commands and you listen without a second thought. You wrap your arms around his middle and his erection softly presses into your core. You moan and nestle your face into his neck. Your hips try to grind down on him, although you’re not as successful as you’d hoped. Harry walks to the end of the bed to place you down. 
“Let’s get you out of these.” You say as you put your fingers into the waistband of his boxers. You pull them down so he can step out of them. He pushes you on your shoulders, tipping you over so you’re lying on your back and his hands hold your knees to spread them open again. With one hand he pumps his cock a few times and with the other, he pushes your panties back to the side before he pushes the tip of his cock through your folds. 
“Shit, a condom.” He curses. “I don’t know if I have one.” He says honestly. It’s not like he thought he was getting laid during his work trip so he didn’t pack any. He rushes to his wallet in hopes of finding one in there. He opens the coin section and is happy to be greeted by a silver foil. He takes it out before he returns to you and puts on the protection. 
He goes back to what he started. He rubs the tip of his now rubber-covered cock over your clit, stimulating the sensitive nub. You immediately are a moany-mess again before he slides his tip down and inters your cunt. He pushes in and out, going deeper with every thrust. His thrusts are gentle as he knows you’re close to being overstimulated. 
His hands hold your thighs down before he starts moving back and forth at a faster pace. He bends down to attack your right nipple with his mouth. He sucks sharply and licks over the hard bump. 
The bed starts squeaking loudly when he holds you down around your hips to be able to fuck up into you faster. His skin slaps against yours making the most erotic sounds audible in the hallway and possibly in the neighboring rooms. 
Harry wraps his hand around your neck, not really applying pressure but just holding you in place as he trusts into you slower but with more power. Smacking his pelvis against your clit with every trust. Your panties slipped back down covering half your labia again. 
“Let’s get these out of the way.” You laugh. Harry pulls out so you’re able to remove your underwear but he’s back inside of you as soon as possible. He’s bucking up, trying to hit your G-spot every time he pushes in. And he knows he’s doing a good job as your moans went up a pitch again. 
He grabs your hips and keeps fucking you hitting your G-spot hard every, single, time. The trusts change from hard and deep to soft and fast. Giving you a whole other sensation. He keeps switching between the two different paces until he finds you squirming underneath him again. He bucks his hips hard and deep into you and after a few more trusts you reach your second orgasm, screaming and squirting all over him. 
You were about to apologize but Harry has already attached his lips to your cunt to lick up all the leftover juices. He’s moaning loudly as he’s trying to clean you up. Your own moans become quieter and turn into soft hums as you nestle your hand into his hair, grabbing him tightly. 
He starts assaulting your clit like he used to when you were sitting in the chair. His tongue is doing wonders on your overstimulated clit and it only takes a couple of strokes of his wet muscle to get you to reach your height again. This time however it feels shorter and less intensive, but still your moans picked up again. It’s like music to Harry’s ears.
“Fuck, Y/N, you are so fucking perfect.” He moans, kissing you sloppily. His hips meet yours and both of you hum to the feeling. Harry takes a hold of his cock and guides it back inside of you. His hips grind over yours, giving you way too much stimulation but god does it feel good. 
He places his left foot on the bed next to your bum and starts pounding into you. He puts one of his hands on top of your mouth as you can’t contain any of the sounds you’re making. Harry knows it’s already too late when it comes to waking up the neighbors but he doesn’t wanna keep bothering them all night.
Never have you been fucked this hard, fast, and deep all at the same time. It’s starting to feel overwhelming and you can’t stop whining at how good you feel. Harry keeps miraculously pounding into you as he starts to moan loudly himself as well. 
His moans send shivers down your spine, he sounds otherworldly. The deeper his moans get, the sloppier his trusts become. He spills all of his cum inside of the condom before his moans quiet down and he pulls out. He’s panting loudly and he gently swats the back of your thigh twice. He rubs his cock up and down your pussy one more time before he kneels down again and licks your pussy clean. 
“Stay where you are.” He says and places a quick kiss on your lips. He walks to the bathroom to toss the condom and grab a damp towel to properly clean you up. He dabs the lukewarm towel to your overstimulated core and softly strokes the fabric down once or twice. He puts the towel down on the floor where all of your juices squirted in an attempt to minimize the mess.
“There, now let’s get comfy.” He says and gets into bed. “Do you want a shirt?” He asks to which you nod. He gets up to grab his white tee from before and hands it to you. It smells deliciously like his skin in the best way possible. You put it on and it reaches up to your upper thigh. 
Harry lays back down in bed and you crawl next to him. He naturally opens his arms for you to cuddle up to him. 
“I‘ve never been fucked that good.” You chuckle as you take a deep breath. The room smells and looks like sex but neither of you seems to care. 
“Hmm, you felt so good.” Harry’s ego boosts at your comment. And if he’s honest, he’s never been with someone he enjoyed so much and he simply can’t wait to do it again. “I hope you’re going to stay the rest of the night, right?” He asks. 
“I didn’t plan on getting up, I’m way too comfortable here.” You reply to which Harry only pulls you in closer. He places a soft kiss on your forehead with a soft hum. 
“Goodnight, baby.” He whispers to which you answer a simple goodnight. 
You wake up the next morning with Harry’s body wrapped around yours. The sound of your alarm was ringing from the nightstand. It’s a good thing you charged your phone last night when you were trying to sleep otherwise it would’ve been out of power and therefore not been awakened. 
“What time is it?” Harry asks, his voice low and sexy as he’d just woken up. 
“7:30.” You answer, to which he shoots up. 
“Shit, I forgot to set my alarm. I need to be at work in an hour.” He sighs, but actually, he doesn’t really care. He has the most beautiful girl lying in his bed, breakfast can wait for once and he can also head to work half an hour later, he already prepared everything for today anyway. 
He lays back down and rolls on his side to face you. 
“Hi.” He says. 
“Hi.” You reply, and both of you laugh softly. 
“So, I hope you have no regrets from last night. I didn’t mean to push you into anything you didn’t want.” Harry says, to which you take his face between your hands to pull him closer. You connect your lips to his. 
“Not one single bit.” You reply before Harry deepens the kiss. His cock is already hard, as most men wake up with an erect member. But the beautiful girl in his T-shirt next to him is making him lose his mind. 
His hands travel down her side and cup her pussy. One finger gently slides between her already damp lips and rubs circles around her clit. 
“Har, we don’t have time for this.” You whine and he knows you're right. He sighs before he takes his fingers back from your pussy and licks the tip of his finger clean. 
“I’m sorry. You’re just irresistible.” He flirts. 
“It’s gonna be a long day then.” You joke, neither of you had thought about having to go through today and act like nothing has happened. 
“We’ll see about that.” He argues as if he doesn’t think there’s going to be a lot of tension. “Let’s just get ready for breakfast.” He says and gets out of bed to get dressed. 
You sit up and think for a bit. All your stuff is two rooms down the hall and you don’t feel like getting into your nasty clothes from the day before, especially those panties which are ruined. 
“Can I borrow your sweatpants for a bit?” You ask Harry. “I need to go to my room to get ready.” You explain. He grabs his sweats off the floor and hands them to you. You’re now wearing the complete outfit Harry was wearing when he pulled you into his room. 
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” You say before kissing him once again and head out to your own room. 
You took a quick shower to rinse off the sweat of the night before, brushed your teeth, and got dressed in a fresh set of clothing. 
When you’re all set and ready, you grab your room key and exit your room. You walk the short distance down the hallway to Harry’s room and raise your hand to knock on his door but he already has it opened before your hand can hit the wood. 
“Let’s go get some fuel.” He says and grabs you by your hand. He leads you all the way to the elevator. He pressed the button to the ground floor where the breakfast buffet was. 
The elevator stops at the second floor. You quickly pull your hand back as you know there are classmates sleeping on that same floor. And since Harry and you haven’t discussed anything about how to move forward, you’d rather not get the confrontation in the middle of an elevator. However, luckily it wasn’t someone either of you knew. 
Once the both of you enter the restaurant, Harry a few steps ahead of you, you notice all your classmates who also slept in the same hotel already sitting at your designated table. 
“Wow Harry, we thought you had already left. You’ve never been this late before.” One of them recalls. 
“Yeah, you’re always the first to eat and the first to leave.” Someone else joins in. 
You don’t know where to look or what to say. It feels like getting caught as you are well aware of the reason why Harry hasn’t eaten yet. Both of you decide to go fill up a plate with a delicious breakfast and just try to ignore the comments. 
“I feel like we’re already getting caught.” You tell him as you stand next to him putting some eggs on your plate. 
“Don’t worry your pretty head over it, there’s no way for them to know.” He reassures. 
You sit back at the table before Harry does. He’s in line for the coffee machine. 
Your friend looks at you. “Spill. The. Tea.” She mouths so no one can hear, but you can see. You giggle to yourself and shake your head no. But she just knows something is up. 
Harry walks back to the table with two cups of coffee. He puts the black coffee in front of himself and the cappuccino next to your plate. 
“Thank you, ba-“ You quickly stopped saying what you wanted to say, hoping no one had noticed. You look around the table but there are no suspicious looks. Harry places his hand on your knee and squeezes softly. 
“You’re welcome.” He says. 
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
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lemoncrushh · 2 months
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Summary: You've been having a hard time getting yourself off, so your roommate Harry offers a hand.
Warnings: masturbation, clit stimulation - 18+ ONLY!
Word Count: 3886
A/N: Finally, it's here! Based on this request. Soooo sorry for the delay! My writing mojo was not working this week. Also, I know it's a lame title, but I couldn't come up with anything else, and it's after 2AM lol. Hope you enjoy anyway :)
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Slamming the freezer door shut, you collapsed at the kitchen table with a sigh.
“What’s with you?” you heard Harry ask from the living room.
“Nothing,” you muttered. “Just thought I had some popsicles left, but I guess I ate ‘em all.”
“You’ve been devouring those like crazy,” Harry commented. “Something stressing you out?”
You sighed, groaning into your palms as you rubbed your eyes. “You could say that.”
“Anything I could help you with?”
You laughed to yourself as you laid your head on the table. Oh God, if he only knew. If he only could.
“No,” you said with a muffled moan.
“Hmm, alright then,” you heard him say as he rose from the sofa and turned off the television. “I’m going to meet Seth at the track field like I promised I would. Want me to stop and get you some popsicles on the way back?”
Lifting your head, you gave a weak smile. “That would be great. Thank you.”
“No problem. See you later.” When he reached the door, he stopped and looked back at you. “Oh, and Y/N? Whatever it is…if it’s still bothering you when I get back, we can talk about it, yeah?”
“Stop, you!” you waved him off. “Go be a frat boy for the afternoon.”
Harry gave you a smirk before shutting the door behind him.
Harry Styles was sweet. Not your typical college guy. Since meeting your freshman year, you’d become close friends, and eventually roommates. While you were very much attracted to him (honestly, who wasn’t?), you’d never given him much hints that you were interested in more than his friendship. And he was such a great friend, and you’d hate to lose that by stepping out of line. So other than a couple of drunken nights on the sofa when you’d both innocently flirted, you kept your feelings to yourself.
But when you were alone…well, that was a different issue altogether.
Harry was your fantasy man, if you wanted to put it that way. He knew you were a virgin; you’d discussed it many times. But what he didn’t know was that when you were alone in your room, sometimes with him in his own room and sometimes not, you fantasized about him. And many of those fantasies led to you touching yourself and getting worked up, only to end with you sexually frustrated.
The biggest issue was that you couldn’t make yourself come. You weren’t sure what you were doing wrong. You were horny as hell all the time. And thinking about Harry when you touched yourself only heightened the desire. But you just couldn’t seem to get over the edge. You could feel yourself getting so close, time after time, until your wrist got tired and your pussy seemed to dry up. You’d groan, angry at yourself, sometimes to the point of tears. If it was late enough, you’d manage to fall asleep eventually, but if it wasn’t even close to bed time, you’d huff and stomp out of your bedroom to grab a popsicle out of the freezer, your item of choice for cooling you down.
Today had been just like any other Saturday. You’d awakened horny, thinking of Harry. You tried to take a shower, hoping it would help, only to be interrupted by the man himself, knocking on the bathroom door to tell you breakfast was ready. You’d sat at the table with him as you tried not to stare, thinking about how fucking sweet he was to make breakfast. Then when he’d announced he was going to watch some game on TV before meeting his friend Seth, you’d gone to your room, hoping to relieve the pulsing ache between your legs. You’d even gone so far as to sit naked in the closet, the door shut as you touched yourself. But once again, you were unable to climax, thus the need to go running into the kitchen.
Now that Harry was gone, however, you knew you couldn’t waste an opportunity. Grabbing a bottle of water, you brought it with you to your room in case the activity made you dehydrated. Then you lit your favorite candle and turned off the overhead light, leaving only the glow of the fairy lights that trimmed your walls. After removing your shorts, you slipped underneath the covers in just your panties and t-shirt. Closing your eyes, you sighed, imagining Harry was in bed with you. Sliding your hands down the front of your shirt, you let your fingers linger at the edge of your cotton underwear.
“Please,” you whispered into the air.
You pretended your hand was your roommate’s as you let it glide over your clothed mound. You sighed again, willing him in your mind to add a little pressure as your own hand resumed the task. Soon you could feel the moisture soaking through your panties, so you removed them completely. With your head back on the pillow, you gathered a bit of your wetness, bringing it to your clit as your fingertip began to play more aggressively.
It didn’t take long for you to feel the pressure building in your belly, your toes curling as you imagined it was Harry touching you, making you feel incredible. Your cunt tightened as your finger moved around in circles on your now swollen clit. You gasped a breath and licked your lips, praying the release would come soon. But just like all the other times, nothing would happen. It was as though your body was deliberately denying the pleasure you so needed, like a punishment. For what, you were unsure.
Dropping your tired hand next to you, you immediately felt the tears coming, unable to stop the frustration and disappointment. Rolling over onto your side, you pulled the covers up to your chest and cried.
Why was this not happening for you? This was so unfair!
Shaking with sobs, you gave up, resolving that it just wasn’t meant to be. Gulping back the rest of your tears, you drifted off to sleep.
You awakened disoriented as you heard the front door slam shut. Harry must be home, you thought. Suddenly, just the thought of him brought the tears back to your eyes. Shortly afterwards, you heard Harry calling your name. Ashamed, you rolled over to face the wall.
“Y/N!” you heard again just before a knock sounded on your bedroom door.
When you didn’t answer, he turned the knob, opening the door just a crack. “Y/N? You in here? I got those popsicles. They’re in the free-”
Harry’s words stopped abruptly, and you knew he had entered the room.
“Y/N? What’s wrong? Are you sick?”
Not wanting to let him see you crying, you cleared your throat. “Oh, hey Harry. I was…tired. So I decided to take a nap.”
“Um…but…you’re crying, love.”
“No, I’m not,” you snapped.
“Yeah, you are. I see your shoulders trembling.”
“Jeez, nothing gets past you, does it?” you hiccuped. “Do you want a medal or something?”
“Hey…” Harry sounded. Then you felt the bed shift, and you could tell he’d sat down behind you. When his hand touched your shoulder, you tensed up. “Y/N. I told you you could talk to me. About anything. Please, I’m here to help.”
“I can’t, Harry,” you grumbled. “Not about this.”
“Why not?”
“Because…it’s too embarrassing.” Sniffling, you silently hoped he would leave. But he was your friend. And up until then you’d talked to him about all of your problems, big or small.
“C’mon, it can’t be that bad,” he urged. “Was it some jerk you fancied? Want me to beat him up for you?”
“No,” you shook your head.
“Was it one of the girls in that snooty sorority?”
“No, Harry. Nobody did anything. Please, just go. Let me be.”
You heard him sigh as he rose from the bed. You thought he was leaving until he spoke again. “No, Y/N. I can’t. You’re clearly upset about something, and I can’t just leave you crying like this. Let me help. Please.”
With a huff, you finally rolled over to face him. His face displayed the look of concern and worry, and you suddenly felt bad for snapping at him.
“Why is it so important to you?” you asked with a shaky breath.
“Because, Y/N…” he conveyed, returning to the edge of your bed. “You’re important to me. You’re my best friend. I don’t like to see you hurting.”
Biting your bottom lip, you shifted your eyes. Could you tell him? Should you tell him?
“If I tell you…will you promise you won’t laugh?”
Harry tilted his head and ran his hand down your arm. “Y/N, how could I laugh at you?”
“It’s just…it’s very TMI,” you admitted.
“Yeah?” Harry raised a brow.
You gnawed at the inside of your cheek as you sat up. “I…” you began with a pause. Finally, exhaling through your nose, you looked up at the ceiling as you said the next words. “I’ve been extremely horny lately.”
You heard Harry snicker before you lowered your head and frowned.
“No,” he shook his head. “Trust me love, I’m not laughing at you. It’s just…that’s not really a secret, is it? I mean…we’re all pretty horny. I wouldn’t really call that TMI.”
“That’s not all of it,” you whispered.
“Oh. Okay. Go on then.” Harry scooted closer to you. Your insides flipped, even more than when you would sit with him on the couch or the kitchen table. You stared at him for a moment before shifting your gaze down to the comforter. You grabbed it in your hands, twisting the edge between your fingers.
“I can’t seem to make myself…you know.”
Harry’s eyes widened instantly at your confession. It surprised you because you figured you would have to spell it out for him. Part of you was embarrassed, but the other part was relieved that he understood what you meant.
“Have you ever?” he inquired.
Sucking in your lips, you shook your head.
“Shit,” he whispered, his eyes on you. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“One time…it felt a little different, you know? Like I thought maybe I was but then…I wasn’t so sure. But all other times I’d get so close,” you whined, “but then…it goes away.”
“Well…” Harry mused, shifting himself on the bed, “maybe you just need some help.”
Blinking hard, you glared at him. “What do you mean? I…don’t have a vibrator. I was thinking of getting one, but I don’t know…”
“No, I mean…like a person. To touch you. The way you need to be touched.”
His final phrase hung in the air as you stared at his handsome face. His voice and tone had been low, just above a whisper, and it tickled your ears and made your skin blush. He licked his full lips as his eyes drifted down from your face to your lap. The sudden urge to squeeze your legs together was hard to ignore.
“Well…yeah,” you scoffed, making light of his words. “Not like I’ve had the opportunity.”
Harry’s eyes lifted back up to meet yours before he said, “You do now.”
Your mouth opened slightly, though you were unable to utter a sound. Was he suggesting what you thought he was suggesting?
It wasn’t until Harry took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb across your fingers and looked sincerely into your eyes again that you managed to squeak out his name.
“I’d like to help you, Y/N,” he said softly. “I want to. If you’ll let me.”
“Really?” You asked the word incredulously, almost with a light chuckle as surely he was joking.
“Yes. Really.”
Biting your lip, you hesitantly lowered your comforter. Harry eyed your bare legs before looking back at you.
“May I?” he asked, reaching his hand toward your thigh.
You nodded, giving him the go ahead. With a slight smirk, Harry caressed your leg, gliding his hand up and down your thigh. You sighed, your flesh erupting in goosebumps.
“Your skin is so soft,” he cooed. Then licking his lips, he leaned forward, his mouth so close to yours that you could feel his breath. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
With another nod, you felt the nerves magnify just before his lips met yours. When his hand met your cheek, however, you eased into the kiss, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth. Though you had imagined his kiss many times, it was nothing like actually experiencing the real thing. You felt the bubble of a moan rise from your throat before Harry released your lips and chuckled low.
“I was afraid that would be awkward for you, but I’m gonna assume by that sound you just made that it wasn’t.”
“No,” you breathed. “It was pretty great, actually.”
Harry’s smile grew which only made you smile back. This was already going better than you thought it would.
“So, you’re okay with moving forward?” he asked. “With me touching you, I mean.”
“Yes.” You said it so quietly, you would have wondered if you’d only thought it in your head if Harry hadn’t adjusted his position on the bed. Leaning on his elbow, he rested his head in his hand as he reached his other hand to touch your thigh again.
“We can go as slow as you need to, okay?”
“Lie back, love,” he instructed. “I want you to be as comfortable as possible. The more comfortable and relaxed you are, the better it’s gonna feel.”
You nodded, breathing through your nose as you laid back on the pillow. Relaxing, however, was going to take a little more effort. Just his gaze alone was enough to accelerate your heartbeat.
“So, tell me how you like to be touched.”
Once again, his words hung in the air like a thick cloud. Were you supposed to have an answer to that question?
“I dunno,” you shrugged.
“Well…what do you do to yourself? What feels good to you?” His eyes remained locked on yours while his hand moved up to play with the hem of your t-shirt.
“I um…” you paused, swallowing hard. “I usually just rub my clit.”
Harry nodded. “How? Show me.”
Color rising in your cheeks again, you sucked in your lips as you brought your hand down between your legs. Then you gently slid your finger down the outside of your panties along the center, finding the spot you usually went for first. Adding just a bit of pressure, you showed Harry how you touched yourself.
“Okay,” he said. “And does that feel good?”
“A little.”
“Just a little?” he raised a brow.
You hitched a breath when you saw him reach for your hand, covering it with his own. Guiding you, he pressed a little harder on your finger, moving it in gentle circular motions. You swallowed hard before letting out a tiny gasp.
“What about now?” Harry inquired.
“Better,” you breathed.
“Yeah? Is this how you usually do it?”
“For a little while,” you admitted. “When it starts to feel really good, I um…go underneath or take my panties off completely.”
“Mmm,” Harry nodded. “I’d like to do that. Can we?”
Harry’s mouth turned up in a slight grin as you lifted your hips to remove your underwear. Once they were off, you pushed them down the bed with your feet, your eyes still on Harry.
“Good,” he said. “Can I touch you now, Y/N?”
Running his palm across your belly, his green eyes conveyed a sense of calmness, one you recognized well. Harry was always good at putting you at ease, whether it was at a party where you knew next to nobody but him, or just sitting on the couch talking about things that were bothering you. He was never judgemental or tried to press his opinion onto you. He made you feel good about everything, and while this was no exception, you couldn’t deny the somersaults your tummy was performing and the way your heart was thumping in your chest.
He was actually going to touch you now.
And he did. Bringing his fingers to his mouth, he lightly sucked the tips of his middle and forefinger before reaching between your legs. You simply stared as his hand slid across your mound, unable to move. But before he could even touch your clit, he tapped the inside of your thigh with the back of his hand.
“Open your legs, love,” he instructed with a low chuckle. “I promise it feels so much better if I can actually reach you.”
Letting out a deep breath, you spread your legs open a little. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize,” said Harry. “I just want you to relax, okay? I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.”
“I know you won’t,” you muttered. “I’m just…it’s hard to relax right now.”
“Because…I guess I’m a little nervous.”
With a gentle expression on his face, Harry looked at you. “I wanna make you feel good, Y/N. Please don’t be nervous with me. It’s just me.”
You let out a half breath, half laugh as you glared at him. “That’s why I’m nervous.”
Tilting his head, Harry blinked. “Have you thought about this before…with me?”
Biting your lip, you nodded.
“Why…why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice so low you barely heard it.
“Because…I didn’t think anything would happen,” you explained. “Like this.”
Blinking again, Harry leaned over, capturing your mouth. You sighed as you felt him shift even closer, his hand gliding up the side of your shirt to cup your breast. He gave it a squeeze when you sucked delicately on his tongue. Then lifting his head, his eyelids heavy, he shook his head.
“Fuck, Y/N. I wish I’d known. I would have done this a long time ago.”
Before you could argue or retort, Harry wettened his fingers once more and brought them to your pussy. Ever so gently, just like he had moments before with your own hand, he added slight pressure to your clit, creating shapes with his movements. You gasped at the contact, immediately feeling the building sensation in your core.
“How’s that feel?” Harry whispered.
“So good,” you replied in a breathy tone, shutting your eyes.
“Open just a little wider, baby.”
You did as you were told, trying not to let the fact he’d just called you baby spin you into a sense of complete disarray. You focused on the feeling instead, the mere idea that Harry’s fingers were touching your pussy.
You could feel your legs begin to tremble, however, when his circles began to speed up. Your toes curled, and your breaths quickened.
“Oh…” you panted.
“Mmm, you like that?”
“Ohh, god yes.”
“Good girl. You’re doing great,” Harry cooed. “You’re getting so wet.”
Even with your eyes shut tight, you knew he was right. Not only could you feel the wetness dripping down your thigh, you could hear it like a sloshing mess as Harry pressed harder and moved his hand faster.
“Oh my god!” you cried.
“Do you want my fingers inside, or do you want me to keep going like this?”
“Like this!” you shouted a little too quickly.
Harry chuckled. “You got it, baby. I can do this as long as you need me to. Your pussy’s so pretty.”
You groaned at his words, the fire below igniting a whole knew sensation as you felt yourself grind against his hand. You dared a peek at him, opening your eyes to see him smirking at you. This was not his usual smirk like when he was kidding around with you, or letting you in on a secret. This was a smirk just for you, like he knew how he was making you feel, and he was enjoying it. Like he owned you. You always thought he was sexy, but fuck, when did he get so fucking sexy?!?
Harry’s hand slowed for just a moment, giving you both a bit of relief. Surely his wrist had to be aching by now, you thought. And the heavy stimulation was almost overwhelming for you. You noticed that’s when you would sometimes dry up and lose the orgasm entirely.
Shutting your eyes, you relaxed your hips, letting your legs fall open as they may, instead of tensed up like they were a moment before. You sighed again as Harry began to glide his fingertips up your slit and back down, gathering the wetness that had no doubt pooled at your entrance. You moaned at how delicately he was touching you now, with very little pressure at all.
“Fuck,” you cursed out loud, partly because it felt amazing and partly because you missed the friction. “Harry…”
“Yeah, babe. That feel good?”
“Yes, but…”
“But what, baby? You have to tell me.”
“Mmm, harder please.”
“Is that too soft?”
“Mhm,” you nodded.
“Alright,” you heard him say, and you knew he was grinning. But before he resumed the pressure, he lightly patted your pussy with his hand.
You knew he was just being cocky now, but you didn’t care. You’d never felt so turned on in your life, even from your own hand. And while your end goal was to come, you also didn’t want this to end.
“H-h-harry…” you moaned, the incredible friction returning, the sensation creating an overwhelming urge in your belly. “Fuck!”
“That’s it, baby. Are you gonna come for me?”
That made you open your eyes. While his question was one you’d imagined him asking you every time you tried to get yourself off - and the sound of it coming from his lips was so fucking hot, it was a wonder you didn’t squirt right then and there - in the back of your mind you were still worried you couldn’t make it over the edge.
You reached out and grabbed his shirt in your fist, the other hand grasping at the sheet beneath you. Your eyes wide, you stared at him as you felt the pressure build and build, your legs trembling as you silently begged him to let you come.
“Oh my god!” you cried, tugging on his shirt.
And just at that moment, when you thought everything was about go black, Harry crashed his mouth into yours. Your tongue dancing with his, a low, aching moan rose from deep inside your gut. Your entire body shook as you held onto him, his fingers still caressing your wet clit as you came.
When you finally stopped shaking, but your chest was still heaving, Harry lifted both his head and his hand. Staring at you, he slid his hand up your waist, and his other cradled your neck. Then he pressed a kiss between your brows before resting his forehead against yours.
“Is that what you wanted, love?”
“Yes,” you breathed out. “Holy shit, Harry.”
With a deep chuckle, he shifted back to his side, pulling you with him. “I’m so glad I could do that for you,” he said, pushing a strand of hair from your face.
You looked at him in wonder. You’d always been in awe of him, since the first day you’d met. But now he was no longer just your friend Harry, your roommate Harry…he was…Harry! Jesus, what were you gonna do now?
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neptuneiris · 8 months
Wild Hearts | Part Two
(the end)
pairing: prince!aemond × lowborn!reader
summary: you and he can't be together, yet the two of you have fallen for each other. but the Gods are not merciful and you both have to let go. but by comparison, your charming prince doesn't think the same way you do.
word count: 10.6k
previous part • main masterlist
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hello guys, here I bring the end of this story🥺
I honestly didn't think you would like the first part so much, I received so much love and support that you truly don't know how much I appreciate it❤
you made me very happy and i hope you like this second part and final as much as the first one. i have put all my effort here so i really hope to receive your opinions, i will be waiting for them🙏🏻
and now finally read and enjoy!
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Memories of the night before flood your mind, awakening sensations and emotions that spread throughout your entire being.
A shy smile appears from your lips under your sheets, blood tingeing your cheeks, unable to believe that it really happened, while a warm sensation envelops you from the inside out, with the moment more vivid and fresh than ever in your mind.
And you regret absolutely nothing.
There's not even a flicker of doubt. Even if Aemond hadn't told you that he would ask your father for your hand this very morning, you wouldn't change anything that happened.
And mostly because there is no other man you would have trusted with this, something so intimate, only him.
After you stayed a few moments longer in his chamber, when the hour grew too late, he himself led you through secret passages you were completely unaware of.
Together you slipped inside the walls of the hallways and rooms of the Red Keep, leading you to your room unnoticed.
In those dark corridors, there was more kissing and caressing, acting like complete lovers having a forbidden love and you loved every moment.
You keep every instant in your memory and in the deepest corner of your heart, as a precious and unforgettable treasure and you only hope that soon he and you can create more moments like those.
But you can no longer remember those moments as your thoughts are interrupted by your maids entering your chamber to start preparing you for the day.
So you have no choice but to get out of bed.
While you take a bath, get dressed and have your hair done, in all that time uncertainty takes hold of you, wondering at every moment how Aemond's audience with your father must go, feeling the nerves of excitement and uneasiness invade you as the waiting becomes almost unbearable.
He told you he would talk to your father this morning so surely that must be taking place right now.
And you feel that at any moment your father and mother will walk through your doors very happy and pleased by the news. And although the fact that you have given yourself to Aemond without being married or even betrothed will not be a pleasing fact nor will it be well received, still an early union will settle everything.
However, your morning passes normally and nothing out of the ordinary happens, with silence maintaining itself.
You even considered that you would not have to attend the daily activities with the ladies of the Court as you would be celebrating with your parents.
But as the minutes tick by and no one walks through your doors, you reluctantly decide to attend your engagements, having no idea what must be going on.
Despite your efforts to concentrate on activities and be present with the ladies, you are distracted by involuntary memories of Aemond and all of last night, lost in your own thoughts.
The laughter and conversations around you become a distant murmur and you are barely aware of what they are talking about.
Each passing moment seems like an eternity until, finally, one of the guards walks towards the entire group of women in which you find yourself, this only getting your attention.
"Sorry to interrupt, Ladies," the man says in a respectful tone and gesture.
"It's all right, Sr," Lady Lannister tells him.
"Lady Y/N," he turns to you and your heart stops, "Your father has requested your presence in his marital chamber along with your mother, my Lady."
Your heart begins to pound with a mixture of excitement and anticipation, keeping yourself from smiling big, holding back all your emotions as you rise from your seat.
"Excuse me," you quickly excuse yourself to them.
And with a smile and a twinkle of happiness in your eyes, you make your way towards your father and mother's room with the growing certainty that this has to do with Aemond's hearing, definitely.
So as you move through the hallways of the castle, a sense of joy and nervousness comes over you. The idea that you and Aemond will soon be married fills your thoughts.
It is also clear that your father approved of the union and your mother must be more than happy.
And as you reach the door to the chamber, you inhale deeply before entering, unable to help but smile at the thought of all that lies ahead for you and Aemond, definitely a bright future.
However, as you walk through the doors and your parents' attention is immediately focused on you, your smile is wiped from your lips the moment your mother's palm slams hard against your cheek, the pain instantly washing over you and the surprise at not expecting or even anticipating this.
The surprise and the stunned shock of the blow leave you paralyzed for a moment, unable to react, barely processing what has happened, while the pain invades you.
You bring your hands to the bruised side of your cheek, confused, shocked and in pain watching your mother back with your eyes wide open and your lips parted, beginning to breathe heavily.
"How could you?"
Your mother says to you, her voice full of reproach, disbelief and pain, watching you in horror as the room begins to fill with palpable tension.
Confusion lingers in your eyes as you try to process your mother's shock, her attitude and what she is saying to you.
"How could you be so foolish as to give yourself away like a common whore to Prince Aemond?"
She angrily inquires you, on the verge of tears, as you feel your breath catch and shock wash over you further.
"You did not think of us, not even of yourself nor did you think of your suitors and the consequences that no one will want to take you as a wife when they find out about this, you fool!"
Your mother's fury is unleashed, her dagger-like words stabbing into your chest, adding to the pain you already feel right there and also to the pain of the blow to your cheek that spreads across the entire right side of your face.
Your confusion also intensifies further at her words. And just as you try to articulate a response, feeling your throat dry and tight, your father intervenes.
"Calm down, my dear," he says to your mother, wanting to reassure her.
But despite this, the tension in the room persists, palpable like a storm threatening to erupt at any moment. And your mother's gaze, still charged with fury, turns from you to him.
"I can't stay calm after what happened! How can you be?" she exclaims, with a mixture of disbelief and anger.
Your father, trying to remain calm, approaches your mother and places a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I understand your anger but this is not the time for this. It's all over now and we need to approach this calmly and cautiously. We also don't need to make any more scandal than will already be made," he tells her in a calm voice, though the tension lingers in his eyes.
Your mother's gaze returns to you, her eyes still reflecting the mixture of anger and concern.
"You are lucky to have such an understanding father! You don't know how ashamed I am of you Y/N, I do not know you at all. All your Septas told you, I told you, all through your education you were warned what happened to girls who allow themselves to be ruined before they are married! How is it that you could forget it so easily!?"
"That's enough."
Your father says to your mother, who lets out an incredulous snort, on the verge of hysteria, unable to believe what is happening, while you feel your heart rate increase.
And then your father also addresses you, taking the word, leaving you completely breathless.
"Were you truly naive enough to think this would be settled with the Queen and the Hand approving a marriage between you and Prince Aemond?" he questions you, his eyes reflecting a mixture of reproach and disapproval.
Realization begins to work its way through your mind, watching them back in shock and horror, your heart beating too fast and hard.
They refused.
Aemond's plan didn't work.
You and he would not marry.
"You don't know the trouble and shame you put us through, Y/N. Also yourself after Prince Aemond announced that he had taken your maidenhead, believing that so the Queen would have no choice but to marry the two of you," he tells you seriously.
The feeling of shame mixes with the pain in your chest, with surprise still in your eyes, you feel the confusion, worry, disappointment and fear all over your body.
And now it is also the sadness that settles deep inside you, wanting to wish that none of this that is happening is real.
You babble, trying to find the right words to explain yourself in the midst of all this and everything you are feeling with that lump in your throat and in your stomach, having the impression that at any moment you are going to throw up.
"B-but he told me... the Prince assured me that he would ask for my hand—
"Yes Y/N, the Prince did but the Queen and the Hand did not approve of the union."
Your father repeats to you seriously, causing more pain inside you at the news.
"Otto Hightower was furious, he and the Queen could not believe what the Prince was saying."
Confusion, despair and pain mingle with the tears that begin to stream down your cheeks, crying silently, pressing your lips together to prevent any sobs from escaping, as you feel a sharp pain in your chest that burns and hurts you inside.
It all falls on you like a painful weight on your heart, barely managing to process the magnitude of the situation.
And your father, seeing your state, with your pain and anguish, even though this was not something he expected from you and he is extremely upset and disappointed like your mother, sighs and approaches you.
"The Queen apologized to us for her son's indiscretion. And to make up for this mistake and the bad time we had to go through, she has promised us to secure a good marriage for you with Lord Ronan or Lord Alan after all," your father reveals to you as well.
The news penetrates your heart, adding additional weight to your already overwhelming emotions.
Tears continue to wet your cheeks, for although you feel a momentary relief at hearing your father's words, it is overshadowed by the heaviness of the pain that still lingers within you.
Knowing this still hurts you, completely. The news of your future marriage seeming more like a burden than a hope.
For it is not Aemond you will marry, when it was meant to be.
"The Prince instantly questioned this, he disagreed and tried to convince his mother. However, his grandsire intervened and told him that he too will soon marry Lady Baratheon. Because of his mistake, his wedding will take place in the next few days to dispel the rumors and try to make amends with his betrothed and Lord Borros by the time they find out," he explains, "Still, the boy did not agree, he was furious. And they both started yelling, but his grandfather confronted him skillfully and got him to say no more and finally accept it."
And then your heart ends up breaking into a thousand pieces.
The weight of reality looms over you and your broken heart in an overwhelming way, with the weight of disappointment and sadness is unbearable. And in the midst of all that whirlwind of pain, understanding slowly seeps into your consciousness.
Aemond, the Prince you naively sacrificed so much on, didn't fight hard enough for you.
Bitterness intertwines with your sadness at the realization. For he was only content to accept the circumstances, throwing you away to marry another man.
He could have refused, he could have even asked for support from his father, the King, who has the final say in everything. And while you understand that his life decisions are not entirely his, at least he could have done a little more.
While you would have risked everything for him, he did nothing. And with that, your mother's words settle inside your mind, accepting and acknowledging them: foolish, naive and a whore.
He said he loved you, but perhaps last night left him completely satisfied enough and that's why he decided to accept your fate and his without fight it.
A bitter resignation settles into your being, as your tears continue their silent march down your cheeks, wondering if this was his plan all along, to simply give you up after anticipating that his mother and grandfather would never have approved of the union.
For he loses nothing and in fact he did not, for he will marry Floris and when all this is known by the Court, he will not be affected by the rumors, for he is a man.
But you... you lose everything, your dignity and reputation, for being the woman.
And although your father understands the sadness that overwhelms you, he prepares to reveal more news.
"The decision about your future husband was also made at that very moment and it was Lord Ronan who accepted our and the Queen's proposal, along with the approval of his father, Lord Redwyne, in spite of everything," he announces in his slightly soft but serious tone.
And his words echo throughout the room like a final verdict.
But his words especially echo in your ears like a distant echo, as you struggle to process this news, trying to keep your posture, but you cannot.
And resignation mixes with sadness inside you.
You can only let more tears fall, unable to formulate any words, besides you have no right to fight against this.
How could you after, thank the Gods, you will still be able to get married when normally the already ruined girls don't make it?
They are doing you a favor. But still your heart continues to ache. How will it be possible to find happiness in this marriage, when your heart still yearns for someone who is no longer willing to fight for you and practically turned his back on you?
And the news doesn't end there, as your father continues to speak.
"Tomorrow at dawn, you are leaving with Lord Ronan and his family to the south, where their settlements are located, The Arbor."
He announces and your heart stop again, watching him in surprise through your tears and all your suffering face.
"There is where the wedding will take place and we will eventually travel there within the next few weeks to be present, until we manage to calm things down here and our reputation is not so affected," he lets you know.
You try to speak with your voice completely broken, but barely the word manages to escape your lips when he won't allow you to speak.
"And there is no argument back against this," he sentences.
With your voice muffled, you don't try to say anything more, as you can't and have no right.
And in the middle of the room filled with regret, you cling to the last spark of resistance within you. Tears are still flowing from your eyes and your sadness has given way to a kind of cold resignation.
The thought of leaving for distant lands, far from what you know, adds yet another layer of complexity to the storm that is passing, as the world you know seems to be crumbling around you.
But everything is already decided.
And knowing that very soon the entire Court will learn of these unfortunate events in the name of your family, your parents lock you in your chamber, with guards guarding your doors, where your father gives the order that no one may enter or leave.
And once within the walls of your room, all alone, with your pain and humiliation, you allow yourself to cry freely and let out all your emotions, with each sob sending a pang of pain to your chest to such an extent that you don't even have tears to cry anymore.
So you can only stare at one spot in your room with your gaze lost, tears drying on both of your cheeks and your whole body aching internally.
When your gaze lands on your secret door, between hope, sadness and despair, you honestly hope he will come.
You long for him to come and explain what happened, to let you know that he has not left you alone nor did he give you up as easily as you were told. You simply wish that, that he would come and comfort you, explain, not let you go.
Yet the silence persists and your hope fades until there is no more daylight coming through your windows.
He chooses to avoid your face and a confrontation, leaving you all alone in the coldness of your room, doing nothing for you.
And you allow, completely broken and hopeless, your room to feel like a crippling prison and darkness to envelop you all around, not having the strength and courage for anything, letting the feeling of betrayal take over and accepting the cruel reality.
He has definitely betrayed you.
And at dawn, you watch as your maids pack up all your possessions, while you watch without saying or doing anything, while your father tries to get you to react, telling you that this is the best thing for everyone, but you say nothing back.
Your mother makes no attempt to talk to you, yet she is present, but this does not matter too much to you, as you are silently learning to face the consequences of your own actions and your naive decisions.
You don't even say goodbye to them. Or at least it is not an emotional farewell, as you feel nothing.
And finally you emerge from the shadows of the Keep, walking down the halls with a cold and disinterested attitude, with an expression that shows no emotion. You simply allow yourself to feel nothing more, already too hurt and humiliated to suffer any more.
In the hallways you do not cross paths with a person especially characterized by silver hair, nor with anyone else of the royal family, not even with members of the Court, simply because your father chose the right time in the morning so that you would not cross paths with anyone.
And as you reach the gates and the carriage that will take you away, you look for the last time at the high walls of the place that was once your home, with the feeling that not only are you leaving behind many people and memories, but you are also leaving behind the pieces of your broken heart.
And without looking back any further, you climb into the carriage, leaving King's Landing and everything you know behind.
And at no time did anyone try to stop you. Much less look for you.
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After arriving at the Arbor Island, your past life is put on pause for the entire journey.
It was weeks of getting to know other places, especially the lands of The Reach, which are known for being supplied with water and many green areas, which was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your life, those roads full of green grass, tall trees and beautiful flowers of different kinds.
You witnessed all this at Rosewood and Bitterbrige, but all this was seen most especially at Highgarden, where the whole cavalry made a stop for the supply of more provisions and a short rest, where you could meet the much acclaimed Tyrell settlement.
And eventually the final stop was made at the Three Towers, where a Redwyne ship took you to the island.
And now about a moon has passed since you settled here.
Everything is absolutely green, the castle is huge with trees and rivers all around, the ocean is not far away and Lord Alan, your betrothed, does his best to make you feel at home, showing you the beauty of the landscapes and the kindness of the residents who are at his family's disposal.
He also shows you the process of making the acclaimed wines and even the military force, as the Redwyne fleet is the most powerful after the king's.
And neither of you, much less him, mentions what happened at King's Landing.
However, coming to a new place, being your new home, settling into your new chamber, being among new walls and a new exterior different from the one that surrounded you before, it brings the pain of the past. And although the place here and all that it holds is beautiful, it does not please you.
You can't fully appreciate the efforts of your future husband or even the efforts of his mother, a kind woman who is happy with your presence and gives you everything you need to make you feel comfortable.
But you are simply not happy.
Your stay here is extremely difficult for you. Sadness invades you without being able to control it and every day is a struggle to be grateful for this, to make yourself understand that you have to forget and accept, that you will never see him again.
And with time, you get used to this change. You learn to recognize the differences between your old home and the new one, even though you still can't stop comparing.
You also don't hear any news about King's Landing since you arrived, particularly from him, you don't ask because you have no interest. This more than anything else has become a haven of indifference, a barrier that you yourself have built to protect yourself.
And all it requires of your time is to familiarize yourself with the place, to spend some time with Lord Ronan and his mother, as well as to listen to the preparations for your upcoming wedding.
The whispers of the people of the Arbor, the murmurs about the union that is coming and will take place soon, where everyone will be celebrating, before all this would have filled your heart with joy and anticipation.
But now, they are just silent reminders of a past that was supposed to belong to someone else.
And the one who is most pleased and visibly excited about the wedding is your mother-to-be by law, Lady Bethany, with whom it becomes a ritual every evening to come and have tea with her.
The aroma of tea fills the terrace as you and Lady Bethany share a quiet moment. Lord Redwyne is currently in the island's harbor overseeing his fleet while Ronan is at his daily training.
The view of the green and beautiful gardens with the ocean in the background creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere, with the sound of birds and other insects enveloping you both.
Lady Bethany, elegantly dressed in a dress of warm tones, wears an elegant pearl necklace that sparkles with every movement. Her gaze, piercing and shrewd, contrasts with the serenity and gentleness in her manner, especially when it comes to you.
"I'm sure the wedding preparations have you exhausted to this point, my dear," she tells you as she holds her dainty teacup gracefully.
"No, no, not at all, my Lady," you lie, trying to make your words convincing, just like your face.
"Well, with the wedding approaching so quickly, I'd like to talk to you about a few final details."
You nod politely, holding your own cup of tea with forced elegance.
"I'm sure you'll love our Septon, it sits among many of our beautiful gardens. It's not very large but it has everything in need," she speaks with an enthusiastic tone, "I was also thinking that the feast could be held right here," she points to the beautiful garden in front of you, "It will be lovely and we have everything we need to be able to fit it in."
She continues talking, but despite the exquisite details Lady Bethany describes to you, your mind is far from the wedding preparations.
You hear what she says, but you don't pay attention to it, hearing it as a distant voice to you, echoing in your ears. You know what you are doing is wrong, rude and inappropriate, but you cannot.
You can't rejoice and enjoy this.
When suddenly, a guard approaches, interrupting the conversation with a respectful bow.
"My Lady's," he bows his head, "I apologize for the interruption."
"No problem, Sr. Stefan," Lady Bethany tells him kindly and cordially, "What has happened?"
"The seamstress has arrived, my Lady," he informs her, "She said she had an engagement with you."
"Oh!" she exclaims with a surprised face, "I quite forgot," he says as he begins to set his tea cup back on the table, rising to his feet, "My dear, I am afraid I must retire for a moment."
"It's all right, my Lady, don't worry," you assure her with a soft smile and she nods in your direction, smiling back at you.
"Very well. I'll see you at dinner time then."
You nod, keeping a soft expression as she walks away down the halls gracefully with the guard behind her.
And now being in your own company, you decide to go for a stroll through the outer corridors that offer the most breathtaking views of the gardens and the ocean stretching into the distance.
Lost in your own thoughts, you walk with your gaze lost in the horizon, when suddenly a firm hand with a certain brutality grabs you by your waist, dragging you into a lonely corner to leave you with no escape.
A stifled scream escapes your lips, as another hand is quickly placed over your mouth.
Your whole world stops for an instant, terror in your entire being, as you scream against that hand and desperately search the hallway for one of the guards, but there is not a single one in sight.
So you struggle to free yourself, screaming and shaking your whole body, but this person's hands block your every move with ease.
A shiver runs through your entire body, your breath catches and disbelief takes over.
A familiar voice whispers close to your ear, where again everything inside you freezes and you open your eyes wide.
"Easy, love."
This can't be.
This is impossible.
Your heart begins to pound harder, as you breathe hard through your mouth, your mind refusing to accept what is happening.
Yet you feel the familiarity of those hands, the warmth of his body against yours, feeling his breath on top of your neck and that voice... you know.
You know deep down inside that it really is him.
And the fact is further confirmed the moment he brings his lips to your ear to speak softly to you.
"I'm going to remove my hand now but first I want you to promise that you won't shout or make any fuss, understood? Let's not complicate things, love."
The words barely reach your ears as you process the strange reality of the situation, feeling like your heart will burst out of your chest at any moment as tears begin to form in your eyes.
"Now nod if you have understood," he tells you with a tone of authority.
And in the midst of confusion, surprise, disbelief and everything else you're feeling, your head nods involuntarily, unsure.
"Good girl," he coos in your ear.
You feel the tension in your shoulders and can feel the vibration of his words through your body as he slowly removes his hand from your mouth, letting the air fill your lungs again.
And finally, he gently turns you so that you are both facing each other, his gaze eventually meeting yours.
He's wearing a hood with a cloak that wraps around his face, figure, and also perfectly hides his characteristic silver hair. And somehow, the dark of his clothes slightly camouflages the patch covering his left eye.
The shadow of the hood slips subtly over his facial features, adding a mystery to his presence. And to the side of his hip, his long sword hides between his cloak and body, revealing a bit of his hilt.
You can feel the whirlwind of emotions inside you, from surprise to sadness to anger, as his gaze intensifies, staring at you, his expression hard to decipher.
He is truly here, standing in front of you.
And the air seems to stop for a moment, as if the whole world is suspended by this unexpected encounter. The physical proximity between the two of you is obvious and not because you want it that way, but because the surprise leaves you paralyzed and you can't believe it.
Until finally he speaks.
"There you are," he murmurs with a barely visible smile on his lips, "It took me a while to get here."
It took him a while to get here?
You repeat in your mind, flooded with conflicting emotions, surprise, sadness and anger. How can he be here, after everything that happened? And why just now?
"What are you doing here?" you ask almost in a whisper, your voice completely broken, feeling tears stream down your cheeks, a reaction that takes him by surprise.
"I came for you, of course," he says, placing one of his hands on your waist again and the other on your cheek, wiping away your tears with his thumb, watching you confused and attentive, "Why are you crying?"
I came for you.
The thought leaves you speechless, with his presence and closeness seeming almost intoxicating to you, not bearing it, trying to process the reality of his presence.
And the tears in your eyes reflect the mixture of pain and sadness you feel at that moment.
And finally, not knowing where exactly you take the strength from, as you feel completely weak, you let go of his grip and take a step back with your gaze lowered, an action that Aemond doesn't expect and completely confuses him.
And he receiving no response from you, he acts, ignoring that gesture of yours for the moment, aware that he can't waste any time.
"We should leave before anyone sees us," he mutters, averting his gaze to the hallways to make sure no guards are approaching, attentive and fully alert, "Now."
You, however, stand still, unmoving at his proposal, his words floating in the air and echoing in your ears, creating a palpable tension around you.
He says to you, taking your arm, trying to pull you forward along with him. But, again, you don't move and this gets his attention, beginning to get desperate.
"Y/N," he calls to you in a demanding, serious tone.
"No," you finally say, trying to hear yourself firm, breathing hard, "I-I can't," you falter, once again releasing yourself from his grip, not even looking him in the eye, nervousness, confusion and fear taking hold of you, "Leave me alone."
You try to pull away from him, but he stops you, surprised by your words, his gaze reflecting the mixture of disbelief and concern.
"Please Y/N, there's no time for explanations now," he insists, "We need to leave," he begs, pulling your body closer to his, anxiety rising in you as he looks at you intently, "I promise I'll explain and tell you everything, everything you want to know when we leave here."
"I can't leave. I have commitments here," you sentence in the midst of all your pain, trying to look strong.
And once again you loosen your grip on him and try to pull away from him, which ends up wearing his patience thin.
"Oh yes?"
You hear the mockery in his tone behind you and once again, he stops you and grabs you by the waist, gluing your body to his.
"And you think I care about that?" he murmurs dangerously close to your face, watching you defiantly, stealing your breath, "I've already come this far and you're wrong if you think I'll leave empty handed."
Despite the closeness and the threat in his words, you maintain your stance and the next words escape your lips with a firmness that surprises even yourself.
"This is a mistake, Aemond. You shouldn't even be here. You can't take me away."
Aemond watches you in frustration, letting out a sigh, but also having a determination on his face.
"You don't understand—
"No, I do understand," you interrupt him with a lump in your throat, "I understood perfectly when you left me alone and did nothing when they decided to send me away after you fuck me."
If there is pain in your words and the cruel reality of them, you don't show it and again free yourself from his grip, which in all your attempts are successful, but he immediately grabs you again with renewed firmness, seeking to make you understand, as if he can fix everything with his presence.
"I told you I'll explain everything when—
"And that makes ten."
He is interrupted now by a third voice also familiar between the two of you, that person appearing doubling down the hallway you are in, just ahead of you.
And before you or Aemond can worry and even act, good and bad, this does not happen, as for like him, Aegon Targaryen has a hood and cloak on, hiding his hair and identity.
And without showing the slightest concern, he drags an unconscious guard away with all his might.
"Hey," he says with all the normality in the world when he notices you both, dropping the man's legs with a subtle thump, "I hope he wakes up soon," he comments with a spark of mockery in his tone, observing you and then his brother with a grin, "Good, you finally found her. Now can we go? This playing princes to the rescue is exhausting. I'm not drunk enough for this, I need to drink."
Aemond lets out a sigh and looks at him reproachfully, not letting you go.
"I told you to be discreet when you have to do that."
"That's what I'm doing," he defends himself, "But this man is heavier than the others and I had to drag him," he says and then kicks him gently in the side of his stomach.
Aemond rolls his eye.
"And I think the other guards already noticed. We need to leave now," he adds, more serious.
He then picks up a sack hanging over his shoulder, tossing it to Aemond, who nimbly catches it in mid-air and opens it, pulling out another hood just like the one the two of them have and holds it out to you with an expectant, menacing look.
"Now... do I take you with me the good or the bad way?"
Aemond holds the hood in his hand, waiting for your answer and what you are going to do, but you in the midst of confusion and pain, also seeming too much like even Aegon is here, helping him, still try to reason with him.
"Aemond, this is wrong," you plead, "Our families will be furious and this will become a huge problem if you take me with you."
He looks at you, his expression showing no remorse, brushing past your words, not caring.
"Very soon, the guards and surely your dear Ronan will surround us," he begins to tell you in a low tone and in warning, "And you don't want me to hurt him again, do you?" he inquires you coldly, "This time I will not be merciful but if you come with me for good, I will allow him to live."
His words hit you like a bucket of cold water, looking at him completely shocked and horrified, unable to believe it, with the reality of danger taking hold of you.
"I've already made a huge problem out of this by simply coming here, Y/N. Of course my family has figured out because Vhagar and Sunfyre left DragonPit. And believe me I'm not going to mind getting my hands more dirty."
The mention of Ronan is like a dagger stabbing into your chest, reminding you of the implications and the risk Aemond is willing to take.
And it's not fair.
Ronan doesn't deserve it.
He's been nothing but kind and supportive to you, always every moment you were in his company being supportive and wanting to make you feel comfortable, visibly excited and happy every time he showed you his home and what he's so characteristic of.
And while there is also the fear of the consequences of these actions, you feel more of an urgency to protect Ronan, because you will never forgive yourself if something bad happens to him because of you, much less him dying.
"You decide," Aemond says to you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Brother, we have to go now," Aegon announces worriedly, peering intently down one of the corridors, alert.
And there you know.
You press your lips together, don't let any more tears fall and resigned, with your jaw clenched, you practically snatch the black cloaked hood out of his hand and take a couple of steps forward, not wanting to watch him, instantly putting it around your dress and also over your head, hiding your hair.
The tension between him and you is evident and once you finish, he again grabs your arm.
"Let's go," he says to both of you.
Aegon leads the way, and the three of you without wasting any more time enter the huge gardens, instantly with bushes and trees covering you. And as the three of you make your way through the leaves, you hear the sound of them and the rustle of branches with every movement.
And though Aemond guides you, your thoughts are filled with more and more worries and unanswered questions as you go along, anticipating the enormous trouble and scandal this escape is going to bring when your family and Aemond's family finds out.
And behind you, you hear the sound of guards and commotion beginning to be made in the castle, reporting the intruders.
"Now, now, now," Aegon hurries.
Aemond makes you run faster and soon the three of you reach the edge of the island, making your way through the white sand, where you make out a small boat waiting on the seashore, hidden among logs and large palm fronds.
The two brothers quickly push it into the water without much effort, where Aemond hurries you up, instantly wetting the edges of your dress, though it is of no matter.
And once the three of you are up, the two of them take the oars and start pushing the waters.
"This shit is the only thing I didn't like about all this," Aegon says grumpily, making force.
You suppose that having flown the dragons to the island would have been dangerous and the guards would have given the warning before the two of them could have even entered the castle.
So you look back to see if anyone is following them and fortunately they are not, relieving and saddening you at the same time.
The distance from the island to The Reach lands is fortunately short, so you soon approach the shore, to a smaller, unguarded harbor where there are two men watching them as you approach, this alerting you but not alerting the two Targaryen brothers at all.
And once you reach the shore, Aegon is the one who helps you out of the small boat, and then thanks the two men, who take the boat and you see how they have more boats set up in this harbor with oars and fishing nets, so you assume they are fishermen.
And then it is Aemond who approaches them.
"Thank you very much," he tells them and then holds out a small sack to each of them, clearly filled with coins.
"It has been a pleasure, my Prince," one of them replies.
And he turns his attention back to you.
"Come," he says, taking your arm again, making you walk.
You don't really know where you are, but you can guess what the city of the Three Towers is, only that the three of you are in a less frequented part of the city.
And with Aegon again leading the way, soon enough you see the dragons hiding behind a small dune, near the harbor, where the great immensity of Vhagar surprises you and makes Sunfyre look extremely small beside him.
You never had the privilege of flying in Vhagar before but today looks like it will be the day.
Aegon turns to Sunfyre and as you and Aemond approach the great dragoness, Aemond says some words to her in High Valyrian that you don't understand, but the imposing figure of her makes you feel intimidated and clearly frightened, especially the moment her huge eyes inspect you after Aemond says those words to her.
"Easy, she's not going to hurt you," Aemond tells you, taking your hand.
Vhagar lets out a short roar in the direction of both of you and that makes you startle.
"Don't be afraid. It's all right," he assures you, leading you with him towards the nets to climb up and mount it.
And you have no choice but to comply.
Aemond and Aegon avoid flying over the lands where the news will come faster where two dragons were seen together in the skies.
Instead, they choose to fly over a part of Dorne and reach the lands of Storm's End, where they are characterized by bad weather, icy winds, heavy rains and thunderstorms, so both brothers decide to stop at Mistwood so that, more than anything else, the dragons can rest.
Throughout the flight with Aemond you made no effort to talk and fortunately neither did he.
At first being in the skies in such a large dragon made you experience a completely unfamiliar sensation that you had never felt before, with mixed emotions, excitement being the strongest of all.
It was simply something unique to you and that you can't quite describe, but it made you forget for a moment about everything that was happend.
Aemond couldn't help the smile on his face when he saw that expression on your face, understanding very well what you were feeling, feeling good after so many weeks, calm and at peace, finally having you in his arms.
He couldn't help but watch you with that adoration, even though he knew there was still something missing in all of this.
Eventually you began to get used to the sensation of flight and you start to feel nervous and uncomfortable as you feel Aemond's body touching yours, as he practically has you locked in his arms.
But finally that ends, for now, as the three of you make a stop due to exhaustion and bad weather.
The three of you seek shelter in a tavern where they also offer temporary lodging. There aren't many people when the three of you enter, just a few men drinking and two women refilling their drinks, while there's an old man behind a piece of wooden furniture.
"How can I help you?"
"Do you have rooms available?" asks Aemond.
"Yeah," he says as he notices the poor keys hanging on the wall behind him.
"I'll stay here for a while," Aegon says suddenly, "I need a drink or I swear I'll go mad."
"You can drink in the room," Aemond tells him reproachfully, "I'm not going to stay up all night making sure you're all right and don't get into any trouble."
"Fine, as you wish," Aegon replies to him raising his hands in surrender.
"So how many rooms, boy?" the man asks.
You swear he is about to say two, but perhaps he could have sensed the discomfort and tension emanating from your body. And then he lets out a long breath.
"Three rooms, please."
You internally thank him, feeling instantly relieved, as he makes the payment.
One of the women leads you to the rooms, and you enter yours without addressing a word to any of the brothers, desperately needing to be alone and give yourself a time, as well as take a bath.
Fortunately no one bothers you and you only require the help of the woman from before to fill the bathtub with warm water. And she also kindly provides you with dry clothes while you let your rain-soaked dress dry by the warmth of the fireplace.
Then you watch the rain fall through the small window as you stand near the fire, when there is a soft knock on your door. And before you can answer, the door opens and Aemond enters the room, watching you intently.
You press your lips together and lower your gaze, pretending to be occupied with something in your hands.
"Are you all right?" he asks you softly and attentively, keeping a respectful distance.
"Yes," you answer briefly and without emotion, only hearing between the two of you the creaking of wood and the rain outside.
"Do you need anything?"
He lets out a long breath and guessing from this, he must look tired and frustrated, to which you decide not to take any notice and continue without looking at him, wanting to be alone.
"If you need anything or anything happens, I'll be next door."
You don't say anything, just bite the inside of your cheek and wait for him to finally leave.
"Sleep well," he says in a defeated voice then walks away and closes the door.
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At dawn and practically at first light, the three of you resume your flight back to King's Landing.
The three of you approach Vhagar and Sunfyre, who are not far from the tavern, hidden in the forest among huge and frightening trees. Aegon mounts his dragon first, and again Aemond helps you scale Vhagar's massive size, standing behind you at all times and making sure you don't fall.
And with a mighty flapping of wings, the two dragons take to the sky with flight towards the horizon.
And while it was impossible not to think that the flight with Aemond would be uncomfortable again, you still hoped that things between him and you wouldn't feel so tense.
However, that's exactly what happens.
Practically your back is against his chest, his arms on either side of your waist to take the reins and every now and then you feel his warm breath on the back of your neck which, without knowing exactly why, sends shivers all over your body and makes you uncomfortable.
Being with him like this only relives the first and last time you both spent the night together in your mind and you want to take your distance, which is impossible. And it also relives the pain.
What happened the next morning makes the whole memory painful and overshadows all the happiness you felt at the time.
And in the midst of everything you're feeling, wishing this would end soon, Aemond suddenly breaks the silence between the two of you.
"They never told me," he murmurs in your ear, tensing your body the instant you hear him.
His words leave you bewildered. You don't understand what he's referring to, but you don't decide to ask either. And in the silence that follows, Aemond continues.
"They never told me they would send you away the next day."
This makes your heart flip and involuntarily this catches your attention, not daring to say anything, let alone turn your head to watch him, but feeling the intrigue inside you.
"After everything that happened in the Council Chamber, I had a plan."
He confesses to you and your breath catches at that moment.
"I wanted to keep my mother and grandsire off guard by making them think I had agreed to their terms. And I didn't look for you all that day because I was planning, that at the right time, I would come for you with the help of Aegon and Helaena and we would marry in secret at the Septon."
The impact of his words resonates within you, creating surprise and disbelief in your thoughts, as you feel your heart begin to beat too hard and you begin to breathe through your mouth.
"But I didn't know that, besides trying to see you would be too risky and would only delay things more, so I focused on preparing a discreet escape," he continues with his tone relieving his vulnerability, "And when Hel didn't see you with the ladies or anywhere else, she told me and I got worried. I tried to look for you, but before I knew it, you were gone."
You bite the inside of your cheek as tears begin to form in your eyes and you process the revelation of his words that envelopes you in a sense of overwhelming emotions, shock, disbelief and sadness.
"I couldn't do anything against it and my plan fell apart," he admits, in his voice mixing regret and frustration, "I had hoped to be able to explain you, to take you as my wife and protect you from everything that would come after, because being wed no one could separate us anymore. But, as always, nothing went as I expected and I failed."
The surprise fades and leaves room for sadness and regret, as silence stretches between the two and only the sound of the wind and the flapping of Vhagar's huge wings can be heard.
With the unexpected revelations, Aemond's words float in the air and for a moment you find yourself lost in the feeling of your emotions, with tears streaming down your cheeks, with the feeling of regret and frustration, realizing the complexity of the situation now and then.
You still can't watch him, even though you feel Aemond tilt his head over one of your shoulders, wanting to watch you, but you don't let him. And now it is you who dares to break the silence with a shaky question.
"Did you get married?" you ask, tears still sliding down your cheeks.
"No, Y/N. I never did."
You instantly frown, not understanding.
Your father that very day told you that Aemond was to be wed soon, but not to you. Besides, the Queen and the Hand seemed very serious about making amends with Lord Borros and Floris Baratheon, so the wedding must have taken place, definitely.
"But... my father told me that day..." you swallow hard, " That your wedding to Lady Floris would take place in the next few days."
Aemond sighs and you can feel the heaviness in his reply.
"Yes, but I did everything I could to delay that wedding and eventually... it never happened."
You are silent for a moment, breathing through your mouth.
"And what happened?" you ask in a shaky voice.
"Two days ago the wedding finally took place but Aegon helped me escape the Keep to come for you."
Aemond's words clutch at your heart and disbelief along with surprise intertwine within you as you try to process the magnitude of the words he has just revealed, leaving you breathless. Even you can't describe exactly what you feel.
He abandoned his family.
He did not fulfill his duty... for you.
Surprise mixes with relief in your emotions, but uncertainty also arises. And finally, your eyes desperately seek his, needing him to confirm that what he is telling you is no lie.
His gaze seeks yours for understanding and support, being terribly honest with you. And in the midst of all his remorse and determination, a faint sad smile forms on his lips, in your direction.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, insistent and pleading, "I truly didn't know you'd be sent away the next day and had I known..." he sighs, averting his gaze from yours for the burden of the situation and denies with his head, "I thought my plan would work."
You can't say anything, you don't even know what exactly you feel about all this as Aemond stands there, sadness and determination in his gaze, waiting for your reaction.
But you can't think clearly, you can only look away from him and stare straight ahead, your lips parted.
You still feel shocked, but now you understand the depth of the sacrifices he has made, something you had no idea of. How could you have known that he, for you, had abandoned his duty even considering the grave consequences he will soon have with his family?
When you first saw him on the island, you thought he was married to Floris and only wanted to take you for his selfish whim. But now, you understand everything.
And yet the words get stuck in your throat as you struggle to articulate a response, sadness reflecting in your eyes and you don't even know what to do, unable to fully articulate your thoughts and feelings.
When he again speaks, breaking the silence.
"Do you still hate me?" he asks you softly and with some fear.
His tone carries with it uncertainty and he gives you your full attention, as you take a moment before responding, trying to find the right words for everything you're feeling at that moment.
"I don't know," you confess, in a low murmur, not daring to look at him, "It's too much... all of this is too much."
He nods sympathetically, understanding everything you must be feeling. And, a little unsure at first, he lifts one of his hands slowly, as if afraid that any sudden movement might break the calmness of the situation and then his fingers gently touch your cheek, caressing you slowly, turning your face very carefully towards his.
And there he is again, seeing his beautiful violet eye and unconsciously, his touch and closeness comfort you.
"I just want you to know that every choice I made was in the hope that we could finally be together, as husband and wife," he tells you sincerely.
And again you close your eyes and let the tears roll down your cheeks and he wipes them away, hating to see you cry, not liking that sight but doing his best to ease your pain, even though he is the cause.
"At least you could have let me know what you were planning... in one way or another," you say sadly, "You truly hurt me that day and I felt so... used and broken."
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," he says instantly, sad and remorseful, "I'm very sorry, my sweet girl. I promise you that was never my intention. I never thought badly of you, nor was it my wish for you to marry someone else. When I was told that I was furious, Y/N. Especially because I couldn't say anything about it. And when I found out you were gone... I swear I felt I was going to go mad."
You notice the sincerity of his confession and let out a long breath, as Aemond releases the reins with his free hand and holds it at your waist, hugging you. And then he rests his forehead against the side of your head, then leaves soft, comforting kisses on your left cheek.
And despite the discomfort of the position you find yourself in, you turn your body as best you can and seek refuge in his arms, close your eyes and feel the warmth emanating from his body instantly.
His fingers begin to trace gentle circles on your back above your cloak, seeking to bring you comfort and understanding.
Tears continue to slowly stream down your cheeks as he holds you against his body, the difference being that you no longer feel that weight on your being and feel relief instead.
You sigh deeply as Aemond's fingers now gently caress your head, until you finally feel good and separate yourself enough from him to look into his eye.
But you say nothing, just tilt your head towards him and the two of you bring your foreheads together, as Vhagar continues the course of the flight and Sunfyre keeps flying by a few more clouds above.
"Are you all right?" he asks you softly and you nod.
You close your eyes and look straight ahead again, dropping your head between his chest and shoulder with a relieved gesture, to which he can more easily enclose you in his arms.
"Yes," you murmur, then look around briefly.
It's impossible to tell where you are from this height, mostly because you're unfamiliar with the skies, so you decide to ask.
"How close are we to King's Landing?"
You wait for him to respond by telling you that they are flying over the name of some land and give you an approximate of how long until they both arrive at the place where chaos will once again be unleashed by the actions of both of you.
However, you don't expect that kind of answer at all.
"We are not flying into King's Landing."
Instantly you raise your face to him in complete bewilderment.
"I'm going to take you somewhere else."
"Where to?" you ask completely attentive.
Aemond doesn't say anything right away, just lets the wind wrap around you both for a moment as your unease envelops you and you continue to watch him waiting for an answer.
"To Dragonstone."
He finally says and another pause hangs in the air as you raise your eyebrows, still not fully comprehending, when his gaze meets yours, as if he is searching for some clue in your eyes before he continues.
"That's where we're getting married."
Total surprise takes hold of you, your mouth half opens but no words come out and for an instant, nothing comes to your mind to make you react.
Aemond watches your reaction, fearful of what your expression might reflect. And the uncertainty in his gaze mixes with fear as he watches you completely attentively.
"You still want to marry me?" he asks.
His question hangs in the air, as time seems to fade around you and a wave of thoughts invade your mind, surprise and trepidation, deeply understanding his intentions.
Uncertainty is still present, but a spark of longing begins to glow in your eyes.
Aemond eagerly awaits your response, his watchful gaze searching for any expression in yours. And there you see how his own burden of desire and waiting for your acceptance is there.
Then you feel a surge of warmth in your chest.
And finally a small smile forms on your lips, and then you slowly lean into him, closing the distance between you, and press your lips gently on top of his.
It is your silent response, but full of meaning.
And at this, Aemond relieves, feeling the certainty of your choice, while his arms hold you tenderly, as if he fears this is a cruel dream, responding to your kiss with as much warmth and touch as possible.
The wind fiddles with your hair as the majestic flapping of Vhagar's wings engulfs them, heading towards Dragonstone with a great and promising purpose.
And soon both dragons find themselves landing on the island, where Princess Rhaenyra, Princess of Dragonstone, resides with her family.
At Dragonstone, Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen, along with several other guards, immediately emerge from the black castle with confused, distrustful and curious gazes.
Aemond is the one who takes the word, addressing Rhaenyra, but it is Daemon who responds and very soon they find themselves having an intense discussion. It is Daemon who proclaims that neither of them have any place on the island and that they should not be here.
Aegon and Aemond argue with this, trying to talk to Rhaenyra mainly, but Daemon always vouches for her. Until finally Rhaenyra speaks and listens to the request of her two half-brothers.
Despite the clear rivalry between the two families of the very ill King Viserys, for Rhaenyra that they, especially Aemond, have thought of her to ask for her help with matters of the heart and not politics, speaks to her.
Despite the accident at Driftmark, a night Rhaenyra later spent a lot of time thinking about, she understands that from the beginning, since she and Alicent were little girls, the problem was always with Otto Hightower and his persuasive ideas on Crown decisions.
And when Rhaenyra agrees to help them, Aemond thinks that this is not the acceptance of forgiveness, it is just her half-sister doing him a favor she owes him for that terrible night, where Luke received no punishment.
Besides, there is no time to remember past events, the only thing he cares about is marrying you as soon as possible.
Daemon reproaches and questions his wife's decision, but she decides not to listen to him. She simply wants peace to finally exist between her father's two families and in the Realm.
Rhaenyra provides Aemond and you with everything you need. Even the robes, the dragonglass, the chalice and she also offers to officiate the union for lack of a Septon at the time.
And then... finally the Valyrian wedding takes place amidst the ancestral stones of Dragonstone.
The wind caresses your faces, as if the ancient dragons and the ancient Gods were present, blessing this special moment. You and Aemond stare at each other, face to face, with Aegon as your witness, as Rhaenyra recites the words in High Valyrian.
"Hen lantoti ānogar."
Blood of two.
"Va sȳndroti vāedroma."
Joined as one.
The blade cuts the lips of both, then both collect the blood with their thumbs and place it as a circle on each other's foreheads.
"Mēro perzot gīhoti."
Ghostly flame.
"Elēdroma iārza sīr."
And song of shadows.
"Izulī ampā perzī."
Two hearts as embers.
Then the two cut the palm of each other's hand, join them together and let the blood run into the chalice between your bodies.
"Prūmī lanti sēteksi."
Forged in fourteen fires.
"Hen jenȳ māzīlarion."
A future promised in glass.
The two drink from each other's blood.
"Qēnlossa ozūndessi."
The stars stand as witness.
"Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo."
The vow spoken through time.
"Rȳ kīva mazvestraksi."
Of darkness and light.
And finally, the Valyrian wedding is culminated and permanently sealed as the sun sets over Dragonstone and Aemond's lips claim yours in a passionate and needy kiss, with both of you tasting the faint taste of each other's blood on your lips.
And only then and there, the two of you are finally happy, this being what you had so longed for and hoped for, long ago giving it up for lost. But now, he can call you his wife and you call him your husband.
Eventually the news reaches King's Landing, unleashing a new wave of worry and trouble, but now both you and Aemond are at ease, for no one can separate you now, let alone discredit a Valyrian wedding.
And you both consummate the marriage under the moonlight reflecting off Dragonstone, joining as one, as it was meant to be, long ago.
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pombeom · 1 month
no escape from you | beomgyu fic (nsfw) pt.2
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nsfw, mdni!
pairings: roommate beomgyu x reader, enemies to fwb?
warnings: pda?, public sex (not really but kinda), female masturbation, squirting, fingering, multiple orgasms, riding, dirty talk, cocky beomgyu, cum in mouth, size kink?, unprotected sex
a/n: high key need this beomgyu to be my roommate like let me have him please 🙏
requests open + not proofread
Your lack of sleep was catching up to you as you struggled to keep your eyes open during your lecture. Your hands may have been typing away but your brain could hardly keep up and if there was one thing you hated more than your roommate, it was unfinished notes. You fought the urge repeatedly the past 45 minutes but without help it would be impossible to stay awake for the remaining 1 hour and 15 minutes.
“Beomgyu, can you wake me up if you catch me drifting off?” You whispered, annoyed that you had to use him as a last resort.
There was something about his tone that made you feel uneasy. Even though there’s often a lack of sincerity in his voice, this time you were suspicious.
You lasted another 3 minutes before you felt your eyes doze off again and Beomgyu, as he said he would, tapped your arm awakening you from your slow slumber. Honestly, you were frustrated at your tiredness, debating on whether or not to give in completely. But the stubbornness in you didn’t want to acquiesce as you kept up your fight.
Once again, your eyes close, drifting to sleep when a warm grip on your thigh sent a jolt up your spine, instantly waking your up. You turn to see Beomgyu’s hand caressing your thigh as you glare at his mischievous grin.
“You said you wanted me to keep you awake. Clearly this is working.” You couldn’t argue with him because he was right. The sensations of him massaging your leg shook away every ounce of exhaustion, your body now sitting upright.
The hand that started on your mid-thigh inches upwards towards your core, causing your hole to clench as you felt liquid oozing out into your underwear. You bite your lip suppressing any sound that might have come out, as you squeeze your thighs together hoping for some sort friction.
“Are you wet sweetheart?” Beomgyu whispers, his gaze focusing entirely on your legs.
“Stop it. We’re in a lecture for goodness sake,” you hissed grabbing ahold of his hand, preventing it from getting any closer to your pool.
“Dare say that I think you’re enjoying it? Your face is so easy to read. But if you want me to stop, I can.” With that he removes his hand placing it back on his own lap as you’re left feeling desperate at the sudden loss of contact.
“Thank you,” the disappointment in your voice seeping through.
His actions had your mind racing for the remainder of the lecture and the minute it was over you rushed out and headed back to your room. Stripping yourself of your shorts and tshirt, you get back into bed in your underwear, sliding a finger in between the lips of your pussy, gathering the wetness and bringing it upto your lips to taste.
You push the finger back into your entrance pumping it in and out rhythmically as you let out all the moans that you suppressed from earlier. Even though you told him to stop you didn’t expect him to actually listen. Now you’re having to touch yourself in order to make up for whatever he could have done to you.
Each time you push in the finger, your face contorts as a long, breathy moan escapes your lips. Going faster and faster, the moans are more frequent whilst increasing in volume with no care for anyone who might hear.
Thank god Beomgyu isn’t home.
All that was wishful thinking though. In fact Beomgyu followed you home after the lecture, hearing every sexual sound that came out your mouth, feeling quite proud at the reaction his simple action caused.
Soon enough, you chased your orgasm which came crashing as you release a spurt of liquid. Just then, the door swings open revealing a disheveled Beomgyu, his shirt untucked while his hair is messy from the amount of times he’s pushed it back. You weren’t sure what you felt in that moment as you were flooded with embarrassment, shock and pure lust for the man who had been listening to you masturbate.
“Didn’t know you could squirt sweetheart. Wanna show me again?”
Your wide open legs shut close as you wrap your blanket around your body, covering yourself from Beomgyu.
“No need to be shy. I won’t hurt you. Unless you want me to.” His smirk sent a kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttering in your stomach, turning you on even more.
“Beomgyu stop,” you whimper as he inches closer and closer towards your bed, “you weren’t supposed to see that so please just go.”
“Oh but sweetheart, I did see it. And I know that it was because of me.“
“Go away Beomgyu! I hate you!”
“Is that why you squirted and wet yourself after I touched you? If you want me, just say it.” His cocky attitude was especially attractive today. What usually annoyed you became something you craved. You craved the filth he spewed out his mouth but more than ever you wanted him inside you, just so you could scream his name over and over.
Beomgyu sits on the edge of your bed, leaning closer into your body as he slowly pulls away the blanket protecting you. You felt bare in contrast to his fully clothed body as his lingering touches tingle against your soft skin.
His hands dive straight into your pussy as he pumps his long, veiny fingers into you. Not giving you a moment to recover from your previous orgasm, he picks up the speed pushing your limits and leaving you in a squirming mess, wanting more but being too sensitive to take it.
“Beomgyu! I can’t take it!”
“Yes you can. Look at your humping my fingers. You can’t lie to me.”
His speed is now ruthless, your mind spinning as your vision goes white and fuzzy. You felt the knot build up in your stomach, getting ready for a powerful release. It inches closer and closer and as Beomgyu hits your g-spot one more time, a liquid erupts out of your pussy, spraying onto your bedsheets and Beomgyu’s tshirt, drenching him in your orgasm.
“Guess I’ll have to take this off now,” he says, pulling off his white shirt in one swift motion.
You can tell he didn’t work out often, but his body was fit enough that you could see faint ab lines. His shoulders were broad as his biceps were bulky. You were almost drooling at this view of your roommate before he takes off his light wash jeans, revealing his erect cock restrained in his boxers. Now you were definitely drooling.
“Like what you see?”
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes, dismissing any sort of attraction you felt at that moment.
“You’re so cute. You know that right?”
“The only thing that’s cute is how small your dick is.” This was the biggest lie. You could tell that he’s got a huge package and he hasn’t even taken off his boxers yet. But you didn’t want to boost his ego any further.
“Is that so? So you think you can take it all then? If it’s so small I think you can sweetheart. Let’s try shall we?”
Upon taking off his underwear, his cock sprung out hard as a rock, standing unwaveringly erect. It was thick as well as long and you gulled at its size.
“Ride me princess.” His voice is deep as he moves you on top of him, placing his tip on your entrance.
You sink in slowly as the girth of his cock stretches out your walls. He’s not even half way in but you feel his tip against your cervix feeling quite embarrassed at your statement earlier.
“You really think you can fit it now?”
“Mhmm. I- I can,” your feigned confidence came out in a stutter.
You try pushing him in even further but you feel your cunt getting stuffed, letting out a restrained whimper.
“Can you really, sweetheart? I wouldn’t want to hurt you now.“
His every remark, was a dagger to your pride, ripping apart your sense of self and your confidence. You were determined to make him fit but you knew that was more or less an impossible task as you began riding him up and down.
Your pace was initially quite slow but Beomgyu’s sneer egged you on as you’re holding onto his stomach for support whilst bouncing on his dick. Beomgyu’s hand is placed in your waist giving your additional support whilst the other one roams your body, pushing down your bra to cup your breast, kneading the muscle earning him a desperate plea for more.
“You still think you can fit it all in?”
“No. I can’t Beomgyu,” you surrender.
The hand on your breast, moves down to match the other grabbing ahold of your waist, the grip around it tightening as he slams you down into his cock.
“Ahh- Keep going!”
He continues to pound your body against his dick, abusing your cervix repeatedly as his tip thrashes against it. Your vision goes hazy once again, feeling your third orgasm building as you clench around his length.
“Keep clenching like that and I’m gonna cum inside you right now,” he threatens spanking your ass.
Your throat feels tight as you feel his pounding travel all the way up your body.
“Cum in 3- 2- 1-“
Not a second later, your release hits as you collapse onto his chest. He rides out your orgasm for a few more seconds before pulling out and pumping his cock in his hands.
“Show me your mouth, sweetheart.”
You picked yourself up and moved down to meet his cock, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue, ready to receive his load. A few pumps later, your mouth is filled to the brim with his cum while the rest leaks out onto your chin and down your neck.
“Swallow.” You obeyed and licked up any remaining cum on your lips.
Regaining clarity, you both remain still for the next few minutes processing what had just happened.
Beomgyu was the first to break the silence with his remark, “And someone said that nothing will ever happen. Look at you now.”
“You may be good sex but it doesn’t change the fact that I still hate you.”
“Ouch. That hurts sweetheart,” he says whilst clutching his bare chest.
“Now if you don’t mind, can you get out of my room please.”
“Just wait till you’re begging for me again. I have a feeling that me, you and this room are gonna be seeing each other very often.”
@eclipse-777 hope you enjoyed this :))
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babesiamthemenace · 1 year
36 from the NSFW prompts with Nikolai please?! 🥰
I know you requested smut but this wound up tuning into an angst/love confession fic within smut. I hope you enjoy!!!! Requests are open!
Summary:  Reader is a lifelong friend of Nikolai, having been with him during Sturmhold. Now that he is crowned to be King, the reality of war is starting to infiltrate your friendship and awaken things you had hoped to keep hidden. No chances left untaken.
Word count: 3.0K
Warnings:  🚫18+ Minors DNE🚫, afab! reader, slight angst, smut, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it pls)
not my gif
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No matter how many candles filled the map room of the forge, it still wasn’t enough to chase away the darkness of night. It gave a warm and hazy glow to the area, leaving a dull heat in the air. 
It was these candles that brought out the angles of Nikolai’s face. It was almost comforting for you to see him hunched over a table, scouring maps and looking over plans. You could almost pretend you were back on the volkvolny, deciding which port to dock on instead of where to attack next. From your hidden spot in the doorway, you could see the stress in his brow and almost feel tension across his shoulders. His hair was messy from fingers running through it, lips slightly chapped as well. You wished you could push away the loose strands from his forehead. 
“I know you’re staring.” Nikolai sounded tired, but there was still a hint of jest in his voice. You took a step forward. 
“Sorry. Lost in thought.” More papers, which had been forgotten in your hands, found their way in front of the king as you adjusted the mess on the long table. 
“So, what’s the consensus?” he asked, straightening his back with a satisfied sigh
A small smile found its way to your lips. “What?” 
“Am I still as devilishly handsome now that I’m to be King, or was a daring privateer a better look for me?” He faced you head on, a humorously quizzical look across his face. 
Chuckling, you pretended to study his features. You followed the lines of his strong nose and plush lips all the way to his collar bone peaking out of an unbuttoned undershirt. His brow tightened in anticipation of your answer. Honestly, he never looked more beautiful to you than right now; but he couldn’t know that. “Definitely the privateer, I’m afraid.
“Well damn.” 
Smiling again, your hands searched for something to do. As if second nature, you began piling up loose papers, and rolling maps back up. Your eyes followed paths across the country side and the borderline unreadable footnotes along the edges. Pausing, you ran your fingers along a dashed line going north. It was done in pencil rather than the professional inking of the map.  It was the path Alina and Mal had taken to look for the firebird with Baghra. Worry ran through you as you thought of your friends. 
“They’ll be okay.” You hadn’t noticed Nikolai come up beside you. He placed a hand on your shoulder, fingers gripping tightly to the wool of your coat. You could almost feel the warmth of his skin through the thick fabric. 
“I know they will be.” you sighed, leaning your head back. “it’s what happens after.” 
He hummed in confusion.
“We’ll be going to battle.” 
“And when have I known you to be afraid of a fight?” His voice was still teasing, much to jovial for your liking. 
“When the fight has stakes like these, Nikolai.” you snapped at him. You turned fast, his hand dropping from your shoulder. “This isn’t some slavers ship or enemy club. This is us, against Grisha; powerful Grisha. The odds are stacked against us here.” 
“Don’t you think I know that.” he wasn’t yelling, but his voice was stern, commanding. “You think I don’t know all that we are risking here?”
“I know you know.” You ran your fingers through your hair angrily “It doesn’t change the fact that the possibility of us failing is greater than winning.” You pressed your palms against your brow “I could die” your hands slammed into your chest, then into his “You could die.”
“I won’t let that happen.” his voice was firm with resolve  
“You can’t control that.” 
He laughed coldly “Have you no faith in me?” 
“On the contrary, I have too much faith in you.” 
You roughly sat down in an empty chair, hiding your face in your hands. Faith, devotion, pride; these were all things you felt for Nikolai. You would do whatever he asked, you trusted Nikolai with your life. 
“I have followed you to the ends of the earth, and I would gladly do it again. You’ve been there through thick and thin, but it doesn't change that fact that I’m still afraid.” You looked up to see he had leaned against the table beside you, eyes on yours. Your voice was quiet, wavering with emotion. “I have too much to lose.” 
Nikolai’s voice was heavy and low, as though saying it too loud was a sin. 
“We all have something to lose.”  His hand found yours, still not looking away from your gaze. A pang of nervous excitement filled you as you stared into his eyes. A small smile couldn't help but find its way to your lips. You could almost get high off of this giddiness Nikolai was making you feel. It was making you bold. 
You stood up slowly, still holding onto Nikolai’s hand. The other gently cupped the side of his face. The slight prick of a day’s stubble brushed against your palm as he leaned into your touch. 
“If something is to happen to us… and we fall” you whispered, your face growing closer to his “ I want it to be with no regrets.” 
It was Nikolai who crossed the final stretch to meet your lips. The kiss was not long and almost timid. Still, his chapped lips felt like heaven against yours as you pulled away. Eyes closed, you pressed your forehead against his, warm breath fanning over your face. You could feel the energy buzzing between you.
“I am yours, Nikolai.” 
He groaned, dropping his head to nuzzle into your neck. 
“You shouldn’t say that.” His voice was low, spoken against your skin 
“I speak nothing but the truth.” Your hand found itself on the back of his head, running through the shorter hair “I am yours, Nikolai. I have been for a while.”  
One arm circled your waist. “Your words are dangerous, little minx.”
The next kiss from Nikolai was not so timid. It was deeper, the hand on your cheek almost pulling you closer. His lips met against yours again and again, the taste intoxicating. You gripped onto his hair as he stood. Walking back with long steps, you slammed into the wall as Nikolai pressed himself to you. 
There was a crazed atmosphere about the both of you; a boldness. The excitement of this finally happening mixed with your looming situation left only desperation. Any type of suave was gone. You needed him, and you needed him now. 
For how frantic Nikolai’s hands were moving, his tongue was gentle as it ran along your lower lip, almost asking for permission. You let him in without a second thought, groaning. The chill of the stone wall was a stark contrast against the heat of his body against your. As you pushed yourself farthing into him, you felt something hard pressed against your thigh. Swiftly, Nikolai untucked your shirt, hands roaming along the newly exposed skin of your waist.
Nikolai’s lips began to move along your jaw in wet, open mouthed kisses. Moaning into your skin, you pushed his head closer to you. Hurried fingers found their way to the buttons of Nickolai’s shirt, messily undoing the first few. 
“Wait. Stop.” he was out of breath, hands gently grabbing yours. Still, he continued to press kisses to your skin. “Not here.” 
He looked down at you with lust filled eyes, puffy lips shining as he smiled. A bolt of heat went straight to your core. 
Leading you by your hands, he quickly blew out any remaining candles. You thanked every saint you could think of for the empty halls as you hurried to Nikolai’s quarter. You both giggled as he fumbled with the door, hands still intertwined. Anticipation buzzed in the air around you.
His room was dark when you entered with only the cool moon for light. Nikolai entered first, leaning into you to pull the door closed behind you. It had the same effect as the candle light, highlighting his already prominent features. You both quickly kicked your shoes off, Nikolai throwing his overcoat to the floor.  
“Now, where were we?” 
If not for how badly you wanted him, you would have laughed at how insufferable Nikolai sounded. You settled for a smile as your hands went to his jaw. Your kiss was not quite as frantic as before, but just as deep. His hands rested on your waist as you pulled his face closer to yours. Your noses bumped together while you slowly walked him back to the bed. You wasted no time crawling onto his lap once he sat, lips never leaving his. Hands traveled the expanse of your back as you nibbled on his lower lip, pulling deep groans from him. Continuing to unbutton the rest of his shirt, your mouth found its place against his neck, sucking dark marks into the pale flesh. Unable to stop yourself, you ground down into Nikolai’s hips, lightly biting into his skin. Groaning, his hips bucked into yours, sending a delicious tension to your core. 
You finished on his buttons, slipping off his suspender and pulling his shirt back. 
In all your years together, you had seen Nikolai shirtless before, but there was something different about it this time. You traced the strong lines of his chest, and ran your fingers up his sides, enjoying the shivers that followed your touch. His hands gripped onto the loose shirt bunched around waist, blue eyes boring into yours. 
“May I?” you nodded. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips before pulling the shirt over your head. While you were still in your undershirt, the thin fabric did little to hide your form. Lips finding yours, his large hands palmed your chest, nipples pebbling under his touch. You moaned into his mouth, body on fire.  Whether it was a bolt of courage, or the need to have Nikolai’s skin on yours, you pulled off the slip. 
He moved his hands so they were resting just under your chest, rough fingers rubbing lightly over soft skin. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him watch you, eyes trailing over your form. 
“Beautiful.” he whispered, eyes now on yours once again, “Perfect.” 
He began his assault on your neck again, following your collarbone to your breasts. He took one into his mouth, lapping over the bud. You moaned, your body keening forward into his touch. His hands supporting your back, Nikolai’s deep blue eyes kept contact with yours. He released with a pop, instantly moving to the other. As he continued, you ground down onto him, needing to find a release to the pressure building between you legs. One of the hands you had buried in his hair trailed down the waistline of his pants. Experimentally, you cupped the growing bulge, palming him. He instantly stopped what he was doing, burying his face between your breasts. 
“Saints, don’t stop.” He all but moaned into your skin, breathing heavily. You didn’t, pushing him down by his shoulders until he lay on his back, you overtop of him. 
“Gods, I want you.'' By now his blue eyes were completely blown out by lust, lips still shining. “I want all of you.”
To his protests, you did stop, moving up till you were over his head. You kissed him and he leaned up, chasing your lips when you pulled away. 
“As I said before, I’m yours to take”  
In a blur, you found your back hitting the soft mattress of the bed, Nikolai over you. His weight was being held up by one hand while the other was down at the button of your pants. He ran over the skin of your stomach, both in a teasing and hesitant manner. He would not go further just yet. 
You squirmed at his touch in anticipation “Please, Nikolai.”
“Please what?” his hand was now in your undergarments, but still not where you needed him 
“Please” you whined “touch me.” 
It felt like fire when he finally touched you, running his fingers along your slit. You both groaned. 
“Fuck” he was speaking almost to himself “Saints, you're so wet.”  
His fingers ran along your folds, and his thumb found purchase on your clit. You mewled, hips bucking into his hand.
Nikolai huffed in an almost laugh, “Eager, are we?”
He continued in tight, slow circles, drawing more sounds from your open mouth. You moaned at the pleasant stretch of a finger, heels digging into the bed. 
“You said you are mine, but that is simply not true.” you looked up at him with blown out eyes, pleasure coursing through your veins. 
“What do you…” you stopped, choking on a moan as he added another finger. It was like your nerves were on fire, and his touch was doing nothing to stop the heat. 
“You may think you are mine, but you're wrong.” he quickened his pace “I have been yours much longer than you have been mine.”
His words resonated in you, adding more fuel the fire.
Your fingers gripped onto the sheets, as if letting go would mean your death. The tension in your lower belly was now turning into a tight coil. Your pants now sat around your thighs, which were uncontrollably bucking up into his hand. Nikolai leaned forwards and took one of your breasts into his mouth, lewd sucking noises filling the air, along with your moans. 
“Please.” you wailed. The coil was now dangerously close to breaking, the tension almost too much “I need to…Please!” 
His lips left sloppy kisses against your skin, trailing up to your face. 
“Let go, love.” you wailed at his words “Let go for me.” 
With one final thrust into his hand, the coil snapped. Your vision darkened, pleasure taking over all of your senses. It was the most intense feeling you had ever observed. It pulsed throughout your body and into your core.
Your legs were shaking. That was the first thing you realized as you came too. The second was the wetness on your thighs. The final was the hand gently brushing over your face. Nikolai was cooing at you, pressing kisses lightly against your cheek. 
“You alright, my love?” he spoke in whispers, and you realized how out of breath you were. Instead of answering, you smashed your lips against his is a messy kiss, trying to convey your love for him into one simple action. All tongue and teeth, you finally broke apart to catch a full breath, resting against your forehead against his neck. 
“I need you, Nikolai.” you looked up at him “I need all of you.” 
The second he stood, you instantly missed his weight over yours. You sat, almost chasing him, but stopped when you saw he was undoing his pants. Shimmering yours the rest of the way down your legs, you laid back and waited. 
He was hard, almost painfully so, you would have guessed. Tip red and angry, it almost pulsed with need. A quick flash of guilt crossed you. You wondered how long he was like this while you were in the grasps of pleasure.
Moving back overtop of you, he ran his member through your folds, collecting slick. You moaned at the sensation, your heaving chest meeting Nikolai’s.
 You thought nothing could feel better than his fingers, but you were wrong. He created the most delightful stretch as he entered your heat. Nikolai groaned as he bottomed out, eyes screwed shut in pure pleasure, muscles tense in control.
He started with slow, yet deep strokes, hitting a spot that made your toes curl. Hands cradled his face. You shared breaths, his nose pressed into your cheek as his lips danced over yours. 
You both whispered words to each other, mostly only half finished thoughts lost in moans. Your legs wrapped around his hips, trying to keep him close as his thrusts began to speed up. The tension began to form again. His head dropped to your neck letting out smaller moans and whines into your skin.
Your hands rested on his back, skin clammy from sweat. His damp hair tickled you, but you didn’t mind as one hand dug into it, pulling slightly. His skin was fiery against yours, and yet you still tried to push as much of yourself against him as possible. One of his hands traveled down to your core, thumb messily rubbing over your clit once more. The small mewls you were making turned into choked wails as the coil tightened almost unbearably. 
Nikolai’s strokes were turning sloppy against you, going as deep and as fast as possible, hitting that perfect spot every time. It was a particular strong stroke that sent you over the edge yet again. 
You came, calling out his name as you raked your nails down his back. With one final thrust into your spasming core, he finished, groaning into your neck.  A new kind of warmth flooded your system. You were spent in the best way possible, body tired and thighs slick. The only sound that filled the air was heavy breathing as Nikolai looked up from your neck. He pulled out slowly and you both groaned at the sensation, but the loss of connection as well. You registered that he left, but came back very shortly, towel in hand.
After cleaning yourselves up, Nikolai pulled you close to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around you. He caressed your face, pushing back hair sticking with sweat. 
If you thought he was pretty an hours ago, he was gorgeous now. Messy hair stood in different direction and a nice flush covered his cheeks. Dark love bites littered his upper body, and his lips were almost bruised. You were sure you looked similar.
“I meant what I said” he whispered, smile on his face “I am yours, my darling” 
You leaned up and caught his lips. The kiss was tired, both of you energy gone.
“I love you” you grinned into his lips 
“And I love you.” 
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maedae-maedae · 7 months
Can't Help It - Library Date
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☆ Okkotsu Yuuta x F!Reader
☆ Genre: Smut
☆ Warnings: NSFW 18+
☆ Contents: Aged-Up Characters, Established Relationship, Semi-Public/Public Sex, Needy!Yuuta, Sub?Yuuta, AU - University Students, Clothed Sex, Oral Sex, Breeding Kink?
☆ Word Count: 3.6k
☆ Summary: You meet up with your boyfriend, ready to have a study date at your university's library and really get down to business. The two of you need to go to the library to actually study, and you both know well enough to take it seriously. Today you come wearing a new outfit... and suddenly your boyfriend has other plans for the two of you.
☆ A/N: Randomly awakening from my disappearance to post this smut which- I am just now realizing is my first real full-out smut! That I'm posting, that is.
This idea came to me as I was writing actually another fic for Yuuta so expect that real soon, much more stretched out than this lil one shot. Anyways, enjoy!
It’s late morning by the time you meet your boyfriend Yuta Okkatsu at your university’s library. The place is huge, and would literally be impossible to find books from if you didn’t have the power of technology. You’re searching the section with the books required by the class you share with Yuta. You guys decided on not giving into the scam of buying textbooks, opting to use the library’s plentiful supply of books that no one uses these days anyways. You’re reaching up to grab another suggested reading as Yuta stands behind you, holding the big one you’d handed to him when you first got here.
He’s a little embarrassed right now, hot and beginning to sweat. And he’s surprised you haven’t noticed yet. Ever since he met you in front of the library earlier, he’s been sporting a full boner. All thanks to the new outfit you had on. It’s adorable, and your boyfriend absolutely loves the way it hugs your body. Maybe a little too much, unable to pry his eyes away from the curve of your ass as the skirt lifts up with your reach. He glances around to make sure no one else is around to see this view and then continues to stare.
You were so excited to show him this outfit today too, and he couldn’t even properly compliment you with how flustered it was making him. Plus, you probably wouldn’t want him to be immediately sexualizing you in it either, so what is he thinking? Still, he can’t help it. How badly he wants to have his hands all over you right now.
“Okay! Got it!” You say happily as you pull the book off its shelf. “That’s it, I think. There’s not anything else you wanna grab, is there? I mean honestly, three is already enough I don’t know if I can handle more than this.”
You look up at Yuta and he shakes his head to answer you. But somethings off about him.
“Is something wrong?” You ask and he’s honestly relieved you finally notice. He takes a step toward you, then another until he’s right in front of you. His eyes avoid yours out of embarrassment for a moment, but then he looks at you straight on.
“Let’s go home.” He says, taking your hand in his own as he does.
“Huh? But we said we would study together today.” You reply, confused on why he suddenly wants to change plans.
“Let’s just study at your place” He suggests, pouting. You raise an eyebrow at him and give him a knowing look.
“Yu.. you know if we go to ‘study’ at my place, there wont be any studying happening.” You tell him and playfully poke his stomach. He was hoping you’d just understand without him having to explain himself, but looks like he’ll have to show you instead.
“Cmon, let’s go find a-“ You begin as you turn, but stop mid sentence when you feel your boyfriends embrace from behind. He wraps his arms around your middle, book still in one of his hands. He nuzzles into your neck.
“Hey.. what’s up with you tod-“ You don’t need to ask any further when he finally presses his full body to you, and you feel it. His hard cock rests against your ass, straining through his pants. A hot flash hits you, suddenly feeling his neediness like it’s contagious.
“Ah.. I get it now.” You say calmly, placing a hand on his at your stomach and using the other to stroke his hair a couple times. “Needy boy~” You coo at him. He twitches against you, to your amusement.
“You look so good today.. I can’t help it.” He whines into your ear, just barely audible. He’s so sweet, what are you gonna do with this boy?
“Hmm.. I guess we can’t really study until you’re good, huh?” You say, mostly to yourself, as you quickly think of somewhere nearby that would be most likely to not get you caught.
“Cmere.” You tell him, taking his hand and leading him along with you.
You walk with him until you reach a little nook of the library, empty and seemingly not visited very much. Your friend actually told you about this part of the library, after having a hook-up here. She always has crazy stories of where shes done stuff, and you’re pretty sure at this point it’s definitely a kink for her. You always thought it was crazy, and you never thought you’d find yourself following in her footsteps. You’ll have to thank her later you guess. And pray she wasn’t lying.
“H-here?” Your boyfriend whispers as you glance around cautiously. You look at him curiously.
“You don’t want to? We can always wait till later if you-“ before you can even finish your suggestion, he’s shaking his head to answer.
“That bad, hm?” You say and lean your back against the shelf behind you, signaling him with your hand to come to you. He does and you caress his chest, down to his stomach and pelvis, massaging little circles there as you continue to look around a bit more. You love the way he reacts to your touch, fidgety and sensitive. His forehead rests against yours as you with his hands resting comfortably on your hips.
“We should be safe here, no one ever comes to this section and none of the cctv cameras can see.” You reassure him and you look back at him again.
“How do you know that-“ He goes to ask but knows the answer as soon as you give him a look. He knows about that friend of yours, from your stories. “Oh. Nevermind.”
Your hands finally move to start caressing the bulge in his pants, and he takes a startled inhale, immediately pushing his face into your neck again. He likes to do that a lot when you two get intimate, it made him feel like he’s closer. And he loves being able to smell you. God forbid he ever smelled your perfume while he’s out on his own, he’d be turned on immediately.
“You really worked yourself up, huh? You’re extra sensitive today.” You whisper to him as you listen to the little noises he’s been making as you continue to massage him through his pants.
“It’s the skirt you bought..” he pushes out to explain himself.
“…Too short?” You ask, a self conscious thought you had before buying it popping up in your mind and then leaving your mouth without needing too. Plus, boyfriends don’t usually want their girlfriends wearing super revealing clothing, right? Maybe it made him uncomfortable.
“No.. I love it so much. You look so good in it. Wear it all the time.” He reassures you desperately, laying your insecurities to rest immediately. You giggle and you don’t know why you were even nervous.
“Clearly I don’t think that’s a good idea, unless we wanna be like my friend and start testing our luck everywhere we go.” You joke, and he laughs lightly in your ear. A shiver tickles your spine.
“Okay, love. What do you want me to do for you? Just tell me.“ You prompt for him. You want to be able to satisfy him in whatever way he feels he needs you right now.
“Mm.. Nothing, jus wanna feel you..” He mumbles as his hands start to move from your waist and caress around all the curves of your body. He stops to grab at your ass when he gets there, and you can feel his neediness with the way his hips make slight jerks forward. Usually he’s always taken a liking to your breasts, but it must really be something about your skirt today driving him crazy. You don’t think you’ve seen him like this.
While he caresses you with his warm hands that you adore feeling on you like this, he starts to kiss your neck too. You let out very faint moans as he does, feeling extra sensitive too now for some reason. You can just feel how badly he wants you and that alone is driving you crazy.
"Yu.." you call out quietly as he's busy leaving you with another hickey. "Shouldn't we make this quick? Not that I don’t love it, but…"
You tell him this partially because you are a bit anxious about getting caught suddenly, but also because you’re really desperate to have him inside you already. You can feel the wetness between your legs getting out of control. He pulls back to look you in the eyes, and you were not expecting him to look as lustful as he does right now. That’s a dangerous look he’s giving you.
“I’m gonna eat you out.. is that okay?” He tells you, almost breathless, and you could moan just hearing him say that. You love when he goes down on you. It feels like heaven every time and you love looking at his eyes when his tongue is deep inside you. Despite this, you’re still a bit unsure.
“Yu.. this is kinda risky, don’t you think we should-“
“Please?” He begs and you know you could never say no to what he’s asking of you right now. This is literally a situation straight out of a wet dream.
“Okay.. but-“ before you can even tell him to be quick, he pushes his lips to yours with excitement. Your tongues entwine and you feel his fingers come down to rub at your slit. He can feel how wet you are now, and it only makes him kiss you harder, more desperate. You have to grab his shoulders when he’s suddenly slipping three fingers into you at once. He swallows your moans that would definitely had been much too loud otherwise. He pumps into you a few times before pulling out, leaving you feeling empty, needy. You need him inside you again. You whine at his absence as he pulls back from your kiss as well. You’re about to pout at him before you end up watching him put his own fingers in his mouth, getting a taste of you before the full meal. Your face goes red.
“I’ll make you cum quick, promise.” He tells you softly, making butterflies in your stomach as you watch him immediately sink down to his knees. You know he’s being serious about that too, and you’re a bit nervous.
You’re stood right next to where the wall ends and turns the corner, so you peak your head out to make sure no one’s around. There’s nobody, and you cant believe people really never come to this section. Honestly it would be a cute place to sit and read normally.
“Look at me.” Your boyfriend tells you and your attention snaps back to him. He’s already slipped your panties down and you lift your skirt up slightly for him so it’s not in his face as he goes to kiss your clit.
You let out hushed moans as his tongue starts working, circling your clit and playing with you there for a while. Your face must be dark with both the way he’s making you feel and the way he’s looking at you. God that eye contact will get you everytime. His intense sanpaku stare never once looking away from you, taking in every reaction he gets out of you. It’s like he studies you, analyzing what’s making you feel the best, making sure he’s doing a good job. You cant believe how into this he is too, you didn’t think this would be his thing, but he clearly loves it. You never thought when you met this sweet boy that he would be so kinky.
Right now he’s really keeping his word on making it quick, hitting all the right motions he’s already memorized from how many times he’s pleasured you like this. He knows exactly what you like. Normally, he’ll stretch it out anyways, loving getting to have you this way for as long as possible. Seeing all the cute faces you make. Even making you climax on his face multiple times.
His favorite is when you’re about to cum, just like you are now. Your hands are in his hair, pulling at him as if you want him to stop, can’t take it anymore.
“Yuta.. s’too much..” you whisper to him like you do in some variation everytime. Then your thighs start clenching on him, shaking. Your breathing gets quicker. Your hands can’t even muster the energy to pull him anymore, clenching and unclenching fists in his hair. The only thing he doesn’t like about this part is that he can’t talk you through it like he likes to. He wants more than anything in this moment to tell you “You're doing so good, beautiful. Ride it out. I got you.” As your back arches and your body tenses up. But he’s got to stay focused to make sure you feel as good as possible.
He watches you with your mouth covered, head pushed against the bookcase behind you. His hands come up to support your now trembling legs as you start to come down from your high. He thinks he could never get tired of doing this specifically for you.
He lets you breathe for a few moments before standing again. He presses his forehead to yours as you look up at him with those pleasure-riden eyes.
“Y/n…” he says to you softly and you nod. “Sorry but, turn around. Please. Need to fuck you so bad.”
If your cheeks could blush any darker they would. You really love when he’s like this. You do as he says and turn around, his buldge already pressing at your ass as you feel him struggle to get his pants undone. When he does, he wastes no time in rubbing his raw shaft along your extremely wet folds. You shiver and manage to hold in any sound from coming out.
“Ah! H-hold on!” You tell him right before it feels like he’s about to press into you. You cant believe you didn’t think of this. You reach over for your purse and Yuta impatiently continues to rub against you. Looking for the condom in your bag as best you can, it’s not too long before you find it and pull it out. You knew having emergency ones in there would come in handy.
“Here. Put this on at least.” You say, handing it back to him.
He looks confused for a moment, and you know why. The two of you have been fucking raw for a while now. Which, in hindsight is not the best habit to have gotten into. But you suppose that was your risky kink, both of yours.
“Yu, we’re gonna make a mess if we don’t use it.” You reason with him, already hearing the protests probably circling in his head. You hear him whine just slightly, but he takes it. He knows you’re right.
As he’s putting it on you start to worry about yourself and getting caught again. You’ve never exactly been very quiet, and neither has he. At all.
“Try to go slow please.. I’m not sure how well I can keep my voice down if you’re not careful.” You whisper to him, bracing yourself against the bookshelf. You feel Yuta’s hand caress up and around your hips, his face moving up right to your ear.
“You’re right.. if we get caught we might get banned from the library. And then we’d have to study at your place from now on… what a shame that’d be.. right?” He says with a dark tone, and you know exactly what he’s implying. Horny asshole. There’s no way he’s serious.
“I think the penalty would be a lot worse than tha-AT!” You go to warn him but loose control of your voice when he shoves almost his entire length into you at once. Specifically doing the OPPOSITE of what you just asked.
“Yuta!!” You hiss, slapping his shoulder with the back of your hand before he starts moving. “What’d I just tell you?!”
He breaths a silent laugh into your neck “Sorry.. love you.” He says and places a few kisses along your neck and shoulder. You sigh at this and you know you can’t stay mad. Still, that was a surprise as he’s usually very obedient to you with requests like that.
“You’re taking me so good, though.” He adds, pressing a kiss to your cheek as well. You feel him slide in a little more and you both let out shallow breaths. You feel so close to him like this, his body pressed against you, pinning you to the bookcase with nowhere to go. His hands find yours and intertwine, letting you know he’s got you, he’s with you.
Your warmth felt so good around him like this, he didn’t even want to move. But just like before, he knows he’s gotta be quick here. This is what he was begging for and you so graciously allowed him to have. His thrusts go slow the way you asked of him, only picking up pace when he feels the need. The sound of your soft almost-silent moans and the squelching of his cock pumping in and out of you, filling the silence of the corner the two of you have to yourself. He groans and whines quietly into your back as his pace speeds up again, trying harder not to make noise with his motions more than with his mouth.
“Thank you.. fuck, I love you.” He tells you, breathlessly, mindlessly.
“Yuuta.. Ah!” You moan his name, just a little louder than you have been. His hand comes to cover your mouth, but it’s gentle. You know he’s just helping, knowing it’s hard for you to keep quiet like this. He keeps letting praises and curses fall from his mouth like mumbling, fucking into you with as much care as he can. Wanting to make you feel so good but not alert anyone to this private moment, just for the two of you. His hand can barely keep against your mouth, his focus elsewhere. You can hear his labored breathing and small moans that slip out right against your ear, making your hand stand and every part of you feeling sensitive.
“I’m gonna.. ahh.. gonna cum, Yu.” You tell him softly, your mind fogging. You look down below you and the sight is so incredibly lewd, like something you’d find on a nsfw blog. Your panties soaked on the floor beneath you, your feet basically on top of his the way you’re lifted up on your toes.
“Fuck, Please. Cum for me, love. Wanna feel it..” He pleads, fucking you harder now, the sounds getting a bit too loud. “I love you so much. Please. Please, please.”
There’s no way you could hold back your climax if you wanted to with the way he’s begging you like this. Your body complies, as if obedient to him of its own will. Your high ripples through you and you have to slap your hand on top of his to really keep quiet for this.
He doesn’t slow even on your comedown, continuing to fuck your aching hole. Your hands muffle the moans thatd normally be full-on wails if the two of you were home right now.
“Kiss me.” He tells you, his face next to yours already. You both let go and you press you lips to his again. He does his best to help drown out your sounds as he reaches his own high.
“Cumming.. fuck I’m gonna cum.” He whines against your lips, unable to focus on anything else anymore.
“Feels so good Yu.. cum inside me, please.” You plead for him, knowing it makes him feel even better when you praise him.
“I love you.” You finally tell him earnestly, and he echoes it back to you so breathlessly that you could barely make it out.
He thrusts into you one last time, spilling his seed into the condom that he wishes wasn’t there. He wants you to feel him finishing inside you, he’d become addicted to it.
Still, he basks in the way you twitch and squirm against him as he keeps his dick stuffed deep inside you, pressing against your cervix wall.
“Yu..” You whine, knowing he knows what he’s doing. He just wanted to enjoy it a moment longer, that’s all. When he pulls out of you, the both of you gasp a little, breaths heavy and shaking.
At the beginning of this, when you offered to do it in the library, you had not thought it’d be intense like this, and you definitely didn’t consider how your legs would feel afterward. They are shaking and you’re praying Yuta can’t tell because he will most definitely tease you about it. His arms wrap around you as he embraces you one more time.
“After studying, later I’m gonna cum inside you, okay?” He tells you sweetly, like it’s not the totally vulgar sentence that just left his mouth. You scoff in disbelief.
“Are you serious?” You say with amused exasperation.
“We had to use the condom..” He pouts, looking up at you from shoulder level. “I want to give you a creampie like I usually do.”
Good lord, what have you turned this man into?
“Alright, alright.” You tell him, rolling your eyes with a smile. “But only if you actually study with me now. Cmon, put this away.” He flinches when you poke his now half-hard dick, but does as you say anyways.
This is good, now he has some real motivation to work. He studies with you that day harder than he’s probably ever studied in his whole life.
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dnd-writes · 1 year
Way of Water
Tags: Power bottom!Eunbi, back-up dancer!reader, watersports, deepthroating, BFH
Warning: Watersports. I mean come on, waterbomb, watersports, I had to plus I couldn't think of anything else and I just really wanted to write Eunbi after seeing those clips
A/N: Never did I think I would write Eunbi so soon nor did I think that I would *not* write subby Eunbi. She's just that great. So... yeah, enjoy!
Also I used the "Door" performance as inspiration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CBUzWUSVSM I don't know if this works honestly, I don't really Tumblr. I'll fix it when I wake up... maybe
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“🎶 Just stay right by my side. Woo woo woo woo woo woo yeah 🎶”
‘Ok, next part is coming up. Just go up to her then go back to the side. Easy. Simple.’ You don’t know why you’re reassuring yourself so much or why you’re even hesitating in the first place. You’ve done this song, this dance, this particular move dozens of times on stage, at least hundreds in practice. Yet here you are, acting like a complete newbie doing his first performance ever. 
Eunbi runs back up the catwalk towards the main stage after finishing the second chorus of the song. Her wet, bikini-clad chest bounces around and it feels like time is slowing down, water falls from the sky so gently it feels like you could count every droplet in your vicinity. Eunbi’s breasts bounce hypnotically underneath the near-nonexistent top hugging her body, you’ve seen them jiggle and shake a thousand times before and not once have you thought about Eunbi sexually in any way but something about this current moment makes it different. Maybe it’s the fact that you’re seeing her cleavage in full or maybe it’s all the water being sprayed on her that’s awakening something you never knew you had in you.
And just like that time zooms forward and you’re back to the present. Eunbi runs back up the catwalk towards the main stage after finishing the second chorus of the song. She hurries over to a dancer then clings onto his nape as she starts singing her next line.
“🎶 Neowa 🎶 na sai 🎶 “
That’s your cue to move over. ‘Easy, simple,’ you repeat to yourself. ‘Just let her guide me, just flow with the music.’ It really isn’t that hard, just one step, one simple step that you’ve practiced for hours.
“🎶 aseulhan seoneul balbeun jigeum 🎶”
You let Eunbi pull you in close to her then her leg wraps around you. At that moment you feel the world just completely stop, not even slowing down like you felt earlier but rather completely still. Your face is an inch from her chest, it’s a position you’re completely familiar with but given the circumstances it feels so brand new. Though your face is looking away, your eyes aren’t. You peek over and standing there is Eunbi’s soft, massive chest in all its glory. Seeing it glistening with all the water turned you on instantly and gave your brain ideas you never thought it would make.
And how could you forget her leg, your eyes focused so much on her tits that you forgot the leg wrapped around you. To say your brain went into overdrive is an understatement because the moment it realizes Eunbi wrapped around you, the amount of nasty perverted thoughts more than just doubled. Your brain explodes then just like that you’re out of that fever dream.
Eunbi kicks the leg wrapped around you and in unison you drop to the ground. Your professionalism went back in gear but half your brain focuses on the choreography and the other incessantly sexualizes Eunbi causing you to slip up your dancing here and there, thankfully, as a backup dancer no one really pays much attention to you. And besides, it’s a water festival, you can always blame mishaps on the slippery stage.
For the rest of the song and the rest of Eunbi’s set at Waterbomb, you never had any moment as visceral or powerful as the ones during “Door,” there was a close call during “Glitch” but you held your cool.
You and the other dancers exit as Eunbi bids goodbye to the audience. All your friends look so jolly and hyper, bouncing and jumping around after performing multiple stages, meanwhile your face is blank. With your mind no longer half-occupied with dancing perfectly, lewd thoughts about Eunbi start to rot your head.
“That was so fun!”
“Can’t wait to do it again!” “I wish every stage was like this now…”
Several cheers erupt from the group as you all head over to the green room. “Hey, man, you doing good?” It takes a while for your brain to register that you are the one being talked to, you raise your head to see your friends stop in their tracks, all worriedly looking at you. You give them a soft smile and a passable excuse, “Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just… a little more tired than usual. I think I’ll just stay here for a bit.”
One of them pats you on the back, “What a bummer. Just rest, we all worked so hard today. Well if you need us we’ll just be outside watching the other performances, ‘kay?” You give a quick nod and wave them off as they disappear from view.
You enter the room and the cold air blasts your face, despite how cold it is inside your body feels the opposite. You try to stand right in front of the A/C, your ears start to hurt but inside you still can’t feel the chill. An idea pops into your head and you sprint for the mini-fridge on the other side of the room. The thing is packed with cold water bottles. You take a sip and sigh in relief as you feel the cool travel down your throat, but it still isn’t enough. You sip, you gulp, you down a full bottle, then a second, then a third, then a fourth. Endless stream of chill flows in your body but you still feel the heat, the problem isn’t with your face, in your throat, or in your stomach, no, it’s much deeper down and it doesn’t need acquisition to be cooled.
“Hey, there you are,” shouts a familiar voice. You quickly turn around and see the root of your problem, Eunbi. Standing there dripping wet, cardigan completely drenched, tits fully exposed, you don’t know whether to call yourself lucky or unlucky to be in this situation right now.
You’re not sure if it’s your mind messing with you or you’re actually looking at reality but with every step that Eunbi takes towards you, you swear you could see her chest bounce. “The others said you weren’t feeling well so I came to check on you.”
“T-That’s sweet of you. I-I mean, yeah I’m fine.” Eunbi finally gets right in front of you, even though you’re taller than her your eyes are looking way lower than where they normally would be at. You try to maintain eye contact but it’s like your pupils are too heavy for your own good, always falling and resting in Eunbi’s cleavage, just up and down and up and down. Similarly, Eunbi looks down, you follow her gaze towards the prominent bulge at your crotch.
“I-I’m sorry, it’s just… the outfit and, and, and the water and–” You try to turn away and apologize but Eunbi plants her hands firmly on your shoulders and makes you face her, she looks you dead in the eyes and… flashes you a smile? “Look, it’s ok. You don’t have to apologize. You know what? The others are upstairs having fun. Why don’t we… have some fun… of our own?”
You’re at a loss for words. Is this really happening? Is Eunbi really asking you to fuck her or did you somehow pass out and start imagining that Eunbi is asking you to fuck her. Whether it’s a dream or reality you happily nod and oblige.
Eunbi takes your hand and pulls you into the small bathroom nearby. You don’t even take the time to look around, instead you quickly get on the toilet seat while Eunbi kneels in front of you.
Eunbi palms your crotch through your jeans and you squirm at the action, not because you almost came but rather something else is begging to be released. You notice Eunbi give off a devilish smirk at your movement and you nervously chuckle at what she might have planned for you.
“Well we won’t be needing these anymore.” Eunbi takes off her near see through top then shortly after her bikini, not wasting a single second on foreplay. Her tits bounce out now that they’re freely in the open air, looking bigger than in any outfit you’ve ever seen her wear. Well you’re certain what to call your situation right now – lucky – Men and women alike would kill to be anywhere close to your position.
“Or these.” She quickly unzips your pants and tugs both it and your underwear down. You help her out by lifting your butt and pulling down with her. Your cock springs free and Eunbi doesn’t hesitate and begins jerking you off slowly. Her other hand, meanwhile, goes above your dick and presses lightly on it. You squirm just like earlier, finally confirming her suspicions. 
“You look so full, baby. All that water you drank is already making its way down, isn’t it? Don’t you just want to let go? I heard peeing feels just as refreshing as cumming, why don’t we test that? C’mon, baby, just give it all to me. Let me feel that hot piss on me, baby.”
Pissing during sex hasn’t ever occurred to you before in your life, you’d think it’d turn you off but you’re harder than you’ve ever been your whole life. Despite your dick clearly wanting this to happen, your brain is still in denial over such a taboo. Eunbi’s basically begging for you to pee on her and yet you somehow won’t.
Eunbi presses down on your bladder but not too much, she wants you to pee but she doesn’t want to force it out of you. Perhaps there’s a middle ground. “Come on, baby. Don’t you want to see me covered in your piss? Soak my hair, coat my perfect tits and face. I just know you want to do it, maybe you just need some convincing?”
Then what is possible the hottest thing you never knew you needed happens – Eunbi starts pissing all over the floor. She moans as she empties her bladder, you feel a pool forming beneath you as the hot liquid surrounds your feet.. “You hear that, baby? I wanna hear that from you too. Come on, give it to me. I know you want to.” The sound echoes around the tiny area and it’s just the trick to send you over the edge.
As soon as the first trail of yellow comes out of your tip, Eunbi aims your dick at herself, treating it like a hose and showering herself in every place. First, she coats her tits in light sheen, just the sight you needed to see ever since that close-up view you had of her chest; Second, she aims it at her face, letting pee get into her hair and having it drip down her chin and neck; Lastly, Eunbi opens her mouth and takes your cock inside while it’s still gushing.
Eunbi bobbing her head up and down, sucking on your dick while gulping every single drop as fast as you give it to her. You feel like you’re in heaven. Just moments ago you were hesitant, not even entertaining the thought of pissing while having sex but here you are relishing at the sight of Eunbi drinking the contents of your bladder while also deepthroating you. Who knew that the modest Eunbi would ever be this skillful at something like this?
Your bladder finally empties the remaining urine into Eunbi’s mouth and not once did a single drop escape her lips. erent liquid is begging for its release.
Eunbi stops sucking and replaces her mouth with her hands after no longer receiving any piss. “Give it to me, baby. You wanna coat these tits, don’t you? You wanna cum on me and smear it all over my perfect face?” This time you don’t hold back, you let your cum fly as if it was just like piss. Your vision goes white and so does Eunbi, ropes shoot out and cover just about everything it could reach – Eunbi’s hair, her face, her chin, her neck, her tits. You slowly descend from heaven and the sight before you makes it seem like you haven’t. Eunbi uses the tip of your cock like a brush and spreads the cum all over her skin. She’s mixing a combo of piss, sweat, water, spit, and cum all over herself and the concoction coating her tits makes you hard and ready to cum again.
Eunbi stands up and her own piss is dripping from her skirt. “Ready for round 2, baby?”
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yasmeensh · 8 months
Zelda 2 comic sneak peek
I took out my old full-length Zelda 2 comic draft and chose a segment to make a short comic out of. It's missing context from the whole grand narrative of the entire story, but I think it gets the point across.
There were a couple potentials, and I ended up choosing the scene where Link discovers that his blood is the key to awakening Ganon. It's the most well-known plot point of the game in the LOZ fandom in general, besides the Prince of Hyrule plot. Throughout the comic, Link gets attacked by various monsters during his quest. He thought Hyrule was incredibly dangerous for merchants and travelers, but found out that it was only him encountering monsters at a high rate, thus targeted (that is not discussed in this short comic). This disturbs him a lot. And this is the scene when he discovers why he's a target. It's more than the monsters seeking revenge.
At some point in the game, the player is made to travel towards south-western Hyrule and use the Hammer on dueling peaks to enter and get a magic potion. You specifically enter the peak that is originally Level 9 in Zelda 1. I found that to be very... interesting. And suspicious. Why did the developers think "Okay lets have Link go back to the traumatizing final boss place from the first game to retrieve an item :D" It's kinda epic honestly and it gave me the idea: For the full comic, I made it that Link follows rumors and travels down there in the hopes of finding the magic book containing the revive spell, which is game-changing for the rest of his journey. Being the adventurer that he is, Link takes the risk and goes there thinking the place is long-abandoned and that Ganon probably no longer exists. Except, that isn't the case. (Okay I must add, after the revelation, Link loses his adventurous spirit and gets very serious with his quest. No longer enjoys exploring, which is all this Link is about. He starts developing Big Fears. This eventually spawns Dark Link. I wish I could make the entire comic but I know I can't T-T I should probably finish up and polish the draft and post it online for whoever is interested in a deep dive, lore-intense Zelda 2 story reimagining.)
It's the first time I do a 10 page comic, so I'm going through a learning curve right now xD It's going to be experimental, but I hope you enjoy it still. Here are some WIP shots. Still a while before it's completed.
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lxvebun · 2 years
overflowing love
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synopsis: just the boys doting on you
content: soft!Hanma/Rindou/Ran x gender neutral reader. fluff. kissing. consensual waking up by kisses. neck kisses. some canon violence but not towards reader. slightly possessive boys. Use of nicknames pretty baby/angel and sweetheart. let me know if I missed anything.
dark blogs, k!nk blogs and ed blogs do not interact. I will knock your teeth in. Its not hard to respect someones boundaries when it comes to this
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୨୧Hanma Shuji
Everyone can see it, the way Shuji softens around you. It's honestly quite funny to see him switch up so quickly once you enter his vicinity. From sitting around with a bored look in his eyes and stern voice throwing around orders (or brutal insults) to physically lighting up, a small smile adorning his face as he makes a grabby hand at you, silently asking you to come into his arms.
"Just need my pretty baby to keep me company, you'll do that for me wont you?" he asks as he pulls you comfortably into his lap, and how could you deny him when his pretty golden eyes are filled with so much love and adoration, while his fingers are tracing heart shapes onto your waist and his lips are pressing soft kisses to your cheek and neck?
It doesn't matter what he was doing before you came in, or who is in the room with him, when Hanma sees you everything else leaves his mind and he's entirely focused on you and your needs. Do you need him? Did you just want to see him? Are you hungry? He can take you out for some food. Do you want to leave? He'll stop the meeting right now!
Some subordinates aren't the biggest fan of Hanma's tendencies when it comes to you, but after what happened the first time someone called him out for it, even going as far to directly insult you about it, no one dares to say anything anymore, or look at you for that measure.
If anyone has a problem with him and his pretty angel and dares to open their mouths about it, that's brave, meet him behind the building and he'll show them exactly why people call him God of Death.
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୨୧Haitani Rindou
Rindou has a staring problem. More specifically a problem with staring at you.  Often you catch him looking at you, chin resting on the palm of his hands, blush on his cheeks and little hearts floating around in his eyes, as if he's admiring and studying a painting.
It's not even something he does on purpose. Of course he enjoys looking at his sweetheart, don't get me wrong, But more often than not it's something he does entirely subconscious.
When some of the other executives are over at his place, be it for a meeting or to hangout, his brain randomly decides that he's done with whatever conversation he was having and instead opts to admire you. Just you being you is far more interesting than whatever Sanzu's brabbeling on about.
He enjoys looking at you what more can I say, and can you blame him? Every time he looks at you, warmth spreads throughout his entire body and he falls in love all over again. Every scar and every mole is absolutely gorgeous to him. The way your eyes reflect the moonlight, the way the sun kisses your skin, god it awakens butterflies in him. If you told him you were an angel send down from heaven to watch over him, he would believe it.
No one holds his heart the way you do. Please, treat it gently.
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୨୧haitani Ran
It's quite impressive how in tune Ran is with your well being. He picks up on the slightest shifts in your moods, the tone of your voice and expressions. If you're feeling even a tiny bit down, rest assured, Ran knows. He has now made it his life's mission to make you show that pretty smile to him again.
You're the love of his life. He wants nothing more than for you to be happy and taken care of and he's taken it upon himself to do just that. As much as Ran likes being taken care of, enjoying trips to the salon for his hair, getting massages after fights, he adores taking care of you. It's soothing for him as well. He brings hellfire down on people every day. There isn't a day that passes by where he doesn't spit out vile threats or use his trusty baton. So knowing you're safe, relaxed and happy because of him makes him feel a bit more humane
Disrupting his beauty sleep so he can prepare breakfast for you and press kisses to your pretty face as to wake you up instead of that god awful alarm? Tiny sacrifices really, but it's completely worth it seeing that sleepy smile of yours as you pat the spot next to you, silently asking him to come back to bed. And who is he to deny you? if anything it gives him the opportunity to hold you in his arms and feed you bites of breakfast( it makes his heart flutter really
Putting cups on the highest shelf in the cupboard so he has a reason to pick you up? Very amusing to him<3(menace)
Whatever problem you're having, Ran will do his best to solve it, no matter how big or small it is. Be it wrapping you in blankets and holding you in his arms as you cry on his shoulder. Or pay a visit to a creep that doesn't quite understand the gates of hell he opened when they made you uncomfortable.
He was put on this earth to love you, he's certain about that and he will go above and beyond to make sure he's doing a good job at it.
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thank you for reading bunnies!<3
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