#we need og thor posts
abby118 · 9 months
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CBS Ghost Pilot -Sophie & Trevor
Here's the first of my Metas for CBS Ghosts. I've made some updates to it. OG Post on Jmaganbo92.
In the first scene, most of the ghosts have taken light of Sophie’s death.  They’ve been dead for ages and are happy that she’s at least comfortable (although many of them express sadness - anger in Thor’s case - that she got ‘sucked off’ when they haven’t).  But you know who doesn’t react that way?  Trevor.
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He looks and behaves quite solemnly.  Why?  Because he’s the Baby Ghost - not only is this probably the FIRST time that he’s seen anyone die.  
There’s also a good chance that he's met Sophie in life - David Woodstone (one of his bros) is her son and given that he mentions ‘hitting the country estate’ and the group familiar with ‘Woodstone’s secret Drug Drawer’, there’s a good chance they go there for special parties and a good chance Trevor met her.  
Imagine what he’s feeling right now.  This woman, who’s been dying all alone, the woman who was his friend’s mother, is dying and it’s the first person since his OWN death to die.  We see a glimpse of his not quite used to be a ghost as everyone else is later on, but I wanted to bring attention to this first moment.  
Trevor’s sitting beside her, note he’s the only one sitting.  He speaks quietly, respectfully and he looks quite saddened.  The only other ghosts that show similar behavior are Hetty (because it’s her relative), but she’s easily distracted.  And Sass, who shushes everyone when it’s about to happen.  
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It's interesting that the other ghosts focus on their own deaths, although making it about them, rather than Sophie.
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I wonder if other deaths in the house of Hetty's relatives had Alberta wanting to sing for them, and that's why Hetty seems a bit sour at the idea that Alberta's singing is making it about her.
I do love the groups' faces and that Hetty gets to introduce herself first.
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Flower's intro is hilarious when you consider the faces of Isaac and Sass behind her. Plus, making a joke about her death like the others dislike, but she's a younger ghost, so it makes sense.
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LMAO - Thor! He's like "Name - Cod". The looks on their faces are just like Seriously, man?
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Isaac's like "Gotta get this back on track".
Isaac doesn't introduce himself, interesting. But he does begin his "we are ghosts" speech, which I'm pretty sure he invented because he was disappointed with Thor and Sass' intros to him.
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It's interesting that they all have different reactions. Isaac's disappointed, Pete's happy for her, Hetty's looks happy and sad, Thor's upset because he wants to be sucked off, Crash is like "what a drag", Alberta questions what's going to happen to their home, which prompts Hetty's worries... I like how Irishmen are on par with Murderers and Perverts. LMAO Hetty!
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They abandoned her body pretty quick. Just like "Meh". Also, interesting, how long were they standing there?
Pete's already talking about the possibilities for the next owner, but back to Trevor.
He’s the last to leave interestingly enough.  I don’t know - I just wonder what he was thinking.  How he was feeling.  Feels different for him & perhaps Hetty.  
Perhaps this should’ve been my first point regarding my HMoney scenes - the connection with Sophie’s death COULD be why she’s holding onto him later on.
I also wonder if the reason we see him telling a party story in the next scene is because Pete's like 'we need to cheer him up, so it's his turn'. Trevor's very much a 'avoid sad things' person, so I could see this being his idea to try and get passed the sadness.
ANYWAY, feel free to chat. I'm reposting rather than reblogging because it wasn't showing up in the tag and I feel like there's no use if things don't work as intended.
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delyth88 · 1 year
I’ve been reflecting on the Loki series as the second season approaches.  I had wildly conflicting feelings about season 1 – on one hand I hated the direction they took the character, but at the same time there were some really good moments and interesting world building (I found myself oddly riveted by the final episode). But since it aired, I’ve not really engaged with it again.  I had intended to rewatch the season once I’d had some time to get over my disappointment, but in the end I just never did.  And here we are a couple of days out from season 2.
I’ve decided not to watch season 1 in advance – I want to give season 2 as much chance to impress me as I can without clouding it with my previous reactions.  I’m kinda hoping that I won’t have such strong feelings about it since my expectations and hopes are much lower.
My two main reasons for not enjoying the series as much as I’d hoped are that I didn’t like the change in the characterisation of Loki and the romance subplot.
Loki’s characterisation was just so different from what we’d seen in the films, particularly the earlier films that are my favourites. His incompetence was just such a huge change from previously, and the tone of the humour moving from witty to slapstick, it really didn’t resemble the things about the character that I felt were integral to him.
And I don’t look favourably on romance subplots plots on a good day, and this one in particular made me want to run screaming.  For me that type of relationship between characters needs more time to develop before it feels realistic, and this just seemed totally unnecessary. 
But I understand many people feel different and loved both of these aspect – which is great. You do you.
I half thought season 2 would hold no interest for me, but turns out I was wrong. Lol  I haven’t gone out of my way to avoid seeing the promo material, but neither have I gone looking for it prior to today, but I’ve seen enough of it to pique my interest. So I’ll be tuning in and making the best of it (although sadly due to the time change it won’t be until the weekend generally before I get to watch it).
My hopes for the series are that Loki gets to be the more pivotal character this time, that he gets to use more of his magic, wit, and intelligence (less bumbling idiot please), and that he gets recognised as the hero.
And frivolously, I really would like the season to end with him getting a new Asgardian/OG Loki style outfit!
Oh, and if he could be reconciled with a lonely Thor variant then even better! 😉
So if you’re also in that weird ambivalent space about this show, hit me up!  It’s hard to know who’s on the train this time round.
If you don’t want to see anything about the loki series, I try to tag things appropriately using ‘loki series’ ‘loki s2’ ‘loki series negativity’.  I’m likely to be posting wildly conflicting opinions again, so do with that what you will.
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lapseinart · 7 months
My Lance Murdock AU where Matt Murdock aka Daredevil is Lance’s cousin (og post)
When it got out that Lance was from New York (thank you Mr. Sharps and his icebreakers), he got all the usual questions: “Were you there for the Battle of New York?” and “Have you ever met the Avengers?” To which the answers were, yes, but not very close to the action, and no, but he did see Thor and Captain America fighting together at a distance, which was pretty cool.
“I did meet Daredevil, though,” he said, proudly, to which everyone just stared at him blankly and asked, “Who?”
“The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen?” he asked, a little offended on his hometown hero’s behalf. People shrugged because the superheroes who fought aliens were interesting to people in a space program, but vigilantes that stopped street level crime weren’t even on their radar.
“They’re not even a little curious,” Lance complained to Matt. “Just asked me if I thought Daredevil was an alien.”
“What did you say?” Matt asked between snorts of laughter.
“Well, maybe, and then they just grunted and walked away!” Lance said, disgruntled.
“Lance, you can’t expect everyone to care about some random New York vigilante,” Matt said, though his voice was fond.
“They should,” Lance grumbled. “The work y— he does is important. Maybe if more people gave a shit about-“
“Language,” Matt said sternly.
“-about the stuff Daredevil is working against,” Lance ignored him, “we wouldn’t need guys like y— him and Luke and Jess.”
“Maybe.” Matt’s voice was soft, his mind someplace else. Then, more lightly, he said, “You know when you say things like that, it really is surprising that you went into STEM instead of politics—“
“Oye, ya pues,” Lance whined, and Matt laughed again.
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writebackatya · 2 years
What are your headcanons for postcanon Drake or that bear from talespin I forgot his name sorry
I've got a few ideas for good ol' Drake/Darkwing Duck some of it was said in my Launchpad headcanons response post such as the fact that I headcanon that he and LP eventually get married because come on, why not?!
As for some more post-canon stuff, I like to think that eventually Drake would move out of Darkwing Tower so that Gosalyn would have a proper home. Probably some time after the wedding the Mallard family would move out of Audobon Bay Bridge and into the suburbs where their next door neighbors will be the Muddlefoots (JUST LIKE THE OG DARKWING SHOW!!). As for Darkwing Tower, it would still be used by Darkwing and co.
And since we are talking about Drake here, I might as well share some post-canon stuff about Darkwing Duck. More specifically the Justice Ducks cause frankly, I'd like to add two characters from DuckTales 2017 to that team
Let's get some obvious answers out of the way: Gizmoduck is on that team (much to Drake's chagrin), Neptunia (because she's a great Darkwing Duck character that I'd love to see come back) and Morgana (same reason as Neptunia). What about Stegmutt you ask? I have no idea who you are talking about. No sir, definitely no idea. I definitely don't hate that character and find him annoying so I'm not including him in my headcanon
As for those DuckTales 2017 characters I want on that team, I always felt that Penumbra and Storkules would make fine additions to that team. Both are mighty warriors that have spent the majority of their lives fighting for others and are now trying to find their place in the world; so why not join a superhero team? It's not too crazy: the Justice League has Wonder Woman, the Avengers have Thor; gods and amazons make excellent team members
I like to think the Justice Ducks has some honorary members such as Launchpad and Quiverwing Quack (Gosalyn, in case you didn't know). I like to think that post-canon, Dewey visits St. Canard and participates in Darkwing-related adventures more often than the rest of the McDuck family so he too would be an honorary team member. Gandra Dee, I see as someone who would occasionally help out it all depends on some factors such as: her schedule, if she's gonna get paid for her work, and if Fenton/Gizmoduck gives her puppydog eyes to help them out.
Also Fenton would be an honorary member. Why? Because he'd definitely help out the team as both Fenton and Gizmoduck. And yeah, Drake still doesn't know they are the same person. I'd like to keep that running gag going. Everyone else on the team knows, but they don't tell Drake because like come on, that's the one person who doesn't know that Fenton is Gizmoduck and Fenton just needs that one win
...Oh right! This ask prompt was also about Kit Cloudkicker!...Who I know nothing about since I never watched TaleSpin and have no desire to start watching it as of right now. I guess he joins Molly Cunningham as a fulltime sky surfer on her Danger Woman's Death-Defying Sky Circus...that's all I got.
It's not too often I talk about Kit Cloudkicker so I'm just gonna write this here, but doesn't he both look and sound like a character Chris Pratt would be typcasted as?! Nothing against the guy, I thought he was fun, but the first time I watched The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker! I just thought that.
Also, did anyone else find it kind of funny when we first saw that F.O.WL. kidnapped Kit? Again, nothing against the guy but compared to everyone else they captured, is Kit really that much of a threat? Gods, various scientists, superheroes, Santa Claus; all forces that could easily stop the evils of Capitalism sure. Some dude who surfs the clouds really good? Yeah make sure he's locked up so he will no longer be a threat to F.O.W.L and all that it stands for
Like can you imagine just during the meeting when they were planning this capture, Bradford is playing footage of Kit surfing the clouds and glaring at the monitors and then dramatically pausing the footage. And then go on an entire rant about how much of a threat Kit is to F.O.W.L and how he and Molly must be stopped
Don Karnage would be 100% on-board of course and would be like, "Well he's not Dewey but he'll do for now"
...What was the question again?
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
JackRabbit OG 2 | Everything you need to know...
This is pretty nice it's getting there the guys almost got it it's very light and that's the goal he said you should make it foldable it'll fit anywhere and people don't like the folding ones but if it's foldable and it's light and it's small already and you can make two different styles it'll be better with lightweight high performance shocks and the better battery and the seat post has to go up higher in the steering front wheel can be extended up higher and then it's adjustable and you should make it be able to go higher it's like one of those cheesy small bikes but it has performance and it can work very well and nicely so you said you want to extend it up a little more change the battery to a better battery trying to get a 500 watt motor for real and foldable and said what else I said if it's too heavy you can use alloy but really light steel or something should work and he's going okay so he's actually working on it it's going to be a big success already people are very interested and they like it but you need the front shocks rear would be great but it's tough for them to do and new drive would be better but nobody does that anymore and it doesn't wear out the bearings but you can and the axle is not hollow and he said oh but a bigger motor is more sturdy it's working on it and he figured out something it's better because the tires are larger those ones are the small tires suck and he's working on it and he's going to try and make it better but this is our son and daughter their idea and he's doing a good job the frame is aluminum alloy it's very strong it's very sturdy and people like it and they should it's pretty cool it's not that good for the trail but it's good just riding around and it works real well if it's foldable that he's going to sell trillions of them if you wants to it's because it's smaller yet it still works and you can't lengthen it no and can't make the frame bigger but it works and it's sturdy and it handles so he's kind of winning product and this year he might actually be better than BG in sales if you change just a couple things and people like it because it's very light so he's going to try and keep it light if you make it foldable the hardware weighs a little bit but it still if you add those items it's up to 40 which is still pretty light by comparison even though little dinky ones way like 60 lb but he says I thought I'd rather keep it small since there's smaller motors that are powerful and they're better batteries that are a little heavier but not much pound for pound there much better he's trying a better battery and it works this is the problem is he going to end up carrying two batteries so instead of carrying two batteries you carry one and it's lighter than the two and you got the message he said the front fork they always overdo it is is a lightweight one and BMX riders have it and he looked at that so he's got it together and he said he can lighten up other stuff so the better battery and the motor is 500 peak Watts so that is a better motor so you only have to change the battery which means he doesn't really have to change the design much so I looked at the front fork and the battery and extending the seats and the handlebars and he said wow that's great enlightening it then we think he's going to have it coming out in the next month or so other than that we have other things to announce
Thor Freya
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Looking at Thor 2 Loki Funko Pops and realizing that Funko Loki has a dagger but no eyebrows 🤣 Remember when Funko sometimes just didn’t put eyebrows on some figures?
Loki really is obsessed with daggers and I love it. 🗡🗡🗡
My next thought was “Love is not eyebrows” and then I laughed at my own joke and I don’t regret it at all.
Sad that if I want a Funko of Loki in his normal/good outfit I have to go all the way back to Thor 2. The old Funkos look so bad compared to the newer ones. And specifically there’s the aforementioned no-eyebrow thing.
@ Marvel why no new Avengers-era Loki Funko for the Loki show. :(
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it’s so weird watching edits of the doctor and river because they’re all from like 2013 but then im in 2019 and still crying over them like huh
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Just saw Thor Love and Thunder and I need to talk about it so read ahead at your own risk.
First of all, i love the fucking goats they are the star of the show.
Okay now onto the movie. I loved it. One of the funniest and most heart wretching films I had ever seen. The casting is always incredible with Taika films and they did another amazing job. I am so happy to see Natalie Portman return.
I will say that her Jane Foster with cancer was not a surprise seeing as though that is what happened in the comics. However I was surprised to see her death at the end of the film. I truly thought that it was going to follow the comics and have Jane become the new Thor and the og Thor would either die or step down. Her death did make me cry but it was nice to get a proper closure for Thor and Janes relationship and even finding out how they broke up in the first place.
Thor in the film was hilarious and I loved to see his growth as a character. To see his struggle with depression and PTSD and even take advice from Peter Quill who is someone we have learned he does not have the best relationship with. Him learning about the corrupt power system in what im guessing was Mount Olympus because i do not remember what it is actually called was incredible. Him learning that he was on his own and would ultimately have to face this fight alone was somewhat sad but seeing him literally rip one through Zeus was amazing.
Valkyrie my true king, I love you. She is the best character in this series and seeing her go one on one with Gor??? Incredible. I literally was about to cry because i thought she was dead but im glad she lived. Also when she kissed Zeus' maid on the hand i was dying because I wanted that to be me.
Korg had mw sobbing. This dude literally almost died and then ended up making a baby with a man named DWAYNE? Adorable. 10/10.
Also fucking Axel??? HEIMDALS SON??? YES PLEASE HE WAS ADORABLE!! Iloved his interactions with Thor and I see him playing a huge part in the future movies.
Christian fucking bale this man scared the fuck out of me. He is the creepiest MCU villain thus far. He does an amazing job portraying the same character with split personalities after being corrupted. His character was complex and really dug into religion as well for it being a marvel film. With it being a controversial topic right now I think that many will not take to it lightly. However his performance was incredible. Another masterpiece for him and another DC actor converted to marvel.
But seriously the ending threw me through a loop. With the way things were going in Eternity, I truly thought that Jane and Thor were going to raise his daughter together. But seeing Jane die in Thors arms like that? I was sobbing in the theatre.
The first post credit scene somewhat confirmed for me that thor was going to die soon. With Zeus still living and calling upon Hercules its kinda a given. Will Herc kill Thor? Most likely. Will Herc live? I doubt it. I think that they will end up either killing each other or Thors new niece will end his life.
The second post credit scene. This had the whole theatre gasping. Imagine it. Everyone is talking, sotting around, waiting to see if the lights turn on or if there's a second post credit scene. Then, the gold sparks appear on screen. Within a matter of two seconds, everyone was back in their seats and the theater was silent. We see Jane appear at the Gates of Val Halla. And who is there to greet her? Heimdal. Literally everyone gasped when seeing him. And sadly, after Jane had lost her battle with cancer, she was allowed into the great hall of gods, who have all lost their lives in their own battles.
Overall this was my favorite thor movie. I love Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth on screen together. They have great chemistry and work so well together. Im happy she was able to get a proper farewell for the franchise and got the proper treatment she deserved for her work. I cant wait to see what comes next when Thor returns.
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MCU Hot Take/AU Theory - long post, be warned!
Just because Endgame is being picked on again, I thought I’d share my perspective because why not. Gifs aren’t mine, credit goes to the talented creators on this app.
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Neither Natasha nor Clint should have died on Vormir…because neither of them should have been on Vormir.
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I never really understood the reason for splitting up the teams the way they did in Endgame, and here’s why.
Aside from what has already been acknowledged on Vormir, the right people were all on the wrong missions. If you think about it, by sending Nebula to Morag, they had to address Thanos all over again, by sending Thor to Asgard, he was forced to address all of the trauma and grief he was suffering in the worst possible circumstances, Tony messed up and let Loki get away, and then Steve got recognized on the base dedicated to him (shocker!).
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It’s at this point that I bring up a line from the first Avengers movie. “This is monsters and magic and nothing we were ever trained for.” Natasha says this to Clint, and I really wish the writers had thought about that more going forward. Clint and Natasha were trained spies, and we almost never saw them act like it because the films were too busy making them keep up with the rest of the team superheroes. Why not just use their OG skill sets rather than give them new ones to provide additional character development? (Looking at you lullaby Nat 👀)
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So here’s how I would’ve done it. Thor should’ve gone to New York with Scott, Tony, and Rhodey. Thor, who has had the most experience with Doctor Strange, whom they were expecting to find, would have done just as good a job at convincing the Sorcerer Supreme of handing over the Time Stone. Rhodey would not have looked out of place in that lobby so he wouldn’t have had to rush away in fear of being caught and then not been knocked over by an angry Hulk. Scott goes with him, and Tony gets the scepter, and flies away without being caught by Captain America.
Rocket and Clint should have gone to Morag. The two of them are very good at sneaking around and taking out people clandestinely, so they should’ve been getting the Power Stone. Also the dynamic between Clint and Rocket would have been absolute comedy.
Natasha and Nebula could’ve paired up for Asgard. Thanos could have noticed two Nebulas at once again, still leaving the big fight at the end, and as two women, they would’ve probably gotten along well enough to make the movie actually pass the Bechdel test.
Now back to Vormir. Steve and Bruce. Putting the Red Skull on Vormir is a choice I could respect, but then making it so Steve would never interact with him on screen was a mistake. The fact that a Nazi gets to live and Natasha didn’t will never sit right with me. So Natasha is never there. Steve interacts with the Red Skull, who then gets to taunt him with the emotional trauma of needing to sacrifice a life to save those he cares about, only for Bruce to call bullshit and sacrifice himself instead, and gaining something he’s hinted at wanting since the first Avengers movie.
But wait. Maybe he doesn’t have to die. The Hulk made Bruce somewhat immortal in canon, and in the sake of someone needing to die, they could’ve become one person and thus given Professor Hulk a far better origin. Steve also doesn’t go back in time and get a nostalgia kick that ruins his character development and most importantly, Natasha doesn’t have to die at the expense of a character who’s sole existence in the MCU has historically been propped up and motivated by his fellow female characters.
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(I might actually write this as a fic if I ever get round to it, and these are just my thoughts, I’m sure many of you disagree, but I don’t give a shit)
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abby118 · 8 months
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starvels · 2 years
Circling back to this post that popped into my head after a spell, how would you sort the Avengers as plant-sonas?
ooh old pluck, nonny. there's so many plants to choose from, it's hard lol. but, here we go, here are some:
bruce: welwitschia. highly unusual morphology. small, isolated population. colloquially, "two leaves, can't die." distinct, different gendered plants. a fan of flies.
carol: tillandsia ionantha (air plant). full sun, no soil required, babyy. pressure tolerant and durable. stunning colors and variable lifespan. one step off normal, very much her own gal.
jan: roridula evergreen shrubs. borderline carnivorous in a mutualistic sense. big on community. has a superior ovary lol.
rhodey: sitka spruce. grows rapidly under favorable conditions; adaptable. wide root system. crafts aircrafts, instruments and sailboats in spare time. coniferous buddy.
natasha: blackthorn. many varied, practical self applications including alcohol distilling. highly transplantable. contains cyanide. astringent when fresh or frustrated.
sam: mountain ash. the tallest flowering (crowning) plantsona. gobbles up carbon. hollows out homes for smaller folks in his bones. people like to argue over his supposed or potential girth.
steve: ginkgo. so out of time that his og pollinators have all died out. alone in its genus and order. can survive a nuclear blast. iconic shape, often on postcards.
thor: honey fungus. old as balls and extremely vast. an incomprehensible lifeform and way of living. can be destructive or tasty depending on mood and handling instructions. bioluminescent (fun at parties).
tony: giant sequoia. larger than life, heavy metaphorical and literal longevity. easily recognizable. oft controversially cut down at its most prominent. needs wildfire to regrow from its own ashes. coniferous buddy.
that's all i'm gonna do bc i need to do other things but everyone feel free to suggest their own!
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hrodvitnon · 2 years
I said it before and I'll say it again about the MCU; Franchise Fatigue is a fuckin real thing and it's a BITCH!
Hell, after Spidey No Way We Ain't Meme Fuel and Pattinson as The Bat, my appetite for Capeshit is harder to find than a yeti in a Central Park Blizzard.
But what really drives the burnout? It's all these Marvel heroes being elevated to "World Saving" status when they shouldn't.
To paraphrase Doctor Serizawa, nature has an order.
Fuck's sake, I talked a bit abt this on Twitch streaming Spider-Man; Spidey is NOT a "World Saver" hero. He's all of NYC including Hell's Kitchen (Daredevil crossover) and Harlem (Luke Cage, Iron Fist).
If ya got trouble in Harlem, Luke Cage got your back.
Hell's Kitchen? Daredevil.
NYC? Spidey.
National or Global trouble? X-Men or Avengers.
Cosmic? Thor, Guardians of The Galaxy, and The Fantastic 4 or Doc Strange.
Ya see where I'm goin' w/ this?!
Y'all remember how Petey had to fight Vulture wearing nothing but his old homemade costume in Spider-Man: Homecoming? How it felt like he was in very real danger of getting killed without some Stark AI chirping in his ear like our collective memories of Navi in Ocarina of Time? It was a regular dude in robot wings and a literal child with spider powers, and it was exciting!
But for me, the thing that ultimately turned me off from MCU's take on Peter Parker is that he's... boring. Others have made more eloquent arguments about this and one post in particular showed my exact issue with MCU Peter: OG comic Peter Parker from the 60's, the most Melvin-looking dude, has more edge to him than MCU Peter. He has a short temper and would lose his composure both in the suit and out; this dude was ready to throw down with Flash for breaking his glasses in the middle of a field trip!
I remember reading a big hardcover Ultimate Spider-Man book back in high school where Flash wants to talk to Peter, but Peter is angry and won't let him get a word in edgewise. Someone throws a can or something at Spider-Man and he goes "HEY!" and doesn't mince words telling them what's what (and then he insults her hat). There was another bit in the same book where Peter got into an argument with his own teacher, and when told to either just sit down and drop the subject or leave class, Peter up and leaves school to vent about it with Aunt May. I may be misremembering but it definitely involved Kingpin killing a dude on live TV or something ("It's like, you say his name and everyone goes 'shut up!'") and I really liked how Peter would sometimes stutter when talking because it felt real to me. I was in high school and maybe the same age as this Peter, reading this exchange and thinking "YO, PETEY'S GOT BALLS!"
Compared to that, MCU Spider-Man just feels lacking. Like he's too much of an "uwu pwecious bean" and it took, what, however many movies for him to even look like he wants to beat someone to a pulp? PS4 Spider-Man got that feeling right! LET SPIDER-MAN BE A FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN, AND LET HIM GET ANGRY!
Also, MCU, it's fucking Spider-Sense. "Peter Tingle" just makes it sound like he needs to pee.
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bushs-world · 3 years
How is everyone? I hope everybody's safe from the virus. Here's my analysis for episode 5
Ep 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Ep 5: Self Loathing and Hatred
Episode 5 was so full of Lokis that even our Loki needed a break from the constant Loki. Also owing to the huge amount of Loki in this episode of Loki, I will be referring our Loki as Loki, other Lokis have their own unique Loki name afterall ( looks like I am high 🙄 ). I will also make separate posts about Classic Loki's development.
Anyways, keeping the gibberish aside, Loki had already passed the hero threshold in the previous episode. So, in this episode, he isn't actually displaying any flaw himself. Instead each of his variants act like a mirror to allow him to see his behaviour from an outside perspective.
Loki's deepest insecurity
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Loki's deepest insecurity is his self loathing. The voice at the back of his head constantly telling him he is not good enough. If we strip down every one of Loki's bad deeds in the MCU, they all be traced back to his self loathing. He wants the throne to win his father's approval to stop his loathing, he wants to be seen as Thor's equal to stop his self loathing. After Odin's 'no', he tries to take over Earth to prove himself in order to feel worthy and not like a loser.
All this because Loki considers himself to be unworthy and lacking. He doesn't value and even hates his own individual traits and gifts. This insecurity is further amplified once he learns of his heritage. In Thor, he calls himself the monster people tell their children about at night. His entire monologue with Nat in Avengers can be interpreted as him projecting his self loathing on Nat. In TDW, he says 'See you in Hel, Monster'. All this shows, Loki didn't have a high opinion of himself. And in this episode, one of his variant showcases his self loathing on a surface level
Loki vs Classic Loki
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Loki and Classic Loki are parallels of each other. Both are variants of the OG timeline Loki from two pivotal moments of his life. And both showcase two very different perceptions about being a Loki.
While Loki is on a journey of healing and self love, and has started coming to terms with himself, Classic Loki completely gave in to his self loathing and has been dismissive about both himself and Loki variants in general all throughout the episode.
He stayed in isolation for a long time because he believed he is only a bearer of pain and death. He mocks the Loki like behaviour of being too sensitive. He thinks every single Loki is an animal who is broken and can never change.
And his purpose in this episode is to act as the personification of Loki's self loathing. Whenever Loki attempts something, Classic Loki is the first to chide or discourage him. When Loki suggests planning to escape the void, he counters by reminding him about all the other variants who came with stupid plans just like him that don't go anywhere. He tells Loki that they only have one job to be the god of outcasts. He laughs along with others at Loki's plan to kill Alioth.
Yet Loki doesn't let anything stop him. He refuses to accept Classic Loki's idea of being a Loki and gets up to leave the alleyway. Instead, he uses Sylvie as an example to show they can be different. He even convinces both Classic Loki and Kid Loki to help him kill Alioth and take down the TVA. In the end, Classic Loki sacrifices himself to help Loki and Sylvie enchant Alioth. In a poetic way, the one Loki who felt Lokis can never grow and change, gives his life to help his other variant become a better version of himself.
And that's the analysis for Episode 5. Adios!
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korra-the-red-lion · 2 years
An Observation from an MCU fan.
Hey everyone, Korra here. I just got back from Thor Love and Thunder the other day, as well as finishing Ms. Marvel and I’ve been having these thoughts for a while now but I’m going to try to put them in words. It’s perhaps a little bit of a criticism of some of the recent MCU ventures, a little of my own personal feelings, and just some thoughts in general I suppose.
The biggest one that I’ll talk the most about is too much content in too little time. I think we all know what I’m talking about, if you’ve been a part of the MCU fandom for as long as I have been, or even if you’re a causal fan. But in the past couple of years, there has been more Phase 4 content than nearly all the other Phases put together. And I’m being real here, I think some has been fantastic while others haven’t been. Mostly the shows I think have suffered from this.
The shows are all extra long movies with a whole lotta stuffing, except for maybe WandaVision. The Falcon and Winter Soldier was just a long Captain America movie with way too much going on, yet nothing happening all at the same time. Loki wasn’t bad but it spent too much time on Loki’s “redemption”, even though we had a very satisfying one through the movies that paid off gloriously. At least the show is getting a second season. Hawkeye was a fun venture, and I think Kate’s story was well done even if I found the ending to be a bit lackluster. I didn’t love Moon Knight, but that’s mostly because I felt like the show dragged on for too long whereas it would have worked as a movie to get through some of the meandering the show did. Ms. Marvel was a very character driven show that had a pretty weak plot in my opinion. WandaVision had the most satisfying character moments and plot moments, and if you skip/ignore the post credits scene, it tells a beautiful story about accepting grief and loss as part of life. I think the largest issue for the shows stems from the lack of proper vision and focus. Kevin Feige is busy watching over ALL these projects and I personally feel like you can see it now. Most of the shows needed someone to step in and say “No that can be removed, and maybe do this instead.” I’m all for creative decision making, don’t get me wrong. But if you’re using these shows to build stories into more movies and stuff, then they need to be engaging and connect to the larger picture somehow. 
Now the movies are still fun, entertaining popcorn flicks, as they should be. But I’ve found myself wondering, “Did we need an Eternals movie? Was Thor Love and Thunder and now a potential Thor 5 needed?” I thought after Endgame we’d see a switch to focus on what I thought would be the new generation of newly introduced Heroes (Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange) since Steve, Tony and I thought Thor’s stories were finished. But every new project is introducing us to a new hero, someone else to keep an eye on. I’m excited for the idea of the Fantastic 4, loving the comics and the cartoon since I was a kid, but on top of everyone else it’s a lot. The Eternals introduced us to at least 5 people we need to keep an eye on. There are so many new characters that I feel like I’m losing track. Also, it does suck to me that our OGs (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, etc) got to have franchises that they didn’t share the spotlight with, but Captain Marvel and seemingly some others don’t get that same curtousy. Am I excited about Kamala and Monica showing up in the Marvels? Absolutely. Am I little bummed out that we know very little of Carol’s life since she left Earth and now have to watch her share her storytime with two other people, one who just had a nearly 5hr movie to tell her story? Yup, I am. I’d be more down if this was the third film. And I love Yelena, don’t get me wrong, she’s one of the best new characters introduced, but I would have loved if the Black Widow movie was actually about Natasha. I mean, me and every other person who wanted a BW movie only asked for a Natasha solo film for 10+ years, so it would have been nice to see her get a trilogy like the boys.
At this point, it feels like the MCU cares more about bringing in the newest hero instead of focusing on the ones we already have. And I know the Pandemic caused mass delays and they’re playing catch up now, but there is literally a new MCU project every couple of months and if you don’t watch all of them, you’ll be lost when heading into the newest project. Didn’t watch WV? Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness might not be a enjoyable if you didn’t. Didn’t watch BW? Might miss out a pretty big reason why Yelena is even in Hawkeye. 
I miss the days when you could watch the movies and only be expected to watch the movies to be excited about the crossovers and team ups, but even if you missed one, that was okay. I liked watching the Defenders series and them being in their own little section of the MCU. I liked Agents of Shield just did its own thing. I liked Runaways and it having three self contained seasons that didn’t require hours and hours of prior knowledge.
Maybe there was no point in writing this post except to get my feeling out there. I still like the MCU, been a fan of it since I was 12 years old. But I’m starting to feel some fatigue from it, starting to see a dip in some quality storytelling. Not every movie needs to be CA: Winter Soldier or Thor Ragnarök level of good story telling and overall enjoyment, but I feel like we’re getting some weaker stories from the TV shows and it’s starting to show up in the movies as well because there’s too much for one man to focus his attention on. Don’t get me wrong either, Shang-Chi was probably one of the best Phase 4 movies out there so far, and probably one of the best Phase 4 properties in general, as well as being one of the better MCU movies. I absolutely loved WandaVision, I’ve watched it twice and think it’s even better the second time around. But I really thought tFatWS was boring. Thor Love and Thunder was okay, but it needed to be tonally controlled because some parts I thought were just a little cringey.
Maybe all I need from the MCU is to slow down. Focus on storytelling again, focus on the effects. Focus on the emotional impacts. And honestly, maybe not focus on churning out TV show after TV show. On average, they’re just “okay.” Anyway, guess I just wanted to get these thoughts out of my head. It’s fine if you disagree with me, it’s not going to offend me. If you read this far, thanks.
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Hi. I'm here to rant. Feel free to call me Psychology Nerd if you decide to respond to this. If you don't, I understand. I just needed to get this off my chest. This happens way too much online and it can't keep quite about this.
So I saw that person who was trashing Pedro and decided to look at their blog to get a sense of what they do on this hellsite. What I gathered is that there's something that's really bothering them, so it feels like they're projecting some pain through their posts.
This doesn't justify their behavior. They claim to be living their best life and a peaceful life (from what I can tell. Their English isn't great), but there's nothing peaceful about being rude, and I'm not even talking about what they say about Pedro. They try to speak for the gaming community and OG Star Wars fan. They shame people for supporting Disney and Pedro. People are allowed to like what they like, just as people are allowed to not like things. That doesn't mean you're the be all, end all of what's good content and who's a good actor. They also make claims that have no support. Trailers are teasers for content, not Disney shipping two characters together. Also, Disney has famously edited their trailers to be misleading so as to avoid spoilers. The trailer to Thor: Ragnarok is a great example of this. Also, I'm not entirely sure what they mean by "Woke Culture". Last I heard, to be "woke" was to be knowledgeable about the world around you. It's about being educated in what's fundamentally wrong with society and working to become better, more inclusive, and understanding. If that's a correct description, then it's rather concerning that they treat it like a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with being aware.
If I could safely express to this person that I don't think they're actually ok, I would, but I know that I can't (hence why I'm venting here). I know they'll just shame me for being a Disney and Pedro fan, so I'm not even going to try.
If this person ever sees this ask, I'd like you to know that yes, I love Disney, I love Pedro, and I did block you on here, but I DID NOT do it because of what I'm a fan of. I did it because your behavior is extremely toxic and I am trying to live happy life, so I do not need your toxicity crossing my page. I hope whatever trauma you've experienced can be overcome. Until then however, you should seriously consider reevaluating your state of mind. Have your opinions, just don't be rude about it.
It’s the same on their Twitter too. It was the reason why I decided I was done ignoring it. The funny thing is that we are supposedly the obsessed ones who are just blindly in love with Pedro.
It’s just baffling. I don’t think I could be that hateful all the time. It’s exhausting
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