#we should make fresh foods more readily available to people
burbprepper · 11 months
How does one make an exciting blog about prepping water?
I’ll admit for many years I’ve thought things were going to kick over and I could finally say SHTF. For those of you that don’t know what that means, it’s Sh*t Hits The Fan. In the world of prepping it basically means when things have gone loco. I thought when COVID hit that SHTF was on the way, but somehow we managed to get through it. I think we’re there today. I’m not going to hit the political side but things are getting pretty bleak.
Water, ah yes water. Depending where you’re located water may be an issue. Unless you live rurally and have fresh water readily available, take a minute to read this post.
Your primary focus should be stacking as much fresh water as you can right now. That means buying bottled water, gallon jugs of water, drums of water and planning to draw water in the bathtub. Now filling the bathtub right now is not an absolute must but preparing to do it is. You can get a Water Bob off Amazon or just fill the darn thing when time is up. Remember your water heater will have water.. They hold 40-52 gallons for an average water heater. Even if the power goes out some people may be able to drain their water heaters into the tub. Use that water please, don’t let it go to waste for flushing toilets.
Secondly, if you can store 55 gallon water drums, there are cheap places to get them. I suggest procuring them off of Facebook marketplace. One can find them for about $20-30 a piece. Make sure they are food grade and have had something like syrup or alcohol in them. Just swish some bleach and rinse them really good. Be sure to put the proper amount of bleach to purify water. Add either eight drops of 6 percent bleach or six drops of 8.25 percent bleach to one gallon of water. Make sure it’s plain bleach please not the foo foo kind.
Thank you so much for reading this blog today. My passion is emergency preparedness, I have a Facebook group dedicated to this. Please follow my blog for more preparedness ideas. Prayers for peace.
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silvheirmane · 4 months
The event took extensive planning, the two of them collaborating through text in order to expand the proposal into a more feasible event. Gepard knocked courteously on her door twice before being given permission to enter, the relevant papers were stacked neatly and pinned at the top with a clamp. “ Lady Bronya, I have seen the surveys answered on what the citizens would like to see be part of the event, also, feedback on the options for food stalls and relevant vendors.” He strides over to her desk with purpose, proffering the documents which had been organized by relevance and importance. “ Honestly, when we spoke of this initially I didn’t think it would be so well received.” there’s relief within his tone, a celebration like this required meticulous arrangements and even then, how would the turn out be ? to see it so well received is a joyous occasion. “ A celebration belobog should be proud to hold, all your hard work is paying off.”
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She is overcome with worry when he first enters ; Bronya knows what news he intends to bring , but cannot discern what results to expect . On paper , it is wonderful ; the citizens of Belobog seem excited at this new venture , this fresh attempt at further celebrating & unifying everyone in a time that may be filled with pride , joy . But , there will always be opposition — despite what she hopes of her people , it would be naive to believe there will be full acceptance .
Some are far too stubborn , stuck in the old ways .
The relief visibly washes over her , any residual uncertainty on her face vanishing the moment his tone & words settle within her . ' That's wonderful news ! ' She begins flipping through the pages , slowly , hoping to tuck each important piece into her mind despite the documents being readily available . This must be perfect , after all .
' Don't sell yourself short , Gepard ! You've been planning this alongside me , and have dedicated a lot of time to getting this information . Thank you for all of your work . '
She smiles , lacing hands together to rest beneath her chin . ' I hope , with these first steps , we will be able to make everyone , including visitors , feel just a little bit safer within our walls . '
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another-dr-another · 2 years
eat your breakfast!!! remember to stay hydrated and eat well, maeda! -iris
Maeda, narrating - It was easier when I carried a backpack with me...
Maeda - I'd have water and food on me, so it was readily available.
Maeda - Now, I need to stop what I'm doing and go to a completely different place just to get a glass of water...
//Breakfast is quiet this morning.
Iranami - ...
Iranami - It feels... like things are stagnant...
Taira - Hm?
Iranami - ...Like...
Iranami - ...I feel like I'm just waiting for something bad to happen.
Hatano - Hey, Iranami, you didn't tell me about any of this...
Hatano - Cheer up, yeah?
Iranami - It's...
Iranami - ...
Maki - ...Well, it's not like we've gone all that long without something bad happening yet.
Tsurugi - That's true... Iranami, it could be a response to the danger you're in; because people keep dying, your brain's fight or flight reflex is on high-drive.
Tsurugi - At least, that’s a theory...
Hatano - ...
Hatano - Iranami, do you want to work out with me?
Hatano - We both have athletic talents, and I know you like gymnastic stuff, and if you’re in good shape, it’ll help you feel more safe!
Iranami - It’s not- I don’t necessarily feel unsafe, I just...
Maeda - ...It almost looks like she’s struggling to breathe...
Uehara - ...
Uehara - I’m going to be right back, I think I’m dehydrated.
//Uehara heads to the kitchen, moving quickly, and rubbing at his head as he walks. Tsurugi watches him go.
Tsurugi, sighing - Jeez, I feel like a broken record...
Tsurugi - Everyone, be sure you’re drinking water, and try to eat a variety of foods, as well as things that make you happy to eat.
Kobashikawa - ...Actually, I’m going to go make something to drink...
Kobashikawa - Ōtori, do you want more coffee?
Ōtori - I- I’m good, Kobashikawa.
Ōtori, quietly - I think it’s making me anxious..
Higa - Christ, everything’s really falling apart, huh?
Higa - Fucking babies, can’t handle anything...
Tsurugi - Higa, stop it.
Higa - I’m just being honest! What, did I hurt your feeeewings? Boo-hoo.
Tomori - ...
Tomori - Let’s all hang out in the Rec Room tomorrow, yeah?
Tomori - We can play games, and bring snacks... should we do it for lunch, or dinner?
Tomori - Could even do it after dinner...
Tomori - But let’s just...
Tomori - I think we’re all tired, with all of what’s going on.
Tomori - This one... stupid motive has to be worn out by now-
Tomori - We’ve all seen what happens, no one is thinking about trying to kill because of their video anymore, right?
Tomori - Let’s do things as a class more often.
Tomori - There’s no reason to be afraid, or to be upset.
Taira - She has a point… the lack of fresh air is getting to us, right?
Taira - We’re on edge. Let’s decompress, and bond.
//Uehara is back, while Kobashikawa can still be heard making noise in the kitchen.
Uehara - I mean, everything is a learning experience, right?
Uehara - It’s good for us to all be together, it’s really when we split up that things go wrong.
Uehara - The first time, we didn’t really have a system to make sure we knew where everyone was.
Uehara - The majority of us were doing our own thing, except Kurokawa and Tsurugi, one of whom was drugged.
Uehara - And the second time, the issue was that we split into two groups.
Uehara - If we’d sent Mekaru alone, she’d be fine;
Uehara - It seems counter-intuitive, but now we know.
Uehara - …We couldn’t have known before, so we’ll learn from what happened.
Tsurugi - …
Uehara - It’ll be fine, so let’s do it.
Kobashikawa - …
//Kobashikawa knocks on the half-wall between the kitchen and the cafeteria to gain the class’s attention.
Kobashikawa - I can look in the store for games to play.
Tomori - That sounds great!
Tomori - Can I go with you, and we can do that after breakfast?
Kobashikawa - …A bit later today?
Kobashikawa - I want to shower, and if I wait too long, my hair won’t dry by the time I fall asleep.
Tomori - Yeah, that sounds good-
Tomori - I think your hair is the same as my sisters used to be, but hers flattened when she got older.
Tomori - Anyways, let’s talk about details after breakfast?
//Kobashikawa gives her a thumbs up, and goes back to the kitchen.
Iranami - …
Maeda - …We didn’t really address how Iranami feels, did we?
Iranami, startled - A-Ah, no, it’s fine, I’m good…
Hatano - No, that’s right.
Hatano - Uehara said he had a headache, making Tsurugi talk about nutrition, which set Higa off.
Hatano - You didn’t get to finish, Iranami. What’s going on?
Iranami - I- I didn’t have more to say, I was done, I…
Hatano - Hey, calm down, no one’s coming after you…
Hatano - I just want to understand.
Hatano - You’re okay, yeah?
Iranami, panicked - …
Iranami, overwhelmed - I-I’m fine, yeah…
Hatano - Good!
Hatano - We should still work out together, okay?
Iranami, miserable - Okay.
Taira - …
Taira - Well, anyways then…
Tsurugi - …I want something to drink…
Tomori - Could you make me a cup of tea, Tsurugi?
Tsurugi - Oh! Yeah, sure. What type?
Tomori - Vanilla black tea, please.
Tsurugi - Got ittt…
Tomori - Thank you!
//Kobashikawa had just left the kitchen when Tsurugi walked past; after a moments pause, Kobashikawa follows him back in.
Maeda, narrating - I drank my water, like Tsurugi asked…
Maeda - Why are we supposed to drink water when we have headaches?
Maeda - My head feels… tight, for lack of a better term.
Free Time: Start
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The 7 Best Drinks for Summer
Summer heat quickly depletes, leaving everyone exhausted, sticky, and disorganized. Drinking water is the best way to keep healthy and active in this heat. Water loss is rapid when you sweat a lot.
Water is the best beverage to drink when you're thirsty, but plenty of refreshing summer drinks will do both. Let's toast the arrival of summer by quenching our thirst and refueling our muscles with cooling drinks. Here are some of our top picks for refreshing summer beverages.
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Lemonade: Lemonade keeps you cool and moisturized in summer. Lemonade also aids digestion, blood sugar regulation, and weight loss. Add crushed mint leaves to your lemonade to make it more refreshing. Add fresh mint leaves, grated ginger, and lemon zest to a fruit and vegetable salad to stay cool and hydrated this summer.
Iced Tea: There are various methods to beat the heat, but an iced tea is among the most wonderful and relaxing. Sipping iced tea is a great way to stay cool and combat the heat during the summer. Reducing internal heat and increasing blood flow help the body regain equilibrium. Several varieties, such as hibiscus, watermelon and basil, mint, lemonade, pomegranate, and lime iced tea, are readily available to consumers.
Aam Panna: One of the most delicious drinks in Maharashtra features the king of fruits mango. Mango pulp, cumin, jeera, and mint leaves combine to make a cool and pleasant summer drink. This drink is perfect for hot days because it refreshes you and gives you energy.
Jaljeera: Jeera and water combine to form jaljeera. Jeera—cumin seeds—are roasted, crushed, and mixed with water. In warmer months, this is the best cure for intestinal troubles. Drink lots of jaljeera to stay cool and energized this summer.
Sattu Sharbat: A refreshing Indian-style beverage is the perfect thing to have on hand in the heat. Sattu sharbat is a Bihari delicacy that helps you feel fresh and cool even on the hottest days. Sattu flour, sugar, and water are all required to make this. It's nourishing as well as energizing.
Sugarcane Juice: Sugarcane juice is known for its fast energy boost this food's antioxidants, magnesium, calcium, iron, and other minerals combat sickness. Even Ayurveda recommends it for jaundice. However, people with diabetes should avoid drinking fruit juices.
Papaya Juice: The next item is papaya juice. Papayas are great for digestion and weight loss because of their high fiber content and papain-producing enzyme. It is a great drink to battle the summer heat because it relieves sunburns, lightens tans, and lowers blood pressure. You may also make papaya honey juice for a tasty and healthful treat.
Those are some summer drinks we talked about up there. It's getting to be that time of year when the sun is strong, and the heat can be unbearable. The high temperature, dry air, and blazing sunlight may tax the human body.
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Shop at Home: Get Groceries Delivered Right to Your Door
Welcome to the era of digital technology, when convenience is at your fingertips! The days of stumbling through congested grocery store aisles, balancing bulky bags, and waiting in lengthy checkout lines are long gone. We now enjoy the convenience of grocery shopping from the comforts of home thanks to the advancement of technology. You heard correctly: Toronto Grocery Delivery has completely changed how we restock on necessities. Grocery delivery is here to make your life easier, whether you're a busy professional, a mom with young children, or just someone who values their time and energy! We will examine the advantages of grocery delivery and highlight some of Toronto's top services in this blog post. Prepare to learn how to have fresh produce, healthy treats, and gluten-free options delivered straight to your house! So take a seat back, unwind, and let's embark on this virtual grocery trip together.
Advantages of grocery delivery services
When you can have your groceries delivered straight to your house, why should you go through the trouble of going to the grocery store? There are many advantages to using a grocery delivery service which go beyond time savings. Imagine never having to push a large cart through congested parking lots, navigate through lengthy checkout lines, or any of these things again. Deliveries of groceries eliminate all of these problems.
Convenience is among the main benefits. You may easily start grocery shopping from the comfort of your home by opening an app or visiting a website, regardless of where you are or what you're doing. Fresh vegetables, household essentials, pantry basics, and even specialist things like organic treats and gluten-free alternatives are all readily available to you.
The fact that supermarket delivery makes meal preparation easier is an additional advantage. Rather than aimlessly perusing aisles to determine what components you'll need for supper this evening, you may explore online and add products straight to your virtual cart. This facilitates budgeting and helps people stay away from impulsive purchases.
Improved inventory management is another benefit of grocery delivery services. You can quickly stay on top of what needs refilling in your kitchen by keeping track of past orders or making bespoke lists depending on your preferences. Those occasions when you realize halfway through a recipe that a key ingredient is missing are over!
We should not overlook those who might have trouble moving around physically, such as the elderly or those with impairments. With grocery delivery services, they can be more independent because they don't require help and can still eat fresh food.
Grocery delivery has grown in popularity among busy people seeking convenience without compromising on quality or variety for a number of reasons. Why not attempt it yourself, then? Discover how simple it is to get everything delivered right to your door, including Toronto Organic Bulk products and daily necessities, while lounging on your couch with your preferred device in hand!
The top delivery services for groceries
In terms of supermarket delivery services, Toronto offers a number of choices. Every service has its own special qualities and advantages that meet the requirements and tastes of various clients. The following are some of the top grocery delivery services to take into account:
Instacart: Because it offers a large selection of participating merchants, such as specialty shops and large supermarkets, Instacart is a popular option for many Torontonians. You may order goods from a variety of stores using the handy Instacart app.
Fresh City Farms: This is a great choice if you want locally grown and organic products. They provide a wide range of organic produce, meats, dairy goods, fruits, veggies, and pantry essentials that may be delivered right to your house.
Grocery Gateway: Grocery Gateway offers an extensive assortment of foods online and is owned by the Longo's grocery chain. They provide flexible time windows for same-day or next-day delivery to accommodate your schedule.
Mama Earth Organics: As the name implies, Mama Earth Organics specializes in bringing natural items and organic produce straight to your home from nearby farms.
Goodfood: For people who prefer cooking at home but would like more convenience, Goodfood offers meal kits with pre-portioned ingredients and simple-to-follow recipes in addition to groceries.
In general, Toronto residents have a wide range of options for grocery delivery services.
Whether you have specific dietary requirements, such as being gluten-free, or prefer organic cuisine, you can be sure to discover a service that fulfills all of your demands nearby!
How to begin delivering groceries?
Now that you've been persuaded of the advantages of grocery delivery and you know which services are the greatest fit for you, let's talk about how to take use of this practical shopping method.
Do your homework and select a service: Take some time to look into the many local grocery delivery services available. Take into account elements like their choice, cost, shipping costs, and client testimonials. Seek alternatives such as Toronto Organic Bulk or Toronto gluten free goods that address your particular requirements.
Sign up: After deciding on a service, go to their website or download their app to register. Along with your preferred payment method, you might also need to supply some personal information.
Look around and add things: This is the exciting part! Put items in your virtual cart as you begin to browse the aisles online. Numerous grocery delivery services provide a wide variety of products, including fresh produce, household needs, pantry staples, and even specialty items.
Personalize your choices: The majority of platforms let you tailor your order to fit certain dietary needs or preferences, such being vegan, gluten-free, or organic. Use these tools to help you quickly and simply find exactly what you're looking for.
Pick a convenient delivery time: Decide on a day and an hour when you would want your groceries delivered right to your door. Deliveries can even be made the same day or the next day, depending on what is available in your area.
Track your order: After everything is set up and verified, if the platform allows it, use the tracking system to monitor the progress of your order. You'll be informed when it's ready to be picked up, delivered, and prepared.
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ussweetners · 1 year
Is Dextrose Dangerous For You:
These calories are usually administered to people who can’t eat or absorb vitamins via the GI tract due to medical situations, and due to this fact risk turning into malnourished. It is given in combination with different nutrients, similar to amino acids, lipids, nutritional vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes to supply full or supplemental nutrition (12). People with underlying conditions like diabetes sort 1 and a pair of are perhaps the most exposed to this danger factor.
Its main makes use of in commercially prepared meals are as a thickener, sweetener, and humectant (an ingredient that retains moisture and thus maintains a food's freshness). Glucose syrup can additionally be broadly used in the manufacture of a variety of candy merchandise. When brewing low-calorie beers, fermentable dextrose is added to the wort obtained from Malt. This increases the proportion of sugars readily available for fermentation (15).
Each scoop serving dimension of there dextrose powder comes with 20 grams of pure, non-GMO, gluten-free dextrose. So lengthy as you totally perceive the benefits and disadvantages of these merchandise, you ought to use maltodextrin or dextrose efficiently. Be careless, although, and you’ll wish you by no means used them. These are fast carb sources, meant to get into your bloodstream mechanically and begin replenishing your glycogen. A white powder that’s soluble in water, maltodextrin often improves the mouthfeel of food and drinks, however may additionally be used as a supplement. It is a candy substance which happens in grapes and belongs to the 'fast sugars'.
In addition to food, it's found in drugs solutions used for intravenous injection. It can also be used to help elevate the blood sugar in sufferers experiencing hypoglycemia. A medical professional should not give dextrose to individuals with sure kinds of medical circumstances. This is as a result of the dextrose may doubtlessly trigger too-high blood sugar or fluid shifts within the body that result in swelling or fluid buildup within the lungs. It is dissolved in options which may be given intravenously, which could be combined with other medication, or used to extend a person’s blood sugar.
Organic dextrose has a high glycemic index and high digestibility, meaning that it could quickly elevate blood glucose and insulin levels. It can also enhance the absorption of different vitamins and minerals. Organic dextrose is appropriate for people who want immediate vitality, corresponding to athletes, youngsters, and elderly. Organic dextrose can be non-cariogenic, which means that it doesn't promote tooth decay or plaque formation. Starting from water and glucose powder, how would you make 25mLof a 5% glucose solution? Remember that in biology, percentsolutions are weight per quantity.Why is this the best way?
Considering all the professionals and cons of utilizing dextrose, you could need to explore alternatives to dextrose sugar on your non-medical makes use of. How do these alternatives bulk dextrose powder perform compared to dextrose sugars? Next, we take a look at different choices for dextrose sugars. A tablet or an injection of dextrose will provide quick sugar that counters low blood sugar.
Their maltodextrin powder is 100 percent pure maltodextrin, derived from non-GMO corn. With a serving dimension of 30 grams, you get 28 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates. This is when your body’s depleted of glycogen, which is the primary benefit dextrose powder supplier of those two dietary supplements. By taking this within the hour after your coaching session, you’ll get the most out of your supplement and workout.
To allow you to keep in mind, take it on the similar time(s) every day. Do not take this treatment for more than 7 days until directed by your physician. We will make an entire dextrose suppliers Loading Report for our clients of each shipment. 4) Customize product colour, content, packaging, labeling and transportation according to buyer necessities.
The calcined gypsum, also called plaster or stucco turns into the bottom for gypsum plaster, gypsum board and different gypsum products. The calcined gypsum is then combined with water and components to kind a slurry called calcium sulfate which is fed between continuous layers of paper on a board machine. As the board moves down a conveyor line, the calcium sulfate recrystallizes or rehydrates, reverting to its unique bulk dextrose rock state. The paper becomes chemically and mechanically bonded to the core. The board is then reduce to length and conveyed by way of dryers to take away any free moisture. Dextrose is sometimes called glucose since they include the similar chemical formulation.
If you should use dextrose, your blood sugar may enhance too much afterward. You should test your blood sugar after utilizing dextrose tablets, as directed by your physician or diabetes educator. You might have to adjust your insulin to lower your blood sugar. If you're dextrose supplier diabetic and your physician prescribes dextrose oral gel or tablets, these ought to only be used when you have a low blood sugar reaction. Your doctor or diabetes educator ought to train you how to spot the indicators of low blood sugar and when to use the tablets.
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biography2medotorg · 1 year
Quick and Healthy Choices to Successful Weight Loss -
Convenience Can Be a Huge Burden to Successful Weight Loss
There's certainly no easy way to win against the food choices we're presented each day. As time passes, it seems that food simply becomes less and less healthy for us, as companies continue to pump oils, calories and synthetic sugars into the products they make. These products are not only cheap, but convenient, and can be quite damaging to those that wish to lose weight and stay healthy. The phrase "You are what you eat" is no more true than ever before, as people quickly gain weight and lose energy as they partake in these fattening easy foods. However, it's never the only choice to go down this road, and there are ways to make food quick and healthy without ruining our bodies so readily. It's true that there's no easy solution to weight gain, but at the same time, one of the easiest ways to fix these mistakes is to find fast and healthy food choices which can combat taking the easy road. If a delicious and healthy meal only takes 5 minutes to make, who would not want to do that instead of driving to the local fast food place and waiting just as much time? It's our hope that everyone would do so if given the chance. One of the key ways to prevent weight gain is by actively pursuing convenient and easy ways to stay in shape and eat healthy foods. These include things like exercising daily, but also can include a lot of simple food choices which are not only easy to prepare, but cheap and fast.
Quick and Healthy Meals
Fresh Chicken Soup - After-Work Chicken Noodle Soup - Hold off on the canned high sodium soups! We have found a very healthy recipe for chicken noodle soup which will blow you away. Including prep time, this amazing recipe takes only 15 minutes or less (faster if you have an induction stove). 2 cups of cut cooked chicken, 2 medium stalks of celery (chopped), 2 medium carrots (sliced), 7 cups of chicken broth, 1 cup of wide egg noodles and a chopped medium onion (around 1/2 a cup) is all that's required as far as major ingredients. The rest are spices, such as 1/4 tsp pepper, 2 cloves of garlic finely diced and 1 tablespoon of parsley (fresh or 1 tsp of flakes). You dump this all into a large saucepan, 3 quarts will do though larger is fine as well and simmer for 8-10 minutes. You now have a very healthy and very easy dinner. Nutritional facts for this fast meal: 260 calories, 17g of carbs and 30g of protein! This is for the entire soup! I'm not sure about you, but that's a whole lot of food. Glazed Salmon With Mint and Cucumber Slaw - glazed salmon and slaw You say, "I only have 15 minutes!", well we have the answer for a full fledged meal in that time that's extremely healthy. This recipe uses healthy salmon filets, frozen or fresh. 2/3 cup orange juice (no pulp), 6 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 teaspoons mustard powder (yellow is fine), 1/4 cup of rice wine vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt and 3/8 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper (substitute already ground if all that's available). You will need 4 salmon filets (6 ounces each) and remove the skin. I find that the easiest way to do this is actually to quickly cook the skin side on the pain during the prep phase and it just peals right off. Then 1/2 small cucumber, 8 leaves of bibb lettuce and 8 sprigs of mint, then 1 orange peeled and segmented and 1 tbs of extra-virgin olive oil. Starting with a standard saucepan, move the orange justice, sugar, mustard, 1/4 cup of the vinegar and 1/4 tsp of salt into the pan over medium heat. Bring them together until mixed and boiling and then simmer (reduce the heat back down). Takes about 8 minutes for this to thicken up a bit, make sure to leave it uncovered. This is your glaze. Stick the salmon into a broiler in the oven, though you can just use any pan and put foil over top it. Glaze the fish. Takes about 5 minutes with the oven on "broil" (or maximum depending on your type of oven). Salmon should be flaky. While this cooks dice up the cucumber, lettuce, mint and orange into a bowl and mix them up. Cucumber should be cut into strips like matchsticks and thin slices for the lettuce. Drizzle the oil, leftover vinegar, salt and pepper onto this and then add the salmon. This is a particularly healthy full fledged dinner, and offers some great alternatives to "fast food" which not only is bad for you, but typically doesn't taste so great. You will feel more energetic, and a lot healthier after only a few days of eating like this. Janet is a provider of web's only real HCG diet products, and outlines many of these fantastic recipes and how they can be used with HCG drops pure diet products on her blog. Read the full article
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A Fews That Can Help You Maintain A Healthy Kidney
Hiranandani Hospital Powai News says that kidneys are fist-sized organs at the bottom of the rib cage on either side of the spine. They perform multiple functions. Most importantly, they filter waste products, excess water, and other impurities from the blood. These waste products are stored in the bladder and excreted in the urine.
The kidneys also regulate the body's pH, salt and potassium levels.
They also make hormones that regulate blood pressure and control red blood cell production.
Your kidneys are also responsible for activating a form of vitamin D, which helps your body absorb calcium to help build bones and muscles and regulate muscle Function.
Maintaining kidney health is essential to your overall health and well-being. By keeping your kidneys healthy, your body will properly filter and eliminate waste and produce hormones that help your body function properly.
It is not uncommon to hear or read such unfortunate news these days. Why do many people suffer from kidney problems? One reason could be the lifestyle we lead. We eat and drink regardless of whether what we eat is harmful to our vital organs. And the kidneys are one of our most important organs.
Keep the kidneys healthy. 
For our kidneys to function well, it is essential to lead a healthy and hygienic lifestyle, says experts at Hiranandani hospital kidney transplant center. We should avoid excessive consumption of alcohol, spicy and fried foods, and things that can adversely affect our kidneys. Here are some tips to help reduce your risk of kidney disease:
Drink plenty of fluids. Let them be in any form. 
water, fresh fruit, fresh vegetable juices, etc. Water and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the kidneys.
Avoid drinking too many caffeinated beverages.
 They accelerate the filtration process and thus put a strain on the kidneys. These drinks also accelerate our urge to urinate. If you go to the bathroom frequently, you should limit your caffeine consumption. 4-5 cups a day is too much. Try not to smoke cigarettes or consume alcohol excessively and avoid drugs. All are detrimental to the overall health of the kidneys.
Drink parsley water. 
Parsley is known among herbalists for its cleansing properties breaks out impurities accumulated in the kidneys. It is readily available everywhere and very cheap to buy. Please take a few parsley leaves and wash them under clean tap water. 
Please put them in a pot, fill them with drinking water, and boil them. Let it cook for ten minutes. When done, let it cool, strain the broth, and refrigerate to chill. Drink one or two, or three glasses of the broth daily and feel the difference in a few days. 
It also helps improve the digestive system. Drink more frequently before and after consuming alcoholic beverages. What happens is that our kidneys filter the blood and remove the salt, but the salt accumulates in the kidneys along with the rest of the toxins over the years. 
Parsley water helps remove these accumulated salts and other toxins from the kidneys, making them work better and last longer.
Stay active and fit. 
Regular exercise isn't just good for your waistline. It can reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease. It can also lower your blood pressure and improve heart health, which are essential for preventing kidney damage. You don't have to run marathons to reap the rewards of exercise. Walking, running, cycling, and even dancing are good for your health.
Find an activity that keeps you busy and fun. It will be easier to maintain and get great results.
Control your blood sugar people with diabetes or a condition that causes high blood sugar can develop kidney damage. When the cells in your body can't use the glucose (sugar) in your blood, your kidneys have to work harder to filter your blood.
Years of exertion can cause life-threatening damage. 
However, if you can control your blood sugar, you reduce the risk of damage. In addition, if the damage is caught early, your doctor can take steps to reduce or prevent further damage.
Check your blood pressure. 
High blood pressure can cause kidney damage. When high blood pressure occurs alongside other health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or high cholesterol, it can have a significant impact on your body. A healthy blood pressure reading is 120/80. Prehypertension is between this point and 139/89. Lifestyle and diet changes at this point can help lower blood pressure.
If your blood pressure readings are consistently above 140/90, you may have high blood pressure.
You should talk to your doctor about checking your blood pressure regularly, changing your lifestyle, and possibly taking medication.
Control your weight and eat healthily
People who are overweight or obese are at risk for several health problems that can damage the kidneys. These include diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. Eating a healthy diet low in sodium, processed meats, and other kidney-damaging foods can help reduce the risk of kidney damage. Focus on fresh ingredients that are naturally low in sodium, such as cauliflower, blueberries, fish, whole grains, and more.
Don't smoke. 
Smoking damages the blood vessels in your body. This leads to slower blood flow to the body and kidneys. Smoking also increases the risk of kidney cancer. When you stop smoking, your risk decreases. However, it will take many years of reliable sources to return to the risk level of a person who has never smoked. 
Be careful how many over-the-counter pills you take. 
If you regularly take over-the-counter pain relievers, you can cause kidney damage. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen and naproxen, can damage your kidneys if you take them regularly for chronic pain, headaches, or arthritis. 
People without kidney problems take the drugs occasionally, to be precise. However, if you take these drugs every day, you could be putting your kidney health at risk. Talk to your doctor about kidney-safe treatments if you're struggling with pain.
Get a kidney function test if you're at high risk. 
If you're at high risk of kidney damage or kidney disease, it's a good idea to have regular kidney function tests. The following people may benefit from regular screening:
People over 60 years of age
people born with a low birth weight
People who have or are familiar with cardiovascular disease
People who have or have a family history of high blood pressure
People who are overweight
People who think they may have kidney damage
Having a regular kidney function test by experts at Hiranandani hospital kidney transplant center is a great way to learn more about your kidneys' health and spot any changes. Preventing damage can help delay or prevent future damage.
0 notes
ziqitzasblog · 2 years
Ziqitza - Sugar: a tasty treat or a preventable health risk?
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Most of us, as modern consumers, make an effort to learn more about good nutrition. We are attempting to regain control of what we put in our bodies, from table salt to the amount of sugar we consume. However, the vast ocean of confusing and contradictory information available to us makes this difficult. According to Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd., 80% of consumers face conflicting nutritional information, and 59% have doubts about their dietary choices. However, the majority of people agree on the importance of making healthier dietary and nutrition choices.
 Sugar has almost always had a bad reputation when it comes to good health and well-being. While sugar is a naturally occurring component of all carbohydrate-rich foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, it does have some drawbacks. A diet consisting of "whole foods" and naturally occurring sugar varieties is acceptable. Plant-based food sources are also high in fibre, essential minerals, and antioxidants, whereas dairy food sources are high in protein and calcium.
 Because such foods are processed gradually by the body, the natural sugar in them provides a consistent energy supply to the cells. Furthermore, a diet high in natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains has been shown to reduce the occurrence of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, and even some types of cancer.
 Ziqitza Healthcare points out that the amount of sugar that is safe to consume per day depends on your total caloric intake, activity level, and other factors. In general, it is best to avoid added sugars whenever possible because they do not contain any beneficial nutrients. Sugar consumption may contribute to preventable diseases.
 The Amount of Sugar That’s Safe to Consume
 There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. While some people can consume a lot of sugar with little to no harm, others may need to limit their sugar intake as much as possible. According to Ziqitza, the maximum amount of added sugar a person should consume per day is:
 Men: 37.5 grammes or 150 calories (or 9 teaspoons) per day.
Women: 100 calories (25 grammes, or 6 teaspoons) per day.
 Ziqitza Rajasthan explains it in real terms and remarks that a 355 mL can of Coca-Cola contains 140 calories entirely from sugar, whereas an average Snickers bar contains 120 calories entirely from sugar. It is important to remember that added sugars from these sources are not required in the average person's daily diet.
 How to reduce sugar in your diet?
 According to Ziqitza Limited, we should limit our consumption of the following foods, in descending order of importance:
 Sugary soft drinks: As previously stated, each 355 mL can of soft drink contains nearly 8 teaspoons of sugar. Hence, it is wise to avoid them.
 Packaged fruit juices: There is no actual need for artificial sweeteners in our diet. Therefore, ZHL Rajasthan suggests that one must prefer drinking fresh fruit juices because they contain no added sweeteners. Readily available fruit packs contain the same amount of sugar as soft drinks, They must be avoided.
 Confectionery and sweets: No matter how much you crave them, they must be avoided.  Try to limit your consumption of confectionery and sweets.
 Yummy baked goods: Sugar and refined carbohydrates are commonly found in cookies, cakes, and other types of sweet baked goods.
 Low-fat or diet-friendly foods: These foods frequently have the "fat" content removed to make way for extremely high amounts of sugar as a flavour substitute.
 Water is your best friend: It's a good idea to replace sugary drinks like soft drinks and juices with water. Not adding sugar to coffee or tea is another option.
 Get creative: Ziqitza Limited Rajasthan says that many healthier versions of your favourite recipes can be found online. Finding a good substitute for a sugary treat allows you to have your cake and eat it without the guilt or fear of health problems!
 As with any dietary or lifestyle change, Ziqitza Health Care Limited advises taking note of the sugar consumption levels that are appropriate for you. While some people can tolerate small amounts of sugar in their diet, others may experience sugar cravings, binge eating, rapid weight gain, and become more susceptible to disease. Because everyone's body chemistry is different, we all need to learn and understand what works best for our individual lifestyles.
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kaykay-13 · 3 years
of drink a-dreaming, and why it’s genshin’s best event yet
gameplay mechanics
there’s something inherently beautiful about mixing things up, trying to find the different recipes, and all without penalty if you mess up. it’s a breath of fresh air from the usual combat/exploration stuff. man, i’m just a sucker for cooking simulator games. i was so excited for this event when i first saw it and i’m so glad it paid off in the end. it’s soothing to just throw in random ingredients, mix things around, decide the cup size and bam! pretty drink comes out. the music is great too, very nice ambience.
i also liked how all materials were presented to us, available to use. i thought we would actually have to forage for these ingredients ourselves, but this works too! less stress on the player, especially for those who dislike the collection-side of things.
character moments
the people who visit your tavern give you more insight to their dynamics. i’m sure jeanlisa and beiguang shippers are having a field day with this event. there are hidden character details hidden in the dialogue, just in can you didn’t play their hangout/read their character stories. i like knowing the character preferences, especially in drinks! it adds more flavour to the already developed characteristics they have.
i read every single description for every single food item in game, and this event is no different. it gives great insight to the tastes of the locals in game, and the way the describe food is so exquisite. i like how coffee once took the knights’ library by storm. i enjoy the implications that there are coffee beans and tea plantations. it makes me wonder where these plantations are, and who are the major consumers and producers of these beverages. hell, the presence of cocoa paste implies the existence of chocolate, which we have not yet seen!
and i read up on the ingredients as well! more notes for me to take note of. hell, i love that they included TWO types of milk, the one we buy with mora, and the High-Quality Milk locked in this game.
i’m also highly intrigued by the fizzy water — its existence implies machinery available to carbonate water, and it should be readily accessible too, since it does not appear scarce in this event. my first thought was maybe it’s a fontaine invention, but then had a thought: maybe it’s anemo-infused…? i mean, they do use anemo slimes for transportation. who’s to say, really.
i sincerely love the addition of lemon too. that’s one more fruit to the fruit gang! i wish hoyoverse would let us make, i don’t know, a fruit medley?? with apples, sunsettias, lavender melon and lemon. i would love to see a lemon being a collectible eventually.
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Why do you think Carlisle doesn't drink donated blood? I'm not asking about the rest of the Cullens because Carlisle is the only one doing the diet because of a true moral reason. He refuses to drink from humans because it would kill them; we know he has access to donated blood and that he could drink it if he wanted because of breaking dawn. I wonder if it's because he can survive without human blood but those bags may save someone else's life; or because he thinks that the people that donated that blood did it to save humans not vampires (I donate and honestly, I wouldn't mind giving blood to vampires, if they need it to survive and they don't torture me or other negative consequence why is it so different to give it to humans? The both need it).
Also if at some point we get to the point of being able to synthesize human blood and vampire's bodies could process it, do you think he'd change diets? (The current one is awful to the environment)
PS: sorry this is getting so long but another blood related thought came to mind. Why doesn't he just... keep livestock and bleed it to have food, or even just buy animal blood from the butcher (you can do that). They live stuck in a hunters gatherers life and the agricultural revolution never seems to come.
Why Doesn't Carlisle Drink Bagged Blood?
Well, drinking bagged blood isn't great either. The reason there's constantly blood drives going on, and that people were once even paid to donate blood, is that there's never enough of it.
Donated blood is desperately needed to save human life and if vampires like Carlisle start tapping into it then he's taking that away from someone who really does need it.
Carlisle can survive without it, has done so for hundreds of years before this was even an option, so why would he start now?
Now, if Carlisle had been born in this modern age, and he'd been in his starvation period. It's likely he never would have found out about the animal diet and resorted to raiding hospitals in shame instead.
However, this is not that Carlisle.
Not to mention that it'd raise suspicion around him, would not be easy to steal in the long term, and would make his life a whole lot more complicated.
What About Synthesized Blood?
If human blood could be synthesized, if the cost wasn't extraordinarily high such that it was in high demand for human medical reasons, and if it was readily available without too much suspicion, then I could see him making the switch.
I don't think being malnourished particularly bothers him but on the other hand this might stop his kids from eating endangered species all the time.
Why Not the Butcher?
I've often wondered this one myself.
In terms of Carlisle and the environment. He himself isn't that bad, Edward reports his favorite meal is venison, deer. Deer have a hunting season for a reason and it's because, as their natural predators have declined, they have tended to become over populous. Especially in the Spring and the Fall, so many damn deer everywhere. Carlisle responsibly hunting in season would actually be a very environmentally reasonable thing to do.
And personally, I imagine before the Cullens came along and became utterly disgusted with him, he lived on a diet of rats and pigeons. Those things are always around.
The rest of them, yeah, they're awful. However, a part of Carlisle likely knows that many of them are two seconds from dropping the diet, so if eating mountain lions stops them from eating Biology... I guess they can eat the mountain lions.
(Seriously, if Emmett can't wrestle bears and torture them to death, then even with Rose being adamant to remain on the diet, I can see him being far more tempted to cheat on the sly than he already is. This is "treat yo self" Emmett we're talking about.)
But back to the butcher, my main guess would be a) this option simply wasn't available for the longest time, b) the other Cullens would "nope" out if the hunting aspect were entirely removed (Emmett and Edward are particularly enamored by hunting), c) the butcher would suspect them of being a Satanist cult and call the police, d) the nutrients might break down too fast.
The first three are something that could be overcome but that last poses a fairly daunting obstacle. Carlisle and the gang are already dangerously malnourished. They're stronger than humans, but compared to what they should be, these guys are on the brink of death. Eyes changing to weird colors, biologically, is never a good thing and a sign that something is deeply wrong.
They honestly might not be able to make it on blood from a butcher.
While Carlisle would choose death if the animal diet wasn't sustainable, I do think he would relent on the "it's sustainable if I eat the blood fresh, but not if I go to the butcher".
But it's a very legitimate question I've often wondered myself.
My best guess is Carlisle tried it in the 1970's and that's the story of how he spent weeks in a coma due to starvation. EDIT: Ah, I forgot a point, perhaps the most important one. Why Don’t the Cullens Raise Livestock?
I believe Edward brings up fairly early that animals live in terror of the vampire and naturally flee from them.
Animals the Cullens raise would cruel lives living in terror, there’d have to be many of them so as not to drain them completely every fortnight (which means cramped quarters), and they’d likely die of heart attacks and stress. It’s not a good life for them
It’s a miserable life for the animals and not sustainable. I think the scheme would fall apart on them within a few months.
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summary: when you’re homesick near the holidays, Quinn does his best to make you feel at home with him and a cup of cocoa. 
word count: 2.4k
note from the writer: day two! gotta say, this one was very self indulgent / masterposts of the Christmas fics
tagging: @bqstqnbruin @broadstbroskis @laurenairay​ @calgarycanuck​ @sorryjustafangirl​ @slapshot-to-the-heart​ @cthoodsthetic @tayella13​ @wastedheartcth​ @kiedhara​ / add yourself to my Christmas fic taglist
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Moving far away from your hometown had always been the plan. It was a fresh start, with new people, sights, and opportunities.
But, no matter how much you loved living away from home, you really missed it sometimes.
The Christmas season had long arrived in full force, decorations in every window and holiday songs on repeat in every department store. And usually you loved it, you were the first person to put up the lights and the last one to take them down in the new year. But it was your first Christmas away from home; work keeping you in Vancouver when all you wanted was the nostalgic familiarity of the holidays in your hometown.
As a result, you turned into a bit of a grump. Declining invites to go out with friends and opting to stay inside and mope by yourself. Really, it was doing nothing to help the feeling of homesickness, but you’d never admit that to yourself.
Quinn caught onto this; he was always sperceptive of your changing moods even before you started dating. So once you sent your message telling Jake and the rest of the group to go bar hopping without you, it only took Quinn half an hour to show up unannounced on your doorstep.
A knock drew your attention from the corny Hallmark movie you had been watching, and you hit pause on the dramatic confession of love. The woman who never had time for romance after moving to the big city to pursue her dreams could wait to tell the hardworking man from her hometown how she felt. On your doorstep was the man who managed to capture your own heart, even if you hadn’t quite told him in so many words yet.
“Hey, I didn’t realize we had plans tonight?” You told Quinn, nonetheless opening the door wider and letting him in. He ducked down to give you a kiss before replying, and it was only after he had shuffled all the way into your apartment did you notice the takeout bag in his hand.
“We didn’t, but I wanted to see you.” He shrugged a shoulder, making his way into your kitchen while you shut and locked the front door behind him. When you finally caught up to him, he was pulling containers of food out of the bag, and when you recognized the company’s logo, you looked at your boyfriend suspiciously.
“You ordered from Kimmy’s; you never order from Kimmy’s.” You confronted him, his answering laugh echoing throughout the otherwise quiet apartment. It was the old argument between the two of you; you loved Kimmy’s, Quinn loved Lucy’s. They had the same food and were in theory the same place, but you swore Kimmy’s way better. Even when you told Quinn to order from Kimmy’s, he always, without fail, came back with Lucy’s instead.  
Except for tonight, apparently.
Quinn gave you a sheepish look and stopped pulling food out the bag, and instead opened his arms for a hug. Confused but not wanting to pass up the opportunity to be held by your favorite guy, you complied, and his arms came around you to hold you tight.
“I know you’ve been sad about not being able to go home lately.” He started, rocking you back and forth. You didn’t protest his statement, because there was nothing to object to. Instead, you waited for him to finish. “So I figured that we could have your favorite takeout, and then watch some Christmas movies. I also have a surprise for later.”
“This isn’t the surprise?” You questioned with a grin, tilting your head up to look at him whilst staying in his arms. A swell of emotions took over you, but the one that hit you squarely in the chest was the overwhelming desire to tell Quinn you loved him.
And you did love him. You loved that he knew when you were upset and when you needed a pick-me-up movie night. You loved the way he smiled and the way he laughed. The way he made you go to all of his home games when you were free and called you his good luck charm, win or lose. You loved him with your very being, and you had known for a while that you loved him, but you had been waiting for the perfect moment to tell him.
“No, this isn’t the surprise.” He chuckled, dropping a kiss to your forehead before turning to finish getting the food out of the bag. You slipped away to grab two plates, along with silverware, moving seamlessly with Quinn until you were sitting on your couch with him.
“What movie did you want to watch?” You asked, reaching for the remote to turn off the cheesy Hallmark movie you had all but forgotten about.
“This is your cheer up movie, you pick.” Quinn told you with a shrug, already digging into his plate. You rolled your eyes at his smile, biting back the joke about how he shouldn’t talk with his mouth full. Wasting little time, you pulled up a classic—Love, Actually.
“It’s a sappy romance movie kind of night.” You told Quinn decidedly, and he didn’t put up an argument. Settling back into your seat, you felt yourself start to feel a little bit better about not being able to spend Christmas back home. After all, you couldn’t worry about much with Quinn by your side.
By the time Colin Firth was jumping into the lake to save his novel, Quinn got up from the couch and whispered a quiet ‘I’ll be right back’ before slipping into the kitchen. You tried your very best, but you couldn’t focus on the movie any longer and instead you found yourself listening to your boyfriend doing something in your kitchen. Ratting dishes, running water, and the sound of your microwave—for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out what he was up to.
“Do you need any help?” You called after a moment, a smile toying on your lips as you heard Quinn let out a quiet curse. Part of you wondered if you should be a little more concerned, knowing his lack of domestic skills could very well lead to something disastrous, but you trusted him enough to tell you if something went awry.
“No, I got it.” He replied, and just then he was reemerging with two mugs of hot cocoa, decked out with marshmallows and candy canes that he must have snuck in with the takeout.
“You’re really pulling out all the stops, huh, Huggy?” You teased, watching with mirth as he rolled his eyes playfully at the nickname. You spent too much time with his teammates, but you had to admit they were onto something with the teasing name. There was just something entirely too adorable about calling your boyfriend Huggy, especially when all he typically did in response was blush.
“Anything for you.” The comment was delivered in a light tone, but you and Quinn both heard the honesty that rang through the three simple words. Another set of three simple words made its way to the forefront of your mind, begging to be said. But instead, you chuckled quietly, most of your attention on the mug he was setting on the coffee table in front of you.
“Hey, you said it was a sappy romance night.” He defended, settling back into his seat by your side. You didn’t respond right away, too busy taking a sip of the cocoa Quinn made. You could tell he was waiting for your reaction expectantly, and you gave him a proud smile when you realized it tasted perfectly fine.
“I love it.” You assured him, and with that final bit of convincing both of your attentions returned to the movie. You had to admit, as much as you felt like a grinch before, Quinn’s efforts to make you feel more at home thousands of miles away from your family were warming your heart.
Though, you wanted to say something a little bit different than ‘I love it.’
The movie continued and by the time credits were rolling, Quinn was on his feet and ushering you to the door with a grin. You complied, only after pouting your lips for a few short kisses that he readily supplied.
“So what’s the surprise?” You questioned, following Quinn’s actions by tugging on your coat. He chuckled, not taking the bait and revealing what he had planned just yet.
“I’m not telling you, but I got the idea from Brock.” He confessed, opening your front door for you. You shot him a teasing look, meeting his lopsided grin and feeling your heart swell in your chest. Following him out of your apartment, you couldn’t help the next comment that slipped past your lips.
“You’re taking romance advice from Brock now? Was Jake not available?” You joked, referencing his teammates’ mess of love lives. Jake was in a friends with benefits situation with someone he was falling for fast and you were pretty sure Brock was still in love with his ex from his hometown. Quinn shook his head in mirth at the chirp directed at your mutual friends, and instead of answering, he slipped his hand into yours.
“Well, it was my idea. Brock just told me where to go.” Was all he said on the topic, watching you lock your apartment door behind you. He filled you in on the latest jokes from his practice earlier in the day as you made your way out to his car. He was in the middle of a story about Petey’s sports car and not handling Vancouver’s winters by the time he opened your door for you and it was only after ten minutes of driving did you think to question him about where you were going once more.
“Huggy, where are we going?” You sighed dramatically. Even in the dark, you could tell he rolled his eyes playfully at the nickname.
“Why do you have to call me that?” He teasingly groaned, reaching over the center console to thread his fingers through yours. Giving his hand a squeeze, you chuckled at his mock annoyance.
“That’s not an answer.” You said in a sing-song to get your point across. It was Quinn’s turn to chuckle, the sound bringing a grin to your face and causing your heart to pick up in pace.
“You know how you said you wanted to go look at lights?” Quinn started, immediately piquing your attention and earning an excited gasp from you. He was smiling, clearly proud of himself and you felt your eagerness grow.
“You’re taking me to drive around and look at Christmas lights?” You sat up in your seat, turning to face your boyfriend with a hopeful look. He chuckled at your reaction, lifting your hand to his lips to press a kiss to the back of it as a form of answer. You could have sworn you felt your heart grow two sizes at the action, the three words you had yet to say to him begging to roll off your tongue.
“I remember you said that you always drive around your hometown with your family to look at the lights, so I figured we could do the same thing.” Quinn said as if it was something nonchalant like the weather, and not one of the sweetest things you had ever heard.
That was the tipping point.
“I love you.” You blurted before you could stop yourself. You felt the car swerve slightly as Quinn worked through his initial shock at your confession. He glanced at you, then, a broad smile on his face that helped calm your nerves slightly.
“Yeah?” He questioned with unrestrained glee in his tone. You nodded, watching as he pulled over onto the side of the road. As soon as he had the car in park, he was leaning over to your side and grabbing your face with both of his hands to connect your lips in a kiss that settled you completely.
He didn’t need to say the words back immediately, you felt them in the way he was kissing you, the way he was taking you to drive around and look at lights. You felt it in the way he bought your favorite takeout and let you watch your sappy romance movies. The way he knew you needed a night with him to help get over your homesickness.
You loved him and he loved you just the same.
“I love you, too.” He told you just that the moment he broke the kiss, the words mumbled against your lips with a sureness and honesty that you felt to your core. You were in love with Quinn and he loved you back, and with that knowledge you felt all your previous sadness about missing home disappear, because as long as you were with him you could make any place feel like home.
“Thank you.” You told him as he pulled back out onto the road and continued towards the neighborhood full of houses decorated to the nines with lights and other Christmas ornaments. Quinn gave you a confused look, though he was still wearing his same dopey smile he had since the moment you confessed your feelings to him. “For doing all of this, I mean.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” He said simply, and now that you had already said it once, your second I love you fell past your lips with much more ease and a lot less nerves. He repeated his earlier action of pressing a kiss to the back of your hand, and you couldn’t help but admire his profile that was currently bathed in white, red, and green lights from the decorations outside on the houses. His smile turned a little mischievous, but you barely noticed, too caught up in your love for him. “You’re supposed to be looking at the lights, you know. Not me.”
“I can’t help it.” You replied with a chuckle, finally dragging attention from him and out the window. The sights were truly beautiful, but you were looking at everything with rose tinted glasses now that you had finally confessed and knew he felt the same.
It was funny, you thought, that you moved so far away from home and yet the lights on the decorated houses could have been the ones in your hometown and you wouldn’t have known the difference. You still missed your family, of course, but with one glance to the man driving you around, it all felt a little bit more like home.
Being in love made it all a bit easier.
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thealtitudestore · 2 years
A Guide to Types of Organic Food and The Benefits Associated with Organic Food
Organic food has been a major trend among consumers for the last few years. However, these days, organic food can be found in just about every grocery store. But, still there are many people who don’t even know that what exactly organic food is and what food items are available in their organic form. Let’s dig into the five main types of organic food available in the market and the benefits of buying them organic.
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Types of Organic Food –
Well, when we think of organic food, our mind normally goes to fruits and vegetables first because they are the most common organic offerings. But, there are other food items as well that can be consumed organic and have their own benefits. And, guess what all of these types of organic foods are readily available in Organic Vegetables Online.
Organic Fruits,
Organic Vegetables,
Organic Dairy Produces,
Organic Meat, and
Organic Fish & Seafood.
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Benefits of Buying & Consuming Organic Food –
Organic Food Is More Nutritious, Healthy and Safe –
An organic diet increases the consumption of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids into your body. Most of the researches find out that organic food is more nutritious and it is also much safer. This may translate to a healthier body which is able to absorb healthy nutrients.
On the other hand, the non-organic food generally contains harmful hormones and pesticides. And, the pesticides are by nature poisonous and they're designed to kill. In fact, the pesticides can cause:
Neurological problems,
Allergies and asthma,
Rashes, and other skin problems,
Birth defects and more.
And, obviously basic logic says you should not eat poison. So, why not should you go organic and avoid pesticides?
Organic Food Gets You Healthier Baby –
All the expecting mothers generally imagine that their unborn babies are protected and safe in the womb. But, do you know the research shows that the chemicals, pesticides in the food we consume and other pollutants cross the placenta. Hence, such pesticides and other toxins can create health risks for the unborn babies as well.
In fact, pesticides and chemicals have also been linked to infertility problems in many males and females. Hence, if the parents-to-be choose to consume organic food, then their baby-to-be gets exposed to fewer health risks.
Organic Food Offers Outstanding Flavor –
However, everyone has different taste but in organic foods you're more likely to get fresher flavor because organic foods don't contain artificial preservatives. That means, they sit on the shelf for less time and it results in consumers getting a fresher and better tasting product.
If you talk about the prepared organic foods, they are really where the actual taste difference comes in. The prepared organic foods don't contain chemical fake flavors, so these are true to the taste of the food which shines through.
Let’s take an example: Try a taste test between organic and non-organic ketchup, when you’ll taste them, then you’ll find that the organic ketchup will taste like fresh tomatoes whereas the conventionally made tomato ketchup will taste like it were seasoned with fake tomato flavoring.
Organic Food is No More Costly –
Well, there were times when the organic food items were costly and many people used to complain that organic food is too expensive. But, when people continually purchase the organic food then it shows that the consumer support for organics and in return the companies try to meet that demand of the consumers with better and more competitive prices.
Hence, the only way to show the organic food businesses that people care about the quality and affordable organics is to buy quality organic food items very often. And, guess what, your organic purchases make a difference in the long run as well.
In fact, organics are luckily becoming more affordable now-a-days. If you consider buying organic food items from the Organic Vegan Chocolate Cake, then there are plenty of ways to save money on organic food. For instance, you can use coupons or codes to get discounts or you can buy more in-season produces which costs less than non-season produces. However, if you’re looking for the most affordable organic produces, try the organic food items from Organic Grocery Store in Delhi NCR, we bet you will get the best quality organic food produces at the most affordable prices.
Top 10 Organic Fruits and Vegetables You Need to be Eating?
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sif-the-tsunami · 3 years
Of fathers and daughters
This is a Coffeehouse!AU with a one word prompt brumous (adj.) - of grey skies and winter days; filled with heavy clouds or fog for @its--fandom--darling​ 1000 follower celebration!
I don’t know when I’ll really feel like mixing up some word salad again so I’m throwing myself in this one. This is probably the last Henry piece I’ll work on for a while so, might as well, right? Henry takes his daughter to his favorite little coffeehouse and gets some help when he least expects it.
Warnings: talks about a very difficult pregnancy, PPD, and new parent struggles. aside from that, ITS SO FLUFFY YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!! Also mom jokes, which are like dad jokes. But they cute you to the core.
Not beta’d: all you can eat typos.
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“Hush, my darling. Lets give Mummy some time to nap, sweet girl.” Henry said in a soothing tone to the baby as she whimpered in discontentment. The infant was just so tiny as he held her against his warm chest. The diaper bag was on the handle of pram, a cozy blanket was readily available as was a snuggly puppy stuffy that looked just like Kal. A fan had hand stitched it for the growing family shortly after the Cavill clan announced the pregnancy.
The tiny manifestation of he and his wifes love for each other loudly protested her sudden change of scenery and cold air on her face as soon as they walked out the front door. The motion of the buggy seemed to calm her. “I know, my love, we wont be outside for long, I promise. We are just going to go see Auntie Sif. She’s just down the street.”
The sky was a dark grey as they trekked down the road to Henry’s favorite coffeehouse. It perfectly matched his mood for the afternoon. Being parents to a baby that after everything was said and done the doctor was even surprised made it full term had been emotionally taxing. Her umbilical chord had only one artery, and the increased hormones made his wife miserable practically as soon as implantation even happened. It started with an aversion to eggs and just got worse from there. 
They were both exhausted, but his wife definitely didn’t have the easiest time. If his love could cure what ailed her, there would be no bad days. But depression just doesn’t work like that.
Arriving at the coffeehouse, the warmth and laughter inside welcomed him. The smell of soup and the occasional notes of espresso greeted his soul. 
“Well hey there, stranger!” A bright voice called out from behind the counter. “Oooh, you brought my littlest sweetheart to see me! Where is Momma?”
“Hello, Sif. We are on a daddy-daughter adventure so Mummy can take a nap. My god does it smell good in here.” The tiny woman came up and hugged him hard. She then pivoted immediately to look at the pink wrapped baby laying down in the pram. 
“Good man, and it smells so good in here because I made your favorite soup today.” She said, smiling, her eyes teared up a little at the little girl wiggling.
“You didn’t even know I was coming.” He laughed. When they had gone to 
“You go take a seat, darlin’, I’ll get you set up. Your usual, right?” Her vaguely southern accent popped out when she was really happy. He looked around the space. Her husband was in the corner teaching a younger patron how to play Warhammer. He never remembered his name, but in his mind he called the red bearded man Thor. He looked up and waved at new dad.
“For coffee, yes. Can I get the soup and sandwich thing you make me?”
“Of course.” Moments later, Sif came out with a tray in one of her hands. She placed a steaming bowl of soup in front of him with a heel of a fresh baguette from a local bakery. The sandwich was so big he almost couldn’t wrap his lips around it. The latte was perfect, but like always, she made the foam look like a dick.
As soon he dug into the sandwich, his baby started screaming until her face was bright red. Henry tried everything, checked her wants, needs, but the crying continued. Before he could run through the mental checklist again, he looked up and saw Sif walking over. “Oh no, sweet girl, are you giving Daddy a hard time? How can I help, Hen?”
“I don’t know what she wants, her nappy is clean, she didn’t want the bottle.”
“Maybe she just needs a new view, can I hold her?” Henry nodded. “Alright, Chicken, come here. Daddy should be able to eat his lunch while it’s hot, right?”
“Did you just call my daughter a... a farm animal?” Henry asked between mouthfuls of soup.
“My Grammy used to call my sister Chicken and I was Chicken Little. I think it’s a Massachusetts thing. Or Irish, her grandmother used to call her Chicken too. I call my daughter it occasionally.” The woman stood up and started rocking back and forth and pacing a little. Soon the little girl was snuggled into her chest, perfectly content as long as she could see her daddy. In a smooth voice, almost musical, she rubbed the two month old’s back. “See, everything is alright. You just relax, my littlest sweetheart, that way my biggest sweetheart can take good care of you once he’s eaten. Yeah, does that sound like a good idea?”
Before long the baby drifted back to sleep so Sif leaned her back to hold her more comfortably, Thor walked up to his wife with his car keys in his hand, chuckling. “Before you get any ideas. No.”
“No, I know. I like my babies these days the way I like my library books, returnable.” His wife said. “Getting the wee shebeast from school? Drive safe, my love.”
Continuing to rock back and forth with the expertise of someone who has helped many babies fall asleep, Sif hummed gently. Henry finished his food as quickly as he could. “I appreciate how good you’ve been to us, Sif. The Missus loved the cookies you baked her.”
“I am happy to make her more whenever she wants them. You both have been far kinder to me than I could have ever hoped for. You told all your friends how much you liked our place and honestly that made a huge difference. I wouldn't have made some of the friends I have without you, and I can’t thank you enough for that. How is your wife doing?”
“Its been rough, but she’s been hanging in there.”
“Well, give both of you some grace. I know you will get a million people telling you that you should enjoy every minute because they are fleeting. And I’m sure you will get more people who will give you a hard time for not being grateful for every sleepless night. But I’m going to tell you this, as an unsolicited veteran parent to a new one, sometimes babies are hard. You don’t know each other yet and you don’t understand what the other wants. They have no idea of patience, or object permanence. Whenever something go wrong for the first, like, I don’t know, eight years of their lives, try to remember that it could very well be the worst thing that could have ever happened to them so they will react accordingly.” Sif gently stroked the soft hair on the babies head. Looking at the little angelic face in her arms, “So much hard work, so much heartbreak. But, if you do the right by her, you’ll make the world a little bit better. But you know that, you have nieces and nephews. You guys are doing great.”
Henry nodded taking the baby back into his arms. “Thank you, Sif.”
“I’m going to go package up some soup for Momma, give you guys one less thing to worry about tonight.” She said, squeezing his shoulder gently. She came back a few minutes later with a container with some supper for his wife. 
“We’ll see you soon, my friend.” Henry said, tired still but ready to go home. He leaned down and hugged the small woman. “We love you, thank you again.”
“Be safe, give Kal some love for me.” 
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thefoodadvice · 3 years
Take Healthy Foods To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle
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When you buy healthy, nutritious food, you're not only eating great dishes; you're also helping to enhance your entire health, whether it's by developing muscle, sharpening your intellect, or strengthening your heart. If you're between the ages of 35 and 50, the choices you make today about your health are more important than they've ever been. Indeed, the choices you make today and in the future might help you stay healthy. What Counts as "Healthy Food"? Here's what we know thus far:
What Does "Healthy Food" Mean?
Healthy meals offer you the nutrients you need to maintain your body's health and energy levels. Water, carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals are essential components of a healthy, balanced diet. A weight-loss diet should include a variety of nutritious foods. Consider it as if you were eating a rainbow by arranging a rainbow of colours on your plate. Dark, leafy greens, oranges, and tomatoes, fresh herbs are high in vitamins, fibre, and minerals. Frozen peppers, broccoli, and onions might get added to stews and omelettes for a quick burst of colour and nutrition. Fruit
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Fruits can be eaten fresh, frozen, or tinned. Mango, pineapple, and kiwi fruit are alternatives to apples and bananas. If fresh fruit isn't available, use a cold, canned, or dry replacement. Be cautious that dried and canned fruit may include sugars, or syrups get added. These are some of the healthy fruits that you must try: - Apples - Blueberries - Bananas - Oranges - Mango - Dragon Fruit - Avocado - Lychee - Strawberry - Pineapple - Cherries - Olives - Watermelon - Kiwi - Peaches - Guava - Grapes - Pomegranate - Grapefruit - Durian Vegetables With a herb like a rosemary, you can add variety to grilled or steamed veggies. Try a nonstick pan, pan fry veggies with a tiny quantity of cooking spray. Consider frozen or canned veggies for a quick side dish—just microwave and serve. Try a different veggie every day for diversity. Some healthy vegetables that must get included in the regular diet are: - Spinach - Broccoli - Carrot - Brussels Sprouts - Garlic - Green peas - Kale - Ginger - Swiss Chard - Red Cabbage - Asparagus - Kohlrabi - Collard Greens - Sweet Potatoes Foods high in calcium In addition to fat-free and low-fat milk, consider low-fat and fat-free yoghurts with no added sugars. These are available in several tastes and can get used as a dessert alternative.
Meat, fish, and eggs
Here are some of the health advice: Fish that are high in oil - salmon, - trout, - mackerel, - herring, - sardines, and - anchovies. Oil is found in the tissues and surrounding the intestines of these fish. Chicken It is cost-effective and nutritious meat. Chicken that has to get raised outdoors is the best source of protein. It indicates that consumers should consume deep-fried chicken in moderation and remove the skin before eating. Eggs Eggs are another very adaptable source of protein that people may readily add to a balanced diet.
Adding a few of these items to your diet- you want to overhaul your diet or merely freshen up your meals. Many of the foods listed above are abundant in vitamins and antioxidants, as well as being delicious. Some of these may even aid in weight loss. Read the full article
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circadiyincapsules · 3 years
CircadiYin Reviews 2021 – Scam CircadiYin Supplement Works? Updates+ [2021]
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CircadiYin Reviews - Can it help to burn your stubborn fat? Are there any side effects? Any consumer complaints? Read ingredients & dosage!
CircadiYin Reviews: What is CircadiYin?
Setting realistic goals will help you lose weight. If you set goals that are way out of your reach (like losing 10 pounds in one week) it will leave you feeling discouraged and CircadiYin like you can't lose weight, and most likely you will give up. Just take your time and keep a good mind set.
Looking for a quick and easy way to lose weight? Start paying more attention to what you're drinking. Simply by switching from soda to water, many people are able to go down half a dress size or so. Try using skim milk in your coffee or tea instead of cream, and you may notice your clothes fitting a little looser.
Sometimes when people have started losing weight, they will seem to hit a plateau. No matter what they do, the weight won't budge. The best way to overcome this is to increase the amount of time you are exercising by 5 minutes. Do this once a week until you overcome the plateau.
CircadiYin Reviews: How does CircadiYin work?
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Being motivated in the right way is something you need if you want to lose weight. The only person you answer to at the end of the day is you! So don't try to lose weight for anybody else but yourself. You can use the information that is provided below to learn how to properly motivate yourself to lose the most weight that you possibly can.
A good way to lose weight is to put up motivational pictures of the body you want to look like, around your house. It's very easy to lose motivation when trying to lose weight, but by having pictures readily available you'll be more likely to keep up with your weight loss plans.
To help speed up your weight loss, try to be as active as possible. This doesn't just include regular exercise. Insert motion into your daily activities, such as using the stairs instead of the elevator or parking your car further from the store. Walk around while you answer phone calls .
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Cut your caffeine intake for better weight loss. Studies have shown that caffeine can actually slow the rat at which you burn fat.
Simply turning down the temperature on your thermostat can have a big impact on your overall weight loss.
Studies have shown that people who go to sleep in a cooler environment (not exceeding 70 degrees) burn an extra 100 to 200 calories per day. This is due to a process called non-shivering thermogenesis.
Research fast food menu options prior to eating out at a fast food restaurant. This enables you to make good choices when eating fast food while trying to lose weight.
Fast food is not forbidden as long as you are knowledgeable about what menu items are low in calories.
CircadiYin Reviews: Who is CircadiYin for?
To help with weight loss you should eat a lot of healthy salads. Buy greens that are already washed and bagged. Have fresh vegetables, like carrots and radishes, ready to add to your salad. A salad using these ingredients, and topped with a low-fat dressing, is quick to make and very filling.
If you are going to indulge in wine, then you need to have a glass instead of buying an entire bottle. This is circadiyin reviews because having too much wine can dramatically increase caloric intake. Another reason is because becoming inebriated increases the chances you will not keep your food portions under control.
The tips you just read can help you quickly and easily lose as much weight as you want. You have to figure out how to become motivated so when you feel like working out is too hard you keep going to get the best results.
CircadiYin Reviews: What benefits does CircadiYin provide?
Choosing to lose weight is a personal decision that takes a lot of work to accomplish. It can mean making sacrifices and changing your lifestyle completely. But anyone who lost weight will tell you that it's worth it. If you've made the choice to lose weight, here are some weight loss tips that can help you.
When you are trying to lose weight, it helps to be knowledgeable about portion sizes so you are more aware of what you're eating. For example, a portion of meat is only the size of a deck of cards. Knowing portion sizes can make it easier to balance your diet to ensure optimal nutrition while reducing calories.
A tip that may help you lose weight is to eat right before you do your grocery shopping. A classic mistake people make is when they do all of their grocery shopping when they're hungry. They get overzealous and end up getting more food than they normally would have.
CircadiYin Reviews: What price is CircadiYin available for?
A great way to help you lose weight is to follow a proven diet that you can follow long term. There are so many fad diets out there and most of them will make you gain all the weight back or even more. It's best to pick a diet you can follow over a long period.
To help you in your weight loss journey, discover how you got here. Why do you eat? When do you eat? Yes, you eat for nourishment, but why else? Before you can weight reduction successfully learn new eating habits look into how you got overweight in the first place and address that.
A great way to help you lose weight is to perform three, thirty minute cardio sessions a week. If you perform this many cardio sessions a week, you'll burn roughly about one thousand calories through exercise. If you're dieting at the same time you can lose about a pound each week.
CircadiYin Reviews: Conclusion
Weight loss has many health benefits, but not everyone sees these benefits due to mistakes. There are many mistakes that people make when it comes to weight loss, with most resulting in failure, and some even resulting in personal injury. To avoid making these mistakes when you try to lose weight, follow the tips in the following article.
Steaming foods that you would ordinarily bake or fry is a great way to decrease the fat content in your food. Steaming food will cook it without adding butter or any other unhealthy supplement. Choose fresh foods with lots of flavor,that way steaming or grilling can be a great way to cook your meals without adding fat.
Help yourself lose weight at work by making changes to work habits that don't help your goal. Instead of gossiping in the breakroom, walk around the block or up and down the stairwell. Stay away from the vending machine by bringing healthier snacks to work. Nosh on almonds, walnuts, low fat granola bars, or celery sticks with peanut butter to help keep hunger cravings away.
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