#we were all cringing and gripping our seats
bixels · 4 months
Watched Rear Window last week. Went a little overboard on what was supposed to be a simple expression/design study.
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Maybe one of the most bone-chilling scenes in film.
Individual shots:
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loves0phelia · 1 month
Country Girl
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Summery: Eddie’s music career is getting to much, what happens when he takes a vacation to a small countryside town?
Words: 4,1k
Warnings: spelling mistakes, characters gets in underwear, mention of drinking alcohol.
A/N: this sucks but I haven’t written in 2 months sooo I hope you enjoy xx
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“Are you kidding me?”
“No Eds, you're going to Spring Lake.” Gareth stood with his hands on his hips with a fatherlike glare fixated on his friend whom he almost didn't recognize nowadays. 
“Why would I be going in this shit hole? I am fine right where I am” He said the last bit of his sentence with a long tired sigh as he planted himself down on the beat-up couch in the trailer where all the costumes and concert essentials were stored. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was greasy and sweaty sticking to his forehead. 
“You're not okay Eddie. We can't recognize you anymore. You need some time off, we all do. and it would be better if you got out of the city for the summer ” Eddie scoffed at this and rubbed his hand over his face.
“Ok. Who's we? And who put “we” in charge of me?” He laughed humorlessly and stood up from his seat with an accusatory finger pointed at Gareth's face.
“Julie, but we all agreed with her, Eddie. You can barely stand during our shows because you drank too much beforehand, even the press is talking about it! You're making it hard for all of us-”
“Shut up! Shut up!” His voice bounced on the metal walls and rang in Gareth's ears making him visibly cringe before he stormed out. 
As soon as he stepped out, the cameras started flashing and blinding him, capturing his angry features and red eyes. He couldn't wait to see the newspaper with the various headlines about him and his addictions.
He yanked open the limousine door that was initially the band's way of transport but he couldn't care less about how they would get to the hotel. He slides in, slamming it shut behind him. His eyes flashed with irritation as he leaned forward.
"To the hotel, and step on it, will you? I’ve already had enough shit today. No detours, no shortcuts—just get me there as fast as you can." He barked at the chauffeur.
Without caring for a response he slumped back against the seat, glaring out the window,
The drive was short, as requested. He was back at the hotel before anyone else. Still fuming with rage and decided to dial a number he only called for emergencies.
“Hello?” The man's voice was soothing in Eddie's ears. 
“Hey, Wayne.” An angry tear fell out of Eddie's eye.
“Eddie, boy do you know how late it is?” Eddie turned his head slightly to look at the clock that lay on the modern-looking bedside table.
“Sorry, I just- I need to talk to you” his throat contracted another tear threatening to fall from his brown doe eyes.
“What's wrong son?” Despite Wayne's strong and deep voice, the concern was clear.
“Julie and the band wants-” Once again his hand made its way into his hair, this time gripping angrily. “They want me to go to Spring Lake for the summer as if they can just send me away! Like- Like to get rid of me” he groaned into the receiver.
“Eddie listen to me” Wayne signed sadly for Eddie.
“I requested it to your manager, okay? I've seen you on TV and I can't even count on my fingers the number of times you've called me in the middle of the night while being drunk. You need a break, son” 
“No, no! I'm fine Wayne” Both of his knees started trembling as he couldn't help the tears from cascading down his cheeks. He felt lost and he couldn't find a way to return.
“You're not Eds. You need to find a way to get better, please listen to Julie when she comes to talk to you, goodnight, son. I love you” The phone pressed against Eddie's ear went flat as the line disconnected. 
He sat there, staring blankly ahead, his face drained of colour. He barely notices the tear that escapes now.
He was used to getting comments from Gareth and Jeff or the rest of the band but never from his uncle.
His chest felt heavy, making it hard to breathe. He wanted to scream, to do something, but nothing came. Instead, he remained still, unable to process everything the night unfolded. 
He felt disconnected as if the world was moving on without him, until a knock came to the door. His eyes which looked blankly at the carpet floor snapped to the hotel room door. He didn't bother to stand figuring out the person on the other side would get the message and leave him alone. 
Unfortunately, the door opened and Julie entered the room. 
“Did you talk to Wayne?” She asked, her voice sharp like a thorn. 
“I did”
“I should've told Gareth to keep his mouth shut about this, it wasn't his place to tell you. I'm your manager, I should be the one taking care of this mess” Her black leather boots stumped on the floor as she approached the bed he was sitting on.
“Wayne said you loved going to Spring Lake as a kid, that's why we thought it would be a great idea.” She added.
“Yeah trailer park, poor, didn't have a life Eddie loved going there, it was the only place where I wasn't freak because everything is disconnected there.” Julie’s eyes soften, her heart feeling sad at the mention of Ed's childhood. 
“I have a life now, I'm a rockstar, and I'm important to people” 
“But you're losing yourself in the process. You need to go back to your roots, and learn what's really important” Eddie sighed in defeat there was no denying it.
“Go to Spring Lake for a couple of weeks and if you hate it, come back. My niece has a cottage she can welcome you”
His fingers drummed impatiently on the armrest as the car slowed down to avoid a group of cyclists taking up the road.
"This is ridiculous," he muttered under his breath, glancing out the window at two horses casually munching on herbs. 
The car finally pulled up to a small cottage-looking house, it was small, probably only big enough for two bedrooms and one bathroom. It had a porch swing and a bunch of potted flowers. It was far from what he was used to now.  
The driver opened the door for him, his black combat boots crunched against the gravel. Eddie's expression was clearly stating that he’d rather be anywhere else.
"Let’s just get this over with," he sighed, and he walked towards the entrance of the house. As Marcus “driver” started unloading his luggage.
He raised his fist to connect it to do wooden door frame around the screen door but at the same time the door on the other side swung open as fast as a rush of wind
He wrinkled his nose slightly, the faint smell of fresh baked goods interfered with his overpriced cologne.
“Hi!” you said in a welcoming tone. Eddie was mesmerized by your sun-kissed skin glowing so naturally. Your beautiful hair, loosely tied back with a ribbon, cascaded down your shoulders. your overalls are dirty but charming with a simple floral pattern embroidered into the pockets.
Your face broke into a wide, genuine smile, your eyes crinkled at the corners with the kind of happiness that he wasn't used to seeing.
“It's so nice to see you, Eddie!,” You walked forward pushing the screen door that was separating you both to greet him, making Eddie step back a few feet almost tripping down the small stairs leading up to the porch.,
“I’m y/n. It’s so nice to have you here, I made some blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls I didn't know which one you preferred… oh! I also have some lemon pie. come in!.”
He barely managed to suppress a groan. Of course, you would be cheerful and kind. Everyone in these small towns always was. Still, there was something about you that made him pause. Maybe it was the way your smile didn’t get flatter even as you faced his cold demeanour or the way your eyes sparkled as you spoke about the dessert you had made for him specifically. He shook off the thought, reminding himself that he was here out of obligation, not to make friends.
“Thanks,” he replied shortly, his tone cold as he glanced around the room, doing his best to avoid looking directly at you.
you didn’t seem bothered by his lack of enthusiasm. Instead, you clasped her hands together, your smile never fading.
“I’ve got your room all ready. there's a dresser and a fantastic view of the lake behind the house. I hope you’ll like it.”
He sighed, already regretting the trip, but nodded. “Sure. Lead the way.”
As you walked ahead of him, he couldn't help but notice the way your hips swayed gracefully. He quickly looked away, feeling annoyed at himself. He wasn’t here to admire the locals, least of all a girl who looked like she belonged in a summer daydream.
You led him up the narrow hallway, talking about various details about the house and the people in town, the kind of small talk that would usually make him roll his eyes. But today, for reasons he couldn’t quite explain, he found himself listening, even if he didn’t respond.
“Here, this is your room and mine is right there” You pointed to the door right next to ‘his’ 
He grunted a thanks, stepping inside and without saying a word he closed the door shut. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. You were beautiful, he admitted to himself, but in a way that was different from the women he was used to. Something was refreshing about you, something real.
But then he shook his head, pushing the thought away. It didn’t matter how beautiful you were. He was here for a few days at most, just to make his manager happy and then he’d be back to his world, far away from this little town and its infuriatingly sunny inhabitants. Still, as he threw himself onto the bed, he couldn’t quite get your smile out of his mind.
Eddie stirred beneath the soft blankets, blinking against the unwelcome brightness. He wasn’t used to waking up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window or the scent of fresh coffee wafting through the air. For a moment, he forgot where he was, his mind still groggy from sleep. The sheets were softer, crumb-free and smelled flowery.
Then it hit him—he was in your house in Spring Lake.  The day of his arrival felt like a dream, a bad dream. He groaned, rubbing a hand over his face as he sat up, his hair wild and eyes heavy with remaining sleep. This wasn’t how he usually started his day, and the unfamiliarity of it all only added to his irritation.
Just as he was about to pull himself out of bed, there was a soft knock on the door, followed by it creaking open. You peeked your head in and smiled as bright as ever. Who was this happy at… 8 am?
“Good morning! I hope you slept well,” You said, stepping into the room with a steaming mug of coffee in hand.
He mumbled a response “Morning.”
you handed him the mug, your fingers brushing against his as you did. “I made you some coffee. I thought you might need it. the trip was probably long, you forgot your suitcases outside, but don't worry I rolled them in for you last night” you reassured.
“Thanks,” he muttered, his voice rougher than usual. He took a sip. It was good coffee, surprisingly so. He gave you a nod of approval, which you seemed to appreciate before leaving the room and allowing him to get civil.
After a moment he joined you in the kitchen still looking grumpy “So,” you began “ You don’t exactly strike me as the countryside type so what are you doing here?.”
He raised an eyebrow at your directness.
“Julie didn't tell you?” he replied simply, taking another sip of coffee.
“She only said you already knew your way around town so I didn't need to play guide with you but you don't seem to be from here and I don't think I've seen you before,” you shrugged.
He let out a short, humourless laugh. “I used to come here every summer as a kid”
You tilted her head, studying him.  “Well, I hope you enjoy it as much as you did before.”
He frowned at that. “Enjoy it? What’s there to enjoy? I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere when I could be… I don't know. having fun?.”
“Maybe you can have fun here?” your voice was a little teasing as if in your head you had come up with a sudden plan.
“This is Carrot,” You said, patting the horse’s neck affectionately. “He's perfect for beginners”
Eddie arched an eyebrow, “I’m not a beginner,” he said gruffly, though the truth was, he had never been this close to a horse before, let alone ridden one. But he wasn’t about to let that show.
“Alright then, Mr. Experienced. Ready to get on?”
He took the reins with a nod, his grip a little tighter than necessary. He’d seen people ride horses in movies and on TV—how hard could it be? With a deep breath, he approached Carrot. 
“First, put your left foot in the stirrup,” you instructed, watching him closely. “Then swing your right leg over.”
“I know," he cut you off, determined to appear unbothered. For a moment, he hesitated, but he quickly shook it off and pushed himself up. His right leg swung over the saddle, and before he knew it, he was sitting on the horse. He landed with more force than he intended, and Carrot shifted beneath him, causing him to tense up.
“See? Easy,” But he forced himself to stay calm, straightening his posture and gripping the reins as if he knew exactly what he was doing.
“right… So you can race me then?” The corner of your lips lifted in a malicious smirk.
“Race you?” he tensed up again, shifting in the saddle as he tried to find a comfortable position. 
“mhm,”  you said, smoothly mounting your horse.
The horses began to move. Eddie's eyes widened slightly “Wait wait wait, can we take it slow… it's been a while, I just gotta warm up a little” he lied through his teeth.
“I thought you were experienced” You turned your head over your shoulder looking back at him as your horse galloped forward. “Just relax and let him guide you. There’s no rush.”
Relax? Easier said than done. But he wasn’t about to let you see him falter. So he squared his shoulders and  took a deep breath
After a few minutes of you both going slowly around the field, Eddie had finally gotten the hang of it. Or so he thought.
“How about we pick up the pace now? A little friendly race, maybe?” He said, his voice still trembling, clearly not being as confident as he wished to be.
“Alright, you’re on,” you replied. 
You flashed him another grin, then gently nudged your mare forward. Belle (your horse), sensing the challenge, picked up her pace too, and before you knew it, You and Eddie were both moving faster across the field. 
“Come on, Carrot!” he urged with a small proud smile, impressed at his skills, trying to keep up with you, who had already raced slightly ahead of him. 
For a moment, Eddie forgot all about his earlier discomfort. It was just him, the horse, and the open field ahead and for the first time in a while, he felt free.
But then, as he rounded a bend in the open field, Carrot suddenly swerved to avoid a rock hidden in the tall grass. The sudden movement caught him off guard, and before he could react, he felt himself slipping sideways in the saddle. 
The next thing he knew, his legs swinging over the horse’s back as he tumbled off in an awkward arc.
He hit the ground with a heavy thud, right in the middle of a large, muddy puddle. The cold, thick mud splattered everywhere, coating his clothes, face, and hair in a messy, sticky layer. For a second, he just lay there, stunned, staring up at the sky as the reality of what had just happened sank in.
“Oh my gosh Eddie, are you okay?” You jumped down your horse and rushed to his aid, slipping on your knees in the puddle to check for any injuries.
He sat up slowly, wiping mud from his face with a grimace. His once-pristine jacket was now a muddy mess, and his hair stuck out in odd angles, but as he looked up at you, concerned in your eyes, on your knees in the puddle, next to him, he couldn’t help it. A chuckle escaped him, followed by another, until he was laughing.
Your frown quickly turned upside down when you heard the laughter coming out of his mouth. Giggles quickly started bubbling in your throat as well.
“I warned you it wasn’t as easy as it looked,” you teased, grinning as you tried brushing some of the mud off his shoulder.
He let out a mock groan, half-grumpy, half-amused with the situation.
Despite the mud, the fall, and the bruised ego, he felt lighter than he had in days. There was something liberating about letting go, about laughing at himself and the situation, instead of trying to maintain the stoic facade he usually wore. 
”Let's get you cleaned up. I think you’ve had enough mud for one day.” You smiled and grabbed both his hands to help him up from the muddy water.
As you both walked back toward the cottage-like house, side by side, he realized something. For the first time since he’d arrived, he was having fun. And it was all thanks to you.
Ever since that day, you and Eddie have been enjoying each other's company.
Today the sun was glowing despite the dark clouds looming in the sky but knowing rain was to come you both decided to stay in the cottage instead of going out to the horse barn. and that's how you ended up standing on your tiptoes, trying to reach a bag of flour on the top shelf. 
Eddie watched you from the doorway with a mix of exasperation and amusement.
“Why don’t you just use a stool like a normal person?” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. You shot him a determined look, your lips curving into a playful smile.
“I’ve got it, don’t worry. I do this all the time.”
Eddie sighed, watching you struggle with the shelf that was clearly too high for you. You were nothing if not stubborn. Just as he was about to walk over and get the flour himself, you made a final, determined stretch—and knocked the bag off the shelf. It tumbled through the air, heading straight for your face.
“Oh, for crying out loud…” Eddie muttered, stepping forward with reflexes quicker than he cared to acknowledge. He caught the bag just before it hit you but not without consequence. 
The bag burst open on impact, sending a thick cloud of flour exploding into the air.
You blinked, momentarily stunned as the white powder rained down on the both of you. When the cloud settled, you were covered head to toe in flour, your long hair now dusted with white. Eddie wasn't much better, his dark hair and clothes now sprinkled with flour.
“Well… at least you caught it,” you murmured as you and Eddie stood unmoving
Eddie gave you a long, unimpressed look.
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, reaching up to wipe the flour off his face with a sigh. “You’re welcome.”
“Sorry, guess we're just bound to get dirty all the time” Your giggles broke free, your eyes sparkling with mischief.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but there was a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Don’t push it,” he replied, though his tone lacked the usual bite.               
“At least you look cute” Your hands brushed his cheek to remove some of the remaining flour from his face, even though only water would be able to remove the cloudy ingredient from your face. 
“I'm going to take a dip in the lake to clean up a bit before going in the shower, I don't want the flour to clog the drain, you coming?” Your boldness surprised you.
“uhh- ye- yes” You laughed under your breath at Eddie's flushed face before walking to the glass door leading to the wooden dock in the backyard of your house.
You reached the edge of the dock and kicked off your shoes. Eddie followed, his hands stuffed into his pockets but watching you intensely. But his gaze quickly left you when you started pulling away your dress leaving you in only your underwear.
“uhh,” Eddie scratched his head awkwardly, not sure where to look anymore.
“It's okay Eddie, you can look, it's just like a swimsuit” You brushed your hair over your shoulder and saw Eddie gulp. Once again a giggle escaped you but without further explanation, you jumped in the water. 
You emerged with a splash, your laughter bubbling up as you pushed your wet hair out of your face. you looked up at Eddie, who was still standing at the edge of the dock, staring down at you. 
“Come on, rockstar, that flour isn't gonna fly away!” you called back, your voice echoing across the lake. You floated on your back, arms outstretched.
For a moment, Eddie hesitated. But then, as he looked at you, carefree and glowing in the golden light, something in him shifted. Maybe it was the way you seemed to belong to this place or the way you had pulled him into your world without even trying. Or maybe it was just that he wanted to hold onto this feeling a little longer, to be a part of it.
With a resigned sigh, Eddie kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside as well as his pants leaving him in only boxers. You watched, your heart skipping a beat as he moved closer to the edge. He paused for just a second, meeting your gaze.
Then, without another word, he jumped.
The water erupted around him as he plunged in, disappearing beneath the surface for a few seconds before he came back to the surface.
You swam closer, the distance between you closing. 
Eddie chuckled, his laughter rich and warm as he reached out to gently brush a strand of wet hair from your face. “You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?”
You grinned, your eyes locking onto his as she splashed him playfully. “You’re welcome,” you teased, before leaning in and pressing a quick, playful kiss to his cheek.
“y/n…” Eddie whispered, not even sure what he was going to say.
But before he could finish, you leaned in, your gaze dropping to his lips. For a split second, the world stood still. Then, in one fluid motion, you both closed the distance between you, his lips brushing softly against yours.
The kiss was gentle at first, tentative as if you were afraid he might pull away. But when Eddie responded, his lips moving against yours with equal softness, you deepened the kiss, and his hand came up to cup your cheek.
You felt a shiver run down your spine as your legs wrapped around his waist in the water, you melted into him, your arms wrapped around his neck for added support. The world around you seemed to disappear.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other as you tried to catch your breath. Eddie's heart was pounding so loudly he was sure you could hear it.
Eddie opened his eyes, his gaze locking onto yours. “I didn’t expect that,” he admitted, his voice low and rough.
you smiled, your fingers still tangled in his hair. “I’m glad I did it,” you whispered back, your heart swelling.
“Me too,” he said softly, pressing another light kiss to your forehead before pulling you further into his arms, holding you close.
“I think we should get out before we get all wrinkly” You laughed and he splashed more water onto your face before you started to swim away.
“Hey Julie, please tell the band I won't be back for a while…” He whispered into the phone as you slept beside him your hair all sprawled on the silk pillow where your head layed as he kissed you endlessly a couple of hours before.
“How long are you thinking?” she asked.
“Actually… I don't think I will come back at all”
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wonbin-truther · 2 months
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˚⊹ ᰔೀ dream boyfriend: incoming ˚⊹ ᰔೀ ╰┈➤ here comes the bride
"whats somi's sisters name?" mark whispered to you as the two of you walked into the venue. "hyuna. the middle one is garam," you whispered back, putting on your best fake smile as you took his hand in yours when you saw your moms family come into view. you mentally prepared yourself as you pushed open the glass doors to where the cocktail hour had already began. "should we check for our seats?" mark asked as he looked at the table with the name cards sat around. you scoffed as you eyed the room for where your dad sat, "don't bother. she probably didn't add ours. just look for my dad."
"your dad?" mark stuttered as you pulled him along. for some reason in his head it didn't cross your mind that your father would be here or you would be sat with him, despite this being an event for your family. "mark your palm is sweaty calm down. my dad isn't going to eat you." "how do you know that?" you rolled your eyes at him as you finally approached the table towards the back of the room. "hey dad," you let go of marks hand so you could give your dad a hug. to say your dad intimidated him was a complete understatement. your dad stood at around 6'2, almost towering over your supposed boyfriend. he also took note of how built he was and the stern look on his face. your dad put out his hand, "Mr. Ln. I'm guessing youre the mark boy I've heard about?" his voice was deep and his grip almost crushed Mark's hand as he shook it. "y-yes sir. nice to meet you Mr. Ln." mark cringed at his unintentional stuttering. you let out a giggle, "dad you're scaring him." "good," your dads face remained stoic as you all sat down. 'god this is going to be a long night,' mark thought to himself.
"hold my hand you're looking suspicious," you mumbled as you kicked mark's foot. you had noticed somi staring at you from across the room. "dude you're dad is going to kill me." "no he won't." you took his hand in yours and mark almost flinched at the look your dad gave him. "first dance is soon," your dad suddenly spoke. if mark could curl into a ball and cry he would have done it already. you nodded, "is it okay if i dance with mark?" your dad eyed mark before giving a curt nod. "you don't have to. if you want to dance with your dad thats fine. not that i dont want to dance with you but if you want to go with him instead i wouldnt be upset," mark found himself stumbling over his words as he spoke. the nerves were slowly getting to him but he was too scared to even take a sip of alcohol. "mark calm down. it's fine," you rubbed your thumb over the top of his hand. mark let out a breath he didnt even know he was holding in and gave your hand a small squeeze.
the moment mark had been worried about finally arrived as the dj invited all other couples to the dance floor. mark stood up and pulled out your chair for you. he had a goofy smile on his face as he extended his hand to you, which you happily put your hand in his. "may I have this dance," his smile only grew wider at the cheesy line and you found a smile growing on your face as you stood up. "yes you may."
"what happened to all those nerves," you whispered, your head on mark's shoulder as you both swayed back and forth to the song. "don't know. i decided might as well enjoy myself and just breathe. no one here knows me other than you and somi," mark responded. "thank you for doing all this. you really didn't have to." "don't worry too much about it. just have a good time," mark continued to lead you through the dance.
"now if all the happy couples could give they partners a kiss," the djs voice rang through the room. you watched as the other couples leaned in to kiss their significant other. as mark moved you, you met eyes with somi who was giving you a shit eating grin and you knew what you had to do.
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synopsis! it wasnt your fault mark was the first profile to appear on your instagram! and it was most definitely not your fault when you told your annoying older cousins that mark lee, the captain of your unis soccer team, was your boyfriend and somehow got him invited to the next family reunion...
tags! @haedgaf @seunghancore @yumjsss @mmjhh1998 @nctrawberries @multifandomania @hyuoonp @kittydollzz @bathilda @413ktz @alethea-moon @meowmarkie @dojaejunging @morkiee @urlocalbeaner5 @nanaxwi @lvrholic @sunghoonsgfreal @jakeshuneybby @nosungluv @evilsailorsenshi @calumsfringe @candied-czennie @haesungie
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leadpoisioning · 2 years
Xavi Doesn’t Know
Tyler Galpin x Fem!Reader
SMUT (18+) ((oral, car sex, phone sex?, jealous!xavier, possessive!tyler))
Word Count: 1,204
Xavier doesn’t know that you and Tyler do it in his car every Sunday, that when you’re shopping Tyler’s really not stopping and it’s a three way call and Xavi doesn’t even know.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Xavier calls out to you, jogging to meet you where you stand in the courtyard. You take a deep breath before turning to the taller boy. Everyone knew Xavier was infatuated with you, ever since you spoke to him during orientation on the first day of freshman year. Unfortunately, he never mustered up the courage to actually do anything about the feelings he had, other than harbor them. You waited, you really did, but eventually his game got tiring and you found someone else.
“Yeah what’s up?” You nod.
“Do you want to hang out in my shed on Sunday? I was thinking we could have a chill day, like we used to.” You cringe at the mention of Sunday. You already had plans.
“Sorry Xavi, I’m already going to a church thing with Wednesday.”
“Oh, okay! No problem, some other time then.” You smile politely and nod, watching as he trudges away. It killed you to lie to him, but he’d hate you if he knew what you were really doing.
“Oh shit baby-“ Tyler gasps bucking up into your mouth. Your hand rests on the center console of his car while you bob your head up and down, messily drooling all over his cock. He screws his eyes shut, focusing on the heavenly feeling of your tongue. His knuckles turn white, gripping the steering wheel as if it might float away. “I’m so close baby, I can’t hold it much longer.” He breathily warns. His noises spur you on, going faster as he gasps harder. Tyler can’t find the words to say anything as his hips stutter, cum shooting up into your mouth. You swallow what you can, and clean his cock with long swipes as his chest heaves. His hand grabs your neck, bringing you to his face for a sloppy kiss. You slide over onto his lap from your seat and kiss him harder.
Meanwhile, Xavier is sat in his wooden chair at his desk. He rolls his eyes and tears out the doodle, throwing the crumpled page to the floor amongst the countless others. He runs a hand through his hair. He hated liking you this much. Too bad Xavi doesn’t know that you do it in Tyler’s car every Sunday.
A few days later he tries again. You and Enid sat next to each other, talking about some assignments.
“Hey, I was thinking we could reschedule that hang out sesh for today if you weren’t busy.” He sheepishly grins. You frown.
“I’m sorry, Enid and I were gonna go shopping in town today.” You and Enid were going into town, except Ajax was coming along as well and you’d be dropped off at Tyler’s house. His mouth draws into a thin line as he nods curtly.
“That’s fine, you two have fun.” He huffs walking off, discouraged but not completely set off.
“Harder, Tyler please-“ You whine, your legs drawing him in by his waist. He obeys, leaning down to kiss you as he does so, swallowing your increasingly loud moans. Your hand curls into his hair, gripping it tightly as he groans into your mouth. His cock feels so nice rutting into your pussy.
“Bet our little friend Xavi can’t fuck you this good.” He snidely remarks, having pulled away from your mouth just to comment in your ear. You shake your head quickly.
“No- only you, only you can fuck me this good-“ You babble, feeling the heat in your stomach grow. Tyler smirks at your quick assurance and dips his hand down to your clit, rewarding you.
“Good girl, that’s right.” He hisses with pleasure as your pussy squeezes his cock. He swirls a finger around your clit faster until your hips are bucking up into his, cumming as he finishes in your pussy. He gives you a few more rolls of his hips, making sure his cum is deep in you, before pulling out.
Xavier carefully moves his hand, making the painting before him come to life. You sat on a blanket in the grass, smiling through the paper. He sighs, slamming the sketchbook shut. He was never going to have that, not if he didn’t man the fuck up and tell you what exactly he wanted. He wasn’t ever completely honest with his intentions, he figured that’s what kept pushing you away. He was going to call you, and instead of tip-toeing around it he was going to ask you out.
“On your hands and knees, baby.” Tyler kisses you before letting you bend over. He gently grabs your ass and presses it back against himself. Your pussy clenching around nothing as he lightly slaps it with his hard cock. Right as he’s about to slide home, your ringtone goes off. Tyler picks up the phone and sees Xavier’s face light up on the screen. Smirking, he clicks answer and tosses the device near your head.
“Hello?” You answer, kind of annoyed about the interruption. Tyler makes it a little more bearable by easing into you.
“(Y/N)! Hey, I really needed to talk to you about something serious. Are you able to talk right now?” You roll your eyes, biting your lip as Tyler slides in and out of your cunt slowly.
“Yeah I’m good, what’s up?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About me and you, us, I mean…” Tyler speeds up his thrusts. “I know why you’ve been avoiding me, and I totally get it! You’ve been wanting me to just be straight up with you.” He states, you’re trying not to moan or laugh into the phone. Tyler wraps a hand around your waist and toys with your clit.
“Xavier, I-“ You quietly muster.
“Wait, I’m not done.” He interrupts.
“Me neither.” Tyler murmurs, you squeeze his cock, making him chuckle softly.
“(Y/N), will you go out with me?” You gasp as Tyler hits a spot deep inside of you, no doubt getting off on this conversation. A three way call and Xavi doesn’t even know. Xavier waits, hearing the gasp and getting excited for your acceptance.
“I’m sorry Xavier, it’s just- ah- you really should’ve told me sooner.” You try your best to sound sorry for him while pleasures fill your senses. The line stays quiet. Tyler reaches for the phone and holds it between his ear and shoulder while he grips your hips for more leverage.
“I’m sorry Thorpe, you snooze; you lose.” He pouts, letting Xavier hear the sinful slaps of his skin against yours before hanging up. When the phone is out of sight, he continues thrusting- harder and deeper than before. You finally let out the pent up moans and push back against his cock. He leans over you to whisper in your ear. “So good for me, denying him while my cock is deep inside your pretty little cunt.” Your breathy moan is all he needs to hear before stilling his hips and filling you up once again while your cum mixes with his, dripping onto his sheets below.
Xavier throws his phone across the dorm room, the device clattering to the ground. He couldn’t believe he was so trusting. Xavi just didn’t know.
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peachyloveswriting · 2 years
Hi can u do a Jealous Kyle?(THXS)
"Yeah. But you're mine." --- (Kyle Brovloski)
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SUMMARY: Eric has always had the feels for you but it's really starting to get to Kyle.
WARNING: Slight smut, just making out that's it. Nothing too serious, recording. :).
NOTES: I've written in first person before and I do like it better than second person idk if it's gonna stick just lmk what you think.
The lunch table around me is loud, I can barely hear any coherent conversations other than my own. I find myself shouting over the table, bickering with Eric. He glares at me smugly, a glassy film over his eyes. Usually it's Kyle who yells at him but I find that the space beside me has gone silent.
"Just shut up fatass!" I snap.
He snickers at me. "Only for you."
I cringe and shake my head, adverting my gaze to the untouched plate in front of me. It's likely cold by now from being so enthralled in my argument but it's much more appealing than looking at Eric's face. I'd rather look at death in the eyes than listen to Eric make such comments about me to my face. Eric has always flirted with me though, but I've never been interested in him. It's been happening everyday since fourth grade and occasionally I stop to think; If I just said me and Kyle were dating he might stop but for the sake of my privacy, I say nothing. At the start of our relationship, we agreed to not tell anyone so we could keep it to ourselves. I was and still am perfectly fine with that, until Eric started flirting with me again.
"I'm going to go roll me one, y'all coming with me?" Kenny pipes up from the end of the table.
Kyle's hand grips mine as he stands to his feet, turning everyone's attention to us. "I'm coming." He announces. After being quiet this whole time, I feel surprised to see him suddenly jumping to volunteer for skipping class. That's not much like Kyle at all.
When we snuck out the back with our stuff, there were five of us, Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Craig, and I. Sneaking out was almost a hassle but we all managed to get away unscathed, leaving the rest of our friends behind. Now that I'm further away from school, I can collect my thoughts. Kyle never wants to openly skip like that, especially not to smoke weed.
"You sure you wanna smoke with us?" Kenny asks, looking at Kyle with curiosity. Looking over at Kenny, he shakes his head. With my hand in his, he lightly tugs me closer to his side.
"I just wanted to get out." Kyle admits sheepishly before looking ahead.
I watch Kenny's eyes widen, exchanging glances with Stan in surprise. I was honestly thinking the same thing, Kyle hasn't smoked a blunt a single day of his life and he suddenly went to smoke with Kenny. Now I know that's not actually true but that he wanted out and that never happens. Something about this whole thing is off, from openly holding hands to skipping school. It's just not like Kyle.
"If you don't mind I'm going to my car." Kyle points back towards the student parking with his thumb. Everyone bids us goodbye and he begins to pull me towards his parking spot. The silence between us feels thick on the walk over, his grip on my hand is tight. So tight that my palms are beginning to sweat. I look up at Kyle, his face is contorted into disgust and discomfort, in his eyes dances a quiet anger. One that I know is settled in his belly. I don't say anything until we reach the car, close our doors and settle in. At first I'm honestly unsure of what to say, he doesn't seem sad, but he seemed disappointed and angry. Like he's confused on what to feel and it confuses me.
"Hey." Kyle is looking out the back windshield, his arm spread to the back of my seat for leverage while he backs out. He's not looking at me. I wait until he's at a stop at the exit to grab his attention back. "Kyle, I need you to pull over up here." Kyle wat he's where I'm pointing. Though he's looking with furrowed brows and wandering eyes, he does what I ask and pulls over onto the aide of the road. His gaze meets mine, he's questioning me silently, confused by what I'm doing. I know he wants answers but I take a second to put the car in Park for him.
"Why?" He finally asks stiffly. I look back up, meeting his gaze. His eyes are searching mine for any clues. Softly taking his hand into mine and intertwining our fingers, I frown at him. There's just something he's not telling me, it's been happening for a while now. I just didn't know how to address it.
"Is something wrong?"
His face scrunches up. "What? No, Why- I'm good." Fumbling his words, Kyle shuts his lips. His gaze starts to shift away from mine, looking out the windows at other things. He's biting his lower lip, rolling it between his teeth before repeating it again. I squeeze his hand, pulling his attention back to me.
"Baby, you're not acting right. Is something wrong? Be honest."
He stares at me with contemplation falling over his looks, he's looking from my eyes, to my lips, to my hands, and finally back at my eyes. "Kinda." He says, lowering his gaze from mine and shaking his head. Suddenly a smile breaks out on my face, I knew he would say something sooner or later. A little convincing is all he needed, that satisfies a part of me that looks out for him, the one that feeds off his emotions. Not in a bad way of course.
"Tell me, I'm listening." My thumb softly brushes over his knuckles, smoothing out the skin there in time. It's a soft way to let him know I'm here, that he can speak to me. Kyle tends to shut down over certain things, some of which I haven't exactly figured out yet, but his well being matters to me. That includes whatever this is.
Slowly, Kyle shakes his head again. "I just don't like the way Cartman treats you." His eyes meet mine again. "He flirts with you all the time and it pisses me off." Venom flares from his tongue, creating a hateful edge in his voice that tells me he's annoyed. I can't help but wonder if it's because he doesn't trust me or if it's just him becoming uncomfortable.
"I'm not going to let him do anything. I promise." I squeeze his hand again, just to accentuate what I said but he shakes his head again.
"it's not that I don't trust you, it's that I don't trust him. Sure, you could ignore him or tell him off but what's going to stop him from continuously thinking of you like that." A shudder rolls off his shoulders. "I don't like the thought of that."
"I don't either, but it's best if we leave it be. It's been almost seven years and he hasn't made a real move yet. I'm sure it's fine." Part of it is true but the other half doesn't feel as reassuring outside of my head, really my only goal is to sooth Kyle's worries but I seem to be interjecting myself now. He scoffs at my words and I furrow my brows. His eyes shift from discomfort to stern and sharp, an assured glare in his gaze. Maybe not directed towards me, but it sure feels like it.
"Yes, but you're mine." The roughness in his voice washes over me in a rain of tingling sensations, like tiny pellets raining down from the sky, pelting my skin. A shudder runs down my spine again. "I don't like him thinking he has a chance with you at all." Kyle finishes. Frustratedly, he points back at the school and groans at the end. Laughing softly and taking my hand away from his, I cup his cheek with it. The grin on my face can't be helped and neither can the heat, but I press forth.
"Yes, I'm yours. But maybe you should give him a reason to stop."
Suddenly it's like a fire lights up in his eyes, creating an evil grin right along with it. The cogs turning in his head are so obvious that I can practically feel the thought forming in his head. I'm unable to get my own thoughts out before he snaps his seatbelt back and presses a hard kiss on my lips. I hum in shock, my chest squeezing strangely in response. Roughly, our lips move together, a sort of sloppy manner tied in with it. Along my shoulders are his hands almost daring to pin me back against the seat and climb over. Still, they are teasingly holding me in place. I can feel one of his hands disappear from my shoulder but I'm not really looking to see what he's doing.
His teeth sink harshly into my bottom lip, pain shooting through it. Opening my mouth with a gasp, a small noise that can only be heard as a moan escapes me. Kyle begins to smile into the kiss, his other hand sliding down to my waist while slipping his tongue into my mouth. We've made out before but it's never been this intense before. I can even feel the tension building in the pit of my stomach, the kind that begs for attention. I didn't mean for it to slip out, but when it did I think both me and Kyle were shocked. "Please." The whimper is nothing more than a pathetic cry for attention, something that hitches the breath in the back of his throat for just a moment before he pulls away grinning like crazy.
"Yeah. That's right, beg for me." Callous in his voice sends a feeling of arousal between my legs, I squeeze them together in hopes of creating more but I get nothing in response.
"God damnit, Kyle." I huff.
Very slowly, with hazy half-lit eyes, Kyle pulls away. That's when I hear it, the sound of my own small plea repeating itself. My stomach twists, Kyle lifts his phone to reveal the whole thing on recording. My cheeks flood with heat and I look away, shy.
"I'm saving that for me." He mutters.
Looking back over I can see him saving it to his phone before opening up his messages. That's when I realized the name at the top is Eric's. Face red as ever I look back up at Kyle, my lips slightly agape and eyes wide. "Shit, that was hot."
Kyle snorts. Clicking the phone off, he looks at me. "I know it was. But it won't be for him."
"What if everyone sees?" I ask.
He puts the car back in drive with a proud grin on his lips. "They can look all they want." His hand comes to rest on my knee, squeezing softly. "At least they'll know you're mine."
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qtubpol · 8 months
i wonder if theres a word limit for this thing. cuz i wrote a poly morning crew fic of them all kissing and i wish to offer it to you to read like a little orphan child on the street offering up a penny to a rich man
Tubbo sank down as far as he could into the seat he was currently sitting in. In front of him were both Pac and Fit, staring at him with different expressions but equally piercing gazes. Distantly he could hear Bagi laughing as she watched the kids while the three of them talked. 
“Tubbo,” Fit said gently in that low rough voice of his. God it was irritating. Tubbo smacked both of his hands over his face and dragged them down unceremoniously. “We want to talk about what happened today.” 
“No idea what you’re talking about!” Tubbo said in the most fake sounding voice he had ever heard, even to his own ears. He cringed, dropping his hands back into his lap to fiddle with his toolbelt. 
“You teleported me out while we were on our date,” Pac said simply. Not angrily. Not upset. Just stating a fact. Tubbo hated how he was acting like he wasn’t upset. Because obviously he was. Right? 
“That was Bagi!” Tubbo defended. “I didn’t do anything! I wanted you guys to have your lovely date undisturbed!” 
“And we did,” Fit affirmed. “But now we are back and we want to talk to you.” 
Tubbo squirmed in his seat. “About what? Nothing to talk about.” 
Pac laughed a little at that and Tubbo sent him a withering glare. “Tubbooo. No. Don’t be mad at me.” He stood up taking a few steps to close the distance and fling himself over Tubbo, head atop his and arms crossed over Tubbo’s chest. It felt warm and safe and to be quite frank it scared the everloving shit out of him. Through the embrace he hesitantly watched Fit, expecting at any moment a cloud of jealousy to fall over his features. They were something else now. Something that didn’t involve Tubbo. But that didn’t happen. Instead, to his utter surprise, Fit smiled at him. 
“Tubbo. We see right through you, you know that right? But the thing is,” he continued. “You don’t have to worry. Our dynamic here-” he gestured between the three of them as Tubbo felt Pac hum against his skull, “-isn’t going to change. Tubbo, you matter to us.” 
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes and he quickly tried to reach up to brush them away but somehow Fit was up out of his seat and beating him to it. His warm non-metal hand now lay flat against Tubbo’s cheek looking deep into his eyes. Tubbo resisted the urge to squirm under the intensity of the gaze. 
“Me and Pac are always gonna be here for you and Sunny okay? Always. We're family.” After a moment's hesitation he leaned in to press a kiss between Tubbo's furrowed eyebrows. 
Tubbo braced himself for Pac to get angry. To shove him away and start screaming at Fit. Once again this did not happen. Fit just smiled at him then up at Pac who squeezed Tubbo tighter and pressed a matching kiss to the top of his head. “You don't have to pretend with us,” Pac said, finally releasing his grip to walk around him and stand next to Fit in front of him. “You were welcome at our date. Always are, right Fitch?” 
Fit nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yes exactly Pac.” 
Pac directed a smug smile at Tubbo. “See? You worry for no reason. Everything is good.” 
A stone of guilt and worry still lay heavy in Tubbo's chest but he tried to ignore it and give them a hesitant smile. “Yeah everything's good.” He wasn't sure if he was annoyed or relieved that they both saw through him immediately. 
Fit sighed. “What can we do to prove it to you?” 
Tubbo squirmed, trying to avoid eye contact. “Nothing, it's all fine. You guys you know go on dates and kiss and be gay and I'll stay here and it'll be fine.” 
Fit let out a deep sigh and oh there it was. Tubbo knew he was a burden he fucking knew it. His train of thought was thrown off as Pac laughed. “Oh so you wanna kiss and be gay with us hm?” 
Tubbo glanced up in surprise to suddenly see Pac right up in his face, deep big brown eyes staring into him. Full of so much joy. Happiness directed at him? Tubbo could hardly believe it but before he could even open his mouth to say anything along the lines of no, Pac grabbed his face gently and kissed him. It was soft and warm and surprising. And very much wanted. 
Without thinking Tubbo let himself reach up to cup Pac's cheek as they kissed, Pac giggling all the while against his lips. Their mouths moved together in a way that felt incredibly natural and normal. Fit laughed at their earnestness and a jolt of fear struck like lightning through Tubbo's body as he pulled back frantically. 
“Fit. I-” Aren't trying to make a move on your man? Am just as confused as you? He wasn't quite sure what he was going to say. 
“It's okay,” Fit soothed. “It's okay. Tubbo, I'm not mad at you right now.” He laughed again. “If anything I should be upset at Pac. He was the one who kissed you after all.” 
“You'd never be mad at me,” Pac teased with an easy grin, rocking back on his heels. 
Fit rolled his eyes fondly at him. “Sure Pac, sure.” 
Tubbo had absolutely no idea what to say so he defaulted to his usual humor. “So you aren't gonna kiss me, Fit? I see how it is. Is it because I'm blonde I bet it's-” he was cut off abruptly by different hands on his face. Rougher ones. A warrior's hands. His lips were surprisingly soft in comparison. Fit was so much more hesitant then Pac, so so gentle. Reaching for his shirt collar, Tubbo dragged him in closer, enjoying the noise of pleasant surprise that Fit made against his lips. Distantly he could hear Pac giggling. 
Eventually they pulled apart, Fit panting slightly and Tubbo became incredibly aware of the dumbass grin gracing his face. The worries and fears were still there, a few kisses weren't going to fix years of trauma but this was nice. “You guys are stupid,” he said instead but he could tell they knew what he meant. 
“You want us to kiss you more often?” Pac teased. “Give kisses to our boy before we go on our dates.” 
Tubbo shouldn't admit it. “Yes,” he said nearly against his will but he was glad he said it. 
“Okay then,” Fit said as if it solved everything. It didn't. But it helped. “You're our guy. Always have been, always will be.” 
Tears were pricking at the corners of his eyes again but he refused to let them fall. He sniffed. “Cool okay um can we get back to the kids now?” 
Fit and Pac both laughed before agreeing with him simultaneously. 
“Yes, of course.” 
“Sim, yes.” 
So that was it. Not a solution to the anguish in his stomach that threatened to eat him alive but some reassurance. He just had to accept it. 
oh fantastic. here you go op. also in my defense... its not that good cuz i havent slept. i in fact pulled an all nighter while writing this so yeah its the best i can do on absolutely no sleep
i would die for you.
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wingedhallows · 5 months
i got my eye on you - four; marauders
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pairing: marauders (sirius black x reader) | 2k words plot: albus reaches out to you to keep the marauders save, to not have them die, so you join them in their seventh year. authors note: i hope you're well, love u! If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
navigation | part one ; part two ; part three ; part four ; part five
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You had left Sirius’ room when the others returned from hogsmeade. With kisses and little miss you’s, you left him alone. The walk to your room seemed longer than usual. You stopped outside the corridor, the moonlit night had a calming effect.
You pushed a stick between your lips and lit it with a tap from your finger. You let your gaze wander, though nothing much could be seen in the dark.
Something caught your attention or rather someone. Four figures argued with each other. You couldn’t make out three of them, they were hidden by the dark but the fourth one, you were sure, was Peter.
Your eyebrows furrowed, unsure what to think of it. You didn’t know Peter as well as the others, not like Sirius. He probably had friends apart from the marauders. You made a mental note to keep an eye on Peter, for his own sake.
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Before you were able to accompany Sirius and his friends to breakfast, Albus had waved for you. Sirius didn’t have a chance to argue before you aparated away.
“What’s the matter, Headmaster?” The old wizard swatted his arm, signaling for you to take a seat. You didn’t argue and sat yourself down, the lighter which you stole from Sirius’ bedside table between your fingers.
“You have a little sister, am I correct?” You sighed and nodded your head.
“Millicent Fox, I believe.” You were well aware that your parents had another daughter, although you’ve met her maybe once or twice.
“She’s small, we’re almost twenty years apart.” You answered.
Albus nodded and plopped a lemon drop in his mouth. “Fourteen years to be accurate.” You diverted your gaze and dropped a small “whatever” in the process.
“She’s to enroll for her first year here in Hogwarts.” You looked at him, eyebrows furrowed. “How generous of our parents.” He didn’t answer and gave you a small smile.
“Maybe you could look out for her and the first years.” A small smirk found itself on your lips. “Yet another task, Albus?” 
“Don’t think of it as a task, I heard she only speaks in the highest tones of you.” You shook your head, face in a scowl.
“She’s a kid.” He nodded.
“Exactly, so help her and the others stay kids, we all know what’s happening nowadays.” You didn’t answer the old wizard.
“Was that everything you wanted to talk to me about?” He shook his head.
“Not exactly.” You waited for him to continue. “I wanted to forward my praises.” He paused.
“For-”For exceptional execution of protection. The incident at the last Quidditch Match was a horrible incident which you defused in a short time. For a brief moment your relationship to Sirius Black stated a problem but seeing how you execute your work erased that worry.”
You were dumbfounded.
“My relationship?” He gave you a smile.
“I know everything, Miss Fox.” You cringed at your last name.
“One issue I do have, I’m afraid.” You once again didn’t interrupt him and waited for him to continue.
“I must plead to you that punishment of students in any form is to be executed by a teacher of this school, vigilantism is something I don’t want to see in these walls again, Miss Fox.” You nodded and excused yourself.
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With a cigarette between your lips you wandered the school grounds, deep in thought.
You hadn’t seen Millie since she was a toddler, not that you knew her very well. Somehow you felt bad, bad for the little girl who had to grow up in the same awful household you had to. You’d give her a chance, you thought.
Give yourself a chance, maybe.
“Are you my sister?” A girl with big brown eyes started up to you, her hand grasped your coat with an iron grip. You looked around, eyes wide. “Miss Y/N?” A house elf you knew too well stood in front of you. “Esmy.” You spoke, your voice barely a whisper.
You crouched down, your arms already around the elf’s shoulders. “Where has Miss Y/N been? Esmy was greatly worried.” She tried. Esmy has been more of a mother than your own has ever been. 
She cared for you when you were sick, wiped your tears and played with you when neither of your parents paid you any mind.
“Miss Y/N is Miss Millicent’s sister.” Esmy spoke, pulling the little girl forward.
Your sister threw you a big smile and threw her tiny arms around your shoulders.
“I knew, you’re my prettiest best sister ever.”
She said, her pigtails hitting your face in the process.
“Esmy showed me photos and told super stories.” You gave her a small smile and grasped her cheek.
“Is that so?” She nodded and played with your hair while you spoke to Esmy. “How is she at home?” Esmy shook her head. 
“Not as strict but not kind either.” She said and you sighed.
"Millicent? Where are you child? Millicent?!”
Your eyes widened. “I gotta go, Millie.” She frowned and sniffled as she stared at you. “
No, I don’t want you to go.” “Take care of her, Esmy.” Esmy nodded and grabbed Millicent.
“I love you, Millie.”
You spoke before you aparated away, desperate to get away before your parents arrived.
“Love, here you are.” Sirius pulled you out of your thoughts, his bag slung over his shoulder.
With one hand he took your cigarette from you and with the other he pulled you closer, his hand buried in your neck. He pressed a hot kiss on your lips and smiled at you.
He took a drag and looked at you.
“What’s the matter?” You sighed and leaned over the railing. “Dumbledore knows of us.” He chuckled and threw an arm over your shoulders, another kiss pressed to your cheek.
“Does he have an issue with that?” Your lips broke into a small smile. “Not really, since I saved your ass a while ago.” He chuckled and took another drag.
He looked at you once more before intertwining his fingers with yours. “That’s not everything, is it?” You shook your head, a sigh left your lips.
“My little sister will come to Hogwarts soon.” His eyebrows furrowed.
“Sister? I thought you were an only child.” You shook your head.
“She’s fourteen years younger than me, she’s barely a child. I don’t even know her.” You grasped his hand to take a drag yourself.
“Albus told you that, why?”
Your hand found his brown locks. “He wants me to look out for her and the other first years, with everything that’s going on.” He sighed but rummaged in his pockets for his pack. With a flick of his lighter, the next cigarette was lit.
“Then we’ll look out for them together.” You gave him a smile and pressed a kiss on his cheek.
“Let’s grab a bite, huh?” You nodded and took the cigarette from his lips.
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Sirius poured some pumpkin juice in your cup and went to grab your plate but you stopped him.
“I’m not hungry.” You protested, your head still swinging with all the thoughts and worry.
“You’ve got to eat something, Y/N.” James had to laugh as he grabbed his cup.
“What’re you laughing at, Potter?” Sirius glared at him. “Oh nothing, Black. Just, hilarious to see you acting all love sick.” Sirius straightened up quickly and threw a biscuit at him.
“I’m not.” James and Remus chuckled.
“Do you want some Pumpkin juice, my love.” James reenacted the previous event.
“Yes please, Sirius.” Remus joined in. “I do not at all sound like that.” You protested.
“Whatever you two, we’re hanging out in the yard later, you comin’ too?” James asked, his question directed at the both of you.
Sirius looked at you, his answer totally laid with you.
“Sure-” Your answer was interrupted by a sudden poof as your house elf, Suki appeared.
“Miss Y/N.” Marlene was so badly startled that she dropped her pumpkin pasty with a yelp.
“Suki, what’s the matter?” You watched the elf trying to not step on any plates or knock something over. 
“This letter arrived for Miss arrived just now. Suki hurried to deliver it.” You took the letter from her tiny hands and thanked her before she disappeared again.
To: Y/N Fox.
From: Millicent Fox.
“What is it?” 
You didn’t answer as you opened up the envelope. The paper was slightly crumbled, maybe she hesitated to send it.
Dear Y/N,
I don’t know if you remember me but I am your little sister, Millicent. I’m about to enroll for my first year at Hogwarts, School of Magic. Your house elf, Suki, has visited me. She let me know that you would be there too, though she didn’t tell me what for. I can’t imagine you as a teacher.
Don’t punish your house elf for talking to me, mother punishes Esmy for every little mistake. I hope you’re nothing like her, hopefully.
I’m excited to meet you, I hope you’re as kind as I imagine you to be.
With kind regards,
your little sister, Millie.
You closed the letter and pushed it back into its envelope.
“Who wrote you?” Sirius asked, pouring some milk into your cup of coffee.
“My sister.” He nodded and stirred the liquid some more. “Here you go.” He paused and placed a biscuit on your saucer. “Just this.” He spoke, puppy eyes forcing you to comply. After you took a bite of the biscuit Sirius had given you, Lily turned to you.
“You have a sister?” You nodded and took a sip from your coffee.
“A very small one, yes.” Sirius placed his hand on your back and spoke again. “What she say?” You grasped his hand and intertwined your fingers.
“She’s very excited to meet me.” Sirius nodded, taking a bite of his food. “That’s good, right?” You nodded, a small smile on your lips.
“I hope.” 
“So, are you two official yet?” Marlene asked, the table stilled. She furrowed her eyebrows.
“Oh please, you two hold hands, smile at each other all the time. I’m not even going to begin to imagine what you lot did while we were at Hogsmeade the other day.” 
James stared at his friend and then at you.
“You two, I thought you were joking?” Lily had to chuckle.
“You really are blind, Potter.” You cleared your throat, a small smile on your lips.
“He hasn’t asked me yet, so no, not official.” Sirius let go of your hand, eyes wide.
“We kissed!” He threw in. “Boys.” Marlene sighed while shaking her head.
“Oh and how we kissed, my dear Sirius.” You paused.
“But until you ask me to be your girlfriend, I’m not.” He sighed and took another bite.
“Do you-”Not like this, Sirius.” Marlene threw in.
“Not over the dinner table, you neanderthal.”
“But how?” She smirked at Sirius.
“That’s for you to figure out, love.” You smiled before you lit yourself a cigarette.
Sirius stayed quiet as his thumb caressed the back of your hand, his head visibly smoking.
“Idiot.” Marlene commented.
“I really don’t know what you see in him, honestly.” You blew some smoke. “He’s not just a pretty face, Marlene.” She huffed a chuckle as she took a sip of her drink.
“Whatever you say.” You threw her a smile and felt Sirius relax. The letter in your pocket weighed a ton, your head was full of thoughts.
You didn’t know if you were prepared for all that but there was something you were absolutely sure about.
These kids would stand by your side and Sirius would be closest.
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( taglist: @navs-bhat ; @amethyistheart ; @hermionelove; @madsireds ; @urbansaint ; )
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fckinwild-kiwi · 2 months
Our Love Child (Steddie)
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Warnings: Cursing (anything else let me know????) Word Count: 7.6k
Author's Note: To be honest, this might not be worth reading? I saw a prompt on Tumblr a few weeks ago and then this started rotting in my mind. I had to write it so that I could finally sleep at night! I cringed writing the kiss scene, that is not what I am good at. I am so sorry in advance :')
“Okay class, I have already paired you up for the next assignment. When I call your name, come up and grab your flour baby and join your partner at their desk.” A collective set of groans echoed around the room. Steve, being the oddball out, sat up straight as he listened for his name. “Munson and Harrington.”
With wide-eyes, Steve stood up to walk to the front of the room to collect his new flour child. “Hey, big boy,” He heard from behind him as he grabbed the sack of flour. 
“Munson,” Steve acknowledged, as he turned towards the metalhead. “You ready to be a dad?”
“I was nervous,” Eddie said, looking at the flour in Steve’s arms before looking up and at Steve. “But I’m less nervous knowing that I’m partnered up with the jock with the most motherly instincts.”
“Thanks, I guess,” Steve mumbled before turning to go back to his desk. Eddie quickly grabbed the baby blanket on the table next to their teacher’s desk.
“I didn’t mean that in a shitty way, Harrington,” Eddie said quickly, taking the seat in front of Steve. “I would much rather do this stupid project with you than anyone else. I mean I have already taken this class, as I’m sure you know. I should have graduated last year but the stupid gym credit, English class, and this stupid baby assignment really fucked me over. I’m trying to turn over a new leaf but at this rate, I’m not even sure it will be enough. It’s just so hard to come to school every day… But you have great motherly instincts. I’ve seen you with those kids you hangout with…not that I watch you all the time. And I know if we were to have our own kids, not that I’m thinking of us having kids , but you know we do share a sack of flour…our kids would be in great hands is what I’m trying to say. Ugh, slap me when you want me to shut up…”
“Nah, I wouldn’t slap you, Eddie,” Steve said, letting a chuckle slip up. The sound of the laugh and his name being said aloud caused Eddie’s eyes to whip up and look at Steve. “In fact, you can keep going if you’re going to continue to say nice things about me...how many kids are you thinking we are going to have? I’ve always wanted a big family.”
“Oh shut up,” Eddie said, barking out a laugh before punching Steve in the shoulder. “So how should we do this?”
Two days later, Steve was both exhausted and exhilarated. He was really starting to get the groove of this whole parenting thing. For one, Steve absolutely loved when he had to hold his flour child. There was something so comforting about keeping something that  you’re supposed to protect close to your chest. “What do you think, sweetheart?”
“Hm?” Steve asked, Eddie startling him from his thoughts. 
“I asked, what do you think we should name our love child? He’s two days old and it’s about time we named him. I was thinking of something metal like Ozzy.”
“We are not naming our love child after a man who bit the head off of a rat.”
“It was a bat and it’s hot that you even knew that,” Eddie said, looking up at Steve with moony eyes. “What name do you suggest then?”
“I was thinking something simple like, James?”
“Boring,” Eddie said with a faux yawn. “But whatever you think is best, sweetheart. I’ll love our little Jimmy regardless. In fact, I love him so much that I think it’s my turn to take him home tonight.”
“Are you sure you want to take him overnight?” Steve questioned, his grip on their love child tightening. He was excited for this project with Eddie, it’s his chance to get to know him better and hopefully curb this crush that has been bubbling for far too long but could he trust Eddie to keep Jimmy alive overnight?
“You don’t trust me to protect JimBo?”
“I don’t particularly like these nicknames you’re coming up with for our son,” Steve grumbled out, putting one hand on his hip as he cradled James in the other. “I don’t doubt your ability to take care of the child though.”
“Good, then it’s my night,” Eddie said, grabbing the bag of flour out of Steve’s arms before pressing a quick kiss to Steve’s forehead and running off.
“What the fuck just happened,” whispered Steve, touching his forehead.
Later that night, Steve was pacing. Why in the fuck is he so stressed about Eddie watching a bag of flour. This “child” of theirs was literally just a pantry staple. It wasn’t a real person! He can leave it on the table all night and it would be fine. The phone ringing at 12:46 a.m. was enough to get him out of his head for a split second. For some reason, the voice he was hoping to hear sent an odd feeling of dread down his spine,“Maybe you should have doubted me.”
“Eddie,” Steve groaned. “What the fuck happened?”
“I can’t explain it over the phone, I am so sorry Stevie,” Eddie whispered, Steve could sense his voice being clogged with emotion but the nickname caught him off guard.
“I’ll pick you up in the morning, Eds, we’ll run to the store and get a new baby. We will have to rename it too,” Steve said, trying to sound reassuring. It was a sack of flour for God’s sake. It’s not like Mr. Jones would know they purchased a new bag of flour.
“I killed our first child,” Eddie choked out. “I’m the worst partner ever, oh fuck. You should tell Mr. Jones that you need a new partner. There’s a reason I couldn’t even pass this last year.”
“Eddie, Eds, stop,” Steve said, as he began to laugh. “It’s a bag of flour. Shit happens, I’m not going to sweat it and you shouldn’t either. And for the record, if you decide you don’t want me as your partner anymore, you can tell Jones yourself. I’m not going to go willingly.”
“Keep talking like that big boy,” Eddie whispered, his voice catching in his throat, trying to play off his earlier emotions. “And I’ll start to think you have a crush on the Freak or something.”
“I’ve had crushes on worse people,” Steve whispered back, a small smile lingering on his lips. “Good night, Eddie. I’ll see you in the morning so we can pick up our new baby.”
Steve was buzzing, which maybe wasn’t the most unusual for him as he was a morning person but it definitely had something to do with this project with a certain metalhead. It was exactly 7:06 in the morning when Steve drove his Beamer up the path of the Forest Hills trailer park. Getting out of the car, he began to walk up the path to Eddie’s trailer. As he took the first step onto the trailer’s porch a voice called out to him, “What are you doing here, boy?”
“Oh,” Steve said, startled. “Um, sorry for the intrusion sir. I’m here to pick up Eddie. We’re doing a project together for health class and he called me last night to tell me he accidentally let our kid die. We’re going to get a new baby— I mean a sack of flour from the store.”
“That damn flour child assignment?” The man questioned.
“That’s the one,” Steve said, shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking on the balls of his feet. 
“Well, I’m about to head in and go to sleep, I’ll holler at Ed for ya. You’re welcome to come inside and wait if you’d like. I’ll be surprised if the boy is already up and at ‘em. Usually takes a miracle to wake him up in the morning.”
Steve nodded, following who he presumed was Eddie’s uncle into the trailer. As they walked through the threshold, Steve could hear whistling and a low humming coming from a different room. “You already awake, son?” Wayne called into the trailer.
“Ah, yes, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie singsonged, still in the other room. “Steve Harrington is supposed to be coming by to pick me up. You see, I might have accidentally let our first child die. And I might have not slept a wink last night after a very pleasant phone call from— AH!”
“Steve’s here already,” Wayne chuckled as Eddie walked into the room, noticing Steve’s figure and cutting himself off from telling his own story. 
“Hey, Eds,” Steve whispered, a small smile forming on his lips. 
“When did you arrive, my liege?”
“I just got here a few minutes ago, I was talking to Mr. Munson out on the porch—”
“Boy, you better call me Wayne,” interrupted the older man.
“Sorry,” Steve said, sheepishly. “Wayne and I were talking outside. He wanted to make sure you were awake.”
“Though this feels like a dream, I can assure you I am most definitely awake. Now that you two are introduced, we need to go pick out our second child and the old man needs to get some sleep, off we go!”
“So,” Steve began as he started backing the car out of Eddie’s driveway. “How did you happen to kill James?”
“It was a most tragic event. I sat him on Gareth’s couch last night, all wrapped up like a bug in a rug. He was sleeping so peacefully, I rocked him and everything,” Eddie assured Steve, his hand reaching out to touch his arm before continuing. “But then, as I was working on my current DnD campaign, I hit a groove that I wasn’t expecting. I mean just going to town and creating scenarios that I know the party is going to be pissed about. As I grabbed the manuals I was looking for, I must have accidentally put them on top of Jimmy and then Gareth was acting like an asshole and began to hit me so I had to take matters into my own hands. Long story short, I threw him onto the couch and he landed on our baby. Good news is, he didn’t feel any pain. The baby, I mean. Gareth definitely felt some pain.”
“Rest assured our child died peacefully,” Steve choked out, in between giggles. “Only you, Eddie Munson, would admit to killing our child, do it with the most earnest story, and not even try to blame the accident on someone else.”
“I’m nothing if not honorable,” Eddie said, lips quirked up. 
“Yeah, you’re honorable alright,” Steve said, rolling his eyes. Steve pulled into a parking spot, put the car in park and looked towards the boy in his passenger seat. “Alright, let’s go pick out our child. You will only have supervised nightly visits from now on. Until you can be deemed trustworthy again.”
“That is fair,” Eddie said, shaking his head before following Steve out of the car. “So what do these supervised visits entail?”
“Shut up, Munson,” He said, punching Eddie in the shoulder.
Side by side, they walked through the supermarket and straight to the baking aisle. As they approached the bags of flour sitting on the bottom row, Eddie grabbed the bag of flour sharing the same branding as their previous child. “I’m thinking we should name our new baby, Aragorn. I’ll probably call him Ari for short.”
“Eddie,” Steve said, releasing a sigh. “That name sounds like something out of DnD. Why that name?”
“You know DnD?”
“Um, yes… but I have no clue how to play it. It’s too much math and random things to remember. The kids I babysit like to play and you were just talking about it. It’s all very fantastical so a name like that would definitely stick out to me as DnD.”
With wide eyes, Eddie continues to stare at Steve, his mouth slightly agape. As the younger boy started to walk towards the cash register, Eddie trailed after him. “You’ve tried to play DnD?”
“A few times. But like I said, it didn’t work out for me.”
“Well, I’m going to try and recruit those pipsqueaks to my club to play with me and my friends. You’re also going to have to attend one of my sessions.”
“I could be persuaded,” Steve said, looking at Eddie before he grabbed the sack of flour he just paid for. “Come on, we’re going to be late for school.”
Eddie trailed after Steve, following him toward the blue BMW. “Lord of the rings.”
“The name I picked out, Aragorn. It’s the protagonist of Lord of the Rings.”
“So I was basically right.”
“Yeah, Stevie,” Eddie said, letting out a laugh. “You were basically right.”
Steve had been fulfilling his fatherly duties the whole day. He brought the baby to all of his classes and in HomeEc, Steve passed the baby to his other father so they could “bond.” Those were Eddie’s words, not Steve’s. When the last bell finally rang, his next plan was to take baby Ari to the park and pretend to put the sack of flour in a swing. Even a sack of flour needed fresh air, right?
Hearing the nickname that only Eddie used made his head rush, Steve, willing the blush on his cheeks to down, turned towards the metalhead. “Hey, man, what’s up?”
“I barely got to see you today—I mean you and baby Ari today! Where are you going?”
“Oh,” Steve said, flustered by Eddie’s choice of words. Of course he meant the flour baby. “I was going to take Ari to the park to ride in the swing for the first time! Did you want to come with me?”
“Um, I want to say yes,” Eddie started. “But I can’t, I have band practice tonight. I would like to see our son tonight though.”
“Oh, okay, right. Here—”
“No, Stevie,” Eddie said, putting his hands up to stop Steve from passing the baby over. “I have supervised visits, remember? Do you want to come to band practice with me and bring our baby? To make sure I don’t get into trouble, of course.”
“Of course, I guess I can’t trust you with Aragorn alone yet.” He paused, a smile on his face as he pretended to ponder his decision. “I’d love to watch you and your friends practice your ridiculously loud music.”
“Yes!” Eddie cheered, turning away from Steve and pumping his fist in the air. “Can’t wait to have my two favorite guys there to support me! I’ll even get some headphones out for baby Ari.”
“I drove us to school this morning, can I drive you to Gareth’s?” Steve asked, trying not to think about what Eddie just said about him being one of his favorite guys. There’s no way this man thought about him the same way he did. Steve was definitely going to bring this up to Robin later. 
“I’ve been giving Gareth driving lessons so I’ll ride with him, it’ll be good practice for the young padawan! Just keep our baby safe and I’ll lead the way,” Eddie said, winking at Steve before turning around and walking towards Gareth’s vehicle.
After quickly saluting the metalhead, Steve got in his car and began to follow him. This whole assignment wasn’t meant to make people fall in love but the last few hours had been the most domestic fun Steve has had in years. After Nancy broke his heart and stomped on it in front of the entire school, Steve had struggled with feeling fulfilled or worthy of this kind of attention. Robin would remind him how wonderful and deserving of love he was and that was great. It’s one of the best feelings when you find your best friend in this crazy world but he couldn’t help but ache for something a little more romantic. Eddie being so kind and actively wanting him to be around, when he could easily hate him for Steve’s past King Steve bullshit was not lost on him. He couldn’t help but fester his already pathetic lovesick crush on the boy. 
Three minutes later, Steve pulled in behind Gareth’s car in an unfamiliar driveway. Once the car was safely in park and the car turned off, Eddie jumped out of the passenger side, walking towards Steve’s BMW. 
“So what’s the verdict,” Steve asked, grabbing the flour baby and closing his car door. “Is Gareth a safe driver?”
“He’s got a lot of learning to go,” Eddie began as his friend scoffed in the back. “He’s getting pretty good though!”
Steve let out a laugh at Gareth’s reaction, stepping forward to become shoulder to shoulder with Eddie. A slight touch of someone’s pinky snapped Steve out of his daydream. “Follow me, Stevie,” Eddie said whispering. Glancing down at the metalhead’s pinky touching his hand, Steve felt his whole body catch fire and he did just that. As they walked into the house, Eddie led Steve through the entryway and into a side door leading to the garage. “You assholes are late,” came a voice in the garage, set up as a mini recording studio complete with couches, a full drum kit, rugs, amps, and microphones. 
“Sorry, Gareth was driving and my baby daddy and love child followed us so we couldn’t rush too much,” Eddie responded with a shrug before walking over to the guitar stand to grab his guitar and plug it into the amp. “This is my sweetheart, one of the great loves of my life, next to Ari and you of course,” Eddie said lovingly, petting the instrument as he mumbled out the last part of his sentence. 
With heat rushing to his cheeks, Steve pushed Eddie trying to turn his body away so he would miss the blush. From behind them, someone cleared their throat, making Steve jump away from Eddie.
“Ugh, hi,” Steve said, waving to the group of guys in front of him. 
“Steve Harrington, didn’t expect you to willingly hangout with the likes of us,” a man holding a guitar, who Steve remembered as Jeff, said. 
“I’m sorry for how I acted before in school, Jeff, not only to you but to Eddie, Gareth, and Doug as well” Steve said, hating how he could just never seem to escape the shit past he created. “That’s not who I really am and I’m trying really hard to prove that.”
“Good enough for me, a friend of Eddie’s is a friend of mine,” Gareth said. “Let’s get this show on the road, I have to go inside and babysit my cousin tonight. The parents are all going to Enzo’s to celebrate some big promotion of my Mom’s.”
“Let’s rock! One, two, one, two, three, four!” With a wink pointed towards Steve, Eddie began to play the guitar. Thirty minutes later, the band was taking a five minute water break and Eddie excused himself to the bathroom inside. “How’s the HomeEc assignment going?” 
“It’s going good,” Steve said, shrugging. “Eddie is kinda ridiculously clumsy. Our first bag of flour, named James, was murdered by him last night. That’s why I’m here. He said he wanted to see the baby but I limited him to supervised visits with our new baby Aragorn.”
“Clumsy? Eddie?” Jeff questioned, causing Gareth to let out a chuckle.
“Aragorn?” Doug said, pointedly. “Can’t believe you let him name the bag of flour after a Lord of the Rings character.”
“Yeaaah, he seemed really excited about the name though. It’s kind of growing on me,” Steve drug out, a blush coating his cheeks before looking at the guys skeptically. “Is he not a clumsy guy though? We didn’t even have the bag of flour for 12 hours before he killed it.”
“You see that guitar over there?” Gareth said, pointing at Eddie’s Sweetheart. “Eddie has had that thing for three years, and he has never as much let it get scratched. If that man cares for something, nothing is going to happen to it.”
“Oh, he calls it his sweetheart, right?” Steve asked, Gareth nodding in response. Clearly he didn’t care about their love child as he kept calling it. “Right, I mean it’s a stupid sack of flour so hard to compare them, right?”
“‘Course,” Jeff said, giving Steve a small smile before Eddie bounded back into the garage. 
“Ready to keep rocking?” He asked, walking over to where Steve was sitting and picking up baby Ari. As he scooped up the sack of flour, he began walking back towards his guitar, but as he turned, his foot got caught in the microphone wire. The quick motion caused Eddie to lose his footing and fall forward, the bag of flour falling out and onto the floor where it exploded open. “Stevie, I’m so sorry…”
“Honestly Eds, it’s fine,” Steve whispered as he looked between the pile of flour on the floor and the wide-eyed man in front of him. “I’m going to head home now though. I’m tired and I guess you don’t need supervision anymore if there’s no kid, right? You’ll be fine to get home on your own?”
“What? No, wait!” Eddie called out after him, following him to the front door. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” 
“I know, Eddie, I know you didn’t mean to,” Steve said, running his hands through his hair. “But fuck, it’s like you don’t even care!”
“You know that’s not true,” Eddie said, taking a step forward, reaching out towards Steve before dropping his hands. 
“No, no I don’t. You’ve literally ruined two bags of flour in less than 48 hours. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Steve said, walking out the front door and hopping in his car to speed home. 
With tears in his eyes and an empty home in front of him, Steve locked his car door and walked inside. After kicking his sneakers off by the door, Steve picked the phone and called Robin. He felt ridiculous. There was no way Eddie even had a crush on him so taking his lack of caring personal was on him. Robin had spent months reminding Steve that you can’t put expectations on other people…and look at what he did. He expected Eddie to suddenly like boys and care about this stupid classroom assignment. It really was just a bag of flour. What was the big deal?
“I think you’re being too hard on yourself,” Robin said through the phone. “Eddie Munson is a great guy but he’s never been the best at school and he’s not known as some crazy Casanova. Maybe he just has a fatass crush on you and he continues to lose his cool?”
“Yeah right, please don’t put false hope in my head,” Steve grumbled, flinging himself onto his bed. “It’s getting late though and I have a stupid headache forming so I’m going to go to sleep, Robs.”
“Steve, I love you. Please be kind to yourself. Talk to Eddie, he’s a good guy. Honestly, what if he’s afraid of your King Steve persona beating the shit out of him? Like it’s not easy to be a queer person especially in Hellhole, Indiana.”
“I know he’s good, Robin. Trust me… I wouldn’t hit him for anything, what the fuck. Everyone knows my reputation with getting in fights,” Steve said, rolling his eyes. “But you do have a point. I'll talk to him tomorrow. I love you too. Bye.”
Steve woke up with a killer migraine and way too much self-doubt to be considered healthy. Going through the motions, he showered, made a cup of coffee, and laced up his sneakers before slinging his backpack on his back and making his way to the car. He tried to drink some water while driving to school, hoping to ease the migraine. As he pulled into his normal parking space, he spotted Eddie’s rusted van parked a few spots over. The metal head leaning on the front with a baby blanket sitting in his arms.
“What the hell,” Steve whispered before exiting the car.
“Steven Marie Harrington, I am so sorry,” Eddie said loudly to get Steve’s attention.
“Eddie that is not my middle name,” Steve responded back at the same volume as he began walking towards the curly haired boy.
“Well that’s the best I could come up with,” Eddie said, cheeks warming up when Steve nudged his shoulder. “Look I’m—”
“I’m so—” 
“Let me first,” Eddie said, causing Steve to look up at him, wide-eyed. “I am so sorry for last night, Stevie. I was so fucking clumsy and I didn’t mean to kill our second love child. Second. I’m such a fuck up that I’ve killed two sacks of flour.”
“You’re not a fuck up,” Steve whispered, looking at Eddie’s arms where the baby blanket rested. “I also don’t think you’re clumsy. The guys told me that you’ve never even let so much as a scratch on your Sweetheart but you’ve killed two sacks of flour so it has to be that you don’t care or something. Which I get. It’s a stupid school assignment. But I just want to do well, Eds.”
“I want to do well, too,” Eddie said, exasperated. “I went to the store this morning, bought our third baby. This one is going to stick because third times a charm. And I think you should name her.”
“It looks like a pretty princess, right?” Eddie questioned. “She gets it from her Dad.”
“Sure, Eds,” Steve said giggling. “I think we should name her Beth.”
“Princess Beth, has a nice ring to it.” 
“Yeah it does, now hand her over, you’re limited to getting supervised time with her and that means that you can’t even hold her for a bit. We’re working back up on that trust.”
“Fair enough,” Eddie said as he let out a sigh. “Do you want to hang out tonight? Maybe watch a movie at my place? My uncle is going to be at work. We can do homework together too, work on this stupid report?”
“Oh, um…”
“We don’t have to,” Eddie said, backtracking as quickly as he could. “I need to keep working on my next DnD campaign anyway…”
“No!” Steve yelled. “I mean, no. I would love to hangout with you but I actually made plans with Robin and one of the middle schoolers I babysit, Dustin Henderson. We are going to Benny’s for dinner. Do you want to come with us?”
“Actually,” Eddie started before flinging his arm around Steve and guiding him towards the high school. “Benny’s with your girl and middle school bestie sounds fun.”
“Ew,” Steve said, wrapping his fingers around Eddie’s wrist draped over his shoulder. “Rob is not my girl. She is my platonic with a capital P soulmate. And Dustin is a little asshole who is too smart for his own good so don’t let the middle school part fool you, he probably knows more than all three of us combined.”
“I can’t wait, Stevie,” Eddie said smiling at Steve as they came to a stop in front of Steve’s first hour class. “I’ll see you in HomeEc?”
“See you in a few hours,” Steve said untangling himself from Eddie as the older boy began to walk away. Steve looked down at the sack of flour in his hands, “I am diving into deep waters, Bethie girl.”
Steve took a seat next to Robin in their shared U.S. History elective, the smile on his face and the sack of flour in his arms hard to miss. “You’re in a quite a different mood than the one you were in on the phone last night. Did your headache go away?”
“Actually, now that you mention it, I think it is gone,” Steve said, the smile still plastered to his face as he shoved the sack of flour on the table. “Eddie picked up our new child, this is Beth.”
“I think I’m going to drop out so I don’t have to do that stupid assignment next year.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” Steve said, rolling his eyes. “I also invited Eddie to eat with us tonight.”
“I don’t like your tone,” Steve said, crossing his arms before narrowing his eyes at his best friend. “Why did you say it like that?”
“Last night you were crying about this boy probably not having feelings for you, now you’re giddy because he agreed to eat dinner with you, me, and a fourteen year old. You, my friend, are a dingus.”
“Shut up.”
“You need to either tell him how you feel or just find a way to move on. Do what I do, stare at your crush from afar and know that it’ll never happen. We can’t keep letting these crushes affect our entire mood. It’s not healthy.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Steve sighed, turning his attention to the teacher walking into the room. “I’ll try not to feel so much.”
“Steve, you know that’s not—”
“No, I heard you,” Steve said, cutting her off and effectively ending the conversation. 
Two hours later, Steve was making his way to the HomeEc classroom. As he made the turn into the classroom, he was stopped by Tommy H. An arm wrapping around his shoulders much like Eddie’s this morning but lacking the same warmth and safety as Tommy spoke,“Heard you were partnered with the Freak for your baby project.”
“Eddie Munson is my partner for the Flour Baby project, what is it to you, Tommy?”
“Just don’t want you to get wrapped up in that cult of his. We used to be best friends once, I’m just looking out for you.”
“Get the hell away from me,” Steve said, throwing Tommy’s arm off of his shoulders. “I would much rather be partnered with Eddie in every school project than be forced to talk to you for even a second. He’s awesome and has been a better friend to me in the last five days than you were in our ten years of friendship. So take your energy somewhere else.”
“Whatever,” Tommy scoffed. “You know he’s gay right? It’s written all over the bathroom stalls.”
“I’ve never been one to listen to what the bathroom stalls say about others, but I’d still like him just as much if he was gay. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to class,” Steve said, before he mumbled under his breath. “Asshole.”
Steve entered the classroom right as the tardy bell rang. As he walked over to the desk that he and Eddie shared, he noticed that Eddie had not yet arrived. With a sigh, he sat down, placing Beth on the table and getting out his notebook. 
“Miss me, princess?” Eddie asked, scooping up the bag of flour as he plopped down next to Steve.
“Well only a little,” Steve said automatically before he realized what he said. “I mean, Beth. Beth obviously missed her dad, quite a bit. Not me, I just saw you a few hours ago.”
“Aw, sweetheart,” Eddie said. As he watched Steve’s cheeks light up pink, he leaned in and whispered, “I missed you too.”
“Shut up,” Steve said, giggling and nudging Eddie away. 
The rest of the class went without any hiccups. Together they began to write down their experiences and started the report that would be due the following week on Wednesday. Though they still had a few days left of this assignment, Steve was already feeling sad that it was almost over. 
“Do you want to ride to Benny’s together?” Eddie asked, breaking Steve out of his thoughts. 
“I have to pick Dustin up from school and Robin comes with me. She doesn’t have a car. You are more than welcome to join us, though?”
“Oh, um, I don’t want to take up your entire car,” Eddie said, awkwardly chuckling. “I’ll meet you guys there then?”
“Sounds perfect, Eds,” Steve said, eyes shining up at Eddie. He stood up, putting his stuff in his backpack before taking the sack of flour from Eddie right as the bell rang dismissing the class. “See you tonight, then?”
“Wouldn’t miss it!”
“Why did you invite someone else to our weekly Benny’s trip?” Dustin said, crossing his arms in the backseat.
“How do you know Steve invited Eddie, what if I did?” Robin questioned, turning to look at the younger boy. 
“You, Rob? Eddie Munson is so not your type,” Dustin said, tilting his head to challenge the argument. 
“Point taken, Steve did invite Eddie.”
“We are working on a project together,” Steve began. “I hung out with him a few other times this week and he’s been a lot of fun. I want to keep hanging out with him.”
“Are you into him? Like into him into him?”
“Because it’s okay if you are, you’re getting a weird goo-goo look in your eyes, the same one that I get when I talk about Suzie,” Dustin said, looking at Steve in the rearview mirror. 
“I…I’m not sure,” Steve said, releasing a sigh. “I haven’t fully figured out my feelings” Total lie, I absolutely like Eddie Munson, Steve thought to himself. 
“Well figure it out,” Dustin said as Steve put the car in park at the Diner, spotting Eddie leaning against his van. “That boy is also looking with the goo-goo eyes. Weird star-crossed lovers thing going on here.”
“Shut up, dork,” Robin said, turning towards Dustin and giving him a glare before hopping out of the car. “Eddie! Weird seeing you outside of band. How are you?”
“I’m great, Birdie! Excited to see King Steve in a new environment.”
“Hah!” Dustin barked out. “This man is definitely not a king. He’s the Tweedledum of the duo there.”
“I haven’t been King Steve in a really long time, Eds. I’m not that guy anymore,” Steve said looking down before turning and leaving the other three outside while he made his way into the diner.
“I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s a sensitive subject for him, Eds,” Robin said. “But, he’ll be okay. Let’s go.”
When they approached the table, Steve was sitting on the inside of the booth studying the menu as if he had never been at Benny’s before. “Are you trying something different today?” Dustin questioned as he scooted into the book next to Eddie, who was sitting directly in front of Steve.
“‘Course not,” Steve mumbled. Releasing a sigh, he looked at Eddie, sitting directly in front of him. “Hey, Dust, did you know that Eddie runs the DnD club at school? I bet he could run a campaign that even you couldn’t win.”
Watching the corners of Eddie’s lips twitch up, Steve felt the heat rush into his cheeks and down his neck. There was something so fulfilling about introducing people you knew would just get along so well. 
“Are you a DM?” Dustin questioned, turning his body to fully look at the boy next to him. “Our DM is looking to move so that would honestly be perfect.”
“Yeah, man! I’m ruthless though, don’t think I’d take it easy on you,” Eddie said, looking back at Steve and winking. Grabbing onto their love child tighter, Steve forced himself to look away, choosing to look to Robin instead.
Two hours later, four burgers, three sides of fries, one side of onion rings, and five shakes later (Dustin just had to try two different flavors) the group were heading back to their cars. Robin and Dustin were arguing about who got to sit in the front on the way back to their respective houses but Eddie grabbed Steve’s wrist before Eddie had a chance to speak, Steve cut him off, “I have to drop these assholes off at their houses but would you like to come over? To work on the paper?”
“To work on the paper,” Eddie echoed, a small smile playing on his lips. “I’ll be there shortly, big boy.” 
With his mouth agape and cheeks ablaze, Steve made it back to the BMW, facing a wide-eyed Robin and annoyed Dustin from the backseat. “Not a word, guys, not a word.”
“Thanks for finally introducing me to someone cool,” Dustin said, ignoring Steve’s warning. His comment caused Robin to reach into the backseat and slap the younger boy. Fifteen minutes later, Steve was pulling into his usually empty driveway to see Eddie’s rusted van sitting there, Eddie, once again, leaning against it. For the first time in ages, butterflies were swarming his gut. It’s now or never, he thought. In actuality, it would be smarter to wait until the end of the assignment, that way if Eddie wanted to kill him, they could avoid each other and forget it ever happened. Steve just didn’t think he could wait that long. 
“Sorry it took so long, Dustin wouldn’t shut up about you. He gave me a list of things to tell you about the campaign you guys talked about,” Steve said, locking his car door and walking towards Eddie. 
“He’s a cool kid,” Eddie said, reaching out his hands to take the sack of flour from Steve. “Not as cool as our kid though.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve said, rolling his eyes. He walked through the threshold of his front door, quickly ushering Eddie inside and shutting the door before taking off his shoes. Eddie followed suit, switching arms to hold the ‘baby’ as he took them off. 
“You’re being extra gentle with Beth tonight,” Steve said, looking at the sack of flour cradled in Eddie’s arms. Turning around, Steve walked to the couch, nodding to Eddie to follow.  
“I’m trying to prove to you that I care,” Eddie whispered, looking at Steve before taking a few steps to the couch and sitting down. “I care Steve.” 
“Eddie,” Steve breathed out. “I know you care, I want us to do well on this assignment, I want you to do well with this assignment…”
“I’m not talking about the assignment, Stevie.”
“I care about you.”
“Eddie,” Steve started, breathing turning heavy. “You know what your band told me the other night? You were the least clumsy person they knew. You were excellent at protecting what you cared about. Ensuring that nothing ever happens to your things.”
“That’s true, I’ve never let my sweetheart get a scratch on her. I’ve also never had a boy I’ve had a crush on not only in the same room as me but watching me play,” Eddie said, scoffing. “You can punch me and kick me out, make me finish the assignment on my own, I don’t care. The reason my friends haven’t been able to see me falling over the place, ruining things, is because I’ve never brought my crush around them!”
“Yes! Stevie, I have the biggest, fattest crush on you. It’s absolutely ridiculous.”
“I can’t believe it,” Steve whispered, his hands coming up to rub his neck, a nervous tick he’s had for years. 
“I’m sorry for making it weird, Steve,” Eddie whispered, rising to his feet. “Before I go, I wanted to say thank you.”
“Go? What? Where are you going? And thank you? For what?” Steve said, voice raising before he jumped up and grabbed Eddie’s hand, stopping him in his place. “I have a fat ass crush on you too, ask Robin. I was basically crying about it after your band practice last night.”
“Steve Harrington has a crush on little ole me?” Eddie questioned, turning his body back to face the younger boy and moving the both of them back towards the couch. “I didn’t even know that you were into guys?”
“I’m bisexual, Robin helped me figure it out last year,” Steve affirmed, sitting next to Eddie before turning towards him. “But thank me? For what?”
“I heard you with Tommy this afternoon, before HomeEc,” Eddie started. “No one besides the guys in my band have ever stuck up for me.”
“It’s crazy because there are a lot of things said about me in this shit hole town, most are untrue. I am not a Satanist and I don’t run a cult,” Eddie said, turning towards Steve. “But I am gay. That part is true.”
‘Thank God for that,” Steve joked, leaning over to Eddie, lifting his head to meet his eyes. “Can I kiss you now?”
“God, yes,” Eddie breathed out. With a rush of adrenaline, Steve leaned up, grabbing the metal head’s cheeks before connecting their lips. “Wait.”
“Huh, what?” Steve said, feeling as though his hands were scalding hot and dropping his hands from Eddie’s face. “I’m sorry, did I misread this?”
“No nothing happened, you’re perfect,” Eddie reassured, rubbing his nose along Steve’s cheek and breathing his scent in. “I can’t kiss you knowing that I upset you earlier. What happened at Benny’s? What did I do or say to make you upset?”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Steve said, brushing it off.
“Don’t do that,” Eddie said, pulling back just enough to look in Steve’s eyes. 
“You called me King Steve,” Steve whispered.
“Stevie,” Eddie began.
“No, it’s fine. I have to accept that I did shitty things and hurt a lot of people during my reign,” He said, pronouncing reign with as much disdain as he could. “But fuck, it’s like that only thing people can seem to remember me for no matter how much work I do on myself!”
“No that’s not—”
“Eddie, you don’t have to try and make me feel better. I know I was awful. The name haunts me and I know you didn’t mean it in a condescending way. I think it just hurt coming from you, someone I care about,” Steve said, looking down at his fingers intertwined with Eddie’s.
“Baby,” Eddie whispered, causing Steve’s breath to hitch. 
“I like that one.”
“You like being my baby?” Eddie asked, his lips quirking up into a small smile before pulling Steve’s body close.
“Sweetheart, honey, love, Stevie,” Steve whispered, tilting his head up. “But yeah, I think I like being your baby the most.”
“You’re killing me here,” Eddie said, giggling as he tried to pull his hair across his face to hide. Steve reached up, brushing his fingers across Eddie’s cheeks before grabbing the metalhead’s hair from his fingers. Staring up into Eddie’s eyes, Steve found the confidence he had been looking for. Shivers rushed down his spine as their lips finally met, a small groan sounding in the back of Eddie’s throat. 
Steve responded with the same hunger, dropping his hands to Eddie’s nape to pull him closer. His body melting into Eddie’s, Steve couldn’t help but drag his tongue along Eddie’s lip, asking for more, but still fearful that he was asking for too much. Eddie quickly responded, not allowing Steve the time to overthink, opening his mouth to give the younger boy enough space to finally break the barrier, finally taste him. Steve could feel his entire body light up, this is what freedom feels like, he thought to himself. Emotion clogged his head as he pulled away to catch his breath. 
“What’s wrong?” Eddie questioned, his lips following Steve’s as the younger boy pulled away.
“I just—”
“C’mere,” Eddie said, pulling Steve even closer and wrapping his arms around him.
“I didn’t know it could feel like that…”
“Me neither, Stevie baby,” Eddie said, a small smile forming on his lips before pressing a kiss to the top of Steve’s head.
“We’re awful parents,” Steve mumbled into Eddie’s neck. “I think I might have forgotten Beth in the car.”
“No you didn’t, I sat her in the loveseat over there,” Eddie said, motioning to the chair in the far side of the room. “We literally talked about her before you got moony-eyed over me and wanted to eat my face off.”
“Excuse me, that is not how I remember that happening,” Steve scoffed. “If I remember correctly, you were also staring at me moony-eyed. And you’re the one who moaned first!”
“Who can blame me?” Eddie said giggling. “You quite literally kiss like I’m the most special thing you’ve ever touched, it made me feel weightless.”
“You are the most special thing I’ve ever touched,” Steve confirmed, leaning back into Eddie’s space. “Does this mean you’re my boyfriend now?”
“Do you want me to be your boyfriend?” Eddie asked, eyes wide. 
“Never wanted anything more,” Steve responded, pressing kisses down Eddie’s neck.
“God, yes, Stevie, want you to be my boyfriend,” Eddie groaned, hauling Steve back up and bringing their lips back together. “Want you to be my best friend, groupie, boyfriend, baby daddy, want it all with you,” Eddie whispered, against Steve’s lips.
“Kinda soon don’t you think?” Steve asked, pulling back with a smile on his face. 
“Not soon enough if you ask me, I’ve been pining for you since I was sixteen.”
“That’s crazy, I had a crush on you when I first watched you stand on a cafeteria table my freshman year,” Steve said, glancing up at the older boy. “So powerful and commanding but I could tell there was more to you.”
“Are you sure you want to be seen with me?” Eddie asked, getting quiet. “I would understand wanting to keep this between us and our friends for a while. I don’t want to make it harder for you at school.”
“Eddie Munson,” Steve began, face heating up. “I’m not embarrassed of you. In fact, I would shout it to the rooftops right now if it wasn’t ten o’clock at night. I’m lucky to be with you. I’m not embarrassed.”
“Okay, good,” Eddie said, settling back on the couch with Steve in his arms. “When we get married we will have to send Mr. Jones an invitation.”
“What? Why?”
“He single handedly set us up or at least pushed us together and allowed us to admit our feelings,” Eddie said, rubbing his hands up and down Steve’s arms. “If he didn’t do this, we would both pining for God knows how long.”
“Thank god for our love children and the flour assignment” Steve mumbled, turning around in Eddie’s arms before bringing his lips back to Eddie's.
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blue-sadie · 10 months
Friend Of A Friend
Santiago Garcia x Young Reader
Summary: being tess's best friend has its ups and downs but the best one being her dad's best friend
Warning: reader is 20, wall sex
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Yn/3rd person pov
I smiled widely as I climbed into the car greeting them as I got in "long time no see yn" Santiago grinned as he turned to me I bite my lip blushing slightly "yea it has" I murmured.
He glanced at tess to make sure she wasn't looking before winking at me making my cheeks redder before he turned back to the front.
"Tess, yn Santiago here is picking you up from shopping ok I have a meeting so I won't be home intill late" Tom said looking at us through the review mirror "he just needs to remember that and not forget us for a girl" tess teased making them laugh.
I just grinned slightly when tess turned to me but I was kinda jealous I've always had a crush on Santiago since I was 16 I mean who wouldn't and there's been many times when I was around and the guys were to making fun of him about his hot informants.
He's always been kind to me and since my 18th birthday we've gotten a little closer when we're alone but nothing more then light touches, little flirts and playful winks, he never seems to cease to make me blush.
"Haha very funny there is none of that anymore" he chuckled making tess lean forward looking at him with wide eyes "has thee santiago gracia the player finally found the one" she squealed my heart stopped and my eyes fluttered.
He shook his head still laughing "honestly I want to but I don't think she feels the same" he murmured my hands wavered as I grabbed his seat leaning forward to see him "how did you meet her" I asked thankfully the hurt I felt didn't show in my voice.
"Uh" he paused thinking glancing to the side of him out the window "she's a friend of a friend" he grinned tess started guessing names of his informants as I bit the inside of my cheek and sat back against my seat.
We turned into the mall parking lot tess's rambling calming down as we neared the entrance "have a fun time girls" santiago laughed as we said our goodbyes I just nodded acknowledging him as I got out joining tess on the pavement she waved her dad goodbye and watched as they drove away "what shop to first".
-Time skip
I was browsing the different merch sections in hot topic waiting for tess has she tried stuff on through the corner of my eye I noticed one of the male employees watching me and following me into each row a few minutes I move.
"Can I help you with something" I asked ironic its supposed to be the other way around, I crossed my arms over my chest as I turned to him, he looked like a deer in headlights "i-i" he rubbed the buck of his neck nervously.
"I came to ask for you number" I cringed as he snuffled through his nose the sound almost making me gag "I have a boyfriend" I lied turning back to the shelf of items but he stepped towards me making me taking a step back.
"He wouldn't have to know" he spoke seductively it made me sick "no thank you" I huffed trying to leave but he caught my wrist pulling me to him he sweat smell making nose crinkle "let me go" I muttered.
What the two didn't notice was that tess was done with trying things on and saw the whole thing "hey santiago we need your help" that was all she had to say to make him speed his way over.
"I said no" I growled trying to pull my way out his hold but his grip only tightened making me gasp in pain "hey dick head" the man holding me turned his head only to get punched in the cheek by a red faced Santiago.
I stumbled to the ground as the employee released me "hey you ok" tess whispered as she feel to her knees beside me but my eyes never left santiago as he beat the creep up "i-uh" I couldn't find the words my heart was beating in my ears and my breath was shallow.
Santiago was stopped by security but released as they went over the footage and took the employee instead "come on girls" he panted urging us out and walked behind us silently "total guard dog effect" tess whispered leaning over to me but I didn't answer my eyes trained to the ground.
"Let's get you guys home" he muttered unlocking the car I took a seat in the back and just went on my phone only answering when they spoke to me directly.
"I'll see you Monday yn" my head snapped to tess who was out the car I didn't even realize we were at her house or that she was getting dropped off first, "come up front yn" he smiled turning to me, I hesitated before nodding and climbed out to get into the passengers seat.
He pulled out the driveway and headed down the street "how are you feeling" he asked briefly turning to me as we slowly pulled to a stop "i-i'll be ok" I murmured looking down to my wrist that was reddening slightly, santiago gently grabbed it and pulled it to his face laying a gentle kiss on it.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner" he said slowly lacing his fingers into mine, my cheeks became red as a tomato as I looked at our intertwined hands "I should've gone with you guys" he said slowly bringing our intertwined hands the the middle console leaning onto it as he went back to driving as the light turned green.
"I should've killed him" he muttered but I squeezed his hands lightly making him release a breath "I'm sorry" he whispered "it wasn't your fault" I said looking ahead at the road infront of us "he needed to learn some manners" he laughed at my statement and immediately agreed "yeah he can't mess with my girl" santiagos laughed ceased as those words left his lips.
My eyes immediately snapped to his "w-what" I asked my heart beat slowly increasing "i-i didn't say anything" he stuttered a wide smile pasted on my lips something I knew about santiago is he would somewhat stutter when he's trying to cover his tracks or nervous "you called me your girl" I murmured my smiled still widening.
He sighed slowly laughing to himself "yea" he paused "I guess I did" I squealed internally and shifted excitedly but sadness took over as we turned into my street "so am I a friend of a friend" I murmured "yes you are" his words made a shiver run down my spine, he slowed the car down turning into my driveway "are your parents home" he asked leaning onto the steering wheel looking at my house.
"No their away for the weekend" I murmured making him smile "mind if I come inside" he grinned towards me making me clench my thighs as I felt myself dampen I nodded eagerly unbuckling myself quickly and he did the same, he followed me inside and as soon as he kicked the door close his lips were on mine and his hands were feeling up and down my sides.
"I've been wanting you for so long" I moaned against his lips as my fingers entangled themselves in his hair "I know you have" he murmured making me lightly tug at his hair, his hands tugged off our clothes before be pressed me up against the wall "I need you now" he groaned pulling away from my lips.
One of his hands felt up and down my slit making my eyes flutter and a pleasured gasp leave my lips "shit your already dripping" he smirked and slowly moved his dick up against me, he slid it up and down my slit collecting my wetness on him "fuck" he groaned and slowly pushed in his hands moving to cage me in by settling beside my head.
My hands tugged at his hair again and a struggled moan left my lips his cock was stretching me out so much "that's it, that's a good girl" he growled and slowly started to pull out and push back in, he watched my face intently only increasing the pace when he sees my eyes flutter in pleasure or hear my soft whines.
"So fucking good mi amor" he whispered leaning down to my neck pressing his lips to my skin sucking harshly "s-shit" I cursed my knees buckling he swiftly caught me and put his hands under my thighs and lifted me up his thrusts never ceasing.
My moans were fueling his desire more, he nibbled and nipped at my skin making my breath catch in my throat, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I leaned it up against the wall, I felt a knot form in my stomach and santiagos cock start to pulse "cum with me mi amor" he groaned licking a long strip along the hickies he littered on my neck, I nodded eagerly.
His grunts and groans grow louder as his hard thrust slightly fultered, our sounds of pleasure mixed together as we cam "fuck" I cried and santiago just growled lowly into my ear as he filled me up his nails digging into my skin, my hands dropped from his hair and I leaned my head onto his shoulder panting.
"Don't think we're done yet baby girl, you still have to make up for the times you've made me so fucking hard"
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
Cold Kiss
Cold Kiss
Azriel x Reader
Modern Az, especially college hockey Az has been invading my head so I might as well write about it.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
I never understood the liking of hockey. The stadiums were loud and cold, the sport was aggressive and the seats were god awful. Our team scored once again making the score 5-1. The crowd was roaring and it sent ringing towards my ears. I sank further back into these uncomfy seats and tried to find my place in my book. 
“Come on Y/N get your nose out of your book for once and come to the party with us. It’ll be fun. Besides, you need to get out more,” Mor was currently standing in front of me in our shared apartment.
"I'll pass. That's all you for tonight," I go back to the heated romance novel in my hands before it was brutally ripped from me.
"Seriously Mor?"
"Yea seriously, get up I'm getting you dressed and you're going out, besides the group has been dying to meet you," I let out an exaggerated sigh and rolled my eyes. "Fine." Mor cheered as she gripped my hands and pulled me across the apartment to my room.
Our apartment was rather small, having only 2 bedrooms and one bathroom with a shared kitchen, dining, and living room. Perfect for two college girls like Mor and I.
When we made it to my room Mor sat me down on the bed while she ransacked my closet looking for a suitable outfit. After a few heartbeats of the hangers screeching on the metal rod and a few mumbled words of disapproval from Mor she finally pulled out a dress. Of course it was the most revealing dress that I own. It’s a dark navy blue satin dress  that crossed on the other side of my boobs leaving  a cut out right under them.  It then tied in the back leaving half of my back exposed all the way until my lower back. It was a beautiful dress, I only wore it once and that was for my senior homecoming. 
“How did I now know you had this beauty in your closet?” Mor was smiling from ear to ear as she held the dress up. I stood up and grabbed the dress from her and started to change.
“Because the last time I wore it was homecoming, I doubt it will even fit,” I slipped the dress over my head letting it fall into place and turned around to silently ask Mor to tie the back. 
Needless to say, it does fit. In fact, it fits better than when I last wore it. Mor was practically glowing while she did my hair and make up. She finally backed away to assess her work and nodded her head slightly. “Perfect” She wasn’t wrong, she did my hair in a way that it would frame my face, my eyes popped and my lips fuller than usual. Mor worked her magic and it had left me breathless.
“Here, put these on and then we are going, everyone has been blowing up my phone asking where I am. They are going to be so happy to see you,” She tossed some heels towards my way and stalked out of the room.
I have never regretted giving into Mor more in my life till now. Body’s were squeezed into a house that smelt like sweat and booze. Beer games were in one section dancing in another, and every corner and wall was filled with people practically having sex. I cringed as I looked at the couples but I continued after Mor. Soon, we made it to the basement where it was much more quiet and only light banter and a heavy laugh was carried throughout the room. 
“Mor you finally made it, what took you so long?” One of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen waved her hand and straightened her back from her seat on what seems to be her boyfriend’s lap. She had long brown hair, very sharp cheekbones and a beautiful tattoo on her left forearm. Her boyfriend seemed to have a matching one, which he is equally as beautiful as her. With short blue-black hair, charming violent eyes and a tan complexion. The closer we got the more prominent the flash of a diamond on her finger sang out to us. Finance and or husband, interesting. 
“Well, I had to get my surprise ready for you guys, Y/N this is everyone, Everyone this is Y/N.” Everyone waved their hands and said their hellos as we sat down. Mor sat next to a huge handsome man with yet another girl adorned on his lap. His hair swept down all the way to his shoulders and he kept half of it up in a bun. His complexion was just like the other’s male but his eyes were hazel this time. The girl on his lap was devastatingly beautiful leaving me to question if I was truly straight or not. Her hair is golden brown and her eyes are piercingly blueish gray. 
“She is certainly something. I’m Cassian nice to meet you,” Cassian let out a low whistle while leaning back into the couch. I mumbled out a ‘nice to meet you too’ wishing this couch would just eat me up.
“Let’s play a game!” Feyre clapped her as she spoke up from the laughing group.” Everyone agreed and we all sat on the floor in a big circle.
“A little spin the bottle never hurt anyone,” Cassian downed his beer, wiped the Slavia off of his bottle with his shirt and placed it in the middle of the circle. He leaned back on the couch rest both of his arms on either side of Nesta and Mor.
“You go first new girl,” Cassian spoke with mischievous intent. My stomach shriveled up as I leaned forward to spin the bottle. A few breaths later it landed on the person it front of me.
The infamous Azriel, he landed most of the scores in tonight’s game, earning himself a hat trick. Gods was he beyond beautiful. His slightly shriveled black hair, his piercing hazel eyes. If he keeps looking at my like that I think I might faint. 
He slightly smirks sensing the nerves rolling through me, when he stands up and offers his hand.
“It’s only 7 minutes, princess,” The nickname had me freezing a bit when going to grab his hands. I took one deep breath in and placed my hand in his large calloused hand.
He lead us to a closet and the others started the 7 minute timer. The closet was cramped and dark, him and I were pushed up against either side of the confided space. Azriel took up most of the space making it really hard not to inhale his cedar scented cologne. His deep voiced reverberated throughout the closet. “So, what were reading about during my game?”
Gods, how was  I supposed to tell him it was toe curling smut about a hockey player like himself :”Nothing in particular,” 
He let out a dark laugh calling out my bluff. “Are you sure about that? Last time I checked the cover had a hockey puck on it. Did Mor drag you to our game because of your book? To show you that you could be living out your fantasies?” With each question Az moved a step closer quickly closing up the allotted space. My jaw dropped, god he smelt heavenly, and his words sent shivers down my spine and towards my thighs. 
Speechless. I was utterly speechless.
“Cat catch your tongue love? All it takes it one word and we can recreate your book,” His breath grazed my ear and drafted down my neck. He nipped my earlobe and started to leave feathery kisses along my jaw.
“One word.” He whispered the words onto my lips and pushed me over the edge.
I crashed my lips into his. His mouth molded to mine perfectly. He set the pace and rhythm, licking and nipping my bottom lip asking for permission. I open my mouth and our tongues set into a waltz. After one last kiss we pull apart to catch our breaths, the only thing keeping us together was a string of saliva.
Part II
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Im probably not the only one whos gonna request this but!!,I would like to request a continuation of azuls dream!!,im really curious to see where it goes
Azuls Dream (Pt. 2)
Part one
Where Yuu and Azul met eachother in dreams! Gn Yuu
“Azul… Is that you?” Yuu stared at Azul with wide eyes as they cradled what appeared to be an old plus. It was them! It was truly them! Azul could only stare in disbelief at what was in front of him. Was this a dream? It had to be. Yuu isn't real. That was all he remembered telling himself at the time. There was no way they were real. Yet here they were staring right in front of him.
To his horror he felt the pinpricks of tears that threaten to swell up in his eyes. No no no! Not here! Not now! Not in front of everybody! Why did a reunion have to happen here of all places. “I…” Azul started, before a blast of blue fire obscured his view of Yuu, their face warped from the fire blast that shot between them.
“Mrah! ME! Let me take their place!” The talking cat struggled out of Crowley's grip and stood proudly, causing the crowd of people around him to laugh. “hah?! I'll show you what's funny!” The cat let out another spurt of fire, setting the mirror chamber ablaze. Crowley let out a girlish shriek as he jumped back. “Somebody get that creature!”
Azul immediately sprung into action hoping to subdue the creature where it stood in order to be able to speak to Yuu, or at the very least impress them. He and Riddle immediately started tailing the creature, wands in hand, and using what magic they were allowed to capture it.
And yet, when it was caught, Crowley dismissed everyone, him included.
Jade and Floyd never understood why Azul was so hellbent on keeping tabs on Yuu, a magicless human. “It's for business,” he said. “Nothing more” The twins could only assume that their being magicless would make it easier for them to coerce Yuu into a deal.
Azul beat himself up over how to approach Yuu at first. What he did was unforgivable. He left them behind when they needed him most. He abandoned them. All he could do for now was watch Yuu from the shadows. Or so he thought. How could he forget how strong-willed Yuu was?
“You have someone who wishes to speak you, Azul.” “Let them in.”
Looking up from his pile of contracts his breath catches in his throat. Yuu stood right in front of him in the doorway, arms crossed, bookbag over the shoulder, and a serious expression on their face. “We need to talk.” They stated, finger tapping on their arm as they approached Azuls desk, eyeing his contracts.
“ahem… Jade, Floyd. You are dismissed.” After some confused and displeased noises from Floyd, the twins weasel their way out as Yuu took a seat on one of the cushy chairs in the classy office. It was an awkward staredown at first, Azul would feel himself in a cold sweat as you sat there.
Yuus expression was a practiced calm. They wonder how Azul would react if he found out how much they practiced this. “So…” They start.
“You yelled at me and left me behind during our last meeting. I don’t know what happened but when you turned your back on me you left me in total darkness. To this day I still can't dream without there being some inky void. You made me cry, you know?”
Yuu spat as they stood up and began pacing around the wooden desk, head held high as they list his crimes. “But most of all? The most egregious thing you have done?” Yuu rummaged through their bookbag for a second before pulling out a familiar looking plush.
Azul’s eyes widened at the sight of the purple and black reversible octopus you held out. Its expression sat on the angry one. Azul inwardly cringes at the memory of his pathetic child self crying on the plush. “You hurt Azul Jr.” Yuu dropped the plush on the desk in front of them.
Their expression softens as they let out a chuckle, serious persona dissolving away into the Yuu he knew. “I missed you, Azul.” They smile. “Now I imagine we have a lot to catch up on?”
As Yuu flipped the plush octopus to a happy expression, they sat back down, smiling. “I… yes we do..” Azul gaped his mouth before closing it, before a smile wormed its way onto his face.
“Its good to have you back Yuu…”
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noisyquokka · 11 months
So Unserious
PAIRING - Kevin x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - Classic Slasher movies are so unserious…
WARNINGS - Humor, Fluff, Spoilers for twenty to thirty year old slasher movies (for those of you who care about that kind of thing), some banter, established relationship, dialogue heavy
A/N - I'm curious how many of you who are into the older slasher films know which film is first mentioned. It's honestly one of my favorites, though I'm fond of all of the mentioned titles.
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The two of you sit in the dark bedroom, a bowl of popcorn between you, bodies spread across the blankets that act as your "seating area." Kevin's laptop sits atop one of your pillows, its screen emitting a soft glow as a younger Ted Raimi appears.
“You think the Director just told Ted Raimi to have a good time doing most of this movie? Like 'just go nuts, buddy'?” Kevin tosses a piece of popcorn your way, missing your open mouth by mere centimeters. You take the morsel between your fingers, blinking at the laptop sitting in front of you.
“Before he was stuck with a knife in the skull? Yeah,” You pop the piece into your mouth, tilting your head toward him. “Yeah, I think they did.”
"Uh, hello!? Spoilers!?" Kevin throws his arms up, dramatic in nature.
"Oh, right. I forgot you're not a man of culture..." You bring your can of soda into view, swirling the liquid inside as if you're drinking a fine wine. Kevin chuffs a laugh, shooting you a bombastic side-eye in a way only he can. 
“I thought we were making fun of these movies, but I guess I wasn’t filled in on the added shots that would be fired my way.” He mutters, reaching over the side of the bed for the many snack bags on the floor below. Your eyes twinkle with amusement of your own, waving him off with a chuckle.
“Oh, come on! It’s a thirty year old movie."
“There are better movies than this one.” He argues, the bag in his grip squealing as he tears it open.
“Sleepaway Camp?” You offer.
“Haven’t seen it.”
Your jaw drops, tapping the spacebar on the laptop to pause the current movie. Kevin’s brows knit together as you turn to him, your hands cradling your own cheeks.
“We are watching that later, but I must warn you of the cringe you will be subjected to.”
“Sure, but can we get back to Ted and his groovin’ moves, please?” Kevin asks, unpausing the movie without an answer. You both settle back, watching as the unknown killer walks away from yet another victim all whilst Ted Raimi keeps working it.
“Alright, so far, who are we rooting for to survive?” You pop the question with such nonchalance that Kevin has to let the words register in his head.
“Bub is my kind of guy, but Ted Raimi is doing the least and if you wouldn’t have spoiled his death for me, I would’ve definitely rooted for Ted to get out alive.”
“Do you even know Ted Raimi’s character in this movie?” You arch a brow at him, popping another handful of fluffy kernels in your mouth.
“Nope, and I’m choosing to call him Ted Raimi out of spite of you spoiling this movie for me!” Kevin sticks his tongue out and you roll your eyes. As if you spoiled the entirety of the plot. He’ll never recover.
“What sane person is just like ‘oh, we’re selling our establishment, better kill off my business bud and then all our employees’ like this man has never had a normal conversation about his feelings in his life!?”
You’re clutching your side in uncontrollable laughter as Kevin finally gets the grand reveal of the killer, dots connected and chase scenes begin. He’s sitting beside you just going off, many strong points being made.
“To be fair, it’s the 80s. Men didn’t talk openly about their feelings back then.” You say, rolling onto your back as you catch your breath.
Kevin holds a finger up in solidarity, your lips quirking in a teasing smirk. 
“I’m trying to hand it to Blondie though, even if some of her choices are questionable right now.” You guys have been on your second bowl of popcorn, going on the third at this rate, and Kevin’s remarks are making it taste a little better with the added sprinkle of humor. You’re just basking in a good ole rewatch and reaction.
“What are these windows made of? Plexiglass?”
“Why wouldn’t she go in there, what if there’s an extra key to unlock the front doors in Danny’s desk?”
“Why the hell is a dead man’s head THE weapon!?”
“Yes, Girl, call the cops!”
“GET HIM CRAIG- ohhh not in between the fingers…”
As the credits roll, you watch Kevin lean forward, elbows on his knees, visibly unhappy with the ending of the movie. His head in his hands, full-on disappointment etching his features that are visible between his fingers. And you’re right beside him, hiding a smile behind thinned lips. 
“Well... I’m gonna get us a refill on popcorn and drinks.” You’re quick to slip the blanket off your legs, sliding out of bed and grabbing the empty bowl and other items around the space. There’s something muttered as you leave, but you don’t catch it. Instead you remind him he can choose the next film to watch.
By the time you’re back, drinks and fresh popcorn in hand, Kevin���s already got the next movie running. You recognize the movie score immediately.
“Friday The 13th?”
He nods, taking the bowl of popcorn you hand him.
“We get to listen to Alice run through the woods, screaming like a dumbass!”
“Yeah, just have to wait like ninety minutes into the movie.” You quip, placing the drinks on the nightstand and hopping into bed with a huff. 
“Isn’t that why we’re here? To make fun of silly slasher flicks?” Kevin questions, shooting you a look.
You pull the blanket up your legs, leaning so your head rests on Kevin’s shoulder. He tilts his head to the side, resting his temple against your skull. Your body shifts as you get comfortable.
“Perhaps.” You mutter, reaching over to grab some popcorn from the bowl, your gaze landing on the screen as the iconic theme music plays over the opening credits of the film. You sigh with exasperation as the screaming begins, the first camp counselors dying to the unseen killer.
“You can’t tell me these camps are so big that no one can hear these people screaming. Are you kidding me?”
“You’re using your brain, actually being rational. They literally talk about Jason in the second movie as if he’s the one who murdered everyone in the first one.”
“They also gave Terry that dog and she gave no shits about her own dog when it went missing. That was her dog, right?” You glance up at Kevin with furrowed brows, who just blinks.
“Yes?” He sounds unsure, himself.
“I just feel like if this happened in real life, no one would be excited to go to a camp where terrors took place. Most parents wouldn’t send their kids there.” 
“Nah, parents would send their kids anywhere for some peace and quiet.”
“Kevin!!” You scold, shifting on your side to find his brown eyes once again. He smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkle at the action. 
"I think it's like a right of passage or something." Kevin says with a shrug, pulling you closer as he speaks. You roll your eyes at the answer, shaking your head with a groan.
"Yeah, because it's a smart idea to send your kid to a place where they could get murdered by some random killer." You exclaim, humming an affirmative. "That sounds smart. What could possibly go wrong?" You raise an eyebrow at Kevin, the corner of your mouth turning up into a crooked grin.
Through all of your back and forth, you hadn’t realized how much time went by that you’re already to Marcie’s death scene. The camera panning to the shower curtain, fingers peeking around the flimsy material. And Marcie just looking for trouble as she searches the shower stalls thinking that her fellow counselors are pranking her.
You stifle a laugh, your tongue pressing against the roof of your mouth as she turns around to meet the killer, an ax coming down into her head as she screams.
"Oh, it's not funny!" Kevin chastises, his eyes falling back to the screen. "She can't help that she's trapped in the script."
You can't help but giggle quietly, your eyes still glued on the scene. The camera cuts to the swinging light in the showers for a moment before cutting back to the group at the cabin.
“I love how her first thought as the slasher is about to kill her is to not fight back or run, but to stand there and scream for the few moments she has to actually attempt an escape.” You say, shaking your head in disbelief. 
“What did you want her to do?” Kevin asks with a smirk. “Kick the killer in the gonads and run away?”
“That’s what I would do! A kick to the nads hurts, no matter your makeup.”
“Even Mrs. Voorhees?”
“I’m not above kicking an old woman in the hoo ha if it means I survive her crazed murder spree.” You wave a hand toward the laptop, “That’s what Alice would have done if she were smart.”
“Unfortunately that wasn’t in her script.” Kevin replies, sarcasm strong in his tone. “Nor was taking the Jeep that Mrs. Voorhees drove up in. Even with Annie’s corpse in the passenger seat, I would’ve been the hell outta there!”
“Let’s be honest, though. Betsy Palmer’s performance in this movie is and will forever be iconic.” 
You’re getting tired, Kevin notes. Your tone is lowering and you’re starting to slur your words, sagging deeper into his side as the end of the movie gets closer and closer. Still, he feels the need to ask.
“Are you up for another movie after this?” He asks, to which you click your tongue.
“Of course! My choice, cause you chose last.”
Kevin rolls his eyes, but agrees.
“Which one?”
“Killer Sofa.”
“That’s not a slasher.”
“You’re trying to tell me a couch that kills off people in a haze of passion isn’t a slasher?!”
“It’s not even a sofa, first off. It’s a recliner.”
“Do we have to be so technical? We’re watching it anyway.” Your arm juts out to close the tab you had open, searching for said movie now that Friday The 13th has ended. Kevin swats your hand away, but continues where you left off. A smile finds your lips.
“You’re too easy.” You tease.
“Yeah, yeah, Killer Sofa it is.”
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Student Council (Final Rose)
"Not that I have any particular objections," Weiss drawled. "But why is Averia the student council president? I was under the impression that she wasn't going to run for the position."
"I didn't." Averia's eye twitched as her attention shifted to a certain blonde. "Jahne, do you have anything you'd like to confess."
Jahne nodded seriously. "I must confess to my crimes." Her eyes twinkled. "I have defiled Weiss most utterly. Why, I daresay there was hardly a surface, vertical or horizontal, that remained uncorrupted during our most recent mission - gah!"
Averia lowered the hand she'd used to throw an eraser. The piece of stationery wouldn't normally have done any damage at all, but she'd put a bit of Aura into it. "Stop being obnoxious. You know that's not what I meant."
"Well..." Jahne said, rubbing at her forehead. "I may have submitted a nomination in your name."
"... I was under the impression that wasn't allowed."
"I may also have forged your signature."
"The form also requires an Aura signature."
"I may also have conspired with Diana to forge that too."
"..." Averia took a deep breath. "My sister is very lucky that I love her, and you are very lucky that we are friends. Explain yourself."
Jahne cringed as Averia glared. "I'll keep it simple. Given the demands on the student council president and the variety of duties that must be completed, you were the best choice by a considerable margin."
"Based on my projections, you're at least three times as effective as anyone else. Your combination of unrelenting tyranny, popularity, and grasp of logistics, and other key disciplines means that you can use the position of president to enact key reforms while pursuing other agendas at the same time."
"I assume some of those agendas will be yours."
"Yes." Jahne shrugged. "Positioning you as president ensured the maximum good for the maximum number of people. It seemed a waste for you to avoid the position."
"And why did no one else run? Did you intimidate them into conceding?"
"No. You did." Jahne cackled. "Once people realised you were running, they all pulled out. Pretty much everybody who wanted that position should be approaching you in the next few days about a position on the student council."
"And did you consider that I might refuse the position?"
"Knowing you, I was quite confident that you'd accept it once you 'won' since you'd be annoyed if you had to cede it to someone less capable. You are, perhaps, a tad predictable in that way."
"I see." Averia took a deep breath. And then her Aura flared as she loosened her grip on Saviour. An oppressive weight crashed down on Jahne. The blonde suddenly found it difficult to even breathe, never mind move or think. "Jahne, you are one of my closest friends. But I swear, if you ever pull any crap like this again, you are going to regret it? Am I clear?"
Jahne made a choking sound.
"Averia," Weiss hissed. She trembled, unable to move from her seat. "Averia!"
"Am I clear?"
"Crystal clear." Jahne managed to grind out.
"Good." The pressure lessened, and light enveloped Jahne. Whatever damage she'd taken was reversed. Averia's eyes narrowed. "I trust you, Jahne. Don't take that trust for granted."
Averia stood and walked out of the room. "I assume we're still on for tea this Thursday?"
"Of course."
Weiss hurried over to Jahne once Averia had left. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Jahne's lips twitched. "I might have gone a little too far this time."
"Is... is that going to be a problem going forward?" Weiss asked. Pissing off Averia was not at all a good idea even if Diana and Jahne were best friends.
"It's fine." Jahne took a deep breath. "Every now and then I need a reminder that people aren't pieces on a board. Besides, Averia isn't that mad at me. Otherwise, she'd have waited for me to lose consciousness before cutting off Saviour. Dust, I'd almost forgotten how terrifying Saviour's pressure is."
Weiss nodded slowly. She'd been unable to move at all, and she hadn't even been the target of Averia's ire. "What's she going to do to Diana?"
"Remind her that she is the big sister and what that means."
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Nepal Sanctum
What’s up party people back once again being cringe and free with more Overwatch self insert fanfiction part 2 outta who knows we’re flying by the seat of our pants in this house
Part 1: Mountain’s Peak
In which I get to meet the Omnic that saved my life, and he unfortunately meets me in return
It was a brisk morning, cold as always on the Shambali mountain top, as Mondatta walked alongside the rising sun back to his home. He’d left his personal morning meditation a little earlier than usual so he could pick up his new house guest in time to make it to group morning meditation.
“Emile?” He asked into the empty hall as the monk stepped good inside his home, gently tapping the snow from the soles of his sandals. He expected the human to still be sleeping as he approached the spare room and knocked, “It is time to get up.”
“I’m up!” Came the loud voice of an excited teenager from the other side of the door. Mondatta was a little surprised, and proud. He’d told Emile they’d be up at sunrise, but wasn’t expecting the human to actually be prepared after sleeping for three days straight.
The door opened in with a strong force, releasing the hot air trapped within from the fireplace. There stood Emile, looking extremely pleased with himself, dressed in a wrinkled Shambali robe he’d been using as a blanket. The fabric was thin, with only one sleeve, leaving Emile’s entire left half exposed. He had no shoes, with a long peice of cloth snatched at his waist as a sort of long skirt.
“How do I look? Pretty monk like, huh?” His smile was so bright, the smile of a child looking to be praised. Mondatta thought on his response.
“Y... Y-yes...” He finally settled on, tapping the human’s exposed shoulder, “Very... Monk like...” He felt he should be speaking more eloquently, but truth be told Emile threw him pretty off balance with this. “H-However, my student, it is rather cold out there and I.. Do not think this is enough..”
“Oh...” Emile looked over himself, “You don’t... Think so?” He sounded a little disappointing. Mondatta didn’t like that tone to his voice. 
In a swift motion, Mondatta removed his own upper layer. His robes were usually thicker, to compensate for his lack of outer armoring, so they should be at least a little more suitable for humans.
He pulled the robe onto Emile’s shoulders, guiding his arms into the sleeves before folding it over itself and tying it off at the waist, “There we are. That should be better.”
Emile gripped tightly at the hemming of the robes, staring much like he had the night Mondatta first spoke to him. “Th.. Th-ThankYou! Master Mondatta!” He bowed a bit, smiling to himself once again, brighter than before.
“It was no trouble, my student. Now get your shoes on, we do not want to be late.”
The two walked through the Shambali village, Mondatta greeting monks as he walked with his hands behind his back. Beside him Emile was overwhelmed with the buildings and the snow and the monks oh how the monks enamored him so. Every new Omnic Emile turned to look at, staring as though he could absorb knowledge about them if he stared hard enough.
It was hard not to focus on, Mondatta found himself glancing down to the human every time they passed someone new, just to catch him staring back at them. The human’s interest in his siblings was endearing, the interest that drove him to leave home and climb a mountain all alone. An interest that could, potentially, change the world.
Yes an interest that-
Mondatta glanced to his side again to find his human companion gone. Humans don’t tend to just vanish into thin air, do they?
Hiding his panic the monk looked around himself, slowly as he could to appear calm, scanning his surroundings little at a time, till his sensors landed on white robes and white hair, face down in the snow.
“E-Emile-!” His voice raised a bit more than expected, drawing his sibling’s attention as he rushed maybe a bit too much to the human’s side, “M-My student, are you alright?”
“’m oood” Emile’s voice came muffled from the snow before he pushed himself up, “Just tripped, I’m okay.” He spoke confident for someone with a bloody nose.
“You are bleeding.” Mondatta corrected, helping Emile to stand. “What happened?”
“Wasn’t looking where I was going.” Emile answered, brushing snow off himself as he continued to look around, sniffling the small amount of blood back into his nose.
Mondatta supposed to himself that made sense, he’d never walked these snow covered streets, and was clearly distracted by the Omnics around him. This was clearly on him for not securing Emile better.
With a nod of agreement to himself, Mondatta took Emile’s hand in his own, “Well then, let us get moving again.” He spoke as he turned and began walking to the temple with Emile closely in toe.
He didn’t see the flush to the human’s cheeks as he stumbled quickly behind the Omnic.
At the temple a small group of monks sat together at the top of the stairs, among them just the man Mondatta was looking for.
“Good Morning, Brother Zenyatta,” He greeted merrily as he approached the group.
Zenyatta, a small Omnic in a similar state to Mondatta, stood, along with the rest of the group, and turned to address him, “Mondatta, good morning.”
“How lucky to find you here.” Mondatta clasped his hands together, barely holding in how giddy he felt as he motioned to the human at his side, “This is Emile. Emile, this is my brother, Zenyatta, he is the one who brought you to us.”
The other Omnics in the group looked to Zenyatta quizzically, the largest of them, a ravager with his cords pulled from the back of his head resting splayed out down to his shoulders, leaned down to the smaller and asked, confusion in his voice, “You brought a human here?”
“It was not my intention..” Zenyatta answered back in a whisper as he looked down at the human, who stared back up at him with the same enamored eyes he’d given every other Omnic on the way here.
“Emile, was there not something you wanted to say to Zenyatta?” Mondatta gave the human a small nudge.
“R-Right!” Emile squeaked in a terribly human way and stepped forward, gripping tightly to the robes Mondatta had lent him, “Th-Thankyou, Zenyatta, for sa-aving my life! I hope I can make it up to you some day!” Emile bowed his head to the monk before him.
Zenyatta seemed to flinched back a bit at the human’s movements, “Yes, well... It was no big deal. Please excuse us.” With that, the group dispersed away from Mondatta and Emile around the temple.
Mondatta didn’t like the tone in Zenyatta’s voice, it was one of nerves. The quick way he left as well... Truth be told, everyone was feeling rather distant this morning, even when they greeted Mondatta they did so a few steps away. Perhaps allowing Emile to stay was a mistake if his mere presence put his siblings on such edge like this...
“-Model, constructed first in 2048, first addition, crafted wooden tables-”
“What was that?” Emile’s mutterings dragged Mondatta from his thoughts, he looked down at the human who snapped out of it.
“Oh- S-Sorry I was, uhm... T-Taking note of... the models of Omnics here...” The human’s face flushed slightly as he fidgeted with the collar of his robes.
“Their models... Who was that you were speaking of?” Mondatta leaned a bit to get to Emile’s eye level.
“Oh, um, there. Copper red robes, the one throwing the ball to the one in scarlet.” Emile pointed.
“Ah, that is Willow. How did you know that about her? That she made tables?”
“Her hands,” Emile wiggled his own fingers, “She has flexible finger joints that allow for more precision, along with ball jointed knuckles that allow for her fingers to be removed and replaced with tools, usually chisels and v tools I believe...”
“You knew that... from just her hands?” Emile nodded. “Intriguing...”
Mondatta stood back up, hand on his chin as he looked over his siblings once again. This human’s fascination started with models, their builds and purposes in the past. His sibling’s interest in the human start at stop just as surface level, they were too cautious to approach him, simply for the fact he was human.
Mondatta’s fans whirred, for a similar reason a human may hum, as he handed Emile a meditation orb and motioned, “Well then, why don’t you go take the empty mat by Willow and we will start morning meditation.”
“Ah- Y-Yes sir!” Emile quickly ran to his place, holding the orb tightly in his hands.
There may be a lesson to be learned from this human yet, he’d just need some time.
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thatdammchickennugget · 8 months
White Lie
pairing - lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
summary - After accidentally telling your mom you have a new boyfriend, you have to resort to your last option and ask your old friend turned enemy for help.
warnings - fake dating trope, cursing, mention of cheating, some bullying, Enzo being a little mean, grumpy x sunshine vibes, university au set in the states, not proof read (sorry)
wordcount - 2.8k
a/n - thank you guys so much for the nice comments on the first part <3 I'm glad you guys are liking it :)
series masterlist
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Enzo had come to pick you up bright and early Sunday morning, even getting out of the car to open the passenger door for you. And then he had the nerve to tell you one of the pretty bouquets neatly arranged in the backseat belonged to you. His good behaviour was annoying you to no end even though you were aware that you should be glad he’s taking this serious after all.
In order to avoid any meaningful conversation or a much likely fight from happening, you started quizzing the boy in the driver’s seat on the story you had come up with. Okay, maybe you had gone a little overboard with the four-page, detailed word doc you had sent him to study, but you wanted to make sure no question could possibly surprise you.
“When did we realize we like each other?” you questioned him, seeing in the quirk of his lips that he was done humouring you with actual answers.
“How about this? We had this huge fight after some party. You stormed outside and I followed you – it was pouring buckets, of course. And while you were there in the rain screaming at me, I noticed something. I noticed that the way your eyebrows scrunch up and those eyes flash at me in murderous glee every time we fight, actually doesn’t infuriate me at all! No, it really just encourages me to make you even angrier because I can’t get enough of it, because I think you just look so god damned cute when you’re mad at me.”
Rolling your eyes, you didn’t even try to interject, knowing he was having a moment and there was nothing to be done about it. The only option was to try and get him to wrap it up quicker. “Where is this going, Berkshire?”
“Well, of course, after I realized this I just had to do something about it. So, I took your face into my hands and I pulled you into the most swoon worthy kiss you could have imagined. Absolutely the dreamiest kiss ever, I’m telling you. Good enough it made your knees buckle and I had to catch you. And after that, you confessed that all this time – ever since we were little children – you had been secretly in love with me. And there’s that: Happily Ever Fucking After.”
He finished his story with a cheeky grin but didn’t even turn for a second to glance at your reaction. He hadn’t really looked at you since he started driving, you realized, eyes taking in the missing colour in his cheeks and the way his knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. Maybe he was more nervous about lying to your families than he was letting on.
“That’s not the story you were supposed to memorize,” you told him with a shake of your head. “I already told you we should keep the lies as close to the truth as possible. We started hanging out through our friends knowing each other – Pansy and Blaise – and both apologized for being a pain in the other’s ass all this time. Then you eventually asked me out on a date, which went well. We ended up admitting to liking each other. And now we’re just trying to figure out where to go from there.”
Enzo scrunched up his face, still not taking his eyes of the road. “But that’s so boring. My story is way more exciting.”
“It’s not about being exciting, though. It’s about being believable,” you protested, slouching back into your seat. “You’re story sounds like the plot to some cringey rom-com.”
“Alright, first of all: Romantic Comedies are in no way cringe. You’re probably just too much of a grouch to enjoy any of the nice things life has to offer.” He took a shaky hand off the steering wheel to push away a strand of brown hair that had managed to fall into his eyes, only continuing speaking when both hands were back in their spots. “Secondly: Just because it might have been inspired by the twenty rom-com’s I’ve watched for research purposes this week, doesn’t make it less believable than your story. These things happen, the most unlikely people ending up together and things just falling into place. Those stories have to be inspired by something, right?”
“Those stories are made up by hopeless romantics who want to believe that fate will work everything out in their favour eventually,” you muttered, a sigh escaping through your nose. “But that’s not how the world works. So please stick to the story I came up with later?”
“Okay we’ll stick to your story,” he grumbled and you swore the skin of his face was getting paler by the second. You’d have to make sure to get some food into him at the next gas station.
“By the way,” you decided to change the topic, the shift in his mood almost palpable. “No offence to Rachel Platten or this song, but can we listen to anything else? I don’t even care what, you get to choose. I don’t think I can keep listening to ‘Fight Song’ for another two hours without going insane.”
“I can’t change the song,” he said quietly, fingers starting to fidget with a loose stitch in the leather of the steering wheel.
“That’s fine, I can do it. What’s your passcode?” you reached for his phone, assuming he didn’t want to take his eyes off the road.
“No, I mean I have to listen to this song,” Enzo went on, looking as if it was taking all of his focus to push the words out. “This is my driving song. It calms me down.”
“Your driving song?” you eyed the side of his head with raised brows. “Wait, are you nervous about the driving? I thought you were worried about the lying!”
Though his face was still void of all colours, a tint of red appeared on his neck, just beneath his ears. “Driving makes me a little nervous. I’m not a big fan of it but this song helps me. Now, can we please stop talking about it and just listen to the music?”
“But I see you driving all the time,” you kept pushing, still confused on why he even offered to drive in the first place.
“Well, just short distances usually. To school and back. I’m familiar with that drive and also get to listen to my calming song in peace,” Enzo told you with a roll of his eyes.
For a moment, you considered enjoying that you finally managed to get under his skin for once. But then you looked up at the grimace on his face again and pushed out a deep breath. “Pull over, Berkshire.”
“What? Here?” he asked, the nerves written so clearly all over his expression, you almost felt bad for him.
“In the next possible spot. I’ll take over for you,” you explained, keeping your eyes open for a space to stop. “Can’t have you looking like a ghost when we get there. And I also really want to listen to something else.”
If your mother was surprised by seeing Enzo stand next to you when she opened the door, she didn’t show it. She quickly wrapped you up in a tight hug before moving on to him, lips spread into a large smile. “There you are! Was the drive over alright?”
“It was fine,” you replied, making your way inside to see the rest of your family already gathered in the living room, along with Enzo’s parents and one unfamiliar face.
Your dad was sitting on the sofa, your younger sister Jenny to his right and your older brother Mason to his left. Caleb, Mason’s four-year-old son was perched on his father’s lap but scrambled to the ground when he spotted you, his arms encircling your legs.
“Hey buddy,” you greeted your nephew, pushing a gentle hand through his curls. You would never admit it out loud, but this little boy was your favourite person. That might be a messed-up thing considering you loved your whole family and your two-year-old niece Thalia was possibly the cutest child you’ve ever seen.
But the last couple of holidays proved that little Caleb was truly the only person currently in this house to prefer you over the boy coming into the room behind you. Thalia had slowly become obsessed with him, crying whenever you tried to hold her because she wanted to go back to him. But your nephew always ran to you first, so he had earned his special place in your heart.
Thalia was currently in her mother’s arms. Erica, your brother’s wife was standing next to the fireplace with Enzo’s parents, sending you a small wave before going back to her conversation. Jenny’s fiancé was nowhere to be seen, and a small part of you almost hoped that there was trouble in paradise.
You had nothing against the guy. Landon was nice, he treated your sister well and so far he had really tried to become part of the family. The only downside was that he was related to your ex-boyfriend. That, and the fact that you weren’t super happy about the fact that your sister got engaged to her first boyfriend at nineteen.
“So,” Jenny’s fixed her gaze on you, her eyes flashing. “There’s no new boyfriend after all?”
With a roll of your eyes, you stepped out of your nephews hug to take a seat in one of the armchairs, folding your arms across your chest. “Hello to you too, Jen. I’m fine, how are you?”
“Don’t change the subject,” she narrowed her eyes at you. “See mom, I told you she was full of shit.”
Mason sent her a glare for cursing in front of the kids but Jenny shrugged it off, a content smirk sneaking its way onto her face. Before you had the chance to defend yourself, Enzo sat down on the armrest beside you, putting his hand flat on the small of your back, sliding it up until it was cupping the back of your neck as he gently pulled your body against his.
“I told you, we should have given them a heads up, Babe.” You didn’t need to look at him to know he was sporing his signature charming grin as the Jenny’s smirk vanished.
“Wait, what?” your mother’s voice exploded from the doorway. For a moment, everyone’s attention was on her and Enzo’s mom as they exchanged excited looks. You used the chance to try and relax your body, hoping no one could tell how stiff your muscles felt and how much you had to concentrate on not scooting away from the warmth Enzo’s body was radiating.
“Is this really finally happening?” Michelle, Enzo’s mother, squealed as she squeezed her husbands arm.
Glancing awkwardly around the people now staring at you again, all mustering you with different expressions on their faces, you forced a smile on your own face. Resting a hand on Enzo’s knee, you said, “Surprise!”
Mason was the first to make any noise after that, his snort catching everyone’s attention as he mentioned to the guy you didn’t know still standing near the kitchen door. “Well, this is a little awkward.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” you mom addressed the guy with a grimace. “I really didn’t think she was being serious.”
What was she talking about? Also, why was everybody so convinced that you had been lying on the phone? You were, of course, but that wasn’t the point. “Mom, who’s this?”
“Sweetie, this is Ryan. My co-worker’s son. Remember I told you about him?”
You rubbed at your temples, already feeling another headache brewing in your skull. “And why is he here?”
“I invited him because I thought you just said you had a new boyfriend to get me off your back,” your mom explained, unknowingly hitting the nail right on the head. “I just wanted you to give him a chance.”
With a sigh, you didn’t even care about the ‘no unnecessary touching’ rule you set yourself, letting your head drop to rest against Enzo’s leg. The skin of his hand felt hot against your neck where it was still resting, and weirdly enough, focusing on it helped keeping your nerves at bay.
Noticing the awkward tension now filling the room, Enzo nodded at the poor guy still leaning against the doorframe. “Nice to meet you, Ryan. Sorry to disappoint, but this one is taken. I’m sure you’re still welcome to stay for dinner, though.”
Ryan, thankfully, decided not to stay for dinner. And as the mom’s started preparing side dishes in the kitchen and the dad’s went out to get the grill started, you sat yourself down in the garden with your niece and nephew to try and avoid getting interrogated by the adults.
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Mason and Erica talking to Enzo and you hoped he was behaving himself and sticking to the story you had come up with. So far, everything had gone surprisingly well. Everyone seemed excited and accepted the lie without problems. Enzo had been right, your mother’s were basically over the moon excited, saying this was the best mother’s day gift you could have given them. They still melted when your pretend boyfriend brought in the flower bouquets and handed one to each of them, also having gotten three smaller ones for Erica, Jenny and Thalia.
You had to admit, it was easy to see why your family loved him this much. If he tried, he was disgustingly charming and at first glance, you’d think there wasn’t a single bad bone in his body.
The only person you were a little worried about was your sister. She had been eying you all day, barely speaking a word with you while the other’s were around. But now, much to your annoyance, she was making her way over to where you were sitting in the grass next to the sandbox, supervising the children.
She took a seat next to you, offering you one of the glasses of lemonade she had brought with her. “I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into,” Jenny started with a huff.
You had to keep yourself from rolling your eyes again. “What are you talking about?”
“Dating Enzo,” she added, as if that cleared anything up. When you looked at her questioningly she let out a sigh before going on. “I just hope you’re sure about it. You better don’t mess this up like you did with Brad. If this ends badly it’s going to break mom, you know. And it’s going to make it super complicated for all of us.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you grumbled, reaching over to help Thalia with filling up her bucket.
“It’s weird you know,” Jenny kept talking, gaze looking past you to where Enzo was laughing with Mason. “That no one knew the two of you were dating. I mean we all thought it would happen a couple years ago but lately we’ve been scared you might kill each other at one of these dinners.”
“We made up. People do that sometimes,” you scoffed, hoping the food would be ready soon so this conversation would be over.
“He didn’t even post you anywhere. And there’s nothing on your page as well,” Jenny said as she leaned back onto her arms, now mustering the side of your face, probably hoping to see that she was successfully riling you up. “Enz usually posts everything. Probably means he isn’t really serious about you.”
“We already said, we wanted it to be a surprise,” you accidentally knocked Thalia’s bucket over as you turned to face her, quickly pushing the sand back in before the girl noticed.
It was a relief when your mom appeared at the sliding door leading into the living room, calling everyone inside to eat. Pushing yourself up, you went to pick up your niece, desperate to get away from your sister’s prying.
Jenny stopped you, grabbing your arm. “Just don’t mess this up, okay? For once in your life, make sure this doesn’t end with someone hurt.”
You gaped at her, unsure how to respond to what she said. Jenny ignored your look, taking Caleb’s hand to take him inside, leaving you frozen in your spot with Thalia pulling at your hair, wondering if that’s what the others were thinking too.
Enzo was walking up to you, eyebrows furrowed and something looking almost like concern flashing in his eyes. "You okay?"
"Perfectly fine," you mumbled, not complaining when his hand went back to your back, gently pushing you towards the house.
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starfall-spirit · 2 years
To the people who wrote original works
Do you ever look back on your docs and wonder how you thought things were going anywhere with that one?
Here’s my MC angel making a deal with the devil. I wrote it sometime in HS and looking back I’m cringing. You can not judge me for this.
Note: the demon and angel names are all traditional names I found researching names and hierarchies.
“Tucking those wings in doesn’t hide what you are. What do you want, angel?”
I snarl at the demon guard that questioned me, spitting my title as if I were vermin. His own aura felt like a toxin. “I require an audience with Lucifer.”
“You think that’s all it will take for us to—”
“Open the gates. I’ll personally escort the girl,” a man says.
Power surrounded him and I immediately knew he was of high rank. I follow the man down many twisting halls. It was too dizzying to keep track of our route. A few moments pass in silence and we reach a set of broad doors. He gripped my left forearm harshly and I felt the tip of a blade at my back just before it tore my shirt. I got the message. He knocks once and they open.
Even seated, it was obvious the man on the throne was tall. Not only was his height and build intimidating, but the natural aura around him as well. The darkness was suffocating, as it practically radiated from him. I’d know exactly who I was speaking with even if I hadn't asked for an audience.
“Here she is,” the demon addressed his master. His king. “Just as you requested.”
Lucifer let out a low chuckle. One that seemed to suck the natural warmth from the large room. He glanced towards my sister before setting his eyes on me fully with a smirk on his lips. “I knew she was all I would need. After all, loyalty is something you’re well known for. Isn’t it, Ananchel?”
“Let my sister go back and I will take her place.”
“Ananchel, no!”
I ignore my sister’s protest as the man before me lets out another dark laugh. “You think I can’t keep you both here? Blackmail would be so easy with two sisters held in my realm.”
“You could. But if you touch her you will realize that whatever you see down here, no matter how miserable you all are, I can make your life a million times harder. And I will tell you now I will not break easily.”
His lips curl again and I’m forced to kneel as he descends from his throne, my knees barking in pain as they crash down on the marble floor. He crouched, gripping my chin roughly. “You were brave to come here, but you still haven’t bought her ticket out.”
I struggle to bring up another good argument for her release. It was quite hard to do, seeing as I was in his realm, succeeding in getting us both trapped. Then it hit me. “What would both of our peoples think when they hear that you have one of The Elite here willingly? Not fighting. Not trying to escape.” I don’t let myself hesitate before saying, “Let Anauel go and you have my full submission.”
I caught that wicked gleam in his eyes once again and instantly knew I had him. He jerked his head and the longblade fell from my spine, the man’s grip disappearing. “Take the girl back.”
“I want to see her there myself—”
“It seems you’ll just have to put your faith in me.” I tense as she is taken from the room but make no move to stop them. “I didn’t think you’d want her here when we sealed the deal.” Once again seated comfortably on his throne, he curls his finger and I approach the dais. I let out a small sound of surprise as he jerks me into his lap, running a finger across my jaw. “In Hell, darling, we seal the deal with a kiss.”
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