#we’re doing some bs rn enjoy
freakinhorse123 · 2 years
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fearth3rot · 2 days
i got a mini rant comin. nothin special it’s ab gatekeepers n shit
i think this one is a funny one honestly bc i think it’s super unserious. like ppl r just trying to enjoy things?? whether they have ur DEEP and THOUGHTFUL and whtvr the fuck bs ur on doesn’t mean they deserve to b a fan of smth less or even that they can’t take part in smth on the internet surrounding that thing.
and like obviously ur going to disagree w peeps ab their takes on shit BC THEY’RE NOT YOU bitch. “oh wait other ppl exist w different opinions than me? GROUNDBREAKING.” 😐
mf b fr. and this comes back to specific trends within fandoms too i think. as soon as some artists smth starts trending or theres a clip going around, more ppl who only have surface lvl knowledge of some shit u might enjoy r gonna see it, that’s what going viral means. that’s what being famous IS these days.
like can u imagine OG chapelll roan fans rn, or ethel cain. or any artist who’s been in the zeitgeist for years but only recently exploded yknow. they prbly think we’re all mf posers who only care ab these things bc we saw em on a tiktok or whatvr.
but i got to tell ya, i was suggested both of these artists, chappell ab 5 months ago and ethel prbly 2 yrs ago, and im slightly less (ONLY SLIGHTLY!!) obsessed w chappell but w ethel i can tell u, i went absolutely feral w that lore, ik basically all of it, i’ve heard every song she’s released under ethel and i love them all not even kidding.
but my point is ok, is that ppl need to be have some surface lvl knowledge ab someone if they’re going to fall in love w their work the way i did, and unfortunately that means not EVERYBODY is gonna b like that. ppl just like shit bc it’s cool. or it’s pretty. or it SOUNDS BEAUTUFUL like so beautiful you could cry.
that’s smth i think ppl get twisted too, just bc someone’s not rly interested in the lyrics of the song or don’t rly pay attention to them, does not mean that they have less of an appreciation for the music. as someone who can do both, but genuinely can just sit there w the music unburdened by the lyrics, it’s rly an experience i don’t know how to describe, but it is a thing of beauty.
my point is there isn’t only one way to enjoy smth, and if u think there is i would like to know how exhausted you r constantly loving every artist you come across w the same amount of passion. bc obviously u don’t, nobody does.
you love smth to only it’s surface lvl that someone else thinks is the greatest work of art known to man. and that’s not a sin, or wrong and ur not rly missing out on anything, bc if u were, u would have already realised u enjoyed it enough to try and see more of it, but that’s not a fucking requirement to b a fan or even enjoy smth for christs sake.
ok so it’s wasn’t mini srrryyy :3
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aoshihugs · 3 years
how about i suggest a mix of a AND b tabito's default flirting is the being mean kind and yet he still can't handle any affection. like imagine after him being so annoying ur actually nice to him and he's like ?!?!?!?!2 starts reevaluates his whole life
hold on okay so i’m Thinking rn. having Thoughts. hear me out.
not proof-read!! probs ooc!!
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more karasu brainrot bc we hate him (no we don't (yes we do))
⤿ 'x reader' content, extremely self-indulgent sorry lmao
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❥ okay so if we’re being specific here, if he has a crush, he’s not the type to, say, close your computer in the middle of you working, or steal your pencils, or any of that shidou type behavior lmao
❥ he's more the type to steal some of your food at lunch, poke you to get your attention, pretend to give you something just to keep moving it away from your hand, and verbally provoke you
❥ yet, except for the poking, he doesn't really make much physical contact
❥ not even the type to use you as an armrest if you're shorter than him, nor the type to give those lowkey aggressive side hugs (like how he grabbed nagi at that computer cafe in the shibuya intermission)
❥ but the teasing is never mean enough to actually hurt, just some surface-level "this mf is so annoying" kinda-mean, yk? it's clear that he doesn't actually harbor any malicious intent, he just enjoys your frustration
❥ what if. what if, one time, you were being kinda-mean back, as one does. what if, when you went to elbow him after he said some dumb shit, he paused for a second — a very brief split second — before continuing his regularly scheduled program? and what if you noticed that?
❥ it's nothing major, obviously. dude just didn't expect you to elbow him. understandable.
❥ hear me out again.
❥ what if, y'all were walking together (bc again, you're not really enemies, you're just kinda-friends) and he was doing that annoying thing (that isn’t attractive irl pls don’t do this) where he would pretend to hand you your phone but pull it away every time you reached for it? what if you, tired of his bs, shoved him a bit in retaliation? not a violent shove, of course, just enough to get the point across
❥ what if he paused a little longer this time? well, karasu doesn't know how to handle you being that close to him, which is why he keeps a distance in the first place
❥ (but you don’t need to know that)
❥ he probably stares a little, probably noticeably wide-eyed
❥ but that shows "weakness" and karasu ain't about that life! not when there's a good chance you might call him out on it and embarrass him further!! absolutely not!!
❥ so, unfortunately, he's quick to try to brush it off and shove you back
❥ too late tho! you noticed him get flustered! whether you call him out on it right then and there is for you to decide
❥ building on the kinda-friends thing, sometimes it gets boring constantly picking on your friends, yk? they're still your friends, and sometimes you want to remind them that you still value their existence, even just a little
❥ because let's be real, you don't actually hate karasu, he's just easy to pick on sorry not sorry it's true lmao
❥ what if, on one of those days when you're feeling especially nice, y'all go over to a vending machine and you ask which flavor soda he wants as you punch in the code for yours? casually, of course.
❥ wouldn't want to be too nice to that asshat
❥ and have him think you like him? you? like karasu?? nahhhh
❥ simp
❥ (same)
❥ internally, dude is freaking out. you're offering to buy him something?? wtf?? like yeah he's down for a free drink but what if this is this some sort of ploy to make him owe you a favor in return? why are you being nice to him all of a sudden??
❥ he'd ask that last one aloud (after giving you his order, which he definitely didn't just stutter on. nope. no way.), but in that kinda-mean way, because, yk. wouldn't wanna seem too hopeful now
❥ or too rude, he wouldn’t want you to actually feel bad for offering kindness
❥ honesty is the best policy! you could go the rational route and simply reply that you were feeling nice today, or you could play coy after hearing his accusatory tone and hit him with the classic "why not?"
❥ either one is still an arrow straight to his heart, poor guy is down bad bad
❥ he seriously didn't expect you to have pure intentions so out-of-the-blue like that
❥ visibly flustered this time — figures he should accept it but isn't quite sure how to handle the fact that you're being genuinely nice right now, to him
❥ while you're turned around grabbing his drink, dude is sweating i–
❥ probably looking at you with unmasked surprise: wide-eyed and "blinking incredulously," one might say. thank god you're not looking at him right now. take your time please, he needs a minute to recover
❥ his cheeks and ears are definitely still pink once you turn to hand him his "Black Cherry Mountain Dew Kickstart" (ew), and definitely turn red if you smile at him
❥ probably stops breathing for a sec, honestly
❥ tries to casually it’s not casual lol rub his face or something to hide how red he is, it is most certainly not helping, but very cute nonetheless
❥ could mmmaaaayybe offer a curt "th-thanks" in return, still looking away, still very flustered, but is likely too tongue-tied to speak
❥ if you're the type to play coy, please please don't DO ask him if he’s okay
❥ he literally won't answer you lmao
❥ walks away??? without a proper thank you??? ask him if you can get a thank you
❥ he offers a "THANKS" yelled back at you, not bothering to turn around
❥ ears are still most definitely red, and he's walking faster than usual
❥ you're not clueless. you know what's going on. he knows that you know what's going on. you know that he knows that you know what's going on.
❥ it's up to you to chase after him and see how far you can push him, or let it go and play the long game until he caves and finally commits to making a move on you
❥ bit of a cat-and-mouse dynamic introduced to your relationship
❥ either way, you should definitely start being spontaneously nice to him more often
❥ he’s cute! but don’t tell him that
❥ or do, he’d probably be too flustered to retaliate anyways
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Baby Hiccup is THE MOST ADORABLE THING! His talk with Stick raises a few questions in regards to the first movie but I can excuse that for the most part
Astrid and Hiccup's talk on the hill is alright. I always enjoy my Hiccstrid moments. Stormfly and Toothless playing with Hiccup's leg is adorable. On that note; Hiccup pulling Astrid into him genuinely put a smile on my face
The Light Fury could have looked so much cooler if they let her be a Dragon instead of just a love interest for Toothless. Not a huge fan of the design but I don't completely hate it
Hiccup saying relationships are nothing but pain and misery is not something he would say. like I just cannot imagine httyd 2 hiccup saying that. The deadly nadders doing their mating dance is honestly really cute.
Tuffnut is. Eh.
I have a feeling Grimmel won't live up to Eret's words
Hiccup consulting what appears to be Stoick's journal is pretty nice and has promoted me to headcanons that Hiccup does this routinely, both for insight as well to feel closer to his dad
Grimmel appearing Hiccup's home is a fairly good scene, I'll give that to them
All the night furies being dead is bs. I don't buy it. Night furies are very intelligent (at least from what we see from toothless) and I can't imagine Grimmel being able to hunt EVERY SINGLE night fury that easily. Also, Toothless's parents?? He had to come from SOMEWHERE
Grimmel burning down berk does show how far he's willing to go fairly well. Props
Snotlout. Would not challenge Hiccup's authority. Like that. ESPECIALLY not in a situation as dire as the one they're in
All the dragons flying through the sky is a cool visual.
Gobber "what is the plan" the Belch will never not be my favourite thing
YES baby Hiccup was adorable, and the Hicstrid cliff top moments are some of my favorites in the series, they’re just so good (this includes the ‘what are you gonna do about it’ moment from HTTYD 1
I feel like Tuff is treated better than the other side characters, but yeah they didn’t do him justice
The Hiccup/Stoick hc is my new favorite thing thank you for that omg (Stoick totally left little notes in the margin that we’re meant to better guide Hiccup bc he knew he’d see them)
Actually, one of the things that I really liked about this movie was Grimmel burning Berk down, it really raised the stakes (also I totally agree on the Night Fury thing)
Can’t even think about the Snotlout thing they threw away all of his development and I’m trying so hard not to get mad rn
Also yeah the Gobber thing was so good I loved that
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heartslobbf · 4 years
let’s talk about perfuma. imo, she’s one of the best characters in the show despite being underdeveloped, and i wanna explain why. she could’ve been extremely average, just some lanky flower girl that doesn’t believe in violence and loves everyone, but she is so much more than that (and it pisses me off that y’all reduce her to that).
in her introductory episode, perfuma is clearly in denial about the horde almost destroying plumeria. she doesn’t want to acknowledge the problem, wants someone else to take care of it for her. she’s scared of change, and that is because change makes you vulnerable. if things always stay the same, there’s a whole lot less danger and uncertainty, and therefore you’re safe. secure. perfuma’s kingdom is dying and she can’t bear to accept it because it is unknown to her. it’s putting her in a position where she is no longer secure. this fear of vulnerability can also be seen at the beginning of 1x10 when the princess alliance falls apart and she literally says ‘being together makes us vulnerable.’
the thing is, perfuma isn’t wrong. look at her choice of words. she says that being together makes them vulnerable, not weak. here, she kind of has the words mixed up, but we see that by s5 she has come to understand the difference. that’s what’s so great about perfuma, her motivation to do better, her hunger for self-improvement. it’s why she’s such an important part of catra’s redemption, actually, because she embodies the kind person catra is or wants to be.
let me explain: perfuma is an angry, impatient, short-tempered character. we are shown this again and again with her passive aggression to others and how easily mermista can annoy her with trivial things (sitting in her seat in the war room, for example). catra is also an angry, impatient character, but perfuma works every day to manage those emotions. she knows she needs them, she uses them as a tool (calling catra out, for example, is a time they were practically pivotal for getting her point across) but she also acknowledges they can hurt the people she loves. we know she does a meditation ritual each morning and we see in 4x02 how quickly she can unravel without it. she wants to be better. she puts the work in. that is such a valuable lesson for a character like catra who has always felt she’s just not good enough, she’s always going to be this angry and unlovable and no one can do anything about it.
so, 4x02. it’s a brilliant episode for perfuma’s character, really, and the first proper development we’ve had since 1x04. we see her anger, her impatience, but we also see her self-doubt. her belief that she’s inadequate, ‘just a flower girl.’ this is also when we get introduced to her little mantra that becomes a bit of a motif later on, ‘i can do this.’ we know perfuma doesn’t wholeheartedly believe this, but she says it anyway because she wants to. perfuma wants to be better. she will do whatever she can to be her best self, whether that be actually conquering her gripes with cacti or realising there’s a loophole with the roots (love that conflict resolution by the way, another good deconstruction of hero bs by spop).
this episode is also significant because it comes back to perfuma’s fear of change, of vulnerability. she’s thrown into a situation she doesn’t want to be in, one she feels miserably unprepared for, and she hasn’t done the one thing that puts her at her best beforehand, but she pulls through in the end because she is surrounded by people that support her, that listened to her and consoled her when she was vulnerable. 4x02 teaches perfuma the power of self-worth and the power of true, mutual, unconditional love, which can only come with vulnerability.
and this is where her character gets really interesting, in my humble opinion. ngl, one of the reasons i love perfuma so much is because she’s a pisces and i am too. i’m not gonna go astrology hoe on you rn, i’m just using this to demonstrate the part of her character that teaches others. pisces, if you don’t know, love to play therapist. we like to help the people around us with whatever strifes they may have because we think we’re fucking great at it. perfuma actually is.
you know how i said perfuma learns the importance of self-belief and vulnerability? yeah, she teaches both of those lessons to other characters in s5. like i said, perfuma is a character who values self-betterment and also happens to be a pisces, so when she sees scorpia, riddled with so much self-doubt and such low self-esteem, her immediate response is just i’m gonna teach that bitch how to love herself. and she does!
i’ve seen some people say they don’t like scorfuma because it seemed as though the writers just decided to ‘fix’ all of scorpia’s problems by giving her a girlfriend. that’s very dumb, first of all because they aren’t even together by the end of the show, they’re just interested in one another. second, the whole point of she-ra is that we’re stronger together. scorpia doesn’t go through growth in s5 because a girl likes her, she goes through growth because someone is showing her support and love for the first time in her life and that empowers her. you know, the worth that scorpia finds in herself doesn’t hinge on perfuma, like it did with catra. it’s about her as an individual, and perfuma so clearly makes it about that when her big lesson revolves around singing. scorpia loves singing. perfuma tells her she should do it because she enjoys it, a sentiment you’d never hear in the horde, and when scorpia does sing, she is actively rejecting the people who did make all her self-worth hinge on them catra. she’s doing something for herself, because she enjoys it, because it makes her happy, because she can.
it’s that same mantra: i can do this, i can do this. i really love how this was brought back from 4x02, how perfuma repurposed something that taught her such a valuable lesson for someone else. perfuma and scorpia are great foil characters actually, both constantly underestimated and thought of as weak by their groups, but some of the strongest characters in the show due to their deep value of love and self. i can do this, and i know i can because you believe in me, because i believe in myself. it’s brought back again in 5x10, when the last thing perfuma says before scorpia breaks the beam is ‘i know you can [pull through]’. she tells catra she believes in scorpia. it’s that belief, that support from other people that empowers the self to believe it too. we are stronger together, you know??
anyways, onto vulnerability. return to the fright zone is in my top ten episodes of the whole fucking show and you might think that’s a bit weird but i don’t. 5x10 encompasses so many important themes of spop so well and tells them with scorfuma and spinnetossa, our two side lesbian couples. this is significant since perfuma literally draws a parallel between her and catra at the end of the episode, and catradora and spinnetossa have always been significant to one another. i’m gonna say it, perfuma is the reason catra is finally able to confess to adora in 5x13. i’ve already talked about how important perfuma is to catra’s motivation to improve, but she literally makes catra rethink everything about strength and vulnerability, two words catra has a lot of feelings about.
catra fears vulnerability. we know this. she has such a deep love for those important to her but is never able to articulate it because she worries she’ll be taken advantage of, shot down, laughed at, whatever. all of this stems from the abuse she suffered at shadow weaver’s hands and her attachment issues, and it’s also why catra pretends to hate scorpia’s very open displays of affection and love: she sees it as weak because she has been taught to, but it’s all she ever really wanted to be.
we also know perfuma used to fear vulnerability. she doesn’t any more. the entirety of the episode leading up to her and catra’s heart-to-heart is her being vulnerable, putting herself in a position where she’s in danger but believing it’s worth it. and it is. despite what everyone said to her, perfuma is right: it was worth it. she got through to scorpia, even if it was only for a moment. she literally spells it out to us and catra with one of the best lines in the whole show: it’s hard, keeping your heart open. it makes you vulnerable, but it doesn’t make you weak, and i have to believe it’s worth it.
back in 1x10, perfuma was right: being together makes you vulnerable. horde prime tries to use people’s relationships against them, that’s literally the plot of save the cat, the point of pitting catra and adora against one another. he sees them as weak, just like shadow weaver deems adora’s feelings for catra ‘confusing’, just like light hope insisted adora was a danger to her friends as long as she was around them. they were all wrong. yes, they’re vulnerable. perfuma acknowledges that vulnerability puts you in danger, that it’s difficult to do that, but she knows it doesn’t make you weak. weakness vs strength is a big conflict in 5x10 literally introduced to us with netossa’s theories on everyone’s weaknesses in the first few minutes.
like perfuma says, friendship isn’t a weakness. it’s her greatest strength. her belief in love is literally what saves her and adora’s lives, it’s what saves everyone who got chipped, glimmer, bow. belief in love, both of others and yourself, is what saves adora in her dying moments. perfuma summarises she-ra’s entire fucking message to us repeatedly in 5x10 and she tells it to catra because catra is the one who will do the most with it. that glance at adora, it’s obvious what it means. perfuma is telling catra she should be open with adora about her feelings because you have to believe it’s worth it.
you won’t get anywhere waiting for other people to make the move. she-ra couldn’t heal plumeria’s lands, so plumeria had to fight their own battle alongside her no matter how much they felt unable to. the rebellion couldn’t move mara’s ship, so perfuma had to despite thinking she wasn’t strong enough. the reason they always win in the end is because they have each other, they have love and support and people motivating them to do better. just like perfuma motivates herself to do better.
it’s the mantra. i can do this. i can be vulnerable and still win, because i have love. and it’s hard, it’s so fucking hard to be vulnerable when you’ve feared it all your life and you’re so angry, so hurt, but you have to believe it’s worth it. and it is. it is, it is, it is, love is stronger than anything and being vulnerable for the people you love is the only way you can ever get what you want from them. perfuma as a character embodies that, having learnt it herself, and teaches the lesson to one of the characters who needs it the most.
adora is dying, and catra loves her, and she knows she does, and she just has to believe. adora is dying, and she loves catra, and she knows she does, but she doesn’t believe. not until catra teaches her too, in that moment, to realise they were all wrong, light hope, shadow weaver, horde prime. adora doesn’t need to let go, she needs to hold on and believe she will be pulled back up by the girl she loves. she needs to believe she deserves it. that it’s worth it.
and it is.
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thegreymoon · 3 years
Ever Night
Oh, sweetheart, no 😢
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This is a clear case of is she really that good, or just privileged and rich? Mo Shanshan is a stupid, useless, bland nepotism brat who keeps getting pushed into places she didn’t earn because of her social position. I can’t wait until we’re rid of her. 
Ahahahaha, she ran away! I’m going to have so much fun watching Ning Que panic 🤣🤣
She’s the one who will end your entire career just by saying she wants you gone 💀💀
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@thymianne​ you are right, she really is an arrogant rabbit, minus the cuteness. 
I am pissed off beyond reason by this lost princess bs trope they pulled here with these two. It is so jarring and so pointless, and completely shatters my suspension of disbelief.
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Also, I need Sang Sang to be enough for who she is, not who her parents are, because she is adorable and intelligent and amazing. I feel like her having a way out from Ning Que could and should have been handled differently. If she had left to stay with any of the friends she had made since coming to the capital and had them rally around her, it would have been so much better (e.g. the princess, the brothel sisters, the Rear Mountain disciples and Chen Pili in particular, etc.) She should have been enough for Ning Que as a nobody orphan, not only now, when mom and dad are rich and socially on par with the arrogant rabbit.
I am going to enjoy him freaking out so much 😈😈
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I’ve got all the popcorn ready 🍿🍿 I’m so done with his nonsense. SO DONE. It’s about time someone helped him remove his head from his ass. 
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LMAOOOOO, drag him, Princess!! Drag him good!! 😆😆
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Oh, God, the way he deserves to be smacked in to the next universe 😡
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Jesus fucking Christ. 
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I was on his side (sort-of) until now, but I guess we’re done with that 😬
Just heinous. 
Tell him, sweetheart!
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Wow. Just wow. The way I would dump his ass just for this, smfh. 
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Yes, Sang Sang. Two can play this game. 
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The parents are a stupid plot device, but I’m appreciating them rn.
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God, I despise men 🤬🤬
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You’re so fucking pathetic. 
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And I’m supposed to cheer for them to get back together after this? I’m just disgusted. Fuck men. 
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I used to like him, BUT NOT ANYMORE. I hope Jun Mo punches him in the face. Second Brother remains the best brother. 
Seventh Sister, I knew I liked you!
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Thank you, my good sir. I agree with you, it’s beyond creepy, even though I appreciate everyone who is standing up for Sang Sang here. I’m taking not of everyone not doing so and kicking them off the list of the characters I like. 
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No love left for First Brother. None at all. Also, who gives a fuck about any of your opinions? YOU’RE NOT THE ONES GETTING MARRIED!
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I’ve liked him from the start, but now my good opinion of him is just soaring! 
Thank you, Third Sister, for your beautiful common sense! 
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If you ever want to get married, I volunteer!! 💙
Go fuck yourself, you greedy, faithless piece of shit. 
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I wish I could see her dump you permanently over this and then watch you pine into nothing 🤬🤬 
Men like you deserve no wives or girlfriends. Fuck you some more. 
Yes, but Tubby, you don’t understand!! 
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Mo Shanshan is prettier than her! And he will get boooooored!! 🙄🙄
I hate him sfm. 
I hate him so much for this. 
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He’s not deserving of a single hair on her head. If things were right with the world, she would not take his stank, ungrateful ass back once enough people he actually respects have dragged him for the way he is treating her. He showed her who he really is and what he thinks of her. How does one even continue loving him after that?
Oh, sweetheart 😢 He’s the ugly one, not you!
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There are so many heartbreaking layers to this. The way she has internalized this and hates her own face. The way she thinks that just because she’s not pretty enough, she isn’t entitled to expressing her feelings. The way she feels obligated to be beautiful even when she cries because how dare she inconvenience him by being a real human woman with ugly emotions that aren’t on par with his aesthetic preferences?
My heart breaks for her. 
Oh, fuck off, you waste of space. I hate you enough already.
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Also, the way I no longer care whether you live or die is troubling. I still have 12 episodes of your bullshit to wade through 💀💀
Keeping this for drawing reference.
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LOLOLOLOL, poor baby, the way he’s heartbroken he can’t have his cake and eat it too.
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Just gross.
I’ve been looking forward to him dumping her for so long now, but I’m just so disgusted by him, I can’t even bother to care. 
Yeah, I also want to know.
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What about the moon? Why is there no moon? Why am I on episode 48 and only hearing about no moon now?
He’s already an imbecile, so no harm done.
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Smacking him is the first thing Fu Zi has done since this show has started that has been even remotely useful or interesting. If he keeps it up, I may just decide stan.
Oh, this poor baby 😢
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She’s been waiting in vain the whole day with her little bag packed because he told her he’d come to fetch her 🙁 It’s just too tragic.  
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oceanbaby888 · 3 years
Hey babies! I'm back from my break! And I just wanna say:
Ik ik it's been in cancer since yesterday, yet, here is what you may need to know for your astro forecast!
We know by now Mars is that planet of action!! Its direct, blunt, aggressive, and cuts through the bs.
And we have Cancer. Generally known for being on the softer end. Very nurturing. Loves family and all things THEY know they can enjoy. This is because Cancer expresses 4th house themes (family, comfort zone, roots, etc.) being the 4th sign and all.
So, we have Mars in Cancer. Dont be fooled, this doesn't mean you will be scared to fight. This means you'll fight for what MATTERS to you! Meaning, keep in mind that while Mars is a fighting energy, that doesn't mean heavy Cancer placements may find themselves fighting EVERYTHING in life, it just means they may be a bit more direct about defending and protecting what MATTERS to them. Cancer is still a cardinal sign(the modality that is associated with taking initiative mainly) and it's a crab at that and it will pinch the hell out of you 🤣🤣😭.
Generally, this means you may find yourself a bit more defensive about your relatives (at least the ones you care about), home life may get more rowdy, and you may be more defensive about your comfort zone and not letting anyone push you out of it right now(even if the other person may mean well).
Yet, to be more specific, this may differ depending on what house mars in cancer transits for you.
If Mars in Cancer is transiting in your:
1st house: Definitely may be a bit more protective about your self-image and not letting anyone misunderstand you. You may be more clear about who you are in the world and how you fit in. Especially if you know as a Cancer rising loving and protecting is a big part of who you are.
2nd house: You may find yourself defending or being more protective of assets, money, and materials. Especially if they come from a close source like family. You want no one fucking up that bag or messing with your sentimental values. Esp if its like an heirloom (this is because Cancer is associated with the past, so passed down things are of importance to you possibly rn).
3rd House: Definitely may have a more forward approach to how you speak, esp if we're talking about signing contracts. Writing may be more forward and direct as well. Also may be protective of siblings and neighbors around this transit. Yet, do be mindful to not argue with women alot in your neighborhood or your mom during this time since cancer does rule women. Driving is also something to be mindful of as well (dont wanna fear monger, just be mindful on the road like always 😊). Activate that defensive driving!
4th house: Protective of home environment. Lol I hope nobody is getting into it with your family because you may be right there with them around this time. Or vice versa, you may be getting into it with them at home (I hope not 😰). Dont want others penetrating your comfort space rn. Also may be very forward in your approach if you're looking for homes or work in real estate. You may just be like "okay well how much is this and how far is this location from my job, etc."
5th house: Definitely will defend children during this transit. Also, if you play a sport, you may have more energy during your games in this transit (idk who is playing sports in a pandemic, but I know someone is). Anyway, I digress. You also may have a more direct approach in how you want to foster your next creative project and you have alot of energy for it.
6th house: May find yourself defending people at work. As in if you see someone getting bullied at work you may just be like "hey man, stop fucking being a dick to xyz" lol or something like that. Your health may see alot of attention as you have the energy to tend to it. Be mindful of eating too many spicy foods as it may hurt your stomach.
7th House: Defending people in general lol. But remember, some people need to defend themselves as well so dont go overboard with it. You ain't tolerating any mess especially if its within a group of friends. You will definitely become the "mom" friend in this transit and get folks together if you see them bullying others. You also may be very protective of your romantic partner as well. Not letting anyone disrespect your baby iktr.
8th house: Joint assets are going to be your focus here. Making sure no one fucks it up. You also may be very vocal and defensive of your sexual health (as you should) because people like to underestimate how important that is. Also, if you hear about someone talking about your friends or family (gossip is secretive=secrets=8th house), you may find yourself defending their honor in their absence.
9th house: Very protective of your ideas and not letting anyone shut them down! Your ideas and opinions matter too! Also, if you see a friend being bullied by a teacher (9th house = teachers), you may just call the teacher out! (Tell me if you do 🤣🤣♋). Your are firm in your spiritual growth and not comparing yourself to others. You know your higher self and are growing and no one can take that away from you.
10th house: OOO the career moves and getting that bag!!! You are not playing. 10th house represents capricorn, the opposite of cancer. Cancers are usually not a fan of the public(cancer =4th house = privacy), so publicity (a 10th house theme) may not appeal to them until now LOLOLOLOL. You may make some career moves to get your name out there or may feel more confident in public than usual. Even if you really arent a publicity person, who may mess around and do something in your career that may garner attention/respect. People may look up to you more for your willingness to defend others and passion for people.
11th house: You definitely may feel moved to protect the people in your community/your friends. You may find yourself doing this on the internet as (11th house = Internet). May be very vocal in defending issues that are dear to you and wanting people to be aware of that, even if it's something people may not care for yet. 11th house represents progressive thinking, so these issues you're defending people may not understand, but defend them anyway.
12th house: Okay, this is a little tricky. While you may feel the need to defend, you may not know why, but you know you need to. Intuition may help in this case. Also, you may be very protective of your secrets, the 12th house represents the subconscious and things we may not be physically aware of, like secrets. May not tell people what they shouldnt know and if they ask, you may be a little direct like "because it's my business" LOL. Definitely dont wanna cause issues unless you intuitively know FOR A FACT somebody on some bullshit.
That's the astro forecast! I know I didnt cover everything but I hope you're more aware of whats to come with Mars in ♋.
Love yall,
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
How is Blackwood? I took ESO off for the Skyrim chapter because I found it pretty dull, but thinking of going back since my favourite assassin is in it. How does Blackwood compare to other chapters?
Overall I enjoyed the chapter, but I think I'll need to do another pass of it with another character before I really know where it sits in my rankings. And that'll be a while because I'm on a Dragon Age kick rn.
Elam content-wise, it was definitely great to see him again. I actually quite enjoyed how they handled the Dark Brotherhood content in this chapter and how they acknowledged a Brotherhood character, though there was a moment I think that the Vestige was confusing Morag Tong rules for Brotherhood ones at one point XD
Regardless, it was nice to see Brotherhood Vestiges getting acknowledged. There are conversations that, while similar in how they move the story forwards, are written differently between Brotherhood and non-Brotherhood characters with different tones and indicating different relationships between the Vestige and certain characters, namely Elam and Eveli.
I would just say to not expect Elam to be the most consistent participant in events. He's present and is most active in the portion of the story most relevant to him, and after that he provides more of a behind the scenes support role, sometimes popping up with information you might find useful. And if you ask him to come along, his response is ‘nope you’ll not catch me with your protagonist bs.’
Overall his inclusion was a pleasant surprise without being super jarring, and ZOS actually did a pretty good job are handling his conversations with a Brotherhood Vestige vs a non-Brotherhood Vestige. I liked how he was trying to stay out of the ‘saving the world’ stuff because it’s not part of his job, but he still tries to help the Vestige out here and there,
Now while I'll admit to being really curious about where the story is going, in some ways Blackwood almost felt... incomplete? Not unfinished per say, just unresolved. Which makes sense because Q4 and all, but previous chapters tended to resolve a central plot thread - such as Euraxia's occupation in Elsweyr and the return of Anequina’s rightful Queen - while Blackwood doesn't feel like it has. There’s still too many loose threads to feel like we’re close to resolving anything.
The best way to put it would be from the perspective of the Triad Arc. Morrowind established the storyline very effectively without leaving you feeling like you’d barely gotten started - you saved Vivec’s life and prevented the fall of Baar Dau, which preserved Morrowind’s safety for the time being, but then we’re told that this is just part of something bigger and it’s far from over. You feel accomplished, but know there’s more to go. Clockwork City then built upon what we learned at the end of Morrowind about the Triad, and even when that was over, you know you’re still not done because events have yet to reach their final stages, which we then witness in Summerset. So each DLC had it’s core story it was telling, wrapped that story, and left enough to feed into the next part of the story. Greymoor also did that pretty successfully with Markarth, giving you a central threat to deal with while still giving you the running threads to the next part of the story and the epilogue.
And I’ve gotta admit, after the villain we had in Rada al-Saran, Blackwood’s major antagonist pales in comparison. I really liked Rada, I found him to be a very compelling character, and Blackwood’s villain is kinda meh in comparison. They’re a lot of noise and show while lacking in substence. It’s a bit of a shame tbh, but Rada was developed to be all caught up in the backstory of a fan favourite character, and needed to provide a lot of character depth to get people invested in that story and that relationship while Blackwood’s villain is more standalone. So they might not be a big let down, just don’t expect them to be groundbreaking.
The DLC's side-content is pretty fun though. There's a bunch of returning characters, some new faces, and a good ol' Oblivion reference you can come across as a random encounter. And completing certain side quests will allow you to call for the appropriate backup for the chapter's climax which is a nice touch that I always very much enjoy in video games. More games should let you call in favours and make use of everyone available to you. I’d like to see more of it in future content.
tldr; I enjoyed the new chapter overall. There’s a fun mix of characters and stories going on and the environments are gorgeous especially as Imperial architecture transitions into Argonian, and the Doomvaults are really cool to explore as well. I just worry that ZOS is counting on the Q4 DLC to help carry Blackwood’s story. I think the chapters work best when relatively self-contained while having threads that can run into the next DLC, so you can feel accomplished at the end of the main story while knowing there’s more to pursue. Blackwood is relying a little too much on running over into Q4 I think.
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moadvx · 4 years
Don’t lie to me - J.J. Maybank.
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JJ maybank x reader
Word count: 2.124
Warnings: None, I don’t write smut :)
Request: not a request but my requests are open :)
You are one of Kie’s only kook friends. You are Toppers sister, but everyone knew you are nothing like him. That’s why Kie and you became friends. She knew you were nothing like the kooks. You loved to travel and you had an internship for this company that worked on climate change and how to stop it. You are also friends with Sarah but after she stopped hanging out with Kie you kind of lost contact because you would hang out with Kie a lot. But after she started dating Topper you two got in contact again. You were good friends and she told you in secret dat she didn’t like Topper that much anymore. You saw how she changed when he was around and how he would treat her.
You were also very smart, that’s why you skipped a grade and why this summer you graduated high school. So this summer you wouldn’t actually be in the outer banks, you would be going to New York to work for your summer job and after summer you would go to school there. Then the hurricane happened and when you got the news you went back home. You would help them with building the town back up in a sustainable way. So that’s why you are on a ferry back home right now.
You send a message to Kie and Sarah too. To make sure they were okay. They are both fine and you told them that you are arriving soon. They were both excited that you were coming back. Topper and his friend Rafe would pick you up from the dock even tough you told them not to. You didn’t really like Rafe because he would hit on you sometimes. Which you found very uncomfortable but he wouldn’t stop so you ignored it.
When you arrived you walked to them, you gave Topper a hug and when you turned to Rafe you just walked to the car. “Don’t you think you are forgetting something sweetheart?” Rafe said to you. You kept walking and said “I’m not giving you a hug Rafe, so pop that bubble in your head. Also stop calling me sweetheart it really creepy.” He just looked at you annoyed. You sat in the back of Toppers car and Rafe sat in the front.
When you arrived you unpacked your stuff and send a text to Kie asking if she could hang out. She replied with and okay but that the pogues were with her too. They were just chilling at the beach. So you grabbed your  longboard that you hadn’t ridden in a couple weeks and went to the beach. It felt weird to be back home. Nothing really changed just more stuff was destroyed. You took the long road to the beach to look at what the storm had destroyed. You’ve met the pogues before and they think you're cool but you wouldn’t consider them close friends. You saw the group on the beach but without Pope. “Hey guys, how are y’all doing?” You said to them. Kie stood up and gave you a big hug. “Hey, I missed you but they kept me company.” JJ and John B just waved at you and John B said teasingly “We’re bored around here but you probably wouldn’t have that problem.” You just laughed and said “Nope I’ve been really busy lately. Even here I won’t have that much free time I guess.”
JJ looked at you curiously and asked “Why not?” “I came here to help the town with more sustainable homes. So yeah im basically going to give advice on how to do that.” You answered him “So during the day I’m probably going to be running around town.” He smiled at you. He had a beautiful smile. You’ve always found JJ attractive but you were never the type of girl to go after a boy. Also you really focused on school and work so you really had no time.
They were curious about what New York was like and you told them what had happened and Pope also joined you all. He asked you a lot of questions but not about your work more about college and the way universities would accept him. So you helped him a bit and after that you went back home.
A couple of days later you were invited to the boneyard party. You were kind of tired but Sarah and Kie insisted you needed to go. So you arrived with Sarah, Topper and Rafe but they all left you when the party started. Rafe went after some tourist girl and Topper and Sarah just went somewhere together. You looked for Kie but couldn’t find her. So when you saw JJ and John B giving out drinks you walked up to them. “Hey has one of you seen Kie?” You asked them. “No maybe she just went to the toilet or something but you can stay here. Do you want a drink?” JJ answered you. You nodded and he gave you a drink. “So this is just like how it used to be huh, just parties on the beach, getting really drunk.” You said, John B looked at you and said “yeah this is the most fun we can do around here, New York probably has better parties than this.” You thought about it and said “Well the thing is I worked a lot in New York so I was tired most of the time and when I went out it ended in a disappointment. So I much rather enjoy these kinds of parties.” They looked at you very surprised but JJ asked and laughed “Why? they have better beer and more drugs.”  “Oh come one JJ you know that doesn’t make the party better. At least these parties don’t make me want to cut off my feet from dancing and I can just chill on the beach.”
After the conversation ended and you had a couple more beers you walked to the water. You took of your shoes and walked into the water. You sighed because you were actually really tired and you kind of wanted to go home but also not. They would just ask more questions at home. Then you heard footsteps approaching you. “Hey what are you doing here all alone.” JJ asked. You were kind of surprised he even noticed you bc it was very dark. “Oh you know just thinking about stuff.” You said to him. “Like what kind, the good or the bad thoughts?” He asked curiously. Why was he even interested you thought to yourself but answered him anyway because of the alcohol in your blood. “The kind that makes you wanna run away and never come back.” You said, which surprised him because you are so happy all the time and this was a different side of you. “Why? Did something happen?” “Well there’s just a lot of pressure on me right now because my parents don’t know if what I'm pursuing is a real job so if I fuck this project up they will send me to a different school.” You said JJ looked at you in admiration and said “Well Y/N if you ever need help with anything just ask me or the pogues. We would love to help you.” You looked him smiling and said “Thanks JJ. I just hoped that after I moved to New York they would change their opinion you know.” He put his arm around you and suddenly your heart sped up and you blushed. You immediately stood up and said you would go home. “Is everything okay y/n/n?” He asks you. “yeah, yeah, I just want to go home. I really thank you for the conversation JJ, it was nice.” You say and he looks confused at you. So you put your shoes back on and walk back home.
The next day you woke up with a massive headache and you immediately wanted to swim. This was one of your free days so why not. You grabbed your longboard and went to the beach. You laid down in the sand and thought about yesterday and the conversation with JJ. You wished you weren’t so awkward around him. You texted Kie and told her about it yesterday when you came home. She found it funny because you’ve never been like this. You went for a swim and when you came back out you decided to longboard around town a little.
You ended up at John B’s house and when you walked up the steps to enter the house you saw a black SUV arriving so you call John’s name. “we’re here in the office.” He said “Hey John do you know someone with a back SUV.” You say while entering the room and he looks through the window and immediately starts looking for another way out. But when the guys came into the office you all left and went into the chicken coup. But the chickens wouldn’t shut up so when it got too loud JJ killed the chicken and it was quiet. It kind of shocked you and he saw that and looked at you with an apologising look. You mouthed “its okay” because if he wouldn’t have done that maybe you would be dead.
When the weird guys in black left, you all came out. You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. Kie gave you a hug and then asked you “I’m sorry y/n, but what are you doing here?” You looked at the group and said “ I was just riding through town with my longboard and I was bored and guessed that you would probably be at John Bs house.” They nodded and went back inside again. They sat down on the couch and Kie patted the spot next to her with a smile. Because JJ was siting on the other side. But you sat down anyway because where else would you sit. JJ put his arm on the armrest behind you. You looked down at your lap and played with you hands. They started talking about something but you didn’t understand. JJ looked at you and whispered in your ear “hey did I do something yesterday?” You looked at him surprised and whispered back “No like I said I just wanted to go home JJ.” “but you said home was where you didn’t want to go when we talked yesterday y/n.” He said “its okay JJ could be way worse.” And you looked at the rest of the group. He also looked at the group and after a couple minutes you stood up and said “Hey I’m gonna go home chill a little. Are you doing anything tonight?” They shrugged and you left “bye y/n” you heard JJ say. You smiled and went back home.
You get a text that night at a weird time from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey its JJ, I really wanna talk and I know its a weird time but I could also be at another time I just wanna talk.
You: hey JJ, yeah I can hang out for a bit rn. I won’t be sleeping anyway but where?
JJ: Uhh we could go to the beach I could be there in about 15 minutes.
You: Okay I will be there too.
JJ: see ya then
You sneak out of the house and go to the beach. You see him sitting on the hood of his car. “hey JJ, what’s up.” You said he looks ay you and sticks his hand out for you to climb up his car as well. “Okay so I know that was a lie yesterday and today too and you know it too. Why won’t you tell me why you left?” He says and you sigh “JJ its has nothing to do with you.” You sigh again and decide to just tell him “but when you put your arm around me yesterday my heart did something and it made me realize something. I have a crush on you JJ” “Wait what… are you serious?” You nod and he looks at you with a smile “So to assure you I have a crush on you as well.” You looked at him so surprised and smiled. “Can I kiss you?” He asks “only if you want to y/n I don’t wanna force-“ you shut him up by kissing him. He kisses you back and you move to his lap. You pull back and say “just promise me that im not just a hookup JJ.” “I swear on my damn life that you're not just a hookup. We are gonna rule the world together.” You smile and that night you end up watching the sunrise together.
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
ok I read animorphs when I was 10 or 11 I think? and I only read it once, along w/the spinoffs and stuff, and I've always meant to revisit it...SO HERE I AM....
and oh MAN I forgot how good this series is. like I knew it was good but some things from your childhood don't hold up yknow? especially books aimed at younger audiences
but oh boy does animorphs hold up. they're easy to read and perfectly balance the line between dark/adult topics and more kid-friendly lessons. excellent 
so yeah I'm loving it so far. I forgot how fast some stuff happens lmao, like I forgot that tobias gets trapped as a bird in the FIRST BOOK 
also I just adore how realistically disorganized/confused the animorphs are. like, they got the elevator pitch version of the conflict from elfangor before my mans got eaten, and also they're middle schoolers. of course they’re always just like ‘wtf do we even do’ 
so like...their plans mostly don't work. and even when planning they run into tons of logistical issues w/morphing, traveling, communicating etc. 
and I love how they clearly need to maintain their normal lives as well in order not to raise any suspicion 
and I like the little details like them not spending all their time together at school because they didn’t before so that would be suspicious
oh man and I love the different family dynamics in the series. you have jake, whose family seems pretty normal until we find out that tom is a controller, and rachel, whose parents are divorced, and who has to deal w/the complications of that. and then cassie, who is an only child (I like that we have a mix, with rachel and jake having siblings), and of course marco...
iirc marco was one of my favs (if not my fav, but its hard to choose) back in the day, and I forgot how reluctant he was to participate in the animorphs thing...and the fact that he was about to quit the team and then runs into visser 1.....
another fucked up little moment I liked - when they morphed dolphin and marco had to morph back to human bc he gets injured and he was like ‘I cant swim, and my mom drowned, I don't want to die like she did’ I was like oooof
also on that topic I adore how little the animorphs know about how anything works. like they once wondered if there's a limit to how many morphs they can acquire and they were basically like ‘idk guess we’ll find out’ 
and then when marco got injured as a dolphin and they were like ‘morph back I guess and hopefully you'll be okay?’ like damn luckily that worked 
basically these books do The Most Excellent Job showing that these are just kids. like they're literally in jr high which is 90s speak for middle school....they're like 13???? at most???
and the narrative reflects that perfectly!! all of them, even rachel who is pretty much the most gung-ho about fighting and stuff, have nightmares and all these terrible experiences bc they don't have basically any guidance 
and even with ax, it’s immediately obvious that he’s also just a kid, even though he’s this deadly alien....
also oh mannnn I love so much how we’re introduced to the andalites as this heroic race and how that slowly changes over the course of the story 
like, when elfangor introduces himself as ‘prince’ you assume he’s part of the andalite monarchy - but later we find out that ‘prince’ is a military rank, and the andalites are a lot more militaristic than we would assume at the beginning 
its so fantastic how it starts off as a fairly black and white conflict of andalites = good guy aliens and yeerks = bad guy aliens
and you even have some background stuff going on w/the taxxons being controllers by choice, and the hork-bajir being enslaved 
but as the story goes on, all of those lines get blurred in different ways...
also ooof the poor hork-bajir. I always felt so bad for them. it’s crazy that even in the first book, the animorphs are killing their enemies - at least I inferred that in book 1, but it becomes way more overt later on...the tough situation of them knowing that the hork-bajir are unwilling hosts but that they’re so dangerous that not killing them could be fatal to the good guys
and ngl this time around I have a lot more sympathy for the yeerks, even tho they don't really deserve it (at least in the early parts of the story where I am rn)
like...they're just these blind helpless slug creatures, but they're also fully sentient and intelligent? like, that's so fucked up. imagine yourself as you are now, but you're just a sensory deprived slug swimming in a pool. that's pretty fucked. and then the fact that the yeerks are biologically made to be parasites...its kinda no wonder that they ended up the way they are (and it also makes stuff like the yeerk peace movement really compelling)
also wow I kinda forgot about all the body horror w/the morphing. like ik that's one of the things that animorphs is known for but like. I forgot how much it happens and how creative the horrifying descriptions are. I love it
and omfg so when I first read this series the ellimist stuff confused me a lot bc I didn't read the books That closely (I mostly wanted to see what would happen next) but I loooove time travel bullshit so I’m really enjoying it so far
even tho tbh I think even if I had paid more attention as a 10 yr old I still would've been confused bc the ellimist stuff is kinda just inherently confusing lmao 
ok and I just love the characters,,,I love that the books switch perspectives, and KAA did such a masterful job of portraying differing and realistic reactions to their situation....like, all the animorphs react so differently to their circumstances, but their reactions are all so grounded in realism and also their personalities 
like man I love rachel. she was one of my favs as a kid too bc I always loved female characters and she was just so cool. and she still is, and so excellently written too 
liiiike the fact that even though she’s so tough and brave, she’s still a kid and has plenty of moments when she’s scared or uncertain...
and I just really like the fact that she out of all of them is the one who’s tough and loves to fight...and the fact that she also unapologetically loves shopping and stuff like that...its about the multifaced characters
just like how marco is the ‘funny guy’ but they make it very clear from the beginning that this is his way of coping w/shit like his family falling apart, and then alien BS 
and also marco is really smart? I kinda forgot abt that (sorry marco) but I like that bc that's uncommon to see with ‘funny’ characters
oh mannnn and ax. I love ax. I forgot a whole bunch about the early stuff w/him and how conflicted he was w/keeping secrets from the other animorphs
KAA did such a fantastic job w/ax - he really comes across as the perfect mix of ‘fish out of water alien’ and ‘young teen/tween’ and ‘alien from a strict militaristic society who is in training to become a soldier like his famous older brother’ 
n that was so sad n fucked up when he called the andalite home world and had to tell everyone (including his parents) that elfangor died, and then the elders or w/e forced ax to take blame for elfangor breaking their laws in order to preserve elfangor’s postmortem reputation, even at the cost of ax’s career/life :( 
and man I loved the part where ax is like ‘well, we didn't help the hork-bajir even tho we could have and now they're all enslaved. I'm not letting that happen to the humans’ and the council or w/e is like ‘well you should let it happen, don't interfere’ and ax basically realizes oh shit sometimes adults are wrong 
basically I love the conflict there, where the andalites are the ones who gave the yeerks the technology that led to them spreading across the galaxy like a disease, and now fight to stop them due to their guilt, but also refuse to directly help the less advanced species who are being invaded by the yeerks for fear of making a similar mistake like w/the yeerks....
ooooof and the part where ax is like ‘guess I have to go fight visser 3 and die’ :( he’s just a babyyyy
and augh when alloran asks them to kill him....geeeez there’s so much fucked up stuff already and I'm not even in the double digits yet 
oh my god and the brutally awful fact that any freed controller will just get tracked down by the yeerks and murdered so the secret invasion stays secret...and the animorphs think that by destroying the kandrona they've freed a bunch of controllers but really they just signed their death warrants - what a catch 22
oh and I love how even early on the yeerks aren't a completely unified force - we have the obvious rivalry w/visser 1 and visser 3, with visser 1 even arranging the animorphs release from visser 3′s prison bc of this, and that yeerk who told ax where to find visser 3 because he was pissed that his yeerk gf got killed by visser 3 - even though the reason she was killed was due to kandrona rationing, which was caused by the animorphs...i love the layers 
ok what else. oh yeah I love tobias sm, he was one of my favs as a kid too, his whole story is so deeply tragic but also interesting and we haven't even gotten into all the stuff w/his parents yet
the part where he’s freaking out as a hawk and he’s gonna fly into the windows even tho he knows it’ll probably kill him...christttt
also tobias and rachel are so romance aughhhh
ok also jake - he was never my favorite when I was younger bc I felt like he had Basic Protag Man Syndrome but now I can appreciate his character a lot more. like, he basically got elected the leader and he’s kinda like ‘guess I have to do this now.’ and that of course ends up fucking him up majorly in the long run bc even tho he’s more serious and responsible, he’s still just a kid too
and I loooove the horror of finding out that tom is a controller, and jake having to contend w/the fact that it’s very likely that he’ll have to fight and/or kill his brother someday 
also the book where jake gets infested w/a yeerk was one of my favs and still is. so fucked up and interesting. the fact that that yeerk was previously tom’s made it even more fucked, w/the yeerk taunting jake the whole time
and then the yeerk dying in jakes head...so messed up
omg and cassie too. I love cassie. I didn't appreciate her as much when I was younger bc I was a straightforward kid who liked action, and cassie is all about pacifism when possible and compassion, which I love a lot now that I Get it more. 
cassie being such a gentle person but still fighting in this fucked up war bc doing nothing would be worse is super compelling. plus the conflicts with her having to figure out where she and humanity fit in the circle of life and whatnot is great
I loved the contrast of her being very aware of how nature works bc of working w/her parents and all these injured animals, but also being so compassionate that it still bothers her to see death and especially participate in it 
like her feeling awful about killing the termite queen even tho its ‘just a bug’ and stuff
basically what makes the series great isn't that it’s got all these fucked up moments and horror elements and is overall quite dark - it’s that all of it comes together to make the point that war is hell, and child soldiers are gonna end up traumatized pretty much no matter what happens
it’s a very strong message, and the story never feels like it’s being dark just for the sake of being dark, but rather never letting the reader forget how awful things are
TL;DR: anirmorphs is to the YA genre what hunter x hunter is to the shounen genre
in animorphs, the heroes of the story are kids who get cool powers and get to fight aliens - in any other YA story they would have a bunch of fun adventures and come out on top most/all the time - things might get darker towards the end, but good would prevail. the evil yeerks would be stopped, and the main couples would get married and have kids and live happily ever after. 
however, war isn't like that, especially when the soldiers are kids. so instead we get animorphs, and it’s brutally realistic. they barely ever get to enjoy their powers - on the rare occasion that they get to, something usually goes horribly wrong
compare to hxh - it seems like a regular shounen story about kids participating in a fantastical mostly-adult world and being able to match the adults bc they're Special - but as the story wears on it becomes clear that the kids are just very traumatized. this all leads to gon’s berserker collapse in the chimera ant arc, which is led up to masterfully w/a bunch of adults treating gon as an adult even though he’s a child.
essentially the same thing happens in animorphs - with jake being shoved into the leader role and becoming a military general as a kid, which leads to him committing horrific war crimes because he’s been put in a position no child should ever have to be in
similarly, kurapika has what would be a very straightforward revenge plotline in any other story - but this is hxh, so the bad guys aren't just 2-dimensional evil caricatures, and the road to revenge just leads kurapika to ruin. we root for kurapika to win bc they’re a character we like, but it becomes clearer and clearer as the story goes on that getting revenge is not the path kurapika should be taking
nothing is ever as straightforward as we want it to be, basically. and the same applies to animorphs. so many times they're faced with conflicts that seem to have an obvious answer, only for it to be revealed later that the choices they made led to other unforeseen awful consequences
ok i need to stop rambling this is already super long. basically: animorphs good. I’ll probably do another post like this semi-soon as I continue reading (I'm partway thru book 10 now)
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jordanshenessy · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me @wantingtogoplaces 🥰💞 (Do mine too if you want!)
Answer the 10 questions of the person who tagged you and then create 10 of your own!
Do you know what you want to do later in life?
Honestly I thought I was a gonna be a doctor, then a researcher, and if that doesn’t work out now I’m in a Human Resources program as a backup so....not really LOL I just hope I end up doing the thing I’m meant to do :’)
Who is the person you trust the most?
Ok so I have a lot of trust issues and don’t really trust that many people not even myself lol but I guess my really close friend from high school and uni
Favourite song?
Woww umm I guess rn Can I Call You Back by SHY Martin has been stuck in my head
What makes you smile?
When someone thinks no ones watching and they’re in their own little world whispering to themselves and figuring stuff out (idk if that makes sense lol)
Do you want settle down at some point (kids?)?
I do want to settle down and get married at some point. Not sure about the kids part, some days I think yes, some days I think no lol
Do/did you have good grades?
Since I was little up to high school yes, then uni was a bit complicated but my last year was all straight As with the occasional Bs and now I’m doing a Human Resources program online and we’re back to straight As 👌
Handwritten notes or typing notes?
Handwritten PLS typing makes my hands spasm especially if I’m trying to do that during a lecture (unless I’m typing on my phone but even that annoys me sometimes)
One goal you have for the next couple years
I want to be able to have a stable career and support myself and my family (oh and finding the love of my life wouldn’t hurt either)
Something you enjoy doing
Drawing, writing, music, watching shows etc.
Favourite fandom you’ve been a part of
The wtfock fandom duhhh (ok you guys are the only fandom I’ve been a part of but wtfam has become my heart and soul and you guys really are like family 🤧)
Woww these questions were so fun!
Here are mine:
1. What’s something someone does that makes you fall a little in love with them?
2. Favourite subject in school?
3. What is the most interesting thing someone has said to you?
4. Do you think the universe hates you or that it lines up just right for you sometimes?
5. If you had the chance to meet a better version of yourself, would you?
7. Do you believe in the multiverse theory?
6. What’s something that helps you focus?
8. Have you ever looked up at the sky and wished for something you didn’t know you wanted?
9. Favourite book/series?
10. If you could give a fictional character a hug who would it be?
Tagging @thedeth @robbesdriesen @lieverobbe @mysterystardust @bleachblondebitches @sanabakkoushd @fvae @glamorise-the-chaos @glorious-technicolor @baker147 @annonymannonym @gemm-333 @engelsbitch @sundaymorninghangover @britt-wie @allezrobbe @robbe-deserves-the-world @serenity-who @vanillalipstick66 @lot-bubbel and anyone else who wants to do it! Feel free to ignore!
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tonyglowheart · 4 years
This entire thing is a rant, feel free to ignore it, but I saw your post about how destiel fans can’t win in this context, and yeah. So have some rambles.
I’ve been thinking about the fact we (current spn/destiel fans) can’t win all night... I’ve seen so many people talking about how homophobic it is - and while I would very much like to argue, as every point I’ve seen made by a non-spn fan has been wrong so far, if I did everyone inside the fandom would agree and everyone outside would either call me straight or pity me for believing it’s okay.
(Cas wasn’t even sent to hell lmao. He was sent to angel death (the empty), a place he has escaped in the past. Other points, like that meta about spn has been predicting exactly this for months, that Dean ended up sobbing on the floor because he was so upset, like that death means next to nothing on spn, like that there is two episodes left, etc etc. you feel me right? I just don’t want to post wank to other spn blogs atm, we’re getting enough frustration as it is, no need to add to it.
It’s also worth pointing out that the bar is very, very low. Spn is a prominent TV show - not a Netflix show, or indie, or whatever - and it just said “main character in gay love saved the world”. [insert gif of ghostfacers dude saying that gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day here]
I just saw someone saying that spn having Naomi try to brainwash Cas out of loving dean makes spn homophobic (it is a conversion therapy parallel). My first response to that is that Naomi was the villain lmao? I guess we can’t write villains doing anything homophobic because having villains do homophobic things makes, uh - checks notes - villains look homophobic, and clearly we can’t have that.
There certainly are legitimate things to criticise spn about, but this isn’t it lol.
Also now some people are unironically trying to cancel Jensen because “his acting was homophobic, and so he’s clearly homophobic”, nevermind that he’s an actor and his character struggles with understanding his emotions (which I think he played excellently, myself. That scene had a very Dean delayed emotional response), nevermind the support he’s given to us queers in the past. Like. Idek man.
We would have been laughed at if we got no destiel, too.
It would have been worse, had the writers pulled a dumbledore. At this point I also trust the writers not to pull a GoT - they have explicitly criticised that ending in spn’s canon.
Spn’s writers did that by making the main villain of this season, Chuck / God, say GoT had a good ending. To reiterate a previous point I had: villains do bad things because they’re bad. And the bad things they do make them bad. For the people out there not still following, if someone does something in a story and it makes them a villain, that is explicitly telling you the story (and probably the writers) thinks that thing is bad. In this case, Chuck likes to write things for him, and we the audience have been shown and told that is bad.
Apparently thinking a gay confession is good in 2020 makes me straight. Seems unlikely, but whatever. Sorry for the length, I guess I went overboard, I’ve been holding it in lol. Anyway, DESTIEL IS CANON 💚💙 hope you have a good night
Helloo supernatural anon I hope you are living your best life right now. Yeah I’m like..... skeptical and leery myself but having lived through some absolute garbage discourse that is general purity wank, as well as the C/QL greater fandom here and on Twitter I find myself... much more wanting to question the “general wisdom” of things esp in terms of negativity, bc a lot of the time I find.... it’s wrong? Like so wrong. Or at least presents such an incomplete picture of the whole situation and also presents it in such a removed context that words that have meaning and are operationalized in a certain way for a reason, no longer have meaningful usage.
Anyway I don’t... know too much about the specifics of Spn but someone I follow is into it and talks a lot about the Gnostic stuff and that all was very fascinating to me, and I also have been grappling a lot with cultural Christianity bc of cmedia and the way ppl just *clenches fist* unthinkingly or uncritically slap some Christian norms on it and call it a day 😩 help I’m Tired. My thing here being... I actually got tired of the uncritical “superhell”s at some pt bc I am, in fact, incredibly exhausted with cultural Christianity, and because it does seem like, even possibly(?) without the Gnostic stuff it’s different from a “hell” or other Protestant-derived afterlife concept, and also yeah that it wasn’t seeded out of nowhere, it was set up to happen, which then... lends credence to the idea that whatever the current era of Spn is doing, the current showrunners are doing it with purpose.
And idk I just... refuse to believe the concept that ALL of the fans of Spn - esp the ones who have been following it still, or got back into it and are following it currently, are acting under delusion or are fooling themselves into liking it or thinking it’s good or whatever. I personally find that kinda infantilizing and patronizing and playing into issues of dismissing things women and/or other marginalized identities like.
Plus I find the concept that (from what I think I’ve been seeing Spn fans say) that the current era of the show is quite actively grappling with itself, its past, its legacy. to be very interesting and compelling; it hearkens back to like an old lore kind of feeling, of a thing that has grown into a nigh undefeatable monster and realizing that, also realizing that the only way to defeat itself is through grappling with its own nature and transforming and transmuting itself into something else. I personally find that more plausible and compelling than “Supernatural has been actively and continuously queerbaiting for 15 homophobic homophobic years., so right now we’re all very sorry for you because this maybe is no longer queerbaiting but it’s still homophobic and it can never be anything different ever.” I’ve been sort of tangentially aware of Spn thru the years and didn’t we agree, around the time of that in-universe play about Spn and with the lil Destiel shoutout, that Spn has come a ways as far as coming to terms with its fandom and working to treat its fans better? Why the sudden regression into “oh no, Supernatural is and forever will be homophobic and a hate crime”? 🤔 
The rest under a cut bc the ask is already long and then my rambling will get longer-
But yeah I mean..... I get that the legacy of Supernatural has been certifiably Rough, but I think people also forget how different of a time 2005 was? Hell, how different of a time 2015 was, even, prior to, say, Obergefell v. Hodges. Now I’m not saying that to blanket-excuse Supernatural, but like, you look at mainstream shows from the era and... there’s a lot of shit lmao. The fact that Supernatural has existed this long seems to me like.... maybe we CAN look at how it’s developed through the years vs just insisting it is what it was 15, 10, hell, 5 years ago. Especially since, to my knowledge, there’s been showrunner changes? Which seems to me like it would... affect things? I mean honestly, I remember back when I got into Spn for a hot second because of Castiel, I remember watching panel, Q&A, etc vids thru the years, and like... I thought we agreed that... it was the fans who were going a bit far pushing the shipping question like literally ALL the time to the actors, who are not in control of the show and.... like at the time.... that could have had personal implications for them? And yes homophobia bad, and people can still be allies despite that, but again like.... I do feel like - from what I’ve seen - that these guys were NOT ready to deal with a lot of that but they’ve (okay Jensen I’m talking about Jensen here) genuinely grown and learned? Also how many years ago was the essay autograph thing that people keep trotting out, like what year was it in and what year of spn was it, and what were the prevailing opinions on LGBT issues and bisexuality then.
I’ve been seeing some murmurings of identity politicsing surrounding ppl who enjoy Supernatural, and I’m sorry that that’s happening to you, it really fucking sucks and it’s also the dumbest way to “make” or “win” an argument because it shouldn’t ever be a final determiner, just factors to consider when considering what life experiences might have informed someone else’s PoV and views as well as maybe how you can better communicate with them. Instead of it being a “weapon” or “tool” to either dismiss someone or de facto validate an argument.
Also yeah I get it that you don’t want to send discourse to spn blogs bc I imagine you guys ARE actively grappling with all the bs rn and it’s a lot. Even just from like, the stuff I see around, I’m like tired of it. I’m genuinely having more fun with ppl who are having a good time with Supernatural than the ppl who are hating on it, even in this sort of backhanded “oh we’re not clowning YOU we’re clowning the writers and showrunners who think you should be satisfied with this,” when... yeah? the people who HAVE been watching the show and therefore... know what’s up.. DO seem to be? And all this based on *fake gasp* context. And that’s where the backhandedness becomes kind of poisonous to me, because it implies that it IS bad, and that you SHOULDN’T be satisfied, but poor little you are but don’t worry, we’re not making fun of YOU for liking garbage, you’re just the hapless victim who is consuming the garbage bc... idk, whatever reasons ppl are coming up with ig.
idk man it’s 2020. Fandom isn’t activism, performative or otherwise, it’s okay to let people enjoy things even if you think they’re “objectively” bad, and like... I don’t know if people can call something bad when they’re not even working with the whole context and instead are dealing with rumor and reputation. 
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quwarichi · 4 years
My reactions+summaries for SPN S5-15 PT.3:
Supernatural Episodes (that were memorable to me):
Currently: S15E20
[Disclaimer: these were written as I was watching each episode for the first time. It’s literally my brain vomit. Let it be known that I watched the series from season 1 but only around season 5 it occured to me that I might want to remember some episodes, so this was created. I am a pretty big destiel shipper, but it only shows here when I absolutely can’t contain myself. You can enjoy my reactions without shipping them. HAVE AT IT]
Seasons 14-15:
S14E01: Hey look Dean has a funny hat now. Haha. And that's the only thing different. Oh wait where did the plaid go? Guess he burned his clothes in an accident and changed into something nearby. Alright. OH WAIT WHERE DID DEAN GO. Sam is tired. Jack is learning how to fight from Bobby. Good on him. Castiel is suffering. A demon knows more about Destiel than Cas does *wink wink* Bless that demon. Give him a raise for the wonderful words he said. Praise. Scratch that he just started a demon gang fight against Cas fuck them up good Cas don't leave survivors. Stop beating Castiel up you know he's taking it easy on you otherwise all of you would be fried chickens. "Sister Jo" is back in business. [Side note: Jensen and Daneel shooting this scene together had me dying the writers did that on purpose]. Michael visits Anael. Jack is sad. Cas is hurt. Lucifer is alive. Oh wait it's Nick. Why is Nick. How is Nick. Nick is pretty understanding and nice. Nick. Hm. The demons got Cas how dare they you fuckers, you motherfuckers I WiLL rAiN hElL FiRE UPoN yOu. Sam is sad and missing Dean. Mary is too. Sam should have hidden the knife in his hair. Cas is embarrassed. Jack gets caught. The demon wants to replace Crowley. How dare he. Awesome action scene. Keep expecting Dean to show up and beat someone up. Cas and Sam miss Dean. Cas and Jack talk about losing their powers. Sam misses Dean. Michael helps monsters now?
S14E02: Hey look Michael's a dick who knew. Srsly fuck him. Cas can't help and is sad. He is also a babysitter to Satan's former vessel and Satan's child. Is Jack Nick's sort-of son or is that taking it too far? Questions for later. Lucifer is now the Supreme Agent of Evil. Cas is sassy. Jack is adorable and needs hugs. Cas is trying to be nice to Nick. Nick is suffering. Castiel feels different. He feels like he matured and grown a lot. Like he's more at peace with himself. He says that when he Fell he still had Sam and Dean which is so adorable. Cas gives Jack a beautiful talk. Michael is wearing a tux, which looks great on Dean but horrible on him. Dean yells at him to get out. Nick is sad and still has Lucifer instincts. Nick is sadder now. He wants his family back. Cas is amazing in this episode. Kudos, truly. He just admits he understands Nick's situation because he occupies Jimmy's vessel. Woah. Nick just said Castiel is a body-snatcher and he's no different than Lucifer. How dare he. How DARE YOU. CASTIEL HAS BEEN NOTHING BUT KIND TO YOU. HE TRIED TO BE CALM. HE TRIED EXPLAINING AND SYMPATHIZES WITH YOU AND YOU GO AND CALL HIM THAT. WHY. JUST... WHY??? CAS STILL FEELS AWFUL FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO JIMMY AND HIS FAMILY. HE NEVER WANTED THAT. FUCK YOU NICK. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER. Jack went to visit his grandparents can he get any more adorable I mean OH MY CHUCK LOOK AT HIM. He tells them Kelly had a baby boy and they're so HAPPY HIJFKDHDUHEJDUDH. Jack dear I know you just met your family and you're emotional but saying Dean doesn't matter is like a death sentence in the fandom so tread lightly. Nick is channeling his inner Lucifer. Dean is BACK BABY.
S14E03: Dean doesn't NOT like Sam's beard. Jack, Cas, and Dean reunite. Jack likes Disney confirmed. A girl asked Jack if Cas is his dad and he says Cas is one of his dads OMG OMG OMG. Jack is heartbroken he couldn't help the girl and Cas feels awful for him. Honestly Cas has been through so much lately and he didn't even get the chance to hug Dean when he came back. Jack saved Lora. Cas apologies to Jack. Bless Cas. He's a freaking Angel. Cas is so freaking adorable and he's such a dad for Jack and they're like hey dad hey son and omg omg omg gaaaaaaaaah they're adorable. He's making Jack SOUP. FREAKING SOUP. Something's wrong with Jack why are you coughing blood no no no no no bad blood.
S14E04: Dean likes horror movies now. Sam's beard is gone. Dean's inner fanboy is coming out. It's one of these episodes. Sam is so excited. Dean is fangirling. DEAN IS IN GLASSES PART 3 OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. Fortnight has unfortunately bled into the Supernatural universe and we have to live with that fact now. Dean is, fortunately, a Zelda fan so we're good on that front. Sam is a nerd. Dean is concerned. Sam meets his female counterpart. Sam has trauma from Halloween. Dean wants to have Halloween with Sam so badly awwwww.
S14E05: Dean and Sam run into Bobby and Mary. Sam is nervous about talking to his mom about her dating life. Bobby and Mary are sort of a thing now and Dean is okay with that. He just wants his mom to be happy.
S14E06: Sam and Charlie are very awkward. Hooray. Jack is suffering because his coffee doesn't taste right. Sam looks so happy playing with a fidgetspiner. Jack and Dean are being Hunting Buddies ™. Jack just learned what courting before dating before sex is and Dean is not happy or comfortable about that conversation. Other Dimension Charlie had a love of her life but she died. Jack asks Dean about courting over pie and it's adorable. Dean says that when they get back to the bunker he'll give Jack the talk. Hooray! Jack and Dean play the "bad cop, hero saves the damsel" plan and it works fantastic. Jack calls Dean old and Dean looks so offended it actually hurt him OMG. Some girl has a crush on Jack now. Jack is very confused. Hunter!Jack is very awkward and adorable. Is Jack on a date? I think he's on a date. Is he even allowed to go on dates yet? Dean didn't give him the talk. Hm. What would Cas think? And Sam, Sam would be very confused about it too. Hm. Definitely sensing some romance in the air. Approving of that. Oh BOI SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN. Oh wait of course not Jack was raised by Cas who are we fooling of course he wanted to use the bathroom. Dean calls Jack and he's like "Hey so I'm pretty sure she's in love with me so tell me everything you know about sex. Go!" Dean is not having ANY OF THAT BS RN. Vans? Vans! Vans. Dear lord Jack should get an acting award *ba-dum-tss*. Dean be giving out relationship advice like he's some sort of expert when in reality his emotions are so constipated he needs to swallow Dulcolax to communicate with others. Jack has a crazy fan now. He follows in Sam's footsteps and got himself a Becky. Congrats? Jack is coughing again. And now he's bleeding from his nose. No. Nope. Not happening. Denial, ACTIVATE!
 S14E07: So... Nick is slowly losing it. Or very quickly losing it. Depends on how you look at it. Cas is watching over Jack and tries healing him. Jack is really bad shape. They take him to a hospital. Cas does NOT have time for bureaucracy. Three worried fathers watch as their kid suffers and it HURTTS. Jack's body is shutting down and they're suffering. Cas just gave Jack his trenchcoat so now we have a trenchcoatless Cas and a trenchcoated Jack. Rowena is BACK BABY. Jack meets Rowena. Cas is so ready to give his grace for Jack. Dean is taking Jack on a fun day. He's teaching Jack how to drive awwwww. Dean and Jack are awesome. Cas feels helpless. Cas calls Jack Sam, Dean, and his' son OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I'M HAVING A FUCKING SEIZURE. Jack and Dean are eating burgers on the impala and have fun. Meanwhile Nick is on hunt for his family's killer, being as adorable and questionable as ever. DEAN AND JACK ARE F***CKING FISHING. Jack wanted to go fishing because Dean said he went fishing with John and it was a happy memory for him and Jack considers Dean a father figure GAAAAAH IT HURTSSS. WHY IS JACK SO AT PEACE WITH DYING LIKE WHAT THE FRICK NOOOOO. AND WHY IS CAS DRIVING A TINY BLUE CAR WHO GAVE HIM PERMISSION TO BE ADORABLE. Do you ever wonder how many times a week Castiel thinks about the story Gabriel wrote on the walls of his bunker room about his time in Monte Carlo with the porn stars? He read the entire story, just summarised it for Sam. So he KNOWS everything. Things to wonder about. Nick is channeling his Lucifer or Lucifer is channeling his Nick they are one it's scary. Jack is being healed? Is he healed? He's HEALED. Jack is BACK BABY!!! Cas and Dean look so relieved. Wait why is he staggering. Why is he coughing. Cas is so pissed at the Shaman. CAS IS A PISSED OFF FATHER. CAS IS AMAZING. FREAKING DAD CAS FOR THE RESCUE. It feels like this is a setup for Lucifer to come back. Not sure how to feel about that. Um. Ummmm... Empty do your freaking job and keep him asleep. JACK IS DYING FREAKING KILL ME WHYYYY.
S14E08: Jack doesn't want them to be sad. Dean is not okay. None of them are okay. Cas is also worried about Dean. Jack is being optimistic about things and it hurts. WHAT. WHAT. HE CAN'T DIE. NO. NOOO. DEAN DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS NOOOO. CAS IS IN SO MUCH PAIN BUT HE'S STILL WORRYING ABOUT SAM AND DEAN OH MY GOD WHYYYYY. CAS WANTED JACK TO DIE A LONG TIME AFTER HIM. THEY'RE GETTING DRUNK TOGETHER TO DULL THE PAIN WOW THIS IS HURTING HAHAHA I'M NOT CRYING FUCK YOU MY EYES ARE LEAKING. THEY'RE EATING NOUGAT BARS THAT JACK LIKED. CAS DOESN'T EVEN EAT FOOD IT TASTE LIKE MOLECULES TO HIM. Jack is in Heaven but Empty is slowly taking over Heaven. Jack meets Kelly in Heaven. Kelly is so happy to see him until she realized he died. Anubis is an odd fellow. Cas is so happy seeing Cas again. And Kelly too. Empty has invaded Jack and Kelly's Heaven. Shit is about to go DOWN. Dean and Sam consider Jack their child. EMPTY IS HURTING CAS AND KELLY WHILE JACK IS WATCHING. CAS SAVE JACK. WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT. DON'T YOU DARE. I WILL FUCKING END YOU EMPTY YOU SON OF A THING. CASTIEL HOW COULD YOU. Cas doesn't want Sam and Dean to worry. He says he's in peace with his decision. IN PEACE MY ASSBUTT! LISTEN HERE YOU EMOTIONALLY INCAPABLE ANGEL, YOU HAVE DONE MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR THE WHOLE EARTH. YOU SACRIFICED FROM YOURSELF THINGS OTHERS WOULDN'T EVEN BEGIN TO IMAGINE. YOU GAVE UP HEAVEN FOR SAM AND DEAN. YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AND THEN YOU MAKE A DEAL THAT THE SECOND YOU'RE HAPPY YOU'LL DIE??? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE??? In other news Jack and Kelly hugged and it was beautiful. Jack promises not to tell Sam and Dean about what Cas did. Jack is BACK BABY. Dean hugged Jack. Get the fuck away from Cas you Naomi Bitch. Jack is happy to eat burgers again. Is Jack wearing Dean's robe?
S14E09: Is this a Christmas episode? Why, I think it is. Hey look Michael is a woman now. Wait Garth NoooOOooo you can't do it. Oh wow he has a little girl now. Jack is guiltily eating cereal in the middle of the night and Cas catches him. Sam is apparently acting like a mom. Wow. Cas is being a sassy angel. Castiel likes the toys that come in the cereal box. OMG why are Jack and Cas so cute. Cas is happy Dean is feeling better but he feels guilty about lying to him about the deal. Jack is happy he can pick a lock now. HELP THEY KIDNAPPED JACK. FUCK YOU MICHAEL. Awww they're going on a family hunting trip! Team Free Will 2.0 VS Kansas City. Awww. *The hellish version of a Christmas song plays in the background*. JACK IS FUCKING SMILING. Okay so Michael I'm gonna need you to get out of Dean you sick son of a Chuck. 'Freaking ruined the Christmas episode.
S14E10: Awww they brought Pamela back! Also Dean owns a bar and he likes to flirt. He looks so happy owning a bar. Michael is sassy, and it's almost likeable. Probably because it's Dean's face. Michael is trying to get underneath Cas' skin and Cas looks so done with it. One of Dean's happy memories is the stripper case with Sam. FUCK MICHAEL. FUCK HIM SO HARD. HOW DARE HE. HE JUST SAID DEAN ONLY TOLERATES CAS BECAUSE HE FEELS LIKE HE OWES HIM FOR HELL AND CAS HASN'T DONE ANYTHING FOR DEAN EVER SINCE. *Cue epic fight scene* Hey look Dean is a cage now. Cas is so worried about Jack's soul.
S14E11: Dean is acting suspiciously. Sam's aware he and Dean only hug if it's of the world I'm dyinggg. Sam likes gossiping apparently. Dean came to visit Mary awww. Dean is now a welding master. Well now Nick is being arrested by Donna and now Donna might be about to die and NOPE. Dean is being really sweet and it's freaking everyone out. Mary thinks Dean's adorable when he's sleeping. Nick is being creepy and kidnapping Mary. Nick without Lucifer is unlikeable at best. Mary keeps a severed head in a jar. Dean tells Sam he loves him.  He shows Sam a box he plans on being buried alive in the ocean with Michael inside of it and yeah so that's not happening.
S14E12: Dean has a nightmare about being stuck in his coffin forever. Sam calls Cas. Dean says he knows he wasn't the greatest brother for Sam and Sam has this 'WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL' look on his face because that is some grade A+ bullshit right there. Cas gets a call from Dean and he's so excited because he thinks Dean is giving up his plan but Dean tells him he's not so Cas is sad. Cas is so pissed at Dean. Dean and Cas have an argument/goodbye. Dean and Sam argue. It hurts. It hurts so much. He punched Dean and then he hugged him. He tells Sam and Cas he believes in them. In all of them. Oh well I guess that if Dean gets trapped in a box at least Cas will never be taken by the Empty since he'll never be happy HAHAHAHA KILL ME NOW.
S14E13: This episode is about the city the bunker's in OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. Someone stole Baby. There's a kid who thinks they're serial killers, which they are, but not exactly. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. JOHN??? OF ALL THE PEOPLE, JOHN? WAS THAT EVEN AN OPTION??? WHAT THE FUCK???!!! MARY AND JOHN FINALLY SEE EACH OTHER AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. And  Sam and Dean witness it. Sam is very awkward with John. Oh wow. So, they pulled John out of 2003 and it has changed history and now Sam likes raw food and standing desks and runs a law firm and Dean is a murderer and thief with a price on his head. Hm. Zach and Cas are reunited as bad angels no no no no THIS IS BAD. OH WELL AT LEAST CAS DOESN'T UNDERSTAND POP CULTURE REFERENCES ANYMORE. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Cas is a killer now NoooOOooo. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Cas doesn't recognize Dean and Sam as his friends. Cas is beating up Dean and Sam. Noooo. This is weird. No. Nope. Not happening. Cue the awkwardness of a family dinner. When you remember that everyone at that table died at least once it's very very weird. A family who defied Death, God, the Darkness, Demons, Angels, Monsters, and a few nasty humans here and there. Wow. Dean actually has some self-love speech and it is amazing. The character development is just *chef's kiss*. Why is this so beautiful Sam stop crying you know it makes Dean cry and when Dean cries I cry stopp it.
S14E14: Family hunting trip time! Oh look Rowena is also there! Rowena has some sort of attraction to Cas and it's chilling. Cas and Dean are on some sort of a coffee date. Jack is coughing blood again. Someone stop it. Cas is worried about Dean. Dean is only honest with Cas awwwwwww. Cas asks Jack if he's fine. Cas worries about everyone but when will someone worry about Cas? Jack, Cas, and Dean look like two parents and a child. Jack asks what an AV club is and Cas explains and then Dean calls Cas a dork. They're adorable. Cas is a VERY serious FBI agent. Rowena and Sam need to act like a married couple and it's AMAZING. MORE. GIVE THE FANDOM MORE. Jack has suffered at the vet's office. The Gorgon is hitting on Cas. Wait till Dean hears about that. Cas has been paralyzed. Cas is worried about Dean. That's strike 2. Another moment of Cas being worried and someone is about to die. Cas explains to Jack about the fragility of humans and death and moving on which makes you believe he thought about a time when Dean and Sam die and he's left all alone and now I want to walk off a cliff. Michael is out. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. JACK CALLED HIMSELF A WINCHESTER OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. Jack got his wings back!
S14E15: Jack is playing with his snake. Cas is worried about Jack. Dean is eating. Cas and Sam go on a case together [Poor Misha. Jared must've tortured him]. Cas with his pop culture references. The only thing good about episode 13 aside from some closure for the boys is that Cas lost his knowledge of pop culture. Cas sometimes looks at the Saturday Evening Post when Sam and Dean are asleep. They're very soothing. Sam and Cas walked into a town that seems stuck in the late ‘70s. Even Cas thinks it's weird. Sam looks happy drinking a milkshake. Cas pretends to drink cuz he doesn't eat. Cas has no social skills. Jack is trying to feed the snake. Dean likes bacon. Some woman checked Cas out. Cas reads a series of love letters between the victim and a milkshake serving a young woman. Cas is so done with people hitting on him. How Cas describes Sam "I'm looking for my partner. Tall man. Hair? He has beautiful hair." FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. SAM BECAME A PART OF THE WEIRD TOWN FUCK FUCK FUCK. HE'S WEARING GLASSES THIS IS FUCKING WEIRD. CAS IS SO SCARED AND CONFUSED. SOMEONE SAVE HIM AND SAM. Dean is terrified of the snake. Cas is angry. Cas is worried and understanding about how Sam feels. CAS JUST FUCKING TOLD A MAN HE'S NOT GOD BECAUSE GOD HAS A BEARD.
S14E16: JACK IS ADORABLE STAB ME IN THE GUT AND TWIST IT WHY IS HE SO ADORABLE. Jack is so awkward around other people. OMG WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT YOU FREAKING LOVEABLE DORK. JACK IS LIKE "WELL I'M TWO-TWENTY! I'M TWENTY-TWO!!!" Jack is so freaking happy hanging out with kids his "age". Oh no he's sad.
S14E17: There was supposed to be a family game night. Cas is meeting up with Anael [The fact that this is Daneel and Misha on the same set is amazing]. Nick is back and off his rocket. Anael and Cas discuss God. Jack is going dark side. Woops. Jack sweetheart you're worrying me. Jack what did you do. Jack?
S14E18: Jack what did you do to Mary. What did you do. This is very scary. Oh wait he KILLED HER. WOW. OKAY. HOW THE HELL DO YOU FIX THAT SHIT. DEAN WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM. SAM TOO. DEAN MIGHT TRY TO KILL HIM BUT THEN SAM WILL STOP HIM AND TELL JACK TO NEVER COME BACK AND CAS WOULD BE SO TORN BECAUSE HE PROMISED TO PROTECT JACK BUT HE KILLED MARY AND WOW THE WRITERS REALLY DUG DEEP WITH THIS ONE. Cas is remembering one of his first hunts with Mary. Did Dean just... Did he tell Cas that if Jack did something to Mary he's dead to him? I think he did. Huh. Welp, time to dig a hole in the ground, huddle into a fetus position and cry. Cas is not even mad. We are fine. Nothing is wrong. Oh wow what is this? A guilt trip down memory lane? Why are you hurting us by showing us all the nice missing moments between Mary and the rest? Is this fun for you you sadistic fucks? Jack needs a snickers. Mary is dead. Wow. Sam just stopped Cas from walking over to Dean. Wow.
S14E19: Dean gives a beautiful speech. Bobby is back. Cas is still protective of Cas. There's a lot of awkward silences between Dean and Cas. Made-up Lucifer is a dick. What do you mean Cas doesn't love Jack um hello? He gave away his chance at happiness for Jack. Fuck you Made-up Lucifer. Oh no. Dean is crying alone. Naomi Bitch Replacement is messing with Jack's head. Fuck her. A pillar of salt? Really?. Okay so Soulless Jack is horrible. I love him so much but he was already like a toddler playing with a bazooka. Now he's like a SADISTIC toddler playing with a bazooka with no soul. It really feels like Cas is the only one left with a sense of rationality. Cas is pissed at Sam and Dean for locking Jack up.
S14E20: So, Jack's pissed. Dean calls Jack a monster and I think why it bothered Castiel so much is because that would mean Castiel is a monster too. Chuck is BACK BABY AND OHHH BOI IS THIS A RIDE. Cas is so done. Dean smashes a guitar. Chuck and Dean yell at each other. Chuck is such a dork. Castiel is so pissed. Jack and Castiel reunite. Sam has a talk with Chuck. Chuck breaks the fourth wall. Dean is here to kill Jack. Cas doesn't want that. Dean and Jack are about to die. Jack is okay with that. Welp CHUCK IS HORRIBLE AND NOPE. DID CHUCK JUST KILL JACK. NO NO. CHUCK'S GONE DARK SIDE. No why is Jack dead. This isn't fair. 
S15E01: Cas does NOT like that a demon inside Jack's body. Chuck literally jump-started the apocalypse. Cas is not okay.
S15E02: You can't tell me that Cas telling Dean it wasn't all a lie isn't him telling Dean that what they have is real. WELCOME BACK KEVIN TRAN, ADVANCED PLACEMENT. Kevin is BACK BABY. God and Amara are being siblings. Rowena and Ketch together are very weird and Crowley will NOT approve.
S15E03: Rowena is awesome. Cas and the demon inside Jack are very... Iffy with each other. Belphegor is awesome. Cas literally just FUCKING PUSHED BELPHEGOR INTO HELL AND JUMPED AFTER HIM WITH A COMPLETE STRAIGHT FACE WOW HE IS SO DONE. Cas tells Belphegor that Jack is like a son to him. Cas is forced to sing a song to praise Lucifer. Shit is going down. Cas and Belphegor did NOT work out. Wait does that mean Cas will get stuck in hell. Oh fuck. Oh crap. This is bad. Why does Cas has to suffer so much? Whyyy. He never wanted anything special. Just to be with Jack, Sam, and Dean. He wanted to do good. Whyyyy. ROWENA NO. NOPE. NOPE. DON'T DO IT. SAM DOESN'T WANT TO. DON'T MAKE HIM. STOP IT. ROWENA NOOOO. ALSO CAS AND DEAN STOP FIGHTING IT'S BAD. UM, DEAN? IT'D BE GREATLY APPRECIATED IF YOU AND CAS WOULD STOP FIGHTING. IT'S SCARING THE CHILDREN AND MAKING THEM CRY. STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT! OH HEY I'M CRYING, WHAT A SURPRISE!
S15E04: Sam has a weird dream. Awesome fight scene though. Dean likes vegan bacon now. Or not. Wow Chuck might actually be afraid of Becky. Meeting Exes is awkward. CHUCK IS A DICK. BEING A WRITER DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO ABUSE OTHERS. FUCK YOU.
S15E05: Dean can't handle spicy jerky. Sam has bad dreams again. Um, Lilith's back? What? Is that a thing now? Wow.
S15E06: Cas is fishing now. He's also really sweet and cares about a guy who sells him fish bait. He also goes by Clearance like Meg used to call him, which is extra sweet. Cas is investigating stuff. Cas and Dean talk and Cas acts like a sassy toddler. Cas's powers are fading. Sam might have a small crush on the deaf hunter. Aww that's so nice. He saw she was naked so he turned away. Awww. What a gentleman. Dean raised you well. Dean doesn't know what's God and what's him.
S15E07: Sam and Eileen are definitely having fun, with margaritas and bacon. Dean refuses bacon, which leads us to believe he had truly given up on this world. Dean gets flirted with. Dean gets reunited with an old "friend". Sam and Eileen are AWKWARD AND DEAN IS TO BLAME BECAUSE HE'S THE ONE WHO TEASED SAM. OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE WATCHING TWO NERDS FALL IN LOVE WHAT THE HELL. IS THAT HOW SAM FEELS WHEN HE'S WATCHING DEAN AND CAS??? THAT'S TORTURE. WOW THEY ALMOST KISSED AND THEN CAS WALKED IN OMG IT IS LIKE SAM WITH DEAN AND CAS. Cas is so pissed with shamans. OMG OMG OMG DEAN IS ABOUT TO SING OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG WOW HE SINGS SO BEAUTIFULLY SOMEONE GET THAT MAN A CONTRACT HE'S SO HAPPY WHAT OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. Cas became grade A at threatening people. Kudos. Dean loves Texas now. Cas and Dean are awkward. Ever remember season 1 where they found out demons existed and felt like they were in over their heads? Well now they want to fight God.
S15E08: Sam is being an overprotective boyfriend. He's so cute. Oh my god... Are they getting Adam out of the cage??? Is this happening??? I know the last season is supposed to sort of give closure to unfinished plotlines but if this really happening it's amazing. Rowena is BACK BABY. Rowena is FUCKING awesome. A real queen, if you will. Crowley would be proud. She's also gives Cas and Dean a quick couple's counseling session. Adam is out of hell. It happened. Dean so ships Eileen and Sam. Dean and Cas are AWKWARD. Michael is back. Michael and Cas talk. Cas channels his inner Lucifer. Cas and Dean FINALLY talk. CHUCK YOU FUCKING DICK GET AWAY FROM EILEEN SAM WAS FINALLY STARTING TO BE HAPPY. OMG OMG DEAN AND CAS ARE GOING TO PURGATORY??? Dean and Adam talk.
S15E09: Wow Chuck is so manipulative. Wow. Chuck is really unlikeable anymore. Woah, did Cas just call Dean stupid? Cas has SNAPPED. So happy Sam has Eileen now. Any girl that can be tied to a chair, deaf, and still kick ass and sass God in front of him deserves a Sam Winchester. Wow Sassy Cas really ain't taking Dean's BS today. Chuck is a sadistic fuck. Chuck has lost it. God Complex much? Dean and Cas are in purgatory. Getting the band back together and it feels good. Benny died. That's sad. Dean and Cas discuss the guilt. OMG WHAT HAPPENS TO CAS IN THE FUTURE??? HE GOT THE MARK AND WENT CRAZY??? AND DEAN HAD TO BURY HIM IN THE BOX??? DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME THIS SHIT IS NOT CANON FANFICS CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP. HE LOOKS SO HEARTBROKEN. Meanwhile in Purgatory: Dean is looking for Cas who has disappeared and they need to go back soon and things are BAD with a capital everything. DEAN IS PRAYING TO CASTIEL OMG OMG OMG HE BARELY DID IT EVER SINCE PURGATORY ROUND 1. He admits he should've stopped Cas from leaving. He calls Cas his best friend AWWWWWWW. HE'S CRYING OH MY GOD. HE FORGAVE CAS!!! THIS IS SO CANON HDJCJRIHEISHS. OMG CAS IS OKAY AND THEY HUGGED DEAN LOOKS SO HAPPY FUCK THIS I'M CRYINGGGG. SAM AND DEAN BECAME MONSTERS??? FUCK THAT SHIT. CAS TAKES THE MARK OH NO I DON'T WANT HIM TO GO INSANE. Cas and Dean arrive at the casino. Save Sam!!! SAM, SAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAN? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. AWWWW SAM AND EILEEN KISSED AWWW. NOW WE NEED A CAS AND DEAN KISS AND WE'RE GOLDEN GUYS. LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN. I BELIEVE. Jack and Billy are BACK BABY.
S15E10: It seems like Sam and Dean lose luck. Baby shut down. Garth named his twins Sam... and Castiel. Dean is definitely not insulted. Garth is a dentist now. Dean is afraid of dentists. Dean has a dream where he and Garth are tap dancing in black and white. OH MY GOD GARTH WHAT DID YOU DO TO DEAN'S MOUTH. GARTH TOLD DEAN HE NEEDS TO GET A COLONOSCOPY AND I FREAKING DROPPED MY PHONE. CHUCK DOWNGRADED SAM AND DEAN TO NOT MAIN CHARACTERS AND NOW THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH NORMAL PEOPLE PROBLEMS HAHAHAHHAHA THIS IS AWESOME. DEAN IS HOLDING BABY CASTIEL AND HE'S LIKE "THIS CAS KEEPS LOOKING AT ME WEIRD" AND SAM ANSWERS "SO KINDA LIKE THE REAL CAS" AND THEY KNOW. Also Sam and Dean are holding babies and it's adorable.
S15E11: Cas comes back to find out Sam and Dean are going to Alaska. Cas gets a call about Jack related info. Ahem... Jack is BACK BABY! Cas is worried about Jack. Jack is tied up. Cas to the rescue! CAS AND JACK REUNITE. This is like the most interesting pool game ever. Dean and Sam's luck is BACK BABY. JACK AND SAM AND DEAN REUNITE.
S15E12: Cas is so happy Jack is back. Dean and Cas are best buddies. Cas and Jack play 4-in-a-row. Cas and Jody meet for the first time. Jack wants to help. Cas still cares a lot about Claire. Billy is PISSED.
S15E13: The recap starts with the pizza man montage, which is really the only way it could. Ruby and Anael are BACK BABY AND WELL IT IS AWESOME. [Just pointing out that the fact they brought both of Jensen and Jared's wives for this is amazing] also Cas has no chill with his sass. Cas wants to almost die and go to Empty to talk to Ruby. He gets into the Empty and runs into Empty-Meg and she called him Clearance awwww. Ruby is BACK BABY. Cas almost dies by the Empty. He comes back though. Otherworld Sam and Dean are terrifying. They seem... Okay, and it's horrible. Also they're spoiled. HELLHOUNDS BABY! Jack arrives at Eden. Jack is crying + he got his soul back!!!
S15E14: Supernatural is BACK BABY. JACK IS STILL DEPRESSED NOOOO. DEAN HAS SCOOBY-DOO UNDERTHINGS PASS IT ON. Dean and Sam meet Mrs. Butters. She's nice and she made Christmas and Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July and Halloween collide in the calendar. Jack is out of his room now. Oh hey Dean's actually trying to not be angry at Jack. They have a monster radar! Lunch bag, she pack them lunch bags I-. Jack is still being sad noo. She keeps giving him smoothies. It's weird. OMG SAM IS GOING ON A DATE WITH EILEEN THEY REALLY SAID SAILEEN RIGHTS. Oh wait. Oh fuck what the fuck why is she ripping his head off oh no Jack run. Oh fuck why is she an evil mastermind all of a sudden they were happy. DEAN GETS TRAPPED TOO. DEAN BEING A REAL BROTHER BEING LIKE "YEAH I CAN WAIT UNTIL MY BROTHER IS DONE GETTING LAID FOR HIM TO COME BACK AND RESCUE ME AND OUR CO-ANGEL-CHILD". Dean is really trying with Jack my heart wow. Ugh not again with Sam and the nails the waves of nausea are hitting me-. Oh no Mrs. Butters story is really sad I don't like the old MoL. Oh goodbye Mrs. B we'll miss you. Awww Jack honey of course you can kill Chuck here I'll do it for you you just eat your nougat bars. OH MY FUCKING GOD DEAN MADE JACK A BIRTHDAY CAKE I REPEAT HE MADE JACK A BIRTHDAY CAKE JACK IS FOUR NOW CELEBRATE WITH US ALL *HYPERVENTILATING HARD*. 10/10 episode would recommend with a side of angst.
S15E15: Cas is BACK BABY! Aww Jack wants to wear matching ties. Awwwww. Sam and Dean are going after Amara. Good luck with that. Oh a church case for Cas? A little on the nose there. Oh wow this is getting dark. Aww Jack doesn't want to say something so Cas talks about himself instead. God I love them. Cas is amazing. I love him so much. Jack too. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean are eating with Amara lunch. Crossroads demons are out of fashion, as per told by Rowena, the Queen of us all. Jack needs Cas' permission to create a social media account. Even the internet knows to give Cas cats. God bless the internet. Oh my god Dean and Amara talked and wow it was deep. Amara's intentions with Mary were... Wow. Poor Dean though. Wow Cas and Jack can't catch a break. Oh god Jack was stabbed he's okay but we're not okay what the hell. Once again, we are reminded that against regular humans Cas is a freaking supernatural creature with super strength and the wrath of heaven. Hey wait why does the crossroad demon look like he’s kidnapping this girl? Oh well guess we'll never find out. JACK IS GOING TO DIE? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK BILLIE??? WHO AUTHORIZED THIS SHIT? HE NEEDS A PARENT OR A GUARDIAN'S PERMISSION!!! Cas not wanting to see Jack die again is hurting me. What do you mean it's not his choice Jack go to your room you're grounded until they kill Chuck. Cas um where are you going?? What do you mean in case you won't come back? Are you going where I think you're going? You better stay the FUCK away from the Empty or I swear to all that is sacred (the impala, Sam and Dean's flannel, Led Zeppelin) that I will cry. What do Sam and Dean need to know??? What is this shit????? I WILL SUE!!!!!
S15E16: Hey is he going to get killed? Called it! Hey Dean darling how about you let Sam know about Jack? Any minute now honey? No don't you fucking- Dean! Hey it's tiny Sam and Dean look at them awww. Hey Caitlin seems nice. Woah weird monster in the candy machine alert! Dean why are you so depressing this episode??? Sam being in the dark hurts me. Um Dean? What have you got there buddy? Is that a knife? Put the knife down, Dean put the knife down this isn't funny- oh thank god Sam Dean almost fillet-ed himself. Tiny Dean being scared but also macho aww. It's a Baba Yaga? A Baba FREAKIN Yaga? Wow. Omg Dean's face when he heard the woman having sex is priceless. He really grew up. Good on him. Caitlin you majestic being you managed to have Dean admit his fear wow Dean honey am I proud of you. Aww Sam is trying to call Cas. Um... Dean? OMG OMG ARE YOU TELLING HIM? YASSS SAMMY GO OFF. DEAN FUCK OFF JACK IS NOT DYING ON MY WATCH. OMG THE SILENCE. WOW.
S15E17: This starts with Amara. What a queen. I really like her now.  She can cut me with her cheekbones. Look at her. Wow. She's so pretty. Cas is there! Sam is giving Dean the silent treatment. Yeah Dean is talking depressing. AHHH AMARA IS HERE. Jack meets Amara awww. Yes I want them to spend time together YESSS. Amara and Dean are like that couple that didn't work out because they figured they'd be better as friends and it's so nice to see them. Sam is amazing wowwww. Dean WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST- WHAT DO YOU MEANT JACK ISN'T FAMILY YOU- UMM WAIT IS JACK- NOOOOOOOO!!!!! OWW MY FEELINGS. Jack looks so sad nooo. Cas is there Cas make it better. Aww Amara with a flower. Chuck is back... Yay. Lol Chuck didn't write the Dean/Amara debacle and he thinks it's weird that's amazing. Amara is amazing. Amara trying to make Chuck not act like a spoiled brat wow this is hard. I hate him with passion. AMARA YASS QUEEN GO OFFFFF. HOLD HIM. Jack you shouldn't UNDERSTAND HIM you should be PISSED. HE DID THE HELLO AJAJAGDVSHA. OH.MY.GOD I LOVE ADAM AND SERAFINA SOMEONE HUG THEM. Jack has a skittles aura wow. The final ritual, the ROCKS. Adam looks so relieved that Jack got it. OH I DID NOT NEED TO SEE HER DIGGING INTO HIS RIBS. Dean whatcha doing there buddy? Aww he thanked him!!! I still don't forgive what he said though. IT'S TIME??? IT'S TIME BABY. SAM BEING FRUSTRATED AND CAS HELPING AWWW. They found the key, HOORAH! Cas awww thank you for helping Sam. Sam no don't go alone. Empty is Meg now waaaaaht. BILLIE WANTS WHAT NOW??? Sam lying Through His Teeth to the Empty the man is a LEGEND. No Cas it's not time we need to stop this. Dean, Dean you're scaring me. Cas being angry at Jack eating the ribs the angel is legendary. Chuck you sick sick bastard what did you do you FUCKER??? AMARA STOP IT. DEAN WHAT THE HELL YOU DO NOT PULL A GUN AT YOUR BROTHER WHO THE FUCK- WHAT THE FUCK- CAS DO SOMETHINGGGG NO STOP HURTING EACH OTHER. STOP IT. CHUCK YOU SHUT THE HELL UP. DEAN STOP IT STOP THE VIOLENCE. YESS SAM TELL HIM. FUCK YOU CHUCK. AMARA NOOO. DEAN OH MY GOD NO. SAM IT'S BREAKING MY HEART. NOOOO AMARA NOOO. CHUCK NEEDS TO DIE BUT NOT LIKE THIS. OMG SAM NOOO. DEAN YESSS PUT THE GUN DOWN. FUCK YOU CHUCK. OH YOU CAN GO SUCK A DICK DON'T YOU EVER, EVER CALL CAS THAT. OMG CAS IS LITERALLY THE EMBODIMENT OF FREE WILL DID NOT EXPECT THAT. FUCK YOU CHUCK. OMG JACK NOOOO.
S15E18: DEAR LORD SOMEONE SAVE JACK HE CAN'T DIE NO NO NOPE NOT HAPPENING. Jack this is very sweet but they will NOT leave you. Billie not now. Yeah Dean tell her. Yass dads go OFF. WHERE IS JACK WHAT DID YOU DO BILLIE??? THE EMPTY??? NO DON'T DON'T DO THIS. JACK? JACK NO? JACK???? FUCK YOU BILLIE BRING HIM BACK. Oh you can go fuck yourself for all I care this is SO NOT THE TIME FOR THE BOOK. Yes Sam go OFF. Cas you really shouldn't be talking about the Empty. Isn't this episode when the deal goes down? Fuck you Billie you lost my respect. OMG JACK YOU'RE OKAY THANK GOD. Um... Empty? You okay there? Damn Sam being sassy. AND THEN HE GOES TO SIT IN THE CORNER HAHAHAHA. Yes Dean tell her. Did she just shush him? Empty ma gurl you good? Um, Billie? What's interesting? Jack's back BABY! He is not yours. Yes Dean go OFFF. CAS BEING A DAD. Aww Dean and Sam having a talk yes I'm so proud of my expressive babies. They be talking. Um, what new plan? What changed? Oh who this? Charlie is BACK BABY! YASSS MY QUEEN. Aww is that her gf? It's her gf. Oh okay where's her fucking gf??? Jack are you okay? Cas is worrying aww. Nothing's over Jack you're just three you have tons ahead of you. Dear lord Cas are you listening to yourself this is what you need to tell yourself OH MY GOD I'M BANGING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL UGHHHH. Billie you're being a dick stop it.  Crap everyone's disappearing. WAIT EILEEN? NO NO NO NO YOU WILL NOT DO THIS TO ME. EILLEN IS GOING TO BE FINE. WHERE ARE THE THREE DOTS? WHY AREN'T THEY THERE??? DRIVE FASTER DEAN!!! Why is the car empty? Where is she? Sam? Aww the screensaver. FUCK. SHE'S GONE. SAM? YOU OKAY? OH GOD BILLIE FUCK YOU LOOK WHAT YOU DID. NOOO. So Dean is going to kill Death again? Neat. Um Cas? I'm all for spending time with Dean but I'm worried. Aww Dean and Sam hugged. Oh hey Donna! (Is it me or is her accent off?) Jack is silent. Jack is driving. I'm so proud of him aww. Damn the badass music is awesome. Dean with the scythe is awesome. Look at that power couple. Aww Sam and Donna hugged that's cute. Let's go. Oh hey Charlie how are you? Bobby is BACK BABY. Bobby is awesome. Um Jack? How come that plant just died??? Sneaking into Death Library because those two are idiots. Oh hey splitting up is a great idea. Hi Billie, how are you? KILL 'EM DEAN. CAS ATTACK! BILLIE YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE RIGHT NOW. FUCK YOU BILLIE. DO IT DEAN KILL THEM. WAIT WHAT? Billie didn't kill them? Who did? CHUCK? THAT MOTHER FUCKER I WILL MURDER HIM. OH GOD PEOPLE ARE DISAPPEARING. WHERE ARE THEY? WAIT, NO, NOT CHARLIE NOOO. BOBBY? NO NOT BOBBY!!! DONNA? DONNA WHAT'S HAPPENING??? DONNA? NOOO!!! Oh Billie's dead now great. You can't kill Dean though. Run you two RUN. Run like hell run. Dean? Fuck. Billie leave him ALONE. FUCK FUCK RUN AWAY. BILLIE SHUT UP THIS IS A CRISIS. CAS PROTECT DEAN. PROTECT HIM LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. YES YOU GOT HIM. FUCK YOU BILLIE FUCK YOU SO HARD. INTO THE DUNGEON. CAS REACHING INTO DEAN'S BACK POCKET AND CUTTING HIMSELF WHY??? OKAY SIGIL. SIGILS ARE NICE. OKAY GOOD DEAN IS OKAY. Dean you're being depressed this isn't helping. Billie enough of the banging. Dean you're not angry enough with this you're good. Yeah fuck Chuck but that's not the point. Dean noo. Cas do somethingggg. Dean it's okay. It's not your fault. Um Cas? What's that? Wait, the deal? Now, you're doing this now? UM, WHAT? WHAT'S HAPPENING? YEAH WHY NOW? YOU'RE LOOKING AT YOUR TRUE HAPPINESS DUMMY. IS, IS HE- WHAT'S HE DOING??? KNOW WHAT? AWWW LOOK AT HIS REVELATIONS. YEAH WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? CAS? UM. UM???!!! YES CAS TELL HIM TELL HIM HOW YOU SEE HIM THIS IS AMAZING THIS IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER WANTED. MY HEART IS BEATING SO FAST. I CAN'T BREATHE I CAN'T BREATHE I CAN'T BREATHE. WHY ARE YOU CRYING NOOOO. CHANGED??? WHAT'S HAPPENING? WHAT'S HAPPENING SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENING??? IT'S NOT A GOODBYE SHUT UP. D- DID HE JUST. DID HE JUST SAY- DID HE JUST SAY I- HE TOLD DEAN I LOVE YOU???!!! IS THIS A DREAM??? IS THIS REAL LIFE? WHAT'S HAPPENING? WHY ARE YOU CRYING??! I'M SCARED WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW???? "don't do this"??? DON'T DO THIS??? WHAT DO YOU MEEEAANN??? WAIT EMPTY BACK OFF NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO THE HAND ON THE SHOULDER THE HANDPRINT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. FUCK THIS NO I'M NOT OKAY THIS ISN'T HAPPENING NOOO. CAAAAAAAAS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! DEAN? DEAN DO SOMETHING?? DEAN WHAT'S HAPPENING??? WAIT WHERE IS EVERYONE? IS IT THE WHOLE WORLD? DEAN? DEAN? SAM IS CALLING YOU? DEAN? ARE YOU CRYING? YOU CAN'T CRY OTHERWISE I'LL CRY NO NO NO NO NO THIS IS FUCKING BAD.
S15E19: alright, the world is empty. Oh no Dean is coming to meet up with Sam and Jack no no this is bad the jacket. "Where's Cas?" I- DEAN OH MY GOD NOOO. OH NO JODY AND THE GIRLS NOO EVERYBODY'S GONE. Jack calling out for his dad my heart hurts no. Dean this is not the time for a beer. UH SAM NO YOU'RE NOT GIVING UP NUH-UH NOPE NOT TODAY. UM SAM, DEAN? YOU'RE NOT SACRIFICING YOURSELVES WHAT THE HELL NO. GOD I HATE CHUCK SOMEONE DESTROY HIM. SHOOT HIM IN THE GODDAMN CHEST, PLEASE. Side note: how cute is Jack in his jammies? Okay back to angst. Dean stop falling asleep on bottles. Jack? What's up honey? Aww cuteness overload from the jammies. Aww Dean found a dog look how happy he is OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG LOOK AT HIS FACE AWWW AHHHH HE'S SO EXCITED. OH MY FUCKING GOD KILL CHUCK KILL HIM I WANT HIM TO BURN ALIVE OH MY GOD PUNCH HIM. Oh hey Michael long time no see? What's up? Tis a shame about Adam, truly. Oh the book? Hey I love how Jack is just off to the side, eating a nougat bar. Hey are they gonna talk now? Oh wow. Um, Cas? How are you calling? I HAVE A REALLY BAD FEELING ABOUT THIS. OH MY GOD WATCH DEAN RUN. FUCK IT'S LUCIFER. WHAT DOES HE WANT. LEAVE. LEAVE. THE EMPTY LET YOU OUT AND NOT CAS? BITCH. LUCIFER YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE TEAM. Oh who that lady? Betty. Oh hi Betty. I like Betty. She makes me laugh. Lucifer building a house of cards. Jack you okay buddy? Oh hey Michael. Nobody trust Lucifer. Ohhhh how does God end? Um Lucifer? What are you doing? Why does this entire episode feel off? Wait, Chuck pulled him out? Gross. Kill him. LUCIFER LEAVE JACK ALONE. He will NEVER BE WITH YOU LUCIFER. YEAH STAB HIM GOOD MICHAEL. Jack you seem... Off? Michael you seem off. No question mark. Michael why you lying. Oh yay Sam cracked it. Hey you know the lake reminds me of where Jack was born. Oh yeah, doing spell stuff. Very badass. Um. What happened? Oh fuck. Oh fuck. CHUCK. KILL HIM. BREAK HIM. SAM, DEAN, NOOOO. MICHAEL YOU SON OF A BITCH. OH HE DED. RIP. CHUCK YOU STUPID BASTARD. What now Chuck? Gonna go kick puppies? Oh wait, you already DID. DAMN SAM I'M PROUD OF YOU. OH CHUCK DON'T YOU DARE. NO. NO. OW. NO. NO THIS IS HORRIBLE. THIS IS AWFUL. STOP IT. STOP HURTING THEM. NO. NO. HEY DOES ANYBODY FEEL A WEIRD DÉJÀ VU? LIKE, DIDN'T BECKY MENTION IT? "No classic rock, no Cas"? OH MY GOD THIS IS CHUCK'S ENDING. THE ENDING HE WROTE. FUCK. THE META. IT'S DEEP. NO STOP IT. STOP HURTING HIM. OH MY GOD OWWWW. OH PLEASE CHUCK THEY'LL NEVER STAY DOWN. SHUT THE FUCK UP CHUCK. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU SO HARD. IT IS NOT ENOUGH. FUCK YOU. YEAH SAM HELP DEAN UP. YEAH YOU WON. LOOK AT JACK ALL CUTE IN HIS WHITE SHIRT. Jack you look nice. Is that a new haircut? HAHA Chuck you can't do anything. YESSS!!!!! FUCK YEAH JACK YESS YOU DO THAT YESS I'M SO PROUD. I'M SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU. OF ALL OF YOU. FUCK YES. Wait the book is blank? Wah- oh my god it's monologue time, bitch. I love this plan. It's awesome. Oh so that's what happened to Jack. They tricked you Chuck. Punched you right in your stupid face. METAPHORICALLY. They're not going to kill you. They're better than that. You fucker. Dean's no killer you fucker. Neither is Sam. Oh. Oh yes. OH YESS. THEY'RE WALKING AWAY. THIS IS BETTER THAN I'VE EVER HOPED. I'M SO SO PROUD OF THEM. DEAN SAYS THAT'S NOT WHO HE IS HE LISTENED TO CAS OH MY GOD. I'M SO PROUD OF THEM ALL. MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE IT. OH MY GOD. OH YESS LEAVE HIM TO ROT IN THE DIRT. YESSS. YESSS. YESSSSS!!!!! I'M SO SO SO FUCKING PROUD OF THEM ALL HOLY SHIT THEY DID THE GROWTH THING OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT. YEAH CHUCK THEY LEFT YOU, DEAL WITH IT. YES. I'M SO HAPPY. Aww is Jack going to bring everyone back? *Gasp* is he going to bring Cas back? Are we getting a reunion? OH MY GOD THE MUSIC IS SO NICE. JACK LOOKS SO AMAZING. THE PEOPLE ARE BACK!!! LOOK AT JACK SMILING ALL IN PEACE I'M SO PROUD OF HIM. I'M SO, SO PROUD OF HIM. HE GETS IT. HE GETS THE BEAUTY IN HUMANITY AND IN EARTH. IS JACK THE NEW GOD NOW? DEAN AND SAM ARE SO PROUD OF HIM. OH MY GOD IS JACK NOT COMING BACK? WHAT? WHY? Jack I just want you to know I love you so much. You're so smart and understanding and caring. You're better than God. You're Jack. Dean I know it's hard but Jack knows what he's doing. Jack understands faith. He understands family. He understands love. He understands. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM NOOO DON'T LEAVE ME I MEAN I'M SO PROUD OF YOU BUT NOOO MY BABY YOU'RE A BABY AND YOU'LL ALWAYS BE ONE YES. Sam and Dean, alone at the bunker. I'm so proud of them. They've come such a long way ever since the start. They get to be free now. But they're alone. Not for long. Next episode, everyone is coming back.  OH NO THE TABLE. THE FUCKING TABLE. NO NO NO THEY WROTE JACK AND CASTIEL I CAN'T HANDLE IT SOMEONE HOLD ME. LOOK AT THEM DRIVING MY BABIES A MONTAGE OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING THE TEARS NO THEY LOOK SO HAPPY THIS ISN'T GOOD FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH. OH THE FAMILY DINNER. THE COWBOY HATS. THIS ID NOT OKAY. THE DINNER WITH TEAM FREE WILL 2.0 THIS HAS BEEN AMAZING I LOVE EVERYTHING. 
 S15E20 will be posted a few days after the episode!
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Alright so I made this blog because I have a spicy personality disorder and it has convinced me that if I don't force myself to use a customer servicesona at all times that I am #toxic and #burning in hell so this is just where I don't have to worry about that.
This isn't a discourse blog please do not interact with me with the intention of discoursing
Basic Info
Not to be a kinnie on main but I'm too tired to pick a name rn so you call me Glimmer. Or Slumber works too actually. Honestly kin assign me names.you think fit my.vibes. cause confusion...get.wild.with it I do.not mind.
Any pronouns except for he/him which I don't vibe with. You can use she/her if you're a fellow nonbinary but I'm not a girl btw <3
Like my bio says I'm plural, if you don't know what that means it means there's multiple people in my (our) body. I'm the only one likely to use this blog I also will not tolerate any discourse about this. If you're singlet you can ask about it but don't clown or I will make all the tags on your clothes indestructible and scratchy.
While my body is an adult I am not internally. All this means is I'm not that mature and that I'm stressed from having to act the body's age at all times (But this does not mean that I am actually underaged at all, I am functionally and legally an adult and will act like one but a very immature very tired one that just wants to stop being the one piloting this flesh suit so I can vibe). For this and trauma reasons please do not talk about adult stuff (nsfw mainly but stuff that wouldn't be appropriate for teenagers) to me without my permission.
Sometimes I age regress I doubt I will post about it often but just know that it is the mental illness kind and not the gross fucked up kind
I have so so many (self) dxes but most importantly autism (so I misunderstand things easily) Dyslexia (so I misread/misinterpret things a lot) and ADHD + BPD (I have bad RSD and panic when I think I've fucked up somehow) I don't use my mental deal as an excuse for anything but keep that in mind if I ever mess something up or am messy.
The usual stuff I'm too tired to list everything that's on most DNIs but if you're right wing/conservative, a TERF, a transmed, etc. then DNI.
If you think only people with DID can be plural/multiple, think that you have to have trauma to, think that fictives aren't real/valid, or fakeclaim systems. (I have either DID or OSDD1 and am traumagenic so don't even try it lmao) if you don't know what this means then you're good dw I won't be explaining it because said group looks up that discourse and sends death threats and ableist bs to bootlick psychiatry.
If you're pro-kink for like...anything popular tbh I have no idea if there is a single kink community not rooted in abuse and/or oppression so I'm just saying all of them. Go away nasties.
Anyone who's ok with shipping gross shit like pedophilia incest abuse etc bc it's fiction
Anyone into shit like Yandere, traumacore, stuff that fetishizes mental illness or trauma. (Tl:dr on traumacore it paints trauma as an aesthetic and the community promotes emotional and sometimes physical self harm and I'm still recovering from that community)
Think any mental disorder is scary, bad, or inherently toxic. Take your "survivor of narcissistic abuse" ass and jump into a trashcan so you can ride it to the circus <3
If you're an ace exclusionist or mogai exclusionist or mspec lesbian/gay exclusionist etc.
You're a fan of Th0mas S@nders or the sides
You're a fan of hom3stuck or H@$bin H0t3l or danganronpa
Hetalia AOT/SNK or promare fans
Also fans of Steven Universe and She Ra are fine but if you like the diamonds or Hordaks redemption arcs/think they can be redeemed DNI bc that is major cringe actually.
Other important info
I tag the q word because it's an actual trigger to some people and wanting an identity tagged is not dehumanizing y'all just have trigger warnings stigmatized so much you think that triggers can only be bad things. I'm fine with people using the word as an identity but please don't use it for me (or anyone who hasn't said they're ok with it)
I'm anti cringe culture but by that I mean that bullying kids for drawing fursonas and being nombinary is shitty and not that nothing and no one should be criticized. I call media cringe or behaviors cringe sometimes but only if there's something actually wrong or bigoted about it.
I call myself an idiot/stupid a lot. This is not self depreciation and is the reclamation of ableist language. I take pride in being someone who is not academically put together and who falls very short of any intellectual standards. At the same time miss me with that IQ shit bc that's based in white supremacy.
I have trauma surrounding debate and debate culture that I don't want to explain but basically do not attempt to debate me. I will not do it and it stresses me out. Discuss things yes but debate no.
If you recognize my typing style and me and we're mutuals/friends on other blogs and I haven't told you about this one it doesn't mean I was hiding it from you and if I criticize something you enjoy that I've never criticized to you it's not a vague to you it's likely because my mental ill brain decided if I have opinions everyone will hate me so I made a blog for it.
Even in "bastard mode" on this blog I'm not like. Rude or mean. So if you ever wanna chat sometimes feel free to!
I'm falling asleep now bc I did this at 1am for some reason but ill add anything else if it's relevant later ig.
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logansmoore-blog · 5 years
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PENN BADGLEY // have you seen LOGAN S. MOORE around town? We’re trying to make sure they’re still in town, especially with everything that’s been happening lately. HE is a 33 year old CIS MAN currently residing in Perfection Valley, but they’re originally from LAS VEGAS. they are best known for being the OLDER KIDS TEACHER, and i hear they’re pretty PATIENT/UNDERSTANDING yet also DISLOYAL at times; i hope they continue to survive. 
tw: cheating
FULL NAME: Logan S(ean). Moore
AGE: Thirty-three
OCCUPATION: Older kids teacher (middle & high schoolers)
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish
FACE CLAIM: Penn Badgley (Mr. Fake Name)
HEIGHT: 5′9″
BUILD: Lean 
HOMETOWN: Las Vegas, Nevada
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Perfection Valley, Nevada
PARENTS: Sean Moore & Susan Karen Moore
SIBLINGS: Cole Moore (older brother)
PETS: None
Born and raised in the City of Sin, Logan grew up in a white collar family where he hadn’t wanted for nothing.
Education was his passion. It wasn’t just one specific subject that drew his attention, no, Logan loved multiple subjects all at once. Each year he would find another subject that drew him in. Not that there’s anything particularly interesting about the subject itself that drew him in but the manner in which the teacher can control the students’ interests through teaching and he enjoyed that power after realizing teachers were the magicians of the real world. The right one could completely bewitch you and have you believing in what was taught; the wrong one could sour the subject completely.
So he pursued it. Went to UNLV (University of Nevada in Las Vegas) and double majored in Secondary Education seeking out both BS and BA because he wished to know both the “art” and “science” of teaching (and is that asshole), to properly bewitch his students as his teachers had when he’d grown up.
Not long after graduation, he’d jumped into a teacher preparation program to be qualified to teach in Nevada as soon as humanly possible. While still in the middle of the program, he’d replied to a hiring ad about a Secondary Education Teacher in Perfection Valley. They’d invited him down for a weekend and a chat and agreed he’d be hired upon completion (and passing) of his program - which he did with flying colors. 
It wasn’t too long after that Perfection Valley became home. He was doing something he greatly enjoyed in a town that could really, truly use a teacher that enjoyed it and gave learning life. 
Originally residing in the Desert Inn, Logan now resides in a modern trailer purchased by his parents (retirees who were formerly an investment banker & lawyer) and older brother (a corporate lawyer) as a graduation/congratulatory gift on a plot of land just barely on the outskirts of town he’d bought with some of his savings. He’s extremely grateful no sharknados have blown it to bits yet.
tw for cheating. It wasn’t too long after all of the above that he’d come to meet the mother of his triplets, Brenda ( @brendasangulalik ). The situation with Brenda is rocky at best no thanks to his unfaithful, cheating, horny womanizing ways yet he’d do anything for their children. Things were, at some point, good for them. But the years building up to her pregnancy and shortly after the birth of their babies, the stress of the town’s ridiculous, and rather unsafe, weather - among other things - lead him to seek out stress relief in the form of a lay. Well, Brenda eventually split up and they both now have joint custody of the three angels.
More to come!
broken a bone | gotten stitches | had a near-death experience | invented something | been hungover | kissed someone | slow danced | been in a long-term relationship | had sex | had sex and regretted it | had a one-night stand | had a threesome | experimented with their sexuality | had a kid | gotten married | self-harmed | been in a play | received an inheritance | been in a ship wreck | lost a loved one | been dumped | dumped someone | smoked | gotten high | been slipped something in their food/drink | won a contest | won an election | joined a sports team | gone skydiving | gone hunting | been in a band | had a job | been fired | been in a wedding party | owned a pet | seen a ghost | skipped class/work | learned an instrument | gotten a noticeable scar | sued someone | been robbed | been mugged | been kidnapped | been sexually assaulted | been brainwashed/hypnotized | gone more than one day without eating | had a recurring nightmare | been bullied | bullied someone | seen someone die | attempted suicide | been tied/chained up | shot someone | stabbed someone | saved someone’s life | cheated on someone | been cheated on | been betrayed | been in a fight | been arrested | been to a funeral | had surgery | broken someone’s trust | gotten a tattoo | used a fake name | been tortured | been abused | been blackmailed | had an attempt on their life | gotten away with a crime | gone on a road trip | been in love
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind (someone else’s) ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | pilot | speak a second language | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | unclog a drain | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | draw | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a back flip | play chess | give CPR | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | write in cursive | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | wrap a gift | jump-start a car | roll their tongue | do yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read Morse code | pick a lock
hey there, i’m kit. (almost) 31. est. any pronouns.
activity won’t be easy as i’m trying to get over this depression slump rn and force myself to play but i swear, i’m interested and have been beyond excited to join syfy for a long ass time.
i’ve got two super sweet kids that i’ll eventually share pics of ig because i always end up doing so even when i say i won’t be.
playing canons/skeletons have always been easier for me than playing my own ocs so thx natalie for so much of a guideline on what kind of person logan should be.
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1. I am an INTP 5w6 female and I want to know how to meet new people, it didn't bother me before but I had a boyfriend.of 1.5years and I now miss having someone in my life, don't remember exactly what I wrote but I thought I had made a good choice and was really hopeful about that relationship and I tried hard to make it work but I couldn't deal with his bs anymore, I did for a while cause I thought he was worth it, I've been trying to build deeper relationships but didn't care before so imbehnd
2. My ex wasn't extremely manipulative but he lied and hid things from me and got angry when I complained when his stories made no sense, I left We knew each other for so long and I couldn't deal with him not apologizing for his bs and blaming me for what he was doing, I just couldn't justify the relationship even if I still loved him This lead me to believe my strategy was wrong since I thought I knew him and that he was more mature than that, no matter how high the filter this could happen..
3. It's just so disappointing, you know? That people can be such assholes after managing to present themselves as the opposite of that for so long I've never really had close friendships except for my ex, and a few friends (I guess?) I didn't care much for this before since I'm alright on my own, but I found that I really liked having someone, so I'm trying to meet new people now that I'm more or less healing, but idk how to do it, acquaintances used to fall in my lap before but not anymore
4. I'm 23 yo, about to get my degree. I do have a crush on a classmate but when I try to picture us going out it feels awkward and weird since I don't know him very well, I need to know people well before considering dating... I'm just very lost and I feel kind of behind from everyone else since I'm super inexperienced (only that one bf, and it was long distance...) and idk how to correct that at this point. I've been dressing better so people treat me better (haven't noticed, makes sense tho)
5. People do seem to like me well enough but I guess everyone already has their group of friends and is too busy to invite me places often enough that I become part of the core group, but I'm getting there, a bit (I think) I've been going everywhere I've been invited with my classmates lately but they don't really bring anyone new, I've managed to be a step up from acquaintance with a girl friend, which is nice, with older friends the same thing happens, even if we come across their friends...
6. I've always had a hard time fitting in very well, romantically I'd love to have someone at a similar experience level because I feel like I missed out on being a crucial relationship for the other person, but my ex had several gfs before and I didn't care too much then but now I do because afterwards certain things made me feel bad, but I guess I could manage anyway.I also get paranoid when I read what other bs some people manage to do like marrying someone but loving their bestfriend instead
7. I apologize for making it so long but I thought it'd be necessary to give a bit of info on myself and my thoughts, my age, what I've been trying etc I just wanna meet good people at this point in my life and want some tips on how to do that without taking extremely long only for them to be assholes anyways... I think I've managed to make some more acquaintances but I've only clicked with two girls I talk to outside of the classroom when we're not hanging out, gonna focus on them rn-----------------------
(very long response ahead)
I know this is not what you asked nor is it necessarily going to be helpful or relevant but: I would strongly rethink your type. Ti-doms and 5s are both vanishingly unlikely to drop seven asks worth of highly personal and emotionally open information in the inboxes of total strangers.
With regards to the actual question, this is really not an MBTI question (more on this at the end) and not entirely something I’d consider myself an expert on. I very much hope I am not the only person you can go to on this because I personally wouldn’t want me to be my only source of advice on this. With those caveats, see below.
I think Tumblr (and to be fair some forms of media) portray friendships and relationships as an attraction at first sight/immediate connection.
This is fucking stupid.
Because I tie everything back to my personal soapbox causes: this is why I have such disdain for the anti-small talk crowd, or people who think they’re special because they crave a deep, below-the-surface human connection. Nearly everyone wants deep connection. It’s normal and healthy. It’s also an ongoing process that nearly always involves some period of time during which you and the other potential friend are awkward acquaintances who don’t entirely understand each other and have to talk about surface-level things. You can’t speedrun intimacy.
This is particularly true in adulthood. Children do make friends more quickly, but also children are weird and fickle and a friendship can be based on little more than sharing crayons (not to knock that, plenty of great friendships started that way) while adults have a much better sense of who they are and also typically a much more narrow definition of who they want as a friend and all kinds of emotional baggage to boot.
Essentially, if you want a friendship that matches the depth of a relationship of 1.5 years it’s probably going to take close to 1.5 years to get there, and from what you said you’d known each other even longer before the romantic relationship, so add that time too. Which might not be what you want to hear, but it’s important to manage the expectation. Basically all relationships (and by this I mean romantic or platonic) start out with little connection, and you become friends through building that connection, and you can’t really rush it.
I believe in “clicking” in the sense of there being an immediate mutual interest in getting to know each other better, but speaking practically, regardless of the initial chemistry you are still basically intrigued strangers at that point. All clicking does is provide additional motivation for that process of getting to know each other. And speaking from experience, deep friendships in the long term don’t always have an initial “click”. I’ve had relationships that were initially quite intense fade away, and others slowly grow from acquaintanceship into lasting intimate friendship even if we didn’t expect it on first meeting. The myth of clicking is confirmation bias - unless there was a serious fallout, you’ll probably forget the people who you thought you clicked with if it didn’t just work out, and conversely it’s not hard to look back through the lenses of memory and nostalgia and find a single moment when a friendship or love crystalized, even though the reality is that it was merely the tipping point after considerable energy had already been invested on both sides.
In terms of practical advice, finishing up a degree is a uniquely awkward time, especially if all your classmates are in the same boat, because there’s often a mentality of “we’re all going to leave soon, let’s stick with the friendships we have.” Others in your class may not have that motivation to make a close connection, and it sucks but it’s temporary. The good news is that the larger world doesn’t feel that way. It is a bit more difficult to make friends as an adult, just because you’re not spending time with people naturally the same way as you do in school, but meetups and clubs and social organizations all exist for this reason and are explicitly there for people who want to make friends. And again, it’s going to be a slow process. I respect that it’s frustrating having to start from what feels like square one, but it’s unavoidable.
As for dating, you don’t need to do apps if you don’t want to! But you’re right. It’s going to be comparatively inefficient. Particularly if you prefer to date people you already know socially, you’ll have to put in a lot of effort going to social things and building those acquaintanceships over time and you might need to ask someone out face to face. Inexperience is fine. Everyone has to start somewhere. The tradeoff is more that you can’t screen people as well if you’re on apps, and they can be kind of impersonal but you do get to interact with many people quickly on your own terms without having to go outside and with the luxury of being able to think up witty comebacks instead of having to chat in real time.
(I do want to counter the idea that people who use apps are any less deep or anything like that. Some people are comfortable with casual hookups and some aren’t, but many people use apps to set up a date first and see if they have enough of an interest to keep things going. As with all of the above, everything has to start somewhere and if you think of the app as a way to facilitate meeting people, rather than “I must make a romantic connection with this person tonight”, and steer towards dating vs. hookup apps/make it clear you’re looking for long-term relationships, you might have more luck. The point of the first date for most people isn’t to find a partner, though sometimes that happens; it’s to find someone you enjoy enough to go on a second date with and slowly get to know).
One final thought: all this advice applies universally but I actually think considering it in the context of MBTI is more harmful than helpful, or at best misleading. For example, you say that being a 5 you take too long to check if people are safe, which whether or not you actually are a 5 also has absolutely nothing to do with being a 5, and even if you are a 5 and this is a 5 thing, you’re aware of this behavior! You can stop doing that then! MBTI is not destiny!
Regardless of type, no one automatically knows what to say in every situation, no one can read minds, and no one has discovered the secret to always being liked and never being rejected. Type can convey talent or inclination but skill requires time. Extroverts are often better with people because they have to be - they aren’t as okay with just being alone, especially when younger, so they go out and deal with people and through that process learn to make friends. But they weren’t born with it. Sites that favor introverts and/or intuitives are terrible for a lot of reasons but I find they perpetuate the ideas I disagreed with above, that friendships for introverts and intuitives must always be with people who Click and Already Get It. This is wrong and it’s limiting. Obviously don’t pursue a friendship or relationship if you don’t like the person, but don’t write someone off just because you didn’t feel a magical spark right away. That’s not being deep and sensitive - that’s being closed off to new experiences. Anything worth doing involves real-world effort and some amount of risk, and usually it involves patience and time and awkwardness and uncertainty as well.
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