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i have this problem where i genuinely think discussing ‘real’ cases is a good way to explore and better understand our world, but also, the culture around True Crime is so fucking gross I can’t stand most of the content it creates
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jonasmaurer · 5 years
Summer Shape Up 2019
Hi friends! Nice to see ya on a Sunday! I’m writing to you with exciting news: Summer Shape UP 2019 is here! (Don’t worry, today is an off day on the schedule, so get ready to rock and roll with the first workout.)
What is Summer Shape Up?
Summer Shape Up is a free, fun, four week nutrition and fitness plan you can do at home! I’ve been running Summer Shape Up since my very early blog beginnings. Thanks to the shared motivation between participants, check-ins and supportive comments, each year Summer Shape Up gets better and better. This time around, I asked Emily Field to develop four weeks of macro-based balanced meal ideas to go along with the fitness plans! 
Emily is a breath of fresh air in the wellness space, and has been my personal macro coach for the past year. She has taught me so much about nutrition, especially when it comes to creating stable energy, balancing hormones, and avoiding the hanger beast. She provides so much free content on her Instagram page, in addition to her coaching packages, and I’m so thrilled to be working with her on Summer Shape Up this year.
You can read more about Emily’s macro-based balanced approach to nutrition here. 
We’re confident you’ll experience benefits like more energy, better sleep, and fewer cravings by prioritizing whole food nutrition, strength training and high intensity interval workouts. In turn, you might notice your clothes fitting better and later, start walking taller and more confident as a result. 
Truly, only YOU know what you could gain from putting some intention and focus around eating balanced meals while engaging in effective exercise for 4 whole weeks – so we encourage you to create your own definition of success.
You’ll get a full workout schedule that includes strength training, high intensity training and steady state cardio activity. The plan will include the title of the workout (all of these workouts will be posted on the blog and linked in this blog post below), as well as rest and recovery days.  We encourage you to move the workouts around to best fit your needs – but always protect those rest days because you’ll need them!
Exercises are general recommendations for healthy (injury-free), gym-going women. Don’t worry – you don’t have to be an elite athlete to complete the workouts! Rather, you’re a great fit for Summer Shape Up if you have some experience with basic strength training movements and cardiovascular programming. The suggested workouts should not substitute doctors’ individualized recommendations, and we recommend you always check with a doctor before making any fitness or nutrition changes. As a rule of thumb, if something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it! You know your body best. In some cases, I do provide low-impact and pregnancy modifications, but ultimately, it’s up to you to heed doctor’s advice and use your best judgement to complete a safe workout.
We have 6 brand-new workouts for you and 3 follow-along videos. A special thanks to my fave video guy Grant Hunker for filming/editing the videos, and to my friends Katie, Meredith, and Renée for being my workout video buddies. Fun story: Katie and I used to work with Meredith at the health resort here in Tucson, and I’ve known Renée since middle school. We danced together and taught at the same studio.
I’m sure many of you recognize my good friend Katie from previous videos! She filmed the Summer Shape Up videos with us at 9 weeks postpartum, so she’sproviding all of the prenatal and postpartum modifications for you. <3 
Emily has put together four weeks of simple, balanced meal ideas. Her style: easy to make, common ingredients, meals that keep you full and satiated. No skimpy sized portions or diet food allowed! We know that if you’re going to show up with energy for challenging workouts, you’re going to need to eat balanced meals made with plenty of whole foods.
In addition to breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack recipes, you’ll find macronutrient counts for a typical serving and suggestions for increasing PFC (protein, fat and carbohydrates) depending on your wants and needs. In addition, you’ll see options for plant based meals (vegan/vegetarian). These are noted with a * in the meal plan.
Every Friday, we will email you with your fitness plan and meal ideas for the following week. Check out the plan and schedule your workouts as best you can throughout your week. Use the meal ideas as inspiration for your menu. Include one, two, or several of the breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks recipes in your weekly rotation.Check in with us after you do the workouts or after you’ve made yourself a balanced meal. Tag Emily @emilyfieldrd and Gina @fitnessista on Instagram or leave us a comment here on the blog. We want to celebrate with you as you get your sweat on and eat to support those challenging workouts!
Let’s get into Week 1!
This blog post will serve as the hub for all things Summer Shape Up related. Pin it, save it, bookmark it, put it in your pocket, keep it in a place where you can easily access the information.
Week 1 Macro Balanced Meal Plan
Summer Shape Up 2019 workout plan
The first workout video will be up later tonight (I’ll link to it here, too), so you’ll be ready to rock and rock tomorrow. Please be sure to tag us in your sweaty pics as you complete the workouts! 
If you’d like to receive this information a little earlier each week, sign up for my Summer Shape Up newsletter below:
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Leave a comment if you’re excited! What’s a goal you’re setting for the next 4 weeks?
We’re cheering for you!
The post Summer Shape Up 2019 appeared first on The Fitnessista.
Summer Shape Up 2019 published first on https://olimpsportnutritionde.tumblr.com/
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hotspreadpage · 6 years
How Content Marketing Became Brand’s Trusted, Unified Source
Editor’s note: Glenn LaFollette is a finalist for 2018 Content Marketer of the Year. We’ll share insights from CMY finalists in the blog before the winner is announced at Content Marketing World this September.
“Nobody just buys the art … They want the stories behind the art.”
This callout from the second issue of JLL’s Ambitions magazine comes from an interview with Alex Voss, who the magazine calls “the Anthony Bourdain of brand storytelling.” The quote comes as Alex describes his award-winning online documentary series 12 for 12.
Swap the word “art” for “commercial real estate services,” and you get a good summation of the philosophy underpinning the content marketing efforts at JLL.
Glenn LaFollette leads the team bringing these stories to life at JLL. His work creating a magazine and multimedia website to share these stories earned the former sportswriter and newspaper editor a Content Marketer of the Year nomination.
And his team’s drive to look beyond data about buildings to find the human stories happening within them holds some key lessons for content marketers.
Content is never just content
Glenn started at the global commercial real estate services and investment management giant as a public relations manager, then took over regional social media strategy. Today, he’s the senior manager of brand strategy.
That means his and his team’s work gets viewed not just as content marketing or communications work happening separately from the rest of the business but as a strategic player in the whole brand.
.@JLL ‏#content team’s work is viewed as a strategic player in the whole brand. @JLLGlenn. Read more >> Click To Tweet
In February 2017, JLL shared a new brand position and look that reflected what the company thought it had always strived toward for its clients – helping them achieve their ambitions. The “Achieve Ambitions” message came from the company’s belief that every accomplishment begins with a unique ambition.
The new branding was intended to reinforce the personal touch JLL values for its clients, setting a tone and visual approach much more human than what the company had done. JLL CEO Christian Ulbrich thought this tone reflected the collaborative, curious, and confident nature of the company.
JLL’s Americas team had considered the idea of a magazine before the rebrand. During a global team meeting (which brings together representatives from the Americas, EMEA, and APAC marketing teams) in 2016, JLL Americas CMO Jill Kouri saw work that a team in India had created. The project took a digital platform and turned it into a physical magazine. While the potential was exciting, the team decided to wait for the right opportunity to launch a brand content hub. The company rebrand offered that opportunity.
Ambitions Magazine and the Ambitions website launched in October 2017 and became a unified source for the company’s story.
JLL’s content model traditionally revolved around email campaigns, research, and public relations. Beginning in 2017, the team began focusing on developing content to generate true demand rather than fulfilling requests from sales representatives for ad hoc content. What was missing was the brand’s story, which wasn’t always conveyed with a white paper or research report.
The Ambitions program set out to unify brand efforts.
“We want to tell our story, but be authentic to who we are as a company. For JLL, that means sharing trends, insights, and analysis,” Glenn explains. “So we developed these stories, and we see that as a better way for people to get to know us.”
We created Ambitions (magazine and website) as a better way for people to get to know JLL. @JLLGlenn #CMWorld Click To Tweet
Collaborate to find the best stories
The Ambitions publication focuses on stories, trends, and topics relevant to JLL’s clients and the larger real estate industry.
Glenn’s team consists of himself, a creative director, an art director, and 7-10 writers, and support from shared production and design staff that serve all of JLL Americas. The internally developed magazine is an editorial blend of content from internal communications, public relations, and service lines such as the Project and Development Services (PDS) team.
As the editorial director, Glenn also writes content, rewrites stories from other groups, and checks the quality of everything produced.
“The first issue had quite a lot of input from the PDS team because what they do is transformative,” he says. “They show where a real estate project starts and how to make it into something beautiful and interesting. In that way, we tell our story through the ambitions of our clients.”
In the latest issue, for example, Ambitions features the story of the Detroit Institute of Music Education (DIME). For this project, the PDS team took an abandoned building and turned it into a beautiful space that accommodates the sound needs of a music school.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Tear Down Silos to Create a Culture of Content
Think beyond the page
The DIME story is told in the magazine through interviews with the clients and the PDS team members who worked on the project, plus photos and graphics.
Once the physical magazine is out, Glenn and team expand the legs of the magazine stories online (e.g., using the bottom of the magazine subscription page) and videos that tell the stories of what the design of a physical space means to clients.
Once the print magazine is out, JLL team expands its legs online and through video, says @JLLGlenn. #CMWorld Click To Tweet
Ambitions also covers employee stories. One example is the story about an engineer who earned a patent that has the potential to save 500 lives a year.
“We’re creating magazine, digital, and video layers, and using them in a smart content plan to make sure we’re telling the right story in the right place,” Glenn says.
This approach also affects how JLL Americas employees look at the work that’s being done and the shift from traditional case studies and statistics toward storytelling. It’s an internal education process that teaches people that storytelling isn’t about a complicated three-act structure, it’s about finding the human element in the work that JLL does and leading with that.
“Our clients and prospects are deluged with content all the time. If we can take a case study and turn it into a 400- to 500-word human interest piece, that helps us stand out,” he adds.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 4 Secrets of Great Storytellers
Build on results
The first Ambitions issue was focused on workplace and designed as an annual publication. Its print run of 3,000 copies was distributed across JLL Americas offices and client events. That first printing generated 2,500 subscribers.
The second issue, launched in 2018, focuses on design and features an increased print run of 5,000 copies.
Glenn and team aren’t resting on their successful content formula, either. The design-theme issue features a new blend of content that includes research and thought leadership from across all of JLL’s product types (office, industrial, retail, and hotels), plus branded film versions of the three stories in the issue produced with the help of an external team.
To find out live who is named the 2018 Content Marketer of the Year (and lots of things to help your content marketing program), register today for Content Marketing World Sept. 4-7 in Cleveland, Ohio. Use code BLOG100 to save $100.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post How Content Marketing Became Brand’s Trusted, Unified Source appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
How Content Marketing Became Brand’s Trusted, Unified Source syndicated from https://hotspread.wordpress.com
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lucyariablog · 6 years
How Content Marketing Became Brand’s Trusted, Unified Source
Editor’s note: Glenn LaFollette is a finalist for 2018 Content Marketer of the Year. We’ll share insights from CMY finalists in the blog before the winner is announced at Content Marketing World this September.
“Nobody just buys the art … They want the stories behind the art.”
This callout from the second issue of JLL’s Ambitions magazine comes from an interview with Alex Voss, who the magazine calls “the Anthony Bourdain of brand storytelling.” The quote comes as Alex describes his award-winning online documentary series 12 for 12.
Swap the word “art” for “commercial real estate services,” and you get a good summation of the philosophy underpinning the content marketing efforts at JLL.
Glenn LaFollette leads the team bringing these stories to life at JLL. His work creating a magazine and multimedia website to share these stories earned the former sportswriter and newspaper editor a Content Marketer of the Year nomination.
And his team’s drive to look beyond data about buildings to find the human stories happening within them holds some key lessons for content marketers.
Content is never just content
Glenn started at the global commercial real estate services and investment management giant as a public relations manager, then took over regional social media strategy. Today, he’s the senior manager of brand strategy.
That means his and his team’s work gets viewed not just as content marketing or communications work happening separately from the rest of the business but as a strategic player in the whole brand.
.@JLL ‏#content team’s work is viewed as a strategic player in the whole brand. @JLLGlenn. Read more >> Click To Tweet
In February 2017, JLL shared a new brand position and look that reflected what the company thought it had always strived toward for its clients – helping them achieve their ambitions. The “Achieve Ambitions” message came from the company’s belief that every accomplishment begins with a unique ambition.
The new branding was intended to reinforce the personal touch JLL values for its clients, setting a tone and visual approach much more human than what the company had done. JLL CEO Christian Ulbrich thought this tone reflected the collaborative, curious, and confident nature of the company.
JLL’s Americas team had considered the idea of a magazine before the rebrand. During a global team meeting (which brings together representatives from the Americas, EMEA, and APAC marketing teams) in 2016, JLL Americas CMO Jill Kouri saw work that a team in India had created. The project took a digital platform and turned it into a physical magazine. While the potential was exciting, the team decided to wait for the right opportunity to launch a brand content hub. The company rebrand offered that opportunity.
Ambitions Magazine and the Ambitions website launched in October 2017 and became a unified source for the company’s story.
JLL’s content model traditionally revolved around email campaigns, research, and public relations. Beginning in 2017, the team began focusing on developing content to generate true demand rather than fulfilling requests from sales representatives for ad hoc content. What was missing was the brand’s story, which wasn’t always conveyed with a white paper or research report.
The Ambitions program set out to unify brand efforts.
“We want to tell our story, but be authentic to who we are as a company. For JLL, that means sharing trends, insights, and analysis,” Glenn explains. “So we developed these stories, and we see that as a better way for people to get to know us.”
We created Ambitions (magazine and website) as a better way for people to get to know JLL. @JLLGlenn #CMWorld Click To Tweet
Collaborate to find the best stories
The Ambitions publication focuses on stories, trends, and topics relevant to JLL’s clients and the larger real estate industry.
Glenn’s team consists of himself, a creative director, an art director, and 7-10 writers, and support from shared production and design staff that serve all of JLL Americas. The internally developed magazine is an editorial blend of content from internal communications, public relations, and service lines such as the Project and Development Services (PDS) team.
As the editorial director, Glenn also writes content, rewrites stories from other groups, and checks the quality of everything produced.
“The first issue had quite a lot of input from the PDS team because what they do is transformative,” he says. “They show where a real estate project starts and how to make it into something beautiful and interesting. In that way, we tell our story through the ambitions of our clients.”
In the latest issue, for example, Ambitions features the story of the Detroit Institute of Music Education (DIME). For this project, the PDS team took an abandoned building and turned it into a beautiful space that accommodates the sound needs of a music school.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Tear Down Silos to Create a Culture of Content
Think beyond the page
The DIME story is told in the magazine through interviews with the clients and the PDS team members who worked on the project, plus photos and graphics.
Once the physical magazine is out, Glenn and team expand the legs of the magazine stories online (e.g., using the bottom of the magazine subscription page) and videos that tell the stories of what the design of a physical space means to clients.
Once the print magazine is out, JLL team expands its legs online and through video, says @JLLGlenn. #CMWorld Click To Tweet
Ambitions also covers employee stories. One example is the story about an engineer who earned a patent that has the potential to save 500 lives a year.
“We’re creating magazine, digital, and video layers, and using them in a smart content plan to make sure we’re telling the right story in the right place,” Glenn says.
This approach also affects how JLL Americas employees look at the work that’s being done and the shift from traditional case studies and statistics toward storytelling. It’s an internal education process that teaches people that storytelling isn’t about a complicated three-act structure, it’s about finding the human element in the work that JLL does and leading with that.
“Our clients and prospects are deluged with content all the time. If we can take a case study and turn it into a 400- to 500-word human interest piece, that helps us stand out,” he adds.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 4 Secrets of Great Storytellers
Build on results
The first Ambitions issue was focused on workplace and designed as an annual publication. Its print run of 3,000 copies was distributed across JLL Americas offices and client events. That first printing generated 2,500 subscribers.
The second issue, launched in 2018, focuses on design and features an increased print run of 5,000 copies.
Glenn and team aren’t resting on their successful content formula, either. The design-theme issue features a new blend of content that includes research and thought leadership from across all of JLL’s product types (office, industrial, retail, and hotels), plus branded film versions of the three stories in the issue produced with the help of an external team.
To find out live who is named the 2018 Content Marketer of the Year (and lots of things to help your content marketing program), register today for Content Marketing World Sept. 4-7 in Cleveland, Ohio. Use code BLOG100 to save $100.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post How Content Marketing Became Brand’s Trusted, Unified Source appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2018/08/content-marketing-source/
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martechadvisor-blog · 7 years
Multi-channel programmatic is a marketing must – PebblePost’s VP Marketing
Watch Celeste Giampetro, VP of Marketing at PebblePost talk about trends in programmatic multi-channel marketing. She discusses how programmatic direct mails link online customer behavior with offline direct marketing and enables customers to decide when the situation is right for them to act. She identifies direct mails as a great source to grab opportunities with millennials. Celeste is a voracious reader of fiction and loves theatre, reading recipes and cooking on the weekends
Hello and welcome to MarTech Advisor’s Executive Interview Series. I'm Ginger Conlon, a contributing editor to MarTech Advisor and joining us today is Celeste Giampetro, who is VP of Marketing at PebblePost. Welcome Celeste!
Thank you! Great to be here.
So glad you're here with us today. We are going to talk about trends with programmatic multi-channel marketing, basically linking online customer behaviors with offline direct marketing, which is so powerful for marketers today. But before we jump in, let's talk a little bit about PebblePost. What is PebblePost and what makes it unique?
Sure. So PebblePost invented the programmatic direct mail solution which combines the brains of programmatic data driven collection and decisioning with the beauty of tangible media delivered into something that a consumer can hold in their hands or as we like to say it's digital now, it's feeling.
I like that. That's excellent. So let's talk about programmatic multi-channel marketing. You know what most marketers think about programmatic, I think they really jump to digital marketing first of course but it's possible to use those online behaviors to programmatically serve ads or other communications offline as well via direct marketing as a direct mail or otherwise you just noted. So, tell us a little bit about how that exactly works, maybe a human example?
Sure. So our programmatic platform transforms at consumers real time interest and intent and other signals. So for example, when you visit a website of a brand that you're interested in,
we take all of that data and we transform it into a dynamically rendered personalized piece of tangible media that's delivered into a postal hub within 12 to 24 hours every day, fully automated.
So again it's bringing the best of programmatic, to be high impact of a tangible piece of media that a consumer hold in their hand right.
So what's one opportunity for using this programmatic multi-channel marketing, well maybe it is retargeting maybe it's you increasing wallet share that has a potential to make a significant positive impact?
Sure. So I always like to remind myself that with great power comes great responsibility. So digital has given us enormous power as marketers but unfortunately it's also done real damage to the consumer experience. It's an experience that we can all relate to. Visit a website, let's say you look at a red dress, I guarantee that red dress is going to follow you across every site uses it subsequently probably in your apps, it'll probably appear in your inbox as well.
Retargeting has become sort of synonymous with disrespect of the consumer.
It's disruptive, it's annoying, an entire industry has popped up help consumers avoid digital advertising. So that's a real concern for marketers and it's really the reason why programmatic direct mail was created.
We were created to give marketers an empowering way to change this visual behavior for tangible good and to re-engage with their consumers whether they're existing customers or website prospects in a respectful way,
very high impact that removes the brand emergency from the consumer and enabled that consumer to decide when the situation and the modality is right for them to act.
Right interesting. So what about challenges with taking this kind of approach? What's one common challenge that you see and how can marketers overcome it?
So it's funny marketers have told us that we created the first new channels and search and social and as a young company working and in an entirely new space,
our biggest challenge is really education what programmatic direct mail solution is best for, based on our own case studies and success story and how to use it as part of your marketing mix.
So that's definitely been our biggest challenge and we've been very fortunate and to have like several hundreds of bandwagon, very eager to test out the solution and make it evergreen, which is even better right.
What are some of the most common uses that you're seeing for this kind of a tool?
So programmatic direct mail is great for new to file customers, it's great for re-engaging existing customers, it's great for website prospects remarketing.
One interesting case study that I'll share with you is from boxed.com, so Boxed came to us and said we can see there are visitors to our site that we want to talk to but they have unsubscribed from our email lists. So how do we re-engage them in an impactful and respectful way. So programmatic direct mail was really a great solution for them and it resulted in 35X return on adspend, which is amazing. So they've become a perennial marketer of ours. So it works!
Yeah that was a great example, I love that. So let's talk about customer experience a bit because it's such a hot topic. Any advice you have there in terms of using programmatic multi-channel marketing to improve the customer experience and maybe any example that you have?
Sure. So again it's everything that programmatic direct mail is based on is that a consumer has raised their hand and expressed interest, so we start with digital or very much a digital solution. I'll give you the example of TOME, another brand that we work with. So last holiday season TOME had a pre-sale and then a sale campaign and they have a very loyal customer base but they were also trying to appeal to new customers. So they ran these two campaigns and what we found was that conversions were happening 72 days after the last piece of mail was done. I mean digital can't do that right and I think the power is that **when you remove this emergency from the consumer to act now, buy now, shop now, it opens up a world of opportunity for you as a marketer.**
So if you think about the way you experience digital versus the way that you experience your physical mailbox, it's entirely different. You're constantly being harassed and hounded by advertising on digital, so most people have become immune to it, we don't even see it anymore. As opposed to your physical mailbox and the USPS has found that almost everyone checks their mail every single day and because it's not cluttered you actually look forward to receiving your mail, everyone collects the mail, everyone sorts the mail. Most people sort into a critical stack that includes the bill that I need to attend to or print magazines that are interesting to me that I subscribe to and programmatic direct mail very much falls in that critical stack and then on the other side you have your junk, right.
So what happens is that with your physical mail you sort it and then maybe you put it on your counter, maybe you move it to your desk, maybe you put it next to the sofa, it has time to mature, it has multiple impressions across your household and when you're in the mood to act on it, then you will and
what's really interesting I think for marketers especially is that Millennials love direct mail.
They look forward to it because it's hyper personalized to them and they don't get a lot of it, so it's unique and they pay attention to it. So it's a very powerful consumer experience unlike digital. So I think that's pretty compelling.
So let's wrap up with a look forward. What's coming up that you're excited about in two areas, one is any trend or tool that's coming down the pike that you're excited about and also within PebblePost, any new features or upgrades coming that we should know about?
Sure. So as a new channel and a new solution we're constantly experimenting. PebblePost is unlike any other place I've worked for. We're working with entirely new datasets, entirely new challenges that are complex in their own, right. So every day is very exciting. So I'd have sounds a little self-serving but the trend I'm most interested in is expanding the programmatic direct mail solution to more marketers outside of retail and e-commerce and how we can really make it work hard for marketers across all verticals. We have a lot of things in the work that I'm not at liberty to talk about just yet but I will definitely reach out when we can talk about them.
Celeste thank you so much for all the insights. It's some really interesting stuff happening in this area, appreciate you sharing it with.
Sure, been a pleasure. Thank you very much.
Check out MarTech Advisor’s YouTube channel and for other executive interviews and thanks again for joining us.
Connect with Celeste at:
  This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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17 The Art Of Creating Blogs That Get Results Right From Day One
The Art Of Creating Blogs That Get Results Right From Day One! Your Dallas SEO experts learn how to work with a blog to increase the revenue for the online business by increasing website visitors to your site. Some of the postive elements of using blogs to market your web site include an boost in people to your site, more awareness about your site, and the power to control the perception from the public about your web site. The same Dallas web site design techniques which are utilized on your small business website should also be incorporated in your blog so they are clearly connected. Search engines love quality content, along with a website cannot compete with your blog when it comes to content. The search engines know this and for that reason blog are quickly incorporated into search engine results to ensure top quality inside search. The more content you have the better position your website gets inside search engines. u Ease of creation and maintenance - Blogging are at your fingertips now. In the present scenario, introducing your blog is a straightforward task. There is no special expertise needed to create your site. You just need to consume a few easy steps one which just start showcasing information about your blog. Even their maintenance is not a herculean task. There is no particular tool or software that is utilized to the maintenance of web journals. Even upgradation and refurbishing blogs is conducted online. You must captivate and gaze after the eye with the reader. Make sure that your content is fresh and lively don't just toll out chunks of facts and make certain that the information is correct and useful. Add in a human touch an informal comment, a silly expression. Share your enthusiasm for that subject being discussed. (more info) The most successful people have made a lot in investment in their chosen vocation before it turned profitable for the kids. Be ready for mistakes, people since you need to make a great deal of them prior to success. You must learn and research the organization models, monetizing models, themes, SEO and content. The only constant element should be a genuine urge to help your potential customers. It works better than selling. When you have learnt consistently with the trends of blogging industry, you'd probably have financially viable blogs. Blogs are everywhere. From the political to the informational, if you're able to imagine a genre, likelihood is, you'll find your site concentrating on it. So what is your site? A portmanteau with the term ?web?, blogs basically allow users to have interaction collectively within an open platform. More simply stated, a blog can be an simpler to use and more search engine friendly version in the early 90?s perl based community forums. If you don't believe that blogging is a powerful method then take note of Perez Hilton who was simply capable to bag an arrangement for his or her own show on E Network that lasted a while. Did you know that blogging can be a boon for web marketers too? Continue on to make a decision if blogging fits your needs plus your business. For example in football, the team have some of world class players sometime additionally they lose in they match, because in football it not only be determined by form of players in addition, it depend on luck, effort, team performance, tactics and much more factors, are these claims situation also happen on blogging? Even you're excellent writer and do aggressive promotion in promoting you blog, though the result's still low, is situation we call ?unlucky blogger? is blogging really only need work? Twelve finalists chosen through the entries will win an experience of your life: an all-inclusive seven-day Medical Tourism Familiarization Trip in Thailand, which will happen from November 20-26, 2010. Some of them will go to Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Ko Samui, and some will explore Bangkok. The TAT will arrange additional sightseeing tours for finalists to enable them to experience the attractions of Thailand like a medical tourism hub. (more info) Clear, simple language must be utilised as well as in the final from your day, what you may write needs to be fascinating then one thing that most readers can connect with within their everyday lives. Lastly, it is possible to monetize your weblog in a handful of ways. The most effective way of Blogging and Make Money Blogging is simply by placing up ads for the sides within your blogs; ads that relate on your thought cannot merely assistance your weblog and also inside similar time will help you earn some income from it. Your blogging goal is to consistently deliver compelling and informative content made up of methods to the difficulties of the readers. Now that people read your posts, you'll want to provide it with a unique voice as well. And it's not just because I want to receive backlinks using their company blogs. It's always great to find out off their bloggers, and obtain valuable information using their company blog commentators too. Participating in an interactive community is usually beneficial. There is no true measure for fulfillment in terms of blogs but some bloggers take into account the amount of readers that read their blog to become measure of success. The approach to attract readers is by providing content that's interesting for many years and will keep them time for your site to find and study new content. With such a variety of topics that can be covered on a blog, narrowing it down to a smaller report on topics that appeal to your interest and that will interest others is a superb method to start. You want to grab readers' attention but additionally desire to make this issue fun and interesting for you to help you experience enjoyment from blogging. Once you have a directory of possible topics to base your website on, take some time to check out the Internet for similar blogs. Pay close attention to the sort of content that is being posted and if it available, read a number of the questions and comments left by readers about the blog. This will present you with a solid idea of what direction to go and what not to complete determined by reader feedback. You might encounter areas that has to be without other blogs of similar topics and incorporate those in your own blog. Additionally, you are able to observe many of the blog formats which are used and exactly how easy to use these are for ideas for your own personal blog format. Keeping your site content fresh is also an effective way of accelerating visitors to your blogs. It means that you can have the ability to post regularly. The more you post, the higher chance you have to reach a wider selection of readers. That's because content is the most vital areas of the blogging process. The more content that you have, the harder visitors you will have, because blog readers love content and so are constantly searching for beautiful information and content. It's not until people can expect regular posts that they may be compelled to get back to see what you've written next. (more info) It mostly is determined by your audience. Think of people reading your site: how elderly they may be, what their occupation is, their hobbies, interests, languages, etc. That will help you much if you need to add humor to your blog post article. Yes, sense of humor is incredibly much appreciated not only in circus and soap operas. Even Dr. House cracks off jokes all the time - that is why he or she is a lot liked by ladies and men also, though. Obtaining jobs online may be the latest and on the list of all well-liked techniques of creating cash; in actual fact, numerous stay at home persons prefer to generate their living out of doing on the internet jobs like written content writing, employing Search engine optimization and computer or laptop science skills plus blogging. Although many individuals get started their unique blogs as a way of sharing their experiences, opinions because of the planet, business enterprise minded customers have began to search for methods of Blogging and Make Money Blogging in the procedure. My son prefers that I continue in San Diego, so we're researching some low-income living arrangements, but that still will not realistic since I'm still unemployed. I've been considering heading returning to Northern California where I was before since I feel my employment opportunity might be better with past friends and finest friend networking capabilities there. I'll be making my calls to evaluate those options out. I found out yesterday that the individual who took my office in Kansas City wants another job so I would certainly use a position available there. The main problem with one of these options may be the price of traveling (gas). The variety of affiliate ads on the net now's masive so there exists a lot of selection for your website owner. A very good example of these may be the paid per click program like let's consider google adsense. When a person visits the net site or blog and glances at one of these paid per click advertising ads and decides that it's of curiosity for many years and also made a decision to click on those ads anyone automatically gets a referral or possibly a payment to the click. If attention is paid to effective marketing practices then a visitors to your website or website will increase after a while along with the increase of visitors or traffic the quantity of follows the program can also increase which means you the web site or blog will grow in affiliate money. This is a good way to ensure more exposure on your blog facing a brand new audience and it's all free. Once they have visited your website, the standard readers from the blog where you posted, will probably subscribe to your website whenever they realize that the info you provide is interesting. Run a search in Google to discover sites which can be happy to take guest posts. In case you want to get it done a big scale, then try contacting prominent blogs and ask them whenever they would accept a guest post of your stuff. (more info) To others, the thought of blogging appears like this type of delightful concept - being able to have your individual little space on cyberspace to mention your emotions and ideas alike, and also to manage to connect to other bloggers like yourself. Blog writing is a without headaches method to market your products. Here are some blogging ideas to help you get the maximum blog writing.Stick to your niche. Try to keep the focus of your blog as narrow as you possibly can. Your blog entries should keep a certain consistency using the overall theme of the site itself and also this is what subscribers expect. The theme your internet site 'adopted' is of obvious entice your blog reader or they might not always return. Their satisfaction or lack thereof can often be reflected whenever they post comments in response to any changes or new posts on the spot. Search engines love quality content, plus a website cannot tackle your blog in relation to content. The search engines know this and thus blog are quickly incorporated into search results to be sure highest quality within the search. The more content you have the better position your site gets inside search engines. Having a blog design solution that is certainly practical and personable is unquestionably one part of the online marketing arsenal for all those web page owners. Indeed, any successful online business employs utilizing a blog. Craigslist is a such place when a blog design solution actually works to direct designated visitors to your web site. The popular social site was developed by a person (yes, his real name is Craig) who sought to supply a party place on the world wide web for everyone who seeks to find like minded friends and acquaintances of varied interests. By having at least one or higher entries on a daily basis in your blog, Craigslist members who've an interest in your internet site will flock for a business in countless volumes. Blogging at similar sites like MySpace and Facebook offer similar advantages. There are various free websites that will do your pinging in your case however by far the most well-liked have to be and . Each accomplish the same duties so solely select one and that means you usually do not 'double ping' that the major engines like google do not like. It really is as fundamental as entering your site URL and name, checking all the general pinging services and pressing go. Then your site will likely be broadcast to say that you have just made new posts and that people should give it a look. (more info) Many people use blogging being a cheap option to having a website, but it's much more effective when found in addition to your website. The top Dallas SEO experts could be hired to blog to your site with high-quality content that features your targeted keywords and backlinks to your main site the place that the sales may be made. Good Dallas web site design experts can coordinate your website for your site to present the consumer a fluid experience when going involving the two. Your blog entries should conserve a certain consistency while using overall theme of the site itself this also is what subscribers expect. The theme your web site 'adopted' is of obvious appeal to your website reader or they will not always return. Their satisfaction or lack thereof is usually reflected once they post comments in response to any changes or new posts on the website. Grabbing your readers' attention is a vital aspect in web marketing and promotion. Most of the time great ideas are trashed out simply due to lack of smart presentation tactics. You have to first attract your potential client prior to to find out your products or services and services better. Use the right words and specify them in a manner about buy your targeted audiences' attention. However, despite spending months and years using your partners in many intimate ways, and we don't know how to sell them our tips on relaxing, shopping or perhaps food. Am I right or am I right? I don't want to gloat as I am a fellow searcher. However, you need to your potential customers well enough to understand what you can sell them before starting selling them. This is a great way to ensure more exposure to your blog facing a brand new audience and it is all free. Once they have visited your internet site, a normal readers of the blog in which you posted, will more than likely enroll in your site when they realize that the information you provide is interesting. Run a search in Google to get sites that are happy to take guest posts. In case you want to do it a large scale, then try contacting prominent blogs and have them should they would accept a guest post from you. (more info) Make sure that this issue you choose is a thing that can interest others too. What it is possible to do is check out a site called or because they are great websites to locate what people are discussing should you not consider anything. Don't worry, you can talk about anything. I know your blog post owner who's a large number of readers plus they reveal bicycles.
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