#idk like i said i think there is a lot of genuine value in discussing these things
ithinkitsleon · 9 months
a/n: idk what this is, i think i got divine motivation from the holy trinity to write something, this is a little draft tho, i may write some more things later and i didnt use the translator so my apologies for incoherent sentences or grammar mistakes
obs: pure angst or anything similar, i decided to write this just bc i would take care and defend leon with all i have (a pair of headphones and a lip gloss), i love this man so much and the fact that i could gobble & savor him like a meal in seconds makes me [inaudible noises] + i go feral over men crying
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you and Leon were arguing a few minutes ago about some stupid things he was doing around the house like letting wet towels sit soaked on the bed, all kinds of clothes thrown on the floor that went from shirts to socks and underwears.
you told Leon he looked like a little boy who still needed to be supervised by his mother. Leon shouted back saying you are so annoying that makes him want to rip his hair off his head and die, still he wasn't entirely lying, you could really be insufferable sometimes.
but that in some way hurt you. as a quick response you said you wished you had never met him, that made the poor guy go silent for a couple seconds and he didn't take much to burst into tears and run to his room to lock himself there and lay on his bed until he disappeared inside the mattress.
Leon's life was falling apart since his position as a rookie working on RPD was getting to his nerves, when he had to deal with stupid paperwork, sweeping and mopping the floor all the time, delivering cups of coffee and it got worse when he needed to listen to his boss screaming at him for nothing at all, just for the fun of humiliating young cops. and he thought having you by his side could help him go through hell and back.
but when Leon met you, the first thing that crossed his mind was that God decided to take pity on him and sent and angel to take care of him. you are his safe place, his font of energy when he feels down or tired, you are his light, that showed him the right way avoiding him to drown in his own obsessive and negative thoughts. Leon loved you. in the purest and genuine way you could ever imagine. he was willing to do anything for you. he would die for you, kill for you, lie for you, he would do and any possible and impossible thing to show you his value. even humiliate himself like he did when you found him drunk with his face soaked in tears, sitting on the floor of the garage at the police station begging you to give him a chance.
now Leon was laying on his bed, all curled up in his heavy white blanket, desperately crying his heart out wondering why you said that to him, was he such a terrible person after all ? maybe you were right. maybe he let his troubled life interfere on his attempts of building the relationship of his dreams with you. maybe. he'll never know.
from outside the room you could hear the loud and agonizing sobs that left his throat whenever he tried to recompose himself, failing on the next minute when he started crying again this time choking on his own saliva and coughing right away. seeing Leon like this made you feel awful, you loved him back too but the reason why you acted so bossy and with authority almost all the time was just because you wanted to take care of Leon like a mother, not in a creepy way obviously, you just wanted to see him doing well and being capable of dealing with his professional life at the same time he needed to hold his head in place doing simple house tasks. you decided to let Leon rest for the rest of the day leaving him unbothered.
it's not the first time that arguing like this happened with you two. you avoided at maximum to not argue with Leon, he hates serious discussions and you know that. the only thing that's left for you now is to come up with a excellent excuse to calm him down.
otherwise you'll never see Leon Kennedy in your life again, after completely shattering his little heart that took him lots of time to recollect some parts, now it would take him almost an eternity to stop himself to think and feel like a total loser.
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(just saying that i decided to write leon mopping and sweeping floors bc i remembered that here in brazil the rookies that join the army most of the time paint sidewalks and trim coconut trees 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️)
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nyerus · 1 year
Hi! I would love to hear your thoughts about classism in TGCF, but specifically regarding XL. It surprised me to see people hating on XL for not knowing or doing better during his teenage years of luxury as the crown prince and making XL a complete villain because he didn't take down classism and restructure society despite still being a kid himself. It struck me as odd that the fandom is well aware of his 800 years in poverty but also not really addressing the fact that XL, too, is a victim of classism albeit a little different from someone like MQ.
Hi there! So sorry it's taken me this long to get to this ask, I've just been in sort of a funk for a few days haha.
But yeah, this is definitely a topic that comes up from time to time, with lots of discussion about. It surprises me that despite that, there are still people (maybe just newer fans? idk) who still hate on Xie Lian for his naive views as a 17yo. Especially since, despite being a naive 17yo, he still really wanted to help people less fortunate than himself. He didn't quite understand how to do this in the most effective ways (because he was a teenager), so it came off as somewhat patronizing as he was a person in a position of power compared to everyone else. Yet his desire to help people was genuine, and he didn't personally think of "common folk" as being any lesser than "royalty" -- even though in this case, there kind of literally was a difference. (E.g. when Lang Ying goes from being a commoner to a king, he gets a "kingly aura" that protects him!) So it's honestly kind of incredible that Xie Lian is willing to say things like "I think people are equal, even gods and humans, and if the Heavens disagree with me, then it's the Heavens that are wrong" with his entire heart.
I imagine a large part of the hate Xie Lian gets from certain fans is jealousy or resentment, due to the fact that Xie Lian was "born privileged." But on it's own, "privilege" is not "the great enemy" -- it's what said privilege means in the context of society, and what someone does/doesn't do with it that merits judgement. Xie Lian doesn't fully understand the privilege he had until he loses it (again: because he was 17!), but he still understood it enough to use it to protect and help people. That's more than many other characters can say. Him starting out as a prince doesn't automatically disqualify him from class struggles or the horrors of poverty. It's nonsensical to think so, when this is a character who literally spent almost 800 years busking for scraps, while sleeping in dirt outside and eating garbage….
On the flip side, as you mentioned Mu Qing -- yes, he was a victim of classism. But he's a very strange figure to use as the poster boy for that, though he often is by people who are critical of Xie Lian. This may be a controversial take, despite it being something I think that makes the character of Mu Qing really interesting: but he's a very "typical" guy within the concept of classism. He's someone who started off with a bad lot, but then ended up ascending to the highest point you pretty much can in that world/society. Which is great! He did that through hard work, and it paid off! But now, since he got his "happy ending," that's kind of it for him. He doesn't do anything to materially improve the lives of those less fortunate, especially those he has no personal connection with. This doesn't make him a bad person -- it's not really his job to that, even as a god. He's a martial god, so he's there to subdue threats and all that. Yet you can clearly see, that's exactly the type of person society values because such "rags to riches" stories give legitimacy to the whole system, and because they don't rock the boat once they're on top.
So then it's odd to be angry at Xie Lian but not Mu Qing (or others) for the lack of some "grand revolution" that some readers seem to want.
Ironically, Xie Lian used what power he had to try and help people -- and he was worse off for it. If he had done nothing, he would have been able to live a happy and carefree life. He would have lived and died as a rich prince/king with no troubles. Like, that's the point! The societies we live in punish those who want to broadly help others or make meaningful change, while rewarding those who quietly play the game for themselves -- because it helps keep the wheels turning. It doesn't matter at "what end" of the spectrum you start out on, the rules apply the same way. If you go against the establishment, there's a price to be paid.
Throughout Xie Lian's long journey, he learns this lesson the hard way. And the fact that in order to change it, he would somehow have to change the hearts and minds of pretty much everyone -- which is an impossible ask. How is he even supposed to that, or restructure society as a whole, without vast amounts of collateral damage? In the end, Xie Lian discovers that he was not wrong in his desire to help people, even if he cannot help everyone. He can still help people he meets in whatever ways he can, and that is still important. To show kindness, mercy, and empathy towards your fellow man is worth it. Helping your neighbors or complete strangers you meet once and then never again -- all that is still worth it.
I wish I had the time to sit down and really talk about this in a more organized way, but these disjointed thoughts are all I can manage at the moment! I hope it was still valuable to you in some way, and thank you for sending in the ask!
(Also, I recently reblogged a post that talked about something similar if you wanna check it out, Anon. It's right under the manhua highlights I think!)
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lefarte · 21 days
How would funger characters react to having a cocky and sarcastic eader who is a professional at anything? Like they are a professional at diving, magic, swinging swords, etc etc while they also do lots and lots of gymnastics and yoga which makes them very flexibal.
Btw i like ur fanfictions ♥︎
Omg I’m sorry this took so long I have a huge backlog of requests to get to from those days when I was out of it but thank you 🩷💕
Also idk if you wanted funger 1 or 2 so I just did 2, I hope that’s okay
Characters: O’saa, Olivia, Henryk, Tanaka (a little angst in Olivia’s part)
Having traveled all across the world, there is a part of Osaa that is always genuinely excited to meet other magic users. It’s a remnant from his past, when he used to be so naïve and inexperience with no others to talk to about his passion.
Nowadays he is jaded. That said, he still enjoys having stimulating discussions with others, and the chance to meet a peer is extremely rare. Meeting someone he considers his better is maybe one in a million, or even one in a billion.
Having someone to keep up with him is refreshing, and in some ways agitating, but he never lets it show. Even if you’re undeniably a prodigy he’d claim “well, I have wisdom that you don’t 😒”
Hearing you brag is annoying, and Nas’rah taunting him doesn’t make it any better. If you show off too much, he will take any chance to tease you.
Think that you’re showing off to your other party members while your back is turned, and he does something petty like dropping an ice cube down your back. This kind of thing would happen regularly if you don’t learn to be humble. (Or at least, don’t brag in front of him).
Overall, he is not the MOST jealous character, but he would definitely be displeased that the spotlight is no longer on him and takes pot shots at you. This includes flirting with you brazenly in public with a completely serious face to fluster you.
Despite your attitude clashing with his, in some ways having a partner that can keep up with him is an ideal for Osaa that attracts him. He enjoys the little banter between you two very much. Having a partner that is docile and agrees with everything he says is good for his ego, but not his mind. And of the two he values his mind more.
He’s just outright annoying about it.
If you’re better at cooking, he’d always find something to nitpick, like “these spices are off” or “the meat is not tender”. When people go for your food over his, he’d grit his teeth and try to bottle up his jealousy.
He denies it fervently. “Why would I be jealous of you? I’m perfectly capable on my own, thanks.” But it’s obvious to everyone around him.
Your artistic abilities compared to the shoddy little things he calls painting make him bawk in embarrassment. It makes him wonder why he even tried to get into art at all.
He critiques your form on just about everything, even things he knows nothing about like magic or sword fighting. The only time he’s quiet is when you’re doing yoga or gymnastics. He actually quite likes that…
It’s undeniable that you’re quite the looker, and he feels he has no chance with you, not after acting like such an ass. So he gives up on pursuing you as a lover almost immediately. You should probably be with someone who’s not such a lout.
The best and fastest way to bond is cooking together.
At first he is hesitant. He doesn’t like people ‘cramping his style’ per se, but since you’re basically a goddamn professional, he decides to give it a go. But he won’t take orders from you.
The resulting dish is a masterpiece. Even with such threadbare ingredients, it’s the best thing both you and him have ever made. It’s a huge hit with the other contestants, immediately putting everyone in a brighter mood. Even those who rarely smile (like Levi or Osaa) seem pleased. The atmosphere is lively and cheerful for once. It’s better than anything you two could have done alone.
So, when you look at him with such a big happy grin by the firelight, he realizes that you’re not so bad after all. And maybe you like him the way you like him too?
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Tanaka is completely supportive.
Your brash personality and his calm, polite demeanor make a great duo. He helps bridge the gap between you and the others, while you help him… not die.
It’s not like he never gets a little jealous, but he’s long since accepted that he’s a pretty ordinary guy. He never really had much motivation to step outside of the box. He never made real friends or thought about romance. He lived his whole life, thirty whole years, bored out of his mind. He never even knew how much his life meant to him until it was almost taken.
The funny thing is that he’s not as ordinary as he thinks. He’s an extremely fast learner and can match your wit. He admires you so much that he takes it upon himself to learn the things that you’re passionate about. It only takes a day until he’s able to wield a sword - not masterfully, but well.
There’s so many things he admires about you. Your bravery, your confidence, how you’re able to let loose and have fun in a way that he could never imagine doing. He’s never afraid to tell you how proud of you he is, in complete earnestness. It’s very sweet, but his enthusiasm can be a little embarassing.
He’s like your cheerleader sometimes.
She would already be jealous of you from the beginning.
The way you move so freely and gracefully while she can’t even walk, the way you’re so proud and happy with yourself and she’s a lonely bookworm, it’s all enough to drive her nearly to tears. Seeing you just reminds her of everything she lost and the life she could have had, if her parents only cared enough to take care of her.
She is haunted by you and the memories she felt with Reila. On the outside, she would cheer and clap when you preform so elegantly, but on the inside she feels sick.
Your friendship would blossom by chatting about plants, of course. And she would like your company, truly. Chatting with you is fun. You make her laugh, you’re cute and silly. You’d pick edible mushrooms with her, and even some non-edible ones too, maybe go to the lakebed and just talk about dumb stuff.
In fact, she finds your confidence and your boisterous laughter attractive. But inside, she can’t help but feel like you’re only friends with her out of pity.
If you’re better at botany? She would despise you. And herself for hating you so much. You never really did anything wrong, so why does she have these awful thoughts?
I genuinely believe that as the festival goes on she would have thoughts about killing you. She’d be disgusted and ashamed, going into fits of chills and making herself nauseous with self-hatred. She shouldn’t think about this. It’s horrible.
In the end, she can’t keep her feeling bottled up anymore. She would confess everything to you - all the crying and the anger and how alone she feels.
Overall, she is probably either the worst or the best partner, depending on your actions. If you hold her and let her cry on your shoulder, you could reconciliate and be friends again, or even more. But if it descends into an argument, well, she will never want to talk to you again. Both for the sake of you and her…
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csuitebitches · 9 months
By your prior response, it seems like you believe in 50/50. Generally speaking, not everyone is willing to be in a relationship where the man is providing 100% of the bills but I followed you because I thought that was your view. A feminine high value woman bring with a man who provides 100% of the bills. Not a girlfriend but a wife who depends on her husband however, she still has her own. Her husband gives her the option whether she wants to work or not, she lives a life of leisure and luxury. Has her own personal savings account etc. Idk I thought you had a different mindset when it came to finances in a relationship.
Firstly, I don’t keep my blog active for the follower count. I began CSB to keep a track of everything I’ve personally learned over the years. My content is also mostly about productivity and self growth. I very rarely discuss love and relationships on here and only if I ever feel like it. You may unfollow me if you feel that my content doesn’t resonate with you!
I don’t, in fact, believe in 50-50. My family allows me to believe the same as well. However, my background and birth circumstances are different. Even if a man decides to provide for me and I let him, I can leave at any point because my family would 100% step in and financially and legally support me at any time - not everyone has that privilege unfortunately. Most people’s lives and realities are not the same. I cannot advise my followers based on just my own background because that would be irresponsible of me.
I never said that a man should absolutely never provide for you. I said it’s difficult for most people to not have a dual income household in this economy. I’ve already mentioned that my partner himself doesn’t let me pick up the bill. I further said that you should be able to have enough money on you in case you need to leave for whatever reason and that the reality is, most of you guys are not going to find some billionaire lovesick man who’s going to hand you his Amex card on the third day of you guys meeting. And yes. You NEED to contribute to any relationship to make it work and finance isn’t the only way. Even if your man tells you to stay at home, you’re still going to be expected to contribute one way or the other. You cannot have it all.
There are enough crazy stories out there about financial abuse. There needs to be a certain amount of time + emotional intimacy + rationality involved in order for a man to provide for you. The reality is that today’s economy is not suited for everyone. Gone are the days where $100 could be stretched to every cent and you could live a decent life on it. If a man can give you the option to work, he can also switch up at any point and take back that option. Would you be ready for a switch like that? Would your past grades, work experience, etc still be relevant? What if you decide to leave him - are you in the position to?
You can do what you like in your personal life because it doesn’t concern me. But if you genuinely think that a man is going to happily and blindly start providing for you from the first date without any sort of expectation from you - I implore you to understand that real life and tumblr hypergamy don’t always intersect.
Half of your mindsets have been screwed by these so-called tumblr hypergamy blogs, with all honesty. It’s also partly bullshit and partly very culture dependent. Most eastern cultures are hypergamous BUT there is a strong family value system, there are strings attached, and a strong cultural influence, divorce is looked down upon, you’re expected to stay with your husband through all the bullshit, you’re expected to compromise at any point and a lot more for your husband; there are expectations from both the partners. I remember coming across a blog of a girl who was this “hypergamy queen” only for her to disclose she was in fact, broke, and start begging for tips from her tumblr followers. I don’t think half of you guys even understand the reality of being financially provided for.
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Serious question: how is it possible not to feel like we're doomed after reading such discussions? Like, it's clear people just refuse to care about women at all. They only care about men who call themselves women
I gotta be honest. I'm optimistic. If you're naturally pessimistic then you are already dead in the water, that's just the truth. But also, I feel like real life is better than online. I've had multiple pleasantly surprising conversations because I wasn't afraid to speak up. You can't be afraid to voice your opinion. Also, I don't understand the sentiment of being afraid to lose friends because of your disagreement on trans rights. I'll happily lose anyone who tells me that lesbians can like dick. Not only do I not give a single shit, but I've done it before and would do it again. Value yourself more. You don't deserve to be around people like that. Cut them off. You're not losing anything. I'm not in agreement with my friends on trans rights, but I have told them what's what. One of them has come to me privately to ask me questions on my beliefs, and we had a very respectful discussion. The thing is, I think these discussions are better in real life. Idk what it is, but people are sweeter when you talk to them face to face. Repeating what people say back to them helps them see that they're being ridiculous. I told one of my friends that liking both genitals makes someone bisexual, and she completely agreed despite the fact you can probably guess what we were arguing about that would prompt me to say that. A few months ago, I was in a group of people my age and we were absolutely clowning on a boy in our class who had said that trans women belonged in women's sports and who had called our teacher a terf . One of the boys in our group had never even heard the word terf before. A lot of the good people are offline or aren't heavily engaged in this specific debate. You gotta remember that the grand majority of people are straight and thus don't spend much time thinking about gay or trans people. I asked my mother what she thought of trans people and she said she "doesn't think about it". Imagine that? Never once thinking about this? A lot of people aren't aware of what's going on. Do you remember super straight? Straight people caught a whiff of the nonsense that trans people spout about sexuality and they went OFF. There's a lot more animosity towards the homophobia and misogyny of the trans movement than you think. Riley J Dennis' video about genital preferences was FILLED with people disagreeing with him and saying he wants everyone to be bisexual. Genuinely not a positive comment in sight. If you repeat trans rhetoric to regular people, there's a fairly good chance they'll think you're joking around. People want to be good. They take things at face value. A trans person say this? It must be true! They'll hit the 'like' button on trans positivity posts. But if you just challenge them a little bit then they almost always crack, in my experience. A literal perfect example is during the argument between my friends I mentioned above. One of them quite literally said "I've been agreeing with what you guys have said so far, but after hearing what [me] had to say, I agree with that as well." Like. You CAN'T be a coward. I remain positive because I don't think that things are as bad as a lot of you guys think. I genuinely really don't. I have so many more positive things to say, but I'm feeling burnt out so hopefully this makes you feel better, anon ❤️
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starlit-mansion · 5 months
you know. there's a character in a piece of media i'm watching that i just don't really like. However. I don't hate them either like. they fit in the thing and are integral to the themes and plot. I'm just not really excited by them as a person and i'm genuinely at a loss as to what other people see in them, why they want to draw fanart of them, etc. and i feel like saying that implies that i feel negatively but i genuinely don't. it's like trying to drum up a passionate feeling about the sprigs of arugula in a sandwich. it's be missing something if it wasn't there but it could also be bean sprouts or spinach instead and i'd feel about the same.
related, i watched a stage production of les mis for the first time a year or so ago, and to be honest. i felt very little for cosette though the whole show. she didn't bore me or excite me, i didn't relate to her or have warm pink feelings about baby's first romance. and yet, the fact that she and marius were alive and married by the end was such a great sweep of narrative meaning that it transcended any feeling that i had about her as a person. it was maybe the most meaningful denouement wedding i've ever experienced in a story.
and idk. i feel like that was the most representative moment of a serious shift in the way that i started to think about things. it doesn't apply to every piece of media. there's lots of stuff that lives and dies on if the characters are likable. and it's fun to like characters. but it does help to stop judging every single thing on whether i like every single character. i've also just never really personally projected onto characters. it's more interesting to me to pilot them around a bit when i do stuff with them, like my identity stays separate and contained but my style comes through in the movements.
and because of the way i engage on here. i see, say and reblog stuff that's kind of negative about the "fandomy" way of engaging and. to be honest, i'm trying to be a little bit picky about it now. trying to only engage if i think it could genuinely contribute to a discussion rather than being like 'you people love your little tropes, don't you' because like. who wants to hear that? i am just a little bit of a hater at heart but i don't really aspire to be mean. i just think that it's more interesting to form an opinion that doesn't fold under the slightest prodding than to clasp my hands together and say 'live and let live <3' about every possible thing another person could enjoy.
i am also. actually genuinely put off by a thing that i've started to see everywhere, which is engaging with fiction like it's a set of natural laws that can create other discreet effects when you run experiments in it. it's a cool thing when a series makes you feel like that could be true, but it's not the norm. i don't care if the mona lisa burning to reveal canvas instead of wood in glass onion 'proves' that the painting was not destroyed and miles only had a copy. that's not what the moment was about within the narrative. vampires wouldn't react to seemingly random stimuli with the same agony as garlic or silver or crosses because vampires are not "allergic" to those substances and their weaknesses are symbolic of what they represent (death, disease, infection, predation). sometimes there's a plot hole because it's tiresome to wallow in the fact that a sequel has to rewrite the past a little to make room for itself. sometimes that character originally meant the thing they said but now at this point in the story, they're a mentor rather than a minor impediment so their past actions have to be waved away as a confusing lie
i'm not saying there's never any value to exploring that space, but i do start to chafe when an unavoidable technical problem starts to be treated as malicious authorial intent, or worse, treated as something that i'm foolish for having a problem with because the collective fanon already wiped it away (like that mildly homophobic joke being interpreted as a sincere expression of queer interest, or an expression of internalized biphobia that the character is working through)
idk what i'm trying to say as a whole. but i sure am saying a lot of it.
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dballzposting · 1 year
I have to confess. Whenever i am feeling very deeply self consious or afraid that a headcanon or a thought on media i have is getting Too out there or "Edgelordy" or even just reading too deep into something I go and look back at the tarble darvo post again and i feel a . Well serenity isnt quite how id put it but i genuinely mean when i say I aspire to your level of confidence in just putting completely off the walls stuff Out There and being aware its not gonna be everyones cup of tea and accepting that. You have majorly affected how i go about approaching media and stuff and while i dont know if its better for fandoms im in as a whole its better for me i think and thats what matters. I hope this is getting across right i mean this very positively. I think more people should have the audacity you have and i have GOT to internalize this
I was being all sleepy and small this morning and eventually I got on my phone and I saw this ask and it made me BOUND out of bed like the grandspa in the charlie chonka chocolate factory movie . Suddenly and conveniently rejuvenated.
I DIDN'T THINK THAT ANYBODY SAW THAT POST !??! But I don't know why I would think that becasue I just checked and it has 18 notes and even a reblog that isn't from me (from a user whom i appreciate tremendously and who interacts with my freakish posts when no one else does...)
I agree with what you say. I LOVE HOW YOU'VE SAID IT. I also want to specifically add that it's important to have the freedom to express whatever is in your head. It's good to be self-aware that you're being "Edgelordy" if it means accepting how people will take it, but also, like, I would even advocate for acknowledging it as self-expression before you even give it judgement.
It's important to be OFF THE WALL CRAZZAY !!!
I don't mean to sound like I know what I'm talking about however ... I just make posts. I love to do it. And that's fine.
But yeah. I REALLY RESPECT & APPRECIATE what you're aspiring to be and I'm REALLY GLAD at how your thinking has changed thus far!!!
Go on ahead and internalize it. Audacity IS authenticity. Say what's in your beautiful mind <3
I don't want to come across all sanctimonious on dragonball blog but I can't help it it just comes so naturally to me so I'll keep going...
I understand feeling afraid & self-conscious and there are a lot of interesting things that can come from an exploration of those feelings. Sometimes it's best to stay quiet if you cannot with your better conscious justify a comment and feel safe with yourself after. But most of the time it's the fear of rejection that perpetuates conformity innit. And well that's no way to live. I promise that you're allowed to explore edgy ideas and that you're strong enough to withstand others' distaste. Because you are not required to heed a response that does not facilitate discussion or thought. Others' feelings are not your responsibility. And also plenty of people will like or respect what you say as well..!
Rules to live by: 1. Do whatever you want. 2. Be able to tolerate or protect yourself from others' doing whatever they want.
There is no meaningful discussion of art and life at large if one cannot discuss with an open mind and application of those principles starts HERE on dragon ball tumblr NOW!!!
It normally isn't my way to be so black/white assertive like that bc I think that all things have value but IDK I just wanted to make the strong point....
Thank you. I CANT SAY THAT ENOUGH!! This ask is so good. THANK YOU!! Good luck. And stay gorgeous <3
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br4inr0tx · 1 year
Heyaaa can I get a match up for Attack on Titan? <3
Ece here,21 female cancer entp.I'd prefer a guy but any gender will do :3
I'm usually a cheerful person with lots of energy, I'm quite outdoorsy but an ambivert. I'm that one person who isn't afraid of going to a cinema,concert etc alone xD I don't easily get angry,jealous etc. I'm the calmest person I know,on that matter I'm quite tolerant. Also I tend value my own independency a lot but I strongly respect other's too. On this matter I often called out to be 'cold' or 'uncaring' even though I care for my loved ones unconditionally :// I think I'm not very good at showing emotions,best I can do is to clown around to keep my loved ones happy and honestly I get uncomfortable when people get too emotional too soon in romantic relationships.
Also my love language can be anything but acts of service,they are a little rare D: I tend to go for quality time or physical touch,when I feel comfy enough -which takes some time- I straight up glue myself xD
As for hobbies I like to write,read and to cook exotic foods. I obviously watch anime quite often too D: I generally like trying different hobbies -anything- just to drop it a couple of months in. I very sadly do this when it comes to my romantic relationships too and I feel like I might be an aromantic but the idea of dating with an aot guy is quite charming xD Thank you so much already and I hope this is enough because I feel like I've revealed too much D:
I’ll keep it real; it’s been a long ass time since I’ve touched aot. I think last time I watched it genuinely was 2019. I’m trying my best with these aot requests but I might take them down temporarily, rewatch the show, then put them back up idk.
That being said, you sound like an epic person girl, keep doing you. 👍
PS, I get what you mean with relationships. It’s really hard to date people in the real word- especially when there’s perfect anime dudes who’d be willing (in ones imagination at least) to date you. I struggle with that myself, but know there will be that special person eventually. Nobodies perfect, and don’t keep your standards too high; and eventually you’ll find the one. 🖤🦇
warnings: discussion/depictions of PTSD, Anxiety, and DID.
your Attack on Titan matchup is.. Reiner Braun !!
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• I think Reiner would be a good match for you.
• He enjoys your energy. Often times it gets him out of a funk he’s in. Not to mention he’d always give you a cute little pat on the head as thanks for cheering him up.
• He also appreciates the times where you can be really chill. He needs those moments of relaxation sometimes. Hell, you’ve seen what he’s been through.
• Though out of everything, he appreciates your patience. He suffers through some PTSD and DID as far as I’m concerned, so as long as you’re patient with him he’ll be patient with you.
• I believe he’d enjoy someone who’s independent, as he often does things his own way, and would rather not get an ear full from someone who’s a heckler for the rules. Much so, he lets you do your own thing as well as long as it’s not detrimental and hurts you.
• He gets remarks of being cold and uncaring as well, but really the two of you are just either really chill or focused on something that you don’t even notice you have a resting bitch face.
• He thinks it’s adorable when you try to make him feel better. He often goes through identity crisis, so to have someone bring him back down to Earth is nice.
• Quality time is a bit dicey for him, obviously because of his job. If you’re Military Police with him it might not be as much of an issue. Though physical touch happens as much as it can, as Reiner can be very possessive and handsy.
• You’re hobbies always interest him. He’s the type to go through hobbies one month to another like you, but when he sees a hobby you actually stick to he tries to encourage it more and more.
• Also, he’ll fulfill any romantic needs your heart desires, promise~.
• Your runner ups are Erin and Connie!
• Reiner will always have your back, and hopefully you’ll have his?
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cyrsed · 2 years
i’ve been thinking a lot recently about how the internet has affected how people relate to each other... like idk if this is an american thing specifically, but y’know how people will be like “you don’t talk about politics or religion in polite conversation”. i’m Pretty Sure it’s an american thing to not want to talk about politics but anyway i feel like that probably contributed to how incapable people (esp americans obvs, of which there are a lot) are of discussing things in a reasonable way. like it used to be that here a lot of the time people just didn’t talk about politics, and suddenly you have social media that allows people to say things that they might not otherwise have ever said out loud, but you’ve never learned how to take criticism well, or how to not take disagreement personally, or how to avoid identifying yourself with a concept to the point that a criticism of the concept feels like a criticism of your very Being.
like, before internet use grew widespread and older people started using social media, so many people could probably go their whole lives without being significantly challenged on the views they’ve been taught, so they probably never learned how to gracefully respond to their beliefs being challenged, so of course instead they respond defensively (often bc they over-identify with their beliefs, so questioning, say, the ethics of assigning legal sex at birth becomes a question of their worth as a person, bc they’ve literally never had to defend, explain, or think about their political positions), and it’s easier to dig your heels in and protect your sense of identity than it is to ask yourself “what would it mean if this was true?” “what would it mean for my world view/values if this was true?”. like, even if you end up disagreeing with whatever it is that’s challenging, being able to engage with it at all is a skill that so many people are just not taught whatsoever (myself included).
like, you get so many people who never would have interacted with one another, or would never have had an outlet to say the kinds of things that social media allows people to say and talk about (not just negative things/political things either, just in general), and you can be at least partially anonymous, or have, at least, some degree of barrier between your physical self and the people you interact with online, and then you toss in algorithms, and social media platforms like twitter that are genuinely antithetical to nuanced discussion bc of the character limit, general social norms discouraging long threads and especially long thread replies to other people, and an algorithm that has “learned” that the things that generate the most engagement are things that make people angry or upset, and you’ve created the conditions to not just not allow people to learn how to engage with other ideas in good faith, but you’re actively galvanizing them against change.
like, i just keep thinking about it lately, and how it created a whole new mode of social interaction that, in a society that actually cared to teach people about conflict resolution, critical thinking, engaging in good faith discussion, changing your mind (bc we place so much value societally on remaining the same, while changing our mind/going through phases/literally just Changing are viewed as signs of weakness, immorality, immaturity, lack of sincerity, etc.), might have avoided the types of extremism and general shittiness that we see today. like who could have predicted how the internet would shape our culture and psyches the way it has?
idk i have a lot of thoughts about this, but it’s hard to put it all into words... tl;dr: i keep thinking about how the internet has both changed how we relate to one another, And it’s revealed societal issues that already existed, but were swept under the rug, like the abject failure of american(/western?) society to give people the life skills to engage with and resolve conflict, think critically, to let go of beliefs that no longer serve us and integrate new information into our world views/belief systems without letting our ego/pride get in the way, etc.
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bisluthq · 9 days
all the talk about taylor's face has been soooo triggering to me, not in a parasocial way, but in like a ....society sucks way. i just could not imagine being famous and having every little inch of your face microanalysed, picked apart and nitpicked constantly. it's just so depressing to see how much value is placed on a woman's appearance and it makes me so depressed and anxious about like...the future of all young girls. like you don't get work done - you're ragged on, you do - you're ragged on. and then you have men who can turn 70, wrinkly, with grey hair and are praised for their looks and are still considered to be like incredibly sexy lol, but women are taught to fear ageing even in the slightest. i mean that travisandtaylor sub obviously isn't representative of ... normal thinking but it's absolutely bonkers the way they've been talking about taylor's appearance lately but i even have some swiftie mutuals on twitter who have been scrutinising pictures all week and are like 'taylor ruined her face :(' idk it's just...depressing to see how we as a society talk about women and their appearance. and this isn't directed at you nat at all btw bc i agree it's important we talk about and like acknowledge that celebrities aren't achieving things naturally, it's just thoughts.
no I know lol. Women are supposed to get stuff done but never look like they’ve had anything done ever. Fwiw, though, a lot of men also are under pressure. Not as intense but like I’ve said I know a lot of women who get Botox and filler and I know a lot of men who get Botox and hair transplants. It’s not that they’re under no pressure at all. However, their appearances aren’t scrutinized to the same degree imo and what they get done is often more subtle so harder to tell (so they don’t completely go wrinkle free for instance but make the lines less deep). But it’s also why I’d like to talk about it because to me it’s just so weird how people discuss this like some kind of moral failing (and don’t have that same energy for talking about hair dye which is GENUINELY to me kind of the same thing but obviously cheaper lol because it’s altering your appearance temporarily?) yk? And yes the alternative is getting criticized for looking “old” and like… so what do you want people to do? Die when they hit 33?
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1, 10, 16, 21 for the "choose violence" asks. Whatever fandom fits these questions, choose violence.
Thanks! I think I'm going to answer this for Star Wars, just because... idk, I've been talking about X-Men a lot tonight and want to switch it up, and there's plenty to talk about here XD
Choose Violence Ask Game
the character everyone gets wrong
So many. That's the curse of a big fandom... so many beloved characters, and so many people that don't quite understand them, which leads to conflicting opinions and inaccuracies... it's hard to choose just one character.
But for the sake of choosing one... Hux. Yes, I know I'm biased because I actually do find him to be an interesting character with a lot of potential, and biased because liking him has led to me seeing more of his fanon characterization than other characters (I'm not deep into any fandom really, I tend to keep to my own for the most part, so I'm really just going off of fanfics I've read), but I think it is genuinely worth talking about.
I think canon gave us some interesting threads for him, and even more once you look into his backstory from the books, but I think a lot of that just goes fairly unacknowledged when it comes to fanon. I've seen him mischaracterized a thousand different ways, but a lot of it just boils down to taking his character at face value and not even glancing at that backstory or potential character evolution. I think there are a lot of paths you could take his character that would still result in a consistent, accurate, and satisfying arc for him, but we need to see that arc happen or it just reads as OOC.
That's how I feel about a lot of characters, really - there's a lot more sway in how you can conceivably write them than people think, but if you just drop us in the middle of that arc with no context, it's just going to come across as annoyingly inaccurate. I think that's why one of the most common comments I get on my Star Wars fic is "I didn't like Hux before I read this but now I'm hooked" (or variations on that) - I guarantee you I don't have The Most Accurate depiction of him out there, and there are absolutely liberties I took, but I took the time to actually boil the frog and showcase that character development so it doesn't just come off as flagrantly OOC.
10. worst part of fanon
This is an annoyance I have with fanon culture as a whole, but it's particularly powerful with Star Wars: don't go out of your way to shit on what other people love.
Has Star Wars had a few misses? Oh, absolutely. Are there people that will still unironically love those things you consider misses? Absolutely. It's just statistics - just about any piece of media out there has to be someone's favorite, and it's very rare to find an exception.
So if you don't like a particular movie, show, character, plotline, ship, whatever, that's totally fine. But if you see someone expressing their enjoyment of that same thing, for one reason or another? Just scroll past.
(and yes, you could raise the question of "but what if it's ~problematic~?", but I think that's its own discussion. at best, even if there is a genuine flaw with the media, chances are good that they already know and you coming onto their post to point it out isn't going to sway their opinion. block and move on. and at worse, you're getting your personal gripes and opinions twisted up with morality and there's really nothing "wrong" with the media itself, and then you're just an asshole dunking on what someone loves. block and move on.)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Reylo. Next question.
Ok but actually- yeah, I'm gonna give a little more context for this one. I don't hate the ship, and like I said above, I'm not going to dunk on people that like it, I just don't get it. To each their own, but at the same time... there's a lot more potential ships that had a lot more canon chemistry and setup, I don't see why so many people ended up going feral for that one in particular.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
This is a bit of an unpopular opinion, but... the original movies, actually. They're fantastic films, don't get me wrong, and I do love them, but I see a lot of other hate for pretty much every other branch of the fandom (sequels, prequels, shows, books, etc.) and I think it's partially because people have hyped up the originals so much in their minds that nothing can ever reach them. For the most part, those other projects aren't bad, they just don't match the incredible level of hype that the originals have.
Idk, I think it's just like... the originals deserve a lot of appreciation, but they get so much appreciation that it leads to hate on other projects that don't deserve it.
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i have this problem where i genuinely think discussing ‘real’ cases is a good way to explore and better understand our world, but also, the culture around True Crime is so fucking gross I can’t stand most of the content it creates
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hunxi-guilai · 3 years
howdy!!! i love your metas makes me feel like im in a grad level mdzs seminar lol, idk if this question is too political or you dont feel comfortable discussing it, but how do you feel about that boy band that spawned off of cql, the untamed boys? its a little funny and good for the actors but it feels super soft-powerey, esp since its to share chinese culture? not a bad thing but considering chinas role in global politics esp in southeast asia where cql is also rlly popular, feels a bit uncomfy
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some days I wonder how I got here, truly, but sure, I'll take a stab
first the caveats: I know maybe like, three things about 陈青少年 / The Untamed Boys, and it's like... 1) their names, 2) the fact that their acronym is TUBS, and 3) they're made of like, pure chaos? so, uh, next to nothing
I also know very, very little about reception of Chinese culture in SE Asia, though I am absolutely confident that it's an absolute mess of historical legacy, diaspora, race relations, and hegemonic neoimperialism, and I would never, on any level, deny that decolonial work (and a lot of it) needs to be done in East/SE Asia, nor do I condone or support pretty much anything the current regime in the PRC does
but let's start with a buzzword you dropped, anon: soft power. If we take its definition straight from Wikipedia, we get:
In politics (and particularly in international politics), soft power is the ability to attract and co-opt, rather than coerce (contrast hard power). In other words, soft power involves shaping the preferences of others through appeal and attraction. A defining feature of soft power is that it is non-coercive; the currency of soft power includes culture, political values, and foreign policies.
I think what bothers me most about the concept of soft power is that it leaves no room for non-political consumption of international media. The definition of soft power functionally co-opts genuine cultural exchange made with open eyes and open hearts into political conspiracy, such that reading culture and international content exchange through the lens of soft power makes literally any "attractive" part of another country's culture 'soft power' by definition (which is, incidentally, why France consistently ranks very high on soft power rankings).
So if I read an article about alternative penal models in Nordic prisons and think "oh huh that's neat," that's Scandinavian soft power at play. If YouTube recommends a song in Japanese to me and I bop along, I'm being acted upon by Japanese soft power. If I spend yet another evening in contemplation of Zbigniew Herbert's "Elegy of Fortinbras," well heck, I've fallen prey to both Polish soft power AND English soft power because it's a poem translated from Polish responding to a Shakespeare play
for the record, I acknowledge that 'soft power' in its original, academic valence is intended to be descriptive rather than normative, and that it is a useful framework through which to understand and analyze the various forms of power and influence in a globalized world of unequal power dynamics. that being said, 'soft power' in the social, colloquial sphere has taken on a negative connotation, and a particularly insidious one at that, evocative of propaganda and state-sanctioned brainwashing and international conspiracy
and so the political theory of soft power comes all the way into my home to implicate me and my media consumption, to insinuate that I, by watching, reading, and enjoying Chinese media, have succumbed to the force of Chinese soft power, which brings me to the second thing that bothers me most about the concept of soft power, which is that it strips away agency from the individual consumer
look. I can watch Chinese television shows and read Chinese novels and listen to Chinese audiodramas without being brainwashed. I have the agency, and awareness, and the critical thinking ability to enjoy a zany show about a plucky young necromancer making terrible decisions in vaguely historical ancient China without becoming a spokesperson for the current authoritarian regime in the PRC. In the end, it comes down to avoiding the equating of ‘consumption of Chinese culture’ with ‘support of the PRC’s political regime’. R.F. Kuang puts it particularly well in an interview:
“…Generally, I think people are pretty bad at unpacking the difference between regime and ethnicity. People are also pretty bad at recognizing that it’s indeed possible to celebrate the history, heritage, and culture of a nation while simultaneously recognizing all the fucked-up things it’s done... What you’re describing is essentialist, reductive logic – the equating of nation with the histories, cultures, counter-histories, and counter-cultures within it – so I think the answer to your question starts with recognizing that every polity involves a multiplicity of personal experiences.”
so like. does enjoying and supporting the merry trainwreck of TUBS make you automatically complicit in the political agenda of the CCP? of course not. but can we deny that the CCP, on some level, is leveraging the influence of TUBS (and CQL) in a way that increases Chinese soft power? also no--I can’t deny that, that’s literally how soft power works. but again, following that logic, we can’t consume any international media without extending another nation’s soft power, because appreciating another country’s culture, finding parts of that culture attractive, are inherently ways in which that country’s soft power increases
and the third reason why I am Really Over the concept of soft power is that it leaves absolutely no room for diasporic culture to exist. soft power views the various nations and cultures of the world as distinct, discrete entities, with definable and concrete areas of influence that expand and contract based on shifting patterns of cultural consumption
so where does that put me, as someone who exists in the space between cultures, whose very appearance and linguistic ability questions the integrity of borders? does the fact that I majored in ancient Chinese literature in college and write about it on the internet make me an agent of Chinese soft power? does me getting in a lively discussion about American politics with a stranger in a Shanghai coffeeshop make me an agent of American soft power? where is the Chinese diasporic identity allowed to exist, if we are constantly construed as instruments of one global power or another rather than complex individuals who move through transnational spaces?
I feel like hot takes that argue that that the act of consuming cdramas/cmedias is problematique because the CCP Exists and Is Like That are 1) Sinophobic, and 2) honestly not very well thought through, because first of all, the idea that consuming a television show is directly enabling an authoritarian regime in power is absurd, and second of all, it ignores the reality that the people who suffer most from an authoritarian regime are the ones who live under it
if you take CQL and its satellite products as a stand-in for the CCP, you are ignoring the efforts, work, and risks everyone who worked on this show took to make it happen. CQL happened in defiance of the regime, not because of it or for it. Let’s not forget state censorship and homophobia. Let’s not forget the very real dangers danmei authors face.
and like, if we want to (very legitimately!) criticize and call out the problems of the CCP, I think we should do so, but choosing TUBS as your platform/hill to die on seems to be missing the mark somewhat, and truly, there’s no need to take it out on six young men who are trying to make it as idols and working artists in a cutthroat industry
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doberbutts · 3 years
So, hey! I recently came across your posts about AAVE and I wanted to maybe offer a bit of a different perspective on the topic than the other asks you got.
For some context I'm a non-black non-native English speaker from a "second world" country, wherein knowing good English is considered almost a prerequisite to getting a well-paying job. Despite this, English education here is barely adequate at best. So, I personally learn(ed) English mostly from family and media (translated Ghibli movies in particular, both dubs and subs) at first, and then later the internet.
The number of times I've come across a new word, phrase, etc. and then been given a usually meme-y meaning for it that I took at face value (because why wouldn't I? They're a native speaker and I'm not and surely they know what they're talking about!), only to find out weeks, months, sometimes years later that it was 1) AAVE and 2) *butchered* AAVE... is genuinely ridiculous. Who knows, maybe I'm still ignorantly using incorrect language that I learned off the internet and haven't had the chance to educate myself on yet.
All of this to say, if I feel frustrated by the rampant, unabashed bastardisation of AAVE as an actual outsider I cannot imagine how speakers of it must feel. As hollow as the words might ring, I'm sorry the world is like this.
I realise my ask strays a bit from the original discussion, but I've wanted to share my thoughts on this subject with someone knowledgeable for awhile, and hopefully I've managed to convey them respectfully and comprehensively. Thank you for all previous posts you wrote also, they were very well-written and thought-provoking!
P.S. Congratulations on your new job, as well! Best of luck to you! <3
I have a couple friends like you- Syria, India, Sri Lanka, Slovenia as well as a few from Japan, and I really don't understand the difference between first/second/third-world and never really have so idk where those fall in that ranking system- and they've all said pretty similar. They learned English partially through their countries' schooling but largely through interacting with Brits/Americans online or through British/American media.
Almost all of them have reported the same- they had no idea certain phrases or words were AAVE and usually extremely butchered, out of context, or totally misrepresented AAVE until well after the meme has passed and now everyone thinks those words/phrases are stupid or "critically online". Nevermind that black people have been speaking like that for longer than white people have bothered acknowledging its existence.
It's especially bad right now on TikTok and was getting to that point on Vine. The difference with Vine was that a lot of black creatives were going viral and so it was seen as the natural course that AAVE usage would be more widespread as people emulated what they heard on these viral videos. However- and to my understanding this problem has only worsened with the death of Vine and the popularity of TikTok- what started happening was that white creatives were in some cases literally stealing content from black creatives and becoming more popular based on things black people invented. We have this discussion with black fashion and black dances, but I've been watching it play out with AAVE too. Now we have entire subcultures using a bastardization of a language that was never supposed to be coming from their mouths, getting praised for it online but chided for it offline, and in a few weeks or months or years when they move on to the next new fad they'll say "wow remember when we all said [butchered AAVE] hahahaha only stupid people talk like that".
I already have seen it happen with "bae", where any time I bring up that it's just AAVE and means "baby" and is a term of endearment some white person always has to go "but it means this in a different language" or "but it sounds stupid" or "um actually it stands for this acronym" or "yeah but only stupid tween girls say it". Now people are starting to do the same thing with "simp", "sheesh", "thicc", "on fleek", "bet"... these are all AAVE words. They are not Gen Z Slang and they're not TikTok slang and they're not just what Kids These Days like to say. They are words that have meaning in a dialect far older than current meme culture and yet like clockwork people who once had nothing but these words in their mouths are now saying the "trend" is stupid and that anyone who talks like that is stupid.
Big sigh.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
VEEY GENUINE QUESTION FROM AN ELRIEL SHIPPER VERY GENUINE. So I honestly don't see how Elain has ever acted or said anything that suggested she was romantically interested in Lucien, at least not right now? I guess I just don't really see why people ship them other than the fact that they're mates. Is that the only reason, combined with the fact that (with which I agree) Azriel doesn't seem to be in a place where he can enter a serious relationship? I used to be very neutral with these ships, but every time I reread the books, I just didn't see any real connection/potential between Lucien and Elain, but I have seen things that make me believe there is potential for an elriel relationship. Please let me know what people are seeing/what I'm missing! Just want a rational discussion without stupid insults and whatnot. you know, the thing half the fandom is incapable of :)
Hi!!! I hope I can help because I have lots of thoughts, but anyone else can feel free to jump on!
So you’re right that Elain hasn’t expressed interest in Lucien. This makes sense to me because why would sjm want to write a romance where the beginnings happen off page? Especially if she knew she was going to write Elain’s story eventually? 
It also makes sense that Elain would have reservations about a mating bond, much like Feyre and Nesta did. The whole Elain not having feelings right now thing doesn’t trouble me. It’s been stated a few times that Lucien does, but that also makes sense because he knows more about her than she does about him because of having spent time with her father. (At least, theoretically, idk what the bond could have helped them glean about one another.)
I ship it because they complement each other in terms of their personalities and their interests, so I see a lot of potential for the kind of couple they could be in terms of just who they are.
Diplomacy: Lucien is good at keeping political alliances together. Elain is good at keeping the peace amongst families (less so with Nesta atm, but that’s generally been her “thing��). Let’s say they end up High Lord and Lady, they could divide and conquer any tough situation.
They both are missing a “home”  
Elain has had to go from mansion to shack to mansion to the Night Court, always trying to make the best of wherever she is. 
Lucien was kicked out of Autumn, isn’t comfortable in Spring or Night, so he made his own home with the Band of Exiles but since that’s like a roommate “just moved out of the parents’ house” situation you know it’s not for good.
They are both optimistic. They look for the good in any situation and are generally quite resilient. I think they would admire that in each other, given that they’ve seen so many people around them fall apart.
Lucien has had to watch Tamlin fall apart. Elain has had to watch Nesta fall apart. They know what it’s like to love someone and not be able to help them, and know where to draw those boundaries between helping someone and being a crutch or enabling them.
They’ve both loved and lost, meaning that they understand the importance of finding someone committed. (Graysen and Jesminda)
They’ve also watched someone be taken from them before their time (Elain and her father, Jesminda again). They can empathize with one another.
Elain needs someone who will let her be who she wants to be, but won’t let her become complacent. Right now, she’s smiling and saying everything is fine, but it’s really Not Fine. She needs someone who will challenge, OR will let her challenge herself. 
Think back to ACOTAR Lucien, not current Lucien, and the way that he treated Feyre. He was sassy and sometimes rude but he never treated Feyre like a fragile human. When they ended up UtM he and Rhys were the only people to help Feyre. 
So that connects to my previous point that right now, Elain needs more people to tell her “oh, fuck you”. She needs people to look beyond her nice little housewife-y smiles and to ask what she wants and who she is. 
Lucien met Graysen and left him alone, for Elain’s sake. I can’t imagine the restraint that took, given the mating bond.
Lucien needs someone who will prioritize his needs, rather than what he can do for them. Right now, pretty much everyone around him values his political connections but little else. As much as people (characters, I mean, not us) like Elain for how “nice” she is all the time, they don’t see beyond that either.
The proper Jane Austen style-pining potential has me asdjhajksdhasd
Imagine Elizabeth Bennet, “well I didn’t like him quite so much until I saw his huge.... Day Court”. (Also just saying, but sjm has said she’s been rereading that book constantly.)
The constant longing in Lucien’s face 😭 
Elain just wanting someone to love her for who she is and not their idea of her.
The Archeron mom was a biotch but she raised Elain to be the wife of a lord or someone important. Enter Lucien, her mate and someone important. 
And Elain embraces that life. Gardening is domestic, but it’s also ladylike and useful. She wants something bigger, but that doesn’t mean she has to do a 180-degree turn and go completely outside her comfort zone. 
She was born to run a large household and she could do that while also holding some power as a High Lady, or even mate of a High Lord. Idk enough about her yet to know whether she would want the title or not. 
This is my headcanon but Lucien has learned a lot about the art of the bedroom and will be a great teacher. 
Okay this is a lot and I think there are probably other reasons that I’ve forgotten. And even if that’s not convincing, that’s okay? Honestly it’s not until I sit down to write it all out that I can explain why I do or don’t ship something! It’s just a matter of personal preference, ultimately.
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alectology-archive · 3 years
following up about that post about antis wanting catra to die more, i think they want less death per se and more like,,, accountability by adora due to their 3 year long fight, hence why they view catradora as abusive. it’s really weird honestly because they were enemies and i can’t imagine how adora cutting catra out of her life would make the latter a better person. idk i just hate how wrongly misunderstood their relationship is
I think you mean accountability on catra's part? but you’re right!! sooo many people misunderstand catra & adora’s relationship and I’m not sure how they could get it so wrong. idk there’s so many parts to it indicating how complex it is - how adora cared for catra, how catra was allowed to stay with the horde just because adora liked her, how they consider each other their homes, how they promised each other they’d stay together and couldn’t keep it because shadow weaver messed them up as kids, how catra didn’t really know that the princesses were genuinely Good People and things spiralled when she tried to prove she was capable of being better than being adora. I could go on.
And anyway. we KNOW how packed season 5 already was and in the amount of time that was given I personally think the creators did a good job with their redemption arcs - at least the previous seasons had some filler episodes but s5 generally didn’t feature more than 1 or 2 of those iirc.
Also... by all means glimmer's actions were... nearly as bad as catra's because she knowingly set off a super weapon that was going to kill innocent people - including the ones in the horde (re: the previous episodes literally dealt with the rebellion realising that the horde went hard with the propaganda and cruelty and that adora wasn't an exception but mostly likely one of many. A lot of episodes featuring lonnie and kyle generally deal with their humanity - as did scorpia's episodes which is why we were rooting for them to join the good gang in the first place). Entrapta is equally guilty and complicit too although she tends to get excused just because she works behind the scenes and is generally present for comic relief - working for a fascist empire and supplying it with powerful weapons that enables it to hurt the native people on massive scales is by no means a small matter. But she was also a victim of abuse - the horde manipulated her and preyed on her insecurities of being a bad friend to coerce her into working for them - which is why when she was able to find a sense of kinship with hordak and she clung to it so desperately since it essentially provided her the company she craved without comprising on the research part.
Part of this just has to do with it being a show for kids - the other part has to do with how the princesses and their people choose to focus on rehabilitation and healing rather than imprisonment and abuse - it's why bright moon doesn't have a prison in the first place.
And to be fair! I think adora was right in moving on past catra in season 1, or at least doesn't deserve to be given a hard time about it. She had her own personal beliefs and values to uphold and catra was not willing to change - but it's also important to understand that the situation was so much more complex, like you said. Essentially: Adora could've tried better. Catra could've tried better. But shadow weaver's abuse deeply affected both of them to the point where adora leapt at the first opportunity to sacrifice herself every single time to make up for her years of ignorance and catra's mental health took a down spiral especially after shadow weaver used her to escape prison and gave her the impression that no one in the world truly cared about her. Every time somebody showed her the smallest hint of kindness, catra believed there was some sort of artifice or ulterior motive behind it and responded in kind by being mean - it was her defence mechanism!
Like I know all of this might be a little hard to miss on the first watch but it's pretty blatantly obvious on a rewatch. I don't consider this a meta post at all or my attempt at digging for a deeper meaning in the show - it's there, it's obvious, and the show is MEANT to explore the abuse queer people face at the hands of fascist empires, abusive parental figures, religious institutions, and discuss how they're brought up to believe that their desire is wrong and to unlearn that and realise that they deserve love too. 
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