#we’ve got literal children on the bench
little-red-devil · 26 days
Just saw the starting 11 😔 I just know my ass is getting bullied by 10 year-olds tomorrow!!!
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abubblingcandle · 5 months
🌹🌹 roses for you!
Muchly appriciated. Focus today has been on Ch3 of Where the Hell is the Karma? which I don't really want to share any of because it should be up tomorrow (you know when I said it was nearly done at 3600 words ... it's now 7000 lol), and A Treatment Room Doors Moment because I'm having a kick of inspiration for it. So hears a little bit from Ch5 of ATRDM
“How about this Pheebs? We find Uncle Roy a nice café and get him some ice cream and you tell me all about your season so far while queueing for that Spongebob ride so we don’t have to take your bag with us?” Jamie grinned, bending down to Phoebe’s height to discuss with her. “I can fucking ride the Spongebob ride,” Roy growled. “But wouldn’t it be nicer to have ice cream instead of having to queue with loads of ew, children,” Jamie replied in his best talking to a child voice and Phoebe giggled. “I can fucking ride the Spongebob ride,” Roy repeated, gritting his teeth to try and not lash out at Jamie. Jamie sighed, worrying his lip and staring at the floor. “Mind giving me and your uncle a moment Pheebs. How about you grab that bench for us?” Jamie’s forced smile returned and Phoebe nodded, running to claim a seat before someone else grabbed it. Jamie gave her a little nod before turning to face Roy, smile still plastered on his face. “What the fuck are you doing Roy?” he hissed through clenched teeth. “What the fuck are you doing trying to sideline me?” Roy snapped. “You can barely walk you twat. I know you should be on crutches right now but chose not to start a fight about that. We’ve been on our feet most of the day. Every time you walk up stairs the noise makes me want to vomit. I’m trying to save your leg and also your mood. That queue is fucking long. Just sit down, read a book and eat some ice cream instead of suffering for literally no fucking reason. Fucking idiot,” Jamie ranted. “My knee is fine. I got that damn surgery so that I could do things with Phoebe, so that she wouldn’t have to not do things because of my injuries anymore,” Roy grunted. “Great, well done you for making one sensible choice in the last god knows how long but one, Phoebe isn’t missing out because the hottest footballer in the prem is going to take her on whatever rides she wants and buy her so much sugar because he doesn’t have to witness the consequences. Two, if you fuck up your knee more by being a stubborn little shit then you are just going to miss out on more in the future,” Jamie stated, counting his points on his fingers. Roy had to do the one thing that he hated more than anything else in the world … admit that Jamie had a point.
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“Children are so easy to forget.”
“Yeah, you’ve made that quite clear, Shaw, but we’ve gotta find this particular child before she does any more damage.”
As if to emphasize his point, there was a drawn-out scream, followed by an explosion from somewhere across the park.  
“Relax, Allerdyce.  Not so difficult to locate the little brat, is it?”  Sebastian pointed in the direction of the sound, and Pyro could see faint wisps of smoke billowing up from beyond the souvenir stands and waterslides.  Even without the smoke, Pyro could feel fire prickling at his senses, but he couldn’t grasp hold of it without getting closer.
A crowd of panicked tourists came rushing from the direction of the smoke.  Sebastian strode directly into the mob, and they parted around him like a school of fish darting around a great white.  Pyro followed in his wake, close enough to not get knocked over in the stampede. 
Before long, the flames were visible, engulfing a building that a quickly burning sign labelled “The Snack Shack.”
“Fucking hell,” Pyro muttered.
“What’s wrong, Allerdyce?  You’re a terrorist, you thrive on random chaos and destruction.”
Pyro had quite a few things to say about how it wasn’t just random chaos, it had been carefully targeted and planned, because they had a message to send as Mystique had so often reminded them.  But, more importantly –
“Not when it’s my bloody mess to clean up, I don’t!”  And it did look like a literally bloody mess, judging by the mangled figure groaning in front of the building.
A few feet away, a pink-colored child who looked vaguely reptilian, and vaguely like a porcupine, was sitting on a bench, contentedly eating a funnel cake.
Pyro waved a hand, and the fire immediately sputtered out.  The child’s head snapped up, and her eyes narrowed.
“I’m not going back,” she said.
“Yes, you are,” Sebastian responded.  “By force, if necessary.  Although I’d prefer not to ruin this suit.”
“You should go a size up, Big Man,” the child taunted.  “Or your pants will split.”  Something odd happened to her voice in the second sentence, an echo that bounced around in Pyro’s brain.  But he was quickly distracted by the ripping sound next to him, as the overworked seams in Sebastian’s trousers gave way.  Thank God the man was wearing underwear.  If only it covered more.
“You little shit!”  Sebastian roared.
“Thanks for the laugh, kid, but you know we can’t just leave you here,” Pyro said, walking up to her.  The mutant called Curse scowled up at him, powdered-sugar on her cheeks.
“I just wanted to have some fun.”
“You call that fun?  What’d he do to deserve that?”  Pyro pointed at the groaning man lying in front of the destroyed Snack Shack.  His uniform appeared to be melted into him, and Pyro could see huge red blisters across his back. 
“He wouldn’t give me a funnel cake.”  Curse grabbed an empty soda can from the bench next to her, and tossed it at the wounded man.  He screamed as it bounced off his back, and Curse let out an ugly laugh.
“Enough, kid!”  Pyro snapped, grabbing the funnel cake out of her hands and holding it above her head.  “The guy isn’t dead yet, so we won’t call this a murder, but we’ve got take you back to Krakoa.  You can eat the funnel cake on the boat.” 
“What the hell, Pyro, I thought you were cool!  I thought you were down with the cause!”
“I thought you two were gonna adjust your methods and chill out a little!”  He was starting to regret the admittedly rash decision to give Curse and Nature Girl a ride off Krakoa.  He thought they were good kids with a good cause, saving the sea turtles and all that, just a little over-enthusiastic.    Doug had told them to fight smarter.  Even Pyro himself had given them a little talking to during the ride to the mainland.  He remembered what it was like to be angry, and to let that anger turn into violence.  He thought the kids had listened.
But they’d only gotten worse, so much worse, and now Pyro was tasked with retrieving them.
“I told you on the boat, didn’t I?  You’re not gonna get anywhere just killing people at random.  All those years in the Brotherhood, and we never really made things better for mutants.  The only time I actually made a difference was when I saved a life instead of taking one.  You really think hurting that guy over a funnel cake is gonna help the environment?”
“Yeah, yeah, I remember your little speech,” Curse said, glaring up at him, arms folded.  “If you feel guilty about burning a bunch of people, that’s your problem.  Nature Girl and I are saving the planet, we’re not gonna stop just because you regret what you did.  Now gimme back my funnel cake!”
She lunged for it.  Pyro held it up above his head. 
“Not a chance, kid, you’ll get it back when you surrender.”
“You regret what you did.”  Curse’s voice went funny again, echoing through Pyro’s mind even louder then before. 
You regret what you did.
You regret what you did.
There was another sound, too, the sound of screams, rising above the crackling of flame, screams that were getting shriller, more desperate and agonized.  Pyro could smell smoke, and the stench of burning hair and flesh.  Burning humans smelled so much like pork.
Pyro was vaguely aware that Curse was pulling his arm down, and taking the funnel cake.  He didn’t care anymore.
“Sorry, dude, I had to get my funnel cake back,”  Curse said.  “Maybe you shouldn’t be so lame.”
“I’m sorry,” Pyro muttered, not to Curse, but to the phantoms that coalesced out of the smoke still drifting from the ruins of the Snack Shack.  Most of them were vague and faceless, but there were two he recognized quite clearly – a young Iraqi woman who was a mutant like him, and an elderly scientist.  It had been so easy to kill them.  He hadn’t even hesitated.  For the woman, he’d been downright gleeful about it.  “I’m sorry.”
Pyro realized he was walking towards the groaning burn victim, still sprawled on the ground.  Just a concession stands worker doing a shit job for shit pay, and Curse had scarred him for life, possible killed him.  Why?  Because he hadn’t let her steal merchandise?  Maybe he’d been rude and surly to the strange pink child who’d appeared out of a crowd of yelling kids and impatient parents, and maybe now his life was ruined forever for it.
Pyro dropped to his knees, his vision blurring.  How many had there been?  Police officers and soldiers, it had been easy to convince himself that they deserved what they got, but there had been civilians, too.  Just unlucky bastards in the wrong place at the wrong time while Pyro was throwing his fire around, reveling in the sheer joy of watching things burn.
He could see them.  The charred corpses of the ones he’d killed, the mutilated survivors with scars that would never heal, they were all writhing around in the flames and screaming -  
A hand came down heavy on Pyro’s shoulder, and he startled.  Then, for a moment, he thought he’d fallen into Hell, because Sebastian Shaw was standing above him, stripped down to his boxer shorts, with an unconscious Curse slung over his shoulder, and his jacket folded over one arm.
“For God’s sake, Allerdyce, get ahold of yourself.”  Sebastian shook him slightly, and Pyro realized that there were tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“What?  How did you….why are you naked?”  
“Naked is an exaggeration.  I stripped the pants off because they were ruined.  I took off the rest of it because wearing a shirt, waist-coat and jacket with no pants looks ridiculous.  Out in public, at least.  And I took care of the child while you were having a a breakdown, or whatever this was.  I don’t actually care.” 
Sebastian dumped Curse into Pyro’s lap.  “You carry her, since I did all the work.  We should leave the scene before the authorities arrive.”
“What about…..”  Pyro gestured at the worker.
“Emergency services will no doubt give him all the aid that can be given.  It’s not our concern.  We’re just here for the girl.  Please tell me you’re not becoming a bleeding heart like Ms. Dastoor, Allerdyce, it’ll make you even more unbearable.”
Pyro didn’t answer, just climbed shakily to his feet with Curse limp in his arms, a bruise rapidly forming over one of her eyes.  Sebastian’s take-down had apparently been quick and effective.  The smoke phantoms had faded and he could no longer hear the screams.  He thought he should be angry at her, but the familiar warmth of anger was gone, and in it’s place was just….nothing.  He felt hollow. 
Sebastian was already walking away, and Pyro hurried to follow, trying not to look at the child in his arms.
It would be very easy for Pyro to sidetrack a little, to walk into the wave pool with Curse in his arms, and stay there until she stopped breathing.  Maybe it would be for the best.  She was a monster.
But then again, so was he.
So instead Pyro just carried her back to the boat.
(OOC: Damn, this got dark, didn’t it?  The Iraqi woman Pyro sees in the smoke is Veil, mutant member of Desert Sword, and the scientist is the man that Freedom Force was supposed to rescue.  Pyro killed both of them, the scientist to keep him from falling into enemy hands, and Veil because she was an enemy. It was not Pyro's finest hour.
After losing his pants, Sebastian just hung back to let Pyro handle Curse, planning to approach and take her down while she was distracted doing something horrible to Pyro.  Instead, Curse was completely overwhelmed with laughter at the sight of Sebastian in his boxers, and he was able to punch her out with no problem.)
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pregnant-piggy · 3 years
Jo’s play
March sisters x reader
words: 1.4k
warnings: mention of a fake death
A/N: i would literally to anything to join one of Jo’s plays
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The curtains around the homemade stage were closed, letting very little light in on the side behind the curtains. On the other side sat a dozen or so young girls, silently waiting for the promised spectacle to begin. 
On your side however, it was not quiet as the very last preparations were being made and people were put in their place. The loud thuds of Jo’s boots were almost deafening your ears as she was walking up and down on the ‘stage’. 
‘Amy, go back! They can see you like this! Beth, please don’t forget your lines again. Meg, do not fret about your dress, you look fine. y/n, remember to make your death realistic, I won’t be accepting your lousy attempts from last time!’ 
You rolled your eyes and crept back in the shadows, waiting for your first appearance. Amy was sitting next to you, silently mocking Jo and making you giggle. You loved Jo dearly, but in moments like these she could go a tad crazy. 
Jo and Beth were hiding opposite of you in the shadows and Meg was the only one on the stage when the curtains opened. As soon as the lights hit her, she turned from Meg into Hester, the lonely queen who had lost her husband in the war and had no children to follow him up. Hester sang a melancholy song about her loss and her problem and received a great applause when she finished. 
Then a sweet, little servant walked on stage, telling Hester that a young boy had arrived at the gates. The servant left again, and Hester started pondering about the possibilities this brought her. 
In the background you crept on the stage, Hester’s nephew, Fabian. You were wearing a beard around your chin and a long men's coat that fell over your knees. 
‘If this youngling has no family, I could take him on on my own!’ Hester thought out loud. ‘I could raise him to be the mightiest king this land has ever seen!’ 
Hester left the stage and you walked forward, exclaiming that this strange boy could never become the king, for that was your duty already, and you would do anything to stop him. 
The curtains closed on you and a quick palace was built before act two opened with Jo as the strange boy standing in front of Hester. 
‘Tell me, my boy!’ Hester said, taking the boy’s hand. ‘What is your name?’ 
‘My name is Marvin, Your Majesty! I am but a mere poor child from your capital city, robbed from his family and now seeking a place to stay for the night.’ 
‘Do not worry more, young child! I will give you a place to live,’ Hester spoke and she called the servant to her. ‘Take this boy to his chambers, I will call on him later this night.’ 
The servant took Marvin away from the stage and the queen was left, content with herself and her plans. At that moment, you walked back on stage, with on your hand a lovely young lady, named Katherine, whom you had intended to marry once you were king. The young lady was played by Amy, who adored her part for she could dress up like a ‘real, proper madame’. 
‘Oh, Earl Fabian!’ Hester said as she noticed you and your lady. ‘Just the right person! I need to ask you for a favour, my dear nephew!’ 
Queen Hester asked you to take on the lessons for Marvin, as he had to learn the rules of kingship. After a moment of thought you agreed and walked off, just as the curtains closed again. 
Act three opened in your chambers, where you spoke with your lady about your plan to make her your queen, telling her that you would teach Marvin all the wrong ways. Katherine was delighted and promised to help you wherever she could, before the young boy walked on stage, for his lessons. 
‘Come here, my boy,’ you said and noticed the glitter in Jo’s eyes at the words. ‘I will teach you all you need to know about being a king, for I know what the Queen’s plans are for you.’ 
Then you and Jo performed a song as Fabian and Marvin, the first teaching the second all the things you oughtn’t do as king as though they were the right things. 
‘And that, my child, is how you become a great king!’ 
The next act was a love scene between Katherine and Marvin. The stage had been rebuilt to a rose garden, with real and paper roses, leaves made of papers of Jo’s old books, and Amy’s drawings of flowers. On a bench, that was actually just two chairs with a sheet over them, Katherine sat and Marvin dropped to his knee, confessing he had fallen madly in love with Katherine and could not live without her love. 
Katherine, being so charmed by Marvin, told him of the plan Fabian has for him, and decided that she would marry the man who turned to be king. Marvin was satisfied by that answer and vowed he would do anything to stop Fabian and protect Katherine from his danger. 
The dramatic scene ended in laughter when Marvin, who meant to sit down on the bench, sat right in between the two chairs and fell through the sheet on the ground. You and Meg quickly closed the curtains and helped Jo get up. 
‘Jo, are you alright?’ you asked worried, but Jo jumped right back up and shook the accident off. 
‘Never been better!’ she laughed. ‘Come on, we’ve got a show to put on!’ 
You built the stage to the inside of the palace again, where Marvin was telling the queen about Fabian’s plans. 
‘I knew that man was no good!’ Hester cried out, throwing her arms up in frustration. ‘He has wanted to take my husband’s place on the throne ever since I married. I never should have kept him here!’ 
Then Queen Hester ordered her servant to fetch Fabian, so she could have a word with him. Beth returned with you on the stage and quickly disappeared in a corner. 
‘How can I be of aid, Your Majesty?’ you asked, bowing for the queen. 
‘Do not put up those airs with me, nephew! I know of your plans!’ Hester said, staring down on you. ‘’Fess up!’ 
‘I have nothing to confess, My Queen,’ you lied. ‘I don’t know what you are talking about, I am afraid.’
Hester stepped aside and revealed Katherine holding Marvin’s hand tightly. You stood up and stepped closer to the woman you had once loved. 
‘I knew I should have never trusted you! You wicked,—’ 
Marvin cut you off by pulling his sword on you and stepping in front of Katherine. You took your own sword and so a battle between the two men began. Circling around the stage, you hit and blocked and Marvin blocked and lashed out, while the women on the side gasped and screamed at the right times. 
For a minute you fought with Marvin, until he stabbed you in your chest. Jo stuck her sword under your arm and you held it there as you fell to the ground. In much agony you shouted until you fell dead silent and as you lay on the floor, Marvin bent over you, retrieving his sword from your chest. 
‘Three hoorays for our new king!’ Hester exclaimed and Marvin kissed Katherine happily on her cheek. 
The girls in the audience started to applaud and cheer as you and the sisters gathered on the stage and bowed. In the back of the room Mrs. March and Hannah stood, clapping their hands with proud faces. 
‘Refreshments are downstairs, thank you very much!’ Meg announced and the curtains closed again. 
Darkness filled the stage again and for a second it was silent. 
‘Jo, that was incredible! You all did so good! Meg, your voice is wondrous! Oh, Amy you looked so pretty in the light! Beth, you were amazing! y/n, your death was so dramatic!’ 
It was a mix of little screams of delight and praises all around, everyone hugged the other. You and Jo were jumping with excitement and you flew around her neck, making her fall over, taking you and the curtains along in her fall. 
Meg stood over you and shook her head, but she had a smile on her face. ‘Are you two boys done messing around?’
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taglist: @natashxromanovfreads​​ @tommy-braccoli​​
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The Nanny - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader - PART 2 (smut)
“How long has this been going on?” Elsa asked, the two of you lounging on the couch while the kids were napping.
“I wasn’t aware anything was going on until yesterday” you answered, blushing as you told Hemsworth’s wife about your plans to stay with Tom over the short break.
“Well, if you ask Chris he’ll tell you he’s always known, but I was the first one to call it.” She gave you a smug look.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?!” you threw your arms up. “Would have been nice to know I actually had a chance.”
“You didn’t tell me you fancied him!” Elsa laughed. You both heard India start scooting down the stairs one by one.
“Doesn’t everybody?” you smirked, standing to go grab India. “Half the time I’m certain your husband has a crush on him.”
“Oh, he does.” Elsa laughed, following you up the stairs.
You and Elsa got the kids fed and dressed so she could visit Chris with the kids on set.
“You may as well bring your bag now” she suggested. “You can just go home with him when he’s done filming.”
You took a deep breath, thinking through what you should even pack.
“Are you nervous?” she asked, telling India to put her shoes on.
“I’m…I don’t know. This doesn’t feel real.” You laughed, shaking your head.
“I’ve been watching it happen for over a year, Y/n. It’s real. Now, living with someone makes you privy to certain details about each other that you otherwise wouldn’t know…I don’t snoop, but our laundry has crossed paths a few times…so when I tell you to wear the black lace lingerie, take my advice.” She winked, going to put India’s shoes on the correct feet.
When you all arrived at the set, the guys were in the middle of filming. You and Elsa sat back and watched them work through the choreography of a scene for about 20 minutes before a break was called.
“Do you mind watching the boys while I take India over to Chris?” Elsa asked.
“Not at all” you smiled and waved her off. You were sat on a bench and the twins were sat on the floor at your feet, so they could play with their blocks.
When Chris saw Elsa, his face lit up like a child’s. He ran off of the sound stage to meet her halfway. You spotted Tom looking around the room until he made eye contact with you, smiling and waving. When he passed Elsa and Chris, Elsa pulled him into a hug. It was obvious she was talking about you because she literally pointed while Tom ducked his head like they were teasing him. Tom continued towards you, joining you on the bench by the boys.  
“How is filming going?” you asked, resting your hand on his thigh.
“Today has actually been a lot of fun” he answered, putting his arm around your shoulders. “I am, however, incredibly sore from all of the choreography. We’ve been shooting fight scenes all day and I think every bit of me has been whacked or stepped on at least once.”
You ran your hand up and down his thigh, looking up at him. “You sound like you need a massage.”
“Are you offering, darling?” Tom’s voice sounded a tad husky and his eyes dropped to your lips for a split second.
“Oh, I would love to get my hands on you” you teased before he dipped down to press a slow, lingering kiss to your lips.
“Come on, boys” Elsa called as she walked towards her twins.
Chris teased the two of you. “Really? In front of the children?”
“Be nice” Elsa scolded him.
“Or what?” he laughed, throwing the boys blocks into their bag and picking up Sasha. Elsa turned and gave him a knowing look. Chris nodded and replied, “Yes ma’am.”
“You are officially off duty” Elsa said, picking Tristan up.
You snuggled into Tom’s side a bit and sighed before hearing him say “I’ll take good care of her, I promise.”
When it was time for Tom to head to the make-up trailer to get out of costume, he grabbed your hand and took you with him. When they removed his wig and handed him make-up wipes, you started pulling out the bobby pins and combing your fingers through his hair. Dragging your nails gently over his scalp had him practically purring in your hands. “Better?”
“That feels amazing” he replied, his eyes shut and the make-up wipes forgotten.
“Finish up” you said, kissing his temple and grabbing the dirty make-up wipes from him to throw them in the trash.
“Eager, are we?” he teased, continuing to remove the stage make-up after the make-up artist left the trailer.
You watched him scrub the last bits of Loki away, a soft fond smile on your face. “For you?” He turned to face you. “Let’s just say I’ve probably been thinking about it a lot longer than you have.”
Tom stood up and threw the rest of the dirty face wipes away. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”
“I don’t know, I think everyone fell in love with you in Thor.” You replied.
“It doesn’t count if I hadn’t met you yet.” He laughed, gathering his things.
Picking up your bag, you turned to leave the trailer. “We met like, what? A year later?”
“That Christmas, actually.” Tom answered, following you out of the trailer. “You had already moved in with Chris and Elsa. She was just starting to really show her baby bump.”
“The party.” You said, nodding in agreement. “I remember. I felt like a massive fangirl when Chris introduced us.”
“Far from it” Tom answered, pulling your bag’s strap off your shoulder to carry your bag. “First, you looked incredible. You had on black and burgundy and I’m certain I spent an inappropriate amount of time looking at your ass.”
You laughed, remembering the dress. You felt like Morticia Addams with more cushion for the pushin’.
“Second, you were so confident. Every other person I met that night just wanted to talk about gossip or getting Botox or they’d ask me to do an impersonation. You asked me questions. Meaningful questions. You actually had opinions of your own when I asked about your favorite writers and films and such.”
You could feel yourself falling more and more the longer he went on. “I didn’t know you had such a high opinion of me.” You said, watching Tom put the bags in his car.
“Admittedly, I should have told you sooner.” He replied, coming around the car to open your door for you. When he climbed into the driver’s seat and buckled up, he continued. “But I am absolutely looking forward to making up for lost time” he said, leaning across the console to kiss you.
You stopped and grabbed food to take back to Tom’s. The two of you ate and had a few beers while lounging on his couch. It all felt very…normal? Comfortable. You were snuggled into his chest listening to him talk about how Hemsworth had broken three separate props today when you remembered what he had said about being sore.
When you went to pull away from Tom, he tightened his arm. “Darling, if you’re standing up to clean up the dinner mess, I will personally see to it that I find some way of punishing you during your stay.” You watched Tom lick his lips as he awaited your reply.
“While I know that I would enjoy every second of whatever you consider punishment, I was actually going to tell you to take your clothes off.” You smirked, watching his lips part and his eyes widen.
You stood and grabbed the trash from dinner, swaying your hips as you walked towards the kitchen trash can. “Hey!” Tom laughed, sitting upright on the couch. “Were you just trying to distract me?”
You walked back in the room with a bottle of lotion in your hands. “Why are you still dressed?” you teased him.
“I’d be at a disadvantage if I were the only one undressed” he replied, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get me naked soon enough” you laughed, kneeling by the couch. “Lose the pants and lay down on your stomach.”
“I’m never going to catch up if you keep spoiling me.” Tom stood and unbuttoned his jeans.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you asked, your eyes glued to Tom’s body.
Tom loved that you seemed to get just as distracted by him as he was by you. “Y/n, you’re always the one taking care of everybody. Constantly.” He tossed his jeans to the side, standing in front of your kneeling form.
“Well, isn’t that just the pot calling the kettle black” you said, patting the couch and telling him to lay down. After warming some lotion in your hands, you ran them slowly but firmly up Tom’s back. “Tom, you’re always the first person to help.” Tom moaned, pressing his face into the cushion to quiet the noise. “You are always checking on me or helping with the kids or…”
“Well, I’ve been trying to show you how I feel, but it’s hard when you don’t need anything, and you don’t accept anyone’s help.” Tom interrupted you. “Oh, fuck me” he moaned, turning and laughing into the cushion. You were working on a knot in his muscles near his shoulder and you just got it to loosen up. “It’s really hard to have a serious conversation while you’re eliciting very sexual noises from me.”
“I’m actually enjoying this.” You smirked, starting to work on another knot.
“Well, what I’m trying to say…*moan*…is that I don’t want you feeling like you HAVE to do anything for me…*Oh god, whatever you just did felt amazing*…I want you to feel taken care of too.” Tom’s very heartfelt sentiment was spoken between groans, moans, and swear words.
“Sweetheart, I do things for people because I want to” you said, moving down his back towards his ass. “Just like you do and just like Elsa and Chris do. It’s not a competition. I’m not keeping score.” You were kneading your thumbs into Tom’s hip and thigh muscles.
Tom tried to sneakily adjust his growing issue between himself and the couch, but you saw. With your hands all over him, he was having a hard time not letting his mind wander. “If that’s true then you just have to accept that I want to do things for you too.”
“I think I can allow it.” You started working your way back up his thighs, when he reached back and grabbed one of your hands.
“This feels incredible, but if you keep touching me, I’m just going to get more and more turned on.” He turned to sit on the couch with a throw pillow covering his lap.
“And?” you said, still kneeling by the couch. You ran your hands up Tom’s thighs, your finger teasing at the band of his briefs.
Chucking the pillow to the floor, he leaned forward and pulled you into a rough kiss. “Take your clothes off.”
“Gladly.” You stood, pulling your shirt off and unbuttoning your jeans. Turning around so that Tom got a great view, you bent over and slid your jeans down your legs. When you turned around, you saw Tom palming himself as his eyes took in the black lace bralette and thong.
“Wherever you bought that set…we’re getting more of them.” Tom said, stripping off his last item of clothing before leaning forward and slipping his fingers into the waist of your thong. “You look unbelievably sexy.”
Tom made you feel like a goddess. He dragged your panties down your legs, letting you step out of them. When he leaned back you saw just how endowed Tom was. He saw you lick your lips and smirked.
Leaning back on the couch with his legs spread, Tom patted his thighs and started stroking his manhood. “Come here, gorgeous. That is, if you can handle me.”
While you were slipping out of your bralette, you teased back. “Are you sure you can handle me?”
“Sweetheart, I know that you’re a lot of woman…I know what I’m getting myself into” he said, still admiring your body… “and I am going to lick, touch, or suck every part of you before you leave this apartment.”
Placing your knees on the outside of Tom’s legs, you straddled his lap, letting him pull you into a rough kiss. His hands found their way to your ass, and then your breasts, and then your hips as he pulled you tight against his torso. “There is a condom in that drawer” he pointed to the small table by the couch.
“I’m on birth control…” you said, waiting for his response.
“Then it’s up to you” Tom answered, still wanting you to set that boundary.
You connected your lips in another kiss. “We don’t need it.”
Tom slid his hand between you two and ran the tip of his hardness up and down your dripping slit. “Jesus Christ, Y/n.” Tom brought his wet fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. “Mmm, so sweet. Glad to know I’ve got you as hot and bothered as you have me.”
You dragged your tongue along Tom’s bottom lip, asking permission to deepen the kiss. When his tongue ran over yours you could taste yourself in the kiss.
“I can’t wait anymore. Please.” You said, your hands roaming Tom’s perfect chest.
Tom pushed into you in one smooth motion, digging his fingers into your hips, “Ride me.”
You put your hands on the back of the couch and started moving, feeling him move his hips in rhythm with you. “Oh, fuck” you moaned, throwing your head back.
Tom buried his face in your chest, sucking love marks into the tender skin there. “God, you feel incredible.”
When Tom shifted a bit and hit your G spot, you could have sworn you saw stars. You grabbed his face and begged him to do it again.
Tom looked cocky, absolutely obsessed with making you fall apart. “Like this?” he said, roughly hitting the same spot a few times in a row.
“Tom!” you moaned his name, your fingers finding their way into his hair as you crashed your lips against his.
Tom could feel you clenching around him, your legs starting to shake. “Can you cum for me, baby?” He was ready to burst, himself.
You couldn’t form words. Your hands moved to your breasts, absentmindedly playing with your nipples as your orgasm built.
“You look luscious, y/n.” Tom gripped your hips, holding you in place as he franticly thrusted into you. “I’m gonna…”
Tom’s snap into overdrive tipped you right over the edge. Your bodies glistened with sweat and Tom’s hair was mussed from your idle hands. As you came down from your temporary highs, Tom kept running his hands up and down your sides, kissing your temple and then your shoulder and then your cheek.
When he pulled out of you, you groaned and tucked your face into his neck.
“Don’t worry, my sweet. There’s plenty more where that came from.” Tom held you against his chest, feeling both of your breathing level back out.
When you thought you could actually move again, you sat up and pulled him into a gentle kiss. “Mmm…thank you.” You said against his lips.
“Let’s go get cleaned up, darling.” Tom held your hands as you stood.
“Lead the way.” You smirked, waiting for Tom to walk ahead of you. When he did, you couldn’t help but smack his amazing ass.
“Is that your way of telling me you want to be spanked?” Tom quipped, grabbing a stack of towels and taking them to the bathroom.
You laughed and then stood there thinking about what he had asked. *mmm Tom’s hands* *I mean, he did tell me he would punish me for cleaning up dinner* *Oh god, thinking about him being rough is turning me on all over again*
You were thinking it through when he popped his head back around the corner. “Might I suggest you have your dirty thoughts in the shower so we don’t run out of hot water.”
You shook your head, ending your daydream and looking at the adorable face staring back at you. You walked towards him, going on your tip-toes to give him a quick kiss. “Spanking is a yes.”
Tom laughed, walking with you to the shower. “We should probably try a bit of everything, if I’m being honest. It’s good to try new things.”
Your eyes went wide. “You only have two days off work.”
Tom pulled you to his chest, under the water. “My sweet, we’ve got the rest of our lives.”
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ishallbeyourmuse · 2 years
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Chapter II. -Murders In Hawkins
1986. Hawkins
Nadya or as she went by now, Tessa Montgomery, was free. She worked as a private detective and she was a good one. She and Dr. Owens made sure nobody would find out who she was. He helped her settle in a nice family house, where she had enough space to do whatever she wished. She never had this before. Time to try out new hobbies, to wonder the streets, with music in echoing in her ears. Even though she and the children she got to know been through a lot lately, she finally started to feel lighter than ever.
A lot has haunted her from her time in the laboratory. A long ago she decided to made herself forget the worst parts of it. Sometimes, especially recently, those memories started to float up onto the surface of her mind. She woke up after nightmares, sweating. Sometimes she screamed her lungs out after these.Or during, for that matter. Then she made herself forget again, and again.
Something was digging itself up inside Hawkins. She could feel it in her bones, and sense the smell of the lingering future deaths. They thought it was over, but she soon realized it was far from it, especially when she turned on her television this morning.
It was the headline on every news channel. She sighed to herself, as she turned off the tv and sat down.
She was trying to make a connection with the spiritual world, to get into it. And it soon happened she was floating outside of her body, which remained still, sitting on the floor, with eyes turned white entirely. She was roaming and roaming until she found herself in the Trailer Park. She could sense whatever it was, it wasn’t human that did this. She went directly to the dead body. She looked like a typical high school cheerleader. Sweet and too young to die. But now, her eyes were missing, every bone in her body was broken, and she laid there like a used marionette. She examined the body, carefully in this form, because she couldn’t touch anything like this. She was transparent literally. Nadya couldn’t recognize the aura around her. She didn’t know how this could’ve happened. They closed the doors to the Upside Down, so nothing could came out of it. But everything about this reminded her of something from her past. She wasn’t sure how to connect the dots. At least not yet.But she was sure others will follow this girl on her path.
Suddenly she felt something, like it was throwing her away from there, she found herself back in her body, at her home. ‘What the hell?’- she thought to herself. She couldn’t catch on, no matter how hard she tried.It looked like she had to go and see this, in person.
They let her in easily, in the hopes that she’ll know more than them
-Nancy, the hell are you doing in here?- she nearly hissed at the younger girl. She saw her partner, he looked a bit too fragile to see something like this, to be on a scene like this. -I’m gathering in formation, just like you- she answered boldly, eyeing Nadya.
-Nancy, you really shouldn’t be in here. It might be dangerous for you two.
-Why? Eddie Munson will come back and kill us in front of the cops?- she bit back a groan.
-You know exactly that, this, wasn’t his doing.What did it… well I’m not even sure of it myself yet.
-Than let us help, we’ve already tried to talk to everyone in here, but after the other reporters, they aren’t really in the mood for some chit-chatting- she answered, sounding annoyed about her situation. Nadya looked around, caught sight of a man sitting on a bench, lighting his cigarette. He must have been Munson’s uncle. -Maybe you just haven’t found the right person- she mumbled out, as she started to walk towards the man. She heard Nancy ordering to boy to stay where he was, she let out a light chuckle at that.
-Good afternoon, sir- she started politely- I am private investigator Montgomery and this is…
-Nancy Wheeler, her partner - Nancy cut in quickly. Nadya found it amusing how lightly she lied.
-I already talked to enough cops - the man’s voice was rough,it truly felt like he wasn’t in the mood for talking. - You two are no different from them. You all trying to blame Eddie for this. But this… this wasn’t Eddie. I found the body, I would know for sure if this was my nephew’s doing.
-Then sir, with all due respect - Nadya started- We’d like to hear your theory on who might that been. It could help us get some new suspects in, so the spotlight would be out of your nephew.
-You two might be too young to remember this story - he coughed a bit.-But not too long ago Victor Creel killed his whole family, just like this poor girl was killed.He must’ve escaped from the Asylum he was put in or something….- but Nadya's mind was already far away from there. She heard talking explaining how this happened, then it slippered and she could only see blood on the walls of Hawkins Lab. She heard screaming and crying from afar. Nadya started going forward to finally see what was happening. But there was so much death and blood she couldn’t take it. She felt every death on a different level, like their souls were crying for her to help them, but it was too much. The sight of them… they looked the same as this cheerleader did. She got out of this image when Nancy grabbed her hands. -Tess, I can’t find him, he isn’t there - Nadya was just staring at first, but she swiftly collected herself to concentrate on an answer. -Who isn’t there?- she asked, her palms were sweaty from her earlier vision.
-Fred, he isn’t here, you know my partner - she was blabbering at this point, she seemed so nervous. - Can we check it out, please? -Of course - They literally ran around the whole Park but they couldn’t find him, Nadya couldn’t feel his presence anywhere. This scared the hell out of her. She could feel both the dead and living, but this boy was out of her reach. -Officer- Nancy stalked towards a policeman. - We can’t find my friend anywhere.
-You guys should’ve gone home by now- he scolded her in rushed tone. -Where have you looked for him?
-Everywhere, really- Nadya answered instead of Nancy- He is nowhere to be found.- when she cut in he started to take it more serious and took out his police radio.
-There’s a missing kid at the Forest Hills Trailer Park, I need back up, quickly - he said, then turned to Nancy - You go home now.- Then to Nadya - Detective, we’d like to require your help, for a bit longer, if you don’t mind. Nadya didn’t mind it at all, in fact quite the opposite. She wanted to figure who does all these shitty killings, it made her annoyed, not to know a single thing.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
The Last Five Years-Fred Weasley x Reader
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(GIF credit to @hp-wizardingtrash-1​)
(I combined two requests which were very similar)
Both Requested by anonymous: ‘Hey! Can you do a Fred Weasley imagine where him and the reader dated in their last year but Fred broke up with her cause he was leaving and he didn’t want to hurt her. But the reader was pregnant so she leaves right after. So no one knows what happened to her. After the war maybe like 5 years later (Fred lives), something happens maybe the kid needs blood from both parents because he’s sick and they need that for surgery, so the reader goes to Fred begging for blood and Fred learns the truth.’
‘Hey! Can I request a Fred Weasley imagine where the reader was pregnant (back when they in school) but Fred dumps her when he’s leaving to start the shop. (But he still loves her) and the reader has twins, a boy and a girl, who are just like him and George. After the war (Fred lives) something happens where he finds out, (up to you). And both Fred and the reader still love each other. Happy cute family ending.‘
Characters: Fred Weasley x Reader, Molly Weasley x Reader (platonic), Arthur Weasley x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/S/N)=Your son’s name
(Y/D/N)=Your daughter’s name
Warnings: Teenage pregnancy, talk about abortions, abandonment, single parenting, separated families, mention of blood, sickness, child sickness, mention of hospitals/blood, fluff
Leaning against a stone pillar, I looked out at the view of the lake and the grounds, crossing my arms across my chest to make myself feel warmer. I resisted touching my stomach, still terrified at the thought of life growing in there. I was only seventeen, I hadn't even finished my studying at Hogwarts and this was happening. This wasn't something Fred and I could joke about, or laugh at to make the situation a little better, this was serious, and I couldn't tell how my boyfriend would react.
Feeling a tap on my shoulder, my head whipped round to look, but no one was there. As my head turned to the other side, Fred towered over me, chuckling to himself. But I couldn't bring myself to even smile, instead rolling my eyes at him.
"Hey, what's wrong? I'm sorry I'm late, George and I were speaking, I've got so much to tell you!" he rambled, not taking offence to my action.
"Something...Fred, I...I don't know what to do!" I suddenly started sobbing, which panicked my boyfriend.
He instantly put his arms around me, holding me tight into his chest. At first he let me cry, probably thinking I was stressed about exams (I definitely was on top of everything) before pushing me away and bending down to look me in the eyes.
"Hey, let's sit down yeah?" he guided me to a bench close by, keeping his arms around me as we took a seat.
I couldn't stop my tears, trying to keep quiet in case anyone heard, or before any professors could intervene.
"Here, let me tell you what George and I have been discussing. It'll take your mind off this for a bit, yeah? OK, so, you know how George and I have always said about owning a joke shop, well, something has come through. And after all this stuff going on with Umbridge, we've decided to leave-"
"I'm pregnant." I blurted out.
Unsurprisingly, his eyes widened, mouth dropping open, I could feel his body tense up. Staring up at him, I silently pleaded for him to say something.
"Fred?" I mumbled.
"(Y/N), please say you're joking."
"This isn't a fucking prank Fred!" I exclaimed, shoving him away from me."I’m serious!"
"W-what...I don't know what to say."
I stood up, not able to sit still."Fred, we're having a baby. What are we going to do? We've still got exams, and then graduation, not to mention having to tell our parents and-"
"(Y/N), I'm not doing my exams."
"What do you mean you're not doing your exams? Fred, it's literally coming to the end of our studies, why would you throw that away?"
"Because I have a plan, I was just about to tell you! George and I are leaving early and we're getting a shop in Diagon Alley."
"Are you crazy?! Fred, what if it doesn't work? You won't have any exam results, you won't be able to apply for jobs-"
"Well thanks for believing in me, that's great to hear from your girlfriend!" he leapt up from the bench.
"You know I support you through everything, but I'm thinking about our futures! If we have a baby on the way, we need to be able to support it."
"We haven't planned for this! This...this wasn't what I envisioned for us, not now!"
"Oh, and you think I did?"
"Well, what are you going to do?"
"What am I going to do? No, it should be what are we going to do? How dare you?! What, are you just going to leave me as well as Hogwarts?"
When he didn't reply, I scoffed, but it wasn't in an angry way, it was more upsetting than that. My mind went into overdrive, not recognising the man in front of me. I had expected shock, of course I had, but what I wasn't expecting was this rudeness, the bluntness coming from him.
"Fred," I was quieter now,"what are you saying right now?"
"You want to keep it?"
"I...I don't really know yet."
"So we're arguing about something that might not even effect us!"
"Even if we got rid of it, it wouldn't be a matter of 'let's just forget about it'. Do you know how hard that is for a woman? And the father?"
He hastily grabbed my hands."Then leave with me! We've always talked about living together after we finish school. What difference does this make?"
"I want to do my exams Fred! Even if I didn't, my parents wouldn't allow it. And that was easier to plan for back then. It would just be us. We could have a small space anywhere. But with a baby? We need somewhere safe, somewhere that is a good place to raise them, and we also need to feed three people, buy nappies, clothes constantly because babies grow a lot-"
"I can't do it." he interrupted.
"Fred, please, I love you. I know we can figure something out-"
"No, I...we're too young, this isn't fair." his eyes were distant, as if he was staring straight through me. 
"What you're saying isn't fair! I couldn't have done this by myself."
"I just...I don't know what else to say I..." 
He said no more as he rushed away from me, and I was too stunned to go after him. As he picked up the pace, he passed Mcgonagall, who glanced between us before she approached me. "I think we should have a word Madam Pomfrey, shouldn't we Miss (Y/L/N)?"
"Mummy!" (Y/S/N) yelled out, just like he did every day.
I sighed as I brought out the kids breakfast, setting it in front of them."Don't worry, you're not going to starve. Here you go darling."
"Thanks." he mumbled, picking up his spoon and eating. He was always more awake in the morning compared to his sister.
"Thank you mummy." (Y/D/N) quietly said, also digging into her food.
I smiled at them both, quietly laughing at their wild hair from their sleep, before grabbing myself a bowl of cereal. Quickly returning, I sat down with them, my smile faltering as I looked at (Y/D/N) pale face.
"Do we have to go hospital today?" she asked. She hated how many times we had to go, the appointments were becoming more and more regular.
I nodded."Yes darling. But (Y/S/N) is coming today, because he's not at school for a while! You can play together whilst we wait for the doctor."
"I'll play with you (Y/D/N)." her brother kindly said.
"I don't want to go." (Y/D/N) frowned.
"We have to. Remember, they're helping you get better." 
"I want to play at home." 
"I promise it won't be very long. We've got our trip soon, haven't we?" 
"How many more days mummy?" (Y/S/N) excitedly asked. 
"Only two! We need to start packing your bags." 
(Y/S/N) started to chat away about this trip he knew nothing about, listing every single item he was bringing, whereas his sister was silent as she finished her breakfast. She had been a sickly child compared to her healthy twin brother. The hospital had diagnosed her, and explained that I needed to ask family members to have blood tests, to see if they matched with her and could help in any way. My side of the family had no luck, and after much deliberation with myself (and my parents), I knew I had to see Fred again, I had to face him. But with my little girl so ill, so weak, I would face down Voldemort himself to make her well again. Though I had a feeling seeing 'He who shall not be named' would be a lot easier than seeing the father of my children. 
The day of the trip came, and the kids were excited. We had packed their tiny suitcases, and I an overnight bag, before setting off. All day I had kept a smile on my face, not wanting to worry them. They thought it was a mini holiday, something we had never been on due to money. For five years it had been the three of us, with me at work, then at school and their grandparents when I had a late shift before cuddling up in bed with a good story together. It was a simple life, but they brought me so much joy, I couldn't express how happy they made me if I tried, it was infinite. And now I was taking them to meet their father I had avoided talking about, I was worried what it would do to our bond. 
"That's a strange house mummy." (Y/D/N) said as we approached the Burrow, a place I had spent much time in. 
"This is where your other grandparents live. It's very nice here. And they are very nice people." I said as we continued walking. 
"We say, we say please and thank you, don't we mummy?" (Y/S/N) added.
I giggled."Yes, we do."
We were now stood outside of the house, right in front of the door, but I still clutched onto my children's hands. They were confused as to why I wasn't knocking, why I was standing still. It was as if I was frozen. So when (Y/S/N) boldly stepped forward and knocked, I was pulled out of my trance. Before I could say anything to him, I heard movement coming from the other side of the door, and pulled him back towards me. There was no turning back now. Molly opened the door, her jaw almost hitting the floor as she set her eyes on me, then the kids, which is when she gasped. I bravely smiled, taking a deep breath to hold back the tears.
"H-Hi Molly. I'm...I'm really S-sorry just showing up out of the b-blue-" I couldn't stop stuttering over my words,"but...but I thought it was time you met your grandchildren."
Molly had immediately ushered me inside, throwing her arms around me as soon as the door closed. Holding my face in her hands, she studied my face, seeing how much I had changed over the years.
"I can't believe you're here!" she quietly exclaimed."It's been so many years."
"I'm sorry Molly. I didn't mean to disappear." I began welling up, trying to hold it back in front of the kids.
"Dear, don't apologise for a thing. We can talk about this later." she comforted me, stepping back to look at her grandchildren."So, these are your children?"
"My twins, ironically. (Y/D/N), (Y/S/N), this is your nan, Molly."
They stayed close to me, only (Y/S/N) letting go of my hand. I gently encouraged them forwards, pushing them towards Molly. She used the table beside her to help her kneel down, slowly extending her arms out to them. I felt overwhelmed as (Y/S/N) cautiously stepped towards her, hugging Molly before leaving her embrace again. It was one of those shy hugs kids gave, when they knew it was the right/polite thing to do but weren't sure of it themselves.
Molly was the only one in the house, and we let the kids play as we sat and caught up on what happened in the last five years. For me, there was a slight awkward tension in the air, but Molly's warm smile made me forget about that. I'm sure she had tons of questions as to why I never brought the twins round, and why I only showed up when I wanted something.
"Why don't you stay the night? I can hardly get Fred to stop by now. But there's plenty of room." Molly offered.
"Oh, only if that's alright with you! That would be very helpful. Um, do you think he’ll even want to see me?”
She kindly smiled as she slowly nodded.“My son is still just as infatuated with you as he was all those years ago.”
I refrained from snapping about how he never sent a letter, checked to even see if I was alright, if I had kept the pregnancy going. But then again, I had also cut off any contact with him, so it wasn’t entirely fair for me to say that. However, I was the one carrying twins by herself, raising them as a single mother (my family helped as much as they could, though no one could replace a father figure). And although the catch up with Molly had been good, it had lifted this tension from my body, I hated how my stomach twisted at the thought of Fred showing up here. Hi reaction was completely unknown. He could have moved on, maybe Molly was just wanting us together again; what if he was seeing someone, someone without children, someone who was free to do what they wanted and more fun than I was? He could easily turn a blind eye to it all. Or perhaps he would want to be a part of the family now. But why should I let him in after all these years? He missed five years of their life, and I understood that he would have no clue where we were, though there were ways of tracking us down. My mind was conflicted, I was here to make (Y/D/N) better, that was the top priority.
When Arthur returned that evening, he wore the same expression Molly had had when I first arrived. Although he was happy to see me, he wasn’t shouting or bouncing off the walls, he was more concerned; asking me all these questions, wanting me to go in depth about (Y/D/N)’s illness and how they could help. Both of them agreed they would help, and that once I spoke with Fred, they would ask the rest of the family also. 
Molly had laid out a full breakfast the next morning, though I really didn’t feel like eating. The kids got stuck right in, eating more food than I think I’ve ever seen them eat. They weren’t used to treats like this, we weren’t extremely poor, but even a fancy cereal was out of the question for us. I shared a smile with Molly and Arthur, thanking them for their hospitality. (Y/S/N) and (Y/D/N) were more comfortable with them, sometimes talking to them, or showing their toys. As we sat at the table, our plate and bowls now empty, Arthur gestured for me to follow him to the other room.
“(Y/N), I just wanted to make sure you were ready for today. I’ve had this same talk with Fred.” he quietly said.
I looked down at my feet, my arms crossing over my chest.“I don’t think I’ll ever be fully ready to see him again.”
“You have been very brave coming here. I can see how difficult this is for you. But I understand wanting to look after your children, it’s a feeling you only ever experience once you have them. Molly and I spoke last night. Even if, for some bizarre reason, Fred doesn’t...he doesn’t....”
“He doesn’t want to be around us.”
Arthur sighed sadly.“We will still help you. And you always have a place here, you always have family here.”
I hugged him, feeling like a child again in his arms. I felt protected, like nothing could hurt me whilst I was here. When we returned to the others, Molly was already clearing everything away, (Y/D/N) and (Y/S/N) talking each others ears off. Molly denied my help as I offered, knowing that I was very nervous and wanted the kids ready, as well as myself before their father arrived. I was happy that they were in a good mood, talking amongst themselves rather than asking lots of questions. But I still needed to sit them down, tell them who they were meeting today.
“You two look amazing!” I beamed, sitting them down on the edge of the bed, me kneeling in front of them.
“Mummy looks...mummy looks like a princess.” (Y/D/N) giggled as she clutched onto her own princess doll.
“Thank you. Do you guys remember why I said we were coming here?” 
“To meet daddy.”
“Yeah.” my voice turned shaky.“So, we need to be really good today OK? You guys were so good yesterday, and I need you to be like that again please. Me and daddy might need to talk for a while, so you two can play together, or with granddad Arthur and grandmother Molly.”
“Where is daddy?” (Y/S/N) asked.
“He’s on his way.”
“No, not, not now. Where has he been? Because all my friends have daddies, they have mummies and daddies, but I don’t.”
“He’s...he’s been....” 
How was I supposed to explain this to a five year old?
“It’s a bit confusing darling. But that doesn’t matter because he’s here now.”
(Y/D/N) looked away from her doll.“Will he come home with us?”
“I don’t know. Just don’t be upset if he doesn’t. We’ve been fine, just the three of us, haven’t we?”
They nodded, and I pulled them in to hug me. Their little arms wound around me where they could, and I could feel their tiny hands grasping at me. Squeezing them tighter, I laughed when they did, exclaiming they I was holding them too hard. Pulling away, I kissed them both on the cheeks, holding their hands to take them downstairs. However, my grin fell as I heard the door open, Fred’s voice ringing out. My body stiffened, heart starting to race quickly. Instinctively, I pulled the twins closer to me, not sure if I should go to Fred or wait here.
“It’s alright dear, I’m here.” Molly calmly said beside me.
All I could do was smile. My throat turned dry, breathing shaky and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I heard Arthur speaking to his son, but it was muffled, until footsteps started approaching. And suddenly, there he was, the boy I feel deeply in love with was now a man, standing even taller than before. Although we both looked different, it was as if we were teenagers again.
“(Y/N)...I...I can’t believe...” he couldn’t form a sentence, his gaze now on the twins.
I knelt between my children, hugging them close to me.“This is (Y/S/N), and (Y/D/N). They’re my world. And...your children too.”
The kids curled into me, noticing the tension in the room. They didn’t know this big man, and they could sense that I was on edge. I put on a brave face for them. I was their mother, their protector, I would always ensure that they felt comfortable, safe, happy and loved. 
“M-my children?” he was still looking at them.
“I think you two should talk before...well before a proper meeting, yeah?” Arthur gently suggested.
“Alright.” I agreed.“You two go upstairs and play, you can come down in a bit, OK?”
“Come on you two, let’s go see what toys I’ve got for you. You can show me yours.” Molly said happily, wanting to make the kids relaxed.
They hesitantly went, but I heard them starting to talk about what toys they had and wanted as they climbed the stairs, Molly feigning surprise and interest. 
“I’ll just be in the garden, should you need me.” Arthur said before leaving.
And then there we were. Just us two again. I hadn’t seen him in five years, not since that week of our argument. Multiple emotions rushed through me; I could be angry, upset, frustrated, desperate, loving, relieved...all were pushing their way to the front of my mind, wanting to have their chance to speak.
“Five years.” Fred mumbled.
“Five years.” I repeated.
“I...I can’t speak. I can’t, I can’t think right now. I had so much I wanted to say.”
I didn’t know how to respond.
“Their names...I remember us talking about them.”
“Yeah. I always liked them.”
“Are they...well, do they know...”
“They know you’re their father. I've always avoided this kind of topic as much as I could with them. They've obviously asked in the past, but I guess since they were so used to it just being me, it was normal for them."
"How have you been?"
"Pretty good, for what it's worth. I was able to get on my feet, with the help of family, I gave birth to them with no complications, all by myself until the last minute. Mum had burst into the room, her face bright red as she rushed to my side. It was scary. And from there I managed to get us a small house, just the necessary rooms, and I try and treat them as much as I can, if the budget will allow it."
"Why didn't you contact me sooner?"
"Why didn't you contact me?" I snapped back."You had the means to do so as well. You probably had more time than I had to even think about contacting me!"
He slightly raised his hands, trying to calm me down."OK, I'm sorry. That was a stupid question."
“No, I'm sorry." I sat down at the kitchen table, head in my hands."I'm just feeling a lot of mixed things right now."
I heard him shuffle around before the chair next to mine scraped along the floor, and he sat in it."I know. So am I."
"I came here because (Y/D/N) is sick. An option we have is a transfusion of blood but we have to find the right person. They said the most likely match would come from a family member. All of mine have tried, even distant relatives. That's why I came in the first place."
His face had fallen into a sad expression, eyebrows furrowed."Wait, what does that mean?"
"She won't die, nothing like that. Even with the right treatment, she would have to go to hospital throughout her life. (Y/D/N) will be a sickly person throughout her life."
“Of course I’ll help. I know we all will.”
I smiled through my tears.“Thank you Fred. That means everything to me.”
“But...” he looked down at the table, slowly sliding his hand towards mine. He boldly placed it on top of mine,“I want to look after you too.”
“No, please listen. There has not been a day where I didn’t regret what I said to you the last time we saw each other. I...I thought about you everyday, but I was too selfish, I was too much of a coward to do anything about it. My love for you, it was...it is enormous. I think as a teen, I knew I was in love, I just didn’t realise how painful it would be when I lost you. And it was all my fault.”
“We’re both to blame. Throughout my pregnancy, I tried to hate you. I convinced myself I did, though deep, deep down in my heart, the love was still there. I told myself I could do this without you, and some days it really felt like that. Others, it would have been nice to have someone else around. And not just to help with the kids. To feel...like a normal family. To have someone look after me at the end of a long day.”
“I can’t believe no one else snatched you up.” he smiled.“You’ve become more beautiful over the years, I didn’t think that was possible.”
I blushed, rolling my eyes at his compliment.“Surprisingly, no one wants a woman with two kids, especially young kids.”
“Can’t say I’m too angry about that.”
“What are we doing Fred? It can’t go back to how it used to be. Not...not straight away.”
“You think you could forgive me?”
“And me?”
“You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“I kept you from your children! I could have done this years ago. They...they could have had their father in their lives, we knew how to get to each other.” I used my free hand to cover my eyes as I began crying.
“Hey,” Fred’s other arm wrapped around my shoulders,“you’re here now with me. I will apologise everyday if it means you can look me in the eyes and feel happiness. You deserve that much. And as for (Y/S/N) and (Y/D/N), I would love to get to know them. We can see where it goes, and further down the line...well, we can take baby steps.”
I sniffled.“You really want to do that?”
He smiled and nodded.“I’m going to be here for you all from now on. They’re my kids, and you’re the mother of my children. I’m going to make up for lost time.”
He tenderly embraced me, and how I had missed this feeling with him. I reacted, holding onto him as I continued to silently cry. He rocked us back and forth, but I could tell he was crying when I felt something drip onto my neck. This didn’t mean all was forgiven, it would take a while to mend everything between us, and for the kids to get used to their father again (and vice versa). Although I knew this would be a journey, I had some faith in it, and I prayed and hoped that someone from the Weasley side could help with (Y/D/N).
We were going to work through this. From what Fred had said, he was desperately wanting to reconnect. Perhaps we could be a family, and the last five years would be nothing compared to the rest of our lives.
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jaysbestie · 3 years
ahshshdhsh this is my first time using the ask function in this app and i might as well take this as an opportunity. can you please write about jakey being a hopeless romantic (kinda like f2l thing) wherein they're also classmates and y/n is oblivious af? it would be very much appreciated, thank you~
hi this is a vERY late, I don't know if this is similarto what you wanted, I'm so sorry, but I hope you like it!!
Hoops and Love Letters
pairing ; f2l! basketball player! jake x gn reader
genre ; fluff
warnings ; food
summary ; jake, your best friend since you were children has started making your heart beat fast, little do you know, his is beating just as fast...
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"yo jake!"
you were sitting on one of the park's benches with your best friend while eating strawberry flavored ice cream he got for you, when you heard someone call your best friend's name.
it was louder this time, meaning the person calling him was coming closer. Suddenly one of jake's friends, sunghoon, came into view trying to catch his breath while he sat down on the bench between you.
well now that was awkward.
he looked between you two, clueless to the situation you were in and asked,
"did I interrupt anything?"
he asked and to that question, your cheeks reddened as you turned to look at jake, noticing how his cheeks were also light crimson as he opened his mouth to answer his friend's question
"n-no you sure didn't" jake stammered. but jake never stammers?? and you just stood there, a little sad that jake answered sunghoon's question negatively and you just stood there, taken aback by jake's answer and by his stammering.
"it doesn't seem like it tho, anyways, heesung needs you in practice, jay was late and he almost got yelled at" sunghoon started talking without getting a breath, almost as if he was rapping.
you searched jake's face for a reaction and he didn't even look surprised by ths situation going on at the school's gym.
"well, y/n, I'll have to go, sadly, however, ill try to return you your book on saturday on our picnic!" he told you while he got his school bag, from the bench you sat on every day after school, and started walking behind sunghoon to the gym.
"I'll be waiting for my book!" you yelled and screamed, happy that he remembered the poetry book he borrowed from you, two weeks ago. you see, your and jake's bond was something unbreakable, being friends and classmates from a very young age and being lucky enough to be able to continue this friendship till now. you started packing your bag and put the cup from the ice cream in the park's trashcan while going to your house. there really wasn't anyone at home however you prepared your table fully and made yourself lunch. you sat down trying to find a boring enough movie so that you'll be motivated to stop watching it and study or catch a nap.
it was now 7pm on a friday afternoon and you were currently doing your homework so that you didn't have to do them during the weekend, when your computer started alarming you that there was an incoming skype call by jake. it made you instantly smile and you answered his call watching his face brighten once he saw you had picked up.
"are you doing homework on a friday night?" he asked, while he looked at me as if I was a weird creature.
"yeah, I don't understand your opposition on me doing my homework on a friday night" you said, the fake offended look on your face made jake laugh and that moment it was like you heard an angel laugh.
"have you prepared anything for our picnic tomorrow?"
oh shIT
you panicked
"I swear to god, y/n y/l/n, did you forget about one of the most important days of the month?" it was his turn to act offended now taking a dramatic pose acting as if he was crying.
you were about to start crying because, hoW. COULD. YOU. FORGET. YOUR PICNIC?!?!
"oH HELL NOH, how could I forget our picnic?!" you stated nervously hoping that he didn't notice the panic on your face when he mentioned the picnic.
"great, I was hoping you remembered about it because, well,,, tomorrow's picnic will be extra special, than just a day on the calendar" he said, he seemed nervous and by his sentence you became nervous too, hoping that something joyful will be behind this "extra special picnic"
"YO Y/N YOU THERE?" he yelled and then proceeded to slap his laptop's screen, just to make sure his computer wasn't the problematical one.
"yeah sorry, my laptop started glitching, see you tomorrow at the park!" you yelled at him and ended the call in a hurry.
you sat up from your desk's chair and walked in front of your mirror
"I now have to go down and prepare for tomorrow's picnic" you said to try and convince yourself to go down and prepare however your plan was interrupted when your phone rang, the name of your other best friend lighting up the screen.
"YANG JUNGWON YOU LITTLE MONSTER" you screamed as you picked up the phone.
" yo y/n what is your proBLEM?!"
"what did I do this time bestie, explain to me please"
"well I was about to go prepare for my monthly picnic with jake but you decided that it was a good idea to call me".
"oooh, jake, the guy that likes you but doesn't know how to tell you"
"plEASE, he doesn't like me, we've been friends for a couple years and he sees me as a good friend"
"ok but like, since yOU like him, why don't you speak to him about it?"
at this point you are heading to the kitchen in order to get ready for tomorrow, since hanging up on jungwon wouldn't happen soon.
"if I tell him I might ruin our friendship, won"
"he likes you too tho, even sunghoon noticed!"
"since when do you hang out with sunghoon?"
"since you were too busy going on dates with jake"
"please, we had study meetings"
"yeah call it whatever you want love"
you tried to respond to jungwon but nothing came out of your mouth so jungwon continued,
"anyways, I'm hanging up so you can prepare for your picnic, by the way, wear those brown corduroy pants I got you for your birthday!!"
"yeah fine, I'll make sure to fill you in on what happened won, good night!"
"night y/n!"
with that you went to prepare some quick snacks for tomorrow and also got some of your favorite jellies from a seven eleven nearby, all because they were also jake's favorite jellies.
———————♡timeskip #2♡———————
you woke up by the sudden sound of your alarm, you didn't even remember setting an alarm but you find have time to worry about stuff like this as you wanted to get up and get ready quickly for the picnic.
your phone rang and jake's number lit up your phone's screen.
"yo jake, bro, homie, fella, how you doin" that was the weirdest thing you've ever, like eVER, said in your life.
"of course no jakey, it's 11:29 am, the picnic is in two hours "
" uh uh uh- special picnic" jake emphasized special once again.
" oh well, guess I'll take more time to get ready since its spEcial" you said, mimicking the way he said special.
" I swear to our friendship, y/n, if you're not ready by the time I come to pick you up, consider yourself not my friend" he said sarcastically, adding a laugh at the middle of his sentence.
"oh well, it's your lucky day because I have just started getting ready!" you lied, you walked to your dresser and started searching for that one pair of brown corduroy pants jungwon suggested you wear.
"I'm hanging up jake, gotta go get ready, see you at 1 outside my house!" you hung up without giving him a chance to reply.
you finally found the pants, searching for a shirt now. you found a white blouse you had got last Halloween for a pirate costume but never wore it. It didn't look like a costume shirt anyway, you shrugged and got into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready afterwards.
You were done with your shower now, the time was 12 pm and you had an hour left before jake got to your place to pick you up.
You put on your clothes and matched a pearl necklace (which was, indeed, a gift by jake) with your outfit, you opted for some classic black converse high tops as for the shoe choice, and with that, your outfit was complete.
You headed downstairs to prepare your basket, full with snacks and fizzy drinks, also getting a light blanket with you, just in case.
You heard a car honk from outside and checked the time, it was 12 : 40, twenty minutes before jake should be here to pick you up. The same honking sound was heard again and you headed to the door to see if it was jake by any chance. It was jake indeed, you got your basket, your keys, sprayed some perfume on and left the house, not forgetting to lock the door behind you.
"well hello there, y/n"
you were ready to tell general kenobi literally at his face, the pun must've been intended as you had a star wars movie marathon some days ago.
"hello to you too, jakey"
You both got in the car and jake turned the music up, a song unknown to you playing on the radio. Jake seemed different today, he seemed nervous, something unusual to him.
"is everything okay jake?"
"yeah why?" he responded while he let out a small laugh.
"oh, nothing!"
The drive went by quickly, however jake had taken you to a place you thought you'd never see again, it was the place where you and jake had first met. A park filled with bushes and sunflowers, huge trees and benches along with wooden tables. You were on the verge of tears, left speechless, you opened the car's door, taking your basket and started running around the park laughing loudly. You were feeling truly happy.
Jake was watching from inside the car, deciding to open his door too, taking his own basket, locking the car and started running towards you.
After running around for some good minutes, you sat on bench and left your baskets on a wooden table, starting to set your food in order for your picnic to start.
You had started eating your second sandwich when jake interrupted you, making you put your sandwich down and turning your attention to him.
"yo y/n, do you remember those love letters you kept on receiving last year?"
"of course I do! I've been searching till this day! but what does that have to with our special picnic?"
"well, I'm the one who sent those letters" jake said, lowering his head and starting to fiddle with his hands.
"well, that was a good one!" you started laughing. Noticing the situation jake was in right now, it only meant one thing, "WAit, you're not joking?"
"not really" he said giggling sadly, lifting his stare and watching into your eyes. You extended your arms and reached out to hug him.
"why didn't you tell me?"
"wait, you really didn't know I liked you? The boys kept on telling that my crush on you was too obvious!" he said, looking annoyed by his friends that moment.
"I mean, you did throw a basket ball at me once that had, "let me take you out" all over it but I didn't think you meant thAT TAKING OUT" you said, laughing at the old memory you had remembered.
well, y/n, would you officially allow me to take you out?" he asked, a glowing happy slice on his face when he noticed your emotionless face, "on A DATE, I mean, not with a basket ball!" he added. With that, you burst into laughter and looked at him, showing him your brightest smile.
"of course I'll let you take me out, on a date, jake"
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just-come-baek · 3 years
Merry Crisis
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Pairing: hockeyplayer!jungkook x pickpocket!reader
Themes: smut | fluff | sports!au | christmas!au | yyy... action?
Word count: 12k
Summary:  During a casual meeting with friends at a local ice rink, a handsome boy bumps into me. Though it was just a small accident, a series of extraordinary adventures follow, helping me realize I should really change some of my life choices.
Warnings: tooth-rooting fluff | jungkook is the goodest boy | jungkook, hoseok, and jimin are hot hockey players | ice rink injuries | violence | pickpocketing | alcohol consumption | improper babysitting | namjoon, jin, and taehyung are of different age | questionable choices | teasing | graphic scene descriptions | police questioning | vanilla smut | thigh riding | unprotected sex | jungkook says like one (1) dirty line
A/N if you get uncomfortable during this story, just stop reading. it gets weird later on. Also, sorry for posting it so late, it’s still Christmas somewhere!
“What the hell are we doing here?” Kibum asked for the tenth time as he nearly slipped, even though his hands were glued to the railing. “None of us can skate for fuck’s sake,” he remarked, not being careful enough to watch his tongue, letting children hear his foul language. “We should’ve gone drinking mulled vine instead of this nonsense.”
“Speak for yourself. I am a decent skater,” I argued, though it was maybe my third time on the ice rink. The surface was slippery, yet I was brave enough to try my luck without sticking to the railing at all times.
Kibum and I turned our heads around to see a few men racing on the rink like lunatics going probably at least two thousand miles per hour. They were skating so fast we barely could get a blurry image of their backs – fucking show-offs.
“Can you believe it? Fucking road hogs wanting to kill us all,” Kibum complained, searching for an exit with his eyes, desperate to get the hell away from the ice rink. “I’ve seen enough TV to know how this ends. Someone is going to leave this paddock with a blade in their neck,” he added, and I cursed in disgust, trying to erase the vivid picture my mind conjured.
“You really can ruin everything, can’t you?”
“Isn’t why you brought me here in the first place?” Kibum challenged, readjusting his woolen scarf around his neck in a fabulous diva manner. “Come on, go get Yeri. I’ll wait on the bench,” he ordered, clumsily escaping that icy trap.
“I think your cousin wouldn’t appreciate me going over there,” I stated, spotting her on the other side of the rink, flirting with a cute guy. “Now, that would be so cruel,” I added, leaning over the railing, staring at Kibum ineptly wobbling to the bench.
“What?” Kibum barked in an over-protecting manner, looking for the unworthy punk wasting Yeri’s time. “Just bring her here, please. I’m gonna treat you to lunch.”
“You should’ve said that earlier. I’m on it,” I said, content with how much I stalled the conversation to get a free meal from Kibum for completing such an easy task.
Having pushed myself off the railing, I made my way towards Yeri. She was basically at the opposite end of the ice rink, so I was forced to skate around lovely-dovey couples in the rhythm of overhyped Christmas songs.
Halfway there, the DJ ordered changing directions, so with a loud groan, I obediently turned around. Unfortunately, one of the speeding men didn’t halt quick enough and smashed right into me, ungracefully knocking me into the ice.
It was a painful fall for both of us. If it wasn’t for the beanie with a big fluffy faux ball at the top of it, I’d most likely end up in hospital with a third-degree concussion and possible skull fraction.
Though I was in a mild shock, I could feel a nearing headache and blood dripping down my chin after his forehead collided against my nose. With his knee sharply boring into my thigh, I whined, trying to push him off of me.
At this point, I didn’t care about his injuries. He was the one who bumped into me in the first place; he deserved all the pain he was experiencing. Hopefully, it was similar to mine. According to Newton’s third law of motion, he ought to feel the same amount of pain, and if he sensed it any less, I was about to become livid about the lie I had been told at school.
“Get off of me!” I yelled, once again trying to shove him to the side. Huffing in defeat, I accepted my death by freezing my ass off due to a motionless pile of muscles lying on top of me. “Dude, move,” I tried again, and the man winced, sliding to the side.
“I’m so, so sorry,” he whispered, whimpering in ache. “Are you okay?”
“Been better,” I remarked, trying to sit up. However, as soon as I was in a sitting position, I started to feel dizzy – the surroundings just kept spinning in front of my eyes.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” Two men and Yeri scared in unison as they made their way towards us. “It was quite a fall,” one of them added, making me roll my eyes. His friend literally smashed me off the ice like a bulldozer – I wouldn’t call it a fall.
“She’s bleeding,” Yeri mentioned, looking for a bag of single-use handkerchiefs to give me one to aid my problem.
“How many fingers do you see?” the other man leaned over, showing me his palm, and I swatted his hand away with an angry hiss. “You’ve hit her bad, Jungkook. Good luck apologizing to her,” he commented, making it really difficult for me not to kick him in the shin with the blade.
“Is this a joke to you?” Yeri challenged the man, not particularly enjoying his comment. Attagirl! “You better make yourself useful and carry them off the rink,” she ordered sternly, her voice laced with concern.
“Hold on, beautiful,” the shorter one said before he bent to pick me up and wrap his arms around my shoulders to carefully escort me out of the ice rink. Slowly, we staggered to the benches where the man helped me sit down. “I’m Jimin, and you are?”
“In a tremendous amount of pain,” I replied, massaging my head, trying to ease the throbbing. I was about to get a headache of a century, and they kept asking me these stupid questions.
“I’m fine, Hoseok, put me down,” the man, who had smashed into me, complained as his friends dropped him at the bench beside me. “I’ve been through worse,” he groaned, and I gritted my teeth, trying to stop my instinct to cause another scene.
Thankfully, I’ve got Kibum, who would channel his inner Karen to argue for me.
“You stupid fucks, look what you’ve done!” Kibum yelled, hitting Jungkook in the back of his head, making everyone gasp in shock. “What were you thinking, skating this fast? You’re lucky she didn’t end up with a blade stuck in her throat, or else, I’d have to murder you!”
“Guys, stop shouting,” I whispered, barely withstanding the pain. “Can we please go somewhere quiet?”
On cue, Kibum and Yeri went to get my stuff. At the same time, Jungkook’s friends walked away from us to get their belongings, leaving me alone with the villain himself.
“I’m really sorry,” Jungkook apologized once again, being considerate enough to volume down his words. “Come on. Let me help you,” he stood up, offering his hand to escort me out of the tent. Unwillingly, I grabbed his palm, allowing him to save me from random shouts of joy and repetitive Christmas hits.
Once outside, I felt a little bit better, but it was still far from perfect.
“How are you feeling? Should I take you to a hospital?” Jungkook inquired as he looked into my eyes, trying to detect any lie.
“Nah, I’m good. I think I’ll just walk it off,” I shook my head, trying to stand up to demonstrate my current state. Unfortunately, I was still a little bit shaken after the fall, almost collapsing onto the ground. “On a second thought, I’m gonna sit here for a while,” I added, sheepishly, experiencing an unfamiliar feeling of helplessness.
In silence, Jungkook and I started at each other, unsure what to do or say next. We were just two strangers who participated in an accident. Our friends were nowhere to be found, giving zero fucks about the uncomfortable moment between us.
“Should we exchange numbers?” Jungkook suddenly asked, making me crease my eyebrow in confusion. What did he need my phone number for? “When there’s a car accident, both parties exchange contact info to work out a settlement,” Jungkook explained, and I sighed, trying to digest what he just said. Apparently, he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. “Please, don’t sue me,” he added with a light-hearted giggle to his tone as he sat down on the bench.
“I didn’t plan on doing that, but since you’ve mentioned it, I’ll think about it,” I teased, reaching into my coat’s pocket to get my phone. “Give me your number, I’ll ring you,” I muttered, carefully typing Jungkook’s digits into my device. After a few seconds, Jungkook’s phone vibrated, flashing my number.
“Under what name did you save me?” Jungkook asked in curiosity, looking over my shoulder, cackling when he read totally suing this guy on the screen. “Well… at least you didn’t save me under do not pick up the phone, so that’s a relief,” he added, laughing at his joke.
Though I was a little bit curious how Jungkook saved my number, ultimately, I decided not to entertain this impulse. After all, the chances of him actually calling me were slim, if not none.
“What’s your name?” Jungkook asked, but before I managed to give him a proper reply, Kibum shouted it loud and clear from afar. “Duly noted,” he added with a tiny grin.
Along with Yeri and Jungkook’s friends, he made his way toward us, having the guys carry all our stuff like indebted servants.
“You’ll never guess,” Kibum stated, plopping on the bench beside me. At this point, I wasn’t in the mood for charades, so I just rolled my eyes, failing to accordingly react to Kibum’s attempted suspense.
Thankfully, Yuri chimed in, revealing the big plan. “We’ve talked to the guys, and they proposed to treat all of us to dinner. The race was their idea, so they figured it’s one way to make it up to you for you know what,” Yuri explained, and I sighed.
That’s exactly what I needed, to spend more time with the asshole that slammed into me with the force of a hundred horses.
Perfectly splendid.
“Sure, that sounds amazing,” I replied through gritted teeth, staring at that cheap bastard Kibum. He owed me dinner, so he used his sly manipulation to guilt-trip these naïve boys into treating all of us for a meal.
“See? I told you guys she doesn’t hold grudges against people who provide her with food,” Kibum answered, not surprising me all that much. I was accustomed to his ways. Jungkook, Hoseok, and Jimin, on the other hand, were about to get exploited to Kibum’s heart’s content.
But hey, free food, there’s no way I’d say no to that.
Fifteen minutes later, we were walking down the alley, looking for a restaurant or a diner that was able to provide a table for six. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on our side.
It was a long stroll. All establishments were either packed with people, or they simply weren’t capable of catering for such a large group like ours.
We didn’t give up, though. In pairs, we walked further, our stomachs growling louder and louder. Hoseok and Jimin were leading the way, chatting about some hockey game somewhat this week. Right behind, Kibum was giving a lecture on relationships to Yeri, being the highly unnecessary third parent to her. And lastly, there was Jungkook and me, awkwardly trailing behind all of them, talking about nothing in particular, unable to find a ground topic for a proper conversation.
At some point, a man in an expensive black coat bumped into me, smashing his shoulder against mine. It was quite a powerful collision on the sidewalk, resulting in me falling right into Jungkook’s arms.
“Hey, watch where the hell you’re going,” I yelled, massaging my limb to ease the soreness, while the man didn’t seem to pay any attention to my angry shout.
“Hey, you should really apologize,” Jungkook hollered at the man, standing up for me. Unfortunately, the man didn’t reflect his misbehavior even after Jungkook stepped in. He barely turned his head around to check what that was about, dismissing it a few seconds later.
“Let it go; he’s not worth it,” I wrapped my hand around Jungkook’s shoulder, stopping him from confronting the rude asshat. “Karma is gonna get him,” I added with a smirk upon my face as I imagined how much cash he had in his wallet – which, in fact, was at the bottom of my pocket right now.
It ought to teach him a lesson.
“It’s your unlucky day,” Jungkook admitted, feeling sorry for my misfortune.
“Well… it’s not that bad,” I assured Jungkook with a happy beam, realizing my mistake the second the words left my mouth. Fantastic, I was just enthusiastic about the cash I found lying all over the ground. However, now, Jungkook must’ve thought I was into him.
Dear Lord, save me from this misunderstanding.
Before Jungkook managed to question my ambiguous comment, Jimin and Hoseok shouted. Apparently, they found a restaurant with a large enough table to fit us all.
At last!
Once inside, we quickly sat down, ready to skim through the menus. Honestly, we were all hungry way past the I-need-my-food-tasty stage, so we decided to order two giant pizzas and six pints of Christmas Ale beer.
“I think we should play a game before our food arrives,” Jimin proposed as he looked at the people by the table, not appreciating the awkwardness. Within Jimin were two wolves – one was a social butterfly, and the other was a people pleaser. Sitting in an uncomfortable silence irked him immensely. “How about a little integration, anybody?”
“You have to excuse him,” Hoseok interjected, trying to calm the angry crowd of grownups. “Jimin’s going to be a counselor on a hockey camp during the winter break, and sometimes, he forgets he’s not talking with middle-school pupils.”
“You’re never too old for some good old bonding,” Jimin fought his case, really keen on getting to know us better. “Especially over some beer,” he added when the waitress walked up to our table with our beverages.
Though none of us wanted to participate in Jimin’s fun activities, we eventually gave in, realizing his persistence was even more energy-draining than the bonding games themselves.
The rules were simple, you had to name three finds you love and three things you hate. Jimin went first, and it was actually quite funny to see the contrast between him and Kibum, who was the second to speak up.
“I love Mexican food, horror movies, and money,” I confessed when it was my turn, having no regrets. After all, we would never meet again. “I hate banana milk, wireless earphones, and doing laundry,” I added, completing the horrid task, making everyone at the table grow silent. Cocking my brow upward, I asked, “what?”
“Nothing,” Hoseok replied, still trying to comprehend the situation. “It’s just unbelievable.”
With each syllable that rolled off Hoseok’s tongue, I knew less and less. What the hell was going on? Could somebody explain to me what the fuss was all about?
“Basically, Jungkook loves all the things you hate,” Jimin finally explained, making Kibum cackle in entertainment.
“Ooh-la-la, the plot thickens,” Kibum snickered, laughing loudly, kicking his head backward.
“Ignore him. He’s just being a drama queen for no reason,” I interjected, ignoring Kibum’s ridiculous reaction.
“Guys, look, the food is ready,” Yeri said in excitement upon seeing our waitress walking toward us with delicious pizza in her hands. “I am so hungry,” she added, rubbing her hands together, licking her lips with appetite.
Thankfully, the rest of the evening went smoothly. After the beer and the food, the conversation sailed without any disturbance, everybody chiming in once in a while. A friendly atmosphere surrounded us, but we all felt it was the first and final meeting. Our groups had completely different vibes, and though we had somewhat fun, there was no point in forcing this friendship any further.
In an amicable mood, we parted ways.
Having dropped Yeri at her dorm, Kibum and I took an Uber to our shared apartment.
“I am dying,” I complained, stretching my arms as soon as I walked through the threshold of our comfy place. Having hung the coat, I fished out the stolen wallet. “I deserved a long bath,” I added, plopping down onto the couch, looking through the content of my newest possession.
“You really have to stop doing that. You’re gonna get caught one time,” Kibum mentioned as he sat down beside me, tearing the wallet out of my hands, browsing through the loyalty cards, looking for a bargain. “When did you even steal it? I was by your side the whole time,” Kibum wondered as he found a coupon for a free coffee amongst the plastic cards.
“You know what they say,” I started, counting the cash in my hands – almost two hundred bucks, not bad. “The first million is the hardest and is meant to be stolen,” I finished my thought, putting the cash into my purse.
“First of all, nobody has ever said that,” Kibum argued, groaning. It wasn’t the first time we had this conversation; at this point, we had this pep talk rehearsed to perfection. “You’re pushing your luck here. One day you’ll pick the wrong pocket.”
“What do you want me to say? I can’t stop now,” sighing, I replied. Maybe in the future, once I land a stable job with an adequate wage, I’ll quit. In this economy, it may be quite challenging, but that’s the goal. Right now, I was as poor as a church mouse, barely getting by each month on my level of living.
“I’m gonna be so pissed if the police catch you,” Kibum complained, giving up on his daily lecture. Trying to convince me was a vicious circle. Kibum felt as if he was trapped in some lame remake of Groundhog Day, only failing at knocking some common sense into his friend’s stubborn head.
“Take it easy. They won’t,” I mused with a light-hearted smile. “If you’re forgotten, you’re like super old. You’ll get bald if you keep worrying so much.”
“That’s a low blow,” Kibum mentioned, frowning in annoyance. Ever since he reached the dreadful thirty mark, it was his biggest insecurity. “Alright then,” he carried on, ready to attack me with just as strong jab. “What about Jungkook?”
“What about him?”
“You’ve had a moment.”
“What moment?” I inquired, pretending to be way clueless than I really was. “If, by moment, you mean that he basically nailed me into the ice, then yes.”
“You should’ve given him your phone number,” Kibum commented casually, and I turned my head around, avoiding his gaze. “Oh my, you actually gave it, I knew it,” he realized, looking right through me. “Finally, you need some. Later on, maybe he’ll talk you out of your bad habits,” Kibum carried on, blabbering nonsense.
“Don’t you think you’re getting way ahead of yourself?” I questioned, folding my arms over my chest. “I guess Jungkook’s a good guy, but he ain’t gonna call me.”
“You never know,” Kibum reasoned, and I sighed, walking away to the bathroom to run myself a relaxing bath, which was all that I needed.
It was a terrible day.
First of all, I was still a bit sore after the ice rink accident. Then, I tried strolling along the bustling alleys, picking a few pockets. Unfortunately, people didn’t carry that much cash.
Having stolen three wallets, I only collected fifty bucks.
That was pathetic.
Sighing, I decided to call it a day.
Kibum would be so proud of me, I thought as I made my way to a random coffee shop, wanting to accidentally lose one of the wallets. That way, the rightful owner would have a chance of actually finding it if he decided to trace back his steps.
On my walk of shame back home, my phone randomly stopped playing music. Instantly, I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to fish it out of my pocket, knowing there was an incoming call waiting to be answered.
Normally, I’d either ignore it because I knew it was a spam call or just ignore it because I preferred texts to calls. Whoever opted to dial must’ve been devil’s spawn. No doubt.
Totally suing this guy.
Hmm… what does he want? I wondered as my thumb hovered over the answer icon on the screen. I wasn’t serious about suing him; it was just me teasing the poor guy. I didn’t actually mean it, and I thought it was obvious.
Before I managed to make up my mind about picking up the phone, Jungkook must’ve given up and hung up. Unfortunately, right when I was about to put it back in my pocket, I received another incoming call.
Totally suing this guy.
“Hello?” I asked, picking up the phone. Hopefully, he would check up on me and end the conversation. It was weird and uncomfortable, so it better be the last time.
“Hi, it’s Jungkook,” he said, sounding somewhat shy and timid. “From the ice rink, how are you feeling?” Jungkook inquired, and I sighed, getting mentally prepared for my reply.
“I’m better,” I answered shortly, not giving him any details on my condition. It was just a few bruises; I wasn’t dying. “Your knee left a bruise, but in a few days, I’m gonna feel all good,” I added, remembering the large mark on my thigh. It looked like a big ass hickey, but that’s the comment I was about to keep to myself.
“I’m really, really sorry,” he spoke through a tumult on his side of the call. He must’ve been in a crowded place, like a locker room packed with fellow hockey players or something. A second later, I heard a noise of shutting the doors close, assuming Jungkook must’ve left the room, wanting to continue this talk without any further disturbance.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” I reassured that he cared so him. It was adorable much about my condition, but it was starting to feel a little bit excessive. A regular amount of repentance would be understandable, but he was quite over the top.
“Actually, it’s not why I’m calling,” Jungkook admitted, taking me aback. Why else would he call then? “It was just an excuse,” he added, and I genuinely started to wonder what was going on inside his head. He didn’t want to ask me out, did he?
Nah, it didn’t make any sense.
Get a grip, woman.
“Oh, why are you calling me then?” I challenged him as I couldn’t wait any longer for the big reveal. “What is so important that couldn’t be a simple text?”
“Well…,” Jungkook started, and I smiled, hearing in his tone that he was beaming. “To be completely honest, I really suck at texting. One time, I texted back my friend after a few months, so yeah, I’d rather call,” he explained, and though that’s not my preferred way of communicating, I found it adorable.
“Nobody’s perfect.”
“So, I was wondering if you’d like to hang out,” Jungkook asked, and I became speechless.
“Really? Why?” I questioned as I couldn’t find any reason why Jungkook would like to meet up with me. Yesterday, I had been grumpy as fuck – it was hard to believe he wanted to see my face ever again.
“What do you mean why?”
“I wasn’t particularly nice to you yesterday,” I admitted, looking down at my feet.
“You were just angry, it happens,” Jungkook claimed, once again surprising me – he wasn’t just good-looking. Besides his gorgeous looks, he, most importantly, was a kind, soft-spoken person with a heart of gold.
“Yeah, but still, I was an asshole.”
“No, it must’ve been that spur-of-the-moment kind of attitude,” Jungkook brushed it off without my thought, and I sighed in relief. Thankfully, he didn’t think I was a complete bitch. “I would be pissed too if someone tackled me down at a public ice rink.”
“Could we please stop talk about it?” I proposed, willing to put it all behind us.
“Sorry,” Jungkook apologized sheepishly, and I giggled, shaking my head, unable to process how adorable he was. “So, back to the topic, I was wondering if you’d like to come to that charity hockey game tomorrow,” he trailed off, a little bit insecure about my answer. “And after that, we could grab some coffee. I mean, if you don’t have any plans, I’d really like to meet up,” Jungkook added, sounding like a ball of a blabbering mess.
“Hmm… tomorrow, I am busy in the morning and early afternoon. What time does the game begin?” I questioned, buying myself more time to think over Jungkook’s proposition. He was a good guy, and I’d love to hang out, but I still had doubts.
“At three o’clock!” Jungkook exclaimed in excitement, probably hoping I was available to attend this charity event. “We’re raising money for a winter camp for kids from St. Paul’s orphanage. That’s the one Jimin’s gonna volunteer at.”
Now, there was no way I could say no.
“I should be free by then,” I answered, hoping I wouldn’t regret my decision later on.
“Fantastic, see you tomorrow,” Jungkook exclaimed happily, and I giggled at his enthusiasm.
“Ayo, Jeon, what are you giggling at?” Someone in the background hollered, teasing Jungkook. Though I thought it was cute and playful, Jungkook must’ve felt so embarrassed that he hung up before I managed to say my farewell.
According to Jungkook’s instructions, the charity game out to start around 3 in the afternoon. A bit too early if you ask me, but who am I to judge the authorities who organized it? Nonetheless, I put on a nice outfit (effortless though chic) and made my way to the university’s stadium, ready to sit through the entirety of the game, already suspecting it wouldn’t appeal to my preferences. It was far too brutal to be enjoyable.
I had no interest in hockey, nor even knew the basics; however, Jungkook wanted me out of all people to support him. Normally, I’d skip, but there was just something about him that made it really difficult to say no to him. There I was – on university grounds during the holiday break, heading to the sports department where I had never stepped my foot willingly.
It was a charity event our university annually hosted. To be completely honest, it was the first time I heard of it. Moreover, there was a high chance I wasn’t the only one. Right in front of the entrance, there was no queue – I was the only one, and it was suspicious as fuck.
Unless I had first-hand info about the beginning of the game, I would just turn around and leave. However, Jungkook had specifically said 3 p.m., so I walked up to the entrance, seeing a man distributing tickets. He must’ve been one of the volunteering students. Admirable.
With a deep sigh, I pushed the doors open and entered the building. “One ticket, please,” I spoke, pulling out my wallet to pay for the entry fee. It was all for charity, so I gladly paid up the round sum. These kids really deserved a treat, and I’d love to contribute.
“You’re the first one to arrive; you must be a hardcore fan of our hockey team,” the friendly man said, and I just giggled at this obvious misconception.
Me? A fan? A hardcore one at that? Wow.  
“I wouldn’t say that. I’m here to support a friend,” I answered, denying the accusations with a casual response. “Where should I go?”
“Right this way, the first doors on the left,” the man answered with a happy beam. “Seats are not assigned, so be free to sit anywhere you like,” he added, and I bowed, thanking him for the directions. Though I was near graduation, I had no idea how to move around the building.
Having pushed the heavy doors open, I made my way to the bleachers.
A few players were skating across the ice rink, while the area for spectators was empty. As if that wasn’t awkward enough, all the players looked at me, whistling like a bunch of starved wolves. What the hell was that all about?
Ooh! Ooh! 
“Wow, Jungkook, this girl really came,” one of the boys, probably Hoseok, shouted loud enough for me to hear. What? Did Jungkook talk about me with his teammates? What for? Or did they listen to us chat on the phone the other day? Even so, what’s with the reaction?
At first, I wanted to turn around and run away. I didn’t like the way they looked at me. It resembled a combination of concern for their younger teammate and playful support for whatever was about to stem between us. Ridiculous!
Then, I considered sitting in the last row, ignoring their curious glances. I’d probably pull a book out of my bag and devote myself to the plot for the duration of the game.
Unfortunately, none of my ideas seemed to be possible – especially not when one of the players with number 1 written on the sports uniform skated toward the railing. It must’ve been Jungkook. I mean… who else would that be?
Once he took off his helmet, I realized that my suspicion was right. It was indeed Jungkook with his messy, sweaty hair and a goofy smile upon his face. He was waving at me, enticing me closer to the ice rink.
“You really came,” Jungkook whispered when I walked up to him. “I really doubted you did,” he added, and I rolled my eyes at him. 
“If I didn’t, you would keep calling me,” I answered playfully, still unable to comprehend how, on earth, he preferred calling to texting. It was ridiculous; he couldn’t be that bad at replying as he had claimed. “And also, why am I here this soon? Where is everybody? Care to explain?” I asked, my tone slightly laced with anger. 
“Did I really say 3 o’clock?” Jungkook inquired innocently, staring at the big clock on the scoreboard. “My bad, I fucked it up, sorry,” Jungkook apologized, but I suspected his words weren’t entirely genuine. Apparently, he wanted me to come this soon, and I had to figure out why.
“Also, care to explain why your teammates stare at me like that,” I questioned, cocking my eyebrow, looking past Jungkook’s shoulder. The hockey team really seemed to be invested in what was going on between Jungkook and me, and I didn’t like the way they were gawking at me as if I had two heads growing out on my shoulders.
“Oh, I might’ve got caught talking to you yesterday,” he mentioned as if I didn’t already suspect that. “Apparently, I looked like an embodiment of teenage crush, and they keep teasing me about it. I am sorry if they creep you out,” Jungkook explained, and I beamed, thinking it was actually pretty cute.
“They’re your friends; that’s what friends do.”
“Hey, Jeon, quit flirting and get your ass on the rink. We’ve all gotta warm-up,” the coach hollered, urging Jungkook to return to his teammates. Though it was just an out of the season game, their coach didn’t want to lose anyway.
“Good luck, Jeon,” I whispered, shooing him away from me, really trying to give him a chance for a proper warm-up before the match. “Don’t let anyone tackle you down. It’s not that pleasant,” I added with an encouraging smile.
“I got it,” Jungkook spoke, sending me a cute wink.
Just as I asked him to, Jungkook skated away, only to come back around ten seconds later.
“By the way, you’ve got any plans after the game?” Jungkook asked, waiting for my answer with utter impatience. “I thought maybe we could grab something to eat.”
“Well… that depends,” I replied, and Jungkook cocked up his eyebrow.
“Depends on what?”
“Ask me again after you win the game,” I teased, giving him some extra motivation to try his best on the rink. “Go, they’re waiting.”
And with that, Jungkook finally got his head in the game.
The coach shouts tips and occasionally scolds players that aren’t on their best performance. In the meantime, people fill up the seats on the bleachers, excited to see the match and open their wallets for the laudable cause.
By the time the match finally begins, I am bored out of my mind. I gave hockey a fair shot, but it didn’t raise my interest in the tiniest bit. It just wasn’t my thing.
Thankfully, I had a newly purchased book in my bag to pass the time. It was just a Christmas themed erotica with a half-naked Santa with a six-pack on the cover. It wasn’t anything promising, but the holidays were around the corner, so maybe it’d put me in the right mood.
Though I didn’t have high hopes for the novel, it felt disappointing. The plot was cliché, and the pace was too rushed, but nonetheless, I’d still choose it over a hockey game. Contact sports weren’t really my thing, especially when it was giving me PTSD.
From time to time, my eyes would locate Jungkook on the rink. He was really out there, showing off his talents, making people gawk in admiration. He was one of the best players in his team, scoring goal after goal. Or whatever they score in hockey.
It was an even match, but ultimately, our team won by two points.
“On children’s behalf, I’d like to thank everybody for coming,” a woman in smart clothing spoke through the microphone. It must’ve been the orphanage director showing her gratitude for all the money they had managed through the ticket sale. “My heart really melts when I see how many people decided to help our children, especially in this difficult time of the year,” she recited, putting the microphone away from her mouth before a grateful tear rolled down her cheek. “Thank you so much!”
Shortly after, she handed the microphone to Jungkook’s coach.
“Hi, everybody, I’m coach Min,” he introduced himself, and the spectators clapped their hands in gratitude for leading the team towards victory. “I’d like to thank everybody for donating the money. I hope the kids will enjoy their winter break,” he added, looking at the crowd, proud of so many people gathered to support the cause. “However, if you’d like to contribute, even more, my team will wait outside with boxes. With this extra money, we would like to buy Christmas gifts for these amazing kids. I wish you all – Merry Christmas.”
Another round of applause echoed among the walls before people slowly started to head towards the exit. Taking my time, I followed the crowd, looking for Jungkook. It was difficult; people were feeling generous today.
“Over here,” I heard somebody call my name, so I turned around, recognized Jimin. He was standing a few meters away with a heavy box stuffed with cash. “Would you like to make some children happy?” Jimin asked, placing the box right under my nose, wanting me to contribute some more. “What do you say?”
Although I had already paid the entry fee, I still wanted to give more. All the goodness I had witnessed at the stadium pulled my heartstrings; it was impossible to say no now. Once I started, I just couldn’t stop.
With a genuine smile, I pulled out my wallet. I had plenty of cash in it. Everything I had stolen during this week. It was about four hundred bucks. Without a slimmer of doubt, the team would spend it wisely. Better than I ever could.
“Are you sure? It’s a lot of money,” Jimin asked, wondering if I was in the right state of mind donating so much.
“Yes, I am sure,” I confirmed, giving all of the money away. The feeling was deliberating, and it was really nice. “Oh my God, Jimin! What are you doing?” I asked in panic when Jimin put the box on the ground and picked me up, spinning around.
“Ahem,” someone cleared their throat before continuing, “am I interrupting something?” A familiar voice asked, making Jimin drop me down. Thankfully, I didn’t stumble. Somehow I found my balance before I hit my face against the pavement.
“Oh, Jungkook,” Jimin whispered, smiling awkwardly, almost as if we were caught cheating. “It’s not what it looks like,” he started, and I rolled my eyes. Literally, it was the worst phrasing he could choose, especially given the reputation this line holds. “I was just showing my gratitude after her generous donation.”
“Let’s just go,” I interjected before Jimin managed to embarrass me even more. With a smile upon my face, I grabbed Jungkook’s box and handed it over to Jimin. “Take care of that, okay?” I said, grabbing Jungkook’s hand, pulling him away from the campus ground.
Since it was quite chilly outside, Jungkook and I decided to grab drinks at the campus café. Having taken seats by the window in the back, we looked through menus to choose something delicious for our little informal date.
“Order anything you like; it’s my treat,” Jungkook mentioned before he proceeded to look through the menu. “You were my lucky charm today.”
“Well… of course, it’s your treat. I gave all my money away to charity,” I spoke, looking through the tea section for something I haven’t had before. “I’d like vanilla cinnamon tea,” I read out loud the position off the menu that really caught my attention.
“On it,” he added before he walked up to the counter to order. In a minute, he was back at the table, sitting comfortably at the other side of the table. “So… you and Jimin, huh?”
“Speaking of which, what kind of jealousy scene was that?” I inquired, teasing him for completely misunderstanding this situation.
“Sorry for that,” Jungkook apologized sheepishly, looking away. “It’s just it was so unexpected. I mean… you don’t know Jimin that well, and acting like that was quite strange,” Jungkook explained, and I nodded, trying to understand his reaction.
“Jimin’s cute. Is he single?” I asked, and Jungkook frowned upon my question, visibly upset with my wording. “What I meant is that I have a friend. I have a feeling they would click, you know,” I clarified, giggling when I saw relief wash through Jungkook.
“In that case, he’s very single,” Jungkook gladly answered, smiling brightly like an idiot. “After the last girl he was seeing dumped him a few months ago, he didn’t date. Maybe it’s about time he gets back to it,” he added, and I nodded, scribbling down my friend’s number on a piece of paper, sliding it over to Jungkook, believing he would pass it to Jimin.
“So… what are your plans for Christmas Eve?” I asked when the barista brought our order to the table. Apparently, Jungkook is quite a sweet-tooth. Beside my tea, he ordered a large cup of hot cocoa with roasted marshmallows on top along with four beautifully decorated cupcakes. I got cavities just by looking at it.
“I’m going Christmas shopping,” Jungkook answered, licking off some whipped cream off the pink cupcake. “I gotta buy gifts for the kids,” he added, and I smiled at the boy in front of me. Although I knew him only for two days, he kept surprising me.
In a good way, of course.
“Do you have any idea what I can get them?” Jungkook inquired, stuffing his mouth with the cupcake, enjoying his sweet treat. “There’s like thirty-five of them. I am clueless.”
“I don’t know… board games? Art supplies? Lego blocks? I’m sure you’ll figure this out,” I replied, suspecting I wasn’t much of a help.
“You could always come and join me,” Jungkook proposed, reaching for another cupcake. “I could use some help,” he added, pushing the tray with sugary treats towards me.
“I’d love to, but I will be at work, sorry,” I answered truthfully, now kind of regretting replying to that ad on Craigslist. “I’m babysitting tomorrow. Parents of three go on some business trip, and I have to watch them until their grandparents take over,” I explained, and Jungkook nodded, sipping his hot cocoa.
“Any plans after that?”
“I’ll just come back home and watch some Christmas movies on Netflix. This year, I don’t have time to go to my hometown. I gotta go to work as soon as Christmas is over,” I explained with a deep sigh. Although I wasn’t exceptionally family-oriented, it still felt a little bit odd to spend Christmas alone. “What about you?”
“My parents finally saved up enough money for the second honeymoon they always wanted to go, so there’s no real celebration this year,” Jungkook mentioned, showing real support for his parents. If that’s what they really wanted, he didn’t want to be a burden. “I’m really happy for them. Raising me and my brother wasn’t easy, so that’s the least we can do.”
“That’s really sweet of you,” I commented, wondering about Jungkook, his family, and their customs. “We could hang out tomorrow evening if you want to,” I proposed, and Jungkook beamed in utter joy, almost as if he waited for my offer.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Jungkook admitted, grinning like a child. “Come on, have some cupcake. I bought them for us.”
“I’m fine with my tea,” I replied, raising the cup to my mouth, taking a tiny sip. “I’m full just by looking at you eat,” I added, encouraging Jungkook to devour the rest of the goodies.
As if I didn’t know already, Jungkook proved to me one more time how charming he was. Though we had different opinions on some topics, we also had a lot in common.
This date was really informative. For example, I had no idea that Jungkook only plays in the hockey team for the scholarship. His true passion is photography and directing, and it’s actually his major. Moreover, he shared how much he likes to sings in the shower, for which he often gets teased by fellow teammates.
Maybe our first meeting was a tragedy, but the more time I spent with him, I began to realize that it was actually worth it to take this fall.
“My parents should arrive around seven,” the mother of three boys announced when she finally found a second to talk to me. “Jin is ten, Namjoon is eight, and Taehyung is five,” she added when the boys ran across the corridor, chasing one another.
“They’re adorable,” I commented, though I didn’t really mean it. I had no idea how the kids would behave when their parents would walk out the door.
“My sweet little angels,” she said with a deep sigh, feeling a bit sad that she had to leave her children alone on Christmas day. Unfortunately, whatever they had to tend to at work was way more important than spending holidays with their children. “How much money do I owe you?” She asked, being unaware of the amount her husband put on the advertisement.
“Five hundred,” I answered, and she nodded her head, giving me the correct amount.
Thankfully, the kids weren’t all that troublesome.
After their parents left for the airport, the children were a loud mess playing some console games. As long as they didn’t want me to participate in their fun activities, I didn’t mind the noise. I’d just simply wait for the grandparents to arrive.
Just two more hours; I can handle that.
“Can I have some candy?” Taehyung asked cutely, holding a bag of jelly beans in his hands. Usually, I’d say no. Kids tend to be hyperactive on the sugar rush. I didn’t want to have to deal with it, but then, I was quite impressed that he even bothered to ask for permission.
“Of course, sweetie, it’s Christmas,” I replied, tearing the packaging for him.
After the boys got bored, they wanted to play some board games with me. I wasn’t particularly interested in interacting with them but ultimately decided to join in. It’s been a while since I destroyed someone at Monopoly, so I might as well do it now.
Just one more hour; it’s almost over.
The boys had a particularly short attention span. The average game of Monopoly should take at least two hours – Jin, Namjoon, and Taehyung returned to their previous shenanigans, running around and screaming at one another maybe twenty minutes into the game.
Just when I was about to yell at them to keep quiet, I heard my phone ring. Under these circumstances, it was a blessing. At this point, I’d diligently answer all the questions the spam caller wanted to ask me. I was desperate for some interaction with an adult.
Having locked myself inside the bathroom, I answered the call, enjoying a little bit of peace and quiet. “Hello?” I asked, waiting for Jungkook to brighten my day.
“Hi, there,” he spoke cheerfully, “all gifts are bought and wrapped,” he added, proud of his today’s achievements. “What time do you finish up?”
“In an hour or maybe earlier,” I answered, looking at the wristwatch.
“Do you want me to pick you up? We could take a walk, and then just go with the flow,” Jungkook proposed, and I immediately said yes as I couldn’t wait for him to show up and rescue me from these children.
“I’d actually love that. I’ll text you the address,” I spoke, biting my bottom lip in excitement. One more hour and I’d walk away with five hundred bucks in my wallet.
When the clock struck seven o’clock, the grandparents were nowhere to be seen. They were running late, and I was growing impatient. Jungkook would be here any minute, and I wanted to leave. I tried calling their parents but to no avail. They must’ve already boarded the plane.
This situation was helpless – they were just little boys, I couldn’t leave them alone.
Thirty minutes later, I heard the bell. In a hurry, I opened the doors, wishing to see the grandparents on the other side. Unfortunately, much to my dismay, it was just Jungkook.
“Shall we go now?” Jungkook asked, eyeing me from head to toe, biting his lip. “Wow, you look amazing,” he added, and I stared down at my outfit consisting of a cute tight purple turtleneck, a short black skirt, and a pair of warm tights.
“I can’t go yet. Their grandparents aren’t here, and I don’t have a way of calling them,” I explained, and Jungkook sighed, taking off his shoes, willing to help me babysit.
“What is he doing here,” Jin asked, as he folded his arms around his chest, judging me for inviting someone to their household.
“He’s my friend who was supposed to pick me up after I’m done here, and since your grandparents are getting late, he’s staying, so be nice to him.”
“Whatever,” he grumped before running to the living room, joining his brothers on the couch.
We tried watching a movie. However, once again, the boys couldn't focus enough to last to the end of it. Then, I realized I royally fucked up by giving them sugar earlier. They wanted to play hide and seek, and I agreed with a tired sigh.
Unwillingly, I turned around to face the wall. I closed my eyes and began counting, giving them more than enough time to find the perfect hiding spot.
“Three, two, one,” I hollered, making sure they heard me.
The apartment was suspiciously silent and pretty dark. I could definitely feel that weird vibe often present in horror movies. First of all, I checked all the hiding spots in the living room. Then, when I was about to enter the corridor, I felt a presence behind me. Before I managed to react, a hand snaked around my body, covering my mouth, muffling my unexpected screams.
In a second, the person turned me around. I should’ve figured it out it was Jungkook. With a goofy smile, he mentioned me to remain quiet.
“What are you doing? This is not how you play this game,” I whispered, giving him a lecture, but Jungkook only laughed at my reaction.
“Look, they’re finally quiet. You should take your time finding the kids,” Jungkook suggested, and I hummed in agreement. He was right – I should cherish the silence. He was a genius. “Shh…,” he added, pressing his forefinger against his perfect lips.
Maybe the atmosphere wasn’t perfect, but I just couldn’t help myself. We were standing there in the dark, completely still. I couldn’t fight this temptation.
Acting out of my urge, I took a step forward and gave him a chaste kiss. It was a delicate brush of my lips against his, but it was just perfect. And apparently, I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed this innocent form of affection.
The moment I pulled away, Jungkook grinned, placing his hands on my hips. Staring down at me, he yanked me against his firm body, leaning forward for another kiss. Tenderly, his mouth moved, feeling my lips.
Within seconds, the kiss became even more passionate. Smiling, Jungkook began to nibble on the sensitive skin of my lips, and I hummed in pleasure. With my arms wrapped around his neck, I opened my mouth slightly, allowing him to deepen the kiss.
“Fuck,” Jungkook loudly cursed as he bit my bottom lip, making me shriek in pain. At first, I thought he was just getting turned on, but then I realized what happened. It was Taehyung. He was standing right beside Jungkook, smiling as if he did something inappropriate. “He bit me!” Jungkook exclaimed, massaging his thigh, trying to ease the pain.
“He bit you?” I asked, being confused as ever. “Is that true, Taehyung?” I questioned the boy, but instead of answering me, he ran away to another room, chuckling like a maniac. Now, that was odd. “What is going on?”
The grandparents were supposed to arrive over an hour ago; I was losing my patience here.
“This kid bit me,” Jungkook carried on, unable to comprehend this entire situation. Well… he wasn’t the only one who couldn’t wrap his head around this. What the fuck was wrong with them? “What is this?” Jungkook asked as he felt something on this thigh. “Ew, it’s his tooth!”
That was enough.
It was about time I set up some rules.
“Let’s find them, meet me in the living room in five minutes,” I ordered before we split up to search more ground. The boys were getting out of hand, and they had to be stopped. For the love of God, Taehyung bit Jungkook!
“Have you found them?” Jungkook hollered, and I shook my head.
They vanished.
“I know it’s very irresponsible, but how about ditching this place?” I offered, even though I already knew the answer. They were just kids; we couldn’t just walk out, leaving them alone.
“It’s tempting, but we shouldn’t do that,” Jungkook spoke, regretting making the adult decision. “Isn’t that Namjoon?” He asked, and I turned to look where he was pointing at.
“Wait there, young man!” I yelled, storming out of the room, following Namjoon. The second I turned to the left, Namjoon was nowhere to be seen. It was weird; he must’ve run into one of the rooms. Unfortunately, before I managed to make up my mind, which room I should check first, someone pushed me onto the ground. It made me fall on my knees, painfully bruising them. “What the fuck?” I looked behind my shoulder, seeing Jin bolt off to the living room.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked in concern as he approached me, helping me stand up. “What is wrong with them?”
“I have no idea. The boys seemed fine earlier,” I spoke, seeing Taehyung run towards us. In a matter of seconds, he jumped at Jungkook, wrapping his hands around his neck, dangling off his back. “Hold still,” I ordered, but Jungkook was in panic, afraid of earning another wound.
I wanted to peel the kid off Jungkook’s back, but there was something wrong with Taehyung. Though he was a good boy, right now, there was something inhuman about him. He behaved like a wild animal with rabies, and it crept me out as fuck.
Jungkook smashed his back against the wall, hoping Taehyung would loosen the grip around his neck. At this moment, Jungkook felt as if the little boy was strangling him.
Unfortunately, the impact didn’t do much help.
Then I saw it. There must’ve been something really wrong with them. Taehyung’s eyes were all black with a few black veins around them, making him look extra creepy.
“Fuck this shit, let’s go,” I yanked Jungkook’s arm, wanting to get the hell away from this apartment. There was something wrong with them, and it wasn’t a part of my job to find out what. I was about to babysit them until seven o’clock and leave.
It wasn’t a part of the deal.
“We can’t leave,” Jungkook argued, but I didn’t want to listen.
“We’ll call the police,” I spoke, desperately trying to convince Jungkook to escape this trap. “They’ll send someone here to check up on them,” I added, running to the living room to get my bag. “Let’s go before I drag you out of here.” Maybe my words sounded like a threat, but it successfully made Jungkook move.
“It’s locked,” Jungkook said when he tried to pull the doors open. Though I didn’t lock it after Jungkook’s entrance, the doors wouldn’t budge now. “Do you have a key?”
Trapped inside the apartment, we looked at each other. None of us knew what to do next.
Then, the lights went out.
As if we weren’t already crept out.
“What is the plan?” Jungkook inquired, searching for my hand to hold onto something.
“Stay calm,” I answered, not realizing that quoting the office wasn’t the best idea at the moment. “You try everything to open the doors. Kungfu the shit out of them if you have to,” I ordered, and Jungkook hummed in understanding. “I’ll distract the kids.”
It wasn’t the wisest decision to make, but somebody had to do it. I wasn’t exceptionally proud of myself, but what could a bunch of weird kids do to me?
“Be careful,” Jungkook whispered before I turned on the torch on my phone, looking for the kids around the apartment.
They had to be hiding in one of the rooms. Having taken a confident sigh, I pushed one of the doors open, stepping into Namjoon’s bedroom. The space was spotless, and it was hard to believe it was one of the children’s rooms.
“Game over, Namjoon,” I spoke, urging him to show himself. “You won,” I added, as I kneeled on the carpet to check if he was hiding under the bed. He wasn’t there. “It’s not funny,” I exclaimed, marching towards the closet, anxious about opening it.
It had to be done, though.
Abruptly, I opened the closet, hoping I’d be the first to react if it was indeed Namjoon’s hiding spot. Unfortunately, I wasn’t. Before I managed to prepare myself, Namjoon pushed me, making me painfully fall on my back.
“You little fucker,” I yelled, groaning in pain, earning probably another big ass bruise. “You’re gonna regret that,” I added, unable to control my anger any longer. I was getting easy on them, but it was enough. Now, I’d punch them in the face if I had to.
Namjoon was staring down at me with these creepy black eyes of a demon. His eyes studied my movement, almost as if he was a predator, waiting for the best moment to strike its prey. Then he screeched, jumping right at me in an attempt to bite me.
This time around, however, my reflexes were quicker. Before Namjoon landed on top of me, I rolled to the side, kicking him in his stomach, sending him flying across the room. I couldn’t believe I just did that, but when Namjoon stood up as if nothing happened, I understood I had to go all the way if I wanted to make it out alive.
Quickly, I jumped to my feet, determined to Bruce Lee kick the devil’s spawn into another dimension with my close-to-none self-defense skills. Women in stress could pick up cars, and I had to beat up an eight-year-old.
I could handle it.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Bouncing on my legs like on the ready mode in a fighting game, I stared at my opponent. Namjoon was the first to attack, and I just jumped at the side, not wanting to get bitten. Unfortunately, Namjoon still managed to scratch my arm, drawing blood.
“You’re dead,” I threatened when I saw that he tore the sleeve of my favorite turtleneck. With anger in my eyes, I approached him, throwing punches left and right. My fists collided against Namjoon’s jaw, but no matter how much force I used, it didn’t seem to have any impact on him. He didn’t feel any pain, and it pissed me off.
With a hiss, Namjoon jumped at me, wrapping his hands and arms around my torso. His mouth was dangerously close to my throat, so in a state of complete panic, I started to spin around, trying to shake him off of me.
Now, Namjoon’s room was a complete mess – especially when I walked into a mirror, smashing it into a thousand pieces. Namjoon and I were rolling in the broken glass, earning plenty of tiny cuts across our bodies.
“That’s enough,” I warned him as I spat blood on the carpet. “Say hello to Satan for me, will you?” I added before I pushed him out of the window without any regrets. Namjoon kept screaming, but when his tiny body smashed against the pavement, the peculiar screeching finally stopped. “Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker,” I whispered, unable to control myself.
I just killed a kid, and the first thing that came to my mind was quoting Die Hard.
It wasn’t the time for celebration. There were still two children running around the apartment.
Looking around Namjoon’s room, I found a baseball bat. That’ll do, I thought to myself as I stared at my new-found weapon.
“Jungkook!” I shouted.
Once I was in the corridor, I saw the doors. They were open, but Jungkook was out of sight. Did he seriously ditch me here alone? No, it wasn’t possible. Jungkook would never do that.
The boys must’ve done something to him.
One by one, I checked all the rooms, but I found nothing. It almost felt as if I was alone in this creepy apartment.
“Cut the crap, boys,” I hollered, ready to smack anybody in the face with my baseball bat. I was done playing games. I just wanted to go home and wrap myself in blankets in front of a television. “Come out! I don’t have the whole day,” I added, looking around.
I was on high alert. Adrenaline and other hormones were running through my veins, enhancing my senses. Then I heard it – the sound was coming from the staircase. Quickly, I ran out of the apartment, checking the reason behind this commotion.
It was a yellow ball. Somebody must’ve thrown it. Leaning over the railing, I looked up, trying to spot the villain behind this prank. Then I heard giggles. It must’ve been Taehyung.
“Get down here, right now,” I ordered, but the boy didn’t listen. “You’re going to be so dead when I get up there,” I warned, skipping two steps at a time, climbing the stairs.
On the top of the stairs, Taehyung was sitting comfortably, playing with a yo-yo. His face was stretched into a creepy smile, and in all honesty, it gave me chills.
“Get down here,” I repeated myself, but Taehyung didn’t even budge. “Where is Jungkook? What did you do to him?” I asked and received no answer.
Angrily, I walked upstairs, swinging my baseball bat around. Taehyung tried to mess with me with his yo-yo, but I managed to catch the toy and pull it out of his hands.
Like a maniac, I swung the bat, repeatedly hitting Taehyung’s head until it turned into a pulp. Wiping the blood off my face with the back of my hand, I turned around, studying the area. There was one more child out there, and I couldn’t lose my focus just yet.
“Where are you, Jin?” I shouted, waiting for a sign from the boy.
“Here,” Jin whispered, as he emerged from the shadows, pushing me off the stairs.
It was a painful fall, but thankfully, I didn’t break my neck. I felt a pulsating sensation in my left ankle, but besides that, I was fine.
Groaning in pain, I watched Jin slowly descend the stairs. His weird-ass demon eyes were drilling holes in my face, his lips turning into a devilish sneer. Step by step, he made his way downstairs, enjoying the way I tried to crawl away from him. The anticipation was draining me of energy; he was going to murder me, and I could just watch him do it.
“Help!” I shouted though I doubted anyone could hear me. “Somebody call the police!” I carried on but to no avail.
Jin was maybe thirty centimeters away from me, savoring my misery. Slowly, he tilted his head to the side, showing me his teeth, ready to tear me apart.
I had maybe a minute of life left, and I was going to spend it looking into my killer’s eyes.
That was sick.
When Jin was about to jump at me, I heard a noise coming from the apartment.
The scene unfolded in front of my eyes so soon, I couldn’t properly react to it. Right before Jin took a final leap towards me, Jungkook emerged out of the apartment with a fireplace poker, piercing it through Jin’s neck.
Jin’s blood, like a fountain, squirted on me. With my eyes closed, I waited for this moment to end. A few seconds later, I could hear Jin’s dead body collapse to the side.
“Are you okay?” I asked Jungkook, who dropped onto the floor beside me in shock.
“I just killed a kid,” Jungkook whispered, still unable to process what just happened. “When you walked away to look for the kids, I heard a noise in the kitchen. It was Jin, and when I entered, he began throwing shit at me. That motherfucker cut my face,” he added, showing me his fresh wound on his beautiful cheek. “Then, he stabbed my side with the knife and locked me in the closet,” he added, squeezing his side, trying to numb the pain.
“Let’s get the hell away from here,” I spoke, trying to stand up. It was difficult with all my wounds, but I couldn’t stand being inside this building.
We just killed three children.
At first, we had no clue what to do next, but then, I listened to my voice of reason – Jungkook. No matter how bad it looked, we had to go to the police.
Hand in hand, we slowly walked to the nearest police station. People were turning their heads when we were passing by them. I couldn’t blame them. I looked like Carrie with better clothing, while Jungkook seemed to have survived a zombie apocalypse.
When we entered the police station, everybody stared at us. Wobbling, we approached the front desk. “We killed three children,” I admitted, realizing how bad it sounded without the context.
The policeman was shocked. He didn’t witness this kind of thing regularly.
A few minutes later, we were escorted to a questioning room, where we could describe everything in great detail. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to buy our story, thinking we were trying to pull some kind of a prank.
Taking all precautions, they called in an ambulance. We were seriously injured, and we needed some medical care. Though the doctor did a great job, I’d kill to get some better painkillers.
Once our wounds were dressed, the police locked us in custody. We had to wait until a pair of policemen checked the apartment and secure the evidence.
“Merry Christmas, Jungkook,” I whispered as I looked at my wristwatch, realizing it was already past one o’clock. “I know we had different plans, but out of all people, I am glad I was stuck there with you. You saved my life,” I carried on, looking at Jungkook fondly.
“We killed three children,” he replied, still shaken after what had happened. Perhaps, he didn’t need me now, but I really wanted to hug him and tell him that everything’s gonna be alright. Too bad that we were locked in two different cells.
“In self-defense,” I added since Jungkook often seemed to forget that part.
After ten minutes of painful silence, one of the guards walked up to the custody, unlocking our cells. What else did they want to know? We already said everything we knew.
“You’re free to go,” the guard announced, surprising us immensely. “It was an elaborate prank, but don’t ever do that again, or else, we’re going to seriously put you in jail,” he warned, urging us to leave.
“I don’t understand,” I wondered out loud, unable to process what was going on. “I thought you sent your men to check out the crime scene.”
“We did, and the apartment you wanted us to check out was empty. We talked with the landlord, and he said this flat has been vacant for the last year,” the guard explained, making me and Jungkook gasp in shock.
What the fuck was going on?
In complete silence, with our heads hanging low, we exited the police station.
“What now?”
“Let’s just go home and watch Die Hard,” Jungkook whispered, still trying to wrap his head around what had happened inside the apartment. We almost died in there. However, when the police checked it, it was like we had never been there.
My apartment was closer, so we both headed there. Our moves were robotic, our heads were empty. At this point, we just wanted to sit down and keep our minds busy, so we wouldn’t try to analyze what happened back there.
It wasn’t a figment of our imagination. Our wounds were concrete evidence that we were telling the truth. Unfortunately, the police didn’t want to believe us. However, as the saying goes – no body, no crime.
In light of the law, we were innocent.
As soon as we entered my apartment, we sat down on the floor, resting our back against the sofa. Mindlessly, I grabbed the remote and turned Die Hard on Netflix.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I whispered as I interlaced my fingers with Jungkook’s, resting my head on his shoulder. “Or we can just pretend it never happened. Let’s just say we watched a really weird movie or went to a hardcore escape room,” I added, studying Jungkook’s arm tattoos, getting lost in his skin art.
“I’ve known you a few days,” Jungkook started, staring into my eyes. “But I’ve experienced more stress than in my entire life altogether,” he added with a sigh, placing a delicate peck against my neck.
“Actually, my life is pretty boring,” I admitted, though I knew where Jungkook’s words were coming from. I wouldn’t believe myself, either. “It took a 180 on that ice rink,” I reasoned, trying to find a connection.
“You’re beautiful,” Jungkook confessed genuinely, staring at my face with his big sparkly eyes. He was bullshitting me, but I didn’t have enough energy to argue with him. How could I be beautiful? My hair was all sticky due to all the blood which the doctor hadn’t washed off. My skin was covered with cuts and bruises. Even my clothes were ripped. I was certain Jungkook didn’t mean it, but I wasn’t going to admit that.
“You’re beautiful, too,” I beamed, teasing him. “Even after what we’ve been through today, you’re absolutely breathtaking,” I added, and Jungkook looked away, trying to hide his red cheeks. Carefully, I cupped his face, pressing another delicate kiss against his lips.
Just like feathers, our lips moved against each other. No rush, no hastiness, just pure delight.
Though we were both sore and exhausted, we took our time. Maybe it was past three o’clock now, but we didn’t care. I could stay up all night, kissing him like that.
Slowly, Jungkook’s hands found purchase on my hips, carefully pulling me closer on top of his thighs. Gently, I began rubbing my sex against his muscular legs, trying not to make him hiss. His beautiful thighs had already suffered enough damage when Taehyung had bitten him – I didn’t want to inflict any more pain.
“I wish I could fuck you the way I want to,” Jungkook confessed, taking me aback with his filthy words. He was a good soft boy with a heart of gold; how could he talk dirty to me like that? It was out of his calm and collected character, but I absolutely loved it.
“Don’t worry, I think I’m gonna stick around at least until you’re fully recovered,” I answered with a teasing tone as I reached down to his zipper, freeing his semi-hard cock. “Do you have any plans for New Year’s Eve? Or Valentine’s Day?” I questioned, but Jungkook was too busy to answer right away, ripping my tights apart.
“Actually, I do,” Jungkook mentioned with a lopsided smirk upon his face. “I’m gonna be sitting here between your thighs, buried deep inside your pussy. How do you like that?” He asked mischievously, biting my bottom lip before I managed to reply.
“I hope you’re not all talk,” I answered, staring down at his dick. Carefully, I pulled it out of his pants, giving it a few strokes before I raised my hips, slowly sinking down on his length. “Mmm…” I purred, feeling a pleasant stretch.
“I should’ve prepped you,” Jungkook whispered as he felt my walls slowly adjust to his girth.
“Nah, it’s all fine,” I spoke, getting all comfortable on his dick. “There’s always a next time.”
With a languid, stable pace, I rocked my hips back and forth, riding him. Going this slow allowed me to properly feel every inch of him. It was intimate, and I enjoyed it much more than any mindless pounding, which didn’t always get me off. With Jungkook under me, I was in complete control. He was obedient and responsive to my movements, really making it look easy to push me over the edge.
“I’m coming,” I moaned, feeling the approaching orgasm. Jungkook, instead of messing with my tempo, grabbed my hips, helping me maintain my current pace. “Fuck, Jungkook,” I hissed when he gently pushed his cock deeper inside of me, being seconds away from his own release.
“Come around my cock,” Jungkook ordered, and I obeyed his order, falling into a million pieces on top of him, screaming his name. Thankfully, Jungkook’s hands held me in place. Otherwise, I’d once again collapse onto the floor. “Argh,” Jungkook grunted, shooting his load inside of me. “I want to go again,” he added as soon as he calmed down after the powerful orgasm.
“I think it’ll have to wait,” I answered, though I’d love to go another round. “We can try in the morning. Right now, I need a shower,” I added, and Jungkook nodded his head, resting it between my boobs, too lazy to let me go.
He was still balls deep inside of me, and his cum was slowly oozing out of my pussy, but none of us wanted to move. It felt as pleasant as it was nasty, but we didn’t mind.
“Do you mind if I join you?” Jungkook asked innocently, batting his eyelashes in an attempt to woo me. “That would save lots of water,” he added, and I didn’t want to argue with his reasoning.
“Why the hell not? Let’s go before I change my mind,” I spoke, giving him a hand, helping him stand up. “But,” I added, sternly staring at the boy beside me. “Until we’re fully recovered, it’s just a shower.”
“Sure thing.”
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winterscaptain · 3 years
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: just in case you missed it, i published a family tree for the hotchners! at this point, jack is married to bella and living in d.c. she’s a journalist for the washington division at the new york times and is generally pretty awesome. as always, lemme know what you think!
words: 3.1k warnings: language, hospital setting, canon-typical injury
summary: “write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble” - benjamin franklin. au!december 2035
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next?
“Come on, Soph! Go, baby, go!”
Your daughter is a vision. She streaks across the field, her green and yellow uniform almost melding with the grass as she keeps control of the ball. You can’t see her face too clearly, but you know she’s scanning the field with the same intensity you see in Aaron’s face beside you. 
Isaac plops down on the bench behind you, home from Los Angeles for winter break. “How’s she doing?” 
Aaron half-turns his head, keeping his eyes on the field. “Going for a hat trick - if she makes it, it’ll be her third this season.” 
Caroline, down the field with her choir group, lounges happily between the legs of one of her friends, eating popcorn. When she sees you looking, she waves at you.
You wave back for a moment before your attention’s caught by a collective gasp and Aaron’s hand shoots to your forearm. You turn back to the field, but you missed it. 
Everyone’s moving and you don’t know why. 
With shocking agility for his age, Aaron all but leaps down the bleachers and onto the field. Your eyes search for Soph, but there are too many people on the field, all of a sudden. 
Caroline’s standing on the seat of the bleachers, her friends steadying her with their hands on her arms and ankles. 
There’s a hand, soft and scared on your shoulder. “Mom?”
You open your arms, and your nearly-grown son ducks under it, curling into you as you stand. “Do you want your earbuds?” 
You feel him nod and you pull them out of your bag. His trembling quiets a little after he fits them in his ears. 
There’s a clamber, and Caroline appears at your side. “What happened?” 
“I don’t know. I wasn’t watching.” 
She exhales, shaky and worried. “Where’s Dad?” 
“On the field.”
But where? 
You find Aaron, his salt-and-pepper hair stark in the autumn light. He’s talking to the referee, his brows low. 
You hear sirens. 
“Oh, hey! What’s up, Mom?” 
You almost hate to ruin his mood. 
“Jack, honey, can you get down to the house at any point tonight?” 
You try not to grip the handle above the car door too tightly as Aaron races through the suburban streets, following the ambulance. Soph was definitely lucid when they loaded her up, but definitely in a lot of pain. 
“Ye - Yeah...Why?” 
“Soph’s headed to the ER - something happened on the soccer pitch today and her knee…” You shake your head. “I dunno. Her knee looks really bad.” 
“Fuck. Okay.” You hear him shuffle around and click his mouse - checking his schedule. “I can get down there after my last meeting at four - I’m headed there in a few minutes, but won’t be able to swing any earlier. I’d cancel it, but it’s literally SecDef and the Joint Chiefs and -” 
“That’s fine - I just need someone at the house with the kids until one of us can get back. Elliot’s at baseball practice until six and I’m not sure if -” 
“I’ll be there. I’ll get El and then I’ll swing by for Isaac and Caro if they’re still with y’all down there.” 
You glance over at Aaron and nod. He heaves a sigh of relief and mouths Thank you. 
“Thanks, Jack.” 
“Yeah. See you soon. Love you.” 
“Love you, too.”
When you’re finally allowed in to see Sophia, her eyes are red and puffy with tears. Her right leg is braced and elevated at the knee. 
Her doctor explains the situation - dislocated knee and splintered patella with a torn meniscus and ACL. “This kind of traumatic knee injury poses a couple of issues…” 
He explains that the rehabilitation and surgery needs for both the ACL and meniscus are exceedingly different, and “It’s entirely possible Miss Sophia will experience permanent joint damage. However, we won’t know that until we have an orthopaedic surgeon look at it tomorrow.” 
“What about sports? Can I still play?” Soph tries to sit up farther, but Aaron’s arm shoots out, locking her against the bed across her shoulders. 
The doctor looks hesitant, and it’s all she needs to burst into tears again. Aaron moves, sitting on the side of the bed and wrapping her up in his arms. He looks over her head at you and your lower lip disappears into your mouth as you meet his gaze. 
You shift your attention to your other children sitting patiently behind you.
Caroline’s practically bit her nails to the quick - her hands looking more and more like her Aunt Emily’s as the moments pass. 
Isaac’s been sitting in the wide windowsill for the entire afternoon, his headphones on, staring out the window, his mouth tight and fingers tearing into the foam stress ball you keep in your purse. 
We’ll need another one of those. Or five.
 You get a phone call, and you step out. “Hey, Jack.” 
“Hey. Just got Elliot. We’re headed over to the hospital now. How’s she doing?” 
You sigh and press a hand to your forehead. 
“Oh, shit. That bad?” He asks. 
You don’t comment on his tell pickup. It’s in his blood, at this point. “Yeah. She’s definitely out for the rest of the season, and we’re looking at some long-term stuff, too.” 
“Hey! I’m still here and she’s gonna kick your ass if you keep swearing in front of me, dude.” Elliot shouts from the back and it almost makes you smile. 
“I’m actually inclined to agree with you, Jack. We’ve got a dislocated and splintered patella in addition to a torn meniscus and ACL. It’s going to be a long rehab.” 
You hear a deep sigh into the bluetooth system in Jack’s car. “Well, I’ll stay here for the duration.” 
“No, no honey it’s alright. Your dad is home full-time and you’ve got a huge project reaching critical stages. Your room is all ready for you, but you really don’t have to hang around if you can’t manage the drive every day. And Bella -”
“Bells is looped in. She’s fine. She’s more than happy to tag out if we need to. Her deadlines are really loose right now what with the whole ‘nothing going on in Arlington’ thing this week. She’s heartbroken for Soph and wants to help where she can.” 
“Hey,” He huffs, sounding a lot like his dad. “I’ll let you go. I’ll text when I’m outside.” 
“Okay. Thanks, bud.” 
“Of course,” he says, like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “Anytime.” 
Sophia’s sleeping when Alice and Hank come to visit later in the evening. Aaron went home a couple hours after Jack, planning to tag out with you later so you could get some sleep in your own bed before work tomorrow. 
Alice immediately embraces you, all but falling into your lap as you hold her. She’s shaking.
“Is she okay?” 
You push her back, smoothing some wayward edges at her hairline. “She will be.” 
Alice’s dark eyes fill with tears, and you brush them off her cheeks as they fall. 
“She’ll need your help, though. It’s gonna be a long time before we figure out what’s permanent and what’s not.” 
Alice nods and retreats, sitting in the plastic chair by Soph’s side, folding her arms on the mattress and laying her head on them. “Hey, Sofa,” she whispers, though Soph can’t hear her. 
“I haven’t heard that one in a while,” you tell her. Sofa is a nickname Derek gave Sophia when she was little. No big meaning to it, but it stuck. 
You wouldn’t be surprised if she stayed there all night. 
Hank lingers by the door. In the shadow of the room, you could easily mistake him for Derek, but that concerned pull at the corners of his eyes screams Savannah. 
Eventually, he crosses the room and sits on the little lounger beside you. 
He takes your hand and you kiss his knuckles. “I bet this isn’t how you wanted to spend your winter break, huh?” 
A little laugh leaves him. “Maybe not, but little Miss Thing over here dragged me out the door before I could get two words in edgewise.” He gestures vaguely toward Alice and you actually smile. 
“Yeah. In my experience, Morgan women don’t fuck around.” 
“You got that right,” comes a voice from the doorway. It’s Savannah, fresh off her shift and still in her white coat and scrubs. She scours over Sophia’s charts and checks on her before sitting on your other side. 
“Do you want the bad news or the good-but-also-kind-of-bad news?” She asks, almost inaudible. You glance up at Soph but Savannah shakes her head. “She’s out - those pain meds will leave this entire visit a blur.” 
You sigh. “Fine. Hit me with the bad shit.” 
“You sure?”
Savannah rests her elbows on her knees. “I’ve seen a knee injury like this exactly once before. No matter what you do, they can’t and don’t always heal right. She could need a mobility device permanently, even after she’s healed, and I can tell you now she won’t play again.” 
That’s okay. She’s okay. 
Better soccer goes than her life. 
Soccer is her life. 
You only know that Alice can hear everything when her shoulders start to shake. She doesn’t make any noise as she cries. She’s like her dad that way. Hank stands and places a hand between her shoulder blades, but says nothing. 
“Is that the worst of it?” 
Savannah nods. “Yeah.” She takes a breath. “The kinda good news is that she’ll be totally fine no matter what obstacles she may run into. She’s tough. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a Hotchner.”
She snorts. “Hell, I watched you bounce back from crazy life-threatening shit with a quip and a grin.” 
You raise your eyebrows and shrug. “I do what I can.” 
Caroline curls into her father’s side, her double bed big enough to manage the both of them. It feels a lot like when she was little - she’d have nightmares or couldn’t fall asleep and Aaron would come and sit with her until her breath was even and slow.
“What’s Soph gonna do about college?” Caroline’s voice is small, nearly smothered in Aaron’s shirt. “She already has scouting offers and stuff.” 
“Yeah,” he says with a sigh. “I’m not sure. We’ll all have to figure it out together, won’t we?”
Aaron steps into the room, closing the sliding glass door behind him. Alice, just as you predicted, snoozes next to Sophia, her head pillowed on her arms. Sophia’s upper body almost arcs around her and she managed to snag one of Alice’s hands in her adjustment. 
Those two…
Maybe he won’t escape the inevitable after all. 
Morgan-Hotchner? Hotchner-Morgan? 
He really only ever prepared to lose his name with Caroline. Soph always seemed far too… herself to take on a new one. 
We’ll see.
You’re asleep in the pull-out chair, your brow drawn and arms crossed over your chest. He approaches you as quietly as he can, putting his go bag down and sitting beside you. 
Much to his chagrin, you startle awake. 
“Sorry,” he says in a whisper. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” 
You shake your head. “You didn’t.” Talking through your yawn, you add, “Just had a weird dream is all.” 
Aaron pulls you close and you relent, tucking into his side with a hand pressed to his chest. 
“Did Savannah come by?” He asks. 
You nod. 
“What did she say?” 
You sniff a little, more from the antiseptic smell than any emotional response - that will come later. “Soph won’t be able to play again unless fuckin’ divine intervention or some shit comes along and fixes her knee from scratch, but she’ll be able to move around just fine with a cane or brace or something after a while.” 
Aaron can only imagine it now - fits and righteous anger about getting around the house, watching games from the bench - the list could go on forever. “She’ll hate that.” 
You hum in agreement. “Just another parenting challenge. Already have the rest of the gamut covered neurodevelopmentally, so we were bound to get a physical challenge at some point.” 
“Never more than we can handle.” 
Shaking your head, you note, “This one just might do us in.” 
“I swear to God, if I see you in the office at all this week I’m gonna smash your kneecaps in.” Emily pauses. “Sorry. Too soon?” 
“No, no, it’s fine.” You laugh a little and Soph sits up, her brow asking a question. 
You answer, pulling the phone away from your mouth. “Your Aunt Emily told me she’d smash my kneecaps if she saw me at the federal building this week.” 
Soph snorts. “Nice. We could match.” 
You reach over and tweak her nose. “We already match.” 
“Hey.” Emily grabs your attention again and you put your cell back to your ear. “I’m serious. I don’t want you to be here. Stay home for Soph right now and I’ll sign off on it and turn everything in for you.” 
You roll your eyes. “I can’t believe you turned into Rossi, Miss I’m Past Retirement Age But Twisted the Bureaus Arm to Let Me Work Myself to Death.”
She laughs and hangs up, leaving you and Sophia alone again in the hospital room. She tucks back into her Jello, taking bites that are way too big. 
“How are you feeling, bug?” You brush her cheekbone with your thumb and she shrugs. 
“Can you hand me my headband?” 
You reach over and dig around in her back until you find the wide swatch of colorful fabric. She takes it from you and shoves it over her head, pushing her hair back with practiced ease. 
She’s just like her dad. 
What? Loyal? 
Yeah. But also chronically avoidant. 
“You didn’t answer my question.” 
She huffs, playing with her fingers. “I’m fine. I think.” Her breath is shaky. “I can’t really tell with all the meds I’m on, but it feels… really bad.” 
When she looks over at you again, her eyes are glassy, tearful. “I know I can’t play again, maybe not even run.” 
You reach out for her hand, but don’t say anything. 
“Momma…” She pauses, looking down at her blanket. “Momma, I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I feel like I only know how to play soccer. I don’t know how - I don’t know if I want to do anything else. I’ve never thought about it before.” 
You run your thumb over her knuckles. “Soph, you can do so much. You have a great strategic mind - you think in these big, creative webs. It’s such an asset.” 
“Don’t profile me.” 
“I’m not profiling you, baby,” you tell her with a smile. “I just know that about you because you’re my daughter.”
Her mouth twists. “Right.” She looks down when her phone buzzes. 
“Who is it?” 
The corners of her lips tip up. “It’s Alice. She’s asking me if I want anything from the drive thru.”
You mirror her little smile. “That’s nice of her.” 
“Alright so you have twenty nuggets, large fries,” Alice digs around in the bag, taking things out as she speaks. “And… a vanilla milkshake.” 
“God, I love you.” Sophia wraps her hand around Alice's head and pulls her close, pressing a kiss to her temple. 
Alice laughs, deep from her chest. “Shit, Soph, if all I have to do to secure your love is get you crap chicken, sign me up.” 
“You could get damn close.” 
Aaron watches the girls sit beside each other in the bed, taking turns dipping their nuggets in the sauce. They’ve always been this way, exchanging barbs and affection in equal measure. Symbiotic in the extreme, one is never far from the other. 
You’re home, getting everyone else in bed and settled for the evening. Isabella drove in a night early - Jack’s headed back to D.C. apartment for a series of days-long meetings at the Pentagon regarding his latest project. 
Aaron’s excited to see her. It’s been a helluva thing to see his son married, even more surreal to know and love his son’s wife like his own daughters. 
His phone rings. 
Speak of the devil. 
“Hey, Bella.” 
Sophia looks over at the mention of her sister-in-law, and Alice looks beside herself with delight. As well as being a hit among the parents, Bella’s a winner with the kids, too. 
Some days, Caroline likes her more than she likes Jack. 
“Hey, Pops. Want to tag out?” 
“Sure. I’ll switch with you. How long do you want to be here?” 
He can almost hear her shrug. “Eh. I’ll spend the night. My column isn’t due until the end of the week and I’ve got it covered. Don’t need to work, don’t really need to sleep. Win-win.”
“If you say so.” 
“I do. I’ll be there in twenty.” 
She hangs up before Aaron can respond, so he just pockets his phone and takes the loss. Sophia, after taking a sip of her milkshake, asks. “Is Bella here all night?” 
“Yeah, bug. She’ll be here.” 
Soph and Alice share a look. 
“Well, Bella has more patience than I do,” Aaron says, dropping his go bag at the bedroom door. “She’s stuck with H&M for the rest of the night at the hospital.” 
You laugh, wrapping your arms around him. “I’m glad the girls have company, and fun company, at that.” 
“Fair enough.” 
The two of you quiet for a moment, and you tuck further under his arm, placing your hand over his heart. 
His hand traces up and down your back, slow and steady. “Yeah?” 
“What can we do for her? She sounded so… defeated today.” 
And it’s true. You’ve never seen Soph like that, even at her lowest. If you were honest, it scared you a little. 
“We can be her parents. That’s all. And she’ll figure something out. If she needs to take a gap year, she’ll manage. She and Alice can search for programs together.” He sighs before he continues, leaning back to look at you. 
“All we can do is ask her what she needs and support her as best we can.” 
tagging: @avengersbau @ambicaos @angelsbabey @arganfics @averyhotchner @bwbatta @capricorngf @cevanswhre @crazyshannonigans @criminalsmarts @deagibs @forgottenword @genevievedarcygranger @hotchsflower​ @hotchslatte​ @hurricanejjareau @joanofarkansass @kelstark @kerrswriting @little-blue-fishie @lotties-journey-abroad @mandylove1000 @missdowntonabbey @mrs-dr-reid @pan-pride-12 @popped-weasels @quillvine @qvid-pro-qvo @reidingmelodies @reids-mismatchedsocks @roses-and-grasses @shesbiochem4 @ssahotchnerr @ssaic-jareau @ssareidbby @starsandasteroids @stxrrywildflower @sunflowersandotherthings @sunshine-em @teamhappyme @this-broken-band-girl @ughitsbaby @unicorn-bitch @venusbarnes @violet-amxthyst @word-scribbless @writefasttalkevenfaster @zizzlekwum @iconicc @avatarkorraswife @mooneylupinblack @ssworldofsw @nuvoleincielo @kaemarie23 @violentvulgarvolatile @abschaffer2 @ellyhotchner @rousethemouse @baumarvel @reidtomestyles @dreamsonthewall @jhiddles03 @willlemonheadsupremacy @infinity1321 @messyhairday-me @itsalwaysb33nyou @finnologys @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @hothothotchner @happyvol7 @ssa-holmes @mac99martin @ssahotchner99 @triangularroses @vagabond-ing @itsmytimetoodream @magic_in_the_eyes_of_the_beholder
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abubblingcandle · 3 months
🌨 sleet and ☀️ sun?
🌨 Sleet - What's the most you've ever written in one sitting?
I wrote about 5k of One Step Out of Time in one sitting in a Wetherspoons in a day. It just fell out of me in a flurry. I will never be able to replicate that again lol
☀️ Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
For A Treatment Room Doors Moment my favourite scene is Roy and Jamie and Phoebe at Blackpool Pleasure Beach from Ch5.
I've already shared the scene I have written from this bit but here it is again!
“How about this Pheebs? We find Uncle Roy a nice café and get him some ice cream and you tell me all about your season so far while queueing for that Spongebob ride so we don’t have to take your bag with us?” Jamie grinned, bending down to Phoebe’s height to discuss with her. “I can fucking ride the Spongebob ride,” Roy growled. “But wouldn’t it be nicer to have ice cream instead of having to queue with loads of ew, children,” Jamie replied in his best talking to a child voice and Phoebe giggled. “I can fucking ride the Spongebob ride,” Roy repeated, gritting his teeth to try and not lash out at Jamie. Jamie sighed, worrying his lip and staring at the floor. “Mine giving me and your uncle a moment Pheebs. How about you grab that bench for us?” Jamie’s forced smile returned and Phoebe nodded, running to claim a seat before someone else grabbed it. Jamie gave her a little nod before turning to face Roy, smile still plastered on his face. “What the fuck are you doing Roy?” he hissed through clenched teeth. “What the fuck are you doing trying to sideline me?” Roy snapped. “You can barely walk you twat. I know you should be on crutches right now but chose not to start a fight about that. We’ve been on our feet most of the day. Every time you walk up stairs the noise makes me want to vomit. I’m trying to save your leg and also your mood. That queue is fucking long. Just sit down, read a book and eat some ice cream instead of suffering for literally no fucking reason. Fucking idiot,” Jamie ranted. “My knee is fine. I got that damn surgery so that I could do things with Phoebe, so that she wouldn’t have to not do things because of my injuries anymore,” Roy grunted. “Great, well done you for making one sensible choice in the last god knows how long but one, Phoebe isn’t missing out because the hottest footballer in the prem is going to take her on whatever rides she wants and buy her so much sugar because he doesn’t have to witness the consequences. Two, if you fuck up your knee more by being a stubborn little shit then you are just going to miss out on more in the future,” Jamie stated, counting his points on his fingers. Roy had to do the one thing that he hated more than anything else in the world … admit that Jamie had a point.
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Everyone Knows (pt 2)
AN: I’m working on a request right now that I’m so excited about! Please send me more if you want to see something specific from me :)
Three hours later, the music was blaring, sweaty bodies were moving all around, and y/n and Stiles were pretty drunk. They had yet to run into each other, probably for the fact that they were actively avoiding each other. Allison and Scott were both trying to get them to run into each other, but despite their drunken state, they both ran the other way if they caught a glimpse of each other.
“They’re literally acting like children and running away from each other, like that doesn’t scream to them that they fucking like each other?” Allison raised her voice over the music to Lydia and Scott.
“I have an idea, but you guys have to get them together. Seriously, like you can’t mess it up this time!” Lydia said to the two.
They rolled their eyes as she went prancing away. Fed up with trying to get the two together, Scott and Allison literally just drug the two to the middle of where everyone was dancing. Instantly, the song changed to a slow one. The pair was already turning away from each other, but Scott and Allison forced them together once again. They awkwardly embraced and started to dance.
“Well, hi y/n.” Stiles said, sobering up almost instantly.
“Hiiiiii, Stiiiiii.”
“Well I guess I am meeting drunk y/n tonight, huh?” He laughed at the girl.
“Whaaaaat? I am NOT drunkkkk. Noopeeeeee no wayyyy, not me!” y/n said hiccuping through her sentence.
“If you say so” Stiles laughed while tripping over both of their feet.
After the slow song, more heart-pounding music played over the speakers. The alcohol got the best of y/n, who didn’t hesitate to start dancing on Stiles. When he froze, y/n either didn’t notice or didn’t care. Her body against his was unlike anything that Stiles had felt before. His body responded without his brain telling him he shouldn’t. His hands were on her body, swaying to the music, even if his moves were a tad clumsy. Their bodies moved in sync, nothing else mattered in these few moments. They were together, unbeknownst to them, they both were feeling the same way. Euphoric from the feeling of their bodies on each other, yet scared because of the unspoken feelings between the two. The pair turned to each other, eyes meeting, closer than they had realized.
“Come on, let’s go outsideeeee it’s toooo hot in HERE.” y/n yelled over the music, breaking the moment and pulling Stiles to the nearest exit.
It was much quieter and cooler outside, clearing y/n’s head a little. The two sat in silence for a while, it wasn’t awkward, but they both had so much to say. Neither of them knew how to start, or that they were both thinking the same exact thing. They both looked at each other, smiled when they realized and looked away.
“y/n,” Stiles started, “I..well I’ve. I don’t even know where to start. I know we’ve been friends for a while, like a long time. We’ve been through a lot together, I know. I know..well I know everything about you I guess. I know you love books, I know you like to go home most Friday’s and put on comfy clothes and throw on a movie, usually an old one. I know that you secretly love all the crazy things Scott and I do, even if you act like we’re stupid. I know how many times you’ve had our back and said we didn’t do something we did, just to keep us from getting in trouble. I know how you-”
y/n cut him off, “Stiles, if you’re not going to end this rant by telling me you like me, I’m going to be really disappointed.”
Stiles froze for a minute, he wasn’t sure if he had heard right, “Does...does that mean what I think it does?”
“Yes, yes it does. I like you Stiles, a lot. I have for a while. You make me feel special, like I mean something. Which is hard to do when we’re surrounded by a bunch of supernatural beings. You make me so happy, I want to be around you all the time. I couldn’t have done these past couple years without you, hell I could still be sitting by myself on the bench with no one to play with. I’m so thankful for you and Scott, but at some point, the feeling changed with you.”
“I don’t even know what to say now…” Stiles said, shocked and still not completely processing what y/n had said.
“I mean...you didn’t exactly say what I was expecting you to say….especially since I’ve already said it…” y/n, still nervous even though she thought she knew where he was headed.
“Yes! Yes I like you, y/n I have for a while, too! God, I want nothing more than to be with you!” Stiles said excitedly.
“Well I guess we’re together.” y/n said levelheaded.
“So that’s it, we’re just like together now? Like that’s it, it’s that easy?”
“Nothing else is easy about our lives, so why shouldn’t this be?” y/n said, smiling a huge smile at the boy.
Stiles couldn’t even say anything else, he was excited and confused. He didn’t know if he could believe this was real, he had been beating himself up about the feelings he had and now they were just together, just like that. He stared at the girl, bewildered and happy. She stood up, pulling Stiles with her. She was looking at him with love in her eyes, filling Stiles with more joy than he thought he’d ever felt in his life.
“Stiles if you don’t kiss me right now....” y/n said expectantly.
And he did, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. It was perfect, there was no awkwardness, no hesitation, just pure joy radiating from both of them. They pulled away and looked at each other smiling. The first kiss was sweet, the second was more intense. The lips connected again, Stiles’ hands moved to her hips, pulling her closer. Her hands flew to the back of his head, tangling in his hair and pulling him even closer.
Before the kiss could turn into anything more, Scott, Allison, and Lydia started whooping from the door Stiles and y/n had originally left the party from.The pair broke their kiss and looked at their friends, making their way back into the party. The pair were definitely going to enjoy the rest of their night, finally confessing their feelings for each other, a huge weight that lifted off of their shoulders. Now for what tomorrow would bring, they couldn’t be sure, but they knew they’d have each other and their friends.
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littlemisspascal · 3 years
Death and an Angel part 4
Death!Din and Cupid F!Reader
Summary: When you and Din arrive at the village in Sorgan, you both learn that the universe is full of surprises.
Rating: G
Word Count: 3,300
Warnings: Fluffy fluff, angsty angst, pining (so...much...pining...)
Author Note: All the love and thanks to everyone who reads, likes, reblogs, and comments on this series! Seriously, the support is beyond words. I wanted to go ahead and spoil it now that Winta does not make an appearance. I love that little girl in the episode, but I just couldn’t get her to fit in this segment. Maybe she’ll appear later on in the future, I honestly don’t know how my brain works. 
Also, fun fact, this will be my 100th post 😱🥳
Links to Part 1 and Part 3 and Part 5
Photo Inspiration: (I love black and white photos if you can’t tell by now...)
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Sorgan is a beautiful planet, covered in massive forests and several freshwater lakes filled with krill. There is a tiny, farming village that isolates itself in the midst of Sorgan’s swampy region which is where you hope to find Omera. Rumor has it she’d fallen in love with the community five years ago and bound her nurturing powers to the planet, shielding them against the harshness of famine and plague. Her powers also prohibited other immortals from teleporting directly into the village, even if they meant no harm, thus forcing you and Din to walk the five-mile-long road from the common house to the village boundary line.
Mud sticks to the bottom of your shoes and the humidity is absolutely murdering your hair, but you love the addictive burn of fresh air filling your lungs, the symphonic sounds of the wilderness encompassing you. Here on Sorgan, the positive attributes far outweigh the negative ones.
Din walks beside you, close enough your arm occasionally brushes against his  vambrace, and you find yourself glancing at him out of your peripheral every few steps, dazzled by how the sunlight reflects off his armor. He catches your eye more than once, inclining his head to stare back while puffing out his chest, preening like the kriffing asshole he is. Each time you swiftly turn away with a burning face, hating how his smugness changes to amusement at your inability to hold his gaze, even with the impeding visor.
You string together creative expletives in your mind, each one meant to strengthen your resolve to ignore him. Except, like clockwork, your eyes helplessly drift back over again mere minutes later, dooming you to a continuous cycle of torment and embarrassment.
At least up until you’re less than a mile from your destination and Din abruptly halts without warning. “How will I know?”
You nearly slip as you whirl around to face him, worried at first but then confused when the question registers. “Know what?”
“If I’ve met my match,” he answers, the hand branded with his soulmate marking restlessly clenching and unclenching at his side. “How will I know it’s my soulmate?”
It’s a question you’re extremely familiar with. Maker knows exactly how many times you’ve been asked it throughout your years as a Cupid, but it’s got to be nearing a couple hundred thousand at least. And yet your usual go-to answer—a speech fed to you by your bosses about the perfect plan of the universe—doesn’t feel right to give him. He deserves your own honest opinion.
The first time you ever matched two individuals, you’d naively expected literal sparks to appear when they shook hands. Or a beam of light to shine down on them from above, an unmistakable sign from the universe they were meant to be together. So you were crushed when absolutely nothing noteworthy happened, only that neither one was able to look away from each other, eyes as wide as moons and full of awe. The same kind of awe usually reserved for watching sunsets and hearing a baby’s first cry of life.
You’d realized then the exact moment soulmates experienced their connection was not something externally witnessed by the eyes of the world. It was an internal sensation felt only by the two halves finally becoming whole.
“They’re called your soulmate for a reason, Din,” you say, slowly drawing closer. You’re not truly cognizant of your actions, only your voice, and perhaps that’s why you reach out to take a hold of his gloved hand, rubbing your thumb over his leather-covered knuckles. Distantly, as if looking through a foggy window, you’re aware of the way his whole body freezes at your touch, but still you hold on, still the words keep flowing from your lips.
“The moment you shake their hand, there will be no doubt. It’ll be instant. Like you’re tasting air for the first time after being trapped underwater. Everything will be clearer, colors brighter. Your whole world will crumble apart at their feet because all that matters now is them. And the only thought you’ll be able to think is, ‘It’s you. All this time I’ve been waiting for you.’”
Din sucks in a ragged breath. It’s only barely audible because of your closeness, but it’s also just loud enough to snap you out of your daze. “Angel,” he says hesitantly. It’s your turn to freeze when he leans in, helmet pressing softly against your forehead. “Have you ever—“
You jerk backwards, cutting Din off and releasing your grip on his hand all in the same movement. Panic is swelling in your chest and you can’t stop it, clothes suddenly feeling too constricting and you force yourself to remember why you’re here on Sorgan, the importance of the mission at stake.
“We need to keep moving,” you say, looking anywhere but Din’s direction. “I don’t think the village is that much further.”
Din watches you silently, no doubt trying to make sense of your agitated state. You feel exposed, torn open at the seams with all your insecurities on full display for him to pick apart and criticize.
In the end though, he only heaves a sigh, respectfully granting you time to begin the slow process of stitching yourself back up.
“Lead the way,” Din says, gesturing towards the path with a nod of his head. “I go where you go.”
The rest of the journey would have been completed in silence, if not for how Din’s unfinished question seemed to float alongside you in the breeze, echoing in your ears.
Have you ever...
                                                 Have you ever...
                                                                                          Have you ever...
The villagers are scared of your arrival at first, panicked to be in the presence of Death. Parents clutch at their children and the elderly are ushered into huts, as if they’ll be better protected by being kept out of Din’s field of vision.
“I promise you, we don’t mean any harm,” you say, but your words do little to reassure any of them.
A woman emerges from the crowd, the only one whose expression doesn’t bear a hint of fear. Segments of her dark hair are intricately braided while the rest flows unhindered over her shoulders, long enough to nearly reach her waist. Her features are delicate, but there is strength in how she carries herself as she marches right up to you and Din, shoulders drawn back with determination.
“Omera,” you breathe, recognizing the woman for the goddess she truly is.
“Yes,” she says, sounding reluctant to confirm her identity. Her eyes flick between you and Din. “Who are you and why have you brought Death here? I have a formal agreement with the Guild that grants me permission to personally handle the passing of my people’s souls into the afterlife. Death should have no purpose here.”
This is news to you. 
Not the reference of the Guild—you’re very much aware of Greef Karga’s organization of reapers who assist Din in maintaining the natural order by collecting deceased souls on his behalf across the galaxy. Despite all the powers that come with being Death, Din is unable to be everywhere all at once. So the reapers bring the souls to Nevarro where Karga holds onto them until Din arrives to usher them into the afterlife. 
What you weren’t aware of is her claim that this village might be the one place in the whole galaxy where Death and his associates have no influence.
“I’m a Cupid. I help people find their soulmates.” You gesture to Din who stands so tense behind you, you’re not entirely certain he’s even breathing. “And currently, I’m helping him.”
The way Omera’s expression instantly brightens is almost comical. A smile grows across her face, warm and friendly as if she’s known you for years and not mere seconds. “Oh, forgive me my rudeness. That’s wonderful to hear. It’s been quite some time since we’ve had guests. Would you like something to drink?”
“Actually—” Din starts, speaking for the first time since you’ve arrived.
“Yes, I would love one,” you interrupt, digging your elbow into his side and eliciting a soft grunt. “I heard the spotchka here is exceptional.”
The villagers, who had relaxed once Omera deemed you and Din weren’t a threat, are eager to prove their reputation as spotchka brewmasters. Nothing brings people together like alcoholic beverages, and within the hour you are sitting on a log bench in the village center and chatting amicably with them.
It’s a happy, tight knit community. Omera’s nurturing powers have only further increased it’s natural conditioning as an ideal sanctuary to raise a family. Everyone knows one another and takes care of each other. You can see how easy it was for her to have fallen in love with the place.
“He’s different than I expected.” Omera interrupts your thoughts by nodding to someone behind you.
You follow her line of sight, and see Din standing distantly in a field of grass, surrounded by a squadron of younglings. He’s too far to be heard, but you can tell by the gesturing of his hands that he’s explaining to them the pieces of his armor. They’re hanging onto his every word, completely enthralled, if their wide-eyed expressions are any indication. You realize as you watch that they’ll never come to recognize Din as the true identity of Death due to Omera’s agreement with the Guild. In their eyes, he is just an interesting stranger wearing shiny metal who they can pester with an endless amount of questions.
“He’s got many layers,” you admit, turning back around before the bittersweet scene makes your heart melt into a disgusting puddle at your feet.
And it is only because you look away first that you notice how Omera’s gaze lingers just a beat too long.
“Does he ever take it off?” she asks. “The helmet, I mean.”
You hesitate, stalling by sipping at your spotchka. “Not when he’s Death.”
Omera looks at you like you’ve told her a riddle. “When is Death not Death?”
When he’s with me, the voice in the back of your head wants you to shout at her, but instead you ask, “You said earlier you handle the souls of the villagers when they pass away?” 
“They asked me if I could protect their planet for future generations,” Omera explains slowly, confusion still present in the lines of her face. “My powers are strongly connected to the growth of life, blessing both expectant mothers and nature’s saplings. After I chose to bind myself to Sorgan, the villagers offered to lend me their souls as sources of energy to further strengthen it. So now, rather than losing them to the afterlife, we continue to see those who have passed on in every blossoming flower and in each drop of rain, remaining part of our everyday lives despite their physical absence.”
“That’s beautiful,” you breathe, because it’s the truth. It’s also the confirmation you needed to hear to honestly tell her, “He wouldn’t be Death here. He’d have the opportunity to be anyone else he wanted.”
Omera lets the words sink in for a moment, then she returns to staring at Din, eyebrows furrowed thoughtfully. You don’t blame her for being curious, especially since he’s barely said anything to her, subsequently forcing you to be the sociable one. 
You thought when you both arrived he’d try harder than this to make a good first impression. Omera’s his potential soulmate, he knows this and yet it seems as if he’s doing all he can to avoid her. 
Omera startles you out of your thoughts when she abruptly inches closer to you, as if preparing to share a secret in your ear.
“You said you were helping Death find his soulmate,” Omera’s voice is no louder than a murmur, seeming uncharacteristically bashful all of the sudden as she tugs at a strand of hair. “Does he...Has he been marked?”
It occurs to you then that this whole time she’s been fishing for information from you, gradually leading up to this particular question. This is a good thing, you tell yourself, despite the sickening pit forming in your stomach. It means she hasn’t been offended by his standoffishness. 
“Yes.” Your head dips in a jerky nod. Fortunately the goddess doesn’t notice your awkwardness as she peers down at her hands folded in her lap. You know what’s there without having to see it. “We came here because I knew you’d been marked too.” 
“I’d hoped so,” she confesses, showing you her palm. “I didn’t think it was possible, someone like me having a soulmate.” An immortal, your mind deciphers her underlying meaning. “But, then again, the universe always seems to be full of surprises, right?”
Soulmate markings all resemble each other as black lines forming the shape of a heart no bigger than a bottlecap in the center of one’s palm, regardless of what the person looks like themselves. They only appear on select individuals the universe picks for reasons known only by the divine Maker. Those without marks often make the ignorant mistake of comparing them to tattoos. A soulmate mark doesn’t fade with time like ink does, remaining eternally vibrant and warm to the touch, as if there’s a tiny flame buried beneath the skin.
You’ve seen thousands of marks on thousands of hands, yet your mouth dries up at the sight of hers despite it looking no different. An unexpected tremor rocks your body, worse than anything you’ve ever felt before. It’s as if you’ve been stabbed by an invisible shard of ice, threatening to freeze you solid from the inside out.
When you speak, each word scrapes against the inside of your throat and tastes bitter on your tongue. “You should go talk to him.”
Omera’s face goes a bit pink. “You think so?”
You force yourself to smile, hoping it doesn’t resemble a grimace or, Maker forbid, a snarl. “I think you’ll never know if he’s your match unless you do.”
Not needing any more convincing, she spares you one last hopeful look before leaving to approach Din. She walks across the grassy field with unhindered grace, not once tripping over a rock or the bottom of her dress, and you can’t help feeling envious, knowing your clumsy feet wouldn’t be able to carry you three steps without an issue. You watch as she says something to the children, inducing several disappointed groans audible even from where you sit, before one by one they each depart, seeking entertainment elsewhere in the village.
Omera and Din fall into conversation, and you bite your lip, knowing you’re only making the ache hurt worse by watching but unable to tear your eyes away. Their conversation is too quiet for you to make out, but given the way Din’s body language is relaxed and without a hint of defensiveness, you’re convinced Omera’s definitely charming him.
They’ll make an attractive couple, you think before you can stop yourself. They’re similar, too, in that they both have protective streaks a mile wide when it comes to those they care about. As a divinely gifted caretaker, Omera will know just what to say to pull him out of one of his brooding episodes. She’ll soften his rough edges, lend him strength when he needs it most, and might even be able to convince him to settle down in the village where he can shed his persona as Death and actually experience life. Most importantly, though, you hope she’ll make him happy.
Because Din deserves someone who will make him happy every day of his existence.
You know it’s coming, but still your breath stutters when you see Din begin to remove his glove. He moves slowly, revealing tanned skin inch by inch as he pulls at the leather with his other hand. He has never been one to hesitate over things in the past, except when he showed you his mark that night at the train station. You really don’t want to think that Din could be nervous, but you also can’t determine any other reason explaining his behavior. Omera, for her part, is the perfect image of patience as she waits for him to initiate contact, if not for the way you spy her pulling anxiously at her brown locks again.
As Din reaches out to grab hold of Omera's hand, there is a second right before contact where his helmet shifts in your direction and you feel the intensity of his gaze cut through the distance, piercing your fragile heart.
In the next breath, an invisible explosive force sends you hurtling backwards through the air several feet. You bite your tongue when you collide with the ground and blood begins pooling in your mouth, causing you to gag at the coppery taste. Ignoring the pain emanating from your undoubtedly bruised rib cage, you force your body to roll over so you can spit out a scarlet blob onto the dirt. Gross, you think sluggishly.
Movement out of the corner of your eye has your head turning to look, but it takes several more seconds before your brain comprehends what you’re seeing.
The village looks as if a massive wind storm has swept through it in the last five seconds. Several villagers are slowly rising onto their feet, having apparently also been roughly tossed to the ground, looking just as bewildered by the state of things as you feel.
Your eyes next lock onto Din’s figure. He and Omera stand in the distance exactly where you last saw them, appearing completely unaffected by the unseen force. But rather than looking at each other with awe as all other soulmate pairs do, there is only unbridled shock on Omera’s face.
With newfound urgency, you stumble onto your feet, knowing something’s gone horribly wrong.
Your shout startles him enough he visibly jolts, increasing your worry tenfold.
Your feet skid to a stop closer to his body than you anticipated, nearly colliding face-first with his chest. It’s on the tip of your injured tongue to ask them what the hell just happened when Din beats you to the punch.
“What happened to you?” he demands, cradling your jaw. He’s using his gloved hand, you can’t help but notice. His other one—still uncovered from when it had touched Omera’s—is pressed firmly against the segment of armor protecting his upper thigh. His thumb starts to wipe at the blood staining the corner of your mouth, but you refuse to be tended to when there’s a bigger issue at stake.
“What happened?” you repeat incredulously, pulling away and resisting the urge to smack the side of his helmet. “I should be asking you that, idiot. Did you two match?”
Omera says nothing in response to your question, but there is something about the way she stares at you directly, like you’ve revealed a secret of the universe right in front of her, that brings back the same self-conscious feeling of being exposed you’d felt earlier.
“Look for yourself, angel,” Din answers with a tone full of scorn, gesturing widely to your surroundings with both arms. “Does any of this look like what you told me would happen?”
Taken aback by his hostile tone, you glance around the field, only to be stunned by what you’d initially failed to notice. In an almost perfect circle encompassing the three of you, the once beautifully green and luscious grass is now black and shriveled, entirely devoid of life. It crunches beneath your shoes as you nervously shift in place, eerily resembling the sound of bone breaking, and you’re beginning to understand the shock you’d glimpsed on Omera’s face.
“No,” you say, feeling slightly hysterical but doing your best to keep it out of your voice. “No, it definitely doesn’t.”
Omera had said that the universe is always full of surprises.
What a kriffing understatement that turned out to be.
Tag List: @leilei-draws​, @theocatkov​, @becauseican2, @vintagesaph​, @stardust-and-starlight​, @kay2304, @odelia-d32, @adrieunor​, @remmyswritings​, @gallowsjoker​, @rhiannon-russo​, @randomness501​, @eleine-t1d​, @nicotinebirds, @sylphene​, @softly-sad​, @maytheglitter​, @melobee, @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives​
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storydays · 3 years
Legend of Korra X Male Reader
Hey guys! I’m loving all the likes you’re giving. I want to hear more of your questions and comments. Also I would really appreciate it if you would tag me and give me credit when you reblog my work. Thanks
(All credit for Legend of Korra goes to Nickelodeon and it’s creators ❤️)
Season 1, ep 5, p2
Kazan and Meelo yawned sleepily, full from dinner. "That was really good, (Y/N)." Pema complimented, rubbing her belly happily. "Glad you liked it Auntie." You then turned to your Aunt Rene who was sulking in the corner with a smug grin. "So, Auntie, thoughts?" you teased, making her start. "Listen little boy! Don't you dare give me attitude just because you're a better cook than me!" Everyone laughed at the banter between you two. "It's late, and the children are sleepy, why don't you guys sleep here for the night? Nagisa can sleep with Jinora and Ikki, and Kazan can bunk with Meelo." Pema suggested. 
"Yay! Sleepover!" cheered Ikki and Nagisa much to Jinora's annoyance. "Here, I'll help but the boys to sleep, Uncle."He smiled appreciatively at you, grabbing Meelo while you carried Kazan. "You did good tonight, nephew." Tenzin said, leading the way to the boys' room. "You heard from the radio?" you tilted your head, adjusting your grip on the young firebender. "No, I saw from the corner. You really are your parent's son."
You stared at his back in shock before smiling. "Heh, thanks Uncle."
*That night*
You inhaled the fresh air as you and Nevermore walked to the arena to get ready. But stop seeing Mako and Korra each facing different ways, and leaned against a pole, out of their sight line. "What kind of game are you playing?" asked the Firebender. "Um, pro-bending? We have a quarter final match." Korra stated like it was the most obvious thing. "No, I mean with Bolin. You got him all in a tizzy, and I know you're only using him to get back at me." Mako accused. 'Ooh bad move, Mako.'
"I am not. We're just having fun. What do you care, anyway?" Korra defended. "I'm looking out for my little brother. I don't want to see his heart get broken." 'That is such bull.' you laughed silently. Korra knew it was too, "Wait a second. You're not worried about him; you're jealous," Korra was smirking and you were too. "You do have feelings for me." Mako didn't miss a beat. "What? Jealous? Don't be ridiculous." 
"Admit it, you like me." Korra didn't realize she was playing with fire, quite literally. "No, I'm with Asami." "Yeah, but when you're with her, you're thinking about me, aren't you?" The Avatar sounded so smug right now, and you were silently rooting for her. "Get over yourself." Mako snapped. "I'm just being honest!" "You're crazy!" Mako denied. "You're a liar!" cried Korra.
That was when you decided to step in. You splashed the two with water you kept in your pocket, and sent your teammates a raised eye brow. "If you two hot heads are done, we do have a match to go to." You then walked away, your pony tail swinging behind you. You stopped the two from entering the room and to keep Bolin from getting him involved. 
"Listen you two, don't bring this energy around Bolin. And while you are out on that ring, keep your personal feelings out of it. We've come too far for you two to mess it up. Am I clear?" The younger teens looked at each other and sighed, when Nevermore snapped her jaws for good measure. "Yes, sir." "Good, I'll be here when the match is over." You walked in and over to the railing, waiting for the match to start. 
*15 minutes later*
"Eight teams have been eliminated, and eight advance into the quarter finals, which get underway tonight. The rookies are about to take on the former and longest running champs--the Boar-Q-Pines. Youth clashes with experience in a battle for the ages or rather of the ages. Korra dodges and--ooh slams right into her teammate! Down goes Mako, and Bolin and Korra." You face palm and growled as the second announcer said, "Round One goes to the Boar-Q-Pines." 
Your (e/c) eyes narrow, noting Mako was saying something to Korra in a very aggressive way. Poor Bolin looked so confused. The waterbender part of you wanted to switch out with Korra, but the airbender part of you, reminded your that this was how Korra and Mako were going to make up. Nevermore nuzzled your cheek making you chuckle and rub her head. "Thanks, girl."
"The Ferrets looking to mount some offense here in round 2. Bolin lets fly a flurry of attacks. He's a one man bending battalion." "Yes! Way to go, Bolin!" You cheered for the Earthbender. "The Ferrets having a tough time finding their rhythm tonight. But thanks to Bolin, they narrowly notch round two." 
Round 3 started and at this point the crowd noticed their was something wrong as well. "Not sure, what's eatin' them, but this is not the same team that took out the Rabbaroos." You winced in sympathy as the Avatar took Earth disk to the stomach. "Round 3 is a tie. We go to a tie breaker to decide the match." A referee tossed a blue and red coin into the air, and caught it, covering it up. 
He moved his hand to reveal the red side. "The Fire Ferrets win the coin toss. Which element do you choose?" Immediately the three tried to decide who would go to fight, until Bolin stepped up with the older Earthbender. "Looks like the Earthbenders will collide in the tie breaker face off. Bolin goes in for the grapple, Chang reverses." You grit your teeth as Bolin was flung into the air but cheered when he fired from mid air. 
"Bolin strikes from mid air, knocking Chang to the edge of the circle, and another strike from Bolin, knocking Chang into the drink!" "The Future Industries Fire Ferrets win their quarter final match!" You, Mako, and Korra sighed in relief as the announce continued talking. "Ooh, close one folks, youth trumps experience tonight." 
You met the trio at the edge and grinned at Bolin. "Good job, Bo! You were awesome out there!" You watched as Korra and Mako went their separate ways. You sighed, and walked over to Mako and whispered in his ear, "You better get your act right, Mako. You maybe my best friend, but I won't hesitate to kick your ass." He looked at you with wide eyes, knowing you were dead serious. "Hey, (Y/N), come with me! I need your help!" Bolin dragged you out the room, making you laugh. 
*Time skip*
You and Bolin walked up to where Korra could be hiding and you stopped seeing Korra and Mako kissing. 'Are they kidding me?!' "Wait, Bo, don't--" 
You were too late, as he stopped seeing the scene in front of you. You hid half your face in your hand, Nevermore trying to hide her head in your hair. It was silent until Bolin started crying and ran away. "Wait, Bolin, this isn't what you think!" He turned to Korra with a glare on his face. "Great! Look what you did." "You're blaming me?" demanded Korra. 
"You kissed me!" "You kissed me back!" Both gasped being splashed with freezing cold water, and turned to you. Nevermore's teeth were drawn back into a snarl, and you had a dangerous look on your face. "It doesn't matter. You are both at fault! Now what matters is how the hell you are going to fix it." You and Nevermore growled as Mako groaned and ran after his brother. You turned to the city view and didn't even look at the Water Tribe girl.
"Korra, I know you've been isolated all your life, and you probably thought you would get your happily ever after with Mako. But there's so many fish in the sea for you to explore with. Don't settle for the small fry." "Well played, Korra." she said, hugging herself. "Live and learn, Korra." you sighed, "Live and learn."
*The next morning.*
You followed Mako into the restaurant.  "Morning, Narook. Is my brother here?" The man behind the counter gestured behind you guys, and Mako waved in thanks. "Thanks." He walked over to Bolin and shook his shoulder. "Come on, wake up. I'm taking you home, bro." That cause Bolin to sniff and look up sadly. 
"Don't call me that. You're not my brother!" He drunkenly slapped Mako's hands away from him. "You're a brother-betrayer." He sobbed into his arms. "The only ones I can trust: are Pabu and (Y/N)! They love me!" "You're a mess, and we've got the biggest of our lives tonight. Let's go." Mako tried grabbing Bolin who screamed at him. "No! I'm not going anywhere with you traitor!" You sighed, pushing Mako and grinning at Bolin. 
"Come on, Bo. I need my favorite Earthbender to fight with me tonight!" He finally got up with his arm slung over your shoulder. "Only you Bolin, can drunk off Water Tribe Noodles." You laugh gently. "I told you dating a teammate was a bad idea." Mako sighed. "You're a bad idea!" You laugh at their antics, even if you were pissed at Mako. 
*That night* 
You finished braiding your hair so it hung down your back, and out of your face, as Korra walked into the room. She looked at Bolin slouching on a bench,and noticed you over at the mirror. You were lost in thought, but it was clear something was bothering you. You suddenly snapped out of it and stood up, putting your helmet on. "Let's go guys. And leave your personal feelings here." 
"You can't find a team more evenly matched. In age, size, and strength than the Fire Ferrets and the Buzzard Wasps. Believe me, I looked." he joked. "This should be a pulse-pounding semi-final, folks." The bell rang and the Buzzards fought first. "The Buzzard-Wasps open with a flawlessly executed combo. 2 of the Ferrets take an early visit to Zone 2, and Mako's knocked all the way back into Zone 3! The Ferrets have been struggling to stay alive since the opening bell. It seems Bolin and Mako are out of sync tonight. (Y/N) taking the brunt of the impact from the front lines." 
The crowd groaned with Bolin as he was hit in the gut, hard. "Ooh, that has got to sting." You heard retching and groaned, knowing it was Bolin. "And Bolin looses his noodles, literally." All the players seem to have froze with that disgusting scene. "Which reminds me, this match is brought to you by our sponsor, Flamey-O-Instant Noodles. 'Noodlest- Noodles in the United Republic.' " Soon Bolin was knocked back into Zone 3 with Mako, leaving you to get defend from Zone 1. 
You were suddenly knocked into Zone 3 by an Earth disk, while avoiding a flame burst. "The Buzzard Wasps fly deeper into Ferret Territory. And Mako plunges into the pool. Can the Fire Ferrets hold on?" You and Bolin looked at each other and continued to fight with all you got. "The Ferrets are backed to the edge now, and are saved by the bell! They had better pull themselves together, folks, for round two. Otherwise they can kiss their finals goodbye. "
"Round 2!"  You used water in a arch to knock two of the Buzzards back into Zone 2. "Oh, what a strong start from (Y/N)!" Mako groaned being knocked into Zone 2, and sent fire towards them, hitting Bolin in the process. He cried out, and turned onto his back to glare at Mako. "Hey, watch it!" He gasped being knocked into the water, from his distraction. "The Wasps take advantage of Mako's unforced error, and move forward." 
You and Mako spun your elements together and knocked the opposing  Water and Earth benders out and into the drink giving the round to you guys. Round 3 came and you looked between the boys. "Look, we've been working for a long time for this. Get your heads in the game guys. Please." You begged slightly; they knew what this tournament meant to you. "Let's get this over with." Mako sighed.
When the match started, Mako was already in the drink, and Bolin's shoulder was messed up,and then he was in the drink. "The Ferret's dream of making it to the finals rests on Councilman (Y/N)'s shoulders." You smirked to yourself, used your waterbending to get the team into a line of three, and knocked them down like dominoes. "It's the big kaboosh! What a knockout!" 
The crowd went wild and you could hear Mako and Bolin cheering for you.  "It didn't seem possible folks, but the Fire Ferrets are headed to the finals." You laughed, waving to the crowd, before walking away. You took your helmet off and groaned when Korra gave you a big hug. "Korra! Korra! I need my....lungs...to breathe." "Oh! Sorry!" she sheepishly let you go. "Sometimes, I forget about my own strength." You sent her a lopsided smile, "It's okay, Korra." Bolin and Mako walked up to you. 
"That was pretty much the coolest thing I've ever seen." "Thanks for not giving up on us; we never would've made this far without your level head. We owe you big time." You rolled your eyes, walking past them, taking your helmet off. The three looked at each other, uncertain. "(Y/N)--" "Look, I know things are confusing between the three of you, but this team means everything to me, and the last thing I need is for some petty love triangle is to mess it up." 
Your sudden attitude caught the other's off guard; you were usually so carefree and cool. You got ready to leave the room when your ex walked in, making a scene. "Ooh, ooh, you boys smell something in here?" Tahno pinched his nose before smirking. "Oh, wait I know what that is. Yeah, it's the scent of losers." "I hope we see you in the finals. Then we'll see who the real losers really are." Korra said back. 
"Yeah, I'm peeing my pants over here." Tahno said confidently before turning to you, with a very faint blush on his cheeks. "I'll win this match for you, (Y/N). Maybe we can go out to that Water Tribe restaurant you like so much." You turned to him with a bored look and said, "Gag me. We are not together anymore, Tahno, I just can't trust you." You brushed your bangs into your face and left without another word. 
You ran into Asami in the hallway. "Oh, hey Asami." she hugged you and took a step back, noting your mood. "Great job! What a comeback! I--Hey...what's the matter?" she asked, green eyes shining earnestly. "Nothing, why don't you go see you boyfriend." You began to walk away when she grabbed your arm. 
"Hey, you don't need to be strong around me, (Y/N), you've been there for me when I needed it. You can talk to me--" "No! I can't talk to anyone and especially not you because on of my main problems is I'm in love with you, and I just think you're wrong for Mako because he and Korra kissed and they belong together and I--" Asami cut you off by hugging you tightly, your arms tight around her waist. "(Y/N), I-I didn't know you felt that way." You took her hand in yours and kissed the top of it, locking eyes with her. 
"Asami..." you left it at that and walked away, leaving her to her thoughts. 
You ran to where you hid Neo, and hugged him with all your might, begging your tears not to fall, and while the polar bear dog didn't know what caused your pain, he simply nudged you with as much warmth as possible.  You took such good care of him, it hurt him to see you so upset.
You sniffed, and looked into Neo's blue eyes with a watery smile. 
"Let's go home, boy."
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
A @sugar-and-spice-witcher-bingo fill. Special shout out to @chubbykatsudon for bouncing ideas around.
Prompt: Meet Ugly Title (optional): Immortals Relationships (romantic/platonic/etc):  Geralt/Jaskier Rating:  M (for (not permanent) murder) Content Warnings: Murder attempts of immortal friends for the sake of entertainment. Summary: Sometimes living forever is just boring. There’s nothing to do except literally kill time.
Being an immortal was boring. The middle ages had been especially dull and Vesemir had encouraged them to play knights in shining armour. It had been fun at the time but, on reflection, it was probably just Vesemir trying to get his idiots out of his hair for a bit. Then humanity seemed to decide it had had enough of stagnating and began to invent things. Fun things. Like the toaster. Lambert picked up on of the first models and took it home with glee, presenting it to Eskel.
“New bath water heater,” he said.
All too trusting and happy, Eskel took it, deciding that taking a bath was exactly what he needed to do to relax. From the armchair Vesemir watched him go with a soft sigh and turned back to his knitting. Not half an hour later the lights in the house started flickering and there was a noise from the bathroom while Lambert cackled. As the fuses blew in the house, Vesemir gave Lambert a flat, unamused stare and continued to knit in the dark. Thankfully, Geralt was as dutiful as ever and turned the lights back on while Eskel emerged from the bathroom looking a little frazzled.
“Spicy water,” he announced and shook his head, spraying water from his hair in all directions. While Lambert cackled, Vesemir tutted.
It went on like that, new inventions and new ways to kill each other. Or rather, not kill each other because they just never died. Not even a stilling of the heart and no breathing, only to dramatically come back to life. That would have been fun at least. Alas, they just endured whatever time threw at them with as much or as little grace as they had.
It was rare to find someone like them but rumour had it that there was another. And he was having a grand old time with the modern phenomenon of global fame. Jaskier was irritating(ly pretty) if anyone asked Geralt. But nobody really wanted or needed his opinion so he stayed quiet. Another immortal friend was always a nice idea so they went to his concerts, listened to his music and reached out to get to know him. Their first meeting was looming, they’d been exchanging messages, chatting but not actually met in the flesh. Still, they all wanted to make a good impression so there was a lot of preparation going on to look their best.
“What’s that?” Geralt asked as Lambert and Eskel were leaning over a new contraption.
“It’s a new tanning device,” Eskel declared, pushing the microwave towards him. “You’re so pale, we figured you’d want to look a little more healthy when meeting Jaskier.”
Lambert’s smile held nothing but cheerful malice. “I accidentally broke it a bit. What you have to do is plug it in, put your head in the machine and push with a fork on the latch. Set the timer to how long you want to be in there toasting for.”
Suspicious but not knowing any better, Geralt did as told. Behind him the other two were snickering, probably because it was such a stupid machine. All it did was hum and whirr noisily while forcing Geralt into a strange position, bent over the kitchen counter with his head in the opening. Once the machine dinged, he pulled out and looked at the other two.
“Well?” There was no change and Geralt grumbled. “Useless machine. At least it hums more in tune that Jaskier.”
With that, he wandered off, feeling quite warm but otherwise no different to usual.
“At least he looked like an idiot,” Eskel sighed. “That will have to be consolation enough.”
For a first meeting, they had grand plans. It had been a while since they pranked Vesemir so the idea was slowly blossoming. To make sure Jaskier was the kind of person they’d want to maintain a friendship with (no matter how pretty he was), they decided to rope him into it too. It was a very simple plan involving some nuts, a revolving door and an umbrella. As long as Jaskier brought the umbrella and played along, they were going to be golden.
The big meeting was approaching. Vesemir had asked his idiots to be on best behaviour and extracted false promises from them. They were to meet in a bar with private booths, able to get to know each other in a neutral but not public setting. After all, wherever Jaskier went, he got mobbed by fans.
As they walked into the booth, Lambert grinned at the sight of the umbrella. This was going to be perfect. Filing in, they sat on the semi-circle of the bench. Geralt got ushered in next to Jaskier followed quickly by Lambert and Eskel. It left Vesemir on Jaskier’s other side which was just fine. Perfect even for the greatest prank. There was a bowl of peanuts on the table and, as introductions were being made (with Geralt being impressively lacking on the verboseness, too struck down by how much better Jaskier looked in real life), Vesemir munched away on a couple.
All chatter came to a sudden stop and Eskel swung his legs off Lambert’s lap when Vesemir choked on a peanut. That wasn’t part of the plan. The coughing wouldn’t stop and then the hand waving started so Jaskier thumped him on the back to no avail. Rather dramatically, Vesemir tried to get up and collapsed.
Lambert brayed with laughter. “How fucking undignified.”
They waited for Vesemir to pick himself up. Or even move. The longer he was on the floor unmoving, the more awkward the silence got.
“Get up old man,” Lambert huffed.
Eskel tried to be a bit more gentle. “Vesemir?”
There was no response. Eskel made a move to get up but Jaskier beat him to it, crouching by Vesemir. A hand on his pulse then a listen to his chest. Slowly, Jaskier looked up at the three.
“He’s dead.”
“He can’t be,” Geralt replied hoarsely. “We don’t die.”
“No pulse. No breathing. No response.” Jaskier gave Vesemir an experimental poke in the cheek. “Seems pretty dead to me.”
Eskel’s quiet “oh shit” was the start of the panicked rushing to Vesemir’s side and trying to rouse him. There were three very panicked adopted sons around him while Jaskier took a step back and watched.
“This can’t be!” Lambert’s protests were weak. “He can’t be dead.”
His eyes were tearing up a little as Eskel pulled Vesemir up and cradled the limp body against his chest. “Please wake up?”
Jaskier couldn’t help but think they were like children. However, Geralt sat back and he peered at Vesemir’s face.
“Um. Do the dead smile?”
That was all it took and Vesemir burst out into a roaring laugh doubled over. Each time he looked up, he started laughing again and Jaskier snickered along too.
“What?” Geralt looked dumbfounded.
It was Eskel who pursed his lips and looked between Jaskier and Vesemir. “I think we’ve been had. And we have a traitor in our midst.”
In two short steps Geralt had Jaskier pinned against the wall. “You two faced scoundrel. I bite my thumb at you!”
Delighted, Jaskier just grinned as Geralt carried on. “Damn you. Go out with me.”
Lambert wolf-whistled as Jaskier leaned in to kiss Geralt into silence.
“Welcome to the family.”
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Remus shows Sirius around Wales.
(Part 1) for @daylily-evans
~ It was during Sirius’s sixth year that Remus asked him if he wanted to spend the holidays with him and his parents in Wales. Sirius was rather surprised by the invitation, as Remus had never brought up the subject of Sirius meeting his parents before, but it didn’t take Sirius long to enthusiastically agree to the invitation.
Sirius spent the last week or so of the school term worrying. He didn’t know much about Remus’s parents, only the facts, and he knew even less about Wales. He knew Remus was from an area that was mostly Welsh speaking, and that it was very rural. Sirius didn’t expect that he’d fit in very well. But Remus had always spoken well of his parents, especially his mother. From what Sirius had gathered, they were basically the opposite of Sirius’s own parents: happy, loving, accepting. So Sirius hoped that this would mean they’d like him.
“You don’t need to be so nervous. They’ll love you. My mam loves everyone,” comforted Remus one night. Sirius had crawled into Remus’s bed, as was his custom, and expressed his concerns about the upcoming visit to Wales. Remus stroked his hair, and wasn’t really concentrating, too focused was he on just looking at his friend, tracing Sirius’s pink lips and olive skin with his fingertip. Sirius himself couldn’t focus either. Remus’s voice and his touch were just so relaxing. He was fast asleep before you could say nos da, cariad.
~ The journey from Hogwarts back to King’s Cross felt quicker than usual, or at least it did so for Sirius. He mentioned this to Remus, who raised his eyebrows and said: “For you, perhaps.” And Sirius had to apologise- to Remus, James and Peter, who had all had the misfortune of sharing a compartment with him- for having asked question after question for approximately four hours. He was a nervous speaker. He was an everything speaker.
“Do I need to know any Welsh?” Sirius had asked. “Like, will they understand me?” Remus looked at him incredulously.
“Sirius... my father is literally English.”
“Your mum then.” Remus blinked.
“You do know that people in Wales speak English, don’t you? In fact... a lot of Welsh people don’t even speak Welsh. You’ll be fine, Padfoot.”
~ The train screeched to a halt. The four boys gathered their trunks and their pets and exited onto the platform in a haze of steam and whistles.
James was the first through the barrier, then Sirius, then Remus, and lastly Peter towing behind.
James caught sight of his family pretty quickly and rushed over, waving. His parents waved back, grinning from ear to ear. Peter too, quickly scuttled off to his grandparents who were standing by one of the benches. The two boys turned around just before leaving the station and waved their goodbyes to Sirius and Remus.
Sirius waited with Remus. He hadn’t greeted his own family for years, mainly because he never went home for the holidays, except during the Summer, and for the past three years his home had been with the Potters.
Remus turned to him a little awkwardly.
“They’re always late,” he explained. “It’s not very fair that they have to drive all the way from Wales to London.” Sirius just smiled lazily at him.
“S’alright. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
Remus’s parents turned up around ten minutes later, looking rather flustered, but cheerful nonetheless when Remus waved them over.
“Sut wyt ti, Cariad! Collais i chi gymaint!” Remus’s mother hugged him with an embarrassing passion that made Sirius silently giggle. Remus’s father, Lyall, was more stoic, and stuck to ruffling Remus’s hair in an affectionate manner.
“Hello, son,” he greeted. “The house has been awfully empty without you.” Remus smiled, the kind of smile that Sirius loved. He could tell that Remus was relaxed and happy, and he was glad that Remus’s family could provide that. Sirius didn’t know if he should introduce himself, not knowing how much they knew about him, but Remus’s mother, Hope, greeted him with just as much enthusiasm than she had with her son.
“Hello, sweetheart, you must be Sirius!” She said, in a wonderfully thick Welsh accent. “It’s so nice to finally meet you! Remus talks about you all the time!” She hugged him. She actually hugged him! It was nice, really nice. He’d never been hugged with such maternity before. He shot a look at Remus, who was blushing at Hope’s last statement, and grinned.
“Does he now? All good things I imagine.” Lyall held out his hand for Sirius to shake. Sirius took it, suppressing his grin in order to appear as respectful as possible. “Hello, sir.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Sirius. Remus tells us you’ll be staying. We’ve set up a spare bed in Remus’s room. You two don’t mind sharing, do you?” Sirius almost choked trying to contain a laugh.
“Of course not, sir. We’re certainly used to it -ahem- what with... the dorms and everything.” Lyall nodded, and picked up the two trunks.  “We’re taking the car. I’m afraid it’ll be a bit of a squeeze.”
~ The car was a bit of a squeeze, but Sirius didn’t mind. Lyall and Hope were in the front, he and Remus were in the back, and their legs were almost touching. Almost. Until Remus slid over a little to the left. Then they were pressed up against each other. His parents never noticed.
For the next four hours, Remus mainly slept. He was catching up on the sleep he’d missed on the train, while Sirius was asking all of his incessant questions. Sirius felt a pang of guilt that he’d taken away Remus’s time to catch up with his parents, but they didn’t seem to be bothered by it. They were used to their son’s almost permanent exhaustion.
As they crossed the border from England to Wales, Sirius kept his eyes fixed out of the window, eager to see the country where his friend had grown up. All of the signs were both in English and Welsh: “Welcome to Wales. Croeso i Gymru.” He liked that. He wasn’t sure why, but he did.
They went through cities first of all, lots of shops and houses and cars. But all the bustle soon filtered out into countryside. Houses became fewer and farther between and a car was spotted every ten minutes or so. Remus had woken up by then, and he pointed at various places and offered descriptions about how they fit into his life.
“That shop’s owned by Mrs. Hughes.” He pointed at a small, grey-stone building with a few chairs and tables outside, with signs in the window and a pink frilled canopy. “She’s nice. Widowed. Kids grown up. Hardly speaks a word of English, but she doesn’t need to. She’s lived here all her life. Never had any desire to leave. I think she’s been out of the country maybe... three times? And she’s sixty three! But she makes the best cakes in Wales. No competition. She used to give me these tiny little muffins when I was a kid, free of charge. She still does sometimes.”
“Over there is the little school house.” Another small, grey-stoned building, but this one had an adjoining playground, with a swing and a slide and some monkey bars. “I never went there myself but it only goes up to Year 1... that is.. five and six year olds. Then they go to the primary school down the road. Mam wanted to send me, but... well. Me being a werewolf and a wizard... dad didn’t think it would be very wise.”
More and more buildings were pointed out, more neighbours, more houses, more shops, more stories. In the space of an hour, Remus had managed to paint a vivid picture of his entire childhood, and Sirius listened to every word. He could see a six year old Remus carrying a muffin on the way back from Mrs. Hughes shop, stopping in front of the school house playground, looking in wistfully at the noisy, lively children. Walking across fields towards his own house, cutting through pathways, climbing over fences. Sirius hoped Remus had been happy back then.
Part 2
Welsh translation:
Nos da, cariad (nos dah, ka-ree-ad): Good night, sweetheart.
Sut wyt ti, cariad? Collais i chi gymaint (sit wit ti, ka-ree-ad? Ko-ll*-eye ee kh-ee gih-m-eye-nt): How are you, sweetheart? I missed you so much!
Croeso i Gymru (Kreh-sho ee guh-m-ree): Welcome to Wales.
*The double L sound is hard to describe: basically, form the L sound with your tongue, as in, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth, but instead of saying it, blow air through your mouth.
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