#we'll see about the next chapter
skania · 1 month
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I love, love, love what the anime did with that final shot. Kana's acting as a child was like "the dazzling and shining sun". In the manga, I always thought the the title, "Sun", was simply meant to be a reference to that.
But the anime takes it a step further and suggests it's meant to be about both, because in that final shot we see sparkles shining off Akane's eyes... the same sparkles that were shown in that initial shot where Kana's acting is called sun-like.
I also adored the way they elevated those last Aqua/Akane pages.
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The anime clearly parallels Sayahime's pain at the war with Akane's pain at accidentally making Kana retreat into herself. She silently apologizes to Kana, just like Sayahime must be silently apologizing to those being hurt due to the fights.
Thanks to the manga drawn by the OnK Anime staff, we know those are Saya's quarters. So who would likely be the one to comfort her in those times of need?
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Touki, her fiancé. And who comes to comfort Akane?
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Aqua, Akane's very own Touki 😭
The anime didn't have to go that hard, but they deliberately set up this parallel. It isn't only that Akane and Aqua are dressed as Saya and Touki, they are behaving the part, too. Aqua is there to reassure her that she did nothing wrong, and to have her back so she can have the result she wishes for. Just like Touki with Saya.
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emmerrr · 4 months
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something about how even though jean's been calling neil 'nathaniel' in his head this whole time, he never says it to his face (preferring his several wonderful insults <3), despite the fact that neil's father is dead now and they no longer belong to the minor family. because he knows that's not who neil is anymore, it's not who he's chosen to be, it's not his name. but it's not until riko's dead that jean gives himself implicit permission to abide by neil's new identity -- even in his own head! -- because he knows riko never would have allowed it.
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yours-the-author · 1 month
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Henry later apologized by bringing Charles a chicken in his teeth, fox-style. This apology was not accepted.
Felt the need to draw, so here's a quick little doodle! I like the "Henry has fangs/really sharp teeth" head canon, so I can easily imagine him tearing into a wild animal for sustenance. When you're forced to steal just to get by, you've gotta eat somehow.
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ailithnight · 2 years
A few notes:
I originally planned to have this one have a couple of povs like the first, but then u got carried away writing feral Danny so, just Tim today.
I hope to get the next one out sometime this weekend cause it's harder to write when I have work.
Also, everyone thank @cursedzucchini for writing the comment that gave me the executive function to take these words out of my brain and put them in my phone. Reading that there was someone out there checking the tag for updates every day really motivated me.
Now, without further ado
Chapter 1
A King in Arkham
Chapter 2
Tim sighs, rubbing his temples and attempting to will away the sleep deprivation headache currently pounding on the inside of his skull. Pushing 80 hours awake, the last 38 of which have been spent combing backwards through any and all Arkham documents pertaining to one Daniel James Fenton.
He moved his hands away from his head, placing them on the fresh cup of coffee that had materialized while he was massaging, giving a cursory "Thanks" the retreating body. Normally, Alfred would have cut Tim off from caffeine yesterday. But it seems even the old butler was keen on something being found to justify pulling the kid out of Arkham.
Or maybe that was Jason fueling Tim's addiction. Man had been hovering since Batman called him back at the last break out. At least Dick had been able to reason better with the most volatile of the Wayne siblings.
"Picking him up and running won't do either of you any favors, Little Wing. It'll just put him and Hood on wanted posters. If you want him to have any shot at a life out here, you gotta let Bruce take it through the proper channels."
That had at least prevented Jason from snapping on anyone immediately, though he had seen fit to warn everyone that of they didn't have something by the next break out, he'd be doing it his way.
Which is why Tim had spent the last day and a half poring over every medical record, therapy session, schedule, action report, and discipline slip Arkham had on file that even mentioned Patient 26B.
Meanwhile, Oracle had her hands full trying to find any background information on the young ward. A task which itself was proving challenging because the place the kid came from seemed to have no digital presence at all. None. Not a Facebook or Twitter or MySpace pinging from the area. Not an email address or YouTube account. Not a single god damned website. Not even a .gov! Hell, the only reason they knew the city's name is because it was listed in the CPS paperwork from Chicago.
In other places, small towns and communities in the middle of nowhere, this wouldn't really raise any red flags. But Amity Park was not actually a nowhere town. It certainly wasn't a Gotham or Metropolis. But it was big enough to have formed a conurbation with the nearby city of Elmerton. Which had a perfectly normal digital presence. So Amity Park's lack of digital presence screamed Communications Blackout. A frighteningly strong one to still be giving Oracle the run around almost 2 days later.
Once Tim was finished reviewing Arkham reports, then the 3 weeks of documents from Daniel's stay in Chicago, he'd probably offer to help her. Though she might tell him to go the fuck to sleep instead.
For now. Tim was nearing the beginning of the kid's Arkham stay and; on top of not yet finding any clues as to why the kid was in Arkham, nor anything that could possibly exonerate him; the kid just made no damn sense!
His therapy sessions were all the same dead end.
The therapist would ask he he was feeling. The kid would apparently shrug, or sometimes mumble something the therapists could never quite catch.
They'd ask the standard suicide questions. "Any thoughts of wishing you could go to sleep and not wake up?"
A shrug.
"Any thoughts of wanting to take your own life or wishing someone would take it for you?"
Vehenement refusal bordering on a panic attack.
Move on to the hurting people questions.
"Any thoughts of wanting to harm other people?"
"No." According to the doctors, his tone here is immediate, calm, confident. Truthful. If the Arkham psyches are to be believed.
"Any thoughts of wanting to harm yourself?"
"No." Slower, quieter, meeker. Noted as a clear lie, citing the injuries as evidence.
"Then why do you, Danny?"
"I don't."
"Then where did your injuries come from."
"The ghosts," said with a sigh
At this point, it seems Daniel shuts down. He says nothing else for the rest of the session. Shows no outward response as the therapist tries to convince him there are no ghosts and Daniel must be giving himself those injuries.
2 and a half months. Daily therapy sessions. And every single one is the exact same script. The only differences are some minor notes as Daniel is passed around between therapists as they all inevitably get frustrated talking to the emotionless block of ice.
Outside of the therapy sessions and medical reports documenting the frankly horrifying amount of injuries Danny accumulates, there's not much in his file. He follows all instructions to the letter; never causes trouble for guards or other inmates; and every single locks malfunction, he has afterward been found lying on his bed in his cell staring at the ceiling. If he was somewhere else when the malfunction happened, security footage catches him walking there himself. If he was already in his cell, footage keeps him there the whole time.
Tim sighs again, clicking out of the medical report detailing the nasty bruise that had appeared on the kid's lower left back, then opens up the next file up without reading the name fully expecting it to be another tedious therapy session report.
Instead, he finds a discipline slip with the relevant security clip embedded at the top. The first frame is of the cafeteria. Daniel is sitting alone at a table in the top right. Tim's breath catches in his throat as he recognizes the demented clown in the center of the frame. Hastily, he plays the clip.
There is no sound but Joker appears to say something to the room. Daniel is suddenly standing, whipped around to face the clown. The Joker turns towards him. Daniel tenses. The Joker tenses.
In the next second, Daniel is on the Joker. He's kicking, scratching, biting. Absolutely feral as he just reigns fury upon the most feared and hated rogue in all of Gotham. Surrounding inmates are fleeing to the sides of the room as the Joker seemingly tries to get away from the kid, only succeeding in moving the "fight" around the room. It's hardly a fight. More like a vicious, brutal assault. Inmates cheer as blood appears on the floor. Guards move in, pulling the feral 15 year old off of the Joker; who stays down, potentially unconscious. 2 guards go to help the one currently attempting to restrain Daniel. 6 more converge on the Joker, blocking him from view. As soon as he can no longer see the Joker, Daniel seems to go limp in the guards hands. Then he tenses again, though not struggling. Tim just catches the beginning stages of what seems to be a panic attack before the clip ends.
Tim stares dumbfounded at the screen for several moments. When he snaps out of it enough to actually read the incident report, it is a basic transcription of what Tim just witnessed with confirmation that Daniel had a panic attack immediately after. The report also notes that other than the panic attack, Daniel seemed to sustain no harm. He was disciplined with 3 days without cafeteria privileges, so his meals were brought to his cell, and 3 days without Crafts room privileges.
A note at the bottom of the report reads "To prevent further incidents, Patient 26B and the Joker are no longer permitted to be in the same room or yard."
This makes Tim click out of the discipline slip -without closing it, just moving it to a different section of the batcomputer's massive screen- and scan the rest of the files. There are 2 more. One from a week prior and one from Daniel's first dat at Arkham. He opens both, placing them at points on the screen so that all 3 are visible.
The one from the week prior shows the Crafts Room. Danny is again in an upper corner. Time plays it. The door opens. Joker walks in. Seems to look at Daniel, then rushes him. Daniel looks up before the Joker makes it half way across the room, then in the next second meets him there. Another feral fight only broken up by the guards when the Joker stops moving. Again, Danny goes limp as soon as the Joker is out of sight. The rest of the report confirming a panic attack but no injuries. 2 days lost privileges.
The report from Daniel's first day again shows the cafeteria. This time, Daniel is center frame. Joker comes up behind him. Daniel tenses but doesn't turn yet. Joker seems to be saying g something, then laughs. Daniel hunches in on himself, seeming to mumble a response. Whatever he said makes the Joker laugh harder. Then he leans down over Daniel's shoulder, talking. Daniel seems frozen for not even half a second before he suddenly pushes himself out of his seat, straight in to the Joker, twisting as he goes to begin the attack. Since it's obviously the first time, the rest of the cafeteria freezes. No one reacts for a solid 6 seconds. Then guards are moving in, hauling the teenager away. The Joker stands unsteadily then takes a knee. He has to be led limping out of the room. Guards struggle to restrain Daniel until the Joker is gone, whereafter Daniel goes boneless, then begins panicking. Report confirms panic attack and no injuries. 1 day lost privileges.
Tim stares at the batcomputer for several minutes, trying very hard to process what he has just learned. His brain feels like soup. He rubs his eyes, looks at his coffee, grabs a comm to put in his ear. His voice is strained as he speaks.
Anyone nearby who can come to the cave for a minute?
Jason responds instantly.
Upstairs. Find something?
I don't... know. I just. Someone come confirm I didn't just hallucinate what I just watched and read.
Red Robin? What did you find?
Not saying until someone else can confirm it.
Red Robin
On my way down.
"What the actual fuck?"
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shigaeru · 1 year
Are you gonna draw Izaya with top surgery scars in the comic?
I have, in fact, already been doing it in my thumbnails and the (albeit very few) shirtless izaya art i've done so YEAH <3
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letstrytoohard · 9 days
There’s A Blade Where Your Heart Is
Azriel is hunting humans after a shipwreck, and as he attempts to claim his lovely prize, she stabs him in the shoulder. This chance encounter sends him spinning out, pushing the boundaries of what he’s willing to do to get close to her.
The only thing he can’t give her is his heart.
Chapter 1 is posted on AO3! I couldn’t pass up the chance to start publishing on Friday the 13th.
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Here's a small glimpse into Azriel going insane over our favorite redhead:
Every night he dreamed of teal, copper, and cream, dancing and laughing just out of his reach, and every night he woke when the knife slashed across his vision. 
His obsession became frantic, reverent, desperate. He had to see her. He caused shipwreck after shipwreck, each one more elaborate and violent than the last, hoping this might tempt her back onto open waters.
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causenessus · 4 months
to my very cool ice skater readers and the general public i require your help
i'm not entirely sure what song(s) y/n and atsumu should skate to??? i've watched like 20 figure skating pair videos and tried to see what songs are popular. i'm definitely feeling a more upbeat kind of vibe (like i really liked alibi in this video from these two skaters who also have danced to a lot more like??? pop music?? idk what to call it) from them rather than something dramatic or sad. i do not like coldplay bc paradise was kind of cool but no so ig poll for random songs i liked/other??? i will listen to any and all recommendations anyone has like if anyone is like "oh well i've always wanted to skate to this song" LET ME HEAR IT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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gilligans-islands · 8 months
okay, im catching up with the jjk manga and im about partway through 246 rn
i have a theory on what the fire technique sukuna used in shibuya was and if im right it will be so cool and i will be a genius for realizing
okay, so! sukuna has been in yujis body this whole time and he really hasnt gotten oppurtunities to fight in it other than in shibuya and at the highschool in the beginning. yuji as we know cannot use cursed techniques yet because hes just too inexperienced at the moment so he fights by channeling his cursed energy into his limbs right?
when sukuna takes over he can use his own cursed techniques like slash and cleave and when fighting as yuji this is basically all we see him use until the fight with jogo when he whips out the fire arrow technique. my first thought was that sukuna just has two techniques or has found a way to learn two techniques but i dont think this is the case now
when sukuna takes over megumi he like almost instantly starts using megumis 10 shadows which is interesting to learn he can do. it leads us to learn that sukuna can use his vessels techniques and apparently at much more advanced levels than the vessels themselves can as we can see during the fight with yorozu and gojo. also during the fight with gojo sukuna says himself that cursed techniques are written into the frontal lobe and basically just waiting to be unlocked/discovered by the curse user
so my thought is this, the fire technique wasnt just another technique or a specific way sukuna was using his cursed technique to create the fire arrow.
i think the curse technique is actually yujis technique that he just hasnt learned how to use yet!! it makes sense with all we have learned from how sukuna possesing a vessel works now that hes possessed megumi and it would also explain why he hasnt once used the technique again after switching from megumi! its because he physically CANT
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pastafossa · 1 year
Decided no chapter this week. I’ve been working on it for days now and it’s just... not what it should be. I’ve basically been circling it like those clips of Miyazaki, only with a vape pen instead of a cigarette.
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 I can’t figure out what it is, and it’s gone through multiple rounds of editing as I tried to figure it out, but I’m just not happy with it. I’m not sure if I need to chuck it out and start fresh/rework it from the bottom up, or if it just doesn’t end in a satisfactory way, but I’m going to take another week to figure it out. . 
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skania · 11 months
Some OnK Chapter 131 Thoughts
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And by "OnK" thoughts, I predictably mean "Akane and AquaKane" thoughts lol
Once again, Akane is the one correcting surface-level statements and showing insight into Aqua (and even Ruby!).
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I've been wondering how Aka would have Akane and Aqua interact after Chapter 116. I'm actually surprised that they were so at ease with each other during this chapter, it's like they overcame a hurdle in Chapter 116.
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Akane knows where Aqua stands, just like Aqua knows where she stands. For Akane in particular, deciding to stop Aqua's plan likely gave her something tangible to hold onto; something practical that she can focus on, a way in which she can make an actual difference. For Aqua, knowing that Akane is planning to stop him told him that she will keep getting involved with him whether he likes it or not.
Of course, since Aqua is always fighting his own nature, he probably likes it in the same measure in which he hates it. Akane burning the bridge with him would be for Akane's own good, and thus what Aqua wants - but there's likely a part of him that is relieved to know that she is still there.
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He may not be able to rely on her, but the person who saved him little by little simply by acknowledging him, understanding him and choosing him is still there. She hasn't given up on him.
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And it just so happens that Akane is not willing to let Aqua forget that.
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I think Akane may have gone there for two reasons. On one hand, she is probably keeping an eye on his every move; she needs to, if she doesn't want to let Aqua catch her by surprise.
On the other hand, Akane likely knew that Aqua would have mixed feelings after meeting Ai's mother.
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So I think that by going there, Akane was also hoping to emotionally support Aqua. Just like she promised she would back in Chapter 51.
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After all, if Akane wanted to simply watch Aqua, she could've done so without revealing her presence; the same way she managed to follow him all the way there.
But just like Aqua wanted Akane to see him back in Chapter 116, Akane wanted Aqua to know she was there.
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The way she throws his stalker tendencies in his face is so funny! Despite the gloomy atmosphere, the two of them instantly fall into a very easy-going back-and-forth and I love that. It's not what I was expecting at all (I love tension), but I'll take it because it's positive that they can joke around about personal traits that anyone else would see as flaws lmao
Plus, good on her for serving Aqua some of his own medicine!
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I already mentioned this, but this exchange right here immediately made me think of Chapter 52.
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Funnily enough, that Chapter was titled "Boyfriend x Girlfriend" and featured the moment Aqua and Akane truly started playing their parts. And in this chapter, we have Memcho describing Akane's current role in Aqua's life: His ex-girlfriend.
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Aqua and Akane have gone through so many stages in the manga, I can hardly keep count. Right now they're in their "Exes" era, yet they're still as entwined as ever lol
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And now we get to the part that truly caught my eye. I feel like this interaction can be read in different ways:
There's more to Ayumi Hoshino that meets the eye. Akane knows this but doesn't want Aqua to know, and he can tell but decides to play along.
Akane understands how frustrating it must be to find out that the tragedy that was Ai Hoshino began due to something like this. What's more, she understands how Aqua must feel seeing Ai's mother and knowing that... there's no point in him hating her, because she already hates herself enough for both of them.
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The first would fit the Masterminds™ game that these two are supposed to be playing, and as such it would be pretty fun. But we have seen Akane lie to Aqua in the past and she is... kind of very bad at it lol
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Maybe she's bringing her S Acting Skill Level to the game this time, and I'd applaud her for doing so if she is. But for the time being, I'm leaning towards the second option:
Akane knew that knowing Ayumi's truth would give Aqua mixed feelings and that he may stay stuck on that, and so she came to help take that burden off his shoulders.
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And good thing she did, because as Ichigo put it: Aqua is breaking.
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That said, there's something kind of ominous about the way we're shown Ai's mom looking at them in the last panel. I can't decide whether it symbolizes Ai's mom seeing her grandson (the one she thought she had no right to meet) leaving her and her pain behind, accompanied by someone who is obviously a part of his life - as well as Aqua deciding that indeed, Akane is right: there's no point in hating Ai's mom anymore, because she is already living in a hell of her own making.
Or if maybe Ai's mom is hiding something. I seem to remember one of the sidestories mentioning that she even put glass shards in Ai's food once, which kind of sent a very different image of her compared to the regretful woman we saw this chapter lol
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Alas, for now I'm going with Option 1 though, because I think there's something really beautiful in the symbolism of Akane coming to pick Aqua up, and the two walking away from that painful memory together so that Aqua doesn't have to wallow in it alone.
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Ruby was hoping that Aqua would start to lean on people soon. As it is, he can't lean on anyone - but Akane is still there to guide him home either way, and luckily Aqua let himself accept that much.
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sentientcave · 5 months
your new chapter of retirement party was amazing! i love how price was tender w/ reader even if she tried to escape. i need to know what he told the boys i know he berated them good. thank you so much for an amazing chapter as usual!! also sorry english isnt my first language :<
First off, never apologize for your english, you speak more than one language, which puts you one up on me! You're doing great
And I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Writing Price is so much fun, dancing between insidious and charming and leaving everyone wondering if he's a good guy or a very bad one is downright delightful. And we do find out some of what he said to the boys in one of the next few chapters! I can't wait for the yelling people are going to do about it. >:)
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birdiebortnik · 7 days
Reading your fic gives me so many brain juice thoughts of Edmund and TWO nights in a row I have dreamt of him and last night I got to brush his hair from his eyes and smooch him just a lil on his head <3
(Peter had all but outed him by accident and when he came to talk to Ed, he was too forceful and Edmund basically just shrank in on himself until Peter went away, then he just kinda leaned over and fell his head on my lap for the aforementioned smooch :3 )
Holy moly moly moly moly! I'm buzzing! I'm running around in absolute glee! It does make me go so feral and wild (I am sitting on the comfy couch at work smiling like a fool while I wait for my meeting to start) to think that I'm passing out brain juice to people! Ough!
And isn't that the life of the fanfic enjoyer both reader and writer? To give a little smooch on the head? (I know I am hurting this man wildly but it is for the sake of future smooches)
And my goodness that is a very sweet and apropos dream <3 You honestly kind of had a premonition about this next chapter, not like...directly, we're still spoiler free but it is thematic...the vibes are certainly there... we're transitioning in the series— so far the whole Larch series is moving in waves, there was the wave of the pressure of things actively hurting Edmund and then there was a wave of the long consistent reaction to that hurt and then there was another wave of active hurt and then the reaction. Right now we're still in the reaction and reeling wave but with the next chapter we're starting to transition into another active pain section. Get ready hurt/whump lovers.
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Managed to write 3500 words between social obligations this weekend.
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tjerra14 · 3 months
Fic Author Self-Rec!
Been tagged by @foibles-fables and @finrays, thank you so much guys!!!
The Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
Might find some of the usual suspects among these, plus some Dragon Age because my urge to dive back into Thedas is growing with each passing day, as well as the panic that I might have mislaid my notes for both A Little Faith and As They Slept for good, which would be a goddamn waste because I really, really want to finish those two some day. Well. Not today, anyway. Here you go:
Transposition (Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, T, 6.6k words)
There's not enough Banuk content in HFW if you ask me, and certainly not enough Ikrie, so here's me attempting to change it. While giving Aloy the stern talking-to about her constant running that she desperately needs.
Delineation (Horizon Zero Dawn, T, 5.4k words)
A project that has been very close to my heart for years. I've always been fascinated by Ikrie's and Mailen's relationship as it is portrayed by the game, and since we only see the very end of it, I've never quite stopped wondering: what came before? This fic is my take on it. Also featuring a metric (bs)-ton of Banuk headcanons that may or may not make any sense at all.
Linger (Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, T, 5.7k words)
Aloy working up the courage to ask Ikrie to leave the Frozen Wilds with her and follow her into the unknown. The second fic I wrote for Horizon, and my first one ever in present tense. It was absolutely not meant to be Aloy's goodbye tour before leaving for the Forbidden West, nor was it supposed to feature Talanah that heavily, but some things just happen and some characters just insert themselves into my fics sometimes. It will happen again.
Latency (Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, T, 1.9k words)
Essentially a sister fic to Linger, from Ikrie's perspective. A few moments of reflection before the truth.
His Word (Dragon Age Inquisition, T, 5k words)
A somewhat late/post-Trespasser examination of my Inquisitor Having Had It™. With Veilguard just around the corner, I'm curious to see how the brainworms that lead to this one's existence will hold up in canon. (Also, writing Solas is still. A challenge.)
Not sure who is left to tag, so gonna take the easy way out here: if you see this and want to do it, consider me your tagger!
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thebrandywine · 1 year
I post one draft and then draft a whole other fic. Net zero
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sankttealeaf · 5 months
in a drawing slump which sucks because i want to draw ruetash.
pushing through writing because i need to get them out of my brain.
i think once i get the next few chapters out i may bounce back to political affairs. something silly to deal with the fact that the ending to sleeping dogs isnt going to be happy (i cant. i cant do it. every ending with gortash staying alive means rue is alone with him and sad. im a found family girlie. he needs to die)
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