#we'll see if it sticks
jadequarze · 2 years
No one asked but will say anyway:
Sad koy teifling name ideas:
Gill, Ted, SeaRider, Jacques, Urius, Thylech, Arkrus, Nephrai, Thylius, Zheril, Caslyre, Ralemon, Wavemon
If they don't work for sad koi teifling, perhaps they help to inspire you or for future works or whatever
Sidenote: in this blog we love koi teifling
First of, it took me a moment when you mention sad koi teifling. Like, when did I say they were sad?? That was not a typo, i just type 'said koi tiefling', not sad.
Second of all, all those names... Decision, decision... I'm leaning to Zheril. Had to google search it if it means anything else, and from the looks of it, it's fine.
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using the name Moss now :)
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wtf-amiru · 2 years
Tumblr media
i love them a normal amount
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loveinstreams · 3 years
littlewaterlily >>>>> loveinstreams
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karasimpno · 2 years
FINALLY threw out all the shit my ex gave me while we were together
✅  progress 👍👍
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citree · 3 years
New icon??   possibly??
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oliviagordonwrites · 2 years
Febuwhump Day Five: "Let Me See"
I clench my teeth. I think I might cry. I can feel my eyes burning as I tape up my leg. It’s hard enough with my hands shaking, so I don’t want my vision blurry from tears too. The pain of it tears across my skin and throbs all throughout my body. I have to catch my breath, but breathing out is too much. I want to hiss in my breath and hold it in my lungs forever. I don’t know why even breathing hurts, it’s just my leg.
It’s deep and the length of my hand. I don’t know if I have enough gauze, and I can’t check for more from my place in the bathtub. I can’t get out; I’ll trail blood and Sugar might have to use the bathroom when he gets here.
My eyes finally spill over and i’m forced to let the air out when a little sob hitches out my throat. I’m glad it was just a pocket knife. I’m glad he was just beginning to feel that bone-rattling anger. I hate my shaking hands. If my hands didn’t shake all the time I wouldn’t have dropped it. I wouldn’t have been stabbed.
I pull the bandage tighter. It’s already turning red. It needs another layer, but I’m all out.
The world freezes around me. My vision does this funny little dip and spin. It’s Sugar’s voice. I recover fast, and throw myself towards the shower curtain so I can pull it shut. The sudden move sends fire across my leg. A hideous sound tears through my mouth and fills the air. Sugar’s footsteps get closer.
“No,” I whisper.
He pulls open the door just as I get the curtain shut.
“What are you doing in there?” he says. My heart jumps a little at the sound of his voice, but I can’t let him see me like this. The bathtub is slick with bright red blood.
Dress shoes on tile. I grip the curtain tight. “I’m sorry, Sugar, please don’t—”
“Let me see.”
The curtain struggles against me. “No,” I say again, helplessly. “Please don’t look, Sugar, please.”
The curtain rod clatters downward, hitting my head and grazing against my bad leg. I cry out, but thank God! Thank God the curtain fell toward me. It covers me.
Sugar pulls it down from over my head; I can just see him through my wet eyes. He pushes his thumb up under my eyebrow and leans in to see my eyes.
“I’m okay, Sugar,” I whisper, pain pulsing up and down my thigh.
He lets go and leans back. “As long as you're not high,” he says. He tosses another roll of gauze my way before leaving the bathroom. “The money’s on the table.”
I bite my lip. I didn’t get to make him any tea.
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rikotin · 3 years
You said you felt like you were drowning on dry land. I guess I should've realized it meant that you needed my tears to get submerged; for there's no surface to reach when one's sitting on solid earth.
I do wonder, though.
When the dead sea of my tears deceased, did you stay afloat long enough to find air that you so adamantly claimed not to have? Or did you sink back down like you never left? You see, guilt is but a sea one never has to battle unless they're the one to weigh the anchor and set sail. In the waves strong enough to crash the tower of conscience, the boat will inevitably turn over and all that can be done is to swim. With luck, one is wearing a life vest laced with an apology.
You never were that lucky, were you?
- sini
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inkovert · 3 years
So I went home to visit my family for the last week, hence, why I was less active on here. I also recently made a big transition in terms of what I do day-to-day so I should have more downtime to make posts and be more active.
I want to try to have a more regular posting schedule about my writing (maybe post excerpts like MWF? or like W and Sat if that's too frequent?). But also still having trouble figuring out *what* to post. So we shall see how that goes.
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kurtcobainindresses · 3 years
plutotcrever > kurtcobainindresses
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in observation of saint patrick’s day i would like to issue a formal apology to my irish ex-boyfriend for only signing up for sean nós classes after we had already broken up and also i blocked him on basically everything
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dulcidyne · 3 years
There’s hype then there’s *hype*
I’ve put about 20k words into a fic I haven’t touched since 2013 in just this past month so yeah, you could say I’m pretty excited about the Mass Effect trilogy remaster. 
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travclcr · 3 years
meddlescmeme -> travclcr
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akko-chan · 3 years
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acepsychologist · 3 years
Out of psychology: It’s official
I’ll be working on becoming an active tumblr rper once more! It’s only been what, 2, 2 and a half years since I even got on tumblr? Anyways don’t expect stuff immediately. Right now this blog is like the equivalent of going into an attic and seeing all the dust and cobwebs and various stuff you hid up there and trying to figure out what the stuff is, what to do with it and where to put it. Most of my old rp buddies are gone and inactive now and I’m no longer hip and with it in terms of the rp scene. I need to make an official promotional post and all that stuff. Plus I need to learn how tumblr works again. Please be patient with me, and also I still have motivational issues but I’ll try my best to work through them. Thank you for your understanding and I hope to be rping with you in the relatively near future!
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rogueninja · 4 years
i did the thing
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