#we're going to get another dating but not really episode 7 and i don't know if i can handle it actually
grapejuicegay · 2 years
texas chicken successfully finding a spot in the insane flirting through food market that patpran’s seaweed snacks had a monopoly on so far
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #23
Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins
PFFT-EH?-EHHH? It's confirmed daylight savings time? Then take down the posters that've been up for 30 episodes implying it was November, you goofs.
I'm thinking Hazel showed up around September or October (i.e. before the November Sneezy Hawkins dance and we know she was in school for a few weeks before the exam at the end of "Teacher's Pal," because she told us), then Antony came home for winter break, and now it's March. That gives us a good estimate of things like founder's day and Dev's birthday. In fact, we know exactly what the length of time between those two dates is because Dev told us his birthday was 9 years, 7 months, and 14 days ago. I guess that checks out since Antony probably came home in December. If it's March for daylight savings, that would be another 3 months. This also implies Dimmadelphia is farther south than Dimmsdale, which occasionally saw snow (though it's possible godkids were wishing for it). Dimmadelphia doesn't seem to get snow.
Or he could just say "set your clocks BACK" as soon as I unpause and I'll just... sit here with my little notes. it's fine.
We're confirmed for fall, then. Possibly Hazel's been here a year if the posters are to be believed, but also at this point, those posters stay up all year round, so they're not to be trusted even for Episode 1. Unclear what the summer situation is, but I'll make a proper timeline another time.
I would say this is the key episode to build a timeline around. Then roughly place Dev's birthday and then Founder's Day the appropriate time apart and fill in the blanks.
Looks like "Operation: Birthday Takeback" aired July 31st, which might be a good place to start if I want to canonize Dev's birthday date for fanfic purposes.
Founder's Day was around school because Dale was prepping during "A New Dev-elopment," when we know school was in session, so I'll do math and consider my options when I'm done with Season 1.
So... Dev just told Hazel someone has a crush on her, but I find that hard to believe because they're at odds and I can't imagine he has good reasons for chatting like this.
He called her a nickname, which he only does when they're not friendly. And no Peri to give her any clues...
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I would not trust this man, but I respect the hustle.
Are we going to be manipulating time and space; is that why it's daylight savings?
They have a class pet:
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Aw, I like how Winn became a Prime Meridian fan after the book club episode, apparently.
Huh. Was it Winn who had Shakespeare for Mimes early on? It's clearly in their locker. I could've sworn it was Jasmine, which is why I was confused she was afraid of clowns. Maybe she finished and gave it to them. I'm gonna check.
I say as I look up and see the clown toy sitting in her locker. Good for her for conquering her fears.
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No, it was Jasmine (end of "Teacher's Pal")
Yes, those dance posters are still up. They're getting the boot from my canon.
Hazel's "next class" is Room 104, so that could theoretically be used to scout her classroom number. Which confuses me because we know she's on the 2nd floor, but okay.
I love Father Time; he's such a silly guy.
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I like how Hazel is just... so stressed out about Jenkins having a crush on her.
I particularly enjoy like how after he said she was so confident in a flirty voice, Hazel's body literally shatters and then she rushes to the cereal, throws back her head, and gobbles it in bulk. She wants this so little, she's not willing to return his affection whatsoever. sldfkj.
Hazel in "Prime Meridian Love": I don't want a relationship; I'm only 10. Hazel now, even after I was starting to believe she might be growing a crush on Dev: I don't want a relationship; I'm only 10.
That's so funny...
Timmy: I have a crush on someone even though she's not interested in me, but I hope she'll change her mind. Hazel: you guys are having crushes??
I really like how Hazel's specific reason for not wanting Jenkins to like her is "I'm too self-conscious and can't remember how to act normal." She's a very anxious character...
It's not that she's into someone else, and it's not that she has anything against Jenkins specifically. She just is way too anxious and doesn't want to deal with it.
Hazel, scrambling for a way out without hurting Jenkins' feelings: I can't go around with you. I have a crush on someone else. Uh... Trev. Trev, who was behind her and she didn't notice: Did I just hear you have a crush on me, Hazel?? Hazel: /absorbs entire box of cereal in .2 seconds
She doesn't want ANYONE to like her!! she is 10 and squirmy!
I'm once again sad Dev cited Trev as "his bud" in Episode 1, but we haven't seen them interact. I feel like Trev existing on the periphery of her interactions with Dev would've made this even funnier, lmao.
That said, it's funny that Dev's description of Trev was "He's my bud, so he probably won't give YOU time of day" and Trev is out here like "I am totally down to give Hazel the time of day." He's just chillin' and smiling. I like him.
Hazel at the top of her lungs when the entire hallway flirts with her: I don't CARE who like-likes me! I don't like any of you BACK!!
Chloe and Hazel (to me):
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Holy cow, Hazel. I don't have much to say, but I enjoy watching her screw people's memories up by manipulating time. And that's a heavy sentence to drop out of context, but...
Yeah, she just did 568 timeloops speedrun and now everyone has a crush on her.
Including Dev, apparently.
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Should we be worried that Dev specifically cited the thing he finds attractive about Hazel to be "how ruthless she is," because buddy... You're on track to continue the Dimmadome abuse cycle!
Hey Dev, it's kind of weird to know her middle name. What've you been doing; who've you been talking to?
Wow, it took absolutely 0 thought for Dev to yell loudly about how in love he is with Hazel [in this time loop] for the whole hall to hear.
I am once again fascinated by how he's never cared for "maintaining a reputation" at this school in any way and he's willing to dropkick whatever "cool, tough, and closed-off" persona he's formed at the first sign of what he thinks is a better future.
Local rich kid desperate for affection once again willing to jump 12 feet if you ask him to jump 6. She asked him to jump 0. She asked him to sit down and not even think about jumping.
Dev "I would commit B&E for you a second time; please let me commit B&E for you a second time" Dimmadome.
I like how Dimmadomes are known for putting the Dimm name on everything, but we keep seeing Dev's first name used (such as in the episode title "A New Dev-elopment" or Peri's quote "I'm going to take you from Dev to Dev-ine!")
It gives me the vibe that yes, he's a Dimmadome, but he's a little disconnected. Wow, it's a pun AND sadness!
I can't stop thinking about how annoyed he sounded when the time came to finally tell Vicky his last name. All the other Dimmadomes repeatedly introduce themselves by their full name... but he holds back.
Also, I like how the O-pairs are always down for anything. Dev is their special boy <3
I really really like them for some reason and I'm sorry because I can already tell any Dev 'fic I write is going to lean into them. My curse of getting attached to weird background characters unfortunately continues and these might be the worst ones I've ever fallen for. I don't look forward to trying to search up cute 'fics or fanart of them. haha; I'm in danger...
I just looked up how to spell O-pair because I was tired of not knowing and I found this Wikipedia page:
au pair /ˌō ˈper/ - An au pair (/oʊˈpɛər/; pl.: au pairs) is a person working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family's responsibility for child care as well as some housework, and receive a monetary allowance or stipend for personal use.
oh. okay.
IMBD's "Operation: Birthday Takeback" page lists them as O-Pair #1 and O-Pair #2, which just hurts.
Dev: My dad gives me the coolest gadgets. They have fancy futuristic names. They're my friends and I love them :) Dale, who knew exactly what he was doing:
Wow, it's TWO puns and sadness!!
Hazel's theme song, but it's rewritten for Dev and the "pair quite strange" who changed his life are the O-Pairs.
I like how in "Operation: Birthday Takeback," Peri's instinctual disguise was an O-Pair, which is incredibly fitting now that I see this description.
I wish we saw signs of Peri hanging around Dev, like a pin on his shirt or the headphones again. Or maybe I'm afraid.
This is nuts. How many hours did Hazel just live through? She needs a nap... Aw, I like the moral lesson for this episode (Letting go and not obsessing over things you can't change). Mr. Guzman is a lovely character; he's so friendly.
Jenkins: Um... I don't have a crush on you, Hazel. Dev: PSYCH! I made it up~!
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She's SO mad. sdfjk
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I've never seen her this mad. That's great.
Local anxious girl just put herself through some of the worst experiences she's faced, and for WHAT??
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He's just a quirky little guy! You wouldn't hurt a quirky little guy!! He's just goofin' with you~
- This feels extremely in-character for Dev considering he outfoxed the never-before-beaten negotiator aliens in "Peace of Pizza" by memeing on them. He's just a silly wittle boy... I'm fascinated by the way his mind works. - I'm not sure Dev even knows how his mind works.
That was great! I liked that. I don't often see a character trying to work through feelings about crushes like this and I enjoyed it.
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prof-ramses · 7 months
Hollow Sorrows Trailer Breakdown LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
Obviously, if you don't want spoilers, scroll away. If you've already seen the trailer, LET'S GO!!!
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So when we first see possessed Patty, she looks mostly normal, you can't even see her demon teeth through the mask yet. John and Jack probably only came in since they heard a scream and/or struggle coming from the morgue.
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So we get a shot of the boys being too chaotic, something Gregor points out and what will likely cause the "bad character development" Pelo ahs mentioned.
Also, since it's 100% what Pelo would do, Costume Bob is the guy in the HF suit. Mark my words.
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The scene with the hatz is really interesting to me, since Skid and Pump just annoys Roy for a moment and leave. I think this might be all we get of the hatzgang this time, similar to how Frank only had a brief Appearance in Tender Treats. If my theory that episode 7 will focus on Roy is true, this little scene will be very interesting to dissect when the full episode drops.
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We actually get out first proper glimpse at a new character and I think this old man is the very last character in the line up teaser
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And there's also a pretty good chance he Roy's grandfather and given the way he reacts to the boys antics here, I can definitely see him being a another reasons Roy's the way he is.
If he actually is Roy's grandpa, then @crossover-enthusiast and I's Roy discussions are going to get really fun pretty soon.
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Here, Skid is clearly holding a framed photo, meaning this will almost certainly be the first time his father is brought up directly.
Also, yeah, with Pump's line about "hangover spooky month", it seems my theory about Lila in this episode was at least half right.
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Yet more proof that the boys' absent parents will be more of a focus. The trailer as a whole gives me some ideas regarding the Wonder parents, but I feel they're best saved for another time.
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The boys get into trouble with the cops and I have 2 theories regarding when, either Gregor tries to get them sent home before going to the hospital, but they talk their way out of it, or they actually do get sent home at the end of the episode.
John's expression here immediately makes we think that something Skid or Pump said reminded him of his daughter. Another plot thread that has yet to be directly acknowledged.
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Ignacio watches Gregor lead the boys away, maybe he lives down the street from Skid and Lila to keep an eye on them for the cult?
Either way, I'm surprised his appearance won't take place in the hospital as I previously predicted.
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"I will be your guide. And I know your parents would be proud of you."
There's something undeniably sinister about this line, but how sinister hinges on whether Gregor is a cultist or ex-cultist. Whatever the case may be, he definitely knows more about or sees more in the boys than he lets on.
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A great title card, and thought the blood everywhere is definitely concerning, I don't think there's anything to really say here, just wanted to get a screenshot of it.
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And it would appear the character I've referred to as the cat lady will have the unenviable role of a hapless victim to the episode's villain. But honestly, I'm more surprised by her being at the hospital in the first place and why that never occurred to me before.
The actual progression of Patty's possession confirms to she's possessed by something other than Moloch. And what seals it for me is, fittingly, the eyes. The white of her eyes becomes a more vivid yellow, yet her pupil snot only don't form Moloch's typical spirals, but they're a more vivid shade of baby blue, a color that has never had any significance in the series before. Moloch will mostly be trapped in Dexter before eventually possessing Gregor, I will die on this hill.
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Alright, that's all, only a month now. We're so back!
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rosemariad · 12 days
SUPERNATURAL SEASON 15 - final season - bitter end part 2
See p1 here | https://www.tumblr.com/rosemariad/761290454081929216/supernatural-season-15-final-season-part-1-i
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OH MY LORD – FINALLY – a FUCKING APOLOGY, from Dean. Winchester.
And it happened in purgaytory 😉 lol. Moment of silence for dead Benny :/
I wish we could've gotten a shot of Cas listening to him. We've always seen Dean pray to Cas but we never see Cas hear them on his end, like when Jack was hearing Sam's prayer. I think that would've been dope as fuck to see Castiel's reaction. When Cas & Dean finally do catch up to one another, Cas seems so...reserved. I feel like He knew DAMN well (like 90%) what Dean might say (or maybe he's so in denial about the possibility that Dean could return his affections in that way)
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How are we almost halfway to the end and this is the first time we’ve seen Jack at all during this FINAL season? You introduce him in episode 12.23, you kill him (twice) and we don’t even get to see how he’s doing? We know he’s in the empty from 14x20’s closing montage.
15x10 was a pretty decent episode since we got to see Garth again ☺️ & he's settled into the domestic life with his wife Bessie - they had twins and a older daughter & neither child is named after Dean (🤣 Serves him right these days, since he's being such a douche!) wonder why Garth chose to name his baby after Cas though…did they ever interact? I don't recall…Watching Sam meet baby Sam is precious
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(also how wild is it that the Garth & Benny actors are a married couple now? SPN man, they should've had a dating show given how many relationships came outta 1 production that lasted 15 yrs!)
Watching Sam sniff and cough & sneeze post-COVID is wild!
Taking on that giant monster was Hilarious - this was what SPN was missing - definitely peak content! Look at those hunter guys get reduced to regular chumps 🤣 fantastic!
Was Dean scared of the dentist? Had he ever BEEN to a dentist? Wow John, you couldn't take your son to a damn dentist - with all the junk food that boy eats? Even so, you want him running around without teeth?
Watching Sam writhe around with some cure all Bessie learned from her dad (he's dead I guess?) was equally hilarious!
WTF was with Dean's hallucination? These writers are trippin - out of all the things you could've done, you make Dean & Garth tap dance? What was the point? And some oldies shit? Sure Dean would've been exposed to reruns of the good ol' days but that’s never really been his interest before? And the lamp at the end? TF? I've read some posts about what others thinking it all means but I say the artistic direction is wack. But all aside the dentist Garth bit is awesome!
Garth couldn't have said it better - being the hero/protagonist is a drag - more so for comic book heroes cuz of the tragic backstory but in the Winchesters' case - it suuuuuuuuuucks.
I'm all for some Winchester humble pie. SPN should be normal people problems show mixed with cooky supernatural shenanigans. It would never get old 😂
Dean why did you think you could gobble down 7 grilled cheese sandwiches - all that dairy - oh man. So I guess that's normal for him…bad, real bad. Normal Dean would be dead in a week 🤣🤣
Anyway Garth swooping in to save the day for a change, is a welcome change ☺️ [is this the last time we'll see him in the show though? 😥]
Interesting how they seem to keep switching back & forth between how hopeless the odds are in going against the big G.O.D. to no we're gonna find a way cuz we're the Winchesters & that’s what we do. Yeah okay 🤣
Jack's been hunting & eating Grigori hearts - damn. Not looking forward to why…
Meanwhile we get more backstory on all the other gods in human history through Fortuna, goddess of luck/fortune? Interesting, it seems like God allowed others to be worshipped so they could suffer the bad PR when things when wrong for people & they would get the blame (pretty sure plenty people still blame God for bad stuff all the time — like Dean 😅).
Good for Sam fighting for those people stuck under Fortuna's thumb. Small victories though…
Kaia survived, but I know we'll never see her again now. No reunion w/ Claire, or the others…wah 😔 meanwhile Alt!Kaia is definitely dead, we saw her face her end - way to take out that plot device writers 🙄
Dean seems pretty gung-ho on taking out God & Amara - buddy I know you feel helpless but there is no cosmic entity that is gonna be on your side all the time. The control freak inside him is going rabid y'all he's convinced that it’s the only way out but neglects to answer the question - if God (and Amara - cold by the way - is he punishing her for Mary? Amara was the one who brought her back in the first place) is taken out, what happens to the universe?
Jack is still giving me those intern vibes - Cas WTF were you thinking? I know you didn't forget about that deal…but damn if he ain't a team player, always willing to risk it all to help his precious Dean bean & the baby bro Sam.
I love how the brothers took Jo/Anael at her word - like really? There was no other way to investigate the veracity of her story than by simply going to hell? Really? Also they couldn't squeeze in Rowena for 1 final appearance? Boo!
And what was Anael's last line about? What friends could she possibly be talking about? Did God have her set this up? Lead the guys on a wild goose chase to waste time? Who fucking knows anymore, but I guess it doesn't matter as this is technically Anael (& Ruby's) final scene in the show.
Ruby you're screwed - there's no way she got out and no way to know - anyway onto the plot!
Look at this family shot - precious!
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So between this episode & 12x07 Sam's superpower is handling doors - keeps them open when he needs to & closed when he has to. Sam, keeper of the doors!
The Empty & Death Billie teamed up? Oh shit, that's gonna backfire fast!
Classic Dean Winchester move to call your beloved an idiot when you almost lost him….again. I can't keep track of the various close calls this angel had over the years.
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Best gem of 15x13 - the Alternate Sam & Dean - affluent dudes who were raised by a successful business savvy John Winchester who raised his sons with a modicum of respect & some fashion sense it seems all the while building a supernatural hunting empire spanning the entire globe (damn). And at the end they went to Brazil? So canonically there's 2 sets of Sams & Deans running around - too bad nothing else will come out of that…they should've stolen the Impala - that shit would've been hilarious.
After all these years we finally got to see THE Garden of Eden. It would've been cool to see it sooner in the show but oh well. The trip seems to have given Jack the ability to feel again, get his soul back. And he is wracked with guilt over Mary as if we didn’t have enough of that to deal with…
The words you're looking for guys is I FORGIVE YOU! Like he's a kid, it was an accident & he's clearly fucking sorry for it, the guilt is tearing him apart, you're not blind you can see it but God forbid either Winchester just says the magic words.
Now Mrs. Butters - I'm not cool with that shit at all. I peeped immediately based on the 1st scene that she wasn't there willingly. Why would she? She's a fucking wood nymph and while there's a bunch of trees outside, the bunker sure as shit ain't no forest. Someone forced her to work in that bunker & the fact that imagery of Cuthbert Sinclair keeps coming up confirms it.
She was probably their slave - that's so fucked. And Sinclair tortured her into obedience. That poor creature…she deserved so much better. shame on Sam & Dean for using that poor woman - you can't find the time to cook & clean up after yourselves? - I know Dean is good at it. But no, SPN had to set women back decades and force Mrs. Butters into waiting on them hand and foot. Shame, damn shame. Thankfully they eventually let her go, but only cuz Jack's life was in jeopardy and god forbid the Winchesters lose their handy ace in the hole when their maid/slave gets murderous. Really Dean, ‘just start over’?!, she threatened your kid you dumbass, do you really want someone to take care of you that fucking bad? WTF?!?!
All those feasts & Cas never showed up once -- bullshit!!!! Bullshit I say!
Apparently when Cas does eventually return to the screen & wraps up some trouble w/ Jack (aww he wanted to wear matching ties! And he has a teddy bear? Did Cas give him one? He gave one to Claire a couple of seasons ago) jack spills that he's meant to die & sacrifice himself to take out God & Amara. I know you're not on board Cas but speak up. Why is everyone so afraid to stand up to Dean Jesus Christ. He's just a man, sure he'll punch you but that just means you hit back or you know, don't let him punch you!
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We get 1 final glimpse into Sam & Dean's childhood. Pro tip Dean: if you want your baby bro to stick around, don't ridicule his goals or call him stupid. Just a thought (I know he's a kid himself but that's what I would've said to the kid) but hey ultimately none of it matters right, jeez 😒
The lady lied to the brothers to get them to show up, did you ever think to incentivize them with money? It wouldn't take much, they probably wouldn't even take it or you know just tell them the truth, they're hunters it's what they do.
It's the baba yaga? It almost got to Dean but thankfully Sam was conveniently there to break the spell or whatever was gonna try to make Dean kill himself. The vic, Travis, apparently had the entity's ring all this time so it's back for revenge? And to eat ofc it's hungry. Too bad she failed cuz she's dead as one of the final MOTW ever on SPN. And just when we thought Dean made progress he ruins it by being supremely committed to Billie's plan -- cuz God forbid Sam bring up ethical questions into plotting someone's murder Dean, even if it is about cosmic entities and you know, your kid, Jack. Will the real Dean Winchester stand up cuz I think he wouldn't do this under any other circumstances. If I were Sam I would've jumped out of that car in pure disgust. Sam seemed inclined to do that.
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Anyway the Jack suicide bomb plan ultimately didn't matter either cuz Amara ends up siding w/ Chuck after he makes her see that Dean was actually planning on killing her along w/ her brother.
Side bar - I love how she just had a whole season's long vacation just enjoying what the planet had to offer before her end. Can't say she didn't try to work things out - with the Winchesters or God. But hey, I know what's up - it's all about the men in this show 🙄
Saying Jack's not family - how fucking dare you! but also another example of inconsistent behavior from Dean - 1 minute he's concerned, the next he's dismissive & neglectful, then the next he cares (emotional whiplash), then he sees Jack as nothing more than a loose-end for fuck's sake Dean pick a lane & make up your damn mind, fuck!
Anyways, Sam should've smacked the shit outta Dean. He deserves it. But I get it Dean, you can't live w/o Sam or Cas but watching Jack die is no big since he took your mommy away, whatever asshole. Then he feels bad, but I feel it's only cuz he can't sit pretty on his high horse knowing the kid heard how little Dean cares for him right now.
Why did Sam & Cas let Jack run off w/ Dean? I sure wouldn't have 😡.
So because Billie's plan went tits up (big surprise there & really Billie you were expecting them not to fuck up, really?) God escaped & in the next, infamous episode of 15x18 people start getting Thanos'd. Endgamed. Disappeared.
Alt!Charlie & her girlfriend Stevie - gone. Eileen, Sam's current GF, gone. Alt!Bobby, gone. The other folks from Apocalypse World - gone.
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But Donna gets got too - because Sam & Dean intervened all the way back in her premiere episode (was that season 8? I forget). Did everyone just get disappeared - like everyone Sam, Dean & John saved (that's my headcanon anyhow)? But it doesn’t even stop there…
Hold up - wait a minute - I’m gonna talk about the Destiel moment in 15x18 but I’m gonna save it for a separate post cuz I got to get all that stuff off my chest…https://www.tumblr.com/rosemariad/761296693532803072/the-bitter-end-spn-15x18-despair-about-that
Everyone gets disappeared. I see they were inspired by that Avengers movie 😅 I wonder if they went through the same experience the Marvel folk did canonically…(its that no one remembers what happened to them if they got blipped right?)
15x19 felt so rushed to me did anyone else feel that way?
Jack asks what happened to Cas (RIP you beautiful angel 😭) but Dean just offers a simple explanation. After countless days of misery and drinking, Jack prompts the brothers to drive around and Dean finds a dog only to have it disappear like everyone else - there's no way Chuck missed the dog, he just wanted Dean to bond with her so he could feel her loss too. Damn. So vengeful.
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The Winchesters say they surrender but at this point I wouldn't believe them and apparently it was all part of their master plan. They ran into Michael (who's lost Adam at this point RIP Adam, again) and Dean calls Michael out as a daddy's boy but you would know wouldn't you Dean 🤣 game recognize game
When Dean got that phone call & ran up those steps, oh Dean you poor miserable bastard.
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The devil, conveniently back from the void from whence he came, scrounges up a reaper - why are there reapers at this point (isn’t everyone gone anyways?) was she brought from the Empty? Kill her so she can be Death # 3 and open up the mysterious book that describes God's imminent demise but the devil killed her one more time before she could finish cuz he's God's favorite now (so he says Chuck says 🙄) pissing off Michael but as the brothers explained later this would all work in their favor but RIP Jessica - last female figure to be killed off on SPN? She basically died for nothing as Sam & dean came up w/ a new plan.
While the archangels squab, Michael gets the upper hand and finally kills Lucifer (so how was this fight going to devastate the planet cuz the bunker didn't even get messed up or nothing - very underwhelming since this is technically the last we’ll see of the devil in the show) & later Michael snitches to God when everyone drives out to summon Chuck to try killing him off once and for all. Then Michael dies cuz God is tired of him I guess (sure he said it’s cuz Michael dique betrayed him but I mean do you even care about that?) sucks for Mike I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️
All the celestial fighting was apparently powering up Jack after he juiced himself up for that bomb & couldn't kill off God sooner. by the end of the episode Jack siphons the remaining energy out of Chuck and instead of squashing him like a bug they all just decide to walk away, leaving Chuck Shurley a mortal, ordinary man to die off on his own (omg the way he squealed as he ditched him, geez 🤦🏾‍♀️).
This is why you should've just destroyed them Chuck! You'd think he'd know better than to savor their doom. Tsk tsk.
I would've shot him, burned him and had Jack disintegrate the ashes to nothing. But fuck being thorough I guess 🤣
Jack brings everyone back & leaves the brothers (I would've done the same, fuck those Winchesters, Sam's alright but Dean is just ugh at this point) & Aside from Rowena I can't think of anyone else who ends up with a win like Jack. He was born the Nephilim of Lucifer but ended up becoming a noble God.
I also gotta vent about that last episode - https://www.tumblr.com/rosemariad/761299089485889536/supernatural-season-15-the-bitter-end-series
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matthewkniesys · 1 year
late night driving - luke hughes
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summary: bad weeks at uni mean good boyfriends trying to cheer you up. and luke was the very best boyfriend so of course you two went driving and got ice cream and watched the sunset to cheer you up.
a/n: this is a little fic i wrote from an anons request for luke hughes x zegras sister sneaking out to get ice cream. this takes place once they've started dating but in secret. its purely fluff and its just super cute!! hope you like it 🫶
pairing: luke hughes x zegras sister!reader
warnings: some swearing and talk of anxiety
Honestly, saying you had a shitty week felt like an understatement. You'd been back to Uni for a few weeks and you already felt like you were drowning. You'd been late to class 3 times this week, it rained and you fell into a puddle, one of your profs is horrible, you'd been so anxious everyday and to top everything off, between you and Luke being busy you hadn't gotten to see each other all week.
But it was finally Friday night and you were so excited to curl up on the couch, do nothing but watch shitty sitcoms and not move for hours. You made instant ramen, grabbed a blanket that still smelled like Luke from when he was at your dorm last weekend, and settled in. Your roommate was going out for the night so you had the whole room to yourself.
Your peace was interrupted 5 episodes into your binge. At this point it was 7 o'clock. It was too early for your roommate to be back but too late for someone uninvited to show up. And you sure as hell hadn't invited anyone.
You got off the couch, extremely pissed at the fact that anyone would dare interrupt your quiet Friday night. You feel a little different after you open the door though.
"Hey babe." Says a familiar voice when you open the door.
"Oh my god Luke. How did you know I needed you tonight?" You ask, jumping into your boyfriends arms.
"I always know...plus I could kinda guess from the very aggressive texts you've been sending me all week."
You laugh. "Yeah well my week has been less than perfect that's for sure." You lead Luke into your dorm and the two of you have a seat on your bed.
"Babe, tell me about it. Why was your week so bad?"
"I just- it was one bad event after another. Over and over again. I couldn't catch a break. From falling into a puddle to having coffee spilt on me to having a really shitty professor it felt like nothing was going right. And then I was just so anxious every single day. And I haven't felt this anxious in so long and I just didn't know how to deal with it." You take a deep breath. It feels good to let your feelings out to someone you trust.
Luke rubs your back. "I'm so sorry your week so shitty babe. I'm also sorry I couldn't have been there for you. I should've been I was just bu-"
You cut your boyfriend off. "You don't have to apologise Luke. I get it. Life is busy and you don't always have time."
"But I always want to have time for you. You are so important to me." You sit in silence for a few moments and then it's Luke who speaks first.
"Wanna go grab some ice cream? We could maybe even still have time to catch the sunset."
You smile. Luke always knows what you need. "Yeah, I'd love that." But also where does Jack think you are? He doesn't know we're dating yet and I know he's a little bit overprotective."
"Yeah, um I kinda snuck out. And he's probably blowing up my phone right now but I don't care. I'm an adult and I wanted to come see you." You smile up at Luke while he gets off the bed. You never thought you'd start falling in love with him this fast but yet here you were.
Luke grabs your hand and the two of you run down the hallway out to Luke's car. You hop into the passenger seat and Luke gets in and starts the car. As he's pulling away, he places a gentle hand on your thigh. You look over at him to see he has a content and peaceful smile on his face as he drives. It overbearing to think you have this kind of effect on him.
Luke parks at the curb and hand in hand, you walk into the ice cream shop. It's a cute little retro diner type place that just opened up a few weeks ago.
Luke, being the boring boy he is, orders plain vanilla while you get your favourite. Luke pays and you return to his car.
"Do you wanna go to the overpass and watch the sunset?"
Luke knows that, that's what you want to do so you just smile. On the drive you play music and Luke hums along while you go full out, pretending you're in a music video. He laughs, not quite sure how he was able to land an amazing person like you.
You arrive just in time. The sky is full of oranges, pinks and reds. Luke helps you up onto the hood of his car and two of you cuddle up, eat your ice cream and watch the setting sun.
When the sky is fully dark you get back in and start driving. You assume Luke will drop you back off at your dorm but all of a sudden you realise he's driving the wrong way.
"Luke are you trying to kidnap me? Where are we going?"
He picks up your hand from where it's resting on the console and kisses it.
"I have no clue babe, but I do know I'm not ready to end this night yet so let's keep driving and see where we end up, okay."
You Look at Luke with all the love in the world in your eyes.
thanks for reading🫶requests are always open!!
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it. Also there are too many shows on and something is always finishing or starting so a month is a lot.
BL - Currently Watching
1000 Years Old [2/12] - It's silly, and entertaining and makes me laugh. The friend group is delightful and I'm having a good time watching them. Was excited for a minute when Yo suggested a haircut for Pun because I cannot handle that wig. 🤞
Anti Reset [5/10] - This is one of the most frustrating shows I've watched in a while. The show doesn't seem to settle on what is actually trying to say about the AI of it all, and when it says something I'm not crazy about it. Why is it so frustrating? Because they are so fucking endearing when they're together on screen. I wanna love this show so much.
Cherry Magic Th [11/12]– I love them so much. I'm fascinated by the choices that the show is making. As a big fan of the manga and the jbl I came into this with reservations and this show is just blowing my mind. This was the best episode 11 of all time and Tay/New are delivering. My heart is so full with this.
Cherry Magic Anime [7/12]– Another helicopter ride! Yay. The date song was hilarious. We're now getting to the point where they are dating and Adachi is feeling guilty for lying so I'm curious how the show will adapt the next phase of the relationship.
Dead Friend Forever [10/12]– Glad to see we are all on board with Tan's murderous impulses. It's been so much fun having more people join in on the fun. As for me, I NEED White to stay alive. That's really all I want. Getting curious about how Perth factors in to all of this.
My Strawberry Film[2/8] - I feel it coming. I see sadness in my future. But I'm bracing because I'm loving the look of this show. And pining boys are my favourite type of boys. I'm ready.
Ossan's Love Returns [8/9] - The videos messages destroyed me but then that ending made me annoyed. I don't know what to expect in terms of Kurosawa but I hope he's not actually dying and there's a really good reason for all this. Medical mal practice might be the thing. Although as @twig-tea pointed out to me, since it was said in show it might not actually happen. I want happy for the ending anyway.
Perfect Propose [5/6] . Why must I only have them for 6 episodes??? I need more. Kai is everything to me, and that back hug followed by that smile melted by cold heart. Hiro's boss needs something heavy to fall on him from a great height. And please Hiro,sweetie, I need you to eat better and sleep.
Although I Love You, and You? [7/10]- Sakae is letting me down. And by that I mean, the show is letting me down. Sakae needs to put his foot down with Mizuki and go back to being a fool in love with Soga.
To Be Continued [1/8] - It's not amazing. but I'm a sucker for second chance romance and there are two couples so there's a 50% chance I will like this. We'll see. Also, they need to start hiring younger actors for the high school flashbacks. This goes for A Secretly Love too. Having 27 year olds and up playing ten years younger just won't do. It's terrible.
Unknown [2/12] - I'm intrigued. Not completely sold yet but I'm liking it so far. Also nothing would keep me away from watching Sam Lin again.
Also watched the first episode of A Secretly Love and caught up with City of Stars but it's on the 'I need to shut of my brain' schedule so I'm not necessarily watching to weekly.
BL - Finished
Cooking Crush - I will miss all of them. I loved it so much. The whole cut/uncut version thing was annoying and the editing was weird at times but overall this was wonderful. Communication done right. Relationships and character growth was stellar and both couples won my heart. Aungpao really surprised me, considering he was surrounded my pros on all sides. Dynamite was a joy to watch. And OffGun delivering with all the kissing. Everyone should watch this.
The Sign - I mean, what they did to this show is absolutely insane. Not airing the finale like the rest of the show. Having to pay extra for happy ending is ridiculous (although I kinda predicted this and @lurkingshan is my witness. I said as a joke and it turns out reality is a joke.) Then waiting 2 whole weeks for whatever that was. Just the most unsatisfying experience. Go read this from Shan because I agree with everything said there. Also @bengiyo final thoughts here really echo how I felt about this show overall.
Happy Ending - 20 minutes split in 3. Why? No idea. Was it a happy ending? I think so. Was it cute? Sure. Was it great to watch Seong Hyuk again? You betcha. But I didn't love it. I need Choco Milk Shake S2, like, TODAY.
Playboyy - It ended.
Rose Watches OJBL - I feel bad about this. I didn't watch any of the ones I planned to. This might seem like whatever but I've been trying to catch up with awards season films, because since uni, me and a couple of friends always do it and finish it by watching the oscars together and so ojbl was were I dropped the ball. Gonna restart soon though.
Not BL - Watched this month
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Night Has Come Death's Game Shop for Killers
That's it for right now. As usual my ask box is open for gif requests and any other questions. All my gifs are under #rosygifs.
Have a good week💜
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crimswnred · 11 months
my thoughts on volume IV
whoever decided it was smart to dump all of the girls should be fired, I'm not joking
see, as I'm on a Raf route, I was expecting Daphne to want to be back with him, to me, she's the only girl that the narrative makes sense
after all, they were "super close" or whatever
(but if I were Daphne I would be crying too, her ex boy wants me, her current boy wants me, it's hard)
Evan is cute, I like his personality as well. He sees Daphne flirting with Rafael so I don't hold the fact he wants to explore stuff with us against him
he seems to be the chill type and I like how passionate he is about his art. he and my MC have that in common and the game acknowledge that?? (MC is a graphic designer)
they still can't write dance scenes 😭 it's been 7 seasons and you guys still can't describe twerking omg
Summer is still the funniest person in the room
Alex's wood weekend comment 😭😭
the gem scenes are getting EXPENSIVE. 29 gems to talk to my baby boy???
worth every penny tho 😭😭 guys I love him so much, Rafael is the sweetest guy ever. the way he said he was gonna put on the effort for us, that he would captivate us every day AAAAAH
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I like how he's also aware of how he behaved in the past and that he wants to have the real thing with us. it's definitely reassuring to know we're not just another random girl he felt like love bombing
his chat was also funny but not like trying hard funny. it was giggling and kicking my feet funny.
Uma and Alex are so cute. I feel like MC/Rafa and Alex/Uma are the friends who always go out in couples, you know? like double dates? and they just support each other's relationship 🙏 it's so cute how they are with each other!!!!
Now, Bryson, if I were Willow I'd curse you to the end of days. WHY would you twist with Bonnie and give up on her literally the next day? GET A GRIP
Summer and Joyo are exactly how I thought they would be: extremely sexual. again, I think their energies are pretty much the same and they get along really well.
NOW, WHY DO WE HAVE TO CHOOSE WHO'S GOING TO THE HIDEAWAY? if we can pick ourselves, then just let us go??
but just quietly I think they did that so we don't actually need to go. so many people were complaining they were forcing guys onto us the previous season...
anyways, we FINALLY had a sex scene with Raf!!
and let me tell you, I know they can't be so descriptive but I kinda hate the use of the word "crescendo"
aaaaaaand bombshells, ofc!! both Vicky and Travis will want MC, I bet. maybe a little Cora and Tom situation. I DON'T WANNA BE STOLEN 😞
overall the episodes were boring. Fusebox is back to the formula they established on season 4—challenge, bombshells, recoupling, challenge.
I'm afraid they will be ruining this season, again.
last but not least: fuck daphne
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hydaen · 9 months
evan & mitzi
1, 14, 36
2, 7, 35
9, 13, 33
(all your ocs are so cool ahh!)
ooooh my, we're bringing out ancient hydaen lore! characters even i forget about!
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Evan & Mitzi
1. What were their first impressions of one another?
evan and mitzi met as kids in school, they both used to be (well still are) two weird children - evan was a quiet nerd and mitzi was the Weird Girl who murdered her dolls and claimed to be a dragon. they bonded together over their passion for animals and particularly for bugs. evan definitely saw mitzi as annoying and nosy but also kinda cool, while mitzi was fascinated by evan's extensive knowledge of animal facts (some made up)
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
Evan would say that Mitzi is a stupid idiot horny lesbian dressed like a clown and Mitzi would say that Evan is the deviantart oc of an edgy goth weeb 12yo
36. How long have they been friends? Would they consider each other best friends?
they are best friends! and as i said, they've been friends since they were 6 or 7yo
Lia & Cristina
disclaimer: cristina and lia aren't proper girlfriends anymore, they have an on and off relationship but with no commitment
2 .What was their first date like? If they haven’t been on a date yet, how would it go?
they went rollerskating and cristina was absolutely shit
7. What do they argue about?
they often argue about how accurate it is to call daylight vampires "vampires"- cristina (classic vampire) says they're not vampire vampires since they don't feed on blood and aren't harmed by the sunligh and lia (daylight vampire) says they're still biologically in the same Family of species and hence are still vampires
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
they are not really in love but there is a deep feeling going on. I haven't really thought about it much tbh!
Alecto & Rayiin
9. What’s the most difficult thing they’ve been through together?
I haven't thought about a full story for them tbh, but I can say that they went through some hardship when a traumatic event from Rayiin's past started affecting them again and Rayiin started suffering again from anxiety, depressive episodes and panic attacks. Alecto learnt how to deal with it and though rayiin gets in weird moods sometimes, she now knows how to help them now
13. What would they say each other’s best quality is?
to Alecto, Rayiin's best quality is how sweet they are, which is something she struggled a lot with admitting she liked at first. to Rayiin, Alecto's best quality is how strong and confident she is
33. Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
rayiin was the first to declare their feelings but alecto initially rejected them. after their relationship became romantic, rayiin tried their best to not say they loved her, to avoid putting too much pressure on her, since she stated she wanted to take things slowly (alecto isn't good with romanticism and feelings). ultimately it was her to actually say "I love you" first
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So, I finally my girl/love of my life/my IRL Wednesday Addams to give the show a try! We just watched the first episode and her are some of her thoughts lol
She would definitely go the piranha revenge route too if she was Wednesday. I knew this from the start, remember watching that scene and immediatly texting her "you would totally be Wednesday if somebody bullied your brother!"
She's not super sure about this version's Gomez and Morticia. We're both 90s babies so we grew with the movies (I've had a crush on Anjelica Huston since forever and She's the same with Raul Julia) and she has trouble dealing with change, but she's interested on seeing how the different interpretations play out.
She also agrees that Wednesday's relationship with Morticia reminds her of herself and ver mother, so that's another point to me saying She's basically Wednesday.
She absolutely despises Xavier lol she thinks he's boring and 'has a bad vibe', so she basically hopes he dies soon. I think She's gonna like his arc of being acused of murder (?
On the other hand she thinks Rowan was cute, he reminded her of Adam Maitland from the Beetlejuice movie (I'm also trying to get her to watch the Beetlejuice musical, I know her taste in men and She's gonna love BJ lol). She also thought his death was hilarious and "he got what he deserved! Faster than I thought he would" lol
She's curious about Tyler but mostly because I told her Hunter reminds me of one my ocs she loves lol. I honestly think she's gonna really come to like Tyler, I'm curious how the finale is gonna be for her.
And in Enid's case, she is 'wilder and sillier that I thought she would be!' in a good way, she loves the energy and she's also happy to see she confronts Wednesday and doesn't just let her win. I don't think She's gonna be a Wenclair shipper, but she's curious because she says that if she's Wednesday then I'm her Enid (I'm the happy and cuddly and shiny one with dyed hair and I'm obsessed with wolves since forever lol)
*after the fencing match* me: 'no good deed goes unpunished' lol tell me that's not something you would say! She: ... I just got to that part and that's totally something I HAVE said before.
I'm telling you she's Wednesday!
She says she's surprised the Nero story didn't end up with violent revenge. We have now concluded that it probably did ended up like that but Wednesday didn't told that part because it wasn't relevant. Makes sense
She saw Thornhill and thought she was Stella from the Cruella live action lol!!! Now I can't look at her and not see Stella!!! Help!!
She's in love with Nevermore Academy, the gothic aesthetic is totally her vibe lol
A couple years ago she was in the hospital with pneumonia and she hates hospitals. While in the scene where Wednesday escapes Kimbott's office through the window she told me she actually thought about escaping the hospital like that 'but the bathroom window was too small' lol help she has no self-preservation at all smh
She's intrigued about the murder mystery and the whole past murder plot with Gomez so we're probably gonna be watching more sometime
(can't say for sure when because we're both disasters when it comes to watching stuff lol but we'll see, I'm really hoping we make it to chapter 7 because I really want to see her reaction to the crypt date where Tyler shows Wednesday Legally blonde lol I'be been trying to have her watch Legally blonde for years now!!)
So yeah, that's it about chapter 1 lol I'm so happy I convinced her to watch it!
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shadowsong26x · 9 months
So I was looking up some stuff about Caprica (the series) for reasons side note does anyone actually remember how many husbands Sr. Clarice has because I Cannot Find a hard number lol and also referring back to some of my rewatch notes for unrelated reasons and. I remembered How Little Sense the retcon re: Bill's Age makes.
Buckle up, I did Math for this XD
Okay, so. We are going to, for the purposes of this analysis, Ignore Tigh's flashbacks in...I think it was Scattered? That bit in the Kobol arc when he was remembering how he and Bill met, mostly because it Complicates the Math in ways I don't want to deal with, lol. Also ignoring Bill's flashbacks from Razor; they provide a little bit of additional context/support but a) I don't feel like looking up the specific numbers, and b) they don't really change the math.
This means that our evidence comes from five episodes with relevant timestamps:
Lay Down Your Burdens II
Unfinished Business
So, the relevant timeline as presented in Caprica is as follows:
The show starts 58 years before the attacks
It starts with a bombing on a commuter train, where Joseph Adama's wife and daughter are killed.
At this point, Joseph has a ten-ish-year-old son called Willie.
Willie is killed towards the end of the series.
Joseph, with his second wife, has another son who is named William in honor of his dead brother; this is the Bill we know and love.
Citing this timeline, people will give Bill's age as 58 as of the miniseries. There are already a couple problems with this, namely a) Joseph's emotional state; and b) the realities of human reproduction. Basically, I don't really see him hooking up with/impregnating his second wife within three months of the train bombing, which, assuming Bill was full-term or near-term, would be required for him to be 58. So, a more reasonable estimate would be 56, maybe 57 at the absolute oldest.
And then we get to how this conflicts with the timeline information in the main series.
Time for Math! :D
The flashbacks in Unfinished Business take place 17 months before the frame story, which is stated to be 8 months before the occupation begins.
Occupation opens 134 days into the occupation, or about 4.5 months. LDYB2 says the Cylons turn up on day 380 of the settlement, or a little over a year. We'll round these numbers to 4 months and 1 year for convenience/ease of numbers.
So, this means that the frame story of Unfinished Business takes place roughly 5 months after leaving New Caprica: 17 months - 4 months of occupation - 8 months prior to that = 5 months.
Hero takes place shortly before Unfinished Business; specific timestamp not given to the best of my recollection. We'll use that same marker of five months post-Exodus to account for the rounding we did in calculating that number.
Hero also states that Bill has been in the military for 45 years at that point.
(NB: There are timeline issues with Hero in general, mostly because the fallout from Bulldog's story kind of conflicts with Boomer's timeline, but in terms of the dates for Bill's career, it lines up with other parts of the main series so we're using it as evidence anyway.)
I don't have in my notes any official timestamp for LDYB, but I believe it's something like 280-285 days after the attack, with Downloaded taking place around day 270. So, the first two seasons take somewhere between 9 and 10 months. We'll round up this time and go with 10, again because we rounded down before and this will help even things out.
So, now let's count the total time between the miniseries and Hero. We have 10 months + 12 months + 4 months + 5 months = 31 months, or two years and 7 months.
This means that, as of the miniseries, Bill had been in the military for somewhere between 42 and 43 years. If he's 58, that means he enlisted somewhere between 15 and 16.
And, look. We don't have any canon information on coming of age/voting age/age to join the military/etc. But given how closely those general cultural background details mirror US practices, it's not an unreasonable assumption that you have to be 18 to join. It is a possibility that Bill lied about his age to enlist early, and might have gotten away with it at 16, depending on how the war was going at that point, but it's a stretch. (Especially since, given other less concrete aspects of his background/career/etc., I think it's more likely that he joined after going to a military academy rather than enlisting that way, which would put him at 21/22 when he officially joined.)
But remember what I said earlier about the Caprica timeline actually indicating he's more like 56? That would put him at 13-14 when he joined the military which. No, sorry. I can maybe see someone that age sneaking into the military (or, slightly more plausibly, as a prodigy with the Very Right Specific Skillset into a high-value civilian position) under the desperate circumstances the Fleet faces after the attacks (maybe), but the first Cylon War, I really can't see that happening. And pretending to be 18 when you're around 16 is maybe workable, but at 13???
So, yeah. Given details presented in the original series, Bill has to be at least 60/61 as of the miniseries, to have joined at 18, and 63-65 is more likely.
As with all things, when different canon sources conflict, I tend to go with the one I like better/that seems more plausible to me, so yeah, I go with early-mid sixties. And the thing is, this is not hard to reconcile, lol. Just. Assume that the 58 years earlier is a typo, change the 5 to a 6 and then everything works! Of course, that would have given away the Willie-Bill twist too early; assuming it was planned from the beginning, but that's another conversation entirely lol.
...so, yeah, there's my rant for the day XD
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #14
Lost and Founder's Day
I do really like how the theme song flows, especially at the end where Cosmo and Wanda jump from their human disguises into fairy form.
Ooh, Founder's Day came back from "A New Dev-elopment." Continuity! I like how the title card shows us the hat that Dev and Hazel saw during their treasure hunt.
I'm gonna throw my money down on the Dimmadomes founding Dimmadelphia (or an ancestor).
skdfj, Hazel's so cute when she steals her teacher's hat.
-> Yes, it was the Dimmadomes.
I like how Dev's shades are still gone, but he's still got that smug tone of voice. But today, he has a good reason to be a bit smug for a festival his family is hosting (that his dad had to work over the weekend to pull together). This is gonna be interesting.
I don't trust any of this tech to be good (in the moral sense). Dale literally tried to promote pollution a few episodes ago.
LKSDJFSD, Dev giving out watches that do a bunch of cool technical things and this is the face he makes when he's asked if the watches tell time:
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(They do not).
This is the first time Hazel's shown interest in anything related to Dimmadomes' tech (She has a phone case covering any logo and didn't know how to do the dance they apparently made) and now she's gushing over the gift Dev gave her so I'm... hm. Where ya going with this, Hazel?
Okay, so... what the HECK is going on with Dimmadelphia? I'm sure we'll get to learn the real founder soon, but all I can assume right now is that it was Doug himself, hence the hat logo. If that's true, he was BUSY during the 50 years of frozen time.
-> That WOULD justify my Buxaplenty overlap seeing as the train lines would've been crucial for this.
It's gotta be a different ancestor. There's no way Doug would be in Dimmsdale if he'd founded another city. This city's huge. I'll be watching for any indications of "established X year."
Aww, Hazel adores Dev now and is blatantly gushing over him. That's really cute. Local #1 Dev fan:
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[cnt'd under the cut - #long post]
I can't believe we didn't get a "Hazel has a bone in her hair" gag when she got shocked by the tech.
omfg, Dev is so desperate to interact with his dad that he's begging to "organize merchandise by tossing boxes back and forth to each other." He's smart. Goober.
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Diagnosed child who would play Catch with active TNT minecarts in Limited Life SMP. He would just do it...
Dale, you shouldn't tell your son to "Eat a lizard." That's mean.
Oh noooo, are we about to get "My dreams were crushed many years ago... How old are you?" version 2.0?
-> Note to self, Dev's birthday is 9 years, 7 months, and 14 days before Founder's Day (give or take since he says "pretty much exactly my birthday to the day, which I think implies he's doing math and decides it's the day).
Dev is 9? Lol. Didn't we already have end of the year tests in like, Episode 2? And our implied end of school year dance? Baby.
-> I double-checked and Sadie Hawkins is in November. There were Sneezy Hawkins Dance posters in Episode 1 when Hazel walked in. Those posters hung in school for multiple episodes (I'll keep my eyes out for them in future episodes), which would imply she started school in September or October (Probably not August since she was specially introduced to the class as a new student).
-> If we keep seeing the posters throughout the whole year, I'm willing to wave them off, but while planning the timeline, it's worth noting they exist, we know we're post-2019, but probably not too many years later since that was the most recent date on the gym's championship banner for a school that clearly wins sports games often ("Fearless"), and we've seen multiple waning crescent moons.
-> No snow, but not unreasonable since Dimmsdale was in California.
... I gotta say, I'm really enjoying these recent episodes, but D: Where was this early in the series when I was confused in Post #10 as to where all the underlying trauma vibes were?
We've absolutely shifted vibes from where we were when I wrote that post. Which is fantastic, but I'm surprised we didn't get this earlier. THIS is FOP vibes. THIS is what I wanted and why I was super confused by this show's tone earlier. Yeah, of course I like Dev now... He's shifting the tone back to the OG show's vibes.
I'm wary, but I've approached to eat out of the hand.
Oh no, we scene shifted before Dale could reveal the statue under the cloth. Either he's broken and we're going to see the aftereffects (following Hazel's POV where she's confused as to why he's gone off the rails and turned snappy) or he's gonna find out during the event and he'll break down in front of the crowd. Uh-oh...
...... Okay, now they're just taunting me with the moon. It can't always be a waning crescent!!
The stage looks like Doug Dimmadome.
Please tell me Dale didn't forget to add Dev's info to the ID-scanning robot.
Every time Angela is onscreen she has a new therapy book and I support her.
Wanda: Parenting never gets easier.
-> Please tell me Hazel's parents are about to ask about that and they're going to have to either backpedal or they're going to imply they've raised like 100 kids.
sdlkfj, they only cite Poof. BRUTAL.
-> Cosmo one again giving me "First fairy baby born in 1000 years." Yeah yeah, Westley Periwinkle held the title first, we all know him (/fanfic joke).
Seriously though, it's very funny to me that Poof is never, ever referred to as "first baby born after Cosmo" or "first baby born in tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands." Only first in hundreds OR first in thousands. I can't believe that DANG KID is still haunting me in the new show.
-> Cosmo still confirmed to have been the pregnant parent. I'm glad that wasn't retconned (despite Cosmo's best efforts to scramble and cover up what he said by claiming Wanda was the pregnant one).
Cracking up. Cosmo, I think the neighbors think you're trans but not out about it.
Angela: Where's your son now? :) Wanda: Eh, we don't know. I mean, we forget because we were on vacation for 10k years.
Wanda, WHAT did I say in Post 11 about how you cannot leave that clingy child alone immediately after tearing him away from Timmy?? If Poof shows up and he has abandonment issues and/or clingy vibes, I'm gonna shake you both so hard.
-> Why is Marcus not calling them out for being paranormal creatures? ... That's kind of funny since Crocker would've lost his mind.
I like how Cosmo and Wanda turned their wands into lollipops for the carnival. That's cute.
Uh-oh, the statue's not been revealed yet. I hope Dev isn't onstage when this happens. (I want him to be onstage and suffer).
-> I should note that "Stanky Danky" and "Lost and Founder" are the episodes Dale lists the companies he's in charge of, and I'm pretty sure they're different. I want to make a coherent list throughout the series.
Marcus is reading his wife's book at the party, aww. They're so cute.
OH MY GOSH, their ancestor IS surnamed Dimm! I am once again thinking this implies Dale Dimm from "Which Witch Is Which?" - who founded Dimmsdale - is probably also in this family tree.
Wanda's glowing wand is adorable. They're both cute.
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So, Hazel has been here long enough she agrees she hasn't "just" moved here anymore, so I'll allow the waning crescents.
Doug Dimmadome struck gold in 1953? I'll be making a note of that. I know that's after both Dimmsdale and Dimmsdale Flats were founded. This doesn't do much for me right now, but it's good to note.
-> This implies he was a teen or adult in 1953, so he's definitely not close to the age of Timmy's parents, who were 10 in the '70s. This checks out; he's got the white hair.
-> Let's say this is 2020 for the purpose of "We know we're after 2019." (2020 - 1953) is 67, and the youngest I'd be okay letting him strike gold is 10, since 10-year-olds do a lot in this show. So, he's at minimum 77 years old during this show, and could very easily be 87 or more years older (87 if he struck gold at 20), if I'm doing my math right.
And again, that's off the assumption it's 2020, which is a little earlier than I'd been brainstorming. I'm okay with this since he had white hair in the OG series, but I'm gonna have to plot out a timeline for Dale's age at some point.
Dale: /evil monologues about his plan to monitor kids' heartrates to figure out exactly what a child want. Me: Dale, have you tried... talking to a kid? Maybe YOUR kid? Standing behind you? Dev, clearly uneasy: Dad, that's so great! You get to help kids right away!! Dale: ... Help kids?
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^ Me
Wait, so the drones can waste products and not get yelled at? Dale, maybe you should focus your attention in that area of your business- I think you're losing product.
Why do the drones sound so sad? They're talking like all their friends just ditched them. They're so cute.
I love how he's still wearing the big boots:
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Oh no, Dev's on stage and Dale's talking about how the statue "isn't just him" under the tarp and "he can remember when this bundle of joy arrived." Yeah, Dev's about to shatter.
Okay, Wanda's clearly startled that the statue doesn't depict Dev and even Cosmo's starting to sense that something's going on in that family. You two are going to report this, right?
Aww, Cosmo misses his son.
The contrast of Dev crashing and burning while Hazel is enjoying her new hat is very funny to me. Like, we get this sequence of how happy she is and you just know Dev's having the worst day.
Dev: It's Hazel! Of course... Her well-known love of hats! /said not long after Wanda was like "Hazel, I've literally never seen you wear a hat before yesterday, what do you mean you like hats?
That's actually very funny. And cute? When did Hazel and Dev talk about liking hats? Logically, that must've been while they were montaging on the treasure hunt and posing next to those hat-shaped objects for photos.
With Dev talking about the Dimmadomes running a family business, I'd really like to see what Dev's relationship with his grandfather is. Doug was also careless about destroying childhood memories and I don't trust him to be a good dad either, but I'm curious.
-> I actually have no proof Doug Dimmadome is still alive. I wonder if he's out of the picture and if that had a negative effect on Dale, which may be why he's throwing everything into the business right now, and why he loves his boots.
-> I should check if those boots are similar to his dad's. Like, what if he saw his dad die on the day Dev was born and the boots were left to him, so that's why the boots are so important to him that he dedicated a statue to them?
POV, the dad who (presumably) pampered you for life after you'd spent 7 years of torment underground - and you don't seem to have a mother in your life so this is your only parent and only known connection to a world that isn't full of suffering - is dying on the same day your wife is in labor. What do you do?
Aww, Hazel knows Dev well enough to sense that something's up and ask if he's okay, implying they seem to have grown closer from "A New Dev-elopment" when she saw his father scoff at him and opted to change the subject instead of asking about his feelings. They seem to be doing well as friends and I like that.
-> All these crescent moons make me wonder how long it's been since that episode, though since Dale was working on the Founder's Day event on the weekend, I assume we're still in that range of time.
Dev, holding his arm when Hazel asks if he's okay: I... don't have time to get into it.
They're so cute. I love them.
-> I love the focus on Dev right now, but I hope we don't go full steam ahead into Hazel's friendship with him and she sidelines Jasmine and Winn for her new buddy and/or potential crush.
She hasn't seen her friends this whole carnival, which surprises me. Don't do it, Hazel.
What, where did Dev get those shades. He didn't have those .4 seconds ago.
Dev's going to complete his task and give Hazel's hat back to his dad and still get rejected.
OH NO, Dev is trying to lure the scanner drones away from Hazel, but he didn't tell her that so she thinks he just called her a name, mugged her, and ran off. That's hilarious. #You tried.
Dev, you have to talk to people. You can't just assume she knows what's going on. Fool.
I like how Dale also has special eyewear (VR glasses).
I like how Cosmo inexplicably thinks all the Dimmadomes have "Pickle" as a middle name. I think he said that to Dev in an earlier episode, right?
I like how Hazel saved the day by "doing what Cosmo would do" and pressing all the buttons randomly. That's hilarious.
Barry the dinosaur was at the carnival... That's great.
As she deserves to be- that's the second time Dev regressed to calling her names. She thought they went through this, but now she's like "He's not changing and also I literally just caught his dad in an evil plot of shocking children's brains with electricity. And Dev seems to have been helping."
Yeah... This is gonna go great. Also, his cute little poses:
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Oh thank goodness... We are SO BACK, baby! The fluffy episodes were fine, but NOW we're gettin' somewhere!! Time to break some hearts.
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"I would hug you, but I do not have human arms or warmth." I love them.
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Aww, he likes her so much. Best buddies...
I didn't know this was his phone, I thought it was a retro video game console.
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Oh, it's an iPad parallel. It's got a stand and that's why it's big.
I like how my extremely specific "Ed Leadly as Dev's other grandpa" situation just keeps getting worse the more I think about it.
Little Dev: Grandpa Leadly, I learned to write my name! :) Leadly sitting among his pencils as Dev hands him a tablet he typed on instead of pencil and paper: Buddy, rising star, apple of my eye, my little angel... I will pay you 17 million dollars to never do this in front of me again.
Dad who likes flashy and long-lasting things to remind himself how far he's come vs. grandpa who's willing to massively overpay for anything he took interest in for 5 seconds; what arguments will they endure?
OHHH BOY, it's fairy assignment time! LET'S FREAKIN' GO!
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It's Poof!! That is not the voice I expected out of him, but maybe I should've because he did love deep voices back in "Certifiable Super Sitter." I accept it.
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Aw, he's so ready to play! This makes me so happy... That's exactly what a fairy godparent is here for- Finding miserable kids and turning that around so they get happier memories of their childhoods. That's exciting!
-> Oh, NOW I see why you guys were all messaging me about my "Poof adores his hero Westley Periwinkle and likes naming things after him" lore, sdkjfl. Ahahaha... I'm in danger.
-> "Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pixies" Poof-Westley interactions looming on the horizon
Interesting choice to change his name? I wonder if that was done for stylistic reasons like the script. I seem to remember the OG show's scripts would say POOF in them for special effects, and I can see how that would be confusing.
Is... is this because he's trying to lie low so he can dodge the attention he was always getting as a celebrity kid? That feels right, seeing as if it was a true deadname to him, he probably wouldn't have introduced himself as Poof before saying "I changed it to Peri, like Periwinkle."
Either that or he's unclear if Dev's heard anything about him from Cosmo, Wanda, or Hazel and he wanted to clarify who he is, though that doesn't seem likely.
Huh. I'm kinda surprised Poof showed up. I know in the past, he was a controversial addition to the show and I half-expected him to be swept under the rug, though I did wonder about it when Cosmo and Wanda were talking about him earlier.
I've always loved him though and I'm excited to have him back. Return of my other OTHER son.
I'm really excited to hear him talk since his talking was limited to "School of Crock" (only at the end), "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" (which he mostly slept through), and "Certifiable Super Sitter" (which is... unique). I've had to make up his entire personality for 'fics based on what limited understanding we had of his interests. I look forward to learning more about this version of him!
My established version of him in 'fics will take priority over new information. I'm currently still on the line of "Do I want to ignore New Wish in my canon or try to incorporate what I can?"
That said, I'm leaning a little towards incorporating, since I think I can work with most of it so far, especially if we're throwing in "Fairywinkle-Cosma family aren't strangers to time travel right now."
-> I'm not committing by any means, so don't hold me to that, and even if I do, it'll be cherry-picky.
-> One of my canons for Cloudlands AU Poof is that he's a fanfic writer, mainly for a series called Ninja Cowboy (which he chronically leaves unfinished, to Foop's distress since as Poof's opposite, he's addicted to finding out their endings). He also writes Anti-Cosmo x H.P. fanfics because it's the only thing that makes them back off when they show up to bother him.
Point being, I hope he gets to engage in Prime Meridian with Dev. I feel like they'd enjoy writing 'fics together and it would be funny to me :)
-> I'm wheezing on the floor. Poof's early concept name was Dusty. Even though the writers wouldn't have reason to know that was his concept name, it's funny to me that his name was changed to something that's also not that. The man of as many names as voices he can mimic...
That works really well for me since I named his younger brother Dusty, so that would've caused me problems.
I also gave Poof a mullet / ponytail in my teen design, so that makes me laugh. Lemme see if I have his ref sheet...
I do! Plus a bunch more from my files:
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Looks like I gave him a tuft kinda close to his extra hair strand! That's fun. I wonder if New Wish Poof also likes sports. Hmm...
I'm gonna have to look up what era suspenders were popular. I specifically designed my teen/adult Poof with a late 60s / early 70s vibe since Cosmo was said to have been designed for the 50s, which is the time period parallel I was treating Fairy World in during that era too (hence Poof's blog tag being #purple hippie dragonfly, which I'm not planning to change because it's for me).
Exciting! I like Poof's staff. I've seen people do adulthood designs for Foop with a staff, but Poof's a new one. That's fun.
Alas, no freckles... but that's not gonna change in his Cloudlands AU design. We are "biological queen bee" all the way here.
Hmm. Foop has freckles, but... we'll see if he ever shows up in this series. I do not expect the artists to remember his freckles since they only showed up when he puffed his cheeks or flushed, but... if Foop shows up without his mustache and goatee, I'mma have questions.
Actually, this is perfectly fine because I always draw gyne fairies with pale freckles unless they're at their peak, and I already set Finley up as more dominant than Poof at school (with Finley suppressing his pheromones so Poof's "locked down" anyway). It looks like they're pretty faint in his ref sheet too. I'm satisfied with this.
No promises I'll work the Peri arc into my canon. I think I have room for it to exist and I don't think I've seen anything in New Wish that directly conflicts with Cloudlands AU in a way I can't work around, but I'm not likely to write 'fics for New Wish right now.
-> I'm not opposed to incorporating New Wish prompts into the 130 Prompts series IF I find any old drafts I end up not liking, but I did a deep clean in early 2023 and got rid of ones I didn't like, so I'm not sure.
I did sketch Hazel for a potential arc cover though, so I can use that if I have reason to.
So far, as long as I can find a satisfying way for Poof to age, I think I can swing New Wish around to fit with Cloudlands AU... unless we get something super specific like Poof-Peri already graduating high school or Cosmo and Wanda confirming they won't have godkids after Hazel, in which case I'll have to ignore that.
I can even work things around if Peri's not with Goldie, because their whole thing in Cloudlands AU is celebrity drama and dating life struggles anyway (iirc, Foop even told readers that Poof and Goldie keep splitting up and getting back together).
-> I've always suspected Poof would get special advance godkid permissions seeing as, y'know... Jorgen literally made him trial test Crocker's Mom as his "godperson assignment" in "Fairly Old Parent," plus Poof was getting on-the-job training his whole life. It's neat to see him!
I hope Poof's better at not burning himself out now. He looks like he's doing okay. He's grown out of his shell!
-> According to my timeline, Erg was Cosmo and Wanda's trial kid while they were still in high school, so it would totally work for me if Dev is Poof's high school assignment.
I'm not expecting that to be stated, but I can work with it.
Thanks for joining me in this liveblog! Looking forward to more episodes :)
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stormyoceans · 1 year
your answer was so interesting! i definitely agree, one couple that's also good with physicality is yinwar imo i don't know if you've watched love mechanics but the shower kiss is like woah. also blueming's dream kiss is soooo good! can i ask your favorite scenes where there's not a lot of physicality per se between the actors but there's physical chemistry or just chemistry? like i think there can be a LOT of chemistry in a fight for example... answer if you can think of something dw if not! <3
AAAAAAAA im really glad my answer about kisses with good physicality was interesting!!!! 🥺 and i definitely agree about the veemark's shower kiss in love mechanics!!!! i personally have some issues with the show itself, but yinwar's chemistry and physicality is NOT one of them, they possess an insane amount of both and i really hope to see them working together in another series soon!!!!
it's kinda hard to think about scenes where there's a lot of chemistry between the actors but not much physicality because most of the time the two things go hand in hand, like for example the first two scenes that popped into my mind are da woon getting the paint off si won in blueming and the "what can i do to get you back?" moment in we best love: fighting mr. 2nd, but i think those both have their own physicality that matches the tone of the scene
i did find some that may fit your request, though, so here we go!!! in no particular order....
1) basically all the scenes between jae young and sang woo in the first 6 episodes of semantic error. due to the early antagonistic nature of their relationship and the fact that sang woo doesn't like to be touched, they're the perfect example of a pairing who doesn't have a very prominent physicality for most of the show, but still has crazy physical chemistry
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2) the "i thought we should know each other's name if we're going to be friends" scene in the eighth sense. when the gazing is so intense it sucks all the air out of the room and leaves you breathless
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3) the "have you been well without me" scene in our dating sim. they don't have as much physical chemistry as other pairings in here, imho, but i LOVE this scene and i agree with you that fights, or even just arguments, bring out a lot of the chemistry between actors since the tension is high and there are a lot of emotions involved
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4) the "you punch me once, i kiss you once" scene in the eclipse. one of the reasons enemies to lovers is so popular in fiction is because it's a type of dynamic where, just like in a full blown fight, the tension between the characters is so high that it brings out the chemistry between the actors. and when the chemistry is already there to begin with you get firstkhao as akkayan
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5) the "are you saying that i hurt you" scene in kinnporsche. however people may feel about this show, i think it's undeniable that mileapo have great physical chemistry, even when the characters aren't actually all-over each other
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6) palmnueng dancing with maggie and ben respectively in never let me go. pondphuwin's chemistry so deranged that they be dancing with other people and still have the most palpable tension with each other from across the room
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7) the danyok "i find you"/"i want to know who you are" scene in not me. look, there are some actors who simply have chemistry with EVERYONE and mr. first kanaphan is one of them. all the early danyok scenes in particular were incredibly delicious from this point of view
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speaking of not me and actors who have chemistry with everyone, do non-canon pairings in BLs still count here because the gram(black!)white study scene and toddblack gun fight scene are INSANE, chemistry-wise, and no im not still bitter neither pairing ended up happening what are you talking about :))))))))
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honestly there are tons of other pairings that i think have fantastic chemistry but i just can't remember a particular scene where they don't show a lot of physicality, so im just gonna list some here if you're curious: tehohaew in i told sunset about you, both payurain and prapaisky in love in the air (again, doesn't matter how people feel about the show itself, the chemistry between the actors is undeniable), fightertutor in why r u, jimwen in moonlight chicken, winteam in until we meet again/between us, pluemkevin in ghost host ghost house......
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sunupstarcom · 1 year
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putterphubase · 1 year
same anon as before. i just want to clarify that i am totally okay with bls not having any kissing scenes, like they don't have to show that kind of stuff. i was just so invested in this show that i... i guess i was hoping a kiss would happen? like that cute fluffy lil innocent moment, which i thought was going to happen when they were both sleepily talking to each other sitting in bed where they'd shy away from each other afterwards and then maybe just cuddle until they fell asleep. also dayeol's behavior towards taehyun whenever he showed an interest really was weird. i get being cautious about being turned down again but four years have passed and this guy is clearly showing an interest in you now so why act so weird about it. i was afraid they were going to make the point of 'but i'm a guy and you're a guy' and i'm so glad that didn't happen. i hate when bls do that, just say you've got secret homophobic tendencies and move on.
i also totally agree with the four year time jump being weird, not having a lot of what happened explained, how easy it was for the two to meet back up after the first two years went by - like so yeong and dayeol made it seem like they meet up often or they've at least stayed in touch but then when so yeong calls taehyun and he comes running, it's made out to be like it's the first time they've met up since dayeol left school. having it be months instead of years that they've met up and then showing over those years, even if it was just glimpses, of how their relationship had slowly developed until it got to the point where they were comfortable enough around each other to show their romantic feelings would have been better than just blindly jumping in to four years after dayeol's confession. i want to know what happened in the mean time, don't leave me guessing there.
also where the heck did dayeol wanting to be a cop come from? it couldn't have been what he meant when he said he found something to focus his passion on back when he quit the archery team. the only thing that could even lead to him wanting to be a cop would be the fact that he's a good shot but g*ns are different than arrows and i feel like that's just too far of a reach to make sense. tell me why this kid came to the conclusion that he wanted to be a cop. no aspect of his life shown tells me being a cop was his desired career path. what happened that made him want to chose that path? and yeah, what the heck is taehyun doing with his life? all we know is that he's good at math and he gets his homework done early.
don't get me wrong though, i thoroughly enjoyed the series and i'd kill for another season. or even just another series with yechan and jaehan together because they've got great chemistry and their acting was pretty good. it's probably a series i will watch again, i'll just skip the last episode and pretend like it didn't end weirdly lololol
this is extremely long so for the sanity of everyone i will be read more-ing
oh no i totally get you on the kiss, and i think after all the whiplash/their relationship changing/them growing as people and as partners/the angst and time they had to work through/i could keep going a kiss would've shown their growth through all that nicely. the ear kiss was cute but even like an earnest forehead kiss or something. edit after rereading your ask: also theres nothing wrong with hoping for a kiss!!!!!!!!!! i didnt mean it like that at all, we should be able to see queer kisses like it's anything else!!
i will admit during ep 7 i was like why did i actually enjoy their push and pull dynamic more than this....they did the flirty "i have a crush on you and im toeing the line of friendship" VERY well but (and by no fault of the actors really) the "we're finally dating after like 4 years" dynamic change shouldve done and given....a lot more. i liked their talk on the bed but at the same time like i felt like i just needed more. we can't jump from "we reunited after 2 years and im waiting on you to confess" to "ok we are dating now and everything is fine" like i actually would've preferred instead of the fluffiness them having like a really earnest open talk about their emotions. like that even really could have replaced a kiss for me. LIKE THINK ABOUT IT....the fact that we don't even know for sure if they were dating in this last ep is crazy???? and i dont mean "its just ambigious" i mean THEY NEVER TALK ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP SERIOUSLY......if they did that off screen then that makes no fucking sense, this is a romance coming of age drama and the romance is the plot....the getting together is the climax?
i need a huge emotional heart to heart, sobbing crying if you have to after all that and MULTIPLE YEARS OF PINING. i know theyve grown as people but dude the guy youve been longing for for four (holy shit at the english language??) YEARS (on both of their sides) is finally in a place where you can be together. HELLO? you skipped all that and just gave us the fluff...? (although i did enjoy the fluff but would've liked it more if they gave us this).
i totally get why you were scared of that happening and yea it sucks. you don't even have to show it on screen but they don't have to suddenly act like 2 men kissing is weird and out of left field lol yall have been gay pining for 4 fucking years.
this is probably the most important part to show to the viewer and they kinda just skipped over it. youre right, to leave us guessing on the emotional journey they went on to be where they were in ep. 7 is a huge failure narratively......sigh.
with dayeol and his cop thing.....when he quit archery, and said he "found a passion for something else" i actually threw my hands in the air. i was terrified he meant taehyun. like we can't have a crush or a relationship and still have interests and hobbies? i realize they were trying to say him meeting taehyun made him realize what being passionate about something really is and he came to the conclusion he was never really passionate about archery. but to jump from THAT to being a cop???????? like we could've had him had a convo with his dad in like 2 minutes about quitting archery and wanting to do something else and mentioning being interested in criminal justice. or was he still friends with minjung? maybe minjung couldve become a cop and that got him interested since he looked up to him? guess we will never know what happened to someone dayeol was quite close to?
all the things they missed by completely glossing over the time skip. i am choosing to believe time and budget constraints led to all these decisions. taehyun was dressed nicely but never mentioned interests or hobbies. he was class president even with all the things going on in his personal life. did he not grow any interests or hobbies? they literally never even mention things going on in the outside world besides dayeols cop journey. they dont even mention taehyun's friendship with soyeong - are they still close? she hangs out with dayeol but not taehyun? i get she had a crush on dayeol but still, how does that work and they dont meet for 2 whole years? ??? i really liked soyeong though as a side note she was the cutest.
in a perfect world this couldve been perfect i believe with time to flesh out the characters as adults because this was extremely rushed. i had high hopes bc of the other eps and the longer (by kbl standards) runtime, so i hoped that these things wouldnt be such a glaring issue but alas....we still have a ways to go.
i didnt read the source material so i wonder if that has anything to do with some of this as well. jaehan and yechan did an amazing job. i hope they act more whether together (i would die) or not (i would be seated regardless). i also hope this does well for omega x in general, they deserve it.
0 notes
juicenet · 3 years
top 10 gayest h2o episodes: a definitive ranking
i'm back with another ranking, but this time it's a little different! today, i'll be ranking the top 10 gayest episodes of h2o: just add water. (in MY opinion. i realize that this show has no canonically LGBT+ characters, but come on, the subtext. also, i write sapphic h2o fanfiction, what did you expect?) anyway, please don't take this too seriously, it's just for fun.
ranking below the cut!
honorable mention: 1x05 "something fishy"
i'm just going to link this post and let it speak for itself.
10. 1x26 "a twist in the tail"
the episode where the girls are "outed" (the official h2o jaw youtube channel uses this term, no joke) to dr. denman, zane, his father, and nearly the world. thankfully they're able to avert exposure with advice from their gay mermaid mentor/queer elder, miss chatham. however, they begrudgingly have to give up their tails (temporarily, though they don't know this). even with the challenges that being gay a mermaid poses, they've still come to love what they are.
9. 2x11 "in over our heads"
rikki almost dies trying to retrieve a deep-sea treasure and emma cradles rikki's head in her arms while trying to save her. so... yeah. emma also shows hostility towards rikki's boyfriend, zane... and i get that he was a mermaid hunter last season, but this also reads like emma is jealous of his relationship with rikki. but on the flipside, zikki is kind of like a het relationship for gay people. idk. there's a lot going on here.
8. 3x21 "the jewel thief"
rikki and bella's moon crystal necklaces gravitate towards each other and cause a city-wide electrical blackout. this is gay, please don't make me explain. oh, cleo also gets a matching crystal necklace in this episode and the girls all wear them to symbolize their "friendship" (or are they just in a throuple? nobody knows).
7. 1x18 "bad moon rising"
mainly put this episode here because of emma's iconic line to rikki: "if we're going somewhere we're going together" and then their smoldering gazes that follow. but, generally, the subtext is off-the-wall. when rikki loses control of her powers, she thinks she's a danger to society and tries to isolate herself—just like how gay people have been told for thousands of years that we're destructive to society. this one is kinda sad actually :(
6. 1x07 "moon spell"
not only are we introduced to camp gay miss chatham, but there's something really queercoded about embarrassing your family at a party (as emma does in this episode). she also calls rikki "rikki baby" and now i'm realizing that this ranking is pretty much a love letter to rikma.
5. 2x04 "fire and ice"
sometimes i think the writers just forgot who rikki's canon love interest was at the time?? half of these season 2 episodes frame rikki and emma as girlfriends. anyway, emma's desire to be rebellious and wild reads like a baby gay trying to be something they're not after coming out. in the b plot, nate tells lewis he's not "manly" enough and the latter struggles with this. maybe it was unintentional, but some lines make it seem like the show is queercoding lewis. i'm here for it, either way.
4. 2x17 "moonstruck"
a moonstruck rikki and cleo try to expose emma as a mermaid to ash, but without context, you'd think they're trying to tell him that emma's a lesbian and that's why she's been so secretive and distant with him. another mermaid=gay allegory? no one knows for sure, but sources (me) say yes!
3. 2x06 "pressure cooker"
ah, yes... another episode where the writers forgot that rikki and emma weren't dating, included multiple scenes of them on an actual date, and hoped we wouldn't notice. plus, we see that rikki is emma's phone wallpaper. cleo and charlotte also could've had an enemies-to-lovers moment here, but what do i know?
2. 1x01 "metamorphosis"
three teenage girls discover something life-altering about themselves and must stay closeted keep the secret from the rest of society. in the process, they become much closer to one another but also feel isolated from their families and other girls their age. are we reeeally certain that this isn't an allegory? sure, a lot of this applies to the rest of the show, but "metamorphosis" is the episode that started it all, so...
1. 2x18 "the heat is on"
this episode is actually the reason i made this ranking. not only does rikma's homoerotic feud cause a thunderstorm, but they (+ cleo) ditch their boyfriends at the juicenet to celebrate their "anniversary" of becoming mermaids. okay, straighties! bonus points for zane and ash's UST during that game of pool.
end notes
it doesn't surprise me that this list consists mostly of season 2 episodes, because rikma was probably at its peak (imo) in the first half of season 2. it also doesn't surprise me that only a single season 3 episode is here. i'm not sure why that is—maybe it's emma's absence, maybe it's the way the tone of the show shifted considerably from the end of season 2 to the beginning of season 3. anyway, hope you enjoyed this :-)
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benoitblanc · 2 years
003 with Daisy Johnson and Kate Bishop
i am SO SORRY this is so late. the past two months have been a ride and a half for me
how i feel about this character: I LOVE DAISY SO DAMN MUCH. she has probably the most compelling arc of any actual superhero in the entire mcu to date. she's brave and funny, confident and loyal, but she's allowed to be insecure and make mistakes too. i just adore her
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character: lincoln... rip... also kind of jemma but i really love them just as friends too
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: it's a tie between coulson and mack. daisy & coulson and daisy & mack are my two favorite dynamics on the entire show. although i do also love her relationship with may
my unpopular opinion about this character: i'm not sure quite how unpopular this is, but i actually really enjoyed her as skye? i know that some people in the fandom find skye annoying, and they're totally justified, but i found her really lovable regardless. i appreciate that even as they developed her character in such exciting ways, at her core she was still the same sassy hacker she was in season one. imo she had the best and most realistic development out of all three bus kids.
(i also don't love her romantic storyline in season 7- for legitimate narrative reasons, i swear i'm not just being salty- but that's a topic for another post lol.)
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: okay i have definitely complained about this before and will probably complain about this again, but i wish they had let her have more of a reaction to the devil complex. you know, the episode where her BEST FRIEND VIVISECTED HER AGAINST HER WILL AND THEN FOCUSED MORE ON HIS REACTION THAN HERS? 5b can rot in hell. ugh. i'm not even angry at fitz at this point, i'm just angry at the writers.
how i feel about this character: i'm obsessed with kate. hawkeye is my favorite d+ show thus far (i haven't seen moon knight yet, though i've heard good things), and a lot of that is due to kate and her dynamic with clint. i think they did an extraordinarily good job developing her across only six episodes and i really hope we get more of her in the future.
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character: no one, really. are she and america a thing in the comics? the mcu's america might be a little too young for that (isn't she 17ish? and kate's 21?), but i'm on board with wlw kate all the way
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: definitely clint, but she and yelena are a riot too. my best friend is blonde and i have dark hair, and we're considering going as kate and yelena for halloween
my unpopular opinion about this character: i can't really think of one- everyone i know loves kate lol!
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i just want her to come back! more kate, please!
send a character no more, please!!!
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